10 letter words that end with R

10 letter words that end with R

10 letter R word


Words With Friends®


abominator 18 17 one who abominates [...
absolvitor 22 18 in Scots law, a judg...
abstracter 22 16 one who abstracts or...
abstractor 22 16 one who abstracts, a...
accoucheur 28 23 (French) a male midw...
acetabular 22 18 cup-shaped; saucer-s...
acetometer 19 16 a device for measuri...
acidimeter 21 17 an instrument for me...
acidometer 20 17 a type of hydrometer...
acquisitor 29 23 one who makes an acq...
administer 18 15 to manage or supervi...
admonisher 19 17 one who admonishes [...
adventurer 18 17 one who adventures [...
advertiser 19 15 one who advertises,...
advertizer 22 24 one who advertises,...
aestivator 18 14 an animal that aesti...
aggregator 19 16 one who aggregates [...
alablaster 20 15 (obsolete) alabaster...
alleviator 20 16 one who, or that whi...
allnighter 22 17 any event, party etc...
allweather 23 17 a track or pitch sui...
almacantar 20 18 (Arabic) a circle of...
almucantar 21 19 (Arabic) a circle of...
alternator 16 12 an electric generato...
altogether 20 15 a state of nudity [n...
ambassador 19 17 an official envoy, a...
ambidexter 26 24 (archaic) someone wh...
amboceptor 24 22 in immunization, an...
ambuscader 23 21 one who ambuscades [...
amphiaster 22 18 the structure that o...
amphimacer 26 24 a foot of three syll...
anagrammer 18 19 one who solves anagr...
anatomiser 16 14 one who anatomises,...
anatomizer 19 23 one who anatomises,...
anemometer 16 17 an instrument for me...
angledozer 20 24 a bulldozer whose bl...
ankylosaur 24 19 a kind of dinosaur w...
antecessor 18 14 one who goes before;...
antennular 15 15 of or like an antenn...
antiarmour 17 15 designed or equipped...
anticancer 21 18 of a drug, designed...
antihunter 18 15 one who is opposed t...
antilitter 18 12 designed to prevent...
antimatter 17 14 matter composed of a...
antimerger 18 16 opposed to a merger...
antiphoner 19 17 a book of antiphons...
antiporter 18 14 a membrane protein t...
antismoker 18 18 someone opposed to s...
antitumour 18 16 preventing or acting...
anywhither 30 20 to or towards any pl...
apologiser 20 16 one who apologises,...
apologizer 23 25 one who apologises,...
applicator 25 20 a device used to app...
aquaplaner 26 25 one who aquaplanes [...
aquatinter 24 21 one who works with a...
araeometer 15 13 (historical) an inst...
arbalester 19 14 a crossbowman, also...
arbalister 20 14 a crossbowman, also...
arbitrager 20 15 one who carries out...
arbitrator 19 13 one that arbitrates...
arbuscular 24 19 like an arbuscle, a...
arteriolar 17 11 relating to an arter...
assentator 15 11 a flatterer; one ass...
associator 19 13 one who associates [...
astrologer 18 13 one who affects to t...
astronomer 16 14 a person who is skil...
atrabiliar 20 14 melancholy or morose...
attenuator 15 12 a device for attenua...
attestator 16 10 one who attests [n -...
attributer 20 14 one who attributes,...
attributor 20 14 one who attributes,...
auctioneer 18 15 an agent who sells g...
audiometer 17 15 an instrument for me...
auditioner 16 13 one who auditions [n...
austringer 18 14 a falconer who keeps...
authoriser 19 13 one who authorises,...
authorizer 22 22 one who authorises,...
autoteller 18 13 an automatic telling...
autowinder 19 16 a battery-operated d...
autoworker 20 18 a person employed in...
backhander 24 24 a bribe [n -S]
backlasher 26 23 one who backlashes [...
backmarker 25 27 a person who starts...
backpacker 29 30 one who travels with...
backslider 25 22 one who backslides [...
backspacer 28 26 the backspace key on...
backvelder 26 26 one who lives in the...
backworker 27 27 a miner who does bac...
bagswinger 24 21 (Australian slang) a...
ballflower 27 22 a carved ornament in...
ballplayer 30 21 a person who plays b...
bamboozler 25 29 one who bamboozles,...
bandleader 18 17 the conductor of a b...
bandmaster 19 18 the conductor of a b...
bankroller 21 20 one who bankrolls [n...
banqueteer 25 24 one who attends a ba...
bardolater 19 15 a person who idolize...
baroceptor 23 19 a sensory receptor s...
barricader 22 17 one who barricades [...
baseballer 22 18 one who plays baseba...
baseburner 20 18 a type of wood stove...
baserunner 17 16 a baseball player of...
bathometer 21 18 an instrument for me...
bathymeter 28 20 an instrument for re...
battledoor 19 15 (obsolete) a light b...
beautifier 21 17 one who beautifies [...
bedchamber 27 25 (archaic) a bedroom...
bedpresser 21 17 (Shakespeare) a heav...
beefburger 24 22 a round flat cake of...
beetmaster 19 16 (Scots) a help in ne...
beetmister 20 16 (Scots) a help in ne...
befriender 20 18 one who befriends ot...
bellflower 27 22 a plant of the genus...
bellhanger 23 20 a person who hangs a...
bellwether 26 20 the leading sheep of...
bellyacher 32 22 one who complains [n...
belshazzar 28 34 a large wine bottle...
benefactor 22 20 one that confers a b...
bequeather 28 25 one who bequeaths [n...
beseemlier 20 17 BESEEMLY, fit; suita...
bestseller 21 15 a book, etc. that ha...
bicapsular 26 21 of plants, having tw...
bierkeller 22 19 (German) a beer cell...
bilgewater 24 19 the water that colle...
billposter 24 18 one who sticks up bi...
biographer 24 20 a writer of a biogra...
biopolymer 29 22 a polymeric substanc...
bioreactor 21 16 a device or apparatu...
bivalvular 26 24 having two valves [a...
blackamoor 24 24 (archaic) a negro or...
blackwater 27 24 a complication of ma...
blandisher 22 18 one who uses blandis...
blasphemer 25 22 one who blasphemes [...
blisterier 21 14 BLISTERY, having bli...
blubberier 25 21 BLUBBERY, swollen, p...
bludgeoner 20 19 one who bludgeons [n...
blusterier 21 15 BLUSTERY, windy [adj...
bobbysoxer 35 28 (colloquial) an adol...
bobsledder 22 19 one who rides a bobs...
bodyshaper 29 21 an undergarment whic...
bodysurfer 28 20 one who bodysurfs [n...
bodyworker 29 23 a therapist using bo...
bogtrotter 20 15 one who lives in a b...
bombardier 22 20 (French) in the Brit...
bondholder 21 19 a person who holds t...
bonesetter 17 14 one who sets broken...
boneshaker 20 20 a car or bicycle wit...
bonkbuster 22 22 a work of popular fi...
bookbinder 21 22 one who binds books...
bookkeeper 21 24 a person responsible...
bookmarker 21 24 a marker for indicat...
bookseller 21 19 one that sells books...
bootlegger 21 18 one who supplies e.g...
bootlicker 24 21 a toady [n -S]
bootloader 18 15 a system program tha...
brachiator 24 18 an animal, such as a...
brainpower 23 20 intellectual ability...
brandisher 21 17 one who brandishes [...
bratpacker 25 23 a member of a bratpa...
breakwater 22 20 a protective wall bu...
bressummer 22 20 a beam supporting a...
brewmaster 23 19 the supervisor of th...
bricklayer 31 23 a person who lays br...
brickmaker 26 27 one whose occupation...
brightener 22 18 something that brigh...
brontosaur 18 15 any of a genus of la...
browbeater 23 19 one who browbeats [n...
brownnoser 20 18 a sycophant [n -S]
buccinator 25 21 a flat cheek muscle...
buckjumper 30 37 an untamed horse [n...
budgerigar 22 19 (Native Australian)...
bulldogger 24 21 one who bulldogs, wr...
bullroarer 21 16 a wooden slat attach...
bumfreezer 25 29 a short jacket [n -S...
burlesquer 29 25 one who burlesques [...
bushhammer 26 24 a hammer with small...
bushmaster 23 19 a venomous snake of...
bushranger 22 19 in Australia, an esc...
bushwalker 27 24 one who goes hiking...
buzzkiller 30 38 someone or something...
cakewalker 25 25 one who does the cak...
calamander 20 19 a hard valuable wood...
calcsinter 24 18 a pale limestone dep...
calculator 25 19 one that calculates...
calefactor 25 20 a heater; one who, o...
calendarer 19 16 one who makes a cale...
calenderer 19 16 one who makes a cale...
calibrater 23 17 one who calibrates,...
calibrator 23 17 one who calibrates,...
calorifier 23 17 an apparatus for hea...
camoufleur 24 22 (French) a person or...
campaigner 23 22 one who campaigns [n...
campanular 23 22 relating to plants o...
cantilever 22 19 a kind of bridge [n...
captivator 24 20 one who captivates [...
carabineer 20 17 a soldier armed with...
carabinier 21 17 a soldier armed with...
caravaneer 19 18 the leader of a cara...
caravanner 19 19 one who travels by c...
carboniser 21 17 an agent that carbon...
carbonizer 24 26 an agent that carbon...
carbureter 22 17 an apparatus for cha...
