13 letter words that starts with a

13 letter words that start with A

13 letter A word


Word With Friends


abbreviations 27 24 ABBREVIATION, the ac...
abbreviatures 28 24 ABBREVIATURE, (Frenc...
abiogenically 35 26 ABIOGENIC, relating...
abnormalities 25 21 ABNORMALITY, the sta...
abolitionisms 26 21 ABOLITIONISM, princi...
abolitionists 25 18 ABOLITIONIST, a supp...
aboriginalism 27 23 due recognition of n...
aboriginality 32 22 the state of being a...
abortifacient 28 23 a drug used to induc...
absorbability 36 25 the ability to be ab...
absquatulated 33 29 ABSQUATULATE, to dec...
absquatulates 33 28 ABSQUATULATE, to dec...
abstentionism 24 21 the policy of not us...
abstentionist 23 18 a believer in absten...
abstractional 27 21 relating to abstract...
abstractively 37 26 ABSTRACTIVE, able or...
abusivenesses 25 22 ABUSIVENESS, the qua...
abyssopelagic 37 27 pertaining to the de...
academicalism 31 27 close adherence to f...
acaridomatium 27 24 a habitat for mites...
acarodomatium 26 24 a habitat for mites...
acatamathesia 26 21 the inability to und...
accelerations 27 21 ACCELERATION, the ra...
accelerometer 28 23 an instrument for me...
accentuations 26 22 ACCENTUATION, an ins...
acceptability 40 28 the state of being a...
acceptilation 30 24 the remission of a d...
acceptingness 30 26 the state of being a...
acceptivities 33 26 ACCEPTIVITY, the sta...
accessariness 27 20 the state of being a...
accessibility 39 25 the ability to reach...
accessoriness 27 20 the state of being a...
accessorising 29 22 ACCESSORISE, to furn...
accessorizing 32 31 ACCESSORIZE, to furn...
acciaccaturas 34 26 ACCIACCATURA, (Itali...
accidentalism 30 25 the theory that even...
accidentality 35 24 the quality of being...
accidentology 35 26 the study of acciden...
acclimatation 29 24 acclimatization [n -...
acclimatisers 31 23 ACCLIMATISER [v]
acclimatising 32 26 ACCLIMATISE, to accu...
acclimatizers 34 32 ACCLIMATIZER, one wh...
acclimatizing 35 35 ACCLIMATIZE, to accu...
accommodating 30 29 ACCOMMODATE, to make...
accommodation 28 27 traveling space and...
accommodative 31 30 relating to accomoda...
accommodators 29 26 ACCOMMODATOR, one wh...
accompaniment 30 30 an instrumental or v...
accompanyists 37 28 ACCOMPANYIST, one wh...
accomplishers 35 28 ACCOMPLISHER, one wh...
accomplishing 36 31 ACCOMPLISH, to bring...
accordionists 28 21 ACCORDIONIST, one wh...
accouchements 33 29 ACCOUCHEMENT, (Frenc...
accountancies 29 25 ACCOUNTANCY, the pro...
accouplements 31 28 ACCOUPLEMENT, a timb...
accoustrement 28 24 (obsolete) accoutrem...
accouterments 28 24 ACCOUTERMENT, an acc...
accoutrements 28 24 ACCOUTREMENT, (Frenc...
accreditation 27 21 the act or result of...
acculturating 31 25 ACCULTURATE, to unde...
acculturation 29 23 the assimilation, th...
acculturative 32 26 relating to accultur...
accumulations 30 26 ACCUMULATION, someth...
accustomation 28 24 the act of accustomi...
accustrements 29 24 ACCUSTREMENT, (obsol...
acetaldehydes 33 23 ACETALDEHYDE, a chem...
acetaminophen 27 26 (US) paracetamol, a...
acetazolamide 28 30 a diuretic drug [n -...
acetification 29 23 the process of aceti...
acetonitriles 25 18 ACETONITRILE, a chem...
acetylcholine 37 26 a substance secreted...
achlorhydrias 37 24 ACHLORHYDRIA, absenc...
achromaticity 38 26 the state of being a...
achromatising 29 24 ACHROMATISE, to make...
achromatizing 32 33 ACHROMATIZE, to make...
achromatopsia 29 24 total colour-blindne...
acidification 30 24 the act of acidifyin...
acidimetrical 31 24 relating to acidimet...
acidophiluses 31 24 ACIDOPHILUS, a bacte...
acinetobacter 28 23 a kind of bacteria,...
acknowledgers 30 28 ACKNOWLEDGER, one wh...
acknowledging 31 31 ACKNOWLEDGE, to reco...
acotyledonous 30 22 relating to an acoty...
acquaintances 34 31 ACQUAINTANCE, the st...
acquiescences 38 33 ACQUIESCENCE, the ac...
acquiescently 43 33 ACQUIESCENT, incline...
acquiescingly 45 35 ACQUIESCING [adv]
acquirability 44 32 the ability to be ac...
acquisitional 34 28 of or like an acquis...
acquisitively 44 33 ACQUISITIVE, strongl...
acquittancing 37 33 ACQUITTANCE, (Shakes...
acrimoniously 33 24 ACRIMONIOUS, caustic...
acrobatically 38 26 ACROBATIC, like an a...
acronymically 43 29 ACRONYMIC, relating...
acrylonitrile 33 21 vinyl cyanide, used...
actinobacilli 32 25 ACTINOBACILLUS, a ba...
actinobiology 34 25 the branch of biolog...
actinometries 25 20 ACTINOMETRY, the mea...
actinomorphic 33 28 radially symmetric,...
actinomycetes 34 25 ACTINOMYCETE, a fila...
actinomycoses 34 25 ACTINOMYCOSIS, a par...
actinomycosis 35 25 a parasitic disease...
actinomycotic 38 28 relating to actinomy...
actinotherapy 34 24 the use of ultraviol...
actinouranium 25 23 the isotope of urani...
actualisation 25 19 the process of actua...
actualization 28 28 the process of actua...
