13 letter words that starts with p

13 letter words that start with P

13 letter P word


Word With Friends


pacifications 32 26 PACIFICATION, the ac...
packabilities 32 27 PACKABILITY, the abi...
packinghouses 31 29 PACKINGHOUSE, an est...
paediatrician 26 21 a specialist in chil...
paedobaptisms 29 26 PAEDOBAPTISM, the do...
paedobaptists 28 23 PAEDOBAPTIST, a beli...
paedomorphism 30 28 retention in the adu...
paedophiliacs 32 26 PAEDOPHILIAC, a paed...
paedotrophies 27 22 PAEDOTROPHY, the art...
paganisations 23 20 PAGANISATION, the ac...
paganizations 26 29 PAGANIZATION, the ac...
painfulnesses 26 23 PAINFULNESS, the sta...
painstakingly 33 27 PAINSTAKING, taking...
paintballings 29 25 PAINTBALLING, a game...
painterliness 24 19 the state of being p...
palaeobiology 33 25 the study of fossil...
palaeobotanic 27 24 relating to palaeobo...
palaeoclimate 28 24 the climate at any s...
palaeocrystic 37 25 consisting of ancien...
palaeocurrent 26 22 a current that exist...
palaeoecology 33 25 the study of early e...
palaeographer 28 24 a student of palaeog...
palaeographic 32 27 related to palaeogra...
palaeontology 30 23 the study of fossils...
palaeozoology 33 31 the study of fossil...
palatableness 26 22 the state of being p...
paleobiologic 31 26 relating to paleobio...
paleobotanies 24 21 PALEOBOTANY, the stu...
paleobotanist 25 21 a student of paleobo...
paleoecologic 31 26 relating to paleoeco...
paleographers 29 24 PALEOGRAPHER, a stud...
paleographies 29 24 PALEOGRAPHY, the stu...
paleomagnetic 28 26 relating to paleomag...
paleontologic 28 24 relating to paleonto...
palifications 30 24 PALIFICATION, the ac...
palindromical 30 26 of or like a palindr...
palindromists 27 22 PALINDROMIST, one wh...
palingenesias 24 21 PALINGENESIA, the re...
palingenesies 24 21 PALINGENESY, the rem...
palingenesist 25 21 a student of palinge...
palletisation 25 19 the process of palle...
palletization 28 28 the act of palletizi...
palmification 31 27 the artificial ferti...
palpabilities 31 24 PALPABILITY, the qua...
paludamentums 27 27 PALUDAMENTUM, a Roma...
palynological 36 27 relating to palynolo...
palynologists 33 23 PALYNOLOGIST, a stud...
pamphleteered 29 26 PAMPHLETEER, to writ...
panaesthesias 24 19 PANAESTHESIA, totali...
panaesthetism 26 22 totality of percepti...
panchromatism 31 28 being equally sensit...
pancreozymins 36 35 PANCREOZYMIN, a horm...
pancytopenias 33 26 PANCYTOPENIA, an abn...
pandaemoniums 24 26 PANDAEMONIUM, riotou...
pandemoniacal 26 26 pertaining to pandem...
pandiculation 27 24 a stretching out whe...
panegyrically 42 28 PANEGYRICAL, of or l...
pangrammatist 27 25 a person composing s...
panharmonicon 27 27 a mechanical musical...
panhellenions 25 23 PANHELLENION, a coun...
panhelleniums 28 26 PANHELLENIUM, a coun...
panifications 28 24 PANIFICATION, transf...
panleucopenia 27 26 a viral disease of c...
panleukopenia 25 27 a viral disease of c...
panophthalmia 31 28 inflammation of the...
panoramically 35 27 PANORAMIC, relating...
panpharmacons 30 29 PANPHARMACON, a univ...
panpsychistic 42 30 relating to panpsych...
panradiometer 23 21 an instrument used f...
pansexualisms 32 29 PANSEXUALISM, the th...
pansexualists 31 26 PANSEXUALIST, a beli...
pansophically 39 29 PANSOPHICAL, relatin...
panspermatism 28 26 the theory that life...
panspermatist 27 23 a believer in panspe...
pantechnicons 30 27 PANTECHNICON, a usua...
pantheistical 30 23 relating to pantheis...
pantheologies 26 22 PANTHEOLOGY, a synth...
pantheologist 27 22 a specialist in pant...
pantisocratic 30 23 relating to pantisoc...
pantographers 28 24 PANTOGRAPHER, one wh...
pantographies 28 24 PANTOGRAPHY, copying...
pantophagists 29 24 PANTOPHAGIST, an omn...
pantothenates 23 20 PANTOTHENATE, a salt...
papaprelatist 29 23 (Scott) a supporter...
papaveraceous 29 27 pertaining to or lik...
paperhangings 29 27 PAPERHANGING, decora...
papilliferous 31 25 bearing papillae [ad...
papillomatous 29 25 of or like a papillo...
papovaviruses 30 28 PAPOVAVIRUS, any of...
papyrological 38 28 related to papyrolog...
papyrologists 35 24 PAPYROLOGIST, a stud...
parabolanuses 25 22 PARABOLANUS, in the...
parabolically 38 27 PARABOLICAL, of or l...
parachronisms 30 25 PARACHRONISM, the re...
paracyanogens 31 25 PARACYANOGEN, a poly...
paradoxically 41 31 PARADOXICAL, of the...
paradoxurines 29 26 PARADOXURINE, any of...
paraesthesias 25 18 PARAESTHESIA, a ting...
paragnathisms 28 24 PARAGNATHISM, having...
paragogically 37 27 PARAGOGICAL, relatin...
paragraphical 33 27 relating to paragrap...
paragraphists 30 23 PARAGRAPHIST, a pers...
parahydrogens 32 24 PARAHYDROGEN, a spin...
parainfluenza 28 32 as in parainfluenza...
paralanguages 25 23 PARALANGUAGE, nonver...
paraleipomena 25 24 PARALEIPOMENON, a th...
paralipomenon 25 25 a thing added as a s...
parallactical 33 25 relating to parallax...
parallelising 28 22 PARALLELISE, to prov...
parallelistic 31 22 related to paralleli...
parallelizing 31 31 PARALLELIZE, to prov...
parallelogram 28 24 a quadrilateral with...
paralysations 30 20 PARALYSATION, the ac...
paralytically 43 26 PARALYTIC, suffering...
paralyzations 33 29 PARALYZATION, the ac...
paramagnetism 26 25 the state of being p...
paramenstruum 26 25 the four days before...
parameterised 24 20 PARAMETERISE, to set...
parameterises 24 19 PARAMETERISE, to set...
parameterized 27 29 PARAMETERIZE, to set...
parameterizes 27 28 PARAMETERIZE, to set...
parametrising 26 22 PARAMETRISE, to expr...
parametrizing 29 31 PARAMETRIZE, to expr...
paramorphines 28 25 PARAMORPHINE, a pois...
paramorphisms 31 27 PARAMORPHISM, the st...
paramountcies 27 24 PARAMOUNTCY, the sta...
paramyxovirus 40 33 any of a group of vi...
paranephroses 26 22 PARANEPHROS, the sup...
paranormality 31 23 the state of being p...
paraphernalia 27 23 trappings, equipment...
paraphrasable 30 25 capable of being par...
parapophysial 37 27 of or like a parapop...
parapsychical 42 30 related to parapsych...
parapsychisms 40 29 PARAPSYCHISM, panpsy...
parapsychoses 37 26 PARAPSYCHOSIS, an ab...
parapsychosis 38 26 an abnormal psychosi...
paraquadrates 31 27 PARAQUADRATE, a pair...
parascendings 27 24 PARASCENDING, a spor...
parasexuality 37 27 the state of being p...
parasitaemias 24 19 PARASITAEMIA, the pr...
parasitically 36 23 PARASITICAL, of or l...
parasiticidal 29 21 destructive to paras...
parasiticides 28 20 PARASITICIDE, the ki...
parasitologic 29 22 relating to parasito...
parasphenoids 27 23 PARASPHENOID, a bone...
parasymbionts 33 25 PARASYMBIONT, a part...
parasymbioses 33 24 PARASYMBIOSIS, the s...
parasymbiosis 34 24 the symbiotic relati...
parasymbiotic 37 27 relating to parasymb...
parasyntheses 31 21 PARASYNTHESIS, the d...
parasynthesis 32 21 the derivation of wo...
parasynthetic 35 24 relating to parasynt...
parasyntheton 30 22 a word derived from...
parathormones 25 22 PARATHORMONE, a para...
parchednesses 28 23 PARCHEDNESS, the sta...
parchmentised 30 26 PARCHMENTISE, to mak...
parchmentises 30 25 PARCHMENTISE, to mak...
parchmentized 33 35 PARCHMENTIZE, to mak...
parchmentizes 33 34 PARCHMENTIZE, to mak...
parencephalon 29 27 a cerebral hemispher...
parenthesised 25 20 PARENTHESIS [v]
parenthesises 25 19 PARENTHESISE, to put...
parenthesized 28 29 PARENTHESIZE, to put...
parenthesizes 28 28 PARENTHESIZE, to put...
parenthetical 29 23 relating to parenthe...
parfocalising 31 26 PARFOCALISE, to make...
parfocalities 30 23 PARFOCALITY, the sta...
parfocalizing 34 35 PARFOCALIZE, to make...
parkinsonians 23 23 PARKINSONIAN, one su...
parkinsonisms 26 25 PARKINSONISM, Parkin...
parliamentary 31 23 of or relating to a...
parliamenting 26 24 acting as a member o...
parlousnesses 24 19 PARLOUSNESS, the sta...
paroccipitals 34 26 PAROCCIPITAL, the ar...
parochialised 30 23 PAROCHIALISE, to mak...
parochialises 30 22 PAROCHIALISE, to mak...
parochialisms 32 25 PAROCHIALISM, the st...
parochialized 33 32 PAROCHIALIZE, to mak...
parochializes 33 31 PAROCHIALIZE, to mak...
parotiditises 25 17 PAROTIDITIS, inflamm...
parthenocarpy 36 27 fruit production wit...
parthenospore 26 22 a thick-walled spore...
partialnesses 24 18 PARTIALNESS, the sta...
partibilities 29 20 PARTIBILITY, the sta...
participantly 37 26 PARTICIPANT, taking...
participating 31 25 PARTICIPATE, to take...
participation 29 23 the act of participa...
participative 32 26 relating to or invol...
