5 letter words that start with S

5 letter words that start with S

5 letter S word


Words With Friends®


saags 9 7 SAAG, (Hindi) in Ind...
sabal 11 9 a variety of palm tr...
sabed 10 9 SABE, to know, to un...
saber 10 8 to strike with a typ...
sabes 10 8 SABE, to know, to un...
sabha 12 10 (Arabic) a set of be...
sabin 10 9 (obsolete) a unit of...
sabir 11 8 (French) a French-ba...
sable 11 9 to darken [v SABLED,...
sabot 10 8 (French) a wooden sh...
sabra 10 8 (Hebrew) a prickly-p...
sabre 10 8 to strike with a typ...
sacks 13 12 SACK, to put into a...
sacra 11 8 SACRUM, a bone of th...
saddo 8 7 (slang) an unsociabl...
sades 8 6 SADE, (Hebrew) a Heb...
sadhe 10 8 (Hebrew) a Hebrew le...
sadhu 11 9 (Sanskrit) an asceti...
sadis 9 6 SADI, (Hebrew) a Heb...
sadly 16 9 SAD, unhappy [adv]
sados 8 6 SADO, a Japanese tea...
sadza 11 15 a type of porridge m...
safed 10 9 SAFE, (obsolete) to...
safer 10 8 SAFE, secure [adj]
safes 10 8 SAFE, (obsolete) to...
sagas 9 7 SAGA, a series of no...
sager 9 7 SAGE, wise [adj]
sages 9 7 SAGE, a garden labia...
saggy 17 11 characterized by sag...
sagos 9 7 SAGO, (Malay) a type...
sagum 11 11 (Latin) a cloak worn...
saheb 12 10 a term of respect in...
sahib 13 10 a term of respect in...
saice 11 8 a male servant in In...
saick 13 12 a Levantine vessel l...
saics 12 8 SAIC, a Levantine ve...
saids 9 6 SAID, (Arabic) a des...
saiga 9 7 (Russian) an antelop...
sails 10 6 SAIL, to be pushed i...
saims 10 8 SAIM, (Scots) a seam...
saine 7 6 (Spenser) 3rd person...
sains 8 6 SAIN, (archaic) to m...
saint 8 6 to hail as a person...
sairs 9 5 SAIR, to savour, als...
saist 9 5 (Spenser) 2nd person...
saith 11 7 the coalfish, also S...
sajou 10 15 a capuchin or spider...
sakai 9 9 a Malaysian aborigin...
saker 9 9 a falcon native to S...
sakes 9 9 SAKE, benefit or adv...
sakia 9 9 (Arabic) an Eastern...
sakis 10 9 SAKI, (Japanese) a k...
sakti 10 9 (Hindu) the wife of...
salad 9 7 a dish of green raw...
salal 10 7 an American shrub of...
salat 9 6 (Arabic) a set of pr...
salep 11 9 dried orchid tubers;...
sales 9 6 SALE, the act of sel...
salet 9 6 in medieval armour,...
salic 13 9 of minerals, rich in...
salix 16 13 any of a genus of tr...
salle 10 7 (French) a hall [n -...
sally 17 9 to rush out suddenly...
salmi 11 9 (French) a ragout of...
salol 10 7 a white crystalline...
salon 8 7 a large room in whic...
salop 11 9 a hot drink made fro...
salpa 11 9 a free-swimming smal...
salps 12 9 SALP, a free-swimmin...
salsa 9 6 (Spanish) a rhythmic...
salse 9 6 (French) a mud volca...
salto 9 6 (Italian) to perform...
salts 10 6 SALT, to put salt on...
salty 16 8 tasting of salt [adj...
salue 9 7 (obsolete) to salute...
salut 10 7 an interjection expr...
salve 11 10 to soothe [v SALVED,...
salvo 11 10 to discharge firearm...
saman 8 9 (Carib) the rain-tre...
samas 9 8 SAMA, (Japanese) a t...
samba 11 11 to perform a Brazili...
sambo 11 11 a colloquial or humo...
samek 10 12 (Hebrew) the 15th le...
samel 10 9 of a brick or tile,...
samen 8 9 (Scots) same [adj]
sames 9 8 SAME, the same thing...
samey 15 10 (colloquial) boringl...
samfu 12 12 (Chinese) an outfit...
sammy 17 13 an Indian fruit and...
sampi 12 11 a supposed name of a...
samps 12 11 SAMP, (Native Americ...
sands 8 7 SAND, to cover with...
sandy 14 9 covered with sand [a...
saned 7 7 SANE, to make the si...
saner 7 6 SANE, mentally sound...
sanes 7 6 SANE, to make the si...
sanga 8 8 (Pushtu) a temporary...
sangh 11 10 (Hindi) an associati...
sango 8 8 (colloquial) a sandw...
sangs 9 8 SANG, (Chinese) a Ch...
sanko 8 10 a West African guita...
sansa 7 6 (Arabic) an African...
santo 7 6 (Spanish) the wooden...
sants 8 6 SANT, (Hindi) in Sik...
saola 8 6 a small oxlike mamma...
sapan 9 9 (Malay) the wood of...
sapid 11 9 pleasant to the tast...
sapor 10 8 flavour, also SAPOUR...
sappy 19 13 full of sap [adj SAP...
saran 7 6 a thermoplastic resi...
sards 9 6 SARD, a variety of q...
sared 8 6 SAR, (Scots) to savo...
saree 7 5 (Hindi) an outer gar...
sarge 9 7 (colloquial) sergean...
sargo 9 7 (Spanish) a fish, se...
sarin 8 6 (German) a compound...
saris 9 5 SARI, (Hindi) an out...
sarks 10 9 SARK, (Scots) a shir...
sarky 16 11 sarcastic [adj SARKI...
sarod 8 6 (Hindi) an Indian in...
saros 8 5 the eclipse cycle of...
sarus 9 6 (Hindi) a large redh...
saser 8 5 a device for amplify...
sasin 8 6 (Nepali) the common...
sasse 8 5 (Dutch) a sluice or...
sassy 15 7 impertinent [adj SAS...
satai 8 5 (Malay) a Malaysian...
satay 14 7 (Malay) a dish of ma...
sated 8 6 SATE, to satisfy to...
satem 9 8 pertaining to a grou...
sates 8 5 SATE, to satisfy to...
satin 8 6 a closely-woven silk...
satis 9 5 SATI, (Sanskrit) the...
satyr 15 7 a Greek god of the w...
sauba 10 9 a South American lea...
sauce 11 9 to serve with a liqu...
sauch 14 11 (Scots) a sallow, a...
saucy 18 11 impertinent [adj SAU...
saugh 12 10 (Scots) a sallow, a...
sauls 10 7 SAUL, (Scots) a soul...
sault 10 7 a waterfall or rapid...
sauna 7 7 (Finnish) a type of...
saunt 8 7 (Scots) a saint [n -...
saury 15 8 a sharp-beaked fish,...
saute 8 6 (French) to fry in a...
sauts 9 6 SAUT, to put salt on...
saved 10 10 SAVE, to rescue from...
saver 10 9 one that saves [n -S...
saves 10 9 SAVE, to rescue from...
savey 16 11 to know, to understa...
savin 10 10 a species of juniper...
savor 10 9 to taste or smell wi...
savoy 16 11 a variety of cabbage...
savvy 19 15 shrewd [adj SAVVIER,...
sawah 13 10 (Malay) an irrigated...
sawed 11 9 SAW, to cut with a j...
sawer 11 8 one who saws, also S...
saxes 14 12 SAX, a chopper for t...
sayed 14 8 (Arabic) a Muslim cl...
sayer 14 7 one that says [n -S]
sayid 15 8 (Arabic) a descendan...
sayne 13 8 (Spenser) 3rd person...
sayon 13 8 a jacket [n -S]
sayst 15 7 SAY, to utter in wor...
sazes 11 14 SAZ, a stringed inst...
scabs 14 11 SCAB, to become cove...
scads 12 9 SCAD, a kind of mari...
scaff 16 14 (Scots) to beg or as...
scags 13 10 SCAG [n]
scail 13 9 (Scots) to scatter,...
scala 12 9 a machine formerly e...
scald 13 10 to burn with hot liq...
scale 12 9 to climb up or over...
scall 14 10 (obsolete) scabbines...
scalp 15 12 to remove the coveri...
scaly 19 11 peeling off in flake...
scamp 15 14 to perform carelessl...
scams 13 11 SCAM, to cheat or sw...
scand 11 10 SCAN, to examine clo...
scans 11 9 SCAN, to examine clo...
scant 11 9 scarce [adj SCANTER,...
scapa 13 11 to run away, leave w...
scape 13 11 to escape [v SCAPED,...
scapi 14 11 SCAPUS, (Latin) the...
scare 11 8 to frighten [v SCARE...
scarf 14 11 a piece of cloth wor...
scarp 14 11 to make into a steep...
scars 12 8 SCAR, to leave a mar...
scart 12 8 to scratch, scrape [...
scary 18 10 frightening, also SC...
scath 14 10 (Spenser) to injure,...
