7 letter words that starts with s

7 letter words that start with S

7 letter S word


Word With Friends


sabaton 12 11 (historical) a foot-...
sabayon 18 13 (French) a sauce of...
sabbath 18 15 an assembly of demon...
sabbats 16 13 SABBAT, an assembly...
sabbing 17 16 the performance of o...
sabeing 14 13 SABE, to know, to un...
sabella 15 12 any of a genus of tu...
sabered 13 11 SABER, to strike wit...
sabicus 18 14 SABICU, a Caribbean...
sabines 13 11 SABINE, an evergreen...
sabkhah 19 18 (Arabic) a broad, sa...
sabkhas 17 16 SABKHA, (Arabic) a b...
sabkhat 17 16 (Arabic) a broad, sa...
sabling 16 14 SABLE, to darken [v]
saboted 13 11 wearing sabots [adj]
sabreur 14 11 (French) a person, e...
sabring 15 13 SABRE, to strike wit...
saburra 14 11 a granular deposit [...
sacaton 13 11 (Spanish) a type of...
sacbuts 18 14 SACBUT, a medieval t...
saccade 17 14 (French) a brief rap...
saccate 17 13 having the form of a...
saccule 19 15 a small sac, also SA...
sacculi 20 15 SACCULUS, a small sa...
sacella 16 12 SACELLUM, (Latin) an...
sachems 18 15 SACHEM, a North Amer...
sachets 17 12 SACHET, a small plas...
sackage 16 16 to sack or plunder [...
sackbut 19 18 a medieval trombone,...
sackers 16 14 SACKER, a position i...
sackful 20 19 as much as a sack ca...
sacking 17 17 material for making...
sacless 16 11 quiet; peaceable; in...
saclike 17 15 like a sac [adj]
sacques 23 20 SACQUE, a woman's lo...
sacrals 16 11 SACRAL, a vertebra o...
sacrify 24 15 to sacrifice [v SACR...
sacring 16 13 (archaic) the act or...
sacrist 16 10 a Church official in...
sacrums 17 14 SACRUM, a bone of th...
saddens 11 10 SADDEN, to make sad...
saddest 12 9 SAD, unhappy [adj]
saddhus 15 12 SADDHU, (Sanskrit) a...
saddies 12 9 SADDIE, a dull unsoc...
sadding 13 12 SAD, to express sadn...
saddish 15 11 somewhat sad [adj]
saddled 13 11 SADDLE, to put a lea...
saddler 13 10 one who makes, sells...
saddles 13 10 SADDLE, to put a lea...
saddoes 11 9 SADDO, (slang) an un...
sadhana 12 11 (Hindi) one of a num...
sadiron 11 9 a heavy flatiron wit...
sadisms 14 11 SADISM, pleasure gai...
sadists 13 8 SADIST, one who infl...
sadness 11 9 the state of being s...
saecula 15 12 SAECULUM, (Latin) an...
saeters 11 7 SAETER, (Norwegian)...
safaris 14 10 SAFARI, to go on a h...
saffian 15 14 a brightly-coloured...
saffron 15 14 a flowering plant; i...
safrole 14 11 a colourless oily li...
safrols 15 11 SAFROL, a colourless...
saftest 14 10 SAFT, (Scots) soft [...
sagaman 12 13 a writer of sagas [n...
sagamen 12 13 SAGAMAN, a writer of...
sagathy 21 13 a lightweight fabric...
sagbuts 16 13 SAGBUT, a medieval t...
sagenes 11 10 SAGENE, a network [n...
saggard 14 12 a clay box for bakin...
saggars 14 11 SAGGAR, to pack in a...
saggers 14 11 SAGGER, to pack in a...
saggier 14 11 SAGGY, characterized...
sagging 15 14 the act of sagging [...
sagiest 13 9 SAGY, flavoured with...
sagitta 13 9 (Latin) a keystone [...
sagoins 12 10 SAGOIN, a South Amer...
sagouin 12 11 a South American mon...
sagrada 12 10 (Spanish) as in casc...
saguaro 12 10 (Spanish) a giant ca...
saguins 13 11 SAGUIN, a South Amer...
sahibah 18 14 (Hindi) a lady sahib...
sahibas 16 12 SAHIBA, (Hindi) a la...
sahiwal 18 13 any of a breed of hu...
sahuaro 13 10 (Spanish) a giant ca...
saidest 12 8 (archaic) 2nd person...
saikeis 13 11 SAIKEI, (Japanese) a...
sailers 13 8 SAILER, a vessel tha...
sailing 14 11 the act of one that...
sailors 13 8 SAILOR, a member of...
saimins 13 11 SAIMIN, (Chinese) a...
saimiri 14 10 a squirrel monkey [n...
saining 12 11 SAINE, (Spenser) 3rd...
sainted 11 9 SAINT, to hail as a...
saintly 19 11 befitting a saint [a...
saiques 20 17 SAIQUE, a Levantine...
sairest 12 7 SAIR, (Scots) sore,...
sairing 13 10 SAIR, to savour, als...
saithes 14 9 SAITHE, the coalfish...
saiyids 19 10 SAIYID, (Arabic) a d...
sakeret 12 11 the male saker [n -S...
sakiehs 15 13 SAKIEH, (Arabic) an...
sakiyeh 21 15 (Arabic) an Eastern...
saksaul 14 13 a low, thick, grotes...
salaams 13 11 SALAAM, (Arabic) to...
salable 15 12 able to be sold, als...
salably 22 14 SALABLE, able to be...
salades 12 9 SALADE, in medieval...
salamis 14 11 SALAMI, a seasoned s...
salamon 12 12 (obsolete) the mass,...
salband 14 13 (German) a crust or...
salchow 21 16 (Swedish) an ice-ska...
salfern 14 12 a medicinal herb, ak...
salices 16 11 SALIX, any of a genu...
salicet 16 11 an organ stop with a...
salicin 16 12 a bitter crystalline...
salient 12 9 strikingly conspicuo...
saligot 14 10 (French) the water c...
salinas 12 9 SALINA, (Spanish) a...
salines 12 9 SALINE, a salt solut...
salival 16 13 relating to saliva,...
salivas 15 12 SALIVA, a fluid secr...
sallads 14 10 SALLAD, (archaic) a...
sallals 15 10 SALLAL, (Native Amer...
sallees 13 9 SALLEE, a species of...
sallets 14 9 SALLET, in medieval...
sallied 14 10 SALLY, to rush out s...
sallier 14 9 one who sallies [n -...
sallies 14 9 SALLY, to rush out s...
sallows 17 12 SALLOW, to make sall...
sallowy 23 14 abounding in willow...
salmons 13 12 SALMON, any soft-fin...
salmony 19 14 of or like a salmon...
saloons 11 9 SALOON, a large room...
saloops 14 11 SALOOP, a hot drink...
salpian 14 12 a free-swimming smal...
salpids 16 12 SALPID, a free-swimm...
salpinx 21 19 an anatomical tube [...
salsaed 12 9 SALSA, to do such a...
salsify 22 13 the oyster plant, a...
saltant 12 9 a mutated form of an...
saltate 12 8 to undergo an abrupt...
saltato 12 8 (Italian) a short, b...
saltbox 21 18 a box for holding sa...
saltcat 16 11 a mixture of salt, c...
saltern 12 9 a saltwork [n -S]
salters 13 8 SALTER, a person who...
saltery 19 10 a factory where fish...
saltest 13 8 SALT, tasting of sal...
saltier 13 8 a heraldic design, a...
salties 13 8 SALTIE, a deep-sea v...
saltily 21 11 SALTY, tasting of sa...
saltine 12 9 a salted cracker [n...
salting 14 11 land regularly flood...
saltire 13 8 an X-shaped cross, a...
saltish 16 10 somewhat salty [adj...
saltoed 12 9 SALTO, (Italian) to...
saltpan 14 12 a large pan for maki...
saluing 14 12 SALUE, (obsolete) to...
salukis 15 13 SALUKI, (Arabic) a g...
saluted 13 10 SALUTE, to greet wit...
saluter 13 9 one who salutes [n -...
salutes 13 9 SALUTE, to greet wit...
salvage 15 14 to save from loss or...
salvers 15 12 SALVER, a tray or se...
salvete 14 12 (Latin) a greeting,...
salvias 15 12 SALVIA, a genus of p...
salving 16 15 the act of salving [...
salvoed 14 13 SALVO, to discharge...
salvoes 14 12 SALVO, to discharge...
salvors 15 12 SALVOR, one who assi...
salwars 16 11 SALWAR, a long tunic...
samaans 11 11 SAMAAN, (Carib) the...
samadhi 15 13 (Sanskrit) a state o...
samaras 12 10 SAMARA, a propeller-...
sambaed 14 14 SAMBA, to perform a...
sambals 16 14 SAMBAL, a food serve...
sambars 15 13 SAMBAR, a large Asia...
sambhar 17 15 a large Asian deer,...
sambhur 18 16 a large Asian deer,...
samboes 14 13 SAMBO, a colloquial...
sambuca 18 17 an ancient stringed...
sambuke 16 18 an ancient stringed...
samburs 16 14 SAMBUR, a large Asia...
samechs 18 15 SAMECH, (Hebrew) the...
samekhs 16 16 SAMEKH, (Hebrew) the...
samfoos 14 13 SAMFOO, (Chinese) an...
samiels 14 11 SAMIEL, a hot sand-l...
samiest 13 10 SAMEY, (colloquial)...
samisen 12 11 (Japanese) a banjo-l...
samites 13 10 SAMITE, a rich and h...
samithi 16 12 (Hindi) a political...
samitis 14 10 SAMITI, (Hindi) a po...
samlets 14 11 SAMLET, a young salm...
samlors 14 11 SAMLOR, a three-whee...
sammies 14 13 SAMMY, an Indian fru...
samming 15 16 SAM, (Spenser) to ga...
samosas 12 10 SAMOSA, (Hindi) a sm...
samovar 14 14 (Russian) an urn for...
samoyed 18 13 any of a Siberian br...
sampans 14 14 SAMPAN, (Chinese) a...
sampire 15 13 a fleshy coastal pla...
sampled 16 15 SAMPLE, to test a sp...
sampler 16 14 one that samples [n...
samples 16 14 SAMPLE, to test a sp...
samsara 12 10 (Sanskrit) the never...
samshoo 14 12 (Chinese) a spirituo...
samshus 16 13 SAMSHU, (Chinese) a...
samurai 13 11 (Japanese) a member...
sancais 14 11 SANCAI, (Chinese) in...
sanchos 16 13 SANCHO, (Ashanti) a...
sanctum 16 15 a sacred place [n SA...
sandals 12 10 SANDAL, to dress in...
sandbag 14 14 to stun with a bag o...
sandbar 13 12 a ridge of sand form...
sandbox 19 19 a children's play bo...
sandboy 19 14 one who is proverbia...
sandbur 14 13 an annual herb, also...
sanddab 13 13 a small Pacific flat...
sandeks 12 13 SANDEK, (Hebrew) a m...
sanders 11 9 sandalwood, esp. red...
sandfly 21 15 any of various small...
sandhis 14 11 SANDHI, (Sanskrit) t...
sandhog 14 13 a worker who works i...
sandier 11 9 SANDY, covered with...
sanding 12 12 the act of wearing d...
sandlot 12 10 a vacant plot of san...
sandman 11 13 a mythical person wh...
sandmen 11 13 SANDMAN, a mythical...
sandpit 14 12 a pit dug in sandy s...
sangars 12 10 SANGAR, (Pushtu) a t...
sangeet 11 10 a kind of pre-weddin...
sangers 12 10 SANGER, (Australian...
sanghas 14 12 SANGHA, the Buddhist...
sanghat 14 12 (Punjabi) a fellowsh...
sangoma 12 13 (Zulu) a witch-docto...
sangria 12 10 (Spanish) a Spanish...
sanicle 15 12 a wild flower, with...
sanious 11 9 pertaining to sanies...
sanjaks 14 21 SANJAK, (Turkish) a...
sannies 10 9 SANNIE, (Scots) a sa...
sannops 12 12 SANNOP, (Native Amer...
sannups 13 13 SANNUP, (Native Amer...
sanpans 12 12 SANPAN, (Chinese) a...
sanpros 13 11 SANPRO, sanitary pro...
sansars 11 8 SANSAR, a cold, whis...
sanseis 11 8 SANSEI, a grandchild...
santals 12 9 SANTAL, sandalwood [...
santera 10 8 a priestess of sante...
santero 10 8 (Spanish) a priest o...
santimi 13 11 SANTIMS, (Latvian) a...
santims 13 11 (Latvian) a former c...
santimu 13 12 SANTIM, a formerly u...
santirs 12 8 SANTIR, a Persian st...
santols 12 9 SANTOL, a tropical t...
santons 10 9 SANTON, (Spanish) an...
santoor 10 8 (Arabic) an Eastern...
santour 11 9 (Arabic) an Eastern...
santurs 12 9 SANTUR, (Arabic) an...
sanyasi 17 10 (Hindi) a Hindu asce...
saouari 11 8 a tree of Guiana, yi...
sapajou 15 20 a long-tailed monkey...
sapeles 14 11 SAPELE, a tropical t...
saphead 15 13 a stupid person [n -...
saphena 14 13 a large vein in the...
sapiens 13 11 (Latin) pertaining t...
sapient 13 11 wise [adj SAPIENTLY]...
sapless 15 11 lacking vitality [ad...
sapling 16 14 a young tree [n -S]
saponin 12 12 a soapy substance ob...
sapotas 13 10 SAPOTA, (Spanish) th...
sapotes 13 10 SAPOTE, a tropical A...
sapours 14 11 SAPOUR, flavour, als...
sappans 15 14 SAPPAN, (Malay) the...
sappers 16 13 SAPPER, a military e...
sapphic 22 18 a type of verse form...
sappier 16 13 SAPPY, full of sap [...
sappily 24 16 SAPPY, full of sap [...
sapping 17 16 the act of undermini...
sappled 17 15 SAPPLE, (Scots) to w...
sapples 17 14 SAPPLE, (Scots) to w...
saprobe 15 13 an organism that liv...
sapsago 14 12 (German) a hard gree...
sapwood 16 14 the newly formed out...
sarafan 12 11 (Russian) the nation...
sarangi 12 10 (Hindi) an Indian st...
sarapes 13 10 SARAPE, (Spanish) a...
sarcasm 16 13 a sharply mocking or...
sarcina 14 11 a spherical bacteriu...
sarcode 14 11 protoplasm, esp. of...
sarcoid 15 11 a fleshy tumour [n -...
sarcoma 15 13 (Greek) a tumour of...
sarcous 15 11 composed or flesh or...
sardana 10 9 a Spanish folk dance...
sardars 12 8 SARDAR, (Urdu) a nat...
sardels 13 9 SARDEL, a small fish...
sardine 11 9 to pack tightly toge...
sardius 13 9 a variety of quartz,...
sarkier 13 11 SARKY, sarcastic [ad...
sarkily 21 14 SARKY, sarcastic [ad...
sarking 14 14 a lining of thin boa...
sarment 12 11 a long whiplike runn...
sarmies 13 10 SARMIE, (South Afric...
sarneys 17 10 SARNEY, (colloquial)...
sarnies 11 8 SARNIE, (colloquial)...
sarodes 11 8 SARODE, (Hindi) an I...
sarongs 12 10 SARONG, (Malay) a so...
saronic 14 11 relating to a saros,...
saroses 11 7 SAROS, the eclipse c...
sarsars 12 7 SARSAR, a cold, whis...
sarsden 11 9 a sandstone boulder...
sarsens 11 8 SARSEN, a sandstone...
sarsnet 11 8 a thin tissue of fin...
sartors 12 7 SARTOR, (Latin) a ta...
saruses 12 8 SARUS, (Hindi) a lar...
sashays 20 11 SASHAY, (colloquial)...
sashimi 16 12 (Japanese) fish, sli...
sashing 15 12 SASH, to dress or ad...
sasines 11 8 SASINE, (Scots) infe...
sassaby 20 12 (Setswana) a kind of...
sassier 12 7 SASSY, impertinent [...
sassies 12 7 SASSY, the bark of a...
sassily 20 10 SASSY, impertinent [...
sassing 13 10 SASS, to talk impude...
sastras 12 7 SASTRA, (Sanskrit) a...
satangs 12 10 SATANG, (Thai) a mon...
satanic 14 11 devilish, also SATAN...
sataras 11 7 SATARA, (Hindi) a ri...
satchel 18 13 a small carrying bag...
satcoms 16 13 SATCOM, satellite co...
sateens 10 8 SATEEN, a glossy cot...
satiate 11 7 to satisfy to capaci...
satiety 18 9 the state of being s...
satined 11 9 SATIN, to make like...
satinet 11 8 a thin satin, also S...
satires 12 7 SATIRE, the use of r...
satiric 16 10 of or like satire, a...
satisfy 21 12 to provide fully for...
satnavs 13 12 SATNAV, (colloquial)...
satoris 12 7 SATORI, (Japanese) a...
satraps 14 10 SATRAP, a governor o...
satrapy 20 12 the territory of a s...
satsang 12 10 (Sanskrit) a sacred...
satsuma 13 11 (Japanese) a small c...
satyral 19 10 a heraldic monster c...
satyras 18 9 SATYRA, a female sat...
satyres 18 9 SATYRE, in phrase se...
satyric 22 12 of satyrs; having a...
satyrid 19 10 a brownish butterfly...
saucers 15 11 SAUCER, a small shal...
saucier 15 11 a chef who specializ...
saucily 23 14 SAUCY, impertinent [...
saucing 16 14 SAUCE, to serve with...
saugers 13 10 SAUGER, an American...
saulges 14 11 SAULGE, (Spenser) th...
saulies 13 9 SAULIE, (Scots) a hi...
saunaed 10 10 SAUNA, to take a sau...
saunted 11 10 SAUNT, to sanctify [...
saunter 11 9 to walk in a leisure...
saurels 13 9 SAUREL, (French) a m...
saurian 11 9 any of a suborder of...
sauries 12 8 SAURY, a sharp-beake...
sauroid 12 9 a type of fish [n -S...
sausage 12 10 finely chopped and s...
sauteed 11 9 SAUTE, (French) to f...
sauting 13 11 SAUT, to put salt on...
sautoir 12 8 (French) a long neck...
savable 16 15 that can be saved, a...
savaged 14 14 SAVAGE, to attack or...
savager 14 13 SAVAGE, fierce, unci...
savages 14 13 SAVAGE, to attack or...
savanna 11 13 a flat, treeless gra...
savante 12 12 (French) a woman of...
savants 13 12 SAVANT, (French) a l...
savarin 13 12 (French) a cake made...
savates 13 11 SAVATE, (French) a F...
saveloy 20 14 a highly seasoned sa...
saveyed 19 14 SAVEY, to know, to u...
savines 13 12 SAVINE, a species of...
savings 15 14 SAVING, money laid a...
saviors 14 11 SAVIOR, one who save...
saviour 14 12 one who saves, also...
savored 13 12 SAVOR, to taste or s...
savorer 13 11 one that savors, als...
savours 14 12 SAVOUR, to taste or...
savoury 20 14 pleasant to the tast...
savveys 22 17 SAVVEY, (colloquial)...
savvied 16 16 SAVVY, to understand...
savvier 16 15 SAVVY, shrewd [adj]
savvies 16 15 SAVVY, to understand...
savvily 24 18 SAVVY, shrewd [adv]
sawbill 20 15 a kind of bird, aka...
sawbuck 22 21 a rack used as a sup...
sawders 15 11 SAWDER, to flatter,...
sawdust 16 12 to sprinkle with the...
sawfish 20 15 any of various carti...
sawings 16 13 SAWING, the act of s...
sawlike 17 15 like a saw [adj]
sawlogs 17 13 SAWLOG, a log large...
sawmill 19 15 a place where logs a...
sawneys 20 13 SAWNEY, a foolish pe...
sawpits 18 13 SAWPIT, a pit in whi...
sawyers 21 12 SAWYER, one whose oc...
saxauls 19 16 SAXAUL, a low, thick...
saxhorn 19 17 a brass wind instrum...
saxists 19 14 SAXIST, a saxophone...
saxtuba 20 18 a bass saxhorn [n -S...
sayable 20 13 able to be said [adj...
sayings 19 12 SAYING, a maxim, pro...
sayyids 25 12 SAYYID, (Arabic) a d...
sazerac 17 19 a cocktail based on...
sazhens 16 19 SAZHEN, (Russian) a...
scabbed 19 17 SCAB, to become cove...
scabble 20 17 to shape roughly, al...
scabies 17 13 a contagious skin in...
scabrid 18 14 roughened with small...
scaffed 19 17 SCAFF, (Scots) to be...
scaffie 19 16 (Scots) a scavenger...
scagged 17 15 SCAG, to make a tear...
scaglia 17 13 (Italian) a reddish...
scailed 16 12 SCAIL, (Scots) to sc...
scaiths 18 12 SCAITH, to injure, a...
scalade 15 12 the scaling of walls...
scalado 15 12 (Italian) the scalin...
scalage 16 13 a percentage deducti...
scalare 15 11 a kind of tropical f...
scalars 16 11 SCALAR, a mathematic...
scalded 16 13 SCALD, to burn with...
scalder 16 12 that which scalds [n...
scaldic 20 15 pertaining to an anc...
scalene 14 12 one of the paired mu...
scaleni 15 12 SCALENUS, a muscle i...
scalers 16 11 SCALER, a person or...
scaleup 18 15 an increase based on...
scalier 16 11 SCALY, peeling off i...
scaling 17 14 climbing [n -S]
scalled 17 13 having scabs [adj]
scallop 19 15 a kind of shell [n -...
scalped 18 15 SCALP, to remove the...
scalpel 19 15 a small surgical kni...
scalper 18 14 a semicircular gougi...
scamble 19 17 to move awkwardly; t...
scamels 17 14 SCAMEL, (Shakespeare...
scammed 17 17 SCAM, to cheat or sw...
scammer 17 16 one who perpetrates...
scamped 18 17 SCAMP, to perform ca...
scamper 18 16 to run playfully abo...
scampis 19 16 SCAMPI, (Italian) cr...
scamtos 16 13 SCAMTO, the argot of...
scandal 15 13 to defame [v SCANDAL...
scandia 14 12 an oxide of scandium...
scandic 18 15 of or pertaining to...
scanned 13 13 SCAN, to examine clo...
scanner 13 12 a device for scannin...
scanted 14 12 SCANT, to cut short,...
scanter 14 11 SCANT, scarce [adj]
scantle 15 12 to stint, make scant...
scantly 22 14 SCANT, scarce [adv]
scapaed 16 14 SCAPA, to run away,...
scaping 18 16 SCAPE, to escape [v]
scapose 16 13 bearing a leafless s...
scapple 20 17 to work stone smooth...
scapula 18 15 a bone in the should...
scarabs 17 13 SCARAB, any scarabae...
scarcer 18 13 SCARCE, in short sup...
scaredy 21 13 someone who is easil...
scarers 15 10 SCARER, something or...
scarfed 17 14 SCARF, to cover with...
scarfer 17 13 one that eats or dri...
scarier 15 10 SCARY, frightening,...
scarify 24 15 to make superficial...
scarily 23 13 SCARY, frightening,...
scaring 16 13 SCARE, to frighten [...
scarlet 16 11 a brilliant red [n -...
scarpas 17 13 SCARPA, to run away,...
scarped 17 14 SCARP, to make into...
scarper 17 13 to run away, leave w...
scarphs 20 15 SCARPH, in carpentry...
scarred 15 11 SCAR, to leave a mar...
scarres 15 10 SCARRE, (Scots) to s...
scarted 15 11 SCART, to scratch, s...
scarths 18 12 SCARTH, a cormorant,...
scarved 17 15 wearing a scarf [adj...
scarves 17 14 SCARF, a piece of cl...
scathed 17 13 SCATHE, to injure, a...
scathes 17 12 SCATHE, to injure, a...
scatole 15 11 a crystalline compou...
scatted 15 11 SCAT, to scare away,...
scatter 15 10 to disperse in all d...
scauded 15 13 SCAUD, (Scots) to sc...
