15 letter words that start with S

15 letter words that start with S

15 letter S word


Words With Friends®


sabermetricians 31 25 SABERMETRICIAN, a st...
saccharimetries 35 26 SACCHARIMETRY, the m...
saccharisations 33 24 SACCHARISATION, the...
saccharizations 36 33 SACCHARIZATION, the...
saccharometries 34 26 SACCHAROMETRY, the p...
saccharomycetes 43 31 SACCHAROMYCES, any o...
sacerdotalising 30 23 SACERDOTALISE, to re...
sacerdotalizing 33 32 SACERDOTALIZE, to re...
sacramentalisms 31 26 SACRAMENTALISM, beli...
sacramentalists 30 23 SACRAMENTALIST, an e...
sacramentalness 28 24 the state of being s...
sacramentarians 27 23 SACRAMENTARIAN, a pe...
sacrosanctities 31 22 SACROSANCTITY, the s...
sadomasochistic 35 27 relating to sadomaso...
sagaciousnesses 28 22 SAGACIOUSNESS, the s...
salaciousnesses 28 21 SALACIOUSNESS, the s...
salpingectomies 33 28 SALPINGECTOMY, surgi...
sanctifications 33 26 SANCTIFICATION, an a...
sanctimoniously 36 27 SANCTIMONIOUS, hypoc...
sanguifications 31 26 SANGUIFICATION, bloo...
sanguineousness 24 22 SANGUINEOUS, bloodre...
sanguinolencies 28 25 SANGUINOLENCY, the s...
sansculotteries 29 21 SANSCULOTTERIE, (Fre...
saponaceousness 27 24 the state of being s...
saponifications 31 26 SAPONIFICATION, the...
saprogenicities 31 24 SAPROGENICITY, the s...
saprophytically 50 32 SAPROPHYTIC, relatin...
sarcenchymatous 40 30 of or like a sarcenc...
sarraceniaceous 29 23 belonging to the Sar...
satanicalnesses 27 21 SATANICALNESS, the s...
satiricalnesses 29 20 SATIRICALNESS, the s...
sauropterygians 34 24 SAUROPTERYGIAN, any...
scandalisations 28 22 SCANDALISATION, the...
scandalizations 31 31 SCANDALIZATION, the...
scaphocephalics 44 35 SCAPHOCEPHALIC, some...
scaphocephalies 40 32 SCAPHOCEPHALY, havin...
scaphocephalism 42 35 the state of being s...
scaphocephalous 40 33 having an abnormally...
scaremongerings 30 27 SCAREMONGERING, rais...
scathefulnesses 33 26 SCATHEFULNESS, the s...
scentlessnesses 28 21 SCENTLESSNESS, the s...
schematisations 31 24 SCHEMATISATION, the...
schematizations 34 33 SCHEMATIZATION, the...
schillerisation 33 23 the process of schil...
schillerization 36 32 the process of schil...
schistosomiases 32 23 SCHISTOSOMIASIS, a d...
schistosomiasis 33 23 a disease caused by...
schizophrenetic 41 38 suffering from schiz...
scholarlinesses 32 23 SCHOLARLINESS, the s...
schoolmastering 33 27 SCHOOLMASTER, to act...
schoolmasterish 35 26 like a schoolmaster...
schoolmistressy 40 26 like a schoolmistres...
schoolteachings 37 29 SCHOOLTEACHING, teac...
scientificities 35 25 SCIENTIFICITY, the s...
scintillascopes 36 27 SCINTILLASCOPE, an i...
scintillatingly 40 27 SCINTILLATING [adv]
scintillometers 32 24 SCINTILLOMETER, inst...
scintilloscopes 36 27 SCINTILLOSCOPE, an i...
sclerodermatous 30 24 hard-skinned; having...
sclerotisations 29 20 SCLEROTISATION, the...
sclerotizations 32 29 SCLEROTIZATION, the...
