13 letter words that starts with o

13 letter words that start with O

13 letter O word


Word With Friends


objectionable 30 33 undesirable, offensi...
objectionably 37 35 OBJECTIONABLE, undes...
objectivating 32 35 OBJECTIVATE, to rend...
objectivation 30 33 the act of rendering...
objectiveness 30 33 the state of being o...
objectivising 33 35 OBJECTIVISE, to make...
objectivistic 36 35 relating to objectiv...
objectivities 32 32 OBJECTIVITY, the sta...
objectivizing 36 44 OBJECTIVIZE, to make...
obliquenesses 32 28 OBLIQUENESS, the sta...
obliterations 24 18 OBLITERATION, the ac...
obliviousness 27 23 OBLIVIOUS, forgetful...
obliviscences 33 28 OBLIVISCENCE, forget...
obmutescences 30 27 OBMUTESCENCE, the ac...
obnoxiousness 28 26 the state of being o...
obnubilations 26 23 OBNUBILATION, beclou...
obscenenesses 24 21 OBSCENENESS, the sta...
obscurantisms 29 24 OBSCURANTISM, opposi...
obscurantists 28 21 OBSCURANTIST, one wh...
obscurenesses 26 21 OBSCURENESS, the sta...
observability 36 26 the state of being o...
observational 25 22 related to observati...
observatories 25 20 OBSERVATORY, a build...
obsessionally 31 21 OBSESSIONAL, relatin...
obsessionists 24 17 OBSESSIONIST, someon...
obsessiveness 25 21 OBSESSIVE, subject t...
obsolescences 29 24 OBSOLESCENCE, the pr...
obsolescently 34 24 OBSOLESCENT, not fun...
obstetrically 36 23 OBSTETRICAL, relatin...
obstetricians 27 20 OBSTETRICIAN, one wh...
obstinateness 22 18 OBSTINATE, stubborn...
obstreperated 25 20 OBSTREPERATE, (Stern...
obstreperates 25 19 OBSTREPERATE, (Stern...
obstructional 28 22 relating to obstruct...
obstructively 38 27 OBSTRUCTIVE, serving...
obtainability 33 23 the state of being o...
obtemperating 27 25 OBTEMPERATE, to obey...
obtrusiveness 26 22 OBTRUSIVE, thrusting...
obviousnesses 25 22 OBVIOUSNESS, the sta...
occasionalism 29 24 the Cartesian explan...
occasionalist 28 21 a believer in occasi...
occasionality 34 23 the state of being o...
occidentalise 28 22 to make occidental,...
occidentalism 30 25 the study of the Occ...
occidentalist 29 22 one who studies the...
occidentalize 31 31 to make occidental,...
occlusiveness 31 26 OCCLUSIVE [n]
oceanographer 27 24 one who maps the oce...
oceanographic 31 27 relating to oceanogr...
oceanological 28 24 related to oceanolog...
oceanologists 25 20 OCEANOLOGIST, a stud...
ochlocratical 35 26 relating to ochlocra...
ochlophobiacs 37 30 OCHLOPHOBIAC, one wh...
octingenaries 24 20 OCTINGENARY, an eigh...
octocentenary 31 23 an eight-hundredth a...
octodecillion 29 23 ten to the 108th pow...
octogenarians 23 20 OCTOGENARIAN, a pers...
octosyllabics 39 26 OCTOSYLLABIC, an oct...
octosyllables 36 24 OCTOSYLLABLE, a word...
odonatologies 21 18 ODONATOLOGY, the stu...
odonatologist 22 18 one who studies drag...
odontoblastic 27 22 of or like an odonto...
odontoglossum 24 22 any of a genus of wi...
odontological 26 22 relating to odontolo...
odontologists 23 18 ODONTOLOGIST, a stud...
odontophobias 26 23 ODONTOPHOBIA, the fe...
odontophorans 23 21 ODONTOPHORAN, an odo...
odontophorous 24 21 of or like an odonto...
odontornithes 22 18 fossil birds with te...
