13 letter words that starts with i

13 letter words that start with I

13 letter I word


Word With Friends


iambographers 30 26 IAMBOGRAPHER, one wh...
iatrochemical 32 25 relating to iatroche...
iatrochemists 29 21 IATROCHEMIST, a prac...
iatrogenicity 32 21 the state of being i...
ichnographies 32 26 ICHNOGRAPHY, the art...
ichthyocollas 41 27 ICHTHYOCOLLA, fish-g...
ichthyofaunae 36 27 ICHTHYOFAUNA, the fi...
ichthyofaunal 38 28 of or relating to ic...
ichthyofaunas 37 27 ICHTHYOFAUNA, the fi...
ichthyologies 38 25 ICHTHYOLOGY, the stu...
ichthyologist 39 25 one who studies icht...
ichthyopsidan 38 27 a member of the Icht...
ichthyornises 36 23 ICHTHYORNIS, a tooth...
ichthyosaurus 37 24 a large fossil marin...
iconographers 29 24 ICONOGRAPHER, a make...
iconographies 29 24 ICONOGRAPHY, the stu...
iconomachists 31 25 ICONOMACHIST, a pers...
iconomaticism 30 26 the quality of being...
iconophilisms 32 26 ICONOPHILISM, a tast...
iconophilists 31 23 ICONOPHILIST, one wi...
idealisations 22 16 IDEALISATION, the ac...
idealizations 25 25 IDEALIZATION, the ac...
idempotencies 27 24 IDEMPOTENCY, the sta...
identicalness 25 20 the state of being i...
ideogrammatic 28 25 of or like an ideogr...
ideographical 31 25 in the form of an id...
ideologically 35 24 IDEOLOGICAL, relatin...
idiomatically 35 24 IDIOMATICAL, peculia...
idiomaticness 26 21 the state of being i...
idiomorphisms 30 25 IDIOMORPHISM, the st...
idioplasmatic 30 24 of or like idioplasm...
idiorrhythmic 39 26 self-regulating; all...
idiosyncratic 35 23 showing idiosyncrasy...
idioticalness 26 19 IDIOTICAL, relating...
ignoblenesses 24 21 IGNOBLENESS, the sta...
ignominiously 31 24 IGNOMINIOUS, marked...
illaqueations 31 26 ILLAQUEATION, the ac...
illegibleness 28 22 ILLEGIBLE, not legib...
illegitimated 27 21 ILLEGITIMATE, to pro...
illegitimates 27 20 ILLEGITIMATE, to pro...
illiberalised 28 20 ILLIBERALISE, to ren...
illiberalises 28 19 ILLIBERALISE, to ren...
illiberalisms 30 22 ILLIBERALISM, opposi...
illiberalized 31 29 ILLIBERALIZE, to ren...
illiberalizes 31 28 ILLIBERALIZE, to ren...
illiberalness 27 20 the state of being i...
illicitnesses 28 19 ILLICITNESS, the sta...
illimitations 26 19 ILLIMITATION, the st...
illiquidities 35 26 ILLIQUIDITY, the sta...
illocutionary 33 22 pertaining to illocu...
illogicalness 29 22 ILLOGICAL, not logic...
illuminations 25 21 ILLUMINATION, spirit...
illusionistic 29 20 relating to illusion...
illustratable 28 20 capable of being ill...
illustrations 25 17 ILLUSTRATION, an exa...
illustriously 34 20 ILLUSTRIOUS, notably...
illustrissimo 28 19 (Italian) most illus...
imaginariness 23 20 the state of being i...
imaginational 23 21 relating to the imag...
imaginatively 33 26 IMAGINATIVE, charact...
imagistically 37 25 IMAGISTIC, relating...
imbecilically 42 30 IMBECILIC, like an i...
imitabilities 28 20 IMITABILITY, the sta...
imitativeness 25 21 IMITATIVE, inclined...
immanentistic 27 24 relating to immanent...
immarcescible 34 29 unfading; imperishab...
immaterialise 25 20 to make immaterial,...
immaterialism 27 23 the doctrine that th...
immaterialist 26 20 an exponent of immat...
immateriality 32 22 the state of being i...
immaterialize 28 29 to make immaterial,...
immediateness 23 21 the state of being i...
immensenesses 22 21 IMMENSENESS, the sta...
immersionisms 26 23 IMMERSIONISM, the pr...
immersionists 25 20 IMMERSIONIST, a pers...
immigrational 26 23 relating to immigrat...
immiscibility 40 28 the state of being i...
immiserations 24 20 IMMISERATION, progre...
immoderations 23 21 IMMODERATION, the st...
immortalisers 26 20 IMMORTALISER, one wh...
immortalising 27 23 IMMORTALISE, to rend...
immortalities 26 20 IMMORTALITY, the sta...
immortalizers 29 29 IMMORTALIZER, one wh...
immortalizing 30 32 IMMORTALIZE, to make...
immovableness 28 28 the state of being i...
immoveability 36 29 the quality of being...
immunifacient 29 28 causing immunity [ad...
immunisations 24 22 IMMUNISATION, the ac...
immunizations 27 31 IMMUNIZATION, the ac...
immunochemist 31 29 a student of immunoc...
immunocomplex 37 38 a complex formed bet...
immunogeneses 23 24 IMMUNOGENESIS, the p...
immunogenesis 24 24 the production of an...
immunogenetic 27 27 relating to immunoge...
immunological 30 28 relating to immunolo...
immunologists 27 24 IMMUNOLOGIST, a prac...
immunosorbent 25 25 a substrate consisti...
immunotherapy 34 28 the treatment or pre...
immutableness 27 25 IMMUTABLE, that cann...
impalpability 39 29 the state of being i...
imparipinnate 26 24 pinnate with the rac...
impartialness 26 21 the state of being i...
impartibility 37 25 the state of being i...
impassability 36 25 the state of being i...
impassibility 37 25 the state of being i...
impassionedly 32 24 IMPASSIONED [adv]
impassiveness 27 24 IMPASSIVE, not showi...
impassivities 29 23 IMPASSIVITY, the qua...
impeccability 42 31 the state of being i...
impecuniosity 35 26 poverty [n IMPECUNIO...