scauped 17 15 SCAUP, to cut the sc...
scauper 17 14 a semicircular gougi...
scaured 15 12 SCAUR, (Scots) to sc...
scavage 17 16 to scavenge [v SCAVA...
scazons 17 20 SCAZON, (Greek) a ch...
scedule 16 13 (US) to plan, also S...
scenary 20 13 (obsolete) scenery [...
scended 14 13 SCEND, of a ship, to...
scenery 20 13 a picturesque landsc...
scenics 18 14 SCENIC, something sc...
scening 15 14 SCENE, to set in a p...
scented 14 12 SCENT, to fill with...
scepsis 18 13 (Greek) philosophic...
scepter 17 13 to invest with royal...
sceptic 21 16 disbelieving, also S...
sceptre 17 13 to invest with royal...
sceptry 24 15 (Keats) sceptred [ad...
scerned 14 12 SCERNE, (archaic) to...
scernes 14 11 SCERNE, (archaic) to...
schanse 16 13 (Afrikaans) a heap o...
schanze 19 22 (Afrikaans) a heap o...
schappe 21 18 (German) to process...
schelly 26 16 a freshwater white f...
schelms 20 16 SCHELM, (obsolete) a...
schemas 18 15 SCHEMA, (Greek) a sc...
schemed 18 16 SCHEME, to plan or p...
schemer 18 15 one that schemes [n...
schemes 18 15 SCHEME, to plan or p...
schemie 18 15 (Scots) derogatory w...
scherzi 21 21 SCHERZO, a lively mu...
scherzo 20 21 a lively musical mov...
schisma 19 15 (Greek) in music, an...
schisms 20 15 SCHISM, a division o...
schists 19 12 SCHIST, a type of me...
schizos 21 21 SCHIZO, (colloquial)...
schizzy 31 32 affected with schizo...
schlepp 23 19 (Yiddish) to drag on...
schleps 21 16 SCHLEP, (Yiddish) to...
schlich 25 18 (German) the finer p...
schlock 23 20 inferior merchandise...
schlong 19 16 (slang) the penis, a...
schloss 19 13 (German) a castle, p...
schlubs 22 17 SCHLUB, (Yiddish) a...
schlump 23 20 to flop, slump, also...
schmalz 23 25 excessive sentimenta...
schmear 18 15 (Yiddish) to spread...
schmeck 23 22 (Yiddish) to taste g...
schmeer 18 15 (Yiddish) to flatter...
schmelz 23 25 (German) a kind of g...
schmick 24 22 (Australian slang) s...
schmock 23 22 (Yiddish) a stupid o...
schmoes 18 15 SCHMOE, (Yiddish) a...
schmoos 18 15 (Yiddish) to chat in...
schmooz 21 24 (Yiddish) to chat in...
schmuck 24 23 (Yiddish) to hit or...
schmutz 23 25 dirt, grime [n -ES]
schnaps 19 16 (German) a kind of b...
schnell 19 15 (German) quick [adj]
schnook 17 17 (Yiddish) a stupid,...
schnorr 17 13 (Yiddish) to beg, es...
schnozz 23 31 (Yiddish) nose, also...
scholar 18 13 a learned person [n...
scholia 18 13 SCHOLIUM, an explana...
schoole 17 13 (Shakespeare) a shoa...
schools 18 13 SCHOOL, to educate i...
schorls 19 13 SCHORL, (German) a m...
schouts 18 13 SCHOUT, (Dutch) a mu...
schriks 20 16 SCHRIK, a sudden fri...
schrods 18 13 SCHROD, a young cod,...
schtick 23 19 (Yiddish) a familiar...
schtiks 20 16 SCHTIK, (Yiddish) a...
schtook 18 16 (Yiddish) trouble, b...
schtoom 18 15 (Yiddish) silent, du...
schtuck 23 20 (Yiddish) trouble, b...
schtups 21 16 SCHTUP, (Yiddish) to...
schuits 19 13 SCHUIT, (Dutch) a fl...
schuyts 25 15 SCHUYT, (Dutch) a Du...
schvitz 24 25 (Yiddish) to sweat,...
schwags 22 17 SCHWAG, (Yiddish) ch...
sciarid 16 11 a minute, dark-colou...
sciatic 19 13 of or relating to th...
science 17 14 knowledge obtained b...
scillas 18 12 SCILLA, (Latin) any...
sciolto 16 11 (Italian) in a free...
scirocs 19 13 SCIROC, (Italian) a...
scirrhi 19 12 SCIRRHUS, a hard tum...
scissel 17 11 metal clippings, scr...
scissil 18 11 metal clippings, scr...
scissor 16 10 to cut with a two-bl...
sciurid 17 12 a member of the squi...
sclaffs 21 17 SCLAFF, to strike th...
sclated 16 12 SCLATE, to slate [v]
sclates 16 11 SCLATE, (Scots) slat...
sclaves 18 15 SCLAVE, (obsolete) a...
sclerae 15 11 SCLERA, the outermos...
scleral 17 12 pertaining to the sc...
scleras 16 11 SCLERA, the outermos...
scleres 16 11 SCLERE, a sponge spi...
scliffs 22 17 SCLIFF, (Scots) a sm...
scodier 15 11 SCODY, (New Zealand)...
scoffed 19 17 SCOFF, to express ru...
scoffer 19 16 one who scoffs [n -S...
scogged 17 15 SCOG, (Scots) to she...
scolded 16 13 SCOLD, to rebuke har...
scolder 16 12 one who scolds [n -S...
scolion 15 12 a Greek drinking son...
scollop 19 15 to indent like a she...
sconced 17 15 SCONCE, to entrench,...
sconces 17 14 SCONCE, to entrench,...
scooged 15 13 SCOOG, (Scots) to sh...
scooped 16 14 SCOOP, to lift with...
scooper 16 13 a tool used esp. in...
scootch 20 15 to compress one's bo...
scooted 14 11 SCOOT, to go quickly...
scooter 14 10 to travel by by a tw...
scopate 16 13 tufted, brushlike [a...
scoping 18 16 SCOPE, to examine wi...
scopula 18 15 a brushlike tuft of...
scorers 15 10 SCORER, one that sco...
scoriac 18 13 like slag, also SCOR...
scoriae 14 10 SCORIA, the dross or...
scorify 24 15 to reduce to scoria...
scoring 16 13 orchestration [n -S]
scorned 14 12 SCORN, to treat with...
scorner 14 11 one who scorns [n -S...
scorper 17 13 a semicircular gougi...
scorsed 15 11 SCORSE, (obsolete) t...
scorser 15 10 one who barters [n -...
scorses 15 10 SCORSE, (obsolete) t...
scoters 15 10 SCOTER, a sea duck [...
scotias 15 10 SCOTIA, a concave mo...
scotoma 15 13 dizziness with dimne...
scotomy 22 15 (obsolete) dizziness...
scottie 15 10 a short-legged terri...
scouged 16 14 SCOUG, (Scots) to sh...
scouped 17 15 SCOUP, (Scots) to bo...
scoured 15 12 SCOUR, to cleanse by...
scourer 15 11 (historical) a membe...
scourge 16 13 to whip severely [v...
scourie 15 11 (Old Norse) in the O...
scourse 15 11 to barter, exchange,...
scouser 15 11 a native of Liverpoo...
scouses 15 11 SCOUSE, a type of me...
scouted 15 12 SCOUT, to reconnoitr...
scouter 15 11 an adult working wit...
scouths 18 13 SCOUTH, (Scots) free...
scowder 18 14 to scorch, also SCOU...
scowing 19 16 SCOW, to transport b...
scowled 19 15 SCOWL, to frown angr...
scowler 19 14 one who scowls [n -S...
scowped 20 17 SCOWP, (Scots) to bo...
scowrer 18 13 (obsolete) a member...
scowrie 18 13 (Old Norse) in the O...
scowths 21 15 SCOWTH, (Scots) free...
scozzas 21 28 SCOZZA, (Australian...
scraggy 24 16 skinny [adj SCRAGGIE...
scraich 21 15 (Scots) to screech,...
scraigh 19 14 (Scots) to screech,...
scrambs 19 16 SCRAMB, (dialect) to...
scranch 20 16 to crunch [v -ED, -I...
scranny 20 14 thin, scrawny [adj S...
scraped 17 14 SCRAPE, to rub and m...
scraper 17 13 one that scrapes [n...
scrapes 17 13 SCRAPE, to rub and m...
scrapie 17 13 a disease of sheep [...
scrappy 26 18 fragmentary [adj SCR...
scratch 21 15 to make a thin, shal...
scrauch 21 16 to squawk, also SCRA...
scraugh 19 15 (Scots) to squawk, a...
scravel 18 15 to move quickly, scr...
scrawbs 21 16 SCRAWB, to scrape wi...
scrawls 20 14 SCRAWL, to write has...
scrawly 26 16 written hastily or i...
scrawms 20 16 SCRAWM, (dialect) to...
scrawny 24 16 extremely thin, also...
scrawps 21 16 SCRAWP, (dialect) to...
scrayes 21 12 SCRAYE, the tern, al...
screaks 16 14 SCREAK, to creak [v]
screaky 22 16 creaky [adj SCREAKIE...
screamo 15 13 a form of emo music...
screams 16 13 SCREAM, to utter a p...
screech 20 15 to utter a harsh, sh...
screeds 15 11 SCREED, to tear; to...
screens 14 11 SCREEN, to provide w...
screets 15 10 SCREET, (dialect) to...
screeve 16 14 to write begging let...
screich 21 15 to shriek, also SCRA...
screigh 19 14 to shriek, also SCRE...
screwed 18 14 SCREW, to attach wit...
screwer 18 13 one who screws [n -S...
screwup 21 17 an instance of bungl...
scribal 19 14 pertaining to a publ...
scribed 18 14 SCRIBE, to mark with...
scriber 18 13 a scribing tool for...
scribes 18 13 SCRIBE, to mark with...
scriech 21 15 (Scots) to screech,...
scriene 14 11 (obsolete) a screen,...
scrieve 17 14 (Scots) to glide swi...
scriked 17 15 SCRIKE, to shriek, a...
scrikes 17 14 SCRIKE, to shriek, a...
scrimps 20 16 SCRIMP, to scratch a...
scrimpy 26 18 scanty [adj SCRIMPIE...
scrines 15 11 SCRINE, (obsolete) a...
scripts 19 13 SCRIPT, to prepare a...
scritch 22 15 to utter a harsh shr...
scrived 18 15 SCRIVE, to write, es...
scrives 18 14 SCRIVE, to write, es...
scrobes 17 13 SCROBE, a groove [n]
scroggy 24 16 abounding in scrogs,...
scrolls 18 12 SCROLL, to move text...
scromed 16 14 SCROME, (dialect) to...
scromes 16 13 SCROME, (dialect) to...
scrooch 20 15 to crouch, also SCRO...
scrooge 15 12 to crowd; to squeeze...
scroops 17 13 SCROOP, to make a ha...
scrorps 18 13 SCRORP, (dialect) a...
scrotal 16 11 pertaining to the sc...
scrotes 15 10 SCROTE, (slang) a wo...
scrotum 17 14 the bag of skin that...
scrouge 16 13 to crowd; to squeeze...
scrowle 19 14 to draft, also SCROW...
scrowls 20 14 SCROWL, to draft, al...
scroyle 22 13 (obsolete) a wretch...
scrubby 27 19 inferior in size or...
scruffs 21 17 SCRUFF [n]
scruffy 27 19 untidy, dirty [adj S...
scrummy 25 19 (colloquial) scrumpt...
scrumps 20 17 SCRUMP, to gather wi...
scrumpy 26 19 a kind of rough cide...
scrunch 21 17 to crush [v -ED, -IN...
scrunts 16 12 SCRUNT, (Scots) anyt...
scrunty 22 14 (Scots) stunted [adj...
scruple 19 15 to hesitate because...
scrutos 16 11 SCRUTO, a stage trap...
scruzed 19 21 SCRUZE, (obsolete) t...
scruzes 19 20 SCRUZE, (obsolete) t...
scryers 22 12 SCRYER, one who scri...
scrying 23 15 the practice of crys...
scrynes 21 13 SCRYNE, (Spenser) a...
scubaed 17 15 SCUBA, to dive using...
scuchin 21 17 (Spenser) a shield b...
scudded 16 14 SCUD, to run or move...
scudder 16 13 one who scuds, a swi...
scuddle 17 14 to run hastily, also...
scudler 17 13 the conductor of a f...
scuffed 20 18 SCUFF, to scrape the...
scuffer 20 17 a type of sandal [n...
scuffle 21 18 to struggle in a rou...
scugged 18 16 SCUG, (Scots) to she...
sculked 18 17 SCULK, to move about...
sculker 18 16 one that skulks, als...
sculled 18 14 SCULL, to propel wit...
sculler 18 13 one that sculls [n -...
sculles 18 13 SCULLE, (obsolete) a...
sculped 19 16 SCULP, to form an im...
sculpin 19 16 the scorpion fish, a...
sculpts 20 15 SCULPT, to form an i...
scultch 23 17 rubbish, also SCULCH...
scumbag 20 19 a contemptible perso...
scumber 19 17 (archaic) to void ex...
scumble 20 18 to soften the outlin...
scummed 18 18 SCUM, to remove wast...
scummer 18 17 (Scots) a shallow la...
scunged 16 15 SCUNGE, to slink abo...
scunges 16 14 SCUNGE, to slink abo...
scunner 14 13 to feel loathing or...
scupper 20 17 to thwart, frustrate...
scurred 16 12 SCUR, to scour, sear...
scurril 18 12 (archaic) like or wo...
scusing 17 14 SCUSE, an aphetic fo...
scutage 16 13 (historical) the tax...
scutate 15 11 shaped like a shield...
scutter 16 11 to run hastily, scur...
scuttle 17 12 to move or run with...
scuzzes 22 29 SCUZZ, dirt [n]
scybala 24 16 SCYBALUM, (Latin) a...
scyphus 27 18 a drinking vessel us...
scytale 22 13 (Greek) a Spartan fo...
scythed 24 15 SCYTHE, to cut with...
scyther 24 14 one who uses a scyth...
scythes 24 14 SCYTHE, to cut with...
sdained 11 10 SDAINE, (obsolete) t...
sdaines 11 9 SDAINE, (obsolete) t...
sdayned 17 12 SDAYN, (obsolete) to...
sdeigne 12 11 (obsolete) to disdai...
sdeigns 13 11 SDEIGN, (obsolete) t...
sdeined 11 10 SDEIN, (obsolete) to...
seabags 14 12 SEABAG, a bag used b...
seabank 13 15 a bank beside the se...
seabeds 13 11 SEABED, the bottom o...
seabird 14 11 a bird frequenting t...
seaboot 12 10 a waterproof boot [n...
seacock 18 17 a valve in a ship's...
seadogs 12 10 SEADOG, an old sailo...
seafoam 13 13 foam formed on the s...
seafolk 15 15 seafaring people [n...
seafood 12 11 edible fish or shell...
seafowl 17 14 a seabird [n -S]
seagirt 13 9 surrounded by the se...
seagull 15 12 a gull frequenting t...
seahawk 17 16 a predatory seabird,...
seahogs 14 11 SEAHOG, a porpoise [...
seakale 12 12 a kind of maritime c...
sealant 11 9 a sealing agent [n -...
sealchs 18 13 SEALCH, (Scots) a se...
sealers 12 8 SEALER, one who hunt...
sealery 18 10 the occupation of hu...
sealghs 16 12 SEALGH, (Scots) a se...
sealift 15 11 to transport (milita...
sealine 11 9 a coastline [n -S]
sealing 13 11 the act of sealing [...
sealwax 21 18 sealing wax [n -ES]
seamaid 12 11 (Shakespeare) a merm...
seamark 13 14 a landmark serving a...
seamers 12 10 SEAMER, a ball deliv...
seamier 12 10 SEAMY, unpleasant [a...
seaming 13 13 the act of joining b...
seamset 12 10 a tool for flattenin...
seances 13 11 SEANCE, (French) a s...
seaning 11 11 SEAN, to catch fish...
seaport 13 10 a harbour for seagoi...
searats 11 7 SEARAT, a pirate [n]
searced 14 11 SEARCE, (obsolete) t...
searces 14 10 SEARCE, (obsolete) t...
searest 11 7 SEAR, scorched, with...
searing 12 10 burning [adj SEARING...
seasick 16 14 affected with nausea...
seaside 11 8 the seashore [n -S]
seasing 12 10 SEASE, (Spenser) to...
seasons 10 8 SEASON, to improve f...
seasure 11 8 (obsolete) a seizure...
seaters 11 7 SEATER, someone or s...
seating 12 10 material for coverin...
seawall 16 12 a wall to protect a...
seawans 13 11 SEAWAN, (Native Amer...
seawant 13 11 (Native American) sh...
seaward 14 11 towards the sea, als...
seaware 13 10 seaweed used as fert...
seaways 20 12 SEAWAY, an inland wa...
seaweed 13 11 any large photosynth...
seawife 16 13 a kind of wrasse, a...
seaworm 15 13 a marine worm [n -S]
seazing 15 19 SEAZE, (Spenser) to...
sebacic 20 16 of or like sebum, as...
sebasic 17 13 derived from a certa...
sebates 13 10 SEBATE, a salt of se...
sebific 20 16 producing fatty matt...
sebundy 20 15 an Indian irregular...
secants 14 11 SECANT, a trigonomet...
seceded 14 12 SECEDE, to withdraw...
seceder 14 11 one who secedes [n -...
secedes 14 11 SECEDE, to withdraw...
secerns 14 11 SECERN, to discern a...
seckels 17 15 SECKEL, a small redd...
seckles 17 15 SECKLE, a small redd...
seclude 16 13 to remove or set apa...
seconal 14 12 (tradename) a hypnot...
seconde 13 12 (French) in fencing,...
secondi 14 12 SECONDO, (Italian) t...
secondo 13 12 (Italian) the second...
seconds 14 12 SECOND, to support a...
secpars 17 13 SECPAR, a unit of as...
secrecy 24 15 the condition of bei...
secreta 14 10 (Latin) secreted mat...
secrete 14 10 to emit by means of...
secrets 15 10 SECRET, something hi...
sectary 21 12 a member of a sect [...
sectile 16 11 capable of being cut...
section 14 11 to divide into disti...
sectors 15 10 SECTOR, to divide in...
secular 16 12 not spiritual [adj S...
seculum 18 16 (Latin) an astronomi...
secured 15 12 SECURE, to make firm...
securer 15 11 one who secures [n -...
secures 15 11 SECURE, to make firm...
sedarim 13 11 SEDER, (Hebrew) a Pe...
sedated 11 9 SEDATE, to tranquill...
sedater 11 8 SEDATE, calm, self-p...
sedates 11 8 SEDATE, to tranquill...
sedgier 13 10 SEDGY, bordered by s...
sedilia 13 9 SEDILIUM, (Latin) a...
seduced 15 13 SEDUCE, to lead astr...
seducer 15 12 one that seduces [n...
seduces 15 12 SEDUCE, to lead astr...
seeable 13 11 able to be seen [adj...
seedbed 13 12 land prepared for se...
seedbox 19 18 part of a plant that...
seeders 11 8 SEEDER, one who seed...
seedier 11 8 SEEDY, shabby [adj]
seedily 19 11 SEEDY, shabby [adv]
seeding 12 11 the act of seeding [...
seedlip 15 12 a sower's basket [n...
seedman 11 12 a dealer in seeds, a...
seedmen 11 12 SEEDMAN, a dealer in...
seedpod 13 12 a type of seed vesse...
seeings 12 10 SEEING, the act of o...
seekers 12 11 SEEKER, one who seek...
seeking 13 14 SEEK, to go in searc...
seelier 12 8 SEELY, fortunate; in...
seeling 13 11 (Spenser) a ceiling...
seemers 12 10 SEEMER, one who seem...
seeming 13 13 apparent [adj SEEMIN...
seepage 13 12 the quantity of flui...
seepier 13 10 SEEPY, oozing with w...
seeping 14 13 SEEP, to pass slowly...
seeress 11 7 a female seer [n -ES...
seesaws 14 10 SEESAW, to move up a...
seethed 13 10 SEETHE, to surge or...
seether 13 9 a pot for boiling th...
seethes 13 9 SEETHE, to surge or...
seewing 15 13 (Spenser) prosecutio...
segetal 13 10 growing in fields of...
seggars 14 11 SEGGAR, a clay box i...
seghols 16 12 SEGHOL, (Hebrew) a v...
segment 13 13 to divide into secti...
segugio 14 12 (Italian) an Italian...
seiches 17 12 SEICHE, (French) a r...
seidels 13 9 SEIDEL, (German) a l...
seikest 13 11 SEIK, (Scots) sick [...
seiling 14 11 SEIL, to strain, als...
seiners 11 8 SEINER, one who fish...
seining 12 11 fishing with a seine...
seisers 12 7 SEISER, one who seiz...
seising 13 10 the act of one that...
seisins 12 8 SEISIN, legal posses...
seismal 14 11 pertaining to an ear...
seismic 17 13 relating to earthqua...
seisors 12 7 SEISOR, one who seiz...
seisure 12 8 the act of seizing,...
seitans 11 8 SEITAN, a food made...
seitens 11 8 SEITEN, a food made...
seities 12 7 SEITY, personal iden...
seizers 15 16 SEIZER, one who seiz...
seizing 16 19 the act of one that...
seizins 15 17 SEIZIN, legal posses...
seizors 15 16 SEIZOR, one that tak...
seizure 15 17 the act of seizing,...
sejeant 12 17 in heraldry, represe...
sekoses 12 11 SEKOS, (Greek) a sac...
selecta 15 11 a disc jockey [n -S]
selects 16 11 SELECT, to choose [v...
selenic 15 12 of or relating to th...
selfdom 16 15 selfhood [n -S]
selfies 15 11 SELFIE, (Australian)...
selfing 16 14 self-fertilization [...
selfish 18 13 concerned only with...
selfism 17 14 concentration on sel...
selfist 16 11 one who is dedicated...
selkies 14 12 SELKIE, (Scots) a se...
sellers 14 9 SELLER, one that sel...
selling 15 12 the act of giving up...
selloff 18 15 the sale of a large...
sellout 14 10 a performance for wh...
selsyns 19 11 SELSYN, a type of re...
seltzer 16 17 (German) naturally e...
selvage 15 14 to border a fabric t...
sematic 16 13 of markings, colorat...
sembled 16 15 SEMBLE, to bring tog...
sembles 16 14 SEMBLE, to bring tog...
semeion 11 11 (Greek) in ancient p...
sememes 13 13 SEMEME, the smallest...
sememic 17 16 pertaining to a seme...
semidry 20 13 half dry [adj SEMIDR...
semifit 16 13 conforming somewhat...
semilog 15 13 having one scale log...
semimat 14 13 having a slight lust...
seminal 13 12 pertaining to semen...
seminar 12 11 an advanced study gr...
semiped 15 14 a half foot [n -S]
semipro 15 13 one who is engaged i...
semiraw 16 13 somewhat raw [adj]
semises 13 10 SEMIS, (Latin) a coi...
semitar 13 10 (obsolete) a curved...
semmits 15 13 SEMMIT, (Scots) a ve...
sempler 16 14 SEMPLE, of humble bi...
semsems 14 13 SEMSEM, an East Indi...
senarii 11 8 SENARIUS, a Greek or...
senates 10 8 SENATE, a governing...
senator 10 8 a member of a senate...
sendals 12 10 SENDAL, a silk fabri...
senders 11 9 SENDER, one that sen...
sending 12 12 an act of despatch o...
sendoff 15 15 a farewell celebrati...
sendups 14 13 SENDUP, a parody [n]
senecas 13 11 SENECA, a North Amer...
senecio 13 11 any plant of the gen...
senegas 11 10 SENEGA, a North Amer...
senesce 13 11 to become old [v SEN...
senhora 12 10 (Spanish) a married...
senhors 13 10 SENHOR, (Spanish) a...
seniles 12 9 SENILE, one who exhi...
seniors 11 8 SENIOR, a person who...
senitis 12 8 SENITI, (Tongan) a m...
