8 letter words that end with R

8 letter words that end with R

8 letter R word


Words With Friends®


abattoir 15 11 a public slaughterho...
abductor 19 16 a person who abducts...
abhorrer 17 13 one who abhors [n -S...
abridger 17 14 one who abridges [n...
abrupter 18 15 ABRUPT, sudden [adj]
abseiler 16 12 one that abseils [n...
absenter 14 12 one who keeps away [...
absolver 18 16 one who absolves [n...
absorber 17 14 something that absor...
absurder 16 13 ABSURD, ridiculous [...
accentor 18 15 a song bird [n -S]
accepter 21 17 a person who accepts...
acceptor 21 17 someone who accepts...
accorder 19 15 one who accords [n -...
accouter 19 15 (US) to dress or equ...
achiever 20 17 one who achieves [n...
acicular 21 16 needle-shaped [adj]
acquirer 25 21 one who acquires [n...
actioner 15 12 a film with a lot of...
actuator 16 12 one who actuates [n...
adductor 17 14 an adducent muscle,...
adjuster 16 19 one who adjusts [n -...
adjustor 16 19 one who adjusts, e.g...
admitter 15 12 one who admits [n -S...
adroiter 13 9 ADROIT, skilful [adj...
adsorber 15 12 something that adsor...
adulator 14 11 one who adulates [n...
advancer 17 17 one who advances [n...
adverser 15 13 ADVERSE, acting agai...
affecter 20 17 one who affects, ass...
affirmer 19 17 one who affirms [n -...
affrayer 23 16 a disturber of the p...
aflutter 17 13 nervously excited [a...
agitator 14 10 one that agitates [n...
aglimmer 18 17 glimmering [adj]
aglitter 16 11 glittering [adj]
airliner 14 10 a large passenger ai...
airpower 18 14 military air strengt...
alachlor 20 15 a type of herbicide...
allosaur 15 11 a large, lizard-hipp...
allotter 15 10 one who allots [n -S...
alveolar 16 14 pertaining to an alv...
ambusher 19 17 one who ambushes [n...
ampullar 19 17 resembling an ampull...
analyser 19 12 one who analyses [n...
analyzer 22 21 a person who analyse...
ancestor 15 12 someone from whom a...
angstier 14 11 ANGSTY, feeling anxi...
animater 13 12 one who, or that whi...
animator 13 12 one who, or that whi...
annealer 11 11 one who anneals [n -...
anodiser 12 10 something that anodi...
anodizer 15 19 something that anodi...
anointer 11 10 one who anoints [n -...
anovular 15 15 not involving ovulat...
answerer 15 12 one that answers [n...
anteater 11 9 any of several mamma...
anterior 12 9 in front [adj]
antiquer 21 19 one who antiques, ag...
antiwear 15 12 designed to reduce w...
appealer 17 15 one who appeals [n -...
appearer 16 14 one who appears [n -...
appeaser 16 14 one who appeases [n...
appellor 19 16 in law, the accuser...
appriser 18 14 one who informs, als...
apprizer 21 23 one who informs, als...
approver 19 18 one that approves [n...
argufier 17 14 one who argues stubb...
armchair 20 16 a chair with armrest...
armourer 14 12 one who makes or rep...
arranger 13 11 one that arranges [n...
arrester 13 8 one who makes an arr...
arrestor 13 8 one who makes an arr...
artmaker 15 15 one that produces ar...
ascender 15 13 a part or stroke pro...
asperger 16 13 a vessel for sprinkl...
asperser 15 11 one who asperses, al...
aspersor 15 11 one who asperses, al...
assailer 14 9 one who assails [n -...
assenter 12 9 one who agrees, also...
assentor 12 9 one who agrees, also...
asserter 13 8 one who asserts, als...
assertor 13 8 one who asserts, als...
assessor 13 8 one who assesses [n...
assigner 14 11 a person who transfe...
assignor 14 11 a person who transfe...
assister 14 8 one who assists, als...
assistor 14 8 one who assists, als...
assorter 13 8 one who assorts [n -...
assuager 14 11 one who assuages [n...
atomiser 14 11 an device which spra...
atomizer 17 20 an device which spra...
attacher 18 13 one who attaches [n...
attacker 17 15 one that attacks [n...
attainer 12 9 one who attains [n -...
attemper 16 14 (archaic) to alter q...
attender 12 10 one who is attentive...
attester 13 8 one who attests, als...
attestor 13 8 one who attests, als...
atwitter 17 11 twittering [adj]
auguster 15 12 AUGUST, stately, ven...
aulnager 14 13 cloth inspector, als...
auntlier 14 11 AUNTLY, like an aunt...
austerer 13 9 AUSTERE, severe [adj...
auxiliar 21 17 (archaic) an auxilia...
averager 15 14 in maritime law, a p...
avicular 20 17 pertaining to birds...
avigator 16 14 one who navigates ai...
avoucher 20 18 one who avouches [n...
avoutrer 15 13 an adulterer [n -S]
awakener 15 16 one that awakens [n...
aweather 17 13 on the weather side;...
awfuller 21 17 AWFUL, horrible [adj...
babblier 21 18 BABBLY, given to bab...
bachelor 21 17 an unmarried man [n...
bacillar 21 16 of the shape or natu...
backdoor 19 19 clandestine [adj]
bagpiper 21 19 one who plays the ba...
balancer 18 16 one who balances [n...
balisaur 17 13 a long-tailed badger...
balloter 17 13 one who votes by bal...
ballsier 18 13 BALLSY, gutsy [adj]
baluster 17 13 a small pillar suppo...
bandager 15 15 one who bandages [n...
bandster 15 13 a binder of sheaves...
bangster 16 14 (Scots) a violent pe...
banisher 17 14 one that banishes [n...
banister 15 12 a stair hand-rail [n...
bankster 16 16 a banker or investor...
banterer 14 12 one who banters or r...
baptiser 18 14 one who baptizes, al...
baptizer 21 23 one who baptizes, al...
barosaur 15 12 a large dinosaur [n...
barrater 15 11 one that persistentl...
barrator 15 11 one that persistentl...
barrener 14 12 BARREN, unproductive...
barretor 15 11 one that persistentl...
barterer 15 11 a person who barters...
basifier 18 14 that which converts...
bateleur 16 13 an African eagle [n...
batteler 16 12 someone who battels;...
battener 14 12 one who battens [n -...
batterer 15 11 someone who batters...
baulkier 18 17 BAULKY, stubborn [ad...
bayadeer 20 14 a fabric with horizo...
beachier 20 16 BEACHY, sandy or peb...
beardier 15 12 BEARDY, having a bea...
bebopper 21 20 one who plays bebop,...
beckoner 18 19 one who beckons [n -...
beclamor 20 18 to beset with noise,...
bedchair 21 17 a chair with adjusta...
bedcover 20 19 a cover for a bed [n...
bedeguar 16 15 a soft spongy gall f...
bediaper 17 15 to put a nappy on [v...
bedlamer 17 16 a young harp seal [n...
bedliner 16 14 a protective coverin...
bedmaker 17 19 one who makes beds [...
beechier 20 16 BEECHY, abounding in...
befinger 18 17 to touch all over [v...
beflower 21 18 to cover with flower...
befouler 18 16 one who befouls [n -...
begetter 16 13 one who begets [n -S...
beginner 15 15 one who begins, a no...
beglamor 18 17 to dazzle with glamo...
beguiler 18 15 one who beguiles [n...
behavior 19 17 conduct, also BEHAVI...
beheader 16 14 one who beheads [n -...
beholder 18 15 one that beholds [n...
belabour 18 16 to buffet, beat, als...
belamour 17 16 (Spenser) a beloved,...
believer 18 16 one who believes [n...
beliquor 25 22 to soak with liquor...
belleter 17 13 a bellfounder [n -S]
bellower 20 16 one who bellows [n -...
belonger 16 15 a person of conserva...
bemoaner 14 15 one who bemoans [n -...
bemurmur 19 19 to murmur at [v -ED,...
benchier 20 17 BENCHY, of a hillsid...
benigner 15 15 BENIGN, favourably d...
benitier 15 12 a holy-water font [n...
bepepper 21 20 to hit hard with gun...
bepester 17 14 (archaic) to pester,...
bepowder 20 18 to powder over [v -E...
bereaver 16 15 one who bereaves [n...
besetter 15 11 one who, or that whi...
beshiver 20 17 to break into small...
besieger 16 13 one who besieges, al...
beslaver 18 16 to slobber upon [v -...
bestower 18 14 one who bestows [n -...
betatter 15 11 to tatter [v -ED, -I...
betrayer 21 13 one who betrays [n -...
beveller 19 17 one who bevels, also...
bewailer 19 15 one who bewails or l...
bewilder 20 16 to confuse [v -ED, -...
bewrayer 24 16 one who, or that whi...
bickerer 20 18 one who bickers [n -...
bicolour 20 16 something having two...
bicycler 30 20 one who rides a bicy...
bieldier 17 13 BIELDY, (Scots) affo...
bijwoner 20 24 (Afrikaans) the subt...
bilander 16 14 (Dutch) a two-masted...
bilinear 16 13 pertaining to two li...
billeter 18 13 one who billets [n -...
bimester 17 14 a two-month period [...
biometer 16 14 a device for measuri...
biovular 19 17 derived from two ova...
bisector 19 14 a line that divides...
bitchier 22 16 BITCHY, catty [adj]
bitterer 16 11 BITTER, having a dis...
blabbier 21 18 BLABBY, tending to b...
blagueur 18 16 one who talks preten...
blancher 21 18 one who, or that whi...
blashier 19 14 BLASHY, showery; of...
blastier 17 12 BLASTY, characterise...
blazoner 18 22 a person who blazons...
bleacher 21 17 an outdoor uncovered...
blearier 16 12 BLEARY, dim [adj]
blebbier 21 18 BLEBBY, containing b...
blencher 21 18 a person stationed t...
blighter 21 16 an unpleasant person...
blingier 18 15 BLINGY, bling, flash...
blobbier 21 18 BLOBBY, having blobs...
blockier 21 19 BLOCKY, block-like [...
bloodier 16 13 BLOODY, stained with...
bloomier 17 15 BLOOMY, covered with...
bloopier 18 15 BLOOPY, in baseball,...
blottier 17 12 BLOTTY, smudged [adj...
blousier 17 13 BLOUSY, coarse and r...
blowsier 20 15 BLOWSY, coarse and r...
blowzier 23 24 BLOWZY, coarse and r...
bluesier 17 13 BLUESY, resembling b...
bluggier 20 17 BLUGGY, (colloquial)...
bluidier 18 14 BLUIDY, stained with...
blurrier 18 13 BLURRY, blurred [adj...
bobblier 21 18 BOBBLY, like pilled...
bobowler 21 18 a type of large moth...
boilover 18 16 a surprising result...
bolshier 19 14 BOLSHIE, left-wing,...
bondager 15 15 (historical) a field...
booksier 16 15 BOOKSY, in a literar...
borderer 15 12 a person who lives o...
borrower 18 14 one who borrows [n -...
bosomier 16 14 BOSOMY, having large...
botchier 21 16 BOTCHY, done badly [...
bottomer 16 14 a person who provide...
bouncier 18 16 BOUNCY, tending to b...
boursier 16 12 (French) a foundatio...
brabbler 21 18 a clamorous, quarrel...
braggier 18 15 BRAGGY, tending to b...
brailler 18 13 a Braille writing ma...
brainier 15 12 BRAINY, intelligent...
brancher 20 17 a young hawk or othe...
brankier 16 16 BRANKY, (Scots) show...
brannier 14 13 BRANNY, containing b...
brashier 18 13 BRASHY, covered with...
brassier 16 11 BRASSY, resembling b...
brattier 16 11 BRATTY, like a brat,...
brawlier 20 15 BRAWLIE, (Scots) ver...
brawnier 18 15 BRAWNY, strongly bui...
breacher 20 16 one who breaches [n...
breadier 15 12 BREADY, resembling b...
breather 17 13 a rest to recover br...
breezier 18 20 BREEZY, windy [adj]
brewster 19 14 (Scots) a brewer, al...
briarier 16 11 BRIARY, full of bria...
brichter 22 16 BRICHT, (Scots) brig...
brickier 21 18 BRICKY, made of bric...
brierier 16 11 BRIERY, thorny, full...
brighter 20 15 BRIGHT, shining [adj...
briskier 18 15 BRISKY [adj]
brittler 18 12 BRITTLE, frail [adj]
broacher 20 16 a spit; a broach [n...
bronzier 18 21 BRONZY, of a brownis...
broodier 15 12 BROODY, tending to b...
broomier 16 14 BROOMY, abounding in...
brothier 18 13 BROTHY, like broth [...
brownier 18 15 BROWNY, somewhat bro...
browsier 19 14 BROWSY, relating to...
bruncher 21 18 someone who eats bru...
brushier 19 14 BRUSHY, resembling a...
brusquer 25 22 BRUSQUE, abrupt in m...
bubblier 22 19 BUBBLY, full of bubb...
budgeter 17 15 one who prepares a b...
buffeter 20 18 one who buffets; a b...
bunchier 21 18 BUNCHY, clustered [a...
buplever 21 20 the hare's-ear plant...
burblier 20 16 BURBLY, burbling [ad...
burdener 15 14 one who burdens [n -...
burrower 19 15 one that burrows [n...
burstier 17 12 BURSTY, occurring in...
busheler 19 15 one who bushels, men...
buttoner 15 13 one who buttons [n -...
bylander 22 16 (Dutch) a two-masted...
caballer 20 16 one who cabals, intr...
caboceer 20 17 a West African headm...
cadaster 16 12 a public record of l...
cairnier 16 12 CAIRNY, relating to...
calcspar 23 18 a mineral, calcite [...
calcular 22 17 relating to the math...
calendar 16 14 to schedule, also KA...
calender 16 14 to smooth by pressin...
calliper 21 16 in papermaking, a me...
callower 21 16 CALLOW, immature [ad...
calypter 26 17 a hood or hoodlike s...
cameleer 17 15 a camel driver [n -S...
canaller 17 14 a freight boat [n -S...
canaster 15 12 a kind of tobacco fo...
canceler 19 16 one who cancels, als...
candider 16 14 CANDID, frank and si...
canephor 19 17 (Greek) a sculpted f...
canister 16 12 a small container, u...
cannular 16 15 like a cannula, holl...
canvaser 17 16 one who goes from do...
capabler 21 18 CAPABLE, competent [...
capmaker 20 21 one that makes caps...
caponier 17 15 (French) a work made...
capsomer 19 17 a protein forming a...
capsular 20 16 of or pertaining to...
capturer 19 15 one who captures [n...
careener 14 12 one who careens [n -...
careerer 15 11 one who careers [n -...
caresser 16 11 one who caresses [n...
carmaker 18 18 an automobile manufa...
caroller 18 13 one who sings joyous...
carouser 16 12 one who carouses [n...
cataphor 20 16 (Greek) the use of a...
catbriar 19 14 a thorny shrub, also...
catbrier 19 14 a thorny vine, also...
catchier 22 16 CATCHY, pleasing and...
catheter 18 13 a tube which can be...
catnaper 17 15 one that steals cats...
cavalier 19 16 careless [adj CAVALI...
caveator 17 15 one that files a cav...
caviller 21 17 one that cavils, als...
cavorter 18 15 one who cavorts [n -...
cellarer 18 13 a monastery official...
cellular 20 15 pertaining to a cell...
cementer 16 15 a person or thing th...
censurer 16 13 one who censures [n...
chaffier 23 19 CHAFFY, worthless [a...
chalkier 21 18 CHALKY, resembling c...
champier 22 19 CHAMPY, broken up by...
chancier 21 17 CHANCY, risky, also...
