6 letter words that end with R

6 letter words that end with R

6 letter R word


Words With Friends®


abaser 11 9 one who abases [n -S...
abater 11 9 one who abates [n -S...
abator 11 9 one who unlawfully s...
abider 12 10 one who abides, or c...
abitur 13 10 (German) in Germany,...
abuser 12 10 one who abuses [n -S...
acater 12 9 (obsolete) an office...
achier 15 11 ACHY, aching [adj]
acider 13 10 ACID, sharp, sour [a...
acinar 12 10 relating to a sackli...
acuter 13 10 ACUTE, sharply point...
adorer 9 7 one that adores [n -...
aerier 9 6 AERY, airy [adj]
aether 11 8 the upper region of...
affair 14 12 something which is t...
affear 13 12 (Spenser) to frighte...
affeer 13 12 (archaic) to assess;...
agiler 12 9 AGILE, able to move...
airier 10 6 AIRY, relating to ai...
alegar 11 9 vinegar made by turn...
aliner 10 8 one who alines, also...
almner 11 11 a giver of alms; a s...
alular 12 9 pertaining to the al...
ambeer 12 12 the spittle produced...
ambler 14 13 one who ambles [n -S...
ampler 14 13 AMPLE, plentiful [ad...
amuser 11 10 one who amuses [n -S...
anchor 14 12 a device for holding...
angler 11 10 one that angles [n -...
answer 12 10 to say, write, or ac...
anther 11 9 the part of the stam...
antiar 9 7 the upas tree [n -S]
antler 10 8 the horn of an anima...
appair 14 12 (obsolete) to impair...
appear 13 12 to become visible [v...
arbour 12 10 a shady garden shelt...
archer 15 11 someone who uses a b...
ardour 10 8 passion of feeling,...
arguer 11 9 one who argues [n -S...
arider 10 7 ARID, very dry [adj]
armour 11 10 to dress with defens...
arrear 9 6 an unpaid and overdu...
arsier 10 6 ARSY, (Australian sl...
artier 10 6 ARTY, artistic in a...
ashier 12 8 ASHY, covered with a...
ashlar 13 9 to build with square...
ashler 13 9 to build with square...
asmear 10 9 (archaic) smeared ov...
atoner 8 7 one who atones [n -S...
aulder 11 9 AULD, (Scots) old [a...
aunter 9 8 (obsolete) an advent...
auteur 10 8 (French) a film dire...
author 12 9 to bring into being...
avatar 11 10 the incarnation of a...
avenir 11 11 (French) the future...
avider 12 11 AVID, eager [adj]
avower 14 13 one who avows [n -S]
avoyer 17 12 (French) a chief mag...
awarer 12 9 AWARE, knowing and a...
awnier 12 10 AWNY, bristly like a...
babier 14 12 BABY, like a baby [a...
backer 16 16 a supporter [n -S]
badder 12 11 BAD, not good [adj]
badger 13 12 to pester or harass...
bagger 14 13 one that bags [n -S]
baidar 12 10 (Russian) an Alaskan...
bailer 13 10 (US) a person who ba...
bailor 13 10 a person who bails p...
baiter 12 9 one who baits [n -S]
balder 13 11 BALD, without hair [...
balker 14 14 one who, or that whi...
baller 14 11 a person who or a ma...
bammer 14 15 a fool [n -S]
bandar 11 11 (Hindi) a rhesus mon...
bander 11 11 a member of a league...
banger 12 12 (colloquial) a sausa...
banker 12 14 a person who works i...
banner 10 11 a square flag bearin...
banter 11 10 to exchange mildly t...
barber 14 12 to shave or cut the...
barker 13 13 (slang) a pistol [n...
barter 12 9 to trade by exchange...
basher 14 11 one who bashes [n -S...
basser 12 9 someone who plays th...
baster 12 9 one who bastes [n -S...
bather 14 11 one who bathes [n -S...
batler 13 10 a wooden mallet for...
batter 12 9 to beat repeatedly [...
bawler 16 13 one who bawls [n -S]
baxter 18 16 (obsolete) a baker [...
bazaar 14 18 an Eastern market-pl...
beader 11 10 one who makes things...
beaker 12 13 a large cup [n -S]
beamer 12 12 a workman or machine...
bearer 11 9 one who bears [n -S]
beater 11 9 one who beats [n -S]
beaver 13 13 to work hard [v -ED,...
bedder 12 11 one that makes up be...
beeper 13 12 a paging device [n -...
beezer 14 18 (Scots) something of...
beggar 14 13 to impoverish [v -ED...
beiger 13 11 BEIGE, greyish buff...
belier 13 10 one who belies [n -S...
belter 13 10 an impressive perfor...
bender 11 11 a drunken spree [n -...
berber 14 12 a type of carpet [n...
bestar 12 9 to cover with stars...
bestir 13 9 to rouse to activity...
better 12 9 to improve [v -ED, -...
bettor 12 9 one who bets [n -S]
bezoar 14 18 a concretion found i...
bibber 17 15 a tippler [n -S]
bichir 19 14 any of various primi...
bicker 17 16 to squabble [v -ED,...
bidder 13 11 one who bids [n -S]
biffer 17 15 in sports, someone w...
bifter 15 12 (slang) a cannabis c...
bigger 15 13 BIG, of large size [...
bilker 15 14 one who bilks, elude...
biller 15 11 one who bills [n -S]
binder 12 11 one who binds [n -S]
binger 13 12 someone who binges [...
birder 13 10 a birdwatching enthu...
birler 14 10 one who birls, carou...
bismar 14 12 (Old Norse) in Orkne...
bister 13 9 a pigment of warm br...
bitser 13 9 (Australian slang) a...
bitter 13 9 having a disagreeabl...
bittor 13 9 (Spenser) the bitter...
bittur 14 10 (Spenser) the bitter...
blader 13 11 a person skating wit...
blaher 15 12 BLAH, dull, insipid...
blamer 14 13 one who blames [n -S...
blater 13 10 BLATE, (Scots) timid...
blazar 16 19 a type of active gal...