sennets 10 9 SENNET, (Shakespeare...
sennits 11 9 SENNIT, plaited stra...
senopia 12 11 improvement of near...
senoras 10 8 SENORA, (Spanish) a...
senores 10 8 SENOR, (Spanish) a S...
sensate 10 8 felt through the sen...
senseis 11 8 SENSEI, (Japanese) a...
sensile 12 9 responsive to stimul...
sensing 12 11 the act of sensing [...
sensism 13 11 the doctrine that ou...
sensist 12 8 one who indulges in...
sensors 11 8 SENSOR, a device tha...
sensory 17 10 pertaining to the se...
sensual 12 10 pertaining to the ph...
sentimo 12 11 a monetary unit of t...
senting 12 11 SENT, (obsolete) to...
senvies 13 12 SENVY, (obsolete) mu...
sepaled 14 12 having a sepal [adj]
sephens 15 13 SEPHEN, (Arabic) a l...
sepiost 14 10 cuttlebone, also SEP...
sepiums 16 14 SEPIUM, cuttlebone,...
seppuku 18 19 (Japanese) a form of...
septage 14 12 the waste in a septi...
septate 13 10 having a septum [adj...
septets 14 10 SEPTET, a group of s...
septics 18 13 SEPTIC, an agent pro...
septime 15 13 the seventh parrying...
septums 16 14 SEPTUM, a dividing m...
septuor 14 11 a group of seven, al...
sequela 20 18 an abnormal conditio...
sequels 21 18 SEQUEL, something th...
sequent 19 18 following [adj SEQUE...
sequins 20 18 SEQUIN, to apply shi...
sequoia 19 17 any of a genus of co...
serafin 13 11 (Portuguese) a forme...
serails 13 8 SERAIL, a harem, als...
serangs 12 10 SERANG, (Urdu) the b...
serapes 13 10 SERAPE, (Spanish) a...
seraphs 16 12 SERAPH, in Christian...
serdabs 14 11 SERDAB, a chamber wi...
sereins 11 8 SEREIN, (French) fin...
serened 10 9 SERENE, to tranquill...
serener 10 8 SERENE, calm, tranqu...
serenes 10 8 SERENE, to tranquill...
serfage 14 12 the state of being a...
serfdom 15 14 the state of being a...
serfish 17 12 characteristic of a...
sergers 13 9 SERGER, a sewing mac...
serging 14 12 a process of finishi...
serials 13 8 SERIAL, a literary o...
seriate 11 7 arranged in a series...
sericin 15 11 the gelatinous prote...
sericon 14 11 a conjectural red or...
seriema 12 10 a large South Americ...
serifed 14 11 with a serif, a deco...
serines 11 8 SERINE, a polar amin...
seringa 12 10 (Portuguese) a Brazi...
serious 12 8 thoughtful or subdue...
seriphs 17 12 SERIPH, a decorative...
serkali 14 12 (Swahili) in Africa,...
sermons 12 11 SERMON, to preach a...
seroons 10 8 SEROON, a crate, als...
seropus 14 11 a mixture of serum a...
serosae 10 7 SEROSA, (Latin) a th...
serosal 12 8 relating to serosa,...
serosas 11 7 SEROSA, (Latin) a th...
serovar 13 11 a group of microorga...
serpent 13 11 a snake [n -S]
serpigo 15 12 a spreading skin eru...
serpula 15 12 a member of a genus...
serrano 10 8 (Spanish) a Mexican...
serrans 11 8 SERRAN, a fish of th...
serrate 11 7 to supply with tooth...
serrati 12 7 SERRATUS, a muscle o...
serried 12 8 SERRY, to press clos...
serries 12 7 SERRY, to press clos...
serring 13 10 SERR, to press close...
seruewe 14 11 (Spenser) to surview...
serumal 14 12 of or like serum [ad...
servals 15 12 SERVAL, a long-legge...
servant 13 12 someone who is hired...
servers 14 11 SERVER, one who serv...
servery 20 13 a room or rooms adjo...
servewe 16 14 (Spenser) to surview...
service 17 14 to repair [v SERVICE...
servile 15 12 slavish, fawning [ad...
serving 15 14 a portion of food [n...
servlet 15 12 a small program runn...
sesames 12 10 SESAME, (Arabic) a p...
seselis 13 8 SESELI, a kind of um...
sessile 13 8 stalkless, permanent...
sessing 13 10 SESS, to assess (how...
session 11 8 a period of time spe...
sestets 12 7 SESTET, a piece of m...
sestett 12 7 a piece of music com...
sestina 11 8 (Italian) an old ver...
sestine 11 8 an old verse-form of...
sestons 11 8 SESTON, (German) a v...
setback 18 17 a defeat [n -S]
setline 12 9 a strong fishing lin...
setness 11 8 the state of being s...
setoffs 16 13 SETOFF, something th...
setouts 12 8 SETOUT, a display [n...
settees 11 7 SETTEE, a long seat...
setters 12 7 SETTER, to treat wit...
setting 13 10 the scenery used in...
settled 13 9 SETTLE, to place in...
settler 13 8 one who settles [n -...
settles 13 8 SETTLE, to place in...
settlor 13 8 one who makes a lega...
setuale 12 9 (Spenser) valerian,...
setules 13 9 SETULE, a small bris...
setwall 17 12 valerian, a plant fo...
seventh 15 14 seventh in sequence...
seventy 19 14 a number [n SEVENTIE...
several 14 12 various [adj SEVERAL...
severed 13 12 SEVER, to divide or...
severer 13 11 SEVERE, strict, hars...
seviche 19 16 (Spanish) in Mexican...
sevruga 15 14 (Russian) a species...
sewable 17 14 able to be sewn [adj...
sewages 15 12 SEWAGE, the waste ma...
sewered 14 11 SEWER, to clean or m...
sewings 16 13 SEWING, material tha...
sexfoil 21 18 a window, design etc...
sexiest 18 14 SEXY, arousing sexua...
sexings 19 17 SEXING, as in nuclea...
sexisms 20 17 SEXISM, prejudice or...
sexists 19 14 SEXIST, one who prac...
sexless 19 15 lacking sexual chara...
sexpert 20 17 an expert in sexual...
sexpots 20 17 SEXPOT, a sexually a...
sextain 17 15 a stanza of six line...
sextans 17 15 a Roman gold coin [n...
sextant 17 15 a navigational instr...
sextets 18 14 SEXTET, a piece of m...
sextett 18 14 a piece of music com...
sextile 19 15 the aspect of two pl...
sexting 19 17 the act of sending t...
sextons 17 15 SEXTON, a church car...
sextuor 18 15 a group of six, also...
seysure 18 10 (Shakespeare) a seiz...
sferics 18 13 (short for) atmosphe...
sfumato 15 14 (Italian) a painting...
shabash 18 14 (Hinglish) bravo or...
shabble 19 16 (Scots) an old rusty...
shacked 18 17 SHACK, to avoid resp...
shackle 19 17 to confine with iron...
shackos 18 16 SHACKO, (Hungarian)...
shaddup 17 15 an interjection, shu...
shaders 14 10 SHADER, one who, or...
shadfly 24 16 the mayfly [n SHADFL...
shadier 14 10 SHADY, full of shade...
shadily 22 13 SHADY, full of shade...
shading 15 13 protection against l...
shadoof 15 13 (Arabic) a machine,...
shadows 17 13 SHADOW, to make dark...
shadowy 23 15 full of shadows [adj...
shadufs 17 14 SHADUF, (Arabic) a m...
shafted 16 13 SHAFT, to propel wit...
shafter 16 12 a shaft-horse [n -S]
shagged 16 14 SHAG, to make shaggy...
shagger 16 13 (vulgar slang) a per...
shahada 15 12 (Arabic) the Islamic...
shahdom 17 15 the territory ruled...
shaheed 15 12 (Arabic) a martyr fo...
shahids 17 12 SHAHID, (Arabic) a m...
shaikhs 18 15 SHAIKH, (Arabic) an...
shairds 15 10 SHAIRD, a fragment o...
shairns 14 10 SHAIRN, (Scots) cow-...
shaitan 13 10 (Arabic) an evil spi...
shakers 15 13 SHAKER, one who shak...
shakeup 17 17 a total reorganizati...
shakier 15 13 SHAKY, shaking [adj]
shakily 23 16 SHAKY, shaking [adv]
shaking 16 16 the act of shaking [...
shakoes 14 13 SHAKO, (Hungarian) t...
shakudo 15 15 (Japanese) an alloy...
shalier 15 10 SHALY, resembling sh...
shaling 16 13 SHALE, to shell, hus...
shallis 17 11 SHALLI, a soft light...
shallon 15 12 an evergreen shrub o...
shallop 18 14 a light river boat w...
shallot 16 11 an onion with garlic...
shallow 19 14 not deep [adj SHALLO...
shaloms 16 13 SHALOM, (Hebrew) in...
shalots 15 10 SHALOT, an onion wit...
shalwar 18 13 (Urdu) loose-fitting...
shamals 16 13 SHAMAL, (Arabic) in...
shamans 14 13 SHAMAN, (Russian) a...
shambas 17 15 SHAMBA, (Swahili) in...
shamble 18 16 to walk awkwardly [v...
shambly 25 18 awkwardly [adj SHAMB...
shamers 15 12 SHAMER, one who caus...
shamina 14 13 a wool blend of shah...
shaming 16 15 SHAME, to cause to f...
shammas 16 15 a minor official of...
shammed 16 16 SHAM, to feign [v]
shammer 16 15 one who shams; an im...
shammes 16 15 (Yiddish) a minor of...
shammos 16 15 (Hebrew) the sexton...
shamois 15 12 a kind of leather ma...
shamoys 21 14 SHAMOY, to prepare s...
shampoo 16 15 to wash with a liqui...
shandry 20 13 a light, sprung cart...
shanked 14 15 SHANK, to hit sharpl...
shantey 19 12 a song sung by sailo...
shantih 16 12 (Sanskrit) peace, al...
shantis 14 10 SHANTI, (Sanskrit) p...
shapely 23 15 having a pleasing sh...
shapens 15 13 SHAPEN, to shape [v]
shapers 16 12 SHAPER, one that sha...
shapeup 18 16 a method of selectin...
shaping 17 15 the act of fashionin...
sharded 14 11 (archaic) sheltered...
sharers 14 9 SHARER, one that sha...
shariah 16 11 (Turkish) the body o...
sharias 14 9 SHARIA, (Turkish) th...
shariat 14 9 (Turkish) the body o...
sharifs 17 12 SHARIF, (Arabic) a d...
sharing 15 12 the act of sharing [...
sharked 15 14 SHARK, to obtain by...
sharker 15 13 one who lives by sha...
sharped 16 13 SHARP, to raise in m...
sharpen 15 13 to make sharp [v -ED...
sharper 16 12 a cheat or hoaxer, e...
sharpie 16 12 a flat-bottomed, two...
sharply 24 15 SHARP, keen, acute [...
shashed 16 12 SHASH, to provide wi...
shashes 16 11 SHASH, to provide wi...
shaslik 17 14 (Russian) a type of...
shastas 14 9 SHASTA, a flowering...
shaster 14 9 (Sanskrit) any of th...
shastra 14 9 (Sanskrit) any of th...
shatter 14 9 to break into pieces...
shaughs 18 14 SHAUGH, a thicket [n...
shauled 15 12 SHAUL, to become sha...
shavers 16 13 SHAVER, a youngster...
shavies 16 13 SHAVIE, (Scots) a tr...
shaving 17 16 something shaved off...
shawing 18 15 SHAW, (Scots) to sho...
shawled 18 14 SHAWL, to wrap the s...
shawley 24 15 in Ireland, a workin...
shawlie 18 13 in Ireland, a workin...
shaykhs 24 17 SHAYKH, (Arabic) an...
sheafed 15 13 SHEAF, to gather int...
shealed 14 11 SHEAL, to shell, hus...
sheared 13 10 SHEAR, to cut the wo...
shearer 13 9 one who shears (shee...
sheathe 15 11 to put into a protec...
sheaths 16 11 SHEATH, to put into...
sheathy 22 13 sheathlike [adj SHEA...
sheaved 15 14 SHEAVE, to gather in...
sheaves 15 13 SHEAVE, to gather in...
shebang 16 15 a situation, organiz...
shebean 14 13 a place where liquor...
shebeen 14 13 a place where liquor...
shedded 14 12 SHED, to cast off [v...
shedder 14 11 one that casts off s...
shedful 18 15 the contents of a sh...
sheeled 14 11 SHEEL, (Shakespeare)...
sheened 12 11 SHEEN, to shine, hav...
sheeney 18 12 a Jew, a pawnbroker,...
sheenie 12 10 a Jew, a pawnbroker,...
sheeple 16 13 (colloquial) people...
sheepos 15 12 SHEEPO, (Australian...
sheered 13 10 SHEER, to swerve, to...
sheerer 13 9 SHEER, utter [adj]
sheerly 21 12 SHEER, utter [adv]
sheesha 15 11 (Urdu) a kind of wat...
sheeted 13 10 SHEET, to cover with...
sheeter 13 9 one that sheets [n -...
sheeves 15 13 SHEEVE, the wheel of...
shegetz 18 20 (Yiddish) among Jewi...
shehita 16 11 (Hebrew) the slaught...
shehnai 15 12 (Bengali) a double-r...
sheikha 17 15 (Arabic) the chief w...
sheikhs 18 15 SHEIKH, (Arabic) an...
sheilas 15 10 SHEILA, (Australian...
sheitan 13 10 (Arabic) an evil spi...
sheitel 15 10 (Yiddish) a wig worn...
shekels 16 14 SHEKEL, (Hebrew) the...
shelfed 17 14 SHELF, to put on a s...
shellac 19 14 to cover with a thin...
shelled 16 12 SHELL, to remove the...
sheller 16 11 one who shells [n -S...
sheltas 15 10 SHELTA, (Irish) a se...
shelter 15 10 to provide cover or...
sheltie 15 10 a small, shaggy pony...
shelved 17 15 SHELVE, to place on...
shelver 17 14 a person employed to...
shelves 17 14 SHELVE, to place on...
shemale 15 13 a person, born a mal...
shenais 13 10 SHENAI, (Bengali) a...
sheqels 23 19 SHEQEL, an ancient u...
sherang 14 12 (Australian slang) a...
sherbet 16 12 a frozen fruit-flavo...
shereef 15 12 a descendant of the...
sherias 14 9 SHERIA, (Turkish) th...
sheriat 14 9 (Turkish) the body o...
sheriff 19 15 a law-enforcement of...
sherifs 17 12 SHERIF, a descendant...
sheroes 13 9 SHERO, a woman regar...
sheroot 13 9 a square-cut cigar,...
sherpas 16 12 SHERPA, an aide to,...
sherris 15 9 (archaic) sherry [n...
sheuchs 20 15 SHEUCH, to plant tem...
sheughs 18 14 SHEUGH, (Scots) to p...
shewels 18 13 SHEWEL, a scarecrow,...
shewers 17 12 SHEWER, one who shew...
shewing 18 15 SHEW, (archaic) to s...
shiatsu 15 10 (Japanese) a massage...
shiatzu 18 19 (Japanese) a massage...
shibahs 19 14 SHIBAH, (Hebrew) a p...
shicker 19 16 (Australian slang) s...
shicksa 19 16 (Yiddish) a non-Jewi...
shidder 15 11 (Spenser) a female a...
shields 16 11 SHIELD, to protect f...
shieled 15 11 SHIEL, (Shakespeare)...
shifted 17 13 SHIFT, to move from...
shifter 17 12 one who shifts [n -S...
shikara 15 13 (Hindi) a light, fla...
shikari 16 13 (Urdu) a hunter, esp...
shikars 16 13 SHIKAR, to hunt (ani...
shikker 17 17 (Australian slang) s...
shikras 16 13 SHIKRA, (Hindi) a sm...
shiksas 16 13 SHIKSA, (Yiddish) a...
shikseh 18 15 (Yiddish) a non-Jewi...
shikses 16 13 SHIKSE, (Yiddish) a...
shilled 17 12 SHILL, to act as a d...
shilpit 19 13 (Scots) sickly-looki...
shimaal 16 13 (Arabic) in the Midd...
shimmed 17 16 SHIM, to adjust by u...
shimmer 17 15 to glimmer [v -ED, -...
shimmey 23 17 a chemise [n -S]
shindig 16 13 a lively noisy gathe...
shindys 21 13 SHINDY, a commotion,...
shiners 14 10 SHINER, a black eye...
shiness 14 10 (obsolete) shyness [...
shingle 16 13 to cover with thin t...
shingly 23 15 covered with small,...
shinier 14 10 SHINY, filled with l...
shinies 14 10 SHINY, a bright obje...
shinily 22 13 SHINY, filled with l...
shining 15 13 bright, gleaming; ex...
shinjus 17 20 SHINJU, (Japan) a ri...
shinkin 15 15 (Welsh) a worthless...
shinned 13 12 SHIN, to climb by gr...
shinnes 13 11 SHINNE, (archaic) ch...
shinney 19 13 to play a form of ho...
shinola 14 11 (trade) a kind of bo...
shipful 21 17 a ship with a full c...
shiplap 20 16 an arrangement of ov...
shipman 17 16 a sailor; a skipper...
shipmen 17 16 SHIPMAN, a sailor; a...
shipped 19 16 SHIP, to transport i...
shippen 18 16 a cowshed, also SHIP...
shipper 19 15 a person or company...
shippie 19 15 a prostitute who sol...
shippon 18 16 a cowshed, also SHIP...
shippos 19 15 SHIPPO, (Japanese) a...
shipway 26 17 a sliding way for la...
shiring 16 12 SHIR, to pucker, als...
shirked 16 14 SHIRK, to avoid work...
shirker 16 13 one who shirks [n -S...
shirras 15 9 SHIRRA, a law-enforc...
shirred 15 10 SHIRR, to pucker, al...
shirted 15 10 SHIRT, to don a garm...
shishas 17 11 SHISHA, (Urdu) a kin...
shitake 15 13 (Japanese) a type of...
shitbag 18 14 an unpleasant or con...
shitcan 17 13 to discard or reject...
shiting 16 12 SHITE, (slang) to sh...
shittah 17 11 (Hebrew) a Biblical...
shitted 15 10 SHIT, to defecate [v...
shitter 15 9 (slang) a toilet [n...
shittim 17 12 (Hebrew) the wood of...
shitzus 19 19 SHITZU, (Chinese) a...
shiurim 17 13 SHIUR, (Hebrew) a le...
shivahs 19 15 SHIVAH, (Hebrew) in...
shivers 17 13 SHIVER, to tremble w...
shivery 23 15 shivering [adj SHIVE...
shiviti 18 13 a plaque with a Hebr...
shivoos 16 13 SHIVOO, (Australian...
shivved 19 18 SHIV [v]
shizzle 22 28 a form of slang popu...
shlepps 20 16 SHLEPP, (Yiddish) to...
shleppy 26 18 shabby, rundown, als...
shlocks 20 17 SHLOCK, (Yiddish) in...
shlocky 26 19 of poor quality [adj...
shlongs 16 13 SHLONG, (slang) a pe...
shlumps 20 17 SHLUMP, (Yiddish) to...
shlumpy 26 19 (Yiddish) slovenly [...
shmaltz 20 22 (Yiddish) excessive...
shmatte 15 12 (Yiddish) clothing,...
shmears 15 12 SHMEAR [n]
shmeers 15 12 SHMEER, to bribe, al...
shmocks 20 19 SHMOCK, (Yiddish) a...
shmoose 14 12 (Yiddish) to chat in...
shmooze 17 21 (Yiddish) to chat, a...
shmoozy 24 23 given to shmoozing,...
shmucks 21 20 SHMUCK, (Yiddish) a...
shmucky 27 22 foolish, contemptibl...
shnapps 18 16 (German) a kind of b...
shnooks 14 14 SHNOOK, (Yiddish) an...
shoaled 14 11 SHOAL, to sail into...
shoaler 14 10 SHOAL, shallow, also...
shochet 19 14 (Hebrew) a slaughter...
shochus 20 15 SHOCHU, (Japanese) a...
shocked 18 17 SHOCK, to outrage fe...
shocker 18 16 one that shocks [n -...
shodden 13 12 SHOE, to provide wit...
shoders 14 10 SHODER, a package of...
shoebox 21 19 an oblong box for ho...
shoeing 14 12 the act of nailing s...
shoepac 18 15 a waterproof boot, a...
shofars 16 12 SHOFAR, a horn blown...
shogged 16 14 SHOG, to move along...
shoggle 17 14 (Scots) to shake, al...
shoggly 24 16 (Scots) shaky, also...
shoguns 15 13 SHOGUN, (Japanese) a...
sholoms 16 13 SHOLOM [n]
shoneen 11 11 (Irish) an Irishman...
shoofly 23 15 a child's rocker wit...
shoogie 14 11 (Scots) to swing, sw...
shoogle 15 12 (Scots) to swing, sw...
shoogly 22 14 (Scots) shaky, also...
shooing 14 12 SHOO, to drive away...
shooled 14 11 SHOOL, (dialect) to...
shooles 14 10 SHOOLE, (dialect) to...
shooras 13 9 SHOORA, (Arabic) the...
shooter 13 9 one who shoots [n -S...
shootie 13 9 a fashionable shoe t...
shopbot 18 15 a website that offer...
shopboy 24 17 a boy employed in a...
shopful 20 17 as much as a shop ca...
shophar 18 14 (Hebrew) a ram's hor...
shopman 16 16 a man who owns or op...
shopmen 16 16 SHOPMAN, a man who o...
shopped 18 16 SHOP, to visit shops...
shopper 18 15 one who shops [n -S]
shoppes 18 15 SHOPPE, a small stor...
shorans 13 10 SHORAN, a system of...
shorers 14 9 SHORER, one who prop...
shoring 15 12 a system of supporti...
shorted 14 10 SHORT, to cause a ty...
shorten 13 10 to check or lessen t...
shorter 14 9 SHORT, having little...
shortia 14 9 a perennial herb [n...
shortie 14 9 (colloquial) a short...
shortly 22 12 SHORT, having little...
shotgun 15 13 to shoot with a type...
shotted 14 10 SHOT, to load with s...
shotten 13 10 of a salmon, having...
shottes 14 9 SHOTTE, a young pig,...
shottle 15 10 (Scots) a small draw...
shoughs 18 14 SHOUGH, a shaggy lap...
shouses 14 10 SHOUSE, (Australian...
shouted 14 11 SHOUT, to yell loudl...
shouter 14 10 one who shouts [n -S...
shovels 17 14 SHOVEL, to use a dig...
shovers 16 13 SHOVER, one who shov...
shoving 17 16 the act of shoving [...
showbiz 23 24 (short for) show bus...
showbox 25 22 a showman's box [n -...
showded 17 14 SHOWD, (Scots) to ro...
showers 17 12 SHOWER, to bathe in...
showery 23 14 abounding with showe...
showghe 20 16 (Shakespeare) a shag...
showier 17 12 SHOWY, making a bril...
showily 25 15 SHOWY, making a bril...
showing 18 15 a exhibition or disp...
showman 17 16 a theatrical produce...
showmen 17 16 SHOWMAN, a theatrica...
showoff 21 18 one given to pretent...
shreddy 21 13 cut up [adj SHREDDIE...
shreeks 15 13 SHREEK, (Shakespeare...
shreiks 16 13 SHREIK, (Milton) to...
shrewed 17 13 SHREW, (Shakespeare)...
shriech 20 14 (Spenser) to shriek,...
shrieks 16 13 SHRIEK, to utter a s...
shrieky 22 15 shrill [adj SHRIEKIE...
shrieve 16 13 to hear a confession...
shrifts 18 12 SHRIFT, (archaic) a...
shright 19 13 (Spenser) a shriek [...
shriked 16 14 SHRIKE, to shriek, a...
shrikes 16 13 SHRIKE, to shriek, a...
shrills 18 11 SHRILL, to utter a h...
shrilly 24 13 high-pitched or pier...
shrimps 19 15 SHRIMP, to catch sma...
shrimpy 25 17 abounding in shrimp...
