13 letter words that starts with h

13 letter words that start with H

13 letter H word


Word With Friends


habilitations 27 20 HABILITATION, the ac...
habitableness 28 23 HABITABLE, that can...
hadrosauruses 24 18 HADROSAURUS, a large...
haemangiomata 24 24 HAEMANGIOMA, a usual...
haematoblasts 27 22 HAEMATOBLAST, a bloo...
haematogenous 23 22 relating to haematog...
haematologies 25 21 HAEMATOLOGY, the stu...
haematologist 26 21 a specialist in haem...
haematoxylins 37 29 HAEMATOXYLIN, a dye...
haematoxylons 36 29 HAEMATOXYLON, any th...
haemodialyser 31 22 an artificial kidney...
haemodialyses 31 22 HAEMODIALYSIS, dialy...
haemodialysis 32 22 dialysis of the bloo...
haemodialyzer 34 31 an artificial kidney...
haemodilution 25 22 an increase in the f...
haemodynamics 34 28 a branch of physiolo...
haemophiliacs 33 27 HAEMOPHILIAC, one su...
haemophilioid 30 25 relating to haemophi...
haemoproteins 25 22 HAEMOPROTEIN, a conj...
haemorrhaging 28 25 HAEMORRHAGE, to lose...
haemorrhoidal 27 22 relating to haemorrh...
haemosiderins 24 20 HAEMOSIDERIN, a pigm...
haggardnesses 25 21 HAGGARDNESS, the sta...
haggishnesses 28 22 HAGGISHNESS, the sta...
hagiographers 30 24 HAGIOGRAPHER, a writ...
hagiographies 30 24 HAGIOGRAPHY, a biogr...
hagiographist 31 24 one who writes the l...
hairdressings 26 19 HAIRDRESSING, the ac...
hairsbreadths 29 21 HAIRSBREADTH, the br...
hairsplitters 29 19 HAIRSPLITTER, one th...
hairsplitting 30 22 the making of trifli...
halfheartedly 36 25 HALFHEARTED, lacking...
halfseriously 35 23 in a partially jokin...
haliplanktons 28 26 HALIPLANKTON, plankt...
hallucinating 30 25 HALLUCINATE, to affe...
hallucination 28 23 perception of object...
hallucinative 31 26 tending to produce h...
hallucinators 29 22 HALLUCINATOR, one wh...
hallucinatory 35 24 tending to produce h...
hallucinogens 29 25 HALLUCINOGEN, a subs...
halogenations 23 20 HALOGENATION, the ac...
haltingnesses 25 20 HALTINGNESS, the sta...
handcraftsman 29 27 a person who is skil...
handcraftsmen 29 27 HANDCRAFTSMAN, a per...
handicrafters 29 23 HANDICRAFTER [n]
handkerchiefs 32 29 HANDKERCHIEF, a smal...
handsbreadths 28 23 HANDSBREADTH, the br...
hangabilities 28 22 HANGABILITY, the qua...
haphazardness 30 31 HAPHAZARD, marked by...
haphazardries 31 30 HAPHAZARDRY, the qua...
haplessnesses 26 20 HAPLESSNESS, the sta...
haplographies 32 26 HAPLOGRAPHY, the acc...
happenchances 34 31 HAPPENCHANCE, a circ...
happenstances 29 26 HAPPENSTANCE, a circ...
haptotropisms 30 24 HAPTOTROPISM, curvin...
harbormasters 27 21 HARBORMASTER, one in...
hardheartedly 33 22 HARDHEARTED, lacking...
hardscrabbles 33 26 HARDSCRABBLE, a grea...
hardstandings 25 21 HARDSTANDING [n]
harlequinades 32 28 HARLEQUINADE, (Frenc...
harmfulnesses 28 24 HARMFULNESS, the sta...
harmonichords 30 25 HARMONICHORD, a keyb...
harmoniphones 27 25 HARMONIPHONE, a keyb...
harmonisation 23 20 the act of harmonisi...
harmoniumists 27 23 HARMONIUMIST, one wh...
harmonization 26 29 the act of harmonisi...
harmonographs 29 26 HARMONOGRAPH, an ins...
harmonometers 24 22 HARMONOMETER, an ins...