scolopendriform 34 30 having the form of a...
scorchingnesses 34 27 SCORCHINGNESS, the s...
scratchbuilders 39 29 SCRATCHBUILDER, one...
scratchbuilding 40 32 SCRATCHBUILD, to bui...
scribaciousness 34 26 (archaic) the state...
scrimshandering 33 28 SCRIMSHANDER, to orn...
scrumptiousness 33 27 the state of being s...
sculpturesquely 49 37 SCULPTURESQUE, done...
searchingnesses 30 24 SEARCHINGNESS, SEARC...
seasonabilities 27 20 SEASONABILITY, appro...
seaworthinesses 29 21 SEAWORTHINESS, the s...
seclusivenesses 31 25 SECLUSIVENESS, the s...
secondarinesses 26 21 SECONDARINESS, the s...
secretivenesses 29 23 SECRETIVENESS, the s...
sectionisations 27 20 SECTIONISATION, the...
sectionizations 30 29 SECTIONIZATION, the...
secularisations 29 21 SECULARISATION, the...
secularizations 32 30 SECULARIZATION, the...
secundogeniture 28 25 a custom whereby the...
securitisations 29 20 SECURITISATION, the...
securitizations 32 29 SECURITIZATION, the...
sedentarinesses 23 18 SEDENTARINESS, the s...
sedimentologies 27 23 SEDIMENTOLOGY, the s...
sedimentologist 28 23 one who studies sedi...
seditiousnesses 25 18 SEDITIOUSNESS, the s...
seductivenesses 30 25 SEDUCTIVENESS, the s...
segregationists 27 20 SEGREGATIONIST, a pe...
seismographical 36 29 relating to seismogr...
seismologically 40 28 SEISMOLOGICAL, relat...
selectivenesses 30 24 SELECTIVENESS, the s...
selenographical 34 28 relating to selenogr...
selenographists 31 24 SELENOGRAPHIST, one...
semiabstraction 31 25 the state of being s...
semicentennials 28 25 SEMICENTENNIAL, a 50...
semicolonialism 32 27 the state of being s...
semiconductions 32 28 SEMICONDUCTION, the...
semiconsciously 40 29 SEMICONSCIOUS, incom...
semicrystalline 38 26 incompletely or impe...
semicylindrical 42 30 having the shape of...
semidocumentary 36 29 a motion picture tha...
semilogarithmic 36 29 having one scale log...
semimanufacture 32 30 a manufactured produ...
semiparasitisms 31 24 SEMIPARASITISM, the...
semipornography 39 31 material approaching...
semiretirements 27 22 SEMIRETIREMENT, the...
semisubmersible 34 29 a floating deepwater...
semiterrestrial 28 19 growing on boggy gro...
semitranslucent 30 25 somewhat translucent...
semitransparent 27 23 imperfectly transpar...
sensationalised 24 19 SENSATIONALISE, to m...
sensationalises 24 18 SENSATIONALISE, to m...
sensationalisms 26 21 SENSATIONALISM, the...
sensationalists 25 18 SENSATIONALIST, one...
sensationalized 27 28 SENSATIONALIZE, to p...
sensationalizes 27 27 SENSATIONALIZE, to p...
sensitivenesses 26 21 SENSITIVENESS, the s...
sensualisations 25 19 SENSUALISATION, the...
sensualizations 28 28 SENSUALIZATION, the...
sententiousness 23 19 the state of being s...
sentimentalised 26 22 SENTIMENTALISE, to i...
sentimentalises 26 21 SENTIMENTALISE, to i...
sentimentalisms 28 24 SENTIMENTALISM, the...
sentimentalists 27 21 SENTIMENTALIST, one...
sentimentalized 29 31 SENTIMENTALIZE, to i...
sentimentalizes 29 30 SENTIMENTALIZE, to i...
separablenesses 28 23 SEPARABLENESS, the s...
septendecillion 31 26 ten to the power of...