scats 12 8 SCAT, to scare away,...
scatt 12 8 (historical) a tribu...
scaud 12 10 (Scots) to scald [v...
scaup 14 12 to cut the scalp fro...
scaur 12 9 (Scots) to scare, al...
scaws 15 11 SCAW, a low cape or...
sceat 11 8 (Old English) a smal...
scena 10 9 (Italian) a scene in...
scend 11 10 of a ship, to pitch...
scene 10 9 to set in a place of...
scent 11 9 to fill with a perfu...
schav 16 14 (Yiddish) a cold sou...
schmo 15 13 (Yiddish) a stupid o...
schul 16 12 a synagogue, also SH...
schwa 17 13 (German) a vowel sou...
scion 11 9 a young member of a...
sclim 15 12 (Scots) to climb, al...
scody 18 11 (New Zealand) unkemp...
scoff 16 14 to express rude doub...
scogs 13 10 SCOG, (Scots) to she...
scold 13 10 to rebuke harshly [v...
scone 10 9 a flattish, usually...
scoog 12 10 (Scots) to shelter,...
scoop 13 11 to lift with a spoon...
scoot 11 8 to go quickly [v -ED...
scopa 13 11 (Latin) a brushlike...
scope 13 11 to examine with a vi...
scops 14 11 SCOP, (Old English)...
score 11 8 to achieve a success...
scorn 11 9 to treat with contem...
scots 12 8 SCOT, (historical) m...
scoug 13 11 (Scots) to shelter,...
scoup 14 12 (Scots) to bound, ca...
scour 12 9 to cleanse by hard r...
scout 12 9 to reconnoitre [v -E...
scowl 16 12 to frown angrily [v...
scowp 17 14 (Scots) to bound, ca...
scows 15 11 SCOW, to transport b...
scrab 14 11 (dialect) to scratch...
scrae 11 8 (Scott) scree, loose...
scrag 13 10 to wring the neck of...
scram 13 11 to leave quickly [v...
scran 11 9 (slang) food, provis...
scrap 14 11 to discard [v SCRAPP...
scrat 12 8 to scratch, also SCR...
scraw 15 11 (archaic) a thin sod...
scray 18 10 the tern, also SCRAY...
scree 11 8 a mass of rocks at t...
screw 15 11 to attach with a typ...
scrim 14 11 a durable plain-wove...
scrip 15 11 a small bag; a walle...
scrob 14 11 to scrape with or as...
scrod 12 9 a young cod, also SC...
scrog 13 10 (dialect) a stunted...
scrow 15 11 a scroll [n -S]
scrub 15 12 to rub hard in order...
scrum 14 12 to mill around the b...
scuba 14 12 an underwater breath...
scudi 13 10 SCUDO, (Italian) a f...
scudo 12 10 (Italian) a former I...
scuds 13 10 SCUD, to run or move...
scuff 17 15 to scrape the feet [...
scuft 15 12 the nape of the neck...
scugs 14 11 SCUG, (Scots) to she...
sculk 15 14 to move about stealt...
scull 15 11 to propel with a typ...
sculp 16 13 to form an image fro...
sculs 14 10 SCUL, (obsolete) a s...
scums 14 12 SCUM, to remove wast...
scups 15 12 SCUP, a marine food...
scurf 15 12 scaly or shredded dr...
scurs 13 9 SCUR, to scour, sear...
scuse 12 9 an aphetic form of e...
scuta 12 9 SCUTUM, a horny plat...
scute 12 9 a horny plate or sca...
scuts 13 9 SCUT, the tail of e....
scuzz 19 27 dirt [n -ES]
scyes 18 10 SCYE, an opening for...
sdayn 14 9 (obsolete) to disdai...
sdein 8 7 (obsolete) to disdai...
seals 9 6 SEAL, to close or ma...
seame 8 8 grease; lard made fr...
seams 9 8 SEAM, to join by sew...
seamy 15 10 unpleasant [adj SEAM...
seans 7 6 SEAN, to catch fish...
seare 7 5 (Spenser) sere, with...
sears 8 5 SEAR, to burn [v]
sease 7 5 (Spenser) to seize,...
seats 8 5 SEAT, to place on a...
seaze 10 14 (Spenser) to seize,...
sebum 12 12 (Latin) the fatty se...
secco 14 11 (Italian) painting o...
sechs 14 10 SECH, a hyperbolic s...
sects 12 8 SECT, a group of peo...
sedan 7 7 a type of automobile...
seder 8 6 (Hebrew) a Pesach ce...
sedes 8 6 (Latin) a seat [n SE...
sedge 9 8 a plant like a grass...
sedgy 16 10 bordered by sedge [a...
sedum 10 10 any of a genus of pl...
seeds 8 6 SEED, to sow a crop...
seedy 14 8 shabby [adj SEEDIER,...
seeks 9 9 SEEK, to go in searc...
seeld 9 7 (Spenser) rare, unus...
seels 9 6 SEEL, to stitch clos...
seely 15 8 fortunate; innocent...
seems 9 8 SEEM, to appear to b...
seeps 10 8 SEEP, to pass slowly...
seepy 16 10 oozing with water [a...
seers 8 5 SEER, a prophet [n]
sefer 10 8 (Hebrew) any book of...
segar 9 7 a cigar [n -S]
segni 9 8 SEGNO, (Italian) a m...
segno 8 8 (Italian) a musical...
segol 10 8 (Hebrew) a vowel-poi...
segos 9 7 SEGO, (Native Americ...
segue 9 8 to proceed from one...
sehri 11 7 (Arabic) a meal eate...
seifs 11 8 SEIF, (Arabic) a lon...
seils 10 6 SEIL, to strain, als...
seine 7 6 to catch fish with a...
seirs 9 5 SEIR, a fish of the...
seise 8 5 to take hold of sudd...
seism 10 8 an earthquake [n -S]
seity 15 7 personal identity [n...
seiza 11 14 (Japanese) a kneelin...
seize 11 14 to take hold of sudd...
sekos 9 9 (Greek) a sacred enc...
sekts 10 9 SEKT, (German) a spa...
selah 11 8 (Hebrew) a musical i...
seles 9 6 SELE, happiness [n]
selfs 12 9 SELF, to fertilize b...
sella 10 7 an area in the sphen...
selle 10 7 (archaic) a seat, sa...
sells 11 7 SELL, to give up for...
selva 11 10 (Spanish) a wet fore...
semee 8 8 in heraldry, strewn...
semen 8 9 the liquid that carr...
semes 9 8 SEME, a type of hera...
semie 9 8 at Scottish universi...
semis 10 8 (Latin) a coin of an...
senas 7 6 SENA, (Hindi) in Ind...
sends 8 7 SEND, to cause to go...
senes 7 6 SENE, a Samoan monet...
sengi 9 8 a monetary unit of Z...
senna 6 7 the leaves of severa...
senor 7 6 (Spanish) a Spanish...
sensa 7 6 SENSUM, an object of...
sense 7 6 to have an impressio...
sensi 8 6 (Japanese) a teacher...
sente 7 6 a monetary unit of L...
senti 8 6 a former monetary un...
sents 8 6 SENT, (obsolete) to...
senvy 16 12 (obsolete) mustard [...
senza 10 15 (Italian) without; a...
sepad 10 9 to suppose, uphold [...
sepal 11 9 one of the leaves of...
sepia 10 8 a brown pigment, obt...
sepic 14 11 of or pertaining to...
sepoy 16 10 (historical) an Indi...
septa 10 8 SEPTUM, a dividing m...
septs 11 8 SEPT, a division of...
serac 11 8 (French) a large mas...
serai 8 5 (Turkish) a caravans...
seral 9 6 pertaining to a seri...
sered 8 6 SERE, to burn the su...
serer 8 5 SERE, withered, dry,...
seres 8 5 SERE, to burn the su...
serfs 11 8 SERF, a person in mo...
serge 9 7 a strong twilled wor...
seric 12 8 silken [adj]
serif 11 8 a decorative stroke...
serin 8 6 a bird of the finch...
serks 10 9 SERK, (Scots) a shir...
seron 7 6 a crate, also SEROON...
serow 11 8 a Himalayan goatlike...
serra 8 5 (Latin) a saw-like o...
serre 8 5 to press close, also...
serrs 9 5 SERR, to press close...
serry 15 7 to press close, clos...
serum 10 9 the watery portion o...
serve 10 9 to work for [v SERVE...
servo 10 9 (Australian slang) a...
sesey 14 7 (Shakespeare) enough...
sessa 8 5 (Shakespeare) enough...
setae 7 5 SETA, (Latin) a coar...
setal 9 6 like a bristle [adj]
seton 7 6 a thread or the like...
setts 9 5 SETT, a badger's hom...
setup 11 9 the way something is...
seven 9 10 a number [n -S]
sever 10 9 to divide or cut int...
sewan 10 9 (Native American) sh...
sewar 11 8 a medieval servant w...
sewed 11 9 SEW, to mend or fast...
sewel 12 9 a scarecrow, a devic...
sewen 10 9 the Welsh or Irish n...
