13 letter words that starts with d

13 letter words that start with D

13 letter D word


Word With Friends


dactyliomancy 42 29 divination by means...
dactylography 44 29 the study of fingerp...
dactylologies 34 23 DACTYLOLOGY, the stu...
daguerreotype 30 22 to develop by daguer...
daguerreotypy 37 24 the art of daguerreo...
damageability 33 25 the quality of being...
damnabilities 26 22 DAMNABILITY, the abi...
damnification 27 25 causation of injury...
dampishnesses 27 23 DAMPISHNESS, the sta...
dandification 26 23 the act of dandifyin...
dangerousness 21 19 DANGEROUS, full of d...
daredevilries 25 20 DAREDEVILRY, the sta...
darlingnesses 23 19 DARLINGNESS, the sta...
darmstadtiums 26 22 DARMSTADTIUM, an art...
darraignments 23 21 DARRAIGNMENT, the ac...
dastardliness 23 17 the state of being d...
dastardnesses 21 16 DASTARDNESS, the sta...
dataveillance 27 24 the monitoring of a...
daughterboard 27 23 a small circuit boar...
daughterhoods 27 22 DAUGHTERHOOD, the st...
daughterlings 28 23 DAUGHTERLING, a smal...
daunorubicins 27 24 DAUNORUBICIN, an ant...
dauntlessness 22 18 DAUNTLESS, unafraid...
deactivations 26 22 DEACTIVATION, the pr...
deaminisation 21 19 the process of deami...
deaminization 24 28 the process of deami...
dearticulated 26 20 DEARTICULATE, to dis...
dearticulates 26 19 DEARTICULATE, to dis...
deaspirations 23 18 DEASPIRATION, the ac...
deathlessness 24 18 DEATHLESS, not subje...
deathlinesses 24 18 DEATHLINESS, the sta...
deattributing 26 21 DEATTRIBUTE, to with...
debasednesses 22 19 DEBASEDNESS, the sta...
debauchedness 28 25 the state of being d...
debilitations 25 19 DEBILITATION, the ac...
decaffeinated 27 25 DECAFFEINATE, to rem...
decaffeinates 27 24 DECAFFEINATE, to rem...
decalcomanias 28 25 DECALCOMANIA, the ar...
decalescences 30 25 DECALESCENCE, the po...
decamethonium 28 27 a type of muscle rel...
decapitalised 28 22 DECAPITALISE, to rem...
decapitalises 28 21 DECAPITALISE, to rem...
decapitalized 31 31 DECAPITALIZE, to rem...
decapitalizes 31 30 DECAPITALIZE, to rem...
decapitations 26 21 DECAPITATION, the ac...
decapsulating 29 25 DECAPSULATE, to remo...
decapsulation 27 23 the removal of the e...
decarbonating 26 24 DECARBONATE, to remo...
decarbonation 24 22 the act of decarbona...
decarbonators 25 21 DECARBONATOR, an app...
decarbonisers 26 21 DECARBONISER, an app...
decarbonising 27 24 DECARBONISE, to remo...
decarbonizers 29 30 DECARBONIZER, someth...
decarbonizing 30 33 DECARBONIZE, to remo...
decarboxylase 39 30 any of a group of en...
decarboxylate 39 30 to remove carbon dio...
decarburation 26 22 the act of decarburi...
decarburising 29 24 DECARBURISE, to remo...
decarburizing 32 33 DECARBURIZE, to remo...
decartelising 27 21 DECARTELISE, to brea...
decartelizing 30 30 DECARTELIZE, to brea...
decasualising 27 22 DECASUALISE, (US) to...
decasualizing 30 31 DECASUALIZE, (US) to...
decasyllabics 39 27 DECASYLLABIC, a deca...
decasyllables 36 25 DECASYLLABLE, a line...
deceitfulness 28 23 the state of being d...
deceivability 37 27 the quality of being...
decelerations 24 19 DECELERATION, the ac...
decelerometer 25 21 an instrument for me...
decentralised 25 20 DECENTRALISE, to wit...
decentralises 25 19 DECENTRALISE, to wit...
decentralists 26 19 DECENTRALIST, one wh...
decentralized 28 29 DECENTRALIZE, to wit...
decentralizes 28 28 DECENTRALIZE, to wit...
deceptibility 38 26 the quality of being...
deceptiveness 28 25 the state of being d...
decerebrating 27 23 DECEREBRATE, to elim...
decerebration 25 21 the act of decerebra...
decerebrising 28 23 DECEREBRISE, to depr...
decerebrizing 31 32 DECEREBRIZE, to depr...
dechlorinated 27 22 DECHLORINATE, to rem...
dechlorinates 27 21 DECHLORINATE, to rem...
decidednesses 24 20 DECIDEDNESS, the sta...
deciduousness 25 21 the state of being d...
decipherments 30 26 DECIPHERMENT, the ac...
decitizenised 28 28 DECITIZENISE, to dep...
decitizenises 28 27 DECITIZENISE, to dep...
decitizenized 31 37 DECITIZENIZE, to dep...
decitizenizes 31 36 DECITIZENIZE, to dep...
declamatorily 34 24 DECLAMATORY, in the...
declaratively 35 25 DECLARATIVE, making...
declaratorily 33 21 DECLARATORY, in the...
declassifying 36 26 DECLASSIFY, to remov...
declinational 25 21 relating to declinat...
declinatories 25 19 DECLINATORY, a legal...
declinometers 26 22 DECLINOMETER, an ins...
decolorations 24 19 DECOLORATION, remova...
decolourising 27 22 DECOLOURISE, to remo...
decolourizing 30 31 DECOLOURIZE, to remo...
decommissions 27 24 DECOMMISSION, to rem...
decommunising 28 28 DECOMMUNISE, to remo...
decommunizing 31 37 DECOMMUNIZE, to remo...
decompensated 26 25 DECOMPENSATE, to fai...
decompensates 26 24 DECOMPENSATE, to fai...
decomposition 27 24 the breakdown of dea...
decompounding 28 29 DECOMPOUND, to decom...
decompressing 29 26 DECOMPRESS, to relea...
decompression 27 24 the act of decompres...
decompressive 30 27 DECOMPRESS, to relea...
decompressors 28 23 DECOMPRESSOR, a devi...
deconcentrate 25 22 to reduce or abolish...
deconditioned 23 21 DECONDITION, to caus...
decongestants 24 21 DECONGESTANT, an age...
decongestions 24 21 DECONGESTION, the pr...
deconsecrated 26 22 DECONSECRATE, to rem...
deconsecrates 26 21 DECONSECRATE, to rem...
deconstructed 28 23 DECONSTRUCT, to exam...
deconstructor 28 22 one who deconstructs...
decontaminant 23 23 an agent that decont...
decontaminate 23 22 to rid of contaminat...
decontrolling 27 23 DECONTROL, to remove...
decorticating 29 23 DECORTICATE, to remo...
decortication 27 21 the act of removing...
decorticators 28 20 DECORTICATOR, a devi...
decrassifying 35 25 DECRASSIFY, to make...
decrepitating 28 23 DECREPITATE, to crac...
decrepitation 26 21 the act of decrepita...
decriminalise 27 22 to remove or reduce...
decriminalize 30 31 to remove or reduce...