participators 30 22 PARTICIPATOR, one wh...
participatory 36 24 characterized by or...
participially 39 26 PARTICIPIAL, relatin...
particleboard 30 24 a composition board...
particularise 29 21 to state in detail,...
particularism 31 24 exclusive or special...
particularist 30 21 an upholder of parti...
particularity 36 23 a minute detail [n P...
particularize 32 30 to state in detail,...
partisanships 29 22 PARTISANSHIP, being...
partitionists 25 17 PARTITIONIST, an adv...
partitionment 24 21 the act of partition...
partizanships 32 31 PARTIZANSHIP, being...
parturiencies 27 21 PARTURIENCY, the con...
parvanimities 27 24 PARVANIMITY, pettine...
pasigraphical 34 27 relating to pasigrap...
pasqueflowers 38 33 PASQUEFLOWER, a spec...
passemeasures 24 20 PASSEMEASURE, an old...
passementerie 23 20 (French) a decorativ...
passibilities 29 20 PASSIBILITY, the sta...
passionflower 29 24 any flower or plant...
passionlessly 32 21 PASSIONLESS, without...
passivenesses 25 21 PASSIVENESS, the sta...
patentability 33 23 the state of being p...
paterfamilias 28 23 (Latin) the head of...
paternalistic 28 21 relating to paternal...
pathogenicity 36 26 the state of being p...
pathognomonic 29 28 distinctively charac...
pathographies 31 25 PATHOGRAPHY, a descr...
pathologising 29 24 PATHOLOGISE, to make...
pathologizing 32 33 PATHOLOGIZE, to make...
patriarchally 38 25 PATRIARCHAL, of, rel...
patriarchates 29 21 PATRIARCHATE, the of...
patriarchisms 32 24 PATRIARCHISM, govern...
patrifocality 37 25 the state of being p...
patrilineages 25 20 PATRILINEAGE, descen...
patrilineally 33 22 PATRILINEAL, traced...
patrilinearly 32 21 PATRILINEAR, traced...
patrimonially 33 24 PATRIMONIAL, relatin...
patriotically 36 23 PATRIOTIC, devoted t...
patristically 37 23 PATRISTICAL, pertain...
patristicisms 31 22 PATRISTICISM, the mo...
patronisation 22 18 the act of patronisi...
patronisingly 32 23 PATRONISING, condesc...
patronization 25 27 the act of patronizi...
patronizingly 35 32 PATRONIZING [adv]
paunchinesses 28 24 PAUNCHINESS, the sta...
pauperisation 25 21 the process of paupe...
pauperization 28 30 the process of paupe...
peaceableness 27 24 PEACEABLE, inclined...
peacekeepings 29 29 PEACEKEEPING, the pr...
peacelessness 26 21 the state of being p...
pearlescences 29 24 PEARLESCENCE, the st...
pebbledashing 32 29 PEBBLEDASH, to treat...
peccabilities 34 26 PECCABILITY, the sta...
peckishnesses 30 26 PECKISHNESS, the sta...
peculiarising 30 24 PECULIARISE, to set...
peculiarities 29 21 PECULIARITY, the sta...
peculiarizing 33 33 PECULIARIZE, to set...
pedagogically 37 28 PEDAGOGICAL, of, rel...
pedagogueries 25 22 PEDAGOGUERY, schoolm...
pedanticising 28 24 PEDANTICISE, to be p...
pedanticizing 31 33 PEDANTICIZE, to be p...
pedantocratic 29 24 relating to pedantoc...
pedestrianise 23 18 to make pedestrian,...
pedestrianism 25 21 the practice of walk...
pedestrianize 26 27 to make pedestrian,...
pediatricians 27 21 PEDIATRICIAN, a spec...
pedicellariae 28 22 PEDICELLARIA, each o...
pediculations 28 23 PEDICULATION, lousin...
pedunculation 27 25 the state of being p...
peevishnesses 27 23 PEEVISHNESS, the sta...
peirastically 36 23 PEIRASTIC, experimen...
pelletisation 25 19 the act of pelletisi...
pelletization 28 28 the act of pelletizi...
pellucidities 31 23 PELLUCIDITY, the sta...
pelotherapies 28 22 PELOTHERAPY, medical...
penalisations 23 19 PENALISATION, the ac...
penalizations 26 28 PENALIZATION, the ac...
pendragonship 28 26 the office of pendra...
pendulosities 25 20 PENDULOSITY, the sta...
pendulousness 24 22 the state of being p...
peneplanation 23 23 the state of being a...
penetrability 33 23 the state of being p...
penetratingly 31 23 PENETRATING [adv]
penetratively 32 24 PENETRATIVE, tending...
penetrometers 23 20 PENETROMETER, an ins...
penicillamine 29 26 an amino acid obtain...
penicillately 36 25 PENICILLATE, like a...
penicillation 28 23 the state of being p...
penicilliform 33 28 paintbrush-shaped [a...
penicillinase 28 23 an enzyme, produced...
peninsularity 31 22 the state of being p...
peninsulating 25 23 PENINSULATE, to form...
penitentially 31 22 PENITENTIAL, relatin...
pennilessness 23 20 PENNILESS, without a...
pennywhistles 36 26 PENNYWHISTLE, a chea...
penologically 36 27 PENOLOGICAL, relatin...
pensilenesses 23 19 PENSILENESS, the sta...
pensivenesses 24 22 PENSIVENESS, the sta...
pentabarbital 28 24 a barbiturate drug w...
pentacrinoids 26 22 PENTACRINOID, a youn...
pentadactyles 33 24 PENTADACTYLE, a pent...
pentadactylic 37 27 having five digits,...
pentadelphous 28 25 having five bundles...
pentapeptides 27 24 PENTAPEPTIDE, a poly...
pentaploidies 26 22 PENTAPLOIDY, the sta...
pentastichous 29 23 arranged in five row...
pentasyllabic 37 27 having five syllable...
pentavalences 27 26 PENTAVALENCE, the co...
penthemimeral 28 26 of or like a penthem...
pentobarbital 28 24 a barbiturate drug w...
penultimately 33 25 PENULTIMATE, next to...
penuriousness 23 20 PENURIOUS, poor; mea...
peppergrasses 29 24 PEPPERGRASS, a wild...
pepperinesses 27 23 PEPPERINESS, the sta...
peptidoglycan 37 29 a polymer in the cel...
peptonisation 24 21 the process of pepto...
peptonization 27 30 the process of pepto...
peradventures 25 23 PERADVENTURE, doubt,...
perambulating 29 27 PERAMBULATE, to walk...
perambulation 27 25 the act of perambula...
perambulators 28 24 PERAMBULATOR, a pram...
perambulatory 34 26 relating to perambul...
percipiencies 32 26 PERCIPIENCY, the sta...
percussionist 28 21 one who plays one or...
perditionable 26 22 worthy of perdition...
perdurability 35 24 the state of being p...
peregrinating 25 22 PEREGRINATE, to wand...
peregrination 23 20 an excursion esp. on...
peregrinators 24 19 PEREGRINATOR, someon...
peregrinatory 30 21 of or relating to a...
peregrinities 25 19 PEREGRINITY, foreign...
perennibranch 29 27 a creature that reta...
perfectations 28 23 PERFECTATION, making...
perfectionate 27 23 to bring to perfecti...
perfectionism 30 26 the doctrine that mo...
perfectionist 29 23 one who aspires to t...
perfectnesses 28 23 PERFECTNESS, the sta...
perfervidness 28 25 the state of being p...
perfoliations 26 21 PERFOLIATION, the st...
performatives 29 26 PERFORMATIVE, such a...
perfunctorily 37 27 PERFUNCTORY, charact...
perfusionists 27 21 PERFUSIONIST, the me...
perichondrial 30 24 relating to the peri...
perichondrium 31 27 a fibrous membrane c...
periclitating 30 23 PERICLITATE, (archai...
pericynthions 35 25 PERICYNTHION, the po...
perigastritis 27 18 inflammation of the...
perihepatitis 29 21 inflammation of the...
perimenopause 25 24 the period around th...
perimorphisms 32 27 PERIMORPHISM, the st...
perinephritis 29 22 inflammation of the...
periodicalist 29 21 a person who writes...
periodicities 28 20 PERIODICITY, the sta...
periodisation 23 18 division into period...
periodization 26 27 division into period...
periodontally 31 22 PERIODONTAL, investi...
periodontists 24 18 PERIODONTIST, a dent...
periodontitis 24 18 inflammation of the...
periostitises 25 16 PERIOSTITIS, inflamm...
periostracums 29 23 PERIOSTRACUM, the ho...
peripatetical 30 23 walking about from p...
peripherality 36 24 the state of being p...
perishability 37 24 the state of being p...
perispomenons 25 24 PERISPOMENON, having...
perissodactyl 35 23 an animal of the Per...
perissologies 26 19 PERISSOLOGY, superfl...
peritonitises 24 17 PERITONITIS, inflamm...
perityphlitis 38 24 inflammation of some...
perivitelline 28 23 surrounding the yolk...
perlustrating 27 21 PERLUSTRATE, (archai...
perlustration 25 19 the act of perlustra...
permacultures 30 25 PERMACULTURE, a syst...
permanentness 22 22 the state of being p...
permanganates 23 23 PERMANGANATE, a salt...
permeableness 26 24 the state of being p...
permutability 36 26 the quality of being...
permutational 25 22 relating to permutat...
pernoctations 25 21 PERNOCTATION, the ac...
peroxidations 29 25 PEROXIDATION, the cr...
perpendicular 30 26 at right angles to a...
perpetrations 25 20 PERPETRATION, the ac...
perpetualisms 29 24 PERPETUALISM, a beli...
perpetualists 28 21 PERPETUALIST, a pers...
perpetuations 25 21 PERPETUATION, contin...
perphenazines 29 32 PERPHENAZINE, a tran...
perplexedness 32 29 the state of being p...
perquisitions 33 27 PERQUISITION, a dili...
perscrutation 27 21 a thorough search [n...
perseverances 27 24 PERSEVERANCE, the ac...
perseverating 26 23 PERSEVERATE, to repe...
perseveration 24 21 continuation of some...
perseverative 27 24 relating to persever...
perseverators 25 20 PERSEVERATOR, one wh...
perseveringly 34 26 PERSEVERING, continu...
persistencies 27 20 PERSISTENCY, the act...
personalising 25 21 PERSONALISE, to make...
personalistic 28 21 relating to personal...
