14 letter words that start with S

14 letter words that start with S

14 letter S word


Words With Friends®


sabermetrician 29 24 a student of saberme...
sacchariferous 34 26 bearing sugar [adj]
saccharimeters 33 25 SACCHARIMETER, an in...
saccharinities 32 23 SACCHARINITY, the st...
saccharisation 31 23 the process of sacch...
saccharization 34 32 the process of sacch...
saccharometers 32 25 SACCHAROMETER, an in...
sacerdotalised 27 20 SACERDOTALISE, to re...
sacerdotalises 27 19 SACERDOTALISE, to re...
sacerdotalisms 29 22 SACERDOTALISM, the b...
sacerdotalists 28 19 SACERDOTALIST, a bel...
sacerdotalized 30 29 SACERDOTALIZE, to re...
sacerdotalizes 30 28 SACERDOTALIZE, to re...
sacralisations 27 19 SACRALISATION, the p...
sacralizations 30 28 SACRALIZATION, the p...
sacramentalism 29 25 belief in or use of...
sacramentalist 28 22 an exponent of sacra...
sacramentality 34 24 the state of being s...
sacramentarian 25 22 holding a high or ex...
sacramentaries 26 21 SACRAMENTARY, a book...
sacrilegiously 37 24 SACRILEGIOUS, grossl...
sacrococcygeal 43 31 relating to the sacr...
sacroiliitises 29 18 SACROILIITIS, inflam...
sacrosanctness 28 22 the state of being s...
sadomasochisms 31 26 SADOMASOCHISM, the d...
sadomasochists 30 23 SADOMASOCHIST, one w...
saleablenesses 25 20 SALEABLENESS, the st...
salpiglossises 30 21 SALPIGLOSSIS, any pl...
salubriousness 27 21 SALUBRIOUS, benefici...
salutarinesses 24 17 SALUTARINESS, the st...
salvablenesses 28 24 SALVABLENESS, the st...
salvageability 37 27 the state of being s...
sanctification 31 25 an act of sanctifyin...
sanguification 29 25 blood-making [n -S]
sanguinariness 23 20 the state of being s...
sanguinenesses 22 20 SANGUINENESS, the st...
sanguinivorous 26 24 drinking blood, also...
sanitarianisms 24 19 SANITARIANISM, the p...
sanitarinesses 22 16 SANITARINESS, the st...
sanitationists 23 16 SANITATIONIST, one c...
sansculotterie 27 20 (French) the sanscul...
sansculottides 28 21 the holidays followi...
sansculottisms 30 23 SANSCULOTTISM, the p...
sansculottists 29 20 SANSCULOTTIST, a vio...
saponification 29 25 the act of saponifyi...
satisfactorily 37 23 SATISFACTORY, giving...
saturabilities 28 19 SATURABILITY, the ab...
sauropterygian 32 23 any carnivorous Meso...
saveablenesses 26 23 SAVEABLENESS, the st...
saxifragaceous 35 30 belonging to the sax...
scabrousnesses 28 22 SCABROUSNESS, the st...
scalablenesses 29 23 SCALABLENESS, the st...
scalenohedrons 27 23 SCALENOHEDRON, a hem...
scampishnesses 32 26 SCAMPISHNESS, the st...
scandalisation 26 21 the process of scand...
scandalization 29 30 the process of scand...
scandalmongers 28 26 SCANDALMONGER, one w...
scandalousness 26 22 the state of being s...
scapegallowses 34 27 SCAPEGALLOWS, a pers...
scaphocephalic 42 34 someone having an ab...
scaphocephalus 39 32 an abnormally long a...
scapulimancies 34 29 SCAPULIMANCY, divina...
scapulomancies 33 29 SCAPULOMANCY, divina...
scaremongering 28 26 raising false alarms...
scarifications 32 24 SCARIFICATION, the a...
scatterbrained 28 22 having the character...
scattermouches 33 26 SCATTERMOUCH, (slang...
scatterometers 27 20 SCATTEROMETER, an in...
scenarisations 25 19 SCENARISATION, the p...
scenarizations 28 28 SCENARIZATION, the p...
scenographical 35 29 related to scenograp...
sceuophylacium 43 33 a sacristy [n SCEUOP...
schadenfreudes 30 26 SCHADENFREUDE, (Germ...
schematisation 29 23 the act of schematis...
schematization 32 32 the act of schematiz...
schismatically 43 29 SCHISMATICAL, relati...
schizognathous 35 34 of some birds, havin...
schizomycetous 43 37 of or like a schizom...
schizophrenias 36 34 SCHIZOPHRENIA, a men...
schizophrenics 40 37 SCHIZOPHRENIC, one s...
schizophyceous 46 39 of or belonging to t...
schlumbergeras 35 29 SCHLUMBERGERA, Chris...
scholastically 42 27 SCHOLASTICAL, (archa...
scholasticates 33 23 SCHOLASTICATE, a pre...
scholasticisms 36 26 SCHOLASTICISM, the a...
schoolchildren 36 28 SCHOOLCHILD, a child...
schoolmastered 30 24 SCHOOLMASTER, to act...
schoolmasterly 38 26 SCHOOLMASTER [adv]
schoolmistress 32 23 a female schoolmaste...
schoolteachers 34 25 SCHOOLTEACHER, one w...
schoolteaching 35 28 teaching as a profes...
scientifically 41 28 SCIENTIFICAL, of, re...
scintigraphies 33 25 SCINTIGRAPHY, a diag...
scintillascope 34 26 an instrument which...
scintillations 29 21 SCINTILLATION, the t...
scintilliscans 33 24 SCINTILLISCAN, a 2-D...
scintillometer 30 23 instrument measuring...
scintilloscope 34 26 an instrument for me...
scintiscanners 29 23 SCINTISCANNER, a dev...
scissiparities 31 20 SCISSIPARITY, reprod...
sclerenchymata 39 29 SCLERENCHYMA, plant...
sclerodermites 29 22 SCLERODERMITE, the i...
scleromalacias 32 25 SCLEROMALACIA, thinn...
sclerophyllies 41 27 SCLEROPHYLLY, the po...
sclerophyllous 41 28 having sclerophylls,...
scleroproteins 29 22 SCLEROPROTEIN, a lar...
sclerotisation 27 19 the cross-linking of...
sclerotization 30 28 the cross-linking of...
scolopendriums 31 27 SCOLOPENDRIUM, any f...
scorifications 32 24 SCORIFICATION, the a...
scornfulnesses 29 24 SCORNFULNESS, the st...
scraggednesses 28 23 SCRAGGEDNESS, craggi...
scratchbuilder 37 28 one who scratchbuild...
scratchinesses 32 23 SCRATCHINESS, the st...
screenwritings 31 24 SCREENWRITING, the p...
