8 letter words that start with S

8 letter words that start with S

8 letter S word


Words With Friends®


sabatons 14 12 SABATON, (historical...
sabayons 20 14 SABAYON, (French) a...
sabbaths 20 16 SABBATH, an assembly...
sabbatic 21 17 a period of leave fr...
sabbings 19 17 SABBING, the perform...
sabellas 17 13 SABELLA, any of a ge...
sabering 16 14 SABER, to strike wit...
sabkhahs 21 19 SABKHAH, (Arabic) a...
sabkhats 19 17 SABKHAT, (Arabic) a...
sabotage 15 13 to destroy malicious...
saboteur 15 12 (French) one who per...
sabotier 15 11 (French) a wearer of...
sabreurs 16 12 SABREUR, (French) a...
sabuline 16 14 sandy [adj]
sabulose 16 13 sandy; growing in sa...
sabulous 17 14 sandy; growing in sa...
saburral 17 13 relating to saburra,...
saburras 16 12 SABURRA, a granular...
sacatons 15 12 SACATON, (Spanish) a...
saccades 19 15 SACCADE, (French) a...
saccadic 23 18 jerky; twitching [ad...
saccoses 19 14 SACCOS, (Greek) a Bi...
saccular 21 16 saclike [adj]
saccules 21 16 SACCULE, a small sac...
sacculus 22 17 a small sac, also SA...
sacellum 20 17 (Latin) an unroofed...
sachemic 23 19 relating to a sachem...
sacheted 18 14 possessed of a sache...
sackable 20 19 serious enough to be...
sackaged 18 18 SACKAGE, to sack or...
sackages 18 17 SACKAGE [n]
sackbuts 21 19 SACKBUT, a medieval...
sackfuls 22 20 SACKFUL, as much as...
sackings 19 18 SACKING, material fo...
sackless 19 16 quiet; peaceable; ha...
sacklike 20 20 like a sack [adj]
sackload 18 17 the contents of a sa...
sacksful 22 20 SACKFUL, as much as...
sacraria 16 11 SACRARIUM, (Latin) t...
sacreder 16 12 SACRED, dedicated to...
sacredly 24 15 SACRED, dedicated to...
sacrings 18 14 SACRING, (archaic) t...
sacrists 18 11 SACRIST, a Church of...
sacristy 24 13 a room in which sacr...
saddened 12 12 SADDEN, to make sad...
saddlers 15 11 SADDLER, one who mak...
saddlery 21 13 the shop of a saddle...
saddling 16 14 SADDLE, to put a lea...
sadhanas 14 12 SADHANA, (Hindi) one...
sadirons 13 10 SADIRON, a heavy fla...
sadistic 18 12 like a sadist [adj S...
saeculum 19 17 (Latin) an astronomi...
safaried 15 12 SAFARI, to go on a h...
safarist 16 11 a person who goes on...
safeness 14 12 the quality of being...
safetied 15 12 SAFETY, to protect a...
safeties 15 11 SAFETY, to protect a...
saffians 17 15 SAFFIAN, a brightly-...
saffrons 17 15 SAFFRON, a flowering...
saffrony 23 17 coloured like saffro...
safranin 14 13 the yellow colouring...
safroles 16 12 SAFROLE, a colourles...
safronal 15 13 a spicy-tasting chem...
sagacity 24 15 wisdom [n SAGACITIES...
sagamore 14 13 (Native American) a...
saganash 15 13 (Native American) a...
sagehood 15 13 the state of being w...
sageness 13 11 wisdom [n -ES]
sagenite 13 11 a form of the minera...
saggards 16 13 SAGGARD, a clay box...
saggared 15 13 SAGGAR, to pack in a...
saggered 15 13 SAGGER, to pack in a...
saggiest 16 12 SAGGY, characterized...
saggings 17 15 SAGGING, the act of...
saginate 13 11 to fatten animals [v...
sagittal 16 11 shaped like an arrow...
sagittas 15 10 SAGITTA, (Latin) a k...
sagouins 14 12 SAGOUIN, a South Ame...
saguaros 14 11 SAGUARO, (Spanish) a...
sahibahs 20 15 SAHIBAH, (Hindi) a l...
sahiwals 20 14 SAHIWAL, any of a br...
sahuaros 15 11 SAHUARO, (Spanish) a...
saibling 18 15 (German) a European...
saikless 16 13 (Scots) quiet; peace...
sailable 17 13 able to be sailed [a...
sailboat 16 12 a boat with sails [n...
sailfish 20 14 a large game fish wi...
sailings 16 12 SAILING, the act of...
sailless 16 10 without a sail [adj]
sailorly 22 12 like or appropriate...
sailpast 17 12 the sailing of ships...
sailroom 15 12 a room aboard a vess...
saimiris 16 11 SAIMIRI, a squirrel...
sainfoin 14 13 a leguminous plant,...
saintdom 14 13 the condition of bei...
saintess 13 9 a female saint [n -E...
sainting 14 12 SAINT, to hail as a...
saintish 16 11 resembling a saint [...
saintism 15 12 the quality of a sai...
sakerets 14 12 SAKERET, the male sa...
sakiyehs 23 16 SAKIYEH, (Arabic) an...
sakkoses 15 16 SAKKOS, (Greek) an E...
saksauls 16 14 SAKSAUL, a low, thic...
salaamed 14 13 SALAAM, (Arabic) to...
salacity 24 14 lewdness [n SALACITI...
saladang 14 13 a kind of wild ox, a...
salading 15 13 ingredients for a sa...
salamons 14 13 SALAMON, (obsolete)...
salariat 14 9 the class of salarie...
salaried 14 10 SALARY, to pay perio...
salaries 14 9 SALARY, to pay perio...
salbands 16 14 SALBAND, (German) a...
salchows 23 17 SALCHOW, (Swedish) a...
saleable 16 13 able to be sold, als...
saleably 23 15 SALEABLE, able to be...
salering 15 12 a cattle-selling are...
saleroom 14 12 a room where goods f...
salesman 14 13 a man who sells merc...
salesmen 14 13 SALESMAN, a man who...
saleyard 20 12 an enclosure in whic...
salferns 16 13 SALFERN, a medicinal...
saliceta 17 12 SALICETUM, a willow...
salicets 18 12 SALICET, an organ st...
salicine 17 13 a bitter crystalline...
salicins 18 13 SALICIN, a bitter cr...
salience 16 13 a projecting feature...
saliency 23 15 a projecting feature...
salients 14 10 SALIENT, an outward-...
salified 17 13 SALIFY, to combine w...
salifies 17 12 SALIFY, to combine w...
saligots 16 11 SALIGOT, (French) th...
salinise 14 10 to treat with salt,...
salinity 21 12 a concentration of s...
salinize 17 19 to treat with salt,...
salivary 23 15 relating to saliva,...
salivate 16 13 to secrete saliva [v...
salliers 16 10 SALLIER, one who sal...
sallowed 18 14 SALLOW, to make sall...
sallower 18 13 SALLOW, esp. of a pe...
sallowly 26 16 SALLOW, esp. of a pe...
sallying 23 15 SALLY, to rush out s...
salmonet 14 13 a young salmon, also...
salmonid 15 14 a member of the salm...
salopian 15 13 relating to a salop,...
salpians 16 13 SALPIAN, a free-swim...
salpicon 19 16 (French) a dish comp...
salsaing 15 12 SALSA, to do such a...
salsilla 17 11 a tropical plant [n...
saltando 13 11 (Italian) a short, b...
saltants 14 10 SALTANT, a mutated f...
saltated 14 10 SALTATE, to undergo...
saltates 14 9 SALTATE, to undergo...
saltatos 14 9 SALTATO, (Italian) a...
saltbush 20 15 an Australian plant...
saltcats 18 12 SALTCAT, a mixture o...
salterns 14 10 SALTERN, a saltwork...
saltfish 20 14 salted cod [n -ES]
saltiers 15 9 SALTIER, a heraldic...
saltiest 15 9 SALTY, tasting of sa...
saltines 14 10 SALTINE, a salted cr...
saltings 16 12 SALTING, land regula...
saltires 15 9 SALTIRE, an X-shaped...
saltless 16 10 without salt [adj]
saltlike 17 14 resembling salt [adj...
saltness 14 10 the state of being s...
saltoing 15 12 SALTO, (Italian) to...
saltpans 16 13 SALTPAN, a large pan...
saltuses 15 10 SALTUS, (Latin) a br...
saltwork 19 16 a place where salt i...
saltwort 18 12 a seaside herb [n -S...
salutary 21 12 producing a benefici...
saluters 15 10 SALUTER, one who sal...
saluting 16 13 SALUTE, to greet wit...
salvable 19 17 capable of being sav...
salvably 26 19 SALVABLE, capable of...
salvaged 17 16 SALVAGE, to save fro...
salvagee 16 15 one in whose favor s...
salvager 17 15 one who salvages [n...
salvages 17 15 SALVAGE, to save fro...
salvetes 16 13 SALVETE, (Latin) a g...
salvific 23 19 (obsolete) having th...
salvings 18 16 SALVING, the act of...
salvoing 17 16 SALVO, to discharge...
samadhis 17 14 SAMADHI, (Sanskrit)...
samarium 16 15 a metallic element [...
sambaing 17 17 SAMBA, to perform a...
sambhars 19 16 SAMBHAR, a large Asi...
sambhurs 20 17 SAMBHUR, a large Asi...
sambucas 20 18 SAMBUCA, an ancient...
sambukes 18 19 SAMBUKE, an ancient...
sameness 13 12 lack of variety [n -...
samisens 14 12 SAMISEN, (Japanese)...
samithis 18 13 SAMITHI, (Hindi) a p...
samizdat 18 21 (Russian) in the for...
samnitis 15 12 (Spenser) an unknown...
samovars 16 15 SAMOVAR, (Russian) a...
samoyeds 20 14 SAMOYED, any of a Si...
samphire 19 16 a fleshy coastal pla...
sampires 17 14 SAMPIRE, a fleshy co...
samplers 18 15 SAMPLER, one that sa...
samplery 24 17 sample work [n SAMPL...
sampling 19 18 a small part selecte...
samsaras 14 11 SAMSARA, (Sanskrit)...
samsaric 18 14 of or relating to sa...
samshoos 16 13 SAMSHOO, (Chinese) a...
samskara 15 15 (Sanskrit) a Hindu p...
samurais 15 12 SAMURAI, (Japanese)...
sanative 14 13 having the power to...
sanatory 18 11 of healing [adj]
sanctify 25 17 to make holy [v SANC...
sanction 15 13 to authorize [v -ED,...
sanctity 23 14 holiness [n SANCTITI...
sanctums 18 16 SANCTUM, a sacred pl...
sandable 15 14 able to be sanded [a...
sandaled 13 12 SANDAL, to dress in...
sandarac 15 13 the resin of a tropi...
sandbags 16 15 SANDBAG, to stun wit...
sandbank 15 18 a mound of sand in a...
sandbars 15 13 SANDBAR, a ridge of...
sandboys 21 15 SANDBOY, one who is...
sandburr 16 14 an annual herb, also...
sandburs 16 14 SANDBUR, an annual h...
sanddabs 15 14 SANDDAB, a small Pac...
sandfish 18 15 a small marine fish...
sandheap 16 15 a pile of sand [n -S...
sandhill 18 14 a hill of sand [n -S...
sandhogs 16 14 SANDHOG, a worker wh...
sandiest 13 10 SANDY, covered with...
sandings 14 13 SANDING, the act of...
sandiver 15 14 scum formed on molte...
sandless 14 11 without sand [adj]
sandlike 15 15 like sand [adj]
sandling 15 14 a marine fish [n -S]
sandlots 14 11 SANDLOT, a vacant pl...
sandpeep 16 16 (US) any small sandp...
sandpile 16 14 a pile of sand [n -S...
sandpits 16 13 SANDPIT, a pit dug i...
sandpump 19 20 a pump for sand or m...
sandshoe 14 12 a lightweight sneake...
sandsoap 14 13 a soap for heavy cle...
sandspit 16 13 a small point of lan...
sandspur 16 14 an annual herb, also...
sandwich 22 18 to place between two...
sandworm 17 16 a sand-dwelling worm...
sandwort 16 13 any of various small...
sandyish 22 14 somewhat sandy [adj]
saneness 11 10 sanity [n -ES]
sangaree 12 11 (Spanish) a summer d...
sangeets 13 11 SANGEET, a kind of p...
sanghats 16 13 SANGHAT, (Punjabi) a...
sanglier 15 12 (French) a wild boar...
sangomas 14 14 SANGOMA, (Zulu) a wi...
sangrail 15 12 the legendary cup us...
sangreal 14 12 the legendary cup us...
sangrias 14 11 SANGRIA, (Spanish) a...
sanguify 23 17 to make blood [v SAN...
sanguine 13 13 bloody; optimistic [...
sanicles 17 13 SANICLE, a wild flow...
sanidine 12 11 a variety of orthocl...
sanified 15 13 SANIFY, to make heal...
sanifies 15 12 SANIFY, to make heal...
sanitary 19 11 related to health [a...
sanitate 12 9 to clean and sterili...
sanities 13 9 SANITY, the state of...
sanitise 13 9 to clean and sterili...
sanitize 16 18 to clean and sterili...
sannyasi 18 12 (Hindi) a Hindu asce...
sanserif 15 12 a typeface without s...
santalic 17 13 pertaining to sandal...
santalin 13 11 colouring matter [n...
santalol 14 11 sandalwood oil [n -S...
santeras 12 9 SANTERA, a priestess...
santeria 12 9 (Spanish) a Caribbea...
santeros 12 9 SANTERO, (Spanish) a...
santonin 11 11 an anthelminthic ext...
santoors 12 9 SANTOOR, (Arabic) an...
santours 13 10 SANTOUR, (Arabic) an...
sanyasis 19 11 SANYASI, (Hindi) a H...
saouaris 13 9 SAOUARI, a tree of G...
sapajous 17 21 SAPAJOU, a long-tail...
sapegoes 15 13 SAPEGO, a dry, scaly...
sapheads 17 14 SAPHEAD, a stupid pe...
saphenae 15 14 SAPHENA, a large vei...
saphenas 16 14 SAPHENA, a large vei...
sapidity 23 14 the state of being s...
sapience 17 15 discernment, judgeme...
sapiency 24 17 discernment; judgeme...
sapients 15 12 SAPIENT, a wise pers...
saplings 18 15 SAPLING, a young tre...
saponify 23 17 to convert into soap...
saponine 13 13 a soapy substance ob...
saponins 14 13 SAPONIN, a soapy sub...
saponite 14 12 a hydrous silicate o...
saporous 15 12 flavourful, also SAP...
sapphics 24 19 SAPPHIC, a type of v...
sapphire 20 16 a precious variety o...
sapphism 22 19 lesbianism [n -S]
sapphist 21 16 a lesbian [n -S]
sappiest 18 14 SAPPY, full of sap [...
sappings 19 17 SAPPING, the act of...
sappling 20 18 SAPPLE, (Scots) to w...
sapremia 16 14 a kind of blood-pois...
sapremic 20 17 relating to sapremia...
saprobes 17 14 SAPROBE, an organism...
saprobic 21 17 of or like a saprobe...
sapropel 18 15 a slimy sediment lai...
sapsagos 16 13 SAPSAGO, (German) a...
sapucaia 18 15 a South American tre...
sapwoods 18 15 SAPWOOD, the newly f...
saraband 14 13 (Spanish) a stately...
sarafans 14 12 SARAFAN, (Russian) t...
sarangis 14 11 SARANGI, (Hindi) an...
sarcasms 18 14 SARCASM, a sharply m...
sarcenet 15 12 a fine silk fabric,...
sarcinae 15 12 SARCINA, a spherical...
sarcinas 16 12 SARCINA, a spherical...
sarcodes 16 12 SARCODE, protoplasm,...
sarcodic 20 15 of or pertaining to...
sarcoids 17 12 SARCOID, a fleshy tu...
sarcomas 17 14 SARCOMA, (Greek) a t...
sarconet 15 12 a fine silk fabric,...
sardanas 12 10 SARDANA, a Spanish f...
sardelle 15 11 a small fish related...
sardined 13 11 SARDINE, to pack tig...
sardines 13 10 SARDINE, to pack tig...
sardonic 16 13 mocking [adj SARDONI...
sardonyx 25 19 an onyx with alterna...
sargassa 14 10 SARGASSUM, a genus o...
sargasso 14 10 (Portuguese) a genus...
sargoses 14 10 SARGOS, (Spanish) a...
sarguses 15 11 SARGUS, (Spanish) a...
sarkiest 15 12 SARKY, sarcastic [ad...
sarkings 16 15 SARKING, a lining of...
sarmenta 13 12 SARMENTUM, (Latin) a...
sarments 14 12 SARMENT, a long whip...
sarodist 14 9 one who plays the sa...
sarpanch 20 17 the head of an India...
sarrasin 13 9 (French) buckwheat,...
sarrazin 16 18 (French) buckwheat,...
sarsdens 13 10 SARSDEN, a sandstone...
sarsenet 12 9 a fine silk fabric,...
sarsnets 13 9 SARSNET, a thin tiss...
sartorii 14 8 SARTORIUS, a flat th...
sasanqua 20 19 (Japanese) a kind of...
sasarara 12 8 a scolding; a blow,...
sashayed 21 13 SASHAY, (colloquial)...
sashimis 18 13 SASHIMI, (Japanese)...
sashless 17 11 without a sash [adj]
sassiest 14 8 SASSY, impertinent [...
sassolin 14 10 a native boric acid,...
sasswood 16 12 the bark of a West A...
sastruga 15 11 (Russian) long paral...
sastrugi 16 11 SASTRUGA, (Russian)...
satanism 14 12 worship of the power...
satanist 13 9 one who worships the...
satanity 19 11 devilishness [n SATA...
satchels 20 14 SATCHEL, a small car...
sateless 14 9 insatiable [adj]
satelles 15 10 (obsolete) a satelli...
satiable 16 12 capable of being sat...
satiably 23 14 SATIABLE, capable of...
satiated 13 9 SATIATE, to satisfy...
satiates 13 8 SATIATE, to satisfy...
satinets 13 9 SATINET, a thin sati...
satining 14 12 SATIN, to make like...
satinpod 15 13 a flowering plant, a...
satirise 14 8 to subject to satire...
satirist 15 8 one who satirizes, a...
satirize 17 17 to subject to satire...
satrapal 16 12 of or pertaining to...
satsangs 14 11 SATSANG, (Sanskrit)...
satsumas 15 12 SATSUMA, (Japanese)...
saturant 13 10 a substance used to...
saturate 13 9 to fill completely w...
saturnic 17 13 suffering from lead...
satyrals 21 11 SATYRAL, a heraldic...
satyress 20 10 a female satyr, also...
satyrids 21 11 SATYRID, a brownish...
satyrisk 22 14 a little satyr [n -S...
saucebox 24 22 a saucy, impudent pe...
saucepan 17 16 a cooking utensil [n...
saucepot 18 15 a deep cooking pot w...
sauciers 17 12 SAUCIER, a chef who...
sauciest 17 12 SAUCY, impertinent [...
saucisse 17 12 (French) a long canv...
saufgard 17 15 (Spenser) a safeguar...
saunaing 13 13 SAUNA, to take a sau...
saunters 13 10 SAUNTER, to walk in...
saunting 14 13 SAUNT, to sanctify [...
saurians 13 10 SAURIAN, any of a su...
sauroids 14 10 SAUROID, a type of f...
sauropod 15 13 any gigantic herbivo...
sausages 14 11 SAUSAGE, finely chop...
sauteing 14 12 SAUTE, (French) to f...
sauterne 12 10 (French) a sweet whi...
sautoire 13 9 (French) a long neck...
sautoirs 14 9 SAUTOIR, (French) a...
savagely 23 17 SAVAGE, fierce, unci...
savagery 22 16 the quality of being...
savagest 16 14 SAVAGE, fierce, unci...
savaging 17 17 SAVAGE, to attack or...
savagism 18 17 the state of being s...
savannah 15 16 (Spanish) tropical g...
savannas 13 14 SAVANNA, a flat, tre...
savantes 14 13 SAVANTE, (French) a...
savarins 15 13 SAVARIN, (French) a...
saveable 17 16 that can be saved, a...
savegard 16 15 (Spenser) to safegua...
saveloys 22 15 SAVELOY, a highly se...
saveying 22 17 SAVEY, to know, to u...
savingly 24 18 SAVING [adv]
saviours 16 13 SAVIOUR, one who sav...
savorers 15 12 SAVORER, one that sa...
savorier 15 12 SAVORY, (US) savoury...
savories 15 12 SAVORY, a kind of he...
savorily 23 15 SAVORY, (US) savoury...
savoring 16 15 SAVOR, to taste or s...
savorous 15 13 savoury, pleasant to...
savoured 15 14 SAVOUR, to taste or...
savourer 15 13 one that savors, als...
savourly 23 16 (obsolete) relishing...
savoyard 21 15 a devotee of Gilbert...
savveyed 23 19 SAVVEY, (colloquial)...
savviest 18 16 SAVVY, shrewd [adj]
savvying 25 21 SAVVY, to understand...
sawbills 22 16 SAWBILL, a kind of b...
sawblade 19 16 the blade of a saw [...
sawbones 17 15 (colloquial) a surge...
sawbucks 24 22 SAWBUCK, a rack used...
sawdered 16 13 SAWDER, to flatter,...
sawdusts 18 13 SAWDUST, to sprinkle...
sawdusty 24 15 sprinkled with sawdu...
sawflies 20 15 SAWFLY, a hymenopter...
sawgrass 18 13 a sedge with serrate...
sawhorse 18 13 a rack used as a sup...
sawmills 21 16 SAWMILL, a place whe...
sawshark 20 17 a kind of shark with...
sawteeth 18 13 SAWTOOTH, one of a s...
sawtooth 18 13 one of a set of teet...
saxatile 20 16 living or growing am...
saxhorns 21 18 SAXHORN, a brass win...
saxicole 23 19 living or growing am...
saxonies 18 16 SAXONY, a fine soft...
saxonite 18 16 an ultrabasic igneou...
saxtubas 22 19 SAXTUBA, a bass saxh...
sayonara 17 11 (Japanese) goodbye [...
sazeracs 19 20 SAZERAC, a cocktail...
scabbard 21 18 to sheathe, as a swo...
scabbier 21 17 SCABBY, covered with...
scabbily 29 20 SCABBY, covered with...
scabbing 22 20 SCAB, to become cove...
scabbled 22 19 SCABBLE, to shape ro...
scabbles 22 18 SCABBLE, to shape ro...
scabiosa 18 14 any of various plant...
scabious 19 15 any of various plant...
scabland 19 17 rocky land with litt...
scablike 21 19 resembling a scab [a...
scabrous 19 15 roughened with small...
scaffier 21 17 SCAFFY, (Scots) havi...
scaffies 21 17 SCAFFIE, (Scots) a s...
scaffing 22 20 SCAFF, (Scots) to be...
scaffold 22 19 to provide with a te...
scagging 20 18 SCAG, to make a tear...
scaglias 19 14 SCAGLIA, (Italian) a...
scailing 19 15 SCAIL, (Scots) to sc...
scaithed 19 14 SCAITH, to injure, a...
scalable 20 16 that can be scaled,...
scalably 27 18 SCALABLE, that can b...
scalades 17 13 SCALADE, the scaling...
scalados 17 13 SCALADO, (Italian) t...
scalages 18 14 SCALAGE, a percentag...
scalares 17 12 SCALARE, a kind of t...
scalawag 21 17 a good-for-nothing,...
scalders 18 13 SCALDER, that which...
scalding 19 16 the act of scalding...
scaldini 18 14 SCALDINO, an Italian...
scaldino 17 14 an Italian brazier [...
scalenes 16 13 SCALENE, one of the...
scalenus 17 14 a muscle in the neck...
scalepan 18 16 a pan on a weighing...
scaleups 20 16 SCALEUP, an increase...
scaliest 18 12 SCALY, peeling off i...
scalings 19 15 SCALING, climbing [n...
scallies 19 13 SCALLY, a scallywag...
scallion 18 14 an onion-like plant...
scallops 21 16 SCALLOP, to indent l...
scalpels 21 16 SCALPEL, a small sur...
scalpers 20 15 SCALPER, a semicircu...
scalping 21 18 the act of scalping...
scalpins 20 16 small drainage stone...
scalprum 22 19 a surgeon's rasping...
scambled 21 19 SCAMBLE, to move awk...
scambler 21 18 (Scots) one who scro...
scambles 21 18 SCAMBLE, to move awk...
scammers 19 17 SCAMMER, one who per...
scamming 20 20 SCAM, to cheat or sw...
scammony 24 20 a climbing plant [n...
scampers 20 17 SCAMPER, to run play...
scampies 20 17 SCAMPI, (Italian) cr...
scamping 21 20 work done without th...
scampish 23 19 of or like a scamp [...
scamster 18 14 one who perpetrates...
scandals 17 14 SCANDAL, to defame [...
scandent 15 14 climbing as a plant...
scandias 16 13 SCANDIA, an oxide of...
scandium 18 17 a rare metallic elem...
scanners 15 13 SCANNER, a device fo...
scanning 16 16 close examination [n...
scansion 15 13 the mode of analysin...
scantest 16 12 SCANT, scarce [adj]
scantier 16 12 SCANTY, poorly suppl...
scanties 16 12 brief panties for wo...
scantily 24 15 SCANTY, poorly suppl...
scanting 17 15 SCANT, to cut short,...
scantity 23 14 scantness [n SCANTIT...
scantled 17 14 SCANTLE, to stint, m...
scantles 17 13 SCANTLE, to stint, m...
scapaing 19 17 SCAPA, to run away,...
scaphoid 21 17 a boat-shaped bone i...
scappled 22 19 SCAPPLE, to work sto...
scapples 22 18 SCAPPLE, to work sto...
scapulae 19 16 SCAPULA, a bone in t...
scapular 20 16 a loose sleeveless v...
scapulas 20 16 SCAPULA, a bone in t...
scarabee 17 14 (archaic) a scarabae...
scarcely 27 17 SCARCE, in short sup...
scarcest 20 14 SCARCE, in short sup...
scarcity 27 16 the quality of being...
scareder 16 12 SCARED, frightened [...
scarfers 19 14 SCARFER, one that ea...
scarfing 20 17 in carpentry, joinin...
scarfish 22 16 a kind of fish, the...
scarfpin 21 18 a pin for fastening...
scariest 17 11 SCARY, frightening,...
scariose 16 11 thin, dry and membra...
scarious 17 12 thin, dry and membra...
scarless 18 12 having no scars [adj...
scarlets 18 12 SCARLET, to redden [...
scarmoge 18 16 (archaic) a skirmish...
scarpaed 18 15 SCARPA, to run away,...
scarpers 19 14 SCARPER, to run away...
scarphed 21 17 SCARPH, in carpentry...
scarping 20 17 an escarpment [n -S]
scarrier 17 11 SCARRY, marked with...
scarring 18 14 blemishes from wound...
scarting 18 14 SCART, to scratch, s...
scatback 23 21 a type of player in...
scatches 22 16 SCATCH, a stilt [n]
scathing 20 16 SCATHE, to injure, a...
scatoles 17 12 SCATOLE, a crystalli...
scatters 17 11 SCATTER, to disperse...
scattery 23 13 dispersed [adj]
scattier 17 11 SCATTY, empty-headed...
scattily 25 14 SCATTY, empty-headed...
scatting 18 14 pebble dashing [n -S...
scauding 18 16 SCAUD, (Scots) to sc...
scaupers 19 15 SCAUPER, a semicircu...
scauping 20 18 SCAUP, to cut the sc...
scauries 17 12 SCAURY, in the Orkne...
scauring 18 15 SCAUR, (Scots) to sc...
scavaged 19 18 SCAVAGE, to scavenge...
scavager 19 17 an officer who colle...
scavages 19 17 SCAVAGE [n]
scavenge 18 18 to search through ru...
scawtite 20 14 a carbonate or silic...
sceattas 16 11 SCEATT, (Old English...
sceduled 18 15 SCEDULE, (US) to pla...
scedules 18 14 SCEDULE, (US) to pla...
scelerat 17 12 (French) a villain,...
scenario 15 12 an outline of a dram...
scending 17 16 SCEND, of a ship, to...
sceneman 15 16 a scene-shifter [n S...
scenemen 15 16 SCENEMAN, a scene-sh...
scenical 20 16 of or pertaining to...
scentful 20 17 having acute sense o...
scenting 17 15 the act of a dog sce...
scepters 19 14 SCEPTER, to invest w...
sceptics 23 17 SCEPTIC, a person wh...
sceptral 20 15 pertaining to royal...
sceptred 19 15 SCEPTRE, to invest w...
sceptres 19 14 SCEPTRE, to invest w...
scerning 17 15 SCERNE, (archaic) to...
schanses 18 14 SCHANSE, (Afrikaans)...
schantze 21 23 (Afrikaans) a heap o...
schanzes 21 23 SCHANZE, (Afrikaans)...
schapped 23 20 SCHAPPE, (German) to...
schappes 23 19 SCHAPPE, (German) to...
schapska 22 20 (Polish) a kind of m...
schedule 20 16 to plan, also SCEDUL...
schellum 23 19 (Scots) a scoundrel,...
schemata 19 16 SCHEMA, (Greek) a sc...
schemers 20 16 SCHEMER, one that sc...
schemies 20 16 SCHEMIE, (Scots) der...
scheming 21 19 artful [adj SCHEMING...
scherzos 22 22 SCHERZO, a lively mu...
schiedam 20 17 (Dutch) Holland gin...
schiller 22 15 (German) a peculiar...
schimmel 23 20 (German) a roan hors...
schismas 21 16 SCHISMA, (Greek) in...
schizier 23 22 SCHIZY, affected wit...
schizoid 23 23 suffering from schiz...
schizont 22 23 in protozoans, a mat...
schlager 21 16 (German) a duelling...
schlepps 25 20 SCHLEPP, (Yiddish) t...
schleppy 31 22 (Yiddish) incompeten...
schlichs 27 19 SCHLICH, (German) th...
schliere 20 14 (German) one of a se...
schlocks 25 21 SCHLOCK, inferior me...
schlocky 31 23 of inferior quality,...
schlongs 21 17 SCHLONG, (slang) the...
schlumps 25 21 SCHLUMP, to flop, sl...
schlumpy 31 23 unattractive, sloven...
schmaltz 25 26 excessive sentimenta...
schmalzy 31 28 characterized by sch...
schmatte 20 16 (Yiddish) clothing,...
schmears 20 16 SCHMEAR, (Yiddish) t...
schmecks 25 23 SCHMECK, (Yiddish) t...
schmeers 20 16 SCHMEER, (Yiddish) t...
schmelze 24 26 (German) a kind of g...
schmocks 25 23 SCHMOCK, (Yiddish) a...
schmoose 19 16 (Yiddish) to chat in...
schmooze 22 25 (Yiddish) to chat in...
schmoozy 29 27 (Yiddish) gossipy, a...
schmucks 26 24 SCHMUCK [n]
schmucky 32 26 acting like a schmuc...
schnapps 23 20 a kind of brandy, al...
schnecke 22 21 (German) a sweet bre...
schnooks 19 18 SCHNOOK, (Yiddish) a...
schnorrs 19 14 SCHNORR, (Yiddish) t...
schnozes 21 23 SCHNOZ, (Yiddish) th...
scholars 20 14 SCHOLAR, a learned p...
scholion 19 15 (Greek) a marginal a...
scholium 22 18 an explanatory margi...
schooled 19 15 SCHOOL, to educate i...
schooler 19 14 a student attending...
schooles 19 14 SCHOOLE, (Shakespear...
schoolie 19 14 (Australian slang) a...
schooner 17 14 a kind of sailing ve...
schticks 25 20 SCHTICK, (Yiddish) a...
schtooks 20 17 SCHTOOK, (Yiddish) t...
schtucks 25 21 SCHTUCK, (Yiddish) t...
schussed 20 15 SCHUSS, to make a fa...
schusser 20 14 (German) one who mak...
schusses 20 14 SCHUSS, to make a fa...
sciaenid 16 13 a member of the fami...
sciarids 18 12 SCIARID, a minute, d...
sciatica 20 14 neuritis of the scia...
sciatics 21 14 SCIATIC, the sciatic...
scienced 19 16 versed [adj]
sciences 19 15 SCIENCE, knowledge o...
scienter 16 12 having knowledge [ad...
scilicet 22 15 (Latin) to wit; name...
