12 letter words that end with R

12 letter words that end with R

12 letter R word


Words With Friends®


acclimatiser 29 22 one who acclimatises...
acclimatizer 32 31 one who acclimatizes...
accommodator 27 25 one who accommodates...
accomplisher 33 27 one who accomplishes...
acknowledger 28 27 one who acknowledges...
agroforester 22 17 one who practices ag...
albumblatter 28 24 ALBUMBLATT [v]
alphabetiser 27 21 one who alphabetises...
alphabetizer 30 30 something that alpha...
amphitheater 27 22 an oval or circular...
animadverter 22 21 one who animadverts,...
anthologiser 23 18 one who makes an ant...
anthologizer 26 27 one who makes an ant...
anticonsumer 23 21 opposed to the consu...
antimacassar 23 19 a cover to protect t...
antipredator 21 17 designed to deter pr...
antitakeover 21 21 against a takeover [...
appendicular 28 25 of or relating to an...
appropriator 26 21 one who appropriates...
arithmometer 24 20 (obsolete) an early...
assassinator 19 13 one who assassinates...
averruncator 24 21 an instrument (on a...
backgrounder 27 27 an off the record br...
balladmonger 25 24 a dealer in or compo...
baroreceptor 26 21 a sensory nerve endi...
basketweaver 27 26 one who weaves baske...
beautifuller 27 22 BEAUTIFUL, fair to l...
biomolecular 28 24 relating to biomolec...
bonnyclabber 35 29 (Irish) milk natural...
boulevardier 25 22 (French) a person wh...
brainstormer 23 19 one who engages in b...
brassfounder 24 21 a person who casts o...
breastsummer 25 22 a beam supporting th...
breathalyser 31 20 (tradename) a device...
breathalyzer 34 29 (tradename) a device...
breechloader 27 22 a firearm that loads...
brickfielder 31 27 a hot dry wind in Au...
broncobuster 27 23 one who breaks wild...
cabinetmaker 26 26 a skilled woodworker...
cackermander 27 27 (dialect) a friend [...
calligrapher 31 24 a professional copyi...
campanologer 26 25 a bell-ringer [n -S]
candleholder 26 22 a holder with a sock...
carillonneur 24 20 (French) one who pla...
carpetbagger 29 25 a Northerner in the...
carpetmonger 26 24 (Shakespeare) an eff...
cartographer 28 22 one who makes maps,...
cathetometer 25 20 an instrument for me...
cephalometer 28 24 an instrument for po...
checkweigher 36 31 a colliery worker wh...
cheeseburger 28 23 a hamburger topped w...
cheesecutter 28 21 a movable keel that...
cheesehopper 30 25 a small fly whose la...
cheesemonger 25 23 one who sells cheese...
cheesetaster 24 17 a long hollow tool f...
cheiromancer 28 24 one who claims to di...
chirographer 31 24 (obsolete) an offici...
chiropractor 31 23 a person who practis...
chloroformer 29 24 CHLOROFORM, to treat...
choregrapher 30 24 one who choregraphs,...
chorographer 30 24 one who maps or desc...
chorusmaster 27 21 the conductor of a c...
chromocenter 28 24 a densely staining a...
circulariser 29 20 one who circularises...
circularizer 32 29 one who circularizes...
circumcenter 31 26 the point at which t...
circumventer 30 27 one who circumvents,...
circumventor 30 27 one who circumvents,...
coachbuilder 32 26 a craftsman who buil...
cocurricular 32 24 being outside of but...
codiscoverer 28 23 CODISCOVER, to disco...
collaborator 26 20 one who collaborates...
commemorator 25 24 one who commemorates...
commiserator 25 21 one who commiserates...
commissioner 25 22 a person who holds a...
communaliser 26 24 one who communalises...
communalizer 29 33 one who communalizes...
communicator 28 26 one who communicates...
complimenter 28 26 one who pays complim...
concentrator 24 20 an apparatus for con...
concessioner 24 20 CONCESSION [v]
confabulator 27 24 one who confabulates...
confectioner 26 23 a manufacturer of or...
conferencier 26 23 (French) a lecturer...
configurator 26 22 an item of software...
conquistador 31 27 a conqueror; specifi...
consolidator 23 18 one who consolidates...
contaminator 22 20 one who contaminates...
contemplator 26 23 one who contemplates...
contradicter 26 20 one who contradicts,...