scrimshandered 30 25 SCRIMSHANDER, to orn...
scrimshandying 38 29 SCRIMSHANDY, to orna...
scripophilists 37 26 SCRIPOPHILIST, one w...
scripturalisms 34 25 SCRIPTURALISM, liter...
scripturalists 33 22 SCRIPTURALIST, a per...
scriptwritings 36 26 SCRIPTWRITING, the w...
scrivenerships 34 27 SCRIVENERSHIP, the o...
scrofulousness 30 24 the state of being s...
scrupulosities 32 23 SCRUPULOSITY, the st...
scrupulousness 31 25 the state of being s...
scrutabilities 32 22 SCRUTABILITY, the qu...
scrutinisingly 37 25 SCRUTINISING [adv]
scrutinizingly 40 34 SCRUTINIZING [adv]
scurrilousness 29 21 the state of being s...
seamlessnesses 24 19 SEAMLESSNESS, the st...
seasonableness 23 20 the state of being s...
seasonalnesses 21 17 SEASONALNESS, the st...
secludednesses 27 22 SECLUDEDNESS, the st...
secretaryships 38 24 SECRETARYSHIP, the o...
sectarianising 27 21 SECTARIANISE, to mak...
sectarianizing 30 30 SECTARIANIZE, to mak...
sectionalising 28 22 SECTIONALISE, to div...
sectionalizing 31 31 SECTIONALIZE, to div...
sectionisation 25 19 the process of secti...
sectionization 28 28 the process of secti...
sectorisations 26 18 SECTORISATION, the p...
sectorizations 29 27 SECTORIZATION, the p...
secularisation 27 20 the act of secularis...
secularization 30 29 the act of rendering...
securitisation 27 19 the act of securitis...
securitization 30 28 the act of securitiz...
sedimentations 23 20 SEDIMENTATION, the a...
sedimentologic 29 25 relating to sediment...
sedulousnesses 24 19 SEDULOUSNESS, the st...
segregationist 25 19 a person who believe...
seignioralties 25 18 SEIGNIORALTY, feudal...
seismographers 30 24 SEISMOGRAPHER [n]
seismographies 30 24 SEISMOGRAPHY, measur...
seismometrical 30 24 relating to measurem...
selenographers 28 23 SELENOGRAPHER, one w...
selenographies 28 23 SELENOGRAPHY, the br...
selenographist 29 23 one who maps the moo...
selflessnesses 27 20 SELFLESSNESS, the st...
selfsamenesses 26 22 SELFSAMENESS, the st...
semaphorically 40 29 SEMAPHORICAL, relate...
semasiological 30 24 relating to semasiol...
semasiologists 27 20 SEMASIOLOGIST, a stu...
semiautomatics 29 24 SEMIAUTOMATIC, a gun...
semiautonomous 24 23 largely selfgovernin...
semicarbazides 33 33 SEMICARBAZIDE, a bas...
semicarbazones 31 33 SEMICARBAZONE, a com...
semicentennial 26 24 a 50th anniversary o...
semicircularly 41 28 SEMICIRCULAR, having...
semicommercial 34 30 of, relating to, ada...
semiconducting 32 29 of, relating to, or...
semiconduction 30 27 the state of being a...
semiconductors 31 26 SEMICONDUCTOR, an el...
semiconsonants 25 23 SEMICONSONANT, a spe...
semicrystallic 41 27 having, or being, a...
semidarknesses 25 23 SEMIDARKNESS, a stat...
semielliptical 34 26 being in the form of...
semifluidities 30 23 SEMIFLUIDITY, the st...
semiochemicals 35 29 SEMIOCHEMICAL, a che...
semiofficially 41 30 SEMIOFFICIAL, having...
semiologically 38 27 SEMIOLOGICAL, relati...
semipalmations 28 25 SEMIPALMATION, the s...
semiparasitism 29 23 the state of being s...
semiperimeters 28 23 SEMIPERIMETER, half...
semiporcelains 30 25 SEMIPORCELAIN, any o...
semiretirement 25 21 the state of being s...
sempiternities 27 21 SEMPITERNITY, eterni...
sempstressings 29 23 SEMPSTRESSING, worki...
seneschalships 34 26 SENESCHALSHIP, the o...
sensationalise 22 17 to make (an event, s...
sensationalism 24 20 the belief that idea...
sensationalist 23 17 one who engages in s...
sensationalize 25 26 to present in a sens...
sensiblenesses 25 20 SENSIBLENESS, the st...
sensitisations 23 16 SENSITISATION, the a...
sensitizations 26 25 SENSITIZATION, the a...
sensitometries 24 18 SENSITOMETRY, measur...
sensualisation 23 18 the process of sensu...
sensualization 26 27 the act of sensualiz...
sensuousnesses 22 18 SENSUOUSNESS, the st...
sentimentalise 24 20 to indulge in sentim...
sentimentalism 26 23 the disposition to f...
sentimentalist 25 20 one who indulges in...
sentimentality 31 22 the state of being s...
sentimentalize 27 29 to indulge in sentim...
separabilities 29 21 SEPARABILITY, the st...
separatenesses 23 18 SEPARATENESS, the st...
separationisms 26 21 SEPARATIONISM, a bel...
separationists 25 18 SEPARATIONIST, a bel...
separativeness 26 22 the state of being s...
septuagenarian 24 22 a person whose age i...
septuagenaries 25 21 SEPTUAGENARY, a sept...
sequaciousness 34 29 the state of being s...
sequestrations 31 25 SEQUESTRATION, seizu...
serendipitists 27 19 SERENDIPITIST, a per...
serialisations 24 16 SERIALISATION, the p...
serializations 27 25 SERIALIZATION, the p...
sericicultures 33 23 SERICICULTURE, the c...
sericitisation 27 18 conversion, esp. of...
sericitization 30 27 conversion, esp. of...
sericulturists 31 20 SERICULTURIST, one w...
seriocomically 39 27 SERIOCOMICAL, partly...
seroconversion 26 23 the production of an...
seroconverting 28 25 SEROCONVERT, to prod...
serodiagnostic 27 21 denoting a method of...
seronegativity 32 23 the state of being s...
seropositivity 35 23 the state of being s...
serotaxonomies 28 25 SEROTAXONOMY, serolo...
serotoninergic 26 21 liberating, activate...
serpentiningly 33 25 SERPENTINING, windin...
serpentinising 26 22 SERPENTINISE, to win...
serpentinizing 29 31 SERPENTINIZE, to win...
serratirostral 25 15 saw-billed [adj]
serviceability 39 27 the state of being s...
serviceberries 31 24 SERVICEBERRY, the fr...
servomechanism 32 30 an automatic device...
sesquipedalian 34 30 tending to use long...
sesquipedality 42 31 the practice of usin...