blazer 16 19 a light jacket, ofte...
blower 16 13 something or someone...
bluier 14 11 BLUEY, somewhat blue...
boater 11 9 a kind of straw-hat...
bobber 16 15 a bobsleigh rider [n...
bodger 13 12 a maker of beechwood...
bogger 14 13 (Australian slang) a...
boiler 13 10 a vessel for boiling...
bolder 13 11 BOLD, brave, daring...
bolter 13 10 a sieve, a machine f...
bomber 15 15 an aeroplane that ca...
bonder 11 11 one who bonds [n -S]
bonier 11 10 BONEY, like bone, al...
bonzer 14 19 (Australian slang) v...
booger 12 11 a bogeyman [n -S]
booker 12 13 one who engages ente...
boomer 12 12 a large male kangaro...
booner 10 10 (Australian slang) a...
boozer 14 18 (slang) a drunkard [...
bopper 16 15 one who dances to po...
bordar 12 10 (historical) a tenan...
border 12 10 to be adjacent to [v...
bosker 13 13 (Australian slang) v...
bosser 12 9 BOSS, excellent [adj...
bother 14 11 to annoy [v -ED, -IN...
bovver 16 17 (slang) rowdy or vio...
bowler 16 13 a stiff felt hat wit...
bowser 15 12 (tradename) a light...
bowyer 21 14 a maker of archery b...
boxcar 21 19 a roofed freight car...
boxier 18 16 BOXY, like a box [ad...
bracer 15 12 an archer's leather...
braver 14 13 one who braves [n -S...
brawer 15 12 BRAW, (Scots) fine,...
brayer 18 11 an instrument for sp...
brazer 15 18 one that brazes [n -...
brewer 15 12 one who brews, also...
briber 15 12 one who bribes [n -S...
briner 12 10 one that brines [n -...
broker 13 13 to act as a stockbro...
bruter 13 10 one that shapes diam...
bucker 17 17 a hammer for bucking...
budder 13 12 one that buds [n -S]
budger 14 13 one who budges [n -S...
buffer 17 16 to protect against s...
bugger 15 14 to practise buggery...
bugler 15 13 one who plays the bu...
bulbar 16 14 relating to a bulb [...
bulgar 15 13 (Turkish) a form of...
bulger 15 13 a wooden golf club w...
bulgur 16 14 (Turkish) a form of...
bulker 15 15 (archaic) a street t...
buller 15 12 to seethe, gurgle [v...
bummer 15 16 a disappointment [n...
bumper 16 16 a cup or glass full...
bunger 13 13 (Australian slang) a...
bunker 13 15 to store in a large...
bunter 12 11 a female ragpicker [...
burger 14 12 a hamburger [n -S]
burier 13 10 one who buries [n -S...
burker 14 14 one that burkes, mur...
burler 14 11 one who burls or dre...
burner 12 11 one that burns [n -S...
burrer 13 10 one that burrs [n -S...
bursar 13 10 a person who keeps t...
busbar 15 13 an electric conducto...
busher 15 12 a minor league baseb...
busier 13 10 BUSY, occupied [adj]
busker 14 14 a street entertainer...
buster 13 10 a horse-breaker [n -...
butler 14 11 a male servant in ch...
butter 13 10 to spread with a mil...
buzzer 19 28 an apparatus that ma...
cabler 16 13 one that supplies a...
cadger 14 12 a scrounger; orig a...
caesar 12 9 a Caesarean section...
cagier 14 11 CAGY, shrewd, also C...
cahier 15 11 (French) a number of...
cakier 14 13 CAKY, lumpy, also CA...
calcar 17 13 (Latin) a spur-like...
calker 15 14 a pointed piece on a...
caller 15 11 one that calls [n -S...
calmer 15 13 CALM, free from agit...
calver 16 14 to prepare fish whil...
camber 16 15 to arch slightly [v...
camper 16 15 one who lives in the...
cancer 15 13 a malignant growth [...
candor 12 11 frankness, sincerity...
canier 12 10 CANY, like cane, abo...
canker 13 14 to affect with ulcer...
canner 11 11 one that cans food [...
canoer 11 10 one who travels by c...
cantar 12 10 a Turkish unit of we...
canter 12 10 to ride a horse at a...
cantor 12 10 a singer; esp. the l...
capper 17 15 one whose business i...
captor 15 12 one who takes or hol...
carder 13 10 one that does cardin...
career 12 9 to go at full speed...
carper 15 12 one who carps, criti...
carter 13 9 one who drives a car...
carver 15 13 one that carves [n -...
caster 13 9 a small solid swivel...
castor 13 9 a small solid swivel...
cauker 14 14 a big lie, also CAUL...
causer 13 10 one who causes [n -S...
cauter 13 10 a hot iron for seari...
caviar 15 13 the roe of sturgeon,...
cavier 15 13 (obsolete) salted ro...
cawker 17 16 a pointed piece on a...
ceiler 14 10 one that ceils [n -S...
cellar 15 11 to store in an under...
censer 12 10 a vessel for burning...
censor 12 10 to delete a word or...
center 12 10 to place at the midd...
cesser 13 9 a type of legal liab...
chadar 15 12 the large veil worn...
chador 15 12 the large veil worn...
chafer 17 14 any of several kinds...
chaser 15 11 one that chases [n -...
chawer 18 14 one who chaws, also...
cheder 15 12 (Hebrew) a religious...
chenar 14 12 the oriental plane t...
chewer 18 14 one who chews, also...
chicer 19 14 CHIC, smartly elegan...
chider 16 12 one who chides [n -S...
chikor 17 15 an Indian partridge,...
chimar 17 14 a loose sleeveless r...
chimer 17 14 a loose sleeveless r...
chinar 15 12 the oriental plane t...
choker 16 15 a close-fitting neck...
choler 16 12 anger, irascibility...
chukar 17 16 an Indian partridge,...
chukor 17 16 (Hindi) an Indian pa...
cimier 15 12 (French) the crest o...
cinder 13 11 to reduce to ashes [...
cipher 18 14 to work at arithmeti...
circar 17 12 (Urdu) the state or...