contradictor 26 20 one who contradicts,...
controverter 24 20 one who controverts...
conventicler 28 25 a member of a conven...
conventioner 22 22 a person who attends...
coproprietor 27 21 a joint proprietor [...
coresearcher 27 20 a joint researcher [...
correctioner 25 19 (Shakespeare) a pers...
corroborator 24 18 one who corroborates...
cosmographer 29 25 a student of cosmogr...
costermonger 24 21 a hawker of fruits,...
coulombmeter 28 26 an instrument for me...
countenancer 23 22 one who countenances...
counteroffer 26 23 a return offer made...
counterorder 22 18 to issue an order co...
counterpower 27 23 a power opposed to a...
countertenor 21 18 the highest alto mal...
crossbencher 30 24 CROSSBENCH [v]
crystalliser 33 19 an agent that causes...
crystallizer 36 28 an agent that causes...
cuckooflower 33 30 a plant commonly fou...
cyberstalker 34 25 one who uses electro...
decarbonator 23 20 an apparatus or remo...
decarboniser 24 20 an apparatus or remo...
decarbonizer 27 29 something that decar...
declinometer 24 21 an instrument for me...
decompressor 26 22 a device for decompr...
decorticator 26 19 a device for removin...
dehumidifier 27 23 an apparatus for red...
demagnetiser 21 19 a device for demagne...
demagnetizer 24 28 a device for demagne...
democratiser 24 19 one who democratises...
democratizer 27 28 one who democratizes...
demonstrator 20 17 one that demonstrate...
densitometer 20 17 an instrument for me...
dephlegmator 27 24 an agent that dephle...
deprogrammer 25 24 one who deprograms [...
desensitiser 20 14 an agent that desens...
desensitizer 23 23 an agent that desens...
destabiliser 24 17 something that desta...
destabilizer 27 26 something that desta...
desulfuriser 25 19 a device for removin...
desulfurizer 28 28 something for removi...
determinator 20 17 something that deter...
diastereomer 20 16 a stereoisomer that...
disassembler 25 20 a program that trans...
discographer 29 23 a person who compile...
disconnecter 25 21 one who disconnects...
discontinuer 23 19 one who discontinues...
disenchanter 24 20 one who disenchants...
disorganiser 21 16 one who disorganises...
disorganizer 24 25 one who disorganizes...
dispossessor 23 16 one who dispossesses...
disqualifier 33 27 one who disqualifies...
disseminator 21 17 one who disseminates...
dissimulator 24 18 one who dissinulates...
diverticular 28 22 relating to a divert...
dockwalloper 31 28 an informal US name...
domesticator 24 19 one who domesticates...
doppelganger 26 25 (German) a ghostly c...
doubleheader 24 21 two games, contests...
eavesdropper 25 23 one who eavesdrops [...
ebulliometer 25 21 a device used to det...
effusiometer 25 22 an instrument for co...
electrofluor 27 21 a transparent materi...
electrolyser 31 19 something that elect...
electrolyzer 34 28 an agent for electro...
electrometer 24 19 an instrument for me...
electromotor 24 19 a device for applyin...
electropolar 26 20 having, as an electr...
electrotyper 32 21 a person who makes e...
empoverisher 27 24 one who empoverishes...
encumbrancer 28 27 one that holds an en...
endosmometer 20 20 an instrument for me...
enfranchiser 26 22 one who enfranchises...
entrepreneur 20 18 (French) one who und...
epicuticular 31 24 relating to the epic...
equilibrator 32 26 one who equilibrates...
ethnographer 26 22 a student of ethnogr...
evaporimeter 24 22 an instrument for me...
evaporometer 23 22 an instrument for me...
everywhither 36 25 in all directions [a...
exhibitioner 30 25 a university student...
expectorator 30 25 one who expectorates...
experimenter 28 26 one who experiments...
expostulator 29 24 one who expostulates...
expropriator 30 25 one who expropriates...
extemporiser 29 25 one who extemporises...
extemporizer 32 34 one who extemporizes...
extensimeter 26 23 an instrument for me...
extensometer 25 23 an instrument for me...
exterminator 26 23 one who exterminates...
exteroceptor 30 25 a sense organ excite...
extinguisher 30 25 a device that exting...
extranuclear 29 25 situated in or affec...
extrapolator 28 23 one who extrapolates...
familiariser 25 19 one who familiarises...
familiarizer 28 28 one who familiarizes...
