12 letter words that start with S

12 letter words that start with S

12 letter S word


Words With Friends®


sabermetrics 27 21 the statistical anal...
sabulosities 24 17 SABULOSITY, grittine...
saburrations 22 17 SABURRATION, the app...
saccadically 38 26 SACCADIC, jerky; twi...
saccharified 31 24 SACCHARIFY, to conve...
saccharifies 31 23 SACCHARIFY, to conve...
saccharinely 35 24 SACCHARINE, sickly s...
saccharinity 35 23 the state of being s...
saccharising 30 23 SACCHARISE, to conve...
saccharizing 33 32 SACCHARIZE, to conve...
saccharoidal 29 22 like loaf sugar in t...
sacculations 27 21 SACCULATION, the sta...
sacerdotally 31 20 SACERDOTAL, of or re...
sacramentals 24 20 SACRAMENTAL, an acti...
sacramentary 29 21 a book containing al...
sacramenting 24 22 SACRAMENT, to bind b...
sacrednesses 22 17 SACREDNESS, the stat...
sacrilegious 26 19 grossly irreverent t...
sacrilegists 27 18 SACRILEGIST, one who...
sacrocostals 27 19 SACROCOSTAL, a muscl...
sacroiliitis 26 16 inflammation of the...
saddlebacked 27 26 saddle-shaped [adj]
saddlecloths 28 21 SADDLECLOTH, a cloth...
sadistically 33 20 SADISTIC, like a sad...
safecrackers 29 25 SAFECRACKER, one tha...
safecracking 30 28 the act of breaking...
safeguarding 24 22 SAFEGUARD, to keep s...
safekeepings 25 25 SAFEKEEPING, the act...
sailboarders 23 17 SAILBOARDER [n]
sailboarding 24 20 the sport of using a...
sailboatings 24 19 SAILBOATING, the spo...
sailplanings 25 21 SAILPLANING, the spo...
saintpaulias 23 18 SAINTPAULIA, a tropi...
salabilities 25 17 SALABILITY, the qual...
salamandrian 20 19 a salamander of the...
salamandrine 20 19 like a salamander, a...
salamandroid 21 19 like a salamander [a...
saleableness 22 18 the state of being s...
salesmanship 26 22 the skill or art of...
salespersons 22 17 SALESPERSON, a sales...
salicylamide 33 23 an analgesic drug ad...
salicylating 33 22 SALICYLATE, to treat...
salification 26 20 the process of salif...
salinisation 20 15 the process of salin...
salinization 23 24 the process of salin...
salinometers 21 17 SALINOMETER, an inst...
salinometric 25 20 relating to the meas...
sallownesses 24 18 SALLOWNESS, the stat...
salmagundies 23 21 SALMAGUNDY, (French)...
salpiglosses 26 19 SALPIGLOSSIS, any pl...
salpiglossis 27 19 any plant of the gen...
salsolaceous 24 18 belonging to the sal...
saltationism 22 17 punctuation in evolu...
saltationist 21 14 someone who supports...
saltatorious 21 14 of or for saltation,...
saltchuckers 32 26 SALTCHUCKER, a saltw...
saltimbancos 27 23 SALTIMBANCO, (Italia...
saltimboccas 31 25 SALTIMBOCCA, (Italia...
saltpetreman 23 20 (historical) someone...
saltpetremen 23 20 SALTPETREMAN, (histo...
salubriously 32 21 SALUBRIOUS, benefici...
salutariness 21 15 the state of being s...
salutational 21 16 relating to salutati...
salutatorian 20 15 the second best stud...
salutatories 21 14 SALUTATORY, an addre...
salutatorily 29 17 SALUTATORY, relating...
salutiferous 24 18 conducive to health...
salvableness 25 22 the state of being s...
salvationism 24 21 religious teaching e...
salvationist 23 18 a soldier or officer...
salvifically 38 27 SALVIFICAL, (obsolet...
sanctifiable 28 23 able to be sanctifie...
sanctifiedly 33 23 SANCTIFIED [adv]
sanctifyings 33 24 SANCTIFYING, the act...
sanctimonies 23 20 SANCTIMONY, outward,...
sanctionable 24 21 capable of being san...
sanctioneers 21 17 SANCTIONEER, a perso...
sanctionless 23 18 without sanctions [a...
sanctuarised 23 18 SANCTUARISE, to affo...
sanctuarises 23 17 SANCTUARISE, to affo...
sanctuarized 26 27 SANCTUARIZE, to affo...
sanctuarizes 26 26 SANCTUARIZE, to affo...
sandblasters 23 18 SANDBLASTER, a tool...
sandblasting 24 21 the act of cleaning...
sanderswoods 22 18 SANDERSWOOD, sandalw...
sandpainting 22 21 a painting made with...
sandpapering 24 23 the act of smoothing...
sanguiferous 23 20 bearing blood [adj]
sanguinarias 20 17 SANGUINARIA, the dri...
sanguinarily 28 20 SANGUINARY, bloodthi...
sanguineness 19 18 the state of being s...
sanguinities 21 17 SANGUINITY, the stat...
sanguinolent 20 19 containing blood; bl...
sanguivorous 23 21 drinking blood, also...
sanitariness 19 14 the state of being s...
sanitisation 19 14 the act of sanitisin...
sanitization 22 23 the act of sanitizin...
sansculottes 24 18 SANSCULOTTE, (French...
sansculottic 28 21 of or like a sanscul...
sansevierias 21 17 SANSEVIERIA, a kind...
santalaceous 22 18 belonging to the san...
sapientially 30 20 SAPIENTIAL, providin...
sapindaceous 24 21 belonging to the Sap...
saponifiable 26 23 capable of being con...
saprolegnias 23 19 SAPROLEGNIA, any fun...
sapropelites 25 19 SAPROPELITE, coal fo...
saprophagous 27 23 feeding on decaying...
saprophytism 35 25 being a saprophyte [...
saprotrophic 30 23 of or like a saprotr...
sarcenchymes 35 26 SARCENCHYME, a soft...
sarcolemmata 25 22 SARCOLEMMA, the cell...
sarcomatoses 23 18 SARCOMATOSIS, a dise...
sarcomatosis 24 18 a disease characteri...
sarcophagous 28 23 feeding on flesh; ca...
sarcoplasmic 31 25 relating to sarcopla...
sardonically 31 21 SARDONICAL, bitterly...
sardonicisms 25 20 SARDONICISM, the sta...
sarrusophone 23 19 a double-reeded musi...
sarsaparilla 24 17 (Spanish) any tropic...
satanologies 20 16 SATANOLOGY, the stud...
satanophobia 24 21 fear of the devil [n...
satellitised 23 15 SATELLITISE, to brin...
satellitises 23 14 SATELLITISE, to brin...
satellitiums 25 18 SATELLITIUM, a group...
satellitized 26 24 SATELLITIZE, to brin...
satellitizes 26 23 SATELLITIZE, to brin...
satinflowers 26 20 SATINFLOWER, another...
satirisation 20 13 the process of satir...
satirization 23 22 the process of satir...
satisfaction 25 19 the act of satisfyin...
satisfactory 32 20 giving satisfaction...
satisficings 28 21 SATISFICING, the act...
satisfyingly 38 23 SATISFYING [adv]
saturability 31 19 the ability to becom...
sauerbratens 21 17 SAUERBRATEN, (German...
saunteringly 28 20 SAUNTERING, walking...
saurischians 26 19 SAURISCHIAN, any din...
sauropsidans 22 18 SAUROPSIDAN, a membe...
savagenesses 21 19 SAVAGENESS, the stat...
saveableness 23 21 the state of being s...
savingnesses 22 20 SAVINGNESS, frugalit...
savorinesses 21 17 SAVORINESS, the qual...
saxophonists 30 25 SAXOPHONIST, one who...
scabbardless 29 23 without a scabbard [...
scabbinesses 27 22 SCABBINESS, the stat...
scabridities 27 19 SCABRIDITY, (archaic...
scabrousness 25 20 the state of being s...
scaffoldages 29 25 SCAFFOLDAGE, the gal...
scaffoldings 30 26 SCAFFOLDING, a frame...
scalableness 26 21 the state of being s...
scaldberries 27 20 SCALDBERRY, the blac...
scalenohedra 24 20 SCALENOHEDRON, a hem...
scambaitings 28 24 SCAMBAITING, the pra...
scampishness 29 24 the state of being s...
scandalisers 24 18 SCANDALISER, one who...
scandalising 25 21 SCANDALISE, to offen...
scandalizers 27 27 SCANDALIZER, one who...
scandalizing 28 30 SCANDALIZE, to offen...
scandalously 31 22 SCANDALOUS, of the n...
scantinesses 22 17 SCANTINESS, the stat...
scapegallows 31 25 a person who deserve...
scapegoating 26 23 the act of making a...
scapegoatism 27 23 the act of making sc...
scapulimancy 37 29 divination involving...
scapulomancy 36 29 divination involving...
scarabaeists 25 18 SCARABAEIST, a perso...
scarabaeoids 24 19 SCARABAEOID, any of...
scarabaeuses 24 19 SCARABAEUS, a beetle...
scaramouched 29 25 SCARAMOUCH, to behav...
scaramouches 29 24 SCARAMOUCH, to behav...
scarcenesses 25 19 SCARCENESS, the stat...
scaremongers 24 21 SCAREMONGER, one who...
scarificator 29 21 a surgical instrumen...
scarifyingly 41 26 SCARIFYING [adv]
scatological 29 22 relating to scatolog...
scatologists 26 18 SCATOLOGIST, a stude...
scatophagies 28 22 SCATOPHAGY, the reli...
scatophagous 28 23 habitually feeding o...
scatteration 22 16 the act of scatterin...
scatterbrain 25 19 a giddy heedless per...
scattergoods 24 18 SCATTERGOOD, a spend...
scattergrams 26 20 SCATTERGRAM, a scatt...
scatteringly 32 21 SCATTERING [adv]
scatterlings 26 19 SCATTERLING, (archai...
scattermouch 30 24 (slang) old nautical...
scattinesses 23 16 SCATTINESS, the stat...
scavengeries 25 22 SCAVENGERY, the act...
scavengering 26 25 the act of scavenger...
sceneshifter 27 21 a worker who moves t...
scenographer 27 23 one who practises sc...
scenographic 31 26 related to scenograp...
schecklatons 30 26 SCHECKLATON, (Spense...
schematising 28 23 SCHEMATISE, to make...
schematizing 31 32 SCHEMATIZE, to make...
schemozzling 35 42 SCHEMOZZLE, (Yiddish...
schillerised 29 20 SCHILLERISE, to give...
schillerises 29 19 SCHILLERISE, to give...
schillerized 32 29 SCHILLERIZE, to give...
schillerizes 32 28 SCHILLERIZE, to give...
schindyleses 33 22 SCHINDYLESIS, an art...
schindylesis 34 22 an articulation form...
schindyletic 37 25 of or like a schindy...
schismatical 32 24 relating to a schism...
schismatised 28 21 SCHISMATISE, to prac...
schismatises 28 20 SCHISMATISE, to prac...
schismatized 31 30 SCHISMATIZE, to prac...
schismatizes 31 29 SCHISMATIZE, to prac...
schistosomal 28 21 of or like a schisto...
schistosomes 27 20 SCHISTOSOME, a disea...
schizocarpic 38 35 of or like a schizoc...
schizogonies 29 29 SCHIZOGONY, reproduc...
schizogonous 29 30 reproducing by multi...
schizomycete 39 34 any microscopic orga...
schizophrene 32 32 one affected with sc...
schizophytes 40 33 SCHIZOPHYTE, a plant...
schizophytic 44 36 of or like a schizop...
schizopodous 31 31 of or like a schizop...
schizothymia 39 33 schizoid behavior th...
schizothymic 43 36 designating a schizo...
schmaltziest 32 30 SHMALTZY, characteri...
schnorkeling 28 26 SCHNORKEL, (German)...
schnorkelled 28 25 SCHNORKEL, (German)...
scholarliest 28 19 SCHOLARLY, learned,...
scholarships 32 23 SCHOLARSHIP, the act...
scholastical 31 22 (archaic) scholastic...
schoolboyish 37 25 of or like a schoolb...
schoolcrafts 32 24 SCHOOLCRAFT, (archai...
schoolfellow 33 26 a fellow pupil at a...
schoolgoings 28 23 SCHOOLGOING, attenda...
schoolhouses 28 21 SCHOOLHOUSE, a build...
schoolmaster 27 21 a male schoolteacher...
schorlaceous 29 22 like schorl [adj]
schorlomites 28 21 SCHORLOMITE, a black...
schottisches 32 22 SCHOTTISCHE, (German...
schussboomer 29 24 a very proficient sc...
schwarmereis 30 23 SCHWARMEREI, (German...
scientifical 30 23 of, relating to, or...
scincoidians 26 21 SCINCOIDIAN, a membe...
scindapsuses 26 21 SCINDAPSUS, any plan...
scintigraphy 36 25 a diagnostic techniq...
scintillated 26 19 SCINTILLATE, to spar...
scintillates 26 18 SCINTILLATE, to spar...
scintillator 26 18 an instrument for de...
scissiparity 34 20 reproduction by fiss...
scissortails 26 16 SCISSORTAIL, an Amer...
scitamineous 24 20 of the Scitamineae,...
sclerenchyma 36 27 plant tissue consist...
sclerodermas 25 20 SCLERODERMA, a disea...
sclerodermia 25 20 hardness and contrac...
sclerodermic 29 23 hard-skinned; having...
sclerometers 25 19 SCLEROMETER, an inst...
sclerometric 29 22 pertaining to measur...
sclerophylls 38 25 SCLEROPHYLL, a hard,...
sclerophylly 44 27 the possession of sc...
sclerotising 26 19 SCLEROTISE, to harde...
sclerotizing 29 28 SCLEROTIZE, to harde...
sclerotomies 25 19 SCLEROTOMY, an incis...
scolopaceous 28 23 snipelike [adj]
scolopendras 25 21 SCOLOPENDRA, a centi...
scolopendrid 26 22 any centipede of the...
scopolamines 26 23 SCOPOLAMINE, a sleep...
scopophiliac 34 27 one who derives sexu...
scopophilias 31 24 SCOPOPHILIA, the pra...
scopophobias 31 26 SCOPOPHOBIA, fear of...
scoptophilia 31 24 the practice of obta...
scoptophobia 31 26 fear of being looked...
scorekeepers 25 22 SCOREKEEPER, one tha...
