13 letter words that starts with m

13 letter words that start with M

13 letter M word


Word With Friends


macaronically 36 27 MACARONIC, mixing wo...
maccheroncini 33 29 a type of macaroni [...
machairodonts 27 23 MACHAIRODONT, a sabr...
machiavelians 30 27 MACHIAVELIAN, a poli...
machiavellian 31 28 characterised by rut...
machicolating 33 28 MACHICOLATE, to furn...
machicolation 31 26 an opening between t...
machinability 38 28 the state of being m...
machinegunned 27 28 MACHINEGUN, to shoot...
machtpolitiks 34 29 MACHTPOLITIK, (Germa...
macrencephaly 39 31 the condition of hav...
macrocephalia 33 28 the condition of hav...
macrocephalic 37 31 having an abnormally...
macroclimates 31 26 MACROCLIMATE, large-...
macroclimatic 35 29 relating to climate...
macrodactylic 40 29 having large fingers...
macrodiagonal 26 24 in crystallography,...
macroeconomic 31 29 relating to macroeco...
macroglobulin 31 28 a highly polymerized...
macromolecule 31 28 a very large molecul...
macromutation 26 24 an abnormally great...
macronutrient 25 22 a chemical element (...
macropinacoid 30 27 a crystalline pinaco...
macropinakoid 28 28 a crystalline pinaco...
maddeningness 22 23 MADDENING [n]
mademoiselles 25 22 MADEMOISELLE, (Frenc...
maderisations 22 18 MADERISATION, the ac...
maderizations 25 27 MADERIZATION, the ac...
madrigalesque 33 30 somewhat in the styl...
magisterially 33 22 MAGISTERIAL, in the...
magistratical 29 22 relating to a magist...
magistratures 25 19 MAGISTRATURE, the of...
magnanimities 24 23 MAGNANIMITY, the qua...
magnanimously 31 27 MAGNANIMOUS, showing...
magnetisation 22 20 the process of magne...
magnetization 25 29 the process of magne...
magnetographs 28 26 MAGNETOGRAPH, an ins...
magnetometers 23 22 MAGNETOMETER, an ins...
magnetometric 27 25 relating to magnetom...
magnetomotive 25 26 producing a magnetic...
magnetopauses 24 23 MAGNETOPAUSE, the ou...
magnetosphere 26 24 a region of space su...
magnetostatic 26 22 of, relating to, or...
magnification 28 26 the act of magnifyin...
magnificences 31 29 MAGNIFICENCE, the st...
magnificently 36 29 MAGNIFICENT, splendi...
magniloquence 34 34 grandly high-flown,...
magnitudinous 24 23 having magnitude [ad...
magnoliaceous 26 24 belonging to the mag...
maidishnesses 25 20 MAIDISHNESS, the sta...
mailabilities 28 21 MAILABILITY, the abi...
mainstreaming 24 23 the integration of c...
mainstreeting 23 20 electioneering in th...
maintenancing 24 25 MAINTENANCE, to keep...
majolicawares 31 32 MAJOLICAWARE, goods...
majoritarians 24 26 MAJORITARIAN, a pers...
malabsorption 27 24 faulty absorption es...
malacological 32 27 relating to malacolo...
malacologists 29 23 MALACOLOGIST, a stud...
malacophilies 32 26 MALACOPHILY, pollina...
malacophilous 32 27 of plants, pollinate...
malacostracan 28 24 any of a large subcl...
maladaptation 24 22 poor or inadequate a...
maladaptively 35 28 MALADAPTIVE, marked...
maladjustment 27 32 poor, faulty, or ina...
maladminister 25 22 to administer wrongl...
maladroitness 23 19 MALADROIT, clumsy, u...
malariologies 25 20 MALARIOLOGY, the stu...
malariologist 26 20 a specialist in mala...
maldeployment 33 28 a wrong deployment [...
malformations 26 24 MALFORMATION, faulty...
malfunctioned 28 27 MALFUNCTION, to func...
maliciousness 27 22 MALICIOUS, bearing i...
malimprinting 29 27 the process of becom...
malleableness 26 23 the state of being m...
mallemaroking 27 28 the carousing of sea...
malnutritions 24 20 MALNUTRITION, inadeq...
malocclusions 31 26 MALOCCLUSION, faulty...
maltodextrins 30 26 MALTODEXTRIN, any of...
maltreatments 24 21 MALTREATMENT, ill tr...
malversations 25 22 MALVERSATION, dishon...
mammaliferous 28 27 bearing remains of m...
mammaplasties 28 26 MAMMAPLASTY, the sur...
mammillations 27 25 MAMMILLATION, a nipp...
mammographies 30 29 MAMMOGRAPHY, an X-ra...
mammoplasties 28 26 MAMMOPLASTY, plastic...
manageability 32 25 the state of being m...
managerialism 25 23 the adoption of busi...
managerialist 24 20 a proponent of manag...
manganiferous 24 24 bearing manganese [a...
mangelwurzels 32 34 MANGELWURZEL, a kind...
mangoldwurzel 32 35 a mangelwurzel, also...
manifestation 23 21 the act, process, or...
manifestative 26 24 serving to manifest...
manipulatable 28 26 capable of being man...
manipulations 25 23 MANIPULATION, the ac...
manneristical 26 22 relating to manneris...
mannishnesses 23 21 MANNISHNESS, the sta...
manrikigusari 26 24 a Japanese weapon [n...
manslaughters 27 23 MANSLAUGHTER, the un...
mantelshelves 28 25 MANTELSHELF, the orn...
manufactories 27 24 MANUFACTORY, a place...
manufacturers 28 25 MANUFACTURER, one th...
manufacturing 29 28 the manufacturing se...
marchionesses 27 22 MARCHIONESS, the wif...