chandler 19 16 a dealer in provisio...
chapiter 21 16 the capital of a a c...
chappier 23 19 CHAPPY, cracked [adj...
charlier 20 14 as in charlier shoe,...
charrier 19 13 CHARRY, resembling c...
chasmier 20 16 CHASMY, full of chas...
chasseur 19 14 a cavalry soldier [n...
chattier 19 13 CHATTY, talkative [a...
chauffer 23 20 a metal box for hold...
chaunter 18 15 a singer; a precento...
chavvier 23 21 CHAVVY, like a chav...
checkier 23 20 CHECKY, chequered [a...
cheekier 19 17 CHEEKY, impudent [ad...
cheerier 18 13 CHEERY, cheerful [ad...
cheesier 18 13 CHEESY, resembling a...
cheffier 23 19 CHEFFY, relating to...
chelator 19 14 an agent causing che...
chequier 27 23 CHEQUY, checkered, a...
cherrier 19 13 CHERRY, ruddy [adj]
chertier 19 13 CHERTY, resembling c...
chestier 19 13 CHESTY, suffering fr...
chicaner 21 17 a person who chicane...
chichier 25 18 CHICHI, elaborately...
chillier 22 15 CHILLY, cool [adj]
chinkier 20 18 CHINKY, full of crac...
chippier 24 19 CHIPPY, belligerent...
chirpier 22 16 CHIRPY, cheerful [ad...
chiseler 20 14 one who chisels; a s...
chittier 20 13 CHITTY, childish [ad...
choccier 25 19 CHOCCY, having the t...
chokidar 20 18 (Urdu) a watchman, a...
choosier 18 13 CHOOSY, difficult to...
choppier 23 19 CHOPPY, full of irre...
chortler 20 14 one who chortles [n...
chounter 18 15 to mutter, grumble,...
chromier 20 16 CHROMY, decorated wi...
chubbier 24 20 CHUBBY, plump, short...
chuckler 25 22 one who chuckles [n...
chuffier 24 20 CHUFFY, fat or puffe...
chummier 22 20 CHUMMY, friendly [ad...
chunkier 20 19 CHUNKY, in chunks, s...
churidar 20 15 (Hindi) as in churid...
cingular 19 16 ring-shaped, encircl...
cinnabar 17 16 the principal ore of...
cipherer 21 16 one who ciphers [n -...
circiter 21 14 (Latin) formerly use...
circular 22 16 in the shape of a ci...
ciseleur 18 13 (French) a chaser (o...
cislunar 18 14 situated between the...
claggier 20 16 CLAGGY, sticky [adj]
clammier 20 18 CLAMMY, unpleasantly...
clamorer 18 15 one who makes a clam...
clangour 18 16 to clang loudly, als...
clankier 18 17 CLANKY, making a sha...
claqueur 26 23 a member of a claque...
clartier 18 12 CLARTY, sticky and d...
classier 18 12 CLASSY, having class...
claviger 21 18 (Latin) one who carr...
cleanser 16 13 that which cleanses...
cleckier 22 19 CLECKY, broody [adj]
clencher 22 18 a tool for clenching...
cleverer 19 16 CLEVER, intelligent,...
cliffier 23 18 CLIFFY, abounding in...
cliftier 21 15 CLIFTY, broken into...
clincher 23 18 a decisive remark [n...
clingier 19 15 CLINGY, adhesive [ad...
cliquier 27 22 CLIQUEY, inclined to...
cloddier 18 14 CLODDY, earthy [adj]
cloggier 20 16 CLOGGY, lumpy, stick...
cloister 18 12 to seclude [v -ED, -...
clonkier 18 17 CLONKY, making a dul...
clothier 20 14 one who deals in clo...
clottier 18 12 CLOTTY, tending to c...
cloudier 18 14 CLOUDY, overcast wit...
clubbier 23 19 CLUBBY, characterist...
cluckier 23 20 CLUCKY, (Australian...
clumpier 22 19 CLUMPY, in clumps [a...
clumsier 20 16 CLUMSY, not dexterou...
clunkier 19 18 CLUNKY, clumsy in st...
coachier 21 16 COACHY, relating to...
coanchor 20 17 to present televised...
coappear 19 17 to appear together a...
coauthor 18 14 to write together [v...
cochlear 22 17 a kind of spoon, als...
cocksier 21 18 COCKSY, self-importa...
cockspur 24 22 a variety of hawthor...
cocooner 17 15 one who retreats to...
codebtor 18 15 one who shares a deb...
codifier 19 15 one who codifies [n...
codriver 19 16 one who codrives [n...
coeditor 16 12 a joint editor [n -S...
coenamor 15 15 to inflame with mutu...
cofactor 21 17 a molecule or ion wh...
cogglier 20 16 COGGLY, shaky [adj]
cogniser 17 14 one that cognizes, a...
cognizer 20 23 one that cognizes, a...
coholder 19 15 an athlete who share...
coiffeur 21 18 a male hairdresser [...
colander 16 14 a perforated vessel...
coleader 16 13 one who leads togeth...
colessor 17 12 a joint lessor [n -S...
colinear 16 13 lying in the same st...
collator 18 13 one who collates man...
colleger 19 15 a student supported...
collider 19 14 a type of accelerato...
colluder 19 15 one who conspires in...
colourer 17 13 one that colors, als...
columnar 18 17 in the form of a col...
combater 19 17 one who fights again...
combiner 19 18 one who, or that whi...
combover 21 21 a vain attempt to ma...
comelier 18 15 COMELY, pleasing to...
comember 20 20 a joint member [n -S...
comeover 18 18 a person who has com...
comether 19 16 (dialect) wheedling,...
commoner 17 18 one of the common pe...
communer 18 19 one who communes [n...
commuter 19 18 one who commutes; es...
comparer 19 17 one who compares [n...
compiler 21 18 one who compiles, es...
complier 21 18 one who complies [n...
composer 19 17 one who writes music...
computer 20 18 a machine that compu...
conceder 18 16 one who concedes [n...
conciser 19 15 CONCISE, succinct [a...
concolor 19 16 of uniform color, al...
condoler 16 14 one who condoles [n...
condoner 14 14 one who condones [n...
conducer 19 17 one that conduces [n...
condylar 23 16 of or pertaining to...
confider 18 16 one who confides [n...
confiner 17 16 one who, or that whi...
confuter 18 16 one who confutes or...
congener 15 15 something of the sam...
conjurer 18 22 a person who perform...
conjuror 18 22 a person who perform...
conniver 17 17 one who connives [n...
consider 16 13 to think about [v -E...
consoler 16 13 one who gives consol...
consular 17 14 relating to a consul...
consumer 17 16 one who, or that whi...
contrair 16 12 contrary [adj]
convener 16 17 one who convenes, al...
convenor 16 17 one who convenes, al...
conveyer 23 18 one that conveys, al...
conveyor 23 18 one that conveys, al...
convoker 18 20 one who convokes [n...
coolibar 19 15 (Native Australian)...
copastor 18 14 one that shares the...
coplanar 18 16 on the same plane [a...
cordiner 16 13 (archaic) a shoemake...
corridor 17 12 a narrow hallway [n...
corroder 16 12 something that corro...
cosherer 18 13 someone who lives on...
cosigner 17 14 one who cosigns [n -...
costlier 18 12 COSTLY, expensive [a...
costumer 18 15 one who makes or dea...
cottager 17 13 one who lives in a c...
courtier 17 12 someone in attendanc...
couthier 19 14 COUTHIE, friendly, a...
cowinner 18 16 one of two or more w...
coworker 20 18 a fellow worker [n -...
cowriter 20 14 one who cowrites [n...
crabbier 21 17 CRABBY, ill-tempered...
crackier 21 18 CRACKY, full of crac...
craftier 19 14 CRAFTY, skillful in...
craggier 19 15 CRAGGY, full of crag...
crampier 20 17 CRAMPY, affected wit...
crankier 17 16 CRANKY, cantankerous...
crappier 21 17 CRAPPY, inferior in...
crawlier 21 15 CRAWLY, creepy [adj]
crayoner 21 14 one who crayons, als...
craythur 26 16 (Irish) a woman, als...
creakier 17 15 CREAKY, creaking, al...
creamier 17 14 CREAMY, having the c...
creasier 16 11 CREASY, having wrink...
creditor 17 12 one to whom money is...
creekier 17 15 CREEKY, full of cree...
creepier 18 14 CREEPY, rather eerie...
cremator 17 14 one who, or that whi...
cressier 17 11 CRESSY, like cress [...
creutzer 20 21 (German) a small cop...
crimpier 21 17 CRIMPY, wrinkled, cu...
crippler 23 18 one that cripples; (...
crispier 20 14 CRISPY, crisp in tex...
croakier 17 15 CROAKY, low and hoar...
croonier 15 12 CROONY, having or be...
crossbar 19 14 to fasten with cross...
croupier 19 15 an attendant in a ca...
crucifer 23 18 one who bears a cros...
cruddier 18 14 CRUDDY, dirty, unple...
crueller 19 14 CRUEL, disposed to i...
cruisier 18 12 CRUISY, frequented b...
crumbier 21 18 CRUMBY, full of crum...
crummier 20 18 CRUMMY, mean, despic...
crumpier 21 18 CRUMPY, crisp, also...
cruncher 22 18 one that crunches [n...
crusader 17 13 one that crusades [n...
crustier 18 12 CRUSTY, covered with...
cucumber 24 22 a garden vegetable,...
cuddlier 19 15 CUDDLY, pleasant to...
cudgeler 19 16 one who cudgels, als...
culchier 24 18 CULCHIE, (Irish) rus...
culshier 21 15 CULSHIE, rustic, boo...
cultivar 21 17 a variety of plant o...
cumberer 20 18 one who cumbers [n -...
cupeller 21 17 someone who cupels,...
curseder 17 13 CURSED, wicked [adj]
cursitor 18 12 (obsolete) a clerk o...
cuspidor 20 16 (Portuguese) a spitt...
customer 18 15 one who buys somethi...
cutesier 17 12 CUTESY, (US) affecte...
cutwater 20 15 the forepart of a sh...
cyberwar 28 19 crippling an enemy s...
cyclecar 30 20 a type of motor vehi...
cylinder 24 16 to provide with a tu...
cymbaler 27 20 one who plays the cy...
cytaster 23 13 a structure formed i...
dactylar 24 15 pertaining to a dact...
daintier 13 10 DAINT [adj]
damneder 13 14 DAMNED, damnable [ad...
dampener 15 16 a thing that dampens...
danglier 15 13 DANGLY, hanging loos...
dapperer 17 15 DAPPER, trim, neat [...
darkener 13 14 someone or something...
darklier 16 14 DARKLY, DARK, having...
darneder 12 11 DARNED, bothersome [...
dataller 15 11 a day-labourer, also...
daughter 17 14 a female child [n -S...
daytaler 20 12 a day-labourer, also...
deadener 11 11 one that deadens [n...
deadlier 14 11 DEADLY, lethal [adj]
deathier 15 11 DEATHY, like death [...
debarker 16 16 one that removes bar...
debonair 14 13 (French) of good app...
debugger 18 17 a computer program d...
debunker 16 18 one who debunks [n -...
decanter 15 13 a decorative bottle...
deceiver 18 16 one who deceives [n...
decemvir 20 19 (Latin) one of a bod...
decenter 15 13 to put out of center...
decipher 21 17 to interpret from th...
declarer 17 13 one who declares [n...
decliner 17 14 one who declines [n...
decolour 17 14 to deprive of color,...
deemster 14 12 a judge on the Isle...
deepener 13 13 one that deepens [n...
defeater 14 12 one who defeats [n -...
defector 18 15 one who defects [n -...
defender 14 14 one who defends [n -...
deferrer 15 12 one who defers [n -S...
deflater 16 13 something that defla...
deflator 16 13 something that defla...
deflower 19 16 to deprive of virgin...
defoamer 15 15 an agent used for de...
defogger 17 16 an agent used for de...
deforcer 18 15 one who deforces, ke...
deformer 16 15 one who deforms [n -...
defrayer 21 14 one who pays off exp...
degasser 14 11 an agent used for de...
degender 13 13 (Spenser) to degener...
degrader 14 12 one that degrades [n...
dehorner 14 12 an implement for rem...
dehorter 15 11 a dissuader; an advi...
dejeuner 14 20 (French) a breakfast...
delouser 14 11 an agent that remove...
deluster 15 11 to lessen the sheen...
demander 13 14 one who demands [n -...
demeanor 12 13 behavior toward othe...
demerger 15 14 to remove a division...
demister 15 12 a device that demist...
dempster 17 15 (Scots) formerly in...
demurrer 15 13 one who demurs [n -S...
departer 15 12 one who departs [n -...
depicter 19 15 one that depicts, al...
depictor 19 15 one that depicts, al...
depleter 16 13 one who depletes [n...
deplorer 16 13 one who deplores [n...
deployer 22 15 one who deploys [n -...
deporter 15 12 one who deports [n -...
depraver 17 16 one who depraves [n...
depriver 18 16 one who deprives [n...
derailer 14 10 something which dera...
deranger 13 12 one who deranges [n...
deringer 14 12 a small pocket pisto...
desalter 14 10 something used for d...
descaler 17 13 a thing for removing...
descrier 17 12 one who descries [n...
deseeder 12 10 one that deseeds [n...
deserter 13 9 one that deserts [n...
deserver 15 13 one who deserves [n...
designer 14 12 one who designs [n -...
desilver 17 14 to remove the silver...
desorber 15 12 one that desorbs [n...
despiser 16 12 one who despises [n...
destrier 14 9 (archaic) a war-hors...
desulfur 18 15 to free from sulphur...
detacher 18 14 one who detaches [n...
detailer 14 10 one who details [n -...
detainer 12 10 the unlawful withhol...
detecter 16 12 one that detects, al...
detector 16 12 one that detects, al...
deterger 14 11 one that deterges [n...
deterrer 13 9 one that deters [n -...
detester 13 9 one who detests [n -...
deticker 18 16 an agent used for de...
detrusor 14 10 a muscle in the wall...
deviator 15 13 one who deviates [n...
devourer 15 14 one who devours [n -...
devouter 15 14 DEVOUT, pious [adj]
dewormer 17 15 an agent for removin...
dialoger 15 12 one who makes things...
dialyser 21 12 an apparatus used fo...
dialyzer 24 21 an apparatus used fo...
diameter 14 12 a straight line pass...
dickerer 18 16 one who dickers [n -...
dicktier 19 16 DICKTY, (US slang) p...
dictator 17 12 one that dictates [n...
didapper 18 16 a small grebe, also...
diemaker 15 16 one that makes dies...
diffuser 19 16 one that diffuses, a...
diffusor 19 16 one that diffuses, a...
digester 15 11 an apparatus which s...
digestor 15 11 an apparatus which s...
dimplier 19 16 DIMPLY, dimpled [adj...
dinklier 16 15 DINKLY, neat, tidy [...
dinosaur 13 11 any of a group of ex...
diplexer 23 20 a device which enabl...
directer 17 12 DIRECT, straightforw...
director 17 12 one that directs [n...
disabler 17 13 one who disables [n...
disarmer 15 12 one that disarms [n...
disaster 14 9 a calamity [n -S]
discolor 18 13 to alter the color o...
discover 19 16 to find out, also DI...
disfavor 18 16 to regard with disap...
dishonor 15 12 (US) to deprive of h...
disinter 14 10 to exhume [v DISINTE...
disliker 17 14 one who dislikes [n...
dismaler 16 13 DISMAL, sad, gloomy...
disorder 14 10 to disarrange [v -ED...
disowner 16 13 one who disowns [n -...
disponer 15 13 one who legally tran...
disposer 16 12 one who disposes [n...
disputer 17 13 one who disputes [n...