impecuniously 36 28 IMPECUNIOUS, without...
impedimentary 32 26 hindering [adj]
impenetrating 25 23 IMPENETRATE, to pene...
impenetration 23 21 thorough penetration...
impenitencies 27 24 IMPENITENCY, the sta...
imperatorship 30 24 the office of impera...
imperceivable 33 30 imperceptible [adj]
imperceptible 34 29 not perceptible [adj...
imperceptibly 41 31 IMPERCEPTIBLE, not p...
imperceptions 30 26 IMPERCEPTION, lack o...
impercipience 33 29 the state of being i...
imperfectible 34 29 not capable of being...
imperfections 30 26 IMPERFECTION, the st...
imperfectives 33 29 IMPERFECTIVE, a tens...
imperfectness 30 26 the state of being i...
imperforation 26 23 the state of being i...
imperialising 28 23 IMPERIALISE, to make...
imperialistic 31 23 relating to imperial...
imperialities 27 20 IMPERIALITY, the sta...
imperializing 31 32 IMPERIALIZE, to make...
imperiousness 25 21 IMPERIOUS, assuming...
imperishables 31 25 IMPERISHABLE, someth...
impermanences 27 27 IMPERMANENCE, the st...
impermanently 32 27 IMPERMANENT, not per...
impermissible 31 26 not permissible [adj...
impermissibly 38 28 IMPERMISSIBLE, not p...
imperseverant 26 24 lacking the power to...
impersonalise 25 21 to make impersonal,...
impersonality 32 23 the state of being i...
impersonalize 28 30 to make impersonal,...
impersonating 25 23 IMPERSONATE, to assu...
impersonation 23 21 the act of impersona...
impersonators 24 20 IMPERSONATOR, one wh...
impertinences 27 24 IMPERTINENCE, impude...
impertinently 32 24 IMPERTINENT, given t...
imperturbable 31 27 marked by extreme ca...
imperturbably 38 29 IMPERTURBABLE, marke...
impeticossing 30 25 IMPETICOS, (Shakespe...
impetuosities 26 20 IMPETUOSITY, the sta...
impetuousness 25 22 IMPETUOUS, tending t...
impignorating 27 25 IMPIGNORATE, to pled...
impignoration 25 23 the state of being m...
impiousnesses 25 21 IMPIOUSNESS, the sta...
implacability 40 29 the state of being i...
implantations 25 22 IMPLANTATION, the ac...
implicational 30 25 of the nature of imp...
implicatively 40 30 IMPLICATIVE, tending...
impolitically 39 27 IMPOLITICAL, (obsole...
impoliticness 30 24 the state of being i...
imponderables 27 25 IMPONDERABLE, someth...
importability 36 25 the quality of being...
importunacies 28 24 IMPORTUNACY, the sta...
importunately 32 24 IMPORTUNATE, stubbor...
importunities 26 21 IMPORTUNITY, the sta...
impossibilism 32 26 belief in or advocac...
impossibilist 31 23 one who believes in...
impossibility 37 25 the state of being i...
imposthumated 29 26 IMPOSTHUMATE, to for...
imposthumates 29 25 IMPOSTHUMATE, to for...
impostumating 28 26 IMPOSTUMATE, to form...
impostumation 26 24 the formation of an...
impoverishers 30 25 IMPOVERISHER, one wh...
impoverishing 31 28 IMPOVERISH, to make...
impracticable 35 29 not practicable [adj...
impracticably 42 31 IMPRACTICABLE, not p...
impractically 41 29 IMPRACTICAL, not pra...
impreciseness 28 23 IMPRECISE, not preci...
impredicative 31 27 of a definition, giv...
impregnatable 28 26 capable of being imp...
impregnations 25 23 IMPREGNATION, the ac...
impressionism 27 23 a 19th century movem...
impressionist 26 20 an artist who practi...
imprisonments 26 24 IMPRISONMENT, the ac...
improbability 38 28 the state of being i...
impropriating 29 25 IMPROPRIATE, to tran...
impropriation 27 23 the act of impropria...
impropriators 28 22 IMPROPRIATOR, a laym...
improprieties 28 22 IMPROPRIETY, an impr...
improvability 38 29 the state of being i...
improvidences 30 28 IMPROVIDENCE, the st...
improvidently 35 28 IMPROVIDENT, lacking...
improvisating 29 26 IMPROVISATE, (obsole...
improvisation 27 24 the act or art of im...
improvisatore 27 23 (Italian) an improvi...
improvisatori 28 23 IMPROVISATORE, (Ital...
improvisators 28 23 IMPROVISATOR, an imp...
improvisatory 34 25 of or like an improv...
improvisatrix 35 30 (archaic) a female i...
impulsiveness 29 26 the state of being i...
impulsivities 31 25 IMPULSIVITY, the sta...
imputableness 28 25 the state of being i...
inabstinences 25 22 INABSTINENCE, lack o...
inactivations 26 22 INACTIVATION, the ac...
inadaptations 22 19 INADAPTATION, lack o...
inadvertences 25 23 INADVERTENCE, neglig...
inadvertently 30 23 INADVERTENT, not foc...
inanimateness 20 19 the state of being i...
inappetencies 27 24 INAPPETENCY, lack of...
inappreciable 31 27 too small to be perc...
inappreciably 38 29 INAPPRECIABLE, too s...
inappropriate 27 23 not appropriate, als...
inarticulates 26 19 INARTICULATE, any of...
inattentively 30 22 INATTENTIVE, not att...
inaudibleness 24 21 INAUDIBLE, that cann...
inaugurations 22 19 INAUGURATION, an act...
incalescences 30 25 INCALESCENCE, the pr...
incandescence 28 26 the state of being i...
incandescency 35 28 the state of being i...
incandescents 26 23 INCANDESCENT, a type...
incantational 23 20 relating to incantat...
incapableness 28 25 the state of being i...
incapacitants 29 24 INCAPACITANT, a subs...
incapacitated 29 24 INCAPACITATE, to mak...
incapacitates 29 23 INCAPACITATE, to mak...
incapsulating 29 25 INCAPSULATE, to encl...
incapsulation 27 23 the act of incapsula...
incarcerating 28 23 INCARCERATE, to put...