marconigraphs 31 27 MARCONIGRAPH, to sen...
marginalising 26 23 MARGINALISE, to make...
marginalities 25 20 MARGINALITY, the sta...
marginalizing 29 32 MARGINALIZE, to make...
mariculturist 30 22 one who engages in m...
marimbaphones 29 28 MARIMBAPHONE, a mari...
marionberries 24 20 MARIONBERRY, a hybri...
marischalling 32 26 MARISCHAL, to marsha...
marketability 34 26 the state of being m...
marketisation 23 21 the process of bring...
marketization 26 30 the process of bring...
marksmanships 30 29 MARKSMANSHIP, the sk...
marlinespikes 27 25 MARLINESPIKE, a tool...
marlingspikes 29 27 MARLINGSPIKE, a tool...
marsipobranch 32 28 a member of the Mars...
marsupialians 26 22 MARSUPIALIAN, a mars...
martialnesses 23 18 MARTIALNESS, the sta...
martyrisation 29 19 the act of martyrisi...
martyrization 32 28 the act of martyrizi...
martyrologies 31 21 MARTYROLOGY, the stu...
martyrologist 32 21 a writer of or a spe...
marvelousness 25 23 the state of being m...
masculineness 26 23 MASCULINE, male [n]
masculinising 29 25 MASCULINISE, to make...
masculinities 28 22 MASCULINITY, the sta...
masculinizing 32 34 MASCULINIZE, to make...
massarandubas 24 22 MASSARANDUBA, (Tupi)...
masserandubas 24 22 MASSERANDUBA, (Tupi)...
massification 28 23 the practice of maki...
massivenesses 24 21 MASSIVENESS, the sta...
masterclasses 27 20 MASTERCLASS, a sessi...
masterfulness 26 22 MASTERFUL, exercisin...
masterminding 25 24 MASTERMIND, to origi...
mastersingers 24 19 MASTERSINGER, a Meis...
masterstrokes 24 20 MASTERSTROKE, a mast...
masticatories 26 19 MASTICATORY, a subst...
mastigophoran 27 24 any protozoan having...
mastigophores 28 23 MASTIGOPHORE, any pr...
mastigophoric 32 26 like a mastigophoran...
mastoidectomy 33 25 an operation to remo...
mastoiditises 24 17 MASTOIDITIS, inflamm...
masturbations 25 21 MASTURBATION, the ac...
matchboarding 31 28 matchboards collecti...
matchlessness 29 23 MATCHLESS, without c...
materfamilias 27 23 (Latin) the mother o...
materialisers 24 17 MATERIALISER, one wh...
materialising 25 20 MATERIALISE, to appe...
materialistic 28 20 related to materiali...
materialities 24 17 MATERIALITY, the sta...
materializers 27 26 MATERIALIZER, one wh...
materializing 28 29 MATERIALIZE, to make...
maternalistic 27 21 motherly [adj]
mathematician 28 25 a specialist or expe...
mathematicise 29 24 to make mathematical...
mathematicism 31 27 the belief that ever...
mathematicize 32 33 to make mathematical...
mathematising 27 24 MATHEMATISE, to make...
mathematizing 30 33 MATHEMATIZE, to make...
matriarchates 28 21 MATRIARCHATE, a matr...
matriculating 29 24 MATRICULATE, to enro...
matriculation 27 22 the act of matricula...
matriculators 28 21 MATRICULATOR, one wh...
matriculatory 34 23 relating to matricul...
matrifocality 36 25 the state of being m...
matrilineally 32 22 MATRILINEAL, of desc...
matrilocality 35 23 the state of being m...
matrimonially 32 24 MATRIMONIAL, of or r...
maudlinnesses 23 21 MAUDLINNESS, maudlin...
mawkishnesses 29 26 MAWKISHNESS, the sta...
maxillipedary 40 31 like a maxilliped, o...
maxillofacial 37 32 of, relating to, or...
maximaphilies 36 32 MAXIMAPHILY, the stu...
maximisations 30 27 MAXIMISATION, the ac...
maximizations 33 36 MAXIMIZATION, the ac...
meaninglessly 31 24 MEANINGLESS, having...
measurability 33 23 the state of being m...
measurelessly 31 21 MEASURELESS, having...
mecamylamines 34 29 MECAMYLAMINE, a drug...
mechanicalism 33 29 the belief that phen...
mechanisation 26 23 the act of mechanisi...
mechanization 29 32 the act of mechanizi...
mediaevalisms 27 25 MEDIAEVALISM, the sp...
mediaevalists 26 22 MEDIAEVALIST, a supp...
mediatenesses 21 18 MEDIATENESS, the sta...
mediatisation 22 18 the act of mediatisi...
mediatization 25 27 the act of mediatisi...
mediatorially 31 21 MEDIATORIAL, of or l...
mediatorships 28 22 MEDIATORSHIP, the of...
medicamentary 32 26 relating to medicame...
medicamenting 27 27 MEDICAMENT, to treat...
medicamentous 26 25 having the nature of...
medievalistic 30 25 related to mediaeval...
mediterranean 20 19 of, relating to, or...
meetinghouses 25 22 MEETINGHOUSE, the pl...
megacephalies 31 27 MEGACEPHALY, the con...
megacephalous 31 28 having a large head...
megaherbivore 29 27 a large plant-eater...
megakaryocyte 39 29 a large cell with a...
megaloblastic 31 26 relating to megalobl...
megalocardias 27 23 MEGALOCARDIA, the co...
megalocephaly 38 30 the condition of hav...
megalomaniacs 27 26 MEGALOMANIAC, one su...
megalopolises 27 23 MEGALOPOLIS, a wide-...
megalopolitan 26 24 an inhabitant of a m...
megalosaurian 23 21 a large dinosaur, al...
megasporangia 25 24 MEGASPORANGIUM, the...