sewer 11 8 to clean or maintain...
sewin 11 9 the Welsh or Irish n...
sexed 14 13 SEX, to assess organ...
sexer 14 12 one who sexes fowls...
sexes 14 12 SEX, to assess organ...
sexto 14 12 a paper size, also S...
sexts 15 12 SEXT [n]
seyen 13 8 (Shakespeare) a scio...
shack 15 14 a roughly built cabi...
shade 10 8 to screen from light...
shads 11 8 SHAD, a herring-like...
shady 17 10 full of shade; under...
shaft 13 10 to propel with a pol...
shags 12 9 SHAG, to make shaggy...
shahs 13 9 SHAH, (Persian) a ti...
shake 11 11 to move to and fro w...
shako 11 11 (Hungarian) the hat...
shakt 12 11 SHAKE, to move to an...
shaky 18 13 shaking [adj SHAKIER...
shale 11 8 clay rock splitting...
shall 13 9 used as an auxiliary...
shalm 13 11 an ancient oboe-like...
shalt 12 8 SHALL, used as an au...
shaly 18 10 resembling shale, al...
shama 11 10 (Hindi) an Indian mi...
shame 11 10 to cause to feel gui...
shams 12 10 SHAM, to feign [v]
shand 10 9 (obsolete) in crimin...
shank 11 12 to hit sharply to th...
shans 10 8 SHAN, (obsolete) in...
shape 12 10 to fashion into a fo...
shaps 13 10 (short for) chaparaj...
shard 11 8 a fragment of broken...
share 10 7 to use in common wit...
shark 12 11 to obtain by swindli...
sharn 10 8 (Scots) cow-dung, al...
sharp 13 10 keen, acute [adj SHA...
shash 13 9 to provide with a sa...
shaul 12 9 to become shallow, a...
shave 12 11 to remove hair with...
shawl 15 11 to wrap the shoulder...
shawm 15 13 an ancient oboe-like...
shawn 13 11 SHAW, (Scots) to sho...
shaws 14 10 SHAW, (Scots) to sho...
shaya 16 9 (Tamil) an Indian pl...
shays 17 9 SHAY, a light carria...
shchi 17 12 (Russian) a kind of...
sheaf 12 10 to gather into a bun...
sheal 11 8 to shell, husk, also...
shear 10 7 to cut the wool or h...
sheas 10 7 SHEA, an African tre...
sheds 11 8 SHED, to cast off [v...
sheel 11 8 (Shakespeare) to she...
sheen 9 8 to shine, have a lus...
sheep 12 10 a ruminant wool-grow...
sheer 10 7 utter [adj SHEERER,...
sheet 10 7 to cover with a larg...
sheik 12 11 (Arabic) an Arab chi...
shelf 14 11 a board fixed horizo...
shell 13 9 to remove the outer...
shend 10 9 (archaic) to put to...
shent 10 8 SHEND, (archaic) to...
sheol 11 8 (Hebrew) the place o...
sherd 11 8 a fragment of broken...
shere 10 7 (Spenser) sheer [adj...
shero 10 7 a woman regarded as...
shets 11 7 SHET, (dialect) to s...
sheva 12 11 (Hebrew) in Hebrew g...
shewn 13 11 SHEW, (archaic) to s...
shews 14 10 SHEW, (archaic) to s...
shiai 11 7 (Japanese) a judo co...
shied 11 8 SHY, to jump aside,...
shiel 12 8 (Shakespeare) to she...
shier 11 7 a horse that shies,...
shies 11 7 SHY, to jump aside,...
shift 14 10 to move from one pos...
shill 14 9 to act as a decoy [v...
shily 19 10 SHY, embarrassed, ba...
shims 13 10 SHIM, to adjust by u...
shine 10 8 to emit light [v SHO...
shins 11 8 SHIN, to climb by gr...
shiny 17 10 a bright object [n S...
ships 14 10 SHIP, to transport i...
shire 11 7 a rural district hav...
shirk 13 11 to avoid work or a d...
shirr 12 7 to pucker, also SHIR...
shirs 12 7 SHIR, to pucker, als...
shirt 12 7 to don a garment for...
shish 14 9 (Turkish) as in shis...
shiso 11 7 (Japanese) an Asian...
shist 12 7 a type of metamorphi...
shite 11 7 (slang) to shit, als...
shits 12 7 SHIT, to defecate [v...
shiur 12 8 (Hebrew) a lesson, e...
shiva 13 11 (Hebrew) a period of...
shive 13 11 a thin fragment [n -...
shivs 14 11 SHIV [v]
shlep 14 11 (Yiddish) to drag on...
shlub 15 12 (Yiddish) a stupid o...
shmek 13 14 (Yiddish) a taste or...
shmoe 11 10 (Yiddish) a stupid o...
shoal 11 8 shallow, also SHAUL...
shoat 10 7 a young pig, esp. on...
shock 15 14 to outrage feelings...
shoed 10 8 SHOE, to provide wit...
shoer 10 7 one who shoes horses...
shoes 10 7 SHOE, to provide wit...
shogi 12 9 (Japanese) an Orient...
shogs 12 9 SHOG, to move along...
shoji 13 16 (Japanese) a translu...
shojo 12 16 (Japanese) manga int...
shola 11 8 (Hindi) an Indian pl...
shone 9 8 SHINE, to emit light...
shook 11 11 a bundle of sheaves...
shool 11 8 (dialect) to saunter...
shoon 9 8 SHOE, a covering for...
shoos 10 7 SHOO, to drive away...
shoot 10 7 to hit, injure or ki...
shope 12 10 SHAPE, to fashion in...
shops 13 10 SHOP, to visit shops...
shore 10 7 the seaward edge of...
shorl 12 8 (German) black tourm...
shorn 10 8 SHEAR, to cut the wo...
short 11 7 having little length...
shote 10 7 a young pig, esp. on...
shots 11 7 SHOT, to load with s...
shott 11 7 (Arabic) a shallow s...
shout 11 8 to yell loudly [v -E...
shove 12 11 to push roughly [v S...
showd 14 11 (Scots) to rock to a...
shown 13 11 SHOW, to cause or pe...
shows 14 10 SHOW, to cause or pe...
showy 20 12 making a brilliant d...
shoyu 17 10 (Japanese) a rich so...
shred 11 8 to cut into fine str...
shrew 14 10 (Shakespeare) to cur...
shris 12 7 SHRI, (Sanskrit) in...
shrow 14 10 (Shakespeare) to shr...
shrub 14 11 a low woody plant sm...
shrug 13 10 to raise and contrac...
shtik 13 11 (Yiddish) a familiar...
shtum 13 11 (Yiddish) silent, du...
shtup 14 11 (Yiddish) to have se...
shuck 16 15 to remove husks or s...
shule 12 9 (dialect) to saunter...
shuln 12 10 SHUL, (Hebrew) a syn...
shuls 13 9 SHUL, (Hebrew) a syn...
shuns 11 9 SHUN, to avoid [v]
shunt 11 9 to turn aside [v -ED...
shura 11 8 (Arabic) the Islamic...
shush 14 10 to hush [v SHUSHED,...
shute 11 8 to convey by a verti...
shuts 12 8 SHUT, to close, also...
shwas 14 10 SHWA, (German) a vow...
shyer 17 9 a horse tending to s...
shyly 25 12 SHY, embarrassed, ba...
sials 10 6 SIAL, the upper laye...
sibbs 14 11 SIBB, one who has th...
sibyl 19 11 (Greek) any of vario...
sices 12 8 SICE, (Arabic) a sta...
sicht 15 10 (Scots) to sight [v...
sicko 13 12 an emotionally sick...
sicks 14 12 SICK, to urge to att...
sicky 20 14 (Australian slang) a...
sidas 9 6 SIDA, any plant of t...
sided 9 7 SIDE, to support or...
sider 9 6 a native or inhabita...
sides 9 6 SIDE, to support or...
sidha 11 8 (Sanskrit) one who h...
sidhe 11 8 SIDH, (Irish) one of...
sidle 10 7 to move sideways [v...
siege 9 7 the act or process o...
sield 10 7 (Spenser) provided w...
siens 8 6 SIEN, (Shakespeare)...
sient 8 6 (archaic) a scion, a...
sieth 11 7 (Shakespeare) a scyt...
sieur 9 6 an old French title...
sieve 10 9 to pass through a st...
sifts 12 8 SIFT, to pass throug...
sighs 13 9 SIGH, to emit a deep...
sight 13 9 to observe or notice...
sigil 12 8 an official seal [n...
sigla 11 8 a list of symbols us...
sigma 11 10 (Greek) the Greek le...
signa 9 8 a verbal instruction...
signs 10 8 SIGN, to write one's...
sijos 11 14 SIJO, (Korean) a Kor...
sikas 10 9 SIKA, (Japanese) a k...
siker 10 9 (US) secure, certain...
sikes 10 9 SIKE, a small stream...
silds 11 7 SILD, (Norwegian) he...
siled 10 7 SILE, to strain, als...
silen 9 7 a woodland god or el...