disrober 16 12 one who, or that whi...
dissaver 16 13 one who dissaves [n...
dissever 16 13 to sever, part in tw...
ditherer 16 11 one who dithers [n -...
diverter 16 13 one who diverts [n -...
divorcer 19 16 one who divorces [n...
divulger 19 17 one who divulges [n...
dodderer 13 11 one who dodders [n -...
doggeder 15 14 DOGGED, stubbornly d...
doggoner 14 14 DOGGONE, damned, cur...
dognaper 15 15 one who dognaps, abd...
domineer 13 13 to be overbearing [v...
donniker 13 15 an outside lavatory,...
doomster 14 12 (Scots) formerly in...
dopester 15 12 one who predicts the...
douanier 12 11 (French) a customhou...
doughier 17 14 DOUGHY, resembling d...
douzeper 18 22 (Spenser) one of the...
downpour 18 17 a heavy rain [n -S]
drabbier 18 15 DRABBY, sluttish, al...
drabbler 19 16 a piece of canvas fa...
draffier 18 15 DRAFFY, like dregs,...
draftier 16 12 DRAFTY, exposed to c...
draggier 16 13 DRAGGY, boring [adj]
dragster 15 11 a car built or modif...
drawlier 18 13 DRAWLY, marked by dr...
dreamier 14 12 DREAMY, full of drea...
drearier 13 9 DREARY, dismal [adj]
dreckier 18 16 DRECKY, rubbishy, al...
dreggier 16 13 DREGGY, full of dreg...
dreicher 19 14 DREICH, dreary, also...
dreigher 17 13 DREIGH, (Scots) drea...
drekkier 16 17 DREKKY, rubbishy, al...
drencher 18 15 something that drenc...
dressier 14 9 DRESSY, showy in dre...
dribbler 20 16 one who dribbles [n...
driftier 17 12 DRIFTY, full of mass...
drippier 19 15 DRIPPY, silly, inane...
driveler 17 14 one who drivels, als...
droolier 14 10 DROOLY, drooling [ad...
droopier 15 12 DROOPY, hanging [adj...
drossier 14 9 DROSSY, worthless [a...
drowsier 17 12 DROWSY, sleepy [adj]
druggier 17 14 DRUGGY, affected by...
drugster 16 12 a drug addict [n -S]
drumlier 17 14 DRUMLY, (Scots) turb...
dulcimer 20 17 a musical instrument...
dummerer 16 16 somebody who pretend...
dumpster 18 16 a large skip for ref...
duplexer 23 21 a system allowing us...
durneder 13 12 DURNED, damned [adj]
dweebier 18 15 DWEEBY, socially ine...
earthier 15 10 EARTHY, consisting o...
ebenezer 16 21 (Hebrew) a chapel or...
eclipser 20 15 one that eclipses [n...
ecraseur 16 12 (French) a surgical...
educator 16 13 one who educates [n...
effecter 20 17 an organ that respon...
effector 20 17 an organ that respon...
elevator 15 13 a lift [n -S]
elicitor 18 12 one who elicits [n -...
eloigner 14 12 one who eloigns, als...
emanator 12 12 one that emanates [n...
embalmer 18 18 one that embalms, al...
embanker 16 19 one who makes banks...
embitter 17 14 to make bitter, also...
emblazer 20 24 one who emblazes [n...
embodier 16 15 one who embodies [n...
emborder 16 15 to provide with a bo...
embosser 16 14 one who embosses [n...
embracer 19 17 a person who seeks t...
embrasor 16 14 a person who seeks t...
employer 23 17 one who employs peop...
empolder 17 16 to reclaim low-lying...
emulator 15 13 one who emulates [n...
enameler 13 13 one who enamels; a w...
enaunter 11 11 (obsolete) lest by c...
enchaser 17 14 one who enchases [n...
encipher 20 17 to write in a secret...
encloser 16 13 one who encloses [n...
encolour 16 14 to colour or tinge [...
encumber 19 19 to impede the motion...
endanger 12 13 to expose to loss or...
endeavor 13 14 to strive or attempt...
endorser 12 10 one that endorses, a...
endorsor 12 10 one that endorses, a...
endpaper 16 16 a sheet of paper use...
enfetter 14 12 to bind with chains...
enflower 18 16 to cover with flower...
enfolder 15 14 one who enfolds [n -...
enforcer 17 15 one that enforces [n...
engender 12 13 to bring into existe...
engineer 12 12 to arrange or contri...
engraver 15 15 one who engraves [n...
enhancer 16 15 one who enhances [n...
enhunger 15 15 to make hungry [v -E...
enjoiner 13 19 one who enjoins [n -...
enlarger 14 12 a device which enlar...
enlister 14 10 one who enlists [n -...
ennobler 14 14 one who ennobles [n...
enquirer 21 19 one who enquires, al...
enricher 18 14 one who enriches [n...
enroller 14 11 one who enrols [n -S...
enslaver 15 14 one who enslaves [n...
ensnarer 11 10 one that ensnares, a...
entailer 13 10 one who entails (an...
entender 11 11 (obsolete) to make t...
epilator 16 12 an agent used for ep...
epistler 17 12 one who writes epist...
equipper 26 24 one who equips [n -S...
escalier 17 12 (French) a staircase...
eschewer 21 16 one who eschews [n -...
espalier 16 12 a lattice on which t...
espouser 15 12 one who espouses [n...
essoiner 12 9 one who submits an e...
etranger 13 11 (French) a (male) fo...
evildoer 16 14 one who commits evil...
evocator 17 15 one who evokes, call...
examiner 19 19 one that examines [n...
examplar 23 22 an ideal model, also...
exceeder 21 19 one who exceeds [n -...
exceptor 24 21 one who excepts [n -...
excluder 24 21 one who excludes [n...
excreter 22 18 one who excretes [n...
executer 22 19 one who executes, al...
executor 22 19 one who executes, al...
exemplar 23 22 an ideal model, also...
exhorter 21 17 one who exhorts or i...
expander 20 20 a type of transducer...
expandor 20 20 a type of transducer...
expecter 24 21 someone who expects...
expeller 23 20 one who expels [n -S...
expender 20 20 one who expends [n -...
expiator 21 18 one who makes expiat...
exploder 22 20 one that explodes [n...
explorer 22 19 one who explores [n...
exporter 21 18 one who exports [n -...
expunger 22 22 one who expunges [n...
extender 18 17 a substance added to...
extensor 18 16 a muscle that extend...
exterior 19 15 outside [adj EXTERIO...
extoller 21 17 one who extols [n -S...
extorter 19 15 one who extorts [n -...
extremer 20 18 EXTREME, farthest fr...
extruder 20 17 something or someone...
eyeliner 19 12 makeup for the eyes...
eyewater 21 13 a wash or lotion for...
failover 18 16 a procedure by which...
faintier 15 12 FAINTY, somewhat fai...
fairgoer 16 13 one who attends a fa...
falconer 18 16 one that hunts with...
fallower 20 16 FALLOW, brownish-yel...
falterer 16 12 one who falters [n -...
familiar 18 15 well-known [adj FAMI...
fastener 14 12 something that faste...
fathomer 18 16 one who fathoms [n -...
fattener 14 12 one that fattens [n...
faultier 17 13 FAULTY, imperfect [a...
favourer 17 16 one that favors, als...
featlier 16 12 FEATLY, (Shakespeare...
feistier 16 11 FEISTY, spirited [ad...
feldsher 19 15 a medical worker in...
feldspar 19 16 a common rock-formin...
fellator 17 13 a male who fellates...
ferreter 15 11 one who ferrets [n -...
fertiler 17 12 FERTILE, productive...
fervider 18 16 FERVID, warm, ardent...
fetterer 15 11 one who fetters [n -...
fibrilar 20 15 relating to a fibril...
fiddlier 18 14 FIDDLY, time consumi...
fidgeter 17 14 one who fidgets [n -...
figeater 16 13 a large beetle which...
filander 16 14 a threadlike intesti...
filister 18 12 a groove on a window...
filleter 18 13 one who fillets [n -...
filmgoer 19 17 one who goes to see...
filterer 17 12 one that filters [n...
filthier 20 14 FILTHY, offensively...
finagler 17 15 one who finagles, ob...
finesser 15 12 one who does somethi...
fingerer 16 14 one that fingers [n...
finisher 18 14 one that finishes [n...
fistular 18 13 hollow and cylindric...
flabbier 21 18 FLABBY, hanging loos...
flaggier 19 16 FLAGGY, drooping [ad...
flappier 21 18 FLAPPY, flapping [ad...
flashier 19 14 FLASHY, showy, vulga...
flaunter 16 14 one who flaunts [n -...
flavorer 18 16 one that flavors, al...
fleckier 21 19 FLECKY, flecked [adj...
fledgier 18 15 FLEDGY, covered with...
fleecier 19 15 FLEECY, like a fleec...
flencher 21 18 one who flenches, al...
fleshier 19 14 FLESHY, having much...
fletcher 22 17 one who makes arrows...
flichter 23 17 to flutter and quive...
flimsier 19 15 FLIMSY, lacking stre...
flincher 22 18 one who flinches [n...
flintier 17 13 FLINTY, resembling f...
flippier 22 18 FLIPPY, flaring at t...
flirtier 18 12 FLIRTY, light-hearte...
fliskier 19 16 FLISKY, (Scots) rest...
floatier 16 12 FLOATY, tending to f...
flockier 21 19 FLOCKY, abounding wi...
flopover 20 19 a defect in televisi...
floppier 21 18 FLOPPY, soft and fle...
florider 17 13 FLORID, flowery; hav...
flossier 17 12 FLOSSY, resembling a...
flounder 16 15 to struggle clumsily...
flourier 17 13 FLOURY, fine-grained...
flowerer 19 15 a plant that flowers...
fluffier 22 19 FLUFFY, downy, light...
flushier 20 15 FLUSHY, red-complexi...
fluteyer 23 15 FLUTEY, like a flute...
flymaker 25 21 one who ties flies f...
flypaper 27 20 a sticky paper desig...
fodderer 15 13 someone who supplies...
foetider 15 12 FOETID, stinking, al...
folksier 18 16 FOLKSY, having an af...
follower 20 16 one that follows [n...
fomenter 15 15 one who foments [n -...
footgear 15 13 covering for the fee...
footwear 17 14 anything worn on the...
forebear 16 14 an ancestor [n -S]
foregoer 15 13 one who goes before...
foreseer 14 11 one who foresees [n...
forester 15 11 one skilled in fores...
forgiver 19 17 one who forgives [n...
formular 18 16 a model or set form...
forrader 15 12 (English dialect) fo...
forsaker 16 15 one who forsakes [n...
forswear 18 14 to deny under oath,...
fosterer 15 11 one that fosters [n...
foustier 16 12 FOUSTY, (Scots) moul...
foveolar 17 16 of or like a foveola...
fragiler 18 14 FRAGILE, easily brok...
frampler 20 18 (Scott) a brawler [n...
franzier 18 21 FRANZY, cross and pe...
freakier 16 15 FREAKY, quirkily unu...
freetier 15 11 FREETY, superstitiou...
freitier 16 11 FREITY, superstitiou...
frenular 16 14 of or relating to a...
frescoer 18 14 one who paints fresc...
frettier 16 11 FRETTY, adorned with...
fribbler 22 18 (obsolete) a trifler...
frigider 18 14 FRIGID, chillingly s...
frillier 19 13 FRILLY, having frill...
fringier 17 14 FRINGY, resembling a...
friskier 18 15 FRISKY, lively and p...
frivoler 19 16 one who frivols, als...
frizzier 23 29 FRIZZY, of hair, tig...
frizzler 24 30 one who frizzles [n...
froggier 18 15 FROGGY, abounding in...
froideur 16 13 coolness in personal...
frondeur 15 14 (French) a member of...
frontier 15 12 a border between two...
frostier 16 11 FROSTY, covered with...
frothier 18 13 FROTHY, covered with...
frotteur 16 12 the active participa...
frouzier 19 21 FROUZY, unkempt, als...
frowsier 19 14 FROWSY, fusty, stuff...
frowster 19 14 (obsolete) one who f...
frowzier 22 23 FROWZY, fusty, stuff...
fruitier 17 12 FRUITY, tasting of f...
frumpier 20 18 FRUMPY, ill-dressed...
fulsomer 18 16 FULSOME, cloying [ad...
funkster 17 17 a performer or fan o...
furcular 21 17 shaped like a fork [...
furriner 16 13 a foreigner [n -S]
furrower 19 15 one that makes furro...
fusileer 17 13 a soldier armed with...
fusilier 18 13 a soldier armed with...
gabeller 18 15 a collector of gabel...
gainlier 15 12 GAINLY, shapely, com...
galloper 18 15 a rider, esp. a hunt...
gamesier 15 13 GAMESY, keen on spor...
gamester 15 13 a gambler [n -S]
gammoner 15 17 one who misleads by...
gangliar 16 14 pertaining to a gang...
ganglier 16 14 GANGLY, awkwardly ta...
gangster 15 13 a member of a crimin...
ganister 14 11 a flintlike rock use...
gardener 13 12 one that gardens [n...
garotter 14 10 one who executes by...
garroter 14 10 one who executes by...
gasalier 15 11 a gaslight chandelie...
gaselier 15 11 a gaslight chandelie...
gashlier 18 13 GASHLY, ghastly [adj...
gasifier 17 13 a device for gasifyi...
gasolier 15 11 a gaslight chandelie...
gatherer 16 12 one that gathers [n...
gazumper 21 26 one that gazumps (ch...
gazunder 17 22 to lower the sum off...
gennaker 13 16 a type of sail for b...
geologer 15 13 a geologist, also GE...
geometer 14 13 a specialist in geom...
gesturer 15 11 one who gestures [n...
ghostier 17 12 GHOSTY, like a ghost...
gigglier 19 15 GIGGLY, tending to g...
gillyvor 26 18 (Shakespeare) a gill...
gladlier 17 13 GLADLY [adv]
glairier 16 11 GLAIRY, resembling e...
glammier 18 17 GLAMMY, glamorous [a...
glassier 16 11 GLASSY, resembling g...
glaurier 16 12 GLAURY, (Scots) miry...
gleamier 16 14 GLEAMY, gleaming [ad...
gleetier 15 11 GLEETY, resembling m...
glimpser 20 17 one who glimpses [n...
glintier 16 12 GLINTY, glittering [...
glitzier 20 20 GLITZY, showy, garis...
globbier 20 17 GLOBBY, full of glob...
globular 19 16 spherical [adj GLOBU...
gloomier 16 14 GLOOMY, dismally dar...
gloopier 17 14 GLOOPY, thickly visc...
gloppier 20 17 GLOPPY, being or res...
glossier 16 11 GLOSSY, with a surfa...
glumpier 20 18 GLUMPY, (dialect) su...
gnarlier 15 12 GNARLY, gnarled [adj...
gnattier 14 11 GNATTY, infested wit...
goadster 14 11 a man who uses a goa...
gogglier 18 15 GOGGLY, wide-eyed [a...
goldener 14 13 GOLDEN, of the colou...
golloper 18 15 one who gollops [n -...
gongster 15 13 a person who strikes...
goodlier 15 12 GOODLY, of pleasing...
goodyear 19 13 (Shakespeare) the de...
gospeler 17 14 one that teaches the...
gospodar 16 14 a Russian address, e...
gossamer 15 13 a fine film of cobwe...
gossiper 17 13 one that gossips, al...
gourdier 15 12 GOURDY, of a horse,...
goustier 15 11 GOUSTY, (Scots) deso...
governor 15 15 one that governs [n...
grabbier 19 16 GRABBY, tending to g...
grabbler 20 17 one who grabbles, gr...
grainier 14 11 GRAINY, having a gra...