decrustations 25 19 DECRUSTATION, remova...
decumulations 27 24 DECUMULATION, a decr...
dedramatising 24 21 DEDRAMATISE, to play...
dedramatizing 27 30 DEDRAMATIZE, to play...
deducibleness 28 24 the state of being d...
deductibility 37 25 the quality of being...
deduplicating 30 26 DEDUPLICATE, to remo...
deduplication 28 24 the act of deduplica...
deemsterships 28 22 DEEMSTERSHIP, the of...
deerstalkings 25 22 DEERSTALKING, the sp...
defeasibility 34 23 the quality of being...
defectibility 38 26 the quality of being...
defectionists 27 21 DEFECTIONIST, one wh...
defectiveness 28 25 DEFECTIVE, deficient...
defencelessly 34 25 DEFENCELESS, without...
defenestrated 22 19 DEFENESTRATE, to thr...
defenestrates 22 18 DEFENESTRATE, to thr...
defenselessly 31 22 DEFENSELESS, without...
defensibility 34 24 the quality of being...
defensiveness 24 23 DEFENSIVE, tending t...
deferentially 31 22 DEFERENTIAL, showing...
defervescence 30 28 an abatement of heat...
defervescency 37 30 abatement of heat; d...
defeudalising 26 23 DEFEUDALISE, to depr...
defeudalizing 29 32 DEFEUDALIZE, to depr...
defiantnesses 22 19 DEFIANTNESS, the sta...
defibrillated 29 23 DEFIBRILLATE, to app...
defibrillates 29 22 DEFIBRILLATE, to app...
defibrillator 29 22 an electronic device...
defibrinating 27 24 DEFIBRINATE, to remo...
defibrination 25 22 the act of defibrina...
defibrinising 28 24 DEFIBRINISE, to depr...
defibrinizing 31 33 DEFIBRINIZE, to depr...
deficientness 26 22 DEFICIENT, lacking [...
deflagrations 25 21 DEFLAGRATION, the ra...
deflationists 25 19 DEFLATIONIST, someon...
deflocculants 32 27 DEFLOCCULANT, an age...
deflocculated 32 27 DEFLOCCULATE, to dep...
deflocculates 32 26 DEFLOCCULATE, to dep...
deforciations 26 21 DEFORCIATION, (obsol...
deforestation 22 18 the act of clearing...
deformability 35 26 the quality of being...
deformalising 27 24 DEFORMALISE, to make...
deformalizing 30 33 DEFORMALIZE, to make...
deformational 24 22 relating to deformat...
defragmenting 26 26 DEFRAGMENT, to run a...
defraudations 23 20 DEFRAUDATION, the ac...
defunctnesses 26 23 DEFUNCTNESS, the sta...
degenerations 20 18 DEGENERATION, the ac...
deglaciations 26 21 DEGLACIATION, the me...
deglamorising 26 23 DEGLAMORISE, to remo...
deglamorizing 29 32 DEGLAMORIZE, to remo...
deglutinating 25 22 DEGLUTINATE, to ungl...
deglutination 23 20 the removal of glute...
degradability 33 23 the quality of being...
degradingness 23 21 DEGRADING [n]
degranulation 22 20 the process of losin...
degringoladed 24 22 DEGRINGOLADE, (Frenc...
degringolades 24 21 DEGRINGOLADE, (Frenc...
degringolered 24 21 DEGRINGOLER, to desc...
dehumidifiers 29 24 DEHUMIDIFIER, an app...
dehumidifying 36 29 DEHUMIDIFY, to remov...
dehydrogenase 29 22 an enzyme that accel...
dehydrogenate 29 22 to remove the hydrog...
dehydrogenise 30 22 to remove hydrogen f...
dehydrogenize 33 31 to remove the hydrog...
dehypnotising 33 25 DEHYPNOTISE, to free...
dehypnotizing 36 34 DEHYPNOTIZE, to free...
deindexations 26 24 DEINDEXATION, the st...
deinonychuses 32 24 DEINONYCHUS, any of...
deinotheriums 25 21 DEINOTHERIUM, an ext...
deionisations 20 16 DEIONISATION, the pr...
deionizations 23 25 DEIONIZATION, the pr...
deipnosophist 28 23 a person skilled in...
delaminations 22 20 DELAMINATION, separa...
delectability 36 24 the state of being d...
delegitimised 26 21 DELEGITIMISE, to dep...
delegitimises 26 20 DELEGITIMISE, to dep...
delegitimized 29 30 DELEGITIMIZE, to dep...
delegitimizes 29 29 DELEGITIMIZE, to dep...
deleteriously 30 19 DELETERIOUS, harmful...
deliberations 24 19 DELIBERATION, the ac...
delicatessens 25 19 DELICATESSEN, ready...
deliciousness 26 20 the state of being d...
delightedness 26 21 DELIGHTED [n]
delimitations 24 19 DELIMITATION, the ac...
delinquencies 33 30 DELINQUENCY, a delin...
deliquescence 36 32 the state of being d...
delirifacient 28 22 a substance producin...
deliriousness 23 17 DELIRIOUS, mentally...
delitescences 28 22 DELITESCENCE, latenc...
deltiologists 26 18 DELTIOLOGIST, a coll...
demagnetisers 23 20 DEMAGNETISER, a devi...
demagnetising 24 23 DEMAGNETISE, to remo...
demagnetizers 26 29 DEMAGNETIZER, a devi...
demagnetizing 27 32 DEMAGNETIZE, to depr...
demagogically 36 28 DEMAGOGICAL, of or l...
demagogueries 24 22 DEMAGOGUERY, the act...
demandingness 22 23 DEMANDING [n]
dematerialise 23 18 to become, or cause...
dematerialize 26 27 to cause to become o...
demeritorious 23 18 not meritorious [adj...
demigoddesses 24 21 DEMIGODDESS, a half-...
demilitarised 25 19 DEMILITARISE, to dep...
demilitarises 25 18 DEMILITARISE, to dep...
demilitarized 28 28 DEMILITARIZE, to dep...
demilitarizes 28 27 DEMILITARIZE, to dep...
demimondaines 22 23 DEMIMONDAINE, (Frenc...
demineralised 23 20 DEMINERALISE, to rem...
demineraliser 23 19 something that demin...
demineralises 23 19 DEMINERALISE, to rem...
demineralized 26 29 DEMINERALIZE, to rem...
demineralizer 26 28 an agent that remove...
demineralizes 26 28 DEMINERALIZE, to rem...
demiurgically 37 27 DEMIURGICAL, relatin...
democratisers 26 20 DEMOCRATISER, one wh...
democratising 27 23 DEMOCRATISE, to make...
democratizers 29 29 DEMOCRATIZER, one wh...
democratizing 30 32 DEMOCRATIZE, to make...
demodulations 23 21 DEMODULATION, the ac...
demographical 32 28 relating to demograp...
demographists 29 24 DEMOGRAPHIST, a demo...
demolishments 27 24 DEMOLISHMENT, the ac...
demolitionist 24 19 one engaged in the b...
demonetarised 21 19 DEMONETARISE, to aba...
demonetarises 21 18 DEMONETARISE, to aba...
demonetarized 24 28 DEMONETARIZE, to aba...
demonetarizes 24 27 DEMONETARIZE, to aba...
demonisations 21 19 DEMONISATION, the ac...
