13 letter words that starts with s

13 letter words that start with S

13 letter S word


Word With Friends


saccharifying 40 29 SACCHARIFY, to conve...
saccharimeter 31 24 an instrument for me...
saccharimetry 38 26 the measurement of t...
saccharometer 30 24 an instrument for me...
saccharometry 37 26 the process of deter...
saccharomyces 40 29 any of a genus of us...
sacerdotalise 25 18 to render sacerdotal...
sacerdotalism 27 21 the belief that prie...
sacerdotalist 26 18 a believer in sacerd...
sacerdotalize 28 27 to render sacerdotal...
sacralisation 25 18 the process of sacra...
sacralization 28 27 the process of sacra...
sacramentally 33 24 SACRAMENTAL, of or l...
sacrificeable 33 26 that can be sacrific...
sacrificially 40 26 SACRIFICIAL, of or l...
sacrosanctity 34 22 the state of being s...
sadomasochism 29 25 the derivation of pl...
sadomasochist 28 22 one who derives sexu...
safecrackings 32 29 SAFECRACKING, the ac...
sagaciousness 25 20 the state of being s...
sailboardings 26 21 SAILBOARDING, the sp...
saintlinesses 22 16 SAINTLINESS, the sta...
salablenesses 24 19 SALABLENESS, the qua...
salaciousness 25 19 the state of being s...
salamandrians 22 20 SALAMANDRIAN, a sala...
salamandroids 23 20 SALAMANDROID, a memb...
saleabilities 26 18 SALEABILITY, the qua...
salesmanships 28 23 SALESMANSHIP, the sk...
salicylamides 35 24 SALICYLAMIDE, an ana...
salifications 28 21 SALIFICATION, the pr...
salinisations 22 16 SALINISATION, the pr...
salinizations 25 25 SALINIZATION, the pr...
salinometries 23 18 SALINOMETRY, the mea...
salmonberries 25 21 SALMONBERRY, a salmo...
salmonelloses 24 20 SALMONELLOSIS, infec...
salmonellosis 25 20 infection with or di...
salpingectomy 36 28 surgical removal of...
salpingitises 27 20 SALPINGITIS, inflamm...
saltationisms 24 18 SALTATIONISM, punctu...
saltationists 23 15 SALTATIONIST, someon...
saltishnesses 25 17 SALTISHNESS, the qua...
salutatorians 22 16 SALUTATORIAN, the se...
salvabilities 29 22 SALVABILITY, the sta...
salvationisms 26 22 SALVATIONISM, religi...
salvationists 25 19 SALVATIONIST, a sold...
salviniaceous 27 23 of or like the Salvi...
sanctifyingly 42 28 SANCTIFYING [adv]
sanctimonious 25 22 hypocritically pious...
sanctuarising 26 21 SANCTUARISE, to affo...
sanctuarizing 29 30 SANCTUARIZE, to affo...
sandblastings 26 22 SANDBLASTING, the ac...
sandpaintings 24 22 SANDPAINTING, a pain...
sandpaperings 26 24 SANDPAPERING, the ac...
sanguinolency 31 25 the state of being s...
sanitarianism 22 18 the policy of favour...
sanitationist 21 15 one concerned with s...
sanitisations 21 15 SANITISATION, the ac...
sanitizations 24 24 SANITIZATION, the ac...
sansculottish 29 21 like a sansculotte,...
sansculottism 28 22 the politics of the...
sansculottist 27 19 a violent revolution...
saplessnesses 24 18 SAPLESSNESS, the sta...
saprogenicity 34 24 the state of being s...
saprophytisms 37 26 SAPROPHYTISM, being...
sarcastically 37 23 SARCASTIC, showing s...
sarcocystises 35 21 SARCOCYSTIS, a sporo...
sarcophaguses 30 24 SARCOPHAGUS, a stone...
sarmentaceous 24 21 having sarmenta or r...
sarrusophones 25 20 SARRUSOPHONE, a doub...
sarsaparillas 26 18 SARSAPARILLA, (Spani...
satanicalness 24 19 the state of being s...
satanophanies 23 20 SATANOPHANY, an appe...
satanophobias 26 22 SATANOPHOBIA, fear o...
satellitising 26 18 SATELLITISE, to brin...
satellitizing 29 27 SATELLITIZE, to brin...
satiabilities 26 17 SATIABILITY, the cap...
satiricalness 26 18 the state of being s...
satirisations 22 14 SATIRISATION, the pr...
satirizations 25 23 SATIRIZATION, the pr...
satisfactions 27 20 SATISFACTION, the ac...
saturnalianly 29 20 SATURNALIAN, riotous...
saturninities 22 16 SATURNINITY, the sta...
saurognathous 24 20 having a lizard-like...
savablenesses 25 22 SAVABLENESS, the sta...
savourinesses 23 19 SAVOURINESS, the sta...
scabbednesses 28 24 SCABBEDNESS, the sta...
scalabilities 30 21 SCALABILITY, the abi...
scalariformly 37 26 SCALARIFORM, shaped...
scalenohedron 25 22 a hemihedral form bo...
scalpelliform 34 28 shaped like a scalpe...
scandalmonger 26 25 one who spreads scan...
scapegoatings 28 24 SCAPEGOATING, the ac...
scapegoatisms 29 24 SCAPEGOATISM, the ac...
scaphocephali 37 30 SCAPHOCEPHALUS, an a...
scaphocephaly 43 32 having an abnormally...
scapulimantic 33 28 related to scapulima...
scapulomantic 32 28 related to scapuloma...
scaramouching 32 28 SCARAMOUCH, to behav...
scarification 30 23 the act of scarifyin...
scarificators 31 22 SCARIFICATOR, a surg...
scathefulness 30 24 the state of being s...
scatterations 24 17 SCATTERATION, the ac...
scatterbrains 27 20 SCATTERBRAIN, a gidd...
scatterometer 25 19 an instrument carrie...
scavengerings 28 26 SCAVENGERING, the ac...
scenarisation 23 18 the process of scena...
scenarization 26 27 the process of scena...
sceneshifters 29 22 SCENESHIFTER, a work...
scenographers 29 24 SCENOGRAPHER, one wh...
scenographies 29 24 SCENOGRAPHY, the rep...
scentlessness 25 19 the state of being s...
sceuophylacia 39 28 SCEUOPHYLACIUM, a sa...
sceuophylaxes 42 32 SCEUOPHYLAX, a sacri...
schadenfreude 28 25 (German) enjoyment g...
schematically 40 28 SCHEMATICAL, involvi...
schillerising 32 23 SCHILLERISE, to give...
schillerizing 35 32 SCHILLERIZE, to give...
schismaticals 34 25 SCHISMATICAL, a pers...
schismatising 31 24 SCHISMATISE, to prac...
schismatizing 34 33 SCHISMATIZE, to prac...
schistosities 29 18 SCHISTOSITY, the fol...
schizaeaceous 32 31 belonging to the Sch...
schizanthuses 33 31 SCHIZANTHUS, a Chile...
schizocarpous 36 34 of or like a schizoc...
schizogeneses 30 30 SCHIZOGENESIS, repro...
schizogenesis 31 30 reproduction by divi...
schizogenetic 34 33 reproducing, reprodu...
schizomycetes 41 35 SCHIZOMYCETE, any mi...
schizomycetic 45 38 of or like a schizom...
schizophrenes 34 33 SCHIZOPHRENE, one af...
schizophrenia 34 33 a mental disorder wi...
schizophrenic 38 36 relating to schizoph...
schizothymias 41 34 SCHIZOTHYMIA, schizo...
schlumbergera 33 28 Christmas cactus [n...
schnorkelling 31 28 SCHNORKEL, (German)...
scholarliness 29 21 the state of being s...
scholasticate 31 22 a preparatory colleg...
scholasticism 34 25 the aims, methods, a...
schoolfellows 35 27 SCHOOLFELLOW, a fell...
schoolgirlish 34 24 like a schoolgirl [a...
schoolmarmish 33 27 like a schoolmarm, p...
schoolmasters 29 22 SCHOOLMASTER, a male...
schoolteacher 32 24 one who teaches scho...
schussboomers 31 25 SCHUSSBOOMER, a very...
schwarmerisch 38 29 (German) showing sch...
scientificity 38 25 the state of being S...
scintigraphic 35 27 relating to scintigr...
scintillantly 35 23 SCINTILLANT, sparkli...
scintillating 29 22 SCINTILLATE, to spar...
scintillation 27 20 the twinkling of sta...
scintillators 28 19 SCINTILLATOR, an ins...
scintilliscan 31 23 a 2-D image from a r...
scintiscanner 27 22 a device for produci...
scirrhosities 29 18 SCIRRHOSITY, the sta...
sclerenchymas 38 28 SCLERENCHYMA, plant...
sclerocaulies 30 22 SCLEROCAULY, possess...
sclerocaulous 30 23 having a hard dry st...
sclerodermata 26 21 SCLERODERMA, a disea...
sclerodermias 27 21 SCLERODERMIA, hardne...
sclerodermite 27 21 the integument of a...
sclerodermous 27 22 hard-skinned; having...
scleromalacia 30 24 thinning of the scle...
scleroprotein 27 21 a large class of pro...
sclerotitises 27 17 SCLEROTITIS, inflamm...
scolopendrids 28 23 SCOLOPENDRID, any ce...
scolopendrine 26 23 like a centipede of...
scolopendrium 29 26 any fern with undivi...
scopophiliacs 36 28 SCOPOPHILIAC, one wh...
scoptophilias 33 25 SCOPTOPHILIA, the pr...
scoptophobias 33 27 SCOPTOPHOBIA, fear o...
scorbutically 40 27 SCORBUTIC, pertainin...
scorchingness 31 25 the state of being s...
scorification 30 23 the act of scorifyin...
scragginesses 27 21 SCRAGGINESS, the sta...
scrapbookings 31 29 SCRAPBOOKING, the pr...
scrapepennies 27 24 SCRAPEPENNY, (archai...