scimetar 18 14 a curved oriental sw...
scimitar 19 14 a curved oriental sw...
scimiter 19 14 a curved oriental sw...
scincoid 20 16 belonging to the ski...
sciolism 20 15 superficial knowledg...
sciolist 19 12 one whose knowledge...
sciolous 18 13 knowing superficiall...
scirocco 23 17 (Italian) a hot, dry...
scirrhus 21 14 a hard tumour [n SCI...
scissels 19 12 SCISSEL, metal clipp...
scissile 19 12 capable of being cut...
scissils 20 12 SCISSIL, metal clipp...
scission 17 12 a division or split...
scissors 18 11 SCISSOR, to cut with...
scissure 18 12 a lengthwise cut [n...
sciurids 19 13 SCIURID, a member of...
sciurine 17 13 a member of the squi...
sciuroid 18 13 of or relating to sq...
sclaffed 22 19 SCLAFF, to strike th...
sclaffer 22 18 one who sclaffs, sla...
sclating 19 15 SCLATE, to slate [v]
sclereid 18 13 a thick-walled plant...
sclerema 18 15 (Greek) a hardening...
sclerite 18 12 a hard skeletal plat...
scleroid 18 13 of tissue, hard, har...
scleroma 18 15 a hardened patch of...
sclerose 17 12 to harden; to affect...
sclerous 18 13 hard, indurated, als...
sclimmed 21 19 SCLIM, (Scots) to cl...
scodiest 17 12 SCODY, (New Zealand)...
scoffers 21 17 SCOFFER, one who sco...
scoffing 22 20 scornful [adj SCOFFI...
scofflaw 25 21 a habitual law viola...
scogging 20 18 SCOG, (Scots) to she...
scoinson 15 13 the inner part of a...
scolders 18 13 SCOLDER, one who sco...
scolding 19 16 a harsh reproof [n -...
scoleces 20 15 SCOLEX, the knoblike...
scolecid 21 16 a worm of the Scolec...
scolices 21 15 SCOLEX, the knoblike...
scolioma 18 15 abnormal curvature o...
scollops 21 16 SCOLLOP, to indent l...
scolytid 25 15 any one of numerous...
scombrid 21 18 a fish of the Scombr...
scomfish 23 19 (Scots) to suffocate...
sconcing 20 18 SCONCE, to entrench,...
scontion 15 13 the inner part of a...
scoobies 18 14 SCOOBY, a clue, as i...
scooched 21 17 SCOOCH, to compress...
scooches 21 16 SCOOCH, to compress...
scooging 18 16 SCOOG, (Scots) to sh...
scoopers 18 14 SCOOPER, a tool used...
scoopful 22 19 as much as a scoop c...
scooping 19 17 the act of scooping...
scooshed 18 14 SCOOSH, to squirt, a...
scooshes 18 13 SCOOSH, to squirt, a...
scooters 16 11 SCOOTER [n]
scooting 17 14 SCOOT, to go quickly...
scopelid 20 16 a member of the Scop...
scopulae 19 16 SCOPULA, a brushlike...
scopulas 20 16 SCOPULA, a brushlike...
scorched 22 17 SCORCH, to burn slig...
scorcher 22 16 (colloquial) a very...
scorches 22 16 SCORCH, to burn slig...
scordato 16 12 (Italian) put out of...
scorepad 18 15 a pad on which score...
scorings 18 14 SCORING, orchestrati...
scorious 17 12 like slag, also SCOR...
scorners 16 12 SCORNER, one who sco...
scornful 20 17 expressing contempt...
scorning 17 15 the act of scorning...
scorpers 19 14 SCORPER, a semicircu...
scorpion 18 15 any arachnid of the...
scorsers 17 11 SCORSER, one who bar...
scorsing 18 14 SCORSE, (obsolete) t...
scotched 22 17 SCOTCH, to frustrate...
scotches 22 16 SCOTCH, to frustrate...
scotomas 17 14 SCOTOMA, dizziness w...
scotomia 17 14 (obsolete) dizziness...
scotopia 18 14 vision in dim light...
scotopic 22 17 relating to scotopia...
scotties 17 11 SCOTTIE, a short-leg...
scouging 19 17 SCOUG, (Scots) to sh...
scouping 20 18 SCOUP, (Scots) to bo...
scourers 17 12 SCOURER, (historical...
scourged 18 15 SCOURGE, to whip sev...
scourger 18 14 one who scourges [n...
scourges 18 14 SCOURGE, to whip sev...
scouries 17 12 SCOURIE, (Old Norse)...
scouring 18 15 material removed by...
scoursed 17 13 SCOURSE, to barter,...
scourses 17 12 SCOURSE, to barter,...
scousers 17 12 SCOUSER, a native of...
scouters 17 12 SCOUTER, an adult wo...
scouther 19 14 to scorch, also SCOW...
scouting 18 15 the act of one who s...
scowders 20 15 SCOWDER, to scorch,...
scowlers 21 15 SCOWLER, one who sco...
scowling 22 18 SCOWL, to frown angr...
scowping 23 20 SCOWP, (Scots) to bo...
scowrers 20 14 SCOWRER, (obsolete)...
scowries 20 14 SCOWRIE, (Old Norse)...
scowther 22 16 (Scots) to scorch, s...
scrabbed 21 18 SCRAB, (dialect) to...
scrabble 22 18 to claw or grope abo...
scrabbly 29 20 scrabbling [adj SCRA...
scragged 19 16 SCRAG, to wring the...
scraggly 27 18 irregular or ragged...
scraichs 23 16 SCRAICH, (Scots) to...
scraighs 21 15 SCRAIGH, (Scots) to...
scrambed 20 18 SCRAMB, (dialect) to...
scramble 21 18 to move hurriedly, a...
scramjet 20 23 a type of aircraft e...
scrammed 19 18 SCRAM, to leave quic...
scrannel 16 14 (archaic) a thin per...
scrapers 19 14 SCRAPER, one that sc...
scrapies 19 14 SCRAPIE, a disease o...
scraping 20 17 scraped off [n -S]
scrapped 21 18 SCRAP, to discard [v...
scrapper 21 17 a fighter [n -S]
scrapple 22 18 a mixture of ground...
scratchy 29 18 made by scratching [...
scratted 17 12 SCRAT, to scratch, a...
scrattle 18 12 to keep scratching,...
scrauchs 23 17 SCRAUCH, to squawk,...
scraughs 21 16 SCRAUGH, (Scots) to...
scravels 20 16 SCRAVEL, to move qui...
scrawbed 22 18 SCRAWB, to scrape wi...
scrawled 21 16 SCRAWL, to write has...
scrawler 21 15 one who scrawls [n -...
scrawmed 21 18 SCRAWM, (dialect) to...
scrawped 22 18 SCRAWP, (dialect) to...
screaked 17 16 SCREAK, to creak [v]
screamed 17 15 SCREAM, to utter a p...
screamer 17 14 a gooselike South Am...
screamos 17 14 SCREAMO, a form of e...
screechy 28 18 screeching [adj SCRE...
screeded 16 13 SCREED, to tear; to...
screeder 16 12 a person who lays pl...
screened 15 13 SCREEN, to provide w...
screener 15 12 one who screens [n -...
screenie 15 12 (Australian slang) a...
screeted 16 12 SCREET, (dialect) to...
screeved 18 16 SCREEVE, to write be...
screever 18 15 one who writes beggi...
screeves 18 15 SCREEVE, to write be...
screichs 23 16 SCREICH, to shriek,...
screighs 21 15 SCREIGH, to shriek,...
screwers 20 14 SCREWER, one who scr...
screwier 20 14 SCREWY, (colloquial)...
screwing 21 17 the act of screwing...
screwtop 22 17 a bottle with a scre...
screwups 23 18 SCREWUP, an instance...
scribble 23 18 to write hastily or...
scribbly 30 20 written hastily or i...
scribers 20 14 SCRIBER, a scribing...
scribing 21 17 the act of scribing...
scribism 22 17 the character and op...
scriechs 23 16 SCRIECH, (Scots) to...
scrienes 16 12 SCRIENE, (obsolete)...
scrieved 19 16 SCRIEVE, (Scots) to...
scrieves 19 15 SCRIEVE, (Scots) to...
scriggle 21 16 to wriggle, writhe [...
scriggly 28 18 wriggly [adj SCRIGGL...
scriking 20 18 SCRIKE, to shriek, a...
scrimped 21 18 SCRIMP, to scratch a...
scrimper 21 17 one who scrimps [n -...
scrimpit 22 17 (Scots) meager [adj]
scrimply 29 20 SCRIMP, scanty, also...
scrimure 19 15 (obsolete) a fencer...
scripted 20 15 SCRIPT, to prepare a...
scripter 20 14 one who scripts [n -...
scriving 21 18 SCRIVE, to write, es...
scrobbed 21 18 SCROB, to scrape wit...
scrobble 22 18 of an online music s...
scrofula 20 16 tuberculosis of the...
scroggie 19 15 abounding in scrogs,...
scroggin 19 16 (Australian) a hiker...
scrolled 19 14 SCROLL, to move text...
scroller 19 13 someone or something...
scroming 19 17 SCROME, (dialect) to...
scrooged 17 14 SCROOGE, to crowd; t...
scrooges 17 13 SCROOGE, to crowd; t...
scrooped 18 15 SCROOP, to make a ha...
scrootch 22 16 to crouch, also SCRO...
scrotums 19 15 SCROTUM, the bag of...
scrouged 18 15 SCROUGE, to crowd; t...
scrouger 18 14 (US archaic) a whopp...
scrouges 18 14 SCROUGE, to crowd; t...
scrounge 17 15 to gather by foragin...
scroungy 24 17 dirty [adj SCROUNGIE...
scrowdge 21 17 to crowd; to squeeze...
scrowled 21 16 SCROWLE, to draft, a...
scrowles 21 15 SCROWLE, to draft, a...
scroyles 24 14 SCROYLE, (obsolete)...
scrubbed 22 19 SCRUB, to rub hard i...
scrubber 22 18 an apparatus for rem...
scruffed 22 19 SCRUFF, in rugby, to...
scrummed 20 19 SCRUM, to mill aroun...
scrummie 20 18 (slang) a rugby scru...
scrumped 21 19 SCRUMP, to gather wi...
scrumple 22 19 to crumple or crush...
scrumpox 27 25 (slang) rugby slang...
scrunchy 29 20 able to be crushed [...
scrupled 21 17 SCRUPLE, to hesitate...
scrupler 21 16 one who has scruples...
scruples 21 16 SCRUPLE, to hesitate...
scrutiny 24 15 a close examination,...
scruzing 22 24 SCRUZE, (obsolete) t...
scryings 25 16 SCRYING, the practic...
scubaing 20 18 SCUBA, to dive using...
scuchins 23 18 SCUCHIN, (Spenser) a...
scudders 18 14 SCUDDER, one who scu...
scudding 19 17 SCUD, to run or move...
scuddled 19 16 SCUDDLE, to run hast...
scuddles 19 15 SCUDDLE, to run hast...
scudlers 19 14 SCUDLER, the conduct...
scuffers 22 18 SCUFFER, a type of s...
scuffing 23 21 SCUFF, to scrape the...
scuffled 23 20 SCUFFLE, to struggle...
scuffler 23 19 one who scuffles [n...
scuffles 23 19 SCUFFLE, to struggle...
scugging 21 19 SCUG, (Scots) to she...
sculches 24 18 SCULCH, rubbish, als...
sculkers 20 17 SCULKER, one that sk...
sculking 21 20 SCULK, to move about...
scullers 20 14 SCULLER, one that sc...
scullery 26 16 a storeroom and clea...
sculling 21 17 the act of sculling...
scullion 19 15 a kitchen servant wh...
sculping 22 19 SCULP, to form an im...
sculpins 21 17 SCULPIN, the scorpio...
sculpsit 22 16 (Latin) he or she sc...
sculpted 21 17 SCULPT, to form an i...
sculptor 21 16 one who sculpts [n -...
scumbags 22 20 SCUMBAG, a contempti...
scumball 23 20 a dirtbag [n -S]
scumbers 21 18 SCUMBER, (archaic) t...
scumbled 22 20 SCUMBLE, to soften t...
scumbles 22 19 SCUMBLE, to soften t...
scumfish 24 20 (Scots) to suffocate...
scumless 20 16 having no scum [adj]
scumlike 21 20 like scum [adj]
scummers 20 18 SCUMMER, (Scots) a s...
scummier 20 18 SCUMMY, covered with...
scummily 28 21 SCUMMY, covered with...
scumming 21 21 matter removed as sc...
scungier 18 15 SCUNGY, (Australian...
scungile 19 16 (Italian) the meat o...
scungili 20 16 SCUNGILE, (Italian)...
scunging 19 18 SCUNGE, to slink abo...
scunners 16 14 SCUNNER, to feel loa...
scuppaug 23 21 a marine fish food,...
scuppers 22 18 SCUPPER, to thwart,...
scurfier 20 15 SCURFY, covered with...
scurried 18 13 SCURRY, to move hurr...
scurrier 18 12 (obsolete) a scout,...
scurries 18 12 SCURRY, to move hurr...
scurrile 19 13 (archaic) like or wo...
scurring 19 15 SCUR, to scour, sear...
scurvier 20 16 SCURVY, scabby, mean...
scurvies 20 16 SCURVY, a disease ca...
scurvily 28 19 SCURVY, scabby, mean...
scutages 18 14 SCUTAGE, (historical...
scutched 23 18 SCUTCH, to beat out...
scutcher 23 17 one who scutches, be...
scutches 23 17 SCUTCH, to beat out...
scutella 19 14 SCUTELLUM, a scale o...
scutiger 19 14 a kind of centipede;...
scutters 18 12 SCUTTER, to run hast...
scuttled 19 14 SCUTTLE, to move or...
scuttler 19 13 one who scuttles [n...
scuttles 19 13 SCUTTLE, to move or...
scutwork 22 19 tedious or menial wo...
scuzzbag 27 35 a dirty, disreputabl...
scuzzier 24 30 SCUZZY, dirty or sha...
scybalum 28 21 (Latin) a lump or ma...
scyphate 27 18 shaped like a cup [a...
scytales 24 14 SCYTALE, (Greek) a S...
scythers 26 15 SCYTHER, one who use...
scything 27 18 SCYTHE, to cut with...
sdaining 14 13 SDAINE, (obsolete) t...
sdayning 20 15 SDAYN, (obsolete) to...
sdeigned 14 13 SDEIGNE, (obsolete)...
sdeignes 14 12 SDEIGNE, (obsolete)...
sdeining 14 13 SDEIN, (obsolete) to...
seabanks 15 16 SEABANK, a bank besi...
seabeach 19 16 a beach lying along...
seabirds 16 12 SEABIRD, a bird freq...
seablite 16 12 a salt-marsh plant [...
seaboard 14 12 the line where land...
seaboots 14 11 SEABOOT, a waterproo...
seaborne 13 12 carried on the sea [...
seacoast 15 11 land bordering the s...
seacocks 20 18 SEACOCK, a valve in...
seacraft 18 14 skill in navigation...
seacunny 21 16 a lascar steersman [...
seadrome 13 12 a floating aerodrome...
seafarer 14 11 one who travels by s...
seafloor 15 12 the bottom of the se...
seafoams 15 14 SEAFOAM, foam formed...
seafolks 17 16 SEAFOLK, seafaring p...
seafoods 14 12 SEAFOOD, edible fish...
seafowls 19 15 SEAFOWL, a seabird [...
seafront 14 12 an area along the ed...
seagoing 14 13 designed for use on...
seagrass 14 10 a grasslike plant li...
seagulls 17 13 SEAGULL, a gull freq...
seahawks 19 17 SEAHAWK, a predatory...
seahorse 14 10 any marine fish of t...
seahound 14 13 the dogfish [n -S]
seakales 14 13 SEAKALE, a kind of m...
sealable 16 13 able to be sealed [a...
sealants 13 10 SEALANT, a sealing a...
sealifts 17 12 SEALIFT, to transpor...
sealines 13 10 SEALINE, a coastline...
sealings 15 12 SEALING, the act of...
seallike 16 14 like an aquatic mamm...
sealskin 15 14 the skin of a seal [...
sealyham 23 16 a terrier dog [n -S]
seamaids 14 12 SEAMAID, (Shakespear...
seamanly 20 15 SEAMAN [adv]
seamarks 15 15 SEAMARK, a landmark...
seamfree 15 14 of stockings, withou...
seamiest 14 11 SEAMY, unpleasant [a...
seamings 15 14 SEAMING, the act of...
seamless 15 12 having no seam, also...
seamlike 16 16 like a seam [adj]
seamount 13 13 a volcanic mountain...
seamsets 14 11 SEAMSET, a tool for...
seamster 14 11 a person whose occup...
seapiece 17 14 a picture representi...
seaplane 14 13 an airplane designed...
seaports 15 11 SEAPORT, a harbour f...
seaquake 21 22 an undersea earthqua...
searched 18 14 SEARCH, to look care...
searcher 18 13 one that searches [n...
searches 18 13 SEARCH, to look care...
searcing 17 14 SEARCE, (obsolete) t...
searings 14 11 SEARING, the act of...
searness 12 9 the state of being d...
searobin 14 12 an American fish of...
seascape 17 14 a picture representi...
seascout 16 12 a boy trained in wat...
seashell 17 12 the shell of a marin...
seashore 14 10 land bordering on th...
seasides 13 9 SEASIDE, the seashor...
seasonal 12 10 occurring at certain...
seasoned 11 10 SEASON, to improve f...
seasoner 11 9 one who seasons [n -...
seaspeak 15 15 a restricted variety...
seasures 13 9 SEASURE, (obsolete)...
seatback 19 18 the back of a seat [...
seatbelt 16 12 an arrangement of st...
seatings 14 11 SEATING, material fo...
seatless 14 9 without seats [adj]
seatmate 13 11 one with whom one sh...
seatrain 12 9 a ship equipped to c...
seatrout 13 9 a marine fish [n -S]
seatwork 17 15 work done at one's s...
seawalls 18 13 SEAWALL, a wall to p...
seawants 15 12 SEAWANT, (Native Ame...
seawards 16 12 towards the sea, als...
seawares 15 11 SEAWARE, seaweed use...
seawater 15 11 water from the sea [...
seaweeds 15 12 SEAWEED, any large p...
seaweedy 21 14 abounding in seaweed...
seawives 18 15 SEAWIFE, a kind of w...
seawoman 15 15 a woman serving at s...
seawomen 15 15 SEAWOMAN, a woman se...
seaworms 17 14 SEAWORM, a marine wo...
sebesten 14 12 (Arabic) an oriental...
secalose 16 12 a complex carbohydra...
secantly 23 15 SECANT, cutting [adv...
secateur 16 12 a pruning tool [n -S...
seceders 16 12 SECEDER, one who sec...
seceding 17 15 SECEDE, to withdraw...
secerned 15 13 SECERN, to discern a...
secesher 18 13 a secessionist, also...
seceshes 18 13 SECESH, a secessioni...
secluded 18 15 SECLUDE, to remove o...
secludes 18 14 SECLUDE, to remove o...
secodont 15 13 the cutting of back...
seconals 16 13 SECONAL, (tradename)...
seconded 15 14 SECOND, to support a...
secondee 14 13 a person on secondme...
seconder 15 13 one who seconds or s...
secondes 15 13 SECONDE, (French) in...
secondly 23 16 SECOND, number two i...
secreted 16 12 SECRETE, to emit by...
secreter 16 11 SECRET, hidden [adj]
secretes 16 11 SECRETE, to emit by...
secretin 16 12 a hormone secreted b...
secretly 24 14 SECRET, hidden [adv]
secretor 16 11 one that secretes [n...
sectator 16 11 an adherent of a par...
sections 16 12 SECTION, to divide i...
sectoral 17 12 pertaining to a sect...
sectored 16 12 SECTOR, to divide in...
seculars 18 13 SECULAR, a layman; a...
seculums 20 17 SECULUM, (Latin) an...
secundly 24 17 SECUND, esp. of the...
secundum 18 18 (Latin) according to...
securely 24 15 SECURE, free from da...
securers 17 12 SECURER, one who sec...
securest 17 12 SECURE, free from da...
securing 18 15 SECURE, to make firm...
security 24 14 the state of being s...
sedately 20 12 SEDATE, calm, self-p...
sedatest 13 9 SEDATE, calm, self-p...
sedating 14 12 SEDATE, to tranquill...
sedation 12 10 the reduction of str...
sedative 15 13 a drug the induces a...
sederunt 13 11 (Latin) a prolonged...
sedgiest 15 11 SEDGY, bordered by s...
sedilium 17 14 (Latin) a seat in a...
sediment 14 13 to settle in the bot...
sedition 13 10 incitement or rebell...
seducers 17 13 SEDUCER, one that se...
seducing 18 16 leading astray [adj...
seducive 19 17 able to seduce [adj]
seductor 17 13 (obsolete) one who s...
sedulity 22 13 the state of being s...
sedulous 15 12 diligent, perseverin...
seecatch 21 16 an adult male fur se...
seedbeds 15 13 SEEDBED, land prepar...
seedcake 16 16 a sweet cake with se...
seedcase 15 12 the protective outer...
seedhead 14 12 a seed-containing pa...
seediest 13 9 SEEDY, shabby [adj]
seedings 14 12 SEEDING, the act of...
seedless 14 10 without seeds [adj]
seedlike 15 14 like a seed [adj]
seedling 15 13 a young plant [n -S]
seedlips 17 13 SEEDLIP, a sower's b...
seedness 12 10 (obsolete) sowing, s...
seedpods 15 13 SEEDPOD, a type of s...
seedsman 13 13 a dealer in seeds, a...
seedsmen 13 13 SEEDSMAN, a dealer i...
seedtime 14 12 the season for sowin...
seeliest 14 9 SEELY, fortunate; in...
seelings 15 12 SEELING, (Spenser) a...
seemings 15 14 SEEMING, appearance,...
seemless 15 12 (Spenser) unseemly,...
seemlier 15 12 SEEMLY, of pleasing...
seepages 15 13 SEEPAGE, the quantit...
seepiest 15 11 SEEPY, oozing with w...
seesawed 15 12 SEESAW, to move up a...
seethers 15 10 SEETHER, a pot for b...
seething 16 13 very angry [adj SEET...
seewings 17 14 SEEWING, (Spenser) p...
segments 15 14 SEGMENT, to divide i...
segolate 14 11 in Hebrew, a disylla...
segreant 13 11 in heraldry, with ra...
segueing 15 14 SEGUE, to proceed fr...
segugios 16 13 SEGUGIO, (Italian) a...
seicento 15 12 (Italian) the sevent...
seigneur 14 12 a feudal lord, also...
seignior 14 11 a feudal lord, also...
seignory 20 13 feudal lordship, als...
seinings 14 12 SEINING, fishing wit...
seisable 16 12 able to be seised [a...
seisings 15 11 SEISING, the act of...
seismism 17 14 the natural activity...
seisures 14 9 SEISURE, the act of...
seizable 19 21 able to be seized [a...
seizings 18 20 SEIZING, the act of...
seizures 17 18 SEIZURE, the act of...
seladang 14 13 a kind of wild ox, a...
selamlik 18 17 (Turkish) the portio...
selcouth 20 15 (obsolete) strange,...
seldomly 23 16 SELDOM, infrequent [...
seldseen 13 11 (obsolete) seldom se...
selectas 17 12 SELECTA, a disc jock...
selected 17 13 SELECT, to choose [v...
selectee 16 12 one that is selected...
selectly 25 15 SELECT, choice [adv]
selector 17 12 something or someone...
selenate 12 10 a salt of selenic ac...
selenian 12 11 of the moon [adj]
selenide 13 11 a compound of seleni...
selenite 13 10 a variety of gypsum...
selenium 15 14 a nonmetallic solid...
selenous 13 11 of selenium in lower...
selfdoms 18 16 SELFDOM, selfhood [n...
selfheal 19 15 a perennial herb wit...
selfhood 18 15 the state of being a...
selfings 18 15 SELFING, self-fertil...
selfisms 19 15 SELFISM, concentrati...
selfists 18 12 SELFIST, one who is...
selfless 18 13 unselfish [adj SELFL...
selfness 16 13 the state of being a...
selfsame 17 15 identical [adj]
selfward 20 16 towards oneself [adv...
selictar 18 12 (Turkish) a sword-be...
sellable 18 14 able to be sold [adj...
sellings 17 13 SELLING, the act of...
selloffs 20 16 SELLOFF, the sale of...
sellouts 16 11 SELLOUT, a performan...
seltzers 18 18 SELTZER, (German) na...
selvaged 17 16 SELVAGE, to border a...
selvagee 16 15 an untwisted skein o...
selvages 17 15 SELVAGE, to border a...
selvedge 17 16 to border a fabric t...
semantic 17 15 of or relating to me...
semantra 13 12 SEMANTRON, (Greek) a...
semblant 17 16 (archaic) a likeness...
sembling 19 18 SEMBLE, to bring tog...
semester 14 11 (Latin) a period of...
semiarid 15 12 receiving between 10...
semibald 18 16 partly bald [adj]
semibold 18 16 a typeface between m...
semibull 20 17 a bull issued by a p...
semicoma 18 17 a coma from which a...
semideaf 16 15 partly deaf [adj]
semidome 15 15 a half dome [n -S]
semigala 16 14 an event similar to...
semihard 17 14 moderately hard [adj...
semihigh 21 17 moderately high [adj...
semihobo 18 16 a person having some...
semillon 16 14 a white grape grown...
semilune 15 14 (French) a half-moon...
semimatt 16 14 having a slight lust...
semimild 18 16 partly mild [adj]
semimute 16 15 a person who is part...
seminars 14 12 SEMINAR, an advanced...
seminary 20 14 a school for trainin...
seminate 13 12 to sow [v SEMINATED,...
seminoma 14 15 a malignant tumour o...
seminude 14 14 partly nude [adj]
semiopen 15 15 partly open [adj]
semioses 14 11 SEMIOSIS, a process...
semiosis 15 11 a process in which s...
semiotic 18 14 relating to signs or...
semioval 17 16 in the shape of half...
semipeds 17 15 SEMIPED, a half foot...
semipros 17 14 SEMIPRO, one who is...
semisoft 17 14 moderately soft [adj...
semitars 15 11 SEMITAR, (obsolete)...
semitaur 15 12 (obsolete) a curved...
semitist 16 11 a Semitic scholar [n...
semitone 13 12 half a tone, one of...
semiwild 20 16 somewhat wild [adj]
semolina 14 13 a granular product o...
semplest 18 15 SEMPLE, of humble bi...
semplice 21 18 (Italian) as a music...
sempster 17 14 a person who sews [n...
semuncia 17 16 (Latin) a Roman coin...
senaries 12 9 SENARY, a set of six...
senarius 13 10 a Greek or Latin ver...
senators 12 9 SENATOR, a member of...
sendable 15 14 able to be sent [adj...
sendings 14 13 SENDING, an act of d...
sendoffs 17 16 SENDOFF, a farewell...
senecios 15 12 SENECIO, any plant o...
senesced 15 13 SENESCE, to become o...
senesces 15 12 SENESCE, to become o...
sengreen 12 12 houseleek, a plant w...
senhoras 14 11 SENHORA, (Spanish) a...
senhores 14 11 SENHOR, (Spanish) a...
senilely 21 13 SENILE, deteriorated...
senility 21 12 mental and physical...
sennight 16 14 (archaic) the space...
senopias 14 12 SENOPIA, improvement...
senorita 12 9 (Spanish) a mode of...
sensated 12 10 SENSATE, to apprehen...
sensates 12 9 SENSATE, to apprehen...
senseful 16 14 full of sense; reaso...
sensible 16 13 something that can b...
sensibly 23 15 SENSIBLE, showing go...
sensilla 15 11 (Latin) in insects,...
sensings 14 12 SENSING, the act of...
sensisms 15 12 SENSISM, the doctrin...
sensists 14 9 SENSIST, one who ind...
sensoria 12 9 SENSORIUM, the area...
sensuous 13 11 pertaining to or der...
sentence 14 13 to declare judiciall...
sentient 12 10 capable of sensation...
sentimos 14 12 SENTIMO, a monetary...
sentinel 13 11 to stand guard [v SE...
sentries 13 9 SENTRY, the one who...
sepadded 15 14 SEPAD, to suppose, u...
sepaline 15 13 of the form of sepal...
sepalled 17 14 having one or more s...
sepalody 22 15 transformation into...
sepaloid 16 13 of the form of sepal...
sepalous 16 13 having sepals [adj]
separata 14 11 SEPARATUM, a separat...
separate 14 11 apart [adj SEPARATEL...
sepiment 16 15 a hedge [n -S]
sepiosts 16 11 SEPIOST, cuttlebone,...
seppukus 20 20 SEPPUKU, (Japanese)...
septages 16 13 SEPTAGE, the waste i...
septaria 15 11 SEPTARIUM, a nodule...
septette 15 11 a group of seven, al...
septical 20 15 having power to prom...
septimal 18 15 relating to seven [a...
septimes 17 14 SEPTIME, the seventh...
septleva 18 16 (French) in the game...
septoria 15 11 a type of fungus [n...
septuors 16 12 SEPTUOR, a group of...
septuple 19 16 to make seven times...
sequelae 21 19 SEQUELA, an abnormal...
sequence 23 22 to arrange in order...
sequency 30 24 the following of one...
sequents 21 19 SEQUENT, a follower...
sequined 21 20 SEQUIN, to apply shi...
sequitur 23 19 (Latin) something th...
sequoias 21 18 SEQUOIA, any of a ge...
serafile 16 12 men riding in the re...
serafins 15 12 SERAFIN, (Portuguese...
seraglio 15 11 a harem, also SERAIL...
seraphic 21 16 of or like a seraph,...
seraphim 19 16 in Christian theolog...
seraphin 17 14 (Portuguese) a forme...
serenade 11 10 (French) a piece of...
serenata 11 9 (Italian) a piece of...
serenate 11 9 to calm, make serene...
serenely 19 12 SERENE, calm, tranqu...
serenest 12 9 SERENE, calm, tranqu...
serening 13 12 SERENE, to tranquill...
serenity 19 11 the state of being s...
serfages 16 13 SERFAGE, the state o...
serfdoms 17 15 SERFDOM, the state o...
serfhood 17 14 the state of being a...
serflike 18 16 like a serf [adj]
serfship 21 16 the state of being a...
sergeant 13 11 a noncommissioned mi...
sergings 16 13 SERGING, a process o...
serially 22 12 SERIAL, in sequence...
seriated 13 9 SERIATE, to arrange...
seriates 13 8 SERIATE, to arrange...
seriatim 15 11 (Latin) one after an...
sericins 17 12 SERICIN, the gelatin...
sericite 17 11 a silky potash mica...
sericons 16 12 SERICON, a conjectur...
seriemas 14 11 SERIEMA, a large Sou...
seriffed 18 15 with a serif, a deco...
seringas 14 11 SERINGA, (Portuguese...
serjeant 14 18 a noncommissioned mi...
serkalis 16 13 SERKALI, (Swahili) i...
sermoned 13 13 SERMON, to preach a...
sermoner 13 12 a preacher; a sermon...
sermonet 13 12 a short sermon, also...
sermonic 17 15 like, or appropriate...
serology 21 13 the science of serum...
serosity 20 10 the state of being s...
serotine 12 9 a kind of bat, named...
serotiny 19 11 the condition of hav...
serotype 21 13 to classify accordin...
serovars 15 12 SEROVAR, a group of...
serpents 15 12 SERPENT, a snake [n]
serpigos 17 13 SERPIGO, a spreading...
serpulae 16 13 SERPULA, a member of...
serpulas 17 13 SERPULA, a member of...
serpulid 18 14 a marine worm that l...
serranid 13 10 a group of fish, sea...
serranos 12 9 SERRANO, (Spanish) a...
serrated 13 9 SERRATE, to supply w...
serrates 13 8 SERRATE, to supply w...
serratus 14 9 a muscle of the thor...
serrying 21 13 SERRY, to press clos...
seruewed 16 13 SERUEWE, (Spenser) t...
seruewes 16 12 SERUEWE, (Spenser) t...
servable 18 16 capable of being ser...
servants 15 13 SERVANT, to act as s...
servewed 18 16 SERVEWE, (Spenser) t...
servewes 18 15 SERVEWE, (Spenser) t...
serviced 19 16 SERVICE, to repair [...
servicer 19 15 one who services [n...
services 19 15 SERVICE, to repair [...
servient 15 13 subordinate [adj]
serviles 17 13 SERVILE, a servile p...