septentrionally 34 24 SEPTENTRIONAL, (obso...
septuagenarians 26 23 SEPTUAGENARIAN, a pe...
sequentialities 34 27 SEQUENTIALITY, the s...
serendipitously 35 24 SERENDIPITOUS, obtai...
sericiculturist 36 24 one who practises se...
sericitisations 29 19 SERICITISATION, conv...
sericitizations 32 28 SERICITIZATION, conv...
seroconversions 28 24 SEROCONVERSION, the...
serviceableness 32 27 the state of being s...
servomechanical 36 32 of or like a servome...
servomechanisms 34 31 SERVOMECHANISM, an a...
sesquicarbonate 37 32 a salt that is neith...
sesquicentenary 41 32 a hundred and fiftie...
sesquipedalians 36 31 SESQUIPEDALIAN, a po...
sesquisulphides 41 33 SESQUISULPHIDE, a co...
shamefastnesses 29 24 SHAMEFASTNESS, SHAME...
shamelessnesses 28 22 SHAMELESSNESS, the s...
shapelessnesses 29 22 SHAPELESSNESS, the s...
sherardisations 27 19 SHERARDISATION, the...
sherardizations 30 28 SHERARDIZATION, the...
shiftlessnesses 31 22 SHIFTLESSNESS, the s...
shillingsworths 38 27 SHILLINGSWORTH, good...
shillyshalliers 42 25 SHILLYSHALLIER, one...
shillyshallying 49 30 SHILLYSHALLY, to be...
shockumentaries 32 29 SHOCKUMENTARY, a doc...
showerproofings 35 29 SHOWERPROOFING, the...
sidesplittingly 39 26 SIDESPLITTING, extre...
sightlessnesses 30 21 SIGHTLESSNESS, the s...
sigmoidectomies 32 27 SIGMOIDECTOMY, remov...
sigmoidoscopies 33 27 SIGMOIDOSCOPY, exami...
significatively 42 31 SIGNIFICATIVE, signi...
silicifications 36 26 SILICIFICATION, a pr...
silversmithings 35 28 SILVERSMITHING, the...
silviculturally 44 30 SILVICULTURAL, relat...
silviculturists 37 26 SILVICULTURIST, one...
simplicidentate 33 27 denoting a member of...
simplifications 36 29 SIMPLIFICATION, the...
singularisation 27 21 the process of singu...
singularization 30 30 the process of singu...
sinistrodextral 33 25 going or directed fr...
sinterabilities 29 20 SINTERABILITY, the c...
skepticalnesses 32 27 SKEPTICALNESS, the s...
sketchabilities 36 28 SKETCHABILITY, the q...
slaughterhouses 32 24 SLAUGHTERHOUSE, an e...
sledgehammering 32 30 SLEDGEHAMMER, to str...
sleeplessnesses 28 21 SLEEPLESSNESS, the s...
slumbrousnesses 30 25 SLUMBROUSNESS, the s...
slumpflationary 39 30 relating to slumpfla...
smokelessnesses 27 24 SMOKELESSNESS, the s...
snippersnappers 33 29 SNIPPERSNAPPER, a wh...
socialistically 42 26 SOCIALISTIC, related...
sociobiological 36 28 relating to sociobio...
sociobiologists 33 24 SOCIOBIOLOGIST, one...
socioculturally 42 28 SOCIOCULTURAL, of, r...
sociohistorical 35 24 of, relating to, or...
sociolinguistic 35 26 of or relating to th...
softheartedness 28 22 the state of being s...
solderabilities 30 21 SOLDERABILITY, the s...
soldierlinesses 27 19 SOLDIERLINESS, the s...
solemnification 31 27 the act of solemnify...
solidifications 32 24 SOLIDIFICATION, the...
solipsistically 42 26 SOLIPSISTIC, relatin...
solitudinarians 26 20 SOLITUDINARIAN, a re...