scraperboards 29 23 SCRAPERBOARD, a clay...
scrappinesses 29 23 SCRAPPINESS, the sta...
scratchboards 33 25 SCRATCHBOARD, a scra...
scratchbuilds 36 27 SCRATCHBUILD, to bui...
scratchplates 34 25 SCRATCHPLATE, a plas...
scrawninesses 27 21 SCRAWNINESS, the sta...
screenwriters 28 20 SCREENWRITER, a writ...
screenwriting 29 23 the profession of wr...
scribblements 32 27 SCRIBBLEMENT, the ac...
scrieveboards 29 24 SCRIEVEBOARD, a ship...
scrimpinesses 29 23 SCRIMPINESS, the sta...
scrimshanders 29 23 SCRIMSHANDER, to orn...
scrimshandied 29 24 SCRIMSHANDY, to orna...
scrimshandies 29 23 SCRIMSHANDY, to orna...
scrimshankers 30 26 SCRIMSHANKER, a shir...
scrimshanking 31 29 SCRIMSHANK, to evade...
scripophilies 34 25 SCRIPOPHILY, the hob...
scripophilist 35 25 one who practises sc...
scripturalism 32 24 literal adherence to...
scripturalist 31 21 a person who adheres...
scriptwriters 33 22 SCRIPTWRITER, a pers...
scriptwriting 34 25 the writing of scrip...
scrivenership 32 26 the office of scrive...
scrobiculated 32 25 marked with many sha...
scrophularias 31 23 SCROPHULARIA, a plan...
scrubbinesses 30 24 SCRUBBINESS, the sta...
scruffinesses 30 24 SCRUFFINESS, the sta...
scrumptiously 38 27 SCRUMPTIOUS, delight...
sculdudderies 28 22 SCULDUDDERY, (Scots)...
sculduggeries 30 24 SCULDUGGERY, underha...
sculpturesque 38 32 done in the manner o...
scutcheonless 31 24 without a scutcheon...
scutellations 27 20 SCUTELLATION, an arr...
seamstressies 23 16 SEAMSTRESSY, (Sterne...
searchingness 27 22 SEARCHING [n]
seasicknesses 25 21 SEASICKNESS, motion...
seasonability 30 20 appropriateness to t...
seasonalities 21 15 SEASONALITY, the sta...
seaworthiness 26 19 the state of being s...
secessionisms 26 20 SECESSIONISM, suppor...
secessionists 25 17 SECESSIONIST, one wh...
seclusionists 27 19 SECLUSIONIST, one wh...
seclusiveness 28 23 the state of being s...
secobarbitals 30 23 SECOBARBITAL, a barb...
secondariness 23 19 the state of being s...
secretagogues 26 21 SECRETAGOGUE, a subs...
secretariates 24 16 SECRETARIATE, the ad...
secretaryship 36 23 the office of secret...
secretiveness 26 21 the state of being s...
sectarianised 24 18 SECTARIANISE, to mak...
sectarianises 24 17 SECTARIANISE, to mak...
sectarianisms 26 20 SECTARIANISM, being...
sectarianized 27 27 SECTARIANIZE, to mak...
sectarianizes 27 26 SECTARIANIZE, to mak...
sectionalised 25 19 SECTIONALISE, to div...
sectionalises 25 18 SECTIONALISE, to div...
sectionalisms 27 21 SECTIONALISM, an exa...
sectionalists 26 18 SECTIONALIST, an adh...
sectionalized 28 28 SECTIONALIZE, to div...
sectionalizes 28 27 SECTIONALIZE, to div...
sectorisation 24 17 the process of secto...
sectorization 27 26 the process of secto...
sedentariness 20 16 the state of being s...
sedimentarily 30 21 SEDIMENTARY, relatin...
sedimentation 21 19 the act of forming s...
sedimentology 30 23 the study of sedimen...
seditionaries 21 15 SEDITIONARY, one who...
seditiousness 22 16 the state of being s...
seductiveness 27 23 the state of being s...
seemingnesses 22 20 SEEMINGNESS, the sta...
segmentations 22 20 SEGMENTATION, the st...
segregational 23 19 relating to segregat...
seigniorships 28 21 SEIGNIORSHIP, the of...
seismographer 28 23 SEISMOGRAPH [v]
seismographic 32 26 relating to seismogr...
seismological 29 23 related to seismolog...
seismologists 26 19 SEISMOLOGIST, one wh...
seismometries 24 19 SEISMOMETRY, the sci...
seismonasties 22 17 SEISMONASTY, respons...
selectionists 26 18 SELECTIONIST, one wh...
selectiveness 27 22 the state of being s...
selectivities 29 21 SELECTIVITY, the sta...
selenocentric 27 22 pertaining to moon's...
selenographer 26 22 one who maps the moo...
selenographic 30 25 relating to selenogr...
selenological 27 22 relating to selenolo...
selenologists 24 18 SELENOLOGIST, one wh...
selfishnesses 27 20 SELFISHNESS, the sta...
semasiologies 24 19 SEMASIOLOGY, the stu...
semasiologist 25 19 a student of semasio...
semeiological 28 23 related to semeiolog...
semeiologists 25 19 SEMEIOLOGIST, a spec...
semeiotically 34 23 SEMEIOTIC, relating...
semeioticians 25 20 SEMEIOTICIAN, a prac...
semelparities 26 20 SEMELPARITY, the qua...
semiaridities 24 17 SEMIARIDITY, the sta...
semiautomated 23 21 partially automated...
semiautomatic 27 23 a gun that is not fu...
semibasements 25 23 SEMIBASEMENT, a base...
semicarbazide 31 32 a base reacting with...
semicarbazone 29 32 a compound formed by...
semicivilised 31 25 partly civilised, al...
semicivilized 34 34 partly civilized, al...
semiclassical 32 24 of, relating to, or...
semiconductor 29 25 an element or compou...
semiconscious 29 24 incompletely conscio...
semiconsonant 23 22 a speech sound havin...
semicylinders 34 24 SEMICYLINDER, a long...
semideponents 23 22 SEMIDEPONENT, a semi...
semidiameters 24 20 SEMIDIAMETER, half t...
semiempirical 31 26 partly empirical [ad...
semievergreen 24 23 having functional an...
semifinalists 27 21 SEMIFINALIST, one ta...
semilegendary 30 23 having historical fo...
semiliterates 24 17 SEMILITERATE, someon...
semimenstrual 25 22 half-monthly [adj]
semimonthlies 27 23 SEMIMONTHLY, a perio...
semiochemical 33 28 a chemical produced...
semioviparous 27 24 bringing forth young...
semipalmation 26 24 the state of being s...
semiparasites 25 19 SEMIPARASITE, a part...
semiparasitic 29 22 of, relating to, or...
semiperimeter 26 22 half the perimeter [...
semipermanent 24 24 lasting or intended...
semipermeable 28 26 partially but not fr...
semipolitical 31 24 of, relating to, or...
semiporcelain 28 24 any of several ceram...
semireligious 26 20 somewhat religious [...
semisedentary 28 20 sedentary during par...
semisynthetic 35 24 produced by chemical...
semitonically 34 24 SEMITONIC, of or per...
sempiternally 33 24 SEMPITERNAL, of neve...
sempstressing 27 22 working as a sempstr...
senarmontites 21 18 SENARMONTITE, antimo...
seneschalship 32 25 the office of senesc...
sensationally 28 19 SENSATIONAL, of or r...
sensationisms 22 18 SENSATIONISM, exploi...
sensationists 21 15 SENSATIONIST, an exp...
sensationless 21 16 SENSATION [n]
senselessness 21 16 the state of being s...
sensibilities 26 18 SENSIBILITY, the abi...
sensitisation 21 15 the act of sensitisi...
sensitiveness 23 19 the state of being s...
sensitivities 25 18 SENSITIVITY, the sta...
sensitization 24 24 the act of sensitizi...
sensitometers 22 17 SENSITOMETER, an ins...
sensitometric 26 20 relating to measurem...
sensorineural 21 17 pertaining to the ne...
sensualnesses 21 17 SENSUALNESS, the sta...
sententiously 28 19 SENTENTIOUS, given t...
sentimentally 30 22 SENTIMENTAL, marked...
separableness 25 21 the state of being s...
separationism 24 20 a belief in, movemen...
separationist 23 17 a believer in separa...
septemvirates 27 23 SEPTEMVIRATE, govern...
septentrional 23 19 (obsolete) northern,...
septentriones 22 18 SEPTENTRION, (archai...
septillionths 29 21 SEPTILLIONTH, the or...
septuplicates 31 24 SEPTUPLICATE, a grou...
sequentiality 37 27 the state of being s...
sequestrating 31 26 SEQUESTRATE, to conf...
sequestration 29 24 seizure of goods or...
sequestrators 30 23 SEQUESTRATOR, one wh...
seraskierates 22 17 SERASKIERATE, the of...
serendipities 24 18 SERENDIPITY, the fac...
serendipitist 25 18 a person who believe...
serendipitous 24 19 obtained or characte...
sergeantships 27 21 SERGEANTSHIP, the of...
serialisation 22 15 the process of seria...
serialization 25 24 the process of seria...
sericiculture 31 22 the cultivation of s...
sericulturist 29 19 one who practises se...
seriousnesses 21 15 SERIOUSNESS, the sta...
serjeantships 28 28 SERJEANTSHIP, the of...
seroconverted 25 22 SEROCONVERT, to prod...
serodiagnoses 21 17 SERODIAGNOSIS, diagn...
serodiagnosis 22 17 diagnosis using bloo...
serologically 35 23 SEROLOGICAL, as in s...
serotherapies 25 18 SEROTHERAPY, treatme...
serpentinings 24 21 SERPENTINING, the ac...
serpentinised 23 19 SERPENTINISE, to win...
serpentinises 23 18 SERPENTINISE, to win...
serpentinites 23 18 SERPENTINITE, a meta...
serpentinized 26 28 SERPENTINIZE, to win...
serpentinizes 26 27 SERPENTINIZE, to win...