cither 16 11 a pear-shaped guitar...
clamor 15 13 to make a loud outcr...
claver 16 14 (Scots) to gossip [v...
clawer 17 13 one who claws [n -S]
clever 16 14 intelligent, dextero...
cloner 13 11 one who clones [n -S...
closer 14 10 one who, or that whi...
clover 16 14 any papilionaceous p...
cluier 15 11 CLUEY, (Australian s...
coaler 13 10 a ship that carries...
coater 12 9 a worker, machine et...
coaxer 18 16 one who coaxes [n -S...
cobber 17 15 (Australian slang) f...
cocker 17 16 to pamper; to indulg...
codder 13 11 a cod fisherman [n -...
codger 14 12 an old man [n -S]
coffer 17 15 to put in a strongbo...
cogger 15 13 a flatterer or decei...
coheir 15 11 a joint heir [n -S]
coiler 14 10 one who coils [n -S]
coiner 12 10 one who coins [n -S]
cokier 14 13 COKY, like coke [adj...
colder 14 11 COLD, having no warm...
collar 15 11 to provide with a ne...
colour 14 11 to paint, also COLOR...
colter 14 10 a blade on a plow, a...
comber 16 15 one that combs [n -S...
commer 15 15 (archaic) a comer [n...
comper 16 15 a person who enters...
concur 16 14 to concur [v CONCURR...
conder 12 11 a person who, statio...
condor 12 11 a coin of Chile [n C...
confer 14 13 to bestow [v CONFERR...
conger 13 12 a kind of marine eel...
conker 13 14 a horse-chestnut use...
conner 11 11 a kind of wrasse, ak...
connor 11 11 a kind of wrasse, ak...
cooker 13 13 one that cooks [n -S...
cooler 13 10 (colloquial) a priso...
cooper 14 12 to make barrels [v -...
cooser 12 9 a stallion, also CUS...
cooter 12 9 a kind of turtle [n...
copier 15 12 one that copies [n -...
copper 17 15 to cover with a meta...
copter 15 12 (short for) a helico...
corder 13 10 a person who or thin...
corker 14 13 one that corks [n -S...
corkir 15 13 a lichen used for dy...
corner 12 10 to gain control of [...
cosher 15 11 to pamper, coddle [v...
cosier 13 9 (Shakespeare) a cobb...
costar 13 9 to star equally with...
coster 13 9 a seller of fruit an...
cottar 13 9 (Scots) a medieval p...
cotter 13 9 a medieval peasant i...
cougar 14 12 a mountain lion, als...
couper 15 13 (Scots) a dealer [n...
couter 13 10 a piece of armour fo...
cowier 16 12 COWY, suggestive of...
coxier 19 16 COXY, self-important...
cozier 16 18 (Shakespeare) a cobb...
crater 13 9 to form cavities in...
cratur 14 10 (Scots) a woman, als...
craver 15 13 one who craves [n -S...
crayer 19 11 a trading vessel, al...
cremor 14 12 a thick juice [n -S]
crower 16 12 one who crows, gloat...
crozer 16 18 a tool used in barre...
cruder 14 11 CRUDE, unrefined [ad...
cuiter 14 10 (Scots) to wheedle;...
culler 16 12 a person who culls o...
culter 15 11 (obsolete) a knife o...
culver 17 15 a pigeon [n -S]
cumber 17 16 to burden [v -ED, -I...
cummer 16 16 (Scots) a woman, a g...
cunner 12 12 a kind of wrasse, ak...
cupper 18 16 a cupbearer [n -S]
curber 16 13 one who curbs [n -S]
curler 15 11 one that curls [n -S...
curser 14 10 one who curses [n -S...
cursor 14 10 a light indicator on...
curter 14 10 CURT, abrupt [adj]
cusser 14 10 (Scots) a stallion,...
cutler 15 11 one who sells and re...
cutter 14 10 a powerful motor-lau...
cycler 24 15 (US) a cyclist [n -S...
cypher 24 16 to write in a kind o...
dabber 14 13 a pad for dabbing in...
dacker 14 14 (Scots) to lounge, s...
daftar 12 10 (Hindi) in India, an...
dafter 12 10 DAFT, insane [adj]
dagger 12 11 to stab with a small...
daiker 11 11 (Scots) to lounge, s...
dammar 12 13 a hard resin used in...
dammer 12 13 a hard resin used in...
damner 10 11 one who damns [n -S]
damper 13 13 (Australian slang) a...
dancer 12 11 one who dances [n -S...
dander 9 9 (dialect) to stroll,...
danger 10 10 to expose to loss or...
danker 10 12 DANK, unpleasantly d...
dapper 14 13 trim, neat [adj DAPP...
darbar 12 10 the court of a nativ...
darker 11 11 DARK, having little...
darner 9 8 one who darns [n -S]
darter 10 7 a freshwater diving...
dasher 12 9 one who dashes [n -S...
dauber 12 11 one who daubs; an un...
dauner 9 9 (dialect) to stroll,...
dawner 12 11 (dialect) to stroll,...
deader 9 8 a dead person [n -S]
deafer 11 10 DEAF, lacking the se...
dealer 10 8 one that deals [n -S...
deaner 8 8 (obsolete slang) a s...
dearer 9 7 DEAR, costly [adj]
debtor 12 10 someone who owes a d...
deburr 13 11 to remove burrs from...
decker 14 14 a person who adorns...
deeder 9 8 DEED, dead [adj]
deeper 11 10 DEEP, extending far...
deffer 14 13 DEF, excellent [adj]
defier 12 10 one that defies [n -...
defter 12 10 DEFT, skilful [adj]
dehair 12 9 to remove the hair f...
deicer 13 10 one that deices [n -...
deider 10 8 DEID, dead [adj]
deifer 12 10 DEIF, (Scots) deaf [...
delver 13 12 one who delves [n -S...
denier 9 8 a unit of weight for...
denser 9 8 DENSE, compact [adj]
deodar 9 8 an East Indian cedar...
detour 10 8 to take an indirect...
devoir 12 11 (French) duty, respo...
