13 letter words that starts with l

13 letter words that start with L

13 letter L word


Word With Friends


labanotations 22 19 LABANOTATION, a meth...
labefactation 28 24 a weakening, a decay...
labialisation 25 19 the process of labia...
labialization 28 28 the process of labia...
laborednesses 23 19 LABOREDNESS, the sta...
laboriousness 24 19 LABORIOUS, full of l...
labyrinthical 38 26 like a labyrinth [ad...
labyrinthitis 35 22 inflammation of the...
lachrymations 35 25 LACHRYMATION, the se...
lackadaisical 31 26 lacking life, spirit...
lactationally 33 22 LACTATIONAL, relatin...
lactobacillus 34 26 any of a genus of ba...
lactoglobulin 31 26 a crystalline protei...
lactoproteins 27 21 LACTOPROTEIN, any pr...
laddishnesses 25 19 LADDISHNESS, the sta...
laevorotation 22 19 counter-clockwise ro...
laevorotatory 29 20 counter-clockwise; r...
laggardnesses 24 20 LAGGARDNESS, the sta...
lallapaloozas 29 29 LALLAPALOOZA, someth...
lamellibranch 33 28 any member of the La...
lamellosities 26 19 LAMELLOSITY, the sta...
laminectomies 27 24 LAMINECTOMY, a kind...
lampadephoria 29 26 a foot race with lig...
landboardings 25 23 LANDBOARDING, the sp...
landgraviates 25 22 LANDGRAVIATE, the ju...
landownership 29 25 the office of landow...
languidnesses 23 20 LANGUIDNESS, the sta...
languishingly 35 26 LANGUISHING, losing...
languishments 27 24 LANGUISHMENT, the ac...
laparoscopies 29 23 LAPAROSCOPY, an exam...
laparoscopist 30 23 one who performs a l...
lapidescences 30 25 LAPIDESCENCE, (archa...
larkishnesses 26 21 LARKISHNESS, the sta...
laryngectomee 32 25 a person who has und...
laryngismuses 32 23 LARYNGISMUS, spasm o...
laryngologies 31 22 LARYNGOLOGY, the stu...
laryngologist 32 22 a specialist in lary...
laryngoscopes 34 25 LARYNGOSCOPE, an ins...
laryngoscopic 38 28 of or like a laryngo...
laryngospasms 33 25 LARYNGOSPASM, spasmo...
laryngotomies 30 22 LARYNGOTOMY, surgica...
lastingnesses 23 18 LASTINGNESS, the sta...
laterisations 22 15 LATERISATION, conver...
laterizations 25 24 LATERIZATION, conver...
lateroversion 23 19 abnormal lateral dis...
latinisations 22 16 LATINISATION, conver...
latinizations 25 25 LATINIZATION, conver...
latitudinally 32 21 LATITUDINAL, relatin...
laudabilities 27 20 LAUDABILITY, the sta...
laughableness 28 24 LAUGHABLE, ridiculou...
laughingstock 32 29 an object of ridicul...
laureateships 27 20 LAUREATESHIP, the of...
laurustinuses 24 18 LAURUSTINUS, a winte...
lawlessnesses 26 19 LAWLESSNESS, the sta...
learnednesses 20 17 LEARNEDNESS, the sta...
leatherjacket 30 32 any of various tropi...
leatherleaves 26 21 LEATHERLEAF, an eric...
lecherousness 27 21 LECHEROUS, lustful [...
lectisternium 28 22 (Latin) an ancient G...
legalisations 24 18 LEGALISATION, the ac...
legalizations 27 27 LEGALIZATION, the ac...
legiblenesses 26 21 LEGIBLENESS, the qua...
legislatively 35 24 LEGISLATIVE, relatin...
legislatorial 26 18 of or like a legisla...
legitimations 25 20 LEGITIMATION, the ac...
legitimatised 26 20 LEGITIMATISE, to mak...
legitimatises 26 19 LEGITIMATISE, to mak...
legitimatized 29 29 LEGITIMATIZE, to mak...
legitimatizes 29 28 LEGITIMATIZE, to mak...
leglessnesses 24 18 LEGLESSNESS, the qua...
leishmaniases 25 20 LEISHMANIASIS, infec...
leishmaniasis 26 20 infection with or a...
leishmanioses 25 20 LEISHMANIOSIS, infec...
leishmaniosis 26 20 infection with or a...
leisureliness 24 17 the state of being l...
lemmatisation 24 21 the process of lemma...