fennelflower 27 25 any of various speci...
festivalgoer 26 22 one who attends a fe...
filibusterer 27 20 one who filibusters...
flameproofer 27 25 one who flameproofs...
flamethrower 29 24 a device that expels...
foreshadower 26 21 one who foreshadows...
formulariser 25 20 one who formularises...
formularizer 28 29 one who formularizes...
foundationer 20 19 a person supported f...
fractionator 24 19 a plant for carrying...
frontbencher 28 25 one who sits on the...
funambulator 26 25 a tightrope walker [...
galactometer 25 21 an instrument for me...
galvanometer 23 23 an instrument for me...
gastrosopher 25 19 GASTROSOPH [v]
gesticulator 26 19 one who gesticulates...
globetrotter 24 18 one who travels the...
gossipmonger 25 23 one who spreads goss...
grandstander 20 18 GRANDSTAND, to show...
gravitometer 24 21 an instrument for me...
greenskeeper 22 22 a person responsible...
gubernacular 27 24 relating to the gube...
hagiographer 28 23 a writer of hagiogra...
hairsplitter 27 18 one that makes exces...
hallucinator 27 21 one who hallucinates...
handicrafter 27 22 HANDICRAFT [v]
harbormaster 25 20 one in charge of a h...
harmonometer 22 21 an instrument for me...
harquebusier 33 28 a soldier armed with...
hasenpfeffer 29 27 (German) a well seas...
headshrinker 25 22 (colloquial) a psych...
heartbreaker 24 21 one that causes hear...
heliographer 28 22 one who uses a helio...
hemodialyzer 33 30 an artificial kidney...
hephthemimer 31 27 in Greek and Latin p...
hierographer 27 21 a sacred scribe [n -...
hippocentaur 29 25 a mythical creature,...
holidaymaker 31 25 someone on holiday [...
homeschooler 28 23 HOMESCHOOL, to teach...
honeycreeper 31 23 a kind of tropical b...
horsewhipper 32 25 one who uses a horse...
housebreaker 24 22 a person who breaks...
housepainter 23 19 one whose business o...
hydrocracker 36 27 one engaged in hydro...
hydrogenator 28 20 an agent that hydrog...
hydrographer 34 24 a student of hydrogr...
hymnographer 34 27 one who writes hymns...
hyperreactor 33 22 one who reacts in th...
hypothecator 35 24 one who hypothecates...
hypothesiser 33 21 one who hypothesises...
hypothesizer 36 30 one who hypothesizes...
iambographer 28 25 one who writes in ia...
iconographer 27 23 a maker of figures o...
immortaliser 24 19 one who immortalises...
immortalizer 27 28 one who immortalizes...
impersonator 22 19 one who impersonates...
impoverisher 28 24 one who impoverishes...
impropriator 26 21 a layman who is in p...
improvisator 26 22 an improviser, also...
incarcerator 25 19 one who incarcerates...
inclinometer 24 21 an instrument for me...
incorporator 24 19 one who incorporates...
incriminator 24 20 one who incriminates...
incumbrancer 29 27 a person who holds a...
individuator 23 20 one who individuates...
infundibular 26 24 funnel-shaped, also...
interchanger 25 21 one who interchanges...
interchapter 27 21 an intercalary chapt...
intercluster 25 18 between clusters [ad...
interlaminar 21 18 between layers [adj]
interlobular 24 19 between lobes [adj]
interlocutor 24 18 one who takes part i...
intermeddler 22 19 one who interferes [...
internuclear 23 19 between nuclei [adj]
interoceptor 24 19 a sensory receptor r...
interpleader 22 18 one who interpleads...
interpolater 22 17 one who interpolates...
interpolator 22 17 one who interpolates...
interrogator 20 15 one that interrogate...
interstellar 22 15 in the intervals bet...
intranuclear 23 19 within the nucleus [...
intrapreneur 21 18 a company employee w...
investigator 23 19 one who investigates...
isoperimeter 23 18 a figure with perime...
justificator 29 28 a person who defends...
katharometer 23 21 an instrument measur...
katzenjammer 27 41 (German) a hangover...
kirschwasser 31 24 (German) an alcoholi...
klipspringer 29 26 (Afrikaans) a small,...
lithographer 29 22 one who produces lit...
lithotripter 27 18 a device that crushe...
lithotriptor 27 18 a device that crushe...