solubilisations 30 22 SOLUBILISATION, the...
solubilizations 33 31 SOLUBILIZATION, the...
somatologically 39 28 SOMATOLOGICAL, relat...
somnambulations 29 28 SOMNAMBULATION, slee...
soothfastnesses 28 21 SOOTHFASTNESS, the s...
sophisticatedly 41 27 SOPHISTICATED [adv]
sophistications 33 24 SOPHISTICATION, the...
sorrowfulnesses 31 24 SORROWFULNESS, the s...
soundlessnesses 25 20 SOUNDLESSNESS, the s...
southeasterlies 28 19 SOUTHEASTERLY, a win...
southerlinesses 28 20 SOUTHERLINESS, the s...
southwesterlies 32 22 SOUTHWESTERLY, a win...
southwestwardly 42 28 SOUTHWESTWARD [adv]
spatialisations 28 20 SPATIALISATION, the...
spatializations 31 29 SPATIALIZATION, the...
specialisations 31 23 SPECIALISATION, the...
specializations 34 32 SPECIALIZATION, the...
spectrographies 36 28 SPECTROGRAPHY, the u...
spectroscopical 40 31 relating to spectros...
spectroscopists 37 27 SPECTROSCOPIST, one...
speculativeness 33 28 SPECULATIVE, involvi...
speechfulnesses 35 29 SPEECHFULNESS, the s...
speechification 37 30 the making of speech...
speleotherapies 31 24 SPELEOTHERAPY, an al...
spermatoblastic 35 28 of or like a spermat...
spermatogeneses 27 24 SPERMATOGENESIS, the...
spermatogenesis 28 24 the formation of spe...
spermatogenetic 31 27 relating to spermato...
spermatorrhoeas 29 23 SPERMATORRHOEA, invo...
sphaerocrystals 40 26 SPHAEROCRYSTAL, a ro...
sphaerosiderite 29 21 concretionary clay-i...
sphericalnesses 33 25 SPHERICALNESS, the s...
spheroidicities 34 24 SPHEROIDICITY, the s...
spheroidisation 29 22 the process of spher...
spheroidization 32 31 the process of spher...
sphygmographies 44 34 SPHYGMOGRAPHY, the m...
spinelessnesses 27 21 SPINELESSNESS, the s...
spinthariscopes 35 27 SPINTHARISCOPE, an i...
spiritousnesses 28 20 SPIRITOUSNESS, the s...
spiritualnesses 29 21 SPIRITUALNESS, the s...
spirochaetaemia 32 26 the presence of spir...
spironolactones 29 24 SPIRONOLACTONE, a sy...
splanchnologies 34 29 SPLANCHNOLOGY, the s...
splendiferously 38 28 SPLENDIFEROUS, splen...
splenectomising 33 29 SPLENECTOMISE, to re...
splenectomizing 36 38 SPLENECTOMIZE, to re...
spontaneousness 24 22 the state of being s...
sporangiophores 31 26 SPORANGIOPHORE, a st...
sporangiospores 29 24 SPORANGIOSPORE, a sp...
spreadabilities 31 23 SPREADABILITY, the s...
sprightlinesses 33 24 SPRIGHTLINESS, the s...
spritefulnesses 31 24 SPRITEFULNESS, the s...
squeamishnesses 36 31 SQUEAMISHNESS, the s...
squeezabilities 40 38 SQUEEZABILITY, the s...
stadholderships 34 25 STADHOLDERSHIP, the...
stadtholderates 28 20 STADTHOLDERATE, the...
stadtholdership 34 25 the office of stadth...
stainlessnesses 25 18 STAINLESSNESS, the s...
stalactitically 42 26 STALACTITICAL, of or...
stalagmitically 41 28 STALAGMITICAL, of or...
stalagmometries 29 24 STALAGMOMETRY, measu...
standardisation 24 19 the act of standardi...
standardization 27 28 the act of standardi...
standoffishness 31 26 the state of being s...