carburetor 22 17 an apparatus for cha...
cardholder 23 18 one who possesses a...
cardplayer 29 20 one who plays cards...
carefuller 24 19 CAREFUL, cautious [a...
careworker 23 20 one whose job involv...
cartoonier 18 14 CARTOONY, resembling...
caruncular 24 20 having a caruncle, a...
casebearer 20 16 an insect larva that...
caseworker 23 20 one who works on a p...
cassumunar 21 19 an aromatic root sim...
castigator 21 15 one who castigates o...
cataloguer 21 17 one who catalogues,...
catchwater 28 21 a drain or ditch for...
catechiser 25 18 one who catechises,...
catechizer 28 27 one who catechizes,...
ceilometer 21 17 an instrument for me...
celebrator 22 17 one who celebrates [...
centiliter 21 15 (US) the hundredth p...
centimeter 20 17 one hundredth of a m...
cerebellar 23 18 relating to the cere...
challenger 24 20 one who challenges [...
chancellor 26 21 the secretary of a n...
chandelier 22 18 a branched hanging s...
changeover 23 22 a conversion, transi...
channeller 22 19 one who channels, a...
chantecler 25 20 a rooster, also CHAN...
charioteer 21 15 one who drives a cha...
charminger 24 21 CHARMING, having cha...
cherimoyer 29 20 (Quechua) a Peruvian...
chiffonier 26 22 (French) a chest of...
chironomer 22 19 a gesticulator [n -S...
christener 22 16 one who christens [n...
chronicler 26 20 one who composes a c...
churchgoer 29 23 one who habitually a...
churchlier 30 22 CHURCHLY, pertaining...
cicatriser 24 16 an agent that cicatr...
cicatrizer 27 25 an agent that cicatr...
cinemagoer 20 19 one who attends the...
circuiteer 24 17 of a judge, to go on...
circulator 25 18 one who circulates [...
clapometer 23 20 a device for registe...
classifier 24 17 one who classifies [...
clavicular 28 23 of or pertaining to...
clawhammer 28 25 relating to a style...
clinometer 21 18 an instrument for me...
clockmaker 27 28 one who makes clocks...
clodhopper 27 23 a clumsy, awkward fe...
cloisterer 21 14 one belonging to, or...
clubmaster 25 21 the manager of a clu...
coagulator 21 17 that which causes co...
coalmaster 21 17 the owner or lessee...
cobwebbier 29 25 COBWEBBY, covered wi...
cockchafer 31 28 any of several kinds...
cocksucker 29 28 (slang) a contemptib...
cockteaser 23 20 a woman who delibera...
cocomposer 25 22 a joint composer [n...
codirector 23 17 a joint director [n...
codiscover 25 21 to discover jointly...
coexecutor 28 24 a joint executor [n...
coinventor 20 19 a joint inventor [n...
coinvestor 21 18 a joint investor [n...
collimator 23 18 a telescope arranged...
collocutor 25 19 one of the speakers...
colouriser 21 15 a person or thing th...
colourizer 24 24 a person or thing th...
colporteur 23 18 (French) a peddler o...
columellar 24 20 relating to a colume...
commandeer 20 21 to compel to perform...
commutator 22 20 a thing which commut...
comparator 22 19 any device for compa...
competitor 23 19 one that competes [n...
compilator 24 20 a compiler [n -S]
complainer 23 21 one who complains [n...
complotter 24 20 one who complots [n...
compositor 23 19 one who sets type [n...
compotator 22 19 one who drinks with...
compounder 22 22 one who compounds [n...
compressor 23 19 one that compresses...
computator 23 20 a person who calcula...
comstocker 25 23 one who engages in c...
coneflower 24 21 any of several gener...
confabular 24 22 relating to confabul...
confounder 20 20 one who confounds [n...
confronter 20 18 one who confronts [n...
conjugator 22 26 one who conjugates [...
conjurator 21 24 one who swears or is...
considerer 19 15 one who considers [n...
consimilar 22 18 like each other [adj...
contractor 22 17 one that contracts t...
controller 21 16 one who controls [n...
convocator 23 21 one who holds a conv...
cooperator 20 16 one who cooperates [...
coparcener 23 20 one who has an equal...
coprisoner 21 17 a fellow-prisoner [n...
coproducer 25 21 one who coproduces [...
copromoter 22 19 a joint promoter [n...
copyholder 31 22 one possessed of lan...
copyreader 27 19 a subeditor [n -S]
copywriter 32 21 a writer of advertis...
cordwainer 22 18 (archaic) a shoemake...
cornflower 25 21 a beautiful blue-flo...
cornhusker 23 21 a person or machine...
corporator 21 16 a member of a corpor...
corregidor 21 16 (Spanish) the chief...
correlator 20 14 one who correlates [...
corrugator 21 16 a muscle which contr...
cotransfer 21 17 a transfer jointly w...
cotylosaur 27 17 an extinct primitive...
coulometer 21 18 an instrument for me...
councillor 25 20 a member of a counci...
counsellor 21 17 one who gives counse...
covenanter 19 19 one who makes a cove...
covenantor 19 19 the party who makes...
cowcatcher 31 24 a device on the fron...
cowpuncher 30 26 a cowboy [n -S]
craunchier 25 20 CRAUNCHY, crunchy [a...
criminator 21 17 one who criminates,...
criticiser 25 16 one who criticises,...
criticizer 28 25 one who criticizes,...
cropduster 23 18 an aircraft that spr...
crossbower 25 19 one who uses a cross...
crowkeeper 25 23 (Shakespeare) a scar...
cruisewear 23 17 clothing suitable fo...
cuirassier 21 14 (French) a soldier w...
cultivator 24 19 one that cultivates...
currantier 20 15 CURRANTY, full of cu...
curricular 26 19 relating to a curric...
customiser 22 17 one who customises,...
customizer 25 26 one who customizes,...
cyanometer 25 19 instrument for measu...
cyclometer 31 22 instrument for measu...
daydreamer 23 17 one who daydreams [n...
deadpanner 16 17 one who acts in a de...
decipherer 24 19 one who deciphers [n...
declarator 20 15 a form of action in...
declinator 20 16 an instrument for ta...
decollator 21 16 one who decollates,...
decomposer 22 20 something that decom...
defaecator 20 17 one who defaecates,...
defalcator 22 18 a defaulter or embez...
deflowerer 22 18 one who deflowers [n...
defoliator 19 15 a defoliating agent...
deforester 18 14 one who deforests [n...
dehydrater 25 16 a dehydrating agent,...
dehydrator 25 16 a dehydrating agent,...
delineator 16 13 one who, or that whi...
demarcator 20 17 one who demarcates [...
demolisher 21 17 one who demolishes [...
denigrator 17 14 one who, or that whi...
densimeter 17 15 an instrument for me...
deodoriser 16 12 a substance that des...
deodorizer 19 21 a substance that deo...
deoxidiser 23 19 a substance that deo...
deoxidizer 26 28 a substance that deo...
deprecator 21 17 one who deprecates [...
depredator 18 15 one who plunders or...
derailleur 19 14 (French) a type of g...
deregister 18 13 to remove from a reg...
descendeur 19 17 a shaped metal piece...
deschooler 22 17 one who deschools, f...
descriptor 23 17 in computing, a symb...
desecrater 19 14 one who desecrates,...
desecrator 19 14 one who desecrates,...
desiccator 23 17 one who, or that whi...
designator 17 14 an officer who assig...
despatcher 24 19 one who despatches,...
destructor 21 15 a destroyer [n -S]
determiner 17 15 one that determines...
devastator 18 15 one who, or that whi...
diagometer 18 16 an instrument for me...
discharger 24 18 one who, or that whi...
discipular 25 19 like a disciple [adj...
disclaimer 23 18 a denial or disavowa...
discounter 20 16 one who discounts; a...
discourser 21 15 (Shakespeare) one wh...
discoverer 22 18 one who discovers [n...
discreeter 20 14 DISCREET, tactful [a...
disempower 23 20 to deprive of power;...
disendower 19 16 one who disendows [n...
disfigurer 22 17 one who disfigures [...
disheritor 20 13 one who puts another...
dishonorer 18 14 (US) one who dishono...
dishwasher 25 18 a worker employed to...
disjunctor 23 25 a device for breakin...
dismantler 19 16 one who dismantles [...
disparager 20 16 one who disparages [...
dispatcher 25 19 one who dispatches,...
dispositor 20 14 in astrology, a plan...
dispraiser 20 14 one who dispraises [...
dissembler 22 18 one who dissembles,...
dissimilar 21 15 unlike [adj DISSIMIL...
dissipater 20 14 one who dissipates,...
dissipator 20 14 one who dissipates,...
distincter 21 15 DISTINCT, clearly di...
distracter 21 14 one who distracts [n...
distractor 21 14 any of the incorrect...
distrainer 17 12 one who distrains; t...
distrainor 17 12 one who distrains; t...
distresser 18 11 one who distresses [...
distruster 19 12 one who distrusts [n...
ditchwater 26 19 water found in a dit...
divulgater 22 19 one who divulgates,...
divulgator 22 19 one who divulgates,...
dockmaster 22 21 one in charge of a d...
dockworker 25 25 one who works on the...
documenter 20 19 one who documents [n...
dogcatcher 26 21 one whose job is to...
doggoneder 17 17 DOGGONED, damned, cu...
dogmatiser 19 16 one who dogmatises,...