scornfulness 26 22 the state of being s...
scorpaenoids 24 20 SCORPAENOID, any mem...
scoutherings 27 21 SCOUTHERING, a scorc...
scoutmasters 25 19 SCOUTMASTER, the lea...
scraggedness 25 21 cragginess [n -ES]
scramblingly 37 28 SCRAMBLING [adv]
scrapbooking 29 28 the practice of keep...
scraperboard 27 22 a clay-surface board...
scratchbacks 36 30 SCRATCHBACK, a backs...
scratchboard 31 24 a scraperboard [n -S...
scratchbuild 34 26 to build (usu models...
scratchbuilt 34 25 SCRATCHBUILD, to bui...
scratchcards 33 24 SCRATCHCARD, a type...
scratchiness 29 21 the state of being s...
scratchingly 38 26 SCRATCHING [adv]
scratchplate 32 24 a plastic or metal p...
screencrafts 28 22 SCREENCRAFT, the art...
screensavers 24 20 SCREENSAVER, a pictu...
screenwriter 26 19 a writer of screenpl...
screwdrivers 30 23 SCREWDRIVER, a tool...
screwinesses 26 19 SCREWINESS, the stat...
scribblement 30 26 the act of scribblin...
scribblingly 39 28 SCRIBBLING [adv]
scrieveboard 27 23 a shipbuilder's draw...
scrimpnesses 27 22 SCRIMPNESS, the stat...
scrimshander 27 22 to ornament, as shel...
scrimshanked 28 26 SCRIMSHANK, to evade...
scrimshanker 28 25 a shirker, also SKRI...
scrimshawing 32 26 SCRIMSHAW, to orname...
scrimshoners 27 21 SCRIMSHONER, one who...
scripholders 30 22 SCRIPHOLDER, a perso...
scripophiles 32 24 SCRIPOPHILE, one who...
scriptoriums 29 22 SCRIPTORIUM, (Latin)...
scripturally 36 23 SCRIPTURAL, relating...
scripturisms 30 22 SCRIPTURISM, adheren...
scripturists 29 19 SCRIPTURIST, a perso...
scriptwriter 31 21 a person who writes...
scriveboards 28 23 SCRIVEBOARD, a shipb...
scrobiculate 30 23 marked with many sha...
scrofulously 35 24 SCROFULOUS, afflicte...
scrophularia 29 22 a plant of the figwo...
scrupulosity 35 23 the state of being s...
scrupulously 36 25 SCRUPULOUS, having m...
scrutability 35 22 the quality of being...
scrutinisers 25 17 SCRUTINISER, one who...
scrutinising 26 20 SCRUTINISE, to exami...
scrutinizers 28 26 SCRUTINIZER, one who...
scrutinizing 29 29 SCRUTINIZE, to exami...
scrutinously 32 21 SCRUTINOUS, closely...
sculduddries 27 21 SCULDUDDRY, (Scots)...
sculptresses 28 20 SCULPTRESS, a woman...
sculpturally 37 25 SCULPTURAL, of or re...
sculpturings 30 24 SCULPTURING, the act...
scuppernongs 28 26 SCUPPERNONG, a nativ...
scurfinesses 26 20 SCURFINESS, the stat...
scurrilities 27 17 SCURRILITY, the stat...
scurrilously 34 21 SCURRILOUS, using or...
scurvinesses 26 21 SCURVINESS, the stat...
scutellation 25 19 an arrangement of sc...
scuttlebutts 29 21 SCUTTLEBUTT, a drink...
scyphistomae 35 25 SCYPHISTOMA, the fix...
scyphistomas 36 25 SCYPHISTOMA, the fix...
seamlessness 21 17 the state of being s...
seamstresses 21 15 SEAMSTRESS, a woman...
searchlights 31 22 SEARCHLIGHT, an appa...
searednesses 18 14 SEAREDNESS, the stat...
seasonalness 18 15 the state of being s...
seaworthiest 25 17 SEAWORTHY, able to b...
secessionism 24 19 support for secessio...
secessionist 23 16 one who joins in a s...
secludedness 24 20 the state of being s...
seclusionist 25 18 one who relishes sec...
secobarbital 28 22 a barbiturate used c...
secretagogic 28 22 of or like a secreta...
secretagogue 24 20 a substance inducing...
secretariate 22 15 the administrative d...
secretariats 23 15 SECRETARIAT, the off...
secretionary 28 18 relating to secretio...
secretnesses 22 16 SECRETNESS, the stat...
sectarianise 22 16 to make sectarian, a...
sectarianism 24 19 being a sectarian [n...
sectarianize 25 25 to make sectarian, a...
sectionalise 23 17 to divide into secti...
sectionalism 25 20 an exaggerated devot...
sectionalist 24 17 an adherent of secti...
sectionalize 26 26 to divide into secti...
sectionising 24 19 SECTIONISE, to secti...
sectionizing 27 28 SECTIONIZE, to secti...
secularisers 25 17 SECULARISER, one who...
secularising 26 20 SECULARISE, to conve...
secularistic 29 20 relating to seculari...
secularities 25 17 SECULARITY, supreme...
secularizers 28 26 SECULARIZER, one who...
secularizing 29 29 SECULARIZE, to conve...
securenesses 22 17 SECURENESS, the stat...
securitising 26 19 SECURITISE, to make...
securitizing 29 28 SECURITIZE, to make...
sedatenesses 18 14 SEDATENESS, the stat...
sedimentable 23 21 capable of being sed...
seductresses 24 17 SEDUCTRESS, a woman...
sedulousness 21 17 the state of being s...
seemlinesses 21 17 SEEMLINESS, the stat...
segmentation 20 19 the state of being s...
segregations 21 17 SEGREGATION, the act...
seigniorages 21 17 SEIGNIORAGE, a gover...
seignioralty 28 18 feudal lordship, als...
seigniorship 26 20 the office of seigni...
seismicities 26 18 SEISMICITY, the degr...
seismographs 27 22 SEISMOGRAPH, an inst...
seismography 33 24 measurement by use o...
seismologies 23 18 SEISMOLOGY, the stud...
seismologist 24 18 one who studies eart...
seismometers 22 18 SEISMOMETER, an inst...
seismometric 26 21 relating to measurem...
seismonastic 24 19 relating to seismona...
seismoscopes 26 21 SEISMOSCOPE, an inst...
seismoscopic 30 24 pertaining to a seis...
selaginellas 23 18 SELAGINELLA, a plant...
seldomnesses 21 18 SELDOMNESS, the stat...
selectionist 24 17 one who considers na...
selectnesses 23 17 SELECTNESS, the stat...
selectorates 23 16 SELECTORATE, as in s...
seleniferous 22 18 containing or yieldi...
selenographs 25 21 SELENOGRAPH, a delin...
selenography 31 23 the branch of astron...
selenologies 21 17 SELENOLOGY, the stud...
selenologist 22 17 one who studies the...
selflessness 24 18 the state of being s...
selfsameness 23 20 the state of being s...
semantically 32 23 SEMANTICAL, of or re...
semanticists 25 19 SEMANTICIST, a speci...
semaphorical 29 24 related to semaphore...
sematologies 22 18 SEMATOLOGY, another...
semeiologies 22 18 SEMEIOLOGY, the stud...
semeiologist 23 18 a specialist in seme...
semeiotician 23 19 a practitioner of se...
semiabstract 27 21 having subject matte...
semiannually 28 22 SEMIANNUAL, half-yea...
semiarboreal 23 19 often inhabiting and...
semibasement 23 22 a basement partly ab...
semichoruses 27 21 SEMICHORUS, half, or...
semicircular 30 23 having the shape of...
semiclassics 30 22 SEMICLASSIC, a semic...
semicolonial 25 21 nominally independen...
semicolonies 24 20 SEMICOLONY, a semico...
semicomatose 24 21 in a state of semico...
semicylinder 32 23 a longitudinal half-...
semidarkness 22 21 a state between dark...
semideifying 31 24 SEMIDEIFY, to make s...
semideponent 21 21 passive in form in t...
semidetached 26 22 forming one of a pai...
semidiameter 22 19 half the diameter, e...
semidominant 21 21 producing an interme...
semifinalist 25 20 one taking part in a...
semifinished 26 22 partially finished o...
semiflexible 34 30 somewhat flexible [a...
semifluidity 33 23 the state of being s...
semiglobular 27 23 being in the form of...
semiliterate 22 16 able to read and wri...
semilustrous 24 18 slightly lustrous [a...
semimetallic 28 23 of the nature of a s...
semimonastic 25 22 having some features...
semimystical 34 24 having some of the q...
seminalities 22 17 SEMINALITY, the stat...
seminiferous 23 20 seed-bearing [adj]
seminudities 22 18 SEMINUDITY, being pa...
semiofficial 30 25 having some official...
semiological 27 22 relating to semiolog...
semiologists 24 18 SEMIOLOGIST, a stude...
semiotically 33 22 SEMIOTIC, relating t...
semioticians 24 19 SEMIOTICIAN, a pract...
semioticists 26 18 SEMIOTICIST, a pract...
semipalmated 25 23 having the toes join...
semiparasite 23 18 a partial parasite,...
semipellucid 30 25 partially pellucid [...
semiprecious 27 22 of less commercial v...
semitrailers 23 16 SEMITRAILER, an arti...
semitropical 28 22 subtropical [adj]
semivitreous 24 20 partially vitreous [...
semiweeklies 26 23 SEMIWEEKLY, a period...
sempervivums 30 30 SEMPERVIVUM, a plant...
sempiternity 30 21 eternity [n SEMPITER...
sempiternums 25 23 SEMPITERNUM, (obsole...
sempsterings 25 21 SEMPSTERING, working...
sempstresses 24 18 SEMPSTRESS, a seamst...
senarmontite 19 17 antimony trioxide in...
senatorially 27 17 SENATORIAL, of or pe...
senatorships 24 18 SENATORSHIP, the off...
senectitudes 23 18 SENECTITUDE, old age...
sensationism 20 17 exploitation of the...
sensationist 19 14 an exploiter of the...
sensibleness 22 18 the state of being s...
sensitometer 20 16 an instrument for me...
sensitometry 27 18 measurement by sensi...
sensorimotor 20 16 of, relating to, or...
sensualising 22 18 SENSUALISE, to make...
sensualistic 25 18 relating to sensuali...
sensualities 21 15 SENSUALITY, the stat...
sensualizing 25 27 SENSUALIZE, to make...
sensuosities 20 14 SENSUOSITY, the stat...
sensuousness 19 16 the state of being s...
sententially 27 18 SENTENTIAL, comprisi...
sentinelling 22 19 SENTINEL, to stand g...
separability 32 21 the state of being s...
separateness 20 16 the state of being s...
separatistic 26 18 relating to separati...
separatively 31 22 SEPARATIVE, causing...
separatories 21 15 SEPARATORY, an instr...
separatrices 25 18 SEPARATRIX, a solidu...
sepiostaires 22 15 SEPIOSTAIRE, (French...
septemvirate 25 22 government by, or gr...
septennially 29 21 SEPTENNIAL, lasting...
septentrions 21 17 SEPTENTRION, (archai...
septicaemias 26 21 SEPTICAEMIA, blood-p...
septicidally 35 23 SEPTICIDAL, with spl...
septilateral 24 17 having seven sides [...
septillionth 27 20 the ordinal of septi...
septuagenary 28 21 a septuagenarian [n...
septuplicate 29 23 a group of seven thi...
sepulchering 30 25 SEPULCHER, to place...
sepulchrally 38 26 SEPULCHRAL, funereal...
sequaciously 39 29 SEQUACIOUS, intellec...
sequentially 36 27 SEQUENTIAL, succeedi...
sequestering 29 25 SEQUESTER, to set ap...
sequestrable 31 26 that can be sequeste...
sequestrants 28 23 SEQUESTRANT, a chemi...
sequestrated 28 23 SEQUESTRATE, to conf...
sequestrates 28 22 SEQUESTRATE, to conf...
sequestrator 28 22 one who sequestrates...
seraphically 36 24 SERAPHICAL, of or li...
seraskierate 20 16 the office or author...
serenenesses 17 14 SERENENESS, the stat...
sergeantship 25 20 the office of sergea...
sericultural 27 19 relating to sericult...
sericultures 26 18 SERICULTURE, the bre...
serigraphers 26 19 SERIGRAPHER, one who...
serigraphies 26 19 SERIGRAPHY, the maki...
seriocomical 28 22 partly serious and p...
serjeantries 21 22 SERJEANTRY, a condit...
serjeantship 26 27 the office of serjea...
sermonisings 22 19 SERMONISING, the act...
sermonizings 25 28 SERMONIZING, the act...
seroconverts 24 20 SEROCONVERT, to prod...
seronegative 21 19 having or being a ne...
seropositive 24 19 having or being a po...
seropurulent 23 19 serum and pus [adj]
serotaxonomy 31 25 serological analysis...
serotonergic 23 18 liberating, activate...
serousnesses 19 14 SEROUSNESS, the stat...
serpentiform 25 22 in the form of a ser...
serpentinely 28 20 SERPENTINE, winding...
serpentining 22 20 winding [adj SERPENT...
serpentinise 21 17 to wind, also SERPEN...
serpentinite 21 17 a metamorphic rock t...
serpentinize 24 26 to wind, also SERPEN...
serpentinous 21 18 of serpentine, windi...
serpentising 23 19 SERPENTISE, to wind;...
serpentizing 26 28 SERPENTIZE, to wind;...
serrulations 21 15 SERRULATION, the sta...
sertularians 21 15 SERTULARIAN, a colon...
servanthoods 23 20 SERVANTHOOD, the sta...
servantships 27 22 SERVANTSHIP, the sta...
serviceberry 34 24 the fruit of a North...
servicewoman 28 26 a woman who is a mem...
servicewomen 28 26 SERVICEWOMAN, a woma...
servitorship 28 21 the office of servit...
servitresses 23 16 SERVITRESS, a female...
servocontrol 25 21 in aircraft, a reinf...
sesquialtera 29 23 a perfect fifth; thr...
sesquialters 30 23 SESQUIALTER, a mixtu...
sesquioxides 35 30 SESQUIOXIDE, an oxid...
sesquipedals 32 27 SESQUIPEDAL, a polys...
sesquitertia 29 22 a perfect fourth; a...
sevenpennies 21 22 SEVENPENNY, a coin w...
seventeenths 22 20 SEVENTEENTH, a seven...
severability 32 22 the state of being s...