acupuncturist 32 26 one who practices ac...
adaptableness 25 22 the state of being a...
adaptednesses 22 19 ADAPTEDNESS, the sta...
addictiveness 27 23 the quality of being...
additionality 29 19 the quality of being...
adenoidectomy 30 24 the surgical removal...
adiabatically 35 24 ADIABATIC, without t...
adiaphoristic 30 22 theologically indiff...
adiathermancy 33 25 impermeability to ra...
adjudications 27 29 ADJUDICATION, the ac...
adjustability 35 30 the quality of being...
admeasurement 22 22 the act of measuring...
adminiculated 27 24 ADMINICULATE, to sup...
adminiculates 27 23 ADMINICULATE, to sup...
administering 24 21 ADMINISTER, to manag...
administrable 26 22 capable of being adm...
administrants 23 19 ADMINISTRANT, an adm...
administrated 23 19 ADMINISTRATE, to adm...
administrates 23 18 ADMINISTRATE, to adm...
administrator 23 18 one who administers...
admirableness 25 22 the state of being a...
admissibility 35 23 the quality of being...
admonishingly 33 26 ADMONISHING [adv]
admonishments 25 24 ADMONISHMENT, a firm...
adorabilities 25 18 ADORABILITY, the sta...
adrenalectomy 31 24 the surgical removal...
adrenochromes 26 23 ADRENOCHROME, a mixt...
adsorbability 34 23 the ability to be ad...
adularescence 27 23 the quality of being...
adulterations 22 17 ADULTERATION, the pr...
adumbratively 35 28 ADUMBRATIVE, with th...
advantageable 25 25 profitable; convenie...
adventuresome 23 23 inclined to take ris...
adventuresses 23 20 ADVENTURESS, a femal...
adventuristic 28 23 of or like adventuri...
adventurously 31 24 ADVENTUROUS, dispose...
adverbialised 27 23 ADVERBIALISE, to giv...
adverbialises 27 22 ADVERBIALISE, to giv...
adverbialized 30 32 ADVERBIALIZE, to giv...
adverbializes 30 31 ADVERBIALIZE, to giv...
adversariness 23 19 the state of being a...
adversatively 33 25 ADVERSATIVE, express...
adversenesses 22 19 ADVERSENESS, the qua...
advertisement 24 22 the act of advertisi...
advertizement 27 31 an advertisement [n...
advisableness 26 23 the state of being a...
advisednesses 23 20 ADVISEDNESS, the sta...
aecidiospores 26 20 AECIDIOSPORE, a spor...
aerifications 26 20 AERIFICATION, the pr...
aeroacoustics 27 20 the study of the gen...
aerobiologies 24 19 AEROBIOLOGY, the stu...
aerobiologist 25 19 one who studies airb...
aerodigestive 24 20 of or relating to th...
aerodynamical 31 24 relating to aerodyna...
aeroembolisms 26 23 AEROEMBOLISM, sickne...
aerogenerator 19 16 a generator driven b...
aerolithology 32 21 the study of aerolit...
aeromechanics 29 25 the science of the m...
aeromedicines 24 21 AEROMEDICINE, a bran...
aeromodelling 24 22 the making and flyin...
aeroplanktons 23 23 AEROPLANKTON, minute...
aerosiderites 21 14 AEROSIDERITE, an iro...
aerostructure 25 18 any separately manuf...
aesthesiogens 23 18 AESTHESIOGEN, someth...
aesthetically 35 22 AESTHETICAL, keenly...
aestheticians 26 19 AESTHETICIAN, a spec...
aestheticised 27 19 AESTHETICISE, to mak...
aestheticises 27 18 AESTHETICISE, to mak...
aestheticisms 29 21 AESTHETICISM, the do...
aestheticists 28 18 AESTHETICIST, an adh...
aestheticized 30 28 AESTHETICIZE, to mak...
aestheticizes 30 27 AESTHETICIZE, to mak...
aethrioscopes 28 21 AETHRIOSCOPE, an ins...
affectability 39 28 the quality of being...
affectionally 36 27 AFFECTIONAL, relatin...
affectionless 29 24 without affection [a...
affectiveness 30 27 the state of being a...
affectivities 32 26 AFFECTIVITY, the qua...
affenpinscher 32 29 (German) a kind of d...
affirmatively 37 29 AFFIRMATIVE, affirmi...
affordability 36 26 the quality of being...
afforestation 24 20 the process of estab...
affranchising 32 28 AFFRANCHISE, to free...
affreightment 30 27 hiring of a vessel [...
affrightening 30 27 AFFRIGHTEN, to frigh...
affrightments 31 27 AFFRIGHTMENT, sudden...
aforethoughts 29 23 AFORETHOUGHT, a prem...
afterburnings 27 24 AFTERBURNING, reheat...
afterthoughts 30 23 AFTERTHOUGHT, an ide...
agalmatolites 25 20 AGALMATOLITE, a soap...
agamospermies 26 24 AGAMOSPERMY, the for...
agathodaimons 24 22 AGATHODAIMON, (Greek...
agelessnesses 22 17 AGELESSNESS, the qua...
aggiornamenti 23 22 AGGIORNAMENTO, (Ital...
aggiornamento 22 22 (Italian) the modern...
agglomerating 26 24 AGGLOMERATE, to coll...
agglomeration 24 22 the act of collectin...
agglomerative 27 25 tending to agglomera...
agglutinating 26 23 AGGLUTINATE, to glue...
agglutination 24 21 applied to agglutina...
agglutinative 27 24 applied to agglutina...
agglutinogens 25 23 AGGLUTINOGEN, a subs...
aggravatingly 34 27 AGGRAVATING [adv]
aggregateness 23 20 the quality resultin...
aggregational 24 21 of or like aggregati...
aggregatively 34 26 AGGREGATIVE, of or r...
aggrievements 26 25 AGGRIEVEMENT, the st...
agonistically 34 23 AGONISTICAL, relatin...
agranulocytes 32 23 AGRANULOCYTE, a bloo...