incarceration 26 21 imprisonment [n -S]
incarcerators 27 20 INCARCERATOR, one wh...
incardinating 25 22 INCARDINATE, to make...
incardination 23 20 acceptance by a dioc...
incarnadining 24 23 INCARNADINE, to make...
incatenations 22 19 INCATENATION, harnes...
incendiarisms 26 22 INCENDIARISM, the ma...
incendivities 27 23 INCENDIVITY, the pow...
incentivising 28 25 INCENTIVISE, to give...
incentivizing 31 34 INCENTIVIZE, to give...
incertainties 24 18 INCERTAINTY, (obsole...
incessantness 23 19 INCESSANT, unceasing...
incinerations 23 19 INCINERATION, the ac...
inclementness 25 23 INCLEMENT, severe, s...
inclinational 25 21 relating to inclinat...
inclinatorium 27 23 the dipping-needle,...
inclinometers 26 22 INCLINOMETER, an ins...
inclusiveness 28 24 INCLUSIVE, comprehen...
inclusivities 30 23 INCLUSIVITY, the sta...
incogitancies 28 23 INCOGITANCY, the sta...
incognisances 27 24 INCOGNISANCE, failur...
incognizances 30 33 INCOGNIZANCE, failur...
incoherencies 28 23 INCOHERENCY, the sta...
incombustible 32 28 not combustible [adj...
incombustibly 39 30 INCOMBUSTIBLE, not c...
incommiscible 34 30 unable to be mixed o...
incommodities 27 24 INCOMMODITY, anythin...
incommunicado 29 29 (Spanish) without me...
incompatibles 31 27 INCOMPATIBLE, one wh...
incompetences 29 27 INCOMPETENCE, the st...
incompetently 34 27 INCOMPETENT, not com...
incompletions 28 25 INCOMPLETION, lack o...
incompliances 31 28 INCOMPLIANCE, lack o...
incompliantly 36 28 INCOMPLIANT, not com...
incompossible 31 27 incapable of coexist...
inconceivable 31 29 not conceivable, als...
inconceivably 38 31 INCONCEIVABLE, not c...
inconclusions 28 24 INCONCLUSION, lack o...
incondensable 25 24 not able to be conde...
incondensible 26 24 not able to be conde...
incongruences 27 25 INCONGRUENCE, lack o...
incongruently 32 25 INCONGRUENT, not con...
incongruities 26 21 INCONGRUITY, the sta...
incongruously 33 25 INCONGRUOUS, lacking...
inconsciently 34 25 INCONSCIENT, unconsc...
inconsecutive 29 26 not consecutive [adj...
inconsequence 33 32 the state of being i...
inconsiderate 23 19 heedless, thoughtles...
inconsistence 26 22 the state of being i...
inconsistency 33 24 the state of being i...
inconsonances 24 23 INCONSONANCE, lack o...
inconsonantly 29 23 INCONSONANT, not con...
inconspicuous 30 26 not easily seen [adj...
inconstancies 26 22 INCONSTANCY, the sta...
inconstruable 27 23 that cannot be const...
incontestable 26 22 not contestable [adj...
incontestably 33 24 INCONTESTABLE, not c...
incontinences 25 23 INCONTINENCE, the st...
incontinently 30 23 INCONTINENT, not con...
inconvenience 26 27 to subject to inconv...
inconveniency 33 29 lack of convenience,...
inconversable 28 26 not capable of being...
inconvertible 29 26 not convertible [adj...
inconvertibly 36 28 INCONVERTIBLE, not c...
inconvincible 32 30 incapable of being c...
inconvincibly 39 32 INCONVINCIBLE, incap...
incoronations 22 19 INCORONATION, the ac...
incorporating 27 23 INCORPORATE, to form...
incorporation 25 21 the act of incorpora...
incorporative 28 24 serving to incorpora...
incorporators 26 20 INCORPORATOR, one wh...
incorporeally 34 24 INCORPOREAL, not cor...
incorrectness 27 21 the state of being i...
incorrigibles 30 23 INCORRIGIBLE, one wh...
incorruptible 31 25 incapable of corrupt...
incorruptibly 38 27 INCORRUPTIBLE, incap...
incorruptions 27 22 INCORRUPTION, the st...
incorruptness 27 22 the state of being i...
incrassations 24 18 INCRASSATION, thicke...
incrassatives 27 21 INCRASSATIVE, a drug...
incredibility 36 24 the state of being i...
incredulities 27 20 INCREDULITY, the sta...
incredulously 34 24 INCREDULOUS, unwilli...
incrementally 33 25 INCREMENTAL, of the...
incriminating 27 24 INCRIMINATE, to char...
incrimination 25 22 the act of incrimina...
incriminators 26 21 INCRIMINATOR, one wh...
incriminatory 32 23 tending to incrimina...
incrossbreeds 27 21 INCROSSBREED, to pro...
incrustations 25 19 INCRUSTATION, a crus...
inculpability 39 28 the quality of being...
incumberingly 37 30 INCUMBERING [adv]
incumbrancers 31 28 INCUMBRANCER, a pers...
incunabulists 29 24 INCUNABULIST, a stud...
incurableness 27 23 the state of being i...
incuriosities 26 18 INCURIOSITY, lack of...
incuriousness 25 20 the state of being i...
indefatigable 27 24 incapable of being f...
indefatigably 34 26 INDEFATIGABLE, incap...
indehiscences 29 24 INDEHISCENCE, the st...
indelibleness 25 21 INDELIBLE, that cann...
indentureship 26 22 the state of being i...
independences 24 24 INDEPENDENCE, the st...
independently 29 24 INDEPENDENT, not com...
indescribable 30 25 that cannot be descr...
indescribably 37 27 INDESCRIBABLE, that...
indeterminacy 31 24 the state of being i...
indeterminate 21 19 not determined [adj...
indeterminism 24 22 the theory that deni...
indeterminist 23 19 a believer in indete...
indexterities 28 22 INDEXTERITY, lack of...
indifferences 28 25 INDIFFERENCE, the st...
indifferently 33 25 INDIFFERENT, marked...
indigestibles 27 21 INDIGESTIBLE, someth...
indiscernible 28 23 incapable of being d...