grandeur 14 13 (French) impressive...
grandsir 15 12 a grandfather [n -S]
granular 15 13 consisting of or lik...
grappler 20 17 one who grapples [n...
grassier 15 10 GRASSY, resembling o...
grattoir 15 10 (French) a scraper m...
greasier 14 10 GREASY, containing o...
greedier 14 11 GREEDY, marked by gr...
greenier 13 11 GREENY, somewhat gre...
greffier 19 16 (French) in the Chan...
grimacer 19 16 one who grimaces [n...
grippier 20 16 GRIPPY, affected wit...
grislier 17 11 GRISLY, horrifying,...
grittier 16 10 GRITTY, plucky [adj]
grizzler 23 29 a grumbler [n -S]
groggier 17 14 GROGGY, dazed [adj]
groolier 15 11 GROOLY, (slang) grue...
groovier 16 14 GROOVY, trendy [adj]
grottier 15 10 GROTTY, wretchedly s...
grounder 14 13 in baseball, a ball...
groutier 15 11 GROUTY, sulky [adj]
groveler 17 15 (US) one who grovels...
growlier 19 14 GROWLY, deep and har...
grubbier 20 17 GRUBBY, dirty [adj]
grueller 17 13 one that gruels, als...
gruffier 20 17 GRUFFY, low and hars...
grumbler 20 18 one that grumbles [n...
grumpier 19 17 GRUMPY, bad-tempered...
grungier 16 14 GRUNGEY, dirty, mess...
guiltier 17 12 GUILTY, worthy of bl...
gunlayer 21 15 one who sights a gun...
gunmaker 16 19 a maker of guns [n -...
gunpaper 18 18 a type of explosive...
gurglier 18 14 GURGLY, making bubbl...
guyliner 22 15 eyeliner when worn b...
hacklier 21 18 HACKLY, rough or bro...
hagrider 17 13 one who hagrides [n...
hallower 20 15 one who hallows [n -...
hammerer 17 16 one who hammers [n -...
hamperer 18 16 one who hampers [n -...
hampster 19 16 a small rodent with...
handover 16 16 a transfer [n -S]
hangover 17 17 the physical effects...
hangrier 16 13 HANGRY, irritable as...
hankerer 15 15 one who hankers [n -...
harasser 15 10 one who harasses [n...
harborer 17 13 (US) one who, or tha...
hardener 14 12 one that hardens [n...
harkener 15 15 one who harkens, als...
harrower 18 13 one that harrows [n...
hastener 14 11 one who hastens [n -...
hatmaker 17 17 one that makes hats...
haulmier 18 15 HAULMY, of or like h...
havildar 19 16 (Urdu) the rank of s...
havocker 21 21 one who wreaks havoc...
haweater 17 13 a resident of Manito...
haymaker 23 19 one that makes hay;...
hazarder 18 20 one who hazards [n -...
headgear 15 13 a covering for the h...
hearsier 15 10 HEARSY, resembling a...
heartier 15 10 HEARTY, very friendl...
heathier 17 12 HEATHY, abounding in...
hectorer 18 13 one who hectors [n -...
heliodor 16 12 a variety of clear y...
hemipter 19 16 one of the Hemiptera...
hexaplar 24 21 relating to a hexapl...
hijacker 22 26 one that hijacks, al...
hinderer 15 12 one who hinders [n -...
hitchier 22 15 HITCHY, inclined to...
hitmaker 18 17 a musician who produ...
hizzoner 21 29 his honour, used as...
holdover 18 16 something left over...
hollower 20 15 HOLLOW, not solid [a...
homelier 17 14 HOMELY, unattractive...
honester 14 11 HONEST, truthful [ad...
honourer 14 12 one who honours, als...
hoopster 17 13 a basketball player...
horopter 17 13 a set of points whic...
horrider 16 11 HORRID, nasty, repel...
horsecar 18 13 a streetcar drawn by...
hospodar 17 14 (historical) a princ...
hosteler 16 11 a person who lives i...
hotelier 16 11 a hotel manager, als...
hotliner 16 12 someone running a ra...
hoveller 19 16 a small coasting-ves...
howitzer 22 22 a short relatively l...
hubblier 22 18 HUBBLY, having an un...
huckster 21 18 a pedlar, a hawker [...
huissier 17 11 (French) a doorkeepe...
hungover 18 18 suffering from a han...
hungrier 17 14 HUNGRY, having a cra...
hydrator 22 13 something that hydra...
hypester 24 15 a person or organisa...
icemaker 18 18 an appliance that ma...
idolater 14 10 one that worships id...
idolator 14 10 one that worships id...
idoliser 15 10 one who idolises, al...
idolizer 18 19 one who idolises, al...
ignobler 17 15 IGNOBLE, not noble,...
imaginer 15 14 one who imagines [n...
imbalmer 19 18 one who imbalms, als...
imbitter 18 14 to make bitter, also...
imborder 17 15 to provide with a bo...
imitator 15 11 one that imitates [n...
immenser 15 15 IMMENSE, huge [adj]
immerser 16 14 one who immerses [n...
impacter 20 17 one that impacts, al...
impactor 20 17 one that impacts, al...
impairer 17 14 one who, or that whi...
imparter 17 14 one who imparts [n -...
impeller 19 16 one that impels, als...
impellor 19 16 one that impels, als...
impinger 18 17 one that impinges [n...
implorer 18 15 one who implores [n...
impolder 18 16 to reclaim low-lying...
importer 17 14 one that imports [n...
imposter 17 14 one who poses as ano...
impostor 17 14 one who poses as ano...
improper 19 17 not proper [adj IMPR...
improver 19 18 one who improves [n...
impugner 18 18 one who impugns, att...
incenser 15 13 a burner of incense,...
incensor 15 13 a burner of incense,...
incenter 15 13 the centre of an ins...
inceptor 18 15 a beginner [n -S]
incliner 17 14 something or someone...
incloser 17 13 one who, or that whi...
incumber 20 19 to impede the motion...
indenter 12 11 one that indents, al...
indentor 12 11 one that indents, al...
indicter 17 13 one who indicts, als...
indictor 17 13 one who indicts, als...
indorser 13 10 one that endorses, a...
indorsor 13 10 one that endorses, a...
inductor 17 14 a part of an electri...
indulger 16 14 one who indulges [n...
infecter 18 15 one that infects, al...
infector 18 15 one that infects, al...
inferior 15 12 lower in any respect...
inferrer 15 12 one who infers [n -S...
infester 15 12 one who, or that whi...
infirmer 17 15 INFIRM, sickly [adj]
inflamer 17 16 one who inflames [n...
inflater 16 13 one that inflates, a...
inflator 16 13 one that inflates, a...
infolder 16 14 one that infolds [n...
informer 16 15 one that informs [n...
ingather 16 13 to gather in, to har...
inhauler 16 13 a line for bringing...
inholder 16 13 a container [n -S]
injector 18 21 one who injects [n -...
inlander 13 12 one living inland [n...
inputter 16 13 someone who feeds in...
inquirer 22 19 one who enquires, al...
inserter 13 9 one who inserts [n -...
insetter 13 9 a person who or thin...
insister 14 9 one who insists [n -...
insnarer 12 10 one that ensnares, a...
inspirer 16 12 one that inspires [n...
insulter 15 11 one who insults [n -...
intender 12 11 (obsolete) to make t...
intenser 12 10 INTENSE, existing in...
interior 13 9 internal [adj INTERI...
interwar 16 12 happening between wa...
intruder 14 11 one that intrudes [n...
inventer 14 14 one who invents, als...
inventor 14 14 one who invents, als...
inverter 15 13 one who inverts, als...
invertor 15 13 one who inverts, als...
investor 15 13 one that invests [n...
involver 18 18 one who involves [n...
iodophor 17 14 a soluble compound o...
islander 14 11 one who lives on an...
isolator 14 9 one who, or that whi...
itemiser 15 11 one that itemizes, a...
itemizer 18 20 one that itemizes, a...
jabberer 19 23 one who jabbers [n -...
jaggeder 17 22 JAGGED, rough-edged...
janglier 17 21 JANGLY, making a jan...
japanner 15 22 one who varnishes in...
jauntier 15 19 JAUNTY, briskly self...
jawboner 19 24 one who engages in j...
jetliner 16 19 a plane powered by j...
jeweller 20 22 a trader or maker of...
jigglier 20 22 JIGGLY, given to jig...
jinglier 18 21 JINGLY, jingling [ad...
jokester 16 21 a practical joker [n...
jolleyer 23 21 one who uses a jolle...
jongleur 17 22 (French) a medieval...
jouncier 18 22 JOUNCY, jolting [adj...
joyrider 22 20 one who joyrides [n...
jumblier 21 25 JUMBLY, in a jumble...
junglier 18 22 JUNGLY, of or relati...
junketer 16 23 one that junkets, al...
justicer 20 21 (obsolete) a judge,...
kalendar 14 15 to schedule, also CA...
keynoter 19 15 one who delivers a k...
kibitzer 21 24 (Yiddish) one who of...
kidnaper 16 17 one who kidnaps, als...
killadar 17 15 in India, the comman...
killdeer 17 15 a wading bird, also...
kindlier 16 15 KINDLY, kind [adj]
kinglier 17 16 KINGLY, befitting a...
kipperer 19 18 one who cures kipper...
kittlier 17 13 KITTLY, (Scots) tick...
kludgier 18 17 KLUDGY, involving or...
klutzier 20 23 KLUTZY, clumsy [adj]
knackier 18 20 KNACKY, cunning, als...
knaggier 16 17 KNAGGY, of wood, kno...
knarlier 15 14 KNARLY, like a knarl...
knarrier 14 13 KNARRY, of a tree, h...
knitwear 17 16 knitted clothing [n...
knobbier 18 19 KNOBBY, full of knob...
knollier 16 15 KNOLLY, like a knoll...
knottier 14 13 KNOTTY, full of knot...
knubbier 19 20 KNUBBY, having littl...
knuckler 20 22 (slang) a pickpocket...
knurlier 16 15 KNURLY, full of knot...
komissar 16 15 a Communist party of...
komondor 14 17 a large, shaggy-coat...
kowtower 20 18 one who kowtows, als...
kreutzer 18 22 (German) a small cop...
kurveyor 23 19 (Dutch) a carrier [n...
kvetcher 22 21 (Yiddish) a whiner,...
labeller 18 14 one that labels, als...
labourer 16 13 one who labours, als...
labrador 16 13 a hunting dog [n -S]
laidlier 16 11 LAIDLY, (Scots) loat...
lamellar 17 14 flat and thin; compo...
lamenter 14 13 one who laments [n -...
lamister 16 12 a fugitive, also LAM...
lammiger 18 17 a cripple, also LAME...
larcener 16 13 one who commits larc...
larderer 14 10 a person in charge o...
larkspur 19 17 any of various ranun...
larruper 17 13 one who larrups [n -...
lateener 12 10 a lateenrigged vesse...
latherer 16 11 one who lathers [n -...
laudator 14 11 one who lauds, also...
laughier 18 14 LAUGHY, inclined to...
laughter 18 14 the act or sound of...
launcher 19 16 a launching device [...
lavalier 17 14 a loosely-tied bow;...
lavender 15 15 a labiate plant with...
lavisher 19 15 one who lavishes [n...
lawgiver 21 18 one who institutes a...
lawmaker 19 19 one who makes the la...
leachier 19 14 LEACHY, permitting l...
leachour 19 15 (Spenser) a lecher [...
leavener 14 14 one who leavens, has...
lecturer 18 13 one who lectures [n...
leftover 18 16 an unused portion [n...
lemonier 14 13 LEMONY, tasting of l...
letterer 14 9 one who letters [n -...
levanter 15 14 a boisterous Mediter...
leveller 18 15 one that levels, als...
lewdster 18 13 someone addicted to...
libeller 19 14 one that libels, als...
licencer 20 16 one who licenses, al...
licenser 17 13 one who licenses, al...
licensor 17 13 one who licenses, al...
likelier 17 14 LIKELY, probable [ad...
limberer 18 15 LIMBER, supple [adj]
limpsier 19 15 LIMPSEY, lacking str...
lingerer 15 12 one who lingers [n -...
lingster 16 12 an interpreter, also...
lingular 17 14 of or like a lingula...
linisher 17 12 someone or something...
linkster 16 14 (US) an interpreter,...
lioniser 14 10 one who lionises, al...
lionizer 17 19 one who lionizes, al...
lipliner 18 14 a cosmetic used to o...
listener 14 10 one who listens [n -...
litterer 15 9 one who litters [n -...
livelier 18 14 LIVELY, full of ener...
loadstar 14 10 a star used as a poi...
lodestar 14 10 a star used as a poi...
loiterer 14 9 one that loiters [n...
lonelier 14 11 LONELY, sad from lac...
longhair 17 14 an intellectual; one...
longspur 18 16 any of several North...
longueur 15 14 (French) a long and...
lookover 16 17 a looking over [n -S...
loosener 12 10 a laxative [n -S]
loquitur 24 20 'he/she speaks' -- u...
lordlier 16 11 LORDLY, in the manne...
loudlier 16 12 LOUDLY [adv]
loungier 15 13 LOUNGY, suitable for...
lovelier 17 14 LOVELY, extremely be...
lowerier 17 12 LOWERY, cloudy, gloo...
lowlifer 21 16 a despicable person,...
lowrider 18 13 a car having a lower...
loyaller 22 13 LOYAL, faithful [adj...
lumberer 18 16 someone employed in...
luxmeter 22 20 an instrument for me...
macassar 17 14 a kind of hair-oil [...
magister 16 13 a person licensed to...
magnetar 14 14 a type of neutron st...
maiasaur 14 12 a species of herbivo...
maindoor 13 13 the principal door o...
makeover 16 19 a complete change of...
malander 14 14 an eruption of the s...
maligner 16 15 one who maligns [n -...
malinger 16 15 to feign illness in...
malodour 15 14 an offensive odor, a...
maltster 16 12 one who makes malt,...
mamillar 18 16 relating to the nipp...
mammifer 19 20 a mammal [n -S]
mandator 13 13 one who gives a mand...
maneuver 15 17 to perform a stratag...
manpower 18 18 available resources...
manrider 14 13 a paddy train [n -S]
mapmaker 18 21 one who makes maps [...
marauder 14 13 one who marauds [n -...
marblier 18 15 MARBLY, mottled [adj...
marketer 15 15 one that markets, al...
markhoor 17 17 a wild goat of the m...
marooner 12 12 one who maroons [n -...
marshier 17 13 MARSHY, resembling a...
marveler 17 16 one who marvels [n -...
massager 15 13 one who massages [n...
masseter 14 11 a muscle that raises...
maungier 15 15 MAUNGY, scabby, also...
maxillar 23 20 relating to the maxi...
meagerer 14 13 MEAGER, (US) scanty,...
measlier 15 12 MEASLY, spotty, palt...
measurer 14 12 one who measures [n...
mediator 14 12 one who mediates [n...
medullar 17 15 consisting of or res...
megastar 15 13 an extremely success...
mellower 19 16 MELLOW, well matured...
menswear 16 15 clothing for men [n...
mesosaur 14 12 an extinct aquatic r...
metaphor 18 16 implied comparison a...
micawber 23 20 a person who remains...
micellar 20 16 of or like a micella...
microbar 20 17 a unit of atmospheri...
microcar 21 17 a compact small-engi...
midlifer 19 16 a middle-aged person...
midwater 18 15 the middle portion v...
mightier 19 15 MIGHTY, full of migh...
migrator 16 13 one who migrates, al...
mijnheer 18 23 (Dutch) the Dutch eq...
millibar 20 16 a unit of barometric...
milliner 17 14 one who makes or sel...