siler 10 6 a strainer [n -S]
siles 10 6 SILE, to strain, als...
silex 16 13 (Latin) finely groun...
silks 12 10 SILK, to cover with...
silky 18 12 resembling silk [adj...
sills 12 7 SILL, a part of a wi...
silly 18 9 a silly person [n SI...
silos 10 6 SILO, to store in a...
silts 11 6 SILT, to fill with a...
silty 17 8 full of silt [adj SI...
silva 12 10 the forest trees of...
simar 10 8 (French) a loose coa...
simas 10 8 SIMA, the oceanic cr...
simba 12 11 (Swahili) a lion [n...
simis 11 8 SIMI, (Swahili) in A...
simps 13 11 SIMP, (short for) a...
simul 12 10 (short for) a simult...
since 11 9 from then until now,...
sinds 9 7 SIND, (Scots) to rin...
sined 8 7 SINE, (Scots) to rin...
sines 8 6 SINE, (Scots) to rin...
sinew 11 9 to bind as if by sin...
singe 9 8 to burn slightly [v...
sings 10 8 SING, to utter melod...
sinhs 11 8 SINH, a hyperbolic f...
sinks 10 10 SINK, to subside to...
sinky 16 12 yielding underfoot [...
sinus 9 7 a cranial cavity [n...
siped 11 9 SIPE, (dialect) to s...
sipes 11 8 SIPE, (dialect) to s...
sippy 20 13 as in sippy cup, an...
sired 9 6 SIRE, to beget [v]
siree 8 5 (US) a mode of addre...
siren 8 6 a device that produc...
sires 9 5 SIRE, to beget [v]
sirih 12 7 (Malay) the betel pe...
siris 10 5 SIRI, (Malay) the be...
siroc 12 8 (Italian) a hot, dry...
sirra 9 5 (obsolete) a mode of...
sirup 12 9 a saturated solution...
sisal 10 6 a strong fibre used...
sises 9 5 SIS, (short for) sis...
sissy 16 7 effeminate, also CIS...
sista 9 5 an African-American...
sists 10 5 SIST, to stay, as ju...
sitar 9 5 (Urdu) an Indian mus...
sited 9 6 SITE, to place in po...
sites 9 5 SITE, to place in po...
sithe 11 7 (archaic) to scythe...
sitka 10 9 as in sitka spruce,...
situp 12 9 an exercise for the...
situs 10 6 (Latin) the place to...
siver 11 9 (Scots) a drain; a g...
sixer 15 12 anything counting fo...
sixes 15 12 SIX, a number [n]
sixmo 16 15 a paper size, also S...
sixte 15 12 (French) a position...
sixth 18 14 number six in sequen...
sixty 22 14 a number [n SIXTIES]
sizar 12 14 a British student wh...
sized 12 15 SIZE, to cover with...
sizel 13 15 metal clippings; scr...
sizer 12 14 a student at Cambrid...
sizes 12 14 SIZE, to cover with...
skags 11 11 SKAG, (US slang) her...
skail 11 10 (Scots) to disperse,...
skald 11 11 an ancient Scandinav...
skank 10 14 to dance to reggae m...
skart 10 9 (Scots) a cormorant,...
skate 9 9 to glide over ice wi...
skats 10 9 SKAT, (historical) a...
skatt 10 9 (dialect) a sudden b...
skaws 13 12 SKAW, a low cape or...
skean 8 10 (Gaelic) a double-ed...
skear 9 9 (dialect) to scare,...
skeds 10 10 SKED, to schedule [v...
skeed 9 10 SKEE, to ski [v]
skeef 11 12 (South Africa) at an...
skeen 8 10 (Gaelic) a double-ed...
skeer 9 9 (dialect) to scare,...
skees 9 9 SKEE, to ski [v]
skeet 9 9 the sport of clay bi...
skegg 12 13 a length of keel pro...
skegs 11 11 SKEG, a length of ke...
skein 9 10 to wind into long, l...
skelf 13 13 (Scots) a splinter o...
skell 12 11 (slang) a homeless p...
skelm 12 13 (Afrikaans) a scound...
skelp 13 13 (Gaelic) to hustle;...
skene 8 10 (Gaelic) a double-ed...
skens 9 10 SKEN, (Scots) to squ...
skeos 9 9 SKEO, (Orkney) a hut...
skeps 12 12 SKEP, to collect int...
skers 10 9 SKER, to scour, sear...
skets 10 9 SKET, to splash (wat...
skews 13 12 SKEW, to make obliqu...
skids 11 10 SKID, to slide on ac...
skied 10 10 SKI, to travel over...
skier 10 9 one who skis [n -S]
skies 10 9 SKY, to hit or throw...
skiey 16 11 resembling the sky,...
skiff 15 15 to skim [v -ED, -ING...
skill 13 11 the ability to do so...
skimo 11 12 (short for) a skimob...
skimp 14 15 to scrimp [v -ED, -I...
skims 12 12 SKIM, to remove floa...
skink 11 14 to pour out [v -ED,...
skins 10 10 SKIN, to remove the...
skint 10 10 having no money [adj...
skios 10 9 SKIO, (Orkney) a hut...
skips 13 12 SKIP, to move with l...
skirl 12 10 to produce a shrill...
skirr 11 9 to scour, search; to...
skirt 11 9 to pass along the bo...
skite 10 9 (Australian slang) t...
skits 11 9 SKIT, a short satiri...
skive 12 13 to pare or split lea...
skivy 19 15 inclined to slack of...
sklim 13 13 (Scots) to climb, al...
skoal 10 10 to down a drink in o...
skoff 14 15 to devour; to plunde...
skogs 11 11 SKOG, to shelter, al...
skols 11 10 SKOL, (Old Norse) to...
skool 10 10 (colloquial) school...
skort 10 9 a pair of shorts wit...
skosh 12 11 (Japanese) a small a...
skran 9 10 (slang) food, provis...
skrik 12 13 a fright [n -S]
skuas 10 10 SKUA, a predatory gu...
skugs 12 12 SKUG, (Scots) to she...
skulk 13 15 to move about stealt...
skull 13 12 the framework of the...
skunk 11 15 a foul-smelling must...
skyed 16 12 SKY, to hit or throw...
skyer 16 11 in cricket, a hit hi...
skyey 22 13 resembling the sky,...
skyfs 19 14 SKYF, (South Africa)...
skyre 16 11 (Scots) to shine, be...
skyrs 17 11 SKYR, curds; a yogur...
skyte 16 11 (Scots) to dart or g...
slabs 12 9 SLAB, to cover with...
slack 14 13 not tight or taut [a...
slade 9 7 a little valley or d...
slaes 9 6 SLAE, (Scots) a sloe...
slags 11 8 SLAG, to criticize,...
slaid 10 7 a sledge [n -S]
slain 9 7 SLAY, to kill [v]
slake 10 10 to quench [v SLAKED...
slams 11 9 SLAM, to shut forcib...
slane 8 7 (Irish) a turf-cutti...
slang 10 9 to use extremely inf...
slank 10 11 SLINK, to move steal...
slant 9 7 oblique [adj SLANTLY...
slaps 12 9 SLAP, to strike with...
slart 10 6 (dialect) to spill [...
slash 12 8 to cut with violent...
slate 9 6 a fine-grained argil...
slats 10 6 SLAT, to supply with...
slaty 16 8 resembling slate, al...
slave 11 10 to work like a drudg...
slaws 13 9 SLAW, a salad of raw...
slays 16 8 SLAY, to kill [v]
slebs 12 9 SLEB, (slang) a cele...
sleds 10 7 SLED, to transport o...
sleek 10 10 smooth, glossy [adj...
sleep 11 9 to be in a natural,...
sleer 9 6 SLEE, (Scots) sly [a...
sleet 9 6 to shower frozen rai...
slept 12 9 SLEEP, to be in a na...
slews 13 9 SLEW, to cause to mo...
sleys 16 8 SLEY, a weaver's ree...
slice 13 9 to cut in pieces [v...
slick 15 13 smooth and slippery...
slide 10 7 to move smoothly alo...
slier 10 6 SLY, cunning, wily;...
slily 18 9 SLY, cunning, wily;...
slime 11 9 to cover with viscou...
slims 12 9 SLIM, to make slim [...
slimy 18 11 resembling slime [ad...
sling 11 9 to throw with a sudd...
slink 11 11 to move stealthily [...
slipe 12 9 to peel [v SLIPED, S...
slips 13 9 SLIP, to slide sudde...
slipt 13 9 SLIP, to slide sudde...
slish 13 8 (Shakespeare) a cut...
slits 11 6 SLIT, to make a long...
slive 12 10 to slip [v SLOVE or...
sloan 8 7 (Scots) a snub, repr...
slobs 12 9 SLOB [n]
sloes 9 6 SLOE, the fruit of t...
slogs 11 8 SLOG, to plod [v]
sloid 10 7 (Swedish) a Swedish...
slojd 12 16 (Swedish) a Swedish...
slomo 10 9 a slow-motion film [...
sloom 10 9 to slumber [v -ED, -...
sloop 11 9 a type of single-mas...
