9 letter words that start with S

9 letter words that start with S

9 letter S word


Words With Friends®


sabadilla 19 15 (Spanish) a liliaceo...
sabbatics 23 18 SABBATIC, a period o...
sabbatine 18 16 relating to Saturday...
sabbatise 19 15 to observe as a Sabb...
sabbatism 21 18 intermission of labo...
sabbatize 22 24 to observe as a Sabb...
saberlike 19 17 like a saber, also S...
sablefish 23 18 a large spiny-finned...
sabotaged 17 15 SABOTAGE, to destroy...
sabotages 17 14 SABOTAGE, to destroy...
saboteurs 17 13 SABOTEUR, (French) o...
sabotiers 17 12 SABOTIER, (French) a...
sabrelike 19 17 like a sabre, also S...
sabrewing 21 18 a hummingbird of a g...
saccharic 27 20 of or obtained from...
saccharin 23 18 an artificial sweete...
saccharum 25 21 a genus of tall trop...
sacciform 25 21 shaped like a sac [a...
sacculate 22 17 formed in a series o...
sachemdom 22 21 the government or ju...
sackaging 21 21 SACKAGE, to sack or...
sackcloth 26 22 a coarse cloth worn...
sackloads 20 18 SACKLOAD, the conten...
sacralgia 20 15 inflammation of the...
sacralise 19 13 to make sacred, also...
sacrality 26 15 the state of being S...
sacralize 22 22 to make sacred, also...
sacrament 18 16 a sign, token, or pl...
sacrarial 19 13 of or like a sacrari...
sacrarium 20 16 (Latin) the sanctuar...
sacredest 18 13 SACRED, dedicated to...
sacrifice 24 18 the slaughter of an...
sacrifide 21 16 SACRIFY, to sacrific...
sacrified 21 16 SACRIFY, to sacrific...
sacrifies 21 15 SACRIFY, to sacrific...
sacrilege 20 15 profanation or disre...
sacristan 18 13 a Church official in...
saddening 15 15 SADDEN, to make sad...
saddlebag 19 17 a bag carried at, or...
saddlebow 21 18 part of a saddle [n...
sadnesses 14 11 SADNESS, the state o...
saeculums 21 18 SAECULUM, (Latin) an...
safariing 18 15 SAFARI, to go on a h...
safarists 18 12 SAFARIST, a person w...
safeguard 18 16 a device, condition,...
safelight 22 17 a light used in a ph...
safetying 24 17 SAFETY, to protect a...
safetyman 23 18 a type of defensive...
safetymen 23 18 SAFETYMAN, a type of...
safflower 23 19 a thistle-like plant...
saffroned 18 17 seasoned or dyed wit...
safranine 15 14 the yellow colouring...
safranins 16 14 SAFRANIN, the yellow...
safronals 17 14 SAFRONAL, a spicy-ta...
sagacious 19 15 wise [adj SAGACIOUSL...
sagamores 16 14 SAGAMORE, (Native Am...
sagapenum 18 19 a gum resin, formerl...
sagathies 18 13 SAGATHY, a lightweig...
sagebrush 21 17 a low irregular shru...
sagehoods 17 14 SAGEHOOD, the state...
sagenites 15 12 SAGENITE, a form of...
sagenitic 19 15 pertaining to sageni...
saggaring 18 16 SAGGAR, to pack in a...
saggering 18 16 SAGGER, to pack in a...
saginated 15 13 SAGINATE, to fatten...
saginates 15 12 SAGINATE, to fatten...
sagittary 23 13 a representation of...
sagittate 16 11 shaped like an arrow...
saiblings 20 16 SAIBLING, (German) a...
sailboard 18 14 a small, flat, light...
sailboats 18 13 SAILBOAT, a boat wit...
sailcloth 23 16 duck or canvas used...
sailmaker 18 17 one who makes sails...
sailoring 17 13 the work of a sailor...
sailpasts 19 13 SAILPAST, the sailin...
sailplane 18 15 a glider that can ri...
sailrooms 17 13 SAILROOM, a room abo...
sainfoins 16 14 SAINFOIN, a legumino...
saintdoms 16 14 SAINTDOM, the condit...
saintfoin 16 14 (French) a leguminou...
sainthood 16 13 the state of being a...
saintisms 17 13 SAINTISM, the qualit...
saintless 16 11 without a saint [adj...
saintlier 16 11 SAINTLY, befitting a...
saintlike 17 15 like a saint [adj]
saintlily 24 14 SAINTLY, befitting a...
saintling 17 14 a little saint [n -S...
saintship 20 15 the character or qua...
salaaming 17 16 SALAAM, (Arabic) to...
salacious 19 14 indecently erotic, l...
saladangs 16 14 SALADANG, a kind of...
saladings 17 14 SALADING, ingredient...
salangane 14 14 (Tagalog) a swiftlet...
salariats 16 10 SALARIAT, the class...
salarying 23 15 SALARY, to pay perio...
salaryman 22 16 in Japan, an office...
salarymen 22 16 SALARYMAN, in Japan,...
saleratus 16 11 potassium or sodium...
salerings 17 13 SALERING, a cattle-s...
salerooms 16 13 SALEROOM, a room whe...
salesgirl 19 13 a woman who sells me...
saleslady 23 14 a woman who sells me...
salesroom 16 13 a room where goods f...
saleyards 22 13 SALEYARD, an enclosu...
saliaunce 18 15 (Spenser) an assault...
salicetum 21 17 a willow plantation...
salicines 19 14 SALICINE, a bitter c...
salicylic 31 19 as in salicylic acid...
saliences 18 14 SALIENCE, a projecti...
saliently 23 14 SALIENT, strikingly...
salifying 26 18 SALIFY, to combine w...
salimeter 17 13 an instrument for me...
salimetry 24 15 the measurement of s...
salinised 16 12 SALINISE, to treat w...
salinises 16 11 SALINISE, to treat w...
salinized 19 21 SALINIZE, to treat w...
salinizes 19 20 SALINIZE, to treat w...
salivated 18 15 SALIVATE, to secrete...
salivates 18 14 SALIVATE, to secrete...
salivator 18 14 one who salivates [n...
sallowest 20 14 SALLOW, esp. of a pe...
sallowing 21 17 SALLOW, to make sall...
sallowish 23 16 somewhat sallow, als...
sallyport 26 16 a gateway or opening...
salmonets 16 14 SALMONET, a young sa...
salmonids 17 15 SALMONID, a member o...
salmonoid 16 15 a member of the salm...
salometer 16 13 an instrument for me...
salpicons 21 17 SALPICON, (French) a...
salpiform 22 19 shaped like a barrel...
salpinges 19 16 SALPINX, an anatomic...
salpinxes 24 21 SALPINX, an anatomic...
salsifies 19 13 SALSIFY, the oyster...
salsillas 19 12 SALSILLA, a tropical...
saltandos 15 12 SALTANDO, (Italian)...
saltating 17 13 SALTATE, to undergo...
saltation 15 11 an act of leaping or...
saltatory 22 12 of or for saltation,...
saltboxes 24 20 SALTBOX, a box for h...
saltchuck 27 23 in Canada, a body of...
salteries 16 10 SALTERY, a factory w...
saltiness 16 11 the state of being s...
saltishly 27 15 SALTISH, somewhat sa...
saltpeter 18 13 (US) potassium nitra...
saltpetre 18 13 potassium nitrate, t...
saltwater 19 13 of, containing or in...
saltworks 21 17 SALTWORK, a place wh...
saltworts 20 13 SALTWORT, a seaside...
salubrity 26 16 the quality of being...
saluretic 20 14 a drug that increase...
salvagees 18 16 SALVAGEE, one in who...
salvagers 19 16 SALVAGER, one who sa...
salvaging 20 19 SALVAGE, to save fro...
salvarsan 17 15 (tradename) a compou...
salvation 17 15 an act of saving; a...
salvatory 24 16 a repository for saf...
samaritan 15 13 one who helps others...
samariums 18 16 SAMARIUM, a metallic...
sameyness 21 15 the quality of being...
samizdats 20 22 SAMIZDAT, (Russian)...
samphires 21 17 SAMPHIRE, a fleshy c...
samplings 21 19 SAMPLING, a small pa...
samskaras 17 16 SAMSKARA, (Sanskrit)...
sanatoria 13 10 SANATORIUM, a hospit...
sanbenito 15 14 (Spanish) in the Spa...
sanctions 17 14 SANCTION, to authori...
sanctuary 24 16 a place of safety [n...
sandaling 16 15 SANDAL, to dress in...
sandalled 16 14 SANDAL, to dress in...
sandarach 19 16 the resin of a tropi...
sandaracs 17 14 SANDARAC, the resin...
sandbanks 17 19 SANDBANK, a mound of...
sandblast 18 15 a sand-laden wind [n...
sandboxes 22 21 SANDBOX, a children'...
sandburrs 18 15 SANDBURR, an annual...
sandcrack 22 21 a deep crack or fiss...
sanderses 14 11 SANDERS, sandalwood,...
sandflies 18 15 SANDFLY, any of vari...
sandglass 17 14 an instrument for me...
sandheaps 18 16 SANDHEAP, a pile of...
sandhills 20 15 SANDHILL, a hill of...
sandiness 14 12 the state of being s...
sandivers 17 15 SANDIVER, scum forme...
sandlings 17 15 SANDLING, a marine f...
sandpaper 18 17 a kind of rough pape...
sandpeeps 18 17 SANDPEEP, (US) any s...
sandpiles 18 15 SANDPILE, a pile of...
sandpiper 19 17 any of various small...
sandpumps 21 21 SANDPUMP, a pump for...
sandshoes 16 13 SANDSHOE, a lightwei...
sandsoaps 16 14 SANDSOAP, a soap for...
sandspits 18 14 SANDSPIT, a small po...
sandspout 17 15 a moving pillar of s...
sandspurs 18 15 SANDSPUR, an annual...
sandstone 13 12 a clastic sedimentar...
sandstorm 16 14 a strong wind that w...
sandworms 19 17 SANDWORM, a sand-dwe...
sandworts 18 14 SANDWORT, any of var...
sangarees 14 12 SANGAREE, (Spanish)...
sangfroid 18 16 (French) self-posses...
sangliers 17 13 SANGLIER, (French) a...
sangrails 17 13 SANGRAIL, the legend...
sangreals 16 13 SANGREAL, the legend...
sanguined 15 15 SANGUINE, to stain w...
sanguines 15 14 SANGUINE, to stain w...
sanidines 14 12 SANIDINE, a variety...
sanifying 24 18 SANIFY, to make heal...
sanitaria 14 10 SANITARIUM, (Latin)...
sanitated 14 11 SANITATE, to clean a...
sanitates 14 10 SANITATE, to clean a...
sanitised 15 11 SANITISE, to clean a...
sanitiser 15 10 one who sanitises, a...
sanitises 15 10 SANITISE, to clean a...
sanitized 18 20 SANITIZE, to clean a...
sanitizer 18 19 one who sanitises, a...
sanitizes 18 19 SANITIZE, to clean a...
sanitoria 14 10 SANITORIUM, a hospit...
sannyasin 19 14 (Hindi) a Hindu asce...
sannyasis 20 13 SANNYASI, (Hindi) a...
sanserifs 17 13 SANSERIF, a typeface...
santalins 15 12 SANTALIN, colouring...
santalols 16 12 SANTALOL, sandalwood...
santerias 14 10 SANTERIA, (Spanish)...
santolina 14 12 a genus of fragrant...
santonica 16 14 the dried unexpanded...
santonins 13 12 SANTONIN, an anthelm...
sapanwood 18 17 (Malay) the wood of...
sapheaded 18 16 dopy, weak-minded [a...
saphenous 18 16 relating to the saph...
sapidless 19 14 tasteless [adj]
sapidness 17 14 the state of being s...
sapiences 19 16 SAPIENCE, discernmen...
sapiently 24 16 SAPIENT, wise [adv]
sapodilla 19 15 (Spanish) the edible...
sapogenin 16 16 a compound derived f...
saponaria 15 13 a genus of flowers,...
saponated 15 14 treated or combined...
saponines 15 14 SAPONINE, a soapy su...
saponites 16 13 SAPONITE, a hydrous...
saporific 23 18 flavourful, also SAP...
sapphired 22 18 coloured with sapphi...
sapphires 22 17 SAPPHIRE, a precious...
sapphisms 24 20 SAPPHISM, lesbianism...
sapphists 23 17 SAPPHIST, a lesbian...
sappiness 19 16 the quality of being...
sapraemia 17 15 a kind of blood-pois...
sapraemic 21 18 relating to sapraemi...
sapremias 18 15 SAPREMIA, a kind of...
saprobial 20 16 of or like a saprobe...
saprolite 18 13 a soft, partially de...
sapropels 20 16 SAPROPEL, a slimy se...
saprozoic 23 24 feeding on dead or d...
sapsucker 22 20 a kind of woodpecker...
sapucaias 20 16 SAPUCAIA, a South Am...
sarabande 15 14 (Spanish) a stately...
sarabands 16 14 SARABAND, (Spanish)...
sarbacane 18 16 (French) a blowpipe...
sarcastic 22 15 showing sarcasm, sco...
sarcenets 17 13 SARCENET, a fine sil...
sarcocarp 23 18 the fleshy part of a...
sarcology 26 17 the study of soft, f...
sarcomata 18 15 SARCOMA, (Greek) a t...
sarcomere 18 15 a unit of myofibril,...
sarconets 17 13 SARCONET, a fine sil...
sarcoptic 24 18 relating to a genus...
sarcosome 18 15 a mitochondrion of a...
sardelles 17 12 SARDELLE, a small fi...
sardining 16 14 SARDINE, to pack tig...
sardiuses 16 11 SARDIUS, a variety o...
sardonian 13 12 (obsolete) a person...
sargassos 16 11 SARGASSO, (Portugues...
sargassum 18 15 a genus of algae inc...
sarkiness 16 14 the quality of being...
sarmentum 17 17 (Latin) a long whipl...
sarodists 16 10 SARODIST, one who pl...
sarrasins 15 10 SARRASIN, (French) b...
sarrazins 18 19 SARRAZIN, (French) b...
sarsenets 14 10 SARSENET, a fine sil...
sartorial 16 10 of or relating to a...
sartorian 14 10 of or relating to a...
sartorius 16 10 a flat thigh muscle...
sasanquas 22 20 SASANQUA, (Japanese)...
sasararas 14 9 SASARARA, a scolding...
sashaying 24 16 SASHAY, (colloquial)...
saskatoon 14 14 (Native American) an...
sasquatch 29 24 (Native American) a...
sassabies 17 12 SASSABY, (Setswana)...
sassafras 17 12 (Spanish) an America...
sassarara 14 9 a scolding; a blow,...
sassiness 15 10 the state of being s...
sassolins 16 11 SASSOLIN, a native b...
sassolite 16 10 a native boric acid,...
sasswoods 18 13 SASSWOOD, the bark o...
sassywood 24 15 the bark of a West A...
satanical 18 14 devilish, also SATAN...
satanisms 16 13 SATANISM, worship of...
satanists 15 10 SATANIST, one who wo...
satcheled 21 16 carrying a satchel,...
satedness 14 11 the state of being s...
satellite 17 11 a body revolving aro...
satiating 16 12 SATIATE, to satisfy...
satiation 14 10 the state of being s...
satieties 15 9 SATIETY, the state o...
satinetta 14 10 a thin satin, also S...
satinette 14 10 a thin satin, also S...
satinpods 17 14 SATINPOD, a flowerin...
satinwood 17 14 a smooth, satiny orn...
satirical 20 13 of or like satire, a...
satirised 16 10 SATIRISE, to subject...
satiriser 16 9 one who satirises, a...
satirises 16 9 SATIRISE, to subject...
satirists 17 9 SATIRIST, one who sa...
satirized 19 19 SATIRIZE, to subject...
satirizer 19 18 one who satirises, a...
satirizes 19 18 SATIRIZE, to subject...
satisfice 21 15 to aim for or achiev...
satisfied 18 13 SATISFY, to provide...
satisfier 18 12 one who satisfies [n...
satisfies 18 12 SATISFY, to provide...
satrapies 17 12 SATRAPY, the territo...
saturable 18 14 capable of being sat...
saturants 15 11 SATURANT, a substanc...
saturated 15 11 SATURATE, to fill co...
saturater 15 10 one who, or that whi...
saturates 15 10 SATURATE, to fill co...
saturator 15 10 one who, or that whi...
saturniid 16 12 any of a family of l...
saturnine 14 12 cold and steady in m...
saturnism 17 14 (archaic) lead poiso...
saturnist 16 11 a person of a dull,...
satyrical 26 15 of satyrs; having a...
satyrisks 24 15 SATYRISK, a little s...
satyrlike 24 16 like a satyr [adj]
sauceboat 19 16 a container from whi...
sauceless 19 14 without sauce [adj]
saucepans 19 17 SAUCEPAN, a cooking...
saucepots 20 16 SAUCEPOT, a deep coo...
saucerful 22 18 the contents of a sa...
sauciness 18 14 the state of being s...
saucisses 19 13 SAUCISSE, (French) a...
saucisson 18 14 (French) a long canv...
saufgards 19 16 SAUFGARD, (Spenser)...
sauntered 14 12 SAUNTER, to walk in...
saunterer 14 11 one who saunters [n...
sauropods 17 14 SAUROPOD, any gigant...
sauteeing 15 13 SAUTE, (French) to f...
sauternes 14 11 SAUTERNE, (French) a...
sautoires 15 10 SAUTOIRE, (French) a...
savagedom 18 19 the state of being s...
savagisms 20 18 SAVAGISM, the state...
savannahs 17 17 SAVANNAH, (Spanish)...
savegards 18 16 SAVEGARD, (Spenser)...
savoriest 17 13 SAVORY, (US) savoury...
savorless 18 14 without savor, also...
savourers 17 14 SAVOURER, one that s...
savourier 17 14 SAVOURY, pleasant to...
savouries 17 14 SAVOURY, a savory di...
savourily 25 17 SAVOURY, pleasant to...
savouring 18 17 SAVOUR, to taste or...
savoyards 23 16 SAVOYARD, a devotee...
savveying 26 22 SAVVEY, (colloquial)...
savviness 19 18 the quality of being...
sawblades 21 17 SAWBLADE, the blade...
sawdering 19 16 SAWDER, to flatter,...
sawdusted 19 15 SAWDUST, to sprinkle...
sawfishes 23 17 SAWFISH, any of vari...
sawhorses 20 14 SAWHORSE, a rack use...
sawsharks 22 18 SAWSHARK, a kind of...
sawtimber 22 18 timber suitable for...
saxifrage 24 21 a kind of rock plant...
saxitoxin 27 24 a nerve poison found...
saxonites 20 17 SAXONITE, an ultraba...
saxophone 23 22 a jazz and dance ban...
sayonaras 19 12 SAYONARA [n]
scabbards 23 19 SCABBARD, to sheathe...
scabbiest 23 18 SCABBY, covered with...
scabbling 25 22 SCABBLE, to shape ro...
scabietic 24 18 relating to scabies,...
scabiosas 20 15 SCABIOSA, any of var...
scablands 21 18 SCABLAND, rocky land...
scaffiest 23 18 SCAFFY, (Scots) havi...
scaffolds 24 20 SCAFFOLD, to provide...
scagliola 21 16 (Italian) a polished...
scaithing 22 17 SCAITH, to injure, a...
scalation 18 14 the way that scales...
scalawags 23 18 SCALAWAG, a good-for...
scaldfish 25 19 a European flounder...
scaldhead 21 17 a disease scalp; a s...
scaldings 21 17 SCALDING, the act of...
scaldship 25 19 the office of scald,...
scaleable 21 17 that can be scaled,...
scaleably 28 19 SCALEABLE, that can...
scaleless 20 14 destitute of scales...
scalelike 21 18 like a scale [adj]
scalepans 20 17 SCALEPAN, a pan on a...
scaletail 20 14 a type of squirrel [...
scalework 23 20 imbricated ornament...
scaliness 19 14 the state of being s...
scallawag 24 19 a good-for-nothing,...
scallions 20 15 SCALLION, an onion-l...
scalloped 22 18 SCALLOP, to indent l...
scalloper 22 17 one who fishes for s...
scallywag 31 21 a good-for-nothing,...
scalogram 21 18 an arrangement of it...
scalpings 23 19 SCALPING, the act of...
scalpless 23 17 without a scalp [adj...
scalprums 24 20 SCALPRUM, a surgeon'...
scamblers 23 19 SCAMBLER, (Scots) on...
scambling 24 22 a haphazard meal [n...
scampered 21 19 SCAMPER, to run play...
scamperer 21 18 one who scampers [n...
scampings 23 21 SCAMPING, work done...
scamsters 20 15 SCAMSTER, one who pe...
scandaled 18 16 SCANDAL, to defame [...
scandiums 20 18 SCANDIUM, a rare met...
scannable 19 18 that can be scanned...
scannings 18 17 SCANNING, close exam...
scansions 17 14 SCANSION, the mode o...
scantiest 18 13 SCANTY, poorly suppl...
scantling 20 17 a small portion [n -...
scantness 17 14 the state of being s...
scapegoat 20 17 a goat upon whose he...
scapeless 21 16 not to be escaped [a...
scapement 20 19 a part of a clock or...
scaphoids 23 18 SCAPHOID, a boat-sha...
scaphopod 24 21 a member of a class...
scapolite 21 16 any of a group of ra...
scappling 25 22 SCAPPLE, to work sto...
scapulars 22 17 SCAPULAR, a loose sl...
scapulary 28 19 a loose sleeveless v...
scarabaei 19 15 SCARABAEUS, a beetle...
scarabees 19 15 SCARABEE, (archaic)...
scaraboid 20 16 belonging to the fam...
scarecrow 24 18 anything set up to s...
scaredest 18 13 SCARED, frightened [...
scaredies 18 13 SCAREDY, someone who...
scarehead 19 15 a newspaper heading...
scareware 20 15 a program that is pr...
scarfings 22 18 SCARFING, in carpent...
scarfpins 23 19 SCARFPIN, a pin for...
scarfskin 22 20 the epidermis or out...
scarfwise 24 18 arranged like a scar...
scarified 21 16 SCARIFY, to make sup...
scarifier 21 15 an implement for sca...
scarifies 21 15 SCARIFY, to make sup...
scariness 18 13 the quality of being...
scarleted 19 14 SCARLET, to redden [...
scarmoges 20 17 SCARMOGE, (archaic)...
scarpaing 21 18 SCARPA, to run away,...
scarpered 20 16 SCARPER, to run away...
scarpetti 21 15 SCARPETTO, (Italian)...
scarpetto 20 15 (Italian) a climbing...
scarphing 24 20 SCARPH, in carpentry...
scarpines 20 16 (Italian) an instrum...
scarpings 22 18 SCARPING, an escarpm...
scarriest 19 12 SCARRY, marked with...
scarrings 20 15 SCARRING, blemishes...
scatbacks 25 22 SCATBACK, a type of...
scatheful 24 19 harmful [adj]
scatology 26 17 the study of excreme...
scattered 18 13 SCATTER, to disperse...
scatterer 18 12 one who scatters [n...
scattiest 19 12 SCATTY, empty-headed...
scattings 20 15 SCATTING, pebble das...
scavagers 21 18 SCAVAGER, an officer...
scavaging 22 21 SCAVAGE, to scavenge...
scavenged 20 20 SCAVENGE, to search...
scavenger 20 19 to act as a scavenge...
scavenges 20 19 SCAVENGE, to search...
scawtites 22 15 SCAWTITE, a carbonat...
scazontes 20 22 SCAZON, (Greek) a ch...
scazontic 24 25 a choliamb, also SCA...
sceduling 21 18 SCEDULE, (US) to pla...
scelerate 18 13 (obsolete) a villain...
scelerats 19 13 SCELERAT, (French) a...
scenaries 17 13 SCENARY, (obsolete)...
scenarios 17 13 SCENARIO, an outline...
scenarise 17 13 to make a scenario o...
scenarist 18 13 one who makes scenar...
scenarize 20 22 to make a scenario o...
sceneries 17 13 SCENERY, a picturesq...
scenester 17 13 a person who identif...
scentings 19 16 SCENTING, the act of...
scentless 19 14 without scent [adj]
scepsises 21 15 SCEPSIS, (Greek) phi...
sceptered 20 16 SCEPTER, to invest w...
sceptical 25 19 inclined to questoni...
sceptring 22 18 SCEPTRE, to invest w...
schantzes 23 24 SCHANTZE, (Afrikaans...
schapskas 24 21 SCHAPSKA, (Polish) a...
schatchen 25 20 (Hebrew) a matchmake...
schechita 26 19 (Hebrew) the slaught...
schedular 22 17 of or like a schedul...
scheduled 22 18 SCHEDULE, to plan, a...
scheduler 22 17 one who schedules [n...
schedules 22 17 SCHEDULE, to plan, a...
scheelite 21 15 calcium tungstate, a...
schellies 23 16 SCHELLY, a freshwate...
schellums 25 20 SCHELLUM, (Scots) a...
schematic 25 20 relating to a scheme...
schemings 23 20 SCHEMING, the act of...
schiavone 21 19 (Italian) a basket-h...
schiedams 22 18 SCHIEDAM, (Dutch) Ho...
schillers 24 16 SCHILLER, (German) a...
schilling 25 19 (Dutch) any one of s...
schimmels 25 21 SCHIMMEL, (German) a...
schistose 21 14 of or pertaining to...
schistous 22 15 of or pertaining to...
schiziest 25 23 SCHIZY, affected wit...
schizoids 25 24 SCHIZOID, one suffer...
schizonts 24 24 SCHIZONT, in protozo...
schizopod 26 27 one of the Schizopod...
schizzier 28 32 SCHIZZY, affected wi...
schlagers 23 17 SCHLAGER, (German) a...
schlemiel 24 19 (Yiddish) an unlucky...
schlemihl 27 21 (Yiddish) an unlucky...
schlepped 26 22 SCHLEP, (Yiddish) to...
schlepper 26 21 (Yiddish) an incompe...
schlieren 21 16 one of a set of visi...
schlieric 26 18 relating to schliere...
schlocker 26 22 (Yiddish) something...
schlosses 22 15 SCHLOSS, (German) a...
schlumped 26 23 SCHLUMP, to flop, sl...
schmaltzy 33 29 (Yiddish) sickly sen...
schmalzes 26 27 SCHMALZ, excessive s...
schmattes 22 17 SCHMATTE, (Yiddish)...
schmeared 21 18 SCHMEAR, (Yiddish) t...
schmecked 26 25 SCHMECK, (Yiddish) t...
schmecker 26 24 a heroin user [n -RS...
schmeered 21 18 SCHMEER, (Yiddish) t...
schmelzes 26 27 SCHMELZ, (German) a...
schmicker 27 24 SCHMICK, (Australian...
schmoosed 21 18 SCHMOOS, (Yiddish) t...
schmooses 21 17 SCHMOOS, (Yiddish) t...
schmoozed 24 27 SCHMOOZE, (Yiddish)...
schmoozer 24 26 (Yiddish) one who sc...
schmoozes 24 26 SCHMOOZE, (Yiddish)...
schmucked 27 26 SCHMUCK, (Yiddish) t...
schmutter 23 18 (Yiddish) clothing,...
schmutzes 26 27 SCHMUTZ, dirt, grime...
schnapper 24 21 an Australian food-f...
schnapses 22 18 SCHNAPS, (German) a...
schnauzer 23 25 (German) a German br...
schnecken 23 23 SCHNECKE, (German) a...
schnitzel 25 25 (German) a thin veal...
schnorkel 22 20 (German) to swim und...
schnorred 20 16 SCHNORR, (Yiddish) t...
schnorrer 20 15 one who takes advant...
schnozzes 26 33 SCHNOZ, (Yiddish) th...
schnozzle 27 34 (Yiddish) nose, also...
scholarch 27 20 the head of a school...
scholarly 29 18 learned, like a scho...
scholiast 22 15 a commentator; a wri...
scholiums 24 19 SCHOLIUM, an explana...
schoolbag 24 20 a bag for carrying s...
schoolboy 29 20 a boy who attends sc...
schoolday 27 18 a day on which schoo...
schoolers 21 15 SCHOOLER, a student...
schoolery 27 17 (archaic) something...
schoolies 21 15 SCHOOLIE, (Australia...
schooling 22 18 tuition [n -S]
schoolkid 23 20 a child who attends...
schoolman 21 19 a philosopher or the...
schoolmen 21 19 SCHOOLMAN, a philoso...
schooners 19 15 SCHOONER, a kind of...
schtupped 26 22 SCHTUP, (Yiddish) to...
schussers 22 15 SCHUSSER, (German) o...
schussing 23 18 SCHUSS, to make a fa...
schvartze 26 27 (Yiddish) a black pe...
schvitzed 27 28 SCHVITZ, (Yiddish) t...
schvitzes 27 27 SCHVITZ, (Yiddish) t...
schwartze 27 26 (Yiddish) a black pe...
sciaenids 18 14 SCIAENID, a member o...
sciaenoid 17 14 a member of the fami...
sciamachy 31 22 fighting with a shad...
sciatical 23 16 of or relating to th...
sciaticas 22 15 SCIATICA, neuritis o...
sciential 19 14 relating to or produ...
scientise 18 13 to treat in a scient...
scientism 20 16 the belief that the...
scientist 19 13 one who practises sc...
scientize 21 22 to treat in a scient...
scimetars 20 15 SCIMETAR, a curved o...
scimitars 21 15 SCIMITAR, a curved o...
scimiters 21 15 SCIMITER, a curved o...
scincoids 22 17 SCINCOID, a member o...
scintilla 21 15 (Latin) a spark; an...
sciolisms 22 16 SCIOLISM, superficia...
sciolists 21 13 SCIOLIST, one whose...
sciomachy 31 22 fighting with a shad...
sciomancy 28 21 divination with the...
sciophyte 29 19 any plant that grows...
sciosophy 29 19 a system of knowledg...
sciroccos 25 18 SCIROCCO, (Italian)...
scirrhoid 22 15 resembling a scirrhu...
scirrhous 22 15 resembling a scirrhu...
scissions 19 13 SCISSION, a division...
scissored 19 13 SCISSOR, to cut with...
scissorer 19 12 one who scissors [n...
scissures 20 13 SCISSURE, a lengthwi...
sciurines 19 14 SCIURINE, a member o...
sclaffers 24 19 SCLAFFER, one who sc...
sclaffing 25 22 SCLAFF, to strike th...
sclaunder 19 16 (obsolete) slander [...
sclereide 19 14 a thick-walled plant...
sclereids 20 14 SCLEREID, a thick-wa...
scleremas 20 16 SCLEREMA, (Greek) a...
sclerites 20 13 SCLERITE, a hard ske...
scleritic 24 16 of or like a sclerit...
scleritis 21 13 inflammation of the...
scleromas 20 16 SCLEROMA, a hardened...
sclerosal 20 14 affected with sclero...
sclerosed 19 14 SCLEROSE, to harden;...
scleroses 19 13 SCLEROSE, to harden;...
sclerosis 20 13 hardening; morbid ha...
sclerotal 20 14 a sclerotic bone or...
sclerotia 19 13 SCLEROTIUM, a harden...
sclerotic 23 16 hard, indurated, als...
sclerotin 19 14 in insects, a protei...
sclimming 24 22 SCLIM, (Scots) to cl...
scoffings 24 21 SCOFFING, the act of...
scofflaws 27 22 SCOFFLAW, a habitual...
scoinsons 17 14 SCOINSON, the inner...
scoldable 22 18 able to be scolded [...
scoldings 21 17 SCOLDING, a harsh re...
scolecids 23 17 SCOLECID, a worm of...
scolecite 22 16 a hydrous silicate o...
scolecoid 22 17 like a scolex, the h...