sesquisulphide 39 32 a compound with thre...
sesquiterpenes 33 28 SESQUITERPENE, any o...
severabilities 29 22 SEVERABILITY, the st...
sexcentenaries 30 26 SEXCENTENARY [n]
sexploitations 32 26 SEXPLOITATION, the e...
sextuplicating 38 32 SEXTUPLICATE, to cop...
sexualisations 30 24 SEXUALISATION, the p...
sexualizations 33 33 SEXUALIZATION, the p...
shadowcastings 33 26 SHADOWCASTING, in mi...
shadowgraphies 34 27 SHADOWGRAPHY, the ma...
shamefacedness 30 27 the state of being s...
shamefulnesses 29 25 SHAMEFULNESS, the st...
shareabilities 29 20 SHAREABILITY, the st...
sharecroppings 34 28 SHARECROPPING, a kin...
sharpshootings 31 24 SHARPSHOOTING, shoot...
sheepishnesses 29 22 SHEEPISHNESS, the st...
sheepshearings 30 24 SHEEPSHEARING, the a...
shellfisheries 33 23 SHELLFISHERY, a comm...
sherardisation 25 18 the process of shera...
sherardization 28 27 the process of shera...
shillingsworth 36 26 goods to the value o...
shillyshallied 40 25 SHILLYSHALLY, to be...
shillyshallier 40 24 one who is indecisiv...
shillyshallies 40 24 SHILLYSHALLY, to be...
shockabilities 34 27 SHOCKABILITY, the qu...
shockingnesses 30 27 SHOCKINGNESS, the st...
shortsightedly 38 24 SHORTSIGHTED, lackin...
showerproofing 33 28 the act of making pr...
shrewishnesses 31 22 SHREWISHNESS, the st...
shuttlecocking 36 31 SHUTTLECOCK, to send...
sigmoidoscopes 31 26 SIGMOIDOSCOPE, an in...
sigmoidoscopic 35 29 pertaining to a sigm...
signalisations 25 19 SIGNALISATION, the p...
signalizations 28 28 SIGNALIZATION, the a...
significancies 33 27 SIGNIFICANCY, signif...
significations 30 24 SIGNIFICATION, the a...
silicification 34 25 a process whereby si...
silversmithing 33 27 the craft of the sil...
silviculturist 35 25 one who practises si...
simaroubaceous 29 25 belonging to the Sim...
simplemindedly 37 30 SIMPLEMINDED, devoid...
simplification 34 28 the act of simplifyi...
simplificative 37 31 serving to simplify...
simplificators 35 27 SIMPLIFICATOR, one w...
simplistically 42 28 SIMPLISTIC, tending...
simultaneities 26 20 SIMULTANEITY, the st...
simultaneouses 25 21 SIMULTANEOUS, in che...
simultaneously 33 24 SIMULTANEOUS, existi...
sinanthropuses 27 22 SINANTHROPUS, Peking...
sindonologists 25 20 SINDONOLOGIST, an ex...
sindonophanies 25 23 SINDONOPHANY, the pe...
singablenesses 26 22 SINGABLENESS, the st...
singularnesses 25 20 SINGULARNESS, the st...
sinisternesses 23 16 SINISTERNESS, the st...
sinistralities 26 16 SINISTRALITY, the st...
sinistrorsally 33 19 SINISTRORSAL, of a c...
siphonophorous 31 26 of or like a siphono...
sisterlinesses 25 16 SISTERLINESS, the st...
sizeablenesses 28 28 SIZEABLENESS, the st...
skateboardings 27 25 SKATEBOARDING, the s...
skeuomorphisms 32 30 SKEUOMORPHISM, the s...
skillessnesses 27 21 SKILLESSNESS, the st...
skillfulnesses 31 26 SKILLFULNESS, (US) t...
skittishnesses 28 21 SKITTISHNESS, the st...
skullduggeries 31 27 SKULLDUGGERY, underh...
slanderousness 23 19 SLANDEROUS, relating...
slantendicular 28 23 oblique; neither hor...
slantindicular 29 23 oblique; neither hor...
slatternliness 25 18 the state of being s...
slaughterhouse 30 23 an establishment whe...
slaughterously 36 24 SLAUGHTEROUS, of or...
sledgehammered 29 27 SLEDGEHAMMER, to str...
slipperinesses 29 22 SLIPPERINESS, the st...
slipshoddiness 30 23 the state of being s...
slipshodnesses 29 22 SLIPSHODNESS, the st...
slobbishnesses 31 24 SLOBBISHNESS, the st...
slothfulnesses 30 23 SLOTHFULNESS, the st...
slovenlinesses 26 22 SLOVENLINESS, the st...
sluggardliness 29 23 the state of being s...
sluggardnesses 27 22 SLUGGARDNESS, the st...
sluggishnesses 30 23 SLUGGISHNESS, the st...
slumberousness 28 24 the state of being s...
sluttishnesses 28 19 SLUTTISHNESS, the st...
smotherinesses 26 20 SMOTHERINESS, the st...
snaggletoothed 27 23 having a snaggletoot...
snappishnesses 29 24 SNAPPISHNESS, the st...
sneakingnesses 23 23 SNEAKINGNESS, the st...
sneakishnesses 25 22 SNEAKISHNESS, the st...
snickersneeing 27 26 SNICKERSNEE, to figh...
sniffishnesses 30 24 SNIFFISHNESS, the st...
snippersnapper 31 28 a whippersnapper [n...
snippetinesses 27 22 SNIPPETINESS, the st...
snobbishnesses 29 24 SNOBBISHNESS, the st...
sobersidedness 25 20 the state of being s...
sociablenesses 28 22 SOCIABLENESS, the st...
socialisations 27 19 SOCIALISATION, the a...
socializations 30 28 SOCIALIZATION, the a...
sociobiologies 30 23 SOCIOBIOLOGY, the st...
sociobiologist 31 23 one who studies soci...
sociolinguists 30 22 SOCIOLINGUIST, one w...
sociologically 40 27 SOCIOLOGICAL, of or...
sociopolitical 34 25 of, relating to, or...
socioreligious 29 21 involving a combinat...
softheadedness 26 22 the state of being s...
solecistically 40 25 SOLECISTICAL, having...
solemnisations 24 20 SOLEMNISATION, the a...
solemnizations 27 29 SOLEMNIZATION, the a...
solicitorships 34 23 SOLICITORSHIP, the o...
solicitousness 28 20 the state of being s...
solidification 30 23 the act of solidifyi...
solidungulates 27 22 SOLIDUNGULATE, an an...
solifidianisms 29 23 SOLIFIDIANISM, the d...
solitarinesses 24 16 SOLITARINESS, the st...
solitudinarian 24 19 a recluse [n -S]
solubilisation 28 21 the act of solubilis...