indiscernibly 35 25 INDISCERNIBLE, incap...
indisciplined 29 24 not disciplined [adj...
indisciplines 29 23 INDISCIPLINE, lack o...
indiscretions 25 19 INDISCRETION, lack o...
indispensable 26 23 that cannot be dispe...
indispensably 33 25 INDISPENSABLE, that...
indisposition 24 19 the condition of bei...
indissociable 28 22 not dissociated [adj...
indissociably 35 24 INDISSOCIABLE, not d...
indissolvable 28 24 (archaic) indissolub...
indissuadable 25 21 not able to be dissu...
indissuadably 32 23 INDISSUADABLE, not a...
indistinction 25 20 lack of distinction...
indistinctive 28 23 lacking distinctive...
individualise 26 22 to make individual,...
individualism 28 25 belief that individu...
individualist 27 22 one that pursues a m...
individuality 33 24 total character pecu...
individualize 29 31 to make individual i...
individuating 26 24 INDIVIDUATE, to give...
individuation 24 22 the development of t...
individuators 25 21 INDIVIDUATOR, one wh...
indoctrinated 24 20 INDOCTRINATE, to ins...
indoctrinates 24 19 INDOCTRINATE, to ins...
indoctrinator 24 19 one who indoctrinate...
indolebutyric 35 25 as in indolebutyric...
indomethacins 27 24 INDOMETHACIN, a nons...
inductilities 28 20 INDUCTILITY, the sta...
inductiveness 27 24 INDUCTIVE, relating...
inductivities 29 23 INDUCTIVITY, the sta...
induplication 28 24 being folded inwards...
industrialise 24 17 to make industrial,...
industrialism 26 20 social organization...
industrialist 25 17 one owning or engage...
industrialize 27 26 to make industrial,...
industriously 31 20 INDUSTRIOUS, habitua...
inedibilities 26 19 INEDIBILITY, the sta...
ineducability 35 25 the state of being i...
ineffableness 27 25 the state of being i...
ineffectively 38 30 INEFFECTIVE, not pro...
ineffectually 37 28 INEFFECTUAL, not pro...
inefficacious 32 27 lacking the power to...
inefficiently 36 27 INEFFICIENT, not eff...
inegalitarian 22 18 a person who holds t...
inelaborately 30 21 INELABORATE, not ela...
inelaborating 24 21 INELABORATE, to make...
inelastically 34 22 INELASTIC, not elast...
ineligibility 35 23 the state of being i...
ineludibility 34 23 the state of being i...
inerrableness 23 19 the state of being i...
inescutcheons 29 24 INESCUTCHEON, a smal...
inevitability 34 24 the state of being i...
inexactitudes 31 26 INEXACTITUDE, lack o...
inexactnesses 29 25 INEXACTNESS, the sta...
inexhaustible 33 28 not exhaustible [adj...
inexhaustibly 40 30 INEXHAUSTIBLE, not e...
inexistencies 30 25 INEXISTENCY, lack of...
inexorability 37 27 the state of being i...
inexpectation 31 28 lack of expectation...
inexpediences 31 29 INEXPEDIENCE, the st...
inexpediently 36 29 INEXPEDIENT, not exp...
inexpensively 38 32 INEXPENSIVE, not exp...
inexperienced 31 29 not experienced, als...
inexperiences 31 28 INEXPERIENCE, lack o...
inexplainable 32 30 not able to be expla...
inexplainably 39 32 INEXPLAINABLE, not a...
inexpressible 33 28 that cannot be expre...
inexpressibly 40 30 INEXPRESSIBLE, that...
infallibilism 32 26 the doctrine of the...
infallibilist 31 23 one who believes in...
infallibility 37 25 the state of being i...
infantilising 26 22 INFANTILISE, to rend...
infantilities 25 19 INFANTILITY, the sta...
infantilizing 29 31 INFANTILIZE, to rend...
infeasibility 34 23 the state of being i...
infectiveness 28 25 INFECTIVE, infectiou...
infectivities 30 24 INFECTIVITY, the sta...
infecundities 27 23 INFECUNDITY, the sta...
inferentially 31 22 INFERENTIAL, relatin...
inferiorities 24 17 INFERIORITY, the sta...
infernalities 24 19 INFERNALITY, the sta...
infertilities 26 18 INFERTILITY, the sta...
infibulations 27 23 INFIBULATION, the ac...
infiltrations 25 19 INFILTRATION, the ac...
infinitesimal 26 22 taking on values arb...
infinitivally 35 26 INFINITIVAL, relatin...
inflammations 26 25 INFLAMMATION, the st...
inflationisms 26 22 INFLATIONISM, the po...
inflationists 25 19 INFLATIONIST, a supp...
inflectedness 27 23 INFLECTED [n]
inflexibility 42 31 the state of being i...
inflexionally 38 30 INFLEXIONAL, relatin...
inflexionless 31 27 without inflexion, a...
inflorescence 29 25 a cluster of flowers...
influenceable 29 27 capable of being inf...
influentially 33 24 INFLUENTIAL, having...
informalities 26 21 INFORMALITY, the sta...
informatician 27 24 someone engaged in i...
informational 24 22 relating to informat...
informatising 26 23 INFORMATISE, to conv...
informatively 34 27 INFORMATIVE, imparti...
informatizing 29 32 INFORMATIZE, to conv...
informatorily 32 23 INFORMATORY, conveyi...
infotainments 23 22 INFOTAINMENT, televi...
infraposition 25 21 the state of being p...
infraspecific 35 29 of taxonomic divisio...
infrequencies 34 31 INFREQUENCY, rarity...
infringements 25 24 INFRINGEMENT, the ac...
infructuously 36 26 INFRUCTUOUS, not fru...
infundibulate 27 25 funnel-shaped, also...
infuriatingly 33 24 INFURIATING [adv]
infusibleness 27 23 the state of being i...
ingeminations 22 21 INGEMINATION, the ac...
ingenerations 20 18 INGENERATION, the ac...
ingeniousness 21 19 the state of being i...
ingenuousness 21 20 the state of being i...
ingraftations 24 20 INGRAFTATION, the ac...
ingrainedness 21 19 INGRAINED [n]
ingratiations 22 17 INGRATIATION, the ac...
