4 letter words that start with S

4 letter words that start with S

4 letter S word


Words With Friends®


saag 7 6 (Hindi) in Indian co...
sabe 8 7 to know, to understa...
sabs 9 7 SAB, (Scots) to sob...
sack 11 11 to put into a large...
sacs 10 7 SAC, in biology, a b...
sade 6 5 (Hebrew) a Hebrew le...
sadi 7 5 (Hebrew) a Hebrew le...
sado 6 5 a Japanese tea cerem...
sads 7 5 SAD, to express sadn...
safe 8 7 secure [adj SAFER, S...
saft 9 7 (Scots) soft [adj SA...
saga 7 6 a series of novels d...
sage 7 6 wise [adj SAGER, SAG...
sago 7 6 (Malay) a type of pa...
sags 8 6 SAG, to bend or give...
sagy 14 8 flavoured with sage...
saic 10 7 a Levantine vessel l...
said 7 5 (Arabic) a descendan...
sail 8 5 to be pushed in a bo...
saim 8 7 (Scots) a seam [n -S...
sain 6 5 (archaic) to make th...
sair 7 4 (Scots) sore, very [...
sais 7 4 SAI, the capuchin mo...
sake 7 8 benefit or advantage...
saki 8 8 (Japanese) a kind of...
sale 7 5 the act of selling [...
sall 9 6 (US) shall [v]
salp 10 8 a free-swimming smal...
sals 8 5 SAL, a large North I...
salt 8 5 sodium chloride, als...
sama 7 7 (Japanese) a title g...
same 7 7 resembling in every...
samp 10 10 (Native American) a...
sams 8 7 SAM, (Spenser) to ga...
sand 6 6 to cover with a loos...
sane 5 5 mentally sound [adj...
sang 7 7 (Chinese) a Chinese...
sank 7 9 SINK, to subside to...
sans 6 5 (French) without; de...
sant 6 5 (Hindi) in Sikhism,...
saps 9 7 SAP, to deprive of s...
sard 7 5 a variety of quartz,...
sari 7 4 (Hindi) an outer gar...
sark 8 8 (Scots) a shirt, a c...
sars 7 4 SAR, (Scots) to savo...
sash 9 6 a band or scarf worn...
sass 7 4 to talk impudently t...
sate 6 4 to satisfy to capaci...
sati 7 4 (Sanskrit) the act o...
saul 8 6 (Scots) a soul [n -S...
saut 7 5 (Scots) salt [n -S]...
save 8 8 to rescue from dange...
savs 9 8 SAV, (short for) a s...
sawn 9 8 SAW, to cut with a j...
saws 10 7 SAW, to cut with a j...
saxe 12 11 as in saxe blue, a l...
says 13 6 SAY, to utter in wor...
scab 12 10 to become covered wi...
scad 10 8 a kind of marine fis...
scag 11 9 to make a tear in cl...
scam 11 10 to cheat or swindle...
scan 9 8 to examine closely [...
scar 10 7 to leave a mark of i...
scat 10 7 to scare away, also...
scaw 13 10 a low cape or headla...
scog 11 9 (Scots) to shelter,...
scop 12 10 (Old English) an Ang...
scot 10 7 (historical) money a...
scow 13 10 to transport by flat...
scry 17 9 to engage in crystal...
scud 11 9 to run or move swift...
scug 12 10 (Scots) to shelter,...
scul 12 9 (obsolete) a school,...
scum 12 11 to remove waste from...
scup 13 11 a marine food fish,...
scur 11 8 to scour, search; to...
scut 11 8 the tail of e.g. a r...
scye 16 9 an opening for the i...
seal 7 5 to close or make sec...
seam 7 7 to join by sewing to...
sean 5 5 to catch fish in a n...
sear 6 4 scorched, withered,...
seas 6 4 SEA, a great expanse...
seat 6 4 to place on a chair...
sech 12 9 a hyperbolic secant...
seco 9 7 (Italian) (of wine)...
secs 10 7 SEC, (short for) a s...
sect 10 7 a group of people un...
seed 6 5 to sow a crop [v -ED...
seek 7 8 to go in search of [...
seel 7 5 to stitch closed the...
seem 7 7 to appear to be [v -...
seen 5 5 SEE, to observe with...
seep 8 7 to pass slowly throu...
seer 6 4 a prophet [n -S]
sees 6 4 SEE, to observe with...
sego 7 6 (Native American) a...
segs 8 6 SEG, a stud in the s...