agreeableness 23 20 the state of being a...
agrichemicals 34 27 AGRICHEMICAL, a chem...
agriculturist 30 21 someone skilled in a...
agrobiologies 26 21 AGROBIOLOGY, the stu...
agrobiologist 27 21 one who studies plan...
agrochemicals 33 27 AGROCHEMICAL, a chem...
agroforesters 24 18 AGROFORESTER, one wh...
agronomically 34 26 AGRONOMICAL, relatin...
agrostologies 24 18 AGROSTOLOGY, the sci...
agrostologist 25 18 one who studies gras...
agroterrorism 24 18 terrorism aimed at a...
aichmophobias 34 29 AICHMOPHOBIA, an irr...
ailourophiles 28 21 AILOUROPHILE, a cat-...
ailourophilia 28 21 the love of cats, al...
ailourophilic 32 24 loving cats, also AI...
ailourophobes 28 23 AILOUROPHOBE, one wi...
ailourophobia 28 23 fear of cats [n -S]
ailourophobic 32 26 having a morbid fear...
ailurophilias 29 21 AILUROPHILIA, the lo...
ailurophobias 29 23 AILUROPHOBIA, fear o...
aimlessnesses 23 18 AIMLESSNESS, the qua...
aircraftwoman 30 26 a member of the lowe...
aircraftwomen 30 26 AIRCRAFTWOMAN, a mem...
airfreighting 29 23 AIRFREIGHT, to trans...
airlessnesses 22 15 AIRLESSNESS, the qua...
airsicknesses 26 21 AIRSICKNESS, sicknes...
airworthiness 27 19 the quality of being...
alchemistical 34 26 relating to an alche...
alcoholically 40 27 ALCOHOLIC, related t...
alcoholometer 28 23 an instrument for me...
alcoholometry 35 25 the measurement of t...
aldermanities 23 19 ALDERMANITY, the sta...
aldermanships 28 24 ALDERMANSHIP, the of...
aldolisations 23 17 ALDOLISATION, the fo...
aldolizations 26 26 ALDOLIZATION, the fo...
aldosteronism 23 19 excessive secretion...
alembications 28 24 ALEMBICATION, proces...
alexipharmics 38 32 ALEXIPHARMIC, an ant...
algebraically 37 26 ALGEBRAICAL, relatin...
algologically 37 26 ALGOLOGICAL, relatin...
alimentations 22 19 ALIMENTATION, the ac...
alkalescences 29 26 ALKALESCENCE, the st...
alkalimetries 26 22 ALKALIMETRY, the mea...
allegorically 36 24 ALLEGORICAL, having...
allelomorphic 33 27 of or like an allelo...
allelopathies 28 21 ALLELOPATHY, an adve...
allergenicity 34 23 the state of being a...
alliterations 23 16 ALLITERATION, the re...
allochthonous 30 24 refers to something,...
allomorphisms 31 26 ALLOMORPHISM, the st...
allopolyploid 36 26 a polyploid having a...
allotypically 44 27 ALLOTYPIC, of or lik...
allowableness 28 23 the state of being a...
alongshoreman 24 23 a stevedore; a perso...
alongshoremen 24 23 ALONGSHOREMAN, a ste...
alphabetarian 27 23 someone learning the...
alphabetiform 32 28 shaped like letters...
alphabetisers 29 22 ALPHABETISER, one wh...
alphabetising 30 25 ALPHABETISE, to put...
alphabetizers 32 31 ALPHABETIZER, someth...
alphabetizing 33 34 ALPHABETIZE, to put...
alphanumerics 31 27 ALPHANUMERIC, an alp...
alstroemerias 23 17 ALSTROEMERIA, a plan...
altaltissimos 26 18 ALTALTISSIMO, (Itali...
alternatively 31 22 ALTERNATIVE, possibl...
aluminiferous 26 23 bearing aluminum [ad...
aluminosities 24 19 ALUMINOSITY, the qua...
aluminothermy 33 26 a process for reduci...
amakwerekwere 29 30 (South Africa) a ter...
amalgamations 24 23 AMALGAMATION, the ac...
amarantaceous 23 21 belonging to the fam...
amativenesses 23 21 AMATIVENESS, the sta...
ambassadorial 25 21 of or like an ambass...
ambidexterity 38 29 the state of being a...
ambidexterous 31 28 able to use either h...
ambiguousness 26 24 the state of being a...
ambisexuality 39 30 the state of being a...
ambitiousness 25 21 the state of being a...
ambivalencies 30 28 AMBIVALENCY, simulta...
ameliorations 22 18 AMELIORATION, the ac...
amenabilities 25 21 AMENABILITY, the sta...
amiablenesses 24 21 AMIABLENESS, the sta...
amicabilities 30 23 AMICABILITY, the sta...
aminoaciduria 25 22 a condition in which...
aminophylline 34 27 a drug used to stimu...
amitriptyline 33 23 a antidepressant dru...
amitryptyline 39 25 a antidepressant dru...
ammunitioning 24 25 AMMUNITION, to suppl...
amniocenteses 23 21 AMNIOCENTESIS, a sur...
amniocentesis 24 21 a surgical insertion...
amorousnesses 21 18 AMOROUSNESS, the qua...
amorphousness 26 23 the state of being a...
amortisations 22 17 AMORTISATION, the ac...
amortisements 23 20 AMORTISEMENT, the ac...
amortizations 25 26 AMORTIZATION, the ac...
amortizements 26 29 AMORTIZEMENT, the ac...
amphiblastula 32 27 the free-swimming la...
amphibologies 31 27 AMPHIBOLOGY, a gramm...
amphictyonies 36 27 AMPHICTYONY, a group...
amphidiploids 32 27 AMPHIDIPLOID, a hybr...
amphidiploidy 38 29 the state of being a...
amphigastrium 31 27 a scalelike leaf on...
amphiploidies 31 26 AMPHIPLOIDY, the sta...
amphiprostyle 37 27 with columns at each...
amphistomatal 29 25 of a leaf, having st...