devour 12 12 to eat voraciously [...
dewier 13 10 DEWY, covered with d...
dexter 16 14 a small breed of Ker...
dialer 11 8 one that dials, also...
diaper 12 10 to put a nappy on [v...
diapir 13 10 an anticlinal fold i...
dibber 15 13 a planting instrumen...
dicier 14 10 DICEY, dangerous [ad...
dicker 15 14 to haggle, to hesita...
didder 11 9 (dialect) to shake [...
dieter 10 7 one who diets [n -S]
differ 15 13 to be unlike [v -ED,...
digger 13 11 one who or something...
dikier 12 11 DIKEY, (colloquial)...
dimmer 13 13 a device for dimming...
dinger 11 10 anything superlative...
dinker 11 12 DINK, neat [adj]
dinner 9 9 the chief meal of th...
dipper 15 13 a water bird with a...
disbar 13 10 to expel from the le...
diseur 11 8 (French) a (male) re...
disker 12 11 one who disks, break...
dither 13 9 to act indecisively...
doater 9 7 one who dotes, also...
dobber 14 13 (Australian slang) o...
docker 14 14 a dock worker [n -S]
doctor 13 10 to treat medically [...
dodder 10 9 to walk unsteadily o...
dodger 11 10 one that dodges [n -...
doffer 14 13 part of a carding ma...
dogear 10 9 to turn down a corne...
dogger 12 11 a two-masted fishing...
dollar 12 9 a monetary unit of t...
dolour 11 9 grief, also DOLOR [n...
domier 11 10 DOMY, like a dome [a...
donair 9 8 sliced lamb rolled i...
donder 9 9 (Afrikaans) to beat...
doofer 11 10 a thingummybob The n...
doozer 12 16 an extraordinary one...
dopier 12 10 DOPY, lethargic; stu...
dopper 14 13 a little grebe, also...
dormer 11 10 a type of gabled win...
dorper 12 10 a breed of mutton-pr...
dorser 10 7 a covering for the b...
dorter 10 7 (archaic) a dormitor...
dosser 10 7 a covering for the b...
dotier 10 7 DOTY, stained by dec...
dotter 10 7 one who dots [n -S]
doucer 13 11 DOUCE, (French) swee...
dourer 10 8 DOUR, determined, su...
douser 10 8 something used for d...
douter 10 8 an extinguisher for...
dovier 12 11 DOVIE, (Scots) stupi...
dowier 13 10 DOWIE, (Scots) dull,...
downer 12 11 something that oppre...
dowser 13 10 one who searches for...
dozier 13 16 DOZY, sleepy [adj]
draper 12 10 a dealer in cloth [n...
drawer 13 10 one that draws [n -S...
driver 13 11 one who drives [n -S...
droger 11 9 a West Indian sailin...
droler 11 8 DROLE, amusing [adj]
droner 9 8 one who drones [n -S...
drover 12 11 a driver of cattle o...
dubber 15 14 one that dubs [n -S]
ducker 15 15 a diving-bird [n -S]
dudder 11 10 to tremble, shudder...
dueler 11 9 one who duels, also...
duffer 15 14 a clumsy person [n -...
duiker 12 12 (Afrikaans) a small...
duller 13 10 DULL, mentally slow...
dumber 14 14 DUMB, incapable of s...
dumper 14 14 a wave that crashes...
dunder 10 10 dregs of sugar-cane...
dunger 11 11 (New Zealand) a dila...
dunker 11 13 one who dunks [n -S]
dunner 9 10 DUN, of a dull brown...
durbar 13 11 the court of a nativ...
dusker 12 12 DUSK, dim, darkening...
duster 11 8 one who dusts [n -S]
duyker 18 14 (Afrikaans) a small...
dykier 18 13 DYKEY, like a lesbia...
dyvour 19 14 (Scots) a bankrupt [...
earner 8 7 one that earns [n -S...
easier 9 6 EASY, not difficult...
easter 9 6 one living in the ea...
ebayer 17 11 someone who trades o...
echoer 14 11 one that echoes [n -...
eclair 14 10 a cake with cream fi...
edgier 11 9 EDGY, nervous [adj]
editor 10 7 one that edits [n -S...
eelier 10 7 EELY, like an eel [a...
eerier 9 6 EERY, uncanny, also...
effeir 14 12 (obsolete) to appert...
eggier 12 10 EGGY, containing egg...
eggler 13 11 (archaic) an egg-dea...
either 12 8 relating to one or t...
elater 10 7 a kind of beetle, ak...
elixir 18 14 a medicinal beverage...
elmier 12 10 ELMY, full of elm tr...
eloper 12 10 one who elopes [n -S...
eluder 11 9 one who eludes [n -S...
elutor 11 8 a vessel for elution...
emoter 10 9 one who emotes, show...
enamor 9 10 to inspire with love...
endear 8 8 to make beloved [v -...
ensear 8 7 (Shakespeare) to dry...
envier 11 11 one who envies [n -S...
epater 11 9 (French) to shock co...
epimer 13 12 a type of sugar comp...
eraser 9 6 one that erases [n -...
eschar 15 11 a slough of dead tis...
espier 12 9 someone who espies [...
espoir 12 9 (French) a category...
etcher 15 11 one who etches [n -S...
etrier 10 6 (French) a small rop...
evader 11 11 one that evades [n -...
evejar 13 19 (dialect) the nightj...
evener 10 11 something or someone...
eviler 13 11 EVIL, morally bad [a...
evoker 12 14 one who evokes [n -S...
exiler 17 14 one who exiles [n -S...
eyebar 17 11 a metal bar with a l...
fabber 16 15 FAB, excellent [adj]
fabler 15 13 a writer of fables [...
factor 15 12 to express as a prod...
fadeur 12 11 (French) dullness, i...
fadier 12 10 FADY, wearing away [...
fainer 11 10 FAIN, happy; incline...
fairer 12 9 FAIR, just; pleasant...
faitor 12 9 an imposter, also FA...
fakeer 12 13 a Hindu ascetic, als...