scoliomas 20 16 SCOLIOMA, abnormal c...
scolioses 19 13 SCOLIOSIS, a lateral...
scoliosis 20 13 a lateral curvature...
scoliotic 23 16 affected by scoliosi...
scolloped 22 18 SCOLLOP, to indent l...
scolytids 27 16 SCOLYTID, any one of...
scolytoid 26 16 a member of the Scol...
scombrids 23 19 SCOMBRID, a fish of...
scombroid 22 19 any member of the ma...
sconcheon 21 19 the inner part of a...
scontions 17 14 SCONTION, the inner...
scooching 24 20 SCOOCH, to compress...
scoopable 22 19 that can be scooped...
scoopfuls 24 20 SCOOPFUL, as much as...
scoopings 21 18 SCOOPING, the act of...
scoopsful 24 20 SCOOPFUL, as much as...
scooshing 21 17 SCOOSH, to squirt, a...
scootched 23 18 SCOOTCH, to compress...
scootches 23 17 SCOOTCH, to compress...
scootered 17 13 SCOOTER, to travel b...
scopelids 22 17 SCOPELID, a member o...
scopeloid 21 17 (Greek) a member of...
scopoline 20 17 a liquid extract of...
scopulate 21 17 like a scopula, a li...
scorbutic 25 19 pertaining to or aff...
scorchers 24 17 SCORCHER, (colloquia...
scorching 25 20 very hot [adj SCORCH...
scorecard 21 16 a card or sheet for...
scoreless 19 13 without a score [adj...
scoreline 18 14 the result in a game...
scorepads 20 16 SCOREPAD, a pad on w...
scorified 21 16 SCORIFY, to reduce t...
scorifier 21 15 a thing which scorif...
scorifies 21 15 SCORIFY, to reduce t...
scornings 19 16 SCORNING, the act of...
scorodite 18 13 an orthorhombic hydr...
scorpioid 21 16 a scorpion; a scorpi...
scorpions 20 16 SCORPION, any arachn...
scorrendo 17 14 (Italian) in a glidi...
scotching 25 20 SCOTCH, to frustrate...
scotomata 18 15 SCOTOMA, dizziness w...
scotomias 19 15 SCOTOMIA, (obsolete)...
scotomies 19 15 SCOTOMY, (obsolete)...
scotophil 24 18 liking darkness [adj...
scotopias 20 15 SCOTOPIA, vision in...
scoundrel 19 16 a rascal [n -S]
scourgers 20 15 SCOURGER, one who sc...
scourging 21 18 a flogging [n -S]
scourings 20 16 SCOURING, material r...
scoursing 20 16 SCOURSE, to barter,...
scouthers 21 15 SCOUTHER, to scorch,...
scouthery 27 17 scorching, singeing...
scoutings 20 16 SCOUTING, the act of...
scowdered 21 17 SCOWDER, to scorch,...
scowthers 24 17 SCOWTHER, (Scots) to...
scrabbing 24 21 SCRAB, (dialect) to...
scrabbled 24 20 SCRABBLE, to claw or...
scrabbler 24 19 one who scrabbles [n...
scrabbles 24 19 SCRABBLE, to claw or...
scraggier 21 16 SCRAGGY, skinny [adj...
scraggily 29 19 SCRAGGY, skinny [adv...
scragging 22 19 SCRAG, to wring the...
scraiched 24 18 SCRAICH, (Scots) to...
scraighed 22 17 SCRAIGH, (Scots) to...
scrambing 23 21 SCRAMB, (dialect) to...
scrambled 23 20 SCRAMBLE, to move hu...
scrambler 23 19 a telephone device f...
scrambles 23 19 SCRAMBLE, to move hu...
scramjets 22 24 SCRAMJET, a type of...
scramming 22 21 SCRAM, to leave quic...
scranched 23 19 SCRANCH, to crunch [...
scranches 23 18 SCRANCH, to crunch [...
scrannels 18 15 SCRANNEL, (archaic)...
scrannier 17 14 SCRANNY, thin, scraw...
scrapable 23 19 that can be scraped...
scrapbook 23 22 to keep cuttings in...
scrapegut 22 18 (archaic) a fiddler...
scrapheap 24 20 a place where old ir...
scrapings 22 18 SCRAPING, scraped of...
scrappage 23 20 allowance for scrap...
scrappers 23 18 SCRAPPER, a fighter...
scrappier 23 18 SCRAPPY, fragmentary...
scrappily 31 21 SCRAPPY, fragmentary...
scrapping 24 21 the act of making sc...
scrapples 24 19 SCRAPPLE, a mixture...
scrapyard 27 18 a place where old ir...
scratched 24 18 SCRATCH, to make a t...
scratcher 24 17 a tool for scratchin...
scratches 24 17 SCRATCH, to make a t...
scratchie 24 17 (Australian slang) a...
scratting 20 15 SCRAT, to scratch, a...
scrattled 20 14 SCRATTLE, to keep sc...
scrattles 20 13 SCRATTLE, to keep sc...
scrauched 24 19 SCRAUCH, to squawk,...
scraughed 22 18 SCRAUGH, (Scots) to...
scraveled 21 18 SCRAVEL, to move qui...
scrawbing 25 21 SCRAWB, to scrape wi...
scrawlers 23 16 SCRAWLER, one who sc...
scrawlier 23 16 SCRAWLY, written has...
scrawling 24 19 of writing, hasty, i...
scrawming 24 21 SCRAWM, (dialect) to...
scrawnier 21 16 SCRAWNY, extremely t...
scrawnily 29 19 SCRAWNY, extremely t...
scrawping 25 21 SCRAWP, (dialect) to...
screakier 19 16 SCREAKY, creaky [adj...
screaking 20 19 SCREAK, to creak [v]
screamers 19 15 SCREAMER, a gooselik...
screaming 20 18 uttering a scream [n...
screeched 23 18 SCREECH, to utter a...
screecher 23 17 one who screeches [n...
screeches 23 17 SCREECH, to utter a...
screeders 18 13 SCREEDER, a person w...
screeding 19 16 the material of a sc...
screeners 17 13 SCREENER, one who sc...
screenful 21 18 the contents of a sc...
screenies 17 13 SCREENIE, (Australia...
screening 18 16 the act of screening...
screeting 19 15 SCREET, (dialect) to...
screevers 20 16 SCREEVER, one who wr...
screeving 21 19 SCREEVE, to write be...
screiched 24 18 SCREICH, to shriek,...
screighed 22 17 SCREIGH, to shriek,...
screwable 24 19 that can be screwed...
screwball 26 20 a crazy person, an e...
screwbean 22 19 a leguminous shrub o...
screwiest 22 15 SCREWY, (colloquial)...
screwings 23 18 SCREWING, the act of...
screwlike 24 20 like a screw [adj]
screwtops 24 18 SCREWTOP, a bottle w...
screwworm 26 21 the larva of a dipte...
scribable 24 19 capable of being wri...
scribbled 25 20 SCRIBBLE, to write h...
scribbler 25 19 one who scribbles [n...
scribbles 25 19 SCRIBBLE, to write h...
scribings 23 18 SCRIBING, the act of...
scribisms 24 18 SCRIBISM, the charac...
scrieched 24 18 SCRIECH, (Scots) to...
scrieving 22 19 SCRIEVE, (Scots) to...
scriggled 23 18 SCRIGGLE, to wriggle...
scriggles 23 17 SCRIGGLE, to wriggle...
scrimmage 22 20 a noisy dispute or t...
scrimpers 23 18 SCRIMPER, one who sc...
scrimpier 23 18 SCRIMPY, scanty [adj...
scrimpily 31 21 SCRIMPY, scanty [adv...
scrimping 24 21 the exercise of frug...
scrimshaw 26 20 to ornament, as shel...
scrimures 21 16 SCRIMURE, (obsolete)...
scrippage 24 20 the contents of a sc...
scripters 22 15 SCRIPTER, one who sc...
scripting 23 18 SCRIPT, to prepare a...
scriptory 28 17 by, in or relating t...
scripture 22 16 a biblical writing [...
scritched 25 18 SCRITCH, to utter a...
scritches 25 17 SCRITCH, to utter a...
scrivener 20 17 (historical) a scrib...
scrobbing 24 21 SCROB, to scrape wit...
scrobbled 24 20 SCROBBLE, of an onli...
scrobbles 24 19 SCROBBLE, of an onli...
scroddled 20 16 of pottery, made of...
scrofulas 22 17 SCROFULA, tuberculos...
scroggier 21 16 SCROGGY, abounding i...
scroggins 21 17 SCROGGIN, (Australia...
scrollers 21 14 SCROLLER, someone or...
scrolling 22 17 the act of moving te...
scrooched 23 18 SCROOCH, to crouch,...
scrooches 23 17 SCROOCH, to crouch,...
scrooging 20 17 SCROOGE, to crowd; t...
scrooping 21 18 SCROOP, to make a ha...
scrougers 20 15 SCROUGER, (US archai...
scrouging 21 18 SCROUGE, to crowd; t...
scrounged 19 17 SCROUNGE, to gather...
scrounger 19 16 one who scrounges [n...
scrounges 19 16 SCROUNGE, to gather...
scrowdged 23 19 SCROWDGE, to crowd;...
scrowdges 23 18 SCROWDGE, to crowd;...
scrowling 24 19 SCROWLE, to draft, a...
scrubbers 24 19 SCRUBBER, an apparat...
scrubbier 24 19 SCRUBBY, inferior in...
scrubbily 32 22 SCRUBBY, inferior in...
scrubbing 25 22 the act of scrubbing...
scrubland 22 19 land covered by scru...
scruffier 24 19 SCRUFFY, untidy, dir...
scruffily 32 22 SCRUFFY, untidy, dir...
scruffing 25 22 SCRUFF, in rugby, to...
scrumdown 23 21 the act of forming a...
scrummage 22 21 a noisy dispute or t...
scrummier 22 19 SCRUMMY, (colloquial...
scrummies 22 19 SCRUMMIE, (slang) a...
scrumming 23 22 SCRUM, to mill aroun...
scrumpies 23 19 SCRUMPY, a kind of r...
scrumping 24 22 SCRUMP, to gather wi...
scrumpled 24 21 SCRUMPLE, to crumple...
scrumples 24 20 SCRUMPLE, to crumple...
scrunched 24 20 SCRUNCH, to crush [v...
scrunches 24 19 SCRUNCH, to crush [v...
scrunchie 24 19 a piece of elastic,...
scruntier 19 14 SCRUNTY, (Scots) stu...
scruplers 23 17 SCRUPLER, one who ha...
scrupling 24 20 SCRUPLE, to hesitate...
scrutable 22 17 discoverable by scru...
scrutator 19 13 one who investigates...
scrutoire 19 13 (French) an escritoi...
scuddaler 20 16 in Shetland, the lea...
scuddling 22 19 SCUDDLE, to run hast...
scufflers 25 20 SCUFFLER, one who sc...
scuffling 26 23 a rough confused str...
scullings 23 18 SCULLING, the act of...
scullions 21 16 SCULLION, a kitchen...
sculpting 24 20 SCULPT, to form an i...
sculptors 23 17 SCULPTOR, one who sc...
sculpture 23 18 to carve in stone [v...
scultches 26 19 SCULTCH, rubbish, al...
scumballs 25 21 SCUMBALL, a dirtbag...
scumbered 22 20 SCUMBER, (archaic) t...
scumbling 25 23 the act of scumbling...
scummiest 22 19 SCUMMY, covered with...
scummings 23 22 SCUMMING, matter rem...
scuncheon 22 20 the inner part of a...
scundered 18 16 (Irish dialect) emba...
scungiest 20 16 SCUNGY, (Australian...
scungille 22 18 (Italian) the meat o...
scungilli 23 18 (Italian) conch used...
scunnered 17 16 SCUNNER, to feel loa...
scuppaugs 25 22 SCUPPAUG, a marine f...
scuppered 23 20 SCUPPER, to thwart,...
scurfiest 22 16 SCURFY, covered with...
scurriers 20 13 SCURRIER, (obsolete)...
scurriour 20 14 (obsolete) a scout,...
scurrying 27 18 SCURRY, to move hurr...
scurviest 22 17 SCURVY, scabby, mean...
scutation 18 14 the state of being s...
scutcheon 23 19 a shield bearing a c...
scutchers 25 18 SCUTCHER, one who sc...
scutching 26 21 the act of beating o...
scutellar 21 15 like a scutella, a s...
scutellum 23 19 a scale on a bird's...
scutiform 23 19 shield-shaped [adj]
scutigers 21 15 SCUTIGER, a kind of...
scuttered 19 14 SCUTTER, to run hast...
scuttlers 21 14 SCUTTLER, one who sc...
scuttling 22 17 he act of sinking a...
scutworks 24 20 SCUTWORK, tedious or...
scuzzbags 29 36 SCUZZBAG, a dirty, d...
scuzzball 30 36 a dirty, disreputabl...
scuzziest 26 31 SCUZZY, dirty or sha...
scybalous 28 19 of or like a scybalu...
scytheman 27 20 one who uses a scyth...
scythemen 27 20 SCYTHEMAN, one who u...
sdeigning 17 16 SDEIGNE, (obsolete)...
seablites 18 13 SEABLITE, a salt-mar...
seaboards 16 13 SEABOARD, the line w...
seabottle 17 13 a translucent inflat...
seacoasts 17 12 SEACOAST, land borde...
seacrafts 20 15 SEACRAFT, skill in n...
seadromes 15 13 SEADROME, a floating...
seafarers 16 12 SEAFARER, one who tr...
seafaring 17 15 travelling by sea [n...
seafloors 17 13 SEAFLOOR, the bottom...
seafronts 16 13 SEAFRONT, an area al...
seahorses 16 11 SEAHORSE, any marine...
seahounds 16 14 SEAHOUND, the dogfis...
sealeries 15 10 SEALERY, the occupat...
sealifted 18 14 SEALIFT, to transpor...
sealpoint 17 14 a variety of Siamese...
sealskins 17 15 SEALSKIN, the skin o...
sealwaxes 24 20 SEALWAX, sealing wax...
sealyhams 25 17 SEALYHAM, a terrier...
seaminess 15 13 the state of being s...
seamounts 15 14 SEAMOUNT, a volcanic...
seamsters 16 12 SEAMSTER, a person w...
seannachy 24 18 (Gaelic) a Highland...
seapieces 19 15 SEAPIECE, a picture...
seaplanes 16 14 SEAPLANE, an airplan...
seaquakes 23 23 SEAQUAKE, an underse...
seaquaria 22 19 SEAQUARIUM, an ocean...
searchers 20 14 SEARCHER, one that s...
searching 21 17 the act of conductin...
searingly 23 15 SEARING, burning [ad...
searobins 16 13 SEAROBIN, an America...
seascapes 19 15 SEASCAPE, a picture...
seascouts 18 13 SEASCOUT, a boy trai...
seashells 19 13 SEASHELL, the shell...
seashores 16 11 SEASHORE, land borde...
seasicker 19 16 SEASICK, affected wi...
seasonals 14 11 SEASONAL, a seasonal...
seasoners 13 10 SEASONER, one who se...
seasoning 14 13 the process or act b...
seaspeaks 17 16 SEASPEAK, a restrict...
seastrand 14 11 the seashore [n -S]
seatbacks 21 19 SEATBACK, the back o...
seatbelts 18 13 SEATBELT, an arrange...
seatmates 15 12 SEATMATE, one with w...
seatrains 14 10 SEATRAIN, a ship equ...
seatrouts 15 10 SEATROUT, a marine f...
seatworks 19 16 SEATWORK, work done...
seawalled 19 15 having a seawall [ad...
seawardly 25 16 SEAWARD [adv]
seawaters 17 12 SEAWATER, water from...
seaworthy 26 16 able to be used on t...
sebaceous 19 16 of or like tallow [a...
sebestens 16 13 SEBESTEN, (Arabic) a...
seborrhea 18 14 a morbidly increased...
sebundies 17 15 SEBUNDY, an Indian i...
secaloses 18 13 SECALOSE, a complex...
secateurs 18 13 SECATEUR, a pruning...
secernent 16 14 secretory [adj] / a...
secerning 18 16 SECERN, to discern a...
seceshers 20 14 SECESHER, a secessio...
secession 17 13 the act of seceding...
secluding 21 18 SECLUDE, to remove o...
seclusion 19 15 the state of being s...
seclusive 22 18 tending to seclude [...
secodonts 17 14 SECODONT, the cuttin...
secondary 23 16 subordinate [adj SEC...
secondees 16 14 SECONDEE, a person o...
seconders 17 14 SECONDER, one who se...
seconding 18 17 the act of supportin...
secrecies 21 15 SECRECY, the conditi...
secretage 18 14 treatment of furs wi...
secretary 24 14 a person who types a...
secretest 18 12 SECRET, hidden [adj]
secreting 19 15 SECRETE, to emit by...
secretins 18 13 SECRETIN, a hormone...
secretion 17 13 something that is se...
secretive 20 16 inclined to or fond...
secretors 18 12 SECRETOR, one that s...
secretory 24 14 secreting, as secret...
sectarial 19 13 distinguishing a sec...
sectarian 17 13 relating to a sect [...
sectaries 18 12 SECTARY, a member of...
sectators 18 12 SECTATOR, an adheren...
sectility 27 15 the state of being s...
sectional 18 14 in sections [adj SEC...
sectioned 17 14 SECTION, to divide i...
sectorial 19 13 adapted for cutting...
sectoring 19 15 SECTOR, to divide in...
sectorise 18 12 to divide into secto...
sectorize 21 21 to divide into secto...
secularly 27 17 SECULAR, not spiritu...
secundine 17 16 the second of the tw...
securable 21 17 that may be secured...
securance 20 17 the act of securing...
securitan 18 14 (obsolete) someone w...
sedations 14 11 SEDATION, the reduct...
sedatives 17 14 SEDATIVE, a drug the...
sedentary 20 13 sitting; living in a...
sederunts 15 12 SEDERUNT, (Latin) a...
sedgeland 16 15 land where sedge gro...
sediments 16 14 SEDIMENT, to settle...
seditions 15 11 SEDITION, incitement...
seditious 16 11 relating to sedition...
seducible 22 18 capable of being sed...
seducings 20 17 SEDUCING, the act of...
seduction 18 15 the act of seducing...
seductive 21 18 tending to seduce, a...
seductors 19 14 SEDUCTOR, (obsolete)...
seedboxes 22 20 SEEDBOX, part of a p...
seedcakes 18 17 SEEDCAKE, a sweet ca...
seedcases 17 13 SEEDCASE, the protec...
seedeater 13 10 a bird that eats see...
seedheads 16 13 SEEDHEAD, a seed-con...
seediness 14 11 the state of being s...
seedlings 17 14 SEEDLING, a young pl...
seedstock 19 17 livestock used for b...
seedtimes 16 13 SEEDTIME, the season...
seemingly 24 18 SEEMING, apparent [a...
seemliest 17 13 SEEMLY, of pleasing...
seemlihed 19 16 (obsolete) seemlines...
seemlyhed 25 18 (Spenser) seemliness...
seeresses 14 9 SEERESS, a female se...
seesawing 18 15 SEESAW, to move up a...
seethings 18 14 SEETHING, the act of...
segholate 18 14 in Hebrew, a disylla...
segmental 17 16 relating to, or bein...
segmented 16 16 SEGMENT, to divide i...
segolates 16 12 SEGOLATE, in Hebrew,...
segregant 16 14 a genetic segregate...
segregate 16 13 to keep apart from [...
seicentos 17 13 SEICENTO, (Italian)...
seigneurs 16 13 SEIGNEUR, a feudal l...
seigneury 22 15 esp. in France and C...
seigniors 16 12 SEIGNIOR, a feudal l...
seigniory 22 14 feudal lordship, als...
seignoral 16 13 related to a seignio...
seismical 21 16 relating to earthqua...
seismisms 19 15 SEISMISM, the natura...
selachian 20 16 a member of the shar...
seladangs 16 14 SELADANG, a kind of...
selamliks 20 18 SELAMLIK, (Turkish)...
seldshown 21 17 (Shakespeare) rarely...
selectees 18 13 SELECTEE, one that i...
selecting 20 16 SELECT, to choose [v...
selection 18 14 the act of selecting...
selective 21 17 liking to choose [ad...
selectman 19 17 one of a board of to...
selectmen 19 17 SELECTMAN, one of a...
selectors 19 13 SELECTOR, something...
selenates 14 11 SELENATE, a salt of...
selenides 15 12 SELENIDE, a compound...
selenious 15 12 of selenium in lower...
selenites 15 11 SELENITE, a variety...
selenitic 19 14 pertaining to seleni...
seleniums 17 15 SELENIUM, a nonmetal...
selenoses 14 11 SELENOSIS, selenium...
selenosis 15 11 selenium poisoning [...
selfheals 21 16 SELFHEAL, a perennia...
selfhoods 20 16 SELFHOOD, the state...
selfishly 29 18 SELFISH, concerned o...
selfwards 22 17 towards oneself, als...
selictars 20 13 SELICTAR, (Turkish)...
sellotape 18 14 (tradename) a kind o...
selvagees 18 16 SELVAGEE, an untwist...
selvaging 20 19 SELVAGE, to border a...
selvedged 19 18 SELVEDGE, to border...
selvedges 19 17 SELVEDGE, to border...
semainier 15 13 (French) a chest of...
semanteme 15 16 an irreducible lingu...
semantics 19 16 the study of meaning...
semantide 15 14 a molecule carrying...
semantron 14 14 (Greek) a wooden or...
semaphore 19 17 a method of signalli...
semblable 22 20 (obsolete) similar [...
semblably 29 22 SEMBLABLE, (obsolete...
semblance 21 20 an outward appearanc...
semblants 19 17 SEMBLANT, (archaic)...
semeiotic 19 15 relating to signs or...
semesters 16 12 SEMESTER, (Latin) a...
semestral 17 13 half-yearly, also SE...
semiangle 17 16 the half of a given,...
semibolds 20 17 SEMIBOLD, a typeface...
semibreve 20 19 the longest generall...
semibulls 22 18 SEMIBULL, a bull iss...
semicolon 19 17 the punctuation mark...
semicomas 20 18 SEMICOMA, a coma fro...
semicured 20 17 partly cured [adj]
semideify 25 18 to make something pa...
semidomed 17 17 having a half dome [...
semidomes 17 16 SEMIDOME, a half dom...
semidrier 17 13 SEMIDRY, half dry [a...
semidwarf 22 19 a plant that is half...
semierect 19 15 half erect [adj]
semifinal 19 17 the round before the...
semifluid 21 18 something that is im...
semigalas 18 15 SEMIGALA, an event s...
semiglobe 20 18 a half globe, a hemi...
semigloss 19 15 somewhat gloss [adj]
semigroup 20 18 a mathematical group...
semihobos 20 17 SEMIHOBO, a person h...
semillons 18 15 SEMILLON, a white gr...
semilunar 17 15 shaped like a half m...
semilunes 17 15 SEMILUNE, (French) a...
semimatte 17 15 having a slight lust...
semimetal 18 16 a metal that is not...
semimicro 21 18 somewhat micro [adj]
semimoist 18 15 slightly moist [adj]
semimutes 18 16 SEMIMUTE, a person w...
seminally 24 17 SEMINAL, pertaining...
seminated 15 14 SEMINATE, to sow [v]
seminates 15 13 SEMINATE, to sow [v]
seminomad 16 17 one leading a partia...
seminomas 16 16 SEMINOMA, a malignan...
semiology 24 17 the study of signs a...
semiotics 20 15 SEMIOTIC [n]
semipious 19 16 quite pious [adj]
semiplume 21 20 a feather with an or...
semipolar 19 16 as in semipolar bond...
semirigid 19 15 partly rigid [adj]
semiround 16 15 something half round...
semirural 18 14 partly rural [adj]
semisolid 18 14 partly solid [adj] /...
semisolus 18 14 an advertisement on...
semistiff 22 18 somewhat stiff [adj]
semisweet 19 15 somewhat sweet [adj]
semitaurs 17 13 SEMITAUR, (obsolete)...
semitists 18 12 SEMITIST, a Semitic...
semitonal 16 14 of or pertaining to...
semitones 15 13 SEMITONE, half a ton...
semitonic 19 16 of or pertaining to...
semitruck 22 20 an articulated lorry...
semiurban 18 17 somewhat urban [adj]
semivocal 22 20 of or relating to a...
semivowel 22 20 a speech sound havin...
semiwater 19 15 as in semiwater gas,...
semiworks 21 19 a manufacturing plan...
semolinas 16 14 SEMOLINA, a granular...
sempsters 19 15 SEMPSTER, a person w...
semunciae 18 17 SEMUNCIA, (Latin) a...
semuncial 20 18 relating to a semunc...
semuncias 19 17 SEMUNCIA, (Latin) a...
senescent 16 14 growing old [adj]
seneschal 20 16 (historical) an agen...
senescing 18 16 SENESCE, to become o...
sengreens 14 13 SENGREEN, houseleek,...
senhorita 16 12 (Spanish) a mode of...
seniority 21 12 the state of being s...
sennachie 18 16 (Gaelic) a Highland...
sennights 18 15 SENNIGHT, (archaic)...
senoritas 14 10 SENORITA, (Spanish)...
sensately 21 13 SENSATE, felt throug...
sensating 15 13 SENSATE, to apprehen...
sensation 13 11 consciousness of a p...
senseless 15 11 without sense [adj S...
sensibler 18 14 SENSIBLE, showing go...
sensibles 18 14 SENSIBLE, something...
sensillae 16 12 SENSILLA, (Latin) in...
sensillum 19 16 (Latin) in insects,...
sensitise 15 10 to make sensitive, a...
sensitive 17 14 having the power of...
sensitize 18 19 to make sensitive, a...
sensorial 15 11 related to the senso...
sensorily 22 13 SENSORY, pertaining...
sensorium 16 14 the area of the brai...
sensually 23 15 SENSUAL, pertaining...
sentenced 16 15 SENTENCE, to declare...
sentencer 16 14 one who sentences [n...
sentences 16 14 SENTENCE, to declare...
sententia 13 11 (Latin) an aphorism;...
sentience 16 14 the state of being s...
sentiency 23 16 the state of being s...
sentients 14 11 SENTIENT, a person o...
sentiment 15 14 a thought or body of...
sentinels 15 12 SENTINEL, to stand g...
sepadding 18 17 SEPAD, to suppose, u...
separable 19 16 that can be separate...
separably 26 18 SEPARABLE, that can...
separated 16 13 SEPARATE, to set or...
separates 16 12 SEPARATE, to set or...
separator 16 12 something that separ...
separatum 18 16 a separate offprint...
sepiments 18 16 SEPIMENT, a hedge [n...
sepiolite 18 13 hydrated magnesium s...
septarian 16 13 relating to a septar...
septarium 19 16 a nodule of mineral...
septation 16 13 the state of being s...
septemfid 21 19 split into seven [ad...
septemvir 21 19 (Latin) one of a boa...
septenary 22 15 a group of seven [n...
septennia 15 14 SEPTENNIUM, a period...
septettes 17 12 SEPTETTE, a group of...
septicity 28 17 the state of being s...
septiform 21 18 shaped like a partit...
septimole 19 16 a group of seven not...
septlevas 20 17 SEPTLEVA, (French) i...
septorias 17 12 SEPTORIA, a type of...
septupled 21 18 SEPTUPLE, to make se...
septuples 21 17 SEPTUPLE, to make se...
septuplet 21 17 one of seven childre...
sepulcher 24 19 a receptacle in an a...
sepulchre 24 19 a receptacle in an a...
sepulture 19 15 the act of depositin...
sequacity 33 24 the state of being s...
sequelise 24 20 to create a sequel t...
sequelize 27 29 to create a sequel t...
sequenced 25 24 SEQUENCE, to arrange...
sequencer 25 23 a device connected t...
sequences 25 23 SEQUENCE, to arrange...
sequently 30 23 SEQUENT, following [...
sequester 23 19 to set apart; to sei...
sequestra 23 19 SEQUESTRUM, (Latin)...
sequining 24 23 SEQUIN, to apply shi...
sequinned 22 22 SEQUIN, to apply shi...
sequiturs 25 20 SEQUITUR, (Latin) so...
serafiles 18 13 SERAFILE, men riding...
seraglios 17 12 SERAGLIO, a harem, a...
seraphims 21 17 SERAPHIM, in Christi...
seraphine 18 15 a kind of small reed...
seraphins 19 15 SERAPHIN, (Portugues...
seraskier 16 13 (historical) a gener...
serenaded 13 12 SERENADE, to address...
serenader 13 11 one who serenades [n...
serenades 13 11 SERENADE, to address...
serenatas 13 10 SERENATA, (Italian)...
serenated 13 11 SERENATE, to calm, m...
serenates 13 10 SERENATE [n]
serfhoods 19 15 SERFHOOD, the state...
serfships 23 17 SERFSHIP, the state...
sergeancy 24 17 the office or rank o...
sergeants 15 12 SERGEANT, a noncommi...
sergeanty 21 14 a condition of tenur...
serialise 16 10 to convert into seri...
serialism 18 13 serial technique, or...
serialist 17 10 a writer of serials...
seriality 23 12 the state of being s...
serialize 19 19 to convert into seri...
seriately 22 12 SERIATE, arranged in...
seriating 16 12 SERIATE, to arrange...
seriation 14 10 arrangement or posit...
sericeous 18 13 of leaves, covered w...
sericites 19 12 SERICITE, a silky po...
sericitic 23 15 like sericite, a sil...
serigraph 21 16 a silkscreen print [...
serinette 14 10 (French) a small bar...
seriously 23 13 SERIOUS, thoughtful...
serjeancy 25 24 the office or rank o...
serjeants 16 19 SERJEANT, a noncommi...
serjeanty 22 21 (historical) a condi...
sermoneer 14 13 a preacher; a sermon...
sermoners 15 13 SERMONER, a preacher...
sermonets 15 13 SERMONET, a short se...
sermoning 16 16 preaching a sermon [...
sermonise 15 13 to deliver or compos...
sermonize 18 22 to deliver or compos...
serogroup 18 15 any group of bacteri...
serologic 20 15 as in serologic typi...
seropuses 17 13 SEROPUS, a mixture o...
serotinal 15 11 relating to a seroti...
serotines 14 10 SEROTINE, a kind of...
serotonin 13 11 a compound occurring...
serotyped 23 15 SEROTYPE, to classif...
serotypes 23 14 SEROTYPE, to classif...
serotypic 27 17 relating to a seroty...
serpentry 23 15 serpents collectivel...
serpigoes 18 14 SERPIGO, a spreading...
serpulids 20 15 SERPULID, a marine w...
serpulite 19 14 a fossil serpula she...
serranids 15 11 SERRANID, a group of...
serranoid 14 11 any of a group of fi...
serrating 16 12 SERRATE, to supply w...
serration 14 10 the state of being s...
serrature 15 10 a notching, like tha...
serrefile 18 13 (French) a file of o...
serricorn 18 13 a kind of beetle wit...
serriedly 23 13 SERRIED [adv]
serriform 19 15 resembling a notched...
serrulate 16 11 finely serrate; havi...
seruewing 19 16 SERUEWE, (Spenser) t...
servanted 16 15 SERVANT, to act as s...
servantry 23 16 a body of servants;...
serveable 19 17 capable of being ser...
serveries 17 13 SERVERY, a room or r...
servewing 21 19 SERVEWE, (Spenser) t...
servicers 21 16 SERVICER, one who se...
servicing 22 19 the act of maintaini...
serviette 17 13 (French) a table-nap...
servilely 26 17 SERVILE, slavish, fa...
servilism 21 17 system of slavery or...
servility 26 16 the state of being s...
servitors 18 13 SERVITOR, one who se...
servitude 18 15 the state of being a...
servquals 27 24 SERVQUAL, a marketin...
sesamoids 16 13 SESAMOID, a small ro...