megastructure 28 23 a very large structu...
melancholiacs 32 27 MELANCHOLIAC, one su...
melancholious 29 25 melancholic [adj]
melanisations 22 19 MELANISATION, darken...
melanizations 25 28 MELANIZATION, darken...
melanochroous 27 24 belonging to the mel...
melanogeneses 21 21 MELANOGENESIS, the f...
melanogenesis 22 21 the formation of mel...
melanotropins 24 22 MELANOTROPIN, a horm...
mellification 30 25 honey-making [n -S]
mellifluences 31 27 MELLIFLUENCE, a smoo...
mellifluently 36 27 MELLIFLUENT, sweet-s...
mellifluously 37 27 MELLIFLUOUS, sweet-s...
melodiousness 23 20 MELODIOUS, having me...
melodramatics 28 24 melodramatic conduct...
melodramatise 24 21 to make melodramatic...
melodramatist 25 21 one who writes melod...
melodramatize 27 30 to make melodramatic...
meltabilities 28 21 MELTABILITY, the qua...
meltingnesses 24 21 MELTINGNESS, the sta...
membranaceous 27 27 like a membrane, als...
memorableness 25 24 MEMORABLE, worth rem...
memorialisers 25 20 MEMORIALISER, one wh...
memorialising 26 23 MEMORIALISE, to cele...
memorializers 28 29 MEMORIALIZER, one wh...
memorializing 29 32 MEMORIALIZE, to addr...
memorisations 23 20 MEMORISATION, the ac...
memorizations 26 29 MEMORIZATION, the ac...
meningococcal 32 30 of or relating to th...
meningococcic 35 32 of or relating to th...
meningococcus 32 30 a bacterium involved...
menstruations 22 19 MENSTRUATION, the mo...
mensurability 33 24 the state of being m...
mensurational 22 20 relating to mensurat...
mercantilisms 29 24 MERCANTILISM, the th...
mercantilists 28 21 MERCANTILIST, a supp...
mercenariness 24 21 the state of being m...
mercerisation 25 20 the process of merce...
mercerization 28 29 the process of merce...
merchandisers 28 23 MERCHANDISER, one wh...
merchandising 29 26 buying and selling i...
merchandizers 31 32 MERCHANDIZER, one wh...
merchandizing 32 35 buying and selling i...
mercilessness 27 21 MERCILESS, without m...
mercurialised 28 22 MERCURIALISE, to tre...
mercurialises 28 21 MERCURIALISE, to tre...
mercurialisms 30 24 MERCURIALISM, a morb...
mercurialists 29 21 MERCURIALIST, a beli...
mercurialized 31 31 MERCURIALIZE, to tre...
mercurializes 31 30 MERCURIALIZE, to tre...
mercurialness 27 22 the state of being m...
meridionality 30 21 the state of being m...
meritocracies 29 22 MERITOCRACY, governm...
meritoriously 31 20 MERITORIOUS, deservi...
meroplanktons 25 26 MEROPLANKTON, plankt...
merrythoughts 36 25 MERRYTHOUGHT, the fu...
merveilleuses 27 23 MERVEILLEUSE, (Frenc...
merveilleuxes 33 30 MERVEILLEUX, (French...
mesaticephaly 37 27 the state of being m...
mesencephalic 33 29 relating to the midb...
mesencephalon 28 27 the middle section o...
mesmerisation 23 20 the process of mesme...
mesmerization 26 29 the process of mesme...
mesobenthoses 25 22 MESOBENTHOS, flora a...
mesocephalics 34 28 MESOCEPHALIC, someon...
mesocephalies 30 25 MESOCEPHALY, having...
mesocephalism 32 28 having a medium skul...
mesocephalous 30 26 having a medium skul...
mesognathisms 27 24 MESOGNATHISM, the st...
mesomorphisms 30 27 MESOMORPHISM, the st...
mesonephroses 25 22 MESONEPHROS, the sec...
mesotheliomas 26 22 MESOTHELIOMA, a tumo...
mesotherapies 26 21 MESOTHERAPY, a type...
messianically 34 24 MESSIANIC, inspired,...
metabolically 37 27 METABOLIC, relating...
metabolisable 28 24 that can be metaboli...
metabolizable 31 33 capable of being met...
metacercariae 27 22 METACERCARIA, a para...
metacercarial 29 23 of or like a metacer...
metachromatic 32 27 of dyes, capable of...
metachronisms 29 25 METACHRONISM, an err...
metacognition 25 23 thinking about one's...
metacomputers 29 26 METACOMPUTER, a coll...
metacomputing 30 29 computing that uses...
metafictional 28 24 relating to metafict...
metagnathisms 27 24 METAGNATHISM, the st...
metagrabolise 26 22 to mystify, to puzzl...
metagrabolize 29 31 to mystify, to puzzl...
metagrobolise 26 22 to mystify, to puzzl...
metagrobolize 29 31 to mystify, to puzzl...
metalanguages 24 23 METALANGUAGE, a lang...
metalisations 23 18 METALISATION, the ac...
metalizations 26 27 METALIZATION, the ac...
metalliferous 27 22 bearing metal [adj]
metallisation 24 19 the act of making me...
metallization 27 28 the act of making me...
metallogenies 24 21 METALLOGENY, the stu...
metallography 36 27 the study of the str...
metallophones 27 24 METALLOPHONE, an ins...
metallurgical 31 25 relating to metallur...
metallurgists 28 21 METALLURGIST, a prac...
metalworkings 29 27 METALWORKING, the pr...
metamaterials 24 20 METAMATERIAL, any ar...
metamerically 35 26 METAMERIC, relating...
metamorphisms 30 27 METAMORPHISM, the pr...
metamorphists 29 24 METAMORPHIST, a pers...
metamorphosed 27 25 METAMORPHOSE, to cha...