severenesses 20 17 SEVERENESS, severity...
sewabilities 27 19 SEWABILITY, the abil...
sexagenarian 24 23 aged between sixty a...
sexagenaries 25 22 SEXAGENARY, someone...
sexagesimals 29 25 SEXAGESIMAL, a sexag...
sexangularly 35 27 SEXANGULAR, hexagona...
sexcentenary 33 26 relating to the numb...
sexdecillion 31 26 ten to the power of...
sextillionth 31 24 the ordinal of a sex...
sextodecimos 30 26 SEXTODECIMO, a book...
sextuplicate 33 27 to copy sixfold [v S...
shabbinesses 26 21 SHABBINESS, the stat...
shacklebones 28 26 SHACKLEBONE, (Scots)...
shadowboxing 34 31 SHADOWBOX, to practi...
shadowgraphs 31 25 SHADOWGRAPH, an imag...
shadowgraphy 37 27 the making of images...
shagginesses 24 19 SHAGGINESS, the stat...
shamateurism 25 21 the retention of ama...
shamefacedly 35 27 SHAMEFACED, showing...
shamefulness 26 23 the state of being s...
shareability 32 20 the state of being s...
sharecropped 29 24 SHARECROP, of a tena...
sharecropper 29 23 a tenant farmer esp....
sharefarmers 25 20 SHAREFARMER, a tenan...
shareholders 25 18 SHAREHOLDER, one tha...
shareholding 26 21 the act of holding s...
sharemilkers 26 22 SHAREMILKER, (New Ze...
sharksuckers 29 26 SHARKSUCKER, another...
sharpbenders 26 22 SHARPBENDER, an orga...
sharpshooter 26 19 a marksman [n -S]
shatteringly 31 20 SHATTERING, of e.g n...
shatterproof 26 20 proof against shatte...
sheathfishes 29 21 SHEATHFISH, a Europe...
sheepberries 26 20 SHEEPBERRY, the edib...
sheepherders 26 20 SHEEPHERDER, a worke...
sheepherding 27 23 looking after sheep...
sheepishness 26 20 the state of being s...
sheepshearer 25 19 one that shears shee...
sheetrocking 27 24 SHEETROCK, to cover...
shelftalkers 28 23 SHELFTALKER, a marke...
shellackings 30 26 SHELLACKING, a heavy...
shellcracker 32 26 a kind of sunfish, a...
shellfishery 36 23 a commercially explo...
shellinesses 24 17 SHELLINESS, the stat...
shellshocked 31 26 suffering from shell...
shelterbelts 27 19 SHELTERBELT, a row o...
shepherdless 28 21 without a shepherd [...
shepherdling 29 24 a little shepherd [n...
sherardising 24 18 SHERARDISE, to coat...
sherardizing 27 27 SHERARDIZE, to coat...
shergottites 24 16 SHERGOTTITE, a type...
sheriffships 33 25 SHERIFFSHIP, the off...
shiftinesses 25 18 SHIFTINESS, the stat...
shillingless 28 20 without a shilling [...
shillyshally 43 24 to be indecisive [v...
shimmeringly 34 26 SHIMMERING [adv]
shinplasters 26 19 SHINPLASTER, paper c...
shipbuilders 30 23 SHIPBUILDER, one who...
shipbuilding 31 26 the occupation of bu...
shiplappings 32 27 SHIPLAPPING, the ove...
shipwrecking 34 30 SHIPWRECK, to underg...
shirtdresses 24 15 SHIRTDRESS, a straig...
shirtinesses 23 15 SHIRTINESS, the stat...
shirtlifters 28 18 SHIRTLIFTER, a male...
shirtsleeved 26 20 in shirtsleeves, i.e...
shirtsleeves 26 19 SHIRTSLEEVE, the sle...
shirttailing 26 18 SHIRTTAIL, to make a...
shirtwaisted 27 18 as in shirtwaisted d...
shirtwaister 27 17 a tailored dress wit...
shittimwoods 28 21 SHITTIMWOOD, the woo...
shittinesses 23 15 SHITTINESS, the stat...
shlemozzling 33 40 SHLEMOZZLE, (Yiddish...
shoalinesses 22 16 SHOALINESS, the stat...
shockability 37 27 the quality of being...
shockingness 27 25 the state of being s...
shoddinesses 22 17 SHODDINESS, the stat...
shootarounds 21 17 SHOOTAROUND, an info...
shopaholisms 29 23 SHOPAHOLISM, an addi...
shopbreakers 27 24 SHOPBREAKER, a perso...
shopbreaking 28 27 the act of breaking...
shopkeepings 28 27 SHOPKEEPING, the occ...
shopliftings 30 24 SHOPLIFTING, the act...
shortchanged 28 23 SHORTCHANGE, to give...
shortchanger 28 22 one who gives short...
shortchanges 28 22 SHORTCHANGE, to give...
shortcomings 28 23 SHORTCOMING, an impe...
shortcutting 28 21 SHORTCUT, to take a...
shortlisting 26 18 SHORTLIST, to includ...
shortsheeted 24 17 SHORTSHEET, (US) to...
shortsighted 27 19 lacking foresight [a...
shoulderings 25 20 SHOULDERING, the act...
shovelboards 27 23 SHOVELBOARD, an old...
showerproofs 29 23 SHOWERPROOF, to make...
showjumpings 33 36 SHOWJUMPING, a compe...
showmanships 31 26 SHOWMANSHIP, skilful...
showroomings 27 23 SHOWROOMING, the pra...
showstoppers 30 23 SHOWSTOPPER, a perfo...
showstopping 31 26 denoting an extraord...
shrewdnesses 25 19 SHREWDNESS, the stat...
shrewishness 28 20 the state of being s...
shrievalties 26 19 SHRIEVALTY, the offi...
shrillnesses 25 17 SHRILLNESS, the stat...
shudderingly 32 23 SHUDDERING, tremblin...
shuffleboard 30 26 an old game in which...
shunamitisms 26 22 SHUNAMITISM, rejuven...
shuttlecocks 32 26 SHUTTLECOCK, to send...
sialorrhoeas 22 15 SIALORRHOEA, excessi...
sickernesses 24 20 SICKERNESS, (Scots)...
sicklinesses 26 21 SICKLINESS, the stat...
sicknursings 27 24 SICKNURSING, the nur...
sideropenias 21 17 SIDEROPENIA, deficie...
siderophiles 26 19 SIDEROPHILE, an elem...
siderophilic 30 22 of or like a siderop...
siderophilin 26 20 any of a group of bl...
siderostatic 24 16 of or like a sideros...
sideslipping 28 23 SIDESLIP, to slip to...
sidesteppers 25 19 SIDESTEPPER, one who...
sidestepping 26 22 the act of avoding a...
sidetracking 26 23 SIDETRACK, to divert...
sidewheelers 26 19 SIDEWHEELER, a vesse...
sightscreens 27 20 SIGHTSCREEN, a scree...
sightseeings 25 19 SIGHTSEEING, viewing...
sigillarians 24 17 SIGILLARIAN, a seal,...
sigillations 24 17 SIGILLATION, marking...
significance 29 25 something that is co...
significancy 36 27 significance [n SIGN...
significants 27 22 SIGNIFICANT, somethi...
significates 27 21 SIGNIFICATE [v]
significator 27 21 in astrology, a plan...
signpostings 25 21 SIGNPOSTING, the act...
silentiaries 21 14 SILENTIARY, a person...
silentnesses 20 15 SILENTNESS, the stat...
silhouetting 25 19 SILHOUETTE, to repre...
silhouettist 25 16 one who makes silhou...
silicicolous 30 21 growing in silicate...
siliciferous 28 20 bearing or containin...
siliquaceous 33 27 of or like a siliqua...
silkscreened 25 22 SILKSCREEN, to print...
sillimanites 24 18 SILLIMANITE, a silic...
silverfishes 29 22 SILVERFISH, any of v...
silverpoints 26 21 SILVERPOINT, the pro...
silversmiths 29 22 SILVERSMITH, an arti...
silviculture 30 23 the growing of trees...
similarities 24 16 SIMILARITY, the stat...
simoniacally 32 23 SIMONIACAL, of or pe...
simpleminded 26 25 devoid of subtlety [...
simplenesses 24 20 SIMPLENESS, the stat...
simplicially 38 26 SIMPLICIAL, of or re...
simplicities 30 22 SIMPLICITY, the stat...
simplifiable 31 26 capable of being sim...
simulatively 33 24 SIMULATIVE, relating...
simulcasting 28 23 SIMULCAST, to broadc...
simultaneity 29 20 the state of being s...
simultaneous 22 19 existing or occurrin...
sinanthropus 24 20 Peking fossil man [n...
sindonophany 28 23 the periodic exhibit...
sinewinesses 22 17 SINEWINESS, the stat...
sinfoniettas 21 17 SINFONIETTA, (Italia...
sinfulnesses 23 19 SINFULNESS, the stat...
singableness 23 20 the state of being s...
singlenesses 21 17 SINGLENESS, the stat...
singlesticks 28 23 SINGLESTICK, a one-h...
singletracks 27 23 SINGLETRACK, an off-...
singularised 23 18 SINGULARISE, to make...
singularises 23 17 SINGULARISE, to make...
singularisms 25 20 SINGULARISM, a philo...
singularists 24 17 SINGULARIST, an adhe...
singularized 26 27 SINGULARIZE, to make...
singularizes 26 26 SINGULARIZE, to make...
singularness 22 18 the state of being s...
sinisterness 20 14 the state of being s...
sinisterwise 24 16 in left-handed fashi...
sinistrality 29 16 the state of being s...
sinistrorsal 22 14 of a climbing plant,...
sinistrously 29 17 SINISTROUS, inauspic...
sinupalliate 24 19 of certain bivalve m...
sinusoidally 29 19 SINUSOIDAL, of or pe...
siphonophore 27 23 a marine creature, c...
siphonostele 24 19 the cylinder of cond...
sipunculoids 28 23 SIPUNCULOID, a kind...
sisterliness 22 14 the state of being s...
sitiophobias 27 20 SITIOPHOBIA, a morbi...
situationism 22 17 the theory that beha...
sizeableness 25 26 the state of being s...
skankinesses 21 22 SKANKINESS, the stat...
skateboarded 22 21 SKATEBOARD, to ride...
skateboarder 22 20 one who skateboards...
skeletonised 21 19 SKELETONISE, to redu...
skeletoniser 21 18 any of the larva of...
skeletonises 21 18 SKELETONISE, to redu...
skeletonized 24 28 SKELETONIZE, to redu...
skeletonizer 24 27 any of the larva of...
skeletonizes 24 27 SKELETONIZE, to redu...
skeuomorphic 30 28 of or like a skeuomo...
skillcentres 27 22 SKILLCENTRE, formerl...
skillessness 24 19 the state of being w...
skillfulness 28 24 (US) the state of be...
skilligalees 26 21 SKILLIGALEE, a thin...
skilligolees 26 21 SKILLIGOLEE, a thin...
skimboarders 25 23 SKIMBOARDER, one who...
skimboarding 26 26 SKIMBOARD, to use a...
skimmingtons 25 26 SKIMMINGTON, in rura...
skimpinesses 25 23 SKIMPINESS, the stat...
skinninesses 20 19 SKINNINESS, the stat...
skirmishings 28 24 SKIRMISHING, the act...
skittishness 25 19 the state of being s...
skrimshanked 26 27 SKRIMSHANK, to evade...
skrimshanker 26 26 one who evades work...
skullduggery 34 27 underhand dealing, t...
skutterudite 23 19 a cubic mineral, cob...
skyrocketing 33 28 SKYROCKET, to go up...
slabbinesses 25 20 SLABBINESS, the stat...
slacklinings 28 25 SLACKLINING, the act...
slacktivisms 31 27 SLACKTIVISM, the car...
slacktivists 30 24 SLACKTIVIST, one who...
slanderously 28 19 SLANDEROUS, relating...
slanginesses 21 17 SLANGINESS, the stat...
slantingways 31 22 in a slanting direct...
slaphappiest 30 24 SLAPHAPPY, happy-go-...
slaughterers 25 18 SLAUGHTERER, one who...
slaughteries 25 18 SLAUGHTERY, slaughte...
slaughtering 26 21 SLAUGHTER, to kill,...
slaughterman 25 22 one whose occupation...
slaughtermen 25 22 SLAUGHTERMAN, one wh...
slaughterous 25 19 of or relating to sl...
slaveholders 26 21 SLAVEHOLDER, one who...
slaveholding 27 24 the keeping of slave...
slavocracies 29 23 SLAVOCRACY, slave-ow...
sleazinesses 23 23 SLEAZINESS, the stat...
sledgehammer 26 24 a large hammer used...
sleepinesses 22 17 SLEEPINESS, the stat...
sleepwalkers 28 24 SLEEPWALKER, one who...
sleepwalking 29 27 walking in one's sle...
sleepyheaded 30 22 given to sleep [adj]
sleetinesses 20 14 SLEETINESS, the stat...
slenderising 22 18 SLENDERISE, to make...
slenderizing 25 27 SLENDERIZE, to make...
sleuthhounds 26 21 SLEUTHHOUND, a blood...
slickensided 26 23 in the form of a sli...
slickensides 26 22 SLICKENSIDE, a polis...
slightnesses 25 18 SLIGHTNESS, the stat...
slinkinesses 22 19 SLINKINESS, the stat...
slipcovering 30 26 SLIPCOVER, to cover...
slipperiness 26 20 the state of being s...
slipperworts 30 22 SLIPPERWORT, the cal...
slippinesses 26 20 SLIPPINESS, the stat...
slipsheeting 27 21 SLIPSHEET, to insert...
slipshodness 26 20 the state of being s...
slipsloppier 30 23 SLIPSLOPPY, sloppy,...
slipstreamed 25 20 SLIPSTREAM, to drive...
slobbishness 28 22 the state of being s...
slockdolager 27 24 a conclusive argumen...
slockdoliger 28 24 a conclusive argumen...
slockdologer 27 24 a conclusive argumen...
sloganeering 21 19 making use of slogan...
sloganisings 23 19 SLOGANISING, the utt...
sloganizings 26 28 SLOGANIZING, the utt...
sloppinesses 25 20 SLOPPINESS, the stat...
slothfulness 27 21 the state of being s...
slovenliness 23 20 the state of being s...
slubberingly 35 26 SLUBBERING, smearing...
sluggardised 25 20 SLUGGARDISE, (Shakes...