dogmatizer 22 25 one who dogmatizes,...
dogsledder 19 16 one who travels by d...
dolefuller 22 18 DOLEFUL, sad, full o...
dominicker 22 22 one of an American b...
doomsdayer 23 17 one who prophesies d...
doorkeeper 18 18 a person who tends a...
downhiller 24 19 one who skis downhil...
downstater 19 15 one who lives or com...
downtowner 21 19 one from down town [...
drainlayer 23 15 one whose job is to...
dramatiser 18 14 one who dramatises,...
dramatizer 21 23 one who dramatizes,...
draughtier 21 16 DRAUGHTY, exposed to...
dreikanter 17 16 (German) a three-fac...
dressmaker 19 18 one that makes dress...
dropkicker 25 25 one who takes dropki...
drosometer 17 14 an instrument for me...
droughtier 21 16 DROUGHTY, dry, also...
drumbeater 20 18 one who makes drumbe...
drumbledor 22 20 a large flying beetl...
duckshover 26 25 (Australian) one who...
dumbwaiter 24 21 a movable platform u...
dumfounder 20 21 to strike dumb; to c...
duplicator 24 19 one that duplicates...
earthmover 21 19 any piece of machine...
econometer 18 17 a device in a car th...
economiser 19 17 one who economises,...
economizer 22 26 one who economizes,...
eglandular 19 17 having no glands, al...
ejaculator 22 24 one who ejaculates [...
elaborator 18 14 one who, or that whi...
elasmosaur 18 15 a very long-necked e...
electromer 21 17 a substance showing...
eliminator 18 15 one who eliminates [...
elucidator 21 16 one who elucidates [...
elutriator 18 12 an apparatus for elu...
embassador 19 17 (obsolete) an ambass...
embitterer 20 16 one who embitters [n...
emblazoner 22 27 one who emblazons [n...
emboldener 19 19 one who emboldens [n...
emulsifier 22 18 an agent that emulsi...
enantiomer 15 15 an enantiomorph, an...
encipherer 23 19 one who enciphers [n...
encloister 20 15 (obsolete) to shut u...
encourager 19 17 one who encourages [...
encroacher 23 19 one who encroaches [...
endangerer 15 15 one who endangers [n...
endeavorer 16 16 one who endeavours,...
engenderer 15 15 one who engenders [n...
enregister 17 13 to register; to enro...
enthraller 20 15 one who enthrals [n...
entrencher 20 17 one who entrenches,...
enumerator 16 15 one that enumerates...
enunciator 18 16 one who enunciates [...
epigrapher 24 20 one who writes epigr...
epitomiser 20 16 one who epitomises,...
epitomizer 23 25 one who makes an epi...
eradicator 19 14 one who eradicates [...
estributor 20 14 a person or organiza...
eudiometer 17 15 an apparatus for gas...
euphemiser 22 19 one who euphemises,...
euphemizer 25 28 one who euphemizes,...
eurodollar 18 14 a United States doll...
evangeliar 19 18 a book of passages f...
evaporator 19 17 an agent that causes...
examinator 22 21 an examiner [n -S]
exfoliator 25 21 an exfoliating agent...
exonerator 20 18 one who exonerates o...
expatiator 24 20 one who expatatiates...
explicator 29 24 one who explicates [...
expurgator 26 23 one who expurgates [...
exsiccator 29 23 a drying agent or ap...
extenuator 21 19 one who extenuates [...
extirpator 25 20 one who extirpates o...
extrasolar 23 18 beyond the solar sys...
eyedropper 26 19 a device used to adm...
fabricator 24 19 one who fabricates [...
faceworker 25 23 a miner who works at...
fairleader 19 15 a ring through which...
fantasiser 18 14 one who fantasises,...
fantasizer 21 23 one who fantasises,...
farmworker 24 23 one who works on a f...
fascicular 27 21 in bundles, also FAS...
fascinator 21 17 a woman's light, sof...
fastballer 23 18 in baseball, one who...
fathometer 21 18 an instrument for me...
fearfuller 23 19 FEARFUL, full of fea...
fearmonger 19 19 one who spreads fear...
featherier 20 15 FEATHERY, resembling...
fecundator 21 19 one who fecundates [...
fellmonger 22 21 a dealer in fells or...
fellwalker 26 23 one who engages in f...
fertiliser 21 14 a person or thing th...
fertilizer 24 23 a person or thing th...
fictioneer 21 17 one who writes ficti...
filibuster 24 18 to obstructs legisla...
filmsetter 22 17 a typesetter who use...
finnickier 23 22 FINNICKY, particular...
fireballer 23 18 a baseball pitcher k...
firebomber 24 22 one who uses FIREBOM...
fishburger 26 21 a hamburger made wit...
fishfinger 25 21 an oblong piece of f...
fishmonger 23 21 a dealer in fish [n...
fivefinger 24 23 a name for various p...
flatlander 20 17 one who lives in fla...
fleahopper 25 22 any of various small...
floodwater 22 18 the water of a flood...
flourisher 23 17 one who flourishes [...
fluorescer 23 18 something e.g. a min...
flycatcher 35 24 one of numerous spec...
flypitcher 35 24 one who runs a flypi...
flyswatter 30 19 a device for killing...
foamflower 25 23 an American woodland...
folksinger 22 21 one who sings folk s...
follicular 26 20 like, pertaining to,...
footballer 22 18 one who plays footba...
footlocker 23 21 a small trunk design...
forebitter 21 16 a nautical ballad su...
forecaster 21 16 one who forecasts [n...
forefather 22 18 an ancestor [n -S]
forefinger 21 19 the finger next to t...
foregather 21 17 to gather together,...
foremother 21 18 a female ancestor [n...
forerunner 17 16 a messenger sent bef...
foreteller 20 15 one who foretells [n...
forewarner 20 17 one who forewarns [n...
formaliser 21 17 one who formalises,...
formaliter 21 17 (Latin) formally or...
formalizer 24 26 one who formalizes,...
formulator 21 18 one who formulates [...
fornicator 21 17 one who fornicates [...
forswearer 21 16 one who forswears [n...
fourteener 17 15 a verse line of four...
franchiser 24 19 one who grants a fra...
franchisor 24 19 one who grants a fra...
freebooter 19 16 a person who roves a...
freeholder 21 17 a person who possess...
freelancer 21 18 one who works for hi...
freeloader 18 15 one who freeloads [n...
freestyler 26 16 a swimmer who swims...
frequenter 26 24 FREQUENT, occurring...
freshwater 24 18 fresh water, not sal...
friendlier 20 16 FRIENDLY, amicable [...
frightener 22 18 something or someone...
froghopper 26 23 a froth-fly, aka spi...
fructifier 26 20 one who fructifies [...
frustrater 20 14 one who frustrates [...
fulminator 21 19 one who fulminates [...
fundholder 22 20 a person who has mon...
fundraiser 19 16 one who raises funds...
furuncular 24 21 of or pertaining to...
fustigator 21 16 one who fustigates,...
galvaniser 20 18 a galvanising agent,...
galvanizer 23 27 a galvanising agent,...
gamekeeper 20 22 a person in charge o...
gangbanger 20 21 one involved in a ga...
gangbuster 21 19 a special police age...
gangmaster 19 18 a person who recruit...
garlickier 24 20 GARLICKY, tasting or...
gasconader 19 17 a great boaster; a b...
gasthauser 20 15 GASTHAUS, (German) a...
gatekeeper 19 19 any of several Euras...
gaussmeter 19 16 an instrument for me...
gazunderer 20 24 one who gazunders [n...
gentrifier 20 16 one who gentrifies [...
geographer 22 19 a specialist in geog...
germinator 18 16 one who germinates [...
gillnetter 20 15 a fisherman who uses...
gilravager 22 19 (Scots) a riotous pe...
gimmickier 26 25 GIMMICKY, having or...
glamoriser 20 16 one who glamorises,...
glamorizer 23 25 one who glamorizes,...
glassmaker 21 20 one that makes glass...
glasspaper 23 19 to sand with glasspa...
glendoveer 19 19 (Southey) a heavenly...
glitterier 20 13 GLITTERY, glittering...
glomerular 21 18 like a glomerulus, t...
goalkeeper 20 20 a player who defends...
goalkicker 24 24 a player who kicks a...
goaltender 17 15 in some games, esp....
goatsucker 22 20 the nightjar, a bird...
gobstopper 24 21 (colloquial) a large...
goldbeater 20 17 one who beats gold i...
goniometer 17 16 an instrument for me...
gradienter 17 14 a surveyor's instrum...
granulater 18 15 something that granu...
granulator 18 15 something that granu...
gravimeter 21 19 an instrument for me...
gravitater 20 16 one who gravitates [...
graywether 29 19 a sandstone boulder...
greenbrier 19 16 any of a genus of wo...
greywether 29 19 a sandstone boulder...
grotesquer 26 22 GROTESQUE, extravaga...
grubstaker 22 20 one who provides a g...
gubernator 19 17 (Latin) a powerful m...
gunfighter 24 21 one who fights with...
gunslinger 20 18 a person noted for s...
gyrocopter 29 20 an airplane balanced...
hackbuteer 25 23 one who uses a hackb...
hackbutter 26 23 one who uses a hackb...
hagiolater 20 15 a worshipper of sain...
haircutter 23 16 one who cuts hair [n...
halberdier 22 17 one who is armed wit...
handballer 22 19 one who plays handba...