shrinal 15 11 of a shrine [adj]
shrined 14 11 SHRINE, to place on...
shrines 14 10 SHRINE, to place on...
shrinks 16 14 SHRINK, to contract...
shritch 21 14 to shriek, also SCRI...
shrived 17 14 SHRIVE, to hear a co...
shrivel 18 14 to contract into wri...
shriven 16 14 SHRIVE, to hear a co...
shriver 17 13 one who shrives; a c...
shrives 17 13 SHRIVE, to hear a co...
shroffs 19 15 SHROFF, to test coin...
shrooms 15 12 SHROOM, to take magi...
shrouds 15 11 SHROUD, to attire in...
shroudy 21 13 giving shelter [adj...
shroved 16 14 SHROVE, to celebrate...
shroves 16 13 SHROVE, to celebrate...
shrowed 17 13 SHROW, (Shakespeare)...
shrubby 26 18 covered with shrubs...
shtchis 21 14 SHTCHI, (Russian) a...
shtetel 15 10 (Yiddish) formerly,...
shtetls 16 10 SHTETL, (Yiddish) fo...
shticks 20 16 SHTICK, (Yiddish) a...
shticky 26 18 like a shtick, a fam...
shtooks 15 13 SHTOOK, (Yiddish) tr...
shtucks 20 17 SHTUCK, (Yiddish) tr...
shucked 19 18 SHUCK, to remove hus...
shucker 19 17 something or someone...
shudder 15 12 to shiver or tremble...
shuffle 20 17 to walk without lift...
shuftis 18 13 SHUFTI, (colloquial)...
shuling 17 14 SHULE, (dialect) to...
shunned 13 13 SHUN, to avoid [v]
shunner 13 12 one who shuns [n -S]
shunted 14 12 SHUNT, to turn aside...
shunter 14 11 an engine used for s...
shushed 17 13 SHUSH, to hush [v]
shusher 17 12 one who shushes [n -...
shushes 17 12 SHUSH, to hush [v]
shuteye 20 12 (colloquial) sleep [...
shuting 16 13 SHUTE, to convey by...
shutoff 19 16 a device that shuts...
shutout 15 11 at bridge, a bid int...
shutter 15 10 to provide with wind...
shuttle 16 11 to move back and for...
shylock 26 19 to lend money at hig...
shyness 20 12 the state of being s...
shypoos 22 14 SHYPOO, (Australian...
shyster 21 11 an unscrupulous lawy...
sialids 14 9 SIALID, an alderfly,...
sialoid 13 9 like saliva [adj]
sialons 12 9 SIALON, a type of ce...
siamang 13 13 (Malay) a large blac...
siamese 12 10 to join pipes in a w...
siameze 15 19 to join pipes in a w...
sibling 17 14 one who has the same...
sibship 20 15 kinship [n -S]
sibylic 26 16 of or like a sibyl,...
sicario 15 10 (Spanish) a hired gu...
siccing 20 16 SIC, to incite a dog...
siccity 26 15 dryness, aridity [n...
sichted 18 13 SICHT, (Scots) to si...
sickbay 25 19 a ship's hospital [n...
sickbed 19 18 a sick person's bed...
sickees 16 14 SICKEE, a day off wo...
sickens 16 15 SICKEN, to make sick...
sickest 17 14 SICK, affected with...
sickies 17 14 SICKIE, a day off wo...
sicking 18 17 SICK, to urge to att...
sickish 20 16 somewhat sick [adj S...
sickled 18 16 SICKLE, to harvest w...
sickles 18 15 SICKLE, to harvest w...
sickout 17 15 an organized absence...
siclike 18 15 (Scots) suchlike, al...
siddhas 15 11 SIDDHA, (Sanskrit) o...
siddhis 16 11 SIDDHI, (Sanskrit) i...
siddurs 14 10 SIDDUR, (Hebrew) a J...
sidearm 13 11 to pitch a ball at o...
sidebar 14 11 a short news story a...
sidecar 15 11 a passenger car atta...
sidedly 20 12 adverb used in combi...
sideman 12 12 a member of a jazz b...
sidemen 12 12 SIDEMAN, a member of...
sideral 13 9 sent from the stars,...
sideway 21 13 from the side, also...
sidings 14 11 SIDING, a short rail...
sidlers 14 9 SIDLER, one who sidl...
sidling 15 12 SIDLE, to move sidew...
siecles 16 11 SIECLE, (French) a c...
siegers 13 9 SIEGER, one who besi...
sieging 14 12 SIEGE, to subject to...
siemens 12 11 a unit of electrical...
sienite 11 8 a coarse-grained ign...
siennas 10 9 SIENNA, (Italian) a...
sierran 11 8 relating to a mounta...
sierras 12 7 SIERRA, (Spanish) a...
siestas 12 7 SIESTA, (Spanish) a...
sievert 14 11 the SI unit of radia...
sieving 15 14 SIEVE, to pass throu...
sifakas 15 14 SIFAKA, (Malagasy) a...
siffled 18 15 SIFFLE, to whistle,...
siffles 18 14 SIFFLE, to whistle,...
sifters 15 10 SIFTER, one who, or...
sifting 16 13 sieving [adj SIFTING...
siganid 13 11 any of a family of f...
sighers 16 11 SIGHER, one who sigh...
sighful 20 16 full of sighs [adj]
sighing 17 14 making a sound like...
sighted 16 12 SIGHT, to observe or...
sighter 16 11 (Scots) an inspector...
sightly 24 14 pleasing to look at...
sigmate 14 12 S-shaped, also SIGMA...
sigmoid 15 13 S-shaped, also SIGMA...
signage 13 12 a system of signs in...
signals 14 11 SIGNAL, to make a si...
signary 19 12 a system of signals...
signees 12 10 SIGNEE, a signer of...
signers 13 10 SIGNER, one that sig...
signets 13 10 SIGNET, to mark with...
signeur 13 11 (Shakespeare) senior...
signify 22 15 to make known [v SIG...
signing 14 13 the use of sign lang...
signior 13 10 an Italian title of...
signora 12 10 an Italian title of...
signore 12 10 an Italian title of...
signori 13 10 SIGNORE, an Italian...
signors 13 10 SIGNOR, an Italian t...
signory 19 12 feudal lordship, als...
siksiks 16 15 SIKSIK, an Arctic gr...
silaged 14 11 SILAGE, to harvest a...
silages 14 10 SILAGE, to harvest a...
silanes 12 9 SILANE, a gas, silic...
silence 15 12 to make quiet [v SIL...
silenes 12 9 SILENE, a flowering...
silents 13 9 SILENT, a silent fil...
silenus 13 10 (Latin) a satyrlike...
silesia 13 8 a thin twilled cotto...
silexes 19 15 SILEX, (Latin) finel...
silicas 17 11 SILICA, silicon diox...
silicic 21 14 relating to or obtai...
silicle 18 12 a seed vessel resemb...
silicon 16 12 a nonmetallic elemen...
siliqua 22 18 a type of dry fruit...
silique 22 18 a type of dry fruit...
silkens 14 13 SILKEN, to make soft...
silkier 15 12 SILKY, resembling si...
silkies 15 12 SILKIE, (Scots) a se...
silkily 23 15 SILKY, resembling si...
silking 16 15 SILK, to cover with...
sillers 15 9 SILLER, (Scots) silv...
sillier 15 9 SILLY, showing a lac...
sillies 15 9 SILLY, a silly perso...
sillily 23 12 SILLY, showing a lac...
sillock 19 16 (Scots) a young coal...
siloing 14 11 SILO, to store in a...
silphia 18 13 SILPHIUM, a plant im...
siltier 14 8 SILTY, full of silt...
silting 15 11 SILT, to fill with a...
silurid 15 10 any of a family of c...
silvans 15 13 SILVAN, one that liv...
silvern 15 13 made of silver [adj]
silvers 16 12 SILVER, to cover wit...
silvery 22 14 appearing like silve...
silvics 20 15 the study of forest...
simarre 13 10 (French) a loose coa...
simatic 17 13 relating to sima, ig...
simchas 19 15 SIMCHA, (Hebrew) a J...
simians 13 11 SIMIAN, an ape or mo...
similar 15 11 being alike but not...
similes 15 11 SIMILE, a figure of...
similor 15 11 an alloy of copper a...
simioid 14 11 apelike, also SIMIAL...
simious 14 11 apelike, also SIMIAL...
simitar 14 10 a curved oriental sw...
simkins 15 15 SIMKIN, an Urdu corr...
simlins 15 12 SIMLIN, a variety of...
simmers 15 13 SIMMER, to cook just...
simnels 14 12 SIMNEL, a fruitcake...
simooms 14 13 SIMOOM, a hot, dry d...
simoons 12 11 SIMOON, a hot, dry d...
simorgs 15 12 SIMORG, (Persian) a...
simpais 16 13 SIMPAI, (Malay) a lo...
simpers 16 13 SIMPER, to smirk in...
simpkin 17 18 an Urdu corruption o...
simpled 17 15 SIMPLE, (archaic) to...
simpler 17 14 (archaic) one skille...
simples 17 14 SIMPLE, (archaic) to...
simplex 23 21 (Latin) a geometrica...
simular 15 12 one that simulates,...
simurgh 18 15 (Persian) a monstrou...
simurgs 16 13 SIMURG, (Persian) a...
sincere 14 11 free from hypocrisy...
sinding 13 12 the act of rinsing [...
sindons 11 10 SINDON, (archaic) a...
sinewed 14 12 SINEW, to bind as if...
singers 13 10 SINGER, one that sin...
singing 14 13 the act of singing [...
singled 14 12 SINGLE, to select fr...
singles 14 11 SINGLE, to select fr...
singlet 14 11 a man's undershirt [...
singult 15 12 (archaic) a sob, als...
sinical 16 12 relating to a functi...
sinkage 13 14 the act of sinking [...
sinkers 13 12 SINKER, a weight for...
sinkful 17 17 the contents of a si...
sinkier 13 12 SINKY, yielding unde...
sinking 14 15 the act of sinking [...
sinless 13 9 without sin [adj SIN...
sinners 11 9 SINNER, to transgres...
sinnets 11 9 SINNET, plaited stra...
sinning 12 12 SIN, to offend again...
sinopia 13 11 (Latin) a reddish-br...
sinopie 13 11 SINOPIA, (Latin) a r...
sinopis 14 11 (Latin) a reddish-br...
sinsyne 17 11 (Scots) since that t...
sinters 12 8 SINTER, to make cohe...
sintery 18 10 coalescing under hea...
sinuate 11 9 to curve in and out...
sinuose 11 9 characterized by cur...
sinuous 12 10 characterized by cur...
sinuses 12 9 SINUS, a cranial cav...
siphons 16 13 SIPHON, to draw off...
sippers 17 13 SIPPER, one who sips...
sippets 17 13 SIPPET, a small piec...
sipping 18 16 SIP, to drink in sma...
sippled 18 15 SIPPLE, to sip at le...
sipples 18 14 SIPPLE, to sip at le...
sircars 16 10 SIRCAR, (Urdu) the s...
sirdars 13 8 SIRDAR, (Urdu) a nat...
sirenic 15 11 like a siren, alluri...
sirgang 14 12 a green Asiatic jay-...
sirings 14 10 SIRING, the act of b...
sirkars 14 11 SIRKAR, (Urdu) the s...
sirloin 13 9 a loin of beef, or t...
sirname 12 11 to give the family n...
sirocco 18 13 (Italian) a hot, dry...
siroset 12 7 of or relating to th...
sirrahs 15 9 SIRRAH, (archaic) a...
sirrees 12 7 SIRREE, (US) a mode...
sirring 14 10 SIR, to use a respec...
sirtuin 13 9 any of a group of en...
siruped 15 12 SIRUP, to make into...
siskins 14 12 SISKIN, a small gree...
sissier 13 7 SISSY, effeminate, a...
sissies 13 7 SISSY, a weak, girli...
sissoos 12 7 SISSOO, (Hindi) an I...
sisters 13 7 SISTER, to treat lik...
sisting 14 10 SIST, to stay, as ju...
sistrum 15 11 a kind of rattle, co...
sitcoms 17 13 SITCOM, (colloquial)...
sitella 14 9 a small black-and-wh...
sitfast 15 10 a lump on a horse's...
sithens 14 10 (Shakespeare) since;...
sithing 16 12 SITHE, (archaic) to...
sitings 14 10 SITING, the act of s...
sitreps 15 10 SITREP, a report on...
sittars 13 7 SITTAR, (Urdu) an In...
sitters 13 7 SITTER, one who sits...
sittine 12 8 any of the nuthatch...
sitting 14 10 a meeting or session...
situate 12 8 to place in a certai...
situlae 13 9 SITULA, a bucket [n]
situses 13 8 SITUS, (Latin) the p...
sixaine 17 15 a stanza of six line...
sixains 18 15 SIXAIN, a stanza of...
sixfold 22 19 being six times as g...
sixteen 17 15 a number [n -S]
sixthly 29 19 SIXTH, number six in...
sixties 19 14 SIXTY, a number [n]
sizable 18 20 of considerable size...
sizably 25 22 SIZABLE, of consider...
sizeism 17 19 prejudice against pe...
sizeist 16 16 one who believes in...
siziest 16 16 SIZY, pertaining to...
sizings 17 19 SIZING, the substanc...
sizisms 18 19 SIZISM, prejudice ag...
sizists 17 16 SIZIST, one who pays...
sizzled 20 27 SIZZLE, to fry with...
sizzler 20 26 a very hot day [n -S...
sizzles 20 26 SIZZLE, to fry with...
sjambok 18 26 (Afrikaans) to beat...
skailed 14 13 SKAIL, (Scots) to di...
skaiths 16 13 SKAITH, (obsolete) t...
skaldic 18 16 pertaining to an anc...
skanger 13 14 (Irish) a young work...
skanked 13 17 SKANK, to dance to r...
skanker 13 16 one who skanks, danc...
skarths 16 13 SKARTH, (Scots) a co...
skaters 13 11 SKATER, one who skat...
skating 14 14 the act of skating [...
skatole 13 12 a crystalline compou...
skatols 14 12 SKATOL, a crystallin...
skeanes 11 12 SKEANE, a length of...
skeared 12 12 SKEAR, (dialect) to...
skedded 13 14 SKED, to schedule [v...
skeeing 13 14 SKEE, to ski [v]
skeered 12 12 SKEER, (dialect) to...
skeeter 12 11 a skeet shooter [n -...
skegger 15 15 a young salmon [n -S...
skeined 12 13 SKEIN, to wind into...
skelder 14 13 to beg; to swindle;...
skellie 15 13 (Scots) to squint, a...
skellum 17 17 (Scots) a scoundrel,...
skelped 16 16 SKELP, (Gaelic) to h...
skelpit 17 15 SKELP, (Gaelic) to h...
skelter 14 12 to scurry [v -ED, -I...
skelums 16 16 SKELUM, (Scots) a sc...
skenned 11 14 SKEN, (Scots) to squ...
skepful 19 19 the contents of a sk...
skepped 17 18 SKEP, to collect int...
skepsis 16 14 (Greek) philosophica...
skeptic 19 17 a person who doubts...
skerred 13 12 SKER, to scour, sear...
sketchy 25 18 lacking in completen...
sketted 13 12 SKET, to splash (wat...
skewers 16 14 SKEWER, to pierce wi...
skewest 16 14 SKEW, oblique, biase...
skewing 17 17 SKEW, to make obliqu...
skiable 16 15 capable of being ski...
skibobs 18 17 SKIBOB, to travel in...
skidded 14 14 SKID, to slide on ac...
skidder 14 13 a tractor with thick...
skiddoo 13 13 (tradename) a motori...
skidlid 16 14 (colloquial) a crash...
skidoos 13 12 SKIDOO, to ride a sk...
skidpad 16 16 a road surface on wh...
skidpan 15 16 a track for triallin...
skidway 23 17 a platform on which...
skieyer 19 13 SKIEY, resembling th...
skiffed 18 18 SKIFF, to skim [v]
skiffle 19 18 to play a particular...
skiings 15 14 SKIING, the sport of...
skilful 19 17 full of skill, also...
skilled 16 14 SKILL, to matter, to...
skillet 16 13 a frying pan [n -S]
skimmed 16 18 SKIM, to remove floa...
skimmer 16 17 a seabird that skims...
skimmia 16 17 an Asiatic shrub wit...
skimped 17 18 SKIMP, to scrimp [v]
skinful 17 17 as much as a skin co...
skinked 14 17 SKINK, to pour out [...
skinker 14 16 one employed to disp...
skinned 12 14 SKIN, to remove the...
skinner 12 13 one who skins [n -S]
skinter 13 12 SKINT, having no mon...
skiorer 13 11 one who engages in t...
skipped 18 18 SKIP, to move with l...
skipper 18 17 to act as master or...
skippet 18 17 a small box for prot...
skirled 15 13 SKIRL, to produce a...
skirred 14 12 SKIRR, to scour, sea...
skirret 14 11 a water parsnip with...
skirted 14 12 SKIRT, to pass along...
skirter 14 11 someone who removes...
skiting 15 14 SKITE, (Australian s...
skitter 14 11 to skim over the sur...
skittle 15 12 to knock down [v SKI...
skivers 16 15 SKIVER, (dialect) to...
skivier 16 15 SKIVIE, (Scots) dera...
skiving 17 18 the act of splitting...
skiwear 16 14 relating to clothes...
sklated 14 13 SKLATE, (Scots) to c...
sklates 14 12 SKLATE, (Scots) to c...
sklents 14 13 SKLENT, (Scots) to s...
skliffs 20 18 SKLIFF [n]
skoaled 13 13 SKOAL, to down a dri...
skoffed 17 18 SKOFF, to devour; to...
skogged 15 16 SKOG, to shelter, al...
skoling 15 15 SKOL, (Old Norse) to...
skolion 13 13 a Greek drinking son...
skolled 15 14 SKOL, (Old Norse) to...
skollie 15 13 (Afrikaans) a colour...
skookum 15 19 (American Indian) an...
skoshes 15 13 SKOSH, (Japanese) a...
skreegh 16 15 (Scots) to screech,...
skreens 12 12 SKREEN, a screen, es...
skreigh 17 15 (Scots) to screech,...
skriech 19 16 (Scots) to screech,...
skriegh 17 15 (Scots) to screech,...
skriked 15 16 SKRIKE, (dialect) to...
skrikes 15 15 SKRIKE, (dialect) to...
skrimps 18 17 SKRIMP, to scratch a...
skronks 14 16 SKRONK, music that i...
skrumps 18 18 SKRUMP, (colloquial)...
skryers 20 13 SKRYER, one who scri...
skrying 21 16 SKRY, to see the fut...
skudler 15 14 in Shetland, the lea...
skugged 16 17 SKUG, (Scots) to she...
skulked 16 18 SKULK, to move about...
skulker 16 17 one that skulks, als...
skulled 16 15 SKULL, to propel wit...
skulpin 17 17 a kind of fish, aka...
skummer 16 18 (archaic) to void ex...
skunked 14 18 SKUNK, to defeat ove...
skuttle 15 13 to move or run with...
skyborn 21 17 of heavenly birth [a...
skycaps 25 19 SKYCAP, a porter in...
skyclad 24 18 naked [adj]
skydive 22 18 to parachute from a...
skydove 21 18 SKYDIVE, to parachut...
skyfing 23 19 SKYF, (South Africa)...
skyglow 25 19 a glow in the night...
skyhome 22 18 a sub-penthouse flat...
skyhook 22 19 an imaginary hook in...
skyiest 20 13 SKYEY, resembling th...
skyjack 26 29 to hijack an airplan...
skylabs 23 17 SKYLAB, an experimen...
skylark 22 18 to frolic [v -ED, -I...
skyless 21 14 without a sky [adj]
skylike 22 18 like the sky [adj]
skyline 20 15 the horizon [n -S]
skyphoi 24 18 SKYPHOS, a drinking...
skyphos 24 18 a drinking vessel us...
skyring 21 16 SKYRE, (Scots) to sh...
skysail 21 14 a type of sail [n -S...
skysurf 23 17 to perform maneuvers...
skyting 21 16 SKYTE, (Scots) to da...
skywalk 25 21 an elevated walkway...
skyward 23 17 towards the sky, als...
skyways 29 18 SKYWAY, an elevated...
slabbed 17 15 SLAB, to cover with...
slabber 17 14 to slaver; to drivel...
slacked 17 16 SLACK, to slacken [v...
slacken 16 16 to loosen or retard,...
slacker 17 15 a shirker [n -S]
slackly 25 18 SLACK, not tight or...
sladang 13 12 a wild ox, also SALA...
slagged 15 13 SLAG, to criticize,...
slahals 16 11 SLAHAL, a team game...
slainte 12 9 (Irish) an Irish dri...
slairgs 15 10 SLAIRG, (Scots) to s...
slakers 14 12 SLAKER, one who slak...
slaking 15 15 SLAKE, to quench [v]
slaloms 15 12 SLALOM, (Norwegian)...
slammed 15 15 SLAM, to shut forcib...
slammer 15 14 (slang) prison [n -S...
slander 12 10 to defame [v -ED, -I...
slanged 13 12 SLANG, to use extrem...
slanger 13 11 a hawker; a dealer i...
slanted 12 10 SLANT, to deviate fr...
slanter 12 9 (Australian slang) a...
slantly 20 12 SLANT, oblique [adv]
slapped 17 15 SLAP, to strike with...
slapper 17 14 (slang) a promiscuou...
slarted 13 9 SLART, (dialect) to...
slashed 15 11 SLASH, to cut with v...
slasher 15 10 one that slashes [n...
slashes 15 10 SLASH, to cut with v...
slaters 13 8 SLATER, one who roof...
slather 15 10 to spread thickly [v...
slatier 13 8 SLATY, resembling sl...
slating 14 11 a telling off [n -S]
slatted 13 9 SLAT, to supply with...
slatter 13 8 (dialect) to be unti...
slavers 15 12 SLAVER, to drool [v]
slavery 21 14 the ownership of one...
slaveys 21 14 SLAVEY, a female ser...
slaving 16 15 SLAVE, to work like...
slavish 18 14 pertaining to a slav...
slayers 19 10 SLAYER, one that sla...
slaying 20 13 an act of killing [n...
sleaved 14 13 SLEAVE, to separate...
sleaves 14 12 SLEAVE, to separate...
sleazed 15 18 SLEAZE, to behave in...
sleazes 15 17 SLEAZE [n]
sleazos 15 17 SLEAZO, a sleazy per...
sledded 13 11 SLED, to transport o...
sledder 13 10 one who goes on a sl...
sledged 14 12 SLEDGE, to convey on...
sledger 14 11 one who drives a sle...
sledges 14 11 SLEDGE, to convey on...
sleechy 24 15 slimy with mud [adj...
sleeked 13 13 SLEEK, to make smoot...
sleeken 12 13 to make smooth or gl...
sleeker 13 12 a moulding tool for...
sleekit 14 12 (Scots) crafty, sly,...
sleekly 21 15 SLEEK, smooth, gloss...
sleeper 14 11 one that sleeps [n -...
sleepry 21 13 (Scots) sleepy, also...
sleeted 12 9 SLEET, to shower fro...
sleeved 14 13 SLEEVE, to supply wi...
sleever 14 12 an old Welsh measure...
sleeves 14 12 SLEEVE, to supply wi...
sleided 13 10 (Shakespeare) an irr...
sleighs 17 12 SLEIGH, to ride in a...
sleight 17 12 cunning, dexterity [...
slender 12 10 slight of build [adj...
slenter 12 9 (Australian slang) a...
sleuths 16 11 SLEUTH, to act as a...
slewing 17 14 SLEW, to cause to mo...
slicers 17 11 SLICER, one that sli...
slicing 18 14 the act of slicing [...
slicked 18 16 SLICK, to make slick...
slicken 17 16 to smooth, polish [v...
slicker 18 15 an oilskin raincoat...
slickly 26 18 SLICK, smooth and sl...
slidden 13 11 SLIDE, to move smoot...
slidder 14 10 (Scots) to slip, sli...
sliders 14 9 SLIDER, a person who...
sliding 15 12 the act of sliding [...
slieves 15 12 SLIEVE, (Irish) a mo...