sluggardises 25 19 SLUGGARDISE, (Shakes...
sluggardized 28 29 SLUGGARDIZE, (Shakes...
sluggardizes 28 28 SLUGGARDIZE, (Shakes...
sluggardness 24 20 the state of being s...
sluggishness 27 21 the state of being s...
slumberingly 34 26 SLUMBERING, sleeping...
slumberlands 26 23 SLUMBERLAND, the sta...
slumberously 33 24 SLUMBEROUS, inviting...
slumgullions 27 23 SLUMGULLION, (Irish)...
slumpflation 28 25 a state or period of...
slushinesses 24 17 SLUSHINESS, the stat...
sluttinesses 22 15 SLUTTINESS, the stat...
sluttishness 25 17 the state of being s...
smallclothes 30 23 knee-breeches, esp....
smallholders 27 21 SMALLHOLDER, one who...
smallholding 28 24 a small-scale farm [...
smalminesses 23 20 SMALMINESS, (obsolet...
smarminesses 22 19 SMARMINESS, the stat...
smartwatches 30 23 SMARTWATCH, an elect...
smatteringly 30 21 SMATTERING [adv]
smearinesses 20 16 SMEARINESS, the stat...
smellinesses 23 18 SMELLINESS, the stat...
smifligating 28 24 SMIFLIGATE, Charles...
smilacaceous 28 23 belonging to the smi...
smithereened 22 19 SMITHEREEN, to break...
smithsonites 24 18 SMITHSONITE, natural...
smokescreens 24 23 SMOKESCREEN, a cloud...
smoothnesses 22 18 SMOOTHNESS, the stat...
smorgasbords 25 21 SMORGASBORD, (Norweg...
smotheriness 23 18 the state of being s...
smotheringly 32 23 SMOTHERING, suffocat...
smoulderings 24 21 SMOULDERING, a slow...
smudginesses 23 20 SMUDGINESS, the stat...
smuttinesses 22 17 SMUTTINESS, the stat...
snaggleteeth 24 20 SNAGGLETOOTH, an irr...
snaggletooth 24 20 an irregular, broken...
snaphaunches 28 25 SNAPHAUNCH, (obsolet...
snappinesses 23 20 SNAPPINESS, the stat...
snappishness 26 22 the state of being s...
snapshooters 23 18 SNAPSHOOTER, one who...
snapshooting 24 21 the act of taking sn...
snapshotting 25 21 SNAPSHOT, to photogr...
snazzinesses 25 32 SNAZZINESS, the stat...
sneakinesses 19 18 SNEAKINESS, the stat...
sneakingness 20 21 the state of being s...
sneakishness 22 20 the state of being s...
snickersneed 23 22 SNICKERSNEE, to figh...
snickersnees 23 21 SNICKERSNEE, (obsole...
sniffinesses 24 20 SNIFFINESS, the stat...
sniffishness 27 22 the state of being s...
sniggeringly 31 23 SNIGGERING, laughing...
sniperscopes 27 22 SNIPERSCOPE, an opti...
snippetiness 24 20 the state of being s...
snippinesses 24 20 SNIPPINESS, the stat...
snobbishness 26 22 the state of being s...
snobocracies 27 22 SNOBOCRACY, governme...
snobographer 26 23 one who engages in s...
snollygoster 29 19 a shrewd unprinciple...
snooperscope 25 22 an instrument for vi...
snootinesses 18 14 SNOOTINESS, the stat...
snorkellings 24 22 SNORKELLING, the act...
snottinesses 19 14 SNOTTINESS, the stat...
snowbladings 27 24 SNOWBLADING, a form...
snowboarders 24 20 SNOWBOARDER, one who...
snowboarding 25 23 the sport of using a...
snowmobilers 27 23 SNOWMOBILER, one who...
snowmobiling 28 26 the sport of using a...
snowmobilist 28 23 one who engages in t...
snowploughed 29 26 SNOWPLOUGH, to clear...
snowshoeings 25 21 SNOWSHOEING, travel...
snowsurfings 27 23 SNOWSURFING, surfing...
snubbinesses 24 21 SNUBBINESS, the qual...
snuffinesses 24 21 SNUFFINESS, the qual...
soapolallies 24 18 SOAPOLALLIE, a drink...
soboliferous 25 20 bearing shoots or su...
sociableness 25 20 the state of being s...
socialisable 27 20 that can be socialis...
socialisings 26 19 SOCIALISING, the act...
socializable 30 29 that can be socializ...
socializings 29 28 SOCIALIZING, the act...
socialnesses 23 17 SOCIALNESS, the stat...
sociobiology 33 23 the study of the bio...
sociologeses 24 18 SOCIOLOGESE, sociolo...
sociological 29 22 of or relating to so...
sociologisms 27 21 SOCIOLOGISM, interpr...
sociologists 26 18 SOCIOLOGIST, a stude...
sociometries 24 18 SOCIOMETRY, the stud...
sociometrist 25 18 one who practises so...
sociopathies 27 20 SOCIOPATHY, hostilit...
sockdolagers 26 23 SOCKDOLAGER, a concl...
sockdoligers 27 23 SOCKDOLIGER, a concl...
sockdologers 26 23 SOCKDOLOGER, a concl...
soddennesses 18 16 SODDENNESS, the stat...
softheadedly 31 22 SOFTHEADED, having o...
sojournments 22 27 SOJOURNMENT, the act...
solarimeters 22 16 SOLARIMETER, an inst...
solarisation 20 14 the reversal of an i...
solarization 23 23 the reversal of an i...
soldierships 27 19 SOLDIERSHIP, the sta...
solecistical 29 20 having the nature of...
solemnifying 31 25 SOLEMNIFY, to make s...
solemnnesses 20 18 SOLEMNNESS, the stat...
solenoidally 28 19 SOLENOIDAL, like a s...
solicitation 24 17 the practice or act...
solicitously 33 20 SOLICITOUS, expressi...
solidaristic 26 17 relating to solidari...
solidarities 22 14 SOLIDARITY, unity (a...
solidifiable 27 21 that can be solidifi...
solifluction 28 22 the turbulent moveme...
solifluxions 31 26 SOLIFLUXION, the tur...
soliloquised 31 25 SOLILOQUISE, to talk...
soliloquiser 31 24 one who soliloquises...
soliloquises 31 24 SOLILOQUISE, to talk...
soliloquists 32 24 SOLILOQUIST, one who...
soliloquized 34 34 SOLILOQUIZE, to talk...
soliloquizer 34 33 one who soliloquises...
soliloquizes 34 33 SOLILOQUIZE, to talk...
solitariness 21 14 the state of being s...
solitudinous 22 17 related to solitude...
solmisations 22 17 SOLMISATION, a recit...
solmizations 25 26 SOLMIZATION, a recit...
solonisation 19 15 the process by which...
solonization 22 24 the process by which...
solstitially 31 17 SOLSTITIAL, of or pe...
solubilising 27 21 SOLUBILISE, to rende...
solubilities 26 18 SOLUBILITY, the stat...
solubilizing 30 30 SOLUBILIZE, to rende...
solutionists 22 15 SOLUTIONIST, a solve...
solvableness 25 22 the state of being s...
somaesthesia 22 17 sensory perception o...
somaesthesis 23 17 sensory perception o...
somaesthetic 26 20 relating to somaesth...
somatologies 22 18 SOMATOLOGY, the scie...
somatologist 23 18 a specialist in soma...
somatomedins 21 20 SOMATOMEDIN, an endo...
somatoplasms 25 22 SOMATOPLASM, protopl...
somatopleure 23 20 a cellular sheet in...
somatostatin 20 16 a polypeptide neuroh...
somatotensic 23 19 that which restores...
somatotonias 19 16 SOMATOTONIA, a patte...
somatotonics 23 19 SOMATOTONIC, a perso...
somatotropic 26 21 promoting bodily gro...
somatotropin 22 19 a polypeptide growth...
somatotyping 30 23 SOMATOTYPE, to place...
sombernesses 22 19 SOMBERNESS, the stat...
sombrenesses 22 19 SOMBRENESS, the stat...
somersaulted 22 18 SOMERSAULT, to perfo...
somersetting 22 18 SOMERSET, a leap in...
somesthesias 23 17 SOMESTHESIA, sensory...
somnambulant 24 25 having the habit of...
somnambulary 31 26 relating to somnambu...
somnambulate 24 24 to walk when asleep...
somnambulism 27 27 an abnormal conditio...
somnambulist 26 24 a sleepwalker, also...
somnifacient 25 23 a substance inducing...
somniloquies 30 27 SOMNILOQUY, the act...
somniloquise 30 27 to talk in one's sle...
somniloquism 32 30 talking in one's sle...
somniloquist 31 27 one who talks in his...
somniloquize 33 36 to talk in one's sle...
somniloquous 30 28 talking in one's sle...
somnolencies 23 21 SOMNOLENCY, sleepine...
somnolescent 23 21 becoming sleepy [adj...
songstresses 21 15 SONGSTRESS, a woman...
songwritings 26 21 SONGWRITING, the act...
sonneteering 18 17 the composition of s...
sonographers 24 20 SONOGRAPHER [n]
sonographies 24 20 SONOGRAPHY, the use...
sonorousness 18 15 the state of being s...
soothingness 22 18 the state of being s...
soothsayings 29 19 SOOTHSAYING, the act...
sophisticate 28 20 to make artificial o...
sophomorical 29 24 of or like a sophomo...
soporiferous 24 19 causing or tending t...
sorbefacient 26 22 a substance promotin...
sordidnesses 20 15 SORDIDNESS, the stat...
soreheadedly 28 19 SOREHEADED, irritabl...
soteriologic 25 18 relating to soteriol...
soullessness 22 16 the state of being s...
soundproofed 23 22 SOUNDPROOF, to insul...
soundtracked 24 23 SOUNDTRACK, to provi...
sousaphonist 24 19 one who plays the so...
southeastern 21 16 of, relating to, or...
southeasters 22 15 SOUTHEASTER, a south...
southernised 22 17 SOUTHERNISE, to make...
southernises 22 16 SOUTHERNISE, to make...
southernisms 24 19 SOUTHERNISM, a south...
southernized 25 26 SOUTHERNIZE, to make...
southernizes 25 25 SOUTHERNIZE, to make...
southernmost 23 19 situated furthest so...
southernness 21 17 the state of being s...
southernwood 24 20 an aromatic South Eu...
southlanders 23 18 SOUTHLANDER, one who...
southwestern 25 19 lying toward or comi...
southwesters 26 18 SOUTHWESTER, a water...
spacefarings 28 24 SPACEFARING, voyagin...
spaceflights 33 26 SPACEFLIGHT, flight...
spacewalkers 30 26 SPACEWALKER, one who...
spacewalking 31 29 SPACEWALK, to walk i...
spaciousness 25 20 the state of being s...
spaghettinis 26 20 SPAGHETTINI, (Italia...
spagyrically 42 26 SPAGYRICAL, alchemic...
spanakopitas 24 23 SPANAKOPITA, a Greek...
spaniolating 23 20 SPANIOLATE, to hispa...
spaniolising 24 20 SPANIOLISE, to hispa...
spaniolizing 27 29 SPANIOLIZE, to hispa...
spanokopitas 24 23 SPANOKOPITA, a Greek...
sparagrasses 23 17 SPARAGRASS, (dialect...
sparkleberry 33 25 a shrub or small tre...
sparkplugged 30 29 SPARKPLUG, to spark...
sparrowfarts 28 21 SPARROWFART, (colloq...
sparrowgrass 27 20 (dialect) asparagus...
sparrowhawks 32 27 SPARROWHAWK, any of...
sparsenesses 21 16 SPARSENESS, the stat...
spasmolytics 35 24 SPASMOLYTIC, a spasm...
spasticities 27 18 SPASTICITY, a state...
spatchcocked 35 31 SPATCHCOCK, to split...
spatialities 24 16 SPATIALITY, relation...
spatterdocks 27 23 SPATTERDOCK, the yel...
spatterworks 27 22 SPATTERWORK, reprodu...
speakerphone 25 25 a combination microp...
speakerships 28 24 SPEAKERSHIP, the off...
spearcarrier 25 18 an extra in a theatr...
spearfishing 28 23 SPEARFISH, to hunt f...
spearheading 24 21 SPEARHEAD, to lead a...
specialisers 27 19 SPECIALISER, one who...
specialising 28 22 SPECIALISE, to make...
specialistic 31 22 relating to speciali...
specialities 27 19 SPECIALITY, the part...
specializers 30 28 SPECIALIZER, one who...
specializing 31 31 SPECIALIZE, to make...
specialogues 27 22 SPECIALOGUE, a mail...
speciational 25 20 relating to speciati...
specifically 40 28 SPECIFICAL, for a pa...
specificated 31 25 SPECIFICATE, to spec...
specificates 31 24 SPECIFICATE, to spec...
speciosities 26 18 SPECIOSITY, the stat...
speciousness 25 20 the state of being s...
speckledness 27 25 the state of being s...
specksioneer 25 23 (Dutch) the chief ha...
specktioneer 25 23 (Dutch) the chief ha...
spectaculars 30 23 SPECTACULAR, somethi...
spectatorial 26 19 of or like a spectat...
spectatrices 29 21 SPECTATRIX, a female...
spectatrixes 32 25 SPECTATRIX, a female...
spectralness 26 20 the state of being s...
spectrograms 28 23 SPECTROGRAM, a photo...
spectrograph 31 25 an instrument for vi...
spectrometer 26 21 an instrument for me...
spectrometry 33 23 measurement by use o...
spectroscope 30 24 an instrument for fo...
spectroscopy 37 26 the process or techn...
speculations 26 21 SPECULATION, an act...
speculatists 28 20 SPECULATIST, a specu...
speculatrice 30 23 a female speculator,...
speechcrafts 33 26 SPEECHCRAFT, the art...
speechifiers 30 23 SPEECHIFIER, one who...
speechifying 37 28 making long speeches...
speechlessly 36 24 SPEECHLESS, unable t...
speechmakers 29 27 SPEECHMAKER, one who...
speechmaking 30 30 the making of speech...
speechwriter 31 23 a person who writes...
speedballing 27 24 the practice of taki...
speedboating 24 22 the sport of driving...
speedinesses 21 17 SPEEDINESS, the stat...
speedometers 22 19 SPEEDOMETER, an inst...
speedreading 22 20 SPEEDREAD, to read q...
speedskating 24 23 the sport of skating...
spelaeothems 25 21 SPELAEOTHEM, a term...