macronuclear 27 24 of or like a macronu...
magnetometer 21 21 an instrument for me...
manslaughter 25 22 the unlawful killing...
manufacturer 26 24 one that manufacture...
mastersinger 22 18 a Meistersinger [n -...
materialiser 22 16 one who materializes...
materializer 25 25 one who materializes...
matriculator 26 20 one who matriculates...
memorialiser 23 19 one who memorialises...
memorializer 26 28 one who memorializse...
merchandiser 26 22 one who sells mercha...
merchandizer 29 31 one who sells mercha...
metacomputer 27 25 a collection of comp...
methanometer 22 21 instrument for detec...
methoxychlor 42 32 a relatively nontoxi...
microblogger 30 26 one who keeps a micr...
micrographer 30 25 a person who draws o...
micromanager 25 24 one who micromanages...
microtubular 29 24 of or like a microtu...
middlebuster 26 22 a plow with a double...
minicomputer 28 26 a small computer tha...
misbehaviour 28 25 bad behaviour, also...
miscegenator 24 21 a person who favours...
misconceiver 29 26 one who misconceives...
misdemeanour 21 21 in UK formerly, a cr...
mollycoddler 34 25 one who mollycoddles...
moneychanger 31 26 a usurer [n -S]
motherfucker 30 28 one that is formidab...
mouthbreeder 25 22 a fish that carries...
mouthbrooder 25 22 a cichlid fish that...
muckspreader 28 27 an agricultural mach...
multiangular 25 22 having many angles,...
multilobular 28 23 having many lobules,...
multilocular 29 23 many-chambered, also...
multinuclear 27 23 having many nuclei [...
muttonbirder 24 21 (New Zealand) a pers...
myofibrillar 35 25 relating to myofibri...
mythographer 35 26 a student of mythogr...
mythologiser 32 22 one who mythologises...
mythologizer 35 31 one who mythologizes...
nationaliser 19 15 one who nationalises...
nationalizer 22 24 one who nationalizes...
neandertaler 18 16 NEANDERTAL [v]
necrographer 27 23 a writer of obituari...
needleworker 23 22 one who practises ne...
nephelometer 24 22 an instrument for me...
nightclubber 33 28 one who attends nigh...
nocireceptor 27 22 a receptor sensitive...
noncharacter 26 22 one who is not a cha...
noncollector 26 22 someone who is not a...
noncollinear 22 20 not collinear [adj]
nonconductor 24 23 a substance that con...
nonconformer 23 24 NONCONFORM, to fail...
noncrossover 23 21 a chromosome that ha...
nonlandowner 20 21 one who is not a lan...
nonmolecular 24 23 not molecular [adj]
nonperformer 23 23 one who is not a per...
nonresponder 19 19 one who is not a res...
officeholder 30 25 one holding a public...
olfactometer 26 22 an instrument measur...
oneiromancer 21 20 one who practises on...
orchestrater 25 17 one who orchestrates...
orchestrator 25 17 one who orchestrates...
orthographer 27 21 a correct speller [n...
overachiever 28 25 one who achieves suc...
overengineer 20 20 to engineer excessiv...
overfamiliar 26 23 excessively familiar...
paleographer 27 23 a student of paleogr...
pantographer 26 23 one who uses a panto...
participator 28 21 one who participates...
pasqueflower 36 32 a species of anemone...
penetrometer 21 19 an instrument for me...
perambulator 26 23 a pram [n -S]
peregrinator 22 18 someone who travels...
perseverator 23 19 one who perseverates...
petrographer 27 22 a practitioner of pe...
phonographer 28 25 a specialist in phon...
photographer 29 24 one who practices ph...
photonuclear 27 23 relating to or cause...
photopolymer 34 26 a photosensitive pla...
phrasemonger 25 23 a maker of wordy or...
phytographer 36 26 a descriptive botani...
plurilocular 30 23 multilocular [adj]
policyholder 36 25 the owner of an insu...
politicaster 27 19 (Milton) a petty pol...
pontificator 27 22 one who pontificates...
pornographer 26 23 one who produces por...
practitioner 25 19 one who practices [n...
pralltriller 28 19 a musical ornament c...
preamplifier 29 25 an amplifier designe...
precipitator 28 21 one who precipitates...
preconciliar 29 23 preceding a council...
predominator 22 20 one who predominates...
premeditator 23 19 one who premeditates...
preprocessor 27 21 something that prepr...