metamorphoses 27 24 METAMORPHOSE [n]
metamorphosis 28 24 a process of develop...
metanarrative 23 21 (In postmodernist li...
metaphosphate 30 26 a salt or ester of a...
metaphysician 36 27 a student of or spec...
metaphysicise 37 26 to make metaphysical...
metaphysicist 38 26 one who practises me...
metaphysicize 40 35 to make metaphysical...
metapolitical 30 24 relating to metapoli...
metapsychical 41 30 relating to metapsyc...
metasilicates 27 20 METASILICATE, a salt...
metasomatisms 25 22 METASOMATISM, metamo...
metasomatoses 22 19 METASOMATOSIS, chang...
metasomatosis 23 19 change in the compos...
metastability 33 22 the state of being m...
metastasising 24 19 METASTASIS [v]
metastasizing 27 28 METASTASIZE, to spre...
metathesising 26 21 METATHESIS [v]
metathesizing 29 30 METATHESIZE, to tran...
metempiricism 32 28 the study of metempi...
metempiricist 31 25 one who studies mete...
metencephalic 33 29 relating to the mete...
metencephalon 28 27 the anterior segment...
meteoriticist 27 19 a student of meteori...
meteorographs 27 23 METEOROGRAPH, an ins...
meteorologies 23 19 METEOROLOGY, the sci...
meteorologist 24 19 one who studies the...
methacrylates 35 24 METHACRYLATE, a salt...
methanometers 24 22 METHANOMETER, instru...
methaqualones 32 30 METHAQUALONE, a type...
methemoglobin 29 28 a soluble brown crys...
methodisation 24 20 the process of metho...
methodization 27 29 the process of metho...
methodologies 26 22 METHODOLOGY, a body...
methodologist 27 22 a student of methodo...
methotrexates 30 25 METHOTREXATE, a drug...
methoxychlors 44 33 METHOXYCHLOR, a rela...
methylmercury 44 30 any of several extre...
methylphenols 37 28 METHYLPHENOL, a type...
methysergides 33 23 METHYSERGIDE, a sero...
metonymically 41 29 METONYMICAL, relatin...
metoposcopies 29 25 METOPOSCOPY, the art...
metoposcopist 30 25 one who practises me...
metrification 28 23 the act of making me...
metronidazole 25 28 a drug used esp. to...
metropolitans 25 21 METROPOLITAN, an arc...
metrorrhagias 26 20 METRORRHAGIA, irregu...
microanalyses 32 23 MICROANALYSIS, chemi...
microanalysis 33 23 chemical analysis on...
microanalysts 33 23 MICROANALYST, one wh...
microanalytic 36 26 relating to microana...
microbalances 31 27 MICROBALANCE, a bala...
microbiologic 34 28 relating to microbio...
microbloggers 32 27 MICROBLOGGER, one wh...
microblogging 33 30 the practice of keep...
microbrewings 33 28 MICROBREWING, produc...
microcapsules 33 27 MICROCAPSULE, a tiny...
microcassette 29 22 a small cassette of...
microcephalic 38 31 having a very small...
microchemical 37 31 relating to microche...
microchipping 38 33 MICROCHIP, to fit wi...
microcircuits 35 26 MICROCIRCUIT, a comp...
microclimates 32 26 MICROCLIMATE, the cl...
microclimatic 36 29 relating to microcli...
microcomputer 33 29 a small computer usu...
microcopyings 39 30 MICROCOPYING [n]
microcosmical 35 29 of or like a microco...
microcosmoses 30 25 MICROCOSMOS, a littl...
microcracking 35 32 microscopic cracking...
microcrystals 38 25 MICROCRYSTAL, a micr...
microcultural 33 26 relating to microcul...
microcultures 32 25 MICROCULTURE, a micr...
microdetector 29 23 an instrument for de...
microeconomic 32 29 relating to microeco...
microelements 27 24 MICROELEMENT, a trac...
microfelsitic 34 26 of the cryptocrystal...
microfilament 30 27 a very thin filament...
microfilariae 29 23 MICROFILARIA, the mi...
microfilarial 31 24 MICROFILARIA, the mi...
microfilmable 34 30 capable of being tra...
microfloppies 34 29 MICROFLOPPY, a small...
microgranites 27 22 MICROGRANITE, a minu...
microgranitic 31 25 of or like microgran...
micrographers 32 26 MICROGRAPHER, a pers...
micrographics 36 29 the industry concern...
micrographies 32 26 MICROGRAPHY, the art...
micrographing 33 29 MICROGRAPH, to write...
microhabitats 31 24 MICROHABITAT, the mi...
microinjected 31 33 MICROINJECT, to inje...
microlighting 33 27 the activity or spor...
micromanagers 27 25 MICROMANAGER, one wh...
micromanaging 28 28 MICROMANAGE, to mana...
micrometrical 32 26 relating to micromet...
micronisation 25 21 the process of micro...
micronization 28 30 the process of micro...
micronutrient 26 22 a nutritive substanc...
microorganism 28 25 an organism (as a ba...
microparasite 28 22 a very small parasit...
microparticle 33 26 a very small particl...
micropayments 35 28 MICROPAYMENT, paymen...
microphyllous 40 29 having minute leaves...
microphysical 42 30 relating to microphy...
micropipettes 31 25 MICROPIPETTE, a very...
microplankton 29 29 very small plankton...
microporosity 35 24 the property of micr...
microprinting 30 26 the act of making a...
microprograms 31 27 MICROPROGRAM, a rout...
micropuncture 32 28 an extremely small p...
microscopical 36 29 able to be seen only...
microscopists 33 25 MICROSCOPIST, one wh...
microsurgeons 27 23 MICROSURGEON, a surg...
microsurgical 33 26 relating to microsur...
microswitches 36 27 MICROSWITCH, a very...