speleologies 24 19 SPELEOLOGY, the stud...
speleologist 25 19 one who explores cav...
spellbinders 27 22 SPELLBINDER, somethi...
spellbinding 28 25 SPELLBIND, to bind b...
spellchecked 34 30 SPELLCHECK, to carry...
spellchecker 34 29 a piece of computer...
spendthrifts 28 22 SPENDTHRIFT, one who...
spermagonium 25 25 a receptacle in whic...
spermaphytes 34 25 SPERMAPHYTE, any mem...
spermaphytic 38 28 of or like a spermap...
spermathecae 27 23 SPERMATHECA, a recep...
spermathecal 29 24 of or like a spermat...
spermatocele 26 22 a cystic swelling of...
spermatocide 26 22 a substance that kil...
spermatocyte 32 23 a cell producing spe...
spermatogeny 29 23 the formation of spe...
spermatozoal 26 28 of or like a spermat...
spermatozoan 24 28 a male sex cell, als...
spermatozoic 29 30 of or like a spermat...
spermatozoid 26 28 a motile male gamete...
spermatozoon 24 28 a male sexual cell,...
spermogonium 25 25 a flask-shaped struc...
spermophiles 29 24 SPERMOPHILE, a membe...
spermophytes 34 25 SPERMOPHYTE, any mem...
spermophytic 38 28 of or like a spermap...
spessartines 22 16 SPESSARTINE, a dark...
spessartites 23 15 SPESSARTITE, a dark...
sphacelating 29 24 SPHACELATE, to cause...
sphacelation 27 22 gangrene [n -S]
sphairistike 27 21 (Greek) a ball game...
sphericality 36 23 the state of being s...
sphericities 29 20 SPHERICITY, a descri...
spheroidally 33 22 SPHEROIDAL, having t...
spheroidised 25 19 SPHEROIDISE, to deve...
spheroidises 25 18 SPHEROIDISE, to deve...
spheroidized 28 28 SPHEROIDIZE, to deve...
spheroidizes 28 27 SPHEROIDIZE, to deve...
spherometers 25 20 SPHEROMETER, an inst...
spheroplasts 28 21 SPHEROPLAST, a bacte...
sphincterial 29 22 relating ot the sphi...
sphingosines 25 21 SPHINGOSINE, an unsa...
sphragistics 31 22 the study of seals a...
sphygmograms 36 29 SPHYGMOGRAM, a sphyg...
sphygmograph 39 31 an instrument for re...
sphygmometer 34 27 an instrument for me...
sphygmophone 36 30 an instrument for he...
sphygmoscope 38 30 an instrument for ma...
spiceberries 28 21 SPICEBERRY, any of s...
spiculations 27 21 SPICULATION, the sta...
spiegeleisen 23 19 (German) an iron all...
spiffinesses 27 22 SPIFFINESS, the stat...
spifflicated 32 26 SPIFFLICATE, to over...
spifflicates 32 25 SPIFFLICATE, to over...
spiflicating 31 25 SPIFLICATE, to overc...
spiflication 29 23 the act of spiflicat...
spinescences 27 23 SPINESCENCE, the qua...
spinmeisters 24 19 SPINMEISTER, a spin...
spinnerettes 21 17 SPINNERETTE, the sil...
spinsterdoms 24 20 SPINSTERDOM, the sta...
spinsterhood 24 19 the state of being a...
spinstership 28 21 the state of being a...
spinstresses 23 16 SPINSTRESS, a woman...
spinulescent 26 22 like a spinule [adj]
spiritedness 23 17 the state of being s...
spiritlessly 33 19 SPIRITLESS, lacking...
spiritualise 25 17 to make spiritual, a...
spiritualism 27 20 the belief that noth...
spiritualist 26 17 one who believes tha...
spirituality 32 19 something that in ec...
spiritualize 28 26 to make spiritual, a...
spirituosity 31 18 the state of being s...
spirkettings 26 22 SPIRKETTING, deck pl...
spirochaetal 28 21 resulting from spiro...
spirochaetes 27 20 SPIROCHAETE, a slend...
spirographic 32 25 relating to a spirog...
spirometries 24 18 SPIROMETRY, the act...
spitchcocked 36 31 SPITCHCOCK, to split...
spitefullest 28 21 SPITEFUL, malicious...
spitefulness 26 21 the state of being s...
spitstickers 29 22 SPITSTICKER, a wood...
splashboards 28 22 SPLASHBOARD, a mudgu...
splatterpunk 27 25 a genre of fiction c...
spleenstones 21 18 SPLEENSTONE, (obsole...
splendidious 24 20 (obsolete) splendid,...
splendidness 23 20 the state of being s...
splenisation 22 18 conversion (e.g. of...
splenization 25 27 conversion (e.g. of...
splenomegaly 31 25 abnormal enlargement...
splinteriest 24 17 SPLINTERY, given to...
splotchiness 29 22 the state of being s...
splutterings 26 20 SPLUTTERING, the act...
spodomancies 25 23 SPODOMANCY, divinati...
spokespeople 27 26 people serving as sp...
spokesperson 24 23 a spokesman or spoke...
spondoolicks 27 25 (US slang) cash, mon...
spondylitics 34 23 SPONDYLITIC, a perso...
spongicolous 27 23 living in associatio...
sponginesses 22 19 SPONGINESS, the stat...
spongioblast 26 22 any of numerous colu...
spongologies 24 21 SPONGOLOGY, the stud...
spongologist 25 21 one who studies spon...
sponsorships 27 21 SPONSORSHIP, support...
spookinesses 22 20 SPOOKINESS, the stat...
sporadically 34 23 SPORADICAL, occurrin...
sporangioles 23 19 SPORANGIOLE, a spora...
sporangiolum 25 23 a sporangium contain...
sporogeneses 21 18 SPOROGENESIS, reprod...
sporogenesis 22 18 reproduction by mean...
sporophorous 26 21 bearing spores, also...
sportability 33 21 the quality of being...
sportcasters 26 18 SPORTCASTER, a sport...
sportfishing 29 23 fishing for sport [n...
sportfulness 26 21 the state of being s...
sportinesses 22 16 SPORTINESS, the stat...
sportiveness 24 20 the state of being s...
sportscaster 26 18 a sports commentator...
sportspeople 27 22 people who take part...
sportsperson 24 19 a sportsman or sport...
sportswriter 27 18 a person who writes...
sporulations 23 18 SPORULATION, the for...
spotlessness 23 17 the state of being s...
spotlighting 29 23 SPOTLIGHT, to highli...
spottinesses 22 16 SPOTTINESS, the stat...
sprachgefuhl 35 29 (German) an intuitiv...
spreadeagled 23 20 spread out flat [adj...
spreadsheets 24 18 SPREADSHEET, a progr...
spreagheries 25 19 SPREAGHERY, cattle-s...
sprechgesang 29 25 (German) a style of...
sprechstimme 31 26 (German) music using...
sprightfully 39 27 SPRIGHTFUL, (obsolet...
sprightliest 29 20 SPRIGHTLY, lively, a...
springboards 26 22 SPRINGBOARD, a flexi...
springhouses 26 21 SPRINGHOUSE, a store...
springkeeper 26 25 a salamander [n -S]
springwaters 27 21 SPRINGWATER, water f...
sprinklering 26 24 SPRINKLER, to water...
sprucenesses 25 20 SPRUCENESS, the stat...
spumescences 29 26 SPUMESCENCE, foamine...
spunkinesses 23 22 SPUNKINESS, pluck, s...
spuriosities 24 16 SPURIOSITY, the stat...
spuriousness 23 18 the state of being s...
sputteringly 32 22 SPUTTERING, spitting...
squalidities 31 24 SQUALIDITY, the stat...
squamoseness 28 26 the state of being s...
squamosities 30 25 SQUAMOSITY, scalines...
squamousness 29 27 the state of being s...
squanderings 29 27 SQUANDERING, the act...
squarenesses 27 23 SQUARENESS, the stat...
squarishness 31 25 the state of being s...
squarsonages 28 25 SQUARSONAGE, the dwe...
squattocracy 41 30 (Australian) the pow...
squiralities 31 23 SQUIRALITY, squires...
squirarchies 35 27 SQUIRARCHY, squires...
squirearchal 35 28 relating to a squire...
squirrelfish 36 28 any of various brigh...
squirrelling 33 27 SQUIRREL, to store u...
stabilisator 24 16 something that stabi...
stabilizator 27 25 something that stabi...
stablenesses 22 17 STABLENESS, the stat...
stablishment 27 22 the act of stablishi...
stactometers 24 18 STACTOMETER, a pipet...
staddlestone 20 16 a low mushroom-shape...
stadiometers 21 16 STADIOMETER, an inst...
stadtholders 24 17 STADTHOLDER, (Dutch)...
stagecoaches 28 22 STAGECOACH, a horsed...
stagflations 24 19 STAGFLATION, persist...
staggeringly 31 22 STAGGERING, astonish...
stainability 30 19 the capacity of cell...
staircasings 25 18 STAIRCASING, a stair...
stairstepped 25 19 STAIRSTEP, to carry...
stakeholders 24 20 STAKEHOLDER, a perso...
stakhanovism 26 26 the practice of work...
stakhanovite 24 23 a superlative worker...
staktometers 22 19 STAKTOMETER, a pipet...
stalactiform 28 22 shaped like a stalac...
stalkinesses 22 18 STALKINESS, the qual...
stallholders 26 18 STALLHOLDER, one who...
stallmasters 24 17 STALLMASTER, a maste...
stalwartness 24 17 the state of being s...
stammeringly 31 24 STAMMERING, hesitant...
stanchelling 28 23 STANCHEL, to support...
stanchioning 25 22 STANCHION, to suppor...
stanchnesses 24 19 STANCHNESS, the stat...
standardbred 22 19 any of a breed of tr...
standardised 20 16 STANDARDISE, to make...
standardiser 20 15 one who standardises...
standardises 20 15 STANDARDISE, to make...
standardized 23 25 STANDARDIZE, to make...
standardizer 23 24 one who standardizes...
standardizes 23 24 STANDARDIZE, to make...
standardless 21 16 without standards [a...
standpatters 22 17 STANDPATTER, (US) on...
standpattism 24 20 the practice of refu...
stanniferous 21 18 bearing tin [adj]
stapedectomy 32 24 the removal of the s...
staphylinids 33 22 STAPHYLINID, a kind...
staphylomata 32 23 STAPHYLOMA, a protru...
starboarding 23 19 STARBOARD, to put or...
starchedness 25 19 the state of being s...
starfuckings 29 26 STARFUCKING, having...
starrinesses 20 13 STARRINESS, the stat...
startlements 22 17 STARTLEMENT, the sta...
statementing 21 19 the process of takin...
statesperson 21 16 a statesman or state...
stationaries 19 13 STATIONARY, somethin...
stationarily 27 16 STATIONARY, fixed in...
stationeries 19 13 STATIONERY, material...
statistician 24 16 one versed in or eng...
statolatries 21 13 STATOLATRY, the act...
statuesquely 36 26 STATUESQUE, tall and...
stauroscopes 25 19 STAUROSCOPE, an inst...
stauroscopic 29 22 of or like a stauros...
steadinesses 19 14 STEADINESS, the stat...
stealthiness 23 16 the state of being s...
steamfitters 24 18 STEAMFITTER, one tha...
steaminesses 20 16 STEAMINESS, the stat...
steamrollers 23 17 STEAMROLLER, to over...
steamrolling 24 20 STEAMROLL, to crush...
stearoptenes 20 16 STEAROPTENE, the par...
steatomatous 20 16 relating to a steato...
steatopygias 29 19 STEATOPYGIA, an exce...
steatopygous 29 20 having fat buttocks,...
steatorrheas 21 14 STEATORRHEA, the acc...
steatorrhoea 20 14 the accumulation of...
stedfastness 22 17 the state of being s...
steelinesses 20 14 STEELINESS, the stat...
steelmakings 24 23 STEELMAKING, the pro...
steelworkers 25 20 STEELWORKER, a perso...
steelworking 26 23 STEELWORK [v]
steepinesses 21 16 STEEPINESS, (obsolet...
steeplechase 27 21 a race over a course...
steeplejacks 29 32 STEEPLEJACK, a perso...
steerageways 29 19 STEERAGEWAY, a rate...
steganograms 22 20 STEGANOGRAM, a crypt...
steganograph 25 22 a cryptogram, also S...
stegocarpous 26 21 of fruit, having a l...
stegophilist 28 20 one who climbs build...
stegosaurian 20 16 any quadrupedal herb...
stellarators 22 14 STELLARATOR, a twist...
stelleridans 22 16 STELLERIDAN, a starf...
stelliferous 25 18 having many stars [a...
stellifyings 33 22 STELLIFYING, the act...
stellionates 21 15 STELLIONATE, fraud c...
stencillings 27 21 STENCILLING, marking...
stenocardias 22 17 STENOCARDIA, another...
stenochromes 25 21 STENOCHROME, a print...
stenographed 24 21 STENOGRAPH, to write...
stenographer 24 20 a writer of shorthan...
stenographic 28 23 relating to stenogra...
stenophagous 24 21 of animals, feeding...
stenothermal 23 19 capable of surviving...
stenotypists 29 18 STENOTYPIST, one who...
stentmasters 21 16 STENTMASTER, one who...
stepbrothers 27 20 STEPBROTHER, a son o...
stepchildren 29 23 STEPCHILD, a wife's...
stepdancings 26 23 STEPDANCING, doing a...
stepdaughter 26 21 a daughter of one's...
stepfamilies 27 22 STEPFAMILY, a family...
stepmotherly 33 23 like a stepmother [a...
stercoranism 24 19 formerly, a name for...
stercoranist 23 16 a disparaging nickna...
stercoraries 23 15 STERCORARY, a weathe...
stercorating 24 18 STERCORATE, to defec...
stereoacuity 29 18 the degree to which...
stereochrome 25 20 a mural painting fix...
stereochromy 32 22 colourful wall paint...
stereognoses 19 15 STEREOGNOSIS, the ab...
stereognosis 20 15 the ability to estab...
stereographs 25 19 STEREOGRAPH, a pictu...
stereography 31 21 the representation o...
stereoisomer 20 15 any of a group of is...
stereologies 21 15 STEREOLOGY, the stud...
stereometers 20 15 STEREOMETER, an inst...
stereometric 24 18 relating to the meas...
stereophonic 26 21 of, relating to, or...
stereopticon 24 19 a projector for tran...