harquebusiers 35 29 HARQUEBUSIER, a sold...
haruspicating 31 25 HARUSPICATE, to fore...
haruspication 29 23 divination by inspec...
hasenpfeffers 31 28 HASENPFEFFER, (Germa...
hatefulnesses 26 21 HATEFULNESS, the sta...
hatlessnesses 24 17 HATLESSNESS, the sta...
haughtinesses 27 21 HAUGHTINESS, the sta...
haussmannised 24 22 HAUSSMANNISE, to ope...
haussmannises 24 21 HAUSSMANNISE, to ope...
haussmannized 27 31 HAUSSMANNIZE, to ope...
haussmannizes 27 30 HAUSSMANNIZE, to ope...
hawkishnesses 30 25 HAWKISHNESS, the sta...
hazardousness 26 27 HAZARDOUS, dangerous...
headmistressy 32 21 like a headmistress,...
headquartered 31 27 HEADQUARTER, to make...
headshrinkers 27 23 HEADSHRINKER, (collo...
healthfulness 30 24 the state of being h...
healthinesses 26 19 HEALTHINESS, the sta...
heartbreakers 26 22 HEARTBREAKER, one th...
heartbreaking 27 25 causing intense sorr...
heartbrokenly 33 26 HEARTBROKEN, having...
heartburnings 27 23 HEARTBURNING, intens...
heartlessness 24 17 HEARTLESS, callous,...
heartsickness 28 23 HEARTSICK, very sad...
heartsomeness 23 19 HEARTSOME, exhilarat...
heathennesses 23 19 HEATHENNESS, the sta...
hebdomadaries 26 23 HEBDOMADARY, a membe...
hebephreniacs 32 27 HEBEPHRENIAC, one su...
hebraisations 25 19 HEBRAISATION, the ac...
hebraizations 28 28 HEBRAIZATION, the ac...
hectographies 32 25 HECTOGRAPHY, the pro...
hectographing 33 28 HECTOGRAPH, to copy...
hedgehoppings 32 29 HEDGEHOPPING, flying...
heedfulnesses 26 22 HEEDFULNESS, the sta...
heinousnesses 22 18 HEINOUSNESS, hateful...
helianthemums 29 26 HELIANTHEMUM, a gard...
helicoptering 31 25 HELICOPTER, to trave...
heliochromies 31 24 HELIOCHROMY, photogr...
heliographers 30 23 HELIOGRAPHER, one wh...
heliographies 30 23 HELIOGRAPHY, the pra...
heliographing 31 26 HELIOGRAPH, to signa...
heliogravures 28 23 HELIOGRAVURE, photog...
heliometrical 30 23 relating to heliomet...
heliotropical 31 23 turning towards the...
heliotropisms 29 22 HELIOTROPISM, the mo...
helispherical 34 25 pertaining to rhumb...
hellenisation 24 19 the act of hellenisi...
hellenization 27 28 the act of hellenizi...
hellgrammites 30 25 HELLGRAMMITE, the la...
hellishnesses 28 20 HELLISHNESS, the sta...
helminthiases 28 22 HELMINTHIASIS, infes...
helminthiasis 29 22 infestation with wor...
helminthology 36 27 the study of parasit...
helmsmanships 32 28 HELMSMANSHIP, the ro...
helpfulnesses 30 25 HELPFULNESS, the sta...
hemacytometer 34 26 an instrument for co...
hemagglutinin 28 26 a virus, antibody or...
hematoblastic 31 25 of or like hematobla...
hematogeneses 23 21 HEMATOGENESIS, the p...
hematogenesis 24 21 the production of bl...
hematogenetic 27 24 relating to hematoge...
hematological 30 25 of or relating to bl...
hematologists 27 21 HEMATOLOGIST, a spec...
hematophagous 29 26 of certain animals,...
hematopoieses 25 21 HEMATOPOIESIS, the f...
hematopoiesis 26 21 the formation of blo...
hematopoietic 29 24 relating to hematopo...
hematothermal 28 24 of birds and mammals...
hemicellulose 31 25 a type of polysaccha...
hemichordates 30 24 HEMICHORDATE, a kind...
hemimorphisms 33 29 HEMIMORPHISM, the st...
hemimorphites 31 26 HEMIMORPHITE, an ort...