lemmatization 27 30 the process of lemma...
lengthinesses 25 20 LENGTHINESS, the sta...
leontopodiums 25 23 LEONTOPODIUM, any pl...
lepidomelanes 25 23 LEPIDOMELANE, a blac...
lepidopterans 26 22 LEPIDOPTERAN, an ins...
lepidopterist 28 21 a specialist in lepi...
lepidopterons 26 22 LEPIDOPTERON, any of...
lepidopterous 27 22 having four wings, s...
leprechaunish 32 26 like a leprechaun, a...
leprousnesses 24 19 LEPROUSNESS, the sta...
leptocephalic 36 29 having a narrow skul...
leptocephalus 33 27 the larva of the con...
leptophyllous 38 27 having long thin lea...
leptospiroses 27 20 LEPTOSPIROSIS, a dis...
leptospirosis 28 20 a disease of animals...
lethargically 38 25 LETHARGICAL, showing...
letterboxings 32 27 LETTERBOXING, showin...
letterpresses 25 17 LETTERPRESS, the pro...
letterspacing 29 23 insertion of space b...
leucaemogenic 29 27 of or like a leucaem...
leucitohedron 27 22 the cubic icositetra...
leucodepleted 28 24 of blood, deficient...
leucoplastids 30 23 LEUCOPLASTID, a star...
leukaemogenic 27 28 causing leukaemia, a...
leukodepleted 26 25 of or denoting blood...
lexicographer 37 31 an author or editor...
lexicographic 41 34 relating to lexicogr...
lexicological 38 31 relating to lexicolo...
lexicologists 35 27 LEXICOLOGIST, a prac...
lexigraphical 39 32 relating to lexigrap...
liberalnesses 25 19 LIBERALNESS, the sta...
liberationism 26 21 the cause of social...
liberationist 25 18 a believer in libera...
librarianship 30 23 the office of librar...
licentiations 25 19 LICENTIATION, the st...
lichenologies 29 23 LICHENOLOGY, the stu...
lichenologist 30 23 a student of lichens...
lickerishness 30 24 LICKERISH, (obsolete...
liebfraumilch 36 30 a fruity white Rhine...
lieutenancies 24 20 LIEUTENANCY, the off...
lightfastness 29 22 LIGHTFAST, of a fabr...
lighthouseman 29 25 one who keeps a ligh...
lighthousemen 29 25 LIGHTHOUSEMAN, one w...
lightsomeness 27 22 LIGHTSOME, having li...
lignification 29 24 the act of lignifyin...
likablenesses 26 23 LIKABLENESS, the sta...
likeabilities 28 22 LIKEABILITY, the qua...
liltingnesses 25 19 LILTINGNESS, having...
limacologists 30 23 LIMACOLOGIST, a spec...
limitableness 27 22 LIMITABLE, that can...
limitednesses 24 19 LIMITEDNESS, the sta...
limitlessness 26 19 LIMITLESS, without l...
linearisation 21 16 the act of making li...
linearization 24 25 the act of making li...
linebreedings 25 22 LINEBREEDING, the in...
lingonberries 25 21 LINGONBERRY, the cow...
linguistician 28 22 a linguist [n -S]
lipodystrophy 43 27 a medical condition...
lipogrammatic 32 28 of or like a lipogra...
liposculpture 33 26 cosmetic surgery on...
liquefacients 36 31 LIQUEFACIENT, an age...
liquefactions 36 31 LIQUEFACTION, the pr...
liquescencies 37 31 LIQUESCENCY, melting...
liquifactions 37 31 LIQUIFACTION, the ac...
liquorishness 34 27 LIQUORISH, (obsolete...
liriodendrons 22 18 LIRIODENDRON, the tu...
lissomenesses 23 18 LISSOMENESS, the sta...
lissotrichous 30 20 having straight or s...
listenability 33 21 the quality of being...
listenerships 28 20 LISTENERSHIP, the au...
literalnesses 23 16 LITERALNESS, the sta...
lithesomeness 25 20 LITHESOME, easily fl...
lithification 31 23 the process by which...
lithochromies 32 24 LITHOCHROMY, paintin...
lithographers 31 23 LITHOGRAPHER, one wh...
lithographies 31 23 LITHOGRAPHY, the pro...
lithographing 32 26 LITHOGRAPH, to produ...
litholapaxies 34 27 LITHOLAPAXY, the ope...
lithontriptic 32 23 a medicine for disso...
lithontriptor 28 20 a device that crushe...