stereoscopes 24 18 STEREOSCOPE, an inst...
stereoscopic 28 21 of or relating to st...
stereotactic 26 18 involving or used in...
stereotaxias 25 19 STEREOTAXIA, the ele...
stereotomies 20 15 STEREOTOMY, the cutt...
stereotropic 25 18 relating to stereotr...
stereotypers 28 17 STEREOTYPER, one who...
stereotypies 28 17 STEREOTYPY, the art...
stereotyping 29 20 the act of making a...
stereotypist 29 17 one who makes stereo...
stereovision 21 17 the perception or ex...
sterilisable 25 17 that can be sterilis...
sterilizable 28 26 that can be steriliz...
sterlingness 22 17 the state of being s...
sternocostal 23 17 of, relating to, or...
sternutation 19 15 the act of sneezing...
sternutative 22 18 a substance which ca...
sternutators 20 14 STERNUTATOR, a subst...
sternutatory 26 16 a substance which ca...
stertorously 28 16 STERTOROUS, with a s...
stethoscopes 27 20 STETHOSCOPE, an inst...
stethoscopic 31 23 relating to use of t...
stevedorings 23 20 STEVEDORING, the wor...
stevengraphs 27 24 STEVENGRAPH, a silk...
stewardesses 23 16 STEWARDESS, a woman...
stewardships 29 21 STEWARDSHIP, the off...
stichologies 28 20 STICHOLOGY, metrical...
stichometric 31 23 relating to stichome...
stichomythia 36 24 dialogue in alternat...
stichomythic 40 27 relating to stichomy...
stickability 36 25 the quality of being...
stickhandled 28 25 STICKHANDLE, to mano...
stickhandler 28 24 one who stickhandles...
stickhandles 28 24 STICKHANDLE, to mano...
stickinesses 25 20 STICKINESS, the stat...
stickleaders 26 21 STICKLEADER, the lea...
sticklebacks 33 30 STICKLEBACK, a fresh...
stickybeaked 34 29 STICKYBEAK, to pry [...
stigmasterol 24 18 a crystalline sterol...
stigmatisers 24 17 STIGMATISER, one who...
stigmatising 25 20 STIGMATISE, to mark...
stigmatizers 27 26 STIGMATIZER, one who...
stigmatizing 28 29 STIGMATIZE, to mark...
stilbestrols 26 17 STILBESTROL, (US) a...
stilboestrol 25 17 a synthetic oestroge...
stillatories 23 14 STILLATORY, a still,...
stiltinesses 22 14 STILTINESS, the qual...
stimulancies 26 21 STIMULANCY, the qual...
stimulations 23 18 STIMULATION, the act...
stimulatives 26 21 STIMULATIVE, a stimu...
stinginesses 21 16 STINGINESS, the stat...
stingingness 22 19 the state of being s...
stinkingness 22 21 the state of being s...
stipendiated 22 18 STIPENDIATE, to prov...
stipendiates 22 17 STIPENDIATE, to prov...
stipulaceous 27 21 having stipules [adj...
stipulations 24 18 STIPULATION, an act...
stitchcrafts 33 23 STITCHCRAFT, the art...
stockbreeder 26 23 a person engaged in...
stockbrokers 28 26 STOCKBROKER, a broke...
stockbroking 29 29 the business of a st...
stockholders 28 23 STOCKHOLDER, an owne...
stockholding 29 26 a holding of stock [...
stockinesses 24 20 STOCKINESS, the stat...
stockinettes 24 20 STOCKINETTE, an elas...
stockingless 27 23 without stockings [a...
stockishness 27 22 the state of being s...
stockjobbers 31 34 STOCKJOBBER, a whole...
stockjobbery 37 36 the profession of st...
stockjobbing 32 37 a list of stocks and...
stockkeepers 27 26 STOCKKEEPER, one tha...
stockpilings 30 26 STOCKPILING, the cre...
stockpunisht 30 26 (Shakespeare) punish...
stocktakings 27 26 STOCKTAKING, the inv...
stodginesses 21 16 STODGINESS, the stat...
stoechiology 33 22 the branch of biolog...
stoichiology 34 22 the science of eleme...
stolidnesses 21 15 STOLIDNESS, the stat...
stomachaches 31 25 STOMACHACHE, pain in...
stomatitides 22 16 STOMATITIS, inflamma...
stomatitises 22 15 STOMATITIS, inflamma...
stomatodaeum 21 20 in embryology, the i...
stonebrashes 23 18 STONEBRASH, a subsoi...
stonebreaker 21 20 a person that breaks...
stonecutters 23 17 STONECUTTER, one who...
stonecutting 24 20 the business of a st...
stonemasonry 25 19 the craft of the sto...
stonewallers 24 18 STONEWALLER, one who...
stonewalling 25 21 defensive play in cr...
stonewashing 25 21 STONEWASH, to wash w...
stoneworkers 23 20 STONEWORKER, a worke...
stonyhearted 27 18 unfeeling, cruel [ad...
storekeepers 22 19 STOREKEEPER, one tha...
storekeeping 23 22 the business of keep...
storiologies 22 15 STORIOLOGY, the stud...
storiologist 23 15 a folklorist [n -S]
stormfulness 25 21 the state of being s...
storminesses 21 16 STORMINESS, the stat...
storyboarded 28 19 STORYBOARD, to put o...
storytellers 29 16 STORYTELLER, a telle...
storytelling 30 19 the craft of telling...
stouthearted 22 16 having a stout heart...
strabismical 29 22 of or like a strabis...
strabismuses 25 19 STRABISMUS, a squint...
strabometers 23 18 STRABOMETER, an inst...
strabotomies 23 18 STRABOTOMY, surgical...
straddleback 28 25 with legs astride [a...
stragglingly 33 23 STRAGGLING, wanderin...
straightaway 33 21 immediately [adj] /...
straightbred 27 20 an animal produced b...
straightedge 25 19 a bar or piece of ma...
straightened 23 18 STRAIGHTEN, to make...
straightener 23 17 something that strai...
straightness 24 17 the state of being s...
straightways 34 21 (archaic) in a direc...
straitjacket 27 28 a garment for restra...
straitnesses 20 13 STRAITNESS, the stat...
strandedness 19 16 the state of being s...
strandwolves 26 22 STRANDWOLF, the brow...
stranglehold 25 20 an illegal wrestling...
stranglement 22 20 the act of stranglin...
strangulated 22 18 STRANGULATE, to stra...
strangulates 22 17 STRANGULATE, to stra...
straphangers 25 20 STRAPHANGER, a stand...
straphanging 26 23 the act of straphang...
strappadoing 25 22 STRAPPADO, to tortur...
strategising 23 17 STRATEGISE, to devis...
strategizing 26 26 STRATEGIZE, to devis...
straticulate 25 17 composed of parallel...
stratigraphy 33 21 the study of geologi...
stratocratic 27 18 relating to a strato...
stratocumuli 27 21 STRATOCUMULUS, a typ...
stratopauses 22 16 STRATOPAUSE, the tra...
stratosphere 24 17 a region of the atmo...
stratotanker 20 17 a type of aeroplane...
strawberries 26 18 STRAWBERRY, the frui...
strawflowers 30 22 STRAWFLOWER, any Aus...
strawweights 31 22 STRAWWEIGHT, a profe...
streamliners 22 17 STREAMLINER, one tha...
streamlining 23 20 the act of designing...
streetkeeper 22 19 an official formerly...
streetlights 26 17 STREETLIGHT, a lamp...
streetscapes 25 18 STREETSCAPE, the app...
streetwalker 25 20 a prostitute [n -S]
strengthened 22 19 STRENGTHEN, to make...
strengthener 22 18 something that stren...
strengthless 25 18 without strength [ad...
strepitation 22 16 a clamour [n -S]
streptococci 32 24 STREPTOCOCCUS, any o...
streptolysin 30 19 an antigenic hemolys...
streptomyces 33 23 any of a genus of mo...
streptomycin 33 24 an antibiotic produc...
streptosolen 22 17 an evergreen solanac...
stressbuster 24 16 any product intended...
stretchering 27 20 STRETCHER, to carry...
stretchiness 26 18 the state of being s...
stretchmarks 29 24 marks left by pregna...
strictnesses 24 16 STRICTNESS, the stat...
stridelegged 24 19 (Scots) astride, als...
stridulances 25 19 STRIDULANCE, stridul...
stridulantly 30 19 STRIDULANT, stridula...
stridulating 24 18 STRIDULATE, to make...
stridulation 22 16 the shrill sound pro...
stridulators 23 15 STRIDULATOR, an inse...
stridulatory 29 17 of or like stridulat...
stridulously 31 19 STRIDULOUS, squeaky...
strikingness 23 20 the state of being s...
stringboards 24 19 STRINGBOARD, a board...
stringcourse 25 19 a horizontal band or...
stringencies 24 19 STRINGENCY, the stat...
stringhalted 25 19 afflicted with strin...
stringpieces 27 21 STRINGPIECE, the hea...
stringybarks 32 24 STRINGYBARK, an Aust...
stripinesses 23 16 STRIPINESS, the stat...
strippagrams 28 23 STRIPPAGRAM, a greet...
strippergram 28 23 a message delivered...
stripteasers 23 15 STRIPTEASER, one who...
strobilating 25 19 STROBILATE, to under...
strobilation 23 17 production or reprod...
strobiliform 28 22 having the form of a...
stroboscopes 27 21 STROBOSCOPE, an inst...
stroboscopic 31 24 of or like a strobos...
stromatolite 22 16 a rounded, multi-lay...
strongarming 23 21 STRONGARM, to use fo...
strongnesses 20 16 STRONGNESS, the stat...
strongpoints 23 19 STRONGPOINT, a well-...
strongyloids 29 19 STRONGYLOID, a stron...
strongyloses 28 18 STRONGYLOSIS, infest...
strongylosis 29 18 infestation with str...
strontianite 19 14 strontium ore [n -S]
strophanthin 26 21 a very poisonous glu...
strophanthus 27 21 a plant of the Afric...
strophiolate 25 18 having strophioles,...
structurally 34 21 STRUCTURAL, relating...
strugglingly 34 24 STRUGGLING, making s...
strychnining 33 24 STRYCHNINE, to poiso...
strychninism 34 24 strychnine poisoning...
stubbinesses 25 20 STUBBINESS, the stat...
stubbornness 24 21 the state of being s...
studdingsail 24 19 an additional sail s...
studentships 26 20 STUDENTSHIP, a grant...
studiousness 21 16 the state of being s...
stuffinesses 25 20 STUFFINESS, the stat...
stumpinesses 24 20 STUMPINESS, the stat...
stupefacient 27 23 a narcotic, a stupef...
stupefaction 27 23 the act of stupefyin...
stupefactive 30 26 causing stupefaction...
stupefyingly 40 27 STUPEFYING [adv]
stupendously 30 22 STUPENDOUS, causing...
stupidnesses 23 18 STUPIDNESS, the stat...
sturdinesses 21 15 STURDINESS, the stat...
stutteringly 30 19 STUTTERING, hesitant...
stylisations 28 16 STYLISATION, the act...
stylizations 31 25 STYLIZATION, the act...
stylographic 37 25 relating to stylogra...
stylometries 29 18 STYLOMETRY, the stud...
stypticities 34 20 STYPTICITY, the stat...
styracaceous 32 21 belonging to the sto...
subabdominal 26 25 relating to the lowe...
subacidities 27 20 SUBACIDITY, the stat...
subaggregate 25 22 part of an aggregate...
suballiances 27 22 SUBALLIANCE, a subor...
subalternant 22 19 in logic, a universa...
subalternate 22 18 a particular proposi...
subalternity 30 20 subordinate position...
subantarctic 29 23 of, relating to, cha...
subapostolic 29 23 of the time just aft...
subarachnoid 27 23 situated under the a...
subarcuation 25 21 the state of being s...
subarrations 22 17 SUBARRATION, an anci...
subarrhation 24 19 an ancient form of b...
subassembled 27 24 SUBASSEMBLE, to asse...
subassembles 27 23 SUBASSEMBLE, to asse...
subauditions 23 19 SUBAUDITION, underst...
subauricular 28 22 below the ear [adj]
subbasements 25 23 SUBBASEMENT, a basem...
subcardinals 27 22 SUBCARDINAL, a subor...
subcelestial 28 21 living below the hea...
subcentrally 34 24 SUBCENTRAL, under th...
subchartered 28 22 SUBCHARTER, to rent...
subchlorides 30 23 SUBCHLORIDE, a sub-c...
subcivilised 31 25 not fully civilised,...
subcivilized 34 34 not fully civilised,...
subclimactic 36 29 like a subclimax, a...
subclustered 28 22 SUBCLUSTER, to form...
subcommittee 28 25 a subdivision of a c...
subcommunity 35 29 a distinct grouping...
subcomponent 27 27 a subordinate compon...
subconscious 29 24 below the threshold...
subcontinent 24 22 a large landmass sma...
subcontracts 29 23 SUBCONTRACT, a contr...
subculturing 30 25 SUBCULTURE, to creat...
subcutaneous 25 22 beneath the skin [ad...
subdeaconate 23 21 the office of subdea...
subdeaneries 21 18 SUBDEANERY, the offi...
subdebutante 24 22 a young girl who is...
subdecisions 26 21 SUBDECISION, part of...
subdelirious 25 19 mildly or intermitte...
subdeliriums 27 22 SUBDELIRIUM, a mild...
subdiaconate 24 21 the office of subdea...
subdirectors 27 20 SUBDIRECTOR, one bel...
subdistricts 29 20 SUBDISTRICT, a subdi...
subdividable 29 26 that can be subdivid...
subdivisible 30 25 that can be subdivid...
subdivisions 26 22 SUBDIVISION, a subor...
subdominants 23 22 SUBDOMINANT, the fou...
subduplicate 30 25 expressed by a squar...
subeconomies 25 23 SUBECONOMY, the lowe...
subeditorial 24 18 relating to the role...
subepidermal 27 24 lying beneath or con...
suberisation 22 17 the deposition of su...
suberization 25 26 the deposition of su...
subfactorial 29 23 something below a fa...
subfertility 34 22 the state of being s...
subfeudation 24 22 subinfeudation [n -S...
subfeudatory 31 23 of or like a subfeu...
subglacially 37 26 SUBGLACIAL, of or re...
subharmonics 29 25 SUBHARMONIC, a tone...
subhastation 24 19 (historical) sale by...
subincisions 26 21 SUBINCISION, the for...