odoriferously 31 21 ODORIFEROUS, giving...
odorousnesses 20 16 ODOROUSNESS, the sta...
oecologically 37 26 OECOLOGICAL, relatin...
oecumenically 36 28 OECUMENICAL, general...
offensiveness 26 25 the state of being o...
offhandedness 26 25 the state of being o...
officeholders 32 26 OFFICEHOLDER, one ho...
officialities 31 23 OFFICIALITY, the cha...
officiousness 29 24 OFFICIOUS, volunteer...
oleandomycins 31 25 OLEANDOMYCIN, an ant...
oleomargarine 22 20 margarine, also OLEO...
oleomargarins 23 20 OLEOMARGARIN, margar...
olfactologies 29 23 OLFACTOLOGY, the stu...
olfactologist 30 23 one who studies smel...
olfactometers 28 23 OLFACTOMETER, an ins...
oligopeptides 28 23 OLIGOPEPTIDE, a pept...
oligopolistic 31 23 relating to oligopol...
oligospermias 27 22 OLIGOSPERMIA, the co...
oligotrophies 28 21 OLIGOTROPHY, the sta...
ombudsmanship 31 30 the office of ombuds...
ominousnesses 21 19 OMINOUSNESS, the sta...
ommatophorous 27 25 of or like ommatopho...
omnicompetent 27 27 legally competent in...
omnifariously 32 24 OMNIFARIOUS, of all...
omniformities 26 23 OMNIFORMITY, the sta...
omnipotencies 26 24 OMNIPOTENCY, the sta...
omnipresences 26 24 OMNIPRESENCE, the st...
omoplatoscopy 36 28 divination by observ...
oneirocritics 28 20 ONEIROCRITIC, one wh...
oneiromancers 23 21 ONEIROMANCER, one wh...
oneiromancies 23 21 ONEIROMANCY, the pra...
oneiroscopies 25 20 ONEIROSCOPY, judging...
oneiroscopist 26 20 one who practises on...
onerousnesses 19 16 ONEROUSNESS, the sta...
ongoingnesses 21 20 ONGOINGNESS, the sta...
onomastically 33 24 ONOMASTIC, relating...
onomasticians 24 21 ONOMASTICIAN, one wh...
onomatologies 22 20 ONOMATOLOGY, the sci...
onomatologist 23 20 one who studies onom...
onomatopoeias 21 20 ONOMATOPOEIA, the na...
onomatopoeses 21 20 ONOMATOPOESIS, onoma...
onomatopoesis 22 20 onomatopoeia, also O...
onomatopoetic 25 23 onomatopoeic [adj]
ontogenically 32 24 ONTOGENIC, relating...
ontologically 34 24 ONTOLOGICAL, based u...
onychomancies 35 28 ONYCHOMANCY, divinat...
onychophagies 37 28 ONYCHOPHAGY, the hab...
onychophagist 38 28 one who bites their...
onychophorans 35 27 ONYCHOPHORAN, any of...
openabilities 26 21 OPENABILITY, the abi...
openheartedly 31 23 OPENHEARTED, candidl...
openmouthedly 33 27 OPENMOUTHED, vocifer...
operabilities 27 20 OPERABILITY, the abi...
operationally 30 21 OPERATIONAL, of or r...
operationisms 24 20 OPERATIONISM, the th...
operationists 23 17 OPERATIONIST, an adh...
operativeness 24 21 OPERATIVE, having th...
operativities 26 20 OPERATIVITY, the sta...
operosenesses 21 17 OPEROSENESS, the sta...
ophiomorphous 31 27 snakelike, also OPHI...
ophiophilists 33 24 OPHIOPHILIST, a snak...
ophthalmology 38 29 the study of eye and...
opinionatedly 29 22 OPINIONATED, unduly...
opisthobranch 33 27 a type of mollusc ha...
opisthographs 32 25 OPISTHOGRAPH, a manu...
opisthography 38 27 inscribing on the ba...
opisthosomata 26 21 OPISTHOSOMA, the abd...