seif 9 7 (Arabic) a long sand...
seik 8 8 (Scots) sick [adj SE...
seil 8 5 to strain, also SILE...
seir 7 4 a fish of the macker...
seis 7 4 SEI, a kind of rorqu...
sekt 8 8 (German) a sparkling...
seld 8 6 (obsolete) rare; unu...
sele 7 5 happiness [n -S]
self 10 8 one's own person [n...
sell 9 6 to give up for money...
sels 8 5 SEL, (Scots) self [n...
seme 7 7 a type of heraldic p...
semi 8 7 a semi-detached hous...
sena 5 5 (Hindi) in India, an...
send 6 6 to cause to go [v SE...
sene 5 5 a Samoan monetary un...
sens 6 5 (obsolete) since, al...
sent 6 5 (obsolete) to scent...
seps 9 7 (Greek) a skink of t...
sept 9 7 a division of a trib...
sera 6 4 SERUM, the watery po...
sere 6 4 withered, dry, also...
serf 9 7 a person in modified...
serk 8 8 (Scots) a shirt or c...
serr 7 4 to press close, also...
sers 7 4 SER, an Indian unit...
sese 6 4 (Shakespeare) enough...
sesh 9 6 (short for) session...
sess 7 4 a tax, a local rate...
seta 6 4 (Latin) a coarse, st...
sets 7 4 SET, to put in a par...
sett 7 4 a badger's home, als...
sevs 9 8 SEV, (Hindi) an Indi...
sewn 9 8 SEW, to mend or fast...
sews 10 7 SEW, to mend or fast...
sext 13 11 to send a text messa...
sexy 19 13 arousing sexual desi...
seys 13 6 SEY, a part of a car...
shad 9 7 a herring-like marin...
shag 10 8 to make shaggy [v SH...
shah 11 8 (Persian) a title of...
sham 10 9 to feign [v SHAMMED,...
shan 8 7 (obsolete) in crimin...
shat 9 6 SHIT, to defecate [v...
shaw 12 9 (Scots) to show [v S...
shay 15 8 a light carriage, al...
shea 8 6 an African tree, fro...
shed 9 7 to cast off [v SHEDD...
shen 8 7 (Chinese) the spirit...
shes 9 6 SHE, a female person...
shet 9 6 (dialect) to shut [v...
shew 12 9 (archaic) to show, a...
shhh 14 10 an interjection requ...
shim 11 9 to adjust by using a...
shin 9 7 to climb by gripping...
ship 12 9 to transport in a se...
shir 10 6 to pucker, also SHIR...
shit 10 6 to defecate [v SHITT...
shiv 12 10 a knife [n -S] / to...
shmo 10 9 (Yiddish) a stupid o...
shod 9 7 SHOE, to provide wit...
shoe 8 6 to provide with a co...
shog 10 8 to move along [v SHO...
shoo 8 6 to drive away [v -ED...
shop 11 9 to visit shops to bu...
shot 9 6 to load with small p...
show 12 9 to cause or permit t...
shri 10 6 (Sanskrit) in India,...
shul 11 8 (Hebrew) a synagogue...
shun 9 8 to avoid [v SHUNNED,...
shut 10 7 to close, also SHET...
shwa 12 9 (German) a vowel sou...
sial 8 5 the upper layer of t...
sibb 12 10 one who has the same...
sibs 10 7 SIB, a blood relatio...
sice 10 7 (Arabic) a stableman...
sich 13 9 (archaic) such [adj]
sick 12 11 affected with ill he...
sics 11 7 SIC, to incite a dog...
sida 7 5 any plant of the Que...
side 7 5 to support or agree...
sidh 10 7 (Irish) one of the f...
sien 6 5 (Shakespeare) a scio...
sies 7 4 (South Africa) an ex...
sift 10 7 to pass through a st...
sigh 11 8 to emit a deep, audi...
sign 8 7 to write one's name...
sigs 9 6 SIG, a short persona...
sijo 9 13 (Korean) a Korean ve...
sika 8 8 (Japanese) a kind of...
sike 8 8 a small stream, also...
sild 9 6 (Norwegian) herring,...
sile 8 5 to strain, also SEIL...
silk 10 9 to cover with a soft...
sill 10 6 a part of a window [...
silo 8 5 to store in a large...
silt 9 5 to fill with a fine...
sima 8 7 the oceanic crust, a...
simi 9 7 (Swahili) in Africa,...
simp 11 10 (short for) a simple...