subindicated 26 22 SUBINDICATE, (obsole...
subindicates 26 21 SUBINDICATE, (obsole...
subinfeudate 24 22 to grant to another...
subinfeuding 26 25 SUBINFEUD, to grant...
subinspector 28 23 a subordinate inspec...
subintervals 26 22 SUBINTERVAL, an inte...
subintroduce 26 22 to bring in surrepti...
subirrigated 25 19 SUBIRRIGATE, to irri...
subirrigates 25 18 SUBIRRIGATE, to irri...
subjacencies 30 32 SUBJACENCY, the stat...
subjectified 31 32 SUBJECTIFY, to make...
subjectifies 31 31 SUBJECTIFY, to make...
subjectively 38 35 SUBJECTIVE, relating...
subjectivise 31 32 to make subjective,...
subjectivism 33 35 the doctrine that al...
subjectivist 32 32 a believer in subjec...
subjectivity 38 34 the state of being s...
subjectivize 34 41 to make subjective,...
subjectships 34 33 SUBJECTSHIP, the sta...
subjugations 26 29 SUBJUGATION, the act...
subjunctions 28 31 SUBJUNCTION, an act...
subjunctives 31 34 SUBJUNCTIVE, the sub...
sublanguages 25 23 SUBLANGUAGE, a subdi...
sublapsarian 25 21 a believer in sublap...
sublibrarian 26 21 a subordinate librar...
sublicensing 28 24 SUBLICENSE, to licen...
sublimations 25 21 SUBLIMATION, the pro...
subliminally 34 25 SUBLIMINAL, inadequa...
sublineation 22 19 the act of underlini...
subliterates 24 17 SUBLITERATE, one who...
sublittorals 26 18 SUBLITTORAL, the are...
subluxations 30 26 SUBLUXATION, an inco...
submaxillary 39 30 situated beneath the...
submergement 25 25 the state of being s...
submergences 27 25 SUBMERGENCE, the act...
submergibles 29 25 SUBMERGIBLE, a vesse...
submersibles 28 23 SUBMERSIBLE, a vesse...
submicrogram 30 27 relating to or havin...
subminiature 24 21 smaller than miniatu...
subministers 25 20 SUBMINISTER [n]
submissively 35 26 SUBMISSIVE, tending...
submolecules 29 25 SUBMOLECULE, a part...
submontanely 29 24 SUBMONTANE, situated...
submultiples 30 25 SUBMULTIPLE, a quant...
submunitions 24 22 SUBMUNITION, any of...
subnetworked 26 25 SUBNETWORK, to use a...
subnormality 31 23 the state of being s...
subnucleuses 27 23 SUBNUCLEUS, a second...
suboccipital 33 26 below the occiput [a...
subopercular 29 24 related to the subop...
suboperculum 31 28 in fishes, a bone be...
suboptimised 27 23 SUBOPTIMISE, to opti...
suboptimises 27 22 SUBOPTIMISE, to opti...
suboptimized 30 32 SUBOPTIMIZE, to opti...
suboptimizes 30 31 SUBOPTIMIZE, to opti...
suborbicular 30 24 almost orbicular, ne...
subordinancy 31 24 subordination [n SUB...
subordinated 22 19 SUBORDINATE, to make...
subordinates 22 18 SUBORDINATE, to make...
subordinator 22 18 one that subordinate...
subornations 21 18 SUBORNATION, the act...
subpanations 23 21 SUBPANATION, the doc...
subparagraph 30 26 a subdivision of a p...
subpotencies 27 23 SUBPOTENCY, the stat...
subprincipal 32 27 an assistant princip...
subprocesses 28 22 SUBPROCESS, part of...
subreference 26 23 an incomplete or sur...
subrogations 23 19 SUBROGATION, the act...
subsatellite 25 18 an object carried in...
subsaturated 23 18 incompletely saturat...
subscapulars 30 24 SUBSCAPULAR, a subsc...
subscribable 32 26 capable of being sub...
subscribings 31 25 SUBSCRIBING, the act...
subscription 29 23 an autograph signatu...
subscriptive 32 26 relating to subscrip...
subsecretary 32 21 a subordinate secret...
subsentences 24 21 SUBSENTENCE, part of...
subsequences 33 30 SUBSEQUENCE, the sta...
subsequently 38 30 SUBSEQUENT, happenin...
subservience 27 24 the state of being s...
subserviency 34 26 the state of being s...
subservients 25 21 SUBSERVIENT, one who...
subsidencies 26 21 SUBSIDENCY, the act...
subsidiariat 24 17 a collective term fo...
subsidiaries 24 17 SUBSIDIARY, one that...
subsidiarily 32 20 SUBSIDIARY, subordin...
subsidiarity 31 19 the state of being s...
subsidisable 27 21 capable of being sub...
subsidizable 30 30 capable of being sub...
subsistences 26 20 SUBSISTENCE, the min...
subsocieties 26 19 SUBSOCIETY, a subdiv...
subsonically 34 24 SUBSONIC, moving at...
subspecialty 36 25 a subordinate specia...
substantials 24 18 SUBSTANTIAL [n]
substantiate 22 17 to give substance or...
substantival 26 22 of, relating to, or...
substantives 25 21 SUBSTANTIVE, in gram...
substituents 24 18 SUBSTITUENT, a thing...
substituting 26 20 SUBSTITUTE, to put o...
substitution 24 18 the act of substitut...
substitutive 27 21 serving or suitable...
substracting 28 22 SUBSTRACT, to subtra...
substraction 26 20 subtraction, also SU...
substractors 27 19 SUBSTRACTOR, (Shakes...
substructing 29 23 SUBSTRUCT, to build...
substruction 27 21 an underlying struct...
substructure 28 21 an underlying or sup...
subsultorily 33 21 SUBSULTORY, moving b...
subsumptions 27 24 SUBSUMPTION, the min...
subtemperate 25 22 of or occurring in t...
subtenancies 24 21 SUBTENANCY, the stat...
subterranean 20 18 underground [adj SUB...
subthreshold 29 22 inadequate to produc...
subtlenesses 23 18 SUBTLENESS, the stat...
subtotalling 26 21 SUBTOTAL, to total a...
subtractions 26 20 SUBTRACTION, the act...
subtreasurer 23 17 a subordinate treasu...
subumbrellar 29 25 relating to the subu...
subumbrellas 29 25 SUBUMBRELLA, the con...
subungulates 25 22 SUBUNGULATE, a membe...
suburbanised 25 22 SUBURBANISE, to make...
suburbanises 25 21 SUBURBANISE, to make...
suburbanisms 27 24 SUBURBANISM, the sta...
suburbanites 25 21 SUBURBANITE, one who...
suburbanized 28 31 SUBURBANIZE, to make...
suburbanizes 28 30 SUBURBANIZE, to make...
subvarieties 25 20 SUBVARIETY, a subord...
subversively 35 27 SUBVERSIVE, tending...
subvertebral 28 24 situated below the v...
subvocalised 29 25 SUBVOCALISE, to say...
subvocalises 29 24 SUBVOCALISE, to say...
subvocalized 32 34 SUBVOCALIZE, to say...
subvocalizes 32 33 SUBVOCALIZE, to say...
succedaneous 25 22 subrogated, substitu...
succedaneums 27 25 SUCCEDANEUM, (Latin)...
succeedingly 35 26 SUCCEEDING, followin...
successantly 34 23 (Shakespeare) in suc...
successfully 39 27 SUCCESSFUL, resultin...
successional 27 21 relating to successi...
successively 37 26 SUCCESSIVE, followin...
succinctness 30 24 the state of being s...
succinctoria 30 23 SUCCINCTORIUM, a ban...
succulencies 31 25 SUCCULENCY, the stat...
succussation 27 21 a violent shaking [n...
suckerfishes 30 25 SUCKERFISH, the remo...
suddennesses 19 17 SUDDENNESS, the stat...
sudoriferous 23 18 inducing or secretin...
sudoriparous 23 18 secreting sweat [adj...
sueabilities 24 17 SUEABILITY, liabilit...
sufficiences 31 26 SUFFICIENCE, (archai...
sufficiently 36 26 SUFFICIENT, adequate...
suffixations 31 27 SUFFIXATION, the act...
suffocatings 29 25 SUFFOCATING, the act...
suffocations 27 23 SUFFOCATION, the act...
suffragettes 26 21 SUFFRAGETTE, (histor...
suffruticose 29 23 of a perennial plant...
suffumigated 28 26 SUFFUMIGATE, to fumi...
suffumigates 28 25 SUFFUMIGATE, to fumi...
sugarberries 24 18 SUGARBERRY, any of s...
sugarcoating 25 21 SUGARCOAT, to coat w...
sugarinesses 21 16 SUGARINESS, the stat...
suggestively 33 24 SUGGESTIVE, giving a...
suitableness 23 18 the state of being s...
sulfadiazine 26 28 a sulfa drug used es...
sulfadoxines 29 26 SULFADOXINE, a drug...
sulfonamides 24 22 SULFONAMIDE, any of...
sulfonations 22 19 SULFONATION, the act...
sulfonylurea 30 22 any of several hypog...
sulfurations 24 19 SULFURATION, the pro...
sulfuretting 26 21 SULFURET, to treat w...
sullennesses 21 17 SULLENNESS, the stat...
sulphadoxine 31 28 an antibiotic drug o...
sulphhydryls 44 27 SULPHHYDRYL, a chemi...
sulphonamide 26 24 an organic amide of...
sulphonating 26 23 SULPHONATE, to conve...
sulphonation 24 21 the act of sulphonat...
sulphurating 28 23 SULPHURATE, to combi...
sulphuration 26 21 the act of sulphurat...
sulphurators 27 20 SULPHURATOR, a devic...
sulphureting 28 23 SULPHURET, to treat...
sulphuretted 27 21 SULPHURET, to treat...
sulphurising 29 23 SULPHURISE, to combi...
sulphurizing 32 32 SULPHURISE, to combi...
sulphurously 35 24 SULPHUROUS, containi...
sulphurworts 31 23 SULPHURWORT, an umbe...
sultrinesses 22 15 SULTRINESS, the stat...
summarisable 26 23 capable of being sum...
summarizable 29 32 capable of being sum...
summerhouses 25 22 SUMMERHOUSE, an outd...
summersaults 25 21 SUMMERSAULT, a leap...
summersetted 23 20 SUMMERSET, to somers...
summerweight 30 26 of clothes, suitable...
sumphishness 29 24 the state of being s...
sunscreening 23 21 the use of sunscreen...
superability 33 22 the quality of being...
superabounds 24 22 SUPERABOUND, to be s...
superalterns 23 18 SUPERALTERN, a kind...
superannuate 20 19 to render antiquated...
superathlete 25 19 a very good athlete...
superbazaars 27 28 SUPERBAZAAR, in Indi...
superbitches 31 24 SUPERBITCH, a highly...
superbnesses 24 20 SUPERBNESS, the qual...
superbombers 28 25 SUPERBOMBER, a very...
supercabinet 27 23 a cabinet above othe...
supercargoes 26 21 SUPERCARGO, a ship's...
supercarrier 26 19 a large aircraft car...
supercenters 25 20 SUPERCENTER, a very...
supercharged 29 24 SUPERCHARGE, to char...
supercharger 29 23 a device for increas...
supercharges 29 23 SUPERCHARGE, to char...
supercheries 28 21 SUPERCHERIE, (French...
superciliary 34 22 of, on or near the e...
supercilious 28 21 haughtily contemptuo...
superclasses 27 20 SUPERCLASS, a taxono...
supercluster 28 21 a group of gravitati...
supercoiling 28 23 SUPERCOIL, to create...
superconduct 29 25 to exhibit supercond...
supercooling 27 23 SUPERCOOL, to cool a...
supercurrent 26 21 a current of electri...
superegoists 24 18 SUPEREGOIST, a very...
superelastic 27 20 elastic to a very hi...
superelevate 24 21 to raise above a nor...
supereminent 22 21 outstandingly eminen...
supererogant 22 19 doing more than is n...
supererogate 22 18 (obsolete) to do mor...
superevident 24 22 very evident [adj]
superexalted 29 25 SUPEREXALT, to exalt...
superexpress 31 26 a very fast express...
superfemales 26 23 SUPERFEMALE, a very...
superfetated 24 20 SUPERFETATE, to conc...
superfetates 24 19 SUPERFETATE, to conc...
superficials 30 23 SUPERFICIAL, that wh...
superfrontal 25 21 a covering hanging o...
superfusions 25 21 SUPERFUSION, the act...
superglacial 29 23 occurring or origina...
superglueing 26 23 SUPERGLUE, to glue w...
supergrasses 24 18 SUPERGRASS, a very i...
supergravity 33 24 any of various theor...
supergrowths 30 23 SUPERGROWTH, excepti...
superhardens 24 20 SUPERHARDEN, to hard...
superheaters 24 18 SUPERHEATER, a devic...
superheating 25 21 SUPERHEAT, to heat t...
superheavies 26 22 SUPERHEAVY, a superh...
superhelical 30 23 of or like a superhe...
superhelices 29 22 SUPERHELIX, a helix,...
superhelixes 32 26 SUPERHELIX, a helix,...
superheroine 23 19 an exceptional heroi...
superhighway 38 27 a multilane highway...
superhumanly 33 26 SUPERHUMAN, being ab...
superhumeral 27 23 an ecclesiastical ga...
superimposed 26 23 SUPERIMPOSE, to plac...
superimposes 26 22 SUPERIMPOSE, to plac...
superinduced 26 23 SUPERINDUCE, to brin...
superinduces 26 22 SUPERINDUCE, to brin...
superinfects 28 23 SUPERINFECT, to infe...
superintends 22 19 SUPERINTEND, to have...
superiorship 28 21 the office of superi...
superkingdom 26 27 a taxonomical classi...
superlatives 26 21 SUPERLATIVE, the sup...
superlawyers 33 22 SUPERLAWYER, a top c...
superluminal 26 23 faster than light [a...
supermarkets 25 23 SUPERMARKET, a selfs...
supermassive 26 23 extremely massive [a...
supermundane 22 23 above worldly things...
supernacular 26 22 very good; first rat...
supernaculum 28 26 liquor of the best k...
supernannies 20 19 SUPERNANNY, an exper...
supernatants 21 18 SUPERNATANT, a liqui...
supernations 21 18 SUPERNATION, an aggr...
supernatural 23 19 of or relating to an...
supernatures 22 18 SUPERNATURE, the rea...