microtechnics 35 28 MICROTECHNIC, any of...
microtonality 33 23 the state of being m...
microvascular 33 28 of, relating to, or...
microwaveable 33 30 capable of being mic...
middlebreaker 27 26 a double-mould-board...
middlebrowism 32 28 the state of being m...
middlebusters 28 23 MIDDLEBUSTER, a plow...
middleweights 32 26 MIDDLEWEIGHT, a weig...
mifepristones 27 23 MIFEPRISTONE, a synt...
migrationists 25 19 MIGRATIONIST, a pers...
millefeuilles 30 24 MILLEFEUILLE, (Frenc...
millennialism 27 24 the belief that an i...
millennialist 26 21 one who believes tha...
millennianism 25 24 the belief that an i...
millenniarism 26 23 the belief that an i...
millilamberts 31 25 MILLILAMBERT, a thou...
millionairess 25 19 a female millionaire...
millionnaires 24 20 MILLIONNAIRE, one wh...
milliroentgen 25 22 one thousandth of a...
millisieverts 29 22 MILLISIEVERT, one th...
mimeographing 30 29 MIMEOGRAPH, to copy...
mindfulnesses 26 24 MINDFULNESS, the sta...
mineralisable 26 22 that can be minerali...
mineralizable 29 31 that can be minerali...
mineralogical 28 24 relating to mineralo...
mineralogised 24 21 MINERALOGISE, to col...
mineralogises 24 20 MINERALOGISE, to col...
mineralogists 25 20 MINERALOGIST, a stud...
mineralogized 27 30 MINERALOGIZE, to col...
mineralogizes 27 29 MINERALOGIZE, to col...
minesweepings 28 26 MINESWEEPING, search...
miniaturising 25 21 MINIATURISE, to desi...
miniaturistic 28 21 in the style of a mi...
miniaturizing 28 30 MINIATURIZE, to desi...
minicassettes 26 20 MINICASSETTE, a smal...
minicomputers 30 27 MINICOMPUTER, a smal...
minifications 28 24 MINIFICATION, dimini...
minimisations 24 21 MINIMISATION, the ac...
minimizations 27 30 MINIMIZATION, the ac...
ministerially 32 21 MINISTERIAL, of, rel...
ministerships 29 22 MINISTERSHIP, the of...
ministrations 23 18 MINISTRATION, the ac...
mirthlessness 27 20 the state of being m...
misaddressing 25 21 MISADDRESS, to addre...
misadventured 25 24 (Shakespeare) unfort...
misadventurer 25 23 one who misadventure...
misadventures 25 23 MISADVENTURE, a misf...
misadvertence 27 25 inadvertence [n -S]
misalignments 26 24 MISALIGNMENT, a wron...
misallocating 29 24 MISALLOCATE, to allo...
misallocation 27 22 a wrong allocation [...
misallotments 26 22 MISALLOTMENT, an ins...
misanthropies 27 22 MISANTHROPY, a hatre...
misanthropist 28 22 one who dislikes hum...
misappraisals 29 23 MISAPPRAISAL, a wron...
misappreciate 30 25 to fail to appreciat...
misapprehends 29 26 MISAPPREHEND, to app...
misarticulate 28 21 to articulate wrongl...
misassembling 29 26 MISASSEMBLE, to asse...
misassumption 27 24 a wrong assumption [...
misattributed 27 21 MISATTRIBUTE, to att...
misattributes 27 20 MISATTRIBUTE, to att...
misbehaviours 30 26 MISBEHAVIOUR, bad be...
miscalculated 32 26 MISCALCULATE, to cal...
miscalculates 32 25 MISCALCULATE, to cal...
miscalculator 32 25 one who miscalculate...
miscaptioning 29 26 MISCAPTION, to capti...
miscataloging 29 25 MISCATALOG, to catal...
miscegenating 27 25 MISCEGENATE, to prac...
miscegenation 25 23 the interbreeding of...
miscegenators 26 22 MISCEGENATOR, a pers...
miscellaneous 27 23 consisting of divers...
miscellanists 29 22 MISCELLANIST, a writ...
mischallenges 31 26 MISCHALLENGE, (Spens...
mischanneling 29 27 MISCHANNEL, to chann...
mischannelled 29 26 MISCHANNEL, to chann...
mischievously 39 29 MISCHIEVOUS, given t...
miscibilities 32 23 MISCIBILITY, the qua...
misclassified 31 24 MISCLASSIFY, to clas...
misclassifies 31 23 MISCLASSIFY, to clas...
miscomprehend 31 29 to comprehend wrongl...
misconceiting 30 26 MISCONCEIT, to have...
misconceivers 31 27 MISCONCEIVER, one wh...
misconceiving 32 30 MISCONCEIVE, to conc...
misconception 30 27 a false conception [...
misconducting 31 28 MISCONDUCT, to condu...
misconjecture 31 33 to make a wrong conj...
misconnecting 29 27 MISCONNECT, to conne...
misconnection 27 25 the act of misconnec...
misconstering 27 23 MISCONSTER, (obsolet...
misconstructs 31 24 MISCONSTRUCT, to con...
misconstruing 28 24 MISCONSTRUE, to cons...
miscontenting 26 24 MISCONTENT, (archaic...
miscorrecting 31 25 MISCORRECT, to fail...
miscorrection 29 23 a wrong correction [...
miscounselled 28 24 MISCOUNSEL, to couns...
misdemeanants 22 22 MISDEMEANANT, a pers...
misdemeanours 23 22 MISDEMEANOUR, in UK...
misdescribing 31 26 MISDESCRIBE, to desc...
misdeveloping 29 28 MISDEVELOP, to devel...
misdiagnosing 25 23 MISDIAGNOSE, to diag...
misdirections 27 21 MISDIRECTION, a wron...