solubilization 31 30 the act of solubiliz...
solvablenesses 28 24 SOLVABLENESS, the st...
somaesthesises 26 19 SOMAESTHESIS, sensor...
somatotrophins 28 23 SOMATOTROPHIN, a pol...
somatotropines 25 21 SOMATOTROPINE, a gro...
somnambulances 30 30 SOMNAMBULANCE, sleep...
somnambulating 29 29 SOMNAMBULATE, to wal...
somnambulation 27 27 sleepwalking [n -S]
somnambulators 28 26 SOMNAMBULATOR, a sle...
somnambulistic 33 29 relating to somnambu...
somniloquences 35 33 SOMNILOQUENCE, talki...
somniloquising 35 32 SOMNILOQUISE, to tal...
somniloquizing 38 41 SOMNILOQUIZE, to tal...
sonorousnesses 21 17 SONOROUSNESS, the st...
soothingnesses 25 20 SOOTHINGNESS, the st...
sophisticating 33 25 SOPHISTICATE, to mak...
sophistication 31 23 the use of sophistry...
sophisticators 32 22 SOPHISTICATOR, one w...
soporiferously 35 24 SOPORIFEROUS, causin...
sorbitisations 26 18 SORBITISATION, the p...
sorbitizations 29 27 SORBITIZATION, the p...
soreheadedness 23 19 the state of being s...
soteriological 29 21 relating to soteriol...
soullessnesses 25 18 SOULLESSNESS, the st...
soundproofings 28 26 SOUNDPROOFING, insul...
southeastwards 29 21 in a southeasterly d...
southernnesses 24 19 SOUTHERNNESS, the st...
southwestwards 33 24 in a southwesterly d...
sovereigntists 27 21 SOVEREIGNTIST, in Ca...
sovietisations 25 19 SOVIETISATION, the p...
sovietizations 28 28 SOVIETIZATION, the p...
sovietological 31 25 relating to Sovietol...
sovietologists 28 21 SOVIETOLOGIST, an ex...
spaciousnesses 28 22 SPACIOUSNESS, the st...
spaghettifying 39 29 SPAGHETTIFY, to make...
sparkleberries 30 25 SPARKLEBERRY, a shru...
sparrowgrasses 30 22 SPARROWGRASS, (diale...
spathiphyllums 44 32 SPATHIPHYLLUM, any t...
spatialisation 26 19 the process of causi...
spatialization 29 28 the process of causi...
spatiotemporal 29 24 pertaining to time a...
specialisation 29 22 the act of specialis...
specialization 32 31 the act of specializ...
specifications 34 27 SPECIFICATION, the a...
speciousnesses 28 22 SPECIOUSNESS, the st...
specklednesses 30 27 SPECKLEDNESS, the st...
spectacularity 40 27 the state of being s...
spectatorships 34 25 SPECTATORSHIP, the o...
spectinomycins 39 30 SPECTINOMYCIN, a whi...
spectralnesses 29 22 SPECTRALNESS, the st...
spectrographic 38 30 relating to spectrog...
spectrological 35 27 relating to spectrol...
spectrometries 30 23 SPECTROMETRY, measur...
spectroscopies 34 26 SPECTROSCOPY, the pr...
spectroscopist 35 26 one who uses a spect...
speechlessness 31 24 the state of being s...
spelaeological 31 25 relating to spelaeol...
spelaeologists 28 21 SPELAEOLOGIST, one w...
spellbindingly 39 30 SPELLBINDING [adv]
spermatoblasts 30 24 SPERMATOBLAST, a spe...
spermatogenies 26 23 SPERMATOGENY, the fo...
spermatogenous 26 24 relating to spermato...
spermatogonial 27 24 of or like a spermat...
spermatogonium 28 27 a primitive male ger...
spermatophoral 31 26 of or like a spermat...
spermatophores 30 25 SPERMATOPHORE, a cas...
spermatophytes 37 27 SPERMATOPHYTE, a see...
spermatophytic 41 30 of or like a spermat...
spermatorrheas 28 22 SPERMATORRHEA, invol...
spermatorrhoea 27 22 involuntary seminal...
spermatothecae 30 25 SPERMATOTHECA, a rec...
spermatothecas 31 25 SPERMATOTHECA, a rec...
spermiogeneses 26 23 SPERMIOGENESIS, the...
spermiogenesis 27 23 the stage in spermat...
spermiogenetic 30 26 relating to spermiog...
sphaerocrystal 38 25 a rounded crystallin...
sphagnologists 31 25 SPHAGNOLOGIST, a stu...
sphericalities 33 23 SPHERICALITY, the st...
spheristerions 28 20 SPHERISTERION, a roo...
spheroidically 40 27 in a spheroidal mann...
sphingomyelins 37 29 SPHINGOMYELIN, a pho...
sphygmographic 46 36 relating to a sphygm...
spifflications 35 28 SPIFFLICATION, the a...
spinthariscope 33 26 an instrument for vi...
spiritednesses 26 19 SPIRITEDNESS, the st...
spiritlessness 28 19 SPIRITLESS, lacking...
spiritualisers 29 19 SPIRITUALISER, one w...
spiritualising 30 22 SPIRITUALISE, to mak...
spiritualistic 33 22 relating to spiritua...
spiritualities 29 19 SPIRITUALITY, someth...
spiritualizers 32 28 SPIRITUALIZER, one w...
spiritualizing 33 31 SPIRITUALIZE, to mak...
spirituosities 28 18 SPIRITUOSITY, the st...
spirituousness 27 20 the state of being s...
spirochaetoses 30 22 SPIROCHAETOSIS, infe...
spirochaetosis 31 22 infection by spiroch...
spironolactone 27 23 a synthetic corticos...
spitefulnesses 29 23 SPITEFULNESS, the st...
splanchnoceles 34 29 SPLANCHNOCELE, a her...
splendidnesses 26 22 SPLENDIDNESS, the st...
splenectomised 30 26 SPLENECTOMISE, to re...
splenectomises 30 25 SPLENECTOMISE, to re...
splenectomized 33 35 SPLENECTOMIZE, to re...
splenectomizes 33 34 SPLENECTOMIZE, to re...
splenomegalies 28 25 SPLENOMEGALY, abnorm...
splotchinesses 32 24 SPLOTCHINESS, the st...
spokesmanships 32 30 SPOKESMANSHIP, the o...
spongioblastic 33 27 of or like a spongio...
sporadicalness 29 23 the state of being s...
sporangiophore 29 25 a stalk to which spo...
sporangiospore 27 23 a spore developed in...
sporopollenins 28 24 SPOROPOLLENIN, a pol...
sporotrichoses 31 22 SPOROTRICHOSIS, an i...
sporotrichosis 32 22 an infection of the...