staphyloplastic 44 30 relating to staphylo...
staphylorrhaphy 50 32 the operation of uni...
statelessnesses 25 17 STATELESSNESS, the c...
steadfastnesses 26 20 STEADFASTNESS, the s...
steeplechasings 34 27 STEEPLECHASING, the...
steganographers 30 25 STEGANOGRAPHER, a cr...
steganographies 30 25 STEGANOGRAPHY, the p...
steganographist 31 25 one who practises st...
stegocephalians 33 27 STEGOCEPHALIAN, any...
stereochemistry 38 25 chemical study of ar...
stereographical 34 26 of, relating to, or...
stereoisomerism 27 21 the property of subs...
stereoisometric 29 21 related to stereoiso...
stereologically 38 25 STEREOLOGICAL, relat...
stereotaxically 42 29 STEREOTAXIC, relatin...
stereotypically 45 27 STEREOTYPICAL, of or...
steroidogeneses 24 19 STEROIDOGENESIS, the...
steroidogenesis 25 19 the synthesis of ste...
stigmatisations 28 21 STIGMATISATION, the...
stigmatizations 31 30 STIGMATIZATION, the...
stigmatophilias 34 26 STIGMATOPHILIA, an o...
stigmatophilist 35 26 one suffering from s...
stilpnosiderite 29 21 another name for lim...
stockbrokerages 33 31 STOCKBROKERAGE, the...
stoechiological 36 27 related to stoechiol...
stoechiometries 31 23 STOECHIOMETRY, the b...
stoicheiologies 32 23 STOICHEIOLOGY, the b...
stoicheiometric 35 26 relating to stoechio...
stoichiological 37 27 related to stoichiol...
stoichiometries 32 23 STOICHIOMETRY, the b...
stomatoplasties 29 22 STOMATOPLASTY, plast...
stonelessnesses 24 18 STONELESSNESS, the s...
strabismometers 30 24 STRABISMOMETER, an i...
straightforward 35 26 free from evasivenes...
straightjackets 36 35 STRAIGHTJACKET, a st...
straitjacketing 33 34 STRAITJACKET, to con...
straitlacedness 29 21 the state of being s...
straitwaistcoat 32 21 a straitjacket [n]
straticulations 30 21 STRATICULATION, the...
stratifications 31 22 STRATIFICATION, (geo...
stratigraphical 36 26 relating to stratigr...
stratigraphists 33 22 STRATIGRAPHIST, a pr...
stratospherical 34 24 relating to the stra...
stratovolcanoes 29 24 STRATOVOLCANO, a com...
strenuousnesses 24 19 STRENUOUSNESS, the s...
strephosymbolia 40 29 a visual disorder wh...
streptobacillus 36 27 any of a genus of ro...
streptocarpuses 33 25 STREPTOCARPUS, any f...
streptothricins 34 24 STREPTOTHRICIN, any...
stressfulnesses 29 21 STRESSFULNESS, the s...
strikebreakings 31 29 STRIKEBREAKING, acti...
stringentnesses 25 20 STRINGENTNESS, the s...
strobilisations 29 20 STROBILISATION, prod...
strobilizations 32 29 STROBILIZATION, prod...
strombuliferous 33 27 bearing spirally coi...
strongyloidoses 33 22 STRONGYLOIDOSIS, an...
strongyloidosis 34 22 an intestinal diseas...
structuralising 33 24 STRUCTURALISE, to or...
structuralizing 36 33 STRUCTURALIZE, to or...
stultifications 33 24 STULTIFICATION, the...
stylelessnesses 33 20 STYLELESSNESS, the s...
subaggregations 30 26 SUBAGGREGATION, a pa...
subalternations 27 22 SUBALTERNATION, the...
subassociations 30 23 SUBASSOCIATION, a su...
subcategorising 33 27 SUBCATEGORISE, to cl...
subcategorizing 36 36 SUBCATEGORIZE, to cl...