sims 9 7 SIM, (short for) sim...
sind 7 6 (Scots) to rinse, wa...
sine 6 5 (Scots) to rinse, wa...
sing 8 7 to utter melodious m...
sinh 9 7 a hyperbolic functio...
sink 8 9 to subside to a lowe...
sins 7 5 SIN, to offend again...
sipe 9 7 (dialect) to soak th...
sips 10 7 SIP, to drink in sma...
sire 7 4 to beget [v SIRED, S...
siri 8 4 (Malay) the betel pe...
sirs 8 4 SIR, to use a respec...
siss 8 4 (short for) sister,...
sist 8 4 to stay, as judicial...
site 7 4 to place in position...
sith 10 6 (Shakespeare) since,...
sits 8 4 SIT, to rest on the...
sitz 11 13 as in sitz bath, a b...
size 10 13 to cover with a weak...
sizy 17 15 pertaining to size,...
sjoe 8 13 (South African) expr...
skag 9 10 (US slang) heroin, a...
skas 8 8 SKA, a form of Jamai...
skat 8 8 (historical) a tribu...
skaw 11 11 a low cape or headla...
sked 8 9 to schedule [v SKEDD...
skee 7 8 to ski [v SKEED, SKE...
skeg 9 10 a length of keel pro...
sken 7 9 (Scots) to squint [v...
skeo 7 8 (Orkney) a hut, a sh...
skep 10 11 to collect into a hi...
sker 8 8 to scour, search; to...
sket 8 8 to splash (water) [v...
skew 11 11 oblique, biased [adj...
skid 9 9 to slide on account...
skim 10 11 to remove floating m...
skin 8 9 to remove the natura...
skio 8 8 (Orkney) a hut, a sh...
skip 11 11 to move with light s...
skis 9 8 SKI, to travel over...
skit 9 8 a short satirical sk...
skog 9 10 to shelter, also SCO...
skol 9 9 (Old Norse) to down...
skry 15 10 to see the future e....
skua 8 9 a predatory gull-lik...
skug 10 11 (Scots) to shelter,...
skyf 17 13 (South Africa) to sm...
skyr 15 10 curds; a yogurt-like...
slab 10 8 to cover with flat,...
slae 7 5 (Scots) a sloe [n -S...
slag 9 7 to criticize, mock o...
slam 9 8 to shut forcibly and...
slap 10 8 to strike with the o...
slat 8 5 to supply with narro...
slaw 11 8 a salad of raw shred...
slay 14 7 to kill [v SLEW, SLA...
sleb 10 8 (slang) a celebrity...
sled 8 6 to transport on a wh...
slee 7 5 (Scots) sly [adj SLE...
slew 11 8 to cause to move sid...
sley 14 7 a weaver's reed [n -...
slid 9 6 SLIDE, to move smoot...
slim 10 8 slender [adj SLIMMER...
slip 11 8 to slide suddenly an...
slit 9 5 to make a long narro...
slob 10 8 to behave in a boori...
sloe 7 5 the fruit of the bla...
slog 9 7 to plod [v SLOGGED,...
slop 10 8 to spill or splash [...
slot 8 5 to cut a long narrow...
slow 11 8 to reduce speed [v -...
slub 11 9 to twist fibre after...
slue 8 6 to cause to move sid...
slug 10 8 to strike heavily [v...
slum 10 9 to visit squalid urb...
slur 9 6 to disparage [v SLUR...
slut 9 6 a slovenly woman [n...
smee 7 7 (dialect) a name for...
smew 11 10 a bird, the smallest...
smir 9 7 to drizzle, also SMI...
smit 9 7 (Scots) to stain, in...
smog 9 9 a mixture of smoke a...
smug 10 10 complacent [adj SMUG...
smur 9 8 to drizzle, also SMI...
smut 9 8 to soil, make smutty...
snab 8 8 (Scots) a cobbler; a...
snag 7 7 to catch on a hidden...
snap 8 8 to make a sharp, cra...
snar 6 5 (Spenser) to snarl [...
snaw 9 8 to snow [v -ED, -ING...
sneb 8 8 to reprimand, also S...
sned 6 6 to cut, lop [v SNEDD...
snee 5 5 (obsolete) to cut [v...
snib 9 8 to fasten with a lat...
snig 8 7 to drag a load with...
snip 9 8 to cut with a short,...
snit 7 5 a state of agitation...
snob 8 8 a person who puts to...
snod 6 6 (Scots) smooth, neat...