servings 17 15 SERVING, a portion o...
servitor 16 12 one who serves; a cl...
servlets 17 13 SERVLET, a small pro...
servqual 25 23 a marketing concept...
sesamoid 14 12 shaped like a sesame...
sessions 13 9 SESSION, a period of...
sesspool 16 12 a covered well or pi...
sesterce 16 11 (Latin) a Roman coin...
sestette 13 8 a group of six, a pi...
sestetto 13 8 a piece of music com...
sestetts 14 8 SESTETT, a piece of...
sestinas 13 9 SESTINA, (Italian) a...
sestines 13 9 SESTINE, an old vers...
setbacks 20 18 SETBACK, a defeat [n...
setenant 11 10 (French) in philatel...
setiform 17 14 having the form of a...
setlines 14 10 SETLINE, a strong fi...
setscrew 20 14 a type of screw [n -...
settered 13 9 SETTER, to treat wit...
settings 15 11 SETTING, the scenery...
settlers 15 9 SETTLER, one who set...
settling 16 12 the residue in the b...
settlors 15 9 SETTLOR, one who mak...
setuales 14 10 SETUALE, (Spenser) v...
setulose 14 10 covered with setae,...
setulous 15 11 having small bristle...
setwalls 19 13 SETWALL, valerian, a...
sevenths 17 15 SEVENTH, one of seve...
severals 16 13 SEVERAL, privately o...
severely 22 15 SEVERE, strict, hars...
severest 15 12 SEVERE, strict, hars...
severies 15 12 SEVERY, a compartmen...
severing 16 15 SEVER, to divide or...
severity 22 14 the state of being s...
seviches 21 17 SEVICHE, (Spanish) i...
sevrugas 17 15 SEVRUGA, (Russian) a...
sewellel 19 14 (Native American) th...
sewerage 16 13 the waste matter car...
sewering 17 14 the provision of sew...
sexfoils 23 19 SEXFOIL, a window, d...
sexiness 19 16 the state of being s...
sexology 27 20 the study of human s...
sexperts 22 18 SEXPERT, an expert i...
sextains 19 16 SEXTAIN, a stanza of...
sextants 19 16 SEXTANT, a navigatio...
sextarii 20 15 SEXTARIUS, (Latin) a...
sextette 19 15 a piece of music com...
sextetts 20 15 SEXTETT, a piece of...
sextiles 21 16 SEXTILE, the aspect...
sextings 21 18 SEXTING, the act of...
sextolet 20 16 a group of six notes...
sextuors 20 16 SEXTUOR, a group of...
sextuple 23 20 sixfold [adj SEXTUPL...
sextuply 30 22 in Scots law, to off...
sexually 28 20 SEXUAL, pertaining t...
seysures 20 11 SEYSURE, (Shakespear...
sforzati 19 20 SFORZATO, (Italian)...
sforzato 18 20 (Italian) a suddenly...
sfumatos 17 15 SFUMATO, (Italian) a...
shabbier 20 16 SHABBY, not smart [a...
shabbily 28 19 SHABBY, not smart [a...
shabbles 21 17 SHABBLE, (Scots) an...
shabrack 22 20 (historical) a troop...
shackier 20 17 SHACKY, dilapidated...
shacking 21 20 SHACK, to avoid resp...
shackled 21 19 SHACKLE, to confine...
shackler 21 18 one who shackles [n...
shackles 21 18 SHACKLE, to confine...
shackoes 19 17 SHACKO, (Hungarian)...
shadblow 22 18 an American rosaceou...
shadbush 21 17 an American rosaceou...
shadchan 20 17 a Jewish marriage br...
shaddock 20 19 a grapefruit-like tr...
shadiest 16 11 SHADY, full of shade...
shadings 17 14 SHADING, protection...
shadkhan 18 18 (Hebrew) a Jewish ma...
shadoofs 17 14 SHADOOF, (Arabic) a...
shadowed 18 15 SHADOW, to make dark...
shadower 18 14 one who shadows [n -...
shadrach 21 16 a mass of iron on wh...
shafters 18 13 SHAFTER, a shaft-hor...
shafting 19 16 a system of rods for...
shagbark 20 19 a rough-barked speci...
shaggers 18 14 SHAGGER, (vulgar sla...
shaggier 18 14 SHAGGY, covered with...
shaggily 26 17 SHAGGY, covered with...
shagging 19 17 SHAG, to make shaggy...
shagpile 20 16 of carpets, having a...
shagreen 15 13 the rough skin of ce...
shagroon 15 13 (Irish) an early set...
shahadah 19 15 (Arabic) the Muslim...
shahadas 17 13 SHAHADA, (Arabic) th...
shahdoms 19 16 SHAHDOM, the territo...
shaheeds 17 13 SHAHEED, (Arabic) a...
shaitans 15 11 SHAITAN, (Arabic) an...
shakable 19 18 that can be shaken,...
shakeout 16 15 a minor economic rec...
shakeups 19 18 SHAKEUP, a total reo...
shakiest 17 14 SHAKY, shaking [adj]
shakings 18 17 SHAKING, the act of...
shakudos 17 16 SHAKUDO, (Japanese)...
shaliest 17 11 SHALY, resembling sh...
shallons 17 13 SHALLON, an evergree...
shalloon 16 13 a light woollen fabr...
shallops 20 15 SHALLOP, a light riv...
shallots 18 12 SHALLOT, an onion wi...
shallows 21 15 SHALLOW, to become s...
shalwars 20 14 SHALWAR, (Urdu) loos...
shamable 19 17 capable of being sha...
shamably 26 19 SHAMABLE, capable of...
shamanic 19 17 pertaining to a sham...
shambled 20 18 SHAMBLE, to walk awk...
shambles 20 17 SHAMBLE, to walk awk...
shameful 20 18 disgraceful [adj SHA...
shamiana 15 14 (Hindi) in India, a...
shaminas 16 14 SHAMINA, a wool blen...
shamisen 16 14 (Japanese) a banjo-l...
shammash 20 18 (Yiddish) a minor of...
shammers 18 16 SHAMMER, one who sha...
shammied 18 17 SHAMMY, to prepare l...
shammies 18 16 SHAMMY, to prepare l...
shamming 19 19 SHAM, to feign [v]
shamosim 18 16 SHAMOS, (Yiddish) a...
shamoyed 22 16 SHAMOY, to prepare s...
shampoos 18 16 SHAMPOO, to wash wit...
shamrock 21 20 a trifoliate leaf or...
shamuses 17 14 SHAMUS, (US slang) a...
shandies 15 12 SHANDY, a mixture of...
shanghai 18 15 to kidnap for servic...
shanking 17 18 SHANK, to hit sharpl...
shannies 14 12 SHANNY, a small mari...
shanteys 21 13 SHANTEY, a song sung...
shanties 15 11 SHANTY, a song sung...
shantihs 18 13 SHANTIH, (Sanskrit)...
shantung 16 15 (Chinese) a plain ro...
shapable 20 17 that may be shaped,...
shapened 16 15 SHAPEN, to shape [v]
shapeups 20 17 SHAPEUP, a method of...
shapings 19 16 SHAPING, the act of...
sharable 18 14 that can be shared,...
shareman 15 14 a fisherman who shar...
sharemen 15 14 SHAREMAN, a fisherma...
shariahs 18 12 SHARIAH, (Turkish) t...
shariats 16 10 SHARIAT, (Turkish) t...
sharings 17 13 SHARING, the act of...
sharkers 17 14 SHARKER, one who liv...
sharking 18 17 trickery, deception...
sharkish 20 16 behaving like a shar...
sharnier 15 11 SHARNY, like cow-dun...
sharnies 15 11 SHARNY, a person res...
sharpens 17 14 SHARPEN, to make sha...
sharpers 18 13 SHARPER, a cheat or...
sharpest 18 13 SHARP, keen, acute [...
sharpies 18 13 SHARPIE, a flat-bott...
sharping 19 16 raising a note in mu...
sharpish 21 15 somewhat sharp [adj]
shashing 19 15 SHASH, to provide wi...
shashlik 21 17 (Russian) a type of...
shasliks 19 15 SHASLIK, (Russian) a...
shasters 16 10 SHASTER, (Sanskrit)...
shastras 16 10 SHASTRA, (Sanskrit)...
shatoosh 17 12 (Persian) a fine woo...
shatters 16 10 SHATTER, to break in...
shattery 22 12 brittle [adj]
shauchle 22 17 (Scots) to shuffle [...
shauchly 29 19 shuffling [adj SHAUC...
shauling 18 15 SHAUL, to become sha...
shavable 20 18 capable of being sha...
shavings 19 17 SHAVING, something s...
shawarma 19 16 (Arabic) a sandwich...
shawleys 26 16 SHAWLEY, in Ireland,...
shawlies 20 14 SHAWLIE, in Ireland,...
shawling 21 17 the wearing of a sha...
sheading 16 14 an administrative di...
sheafier 17 13 SHEAFY, like sheafs...
sheafing 18 16 SHEAF, to gather int...
shealing 17 14 a rough hut near sum...
shearers 15 10 SHEARER, one who she...
shearing 16 13 the act of cutting w...
shearleg 17 13 one of the spars of...
shearman 15 14 a textile worker [n...
shearmen 15 14 SHEARMAN, a textile...
sheathed 17 13 SHEATHE, to put into...
sheather 17 12 one who sheathes [n...
sheathes 17 12 SHEATHE, to put into...
sheaving 18 17 SHEAVE, to gather in...
shebangs 18 16 SHEBANG, a situation...
shebeans 16 14 SHEBEAN, a place whe...
shebeens 16 14 SHEBEEN, to operate...
shechita 21 15 (Hebrew) the slaught...
shedable 18 15 capable of being cas...
shedders 16 12 SHEDDER, one that ca...
shedding 17 15 the act of casting o...
shedfuls 20 16 SHEDFUL, the content...
shedhand 17 15 a person who works i...
shedlike 18 16 resembling a small,...
shedload 16 13 a large amount [n -S...
sheeling 17 14 SHEEL, (Shakespeare)...
sheeneys 20 13 SHEENEY, a Jew, a pa...
sheenful 18 16 shining [adj]
sheenier 14 11 SHEENY, bright, shin...
sheenies 14 11 SHEENIE, a Jew, a pa...
sheening 15 14 SHEEN, to shine, hav...
sheepcot 20 16 a small enclosure fo...
sheepdog 18 16 a dog trained in the...
sheepier 17 13 SHEEPY, sheeplike [a...
sheepish 20 15 embarrassed [adj SHE...
sheepman 17 17 a man who raises she...
sheepmen 17 17 SHEEPMAN, a man who...
sheerest 15 10 SHEER, utter [adj]
sheering 16 13 SHEER, to swerve, to...
sheerleg 17 13 one of the spars of...
sheeshas 17 12 SHEESHA, (Urdu) a ki...
sheeters 15 10 SHEETER, one that sh...
sheetfed 17 14 pertaining to a type...
sheetier 15 10 SHEETY, like sheets...
sheeting 16 13 cloth for sheets [n...
shehitah 20 14 (Hebrew) the slaught...
shehitas 18 12 SHEHITA, (Hebrew) th...
shehnais 17 13 SHEHNAI, (Bengali) a...
sheikdom 18 18 the domain of a shei...
sheikhas 19 16 SHEIKHA, (Arabic) th...
sheiling 18 14 a rough hut near sum...
sheitans 15 11 SHEITAN, (Arabic) an...
sheitels 17 11 SHEITEL, (Yiddish) a...
shekalim 19 18 SHEKEL, (Hebrew) the...
shekelim 19 18 SHEKEL, (Hebrew) the...
shelduck 22 20 a large duck of genu...
shelfful 23 19 as much as a shelf c...
shelfier 19 14 SHELFY, abounding in...
shelfing 20 17 SHELF, to put on a s...
shellack 22 19 to cover with a thin...
shellacs 21 15 SHELLAC, to cover wi...
shellers 18 12 SHELLER, one who she...
shellful 22 17 enough to fill a she...
shellier 18 12 SHELLY, abounding in...
shelling 19 15 the act of shelling...
shelters 17 11 SHELTER, to provide...
sheltery 23 13 giving shelter [adj]
shelties 17 11 SHELTIE, a small, sh...
shelvers 19 15 SHELVER, a person em...
shelvier 19 15 SHELVY, having sandb...
shelving 20 18 material for shelves...
shemales 17 14 SHEMALE, a person, b...
shending 16 15 SHEND, (archaic) to...
shepherd 20 16 to watch over carefu...
sheqalim 26 23 SHEQEL, an ancient u...
sherangs 16 13 SHERANG, (Australian...
sherbert 18 13 a frozen fruit-flavo...
sherbets 18 13 SHERBET, a frozen fr...
shereefs 17 13 SHEREEF, a descendan...
sheriats 16 10 SHERIAT, (Turkish) t...
sheriffs 21 16 SHERIFF, a law-enfor...
sherlock 21 18 to investigate (some...
sheroots 15 10 SHEROOT, a square-cu...
sherried 16 11 cooked or flavoured...
sherries 16 10 SHERRY, a fortified...
sherwani 18 14 (Hindi) in India, a...
shetland 16 13 a lightweight loosel...
shetting 17 13 SHET, (dialect) to s...
sheuched 21 17 SHEUCH, to plant tem...
sheughed 19 16 SHEUGH, (Scots) to p...
shiatsus 17 11 SHIATSU, (Japanese)...
shiatzus 20 20 SHIATZU, (Japanese)...
shickers 21 17 SHICKER, (Australian...
shicksas 21 17 SHICKSA, (Yiddish) a...
shidders 17 12 SHIDDER, (Spenser) a...
shidduch 23 18 (Judaism) an arrange...
shielded 17 13 SHIELD, to protect f...
shielder 17 12 one who shields [n -...
shieling 18 14 a rough hut near sum...
shifters 19 13 SHIFTER, one who shi...
shiftier 19 13 SHIFTY, evasive [adj...
shiftily 27 16 SHIFTY, evasive [adv...
shifting 20 16 the act of shifting...
shigella 19 14 a rod-shaped bacteri...
shiitake 17 14 (Japanese) a large d...
shikaras 17 14 SHIKARA, (Hindi) a l...
shikaree 16 14 (Urdu) a hunter, esp...
shikaris 18 14 SHIKARI, (Urdu) a hu...
shikkers 19 18 SHIKKER, (Australian...
shiksehs 20 16 SHIKSEH, (Yiddish) a...
shilingi 19 14 a monetary unit of T...
shillala 19 13 (Irish) an Irish cud...
shilling 20 15 a former monetary un...
shimaals 18 14 SHIMAAL, (Arabic) in...
shimmers 19 16 SHIMMER, to glimmer...
shimmery 25 18 glistening [adj SHIM...
shimmeys 25 18 SHIMMEY, a chemise [...
shimmied 19 17 SHIMMY, to dance the...
shimmies 19 16 SHIMMY, to dance the...
shimming 20 19 SHIM, to adjust by u...
shinbone 16 15 the tibia [n -S]
shindies 16 12 SHINDY, a commotion,...
shindigs 18 14 SHINDIG, a lively no...
shingled 18 15 SHINGLE, to cover wi...
shingler 18 14 a person who shingle...
shingles 18 14 SHINGLE, to cover wi...
shiniest 16 11 SHINY, filled with l...
shinkins 17 16 SHINKIN, (Welsh) a w...
shinleaf 18 15 a perennial herb [n...
shinnery 21 14 a dense growth of sm...
shinneys 21 14 SHINNEY, to play a f...
shinnied 15 13 SHINNY, to climb by...
shinnies 15 12 SHINNY, to climb by...
shinning 16 15 SHIN, to climb by gr...
shinolas 16 12 SHINOLA, (trade) a k...
shintied 16 12 SHINTY, to play shin...
shinties 16 11 SHINTY, to play shin...
shipfuls 23 18 SHIPFUL, a ship with...
shiplaps 22 17 SHIPLAP, an arrangem...
shipless 20 14 without a ship [adj]
shipload 19 15 a ship with a full c...
shipmate 19 16 a fellow sailor [n -...
shipment 19 17 something that is sh...
shippens 20 17 SHIPPEN, a cowshed,...
shippers 21 16 SHIPPER, a person or...
shippies 21 16 SHIPPIE, a prostitut...
shipping 22 19 the business of one...
shippons 20 17 SHIPPON, a cowshed,...
shipside 19 14 the area alongside a...
shiptime 20 16 the annual arrival o...
shipways 28 18 SHIPWAY, a sliding w...
shipworm 23 19 a wormlike mollusc,...
shipyard 25 16 a place where ships...
shiralee 16 11 (Australian slang) a...
shirazes 19 19 SHIRAZ, (Persian) a...
shireman 16 14 a law-enforcement of...
shiremen 16 14 SHIREMAN, a law-enfo...
shirkers 18 14 SHIRKER, one who shi...
shirking 19 17 SHIRK, to avoid work...
shirring 18 13 a puckered arrangeme...
shirtier 17 10 SHIRTY, irritable, a...
shirtily 25 13 SHIRTY, irritable, a...
shirting 18 13 fabric used for maki...
shitakes 17 14 SHITAKE, (Japanese)...
shitbags 20 15 SHITBAG, an unpleasa...
shitcans 19 14 SHITCAN, to discard...
shitface 21 16 a contemptible perso...
shithead 18 13 an unpleasant person...
shitheel 19 13 a contemptible perso...
shithole 19 13 a filthy place [n -S...
shitless 18 11 very frightened, as...
shitlist 19 11 a blacklist of peopl...
shitload 17 12 (slang) a lot [n -S]
shittahs 19 12 SHITTAH, (Hebrew) a...
shitters 17 10 SHITTER, (slang) a t...
shittier 17 10 SHITTY, very unpleas...
shittily 25 13 SHITTY, very unpleas...
shittims 19 13 SHITTIM, (Hebrew) th...
shitting 18 13 SHIT, to defecate [v...
shitwork 21 17 work considered to b...
shivaree 17 14 to perform a mock se...
shivered 18 15 SHIVER, to tremble w...
shiverer 18 14 one who shivers [n -...
shivitis 20 14 SHIVITI, a plaque wi...
shivving 22 21 SHIV [v]
shizzles 24 29 SHIZZLE, a form of s...
shkotzim 22 26 SHEGETZ, (Yiddish) a...
shlemiel 19 15 (Yiddish) an unlucky...
shlepped 21 18 SHLEPP, (Yiddish) to...
shlepper 21 17 (Yiddish) an incompe...
shloshim 21 16 (Judaism) the period...
shlumped 21 19 SHLUMP, (Yiddish) to...
shmaltzy 28 25 characterized by sch...
shmattes 17 13 SHMATTE, (Yiddish) c...
shmeared 16 14 SHMEAR, (Yiddish) to...
shmeered 16 14 SHMEER, to bribe, al...
shmoosed 16 14 SHMOOSE, (Yiddish) t...
shmooses 16 13 SHMOOSE, (Yiddish) t...
shmoozed 19 23 SHMOOZE, (Yiddish) t...
shmoozer 19 22 one who shmoozes, al...
shmoozes 19 22 SHMOOZE, (Yiddish) t...
shnorrer 15 11 (Yiddish) a beggar,...
shoalest 16 11 SHOAL, shallow, also...
shoalier 16 11 SHOALY, full of shal...
shoaling 17 14 a shallow area of wa...
shochets 21 15 SHOCHET, (Hebrew) a...
shockers 20 17 SHOCKER, one that sh...
shocking 21 20 SHOCK, to outrage fe...
shoddier 16 12 SHODDY, of poor qual...
shoddies 16 12 SHODDY, woollen fibr...
shoddily 24 15 SHODDY, of poor qual...
shoebill 20 15 a large African wadi...
shoehorn 16 13 to force into a smal...
shoeings 16 13 SHOEING, the act of...
shoelace 18 14 a lace for fastening...
shoeless 16 11 without shoes [adj]
shoepack 21 20 a waterproof boot, a...
shoepacs 20 16 SHOEPAC, a waterproo...
shoetree 14 10 a device for prevent...
shofroth 20 15 SHOFAR, a horn blown...
shogging 19 17 SHOG, to move along...
shoggled 19 16 SHOGGLE, (Scots) to...
shoggles 19 15 SHOGGLE, (Scots) to...
shogunal 17 15 relating to a shogun...
shoneens 13 12 SHONEEN, (Irish) an...
shonkier 16 15 SHONKY, (Australian...
shoogied 16 13 SHOOGIE, (Scots) to...
shoogies 16 12 SHOOGIE, (Scots) to...
shoogled 17 14 SHOOGLE, (Scots) to...
shoogles 17 13 SHOOGLE, (Scots) to...
shooling 17 14 SHOOL, (dialect) to...
shooshed 17 13 SHOOSH, to move with...
shooshes 17 12 SHOOSH, to move with...
shooters 15 10 SHOOTER, one who sho...
shooties 15 10 SHOOTIE, a fashionab...
shooting 16 13 the act of one that...
shootist 16 10 a skilled marksman [...
shootout 15 11 a battle fought with...
shopbots 20 16 SHOPBOT, a website t...
shopboys 26 18 SHOPBOY, a boy emplo...
shopfuls 22 18 SHOPFUL, as much as...
shopgirl 21 16 a salesgirl [n -S]
shophars 20 15 SHOPHAR, (Hebrew) a...
shopless 19 14 having no stores [ad...
shoplift 22 17 to steal goods from...
shoppers 20 16 SHOPPER, one who sho...
shoppier 20 16 SHOPPY, abounding wi...
shoppies 20 16 SHOPPY, a shop assis...
shopping 21 19 the activity of visi...
shoptalk 20 18 conversation concern...
shopworn 20 17 showing wear from be...
shoreman 15 14 one who dwells on or...
shoremen 15 14 SHOREMAN, one who dw...
shorings 17 13 SHORING, a system of...
shortage 16 12 an insufficient supp...
shortarm 17 13 using a bent arm [ad...
shortcut 20 14 to take a shorter or...
shortens 15 11 SHORTEN, to check or...
shortest 16 10 SHORT, having little...
shortias 16 10 SHORTIA, a perennial...
shorties 16 10 SHORTY, (colloquial)...
shorting 17 13 SHORT, to cause a ty...
shortish 19 12 somewhat short [adj]
shotguns 17 14 SHOTGUN, to shoot wi...
shothole 18 13 a hole drilled in a...
shotting 17 13 SHOT, to load with s...
shottles 17 11 SHOTTLE, (Scots) a s...
shoulder 17 13 to assume the burden...
shouldst 18 13 SHALL, used as an au...
shouters 16 11 SHOUTER, one who sho...
shouther 18 13 (Scots) to assume th...
shoutier 16 11 SHOUTY, prone to sho...
shouting 17 14 loud [adj SHOUTINGLY...
shoutout 16 12 a public greeting, e...
shoveled 18 16 SHOVEL, to use a dig...
shoveler 18 15 a kind of duck with...
shovings 19 17 SHOVING, the act of...
showable 21 17 able to be shown [ad...
showboat 20 16 to show off [v -ED,...
showcase 21 16 to show something of...
showding 20 17 SHOWD, (Scots) to ro...
showdown 21 18 an event that causes...
showered 18 14 SHOWER, to bathe in...
showerer 18 13 one who showers [n -...
showghes 22 17 SHOWGHE, (Shakespear...
showgirl 22 16 a chorus girl [n -S]
showgoer 19 15 one who goes to show...
showiest 19 13 SHOWY, making a bril...
showings 20 16 SHOWING, a exhibitio...
showjump 25 29 to take part in a sh...
showoffs 23 19 SHOWOFF, one given t...
showring 20 16 a ring where animals...
showroom 19 16 a room used for the...
showtime 20 16 the time at which an...
showyard 25 16 a yard for cattle sh...
shraddha 18 14 (Sanskrit) an offeri...
shrapnel 18 15 fragments from an ex...
shredded 16 13 SHRED, to cut into f...
shredder 16 12 a machine that shred...
shreeked 16 15 SHREEK, (Shakespeare...
shreiked 17 15 SHREIK, (Milton) to...
shrewder 19 14 SHREWD, having keen...
shrewdie 19 14 (Australian slang) a...
shrewdly 27 17 SHREWD, having keen...
shrewing 20 16 SHREW, (Shakespeare)...
shrewish 22 15 ill-tempered [adj SH...
shrieked 17 15 SHRIEK, to utter a s...
shrieker 17 14 one who shrieks [n -...
shrieval 19 15 relating to a sherif...
shrieved 18 15 SHRIEVE, to hear a c...
shrieves 18 14 SHRIEVE, to hear a c...
shrights 21 14 SHRIGHT, (Spenser) a...
shriking 19 17 SHRIKE, to shriek, a...
shrilled 19 13 SHRILL, to utter a h...
shriller 19 12 SHRILL, having a hig...
shrimped 20 17 SHRIMP, to catch sma...
shrimper 20 16 a fisher of shrimp [...
shrining 17 14 SHRINE, to place on...
shrinker 17 15 one who shrinks [n -...
shrivels 20 15 SHRIVEL, to contract...
shrivers 19 14 SHRIVER, one who shr...
shriving 20 17 the act of shriving...
shroffed 20 17 SHROFF, to test coin...
shroomed 16 14 SHROOM, to take magi...
shroomer 16 13 one who takes magic...
shrouded 16 13 SHROUD, to attire in...
shroving 19 17 SHROVE, to celebrate...
shrowing 20 16 SHROW, (Shakespeare)...
shrubbed 21 18 SHRUB, to lop; to cu...
shrugged 19 16 SHRUG, to raise and...
shrunken 16 17 SHRINK, to contract...
shtetels 17 11 SHTETEL, (Yiddish) f...
shtupped 21 18 SHTUP, (Yiddish) to...
shuckers 21 18 SHUCKER, something o...
shucking 22 21 the act of one that...
shudders 17 13 SHUDDER, to shiver o...
shuddery 23 15 shuddering [adj]
shuffled 22 19 SHUFFLE, to walk wit...
shuffler 22 18 one who shuffles [n...
shuffles 22 18 SHUFFLE, to walk wit...
shufties 19 14 SHUFTY, (colloquial)...
shuggies 19 15 SHUGGY, (dialect) a...
shunless 17 13 (Shakespeare) not to...
shunners 15 13 SHUNNER, one who shu...
shunning 16 16 SHUN, to avoid [v]
shunpike 19 19 to travel on sideroa...
shunters 16 12 SHUNTER, an engine u...
shunting 17 15 the act of shunting...
shuriken 17 16 (Japanese) a handhel...
shushers 19 13 SHUSHER, one who shu...
shushing 20 16 SHUSH, to hush [v]
shutdown 19 16 a temporary closing...
shuteyes 22 13 SHUTEYE, (colloquial...
shutoffs 21 17 SHUTOFF, a device th...
shutouts 17 12 SHUTOUT, at bridge,...
shutters 17 11 SHUTTER, to provide...
shutting 18 14 SHUT, to close, also...
shuttled 18 13 SHUTTLE, to move bac...
shuttler 18 12 one who uses a shutt...
shuttles 18 12 SHUTTLE, to move bac...
shvartze 21 23 (Yiddish) a black pe...
shvitzed 22 24 SHVITZ, (Yiddish) to...
shvitzes 22 23 SHVITZ, (Yiddish) to...
shwanpan 19 18 (Chinese) a Chinese...
shweshwe 24 18 (South African) an A...
shylocks 28 20 SHYLOCK, to lend mon...
shysters 23 12 SHYSTER, an unscrupu...
sialidan 14 11 an alderfly, also SI...
siamangs 15 14 SIAMANG, (Malay) a l...
siamesed 14 12 SIAMESE, to join pip...
siameses 14 11 SIAMESE, to join pip...
siamezed 17 21 SIAMEZE, to join pip...
siamezes 17 20 SIAMEZE, to join pip...
sibilant 17 13 hissing, also SIBILO...
sibilate 17 12 to pronounce (words)...
sibilous 18 13 having a hissing sou...
siblings 19 15 SIBLING, one who has...
sibships 22 16 SIBSHIP, kinship [n]
sibyllic 29 18 of or like a sibyl,...
sicarios 17 11 SICARIO, (Spanish) a...
sichting 21 16 SICHT, (Scots) to si...
sickbays 27 20 SICKBAY, a ship's ho...
sickbeds 21 19 SICKBED, a sick pers...
sickened 17 17 SICKEN, to make sick...
sickener 17 16 a poisonous toadstoo...
sickerly 26 18 SICKER, (Scots) sure...
sicklied 20 17 SICKLY, to make sick...
sicklier 20 16 SICKLY, in poor heal...
sicklies 20 16 SICKLY, to make sick...
sicklily 28 19 SICKLY, in poor heal...
sickling 21 19 SICKLE, to harvest w...
sickness 18 16 the state of being s...
sickouts 19 16 SICKOUT, an organize...
sickroom 19 18 a room occupied by a...
sidalcea 17 13 a plant of the marro...
siddurim 17 14 SIDDUR, (Hebrew) a J...
sidearms 15 12 SIDEARM [n]
sideband 15 14 a band of radio freq...
sidebars 16 12 SIDEBAR, a short new...
sidebone 14 13 ossification of the...
sideburn 16 14 either of two strips...
sidecars 17 12 SIDECAR, a passenger...
sidehill 19 13 the side or slope of...
sidekick 20 20 a partner [n -S]
sideless 15 10 without sides [adj]
sideline 14 11 to remove a player f...
sideling 16 13 a slope (esp. on the...
sidelock 19 17 a lock of hair at th...
sidelong 15 13 directed to one side...
sidemeat 14 12 meat cut from the si...
sidenote 12 10 a comment written in...
sidepath 18 14 a byway or sidewalk...
siderate 13 9 to blast or strike [...
sidereal 14 10 relating to the star...
siderite 14 9 a carbonate of iron,...
sideroad 13 10 a byroad [n -S]
sideshow 19 14 a small show offered...
sideslip 18 13 to slip to one side...
sidesman 14 13 a deputy churchwarde...
sidesmen 14 13 SIDESMAN, a deputy c...
sidespin 16 13 a type of spin impar...
sidestep 16 12 to step to one side...
sidewalk 19 17 the pavement [n -S]
sidewall 19 14 the side portion of...
sideward 17 13 in a sideways direct...
sideways 23 14 towards or from one...
sidewise 17 12 toward or on one sid...
sienites 13 9 SIENITE, a coarse-gr...
sierozem 17 20 (Russian) a type of...
sieverts 16 12 SIEVERT, the SI unit...
siffleur 20 16 (French) a (male) pr...
siffling 21 18 SIFFLE, to whistle,...
siftings 18 14 SIFTING, the act of...
siganids 15 12 SIGANID, any of a fa...
sighings 19 15 SIGHING, making a so...
sighless 19 13 uttering no sighs [a...
sighlike 20 17 resembling a sigh [a...
sighters 18 12 SIGHTER, (Scots) an...
sighting 19 15 an observation [n -S...
sightsaw 21 15 SIGHTSEE, to view pl...
sightsee 17 12 to view places of in...
sigisbei 18 13 SIGISBEO, (Italian)...
sigisbeo 17 13 (Italian) a professe...
sigmated 16 14 SIGMATE, to add a si...
sigmates 16 13 SIGMATE, to add a si...
sigmatic 20 16 characterized by a s...
sigmoids 17 14 SIGMOID, an S-shaped...
signable 17 15 able to be signed [a...
signages 15 13 SIGNAGE, a system of...
signaled 15 13 SIGNAL, to make a si...
signaler 15 12 (US) one who signals...
signally 23 15 SIGNAL, notable [adv...
signeted 14 12 SIGNET, to mark with...
signieur 15 12 (Shakespeare) a lord...
signings 16 14 SIGNING, the use of...
signiori 15 11 SIGNOR, an Italian t...
signiors 15 11 SIGNOR, an Italian t...
signiory 21 13 the power of a seign...
signless 16 12 without signs [adj]
signoras 14 11 SIGNORA, an Italian...
signores 14 11 SIGNORE, an Italian...
signoria 14 11 (Italian) the govern...
signpost 17 14 to provide with post...
sikorsky 23 18 a helicopter [n SIKO...
silaging 17 14 SILAGE, to harvest a...
silastic 19 12 a flexible silicone...
silenced 17 14 SILENCE, to make qui...
silencer 17 13 one that silences [n...
silences 17 13 SILENCE, to make qui...
silenter 14 10 SILENT, without soun...
silently 22 13 SILENT, without soun...
silesias 15 9 SILESIA, a thin twil...
silicate 18 12 to combine with sili...
silicide 19 13 a silicon compound [...
silicify 28 17 to convert into sili...