demonizations 24 28 DEMONIZATION, the ac...
demonocracies 27 24 DEMONOCRACY, governm...
demonolatries 22 19 DEMONOLATRY, the wor...
demonological 27 25 relating to demonolo...
demonologists 24 21 DEMONOLOGIST, a stud...
demonstrating 23 21 DEMONSTRATE, to show...
demonstration 21 19 the act of demonstra...
demonstrative 24 22 serving to demonstra...
demonstrators 22 18 DEMONSTRATOR, one th...
demonstratory 28 20 serving to demonstra...
demotivations 24 22 DEMOTIVATION, the ac...
demultiplexer 34 30 an electronic device...
demutualising 26 23 DEMUTUALISE, of a mu...
demutualizing 29 32 DEMUTUALIZE, of a co...
demyelinating 30 24 DEMYELINATE, to dest...
demyelination 28 22 the act of destroyin...
demythologise 33 24 to remove mythology...
demythologize 36 33 to divest of mytholo...
denationalise 20 17 to deprive of nation...
denationalize 23 26 to divest of nationa...
denaturalised 22 18 DENATURALISE, to mak...
denaturalises 22 17 DENATURALISE, to mak...
denaturalized 25 27 DENATURALIZE, to mak...
denaturalizes 25 26 DENATURALIZE, to mak...
denaturations 20 17 DENATURATION, the ac...
dendritically 34 23 DENDRITICAL, of or l...
dendrolatries 22 17 DENDROLATRY, worship...
dendrological 27 23 relating to dendrolo...
dendrologists 24 19 DENDROLOGIST, a stud...
deniabilities 25 19 DENIABILITY, the abi...
denominations 20 20 DENOMINATION, an act...
denominatives 23 23 DENOMINATIVE, a word...
denouncements 23 24 DENOUNCEMENT, the ac...
densification 26 22 the act of densifyin...
densitometers 22 18 DENSITOMETER, an ins...
densitometric 26 21 relating to densitom...
denticulately 33 23 DENTICULATE, finely...
denticulation 25 21 the state of being d...
dentilinguals 25 21 DENTILINGUAL, a dent...
denuclearised 25 21 DENUCLEARISE, to mak...
denuclearises 25 20 DENUCLEARISE, to mak...
denuclearized 28 30 DENUCLEARIZE, to mak...
denuclearizes 28 29 DENUCLEARIZE, to mak...
denunciations 23 21 DENUNCIATION, an act...
deodorisation 20 16 the act of deodorisi...
deodorization 23 25 the act of deodorizi...
deontological 26 22 relating to deontolo...
deontologists 23 18 DEONTOLOGIST, a stud...
deoppilations 26 22 DEOPPILATION, the ac...
deoppilatives 29 25 DEOPPILATIVE, any dr...
deoxidisation 27 23 the process of deoxi...
deoxidization 30 32 the process of deoxi...
deoxycortones 35 27 DEOXYCORTONE, a cort...
deoxygenating 34 29 DEOXYGENATE, to remo...
deoxygenation 32 27 the act of deoxygena...
deoxygenising 35 29 DEOXYGENISE, to remo...
deoxygenizing 38 38 DEOXYGENIZE, to remo...
depauperating 26 24 DEPAUPERATE, to impo...
depauperising 27 24 DEPAUPERISE, to free...
depauperizing 30 33 DEPAUPERIZE, to free...
dependability 33 25 the state of being d...
depersonalise 23 19 to take away the cha...
depersonalize 26 28 to deprive of the se...
dephlegmating 30 28 DEPHLEGMATE, to dist...
dephlegmation 28 26 the process of dephl...
dephlegmators 29 25 DEPHLEGMATOR, an age...
deplorability 35 24 the quality of being...
depoliticised 29 22 DEPOLITICISE, to rem...
depoliticises 29 21 DEPOLITICISE, to rem...
depoliticized 32 31 DEPOLITICIZE, to rem...
depoliticizes 32 30 DEPOLITICIZE, to rem...
depolymerised 32 24 DEPOLYMERISE, to bre...
depolymerises 32 23 DEPOLYMERISE, to bre...
depolymerized 35 33 DEPOLYMERIZE, to bre...
depolymerizes 35 32 DEPOLYMERIZE, to bre...
depopulations 26 23 DEPOPULATION, the ac...
depositations 23 18 DEPOSITATION, in Sco...
deprecatingly 35 26 DEPRECATING [adv]
deprecatively 36 27 DEPRECATIVE, serving...
deprecatorily 34 23 DEPRECATORY, serving...
depreciations 26 21 DEPRECIATION, tha ac...
depressomotor 24 20 a drug with the effe...
depressurised 25 19 DEPRESSURISE, to red...
depressurises 25 18 DEPRESSURISE, to red...
depressurized 28 28 DEPRESSURIZE, to red...
depressurizes 28 27 DEPRESSURIZE, to red...
deprogrammers 27 25 DEPROGRAMMER, one wh...
deprogramming 28 28 DEPROGRAM, to prevai...
deputisations 24 19 DEPUTISATION, the ac...
deputizations 27 28 DEPUTIZATION, the ac...
deracialising 27 21 DERACIALISE, to dive...
deracializing 30 30 DERACIALIZE, to dive...
deracinations 23 19 DERACINATION, the ac...
derealisation 21 16 a feeling of altered...
derealization 24 25 a feeling of altered...
derecognising 26 23 DERECOGNISE, to with...
derecognition 24 21 the withdrawal of re...
derecognizing 29 32 DERECOGNIZE, to with...
deregistering 24 19 DEREGISTER, to remov...
deregulations 23 19 DEREGULATION, the ac...
dereligionise 23 18 to remove the relgio...
dereligionize 26 27 to remove the religi...
derepressions 23 18 DEREPRESSION, the ac...
derequisition 30 25 to return (something...
derestricting 27 20 DERESTRICT, to remov...
derestriction 25 18 the act of derestric...
derivationist 24 19 one who derives math...
dermabrasions 24 21 DERMABRASION, surgic...
dermaplanings 26 25 DERMAPLANING, a cosm...
dermatography 34 26 anatomical descripti...
dermatologies 24 20 DERMATOLOGY, the stu...
dermatologist 25 20 one who studies derm...
dermatophytes 33 24 DERMATOPHYTE, a fung...
dermatophytic 37 27 of or like a dermato...
dermatoplasty 32 23 a plastic operation...
dermographies 28 24 DERMOGRAPHY, anatomi...
desacralising 27 21 DESACRALISE, to depr...
desacralizing 30 30 DESACRALIZE, to dive...
desalinations 21 17 DESALINATION, the ac...
desaturations 21 16 DESATURATION, the in...
descriptively 38 27 DESCRIPTIVE, serving...
descriptivism 33 27 a theory of ethics b...
descriptivist 32 24 relating to descript...
desegregating 24 21 DESEGREGATE, to elim...
desegregation 22 19 the action or an ins...
desensitisers 22 15 DESENSITISER, an age...
desensitising 23 18 DESENSITISE, to make...
desensitizers 25 24 DESENSITIZER, an age...
desensitizing 26 27 DESENSITIZE, to make...
desertisation 21 15 the process of makin...
desertization 24 24 the process of makin...
deservingness 24 22 DESERVING, worthy [n...