ingravescence 29 27 the state of being i...
ingrownnesses 24 21 INGROWNNESS, the sta...
ingurgitating 26 22 INGURGITATE, to swal...
ingurgitation 24 20 the act of ingurgita...
inhabitancies 28 23 INHABITANCY, the act...
inhabitations 25 20 INHABITATION, the ac...
inhabitresses 26 19 INHABITRESS, (archai...
inhalatoriums 26 21 INHALATORIUM, an ins...
inharmonicity 34 25 the state of being i...
inheritresses 24 16 INHERITRESS, a femal...
inhomogeneity 30 24 the condition or an...
inhomogeneous 23 23 relating to inhomoge...
inhospitality 34 22 the state of being i...
inhumannesses 23 22 INHUMANNESS, the sta...
inimicalities 28 21 INIMICALITY, the sta...
inimitability 34 23 the quality of being...
initialnesses 22 16 INITIALNESS, the sta...
initiatresses 22 14 INITIATRESS, a femal...
injudiciously 36 32 INJUDICIOUS, not jud...
injuriousness 24 26 the state of being i...
innocuousness 23 21 INNOCUOUS, harmless...
innovationist 22 20 one who innovates [n...
innoxiousness 26 24 INNOXIOUS, harmless...
inobservances 27 25 INOBSERVANCE, lack o...
inobservantly 32 25 INOBSERVANT, not obs...
inobservation 24 22 lack of observation...
inobtrusively 34 25 INOBTRUSIVE, not obt...
inoccupations 29 25 INOCCUPATION, lack o...
inoculability 36 25 the quality of being...
inodorousness 20 17 INODOROUS, emitting...
inoffensively 34 28 INOFFENSIVE, causing...
inofficiously 37 27 INOFFICIOUS, not off...
inoperability 33 23 the quality of being...
inoperculates 27 22 INOPERCULATE, someth...
inopportunely 32 25 INOPPORTUNE, inconve...
inopportunity 32 24 the state of being i...
inordinations 20 17 INORDINATION, deviat...
inorganically 33 24 INORGANIC, not organ...
inosculations 25 20 INOSCULATION, the ac...
inquilinities 32 26 INQUILINITY, living...
inquisitional 31 26 relating to inquisit...
inquisitively 41 31 INQUISITIVE, given t...
inquisitorial 32 25 of or like an inquis...
insalivations 24 20 INSALIVATION, the ac...
insalubrities 26 19 INSALUBRITY, the sta...
insanitations 20 16 INSANITATION, lack o...
insatiability 32 20 the state of being i...
insatiateness 20 15 the state of being i...
inscriptional 28 22 relating to inscript...
inscriptively 38 27 INSCRIPTIVE, relatin...
insculpturing 31 26 INSCULPTURE, to carv...
insectivorous 27 22 eating insects [adj]
insectologies 26 20 INSECTOLOGY, the stu...
insectologist 27 20 a student of insecto...
inseminations 21 19 INSEMINATION, the ac...
insensateness 19 16 INSENSATE, without s...
insensibility 32 21 the state of being i...
insensitively 31 22 INSENSITIVE, not res...
insensitivity 31 21 the state of being i...
insentiencies 23 19 INSENTIENCY, the sta...
inshrinements 24 21 INSHRINEMENT, the ac...
insidiousness 22 17 INSIDIOUS, developin...
insignificant 28 24 not significant [adj...
insincerities 25 18 INSINCERITY, the sta...
insinuatingly 30 22 INSINUATING [adv]
insipidnesses 24 19 INSIPIDNESS, the sta...
insociability 35 23 the state of being i...
insolubilised 27 21 INSOLUBILISE, to mak...
insolubilises 27 20 INSOLUBILISE, to mak...
insolubilized 30 30 INSOLUBILIZE, to mak...
insolubilizes 30 29 INSOLUBILIZE, to mak...
insolubleness 25 21 the state of being i...
insolvability 35 25 the quality of being...
insomnolences 24 23 INSOMNOLENCE, sleepl...
inspectorates 26 20 INSPECTORATE, the of...
inspectorship 32 25 the office of inspec...
inspirational 24 19 relating to inspirat...
inspiritingly 34 23 INSPIRITING [adv]
inspiritments 26 21 INSPIRITMENT, the ac...
inspissations 24 18 INSPISSATION, the ac...
instabilities 26 18 INSTABILITY, the sta...
installations 23 17 INSTALLATION, the ac...
instantaneity 26 18 the state of being i...
instantaneous 19 17 done, occurring, or...
instantiating 22 18 INSTANTIATE, to repr...
instantiation 20 16 the act of instantia...
instantnesses 20 16 INSTANTNESS, the sta...
instaurations 21 16 INSTAURATION, renewa...
instigatingly 32 22 INSTIGATING [adv]
instillations 24 17 INSTILLATION, the ac...
instinctively 35 25 INSTINCTIVE, relatin...
instinctivity 35 24 the state of being i...
instinctually 34 23 INSTINCTUAL, relatin...
institutional 23 17 of or relating to an...
institutively 33 22 INSTITUTIVE, able or...
instructional 26 20 relating to instruct...
instructively 36 25 INSTRUCTIVE, indicat...
instrumentals 24 20 INSTRUMENTAL, a nonv...
instrumenting 24 22 INSTRUMENT, to addre...
insubjections 29 31 INSUBJECTION, lack o...
insubordinate 23 20 disobedient to autho...
insubstantial 25 20 not substantial [adj...
insufficience 32 28 the state of being i...
insufficiency 39 30 the state of being i...
insufflations 27 23 INSUFFLATION, the ac...
insupportable 29 25 not supportable [adj...
insupportably 36 27 INSUPPORTABLE, not s...
insurrections 25 19 INSURRECTION, an act...
insusceptible 31 25 not susceptible, als...
insusceptibly 38 27 INSUSCEPTIBLE, not s...
intangibility 33 23 the state of being i...
integrability 33 22 the state of being i...
integralities 24 17 INTEGRALITY, the sta...
integumentary 29 23 of or like an integu...
intellections 26 20 INTELLECTION, an exe...
intellectuals 28 21 INTELLECTUAL, an int...
intelligencer 27 22 (archaic) a secret a...