slights 18 12 SLIGHT, to treat wit...
slimier 15 11 SLIMY, resembling sl...
slimily 23 14 SLIMY, resembling sl...
sliming 16 14 SLIME, to cover with...
slimmed 16 15 SLIM, to make slim [...
slimmer 16 14 one engaged in slimm...
slimpsy 24 16 flimsy, also SLIMSY...
slinger 14 11 one who uses a sling...
slinked 14 14 SLINK, to move steal...
slinker 14 13 one who slinks [n -S...
slinter 13 9 a trick, also SLANTE...
sliotar 13 8 (Irish) the ball use...
sliping 17 14 SLIPE, to peel [v]
slipout 16 12 an insertion in a ne...
slipped 18 15 SLIP, to slide sudde...
slipper 18 14 a shoe easily slippe...
slipups 19 15 SLIPUP, a mistake [n...
slipway 25 16 an sloping area for...
slishes 16 10 SLISH, (Shakespeare)...
slither 16 10 to slide from side t...
slitted 14 9 SLIT, to make a long...
slitter 14 8 one who, or that whi...
slivers 16 12 SLIVER, to cut into...
sliving 17 15 SLIVE, to slip [v]
slobbed 17 15 SLOB, to behave in a...
slobber 17 14 to drool, also SLABB...
slocken 16 16 (Scots) to quench, m...
slogans 13 11 SLOGAN, a motto adop...
slogged 15 13 SLOG, to plod [v]
slogger 15 12 a person who hits ha...
slokens 13 13 SLOKEN, (Scots) to q...
sloomed 13 12 SLOOM, to slumber [v...
slopers 15 11 SLOPER, a native or...
slopier 15 11 SLOPY, sloping [adj]
sloping 16 14 SLOPE, to slant or i...
slopped 17 15 SLOP, to spill or sp...
slormed 14 12 SLORM, to wipe carel...
sloshed 15 11 SLOSH, to move with...
sloshes 15 10 SLOSH, to move with...
slothed 15 11 SLOTH, to be lazy [v...
slotted 13 9 SLOT, to cut a long...
slotter 13 8 a machine that cuts...
slouchy 25 16 slouching [adj SLOUC...
sloughi 17 13 a breed of dog, orig...
sloughs 17 13 SLOUGH, to cast off...
sloughy 23 15 full of sloughs, mir...
slovens 14 13 SLOVEN, a slovenly p...
slowest 16 11 SLOW, moving with li...
slowing 17 14 the lessening of spe...
slowish 19 13 somewhat slow [adj]
slubbed 18 16 SLUB, to twist fibre...
slubber 18 15 to stain or dirty [v...
sludged 15 13 SLUDGE, to cover wit...
sludges 15 12 SLUDGE, to cover wit...
slueing 14 12 SLUE, to cause to mo...
sluffed 18 16 SLUFF, to discard a...
slugged 16 14 SLUG, to strike heav...
slugger 16 13 a person who hits ha...
sluiced 17 13 SLUICE, to wash with...
sluices 17 12 SLUICE, to wash with...
slumber 17 15 to sleep [v -ED, -IN...
slumbry 24 17 full of slumber, als...
slumgum 18 18 the residue remainin...
slumism 17 15 the prevalence of sl...
slummed 16 16 SLUM, to visit squal...
slummer 16 15 one who slums [n -S]
slumped 17 16 SLUMP, to sink sudde...
slurban 15 13 like a slurb, i.e. c...
slurped 16 13 SLURP, to drink nois...
slurper 16 12 one who drinks noisi...
slurred 14 10 SLUR, to disparage [...
slurves 16 13 SLURVE, a type of pi...
slushed 16 12 SLUSH, to splash wit...
slushes 16 11 SLUSH, to splash wit...
slutchy 26 16 (English dialect) mu...
slyness 19 11 the state of being s...
smaaked 13 15 SMAAK, (South Africa...
smacked 17 18 SMACK, to strike sha...
smacker 17 17 (colloquial) a kiss...
smalled 15 13 SMALL, to make or be...
smaller 15 12 SMALL, not large [ad...
smalmed 15 15 SMALM, to smear, mak...
smaltos 14 11 SMALTO, (Italian) a...
smaragd 14 13 (archaic) emerald, a...
smarmed 14 14 SMARM, to smear, gus...
smarted 13 11 SMART, to sting [v]
smarten 12 11 to improve in appear...
smarter 13 10 SMART, clever [adj]
smartie 13 10 (colloquial) an irri...
smartly 21 13 SMART, clever [adv]
smashed 15 13 SMASH, to shatter vi...
smasher 15 12 one that smashes [n...
smashes 15 12 SMASH, to shatter vi...
smashup 18 16 a collision of motor...
smatter 13 10 to speak with little...
smeared 12 11 SMEAR, to spread wit...
smearer 12 10 one who smears [n -S...
smeaths 15 12 SMEATH, (dialect) a...
smectic 20 16 pertaining to a stat...
smeddum 15 16 (Scots) a fine powde...
smeeked 13 15 SMEEK, (Scots) to sm...
smeeths 15 12 SMEETH [n]
smegmas 15 15 SMEGMA, fatty matter...
smeiked 14 15 SMEIK, (Scots) to sm...
smeking 15 17 SMEKE, (Scots) to sm...
smelled 15 13 SMELL, to sense with...
smeller 15 12 one who smells [n -S...
smelted 14 12 SMELT, to melt or fu...
smelter 14 11 one who smelts [n -S...
smerked 14 15 SMERK, to smile in a...
smeuses 13 11 SMEUSE, (dialect) a...
smicker 18 17 (obsolete) to look a...
smicket 18 17 a woman's undergarme...
smickly 26 20 amorously [adv]
smidgen 14 14 a very small amount,...
smidges 15 13 SMIDGE, a very small...
smidgin 15 14 a very small amount,...
smights 18 14 SMIGHT, (Spenser) to...
smilers 15 11 SMILER, one who smil...
smilets 15 11 SMILET, (Shakespeare...
smileys 21 13 SMILEY, a set of cha...
smilier 15 11 SMILEY, given to smi...
smilies 15 11 SMILEY, a set of cha...
smiling 16 14 wearing a smile [adj...
smirked 15 15 SMIRK, to smile in a...
smirker 15 14 one who smirks [n -S...
smirred 14 11 SMIR, to drizzle, al...
smiters 14 10 SMITER, one who smit...
smithed 16 13 SMITH, to forge meta...
smiting 15 13 SMITE, to strike hea...
smitted 14 11 SMIT, (Scots) to sta...
smitten 13 11 SMITE, to strike hea...
smittle 15 11 (Scots) infectious [...
smocked 17 18 SMOCK, to put on a l...
smoiled 14 12 SMOILE, (obsolete) t...
smoiles 14 11 SMOILE, (obsolete) t...
smokeho 15 16 in the Falkland Isle...
smokers 14 14 SMOKER, one that smo...
smokeys 20 16 SMOKEY, a police off...
smokier 14 14 SMOKY, full of smoke...
smokies 14 14 SMOKIE, (Scots) a sm...
smokily 22 17 SMOKY, full of smoke...
smoking 15 17 to preserve by smoke...
smolder 14 12 to burn with no flam...
smoochy 24 17 given to smooching [...
smoodge 13 13 (Australian slang) t...
smooged 13 13 SMOOGE, (Australian...
smooges 13 12 SMOOGE, (Australian...
smoored 12 11 SMOOR, (Scots) to sm...
smooted 12 11 SMOOT, (slang) to wo...
smoothe 14 12 to make smooth, also...
smooths 15 12 SMOOTH, to make smoo...
smoothy 21 14 a person with polish...
smoring 14 13 SMORE, (Scots) to sm...
smother 15 12 to prevent from brea...
smoused 13 12 SMOUSE, (Yiddish) to...
smouser 13 11 (Afrikaans) in South...
smouses 13 11 SMOUSE, (Yiddish) to...
smouted 13 12 SMOUT, to work as a...
smoyled 20 14 SMOYLE, (obsolete) t...
smoyles 20 13 SMOYLE, (obsolete) t...
smritis 15 10 SMRITI, (Sanskrit) a...
smudged 15 15 SMUDGE, to smear or...
smudger 15 14 (slang) a street or...
smudges 15 14 SMUDGE, to smear or...
smugged 16 16 SMUG, to seize witho...
smugger 16 15 SMUG, complacent [ad...
smuggle 17 16 to import or export...
smurred 14 12 SMUR, to drizzle, al...
smushed 16 14 SMUSH, to crush [v]
smushes 16 13 SMUSH, to crush [v]
smutchy 26 18 smutched [adj SMUTCH...
smutted 14 12 SMUT, to soil, make...
smytrie 20 12 (Scots) a collection...
snabble 16 15 to put a bit on a ho...
snacked 15 16 SNACK, to eat a ligh...
snacker 15 15 one who snacks [n -S...
snaffle 16 15 to obtain by devious...
snafued 13 13 SNAFU, to cause conf...
snagged 13 13 SNAG, to catch on a...
snagger 13 12 a person who uses il...
snaggle 14 13 a tangled or knotted...
snailed 12 10 SNAIL, to move slowl...
snakier 12 12 SNAKY, like a snake,...
snakily 20 15 SNAKY, like a snake,...
snaking 13 15 SNAKE, to slither li...
snakish 15 14 like a snake [adj]
snapped 15 15 SNAP, to make a shar...
snapper 15 14 to stumble, trip [v...
snaptin 13 12 a container for food...
snarers 11 8 SNARER, one who sets...
snarfed 13 12 SNARF, (colloquial)...
snarfle 14 12 to snarl [v SNARFLED...
snarier 11 8 SNARY, in danger of...
snaring 12 11 the act of snaring [...
snarled 12 10 SNARL, to growl vici...
snarler 12 9 one who snarls [n -S...
snarred 11 9 SNAR, (Spenser) to s...
snashed 13 11 SNASH, to talk abusi...
snashes 13 10 SNASH, to talk abusi...
snastes 11 8 SNASTE, (dialect) a...
snatchy 23 15 irregular, in snatch...
snathes 13 10 SNATHE, the curved h...
snawing 15 14 SNAW, to snow [v]
sneaked 11 13 SNEAK, to move steal...
sneaker 11 12 (colloquial) a plims...
sneaped 12 12 SNEAP, to nip, pinch...
sneaths 13 10 SNEATH, the curved h...
snebbed 15 15 SNEB, to reprimand,...
snebbes 15 14 SNEBBE, to reprimand...
snecked 15 16 SNECK, to fasten wit...
snedded 11 11 SNED, to cut, lop [v...
sneeing 11 11 SNEE, (obsolete) to...
sneered 10 9 SNEER, to curl the l...
sneerer 10 8 one who sneers [n -S...
sneezed 13 18 SNEEZE, to make a su...
sneezer 13 17 one who sneezes [n -...
sneezes 13 17 SNEEZE, to make a su...
snelled 13 11 SNELL, to attach suc...
sneller 13 10 SNELL, keen, sharp [...
snibbed 16 15 SNIB, to fasten with...
snicked 16 16 SNICK, to snip, cut...
snicker 16 15 to utter a partly st...
snicket 16 15 a narrow back street...
snidely 19 12 SNIDE, base, also SN...
snidest 12 9 SNIDE, base, also SN...
snidier 12 9 SNIDEY, maliciously...
sniding 13 12 SNIDE, to fill or lo...
sniffed 16 15 SNIFF, to inhale aud...
sniffer 16 14 one who sniffs; a do...
sniffle 17 15 to sniff repeatedly...
sniffly 24 17 having a sniffle [ad...
snifted 14 12 SNIFT, to sniff, to...
snifter 14 11 to sniff, snivel [v...
snigged 14 13 SNIG, to drag a load...
snigger 14 12 to snicker [v -ED, -...
sniggle 15 13 to fish for eels [v...
sniglet 14 11 a word coined for so...
snipers 14 11 SNIPER, one who snip...
snipier 14 11 SNIPY, snipelike; fr...
sniping 15 14 the act of sniping [...
snipped 16 15 SNIP, to cut with a...
snipper 16 14 a tool for snipping...
snippet 16 14 a small piece snippe...
snirted 12 9 SNIRT, (Scots) to sn...
snirtle 13 9 (Scots) to snicker [...
snitchy 24 15 bad tempered [adj SN...
snivels 15 13 SNIVEL, to cry or wh...
snively 21 15 given to snivelling,...
snodded 11 11 SNOD, to trim, tidy...
snodder 11 10 SNOD, (Scots) smooth...
snoddit 12 10 SNOD, to trim, tidy...
snogged 13 13 SNOG, (slang) to kis...
snogger 13 12 one that snogs [n -S...
snoking 13 15 SNOKE, to prowl or s...
snooded 10 10 SNOOD, to wear a net...
snooked 11 13 SNOOK, to snuff or s...
snooker 11 12 to thwart, obstruct...
snooled 11 10 SNOOL, (Scots) to be...
snooped 12 12 SNOOP, to pry about...
snooper 12 11 one who snoops [n -S...
snooses 10 8 SNOOSE, chewing toba...
snooted 10 9 SNOOT, to treat with...
snoozed 13 18 SNOOZE, to sleep lig...
snoozer 13 17 one who snoozes [n -...
snoozes 13 17 SNOOZE, to sleep lig...
snoozle 14 18 (colloquial) to nuzz...
snorers 11 8 SNORER, one who snor...
snoring 12 11 the act of snoring [...
snorkel 13 13 a mouthpiece used by...
snorted 11 9 SNORT, to exhale noi...
snorter 11 8 one that snorts [n -...
snotrag 12 10 (slang) a handkerchi...
snotted 11 9 SNOT, to blow the no...
snotter 11 8 to snivel [v -ED, -I...
snottie 11 8 (slang) a midshipman...
snouted 11 10 SNOUT, to provide wi...
snowcap 19 17 a very small humming...
snowcat 17 14 a tracklaying vehicl...
snowier 14 11 SNOWY, full of snow...
snowily 22 14 SNOWY, full of snow...
snowing 15 14 SNOW, to rain white...
snowish 17 13 somewhat snowy [adj]
snowked 15 16 SNOWK, (Scots) to sn...
snowman 14 15 a figure made of sno...
snowmen 14 15 SNOWMAN, a figure ma...
snubbed 16 16 SNUB, to treat with...
snubber 16 15 a device for stoppin...
snubbes 16 15 SNUBBE, (archaic) a...
snubfin 16 16 as in snubfin dolphi...
snudged 13 13 SNUDGE, to be snug a...
snudges 13 12 SNUDGE, to be snug a...
snuffed 16 16 SNUFF, to put a cand...
snuffer 16 15 an instrument for ex...
snuffle 17 16 to sniffle [v SNUFFL...
snuffly 24 18 tending to snuffle [...
snugged 14 14 SNUG, to lie close [...
snugger 14 13 SNUG, cosy [adj]
snuggle 15 14 to press closely tog...
snuggly 22 16 warm and cosy [adj S...
snushed 14 12 SNUSH, (obsolete) to...
snushes 14 11 SNUSH, (obsolete) to...
snuzzle 19 28 to caress with the n...
soakage 12 13 the act of soaking [...
soakers 12 11 SOAKER, a small piec...
soaking 13 14 very wet [adj SOAKIN...
soapbox 21 20 a box for soap, a pl...
soapers 13 10 SOAPER, a serial mel...
soapier 13 10 SOAPY, like soap [ad...
soapies 13 10 SOAPIE, a serial mel...
soapily 21 13 SOAPY, like soap [ad...
soaping 14 13 SOAP, to treat with...
soarers 11 7 SOARER, a person who...
soaring 12 10 flying high [adj SOA...
sobbers 16 13 SOBBER, one who sobs...
sobbing 17 16 making a sobbing noi...
sobered 13 11 SOBER, to make sober...
soberer 13 10 SOBER, having contro...
soberly 21 13 SOBER, having contro...
soboles 14 11 SOBOLE, a creeping u...
socager 15 12 a tenant by socage,...
socages 15 12 SOCAGE, a form of fe...
soccage 18 15 a form of feudal lan...
soccers 18 13 SOCCER, a type of ba...
socials 16 11 SOCIAL, a social eve...
sociate 14 10 (archaic) an associa...
society 21 12 an organized group,...
sockets 16 14 SOCKET, to provide w...
sockeye 21 16 a Pacific salmon [n...
socking 17 17 SOCK, to strike forc...
sockman 16 18 a tenant by socage,...
sockmen 16 18 SOCKMAN, a tenant by...
sodaine 10 9 (obsolete) sudden, a...
soddens 11 10 SODDEN, to make or b...
soddier 12 9 SODDY, consisting of...
soddies 12 9 SODDY, a house built...
sodding 13 12 SOD, to cover with t...
sodgers 13 10 SODGER, to soldier [...
sodiums 14 12 SODIUM, a metallic e...
sofabed 15 14 a sofa that can be m...
soffits 17 13 SOFFIT, the undersid...
softens 13 11 SOFTEN, to make soft...
softest 14 10 SOFT, not hard, also...
softies 14 10 SOFTY, a sentimental...
softing 15 13 SOFT, (Spenser) to s...
softish 17 12 somewhat soft [adj]
soggier 14 11 SOGGY, heavy with mo...
soggily 22 14 SOGGY, heavy with mo...
sogging 15 14 the act of making so...
soignee 11 10 carefully done, also...
soilage 13 10 green crops for feed...
soilier 13 8 SOILY, dirty, soiled...
soiling 14 11 the act of soiling [...
soilure 13 9 a stain or smudge [n...
soirees 11 7 SOIREE, (French) an...
sojourn 13 18 to stay temporarily...
sokaiya 18 13 (Japanese) in Japan,...
sokeman 12 15 a tenant by socage,...
sokemen 12 15 SOKEMAN, a tenant by...
solaced 15 12 SOLACE, to console [...
solacer 15 11 one who solaces [n -...
solaces 15 11 SOLACE, to console [...
solands 12 10 SOLAND, the common g...
solanin 11 10 a poisonous alkaloid...
solanos 11 9 SOLANO, (Spanish) a...
solanum 13 13 any herbaceous plant...
solaria 12 8 SOLARIUM, a room exp...
solated 12 9 SOLATE, to convert o...
solates 12 8 SOLATE, to convert o...
solatia 12 8 SOLATIUM, (Latin) a...
soldado 12 10 (Spanish) a soldier...
soldans 12 10 SOLDAN, (archaic) th...
solders 13 9 SOLDER, to join toge...
soldier 13 9 to perform military...
soleras 12 8 SOLERA, (Spanish) a...
soleret 12 8 a metallic pointy to...
solfege 15 13 (French) a singing e...
solicit 17 11 to ask for earnestly...
solider 13 9 SOLID, having defini...
solidly 21 12 SOLID, having defini...
solidum 15 13 (Latin) a large moul...
solidus 14 10 (Latin) a Roman gold...
solions 12 9 SOLION, an electroni...
soliped 15 12 an animal with unclo...
soliton 12 9 a solitary wave in p...
solives 15 12 SOLIVE, a joist or b...
sollars 14 9 SOLLAR [n]
sollers 14 9 SOLLER, (archaic) an...
soloing 13 11 SOLO, to perform a s...
soloist 13 8 one who performs alo...
soluble 16 13 that dissolves [adj...
solubly 23 15 SOLUBLE, that dissol...
solunar 12 10 pertaining to tables...
soluses 13 9 SOLUS, a poster or a...
solutal 14 10 of or like a solute...
solutes 13 9 SOLUTE, the minor co...
solvate 14 12 to convert into a ty...
solvent 14 13 able to solve and di...
solvers 15 12 SOLVER, one who solv...
solving 16 15 SOLVE, to find the a...
somatic 16 13 of or pertaining to...
sombers 15 13 SOMBER, to make somb...
sombred 15 14 SOMBRE, to make somb...
sombrer 15 13 SOMBRE, gloomy, dark...
sombres 15 13 SOMBRE, to make somb...
someday 18 13 at some future time...
somehow 17 15 by some means [adv]
someone 10 11 a somebody [n -S]
someway 21 15 in some way, somehow...
somewhy 24 17 for some reason [adv...
somital 14 11 relating to a somite...
somites 13 10 SOMITE, a body segme...
somitic 17 13 relating to a somite...
somnial 13 12 pertaining to dreams...
somonis 12 11 SOMONI, the standard...
sonance 12 12 a sounding, also SON...
sonancy 19 14 the quality of being...
sonants 10 9 SONANT, a sound made...
sonatas 10 8 SONATA, (Italian) a...
sondage 11 11 (French) a trial bor...
sondeli 12 10 the Indian musk shre...
sonders 11 9 SONDER, a class of s...
soneris 11 8 SONERI, (Hindi) a cl...
songful 16 15 disposed to sing; fu...
songkok 14 18 (Malaysia) an oval b...
songman 12 14 (Shakespeare) a sing...
songmen 12 14 SONGMAN, (Shakespear...
sonhood 12 11 the state of being a...
sonless 12 9 without a son [adj]
sonlike 13 13 like a son [adj]
sonnets 10 9 SONNET, to compose a...
sonnies 10 9 SONNY, (colloquial)...
sonovox 18 19 a sound effects devi...
sonship 16 13 the state of being a...
sonsier 11 8 SONSIE, buxom, comel...
sontags 12 10 SONTAG, a woman's kn...
sonties 11 8 a mild oath, sanctit...
soogeed 11 10 SOOGEE, to clean a s...
soogees 11 9 SOOGEE, to clean a s...
soogied 12 10 SOOGIE, to clean a s...
soogies 12 9 SOOGIE, to clean a s...
soojeys 19 18 SOOJEY, a solution o...
sooking 13 14 SOOK, (Scots) to suc...
soolers 12 8 SOOLER, one who sool...
sooling 13 11 SOOL, to incite (a d...
sooming 13 13 SOOM, (Scots) to swi...
sooners 10 8 SOONER, one who sett...
soonest 10 8 SOON, in the near fu...
soonish 13 10 somewhat soon [adj]
sooping 14 13 the act of sweeping...
soothed 13 10 SOOTHE, to calm, or...
soother 13 9 to cajole, flatter;...
soothes 13 9 SOOTHE, to calm, or...
soothly 21 12 (Spenser) truly, ind...
sootier 11 7 SOOTY, covered with...
sootily 19 10 SOOTY, covered with...
sooting 12 10 the act of covering...
sophies 16 12 SOPHY, a ruler of Pe...
sophism 18 15 a plausible, decepti...
sophist 17 12 a person who uses de...
sopited 14 11 SOPITE, to put to sl...
sopites 14 10 SOPITE, to put to sl...
soppier 16 13 SOPPY, foolishly sen...
soppily 24 16 SOPPY, foolishly sen...
sopping 17 16 the act of soaking [...
soprani 13 11 SOPRANO, (Italian) t...
soprano 12 11 (Italian) the highes...
sorages 12 9 SORAGE, a hawk in it...
sorbate 13 10 a salt of sorbic aci...
sorbent 13 11 a substance that sor...
sorbets 14 10 SORBET, a water-ice...
sorbing 15 13 SORB, to adsorb or a...
sorbite 14 10 a fine-grained const...
sorbose 13 10 a type of sugar [n -...
sorcery 21 12 alleged use of super...
sordine 11 9 a cone-shaped mute f...
sording 13 11 SORD, of mallard, to...
sordini 12 9 SORDINO, (Italian) a...
sordino 11 9 (Italian) a mute or...
sordors 12 8 SORDOR, (Latin) refu...
soredia 11 8 SOREDIUM, a reproduc...
sorehon 12 10 (Irish) an ancient I...
sorells 14 9 SORELL, (Shakespeare...
sorexes 17 14 SOREX, the common sh...
sorghos 15 11 SORGHO, a variety of...
sorghum 17 15 a genus of grasses r...
sorings 13 10 SORING, the practise...
sorites 12 7 (Greek) a string of...
soritic 16 10 relating to sorites,...
sorners 11 8 SORNER, one who obtr...
sorning 12 11 the act of obtruding...
soroban 12 11 (Japanese) a Japanes...
soroche 16 12 mountain sickness [n...
sororal 12 8 pertaining to sister...