desexualising 30 26 DESEXUALISE, to depr...
desexualizing 33 35 DESEXUALIZE, to depr...
desiderations 21 16 DESIDERATION, the ac...
desideratives 24 19 DESIDERATIVE, someth...
desilverising 27 22 DESILVERISE, to remo...
desilverizing 30 31 DESILVERIZE, to remo...
desirableness 24 19 the state of being d...
desobligeante 24 21 a carriage for one p...
desoxyriboses 36 26 DESOXYRIBOSE, a pent...
desperateness 22 18 the state of being d...
despicability 38 26 the quality of being...
despoliations 24 19 DESPOLIATION, the ac...
despondencies 25 23 DESPONDENCY, the sta...
desquamations 30 28 DESQUAMATION, having...
dessertspoons 23 18 DESSERTSPOON, a spoo...
destabilisers 26 18 DESTABILISER, someth...
destabilising 27 21 DESTABILISE, to make...
destabilizers 29 27 DESTABILIZER, someth...
destabilizing 30 30 DESTABILIZE, to make...
destituteness 22 16 the state of being d...
destructional 26 20 relating to destruct...
destructively 36 25 DESTRUCTIVE, causing...
destructivism 31 25 the theory that a pa...
destructivist 30 22 a representative of...
destructivity 36 24 capacity for destruc...
desulfurating 27 23 DESULFURATE, to remo...
desulfuration 25 21 the act of removing...
desulfurisers 27 20 DESULFURISER, a devi...
desulfurising 28 23 DESULFURISE, to remo...
desulfurizers 30 29 DESULFURIZER, someth...
desulfurizing 31 32 DESULFURIZE, to remo...
desulphurated 28 23 DESULPHURATE, to rem...
desulphurates 28 22 DESULPHURATE, to rem...
desulphurised 29 23 DESULPHURISE, to rem...
desulphuriser 29 22 an agent for desulph...
desulphurises 29 22 DESULPHURISE, to rem...
desulphurized 32 32 DESULPHURIZE, to rem...
desulphurizer 32 31 an agent for desulph...
desulphurizes 32 31 DESULPHURIZE, to rem...
desultoriness 23 17 the state of being d...
detachability 37 25 the state of being d...
detectability 35 23 the state of being d...
detectivelike 29 26 like a detective [ad...
detectophones 27 23 DETECTOPHONE, a secr...
deteriorating 22 17 DETERIORATE, to make...
deterioration 20 15 the act of deteriora...
deteriorative 23 18 tending to deteriora...
deteriorities 22 14 DETERIORITY, (obsole...
determinacies 25 21 DETERMINACY, the sta...
determinantal 22 20 relating to determin...
determinately 29 21 DETERMINATE, of defi...
determinating 23 21 DETERMINATE, (Shakes...
determination 21 19 the act, process, or...
determinative 24 22 having power or tend...
determinators 22 18 DETERMINATOR, someth...
deterministic 27 21 relating to determin...
deterrability 32 20 the state of being d...
detestability 32 20 the quality of being...
dethronements 23 21 DETHRONEMENT, the ac...
detoxications 30 25 DETOXICATION, the ac...
detractresses 25 17 DETRACTRESS, a femal...
detribalising 27 21 DETRIBALISE, to caus...
detribalizing 30 30 DETRIBALIZE, to caus...
detrimentally 31 22 DETRIMENTAL, harmful...
detruncations 24 20 DETRUNCATION, the ac...
detumescences 28 25 DETUMESCENCE, diminu...
deuteragonist 22 18 the actor taking the...
deuteranomaly 28 22 the state of being d...
deuteranopias 22 19 DEUTERANOPIA, red-gr...
deuterogamies 23 20 DEUTEROGAMY, a secon...
deuterogamist 24 20 someone who remarrie...
deuteroplasms 26 22 DEUTEROPLASM, the fo...
deuteroscopic 30 24 relating to deuteros...
deuterostomes 22 18 DEUTEROSTOME, any of...
deuterotokies 22 19 DEUTEROTOKY, parthen...
devastatingly 32 24 DEVASTATING, overpow...
developmental 27 27 relating to developm...
deviationisms 25 22 DEVIATIONISM, the de...
deviationists 24 19 DEVIATIONIST, one wh...
deviousnesses 23 20 DEVIOUSNESS, the sta...
devolutionary 30 23 relating to devoluti...
devolutionist 25 21 a believer in a poli...
devotednesses 22 20 DEVOTEDNESS, the sta...
devotionalist 24 20 one who practises de...
devotionality 30 22 the state of being d...
dexamethasone 28 27 a synthetic glucocor...
dexterousness 27 23 the state of being d...
dextrocardiac 34 28 a person who has dex...
dextrocardias 31 25 DEXTROCARDIA, a cond...
dextroglucose 33 28 a white soluble swee...
diabetologist 26 20 a doctor specializin...
diabolologies 26 21 DIABOLOLOGY, the stu...
diacatholicon 30 24 (obsolete) a purgati...
diachronistic 31 23 relating to diachron...
diacritically 38 24 DIACRITICAL, distinc...
diageotropism 26 22 the tendency of root...
diagnostician 25 21 one who specialises...
diagonalising 24 21 DIAGONALISE, to put...
diagonalizing 27 30 DIAGONALIZE, to put...
dialectically 38 25 DIALECTICAL, relatin...
dialecticians 29 22 DIALECTICIAN, one wh...
dialecticisms 32 24 DIALECTICISM, the st...
dialogistical 29 21 relating to dialog,...
dialypetalous 32 22 having the petals se...
dialysability 40 23 the quality of being...
dialyzability 43 32 the quality of being...
diamagnetisms 25 23 DIAMAGNETISM, the fo...
diametrically 35 24 DIAMETRICAL, pertain...
diaphaneities 25 20 DIAPHANEITY, the qua...
diaphanometer 25 23 an instrument for me...
diaphototropy 34 24 the state of being d...
diaphragmatic 32 27 relating to the diap...
diaphragmitis 30 24 inflammation of the...
diastereomers 22 17 DIASTEREOMER, a ster...
diastrophisms 29 22 DIASTROPHISM, the pr...
diathermacies 28 22 DIATHERMACY, permeab...
diathermanous 24 21 permeable by or able...
diatomicities 27 20 DIATOMICITY, the sta...
diazomethanes 26 29 DIAZOMETHANE, a yell...
diazotisation 24 24 the process of diazo...
diazotization 27 33 the process of diazo...
dibenzofurans 28 32 DIBENZOFURAN, a high...
dibranchiates 29 23 DIBRANCHIATE, any of...
dichlamydeous 36 27 having both a calyx...
dichloracetic 35 26 as in dichloracetic...
dichotomising 30 25 DICHOTOMISE, to rend...
dichotomizing 33 34 DICHOTOMIZE, to rend...
dichotomously 36 26 DICHOTOMOUS, forking...
dichroiscopes 33 25 DICHROISCOPE, an ins...
dichroiscopic 37 28 relating to a dichro...
dichromatisms 31 25 DICHROMATISM, partia...
dichrooscopes 32 25 DICHROOSCOPE, an ins...
dichrooscopic 36 28 relating to a dichro...
dictatorially 34 21 DICTATORIAL, befitti...
dictatorships 31 22 DICTATORSHIP, the of...