mimester 16 14 one who mimes [n -S]
mimicker 21 21 one who mimics [n -S...
minister 15 12 to give aid or servi...
minotaur 14 13 as in minotaur beetl...
misalter 16 12 to alter wrongly [v...
miscolor 19 15 to color incorrectly...
misenter 14 12 to enter erroneously...
misinfer 17 15 to infer wrongly [v...
misinter 15 12 to inter improperly...
mislabor 18 15 to labor badly, also...
mislayer 22 14 one who mislays [n -...
misliker 18 16 one who mislikes [n...
misnomer 15 15 the use of a wrong n...
misorder 15 12 to order incorrectly...
misrefer 17 14 to refer incorrectly...
missteer 15 11 to steer wrongly [v...
mistaker 16 15 one who makes a mist...
mistutor 16 12 to instruct badly [v...
mizzlier 23 30 MIZZLY, drizzly, rai...
modeller 16 14 one that models, als...
moderner 13 13 MODERN, pertaining t...
modester 14 12 MODEST, unassuming [...
modifier 17 15 one that modifies [n...
modiolar 15 13 pertaining to the mo...
molester 15 12 one who molests [n -...
monicker 18 19 (slang) a name; an a...
monsieur 14 13 a French title of co...
moraller 16 13 (Shakespeare) a mora...
morbider 17 15 MORBID, of the natur...
moreover 15 15 in addition [adv]
morticer 18 14 one who makes mortic...
mortiser 15 11 one who makes mortis...
mosasaur 14 12 a gigantic Cretaceou...
motelier 15 12 the owner or manager...
motioner 13 12 one who makes a moti...
motleyer 21 14 MOTLEY, diversified...
motorcar 17 14 an automobile [n -S]
mouchoir 20 17 (French) a handkerch...
mouldier 16 14 MOULDY, covered with...
mounseer 13 13 (archaic) a Frenchma...
mouterer 14 12 (Scots) a person who...
mouthier 17 14 MOUTHY, outspoken, o...
muddlier 17 15 MUDDLY, disordered [...
muenster 14 13 a semisoft cow's mil...
muleteer 15 13 a mule-driver [n -S]
multicar 20 16 involving several ca...
multurer 17 14 a person who pays or...
mumblier 20 19 MUMBLY, given to mum...
munchier 20 18 MUNCHY, suitable for...
mundaner 13 15 MUNDANE, ordinary, b...
murderer 15 13 one who murders [n -...
murmurer 17 16 one who murmurs [n -...
musclier 20 16 MUSCLY, of a muscula...
muscular 20 17 pertaining to muscle...
musicker 20 19 (dialect) a musician...
musterer 15 12 one who musters (liv...
mutineer 14 13 to revolt against co...
mutterer 15 12 one who mutters [n -...
namaskar 14 16 (Sanskrit) a traditi...
narrater 12 9 one that narrates, a...
narrator 12 9 one that narrates, a...
narrower 15 12 NARROW, of little wi...
natterer 12 9 someone who natters...
naysayer 24 13 one that denies or o...
nearlier 13 10 NEARLY, almost [adv]
neckgear 17 18 apparel for the neck...
neckwear 19 19 something that is wo...
needlier 13 11 NEEDLY, like needles...
neighbor 18 16 to live close by, bo...
nenuphar 16 16 a waterlily [n -S]
nervular 16 15 relating to a nervul...
nettlier 14 10 NETTLY, like a nettl...
neurular 14 12 of or like a neurula...
newcomer 19 18 one who has recently...
newwaver 20 19 a member of a new-wa...
nextdoor 18 17 located in the adjoi...
nigglier 17 14 NIGGLY, trifling [ad...
nightjar 19 22 a nocturnal bird wit...
nitrator 13 9 one that nitrates [n...
nonactor 14 13 a person who is not...
noncolor 15 14 an achromatic colour...
nonjuror 14 20 one of those adheren...
nonlabor 14 14 not relating to or c...
nonmajor 14 22 a student who is not...
nonowner 13 14 one who is not the o...
nonpolar 14 14 not polar [adj]
nonskier 13 14 one who does not ski...
nonsolar 12 11 not solar [adj]
nonsugar 13 13 a substance that is...
nonvoter 13 14 one who does not vot...
notchier 18 14 NOTCHY, having notch...
notifier 15 12 one who notifies [n...
november 17 19 (in international ra...
nubblier 19 17 NUBBLY, having small...
nucellar 18 15 relating to the nuce...
numberer 16 16 one who numbers [n -...
nummular 17 18 shaped like a coin [...
nurturer 14 11 one who nurtures [n...
objector 20 23 one that objects [n...
obliquer 25 22 OBLIQUE, slanting [a...
obscener 17 15 OBSCENE, offensive,...
obscurer 19 15 one who obscures [n...
observer 17 15 one that observes [n...
obsessor 15 11 something that obses...
obtainer 14 12 one who obtains [n -...
obtemper 18 17 to yield obedience t...
obtruder 16 13 one who obtrudes [n...
obviator 17 15 one who obviates [n...
occluder 21 17 a medical closing de...
occlusor 21 16 a muscle etc. which...
occulter 21 16 something or someone...
occupier 22 18 one who occupies [n...
odometer 13 12 a device for measuri...
odoriser 13 9 something that odori...
odorizer 16 18 something that odori...
offender 16 16 one who offends [n -...
offsider 18 15 a side-kick [n -S]
ohmmeter 17 16 an instrument for me...
oilpaper 18 15 paper which has been...
oleander 12 11 a poisonous evergree...
oleaster 13 9 a yellow-flowered, o...
oligomer 16 14 a type of complex ch...
onionier 11 10 ONIONY, like an onio...
onlooker 13 14 a spectator [n -S]
onsetter 12 9 (archaic) an assaila...
operator 14 11 one who operates [n...
opificer 21 17 (obsolete) an artifi...
oppugner 18 18 one who oppugns [n -...
oracular 17 13 of the nature of an...
orangier 13 11 ORANGY, resembling t...
ordainer 12 10 one who ordains [n -...
orienter 12 9 one who helps anothe...
ornerier 12 9 ORNERY, stubborn and...
orometer 13 11 a barometer showing...
ossifier 16 11 an agent that causes...
ostiolar 14 9 relating to an ostio...
ostreger 14 10 a falconer who keeps...
outcaper 18 15 to surpass in caperi...
outhomer 16 14 to surpass in hittin...
outhumor 17 15 to surpass in humori...
outliner 14 11 one that outlines [n...
outliver 17 14 one who outlives [n...
outpower 18 15 to surpass in power...
outremer 14 12 (French) the region...
outrider 14 10 a mounted carriage a...
outroper 15 12 (obsolete) an auctio...
outsavor 15 13 (US) to surpass in s...
outsider 14 10 one who does not bel...
outsteer 13 9 to surpass in steeri...
outswear 16 12 to surpass in sweari...
outtower 16 12 to tower above [v -E...
outvoter 15 13 a voter from outside...
overbear 16 15 to bring down by sup...
overdear 14 13 excessively dear [ad...
overdoer 14 13 one who overdoes [n...
overdyer 21 15 one who overdyes [n...
overfear 16 15 to fear too much [v...
overgear 15 14 to cause a company t...
overhair 17 14 fur covering of some...
overhear 16 14 to hear by accident...
overlier 16 13 one that lies above...
overnear 13 13 too near [adj]
overpeer 16 15 to peer over [v -ED,...
overseer 14 12 one that oversees [n...
overstir 16 12 to stir too much [v...
overwear 17 15 to wear out [v OVERW...
overyear 20 14 to keep into a furth...
oxidiser 20 16 an oxidant, also OXI...
oxidizer 23 25 an oxidant, also OXI...
oximeter 20 18 a photoelectric inst...
oxpecker 25 25 an African bird, aka...
oysterer 19 10 one who deals in oys...
ozoniser 15 18 a device for turning...
ozonizer 18 27 a device for turning...
pacifier 21 17 something that pacif...
packager 20 20 one who packages [n...
paintier 15 12 PAINTY, covered with...
pallider 18 14 PALLID, pale, wan [a...
palpator 18 15 one who palpates [n...
palterer 16 12 one who palters, tal...
paltrier 17 12 PALTRY, meagre, mean...
pamperer 18 17 one who pampers [n -...
panderer 14 13 one who panders, pro...
paperier 17 14 PAPERY, resembling p...
papillar 20 16 like, of the nature...
papisher 20 16 a supporter of the p...
parachor 20 16 a mathematical const...
paramour 16 15 a lover of either se...
parcener 17 15 a coheir, or one of...
pardoner 14 13 one who raises money...
pargeter 16 13 one who pargets, pla...
parleyer 22 14 one who parleys [n -...
parroter 15 11 one who simply repea...
partaker 16 15 one who partakes [n...
passager 16 13 as in passager hawk...
passover 17 15 an annual feast of t...
pasturer 16 12 one who pastures liv...
patchier 21 16 PATCHY, uneven in qu...
patellar 17 13 pertaining to the pa...
patentor 14 12 one who grants a pat...
pattamar 16 14 a vessel resembling...
patterer 15 11 one who patters [n -...
peachier 20 16 PEACHY, coloured or...
pearlier 16 12 PEARLY, like a pearl...
pebblier 21 18 PEBBLY, resembling p...
peculiar 20 16 strange [adj PECULIA...
pedalcar 19 16 a fourwheeled vehicl...
pedalfer 18 16 a type of soil, typi...
pedalier 16 13 the pedal keyboard o...
pedaller 17 14 someone who uses ped...
peignoir 16 14 a woman's dresing-go...
penciler 19 16 one who pencils, als...
pendular 16 15 of or relating to a...
penwiper 20 18 a piece of equipment...
pepperer 19 17 a dealer in pepper a...
peptiser 18 14 one that peptises, a...
peptizer 21 23 one that peptizes, a...
perfumer 19 18 one who prepares per...
peripter 18 14 a structure with a r...
perisher 18 13 (colloquial) an anno...
perjurer 18 21 one guilty of perjur...
pervader 17 16 one who pervades [n...
pesterer 15 11 one who pesters [n -...
petiolar 16 12 of or like a petiole...
petnaper 16 15 one who steals a pet...
pewterer 18 14 one who makes articl...
phosphor 22 18 phosphorus; a phosph...
phrasier 18 13 PHRASY, inclined to...
phreaker 18 17 one who uses equipme...
physeter 24 15 a whale which spouts...
piacular 20 16 atoning, expiatory [...
picketer 20 18 one who pickets [n -...
piddlier 18 14 PIDDLY, insignifican...
piecener 17 15 a worker who joins b...
pilaster 17 12 a square column part...
pilferer 19 15 one who pilfers [n -...
pillager 19 15 one who pillages [n...
pilsener 16 13 (German) a light-col...
pimplier 21 18 PIMPLY, covered with...
pinaster 15 12 a species of pine gr...
pinnular 16 15 relating to a pinnul...
pinscher 21 17 (German) a breed of...
piscator 19 14 a fisherman [n -S]
pitchier 22 16 PITCHY, like pitch [...
placater 19 15 one who placates [n...
placider 20 16 PLACID, calm in natu...
plaguier 18 15 PLAGUEY, vexatious,...
plaister 17 12 (Scots) to plaster [...
plankter 17 17 an organism that is...
planular 17 15 of or like a planula...
plashier 19 14 PLASHY, like a plash...
playgoer 23 16 one who attends play...
playwear 25 17 any clothing worn fo...
pleather 18 14 a plastic fabric mad...
plebbier 21 18 PLEBBY, (colloquial)...
pledgeor 17 15 one who pledges some...
plighter 21 16 one who, or that whi...
plinkier 18 17 PLINKY, of a high pi...
pliosaur 17 13 a type of fossil mar...
pliskier 19 16 PLISKIE, (Scots) tri...
plonkier 17 17 PLONKY, pompously se...
plookier 17 16 PLOOKY, pimply, also...
plottier 17 12 PLOTTY, full of intr...
plougher 20 17 one who ploughs, als...
ploukier 18 17 PLOUKIE, pimply, als...
pluckier 22 20 PLUCKY, brave and sp...
pluffier 22 19 PLUFFY, puffed up, p...
plummier 20 19 PLUMMY, full of plum...
plumpier 21 19 PLUMPY, (Shakespeare...
plumular 20 18 relating to a plumul...
plunkier 18 18 PLUNKY, marked by a...
plushier 20 15 PLUSHY, luxurious [a...
poachier 20 16 POACHY, spongy and s...
pocketer 19 18 one who pockets [n -...
poetiser 15 11 one who poetises, al...
poetizer 18 20 one who poetises, al...
pointier 15 12 POINTY, coming to a...
poisoner 14 12 one who poisons [n -...
polestar 16 12 a guiding principle...
policier 20 15 a film featuring pol...
polisher 19 14 one who polishes [n...
pollster 18 13 one that polls, also...
polluter 18 14 one who pollutes [n...
pomander 15 16 a mixture of aromati...
pomwater 19 17 (Shakespeare) a swee...
ponderer 14 13 one who ponders [n -...
poorlier 16 12 POORLY, unwell [adj]
popplier 21 18 POPPLY, like a rippl...
portlier 17 12 PORTLY, corpulent, s...
posturer 16 12 one who postures, al...
potholer 18 14 someone who explores...
potterer 15 11 one who potters [n -...
pouchier 21 17 POUCHY, resembling a...
pouffier 20 18 POUFFY, like a pouf,...
powderer 18 15 one who powders [n -...
prankier 16 16 PRANKY, of the natur...
prattler 17 12 one who prattles [n...
preacher 20 16 one that preaches [n...
prealter 16 12 to alter beforehand...
preciser 19 14 PRECISE, sharply and...
preclear 19 15 to clear beforehand...
predator 15 12 an animal that preys...
prefacer 20 17 one that prefaces [n...
preggier 18 15 PREGGY, (colloquial)...
preluder 17 14 a person who plays o...
premolar 17 15 situated in front of...
premotor 16 14 pertaining to a part...
preorder 15 12 to order beforehand...
preparer 17 14 one who prepares [n...
preppier 20 17 PREPPY, denoting the...
presager 16 13 one who, or that whi...
presider 16 12 one who presides [n...
presumer 17 15 one who presumes [n...
prettier 16 11 PRETTY, pleasing to...
previsor 18 15 one that previses, f...
prickier 21 18 PRICKY, having many...
primsier 18 14 PRIMSIE, (Scots) pri...
prisoner 15 12 one that is imprison...
prissier 17 11 PRISSY, affectedly p...
privater 18 15 PRIVATE, secluded fr...
procurer 19 15 someone who procures...
proditor 16 12 a traitor [n -S]
producer 19 16 one that produces [n...
profaner 16 15 one who profanes [n...
profiler 19 15 one who profiles, al...
profiter 18 14 one who profits [n -...
profuser 18 15 a prodigal or spendt...
prolabor 18 15 favouring organized...
promiser 17 14 one who promises, al...
promisor 17 14 one who promises, al...
promoter 16 14 one who promotes [n...
promotor 16 14 a person who present...
prompter 19 17 one that prompts [n...
pronator 14 12 a forearm or forelim...
properer 17 14 PROPER, fitting [adj...
proposer 17 14 one that proposes [n...
prosumer 17 15 a consumer who uses...
provedor 17 16 a purveyor, also PRO...
provider 18 16 one that provides [n...
providor 18 16 a purveyor, also PRO...
provisor 18 15 (historical) one who...
provoker 18 19 something or someone...
puckerer 20 19 one who, or that whi...
puckster 21 19 a hockey player [n -...
puddlier 18 15 PUDDLY, full of pudd...
pullover 20 18 a garment that is pu...
pulmotor 18 16 a respiratory device...
pulpiter 20 16 someone who speaks f...
pulsator 17 13 something that pulsa...