handlanger 19 18 (South Africa) an un...
handworker 22 21 one who does handwor...
harmoniser 19 16 one who harmonises,...
harmonizer 22 25 one who harmonizes,...
harpooneer 18 16 an harpooner, also H...
hatcheller 26 19 a flax-dresser [n -S...
headachier 23 18 HEADACHY, having a h...
headhunter 20 17 one that engages in...
headmaster 19 16 a man heading the st...
headwaiter 21 16 the head of the dini...
headworker 22 20 one who does headwor...
heartwater 21 15 a fatal tick-borne v...
heatherier 20 14 HEATHERY, like heath...
heavenlier 20 18 HEAVENLY, full of be...
hebdomadar 21 20 in Scottish universi...
hebdomader 21 20 in Scottish universi...
hectoliter 23 16 a measure of liquids...
hectometer 22 18 a measure of length,...
heightener 21 17 something that heigh...
helicopter 25 19 a flying machine sus...
heliolater 20 14 a sun worshipper [n...
heliometer 20 16 instrument for measu...
hellbender 22 19 a large North Americ...
heptachlor 27 21 a very toxic pestici...
heptameter 21 18 a verse line of seve...
hexangular 26 24 having six angles [a...
hibernator 20 16 one who hibernates [...
highbinder 25 21 a member of a Chines...
highjacker 29 32 one that highjacks,...
highlander 23 19 an inhabitant of a h...
hillwalker 27 22 one who likes walkin...
hitchhiker 29 23 one who hitchhikes [...
homeworker 23 22 a worker who works f...
homuncular 24 22 of or like a homuncu...
honeyeater 22 15 any bird of a large...
hoodwinker 22 21 one who hoodwinks [n...
horsepower 23 18 the power that a hor...
horseshoer 20 14 one who shoes horses...
hospitaler 22 16 (US) a member of a c...
howsomever 24 22 in whatever manner,...
humidifier 24 20 a device for supplyi...
humiliator 22 17 one who humiliates [...
hybridiser 29 18 one who hybridises,...
hybridizer 32 27 one who hybridizes,...
hydrolyser 33 18 an agent that hydrol...
hydrolyzer 36 27 an agent that hydrol...
hydrometer 26 18 an instrument for me...
hydropower 30 21 water power [n -S]
hyetometer 25 17 an instrument for me...
hygrometer 27 19 an instrument for me...
hypermeter 28 20 a verse which has a...
hyperpower 32 23 a state that is vast...
hypnotiser 27 18 one who hypnotises,...
hypnotizer 30 27 one who hypnotizes,...
hypocenter 29 21 the point under the...
hypsometer 28 20 an instrument for me...
icebreaker 22 20 a boat for making a...
iconolater 19 15 one who worships ima...
iconometer 19 17 an instrument for fi...
identifier 19 15 one that identifies...
immigrator 21 18 one who immigrates [...
impetrator 20 16 one who impetrates,...
implorator 21 17 (Shakespeare) one wh...
importuner 20 18 one who importunes [...
imprimatur 23 20 (Latin) a license to...
imprisoner 20 17 one who imprisons [n...
improviser 23 20 one who improvises,...
improvisor 23 20 one who improvises,...
incantator 18 15 one who utters incan...
inculcator 24 19 one who inculcates [...
indecenter 18 16 INDECENT, not decent...
infirmarer 20 17 an officer in a medi...
influencer 22 20 one who influences [...
ingatherer 19 15 one who ingathers [n...
initialler 19 13 one who initials, al...
innocenter 17 16 INNOCENT, free from...
inoculator 20 16 one who inoculates [...
inquisitor 26 21 one who inquires or...
insinuator 16 13 one who, or that whi...
inspirator 19 14 a kind of injector f...
inspiriter 20 14 one who inspirits [n...
instigator 18 13 one who instigates [...
instituter 18 12 one who institutes,...
institutor 18 12 one who institutes,...
instructor 21 15 one that instructs [...
insurancer 19 16 (obsolete) one who e...
integrator 17 13 one that integrates...
intercalar 20 15 (obsolete) inserted...
interceder 19 15 one who intercedes [...
interferer 18 14 one who interferes [...
interfiber 21 17 between fibers, also...
interlayer 23 14 a layer between othe...
interliner 17 13 something between th...
interloper 19 15 one that interlopes...
interlunar 17 14 pertaining to the pe...
interpolar 19 15 between poles [adj]
interposer 18 14 one who interposes [...
intervener 17 16 one who intervenes,...
intervenor 17 16 in law, one who inte...
intrencher 21 17 one who intrenches,...
introducer 20 16 one who introduces [...
ironmaster 17 14 a manufacturer of ir...
ironmonger 17 17 a dealer in ironware...
ironworker 20 18 one who works in iro...
irradiator 17 11 something or someone...
jackhammer 27 34 a handheld compresse...
jawbreaker 24 29 a word hard to prono...
jawcrusher 28 28 a heavy-duty rock-br...
jeistiecor 22 22 (Scots) a close-fitt...
keyboarder 25 20 one who plays the ke...
keypuncher 31 26 one who keypunches [...
khidmutgar 24 23 (Urdu) a table-serva...
khitmutgar 24 22 (Urdu) a table-serva...
kicksorter 23 21 a device which selec...
kieselguhr 23 20 (German) a soft diat...
kingfisher 24 22 a European fish-eati...
kitesurfer 21 18 one who engages in k...
knightlier 23 20 KNIGHTLY, befitting...
koeksister 19 18 a South African doug...
labiovelar 22 19 produced by the lips...
lackluster 24 20 lacking lustre, unin...
lacrimator 22 17 a substance or gas c...
lacrymator 28 19 a substance or gas c...
lactometer 21 17 an instrument for te...
ladieswear 20 15 clothes for women [n...
ladyfinger 27 20 a small finger-shape...
lampholder 24 21 a socket for an elec...
landholder 20 17 a holder, owner, or...
landlubber 23 21 a seaman's derogator...
landscaper 22 19 a landscape gardener...
landwaiter 20 16 an officer of the cu...
langlaufer 21 19 a cross-country skie...
languisher 21 17 one who languishes [...
lawbreaker 23 21 a person who violate...
leafcutter 23 18 as in leafcutter ant...
leafhopper 25 22 a name for various h...
leafleteer 19 15 one who distributes...
leatherier 19 13 LEATHERY, resembling...
legislator 20 14 one that makes laws...
lengthener 19 17 something that lengt...
lenticular 22 17 lens-shaped [adj LEN...
lienholder 20 16 a party who holds a...
lifehacker 26 23 one who lives in a w...
lifestyler 28 17 a kind of exercise a...
linebacker 23 22 in American football...
linecaster 20 15 a machine that casts...
linguister 20 15 an interpreter, also...
liquidator 27 22 one that liquidates...
liquidiser 28 22 a device for liquidi...
liquidizer 31 31 a device for liquidi...
loadmaster 18 15 a member of an aircr...
lockkeeper 24 25 a person in charge o...
longprimer 22 20 in printing, a size...
loudhailer 21 16 a megaphone [n -S]
loungewear 20 18 informal clothing de...
lubricator 24 18 one who, or that whi...
lucubrator 24 19 a person who studies...
lumpsucker 27 26 a kind of fish, cove...
macebearer 21 19 one who carries a ma...
machinator 22 19 one who machinates;...
magnetiser 18 16 something that magne...
magnetizer 21 25 something that magne...
maidenhair 19 17 a fern of the genus...
mainlander 17 17 one who lives on the...
mainpernor 18 18 one who gives mainpr...
maintainer 16 15 one who maintains [n...
majuscular 25 28 of letters, capital...
malefactor 23 20 an evildoer, a crimi...
malingerer 19 17 one who malingers [n...
maltreater 18 14 one who maltreats [n...
manchester 22 19 household linen or c...
mandibular 21 20 of or pertaining to...
maneuverer 18 19 one who maneuvers, a...
manifester 19 17 one who makes manife...
manifolder 20 19 one who makes manifo...
manoeuvrer 18 19 one who manoeuvres,...
manumitter 19 18 one who manumits, re...
marathoner 18 16 one who takes part i...
marshaller 22 17 one who marshals, al...
marshelder 21 17 a herbaceous, oily,...
masticator 21 16 one who masticates [...
matchmaker 25 25 one that arranges a...
matricular 23 18 relating to a regist...
meatpacker 23 23 (US) a person or com...
mechaniser 22 19 one who mechanises,...
mechanizer 25 28 one who mechanizes,...
medicaster 21 17 (archaic) a medical...
megalosaur 19 17 a large dinosaur, al...
meliorator 18 14 one who meliorates [...
merceriser 21 16 one who mercerises,...
mercerizer 24 25 one who mercerizes,...
merrymaker 26 22 a reveller [n -S]
mesmeriser 19 16 one who mesmerises,...
mesmerizer 22 25 one who mesmerizes,...
metacenter 19 17 a term in physics re...
methodiser 20 16 one who methodises,...
methodizer 23 25 one who methodizes,...
methylator 27 18 an agent that methyl...
microfiber 26 22 a cloth of tightly w...
microliter 23 17 a millionth of a lit...
micrometer 22 19 an instrument for me...
micromolar 23 20 relating to a microm...
micropower 26 22 generating, using, o...
micropylar 31 22 of or like a micropy...
midfielder 22 19 a player who plays i...
migraineur 19 17 one who suffers from...