lithospermums 31 26 LITHOSPERMUM, a kind...
lithotripsies 29 19 LITHOTRIPSY, the sur...
lithotripters 29 19 LITHOTRIPTER, a devi...
lithotriptics 33 22 LITHOTRIPTIC, a medi...
lithotriptist 30 19 a surgeon who perfor...
lithotriptors 29 19 LITHOTRIPTOR, a devi...
lithotritised 27 17 LITHOTRITISE, to per...
lithotritises 27 16 LITHOTRITISE, to per...
lithotritists 28 16 LITHOTRITIST, one wh...
lithotritized 30 26 LITHOTRITIZE, to per...
lithotritizes 30 25 LITHOTRITIZE, to per...
litigiousness 25 18 the state of being l...
livablenesses 27 23 LIVABLENESS, the sta...
liveabilities 29 22 LIVEABILITY, the qua...
livebloggings 32 29 LIVEBLOGGING, the ac...
livestreaming 27 24 LIVESTREAM, to broad...
loathednesses 23 18 LOATHEDNESS, the sta...
loathlinesses 25 18 LOATHLINESS, the sta...
loathsomeness 24 20 LOATHSOME, abhorrent...
localisations 26 19 LOCALISATION, the ac...
localizations 29 28 LOCALIZATION, the ac...
locksmithings 33 29 LOCKSMITHING, the wo...
lockstitching 35 29 LOCKSTITCH, to sew b...
logarithmical 32 25 of or like a logarit...
logicalnesses 27 21 LOGICALNESS, the sta...
logocentrisms 28 23 LOGOCENTRISM, a phil...
logodaedalies 23 19 LOGODAEDALY, verbal...
logogrammatic 30 27 relating to a logogr...
logographical 33 27 relating to logograp...
lollapaloosas 26 20 LOLLAPALOOSA, someth...
lollapaloozas 29 29 LOLLAPALOOZA, someth...
longanimities 24 21 LONGANIMITY, a dispo...
longinquities 32 28 LONGINQUITY, remoten...
losablenesses 24 19 LOSABLENESS, the sta...
loutishnesses 25 18 LOUTISHNESS, the sta...
lovablenesses 26 23 LOVABLENESS, the sta...
loveabilities 28 22 LOVEABILITY, the sta...
lowerclassman 30 25 a freshman or sophom...
lowerclassmen 30 25 LOWERCLASSMAN, a fre...
lubricational 29 23 relating to lubricat...
lucrativeness 28 23 LUCRATIVE, yielding...
ludicrousness 27 21 LUDICROUS, ridiculou...
lumberingness 27 25 LUMBERING, walking h...
lumberjackets 33 37 LUMBERJACKET, a man'...
lumbricalises 32 25 LUMBRICALIS, one of...
luminescences 29 26 LUMINESCENCE, the em...
lumpishnesses 29 24 LUMPISHNESS, the sta...
luncheonettes 26 22 LUNCHEONETTE, a smal...
luskishnesses 27 22 LUSKISHNESS, (obsole...
lustfulnesses 27 21 LUSTFULNESS, the sta...
luteinisation 22 17 the process of stimu...
luteinization 25 26 the process of stimu...
luteotrophins 27 21 LUTEOTROPHIN, anothe...
luxullianites 32 26 LUXULLIANITE, a tour...
luxuriousness 30 25 LUXURIOUS, enjoying...
lycanthropies 36 25 LYCANTHROPY, a delus...
lycanthropist 37 25 a werewolf; a person...
lymphadenitis 35 26 inflammation of the...
lymphatically 47 31 LYMPHATIC, relating...
lymphoadenoma 33 29 a tumour of the lymp...
lymphoblastic 42 31 of or like a lymphob...
lymphocytoses 44 29 LYMPHOCYTOSIS, a gre...
lymphocytosis 45 29 a great increase in...
lymphocytotic 48 32 relating to lymphocy...
lymphographic 44 34 relating to lymphogr...
lymphomatoses 35 27 LYMPHOMATOSIS, the p...
lymphomatosis 36 27 the presence of mult...
lymphopoieses 36 27 LYMPHOPOIESIS, the f...
lymphopoiesis 37 27 the formation of lym...
lymphopoietic 40 30 relating to lymphopo...
lymphosarcoma 38 30 a tumour of the lymp...
lymphotrophic 43 32 of a virus, preferen...
lyricalnesses 33 21 LYRICALNESS, the qua...
lysolecithins 36 23 LYSOLECITHIN, a hydr...