personalities 24 18 PERSONALITY, the sta...
personalizing 28 30 PERSONALIZE, to make...
personifiable 28 24 that can be personif...
perspectively 39 29 PERSPECTIVE, relatin...
perspectivism 34 29 the theory that thin...
perspectivist 33 26 a believer in perspe...
perspicacious 33 26 clear-minded; astute...
perspicuities 31 23 PERSPICUITY, the sta...
perspicuously 38 27 PERSPICUOUS, easily...
perspirations 26 20 PERSPIRATION, the ac...
pertinacities 27 20 PERTINACITY, the qua...
perturbations 26 21 PERTURBATION, the ac...
pervasiveness 27 25 PERVASIVE, tending t...
pervertedness 25 22 PERVERTED [n]
pervicacities 33 26 PERVICACITY, the sta...
pessimistical 31 23 inclined to pessimis...
pestiferously 34 23 PESTIFEROUS, bringin...
petrifactions 29 23 PETRIFACTION, the pr...
petrification 29 23 turning to stone [n...
petrochemical 34 28 of or relating to ch...
petrochemists 31 24 PETROCHEMIST, someon...
petrocurrency 36 26 currency, etc., acqu...
petroglyphies 37 26 PETROGLYPHY, the art...
petrographers 29 23 PETROGRAPHER, a prac...
petrographies 29 23 PETROGRAPHY, the des...
petroliferous 27 21 bearing petroleum [a...
petrophysical 39 27 relating to petrophy...
pettifoggings 30 26 PETTIFOGGING, the ac...
pettishnesses 26 19 PETTISHNESS, the sta...
phaeomelanins 25 24 PHAEOMELANIN, a redd...
phagocytising 38 28 PHAGOCYTISE, to cons...
phagocytizing 41 37 PHAGOCYTIZE, to cons...
phagocytosing 37 28 PHAGOCYTOSE, to subj...
phalansterian 25 21 a person who support...
phalansteries 26 20 PHALANSTERY, a Fouri...
phalansterism 28 23 support for a system...
phalansterist 27 20 a support of the Fou...
phallocentric 34 27 centered on or empha...
phanerogamous 26 25 like a phanerogam, a...
phanerophytes 35 26 PHANEROPHYTE, a pere...
phantasmagory 33 26 a fantastic sequence...
phantasmalian 26 24 like a phantasm [adj...
phantasmality 34 25 the state of being p...
pharisaically 38 25 PHARISAICAL, charact...
pharmaceutics 34 28 the science of prepa...
pharmaceutist 31 25 one who prepares med...
pharmacognosy 36 29 the study of drugs o...
pharmacologic 35 30 relating to pharmaco...
pharmacopeial 32 28 of or like a pharmac...
pharmacopeias 31 27 PHARMACOPEIA, a book...
pharmacopoeia 30 27 a book describing dr...
pharmacopoeic 34 30 relating to a pharma...
pharyngitides 34 24 PHARYNGITIS, inflamm...
pharyngitises 34 23 PHARYNGITIS, inflamm...
pharyngoscope 37 29 an instrument for in...
pharyngoscopy 44 31 examination of the p...
phellogenetic 31 26 of or like phellogen...
phelloplastic 35 27 a model in cork [n -...
phenanthrenes 25 23 PHENANTHRENE, an aro...
phenarsazines 27 29 PHENARSAZINE, an ars...
phencyclidine 39 30 a veterinary anesthe...
phengophobias 32 29 PHENGOPHOBIA, fear o...
phenmetrazine 28 32 a stimulant used in...
phenobarbital 30 26 a crystalline barbit...
phenomenalise 25 24 to represent as a ph...
phenomenalism 27 27 the doctrine that kn...
phenomenalist 26 24 an adherent of the p...
phenomenality 32 26 the state of being p...
phenomenalize 28 33 to represent as a ph...
phenomenising 26 26 PHENOMENISE, to brin...
phenomenizing 29 35 PHENOMENIZE, to brin...
phenomenology 32 28 the study of phenome...
phenothiazine 29 31 a crystalline compou...
phentolamines 26 24 PHENTOLAMINE, an adr...
phenylalanine 31 25 an essential amino-a...
phenylalanins 32 25 PHENYLALANIN, an ess...
phenylephrine 36 28 an agent used in the...
phenylmethyls 44 30 PHENYLMETHYL, an est...
philanderings 28 24 PHILANDERING, engagi...
philanthropes 31 25 PHILANTHROPE, someon...
philanthropic 35 28 of, relating to, or...
philharmonics 34 28 PHILHARMONIC, a choi...
philhellenism 33 27 a love of Greece [n...
philhellenist 32 24 one who loves Greece...
philistinisms 31 23 PHILISTINISM, lack o...
phillumenists 31 25 PHILLUMENIST, a coll...
philodendrons 26 23 PHILODENDRON, any of...
philomathical 35 28 loving learning, als...
philosophical 36 28 relating to philosop...
philosophised 32 25 PHILOSOPHISE, to rea...
philosophiser 32 24 one who philosophise...
philosophises 32 24 PHILOSOPHISE, to rea...
philosophisms 34 27 PHILOSOPHISM, would-...
philosophists 33 24 PHILOSOPHIST, a woul...
philosophized 35 34 PHILOSOPHIZE, to rea...
philosophizer 35 33 one who philosophise...
philosophizes 35 33 PHILOSOPHIZE, to rea...
phlebectomies 33 28 PHLEBECTOMY, the sur...
phlebographic 38 32 relating to phlebogr...
phlebotomical 34 29 relating to phleboto...
phlebotomised 30 26 PHLEBOTOMISE, to per...
phlebotomises 30 25 PHLEBOTOMISE, to per...
phlebotomists 31 25 PHLEBOTOMIST, one wh...
phlebotomized 33 35 PHLEBOTOMIZE, to per...
phlebotomizes 33 34 PHLEBOTOMIZE, to per...
phlegmagogics 35 31 PHLEGMAGOGIC, a medi...
phlegmagogues 31 29 PHLEGMAGOGUE, a phle...
phlogisticate 32 24 to combine with phlo...
phonasthenias 26 22 PHONASTHENIA, weakne...
phonautograph 30 27 an instrument for re...
phonemicising 31 28 PHONEMICISE, to anal...
phonemicizing 34 37 PHONEMICIZE, to anal...
phonendoscope 28 27 a device which ampli...
phoneticising 30 25 PHONETICISE, to repr...
phoneticizing 33 34 PHONETICIZE, to repr...
phonetisation 24 20 the process of phone...
phonetization 27 29 the process of phone...
phonocamptics 35 31 the branch of acoust...
phonographers 30 26 PHONOGRAPHER, a spec...
phonographies 30 26 PHONOGRAPHY, a syste...
phonographist 31 26 an exponent of phono...
phonometrical 30 26 relating to use of t...
phosphatidyls 39 27 PHOSPHATIDYL, any of...
phosphatising 32 26 PHOSPHATISE, to phos...
phosphatizing 35 35 PHOSPHATIZE, to phos...
phosphaturias 31 24 PHOSPHATURIA, the ex...
phosphokinase 30 28 a kind of enzyme, ak...
phospholipase 33 27 any of several enzym...
phospholipids 35 28 PHOSPHOLIPID, a lipi...
phosphorating 31 26 PHOSPHORATE, to comb...
phosphoresced 33 27 PHOSPHORESCE, to exh...
phosphoresces 33 26 PHOSPHORESCE, to exh...
phosphoretted 30 24 combined with phosph...
phosphorising 32 26 PHOSPHORISE, to comb...
phosphorizing 35 35 PHOSPHORIZE, to comb...
phosphorylase 37 26 any of the enzymes t...
phosphorylate 37 26 to cause (an organic...
phosphuretted 31 25 combined with phosph...
photobiologic 33 27 relating to photobio...
photoblogging 32 29 PHOTOBLOG, to keep a...
photocathodes 30 24 PHOTOCATHODE, a cath...
photochemical 36 30 of, relating to, or...
photochemists 33 26 PHOTOCHEMIST, a prac...
photochromics 36 29 PHOTOCHROMIC, a phot...
photochromies 32 26 PHOTOCHROMY, a forme...
photochromism 34 29 the property of chan...
photocomposed 31 28 PHOTOCOMPOSE, to set...
photocomposer 31 27 one who photocompose...
photocomposes 31 27 PHOTOCOMPOSE, to set...
photocopiable 33 28 that can be photocop...
photocopyings 38 29 PHOTOCOPYING, the ac...
photocurrents 29 23 PHOTOCURRENT, a stre...
photodetector 28 22 any of various devic...
photodynamics 36 28 the branch of biolog...
photoelectric 33 25 relating to photoele...
photoelectron 28 23 an electron released...
photoemission 26 22 the release of elect...
photoemissive 29 25 relating to photoemi...
photoengraved 27 26 PHOTOENGRAVE, to mak...
photoengraver 27 25 one who does photoen...
photoengraves 27 25 PHOTOENGRAVE, to mak...
photofinisher 30 24 one that develops an...
photofissions 28 22 PHOTOFISSION, nuclea...
photogelatine 26 22 another name for col...
photogeologic 31 26 relating to photogeo...
photoglyphies 39 28 PHOTOGLYPHY, photogr...
photographers 31 25 PHOTOGRAPHER, one wh...
photographies 31 25 PHOTOGRAPHY, the pro...
photographing 32 28 PHOTOGRAPH, to take...
photographist 32 25 a photographer [n -S...
photogravures 29 25 PHOTOGRAVURE, printi...
photoionising 26 22 PHOTOIONISE, to ioni...
photoionizing 29 31 PHOTOIONIZE, to ioni...
photomachines 31 27 PHOTOMACHINE, a mach...
photometrists 28 21 PHOTOMETRIST, one wh...
photomontages 26 24 PHOTOMONTAGE, montag...
photonegative 27 25 exhibiting negative...
photoneutrons 24 21 PHOTONEUTRON, a neut...
photooxidised 32 27 PHOTOOXIDISE, to und...
photooxidises 32 26 PHOTOOXIDISE, to und...
photooxidized 35 36 PHOTOOXIDIZE, to und...
photooxidizes 35 35 PHOTOOXIDIZE, to und...
photoperiodic 31 25 relating to a photop...
photophoreses 29 23 PHOTOPHORESIS, migra...
photophoresis 30 23 migration of suspend...
photopolymers 36 27 PHOTOPOLYMER, a phot...