sessility 24 12 the quality of being...
sessional 15 11 of or pertaining to...
sesspools 18 13 SESSPOOL, a covered...
sesterces 18 12 SESTERCE, (Latin) a...
sestertia 15 9 SESTERTIUM, (Latin)...
sestertii 16 9 SESTERTIUS, (Latin)...
sestettes 15 9 SESTETTE, a group of...
sestettos 15 9 SESTETTO, a piece of...
setaceous 17 13 set with, or consist...
setenants 13 11 SETENANT, (French) i...
setnesses 14 10 SETNESS, the state o...
setscrews 22 15 SETSCREW, a type of...
settering 16 12 SETTER, to treat wit...
settlings 18 13 SETTLING, the residu...
sevenfold 19 19 multiplied by seven...
seventeen 14 15 a number, ten and se...
seventhly 26 19 SEVENTH, seventh in...
seventies 16 14 SEVENTY, a number [n...
severable 19 17 that can be severed...
severally 25 17 SEVERAL, various [ad...
severalty 24 16 separateness; separa...
severance 18 17 the act of severing...
sewellels 21 15 SEWELLEL, (Native Am...
sewerages 18 14 SEWERAGE, the waste...
sewerings 19 15 SEWERING, the provis...
sewerless 19 13 without a sewer [adj...
sewerlike 20 17 like a sewer [adj]
sexaholic 27 22 someone addicted to...
sexennial 20 19 lasting six years, o...
sexercise 24 19 sexual activity rega...
sexlessly 30 20 SEXLESS, lacking sex...
sexlinked 23 23 of a gene, found on...
sexologic 26 22 relating to sexology...
sextanses 20 17 SEXTANS, a Roman gol...
sextantal 21 18 relating to a sextan...
sextarius 22 17 (Latin) an ancient R...
sextettes 21 16 SEXTETTE, a piece of...
sextolets 22 17 SEXTOLET, a group of...
sextoness 20 17 a female sexton; a s...
sextupled 25 22 SEXTUPLE, to multipl...
sextuples 25 21 SEXTUPLE, to multipl...
sextuplet 25 21 one of six children...
sexualise 22 18 to render sexual, al...
sexualism 24 21 emphasis on sex [n -...
sexualist 23 18 one who classifies p...
sexuality 29 20 sexual quality or or...
sexualize 25 27 to render sexual, al...
sexvalent 23 22 of a valency of six,...
sforzandi 20 23 SFORZANDO, a suddenl...
sforzando 19 23 a suddenly emphasise...
sforzatos 20 21 SFORZATO, (Italian)...
sgraffiti 22 17 SGRAFFITO, (Italian)...
sgraffito 21 17 (Italian) the techni...
shabbatot 21 17 (Hebrew) Jewish sabb...
shabbiest 22 17 SHABBY, not smart [a...
shabracks 24 21 SHABRACK, (historica...
shackiest 22 18 SHACKY, dilapidated...
shacklers 23 19 SHACKLER, one who sh...
shackling 24 22 SHACKLE, to confine...
shadberry 26 17 the edible fruit of...
shadblows 24 19 SHADBLOW, an America...
shadchans 22 18 SHADCHAN, a Jewish m...
shaddocks 22 20 SHADDOCK, a grapefru...
shadeless 18 13 without shade [adj]
shadflies 21 16 SHADFLY, the mayfly...
shadiness 17 13 the state of being s...
shadkhans 20 19 SHADKHAN, (Hebrew) a...
shadowbox 28 25 to practise sparring...
shadowers 20 15 SHADOWER, one who sh...
shadowier 20 15 SHADOWY, full of sha...
shadowily 28 18 SHADOWY, full of sha...
shadowing 21 18 making dark or gloom...
shadrachs 23 17 SHADRACH, a mass of...
shaftings 21 17 SHAFTING, a system o...
shaftless 21 15 without shafts [adj]
shagbarks 22 20 SHAGBARK, a rough-ba...
shaggable 22 19 worthy of a shag, i....
shaggiest 20 15 SHAGGY, covered with...
shagreens 17 14 SHAGREEN, the rough...
shagroons 17 14 SHAGROON, (Irish) an...
shahadahs 21 16 SHAHADAH, (Arabic) t...
shahtoosh 21 15 (Persian) the soft w...
shakeable 20 19 that can be shaken,...
shakedown 20 20 any makeshift bed, e...
shakeouts 18 16 SHAKEOUT, a minor ec...
shakiness 18 16 the state of being s...
shalelike 20 17 like shale [adj]
shalloons 18 14 SHALLOON, a light wo...
shallowed 22 17 SHALLOW, to become s...
shallower 22 16 SHALLOW, not deep [a...
shallowly 30 19 SHALLOW, not deep [a...
shamanism 19 18 the religion of cert...
shamanist 18 15 an adherent of shama...
shamateur 18 15 an amateur who is ac...
shamblier 22 18 SHAMBLY, awkwardly [...
shambling 23 21 the act of shambling...
shambolic 25 21 chaotic [adj SHAMBOL...
shameable 20 18 capable of being sha...
shameably 27 20 SHAMEABLE, capable o...
shamefast 20 17 modest, bashful, als...
shameless 19 15 without shame [adj S...
shamianah 19 17 (Hindi) in India, a...
shamianas 17 15 SHAMIANA, (Hindi) in...
shamisens 18 15 SHAMISEN, (Japanese)...
shammasim 21 20 SHAMMAS, a minor off...
shammosim 21 20 SHAMMOS, (Hebrew) th...
shammying 27 22 SHAMMY, to prepare l...
shamoised 18 15 SHAMOIS, to clean wi...
shamoises 18 14 SHAMOIS, to clean wi...
shamoying 25 19 SHAMOY, to prepare s...
shampooed 19 18 SHAMPOO, to wash wit...
shampooer 19 17 one who shampoos [n...
shamrocks 23 21 SHAMROCK, a trifolia...
shanachie 21 17 (Gaelic) a Highland...
shandries 17 13 SHANDRY, a light, sp...
shanghais 20 16 SHANGHAI, to kidnap...
shankbone 18 20 the bone of the shan...
shantungs 18 16 SHANTUNG, (Chinese)...
shantyman 23 18 the solo singer in s...
shantymen 23 18 SHANTYMAN, the solo...
shapeable 21 18 that can be shaped,...
shapeless 20 15 without shape [adj S...
shapelier 20 15 SHAPELY, having a pl...
shapening 19 18 SHAPEN, to shape [v]
shapewear 21 17 underwear that shape...
shareable 19 15 that can be shared,...
sharecrop 22 17 of a tenant farmer,...
sharesman 17 15 a fisherman who shar...
sharesmen 17 15 SHARESMAN, a fisherm...
shareware 19 14 a computer program a...
sharifian 19 15 relating to a sharif...
sharkings 20 18 SHARKING, trickery,...
sharklike 21 20 like a shark [adj]
sharkskin 20 20 a smooth durable woo...
sharniest 17 12 SHARNY, like cow-dun...
sharpened 18 16 SHARPEN, to make sha...
sharpener 18 15 a device for sharpen...
sharpings 21 17 SHARPING, raising a...
sharpness 19 15 the state of being s...
shashlick 26 21 (Russian) a type of...
shashliks 23 18 SHASHLIK, (Russian)...
shattered 17 12 SHATTER, to break in...
shatterer 17 11 something or someone...
shauchled 24 19 SHAUCHLE, (Scots) to...
shauchles 24 18 SHAUCHLE, (Scots) to...
shaveable 21 19 capable of being sha...
shaveling 21 19 a tonsured cleric [n...
shavetail 20 16 (US slang) a second...
shawarmas 21 17 SHAWARMA, (Arabic) a...
shawlings 23 18 SHAWLING, the wearin...
shawlless 23 16 without a shawl [adj...
sheadings 18 15 SHEADING, an adminis...
sheafiest 19 14 SHEAFY, like sheafs...
sheaflike 21 19 like a sheaf [adj]
shealings 19 15 SHEALING, a rough hu...
shearings 18 14 SHEARING, the act of...
shearlegs 19 14 SHEARLEG, one of the...
shearling 19 15 a one-year-old sheep...
sheatfish 22 16 a European siluroid...
sheathers 19 13 SHEATHER, one who sh...
sheathier 19 13 SHEATHY, sheathlike...
sheathing 20 16 the act of sheathing...
shebeened 17 16 SHEBEEN, to operate...
shebeener 17 15 one who keeps a sheb...
shechitah 25 18 (Hebrew) the slaught...
shechitas 23 16 SHECHITA, (Hebrew) t...
sheddable 20 17 capable of being cas...
sheddings 19 16 SHEDDING, the act of...
shedhands 19 16 SHEDHAND, a person w...
shedloads 18 14 SHEDLOAD, a large am...
sheeniest 16 12 SHEENY, bright, shin...
sheepcote 21 17 a small inclosure fo...
sheepcots 22 17 SHEEPCOT, a small en...
sheepdogs 20 17 SHEEPDOG, a dog trai...
sheepfold 22 19 a pen for sheep [n -...
sheephead 20 17 a large and valuable...
sheepiest 19 14 SHEEPY, sheeplike [a...
sheeplike 21 19 like a sheep [adj]
sheepskin 20 19 the skin of a sheep...
sheepwalk 24 22 a range of pasture f...
sheerlegs 19 14 SHEERLEG, one of the...
sheerness 16 12 the state of being s...
sheetiest 17 11 SHEETY, like sheets...
sheetings 18 14 SHEETING, cloth for...
sheetless 18 12 without a sheet [adj...
sheetlike 19 16 like a sheet [adj]
sheetrock 21 18 (tradename) a type o...
shehitahs 22 15 SHEHITAH, (Hebrew) t...
sheikdoms 20 19 SHEIKDOM, the domain...
sheikhdom 22 21 the domain of a shei...
sheilings 20 15 SHEILING, a rough hu...
sheldduck 24 22 a large duck of genu...
sheldrake 19 17 a male shelduck, als...
shelducks 24 21 SHELDUCK, a large du...
shelffuls 25 20 SHELFFUL, as much as...
shelfiest 21 15 SHELFY, abounding in...
shelflike 23 20 like a shelf [adj]
shelfroom 21 18 space or accommodati...
shellacks 24 20 SHELLACK, to cover w...
shellback 26 23 a veteran sailor, es...
shellbark 23 20 a species of hickory...
shellduck 25 22 a large duck of genu...
shellfire 22 16 the firing of shells...
shellfish 25 18 a shelled aquatic in...
shellfuls 24 18 SHELLFUL, enough to...
shelliest 20 13 SHELLY, abounding in...
shellings 21 16 SHELLING, the act of...
shellwork 24 20 work composed of she...
sheltered 18 13 SHELTER, to provide...
shelterer 18 12 one who shelters [n...
shelviest 21 16 SHELVY, having sandb...
shelvings 22 19 SHELVING, material f...
shemozzle 25 33 (Yiddish) a mess, a...
shepherds 22 17 SHEPHERD, to watch o...
sherberts 20 14 SHERBERT, a frozen f...
sherifian 19 15 relating to a sherif...
sherlocks 23 19 SHERLOCK [n]
sherrises 18 11 SHERRIS, (archaic) s...
sherwanis 20 15 SHERWANI, (Hindi) in...
shetlands 18 14 SHETLAND, a lightwei...
sheuching 24 20 SHEUCH, to plant tem...
sheughing 22 19 SHEUGH, (Scots) to p...
shewbread 22 18 twelve loaves placed...
shibuichi 27 20 (Japanese) an alloy...
shickered 22 19 (Australian slang) d...
shielders 19 13 SHIELDER, one who sh...
shielding 20 16 the act of protectin...
shielings 20 15 SHIELING, a rough hu...
shiftable 23 18 capable of being shi...
shiftiest 21 14 SHIFTY, evasive [adj...
shiftings 22 17 SHIFTING, the act of...
shiftless 22 15 feckless [adj SHIFTL...
shiftwork 25 21 a system of working...
shigellae 20 15 SHIGELLA, a rod-shap...
shigellas 21 15 SHIGELLA, a rod-shap...
shiitakes 19 15 SHIITAKE, (Japanese)...
shikarees 18 15 SHIKAREE, (Urdu) a h...
shikarred 19 16 SHIKAR, to hunt (ani...
shikkered 20 20 (Australian slang) d...
shilingis 21 15 SHILINGI, a monetary...
shillaber 22 16 an accomplice to a t...
shillalah 23 16 (Irish) an Irish cud...
shillalas 21 14 SHILLALA, (Irish) an...
shillelah 23 16 (Irish) an Irish cud...
shillings 22 16 SHILLING, a former m...
shimmered 20 18 SHIMMER, to glimmer...
shimmying 28 22 SHIMMY, to dance the...
shimozzle 26 33 (Yiddish) a mess, a...
shinbones 18 16 SHINBONE, the tibia...
shineless 18 13 without shine [adj]
shinesses 17 12 SHINESS, (obsolete)...
shinglers 20 15 SHINGLER, a person w...
shinglier 20 15 SHINGLY, covered wit...
shingling 21 18 shingles collectivel...
shinguard 19 16 a protection for the...
shininess 17 13 the state of being s...
shiningly 26 18 SHINING, bright, gle...
shinleafs 20 16 SHINLEAF, a perennia...
shinneyed 22 16 SHINNEY, to play a f...
shinnying 24 18 SHINNY, to climb by...
shintying 25 17 SHINTY, to play shin...
shipboard 22 18 a ship's side [n -S]
shipborne 21 18 carried by ship [adj...
shiploads 21 16 SHIPLOAD, a ship wit...
shipmates 21 17 SHIPMATE, a fellow s...
shipments 21 18 SHIPMENT, something...
shipowner 22 18 the owner of a ship...
shippable 25 21 that can be shipped...
shippings 24 20 SHIPPING, the busine...
shippound 22 20 in the Baltic ports,...
shipshape 24 19 in a seamanlike cond...
shipsides 21 15 SHIPSIDE, the area a...
shiptimes 22 17 SHIPTIME, the annual...
shipworms 25 20 SHIPWORM, a wormlike...
shipwreck 28 24 a wrecked ship [n -S...
shipyards 27 17 SHIPYARD, a place wh...
shiralees 18 12 SHIRALEE, (Australia...
shirralee 18 12 (Australian slang) a...
shirrings 20 14 SHIRRING, a puckered...
shirtband 20 16 the neckband of a sh...
shirtiest 19 11 SHIRTY, irritable, a...
shirtings 20 14 SHIRTING, fabric use...
shirtless 20 12 without a shirt [adj...
shirttail 20 12 the longer flap at t...
shitfaced 23 18 (slang) drunk [adj]
shitfaces 23 17 SHITFACE, a contempt...
shitheads 20 14 SHITHEAD, an unpleas...
shitheels 21 14 SHITHEEL, a contempt...
shitholes 21 14 SHITHOLE, a filthy p...
shithouse 20 14 (colloquial) a lavat...
shitlists 21 12 SHITLIST, a blacklis...
shitloads 19 13 SHITLOAD, (slang) a...
shittiest 19 11 SHITTY, very unpleas...
shitworks 23 18 SHITWORK, work consi...
shivareed 19 16 SHIVAREE, to perform...
shivarees 19 15 SHIVAREE, to perform...
shiverers 20 15 SHIVERER, one who sh...
shiverier 20 15 SHIVERY, shivering [...
shivering 21 18 trembling with fear...
shlemiehl 23 18 (Yiddish) an unlucky...
shlemiels 21 16 SHLEMIEL, (Yiddish)...
shleppers 23 18 SHLEPPER, (Yiddish)...
shleppier 23 18 SHLEPPY, shabby, run...
shlepping 24 21 SHLEPP, (Yiddish) to...
shlimazel 24 25 (Yiddish) an unlucky...
shlockier 23 19 SHLOCKY, of poor qua...
shloshims 23 17 SHLOSHIM, (Judaism)...
shlumpier 23 19 SHLUMPY, (Yiddish) s...
shlumping 24 22 SHLUMP, (Yiddish) to...
shmaltzes 23 24 SHMALTZ, (Yiddish) e...
shmearing 19 17 SHMEAR, (Yiddish) to...
shmeering 19 17 SHMEER, to bribe, al...
shmoosing 19 17 SHMOOSE, (Yiddish) t...
shmoozers 21 23 SHMOOZER, one who sh...
shmoozier 21 23 SHMOOZY, given to sh...
shmoozing 22 26 SHMOOZE, (Yiddish) t...
shmuckier 24 22 SHMUCKY, foolish, co...
shnorrers 17 12 SHNORRER, (Yiddish)...
shoaliest 18 12 SHOALY, full of shal...
shoalings 19 15 SHOALING, a shallow...
shoalness 17 13 shallowness [n -ES]
shoalwise 21 15 in shoals [adv]
shochetim 24 19 SHOCHET, (Hebrew) a...
shockable 24 22 able to be shocked [...
shoddiest 18 13 SHODDY, of poor qual...
shoebills 22 16 SHOEBILL, a large Af...
shoeblack 24 22 one who polishes sho...
shoeboxes 24 21 SHOEBOX, an oblong b...
shoebrush 22 17 a brush for cleaning...
shoehorns 18 14 SHOEHORN, to force i...
shoelaces 20 15 SHOELACE, a lace for...
shoemaker 18 18 one who makes shoes...
shoepacks 23 21 SHOEPACK, a waterpro...
shoeshine 18 14 the act of polishing...
shoetrees 16 11 SHOETREE, a device f...
shogglier 21 16 SHOGGLY, (Scots) sha...
shoggling 22 19 SHOGGLE, (Scots) to...
shogunate 17 15 the office or dignit...
shonkiest 18 16 SHONKY, (Australian...
shooflies 20 15 SHOOFLY, a child's r...
shooglier 19 14 SHOOGLY, (Scots) sha...
shoogling 20 17 SHOOGLE, (Scots) to...
shooshing 20 16 SHOOSH, to move with...
shootable 19 15 that can be shot [ad...
shootdown 19 16 the act of shooting...
shootings 18 14 SHOOTING, the act of...
shootists 18 11 SHOOTIST, a skilled...
shootouts 17 12 SHOOTOUT, a battle f...
shopboard 21 18 a bench or board on...
shopfront 21 18 the front of a shop...
shopgirls 23 17 SHOPGIRL, a salesgir...
shophroth 24 18 SHOPHAR, (Hebrew) a...
shoplifts 24 18 SHOPLIFT, to steal g...
shoppiest 22 17 SHOPPY, abounding wi...
shoppings 23 20 SHOPPING, the activi...
shoptalks 22 19 SHOPTALK, conversati...
shopwoman 22 21 a woman who works in...
shopwomen 22 21 SHOPWOMAN, a woman w...
shorebird 20 15 any of various birds...
shoreless 18 12 without a shore [adj...
shoreline 17 13 the line separating...
shoreside 17 12 the area near the sh...
shoresman 17 15 (US) one who dwells...
shoresmen 17 15 SHORESMAN, (US) one...
shoreward 20 15 in the direction of...
shoreweed 19 15 a plant of the plant...
shortages 18 13 SHORTAGE, an insuffi...
shortarse 17 11 (colloquial) a short...
shortcake 21 18 a brittle crumbling...
shortcuts 22 15 SHORTCUT, to take a...
shortened 16 13 SHORTEN, to check or...
shortener 16 12 someone or something...
shortfall 22 16 the fact or amount o...
shortgown 21 17 (Scots) a woman's sh...
shorthair 20 13 a breed of domestic...
shorthand 19 15 a system of writing...
shorthead 19 14 a fish, a species of...
shorthold 21 15 of or being a tenanc...
shorthorn 19 14 a breed of sheep [n...
shortlist 20 12 a list of candidates...
shortness 17 12 the state of being s...
shortstop 20 14 the player stationed...
shortwave 22 18 a radio wave with a...
shotfirer 20 14 the mining worker wh...
shotholes 20 14 SHOTHOLE, a hole dri...
shotmaker 19 18 in sport, a person w...
shotproof 21 17 proof against shot [...
shoulders 19 14 SHOULDER, to assume...
shouldest 19 14 SHALL, used as an au...
shouthers 20 14 SHOUTHER, (Scots) to...
shoutiest 18 12 SHOUTY, prone to sho...
shoutings 19 15 SHOUTING, the act of...
shoutline 18 14 a short line of text...
shoutouts 18 13 SHOUTOUT, a public g...
shovelers 20 16 SHOVELER, a kind of...
shovelful 24 21 as much as a shovel...
shoveling 21 19 SHOVEL, to use a dig...
shovelled 21 18 SHOVEL, to use a dig...
shoveller 21 17 a kind of duck with...
showbizzy 36 37 of or like showbiz,...
showboats 22 17 SHOWBOAT, to show of...
showboxes 28 24 SHOWBOX, a showman's...
showbread 22 18 twelve loaves placed...
showcased 23 18 SHOWCASE, to show so...
showcases 23 17 SHOWCASE, to show so...
showdowns 23 19 SHOWDOWN, an event t...
showerers 20 14 SHOWERER, one who sh...
showerful 24 19 full of showers [adj...
showerier 20 14 SHOWERY, abounding w...
showering 21 17 the act of taking a...
showgirls 24 17 SHOWGIRL, a chorus g...
showgoers 21 16 SHOWGOER, one who go...
showiness 20 15 the state of being s...
showjumps 27 30 SHOWJUMP, to take pa...
showmance 23 21 a romance between tw...
showmanly 28 21 having the manner of...
showpiece 25 20 something considered...
showplace 26 21 a place visited or s...
showrings 22 17 SHOWRING, a ring whe...
showrooms 21 17 SHOWROOM, a room use...
showtimes 22 17 SHOWTIME, the time a...
showyards 27 17 SHOWYARD, a yard for...
shraddhas 20 15 SHRADDHA, (Sanskrit)...
shrapnels 20 16 SHRAPNEL, fragments...
shredders 18 13 SHREDDER, a machine...
shreddier 18 13 SHREDDY, cut up [adj...
shredding 19 16 the act of shredding...
shredless 19 13 having no shreds; wi...
shreeking 19 18 SHREEK, (Shakespeare...
shreiking 20 18 SHREIK, (Milton) to...
shrewdest 21 15 SHREWD, having keen...
shrewdies 21 15 SHREWDIE, (Australia...
shrewlike 23 19 like a shrew [adj]
shrewmice 25 20 SHREWMOUSE, a shrew...
shrieched 23 17 SHRIECH, (Spenser) t...
shrieches 23 16 SHRIECH, (Spenser) t...
shriekers 19 15 SHRIEKER, one who sh...
shriekier 19 15 SHRIEKY, shrill [adj...
shrieking 20 18 shrill [adj SHRIEKIN...
shrieving 21 18 SHRIEVE, to hear a c...
shrillest 21 13 SHRILL, having a hig...
shrillier 21 13 SHRILLY, high-pitche...
shrilling 22 16 a piercing sound [n...
shrimpers 22 17 SHRIMPER, a fisher o...
shrimpier 22 17 SHRIMPY, abounding i...
shrimping 23 20 fishing for shrimps...
shrinkage 19 18 the amount by which...
shrinkers 19 16 SHRINKER, one who sh...
shrinking 20 19 drawing back, shy [a...
shritched 24 17 SHRITCH, to shriek,...
shritches 24 16 SHRITCH, to shriek,...
shriveled 21 17 SHRIVEL, to contract...
shrivings 22 18 SHRIVING, the act of...
shroffage 22 19 the examination of c...
shroffing 23 20 SHROFF, to test coin...
shroomers 18 14 SHROOMER, one who ta...
shrooming 19 17 SHROOM, to take magi...
shroudier 18 13 SHROUDY, giving shel...
shrouding 19 16 SHROUD, to attire in...
shrubbery 29 20 a collection of shru...
shrubbier 23 18 SHRUBBY, covered wit...
shrubbing 24 21 SHRUB, to lop; to cu...
shrubland 21 18 land covered by shru...
shrubless 22 16 having no shrubs [ad...
shrublike 23 20 resembling a shrub [...
shrugging 22 19 SHRUG, to raise and...
shtetlach 24 17 SHTETL, (Yiddish) fo...
shtickier 23 18 SHTICKY, like a shti...
shtupping 24 21 SHTUP, (Yiddish) to...
shubunkin 21 22 (Japanese) a type of...
shuckings 24 22 SHUCKING, the act of...
shuddered 18 15 SHUDDER, to shiver o...
shufflers 24 19 SHUFFLER, one who sh...
shuffling 25 22 walking without lift...
shunnable 19 18 that can be shunned...
shunpiked 21 21 SHUNPIKE, to travel...
shunpiker 21 20 one who avoids toll...
shunpikes 21 20 SHUNPIKE, to travel...
shuntings 19 16 SHUNTING, the act of...
shurikens 19 17 SHURIKEN, (Japanese)...
shutdowns 21 17 SHUTDOWN, a temporar...
shuttered 18 13 SHUTTER, to provide...
shuttlers 20 13 SHUTTLER, one who us...
shuttling 21 16 SHUTTLE, to move bac...
shvartzes 23 24 SHVARTZE, (Yiddish)...
shvitzing 25 27 SHVITZ, (Yiddish) to...
shwanpans 21 19 SHWANPAN, (Chinese)...
shweshwes 26 19 SHWESHWE, (South Afr...
shylocked 29 22 SHYLOCK, to lend mon...
shynesses 23 14 SHYNESS, the state o...
sialidans 16 12 SIALIDAN, an alderfl...
sialogram 18 15 an X-ray of the sali...
sialolith 20 13 a calculus in a sali...
siamesing 17 15 SIAMESE, to join pip...
siamezing 20 24 SIAMEZE, to join pip...
sibilance 21 17 pronunciation with a...
sibilancy 28 19 pronunciation with a...
sibilants 19 14 SIBILANT, a hissing...
sibilated 19 14 SIBILATE, to pronoun...
sibilates 19 13 SIBILATE, to pronoun...
sibilator 19 13 one who sibilates, h...
sibylline 26 17 of or like a sibyl,...
siccative 24 19 a drying agent [n -S...
siccities 23 15 SICCITY, dryness, ar...
siciliana 19 14 (Italian) a Sicilian...
siciliane 19 14 SICILIANA, (Italian)...
siciliano 19 14 (Italian) a Sicilian...
sickeners 19 17 SICKENER, a poisonou...
sickening 20 20 nauseating [adj SICK...
sickishly 31 21 SICKISH, somewhat si...
sickleman 21 21 one who uses a sickl...
sicklemen 21 21 SICKLEMAN, one who u...
sicklemia 22 20 a severe hereditary...
sicklemic 26 23 relating to sicklemi...
sickliest 22 17 SICKLY, in poor heal...
sicklying 29 22 SICKLY, to make sick...
sicknurse 20 18 to act in the manner...
sickrooms 21 19 SICKROOM, a room occ...
sidalceas 19 14 SIDALCEA, a plant of...
siddhuism 21 17 (Hinglish) any contr...
sidearmed 16 14 SIDEARM, to pitch a...
sidebands 17 15 SIDEBAND, a band of...
sideboard 17 14 a piece of dining-ro...
sidebones 16 14 SIDEBONE, ossificati...
sideburns 18 15 SIDEBURN, either of...
sidecheck 25 22 part of a horse's ha...
sidedness 15 12 the quality of havin...
sidedress 16 11 fertilizer placed on...
sidehills 21 14 SIDEHILL, the side o...
sidekicks 22 21 SIDEKICK, a partner...
sidelight 21 15 a coloured light on...
sidelined 16 13 SIDELINE, to remove...
sideliner 16 12 one who sidelines [n...
sidelines 16 12 SIDELINE, to remove...
sidelings 18 14 SIDELING, a slope (e...
sidelocks 21 18 SIDELOCK, a lock of...
sidemeats 16 13 SIDEMEAT, meat cut f...
sidenotes 14 11 SIDENOTE, a comment...
sidepaths 20 15 SIDEPATH, a byway or...
sidepiece 20 16 the jamb, or cheek,...
siderated 15 11 SIDERATE, to blast o...
siderates 15 10 SIDERATE, to blast o...
siderites 16 10 SIDERITE, a carbonat...
sideritic 20 13 relating to siderite...
sideroads 15 11 SIDEROAD, a byroad [...
sideroses 15 10 SIDEROSIS, a sort of...
siderosis 16 10 a sort of pneumonia...
siderotic 19 13 relating to siderosi...
sideshoot 17 12 a shoot growing off...
sideshows 21 15 SIDESHOW, a small sh...
sideslips 20 14 SIDESLIP, to slip to...
sidespins 18 14 SIDESPIN, a type of...
sidesteps 18 13 SIDESTEP, to step to...
sideswipe 21 16 a blow dealt from th...
sidetable 18 14 a small table at the...
sidetrack 20 17 a railway siding [n...
sidewalks 21 18 SIDEWALK, the paveme...
sidewalls 21 15 SIDEWALL, the side p...
sidewards 19 14 in a sideways direct...
sidewheel 21 16 one of the paddle wh...
sidlingly 26 17 SIDLING [adv]
siemenses 15 13 SIEMENS, a unit of e...
sierozems 19 21 SIEROZEM, (Russian)...
sievelike 19 18 like a sieve [adj]
siffleurs 22 17 SIFFLEUR, (French) a...
siffleuse 21 17 (French) a (female)...
siftingly 27 18 SIFTING, sieving [ad...
sighingly 28 19 SIGHING [adv]
sightable 22 17 that can be sighted,...
sightings 21 16 SIGHTING, an observa...
sightless 21 14 blind [adj SIGHTLESS...
sightlier 21 14 SIGHTLY, pleasing to...
sightline 20 15 a line of sight [n -...
sightseen 18 14 SIGHTSEE, to view pl...
sightseer 19 13 one who sightsees [n...
sightsees 19 13 SIGHTSEE, to view pl...
sightsman 20 17 one who reads or per...
sightsmen 20 17 SIGHTSMAN, one who r...
sigillary 26 15 of or pertaining to...
sigillate 19 13 sealed; with seallik...
sigmating 19 17 SIGMATE, to add a si...
sigmation 17 15 the addition of a si...
sigmatism 20 17 repetition of the si...
sigmatron 17 15 a machine generating...
sigmoidal 19 16 S-shaped, also SIGMA...
signalers 17 13 SIGNALER, (US) one w...
signaling 18 16 the act of sending a...
signalise 17 13 to make signal or em...
signalize 20 22 to make signal or em...
signalled 18 15 SIGNAL, to make a si...
signaller 18 14 one who signals, als...
signalman 17 17 a person who operate...
signalmen 17 17 SIGNALMAN, a person...
signaries 16 12 SIGNARY, a system of...
signatory 22 14 having signed a trea...
signature 16 13 a signing, a signed...
signboard 18 16 a board bearing a no...
signeting 17 15 SIGNET, to mark with...
signeurie 16 13 (Shakespeare) senior...
signieurs 17 13 SIGNIEUR, (Shakespea...
significs 23 18 the science of meani...
signified 19 16 SIGNIFY, to make kno...
signifier 19 15 something that signi...
signifies 19 15 SIGNIFY, to make kno...
signorial 17 13 relating to a signor...
signorias 16 12 SIGNORIA, (Italian)...
signories 16 12 SIGNORY, feudal lord...
signorina 15 13 (Italian) miss; a ti...
signorine 15 13 SIGNORINA, (Italian)...
signorini 16 13 SIGNORINO, (Italian)...
signorino 15 13 (Italian) a young ma...
signposts 19 15 SIGNPOST, to provide...
silageing 18 15 SILAGE, to harvest a...
silastics 21 13 SILASTIC, a flexible...
silencers 19 14 SILENCER, one that s...
silencing 20 17 SILENCE, to make qui...
silentest 16 11 SILENT, without soun...
silicated 20 14 SILICATE, to combine...
silicates 20 13 SILICATE, to combine...
siliceous 20 14 consisting in a note...
silicides 21 14 SILICIDE, a silicon...