soroses 11 7 SOROSIS, (Greek) a f...
sorosis 12 7 (Greek) a fleshy fru...
sorrels 13 8 SORREL, reddish-brow...
sorrier 12 7 SORRY, feeling regre...
sorrily 20 10 SORRY, feeling regre...
sorrows 15 10 SORROW, to grieve [v...
sortals 13 8 SORTAL, a concept in...
sorters 12 7 SORTER, one that sor...
sortied 12 8 SORTIE, to attack su...
sorties 12 7 SORTIE, to attack su...
sorting 13 10 the act of sorting [...
sosatie 11 7 (Afrikaans) curried...
sossing 13 10 the act of sossing,...
sotting 13 10 the act of sotting [...
sottish 15 9 resembling a sot [ad...
souaris 12 8 SOUARI, a tree of Gu...
soubise 14 11 (French) a sauce mad...
soucars 15 11 SOUCAR, (Hindi) a Hi...
soucing 16 14 SOUCE, (Spenser) to...
soudans 11 10 SOUDAN, a Muslim rul...
souffle 17 15 (French) a light dis...
soughed 15 13 SOUGH, to make a moa...
souking 14 15 SOUK, (Scots) to suc...
soukous 13 13 (French) a form of C...
souldan 12 11 (Arabic) the monarch...
soulful 17 14 full of emotion [adj...
souming 14 14 the act of souming [...
sounded 11 11 SOUND, to make a sou...
sounder 11 10 a herd of pigs; a yo...
soundly 19 13 SOUND, being in good...
soupcon 16 15 (French) a suspicion...
soupers 14 11 SOUPER, in Ireland,...
soupfin 16 15 the requiem shark, w...
soupier 14 11 SOUPY, having the co...
soupily 22 14 SOUPY [adv]
souping 15 14 SOUP, to increase th...
soupled 15 13 SOUPLE, to make supp...
souples 15 12 SOUPLE, to make supp...
sourced 15 12 SOURCE, to originate...
sources 15 11 SOURCE, to originate...
sourest 12 8 SOUR, having an acid...
sourgum 15 14 a softwood tree of e...
souring 13 11 a crabapple [n -S]
sourish 15 10 somewhat sour [adj S...
sourock 16 15 (Scots) sorrel [n -S...
sourses 12 8 SOURSE, (Spenser) a...
soursop 14 11 a West Indian tree o...
sousers 12 8 SOUSER, a drunkard [...
sousing 13 11 the act of sousing [...
souslik 15 13 (Russian) a ground s...
soutane 10 9 (French) a Roman Cat...
soutars 12 8 SOUTAR, (Scots) a sh...
souters 12 8 SOUTER, (Scots) a sh...
southed 14 11 SOUTH, (archaic) to...
souther 14 10 to move towards the...
souties 12 8 SOUTIE, (South Afric...
soviets 14 11 SOVIET, a legislativ...
sovkhoz 20 26 (Russian) a Soviet s...
sovrans 13 12 SOVRAN, a sovereign...
sowable 17 14 able to be sown [adj...
sowarry 21 12 (Urdu) a mounted ret...
sowback 21 20 an eroded, steeply t...
sowbugs 19 16 SOWBUG, a woodlouse...
sowcars 18 13 SOWCAR, (Hindi) a Hi...
sowcing 19 16 SOWCE, to pickle; to...
sowders 15 11 SOWDER, as in soft s...
sowffed 19 17 SOWFF, (Scots) to wh...
sowfing 18 16 SOWF, (Scots) to whi...
sowings 16 13 SOWING, the act of s...
sowling 17 14 SOWLE, (Scots) to pu...
sowming 17 16 SOWM, to ascertain t...
sownded 14 13 SOWND, (Spenser) to...
sowping 18 16 SOWP, (Scots) to soa...
sowsing 16 13 SOWSE, (Spenser) to...
sowssed 15 11 SOWSSE, (Spenser) to...
sowsses 15 10 SOWSSE, (Spenser) to...
sowters 15 10 SOWTER, (Scots) a co...
sowthed 17 13 SOWTH, (Scots) to wh...
soybean 18 13 a bean produced by a...
soyling 20 13 SOYLE, (obsolete) to...
soymeal 19 13 the residue of the e...
soymilk 22 17 a milk substitute ma...
soyuzes 21 19 SOYUZ, a Soviet mann...
sozines 14 17 SOZINE, a type of pr...
sozzled 19 27 SOZZLE, to intoxicat...
sozzles 19 26 SOZZLE, to intoxicat...
spacers 17 13 SPACER, someone who,...
spacial 18 14 pertaining to space,...
spacier 17 13 SPACY, weird in beha...
spacing 18 16 the distance between...
spackle 19 18 to fill cracks or ho...
spaders 14 11 SPADER, one who, or...
spadger 15 13 (slang) a sparrow [n...
spading 15 14 SPADE, to dig with a...
spadoes 13 11 SPADO, (Latin) a cas...
spaeing 14 13 the act of foretelli...
spaeman 13 14 a fortune teller [n...
spaemen 13 14 SPAEMAN, a fortune t...
spagged 16 15 SPAG, (of a cat) to...
spahees 15 12 SPAHEE, (Turkish) fo...
spained 13 12 SPAIN, (Scots) to we...
spaings 15 13 SPAING, staying at a...
spairge 15 12 to sprinkle (with mo...
spalled 16 13 SPALL, to break up i...
spaller 16 12 one who spalls; a to...
spalles 16 12 SPALLE, (Spenser) th...
spalted 15 12 SPALT, to splinter [...
spambot 17 16 a computer program t...
spammed 16 17 SPAM, to send out sp...
spammer 16 16 someone who sends ou...
spammie 16 16 (dialect) a lovebite...
spancel 17 15 to bind with a rope...
spandex 19 19 (tradename) a synthe...
spanged 14 14 SPANG, to cover with...
spangle 15 14 to adorn with bits o...
spangly 22 16 covered with spangle...
spaniel 14 12 a breed of dog [n -S...
spaning 14 14 SPANE, (Scots) to we...
spanked 14 16 SPANK, to slap on th...
spanker 14 15 the sail on the mast...
spanned 12 13 SPAN, to extend over...
spanner 12 12 a tool for undoing n...
sparely 21 13 SPARE, meagre [adv]
sparers 14 10 SPARER, one who spar...
sparest 14 10 SPARE, meagre [adj]
sparged 15 13 SPARGE, to sprinkle...
sparger 15 12 a vessel with a perf...
sparges 15 12 SPARGE, to sprinkle...
sparids 15 11 SPARID, any of a fam...
sparing 15 13 SPARE, to refrain fr...
sparked 15 15 SPARK, to emit small...
sparker 15 14 a powerful form of s...
sparkes 15 14 SPARKE, (Spenser) a...
sparkie 15 14 (colloquial) an elec...
sparkle 16 15 to reflect flashes o...
sparkly 23 17 sparkling [adj SPARK...
sparoid 14 11 any of a family of m...
sparred 14 11 SPAR, to practise bo...
sparrer 14 10 one who spars [n -S]
sparres 14 10 SPARRE, (archaic) a...
sparrow 17 13 a small bird [n -S]
sparser 14 10 SPARSE, thinly distr...
spartan 13 11 a crisp red-skinned...
sparthe 16 12 (archaic) a long bat...
sparths 17 12 SPARTH, (archaic) a...
spasmed 15 14 SPASM, to go into sp...
spasmic 19 16 in spasms, also SPAS...
spastic 18 13 of the nature of a s...
spathal 17 13 furnished with a spa...
spathed 16 13 having a spathe [adj...
spathes 16 12 SPATHE, a large shea...
spathic 20 15 relating to spar, al...
spatial 15 11 pertaining to space,...
spatted 14 11 SPAT, to slap, strik...
spattee 13 10 a protective outer s...
spatter 14 10 to scatter in drops...
spatula 15 12 (Latin) a broad, blu...
spatule 15 12 (Latin) a broad, blu...
spatzle 18 20 (German) in Jewish c...
spaulds 16 13 SPAULD, (Scots) the...
spavies 16 14 SPAVIE, (Scots) spav...
spaviet 16 14 relating to a spavie...
spavins 16 15 SPAVIN, a disease of...
spawled 18 15 SPAWL, (archaic) to...
spawned 16 15 SPAWN, to deposit eg...
spawner 16 14 a mature female fish...
spayads 20 13 SPAYAD, (obsolete) a...
spaying 21 15 SPAY, to remove the...
spazzed 20 29 SPAZZ, (slang) to la...
spazzes 20 28 SPAZZ, (slang) to la...
speaker 14 14 one who speaks [n -S...
speaned 12 12 SPEAN, (Scots) to we...
speared 13 11 SPEAR, to pierce wit...
spearer 13 10 one who spears [n -S...
specced 20 17 SPEC, to write speci...
special 18 14 particular [adj SPEC...
species 17 13 (Latin) a population...
specify 26 18 to state in detail [...
specked 18 18 SPECK, to mark with...
speckle 19 18 to mark with small s...
spected 17 14 SPECT, a nonstandard...
specter 17 13 a visible disembodie...
spectra 17 13 SPECTRUM, an array o...
spectre 17 13 a visible disembodie...
specula 18 15 SPECULUM, a medical...
speeded 13 12 SPEED, to move swift...
speeder 13 11 one who speeds [n -S...
speedos 13 11 SPEEDO, (colloquial)...
speedup 16 15 an acceleration of p...
speeled 14 12 SPEEL, (Scots) to cl...
speeler 14 11 a climber (originall...
speered 13 11 SPEER, (Scots) to as...
speiled 15 12 SPEIL, to climb, als...
speired 14 11 SPEIR, (Scots) to as...
speises 14 10 SPEISE, (German) a m...
spelded 15 13 SPELD, (Scots) to sp...
spelder 15 12 (Scots) to spread op...
speldin 15 13 a haddock or other s...
spelean 13 12 living in caves, als...
spelled 16 13 SPELL, to read or wr...
speller 16 12 one who spells [n -S...
spelter 15 11 zinc in the form of...
spelunk 16 17 to explore caves [v...
spencer 16 14 one who has the care...
spences 16 14 SPENCE, a pantry, al...
spender 13 12 one who spends [n -S...
spenses 13 11 SPENSE, a pantry, al...
speoses 13 10 SPEOS, (Greek) a gro...
spermic 19 16 pertaining to sperm,...
sperred 14 11 SPERRE, (Spenser) to...
sperres 14 10 SPERRE, (Spenser) to...
spersed 14 11 SPERSE, (archaic) to...
sperses 14 10 SPERSE, (archaic) to...
sperthe 16 12 (archaic) a long bat...
spewers 17 13 SPEWER, one who spew...
spewier 17 13 SPEWY, boggy [adj]
spewing 18 16 SPEW, to vomit [v]
sphaere 15 12 (obsolete) a sphere,...
sphaers 16 12 SPHAER, (obsolete) a...
spheare 15 12 (archaic) a sphere,...
sphears 16 12 SPHEAR, (archaic) a...
sphenes 15 13 SPHENE, the mineral...
sphenic 19 16 shaped like a wedge...
spheral 17 13 having the form of a...
sphered 16 13 SPHERE, to form into...
spheres 16 12 SPHERE, to form into...
spheric 20 15 having the shape of...
spicate 17 13 spiked; spikelike, a...
spicers 18 13 SPICER, (obsolete) a...
spicery 24 15 spices in general; a...
spicier 18 13 SPICY, tasting of sp...
spicily 26 16 SPICY, tasting of sp...
spicing 19 16 SPICE, to season wit...
spicker 19 17 SPICK, tidy, fresh [...
spicula 19 15 (Latin) a spike or s...
spicule 19 15 a needlelike structu...
spiders 15 11 SPIDER [n]
spidery 21 13 like a spider, scraw...
spiegel 16 13 (German) an iron all...
spieled 15 12 SPIEL, to talk at le...
spieler 15 11 a swindler or card-s...
spiered 14 11 SPIER, (Scots) to as...
spiffed 19 17 SPIFF, to make spiff...
spights 19 14 SPIGHT, (Spenser) to...
spignel 16 14 an umbelliferous her...
spigots 16 12 SPIGOT, a peg for a...
spikers 16 14 SPIKER, a device for...
spikery 22 16 very High-Church Ang...
spikier 16 14 SPIKY, resembling a...
spikily 24 17 SPIKY, resembling a...
spiking 17 17 SPIKE, to fasten wit...
spiling 17 14 the act of stopping...
spilite 16 11 a fine-grained igneo...
spilled 17 13 SPILL, to overflow f...
spiller 17 12 one who spills [n -S...
spilths 19 13 SPILTH, that which i...
spimmer 17 16 a person who sends u...
spinach 19 16 a plant of the goose...
spinage 14 13 a cultivated herb, a...
spinals 15 12 SPINAL, an injection...
spinars 14 11 SPINAR, a rapidly sp...
spinate 13 11 bearing a spine; in...
spindle 15 13 to impale on a slend...
spindly 22 15 long and slender [ad...
spinels 15 12 SPINEL, any mineral...
spinets 14 11 SPINET, a musical in...
spinier 14 11 SPINY, having spines...
spinked 15 16 SPINK, of a finch, t...
spinner 13 12 one that spins [n -S...
spinnet 13 12 a musical instrument...
spinney 19 14 a small thicket or g...
spinode 13 12 the cusp of a point...
spinoff 18 17 an incidental result...
spinone 12 12 as in Italian spinon...
spinoni 13 12 SPINONE, as in Itali...
spinors 14 11 SPINOR, a type of ma...
spinose 13 11 covered with thorns,...
spinous 14 12 covered with thorns,...
spinout 14 12 a rotational skid by...
spintos 14 11 SPINTO, (Italian) a...
spinula 15 13 (Latin) a small thor...
spinule 15 13 a small thorn, also...
spiraea 13 10 any of a group of pl...
spirals 16 11 SPIRAL, to move in s...
spirant 14 11 a sound produced by...
spireas 14 10 SPIREA, (Greek) a gr...
spireme 15 13 a filament forming p...
spirems 16 13 SPIREM, a filament f...
spirics 19 13 SPIRIC, a curve, the...
spirier 15 10 SPIRY, tall, slender...
spiring 16 13 SPIRE, to rise in a...
spirits 16 10 SPIRIT, to carry off...
spirity 22 12 (dialect) spirited;...
spiroid 15 11 resembling a spiral...
spirted 15 11 SPIRT, to emit liqui...
spirtle 16 11 a wooden stick for s...
spirula 16 12 a spiral-shelled mol...
spitals 16 11 SPITAL, (archaic) a...
spiting 16 13 SPITE, to treat with...
spitted 15 11 SPIT, to throw out s...
spitten 14 11 SPIT, to throw out s...
spitter 15 10 a type of pitch in b...
spittle 16 11 saliva [n -S]
spittly 23 13 like or covered with...
spitzes 18 19 SPITZ, (German) a br...
splakes 16 15 SPLAKE, a freshwater...
splashy 24 15 given to splashing [...
splatch 21 16 (Scots) to splotch,...
splayed 21 14 SPLAY, to spread out...
spleens 14 12 SPLEEN, a ductless o...
spleeny 20 14 (Shakespeare) irrita...
splenia 14 12 SPLENIUM, a surgical...
splenic 18 15 pertaining to the sp...
splenii 15 12 SPLENIUS, (Latin) a...
splents 15 12 SPLENT, a contrivanc...
spliced 19 15 SPLICE, to join at b...
splicer 19 14 one who splices [n -...
splices 19 14 SPLICE, to join at b...
spliffs 21 17 SPLIFF, (slang) a ma...
splined 15 13 SPLINE, to provide w...
splines 15 12 SPLINE, to provide w...
splints 16 12 SPLINT, to put a spl...
splodge 16 14 to make a splash, al...
splodgy 23 16 covered with splodge...
sploosh 17 13 to splash, also SPLA...
splores 15 11 SPLORE, (Scots) a fr...
splotch 21 16 to mark with spots,...
splurge 17 14 to spend money lavis...
splurgy 24 16 tending to splurge [...
splurts 17 12 SPLURT, to gush fort...
spodium 16 15 (Greek) bone charcoa...
spoiled 15 12 SPOIL, to mar [v]
spoiler 15 11 one who spoils [n -S...
spoking 16 17 SPOKE, to supply wit...
spondee 12 12 a type of metrical f...
spondyl 21 15 (Greek) a vertebra;...
sponged 14 14 SPONGE, to wipe with...
sponger 14 13 one that sponges [n...
sponges 14 13 SPONGE, to wipe with...
spongin 14 14 a horny substance in...
sponsal 14 12 relating to sponsali...
sponson 12 12 a platform jutting f...
sponsor 13 11 a person who promise...
spoofed 15 14 SPOOF, to ridicule i...
spoofer 15 13 one who spoofs, a ho...
spooked 14 15 SPOOK, to frighten,...
spooled 14 12 SPOOL, to wind on a...
spooler 14 11 a device for transfe...
spoomed 14 14 SPOOM, to scud befor...
spooned 12 12 SPOON, to eat with a...
spooner 12 11 one who engages in s...
spooney 18 13 foolishly fond, also...
spoored 13 11 SPOOR, to follow a t...
spoorer 13 10 one who spoors, a tr...
sporing 15 13 SPORE, to produce an...
sporoid 14 11 resembling a spore [...
sporran 13 11 a large purse worn b...
sported 14 11 SPORT, to frolic [v]
sporter 14 10 one who sports, a sp...
sportif 17 13 (French) a person wh...
sporule 15 12 a small spore [n -S]
sposhes 16 12 SPOSH, (US) slush [n...
spotlit 16 11 SPOTLIGHT, to highli...
spotted 14 11 SPOT, to mark with s...
spotter 14 10 one who spots e.g. f...
spottie 14 10 (New Zealand) a deer...
spousal 15 12 nuptial [adj SPOUSAL...
spoused 14 12 SPOUSE, to betroth,...
spouses 14 11 SPOUSE, to betroth,...
spouted 14 12 SPOUT, to eject in a...
spouter 14 11 a spouting whale; a...
sprains 14 11 SPRAIN, to injure by...
spraint 14 11 otter's dung [n -S]
sprangs 15 13 SPRANG, a weaving te...
sprawls 19 14 SPRAWL, to stretch o...
sprawly 25 16 tending to sprawl [a...
sprayed 20 13 SPRAY, to disperse i...
sprayer 20 12 a device for sprayin...
sprayey 26 14 full of spray [adj S...
spreads 14 11 SPREAD, to stretch o...
spreagh 17 14 (Gaelic) a cattle ra...
spreaze 16 19 (SW dialect) to chap...
spredde 14 12 (obsolete) to spread...
spredds 15 12 SPREDD, (obsolete) t...
spreeze 16 19 (SW dialect) to chap...
sprents 14 11 SPRENT, to spring or...
spriest 15 10 SPRY, smart, dapper...
spriggy 24 16 having small branche...
spright 19 14 (Shakespeare) to hau...
springe 15 13 a snare with noose a...
springs 16 13 SPRING, to leap upwa...
springy 22 15 resilient [adj SPRIN...
sprints 15 11 SPRINT, to run at to...
sprites 15 10 SPRITE, an elf or fa...
spritzy 25 21 emitting a spray [ad...
sprouts 15 11 SPROUT, to begin to...
spruced 18 15 SPRUCE, to make smar...
sprucer 18 14 SPRUCE, smart, dappe...
spruces 18 14 SPRUCE, to make smar...
spruiks 17 15 SPRUIK, (Australian...
spruits 16 11 SPRUIT, (Afrikaans)...
spryest 21 12 SPRY, smart, dapper...
spudded 15 14 SPUD, to remove with...
spudder 15 13 a tool for removing...
spuddle 16 14 (dialect) a feeble m...
spudgel 17 15 a bucket attached to...
spueing 15 14 SPUE, (archaic) to s...
spulyed 22 15 SPULYE, (Scots) to p...
spulyes 22 14 SPULYE, (Scots) to p...
spulyie 22 14 (Scots) to plunder,...
spulzie 19 21 (Scots) to plunder,...
spumier 16 14 SPUMY, like spume [a...
spuming 17 17 SPUME, to foam [v]
spumone 14 15 (Italian) a rich Ita...
spumoni 15 15 (Italian) a rich Ita...
spumous 16 15 spumy, full of spume...
spunges 15 14 SPUNGE, (obsolete) a...
spunked 15 17 SPUNK, to begin to b...
spunkie 15 16 (Scots) an ignis fat...
spurdog 16 14 the dogfish [n -S]
spurges 16 13 SPURGE, a plant of g...
spuriae 14 11 (Latin) in birds, fe...
spurned 14 13 SPURN, to reject wit...
spurner 14 12 one who spurns [n -S...
spurnes 14 12 SPURNE, (Spenser) to...
spurred 15 12 SPUR, to urge on wit...
spurrer 15 11 one who spurs [n -S]
spurrey 21 13 an annual herb with...
spurted 15 12 SPURT, to gush forth...
spurter 15 11 one who spurts [n -S...
spurtle 16 12 a wooden stick for s...
spurway 24 16 a bridle road [n -S]
sputnik 16 16 (Russian) an orbitin...
sputter 15 11 to spit, or to emit...
spycams 25 18 SPYCAM, a camera set...
spyhole 23 15 a peephole [n -S]
spyings 22 15 SPYING, the act of s...
spyware 23 15 software which unbek...
squabby 31 25 short and thick, als...
squacco 26 23 (Italian) a kind of...
squaddy 27 21 (colloquial) a soldi...
squails 22 18 SQUAIL, to pelt with...
squalid 22 19 filthy, neglected [a...
squalls 23 19 SQUALL, to rain or b...
squally 29 21 full of squalls [adj...
squalor 21 18 the state of being s...
squamae 20 20 SQUAMA, (Latin) a sc...
squames 21 20 SQUAME, a scale, als...
squared 20 18 SQUARE, to make equa...
squarer 20 17 (Shakespeare) a figh...
squares 20 17 SQUARE, to make equa...
squarks 22 21 SQUARK, the hypothet...
squashy 29 21 yielding, soft and m...
squatly 28 20 SQUAT, short and thi...
squatty 27 19 squat, dumpy [adj SQ...
squawks 25 24 SQUAWK, to utter a l...
squawky 31 26 shrill and grating [...
squeaks 21 21 SQUEAK, to make a sh...
squeaky 27 23 making a squeak [adj...
squeals 21 18 SQUEAL, to utter a s...
squeeze 22 26 to press hard [v SQU...
squeezy 29 28 squeezable [adj SQUE...
squelch 27 23 to make a gurgling,...
squidge 22 20 to squeeze or squash...
squidgy 29 22 unpleasantly damp, c...
squiers 21 17 SQUIER, (Shakespeare...
squiffy 32 25 (colloquial) tipsy,...
squilla 23 19 a kind of burrowing...
squills 24 19 SQUILL, a blue wild...
squinch 26 23 to screw up, contort...
squinny 26 21 squinting [adj SQUIN...
squints 21 18 SQUINT, to look with...
squinty 27 20 marked by squinting...
squired 21 18 SQUIRE, to escort [v...
squires 21 17 SQUIRE, to escort [v...
squirls 23 18 SQUIRL, an ornamenta...
squirms 23 20 SQUIRM, to wriggle [...
squirmy 29 22 given to squirming [...
squirrs 22 17 SQUIRR, to scour, se...
squirts 22 17 SQUIRT, to throw out...
squishy 30 21 squashy [adj SQUISHI...
squitch 27 22 quitch grass [n -ES]
squoosh 22 19 to squash, also SQUI...
sraddha 14 11 (Sanskrit) an offeri...
sradhas 14 10 SRADHA, (Sanskrit) a...
stabbed 16 14 STAB, to pierce with...
stabber 16 13 one who stabs [n -S]
stabile 15 11 a stationary abstrac...
stabled 15 12 STABLE, to put in a...
stabler 15 11 one who keeps a stab...
stables 15 11 STABLE, to put in a...
stachys 24 14 a labiate plant [n -...
stacked 16 15 STACK, to pile [v]
stacker 16 14 one who stacks [n -S...
stacket 16 14 (Scots) a stockade [...
stackup 19 18 an arrangement of ci...