oppignerating 27 25 OPPIGNERATE, (obsole...
oppignorating 27 25 OPPIGNORATE, (obsole...
oppignoration 25 23 the act of pawning [...
opportuneness 24 22 OPPORTUNE, happening...
opportunistic 30 24 taking advantage of...
opportunities 26 21 OPPORTUNITY, a favor...
oppositionist 26 20 a member of an oppos...
opprobriously 36 26 OPPROBRIOUS, express...
opsonisations 22 18 OPSONISATION, the pr...
opsonizations 25 27 OPSONIZATION, the pr...
optimisations 25 20 OPTIMISATION, the ac...
optimizations 28 29 OPTIMIZATION, the ac...
optionalities 24 18 OPTIONALITY, the sta...
oracularities 26 18 ORACULARITY, the sta...
oraculousness 25 20 ORACULOUS, of the na...
orchesography 38 27 notation of dancing...
orchestralist 29 19 an orchestral compos...
orchestraters 27 18 ORCHESTRATER, one wh...
orchestrating 28 21 ORCHESTRATE, to comp...
orchestration 26 19 the arrangement of a...
orchestrators 27 18 ORCHESTRATOR, one wh...
orchidologies 29 22 ORCHIDOLOGY, the stu...
orchidologist 30 22 one who studies orch...
orchidomaniac 30 26 one with an excessiv...
orchidomanias 27 23 ORCHIDOMANIA, an obs...
orchiectomies 31 24 ORCHIECTOMY, excisio...
orderlinesses 22 16 ORDERLINESS, the sta...
oreographical 30 24 relating to oreograp...
organisations 21 17 ORGANISATION, the ac...
organizations 24 26 ORGANIZATION, the ac...
organogeneses 20 19 ORGANOGENESIS, the o...
organogenesis 21 19 the origin or develo...
organogenetic 24 22 relating to organoge...
organographic 30 26 related to organogra...
organological 27 23 related to organolog...
organologists 24 19 ORGANOLOGIST, a spec...
organotherapy 31 23 treatment of disease...
orgiastically 35 22 ORGIASTIC, relating...
orientalising 23 18 ORIENTALISE, to make...
orientalities 22 15 ORIENTALITY, the qua...
orientalizing 26 27 ORIENTALIZE, to make...
orientational 20 16 relating to orientat...
orienteerings 21 17 ORIENTEERING, a cros...
originalities 24 17 ORIGINALITY, the sta...
originatively 32 23 ORIGINATIVE, having...
orismological 29 23 relating to orismolo...
ornamentation 19 19 something that ornam...
ornithichnite 29 22 a fossil footprint o...
ornithischian 29 22 any of an order of h...
ornithogalums 27 23 ORNITHOGALUM, a plan...
ornithologies 25 19 ORNITHOLOGY, the stu...
ornithologist 26 19 one who studies bird...
ornithomantic 27 23 relating to ornithom...
ornithomorphs 29 24 ORNITHOMORPH, a figu...
ornithophobia 29 24 fear of birds [n -S]
oropharyngeal 32 24 relating ot the orop...
orthocephalic 35 27 having a skull whose...
orthodiagonal 24 20 in a monoclinic crys...
orthodontists 24 17 ORTHODONTIST, one wh...
orthoepically 37 25 ORTHOEPICAL, relatin...
orthognathies 26 20 ORTHOGNATHY, the sta...
orthognathism 28 23 the state of having...
orthognathous 26 21 having a lower jaw t...
orthogonalise 24 19 to make orthogonal,...
orthogonality 31 21 the state of being o...
orthogonalize 27 28 to make orthogonal,...
orthographers 29 22 ORTHOGRAPHER, a corr...
orthographies 29 22 ORTHOGRAPHY, the bra...
orthographist 30 22 an orthographer [n -...
orthohydrogen 32 23 the form of molecula...
orthopaedical 29 23 relating to orthopae...
orthopaedists 26 19 ORTHOPAEDIST, a spec...