dictyopterans 33 23 DICTYOPTERAN, any in...
dieffenbachia 32 29 any plant of the tro...
diencephalons 28 25 DIENCEPHALON, the ba...
dieselisation 22 16 the process of diese...
dieselization 25 25 the process of diese...
diethylamides 33 23 DIETHYLAMIDE, as in...
diethylamines 32 23 DIETHYLAMINE, a liqu...
diffarreation 25 21 (historical) a Roman...
differencying 36 29 DIFFERENCY, to make...
differentials 27 22 DIFFERENTIAL, in mat...
differentiate 25 21 to obtain the mathem...
differentness 25 22 DIFFERENT, separate,...
diffractively 40 30 DIFFRACTIVE, causing...
diffusenesses 26 22 DIFFUSENESS, the sta...
diffusibility 39 27 the state of being d...
diffusionisms 29 25 DIFFUSIONISM, the th...
diffusionists 28 22 DIFFUSIONIST, an ant...
diffusiveness 29 26 the state of being d...
diffusivities 31 25 DIFFUSIVITY, the sta...
difunctionals 28 24 DIFUNCTIONAL, a comp...
digestibility 35 22 the fitness of somet...
digitisations 24 17 DIGITISATION, the pr...
digitizations 27 26 DIGITIZATION, the pr...
digitoxigenin 30 27 a steroid lactone ob...
digladiations 24 19 DIGLADIATION, a figh...
dignification 28 24 the act of dignifyin...
dignifiedness 25 22 DIGNIFIED [n]
digraphically 40 28 DIGRAPHIC, of or per...
digressionary 29 19 relating to digressi...
dijudications 28 29 DIJUDICATION, a judg...
dilacerations 25 19 DILACERATION, a rend...
dilapidations 25 20 DILAPIDATION, the st...
dilatableness 25 20 DILATABLE, capable o...
dilatometries 24 18 DILATOMETRY, meaurem...
dilettanteish 25 18 somewhat like a dile...
dilettanteism 24 19 the state of being a...
dilettantisms 25 19 DILETTANTISM, the st...
dillydallying 41 26 DILLYDALLY, to loite...
dilucidations 27 21 DILUCIDATION, the ac...
dimensionally 30 23 DIMENSIONAL, concern...
dimensionless 23 20 without dimensions [...
dimerisations 23 18 DIMERISATION, the cr...
dimerizations 26 27 DIMERIZATION, the cr...
dimethylamine 33 26 a gas derived from a...
diminishingly 35 26 DIMINISHING, lesseni...
diminishments 27 24 DIMINISHMENT, the ac...
dingleberries 26 21 DINGLEBERRY, a piece...
dinitrophenol 26 22 any of six isomeric...
dinoturbation 23 20 the effects of dinos...
dinucleotides 26 21 DINUCLEOTIDE, a nucl...
dioeciousness 24 19 DIOECIOUS, having ma...
dioptometries 25 20 DIOPTOMETRY, the mea...
dioristically 35 21 DIORISTICAL, serving...
diotheletical 29 21 relating to dithelet...
diphenylamine 33 27 a crystalline compou...
diphthongally 38 28 DIPHTHONGAL, of or l...
diphthongised 30 25 DIPHTHONGISE, to mak...
diphthongises 30 24 DIPHTHONGISE, to mak...
diphthongized 33 34 DIPHTHONGIZE, to mak...
diphthongizes 33 33 DIPHTHONGIZE, to mak...
dipleidoscope 30 25 an instrument for as...
diplomatising 28 24 DIPLOMATISE, to prac...
diplomatizing 31 33 DIPLOMATIZE, to prac...
diplomatology 34 26 the study of diploma...
dipropellants 28 23 DIPROPELLANT, a rock...
diprotodontid 24 20 an animal of the Dip...
dipsomaniacal 28 25 relating to dipsoman...
directionless 26 19 DIRECTION [n]
directivities 29 21 DIRECTIVITY, the pro...
directorially 34 21 DIRECTORIAL, serving...
directorships 31 22 DIRECTORSHIP, the of...
direfulnesses 25 20 DIREFULNESS, the sta...
disaccharides 31 23 DISACCHARIDE, any su...
disaccredited 29 22 DISACCREDIT, to remo...
disaccustomed 30 25 DISACCUSTOM, to free...
disadvantaged 24 23 DISADVANTAGE, to pla...
disadvantages 24 22 DISADVANTAGE, to pla...
disadventures 24 21 DISADVENTURE, (Spens...
disaffectedly 37 27 DISAFFECTED [adv]
disaffections 29 24 DISAFFECTION, the st...
disaffiliated 28 22 DISAFFILIATE, to end...
disaffiliates 28 21 DISAFFILIATE, to end...
disaffirmance 30 27 the act of disaffirm...
disafforested 26 21 DISAFFOREST, to clea...
disaggregated 25 21 DISAGGREGATE, to sep...
disaggregates 25 20 DISAGGREGATE, to sep...
disagreeables 25 20 DISAGREEABLE, someth...
disagreements 23 20 DISAGREEMENT, the ac...
disallowances 29 23 DISALLOWANCE, the ac...
disambiguated 27 24 DISAMBIGUATE, to est...
disambiguates 27 23 DISAMBIGUATE, to est...
disannullings 25 22 DISANNULLING, the ac...
disannulments 23 22 DISANNULMENT, the ac...
disapparelled 28 23 DISAPPAREL, to disro...
disappearance 27 24 the act of disappear...
disappointing 27 24 DISAPPOINT, to fail...
disarticulate 27 19 to separate at a joi...
disassemblers 27 21 DISASSEMBLER, a prog...
disassemblies 27 21 DISASSEMBLY, the act...
disassembling 28 24 DISASSEMBLE, to take...
disassimilate 25 18 to subject to catabo...
disassociated 25 18 DISASSOCIATE, to sep...
disassociates 25 17 DISASSOCIATE, to sep...
disauthorised 25 18 DISAUTHORISE, to dep...
disauthorises 25 17 DISAUTHORISE, to dep...
disauthorized 28 27 DISAUTHORIZE, to dep...
disauthorizes 28 26 DISAUTHORIZE, to dep...
disburdenment 25 24 the act of disburden...
disbursements 26 22 DISBURSEMENT, the ac...
disburthening 28 24 DISBURTHEN, to get r...
discanderings 26 22 DISCANDERING, (Shake...
discapacitate 30 23 to incapacitate [v D...
disceptations 27 21 DISCEPTATION, (archa...
disceptatious 28 21 (obsolete) relating...
dischargeable 31 25 capable of being dis...
discipleships 35 26 DISCIPLESHIP, the of...
disciplinable 32 26 docile, teachable [a...
disciplinants 29 23 DISCIPLINANT, a pers...
disclamations 27 22 DISCLAMATION, the ac...
discographers 31 24 DISCOGRAPHER, a pers...
discographies 31 24 DISCOGRAPHY, phonogr...
discoloration 25 19 the act of discolori...
discolorments 27 22 DISCOLORMENT, the ac...
discolourment 27 23 the act of discolour...
discomedusans 26 23 DISCOMEDUSAN, a memb...
discomfitures 30 24 DISCOMFITURE, the ac...
discomforting 30 26 DISCOMFORT, to make...