miseducations 26 22 MISEDUCATION, wrong...
misemphasised 29 25 MISEMPHASIS [v]
misemphasises 29 24 MISEMPHASISE, to emp...
misemphasized 32 34 MISEMPHASIZE, to emp...
misemphasizes 32 33 MISEMPHASIZE, to emp...
misemployment 34 29 a wrong employment [...
misentreating 23 20 MISENTREAT, (obsolet...
miserabilisms 29 23 MISERABILISM, the qu...
miserabilists 28 20 MISERABILIST, a pers...
miserableness 25 21 the state of being m...
miserlinesses 24 18 MISERLINESS, the sta...
misestimating 26 22 MISESTIMATE, to esti...
misestimation 24 20 a wrong estimation [...
misevaluating 27 25 MISEVALUATE, to eval...
misevaluation 25 23 a wrong evaluation [...
misformations 26 23 MISFORMATION, a wron...
misfunctioned 28 26 MISFUNCTION, to func...
misgovernance 27 27 misgovernment, also...
misgovernment 26 27 wrong government [n...
misguidedness 25 22 MISGUIDED [n]
misidentified 26 22 MISIDENTIFY, to iden...
misidentifies 26 21 MISIDENTIFY, to iden...
misimpression 27 23 a mistaken impressio...
misinformants 26 24 MISINFORMANT, one wh...
misinstructed 28 22 MISINSTRUCT, to inst...
misinterprets 26 20 MISINTERPRET, to exp...
misjudgements 28 33 MISJUDGEMENT, an err...
misknowledges 29 28 MISKNOWLEDGE, errone...
mismanagement 24 26 wrong management [n...
mismatchments 31 28 MISMATCHMENT, the ac...
misobservance 29 27 an incorrect observa...
misperceiving 32 29 MISPERCEIVE, to perc...
misperception 30 26 a false perception [...
mispersuading 27 24 MISPERSUADE, to pers...
mispersuasion 25 21 a wrong persuasion [...
misplacements 30 27 MISPLACEMENT, the ac...
mispositioned 25 21 MISPOSITION, to posi...
misprograming 29 27 MISPROGRAM, to progr...
misprogrammed 29 28 MISPROGRAM, to progr...
mispronounced 27 26 MISPRONOUNCE, to pro...
mispronounces 27 25 MISPRONOUNCE, to pro...
misproportion 27 23 to proportion wrongl...
mispunctuated 29 26 MISPUNCTUATE, to pun...
mispunctuates 29 25 MISPUNCTUATE, to pun...
misquotations 31 27 MISQUOTATION, a wron...
misreckonings 28 27 MISRECKONING, a wron...
misreferenced 27 24 MISREFERENCE, to ref...
misreferences 27 23 MISREFERENCE [n]
misregistered 25 19 MISREGISTER, to regi...
misremembered 27 26 MISREMEMBER, to reme...
misrepresents 25 20 MISREPRESENT, to giv...
misshapenness 26 23 MISSHAPEN [n]
missionarised 23 18 MISSIONARISE, to do...
missionarises 23 17 MISSIONARISE, to do...
missionarized 26 27 MISSIONARIZE, to do...
missionarizes 26 26 MISSIONARIZE, to do...
missishnesses 26 19 MISSISHNESS, the sta...
misstatements 24 20 MISSTATEMENT, a fals...
missummations 26 24 MISSUMMATION, wrong...
mistranscribe 29 23 to transcribe wrongl...
mistranslated 24 19 MISTRANSLATE, to tra...
mistranslates 24 18 MISTRANSLATE, to tra...
mistreatments 24 20 MISTREATMENT, wrong...
mistrustfully 37 25 MISTRUSTFUL, not tru...
mistrustingly 34 23 MISTRUSTING [adv]
misunderstand 23 21 to fail to understan...
misunderstood 23 20 MISUNDERSTAND, to fa...
misworshipped 34 28 MISWORSHIP, to worsh...
mithridatised 27 20 MITHRIDATISE, to acq...
mithridatises 27 19 MITHRIDATISE, to acq...
mithridatisms 29 22 MITHRIDATISM, immuni...
mithridatized 30 29 MITHRIDATIZE, to acq...
mithridatizes 30 28 MITHRIDATIZE, to acq...
mitochondrial 29 24 of or like a mitocho...
mitochondrion 27 24 a cell structure con...
mitrailleuses 26 19 MITRAILLEUSE, (Frenc...
mnemotechnics 31 29 MNEMOTECHNIC, a mnem...
mnemotechnist 28 26 a mnemonicist [n -S]
mobilisations 26 21 MOBILISATION, the ac...
mobilizations 29 30 MOBILIZATION, the ac...
moderatorship 27 22 the office of modera...
modernisation 21 19 the act of modernisi...
modernization 24 28 the act of modernizi...
modifiability 36 26 the state of being m...
modifications 28 24 MODIFICATION, an act...
moldabilities 28 22 MOLDABILITY, the qua...
molendinaries 22 20 MOLENDINARY, a mill...
mollification 30 25 the act of mollifyin...
molluscicidal 34 27 relating to mollusci...
molluscicides 33 26 MOLLUSCICIDE, the ki...
mollycoddlers 36 26 MOLLYCODDLER, one wh...
mollycoddling 37 29 the act of cosseting...
momentariness 22 21 the state of being m...
momentousness 22 22 MOMENTOUS, of great...
monarchically 39 29 MONARCHICAL, relatin...
monetisations 21 18 MONETISATION, the ac...
monetizations 24 27 MONETIZATION, the ac...
moneychangers 33 27 MONEYCHANGER, a usur...
moneygrubbing 35 31 scraping and saving...
moneylendings 29 25 MONEYLENDING, the bu...
moneyspinning 30 27 serving to make much...
monkishnesses 25 24 MONKISHNESS, the sta...