hemiparasites 27 21 HEMIPARASITE, a para...
hemiparasitic 31 24 of or like a hemipar...
hemispherical 34 27 like a hemisphere, a...
hemispheroids 30 24 HEMISPHEROID, the ha...
hemocytometer 34 26 an instrument for co...
hemodialyzers 35 31 HEMODIALYZER, an art...
hemodilutions 26 22 HEMODILUTION, decrea...
hemorrhoidals 28 22 HEMORRHOIDAL, a hemo...
henceforwards 31 26 from this time on, a...
hendecahedron 26 24 a solid figure havin...
heortological 29 22 relating to heortolo...
heortologists 26 18 HEORTOLOGIST, one wh...
hepatectomies 29 24 HEPATECTOMY, the sur...
hepatisations 25 19 HEPATISATION, the ac...
hepatizations 28 28 HEPATIZATION, the ac...
hepatologists 28 21 HEPATOLOGIST, a spec...
hepatoscopies 30 24 HEPATOSCOPY, divinat...
hephthemimers 33 28 HEPHTHEMIMER, in Gre...
heptadecanoic 30 26 as in heptadecanoic...
heptametrical 31 25 of or like a heptame...
heptasyllabic 40 28 having seven syllabl...
herbivorously 36 26 HERBIVOROUS, eating...
herborisation 25 19 botanising, also HER...
herborization 28 28 botanising, also HER...
hereditaments 24 20 HEREDITAMENT, inheri...
hereditarians 23 17 HEREDITARIAN, an adh...
heresiography 35 24 a study of or treati...
heresiologies 25 18 HERESIOLOGY, the stu...
heresiologist 26 18 a student of, or wri...
heresthetical 30 21 relating to heresthe...
hermaphrodite 29 24 a human being, anima...
hermeneutical 28 24 interpretive or expl...
hermeneutists 25 20 HERMENEUTIST, an exp...
hermeticities 29 21 HERMETICITY, the sta...
herniorrhaphy 36 25 the surgical repair...
herpesviruses 29 23 HERPESVIRUS, the vir...
herpetofaunae 25 23 HERPETOFAUNA, (Latin...
herpetofaunas 26 23 HERPETOFAUNA, (Latin...
herpetologies 27 21 HERPETOLOGY, the stu...
herpetologist 28 21 one who studies snak...
herringboning 27 25 HERRINGBONE, to make...
heteroblastic 30 22 derived from differe...
heterocarpous 28 22 bearing fruit of mor...
heterocercies 29 21 HETEROCERCY, the sta...
heterochronic 31 24 showing divergence f...
heteroclitous 28 20 irregularly inflecte...
heterocyclics 41 27 HETEROCYCLIC, a ring...
heterocystous 33 21 of or like a heteroc...
heterodactyls 34 22 HETERODACTYL, a hete...
heterogametes 24 20 HETEROGAMETE, male a...
heterogametic 28 23 having a dissimilar...
heterogeneity 29 20 the state of being h...
heterogeneous 22 19 consisting of dissim...
heterogeneses 22 18 HETEROGENESIS, spont...
heterogenesis 23 18 spontaneous or alter...
heterogenetic 26 21 relating to heteroge...
heterographic 32 25 relating to heterogr...
heterokaryons 29 22 HETEROKARYON, a cell...
heteromorphic 32 26 having different for...
heteroousians 22 17 HETEROOUSIAN, one wh...
heterophonies 26 21 HETEROPHONY, an inde...
heteroplasias 26 19 HETEROPLASIA, the de...
heteroplastic 30 22 relating to heteropl...
heteropterans 24 19 HETEROPTERAN, a memb...
heteropterous 25 19 of, relating to, or...
heterosexisms 31 25 HETEROSEXISM, the be...
heterosexists 30 22 HETEROSEXIST, one wh...
heterosexuals 30 24 HETEROSEXUAL, a hete...
heterospories 25 18 HETEROSPORY, the pro...
heterosporous 25 19 producing two differ...
heterostrophy 34 22 the state of being h...
heterostylies 31 18 HETEROSTYLY, the sta...
heterostylism 33 21 the state of having...
heterostylous 31 19 having styles of dif...
heterotactous 26 19 relating to heterota...