sportabilities 30 21 SPORTABILITY, the qu...
sportfisherman 31 26 a motorboat equipped...
sportfishermen 31 26 SPORTFISHERMAN, a mo...
sportfulnesses 29 23 SPORTFULNESS, the st...
sportivenesses 27 22 SPORTIVENESS, the st...
sportsmanships 32 26 SPORTSMANSHIP, condu...
sportswritings 32 23 SPORTSWRITING, journ...
spotlessnesses 26 19 SPOTLESSNESS, the st...
sprightfulness 34 27 (obsolete) the state...
spuriousnesses 26 20 SPURIOUSNESS, the st...
squamosenesses 31 28 SQUAMOSENESS, the st...
squamousnesses 32 29 SQUAMOUSNESS, the st...
squandermanias 31 30 SQUANDERMANIA, irrat...
squarishnesses 34 27 SQUARISHNESS, the st...
squattocracies 38 30 SQUATTOCRACY, (Austr...
squirearchical 42 33 relating to a squire...
squirrelfishes 39 30 SQUIRRELFISH, any of...
stabilisations 27 19 STABILISATION, the a...
stabilizations 30 28 STABILIZATION, the a...
stadholderates 26 19 STADHOLDERATE, the o...
stadholdership 32 24 the office of stadho...
stadtholderate 26 19 the office of stadth...
stagecoachings 33 27 STAGECOACHING, trave...
stagflationary 33 23 relating to stagflat...
stainabilities 27 19 STAINABILITY, the ca...
stalactitiform 32 24 having the form of a...
stalagmometers 27 23 STALAGMOMETER, instr...
stalwartnesses 27 19 STALWARTNESS, the st...
stapedectomies 29 24 STAPEDECTOMY, the re...
staphylococcal 45 32 relating to staphylo...
staphylococcic 48 34 relating to staphylo...
staphylococcus 45 32 a bacteria causing i...
staphyloplasty 45 28 plastic surgery invo...
starchednesses 28 21 STARCHEDNESS, the st...
statesmanships 29 23 STATESMANSHIP, the s...
stationariness 22 16 the state of being s...
stationmasters 24 18 STATIONMASTER, an of...
statuesqueness 31 26 the state of being s...
stealthinesses 26 18 STEALTHINESS, the st...
steamrollering 27 22 STEAMROLLER, to over...
steamtightness 28 22 the state of being s...
stedfastnesses 25 19 STEDFASTNESS, the st...
steeplechasers 31 23 STEEPLECHASER, a hor...
steeplechasing 32 26 the sport of riding...
steganographer 28 24 a cryptographer; one...
steganographic 32 27 relating to steganog...
stegocephalian 31 26 any member of the St...
stegocephalous 32 26 relating to the Steg...
stenographical 32 26 relating to stenogra...
stenographists 29 22 STENOGRAPHIST, one w...
stepparentings 28 24 STEPPARENTING, paren...
stercoricolous 31 22 living in dung [adj]
sterculiaceous 31 23 belonging to the Ste...
stereoacuities 26 18 STEREOACUITY, the de...
stereochemical 33 26 relating to stereoch...
stereochromies 29 22 STEREOCHROMY, colour...
stereochroming 30 25 STEREOCHROME, to pai...
stereographies 28 21 STEREOGRAPHY, the re...
stereographing 29 24 STEREOGRAPH, to make...
stereoisomeric 27 20 of or like a stereoi...
stereometrical 28 21 relating to the meas...
stereoscopical 32 24 of or relating to st...
stereoscopists 29 20 STEREOSCOPIST, one w...
stereospecific 34 26 being, produced by,...
stereotactical 30 21 involving or used in...
stereotropisms 27 20 STEREOTROPISM, the t...
sterilisations 25 16 STERILISATION, the a...
sterilizations 28 25 STERILIZATION, the a...
sterlingnesses 25 19 STERLINGNESS, the st...
sternutatories 23 16 STERNUTATORY, a subs...
stertorousness 23 16 the state of being s...
stethoscopists 32 22 STETHOSCOPIST, one w...
stichometrical 35 26 relating to stichome...
stickabilities 33 25 STICKABILITY, the qu...
stickhandlings 33 29 STICKHANDLING, the a...
stigmatiferous 29 23 bearing stigma [adj]
stigmatisation 26 20 the act of stigmatis...
stigmatization 29 29 the act of stigmatiz...
stigmatophilia 32 25 an obsession with ta...
stingingnesses 25 21 STINGINGNESS, the st...
stinkingnesses 25 23 STINKINGNESS, the st...
stirpicultures 33 23 STIRPICULTURE, selec...
stochastically 41 26 STOCHASTIC, involvin...
stockbreedings 31 28 STOCKBREEDING, the b...
stockbrokerage 31 30 the activities of a...
stockishnesses 30 24 STOCKISHNESS, the st...
stockjobberies 34 36 STOCKJOBBERY, the pr...
stoechiologies 30 22 STOECHIOLOGY, the br...
stoechiometric 33 25 relating to stoechio...
stoicheiometry 36 24 the branch of chemis...
stoichiologies 31 22 STOICHIOLOGY, the sc...
stoichiometric 34 25 of a chemical formul...
stomachfulness 33 28 the state of being s...
stomatogastric 29 22 of or relating to th...
stomatological 30 24 related to stomatolo...
stomatologists 27 20 STOMATOLOGIST, a per...
stonemasonries 22 19 STONEMASONRY, the cr...
stormfulnesses 28 23 STORMFULNESS, the st...
stoutheartedly 33 21 STOUTHEARTED, having...
strabismometer 28 23 an instrument measur...
straightjacket 34 34 a straitjacket [n -S...
straightnesses 27 19 STRAIGHTNESS, the st...
straitjacketed 30 31 STRAITJACKET, to con...
strandednesses 22 18 STRANDEDNESS, the st...
strangulations 25 20 STRANGULATION, the a...
straticulation 28 20 the state of being s...
stratification 29 21 (geology) the accumu...
stratigraphers 30 21 STRATIGRAPHER, a pra...
stratigraphies 30 21 STRATIGRAPHY, the st...
stratigraphist 31 21 a practitioner of st...
stratovolcanos 28 23 STRATOVOLCANO, a com...
streetwalkings 30 25 STREETWALKING, prost...
strengthenings 27 23 STRENGTHENING, the a...
strepsipterous 29 21 of, relating or belo...
streptobacilli 34 25 STREPTOBACILLUS, any...
streptokinases 26 22 STREPTOKINASE, a pro...
streptomycetes 36 25 STREPTOMYCETE, any o...
streptothricin 32 23 any of a group of re...
stretchability 40 25 the state of being s...
stretchinesses 29 20 STRETCHINESS, the st...
stridulousness 26 19 the state of being s...