silicium 21 16 the original name of...
silicles 20 13 SILICLE, a seed vess...
silicone 17 13 any of a number of e...
silicons 18 13 SILICON, a nonmetall...
silicula 20 14 (Latin) a seed vesse...
silicule 20 14 a seed vessel resemb...
siliquae 23 19 SILIQUA, a type of d...
siliquas 24 19 SILIQUA, a type of d...
siliques 24 19 SILIQUE, a type of d...
silkened 15 15 SILKEN, to make soft...
silkiest 17 13 SILKY, resembling si...
silklike 19 18 like silk [adj]
silktail 18 14 a bird, a kind of wa...
silkweed 19 17 another name for the...
silkworm 21 19 the larva of the Chi...
sillabub 21 17 a frothy dish of cre...
silladar 16 11 (Urdu) an irregular...
sillibub 22 17 a frothy dish of cre...
silliest 17 10 SILLY, showing a lac...
sillocks 21 17 SILLOCK, (Scots) a y...
siloxane 19 17 any of various polym...
silphium 22 18 a plant imported by...
siltiest 16 9 SILTY, full of silt...
silurian 15 11 formed in the third...
silurids 17 11 SILURID, any of a fa...
silurist 17 10 a member of the anci...
siluroid 16 11 any of a family of c...
silvatic 21 16 pertaining to the fo...
silvered 17 14 SILVER, to cover wit...
silverer 17 13 one who silvers [n -...
silverly 25 16 with a silvery appea...
silvexes 23 20 SILVEX, a herbicide...
silvical 22 17 relating to silvics,...
simarres 15 11 SIMARRE, (French) a...
simaruba 17 15 a tropical American...
simazine 17 21 an organic herbicide...
similise 17 12 to liken, also SIMIL...
similize 20 21 to liken, also SIMIL...
similors 17 12 SIMILOR, an alloy of...
simitars 16 11 SIMITAR, a curved or...
simmered 16 15 SIMMER, to cook just...
simoleon 14 13 (US slang) a dollar...
simoniac 17 15 one who practices si...
simonies 14 12 SIMONY, the buying a...
simonise 14 12 to polish with wax,...
simonist 15 12 one who practices si...
simonize 17 21 to polish with wax,...
simpered 17 15 SIMPER, to smirk in...
simperer 17 14 one who simpers [n -...
simpkins 19 19 SIMPKIN, an Urdu cor...
simplers 19 15 SIMPLER, (archaic) o...
simplest 19 15 SIMPLE, straightforw...
simplify 28 20 to make simple [v SI...
simpling 20 18 the act of gathering...
simplism 21 18 affected simplicity...
simplist 20 15 (archaic) one skille...
simulant 16 14 a simulator [n -S]
simulars 17 13 SIMULAR, one that si...
simulate 16 13 to take on the appea...
simulium 19 17 a small black bloods...
simurghs 20 16 SIMURGH, (Persian) a...
sinapism 17 15 a mustard-plaster [n...
sincerer 16 12 SINCERE, free from h...
sinciput 20 16 (Latin) the forehead...
sindings 15 13 the act of rinsing [...
sinecure 16 13 a position that requ...
sinewier 16 12 SINEWY, lean and mus...
sinewing 17 15 SINEW, to bind as if...
sinfonia 14 13 (Italian) a symphony...
sinfonie 14 13 SINFONIA, (Italian)...
sinfully 25 17 SINFUL, tainted with...
singable 17 15 able to be sung [adj...
singeing 15 14 SINGE, to burn sligh...
singings 16 14 SINGING, the act of...
singlets 16 12 SINGLET, a man's und...
singling 17 15 the act of singling...
singsong 15 14 a ballad; jingly ver...
singular 16 13 not plural; strange...
singults 17 13 SINGULT, (archaic) a...
sinicise 17 12 to modify by Chinese...
sinicize 20 21 to modify by Chinese...
sinister 14 9 threatening or porte...
sinkable 17 17 able to be sunk [adj...
sinkages 15 15 SINKAGE, the act of...
sinkfuls 19 18 SINKFUL, the content...
sinkhole 17 16 a natural depression...
sinkiest 15 13 SINKY, yielding unde...
sinkings 16 16 SINKING, the act of...
sinnered 12 11 SINNER, to transgres...
sinology 21 14 the study of Chinese...
sinopias 15 12 SINOPIA, (Latin) a r...
sinopite 15 12 an iron ore, from wh...
sintered 13 10 SINTER, to make cohe...
sinuated 13 11 SINUATE, to curve in...
sinuates 13 10 SINUATE, to curve in...
sinuitis 15 10 inflammation of a si...
sinusoid 14 11 a curve having the f...
siphonal 18 15 pertaining to a siph...
siphoned 17 15 SIPHON, to draw off...
siphonet 17 14 an aphid's honeydew...
siphonic 21 17 pertaining to a siph...
sippable 21 18 capable of being sip...
sippling 21 18 SIPPLE, to sip at le...
sirenian 12 10 any of an order of a...
sirenise 13 9 to bewitch, also SIR...
sirenize 16 18 to bewitch, also SIR...
sirgangs 16 13 SIRGANG, a green Asi...
siriases 14 8 SIRIASIS, sunstroke...
siriasis 15 8 sunstroke [n SIRIASE...
sirloins 15 10 SIRLOIN, a loin of b...
sirnamed 14 13 SIRNAME, to give the...
sirnames 14 12 SIRNAME, to give the...
siroccos 20 14 SIROCCO, (Italian) a...
sironise 13 9 to use a particular...
sironize 16 18 to use a particular...
sirtuins 15 10 SIRTUIN, any of a gr...
sirupier 17 12 SIRUPY, like sirup [...
siruping 18 15 SIRUP, to make into...
sirvente 15 13 (French) a (usually...
siserary 20 10 a scolding; a blow,...
sissiest 15 8 SISSY, effeminate, a...
sissyish 24 12 resembling a sissy [...
sistered 14 9 SISTER, to treat lik...
sisterly 22 11 resembling a sister...
sistroid 15 9 shaped like a sistru...
sistrums 17 12 SISTRUM, a kind of r...
sitarist 15 8 one who plays the si...
sitellas 16 10 SITELLA, a small bla...
sitfasts 17 11 SITFAST, a lump on a...
sithence 18 14 (Shakespeare) since;...
sitkamer 16 15 (Afrikaans) a sittin...
sitology 22 13 the science of nutri...
sittella 16 10 a small black-and-wh...
sittines 14 9 SITTINE, any of the...
sittings 16 11 SITTING, a meeting o...
situated 14 10 SITUATE, to place in...
situates 14 9 SITUATE, to place in...
sitzmark 20 24 (German) a mark in t...
siwashed 19 14 SIWASH, to camp out...
siwashes 19 13 SIWASH, to camp out...
sixaines 19 16 SIXAINE, a stanza of...
sixpence 24 22 an obsolete British...
sixpenny 27 22 a coin worth six pen...
sixscore 23 18 one hundred and twen...
sixteens 19 16 SIXTEEN, a number [n...
sixtieth 23 17 one of sixty equal p...
sixtyish 30 19 being about sixty ye...
sizeable 19 21 quite large, also SI...
sizeably 26 23 SIZEABLE, quite larg...
sizeisms 19 20 SIZEISM, prejudice a...
sizeists 18 17 SIZEIST, one who bel...
siziness 17 18 the state of resembl...
sizzlers 22 27 SIZZLER, a very hot...
sizzling 23 30 very hot [adj SIZZLI...
sjamboks 20 27 SJAMBOK, (Afrikaans)...
skailing 17 16 SKAIL, (Scots) to di...
skaithed 17 15 SKAITH, (obsolete) t...
skangers 15 15 SKANGER, (Irish) a y...
skankers 15 17 SKANKER, one who ska...
skankier 15 17 SKANKY, filthy or sl...
skanking 16 20 the act of dancing t...
skatings 16 15 SKATING, the act of...
skatoles 15 13 SKATOLE, a crystalli...
skearier 14 12 SKEARY, (dialect) sc...
skearing 15 15 SKEAR, (dialect) to...
skedding 16 17 SKED, to schedule [v...
skeechan 18 18 (Gaelic) a kind of b...
skeelier 15 13 SKEELY, (Scots) skil...
skeerier 14 12 SKEERY, (dialect) sc...
skeering 15 15 SKEER, (dialect) to...
skeeters 14 12 SKEETER, a skeet sho...
skeevier 16 16 SKEEVY, repulsive, d...
skeggers 17 16 SKEGGER, a young sal...
skeigher 18 16 SKEIGH, (Scots) (of...
skeining 15 16 SKEIN, to wind into...
skelders 16 14 SKELDER, to beg; to...
skeletal 16 14 like a skeleton [adj...
skeleton 14 14 the supporting bone...
skellied 17 15 SKELLIE, (Scots) to...
skellier 17 14 SKELLY, cross-eyed,...
skellies 17 14 SKELLIE, (Scots) to...
skelloch 22 19 (Scots) to yell [v -...
skellums 19 18 SKELLUM, (Scots) a s...
skelping 19 19 a slapping [n -S]
skelters 16 13 SKELTER, to scurry [...
skenning 14 17 SKEN, (Scots) to squ...
skepfuls 21 20 SKEPFUL, the content...
skepping 20 21 SKEP, to collect int...
skeptics 21 18 SKEPTIC, a person wh...
skerrick 20 19 (Australian slang) a...
skerries 15 12 SKERRY, a small, roc...
skerring 16 15 SKER, to scour, sear...
sketched 20 18 SKETCH, to make a ro...
sketcher 20 17 one who sketches [n...
sketches 20 17 SKETCH, to make a ro...
sketting 16 15 SKET, to splash (wat...
skewback 24 25 a sloping surface ag...
skewbald 21 20 a horse with brown a...
skewered 17 16 SKEWER, to pierce wi...
skewness 17 16 lack of symmetry [n...
skiagram 17 17 a shadow picture or...
skiatron 14 13 a cathode-ray tube [...
skidders 16 14 SKIDDER, a tractor w...
skiddier 16 14 SKIDDY, likely to ca...
skidding 17 17 the act of making a...
skiddoos 15 14 SKIDDOO, to ride a s...
skidlids 18 15 SKIDLID, (colloquial...
skidmark 18 20 the mark left by a s...
skidooed 14 14 SKIDOO, to ride a sk...
skidooer 14 13 one that rides on a...
skidpads 18 17 SKIDPAD, a road surf...
skidpans 17 17 SKIDPAN, a track for...
skidways 25 18 SKIDWAY, a platform...
skieyest 21 14 SKIEY, resembling th...
skiffing 21 21 SKIFF, to skim [v]
skiffled 21 20 SKIFFLE, to play a p...
skiffles 21 19 SKIFFLE, to play a p...
skijorer 17 21 one who does skijori...
skilfull 22 19 full of skill, also...
skilless 18 14 without skill [adj]
skillets 18 14 SKILLET, a frying pa...
skillful 22 19 having skill, also S...
skillier 18 14 SKILLY, having skill...
skillies 18 14 SKILLY, a thin soup...
skilling 19 17 (Danish) an obsolete...
skillion 17 15 (Australian) an outh...
skimmers 18 18 SKIMMER, a seabird t...
skimmias 18 18 SKIMMIA, an Asiatic...
skimming 19 21 something that is sk...
skimpier 19 18 SKIMPY, brief, exigu...
skimpily 27 21 SKIMPY, brief, exigu...
skimping 20 21 SKIMP, to scrimp [v]
skincare 17 16 care of the skin usi...
skinfood 16 17 a cosmetic intended...
skinfuls 19 18 SKINFUL, as much as...
skinhead 16 16 one whose hair is cu...
skinkers 16 17 SKINKER, one employe...
skinking 17 20 SKINK, to pour out [...
skinless 16 14 without skin [adj]
skinlike 17 18 like skin [adj]
skinners 14 14 SKINNER, one who ski...
skinnier 14 14 SKINNY, having littl...
skinnies 14 14 SKINNY, information,...
skinning 15 17 SKIN, to remove the...
skinsuit 16 14 a one-piece skintigh...
skintest 15 13 SKINT, having no mon...
skiorers 15 12 SKIORER, one who eng...
skioring 16 15 (Norwegian) the spor...
skipjack 24 31 a fish that swims ne...
skiplane 17 17 a plane designed for...
skippers 20 18 SKIPPER, to act as m...
skippets 20 18 SKIPPET, a small box...
skippier 20 18 SKIPPY, frolicsome [...
skipping 21 21 flighty, giddy [adj...
skirling 18 16 a shrill sound [n -S...
skirmish 20 17 to engage in a minor...
skirrets 16 12 SKIRRET, a water par...
skirring 17 15 SKIRR, to scour, sea...
skirters 16 12 SKIRTER, someone who...
skirting 17 15 the board at the bas...
skitched 21 18 SKITCH, (New Zealand...
skitches 21 17 SKITCH, (New Zealand...
skitters 16 12 SKITTER, to skim ove...
skittery 22 14 darting about [adj S...
skittish 19 14 easily frightened [a...
skittled 17 14 SKITTLE, to knock do...
skittles 17 13 SKITTLE, to knock do...
skivered 17 17 SKIVER, (dialect) to...
skiviest 18 16 SKIVIE, (Scots) dera...
skivings 19 19 SKIVING, the act of...
skivvied 20 21 SKIVVY, to work as a...
skivvies 20 20 SKIVVY, to work as a...
sklating 17 16 SKLATE, (Scots) to c...
sklented 15 15 SKLENT, (Scots) to s...
skliffed 21 20 SKLIFF, (Scots) to s...
sklimmed 19 20 SKLIM, (Scots) to cl...
skoaling 16 16 SKOAL, to down a dri...
skoffing 20 21 SKOFF, to devour; to...
skogging 18 19 SKOG, to shelter, al...
skokiaan 14 17 (Zulu) a strong home...
skollies 17 14 SKOLLIE, (Afrikaans)...
skolling 18 17 SKOL, (Old Norse) to...
skookums 17 20 SKOOKUM, (American I...
skooshed 16 15 SKOOSH, (Scots) to s...
skooshes 16 14 SKOOSH, (Scots) to s...
skreeghs 18 16 SKREEGH, (Scots) to...
skreighs 19 16 SKREIGH, (Scots) to...
skriechs 21 17 SKRIECH, (Scots) to...
skrieghs 19 16 SKRIEGH, (Scots) to...
skriking 18 19 SKRIKE, (dialect) to...
skrimped 19 19 SKRIMP, to scratch a...
skrumped 19 20 SKRUMP, (colloquial)...
skudlers 17 15 SKUDLER, in Shetland...
skugging 19 20 SKUG, (Scots) to she...
skulkers 18 18 SKULKER, one that sk...
skulking 19 21 the act of skulking...
skullcap 23 21 a close-fitting cap...
skulling 19 18 SKULL, to propel wit...
skulpins 19 18 SKULPIN, a kind of f...
skummers 18 19 SKUMMER, (archaic) t...
skunkier 16 18 SKUNKY, having a sme...
skunking 17 21 SKUNK, to defeat ove...
skurried 16 14 SKURRY, to move in a...
skurries 16 13 SKURRY, to move in a...
skuttled 17 15 SKUTTLE, to move or...
skuttles 17 14 SKUTTLE, to move or...
skyboard 23 18 a board with foot bi...
skyborne 22 18 airborne [adj]
skyboxes 29 24 SKYBOX, an enclosure...
skydived 24 20 SKYDIVE, to parachut...
skydiver 24 19 one who practises sk...
skydives 24 19 SKYDIVE, to parachut...
skyglows 27 20 SKYGLOW, a glow in t...
skyhomes 24 19 SKYHOME, a sub-penth...
skyhooks 24 20 SKYHOOK, an imaginar...
skyjacks 28 30 SKYJACK, to hijack a...
skylarks 24 19 SKYLARK, to frolic [...
skylight 27 19 a window placed in a...
skylines 22 16 SKYLINE, the horizon...
skyrmion 22 18 a mathematical model...
skysails 23 15 SKYSAIL, a type of s...
skyscape 26 20 a picture of the sky...
skysurfs 25 18 SKYSURF, to perform...
skywalks 27 22 SKYWALK, an elevated...
skywards 25 18 towards the sky, als...
skywatch 30 22 to observe the sky f...
skywrite 25 17 to write in the sky...
skywrote 24 17 SKYWRITE, to write i...
slabbers 19 15 SLABBER, to slaver;...
slabbery 25 17 like, or covered wit...
slabbier 19 15 SLABBY, thick, visco...
slabbing 20 18 the act of forming i...
slablike 19 17 resembling a slab [a...
slackens 18 17 SLACKEN, to loosen o...
slackers 19 16 SLACKER, a shirker [...
slackest 19 16 SLACK, not tight or...
slacking 20 19 SLACK, to slacken [v...
sladangs 15 13 SLADANG, a wild ox,...
slaggier 17 13 SLAGGY, resembling r...
slagging 18 16 an act of slagging [...
slairged 16 12 SLAIRG, (Scots) to s...
slaister 15 9 to do in a sloppy ma...
slakable 18 17 that can be slaked,...
slalomed 16 14 SLALOM, (Norwegian)...
slalomer 16 13 one who slaloms [n -...
slammers 17 15 SLAMMER, (slang) pri...
slamming 18 18 slam dancing [n -S]
slanders 14 11 SLANDER, to defame [...
slangers 15 12 SLANGER, a hawker; a...
slangier 15 12 SLANGY, full of slan...
slangily 23 15 SLANGY, full of slan...
slanging 16 15 scolding [adj SLANGI...
slangish 18 14 somewhat slangy [adj...
slanters 14 10 SLANTER, (Australian...
slantier 14 10 SLANTY, deviating fr...
slanting 15 13 SLANT, to deviate fr...
slapdash 19 15 to do in a hasty, im...
slaphead 18 15 someone with a shave...
slapjack 23 28 a flat batter cake c...
slappers 19 15 SLAPPER, (slang) a p...
slapping 20 18 the act of striking...
slapshot 19 14 a fast powerful shot...
slarting 16 12 SLART, (dialect) to...
slashers 17 11 SLASHER, one that sl...
slashing 18 14 the act of one that...
slatches 20 14 SLATCH, a calm betwe...
slathers 17 11 SLATHER, to spread t...
slatiest 15 9 SLATY, resembling sl...
slatings 16 12 SLATING, a telling o...
slattern 14 10 a slovenly woman [n...
slatters 15 9 SLATTER, (dialect) t...
slattery 21 11 (dialect) slovenly [...
slatting 16 12 material for making...
slavered 16 14 SLAVER, to drool [v]
slaverer 16 13 one who slavers [n -...
slayable 23 15 able to be slayed [a...
slayings 22 14 SLAYING, an act of k...
sleaving 17 16 SLEAVE, to separate...
sleazier 17 18 SLEAZY, shoddy, also...
sleazily 25 21 SLEAZY, shoddy, also...
sleazing 18 21 SLEAZE, to behave in...
sleazoid 17 19 a person of low mora...
sledders 15 11 SLEDDER, one who goe...
sledding 16 14 conveyance by sled [...
sledgers 16 12 SLEDGER, one who dri...
sledging 17 15 journeying by sled [...
sleeches 19 14 SLEECH, a mud flat [...
sleekens 14 14 SLEEKEN, to make smo...
sleekers 15 13 SLEEKER, a moulding...
sleekest 15 13 SLEEK, smooth, gloss...
sleekier 15 13 SLEEKY, sleek, smoot...
sleeking 16 16 the act of making sm...
sleepers 16 12 SLEEPER, one that sl...
sleepery 22 14 (Scots) sleepy [adj]
sleepier 16 12 SLEEPY, inclined to...
sleepily 24 15 SLEEPY, inclined to...
sleeping 17 15 the act of one who s...
sleepout 16 13 part of a veranda pa...
sleetier 14 9 SLEETY, resembling s...
sleeting 15 12 SLEET, to shower fro...
sleeveen 14 14 (Irish) a crafty, sm...
sleevers 16 13 SLEEVER, an old Wels...
sleeving 17 16 a tubular covering f...
sleezier 17 18 SLEEZY, sordid, also...
sleighed 18 14 SLEIGH, to ride in a...
sleigher 18 13 one who travels by s...
sleights 19 13 SLEIGHT, cunning, de...
slenters 14 10 SLENTER, (Australian...
sleuthed 17 13 SLEUTH, to act as a...
slicings 20 15 SLICING, the act of...
slickens 19 17 SLICKEN, to smooth,...
slickers 20 16 SLICKER, an oilskin...
slickest 20 16 SLICK, smooth and sl...
slicking 21 19 a polishing up [n -S...
slidable 18 14 able to be slid [adj...
slidders 16 11 SLIDDER, (Scots) to...
sliddery 22 13 slippery [adj]
slideway 24 15 a route along which...
slidings 17 13 SLIDING, the act of...
slighted 19 14 SLIGHT, to treat wit...
slighter 19 13 one who slights [n -...
slightly 27 16 SLIGHT, small in siz...
slimdown 19 17 an instance of an or...
slimebag 19 17 an odious and contem...
slimiest 17 12 SLIMY, resembling sl...
slimline 17 14 slim, or conducive t...
slimmers 18 15 SLIMMER, one engaged...
slimmest 18 15 SLIM, slender [adj]
slimming 19 18 the act of slimming...
slimmish 21 17 somewhat slim [adj]
slimness 16 13 the state of being s...
slimsier 17 12 SLIMSY, flimsy, also...
slingers 16 12 SLINGER, one who use...
slinging 17 15 SLING, to throw with...
slinkers 16 14 SLINKER, one who sli...
slinkier 16 14 SLINKY, slinking, cl...
slinkily 24 17 SLINKY, slinking, cl...
slinking 17 17 SLINK, to move steal...
slinters 15 10 SLINTER, a trick, al...
sliotars 15 9 SLIOTAR, (Irish) the...
slipcase 20 15 a protective case fo...
slipform 21 18 to construct with th...
slipknot 18 17 a knot that adjusts...
slipless 19 13 free from errors [ad...
slipouts 18 13 SLIPOUT, an insertio...
slipover 19 16 a garment easily put...
slippage 20 17 a falling off from a...
slippers 20 15 SLIPPER, to beat wit...
slippery 26 17 causing slips [adj S...
slippier 20 15 SLIPPY, slippery [ad...
slippily 28 18 SLIPPY, slippery [ad...
slipping 21 18 SLIP, to slide sudde...
sliprail 19 13 (Australian) a movab...
slipshod 20 15 carelessly done [adj...
slipslop 21 16 watery food [n -S]
slipsole 18 13 a thin insole [n -S]
slipware 20 15 pottery decorated wi...
slipways 27 17 SLIPWAY, an sloping...
slithers 18 11 SLITHER, to slide fr...
slithery 24 13 given to slithering...
slitless 17 10 without slits [adj]
slitlike 18 14 like a slit [adj]
slitters 16 9 SLITTER, one who, or...
slittier 16 9 SLITTY, of an openin...
slitting 17 12 SLIT, to make a long...
slivered 17 14 SLIVER, to cut into...
sliverer 17 13 one who slivers [n -...
slivovic 23 20 (Serbo-Croat) a dry...
slobbers 19 15 SLOBBER, to drool, a...
slobbery 25 17 slobbering [adj SLOB...
slobbier 19 15 SLOBBY, characterist...
slobbing 20 18 SLOB, to behave in a...
slobbish 22 17 boorish [adj]
slobland 17 15 a mudflat, reclaimed...
slockens 18 17 SLOCKEN, (Scots) to...
sloebush 19 15 the blackthorn, also...
sloetree 13 9 the blackthorn tree,...
sloganed 14 13 having a slogan [adj...
sloggers 17 13 SLOGGER, a person wh...
slogging 18 16 SLOG, to plod [v]
slokened 14 15 SLOKEN, (Scots) to q...
slommock 21 22 (dialect) to walk wi...
sloomier 15 12 SLOOMY, sluggish, sp...
slooming 16 15 SLOOM, to slumber [v...
slooshed 16 12 SLOOSH, to wash or r...
slooshes 16 11 SLOOSH, to wash or r...
slopiest 17 12 SLOPY, sloping [adj]
sloppier 19 15 SLOPPY, wet or muddy...
sloppily 27 18 SLOPPY, wet or muddy...
slopping 20 18 SLOP, to spill or sp...
slopwork 21 19 the manufacture of c...
slorming 17 15 SLORM, to wipe carel...
sloshier 17 11 SLOSHY, splashy [adj...
sloshing 18 14 the bulk motion of l...
slotback 21 19 a type of football p...
slothful 21 16 sluggish [adj SLOTHF...
slothing 18 14 SLOTH, to be lazy [v...
slotters 15 9 SLOTTER, a machine t...
slotting 16 12 SLOT, to cut a long...
slouched 20 16 SLOUCH, to sit, stan...
sloucher 20 15 one who slouches [n...
slouches 20 15 SLOUCH, to sit, stan...
sloughed 18 15 SLOUGH, to cast off...
sloughis 19 14 SLOUGHI, a breed of...
slovenly 23 17 habitually untidy or...
slovenry 22 16 (Shakespeare) sloven...
slowback 24 22 (obsolete) a lazy pe...
slowdown 20 17 a lessening of pace...
slowings 19 15 SLOWING, the lesseni...
slowness 17 13 the state of being s...
slowpoke 20 19 a slow individual [n...
slowworm 22 18 a kind of legless li...
slubbers 20 16 SLUBBER, to stain or...
slubbier 20 16 SLUBBY, lumpy, knobb...
slubbing 21 19 a slightly twisted r...
sludgier 17 13 SLUDGY, covered with...
sludging 18 16 SLUDGE, to cover wit...
sluffing 21 19 SLUFF, to discard a...
slugabed 18 16 one who indulges in...
slugfest 19 15 a vigorous fight [n...
sluggard 18 15 a habitually lazy pe...
sluggers 18 14 SLUGGER, a person wh...
slugging 19 17 SLUG, to strike heav...
sluggish 21 16 slow-moving [adj SLU...
slughorn 18 15 (Browning) an old fo...
sluicier 19 13 SLUICY, falling in s...
sluicing 20 16 SLUICE, to wash with...
slumbers 19 16 SLUMBER, to sleep [v...
slumbery 25 18 full of slumber, als...
slumgums 20 19 SLUMGUM, the residue...
slumisms 19 16 SLUMISM, the prevale...
slumlord 18 15 a landlord of slum p...
slummers 18 16 SLUMMER, one who slu...
slummier 18 16 SLUMMY, resembling a...
slumming 19 19 the visitation of sl...
slummock 22 23 to move slowly and a...
slumpier 19 16 SLUMPY, marshy [adj]
slumping 20 19 SLUMP, to sink sudde...
slurpers 18 13 SLURPER, one who dri...
slurpier 18 13 SLURPY, like a slurp...
slurping 19 16 SLURP, to drink nois...
slurried 16 11 SLURRY, to convert i...
slurries 16 10 SLURRY, to convert i...
slurring 17 13 SLUR, to disparage [...
slushier 18 12 SLUSHY, resembling s...
slushies 18 12 SLUSHY, an unskilled...
slushily 26 15 SLUSHY, resembling s...
slushing 19 15 SLUSH, to splash wit...
slutches 21 15 SLUTCH, (dialect) mu...
sluttery 22 12 the realism of being...
sluttier 16 10 SLUTTY, characterist...
sluttily 24 13 SLUTTY, characterist...
sluttish 19 12 like a slut [adj SLU...
slyboots 23 14 a sly person [n SLYB...
smaaking 16 18 SMAAK, (South Africa...
smackers 19 18 SMACKER, (colloquial...
smacking 20 21 the act of smacking...
smallage 17 15 a wild celery [n -S]
smallboy 25 18 a deputy steward in...
smallest 17 13 SMALL, not large [ad...
smalling 18 16 SMALL, to make or be...
smallish 20 15 somewhat small [adj]
smallpox 25 23 a virus disease [n -...
smallsat 17 13 a relatively small,...
smalmier 17 15 SMALMY, (obsolete) o...
smalmily 25 18 SMALMY, (obsolete) o...
smalming 18 18 SMALM, to smear, mak...
smaltine 15 13 a gray mineral of me...
smaltite 16 12 a gray mineral of me...
smaragde 15 14 (archaic) emerald, a...
smaragds 16 14 SMARAGD, (archaic) e...
smarmier 16 14 SMARMY, oily, ingrat...
smarmily 24 17 SMARMY, oily, ingrat...
smarming 17 17 SMARM, to smear, gus...
smartass 15 11 (colloquial) a showi...
smartens 14 12 SMARTEN, to improve...
smartest 15 11 SMART, clever [adj]
smarties 15 11 SMARTY, (colloquial)...
smarting 16 14 SMART, to sting [v]
smartish 18 13 somewhat smart [adj]
smashers 17 13 SMASHER, one that sm...
smashing 18 16 strikingly good [adj...
smashups 20 17 SMASHUP, a collision...
smatched 20 17 SMATCH, (obsolete) t...
smatches 20 16 SMATCH, (obsolete) t...
smatters 15 11 SMATTER, to speak wi...
smearers 14 11 SMEARER, one who sme...
smearier 14 11 SMEARY, covered with...
smearily 22 14 SMEARY, covered with...
smearing 15 14 SMEAR, to spread wit...
smectite 18 14 the family of minera...
smeddums 17 17 SMEDDUM, (Scots) a f...
smeeched 19 17 SMEECH, (dialect) to...
smeeches 19 16 SMEECH, (dialect) to...
smeeking 16 18 SMEEK, (Scots) to sm...
smeethed 16 14 SMEETH, to make smoo...
smeiking 17 18 SMEIK, (Scots) to sm...
smellers 17 13 SMELLER, one who sme...
smellier 17 13 SMELLY, having an un...
smellies 17 13 perfumes and other s...
smelling 18 16 the act or smelling...
smelters 16 12 SMELTER, one who sme...
smeltery 22 14 a place for smelting...
smelting 17 15 the act of smelting...
smerking 17 18 SMERK, to smile in a...
smickers 20 18 SMICKER, (obsolete)...
smickets 20 18 SMICKET, a woman's u...
smiddied 16 14 SMIDDY, to forge met...
smiddies 16 13 SMIDDY, to forge met...
smidgens 16 15 SMIDGEN, a very smal...
smidgeon 15 15 a very small amount,...
smidgins 17 15 SMIDGIN, a very smal...
smilaxes 22 19 SMILAX, a genus of p...
smileful 20 17 full of smiles [adj]
smiliest 17 12 SMILEY, given to smi...
smilings 18 15 SMILING, the act of...
smilodon 15 14 an extinct genus of...
smirched 21 17 SMIRCH, to soil, bes...
smircher 21 16 one who smirches [n...
smirches 21 16 SMIRCH, to soil, bes...
smirkers 17 15 SMIRKER, one who smi...
smirkier 17 15 SMIRKY, given to smi...
smirkily 25 18 SMIRKY, given to smi...
smirking 18 18 SMIRK, to smile in a...
smirrier 16 11 SMIRRY, drizzly [adj...
smirring 17 14 SMIR, to drizzle, al...
smirting 17 14 (Irish) the act of a...
smithers 18 13 small fragments [n]
smithery 24 15 the trade of a smith...
smithied 18 14 SMITHY, to forge met...
smithies 18 13 SMITHY, to forge met...
smithing 19 16 the work of a smith...
smitting 17 14 SMIT, (Scots) to sta...
smocking 20 21 a type of embroidery...
smoggier 17 15 SMOGGY, filled with...
smogless 17 14 without smog [adj]
smoiling 17 15 SMOILE, (obsolete) t...
smokable 18 19 that can be smoked,...
smokebox 23 25 part of a steam boil...
smokehos 17 17 SMOKEHO, in the Falk...
smokepot 17 18 a container for givi...
smokiest 16 15 SMOKY, full of smoke...
smokings 17 18 SMOKING, to preserve...
smolders 16 13 SMOLDER, to burn wit...
smooched 19 17 SMOOCH, to kiss, als...
smoocher 19 16 one who smooches [n...
smooches 19 16 SMOOCH, to kiss, als...
smoodged 15 15 SMOODGE, (Australian...
smoodges 15 14 SMOODGE, (Australian...
smooging 16 16 SMOOGE, (Australian...
smooring 15 14 SMOOR, (Scots) to sm...
smooshed 16 14 SMOOSH, to paint to...
smooshes 16 13 SMOOSH, to paint to...
smoothed 16 14 SMOOTH, to make smoo...
smoothen 15 14 to free from lumps,...
smoother 16 13 a smoothing tool [n...