snog 7 7 (slang) to kiss [v S...
snot 6 5 to blow the nose [v...
snow 9 8 to rain white frozen...
snub 9 9 to treat with contem...
snug 8 8 cosy [adj SNUGGER, S...
snye 12 7 a side channel of a...
soak 7 8 to saturate in liqui...
soap 8 7 to treat with a clea...
soar 6 4 to fly at a great he...
soba 8 7 (Japanese) noodles m...
sobs 9 7 SOB, to cry with a c...
soca 9 7 a variety of Caribbe...
sock 11 11 to strike forcefully...
socs 10 7 SOC, the right of ho...
soda 6 5 any of a number of c...
sods 7 5 SOD, to cover with t...
sofa 8 7 a long upholstered s...
soft 9 7 not hard, also SAFT...
sogs 8 6 SOG, to soak [v]
soho 8 6 (Shakespeare) a hunt...
sohs 9 6 SOH, the fifth note...
soil 8 5 to make dirty [v -ED...
soja 8 13 a dark, salty sauce...
soju 9 14 (Korean) a Korean vo...
soke 7 8 a feudal right to ad...
sola 7 5 (Hindi) an Indian pl...
sold 8 6 (Spenser) pay, remun...
sole 7 5 alone [adj SOLELY] /...
soli 8 5 SOLO, a performance...
solo 7 5 a performance by one...
sols 8 5 SOL, the fifth tone...
soma 7 7 (Greek) the whole ax...
some 7 7 being an unspecified...
soms 8 7 SOM, a monetary unit...
somy 14 9 SOM, a monetary unit...
sone 5 5 a unit of loudness o...
song 7 7 a musical compositio...
sons 6 5 SON, a male offsprin...
sook 7 8 (Scots) to suck [v -...
sool 7 5 to incite (a dog) to...
soom 7 7 (Scots) to swim [v -...
soon 5 5 in the near future [...
soop 8 7 (Scots) to sweep [v...
soot 6 4 to cover with a resi...
soph 11 9 (short for) a sophom...
sops 9 7 SOP, to dip or soak...
sora 6 4 (Native American) a...
sorb 9 7 to adsorb or adsorb...
sord 7 5 of mallard, to ascen...
sore 6 4 sensitive to pain [a...
sori 7 4 SORUS, (Latin) a clu...
sorn 6 5 (Scots) to impose in...
sort 7 4 to arrange in class,...
soss 7 4 to fall at once into...
soth 9 6 truth, also SOOTH [n...
sots 7 4 SOT, to play the dru...
souk 8 9 (Scots) to suck, als...
soul 8 6 the spiritual aspect...
soum 8 8 (Scots) to reckon th...
soup 9 8 to increase the powe...
sour 7 5 having an acid taste...
sous 7 5 SOU, a former French...
sout 7 5 (Spenser) soot [n -S...
sovs 9 8 SOV, (short for) a s...
sowf 12 10 (Scots) to whistle o...
sowl 11 8 (dialect) to lug, dr...
sowm 11 10 to ascertain the rat...
sown 9 8 SOW, to scatter seed...
sowp 12 10 (Scots) to soak [v -...
sows 10 7 SOW, to scatter seed...
soya 12 6 a dark, salty sauce...
soys 13 6 SOY, a dark, salty s...
spae 8 7 to foretell [v SPAED...
spag 10 9 (of a cat) to scratc...
spam 10 10 electronic junk mail...
span 8 8 to extend over or ac...
spar 9 7 to practise boxing [...
spas 9 7 SPA, a resort with a...
spat 9 7 to slap, strike [v S...
spaw 12 10 (obsolete) a spa [n...
spay 15 9 to remove the ovarie...
spaz 12 16 a clumsy, foolish pe...
spec 12 10 to write specificati...
sped 9 8 SPEED, to move swift...
spek 10 11 blubber from a whale...
spet 9 7 to spit [v SPAT, SPE...
spew 12 10 to vomit [v -ED, -IN...
spic 13 10 (US slang) a person...
spie 9 7 (Spenser) a spy [n -...
spif 12 10 a postage stamp perf...
spik 11 11 (US slang) a person...
spim 11 10 spam received via an...
spin 9 8 to draw out and twis...
spit 10 7 to throw out saliva...
spiv 12 11 a petty criminal [n...
spod 9 8 a boring, studious p...
spot 9 7 to mark with small r...
spry 16 9 smart, dapper [adj S...
spud 10 9 to remove with a spa...