serpiginously 33 23 SERPIGINOUS, spreadi...
serriednesses 21 15 SERRIEDNESS, the sta...
servilenesses 24 19 SERVILENESS, the sta...
servitorships 30 22 SERVITORSHIP, the of...
servocontrols 27 22 SERVOCONTROL, in air...
sesquialteras 31 24 SESQUIALTERA, a perf...
sesquiplicate 37 30 of or as the square...
sesquiterpene 31 27 any of a group of te...
sesquitertias 31 23 SESQUITERTIA, a perf...
settlednesses 22 16 SETTLEDNESS, the sta...
seventeenthly 31 24 SEVENTEENTH, number...
sexagenarians 26 24 SEXAGENARIAN, a pers...
sexagesimally 38 29 SEXAGESIMAL, relatin...
sexdecillions 33 27 SEXDECILLION, ten to...
sexlessnesses 28 22 SEXLESSNESS, the sta...
sexploitation 30 25 the exploitation of...
sextillionths 33 25 SEXTILLIONTH, the or...
sextuplicated 35 29 SEXTUPLICATE, to cop...
sextuplicates 35 28 SEXTUPLICATE, to cop...
sexualisation 28 23 the process of sexua...
sexualization 31 32 the process of sexua...
shadowcasting 31 25 in microscopy, casti...
shadowinesses 26 20 SHADOWINESS, the sta...
shaggednesses 25 21 SHAGGEDNESS, the sta...
shallownesses 28 21 SHALLOWNESS, the sta...
shamateurisms 27 22 SHAMATEURISM, the re...
shambolically 40 29 SHAMBOLIC [adv]
shamefastness 26 22 SHAMEFAST, modest, b...
shamelessness 25 20 the state of being s...
shapelessness 26 20 the state of being s...
shapelinesses 26 20 SHAPELINESS, the sta...
sharecroppers 31 24 SHARECROPPER, a tena...
sharecropping 32 27 a kind of tenant far...
shareholdings 28 22 SHAREHOLDING, the ac...
sharpshooters 28 20 SHARPSHOOTER, a mark...
sharpshooting 29 23 shooting with great...
sheepherdings 29 24 SHEEPHERDING, lookin...
sheepshearers 27 20 SHEEPSHEARER, one th...
sheepshearing 28 23 the act of shearing...
shellcrackers 34 27 SHELLCRACKER, a kind...
shepherdesses 28 21 SHEPHERDESS, a woman...
shepherdlings 31 25 SHEPHERDLING, a litt...
sheriffalties 30 22 SHERIFFALTY, the off...
shiftlessness 28 20 the state of being s...
shiningnesses 24 20 SHININGNESS, the sta...
shipbuildings 33 27 SHIPBUILDING, the oc...
shirtwaisters 29 18 SHIRTWAISTER, a tail...
shockumentary 35 29 a documentary intend...
shopbreakings 30 28 SHOPBREAKING, the ac...
shortchangers 30 23 SHORTCHANGER, one wh...
shortchanging 31 26 SHORTCHANGE, to give...
shortsheeting 27 20 SHORTSHEET, (US) to...
showerinesses 26 19 SHOWERINESS, the sta...
showerproofed 30 25 SHOWERPROOF, to make...
shrubbinesses 29 23 SHRUBBINESS, the sta...
shuffleboards 32 27 SHUFFLEBOARD, an old...
shuttlecocked 33 28 SHUTTLECOCK, to send...
sialographies 28 21 SIALOGRAPHY, the pro...
sickishnesses 29 23 SICKISHNESS, the sta...
siderophilins 28 21 SIDEROPHILIN, any of...
sidesplitting 28 21 extremely funny [adj...
sidesteppings 28 23 SIDESTEPPING, the ac...
sightlessness 27 19 the state of being s...
sightlinesses 27 19 SIGHTLINESS, the sta...
sigmoidectomy 35 27 removal of the sigmo...
sigmoidoscope 29 25 an instrument for ex...
sigmoidoscopy 36 27 examination of the i...
signalisation 23 18 the process of signa...
signalization 26 27 the act of signalizi...
significances 31 26 SIGNIFICANCE, someth...
significantly 36 26 SIGNIFICANT, having...
signification 28 23 the act of signifyin...
significative 31 26 significant, suggest...
significators 29 22 SIGNIFICATOR, in ast...
significatory 35 24 of or relating to a...
silhouettists 27 17 SILHOUETTIST, one wh...
silkscreening 28 25 SILKSCREEN, to print...
silverberries 28 21 SILVERBERRY, a silve...
silverinesses 25 19 SILVERINESS, the sta...
silversideses 26 19 SILVERSIDES, a small...
silvicultural 33 25 relating to silvicul...
silvicultures 32 24 SILVICULTURE, the gr...
simarubaceous 28 24 belonging to the Sim...
simplificator 33 26 one who simplifies [...
sincerenesses 23 18 SINCERENESS, sinceri...
sindonologies 22 19 SINDONOLOGY, the stu...
sindonologist 23 19 an expert on the Tur...
singularising 26 21 SINGULARISE, to make...
singularities 25 18 SINGULARITY, the fac...
singularizing 29 30 SINGULARIZE, to make...
sinisterities 23 14 SINISTERITY, left-ha...
sinistrorsely 30 17 SINISTRORSE, rising...
sinlessnesses 22 16 SINLESSNESS, the sta...
sinterability 32 20 the capacity for bei...
sinuousnesses 21 17 SINUOUSNESS, the sta...
siphonogamies 27 24 SIPHONOGAMY, the sta...
siphonophores 29 24 SIPHONOPHORE, a mari...
siphonosteles 26 20 SIPHONOSTELE, the cy...
siphonostelic 30 23 of or like a siphono...
situationally 30 19 SITUATIONAL, of, rel...
situationisms 24 18 SITUATIONISM, the th...
sizablenesses 27 27 SIZABLENESS, the sta...
skateboarders 24 21 SKATEBOARDER, one wh...
skateboarding 25 24 the sport of riding...
skeletogenous 23 22 producing a skeleton...
skeletonisers 23 19 SKELETONISER, any of...
skeletonising 24 22 SKELETONISE, to redu...
skeletonizers 26 28 SKELETONIZER, any of...
skeletonizing 27 31 SKELETONIZE, to redu...
skepticalness 29 25 the state of being s...
sketchability 39 28 the quality of being...
sketchinesses 28 23 SKETCHINESS, the sta...
skeuomorphism 30 29 the state of being a...
skilfulnesses 28 24 SKILFULNESS, the sta...
skrimshankers 28 27 SKRIMSHANKER, one wh...
skrimshanking 29 30 SKRIMSHANK, to evade...
skuldudderies 26 23 SKULDUDDERY, (Scots)...
skulduggeries 28 25 SKULDUGGERY, underha...
skutterudites 25 20 SKUTTERUDITE, a cubi...
slaughterable 29 23 that can be slaughte...
slaveholdings 29 25 SLAVEHOLDING, the ke...
slavishnesses 27 21 SLAVISHNESS, the sta...
sledgehammers 28 25 SLEDGEHAMMER, a larg...
sleeplessness 25 19 the state of being s...
sleepwalkings 31 28 SLEEPWALKING, walkin...
slendernesses 21 17 SLENDERNESS, the sta...
slipsloppiest 32 24 SLIPSLOPPY, sloppy,...
slipstreaming 28 23 SLIPSTREAM, to drive...
slockdolagers 29 25 SLOCKDOLAGER, a conc...
slockdoligers 30 25 SLOCKDOLIGER, a conc...
slockdologers 29 25 SLOCKDOLOGER, a conc...
sloganeerings 23 20 SLOGANEERING, making...
slopingnesses 25 21 SLOPINGNESS, the sta...
slouchinesses 28 21 SLOUCHINESS, the sta...
sluggardising 28 23 SLUGGARDISE, (Shakes...
sluggardizing 31 32 SLUGGARDIZE, (Shakes...
slumbrousness 27 23 the state of being s...
slumpflations 30 26 SLUMPFLATION, a stat...
smallholdings 30 25 SMALLHOLDING, a smal...
smilingnesses 25 21 SMILINGNESS, the sta...
smithereening 25 22 SMITHEREEN, to break...
smokelessness 24 22 the state of being s...
smoulderingly 33 25 in the manner of bur...
snakishnesses 24 21 SNAKISHNESS, the sta...
snapshootings 26 22 SNAPSHOOTING, the ac...
snobbocracies 31 26 SNOBBOCRACY, governm...
snobographers 28 24 SNOBOGRAPHER, one wh...
snobographies 28 24 SNOBOGRAPHY, the des...
snollygosters 31 20 SNOLLYGOSTER, a shre...
snooperscopes 27 23 SNOOPERSCOPE, an ins...
snowboardings 27 24 SNOWBOARDING, the sp...
snowmobilings 30 27 SNOWMOBILING, the sp...
snowmobilists 30 24 SNOWMOBILIST, one wh...
snowploughing 32 29 SNOWPLOUGH, to clear...
sociabilities 29 20 SOCIABILITY, the sta...
socialisation 25 18 the act of socialisi...
socialization 28 27 the act of socializi...
sociocultural 31 23 of, relating to, or...
socioeconomic 30 26 of, relating to, or...
sociolinguist 28 21 one who studies soci...
sociologistic 31 22 relating to sociolog...
sociometrists 27 19 SOCIOMETRIST, one wh...
sodomitically 35 24 SODOMITICAL, relatin...
softheartedly 33 22 SOFTHEARTED, emotion...
solarisations 22 15 SOLARISATION, the re...
solarizations 25 24 SOLARIZATION, the re...
solderability 33 21 the state of being s...
soldierliness 24 17 the state of being s...
solemnisation 22 19 the act of solemnisi...
solemnization 25 28 the act of solemnizi...
solicitations 26 18 SOLICITATION, the pr...
solicitorship 32 22 the office of solici...
solidungulate 25 21 an animal with an un...
solidungulous 26 22 having a single hoof...
solifidianism 27 22 the doctrine that fa...