heterothallic 31 22 of certain fungi, ha...
heterothermal 27 21 taking the temperatu...
heterotrophic 31 23 dependent on externa...
heterotypical 36 24 denoting or relating...
heterozygoses 33 28 HETEROZYGOSIS, the m...
heterozygosis 34 28 the mixed ancestry o...
heterozygotes 33 28 HETEROZYGOTE, a hete...
heuristically 37 23 HEURISTIC, of or rel...
hexachlorides 36 29 HEXACHLORIDE, a chlo...
hexactinellid 35 29 a kind of six-rayed...
hexadactylous 40 30 having six fingers,...
hexafluorides 33 28 HEXAFLUORIDE, a chem...
hexagrammoids 33 31 HEXAGRAMMOID, a hexa...
hexamethonium 33 32 either of two compou...
hexametrising 32 28 HEXAMETRISE, to put...
hexametrizing 35 37 HEXAMETRIZE, to put...
hexobarbitals 35 29 HEXOBARBITAL, a barb...
hibernicising 31 25 HIBERNICISE, to rend...
hibernicizing 34 34 HIBERNICIZE, to rend...
hibernisation 25 20 the act of hibernisi...
hibernization 28 29 the act of hibernizi...
hideousnesses 23 18 HIDEOUSNESS, the sta...
hieracosphinx 37 31 in ancient Egyptian...
hierarchising 31 23 HIERARCHISE, to make...
hierarchizing 34 32 HIERARCHIZE, to make...
hierocratical 31 22 of or like a hierocr...
hieroglyphics 41 28 HIEROGLYPHIC, a hier...
hieroglyphing 38 28 HIEROGLYPH, to repre...
hieroglyphist 38 25 a person skilled in...
hierogrammate 26 23 a writer of sacred r...
hierogrammats 27 23 HIEROGRAMMAT, a writ...
hierographers 29 22 HIEROGRAPHER, a sacr...
hierographies 29 22 HIEROGRAPHY, the des...
highfalutings 33 27 HIGHFALUTING, bombas...
hilariousness 25 18 HILARIOUS, very amus...
hippocentaurs 31 26 HIPPOCENTAUR, a myth...
hippocrepians 33 28 HIPPOCREPIAN, a type...
hippophagists 35 28 HIPPOPHAGIST, one wh...
hippopotamian 30 28 like a hippopotamus,...
hircocervuses 33 26 HIRCOCERVUS, a fabul...
hirsutenesses 24 17 HIRSUTENESS, the sta...
hispanicising 31 25 HISPANICISE, to rend...
hispanicizing 34 34 HISPANICIZE, to rend...
hispaniolised 27 21 HISPANIOLISE, to mak...
hispaniolises 27 20 HISPANIOLISE, to mak...
hispaniolized 30 30 HISPANIOLIZE, to mak...
hispaniolizes 30 29 HISPANIOLIZE, to mak...
histaminergic 30 24 liberating or activa...
histiophoroid 29 21 related to a genus o...
histochemical 35 27 relating to histoche...
histochemists 32 23 HISTOCHEMIST, one wh...
historicising 30 21 HISTORICISE, to make...
historicities 29 18 HISTORICITY, histori...
historicizing 33 30 HISTORICIZE, to make...
histrionicism 30 22 acting, theatricalit...
hobgoblinisms 32 28 HOBGOBLINISM, the st...
hobgoblinries 30 25 HOBGOBLINRY, the sta...
hochmagandies 30 27 HOCHMAGANDY, (Scots)...
hoggishnesses 28 22 HOGGISHNESS, the sta...
hoidenishness 25 20 HOIDENISH, like a ho...
hojatoleslams 28 29 HOJATOLESLAM, an Ira...
hojatolislams 29 29 HOJATOLISLAM, an Ira...
holidaymakers 33 26 HOLIDAYMAKER, someon...
holometabolic 31 26 exhibiting holometab...
holoplanktons 27 26 HOLOPLANKTON, organi...
homalographic 34 29 of a map projection,...
homeomorphies 29 26 HOMEOMORPHY, the sta...
homeomorphism 31 29 one-to-one correspon...
homeomorphous 29 27 like a homeomorph [a...
homeopathists 29 23 HOMEOPATHIST, one wh...
