13 letter words that end with R

13 letter words that end with R

13 letter R word


Words With Friends®


accelerometer 28 23 an instrument for me...
acinetobacter 28 23 a kind of bacteria,...
administrator 23 18 one who administers...
aerogenerator 19 16 a generator driven b...
affenpinscher 32 29 (German) a kind of d...
alcoholometer 28 23 an instrument for me...
antiforeigner 23 20 ANTIFOREIGN [v]
antimarketeer 22 21 a person who was opp...
attitudiniser 23 16 one who attitudinise...
attitudinizer 26 25 one who attitudinize...
authenticator 26 20 one who authenticate...
backscratcher 37 31 BACKSCRATCH, to scra...
bibliographer 33 27 an expert in bibliog...
biogeographer 29 25 a practitioner of bi...
blanketflower 31 29 another name for gai...
braillewriter 30 21 a machine for writin...
breaststroker 25 20 one who swims using...
campylobacter 40 31 a bacterium that is...
candlelighter 30 24 CANDLELIGHT [v]
candlesnuffer 29 27 an implement for snu...
capellmeister 30 24 (German) the directo...
cardiographer 30 24 one who makes cardio...
chalcographer 36 29 one who practises ch...
characteriser 30 21 one who characterise...
characterizer 33 30 one who characterize...
chartographer 32 25 one who draws maps,...
chemoreceptor 32 27 a sense organ (as a...
childrenswear 31 24 clothes suitable for...
choreographer 31 25 one who choreographs...
chronographer 31 26 a chronicler [n -S]
circumscriber 37 29 one who circumscribe...
circumstellar 33 25 surrounding or occur...
clapperclawer 37 30 one who scolds, abus...
clishmaclaver 36 30 (Scots) gossip [n -S...
coconspirator 29 23 a joint conspirator...
concertmaster 28 23 the leader of the fi...
conglomerator 26 23 one who conglomerate...
conglutinator 26 22 an agent that conglu...
congratulator 26 21 one who congratulate...
conventioneer 23 23 a person attending a...
costardmonger 26 23 a hawker of fruits,...
counterbidder 27 23 one who makes a coun...
counterfeiter 26 21 one who counterfeits...
counterplayer 33 24 one who makes a coun...
countersniper 26 22 a sniper working aga...
counterterror 24 18 terror designed to c...
counterworker 28 25 one who does counter...
cryptographer 39 28 a specialist in cryp...
cybersquatter 42 31 one who engages in c...
decelerometer 25 21 an instrument for me...
deconstructor 28 22 one who deconstructs...
defibrillator 29 22 an electronic device...
demineraliser 23 19 something that demin...
demineralizer 26 28 an agent that remove...
demultiplexer 34 30 an electronic device...
depressomotor 24 20 a drug with the effe...
desulphuriser 29 22 an agent for desulph...
desulphurizer 32 31 an agent for desulph...
diaphanometer 25 23 an instrument for me...
discriminator 27 21 one that discriminat...
disintegrator 23 17 something that cause...
distinguisher 27 20 one who distinguishe...
doublespeaker 27 26 DOUBLESPEAK [v]
ecclesiolater 29 21 one with excessive r...
editorialiser 23 15 one who editorialise...
editorializer 26 24 one who editorialize...
electioneerer 23 18 one who works to sec...
electroplater 28 21 one who electroplate...
equimolecular 36 32 of substances, solut...
extracellular 34 27 situated or occurrin...
extravascular 34 29 not occurring or con...
fashionmonger 26 25 a fop [n -S]
fibrovascular 33 28 having or consisting...
furshlugginer 31 26 (Yiddish) well-worn,...
gerrymanderer 29 22 GERRYMANDER, to rear...
glossographer 29 23 a writer of short ex...
glyphographer 40 30 one who practises gl...
glyptographer 38 28 one who practises gl...
granddaughter 26 23 the daughter of one'...
groundbreaker 25 25 one that innovates [...
groundskeeper 25 25 a person who cares f...
haemodialyser 31 22 an artificial kidney...
haemodialyzer 34 31 an artificial kidney...
hemacytometer 34 26 an instrument for co...
hemocytometer 34 26 an instrument for co...
hyperproducer 38 28 an agent causing hyp...
indoctrinator 24 19 one who indoctrinate...
intelligencer 27 22 (archaic) a secret a...
interbehavior 27 23 the behaviour of int...
intercellular 28 21 between cells [adj]
intercolumnar 26 23 between columns [adj...
intergranular 23 19 between granules [ad...
intermediator 22 18 one who intermediate...
intermuscular 28 23 situated between mus...
interobserver 25 21 between observers [a...
interpellator 25 19 one who interpellate...
interpetiolar 24 18 between petioles [ad...
interpilaster 25 18 a space between two...
interscapular 28 22 between the shoulder...
intracapsular 28 22 lying within a capsu...
intracellular 28 21 existing, occurring,...
intramuscular 28 23 situated in, occurri...
intrapetiolar 24 18 situated between pet...
intravascular 28 23 situated in, occurri...
kapellmeister 28 25 (German) the directo...
kettledrummer 27 26 one who plays the ke...
kindergartner 23 22 a teacher at a kinde...
knickerbocker 33 35 a descendant of the...
knuckleballer 32 32 a player who deliver...
knuckleduster 29 29 a metal covering for...
lexicographer 37 31 an author or editor...
lithontriptor 28 20 a device that crushe...
maladminister 25 22 to administer wrongl...
microcomputer 33 29 a small computer usu...
microdetector 29 23 an instrument for de...
microvascular 33 28 of, relating to, or...
middlebreaker 27 26 a double-mould-board...
misadventurer 25 23 one who misadventure...