silicious 21 14 consisting in a note...
siliciums 23 17 SILICIUM, the origin...
silicones 19 14 SILICONE, any of a n...
silicoses 20 13 SILICOSIS, a lung di...
silicosis 21 13 a lung disease cause...
silicotic 24 16 someone suffering fr...
siliculae 21 15 SILICULA, (Latin) a...
siliculas 22 15 SILICULA, (Latin) a...
silicules 22 15 SILICULE, a seed ves...
siliquose 25 20 relating to a siliqu...
siliquous 26 21 relating to a siliqu...
silkalene 17 16 a soft light cotton...
silkaline 18 16 a soft light cotton...
silkening 18 18 SILKEN, to make soft...
silkiness 18 15 the state of being s...
silkoline 18 16 a soft light cotton...
silktails 20 15 SILKTAIL, a bird, a...
silkweeds 21 18 SILKWEED, another na...
silkworms 23 20 SILKWORM, the larva...
sillabubs 23 18 SILLABUB, a frothy d...
silladars 18 12 SILLADAR, (Urdu) an...
sillibubs 24 18 SILLIBUB, a frothy d...
silliness 18 12 the state of being s...
siloxanes 21 18 SILOXANE, any of var...
silphiums 24 19 SILPHIUM, a plant im...
siltation 16 11 the process of silti...
siltstone 16 11 a rock formed of har...
silurists 19 11 SILURIST, a member o...
siluroids 18 12 SILUROID, any of a f...
silverers 19 14 SILVERER, one who si...
silvereye 24 16 a greenish-coloured...
silverier 19 14 SILVERY, appearing l...
silvering 20 17 the act of coating w...
silverise 19 14 to cover with silver...
silverize 22 23 to cover with silver...
silvertip 22 17 a kind of grizzly be...
silymarin 24 16 an antioxidant flavo...
simarouba 18 16 a tropical American...
simarubas 19 16 SIMARUBA, a tropical...
simazines 19 22 SIMAZINE, an organic...
similarly 26 16 SIMILAR, being alike...
similised 19 14 SIMILISE, to liken,...
similises 19 13 SIMILISE, to liken,...
similized 22 23 SIMILIZE, to liken,...
similizes 22 22 SIMILIZE, to liken,...
simmering 19 18 SIMMER, to cook just...
simoleons 16 14 SIMOLEON, (US slang)...
simoniacs 19 16 SIMONIAC, one who pr...
simonious 16 14 (obsolete) of or per...
simonised 16 14 SIMONISE, to polish...
simonises 16 13 SIMONISE, to polish...
simonists 17 13 SIMONIST, one who pr...
simonized 19 23 SIMONIZE, to polish...
simonizes 19 22 SIMONIZE, to polish...
simpatico 22 18 (Italian) of like mi...
simperers 19 15 SIMPERER, one who si...
simpering 20 18 smiling in a silly,...
simplesse 20 16 (Spenser) simplicity...
simpleton 19 17 a feebleminded perso...
simplexes 26 23 SIMPLEX, (Latin) a g...
simplices 24 19 SIMPLEX, (Latin) a g...
simplicia 24 19 SIMPLEX, (Latin) a g...
simplings 22 19 SIMPLING, the act of...
simplisms 23 19 SIMPLISM, affected s...
simpliste 21 16 (French) someone who...
simplists 22 16 SIMPLIST, (archaic)...
simulacra 21 17 SIMULACRUM, (Latin)...
simulacre 21 17 a likeness, a sembla...
simulants 18 15 SIMULANT, a simulato...
simulated 18 15 SIMULATE, to take on...
simulates 18 14 SIMULATE, to take on...
simulator 18 14 something that simul...
simulcast 22 17 to broadcast simulta...
simuliums 21 18 SIMULIUM, a small bl...
sinapisms 19 16 SINAPISM, a mustard-...
sincerely 25 16 SINCERE, free from h...
sincerest 18 13 SINCERE, free from h...
sincerity 25 15 the quality of being...
sincipita 21 16 SINCIPUT, (Latin) th...
sinciputs 22 17 SINCIPUT, (Latin) th...
sinecures 18 14 SINECURE, a position...
sinewiest 18 13 SINEWY, lean and mus...
sinewless 19 14 having no sinews; he...
sinfonias 16 14 SINFONIA, (Italian)...
singalong 17 16 a performance where...
singingly 25 18 SINGING [adv]
singledom 18 17 the state of being u...
singleton 16 14 a playing card that...
singlings 19 16 SINGLING, the act of...
singsongs 17 15 SINGSONG, to hold a...
singsongy 23 17 having a singsong qu...
singspiel 20 16 (German) a semi-dram...
singulars 18 14 SINGULAR, a singular...
singulary 24 16 of an operator, mona...
singultus 19 15 (Latin) hiccuping, a...
sinicised 19 14 SINICISE, to modify...
sinicises 19 13 SINICISE, to modify...
sinicized 22 23 SINICIZE, to modify...
sinicizes 22 22 SINICIZE, to modify...
sinistral 17 11 of or pertaining to...
sinkholes 19 17 SINKHOLE, a natural...
sinlessly 24 14 SINLESS, without sin...
sinnering 15 14 SINNER, to transgres...
sinningia 15 14 one of a family of B...
sinologue 16 14 one versed in Chines...
sinopises 17 13 SINOPIS, (Latin) a r...
sinopites 17 13 SINOPITE, an iron or...
sintering 16 13 SINTER, to make cohe...
sinuately 22 14 SINUATE [adv]
sinuating 16 14 SINUATE, to curve in...
sinuation 14 12 a winding or bending...
sinuosity 22 13 the state of being s...
sinuously 23 15 SINUOUS, characteriz...
sinusitis 17 11 inflammation of the...
sinuslike 18 16 resembling a sinus [...
sinusoids 16 12 SINUSOID, a curve ha...
siphonage 19 17 the action of a siph...
siphonate 18 15 having a siphon or s...
siphonets 19 15 SIPHONET, an aphid's...
siphoning 20 18 SIPHON, to draw off...
siphuncle 24 20 the tube which runs...
sirenians 14 11 SIRENIAN, any of an...
sirenised 15 11 SIRENISE, to bewitch...
sirenises 15 10 SIRENISE, to bewitch...
sirenized 18 20 SIRENIZE, to bewitch...
sirenizes 18 19 SIRENIZE, to bewitch...
sirnaming 17 16 SIRNAME, to give the...
sironised 15 11 SIRONISE, to use a p...
sironises 15 10 SIRONISE, to use a p...
sironized 18 20 SIRONIZE, to use a p...
sironizes 18 19 SIRONIZE, to use a p...
sirupiest 19 13 SIRUPY, like sirup [...
sirventes 17 14 SIRVENTE, (French) a...
sissified 19 13 like a sissy, also C...
sissiness 16 10 the state of being s...
sissyness 22 12 the state of being s...
sistering 17 12 SISTER, to treat lik...
sitarists 17 9 SITARIST, one who pl...
sitatunga 16 13 (Swahili) a species...
sitiology 24 14 the science of diet,...
sitkamers 18 16 SITKAMER, (Afrikaans...
sittellas 18 11 SITTELLA, a small bl...
situating 17 13 SITUATE, to place in...
situation 15 11 a location, place [n...
situtunga 17 14 (Swahili) a species...
sitzkrieg 22 24 (German) (virtual) s...
sitzmarks 22 25 SITZMARK, (German) a...
siwashing 22 17 SIWASH, to camp out...
sixpences 26 23 SIXPENCE, an obsolet...
sixscores 25 19 SIXSCORE, one hundre...
sixteener 20 17 a verse of sixteen s...
sixteenmo 21 20 a book size 55/8 x 4...
sixteenth 23 19 number sixteen in se...
sixtieths 25 18 SIXTIETH, one of six...
sizarship 24 23 the position or stan...
sizzlings 25 31 SIZZLING, the act of...
sjamboked 21 29 SJAMBOK, (Afrikaans)...
skaithing 20 18 SKAITH, (obsolete) t...
skaldship 23 20 the office of skald,...
skankiest 17 18 SKANKY, filthy or sl...
skankings 18 21 SKANKING, the act of...
skatepark 19 20 an area set aside fo...
skeariest 16 13 SKEARY, (dialect) sc...
skedaddle 17 17 to run off hurriedly...
skeechans 20 19 SKEECHAN, (Gaelic) a...
skeeliest 17 14 SKEELY, (Scots) skil...
skeeriest 16 13 SKEERY, (dialect) sc...
skeesicks 21 20 (US) a rascal [n SKE...
skeeviest 18 17 SKEEVY, repulsive, d...
skeighest 20 17 SKEIGH, (Scots) (of...
skeldered 17 16 SKELDER, to beg; to...
skeletons 16 15 SKELETON, the suppor...
skelliest 19 15 SKELLY, cross-eyed,...
skellochs 24 20 SKELLOCH, (Scots) to...
skellying 26 20 SKELLY, to squint [v...
skelpings 21 20 SKELPING, a slapping...
skeltered 17 15 SKELTER, to scurry [...
skepsises 19 16 SKEPSIS, (Greek) phi...
skeptical 23 20 inclined to question...
skerricks 22 20 SKERRICK, (Australia...
sketchers 22 18 SKETCHER, one who sk...
sketchier 22 18 SKETCHY, lacking in...
sketchily 30 21 SKETCHY, lacking in...
sketching 23 21 SKETCH, to make a ro...
sketchpad 24 22 a pad of paper for s...
skewbacks 26 26 SKEWBACK, a sloping...
skewbalds 23 21 SKEWBALD, a horse wi...
skewering 20 19 SKEWER, to pierce wi...
skewwhiff 30 27 awry, askew [adj]
skiagrams 19 18 SKIAGRAM, a shadow p...
skiagraph 22 20 a shadow picture or...
skiamachy 29 23 fighting with a shad...
skiascope 21 19 a medical instrument...
skiascopy 28 21 retinoscopy [n SKIAS...
skiatrons 16 14 SKIATRON, a cathode-...
skibobbed 23 23 SKIBOB, to travel in...
skibobber 23 22 one who rides a skib...
skiddiest 18 15 SKIDDY, likely to ca...
skiddings 19 18 SKIDDING, the act of...
skiddooed 16 16 SKIDDOO, to ride a s...
skidmarks 20 21 SKIDMARK, the mark l...
skidooers 16 14 SKIDOOER, one that r...
skidooing 17 17 SKIDOO, to ride a sk...
skidproof 21 20 of a road surface et...
skiffless 23 20 without a skiff [adj...
skiffling 24 23 SKIFFLE, to play a p...
skijorers 19 22 SKIJORER, one who do...
skijoring 20 25 (Norwegian) the spor...
skijumper 23 29 one who engages in t...
skikjorer 20 26 one who engages in t...
skilfully 30 22 SKILFUL, full of ski...
skilliest 20 15 SKILLY, having skill...
skillings 21 18 SKILLING, (Danish) a...
skillions 19 16 SKILLION, (Australia...
skimboard 20 20 a type of surfboard...
skimmings 21 22 SKIMMING, something...
skimobile 21 20 a motorized vehicle...
skimpiest 21 19 SKIMPY, brief, exigu...
skincares 19 17 SKINCARE, care of th...
skinflick 25 25 a pornographic movie...
skinflint 20 19 a miser; a niggard [...
skinfoods 18 18 SKINFOOD, a cosmetic...
skinheads 18 17 SKINHEAD, one whose...
skinniest 16 15 SKINNY, having littl...
skinsuits 18 15 SKINSUIT, a one-piec...
skintight 21 18 fitting the body clo...
skiorings 18 16 SKIORING, (Norwegian...
skipjacks 26 32 SKIPJACK, a fish tha...
skiplanes 19 18 SKIPLANE, a plane de...
skippable 24 23 that can be skipped...
skippered 21 20 SKIPPER, to act as m...
skippiest 22 19 SKIPPY, frolicsome [...
skippings 23 22 SKIPPING, the act of...
skirlings 20 17 SKIRLING, a shrill s...
skirtings 19 16 SKIRTING, the board...
skirtless 19 14 without a skirt [adj...
skirtlike 20 18 like a skirt [adj]
skitching 24 21 SKITCH, (New Zealand...
skittered 17 14 SKITTER, to skim ove...
skittling 20 17 SKITTLE, to knock do...
skivering 20 20 SKIVER, (dialect) to...
skivvying 29 26 SKIVVY, to work as a...
sklenting 18 18 SKLENT, (Scots) to s...
skliffing 24 23 SKLIFF, (Scots) to s...
sklimming 22 23 SKLIM, (Scots) to cl...
skokiaans 16 18 SKOKIAAN, (Zulu) a s...
skooshing 19 18 SKOOSH, (Scots) to s...
skreeghed 19 18 SKREEGH, (Scots) to...
skreighed 20 18 SKREIGH, (Scots) to...
skrieched 22 19 SKRIECH, (Scots) to...
skrieghed 20 18 SKRIEGH, (Scots) to...
skrimmage 20 21 a noisy dispute or t...
skrimping 22 22 SKRIMP, to scratch a...
skrumping 22 23 SKRUMP, (colloquial)...
skulkings 21 22 SKULKING, the act of...
skullcaps 25 22 SKULLCAP, a close-fi...
skummered 19 21 SKUMMER, (archaic) t...
skunkbird 21 23 an American bird, ak...
skunkiest 18 19 SKUNKY, having a sme...
skunkweed 20 23 a low-growing fetid...
skurrying 25 19 SKURRY, to move in a...
skuttling 20 18 SKUTTLE, to move or...
skyboards 25 19 SKYBOARD, a board wi...
skybridge 27 21 a covered elevated b...
skydivers 26 20 SKYDIVER, one who pr...
skydiving 27 23 the sport of jumping...
skyjacked 29 32 SKYJACK, to hijack a...
skyjacker 29 31 one who skyjacks, hi...
skylarked 25 21 SKYLARK, to frolic [...
skylarker 25 20 one who skylarks, fr...
skylights 29 20 SKYLIGHT, a window p...
skyrmions 24 19 SKYRMION, a mathemat...
skyrocket 27 22 a firework that burs...
skyscapes 28 21 SKYSCAPE, a picture...
skysurfed 26 20 SKYSURF, to perform...
skysurfer 26 19 one who skysurfs [n...
skywriter 27 18 one who skywrites [n...
skywrites 27 18 SKYWRITE, to write i...
slabbered 20 17 SLABBER, to slaver;...
slabberer 20 16 one who slabbers, or...
slabbiest 21 16 SLABBY, thick, visco...
slabbings 22 19 SLABBING, the act of...
slabstone 17 14 flagstone [n -S]
slackened 19 19 SLACKEN, to loosen o...
slackener 19 18 one who slackens [n...
slackness 20 18 the state of being s...
slaggiest 19 14 SLAGGY, resembling r...
slaggings 20 17 SLAGGING, an act of...
slairging 19 15 SLAIRG, (Scots) to s...
slaisters 17 10 SLAISTER, to do in a...
slaistery 23 12 slops, drudgery [n S...
slakeable 19 18 that can be slaked,...
slakeless 18 15 not capable of being...
slalomers 18 14 SLALOMER, one who sl...
slaloming 19 17 SLALOM, (Norwegian)...
slalomist 19 14 one who takes part i...
slamdance 19 18 to dance aggressivel...
slammakin 19 21 (obsolete) a loose g...
slammings 20 19 SLAMMING, slam danci...
slandered 15 13 SLANDER, to defame [...
slanderer 15 12 one who slanders [n...
slangiest 17 13 SLANGY, full of slan...
slangings 18 16 SLANGING, a scolding...
slanguage 17 16 a slang language [n...
slangular 18 15 (Dickens) slangy [ad...
slantiest 16 11 SLANTY, deviating fr...
slantways 25 16 in a slanting direct...
slantwise 19 14 in a slanting direct...
slaphappy 31 23 happy-go-lucky [adj...
slapheads 20 16 SLAPHEAD, someone wi...
slapjacks 25 29 SLAPJACK, a flat bat...
slappings 22 19 SLAPPING, the act of...
slapshots 21 15 SLAPSHOT, a fast pow...
slapstick 24 20 comedy stressing far...
slashfest 21 15 a film or computer g...
slashings 20 15 SLASHING, the act of...
slatelike 18 15 like slate [adj]
slathered 18 13 SLATHER, to spread t...
slatiness 16 11 being like slate [n...
slattered 16 11 SLATTER, (dialect) t...
slatterns 16 11 SLATTERN, a slovenly...
slattings 18 13 SLATTING, material f...
slaughter 20 15 the act of killing,...
slaverers 18 14 SLAVERER, one who sl...
slaveries 18 14 SLAVERY, the ownersh...
slavering 19 17 drooling [adj SLAVER...
slavishly 29 19 SLAVISH, pertaining...
slavocrat 21 17 a slave-owner [n -S]
slavophil 24 20 a person who admires...
sleazebag 21 24 a sleazy person, esp...
sleaziest 19 19 SLEAZY, shoddy, also...
sleazoids 19 20 SLEAZOID, a person o...
sleddings 18 15 SLEDDING, conveyance...
sledgings 19 16 SLEDGING, journeying...
sleechier 21 15 SLEECHY, slimy with...
sleekened 15 16 SLEEKEN, to make smo...
sleekiest 17 14 SLEEKY, sleek, smoot...
sleekings 18 17 SLEEKING, the act of...
sleekness 16 15 the state of being s...
sleepaway 26 18 relating to a camp f...
sleepiest 18 13 SLEEPY, inclined to...
sleepings 19 16 SLEEPING, the act of...
sleepless 19 14 without sleep [adj S...
sleeplike 20 18 like sleep [adj]
sleepouts 18 14 SLEEPOUT, part of a...
sleepover 19 17 the custom of stayin...
sleepsuit 19 14 a baby's all-in-one...
sleepwalk 23 21 to walk in one's sle...
sleepwear 20 16 clothes for sleeping...
sleetiest 16 10 SLEETY, resembling s...
sleeveens 16 15 SLEEVEEN, (Irish) a...
sleevelet 18 15 a small sleeve [n -S...
sleevings 19 17 SLEEVING, a tubular...
sleeziest 19 19 SLEEZY, sordid, also...
sleighers 20 14 SLEIGHER, one who tr...
sleighing 21 17 travelling by sleigh...
slenderer 15 12 SLENDER, slight of b...
slenderly 23 15 SLENDER, slight of b...
sleuthing 20 16 the work of a detect...
sliceable 22 17 that can be sliced [...
slickened 20 19 SLICKEN, to smooth,...
slickener 20 18 one who slickens [n...
slickered 21 18 wearing a slicker [a...
slickings 23 20 SLICKING, a polishin...
slickness 21 18 the state of being s...
slickrock 26 24 smooth wind-polished...
slickster 22 17 a dishonest person [...
sliddered 17 13 SLIDDER, (Scots) to...
slideways 26 16 SLIDEWAY, a route al...
slidingly 26 17 SLIDING [adv]
slighters 21 14 SLIGHTER, one who sl...
slightest 21 14 SLIGHT, small in siz...
slighting 22 17 SLIGHT, to treat wit...
slightish 24 16 somewhat slight [adj...
slimdowns 21 18 SLIMDOWN, an instanc...
slimebags 21 18 SLIMEBAG, an odious...
slimeball 22 18 (slang) a disgusting...
sliminess 18 14 the state of being s...
slimmings 21 19 SLIMMING, the act of...
slimpsier 21 16 SLIMPSY, flimsy, als...
slimsiest 19 13 SLIMSY, flimsy, also...
slingback 24 23 a shoe without a cov...
slingshot 20 15 a stone from a sling...
slinkiest 18 15 SLINKY, slinking, cl...
slinkskin 19 20 the skin of a slink...
slinkweed 20 19 rosebay willowherb o...
slipcased 22 17 contained in a slipc...
slipcases 22 16 SLIPCASE, a protecti...
slipcover 24 20 a cover for a book t...
slipdress 20 14 a silky sleeveless d...
slipforms 23 19 SLIPFORM, to constru...
slipknots 20 18 SLIPKNOT, a knot tha...
slipnoose 17 14 a noose made with a...
slipovers 21 17 SLIPOVER, a garment...
slippages 22 18 SLIPPAGE, a falling...
slippered 21 17 SLIPPER, to beat wit...
slippiest 22 16 SLIPPY, slippery [ad...
sliprails 21 14 SLIPRAIL, (Australia...
slipsheet 21 15 a sheet of paper tha...
slipslops 23 17 SLIPSLOP, watery foo...
slipsoles 20 14 SLIPSOLE, a thin ins...
slipwares 22 16 SLIPWARE, pottery de...
slithered 19 13 SLITHER, to slide fr...
slittiest 18 10 SLITTY, of an openin...
sliverers 19 14 SLIVERER, one who sl...
slivering 20 17 SLIVER, to cut into...
slivovica 24 21 (Serbo-Croat) a dry...
slivovitz 25 27 (Serbo-Croat) a dry...
slivowitz 26 26 (Serbo-Croat) a dry...
slobbered 20 17 SLOBBER, to drool, a...
slobberer 20 16 one who slobbers [n...
slobbiest 21 16 SLOBBY, characterist...
sloblands 19 16 SLOBLAND, a mudflat,...
slockened 19 19 SLOCKEN, (Scots) to...
sloethorn 17 13 the blackthorn, also...
sloetrees 15 10 SLOETREE, the blackt...
sloganeer 15 13 to invent or make he...
sloganise 16 13 to utter or repeat s...
sloganize 19 22 to utter or repeat s...
slokening 17 18 SLOKEN, (Scots) to q...
slommocks 23 23 SLOMMOCK, (dialect)...
sloomiest 17 13 SLOOMY, sluggish, sp...
slooshing 19 15 SLOOSH, to wash or r...
slopewise 21 16 obliquely [adv]
slopingly 27 19 SLOPING [adv]
sloppiest 21 16 SLOPPY, wet or muddy...
slopworks 23 20 SLOPWORK, the manufa...
sloshiest 19 12 SLOSHY, splashy [adj...
sloshings 20 15 SLOSHING, the bulk m...
slotbacks 23 20 SLOTBACK, a type of...
slouchers 22 16 SLOUCHER, one who sl...
slouchier 22 16 SLOUCHY, slouching [...
slouchily 30 19 SLOUCHY, slouching [...
slouching 23 19 SLOUCH, to sit, stan...
sloughier 20 15 SLOUGHY, full of slo...
sloughing 21 18 SLOUGH, to cast off...
slowbacks 26 23 SLOWBACK, (obsolete)...
slowcoach 27 21 a slow or sluggish p...
slowdowns 22 18 SLOWDOWN, a lessenin...
slowpokes 22 20 SLOWPOKE, a slow ind...
slowworms 24 19 SLOWWORM, a kind of...
slubbered 21 18 SLUBBER, to stain or...
slubbiest 22 17 SLUBBY, lumpy, knobb...
slubbings 23 20 SLUBBING, a slightly...
sludgiest 19 14 SLUDGY, covered with...
slugabeds 20 17 SLUGABED, one who in...
slugfests 21 16 SLUGFEST, a vigorous...
sluggabed 21 19 (Shakespeare) one wh...
sluggards 20 16 SLUGGARD, a habitual...
slughorne 19 16 (Browning) an old fo...
slughorns 20 16 SLUGHORN, (Browning)...
sluiceway 29 19 an artificial channe...
sluiciest 21 14 SLUICY, falling in s...
slumbered 20 18 SLUMBER, to sleep [v...
slumberer 20 17 one who slumbers [n...
slumbrous 21 18 full of sleep, also...
slumlords 20 16 SLUMLORD, a landlord...
slummiest 20 17 SLUMMY, resembling a...
slummings 21 20 SLUMMING, the visita...
slummocks 24 24 SLUMMOCK, to move sl...
slumpiest 21 17 SLUMPY, marshy [adj]
slungshot 20 16 a weight attached to...
slurpiest 20 14 SLURPY, like a slurp...
slurrying 25 16 SLURRY, to convert i...
slushiest 20 13 SLUSHY, resembling s...
slutchier 23 16 SLUTCHY, (English di...
sluttiest 18 11 SLUTTY, characterist...
slynesses 22 13 SLYNESS, the state o...
smackdown 23 24 a chastisement or de...
smackhead 22 22 a person who is addi...
smackings 22 22 SMACKING, the act of...
smallages 19 16 SMALLAGE, a wild cel...
smallboys 27 19 SMALLBOY, a deputy s...
smallness 18 15 the state of being s...
smallsats 19 14 SMALLSAT, a relative...
smalltime 20 17 unimportant [adj]
smalmiest 19 16 SMALMY, (obsolete) o...
smaltines 17 14 SMALTINE, a gray min...
smaltites 18 13 SMALTITE, a gray min...
smaragdes 17 15 SMARAGDE, (archaic)...
smarmiest 18 15 SMARMY, oily, ingrat...
smartarse 16 12 (colloquial) a showi...
smartened 15 14 SMARTEN, to improve...
smartness 16 13 the state of being s...
smartweed 19 16 an acrid plant which...
smashable 21 18 that can be smashed...
smasheroo 17 14 (colloquial) a thing...
smashings 20 17 SMASHING, the act of...
smatching 23 20 SMATCH, (obsolete) t...
smattered 16 13 SMATTER, to speak wi...
smatterer 16 12 one who has only a s...
smearcase 18 15 (German) cottage che...
smeariest 16 12 SMEARY, covered with...
smectites 20 15 SMECTITE, the family...
smectitic 24 18 of or like smectite,...
smeeching 22 20 SMEECH, (dialect) to...
smeething 19 17 SMEETH, to make smoo...
smellable 21 18 that can be smelled...
smelliest 19 14 SMELLY, having an un...
smellings 20 17 SMELLING, the act or...
smeltings 19 16 SMELTING, the act of...
smickered 21 20 SMICKER, (obsolete)...
smiddying 25 19 SMIDDY, to forge met...
smidgeons 17 16 SMIDGEON, a very sma...
smiercase 19 15 (German) cottage che...
smighting 22 19 SMIGHT, (Spenser) to...
smileless 19 14 not having a smile [...
smilingly 27 19 SMILING, wearing a s...
smilodons 17 15 SMILODON, an extinct...
smirchers 23 17 SMIRCHER, one who sm...
smirching 24 20 SMIRCH, to soil, bes...
smirkiest 19 16 SMIRKY, given to smi...
smirriest 18 12 SMIRRY, drizzly [adj...
smirtings 19 15 SMIRTING, (Irish) th...
smithings 21 17 SMITHING, the work o...
smithying 27 19 SMITHY, to forge met...
smockings 22 22 SMOCKING, a type of...
smocklike 23 24 like a smock [adj]
smoggiest 19 16 SMOGGY, filled with...
smokeable 19 20 that can be smoked,...
smokebush 22 22 a plant with purple...
smokehood 18 19 a protective hood fo...
smokejack 23 32 a contrivance for tu...
smokeless 18 17 without smoke [adj S...
smokelike 19 21 like smoke [adj]
smokepots 19 19 SMOKEPOT, a containe...
smokiness 17 17 the state of being s...
smoldered 17 15 SMOLDER, to burn wit...
smoochers 21 17 SMOOCHER, one who sm...
smoochier 21 17 SMOOCHY, given to sm...
smooching 22 20 SMOOCH, to kiss, als...
smoodging 18 18 SMOODGE, (Australian...
smooshing 19 17 SMOOSH, to paint to...
smoothens 17 15 SMOOTHEN, to free fr...
smoothers 18 14 SMOOTHER, a smoothin...
smoothest 18 14 SMOOTH, not rough [a...
smoothies 18 14 SMOOTHIE, a person w...
smoothing 19 17 the act of smoothing...
smoothish 21 16 somewhat smooth [adj...
smorbrods 19 16 SMORBROD, (Norwegian...
smorzando 18 23 (Italian) with a gra...
smothered 18 15 SMOTHER, to prevent...
smotherer 18 14 one who smothers [n...
smouching 23 21 SMOUCH, to kiss clos...
smoulders 18 15 SMOULDER, to burn wi...
smudgedly 26 20 SMUDGED [adv]
smudgiest 19 16 SMUDGY, having smudg...
smudgings 20 19 SMUDGING, the act of...
smugglers 21 18 SMUGGLER, one that s...
smuggling 22 21 the illicit import o...
smurfings 21 19 SMURFING, intentiona...
smurriest 18 13 SMURRY, (Scots) like...
smutchier 23 18 SMUTCHY, smutched [a...
smutching 24 21 SMUTCH, to soil [v]
smuttiest 18 13 SMUTTY, sexually sug...
snabbling 21 20 SNABBLE, to put a bi...
snackette 18 17 a snack bar [n -S]
snackiest 19 17 SNACKY, suitable as...
snaffling 21 20 SNAFFLE, to obtain b...
snaggiest 17 14 SNAGGY, full of snag...
snailfish 21 16 a sea snail [n -ES]
snailiest 16 11 SNAILY, like a snail...
snaillike 18 16 like a snail [adj]
snakebird 18 18 the darter (anhinga)...
snakebite 17 17 the bite of a snake...
snakefish 20 19 a fish resembling a...
snakehead 16 17 a Chinese criminal i...
snakelike 17 19 like a snake [adj]
snakepits 18 17 SNAKEPIT, a pit fill...
snakeroot 14 14 bistort, milkwort, o...
snakeskin 16 19 the skin of a snake...
snakeweed 17 18 a plant with a twist...
snakewise 18 17 in the manner of a s...
snakewood 17 18 an East Indian climb...
snakiness 15 15 being like a snake [...
snapbacks 23 23 SNAPBACK, a sudden r...
snaphance 20 19 (obsolete) a freeboo...
snaplinks 19 19 SNAPLINK, a metal li...
snappable 21 20 that can be snapped...
snappered 18 17 SNAPPER, to stumble,...
snappiest 19 16 SNAPPY, bad-tempered...
snappings 20 19 SNAPPING, the act of...
snapshots 19 15 SNAPSHOT, to photogr...
snapweeds 19 17 SNAPWEED, a flowerin...
snareless 15 11 without a snare [adj...
snarfling 19 17 SNARFLE, to snarl [v...
snarkiest 16 14 SNARKY, crotchety [a...
snarliest 16 11 SNARLY, tangled [adj...
snarlings 17 14 SNARLING, the act of...
snatchers 20 15 SNATCHER, one who sn...
snatchier 20 15 SNATCHY, irregular,...
snatchily 28 18 SNATCHY, irregular,...
snatching 21 18 an act of snatching...
snazziest 21 28 SNAZZY, trendily sma...
sneakered 14 15 wearing sneakers [ad...
sneakeups 17 18 SNEAKEUP, (Shakespea...
sneakiest 15 14 SNEAKY, crafty [adj]
sneeriest 14 10 SNEERY, full of snee...
sneerings 15 13 SNEERING, the act of...
sneeshans 15 13 SNEESHAN, (Scots) sn...
sneeshing 17 15 (Scots) snuff, also...
sneeshins 16 13 SNEESHIN, (Scots) sn...
sneeziest 17 19 SNEEZY, tending to s...
sneezings 18 22 SNEEZING, the act of...
snickered 19 18 SNICKER, to utter a...
snickerer 19 17 one who snickers [n...
snideness 14 12 baseness, meanness [...
sniffable 22 20 that can be sniffed...
sniffiest 20 16 SNIFFY, given to sni...
sniffings 21 19 SNIFFING, the act of...
snifflers 21 17 SNIFFLER, one who sn...
snifflier 21 17 SNIFFLY, having a sn...
sniffling 22 20 SNIFFLE, to sniff re...
sniftered 17 14 SNIFTER, to sniff, s...
sniftiest 18 13 SNIFTY, (slang) havi...
sniggered 17 15 SNIGGER, to snicker...
sniggerer 17 14 one who sniggers [n...
snigglers 19 15 SNIGGLER, one who sn...
sniggling 20 18 fishing for eels by...