strikebreakers 28 25 STRIKEBREAKER, a per...
strikebreaking 29 28 action designed to b...
strikingnesses 26 22 STRIKINGNESS, the st...
strobilisation 27 19 production or reprod...
strobilization 30 28 production or reprod...
stroboscopical 35 27 of or like a strobos...
strophanthuses 30 23 STROPHANTHUS, a plan...
structuralised 30 21 STRUCTURALISE, to or...
structuralises 30 20 STRUCTURALISE, to or...
structuralisms 32 23 STRUCTURALISM, a bra...
structuralists 31 20 STRUCTURALIST, an ex...
structuralized 33 30 STRUCTURALIZE, to or...
structuralizes 33 29 STRUCTURALIZE, to or...
structurations 28 20 STRUCTURATION, the i...
stubbornnesses 27 23 STUBBORNNESS, the st...
studiousnesses 24 18 STUDIOUSNESS, the st...
stultification 31 23 the act of stultifyi...
stupendousness 25 22 the state of being s...
stylographical 41 28 relating to stylogra...
subadolescents 29 24 SUBADOLESCENT, a chi...
subaggregation 28 25 a partial aggregatio...
suballocations 30 24 SUBALLOCATION, a sub...
subalternation 25 21 the relation between...
subalternities 27 20 SUBALTERNITY, subord...
subappearances 31 28 SUBAPPEARANCE, a sub...
subarachnoidal 31 26 situated under the a...
subarborescent 30 25 partially arborescen...
subassociation 28 22 a subordinate associ...
subatmospheric 35 29 less or lower than t...
subcategorised 30 24 SUBCATEGORISE, to cl...
subcategorises 30 23 SUBCATEGORISE, to cl...
subcategorized 33 33 SUBCATEGORIZE, to cl...
subcategorizes 33 32 SUBCATEGORIZE, to cl...
subclassifying 41 30 SUBCLASSIFY, to grou...
subcollections 34 27 SUBCOLLECTION, a sub...
subcommissions 32 28 SUBCOMMISSION, to gi...
subcommunities 32 29 SUBCOMMUNITY, a dist...
subconsciouses 32 26 SUBCONSCIOUS, the me...
subconsciously 40 29 SUBCONSCIOUS, below...
subcontinental 28 25 pertaining to a larg...
subcontracting 33 28 the act of subcontra...
subcontractors 32 25 SUBCONTRACTOR, an in...
subcontrariety 35 24 the state of being s...
subcutaneously 36 27 SUBCUTANEOUS, beneat...
subdeaconships 33 28 SUBDEACONSHIP, the o...
subdepartments 29 26 SUBDEPARTMENT, a sub...
subdevelopment 31 31 a subdivision of a d...
subdisciplines 34 27 SUBDISCIPLINE, a sub...
subeditorships 32 24 SUBEDITORSHIP, the o...
subemployments 37 31 SUBEMPLOYMENT, a con...
subfertilities 31 22 SUBFERTILITY, the st...
subgenerations 25 22 SUBGENERATION, a sub...
subgenerically 38 28 SUBGENERIC, of or pe...
subgovernments 29 29 SUBGOVERNMENT, a sub...
subindications 29 24 SUBINDICATION, (obso...
subinfeudating 29 27 SUBINFEUDATE, to gra...
subinfeudation 27 25 the sublease of a po...
subinfeudatory 34 26 relating to subinfeu...
subinsinuation 25 22 something less than...
subintroducing 31 27 SUBINTRODUCE, to bri...
subinvolutions 29 26 SUBINVOLUTION, parti...
subirrigations 28 21 SUBIRRIGATION, irrig...
subjectability 42 36 the quality of being...
subjectiveness 33 35 the state of being s...
subjectivising 36 37 SUBJECTIVISE, to mak...
subjectivistic 39 37 relating to subjecti...
subjectivities 35 34 SUBJECTIVITY, the st...
subjectivizing 39 46 SUBJECTIVIZE, to mak...
sublieutenancy 35 27 the office of sublie...
sublieutenants 26 22 SUBLIEUTENANT, a com...
subliteratures 28 20 SUBLITERATURE, popul...
submandibulars 31 28 SUBMANDIBULAR, a sub...
submaxillaries 36 30 SUBMAXILLARY, the su...
submergibility 40 29 the state of being s...
submersibility 39 27 the state of being s...
submetacentric 33 28 a chromosome having...
submicroscopic 40 33 too small to be seen...
submillimeters 32 26 SUBMILLIMETER, a mic...
submillimetres 32 26 SUBMILLIMETRE, a mic...
subminiaturise 28 23 to reduce to a size...
subminiaturize 31 32 to reduce to a size...
subministering 29 25 SUBMINISTER, to supp...
submissiveness 30 26 the state of being s...
subnormalities 28 23 SUBNORMALITY, the st...
subordinancies 28 24 SUBORDINANCY, subord...
subordinations 25 21 SUBORDINATION, the a...
subpopulations 31 27 SUBPOPULATION, an id...
subprefectures 34 28 SUBPREFECTURE, the o...
subproletariat 29 22 the social class bel...
subsaturations 26 20 SUBSATURATION, a sta...
subsecretaries 29 21 SUBSECRETARY, a subo...
subsequentness 33 30 the state of being s...
subserviencies 31 26 SUBSERVIENCY, the st...
subsidiariness 27 20 the state of being s...
subsidiarities 28 19 SUBSIDIARITY, the st...
subsidisations 27 20 SUBSIDISATION, the a...
subsidizations 30 29 SUBSIDIZATION, the a...
subspecialised 33 26 SUBSPECIALISE, to pr...
subspecialises 33 25 SUBSPECIALISE, to pr...
subspecialists 34 25 SUBSPECIALIST, one w...
subspecialized 36 35 SUBSPECIALIZE, to pr...
subspecializes 36 34 SUBSPECIALIZE, to pr...
subspecialties 33 25 SUBSPECIALTY, a subo...
subspontaneous 26 24 less than spontaneou...
substantialise 27 20 to make substantial,...
substantialism 29 23 the belief that ther...
substantialist 28 20 a believer in substa...
substantiality 34 22 the state of being s...
substantialize 30 29 to make substantial,...
substantiating 27 22 SUBSTANTIATE, to giv...
substantiation 25 20 the act of substanti...
substantiative 28 23 tending to substanti...
substantiators 26 19 SUBSTANTIATOR, one w...
substantivally 37 27 SUBSTANTIVAL, of, re...
substantivised 29 24 SUBSTANTIVISE, to ma...
substantivises 29 23 SUBSTANTIVISE, to ma...
substantivized 32 33 SUBSTANTIVIZE, to ma...
substantivizes 32 32 SUBSTANTIVIZE, to ma...