preslaughter 27 21 preceding a slaughte...
prestigiator 24 17 a conjurer, also PRE...
pretermitter 24 18 one who pretermits [...
prevaricator 27 22 one who prevaricates...
primogenitor 24 21 the earliest ancesto...
prizefighter 32 31 one who takes part i...
processioner 24 19 (US) a county office...
proselytiser 30 18 one who proselytises...
proselytizer 33 27 one who proselytizes...
pseudomartyr 30 22 a false martyr [n -S...
pseudoscalar 26 21 a variable quantity...
pseudovector 27 24 a variable quantity,...
psychrometer 35 25 an instrument for me...
quadrangular 30 28 like a quadrangle [a...
qualificator 35 29 one who prepares ecc...
quarrymaster 36 27 one in charge of a q...
radiographer 25 20 one who practises ra...
ratiocinator 22 16 one who ratiocinates...
rationaliser 20 14 one who rationalises...
rationalizer 23 23 one who rationalizes...
receptacular 29 23 of or like a recepta...
reciprocator 28 21 one who reciprocates...
reconnoitrer 21 17 one who reconnoiters...
recriminator 24 19 one who recriminates...
redemptioner 22 20 an immigrant to Amer...
rediscoverer 25 20 REDISCOVER, to disco...
refrigerator 23 17 something that refri...
relinquisher 32 26 one who relinquishes...
remembrancer 26 25 an officer of excheq...
remonstrator 20 16 one who remonstrates...
renovascular 25 22 of, relating to, or...
reprographer 27 22 one who practises re...
resolutioner 20 15 one who joins in or...
respirometer 23 18 an instrument for me...
restaurateur 20 14 (French) the operato...
resuscitator 24 16 one that resuscitate...
reverberator 23 19 something that rever...
revolutioner 22 19 (historical) a suppo...
rhabdomancer 27 25 one who practises rh...
rheoreceptor 26 20 a receptor in fish a...
rhythmometer 33 24 an instrument for me...
rodomontader 19 18 a braggart, a bluste...
rollerblader 25 19 one who skates on ro...
rubbernecker 28 27 one who rubbernecks...
scarificator 29 21 a surgical instrumen...
sceneshifter 27 21 a worker who moves t...
scenographer 27 23 one who practises sc...
schoolmaster 27 21 a male schoolteacher...
schussboomer 29 24 a very proficient sc...
scintillator 26 18 an instrument for de...
screenwriter 26 19 a writer of screenpl...
scrimshander 27 22 to ornament, as shel...
scrimshanker 28 25 a shirker, also SKRI...
scriptwriter 31 21 a person who writes...
semicircular 30 23 having the shape of...
semicylinder 32 23 a longitudinal half-...
semidiameter 22 19 half the diameter, e...
semiglobular 27 23 being in the form of...
sensitometer 20 16 an instrument for me...
sensorimotor 20 16 of, relating to, or...
sequestrator 28 22 one who sequestrates...
sharecropper 29 23 a tenant farmer esp....
sharpshooter 26 19 a marksman [n -S]
sheepshearer 25 19 one that shears shee...
shellcracker 32 26 a kind of sunfish, a...
shirtwaister 27 17 a tailored dress wit...
shortchanger 28 22 one who gives short...
significator 27 21 in astrology, a plan...
skateboarder 22 20 one who skateboards...
skeletoniser 21 18 any of the larva of...
skeletonizer 24 27 any of the larva of...
skrimshanker 26 26 one who evades work...
sledgehammer 26 24 a large hammer used...
slipsloppier 30 23 SLIPSLOPPY, sloppy,...
slockdolager 27 24 a conclusive argumen...
slockdoliger 28 24 a conclusive argumen...
slockdologer 27 24 a conclusive argumen...
snobographer 26 23 one who engages in s...
snollygoster 29 19 a shrewd unprinciple...
soliloquiser 31 24 one who soliloquises...
soliloquizer 34 33 one who soliloquises...
spearcarrier 25 18 an extra in a theatr...
specksioneer 25 23 (Dutch) the chief ha...
specktioneer 25 23 (Dutch) the chief ha...
spectrometer 26 21 an instrument for me...
speechwriter 31 23 a person who writes...
spellchecker 34 29 a piece of computer...
sphygmometer 34 27 an instrument for me...
sportscaster 26 18 a sports commentator...
sportswriter 27 18 a person who writes...