snipefish 22 18 the trumpet fish [n...
snipelike 19 18 like a snipe [adj]
snippiest 20 16 SNIPPY, stingy, snap...
snippings 21 19 SNIPPING, a clipping...
snirtling 18 14 SNIRTLE, (Scots) to...
snitchers 21 15 SNITCHER, one who sn...
snitchier 21 15 SNITCHY, bad tempere...
snitching 22 18 SNITCH, to inform on...
snittiest 16 10 SNITTY, disagreeably...
snivelers 18 15 SNIVELER, one who sn...
sniveling 19 18 SNIVEL, to cry or wh...
snivelled 19 17 SNIVEL, to cry or wh...
sniveller 19 16 one who snivels, als...
snobbiest 19 16 SNOBBY, snobbish [ad...
snobbisms 21 19 SNOBBISM, the practi...
snoblings 19 17 SNOBLING, a little s...
snookered 14 15 SNOOKER, to thwart,...
snoopiest 16 13 SNOOPY, prying [adj]
snootfuls 18 15 SNOOTFUL, (colloquia...
snootiest 14 10 SNOOTY, supercilious...
snooziest 17 19 SNOOZY, given to sno...
snoozling 19 23 SNOOZLE, (colloquial...
snorkeled 16 16 SNORKEL, to swim usi...
snorkeler 16 15 one who snorkels, al...
snortiest 15 10 SNORTY, inclined to...
snortings 16 13 SNORTING, the act or...
snottered 14 11 SNOTTER, to snivel [...
snottiest 15 10 SNOTTY, foul with sn...
snoutiest 15 11 SNOUTY, resembling a...
snoutless 16 12 without a snout [adj...
snoutlike 17 16 like a snout [adj]
snowballs 22 18 SNOWBALL, to increas...
snowbanks 20 21 SNOWBANK, a mound of...
snowbells 22 18 SNOWBELL, a flowerin...
snowbelts 21 17 SNOWBELT, a area of...
snowberry 26 18 the white berry of a...
snowbirds 21 17 SNOWBIRD, an arctic...
snowblink 22 22 a glare in the sky c...
snowboard 19 17 a board, similar to...
snowboots 19 16 SNOWBOOT, a boot for...
snowbound 19 19 shut in or prevented...
snowbrush 23 19 a brush for clearing...
snowclone 20 18 a kind of cliche in...
snowdomes 18 17 SNOWDOME, a leisure...
snowdrift 21 17 a drift of snow [n -...
snowdrops 20 17 SNOWDROP, a drooping...
snowfalls 22 18 SNOWFALL, a fall of...
snowfield 21 18 an area of snow [n -...
snowflake 21 21 a flake of snow [n -...
snowfleas 20 17 SNOWFLEA, a wingless...
snowfleck 25 24 the snow bunting, al...
snowflick 26 24 the snow bunting, al...
snowglobe 21 19 a transparent sphere...
snowiness 17 14 the state of being s...
snowlands 18 16 SNOWLAND, an area ma...
snowlines 18 15 SNOWLINE, an area wh...
snowmaker 19 20 a machine for produc...
snowmelts 20 17 SNOWMELT, water prod...
snowmolds 20 18 SNOWMOLD, a fungus d...
snowmould 20 19 a fungus disease of...
snowpacks 24 23 SNOWPACK, an accumul...
snowplows 24 20 SNOWPLOW, to execute...
snowscape 22 19 a landscape under sn...
snowsheds 20 16 SNOWSHED, a structur...
snowshoed 19 16 SNOWSHOE, to walk on...
snowshoer 19 15 one who travels by s...
snowshoes 19 15 SNOWSHOE, to walk on...
snowslide 19 15 a slide of snow, an...
snowslips 22 17 SNOWSLIP, a large ma...
snowstorm 19 16 a storm of snow [n -...
snowsuits 19 14 SNOWSUIT, a child's...
snubbiest 20 17 SNUBBY, inclined to...
snubbings 21 20 SNUBBING, the act of...
snuffiest 20 17 SNUFFY, soiled with...
snuffings 21 20 SNUFFING, the act of...
snufflers 21 18 SNUFFLER, a person w...
snufflier 21 18 SNUFFLY, tending to...
snuffling 22 21 the act of snuffling...
snuggerie 17 15 a snug cozy place; e...
snugglier 19 16 SNUGGLY, warm and co...
snuggling 20 19 SNUGGLE, to press cl...
snuzzling 24 33 SNUZZLE, to caress w...
soakaways 24 18 SOAKAWAY, a depressi...
soakingly 24 19 SOAKING, very wet [a...
soapbarks 20 19 SOAPBARK, a South Am...
soapberry 25 17 any tree of the genu...
soapboxed 24 23 SOAPBOX, to give an...
soapboxes 24 22 SOAPBOX, to give an...
soapiness 16 13 the state of being s...
soaplands 17 15 SOAPLAND, (slang) a...
soaproots 16 12 SOAPROOT, any plant...
soapstone 15 13 a soft soapy rock [n...
soapsudsy 24 16 like soapsuds [adj]
soapworts 20 15 SOAPWORT, a tall her...
soaringly 23 15 SOARING, flying high...
sobbingly 28 21 SOBBING, making a so...
soberised 17 13 SOBERISE, to make so...
soberises 17 12 SOBERISE, to make so...
soberized 20 22 SOBERIZE, to make so...
soberizes 20 21 SOBERIZE, to make so...
soberness 16 13 sobriety [n -ES]
sobriquet 26 22 (French) a nickname,...
sociables 21 16 SOCIABLE, a four-whe...
socialise 19 13 to make social, also...
socialism 21 16 the theory, principl...
socialist 20 13 an adherent of socia...
socialite 19 13 a person having a pl...
sociality 26 15 the quality of being...
socialize 22 22 to make social, also...
sociation 17 13 a plant community; t...
sociative 20 16 expressing associati...
societies 18 12 SOCIETY, an organize...
sociogram 20 17 a diagram of social...
sociolect 22 16 a variety of languag...
sociology 26 17 the study of society...
sociopath 22 17 a person hostile to...
socketing 20 19 SOCKET, to provide w...
sockettes 19 16 SOCKETTE, a foot cov...
sodalists 17 11 SODALIST, a member o...
sodalites 16 11 SODALITE, a transpar...
sodamides 16 14 SODAMIDE, a compound...
sodbuster 18 14 (US) a farmer who wo...
soddening 15 15 SODDEN, to make or b...
sodgering 17 15 SODGER, to soldier [...
sodomised 16 14 SODOMISE, to engage...
sodomises 16 13 SODOMISE, to engage...
sodomists 17 13 SODOMIST, one who pr...
sodomites 16 13 SODOMITE, one who pr...
sodomitic 20 16 relating to sodomy,...
sodomized 19 23 SODOMIZE, to engage...
sodomizes 19 22 SODOMIZE, to engage...
softbacks 24 22 SOFTBACK, a book bou...
softballs 22 17 SOFTBALL, an America...
softbound 19 18 bound in soft covers...
softcover 22 19 a paperback book [n...
softeners 16 13 SOFTENER, one that s...
softening 17 16 the act of making so...
softgoods 18 15 clothing and soft fu...
softheads 19 15 SOFTHEAD, a foolish...
softlings 20 16 SOFTLING, (archaic)...
softscape 22 18 vegetation (as shrub...
softshell 22 16 moderate in policy o...
softwares 20 15 SOFTWARE, data used...
softwoods 20 16 SOFTWOOD, the soft w...
sogginess 17 14 the state of being s...
soilborne 17 14 carried by the soil...
soiliness 16 11 stain; foulness [n -...
sojourned 16 21 SOJOURN, to stay tem...
sojourner 16 20 one who sojourns [n...
sokemanry 22 19 tenure by socage, a...
solacious 19 14 (archaic) giving sol...
solanders 15 12 SOLANDER, (Swedish)...
solanines 14 12 SOLANINE, a poisonou...
solarised 16 11 SOLARISE, to expose...
solarises 16 10 SOLARISE, to expose...
solarisms 18 13 SOLARISM, folk tales...
solarists 17 10 SOLARIST, one who pr...
solariums 18 14 SOLARIUM, a room exp...
solarized 19 20 SOLARIZE, to expose...
solarizes 19 19 SOLARIZE, to expose...
solations 15 11 SOLATION, liquefacti...
soldadoes 15 12 SOLDADO, (Spanish) a...
solderers 16 11 SOLDERER, one who so...
soldering 17 14 the act of soldering...
soldiered 16 12 SOLDIER, to perform...
soldierly 24 14 like a soldier [adj]
solecised 19 14 SOLECISE, to use ung...
solecises 19 13 SOLECISE, to use ung...
solecisms 21 16 SOLECISM, an ungramm...
solecists 20 13 SOLECIST, one who co...
solecized 22 23 SOLECIZE, to use ung...
solecizes 22 22 SOLECIZE, to use ung...
solemness 16 14 the state of being s...
solemnest 16 14 SOLEMN, serious [adj...
solemnify 25 19 to make solemn [v SO...
solemnise 16 14 to make solemn, also...
solemnity 23 16 the quality of being...
solemnize 19 23 to make solemn, also...
solenette 14 11 a small European spe...
solenodon 13 13 either of two specie...
solenoids 15 12 SOLENOID, a cylindri...
soleplate 18 14 a bedplate; as, the...
soleprint 18 14 the print of the sol...
solfatara 17 13 (Italian) a volcanic...
solfeggio 20 17 a singing exercise u...
solferino 17 14 (Italian) a moderate...
solicited 20 14 SOLICIT, to ask for...
solicitor 20 13 a person who is lega...
solidagos 17 13 SOLIDAGO, a flower,...
solidares 16 11 SOLIDARE, (Shakespea...
solidated 16 12 SOLIDATE, to consoli...
solidates 16 11 SOLIDATE, to consoli...
solidisms 19 14 SOLIDISM, a doctrine...
solidists 18 11 SOLIDIST, an advocat...
solidness 16 12 the state of being s...
soliloquy 32 23 an act of talking to...
solipsism 21 16 a theory holding tha...
solipsist 20 13 one who practises so...
soliquids 26 21 SOLIQUID, a fluid co...
solitaire 16 10 a game played by one...
solitudes 17 12 SOLITUDE, the state...
sollaring 18 14 SOLLAR, (archaic) to...
sollerets 17 11 SOLLERET, a metallic...
sollicker 22 18 (Australian slang) s...
soloistic 20 13 relating to a solois...
solonchak 21 20 (Russian) a pale or...
solpugids 21 17 SOLPUGID, (Latin) a...
solstices 20 13 SOLSTICE, the time w...
solutions 16 12 SOLUTION, to provide...
solutives 19 15 SOLUTIVE, a solvent...
solvating 19 17 SOLVATE, to convert...
solvation 17 15 a chemical process i...
solvently 25 18 SOLVENT, able to sol...
somascope 20 18 an instrument detect...
somatisms 18 15 SOMATISM, materialis...
somatists 17 12 SOMATIST, one who ad...
somberest 18 15 SOMBER, (US) sombre...
sombering 19 18 SOMBER, to make somb...
sombreros 18 15 SOMBRERO, a broad-br...
somedeals 16 14 SOMEDEAL, (archaic)...
someplace 21 19 somewhere [n -S]
somersets 16 12 SOMERSET, a leap in...
something 19 17 an undefined thing [...
sometimes 17 15 happening from time...
somewhats 21 17 SOMEWHAT, an unspeci...
somewhere 20 17 in or to some place...
somewhile 22 18 at or in some former...
sommelier 18 16 (French) a wine stew...
somniated 15 14 SOMNIATE, to dream [...
somniates 15 13 SOMNIATE, to dream [...
somnolent 15 15 sleepy; causing, or...
sonancies 16 14 SONANCY, the quality...
sonatinas 13 11 SONATINA, (Italian)...
songbirds 19 16 SONGBIRD, a bird tha...
songbooks 18 19 SONGBOOK, a book of...
songcraft 21 18 the art of making so...
songfests 18 15 SONGFEST, a gatherin...
songfully 27 20 SONGFUL, disposed to...
songololo 16 14 (Nguni) a kind of mi...
songsheet 17 14 a piece of paper wit...
songsmith 20 17 a composer of songs...
songsters 16 12 SONGSTER, a singing...
sonically 26 17 SONIC, pertaining to...
sonicated 17 14 SONICATE, to disrupt...
sonicates 17 13 SONICATE, to disrupt...
sonicator 17 13 a device that sonica...
sonnetary 19 13 of or like a sonnet...
sonneteer 12 11 a writer of sonnets,...
sonneting 14 14 SONNET, to compose a...
sonnetise 13 11 to compose sonnets,...
sonnetize 16 20 to compose sonnets,...
sonnetted 13 12 SONNET, to compose a...
sonobuoys 22 16 SONOBUOY, a buoy tha...
sonograms 16 15 SONOGRAM, an image p...
sonograph 19 17 an instrument for re...
sonometer 14 13 a musical instrument...
sonorants 13 11 SONORANT, a voiced c...
sonovoxes 21 21 SONOVOX, a sound eff...
soochongs 20 17 SOOCHONG, (Chinese)...
soogeeing 15 14 SOOGEE, to clean a s...
soogieing 16 14 SOOGIE, to clean a s...
soopstake 17 16 (Shakespeare) with a...
sooterkin 15 14 (Dutch) a kind of fa...
sootflake 18 17 a smut of soot [n -S...
soothered 16 12 SOOTHER, to cajole,...
soothfast 19 14 (archaic) truthful,...
soothings 18 14 SOOTHING, the act of...
soothlich 24 17 (Spenser) truly, ind...
soothsaid 17 12 SOOTHSAY, to foretel...
soothsays 23 13 SOOTHSAY, to foretel...
sootiness 14 10 the state of being s...
sopapilla 21 17 a square of deep-fri...
sophister 20 14 a person who uses de...
sophistic 24 17 relating to sophistr...
sophistry 27 16 deceptively subtle r...
sophomore 19 17 a second year studen...
soporific 23 18 tending to produce s...
soppiness 19 16 the state of being s...
sopranini 16 14 SOPRANINO, (Italian)...
sopranino 15 14 (Italian) an instrum...
sopranist 17 13 a treble singer [n -...
sorbarias 17 12 SORBARIA, a small de...
sorbitans 17 13 SORBITAN, a chemical...
sorbitise 18 12 to turn (a metal) in...
sorbitize 21 21 to turn (a metal) in...
sorbitols 19 13 SORBITOL, a white cr...
sorcerers 18 12 SORCERER, a magician...
sorceress 18 12 a female sorcerer [n...
sorceries 18 12 SORCERY, alleged use...
sorcerous 18 13 having the nature of...
sordidest 16 11 SORDID, low, mean [a...
sorediate 14 10 bearing soredia, sma...
soreheads 16 12 SOREHEAD, a person w...
soritical 20 13 relating to sorites,...
sororally 23 13 SORORAL, pertaining...
sororates 14 9 SORORATE, the marria...
sororised 15 10 SORORISE, to associa...
sororises 15 9 SORORISE, to associa...
sororized 18 19 SORORIZE, to associa...
sororizes 18 18 SORORIZE, to associa...
sorosises 15 9 SOROSIS, (Greek) a f...
sorptions 17 13 SORPTION, the proces...
sorriness 15 10 the state of being s...
sorrowers 18 12 SORROWER, one who so...
sorrowful 22 17 sad [adj SORROWFULLY...
sorrowing 19 15 the act of sorrowing...
sortances 17 13 SORTANCE, suitablene...
sortation 14 10 sorting out [n -S]
sortieing 16 12 SORTIE, to attack su...
sortilege 17 12 divination by drawin...
sortilegy 24 14 divination by drawin...
sortition 15 10 the casting of lots...
sortments 16 13 SORTMENT, an assortm...
sostenuti 15 11 SOSTENUTO, (Italian)...
sostenuto 14 11 (Italian) a piece pl...
sottishly 26 14 SOTTISH, resembling...
sottisier 16 9 (French) a collectio...
soubrette 17 13 (French) a coquettis...
souchongs 21 18 SOUCHONG, (Chinese)...
souffleed 20 18 like a souffle, made...
soukouses 16 15 SOUKOUS, (French) a...
souldiers 17 12 SOULDIER, (archaic)...
soulfully 28 19 SOULFUL, full of emo...
soulmates 17 14 SOULMATE, a person w...
soulsters 17 11 SOULSTER, a singer o...
soundable 17 16 capable of being sou...
soundbite 17 15 a brief section on r...
soundcard 18 16 the card in a comput...
soundings 16 15 SOUNDING, the action...
soundless 16 13 without sound [adj S...
soundness 14 13 the state of being s...
soundpost 17 15 a small post on guit...
soupspoon 18 17 a spoon for eating s...
sourballs 20 15 SOURBALL, a sour can...
sourceful 22 18 offering useful thin...
sourcings 20 16 SOURCING, the act of...
sourdines 15 12 SOURDINE, a mute or...
sourdough 19 16 leaven; a piece of d...
sourishly 26 15 SOURISH, somewhat so...
sourvelds 19 16 SOURVELD, (Afrikaans...
sourwoods 18 14 SOURWOOD, the sorrel...
soutaches 20 15 SOUTACHE, (French) a...
souteneur 14 12 (French) a prostitut...
southeast 17 12 the direction betwee...
southered 17 13 SOUTHER, to move tow...
southerly 25 15 from the south [adj]...
southerns 17 13 SOUTHERN, a southern...
southings 19 15 SOUTHING, movement t...
southland 18 15 the southern part of...
southmost 19 15 situated furthest so...
southpaws 23 18 SOUTHPAW, a left-han...
southrons 17 13 SOUTHRON, someone fr...
southsaid 18 13 SOUTHSAY, to foretel...
southsays 24 14 SOUTHSAY, to foretel...
southward 21 16 towards the south, a...
southwest 21 15 between south and we...
soutpiels 19 14 SOUTPIEL, (South Afr...
souvenirs 17 15 SOUVENIR, to provide...
souvlakia 19 19 a Greek dish of lamb...
souvlakis 20 19 SOUVLAKI, a Greek di...
sovenance 17 18 (archaic) remembranc...
sovereign 17 16 supreme, also SOVRAN...
sovietise 17 13 to transform to the...
sovietism 19 16 the principles and p...
sovietist 18 13 a believer in soviet...
sovietize 20 22 to transform to the...
sovkhozes 23 28 SOVKHOZ, (Russian) a...
sowarrees 17 12 SOWARREE, (Urdu) a m...
sowarries 18 12 SOWARRY, (Urdu) a mo...
sowbreads 20 16 SOWBREAD, a kind of...
sozzliest 23 28 SOZZLY, drunk [adj]
spaceband 21 20 a wedge for justifyi...
spacelabs 23 19 SPACELAB, a laborato...
spaceless 21 16 without space [adj]
spaceport 22 18 a place from which s...
spaceship 25 20 a spacecraft [n -S]
spacesuit 21 16 a protective suit wo...
spacewalk 25 23 an excursion by an a...
spaceward 23 19 towards space [adv]
spacially 29 19 SPACIAL, pertaining...
spaciness 20 16 the state of being s...
spackling 24 23 SPACKLE, to fill cra...
spadassin 17 14 (Italian) a swordsma...
spadefish 22 18 a fish, a member of...
spadefuls 21 18 SPADEFUL, as much as...
spadelike 19 18 like a spade [adj]
spadesman 17 17 a worker with the sp...
spadesmen 17 17 SPADESMAN, a worker...
spadework 21 20 preparatory drudgery...
spadilles 20 15 SPADILLE, the ace of...
spadillio 20 15 (obsolete) the ace o...
spadillos 20 15 SPADILLO, (obsolete)...
spadroons 16 14 SPADROON, (historica...
spaetzles 21 22 SPAETZLE, (German) i...
spaewives 22 19 SPAEWIFE, (Scots) a...
spaghetti 21 16 (Italian) pasta in t...
spagirist 20 14 an alchemist, also S...
spagyrics 29 19 the science of alche...
spagyrist 26 16 an alchemist, also S...
spairging 20 17 SPAIRGE, to sprinkle...
spaldeens 17 15 SPALDEEN, a small ho...
spallable 22 18 that can be spalled...
spallings 21 17 SPALLING, the breaki...
spalpeens 19 17 SPALPEEN, (Irish) a...
spammiest 20 18 SPAMMY, bland, unexc...
spammings 21 21 SPAMMING, sending ou...
spanaemia 16 16 a deficiency of red...
spanaemic 20 19 of or pertaining to...
spanceled 20 18 SPANCEL, to bind wit...
spandexed 22 22 wearing spandex [adj...
spandexes 22 21 SPANDEX, (tradename)...
spandrels 18 15 SPANDREL, a space be...
spandrils 19 15 SPANDRIL, a space be...
spanghews 23 20 SPANGHEW, (dialect)...
spanglers 19 16 SPANGLER, one who sp...
spanglets 19 16 SPANGLET, a sparklin...
spanglier 19 16 SPANGLY, covered wit...
spangling 20 19 the act of adorning...
spankings 19 20 SPANKING, the act of...
spanspeks 20 20 SPANSPEK, (Afrikaans...
spansules 18 15 SPANSULE, a pill [n]
spanworms 21 19 SPANWORM, the larva...
sparables 20 16 SPARABLE, a type of...
spareable 19 16 that can be spared [...
spareless 18 13 unsparing [adj]
spareness 16 13 the state of being s...
spareribs 20 15 SPARERIB, a cut of p...
sparingly 26 18 SPARING [adv]
sparkiest 19 16 SPARKY, lively, also...
sparklers 20 17 SPARKLER, something...
sparkless 20 17 without a spark [adj...
sparklets 20 17 SPARKLET, a small sp...
sparklier 20 17 SPARKLY, sparkling [...
sparklies 20 17 SPARKLY, something t...
sparkling 21 20 giving off flashes o...
sparkplug 24 23 to spark something o...
sparlings 20 16 SPARLING, a kind of...
sparriest 18 12 SPARRY, having a con...
sparrings 19 15 SPARRING, the act of...
sparsedly 25 16 sparsely [adv]
sparteine 16 13 a narcotic alkaloid...
sparterie 17 12 (French) articles ma...
sparticle 22 16 a shadow particle su...
spartinas 17 13 SPARTINA, a salt-mar...
spasmatic 22 18 in spasms, also SPAS...
spasmodic 22 19 relating to, or occu...
spatfalls 22 17 SPATFALL, a mass of...
spatially 26 16 SPATIAL, pertaining...
spatlesen 17 14 SPATLESE, (German) a...
spatleses 18 13 SPATLESE, (German) a...
spattered 17 13 SPATTER, to scatter...
spatulate 18 14 shaped like a spatul...
spawniest 20 16 SPAWNY, of or like s...
spawnings 21 19 SPAWNING, the act of...
speakable 20 20 capable of being spo...
speakeasy 23 18 an illicit bar for s...
speakings 19 19 SPEAKING, a speech o...
speakouts 18 17 SPEAKOUT, the act of...
spearfish 22 17 to hunt for fish wit...
spearguns 18 16 SPEARGUN, a gun that...
spearhead 18 15 the pointed head, or...
speariest 17 12 SPEARY, like a spear...
spearings 18 15 SPEARING, the act of...
spearlike 19 17 like a spear [adj]
spearmint 18 16 a common garden mint...
spearwort 20 15 a name given to seve...
specciest 24 18 SPECCY, wearing spec...
specialer 21 16 SPECIAL, particular...
specially 29 19 SPECIAL, particular...
specialty 28 18 the particular chara...
speciated 20 16 SPECIATE, to undergo...
speciates 20 15 SPECIATE, to undergo...
specifics 27 21 SPECIFIC, a remedy i...
specified 23 19 SPECIFY, to state in...
specifier 23 18 one who specifies [n...
specifies 23 18 SPECIFY, to state in...
specimens 21 19 SPECIMEN, a represen...
speckiest 22 19 SPECKY, having speck...
speckless 23 20 without a speck [adj...
speckling 24 23 SPECKLE, to mark wit...
spectacle 24 19 a sight, show, pagea...
spectated 20 16 SPECTATE, to attend...
spectates 20 15 SPECTATE, to attend...
spectator 20 15 an onlooker [n -S]
spectrins 21 16 SPECTRIN, a protein...
spectrums 23 19 SPECTRUM, an array o...
speculate 21 17 to make conjectures...
speculums 24 21 SPECULUM, a medical...
speechful 26 22 full of speech or wo...
speechify 31 22 to make long speeche...
speeching 23 20 SPEECH, to harangue...
speedball 21 18 a mixture of cocaine...
speedboat 18 16 a high-speed motorbo...
speediest 17 13 SPEEDY, fast [adj]
speedings 18 16 SPEEDING, the act of...
speedless 18 14 being without speed...
speedread 16 14 to read quickly [v S...
speedster 17 13 one who likes to tra...
speedwalk 22 21 (US) an endless conv...
speedways 26 18 SPEEDWAY, a road des...
speedwell 22 18 any species of the s...
speerings 18 15 SPEERING, an inquiry...
speirings 19 15 SPEIRING, an inquiry...
spekbooms 21 22 SPEKBOOM, (Afrikaans...
speldered 18 15 SPELDER, (Scots) to...
speldings 20 17 SPELDING, a haddock...
speldring 20 17 a haddock or other s...
speldrins 19 15 SPELDRIN, a haddock...
spellable 22 18 that can be spelled...
spellbind 22 19 to bind by or as by...
spelldown 22 19 (US) a spelling comp...
spellican 22 18 a small slip of wood...
spellings 21 17 SPELLING, a sequence...
spelunked 19 20 SPELUNK, to explore...
spelunker 19 19 one who explores cav...
spendable 19 18 that can be spent [a...
spendalls 19 16 SPENDALL, a spendthr...
spendiest 17 14 SPENDY, expensive [a...
spendings 18 17 SPENDING, the act of...
sperlings 20 16 SPERLING, a kind of...
spermaria 18 15 SPERMARIUM, the male...
spermatia 18 15 SPERMATIUM, one of t...
spermatic 22 18 pertaining to sperm,...
spermatid 19 16 a cell that develops...
spermines 18 16 SPERMINE, a chemical...
spetching 24 20 SPETCH, to repair or...
spewiness 20 16 the state of being s...
sphacelus 24 19 necrosis, mortificat...
sphaerite 19 14 a hydrous aluminium...
sphagnous 20 18 pertaining to moss o...
sphagnums 22 21 SPHAGNUM, a grayish...
sphairees 19 14 SPHAIREE, (Australia...
sphendone 17 17 (Greek) a headband o...
sphenodon 17 17 a member of the Sphe...
sphenoids 19 16 SPHENOID, a wedge-sh...
spherical 24 18 having the shape of...
spheriest 20 14 SPHERY, resembling a...
spheroids 20 15 SPHEROID, a body res...
spherular 21 16 like a spherule or s...
spherules 21 16 SPHERULE, a small sp...
sphincter 23 18 a ringlike muscle wh...
sphingids 22 18 SPHINGID, a member o...
sphygmoid 29 22 like a pulse [adj]
spiccatos 24 18 SPICCATO, a method o...
spicebush 26 21 a pungently aromatic...
spiceless 22 16 without spices [adj]
spiceries 21 15 SPICERY, spices in g...
spicilege 23 18 a gleaning, an antho...
spiciness 21 16 the state of being s...
spicknels 23 21 SPICKNEL, (obsolete)...
spiculate 22 17 having a sharp point...
spiderier 18 13 SPIDERY, like a spid...
spidering 19 16 SPIDER, to move in a...
spiderish 21 15 like a spider [adj]
spiderman 18 17 (colloquial) a const...
spidermen 18 17 SPIDERMAN, (colloqui...
spiderweb 23 19 a thread of silk spu...
spiffiest 23 18 SPIFFY, excellent [a...
spiffying 30 23 SPIFFY, to make spif...
spighting 23 19 SPIGHT, (Spenser) to...
spikefish 24 21 (US) a kind of sailf...
spikelets 20 17 SPIKELET, a type of...
spikelike 21 21 like a spike [adj]
spikenard 18 18 an aromatic oil or b...
spikeries 19 16 SPIKERY, very High-C...
spikiness 19 17 the state of being s...
spilikins 21 18 SPILIKIN, a small sl...
spillable 23 18 that can be spilt [a...
spillages 21 16 SPILLAGE, that which...
spillikin 22 19 a small slip of wood...
spillings 22 17 SPILLING, the amount...
spillover 22 18 an overflow [n -S]
spillways 30 19 SPILLWAY, a channel...
spilosite 19 13 a spotted slate, for...
spimmings 22 21 SPIMMING, the activi...
spinacene 18 17 a natural oil obtain...
spinaches 22 18 SPINACH, a plant of...
spindlers 19 15 SPINDLER, one that s...
spindlier 19 15 SPINDLY, long and sl...
spindling 20 18 a person or thing to...
spindrift 21 17 the ocean spray whic...
spineless 18 14 without spine [adj S...
spinelike 19 18 like a spine [adj]
spinelles 19 15 SPINELLE, any minera...
spinettes 17 13 SPINETTE, a musical...
spiniform 21 19 like a thorn or spin...
spininess 17 14 the state of being s...
spinnaker 17 18 a large triangular s...
spinneret 16 14 the silk-spinning or...
spinniest 17 14 SPINNY, crazy, fooli...
spinnings 18 17 SPINNING, the act of...
spinosely 24 16 SPINOSE, covered wit...
spinosity 24 15 thorniness [n SPINOS...
spinsters 18 13 SPINSTER, an older u...
spintexts 24 20 SPINTEXT, a clergyma...
spinulate 18 15 in the form of a spi...
spinulose 18 15 covered with small s...
spinulous 19 16 covered with small s...
spiracles 22 16 SPIRACLE, an orifice...
spiracula 22 17 SPIRACULUM, a breath...
spiraling 20 16 SPIRAL, to move in s...
spiralism 21 16 advancement through...
spiralist 20 13 someone engaged in s...
spirality 26 15 the state of being s...
spiralled 20 15 SPIRAL, to move in s...
spiraster 18 12 a coiled sponge spic...
spiration 17 13 the act of breathing...
spireless 19 13 without a spire [adj...
spirelets 19 13 SPIRELET, a slender...
spirewise 21 15 in the form of a spi...
spirillar 21 14 of or like a spirill...
spirillum 23 18 a rigid, spiral-shap...
spiritful 23 17 full of spirit; spir...
spiriting 20 15 the act of spiriting...
spiritism 21 15 the belief that noth...
spiritist 20 12 one who believes tha...
spiritoso 18 12 (Italian) spirited;...
spiritous 19 13 like spirit; refined...
spiritual 20 14 related to the spiri...
spirituel 20 14 (French) showing ref...
spirlings 21 16 SPIRLING, a kind of...
spirogram 20 17 a record made by a s...
spirogyra 25 16 any of various minut...
spirulina 19 15 any filamentous cyan...
spitballs 23 17 SPITBALL [n]
spitchers 24 17 SPITCHER, (slang) to...
spitfires 21 15 SPITFIRE, a hot-temp...
spittiest 19 12 SPITTY, marked with...
spittings 20 15 SPITTING, the act of...
spittlier 20 13 SPITTLY, like or cov...
spittoons 17 13 SPITTOON, a receptac...
spivviest 23 20 SPIVVY, like a spiv...
splashers 21 15 SPLASHER, one that s...
splashier 21 15 SPLASHY, given to sp...
splashily 29 18 SPLASHY, given to sp...
splashing 22 18 the act of splashing...
splatched 24 19 SPLATCH, (Scots) to...
splatches 24 18 SPLATCH, (Scots) to...
splatters 19 13 SPLATTER, to spatter...
splatting 20 16 the sound of a splat...
splayfeet 26 18 SPLAYFOOT, a foot th...
splayfoot 26 18 a foot that is abnor...
spleenful 21 19 affected with spleen...
spleenier 17 14 SPLEENY, (Shakespear...