substitutional 28 21 relating to substitu...
substitutively 38 26 SUBSTITUTIVE, servin...
substitutivity 38 25 the state of being s...
subterraneanly 31 23 SUBTERRANEAN, underg...
subterrestrial 28 19 existing underground...
subtherapeutic 34 27 below the dosage lev...
subtilisations 28 20 SUBTILISATION, the p...
subtilizations 31 29 SUBTILIZATION, the a...
subversiveness 30 27 the state of being s...
succentorships 35 27 SUCCENTORSHIP, the o...
successfulness 34 27 the state of being s...
successionally 38 26 SUCCESSIONAL, relati...
successionists 31 22 SUCCESSIONIST, a bel...
successionless 31 23 without succession [...
successiveness 32 26 the state of being s...
successorships 36 26 SUCCESSORSHIP, being...
succinctnesses 33 26 SUCCINCTNESS, the st...
succinctoriums 36 29 SUCCINCTORIUM, a ban...
sufferableness 30 26 the state of being s...
suffraganships 34 29 SUFFRAGANSHIP, the o...
suffragettisms 32 26 SUFFRAGETTISM, belie...
suffumigations 31 28 SUFFUMIGATION, fumig...
suggestibility 38 25 the state of being s...
suggestionised 26 21 SUGGESTIONISE, to su...
suggestionises 26 20 SUGGESTIONISE, to su...
suggestionisms 28 23 SUGGESTIONISM, treat...
suggestionists 27 20 SUGGESTIONIST, a bel...
suggestionized 29 30 SUGGESTIONIZE, to su...
suggestionizes 29 29 SUGGESTIONIZE, to su...
suggestiveness 28 24 the state of being s...
suicidologists 31 22 SUICIDOLOGIST, a stu...
suitablenesses 26 20 SUITABLENESS, the st...
sulfacetamides 31 26 SULFACETAMIDE, a sul...
sulfadimidines 29 25 SULFADIMIDINE, a sul...
sulfamethazine 32 34 an American name for...
sulfanilamides 29 25 SULFANILAMIDE, a cry...
sulfathiazoles 33 31 SULFATHIAZOLE, a sul...
sulfinpyrazone 37 35 a uricosuric drug us...
sulfonmethanes 28 26 SULFONMETHANE, (US)...
sulfurisations 28 21 SULFURISATION, the p...
sulfurizations 31 30 SULFURIZATION, the p...
sulphacetamide 33 28 a sulphonamide used...
sulphadiazines 32 32 SULPHADIAZINE, a sul...
sulphanilamide 31 27 a white crystalline...
sulphathiazole 35 33 a sulphonamide forme...
sulphonmethane 30 28 a colourless crystal...
sulphonylureas 36 26 SULPHONYLUREA, a syn...
sulphurisation 30 23 the process of sulph...
sulphurization 33 32 the process of sulph...
sulphurousness 30 24 the state of being s...
summarisations 26 22 SUMMARISATION, the a...
summarizations 29 31 SUMMARIZATION, the a...
summersaulting 29 26 SUMMERSAULT [v]
sumphishnesses 32 26 SUMPHISHNESS, the st...
sunworshippers 34 27 SUNWORSHIPPER, one w...
suovetaurilias 27 21 SUOVETAURILIA, (Lati...
superabilities 30 22 SUPERABILITY, the qu...
superabounding 28 27 SUPERABOUND, to be s...
superabsorbent 29 25 an exceptionally abs...
superabundance 29 28 extreme abundance [n...
superachievers 33 27 SUPERACHIEVER, an ex...
superadditions 26 21 SUPERADDITION, addit...
superambitious 30 25 extremely ambitious...
superannuating 25 24 SUPERANNUATE, to ren...
superannuation 23 22 the act of superannu...
supercalenders 29 24 SUPERCALENDER, to gi...
supercargoship 35 28 the office of superc...
supercelestial 31 23 exceedingly celestia...
superciliaries 31 22 SUPERCILIARY, a ridg...
superciliously 39 26 SUPERCILIOUS, haught...
supercivilised 34 27 extremely civilised,...
supercivilized 37 36 extremely civilized,...
supercolliders 32 24 SUPERCOLLIDER, a ver...
supercomputers 33 28 SUPERCOMPUTER, a lar...
supercomputing 34 31 computing using a su...
superconducted 32 28 SUPERCONDUCT, to exh...
superconductor 32 27 a material that exhi...
superconfident 30 27 extremely confident...
supercontinent 27 24 a hypothetical forme...
supercriminals 32 26 SUPERCRIMINAL, an ex...
superdaintiest 26 20 SUPERDAINTY, extreme...
superdelegates 27 22 SUPERDELEGATE, an un...
superdiplomats 31 26 SUPERDIPLOMAT, an ex...
superdominants 26 24 SUPERDOMINANT, the s...
supereffective 35 31 extremely effective...
superefficient 33 28 extremely efficient...
superelevating 29 26 SUPERELEVATE, to rai...
superelevation 27 24 the vertical distanc...
supereminences 28 26 SUPEREMINENCE, excep...
supereminently 33 26 SUPEREMINENT, outsta...
supererogating 27 23 SUPEREROGATE, (obsol...
supererogation 25 21 the act of performin...
supererogative 28 24 doing more than is n...
supererogators 26 20 SUPEREROGATOR, one w...
supererogatory 32 22 going beyond the cal...
superessential 26 20 essential to a very...
superexcellent 36 31 excellent to a very...
superexpensive 35 33 extremely expensive...
superexpresses 34 28 SUPEREXPRESS, a very...
superfetations 27 22 SUPERFETATION, a sec...
superficialise 33 25 to make superficial,...
superficiality 40 27 the state of being s...
superficialize 36 34 to make superficial,...
superfoetation 26 22 a second conception...
supergravities 30 24 SUPERGRAVITY, any of...
superhardening 28 25 SUPERHARDEN, to hard...
superhumanised 29 26 SUPERHUMANISE, to ma...
superhumanises 29 25 SUPERHUMANISE, to ma...
superhumanized 32 35 SUPERHUMANIZE, to ma...
superhumanizes 32 34 SUPERHUMANIZE, to ma...
superhumanness 28 26 the state of being s...
superimportant 29 25 having a very high d...
superimposable 32 28 capable of being sup...
superincumbent 32 30 resting on top; over...
superinduction 29 25 the act of superindu...
superinfecting 32 28 SUPERINFECT, to infe...
superinfection 30 26 an infection arising...
superinsulated 27 22 extremely insulated...
superintendent 24 22 one who has executiv...
superintending 26 24 SUPERINTEND, to have...
superintensity 32 22 extreme intensity [n...
superlobbyists 39 27 SUPERLOBBYIST, an ex...
superloyalists 35 22 SUPERLOYALIST, an ex...