subcivilisation 35 28 the state of being s...
subcivilization 38 37 the state of being s...
subcommissioned 33 30 SUBCOMMISSION, to gi...
subcommissioner 33 29 a subordinate commis...
subcontractings 35 29 SUBCONTRACTING, the...
subcontraoctave 34 30 the octave below the...
subdevelopments 33 32 SUBDEVELOPMENT, a su...
subinfeudations 29 26 SUBINFEUDATION, the...
subinsinuations 27 23 SUBINSINUATION, some...
subintellection 32 26 an implication that...
subintelligence 33 28 an implication that...
subintelligitur 33 25 something that is no...
sublapsarianism 32 27 a doctrine of modera...
submetacentrics 35 29 SUBMETACENTRIC, a ch...
subminiaturised 30 25 SUBMINIATURISE, to r...
subminiaturises 30 24 SUBMINIATURISE, to r...
subminiaturized 33 34 SUBMINIATURIZE, to r...
subminiaturizes 33 33 SUBMINIATURIZE, to r...
suboptimisation 31 26 the process of subop...
suboptimization 34 35 the process of subop...
subordinateness 26 22 the state of being s...
suborganisation 27 23 a subsidiary part of...
suborganization 30 32 a subsidiary part of...
subprofessional 32 27 functioning or quali...
subproletariats 31 23 SUBPROLETARIAT, the...
subreptitiously 39 26 SUBREPTITIOUS, fraud...
subspecialising 36 29 SUBSPECIALISE, to pr...
subspecialities 35 26 SUBSPECIALITY, a sub...
subspecializing 39 38 SUBSPECIALIZE, to pr...
subspecifically 48 35 SUBSPECIFIC, relatin...
substantialised 29 22 SUBSTANTIALISE, to m...
substantialises 29 21 SUBSTANTIALISE, to m...
substantialisms 31 24 SUBSTANTIALISM, the...
substantialists 30 21 SUBSTANTIALIST, a be...
substantialized 32 31 SUBSTANTIALIZE, to m...
substantializes 32 30 SUBSTANTIALIZE, to m...
substantialness 28 22 the state of being s...
substantiations 27 21 SUBSTANTIATION, the...
substantiveness 29 25 the state of being s...
substantivising 32 27 SUBSTANTIVISE, to ma...
substantivities 31 24 SUBSTANTIVITY, the s...
substantivizing 35 36 SUBSTANTIVIZE, to ma...
substitutionary 35 23 relating to substitu...
substratosphere 32 24 the area of the atmo...
subterraneously 34 24 SUBTERRANEOUS, subte...
subterrestrials 30 20 SUBTERRESTRIAL, a su...
suburbanisation 29 25 the act of suburbani...
suburbanization 32 34 the act of suburbani...
subversionaries 29 24 SUBVERSIONARY, a sub...
subvocalisation 33 28 the act of inaudibly...
subvocalization 36 37 the act of inaudibly...
succinylcholine 45 33 a basic compound tha...
sufficingnesses 34 29 SUFFICINGNESS, the s...
suggestibleness 31 25 the state of being s...
suggestionising 29 24 SUGGESTIONISE, to su...
suggestionizing 32 33 SUGGESTIONIZE, to su...
sulfamethazines 34 35 SULFAMETHAZINE, an A...
sulfinpyrazones 39 36 SULFINPYRAZONE, a ur...
sulfurousnesses 29 23 SULFUROUSNESS, the s...
sulphacetamides 35 29 SULPHACETAMIDE, a su...
sulphanilamides 33 28 SULPHANILAMIDE, a wh...
sulphathiazoles 37 34 SULPHATHIAZOLE, a su...
sulphinpyrazone 41 38 a drug used to treat...
sulphonmethanes 32 29 SULPHONMETHANE, a co...
sulphureousness 31 25 the state of being s...
sulphurisations 32 24 SULPHURISATION, the...