photopositive 30 25 exhibiting positive...
photoproducts 32 26 PHOTOPRODUCT, a prod...
photoreaction 27 22 a photochemical reac...
photorealisms 28 22 PHOTOREALISM, an esp...
photorealists 27 19 PHOTOREALIST, an exp...
photoreceptor 30 24 a receptor for light...
photoreducing 30 26 PHOTOREDUCE, to phot...
photoscanning 28 26 PHOTOSCAN, to scan p...
photosettings 27 21 PHOTOSETTING, compos...
photoshopping 33 29 PHOTOSHOP, to manipu...
photostatting 27 21 PHOTOSTAT, to make f...
photosynthate 33 23 a product of photosy...
phototelegram 28 24 a telegram that is s...
phototoxicity 42 30 the state of being p...
phototropisms 30 24 PHOTOTROPISM, moveme...
phototypesets 34 23 PHOTOTYPESET, to set...
photovoltaics 32 26 the science and tech...
phragmoplasts 32 27 PHRAGMOPLAST, the en...
phrasemakings 29 28 PHRASEMAKING, the ac...
phrasemongers 27 24 PHRASEMONGER, a make...
phraseographs 31 25 PHRASEOGRAPH, a phra...
phraseography 37 27 the making of phrase...
phraseologies 27 21 PHRASEOLOGY, the man...
phraseologist 28 21 one who uses sentent...
phreatophytes 36 25 PHREATOPHYTE, a plan...
phreatophytic 40 28 of or like a phreato...
phrenetically 37 26 PHRENETICAL, frenzie...
phreneticness 28 23 PHRENETIC, frenzied,...
phrenological 31 26 relating to phrenolo...
phrenologised 27 23 PHRENOLOGISE, to exa...
phrenologises 27 22 PHRENOLOGISE, to exa...
phrenologists 28 22 PHRENOLOGIST, a prac...
phrenologized 30 32 PHRENOLOGIZE, to exa...
phrenologizes 30 31 PHRENOLOGIZE, to exa...
phthalocyanin 37 28 any of a group of gr...
phycoerythrin 44 28 any of the red prote...
phycomycetous 46 32 of or like a phycomy...
phycoxanthins 43 34 PHYCOXANTHIN, a yell...
phylacterical 41 28 of or like a phylact...
phyllophagous 40 30 leaf-eating [adj]
phylloquinone 41 34 vitamin K1, one of t...
phyllospheres 39 27 PHYLLOSPHERE, the su...
physharmonica 38 29 an early form of har...
physicalistic 42 27 relating to physical...
physicalities 38 24 PHYSICALITY, the sta...
physiciancies 39 27 PHYSICIANCY, the pos...
physicianship 41 29 the office of physic...
physiocracies 39 26 PHYSIOCRACY, governm...
physiognomies 34 26 PHYSIOGNOMY, the gen...
physiognomist 35 26 a student of physiog...
physiographer 38 27 one who practises ph...
physiographic 42 30 relating to physiogr...
physiolatries 34 21 PHYSIOLATRY, nature-...
physiological 39 27 relating to physiolo...
physiologists 36 23 PHYSIOLOGIST, a stud...
physiologuses 35 24 PHYSIOLOGUS, a work...
physiotherapy 43 27 physical therapy [n...
physitheistic 40 25 relating to physithe...
physoclistous 38 25 of fishes, having an...
physostigmine 35 26 an alkaloid found in...
physostigmins 36 26 PHYSOSTIGMIN, an alk...
phytochemical 43 32 relating to the chem...
phytochemists 40 28 PHYTOCHEMIST, a chem...
phytoestrogen 32 23 a plant substance si...
phytographers 38 27 PHYTOGRAPHER, a desc...
phytographies 38 27 PHYTOGRAPHY, descrip...
phytohormones 34 26 PHYTOHORMONE, a plan...
phytonadiones 30 23 PHYTONADIONE, phyllo...
phytopathogen 36 28 an organism parasiti...
phytoplankter 36 29 a planktonic plant [...
phytoplankton 35 30 vegetable plankton,...
phytosanitary 38 23 of or relating to th...
phytotoxicity 49 32 the state of being p...
piacularities 29 21 PIACULARITY, the sta...
pianississimo 26 20 as softly as possibl...
pianistically 36 24 PIANISTIC, relating...
pickerelweeds 32 28 PICKERELWEED, a shal...
picrocarmines 31 26 PICROCARMINE, a stai...
pictographies 33 26 PICTOGRAPHY, the use...
pictorialised 29 21 PICTORIALISE, to rep...
pictorialises 29 20 PICTORIALISE, to rep...
pictorialisms 31 23 PICTORIALISM, the us...
pictorialists 30 20 PICTORIALIST, a prop...
pictorialized 32 30 PICTORIALIZE, to rep...
pictorializes 32 29 PICTORIALIZE, to rep...
pictorialness 28 21 PICTORIAL, relating...
picturephones 31 26 PICTUREPHONE, a devi...
picturesquely 44 33 PICTURESQUE, resembl...
picturisation 28 21 the act of picturisi...
picturization 31 30 the act of picturizi...
pidginisation 25 21 the process of pidgi...
pidginization 28 30 the process of pidgi...
pietistically 37 23 PIETISTICAL, relatin...
piezoelectric 34 32 relating to electric...
piezomagnetic 31 34 relating to piezomag...
piggishnesses 29 23 PIGGISHNESS, the sta...
pigheadedness 26 23 PIGHEADED, obstinate...
pigmentations 25 23 PIGMENTATION, colora...
pinheadedness 24 22 PINHEADED, stupid [n...
pinkishnesses 27 24 PINKISHNESS, the sta...
pinniewinkles 28 27 PINNIEWINKLE, an ins...
pipiwharauroa 31 25 (Maori) a Pacific mi...
piquantnesses 31 28 PIQUANTNESS, the sta...
piscatorially 36 23 PISCATORIAL, of or r...
piscicultural 35 26 relating to piscicul...
piscicultures 34 25 PISCICULTURE, the re...
piteousnesses 23 18 PITEOUSNESS, the sta...
pitifulnesses 28 22 PITIFULNESS, the sta...
pityrosporums 35 25 PITYROSPORUM, a yeas...
placabilities 32 24 PLACABILITY, the sta...
placentations 26 22 PLACENTATION, the ar...
plagiocephaly 40 30 a twisted condition...
plagioclastic 34 26 of or like plagiocla...
plagiostomous 27 23 of or like a plagios...
plagiotropism 30 25 the tendency to grow...
plagiotropous 28 23 showing plagiotropis...
plaintiveness 26 23 PLAINTIVE, mournful,...
planetesimals 26 22 PLANETESIMAL, an ast...
planetologies 25 21 PLANETOLOGY, the stu...
planetologist 26 21 one who studies plan...
planigraphies 30 25 PLANIGRAPHY, x-ray p...
planimetrical 30 25 relating to planimet...
planographies 29 25 PLANOGRAPHY, cartogr...
plantocracies 30 24 PLANTOCRACY, governm...
plasmodesmata 26 24 PLASMODESMA, a stran...
plasterboards 27 21 PLASTERBOARD, a thin...
plasterstones 24 18 PLASTERSTONE, gypsum...
plastinations 24 19 PLASTINATION, a tech...
plastocyanins 33 24 PLASTOCYANIN, a copp...
plastometries 26 20 PLASTOMETRY, measure...
plastoquinone 31 29 a plant substance th...
platiniferous 27 22 bearing platinum [ad...
platiniridium 28 23 an alloy of platinum...
platinisation 24 19 the process of plati...
platinization 27 28 the process of plati...
platinocyanic 36 27 as in platinocyanic...
platitudinise 26 20 to utter platitudes,...
platitudinize 29 29 to utter platitudes,...
platitudinous 26 21 characterized by or...
platycephalic 43 31 having the vault of...
platyhelminth 38 28 a tapeworm or planar...
platyrrhinian 33 23 having a short, flat...
plausibleness 28 23 the state of being p...
playabilities 35 23 PLAYABILITY, the abi...
playfulnesses 34 25 PLAYFULNESS, the sta...
playwrighting 40 29 the writing of plays...
plebeianising 27 24 PLEBEIANISE, to make...
plebeianizing 30 33 PLEBEIANIZE, to make...
plebification 32 27 making something vul...
plectognathic 34 28 belonging to an orde...
plectopterous 30 24 of or like the Plect...
pleiotropisms 29 23 PLEIOTROPISM, the st...
plenipotences 28 25 PLENIPOTENCE, absolu...
plenitudinous 25 22 full, complete [adj]
plenteousness 23 20 the state of being p...
plentifulness 28 24 the state of being p...
pleomorphisms 32 28 PLEOMORPHISM, polymo...
plerocercoids 31 24 PLEROCERCOID, the in...
plesiosaurian 24 19 a member of the rept...
plessimetries 27 20 PLESSIMETRY, the use...
plethorically 39 26 PLETHORICAL, having...
plethysmogram 37 29 a tracing made by a...
pleurocarpous 30 25 of mosses, having th...
pliablenesses 27 22 PLIABLENESS, the qua...
plicatenesses 27 21 PLICATENESS, the sta...
ploughmanship 34 31 the craft of a ploug...
ploughwrights 37 29 PLOUGHWRIGHT, one wh...
plumbisolvent 32 30 able to dissolve lea...
plumbosolvent 31 30 able to dissolve lea...
pluralisation 26 20 the act of pluralisi...
pluralization 29 29 the act of pluralizi...
pluripresence 30 25 presence in multiple...
plutocratical 33 25 relating to the plut...
pluviometries 29 25 PLUVIOMETRY, the mea...
pneumatically 36 28 PNEUMATICAL, relatin...
pneumatolyses 31 24 PNEUMATOLYSIS, the d...
pneumatolysis 32 24 the destructive acti...
pneumatolytic 35 27 relating to pneumato...
pneumatometer 24 24 an instrument for me...
pneumatometry 31 26 the measurement of t...
pneumatophore 27 26 an upward-growing re...
pneumectomies 28 27 PNEUMECTOMY, surgica...
pneumobacilli 32 29 PNEUMOBACILLUS, a ro...
pneumogastric 29 26 relating to the lung...
pneumonectomy 33 30 the surgical removal...
pneumonitises 24 22 PNEUMONITIS, inflamm...
pococurantism 31 27 indifference, also P...
pococurantist 30 24 one who is habituall...
podsolisation 24 19 the process of turni...