spleenish 20 16 affected with spleen...
splendent 17 16 (archaic) glossy; br...
splendors 18 15 SPLENDOR, magnificen...
splendour 18 16 brilliance, magnific...
splenetic 21 17 marked by bad temper...
splenitis 19 14 inflammation of the...
spleniums 20 18 SPLENIUM, a surgical...
spleuchan 23 20 (Gaelic) a pouch, as...
splicings 24 19 SPLICING, the act of...
splinters 19 14 SPLINTER, to split i...
splintery 25 16 given to splintering...
splinting 20 17 SPLINT, to put a spl...
splishing 23 18 SPLISH, to splash, a...
splitters 20 13 SPLITTER, one that s...
splitting 21 16 the act of separatin...
splittism 22 16 advocating the withd...
splittist 21 13 one advocating the w...
splodgier 20 16 SPLODGY, covered wit...
splodgily 28 19 SPLODGY, covered wit...
splodging 21 19 SPLODGE, to make a s...
splooshed 20 16 SPLOOSH, to splash,...
splooshes 20 15 SPLOOSH, to splash,...
sploshing 22 18 SPLOSH, to splash, a...
splotched 24 19 SPLOTCH, to mark wit...
splotches 24 18 SPLOTCH, to mark wit...
splurgers 21 16 SPLURGER, one who sp...
splurgier 21 16 SPLURGY, tending to...
splurging 22 19 SPLURGE, to spend mo...
splurting 21 17 SPLURT, to gush fort...
splutters 20 14 SPLUTTER, to speak r...
spluttery 26 16 given to spluttering...
spoddiest 18 14 SPODDY, boring, stud...
spodogram 19 18 a preparation of the...
spodosols 18 14 SPODOSOL, a type of...
spodumene 17 18 a monoclinic pyroxen...
spoilable 21 17 capable of being spo...
spoilages 19 15 SPOILAGE, something...
spoilfive 23 20 a certain game at ca...
spoilsman 19 17 (US) someone who loo...
spoilsmen 19 17 SPOILSMAN, (US) some...
spokesman 18 20 a person who speaks...
spokesmen 18 20 SPOKESMAN, a person...
spokewise 21 19 arranged in the fash...
spoliated 18 14 SPOLIATE, to despoil...
spoliates 18 13 SPOLIATE, to despoil...
spoliator 18 13 one who spoliates [n...
spondaics 20 17 SPONDAIC, a spondee...
spondulix 25 23 (US slang) cash, mon...
spongebag 20 20 a bag for holding a...
spongeing 18 18 SPONGE, to wipe with...
spongeous 17 16 somewhat spongy; spo...
spongiest 18 15 SPONGY, absorptive [...
spongiose 17 15 somewhat spongy; spo...
spongious 18 16 somewhat spongy; spo...
sponsalia 17 14 nuptials, marriage [...
sponsible 20 17 responsible; worthy...
sponsings 18 16 SPONSING, a platform...
sponsions 16 14 SPONSION, the act of...
sponsored 16 14 SPONSOR, to act as a...
spontoons 15 14 SPONTOON, a small-he...
spoofiest 19 15 SPOOFY, humorously s...
spoofings 20 18 SPOOFING, an act of...
spookiest 18 16 SPOOKY, scary, also...
spoolings 19 16 SPOOLING, the tempor...
spoonbait 18 16 a lure on a swivel,...
spoonbill 21 18 a kind of wading bir...
spoonfuls 20 18 SPOONFUL, as much as...
spoonhook 18 19 a lure on a swivel,...
spooniest 16 13 SPOONY, foolishly fo...
spoonsful 20 18 SPOONFUL, as much as...
spoonways 25 18 like spoons packed c...
spoonwise 19 16 like spoons packed c...
spoonworm 20 19 a marine invertebrat...
sporangia 17 15 SPORANGIUM, a chambe...
sporicide 21 16 a substance that kil...
sporidesm 19 16 a multicellular body...
sporidial 19 14 of or like a sporidi...
sporidium 20 17 a secondary spore, o...
sporocarp 22 18 a closed body or con...
sporocyst 27 17 a rounded, thick-wal...
sporocyte 26 17 a diploid cell that...
sporogeny 23 17 the production of sp...
sporogony 23 17 the growth or develo...
sporophyl 29 20 a leaf that bears sp...
sporozoal 20 22 related to sporozoa,...
sporozoan 18 22 any parasitic protoz...
sporozoic 23 24 related to sporozoa,...
sporozoon 18 22 a parasitic one-cell...
sportable 20 16 sportive [adj]
sportance 19 16 playful, sportive, o...
sportbike 21 19 a kind of high-speed...
sportiest 18 12 SPORTY, inclined to...
sportless 19 13 without sport or mir...
sportsman 18 16 a man who engages in...
sportsmen 18 16 SPORTSMAN, a man who...
sporulate 18 14 to form (into) spore...
sposhiest 20 14 SPOSHY, (US) slushy...
spotlight 23 17 to highlight [v SPOT...
spottable 20 16 that can be spotted...
spottiest 18 12 SPOTTY, marked with...
spottings 19 15 SPOTTING, the act of...
spousages 18 15 SPOUSAGE, espousal [...
spousally 26 17 SPOUSAL, nuptial [ad...
spoutiest 18 13 SPOUTY, having a spo...
spoutings 19 16 SPOUTING, a rainwate...
spoutless 19 14 having no spout [adj...
sprackled 23 21 SPRACKLE, (Scots) to...
sprackles 23 20 SPRACKLE, (Scots) to...
spraddled 19 16 SPRADDLE, to straddl...
spraddles 19 15 SPRADDLE, to straddl...
spragging 21 19 SPRAG, to stop with...
spraining 18 16 SPRAIN, to injure by...
sprangled 19 17 SPRANGLE, (US) to sp...
sprangles 19 16 SPRANGLE, (US) to sp...
sprattled 19 14 SPRATTLE, (Scots) to...
sprattles 19 13 SPRATTLE, (Scots) to...
sprauchle 24 19 (Scots) to clamber,...
sprawlers 22 16 SPRAWLER, one who sp...
sprawlier 22 16 SPRAWLY, tending to...
sprawling 23 19 SPRAWL, to stretch o...
sprayiest 24 14 SPRAYEY, full of spr...
sprayings 25 17 SPRAYING, an act of...
spreaders 17 13 SPREADER, one who sp...
spreading 18 16 expansive [adj SPREA...
spreathed 19 15 SPREATHE, (SW dialec...
spreathes 19 14 SPREATHE, (SW dialec...
spreazing 21 24 SPREAZE, (SW dialect...
sprechery 29 19 cattle-stealing; plu...
spreckled 23 21 (dialect) speckled [...
spredding 19 17 SPREDD, (obsolete) t...
spreethed 19 15 SPREETHE, (SW dialec...
spreethes 19 14 SPREETHE, (SW dialec...
spreezing 21 24 SPREEZE, (SW dialect...
sprekelia 19 17 a bulbous plant grow...
sprenting 18 16 SPRENT, to spring or...
spriggers 21 16 SPRIGGER, one that d...
spriggier 21 16 SPRIGGY, having smal...
sprigging 22 19 SPRIG, to embroider...
sprighted 22 17 SPRIGHT, (Shakespear...
sprightly 30 19 lively, also SPRITEL...
sprigtail 21 15 a species of duck [n...
springald 20 17 (archaic) an active...
springals 20 16 SPRINGAL, (archaic)...
springbok 22 22 a South African ante...
springers 19 15 SPRINGER, a kind of...
springier 19 15 SPRINGY, resilient [...
springily 27 18 SPRINGY, resilient [...
springing 20 18 the act of springing...
springles 20 16 SPRINGLE, a snare wi...
springlet 20 16 a little spring [n -...
sprinkled 20 19 SPRINKLE, to scatter...
sprinkler 20 18 a device for sprinkl...
sprinkles 20 18 SPRINKLE, to scatter...
sprinters 18 13 SPRINTER, one who sp...
sprinting 19 16 the act of running a...
spriteful 22 17 impish [adj SPRITEFU...
spritsail 20 13 a sail extended by a...
spritzers 22 21 SPRITZER, (German) a...
spritzier 22 21 SPRITZY, emitting a...
spritzigs 24 23 SPRITZIG, (German) a...
spritzing 23 24 SPRITZ, to spray (li...
sprockets 22 19 SPROCKET, a toothlik...
sproglets 20 15 SPROGLET, a small ch...
sprouting 19 16 the act of sprouting...
spruciest 22 16 SPRUCY, neat and tri...
spruikers 20 17 SPRUIKER, (Australia...
spruiking 21 20 SPRUIK, (Australian...
sprushing 22 18 SPRUSH, (Scots) to s...
spuddiest 19 15 SPUDDY, podgy [adj]
spuddings 20 18 SPUDDING, the proces...
spuilzied 23 24 SPUILZIE, (Scots) to...
spuilzies 23 23 SPUILZIE, (Scots) to...
spulyeing 26 19 SPULYE, (Scots) to p...
spumantes 18 17 SPUMANTE, (Italian)...
spunkiest 19 18 SPUNKY, courageous,...
spunyarns 23 17 SPUNYARN, rope of ya...
spurgalls 22 17 SPURGALL, to injure...
spurlings 21 17 SPURLING, a tern [n]
spurnings 19 17 SPURNING, the act of...
spurriers 19 13 SPURRIER, one whose...
spurriest 19 13 SPURRY, spur-like [a...
spurrings 20 16 SPURRING, the act of...
sputtered 18 14 SPUTTER, to spit, or...
sputterer 18 13 one who sputters [n...
spymaster 25 17 one who controls spi...
spyplanes 26 19 SPYPLANE, a plane eq...
squabbest 28 25 SQUAB, fat, clumsy,...
squabbier 28 25 SQUABBY, short and t...
squabbing 29 28 SQUAB, to stuff, uph...
squabbish 31 27 somewhat fat or squa...
squabbled 29 27 SQUABBLE, to quarrel...
squabbler 29 26 one who squabbles [n...
squabbles 29 26 SQUABBLE, to quarrel...
squaddies 24 21 SQUADDY, (colloquial...
squadding 25 24 SQUAD, to form into...
squadoosh 25 22 (US slang) nothing [...
squadrone 22 21 (Italian) as in squa...
squadrons 23 21 SQUADRON, to organiz...
squailers 25 20 SQUAILER, a throwing...
squailing 26 23 the act of squailing...
squalenes 23 21 SQUALENE, a natural...
squalider 25 21 SQUALID, filthy, neg...
squalidly 33 24 SQUALID, filthy, neg...
squallers 26 21 SQUALLER, a person,...
squallier 26 21 SQUALLY, full of squ...
squalling 27 24 SQUALL, to rain or b...
squallish 29 23 somewhat like a squa...
squamates 24 22 SQUAMATE, a creature...
squamella 26 24 a little scale, also...
squamosal 25 23 a paired membrane bo...
squamulas 26 24 SQUAMULA, a little s...
squamules 26 24 SQUAMULE, a little s...
squanders 23 21 SQUANDER, to spend w...
squarials 25 20 SQUARIAL, a flat dia...
squarings 25 22 SQUARING, the act of...
squarrose 23 19 rough with projectin...
squarsons 23 20 SQUARSON, a clergyma...
squashers 26 21 SQUASHER, one who sq...
squashier 26 21 SQUASHY, yielding, s...
squashily 34 24 SQUASHY, yielding, s...
squashing 27 24 SQUASH, to press int...
squatness 23 20 the state of being s...
squatters 24 19 SQUATTER, to splash...
squattest 24 19 SQUAT, short and thi...
squattier 24 19 SQUATTY, squat, dump...
squattily 32 22 SQUATTY, squat, dump...
squatting 25 22 the act of sitting o...
squattled 25 21 SQUATTLE, (Scots) to...
squattles 25 20 SQUATTLE, (Scots) to...
squawbush 32 28 an American shrub [n...
squawfish 32 27 a large cyprinid fis...
squawkers 28 26 SQUAWKER, a loudspea...
squawkier 28 26 SQUAWKY, shrill and...
squawking 29 29 the act of squawking...
squawroot 26 22 a scaly parasitic pl...
squeakers 24 23 SQUEAKER, something...
squeakery 30 25 an assemblage of thi...
squeakier 24 23 SQUEAKY, making a sq...
squeakily 32 26 SQUEAKY, making a sq...
squeaking 25 26 making a sharp, high...
squealers 24 20 SQUEALER, an informe...
squealing 25 23 SQUEAL, to utter a s...
squeamish 27 24 feeling nauseous, si...
squeegeed 23 22 SQUEEGEE, to wipe wi...
squeegees 23 21 SQUEEGEE, to wipe wi...
squeezers 26 28 SQUEEZER, one that s...
squeezier 26 28 SQUEEZY, squeezable...
squeezing 27 31 the act of squeezing...
squeggers 26 23 SQUEGGER, a squeggin...
squegging 27 26 a type of oscillatio...
squelched 30 26 SQUELCH, to make a g...
squelcher 30 25 an overwhelming blow...
squelches 30 25 SQUELCH, to make a g...
squibbers 29 25 SQUIBBER, in basebal...
squibbing 30 28 the act of squibbing...
squidding 26 24 SQUID, to fish with...
squidgier 26 22 SQUIDGY, unpleasantl...
squidging 27 25 SQUIDGE, to squeeze...
squiffers 29 25 SQUIFFER, (slang) a...
squiffier 29 25 SQUIFFY, (colloquial...
squiggled 28 25 SQUIGGLE, to writhe...
squiggler 28 24 one who squiggles, w...
squiggles 28 24 SQUIGGLE, to writhe...
squilgeed 26 23 SQUILGEE, to wipe wi...
squilgees 26 22 SQUILGEE, to wipe wi...
squillion 26 22 an indefinitely larg...
squinancy 32 26 (obsolete) quinsy, s...
squinched 29 26 SQUINCH, to screw up...
squinches 29 25 SQUINCH, to screw up...
squinnied 23 22 SQUINNY, to squint,...
squinnier 23 21 SQUINNY, squinting [...
squinnies 23 21 SQUINNY, to squint,...
squinters 24 20 SQUINTER, one who sq...
squintest 24 20 SQUINT, cross-eyed [...
squintier 24 20 SQUINTY, marked by s...
squinting 25 23 looking with the eye...
squinying 31 25 SQUINY, (dialect) to...
squirages 25 21 SQUIRAGE, squires co...
squiralty 32 22 squires collectively...
squirarch 30 24 one who belongs to t...
squireage 24 21 squires collectively...
squiredom 25 23 the office of squire...
squireens 23 20 SQUIREEN, (facetious...
squirmers 26 22 SQUIRMER, a person w...
squirmier 26 22 SQUIRMY, given to sq...
squirming 27 25 SQUIRM, to wriggle [...
squirrels 26 20 SQUIRREL, to store u...
squirrely 32 22 like a squirrel, als...
squirring 26 22 SQUIRR, to scour, se...
squirters 25 19 SQUIRTER, a device f...
squirting 26 22 the act of squirting...
squishier 27 21 SQUISHY, squashy [ad...
squishing 28 24 SQUISH, to squash, a...
squitches 30 24 SQUITCH, quitch gras...
squitters 25 19 (colloquial) diarrho...
squooshed 25 22 SQUOOSH, to squash,...
squooshes 25 21 SQUOOSH, to squash,...
squushing 28 25 SQUUSH, to squash [v...
stabbings 21 18 STABBING, the act of...
stabilate 18 13 a population preserv...
stabilise 19 13 to make stable, also...
stability 26 15 the quality of being...
stabilize 22 22 to make stable, also...
stableboy 26 18 someone who works at...
stableman 18 17 someone who works at...
stablemen 18 17 STABLEMAN, someone w...
stablings 20 16 STABLING, accommodat...
stacation 17 13 a holiday in which l...
staccatos 21 15 STACCATO, a musical...
stachyses 27 16 STACHYS, a labiate p...
stackable 22 20 that can be stacked...
stackings 21 19 STACKING, the act of...
stackless 21 17 without a stack [adj...
stackroom 20 19 in a library, a room...
stackyard 26 19 a yard or inclosure...
staffages 20 17 STAFFAGE, decorative...
staffings 21 18 STAFFING, the provis...
staffroom 20 18 a room in a school s...
stageable 18 15 that can be staged [...
stagefuls 20 16 STAGEFUL, as much as...
stagehand 17 15 a workman employed a...
stagelike 18 16 like a stage [adj]
stageries 16 11 STAGERY, theatrical...
stagettes 16 11 STAGETTE, a hen part...
staggards 18 14 STAGGARD, the male r...
staggarts 18 13 STAGGART, the male r...
staggered 17 14 STAGGER, to walk or...
staggerer 17 13 one who staggers [n...
staggiest 18 13 STAGGY, having the a...
staghorns 18 14 STAGHORN, a stag's a...
staghound 18 16 a dog used for hunti...
staginess 16 12 being stagy, theatri...
stagnance 17 16 the state of being s...
stagnancy 24 18 the state of being s...
stagnated 15 13 STAGNATE, to become...
stagnates 15 12 STAGNATE, to become...
staidness 15 11 the state of being s...
stainable 17 14 that can be stained...
stainings 16 13 STAINING, the act of...
stainless 16 11 without stain [adj S...
staircase 18 12 a flight of stairs,...
stairfoot 17 12 the level place at t...
stairhead 17 12 the level place at t...
stairless 17 10 without a stair [adj...
stairlift 20 13 a lift to enable peo...
stairlike 18 14 like a stair [adj]
stairstep 18 12 to carry out an exer...
stairways 25 14 STAIRWAY, a flight o...
stairwell 21 14 a vertical shaft or...
stairwise 19 12 in the fashion of st...
stairwork 20 16 backstairs intriguin...
stakeouts 16 14 STAKEOUT, a surveill...
stalactic 23 16 of or like a stalact...
stalagmas 18 15 STALAGMA, a stalacti...
stalemate 16 13 in chess, a situatio...
staleness 15 11 the state of being s...
stalkiest 18 14 STALKY, long and sle...
stalkings 19 17 STALKING, the act of...
stalkless 19 15 without a stalk [adj...
stalklike 20 19 like a stalk [adj]
stallages 18 13 STALLAGE, rent paid...
stallings 19 14 STALLING, the act of...
stallions 17 12 STALLION, an uncastr...
stalwarts 20 13 STALWART, a sturdy,...
stalworth 22 15 (archaic) stalwart [...
staminate 15 13 furnished with stame...
stamineal 16 14 related to stamens,...
staminode 15 14 a sterile stamen, al...
staminody 22 16 the transformation o...
staminoid 16 14 like, or metamorphos...
stammered 17 16 STAMMER, to speak wi...
stammerer 17 15 one who stammers [n...
stampeded 18 17 STAMPEDE, to send ru...
stampeder 18 16 one who stampedes [n...
stampedes 18 16 STAMPEDE, to send ru...
stampedos 18 16 STAMPEDO, (obsolete)...
stampings 20 18 STAMPING, the act of...
stampless 20 16 without a stamp [adj...
stanchels 21 16 STANCHEL, an upright...
stanchers 20 15 STANCHER, to support...
stanchest 20 15 STANCH, firm, steadf...
stanching 21 18 the act of stanching...
stanchion 19 16 an upright beam, bar...
standards 15 12 STANDARD, an establi...
standaway 23 16 of a skirt, standing...
standdown 17 16 a return to normal a...
standfast 17 14 a reliable person or...
standgale 16 14 a corrupt form of st...
standings 16 14 STANDING, a position...
standoffs 19 17 STANDOFF, a tie or a...
standouts 15 12 STANDOUT, one that s...
standover 16 15 a threatening or int...
standpipe 19 17 a pipe for supplying...
stanhopes 18 15 STANHOPE, a light, o...
stannates 13 11 STANNATE, a salt of...
stannator 13 11 one of the members o...
stannites 14 11 STANNITE, an ore of...
stapedial 18 14 of or pertaining to...
stapedius 18 14 the muscle of the mi...
stapelias 18 13 STAPELIA, any of var...
staplings 20 16 STAPLING, the act of...
staragens 15 12 STARAGEN, (obsolete)...
starboard 17 13 the right-hand side...
starburst 19 13 a pattern of rays or...
starchers 21 14 STARCHER, one who st...
starchier 21 14 STARCHY, containing...
starchily 29 17 STARCHY, containing...
starching 22 17 STARCH, to stiffen a...
stardrift 19 13 a common proper moti...
stardusts 17 11 STARDUST, cosmic dus...
staretses 15 9 STARETS, a spiritual...
staretzes 18 18 STARETZ, (Russian) a...
starfruit 19 13 a flower, the Star o...
stargazed 19 21 STARGAZE, to gaze at...
stargazer 19 20 any of various marin...
stargazes 19 20 STARGAZE, to gaze at...
stargazey 25 22 as in stargazey pie,...
staringly 24 15 STARING, looking fix...
starkened 15 15 STARKEN, to make or...
starkness 16 14 the state of being s...
starlight 21 14 the light of stars [...
starlings 18 13 STARLING, a European...
starnoses 14 10 STARNOSE, a curious...
starostas 15 9 STAROSTA, (Russian)...
starriest 16 9 STARRY, abounding wi...
starrings 17 12 STARRING, the act or...
starshine 17 12 the light of stars [...
starships 21 14 STARSHIP, a spaceshi...
starspots 18 12 STARSPOT, an area of...
starstone 14 10 asteriated sapphire...
startings 17 12 STARTING, the act of...
startlers 17 10 STARTLER, one who st...
startling 18 13 very surprising [adj...
startlish 20 12 of a horse, apt to s...
starvings 19 16 STARVING, the act of...
starworts 19 12 STARWORT, any plant...
stasidion 15 11 (Greek) a stall in a...
stateable 17 13 that can be stated,...
statehood 16 12 the status of a stat...
stateless 16 10 without a state [adj...
statelets 16 10 STATELET, a small po...
statelier 16 10 STATELY, dignified [...
statelily 24 13 STATELY, dignified [...
statement 15 13 something said forma...
stateroom 15 12 a private cabin or r...
stateside 15 10 of, in, or pertainin...
statesman 15 13 a person who takes a...
statesmen 15 13 STATESMAN, a person...
statewide 18 13 throughout a state [...
stational 15 11 of or pertaining to...
stationed 14 11 STATION, to assign t...
stationer 14 10 one who sells statio...
statistic 20 12 a tabulated numerica...
statocyst 25 14 an organ of balance...
statolith 19 12 a small calcareous s...
statuette 15 10 a small statue [n -S...
statutory 22 12 of or related to sta...
staumrels 18 14 STAUMREL, a dolt [n]
staunched 20 17 STAUNCH, to stop the...
stauncher 20 16 something or someone...
staunches 20 16 STAUNCH, to stop the...
staunchly 28 19 STAUNCH, firm, stead...
stavudine 17 16 a drug used to treat...
stayaways 30 16 STAYAWAY, in South A...
staymaker 23 18 one whose occupation...
staysails 23 12 STAYSAIL, a fore-and...
steadfast 17 13 firm, unwavering, al...
steadiers 15 10 STEADIER, one who st...
steadiest 15 10 STEADY, well-balance...
steadings 16 13 STEADING, a small fa...
steadying 22 15 STEADY, to make stea...
stealable 18 14 that can be stolen [...
stealages 16 12 STEALAGE, theft [n]
stealings 17 13 STEALING, the act of...
stealthed 18 13 STEALTH, to approach...
steamboat 17 15 a boat powered by st...
steamered 15 13 STEAMER, to travel b...
steamiest 16 12 STEAMY, like steam [...
steamings 17 15 STEAMING, a method o...
steampunk 19 21 a genre of science f...
steamroll 18 14 to crush with a stea...
steamship 21 17 a ship powered by st...
steanings 15 13 STEANING [n]
steapsins 17 13 STEAPSIN, an enzyme...
stearages 15 11 STEARAGE, (obsolete)...
stearates 14 9 STEARATE, a salt of...
stearines 14 10 STEARINE, the solid...
stearsman 15 13 (obsolete) a steersm...
stearsmen 15 13 STEARSMAN, (obsolete...
steatites 15 9 STEATITE, the massiv...
steatitic 19 12 pertaining to, or of...
steatomas 15 12 STEATOMA, (Greek) a...
steatoses 14 9 STEATOSIS, adiposity...
steatosis 15 9 adiposity [n STEATOS...
steddying 23 16 STEDDY, (archaic) to...
steedlike 17 15 like a steed [adj]
steedying 22 15 STEEDY, (archaic) to...
steelbows 21 16 STEELBOW, (Scots) st...
steelhead 17 13 a north Pacific salm...
steeliest 16 10 STEELY, resembling s...
steelings 17 13 STEELING, the act of...
steelware 18 13 articles made of ste...
steelwork 20 17 work executed in ste...
steelyard 22 13 a weighing-machine c...
steenboks 17 17 STEENBOK, (Afrikaans...
steenbras 16 13 (Afrikaans) an edibl...
steenbuck 21 21 (Afrikaans) a small...
steenings 15 13 STEENING, a stone li...
steenkirk 17 18 (historical) a neckc...
steepened 15 14 STEEPEN, to become s...
steepiest 17 12 STEEPY, steep; preci...
steepling 19 16 rising on a high tra...
steepness 16 13 the state of being s...
steerable 17 13 that can be steered...
steerages 15 11 STEERAGE, a section...
steeriest 15 9 STEERY, busy or bust...
steerings 16 12 STEERING, the guidin...
steerling 17 13 a young small steer...
steersman 15 13 the person who steer...
steersmen 15 13 STEERSMAN, the perso...
steevings 18 16 STEEVING, the angula...
stegnoses 15 12 STEGNOSIS, constipat...
stegnosis 16 12 constipation [n STEG...
stegnotic 19 15 a drug tending to re...
stegodons 15 13 STEGODON, an extinct...
stegodont 15 13 an extinct mammal wi...
stegomyia 23 16 a genus of mosquito,...
stegosaur 16 12 a herbivorous dinosa...
steinbock 21 20 (Afrikaans) a small...
steinboks 18 17 STEINBOK, (Afrikaans...
steinings 16 13 STEINING, a stone li...
steinkirk 18 18 a neckcloth or crava...
stellated 17 12 star-shaped; starry,...
stellerid 18 12 a starfish, also STE...
stellions 17 12 STELLION, an East Me...
stellites 18 11 STELLITE, a cobalt-b...
stellular 19 13 starlike; having sta...
stembucks 24 23 STEMBUCK, (Afrikaans...
stemheads 18 15 STEMHEAD, the head o...
stemmatic 21 18 relating to a stemma...
stemmiest 18 15 STEMMY, abounding in...
stemmings 19 18 STEMMING, material u...
stemwares 19 15 STEMWARE, a type of...
stenchful 24 20 evil-smelling [adj]
stenchier 20 15 STENCHY, having a fo...
stenching 21 18 STENCH, to cause to...
stenciled 19 15 STENCIL, to produce...
stenciler 19 14 one who paints or co...
stenlocks 20 18 STENLOCK, (Scots) a...
stenobath 18 15 a stenobathic organi...
stenokies 15 14 STENOKY, the ability...
stenokous 15 15 able to live in a na...
stenopaic 19 16 of spectacles, optic...
stenosing 15 13 causing or character...
stenotype 22 15 a form of typewriter...
stenotypy 29 17 a type of shorthand...
stentours 15 11 STENTOUR, one who de...
stepbairn 19 16 (Scots) a stepchild...
stepchild 25 19 a wife's or husband'...
stepdames 18 16 STEPDAME, a stepmoth...
stephanes 18 15 STEPHANE, (Greek) an...
stepovers 19 16 STEPOVER, an instanc...
stepstool 18 13 a stool able to be u...
steradian 14 11 a unit of measuremen...
stercoral 19 13 pertaining to dung [...
sterculia 20 14 any tree or shrub of...
stereoing 15 12 STEREO, to make a ty...
stereomes 15 12 STEREOME, mechanical...
sterigmas 18 14 STERIGMA, a spore-be...
sterilant 16 11 a sterilizing agent...
sterilely 24 13 STERILE, incapable o...
sterilise 17 10 to make sterile, als...
sterility 24 12 the quality of being...
sterilize 20 19 to render sterile, a...
sterlings 18 13 STERLING, an English...
sternages 15 12 STERNAGE, (Shakespea...
sternebra 16 13 one of the segments...
sternfast 17 13 a rope or chain for...
sternites 15 10 STERNITE, the ventra...
sternitic 19 13 relating to the ster...
sternmost 16 13 farthest astern; as,...
sternness 14 11 the state of being s...
sternport 17 13 a port or opening in...
sternpost 17 13 the main member at t...
sternsons 14 11 STERNSON, the end of...
sternward 18 14 towards the stern, a...
sternways 24 15 STERNWAY, the backwa...
steroidal 16 11 relating to steroids...
stevedore 16 14 a dock worker who lo...
stewarded 18 14 STEWARD, to act as a...
stewardry 25 15 being a steward [n S...
stewartry 25 14 (Scots) a former ter...
stewponds 20 17 STEWPOND, a fish pon...
stibblers 22 16 STIBBLER, (Scots) a...
stibnites 18 13 STIBNITE, an ore of...
sticcados 22 16 STICCADO, (Italian)...
sticcatos 22 15 STICCATO, (Italian)...
sticharia 21 14 STICHARION, a vestme...
sticheron 20 15 (Greek) a short hymn...
stichidia 22 15 STICHIDIUM, a branch...
stickable 23 20 that can be stuck [a...
stickball 25 21 baseball adapted for...
stickered 20 17 STICKER, to apply ad...
stickfuls 25 21 STICKFUL, as much se...
stickiest 21 16 STICKY, adhesive [ad...
stickings 22 19 STICKING, the act of...
stickjaws 26 28 STICKJAW, a sweet me...
sticklers 22 17 STICKLER, one who ha...
sticklike 23 21 like a stick [adj]
stickling 23 20 making objections [n...
stickouts 21 17 STICKOUT, one who is...
stickpins 23 20 STICKPIN, a decorati...
stickseed 20 17 any of various weedy...
stickweed 23 20 any of several plant...
stickwork 25 23 skill in using one's...
stickying 28 21 STICKY, to make stic...
stictions 19 13 STICTION, frictional...
stiffened 19 17 STIFFEN, to make sti...
stiffener 19 16 something used to st...
stiffness 20 16 the state of being s...
stiffware 23 18 software that is no...
stiflings 21 16 STIFLING, the act of...
stigmatic 22 17 related to stigma [a...
stilbenes 18 14 STILBENE, a crystall...
stilbites 20 13 STILBITE, a common m...
stilettos 17 10 STILETTO, (Italian)...
stillages 19 13 STILLAGE, a cask sta...
stillborn 20 15 a baby dead at birth...
stilliest 19 11 STILLY, still, quiet...
stillings 20 14 STILLING, a cask sta...
stillions 18 12 STILLION, a cask sta...
stillness 18 12 the state of being s...
stillroom 19 14 a room, in a large h...
stillsons 18 12 STILLSON, (tradename...
stiltbird 21 14 a long-legged wading...
stiltedly 25 14 STILTED [adv]
stiltiest 18 10 STILTY, stilt-like [...
stiltings 19 13 STILTING, the act of...
stimulant 18 15 a substance that sti...
stimulate 18 14 to excite, to inspir...
stingaree 15 12 a ray with a formida...
stingbull 22 18 the weever fish, whi...
stingfish 22 17 the weever fish, als...
stingiest 17 12 STINGY, mean, niggar...
stingings 18 15 STINGING, the act of...
stingless 18 13 having no sting [adj...
stingrays 23 14 STINGRAY, a ray with...
stinkards 17 15 STINKARD, a despicab...
stinkbird 20 18 another name for the...
stinkbugs 21 20 STINKBUG, a shield b...
stinkeroo 15 14 a bad or contemptibl...