mileometer 19 17 an instrument that r...
millefleur 24 20 (French) having an a...
milliliter 23 16 a thousandth of a li...
millimeter 22 18 a thousandth of a me...
millimolar 23 19 relating to a millim...
mindblower 24 22 something that blows...
minehunter 19 18 a naval vessel that...
mineworker 21 21 one who works in a m...
minuscular 23 20 of or like minuscule...
misbehaver 24 22 one who misbehaves [...
mischanter 23 19 (Scots) an unlucky c...
misconster 21 17 (obsolete) to miscon...
miscreator 21 16 one who creates impe...
misjoinder 20 24 an incorrect union o...
mismanager 19 19 one who mismanages [...
misspender 20 18 one who misspends [n...
mistruster 20 14 one who mistrusts [n...
moderniser 17 15 one who modernises,...
modernizer 20 24 one who modernizes,...
molendinar 17 17 a molar tooth [n -S]
mompreneur 20 21 a woman who combines...
moneymaker 24 23 a profitable scheme...
monostylar 24 17 consisting of a sing...
montelimar 19 18 a kind of chocolate...
moonflower 22 21 a tropical flower [n...
moonshiner 18 17 a person engaged in...
moonwalker 21 22 one who performs the...
mossbunker 21 22 (Dutch) an oily fish...
moviemaker 21 24 one who makes movies...
mudskipper 25 25 a fish of mud flats...
mudslinger 21 19 one who engages in m...
multicolor 24 19 diversity or plurali...
multilayer 27 18 any structure or sys...
multimeter 21 18 an instrument allowi...
multiplier 24 19 one who multiplies [...
multipolar 23 19 having many poles, e...
multipower 25 21 having many powers [...
multocular 24 20 having many eyes, or...
mumpreneur 21 22 a woman who combines...
munitioner 17 16 one who supplies mun...
mushroomer 21 19 something that mushr...
musicianer 21 18 (dialect) a musician...
mythiciser 31 20 one who mythicises,...
mythicizer 34 29 one who mythicizes,...
mythologer 28 20 a mythologist [n -S]
necrolater 19 15 one who practises ne...
negotiator 16 13 one who negotiates [...
neurohumor 19 18 a neurohormone, esp....
newscaster 22 17 one who reads news [...
newsdealer 19 16 (US) a newsagent [n...
newsletter 20 15 a small publication...
newsmonger 20 20 a person who deals i...
newsreader 18 15 a news broadcaster [...
nightrider 21 16 a member of a secret...
nitpickier 24 21 NITPICKY, tending to...
nitrometer 17 14 an instrument for me...
nociceptor 24 20 a receptor sensitive...
noisemaker 17 18 a device for making...
nonadmirer 16 16 one who does not adm...
nonbreeder 16 16 an animal that does...
noncarrier 18 15 someone who does not...
nondrinker 16 18 one who does not dri...
nonjoinder 16 23 the omission of some...
nonnuclear 18 18 not nuclear [adj]
nonreactor 17 15 someone who does not...
nonspeaker 17 19 someone who does not...
nonstarter 15 12 a competitor in a sp...
nonswimmer 21 21 someone who does not...
normaliser 18 15 one who normalises,...
normalizer 21 24 one that normalizes,...
northerner 17 14 one born or living i...
nutcracker 24 22 a bird of the crow f...
nutmeggier 20 19 NUTMEGGY, full of or...
objurgator 22 25 one who objurgates [...
observator 20 17 one who observes or...
obstructer 23 17 one who obstructs, a...
obstructor 23 17 one who obstructs, a...
occasioner 21 17 one who, or that whi...
octangular 21 18 having eight angles...
octopusher 24 19 one who plays octopu...
oculomotor 21 18 relating to or causi...
officiator 24 19 one who officiates [...
ombrometer 20 19 a rain-gauge [n -S]
onocentaur 17 16 a kind of centaur, h...
ophiolater 21 16 a snake-worshipper [...
opisometer 19 16 an instrument for me...
opsiometer 19 16 an instrument for te...
ordinarier 16 12 ORDINARY, according...
orientator 15 11 an instrument for or...
originator 17 13 one who originates [...
ornamenter 15 15 one who makes orname...
orographer 21 17 one who practises or...
oscillator 22 15 one that oscillates...
ostraciser 20 13 one who ostracises,...
ostracizer 23 22 one who ostracises,...
outbluster 21 16 to surpass in bluste...
outdeliver 20 17 to surpass in delive...
outfielder 20 16 one who plays in the...
outglitter 20 14 to surpass in glitte...
outswinger 21 17 a ball in cricket th...
overbidder 21 19 one who makes unduly...
overcolour 22 19 to colour to excess,...
overfavour 22 22 to favour excessivel...
overhonour 19 18 to honour excessivel...
overlabour 21 19 (archaic) to labour...
overlander 18 17 (Australian) a perso...
overlocker 23 22 a person or machine...
overlooker 19 19 one who overlooks [n...
overmaster 19 17 to overpower [v -ED,...
overmatter 19 17 overset type matter,...
overrunner 17 17 one that overruns [n...
overshower 23 19 to shower over [v -E...
overstayer 24 16 an immigrant worker...
overturner 18 16 one who overturns [n...
overwinter 21 18 to last through or p...
ovipositor 21 17 the organ with which...
oxygenator 28 22 an oxidizer [n -S]
oxygeniser 29 22 an agent that oxygen...
oxygenizer 32 31 an agent that oxygen...
pacesetter 21 16 one who sets the pac...
pachymeter 31 23 an instrument for me...
painfuller 23 20 PAINFUL, causing pai...
painkiller 22 20 something (as a drug...
painstaker 19 18 one who takes pains...
palfrenier 21 18 a groom [n -S]
palisander 19 16 (French) a jacaranda...
pallbearer 22 18 a person who helps t...
palletiser 21 15 one who palletises,...
palletizer 24 24 one who palletizes,...
palmcorder 24 21 a small camcorder wh...
panhandler 20 19 (US) someone who beg...
papermaker 22 23 one that makes paper...
paradoctor 21 17 a doctor who parachu...
paraglider 21 17 a glider with inflat...
parawalker 23 21 a metal structure li...
particular 24 18 especial [adj PARTIC...
passimeter 20 16 a machine for issuin...
pasticheur 25 19 (French) one who doe...
pathfinder 23 20 one that discovers a...
patroniser 18 14 one who patronises,...
patronizer 21 23 one who patronizes,...
pawnbroker 24 24 one who lends money...
peacemaker 22 23 one who makes peace...
peacockier 25 23 PEACOCKY, vain, stru...
pearmonger 19 19 a seller of pears [n...
peashooter 19 15 a toy blowgun that u...
peduncular 23 21 of or pertaining to...
pelletiser 21 15 a device for making...
pelletizer 24 24 a device for making...
pellicular 26 20 of or pertaining to...
peltmonger 21 20 a dealer in skins [n...
pelvimeter 23 21 an instrument for me...
pelycosaur 29 20 a kind of dinosaur [...
penannular 17 18 in the form of an al...
penetrator 17 14 something or someone...
peninsular 19 17 relating to a penins...
pensioneer 16 15 as in pensioneer tru...
pentameter 18 17 a line of verse cons...
peptoniser 20 17 an agent that pepton...
peptonizer 23 26 an agent that pepton...
percolator 22 17 one that percolates...
perfervour 23 21 great fervour, ardou...
perforator 20 16 a machine for perfor...
pericenter 21 17 the point in the pat...
peristylar 27 16 relating to a perist...
perruquier 28 24 (French) a wigmaker...
persecutor 22 17 one who persecutes [...
persifleur 23 18 (French) one who ind...
personator 17 14 one who personates [...
petitioner 18 14 one who presents a p...
philologer 24 19 a person who studies...
phonometer 20 19 an instrument for me...
phonotyper 28 21 one who phonotypes,...
photometer 21 18 an instrument for me...
piezometer 22 25 an instrument for me...
pigsticker 26 22 one who sticks pigs...
pinfeather 22 19 a feather not fully...
pinspotter 21 17 an employee on a mec...
pipefitter 24 19 one whose job is to...
pirouetter 19 14 one who pirouettes [...
pitifuller 25 19 PITIFUL, arousing pi...
planimeter 20 18 an instrument for me...
planometer 19 18 an instrument for ga...
platelayer 26 17 a workman who lays a...
platemaker 21 21 one who makes plates...
playleader 26 18 one who organises pl...
pleasanter 18 15 PLEASANT, pleasing [...
plenilunar 20 18 of or relating to th...
plesiosaur 20 15 any of a group of ex...
pleximeter 27 24 a small plate to rec...
plumassier 22 18 (French) a worker in...
pluraliser 22 16 one who pluralises,...
pluralizer 25 25 one who pluralizes,...
politicker 25 21 one who engages in p...
polleniser 20 16 an agent that pollen...
pollenizer 23 25 an agent that pollen...
pollinator 20 16 an agent that pollin...
polliniser 21 16 an agent that pollin...
pollinizer 24 25 an agent that pollen...
polyhistor 29 18 a person of great an...
polystylar 34 19 having many columns,...
pontonnier 16 16 a builder of pontoon...
postholder 22 17 one who holds a post...
postmaster 20 16 one who has charge o...
postocular 23 18 a scale situated beh...
postulator 20 15 an official who pres...
pourparler 22 18 (French) a discussio...
praepostor 20 16 (Latin) the name use...