monoaminergic 26 26 liberating or involv...
monochlorides 28 24 MONOCHLORIDE, a chlo...
monochromates 27 25 MONOCHROMATE, a pers...
monochromatic 31 28 having or consisting...
monochromator 27 25 a device for isolati...
monochromical 32 29 of one colour only,...
monochromists 29 25 MONOCHROMIST, a pers...
monocotyledon 30 25 a plant having a sin...
monodactylous 32 25 one-toed or one-fing...
monodelphians 26 25 MONODELPHIAN, any pl...
monofilaments 25 25 MONOFILAMENT, a sing...
monogenically 33 27 MONOGENIC, of e.g. r...
monoglyceride 33 26 any of various ester...
monogrammatic 28 28 of or like a monogra...
monographical 31 28 of or like a monogra...
monographists 28 24 MONOGRAPHIST, one wh...
monolinguists 25 22 MONOLINGUIST, a mono...
monologuising 25 24 MONOLOGUISE, to enga...
monologuizing 28 33 MONOLOGUIZE, to enga...
monometallism 26 25 use of one metal as...
monometallist 25 22 one advocating monom...
monomolecular 27 26 being only one molec...
monomorphemic 31 31 consisting of only o...
monomorphisms 29 28 MONOMORPHISM, existe...
mononucleated 24 24 having a single nucl...
mononucleoses 24 23 MONONUCLEOSIS, an ab...
mononucleosis 25 23 an abnormal increase...
monophosphate 29 27 an ester of phosphor...
monophthongal 29 28 of or like a monopht...
monophyodonts 31 26 MONOPHYODONT, an ani...
monophysitism 35 27 belief that Christ w...
monopsonistic 27 24 relating to monopson...
monorchidisms 30 26 MONORCHIDISM, the st...
monosaturated 21 19 of or relating to fa...
monostrophics 30 25 monostrophic verses...
monosyllabism 34 27 the state of being m...
monosyllables 33 25 MONOSYLLABLE, a word...
monosymmetric 34 28 having only one plan...
monotelephone 24 24 a telephone that tra...
monothalamous 25 24 of an animal or prot...
monotheletism 26 23 the belief that Chri...
monothelitism 27 23 the doctrine that Ch...
monotherapies 25 22 MONOTHERAPY, a medic...
monotonically 32 25 MONOTONIC, having on...
monotrematous 22 21 like a monotreme [ad...
monovalencies 26 26 MONOVALENCY, the sta...
monstrosities 23 17 MONSTROSITY, a malfo...
monstrousness 22 19 the state of being m...
monticellites 28 22 MONTICELLITE, a calc...
monumentalise 23 23 to record or memoria...
monumentality 30 25 the state of being m...
monumentalize 26 32 to record or memoria...
moonlightings 28 25 MOONLIGHTING, taking...
moralisations 23 18 MORALISATION, the ac...
moralizations 26 27 MORALIZATION, the ac...
morbillivirus 32 26 a virus responsible...
moribundities 26 22 MORIBUNDITY, the sta...
morigerations 23 19 MORIGERATION, defere...
morphemically 40 31 MORPHEMIC, of or lik...
morphinomania 26 26 a habitual craving o...
morphogeneses 26 24 MORPHOGENESIS, the o...
morphogenesis 27 24 the origin or develo...
morphogenetic 30 27 relating to morphoge...
morphographer 32 28 an artist who portra...
morphological 33 28 relating to morpholo...
morphologists 30 24 MORPHOLOGIST, a stud...
morphometrics 32 27 MORPHOMETRIC [n]
morphometries 28 24 MORPHOMETRY, measure...
morphophoneme 30 30 either or any of two...
morphotropies 29 24 MORPHOTROPY, the eff...
mortification 28 23 the subjection and d...
mosbolletjies 29 30 MOSBOLLETJIE, (Afrik...
motherfuckers 32 29 MOTHERFUCKER, one th...
motherfucking 33 32 objectionable; often...
motorbicycles 39 28 MOTORBICYCLE, a bicy...
motorboatings 25 22 MOTORBOATING, travel...
motorcyclings 38 28 MOTORCYCLING, the ac...
motorcyclists 38 25 MOTORCYCLIST, one wh...
motorisations 22 17 MOTORISATION, the ac...
motorizations 25 26 MOTORIZATION, the ac...
mountainboard 23 23 a form of all-terrai...
mountaineered 20 20 MOUNTAINEER, to clim...
mountainously 29 23 MOUNTAINOUS, having...
mountainsides 22 20 MOUNTAINSIDE, the si...
mountebankery 30 28 the activities of a...
mountebanking 25 29 acting as a mounteba...
mountebankism 26 29 the practice of a mo...
mountenaunces 23 24 MOUNTENAUNCE, (Spens...
mousetrapping 28 26 the act of catching...
mousquetaires 31 27 MOUSQUETAIRE, (Frenc...
mouthbreather 29 24 a person who habitua...
mouthbreeders 27 23 MOUTHBREEDER, a fish...
mouthbrooders 27 23 MOUTHBROODER, a cich...
mouthwatering 29 25 arousing the appetit...
movablenesses 26 25 MOVABLENESS, the sta...
moveabilities 28 24 MOVEABILITY, the abi...
muckspreaders 30 28 MUCKSPREADER, an agr...
muckspreading 31 31 MUCKSPREAD, to sprea...
mucocutaneous 28 26 designating the junc...
muddlednesses 24 22 MUDDLEDNESS, the sta...
multiaccesses 31 24 MULTIACCESS, (relati...
multibarreled 28 23 of a gun, having man...
multibranched 32 28 having many branches...
multibuilding 31 27 involving many build...
multicamerate 28 24 having many chambers...
multicapitate 30 24 many-headed [adj]
multicellular 32 25 having many cells [a...