homeoteleuton 23 21 the use or occurrenc...
homeothermies 27 23 HOMEOTHERMY, the mai...
homeothermism 29 26 the maintenance of a...
homeothermous 27 24 keeping the same tem...
homeownership 31 27 the fact of being a...
homeschoolers 30 24 HOMESCHOOLER [n]
homeschooling 31 27 HOMESCHOOL, to teach...
homesourcings 29 25 HOMESOURCING, the tr...
homesteadings 25 22 HOMESTEADING [n]
homestretches 30 23 HOMESTRETCH, the par...
homiletically 38 26 HOMILETICAL, relatin...
hominisations 24 20 HOMINISATION, the ev...
hominizations 27 29 HOMINIZATION, the ev...
homochromatic 34 29 monochromatic [adj]
homocysteines 33 24 HOMOCYSTEINE, a kind...
homoeomorphic 32 29 of two geometrical f...
homoeopathies 27 23 HOMOEOPATHY, the use...
homoeopathist 28 23 one who practises ho...
homoeothermal 27 24 keeping the same tem...
homoeothermic 30 26 keeping the same tem...
homoeotypical 36 27 denoting or relating...
homoeroticism 29 24 homosexuality, also...
homogeneities 24 21 HOMOGENEITY, the sta...
homogeneously 31 25 HOMOGENEOUS, of a un...
homogenetical 28 25 homogeneous, also HO...
homoiothermal 28 24 keeping the same tem...
homoiothermic 31 26 keeping the same tem...
homologations 25 22 HOMOLOGATION, confir...
homologically 38 28 HOMOLOGICAL, having...
homologoumena 25 26 the books of the New...
homolographic 34 29 of a map projection,...
homomorphisms 32 29 HOMOMORPHISM, simila...
homomorphoses 29 26 HOMOMORPHOSIS, regen...
homomorphosis 30 26 regeneration of a lo...
homopolymeric 38 30 of or like a homopol...
homoscedastic 31 25 of equal scatter or...
homosexualism 33 30 being homosexual [n...
homosexualist 32 27 a homosexual [n -S]
homosexuality 38 29 the state of being h...
homosociality 35 24 the state of being h...
homothallisms 31 25 HOMOTHALLISM, the st...
honeycombings 36 30 HONEYCOMBING [n]
honeycreepers 33 24 HONEYCREEPER, a kind...
honeymonthing 32 27 HONEYMONTH, (obsolet...
honorableness 24 21 the state of being h...
honorifically 37 26 HONORIFICAL, attribu...
honourability 33 23 the quality of being...
hopefulnesses 28 24 HOPEFULNESS, the sta...
horizontality 34 28 the state of being h...
hornswoggling 31 27 HORNSWOGGLE, (slang)...
horrification 29 22 the act of causing h...
horripilating 29 22 HORRIPILATE, to prod...
horripilation 27 20 the erection of the...
horsefeathers 27 20 nonsense [interj]
horsemanships 29 24 HORSEMANSHIP, the ar...
horseradishes 26 18 HORSERADISH, a tall...
horseshoeings 26 20 HORSESHOEING, the ac...
horsewhippers 34 26 HORSEWHIPPER, one wh...
horsewhipping 35 29 HORSEWHIP, to beat w...
horticultural 31 22 relating to horticul...
horticultures 30 21 HORTICULTURE, the sc...
hospitalising 29 22 HOSPITALISE, to put...
hospitalities 28 19 HOSPITALITY, hospita...
hospitalizing 32 31 HOSPITALIZE, to plac...
hotheadedness 24 20 HOTHEADED, rash, imp...
houghmagandie 28 27 fornication, also HO...
housebreakers 26 23 HOUSEBREAKER, a pers...
housebreaking 27 26 HOUSEBREAK, to train...
housecleaning 27 24 the act of cleaning...
househusbands 28 24 HOUSEHUSBAND, a husb...
housekeepings 27 26 HOUSEKEEPING, the bu...
houselessness 24 18 the state of being h...
housemistress 26 19 the female head of a...
housepainters 25 20 HOUSEPAINTER, one wh...
housewarmings 29 25 HOUSEWARMING, a part...
housewiferies 29 22 HOUSEWIFERY, the wor...
housewifeship 34 27 being a housewife [n...