predicator 22 17 in systemic grammar,...
premonitor 19 17 one who, or that whi...
preparator 20 16 one who prepares bef...
prepositor 21 16 (Latin) the name use...
prescriber 25 19 one who prescribes [...
pretheater 20 15 occurring before the...
prettifier 22 16 one who prettifies [...
priestlier 21 14 PRIESTLY, characteri...
princelier 23 18 PRINCELY, befitting...
printmaker 21 21 an artist who makes...
privatiser 22 17 one who transfers to...
privatizer 25 26 one who transfers to...
proclaimer 24 20 one who proclaims [n...
procreator 21 16 one who procreates [...
procurator 22 17 a person who is empl...
profounder 20 19 PROFOUND, very deep...
progenitor 19 16 an ancestor in the d...
programmer 22 21 one who writes progr...
prohibiter 24 18 one who prohibits, a...
prohibitor 24 18 one who prohibits, a...
prolocutor 23 18 a presiding officer;...
promenader 18 18 one who promenades [...
pronouncer 20 19 one who pronounces [...
pronuclear 22 19 relating to a pronuc...
propagator 21 18 one who propagates [...
prophesier 23 18 one who prophesies [...
propounder 20 19 one who propounds [n...
propraetor 20 16 a magistrate of anci...
proprietor 21 16 an owner [n -S]
proproctor 24 19 an assistant proctor...
proscriber 25 19 one who proscribes [...
prosecutor 22 17 a person who institu...
proseminar 19 17 a course of study li...
prospector 24 19 one who prospects [n...
protractor 22 16 one who, or that whi...
proveditor 21 18 a purveyor, also PRO...
provocator 23 20 one who provokes [n...
psychiater 31 20 (archaic) a psychiat...
pubcrawler 29 24 one who engages in p...
pulsimeter 22 18 an instrument for me...
pulsometer 21 18 a pump that draws in...
pulveriser 23 19 one who pulverises,...
pulverizer 26 28 one who pulverizes,...
punctuator 22 19 one who punctuates,...
pycnometer 28 22 an instrument for me...
pyknometer 26 23 an instrument for me...
pyromancer 28 22 one who engages in p...
quadriller 28 23 one who dances the q...
quadrumvir 30 29 a member of a quadru...
quagmirier 28 25 QUAGMIRY, like a qua...
quantifier 27 24 one that quantifies...
quarreller 27 22 one who quarrels, al...
quarrender 24 22 a kind of early red...
questioner 24 21 one who asks questio...
quizmaster 30 32 one who puts the que...
racewalker 24 21 one who engages in r...
radiometer 17 14 an instrument measur...
radiopager 19 16 a radio receiver whi...
railroader 17 12 a railway worker or...
railworker 22 18 one who works on a r...
raisonneur 15 13 (French) a person in...
randomiser 17 15 a device or routine...
randomizer 20 24 a device or routine...
rapporteur 21 17 (French) a person wh...
readjuster 19 21 one who readjusts [n...
rearranger 16 13 one who rearranges [...
recapturer 22 17 one who recaptures [...
recogniser 20 16 one who recognises,...
recognisor 20 16 one who recognises,...
recognizer 23 25 one who recognizes,...
recognizor 23 25 one who recognises,...
reconciler 23 18 one who reconciles [...
reconsider 19 15 to consider again es...
rediscover 22 18 to discover again [v...
reengineer 15 14 to engineer again [v...
referencer 20 17 one who references [...
refinisher 21 16 one who finishes aga...
registerer 18 12 one who registers [n...
reimburser 21 17 one who reimburses [...
reimporter 20 16 one who reimports [n...
reinforcer 21 17 something that reinf...
reinstator 16 11 one who reinstates [...
rejoneador 16 21 (Spanish) a mounted...
religioner 18 14 a religionist [n -S]
rememberer 20 19 one who remembers [n...
reminiscer 21 17 one who reminisces [...
remodeller 19 16 one who remodels [n...
rencounter 18 16 to meet, encounter [...
reoffender 19 18 one who reoffends [n...
repackager 23 22 one who repackages [...
repetiteur 19 14 (French) a coach, tu...
replicator 23 17 something or someone...
repoussoir 19 14 (French) a figure or...
reproacher 23 18 one who reproaches [...
reprobater 20 16 one who reprobates [...
reprobator 20 16 (Scots) in Scots law...
reproducer 22 18 one who reproduces [...
repudiator 19 15 one who repudiates [...
requisitor 26 20 one who makes requis...
reredorter 16 11 (historical) a lavat...
reregister 18 12 to register again [v...
researcher 21 15 one who does researc...
residenter 16 12 (Scots) an inhabitan...
respirator 19 13 an appliance which p...
restfuller 22 16 RESTFUL, relaxing [a...
restitutor 18 11 one who makes restit...
restrainer 16 11 one who restrains [n...
resurfacer 22 17 one who resurfaces [...
retaliator 17 11 one who retaliates [...
retransfer 18 14 to transfer again [v...
retributor 20 14 one engaging in retr...
retrochoir 22 15 the part of a cathed...
reverencer 20 18 one who reverences [...
rickburner 24 22 (archaic) an arsonis...
rickettier 22 17 RICKETTY, shaky, ram...
ringleader 18 15 a leader of a ring o...
ringmaster 19 16 one in charge of per...
ripsnorter 19 14 something extraordin...
roadheader 17 14 a tunnelling machine...
roadmender 16 16 one whose job is to...
roadroller 18 13 a motor vehicle with...
roadrunner 15 14 a bird of the turkey...
rockhopper 27 25 a crested penguin [n...
rollcollar 24 17 a collar of a garmen...
rootserver 18 14 a computer that acts...
ropedancer 20 18 one who dances, walk...
ropewalker 23 21 a ropedancer [n -S]
rototiller 19 12 an implement used to...
rottweiler 21 14 (German) a large pow...
roughrider 21 16 a rider of untrained...
rubberwear 24 20 rubber clothing [n -...
rubricator 23 17 one who rubricates [...
rusticator 21 14 one who rusticates [...
sacrificer 26 19 one who sacrifices [...
sailboater 19 14 one who sails a sail...
sailplaner 20 16 one who flies a sail...
salamander 17 16 any of various urode...
salmanaser 17 15 a large wine bottle...
salmanazar 20 24 a large wine bottle...
saltcellar 23 16 a small vessel of gl...
saltshaker 21 17 a saltcellar [n -S]
sanctifier 22 17 one who sanctifies,...
sanctioner 18 15 one who sanctions [n...
sandbagger 20 19 an assaulter whose w...
sandgroper 19 17 a pioneer at the tim...
sandlotter 17 13 one who occupies a v...
sandsucker 21 20 a fish, the rough da...
saponifier 20 17 any agent used to ca...
satisficer 23 16 one who satisfices [...
scaffolder 25 21 one who erects scaff...
schleppier 28 22 SCHLEPPY, (Yiddish)...
schlockier 28 23 SCHLOCKY, of inferio...
schlumpier 28 23 SCHLUMPY, unattracti...
schmalzier 28 28 SCHMALZY, characteri...
schmoozier 26 27 SCHMOOZY, (Yiddish)...
schmuckier 29 26 SCHMUCKY, acting lik...
sciomancer 23 20 one who practises sc...
scotometer 20 16 an instrument for de...
scrabblier 26 20 SCRABBLY, scrabbling...
scragglier 24 18 SCRAGGLY, irregular...
scratchier 26 18 SCRATCHY, made by sc...
screechier 25 18 SCREECHY, screeching...
screenager 19 16 a socially inept tee...
scribblier 27 20 SCRIBBLY, written ha...
scrigglier 25 18 SCRIGGLY, wriggly [a...
scrimmager 24 21 one who scrimmages [...
scroungier 21 17 SCROUNGY, dirty [adj...
scrummager 24 22 one who takes part i...
scrunchier 26 20 SCRUNCHY, able to be...
scrutineer 20 15 a scrutinizer; speci...
seersucker 21 18 (Persian) a light, t...
segregator 18 14 one who segregates [...
semiquaver 28 27 a 1/16 note in music...
sensitiser 17 11 something that sensi...
sensitizer 20 20 something that sensi...
sensomotor 16 14 of or relating to bo...
sermoniser 17 14 one who sermonises,...
sermonizer 20 23 one who sermonizes,...
servomotor 19 17 a motor using a serv...
sexangular 24 22 hexagonal [adj SEXAN...
sexlocular 28 23 having six cells for...
shanghaier 21 17 one who shanghais [n...
shauchlier 26 19 SHAUCHLY, shuffling...
shearwater 21 15 a gull-like oceanic...
shellacker 25 21 one who shellacs, de...
shimmerier 22 18 SHIMMERY, glistening...
shipbroker 25 22 a broker for the sal...
shipfitter 25 18 one who fits out a s...
shipmaster 23 18 the master or comman...
shirtmaker 22 19 one who makes shirts...
shmaltzier 25 25 SHMALTZY, characteri...
shopfitter 24 18 a worker who makes a...
shopkeeper 23 22 one who keeps a shop...
shoplifter 25 19 one who shoplifts [n...
shopwalker 26 23 a person employed by...
shotgunner 19 17 one who uses a shotg...
showboater 23 18 one who behaves in a...
showjumper 28 31 a horse or rider in...
sideswiper 23 17 one who sideswipes [...