intelligences 27 22 INTELLIGENCE, the ab...
intelligently 32 22 INTELLIGENT, having...
intemperances 26 24 INTEMPERANCE, lack o...
intemperately 31 23 INTEMPERATE, not tem...
intenerations 19 16 INTENERATION, soften...
intensenesses 19 16 INTENSENESS, the sta...
intensionally 28 20 INTENSIONAL, relatin...
intensiveness 22 20 the state of being i...
intentionally 28 20 INTENTIONAL, done by...
interactional 24 19 relating to interact...
interactively 34 24 INTERACTIVE, mutuall...
interactivity 34 23 the state of being i...
interbeddings 25 22 INTERBEDDING, the ac...
interbehavior 27 23 the behaviour of int...
interblending 25 23 INTERBLEND, to blend...
interbreeding 24 21 the act of breeding...
intercalarily 33 21 INTERCALARY, inserte...
intercalating 26 21 INTERCALATE, to inse...
intercalation 24 19 an insertion or inte...
intercalative 27 22 relating to intercal...
intercellular 28 21 between cells [adj]
interceptions 26 21 INTERCEPTION, the ac...
intercessions 24 18 INTERCESSION, the ac...
interchaining 27 23 INTERCHAIN, to link...
interchangers 27 22 INTERCHANGER, one wh...
interchanging 28 25 INTERCHANGE, to put...
interchapters 29 22 INTERCHAPTER, an int...
intercipients 27 21 INTERCIPIENT, an int...
interclavicle 32 26 a membrane bone betw...
interclusions 26 20 INTERCLUSION, the ac...
intercolonial 25 20 between colonies [ad...
intercolumnar 26 23 between columns [adj...
intercommunal 27 26 between communities...
intercommuned 26 26 INTERCOMMUNE, to com...
intercommunes 26 25 INTERCOMMUNE, to com...
intercompared 27 24 INTERCOMPARE, to mak...
intercompares 27 23 INTERCOMPARE, to mak...
interconnects 26 22 INTERCONNECT, to con...
interconverts 26 22 INTERCONVERT, to con...
intercortical 29 21 between cortices [ad...
intercostally 33 21 INTERCOSTAL, situate...
intercropping 30 26 INTERCROP, to plant...
intercrossing 26 20 INTERCROSS, to cross...
intercultural 28 21 between cultures, al...
intercultures 27 20 INTERCULTURE, intera...
intercurrence 27 22 the state of being i...
interdentally 29 20 INTERDENTAL, pronoun...
interdepended 22 21 INTERDEPEND, to depe...
interdictions 25 19 INTERDICTION, the ac...
interdiffused 27 23 INTERDIFFUSE, to dif...
interdiffuses 27 22 INTERDIFFUSE, to dif...
interdigitate 23 17 to become interlocke...
interdistrict 27 18 between districts [a...
interdominion 21 20 between dominions [a...
interelectron 24 19 operating between el...
interepidemic 28 24 between epidemics [a...
interestingly 30 20 INTERESTING [adv]
interfacially 35 24 INTERFACIAL, between...
interfamilial 27 22 between families [ad...
interferences 25 21 INTERFERENCE, the ac...
interferingly 32 23 INTERFERING [adv]
interferogram 25 22 a photographic recor...
interfluences 27 23 INTERFLUENCE, a flow...
interfoliated 24 19 INTERFOLIATE, to int...
interfoliates 24 18 INTERFOLIATE, to int...
intergalactic 30 23 situated in or relat...
interglacials 28 21 INTERGLACIAL, a retr...
intergradient 22 18 relating to an inter...
intergrafting 26 22 INTERGRAFT, to graft...
intergranular 23 19 between granules [ad...
interindustry 29 19 between industries [...
interinvolved 26 25 INTERINVOLVE, to inv...
interinvolves 26 24 INTERINVOLVE [n]
interiorising 23 17 INTERIORISE, to make...
interiorities 22 14 INTERIORITY, interio...
interiorizing 26 26 INTERIORIZE, to make...
interjaculate 27 28 to ejaculate in inte...
interjections 26 27 INTERJECTION, a word...
interjectural 28 28 like an interjection...
interknitting 24 22 INTERKNIT, to knit t...
interknotting 23 22 INTERKNOT, to knot t...
interlacement 25 22 the state of being i...
interlaminate 22 19 to insert between la...
interlayering 29 20 INTERLAYER, to creat...
interlineally 30 20 INTERLINEAL, between...
interlinearly 29 19 INTERLINEAR, between...
interlineated 21 17 INTERLINEATE, to wri...
interlineates 21 16 INTERLINEATE, to wri...
interlocation 24 19 a placing between [n...
interlocution 25 20 dialogue, conversati...
interlocutors 26 19 INTERLOCUTOR, one wh...
interlocutory 32 21 made during the prog...
interlocutrix 33 26 a female interlocuto...
interlunation 21 18 the dark time betwee...
intermarginal 24 21 between margins [adj...
intermarriage 23 19 marriage within one'...
intermarrying 30 22 INTERMARRY, to marry...
intermaxillae 30 26 INTERMAXILLA, the bo...
intermeddlers 24 20 INTERMEDDLER, one wh...
intermeddling 25 23 INTERMEDDLE, to medd...
intermediated 22 19 INTERMEDIATE, to med...
intermediates 22 18 INTERMEDIATE, to med...
intermediator 22 18 one who intermediate...
intermembrane 24 24 between membranes [a...
intermetallic 28 22 composed of two or m...
intermingling 26 24 INTERMINGLE, to inte...
intermissions 23 18 INTERMISSION, the ac...
intermittence 25 21 the state of being i...
intermittency 32 23 the state of being i...
intermixtures 30 25 INTERMIXTURE, a mass...
intermountain 21 20 situated between mou...
intermuscular 28 23 situated between mus...
internalising 23 19 INTERNALISE, to make...
internalities 22 16 INTERNALITY, the sta...
internalizing 26 28 INTERNALIZE, to make...
international 20 17 between nations [adj...
interneuronal 20 18 relating to interneu...
interobserver 25 21 between observers [a...
interoception 25 21 sensitivity to stimu...
interoceptive 28 24 responding to stimul...