housewifeskep 32 29 (Scts) being a house...
hoydenishness 31 22 HOYDENISH, like a ho...
hubristically 40 26 HUBRISTIC, having hu...
huckleberries 32 27 HUCKLEBERRY, an Amer...
hucksteresses 29 23 HUCKSTERESS, a femal...
huffishnesses 31 25 HUFFISHNESS, the sta...
hugeousnesses 24 20 HUGEOUSNESS, (archai...
humanisations 24 21 HUMANISATION, the ac...
humanitarians 24 21 HUMANITARIAN, a pers...
humanizations 27 30 HUMANIZATION, the ac...
humdrumnesses 27 25 HUMDRUMNESS, the sta...
humifications 31 26 HUMIFICATION, format...
humiliatingly 36 26 HUMILIATING [adv]
humorlessness 26 21 the state of being h...
humorsomeness 25 23 the state of being h...
hundredweight 31 26 1/20 of a ton, or 11...
huntiegowking 30 29 HUNTIEGOWK, to go on...
huntsmanships 30 26 HUNTSMANSHIP, the cr...
hurriednesses 24 18 HURRIEDNESS, the sta...
hurtfulnesses 28 22 HURTFULNESS, the sta...
hurtleberries 28 20 HURTLEBERRY, another...
hyalinisation 30 20 the process of hyali...
hyalinization 33 29 the process of hyali...
hyaluronidase 30 21 a mucolytic enzyme t...
hybridisation 33 22 the process of hybri...
hybridization 36 31 the act of hybridizi...
hydnocarpates 34 25 HYDNOCARPATE, any sa...
hydrargyrisms 41 25 HYDRARGYRISM, mercur...
hydrarthroses 33 20 HYDRARTHROSIS, swell...
hydrarthrosis 34 20 swelling of a joint...
hydrastinines 30 20 HYDRASTININE, a colo...
hydraulically 44 27 HYDRAULIC, relating...
hydraulicking 38 30 the act of excavatin...
hydrocephalic 42 30 relating to hydrocep...
hydrocephalus 39 28 an accumulation of s...
hydrochloride 37 25 a chemical complex c...
hydrocolloids 36 24 HYDROCOLLOID, a subs...
hydrocrackers 38 28 HYDROCRACKER, one en...
hydrocracking 39 31 the process of crack...
hydrodynamics 41 28 the study of movemen...
hydroelectric 38 25 of or relating to pr...
hydroformings 35 27 HYDROFORMING, the ca...
hydrogenating 31 24 HYDROGENATE, to comb...
hydrogenation 29 22 the act of hydrogena...
hydrogenators 30 21 HYDROGENATOR, an age...
hydrogenising 32 24 HYDROGENISE, to hydr...
hydrogenizing 35 33 HYDROGENIZE, to hydr...
hydrographers 36 25 HYDROGRAPHER, a stud...
hydrographies 36 25 HYDROGRAPHY, the stu...
hydrokinetics 35 26 HYDROKINETIC [n]
hydrolysation 37 22 the process of hydro...
hydrolyzation 40 31 the process of hydro...
hydromagnetic 35 27 relating to hydromag...
hydromedusans 31 24 HYDROMEDUSAN, a hydr...
hydromedusoid 32 24 a hydromedusa, also...
hydrometrical 36 25 relating to measurem...
hydropathical 39 27 relating to hydropat...
hydropathists 36 23 HYDROPATHIST, one wh...
hydroperoxide 38 29 a compound containin...
hydrophilites 37 24 HYDROPHILITE, native...
hydroquinones 37 30 HYDROQUINONE, anothe...
hydroscopical 40 28 relating to a hydros...
hydrosomatous 31 22 of or like hydrosoma...
hydrostatical 35 22 of or relating to fl...
hydrosulphate 36 25 any quaternary acid...
hydrosulphide 37 26 a compound formed by...
hydrosulphite 37 25 a salt of hydrosulph...
hydrotherapic 38 26 relating to hydrothe...
hydrothoraces 35 23 HYDROTHORAX, water l...
hydrothoracic 39 26 of or like hydrothor...
hydrothoraxes 38 27 HYDROTHORAX, water l...
hydrotropisms 35 24 HYDROTROPISM, growth...