amphistomatic 32 27 of a leaf, having st...
amphitheaters 29 23 AMPHITHEATER, an ova...
amphitheatral 30 24 of or like an amphit...
amphitheatres 29 23 AMPHITHEATRE, an ova...
amphitheatric 33 26 relating to an amphi...
amphitrichous 34 27 of or like amphitric...
amplification 31 27 an act, example, or...
ampullosities 28 22 AMPULLOSITY, (Browni...
amusingnesses 23 21 AMUSINGNESS, the sta...
amusivenesses 24 22 AMUSIVENESS, the sta...
amygdalaceous 33 26 related to the almon...
anacathartics 29 22 ANACATHARTIC, a drug...
anachronistic 29 23 relating to anachron...
anachronously 32 24 ANACHRONOUS, relatin...
anaerobically 33 24 ANAEROBIC, living in...
anaesthetised 22 17 ANAESTHETISE, to sub...
anaesthetises 22 16 ANAESTHETISE, to sub...
anaesthetists 23 16 ANAESTHETIST, one wh...
anaesthetized 25 26 ANAESTHETIZE, to sub...
anaesthetizes 25 25 ANAESTHETIZE, to sub...
anagrammatise 23 22 to make into an anag...
anagrammatism 25 25 the practice of cons...
anagrammatist 24 22 one who constructs a...
anagrammatize 26 31 to make into an anag...
analogousness 21 19 the state of being a...
analphabetics 31 26 ANALPHABETIC, one wh...
analphabetism 29 26 illiteracy [n -S]
analysability 38 23 the capacity for bei...
analyticities 32 20 ANALYTICITY, the qua...
analyzability 41 32 the state of being a...
anaphorically 36 26 ANAPHORICAL, referri...
anaphrodisiac 28 23 reducing sexual desi...
anaphrodisias 25 20 ANAPHRODISIA, lessen...
anaphylactoid 35 26 of, relating to, aff...
anastigmatism 25 22 being free from asti...
anathematical 27 23 an anathema, a forma...
anathematised 23 20 ANATHEMATISE, to sub...
anathematises 23 19 ANATHEMATISE, to sub...
anathematized 26 29 ANATHEMATIZE, to sub...
anathematizes 26 28 ANATHEMATIZE, to sub...
anatomisation 20 18 the process of anato...
anatomization 23 27 the process of anato...
anchorpersons 27 23 ANCHORPERSON, an anc...
ancientnesses 22 19 ANCIENTNESS, the qua...
andouillettes 23 18 ANDOUILLETTE, (Frenc...
androcentrism 25 22 regarding the male s...
androdioecism 25 22 the state of being a...
androsphinges 26 23 ANDROSPHINX, a sphin...
androsphinxes 31 28 ANDROSPHINX, a sphin...
androsterones 19 16 ANDROSTERONE, an and...
anecdotalisms 26 22 ANECDOTALISM, the re...
anecdotalists 25 19 ANECDOTALIST, a pers...
anecdotically 35 25 ANECDOTICAL, having...
anemographies 26 24 ANEMOGRAPHY, measure...
anemometrical 26 24 relating to anemomet...
anencephalias 27 24 ANENCEPHALIA, congen...
anencephalies 27 24 ANENCEPHALY, congeni...
anesthetising 24 19 ANESTHETISE, to subj...
anesthetizing 27 28 ANESTHETIZE, to subj...
anfractuosity 33 23 circuitousness, intr...
angelolatries 23 18 ANGELOLATRY, worship...
angelologists 25 20 ANGELOLOGIST, one wh...
angelophanies 25 23 ANGELOPHANY, the man...
angiographies 27 23 ANGIOGRAPHY, a techn...
angioplasties 25 20 ANGIOPLASTY, the sur...
angiosarcomas 25 22 ANGIOSARCOMA, a mali...
angiospermous 25 23 like an angiosperm,...
angletwitches 32 25 ANGLETWITCH, a worm...
anglicisation 26 21 the process of angli...
anglicization 29 30 the process of angli...
anglophobiacs 32 28 ANGLOPHOBIAC, one wh...
angularnesses 22 19 ANGULARNESS, the sta...
animadversion 23 23 hostile criticism; a...
animadverters 24 22 ANIMADVERTER, one wh...
animadverting 25 25 ANIMADVERT, to comme...
animalculisms 30 26 ANIMALCULISM, the fo...
animalculists 29 23 ANIMALCULIST, a beli...
animalisation 22 19 the process of anima...
animalization 25 28 the process of anima...
animatenesses 20 18 ANIMATENESS, the sta...
anisometropia 23 20 the condition of the...
anisometropic 27 23 relating to anisomet...
anisophyllies 34 23 ANISOPHYLLY, the sta...
anisophyllous 34 24 of leaves, usually a...
anisotropisms 25 20 ANISOTROPISM, the st...
annexationism 26 26 the policy of annexa...
annexationist 25 23 a supporter of annex...
annihilations 23 19 ANNIHILATION, the pr...
anniversaries 22 19 ANNIVERSARY, the ann...
announcements 22 24 ANNOUNCEMENT, the ac...
annunciations 22 21 ANNUNCIATION, a proc...
anomalistical 27 22 anomalous, also ANOM...
anomalousness 21 20 the state of being a...
anonymousness 26 22 the state of being a...
answerability 34 23 the quality of being...
antagonisable 23 21 capable of being ant...
antagonizable 26 30 capable of being ant...
antarthritics 28 19 ANTARTHRITIC, a drug...
antasthmatics 28 22 ANTASTHMATIC, an age...
antediluvians 24 22 ANTEDILUVIAN, someon...
antenniferous 21 20 bearing antennae [ad...
antepenultima 24 23 the last syllable bu...
antepositions 22 18 ANTEPOSITION, the po...
anteriorities 21 14 ANTERIORITY, the sta...
anthelminthic 31 26 destroying or expell...
anthelmintics 29 24 ANTHELMINTIC, a drug...
antherozooids 25 26 ANTHEROZOOID, a moti...