orthopinakoid 26 24 in monoclinic crysta...
orthopterists 27 18 ORTHOPTERIST, a stud...
orthopteroids 26 19 ORTHOPTEROID, a memb...
orthopyroxene 36 28 a member of the pyro...
orthosilicate 28 19 a salt of orthosilic...
orthostichies 30 20 ORTHOSTICHY, a strai...
orthostichous 30 21 arranged in vertical...
orthotropisms 28 21 ORTHOTROPISM, vertic...
orthotungstic 29 22 as in orthotungstic...
oscillational 27 20 relating to oscillat...
oscillographs 33 25 OSCILLOGRAPH, an ins...
oscillography 39 27 use of an oscillogra...
oscilloscopes 32 24 OSCILLOSCOPE, an ins...
oscilloscopic 36 27 relating to use of t...
ossifications 27 20 OSSIFICATION, the na...
osteichthyans 35 23 OSTEICHTHYAN, a bony...
ostensibility 32 20 the state of being o...
osteofibroses 25 19 OSTEOFIBROSIS, fibro...
osteofibrosis 26 19 fibrosis of the bone...
osteographies 26 20 OSTEOGRAPHY, a descr...
osteomalacial 26 21 relating to osteomal...
osteomalacias 25 20 OSTEOMALACIA, soften...
osteomyelitis 30 19 inflammation of bone...
osteopathists 26 18 OSTEOPATHIST, a prac...
osteopetroses 22 16 OSTEOPETROSIS, a gen...
osteopetrosis 23 16 a general name for a...
osteoplasties 24 17 OSTEOPLASTY, plastic...
osteosarcomas 24 19 OSTEOSARCOMA, a mali...
ostreiculture 27 19 oyster-breeding [n -...
ostreophagies 26 20 OSTREOPHAGY, the eat...
ostreophagous 26 21 oyster-eating [adj]
otherworldish 31 22 of, relating to, or...
ototoxicities 31 23 OTOTOXICITY, the sta...
outbargaining 25 23 OUTBARGAIN, to surpa...
outblustering 27 22 OUTBLUSTER, to surpa...
outdelivering 26 23 OUTDELIVER, to surpa...
outdistancing 26 22 OUTDISTANCE, to go f...
outgeneraling 23 21 OUTGENERAL, to surpa...
outgeneralled 23 20 OUTGENERAL, to surpa...
outglittering 26 20 OUTGLITTER, to surpa...
outintriguing 25 21 OUTINTRIGUE, to surp...
outmaneuvered 23 24 OUTMANEUVER, to surp...
outmanipulate 25 23 to surpass in manipu...
outmanoeuvred 23 24 OUTMANOEUVRE, to sur...
outmanoeuvres 23 23 OUTMANOEUVRE, to sur...
outorganising 23 20 OUTORGANISE, to surp...
outorganizing 26 29 OUTORGANIZE, to surp...
outpassioning 24 21 OUTPASSION, to excee...
outperforming 28 26 OUTPERFORM, to excee...
outplacements 28 25 OUTPLACEMENT, the pr...
outpoliticked 30 26 OUTPOLITICK, to surp...
outpopulating 28 25 OUTPOPULATE, to surp...
outrebounding 24 23 OUTREBOUND, to rebou...
outrecuidance 27 23 (Scott) presumption...
outreproduced 27 23 OUTREPRODUCE, to sur...
outreproduces 27 22 OUTREPRODUCE, to sur...
outsettlement 23 19 an outlying settleme...
outspokenness 23 23 OUTSPOKEN [n]
outstandingly 30 22 OUTSTANDING [adv]
outstretching 29 22 OUTSTRETCH, to stret...
outsweetening 24 21 OUTSWEETEN, to surpa...
outtravelling 27 23 OUTTRAVEL, to exceed...
outvillaining 27 24 OUTVILLAIN, (Shakesp...
outwardnesses 24 19 OUTWARDNESS, the sta...
ovariectomies 27 23 OVARIECTOMY, the sur...