stactes 15 10 STACTE, a sweet-smel...
staddas 12 9 STADDA, a comb-maker...
staddle 13 10 a support for a hays...
stadial 13 9 a single period of c...
stadias 12 8 STADIA, a graduated...
stadium 14 12 a race course, sport...
staffed 16 14 STAFF, to fill posit...
staffer 16 13 a member of the perm...
stagers 13 9 STAGER, an experienc...
stagery 19 11 theatrical contrivan...
stagged 14 12 STAG, to attend a fu...
stagger 14 11 to walk or stand uns...
staggie 14 11 (Scots) a colt, also...
stagier 13 9 STAGY, having a thea...
stagily 21 12 STAGY, having a thea...
staging 14 12 a temporary platform...
staider 12 8 STAID, sober and sed...
staidly 20 11 STAID, sober and sed...
stained 11 9 STAIN, to discolour,...
stainer 11 8 that which stains [n...
staired 12 8 having, or arranged...
staithe 14 9 a wharf for the tran...
staiths 15 9 STAITH, a wharf for...
stakers 13 11 STAKER, one that mar...
staking 14 14 STAKE, to fasten wit...
stalags 14 10 STALAG, (German) a G...
stalely 20 11 STALE, not fresh [ad...
stalest 13 8 STALE, not fresh [ad...
staling 14 11 STALE, to become pas...
stalked 14 13 STALK, to pursue ste...
stalker 14 12 one who stalks [n -S...
stalkos 14 12 STALKO, (Irish) a ge...
stalled 14 10 STALL, to come to a...
stamens 12 11 STAMEN, the male par...
stamina 12 11 endurance [n -S]
stammel 15 14 (historical) a coars...
stammer 14 13 to speak with involu...
stamnoi 12 11 STAMNOS, (Greek) an...
stamnos 12 11 (Greek) an ancient G...
stamped 15 14 STAMP, to bring the...
stamper 15 13 one who stamps [n -S...
stances 14 11 STANCE, a manner of...
standby 20 14 one who can be relie...
standee 10 9 one who stands becau...
standen 10 10 (Spenser) to stand (...
stander 11 9 one who stands [n -S...
standup 14 13 having an upright po...
stanged 12 11 STANG, (Scots) to st...
staniel 12 9 the kestrel, also ST...
stanine 10 9 a nine-point scale o...
staning 12 11 STANE, (Scots) to st...
stanked 12 13 STANK, (Scots) to da...
stannel 11 10 the kestrel, also ST...
stannic 14 12 as in stannic acid,...
stannum 12 13 (Latin) the technica...
stanols 12 9 STANOL, a drug taken...
stanyel 18 11 the kestrel, also ST...
stanzas 14 17 STANZA, a division o...
stanzes 14 17 STANZE, (Shakespeare...
stanzos 14 17 STANZO, (Shakespeare...
stapled 15 12 STAPLE, to fasten wi...
stapler 15 11 a stapling machine [...
staples 15 11 STAPLE, to fasten wi...
stapped 16 14 STAP, (Scots) to stu...
stapple 17 14 a tobacco pipe-stem...
starchy 24 14 containing starch [a...
stardom 13 11 the status of a top...
starers 12 7 STARER, one who star...
starets 12 7 a spiritual adviser...
staretz 15 16 (Russian) an Eastern...
staring 13 10 looking fixedly [adj...
starked 13 12 STARK, to stiffen [v...
starken 12 12 to make or become st...
starker 13 11 STARK, stern, harsh...
starkly 21 14 STARK, stern, harsh...
starlet 13 8 a minor showbiz pers...
starlit 14 8 lighted by the stars...
starned 11 9 STARN, to row backwa...
starnie 11 8 (Scots) a small star...
starred 12 8 STAR, to shine as an...
started 12 8 START, to begin, set...
starter 12 7 one who starts [n -S...
startle 13 8 to frighten or surpr...
startly 20 10 of a horse, apt to s...
startsy 19 9 STARETS, a spiritual...
startup 15 11 the act of starting...
starved 14 12 STARVE, to die from...
starver 14 11 one who starves [n -...
starves 14 11 STARVE, to die from...
stashed 14 10 STASH, to store in a...
stashes 14 9 STASH, to store in a...
stashie 14 9 (Scots) fuss, ado, d...
stasima 13 10 STASIMON, a choral o...
statant 11 8 in heraldry, standin...
stately 19 10 dignified [adj STATE...
staters 12 7 STATER, (Greek) an a...
statice 15 10 (Latin) the flower s...
statics 16 10 the science of force...
stating 13 10 STATE, to set forth...
statins 12 8 STATIN, a type of dr...
station 11 8 to assign to a posit...
statism 14 10 a theory of governme...
statist 13 7 a statesman; a polit...
stative 14 11 a verb indicating a...
stators 12 7 STATOR, a part of a...
stattos 12 7 STATTO, (colloquial)...
statuas 12 8 STATUA, (obsolete) a...
statued 12 9 having a statue [adj...
statues 12 8 STATUE, a three-dime...
stature 12 8 the natural height o...
statusy 19 10 conferring prestige...
statute 12 8 a law enacted by the...
staunch 17 14 firm, steadfast, als...
staving 15 14 STAVE, to drive or t...
stawing 16 13 STAW, (Scots) to sta...
stayers 18 9 STAYER, one who stay...
staying 19 12 STAY, to remain in a...
stayned 17 11 STAYNE, (Spenser) to...
staynes 17 10 STAYNE, (Spenser) to...
stayres 18 9 STAYRE, (Spenser) a...
steaded 11 9 STEAD, to avail, hel...
stealed 12 9 STEAL, to take by th...
stealer 12 8 one who steals [n -S...
steales 12 8 STEALE, (Scots) a ha...
stealth 15 10 to approach furtivel...
steamed 12 11 STEAM, to cook by wa...
steamer 12 10 to travel by steamsh...
steamie 12 10 (Scots) a public lau...
steaned 10 9 STEAN, to line e.g....
steanes 10 8 STEANE, to line e.g....
steared 11 8 STEARE [v]
steares 11 7 STEARE, (archaic) a...
stearic 15 10 pertaining to, or ob...
stearin 11 8 the solid portion of...
stedded 12 10 STEDD, (Spenser) to...
steddes 12 9 STEDDE, (Spenser) to...
steding 13 11 STEDE, (Spenser) to...
steeded 11 9 STEED, (Spenser) to...
steeked 12 12 STEEK, (Scots) to st...
steekit 13 11 STEEK, (Scots) to st...
steeled 12 9 STEEL, to cover with...
steelie 12 8 a steel playing marb...
steemed 12 11 STEEM, (archaic) to...
steened 10 9 STEEN, to line e.g....
steeped 13 11 STEEP, to soak in a...
steepen 12 11 to become steep [v -...
steeper 13 10 a vessel for steepin...
steeple 14 11 a structure like tow...
steeply 21 13 STEEP, inclined shar...
steepup 16 14 (Shakespeare) precip...
steered 11 8 STEER, to guide or d...
steerer 11 7 one who steers [n -S...
steeved 13 12 STEEVE, to stow in t...
steever 13 11 STEEVE, (Scots) firm...
steeves 13 11 STEEVE, to stow in t...
steined 11 9 STEIN, to line e.g....
stelene 11 9 relating to a stele,...
stellar 14 9 pertaining to the st...
stellas 14 9 STELLA, a former coi...
stelled 14 10 STELL, to establish,...
stellio 14 9 as in stellio lizard...
stembok 16 17 (Afrikaans) a small...
steming 14 13 STEM, to deprive a p...
stemlet 14 11 a small stem [n -S]
stemmas 14 13 STEMMA, (Greek) a di...
stemmed 14 14 STEMME, (Spenser) to...
stemmer 14 13 a metal bar used to...
stemmes 14 13 STEMME, (Spenser) to...
stempel 16 14 (German) a cross-tim...
stemple 16 14 a crosstimber step i...
stemson 12 11 a supporting timber...
stenchy 23 15 having a foul odour...
stencil 16 12 to produce by means...
stended 11 10 STEND, (Scots) to bo...
stengah 14 12 (Malay) a drink of w...
stenned 10 10 STEN, to stride vigo...
stenoky 18 14 the ability to live...
stented 11 9 STENT, (Scots) to st...
stentor 11 8 a person who has a v...
stepdad 14 12 a stepfather [n -S]
stepmom 16 16 (colloquial) a stepm...
stepney 19 13 (slang) a spare whee...
stepped 16 14 STEP, to measure by...
stepper 16 13 one who steps [n -S]
steppes 16 13 STEPPE, (Russian) on...
stepson 13 11 a son of one's spous...
sterane 10 8 a chemical compound...
stereos 11 7 STEREO, to make a ty...
sterile 13 8 incapable of produci...
sterlet 13 8 (Russian) a small st...
sternal 12 9 pertaining to the st...
sterned 11 9 STERN, to back, row...
sterner 11 8 STERN, severe [adj]
sternly 19 11 STERN, severe [adv]
sternum 13 12 a long, flat support...
steroid 12 8 any of a class of co...
sterols 13 8 STEROL, a solid high...
stertor 12 7 (Latin) a heavy snor...
sterved 14 12 STERVE, (Spenser) to...
sterves 14 11 STERVE, (Spenser) to...
stetson 11 8 (tradename) a broad-...
stetted 12 8 STET, to cancel a pr...
stevens 13 12 STEVEN, (dialect) a...
stevias 14 11 STEVIA, a South Amer...
steward 15 11 to act as a steward...
stewbum 19 17 a drunken bum [n -S]
stewers 15 10 STEWER, one who stew...
stewier 15 10 STEWY, like a stew [...
stewing 16 13 the act of stewing [...
stewpan 16 14 a pan used for stewi...
stewpot 17 13 a pot for cooking st...
steyest 18 9 STEY, (Scots) steep...
sthenia 13 10 unusual or abnormal...
sthenic 17 13 (Greek) strong, robu...
stibble 18 14 (Scots) the leavings...
stibial 16 11 pertaining to antimo...
stibine 14 11 antimony hydride, a...
stibium 17 14 (Latin) antimony [n...
stichic 22 15 relating to verse co...
stichoi 18 12 STICHOS, (Greek) a s...
stichos 18 12 (Greek) a stichometr...
sticked 17 15 STICK, to support wi...
sticker 17 14 to apply adhesive la...
stickie 17 14 a slip of notepaper...
stickit 18 14 (Scots) unfinished;...
stickle 18 15 to argue stubbornly...
stickum 19 18 a substance that cau...
stickup 20 18 (colloquial) a robbe...
stiddie 13 9 to forge on an anvil...
stiever 14 11 STIEVE, (Scots) stif...
stiffed 17 14 STIFF, to cheat, rob...
stiffen 16 14 to make stiff [v -ED...
stiffer 17 13 STIFF, rigid [adj]
stiffie 17 13 an erect penis, also...
stiffly 25 16 STIFF, rigid [adv]
stifled 16 12 STIFLE, to smother [...
stifler 16 11 one who, or that whi...
stifles 16 11 STIFLE, to smother [...
stigmal 16 13 relating to a stigma...
stigmas 15 12 STIGMA, a mark of di...
stigmes 15 12 STIGME, (Greek) a do...
stilets 14 8 STILET, a small poni...
stiling 15 11 STILE, to style, des...
stilled 15 10 STILL, to make still...
stiller 15 9 a distiller [n -S]
stilted 14 9 STILT, to raise on l...
stilter 14 8 one who walks on sti...
stimied 14 11 STIMIE, to thwart, s...
stimies 14 10 STIMIE, to thwart, s...
stiming 15 13 STIME, (Scots) to pe...
stimuli 16 12 STIMULUS, an agency...
stinged 13 11 STING, to prick pain...
stinger 13 10 one that stings [n -...
stinges 13 10 STINGE, a stingy per...
stingos 13 10 STINGO, a strong ale...
stinker 13 12 a very unpleasant pe...
stinted 12 9 STINT, to be niggard...
stinter 12 8 one who, or that whi...
stipels 16 11 STIPEL, the stipule...
stipend 14 12 a fixed amount paid...
stipple 18 14 to paint or engrave...
stipule 16 12 an appendage at the...
stiring 14 10 STIRE, (archaic) to...
stirpes 15 10 STIRPS, (Latin) a br...
stirrah 15 9 (Scots) a respectful...
stirras 13 7 STIRRA, (Scots) a re...
stirred 13 8 STIRRE [v]
stirrer 13 7 a troublemaker [n -S...
stirres 13 7 STIRRE [v]
stirrup 16 11 a support for the fo...
stishie 15 9 (Scots) fuss, ado, d...
stivers 15 11 STIVER, (Dutch) a fo...
stivier 15 11 STIVY, stuffy [adj]
stiving 16 14 STIVE, (dialect) to...
stobbed 16 14 STOB, to stab [v]
stocked 16 15 STOCK, to keep for f...
stocker 16 14 an animal kept while...
stodged 13 11 STODGE, to stuff ful...
stodger 13 10 a dull person [n -S]
stodges 13 10 STODGE, to stuff ful...
stogeys 19 11 STOGEY, a long, slen...
stogies 13 9 STOGIE, a long, slen...
stoical 16 11 indifferent to pleas...
stoited 12 8 STOIT, (Scots) to st...
stoiter 12 7 (Scots) to stagger,...
stokers 13 11 STOKER, a person who...
stoking 14 14 STOKE, to supply a f...
stokvel 16 16 (South Africa) a sav...
stollen 13 10 (German) a rich swee...
stolons 12 9 STOLON, (Latin) a ru...
stomach 18 15 to tolerate [v -ED,...
stomack 17 17 (East Africa) in the...
stomata 12 10 STOMA, a minute open...
stomate 12 10 a minute opening in...
stomium 15 14 a pollen cell which...
stomped 15 14 STOMP, to tread heav...
stomper 15 13 one who stomps [n -S...
stompie 15 13 (South Africa) a cig...
stonern 10 9 (dialect) of stone,...
stoners 11 8 STONER, one who ston...
stonied 11 9 STONY, aphetic for a...
stonier 11 8 STONY, of or like st...
stonies 11 8 STONY, aphetic for a...
stonily 19 11 STONY, of or like st...
stoning 12 11 the act of stoning [...
stonish 14 10 to astonish [v -ED,...
stonked 12 13 STONK, (slang) to bo...
stonker 12 12 (Australian slang) t...
stonned 10 10 STONNE, (obsolete) t...
stonnes 10 9 STONNE, (obsolete) t...
stooden 10 9 STAND, to assume an...
stooged 12 10 STOOGE, to act as a...
stooges 12 9 STOOGE, to act as a...
stooked 12 12 STOOK, to stack grai...
stooker 12 11 one who stooks, sets...
stookie 12 11 (Scots) stucco; a st...
stooled 12 9 STOOL, to put forth...
stoolie 12 8 (short for) a stool-...
stooped 13 11 STOOP, to bend the b...
stooper 13 10 one who stoops [n -S...
stoopes 13 10 STOOPE, (Shakespeare...
stoozed 14 17 STOOZE, to borrow mo...
stoozer 14 16 one who stoozes [n -...
stoozes 14 16 STOOZE, to borrow mo...
stopers 14 10 STOPER, one that sto...
stopgap 17 15 a temporary substitu...
stoping 15 13 the process of stepl...
stopoff 18 16 a brief stop in the...
stopped 16 14 STOP, to halt or dis...
stopper 16 13 a plug, usually glas...
stopple 17 14 to stop up, plug [v...
storage 12 9 a place for storing...
storers 12 7 STORER, one who stor...
storeys 18 9 STOREY, a horizontal...
storges 13 9 STORGE, (Greek) natu...
storied 12 8 STORY, to relate an...
stories 12 7 STORY, to relate an...
storing 13 10 STORE, to put away f...
stormed 13 11 STORM, to blow viole...
stormer 13 10 a humdinger, a reall...
stosses 12 7 STOSS, the side of a...
stotins 12 8 STOTIN, a monetary u...
stotted 12 8 STOTT, to bound with...
stotter 12 7 to stagger, also STO...
stottie 12 7 (dialect) a wedge of...
stounds 12 10 STOUND, to ache, thr...
stoures 12 8 STOURE, (archaic) tu...
stourie 12 8 (Scots) dusty, also...
stouten 11 9 to make stout [v -ED...
stouter 12 8 STOUT, thick, resolu...
stouths 15 10 STOUTH, (Scots) thef...
stoutly 20 11 STOUT, thick, resolu...
stovers 14 11 STOVER, (archaic) th...
stovies 14 11 (Scots) a thick stew...
stoving 15 14 the act of drying pa...
stowage 15 12 goods in storage [n...
stowers 15 10 STOWER, one who stow...
stowing 16 13 the act of stowing [...
stownds 15 12 STOWND, to ache, thr...
stowres 15 10 STOWRE, (Scots) a ba...
strafed 14 11 STRAFE, (German) to...
strafer 14 10 one who strafes [n -...
strafes 14 10 STRAFE, (German) to...
straffs 17 13 STRAFF, (German) to...
straiks 14 11 STRAIK, to stroke, a...
strains 12 8 STRAIN, to exert to...
straint 12 8 (Spenser) pressure [...
straits 13 7 STRAIT, to confine [...
straked 13 12 having a strake, a l...
strakes 13 11 STRAKE, the planking...
stramps 16 13 STRAMP, (Scots) to t...
strands 12 9 STRAND, to leave in...
strange 12 10 unusual or unfamilia...
strappy 23 15 having straps [adj S...
stratal 13 8 pertaining to a stra...
stratas 12 7 STRATA, (Latin) a la...
straths 15 9 STRATH, (Scots) a va...
stratum 14 11 a layer of material...
stratus 13 8 (Latin) a low-lying...
strawed 15 11 STRAW, to cover with...
strawen 14 11 (archaic) made of st...
strayed 18 10 STRAY, to wander fro...
strayer 18 9 one who strays [n -S...
strayve 20 13 (dialect) to wander...
streaks 13 11 STREAK, to cover wit...
streaky 19 13 covered with streaks...
streams 13 10 STREAM, to flow in a...
streamy 19 12 streaming [adj STREA...
streeks 13 11 STREEK, to stretch;...
streels 13 8 STREEL, (Irish) to t...
streets 12 7 STREET, to provide w...
streety 18 9 abounding in streets...
strenes 11 8 STRENE, (Spenser) st...
stressy 19 9 (colloquial) causing...
stretch 18 12 to draw out or open...
stretta 12 7 (Italian) a concludi...
strette 12 7 STRETTA, (Italian) a...
stretti 13 7 STRETTO, a concludin...
stretto 12 7 a concluding musical...
strewed 15 11 STREW, to scatter, s...
strewer 15 10 one who strews, also...
strewth 18 12 a mild oath, God's t...
striata 12 7 STRIATUM, (Latin) pa...
striate 12 7 to mark with striae,...
stricks 18 14 STRICK, a bunch of h...
strider 13 8 one who strides [n -...
strides 13 8 STRIDE, to walk with...
stridor 13 8 (Latin) a harsh shri...
strifes 15 10 STRIFE, contention o...
strifts 16 10 STRIFT, a struggle [...
strigae 13 9 STRIGA, (Latin) the...
strigil 16 10 (Latin) an instrumen...
striker 14 11 an attacking player,...
strikes 14 11 STRIKE, to hit [v]
strines 12 8 STRINE, (Australian...
strings 14 10 STRING, to provide w...
stringy 20 12 fibrous [adj STRINGI...
striped 15 11 STRIPE, to mark with...
striper 15 10 a food and game fish...
stripes 15 10 STRIPE, to mark with...
stripey 21 12 patterned with strip...
strived 15 12 STRIVE, to try hard...
striven 14 12 STRIVE, to try hard...
striver 15 11 one who strives [n -...
strives 15 11 STRIVE, to try hard...
stroams 13 10 STROAM, to wander ab...
strobed 14 11 STROBE, to produce v...
strobes 14 10 STROBE, to produce v...
strobic 18 13 spinning [adj]
strobil 16 11 a scaly spike of fem...
strodle 13 9 (dialect) to straddl...
stroked 13 12 STROKE, to rub gentl...
stroken 12 12 STRIKE, to hit [v]
stroker 13 11 one who strokes [n -...
strokes 13 11 STROKE, to rub gentl...
strolls 15 9 STROLL, to walk in a...
stromal 14 11 of or like a stroma,...
strombs 16 13 STROMB, a very large...
stronds 12 9 STROND, (Spenser) a...
strooke 12 11 (obsolete) a stroke...
strophe 16 12 (Greek) a group of l...
stroppy 23 15 (colloquial) touchy,...
strouds 13 9 STROUD, a kind of co...
stroups 15 11 STROUP, a spout [n]
strouts 13 8 STROUT, to swell; to...
strowed 15 11 STROW, to scatter, a...
strower 15 10 one who strows, also...
stroyed 18 10 STROY, (dialect) to...
stroyer 18 9 one who stroys [n -S...
strudel 14 10 (German) a very thin...
strumae 13 11 STRUMA, (Latin) a di...
strumas 14 11 STRUMA, (Latin) a di...
strunts 13 9 STRUNT, to walk with...
stubbed 17 15 STUB, to strike acci...
stubbie 17 14 (Australian slang) a...
stubble 18 15 the leavings of a cr...
stubbly 25 17 covered with stubble...
stuccos 19 14 STUCCO, to coat with...
studded 13 11 STUD, to adorn with...
studden 12 11 STAND, to assume an...
studdie 13 10 a blacksmith's forge...
studdle 14 11 a post, a prop, also...
student 12 10 a person formally en...
studied 13 10 STUDY, to apply ones...
studier 13 9 one who studies [n -...
studies 13 9 STUDY, to apply ones...
studios 13 9 STUDIO, an artist's...
stuffed 17 15 STUFF, to fill or pa...
stuffer 17 14 one that stuffs [n -...
stuiver 15 12 (Dutch) a Dutch coin...
stumble 17 15 to trip when walking...
stumbly 24 17 apt to stumble [adj...
stumers 14 11 STUMER, (slang) a co...
stummed 15 15 STUM, to increase fe...
stummel 16 15 (German) a bowl and...
stumped 16 15 STUMP, to baffle [v]
stumper 16 14 a baffling question...
stunned 11 11 STUN, to render unco...
stunner 11 10 a very attractive pe...
stunted 12 10 STUNT, to hinder fro...
stupefy 23 16 to dull the senses o...
stupent 14 12 astounded [adj]
stupids 16 12 STUPID, a stupid per...
stuping 16 14 STUPE, to treat with...
stupors 15 11 STUPOR, a state of r...
sturmer 14 11 a variety of dessert...
sturnus 13 10 (Latin) any bird of...
sturted 13 9 STURT, to vex; to an...
stushie 15 10 (Scots) fuss, ado, d...
stutter 13 8 to speak with spasmo...
stygian 19 12 (Greek) of or relati...
stylate 19 10 having a style or pe...
stylees 19 10 STYLEE, a facetious...
stylers 20 10 STYLER, one who styl...
stylets 20 10 STYLET, a small poni...
stylier 20 10 STYLIE, (New Zealand...
styling 21 13 the way in which som...
stylise 20 10 to make conventional...
stylish 23 12 fashionable [adj STY...
stylist 21 10 one who is master of...
stylite 20 10 (Greek) one of a cla...
stylize 23 19 to make conventional...
styloid 20 11 a spiny process [n -...
stylops 22 13 a genus of insects i...
stymied 20 13 STYMIE, to thwart, s...
stymies 20 12 STYMIE, to thwart, s...
styming 21 15 STYME, (Scots) to pe...
stypsis 22 12 (Greek) the use, act...
styptic 25 15 astringent, also STY...
styrene 17 10 a liquid hydocarbon...
styring 20 12 STYRE, (Spenser) to...
styting 20 12 STYTE, (Scots) to st...
suasion 11 9 persuasion [n -S]
suasive 14 12 persuasive [adj SUAS...
suasory 18 10 tending to persuade;...
suavely 21 15 SUAVE, sophisticated...
suavest 14 12 SUAVE, sophisticated...
suavity 21 14 the state of being s...
subacid 18 15 slightly sour [adj S...