pulvinar 19 18 a knob on the brain...
punchier 21 18 PUNCHY, forceful, ha...
pundonor 14 15 (Spanish) a point of...
punisher 18 15 one that punishes [n...
pupillar 21 17 relating to a pupil...
purifier 19 15 one that purifies [n...
purplier 20 16 PURPLY, purplish [ad...
purveyor 24 18 one that purveys, su...
pushover 20 18 an easily defeated p...
pustular 18 14 of or pertaining to...
putrider 17 13 PUTRID, rotten [adj]
putterer 16 12 one who putters [n -...
quackier 26 25 QUACKY, resembling t...
quaestor 21 18 (Latin) an ancient R...
quaggier 24 22 QUAGGY, boggy, like...
quainter 21 19 QUAINT, pleasantly o...
qualmier 24 22 QUALMY, having misgi...
quarrier 22 18 one who quarries [n...
quartier 22 18 (French) a specified...
quaverer 23 22 one who quavers [n -...
quazzier 28 36 QUAZZY, (English dia...
queasier 21 18 QUEASY, feeling sick...
queazier 24 27 QUEAZY, feeling sick...
queenier 20 19 QUEENY, camp or effe...
quencher 26 24 one who, or that whi...
quibbler 28 25 one who quibbles [n...
quiddler 24 21 someone who quiddles...
quippier 27 24 QUIPPY, full of quip...
quipster 25 21 a person given to ma...
quirkier 24 22 QUIRKY, twisted [adj...
quiverer 24 22 one who quivers [n -...
rabbiter 18 14 one who hunts rabbit...
racegoer 16 13 an attender of race...
racketer 17 15 one who makes, or en...
radiator 13 9 a heating device [n...
raggeder 15 13 RAGGED, tattered [ad...
ragtimer 16 13 one who plays ragtim...
rainwear 15 12 waterproof clothing...
rampager 17 16 one who rampages [n...
rancider 16 13 RANCID, rank in tast...
ransomer 13 12 one who ransoms [n -...
rarefier 15 11 something or someone...
ratifier 16 11 one who ratifies [n...
ratooner 11 9 a plant that ratoons...
rattener 12 9 one who rattens, com...
rattlier 15 9 RATTLY, inclined to...
raveller 17 14 one who ravels, also...
ravisher 18 14 one who ravishes [n...
realiser 14 9 one who realises, al...
realizer 17 18 one who realizes, al...
reanswer 15 12 to be equivalent to...
reappear 16 14 to appear again [v -...
reasoner 11 9 one who reasons [n -...
reastier 13 8 REASTY, rancid [adj]
rebeller 17 13 one who rebels [n -S...
rebutter 16 12 one who rebuts [n -S...
recaller 18 13 one who recalls [n -...
recamier 17 14 (French) a backless...
recanter 15 12 one who recants [n -...
recaptor 18 14 one who recaptures [...
receiver 18 15 one that receives [n...
recensor 15 12 to censor again [v -...
recenter 15 12 RECENT, happening no...
receptor 18 14 a nerve ending speci...
reckoner 16 16 one that reckons [n...
recliner 17 13 a kind of couch [n -...
recoiler 17 12 one who, or that whi...
recolour 17 13 to colour again, als...
reconfer 17 15 to confer again [v R...
recorder 16 12 one that records [n...
recycler 27 17 one who recycles, al...
redactor 16 12 an editor [n -S]
redeemer 13 12 one that redeems [n...
redliner 14 11 one that redlines, w...
redrawer 16 12 one that redraws [n...
reductor 17 13 an apparatus for the...
redwater 16 12 a cattle disease [n...
reechier 18 13 REECHIE, (Shakespear...
reestier 13 8 REESTY, of a horse,...
referrer 15 11 one that refers [n -...
refilter 17 12 to filter again [v -...
reflower 19 15 to flower again [v -...
reformer 16 14 one that reforms [n...
refunder 15 14 one who refunds, res...
regainer 13 11 one who regains [n -...
regarder 14 11 one who regards [n -...
regather 16 12 to assemble once mor...
regifter 17 13 one who regifts [n -...
register 15 10 to record officially...
regmaker 16 17 (South Africa) a dri...
regrater 14 10 one who buys and sel...
regrator 14 10 one who buys and sel...
rehabber 19 16 one who rehabs, reha...
rehammer 17 16 to hammer again [v -...
reheater 14 10 an apparatus for reh...
reindeer 12 10 a large deer [n -S]
reissuer 14 9 one who reissues [n...
rejecter 18 20 one who rejects, als...
rejector 18 20 one who rejects, als...
rejigger 18 21 to fix something up...
rejoicer 18 20 one who rejoices [n...
relapser 16 12 one who relapses [n...
releaser 13 9 one who releases, al...
releasor 13 9 one who releases, al...
reletter 14 9 to write again [v -E...
reliever 16 13 one who relieves [n...
reloader 13 10 a device for reloadi...
remailer 15 12 an internet service...
remarker 15 15 one who remarks [n -...
remaster 14 11 to master again [v -...
remember 17 17 to bring to mind aga...
reminder 14 13 something that serve...
remitter 15 11 one who remits, also...
remittor 15 11 one who remits, also...
remurmur 17 16 to murmur again; to...
renderer 12 10 one that renders [n...
reneguer 13 12 one who renegues [n...
renowner 14 13 one who gives anothe...
renumber 16 16 to number again [v -...
reopener 13 12 a clause in a contra...
repairer 15 11 one who repairs [n -...
repealer 15 12 one who repeals [n -...
repeater 14 11 one who repeats [n -...
repeller 17 13 one who, or that whi...
repenter 14 12 one who repents [n -...
replacer 19 15 one who replaces [n...
reporter 15 11 one that reports [n...
reprover 17 15 one who, or that whi...
repulser 17 13 one who repulses [n...
requirer 22 18 one who requires [n...
requiter 22 18 one who requites [n...
reroller 15 10 one who rerolls [n -...
resalgar 15 11 (obsolete) a bright-...
reseller 15 10 one who resells [n -...
resenter 12 9 one who resents [n -...
reserver 15 12 one who reserves [n...
resetter 13 8 one who resets [n -S...
reshaper 17 13 one that reshapes so...
reshower 18 13 to shower again [v -...
resigner 14 11 one who resigns [n -...
resilver 17 13 to cover with silver...
resister 14 8 one who resists [n -...
resistor 14 8 a device in an elect...
resolder 14 10 to solder again [v -...
resolver 16 13 one that resolves [n...
resorter 13 8 one who resorts [n -...
restorer 13 8 one that restores [n...
retailer 14 9 one who sells direct...
retailor 14 9 to tailor again [v -...
retainer 12 9 one that retains [n...
retarder 13 9 one who retards [n -...
reteller 15 10 one who retells stor...
retemper 16 14 to modify again [v -...
retorter 13 8 one who retorts [n -...
retracer 16 11 one who retraces [n...
returner 13 10 one who returns [n -...
reuniter 13 10 one who reunites [n...
revamper 18 18 one who revamps [n -...
revealer 15 13 one who reveals [n -...
reveller 17 14 one who revels, also...
revenger 15 15 one who takes reveng...
revenuer 14 14 a revenue officer [n...
reverser 15 12 one who reverses [n...
reverter 15 12 one who, or that whi...
reviewer 18 15 one who reviews [n -...
revolter 16 13 one who revolts [n -...
revolver 18 17 a pistol with a rota...
rewarder 16 12 one that rewards [n...
rewinder 16 13 one who rewinds [n -...
rewriter 17 11 a device for rewriti...
rheumier 17 14 RHEUMY, like rheum [...
ribalder 17 13 RIBALD, earthily sex...
ricercar 20 14 any of various contr...
ricklier 20 16 RICKLY, (Scots) loos...
rightier 18 12 RIGHTY, politically...
rimester 15 11 one that rimes, also...
ringster 15 11 a member of a ring,...
ripplier 20 15 RIPPLY, marked by ri...
risaldar 15 10 (Urdu) an Indian tro...
roadster 13 9 a light, open automo...
robuster 16 12 ROBUST, strong and h...
rocketer 17 15 a bird, esp. a pheas...
rollover 17 14 a motor vehicle acci...
romancer 16 15 one who writes roman...
roncador 15 13 a name for various f...
rootsier 13 8 ROOTSY, reminiscent...
roseolar 13 9 like roseola, a rash...
rottener 12 9 ROTTEN, very bad, ro...
rotunder 13 11 ROTUND, rounded, plu...
roturier 14 9 a plebeian, a common...
routhier 16 11 ROUTHIE, (Scots) ple...
royaller 21 12 ROYAL, relating to a...
rubblier 20 16 RUBBLY, abounding in...
rubeolar 16 13 relating to rubeola,...
rufflier 20 16 RUFFLY, not smooth [...
ruggeder 16 14 RUGGED, having an un...
rumblier 19 16 RUMBLY, tending to r...
rummager 17 17 one who rummages [n...
rumourer 15 13 one who spreads rumo...
rumplier 19 16 RUMPLY, wrinkled [ad...
ryeflour 23 15 a pasture and fodder...
saboteur 15 12 (French) one who per...
sabotier 15 11 (French) a wearer of...
saccular 21 16 saclike [adj]
sacreder 16 12 SACRED, dedicated to...
sallower 18 13 SALLOW, esp. of a pe...
salvager 17 15 one who salvages [n...
sandburr 16 14 an annual herb, also...
sandiver 15 14 scum formed on molte...
sandspur 16 14 an annual herb, also...
sanglier 15 12 (French) a wild boar...
savorier 15 12 SAVORY, (US) savoury...
savourer 15 13 one that savors, als...
scabbier 21 17 SCABBY, covered with...
scaffier 21 17 SCAFFY, (Scots) havi...
scambler 21 18 (Scots) one who scro...
scamster 18 14 one who perpetrates...
scantier 16 12 SCANTY, poorly suppl...
scapular 20 16 a loose sleeveless v...
scareder 16 12 SCARED, frightened [...
scarrier 17 11 SCARRY, marked with...
scattier 17 11 SCATTY, empty-headed...
scavager 19 17 an officer who colle...
schiller 22 15 (German) a peculiar...
schizier 23 22 SCHIZY, affected wit...
schlager 21 16 (German) a duelling...
schooler 19 14 a student attending...
schooner 17 14 a kind of sailing ve...
schusser 20 14 (German) one who mak...
scienter 16 12 having knowledge [ad...
scimetar 18 14 a curved oriental sw...
scimitar 19 14 a curved oriental sw...
scimiter 19 14 a curved oriental sw...
sclaffer 22 18 one who sclaffs, sla...
scorcher 22 16 (colloquial) a very...
scourger 18 14 one who scourges [n...
scouther 19 14 to scorch, also SCOW...
scowther 22 16 (Scots) to scorch, s...
scrapper 21 17 a fighter [n -S]
scrawler 21 15 one who scrawls [n -...
screamer 17 14 a gooselike South Am...
screeder 16 12 a person who lays pl...
screener 15 12 one who screens [n -...
screever 18 15 one who writes beggi...
screwier 20 14 SCREWY, (colloquial)...
scrimper 21 17 one who scrimps [n -...
scripter 20 14 one who scripts [n -...
scroller 19 13 someone or something...
scrouger 18 14 (US archaic) a whopp...
scrubber 22 18 an apparatus for rem...
scrupler 21 16 one who has scruples...
scuffler 23 19 one who scuffles [n...
sculptor 21 16 one who sculpts [n -...
scummier 20 18 SCUMMY, covered with...
scungier 18 15 SCUNGY, (Australian...
scurfier 20 15 SCURFY, covered with...
scurrier 18 12 (obsolete) a scout,...
scurvier 20 16 SCURVY, scabby, mean...
scutcher 23 17 one who scutches, be...
scutiger 19 14 a kind of centipede;...
scuttler 19 13 one who scuttles [n...
scuzzier 24 30 SCUZZY, dirty or sha...
seafarer 14 11 one who travels by s...
seafloor 15 12 the bottom of the se...
seamster 14 11 a person whose occup...
searcher 18 13 one that searches [n...
seasoner 11 9 one who seasons [n -...
seawater 15 11 water from the sea [...
secateur 16 12 a pruning tool [n -S...
secesher 18 13 a secessionist, also...
seconder 15 13 one who seconds or s...
secreter 16 11 SECRET, hidden [adj]
secretor 16 11 one that secretes [n...
sectator 16 11 an adherent of a par...
seductor 17 13 (obsolete) one who s...
seemlier 15 12 SEEMLY, of pleasing...
seigneur 14 12 a feudal lord, also...
seignior 14 11 a feudal lord, also...
selector 17 12 something or someone...
selictar 18 12 (Turkish) a sword-be...
semester 14 11 (Latin) a period of...
semitaur 15 12 (obsolete) a curved...
sempster 17 14 a person who sews [n...
sequitur 23 19 (Latin) something th...
sermoner 13 12 a preacher; a sermon...
servicer 19 15 one who services [n...
servitor 16 12 one who serves; a cl...
shabbier 20 16 SHABBY, not smart [a...
shackier 20 17 SHACKY, dilapidated...
shackler 21 18 one who shackles [n...
shadower 18 14 one who shadows [n -...
shaggier 18 14 SHAGGY, covered with...
sharnier 15 11 SHARNY, like cow-dun...
sheafier 17 13 SHEAFY, like sheafs...
sheather 17 12 one who sheathes [n...
sheenier 14 11 SHEENY, bright, shin...
sheepier 17 13 SHEEPY, sheeplike [a...
sheetier 15 10 SHEETY, like sheets...
shelfier 19 14 SHELFY, abounding in...
shellier 18 12 SHELLY, abounding in...
shelvier 19 15 SHELVY, having sandb...
shielder 17 12 one who shields [n -...
shiftier 19 13 SHIFTY, evasive [adj...
shingler 18 14 a person who shingle...
shirtier 17 10 SHIRTY, irritable, a...
shittier 17 10 SHITTY, very unpleas...
shiverer 18 14 one who shivers [n -...
shlepper 21 17 (Yiddish) an incompe...
shmoozer 19 22 one who shmoozes, al...
shnorrer 15 11 (Yiddish) a beggar,...
shoalier 16 11 SHOALY, full of shal...
shoddier 16 12 SHODDY, of poor qual...
shonkier 16 15 SHONKY, (Australian...
shoppier 20 16 SHOPPY, abounding wi...
shoulder 17 13 to assume the burden...
shouther 18 13 (Scots) to assume th...
shoutier 16 11 SHOUTY, prone to sho...
shoveler 18 15 a kind of duck with...
showerer 18 13 one who showers [n -...
showgoer 19 15 one who goes to show...
shredder 16 12 a machine that shred...
shrewder 19 14 SHREWD, having keen...
shrieker 17 14 one who shrieks [n -...
shriller 19 12 SHRILL, having a hig...
shrimper 20 16 a fisher of shrimp [...
shrinker 17 15 one who shrinks [n -...
shroomer 16 13 one who takes magic...
shuffler 22 18 one who shuffles [n...
shuttler 18 12 one who uses a shutt...
sickener 17 16 a poisonous toadstoo...
sicklier 20 16 SICKLY, in poor heal...
siffleur 20 16 (French) a (male) pr...
signaler 15 12 (US) one who signals...
signieur 15 12 (Shakespeare) a lord...
silencer 17 13 one that silences [n...
silenter 14 10 SILENT, without soun...
silladar 16 11 (Urdu) an irregular...
silverer 17 13 one who silvers [n -...
simperer 17 14 one who simpers [n -...
sincerer 16 12 SINCERE, free from h...
sinewier 16 12 SINEWY, lean and mus...
singular 16 13 not plural; strange...
sinister 14 9 threatening or porte...
sirupier 17 12 SIRUPY, like sirup [...