fakier 13 13 FAKEY, fake [adj]
faller 14 11 one who falls [n -S]
falser 13 10 (obsolete) a falsifi...
falter 13 10 to hesitate [v -ED,...
fanner 10 11 one who fans [n -S]
faquir 21 19 a Hindu ascetic, als...
farcer 15 12 a performer in farce...
farmer 13 12 one who farms [n -S]
faster 12 9 one who fasts [n -S]
father 14 11 to be the male paren...
fatter 12 9 FAT, having an abund...
faurer 12 10 FAUR, (Scots) far [a...
fautor 12 10 a favorer, a patron...
favour 14 14 to regard with goodw...
fawner 14 13 one who fawns [n -S]
fearer 11 9 one who fears [n -S]
feater 11 9 FEAT, neat, deft [ad...
feeder 11 10 one that feeds [n -S...
feeler 12 10 the antenna of insec...
feller 14 11 one that fells [n -S...
felter 13 10 to mat together like...
fencer 14 13 one who fences [n -S...
fender 11 11 a metal guard over a...
fervor 14 13 great intensity, als...
fester 12 9 to generate pus [v -...
fetter 12 9 to shackle [v -ED, -...
fewter 15 12 to set a spear in a...
fibber 17 15 one who fibs [n -S]
fictor 16 12 a person who makes i...
fikier 14 13 FIKY, fidgeting and...
filler 15 11 one that fills [n -S...
filmer 15 13 one who films [n -S]
filter 14 10 to purify a fluid of...
finder 12 11 one that finds [n -S...
fineer 11 10 to get goods by frau...
finger 13 12 to touch with one of...
finner 11 11 a finback whale, als...
firmer 14 12 a carpenter's or woo...
fisher 15 11 one who catches fish...
fitter 13 9 one that fits [n -S]
fizzer 19 27 (Australian slang) a...
flaker 14 14 someone or something...
flamer 14 13 a person who or thin...
flaser 13 10 a streaky appearance...
flavor 15 14 to impart a special...
flayer 19 12 one who flays [n -S]
flexor 19 17 a muscle that bends...
flower 16 13 to blossom or flouri...
fluier 14 11 FLUEY, infected with...
fluter 14 11 one who plays the fl...
foamer 12 12 something that foams...
fodder 12 11 to feed cattle with...
foetor 11 9 a stench, also FETOR...
fogger 14 13 a person who sets ra...
folder 13 11 one that folds [n -S...
foliar 13 10 relating to leaves,...
fonder 11 11 FOND, having an affe...
foobar 13 12 Fucked Up Beyond All...
footer 11 9 to mess around aimle...
forcer 15 12 one who forces [n -S...
forger 13 11 one that forges [n -...
forker 13 13 one who forks [n -S]
former 13 12 preceding [adj FORME...
fossor 12 9 (archaic) a grave-di...
foster 12 9 to promote the growt...
fother 14 11 to protect a sail wi...
fouler 13 11 FOUL, offensive to t...
fouter 12 10 (Scots) to mess arou...
fowler 16 13 one that fowls [n -S...
foxier 18 16 FOXY, like a fox, cr...
fozier 15 18 FOZY, lacking in fre...
fragor 13 11 a crash [n -S]
framer 13 12 one who frames [n -S...
frater 12 9 a monk, a house for...
frizer 16 18 one that frizzes, al...
fucker 17 17 a contemptible perso...
fueler 13 11 one who fuels, also...
fuhrer 15 12 (German) a leader, a...
fulgor 15 13 splendour, also FULG...
fuller 15 12 to groove with a typ...
fulmar 15 14 an arctic seabird [n...
fumier 14 13 FUMY, full of fumes,...
funder 12 12 a financial backer [...
funker 13 15 one who funks [n -S]
funner 11 12 FUN, providing enjoy...
furder 13 11 further [adv]
fureur 13 11 (French) an extravag...
furfur 16 14 dandruff, also FURFA...
furler 14 11 one that furls [n -S...
fusker 14 14 a piece of software...
fusser 13 10 one that fusses [n -...
gabber 15 14 a chatterbox [n -S]
gacher 16 13 one that gaches, a b...
gadder 11 10 one that gads about...
gaffer 15 14 an old man; a TV lig...
gagger 13 12 one who gags [n -S]
gainer 10 9 one who gains [n -S]
gaiter 11 8 a covering for the l...
gambir 15 14 the inspissated juic...
gamier 12 11 GAMY, tasting like g...
gammer 13 14 an old woman [n -S]
gander 10 10 a male goose [n -S]...
ganger 11 11 a foreman of a group...
gaoler 11 9 one who keeps a gaol...
gapier 13 11 GAPY, infested with...
gapper 15 14 a person taking a ye...
garner 10 9 to gather and store...
garter 11 8 a band used to suppo...
gasher 13 10 GASH, ghastly [adj]
gasper 13 11 (slang) a cheap ciga...
gasser 11 8 an oil well yielding...
gaster 11 8 to frighten, scare [...
gather 13 10 to bring together in...
gaufer 13 12 a waffle, also GAUFR...
gauger 12 11 one who gauges; an o...
gauper 13 12 one that gaups, also...
gawker 15 15 one who gawks, stand...
gawper 16 14 one that gawps, also...
gaydar 17 11 the supposed ability...
gazier 14 17 GAZY, given to gazin...
geezer 13 17 (slang) an eccentric...
gelder 12 10 one who gelds or cas...
gender 10 10 a distinction of wor...
getter 11 8 to remove traces of...
geyser 17 10 a type of thermal sp...
ghubar 16 14 as in ghubar numeral...
giaour 11 9 (archaic) a term use...
gibber 16 14 to utter senseless o...
gilder 13 10 one who gilds [n -S]
giller 14 10 one that gills, catc...
gimmer 14 14 (Scots) a young ewe...
gimmor 14 14 a pair of interlocke...
ginger 12 11 to spice up, make sp...
ginner 10 10 one that gins cotton...
gipper 16 14 one who gips, a swin...
girder 12 9 a large beam, esp. o...
girner 11 9 one who girns, makes...
glamor 13 12 to bewitch, also GLA...