sloot 9 6 (Afrikaans) in South...
slope 11 9 to slant or incline...
slops 12 9 SLOP, to spill or sp...
slopy 18 11 sloping [adj SLOPIER...
slorm 11 9 to wipe carelessly [...
slosh 12 8 to move with a splas...
sloth 12 8 to be lazy [v -ED, -...
slots 10 6 SLOT, to cut a long...
slove 11 10 SLIVE, to slip [v]
slows 13 9 SLOW, to reduce spee...
sloyd 16 9 (Swedish) a Swedish...
slubb 15 13 to twist fibre after...
slubs 13 10 SLUB, to twist fibre...
slued 10 8 SLUE, to cause to mo...
slues 10 7 SLUE, to cause to mo...
sluff 15 13 to discard a card or...
slugs 12 9 SLUG, to strike heav...
sluit 11 7 (Afrikaans) in South...
slump 14 13 to sink suddenly [v...
slums 12 10 SLUM, to visit squal...
slung 11 10 SLING, to throw with...
slunk 11 12 SLINK, to move steal...
slurb 13 10 a poorly planned sub...
slurp 13 10 to drink noisily [v...
slurs 11 7 SLUR, to disparage [...
sluse 10 7 (Milton) a sluice [n...
slush 13 9 to splash with partl...
sluts 11 7 SLUT, a slovenly wom...
slyer 16 8 SLY, cunning, wily;...
slyly 24 11 SLY, cunning, wily;...
slype 18 11 a narrow passage in...
smaak 10 12 (South Africa) to li...
smack 14 15 to strike sharply [v...
smaik 11 12 (Scots) a contemptib...
small 12 10 not large [adj SMALL...
smalm 12 12 to smear, make oily,...
smalt 11 9 a blue pigment [n -S...
smarm 11 11 to smear, gush, make...
smart 10 8 clever [adj SMARTER,...
smash 12 10 to shatter violently...
smaze 12 17 an atmospheric mixtu...
smear 9 8 to spread with somet...
smeek 10 12 (Scots) to smoke, al...
smees 9 8 SMEE, (dialect) a na...
smeik 11 12 (Scots) to smoke, al...
smeke 10 12 (Scots) to smoke, al...
smell 12 10 to sense with the no...
smelt 11 9 to melt or fuse, as...
smerk 11 12 to smile in a smug m...
smews 13 11 SMEW, a bird, the sm...
smile 11 9 to look joyful, also...
smirk 12 12 to smile in a smug m...
smirr 11 8 to drizzle [v -ED, -...
smirs 11 8 SMIR, to drizzle, al...
smite 10 8 to strike heavily [v...
smith 13 10 to forge metal, also...
smits 11 8 SMIT, (Scots) to sta...
smock 14 15 to put on a loose ou...
smogs 11 10 SMOG, a mixture of s...
smoke 10 12 to emit a gas or vap...
smoko 10 12 in the Falkland Isle...
smoky 17 14 full of smoke, also...
smolt 11 9 a young salmon [n -S...
smoor 9 8 (Scots) to smother,...
smoot 9 8 (slang) to work as a...
smore 9 8 (Scots) to smother,...
smorg 11 10 (short for) smorgasb...
smote 9 8 SMIGHT, (Spenser) to...
smout 10 9 to work as a composi...
smowt 13 11 (Scots) a small pers...
smugs 12 11 SMUG, to seize witho...
smurs 11 9 SMUR, to drizzle, al...
smush 13 11 to crush [v SMUSHED,...
smuts 11 9 SMUT, to soil, make...
snabs 10 9 SNAB, (Scots) a cobb...
snack 12 13 to eat a light meal...
snafu 10 10 to cause confusion [...
snags 9 8 SNAG, to catch on a...
snail 9 7 to move slowly [v -E...
snake 8 10 to slither like a li...
snaky 15 12 like a snake, also S...
snaps 10 9 SNAP, to make a shar...
snare 7 6 to trap [v SNARED, S...
snarf 10 9 (colloquial) to eat...
snark 9 10 an imaginary animal...
snarl 9 7 to growl viciously [...
snars 8 6 SNAR, (Spenser) to s...
snary 14 8 in danger of entrapm...
snash 10 8 to talk abusively [v...
snath 10 8 the curved handle of...
snaws 11 9 SNAW, to snow [v]
snead 7 7 the curved handle of...
sneak 8 10 to move stealthily [...
sneap 9 9 to nip, pinch [v -ED...
snebs 10 9 SNEB, to reprimand,...
sneck 12 13 to fasten with a lat...
sneds 8 7 SNED, to cut, lop [v...
sneed 7 7 SNEE, (obsolete) to...
sneer 7 6 to curl the lip in c...
snees 7 6 SNEE, (obsolete) to...
snell 10 8 keen, sharp [adj SNE...
snibs 11 9 SNIB, to fasten with...
snick 13 13 to snip, cut out [v...
snide 8 7 base, also SNIDEY [a...
snies 8 6 SNY, a side channel...
sniff 13 12 to inhale audibly th...
snift 11 9 to sniff, to blow ou...
snigs 10 8 SNIG, to drag a load...
snipe 10 9 to shoot from a conc...
snips 11 9 SNIP, to cut with a...
snipy 17 11 snipelike; frequente...
snirt 9 6 (Scots) to snigger [...
snits 9 6 SNIT, a state of agi...
snobs 10 9 SNOB, a person who p...
snods 8 7 SNOD, to trim, tidy...
snoek 8 10 the barracouta [n -S...
snoep 9 9 (Afrikaans) tight-fi...
snogs 9 8 SNOG, (slang) to kis...
snoke 8 10 to prowl or sneak ab...
snood 7 7 to wear a net or fab...
snook 8 10 to snuff or smell ab...
snool 8 7 (Scots) to be tamely...
snoop 9 9 to pry about [v -ED,...
snoot 7 6 to treat with disdai...
snore 7 6 to breath noisily wh...
snort 8 6 to exhale noisily th...
snots 8 6 SNOT, to blow the no...
snout 8 7 to provide with a no...
snowk 12 13 (Scots) to snuff or...
snows 11 9 SNOW, to rain white...
snowy 17 11 full of snow [adj SN...
snubs 11 10 SNUB, to treat with...
snuck 13 14 SNEAK, to move steal...
snuff 13 13 to put a candle out...
snugs 10 9 SNUG, to lie close [...
snush 11 9 (obsolete) to snuff...
snyes 14 8 SNYE, a side channel...
soaks 9 9 SOAK, to saturate in...
soaps 10 8 SOAP, to treat with...
soapy 16 10 like soap [adj SOAPI...
soare 7 5 (obsolete) sorrel, a...
soars 8 5 SOAR, to fly at a gr...
soave 9 9 (Italian) an Italian...
sobas 10 8 SOBA, (Japanese) noo...
sober 10 8 having control of on...
socas 11 8 SOCA, a variety of C...
soces 11 8 SOC, the right of ho...
socko 12 12 strikingly impressiv...
socks 13 12 SOCK, to strike forc...
socle 12 9 a plain face or plin...
sodas 8 6 SODA, any of a numbe...
soddy 15 9 consisting of sod; c...
sodic 12 9 of or pertaining to...
sodom 9 9 a place notorious fo...
sofar 10 8 a system for locatin...
sofas 10 8 SOFA, a long upholst...
softa 10 8 (Turkish) a Muslim s...
softs 11 8 SOFT, (Spenser) to s...
softy 17 10 a sentimental person...
soger 9 7 (dialect) a soldier,...
soggy 17 11 heavy with moisture...
sohur 11 8 a meal eaten before...
soils 10 6 SOIL, to make dirty...
soily 16 8 dirty, soiled [adj S...
sojas 10 14 SOJA, a dark, salty...
sojus 11 15 SOJU, (Korean) a Kor...
sokah 11 11 a variety of Caribbe...
soken 8 10 a feudal district un...
sokes 9 9 SOKE, a feudal right...
sokol 10 10 an international gro...
solah 11 8 (Hindi) an Indian pl...
solan 8 7 the common gannet, a...
solar 9 6 an upper room, a gar...
solas 9 6 SOLA, (Hindi) an Ind...
solde 9 7 (Spenser) pay, remun...
soldi 10 7 SOLDO, (Italian) a f...
soldo 9 7 (Italian) a former I...
solds 10 7 SOLD, (Spenser) pay,...
soled 9 7 SOLE, to replace the...
solei 9 6 SOLEUS, a leg muscle...
soler 9 6 (archaic) an upper r...
soles 9 6 SOLE, to replace the...
solid 10 7 having definite shap...
solon 8 7 a wise lawgiver [n -...
solos 9 6 SOLO, to perform a s...
solum 11 10 (Latin) the surface...
solus 10 7 a poster or advertis...
solve 11 10 to find the answer t...
soman 8 9 a nerve agent develo...
somas 9 8 SOMA, (Greek) the wh...
sonar 7 6 an underwater locati...
sonce 10 9 (Scots) good luck, a...
sonde 7 7 (French) an instrume...
sones 7 6 SONE, a unit of loud...