podsolization 27 28 the process of turni...
podzolisation 27 28 the process of turni...
podzolization 30 37 the process of turni...
poetasterings 24 19 POETASTERING [n]
pogonophorans 26 25 POGONOPHORAN, any of...
poikilotherms 30 26 POIKILOTHERM, an org...
poikilothermy 36 28 cold-bloodedness, al...
pointednesses 22 19 POINTEDNESS, the sta...
pointillismes 28 22 POINTILLISME, a pain...
pointillistes 27 19 POINTILLISTE, one wh...
pointillistic 31 22 composed of many dis...
pointlessness 24 19 POINTLESS, with no p...
poisonousness 22 19 POISONOUS, having th...
polarimetries 26 20 POLARIMETRY, measure...
polarisations 24 18 POLARISATION, the ac...
polarizations 27 27 POLARIZATION, the ac...
polarographic 33 27 relating to polarogr...
policyholders 38 26 POLICYHOLDER, the ow...
poliomyelitis 34 23 a virus disease of t...
politicalised 30 22 POLITICALISE, to mak...
politicalises 30 21 POLITICALISE, to mak...
politicalized 33 31 POLITICALIZE, to mak...
politicalizes 33 30 POLITICALIZE, to mak...
politicasters 29 20 POLITICASTER, (Milto...
polleniferous 27 23 bearing pollen [adj]
pollicitation 29 22 a promise or an offe...
polliniferous 28 23 producing pollen; ad...
pollyannaisms 32 25 POLLYANNAISM, a poll...
poltrooneries 23 18 POLTROONERY [n]
polyadelphous 36 27 of stamens, united i...
polyarthritis 35 21 arthritis affecting...
polybutadiene 32 25 a synthetic rubber t...
polycarbonate 34 26 any of a range of st...
polycentrisms 36 26 POLYCENTRISM, the ex...
polychotomies 37 27 POLYCHOTOMY, divisio...
polychotomous 37 28 dividing or marked b...
polychromatic 41 30 showing a variety or...
polycistronic 38 26 containing the genet...
polycotyledon 40 27 any of various plant...
polycythaemia 43 29 a condition marked b...
polycythemias 44 29 POLYCYTHEMIA, a cond...
polydactylies 42 26 POLYDACTYLY, the sta...
polydactylism 44 29 the state of being p...
polydactylous 42 27 having too many fing...
polydaemonism 32 27 the belief in and wo...
polydemonisms 33 27 POLYDEMONISM, the be...
polyembryonic 43 31 relating to polyembr...
polyethylenes 39 25 POLYETHYLENE, a gene...
polygalaceous 35 26 belonging to the fam...
polyglottisms 36 25 POLYGLOTTISM, the st...
polygonaceous 33 26 belonging to the fam...
polygraphists 38 26 POLYGRAPHIST, one wh...
polyhistorian 33 22 a person of great an...
polyhistories 34 21 POLYHISTORY, great a...
polyisoprenes 32 23 POLYISOPRENE, a rubb...
polymorphisms 39 30 POLYMORPHISM, the ci...
polynomialism 34 27 the state of being p...
polyphloisbic 43 31 loud-roaring, also P...
polyphonously 42 29 POLYPHONOUS, relatin...
polypropylene 41 29 any of various therm...
polyprotodont 32 24 any member of the Po...
polyribosomal 35 26 of or like a polyrib...
polyribosomes 34 25 POLYRIBOSOME, a clus...
polysiloxanes 37 28 POLYSILOXANE, any of...
polysulphides 38 27 POLYSULPHIDE, a sulf...
polysyllabism 44 29 the state of being p...
polysyllables 43 27 POLYSYLLABLE, a poly...
polysyllogism 43 28 a series of syllogis...
polysyndetons 36 24 POLYSYNDETON, the rh...
polysyntheses 39 24 POLYSYNTHESIS, the s...
polysynthesis 40 24 the state of being p...
polysynthetic 43 27 made up of many sepa...
polytechnical 40 29 of or like a polytec...
polythalamous 35 26 having many chambers...
polytonalisms 33 24 POLYTONALISM, the st...
polytonalists 32 21 POLYTONALIST, one wh...
polyurethanes 32 23 POLYURETHANE, any of...
polyvalencies 36 28 POLYVALENCY, the sta...
pomologically 38 29 POMOLOGICAL, relatin...
pompousnesses 26 24 POMPOUSNESS, the sta...
ponderability 33 24 the quality of being...
ponderosities 23 18 PONDEROSITY, the sta...
ponderousness 22 20 the state of being p...
pontificality 37 26 the state of being p...
pontificating 30 26 PONTIFICATE, to spea...
pontification 28 24 the act of pontifica...
pontificators 29 23 PONTIFICATOR, one wh...
popmobilities 31 26 POPMOBILITY, a form...
porcelaineous 26 22 like porcelain, also...
porcelainised 27 22 PORCELAINISE, to bak...
porcelainises 27 21 PORCELAINISE, to bak...
porcelainized 30 31 PORCELAINIZE, to bak...
porcelainizes 30 30 PORCELAINIZE, to bak...
porcelainlike 29 26 like porcelain [adj]
porcellaneous 27 23 like porcelain, also...
porcellanised 28 23 PORCELLANISE, to bak...
porcellanises 28 22 PORCELLANISE, to bak...
porcellanites 28 22 PORCELLANITE, a jasp...
porcellanized 31 32 PORCELLANIZE, to bak...
porcellanizes 31 31 PORCELLANIZE, to bak...
pornification 28 24 the introduction of...
pornographers 28 24 PORNOGRAPHER, one wh...
pornographies 28 24 PORNOGRAPHY, the dep...
porphyropsins 37 27 PORPHYROPSIN, a purp...
portabilities 28 20 PORTABILITY, the sta...
portcullising 32 25 PORTCULLIS, to obstr...
possessedness 23 18 POSSESSED [n]
possessionary 29 19 relating to possessi...
possessionate 22 17 holding or allowed t...
possessorship 29 21 the office of posses...
possibilities 29 20 POSSIBILITY, the con...
postbourgeois 27 22 belonging to a perio...
postclassical 33 24 of or relating to a...
postcranially 35 24 POSTCRANIAL, of or r...
postdebutante 25 22 following the stage...
postdiluvians 28 24 POSTDILUVIAN, someon...
postdoctorate 26 20 after a doctorate [a...
postembryonal 33 26 subsequent to the em...
postembryonic 36 28 subsequent to the em...
postemergence 27 25 used or occurring in...
postemergency 34 27 following an emergen...
postepileptic 33 26 taking place after a...
posterisation 23 17 a video effect in wh...
posterization 26 26 a video effect in wh...
postfeminisms 29 26 POSTFEMINISM, a move...
postfeminists 28 23 POSTFEMINIST, a supp...
postgraduates 25 20 POSTGRADUATE, a stud...
postholocaust 30 23 following the Holoca...
postillations 26 19 POSTILLATION, the ac...
postinaugural 26 22 taking place after i...
postinfection 28 24 taking place after a...
postinjection 28 30 taking place after a...
postisolation 24 18 following a period o...
postlapsarian 26 21 of, relating to, or...
postliminiary 33 23 relating to postlimi...
postliminious 27 22 being by way of a su...
postmenstrual 26 22 following menstruati...
postmodernism 26 24 a movement succeedin...
postmodernist 25 21 a follower of postmo...
postoperative 27 23 following a surgical...
postponements 25 24 POSTPONEMENT, the ac...
postpositions 26 20 POSTPOSITION, the pl...
postpositives 29 23 POSTPOSITIVE [n]
postpuberties 29 23 POSTPUBERTY, the per...
postpubescent 31 27 taking place after p...
postrecession 26 20 following a recessio...
postromantics 28 23 POSTROMANTIC, a foll...
postsecondary 32 23 taking place after s...
posttensioned 22 19 POSTTENSION, to appl...
posttraumatic 29 23 taking place after t...
posttreatment 24 20 any treatment given...
postulantship 30 24 the office of postul...
postulational 25 20 of or lke a postulat...
postvasectomy 36 28 following a vasectom...
potablenesses 25 21 POTABLENESS, the sta...
potamological 30 26 related to potamolog...
potamologists 27 22 POTAMOLOGIST, one wh...
potentiations 22 18 POTENTIATION, the ac...
potentiometer 23 20 an instrument for me...
potentiometry 30 22 the measurement of t...
potichomanias 29 25 POTICHOMANIA, a craz...
powerboatings 29 25 POWERBOATING, the sp...
powerlessness 27 21 POWERLESS, without p...
powerliftings 32 26 POWERLIFTING, the sp...
practicalisms 34 26 PRACTICALISM, devoti...
practicalists 33 23 PRACTICALIST, one wh...
practicalness 31 24 the state of being p...
practitioners 27 20 PRACTITIONER, one wh...
praedialities 25 18 PRAEDIALITY, the sta...
praefectorial 29 23 of or like a praefec...
praenominally 31 25 PRAENOMINAL, of or r...
pragmatically 38 28 PRAGMATICAL, dealing...
pragmaticisms 32 27 PRAGMATICISM, the ph...
pragmaticists 31 24 PRAGMATICIST, an adh...
pralltrillers 30 20 PRALLTRILLER, a musi...
praseodymiums 33 26 PRASEODYMIUM, a chem...
praxeological 35 30 relating to praxeolo...
praxinoscopes 34 30 PRAXINOSCOPE, an ins...
prayerfulness 33 24 PRAYERFUL, given to...
preacherships 34 26 PREACHERSHIP, the of...
preachifyings 39 29 PREACHIFYING, the ac...
preachinesses 28 22 PREACHINESS, the qua...
preacquainted 34 31 PREACQUAINT, to acqu...
preadaptation 24 21 a character of an or...
preadmissions 25 21 PREADMISSION, the ac...
preadmonished 26 24 PREADMONISH, to admo...
preadmonishes 26 23 PREADMONISH, to admo...
preadmonition 23 22 the act of preadmoni...
preadolescent 26 22 a child before the a...
preambulating 29 27 PREAMBULATE, to make...
preambulatory 34 26 of or like a preambl...
preamplifiers 31 26 PREAMPLIFIER, an amp...
preanesthetic 28 22 taking place before...
preannouncing 25 26 PREANNOUNCE, to anno...
preappointing 28 26 PREAPPOINT, to appoi...
preassurances 26 21 PREASSURANCE, advanc...
prebiological 32 26 before life, also PR...