anthologisers 25 19 ANTHOLOGISER, one wh...
anthologising 26 22 ANTHOLOGISE, to make...
anthologizers 28 28 ANTHOLOGIZER, one wh...
anthologizing 29 31 ANTHOLOGIZE, to make...
anthophyllite 36 25 an orthorhombic ferr...
anthoxanthins 30 27 ANTHOXANTHIN, a yell...
anthranilates 23 18 ANTHRANILATE, a salt...
anthraquinone 29 28 a chemical used in t...
anthropogenic 28 25 pertaining to anthro...
anthropolatry 32 22 the worship of human...
anthropometry 32 24 the measurement of p...
anthropomorph 30 27 a stylized human fig...
anthropopathy 35 26 the ascription of hu...
anthropophagi 30 26 ANTHROPOPHAGUS, a ca...
anthropophagy 36 28 cannibalism [n ANTHR...
anthropophyte 35 26 a plant introduced i...
anthroposophy 35 26 knowledge of the nat...
antiaircrafts 27 20 ANTIAIRCRAFT, antiai...
antiapartheid 25 20 opposed to apartheid...
antiarthritic 28 19 a drug used to count...
antiarthritis 25 16 designed to prevent...
antiasthmatic 28 22 a drug used to count...
antiauthority 30 19 opposed to authority...
antibacterial 27 21 a substance used to...
antiballistic 30 22 of a missile, etc.,...
antibillboard 28 23 opposed to the use o...
antiblackisms 31 28 ANTIBLACKISM, prejud...
antibourgeois 24 20 opposed to the bourg...
anticatalysts 32 20 ANTICATALYST, a subs...
anticellulite 28 21 designed to reduce c...
antichristian 27 20 opposed to Christian...
anticigarette 25 19 opposed to the use o...
anticipatable 29 24 capable of being ant...
anticipations 26 21 ANTICIPATION, a prio...
anticlassical 30 22 opposed to the class...
anticlericals 30 22 ANTICLERICAL, one op...
anticlimactic 34 27 of, relating to, or...
anticlinorium 27 23 an arch-shaped group...
anticlockwise 33 28 in the opposite dire...
anticoagulant 25 22 a substance that hin...
anticollision 26 20 designed to prevent...
anticommunism 28 28 opposition to commun...
anticommunist 27 25 one opposed to commu...
anticorporate 25 20 opposed to the corpo...
anticorrosion 23 18 the prevention or co...
anticorrosive 26 21 a substance designed...
antidesiccant 27 22 a chemical which pre...
antidiabetics 27 21 ANTIDIABETIC, a drug...
antidiarrheal 24 18 a drug used to count...
antidiuretics 26 19 ANTIDIURETIC, a drug...
antielectrons 24 19 ANTIELECTRON, the an...
antiepileptic 30 24 a drug used to preve...
antiestrogens 21 17 ANTIESTROGEN, a drug...
antievolution 23 21 opposed to (the teac...
antifeminisms 26 24 ANTIFEMINISM, opposi...
antifeminists 25 21 ANTIFEMINIST, a supp...
antifertility 32 20 capable of or tendin...
antiforeigner 23 20 ANTIFOREIGN [v]
antiformalist 26 21 opposed to formalism...
antigenically 33 24 ANTIGENIC, of or lik...
antiglobulins 27 23 ANTIGLOBULIN, an ant...
antigravities 25 20 ANTIGRAVITY, a hypot...
antigropeloes 24 20 waterproof leggings,...
antiguerrilla 25 19 designed to counter...
antihalations 23 18 ANTIHALATION, the pr...
antihistamine 24 20 any of a group of dr...
antihumanisms 26 24 ANTIHUMANISM, opposi...
antihydrogens 30 22 ANTIHYDROGEN, an ant...
antihysterics 34 21 ANTIHYSTERIC, a reme...
antilittering 24 18 ANTILITTER [v]
antilogarithm 27 22 a number of which a...
antimacassars 25 20 ANTIMACASSAR, a cove...
antimalarials 24 19 ANTIMALARIAL, a drug...
antimarijuana 23 28 opposed to the use o...
antimarketeer 22 21 a person who was opp...
antimechanist 27 23 one opposed to a mec...
antimetaboles 24 21 ANTIMETABOLE, repeti...
antimetabolic 28 24 of or like antimetab...
antimicrobial 29 24 destroying or inhibi...
antimnemonics 25 25 ANTIMNEMONIC, someth...
antimodernist 22 19 one opposed to moder...
antinarrative 22 19 a literary form esch...
antinephritic 29 23 acting against disea...
antineutrinos 20 17 ANTINEUTRINO, the an...
antinomianism 22 22 the doctrine of the...
antinomically 33 25 ANTINOMICAL, relatin...
antinovelists 24 20 ANTINOVELIST, one wh...
antiobscenity 32 23 opposed to obscenity...
antioestrogen 20 17 a drug that inhibits...
antiparallels 26 20 ANTIPARALLEL, an ant...
antiparasitic 27 20 a drug designed to c...
antiparticles 28 21 ANTIPARTICLE, the 'p...
antiperiodics 27 21 ANTIPERIODIC, a drug...
antipersonnel 22 20 designed for use aga...
antipesticide 27 21 designating one oppo...
antiphonaries 24 20 ANTIPHONARY, a book...
antipolitical 29 22 opposed to politics...
antipollution 25 21 designed to prevent...
antipruritics 29 21 ANTIPRURITIC, a drug...
antipsychotic 39 27 alleviating psychosi...
antiquenesses 28 25 ANTIQUENESS, the sta...
antiquitarian 29 25 a person attached to...
antirachitics 31 22 ANTIRACHITIC, a drug...
antirecession 23 18 designed to counter...
antirejection 25 27 used or tending to p...
antireligions 23 18 ANTIRELIGION, opposi...
antireligious 24 18 opposed to religion...
antirheumatic 28 23 an agent that allevi...
antiritualism 25 19 opposition to ritual...
antiromantics 25 21 ANTIROMANTIC, one wh...