solifluctions 30 23 SOLIFLUCTION, the tu...
soliloquisers 33 25 SOLILOQUISER, one wh...
soliloquising 34 28 SOLILOQUISE, to talk...
soliloquizers 36 34 SOLILOQUIZER, one wh...
soliloquizing 37 37 SOLILOQUIZE, to talk...
solonisations 21 16 SOLONISATION, the pr...
solonizations 24 25 SOLONIZATION, the pr...
solublenesses 25 20 SOLUBLENESS, the sta...
solvabilities 29 22 SOLVABILITY, the abi...
somaesthesias 24 18 SOMAESTHESIA, sensor...
somatological 28 23 relating to somatolo...
somatologists 25 19 SOMATOLOGIST, a spec...
somatoplastic 29 23 of or like somatopla...
somatopleural 26 22 of or like a somatop...
somatopleures 25 21 SOMATOPLEURE, a cell...
somatopleuric 29 24 of or like a somatop...
somatosensory 27 19 of, relating to, or...
somatostatins 22 17 SOMATOSTATIN, a poly...
somatotrophic 30 24 promoting bodily gro...
somatotrophin 26 22 a polypeptide growth...
somatotropine 23 20 a growth hormone, al...
somatotropins 24 20 SOMATOTROPIN, a poly...
somersaulting 25 21 SOMERSAULT, to perfo...
somesthesises 25 18 SOMESTHESIS, sensory...
somnambulance 28 29 sleepwalking [n -S]
somnambulants 26 26 SOMNAMBULANT, a slee...
somnambulated 26 26 SOMNAMBULATE, to wal...
somnambulates 26 25 SOMNAMBULATE, to wal...
somnambulator 26 25 a sleepwalker [n -S]
somnambulisms 29 28 SOMNAMBULISM, an abn...
somnambulists 28 25 SOMNAMBULIST, a slee...
somnifacients 27 24 SOMNIFACIENT, a subs...
somniferously 32 24 SOMNIFEROUS, causing...
somniloquence 33 32 talking in one's sle...
somniloquised 32 29 SOMNILOQUISE, to tal...
somniloquises 32 28 SOMNILOQUISE, to tal...
somniloquisms 34 31 SOMNILOQUISM, talkin...
somniloquists 33 28 SOMNILOQUIST, one wh...
somniloquized 35 38 SOMNILOQUIZE, to tal...
somniloquizes 35 37 SOMNILOQUIZE, to tal...
songfulnesses 25 22 SONGFULNESS, the sta...
sonneteerings 20 18 SONNETEERING, the co...
soothfastness 25 19 the state of being s...
sophistically 39 25 SOPHISTICAL, relatin...
sophisticated 30 22 SOPHISTICATE, to mak...
sophisticates 30 21 SOPHISTICATE, to mak...
sophisticator 30 21 one who sophisticate...
soporifically 38 26 SOPORIFIC, tending t...
sorbabilities 28 20 SORBABILITY, the abi...
sorbefacients 28 23 SORBEFACIENT, a subs...
sorbitisation 24 17 the process of sorbi...
sorbitization 27 26 the process of sorbi...
sorrowfulness 28 22 the state of being s...
soteriologies 23 16 SOTERIOLOGY, the the...
sottishnesses 24 16 SOTTISHNESS, the sta...
soulfulnesses 26 21 SOULFULNESS, the sta...
soundlessness 22 18 the state of being s...
soundproofing 26 25 insulation to obstru...
soundtracking 27 26 SOUNDTRACK, to provi...
sousaphonists 26 20 SOUSAPHONIST, one wh...
southeasterly 31 19 from the southeast [...
southeastward 27 20 in a southeasterly d...
southerliness 25 18 the state of being s...
southernising 25 20 SOUTHERNISE, to make...
southernizing 28 29 SOUTHERNIZE, to make...
southernwoods 26 21 SOUTHERNWOOD, an aro...
southwesterly 35 22 from the southwest [...
southwestward 31 23 in a southwesterly d...
sovereignties 24 20 SOVEREIGNTY, the sta...
sovereigntist 25 20 in Canada, a support...
sovietisation 23 18 the process of sovie...
sovietization 26 27 the process of sovie...
sovietologist 26 20 an expert on Soviet...
spadicifloral 32 25 having flowers in a...
spaghettified 30 24 SPAGHETTIFY, to make...
spaghettifies 30 23 SPAGHETTIFY, to make...
spaghettilike 30 25 like spaghetti [adj]
sparingnesses 24 20 SPARINGNESS, the sta...
sparkplugging 33 32 SPARKPLUG, to spark...
spasmodically 37 27 SPASMODICAL, relatin...
spatchcocking 38 34 SPATCHCOCK, to split...
spathiphyllum 42 31 any tropical plant o...
spatterdashes 26 19 SPATTERDASH, an old...
speakerphones 27 26 SPEAKERPHONE, a comb...
spearcarriers 27 19 SPEARCARRIER, an ext...
specialnesses 27 21 SPECIALNESS, the sta...
specificating 34 28 SPECIFICATE, to spec...
specification 32 26 the act of specifyin...
specificative 35 29 serving to specify [...
specificities 34 25 SPECIFICITY, the sta...
specksioneers 27 24 SPECKSIONEER, (Dutch...
specktioneers 27 24 SPECKTIONEER, (Dutch...
spectacularly 39 27 SPECTACULAR, of the...
spectatorship 32 24 the office of specta...
spectatresses 27 19 SPECTATRESS, a femal...
spectinomycin 37 29 a white crystalline...
spectralities 29 20 SPECTRALITY, the sta...
spectrographs 33 26 SPECTROGRAPH, an ins...
spectrography 39 28 the use of the spect...
spectrologies 29 22 SPECTROLOGY, the stu...
spectrometers 28 22 SPECTROMETER, an ins...
spectrometric 32 25 relating to measurem...
spectroscopes 32 25 SPECTROSCOPE, an ins...
spectroscopic 36 28 relating to spectros...
specularities 29 21 SPECULARITY, the sta...
speculatively 38 28 SPECULATIVE, involvi...
speculatrices 32 24 SPECULATRIX, a femal...
speculatrixes 35 28 SPECULATRIX, a femal...
speechfulness 32 27 the state of being s...
speechifyings 39 29 SPEECHIFYING, making...
speechmakings 32 31 SPEECHMAKING, the ma...
speechwriters 33 24 SPEECHWRITER, a pers...
speedballings 29 25 SPEEDBALLING, the pr...
speedboatings 26 23 SPEEDBOATING, the sp...
speedskatings 26 24 SPEEDSKATING, the sp...
spelaeologies 25 20 SPELAEOLOGY, the stu...
spelaeologist 26 20 one who explores cav...
speleological 30 24 relating to speleolo...
speleologists 27 20 SPELEOLOGIST, one wh...
speleotherapy 34 24 an alternative or co...
spellcheckers 36 30 SPELLCHECKER, a piec...
spellchecking 37 33 SPELLCHECK, to carry...
spermatically 37 26 SPERMATICAL, pertain...
spermatoblast 28 23 a sperm-producing ce...
spermatoceles 28 23 SPERMATOCELE, a cyst...
spermatocidal 29 24 of or like a spermat...
spermatocides 28 23 SPERMATOCIDE, a subs...
spermatocytes 34 24 SPERMATOCYTE, a cell...
spermatogenic 28 25 relating to spermato...
spermatogonia 24 22 SPERMATOGONIUM, a pr...
spermatophore 28 24 a case enclosing the...
spermatophyte 35 26 a seed plant [n -S]
spermatorrhea 26 21 involuntary seminal...
spermatotheca 29 24 a receptacle for sto...
spermatozoans 26 29 SPERMATOZOAN, a male...
spermatozoids 28 29 SPERMATOZOID, a moti...
sphacelations 29 23 SPHACELATION, gangre...
sphagnicolous 31 26 living in peat moss...
sphagnologies 28 24 SPHAGNOLOGY, the stu...
sphagnologist 29 24 a student of sphagno...
sphairistikes 29 22 SPHAIRISTIKE, (Greek...
sphericalness 30 23 the state of being s...
spheristerion 26 19 a room or court for...
spherocytoses 35 23 SPHEROCYTOSIS, the p...
spherocytosis 36 23 the presence of sphe...
spheroidicity 37 24 the state of being s...
spheroidising 28 22 SPHEROIDISE, to deve...
spheroidizing 31 31 SPHEROIDIZE, to deve...
sphingomyelin 35 28 a phospholipid deriv...
sphygmographs 41 32 SPHYGMOGRAPH, an ins...
sphygmography 47 34 the measurement of t...
sphygmologies 37 28 SPHYGMOLOGY, the stu...
sphygmometers 36 28 SPHYGMOMETER, an ins...
sphygmophones 38 31 SPHYGMOPHONE, an ins...
sphygmoscopes 40 31 SPHYGMOSCOPE, an ins...
spiegeleisens 25 20 SPIEGELEISEN, (Germa...
spifflicating 35 29 SPIFFLICATE, to over...
spifflication 33 27 the act of spifflica...
spiflications 31 24 SPIFLICATION, the ac...
spindleshanks 28 26 long thin legs; a pe...
spinelessness 24 19 the state of being s...
spinsterhoods 26 20 SPINSTERHOOD, the st...
spinsterships 30 22 SPINSTERSHIP, the st...
spinuliferous 28 23 bearing spinules [ad...
spiritousness 25 18 the state of being s...
spiritualised 27 19 SPIRITUALISE, to mak...
spiritualiser 27 18 one who spiritualise...
spiritualises 27 18 SPIRITUALISE, to mak...
spiritualisms 29 21 SPIRITUALISM, the be...
spiritualists 28 18 SPIRITUALIST, one wh...
spiritualized 30 28 SPIRITUALIZE, to mak...
spiritualizer 30 27 one who spiritualise...
spiritualizes 30 27 SPIRITUALIZE, to mak...
spiritualness 26 19 the state of being s...
spiritualties 27 18 SPIRITUALTY, being s...
spirochetoses 29 21 SPIROCHETOSIS, infec...