hydroxycitric 51 33 as in hydroxycitric...
hydroxylamine 44 32 a colorless odorless...
hydroxylating 45 31 HYDROXYLATE, to intr...
hydroxylation 43 29 the act of hydroxyla...
hydrozincites 37 31 HYDROZINCITE, a mono...
hyetographies 35 24 HYETOGRAPHY, the stu...
hygrometrical 37 26 relating to hygromet...
hygroscopical 41 29 readily absorbing mo...
hylomorphisms 39 29 HYLOMORPHISM, the be...
hymenopterans 31 25 HYMENOPTERAN, an ord...
hymenopterons 31 25 HYMENOPTERON, an ord...
hymenopterous 32 25 having four membrano...
hymnographers 36 28 HYMNOGRAPHER, one wh...
hymnographies 36 28 HYMNOGRAPHY, the stu...
hypaesthesias 34 22 HYPAESTHESIA, a redu...
hyperactivity 45 29 the state of being e...
hyperacuities 36 24 HYPERACUITY, the sta...
hyperalgesias 34 23 HYPERALGESIA, undue...
hyperarousals 33 22 HYPERAROUSAL, a stat...
hyperbolising 37 27 HYPERBOLISE, to indu...
hyperbolizing 40 36 HYPERBOLIZE, to indu...
hyperboloidal 36 26 of or like a hyperbo...
hypercalcemia 40 30 an excess of calcium...
hypercalcemic 44 33 relating to hypercal...
hypercautious 36 25 excessively cautious...
hypercharging 40 30 HYPERCHARGE, to char...
hypercritical 41 27 meticulously or exce...
hyperesthesia 34 22 excessive sensitivit...
hyperesthetic 38 25 relating to hyperest...
hypereutectic 39 27 of a compound, conta...
hyperextended 37 30 HYPEREXTEND, to exte...
hyperfunction 37 29 the overactivity of...
hyperglycemia 45 31 an excess of sugar i...
hyperglycemic 49 34 relating to hypergly...
hyperhidroses 35 23 HYPERHIDROSIS, exces...
hyperhidrosis 36 23 excessive sweating,...
hyperimmunise 35 28 to induce a high lev...
hyperimmunize 38 37 to induce a high lev...
hyperinflated 35 26 excessively inflated...
hyperkinesias 33 25 HYPERKINESIA, muscle...
hyperlipemias 37 27 HYPERLIPEMIA, an abn...
hypermetrical 38 27 of or like hypermete...
hypermetropia 35 26 longsightedness, aka...
hypermetropic 39 29 longsighted, also HY...
hypermobility 44 29 extreme mobility [n...
hyperparasite 34 23 a parasite that is p...
hyperphrygian 44 30 above the Phrygian;...
hyperphysical 48 31 supernatural [adj HY...
hyperploidies 36 25 HYPERPLOIDY, the sta...
hyperpolarise 35 24 to increase the diff...
hyperpolarize 38 33 to produce an increa...
hyperproducer 38 28 an agent causing hyp...
hyperprosexia 40 30 abnormal powers of p...
hyperpyrexial 48 33 showing hyperpyrexia...
hyperpyrexias 47 32 HYPERPYREXIA, an ext...
hyperrational 32 22 excessively rational...
hyperreactive 37 27 excessively reactive...
hyperreactors 35 23 HYPERREACTOR, one wh...
hyperrealisms 35 24 HYPERREALISM, realis...
hyperrealists 34 21 HYPERREALIST, a prac...
hyperromantic 36 27 one who is excessive...
hypersalinity 40 24 excessive salinity [...
hypersarcomas 36 26 HYPERSARCOMA, proud...
hypersarcoses 35 23 HYPERSARCOSIS, proud...
hypersarcosis 36 23 proud or fungous fle...
hypersthenias 34 23 HYPERSTHENIA, a morb...
hypersthenite 34 23 a pyroxenite compose...
hyperstresses 33 20 HYPERSTRESS, excessi...
hypersurfaces 38 27 HYPERSURFACE, a figu...
hypertensions 31 22 HYPERTENSION, abnorm...
hypertensives 34 25 HYPERTENSIVE, someon...
hyperthermias 36 25 HYPERTHERMIA, except...