springkeeper 26 25 a salamander [n -S]
stabilisator 24 16 something that stabi...
stabilizator 27 25 something that stabi...
standardiser 20 15 one who standardises...
standardizer 23 24 one who standardizes...
stenographer 24 20 a writer of shorthan...
stepdaughter 26 21 a daughter of one's...
stereoisomer 20 15 any of a group of is...
stickhandler 28 24 one who stickhandles...
stockbreeder 26 23 a person engaged in...
stonebreaker 21 20 a person that breaks...
straightener 23 17 something that strai...
stratotanker 20 17 a type of aeroplane...
streetkeeper 22 19 an official formerly...
streetwalker 25 20 a prostitute [n -S]
strengthener 22 18 something that stren...
stressbuster 24 16 any product intended...
subauricular 28 22 below the ear [adj]
subinspector 28 23 a subordinate inspec...
subopercular 29 24 related to the subop...
suborbicular 30 24 almost orbicular, ne...
subordinator 22 18 one that subordinate...
subtreasurer 23 17 a subordinate treasu...
subumbrellar 29 25 relating to the subu...
supercarrier 26 19 a large aircraft car...
supercharger 29 23 a device for increas...
supercluster 28 21 a group of gravitati...
supernacular 26 22 very good; first rat...
superpolymer 33 25 a superior polymer [...
superteacher 27 21 an exceptional teach...
supplementer 26 24 one who supplements...
surrejoinder 22 24 in law, a plaintiff'...
swashbuckler 34 29 a swaggering or dari...
synchroniser 31 21 one who synchronises...
synchronizer 34 30 one who synchronizes...
systematiser 28 17 one who systematises...
systematizer 31 26 one who systematizes...
tabernacular 25 21 of or like a taberna...
tachygrapher 37 26 a shorthand writer,...
technicolour 29 23 in artificially or e...
telecommuter 26 23 one who telecommutes...
telemarketer 22 20 one involved in tele...
tellurometer 23 18 an instrument using...
tenderometer 19 17 an instrument for me...
testificator 26 18 one who testifies [n...
theologaster 23 17 a petty or shallow t...
thereinafter 23 18 in the following par...
throughither 29 21 in confusion, also T...
throughother 28 21 in confusion, also T...
trailbreaker 24 20 a trailblazer [n -S]
trainspotter 22 16 a train-watching ent...
tranquiliser 30 24 a drug that has a tr...
tranquilizer 33 33 a drug that has a tr...
transgressor 21 15 one who transgresses...
transplanter 22 18 one who transplants...
transshipper 27 21 one who transships,...
trigonometer 21 18 instrument for solvi...
trimolecular 27 21 formed from or invol...
trocheameter 25 20 a hodometer, also TR...
troposcatter 25 18 the propagation of r...
troublemaker 25 24 a person who conscio...
turbidimeter 25 20 an instrument for me...
turbocharger 29 23 a centrifugal blower...
underbuilder 24 21 a subordinate or ass...
underpropper 26 24 one who underprops [...
underskinker 22 24 (Shakespeare) an ass...
understander 19 17 one who understands...
unfriendlier 23 20 UNFRIENDLY, not frie...
unimolecular 26 23 consisting of one mo...
unknightlier 26 24 UNKNIGHTLY, not knig...
unpriestlier 24 18 UNPRIESTLY, not like...
unprincelier 26 22 UNPRINCELY, not prin...
unsubscriber 29 24 one who cancels a su...
uranographer 24 21 one who maps the con...
veggieburger 28 26 a burger with vegeta...
velociraptor 28 23 a small bipedal Cret...
versificator 28 22 a maker of verses, a...
videographer 27 24 a practitioner of vi...
visceromotor 26 22 relating to or contr...
viscosimeter 27 22 an instrument for me...
viticulturer 29 22 one who grows vines...
waistcoateer 25 18 (obsolete) a strumpe...
waterproofer 26 21 one who waterproofs...
weightlifter 31 23 one who practises th...
weisenheimer 25 21 (US) a smart aleck,...
whencesoever 28 25 from whatsoever plac...
wicketkeeper 30 29 the fieldsman who st...
wondermonger 23 23 one who promises mir...
woolgatherer 26 20 one who woolgathers...
wunderkinder 24 24 WUNDERKIND [v]
yellowhammer 35 27 a small yellow bird...
zincographer 31 32 one who produces zin...