glazer 15 18 one who applies glaz...
glider 13 10 a type of aircraft [...
glover 14 13 a maker or seller of...
glower 15 12 to look or stare wit...
gluier 13 10 GLUEY, resembling gl...
gnawer 13 12 one who, or that whi...
goffer 15 14 to press ridges or p...
goiter 11 8 an enlargement of th...
golder 12 10 GOLD, of the colour...
golfer 14 12 one that golfs, also...
gollar 13 10 to make a loud gurgl...
goller 13 10 to make a loud gurgl...
goober 12 11 (US) a peanut [n -S]
gooier 10 8 GOOEY, sticky or vis...
gopher 15 13 a name applied to va...
gorger 12 10 one who gorges [n -S...
gorier 11 8 GORY, bloody, also G...
goster 11 8 (dialect) to laugh u...
gouger 12 11 one that gouges [n -...
gowder 14 12 GOWD, golden [adj]
gowfer 16 14 one that golfs, also...
grader 11 9 a machine used to cr...
grater 11 8 one that grates [n -...
graver 13 12 an engraving tool, a...
grayer 17 10 GRAY, between black...
grazer 14 17 an animal that graze...
greyer 17 10 GREY, between black...
gricer 15 11 a train-spotter or r...
griper 14 11 one who gripes [n -S...
grocer 14 11 a dealer in food and...
groper 13 11 one who gropes [n -S...
groser 11 8 (Scots) a gooseberry...
grower 14 11 one that grows [n -S...
guider 12 10 a member of the Girl...
guiler 13 10 (Spenser) a deceiver...
guiser 12 9 a person in disguise...
guitar 12 9 a fretted musical in...
guizer 15 18 a person in disguise...
guller 14 11 someone who deceives...
gulper 15 13 one who gulps [n -S]
gummer 14 15 one that gums [n -S]
gunner 10 11 one that operates a...
gunter 11 10 a topmast arranged w...
gusher 14 11 a gushing oil well [...
guslar 13 10 a performer on the g...
gutser 12 9 a greedy person, als...
gutter 12 9 to form channels for...
gutzer 15 18 a greedy person, als...
guyler 19 12 a deceiver, also GUI...
gypper 22 16 one that gyps, swind...
hacker 16 15 one that hacks [n -S...
hafter 14 11 a caviler, a wrangle...
hailer 13 9 one that hails [n -S...
halier 13 9 a former monetary un...
halser 13 9 a large rope for moo...
halter 13 9 to put restraint upo...
halver 15 13 (Scots) a half-share...
hammer 14 14 to strike repeatedly...
hamper 15 14 to hinder, obstruct...
hander 11 10 one who hands over o...
hangar 12 11 to place in an aircr...
hanger 12 11 a wood on a hillside...
hanjar 13 18 a Persian dagger, al...
hanker 12 13 to long for [v -ED,...
harbor 14 11 to shelter, also HAR...
harder 12 9 HARD, firm and unyie...
harmer 13 11 one who harms [n -S]
harper 14 11 one who plays the ha...
hassar 12 8 a kind of South Amer...
hatter 12 8 to trouble, annoy [v...
hauler 13 10 one who hauls [n -S]
hauter 12 9 HAUT, (French) high;...
havior 14 12 (obsolete) behavior,...
hawker 16 15 a peddler [n -S]
hawser 15 11 a large rope for moo...
hayier 18 10 HAYEY, like hay [adj...
hazier 15 17 HAZY, like a haze, u...
header 11 9 a dive head foremost...
healer 12 9 one that heals [n -S...
heaper 13 11 one who heaps [n -S]
hearer 11 8 one that hears [n -S...
heater 11 8 an apparatus for hea...
heaver 13 12 one who heaves [n -S...
hector 15 11 to intimidate or har...
hedger 13 11 one that hedges [n -...
heeder 11 9 one who heeds [n -S]
heeler 12 9 a dog that herds cat...
hefter 14 11 one who hefts, lifts...
heifer 14 11 a young cow that has...
heller 14 10 a Czech monetary uni...
helmer 14 12 a film director [n -...
helper 15 12 one who helps [n -S]
hemmer 14 14 one who, or that whi...
henner 10 10 (Scots) a challenge...
hepper 16 14 HEP, well abreast of...
herbar 14 11 (Spenser) a herb-gar...
herder 12 9 one who tends a herd...
hether 14 10 (Spenser) hither, al...
hicker 17 15 HICK, characteristic...
hidder 13 10 (Spenser) a young ma...
higher 16 12 to raise, make highe...
hiller 15 10 something that hills...
hinder 12 10 to impede [v -ED, -I...
hinger 13 11 one that hinges [n -...
hinter 12 9 one that hints [n -S...
hipper 17 14 HIP, aware of the la...
hisser 13 8 one who hisses [n -S...
hither 15 10 to come this way [v...
hitter 13 8 one that hits [n -S]
hoaxer 17 15 one that hoaxes [n -...
hobber 16 14 a machine used in ma...
hocker 16 15 one who hocks, pawns...
hogger 14 12 a stocking without a...
hokier 13 12 HOKEY, overdone, con...
holder 13 10 one that holds [n -S...
holier 13 9 HOLY, perfect in a m...
holler 14 10 to call out or yell...
homier 13 11 HOMY, homelike, also...
honker 12 13 a wild goose [n -S]
honour 11 10 to treat with respec...
hoofer 13 11 a professional dance...
hooker 12 12 (slang) a prostitute...
hooper 13 11 one who hoops casks...
hooter 11 8 one that hoots [n -S...
hoover 13 12 to vacuum clean usin...
hopper 16 14 a container for grai...
horner 11 9 a person who deals i...
horror 12 8 intense repugnance o...
hosier 12 8 a person who makes o...
hotter 12 8 to vibrate, to tremb...
houser 12 9 one who organizes ho...
howker 16 15 a two-masted Dutch o...
howler 16 12 a kind of monkey [n...
huffer 17 15 a blustering bully [...
hugger 15 13 one who hugs [n -S]
huller 15 11 one who, or that whi...