hyperthermies 36 25 HYPERTHERMY, an extr...
hyperthyroids 42 25 HYPERTHYROID, one af...
hypertonicity 42 26 the condition of bei...
hypertrophied 37 26 grown to an abnormal...
hypertrophies 37 25 HYPERTROPHY, excessi...
hypertrophous 37 26 of an organ, abnorma...
hyperurbanism 36 28 use of hypercorrect...
hyperuricemia 37 27 excess uric acid in...
hypervelocity 45 30 a high or relatively...
hypervigilant 37 28 extremely vigilant [...
hypervirulent 36 27 extremely virulent [...
hyphenisation 33 24 the process of hyphe...
hyphenization 36 33 the process of hyphe...
hypnoanalyses 37 25 HYPNOANALYSIS, psych...
hypnoanalysis 38 25 psychoanalysis condu...
hypnoanalytic 41 28 related to hypnoanal...
hypnobirthing 38 29 the use of hypnotic...
hypnotisation 31 22 the process of hypno...
hypnotization 34 31 the process of hypno...
hypoacidities 36 24 HYPOACIDITY, abnorma...
hypocalcaemia 39 30 a deficiency of calc...
hypocalcaemic 43 33 relating to hypocalc...
hypocalcemias 40 30 HYPOCALCEMIA, a defi...
hypochlorites 39 26 HYPOCHLORITE, a salt...
hypochondriac 40 30 one who suffers from...
hypochondrias 37 27 HYPOCHONDRIA, suffer...
hypochondrium 39 31 either of two region...
hypocycloidal 47 31 of or like a hypocyc...
hypoeutectoid 35 25 of a compound, conta...
hypoglycaemia 44 31 abnormal decrease of...
hypoglycaemic 48 34 pertaining to or cha...
hypoglycemias 45 31 HYPOGLYCEMIA, abnorm...
hypoglycemics 49 34 HYPOGLYCEMIC, someon...
hypognathisms 37 28 HYPOGNATHISM, the st...
hypomenorrhea 33 26 the condition in whi...
hyponatraemia 31 24 deficiency of sodium...
hypopharynges 43 30 HYPOPHARYNX, an appe...
hypopharynxes 48 35 HYPOPHARYNX, an appe...
hypophosphate 40 30 any salt or ester of...
hypophosphite 41 30 a salt of hypophosph...
hypopituitary 42 26 relating to hypopitu...
hyposensitise 32 21 to cause (a person)...
hyposensitize 35 30 to lower the sensiti...
hypospadiases 34 24 HYPOSPADIAS, a malfo...
hypostasising 34 23 HYPOSTASIS [v]
hypostasizing 37 32 HYPOSTASIZE, to trea...
hypostatising 34 23 HYPOSTATISE, to trea...
hypostatizing 37 32 HYPOSTATIZE, to trea...
hyposulphates 38 27 HYPOSULPHATE, a dith...
hyposulphites 39 27 HYPOSULPHITE, a salt...
hyposulphuric 43 31 denoting a kind of a...
hypothecating 38 28 HYPOTHECATE, to pled...
hypothecation 36 26 the act of taking a...
hypothecators 37 25 HYPOTHECATOR, one wh...
hypothesisers 35 22 HYPOTHESISER, one wh...
hypothesising 36 25 HYPOTHESIS [v]
hypothesizers 38 31 HYPOTHESIZER, one wh...
hypothesizing 39 34 HYPOTHESIZE, to make...
hypothetising 36 25 HYPOTHETISE, to form...
hypothetizing 39 34 HYPOTHETIZE, to form...
hypotrochoids 38 26 HYPOTROCHOID, the cu...
hypoxanthines 39 31 HYPOXANTHINE, a puri...
hypsographies 38 27 HYPSOGRAPHY, the bra...
hypsometrical 38 27 of, relating to, or...
hypsometrists 35 23 HYPSOMETRIST, a prac...
hypsophyllary 52 31 of or like a hypsoph...
hysteranthous 32 21 having the leaves ap...
hysterogenies 30 20 HYSTEROGENY, the gen...
hysteromanias 30 21 HYSTEROMANIA, hyster...
hysterotomies 31 20 HYSTEROTOMY, a Caesa...
hystricomorph 40 28 any rodent of a subo...