antiroyalists 29 17 ANTIROYALIST, one op...
antisatellite 23 16 designed to counter...
antiscorbutic 31 24 preventive of scurvy...
antisepticise 27 20 to render antiseptic...
antisepticism 29 23 antiseptic treatment...
antisepticize 30 29 to render antiseptic...
antisexuality 35 25 being antisexual [n...
antismuggling 28 26 designed to counter...
antisocialism 27 21 being antisocial [n...
antisocialist 26 18 one who is antisocia...
antisociality 32 20 the quality of being...
antispasmodic 28 24 an agent capable of...
antistrophons 25 20 ANTISTROPHON, an arg...
antisubmarine 24 22 designed to counter...
antisymmetric 34 25 relating to or being...
antiterrorism 23 17 opposition to terror...
antiterrorist 22 14 one opposed to terro...
antithrombins 27 23 ANTITHROMBIN, a subs...
antitypically 42 26 ANTITYPICAL, relatin...
anxiousnesses 26 23 ANXIOUSNESS, the sta...
anythingarian 29 22 a person with no bel...
aortographies 26 20 AORTOGRAPHY, an arte...
apathetically 37 25 APATHETICAL, lacking...
apatosauruses 23 18 APATOSAURUS, a kind...
aperiodically 35 24 APERIODIC, not perio...
apfelstrudels 29 23 APFELSTRUDEL, (Germa...
aphanipterous 27 23 belonging to the Aph...
apheliotropic 32 25 growing away from th...
aphrodisiacal 30 23 relating to aphrodis...
apiculturists 31 22 APICULTURIST, a beek...
aplanatically 35 25 APLANATIC, of a lens...
aplanogametes 24 23 APLANOGAMETE, a nonm...
apocalyptical 40 29 of, relating to, or...
apocalyptisms 38 28 APOCALYPTISM, the do...
apocalyptists 37 25 APOCALYPTIST, the wr...
apocatastases 25 19 APOCATASTASIS, the s...
apocatastasis 26 19 the state of being r...
apochromatism 31 27 being apochromatic [...
apodictically 39 27 APODICTICAL, (archai...
apogeotropism 27 24 bending up or away f...
apoliticality 36 23 the quality of being...
apomictically 40 29 APOMICTICAL, relatin...
apophlegmatic 34 30 an agent preventing...
apostolically 36 24 APOSTOLICAL, relatin...
apostolicisms 30 23 APOSTOLICISM, the qu...
apostrophised 28 22 APOSTROPHISE, to add...
apostrophises 28 21 APOSTROPHISE, to add...
apostrophized 31 31 APOSTROPHIZE, to add...
apostrophizes 31 30 APOSTROPHIZE, to add...
apostrophuses 28 22 APOSTROPHUS, the bac...
apothegmatise 27 23 to speak in apothegm...
apothegmatist 28 23 one who speaks in ap...
apothegmatize 30 32 to speak in apothegm...
apotheosising 26 21 APOTHEOSISE, to brin...
apotheosizing 29 30 APOTHEOSIZE, to brin...
appealability 36 26 the quality of being...
appealingness 26 24 the state of being a...
appellational 27 23 of or like an appell...
appellatively 37 28 APPELLATIVE, relatin...
appendiculate 29 26 having small appenda...
apperceptions 30 26 APPERCEPTION, the mi...
appertainance 26 24 (obsolete) an appurt...
appertainment 25 24 (Shakespeare) an app...
appeteezement 27 32 (Scott) appetisement...
appetisements 26 23 APPETISEMENT, the st...
applicability 41 29 the state of being a...
applicatively 40 30 APPLICATIVE, that ca...
appoggiaturas 28 24 APPOGGIATURA, (Itali...
apportionable 27 24 that can be apportio...
apportionment 25 24 an act or result of...
appraisements 26 23 APPRAISEMENT, the ac...
appreciations 28 23 APPRECIATION, judgme...
apprehensible 30 26 capable of being app...
apprehensibly 37 28 APPREHENSIBLE, capab...
apprehensions 26 23 APPREHENSION, the ac...
appropinquate 35 33 (archaic) to approac...
appropinquing 37 36 APPROPINQUE, (archai...
appropinquity 43 35 nearness [n APPROPIN...
appropriacies 31 25 APPROPRIACY, the con...
appropriately 35 25 APPROPRIATE, suitabl...
appropriating 29 25 APPROPRIATE, to take...
appropriation 27 23 an act or instance o...
appropriative 30 26 relating to appropri...
appropriators 28 22 APPROPRIATOR, one wh...
approximately 40 32 APPROXIMATE, close t...
approximating 34 32 APPROXIMATE, to come...
approximation 32 30 the act of drawing t...
approximative 35 33 approaching closely...
appurtenances 27 25 APPURTENANCE, a subo...
aptitudinally 33 23 APTITUDINAL, relatin...
aquaceuticals 37 31 AQUACEUTICAL, a meth...
aquaculturist 36 29 one who practises aq...
aquafitnesses 31 27 AQUAFITNESS, fitness...
aquiculturist 37 29 one who practises aq...
arabicisation 26 20 the act of arabicisi...
arabicization 29 29 the act of arabicizi...
arachnoiditis 27 20 inflammation of the...
arachnologies 27 22 ARACHNOLOGY, the stu...
arachnologist 28 22 one who studies arac...
arachnophobes 31 27 ARACHNOPHOBE, one wi...
arachnophobia 31 27 fear of spiders [n -...
arachnophobic 35 30 one with a morbid fe...
araeometrical 25 20 relating to araeomet...
araeosystyles 34 18 ARAEOSYSTYLE, a buil...
arbitrariness 24 17 the state of being a...
arbitrational 24 18 relating to arbitrat...
arbitratrices 28 19 ARBITRATRIX, (archai...
arbitratrixes 31 23 ARBITRATRIX, (archai...
arborescences 28 23 ARBORESCENCE, shape...
arboriculture 29 22 the cultivation of t...
arborisations 23 17 ARBORISATION, an arb...