superluxurious 35 29 very luxurious [adj]
supermasculine 31 27 extremely masculine...
supermembranes 29 28 SUPERMEMBRANE, a typ...
supermilitants 29 23 SUPERMILITANT, an ex...
superministers 28 22 SUPERMINISTER, a min...
supernatations 24 20 SUPERNATATION, the s...
supernaturally 34 24 SUPERNATURAL, of or...
supernormality 34 25 the state of being s...
supernutrients 26 21 SUPERNUTRIENT, an ex...
supernutrition 26 21 exceptional nutritio...
superordinated 25 21 SUPERORDINATE, to ma...
superordinates 25 20 SUPERORDINATE, to ma...
superorganisms 28 24 SUPERORGANISM, an or...
superovulating 30 27 SUPEROVULATE, to pro...
superovulation 28 25 production of except...
superparticles 33 25 SUPERPARTICLE, a par...
superpatriotic 32 24 extremely patriotic...
superphenomena 28 28 SUPERPHENOMENON, an...
superphosphate 34 28 acid phosphate [n -S...
superpositions 28 22 SUPERPOSITION, the a...
superqualities 36 29 SUPERQUALITY, except...
superregionals 27 22 SUPERREGIONAL, a spo...
supersaturated 26 20 SUPERSATURATE, to ad...
supersaturates 26 19 SUPERSATURATE [n]
superscription 32 25 something written ab...
supersecrecies 32 24 SUPERSECRECY, extrem...
supersensitive 28 23 extremely sensitive...
supersexuality 40 29 exceptional sexualit...
supersonically 37 26 SUPERSONIC, above th...
superspectacle 35 28 an exceptional spect...
superstimulate 29 23 to stimulate beyond...
superstrengths 30 23 SUPERSTRENGTH, excep...
superstructing 32 25 SUPERSTRUCT, to buil...
superstruction 30 23 the act of superstru...
superstructive 33 26 relating to a supers...
superstructure 31 23 all of a building ab...
supersymmetric 39 29 relating to supersym...
superterranean 23 20 above or on surface...
superthrillers 32 22 SUPERTHRILLER, an ex...
superveniences 29 27 SUPERVENIENCE, the a...
supervirtuosos 29 23 SUPERVIRTUOSO, an ex...
supervisorship 34 27 the office of superv...
supplantations 28 24 SUPPLANTATION, the a...
supplementally 38 30 SUPPLEMENTAL, servin...
supplicatingly 42 31 SUPPLICATING [adv]
supportability 39 27 the state of being s...
supportiveness 30 26 the state of being s...
suppositionary 34 24 suppositional [adj]
suppositiously 37 25 SUPPOSITIOUS, fraudu...
supposititious 30 22 fraudulently substit...
supralapsarian 28 23 one of a class of Ca...
supraliminally 37 27 SUPRALIMINAL, consci...
supramaxillary 42 32 above the maxilla [a...
supramolecular 32 27 more complex than a...
supramolecules 32 27 SUPRAMOLECULE, a clu...
suprasegmental 28 25 representing or cont...
surchargements 31 26 SURCHARGEMENT, the a...
surefootedness 24 20 the state of being s...
surpassingness 27 22 the state of being s...
surprisingness 28 22 the state of being s...
surrogateships 30 22 SURROGATESHIP, the o...
susceptibility 41 27 the state of being s...
susceptiveness 31 26 the state of being s...
susceptivities 33 25 SUSCEPTIVITY, the st...
suspendibility 37 26 the state of being s...
suspensibility 37 25 the state of being s...
suspensiveness 27 24 the state of being s...
suspercollated 31 24 SUSPERCOLLATE, to ha...
suspercollates 31 23 SUSPERCOLLATE, to ha...
suspiciousness 30 23 the state of being s...
sustainability 34 22 the state of being s...
swainishnesses 28 21 SWAINISHNESS, the st...
sweaterdresses 26 18 SWEATERDRESS, a knit...
sweepingnesses 28 24 SWEEPINGNESS, the st...
sweetheartings 29 22 SWEETHEARTING, the g...
sweetishnesses 28 20 SWEETISHNESS, the st...
swimmingnesses 30 27 SWIMMINGNESS, the st...
swordsmanships 33 27 SWORDSMANSHIP, the s...
sycophantishly 47 30 SYCOPHANTISH, like a...
sycophantising 38 28 SYCOPHANTISE, to be...
sycophantizing 41 37 SYCOPHANTIZE, to be...
syllabications 37 25 SYLLABICATION, the a...
syllogisations 33 21 SYLLOGISATION, the p...
syllogizations 36 30 SYLLOGIZATION, the p...
symbiontically 45 30 SYMBIONTIC, of or li...
symbolicalness 38 28 the state of being s...
symbolisations 34 24 SYMBOLISATION, the a...
symbolizations 37 33 SYMBOLIZATION, the a...
symbololatries 35 24 SYMBOLOLATRY, the wo...
symmetrisation 32 23 the act of symmetris...
symmetrization 35 32 the act of symmetriz...
symmetrophobia 38 30 fear of symmetry [n...
sympatholytics 47 30 SYMPATHOLYTIC, a sym...
sympiesometers 34 25 SYMPIESOMETER, instr...
symptomatising 36 28 SYMPTOMATISE, to be...
symptomatizing 39 37 SYMPTOMATIZE, to be...
symptomatology 42 30 the study of symptom...
symptomologies 36 28 SYMPTOMOLOGY, the sc...
synaposematism 33 26 warning coloration c...
synchroflashes 40 28 SYNCHROFLASH, a mech...
synchroneities 34 23 SYNCHRONEITY, the st...
synchronically 46 30 SYNCHRONICAL, concer...
synchronoscope 38 29 an instrument used t...
syncretisation 32 21 the process of syncr...
syncretization 35 30 the process of syncr...
synergetically 42 26 SYNERGETIC, co-opera...
synonymousness 35 25 the state of being s...
synthesisation 31 20 the process of synth...
synthesization 34 29 the process of synth...
synthetisation 31 20 the process of synth...
synthetization 34 29 the process of synth...
syphilisations 36 23 SYPHILISATION, the p...
syphilitically 49 29 SYPHILITIC, of or li...
syphilizations 39 32 SYPHILIZATION, the p...
syphilologists 39 25 SYPHILOLOGIST, a spe...
syphilophobias 42 30 SYPHILOPHOBIA, fear...
syringomyelias 39 25 SYRINGOMYELIA, a chr...
systematically 43 26 SYSTEMATICAL, relati...
systematicians 34 23 SYSTEMATICIAN, one w...
systematicness 34 23 the state of being s...
systemisations 31 20 SYSTEMISATION, the a...
systemizations 34 29 SYSTEMIZATION, the a...