multicoloured 29 24 MULTICOLOUR [v]
multicultural 32 25 of, relating to, or...
multicurrency 38 28 the use of more than...
multidigitate 27 21 having many digits [...
multiemployer 35 27 one who employs many...
multifamilies 30 25 MULTIFAMILY, a build...
multifilament 29 26 something containing...
multifunction 30 27 having many function...
multigravidae 28 25 MULTIGRAVIDA, a woma...
multigravidas 29 25 MULTIGRAVIDA, a woma...
multihospital 31 24 relating to many hos...
multilevelled 30 26 having many levels,...
multilinguist 29 23 a speaker of many la...
multilobulate 29 24 having many lobules,...
multiloculate 30 24 many-chambered, also...
multiloquence 36 33 much speaking [n -S]
multimegawatt 30 26 many megawatts [n -S...
multimetallic 32 26 made of several meta...
multinational 24 21 a large business com...
multinucleate 28 24 having many nuclei,...
multiorgasmic 31 26 experiencing more th...
multiparities 28 21 MULTIPARITY, the sta...
multiparticle 32 25 comprising many part...
multipartyism 36 26 the state of being m...
multiplexings 36 32 MULTIPLEXING, the ac...
multiplicable 35 29 that can be multipli...
multiplicands 32 27 MULTIPLICAND, a numb...
multiplicates 32 25 MULTIPLICATE, the co...
multiplicator 32 25 a multiplier [n -S]
multipolarity 35 24 the state of being m...
multipresence 29 25 the power of being i...
multiracially 37 25 MULTIRACIAL, made up...
multiramified 29 25 having many branches...
multiregional 26 22 extending over many...
multisciences 31 25 MULTISCIENCE, knowle...
multiskilling 31 27 in technologically a...
multispectral 32 25 of or relating to tw...
multistandard 25 21 in electronics, able...
multistranded 25 21 having many strands...
multisyllabic 40 28 having many syllable...
multitalented 25 21 having many talents...
multitaskings 28 25 MULTITASKING, the ac...
multiterminal 27 23 comprising many term...
multitrillion 28 21 a number or amount e...
multitudinary 32 23 of or like a multitu...
multitudinous 26 22 existing in a great...
multivalences 30 27 MULTIVALENCE, the st...
multivariable 30 26 containing, involvin...
multivibrator 30 25 an electronic oscill...
multivitamins 29 26 MULTIVITAMIN, a pill...
multungulates 27 24 MULTUNGULATE, a mult...
mummification 31 30 the act of mummifyin...
mumpishnesses 29 26 MUMPISHNESS, the sta...
mundanenesses 20 21 MUNDANENESS, the sta...
mundification 28 26 the act of cleansing...
mundificative 31 29 a cleansing medicine...
municipalised 30 26 MUNICIPALISE, to bri...
municipalises 30 25 MUNICIPALISE, to bri...
municipalisms 32 28 MUNICIPALISM, concer...
municipalists 31 25 MUNICIPALIST, a beli...
municipalized 33 35 MUNICIPALIZE, to bri...
municipalizes 33 34 MUNICIPALIZE, to bri...
munitionettes 22 19 MUNITIONETTE, (obsol...
murderousness 23 20 MURDEROUS, inclined...
muscularities 29 22 MUSCULARITY, the sta...
musicalnesses 27 22 MUSICALNESS, the sta...
musicianships 32 26 MUSICIANSHIP, the sk...
musicological 33 27 related to musicolog...
musicologists 30 23 MUSICOLOGIST, a stud...
musicotherapy 37 27 therapy involving th...
musselcracker 32 28 a large sea bream th...
mutablenesses 25 22 MUTABLENESS, the sta...
mutagenically 35 27 MUTAGENIC, inducing...
mutessarifats 26 20 MUTESSARIFAT, the of...
muttonbirders 26 22 MUTTONBIRDER, (New Z...
mutualisation 24 20 the process of mutua...
mutualization 27 29 the process of mutua...
mycetophagous 37 29 eating fungi [adj]
mycobacterial 38 28 relating to mycobact...
mycobacterium 39 31 any of a genus of ba...
mycologically 46 31 MYCOLOGICAL, of or r...
mycoplasmoses 36 28 MYCOPLASMOSIS, infec...
mycoplasmosis 37 28 infection by Mycopla...
mycotoxicoses 41 31 MYCOTOXICOSIS, poiso...
mycotoxicosis 42 31 poisoning caused by...
myelencephala 36 29 MYELENCEPHALON, the...
myelofibroses 34 25 MYELOFIBROSIS, an an...
myelofibrosis 35 25 an anemic condition...
myelofibrotic 38 28 relating to myelofib...
myelographies 35 26 MYELOGRAPHY, the tak...
myocarditises 33 22 MYOCARDITIS, inflamm...
myoelectrical 37 26 of, relating to, or...
myringoscopes 35 27 MYRINGOSCOPE, an ins...
myringotomies 31 24 MYRINGOTOMY, surgica...
myrmecologies 35 27 MYRMECOLOGY, the sci...
myrmecologist 36 27 one who studies ants...
myrmecophiles 39 30 MYRMECOPHILE, an org...
mystification 35 25 an act or instance o...
mythicisation 35 24 the process of mythi...
mythicization 38 33 the process of mythi...
mythographers 37 27 MYTHOGRAPHER, a stud...
mythographies 37 27 MYTHOGRAPHY, the des...
mythologisers 34 23 MYTHOLOGISER, one wh...
mythologising 35 26 MYTHOLOGISE, to make...
mythologizers 37 32 MYTHOLOGIZER, one wh...
mythologizing 38 35 MYTHOLOGIZE, to make...
mythopoetical 37 27 relating to mythopoe...
myxoedematous 35 30 relating to myxoedem...