miscalculator 32 25 one who miscalculate...
monochromator 27 25 a device for isolati...
monomolecular 27 26 being only one molec...
morphographer 32 28 an artist who portra...
mouthbreather 29 24 a person who habitua...
multicellular 32 25 having many cells [a...
multiemployer 35 27 one who employs many...
multiplicator 32 25 a multiplier [n -S]
multivibrator 30 25 an electronic oscill...
musselcracker 32 28 a large sea bream th...
neanderthaler 22 19 NEANDERTHAL [v]
neurocomputer 27 25 a computer that uses...
neurofibrilar 27 22 of or like a neurofi...
neuromuscular 27 24 of or relating to ne...
neurovascular 27 24 relating to or affec...
nonchurchgoer 32 28 one who does not att...
noncompetitor 26 24 one who is not a com...
noncooperator 23 21 one who does not coo...
nonprogrammer 25 26 someone who is not a...
oceanographer 27 24 one who maps the oce...
oystercatcher 36 23 a black and white wa...
palaeographer 28 24 a student of palaeog...
panradiometer 23 21 an instrument used f...
passionflower 29 24 any flower or plant...
perpendicular 30 26 at right angles to a...
philosophiser 32 24 one who philosophise...
philosophizer 35 33 one who philosophise...
photocomposer 31 27 one who photocompose...
photodetector 28 22 any of various devic...
photoengraver 27 25 one who does photoen...
photofinisher 30 24 one that develops an...
photoreceptor 30 24 a receptor for light...
physiographer 38 27 one who practises ph...
phytoplankter 36 29 a planktonic plant [...
pneumatometer 24 24 an instrument for me...
potentiometer 23 20 an instrument for me...
predestinator 23 18 one that predestinat...
predeterminer 24 21 a limiting noun modi...
prefabricator 31 25 one who prefabricate...
premandibular 28 26 in front of the lowe...
propagandiser 26 23 one who propagandise...
propagandizer 29 32 one who propagandize...
proprioceptor 31 25 a sense organ recept...
psychobabbler 43 33 one who indulges in...
pyrheliometer 34 24 an instrument for me...
quadrilocular 36 30 having four compartm...
quarterdecker 34 31 a stickler for naval...
quartermaster 31 26 one in charge of sto...
realpolitiker 27 22 (German) one who pra...
reconnoiterer 22 18 one who reconnoiters...
reconstructor 28 21 one who reconstructs...
reflectometer 28 23 instrument for measu...
refractometer 27 22 an instrument for me...
rehabilitator 27 19 one who rehabilitate...
reinvigorator 24 20 somehting that reinv...
restauranteur 21 16 (French) one who fre...
rollercoaster 26 18 to direct or cause t...
saccharimeter 31 24 an instrument for me...
saccharometer 30 24 an instrument for me...
scandalmonger 26 25 one who spreads scan...
scatterometer 25 19 an instrument carrie...
schoolteacher 32 24 one who teaches scho...
scintiscanner 27 22 a device for produci...
seismographer 28 23 SEISMOGRAPH [v]
selenographer 26 22 one who maps the moo...
semiconductor 29 25 an element or compou...
semiperimeter 26 22 half the perimeter [...
simplificator 33 26 one who simplifies [...
somnambulator 26 25 a sleepwalker [n -S]
sophisticator 30 21 one who sophisticate...
spiritualiser 27 18 one who spiritualise...
spiritualizer 30 27 one who spiritualise...
stalagmometer 25 22 instrument for measu...
stationmaster 22 17 an official in charg...
steeplechaser 29 22 a horse used in stee...
stereoregular 23 17 of, relating to, or...
stratigrapher 28 20 a practitioner of st...
strikebreaker 26 24 a person hired to re...
subclavicular 36 30 situated below the c...
subcontractor 30 24 an individual or bus...
submandibular 29 27 a submandibular part...
submillimeter 30 25 a microscopic divisi...
substantiator 24 18 one who substantiato...
subtriangular 27 22 not quite triangular...
sunworshipper 32 26 one who worships the...
superachiever 31 26 an extreme achiever...
supercalender 27 23 to give a high polis...
supercollider 30 23 a very large collide...
supercolumnar 29 26 above a column or co...
supercomputer 31 27 a large very fast ma...
superdaintier 24 19 SUPERDAINTY, extreme...
supererogator 24 19 one who does or perf...
superminister 26 21 a minister above oth...
superthriller 30 21 an exceptional thril...
sustentacular 26 20 supporting or mainta...
sympiesometer 32 24 instrument for measu...
teleconverter 26 22 a supplementary lens...
tergiversator 25 19 one who tergiversate...
thermographer 30 25 one who uses a therm...
thermonuclear 28 24 of, relating to, or...
thimblerigger 32 26 one who thimblerigs...
thundershower 29 23 a shower accompanied...
tintinnabular 24 21 ringing, like a bell...
tranquilliser 33 26 a drug that has a tr...
tranquillizer 36 35 a drug that has a tr...
transmigrator 24 19 one who transmigrate...
tritubercular 30 22 having three tubercl...
ultrafamiliar 28 22 extremely familiar [...
underachiever 28 25 one that fails to at...
undergrounder 22 21 a member of the unde...
understrapper 26 22 an inferior agent; a...
unspectacular 31 26 not spectacular [adj...
vasoinhibitor 28 23 any of a group of dr...
volumenometer 25 26 an instrument for me...
wafflestomper 33 29 a hiking boot with a...
weathercaster 29 21 a weather forecaster...
weatherometer 26 21 an instrument for me...
whereinsoever 27 23 in whatsoever respec...
whithersoever 31 24 to any place whatsoe...
zoogeographer 29 31 a student of zoogeog...