songs 9 8 SONG, a musical comp...
sonic 11 9 pertaining to sound...
sonly 15 9 pertaining to a son...
sonne 6 7 (obsolete) sun or so...
sonny 13 9 (colloquial) a son [...
sonse 7 6 (Scots) good luck, a...
sonsy 14 8 buxom, comely, also...
sooey 13 7 used for calling pig...
sooks 9 9 SOOK [n]
soole 8 6 (Scots) to pull by t...
sools 9 6 SOOL, to incite (a d...
sooms 9 8 SOOM, (Scots) to swi...
soops 10 8 SOOP, (Scots) to swe...
soote 7 5 (obsolete) a sweet [...
sooth 10 7 true, real, also SOT...
soots 8 5 SOOT, to cover with...
sooty 14 7 covered with soot [a...
sophs 13 10 SOPH, (short for) a...
sophy 19 12 a ruler of Persia [n...
sopor 10 8 a profound sleep fro...
soppy 19 13 foolishly sentimenta...
sopra 10 8 (Italian) above [adv...
soral 9 6 pertaining to a soru...
soras 8 5 SORA, (Native Americ...
sorbo 10 8 as in sorbo rubber,...
sorbs 11 8 SORB, to adsorb or a...
sorda 8 6 (Italian) muted, dam...
sordo 8 6 (Italian) muted, dam...
sords 9 6 SORD [n]
sored 8 6 SORE, to make sore [...
soree 7 5 (Native American) a...
sorel 9 6 a reddish-brown colo...
sorer 8 5 SORE, sensitive to p...
sores 8 5 SORE, to make sore [...
sorex 14 12 the common shrew [n...
sorgo 9 7 a variety of sorghum...
sorns 8 6 SORN, (Scots) to imp...
sorra 8 5 (Irish) sorrow, the...
sorry 15 7 feeling regret or gr...
sorta 8 5 (colloquial) sort of...
sorts 9 5 SORT, to arrange in...
sorus 9 6 (Latin) a cluster of...
soths 11 7 SOTH, truth, also SO...
sotol 9 6 (Nahuatl) any of sev...
souce 11 9 (Spenser) to pickle;...
souct 12 9 (Spenser) soused [v]
sough 12 10 to make a moaning or...
souks 10 10 SOUK, (Scots) to suc...
souls 10 7 SOUL, the spiritual...
soums 10 9 SOUM, (Scots) to rec...
sound 8 8 being in good health...
soups 11 9 SOUP, to increase th...
soupy 17 11 having the consisten...
sours 9 6 SOUR, to make sour [...
souse 8 6 to pickle; to marina...
south 11 8 a point of the compa...
souts 9 6 SOUT, (Spenser) soot...
sowar 11 8 (Urdu) a mounted nat...
sowce 14 11 to pickle; to marina...
sowed 11 9 SOW, to scatter seed...
sower 11 8 one who sows [n -S]
sowff 16 14 (Scots) to whistle o...
sowfs 14 11 SOWF, (Scots) to whi...
sowle 12 9 (Scots) to pull by t...
sowls 13 9 SOWL, (dialect) to l...
sowms 13 11 SOWM, to ascertain t...
sownd 11 10 (Spenser) to swoon [...
sowne 10 9 (Spenser) sound [n -...
sowps 14 11 SOWP [n]
sowse 11 8 (Spenser) to souse,...
sowth 14 10 (Scots) to whistle o...
soyas 14 7 SOYA, a dark, salty...
soyle 15 8 (obsolete) to elucid...
soyuz 18 17 a Soviet manned spac...
sozin 11 15 a type of protein, a...
space 13 11 to arrange at interv...
spacy 20 13 weird in behaviour,...
spade 10 9 to dig with an imple...
spado 10 9 (Latin) a castrated...
spaed 10 9 SPAE, to foretell [v...
spaer 10 8 (Scots) one who fore...
spaes 10 8 SPAE, to foretell [v...
spags 12 10 SPAG, (of a cat) to...
spahi 13 10 (Turkish) formerly,...
spail 12 9 a splinter or chip,...
spain 10 9 (Scots) to wean, als...
spait 11 8 a flood, a surge, al...
spake 11 12 SPEAK, to speak [v]
spald 12 10 (Scots) the shoulder...
spale 11 9 (Scots) a splinter,...
spall 13 10 to break up into fra...
spalt 12 9 to splinter [v -ED,...
spams 12 11 SPAM, to send out sp...
spane 9 9 (Scots) to wean, als...
spang 11 11 to cover with glitte...
spank 11 13 to slap on the butto...
spans 10 9 SPAN, to extend over...
spard 11 9 (archaic) spared [ad...
spare 10 8 meagre [adj SPARER,...
spark 12 12 to emit small fiery...
spars 11 8 SPAR, to practise bo...
spart 11 8 esparto, Spanish bro...
spasm 12 11 a sustained involunt...
spate 10 8 a flood, a surge, al...
spats 11 8 SPAT, to slap, strik...
spaul 12 10 (Scots) the shoulder...
spawl 15 12 (archaic) to spit [v...
spawn 13 12 to deposit eggs [v -...
spaws 14 11 SPAW, (obsolete) a s...
spayd 17 11 a male deer in his t...
spays 17 10 SPAY, to remove the...
spaza 13 17 (South Africa) as in...
spazz 17 26 (slang) to lapse int...
speak 11 12 to speak [v SPOKE or...
speal 11 9 (Scots) the shoulder...
spean 9 9 (Scots) to wean, als...
spear 10 8 to pierce with a lon...
speat 10 8 a flood, a surge, al...
speck 15 15 to mark with small s...
specs 14 11 SPEC, to write speci...
spect 14 11 a nonstandard form o...
speed 10 9 to move swiftly [v S...
speel 11 9 (Scots) to climb, al...
speer 10 8 (Scots) to ask, also...
speil 12 9 to climb, also SPEEL...
speir 11 8 (Scots) to ask, also...
speks 12 12 SPEK, blubber from a...
speld 12 10 (Scots) to spread op...
spelk 13 13 a splinter of wood [...
spell 13 10 to read or write lab...
spelt 12 9 a hardy wheat, aka e...
spend 10 10 to expend, to pay ou...
spent 10 9 SPEND, to expend, to...
speos 10 8 (Greek) a grotto-tem...
sperm 12 11 a male gamete [n -S]
spets 11 8 SPET, to spit [v]
speug 12 11 (Scots) a sparrow, a...
spews 14 11 SPEW, to vomit [v]
spewy 20 13 boggy [adj SPEWIER,...
spial 12 9 (obsolete) a spy, a...
spica 14 11 (Latin) a bandage wo...
spice 14 11 to season with an ar...
spick 16 15 tidy, fresh [adj SPI...
spics 15 11 SPIC, (US slang) a p...
spicy 21 13 tasting of spice, al...
spide 11 9 (Irish) a young work...
spied 11 9 SPY, to watch secret...
spiel 12 9 to talk at length [v...
spier 11 8 (Scots) to ask, also...
spies 11 8 SPY, to watch secret...
spiff 16 14 (dialect) smart, spr...
spifs 14 11 SPIF, a postage stam...
spike 12 12 to fasten with a lon...
spiks 13 12 SPIK, (US slang) a p...
spiky 19 14 resembling a spike,...
spile 12 9 to stop up with a wo...
spill 14 10 to overflow from a c...
spilt 13 9 SPILL, to overflow f...
spims 13 11 SPIM, spam received...
spina 10 9 (Latin) the spinal c...
spine 10 9 the vertebral column...
spink 12 13 of a finch, to chirp...
spins 11 9 SPIN, to draw out an...
spiny 17 11 having spines [adj S...
spire 11 8 to rise in a taperin...
spirt 12 8 to emit liquid forci...
spiry 18 10 tall, slender and ta...
spite 11 8 to treat with malice...
spits 12 8 SPIT, to throw out s...
spitz 15 17 (German) a breed of...
spivs 14 12 SPIV, a petty crimin...
splat 12 9 to flatten on impact...
splay 18 11 to spread out [v -ED...
split 13 9 to separate lengthwi...
splog 13 11 a spam blog, an arti...
spode 10 9 a fine china [n -S]
spods 11 9 SPOD, a boring, stud...
spoil 12 9 to mar [v SPOILT or...
spoke 11 12 to supply with rods...
spoof 12 11 to ridicule in fun [...
spook 11 12 to frighten, startle...
spool 11 9 to wind on a small c...
spoom 11 11 to scud before the w...
spoon 9 9 to eat with a scoopi...
spoor 10 8 to follow a trail [v...
spoot 10 8 the razor-shell moll...
spore 10 8 to produce an asexua...
spork 12 12 a spoon-like shallow...
sport 11 8 to frolic [v -ED, -I...
sposh 13 10 (US) slush [n -ES]
spots 11 8 SPOT, to mark with s...
spout 11 9 to eject in a rapid...
sprad 11 9 SPREAD, to stretch o...
sprag 12 10 a wheel chock; a poi...
sprat 11 8 a young herring [n -...
spray 17 10 to disperse in fine...