smoothes 16 13 SMOOTH, to make smoo...
smoothie 16 13 a person with polish...
smoothly 24 16 SMOOTH, not rough [a...
smooting 15 14 SMOOT, (slang) to wo...
smorbrod 17 15 (Norwegian) hors d'o...
smorzato 17 20 (Italian) with a gra...
smothers 17 13 SMOTHER, to prevent...
smothery 23 15 tending to smother [...
smouched 20 18 SMOUCH, to kiss clos...
smouches 20 17 SMOUCH, to kiss clos...
smoulder 16 14 to burn with no flam...
smouldry 23 16 (Spenser) smoulderin...
smousers 15 12 SMOUSER, (Afrikaans)...
smousing 16 15 SMOUSE, (Yiddish) to...
smouting 16 15 SMOUT, to work as a...
smoyling 23 17 SMOYLE, (obsolete) t...
smudgers 17 15 SMUDGER, (slang) a s...
smudgier 17 15 SMUDGY, having smudg...
smudgily 25 18 SMUDGY, having smudg...
smudging 18 18 the act of smudging...
smuggery 24 18 a state of smugness...
smuggest 18 16 SMUG, complacent [ad...
smugging 19 19 SMUG, to seize witho...
smuggled 19 18 SMUGGLE, to import o...
smuggler 19 17 one that smuggles [n...
smuggles 19 17 SMUGGLE, to import o...
smugness 16 15 the state of being s...
smurfing 19 18 intentionally floodi...
smurrier 16 12 SMURRY, (Scots) like...
smurring 17 15 SMUR, to drizzle, al...
smushing 19 17 SMUSH, to crush [v]
smutched 21 18 SMUTCH, to soil [v]
smutches 21 17 SMUTCH, to soil [v]
smuttier 16 12 SMUTTY, sexually sug...
smuttily 24 15 SMUTTY, sexually sug...
smutting 17 15 SMUT, to soil, make...
smytries 22 13 SMYTRIE, (Scots) a c...
snabbled 18 17 SNABBLE, to put a bi...
snabbles 18 16 SNABBLE, to put a bi...
snackers 17 16 SNACKER, one who sna...
snackier 17 16 SNACKY, suitable as...
snacking 18 19 SNACK, to eat a ligh...
snaffled 18 17 SNAFFLE, to obtain b...
snaffles 18 16 SNAFFLE, to obtain b...
snafuing 16 16 SNAFU, to cause conf...
snaggers 15 13 SNAGGER, a person wh...
snaggier 15 13 SNAGGY, full of snag...
snagging 16 16 SNAG, to catch on a...
snaggles 16 14 SNAGGLE, a tangled o...
snaglike 16 16 resembling a snag [a...
snailery 20 12 a place where snails...
snailier 14 10 SNAILY, like a snail...
snailing 15 13 SNAIL, to move slowl...
snakebit 16 16 unlucky [adj]
snakepit 16 16 a pit filled with sn...
snakiest 14 13 SNAKY, like a snake,...
snapback 21 22 a sudden rebound or...
snapless 16 13 lacking a fastening...
snaplink 17 18 a metal link used in...
snappers 17 15 SNAPPER, to stumble,...
snappier 17 15 SNAPPY, bad-tempered...
snappily 25 18 SNAPPY, bad-tempered...
snapping 18 18 irritable [adj SNAPP...
snappish 20 17 tending to behave in...
snapshot 17 14 to photograph inform...
snaptins 15 13 SNAPTIN, a container...
snapweed 17 16 a flowering plant [n...
snarfing 16 15 SNARF, (colloquial)...
snarfled 16 14 SNARFLE, to snarl [v...
snarfles 16 13 SNARFLE, to snarl [v...
snariest 13 9 SNARY, in danger of...
snarings 14 12 SNARING, the act of...
snarkier 14 13 SNARKY, crotchety [a...
snarkily 22 16 SNARKY, crotchety [a...
snarlers 14 10 SNARLER, one who sna...
snarlier 14 10 SNARLY, tangled [adj...
snarling 15 13 making a snarling no...
snarring 14 12 SNAR, (Spenser) to s...
snashing 16 14 SNASH, to talk abusi...
snatched 18 15 SNATCH, to seize sud...
snatcher 18 14 one who snatches [n...
snatches 18 14 SNATCH, to seize sud...
snazzier 19 27 SNAZZY, trendily sma...
snazzily 27 30 SNAZZY, trendily sma...
sneakbox 21 23 a small boat masked...
sneakers 13 13 SNEAKER, (colloquial...
sneakeup 15 17 (Shakespeare) a snea...
sneakier 13 13 SNEAKY, crafty [adj]
sneakily 21 16 SNEAKY, crafty [adv]
sneaking 14 16 SNEAK, to move steal...
sneakish 16 15 befitting a sneak [a...
sneaksby 22 18 (archaic) a sneak [n...
sneaping 15 15 SNEAP, to nip, pinch...
snebbing 18 18 SNEB, to reprimand,...
snecking 18 19 SNECK, to fasten wit...
snedding 14 14 SNED, to cut, lop [v...
sneerers 12 9 SNEERER, one who sne...
sneerful 16 14 given to sneering [a...
sneerier 12 9 SNEERY, full of snee...
sneering 13 12 contemptuous [adj SN...
sneeshan 13 12 (Scots) snuff, also...
sneeshed 14 12 SNEESH, to take snuf...
sneeshes 14 11 SNEESH, (Scots) snuf...
sneeshin 14 12 (Scots) snuff, also...
sneezers 15 18 SNEEZER, one who sne...
sneezier 15 18 SNEEZY, tending to s...
sneezing 16 21 the act of sneezing...
snellest 15 11 SNELL, keen, sharp [...
snelling 16 14 SNELL, to attach suc...
snibbing 19 18 SNIB, to fasten with...
snickers 18 16 SNICKER, to utter a...
snickery 24 18 tending to snicker [...
snickets 18 16 SNICKET, a narrow ba...
snicking 19 19 SNICK, to snip, cut...
snidiest 14 10 SNIDEY, maliciously...
sniffers 18 15 SNIFFER, one who sni...
sniffier 18 15 SNIFFY, given to sni...
sniffily 26 18 SNIFFY, given to sni...
sniffing 19 18 with a sniffing soun...
sniffish 21 17 haughty [adj SNIFFIS...
sniffled 19 17 SNIFFLE, to sniff re...
sniffler 19 16 one who sniffles; a...
sniffles 19 16 SNIFFLE, to sniff re...
snifters 16 12 SNIFTER, to sniff, s...
sniftier 16 12 SNIFTY, (slang) havi...
snifting 17 15 SNIFT, to sniff, to...
sniggers 16 13 SNIGGER, to snicker...
snigging 17 16 SNIG, to drag a load...
sniggled 17 15 SNIGGLE, to fish for...
sniggler 17 14 one who sniggles, fi...
sniggles 17 14 SNIGGLE, to fish for...
sniglets 16 12 SNIGLET, a word coin...
snipiest 16 12 SNIPY, snipelike; fr...
snipings 17 15 SNIPING, the act of...
snippers 18 15 SNIPPER, a tool for...
snippets 18 15 SNIPPET, a small pie...
snippety 24 17 ridiculously small;...
snippier 18 15 SNIPPY, stingy, snap...
snippily 26 18 SNIPPY, stingy, snap...
snipping 19 18 a clipping [n -S]
snirting 15 12 SNIRT, (Scots) to sn...
snirtled 15 11 SNIRTLE, (Scots) to...
snirtles 15 10 SNIRTLE, (Scots) to...
snitched 19 15 SNITCH, to inform on...
snitcher 19 14 one who snitches, in...
snitches 19 14 SNITCH, to inform on...
snittier 14 9 SNITTY, disagreeably...
sniveled 16 15 SNIVEL, to cry or wh...
sniveler 16 14 one who snivels, als...
snivelly 24 17 given to snivelling,...
snobbery 23 17 snobbish behaviour [...
snobbier 17 15 SNOBBY, snobbish [ad...
snobbily 25 18 SNOBBY, snobbish [ad...
snobbish 20 17 characteristic of a...
snobbism 19 18 the practice of snob...
snobling 17 16 a little snob [n -S]
snocoach 20 17 a bus-like vehicle w...
snoddest 13 11 SNOD, (Scots) smooth...
snodding 14 14 SNOD, to trim, tidy...
snoggers 15 13 SNOGGER, one that sn...
snogging 16 16 SNOG, (slang) to kis...
snooding 13 13 SNOOD, to wear a net...
snookers 13 13 SNOOKER, to thwart,...
snooking 14 16 SNOOK, to snuff or s...
snooling 14 13 SNOOL, (Scots) to be...
snoopers 14 12 SNOOPER, one who sno...
snoopier 14 12 SNOOPY, prying [adj]
snoopily 22 15 SNOOPY, prying [adv]
snooping 15 15 SNOOP, to pry about...
snootful 16 14 (colloquial) enough...
snootier 12 9 SNOOTY, supercilious...
snootily 20 12 SNOOTY, supercilious...
snooting 13 12 SNOOT, to treat with...
snoozers 15 18 SNOOZER, one who sno...
snoozier 15 18 SNOOZY, given to sno...
snoozing 16 21 SNOOZE, to sleep lig...
snoozled 16 20 SNOOZLE, (colloquial...
snoozles 16 19 SNOOZLE, (colloquial...
snorings 14 12 SNORING, the act of...
snorkels 15 14 SNORKEL, to swim usi...
snorters 13 9 SNORTER, one that sn...
snortier 13 9 SNORTY, inclined to...
snorting 14 12 making a snorting no...
snotrags 14 11 SNOTRAG, (slang) a h...
snotters 13 9 SNOTTER, to snivel [...
snottery 19 11 filthiness [n SNOTTE...
snottier 13 9 SNOTTY, foul with sn...
snotties 13 9 SNOTTIE, (slang) a m...
snottily 21 12 SNOTTY, foul with sn...
snotting 14 12 SNOT, to blow the no...
snoutier 13 10 SNOUTY, resembling a...
snouting 14 13 SNOUT, to provide wi...
snoutish 16 12 like a snout [adj]
snowball 20 17 to increase at a rap...
snowbank 18 20 a mound of snow [n -...
snowbell 20 17 a flowering shrub [n...
snowbelt 19 16 a area of regular sn...
snowbird 19 16 an arctic finch, oft...
snowboot 17 15 a boot for walking i...
snowbush 21 18 any of several white...
snowcaps 21 18 SNOWCAP, a very smal...
snowcats 19 15 SNOWCAT, a tracklayi...
snowdome 16 16 a leisure centre off...
snowdrop 18 16 a drooping white flo...
snowfall 20 17 a fall of snow [n -S...
snowflea 18 16 a wingless insect ap...
snowiest 16 12 SNOWY, full of snow...
snowking 18 19 SNOWK, (Scots) to sn...
snowland 16 15 an area marked by a...
snowless 17 13 without snow [adj]
snowlike 18 17 having the appearanc...
snowline 16 14 an area which define...
snowmelt 18 16 water produced by th...
snowmold 18 17 a fungus disease of...
snowpack 22 22 an accumulation of p...
snowplow 22 19 to execute a type of...
snowshed 18 15 a structure which pr...
snowshoe 17 14 to walk on oval fram...
snowslip 20 16 a large mass or aval...
snowsuit 17 13 a child's garment fo...
snubbers 18 16 SNUBBER, a device fo...
snubbier 18 16 SNUBBY, inclined to...
snubbing 19 19 the act of snubbing...
snubbish 21 18 inclined to snub [ad...
snubness 15 14 the quality of being...
snudging 16 16 SNUDGE, to be snug a...
snuffbox 26 26 a box for holding sn...
snuffers 18 16 SNUFFER, an instrume...
snuffier 18 16 SNUFFY, soiled with...
snuffily 26 19 SNUFFY, soiled with...
snuffing 19 19 the act of snuffing...
snuffled 19 18 SNUFFLE, to sniffle...
snuffler 19 17 a person who snuffle...
snuffles 19 17 SNUFFLE, to sniffle...
snuggery 22 16 a snug place e.g. in...
snuggest 16 14 SNUG, cosy [adj]
snuggies 16 14 women's long underwe...
snugging 17 17 SNUG, to lie close [...
snuggled 17 16 SNUGGLE, to press cl...
snuggles 17 15 SNUGGLE, to press cl...
snugness 14 13 the state of being s...
snushing 17 15 SNUSH, (obsolete) to...
snuzzled 21 30 SNUZZLE, to caress w...
snuzzles 21 29 SNUZZLE, to caress w...
soakages 14 14 SOAKAGE, the act of...
soakaway 22 17 a depression into wh...
soakings 15 15 SOAKING, the act of...
soapbark 18 18 a South American tre...
soapdish 18 14 a dish for holding s...
soapfish 20 16 a tropical fish that...
soapiest 15 11 SOAPY, like soap [ad...
soapland 15 14 (slang) a red-light...
soapless 16 12 without soap [adj]
soaplike 17 16 like soap [adj]
soaproot 14 11 any plant whose root...
soapsuds 16 13 soapy water [n]
soapwort 18 14 a tall herb of the p...
soaraway 21 13 making spectacular p...
soarings 14 11 SOARING, the act of...
sobbings 19 17 SOBBING, the act of...
soberest 15 11 SOBER, having contro...
sobering 16 14 SOBER, to make sober...
soberise 15 11 to make sober, also...
soberize 18 20 to make sober, also...
sobriety 22 13 the state of being s...
socagers 17 13 SOCAGER, a tenant by...
soccages 20 16 SOCCAGE, a form of f...
sociable 19 15 gregarious [adj SOCI...
sociably 26 17 SOCIABLE, gregarious...
socially 25 15 with respect to soci...
sociates 16 11 SOCIATE, (archaic) a...
societal 17 12 relating to society...
socketed 17 16 SOCKET, to provide w...
sockette 17 15 a foot covering [n -...
sockeyes 23 17 SOCKEYE, a Pacific s...
sockless 19 16 without socks [adj]
sodaless 14 10 without soda [adj]
sodalist 15 10 a member of a sodali...
sodalite 14 10 a transparent or tra...
sodality 21 12 an organized group,...
sodamide 14 13 a compound formed wh...
soddened 12 12 SODDEN, to make or b...
soddenly 20 14 SODDEN, wet through...
soddiest 14 10 SODDY, consisting of...
sodgered 14 12 SODGER, to soldier [...
sodicity 24 14 the amount of sodium...
sodomies 14 12 SODOMY, anal interco...
sodomise 14 12 to engage in sodomy...
sodomist 15 12 one who practices so...
sodomite 14 12 one who practices so...
sodomize 17 21 to engage in sodomy...
sofabeds 17 15 SOFABED, a sofa that...
soffioni 17 15 (Italian) volcanic s...
softback 22 21 a book bound in a fl...
softball 20 16 an American game sim...
softcore 18 14 of pornography, not...
softened 14 13 SOFTEN, to make soft...
softener 14 12 one that softens [n...
softhead 17 14 a foolish person [n...
softling 18 15 (archaic) a soft, ef...
softness 15 12 the state of being s...
software 18 14 data used in compute...
softwood 18 15 the soft wood of var...
soggiest 16 12 SOGGY, heavy with mo...
soggings 17 15 SOGGING, the act of...
soilages 15 11 SOILAGE, green crops...
soiliest 15 9 SOILY, dirty, soiled...
soilings 16 12 SOILING, the act of...
soilless 16 10 without dirt [adj]
soilures 15 10 SOILURE, a stain or...
sojourns 15 19 SOJOURN, to stay tem...
solacers 17 12 SOLACER, one who sol...
solacing 18 15 SOLACE, to console [...
solander 13 11 (Swedish) a case for...
solanine 12 11 a poisonous alkaloid...
solanins 13 11 SOLANIN, a poisonous...
solanums 15 14 SOLANUM, any herbace...
solarise 14 9 to expose to sunligh...
solarism 16 12 folk tales as concep...
solarist 15 9 one who practises so...
solarium 16 13 a room exposed to th...
solarize 17 18 to expose to sunligh...
solating 15 12 SOLATE, to convert o...
solation 13 10 liquefaction of a ge...
solatium 16 13 (Latin) a compensati...
soldados 14 11 SOLDADO, (Spanish) a...
soldered 14 11 SOLDER, to join toge...
solderer 14 10 one who solders [n -...
soldiers 15 10 SOLDIER, to perform...
soldiery 21 12 the military profess...
solecise 17 12 to use ungrammatical...
solecism 19 15 an ungrammatical com...
solecist 18 12 one who commits a so...
solecize 20 21 to use ungrammatical...
soleless 15 10 without a sole [adj]
solemner 14 13 SOLEMN, serious [adj...
solemnly 22 16 SOLEMN, serious [adv...
soleness 13 10 the state of being t...
solenoid 13 11 a cylindrical wire c...
solerets 14 9 SOLERET, a metallic...
soleuses 14 10 SOLEUS, a leg muscle...
solfeges 17 14 SOLFEGE, (French) a...
solfeggi 19 16 SOLFEGGIO, a singing...
solicits 19 12 SOLICIT, to ask for...
solicity 25 14 (Shakespeare) solici...
solidago 15 12 a flower, goldenrod...
solidare 14 10 (Shakespeare) a smal...
solidary 21 12 united [adj]
solidate 14 10 to consolidate [v SO...
solidest 15 10 SOLID, having defini...
solidify 24 15 to make solid [v SOL...
solidish 18 12 somewhat solid [adj]
solidism 17 13 a doctrine on diseas...
solidist 16 10 an advocate of, or b...
solidity 22 12 the state of being s...
solidums 17 14 SOLIDUM, (Latin) a l...
solipeds 17 13 SOLIPED, an animal w...
soliquid 24 20 a fluid colloidal sy...
solitary 21 11 alone [adj SOLITARIL...
solitons 14 10 SOLITON, a solitary...
solitude 15 11 the state of being a...
sollared 15 11 SOLLAR, (archaic) to...
solleret 15 10 a metallic pointy to...
soloists 15 9 SOLOIST, one who per...
solonets 13 10 a type of soil, also...
solonetz 16 19 a type of soil, also...
solpugid 19 16 (Latin) a type of ve...
solstice 18 12 the time when the su...
solubles 18 14 SOLUBLE, something t...
solution 14 11 the act of solving o...
solutive 17 14 a solvent or laxativ...
solvable 19 17 able to be solved [a...
solvated 16 14 SOLVATE, to convert...
solvates 16 13 SOLVATE, to convert...
solvency 25 19 the ability to pay a...
solvents 16 14 SOLVENT, a substance...
somatism 16 14 materialism [n -S]
somatist 15 11 one who admits the e...
sombered 16 15 SOMBER, to make somb...
somberer 16 14 SOMBER, (US) sombre...
somberly 24 17 SOMBER, (US) sombre...
sombrely 24 17 SOMBRE, gloomy, dark...
sombrero 16 14 a broad-brimmed hat...
sombrest 17 14 SOMBRE, gloomy, dark...
sombring 18 17 SOMBRE, to make somb...
sombrous 17 15 gloomy; somber [adj]
somebody 22 17 an important person...
somedeal 14 13 (archaic) a large pa...
somedele 14 13 (archaic) somewhat,...
somegate 14 13 somewhere [adv]
someones 12 12 SOMEONE, a somebody...
somerset 14 11 a leap in which a pe...
sometime 15 14 at some future time...
someways 23 16 in some way, somehow...
somewhat 19 16 an unspecified numbe...
somewhen 18 17 at some indefinite t...
somewise 17 14 in some way, somehow...
somniate 13 12 to dream [v SOMNIATE...
somnific 20 18 sleep inducing [adj]
sonances 14 13 SONANCE, a sounding,...
sonantal 12 11 of a sound, uttered...
sonantic 15 13 of a sound, uttered...
sonarman 12 13 a man who operates s...
sonarmen 12 13 SONARMAN, a man who...
sonatina 11 10 (Italian) a short an...
sonatine 11 10 SONATINA, (Italian)...
sondages 13 12 SONDAGE, (French) a...
sondelis 14 11 SONDELI, the Indian...
songbird 17 15 a bird that utters a...
songbook 16 18 a book of songs [n -...
songfest 16 14 a gathering for sing...
songkoks 16 19 SONGKOK, (Malaysia)...
songless 15 12 without songs [adj S...
songlike 16 16 like a song [adj]
songster 14 11 a singing bird [n -S...
sonhoods 14 12 SONHOOD, the state o...
sonicate 15 12 to disrupt with soun...
sonneted 11 11 SONNET, to compose a...
sonobuoy 20 15 a buoy that detects...
sonogram 14 14 an image produced by...
sonorant 11 10 a voiced consonant r...
sonority 19 11 the quality of being...
sonorous 12 10 characterized by a f...
sonships 18 14 SONSHIP, the state o...
sonsiest 13 9 SONSIE, buxom, comel...
soochong 18 16 (Chinese) a kind of...
soopings 16 14 SOOPING, the act of...
soothers 15 10 SOOTHER, to cajole,...
soothest 15 10 SOOTH, true, real, a...
soothful 19 15 truthful, faithful [...
soothing 16 13 reassuring, calming...
soothsay 21 12 to foretell, to divi...
sootiest 13 8 SOOTY, covered with...
sootings 14 11 SOOTING, the act of...
sootless 14 9 without soot [adj]
sopheric 21 16 (Hebrew) relating to...
sopherim 19 16 (Hebrew) the scribes...
sophisms 20 16 SOPHISM, a plausible...
sophists 19 13 SOPHIST, a person wh...
sopiting 17 14 SOPITE, to put to sl...
soporose 14 11 causing sleep; sleep...
soporous 15 12 causing sleep; sleep...
soppiest 18 14 SOPPY, foolishly sen...
soppings 19 17 SOPPING, the act of...
sopranos 14 12 SOPRANO, (Italian) t...
sorbable 18 15 able to be absorbed...
sorbaria 15 11 a small deciduous sh...
sorbates 15 11 SORBATE, a salt of s...
sorbents 15 12 SORBENT, a substance...
sorbitan 15 12 a chemical compound...
sorbites 16 11 SORBITE, a fine-grai...
sorbitic 20 14 of or like sorbite,...
sorbitol 17 12 a white crystalline...
sorboses 15 11 SORBOSE, a type of s...
sorbuses 16 12 SORBUS, (Latin) any...
sorcerer 16 11 a magician who emplo...
sordider 14 10 SORDID, low, mean [a...
sordidly 22 13 SORDID, low, mean [a...
sordines 13 10 SORDINE, a cone-shap...
soredial 14 10 relating to a soredi...
soredium 15 13 a reproductive body...
sorehead 14 11 a person who is easi...
sorehons 14 11 SOREHON, (Irish) an...
soreness 12 9 the state of being s...
sorghums 19 16 SORGHUM, a genus of...
soricine 16 12 shrewlike, also SORI...
soricoid 17 12 shrewlike, also SORI...
sornings 14 12 SORNING, the act of...
sorobans 14 12 SOROBAN, (Japanese)...
soroches 18 13 SOROCHE, mountain si...
sororate 12 8 the marriage of a ma...
sororial 14 9 pertaining to sister...
sororise 13 8 to associate in a si...
sorority 20 10 a social club for wo...
sororize 16 17 to associate in a si...
sorption 15 12 the process or sorbi...
sorptive 18 15 tending to absorb an...
sorriest 14 8 SORRY, feeling regre...
sorrowed 16 12 SORROW, to grieve [v...
sorrower 16 11 one who sorrows [n -...
sorryish 23 12 somewhat sorry [adj]
sortable 16 12 able to be sorted [a...
sortably 23 14 SORTABLE [adv]
sortance 15 12 suitableness [n -S]
sortings 15 11 SORTING, the act of...
sortment 14 12 an assortment [n -S]
sosaties 13 8 SOSATIE, (Afrikaans)...
sossings 15 11 SOSSING, the act of...
soterial 14 9 pertaining to salvat...
sottedly 21 12 SOTTED [adv]
sottings 15 11 SOTTING, the act of...
soubises 16 12 SOUBISE, (French) a...
souchong 19 17 (Chinese) a kind of...
souffled 19 17 like a souffle, made...
souffles 19 16 SOUFFLE, (French) a...
soughing 18 16 SOUGH, to make a moa...
souldans 14 12 SOULDAN, (Arabic) th...
souldier 15 11 (archaic) to soldier...
soulless 16 11 without a soul [adj...
soullike 17 15 like a soul [adj]
soulmate 15 13 a person with whom o...
soulster 15 10 a singer of soul mus...
soumings 16 15 SOUMING, the act of...
soundbox 21 21 a resonant cavity in...
sounders 13 11 SOUNDER, a herd of p...
soundest 13 11 SOUND, being in good...
sounding 14 14 the action of determ...
soundman 13 15 a person who control...
soundmen 13 15 SOUNDMAN, a person w...
soupcons 18 16 SOUPCON, (French) a...
soupfins 18 16 SOUPFIN, the requiem...
soupiest 16 12 SOUPY, having the co...
soupless 17 13 without soup [adj]
souplike 18 17 like soup [adj]
soupling 18 16 SOUPLE, to make supp...
sourball 18 14 a sour candy [n -S]
sourcing 18 15 the act of sourcing...
sourdine 13 11 a mute or damper, al...
sourgums 17 15 SOURGUM, a softwood...
sourings 15 12 SOURING, a crabapple...
sourness 13 10 the state of being s...
sourocks 18 16 SOUROCK, (Scots) sor...
sourpuss 17 13 a grouchy person [n...
soursops 16 12 SOURSOP, a West Indi...
sourveld 17 15 (Afrikaans) in South...
sourwood 16 13 the sorrel tree [n -...
sousings 15 12 SOUSING, the act of...
sousliks 17 14 SOUSLIK, (Russian) a...
soutache 18 14 (French) a narrow br...
soutanes 12 10 SOUTANE, (French) a...
souterly 21 12 like a shoemaker [ad...
southern 15 12 in the south [adj SO...
southers 16 11 SOUTHER, to move tow...
southing 17 14 movement toward the...
southpaw 21 17 a left-handed sports...
southron 15 12 someone from the sou...
southsay 22 13 to foretell, to divi...
soutpiel 17 13 (South African) dero...
souvenir 15 14 a remembrance [n -S]...
souvlaki 18 18 a Greek dish of lamb...
sovietic 19 15 of or like a soviet...
sovkhozy 28 29 SOVKHOZ, (Russian) a...
sovranly 22 16 supremely [adv]
sovranty 21 15 sovereignty [n SOVRA...
sowarree 15 11 (Urdu) a mounted ret...
sowbacks 23 21 SOWBACK, an eroded,...
sowbelly 27 18 pork cured in salt [...
sowbread 18 15 a kind of cyclamen,...
sowffing 22 20 SOWFF, (Scots) to wh...
sownding 17 16 SOWND, (Spenser) to...
sowssing 18 14 SOWSSE, (Spenser) to...
sowthing 20 16 SOWTH, (Scots) to wh...
soybeans 20 14 SOYBEAN, a bean prod...
soymeals 21 14 SOYMEAL, the residue...
soymilks 24 18 SOYMILK, a milk subs...
sozzlier 21 27 SOZZLY, drunk [adj]
sozzling 22 30 SOZZLE, to intoxicat...
spacelab 21 18 a laboratory in spac...
spaceman 18 18 an astronaut [n SPAC...
spacemen 18 18 SPACEMAN, an astrona...
spaciest 19 14 SPACY, weird in beha...
spacings 20 17 SPACING, the distanc...
spacious 19 15 ample in extent [adj...
spackled 21 20 SPACKLE, to fill cra...
spackles 21 19 SPACKLE, to fill cra...
spadeful 19 17 as much as a spade c...
spademan 15 16 a worker with a spad...
spademen 15 16 SPADEMAN, a worker w...
spadgers 17 14 SPADGER, (slang) a s...
spadices 19 15 SPADIX, (Latin) a fl...
spadille 18 14 the ace of spades in...
spadillo 18 14 (obsolete) the ace o...
spadixes 22 19 SPADIX, (Latin) a fl...
spadones 14 13 SPADO, (Latin) a cas...
spadroon 14 13 (historical) a sword...
spaeings 16 14 SPAEING, the act of...
spaetzle 19 21 (German) in Jewish c...
spaewife 20 17 (Scots) a wise woman...
spageric 20 16 alchemical, also SPA...
spagging 19 18 SPAG, (of a cat) to...
spagiric 21 16 pertaining to alchem...
spagyric 27 18 alchemical, also SPA...
spaining 16 15 SPAIN, (Scots) to we...
spairged 17 14 SPAIRGE, to sprinkle...
spairges 17 13 SPAIRGE, to sprinkle...
spaldeen 15 14 a small hollow rubbe...
spallers 18 13 SPALLER, one who spa...
spalling 19 16 the breaking of ston...
spalpeen 17 16 (Irish) a scamp, a g...
spalting 18 15 SPALT, to splinter [...
spambots 19 17 SPAMBOT, a computer...
spammers 18 17 SPAMMER, someone who...
spammier 18 17 SPAMMY, bland, unexc...
spammies 18 17 SPAMMIE, (dialect) a...
spamming 19 20 sending out electron...
spancels 19 16 SPANCEL, to bind wit...
spandrel 16 14 a space between two...
spandril 17 14 a space between two...
spanghew 21 19 (dialect) to fling i...
spanging 17 17 SPANG, to cover with...
spangled 17 16 SPANGLE, to adorn wi...
spangler 17 15 one who spangles [n...
spangles 17 15 SPANGLE, to adorn wi...
spanglet 17 15 a sparkling bit of m...
spaniels 16 13 SPANIEL, to follow d...
spankers 16 16 SPANKER, the sail on...
spanking 17 19 spirited, going free...
spanless 16 13 having no extent [ad...
spanners 14 13 SPANNER, a tool for...
spanning 15 16 SPAN, to extend over...
spanspek 18 19 (Afrikaans) a sweet...
spansule 16 14 a pill [n -S]
spanworm 19 18 the larva of any geo...
sparable 18 15 a type of nail [n -S...
sparaxis 22 18 a South African irid...
sparerib 18 14 a cut of pork [n -S]
spargers 17 13 SPARGER, a vessel wi...
sparging 18 16 SPARGE, to sprinkle...
sparkers 17 15 SPARKER, a powerful...
sparkier 17 15 SPARKY, lively, also...
sparkies 17 15 SPARKIE, (colloquial...
sparkily 25 18 SPARKY, lively, also...
sparking 18 18 SPARK, to emit small...
sparkish 20 17 jaunty, showy [adj]
sparkled 18 17 SPARKLE, to reflect...
sparkler 18 16 something that spark...
sparkles 18 16 SPARKLE, to reflect...
sparklet 18 16 a small spark [n -S]
sparlike 18 16 resembling a spar [a...
sparling 18 15 a kind of fish, the...
sparoids 16 12 SPAROID, any of a fa...
sparrers 16 11 SPARRER, one who spa...
sparrier 16 11 SPARRY, having a con...
sparring 17 14 the act of sparring...
sparrows 19 14 SPARROW, a small bir...
sparsely 23 14 SPARSE, thinly distr...
sparsest 16 11 SPARSE, thinly distr...
sparsity 23 13 the state of being s...
spartans 15 12 SPARTAN, a crisp red...
sparthes 18 13 SPARTHE, (archaic) a...
spartina 15 12 a salt-marsh grass o...
spasming 18 17 SPASM, to go into sp...
spastics 20 14 SPASTIC, one affecte...
spatfall 20 16 a mass of shellfish...
spathose 17 13 relating to spar, al...
spatlese 16 12 (German) a sweet whi...
spattees 15 11 SPATTEE, a protectiv...
spatters 16 11 SPATTER, to scatter...
spatting 17 14 SPAT, to slap, strik...
spatular 17 13 shaped like a spatul...
spatulas 17 13 SPATULA, (Latin) a b...
spatules 17 13 SPATULE, (Latin) a b...
spatzles 20 21 SPATZLE, (German) in...
spavined 17 17 infected with spavin...
spawling 21 18 SPAWL, (archaic) to...
spawners 18 15 SPAWNER, a mature fe...
spawnier 18 15 SPAWNY, of or like s...
spawning 19 18 the act of spawning...
spazzing 23 32 SPAZZ, (slang) to la...
speakers 16 15 SPEAKER, one who spe...
speaking 17 18 a speech or discours...
speakout 16 16 the act of speaking...
speaning 15 15 SPEAN, (Scots) to we...
spearers 15 11 SPEARER, one who spe...
speargun 16 15 a gun that shoots sp...
spearier 15 11 SPEARY, like a spear...
spearing 16 14 the act of piercing...