spirochetosis 30 21 infection with or a...
spirographies 30 23 SPIROGRAPHY, the rec...
spitchcocking 39 34 SPITCHCOCK, to split...
splanchnocele 32 28 a hernia of any of t...
splanchnology 37 29 the study of the ent...
splashinesses 27 20 SPLASHINESS, the sta...
splatterpunks 29 26 SPLATTERPUNK, a genr...
splayfootedly 40 26 SPLAYFOOTED, having...
splendiferous 27 23 splendid [adj SPLEND...
splenectomies 28 24 SPLENECTOMY, the sur...
splenectomise 28 24 to remove the spleen...
splenectomize 31 33 to remove the spleen...
splenetically 36 25 SPLENETICAL, marked...
splenisations 24 19 SPLENISATION, conver...
splenizations 27 28 SPLENIZATION, conver...
splodginesses 26 21 SPLODGINESS, the sta...
splutteringly 35 24 SPLUTTERING, speakin...
spokesmanship 30 29 the office of spokes...
spokespersons 26 24 SPOKESPERSON, a spok...
spondylitises 32 21 SPONDYLITIS, inflamm...
spondylolyses 38 24 SPONDYLOLYSIS, disin...
spondylolysis 39 24 disintegration of on...
spondylosises 31 21 SPONDYLOSIS, disinte...
spongioblasts 28 23 SPONGIOBLAST, any of...
spongologists 27 22 SPONGOLOGIST, one wh...
spontaneities 22 18 SPONTANEITY, the sta...
spontaneously 29 22 SPONTANEOUS, acting...
sporopollenin 26 23 a polymer that compr...
sportfishings 31 24 SPORTFISHING, fishin...
sportscasters 28 19 SPORTSCASTER, a spor...
sportsmanlike 27 25 like a sportsman [ad...
sportsmanship 30 25 conduct (as fairness...
sportspersons 26 20 SPORTSPERSON, a spor...
sportswriters 29 19 SPORTSWRITER, a pers...
sportswriting 30 22 journalism on sports...
spottednesses 23 18 SPOTTEDNESS, the sta...
sprachgefuhls 37 30 SPRACHGEFUHL, (Germa...
spreadability 34 23 the state of being s...
sprechgesangs 31 26 SPRECHGESANG, (Germa...
sprechstimmes 33 27 SPRECHSTIMME, (Germa...
sprightliness 30 22 the state of being s...
springinesses 25 20 SPRINGINESS, the sta...
springkeepers 28 26 SPRINGKEEPER, a sala...
spritefulness 28 22 the state of being s...
squalidnesses 31 26 SQUALIDNESS, the sta...
squanderingly 38 31 SQUANDERING [adv]
squandermania 29 29 irrational propensit...
squashinesses 32 26 SQUASHINESS, the sta...
squattinesses 30 24 SQUATTINESS, the sta...
squeakinesses 30 28 SQUEAKINESS, the sta...
squeamishness 33 29 the state of being s...
squeezability 43 38 the state of being s...
squirarchical 41 32 relating to a squira...
squirearchies 36 28 SQUIREARCHY, squires...
squishinesses 33 26 SQUISHINESS, the sta...
stabilisation 25 18 the act of stabilisi...
stabilisators 26 17 STABILISATOR, someth...
stabilization 28 27 the act of stabilizi...
stabilizators 29 26 STABILIZATOR, someth...
stablishments 29 23 STABLISHMENT, the ac...
staccatissimo 30 22 in a very staccato m...
staddlestones 22 17 STADDLESTONE, a low...
stadholderate 24 18 the office of stadho...
stagecoaching 31 26 travel by stagecoach...
stagecoachman 30 27 the driver of a stag...
stagecoachmen 30 27 STAGECOACHMAN, the d...
staggerbushes 29 23 STAGGERBUSH, a shrub...
stainlessness 22 16 the state of being s...
stairstepping 28 22 STAIRSTEP, to carry...
stakhanovisms 28 27 STAKHANOVISM, the pr...
stakhanovites 26 24 STAKHANOVITE, a supe...
stalactitical 31 21 of or like a stalact...
stalactitious 27 18 of or like a stalact...
stalagmitical 30 23 of or like a stalagm...
stalagmometer 25 22 instrument for measu...
stalagmometry 32 24 measurement of surfa...
staminiferous 25 21 bearing stamens [adj...
standardbreds 24 20 STANDARDBRED, any of...
standardisers 22 16 STANDARDISER, one wh...
standardising 23 19 STANDARDISE, to make...
standardizers 25 25 STANDARDIZER, one wh...
standardizing 26 28 STANDARDIZE, to make...
standoffishly 36 26 STANDOFFISH, somewha...
standpattisms 26 21 STANDPATTISM, the pr...
staphylitises 35 21 STAPHYLITIS, inflamm...
staphylococci 43 30 STAPHYLOCOCCUS, a ba...
starchinesses 27 19 STARCHINESS, the sta...
stasimorphies 28 21 STASIMORPHY, structu...
statelessness 22 15 the condition of bei...
statelinesses 22 15 STATELINESS, the sta...
statementings 23 20 STATEMENTING, the pr...
statesmanlike 24 22 like a statesman [ad...
statesmanship 27 22 the skills of the st...
statespersons 23 17 STATESPERSON, a stat...
stationmaster 22 17 an official in charg...
statistically 35 20 STATISTICAL, relatin...
statisticians 26 17 STATISTICIAN, one ve...
staunchnesses 26 21 STAUNCHNESS, the sta...
steadfastness 23 18 the state of being s...
steamrollered 24 19 STEAMROLLER, to over...
steatorrhoeas 22 15 STEATORRHOEA, the ac...
steelworkings 28 24 STEELWORKING [n]
steeplebushes 29 23 STEEPLEBUSH, another...
steeplechased 29 23 STEEPLECHASE, to rid...
steeplechaser 29 22 a horse used in stee...
steeplechases 29 22 STEEPLECHASE, a race...
steganographs 27 23 STEGANOGRAPH, a cryp...
steganography 33 25 the practice of conc...
steganopodous 23 21 relating to the Steg...
stegophilists 30 21 STEGOPHILIST, one wh...
stegosaurians 22 17 STEGOSAURIAN, any qu...
stegosauruses 23 17 STEGOSAURUS, a herbi...
stenochromies 27 22 STENOCHROMY, printin...
stenographers 26 21 STENOGRAPHER, a writ...
stenographies 26 21 STENOGRAPHY, the ski...
stenographing 27 24 STENOGRAPH, to write...
stenographist 27 21 one who practises st...
stenopetalous 23 19 having narrow petals...
stenophyllous 34 24 with narrow leaves [...
stepdaughters 28 22 STEPDAUGHTER, a daug...
stephanotises 25 19 STEPHANOTIS, a kind...
stepparenting 26 23 parenting by a stepp...
stercoraceous 27 20 of or relating to fe...
stercoranisms 26 20 STERCORANISM, former...
stercoranists 25 17 STERCORANIST, a disp...
stercorarious 25 17 relating to dung, al...
stereochromed 27 22 STEREOCHROME, to pai...
stereochromes 27 21 STEREOCHROME, a mura...
stereographed 26 21 STEREOGRAPH, to make...
stereographic 30 23 of, relating to, or...
stereoisomers 22 16 STEREOISOMER, any of...
stereological 27 20 relating to stereolo...
stereometries 22 16 STEREOMETRY, the mea...
stereophonies 24 19 STEREOPHONY, the rep...
stereopticons 26 20 STEREOPTICON, a proj...
stereoregular 23 17 of, relating to, or...
stereoscopies 26 19 STEREOSCOPY, the use...
stereoscopist 27 19 one who uses a stere...
stereotropism 25 19 the tendency to bend...
stereotypical 34 22 of or like a stereot...
stereotypings 31 21 STEREOTYPING, the ac...
stereotypists 31 18 STEREOTYPIST, one wh...
stereovisions 23 18 STEREOVISION, the pe...
sterilisation 23 15 the act of sterilisi...
sterilization 26 24 the act of sterilizi...
sternforemost 24 20 with the stern in ad...
sternutations 21 16 STERNUTATION, the ac...
sternutatives 24 19 STERNUTATIVE, a subs...
steroidogenic 25 20 relating to steroido...
stethoscopies 29 21 STETHOSCOPY, examina...
stethoscopist 30 21 one who uses a steth...
stichometries 29 21 STICHOMETRY, the num...
stichomythias 38 25 STICHOMYTHIA, dialog...
stichomythies 38 25 STICHOMYTHY, dialogu...
stickhandlers 30 25 STICKHANDLER, one wh...
stickhandling 31 28 the act of manoeuvri...
stickybeaking 37 32 STICKYBEAK, to pry [...
stigmasterols 26 19 STIGMASTEROL, a crys...
stigmatically 37 25 STIGMATICAL, stigmat...
stilboestrols 27 18 STILBOESTROL, a synt...
stiltednesses 23 16 STILTEDNESS, the sta...
stimulatingly 34 24 STIMULATING [adv]
stintednesses 21 16 STINTEDNESS, the sta...
stipendiaries 24 18 STIPENDIARY, one who...
stipendiating 25 21 STIPENDIATE, to prov...
stirpiculture 31 22 selective breeding [...
stockbreeders 28 24 STOCKBREEDER, a pers...
stockbreeding 29 27 the breeding of stoc...
stockbrokings 31 30 STOCKBROKING, the bu...
stockholdings 31 27 STOCKHOLDING, a hold...
stockjobbings 34 38 STOCKJOBBING, a list...
stoechiometry 34 23 the branch of chemis...
stoicalnesses 25 18 STOICALNESS, the sta...
stoicheiology 35 23 the branch of biolog...
stoichiometry 35 23 the branch of chemis...
stoloniferous 24 19 bearing or having ru...
stomatologies 24 19 STOMATOLOGY, the stu...
stomatologist 25 19 a person who works i...
stomatoplasty 32 22 plastic surgery of t...
stonebreakers 23 21 STONEBREAKER, a pers...