sitkamer 16 15 (Afrikaans) a sittin...
skankier 15 17 SKANKY, filthy or sl...
skearier 14 12 SKEARY, (dialect) sc...
skeelier 15 13 SKEELY, (Scots) skil...
skeerier 14 12 SKEERY, (dialect) sc...
skeevier 16 16 SKEEVY, repulsive, d...
skeigher 18 16 SKEIGH, (Scots) (of...
skellier 17 14 SKELLY, cross-eyed,...
sketcher 20 17 one who sketches [n...
skiddier 16 14 SKIDDY, likely to ca...
skidooer 14 13 one that rides on a...
skijorer 17 21 one who does skijori...
skillier 18 14 SKILLY, having skill...
skimpier 19 18 SKIMPY, brief, exigu...
skinnier 14 14 SKINNY, having littl...
skippier 20 18 SKIPPY, frolicsome [...
skunkier 16 18 SKUNKY, having a sme...
skydiver 24 19 one who practises sk...
slabbier 19 15 SLABBY, thick, visco...
slaggier 17 13 SLAGGY, resembling r...
slaister 15 9 to do in a sloppy ma...
slalomer 16 13 one who slaloms [n -...
slangier 15 12 SLANGY, full of slan...
slantier 14 10 SLANTY, deviating fr...
slaverer 16 13 one who slavers [n -...
sleazier 17 18 SLEAZY, shoddy, also...
sleekier 15 13 SLEEKY, sleek, smoot...
sleepier 16 12 SLEEPY, inclined to...
sleetier 14 9 SLEETY, resembling s...
sleezier 17 18 SLEEZY, sordid, also...
sleigher 18 13 one who travels by s...
slighter 19 13 one who slights [n -...
slimsier 17 12 SLIMSY, flimsy, also...
slinkier 16 14 SLINKY, slinking, cl...
slipover 19 16 a garment easily put...
slippier 20 15 SLIPPY, slippery [ad...
slittier 16 9 SLITTY, of an openin...
sliverer 17 13 one who slivers [n -...
slobbier 19 15 SLOBBY, characterist...
sloomier 15 12 SLOOMY, sluggish, sp...
sloppier 19 15 SLOPPY, wet or muddy...
sloshier 17 11 SLOSHY, splashy [adj...
sloucher 20 15 one who slouches [n...
slubbier 20 16 SLUBBY, lumpy, knobb...
sludgier 17 13 SLUDGY, covered with...
sluicier 19 13 SLUICY, falling in s...
slummier 18 16 SLUMMY, resembling a...
slumpier 19 16 SLUMPY, marshy [adj]
slurpier 18 13 SLURPY, like a slurp...
slushier 18 12 SLUSHY, resembling s...
sluttier 16 10 SLUTTY, characterist...
smalmier 17 15 SMALMY, (obsolete) o...
smarmier 16 14 SMARMY, oily, ingrat...
smearier 14 11 SMEARY, covered with...
smellier 17 13 SMELLY, having an un...
smircher 21 16 one who smirches [n...
smirkier 17 15 SMIRKY, given to smi...
smirrier 16 11 SMIRRY, drizzly [adj...
smoggier 17 15 SMOGGY, filled with...
smoocher 19 16 one who smooches [n...
smoother 16 13 a smoothing tool [n...
smoulder 16 14 to burn with no flam...
smudgier 17 15 SMUDGY, having smudg...
smuggler 19 17 one that smuggles [n...
smurrier 16 12 SMURRY, (Scots) like...
smuttier 16 12 SMUTTY, sexually sug...
snackier 17 16 SNACKY, suitable as...
snaggier 15 13 SNAGGY, full of snag...
snailier 14 10 SNAILY, like a snail...
snappier 17 15 SNAPPY, bad-tempered...
snarkier 14 13 SNARKY, crotchety [a...
snarlier 14 10 SNARLY, tangled [adj...
snatcher 18 14 one who snatches [n...
snazzier 19 27 SNAZZY, trendily sma...
sneakier 13 13 SNEAKY, crafty [adj]
sneerier 12 9 SNEERY, full of snee...
sneezier 15 18 SNEEZY, tending to s...
sniffier 18 15 SNIFFY, given to sni...
sniffler 19 16 one who sniffles; a...
sniftier 16 12 SNIFTY, (slang) havi...
sniggler 17 14 one who sniggles, fi...
snippier 18 15 SNIPPY, stingy, snap...
snitcher 19 14 one who snitches, in...
snittier 14 9 SNITTY, disagreeably...
sniveler 16 14 one who snivels, als...
snobbier 17 15 SNOBBY, snobbish [ad...
snoopier 14 12 SNOOPY, prying [adj]
snootier 12 9 SNOOTY, supercilious...
snoozier 15 18 SNOOZY, given to sno...
snortier 13 9 SNORTY, inclined to...
snottier 13 9 SNOTTY, foul with sn...
snoutier 13 10 SNOUTY, resembling a...
snubbier 18 16 SNUBBY, inclined to...
snuffier 18 16 SNUFFY, soiled with...
snuffler 19 17 a person who snuffle...
softener 14 12 one that softens [n...
solander 13 11 (Swedish) a case for...
solderer 14 10 one who solders [n -...
solemner 14 13 SOLEMN, serious [adj...
somberer 16 14 SOMBER, (US) sombre...
songster 14 11 a singing bird [n -S...
sorcerer 16 11 a magician who emplo...
sordider 14 10 SORDID, low, mean [a...
sorrower 16 11 one who sorrows [n -...
souldier 15 11 (archaic) to soldier...
soulster 15 10 a singer of soul mus...
souvenir 15 14 a remembrance [n -S]...
sozzlier 21 27 SOZZLY, drunk [adj]
spammier 18 17 SPAMMY, bland, unexc...
spangler 17 15 one who spangles [n...
sparkier 17 15 SPARKY, lively, also...
sparkler 18 16 something that spark...
sparrier 16 11 SPARRY, having a con...
spatular 17 13 shaped like a spatul...
spawnier 18 15 SPAWNY, of or like s...
spearier 15 11 SPEARY, like a spear...
speccier 22 17 SPECCY, wearing spec...
speckier 20 18 SPECKY, having speck...
specular 20 16 relating to a specul...
speedier 15 12 SPEEDY, fast [adj]
spendier 15 13 SPENDY, expensive [a...
spherier 18 13 SPHERY, resembling a...
spicular 21 16 resembling a dart; h...
spiffier 21 17 SPIFFY, excellent [a...
spindler 17 14 one that spindles [n...
spinnier 15 13 SPINNY, crazy, fooli...
spinster 16 12 an older unmarried w...
spitcher 22 16 (slang) to be doomed...
spittier 17 11 SPITTY, marked with...
spivvier 21 19 SPIVVY, like a spiv...
splasher 19 14 one that splashes [n...
splatter 17 12 to spatter, to splas...
splendor 16 14 magnificence [n -S]
splinter 17 13 to split into sharp,...
splitter 18 12 one that splits [n -...
splurger 19 15 one who splurges [n...
splutter 18 13 to speak rapidly and...
spoddier 16 13 SPODDY, boring, stud...
spongier 16 14 SPONGY, absorptive [...
spoofier 17 14 SPOOFY, humorously s...
spookier 16 15 SPOOKY, scary, also...
spoonier 14 12 SPOONY, foolishly fo...
sportier 16 11 SPORTY, inclined to...
sporular 17 13 of or like a sporule...
sposhier 18 13 SPOSHY, (US) slushy...
spottier 16 11 SPOTTY, marked with...
spoutier 16 12 SPOUTY, having a spo...
sprawler 20 15 one who sprawls [n -...
sprayier 22 13 SPRAYEY, full of spr...
spreader 15 12 one who spreads [n -...
sprigger 19 15 one that decorates w...
springer 17 14 a kind of spaniel [n...
sprinter 16 12 one who sprints [n -...
spritzer 20 20 (German) a drink of...
sprucier 20 15 SPRUCY, neat and tri...
spruiker 18 16 (Australian slang) o...
spuddier 17 14 SPUDDY, podgy [adj]
spunkier 17 17 SPUNKY, courageous,...
spurrier 17 12 one whose occupation...
squabber 26 24 SQUAB, fat, clumsy,...
squailer 23 19 a throwing stick [n...
squaller 24 20 a person, esp. a chi...
squander 21 20 to spend wastefully...
squasher 24 20 one who squashes [n...
squatter 22 18 to splash water abou...
squawker 26 25 a loudspeaker for re...
squeaker 22 22 something that squea...
squealer 22 19 an informer [n -S]
squeezer 24 27 one that squeezes [n...
squegger 24 22 a squegging oscillat...
squibber 27 24 in baseball, an infi...
squiffer 27 24 (slang) a concertina...
squinter 22 19 one who squints [n -...
squirmer 24 21 a person who squirms...
squirter 23 18 a device for squirti...
staggier 16 12 STAGGY, having the a...
stalkier 16 13 STALKY, long and sle...
stancher 18 14 an upright beam, bar...
starcher 19 13 one who starches [n...
starrier 14 8 STARRY, abounding wi...
startler 15 9 one who startles [n...
steadier 13 9 one who steadies [n...
steamier 14 11 STEAMY, like steam [...
steelier 14 9 STEELY, resembling s...
steepier 15 11 STEEPY, steep; preci...
steerier 13 8 STEERY, busy or bust...
stemmier 16 14 STEMMY, abounding in...
stentour 13 10 one who determines t...
stepover 17 15 an instance of raisi...
stibbler 20 15 (Scots) a horse turn...
stickier 19 15 STICKY, adhesive [ad...
stickler 20 16 one who has scruples...
stillier 17 10 STILLY, still, quiet...
stiltier 16 9 STILTY, stilt-like [...
stingier 15 11 STINGY, mean, niggar...
stinkier 15 13 STINKY, emitting a f...
stintier 14 9 STINTY, limited [adj...
stippler 20 15 one who stipples [n...
stipular 18 13 of or pertaining to...
stitcher 20 13 one who stitches [n...
stockcar 21 18 a boxcar for carryin...
stockier 18 15 STOCKY, having a sho...
stodgier 15 11 STODGY, boring [adj]
stolider 15 10 STOLID, impassive, u...
stompier 17 14 STOMPY, conducive to...
stopover 17 15 a brief stop in the...
stormier 15 11 STORMY, wild, tempes...
stourier 14 9 STOURY, (Scots) dust...
strainer 13 9 a utensil used to se...
straiter 14 8 STRAIT, confined, ri...
strander 13 10 a machine that twist...
stranger 14 11 to make a stranger [...
strapper 18 14 an apprentice, a lea...
strawier 17 11 STRAWY, resembling s...
streaker 14 12 a person who runs na...
streamer 14 11 a long narrow flag [...
streeker 14 12 one that streeks, st...
stressor 14 8 an agent or factor t...
stricter 18 11 STRICT, kept within...
stringer 15 11 a journalist or repo...
stripier 17 11 STRIPY, marked with...
stripper 19 14 one who removes his...
stroller 16 10 one who strolls [n -...
stronger 14 11 STRONG, having great...
stropper 18 14 one who strops [n -S...
strummer 17 15 one who strums [n -S...
strutter 15 9 one who struts [n -S...
stubbier 19 15 STUBBY, short and sq...
stuccoer 20 15 one who stuccoes [n...
studlier 16 11 STUDLY, (slang) hunk...
stuffier 19 15 STUFFY, badly ventil...
stuggier 17 13 STUGGY, (dialect) th...
stumbler 19 16 one who stumbles [n...
stumpier 18 15 STUMPY, short and sq...
stupider 17 13 STUPID, foolish [adj...
sturdier 15 10 STURDY, strongly bui...
styliser 22 11 one who stylises, al...
stylizer 25 20 one who stylises, al...
subahdar 18 15 (Hindi) a native off...
subfloor 19 16 a rough floor laid a...
sublimer 19 16 one who sublimes [n...
sublunar 17 15 under the moon, terr...
suborder 16 13 a category of relate...
suborner 15 13 one who suborns [n -...
subpolar 19 16 situated just outsid...
subprior 19 15 the vicegerent of a...
subsider 17 13 something or someone...
subsizar 20 21 a student of lower r...
subsolar 17 13 directly under the s...
subtalar 17 13 below the anklebone...
subtiler 18 13 SUBTIL, (archaic) su...
subvicar 22 19 a subordinate vicar...
succorer 20 15 one who succors, als...
suckener 17 17 a tenant under the t...
suettier 14 9 SUETTY, resembling s...
sufferer 18 15 one who suffers [n -...
sufficer 22 18 one who suffices [n...
sugarier 15 11 SUGARY, containing s...
sullener 15 12 SULLEN, showing broo...
sultrier 16 10 SULTRY, humid and op...
summoner 15 16 one who summons [n -...
sunderer 13 11 one who sunders [n -...
sungazer 17 21 an African lizard gi...
superber 18 15 SUPERB, of excellent...
supercar 19 15 a very big or fast c...
superior 16 12 of higher rank, qual...
supplier 20 16 one that supplies [n...
supposer 18 15 one who supposes [n...
supremer 17 15 SUPREME, highest, gr...
surbahar 18 14 an Indian stringed i...
surfacer 19 15 a form of machine fo...
surmiser 16 12 one who surmises [n...
surnamer 14 13 one who allots a sur...
surveyor 22 15 one who surveys land...
surviver 19 17 one that survives, a...
survivor 19 17 one that survives, a...
swaddler 18 14 a term of contempt f...
swampier 20 17 SWAMPY, like a swamp...
swankier 17 16 SWANKY, ostentatious...
swannier 15 13 SWANNY, swanlike [ad...
swardier 17 12 SWARDY, covered with...
swashier 19 13 SWASHY, slushy [adj]
swathier 19 13 SWATHY, in swathes [...
swattier 17 11 SWATTY, given to har...
swearier 16 11 SWEARY, relating to,...
sweatier 16 11 SWEATY, covered with...
sweepier 18 14 SWEEPY, of wide rang...
swimmier 20 17 SWIMMY, blurred, swi...
swimwear 21 17 garments made for sw...
swindler 18 14 one who swindles [n...
swingier 18 14 SWINGY, having swing...
swirlier 19 12 SWIRLY, swirling [ad...
swishier 20 13 SWISHY, swishing [ad...
switcher 23 16 one who switches [n...
swizzler 25 30 one that swizzles, s...
swoonier 15 12 SWOONY, languid, daz...
swoopier 18 14 SWOOPY, having sweep...
swottier 17 11 SWOTTY, given to har...
sylphier 26 16 SYLPHY, like a sylph...
sylvaner 22 16 (German) a German gr...
syrupier 23 14 SYRUPY, like syrup,...
tabashir 18 13 a siliceous substanc...
taberdar 15 12 a scholar of Queen's...
tabourer 15 12 one who tabors, also...
tailleur 16 11 (French) a woman's t...
takeover 15 16 the act of assuming...
talckier 19 16 TALCKY, pertaining t...
talukdar 16 15 (Hindi) a proprietor...
tamanoir 13 12 (Tupi) the giant ant...
tamperer 16 14 one who tampers [n -...
tanglier 15 12 TANGLY, tangled [adj...
tarpaper 17 14 a heavy paper coated...
tattooer 12 8 one who tattooes, al...
tautomer 14 12 a type of chemical c...
taverner 14 13 one who runs a taver...
tawdrier 17 12 TAWDRY, cheap, trash...
taxpayer 27 20 one who pays taxes [...
teamaker 14 15 one that makes tea [...
teamster 14 11 a truck driver, also...
teaseler 13 9 one who uses teasels...
teenager 12 11 a person between the...
teensier 12 9 TEENSY, (colloquial)...
teentier 12 9 TEENTY, (colloquial)...