spearman 15 15 a man armed with a s...
spearmen 15 15 SPEARMAN, a man arme...
speccier 22 17 SPECCY, wearing spec...
speccies 22 17 SPECCY, someone who...
speccing 23 20 SPEC, to write speci...
specials 20 15 SPECIAL [n]
speciate 18 14 to undergo a type of...
specific 25 20 for a particular pur...
specimen 19 18 a representative of...
specious 19 15 plausible, but inacc...
speckier 20 18 SPECKY, having speck...
speckies 20 18 SPECKY, someone who...
specking 21 21 SPECK, to mark with...
speckled 21 20 SPECKLE, to mark wit...
speckles 21 19 SPECKLE, to mark wit...
spectate 18 14 to attend and view [...
specters 19 14 SPECTER, a visible d...
specting 20 17 SPECT, a nonstandard...
spectral 20 15 resembling a spectre...
spectres 19 14 SPECTRE, a visible d...
spectrin 19 15 a protein found in r...
spectrum 21 18 an array of the comp...
specular 20 16 relating to a specul...
speculum 22 20 a medical instrument...
speeched 20 17 SPEECH, to harangue...
speeches 20 16 SPEECH, to harangue...
speeders 15 12 SPEEDER, one who spe...
speedful 19 17 full of speed [adj S...
speedier 15 12 SPEEDY, fast [adj]
speedily 23 15 SPEEDY, fast [adv]
speeding 16 15 the act of driving o...
speedups 18 16 SPEEDUP, an accelera...
speedway 24 17 a road designed for...
speelers 16 12 SPEELER, a climber (...
speeling 17 15 SPEEL, (Scots) to cl...
speering 16 14 an inquiry [n -S]
speiling 18 15 SPEIL, to climb, als...
speiring 17 14 an inquiry [n -S]
speisses 16 11 SPEISS, (German) a m...
spekboom 19 21 (Afrikaans) a South...
spelaean 14 13 living in caves, als...
spelders 17 13 SPELDER, (Scots) to...
spelding 18 16 a haddock or other s...
speldins 17 14 SPELDIN, a haddock o...
speldrin 17 14 a haddock or other s...
spellers 18 13 SPELLER, one who spe...
spellful 22 18 abounding in spells,...
spelling 19 16 a sequence of letter...
spelters 17 12 SPELTER, zinc in the...
speltzes 20 21 SPELTZ, a hardy whea...
spelunks 18 18 SPELUNK, to explore...
spencers 18 15 SPENCER, one who has...
spendall 17 15 a spendthrift [n -S]
spenders 15 13 SPENDER, one who spe...
spendier 15 13 SPENDY, expensive [a...
spending 16 16 the act of spending...
sperling 18 15 a kind of fish, the...
spermary 23 16 an organ in which sp...
spermine 16 15 a chemical compound...
spermous 17 15 pertaining to sperm,...
sperring 17 14 SPERRE, (Spenser) to...
spersing 17 14 SPERSE, (archaic) to...
sperthes 18 13 SPERTHE, (archaic) a...
spetched 21 17 SPETCH, to repair or...
spetches 21 16 SPETCH [n]
spetsnaz 18 21 (Russian) a select m...
spetting 17 14 SPET, to spit [v]
spetznaz 21 30 (Russian) a select m...
spewiest 19 14 SPEWY, boggy [adj]
sphaeres 17 13 SPHAERE, (obsolete)...
sphagnum 20 20 a grayish moss [n -S...
sphairee 17 13 (Australia) an alter...
spheares 17 13 SPHEARE, (archaic) a...
sphenoid 17 15 wedge-shaped, also S...
spherics 22 16 (short for) atmosphe...
spherier 18 13 SPHERY, resembling a...
sphering 19 16 SPHERE, to form into...
spheroid 18 14 a body resembling or...
spherule 19 15 a small sphere [n -S...
sphinges 19 16 SPHINX, (Greek) any...
sphingid 20 17 a member of the Sphi...
sphinxes 24 21 SPHINX, (Greek) any...
sphygmic 31 23 pertaining to the pu...
sphygmus 28 21 (Greek) the pulse [n...
sphynxes 30 23 SPHYNX, a hairless b...
spicated 19 15 spiked; spikelike, a...
spiccato 22 17 a method of playing...
spiciest 20 14 SPICY, tasting of sp...
spickest 21 18 SPICK, tidy, fresh [...
spicknel 21 20 (obsolete) an umbell...
spiculae 20 16 SPICULA, (Latin) a s...
spicular 21 16 resembling a dart; h...
spicules 21 16 SPICULE, a needlelik...
spiculum 23 20 a needlelike structu...
spidered 16 13 SPIDER, to move in a...
spiegels 18 14 SPIEGEL, (German) an...
spielers 17 12 SPIELER, a swindler...
spieling 18 15 SPIEL, to talk at le...
spiering 17 14 SPIER, (Scots) to as...
spiffied 21 18 SPIFFY, to make spif...
spiffier 21 17 SPIFFY, excellent [a...
spiffies 21 17 SPIFFY, to make spif...
spiffily 29 20 SPIFFY, excellent [a...
spiffing 22 20 SPIFF, to make spiff...
spighted 20 16 SPIGHT, (Spenser) to...
spignels 18 15 SPIGNEL, an umbellif...
spikelet 18 16 a type of flower clu...
spikiest 18 15 SPIKY, resembling a...
spilikin 19 17 a small slip of wood...
spilings 19 15 SPILING, the act of...
spilites 18 12 SPILITE, a fine-grai...
spilitic 22 15 of or like spilite,...
spillage 19 15 that which is spilt,...
spillers 19 13 SPILLER, one who spi...
spilling 20 16 the amount spilt [n...
spillway 28 18 a channel for overfl...
spimmers 19 17 SPIMMER, a person wh...
spimming 20 20 the activity of send...
spinachy 27 19 like spinach [adj]
spinages 16 14 SPINAGE, a cultivate...
spinally 24 16 SPINAL, related to t...
spindled 17 15 SPINDLE, to impale o...
spindler 17 14 one that spindles [n...
spindles 17 14 SPINDLE, to impale o...
spinelle 17 14 any mineral of a gro...
spinette 15 12 a musical instrument...
spiniest 16 12 SPINY, having spines...
spinifex 24 22 (Latin) a sharp-poin...
spinking 18 19 SPINK, of a finch, t...
spinless 17 13 having no rotation [...
spinners 15 13 SPINNER, one that sp...
spinnery 21 15 a spinning mill [n S...
spinnets 15 13 SPINNET, a musical i...
spinneys 21 15 SPINNEY, a small thi...
spinnier 15 13 SPINNY, crazy, fooli...
spinnies 15 13 SPINNY, a small thic...
spinning 16 16 the act of one who s...
spinodes 15 13 SPINODE, the cusp of...
spinoffs 20 18 SPINOFF, an incident...
spinouts 16 13 SPINOUT, a rotationa...
spinster 16 12 an older unmarried w...
spintext 22 19 a clergyman, a long-...
spinulae 16 14 SPINULA, (Latin) a s...
spinules 17 14 SPINULE, a small tho...
spiracle 20 15 an orifice through w...
spiraeas 15 11 SPIRAEA, any of a gr...
spiraled 17 13 SPIRAL, to move in s...
spirally 25 15 SPIRAL, winding like...
spirants 16 12 SPIRANT, a sound pro...
spirated 16 12 spirally twisted [ad...
spirelet 17 12 a slender spire [n -...
spiremes 17 14 SPIREME, a filament...
spiriest 17 11 SPIRY, tall, slender...
spirilla 19 13 SPIRILLUM, a rigid,...
spirited 17 12 SPIRIT, to carry off...
spiritus 18 12 (Latin) spirit; a br...
spirling 19 15 a kind of fish, aka...
spirting 18 14 SPIRT, to emit liqui...
spirtles 18 12 SPIRTLE, a wooden st...
spirulae 17 13 SPIRULA, a spiral-sh...
spirulas 18 13 SPIRULA, a spiral-sh...
spitball 21 16 to pitch a baseball...
spitcher 22 16 (slang) to be doomed...
spiteful 20 16 malicious [adj SPITE...
spitfire 19 14 a hot-tempered perso...
spitters 17 11 SPITTER, a type of p...
spittier 17 11 SPITTY, marked with...
spitting 18 14 the act of ejecting...
spittles 18 12 SPITTLE, saliva [n]
spittoon 15 12 a receptacle for sal...
spivvery 27 21 the world of spivs [...
spivvier 21 19 SPIVVY, like a spiv...
spivvish 24 21 like a spiv [adj]
splashed 19 15 SPLASH, to scatter l...
splasher 19 14 one that splashes [n...
splashes 19 14 SPLASH, to scatter l...
splatted 17 13 SPLAT, to flatten on...
splatter 17 12 to spatter, to splas...
splaying 24 17 SPLAY, to spread out...
splendid 17 15 magnificent [adj SPL...
splendor 16 14 magnificence [n -S]
splenial 17 14 of or like the splen...
splenium 18 17 a surgical bandage [...
splenius 17 14 (Latin) a muscle of...
splicers 21 15 SPLICER, one who spl...
splicing 22 18 the act of joining a...
splining 18 16 SPLINE, to provide w...
splinted 17 14 SPLINT, to put a spl...
splinter 17 13 to split into sharp,...
splished 20 15 SPLISH, to splash, a...
splishes 20 14 SPLISH, to splash, a...
splitted 18 13 SPLIT, to separate l...
splitter 18 12 one that splits [n -...
splodged 18 16 SPLODGE, to make a s...
splodges 18 15 SPLODGE, to make a s...
sploshed 19 15 SPLOSH, to splash, a...
sploshes 19 14 SPLOSH, to splash, a...
splotchy 29 19 covered with splotch...
splurged 19 16 SPLURGE, to spend mo...
splurger 19 15 one who splurges [n...
splurges 19 15 SPLURGE, to spend mo...
splurted 18 14 SPLURT, to gush fort...
splutter 18 13 to speak rapidly and...
spoddier 16 13 SPODDY, boring, stud...
spodiums 18 16 SPODIUM, (Greek) bon...
spodosol 16 13 a type of ashy soil...
spoffish 23 19 (archaic) fussy, off...
spoilage 17 14 something that is sp...
spoilers 17 12 SPOILER, one who spo...
spoilful 21 17 wasteful; rapacious,...
spoiling 18 15 SPOIL, to mar [v]
spoliate 16 12 to despoil; to plund...
spondaic 18 16 or of pertaining to...
spondees 14 13 SPONDEE, a type of m...
spondyls 23 16 SPONDYL, (Greek) a v...
spongers 16 14 SPONGER, one that sp...
spongier 16 14 SPONGY, absorptive [...
spongily 24 17 SPONGY, absorptive [...
sponging 17 17 SPONGE, to wipe with...
spongins 16 15 SPONGIN, a horny sub...
spongoid 16 15 resembling a sponge...
sponsing 16 15 a platform jutting f...
sponsion 14 13 the act of becoming...
sponsons 14 13 SPONSON, a platform...
sponsors 15 12 SPONSOR, to act as a...
spontoon 13 13 a small-headed halbe...
spoofers 17 14 SPOOFER, one who spo...
spoofery 23 16 good-natured ridicul...
spoofier 17 14 SPOOFY, humorously s...
spoofing 18 17 an act of spoofing [...
spookery 22 17 something spooky [n...
spookier 16 15 SPOOKY, scary, also...
spookily 24 18 SPOOKY, scary, also...
spooking 17 18 SPOOK, to frighten,...
spookish 19 17 spooky [adj]
spoolers 16 12 SPOOLER, a device fo...
spooling 17 15 the temporary storag...
spooming 17 17 SPOOM, to scud befor...
spooners 14 12 SPOONER, one who eng...
spooneys 20 14 SPOONEY, one who is...
spoonfed 16 16 aided in every way [...
spoonful 18 17 as much as a spoon c...
spoonier 14 12 SPOONY, foolishly fo...
spoonies 14 12 SPOONY, one who is f...
spoonily 22 15 SPOONY, foolishly fo...
spooning 15 15 SPOON, to eat with a...
spoorers 15 11 SPOORER, one who spo...
spooring 16 14 SPOOR, to follow a t...
sporadic 19 15 occurring at irregul...
sporidia 16 12 SPORIDIUM, a seconda...
sporozoa 17 20 SPOROZOON, a parasit...
sporrans 15 12 SPORRAN, a large pur...
sporters 16 11 SPORTER, one who spo...
sportful 20 16 full of sport; merry...
sportier 16 11 SPORTY, inclined to...
sporties 16 11 SPORTY, a sporty you...
sportifs 19 14 SPORTIF, (French) a...
sportily 24 14 SPORTY, inclined to...
sporting 17 14 sportsmanlike; fair...
sportive 18 15 playful [adj SPORTIV...
sporular 17 13 of or like a sporule...
sporules 17 13 SPORULE, a small spo...
sposhier 18 13 SPOSHY, (US) slushy...
spotless 17 12 perfectly clean [adj...
spotters 16 11 SPOTTER, one who spo...
spottier 16 11 SPOTTY, marked with...
spotties 16 11 SPOTTIE, (New Zealan...
spottily 24 14 SPOTTY, marked with...
spotting 17 14 the act of spotting...
spousage 16 14 espousal [n -S]
spousals 17 13 SPOUSAL, the state o...
spousing 17 15 SPOUSE, to betroth,...
spouters 16 12 SPOUTER, a spouting...
spoutier 16 12 SPOUTY, having a spo...
spouting 17 15 a rainwater downpipe...
sprackle 21 19 (Scots) to clamber,...
spraddle 17 14 to straddle [v SPRAD...
spragged 18 16 SPRAG, to stop with...
sprained 15 13 SPRAIN, to injure by...
spraints 16 12 SPRAINT, otter's dun...
sprangle 17 15 (US) to sprawl, to s...
sprattle 17 12 (Scots) to scramble...
sprauncy 25 18 smart, dapper [adj S...
sprawled 20 16 SPRAWL, to stretch o...
sprawler 20 15 one who sprawls [n -...
sprayers 22 13 SPRAYER, a device fo...
sprayier 22 13 SPRAYEY, full of spr...
spraying 23 16 an act of spraying [...
spreader 15 12 one who spreads [n -...
spreaghs 19 15 SPREAGH, (Gaelic) a...
spreathe 17 13 (SW dialect) to chap...
spreazed 18 21 SPREAZE, (SW dialect...
spreazes 18 20 SPREAZE, (SW dialect...
spredden 15 14 SPRED, (obsolete) to...
spreddes 16 13 SPREDDE, (obsolete)...
spreeing 16 14 SPREE, to carouse [v...
spreethe 17 13 (SW dialect) to chap...
spreezed 18 21 SPREEZE, (SW dialect...
spreezes 18 20 SPREEZE, (SW dialect...
sprented 15 13 SPRENT, to spring or...
sprigged 19 16 SPRIG, to embroider...
sprigger 19 15 one that decorates w...
sprights 21 15 SPRIGHT, (Shakespear...
springal 18 15 (archaic) an active...
springed 17 15 SPRINGE, to snare in...
springer 17 14 a kind of spaniel [n...
springes 17 14 SPRINGE, to snare in...
springle 18 15 a snare with a noose...
sprinkle 18 17 to scatter drops on...
sprinted 16 13 SPRINT, to run at to...
sprinter 16 12 one who sprints [n -...
spritely 24 14 lively, also SPRIGHT...
spritzed 20 21 SPRITZ, to spray (li...
spritzer 20 20 (German) a drink of...
spritzes 20 20 SPRITZ, to spray (li...
spritzig 22 22 (German) a usually s...
sprocket 20 18 a toothlike projecti...
sproglet 18 14 a small child [n -S]
sprouted 16 13 SPROUT, to begin to...
sprucely 27 18 SPRUCE, smart, dappe...
sprucest 20 15 SPRUCE, smart, dappe...
sprucier 20 15 SPRUCY, neat and tri...
sprucing 21 18 SPRUCE, to make smar...
spruiked 18 17 SPRUIK, (Australian...
spruiker 18 16 (Australian slang) o...
sprushed 19 15 SPRUSH, (Scots) to s...
sprushes 19 14 SPRUSH, (Scots) to s...
spryness 22 14 the state of being s...
spudders 17 14 SPUDDER, a tool for...
spuddier 17 14 SPUDDY, podgy [adj]
spudding 18 17 the process of start...
spuddles 18 15 SPUDDLE, (dialect) a...
spudgels 19 16 SPUDGEL, a bucket at...
spuggies 19 16 SPUGGY, (Scots) a ho...
spuilzie 21 22 (Scots) to plunder,...
spulyied 24 16 SPULYIE, (Scots) to...
spulyies 24 15 SPULYIE, (Scots) to...
spulzied 21 23 SPULZIE, (Scots) to...
spulzies 21 22 SPULZIE, (Scots) to...
spumante 16 16 (Italian) a sparklin...
spumiest 18 15 SPUMY, like spume [a...
spumones 16 16 SPUMONE, (Italian) a...
spumonis 17 16 SPUMONI, (Italian) a...
spunkier 17 17 SPUNKY, courageous,...
spunkies 17 17 SPUNKIE, (Scots) an...
spunkily 25 20 SPUNKY, courageous,...
spunking 18 20 SPUNK, to begin to b...
spunyarn 21 16 rope of yarns twiste...
spurdogs 18 15 SPURDOG, the dogfish...
spurgall 20 16 to injure with a spu...
spurious 17 13 not genuine [adj SPU...
spurless 18 13 without spurs [adj]
spurling 19 16 a tern [n -S]
spurners 16 13 SPURNER, one who spu...
spurning 17 16 the act of spurning...
spurrers 17 12 SPURRER, one who spu...
spurreys 23 14 SPURREY, an annual h...
spurrier 17 12 one whose occupation...
spurries 17 12 SPURRY, an annual he...
spurring 18 15 the act of spurring...
spurters 17 12 SPURTER, one who spu...
spurting 18 15 SPURT, to gush forth...
spurtles 18 13 SPURTLE, a wooden st...
spurways 26 17 SPURWAY, a bridle ro...
sputniks 18 17 SPUTNIK, (Russian) a...
sputters 17 12 SPUTTER, to spit, or...
sputtery 23 14 spluttery [adj]
spyglass 25 16 a small telescope [n...
spyholes 25 16 SPYHOLE, a peephole...
spyplane 24 18 a plane equipped to...
spywares 25 16 SPYWARE, software wh...
squabash 26 23 to crush esp. with c...
squabbed 26 25 SQUAB, to stuff, uph...
squabber 26 24 SQUAB, fat, clumsy,...
squabble 27 25 to quarrel [v SQUABB...
squaccos 28 24 SQUACCO, (Italian) a...
squadded 22 21 SQUAD, to form into...
squaddie 22 20 (colloquial) a soldi...
squadron 21 20 to organize in divis...
squailed 23 20 SQUAIL, to pelt with...
squailer 23 19 a throwing stick [n...
squalene 21 20 a natural oil obtain...
squalled 24 21 SQUALL, to rain or b...
squaller 24 20 a person, esp. a chi...
squaloid 23 20 like a shark [adj]
squalors 23 19 SQUALOR, the state o...
squamate 22 21 covered with scales,...
squamose 22 21 covered with scales,...
squamous 23 22 covered with scales,...
squamula 24 23 a little scale, also...
squamule 24 23 a little scale, also...
squander 21 20 to spend wastefully...
squarely 29 21 SQUARE, rigidly conv...
squarers 22 18 SQUARER, (Shakespear...
squarest 22 18 SQUARE, rigidly conv...
squarial 23 19 a flat diamond-shape...
squaring 23 21 the act of making sq...
squarish 25 20 somewhat square [adj...
squarson 21 19 a clergyman who is a...
squashed 24 21 SQUASH, to press int...
squasher 24 20 one who squashes [n...
squashes 24 20 SQUASH, to press int...
squatted 22 19 SQUAT, to sit on one...
squatter 22 18 to splash water abou...
squattle 23 19 (Scots) to squat dow...
squawked 26 26 SQUAWK, to utter a l...
squawker 26 25 a loudspeaker for re...
squawman 25 25 a white man with an...
squawmen 25 25 SQUAWMAN, a white ma...
squeaked 22 23 SQUEAK, to make a sh...
squeaker 22 22 something that squea...
squealed 22 20 SQUEAL, to utter a s...
squealer 22 19 an informer [n -S]
squeegee 21 20 to wipe with a type...
squeezed 24 28 SQUEEZE, to press ha...
squeezer 24 27 one that squeezes [n...
squeezes 24 27 SQUEEZE, to press ha...
squegged 24 23 SQUEG, to oscillate...
squegger 24 22 a squegging oscillat...
squelchy 35 26 sounding like a sque...
squibbed 27 25 SQUIB, to lampoon [v...
squibber 27 24 in baseball, an infi...
squidded 23 21 SQUID, to fish with...
squidged 24 22 SQUIDGE, to squeeze...
squidges 24 21 SQUIDGE, to squeeze...
squiffed 27 25 (colloquial) tipsy,...
squiffer 27 24 (slang) a concertina...
squiggle 26 23 to writhe about; squ...
squiggly 33 25 like squiggles, wrig...
squilgee 24 21 to wipe with a type...
squillae 24 20 SQUILLA, a kind of b...
squillas 25 20 SQUILLA, a kind of b...
squinied 22 20 SQUINY, (dialect) to...
squinies 22 19 SQUINY, (dialect) to...
squinted 22 20 SQUINT, to look with...
squinter 22 19 one who squints [n -...
squirage 23 20 squires collectively...
squireen 21 19 (facetious) one who...
squirely 30 21 like a squire [adj]
squiress 23 18 a squire's wife [n -...
squiring 24 21 SQUIRE, to escort [v...
squirish 26 20 resembling a squire...
squirmed 24 22 SQUIRM, to wriggle [...
squirmer 24 21 a person who squirms...
squirred 23 19 SQUIRR, to scour, se...
squirrel 24 19 to store up for futu...
squirted 23 19 SQUIRT, to throw out...
squirter 23 18 a device for squirti...
squished 25 21 SQUISH, to squash, a...
squishes 25 20 SQUISH, to squash, a...
squizzes 29 36 SQUIZ, (Australian s...
squooshy 30 22 squashy [adj SQUOOSH...
squushed 25 22 SQUUSH, to squash [v...
squushes 25 21 SQUUSH, to squash [v...
sraddhas 16 12 SRADDHA, (Sanskrit)...
stabbers 18 14 STABBER, one who sta...
stabbing 19 17 of a pain, sharp and...
stabiles 17 12 STABILE, a stationar...
stablers 17 12 STABLER, one who kee...
stablest 17 12 STABLE, well-founded...
stabling 18 15 accommodation for an...
stablish 20 14 (archaic) to establi...
staccati 20 14 STACCATO, a musical...
staccato 19 14 a musical passage wi...
stackers 18 15 STACKER, one who sta...
stackets 18 15 STACKET, (Scots) a s...
stacking 19 18 the act of stacking...
stackups 21 19 STACKUP, an arrangem...
staddles 15 11 STADDLE, a support f...
stadials 15 10 STADIAL, a single pe...
stadiums 16 13 STADIUM, a race cour...
staffage 18 16 decorative addition...
staffers 18 14 STAFFER, a member of...
staffing 19 17 the provision of sta...
staffman 18 18 a person who holds t...
staffmen 18 18 STAFFMAN, a person w...
stageful 18 15 as much as a stage c...
stagette 14 10 a hen party [n -S]
staggard 16 13 the male red deer wh...
staggart 16 12 the male red deer wh...
staggers 16 12 STAGGER, to walk or...
staggery 22 14 given to staggering...
staggier 16 12 STAGGY, having the a...
staggies 16 12 STAGGIE, (Scots) a c...
stagging 17 15 STAG, to attend a fu...
staghorn 16 13 a stag's antler [n -...
stagiest 15 10 STAGY, having a thea...
stagings 16 13 STAGING, a temporary...
stagnant 13 12 still and often foul...
stagnate 13 11 to become still and...
staidest 14 9 STAID, sober and sed...
stainers 13 9 STAINER, that which...
staining 14 12 the act of staining...
stairway 23 13 a flight of stairs [...
staithes 16 10 STAITHE, a wharf for...
stakeout 14 13 a surveillance of an...
stalagma 16 14 a stalactite [n -S]
stalkers 16 13 STALKER, one who sta...
stalkier 16 13 STALKY, long and sle...
stalkily 24 16 STALKY, long and sle...
stalking 17 16 the act of stalking...
stalkoes 15 13 STALKO, (Irish) a ge...
stallage 16 12 rent paid for a mark...
stalling 17 13 the act of stalling...
stallion 15 11 an uncastrated male...
stallman 16 14 a keeper of a stall...
stallmen 16 14 STALLMAN, a keeper o...
stalwart 18 12 staunch, also STALWO...
stamened 13 13 having stamens [adj]
staminal 15 13 relating to stamina...
staminas 14 12 STAMINA, endurance [...
stammels 17 15 STAMMEL, (historical...
stammers 16 14 STAMMER, to speak wi...
stampede 16 15 to send rushing in p...
stampedo 16 15 (obsolete) to stampe...
stampers 17 14 STAMPER, one who sta...
stamping 18 17 the act of stamping...
stanched 18 15 STANCH, to stop the...
stanchel 19 15 an upright beam, bar...
stancher 18 14 an upright beam, bar...
stanches 18 14 STANCH, to stop the...
stanchly 26 17 STANCH, firm, steadf...
standard 13 11 conforming to the no...
standbys 22 15 STANDBY, one who can...
standees 12 10 STANDEE, one who sta...
standers 13 10 STANDER, one who sta...
standing 14 13 a position in societ...
standish 16 12 a receptacle for pen...
standoff 17 16 a tie or a draw, in...
standout 13 11 one that shows marke...
standpat 15 13 resisting or opposin...
standups 16 14 STANDUP, a standup c...
stanging 15 14 STANG, (Scots) to st...
stanhope 16 14 a light, open carria...
staniels 14 10 STANIEL, the kestrel...
stanines 12 10 STANINE, a nine-poin...
stanking 15 16 STANK, (Scots) to da...
stannary 18 12 a tin-mining region...
stannate 11 10 a salt of stannic ac...
stannels 13 11 STANNEL, the kestrel...
stannite 12 10 an ore of tin [n -S]
stannous 12 11 of bivalent tin [adj...
stannums 14 14 STANNUM, (Latin) the...
stanyels 20 12 STANYEL, the kestrel...
stanzaed 15 19 having a stanza [adj...
stanzaic 19 21 pertaining to, or co...
stanzoes 15 18 STANZO, (Shakespeare...
stapedes 15 12 STAPES, a bone of th...
stapedii 16 12 STAPEDIUS, the muscl...
stapelia 16 12 any of various succu...
staplers 17 12 STAPLER, a stapling...
stapling 18 15 the act of fastening...
stapping 19 17 STAP, (Scots) to stu...
stapples 19 15 STAPPLE, a tobacco p...
staragen 13 11 (obsolete) the tarra...
starched 19 14 STARCH, to stiffen a...
starcher 19 13 one who starches [n...
starches 19 13 STARCH, to stiffen a...
stardoms 15 12 STARDOM, the status...
stardust 15 10 cosmic dust, meteori...
starfish 19 13 a star-shaped marine...
stargaze 17 19 to gaze at the stars...
starings 15 11 STARING, the act of...
starkens 14 13 STARKEN, to make or...
starkers 15 12 (colloquial) naked [...
starkest 15 12 STARK, stern, harsh...
starking 16 15 STARK, to stiffen [v...
starless 15 9 without stars [adj]
starlets 15 9 STARLET, a minor sho...
starlike 16 13 like a star [adj]
starling 16 12 a European bird [n -...
starnies 13 9 STARNIE, (Scots) a s...
starning 14 12 STARN, to row backwa...
starnose 12 9 a curious American m...
starosta 13 8 (Russian) a village...
starosty 20 10 a domain bestowed by...
starrier 14 8 STARRY, abounding wi...
starrily 22 11 STARRY, abounding wi...
starring 15 11 the act or starring...
starship 19 13 a spaceship for inte...
starspot 16 11 an area of darkness...
starters 14 8 STARTER, one who sta...
startful 18 13 of a horse, apt to s...
starting 15 11 beginning [adj START...
startish 17 10 of a horse, apt to s...
startled 15 10 STARTLE, to frighten...
startler 15 9 one who startles [n...
startles 15 9 STARTLE, to frighten...
startups 17 12 STARTUP, the act of...
starvers 16 12 STARVER, one who sta...
starving 17 15 the act of starving...
starwort 17 11 any plant of the gen...
stashies 16 10 STASHIE, (Scots) fus...
stashing 17 13 STASH, to store in a...
stasimon 14 12 a choral ode in an a...
statable 16 12 capable of being sta...
statedly 21 12 at stated times; reg...
statelet 14 9 a small political st...
statical 18 12 relating to statics,...
statices 17 11 STATICE, (Latin) the...
staticky 25 17 marked by static [ad...
stations 13 9 STATION, to assign t...
statisms 16 11 STATISM, a theory of...
statists 15 8 STATIST, a statesman...
statives 16 12 STATIVE, a verb indi...
statuary 20 11 a group of statues [...
statured 14 10 sculptured [adj]
statures 14 9 STATURE, the natural...
statuses 14 9 STATUS, a state of a...
statutes 14 9 STATUTE, a law enact...
staumrel 16 13 a dolt [n -S]
stauning 14 13 STAUN, (Scots) to st...
stayaway 28 15 in South Africa, a s...
stayless 21 11 without stays [adj]
stayning 20 14 STAYNE, (Spenser) to...
staysail 21 11 a fore-and-aft sail...
steadied 13 10 STEADY, to make stea...
steadier 13 9 one who steadies [n...
steadies 13 9 STEADY, to make stea...
steadily 21 12 STEADY, well-balance...
steading 14 12 a small farm [n -S]
stealage 14 11 theft [n -S]
stealers 14 9 STEALER, one who ste...
stealing 15 12 the act of stealing...
stealths 17 11 STEALTH, to approach...
stealthy 23 13 acting with stealth,...
steamers 14 11 STEAMER, to travel b...
steamier 14 11 STEAMY, like steam [...
steamies 14 11 STEAMIE, (Scots) a p...
steamily 22 14 STEAMY, like steam [...
steaming 15 14 a method of cooking...
steaning 13 12 STEAN, to line e.g....
steapsin 15 12 an enzyme present in...
stearage 13 10 (obsolete) the act o...
stearate 12 8 a salt of stearic ac...
stearine 12 9 the solid portion of...
stearing 14 11 STEARE [v]
stearins 13 9 STEARIN, the solid p...
steatite 13 8 the massive talc tha...
steatoma 13 11 (Greek) a cyst conta...
steddied 14 11 STEDDY, (archaic) to...
steddies 14 10 STEDDY, (archaic) to...
stedding 15 13 STEDD, (Spenser) to...
stedfast 16 12 (obsolete) of a pers...
steedied 13 10 STEEDY, (archaic) to...
steedies 13 9 STEEDY, (archaic) to...
steeding 14 12 STEED, (Spenser) to...
steeking 15 15 STEEK, (Scots) to st...
steelbow 19 15 (Scots) stock and go...
steelier 14 9 STEELY, resembling s...
steelies 14 9 STEELIE, a steel pla...
steeling 15 12 the act of steeling...
steelman 14 13 a worker in the stee...
steelmen 14 13 STEELMAN, a worker i...
steeming 15 14 STEEM, (archaic) to...
steenbok 15 16 (Afrikaans) a small...
steening 13 12 a stone lining, also...
steepens 14 12 STEEPEN, to become s...
steepers 15 11 STEEPER, a vessel fo...
steepest 15 11 STEEP, inclined shar...
steepeup 17 15 (Shakespeare) precip...
steepier 15 11 STEEPY, steep; preci...
steeping 16 14 STEEP, to soak in a...
steepish 18 13 somewhat steep [adj]
steepled 16 13 having a steeple [ad...
steeples 16 12 STEEPLE, a structure...
steerage 13 10 a section in a passe...
steerers 13 8 STEERER, one who ste...
steerier 13 8 STEERY, busy or bust...
steeries 13 8 STEERY, a commotion...
steering 14 11 the guiding of a veh...
steevely 22 15 STEEVE, (Scots) firm...
steevest 15 12 STEEVE, (Scots) firm...
steeving 16 15 the angular elevatio...
stegodon 13 12 an extinct mammal wi...
steinbok 16 16 (Afrikaans) a small...
steining 14 12 a stone lining of a...
stellate 15 10 star-shaped; starry,...