discommending 28 28 DISCOMMEND, to menti...
discommission 28 24 (Milton) to deprive...
discommodious 28 25 inconvenient [adj DI...
discomposedly 36 27 DISCOMPOSED [adv]
discomposures 29 24 DISCOMPOSURE, lackof...
discomycetous 36 26 of or like a discomy...
disconcerting 29 24 DISCONCERT, to throw...
disconcertion 27 22 confusion [n -S]
disconfirming 30 27 DISCONFIRM, to deny...
disconformity 35 26 an unconformity in w...
disconnecters 27 22 DISCONNECTER, one wh...
disconnecting 28 25 DISCONNECT, to sever...
disconnection 26 23 the act of disconnec...
disconnective 29 26 DISCONNECT, to sever...
disconnexions 29 27 DISCONNEXION, the ac...
disconsenting 25 22 DISCONSENT, (obsolet...
discontentful 28 24 full of discontent [...
discontenting 25 22 DISCONTENT, to make...
discontiguity 34 23 lack of contiguity [...
discontiguous 27 22 not contiguous [adj]
discontinuers 25 20 DISCONTINUER, one wh...
discontinuing 26 23 DISCONTINUE, to brea...
discontinuity 32 22 lack of continuity o...
discontinuous 25 21 not continuous [adj...
discordancies 28 22 DISCORDANCY, the sta...
discorporated 27 21 DISCORPORATE, to dep...
discorporates 27 20 DISCORPORATE, to dep...
discounselled 27 22 DISCOUNSEL, (Spenser...
discourtesies 26 18 DISCOURTESY, lack of...
discovertures 28 22 DISCOVERTURE, the st...
discreditable 29 22 injurious to reputat...
discreditably 36 24 DISCREDITABLE, injur...
discrepancies 30 24 DISCREPANCY, the sta...
discretionary 31 20 at discretion [adj D...
discriminable 30 25 capable of being dis...
discriminably 37 27 DISCRIMINABLE, capab...
discriminants 27 22 DISCRIMINANT, a math...
discriminated 27 22 DISCRIMINATE, to mar...
discriminates 27 21 DISCRIMINATE, to mar...
discriminator 27 21 one that discriminat...
disembarkment 27 28 the act of disembark...
disembittered 26 21 DISEMBITTER, to free...
disembodiment 26 25 the state of being d...
disembosoming 27 26 DISEMBOSOM, to separ...
disemboweling 30 27 DISEMBOWEL, to take...
disembowelled 30 26 DISEMBOWEL, to take...
disembrangled 27 25 DISEMBRANGLE, (obsol...
disembrangles 27 24 DISEMBRANGLE, (obsol...
disembroiling 28 24 DISEMBROIL, to disen...
disemburdened 25 24 DISEMBURDEN, to disb...
disemployment 33 27 the act of disemploy...
disempowering 29 26 DISEMPOWER, to depri...
disemvowelled 30 27 DISEMVOWEL, to remov...
disenablement 24 23 the act of disenabli...
disenchaining 27 24 DISENCHAIN, to free...
disenchanters 26 21 DISENCHANTER, one wh...
disenchanting 27 24 DISENCHANT, to free...
disencumbered 28 26 DISENCUMBER, to free...
disendowments 25 23 DISENDOWMENT, the ac...
disengagement 23 23 the state of being d...
disenrollings 25 20 DISENROLLING, the ac...
disenshrouded 24 20 DISENSHROUD, to dive...
disentailment 23 20 the act of disentail...
disentangling 24 22 DISENTANGLE, to free...
disenthralled 26 20 DISENTHRALL, to rele...
disenthroning 24 21 DISENTHRONE, (Milton...
disentrailing 24 19 DISENTRAIL, (Spenser...
disentraining 22 19 DISENTRAIN, to set d...
disentrancing 25 22 DISENTRANCE, to awak...
disentrayling 30 21 DISENTRAYLE, (Spense...
disenveloping 27 26 DISENVELOP, to free...
disenvironing 24 23 DISENVIRON, to depri...
disequilibria 35 28 DISEQUILIBRIUM, loss...
disestimation 23 18 the act of disesteem...
disfellowship 35 27 to exclude from fell...
disfiguration 26 21 the act of disfiguri...
disfigurement 27 24 the state of being d...
disfranchised 30 24 DISFRANCHISE, to dep...
disfranchises 30 23 DISFRANCHISE, to dep...
disfurnishing 29 24 DISFURNISH, to strip...
disgarnishing 27 22 DISGARNISH, to despo...
disgarrisoned 23 18 DISGARRISON, to depr...
disgavellings 29 25 DISGAVELLING, the ac...
disglorifying 35 25 DISGLORIFY, (Milton)...
disgorgements 25 22 DISGORGEMENT, the ac...
disgospelling 29 24 (Milton) withholding...
disgracefully 38 27 DISGRACEFUL, bringin...
disgradations 23 18 DISGRADATION, the ac...
disgregations 24 19 DISGREGATION, separa...
disguisedness 24 19 the state of being d...
disguisements 25 21 DISGUISEMENT, a disg...
disgustedness 24 19 DISGUSTED [n]
dishabilitate 28 20 to disqualify; to at...
disharmonious 25 21 lacking in harmony [...
disharmonised 25 21 DISHARMONISE, to put...
disharmonises 25 20 DISHARMONISE, to put...
disharmonized 28 30 DISHARMONIZE, to put...
disharmonizes 28 29 DISHARMONIZE, to put...
disheartening 24 20 DISHEARTEN, to cause...
dishevelments 28 25 DISHEVELMENT, the st...
dishonourable 26 22 not honourable, also...
dishonourably 33 24 DISHONOURABLE, not h...
disilluminate 26 21 to destroy the light...
disillusioned 25 19 DISILLUSION, to free...
disimprisoned 26 22 DISIMPRISON, to free...
disincentives 27 23 DISINCENTIVE, a dete...
disinfectants 27 22 DISINFECTANT, an age...
disinfections 27 22 DISINFECTION, the ac...
disinfestants 24 19 DISINFESTANT, an age...
disinflations 25 20 DISINFLATION, a reve...
disinherisons 24 18 DISINHERISON, the ac...
disinheriting 26 20 DISINHERIT, to depri...
disinhibiting 29 23 DISINHIBIT, to remov...
disinhibition 27 21 the removal of inhib...
disinhibitory 34 22 serving to disinhibi...
disintegrable 26 21 capable of being dis...
disintegrated 23 18 DISINTEGRATE, to bre...
disintegrates 23 17 DISINTEGRATE, to bre...
disintegrator 23 17 something that cause...
disinterested 22 16 having no personal s...
disinterments 23 19 DISINTERMENT, the ac...
disinthralled 27 20 DISINTHRAL, to relea...
disintoxicate 31 25 to detoxify [v DISIN...
disintricated 26 19 DISINTRICATE, to fre...
disintricates 26 18 DISINTRICATE, to fre...
disinvestment 25 23 consumption of capit...
disinvigorate 25 21 to weaken [v DISINVI...
disjunctively 38 35 DISJUNCTIVE, separat...
dislikenesses 24 20 DISLIKENESS, (obsole...
dislodgements 25 22 DISLODGEMENT, the ac...
dismantlement 24 23 the act of dismantli...
dismemberment 27 27 the act of dismember...