hummer 15 15 one who, or that whi...
humour 14 13 to indulge, also HUM...
humper 16 15 someone who carries...
hunger 13 12 to crave [v -ED, -IN...
hunker 13 14 to squat [v -ED, -IN...
hunter 12 10 one that hunts [n -S...
hurler 14 10 one who hurls [n -S]
hurter 13 9 a beam, block, etc....
husher 15 11 to usher, escort peo...
husker 14 13 someone who husks ma...
hussar 13 9 a kind of cavalry so...
huzoor 15 18 an Indian potentate,...
ickier 15 13 ICKY, repulsive [adj...
ickler 16 14 ICKLE, (colloquial)...
iffier 15 12 IFFY, full of uncert...
imager 12 11 one that images [n -...
impair 14 12 to make worse, also...
inaner 8 8 INANE, empty, sensel...
incher 15 12 something having a s...
indoor 9 8 pertaining to the in...
inkier 11 11 INKY, like ink [adj]
inlier 11 8 an older rock format...
inpour 12 11 to pour in [v -ED, -...
instar 10 7 to adorn with stars...
irater 10 6 IRATE, angry [adj]
ironer 9 7 a machine for pressi...
isobar 12 9 a type of atom, also...
isomer 11 9 a body or compound w...
issuer 11 7 one who issues [n -S...
jabber 16 21 to talk rapidly [v -...
jacker 16 22 one who jacks [n -S]
jaeger 12 17 a German army marksm...
jagger 14 19 a hawker, a pedlar [...
jaghir 16 19 (Hindi) the governme...
jaguar 13 18 a powerful feline be...
jailer 13 16 a keeper of a jail,...
jailor 13 16 a keeper of a jail,...
jamber 15 21 (obsolete) armor for...
jamjar 15 27 a jar for jam, also...
jammer 14 21 a person or thing th...
janker 12 20 a long pole on wheel...
jasper 14 18 a red variety of che...
jazzer 18 33 a jazz musician [n -...
jeerer 11 15 one who jeers [n -S]
jerker 13 19 (US) a kind of fish,...
jester 12 15 one that jests [n -S...
jibber 17 21 to utter senseless s...
jigger 15 19 to jerk up and down...
jilter 14 16 one who jilts [n -S]
jimper 16 21 JIMP, (Scots) slende...
jinker 13 20 (Australian slang) a...
jitter 13 15 to fidget [v -ED, -I...
jivier 15 19 JIVY, jazzy, lively,...
jobber 16 21 a pieceworker [n -S]
jogger 14 19 one that jogs [n -S]
joiner 11 16 a carpenter [n -S]
jokier 13 19 JOKY, amusing, also...
joller 14 17 one who jols, has a...
jolter 13 16 one who, or that whi...
josher 14 17 one who joshes [n -S...
josser 12 15 (slang) a clergyman...
jotter 12 15 one that jots; a pad...
jowler 16 19 a heavy-jawed hound...
judder 13 18 to vibrate, shudder...
judger 14 19 one who judges [n -S...
juicer 16 19 a juice extractor [n...
jumper 16 22 a type of overall, s...
junior 12 17 (of a lawyer) to ass...
junker 13 21 (German) a young Ger...
juster 13 16 one who tilts with l...
kaffir 16 16 a kind of cereal gra...
kaiser 11 10 an emperor, also KEA...
kantar 10 11 an Arab unit of weig...
karter 11 10 one who drives go-ca...
kasher 13 12 to prepare food acco...
keasar 10 10 (obsolete) an empero...
kedger 12 13 a small steadying an...
keeker 11 14 someone who looks, s...
keeler 11 11 one employed in mana...
keener 9 11 a professional mourn...
keeper 12 13 one who keeps [n -S]
kegger 13 14 a drinking party at...
kegler 13 13 a bowler, also KEGEL...
kelper 14 14 an inhabitant of the...
kelter 12 11 a coarse cloth made...
kemper 14 16 a champion [n -S]
kenner 9 12 one who kens, knows...
kephir 16 15 a drink made from fe...
kewler 15 14 KEWL, (colloquial) c...
khimar 15 15 a type of head cover...
kicker 16 17 one that kicks [n -S...
kidder 12 12 a person who kids an...
killer 14 12 one that kills [n -S...
kilter 13 11 good condition, also...
kimmer 14 16 a godmother, also CU...
kinder 11 12 (short for) a kinder...
kipper 16 16 to cure fish by salt...
kisser 12 10 (colloquial) the mou...
knifer 13 14 someone who knifes [...
knower 13 14 one who knows [n -S]
korkir 13 14 a lichen used for dy...
kosher 13 12 to prepare food acco...
krater 11 10 (Greek) a large two-...
kroner 10 11 KRONE, a former mone...
kronor 10 11 KRONA, a monetary un...
kronur 11 12 KRONA, a monetary un...
kultur 14 13 (German) culture, ci...
kunkar 12 16 a limestone found in...
kunkur 13 17 a limestone found in...
laager 11 9 to form a defensive...
labour 13 11 to work, also LABOR...
lacier 14 10 LACEY, resembling la...
lacker 15 14 to coat with a gloss...
ladder 11 9 to cause a run in a...
ladler 12 9 one who ladles; (his...
lagger 13 11 one who lags, also L...
laiker 12 11 one who sports or pl...
lakier 12 11 LAKY, full of lakes...
lamber 14 13 a ewe that is lambin...
lammer 13 13 (Scots) amber [n -S]
lamper 14 13 a primitive fish-lik...
lancer 13 11 a cavalryman armed w...
lander 10 9 one who lands [n -S]
langar 11 10 a dining hall in a S...
langer 11 10 (Irish slang) a peni...
langur 12 11 a long-tailed Asian...
lanker 11 12 LANK, long and thin...
lanner 9 9 a kind of falcon [n...
lapper 15 13 (Scots) to curdle, a...
lapser 13 10 one who lapses [n -S...
larder 11 8 a place where food i...
larger 12 9 LARGE, great in size...
larker 12 11 a catcher of larks [...
lascar 14 10 an East Indian sailo...