subacts 18 14 SUBACT, to subdue [v...
subadar 14 12 (Hindi) a native off...
subalar 15 12 under the wing [adj]
subaqua 22 21 relating to underwat...
subarea 13 11 a subdivision of an...
subarid 15 12 somewhat arid [adj]
subatom 15 14 a component of an at...
subbase 16 14 the lowest part of a...
subbass 17 14 a pedal stop produci...
subbies 17 14 SUBBY, (Australian s...
subbing 18 17 the act of subeditin...
subcell 20 16 a subdivision of a c...
subclan 18 16 a subdivision of a c...
subcode 17 15 a subdivision of a c...
subcool 18 15 to cool below the fr...
subcult 20 16 a subdivision of a c...
subdean 13 13 a subordinate dean [...
subdebs 17 15 SUBDEB, (Short for)...
subdews 18 15 SUBDEW, to bring und...
subdual 16 14 the act of subduing...
subduce 18 16 to take away [v SUBD...
subduct 19 16 to withdraw; to take...
subdued 15 14 SUBDUE, to bring und...
subduer 15 13 one who subduers [n...
subdues 15 13 SUBDUE, to bring und...
subecho 19 16 an inferior echo [n...
subedar 14 12 (Hindi) a native off...
subedit 15 12 to act as assistant...
suberic 18 14 relating to an acid...
suberin 14 12 a substance found in...
subfeus 17 15 SUBFEU, to grant lan...
subfile 18 15 a subdivision of a f...
subfusc 21 18 duskish; moderately...
subfusk 19 19 duskish; moderately...
subgoal 16 14 a subordinate goal [...
subgums 18 17 SUBGUM, (Chinese) a...
subhead 16 14 an inferior heading,...
subidea 14 12 an inferior idea [n...
subitem 16 14 an item that forms a...
subject 20 23 to cause to experien...
subjoin 16 21 to add at the end [v...
sublate 15 12 to deny; to contradi...
sublets 16 12 SUBLET, to rent leas...
sublime 17 15 lofty [adj SUBLIMER,...
subline 15 13 an inbred line withi...
sublots 16 12 SUBLOT, a subdivisio...
submenu 15 16 a secondary list of...
submiss 17 14 (archaic) submissive...
submits 17 14 SUBMIT, to yield to...
subnets 14 12 SUBNET, a system con...
suboral 15 12 situated under the m...
suborns 14 12 SUBORN, to induce to...
suboval 17 16 nearly oval [adj]
subpart 17 14 a subdivision of a p...
subpena 15 15 to summon with a typ...
subplot 18 15 a subordinate plot i...
subrace 17 14 a subdivision of a r...
subrent 14 12 to sublet or rent ou...
subring 16 14 a subset of a mathem...
subrule 16 13 a subordinate rule [...
subsale 15 12 a resale of purchase...
subsect 18 14 a sect directly deri...
subsere 14 11 a type of ecological...
subsets 15 11 SUBSET, a mathematic...
subside 15 12 to sink to a lower o...
subsidy 22 14 a grant or contribut...
subsist 16 11 to continue to exist...
subsite 15 11 a division of a site...
subsoil 16 12 to plow the layer of...
subsong 15 14 a bird's undersong [...
subsume 16 15 to classify within a...
subtack 19 18 a sublease in Scotla...
subtask 16 15 a subordinate task [...
subtaxa 20 18 SUBTAXON, a subdivis...
subteen 13 12 a person approaching...
subtend 14 13 to extend under or o...
subtest 15 11 a subdivision of a t...
subtext 21 18 written or printed m...
subtile 16 12 (archaic) subtle, de...
subtler 16 12 SUBTLE, so slight as...
subtone 13 12 a low or subdued ton...
subtype 23 16 a type that is subor...
subunit 15 13 a unit that is part...
suburbs 18 15 SUBURB, a residentia...
subvene 15 16 to arrive or occur a...
subvert 17 15 to destroy completel...
subways 24 16 SUBWAY, to travel by...
subzero 17 20 registering less tha...
subzone 16 21 a subdivision of a z...
succade 18 15 a candied fruit, a s...
succahs 21 16 SUCCAH, (Hebrew) a s...
succeed 18 15 to accomplish someth...
success 19 14 the attainment of so...
succise 19 14 ending abruptly belo...
succors 19 14 SUCCOR, to go to the...
succory 25 16 chicory [n SUCCORIES...
succose 18 14 of or like succus, j...
succoth 21 16 SUCCAH, (Hebrew) a s...
succour 19 15 to go to the aid of,...
succous 19 15 of or like succus, j...
succuba 21 18 a female demon, also...
succubi 22 18 SUCCUBUS, a female d...
succumb 23 21 to yield to superior...
succuss 20 15 to shake violently [...
suckens 16 16 SUCKEN, a feudal dis...
suckers 17 15 SUCKER, to strip off...
suckets 17 15 SUCKET, (obsolete) a...
suckier 17 15 SUCKY, not good [adj...
sucking 18 18 the act of sucking [...
suckled 18 17 SUCKLE, to feed mild...
suckler 18 16 an animal that suckl...
suckles 18 16 SUCKLE, to feed mild...
sucrase 15 11 an enzyme that inver...
sucrier 16 11 (French) a table ves...
sucrose 15 11 a white crystalline...
suction 15 12 to remove by sucking...
sudamen 12 13 (Latin) a whitish ve...
sudaria 12 9 SUDARIUM, a cloth fo...
sudated 12 10 SUDATE, to sweat [v]
sudates 12 9 SUDATE, to sweat [v]
suddens 12 11 SUDDEN, a sudden occ...
sudders 13 10 SUDDER, (Arabic) a s...
sudokus 14 14 SUDOKU, a type of pu...
sudoral 13 10 pertaining to sweat...
sudsers 13 9 SUDSER, (slang) a so...
sudsier 13 9 SUDSY, full of suds...
sudsing 14 12 SUDS, to wash in soa...
sueable 14 12 that may be sued, al...
sueding 13 12 SUEDE, to finish lea...
suetier 12 8 SUETY, resembling su...
suffari 17 14 a hunting expedition...
suffect 20 17 (Latin) in ancient R...
suffers 17 14 SUFFER, to feel pain...
suffete 16 14 (Latin) one of the c...
suffice 20 17 to be adequate [v SU...
suffuse 17 15 to spread throughout...
sugared 13 11 SUGAR, to sweeten wi...
sugarer 13 10 one that makes sugar...
suggest 15 12 to put forward for c...
sugging 16 15 selling under the gu...
sughing 17 15 SUGH, to make a moan...
suicide 16 12 to kill oneself inte...
suidian 12 10 belonging to the pig...
suiplap 18 15 (Afrikaans) a drunka...
suiters 13 8 SUITER, a special su...
suiting 14 11 fabric for making su...
suitors 13 8 SUITOR, (archaic) to...
sukkahs 17 18 SUKKAH, a shelter wh...
sukkoth 17 18 SUKKAH, a shelter wh...
sulcate 16 12 having long, narrow...
suldans 13 11 SULDAN, (Arabic) the...
sulfate 15 12 to treat with sulfur...
sulfide 16 13 a compound of an ele...
sulfids 17 13 SULFID, a compound o...
sulfite 16 12 a salt of sulphurous...
sulfone 14 13 a sulfur compound, a...
sulfurs 17 13 SULFUR, to treat wit...
sulfury 23 15 resembling sulfur, a...
sulkers 15 13 SULKER, one who sulk...
sulkier 15 13 SULKY, in a resentfu...
sulkies 15 13 SULKY, a kind of hor...
sulkily 23 16 SULKY, in a resentfu...
sulking 16 16 SULK, to become sull...
sullage 15 12 filth; refuse; sewag...
sullens 14 11 SULLEN, a sullen moo...
sullied 15 11 SULLY, to soil, make...
sullies 15 10 SULLY, to soil, make...
sulphas 18 14 SULPHA, a bacteria-i...
sulphid 19 15 a sulfur compound, a...
sulphur 19 15 a non metallic eleme...
sultana 12 10 a small, pale, seedl...
sultans 13 10 SULTAN, (Arabic) the...
sumachs 19 16 SUMACH, any of vario...
sumatra 13 11 a short, violent squ...
sumless 15 12 too large for calcul...
summand 14 16 an addend, a number...
summary 21 16 a condensation of th...
summate 14 14 to add together [v S...
summats 15 14 SUMMAT, (dialect) so...
summers 15 14 SUMMER, to pass the...
summery 21 16 characteristic of su...
summing 16 17 the act of summing [...
summist 16 14 a writer of summae;...
summits 16 14 SUMMIT, to take part...
summons 14 15 a call to appear in...
sumoist 14 11 a sumo wrestler [n -...
sumpits 17 14 SUMPIT, (Malay) a Ma...
sumpter 16 14 (archaic) a pack hor...
sunback 18 19 cut low to expose th...
sunbake 14 16 to bake e.g. mud har...
sunbath 16 14 an exposure to sunli...
sunbeam 14 15 a beam of sunlight [...
sunbeat 13 12 continually exposed...
sunbeds 14 13 SUNBED, a unit consi...
sunbelt 15 13 the southern and sou...
sunbird 15 13 a family of small, o...
sunbows 17 15 SUNBOW, an arc of sp...
sunburn 14 14 to burn by exposure...
suncare 14 12 protection of the sk...
sundaes 11 10 SUNDAE, a dish of ic...
sundari 12 10 (Sanskrit) an East I...
sundeck 16 17 the upper deck of a...
sunders 12 10 SUNDER, to break apa...
sundews 15 13 SUNDEW, an insectivo...
sundial 13 11 a type of time-telli...
sundogs 13 12 SUNDOG, a bright spo...
sundown 14 14 the time at which th...
sundras 12 10 SUNDRA, a timber tre...
sundris 13 10 SUNDRI, (Sanskrit) a...
sunfast 14 12 resistant to fading...
sunfish 17 14 a marine fish [n -ES...
sungars 13 11 SUNGAR, (Pushtu) a t...
sunglow 17 15 a glow in the sky ca...
sunhats 14 11 SUNHAT, a hat worn f...
sunkers 13 13 SUNKER, a ridge of r...
sunkets 13 13 SUNKET, (Scots) a da...
sunkies 13 13 SUNKIE, (Scots) a li...
sunlamp 16 16 a lamp that radiates...
sunland 12 12 an area marked by a...
sunless 13 10 without sun [adj SUN...
sunlike 14 14 like the sun [adj]
sunnahs 13 12 SUNNAH, (Arabic) a c...
sunnier 11 10 SUNNY, full of sun [...
sunnies 11 10 (Australia) sunglass...
sunnily 19 13 SUNNY, full of sun [...
sunning 12 13 SUN, to expose to su...
sunrays 18 11 SUNRAY, a ray of sun...
sunrise 12 9 the rising or first...
sunroof 13 12 a roof of a car that...
sunroom 12 12 a room built to admi...
sunsets 12 9 SUNSET, the descent...
sunspot 14 12 a dark spot on the s...
sunstar 12 9 a kind of starfish [...
sunsuit 13 10 an outfit worn for s...
suntans 11 10 SUNTAN, to tan in th...
suntrap 14 12 a sheltered sunny pl...
sunward 15 13 towards the sun [adv...
sunwise 15 12 in the direction of...
supawns 17 15 SUPAWN, (Native Amer...
supered 14 12 SUPER, to reinforce...
supines 14 12 SUPINE, a Latin verb...
suppawn 19 18 (Native American) a...
suppers 17 14 SUPPER, to supply wi...
supping 18 17 SUP, to eat supper [...
suppled 18 16 SUPPLE, to make supp...
suppler 18 15 SUPPLE, pliant, lith...
supples 18 15 SUPPLE, to make supp...
support 17 14 to hold up [v -ED, -...
suppose 16 14 to assume to be true...
suprema 15 14 SUPREMUM, in maths,...
supreme 15 14 highest, greatest [a...
supremo 15 14 one who is highest i...
suramin 13 12 a drug used in the t...
surance 14 12 (Shakespeare) assura...
surbase 14 11 a border above the b...
surbate 14 11 to make footsore; to...
surbeds 15 12 SURBED, (obsolete) t...
surcoat 15 11 a tunic worn over ar...
surculi 18 13 SURCULUS, a sucker [...
surdity 20 11 deafness [n SURDITIE...
surface 17 14 to apply an outer la...
surfeit 15 11 to indulge in excess...
surfers 15 11 SURFER, one who surf...
surfier 15 11 SURFY, abounding in...
surfies 15 11 SURFIE, (Australian...
surfing 16 14 the sport of riding...
surfman 15 15 skilful boat handler...
surfmen 15 15 SURFMAN, skilful boa...
surgent 13 11 rising; swelling, as...
surgeon 12 11 one who practices su...
surgers 14 10 SURGER, one who surg...
surgery 20 12 the treatment of med...
surgier 14 10 SURGY, surging [adj]
surging 15 13 the act of surging [...
surimis 15 11 SURIMI, (Japanese) s...
surlier 14 9 SURLY, sullenly rude...
surlily 22 12 SURLY, sullenly rude...
surloin 13 10 a loin of beef, or t...
surmise 14 11 to infer with little...
surname 12 12 to give the family n...
surpass 15 11 to go beyond [v -ED,...
surplus 17 13 an excess [n SURPLUS...
surreal 13 9 of or relating to su...
surreys 19 10 SURREY, a light four...
surtout 13 9 (French) a man's coa...
surveil 16 13 to watch closely, al...
surveys 21 14 SURVEY, to examine i...
surview 18 15 to survey, look over...
survive 17 16 to remain in existen...
susliks 16 13 SUSLIK, (Russian) a...
suspect 18 14 to think guilty [v -...
suspend 14 13 to stop for a period...
suspens 14 12 (Milton) suspended,...
suspire 15 11 to sigh [v SUSPIRED,...
sussing 14 11 SUSS, to arrest for...
sustain 12 9 to maintain by provi...
sutlers 14 9 SUTLER, one who pedd...
sutlery 20 11 a camp hawker's stal...
suttees 12 8 SUTTEE, (Sanksrit) t...
suttled 14 10 SUTTLE, to trade as...
suttles 14 9 SUTTLE, to trade as...
sutural 14 10 pertaining to the ju...
sutured 13 10 SUTURE, to unite by...
sutures 13 9 SUTURE, to unite by...
svelter 15 12 SVELTE, slender, sle...
swabbed 19 17 SWAB, to clean with...
swabber 19 16 one that swabs, also...
swabbie 19 16 (US slang) a seaman,...
swacked 19 18 SWACK, (Scots) to st...
swaddie 15 12 a soldier, esp. a mi...
swaddle 16 13 to wrap in bandages...
swagers 16 12 SWAGER, one who uses...
swagged 17 15 SWAG, to sway, sag [...
swagger 17 14 to walk with a pompo...
swaggie 17 14 a hobo, also SWAGMAN...
swaging 17 15 SWAGE, to shape with...
swagman 16 16 a hobo, also SWAGGIE...
swagmen 16 16 SWAGMAN, a hobo, als...
swalier 16 11 SWALY, marshy [adj]
swaling 17 14 the act of scorching...
swallet 17 12 a place where water...
swallow 20 15 to take into the sto...
swamies 16 13 SWAMY, (Hindi) a Hin...
swamped 18 17 SWAMP, to inundate [...
swamper 18 16 one that lives in a...
swanked 15 16 SWANK, to show off [...
swanker 15 15 one who shows off, a...
swankey 21 17 (Scots) one who show...
swankie 15 15 (Scots) one who show...
swanned 13 13 SWAN, to move like a...
swannie 13 12 (tradename) in New Z...
swanpan 15 15 (Chinese) a Chinese...
swapped 19 17 SWAP, to barter, giv...
swapper 19 16 a person who swaps [...
swarded 15 12 SWARD, to cover with...
swarfed 17 14 SWARF, to faint, als...
swarmed 16 14 SWARM, to move in a...
swarmer 16 13 one who swarms [n -S...
swarths 18 12 SWARTH, the quantity...
swarthy 24 14 having a dark comple...
swarved 17 15 SWARVE, to swerve [v...
swarves 17 14 SWARVE, to swerve [v...
swashed 17 13 SWASH, to dash, spla...
swasher 17 12 (Shakespeare) a blus...
swashes 17 12 SWASH, to dash, spla...
swathed 17 13 SWATHE, to wrap in b...
swather 17 12 a device attached to...
swathes 17 12 SWATHE, to wrap in b...
swatted 15 11 SWAT, to hit sharply...
swatter 15 10 to splash or spill a...
swayers 21 12 SWAYER, one who sway...
swayful 25 17 capable of influenci...
swaying 22 15 the act of swaying [...
swayled 22 14 SWAYL, to scorch, si...
swazzle 22 29 an instrument which...
swealed 15 12 SWEAL, to scorch, si...
sweards 15 11 SWEARD, (Spenser) a...
swearer 14 10 one who swears [n -S...
sweated 14 11 SWEAT, to perspire [...
sweater 14 10 a heavy jersey for l...
swedger 16 13 (Scots) a sweet [n -...
sweeing 15 13 SWEE, to sway, swing...
sweeled 15 12 SWEEL, to scorch, si...
sweeney 19 13 atrophy of a horse's...
sweeper 16 13 one who sweeps [n -S...
sweered 14 11 SWEER, to swear [v]
sweeted 14 11 SWEET, to sweeten [v...
sweeten 13 11 to make sweet [v -ED...
sweeter 14 10 SWEET, tasting like...
sweetie 14 10 an attractive person...
sweetly 22 13 SWEET, tasting like...
sweired 15 11 SWEIR, to swear [v]
sweirer 15 10 SWEIR, (Scots) sloth...
swelled 17 13 SWELL, to increase i...
sweller 17 12 a member of the fash...
swelted 16 12 SWELT, (dialect) to...
swelter 16 11 to suffer from oppre...
sweltry 23 13 oppressively hot [ad...
swerfed 17 14 SWERF, (Scots) to fa...
swerved 17 15 SWERVE, to turn asid...
swerver 17 14 one who swerves [n -...
swerves 17 14 SWERVE, to turn asid...
swevens 16 15 SWEVEN, (obsolete) a...
sweying 22 15 SWEY, (Scots) to swa...
swidden 15 13 land prepared by bur...
swifted 18 14 SWIFT, to tighten wi...
swifter 18 13 a rope used to tight...
swiftie 18 13 (Australian slang) a...
swiftly 26 16 SWIFT, rapid [adv]
swigged 18 15 SWIG, to drink rapid...
swigger 18 14 one who swigs [n -S]
swilers 17 11 SWILER, (Canadian) i...
swiling 18 14 the activity of hunt...
swilled 18 13 SWILL, to dash water...
swiller 18 12 one who swills [n -S...
swimmer 18 16 one that swims [n -S...
swindge 16 14 (Shakespeare) to swi...
swindle 16 13 to take money or pro...
swinery 21 13 a place where pigs a...
swingby 25 18 a spacecraft mission...
swinged 16 14 SWINGE, to beat, cha...
swinger 16 13 one that swings [n -...
swinges 16 13 SWINGE, to beat, cha...
swingle 17 14 to separate the wood...
swinish 18 13 resembling or befitt...
swinked 16 16 SWINK, (archaic) to...
swinker 16 15 a hard worker [n -S]
swinney 20 14 atrophy of a horse's...
swipers 18 13 SWIPER, one who swee...
swipier 18 13 SWIPEY, fuddled with...
swiping 19 16 SWIPE, to strike wit...
swiples 19 14 SWIPLE, a part of a...
swipple 21 17 a part of a threshin...
swirled 17 12 SWIRL, to move with...
swished 18 13 SWISH, to make this...
swisher 18 12 one who swishes [n -...
swishes 18 12 SWISH, to make this...
swisses 16 10 SWISS, a cotton fabr...
switchy 28 17 full of switches [ad...
swither 18 12 (Scots) to be undeci...
swithly 26 15 SWITH [adv]
switses 16 10 SWITS, (Shakespeare)...
swivels 19 15 SWIVEL, to turn on a...
swivets 18 14 SWIVET, (dialect) a...
swiving 19 17 SWIVE, (archaic) to...
swizzed 22 29 SWIZZ, to defraud, a...
swizzes 22 28 SWIZZ, to defraud, a...
swizzle 23 29 to defraud, cheat [v...
swobbed 19 17 SWOB, to mop up [v]
swobber 19 16 a sweeper of the dec...
swoffer 19 16 someone who engages...
swollen 16 13 SWELL, to increase i...
swooned 13 12 SWOON, to faint, als...
swooner 13 11 one who swoons [n -S...
swooped 16 14 SWOOP, to make a sud...
swooper 16 13 one who swoops [n -S...
swopped 19 17 SWOP, to barter, giv...
swopper 19 16 one who swops [n -S]
sworded 15 12 SWORD, to wield a sw...
sworder 15 11 (archaic) a gladiato...
swotted 15 11 SWOT, to study hard...
swotter 15 10 one who swots [n -S]
swounds 15 13 SWOUND, to faint, al...
swouned 14 13 SWOUN, to faint, als...
swounes 14 12 SWOUNE, (Spenser) to...
swownds 18 15 SWOWND, (Spenser) a...
swownes 17 14 SWOWNE, (Spenser) a...
swozzle 22 29 an instrument which...
sybotic 24 15 pertaining to a swin...
syconia 20 13 SYCONIUM, (Greek) a...
sycoses 21 12 SYCOSIS, an inflamma...
sycosis 22 12 an inflammatory dise...
syenite 17 10 a coarse-grained ign...
syllabi 23 14 SYLLABUS, an outline...
sylloge 21 13 a collection or summ...
sylphic 28 18 of or like a sylph [...
sylphid 25 16 a young sylph, also...
sylvans 21 15 SYLVAN, one that liv...
sylvias 22 14 SYLVIA, (Latin) any...
sylvine 21 15 a native potassium c...
sylvins 22 15 SYLVIN, a native pot...
sylvite 22 14 a native potassium c...
symbion 21 16 an organism living i...
symbiot 22 15 an organism living i...
symbole 22 16 (obsolete) a cymbal...
symbols 23 16 SYMBOL, to serve as...
symitar 20 12 a curved oriental sw...
symptom 23 18 a subjective indicat...
synagog 19 14 (Greek) a Jewish chu...
synanon 15 12 a method of group th...
synapse 19 13 to come together at...
synapte 19 13 (Greek) in the Greek...
synaxes 23 17 SYNAXIS, (Greek) in...
synaxis 24 17 (Greek) in the early...
syncarp 23 16 a fleshy multiple fr...
synched 23 16 SYNCH, to cause to o...
synchro 23 15 (short for) synchron...
syncing 22 16 SYNC, to cause to op...
syncoms 22 16 SYNCOM, a type of co...
syncope 22 16 a contraction of a w...
syndets 18 11 SYNDET, a synthetic...
syndics 22 14 SYNDIC, a business a...
synding 19 14 the act of rinsing o...
synergy 25 14 combined action, als...
syneses 17 10 SYNESIS, a construct...
synesis 18 10 a construction in wh...
synfuel 21 15 a fuel derived from...
syngamy 26 17 the union of two gam...
synodal 18 12 a payment made by a...
synodic 21 14 enacted or made by o...
synonym 24 16 a word having the sa...
synovia 19 14 a lubricating fluid...
synrocs 21 13 SYNROC, a type of sy...
syntagm 20 15 a syntactic unit com...
syntans 17 11 SYNTAN, a synthetic...
synteny 23 13 the presence of seve...
synthon 19 13 a constituent part i...
syntone 16 11 a person having a sy...
syntony 23 13 the tuning of transm...
syntype 26 15 each of a set of typ...
synurae 17 11 SYNURA, any of a gen...
syphers 23 14 SYPHER, to lay an ed...
syphons 22 15 SYPHON, to draw off...
syrette 18 9 a small tube fitted...
syringa 19 12 an ornamental shrub,...
syringe 19 12 to treat with inject...
syrphid 24 15 a wasplike fly, also...
syruped 21 14 SYRUP, to make into...
systems 20 12 SYSTEM, a group of i...
systole 19 10 the normal rhythmic...
systyle 26 12 a building with inte...
syzygal 30 23 related to a syzygy,...