spred 11 9 (obsolete) to spread...
spree 10 8 to carouse [v SPREED...
sprew 14 11 a thin, inferior asp...
sprig 13 10 a shoot, twig, or sp...
sprit 12 8 a ship's spar [n -S]
sprod 11 9 a salmon in its seco...
sprog 12 10 a young child [n -S]
sprue 11 9 infantile thrush [n...
sprug 13 11 (Scots) a sparrow, a...
spuds 12 10 SPUD, to remove with...
spued 11 10 SPUE, (archaic) to s...
spuer 11 9 one who spues, also...
spues 11 9 SPUE, (archaic) to s...
spugs 13 11 SPUG, (colloquial) a...
spule 12 10 (Scots) the shoulder...
spume 12 12 to foam [v SPUMED, S...
spumy 19 14 like spume [adj SPUM...
spunk 12 14 to begin to burn [v...
spurn 11 10 to reject with conte...
spurs 12 9 SPUR, to urge on wit...
spurt 12 9 to gush forth, also...
sputa 11 9 SPUTUM, (Latin) thic...
spyal 18 11 (Spenser) a spy, als...
spyre 17 10 (Spenser) a spire [n...
squab 19 18 fat, clumsy, unfledg...
squad 17 16 to form into small,...
squat 17 15 short and thick [adj...
squaw 20 18 (Native American) an...
squeg 18 17 to oscillate in an i...
squib 20 18 to lampoon [v SQUIBB...
squid 18 16 a kind of cephalopod...
squit 18 15 (slang) a contemptib...
squiz 21 24 (Australian slang) a...
stabs 11 8 STAB, to pierce with...
stack 13 12 to pile [v -ED, -ING...
stade 8 6 a single period of c...
staff 13 11 a pole carried in th...
stage 9 7 to produce for publi...
stags 10 7 STAG, to attend a fu...
stagy 16 9 having a theatrical...
staid 9 6 sober and sedate [ad...
staig 10 7 a colt or stallion,...
stain 8 6 to discolour, also S...
stair 9 5 a rest for the foot...
stake 9 9 to fasten with a poi...
stale 9 6 not fresh [adj STALE...
stalk 11 10 to pursue stealthily...
stall 11 7 to come to a standst...
stamp 12 11 to bring the foot do...
stand 8 7 to assume an upright...
stane 7 6 (Scots) to stone [v...
stang 9 8 (Scots) to sting [v...
stank 9 10 (Scots) to dam [v -E...
staph 13 10 any of various spher...
staps 11 8 STAP, (Scots) to stu...
stare 8 5 to gaze fixedly [v S...
stark 10 9 stern, harsh [adj ST...
starn 8 6 to row backwards, al...
starr 9 5 (Hebrew) a Jewish de...
stars 9 5 STAR, to shine as an...
start 9 5 to begin, set out [v...
stash 11 7 to store in a secret...
state 8 5 to set forth in word...
stats 9 5 STAT, (short for) a...
staun 8 7 (Scots) to stand [v...
stave 10 9 to drive or thrust a...
staws 12 8 STAW, (Scots) to sta...
stays 15 7 STAY, to remain in a...
stead 8 6 to avail, help, serv...
steak 9 9 any of several cuts...
steal 9 6 to take by theft [v...
steam 9 8 to cook by water in...
stean 7 6 to line e.g. a well...
stear 8 5 (obsolete) to steer...
stedd 9 7 (Spenser) to stead,...
stede 8 6 (Spenser) to stead,...
steds 9 6 STED, (Spenser) to s...
steed 8 6 (Spenser) to stead,...
steek 9 9 (Scots) to stitch [v...
steel 9 6 to cover with a toug...
steem 9 8 (archaic) to esteem...
steen 7 6 to line e.g. a well...
steep 10 8 inclined sharply [ad...
steer 8 5 to guide or direct,...
steil 10 6 (dialect) a handle,...
stein 8 6 to line e.g. a well...
stela 9 6 an inscribed slab us...
stele 9 6 (Greek) an upright s...
stell 11 7 to establish, fix fi...
steme 9 8 (archaic) to steam,...
stems 10 8 STEM, to deprive a p...
stend 8 7 (Scots) to bound, st...
steno 7 6 (short for) a stenog...
stens 8 6 STEN, to stride vigo...
stent 8 6 (Scots) to stint [v...
steps 11 8 STEP, to measure by...
stept 11 8 STEP, to measure by...
stere 8 5 (French) a timber me...
stern 8 6 severe [adj STERNER,...
stets 9 5 STET, to cancel a pr...
stews 12 8 STEW, to cook by boi...
stewy 18 10 like a stew [adj STE...
steys 15 7 STEY, a ladder [n]
stich 15 10 (Greek) a line of ve...
stick 14 12 to support with slen...
stied 9 6 STY, to keep in a pi...
sties 9 5 STY, to keep in a pi...
stiff 14 11 rigid [adj STIFFER,...
stilb 13 9 the cgs unit of intr...
stile 10 6 to style, designate...
still 12 7 free from sound or m...
stilt 11 6 to raise on long sle...
stime 10 8 (Scots) to peer, als...
stims 11 8 STIM, (Irish) a very...
stimy 17 10 to thwart, stump, or...
sting 10 8 to prick painfully [...
stink 10 10 to emit a foul odour...
stint 9 6 to be niggardly with...
stipa 11 8 (Latin) any grass of...
stipe 11 8 a slender supporting...
stire 9 5 (archaic) to stir, a...
stirk 11 9 a yearling ox or cow...
stirp 12 8 a branch of a family...
stirs 10 5 STIR, to move around...
stive 11 9 (dialect) to stifle...
stivy 18 11 stuffy [adj STIVIER,...
stoae 7 5 STOA, an ancient Gre...
stoai 8 5 STOA, an ancient Gre...
stoas 8 5 STOA, an ancient Gre...
stoat 8 5 a weasel with a blac...
stobs 11 8 STOB, to stab [v]
stock 13 12 to keep for future s...
stoep 10 8 (Dutch) a platform a...
stogy 16 9 (US) a long inexpens...
stoic 12 8 enduring pain withou...
stoit 9 5 (Scots) to stagger,...
stoke 9 9 to supply a furnace...
stole 9 6 a narrow ecclesiasti...
stoln 9 7 (Milton) stolen [adj...
stoma 9 8 a minute opening in...
stomp 12 11 to tread heavily [v...
stond 8 7 (Spenser) a stand [n...
stone 7 6 to pelt with pieces...
stong 9 8 STING, to prick pain...
stonk 9 10 (slang) to bombard [...
stonn 7 7 (obsolete) to stun,...
stony 14 8 of or like stone, al...
stood 8 6 STAND, to assume an...
stook 9 9 to stack grain uprig...
stool 9 6 to put forth shoots...
stoop 10 8 to bend the body for...
stoor 8 5 a battle, an affray,...
stope 10 8 to excavate in layer...
stops 11 8 STOP, to halt or dis...
stopt 11 8 STOP, to halt or dis...
store 8 5 to put away for futu...
stork 10 9 any large wading bir...
storm 10 8 to blow violently [v...
story 15 7 to relate an account...
stoss 9 5 the side of a hill f...
stots 9 5 STOT, to bound, also...
stott 9 5 to bound with a stif...
stoun 8 7 (Spenser) to stun, a...
stoup 11 9 a vessel for holding...
stour 9 6 (Scots) a battle, as...
stout 9 6 thick, resolute [adj...
stove 10 9 to dry in a heating...
stown 11 9 STEAL, to take by th...
stowp 14 11 a vessel for holding...
stows 12 8 STOW, to put away [v...
strad 9 6 (short for) a Stradi...
strae 8 5 (Scots) straw [n -S]
strag 10 7 a straggler [n -S]
strak 10 9 STRIKE, to hit [v]
strap 11 8 to fasten with a nar...
straw 12 8 to cover with stalks...
stray 15 7 to wander from the p...
strep 11 8 any of various spher...
strew 12 8 to scatter, spread,...
stria 9 5 a thin groove, strip...
strig 11 7 to remove the stalks...
strim 11 8 to cut grass with a...
strip 12 8 to remove the outer...
strop 11 8 to sharpen on a stri...
strow 12 8 to scatter, also STR...
stroy 15 7 (dialect) to destroy...
strum 11 9 to play a stringed i...
strut 10 6 to walk with a pompo...
stubs 12 9 STUB, to strike acci...
stuck 14 13 (Shakespeare) a thru...
stude 9 7 STAUN, (Scots) to st...
studs 10 7 STUD, to adorn with...
study 16 9 to apply oneself to...
stuff 14 12 to fill or pack tigh...
stull 12 8 a supporting timber...
stulm 12 10 an adit or level in...
stumm 12 12 (Yiddish) silent, du...
stump 13 12 to baffle [v -ED, -I...
stums 11 9 STUM, to increase fe...
stung 10 9 STING, to prick pain...
stunk 10 11 STINK, to emit a fou...
stuns 9 7 STUN, to render unco...
stunt 9 7 to hinder from growt...
stupa 11 9 (Sanskrit) a mound o...