ovariotomists 25 20 OVARIOTOMIST, one wh...
overabounding 25 26 OVERABOUND, to be ex...
overabundance 26 27 an excessive abundan...
overachievers 30 26 OVERACHIEVER, one wh...
overachieving 31 29 OVERACHIEVE, to achi...
overadvertise 25 22 to advertise to exce...
overadvertize 28 31 to advertise to exce...
overambitious 27 24 excessively ambitiou...
overamplified 30 28 excessively amplifie...
overanalysing 30 24 OVERANALYSE, to anal...
overanalyzing 33 33 OVERANALYZE, to anal...
overanxieties 28 25 OVERANXIETY, excessi...
overarranging 24 23 OVERARRANGE, to arra...
overasserting 24 20 OVERASSERT, to asser...
overassertion 22 18 an excessive asserti...
overassertive 25 21 OVERASSERT [adj]
overattention 21 19 excessive attention...
overattentive 24 22 excessively attentiv...
overbalancing 29 28 OVERBALANCE, to topp...
overbearingly 33 26 OVERBEARING [adv]
overbejeweled 30 34 excessively adorned...
overbleaching 32 29 OVERBLEACH, to bleac...
overborrowing 29 26 OVERBORROW, to borro...
overbreathing 28 25 hyperventilation [n...
overburdening 26 26 OVERBURDEN, to overl...
overburthened 27 25 OVERBURTHEN, (archai...
overcanopying 34 29 OVERCANOPY, to cover...
overchargings 31 27 OVERCHARGING, the ma...
overcivilised 31 26 excessively civilise...
overcivilized 34 35 excessively civilize...
overclockings 33 31 OVERCLOCKING, the ac...
overcolouring 28 25 OVERCOLOUR, to colou...
overcommitted 29 27 OVERCOMMIT, to commi...
overconcerned 27 26 OVERCONCERN, to conc...
overconfident 27 26 excessively confiden...
overconscious 29 25 excessively consciou...
overconstruct 30 25 to construct excessi...
overconsuming 28 28 OVERCONSUME, to cons...
overcorrected 29 24 OVERCORRECT, to corr...
overcrammings 30 29 OVERCRAMMING, the ac...
overcredulity 35 25 the state of being o...
overcredulous 28 24 excessively credulou...
overcrowdings 31 27 OVERCROWDING, the ac...
overdecorated 25 22 OVERDECORATE, to dec...
overdecorates 25 21 OVERDECORATE, to dec...
overdemanding 24 26 excessively demandin...
overdependent 23 24 excessively dependen...
overdesigning 25 24 OVERDESIGN, to desig...
overdeveloped 27 27 OVERDEVELOP, to deve...
overdeviating 26 25 OVERDEVIATE, to devi...
overdiagnoses 23 21 OVERDIAGNOSIS, exces...
overdiagnosis 24 21 excessive diagnosis...
overdirecting 28 24 OVERDIRECT, to direc...
overdiscounts 27 23 OVERDISCOUNT, to dis...
overdiversity 33 24 excessive diversity...
overdocuments 27 26 OVERDOCUMENT, to doc...
overdominance 25 26 the situation where...
overdramatise 24 21 to dramatise to exce...
overdramatize 27 30 to dramatize to exce...
overeagerness 22 20 OVEREAGER, too eager...
overeducating 27 25 OVEREDUCATE, to educ...
overeducation 25 23 excessive education...
overelaborate 24 21 to elaborate excessi...
overembellish 31 27 to embellish to exce...
overemotional 23 22 excessively emotiona...
overemphasise 28 25 to emphasise to exce...
overemphasize 31 34 to emphasise to exce...
overenamoured 22 23 excessively enamoure...
overencourage 25 24 to encourage to exce...
overenergetic 26 23 excessively energeti...
overengineers 22 21 OVERENGINEER, to eng...
overequipping 37 36 OVEREQUIP, to equip,...
overestimated 24 21 OVERESTIMATE, to est...
overestimates 24 20 OVERESTIMATE, to est...