precalculuses 33 26 PRECALCULUS, a mathe...
precancelling 32 28 PRECANCEL, to cancel...
precapitalist 31 23 belonging to the per...
precautionary 32 23 of the nature of pre...
precautioning 27 24 PRECAUTION, to forew...
precentorship 31 25 the office of precen...
precentresses 26 20 PRECENTRESS, a femal...
preceptorates 28 22 PRECEPTORATE, the of...
preceptorials 30 23 PRECEPTORIAL, a coll...
preceptorship 34 27 the office of precep...
preceptresses 29 22 PRECEPTRESS, a femal...
precipitances 32 26 PRECIPITANCE, the qu...
precipitantly 37 26 PRECIPITANT, serving...
precipitately 37 25 PRECIPITATE, sudden...
precipitating 31 25 PRECIPITATE, to thro...
precipitation 29 23 any form of water th...
precipitative 32 26 serving to precipita...
precipitators 30 22 PRECIPITATOR, one wh...
precipitously 38 26 PRECIPITOUS, steep,...
precisenesses 26 20 PRECISENESS, the sta...
precisianisms 29 23 PRECISIANISM, over-p...
precisianists 28 20 PRECISIANIST, a pers...
precisionisms 29 23 PRECISIONISM, over-p...
precisionists 28 20 PRECISIONIST, someon...
preclearances 29 24 PRECLEARANCE, a prel...
preclinically 40 28 PRECLINICAL, relatin...
precognitions 27 23 PRECOGNITION, clairv...
precognoscing 31 28 PRECOGNOSCE, to take...
precollegiate 29 23 preceding collegiate...
precombustion 30 27 a preliminary combus...
precommitment 30 29 a preliminary commit...
preconceiting 30 26 PRECONCEIT, (obsolet...
preconceiving 32 30 PRECONCEIVE, to form...
preconception 30 27 a preconceived idea...
preconcerting 30 26 PRECONCERT, to settl...
precondemning 27 28 PRECONDEMN, to conde...
preconditions 26 22 PRECONDITION, to put...
preconisation 25 21 the process of preco...
preconization 28 30 the process of preco...
preconstructs 31 24 PRECONSTRUCT, to con...
precontracted 29 24 PRECONTRACT, to cont...
preconvention 26 26 preceding a conventi...
preconviction 31 28 a preliminary convic...
precopulatory 36 26 preceding copulation...
predatoriness 23 18 the state of being p...
predefinition 25 22 the act of predefini...
predeliveries 27 22 PREDELIVERY, the act...
predepositing 27 23 PREDEPOSIT, to depos...
predesignated 24 21 PREDESIGNATE, to spe...
predesignates 24 20 PREDESIGNATE, to spe...
predestinable 26 22 capable of being pre...
predestinated 23 19 PREDESTINATE, to det...
predestinates 23 18 PREDESTINATE, to det...
predestinator 23 18 one that predestinat...
predetermined 24 22 PREDETERMINE, to for...
predeterminer 24 21 a limiting noun modi...
predetermines 24 21 PREDETERMINE, to for...
predeveloping 29 28 PREDEVELOP, to devel...
prediabeteses 25 20 PREDIABETES, an asym...
predicability 38 26 the quality of being...
predicamental 28 25 of or like a predica...
predicatively 37 27 PREDICATIVE, indicat...
predigestions 25 20 PREDIGESTION, artifi...
predilections 28 22 PREDILECTION, an est...
prednisolones 23 20 PREDNISOLONE, a drug...
predominances 26 25 PREDOMINANCE, the st...
predominantly 31 25 PREDOMINANT, having...
predominately 31 24 PREDOMINATE, dominat...
predominating 25 24 PREDOMINATE, to hold...
predomination 23 22 the act of predomina...
predominators 24 21 PREDOMINATOR, one wh...
preeclampsias 31 26 PREECLAMPSIA, a toxi...
preemployment 34 29 preceding employment...
preenrollment 25 23 preceding enrollment...
preexistences 32 27 PREEXISTENCE, existe...
preexperiment 32 30 preceding an experim...
prefabricated 31 26 PREFABRICATE, to mak...
prefabricates 31 25 PREFABRICATE, to mak...
prefabricator 31 25 one who prefabricate...
prefatorially 34 23 PREFATORIAL, serving...
preferability 36 25 the state of being p...
prefigurating 29 25 PREFIGURATE, to pref...
prefiguration 27 23 the act of prefiguri...
prefigurative 30 26 relating to prefigur...
prefigurement 28 26 the act of prefiguri...
prefinancings 29 27 PREFINANCING, financ...
preflorations 26 21 PREFLORATION, the ma...
prefoliations 26 21 PREFOLIATION, the ma...
preformations 26 23 PREFORMATION, previo...
preformatives 29 26 PREFORMATIVE, a pref...
preformatting 28 25 PREFORMAT, to format...
preformulated 28 25 PREFORMULATE, to for...
preformulates 28 24 PREFORMULATE, to for...
preganglionic 29 26 proximal to a gangli...
pregnenolones 22 22 PREGNENOLONE, a ster...
pregustations 25 20 PREGUSTATION, a fore...
preheminences 28 26 PREHEMINENCE, (obsol...
prehistorians 26 19 PREHISTORIAN, an arc...
prehistorical 31 22 relating to the time...
preindustrial 26 20 preceding an industr...
preinterviews 29 24 PREINTERVIEW, to int...
prejudgements 28 33 PREJUDGEMENT, the ac...
prejudicating 31 33 PREJUDICATE, (obsole...
prejudication 29 31 the act of prejudgin...
prejudicative 32 34 prejudging [adj]
prejudicially 39 34 PREJUDICIAL, tending...
preliminaries 26 21 PRELIMINARY, somethi...
preliminarily 34 24 PRELIMINARY, precedi...
preliteracies 28 20 PRELITERACY, the sta...
premandibular 28 26 in front of the lowe...
prematureness 24 21 the state of being p...
prematurities 26 20 PREMATURITY, the sta...
premedicating 29 26 PREMEDICATE, to admi...
premedication 27 24 drugs given to sedat...
premeditating 26 23 PREMEDITATE, to thin...
premeditation 24 21 an act or instance o...
premeditative 27 24 given to or characte...
premeditators 25 20 PREMEDITATOR, one wh...
premenopausal 26 25 preceding the menopa...
premillennial 27 24 coming before a mill...
premoistening 25 23 PREMOISTEN, to moist...
premonishment 27 26 the act of premonish...
premonitorily 32 23 PREMONITORY, conveyi...
prenegotiated 23 20 PRENEGOTIATE, to neg...
prenegotiates 23 19 PRENEGOTIATE, to neg...
prenominating 24 24 PRENOMINATE, to name...
prenomination 22 22 the act of prenomina...
prenticeships 32 25 PRENTICESHIP, the of...
preoccupating 33 29 PREOCCUPATE, (obsole...
preoccupation 31 27 an act of preoccupyi...
preordainment 23 22 a preliminary ordain...
preordinances 25 22 PREORDINANCE, a rule...
preordination 22 19 the act of preordain...
preparatively 35 26 PREPARATIVE, serving...
preparatorily 33 22 PREPARATORY, by way...
prepollencies 30 25 PREPOLLENCY, predomi...
preponderance 26 25 a superiority in wei...
preponderancy 33 27 a superiority in wei...
preponderated 24 22 PREPONDERATE, to sur...
preponderates 24 21 PREPONDERATE, to sur...
preportioning 26 23 PREPORTION, to porti...
prepositional 26 21 relating to a prepos...
prepositively 36 26 PREPOSITIVE, placed...
prepossessing 27 22 creating a favorable...
prepossession 25 20 a fixed conception l...
preprocessing 30 25 PREPROCESS, to proce...
preprocessors 29 22 PREPROCESSOR, someth...
preproduction 29 25 a preliminary produc...
preprograming 29 27 PREPROGRAM, to progr...
preprogrammed 29 28 PREPROGRAM, to progr...
prepubescence 33 30 prepuberty [n -S]
prepubescents 31 27 PREPUBESCENT, one wh...
prepurchasing 33 28 PREPURCHASE, to purc...
prequalifying 43 35 PREQUALIFY, to quali...
preregistered 25 19 PREREGISTER, to regi...
prerequisites 33 26 PREREQUISITE, someth...
preretirement 24 20 preceding a retireme...
prerevolution 26 23 preceding a revoluti...
prerogatively 34 25 PREROGATIVE, arising...
presanctified 29 24 PRESANCTIFY, to sanc...
presanctifies 29 23 PRESANCTIFY, to sanc...
presbyacouses 35 25 PRESBYACOUSIS, progr...
presbyacousis 36 25 progressive loss of...
presbyterates 32 21 PRESBYTERATE, the of...
presbyterials 34 22 PRESBYTERIAL, an org...
presbyterians 32 22 PRESBYTERIAN, a memb...
presbytership 38 26 the office of presby...
prescheduling 32 27 PRESCHEDULE, to sche...
prescientific 33 26 belonging to the per...
prescriptible 34 26 that can be prescrib...
prescriptions 30 23 PRESCRIPTION, the ac...
preselections 27 21 PRESELECTION, the ac...
presentations 22 18 PRESENTATION, the ac...
presenteeisms 24 20 PRESENTEEISM, ostent...
presentencing 26 24 PRESENTENCE, to sent...
presentiality 31 20 the state of being p...
presentiments 24 21 PRESENTIMENT, a feel...
presentnesses 22 18 PRESENTNESS, the sta...
preservations 25 21 PRESERVATION, the ac...
preservatives 28 24 PRESERVATIVE, someth...
presettlement 25 21 preceding a settleme...
presidentship 29 23 the office of presid...
presignalling 28 24 PRESIGNAL, to signal...
presignifying 35 27 PRESIGNIFY, to intim...
prespecifying 39 30 PRESPECIFY, to speci...
presterilised 26 18 PRESTERILISE, to ste...
presterilises 26 17 PRESTERILISE, to ste...
presterilized 29 27 PRESTERILIZE, to ste...
presterilizes 29 26 PRESTERILIZE, to ste...
prestigiators 26 18 PRESTIGIATOR, a conj...
prestigiously 34 22 PRESTIGIOUS, having...
prestrictions 28 20 PRESTRICTION, (obsol...
prestructured 29 22 PRESTRUCTURE, to str...
prestructures 29 21 PRESTRUCTURE, to str...
presumptively 38 30 PRESUMPTIVE, based o...