sulphurizations 35 33 SULPHURIZATION, the...
sumptuousnesses 29 25 SUMPTUOUSNESS, the q...
superablenesses 29 24 SUPERABLENESS, the s...
superabsorbents 31 26 SUPERABSORBENT, an e...
superabundances 31 29 SUPERABUNDANCE, extr...
superabundantly 36 29 SUPERABUNDANT, more...
superactivities 34 26 SUPERACTIVITY, the s...
superadditional 28 23 added over and above...
superannuations 25 23 SUPERANNUATION, the...
superbureaucrat 33 27 a highly-placed bure...
supercalendered 30 26 SUPERCALENDER, to gi...
supercargoships 37 29 SUPERCARGOSHIP, the...
supercomputings 36 32 SUPERCOMPUTING, comp...
superconducting 35 31 SUPERCONDUCT, to exh...
superconduction 33 29 the act of supercond...
superconductive 36 32 capable of supercond...
superconductors 34 28 SUPERCONDUCTOR, a ma...
superconfidence 34 31 a state of very high...
supercontinents 29 25 SUPERCONTINENT, a hy...
superconvenient 30 29 extremely convenient...
superefficiency 44 34 the state of being s...
superelevations 29 25 SUPERELEVATION, the...
supererogations 27 22 SUPEREROGATION, the...
superexaltation 33 28 a state of very high...
superexcellence 40 35 excellence to a very...
superficialised 35 27 SUPERFICIALISE, to m...
superficialises 35 26 SUPERFICIALISE, to m...
superficialized 38 36 SUPERFICIALIZE, to m...
superficializes 38 35 SUPERFICIALIZE, to m...
superficialness 34 27 the state of being s...
superfinenesses 28 24 SUPERFINENESS, the s...
superfluidities 33 25 SUPERFLUIDITY, the s...
superfluousness 31 26 the state of being s...
superfoetations 28 23 SUPERFOETATION, a se...
supergovernment 30 30 government above oth...
superheterodyne 34 25 applied to radio rec...
superhumanising 32 29 SUPERHUMANISE, to ma...
superhumanities 31 26 SUPERHUMANITY, the s...
superhumanizing 35 38 SUPERHUMANIZE, to ma...
superimposition 31 26 the act of superimpo...
superincumbence 36 34 the state of lying o...
superincumbency 43 36 the state of lying o...
superindividual 32 28 of, relating to, or...
superinducement 31 29 the act of superindu...
superinductions 31 26 SUPERINDUCTION, the...
superinfections 32 27 SUPERINFECTION, an i...
superintendence 28 26 the act or function...
superintendency 35 28 the act or function...
superintendents 26 23 SUPERINTENDENT, one...
superlativeness 30 25 the state of being s...
supermajorities 31 31 SUPERMAJORITY, a maj...
supernationally 34 25 SUPERNATIONAL, overr...
supernaturalise 28 22 to make supernatural...
supernaturalism 30 25 the state of being s...
supernaturalist 29 22 relating to supernat...
supernaturalize 31 31 to make supernatural...
supernumeraries 28 24 SUPERNUMERARY, an ac...
supernutritions 28 22 SUPERNUTRITION, exce...
superordinating 28 24 SUPERORDINATE, to ma...
superordination 26 22 the relation of a un...
superorganicism 33 28 the state of being s...
superorganicist 32 25 one who studies the...
superovulations 30 26 SUPEROVULATION, prod...
superparasitism 32 25 parasitization of a...
superpatriotism 32 25 extreme patriotism [...
superphenomenon 29 30 an exceptional pheno...
superphosphates 36 29 SUPERPHOSPHATE, acid...
superplasticity 42 28 the state of being s...
supersaturating 29 23 SUPERSATURATE, to ad...
supersaturation 27 21 the state of being s...
superscriptions 34 26 SUPERSCRIPTION, some...
superspecialist 35 26 an exceptional speci...