sidewinder 20 16 a rattlesnake [n -S]
silkgrower 24 20 a grower of silk [n...
simplifier 25 20 something that simpl...
skedaddler 19 18 one who skedaddles [...
skirmisher 23 19 one who skirmishes [...
skitterier 19 14 SKITTERY, darting ab...
skyscraper 30 22 a very tall building...
slabberier 22 17 SLABBERY, like, or c...
slipperier 23 17 SLIPPERY, causing sl...
slitherier 21 13 SLITHERY, given to s...
slobberier 22 17 SLOBBERY, slobbering...
slopworker 24 21 one who does slopwor...
slovenlier 20 17 SLOVENLY, habitually...
smouldrier 20 16 SMOULDRY, (Spenser)...
snippetier 21 17 SNIPPETY, ridiculous...
snorkeller 19 17 one who uses a snork...
snowblader 22 19 one who engages in s...
snowblower 25 21 a machine for cleari...
socdolager 21 17 a conclusive argumen...
socdoliger 22 17 a conclusive argumen...
socdologer 21 17 a conclusive argumen...
socialiser 21 14 one who socialises,...
socializer 24 23 one who socializes,...
softballer 23 18 one who plays softba...
sogdolager 19 16 a conclusive argumen...
sogdoliger 20 16 a conclusive argumen...
sogdologer 19 16 a conclusive argumen...
solemniser 18 15 one who solemnises,...
solemnizer 21 24 one who solemnizes,...
solidifier 21 15 one who solidifies [...
songwriter 21 16 a person who compose...
soothsayer 24 14 a person who predict...
sortileger 19 13 one who divines by s...
southerner 18 14 an inhabitant or nat...
speculator 23 18 one who speculates [...
spiracular 24 18 of or pertaining to...
spirometer 20 16 an instrument measur...
splendider 20 17 SPLENDID, magnificen...
splotchier 26 19 SPLOTCHY, covered wi...
splutterer 21 15 one who splutters [n...
sportswear 22 16 sports clothes [n -S...
sprauncier 22 18 SPRAUNCY, smart, dap...
spritelier 21 14 SPRITELY, lively, al...
spycatcher 34 23 a person who works i...
squabasher 29 25 one who deals a squa...
squanderer 24 22 one who squanders [n...
squelchier 32 26 SQUELCHY, sounding l...
squigglier 30 25 SQUIGGLY, like squig...
squooshier 27 22 SQUOOSHY, squashy [a...
stabiliser 21 14 one that stabilises...
stabilizer 24 23 one that stabilizes...
stadholder 20 15 (Dutch) a Dutch vice...
staffrider 22 17 (South Africa) a per...
stallenger 19 15 (historical) a keepe...
stallinger 20 15 (historical) a keepe...
starflower 23 17 any of several plant...
starfucker 24 21 a person who seeks t...
starmonger 18 16 a fortune teller; an...
stealthier 20 13 STEALTHY, acting wit...
steelmaker 19 18 a worker in steel [n...
stemwinder 21 18 a keyless watch [n -...
stenciller 22 16 one who paints or co...
stenotyper 24 16 one who does stenoty...
stepdancer 21 18 one who does a step...
stepfather 23 18 the husband of one's...
stepladder 20 16 a ladder that has br...
stepmother 22 18 the wife of one's fa...
stepsister 20 13 a daughter of one's...
steriliser 19 11 an apparatus for ste...
sterilizer 22 20 an apparatus for ste...
stimpmeter 22 19 a device that measur...
stimulater 20 15 an agent that stimul...
stimulator 20 15 an agent that stimul...
stipulator 21 15 one who stipulates [...
stockinger 22 20 a stocking weaver [n...
stockpiler 25 21 one who stockpiles [...
stoneborer 17 14 any boring mollusc [...
stragglier 21 15 STRAGGLY, irregularl...
straichter 23 15 STRAICHT, (Scots) st...
straighter 21 14 STRAIGHT, uncurved,...
strauchter 23 16 STRAUCHT, (Scots) st...
straughter 21 15 STRAUGHT, (Scots) st...
stravaiger 20 16 (Scots) a wanderer,...
streetwear 19 13 clothes suitable for...
stretchier 23 15 STRETCHY, tending to...
strikeover 20 18 an act or instance o...
stubborner 21 18 STUBBORN, obstinate...
stultifier 22 15 one who stultifies [...
subangular 21 19 slightly angular [ad...
subcaliber 26 21 of ammunition, havin...
subcarrier 23 17 a modulated frequenc...
subchanter 24 20 a precentor's deputy...
subchapter 27 22 a subordinate part o...
subcharter 25 19 to rent a chartered...
subcluster 25 19 to form part of a cl...
subdivider 23 20 one who subdivides [...
subjoinder 21 25 an additional remark...
subjugator 23 26 one who subjugates [...
submanager 20 20 an under-manager [n...
submariner 20 18 one who works in a s...
subnuclear 23 20 of, relating to, or...
subofficer 27 23 an under or subordin...
subscriber 26 20 one who subscribes [...
subsidiser 21 15 one who subsidises,...
subsidizer 24 24 one who subsidizes,...
substellar 22 16 directly under a sta...
subtiliser 22 15 one who subtilises,...
subtilizer 25 24 one who subtilizes,...
subtitular 22 16 having the nature of...
subtracter 23 17 one who subtracts, a...
subtractor 23 17 one who subtracts, a...
succincter 27 21 SUCCINCT, clearly ex...
summariser 20 17 one who summarises,...
summarizer 23 26 one who summarizes,...
sunlounger 18 17 an upholstered couch...
superaltar 20 15 a raised shelf or st...
superbazar 24 26 in India, a large de...
supercover 24 21 an insurance policy...
superliner 20 16 a very large ocean l...
superlunar 20 17 otherworldly; above...
superorder 19 15 a group intermediate...
superpower 24 20 a great power [n -S]
supersaver 21 18 an exceptional barga...
superseder 19 15 one who supersedes [...
supervisor 22 18 one that supervises...
supplanter 22 19 one who supplants [n...
suppresser 22 17 something that suppr...
suppressor 22 17 something that suppr...
supralunar 20 17 beyond the moon; ver...
surcharger 24 18 one who surcharges [...
surfcaster 23 17 one who fishes from...
surmounter 18 16 one who, or that whi...
sweetbriar 22 16 a wild rose with fra...
sweetbrier 22 16 a wild rose with fra...
sweetwater 22 16 freshwater [n -S]
swimfeeder 23 20 a device containing...
switchgear 27 20 the apparatus that c...
switchover 28 22 the act of switching...
syllogiser 27 16 one who reasons by s...
syllogizer 30 25 one who reasons by s...
symboliser 28 19 one who symbolises,...
symbolizer 31 28 one who symbolizes,...
syncopator 27 19 one who syncopates [...
syndicator 26 17 one who syndicates [...
systemiser 25 15 one who systemises,...
systemizer 28 24 one who systemizes,...
tachometer 22 18 an instrument for me...
tachymeter 29 20 a surveying instrume...
talebearer 18 14 one who tells tales,...
taleteller 19 13 a teller of tales [n...
tankbuster 20 19 a plane that special...
tantaliser 17 12 something or someone...
tantalizer 20 21 something or someone...
taseometer 16 13 an instrument for me...
taskmaster 19 17 one who imposes a ta...
tastemaker 18 17 one who sets aesthet...
tearjerker 19 23 a story, song, play,...
technofear 22 19 (colloquial) an irra...
teetotaler 16 11 one who does not dri...
telecaster 20 14 one who telecasts [n...
telephoner 20 17 one who telephones [...
televiewer 22 18 one who views by tel...
teleworker 21 18 a telecommuter [n -S...
telewriter 21 14 a telegraph instrume...
temporiser 20 16 one who temporises,...
temporizer 23 25 one who temporizes,...
tenderiser 16 12 a pounding instrumen...
tenderizer 19 21 a pounding instrumen...
tendrillar 19 14 of or like a tendril...
tenpounder 17 17 a ten-pound gun [n -...
tensimeter 17 14 an instrument for me...
tentacular 20 16 of or pertaining to...
terminator 17 14 something that termi...
terpolymer 27 19 a polymer such as a...
terroriser 17 10 one who terrorises,...
terrorizer 20 19 one who terrorises,...
testicular 22 15 of or pertaining to...
tetrameter 17 13 a line of verse of f...
theosopher 22 17 a believer in theoso...
thereafter 20 15 after that [interj]
thereunder 18 15 under that [adv]
thermistor 21 15 a semiconductor, a m...
thorougher 22 17 THOROUGH, complete,...
threatener 17 13 one who threatens [n...
thunderier 19 15 THUNDERY, indicative...
tidewaiter 20 14 (formerly) a customs...
tiebreaker 19 17 a deciding game in a...
timekeeper 20 20 a timepiece [n -S]
timeserver 20 17 a person who cynical...
timeworker 22 20 one who does timewor...
tintometer 17 14 another name for col...
tirailleur 20 13 (French) a skirmishe...
titanosaur 16 12 a very large dinosau...
titillator 20 12 one who titillates [...
tittivator 20 14 one who titivates, a...
tobogganer 19 18 one who uses a tobog...
tollkeeper 21 19 a person whose job i...
tonguester 17 14 one who uses his ton...
toolholder 20 15 a holder for tools [...
toolpusher 22 17 a supervisor of dril...
toploftier 22 17 TOPLOFTY, high and m...