overexcitable 35 31 excessively excitabl...
overexercised 32 28 OVEREXERCISE, to exe...
overexercises 32 27 OVEREXERCISE, to exe...
overexertions 28 25 OVEREXERTION, excess...
overexpanding 31 32 OVEREXPAND, to expan...
overexpansion 29 29 excessive expansion...
overexplained 31 30 OVEREXPLAIN, to expl...
overexploited 32 29 OVEREXPLOIT, to expl...
overexposures 31 28 OVEREXPOSURE, excess...
overextending 29 29 OVEREXTEND, to exten...
overextension 27 26 an excessive extensi...
overexuberant 30 29 excessively exuberan...
overfatiguing 28 26 excessively fatiguin...
overfavouring 28 28 OVERFAVOUR, to favou...
overfertilise 27 21 to fertilise excessi...
overfertilize 30 30 to fertilise excessi...
overflowingly 38 30 OVERFLOWING, abundan...
overfocussing 30 27 OVERFOCUS, to focus...
overfulfilled 32 28 OVERFULFILL, to fulf...
overfulnesses 26 23 OVERFULNESS, the sta...
overglamorise 26 23 to glamorize to exce...
overglamorize 29 32 to glamorize to exce...
overgoverning 26 27 OVERGOVERN, to gover...
overharvested 27 24 OVERHARVEST, to harv...
overhastiness 25 20 the state of being o...
overhonouring 25 24 OVERHONOUR, to honou...
overidealised 24 20 OVERIDEALISE, to ide...
overidealises 24 19 OVERIDEALISE, to ide...
overidealized 27 29 OVERIDEALIZE, to ide...
overidealizes 27 28 OVERIDEALIZE, to ide...
overimpressed 27 24 OVERIMPRESS, to impr...
overimpresses 27 23 OVERIMPRESS, to impr...
overindulgent 25 24 excessively indulgen...
overindulging 27 26 OVERINDULGE, to indu...
overinflating 27 25 OVERINFLATE, to infl...
overinflation 25 23 excessive inflation...
overinforming 27 27 OVERINFORM, to infor...
overingenious 23 22 excessively ingeniou...
overingenuity 30 24 the state of being o...
overinsistent 23 19 excessively insisten...
overinsurance 25 23 excessive insurance...
overintensity 29 21 excessive intensity...
overissuances 26 22 OVERISSUANCE, excess...
overlabouring 27 25 OVERLABOUR, (archaic...
overlaunching 30 28 OVERLAUNCH, in shipb...
overleavening 25 26 OVERLEAVEN, to leave...
overlengthens 26 24 OVERLENGTHEN, to len...
overleveraged 26 25 (of a business organ...
overlordships 30 24 OVERLORDSHIP, the po...
overmastering 25 23 OVERMASTER, to overp...
overmeasuring 25 24 OVERMEASURE, to meas...
overmedicated 27 25 OVERMEDICATE, to med...
overmedicates 27 24 OVERMEDICATE, to med...
overmultitude 27 24 (Milton) to outnumbe...
overnourished 25 22 OVERNOURISH, to nour...
overnourishes 25 21 OVERNOURISH, to nour...
overnutrition 23 20 excessive nutrition...
overoperating 25 23 OVEROPERATE, to oper...
overoptimisms 29 26 OVEROPTIMISM, excess...
overoptimists 28 23 OVEROPTIMIST, one wh...
overorganised 23 21 OVERORGANISE, to org...
overorganises 23 20 OVERORGANISE, to org...
overorganized 26 30 OVERORGANIZE, to org...
overorganizes 26 29 OVERORGANIZE, to org...
overornaments 22 22 OVERORNAMENT, to orn...
overpackaging 31 32 OVERPACKAGE, to pack...
overpedalling 28 26 excessive pedalling...
overpersuaded 25 23 OVERPERSUADE, to per...
overpersuades 25 22 OVERPERSUADE, to per...
overpicturing 31 27 OVERPICTURE, to pict...