superspectacles 37 29 SUPERSPECTACLE, an e...
superstimulated 31 25 SUPERSTIMULATE, to s...
superstimulates 31 24 SUPERSTIMULATE, to s...
superstitiously 37 23 SUPERSTITIOUS, relat...
superstructions 32 24 SUPERSTRUCTION, the...
superstructural 34 25 relating to superstr...
superstructures 33 24 SUPERSTRUCTURE, all...
supersubtleties 32 24 SUPERSUBTLETY, the s...
supersymmetries 37 27 SUPERSYMMETRY, the c...
supervisorships 36 28 SUPERVISORSHIP, the...
supplementaries 31 27 SUPPLEMENTARY [n]
supplementarily 39 30 SUPPLEMENTARY, added...
supplementation 30 28 the act of supplemen...
supportableness 32 27 the state of being s...
suppositionally 38 27 SUPPOSITIONAL, havin...
suppositionless 31 24 without supposition...
suppressibility 42 28 the state of being s...
suppressiveness 32 27 the state of being s...
supralapsarians 30 24 SUPRALAPSARIAN, one...
supranationally 34 25 SUPRANATIONAL, trans...
surreptitiously 37 23 SURREPTITIOUS, done...
survivabilities 35 28 SURVIVABILITY, the s...
susceptibleness 34 27 the state of being s...
suspectednesses 30 24 SUSPECTEDNESS, the s...
suspensefulness 30 26 the state of being s...
suspercollating 34 27 SUSPERCOLLATE, to ha...
swellheadedness 31 25 the state of being s...
sycophantically 50 33 SYCOPHANTICAL, (obso...
syllabification 41 29 the act of dividing...
syllabographies 41 29 SYLLABOGRAPHY, use o...
syllogistically 48 28 SYLLOGISTICAL, of or...
symbolistically 49 31 SYMBOLISTICAL, relat...
symbolographies 41 31 SYMBOLOGRAPHY, symbo...
symmetricalness 38 28 the state of being s...
symmetrisations 34 24 SYMMETRISATION, the...
symmetrizations 37 33 SYMMETRIZATION, the...
symmetrophobias 40 31 SYMMETROPHOBIA, fear...
sympathectomies 41 31 SYMPATHECTOMY, the s...
sympathetically 49 32 SYMPATHETICAL, (obso...
sympathomimetic 43 34 simulating sympathet...
symphyseotomies 44 30 SYMPHYSEOTOMY, the o...
symphysiotomies 45 30 SYMPHYSIOTOMY, the o...
symptomatically 48 33 SYMPTOMATICAL, relat...
symptomatologic 41 32 relating to symptoma...
symptomological 42 33 related to symptomol...
synaposematisms 35 27 SYNAPOSEMATISM, warn...
synarthrodially 42 25 SYNARTHRODIAL, of, r...
synchronicities 40 27 SYNCHRONICITY, the c...
synchronisation 35 25 the act of synchroni...
synchronistical 41 28 relating to synchron...
synchronization 38 34 the act of synchroni...
synchronologies 37 27 SYNCHRONOLOGY, a chr...
synchronoscopes 40 30 SYNCHRONOSCOPE, an i...
synchronousness 35 26 the state of being s...
syncretisations 34 22 SYNCRETISATION, the...
syncretizations 37 31 SYNCRETIZATION, the...
synecdochically 51 34 SYNECDOCHICAL, relat...
synecologically 47 31 SYNECOLOGICAL, relat...
synergistically 45 27 SYNERGISTIC, showing...
synthesisations 33 21 SYNTHESISATION, the...
synthesizations 36 30 SYNTHESIZATION, the...
synthetisations 33 21 SYNTHETISATION, the...
synthetizations 36 30 SYNTHETIZATION, the...
systematisation 32 21 the act of systemati...
systematization 35 30 the act of systemati...
systematologies 34 23 SYSTEMATOLOGY, the s...