disnaturalise 23 17 to make alien or unn...
disnaturalize 26 26 to make alien or unn...
disobediences 26 22 DISOBEDIENCE, refusa...
disobediently 31 22 DISOBEDIENT, refusin...
disobligation 26 21 the act of disobligi...
disobligatory 33 22 releasing from disob...
disobligement 27 24 the act of disobligi...
disobligingly 36 26 DISOBLIGING, uncoope...
disoperations 23 18 DISOPERATION, a mutu...
disordinately 29 19 DISORDINATE, not in...
disorganisers 23 17 DISORGANISER, one wh...
disorganising 24 20 DISORGANISE, to remo...
disorganizers 26 26 DISORGANIZER, one wh...
disorganizing 27 29 DISORGANIZE, to remo...
disorientated 21 16 DISORIENTATE, to cau...
disorientates 21 15 DISORIENTATE, to cau...
disparagement 25 23 the act of disparagi...
disparagingly 34 25 DISPARAGING [adv]
disparateness 23 18 DISPARATE, unequal,...
dispassionate 23 18 not influenced by st...
dispauperised 27 22 DISPAUPERISE, to fre...
dispauperises 27 21 DISPAUPERISE, to fre...
dispauperized 30 31 DISPAUPERIZE, to fre...
dispauperizes 30 30 DISPAUPERIZE, to fre...
dispensations 23 19 DISPENSATION, a gene...
dispersedness 24 19 DISPERSED [n]
dispiritingly 35 23 DISPIRITING [adv]
dispiritments 27 21 DISPIRITMENT, a stat...
displacements 29 25 DISPLACEMENT, the ac...
displantation 24 20 the act of displanti...
displeasances 27 22 DISPLEASANCE, (Spens...
displeasanted 24 20 DISPLEASANT, to rend...
displeasingly 34 24 DISPLEASING, causing...
displeasuring 27 22 DISPLEASURE, (archai...
displenishing 29 24 DISPLENISH, to depri...
disposability 35 23 the state of being d...
dispositional 25 19 relating to disposit...
dispositioned 24 19 having a certain dis...
dispositively 35 24 DISPOSITIVE, relatin...
dispossessing 26 20 DISPOSSESS, to put o...
dispossession 24 18 the act of disposses...
dispossessors 25 17 DISPOSSESSOR, one wh...
dispossessory 31 19 serving to disposses...
dispraisingly 34 23 DISPRAISING [adv]
disprivileged 30 25 DISPRIVILEGE, to dep...
disprivileges 30 24 DISPRIVILEGE, to dep...
disprofessing 28 23 DISPROFESS, to renou...
dispropertied 27 21 DISPROPERTY, (Shakes...
disproperties 27 20 DISPROPERTY, (Shakes...
disproportion 26 21 to make out of propo...
dispropriated 27 21 DISPROPRIATE, (obsol...
dispropriates 27 20 DISPROPRIATE, (obsol...
dispurveyance 35 28 (Spenser) depriving...
disputability 36 24 the quality of being...
disputatively 35 25 DISPUTATIVE, incline...
disqualifiers 35 28 DISQUALIFIER, one wh...
disqualifying 42 33 DISQUALIFY, to debar...
disquantitied 31 26 DISQUANTITY, (Shakes...
disquantities 31 25 DISQUANTITY, (Shakes...
disquietening 31 28 DISQUIETEN, to make...
disquietingly 40 30 DISQUIETING [adv]
disquisitions 32 25 DISQUISITION, a care...
disremembered 26 24 DISREMEMBER, to forg...
disreputation 24 19 bad repute [n -S]
disrespectful 32 25 showing a lack of re...
disrespecting 29 23 DISRESPECT, to have...
dissatisfying 33 22 DISSATISFY, to fail...
dissemblances 29 25 DISSEMBLANCE, the ac...
dissemblingly 36 27 DISSEMBLING [adv]
disseminating 24 21 DISSEMINATE, to spre...
dissemination 22 19 the act of dissemina...
disseminative 25 22 serving to dissemina...
disseminators 23 18 DISSEMINATOR, one wh...
dissenterisms 24 18 DISSENTERISM, the be...
dissentiences 24 19 DISSENTIENCE, the st...
dissentiently 29 19 DISSENTIENT, dissent...
dissepimental 26 22 relating to a dissep...
dissertations 22 15 DISSERTATION, an ext...
disseverances 26 22 DISSEVERANCE, the ac...
disseveration 23 19 the act of disseveri...
disseverments 25 22 DISSEVERMENT, the ac...
dissimilarity 33 20 the state of being d...
dissimilating 27 21 DISSIMILATE, to unde...
dissimilation 25 19 the change or omissi...
dissimilative 28 22 serving to dissimila...
dissimilatory 32 20 serving to dissimila...
dissimilitude 27 20 lack of resemblance...
dissimulating 27 22 DISSIMULATE, to pret...
dissimulation 25 20 the act of dissimula...
dissimulative 28 23 related to dissimula...
dissimulators 26 19 DISSIMULATOR, one wh...
dissocialised 27 19 DISSOCIALISE, to mak...
dissocialises 27 18 DISSOCIALISE, to mak...
dissocialized 30 28 DISSOCIALIZE, to mak...
dissocializes 30 27 DISSOCIALIZE, to mak...
dissociations 25 18 DISSOCIATION, the ac...
dissolubility 35 22 the state of being d...
dissoluteness 23 17 the state of being d...
dissyllabisms 36 24 DISSYLLABISM, the fa...
dissymmetries 32 22 DISSYMMETRY, the abs...
distantnesses 21 16 DISTANTNESS, the sta...
distastefully 34 22 DISTASTEFUL, objecti...
disthronising 26 20 DISTHRONISE, (Spense...
disthronizing 29 29 DISTHRONIZE, (Spense...
distillations 25 17 DISTILLATION, the pr...
distinctively 36 25 DISTINCTIVE, serving...
distinguished 27 21 DISTINGUISH, to perc...
distinguisher 27 20 one who distinguishe...
distinguishes 27 20 DISTINGUISH, to perc...
distortedness 22 16 DISTORTED [n]
distractingly 35 23 DISTRACTING [adv]
distractively 36 24 DISTRACTIVE, serving...
distrainments 23 19 DISTRAINMENT, the ac...
distressfully 35 22 DISTRESSFUL, causing...
distressingly 32 20 DISTRESSING, causing...
distributable 29 22 capable of being dis...
distributions 26 19 DISTRIBUTION, the ac...
distributives 29 22 DISTRIBUTIVE, a dist...
distrustfully 36 23 DISTRUSTFUL, having...
disubstituted 27 20 having two substitue...
disworshiping 32 25 DISWORSHIP, (Milton)...
disworshipped 33 26 DISWORSHIP, (Milton)...
disyllabified 36 25 DISYLLABIFY, to make...
disyllabifies 36 24 DISYLLABIFY, to make...
dithyrambists 36 24 DITHYRAMBIST, one wh...
ditransitives 25 19 DITRANSITIVE, a verb...
dittographies 28 21 DITTOGRAPHY, the uni...
divarications 27 22 DIVARICATION, the ac...
divellicating 31 26 DIVELLICATE, to pull...
diversenesses 23 19 DIVERSENESS, the sta...