overplannings 26 26 OVERPLANNING, excess...
overplottings 28 24 OVERPLOTTING, excess...
overpopulated 28 26 OVERPOPULATE, to pop...
overpopulates 28 25 OVERPOPULATE, to pop...
overpreparing 28 26 OVERPREPARE, to prep...
overprescribe 31 26 to prescribe excessi...
overpressures 26 21 OVERPRESSURE, pressu...
overprocessed 28 24 OVERPROCESS, to proc...
overprocesses 28 23 OVERPROCESS, to proc...
overproducing 30 28 OVERPRODUCE, to prod...
overprogramed 27 26 OVERPROGRAM, to prog...
overpromising 28 26 OVERPROMISE, to prom...
overpromoting 27 26 OVERPROMOTE, to prom...
overprotected 28 24 OVERPROTECT, to prot...
overqualified 35 32 having more educatio...
overreactions 25 21 OVERREACTION, excess...
overreckoning 27 28 OVERRECKON, to recko...
overregulated 25 22 OVERREGULATE, to reg...
overregulates 25 21 OVERREGULATE, to reg...
overreliances 26 22 OVERRELIANCE, an exc...
overreporting 26 23 OVERREPORT, to repor...
overresponded 24 23 OVERRESPOND, to resp...
oversaturated 23 19 OVERSATURATE, to sat...
oversaturates 23 18 OVERSATURATE, to sat...
oversecretion 25 21 excessive secretion...
oversensitive 25 22 excessively sensitiv...
overseriously 31 21 OVERSERIOUS, excessi...
overservicing 30 27 OVERSERVICE, to serv...
overshadowing 29 26 OVERSHADOW, to cast...
overshowering 29 25 OVERSHOWER, to showe...
overslaughing 29 26 OVERSLAUGH, to pass...
overspeculate 29 25 to speculate excessi...
overspendings 26 25 OVERSPENDING, excess...
overspreading 26 24 OVERSPREAD, to sprea...
overstability 34 23 the state of being e...
overstaffings 29 26 OVERSTAFFING, excess...
overstatement 23 21 an exaggeration [n -...
overstimulate 26 22 to stimulate excessi...
overstraining 24 21 OVERSTRAIN, to strai...
overstressing 25 20 OVERSTRESS, to stres...
overstretched 29 23 OVERSTRETCH, to stre...
overstretches 29 22 OVERSTRETCH, to stre...
oversubscribe 32 27 to subscribe for mor...
oversupplying 37 30 OVERSUPPLY, to suppl...
oversweetened 24 22 OVERSWEETEN, to swee...
oversweetness 25 21 the state of being o...
overtalkative 27 26 excessively talkativ...
overtaxations 28 25 OVERTAXATION, excess...
overthwarting 30 25 OVERTHWART, to lie a...
overtightened 26 23 OVERTIGHTEN, to tigh...
overtreatment 23 21 an excess of treatme...
overutilising 27 22 OVERUTILISE, to util...
overutilizing 30 31 OVERUTILIZE, to util...
overvaluation 25 24 excessive valuation...
overweathered 27 23 OVERWEATHER, (Shakes...
overweeningly 33 27 OVERWEENING [adv]
overweighting 31 27 OVERWEIGHT, to give...
overwhelmings 32 29 OVERWHELMING, the ac...
overwintering 27 24 OVERWINTER, to last...
overwithholds 33 26 OVERWITHHOLD, to wit...
overwrestling 29 24 OVERWRESTLE, (Spense...
overzealously 34 31 OVERZEALOUS [adv]
ovipositional 26 22 relating to oviposit...
ovoviviparity 37 30 the state of being o...
ovoviviparous 30 29 producing eggs which...
oxaloacetates 29 24 OXALOACETATE, a salt...
oxyacetylenes 42 29 OXYACETYLENE, a mixt...
oxyhemoglobin 40 34 a loose compound of...
oxyrhynchuses 48 33 OXYRHYNCHUS, an Egyp...
oystercatcher 36 23 a black and white wa...