stellify 25 15 to convert into a st...
stelling 17 13 STELL, to establish,...
stellion 15 11 an East Mediterranea...
stellite 16 10 a cobalt-base alloy...
stemboks 18 18 STEMBOK, (Afrikaans)...
stembuck 22 22 (Afrikaans) a small...
stemhead 16 14 the head of the stem...
stemless 16 12 without a stem [adj]
stemlets 16 12 STEMLET, a small ste...
stemlike 17 16 like a stem [adj]
stemmata 15 14 STEMMA, (Greek) a di...
stemmers 16 14 STEMMER, a metal bar...
stemmery 22 16 a place where tobacc...
stemmier 16 14 STEMMY, abounding in...
stemming 17 17 material used for ta...
stempels 18 15 STEMPEL, (German) a...
stemples 18 15 STEMPLE, a crosstimb...
stemsons 14 12 STEMSON, a supportin...
stemware 17 14 a type of glassware...
stenched 18 15 STENCH, to cause to...
stenches 18 14 STENCH, to cause to...
stencils 18 13 STENCIL, to produce...
stending 14 13 STEND, (Scots) to bo...
stengahs 16 13 STENGAH, (Malay) a d...
stenlock 18 17 (Scots) a coalfish [...
stenning 13 13 STEN, to stride vigo...
stenosed 12 10 affected with stenos...
stenoses 12 9 STENOSIS, a narrowin...
stenosis 13 9 a narrowing of a bod...
stenotic 16 12 relating to a stenos...
stenting 14 12 STENT, (Scots) to st...
stentors 13 9 STENTOR, a person wh...
stentour 13 10 one who determines t...
stepdads 16 13 STEPDAD, a stepfathe...
stepdame 16 15 a stepmother [n -S]
stephane 16 14 (Greek) an ancient G...
stepless 17 12 lacking steps [adj]
steplike 18 16 like a step [adj]
stepmoms 18 17 STEPMOM, (colloquial...
stepneys 21 14 STEPNEY, (slang) a s...
stepover 17 15 an instance of raisi...
steppers 18 14 STEPPER, one who ste...
stepping 19 17 STEP, to measure by...
stepsons 15 12 STEPSON, a son of on...
stepwise 19 14 marked by a gradual...
steranes 12 9 STERANE, a chemical...
stereoed 12 9 STEREO, to make a ty...
stereome 13 11 mechanical tissue in...
sterical 18 12 pertaining to atoms...
sterigma 16 13 a spore-bearing stal...
sterlets 15 9 STERLET, (Russian) a...
sterling 16 12 genuine, authentic [...
sternage 13 11 (Shakespeare) sterns...
sternest 13 9 STERN, severe [adj]
sterning 14 12 STERN, to back, row...
sternite 13 9 the ventral plate of...
sternson 12 10 the end of a ship's...
sternums 15 13 STERNUM, a long, fla...
sternway 22 14 the backward movemen...
steroids 14 9 STEROID, any of a cl...
stertors 14 8 STERTOR, (Latin) a h...
sterving 17 15 STERVE, (Spenser) to...
stetsons 13 9 STETSON, (tradename)...
stetting 15 11 STET, to cancel a pr...
stewable 19 15 able to be stewed [a...
stewards 17 12 STEWARD, to act as a...
stewbums 21 18 STEWBUM, a drunken b...
stewiest 17 11 STEWY, like a stew [...
stewings 18 14 STEWING, the act of...
stewpans 18 15 STEWPAN, a pan used...
stewpond 18 16 a fish pond [n -S]
stewpots 19 14 STEWPOT, a pot for c...
sthenias 15 11 STHENIA, unusual or...
stibbler 20 15 (Scots) a horse turn...
stibbles 20 15 STIBBLE, (Scots) the...
stibines 16 12 STIBINE, antimony hy...
stibiums 19 15 STIBIUM, (Latin) ant...
stibnite 16 12 an ore of antimony [...
sticcado 20 15 (Italian) an instrum...
sticcato 20 14 (Italian) an instrum...
stichera 19 13 STICHERON, (Greek) a...
stickers 19 15 STICKER, to apply ad...
stickful 23 20 as much set type as...
stickied 19 16 STICKY, to make stic...
stickier 19 15 STICKY, adhesive [ad...
stickies 19 15 STICKY, to make stic...
stickily 27 18 STICKY, adhesive [ad...
sticking 20 18 the act of sticking...
stickjaw 24 27 a sweet meat [n -S]
stickled 20 17 STICKLE, to argue st...
stickler 20 16 one who has scruples...
stickles 20 16 STICKLE, to argue st...
stickman 19 19 one who supervises p...
stickmen 19 19 STICKMAN, one who su...
stickout 19 16 one who is conspicuo...
stickpin 21 19 a decorative tiepin...
stickums 21 19 STICKUM, a substance...
stickups 22 19 STICKUP, (colloquial...
stiction 17 12 frictional force whi...
stiddied 15 11 STIDDIE, to forge on...
stiddies 15 10 STIDDIE, to forge on...
stievely 23 15 STIEVE, (Scots) stif...
stievest 16 12 STIEVE, (Scots) stif...
stiffens 18 15 STIFFEN, to make sti...
stiffest 19 14 STIFF, rigid [adj]
stiffies 19 14 STIFFIE, an erect pe...
stiffing 20 17 STIFF, to cheat, rob...
stiffish 22 16 somewhat stiff [adj]
stiflers 18 12 STIFLER, one who, or...
stifling 19 15 very hot [adj STIFLI...
stigmata 16 13 STIGMA, a mark of di...
stilbene 16 13 a crystalline hydroc...
stilbite 18 12 a common mineral of...
stiletto 15 9 (Italian) a narrow d...
stillage 17 12 a cask stand, also S...
stillers 17 10 STILLER, a distiller...
stillest 17 10 STILL, free from sou...
stillier 17 10 STILLY, still, quiet...
stilling 18 13 a cask stand, also S...
stillion 16 11 a cask stand, also S...
stillman 17 14 one who operates a d...
stillmen 17 14 STILLMAN, one who op...
stillson 16 11 (tradename) a kind o...
stilters 16 9 STILTER, one who wal...
stiltier 16 9 STILTY, stilt-like [...
stilting 17 12 the act of stilting...
stiltish 19 11 somewhat stilty [adj...
stimulus 18 14 an agency that produ...
stimying 23 16 STIMY, to thwart, st...
stingers 15 11 STINGER, one that st...
stingier 15 11 STINGY, mean, niggar...
stingies 15 11 STINGY, a stinging n...
stingily 23 14 STINGY, mean, niggar...
stinging 16 14 painful, severe [adj...
stingray 21 13 a ray with a formida...
stinkard 15 14 a despicable person...
stinkbug 19 19 a shield bug that re...
stinkers 15 13 STINKER, a very unpl...
stinkier 15 13 STINKY, emitting a f...
stinking 16 16 evil-smelling [adj S...
stinkpot 17 16 a common musk turtle...
stinters 14 9 STINTER, one who, or...
stintier 14 9 STINTY, limited [adj...
stinting 15 12 grudging [adj STINTI...
stipends 16 13 STIPEND, a fixed amo...
stipites 17 11 STIPES, a slender su...
stippled 20 16 STIPPLE, to paint or...
stippler 20 15 one who stipples [n...
stipples 20 15 STIPPLE, to paint or...
stipular 18 13 of or pertaining to...
stipuled 18 14 having a stipule [ad...
stipules 18 13 STIPULE, an appendag...
stirless 16 9 without stir [adj]
stirrahs 17 10 STIRRAH, (Scots) a r...
stirrers 15 8 STIRRER, a troublema...
stirring 16 11 rousing, exciting [a...
stirrups 18 12 STIRRUP, a support f...
stishies 17 10 STISHIE, (Scots) fus...
stitched 20 14 STITCH, to sew toget...
stitcher 20 13 one who stitches [n...
stitches 20 13 STITCH, to sew toget...
stithied 17 11 STITHY, to forge on...
stithies 17 10 STITHY, to forge on...
stiviest 17 12 STIVY, stuffy [adj]
stobbing 19 17 STOB, to stab [v]
stoccado 19 15 (Italian) a stab; a...
stoccata 19 14 (Italian) a straight...
stocious 17 12 (Irish slang) drunk,...
stockade 17 16 to build a type of p...
stockage 18 17 the amount of suppli...
stockcar 21 18 a boxcar for carryin...
stockers 18 15 STOCKER, an animal k...
stockier 18 15 STOCKY, having a sho...
stockily 26 18 STOCKY, having a sho...
stocking 19 18 a covering for the f...
stockish 21 17 like a stock; stupid...
stockist 19 15 a shopkeeper who sto...
stockman 18 19 a man who owns or ra...
stockmen 18 19 STOCKMAN, a man who...
stockpot 20 18 a pot for making sou...
stodgers 15 11 STODGER, a dull pers...
stodgier 15 11 STODGY, boring [adj]
stodgily 23 14 STODGY, boring [adv]
stodging 16 14 STODGE, to stuff ful...
stoicism 19 14 indifference to plea...
stoiters 14 8 STOITER, (Scots) to...
stoiting 15 11 STOIT, (Scots) to st...
stokesia 14 12 a perennial herb of...
stokvels 18 17 STOKVEL, (South Afri...
stolider 15 10 STOLID, impassive, u...
stolidly 23 13 STOLID, impassive, u...
stollens 15 11 STOLLEN, (German) a...
stolonic 17 13 of or like a stolon,...
stolport 17 12 an airport for aircr...
stomachs 20 16 STOMACH, to tolerate...
stomachy 26 18 obstinate; sullen; h...
stomacks 19 18 STOMACK, (East Afric...
stomatal 15 12 pertaining to the st...
stomates 14 11 STOMATE, a minute op...
stomatic 18 14 of or pertaining to...
stomiums 17 15 STOMIUM, a pollen ce...
stomodea 13 12 STOMODEUM, an embryo...
stompers 17 14 STOMPER, one who sto...
stompier 17 14 STOMPY, conducive to...
stompies 17 14 STOMPIE, (South Afri...
stomping 18 17 STOMP, to tread heav...
stonable 15 13 carrying the penalty...
stonecut 16 13 a print made from an...
stonefly 22 15 a winged insect [n S...
stonerag 13 11 a kind of lichen, al...
stoneraw 15 12 a kind of lichen, al...
stoniest 13 9 STONY, of or like st...
stonings 14 12 STONING, the act of...
stonkers 14 13 STONKER, (Australian...
stonking 15 16 STONK, (slang) to bo...
stonning 13 13 STONNE, (obsolete) t...
stonying 20 14 STONY, aphetic for a...
stooging 15 13 STOOGE, to act as a...
stookers 14 12 STOOKER, one who sto...
stookies 14 12 STOOKIE, (Scots) stu...
stooking 15 15 the act of putting c...
stoolies 14 9 STOOLIE, (short for)...
stooling 15 12 STOOL, to put forth...
stoopers 15 11 STOOPER, one who sto...
stooping 16 14 STOOP, to bend the b...
stooshie 15 10 (Scots) fuss, ado, a...
stoozers 16 17 STOOZER, one who sto...
stoozing 17 20 the practice of taki...
stopband 17 16 a band of frequencie...
stopbank 18 19 an embankment along...
stopcock 23 21 a short pipe opened...
stopgaps 19 16 STOPGAP, a temporary...
stopings 17 14 STOPING, the process...
stopless 17 12 without a stop [adj]
stopoffs 20 17 STOPOFF, a brief sto...
stopover 17 15 a brief stop in the...
stoppage 18 16 the act of stopping...
stoppers 18 14 STOPPER, to seal wit...
stopping 19 17 the action of one wh...
stoppled 19 16 STOPPLE, to stop up,...
stopples 19 15 STOPPLE, to stop up,...
stopword 19 15 a frequently used wo...
storable 16 12 something that can b...
storages 14 10 STORAGE, a place for...
storaxes 19 15 STORAX, (Latin) a fr...
storeman 13 12 a storekeeper [n STO...
storemen 13 12 STOREMAN, a storekee...
storeyed 19 11 having a storey [adj...
stormers 15 11 STORMER, a humdinger...
stormful 19 16 abounding with storm...
stormier 15 11 STORMY, wild, tempes...
stormily 23 14 STORMY, wild, tempes...
storming 16 14 the act of storming...
storying 21 13 the art of relating...
stotinka 14 13 a Bulgarian monetary...
stotinki 15 13 STOTINKA, a Bulgaria...
stotinov 15 13 STOTIN, a monetary u...
stotious 14 9 (Irish slang) drunk,...
stotters 14 8 STOTTER, to stagger,...
stotties 14 8 STOTTIE, (dialect) a...
stotting 15 11 STOTT, to bound with...
stounded 13 12 STOUND, to ache, thr...
stouning 14 13 STOUN, (Spenser) to...
stourier 14 9 STOURY, (Scots) dust...
stoushed 16 12 STOUSH, (Australian...
stoushes 16 11 STOUSH, (Australian...
stoushie 16 11 (Scots) fuss, ado, a...
stoutens 13 10 STOUTEN, to make sto...
stoutest 14 9 STOUT, thick, resolu...
stoutish 17 11 somewhat stout [adj]
stovaine 14 13 an anaesthetic cocai...
stovetop 17 15 the hob of a stove [...
stovings 17 15 STOVING, the act of...
stowable 19 15 able to be stowed [a...
stowages 17 13 STOWAGE, goods in st...
stowaway 25 16 a person who hides a...
stowdown 19 16 the process of stowi...
stowings 18 14 STOWING, the act of...
stowlins 18 13 (Scots) by stealth,...
stownded 16 14 STOWND, to ache, thr...
strabism 18 14 a squint, also STRAB...
straddle 15 11 to bestride; to set...
stradiot 14 9 (historical) a Venet...
strafers 16 11 STRAFER, one who str...
straffed 18 15 STRAFF, (German) to...
strafing 17 14 the act of raking wi...
straggle 17 13 to stray [v STRAGGLE...
straggly 24 15 irregularly spread o...
straicht 20 13 (Scots) straight, al...
straight 18 12 uncurved, also STRAI...
straiked 15 13 STRAIK, to stroke, a...
strained 13 10 STRAIN, to exert to...
strainer 13 9 a utensil used to se...
straints 14 9 STRAINT, (Spenser) p...
straited 14 9 STRAIT, to confine [...
straiten 13 9 to make strait, narr...
straiter 14 8 STRAIT, confined, ri...
straitly 22 11 STRAIT, confined, ri...
stramash 17 13 (Scots) to make a ra...
strammel 17 15 (obsolete) a straw;...
stramony 20 14 thorn apple, and its...
stramped 17 15 STRAMP, (Scots) to t...
stranded 13 11 STRAND, to leave in...
strander 13 10 a machine that twist...
stranger 14 11 to make a stranger [...
stranges 14 11 STRANGE, an unfamili...
strangle 15 12 to choke to death [v...
strapped 18 15 STRAP, to fasten wit...
strapper 18 14 an apprentice, a lea...
strasses 14 8 STRASS, (German) a p...
strategy 21 12 a plan for obtaining...
stratify 23 13 to arrange in layers...
stratose 13 8 in strata, layered,...
stratous 14 9 in strata, layered,...
stratums 16 12 STRATUM, a layer of...
straucht 20 14 (Scots) straight, al...
straught 18 13 (Scots) straight, al...
straunge 14 12 (archaic) strange, i...
stravage 16 14 to stroll, also STRA...
stravaig 17 14 (Scots) to wander ai...
strawhat 19 13 pertaining to a summ...
strawier 17 11 STRAWY, resembling s...
strawing 18 14 STRAW, to cover with...
strayers 20 10 STRAYER, one who str...
straying 21 13 the act of straying...
strayved 22 15 STRAYVE, (dialect) t...
strayves 22 14 STRAYVE, (dialect) t...
streaked 14 13 STREAK, to cover wit...
streaker 14 12 a person who runs na...
streamed 14 12 STREAM, to flow in a...
streamer 14 11 a long narrow flag [...
streeked 14 13 STREEK, to stretch;...
streeker 14 12 one that streeks, st...
streeled 14 10 STREEL, (Irish) to t...
streeted 13 9 STREET, to provide w...
streight 18 12 (Spenser) a strait,...
streigne 14 11 (obsolete) to strain...
strelitz 19 18 (Russian) a soldier...
strength 17 13 a degree of being me...
strepent 15 12 (Latin) noisy [adj]
stressed 14 9 STRESS, to place emp...
stresses 14 8 STRESS, to place emp...
stressor 14 8 an agent or factor t...
stretchy 26 15 tending to stretch [...
strettas 14 8 STRETTA, (Italian) a...
strettos 14 8 STRETTO, a concludin...
streusel 15 10 (German) a crumb-lik...
strewage 17 13 items discarded [n -...
strewers 17 11 STREWER, one who str...
strewing 18 14 the act of strewing...
striatal 15 9 relating to the corp...
striated 14 9 STRIATE, to mark wit...
striates 14 8 STRIATE, to mark wit...
striatum 16 12 (Latin) part of the...
striches 20 13 STRICH, (archaic) th...
stricken 18 16 strongly affected or...
strickle 20 16 to shape grain with...
stricter 18 11 STRICT, kept within...
strictly 26 14 STRICT, kept within...
stridden 14 11 STRIDE, to walk with...
striddle 16 11 to straddle, also ST...
strident 14 10 loud, grating [adj S...
striders 15 9 STRIDER, one who str...
striding 16 12 STRIDE, to walk with...
stridors 15 9 STRIDOR, (Latin) a h...
strigate 15 10 having strigae, bris...
strigged 17 13 STRIG, to remove the...
strigils 18 11 STRIGIL, (Latin) an...
strigine 15 11 owllike [adj]
strigose 15 10 having strigae, bris...
strikers 16 12 STRIKER, an attackin...
striking 17 15 impressive [adj STRI...
strimmed 17 15 STRIM, to cut grass...
stringed 15 12 STRING, to provide w...
stringer 15 11 a journalist or repo...
strinkle 16 14 (Scots) to sprinkle...
stripers 17 11 STRIPER, a food and...
stripier 17 11 STRIPY, marked with...
striping 18 14 stripes marked or pa...
stripped 19 15 STRIP, to remove the...
stripper 19 14 one who removes his...
strivers 17 12 STRIVER, one who str...
striving 18 15 trying hard [adj STR...
stroamed 14 12 STROAM, to wander ab...
strobila 17 12 a stack of immature...
strobile 17 12 a scaly spike of fem...
strobili 18 12 STROBILUS, (Greek) a...
strobils 18 12 STROBIL, a scaly spi...
strobing 17 14 an unwanted jerky ef...
stroddle 15 11 (dialect) to straddl...
strodled 15 11 STRODLE, (dialect) t...
strodles 15 10 STRODLE, (dialect) t...
strokers 15 12 STROKER, one who str...
stroking 16 15 the act of stroking...
strolled 16 11 STROLL, to walk in a...
stroller 16 10 one who strolls [n -...
stromata 14 11 STROMA, a supporting...
strombus 18 15 a very large gastrop...
stronger 14 11 STRONG, having great...
strongly 22 14 STRONG, having great...
strongyl 22 14 (Greek) a parasitic...
strontia 13 9 an oxide of the meta...
strontic 17 12 containing, or desig...
strooken 13 13 STRIKE, to hit [v]
strookes 14 12 STROOKE, (obsolete)...
strophes 18 13 STROPHE, (Greek) a g...
strophic 22 16 pertaining to or con...
stropped 18 15 STROP, to sharpen on...
stropper 18 14 one who strops [n -S...
stroupan 15 13 (Scots) a drink of t...
strouted 14 10 STROUT, to swell; to...
strowers 17 11 STROWER, one who str...
strowing 18 14 the act of strowing...
stroyers 20 10 STROYER, one who str...
stroying 21 13 STROY, (dialect) to...
strucken 18 17 STRIKE, to hit [v]
strudels 16 11 STRUDEL, (German) a...
struggle 18 14 to strive vigorously...
strummed 17 16 STRUM, to play a str...
strummel 18 16 (obsolete) a straw;...
strummer 17 15 one who strums [n -S...
strumose 15 12 scrofulous; having s...
strumous 16 13 scrofulous; having s...
strumpet 18 15 (archaic) a whore [n...
strunted 14 11 STRUNT, to walk with...
strutted 15 10 STRUT, to walk with...
strutter 15 9 one who struts [n -S...
stubbier 19 15 STUBBY, short and sq...
stubbies 19 15 STUBBIE, (Australian...
stubbily 27 18 STUBBY, short and sq...
stubbing 20 18 STUB, to strike acci...
stubbled 20 17 having a stubble [ad...
stubbles 20 16 STUBBLE, the leaving...
stubborn 18 16 obstinate [adj STUBB...
stuccoed 20 16 STUCCO, to coat with...
stuccoer 20 15 one who stuccoes [n...
stuccoes 20 15 STUCCO, to coat with...
studbook 17 17 a record of the pedi...
studdies 15 11 STUDDIE, a blacksmit...
studding 16 14 the woodwork of a la...
studdles 16 12 STUDDLE, a post, a p...
students 14 11 STUDENT, a person fo...
studenty 20 13 like a student [adj]
studfarm 18 16 a horse-breeding far...
studfish 20 15 any one of several s...
studiers 15 10 STUDIER, one who stu...
studious 15 11 given to study [adj...
studlier 16 11 STUDLY, (slang) hunk...
studwork 19 17 brickwork walls betw...
studying 22 15 STUDY, to apply ones...
stuffers 19 15 STUFFER, one that st...
stuffier 19 15 STUFFY, badly ventil...
stuffily 27 18 STUFFY, badly ventil...
stuffing 20 18 material with which...
stuggier 17 13 STUGGY, (dialect) th...
stuivers 17 13 STUIVER, (Dutch) a D...
stukkend 16 19 (South African) brok...
stultify 25 15 to cause to appear a...
stumbled 19 17 STUMBLE, to trip whe...
stumbler 19 16 one who stumbles [n...
stumbles 19 16 STUMBLE, to trip whe...
stummels 18 16 STUMMEL, (German) a...
stumming 18 18 STUM, to increase fe...
stumpage 18 17 uncut marketable tim...
stumpers 18 15 STUMPER, a baffling...
stumpier 18 15 STUMPY, short and sq...
stumpies 18 15 STUMPY, (colloquial)...
stumpily 26 18 STUMPY, short and sq...
stumping 19 18 the act of baffling...
stunkard 15 15 (Scots) sulky, sulle...
stunners 13 11 STUNNER, a very attr...
stunning 14 14 stupefying, excellen...
stunsail 15 11 a contraction of stu...
stunting 15 13 STUNT, to hinder fro...
stuntman 14 14 a stand-in for dange...
stuntmen 14 14 STUNTMAN, a stand-in...
stupider 17 13 STUPID, foolish [adj...
stupidly 25 16 STUPID, foolish [adv...
stuprate 16 12 (archaic) to ravish;...
sturdied 15 11 afflicted with sturd...
sturdier 15 10 STURDY, strongly bui...
sturdies 15 10 STURDY, a disease of...
sturdily 23 13 STURDY, strongly bui...
sturgeon 14 12 a large fish of nort...
sturmers 16 12 STURMER, a variety o...
sturnine 13 11 pertaining to starli...
sturnoid 14 11 pertaining to starli...
sturting 16 12 STURT, to vex; to an...
stushies 17 11 STUSHIE, (Scots) fus...
stutters 15 9 STUTTER, to speak wi...
styliest 22 11 STYLIE, (New Zealand...
stylings 23 14 STYLING, the way in...
stylised 22 12 STYLISE, to make con...
styliser 22 11 one who stylises, al...
stylises 22 11 STYLISE, to make con...
stylists 23 11 STYLIST, one who is...
stylites 22 11 STYLITE, (Greek) one...
stylitic 26 14 of or like a stylite...
stylized 25 21 STYLIZE, to make con...
stylizer 25 20 one who stylises, al...
stylizes 25 20 STYLIZE, to make con...
styloids 22 12 STYLOID, a spiny pro...
stylopes 23 14 STYLOPS, a genus of...
stylopid 24 15 an insect that is a...
styluses 22 12 STYLUS, a pointed in...
stymying 29 18 STYMY, to thwart, st...
styptics 27 16 STYPTIC, a substance...
styraxes 26 17 STYRAX, a fragrant r...
styrenes 19 11 STYRENE, a liquid hy...
suasible 17 13 capable of being per...
suasions 13 10 SUASION, persuasion...
subabbot 20 18 a subordinate abbot...
subacrid 20 16 somewhat acrid [adj]
subacted 19 16 SUBACT, to subdue [v...
subacute 19 16 somewhat acute [adj...
subadars 16 13 SUBADAR, (Hindi) a n...
subadult 18 15 an individual approa...
subagent 16 15 a subordinate agent...
subahdar 18 15 (Hindi) a native off...
subareas 15 12 SUBAREA, a subdivisi...
subatoms 17 15 SUBATOM, a component...
subaudio 16 14 relating to low-freq...
subaural 17 14 below the normal ran...
subaxial 23 20 somewhat axial [adj]
subbasal 19 16 below the base [adj]
subbases 18 15 SUBBASE, the lowest...
subbasin 18 16 a section of an area...
subbings 20 18 SUBBING, the act of...
subblock 24 23 a subdivision of a b...
subbreed 18 16 a distinguishable st...
subcaste 19 15 a subdivision of a c...
subcause 19 16 a subordinate cause...
subcells 22 17 SUBCELL, a subdivisi...
subchief 24 20 a subordinate chief...
subchord 22 18 a subdivision of a c...
subclaim 22 19 a subdivision of a c...
subclans 20 17 SUBCLAN, a subdivisi...
subclass 21 16 to place in a subdiv...
subclerk 22 20 a subordinate clerk...
subcodes 19 16 SUBCODE, a subdivisi...
subcools 20 16 SUBCOOL, to cool bel...
subcosta 19 15 the vein on an insec...
subcrust 21 16 a subdivision of a c...
subcults 22 17 SUBCULT, a subdivisi...
subcutes 20 16 SUBCUTIS, the deeper...
subcutis 21 16 the deeper part of t...
subdeans 15 14 SUBDEAN, a subordina...
subdepot 18 16 a subdivision of a m...
subdewed 19 17 SUBDEW, to bring und...
subduals 18 15 SUBDUAL, the act of...
subduced 20 18 SUBDUCE, to take awa...
subduces 20 17 SUBDUCE, to take awa...
subducts 21 17 SUBDUCT, to withdraw...
subduers 17 14 SUBDUER, one who sub...
subduing 18 17 SUBDUE, to bring und...
subduple 20 18 in the ratio of one...
subdural 18 15 situated under the d...
subdwarf 22 19 a small star of rela...
subedars 16 13 SUBEDAR, (Hindi) a n...
subedits 17 13 SUBEDIT, to act as a...
subentry 22 15 an entry made under...
subepoch 23 20 a subdivision of an...
subequal 25 23 subordinately equal...
suberate 15 12 a salt of suberic ac...
suberect 19 15 nearly erect [adj]
suberins 16 13 SUBERIN, a substance...
suberise 16 12 to convert into cork...
suberize 19 21 to convert into cork...
suberose 15 12 pertaining to cork,...
suberous 16 13 pertaining to cork,...
subfeued 18 17 SUBFEU, to grant lan...
subfield 20 17 a subset of a mathem...
subfiles 20 16 SUBFILE, a subdivisi...
subfixes 25 22 SUBFIX, a distinguis...
subfloor 19 16 a rough floor laid a...
subfluid 21 18 somewhat fluid [adj]
subframe 19 18 a frame for the atta...
subfuscs 23 19 SUBFUSC, dark, forma...
subfusks 21 20 SUBFUSK, dark, forma...
subgenre 16 15 a subdivision of a g...
subgenus 17 16 a subdivision of a g...
subgoals 18 15 SUBGOAL, a subordina...
subgrade 17 15 a surface on which a...
subgraph 22 19 a graph contained wi...
subgroup 20 18 a distinct group wit...
subheads 18 15 SUBHEAD, an inferior...
subhuman 19 19 one that is less tha...
subhumid 21 19 of a climate, too we...
subideas 16 13 SUBIDEA, an inferior...
subimago 18 17 a stage in the life...
subindex 22 21 a distinguishing sym...
subitems 18 15 SUBITEM, an item tha...
subitise 17 12 to perceive, also SU...
subitize 20 21 to perceive, also SU...
subjects 22 24 SUBJECT, to cause to...
subjoins 18 22 SUBJOIN, to add at t...
sublated 17 14 SUBLATE, to deny; to...
sublates 17 13 SUBLATE, to deny; to...
sublease 16 13 to rent leased prope...
sublevel 20 18 a lower level [n -S]
sublimed 19 17 SUBLIME, to sublimat...
sublimer 19 16 one who sublimes [n...
sublimes 19 16 SUBLIME, to sublimat...
sublimit 20 16 a limit within a lim...
sublines 17 14 SUBLINE, an inbred l...
sublunar 17 15 under the moon, terr...
submenta 16 16 SUBMENTUM, part of a...
submenus 17 17 SUBMENU, a secondary...
submerge 18 17 to place below the s...
submerse 17 15 to place below the s...
subnasal 16 14 situated under the n...
subniche 21 18 a subdivision of a h...
subnodal 16 15 situated under a nod...
subocean 17 16 beneath the ocean [a...
suboptic 22 18 situated under the e...
suborder 16 13 a category of relate...
suborned 15 14 SUBORN, to induce to...
suborner 15 13 one who suborns [n -...
subovate 17 16 nearly ovate [adj]
suboxide 22 20 an oxide containing...
subpanel 18 17 a subdivision of a p...
subparts 19 15 SUBPART, a subdivisi...
subpenas 17 16 SUBPENA, to summon w...
subphase 20 17 a subdivision of a p...
subphyla 28 20 SUBPHYLUM, (Latin) t...
subplots 20 16 SUBPLOT, a subordina...
subpoena 16 16 to summon with a typ...
subpolar 19 16 situated just outsid...
subprime 20 18 a loan made to a bor...
subprior 19 15 the vicegerent of a...
subpubic 25 22 situated under the p...
subraces 19 15 SUBRACE, a subdivisi...
subrents 16 13 SUBRENT [n]
subrings 18 15 SUBRING, a subset of...
subrules 18 14 SUBRULE, a subordina...
subsales 17 13 SUBSALE, a resale of...
subscale 20 16 a subdivision of a s...
subsects 20 15 SUBSECT, a sect dire...
subsense 15 13 a subdivision of a s...
subseres 16 12 SUBSERE, a type of e...
subserve 18 16 to help forward [v S...
subshaft 21 17 a shaft that is bene...
subshell 21 16 one of the orbitals...
subshrub 22 18 a low shrub [n -S]
subsided 17 14 SUBSIDE, to sink to...
subsider 17 13 something or someone...
subsides 17 13 SUBSIDE, to sink to...
subsists 18 12 SUBSIST, to continue...
subsites 17 12 SUBSITE, a division...
subsizar 20 21 a student of lower r...
subskill 21 18 a subordinate skill...
subsoils 18 13 SUBSOIL, to plow the...
subsolar 17 13 directly under the s...
subsongs 17 15 SUBSONG, a bird's un...
subsonic 19 16 moving at a speed le...
subspace 21 18 a subset of a mathem...
substage 17 14 a part of a microsco...
substate 16 12 a subdivision of a s...
substyle 24 15 the straight line on...
subsumed 18 17 SUBSUME, to classify...
subsumes 18 16 SUBSUME, to classify...
subtacks 21 19 SUBTACK, a sublease...
subtalar 17 13 below the anklebone...
subtasks 18 16 SUBTASK, a subordina...
subtaxon 21 20 a subdivision of a t...
subteens 15 13 SUBTEEN, a person ap...
subtends 16 14 SUBTEND, to extend u...
subtense 15 13 a line subtending, o...
subtests 17 12 SUBTEST, a subdivisi...
subtexts 23 19 SUBTEXT, written or...
subtheme 19 17 a subordinate theme...
subtidal 18 14 of a subordinate tid...
subtiler 18 13 SUBTIL, (archaic) su...
subtilin 18 14 an antibiotic [n -S]
subtilty 25 15 the state of being s...
subtitle 18 13 to give a secondary...
subtlest 18 13 SUBTLE, so slight as...
subtlety 24 15 the state of being s...
subtones 15 13 SUBTONE, a low or su...
subtonic 19 16 the seventh tone of...
subtopia 18 15 the suburbs of a cit...
subtopic 22 18 a secondary topic [n...
subtotal 17 13 partially total [adj...
