13 letter words that starts with q

13 letter words that start with Q

13 letter Q word


Word With Friends


quadragesimal 33 30 consisting of 40; sp...
quadraphonics 37 33 QUADRAPHONIC [n]
quadraphonies 33 30 QUADRAPHONY, a syste...
quadraplegias 34 30 QUADRAPLEGIA, paraly...
quadraplegics 38 33 QUADRAPLEGIC, one su...
quadratically 42 31 QUADRATICAL, involvi...
quadrennially 37 30 QUADRENNIAL, lasting...
quadricipital 38 31 relating to the quad...
quadrienniums 31 30 QUADRIENNIUM, (Latin...
quadrifarious 33 28 arranged in four clo...
quadrifoliate 33 28 having four leaves [...
quadrigeminal 33 31 having four similar...
quadrilateral 32 26 a polygon of four si...
quadrilingual 34 30 speaking four langua...
quadriliteral 33 26 consisting of four l...
quadrillionth 35 29 the ordinal of quadr...
quadrilocular 36 30 having four compartm...
quadringenary 36 30 a four-hundredth ann...
quadrinomials 32 29 QUADRINOMIAL, an exp...
quadripartite 33 27 pertaining to or for...
quadriphonics 38 33 a system of sound tr...
quadriplegias 35 30 QUADRIPLEGIA, paraly...
quadriplegics 39 33 QUADRIPLEGIC, one su...
quadrisecting 35 30 QUADRISECT, to divid...
quadrisection 33 28 division into four e...
quadrivalence 35 33 the state of being q...
quadrivalency 42 35 the state of being q...
quadrivalents 33 30 QUADRIVALENT, a quad...
quadrophonics 37 33 a system of sound tr...
quadrophonies 33 30 QUADROPHONY, a syste...
quadrumvirate 34 32 a group of four men...
quadruplexing 41 39 QUADRUPLEX, to make...
quadruplicate 37 32 to make quadruple or...
quadruplicity 45 34 the state of being q...
quaestorships 35 28 QUAESTORSHIP, the of...
qualification 36 31 a restriction in mea...
qualificative 39 34 serving to qualify [...
qualificators 37 30 QUALIFICATOR, one wh...
qualificatory 43 32 of the nature of a q...
qualitatively 41 31 QUALITATIVE, of, rel...
quangocracies 36 32 QUANGOCRACY, governm...
quantisations 29 25 QUANTISATION, the ac...
quantitations 29 25 QUANTITATION, the ac...
quantivalence 34 33 valency [n -S]
quantizations 32 34 QUANTIZATION, the ac...
quarrelsomely 39 30 QUARRELSOME, apt or...
quarrymasters 38 28 QUARRYMASTER, one in...
quarterbacked 36 34 QUARTERBACK, to dire...
quarterdecker 34 31 a stickler for naval...
quarterfinals 33 28 QUARTERFINAL, the ro...
quarterlights 36 28 QUARTERLIGHT, a smal...
quartermaster 31 26 one in charge of sto...
quartersawing 34 29 QUARTERSAW, to saw (...
quarterstaffs 35 29 QUARTERSTAFF, a long...
quarterstaves 32 27 QUARTERSTAFF, a long...
quartodeciman 33 31 an early Christian w...
quartziferous 36 36 bearing quartz [adj]
quasicrystals 42 29 QUASICRYSTAL, a body...
quasiparticle 37 30 a composite entity (...
quasiperiodic 36 30 almost but not quite...
quaternionist 29 25 a person who studies...
quatrefeuille 34 29 a four-petalled flow...
quattrocentos 32 27 QUATTROCENTO, (Itali...
queenlinesses 29 26 QUEENLINESS, the sta...
quelquechoses 44 39 QUELQUECHOSE, (Frenc...
querulousness 31 27 the state of being q...
questionaries 29 24 QUESTIONARY, an aske...
questioningly 38 30 QUESTIONING [adv]
questionnaire 28 25 a set of questions f...
quicksilvered 39 36 QUICKSILVER, to coat...
quickstepping 41 39 QUICKSTEP [v]
quincentenary 37 31 pertaining to a five...
quincuncially 45 36 QUINCUNCIAL, of or l...
quindecaplets 36 32 QUINDECAPLET, a grou...
quindecennial 32 31 a fifteenth annivers...
quindecillion 35 31 ten to the power of...
quingentenary 35 30 pertaining to a five...
quinquenniads 37 37 QUINQUENNIAD, a peri...
quinquennials 38 37 QUINQUENNIAL [n]
quinquenniums 39 40 QUINQUENNIUM, a peri...
quinquevalent 40 40 having a valency of...
quinquivalent 41 40 having a valency of...
quintessences 32 28 QUINTESSENCE, the pu...
quintillionth 35 29 the ordinal of quint...
quintuplicate 37 32 to make quintuple or...
quodlibetical 38 32 of or like a quodlib...
quotabilities 34 27 QUOTABILITY, the abi...