arborizations 26 26 ARBORIZATION, an arb...
archaeobotany 32 24 the analysis and int...
archaeologies 27 21 ARCHAEOLOGY, the stu...
archaeologist 28 21 a practitioner of ar...
archaeometric 30 24 relating to archaeom...
archaeopteryx 40 30 a Jurassic fossil bi...
archaeornises 25 19 ARCHAEORNIS, a primi...
archaezoology 36 32 the study of zoologi...
archbishopric 38 29 the see or province...
archduchesses 33 25 ARCHDUCHESS, the wif...
archegoniates 26 21 ARCHEGONIATE, a plan...
archeological 32 25 relating to archeolo...
archeologists 29 21 ARCHEOLOGIST, one wh...
archeometries 27 21 ARCHEOMETRY, the use...
archeozoology 36 32 the study of zoologi...
archidiaconal 30 24 of or relating to an...
archimandrite 28 23 the head of a monast...
archipelagian 30 25 of, relating to, or...
archipelagoes 30 24 ARCHIPELAGO, a chain...
archiphonemes 31 27 ARCHIPHONEME, an abs...
architectonic 33 25 of or pertaining to...
architectural 32 23 of or relating to ar...
architectures 31 22 ARCHITECTURE, the ar...
arctophilists 32 22 ARCTOPHILIST, a coll...
arduousnesses 21 17 ARDUOUSNESS, the sta...
arfvedsonites 25 22 ARFVEDSONITE, (Swedi...
argentiferous 24 20 bearing silver e.g....
argilliferous 28 21 containing or yieldi...
argumentation 22 21 the process of formi...
argumentative 25 24 given to argument, a...
aristocracies 28 19 ARISTOCRACY, governm...
aristocratism 27 19 the spirit of, pract...
aristolochias 28 19 ARISTOLOCHIA, any pl...
arithmetician 28 22 one who practises ar...
arithmomanias 25 22 ARITHMOMANIA, an obs...
arithmometers 26 21 ARITHMOMETER, (obsol...
arithmophobia 31 26 a fear of numbers [n...
armamentarium 24 24 the collection of eq...
aromaticities 26 19 AROMATICITY, the sta...
aromatisation 21 17 the act of aromatisi...
aromatization 24 26 the act of aromatizi...
arpeggiations 25 21 ARPEGGIATION, the ac...
arrhenotokies 23 20 ARRHENOTOKY, giving...
arsenopyrites 29 19 ARSENOPYRITE, arseni...
arsphenamines 25 23 ARSPHENAMINE, anothe...
arterialising 24 17 ARTERIALISE, to make...
arterializing 27 26 ARTERIALIZE, to make...
arteriography 33 22 the radiographic vis...
arteriotomies 22 16 ARTERIOTOMY, the sur...
arteriovenous 22 19 of, relating to, or...
arthrectomies 28 21 ARTHRECTOMY, the sur...
arthritically 37 22 ARTHRITIC, suffering...
arthropathies 28 20 ARTHROPATHY, a disea...
arthroscopies 29 21 ARTHROSCOPY, the exa...
arthrosporous 26 19 of or like an arthro...
articulations 26 19 ARTICULATION, a join...
artificialise 29 20 to make artificial,...
artificiality 36 22 the quality of being...
artificialize 32 29 to make artificial,...
artlessnesses 22 15 ARTLESSNESS, the sta...
arundinaceous 23 21 like a reed [adj]
ascensionists 24 18 ASCENSIONIST, a pers...
ascertainable 26 21 capable of being asc...
ascertainably 33 23 ASCERTAINABLE, capab...
ascertainment 24 21 the act of ascertain...
ashamednesses 23 20 ASHAMEDNESS, the sta...
asparaginases 23 19 ASPARAGINASE, an enz...
aspergilloses 27 20 ASPERGILLOSIS, anima...
aspergillosis 28 20 animal disease cause...
aspheterising 27 21 ASPHETERISE, to deny...
aspheterizing 30 30 ASPHETERIZE, to deny...
asphyxiations 38 28 ASPHYXIATION, the ac...
assassinating 22 17 ASSASSINATE, to murd...
assassination 20 15 the act of assassina...
assassinators 21 14 ASSASSINATOR, one wh...
assemblagists 28 22 ASSEMBLAGIST, an art...
assemblaunces 28 25 ASSEMBLAUNCE, (Spens...
assemblywoman 35 29 a female member of a...
assemblywomen 35 29 ASSEMBLYWOMAN, a fem...
assentiveness 22 19 the state of being a...
assertiveness 23 18 the state of being a...
assessorships 27 18 ASSESSORSHIP, the of...
asseverations 22 18 ASSEVERATION, an ear...
assibilations 25 18 ASSIBILATION, speaki...
assiduousness 22 17 the state of being a...
assignability 33 22 the quality of being...
assimilations 24 18 ASSIMILATION, the ac...
assistantship 27 19 the post of assistan...
associability 35 22 the quality of being...
associateship 29 21 the post of associat...
associational 24 18 relating to associat...
associatively 34 23 ASSOCIATIVE, of or r...
associativity 34 22 the quality of being...
assortatively 31 20 ASSORTATIVE, denotin...
assubjugating 29 32 ASSUBJUGATE, (Shakes...
assuefactions 26 21 ASSUEFACTION, (obsol...
assurednesses 21 16 ASSUREDNESS, the sta...
astacological 30 23 related to astacolog...
astacologists 27 19 ASTACOLOGIST, a spec...
astereognoses 20 16 ASTEREOGNOSIS, the i...
astereognosis 21 16 the inability to rec...
asthenosphere 26 21 the upper layer of t...
asthmatically 37 25 ASTHMATICAL, sufferi...
astonishingly 32 22 ASTONISHING [adv]
astonishments 24 20 ASTONISHMENT, the st...
astrapophobia 29 24 a morbid fear of thu...
astringencies 25 20 ASTRINGENCY, being a...
astrobotanies 22 17 ASTROBOTANY, the bra...