subtract 20 15 to take away, also S...
subtrade 16 13 in the construction...
subtrend 16 14 a subordinate trend...
subtribe 19 15 a subdivision of a t...
subtrist 18 12 (archaic) somewhat s...
subtrude 17 14 to push in stealthil...
subtunic 20 17 a tunic worn under a...
subtypes 25 17 SUBTYPE, a type that...
subucula 21 18 (Latin) in the early...
subulate 17 14 awl-shaped, long and...
subunits 17 14 SUBUNIT, a unit that...
suburban 18 17 one who lives in a s...
suburbed 19 17 having a suburb [adj...
suburbia 19 16 the suburbs of a cit...
subvened 17 18 SUBVENE, to arrive o...
subvenes 17 17 SUBVENE, to arrive o...
subverse 18 16 to overthrow, also S...
subverst 19 16 SUBVERSE, to overthr...
subverts 19 16 SUBVERT, to destroy...
subvicar 22 19 a subordinate vicar...
subviral 20 17 pertaining to a part...
subvirus 20 17 a viral protein smal...
subvocal 22 20 of words formed in s...
subwayed 25 18 SUBWAY, to travel by...
subworld 21 17 a subdivision of a s...
subzonal 19 23 pertaining to a subd...
subzones 18 22 SUBZONE, a subdivisi...
succades 20 16 SUCCADE, a candied f...
succeeds 20 16 SUCCEED, to accompli...
succinct 24 19 clearly expressed in...
succinic 24 19 of, relating to or d...
succinyl 28 19 the radical of succi...
succored 20 16 SUCCOR, to go to the...
succorer 20 15 one who succors, als...
succours 21 16 SUCCOUR, to go to th...
succubae 22 19 SUCCUBA, a female de...
succubas 23 19 SUCCUBA, a female de...
succubus 24 20 a female demon, also...
succumbs 25 22 SUCCUMB, to yield to...
suchlike 22 19 of a similar kind [a...
suchness 19 15 essential or charact...
suchwise 23 17 in such a manner [ad...
suckener 17 17 a tenant under the t...
suckered 18 17 SUCKER, to strip off...
suckfish 24 21 a remora, sucker fis...
suckhole 21 19 (Australian slang) t...
suckiest 19 16 SUCKY, not good [adj...
suckings 20 19 SUCKING, the act of...
sucklers 20 17 SUCKLER, an animal t...
suckless 20 17 having no juice [adj...
suckling 21 20 a young mammal that...
sucrases 17 12 SUCRASE, an enzyme t...
sucriers 18 12 SUCRIER, (French) a...
sucroses 17 12 SUCROSE, a white cry...
suctions 17 13 SUCTION, to remove b...
sucuruju 21 24 a South American Ind...
sudamens 14 14 SUDAMEN, (Latin) a w...
sudamina 14 14 SUDAMEN, (Latin) a w...
sudaries 14 10 SUDARY, a cloth for...
sudarium 16 14 a cloth for wiping t...
sudating 15 13 SUDATE, to sweat [v]
sudation 13 11 excessive sweating [...
sudatory 20 12 a hot-air bath for i...
suddenly 21 15 SUDDEN, without warn...
suddenty 20 14 suddenness [n SUDDEN...
sudorous 14 11 sweaty [adj]
sudsiest 15 10 SUDSY, full of suds...
sudsless 16 11 without suds [adj]
suedette 13 10 a fabric made with a...
suetiest 14 9 SUETY, resembling su...
suettier 14 9 SUETTY, resembling s...
suffaris 19 15 SUFFARI, a hunting e...
suffects 22 18 SUFFECT, (Latin) in...
suffered 18 16 SUFFER, to feel pain...
sufferer 18 15 one who suffers [n -...
suffetes 18 15 SUFFETE, (Latin) one...
sufficed 22 19 SUFFICE, to be adequ...
sufficer 22 18 one who suffices [n...
suffices 22 18 SUFFICE, to be adequ...
suffixal 26 23 pertaining to a suff...
suffixed 25 23 SUFFIX, to add to th...
suffixes 25 22 SUFFIX, to add to th...
sufflate 19 16 (archaic) to inflate...
suffrage 19 17 the right to vote [n...
suffused 19 17 SUFFUSE, to spread t...
suffuses 19 16 SUFFUSE, to spread t...
sugarers 15 11 SUGARER, one that ma...
sugarier 15 11 SUGARY, containing s...
sugaring 16 14 sweetening with suga...
suggests 17 13 SUGGEST, to put forw...
suggings 18 16 SUGGING, selling und...
suicidal 19 14 self-destructive [ad...
suicided 18 14 SUICIDE, to kill one...
suicides 18 13 SUICIDE, to kill one...
suidians 14 11 SUIDIAN, a member of...
suilline 16 12 of pigs [adj]
suiplaps 20 16 SUIPLAP, (Afrikaans)...
suitable 17 13 appropriate [adj SUI...
suitably 24 15 SUITABLE, appropriat...
suitcase 17 12 a piece of luggage f...
suitings 16 12 SUITING, fabric for...
suitlike 17 14 like a suit [adj]
suitored 14 10 SUITOR, (archaic) to...
suitress 15 9 a female suitor [n -...
suivante 15 14 (French) a waiting w...
sukiyaki 23 19 (Japanese) sliced me...
sulcated 18 14 having long, narrow...
sulfated 17 14 SULFATE, to treat wi...
sulfates 17 13 SULFATE, to treat wi...
sulfatic 21 16 pertaining to a salt...
sulfides 18 14 SULFIDE, a compound...
sulfinyl 25 17 the bivalent chemica...
sulfites 18 13 SULFITE, a salt of s...
sulfitic 22 16 pertaining to sulfit...
sulfones 16 14 SULFONE, a sulfur co...
sulfonic 20 17 relating to a sulfon...
sulfonyl 24 17 a bivalent sulphone...
sulfured 18 15 SULFUR, to treat wit...
sulfuret 18 14 to treat with sulfur...
sulfuric 22 17 pertaining to sulfur...
sulfuryl 26 17 a bivalent sulphone...
sulkiest 17 14 SULKY, in a resentfu...
sullages 17 13 SULLAGE, filth; refu...
sullener 15 12 SULLEN, showing broo...
sullenly 23 15 SULLEN, showing broo...
sullying 24 16 SULLY, to soil, make...
sulphate 19 15 to treat with sulfur...
sulphide 20 16 a sulfur compound, a...
sulphids 21 16 SULPHID, a sulfur co...
sulphite 20 15 a salt of sulphurous...
sulphone 18 16 a sulfur compound, a...
sulphurs 21 16 SULPHUR, to treat wi...
sulphury 27 18 resembling sulfur, a...
sultanas 14 11 SULTANA, a small, pa...
sultanic 18 14 pertaining to a sult...
sultrier 16 10 SULTRY, humid and op...
sultrily 24 13 SULTRY, humid and op...
sumatras 15 12 SUMATRA, a short, vi...
sumbitch 24 20 (colloquial) sonofab...
summable 19 19 able to be summed [a...
summands 16 17 SUMMAND, an addend,...
summated 16 16 SUMMATE, to add toge...
summates 16 15 SUMMATE, to add toge...
summered 16 16 SUMMER, to pass the...
summerly 24 18 of or like summer, a...
summings 18 18 SUMMING, the act of...
summists 18 15 SUMMIST, a writer of...
summital 18 16 pertaining to the su...
summited 17 16 SUMMIT, to take part...
summitry 24 17 conferences between...
summoned 15 17 SUMMON, to order to...
summoner 15 16 one who summons [n -...
sumoists 16 12 SUMOIST, a sumo wres...
sumotori 15 12 (Japanese) a sumo wr...
sumphish 23 19 (Scots) stupid, dolt...
sumpitan 17 16 (Malay) a Malay blow...
sumpters 18 15 SUMPTER, (archaic) a...
sumpweed 20 19 a marsh plant [n -S]
sunbaked 16 18 SUNBAKE, to bake e.g...
sunbakes 16 17 SUNBAKE, to bake e.g...
sunbathe 17 15 to take a sunbath [v...
sunbaths 18 15 SUNBATH, an exposure...
sunbeams 16 16 SUNBEAM, a beam of s...
sunbeamy 22 18 bright and sun lit [...
sunbelts 17 14 SUNBELT, the souther...
sunberry 22 15 dark edible fruit [n...
sunbirds 17 14 SUNBIRD, a family of...
sunblind 17 16 a blind to keep out...
sunblock 21 21 a lotion to protect...
sunburns 16 15 SUNBURN, to burn by...
sunburnt 16 15 SUNBURN, to burn by...
sunburst 17 14 a burst of sunlight...
suncares 16 13 SUNCARE, protection...
sunchoke 19 19 a type of sunflower...
sundaris 14 11 SUNDARI, (Sanskrit)...
sundecks 18 18 SUNDECK, the upper d...
sundered 13 12 SUNDER, to break apa...
sunderer 13 11 one who sunders [n -...
sundials 15 12 SUNDIAL, a type of t...
sundowns 16 15 SUNDOWN, the time at...
sundress 14 11 a low-cut dress, lea...
sundries 14 11 miscellaneous items...
sundrily 22 14 SUNDRY, miscellaneou...
sundrops 16 14 an American evening...
sungazer 17 21 an African lizard gi...
sunglass 16 13 a lens for concentra...
sunglows 19 16 SUNGLOW, a glow in t...
sungrebe 16 15 the finfoot, a South...
sunlamps 18 17 SUNLAMP, a lamp that...
sunlands 14 13 SUNLAND, an area mar...
sunlight 19 15 the light of the sun...
sunniest 13 11 SUNNY, full of sun [...
sunporch 21 18 a porch that admits...
sunproof 17 16 resistant to damage...
sunrises 14 10 SUNRISE, the rising...
sunroofs 15 13 SUNROOF, a roof of a...
sunrooms 14 13 SUNROOM, a room buil...
sunscald 18 15 an injury of woody p...
sunshade 15 13 an umbrella-like pro...
sunshine 15 13 the light of the sun...
sunshiny 22 15 pertaining to the su...
sunspecs 19 16 (colloquial) sunglas...
sunspots 16 13 SUNSPOT, a dark spot...
sunstars 14 10 SUNSTAR, a kind of s...
sunstone 12 11 a variety of quartz...
sunsuits 15 11 SUNSUIT, an outfit w...
suntraps 16 13 SUNTRAP, a sheltered...
sunwards 17 14 towards the sun, als...
superadd 16 14 to add further [v -E...
superate 15 12 (obsolete) to overco...
superbad 18 16 exceedingly bad [adj...
superber 18 15 SUPERB, of excellent...
superbly 26 18 SUPERB, of excellent...
superbug 20 18 a bacterium resistan...
supercar 19 15 a very big or fast c...
supercop 21 18 a superior police of...
supercow 22 18 a dairy cow that pro...
superego 16 14 a part of the psyche...
superfan 17 16 an exceedingly devot...
superfit 19 15 exceptionally fit [a...
superfix 25 22 a recurrent pattern...
superfly 26 18 showily pretentious...
supergun 17 16 a very large gun [n...
superhet 18 14 a superheterodyne re...
superhit 19 14 something exceedingl...
superhot 18 14 extremely hot [adj]
supering 17 15 SUPER, to reinforce...
superior 16 12 of higher rank, qual...
superjet 18 21 a type of jet airpla...
superlay 23 15 SUPERLIE, to lie abo...
superlie 17 13 to lie above [v SUPE...
superloo 16 13 a self-cleaning publ...
superman 16 16 a hypothetical super...
supermax 23 22 a jail with the high...
supermen 16 16 SUPERMAN, a hypothet...
supermom 18 18 a superior mother [n...
supernal 16 14 being or coming from...
superpro 18 15 a superior professio...
supersex 22 19 very good sex [n -ES...
superspy 25 17 a superior spy [n SU...
supertax 22 19 an additional tax [n...
supinate 15 13 to turn so that the...
supinely 23 16 SUPINE, lying on the...
suplexes 23 20 SUPLEX, a wrestling...
suppawns 21 19 SUPPAWN, (Native Ame...
suppeago 18 17 a skin disease [n -E...
suppered 18 16 SUPPER, to supply wi...
supplant 19 17 to take the place of...
supplely 27 19 SUPPLE, pliant, lith...
supplest 20 16 SUPPLE, pliant, lith...
supplial 21 17 the act of supplying...
supplied 20 17 SUPPLY, to provide w...
supplier 20 16 one that supplies [n...
supplies 20 16 SUPPLY, to provide w...
suppling 21 19 SUPPLE, to make supp...
supports 19 15 SUPPORT, to hold up...
supposal 19 16 something supposed [...
supposed 18 16 SUPPOSE, to assume t...
supposer 18 15 one who supposes [n...
supposes 18 15 SUPPOSE, to assume t...
suppress 19 15 to subdue or hold ba...
supremer 17 15 SUPREME, highest, gr...
supremes 17 15 SUPREME, the highest...
supremos 17 15 SUPREMO, one who is...
supremum 19 19 in maths, a maximum...
suramins 15 13 SURAMIN, a drug used...
surances 16 13 SURANCE, (Shakespear...
surbahar 18 14 an Indian stringed i...
surbased 16 13 having a surbase [ad...
surbases 16 12 SURBASE, a border ab...
surbated 16 13 SURBATE, to make foo...
surbates 16 12 SURBATE, to make foo...
surcease 16 12 to stop or cease [v...
surcoats 17 12 SURCOAT, a tunic wor...
surculus 20 15 a sucker [n SURCULUS...
surefire 16 12 sure to meet expecta...
sureness 13 10 the state of being s...
suretied 14 10 SURETY, (Shakespeare...
sureties 14 9 SURETY, (Shakespeare...
surfable 19 16 able to be surfed [a...
surfaced 19 16 SURFACE, to apply an...
surfacer 19 15 a form of machine fo...
surfaces 19 15 SURFACE, to apply an...
surfbird 20 16 an American Pacific...
surfboat 18 15 a strong rowboat [n...
surfeits 17 12 SURFEIT, to indulge...
surffish 22 17 a Western American f...
surfiest 17 12 SURFY, abounding in...
surfings 18 15 SURFING, the sport o...
surflike 19 17 resembling breaking...
surfride 17 13 to ride on surf [v S...
surfrode 16 13 SURFRIDE, to ride on...
surfside 17 13 beside the sea [adj]
surgeful 19 16 full of surges [adj]
surgeons 14 12 SURGEON, one who pra...
surgical 20 15 pertaining to surger...
surgiest 16 11 SURGY, surging [adj]
surgings 17 14 SURGING, the act of...
suricate 17 12 (Dutch) a South Afri...
surliest 16 10 SURLY, sullenly rude...
surloins 15 11 SURLOIN, a loin of b...
surmisal 17 13 a guess [n -S]
surmised 16 13 SURMISE, to infer wi...
surmiser 16 12 one who surmises [n...
surmises 16 12 SURMISE, to infer wi...
surmount 15 14 to get over or acros...
surnamed 14 14 SURNAME, to give the...
surnamer 14 13 one who allots a sur...
surnames 14 13 SURNAME, to give the...
surplice 21 16 a loose-fitting ankl...
surprint 17 13 to print over printi...
surprise 17 12 to come upon unexpec...
surprize 20 21 to come upon unexpec...
surquedy 29 22 (obsolete) arrogance...
surreals 15 10 SURREAL, the atmosph...
surrebut 17 13 to reply to a rebutt...
surround 14 12 to encompass [v -ED,...
surroyal 21 12 the topmost prong of...
surtaxed 20 17 SURTAX, to assess wi...
surtaxes 20 16 SURTAX, to assess wi...
surtitle 16 10 a translation printe...
surtouts 15 10 SURTOUT, (French) a...
surucucu 22 18 a South American Ind...
surveils 18 14 SURVEIL, to watch cl...
surveyal 23 16 a close examination,...
surveyed 22 16 SURVEY, to examine i...
surveyor 22 15 one who surveys land...
surviews 20 16 SURVIEW, to survey,...
survival 20 18 a living or continui...
survived 19 18 SURVIVE, to remain i...
surviver 19 17 one that survives, a...
survives 19 17 SURVIVE, to remain i...
survivor 19 17 one that survives, a...
suspects 20 15 SUSPECT, to think gu...
suspence 18 16 (Milton) suspended,...
suspends 16 14 SUSPEND, to stop for...
suspense 15 13 a state of mental un...
suspired 17 13 SUSPIRE, to sigh [v]
suspires 17 12 SUSPIRE, to sigh [v]
sustains 14 10 SUSTAIN, to maintain...
susurrus 16 11 a soft rustling soun...
sutorial 15 10 relating to cobbling...
sutorian 13 10 relating to cobbling...
suttling 17 13 SUTTLE, to trade as...
suturing 16 13 SUTURE, to unite by...
suzerain 16 19 a feudal lord [n -S]
svarajes 17 21 SVARAJ, (Sanskrit) s...
svastika 17 16 (Sanskrit) a Greek c...
svedberg 19 18 (Swedish) a unit of...
sveltely 24 16 SVELTE, slender, sle...
sveltest 17 13 SVELTE, slender, sle...
swabbers 21 17 SWABBER, one that sw...
swabbies 21 17 SWABBIE, (US slang)...
swabbing 22 20 SWAB, to clean with...
swacking 22 21 SWACK, (Scots) to st...
swaddies 17 13 SWADDY, a soldier, e...
swaddled 18 15 SWADDLE, to wrap in...
swaddler 18 14 a term of contempt f...
swaddles 18 14 SWADDLE, to wrap in...
swaggers 19 15 SWAGGER, to walk wit...
swaggies 19 15 SWAGGIE, a hobo, als...
swagging 20 18 SWAG, to sway, sag [...
swagshop 22 18 a place where cheap...
swagsman 18 17 a man who seeks work...
swagsmen 18 17 SWAGSMAN, a man who...
swaining 17 15 love-making [n -S]
swainish 19 14 boorish [adj]
swaliest 18 12 SWALY, marshy [adj]
swalings 19 15 SWALING, the act of...
swallets 19 13 SWALLET, a place whe...
swallies 19 13 SWALLY, (Scots) an a...
swallows 22 16 SWALLOW, to take int...
swampers 20 17 SWAMPER, one that li...
swampier 20 17 SWAMPY, like a swamp...
swamping 21 20 SWAMP, to inundate [...
swampish 23 19 like a swamp [adj]
swanherd 18 15 one who tends swans...
swankers 17 16 SWANKER, one who sho...
swankest 17 16 SWANK, slender, plia...
swankeys 23 18 SWANKEY, (Scots) one...
swankier 17 16 SWANKY, ostentatious...
swankies 17 16 SWANKIE, (Scots) one...
swankily 25 19 SWANKY, ostentatious...
swanking 18 19 SWANK, to show off [...
swankpot 19 19 one who shows off, a...
swanlike 18 17 like a swan [adv]
swannery 21 15 a place where swans...
swannier 15 13 SWANNY, swanlike [ad...
swannies 15 13 SWANNIE, (tradename)...
swanning 16 16 the act of swanning...
swanpans 17 16 SWANPAN, (Chinese) a...
swanskin 17 17 a soft napped fabric...
swansong 16 15 the fabled song of a...
swapfile 22 18 a computer file with...
swappers 21 17 SWAPPER, a person wh...
swapping 22 20 the act of swapping...
swaption 18 15 a swap option [n -S]
swarajes 18 20 SWARAJ, (Sanskrit) s...
swardier 17 12 SWARDY, covered with...
swarding 18 15 SWARD, to cover with...
swarfing 20 17 SWARF, to faint, als...
swarmers 18 14 SWARMER, one who swa...
swarming 19 17 the act of swarming...
swarving 20 18 SWARVE, to swerve [v...
swashers 19 13 SWASHER, (Shakespear...
swashier 19 13 SWASHY, slushy [adj]
swashing 20 16 the act of slashing...
swastica 20 14 (Sanskrit) a Greek c...
swastika 18 15 (Sanskrit) a Greek c...
swatches 22 16 SWATCH, a sample pie...
swathers 19 13 SWATHER, a device at...
swathier 19 13 SWATHY, in swathes [...
swathing 20 16 SWATHE, to wrap in b...
swatters 17 11 SWATTER, to splash o...
swattier 17 11 SWATTY, given to har...
swatting 18 14 the act of swatting...
swayable 25 17 able to be swayed [a...
swayback 29 23 an abnormal sagging...
swayings 24 16 SWAYING, the act of...
swayling 25 17 a scorching [n -S]
swazzles 24 30 SWAZZLE, an instrume...
swealing 18 15 a melting [n -S]
swearers 16 11 SWEARER, one who swe...
swearier 16 11 SWEARY, relating to,...
swearing 17 14 the act of swearing...
sweatbox 24 21 a small enclosure in...
sweaters 16 11 SWEATER, a heavy jer...
sweatier 16 11 SWEATY, covered with...
sweatily 24 14 SWEATY, covered with...
sweating 17 14 the act of sweating...
swedgers 18 14 SWEDGER, (Scots) a s...
sweeling 18 15 SWEEL, to scorch, si...
sweeneys 21 14 SWEENEY, atrophy of...
sweenies 15 12 SWEENY, atrophy of a...
sweepers 18 14 SWEEPER, one who swe...
sweepier 18 14 SWEEPY, of wide rang...
sweeping 19 17 wide-ranging [adj SW...
sweering 17 14 SWEER, to swear [v]
sweetens 15 12 SWEETEN, to make swe...
sweetest 16 11 SWEET, tasting like...
sweeties 16 11 SWEETY, an attractiv...
sweeting 17 14 a sweet apple [n -S]
sweetish 19 13 somewhat sweet [adj...
sweetlip 20 15 an Australian fish [...
sweetman 16 15 (Caribbean) a man ke...
sweetmen 16 15 SWEETMAN, (Caribbean...
sweetsop 18 14 a tropical American...
sweirest 17 11 SWEIR, (Scots) sloth...
sweiring 18 14 SWEIR, to swear [v]
swelchie 23 17 in the Orkneys, a wh...
swelldom 20 17 the fashionable worl...
swellers 19 13 SWELLER, a member of...
swellest 19 13 SWELL, stylish [adj]
swelling 20 16 something that is sw...
swellish 22 15 foppish, dandified [...
swelters 18 12 SWELTER, to suffer f...
swelting 19 15 SWELT, (dialect) to...
swerfing 20 17 SWERF, (Scots) to fa...
swervers 19 15 SWERVER, one who swe...
swerving 20 18 the act of swerving...
swiddens 17 14 SWIDDEN, land prepar...
swifters 20 14 SWIFTER, a rope used...
swiftest 20 14 SWIFT, rapid [adj]
swifties 20 14 SWIFTIE, (Australian...
swifting 21 17 SWIFT, to tighten wi...
swiftlet 21 15 a cave-dwelling swif...
swiggers 20 15 SWIGGER, one who swi...
swigging 21 18 SWIG, to drink rapid...
swilings 20 15 SWILING, the activit...
swillers 20 13 SWILLER, one who swi...
swilling 21 16 the act of swilling...
swimmers 20 17 SWIMMER, one that sw...
swimmier 20 17 SWIMMY, blurred, swi...
swimmily 28 20 SWIMMY, blurred, swi...
swimming 21 20 smooth [adj SWIMMING...
swimsuit 20 15 a bathing suit [n -S...
swimwear 21 17 garments made for sw...
swindged 18 16 SWINDGE, (Shakespear...
swindges 18 15 SWINDGE, (Shakespear...
swindled 18 15 SWINDLE, to take mon...
swindler 18 14 one who swindles [n...
swindles 18 14 SWINDLE, to take mon...
swinepox 24 22 a disease of swine [...
swingarm 19 17 the part of a motorc...
swingbin 20 18 a rubbish bin with a...
swingbys 27 19 SWINGBY, a spacecraf...
swingers 18 14 SWINGER, one that sw...
swingier 18 14 SWINGY, having swing...
swinging 19 17 lively and hip [adj...
swingism 20 17 the ideas of Captain...
swingled 19 16 SWINGLE, to separate...
swingles 19 15 SWINGLE, to separate...
swingman 18 18 a basketball player...
swingmen 18 18 SWINGMAN, a basketba...
swinkers 18 16 SWINKER, a hard work...
swinking 19 19 SWINK, (archaic) to...
swinneys 22 15 SWINNEY, atrophy of...
swipiest 20 14 SWIPEY, fuddled with...
swipples 23 18 SWIPPLE, a part of a...
swirlier 19 12 SWIRLY, swirling [ad...
swirling 20 15 SWIRL, to move with...
swishers 20 13 SWISHER, one who swi...
swishest 20 13 SWISH, smart, stylis...
swishier 20 13 SWISHY, swishing [ad...
swishing 21 16 making a swishing no...
swissing 19 14 ordinary calendering...
switched 23 17 SWITCH, to beat with...
switchel 24 17 (US) a drink of mola...
switcher 23 16 one who switches [n...
switches 23 16 SWITCH, to beat with...
swithers 20 13 SWITHER, (Scots) to...
swiveled 20 17 SWIVEL, to turn on a...
swizzing 25 32 SWIZZ, to defraud, a...
swizzled 25 31 SWIZZLE, to defraud,...
swizzler 25 30 one that swizzles, s...
swizzles 25 30 SWIZZLE, to defraud,...
swobbers 21 17 SWOBBER, a sweeper o...
swobbing 22 20 SWOB, to mop up [v]
swoffers 21 17 SWOFFER, someone who...
swoffing 22 20 the sport of saltwat...
swooners 15 12 SWOONER, one who swo...
swoonier 15 12 SWOONY, languid, daz...
swooning 16 15 fainting [adj SWOONI...
swoopers 18 14 SWOOPER, one who swo...
swoopier 18 14 SWOOPY, having sweep...
swooping 19 17 SWOOP, to make a sud...
swooshed 18 14 SWOOSH, to make a no...
swooshes 18 13 SWOOSH, to make a no...
swoppers 21 17 SWOPPER, one who swo...
swopping 22 20 the act of swopping...
sworders 17 12 SWORDER, (archaic) a...
swording 18 15 SWORD, to wield a sw...
swordman 17 16 one who wields a swo...
swordmen 17 16 SWORDMAN, one who wi...
swotters 17 11 SWOTTER, one who swo...
swottier 17 11 SWOTTY, given to har...
swotting 18 14 the act of swotting...
swounded 16 15 SWOUND, to faint, al...
swouning 17 16 SWOUN, to faint, als...
swozzles 24 30 SWOZZLE, an instrume...
sybarite 22 13 a person devoted to...
sybotism 24 16 the study of swine h...
sycamine 23 17 the mulberry tree [n...
sycamore 23 16 the great maple [n -...
sycomore 23 16 a kind of fig tree [...
syconium 24 18 (Greek) a form of fr...
syconoid 22 15 of or like a sycon,...
syenites 19 11 SYENITE, a coarse-gr...
syenitic 23 14 of or like syenite,...
syllabic 28 18 relating to syllable...
syllable 25 16 to pronounce units o...
syllabub 27 19 a frothy dish of cre...
syllabus 25 16 an outline of a cour...
sylloges 23 14 SYLLOGE, a collectio...
sylphide 26 17 a young sylph, also...
sylphids 27 17 SYLPHID, a young syl...
sylphier 26 16 SYLPHY, like a sylph...
sylphine 25 17 pertaining to a sylp...
sylphish 29 18 sylph-like [adj]
sylvaner 22 16 (German) a German gr...
sylvatic 27 18 relating to woodland...
sylviine 23 16 of the thrush family...
sylvines 23 16 SYLVINE, a native po...
sylvites 24 15 SYLVITE, a native po...
symbions 23 17 SYMBION, an organism...
symbiont 23 17 an organism living i...
symbiote 23 16 an organism living i...
symbiots 24 16 SYMBIOT, an organism...
symboled 24 18 SYMBOL, to serve as...
symboles 24 17 SYMBOLE, (obsolete)...
symbolic 28 20 pertaining to a symb...
symitare 21 13 a curved oriental sw...
symitars 22 13 SYMITAR, a curved or...
symmetry 29 18 exact correspondence...
sympathy 32 20 a feeling of compass...
sympatry 30 18 the state of occupyi...
symphile 27 19 an animal kept as a...
symphily 34 21 the practise of keep...
symphony 31 21 an orchestral compos...
symplast 25 17 the continuous netwo...
symploce 27 20 the repetition of a...
sympodia 23 17 SYMPODIUM, a stem in...
symposia 23 16 SYMPOSIUM, a confere...
symptoms 25 19 SYMPTOM, a subjectiv...
synagogs 21 15 SYNAGOG, (Greek) a J...
synangia 19 14 SYNANGIUM, a cluster...
synanons 17 13 SYNANON, a method of...
synanthy 27 16 abnormal fusion of f...
synaphea 22 16 a metrical system of...
synapsed 21 15 SYNAPSE, to come tog...
synapses 21 14 SYNAPSE, to come tog...
synapsid 22 15 one of a group of ex...
synapsis 22 14 the point at which a...
synaptes 21 14 SYNAPTE, (Greek) in...
synaptic 25 17 of or pertaining to...
synarchy 31 18 joint sovereignty [n...
synastry 26 13 coincidence of stell...
syncarps 25 17 SYNCARP, a fleshy mu...
syncarpy 31 19 the state of being a...
synching 26 19 SYNCH, to cause to o...
synchros 25 16 SYNCHRO, (short for)...
syncline 23 16 a type of rock forma...
syncopal 25 18 of or showing syncop...
syncopes 24 17 SYNCOPE, a contracti...
syncopic 28 20 of or showing syncop...
syncytia 29 16 SYNCYTIUM, a multinu...
syndeses 19 12 SYNDESIS, the point...
syndesis 20 12 the point at which a...
syndetic 23 15 in grammar, connecti...
syndeton 18 13 in grammar, a syndet...
syndical 24 16 relating to a syndic...
syndings 21 15 SYNDING, the act of...
syndrome 20 15 a group of symptoms...
synechia 24 16 an abnormal adhesion...
synectic 26 17 pertaining to a syst...
synedria 19 12 SYNEDRIUM, an ancien...
synergia 20 13 combined action, als...
synergic 24 16 relating to synergy...
synergid 21 14 a cell found in the...
synfuels 23 16 SYNFUEL, a fuel deri...
syngamic 25 19 of or like syngamy,...
syngases 20 13 SYNGAS, a mixture of...
syngenic 23 17 genetically similar...
syngraph 25 18 a contract signed al...
synkarya 26 17 SYNKARYON, the nucle...
synodals 20 13 SYNODAL, a payment m...
synonyme 25 17 a word having the sa...
synonyms 26 17 SYNONYM, a word havi...
synonymy 32 19 equivalence of meani...
synopses 21 14 SYNOPSIS, a general...
synopsis 22 14 a general view; a su...
synoptic 25 17 of or giving a synop...
synovial 22 16 relating to the syno...
synovias 21 15 SYNOVIA, a lubricati...
syntagma 21 16 a syntactic unit com...
syntagms 22 16 SYNTAGM, a syntactic...
syntaxes 25 18 SYNTAX, the way word...
syntenic 22 15 of genes, being on t...
syntexis 26 18 the alteration of ma...
synthase 21 13 an enzyme that catal...
synthons 21 14 SYNTHON, a constitue...
synthpop 26 19 popular music played...
syntones 18 12 SYNTONE, a person ha...
syntonic 22 15 pertaining to synton...
syntonin 18 13 a substance similar...
syntypes 28 16 SYNTYPE, each of a s...
syphered 24 16 SYPHER, to lay an ed...
syphilis 27 16 a venereal disease,...
syphonal 24 17 like a syphon, also...
syphoned 23 17 SYPHON, to draw off...
syphonic 27 19 like a syphon, also...
syrettes 20 10 SYRETTE, a small tub...
syringas 21 13 SYRINGA, an ornament...
syringed 21 14 SYRINGE, to treat wi...
syringes 21 13 SYRINGE, to treat wi...
syrinxes 26 18 SYRINX, the vocal or...
syrphian 24 16 a wasplike fly, also...
syrphids 26 16 SYRPHID, a wasplike...
syrupier 23 14 SYRUPY, like syrup,...
syruping 24 17 SYRUP, to make into...
sysadmin 21 15 a computer system ad...
syssitia 21 10 (Greek) the ancient...
systemed 21 14 having a system [adj...
systemic 25 16 relating to a system...
systoles 21 11 SYSTOLE, the normal...
systolic 25 14 of or like systole,...
systyles 28 13 SYSTYLE, a building...
syzygial 32 24 related to a syzygy,...
syzygies 31 23 SYZYGY, the configur...