telechir 20 14 a form of robot cont...
temperer 16 14 one who tempers [n -...
tenderer 12 10 one who tenders [n -...
terminer 14 12 (obsolete) a determi...
testamur 15 12 (Latin) a certificat...
testator 13 8 one who makes a will...
tetchier 19 13 TETCHY, peevish, fre...
tetramer 14 11 a polymer consisting...
teuchter 19 14 (Scots) a derogatory...
thanadar 14 12 (Hindi) an officer i...
thatcher 21 15 one that thatches [n...
therefor 17 13 for that [adv]
thingier 17 13 THINGY, real, actual...
thirster 17 10 one who thirsts [n -...
thongier 16 13 THONGY, resembling a...
thornier 15 11 THORNY, full of thor...
thrasher 18 12 any of several Ameri...
threader 15 11 a person who or thin...
threaper 17 13 one who threaps, als...
threeper 17 13 one who threeps, als...
thresher 18 12 any of several Ameri...
thriller 19 12 one that thrills [n...
throbber 20 16 one who throbs [n -S...
thronner 14 12 (dialect) a person g...
thrummer 19 17 one that thrums, str...
thruster 17 11 one that thrusts, al...
thrustor 17 11 one that thrusts, al...
thumbier 20 17 THUMBY, like thumbs,...
thurifer 19 14 an altar boy or acol...
thwacker 23 20 one who thwacks [n -...
thwarter 19 13 one who thwarts [n -...
ticklier 20 16 TICKLY, easily tickl...
tiddlier 16 11 TIDDLY, slightly dru...
timelier 16 12 TIMELY, occurring at...
timoneer 13 12 a helmsman [n -S]
tinglier 16 12 TINGLY, tingling [ad...
tinkerer 14 13 one who tinkers [n -...
tinklier 16 14 TINKLY, producing a...
tissular 16 10 pertaining to struct...
titchier 20 13 TITCHY, very small,...
titrator 14 8 one who titrates [n...
titterer 14 8 one that titters [n...
toastier 13 8 TOASTY, like toast,...
together 16 12 into a union or rela...
tongster 14 11 (Chinese) a member o...
tonsilar 14 10 relating to the tons...
tontiner 12 10 the receiver of an a...
tooshier 15 10 TOOSHIE, (Australian...
toothier 15 10 TOOTHY, having promi...
topliner 16 13 a star [n -S]
topmaker 17 18 one who makes tops [...
topsider 16 12 one who is at the hi...
topwater 18 14 floating on or near...
torchier 19 13 (French) a floor lam...
torcular 18 13 a tourniquet [n -S]
toreador 12 9 (Spanish) the old na...
torquier 22 18 TORQUEY, providing f...
torrider 14 9 TORRID, extremely ho...
torturer 14 9 one that tortures [n...
totterer 13 8 one who totters [n -...
touchier 19 14 TOUCHY, quick to tak...
toustier 14 9 TOUSTIE, (Scott) ira...
towerier 16 11 TOWERY, very tall [a...
townlier 17 13 TOWNLY, townish [adj...
townwear 18 15 clothes suitable for...
traditor 14 9 an early Christian w...
traducer 17 13 one who traduces [n...
trampier 17 14 TRAMPY, having the c...
trampler 18 15 one who tramples [n...
trancier 16 12 TRANCEY, (of music,...
transfer 15 12 to move from one pla...
trapdoor 15 12 a door set in a floo...
trappier 18 14 TRAPPY, full of trap...
trashier 16 10 TRASHY, rubbishy [ad...
traveler 16 13 one who travels, als...
treacher 18 13 (obsolete) a traitor...
treadler 14 10 one who works a trea...
trembler 18 15 a West Indian bird o...
tremblor 18 15 an earth tremor, als...
trencher 18 14 a wooden platter for...
trendier 13 10 TRENDY, fashionable...
tressier 14 8 TRESSY, abounding in...
tressour 14 9 a type of heraldic d...
triactor 17 11 a wager whereby the...
tributer 17 12 a miner who works fo...
trickier 19 15 TRICKIE, characteriz...
tricolor 18 12 (French) a flag of t...
trimeter 15 11 a verse of three met...
trimotor 15 11 an aeroplane powered...
trippier 19 14 TRIPPY, suggesting a...
trippler 20 15 a horse that tripple...
triumvir 19 16 one of a ruling body...
trottoir 14 8 (French) pavement [n...
troubler 17 13 something or someone...
trouncer 16 13 one who trounces [n...
troutier 14 9 TROUTY, containing t...
trouveur 16 14 (French) one of a sc...
troweler 17 12 one who trowels, als...
truckler 20 17 one who truckles, or...
trundler 15 12 a golf bag or shoppi...
truqueur 23 20 (French) one who eng...
trustier 15 9 TRUSTY, worthy of tr...
truthier 17 11 TRUTHY, characterize...
tunneler 13 12 one who tunnels, als...
turbocar 19 15 a car powered by a g...
turgider 16 12 TURGID, swollen, inf...
turnover 15 14 a small pie made by...
twaddler 18 14 one who talks twaddl...
twangier 17 14 TWANGY, twanging [ad...
twangler 18 15 one who twangles [n...
twattler 18 12 one who twattles [n...
tweakier 17 15 TWEAKY, twitchy [adj...
tweedier 16 12 TWEEDY, of a refined...
tweedler 17 13 one who tweedles [n...
twerpier 19 14 TWERPY, like a twerp...
twiddler 19 14 one who twiddles [n...
twiggier 20 15 TWIGGY, twiglike, fu...
twinkler 19 17 one who, or that whi...
twirlier 19 12 TWIRLY, curved [adj]
twirpier 20 14 TWIRPY, like a twirp...
twistier 18 11 TWISTY, full of curv...
twitcher 23 16 one that twitches [n...
typifier 25 16 one who, or that whi...
udometer 14 13 a rain gauge [n -S]
uglifier 19 15 something or someone...
ulterior 15 10 (Latin) of e.g. a mo...
umbellar 19 17 of or pertaining to...
unanchor 17 16 to loose from anchor...
unbitter 16 13 not bitter [adj]
unbusier 16 14 UNBUSY, not busy [ad...
uncipher 21 18 (obsolete) to deciph...
underfur 16 15 the thick, soft fur...
uneasier 12 10 UNEASY, marked by me...
unevener 13 15 UNEVEN, not even [ad...
unfairer 15 13 UNFAIR, not fair [ad...
unfetter 15 13 to free from fetters...
unfitter 16 13 UNFIT, not fit [adj]
unfolder 16 15 one who unfolds [n -...
unhairer 15 12 one who unhairs [n -...
unhipper 20 18 UNHIP, (slang) squar...
unholier 16 13 UNHOLY, not holy [ad...
unicolor 17 14 having one colour, a...
unifilar 17 14 having only one thre...
unilobar 16 14 having one lobe, als...
unipolar 16 14 showing only one kin...
unitiser 14 10 one who unitises, al...
unitizer 17 19 one who unitizes, al...
unjuster 16 20 UNJUST, not just [ad...
unkinder 14 16 UNKIND, not kind [ad...
unkosher 16 16 not kosher [adj]
unlimber 18 17 to prepare for actio...
unloader 13 12 one who unloads [n -...
unmasker 15 17 one who unmasks [n -...
unmirier 15 13 UNMIRY, not miry [ad...
unpacker 19 20 one that unpacks [n...
unproper 17 16 improper [adj UNPROP...
unpucker 20 21 to remove the wrinkl...
unreeler 13 11 one who unreels [n -...
unrepair 15 13 a lack of repair [n...
unrulier 15 12 UNRULY, difficult to...
unsexier 19 17 UNSEXY, not sexy [ad...
unsicker 18 17 (Scots) insecure, un...
unsolder 14 12 to separate from bei...
untemper 16 16 to destroy the tempe...
untender 12 12 not tender [adj UNTE...
untether 15 12 to free from a tethe...
untidier 14 11 UNTIDY, not tidy [ad...
unveiler 16 15 one who removes a ve...
unvulgar 18 18 not vulgar [adj]
unwarier 16 13 UNWARIE, (Spenser) u...
unwinder 16 15 one who unwinds [n -...
upbearer 17 15 one who bears up [n...
upgather 19 16 to gather up [v -ED,...
upgrader 17 15 one who upgrades [n...
upheaver 19 18 one who upheaves [n...
upholder 19 16 one who upholds [n -...
uplander 16 15 an inhabitant of an...
uplifter 20 16 one who uplifts [n -...
upraiser 16 12 one who upraises [n...
uprooter 15 12 one who uproots [n -...
upsetter 16 12 one who upsets [n -S...
upstager 17 14 one who upstages [n...
upstater 16 12 an inhabitant of an...
uptowner 18 16 one who lives uptown...
urinator 13 10 one who dives under...
utilidor 16 11 an insulated system...
utiliser 16 10 one who utilises, al...
utilizer 19 19 one who utilizes, al...
vacuolar 19 17 relating to a vacuol...
valuator 16 14 an appraiser, also E...
valvular 20 19 pertaining to a valv...
vanisher 17 15 one who vanishes [n...
vapourer 17 16 one that vapours, al...
varactor 18 15 a two-electrode semi...
variolar 16 13 of or like variola,...
varistor 16 12 a semiconductor with...
vascular 20 17 pertaining to ducts...
vaultier 17 14 VAULTY, (Shakespeare...
vauntier 15 14 VAUNTY, boastful, al...
vavasour 17 17 a knight, noble etc....
vavassor 17 16 a knight, noble etc....
vawntier 18 16 VAWNTIE, boastful, a...
veneerer 13 13 one who veneers [n -...
venturer 15 14 one who ventures [n...
verboser 17 15 VERBOSE, wordy [adj]
verderer 15 13 (historical) an offi...
verderor 15 13 an officer in charge...
verditer 16 13 (archaic) a greenish...
verifier 18 15 one who verifies [n...
vesturer 16 13 a person responsible...
vetchier 21 17 VETCHY, covered with...
vexillar 24 21 of or like a vexillu...
viameter 16 15 a device for measuri...
vibrator 18 15 a type of dildo that...
vilifier 20 16 one who vilifies [n...
villager 19 16 one who lives in a v...
vincular 20 18 of or like a vinculu...
vintager 16 15 one that harvests wi...
violater 16 13 one who violates, al...
violator 16 13 one who violates, al...
visioner 15 13 a person who sees vi...
vitiator 16 12 one who vitiates [n...
vivifier 21 19 one who vivifies [n...
volleyer 23 16 one who volleys e.g....
voussoir 16 13 (French) one of the...
voyageur 22 17 an employee of a fur...
vraicker 20 19 a gatherer of vraic,...
vulgarer 18 16 VULGAR, common [adj]
wabblier 22 18 WABBLY, wobbly [adj]
waddlier 18 14 WADDLY, having a wad...
wafflier 22 18 WAFFLY, given to waf...
wagglier 20 16 WAGGLY, waggling [ad...
waggoner 17 16 one who drives a wag...
wairsher 19 13 WAIRSH, tasteless, i...
walkover 20 20 a race involving onl...
walloper 20 16 (colloquial) anythin...
wallower 21 16 one that rolls about...
wamblier 21 18 WAMBLY, affected wit...
wanderer 15 13 one who wanders [n -...
wantoner 14 13 one who wantons [n -...
warblier 20 15 WARBLY, voiced in a...
warfarer 18 14 one engaged in warfa...
wargamer 18 16 one who practises wa...
warmaker 18 18 one who makes war [n...
warpower 21 17 the power to make wa...
warrener 15 12 the keeper of a warr...
warstler 18 12 one who takes part i...
waterier 16 11 WATERY, like water [...
watthour 19 14 a unit of energy [n...
waverier 18 15 WAVERY, unsteady [ad...
wayfarer 24 16 a traveller [n -S]
waylayer 29 16 one who waylays [n -...
waywiser 26 16 an instrument for me...
weakener 15 16 something or someone...
weaklier 18 16 WEAKLY, weak and sic...
weaseler 16 12 one who acts evasive...
weensier 15 12 WEENSY, tiny [adj]
weighter 20 15 one that weights [n...
welcomer 21 18 one who welcomes [n...
welldoer 18 14 a doer of good deeds...
whackier 23 20 WHACKY, eccentric, a...
whatever 20 17 being what [adj]
wheatear 17 13 any of several birds...
wheatier 18 13 WHEATY, tasting of w...
wheedler 19 15 one who wheedles [n...
wheelier 19 14 WHEELY, like a wheel...
wheezier 21 22 WHEEZY, given to whe...
whelkier 21 18 WHELKY, marked with...
whenever 19 18 at whatever time [ad...
wherefor 20 16 a reason why, also W...
wherever 20 17 in or to whatever pl...
whiffier 24 19 WHIFFY, smelly [adj]
whiffler 25 20 an official who clea...
whilever 22 18 for as long as [adv]...
whimmier 22 19 WHIMMY, full of whim...
whimsier 21 16 WHIMSY, full of whim...
whingier 20 16 WHINGY, complaining...
whinnier 18 15 WHINNY, abounding in...
whippier 24 19 WHIPPY, pliant, supp...
whipster 22 16 (obsolete) a nimble...
whirlier 21 14 WHIRLY, given to whi...
whirrier 20 13 WHIRRY, characterist...
whistler 21 14 someone or something...
whitener 18 14 something that white...
whitster 20 13 (archaic) a bleacher...
whittler 21 14 one who whittles [n...
whizzier 26 31 WHIZZY, using sophis...
whomever 21 20 the objective case o...
whosever 20 17 the possessive case...
wickeder 21 19 WICKED, bad, evil [a...
wieldier 18 13 WIELDY, easily wield...
wifelier 20 15 WIFELY, befitting a...
wigglier 21 16 WIGGLY, tending to w...
wigmaker 20 20 one who makes wigs [...
willower 22 16 one who willows [n -...
wingover 19 18 a flight manoeuver [...
winnower 18 16 one who winnows [n -...
winsomer 17 15 WINSOME, charming, c...
winterer 16 12 one who spends the w...
wintrier 17 12 WINTRY, having the c...
wirehair 19 13 a breed of terrier [...
wiselier 18 12 WISELY, in a wise ma...
witchier 23 16 WITCHY, malicious [a...
witherer 19 13 one that withers [n...
wobblier 22 18 WOBBLY, unsteady, al...
wofuller 21 17 WOFUL, full of grief...
wonderer 15 13 one who wonders [n -...
woodener 14 13 WOODEN, stiff as in...
woodsier 16 12 WOODSY, relating to...
woollier 18 13 WOOLLY, like wool [a...
workhour 20 18 any of the hours of...
workwear 20 18 clothing for work [n...
wormgear 18 16 a gear wheel driven...
worthier 19 13 WORTHY, full of wort...
woundier 16 14 WOUNDY, (archaic) ex...
wrangler 18 15 a cattle-herder, a c...
wrapover 20 18 a skirt that wraps a...
wrathier 19 13 WRATHY, inclined to...
wreather 18 13 one who wreathes [n...
wrencher 21 17 one who wrenches [n...
wrestler 18 12 one who takes part i...
wriggler 21 16 one who wriggles [n...
wristier 18 11 WRISTY, making exten...
yammerer 21 16 one who yammers [n -...
yawmeter 23 16 an instrument in an...
yeasayer 24 12 a person who (habitu...
yeastier 19 10 YEASTY, like yeast,...
yellower 24 15 YELLOW, of a bright...
yodeller 21 13 one who yodels, also...
youthier 22 13 YOUTHY, (Scots) youn...
zamindar 17 22 (Hindi) in India, a...
zemindar 17 22 (Hindi) in India, a...
zinckier 21 25 ZINCKY, of or like z...
zingiber 20 23 a plant of the ginge...
zoolater 16 18 one who worships ani...