presweetening 26 23 PRESWEETEN, to sweet...
pretelevision 26 22 before television [a...
pretendership 28 23 the office of preten...
pretensioning 23 21 PRETENSION, to tensi...
pretentiously 31 21 PRETENTIOUS, making...
preteriteness 23 17 the state of being p...
pretermission 25 20 the act or an instan...
pretermitters 26 19 PRETERMITTER, one wh...
pretermitting 27 22 PRETERMIT, to omit,...
preternatural 24 19 existing outside of...
preterperfect 31 25 the perfect tense [n...
pretournament 23 22 taking place before...
pretreatments 24 20 PRETREATMENT, treatm...
preuniversity 33 24 taking place before...
prevalentness 25 23 PREVALENT, prevailin...
prevaricating 30 26 PREVARICATE, to avoi...
prevarication 28 24 the act of prevarica...
prevaricators 29 23 PREVARICATOR, one wh...
preventatives 27 25 PREVENTATIVE, someth...
prevocational 28 25 given or required be...
pricelessness 28 21 PRICELESS, beyond pr...
pricklinesses 30 25 PRICKLINESS, the sta...
primarinesses 25 20 PRIMARINESS, the sta...
primatologies 27 22 PRIMATOLOGY, the stu...
primatologist 28 22 one who studies prim...
primigravidae 29 26 PRIMIGRAVIDA, (Latin...
primigravidas 30 26 PRIMIGRAVIDA, (Latin...
primiparities 29 22 PRIMIPARITY, the bea...
primitiveness 28 24 the state of being p...
primitivistic 34 26 relating to primitiv...
primitivities 30 23 PRIMITIVITY, the sta...
primogenitary 32 24 firstborn, also PRIM...
primogenitive 28 26 (Shakespeare) primog...
primogenitors 26 22 PRIMOGENITOR, the ea...
primogenitrix 33 29 a female ancestor [n...
primogeniture 26 23 an exclusive right o...
primordialism 29 24 belief in first prin...
primordiality 34 23 the state of being p...
principalness 30 25 the state of being p...
principalship 36 29 the office of princi...
printableness 26 22 PRINTABLE, that can...
prismatically 38 26 PRISMATICAL, of, res...
privatdocents 29 25 PRIVATDOCENT, in Ger...
privatdozents 29 31 PRIVATDOZENT, in Ger...
privateerings 27 23 PRIVATEERING, operat...
privateersman 26 24 a crew member on a p...
privateersmen 26 24 PRIVATEERSMAN, a cre...
privatenesses 25 21 PRIVATENESS, the sta...
privatisation 26 21 the act of privatisi...
privatization 29 30 the act of privatizi...
prizefighters 34 32 PRIZEFIGHTER, one wh...
prizefighting 35 35 professional boxing...
probabilistic 34 26 of or relating to pr...
probabilities 30 23 PROBABILITY, the sta...
probationally 33 24 PROBATIONAL, relatin...
problematical 32 27 causing problems, al...
proboscideans 28 24 PROBOSCIDEAN, any of...
proboscidians 29 24 PROBOSCIDIAN, any of...
procapitalist 31 23 supporting capitalis...
procarbazines 31 32 PROCARBAZINE, an ant...
procathedrals 30 23 PROCATHEDRAL, a pari...
procellarians 28 22 PROCELLARIAN, a bird...
processionals 27 21 PROCESSIONAL, a book...
processionary 32 22 a kind of moth [n PR...
processioners 26 20 PROCESSIONER, (US) a...
processioning 27 23 the act of going in...
proclamations 28 24 PROCLAMATION, the ac...
proconsulates 27 22 PROCONSULATE, the of...
proconsulship 33 27 the office of procon...
procrastinate 26 20 to put off intention...
procreational 26 21 relating to procreat...
proctological 33 26 relating to proctolo...
proctologists 30 22 PROCTOLOGIST, a spec...
proctoscopies 32 25 PROCTOSCOPY, examina...
procuratorial 28 21 of or like a procura...
procuratories 27 20 PROCURATORY, authori...
prodigalising 28 23 PRODIGALISE, to spen...
prodigalities 27 20 PRODIGALITY, the sta...
prodigalizing 31 32 PRODIGALIZE, to spen...
producibility 39 27 the capacity to be p...
profanenesses 23 21 PROFANENESS, the sta...
profectitious 30 23 derived from a paren...
professionals 26 21 PROFESSIONAL, one th...
professorates 25 19 PROFESSORATE, the of...
professoriate 25 19 the body of college...
professoriats 26 19 PROFESSORIAT, the bo...
professorship 31 24 the office of profes...
proficiencies 32 26 PROFICIENCY, the sta...
profitability 37 25 the state of being p...
profiteerings 27 22 PROFITEERING, acting...
profusenesses 25 21 PROFUSENESS, the sta...
progenitorial 25 20 of or like a progeni...
progenitrices 28 22 PROGENITRIX, a femal...
progenitrixes 31 26 PROGENITRIX, a femal...
progesterones 23 19 PROGESTERONE, a fema...
progestogenic 28 24 relating to progesto...
proglottidean 25 21 of or like a proglot...
prognosticate 27 22 to foretell from sig...
progradations 24 20 PROGRADATION, the ac...
programmables 30 28 PROGRAMMABLE, a devi...
progressional 25 20 relating to progress...
progressively 35 25 PROGRESSIVE, showing...
progressivism 30 25 sympathy with or adv...
progressivist 29 22 an upholder of progr...
progressivity 35 24 the state of being a...
progymnasiums 34 28 PROGYMNASIUM, in Ger...
prohibitively 39 28 PROHIBITIVE, tending...
projectionist 29 29 one that makes proje...
prolatenesses 23 18 PROLATENESS, the sta...
prolegomenary 31 25 of the nature of a p...
prolegomenous 25 24 of the nature of a p...
proleptically 39 27 PROLEPTICAL, relatin...
proletariates 24 17 PROLETARIATE, the po...
proliferating 28 23 PROLIFERATE, to grow...
proliferation 26 21 a rapid increase in...
proliferative 29 24 tending to prolifera...
proliferously 35 24 PROLIFEROUS, produci...
prolificacies 34 26 PROLIFICACY, the sta...
prolification 30 24 the production of yo...
prolificities 32 23 PROLIFICITY, the sta...
prolocutrices 32 24 PROLOCUTRIX, a spoke...
prolocutrixes 35 28 PROLOCUTRIX, a spoke...
prolongations 24 21 PROLONGATION, the ac...
promethazines 29 31 PROMETHAZINE, a bitt...
prominentness 23 22 the state of being p...
promiscuities 30 23 PROMISCUITY, miscell...
promiscuously 37 27 PROMISCUOUS, compose...
promonarchist 30 25 in favour of monarch...
promotability 35 25 the state of being p...
promotiveness 26 24 the state of being p...
promulgations 27 24 PROMULGATION, the ac...
pronominalise 24 22 to make into or trea...
pronominalize 27 31 to make into or trea...
pronounceable 27 26 capable of being pro...
pronouncement 25 26 a statement [n -S]
pronuclearist 28 22 one in favour of nuc...
pronunciation 25 23 the act or manner of...
proofreadings 26 23 PROOFREADING, the pr...
propaedeutics 29 24 PROPAEDEUTIC, a prel...
propagability 37 27 the quality of being...
propagandised 26 24 PROPAGANDISE, to sub...
propagandiser 26 23 one who propagandise...
propagandises 26 23 PROPAGANDISE, to sub...
propagandisms 28 26 PROPAGANDISM, the pr...
propagandists 27 23 PROPAGANDIST, one wh...
propagandized 29 33 PROPAGANDIZE, to sub...
propagandizer 29 32 one who propagandize...
propagandizes 29 32 PROPAGANDIZE, to sub...
propagational 26 23 relating to propagat...
proparoxytone 36 29 in ancient Greek, a...
prophetically 40 28 PROPHETICAL, related...
propheticisms 34 27 PROPHETICISM, being...
prophylactics 43 30 PROPHYLACTIC, someth...
propinquities 35 30 PROPINQUITY, nearnes...
propitiations 26 20 PROPITIATION, the ac...
propitiatious 27 20 serving to propitiat...
proportionals 26 21 PROPORTIONAL, a numb...
proportionate 24 20 in proportion [adj P...
proportioning 26 23 an adjustment of pro...
propositional 26 21 of the nature of a p...
propositioned 25 21 PROPOSITION, to make...
propoxyphenes 41 34 PROPOXYPHENE, a narc...
propraetorial 26 20 of or like a proprae...
propraetorian 24 20 of or like a proprae...
proprietaries 26 19 PROPRIETARY, an owne...
proprietarily 34 22 PROPRIETARY, of the...
proprietorial 27 20 relating to ownershi...
proprietrices 30 22 PROPRIETRIX, a femal...
proprietrixes 33 26 PROPRIETRIX, a femal...
proprioceptor 31 25 a sense organ recept...
propugnations 26 24 PROPUGNATION, (Shake...
propylitising 36 25 PROPYLITISE, to beco...
propylitizing 39 34 PROPYLITIZE, to beco...
prosaicalness 27 21 PROSAICAL, relating...
prosaicnesses 26 20 PROSAICNESS, the sta...
proscriptions 30 23 PROSCRIPTION, the ac...
prosectorship 32 24 the state of being a...
prosecutorial 28 21 of, relating to, or...
prosecutrices 31 23 PROSECUTRIX, a femal...
prosecutrixes 34 27 PROSECUTRIX, a femal...
proselytisers 32 19 PROSELYTISER, one wh...
proselytising 33 22 PROSELYTISE, to recr...
proselytizers 35 28 PROSELYTIZER, one wh...
proselytizing 36 31 PROSELYTIZE, to recr...
prosencephala 30 26 PROSENCEPHALON, the...
prosenchymata 35 27 PROSENCHYMA, support...
prosiliencies 28 21 PROSILIENCY, the sta...
prosopagnosia 25 22 inability to recogni...
prosopography 37 28 a biographical sketc...
prosopopoeial 27 23 relating to prosopop...
prosopopoeias 26 22 PROSOPOPOEIA, a figu...
prospectively 39 29 PROSPECTIVE, relatin...
prostacyclins 38 26 PROSTACYCLIN, a pros...
prostaglandin 25 22 any of a group of ch...
prostantheras 25 19 PROSTANTHERA, an Aus...
prostatectomy 34 24 the surgical removal...