stonecuttings 26 21 STONECUTTING, the bu...
stonelessness 21 16 the state of being s...
stonewallings 27 22 STONEWALLING, defens...
storekeepings 25 23 STOREKEEPING, the bu...
storiologists 25 16 STORIOLOGIST, a folk...
storyboarding 31 22 STORYBOARD, to put o...
storytellings 32 20 STORYTELLING, the cr...
straightaways 35 22 STRAIGHTAWAY, five c...
straightbreds 29 21 STRAIGHTBRED, an ani...
straightedged 27 21 having a straight ed...
straightedges 27 20 STRAIGHTEDGE, a bar...
straighteners 25 18 STRAIGHTENER, someth...
straightening 26 21 STRAIGHTEN, to make...
straightforth 31 22 directly forward; st...
straightlaced 30 22 excessively strict i...
straitjackets 29 29 STRAITJACKET, to con...
straitlacedly 34 21 STRAITLACED, excessi...
strangenesses 21 17 STRANGENESS, the sta...
strangleholds 27 21 STRANGLEHOLD, an ill...
stranglements 24 21 STRANGLEMENT, the ac...
strangulating 25 21 STRANGULATE, to stra...
strangulation 23 19 the act of stranglin...
straphangings 28 24 STRAPHANGING, the ac...
strategetical 27 19 strategical, also ST...
strategically 35 22 STRATEGICAL, relatin...
stratigrapher 28 20 a practitioner of st...
stratigraphic 32 23 relating to stratigr...
stratocracies 28 19 STRATOCRACY, governm...
stratocumulus 29 23 a type of long, wide...
stratospheres 26 18 STRATOSPHERE, a regi...
stratospheric 30 21 relating to stratosp...
stratotankers 22 18 STRATOTANKER, a type...
stratovolcano 26 22 a composite volcano,...
streakinesses 22 18 STREAKINESS, the sta...
streaminesses 22 17 STREAMINESS, the sta...
streamlinings 25 21 STREAMLINING, the ac...
streetkeepers 24 20 STREETKEEPER, an off...
streetwalkers 27 21 STREETWALKER, a pros...
streetwalking 28 24 prostitution [n -S]
strengtheners 24 19 STRENGTHENER, someth...
strengthening 25 22 the act of making st...
strenuosities 22 15 STRENUOSITY, the sta...
strenuousness 21 17 the state of being s...
strepitations 24 17 STREPITATION, a clam...
streptocarpus 30 23 any flowering plant...
streptococcal 34 26 relating to streptoc...
streptococcic 37 28 relating to streptoc...
streptococcus 34 26 any of a genus bacte...
streptokinase 24 21 a proteolytic enzyme...
streptolysins 32 20 STREPTOLYSIN, an ant...
streptomycete 34 24 any of a family of a...
streptomycins 35 25 STREPTOMYCIN, an ant...
streptosolens 24 18 STREPTOSOLEN, an eve...
stressbusters 26 17 STRESSBUSTER, any pr...
stressbusting 27 20 designed to reduce s...
stressfulness 26 19 the state of being s...
stridulations 24 17 STRIDULATION, the sh...
strikebreaker 26 24 a person hired to re...
stringcourses 27 20 STRINGCOURSE, a hori...
stringentness 22 18 the state of being s...
stringinesses 23 17 STRINGINESS, the sta...
strippergrams 30 24 STRIPPERGRAM, a mess...
strobilaceous 28 21 of or like a strobil...
strobilations 25 18 STROBILATION, produc...
stromatolites 24 17 STROMATOLITE, a roun...
stromatolitic 28 20 of or like a stromat...
strombuliform 31 27 shaped like a spinni...
strontianites 21 15 STRONTIANITE, stront...
strophanthins 28 22 STROPHANTHIN, a very...
strophiolated 27 20 having strophioles,...
stroppinesses 26 20 STROPPINESS, the sta...
structuralise 28 19 to organize or incor...
structuralism 30 22 a branch of psycholo...
structuralist 29 19 an exponent of struc...
structuralize 31 28 to organize or incor...
structuration 26 19 the interrelation of...
structureless 28 19 without structure [a...
strychninisms 36 25 STRYCHNINISM, strych...
studdingsails 26 20 STUDDINGSAIL, an add...
studiednesses 22 17 STUDIEDNESS, the sta...
stuntednesses 21 17 STUNTEDNESS, the sta...
stupefacients 29 24 STUPEFACIENT, a narc...
stupefactions 29 24 STUPEFACTION, the ac...
stylelessness 30 18 the state of being s...
stylishnesses 32 19 STYLISHNESS, the sta...
stylistically 43 23 STYLISTIC, relating...
stylographies 35 23 STYLOGRAPHY, a mode...
suasivenesses 23 19 SUASIVENESS, the sta...
subacidnesses 27 22 SUBACIDNESS, the sta...
subadolescent 27 23 a child who has not...
subaggregates 27 23 SUBAGGREGATE, part o...
suballocation 28 23 a subdivision of an...
subalternants 24 20 SUBALTERNANT, in log...
subalternates 24 19 SUBALTERNATE, a part...
subappearance 29 27 a subsidiary or supp...
subarcuations 27 22 SUBARCUATION, the st...
subarrhations 26 20 SUBARRHATION, an anc...
subassemblies 29 24 SUBASSEMBLY, a subor...
subassembling 30 27 SUBASSEMBLE, to asse...
subbituminous 29 26 of, relating to, or...
subcategories 28 22 SUBCATEGORY, a subdi...
subcategorise 28 22 to classify into sub...
subcategorize 31 31 to classify into sub...
subcelestials 30 22 SUBCELESTIAL, someon...
subchartering 31 25 SUBCHARTER, to rent...
subclassified 32 25 SUBCLASSIFY, to grou...
subclassifies 32 24 SUBCLASSIFY, to grou...
subclavicular 36 30 situated below the c...
subclinically 41 29 SUBCLINICAL, produci...
subclustering 31 25 SUBCLUSTER, to form...
subcollection 32 26 a subdivision of a c...
subcollegiate 30 24 relating to departme...
subcommission 30 27 to give a subsidiary...
subcommittees 30 26 SUBCOMMITTEE, a subd...
subcomponents 29 28 SUBCOMPONENT, a subo...
subcontiguous 29 25 partially contiguous...
subcontinents 26 23 SUBCONTINENT, a larg...
subcontinuous 27 24 partially continuous...
subcontracted 30 25 SUBCONTRACT, to ente...
subcontractor 30 24 an individual or bus...
subcontraries 27 21 SUBCONTRARY, a propo...
subcoriaceous 30 24 situated below the c...
subculturally 39 27 SUBCULTURAL, relatin...
subdeaconates 25 22 SUBDEACONATE, the of...
subdeaconries 26 22 SUBDEACONRY, the off...
subdeaconship 31 27 the office of subdea...
subdebutantes 26 23 SUBDEBUTANTE, a youn...
subdepartment 27 25 a subdivision of a d...
subdiaconates 26 22 SUBDIACONATE, the of...
subdiscipline 32 26 a subdivision of a d...
subdivisional 28 24 relating to a subdiv...
subduednesses 24 21 SUBDUEDNESS, the sta...
subeditorship 30 23 the office of subedi...
subemployment 35 30 a condition of inade...
subequatorial 33 28 below the equator [a...
suberisations 24 18 SUBERISATION, the de...
suberizations 27 27 SUBERIZATION, the de...
subfactorials 31 24 SUBFACTORIAL, someth...
subfeudations 26 23 SUBFEUDATION, subinf...
subgeneration 23 21 a subdivision of a g...
subgovernment 27 28 a subdivision of a g...
subhastations 26 20 SUBHASTATION, (histo...
subindicating 29 25 SUBINDICATE, (obsole...
subindication 27 23 (obsolete) a hint [n...
subindicative 30 26 (obsolete) of the na...
subindustries 26 20 SUBINDUSTRY, a subor...
subinfeudated 26 24 SUBINFEUDATE, to gra...
subinfeudates 26 23 SUBINFEUDATE, to gra...
subinhibitory 36 25 below a level that c...
subinspectors 30 24 SUBINSPECTOR, a subo...
subintroduced 28 24 SUBINTRODUCE, to bri...
subintroduces 28 23 SUBINTRODUCE, to bri...
subinvolution 27 25 partial or complete...
subirrigating 28 22 SUBIRRIGATE, to irri...
subirrigation 26 20 irrigation below the...
subjectifying 40 37 SUBJECTIFY, to make...
subjectivised 33 34 SUBJECTIVISE, to mak...
subjectivises 33 33 SUBJECTIVISE, to mak...
subjectivisms 35 36 SUBJECTIVISM, the do...
subjectivists 34 33 SUBJECTIVIST, a beli...
subjectivized 36 43 SUBJECTIVIZE, to mak...
subjectivizes 36 42 SUBJECTIVIZE, to mak...
subjunctively 40 38 SUBJUNCTIVE, of a ve...
sublanceolate 27 23 not quite lanceolate...
sublapsarians 27 22 SUBLAPSARIAN, a beli...
sublibrarians 28 22 SUBLIBRARIAN, a subo...
sublieutenant 24 21 a commissioned offic...
sublimenesses 26 22 SUBLIMENESS, the sta...
sublineations 24 20 SUBLINEATION, the ac...
subliteracies 29 21 SUBLITERACY, the sta...
subliterature 26 19 popular writing (as...
submandibular 29 27 a submandibular part...
submarginally 35 27 SUBMARGINAL, adjacen...
submergements 27 26 SUBMERGEMENT, the st...
submillimeter 30 25 a microscopic divisi...
submillimetre 30 25 a microscopic divisi...
subminiatures 26 22 SUBMINIATURE, a subm...
subministered 26 22 SUBMINISTER, to supp...
submissnesses 26 21 SUBMISSNESS, (archai...
subnetworking 29 28 SUBNETWORK, to use a...
suboperculums 33 29 SUBOPERCULUM, in fis...
suboptimising 30 26 SUBOPTIMISE, to opti...