superoctaves 27 23 SUPEROCTAVE, an orga...
superordinal 23 19 relating to a supero...
superorganic 26 22 relating to those as...
superorgasms 25 21 SUPERORGASM, an extr...
superovulate 25 22 to produce a larger...
superpatriot 25 19 an exceptional patri...
superpersons 24 20 SUPERPERSON, a very...
superplastic 30 23 capable of plastic d...
superplayers 32 22 SUPERPLAYER, an exce...
superpolymer 33 25 a superior polymer [...
superposable 27 23 capable of being sup...
superpowered 27 23 having a superpower...
superpraised 25 20 SUPERPRAISE, to give...
superpraises 25 19 SUPERPRAISE, to give...
superpremium 28 26 a very large premium...
superprofits 28 22 SUPERPROFIT, an exce...
superquality 39 29 exceptional quality...
superrealism 25 20 in art, a style that...
superrealist 24 17 an adherent of super...
superrefined 24 21 SUPERREFINE, to refi...
superrefines 24 20 SUPERREFINE, to refi...
superschools 29 22 SUPERSCHOOL, an exce...
superscreens 25 20 SUPERSCREEN, a very...
superscribed 29 23 SUPERSCRIBE, to writ...
superscribes 29 22 SUPERSCRIBE, to writ...
superscripts 30 22 SUPERSCRIPT, somethi...
supersecrecy 35 24 extreme secrecy [n S...
supersecrets 26 19 SUPERSECRET, a top s...
supersedable 25 21 that can be supersed...
supersedence 24 21 the act of supersedi...
supersederes 22 17 SUPERSEDERE, (Scots)...
supersedures 23 18 SUPERSEDURE, the act...
supersellers 25 18 SUPERSELLER, somethi...
superselling 26 21 SUPERSELL, to sell i...
supersensory 28 19 above the range, bey...
supersensual 23 19 sensual to a very hi...
supersession 22 17 the act of supersedi...
supersingers 24 19 SUPERSINGER, an exce...
supersleuths 27 20 SUPERSLEUTH, a very...
superspecial 29 23 something exceptiona...
superspecies 28 22 a term for two or mo...
superstardom 24 20 being a superstar [n...
superstation 22 17 an exceptional stati...
superstition 23 17 false worship or rel...
superstratum 25 20 an overlying layer [...
superstrikes 25 20 SUPERSTRIKE, an exce...
superstrings 25 19 SUPERSTRING, a hypot...
superstructs 28 20 SUPERSTRUCT, to buil...
supersubtile 27 21 (obsolete) overly su...
supersurgeon 23 20 an exceptional surge...
supersystems 31 21 SUPERSYSTEM, a syste...
supertankers 23 21 SUPERTANKER, a very...
superteacher 27 21 an exceptional teach...
supervenient 23 22 extraneous, addition...
supervention 23 22 the act of superveni...
supervisions 25 21 SUPERVISION, the act...
superweapons 26 23 SUPERWEAPON, an exce...
supinenesses 21 18 SUPINENESS, the stat...
supplemental 27 25 serving to supplemen...
supplemented 26 25 SUPPLEMENT, to add o...
supplementer 26 24 one who supplements...
supplenesses 25 21 SUPPLENESS, the stat...
suppletorily 34 23 SUPPLETORY, suppleme...
supplicating 31 26 SUPPLICAT [v]
supplication 29 24 an act of supplicati...
supplicatory 36 25 humbly pleading [adj...
supplicavits 33 27 SUPPLICAVIT, formerl...
supportances 27 23 SUPPORTANCE, (Shakes...
supportively 35 26 SUPPORTIVE, tending...
supportments 26 23 SUPPORTMENT, support...
suppositions 25 20 SUPPOSITION, somethi...
suppositious 26 20 fraudulently substit...
suppositives 28 23 SUPPOSITIVE, a suppo...
suppressants 25 20 SUPPRESSANT, a drug...
suppressedly 33 23 SUPPRESSED [adv]
suppressible 29 23 capable of being sup...
suppressions 25 20 SUPPRESSION, an act...
suppurations 25 21 SUPPURATION, the dis...
suppuratives 28 24 SUPPURATIVE, a suppu...
supraciliary 34 22 above the eyebrow [a...
supracrustal 28 21 of rocks, on or near...
supraglottal 26 20 above the glottis [a...
supraliminal 26 22 conscious [adj SUPRA...
supramundane 22 23 above or beyond this...
supraorbital 26 20 situated above the e...
supravitally 34 24 SUPRAVITAL, relating...
supremacisms 29 25 SUPREMACISM, belief...
supremacists 28 22 SUPREMACIST, an advo...
suprematisms 26 22 SUPREMATISM, an earl...
suprematists 25 19 SUPREMATIST, a pract...
suradditions 21 16 SURADDITION, (Shakes...
surbasements 23 20 SURBASEMENT, a surba...
surefootedly 29 20 SUREFOOTED, not give...
surfboarders 25 20 SURFBOARDER, one who...
surfboarding 26 23 the sport of surfing...
surfcastings 28 22 SURFCASTING, fishing...
surgeonships 26 21 SURGEONSHIP, the off...
surmountable 24 22 capable of being sur...
surmountings 23 21 SURMOUNTING, the act...
surpassingly 32 22 SURPASSING [adv]
surprisingly 33 22 SURPRISING, causing...
surrealistic 26 17 of or relating to su...
surrebuttals 25 18 SURREBUTTAL, a plain...
surrebutters 24 17 SURREBUTTER, in law,...
surrebutting 25 20 SURREBUT, to reply t...
surrejoinder 22 24 in law, a plaintiff'...
surrejoining 23 26 SURREJOIN, to reply,...
surrenderees 19 15 SURRENDEREE, one who...
surrenderers 20 15 SURRENDERER, one who...
surrendering 21 18 SURRENDER, to yield,...
surrenderors 20 15 SURRENDEROR, one who...
surrogations 21 16 SURROGATION, subroga...
surroundings 22 19 the circumstances, c...
surtarbrands 23 18 SURTARBRAND, (Icelan...
surturbrands 24 19 SURTURBRAND, (Icelan...
surveillance 27 23 (French) a watch kep...
surveillants 25 20 SURVEILLANT, one tha...
surveyorship 34 24 the office of survey...
survivalisms 29 25 SURVIVALISM, the pra...
survivalists 28 22 SURVIVALIST, a perso...
survivorship 31 26 the legal right of t...
susceptances 28 23 SUSCEPTANCE, the ima...
susceptivity 36 25 the state of being s...
suscitations 24 17 SUSCITATION, the act...
suspenseless 23 18 without suspense [ad...
suspensively 32 24 SUSPENSIVE, tending...
suspensorial 23 18 of or like the suspe...
suspensories 22 17 SUSPENSORY, a suspen...
suspensorium 24 21 that which holds up...
suspicioning 27 23 SUSPICION, to suspec...
suspiciously 35 23 SUSPICIOUS, tending...
suspirations 23 17 SUSPIRATION, the act...
sustainingly 29 20 SUSTAINING, preservi...
sustainments 21 18 SUSTAINMENT, the act...
sustentacula 24 19 SUSTENTACULUM, a sup...
sustentating 21 17 SUSTENTATE, to susta...
sustentation 19 15 the action of bearin...
sustentative 22 18 sustaining, enduring...
sustentators 20 14 SUSTENTATOR, a susta...
susurrations 21 15 SUSURRATION, whisper...
suzerainties 23 23 SUZERAINTY, the domi...
svarabhaktis 28 25 SVARABHAKTI, (Sanskr...
sveltenesses 22 18 SVELTENESS, the qual...
swaggeringly 34 25 SWAGGERING [adv]
swainishness 25 19 the state of being s...
swallowtails 30 21 SWALLOWTAIL, a kind...
swallowworts 32 23 SWALLOWWORT, a kind...
swampinesses 26 22 SWAMPINESS, the stat...
swankinesses 23 21 SWANKINESS, the stat...
swarthnesses 25 18 SWARTHNESS, the stat...
swashbuckled 34 30 SWASHBUCKLE, to act...
swashbuckler 34 29 a swaggering or dari...
swashbuckles 34 29 SWASHBUCKLE, to act...
sweaterdress 23 16 a knitted or crochet...
sweatinesses 22 16 SWEATINESS, the stat...
sweepingness 25 22 the state of being s...
sweethearted 24 18 SWEETHEART, to court...
sweetiewives 28 22 SWEETIEWIFE, (Scots)...
sweetishness 25 18 the state of being s...
swelteringly 33 22 SWELTERING [adv]
swimmingness 27 25 the state of being s...
swingletrees 25 19 SWINGLETREE, the cro...
swingometers 25 21 SWINGOMETER, instrum...
switchbacked 36 31 SWITCHBACK, to follo...
switchblades 33 25 SWITCHBLADE, a pocke...
switchboards 32 24 SWITCHBOARD, a board...
swivelblocks 35 31 SWIVELBLOCK, a block...
swordbearers 25 19 SWORDBEARER, one who...
swordplayers 33 22 SWORDPLAYER, one who...
sycophancies 36 26 SYCOPHANCY, obsequio...
sycophantise 33 23 to be a sycophant, a...
sycophantish 36 25 like a sycophant [ad...
sycophantism 35 26 sycophancy [n -S]
sycophantize 36 32 to be a sycophant, a...
syllabically 43 26 SYLLABICAL, (obsolet...
syllabicated 34 23 SYLLABICATE, to syll...
syllabicates 34 22 SYLLABICATE, to syll...
syllabifying 41 27 SYLLABIFY, to divide...
syllabograms 33 24 SYLLABOGRAM, a writt...
syllogistics 35 21 the branch of logic...
sylviculture 36 25 the growing of trees...
symbolically 43 28 SYMBOLICAL, of the n...
symbological 36 27 related to symbology...
symbologists 33 23 SYMBOLOGIST, a stude...
symbololatry 38 24 the worship of symbo...
symmetalisms 32 24 SYMMETALISM, a syste...
symmetallism 33 25 a system of coinage...
symmetrising 31 23 SYMMETRISE, to make...
symmetrizing 34 32 SYMMETRISE, to make...
sympathetics 36 25 SYMPATHETIC, a sympa...
sympathisers 33 22 SYMPATHISER, one who...
sympathising 34 25 SYMPATHISE, to be in...
sympathizers 36 31 SYMPATHIZER, one who...
sympathizing 37 34 SYMPATHIZE, to be in...
symposiarchs 36 25 SYMPOSIARCH, the mas...
symptomatise 31 23 to be a symptom of,...
symptomatize 34 32 to be a symptom of,...
symptomology 39 28 the science of sympt...
synadelphite 31 22 a manganese aluminiu...
synaestheses 27 17 SYNAESTHESIS, harmon...
synaesthesia 27 17 a sensation felt in...
synaesthesis 28 17 harmony of differing...
synaesthetic 31 20 relating to synaesth...
synantherous 27 19 having the anthers u...
synaptically 40 25 SYNAPTICAL, of or pe...
synaptosomal 29 22 of or like a synapto...
synaptosomes 28 21 SYNAPTOSOME, a nerve...
synarthroses 28 17 SYNARTHROSIS, the fi...
synarthrosis 29 17 the fixed articulati...
synchroflash 37 26 a mechanism which sy...
synchroneity 37 23 the state of being s...
synchronical 35 25 concerned with the s...
synchronised 31 22 SYNCHRONISE, to caus...
synchroniser 31 21 one who synchronises...
synchronises 31 21 SYNCHRONISE, to caus...
synchronisms 33 24 SYNCHRONISM, the sta...
synchronized 34 31 SYNCHRONIZE, to caus...
synchronizer 34 30 one who synchronizes...
synchronizes 34 30 SYNCHRONIZE, to caus...
synchroscope 36 26 an instrument for de...
synchrotrons 31 21 SYNCHROTRON, a type...
synclinorium 32 24 a great synclinal st...
syncopations 30 22 SYNCOPATION, a shift...
syncretising 31 21 SYNCRETISE, to becom...
syncretistic 34 21 relating to syncreti...
syncretizing 34 30 SYNCRETIZE, to becom...
syndactylies 37 22 SYNDACTYLY, the stat...
syndactylism 39 25 being syndactyl, hav...
syndactylous 37 23 having fused digits,...
syndetically 38 23 SYNDETICAL, in gramm...
syndicalisms 33 23 SYNDICALISM, the doc...
syndicalists 32 20 SYNDICALIST, a belie...
syndications 29 20 SYNDICATION, the act...
syndiotactic 33 22 of a stereospecific...
synecdochism 36 27 the use of synecdoch...
synecologies 30 21 SYNECOLOGY, the stud...
synecologist 31 21 a specialist in syne...
synectically 41 25 SYNECTIC, pertaining...
synergically 39 24 SYNERGIC, relating t...
synesthesias 28 17 SYNESTHESIA, a sensa...
syngenesious 26 19 having the anthers u...
synonymicons 35 25 SYNONYMICON, a dicti...
synonymising 34 24 SYNONYMISE, to make...
synonymities 33 21 SYNONYMITY, the stat...
synonymizing 37 33 SYNONYMIZE, to make...
synonymously 40 25 SYNONYMOUS, having t...
synoptically 40 25 SYNOPTICAL, relating...
syntagmatite 28 20 a kind of hornblende...
synthesisers 29 17 SYNTHESISER [n]
synthesising 30 20 SYNTHESIS [v]
synthesizers 32 26 SYNTHESIZER, a perso...
synthesizing 33 29 SYNTHESIZE, to combi...
synthespians 30 21 SYNTHESPIAN, a compu...
syntheticism 34 23 the principles of sy...
synthetisers 29 17 SYNTHETISER, one who...
synthetising 30 20 SYNTHETISE, to put t...
synthetizers 32 26 SYNTHETIZER, one who...
synthetizing 33 29 SYNTHETIZE, to put t...
syntonically 37 23 SYNTONIC, pertaining...
syringitises 29 17 SYRINGITIS, inflamma...
systematical 32 21 relating to or consi...
systematised 28 18 SYSTEMATISE, to redu...
systematiser 28 17 one who systematises...
systematises 28 17 SYSTEMATISE, to redu...
systematisms 30 20 SYSTEMATISM, the pra...
systematists 29 17 SYSTEMATIST, a perso...
systematized 31 27 SYSTEMATIZE, to redu...
systematizer 31 26 one who systematizes...
systematizes 31 26 SYSTEMATIZE, to redu...
systemically 40 24 SYSTEMIC, relating t...