interoceptors 26 20 INTEROCEPTOR, a sens...
interoperable 25 21 of hardware or softw...
interosculant 25 20 possessing attribute...
interosculate 25 19 to connect by oscula...
interpandemic 27 25 between pandemics [a...
interparietal 24 18 between walls [adj]
interparticle 28 21 between particles [a...
interpellants 25 20 INTERPELLANT, a pers...
interpellated 25 20 INTERPELLATE, to que...
interpellates 25 19 INTERPELLATE, to que...
interpellator 25 19 one who interpellate...
interpermeate 23 20 to permeate between...
interpersonal 23 19 relating to relation...
interpetiolar 24 18 between petioles [ad...
interpilaster 25 18 a space between two...
interplanting 25 22 INTERPLANT, to plant...
interpleaders 24 19 INTERPLEADER, one wh...
interpleading 25 22 INTERPLEAD, to plead...
interpluvials 29 24 INTERPLUVIAL, a peri...
interpolaters 24 18 INTERPOLATER, one wh...
interpolating 25 21 INTERPOLATE, to inse...
interpolation 23 19 the act of interpola...
interpolative 26 22 relating to interpol...
interpolators 24 18 INTERPOLATOR, one wh...
interposition 23 18 the act of interposi...
interpretable 26 21 able to be interpret...
interpretably 33 23 INTERPRETABLE, able...
interpretated 23 18 INTERPRETATE, (archa...
interpretates 23 17 INTERPRETATE, (archa...
interpretress 24 17 a female interpreter...
interproximal 32 28 situated or used in...
interpunction 26 23 the insertion of pun...
interquartile 31 25 between quartiles [a...
interracially 33 21 INTERRACIAL, involvi...
interradially 30 19 INTERRADIAL, between...
interradiuses 22 16 INTERRADIUS, a radiu...
interregional 22 18 between regions [adj...
interrelating 23 18 INTERRELATE, to brin...
interrelation 21 16 the state of being i...
interrogatees 21 16 INTERROGATEE, one wh...
interrogating 23 19 INTERROGATE, to ques...
interrogation 21 17 the act of interroga...
interrogative 24 20 related to the askin...
interrogators 22 16 INTERROGATOR, one th...
interrogatory 28 18 like an interrogatio...
interruptedly 32 22 INTERRUPTED [adv]
interruptible 28 22 capable of being int...
interruptions 24 19 INTERRUPTION, the ac...
interscapular 28 22 between the shoulder...
interscribing 29 23 INTERSCRIBE, (obsole...
intersections 24 18 INTERSECTION, the ac...
intersegments 23 20 INTERSEGMENT, the pa...
intersessions 21 15 INTERSESSION, a peri...
intersexually 36 26 INTERSEXUAL, existin...
intersidereal 22 16 between stars [adj]
intersocietal 25 18 between societies [a...
interspecific 33 26 existing, occurring,...
interspersals 25 18 INTERSPERSAL, the ac...
interspersing 25 20 INTERSPERSE, to plac...
interspersion 23 18 the act of intersper...
interstadials 23 16 INTERSTADIAL, a subd...
interstellary 30 18 in the intervals bet...
interstimulus 26 20 between stimuli [adj...
interstitials 24 15 INTERSTITIAL, an ext...
interstratify 31 19 to create strata bet...
intertangling 24 21 INTERTANGLE, to tang...
interterminal 23 19 between termini [adj...
intertextures 28 22 INTERTEXTURE [v]
intertillages 25 18 INTERTILLAGE, a till...
intertraffics 30 23 INTERTRAFFIC, (obsol...
intertropical 28 21 situated between or...
intertwinings 26 21 INTERTWINING [n]
intertwisting 27 20 INTERTWIST, to twist...
interventions 22 20 INTERVENTION, the ac...
interworkings 27 24 INTERWORKING [n]
interwreathed 26 20 INTERWREATHE, to twi...
interwreathes 26 19 INTERWREATHE, to twi...
intimidations 23 19 INTIMIDATION, the ac...
intolerations 21 16 INTOLERATION, lack o...
intoxicatedly 38 28 INTOXICATED [adv]
intoxications 30 25 INTOXICATION, an abn...
intracapsular 28 22 lying within a capsu...
intracavitary 33 23 applied within or th...
intracellular 28 21 existing, occurring,...
intracerebral 27 21 situated or occurrin...
intradermally 31 22 INTRADERMAL, situate...
intragalactic 30 23 situated or occurrin...
intramuscular 28 23 situated in, occurri...
intranational 20 17 within a nation [adj...
intransigeant 21 18 intransigent [adj IN...
intransigence 24 21 the state of being i...
intransigency 31 23 the state of being i...
intransigents 22 18 INTRANSIGENT, an int...
intraocularly 33 22 INTRAOCULAR, situate...
intraparietal 24 18 within walls, privat...
intrapersonal 23 19 occurring within the...
intrapetiolar 24 18 situated between pet...
intrapreneurs 23 19 INTRAPRENEUR, a comp...
intraspecific 33 26 occurring within a s...
intratelluric 28 20 of rocks and their c...
intrathecally 35 23 INTRATHECAL, introdu...
intrathoracic 30 22 situated or occurrin...
intravasation 22 19 the entrance of exte...
intravascular 28 23 situated in, occurri...
intravenously 30 23 INTRAVENOUS, situate...
intrenchments 27 24 INTRENCHMENT, the ac...
intrepidities 25 18 INTREPIDITY, the sta...
intricateness 24 18 the state of being i...
intrinsically 34 22 INTRINSICAL, inward,...
introductions 25 20 INTRODUCTION, a part...
introgressant 22 17 a gene introduced fr...
introgression 22 17 the modification of...
introgressive 25 20 relating to introgre...
introjections 26 27 INTROJECTION, the in...
intromissible 27 21 that can be intromit...
intromissions 23 18 INTROMISSION, an int...
introspecting 28 23 INTROSPECT, to look...
introspection 26 21 a reflective looking...
introspective 29 24 relating to introspe...
introversible 27 22 capable of being int...
introversions 23 19 INTROVERSION, the ac...
intrusionists 23 16 INTRUSIONIST, a pers...
intrusiveness 24 20 INTRUSIVE, tending t...