suboptimizing 33 35 SUBOPTIMIZE, to opti...
subordinaries 24 19 SUBORDINARY [n]
subordinately 31 22 SUBORDINATE, subserv...
subordinating 25 22 SUBORDINATE, to make...
subordination 23 20 the act of subordina...
subordinative 26 23 containing a subordi...
subordinators 24 19 SUBORDINATOR, one th...
subparagraphs 32 27 SUBPARAGRAPH, a subd...
subpopulation 29 26 an identifiable frac...
subprefecture 32 27 the office of subpre...
subprincipals 34 28 SUBPRINCIPAL, an ass...
subprioresses 27 20 SUBPRIORESS, an assi...
subreferences 28 24 SUBREFERENCE, an inc...
subreptitious 28 21 fraudulently obtaine...
subsatellites 27 19 SUBSATELLITE, an obj...
subsaturation 24 19 a state of incomplet...
subscriptions 31 24 SUBSCRIPTION, an aut...
subsequential 33 29 subsequent [adj]
subserviences 29 25 SUBSERVIENCE, the st...
subserviently 34 25 SUBSERVIENT, useful...
subsidiariats 26 18 SUBSIDIARIAT, a coll...
subsidisation 25 19 the act of subsidisi...
subsidization 28 28 the act of subsidizi...
subsistential 26 19 relating to subsiste...
subspecialise 31 24 to practise a subspe...
subspecialist 32 24 one who practises a...
subspeciality 38 26 a subordinate specia...
subspecialize 34 33 to practise a subspe...
substanceless 28 22 without substance [a...
substantially 33 22 SUBSTANTIAL, consist...
substantiated 24 19 SUBSTANTIATE, to giv...
substantiates 24 18 SUBSTANTIATE, to giv...
substantiator 24 18 one who substantiato...
substantively 34 25 SUBSTANTIVE, relatin...
substantivise 27 22 to make substantive,...
substantivity 34 24 the state of being s...
substantivize 30 31 to make substantive,...
substitutable 29 22 capable of being sub...
substitutions 26 19 SUBSTITUTION, the ac...
substractions 28 21 SUBSTRACTION, subtra...
substructions 29 22 SUBSTRUCTION, an und...
substructural 31 23 relating to substruc...
substructures 30 22 SUBSTRUCTURE, an und...
subternatural 25 20 less than natural [a...
subterraneans 22 19 SUBTERRANEAN, a pers...
subterraneous 23 19 subterranean [adj SU...
subtilenesses 25 19 SUBTILENESS, the sta...
subtilisation 26 19 the process of subti...
subtilization 29 28 the act of subtilizi...
subtreasurers 25 18 SUBTREASURER, a subo...
subtreasuries 25 18 SUBTREASURY, a subor...
subtriangular 27 22 not quite triangular...
subtriplicate 32 24 expressed by the cub...
subtropically 39 27 SUBTROPICAL, relatin...
suburbanising 28 25 SUBURBANISE, to make...
suburbanities 27 22 SUBURBANITY, the sta...
suburbanizing 31 34 SUBURBANIZE, to make...
suburbicarian 30 25 pertaining to suburb...
subventionary 31 25 relating to subventi...
subversionary 32 24 a subversive person...
subvocalising 32 28 SUBVOCALISE, to say...
subvocalizing 35 37 SUBVOCALIZE, to say...
succentorship 33 26 the office of succen...
successionist 29 21 a believer in the ne...
successlessly 38 24 SUCCESSLESS, without...
successorship 34 25 being a successor, o...
succinctories 32 24 SUCCINCTORY, a band...
succinctorium 34 28 a band embroidered w...
succussations 29 22 SUCCUSSATION, a viol...
sufficiencies 33 27 SUFFICIENCY, the sta...
sufficingness 31 27 the state of being s...
suffocatingly 38 29 SUFFOCATING, oppress...
suffraganship 32 28 the office a suffrag...
suffragettism 30 25 belief in the aims o...
suffrutescent 30 25 having a woody base...
suffumigating 31 29 SUFFUMIGATE, to fumi...
suffumigation 29 27 fumigation from belo...
suggestionise 24 19 to subject to sugges...
suggestionism 26 22 treatment by suggest...
suggestionist 25 19 a believer in sugges...
suggestionize 27 28 to subject to sugges...
suicidologies 28 21 SUICIDOLOGY, the stu...
suicidologist 29 21 a student of suicido...
suitabilities 27 18 SUITABILITY, the sta...
sulfacetamide 29 25 a sulphonamide used...
sulfadiazines 28 29 SULFADIAZINE, a sulf...
sulfadimidine 27 24 a sulpha drug used i...
sulfanilamide 27 24 a crystalline sulfon...
sulfathiazole 31 30 a sulphonamide forme...
sulfonmethane 26 25 (US) a colourless cr...
sulfonylureas 32 23 SULFONYLUREA, any of...
sulfurisation 26 20 the process of sulfu...
sulfurization 29 29 the process of treat...
sulfurousness 26 21 the state of being s...
sulphadiazine 30 31 a sulphonamide used,...
sulphadoxines 33 29 SULPHADOXINE, an ant...
sulphonamides 28 25 SULPHONAMIDE, an org...
sulphonations 26 22 SULPHONATION, the ac...
sulphonylurea 34 25 a synthetic compound...
sulphurations 28 22 SULPHURATION, the ac...
sulphureously 36 25 SULPHUREOUS, pertain...
sulphuretting 30 24 SULPHURET, to treat...
summabilities 29 24 SUMMABILITY, the abi...
summarinesses 24 21 SUMMARINESS, the sta...
summarisation 24 21 the act of summarisi...
summarization 27 30 the act of summarizi...
summerinesses 24 21 SUMMERINESS, the sta...
summersaulted 26 23 SUMMERSAULT [v]
summersetting 26 23 SUMMERSET, to somers...
sumptuosities 27 21 SUMPTUOSITY, the qua...
sumptuousness 26 23 the quality of being...
sunlessnesses 22 17 SUNLESSNESS, the sta...
sunscreenings 25 22 SUNSCREENING, the us...
sunworshipper 32 26 one who worships the...
suovetaurilia 25 20 (Latin) a Roman sacr...
superableness 26 22 the state of being s...
superabounded 25 24 SUPERABOUND, to be s...
superabundant 25 24 more than ample [adj...
superachiever 31 26 an extreme achiever...
superactivity 37 26 the state of being s...
superaddition 24 20 addition over and ab...
superagencies 27 23 SUPERAGENCY, a large...
superannuable 25 24 that can be superann...
superannuated 22 21 SUPERANNUATE, to ren...
superannuates 22 20 SUPERANNUATE, to ren...
superathletes 27 20 SUPERATHLETE, a very...
supercabinets 29 24 SUPERCABINET, a cabi...
supercalender 27 23 to give a high polis...
supercarriers 28 20 SUPERCARRIER, a larg...
supercautious 28 22 extremely cautious [...
superchargers 31 24 SUPERCHARGER, a devi...
supercharging 32 27 SUPERCHARGE, to char...
superchurches 36 28 SUPERCHURCH, a very...
superclusters 30 22 SUPERCLUSTER, a grou...
supercollider 30 23 a very large collide...
supercolossal 29 22 extremely colossal [...
supercolumnar 29 26 above a column or co...
supercomputer 31 27 a large very fast ma...
superconducts 31 26 SUPERCONDUCT, to exh...
supercriminal 30 25 an exceptional crimi...
supercritical 33 24 of a fluid, brought...
supercurrents 28 22 SUPERCURRENT, a curr...
superdaintier 24 19 SUPERDAINTY, extreme...
superdelegate 25 21 an unpledged delegat...
superdiplomat 29 25 an exceptional diplo...
superdominant 24 23 the submediant or 6t...
superelevated 26 23 SUPERELEVATE, to rai...
superelevates 26 22 SUPERELEVATE, to rai...
supereminence 26 25 exceptional eminence...
supererogated 24 20 SUPEREROGATE, (obsol...
supererogates 24 19 SUPEREROGATE, (obsol...
supererogator 24 19 one who does or perf...
superexalting 32 28 SUPEREXALT, to exalt...
superfamilies 29 24 SUPERFAMILY, a categ...
superfetating 27 23 SUPERFETATE, to conc...
superfetation 25 21 a second conception...
superficially 39 27 SUPERFICIAL, on the...
superfineness 25 22 the state of being s...
superfluidity 36 25 the state of being s...
superfluities 29 22 SUPERFLUITY, excess...
superfluously 36 26 SUPERFLUOUS, extrane...
superfrontals 27 22 SUPERFRONTAL, a cove...
supergraphics 34 27 billboardsized graph...
superhardened 25 22 SUPERHARDEN, to hard...
superheroines 25 20 SUPERHEROINE, an exc...
superhighways 40 28 SUPERHIGHWAY, a mult...
superhumanise 27 24 to make superhuman,...
superhumanity 34 26 the state of being s...
superhumanize 30 33 to make superhuman,...
superhumerals 29 24 SUPERHUMERAL, an ecc...
superimposing 29 26 SUPERIMPOSE, to plac...
superinducing 29 26 SUPERINDUCE, to brin...
superinfected 29 25 SUPERINFECT, to infe...
superintended 23 21 SUPERINTEND, to have...
superioresses 24 17 SUPERIORESS, the hea...
superiorities 25 17 SUPERIORITY, the sta...
superiorships 30 22 SUPERIORSHIP, the of...
superkingdoms 28 28 SUPERKINGDOM, a taxo...
superlatively 35 25 SUPERLATIVE, excelli...
superlobbyist 37 26 an exceptionally eff...
superloyalist 33 21 an extreme loyalist...
superluxuries 33 27 SUPERLUXURY, extreme...
supermajority 34 31 a majority (as two-t...
supermembrane 27 27 a type of membrane p...
supermilitant 27 22 an exceptionally mil...
superminister 26 21 a minister above oth...
supernatation 22 19 the state of being s...
supernational 23 20 overriding national...