prostatitises 25 16 PROSTATITIS, inflamm...
prosthodontia 25 20 the provision of fal...
prostitutions 25 18 PROSTITUTION, the ac...
prosyllogisms 36 25 PROSYLLOGISM, a syll...
protactiniums 29 24 PROTACTINIUM, a radi...
protanomalies 24 21 PROTANOMALY, a form...
protanomalous 24 22 afflicted with prota...
protectionism 28 23 a supporter of prote...
protectionist 27 20 an advocate of gover...
protectorates 26 19 PROTECTORATE, an are...
protectorless 28 20 without a protector...
protectorship 32 24 the office of protec...
protectresses 27 19 PROTECTRESS, a femal...
proteinaceous 25 21 of or related to pro...
proteoclastic 31 23 proteolytic, relatin...
proteoglycans 34 25 PROTEOGLYCAN, any of...
proterandries 23 18 PROTERANDRY, in a he...
proterandrous 23 19 exhibiting proterand...
proterogynies 30 21 PROTEROGYNY, the dev...
proterogynous 30 22 exhibiting proterogy...
protestations 23 17 PROTESTATION, an avo...
prothetically 38 25 PROTHETIC, of or per...
protoactinium 28 24 a radioactive elemen...
protochordate 28 22 a member of the Prot...
protocolising 29 23 PROTOCOLISE, to make...
protocolizing 32 32 PROTOCOLIZE, to make...
protogalaxies 31 26 PROTOGALAXY, a galax...
protohistoric 30 21 relating to protohis...
protolanguage 25 23 an assumed or record...
protonotarial 23 18 of or like a protono...
protonotariat 22 17 the college constitu...
protonotaries 22 17 PROTONOTARY, a court...
protospataire 25 19 the captain of the g...
prototherians 25 19 PROTOTHERIAN, a memb...
prototrophies 28 21 PROTOTROPHY, the sta...
protuberances 28 24 PROTUBERANCE, a swel...
protuberantly 33 24 PROTUBERANT, thrusti...
protuberating 27 23 PROTUBERATE, to bulg...
protuberation 25 21 a swelling out, a bu...
provabilities 30 24 PROVABILITY, the sta...
proventriculi 31 26 PROVENTRICULUS, the...
proverbialise 29 24 to make proverbial,...
proverbialism 31 27 a saying in the form...
proverbialist 30 24 one who speaks a pro...
proverbialize 32 33 to make proverbial,...
provincialise 30 25 to make provincial,...
provincialism 32 28 a dialectal or local...
provincialist 31 25 a native or inhabita...
provinciality 37 27 the state of being p...
provincialize 33 34 to make provincial,...
provisionally 34 25 PROVISIONAL, tempora...
provocatively 38 30 PROVOCATIVE, serving...
proximateness 30 27 the state of being p...
prudentialism 27 23 a system based on pr...
prudentialist 26 20 one who believes in...
prudentiality 32 22 the state of being p...
prudishnesses 27 21 PRUDISHNESS, the sta...
prussianising 26 21 PRUSSIANISE, to make...
prussianizing 29 30 PRUSSIANIZE, to make...
psaligraphies 31 24 PSALIGRAPHY, the art...
psammophilous 32 29 sand-loving [adj]
psephological 34 28 related to psepholog...
psephologists 31 24 PSEPHOLOGIST, one wh...
pseudepigraph 32 28 a book ascribed to O...
pseudimagines 26 24 PSEUDIMAGO, a stage...
pseudoalleles 26 21 PSEUDOALLELE, a fals...
pseudocarpous 29 25 of or like a pseudoc...
pseudoclassic 32 25 pretending to be or...
pseudomartyrs 32 23 PSEUDOMARTYR, a fals...
pseudomonades 23 23 PSEUDOMONAD, a virga...
pseudomorphic 33 29 of or like a pseudom...
pseudoscalars 28 22 PSEUDOSCALAR, a vari...
pseudoscience 29 25 a system of theories...
pseudovectors 29 25 PSEUDOVECTOR, a vari...
psilanthropic 33 26 relating to psilanth...
psychasthenia 37 26 an incapacity to res...
psychasthenic 41 29 relating to psychast...
psychiatrical 41 27 relating to psychiat...
psychiatrists 38 23 PSYCHIATRIST, one wh...
psychoanalyse 41 27 to subject to psycho...
psychoanalyst 42 27 a practitioner of ps...
psychoanalyze 44 36 to subject to psycho...
psychobabbler 43 33 one who indulges in...
psychobabbles 43 33 PSYCHOBABBLE, langua...
psychobillies 41 28 PSYCHOBILLY, a genre...
psychobiology 46 31 the study of the bio...
psychodynamic 46 33 concerning psycholog...
psychogeneses 35 26 PSYCHOGENESIS, the o...
psychogenesis 36 26 the origin and devel...
psychogenetic 39 29 relating to psychoge...
psychognostic 40 29 relating to psychogn...
psychographic 45 33 relating to psychogr...
psychohistory 45 27 historical analysis...
psychokineses 36 28 PSYCHOKINESIS, the m...
psychokinesis 37 28 the movement of phys...
psychokinetic 40 31 relating to psychoki...
psychological 42 30 of or relating to ps...
psychologised 38 27 PSYCHOLOGISE, to spe...
psychologises 38 26 PSYCHOLOGISE, to spe...
psychologisms 40 29 PSYCHOLOGISM, a theo...
psychologists 39 26 PSYCHOLOGIST, one wh...
psychologized 41 36 PSYCHOLOGIZE, to spe...
psychologizes 41 35 PSYCHOLOGIZE, to spe...
psychomachias 42 31 PSYCHOMACHIA, confli...
psychomachies 42 31 PSYCHOMACHY, conflic...
psychometrics 41 29 the design and use o...
psychometries 37 26 PSYCHOMETRY, the mea...
psychometrist 38 26 one who practises ps...
psychopathics 44 31 PSYCHOPATHIC, a psyc...
psychopathies 40 28 PSYCHOPATHY, the sta...
psychopathist 41 28 a student of psychop...
psychophilies 42 29 PSYCHOPHILY, pollina...
psychophysics 51 33 the study of the lin...
psychosomatic 40 29 of, relating to, con...
psychosurgeon 36 27 a practitioner of ps...
psychosurgery 44 28 cerebral surgery emp...
psychotherapy 46 30 treatment of mental...
psychotically 48 30 PSYCHOTIC, suffering...
psychoticisms 42 29 PSYCHOTICISM, the st...
psychotropics 42 29 PSYCHOTROPIC, a drug...
psychrometers 37 26 PSYCHROMETER, an ins...
psychrometric 41 29 relating to measurem...
psychrophilic 46 32 thriving at temperat...
pteridologies 26 20 PTERIDOLOGY, the stu...
pteridologist 27 20 one who studies pter...
pteridomanias 24 21 PTERIDOMANIA, a pass...
pteridophytes 35 24 PTERIDOPHYTE, the ge...
pteridophytic 39 27 of or like a pterido...
pteridosperms 28 23 PTERIDOSPERM, an ext...
pterodactyles 34 23 PTERODACTYLE, any of...
pterosaurians 23 18 PTEROSAURIAN, a pter...
pterylography 43 28 a description of pte...
ptochocracies 35 27 PTOCHOCRACY, governm...
pucciniaceous 33 28 belonging to the gen...
puckishnesses 31 27 PUCKISHNESS, the sta...
pudibundities 28 24 PUDIBUNDITY, the sta...
pulmonologies 27 25 PULMONOLOGY, the bra...
pulmonologist 28 25 a consultant in pulm...
pulsatilities 28 19 PULSATILITY, the sta...
pulselessness 26 20 the state of being p...
pulverisation 27 23 the process of pulve...
pulverization 30 32 the act of pulverizi...
pulverulences 31 28 PULVERULENCE, the st...
pumpernickels 33 32 PUMPERNICKEL, (Germa...
punchinelloes 30 26 PUNCHINELLO, (Italia...
punctiliously 37 26 PUNCTILIOUS, extreme...
punctualities 29 23 PUNCTUALITY, the sta...
punctulations 28 24 PUNCTULATION, the st...
puncturations 27 23 PUNCTURATION, being...
punishability 37 26 the state of being p...
pupillarities 30 22 PUPILLARITY, the sta...
purgatorially 34 23 PURGATORIAL, relatin...
purifications 30 24 PURIFICATION, the ac...
puritanically 36 25 PURITANICAL, of or l...
purposelessly 35 24 PURPOSELESS, having...
purposiveness 28 25 PURPOSIVE, directed...
pushfulnesses 30 25 PUSHFULNESS, the sta...
pushingnesses 27 23 PUSHINGNESS, the sta...
pusillanimity 35 25 cowardliness [n PUSI...
pusillanimous 28 24 lacking courage, tim...
pussyfootings 34 25 PUSSYFOOTING, the ac...
putangitangis 26 23 PUTANGITANGI, (Maori...
putrefactions 29 24 PUTREFACTION, rottin...
pycnidiospore 35 26 a conidium produced...
pycnoconidium 37 31 an asexual fungal sp...
pyelographies 36 26 PYELOGRAPHY, the use...
pylorectomies 35 25 PYLORECTOMY, the sur...
pyramidically 44 29 PYRAMIDICAL, of or l...
pyretotherapy 40 25 medical treatment by...
pyrheliometer 34 24 an instrument for me...
pyridoxamines 37 30 PYRIDOXAMINE, a crys...
pyrimethamine 34 27 a drug used in the t...
pyrithiamines 34 24 PYRITHIAMINE, an ant...
pyroballogies 35 25 PYROBALLOGY, the stu...
pyrocatechins 38 27 PYROCATECHIN, anothe...
pyrocatechols 39 27 PYROCATECHOL, anothe...
pyroelectrics 38 25 PYROELECTRIC, a pyro...
pyrolytically 50 28 PYROLYTIC, relating...
pyromorphites 36 26 PYROMORPHITE, a gree...
pyrophosphate 38 28 a salt or ester of p...
pyrophyllites 44 27 PYROPHYLLITE, a silv...
pyrosulphates 36 25 PYROSULPHATE, a salt...
pyrosulphuric 41 29 as in pyrosulphuric...
pyrotartrates 30 18 PYROTARTRATE, a salt...
pyrotechnical 39 28 relating to pyrotech...
pyrotechnists 36 24 PYROTECHNIST, a fire...
pythonomorphs 37 29 PYTHONOMORPH, a larg...