spue 9 8 (archaic) to spew [v...
spug 11 10 (colloquial) a sparr...
spun 9 9 SPIN, to draw out an...
spur 10 8 to urge on with a ho...
sris 8 4 SRI, (Sanskrit) in I...
stab 9 7 to pierce with a poi...
stag 8 6 to attend a function...
stap 9 7 (Scots) to stuff, th...
star 7 4 to shine as an actor...
stat 7 4 (short for) a statis...
staw 10 7 (Scots) to stall [v...
stay 13 6 to remain in a place...
sted 7 5 (Spenser) to stead,...
stem 8 7 to deprive a plant o...
sten 6 5 to stride vigorously...
step 9 7 to measure by pacing...
stet 7 4 to cancel a previous...
stew 10 7 to cook by boiling s...
stey 13 6 (Scots) steep [adj S...
stie 7 4 to keep in a sty [v...
stim 9 7 (Irish) a very small...
stir 8 4 to move around or mi...
stoa 6 4 an ancient Greek cov...
stob 9 7 to stab [v STOBBED,...
stop 9 7 to halt or discontin...
stot 7 4 to bound, also STOTT...
stow 10 7 to put away [v -ED,...
stub 10 8 to strike accidental...
stud 8 6 to adorn with small...
stum 9 8 to increase fermenta...
stun 7 6 to render unconsciou...
stye 13 6 an inflamed swelling...
suba 9 8 (Hindi) a province o...
subs 10 8 SUB, to act as a sub...
such 13 10 of that kind, also S...
suck 12 12 to draw in by establ...
sudd 8 7 (Arabic) a mass of v...
suds 8 6 to wash in soapy wat...
sued 7 6 SUE, to institute le...
suer 7 5 one who sues [n -S]
sues 7 5 SUE, to institute le...
suet 7 5 the hard, fatty tiss...
sugh 11 9 to make a moaning or...
sugo 8 7 (Italian) an Italian...
sugs 9 7 SUG, to attempt to s...
suid 8 6 any member of the pi...
suit 8 5 to be appropriate [v...
sukh 11 11 (Arabic) an Arab mar...
suks 9 9 SUK, (Arabic) an Ara...
sulk 10 10 to become sullen and...
sulu 9 7 (Fijian) in Fiji, a...
sumi 9 8 (Japanese) a type of...
sumo 8 8 (Japanese) a form of...
sump 11 11 a low area serving a...
sums 9 8 SUM, to add, make up...
sumy 15 10 SUM, a monetary unit...
sung 8 8 SING, to utter melod...
suni 7 6 (Bantu) a small Sout...
sunk 8 10 a turf seat [n -S]
sunn 6 7 (Hindi) an East Indi...
suns 7 6 SUN, to expose to su...
supe 9 8 (short for) a superi...
sups 10 8 SUP, to eat supper [...
suqs 16 14 SUQ, (Arabic) an Ara...
sura 7 5 (Arabic) a chapter o...
surd 8 6 a voiceless speech s...
sure 7 5 certain [adj SURER,...
surf 10 8 to ride breaking wav...
suss 8 5 to arrest for suspic...
susu 8 6 (Caribbean) an arran...
swab 12 10 to clean with a larg...
swad 10 8 (dialect) a country...
swag 11 9 to sway, sag [v SWAG...
swam 11 10 SWIM, to propel ones...
swan 9 8 to move like a swan...
swap 12 10 to barter, give in e...
swat 10 7 to hit sharply [v SW...
sway 16 9 to move slowly back...
swee 9 7 to sway, swing, also...
swey 16 9 (Scots) to sway, swi...
swig 12 9 to drink rapidly [v...
swim 12 10 to propel oneself in...
swiz 14 16 to defraud, also SWI...
swob 12 10 to mop up [v SWOBBED...
swop 12 10 to barter, give in e...
swot 10 7 to study hard [v SWO...
swum 12 11 SWIM, to propel ones...
sybo 15 9 (Scots) a spring oni...
syce 16 9 a male servant in In...
syed 13 7 SYE, to strain [v]
syen 12 7 (Shakespeare) a scio...
syes 13 6 SYE, to strain [v]
syke 14 10 a rill or small ditc...
syli 15 7 a former monetary un...
sync 16 10 to cause to operate...
synd 13 8 (Scots) to rinse, wa...
syne 12 7 to rinse, wash out,...
sype 15 9 (dialect) to soak th...
syph 18 11 a venereal disease,...