supernaturals 25 20 SUPERNATURAL, that w...
supernormally 33 25 SUPERNORMAL, exceedi...
supernumerary 31 24 above the stated, us...
supernutrient 24 20 an exceptionally goo...
superordinary 30 21 ordinary to a very h...
superordinate 23 19 superior in rank, cl...
superorganism 26 23 an organized society...
superovulated 27 24 SUPEROVULATE, to pro...
superovulates 27 23 SUPEROVULATE, to pro...
superparticle 31 24 a particle postulate...
superpatriots 27 20 SUPERPATRIOT, an exc...
superpersonal 26 22 extremely personal [...
superphysical 40 28 being above or beyon...
superplastics 32 24 SUPERPLASTIC, a plas...
superpolymers 35 26 SUPERPOLYMER, a supe...
superposition 26 21 the act of superposi...
superpowerful 33 28 very powerful [adj]
superpraising 28 23 SUPERPRAISE, to give...
superpremiums 30 27 SUPERPREMIUM, a very...
superrealisms 27 21 SUPERREALISM, in art...
superrealists 26 18 SUPERREALIST, an adh...
superrefining 27 24 SUPERREFINE, to refi...
superregional 25 21 a sporting event con...
superromantic 28 24 extremely romantic [...
supersafeties 26 20 SUPERSAFETY, the sta...
supersalesman 25 22 an exceptional sales...
supersalesmen 25 22 SUPERSALESMAN, an ex...
supersaturate 24 18 to add to (a solutio...
superscribing 32 26 SUPERSCRIBE, to writ...
supersedeases 23 18 SUPERSEDEAS, a stay...
supersedences 26 22 SUPERSEDENCE, the ac...
supersensible 27 22 beyond physical perc...
supersensibly 34 24 SUPERSENSIBLE, beyon...
supersessions 24 18 SUPERSESSION, the ac...
superspecials 31 24 SUPERSPECIAL, someth...
superstardoms 26 21 SUPERSTARDOM, being...
superstations 24 18 SUPERSTATION, an exc...
superstitions 25 18 SUPERSTITION, false...
superstitious 26 18 relating to supersti...
superstratums 27 21 SUPERSTRATUM, an ove...
superstrength 28 22 exceptional strength...
superstructed 29 22 SUPERSTRUCT, to buil...
supersubtlety 35 24 the state of being s...
supersurgeons 25 21 SUPERSURGEON, an exc...
supersymmetry 40 27 the correspondence b...
superteachers 29 22 SUPERTEACHER, an exc...
superterrific 31 23 extremely terrific [...
superthriller 30 21 an exceptional thril...
supervenience 27 26 the act of superveni...
superventions 25 23 SUPERVENTION, the ac...
supervirtuosi 28 22 SUPERVIRTUOSO, an ex...
supervirtuoso 27 22 an exceptionally tal...
supervirulent 28 24 virulent to a very h...
supplantation 26 23 the act of supplanti...
supplementals 29 26 SUPPLEMENTAL, someth...
supplementary 34 27 added or serving as...
supplementers 28 25 SUPPLEMENTER, one wh...
supplementing 29 28 SUPPLEMENT, to add o...
supplications 31 25 SUPPLICATION, an act...
supportresses 27 20 SUPPORTRESS, a femal...
suppositional 27 22 having the nature of...
suppositively 37 27 SUPPOSITIVE, supposi...
suppositories 27 20 SUPPOSITORY, a solid...
suprachiasmic 35 28 above the chiasm (es...
supramolecule 30 26 a cluster of molecul...
supranational 23 20 transcending nationa...
suprarational 24 19 transcending the rat...
suprasensible 27 22 above the reach of t...
supratemporal 28 24 transcending time; o...
supremenesses 24 21 SUPREMENESS, the sta...
surchargement 29 25 the act of surchargi...
surfboardings 28 24 SURFBOARDING, the sp...
surgeonfishes 27 22 SURGEONFISH, a kind...
surmistresses 25 17 SURMISTRESS, a femal...
surrejoinders 24 25 SURREJOINDER, in law...
surreptitious 26 18 done by stealth [adj...
surrogateship 28 21 the office of surrog...
surveillances 29 24 SURVEILLANCE, (Frenc...
surveyorships 36 25 SURVEYORSHIP, the of...
survivability 38 28 the state of being s...
survivorships 33 27 SURVIVORSHIP, the le...
suspectedness 27 22 the state of being s...
suspensefully 35 26 SUSPENSEFUL, full of...
suspercollate 29 22 to hang by the neck...
suspicionless 29 22 without suspicion [a...
sustentacular 26 20 supporting or mainta...
sustentaculum 28 24 a supporting part or...
sustentations 21 16 SUSTENTATION, the ac...
swarthinesses 27 19 SWARTHINESS, the sta...
swashbucklers 36 30 SWASHBUCKLER, a swag...
swashbuckling 37 33 SWASHBUCKLE, to act...
sweethearting 27 21 the granting of unau...
swinishnesses 27 20 SWINISHNESS, the sta...
switchbacking 39 34 SWITCHBACK, to follo...
switchgrasses 33 23 SWITCHGRASS, a panic...
swollennesses 25 20 SWOLLENNESS, the sta...
swordsmanship 31 26 the skills of the sw...
sybaritically 43 25 SYBARITICAL, like a...
sycophantical 39 28 (obsolete) sycophant...
sycophantised 35 25 SYCOPHANTISE, to be...
sycophantises 35 24 SYCOPHANTISE, to be...
sycophantisms 37 27 SYCOPHANTISM, sycoph...
sycophantized 38 34 SYCOPHANTIZE, to be...
sycophantizes 38 33 SYCOPHANTIZE, to be...
sycophantries 35 24 SYCOPHANTRY, flatter...
syllabicating 37 26 SYLLABICATE, to syll...
syllabication 35 24 the act of dividing...
syllabicities 37 23 SYLLABICITY, the sta...
syllabography 44 29 use of a writing sys...
sylleptically 45 27 SYLLEPTICAL, relatin...
syllogisation 31 20 the process of syllo...
syllogistical 37 23 of or like a syllogi...
syllogization 34 29 the process of syllo...
sylvicultural 39 27 relating to sylvicul...
sylvicultures 38 26 SYLVICULTURE, the gr...
symbiotically 44 28 SYMBIOTICAL, relatin...
symbolisation 32 23 the act of symbolisi...
symbolistical 38 26 relating to symbolis...
symbolization 35 32 the act of symbolizi...
symbolography 44 31 symbolic writing or...
symbolologies 34 25 SYMBOLOLOGY, the stu...
symmetallisms 35 26 SYMMETALLISM, a syst...
symmetrically 43 28 SYMMETRICAL, having...
sympathectomy 44 31 the surgical excisio...
sympathetical 38 27 (obsolete) sympathet...
sympatholytic 45 29 inhibiting the actio...
sympatrically 44 28 SYMPATRIC, pertainin...
symphonically 45 31 SYMPHONIC, relating...
symphoniously 41 28 SYMPHONIOUS, agreein...
symphyseotomy 47 30 the operation of cut...
symphysiotomy 48 30 the operation of cut...
sympiesometer 32 24 instrument for measu...
symptomatical 37 28 relating to or displ...
symptomatised 33 25 SYMPTOMATISE, to be...
symptomatises 33 24 SYMPTOMATISE, to be...
symptomatized 36 34 SYMPTOMATIZE, to be...
symptomatizes 36 33 SYMPTOMATIZE, to be...
synadelphites 33 23 SYNADELPHITE, a mang...
synaesthesias 29 18 SYNAESTHESIA, a sens...
synallagmatic 35 26 mutually or reciproc...
synaposematic 33 25 having a warning col...
synarthrodial 31 20 of, relating to, or...
synchondroses 32 23 SYNCHONDROSIS, synar...
synchondrosis 33 23 synarthrosis in whic...
synchromeshes 36 26 SYNCHROMESH, a synch...
synchronicity 43 27 the coincidental occ...
synchronisers 33 22 SYNCHRONISER, one wh...
synchronising 34 25 SYNCHRONISE, to caus...
synchronistic 37 25 relating to synchron...
synchronizers 36 31 SYNCHRONIZER, one wh...
synchronizing 37 34 SYNCHRONIZE, to caus...
synchronology 40 27 a chronological arra...
synchronously 40 26 SYNCHRONOUS, happeni...
synchroscopes 38 27 SYNCHROSCOPE, an ins...
syndactylisms 41 26 SYNDACTYLISM, being...
syndicalistic 37 24 relating to syndical...
synecdochical 40 29 relating to synecdoc...
synecdochisms 38 28 SYNECDOCHISM, the us...
synecological 36 26 relating to synecolo...
synecologists 33 22 SYNECOLOGIST, a spec...
synecphoneses 33 25 SYNECPHONESIS, the u...
synecphonesis 34 25 the union into one s...
synoecologies 31 22 SYNOECOLOGY, the stu...
syntactically 43 26 SYNTACTICAL, relatin...
syntagmatites 30 21 SYNTAGMATITE, a kind...
synthetically 42 25 SYNTHETICAL, artific...
syntheticisms 36 24 SYNTHETICISM, the pr...
syphilisation 34 22 the process of syphi...
syphilization 37 31 the process of syphi...
syphilologies 36 24 SYPHILOLOGY, the stu...
syphilologist 37 24 a specialist in syph...
syphilophobia 40 29 fear of syphilis [n...
syringomyelia 37 24 a chronic progressiv...
syringomyelic 41 27 relating to syringom...
syringotomies 30 21 SYRINGOTOMY, cutting...
systematician 32 22 one who studies syst...
systematisers 30 18 SYSTEMATISER, one wh...
systematising 31 21 SYSTEMATISE, to redu...
systematizers 33 27 SYSTEMATIZER, one wh...
systematizing 34 30 SYSTEMATIZE, to redu...
systematology 37 23 the study of systems...
systemisation 29 19 the act of systemisi...
systemization 32 28 the act of systemizi...
syzygetically 51 35 SYZYGETIC, relating...