topnotcher 23 19 crude oil after some...
tortfeasor 18 13 a person guilty of t...
touchpaper 26 22 paper soaked in salt...
trabecular 23 18 having trabeculae, t...
tracheolar 22 16 of or like a tracheo...
tracklayer 28 20 one who lays tracks...
trafficker 26 23 one who traffics [n...
trammeller 21 18 one who trammels [n...
tranquiler 26 22 TRANQUIL, calm, peac...
transactor 19 14 one who transacts [n...
transcoder 19 15 a technology, such a...
transducer 20 16 an electronic device...
transferor 18 14 one who transfers [n...
transfuser 19 15 one who transfuses [...
transistor 17 11 a three-electrode se...
translator 17 12 one who translates [...
translunar 17 14 of or relating to th...
transmuter 18 15 one who transmutes [...
transpolar 19 15 across the poles [ad...
transposer 18 14 one who transposes [...
transputer 19 15 a special computer c...
travelator 19 15 a moving footpath fo...
travolator 19 15 a moving footpath fo...
treacherer 21 15 (obsolete) a traitor...
treehopper 22 18 a kind of leaping in...
trespasser 19 13 one who trespasses [...
triaconter 19 14 (historical) a Greek...
triangular 19 15 having the form of a...
tribometer 20 16 an instrument used t...
trilocular 23 16 having three cells o...
trinocular 21 16 relating to a binocu...
triphammer 24 21 a power hammer that...
triturator 18 11 an apparatus for tri...
trochanter 21 16 a rough eminence on...
tromometer 18 16 an instrument for me...
troubadour 19 16 (French) any of a cl...
tubercular 24 19 affected with tuberc...
turbulator 21 16 a device which creat...
twinflower 26 21 a North American pla...
typecaster 28 18 one who typecasts [n...
typesetter 25 15 one whose job is to...
typewriter 29 18 a machine, usually w...
tyranniser 22 14 one who tyrannises,...
tyrannizer 25 23 one who tyrannizes,...
umbellifer 25 22 a plant producing an...
unbeliever 21 20 one that does not be...
unbloodier 19 17 UNBLOODY, not bloody...
unbouncier 21 20 UNBOUNCY, not bouncy...
uncatchier 25 20 UNCATCHY, not catchy...
unchancier 24 21 UNCHANCY, unlucky, s...
unclassier 21 16 UNCLASSY, not classy...
uncloister 21 16 to release from a cl...
uncloudier 21 18 UNCLOUDY, not cloudy...
uncomelier 21 19 UNCOMELY, not comely...
uncommoner 20 22 UNCOMMON, not common...
uncostlier 21 16 UNCOSTLY, not costly...
undeceiver 21 20 one who undeceives [...
underactor 19 16 a subordinate actor...
undercover 21 20 clandestine [adj]
underfloor 19 17 situated underneath...
underlayer 23 16 a lower layer [n -S]
underminer 17 17 one who undermines [...
understeer 16 13 to turn less sharply...
undertaker 17 17 one that undertakes...
underwater 19 16 below the water [adj...
undeserver 18 17 (Shakespeare) one wh...
undrossier 17 13 UNDROSSY, not drossy...
unfamiliar 21 19 not familiar [adj UN...
unfaultier 20 17 UNFAULTY, not faulty...
unflashier 22 18 UNFLASHY, not flashy...
ungainlier 18 16 UNGAINLY, clumsy, al...
ungreedier 17 15 UNGREEDY, not greedy...
unguiltier 20 16 UNGUILTY, not guilty...
unhomelier 20 18 UNHOMELY, not homely...
unilobular 21 18 having one lobule [a...
unilocular 22 18 with a single cavity...
uninuclear 20 18 having one nucleus [...
unitholder 20 16 one having a unit of...
unkindlier 19 19 UNKINDLY, UNKIND, no...
unkinglier 20 20 UNKINGLY, not kingly...
unlikelier 20 18 UNLIKELY, not likely...
unlivelier 21 18 UNLIVELY, not lively...
unlordlier 19 15 UNLORDLY, not lordly...
unlovelier 20 18 UNLOVELY, not lovely...
unprettier 19 15 UNPRETTY, not pretty...
unraveller 20 18 one who unravels [n...
unrelentor 16 14 (Keats) someone who...
unseemlier 18 16 UNSEEMLY, not seemly...
unsteadier 16 13 UNSTEADY, not steady...
unstuffier 22 19 UNSTUFFY, not stuffy...
untimelier 19 16 UNTIMELY, not timely...
untogether 19 16 not together [adj]
untrendier 16 14 UNTRENDY, not trendy...
untrustier 18 13 UNTRUSTY, not trusty...
unwieldier 21 17 UNWIELDY, not wieldy...
unwifelier 23 19 UNWIFELY, not wifely...
unworthier 22 17 UNWORTHY, not worthy...
urinometer 17 15 an instrument for me...
vacationer 20 18 one who takes a vaca...
vaccinator 24 21 one who vaccinates [...
vacillator 24 19 one who vacillates [...
vallecular 25 21 pertaining to or lik...
vanquisher 29 27 one who vanquishes [...
varicellar 24 19 of or like varicella...
variegator 19 16 something or someone...
variolator 19 15 a person who carries...
variometer 19 17 an instrument for me...
vegeburger 23 22 a burger with vegeta...
ventilator 19 16 one that ventilates...
verbaliser 22 18 one who verbalises,...
verbalizer 25 27 one who verbalizes,...
vermicular 25 22 resembling a worm in...
vernacular 22 20 indigenous, native,...
versicolor 23 18 of variable or vario...
versicular 24 19 of or in verse [adj]
vestibular 23 19 of or pertaining to...
vibracular 26 22 of or like a vibracu...
vibrometer 22 20 an instrument for me...
victimiser 25 20 one who victimises,...
victimizer 28 29 one who victimises,...
victualler 25 20 one who furnishes vi...
viewfinder 24 22 a device on a camera...
vilipender 22 20 one who vilipends, t...
vindicator 22 19 one who vindicates [...
viscometer 23 20 an instrument for me...
visualiser 21 16 one who visualises,...
visualizer 24 25 one who visualizes,...
vivisector 25 21 one who vivisects [n...
voetganger 19 19 (Dutch) a locust bef...
voltameter 20 18 an instrument for me...
vorticular 24 19 like a vortex, whirl...
vulcaniser 23 20 an apparatus for vul...
vulcanizer 26 29 an apparatus for vul...
vulgariser 22 18 one who vulgarises,...
vulgarizer 25 27 one who vulgarizes,...
vulpecular 27 24 resembling or charac...
wageworker 24 22 one who works for a...
wallflower 28 22 a yellowish-red flow...
wallpepper 28 24 a small Eurasian cra...
wallposter 24 18 in China, a bulletin...
wanwordier 22 18 WANWORDY, (Scots) wo...
warchalker 27 23 one who engages in w...
warehouser 21 16 a warehouseman [n -S...
wastepaper 23 19 paper discarded as u...
wastewater 22 16 waste water [n -S]
watchmaker 27 25 one that makes or re...
watchtower 28 21 a tower for a lookou...
watercolor 23 17 a pigment diluted wi...
waterpower 24 19 the power of water e...
watersider 20 14 (Australian) a wharf...
weedkiller 23 20 a chemical preparati...
weimaraner 19 17 (German) a breed of...
wharfinger 25 21 the keeper or owner...
whatsoever 23 19 whatever [pron]
wheelchair 28 21 a chair mounted on w...
whensoever 22 20 at any time whatever...
whereafter 23 18 after which [adv]
whereunder 21 18 under which [adv]
whiskerier 24 19 WHISKERY, having whi...
whitewater 25 18 referring to a stret...
wholesaler 23 17 someone who sells by...
wholesomer 23 19 WHOLESOME, healthy,...
whomsoever 24 22 the objective of who...
wildcatter 25 18 one that drills well...
wildflower 28 22 any flower growing i...
wildfowler 28 22 one who hunts wildfo...
winchester 25 19 a large cylindrical...
windflower 26 22 another name for ane...
windjammer 24 30 a large merchant sai...
windsucker 25 23 a horse that engages...
windsurfer 23 19 one who practises wi...
winebibber 26 23 a person who drinks...
winegrower 23 19 a person who cultiva...
wiredrawer 23 17 one who draws wire [...
wirepuller 25 19 a person who uses pr...
wiretapper 24 19 one that taps teleph...
wirewalker 25 21 a tightrope walker [...
wireworker 24 20 one who works with w...
withdrawer 26 19 one who withdraws [n...
withholder 26 19 one who withholds [n...
womanpower 24 23 women available and...
womenswear 22 20 clothes suitable for...
woodcarver 24 21 a craftsman who carv...
woodcutter 23 18 one that cuts wood [...
woodlander 19 17 one who lives or wor...
woodpecker 25 24 any of a family of b...
woodworker 23 21 one who works with w...
woolgrower 24 19 a person who keeps s...
woolsorter 20 14 a person who sorts w...
wordmonger 21 20 a writer or speaker...
workmaster 22 20 the performer of any...
worshipper 27 21 one who worships, al...
wretcheder 25 19 WRETCHED, miserable...
yardmaster 24 16 a person in charge o...
yesteryear 28 14 last year, or the pa...
zigzaggier 27 34 ZIGZAGGY, having sha...
zoographer 24 26 one who describes an...
zootsuiter 20 20 someone who wears a...