stinkhorn 18 17 a kind of fungus of...
stinkiest 17 14 STINKY, emitting a f...
stinkpots 19 17 STINKPOT, a common m...
stinkweed 19 18 any foul-smelling pl...
stinkwood 19 18 a name given to seve...
stintedly 23 14 STINTED [adv]
stintiest 16 10 STINTY, limited [adj...
stintings 17 13 STINTING, the act of...
stintless 17 11 without stint or res...
stipiform 22 18 resembling a stipe,...
stipitate 18 12 supported by a stipe...
stipplers 22 16 STIPPLER, one who st...
stippling 23 19 the act of stippling...
stipulary 26 16 of or pertaining to...
stipulate 19 14 to set or require as...
stirabout 18 13 (Anglo-Irish) porrid...
stirrable 19 13 that can be stirred...
stirrings 18 12 STIRRING, the act of...
stitchers 22 14 STITCHER, one who st...
stitchery 28 16 needlework [n STITCH...
stitching 23 17 the act of stitching...
stithying 26 16 STITHY, to forge on...
stoccados 21 16 STOCCADO, (Italian)...
stoccatas 21 15 STOCCATA, (Italian)...
stockaded 19 18 STOCKADE, to build a...
stockades 19 17 STOCKADE, to build a...
stockages 20 18 STOCKAGE, the amount...
stockcars 23 19 STOCKCAR, a boxcar f...
stockfish 25 21 unsalted dried hake,...
stockhorn 21 19 a primitive Scottish...
stockiest 20 16 STOCKY, having a sho...
stockinet 19 17 an elastic knitted f...
stockings 21 19 STOCKING, a covering...
stockists 21 16 STOCKIST, a shopkeep...
stockless 21 17 without stock [adj]
stocklist 22 17 a list of items in s...
stocklock 25 24 a lock with a wooden...
stockpile 23 20 an accumulated reser...
stockpots 22 19 STOCKPOT, a pot for...
stockroom 20 19 a room where goods a...
stocktake 20 20 to perform the count...
stocktook 20 20 STOCKTAKE, to perfor...
stockwork 24 23 (German) a mass of v...
stockyard 26 19 a large yard with pe...
stodgiest 17 12 STODGY, boring [adj]
stoically 27 16 STOICAL, indifferent...
stoicisms 21 15 STOICISM, indifferen...
stoitered 15 10 STOITER, (Scots) to...
stokehold 19 17 a ship's furnace cha...
stokehole 18 16 the area round the m...
stokesias 16 13 STOKESIA, a perennia...
stolidest 17 11 STOLID, impassive, u...
stolidity 24 13 impassivity [n STOLI...
stolonate 14 11 having a stolon [adj...
stolports 19 13 STOLPORT, an airport...
stomachal 22 18 of or pertaining to...
stomached 21 18 STOMACH, to tolerate...
stomacher 21 17 armour for the chest...
stomachic 25 20 of the stomach; prom...
stomatous 16 13 pertaining to a stom...
stomodaea 14 13 STOMODAEUM, in embry...
stomodeal 16 14 relating to the stom...
stomodeum 17 17 an embryonic oral ca...
stompiest 19 15 STOMPY, conducive to...
stoneable 16 14 carrying the penalty...
stoneboat 15 13 (US) a low sledge fo...
stonecast 17 13 the throw of a stone...
stonechat 19 15 a small bird of heat...
stonecrop 19 16 a yellow flower of r...
stonecuts 18 14 STONECUT, a print ma...
stonefish 19 15 a venomous fish of N...
stonehand 15 14 in printing, an impo...
stoneless 15 11 without a stone [adj...
stonelike 16 15 like stone [adj]
stonerags 15 12 STONERAG, a kind of...
stoneraws 17 13 STONERAW, a kind of...
stoneshot 16 12 a stone or stones us...
stonewall 19 15 of a batsman, to pla...
stoneware 16 13 a species of coarse...
stonewash 19 15 to wash with stones...
stonework 18 17 any work in stone [n...
stonewort 17 13 any plant of the Cha...
stoniness 14 11 the state of being s...
stonished 17 13 STONISH, to astonish...
stonishes 17 12 STONISH, to astonish...
stonkered 15 15 STONKER, (Australian...
stookings 17 16 STOOKING, the act of...
stoolball 20 15 a kind of game with...
stoopball 21 17 a variation of baseb...
stooshies 17 11 STOOSHIE, (Scots) fu...
stoozings 19 21 STOOZING, the practi...
stopbands 19 17 STOPBAND, a band of...
stopbanks 20 20 STOPBANK, an embankm...
stopcocks 25 22 STOPCOCK, a short pi...
stoplight 23 17 the brake light on a...
stopovers 19 16 STOPOVER, a brief st...
stoppable 22 19 that can be stopped...
stoppages 20 17 STOPPAGE, the act of...
stoppered 19 16 STOPPER, to seal wit...
stoppings 21 18 STOPPING, the action...
stoppling 22 19 STOPPLE, to stop up,...
stopwatch 26 20 an accurate watch re...
stopwords 21 16 STOPWORD, a frequent...
storables 18 13 STORABLE, something...
storecard 18 13 a charge card [n -S]
storeroom 15 12 a room in which thin...
storeship 20 14 a vessel used to car...
storewide 18 13 extending throughout...
storiated 15 10 decorated with elabo...
storiette 15 9 a short tale, also S...
stormbird 20 16 a petrel [n -S]
stormcock 24 22 a missel-thrush [n -...
stormiest 17 12 STORMY, wild, tempes...
stormings 18 15 STORMING, the act of...
stormless 18 13 without storms [adj]
stormlike 19 17 like a storm [adj]
stornelli 17 12 STORNELLO, (Italian)...
stornello 16 12 (Italian) an Italian...
storybook 24 18 a book of tales true...
storyette 21 11 a short tale, also S...
storyings 23 14 STORYING, the art of...
storyline 22 13 the main plot of a n...
stottered 15 10 STOTTER, to stagger,...
stounding 16 15 STOUND, to ache, thr...
stouriest 16 10 STOURY, (Scots) dust...
stoushies 18 12 STOUSHIE, (Scots) fu...
stoushing 19 15 STOUSH, (Australian...
stoutened 14 12 STOUTEN, to make sto...
stoutness 15 11 the state of being s...
stovaines 16 14 STOVAINE, an anaesth...
stovepipe 21 19 a man's tall cylindr...
stovetops 19 16 STOVETOP, the hob of...
stowaways 27 17 STOWAWAY, a person w...
stowdowns 21 17 STOWDOWN, the proces...
stownding 19 17 STOWND, to ache, thr...
stownlins 19 15 (Scots) by stealth,...
strabisms 20 15 STRABISM, a squint,...
straddled 17 13 STRADDLE, to bestrid...
straddler 17 12 one who straddles [n...
straddles 17 12 STRADDLE, to bestrid...
stradiots 16 10 STRADIOT, (historica...
straffing 21 18 STRAFF, (German) to...
strafings 19 15 STRAFING, the act of...
straggled 19 15 STRAGGLE, to stray [...
straggler 19 14 one who straggles [n...
straggles 19 14 STRAGGLE, to stray [...
straights 20 13 STRAIGHT, to lay out...
straiking 18 16 STRAIK, to stroke, a...
strainers 15 10 STRAINER, a utensil...
straining 16 13 the act of straining...
straitens 15 10 STRAITEN, to make st...
straitest 16 9 STRAIT, confined, ri...
straiting 17 12 STRAIT, to confine [...
stramacon 18 16 (obsolete) a downwar...
stramazon 18 22 (obsolete) a downwar...
strammels 19 16 STRAMMEL, (obsolete)...
stramping 20 18 STRAMP, (Scots) to t...
stranders 15 11 STRANDER, a machine...
stranding 16 14 STRAND, to leave in...
strangely 23 15 STRANGE, unusual or...
strangers 16 12 STRANGER, to make a...
strangest 16 12 STRANGE, unusual or...
strangled 17 14 STRANGLE, to choke t...
strangler 17 13 one who stranglers [...
strangles 17 13 STRANGLE, to choke t...
strangury 23 15 severe pain in the u...
straphang 20 17 of a passenger in a...
straphung 21 18 STRAPHANG, of a pass...
strapless 19 13 without (shoulder) s...
strapline 18 14 a subsidiary headlin...
strappado 19 16 (Italian) a form of...
strappers 20 15 STRAPPER, an apprent...
strappier 20 15 STRAPPY, having stra...
strapping 21 18 fastening with a str...
strapwort 21 15 a seaside plant of t...
stratagem 17 14 a plan for deceiving...
strategic 20 14 relating to strategy...
stratonic 18 13 of an army or armies...
stratuses 16 10 STRATUS, (Latin) a l...
strauchts 22 15 STRAUCHT, to stretch...
straughts 20 14 STRAUGHT, to stretch...
stravaged 18 16 STRAVAGE, to stroll,...
stravages 18 15 STRAVAGE, to stroll,...
stravaigs 19 15 STRAVAIG, (Scots) to...
strawiest 19 12 STRAWY, resembling s...
strawless 20 13 without straw [adj]
strawlike 21 17 like straw [adj]
strawworm 23 18 a caddice worm [n -S...
strayings 23 14 STRAYING, the act of...
strayling 24 15 a stray [n -S]
strayving 25 18 STRAYVE, (dialect) t...
streakers 16 13 STREAKER, a person w...
streakier 16 13 STREAKY, covered wit...
streakily 24 16 STREAKY, covered wit...
streaking 17 16 the practice of runn...
streambed 18 16 the bed of a stream...
streamers 16 12 STREAMER, a long nar...
streamier 16 12 STREAMY, streaming [...
streaming 17 15 of a cold, heavy and...
streamlet 17 13 a small stream [n -S...
streekers 16 13 STREEKER, one that s...
streeking 17 16 STREEK, to stretch;...
streeling 17 13 STREEL, (Irish) to t...
streetage 15 11 a toll for street fa...
streetboy 23 14 a boy who lives main...
streetcar 18 12 (US) a tramcar [n -S...
streetful 19 14 the contents of a st...
streetier 15 9 STREETY, abounding i...
streeting 16 12 STREET, to provide w...
streights 20 13 STREIGHT, (Spenser)...
streigned 16 13 STREIGNE, (obsolete)...
streignes 16 12 STREIGNE, (obsolete)...
strelitzi 21 19 STRELITZ, (Russian)...
strengths 19 14 STRENGTH, a degree o...
strenuity 22 13 strenuousness; activ...
strenuous 15 12 requiring great exer...
stressful 20 14 causing stress [adj...
stressier 16 9 STRESSY, (colloquial...
stressing 17 12 STRESS, to place emp...
stressors 16 9 STRESSOR, an agent o...
stretched 21 15 STRETCH, to draw out...
stretcher 21 14 a frame for carrying...
stretches 21 14 STRETCH, to draw out...
streusels 17 11 STREUSEL, (German) a...
strewages 19 14 STREWAGE, items disc...
strewings 20 15 STREWING, the act of...
strewment 19 16 (Shakespeare) strewi...
striating 17 12 STRIATE, to mark wit...
striation 15 10 marking with striae,...
striatums 18 13 STRIATUM, (Latin) pa...
striature 16 10 a stria, a streak [n...
strickled 22 18 STRICKLE, to shape g...
strickles 22 17 STRICKLE, to shape g...
strictest 20 12 STRICT, kept within...
striction 19 13 the act of restricti...
strictish 23 14 somewhat strict [adj...
stricture 20 13 an adverse criticism...
striddled 18 13 STRIDDLE, to straddl...
striddles 18 12 STRIDDLE, to straddl...
stridence 18 14 the quality of being...
stridency 25 16 the quality of being...
stridling 19 14 (dialect) astride [a...
strifeful 22 17 contentious; discord...
strigging 20 16 STRIG, to remove the...
strikeout 17 14 an out in baseball r...
strikings 19 16 STRIKING, the act of...
strimming 20 18 STRIM, to cut grass...
stringent 16 13 tight, binding, rigo...
stringers 17 12 STRINGER, a journali...
stringier 17 12 STRINGY, fibrous [ad...
stringily 25 15 STRINGY, fibrous [ad...
stringing 18 15 the act of stringing...
strinkled 18 16 STRINKLE, (Scots) to...
strinkles 18 15 STRINKLE, (Scots) to...
stripiest 19 12 STRIPY, marked with...
stripings 20 15 STRIPING, stripes ma...
stripling 21 16 a youth in the state...
strippers 21 15 STRIPPER, one who re...
stripping 22 18 the act of stripping...
strivings 20 16 STRIVING, the act of...
stroaming 17 15 STROAM, to wander ab...
strobilae 18 13 STROBILA, a stack of...
strobilar 19 13 of or like a strobil...
strobiles 19 13 STROBILE, a scaly sp...
strobilus 20 14 (Greek) a scaly spik...
strobings 19 15 STROBING, an unwante...
stroddled 17 13 STRODDLE, (dialect)...
stroddles 17 12 STRODDLE, (dialect)...
strodling 18 14 STRODLE, (dialect) t...
strokable 19 17 that can be stroked...
strokings 18 16 STROKING, the act of...
strollers 18 11 STROLLER, one who st...
strolling 19 14 the act of strolling...
stromatic 20 15 of the nature of or...
strongarm 17 15 to use forceful tact...
strongbox 24 22 a box for holding va...
strongest 16 12 STRONG, having great...
strongish 19 14 somewhat strong [adj...
strongman 16 16 a person who perform...
strongmen 16 16 STRONGMAN, a person...
strongyle 23 15 (Greek) a parasitic...
strongyls 24 15 STRONGYL, (Greek) a...
strontian 14 11 an oxide of the meta...
strontias 15 10 STRONTIA, an oxide o...
strontium 17 14 a metallic element o...
strophoid 20 15 a type of curve on a...
strophuli 22 16 STROPHULUS, a skin i...
stroppers 20 15 STROPPER, one who st...
stroppier 20 15 STROPPY, (colloquial...
stroppily 28 18 STROPPY, (colloquial...
stropping 21 18 STROP, to sharpen on...
strossers 16 9 (Shakespeare) trouse...
strouding 17 14 the material used fo...
stroupach 23 18 (Scots) a drink of t...
stroupans 17 14 STROUPAN, (Scots) a...
strouting 17 13 STROUT, to swell; to...
strowings 20 15 STROWING, the act of...
structure 20 14 the arrangement of p...
struggled 20 16 STRUGGLE, to strive...
struggler 20 15 one who struggles [n...
struggles 20 15 STRUGGLE, to strive...
strumatic 21 16 scrofulous; having s...
strumitis 19 13 inflammation of the...
strummels 20 17 STRUMMEL, (obsolete)...
strummers 19 16 STRUMMER, one who st...
strumming 20 19 STRUM, to play a str...
strumpets 20 16 STRUMPET, to act lik...
strunting 17 14 STRUNT, to walk with...
strutters 17 10 STRUTTER, one who st...
strutting 18 13 pompous [adj STRUTTI...
strychnia 27 17 (obsolete) strychnin...
strychnic 31 20 of or pertaining to...
stubbiest 21 16 STUBBY, short and sq...
stubblier 22 17 STUBBLY, covered wit...
stubborns 20 17 STUBBORN, to be stub...
stuccoers 22 16 STUCCOER, one who st...
stuccoing 23 19 STUCCO, to coat with...
studbooks 19 18 STUDBOOK, a record o...
studdings 18 15 STUDDING, the woodwo...
studentry 22 14 a body of students [...
studfarms 20 17 STUDFARM, a horse-br...
studhorse 18 13 a stallion kept for...
studiedly 24 15 STUDIED [adv]
studliest 18 12 STUDLY, (slang) hunk...
studworks 21 18 STUDWORK, brickwork...
stuffiest 21 16 STUFFY, badly ventil...
stuffings 22 19 STUFFING, material w...
stuffless 22 17 lacking in stuff [ad...
stuggiest 19 14 STUGGY, (dialect) th...
stumblers 21 17 STUMBLER, one who st...
stumblier 21 17 STUMBLY, apt to stum...
stumbling 22 20 STUMBLE, to trip whe...
stumpages 20 18 STUMPAGE, uncut mark...
stumpiest 20 16 STUMPY, short and sq...
stumpings 21 19 STUMPING, the act of...
stumpwork 24 23 a type of embroidery...
stunnings 16 15 STUNNING, the act of...
stunsails 17 12 STUNSAIL, a contract...
stupefied 20 17 STUPEFY, to dull the...
stupefier 20 16 something that stupe...
stupefies 20 16 STUPEFY, to dull the...
stupidest 19 14 STUPID, foolish [adj...
stupidity 26 16 the quality of being...
stuporous 18 14 in a state of stupor...
stuprated 18 14 STUPRATE, (archaic)...
stuprates 18 13 STUPRATE, (archaic)...
sturdiest 17 11 STURDY, strongly bui...
sturgeons 16 13 STURGEON, a large fi...
sturnuses 16 12 STURNUS, (Latin) any...
stuttered 16 11 STUTTER, to speak wi...
stutterer 16 10 one who stutters [n...
stylebook 25 19 a book of rules for...
styleless 24 13 without a style [adj...
styliform 27 18 shaped like a style...
stylisers 24 12 STYLISER, one who st...
stylishly 34 17 STYLISH, fashionable...
stylising 25 15 STYLISE, to make con...
stylistic 28 15 relating to style [a...
stylitism 26 15 the practice of bein...
stylizers 27 21 STYLIZER, one who st...
stylizing 28 24 STYLIZE, to make con...
stylobate 24 15 (Greek) a continuous...
stylolite 24 13 an irregular suture-...
stylopids 26 16 STYLOPID, an insect...
stylopise 25 15 to paralyse a host,...
stylopize 28 24 to paralyse a host,...
stymieing 24 17 STYMIE, to thwart, s...
stypsises 25 14 STYPSIS, (Greek) the...
styptical 29 18 astringent, also STY...
styrofoam 24 17 (tradename) a type o...
suability 26 16 liability to be sued...
suasively 25 17 SUASIVE, persuasive...
suaveness 16 15 the state of being s...
suavities 18 14 SUAVITY, the state o...
subabbots 22 19 SUBABBOT, a subordin...
subacidly 29 20 SUBACID, slightly so...
subacting 22 19 SUBACT, to subdue [v...
subaction 20 17 the act of reducing...
subadults 20 16 SUBADULT, an individ...
subaerial 18 14 in open air [adj SUB...
subagency 27 21 a subordinate agency...
subagents 18 16 SUBAGENT, a subordin...
subahdars 20 16 SUBAHDAR, (Hindi) a...
subahdary 26 18 the office of a suba...
subahship 25 20 the office of a suba...
subalpine 20 18 inhabiting the somew...
subaltern 18 15 a person holding a s...
subapical 24 20 of or pertaining to...
subarctic 25 19 the zone just below...
subastral 19 14 beneath the stars or...
subatomic 22 19 relating to particle...
subbasins 20 17 SUBBASIN, a section...
subbasses 20 16 SUBBASS, a pedal sto...
subblocks 26 24 SUBBLOCK, a subdivis...
subbranch 25 22 a subdivision of a b...
subbreeds 20 17 SUBBREED, a distingu...
subbureau 20 18 a subdivision of a b...
subcantor 20 17 a subordinate cantor...
subcastes 21 16 SUBCASTE, a subdivis...
subcaudal 22 19 situated under, or o...
subcauses 21 17 SUBCAUSE, a subordin...
subcavity 30 22 a subordinate cavity...
subcellar 23 18 a subdivision of a c...
subcenter 20 17 a subordinate center...
subcentre 20 17 a subordinate center...
subchaser 23 18 a small manoeuvrable...
subchiefs 26 21 SUBCHIEF, a subordin...
subchords 24 19 SUBCHORD, a subdivis...
subclaims 24 20 SUBCLAIM, a subdivis...
subclause 22 18 a part of a clause [...
subclerks 24 21 SUBCLERK, a subordin...
subclimax 30 27 a subordinate climax...
subcolony 27 20 a subordinate colony...
subconsul 22 19 an assistant to a co...
subcooled 21 18 SUBCOOL, to cool bel...
subcortex 27 23 a part of the cortex...
subcostae 20 16 SUBCOSTA, the vein o...
subcostal 22 17 situated below the r...
subcounty 27 20 a part of a county [...
subcrusts 23 17 SUBCRUST, a subdivis...
subdeacon 19 18 a minister of an ord...
subdealer 18 15 a dealer who buys fr...
subdepots 20 17 SUBDEPOT, a subdivis...
subdeputy 27 20 an assistant to a de...
subdermal 20 18 subcutaneous [adj SU...
subdewing 22 20 SUBDEW, to bring und...
subdivide 21 19 to divide into small...
subdolous 19 16 rather crafty [adj]
subdorsal 19 15 relating to the lowe...
subduable 21 19 able to be subdued [...
subduably 28 21 SUBDUABLE, able to b...
subducing 23 21 SUBDUCE, to take awa...
subducted 22 19 SUBDUCT, to withdraw...
subduedly 26 19 SUBDUED [adv]
subdwarfs 24 20 SUBDWARF, a small st...
subechoes 22 18 SUBECHO, an inferior...
subedited 18 15 SUBEDIT, to act as a...
subeditor 18 14 an assistant editor,...
subentire 17 14 of a leaf, with very...
subepochs 25 21 SUBEPOCH, a subdivis...
suberates 17 13 SUBERATE, a salt of...
subereous 17 14 pertaining to cork,...
suberised 18 14 SUBERISE, to convert...
suberises 18 13 SUBERISE, to convert...
suberized 21 23 SUBERIZE, to convert...
suberizes 21 22 SUBERIZE, to convert...
subfamily 29 22 a taxonomic division...
subfeuing 21 20 SUBFEU, to grant lan...
subfields 22 18 SUBFIELD, a subset o...
subfloors 21 17 SUBFLOOR, a rough fl...
subfossil 22 17 part of a fossil [n...
subframes 21 19 SUBFRAME, a frame fo...
subgenera 17 16 SUBGENUS, a subdivis...
subgenres 18 16 SUBGENRE, a subdivis...
subgrades 19 16 SUBGRADE, a surface...
subgraphs 24 20 SUBGRAPH, a graph co...
subgroups 22 19 SUBGROUP, to divide...
subhedral 21 17 showing some traces...
subhumans 21 20 SUBHUMAN, one that i...
subimagos 20 18 SUBIMAGO, a stage in...
subincise 21 17 to perform subincisi...
subinfeud 20 19 to grant by feudal t...
subitised 19 14 SUBITISE, to perceiv...
subitises 19 13 SUBITISE, to perceiv...
subitized 22 23 SUBITIZE, to perceiv...
subitizes 22 22 SUBITIZE, to perceiv...
subjacent 22 26 lying under or below...
subjected 23 26 SUBJECT, to cause to...
subjoined 19 24 SUBJOIN, to add at t...
subjugate 21 25 to bring under the y...
sublating 20 17 SUBLATE, to deny; to...
sublation 18 15 the act of taking or...
subleased 18 15 SUBLEASE, to rent le...
subleases 18 14 SUBLEASE, to rent le...
sublessee 18 14 a holder of a sublea...
sublessor 19 14 a person who grants...
sublethal 22 17 not quite fatal [adj...
subletter 19 14 one who sublets [n -...
sublevels 22 19 SUBLEVEL, a lower le...
sublimate 20 17 to cause to pass dir...
sublimely 28 20 SUBLIME, lofty [adv]
sublimers 21 17 SUBLIMER, one who su...
sublimest 21 17 SUBLIME, lofty [adj]
subliming 22 20 the act of subliming...
sublimise 21 17 to make sublime, als...
sublimits 22 17 SUBLIMIT, a limit wi...
sublimity 28 19 the quality of being...
sublimize 24 26 to make sublime, als...
sublinear 18 15 under the line; near...
sublunary 25 18 under the moon, terr...
sublunate 18 16 approaching the form...
subluxate 25 22 to partially disloca...
submarine 18 17 a submersible vessel...
submarket 20 20 a subordinate market...
submatrix 26 23 part of a matrix [n...
submental 19 18 situated under the c...
submentum 20 21 part of an insect's...
submerged 20 19 SUBMERGE, to place b...
submerges 20 18 SUBMERGE, to place b...
submersed 19 17 SUBMERSE, to place b...
submerses 19 16 SUBMERSE, to place b...
submicron 22 20 a particle visible b...
submissly 28 19 SUBMISS, (archaic) s...
submittal 21 17 the act of submittin...
submitted 20 17 SUBMIT, to yield to...
submitter 20 16 one who submits [n -...
submucosa 22 20 the connective tissu...
submucous 23 21 situated under a muc...
subneural 18 16 situated beneath a m...
subniches 23 19 SUBNICHE, a subdivis...
subniveal 20 19 under snow, also SUB...
subnivean 18 19 under snow, also SUB...
subnormal 19 18 below normal [adj SU...
subnuclei 22 19 SUBNUCLEUS, a second...
suboctave 22 20 the octave below [n...
subocular 22 18 situated under, or o...
suboffice 25 22 part of an office [n...
suborders 18 14 SUBORDER, a category...
suborners 17 14 SUBORNER, one who su...
suborning 18 17 SUBORN, to induce to...
suboscine 20 17 a member of a certai...
suboxides 24 21 SUBOXIDE, an oxide c...
subpanels 20 18 SUBPANEL, a subdivis...
subpenaed 18 18 SUBPENA, to summon w...
subperiod 20 17 part of a period [n...
subphases 22 18 SUBPHASE, a subdivis...
subphylar 30 21 relating to a subphy...
subphylum 32 25 (Latin) the taxonomi...
subpoenas 18 17 SUBPOENA, to summon...
subpotent 19 17 of drugs, less poten...
subprimes 22 19 SUBPRIME, a loan mad...
subpriors 21 16 SUBPRIOR, the vicege...
subregion 18 16 part of a region [n...
subrented 17 15 SUBRENT, to sublet o...
subrogate 18 15 to substitute for an...
subsacral 22 17 situated under, or o...
subsample 22 20 a part of a sample [...
subscales 22 17 SUBSCALE, a subdivis...
subschema 24 21 part of a schema [n...
subscribe 24 19 to write underneath,...
subscript 25 19 a number or letter w...
subsecive 23 20 remaining over; spar...
subsector 21 16 part of a sector [n...
subsellia 20 15 SUBSELLIUM, one of t...
subsenses 17 14 SUBSENSE, a subdivis...
subseries 18 13 a subdivision of a s...
subserved 20 18 SUBSERVE, to help fo...
subserves 20 17 SUBSERVE, to help fo...
subshafts 23 18 SUBSHAFT, a shaft th...
subshells 23 17 SUBSHELL, one of the...
subshrubs 24 19 SUBSHRUB, a low shru...
subsiders 19 14 SUBSIDER, something...
subsidies 19 14 SUBSIDY, a grant or...
subsiding 20 17 SUBSIDE, to sink to...
subsidise 19 14 to furnish with a su...
subsidize 22 23 to furnish with a su...
subsisted 19 14 SUBSIST, to continue...
subsister 19 13 one who subsists [n...
subsizars 22 22 SUBSIZAR, a student...
subskills 23 19 SUBSKILL, a subordin...
subsocial 22 17 tending to associate...
subsoiled 19 15 SUBSOIL, to plow the...
subsoiler 19 14 a plough for subsoil...
subspaces 23 19 SUBSPACE, a subset o...
substages 19 15 SUBSTAGE, a part of...
substance 20 17 something in which q...
substates 18 13 SUBSTATE, a subdivis...
substract 22 16 to subtract; to with...
substrata 18 13 SUBSTRATUM, that whi...
substrate 18 13 a substratum, also S...
substruct 23 17 to build beneath; to...
substylar 26 16 pertaining to a subs...
substyles 26 16 SUBSTYLE, the straig...
subsultus 21 16 (Latin) a convulsive...
subsuming 21 20 SUBSUME, to classify...
subsystem 26 18 part of a system [n...
subtaxons 23 21 SUBTAXON, a subdivis...
subtenant 16 15 one who rents a tene...
subtended 17 16 SUBTEND, to extend u...
subtenses 17 14 SUBTENSE, a line sub...
subtenure 17 15 tenure held under so...
subthemes 21 18 SUBTHEME, a subordin...
subtilely 27 17 SUBTILE, (archaic) s...
subtilest 20 14 SUBTIL, (archaic) su...
subtilins 20 15 SUBTILIN, an antibio...
subtilise 20 14 to make subtle; now...
subtility 27 16 subtlety, also SUBTI...
subtilize 23 23 to make subtle; now...
subtitled 20 15 SUBTITLE, to give a...
subtitles 20 14 SUBTITLE, to give a...
subtonics 21 17 SUBTONIC, the sevent...
subtopian 19 17 of or like subtopia,...
subtopias 20 16 SUBTOPIA, the suburb...
subtopics 24 19 SUBTOPIC, a secondar...
subtorrid 19 14 nearly torrid [adj]
subtotals 19 14 SUBTOTAL, to total a...
subtracts 22 16 SUBTRACT, to take aw...
subtrades 18 14 SUBTRADE, in the con...
subtrends 18 15 SUBTREND, a subordin...
subtribes 21 16 SUBTRIBE, a subdivis...
subtropic 24 19 relating to the area...
subtruded 19 16 SUBTRUDE, to push in...
subtrudes 19 15 SUBTRUDE, to push in...
subtunics 22 18 SUBTUNIC, a tunic wo...
subuculas 23 19 SUBUCULA, (Latin) in...
suburbans 20 18 SUBURBAN, one who li...
suburbias 21 17 SUBURBIA, the suburb...
subursine 18 15 almost like a bear [...
subvassal 21 18 the vassal of a vass...
subvening 20 21 SUBVENE, to arrive o...
subversal 21 18 the act of subvertin...
subversed 20 18 SUBVERSE, to overthr...
subverses 20 17 SUBVERSE, to overthr...
subverted 20 18 SUBVERT, to destroy...
subverter 20 17 one who, or that whi...
subvicars 24 20 SUBVICAR, a subordin...
subvisual 22 19 below the threshold...
subwarden 20 18 a subordinate warden...
subwaying 28 21 SUBWAY, to travel by...
subwoofer 22 19 part of a sound syst...
subworlds 23 18 SUBWORLD, a subdivis...
subwriter 22 16 one who writes under...
succedent 21 18 a person or thing th...
succeeded 21 18 SUCCEED, to accompli...
succeeder 21 17 a successor [n -S]
succentor 21 17 a bass soloist in a...
successes 22 16 SUCCESS, the attainm...
successor 22 16 one who succeeds, co...
succinate 21 17 a salt of succinic a...
succinite 22 17 amber, esp. a variet...
succinyls 30 20 SUCCINYL, the radica...
succorers 22 16 SUCCORER, one who su...
succories 22 16 SUCCORY, chicory [n]
succoring 23 19 SUCCOR, to go to the...
succotash 24 18 (Native American) a...
succoured 22 18 SUCCOUR, to go to th...
succourer 22 17 one who succours, al...
succubine 24 21 of or pertaining to...
succubous 25 21 having the lower lea...
succulent 23 19 juicy, sappy [adj SU...
succumbed 26 24 SUCCUMB, to yield to...
succumber 26 23 one who succumbs [n...
succursal 24 18 subsidiary [adj] / a...
succussed 23 18 SUCCUSS, to shake vi...
succusses 23 17 SUCCUSS, to shake vi...
suckeners 19 18 SUCKENER, a tenant u...
suckering 21 20 SUCKER, to strip off...
suckholed 23 21 SUCKHOLE, (Australia...
suckholes 23 20 SUCKHOLE [n]
sucklings 23 21 SUCKLING, a young ma...
sucralose 19 14 an artificial sweete...
suctional 19 15 as in suctional stop...
suctioned 18 15 SUCTION, to remove b...
suctorial 20 14 designed for sucking...
suctorian 18 14 a cartilaginous fish...