diversifiable 30 25 capable of being div...
diversionists 25 19 DIVERSIONIST, one en...
divertibility 36 24 the state of being d...
diverticulate 29 23 having diverticula,...
divertimentos 25 22 DIVERTIMENTO, (Itali...
divertisement 25 22 a diversion; a diver...
dividednesses 24 21 DIVIDEDNESS, the sta...
divinisations 24 20 DIVINISATION, the pr...
divinizations 27 29 DIVINIZATION, the pr...
divisibleness 28 23 DIVISIBLE, that can...
dociblenesses 27 22 DOCIBLENESS, docilit...
dockwallopers 33 29 DOCKWALLOPER, an inf...
doctrinairism 27 21 the state of being d...
doctrinarians 24 19 DOCTRINARIAN, a doct...
doctrinarisms 27 21 DOCTRINARISM, being...
documentalist 27 23 a specialist in docu...
documentarian 24 23 one who makes a docu...
documentaries 25 22 DOCUMENTARY, a progr...
documentarily 33 25 DOCUMENTARY, serving...
documentarise 25 22 to make into a docum...
documentarist 26 22 a person who makes d...
documentarize 28 31 to make into a docum...
documentation 24 23 the act or an instan...
dodecahedrons 25 22 DODECAHEDRON, a twel...
dodecaphonies 27 24 DODECAPHONY, twelve-...
dodecaphonism 29 27 twelve-tone music, a...
dodecaphonist 28 24 a composer or admire...
doggishnesses 26 21 DOGGISHNESS, being l...
dogmatisation 23 20 the act of dogmatisi...
dogmatization 26 29 the act of dogmatizi...
dogmatologies 25 22 DOGMATOLOGY, the sci...
dolefulnesses 25 21 DOLEFULNESS, the sta...
dolichocephal 36 29 a person with a long...
dolichosaurus 29 22 any member of the Do...
dollarisation 23 17 the process of dolla...
dollarization 26 26 the process of dolla...
dollishnesses 26 19 DOLLISHNESS, the sta...
dolorimetries 24 18 DOLORIMETRY, the mea...
dolphinariums 29 25 DOLPHINARIUM, a plac...
dolphinfishes 32 26 DOLPHINFISH, a fish...
doltishnesses 25 18 DOLTISHNESS, the sta...
domesticating 27 23 DOMESTICATE, to brin...
domestication 25 21 the act of domestica...
domesticative 28 24 relating to domestic...
domesticators 26 20 DOMESTICATOR, one wh...
domesticising 28 23 DOMESTICISE, to make...
domesticities 27 20 DOMESTICITY, the sta...
domesticizing 31 32 DOMESTICIZE, to make...
domiciliating 29 24 DOMICILIATE, to esta...
domiciliation 27 22 the act of domicilia...
domineeringly 30 24 DOMINEERING [adv]
donnishnesses 22 19 DONNISHNESS, the sta...
doomwatchings 32 28 DOOMWATCHING, the ac...
doorsteppings 27 23 DOORSTEPPING, going...
doppelgangers 28 26 DOPPELGANGER, (Germa...
dorsiflexions 31 26 DORSIFLEXION, a bend...
dosimetrician 26 21 one who uses a dosim...
doubleheaders 26 22 DOUBLEHEADER, two ga...
doublespeaker 27 26 DOUBLESPEAK [v]
doubtlessness 25 20 DOUBTLESS, without d...
doughnuttings 27 24 DOUGHNUTTING, the ac...
doughtinesses 25 20 DOUGHTINESS, the sta...
doveishnesses 25 21 DOVEISHNESS, the sta...
downheartedly 33 24 DOWNHEARTED, downcas...
downrightness 28 23 DOWNRIGHT, plainspok...
downshiftings 31 26 DOWNSHIFTING, the ac...
doxologically 41 31 DOXOLOGICAL, relatin...
draconianisms 25 22 DRACONIANISM, extrem...
dracunculuses 30 25 DRACUNCULUS, the gre...
draftsmanship 30 26 the craft of the dra...
draftspersons 26 21 DRAFTSPERSON, a draf...
draggletailed 26 21 (archaic) (esp. of a...
dramatisation 22 18 the act of dramatisi...
dramatization 25 27 the act of dramatizi...
dramaturgical 29 24 related to dramaturg...
dramaturgists 26 20 DRAMATURGIST, a dram...
drapabilities 28 21 DRAPABILITY, the sta...
draughtboards 28 23 DRAUGHTBOARD, a boar...
draughtproofs 30 25 DRAUGHTPROOF, to mak...
draughtswoman 29 26 a female draughtsman...
draughtswomen 29 26 DRAUGHTSWOMAN, a fem...
dreadlessness 22 17 the state of being d...
dreamlessness 23 19 DREAMLESS, free from...
drinkableness 25 24 the state of being d...
drivabilities 29 22 DRIVABILITY, the abi...
drivethroughs 31 25 DRIVETHROUGH, a shop...
dronishnesses 23 18 DRONISHNESS, the sta...
dronkverdriet 25 24 (South African) depr...
drouthinesses 24 18 DROUTHINESS, the sta...
druckennesses 25 24 DRUCKENNESS, the sta...
drumbledranes 26 24 DRUMBLEDRANE, (diale...
drunkennesses 21 22 DRUNKENNESS, the sta...
dryopithecine 35 25 a gorilla, chimpanze...
dualistically 36 23 DUALISTIC, consistin...
dubiousnesses 24 20 DUBIOUSNESS, the sta...
ductilenesses 26 20 DUCTILENESS, ductili...
dulcification 32 26 the act of dulcifyin...
dumbfoundered 27 28 DUMBFOUNDER, to stri...
dumfoundering 26 27 DUMFOUNDER, to strik...
dumortierites 24 18 DUMORTIERITE, (Frenc...
dumpishnesses 28 24 DUMPISHNESS, the sta...
dunderheadism 25 23 being a dunderhead [...
dunniewassals 25 21 DUNNIEWASSAL, (Gaeli...
duodecillions 27 22 DUODECILLION, ten to...
duplicability 40 28 the quality of being...
duplicitously 38 26 DUPLICITOUS, given t...
durablenesses 24 20 DURABLENESS, the sta...
duraluminiums 27 25 DURALUMINIUM, a stro...
duskishnesses 26 22 DUSKISHNESS, the sta...
duteousnesses 21 17 DUTEOUSNESS, the sta...
dutiabilities 27 19 DUTIABILITY, the sta...
dutifulnesses 26 21 DUTIFULNESS, the sta...
dynamogeneses 27 23 DYNAMOGENESIS, produ...
dynamogenesis 28 23 production of increa...
dynamometries 29 23 DYNAMOMETRY, measure...
dyotheletical 35 23 relating to dyothele...
dyotheletisms 33 22 DYOTHELETISM, the do...
dyothelitical 36 23 relating to dyothele...
dysaesthesias 30 18 DYSAESTHESIA, loss o...
dysfunctional 34 26 relating to dysfunct...
dysmenorrheal 31 23 suffering from dysme...
dysmenorrheas 30 22 DYSMENORRHEA, painfu...
dysmenorrheic 34 25 relating to dysmenor...
dysmenorrhoea 29 22 painful menstruation...
dyspeptically 45 29 DYSPEPTICAL, sufferi...