intuitionally 30 20 INTUITIONAL, relatin...
intuitionisms 24 19 INTUITIONISM, the be...
intuitionists 23 16 INTUITIONIST, a beli...
intuitiveness 24 20 INTUITIVE, possessin...
intumescences 28 25 INTUMESCENCE, a swol...
inturbidating 26 22 INTURBIDATE, to rend...
intussuscepts 29 22 INTUSSUSCEPT, to tak...
invaginations 23 22 INVAGINATION, the ac...
invalidations 24 21 INVALIDATION, the ac...
invalidnesses 24 21 INVALIDNESS, the sta...
invariability 34 24 the state of being i...
invectiveness 28 26 INVECTIVE, abusive [...
inveiglements 26 25 INVEIGLEMENT, the ac...
invendibility 34 26 the state of being i...
inventionless 23 21 INVENTION [n]
inventiveness 24 24 INVENTIVE, given to...
inventoriable 25 23 subject to inventory...
inventorially 31 23 INVENTORIAL, relatin...
invertebrates 25 21 INVERTEBRATE, an ani...
invertibility 35 24 the quality of being...
investigating 26 23 INVESTIGATE, to obse...
investigation 24 21 the act of investiga...
investigative 27 24 relating to investig...
investigators 25 20 INVESTIGATOR, one wh...
investigatory 31 22 of the nature of inv...
inviabilities 28 22 INVIABILITY, the sta...
invidiousness 24 21 INVIDIOUS, tending t...
invigilations 26 22 INVIGILATION, the ac...
invigorations 24 21 INVIGORATION, the ac...
invincibility 38 28 the state of being i...
inviolability 35 25 the state of being i...
inviolateness 23 20 INVIOLATE, not viola...
invisibleness 27 23 the state of being i...
invitationals 24 20 INVITATIONAL, an eve...
involucellate 29 25 having an involucel,...
involuntarily 32 24 INVOLUNTARY, done co...
invultuations 25 22 INVULTUATION, the st...
iontophoreses 24 19 IONTOPHORESIS, the i...
iontophoresis 25 19 the introduction of...
iontophoretic 28 22 relating to iontopho...
ipsilaterally 34 21 IPSILATERAL, belongi...
irascibleness 28 21 IRASCIBLE, easily an...
irksomenesses 23 21 IRKSOMENESS, the sta...
ironmongeries 22 20 IRONMONGERY, somethi...
irrationalise 22 15 to make irrational,...
irrationalism 24 18 a system emphasizing...
irrationalist 23 15 an upholder of irrat...
irrationality 29 17 the state of being i...
irrationalize 25 24 to make irrational,...
irreciprocity 38 24 lack of reciprocity...
irreclaimable 30 24 incapable of being r...
irreclaimably 37 26 IRRECLAIMABLE, incap...
irrecognition 25 20 lack of recognition...
irrecoverable 29 24 not capable of being...
irrecoverably 36 26 IRRECOVERABLE, not c...
irredeemables 25 21 IRREDEEMABLE [n]
irreflections 28 21 IRREFLECTION, the st...
irrefrangible 28 23 that cannot or shoul...
irrefrangibly 35 25 IRREFRANGIBLE, that...
irrelevancies 27 22 IRRELEVANCY, the sta...
irreligionist 25 17 one who has no relig...
irreligiously 33 20 IRRELIGIOUS, neglect...
irreplaceable 30 24 not replaceable [adj...
irreplaceably 37 26 IRREPLACEABLE, not r...
irrepleviable 30 25 unable to be replevi...
irrepressible 28 20 impossible to repres...
irrepressibly 35 22 IRREPRESSIBLE, impos...
irresistances 25 17 IRRESISTANCE, lack o...
irresolutions 23 16 IRRESOLUTION, vacill...
irresponsible 27 21 not responsible [adj...
irresponsibly 34 23 IRRESPONSIBLE, not r...
irretrievable 27 21 not retrievable [adj...
irretrievably 34 23 IRRETRIEVABLE, not r...
irreverential 24 19 not reverential [adj...
irritableness 25 18 the state of being i...
ismaticalness 27 21 ISMATICAL, addicted...
isoagglutinin 25 21 an antibody that cau...
isoalloxazine 31 32 a yellow solid that...
isoantibodies 23 18 ISOANTIBODY, an anti...
isobarometric 28 22 relating to measurem...
isocarboxazid 36 36 an antidepressant dr...
isocheimenals 28 23 ISOCHEIMENAL, a line...
isochromosome 28 24 a chromosome produce...
isochronising 28 22 ISOCHRONISE, to make...
isochronizing 31 31 ISOCHRONIZE, to make...
isochronously 34 23 ISOCHRONOUS, having...
isodimorphism 30 25 isomorphism between...
isodimorphous 28 23 showing isodimorphis...
isoelectronic 28 21 having the same numb...
isogeothermal 26 21 a line connecting po...
isogeothermic 29 23 a line on a map conn...
isolabilities 27 18 ISOLABILITY, being i...
isolationisms 24 18 ISOLATIONISM, a poli...
isolationists 23 15 ISOLATIONIST, a beli...
isomerisation 22 17 the process of isome...
isomerization 25 26 the process of isome...
isometrically 35 23 ISOMETRICAL, having...
isoperimeters 25 19 ISOPERIMETER, a figu...
isoprenalines 23 19 ISOPRENALINE, a drug...
isoproterenol 23 18 a sympathomimetic ag...
isosmotically 35 23 ISOSMOTIC, of, relat...
isospondylous 31 22 of, relating to, or...
isostatically 34 20 ISOSTATIC, in a stat...
isosthenurias 24 17 ISOSTHENURIA, the in...
isoteniscopes 26 20 ISOTENISCOPE, an ins...
isotonicities 25 17 ISOTONICITY, the qua...
isotretinoins 21 15 ISOTRETINOIN, a drug...
isotropically 36 23 ISOTROPIC, having th...
italicisation 26 18 the act of italicisi...
italicization 29 27 the act of italicizi...
iterativeness 23 18 ITERATIVE, repeating...
iteroparities 24 16 ITEROPARITY, the sta...
ithyphalluses 38 25 ITHYPHALLUS, an erec...