sucurujus 23 25 SUCURUJU, a South Am...
sudaminal 17 16 relating to sudamina...
sudations 15 12 SUDATION, excessive...
sudatoria 15 11 SUDATORIUM, (Latin)...
sudorific 22 17 inducing sweating [a...
suedettes 15 11 SUEDETTE, a fabric m...
suettiest 16 10 SUETTY, resembling s...
sufferers 20 16 SUFFERER, one who su...
suffering 21 19 feeling pain or dist...
sufficers 24 19 SUFFICER, one who su...
sufficing 25 22 SUFFICE, to be adequ...
suffixing 28 26 SUFFIX, to add to th...
suffixion 26 24 the act of suffixing...
sufflated 21 18 SUFFLATE, (archaic)...
sufflates 21 17 SUFFLATE, (archaic)...
suffocate 22 19 to kill by depriving...
suffragan 20 19 an assistant bishop;...
suffrages 21 18 SUFFRAGE, the right...
suffusing 22 20 SUFFUSE, to spread t...
suffusion 20 18 the act of suffusing...
suffusive 23 21 relating to suffusio...
sugarally 25 16 (Scots) liquorice, a...
sugarbush 22 18 an area covered in s...
sugarcane 18 16 a tall woody grass o...
sugarcoat 19 15 to coat with sugar;...
sugariest 17 12 SUGARY, containing s...
sugarings 18 15 SUGARING, sweetening...
sugarless 18 13 without sugar; free...
sugarlike 19 17 like sugar [adj]
sugarloaf 19 16 a loaf or hard mass...
sugarplum 22 20 a kind of candy or s...
suggested 18 15 SUGGEST, to put forw...
suggester 18 14 one who suggests [n...
suiciding 21 17 SUICIDE, to kill one...
suitcases 19 13 SUITCASE, a piece of...
suitoring 17 13 SUITOR, (archaic) to...
suivantes 17 15 SUIVANTE, (French) a...
sukiyakis 25 20 SUKIYAKI, (Japanese)...
sulcalise 21 15 to furrow, also SULC...
sulcalize 24 24 to furrow, also SULC...
sulcation 19 15 a channel or furrow...
sulfatase 18 14 any of various ester...
sulfating 20 17 SULFATE, to treat wi...
sulfation 18 15 the act of forming a...
sulfinyls 27 18 SULFINYL, the bivale...
sulfonate 17 15 a salt of sulphonic...
sulfonium 20 19 the positively charg...
sulfonyls 26 18 SULFONYL, a bivalent...
sulfoxide 25 22 any of a class of ca...
sulfurate 19 15 to combine with sulf...
sulfurets 20 15 SULFURET, to treat w...
sulfuring 21 18 SULFUR, to treat wit...
sulfurise 20 15 to combine or impreg...
sulfurize 23 24 to combine or impreg...
sulfurous 20 16 containing sulphur i...
sulfuryls 28 18 SULFURYL, a bivalent...
sulkiness 18 16 the state of being s...
sullenest 17 13 SULLEN, showing broo...
sulliable 21 16 that can be sullied...
sulphated 21 17 SULPHATE, to treat w...
sulphates 21 16 SULPHATE, to treat w...
sulphatic 25 19 pertaining to a salt...
sulphides 22 17 SULPHIDE, a sulfur c...
sulphinyl 29 20 the bivalent chemica...
sulphites 22 16 SULPHITE, a salt of...
sulphitic 26 19 pertaining to sulfit...
sulphones 20 17 SULPHONE, a sulfur c...
sulphonic 24 20 relating to a sulpho...
sulphonyl 28 20 a particular chemica...
sulphured 22 18 SULPHUR, to treat wi...
sulphuret 22 17 to treat with sulfur...
sulphuric 26 20 pertaining to sulfur...
sulphuryl 30 20 a particular chemica...
sultanate 15 12 the rule or dominion...
sultaness 16 12 a female sultan [n -...
sultriest 18 11 SULTRY, humid and op...
summaries 18 16 SUMMARY, a condensat...
summarily 26 19 SUMMARY [adv]
summarise 18 16 to make a summary of...
summarist 19 16 one who summarized [...
summarize 21 25 to make a summary of...
summating 19 19 SUMMATE, to add toge...
summation 17 17 the act of summing [...
summative 20 20 relating to summatio...
summerier 18 16 SUMMERY, characteris...
summering 19 19 passing the summer [...
summerset 18 16 a leap in which a pe...
summiteer 18 16 a participant in sum...
summiting 20 19 SUMMIT, to take part...
summoners 17 17 SUMMONER, one who su...
summoning 18 20 SUMMON, to order to...
summonsed 17 18 SUMMONS, to summon w...
summonses 17 17 SUMMONS, to summon w...
sumotoris 17 13 SUMOTORI, (Japanese)...
sumpitans 19 17 SUMPITAN, (Malay) a...
sumpsimus 22 20 (Latin) a correct ex...
sumptuary 26 19 relating to or regul...
sumptuous 20 18 luxurious [adj SUMPT...
sumpweeds 22 20 SUMPWEED, a marsh pl...
sunbaking 19 21 SUNBAKE, to bake e.g...
sunbathed 19 17 SUNBATHE, to take a...
sunbather 19 16 one who sunbathes [n...
sunbathes 19 16 SUNBATHE, to take a...
sunbeamed 17 18 with sunbeams [adj]
sunbeaten 15 15 continually exposed...
sunblinds 19 17 SUNBLIND, a blind to...
sunblocks 23 22 SUNBLOCK, a lotion t...
sunbonnet 15 16 a bonnet worn by wom...
sunbright 22 18 bright as the sun [a...
sunburned 17 17 SUNBURN, to burn by...
sunbursts 19 15 SUNBURST, a burst of...
sunchokes 21 20 SUNCHOKE, a type of...
sunderers 15 12 SUNDERER, one who su...
sundering 16 15 the act of sundering...
sundowned 17 17 SUNDOWN, to arrive a...
sundowner 17 16 (Australian slang) a...
sunfishes 20 16 SUNFISH, a marine fi...
sunflower 21 18 a composite plant wi...
sungazers 19 22 SUNGAZER, an African...
sungazing 20 25 the practice of star...
sungrebes 18 16 SUNGREBE, the finfoo...
sunlessly 24 15 SUNLESS, without sun...
sunlights 21 16 SUNLIGHT, the light...
sunniness 14 13 the state of being s...
sunrising 17 14 the rising or first...
sunscalds 20 16 SUNSCALD, an injury...
sunscreen 17 15 a cream preventing s...
sunseeker 15 15 one who seeks the su...
sunshades 17 14 SUNSHADE, an umbrell...
sunshines 17 14 SUNSHINE, the light...
sunstones 14 12 SUNSTONE, a variety...
sunstroke 16 15 a medical condition...
sunstruck 21 19 affected with sunstr...
suntanned 13 14 SUNTAN, to tan in th...
superable 20 17 capable of being ove...
superably 27 19 SUPERABLE, capable o...
superadds 18 15 SUPERADD, to add fur...
superated 17 14 SUPERATE, (obsolete)...
superates 17 13 SUPERATE, (obsolete)...
superatom 18 16 a cluster of atoms b...
superbank 20 21 a very large bank [n...
superbest 20 16 SUPERB, of excellent...
superbike 21 20 a high-powered motor...
superbity 27 18 haughtiness, arrogan...
superbold 21 18 very bold [adj]
superbomb 23 22 a very big bomb [n -...
superbrat 20 16 a very brattish chil...
superbugs 22 19 SUPERBUG, a bacteriu...
supercars 21 16 SUPERCAR, a very big...
supercede 20 17 to take the place of...
supercell 23 18 an unusually large s...
superchic 27 21 very chic [adj]
supercity 28 18 a very big city [n S...
superclub 25 21 a very big club [n -...
supercoil 22 17 a complex coil forme...
supercold 22 18 cryogenic [adj]
supercool 21 17 to cool a liquid bel...
supercops 23 19 SUPERCOP, a superior...
supercows 24 19 SUPERCOW, a dairy co...
supercute 21 17 very cute [adj]
superegos 18 15 SUPEREGO, a part of...
superette 17 13 a small local superm...
superfans 19 17 SUPERFAN, an exceedi...
superfarm 21 19 a very big farm [n -...
superfast 20 16 very fast [adj]
superfine 19 17 very fine, or most f...
superfirm 22 19 a large firm [n -S]
superflux 28 25 (Shakespeare) superf...
superfood 19 17 a food with high phy...
superfund 20 19 a superior fund [n -...
superfuse 20 17 to pour over [v SUPE...
supergene 17 16 a group of closely l...
superglue 20 17 to glue with a power...
supergood 18 16 very good [adj]
superguns 19 17 SUPERGUN, a very lar...
superheat 19 15 the state of being s...
superhero 19 15 any of various comic...
superhets 20 15 SUPERHET, a superhet...
superhigh 24 19 extremely high [adj]
superhits 21 15 SUPERHIT, something...
superhive 22 19 a removable upper pa...
superhype 28 20 to subject to an exc...
superiors 18 13 SUPERIOR, one who is...
superjets 20 22 SUPERJET, a type of...
superjock 24 29 a very good athlete...
superlain 18 15 SUPERLIE, to lie abo...
superlies 19 14 SUPERLIE, to lie abo...
superload 18 15 a variable weight on...
superlong 19 17 extremely long [adj]
superloos 18 14 SUPERLOO, a self-cle...
supermale 19 17 an excessively macho...
supermart 19 16 a big supermarket [n...
supermind 19 18 a more than human in...
supermini 19 17 a small car with a g...
supermoms 20 19 SUPERMOM, a superior...
supermoto 18 16 a form of motorcycle...
supernate 16 14 to float on a surfac...
supernova 18 18 (Latin) a very brill...
superpimp 24 22 a pimp controlling o...
superplus 22 18 (obsolete) a surplus...
superport 20 16 a superior port [n -...
superpose 19 16 to place above or on...
superpros 20 16 SUPERPRO, a superior...
superrace 20 16 a race that dominate...
superreal 18 14 excessively real [ad...
superrich 24 18 very rich [adj]
superroad 17 14 a superior road [n -...
supersafe 19 16 very safe [adj]
supersale 18 14 a big sale [n -S]
supersalt 19 14 an acid salt [n -S]
supersaur 18 14 a very large dinosau...
supersede 17 14 to take the place of...
supersell 20 15 to sell in exception...
supershow 23 18 an exceptional show...
supersize 21 22 in a very large size...
supersoft 20 16 very soft [adj]
supersold 19 15 SUPERSELL, to sell i...
superstar 18 13 an extremely popular...
superstud 19 15 an exceptionally vir...
superthin 20 16 very thin [adj]
supertram 19 16 a very superior tram...
superuser 18 14 in computing, a spec...
supervene 18 18 to come in addition,...
supervise 20 17 to oversee, superint...
superwaif 23 19 an extremely thin an...
superwave 22 20 a exceptionally larg...
superweed 20 17 a hybrid plant that...
superwide 21 17 a very wide camera l...
superwife 23 19 an exceptional wife...
supinated 17 15 SUPINATE, to turn so...
supinates 17 14 SUPINATE, to turn so...
supinator 17 14 a muscle which produ...
suppering 21 19 SUPPER, to supply wi...
supplants 21 18 SUPPLANT, to take th...
supplials 23 18 SUPPLIAL, the act of...
suppliant 21 18 (Shakespeare) suppli...
supplicat 25 20 in English universit...
suppliers 22 17 SUPPLIER, one that s...
supplying 29 22 SUPPLY, to provide w...
supported 20 17 SUPPORT, to hold up...
supporter 20 16 a figure in heraldry...
supposals 21 17 SUPPOSAL, something...
supposers 20 16 SUPPOSER, one who su...
supposing 21 19 the act of supposing...
suppurate 20 17 to discharge pus [v...
supremacy 28 21 the state of being s...
supremely 26 19 SUPREME, highest, gr...
supremest 19 16 SUPREME, highest, gr...
supremity 26 18 supremacy [n SUPREMI...
supremums 21 20 SUPREMUM, in maths,...
surbahars 20 15 SURBAHAR, an Indian...
surbating 19 16 SURBATE, to make foo...
surbedded 18 16 SURBED, (obsolete) t...
surceased 18 14 SURCEASE, to stop or...
surceases 18 13 SURCEASE, to stop or...
surcharge 22 17 an additional charge...
surcingle 21 17 a girth or strap for...
surculose 20 15 having or producing...
surdities 17 11 SURDITY, deafness [n...
suretying 23 15 SURETY, (Shakespeare...
surfacers 21 16 SURFACER, a form of...
surfacing 22 19 the act of surfacing...
surfbirds 22 17 SURFBIRD, an America...
surfboard 20 17 a long narrow board...
surfboats 20 16 SURFBOAT, a strong r...
surfeited 18 14 SURFEIT, to indulge...
surfeiter 18 13 one who surfeits [n...
surficial 23 17 superficial, found o...
surfperch 26 21 a Western American f...
surfrider 19 14 one who engages in s...
surfrides 19 14 SURFRIDE, to ride on...
surgeless 18 13 free from surges; sm...
surgeoncy 25 18 the office or employ...
surgeries 17 12 SURGERY, the treatme...
suricates 19 13 SURICATE, (Dutch) a...
surliness 17 12 the state of being s...
surmaster 17 13 (archaic) the second...
surmisals 19 14 SURMISAL, a guess [n...
surmisers 18 13 SURMISER, one who su...
surmising 19 16 the act of surmising...
surmounts 17 15 SURMOUNT, to get ove...
surmullet 20 16 a fish much esteemed...
surnamers 16 14 SURNAMER, one who al...
surnaming 17 17 SURNAME, to give the...
surpassed 18 14 SURPASS, to go beyon...
surpasser 18 13 one who surpasses [n...
surpasses 18 13 SURPASS, to go beyon...
surpliced 23 18 wearing a surplice [...
surplices 23 17 SURPLICE, a loose-fi...
surplused 20 16 SURPLUS, to be in ex...
surpluses 20 15 SURPLUS, an excess [...
surprints 19 14 SURPRINT, to print o...
surprisal 20 14 an act of surprising...
surprised 19 14 SURPRISE, to come up...
surpriser 19 13 one who surprises [n...
surprises 19 13 SURPRISE, to come up...
surprized 22 23 SURPRIZE, to come up...
surprizes 22 22 SURPRIZE, to come up...
surquedry 31 23 (obsolete) arrogance...
surreally 24 14 SURREAL, of or relat...
surrebuts 19 14 SURREBUT, to reply t...
surreined 15 12 of a horse, overridd...
surrejoin 17 20 to reply, as a plain...
surrender 15 12 to yield, give up [v...
surrendry 22 14 (obsolete) a surrend...
surrogacy 26 17 the state of being a...
surrogate 16 12 a substitute; a depu...
surrounds 16 13 SURROUND, to encompa...
surroyals 23 13 SURROYAL, the topmos...
surtaxing 23 20 SURTAX, to assess wi...
surtitles 18 11 SURTITLE, a translat...
surucucus 24 19 SURUCUCU, a South Am...
surveiled 19 16 SURVEIL, to watch cl...
surveille 20 16 to observe, keep und...
surveyals 25 17 SURVEYAL, a close ex...
surveying 25 19 the act of surveying...
surveyors 24 16 SURVEYOR, one who su...
surviewed 21 18 SURVIEW, to survey,...
survivals 22 19 SURVIVAL, a living o...
survivers 21 18 SURVIVER, one that s...
surviving 22 21 SURVIVE, to remain i...
survivors 21 18 SURVIVOR, one that s...
susceptor 21 16 (obsolete) a sponsor...
suscitate 19 13 to excite; to rouse...
suspected 21 17 SUSPECT, to think gu...
suspecter 21 16 one who suspects [n...
suspended 17 16 SUSPEND, to stop for...
suspender 17 15 a strap to support a...
suspenser 17 14 something, e.g. a fi...
suspenses 17 14 SUSPENSE, a state of...
suspensor 17 14 a suspensory ligamen...
suspicion 21 17 the act of suspectin...
suspiring 20 16 SUSPIRE, to sigh [v]
sustained 15 12 SUSTAIN, to maintain...
sustainer 15 11 one who sustains [n...
sustinent 15 12 sustaining [adj]
susurrant 16 12 whispering [adj]
susurrate 16 11 to whisper [v SUSURR...
susurrous 17 12 full of whispering s...
sutleries 17 11 SUTLERY, a camp hawk...
sutteeism 17 13 the Indian practice...
suttletie 17 11 (Milton) subtlety, a...
suturally 25 15 SUTURAL, pertaining...
suzerains 18 20 SUZERAIN, a feudal l...
svastikas 19 17 SVASTIKA, (Sanskrit)...
svedbergs 21 19 SVEDBERG, (Swedish)...
swaddlers 20 15 SWADDLER, a term of...
swaddling 21 18 SWADDLE, to wrap in...
swaggered 20 17 SWAGGER, to walk wit...
swaggerer 20 16 one who swaggers [n...
swagshops 24 19 SWAGSHOP, a place wh...
swainings 19 16 SWAINING, love-makin...
swallowed 23 18 SWALLOW, to take int...
swallower 23 17 one who swallows [n...
swampiest 22 18 SWAMPY, like a swamp...
swampland 22 21 swamp country [n -S]
swampless 23 19 without a swamp [adj...
swanherds 20 16 SWANHERD, one who te...
swankiest 19 17 SWANKY, ostentatious...
swankpots 21 20 SWANKPOT, one who sh...
swanniest 17 14 SWANNY, swanlike [ad...
swannings 18 17 SWANNING, the act of...
swansdown 20 18 heavy napped cotton...
swanskins 19 18 SWANSKIN, a soft nap...
swansongs 18 16 SWANSONG, the fabled...
swapfiles 24 19 SWAPFILE, a computer...
swappings 24 21 SWAPPING, the act of...
swaptions 20 16 SWAPTION, a swap opt...
swarajism 22 24 the policy of Indian...
swarajist 21 21 one who adhered to s...
swardiest 19 13 SWARDY, covered with...
swarmings 21 18 SWARMING, the act of...
swarthier 21 14 SWARTHY, having a da...
swarthily 29 17 SWARTHY, having a da...
swartness 18 13 the state of being s...
swashiest 21 14 SWASHY, slushy [adj]
swashings 22 17 SWASHING, the act of...
swashwork 25 21 a woodturner's work...
swasticas 22 15 SWASTICA, (Sanskrit)...
swastikas 20 16 SWASTIKA, (Sanskrit)...
swathable 23 18 that can be swathed,...
swathiest 21 14 SWATHY, in swathes [...
swattered 18 13 SWATTER, to splash o...
swattiest 19 12 SWATTY, given to har...
swattings 20 15 SWATTING, the act of...
swaybacks 31 24 SWAYBACK, an abnorma...
swaylings 27 18 SWAYLING, a scorchin...
swealings 20 16 SWEALING, a melting...
sweariest 18 12 SWEARY, relating to,...
swearings 19 15 SWEARING, the act of...
swearword 21 16 an expletive [n -S]
sweatband 19 17 an absorbent wristle...
sweatered 17 13 wearing a sweater [a...
sweatiest 18 12 SWEATY, covered with...
sweatings 19 15 SWEATING, the act of...
sweatless 19 13 without sweat [adj]
sweatshop 22 17 a factory or shop us...
sweatsuit 19 13 a loose-fitting suit...
sweepback 26 25 the angle at which a...
sweepiest 20 15 SWEEPY, of wide rang...
sweepings 21 18 SWEEPING, the act of...
sweetcorn 20 16 a sweet variety of m...
sweetened 16 14 SWEETEN, to make swe...
sweetener 16 13 a substance that swe...
sweetfish 23 17 the ayu, a small edi...
sweetings 19 15 SWEETING, a sweet ap...
sweetlips 22 16 SWEETLIP, an Austral...
sweetmeal 19 16 of biscuits, made of...
sweetmeat 18 15 any concoction made...
sweetness 17 13 the state of being s...
sweetshop 22 17 a shop that sells sw...
sweetsops 20 15 SWEETSOP, a tropical...
sweetveld 21 18 in South Africa, a t...
sweetwood 20 16 a South American lau...
sweirness 18 13 (Scots) sloth [n -ES...
swelchies 25 18 SWELCHIE, in the Ork...
swelldoms 22 18 SWELLDOM, the fashio...
swellfish 26 19 a fish, the puffer f...
swellhead 22 17 a conceited person [...
swellings 22 17 SWELLING, something...
sweltered 19 14 SWELTER, to suffer f...
sweltrier 20 13 SWELTRY, oppressivel...
sweptback 27 25 of an aircraft, with...
sweptwing 25 21 with sweptback wings...
swervable 23 20 capable of being swe...
swervings 22 19 SWERVING, the act of...
swiftlets 23 16 SWIFTLET, a cave-dwe...
swiftness 21 16 the state of being s...
swillings 23 17 SWILLING, the act of...
swimmable 24 22 that can be swum [ad...
swimmeret 21 18 a crustacean's abdom...
swimmiest 22 18 SWIMMY, blurred, swi...
swimmings 23 21 SWIMMING, the act of...
swimsuits 22 16 SWIMSUIT, a bathing...
swimwears 23 18 SWIMWEAR, garments m...
swindging 21 19 SWINDGE, (Shakespear...
swindlers 20 15 SWINDLER, one who sw...
swindling 21 18 the act of swindling...
swineherd 20 16 (archaic) one who lo...
swinehood 19 16 the state of being a...
swinelike 20 18 like a swine [adj]
swineries 18 13 SWINERY, a place whe...
swingarms 21 18 SWINGARM, the part o...
swingbeat 21 18 a type of dance musi...
swingbins 22 19 SWINGBIN, a rubbish...
swingboat 21 18 a boat-shaped swingi...
swingeing 20 18 SWINGE, to beat, cha...
swingiest 20 15 SWINGY, having swing...
swingings 21 18 SWINGING, the practi...
swingisms 22 18 SWINGISM, the ideas...
swingling 22 19 the act of swingling...
swingtail 21 16 as in swingtail carg...
swingtree 19 15 the crosspiece of a...
swinishly 29 18 SWINISH, resembling...
swirliest 21 13 SWIRLY, swirling [ad...
swishiest 22 14 SWISHY, swishing [ad...
swishings 23 17 SWISHING, the act of...
swissings 21 15 SWISSING, ordinary c...
switchels 26 18 SWITCHEL, (US) a dri...
switchers 25 17 SWITCHER, one who sw...
switchier 25 17 SWITCHY, full of swi...
switching 26 20 a beating with a fle...
switchman 25 21 a pointsman [n SWITC...
switchmen 25 21 SWITCHMAN, a pointsm...
swithered 21 15 SWITHER, (Scots) to...
swiveling 23 20 SWIVEL, to turn on a...
swivelled 23 19 SWIVEL, to turn on a...
swizzlers 27 31 SWIZZLER, one that s...
swizzling 28 34 SWIZZLE, to defraud,...
swoffings 24 21 SWOFFING, the sport...
swollenly 27 18 SWOLLEN [adv]
swooniest 17 13 SWOONY, languid, daz...
swoonings 18 16 SWOONING, the act of...
swoopiest 20 15 SWOOPY, having sweep...
swooshing 21 17 SWOOSH, to make a no...
swoppings 24 21 SWOPPING, the act of...
swordbill 24 18 a kind of South Amer...
swordfish 24 18 a large fish with up...
swordless 20 14 without a sword [adj...
swordlike 21 18 like a sword [adj]
swordplay 28 19 fighting with swords...
swordsman 19 17 one who wields a swo...
swordsmen 19 17 SWORDSMAN, one who w...
swordtail 20 14 a small Central Amer...
swottiest 19 12 SWOTTY, given to har...
swottings 20 15 SWOTTING, the act of...
swounding 19 18 SWOUND, to faint, al...
sybarites 24 14 SYBARITE, a person d...
sybaritic 28 17 like a sybarite, dev...
sybotisms 26 17 SYBOTISM, the study...
sycamines 25 18 SYCAMINE, the mulber...
sycamores 25 17 SYCAMORE, the great...
sycomores 25 17 SYCOMORE, a kind of...
sycophant 28 20 one who attempts to...
syllabary 32 18 a system of writing...
syllabics 30 19 SYLLABIC, a syllabic...
syllabify 35 21 to divide into sylla...
syllabise 26 16 to form or divide in...
syllabism 28 19 use of a writing sys...
syllabize 29 25 to form or divide in...
syllabled 27 18 SYLLABLE, to pronoun...
syllables 27 17 SYLLABLE, to pronoun...
syllabubs 29 20 SYLLABUB, a frothy d...
syllepses 26 16 SYLLEPSIS, (Greek) a...
syllepsis 27 16 (Greek) a constructi...
sylleptic 30 19 relating to syllepsi...
syllogise 25 15 to reason by syllogi...
syllogism 27 18 an argument in which...
syllogist 26 15 one who reasons by s...
syllogize 28 24 to reason by syllogi...
sylphides 28 18 SYLPHIDE, a young sy...
sylphiest 28 17 SYLPHY, like a sylph...
sylphlike 30 22 like a sylph [adj]
sylvaners 24 17 SYLVANER, (German) a...
sylvanite 24 17 a monoclinic telluri...
sylvinite 25 17 a rock composed of s...
symbionts 25 18 SYMBIONT, an organis...
symbioses 25 17 SYMBIOSIS, a relatio...
symbiosis 26 17 a relationship of mu...
symbiotes 25 17 SYMBIOTE, an organis...
symbiotic 29 20 relating to symbiosi...
symbolics 30 21 the branch of knowle...
symboling 27 21 SYMBOL, to serve as...
symbolise 26 18 to be symbolic of, a...
symbolism 28 21 the use of symbols i...
symbolist 27 18 a practitioner of sy...
symbolize 29 27 to be symbolic of, a...
symbolled 27 20 SYMBOL, to serve as...
symbology 33 22 the study of symbols...
symitares 23 14 SYMITARE, a curved o...
symmetral 25 18 of symmetry [adj]
symmetric 28 20 having symmetry, als...
sympathin 27 20 a substance secreted...
sympatico 28 20 (Italian) of like mi...
sympatric 29 20 pertaining to specie...
sympetaly 32 20 of petals, being uni...
symphiles 29 20 SYMPHILE, an animal...
symphonic 30 23 relating to a sympho...
symphyses 34 21 SYMPHYSIS, the union...
symphysis 35 21 the union or growing...
symphytic 38 24 relating to symphysi...
symplasts 27 18 SYMPLAST, the contin...
symploces 29 21 SYMPLOCE, the repeti...
sympodial 26 19 relating to a sympod...
sympodium 27 22 a stem involved in s...
symposiac 28 20 pertaining to a symp...
symposial 26 18 pertaining to a symp...
symposium 27 21 a conference [n SYMP...
symptoses 25 17 SYMPTOSIS, emaciatio...
symptosis 26 17 emaciation [n SYMPTO...
symptotic 29 20 relating to symptosi...
synagogal 23 17 relating to a synago...
synagogue 22 17 (Greek) a Jewish chu...
synalepha 25 18 the melting of a fin...
synandria 20 14 SYNANDRIUM, a mass o...
synangium 23 19 a cluster of sporang...
synanthic 26 18 showing synanthy, th...
synapheas 24 17 SYNAPHEA, a metrical...
synapheia 24 17 metrical continuity...
synapsids 24 16 SYNAPSID, one of a g...
synapsing 24 18 SYNAPSE, to come tog...
synaptase 22 15 emulsin, the white m...
synaxaria 26 19 SYNAXARION, a lectio...
synbiotic 27 18 a substance that con...
synchrony 32 20 simultaneity [n SYNC...
synchyses 33 19 SYNCHYSIS, a confuse...
synchysis 34 19 a confused arrangeme...
synclinal 26 18 of or like a synclin...
synclines 25 17 SYNCLINE, a type of...
syncopate 25 18 to shorten a word by...
syncoptic 30 21 of or showing syncop...
syncretic 28 18 combining different...
syncytial 32 18 relating to a syncyt...
syncytium 33 21 a multinucleate cell...
syndactyl 32 19 with digits joined t...
syndetons 20 14 SYNDETON, in grammar...
syndicate 24 16 a combination of peo...
syndromes 22 16 SYNDROME, a group of...
syndromic 26 19 of or like a syndrom...
synechias 26 17 SYNECHIA, an abnorma...
synecious 24 16 having male and fema...
synectics 28 18 the study of the pro...
synedrial 22 14 of or like a synedri...
synedrion 20 14 an ancient rabbinica...
synedrium 23 17 an ancient rabbinica...
synereses 20 12 SYNERESIS, the runni...
syneresis 21 12 the running together...
synergias 22 14 SYNERGIA, combined a...
synergids 23 15 SYNERGID, a cell fou...
synergies 22 14 SYNERGY, combined ac...
synergise 22 14 to act as a synergis...
synergism 24 17 the belief that huma...
synergist 23 14 a substance which in...
synergize 25 23 to act as a synergis...
synesises 21 12 SYNESIS, a construct...
syngamies 23 17 SYNGAMY, the union o...
syngamous 23 18 relating to syngamy,...
syngasses 22 14 SYNGAS, a mixture of...
syngeneic 24 18 genetically similar...
syngraphs 27 19 SYNGRAPH, a contract...
synizeses 24 21 SYNIZESIS, a stage o...
synizesis 25 21 a stage of meiosis i...
synkaryon 27 19 the nucleus of a fer...
synodical 25 17 enacted or made by o...
synodsman 21 17 a member of a synod,...
synodsmen 21 17 SYNODSMAN, a member...
synoecete 22 15 a guest tolerated wi...
synoecise 23 15 to unite in one comm...
synoecism 25 18 association of speci...
synoecize 26 24 to unite in one comm...
synoekete 20 16 a guest tolerated wi...
synoicous 24 16 having antheridia an...
synonymes 27 18 SYNONYME, a word hav...
synonymic 31 21 like a synonym, also...
synopsise 23 15 to make a synopsis o...
synopsize 26 24 to make a synopsis o...
synoptics 27 18 SYNOPTIC, one of the...
synoptist 24 15 one of the writers o...
synovitic 27 19 relating to synoviti...
synovitis 24 16 inflammation of a sy...
syntactic 28 18 relating to syntax,...
syntagmas 23 17 SYNTAGMA, a syntacti...
syntagmic 27 20 relating to a syntag...
syntectic 28 18 (obsolete) pertainin...
syntenies 20 13 SYNTENY, the presenc...
synthases 23 14 SYNTHASE, an enzyme...
syntheses 23 14 SYNTHESIS, a putting...
synthesis 24 14 a putting together [...
synthetic 27 17 artificially produce...
synthpops 28 20 SYNTHPOP, popular mu...
synthroni 23 15 SYNTHRONUS, the seat...
syntonies 20 13 SYNTONY, the tuning...
syntonins 20 14 SYNTONIN, a substanc...
syntonise 20 13 to adjust to agree i...
syntonize 23 22 to adjust to agree i...
syntonous 20 14 pertaining to synton...
syphering 27 19 joining boards edge...
syphilise 28 17 to inoculate or infe...
syphilize 31 26 to inoculate or infe...
syphiloid 28 18 like syphilis [adj]
syphiloma 28 20 a syphilitic tumour...
syphoning 26 20 SYPHON, to draw off...
syringeal 23 15 of, pertaining to, o...
syringing 24 17 SYRINGE, to treat wi...
syrphians 26 17 SYRPHIAN, a wasplike...
syrupiest 25 15 SYRUPY, like syrup,...
syruplike 27 20 like syrup [adj]
sysadmins 23 16 SYSADMIN, a computer...
syssitias 23 11 SYSSITIA, (Greek) th...
systaltic 27 15 of the nature of con...
systemics 27 17 SYSTEMIC, something...
systemise 23 14 to reduce to a syste...
systemize 26 23 to reduce to a syste...
syzygetic 36 27 relating to a syzygy...