stupe 11 9 to treat with a medi...
sture 9 6 great, formidable, a...
sturt 10 6 to vex; to annoy [v...
styed 15 8 STY, to keep in a pi...
styes 15 7 STYE, an inflamed sw...
style 16 8 to name [v STYLED, S...
styli 17 8 STYLUS, a pointed in...
stylo 16 8 (short for) a stylog...
styme 16 10 (Scots) to peer, als...
stymy 23 12 to thwart, stump, or...
styre 15 7 (Spenser) to stir, a...
styte 15 7 (Scots) to stagger;...
suave 10 10 sophisticated and sm...
subah 13 11 (Hindi) a province o...
subas 11 9 SUBA, (Hindi) a prov...
subby 20 14 (Australian slang) a...
suber 11 9 (Latin) the bark of...
subha 13 11 (Arabic) a string of...
succi 16 12 SUCCUS, (Latin) juic...
sucks 14 13 SUCK, to draw in by...
sucky 20 15 not good [adj SUCKIE...
sucre 12 9 a monetary unit of E...
sudds 10 8 SUDD, (Arabic) a mas...
sudor 9 7 (Latin) sweat [n -S]
sudsy 16 9 full of suds [adj SU...
suede 8 7 to finish leather wi...
suent 8 7 (dialect) smooth and...
suers 9 6 SUER, one who sues [...
suete 8 6 (French) a southeast...
suets 9 6 SUET, the hard, fatt...
suety 15 8 resembling suet, als...
sugan 9 9 (Irish) a straw rope...
sugar 10 8 to sweeten with a ca...
sughs 13 10 SUGH, to make a moan...
sugos 10 8 SUGO, (Italian) an I...
suhur 12 9 a meal eaten before...
suids 10 7 SUID, any member of...
suing 10 9 the act of suing [n...
suint 9 7 a natural grease fou...
suite 9 6 a series of things f...
suits 10 6 SUIT, to be appropri...
sujee 10 15 a solution of soap,...
sukhs 13 12 SUKH, (Arabic) an Ar...
sukuk 12 15 (Arabic) a financial...
sulci 14 10 SULCUS, (Latin) a gr...
sulfa 12 10 a bacteria-inhibitin...
sulfo 12 10 containing a certain...
sulks 12 11 SULK, to become sull...
sulky 18 13 in a resentful mood...
sully 18 10 to soil, make impure...
sulph 15 12 (slang) amphetamine...
sulus 11 8 SULU, (Fijian) in Fi...
sumac 13 12 any of various shrub...
sumis 11 9 SUMI, (Japanese) a t...
summa 11 12 a comprehensive work...
sumos 10 9 SUMO, (Japanese) a f...
sumph 15 14 (Scots) a dunce, a b...
sumps 13 12 SUMP, a low area ser...
sunis 9 7 SUNI, (Bantu) a smal...
sunks 10 11 SUNK, a turf seat [n...
sunna 7 8 (Arabic) a collectio...
sunns 8 8 SUNN, (Hindi) an Eas...
sunny 14 10 full of sun [adj SUN...
sunup 11 11 sunrise [n -S]
super 11 9 to reinforce with a...
supes 11 9 SUPE, (short for) a...
supra 11 9 (Latin) above; earli...
surah 11 8 (Arabic) a chapter o...
sural 10 7 pertaining to the ca...
suras 9 6 SURA, (Arabic) a cha...
surat 9 6 (Hindi) a coarse unc...
surds 10 7 SURD, a voiceless sp...
sured 9 7 SURE, to provide wit...
surer 9 6 SURE, certain [adj]
sures 9 6 SURE, to provide wit...
surfs 12 9 SURF, to ride breaki...
surfy 18 11 abounding in breakin...
surge 10 8 to move in a swellin...
surgy 17 10 surging [adj SURGIER...
surly 17 9 sullenly rude [adj S...
surra 9 6 (Marathi) a trypanos...
sused 9 7 SUS, to arrest for s...
suses 9 6 SUS, to arrest for s...
sushi 12 8 (Japanese) a dish of...
susus 10 7 SUSU, (Caribbean) an...
sutor 9 6 (archaic) a cobbler,...
sutra 9 6 (Sanskrit) a precept...
sutta 9 6 (Sanskrit) a precept...
swabs 14 11 SWAB, to clean with...
swack 16 15 (Scots) to strike, b...
swads 12 9 SWAD, (dialect) a co...
swage 12 10 to shape with a hamm...
swags 13 10 SWAG, to sway, sag [...
swail 13 9 a tract of low, mars...
swain 11 9 a country boy [n -S]
swale 12 9 to scorch, singe [v...
swaly 19 11 marshy [adj SWALIER,...
swami 13 11 (Hindi) a Hindu myst...
swamp 15 14 to inundate [v -ED,...
swamy 19 13 (Hindi) a Hindu myst...
swang 12 11 SWING, to move freel...
swank 12 13 slender, pliant [adj...
swans 11 9 SWAN, to move like a...
swaps 14 11 SWAP, to barter, giv...
swapt 14 11 SWAP, to barter, giv...
sward 12 9 to cover with turf [...
sware 11 8 SWEAR, to utter a so...
swarf 14 11 to faint, also SWERF...
swarm 13 11 to move in a large g...
swart 12 8 dark-complexioned, b...
swash 14 10 to dash, splash [v -...
swath 14 10 a row of cut grass o...
swats 12 8 SWAT, to hit sharply...
swayl 19 11 to scorch, singe, al...
sways 18 10 SWAY, to move slowly...
sweal 12 9 to scorch, singe, al...
swear 11 8 to utter a solemn oa...
sweat 11 8 to perspire [v -ED,...
swede 11 9 a vegetable like a t...
sweed 11 9 SWEE, to sway, swing...
sweel 12 9 to scorch, singe, al...
sweep 13 11 to clean with a broo...
sweer 11 8 (Scots) slothful; gr...
swees 11 8 SWEE, to sway, swing...
sweet 11 8 tasting like sugar [...
sweir 12 8 (Scots) slothful; gr...
swell 14 10 stylish [adj SWELLES...
swelt 13 9 (dialect) to die, to...
swept 14 11 SWEEP, to clean with...
swerf 14 11 (Scots) to faint, al...
sweys 18 10 SWEY, (Scots) to swa...
swies 12 8 SWY, (Australian) th...
swift 15 11 rapid [adj SWIFTER,...
swigs 14 10 SWIG, to drink rapid...
swile 13 9 a seal (marine anima...
swill 15 10 to dash water over o...
swims 14 11 SWIM, to propel ones...
swine 11 9 a domestic pig [n SW...
swing 13 11 to move freely back...
swink 13 13 (archaic) to toil [v...
swipe 14 11 to strike with a swe...
swire 12 8 a hollow between two...
swirl 14 9 to move with a whirl...
swish 15 10 smart, stylish [adj...
swiss 13 8 a cotton fabric [n -...
swith 15 10 (obsolete) quickly,...
swits 13 8 (Shakespeare) a swit...
swive 14 12 (archaic) to have se...
swizz 19 26 to defraud, also SWI...
swobs 14 11 SWOB, to mop up [v]
swoln 12 10 SWELL, to increase i...
swoon 10 9 to faint, also SWOUN...
swoop 13 11 to make a sudden des...
swops 14 11 SWOP, to barter, giv...
swopt 14 11 SWOP, to barter, giv...
sword 12 9 a weapon with a long...
swore 11 8 SWEAR, to utter a so...
sworn 11 9 SWEAR, to utter a so...
swots 12 8 SWOT, to study hard...
swoun 11 10 to faint, also SWOON...
swung 13 12 SWING, to move freel...
sybbe 19 13 (Spenser) a blood re...
sybil 19 11 (Greek) any of vario...
syboe 16 10 (Scots) a spring oni...
sybow 20 13 (Scots) a spring oni...
sycee 17 10 (Chinese) lumps of p...
syces 18 10 SYCE, a male servant...
sycon 17 11 a type of sponge [n...
syens 14 8 SYEN, (Shakespeare)...
syker 16 11 (Spenser) sure, cert...
sykes 16 11 SYKE, a rill or smal...
sylis 17 8 SYLI, a former monet...
sylph 21 13 a slender, graceful...
sylva 18 12 the forest trees of...
symar 16 10 a loose coat, an und...
synch 20 13 to cause to operate...
syncs 18 11 SYNC, to cause to op...
synds 15 9 SYND, (Scots) to rin...
syned 14 9 SYNE, to rinse, wash...
synes 14 8 SYNE, to rinse, wash...
synod 14 9 an ecclesiastical as...
synth 17 10 (short for) a synthe...
syped 17 11 SYPE, (dialect) to s...
sypes 17 10 SYPE, (dialect) to s...
syphs 20 12 SYPH, a venereal dis...
syrah 17 9 a red wine grape [n...
syren 14 8 a siren [n -S]
syrup 18 11 to make into a thick...
sysop 17 10 (short for) systems...
sythe 17 9 (Spenser) a time [n...
syver 17 11 (Scots) a drain; a g...