astrocytomata 31 21 ASTROCYTOMA, a tumou...
astrodynamics 32 23 the science of the m...
astrometrical 27 20 relating to astromet...
astronautical 25 19 relating to astronau...
astronomising 23 20 ASTRONOMISE, to stud...
astronomizing 26 29 ASTRONOMIZE, to stud...
astrophysical 37 24 relating to astrophy...
astrotourisms 24 17 ASTROTOURISM, touris...
astrotourists 23 14 ASTROTOURIST, one wh...
astroturfings 26 20 ASTROTURFING, politi...
asynchronisms 34 25 ASYNCHRONISM, the st...
asyndetically 39 24 ASYNDETIC, not conne...
atavistically 36 24 ATAVISTIC, showing a...
atheistically 36 22 ATHEISTICAL, like an...
athematically 36 25 ATHEMATIC, without a...
atherogeneses 22 18 ATHEROGENESIS, the f...
atherogenesis 23 18 the formation of ath...
atmospherical 31 25 related to the atmos...
atomistically 35 23 ATOMISTICAL, relatin...
atrociousness 24 18 the state of being a...
attainability 31 20 the quality of being...
attemperments 25 23 ATTEMPERMENT, the ac...
attentiveness 22 19 the state of being a...
attitudinally 31 20 ATTITUDINAL, relatin...
attitudinised 23 17 ATTITUDINISE, to ass...
attitudiniser 23 16 one who attitudinise...
attitudinises 23 16 ATTITUDINISE, to ass...
attitudinized 26 26 ATTITUDINIZE, to ass...
attitudinizer 26 25 one who attitudinize...
attitudinizes 26 25 ATTITUDINIZE, to ass...
attorneyships 32 21 ATTORNEYSHIP, the of...
attractancies 27 20 ATTRACTANCY, the sta...
attributional 25 19 relating to attribut...
attributively 35 24 ATTRIBUTIVE, express...
atypicalities 35 22 ATYPICALITY, the sta...
auctioneering 24 21 AUCTIONEER, to sell...
audaciousness 24 20 the state of being a...
audiblenesses 24 20 AUDIBLENESS, the sta...
audiocassette 24 18 an audiotape recordi...
audiometrists 24 18 AUDIOMETRIST, one wh...
audiovisually 33 24 AUDIOVISUAL, relatin...
augmentations 22 21 AUGMENTATION, the ac...
augmentatives 25 24 AUGMENTATIVE, an aug...
aureatenesses 19 15 AUREATENESS, the sta...
auscultations 26 20 AUSCULTATION, the ac...
austerenesses 20 15 AUSTERENESS, the sta...
autecological 30 24 relating to autecolo...
authentically 35 24 AUTHENTICAL, (archai...
authenticated 26 21 AUTHENTICATE, to pro...
authenticates 26 20 AUTHENTICATE, to pro...
authenticator 26 20 one who authenticate...
authorisation 23 17 the act of authorisi...
authoritarian 23 17 one who favours blin...
authoritative 26 20 having or proceeding...
authorization 26 26 the act of authorizi...
autobiography 35 26 the biography of a p...
autocatalysed 31 21 AUTOCATALYSE, to eff...
autocatalyses 31 20 AUTOCATALYSE, to eff...
autocatalysis 32 20 the catalysis of a r...
autocatalytic 35 23 relating to the cata...
autocatalyzed 34 30 AUTOCATALYZE, to sub...
autocatalyzes 34 29 AUTOCATALYZE, to sub...
autocephalies 29 23 AUTOCEPHALY, self-go...
autocephalous 29 24 of a bishop, indepen...
autochthonies 28 22 AUTOCHTHONY, the sta...
autochthonism 30 25 the condition of bei...
autochthonous 28 23 indigenous, aborigin...
autocritiques 34 27 AUTOCRITIQUE, (Frenc...
autodestructs 26 19 AUTODESTRUCT, to sel...
autoeroticism 26 20 sexual feeling arisi...
autoexposures 29 25 AUTOEXPOSURE, a syst...
autographical 31 25 of, relating to, or...
autoinfection 25 22 reinfection with lar...
automagically 35 26 AUTOMAGIC, performin...
automatically 34 24 AUTOMATICAL, (archai...
automobilisms 28 24 AUTOMOBILISM, an int...
automobilists 27 21 AUTOMOBILIST, one wi...
automorphisms 29 25 AUTOMORPHISM, ascrip...
autonomically 33 25 AUTONOMICAL, self-go...
autopolyploid 34 25 an individual or str...
autoradiogram 23 20 an autoradiographic...
autorickshaws 32 26 AUTORICKSHAW, a ligh...
autorotations 20 15 AUTOROTATION, the ac...
autoschediasm 28 23 anything which is ex...
autoschediaze 29 29 to improvise [v AUTO...
autostability 32 20 the state of being s...
autosuggested 24 20 AUTOSUGGEST, to infl...
autotoxaemias 27 24 AUTOTOXAEMIA, self-p...
autoxidations 27 23 AUTOXIDATION, oxidat...
availableness 26 23 the state of being a...
averagenesses 22 20 AVERAGENESS, the sta...
averruncating 27 25 AVERRUNCATE, (archai...
averruncation 25 23 the act of averrunca...
averruncators 26 22 AVERRUNCATOR, an ins...
aviculturists 31 23 AVICULTURIST, one wh...
avocationally 33 25 AVOCATIONAL, of or r...
avoirdupoises 26 22 AVOIRDUPOIS, (French...
awelessnesses 24 18 AWELESSNESS, the sta...
awesomenesses 23 20 AWESOMENESS, the sta...
awkwardnesses 28 25 AWKWARDNESS, the sta...
axiologically 41 30 AXIOLOGICAL, relatin...
axiomatically 40 30 AXIOMATICAL, indispu...
axisymmetries 37 28 AXISYMMETRY, the sta...
ayuntamientos 27 21 AYUNTAMIENTO, (Spani...
azathioprines 28 28 AZATHIOPRINE, a synt...