lasher 13 9 a rope for binding o...
laster 11 7 a worker who shapes...
lather 13 9 to cover with a ligh...
latter 11 7 the second mentioned...
lauder 11 9 one who lauds, also...
laveer 12 11 (archaic) to sail ag...
lawyer 20 12 a member of the lega...
lazier 14 16 LAZY, disinclined to...
leader 10 8 one that leads or gu...
leaker 11 11 something that leaks...
lealer 11 8 LEAL, (Scots) loyal...
leaner 9 8 one that leans [n -S...
leaper 12 10 one who leaps [n -S]
leaser 10 7 one who leases [n -S...
leaver 12 11 one that leaves [n -...
lecher 16 12 an excessively lewd...
lector 14 10 a reader of the less...
ledger 12 10 (obsolete) an ambass...
lefter 13 10 LEFT, pertaining to...
legger 13 11 a bargeman who legs...
leiger 12 9 (obsolete) an ambass...
lekker 13 15 (South African slang...
lekvar 14 15 a prune butter [n -S...
lender 10 9 one that lends [n -S...
lenger 11 10 LENG, (obsolete) lon...
lentor 10 8 (archaic) sluggishne...
lesser 11 7 LESS, smaller [adj]
lessor 11 7 one who grants a lea...
letter 11 7 to inscribe with sym...
levier 13 11 one who levies [n -S...
lewder 14 11 LEWD, sexually sugge...
libber 16 13 (short for) a libera...
licker 16 14 one who licks [n -S]
lictor 15 10 (historical) an anci...
lidger 13 10 (obsolete) an ambass...
lieder 11 8 LIED, a German song...
liefer 13 10 LIEF, (archaic) soon...
lieger 12 9 (obsolete) an ambass...
lienor 10 8 a party who holds a...
liever 13 11 LIEVE [adv]
lifter 14 10 one who lifts [n -S]
ligger 14 11 a horizontal timber...
limber 15 13 supple [adj LIMBERER...
limier 13 10 LIMY, containing lim...
limmer 14 13 (Scots) a rogue or t...
limner 12 11 a painter of portrai...
limper 15 13 one who limps [n -S]
linear 10 8 of or belonging to a...
linger 12 10 to delay departure [...
linier 11 8 LINEY, resembling a...
linker 12 12 one who links [n -S]
linter 11 8 a machine for removi...
lipper 16 13 to ripple [v -ED, -I...
liquor 20 17 a strong alcoholic d...
lisper 14 10 one who lisps [n -S]
lister 12 7 a three-pronged spea...
lither 14 9 LITHE, supple [adj]
litter 12 7 to scatter rubbish a...
livier 14 11 a permanent resident...
livyer 20 13 a permanent resident...
loader 10 8 one that loads [n -S...
loafer 12 10 a lazy person; a sho...
loaner 9 8 one who loans [n -S]
lobber 15 13 one who lobs [n -S]
locker 15 14 a small cupboard for...
lodger 12 10 one who stays in ren...
lofter 13 10 a type of golf club...
logger 13 11 one who fells timber...
logier 12 9 LOGY, sluggish, also...
loiter 11 7 to stand idly about...
loller 13 9 one who lolls [n -S]
longer 11 10 one that longs [n -S...
looker 11 11 one that looks [n -S...
looper 12 10 a caterpillar of the...
looser 10 7 LOOSE, slack [adj]
looter 10 7 one that loots [n -S...
lopper 15 13 (Scots) to curdle, a...
lother 13 9 LOTH, unwilling, als...
lotter 11 7 someone who rents or...
louder 11 9 LOUD, strongly audib...
louser 11 8 (Irish) a mean, nast...
louvar 13 12 a large silvery whal...
louver 13 12 a sloping slat place...
lovier 13 11 LOVEY, fondly affect...
lowser 14 10 LOWSE, (Scots) loose...
lubber 16 14 a clumsy fellow, als...
lugger 14 12 a small 2- or-3-mast...
luller 14 10 one who lulls [n -S]
lumbar 15 14 an anatomical part s...
lumber 15 14 to move heavily and...
lumper 15 14 a labourer employed...
lunger 12 11 one who lunges [n -S...
lunier 11 9 LUNY, crazy [adj]
lunker 12 13 a large game fish [n...
lurker 13 12 one that lurks [n -S...
lusher 14 10 a heavy drinker [n -...
luster 12 8 to make lustrous, al...
macher 16 14 (Yiddish) an importa...
madder 11 11 a herbaceous plant w...
maftir 14 12 (Hebrew) the conclud...
magyar 18 13 pertaining to a garm...
mahsir 14 11 a large freshwater f...
mahzor 16 20 a Jewish prayer book...
mailer 12 10 one who sends mail [...
maimer 12 12 one who maims [n -S]
mainer 10 10 MAIN, chief, princip...
mainor 10 10 act or fact of theft...
mammer 13 15 (Shakespeare) to hes...
mamzer 15 21 (Yiddish) an illegit...
mandir 11 11 a Hindu temple, also...
manger 11 12 a feeding trough for...
manner 9 11 method, fashion of s...
mapper 15 15 one who maps, a mapm...
marker 12 13 one that marks [n -S...
marrer 11 9 one who mars or inju...
martyr 18 11 to put someone to de...
marver 13 13 a marble or iron sla...
masher 13 11 a dandy frequenting...
masker 12 13 one who wears a mask...
master 11 9 a person, esp. male,...
matier 11 9 MATY, friendly [adj]
matter 11 9 to be of importance...
mauger 12 12 (archaic) in spite o...
mauler 12 11 one that mauls [n -S...
mauver 13 14 MAUVE, coloured mauv...
mawger 15 14 (Caribbean) lean, th...
mazier 14 18 MAZY, full of confus...
meager 11 11 (US) scanty, also MA...
mealer 11 10 a device for convert...
meaner 9 10 a person who means,...
medlar 12 11 a small tree related...
meeker 11 13 MEEK, having a mild...
meeter 10 9 one that meets [n -S...
melder 12 11 (Scots) the quantity...
melter 12 10 one who, or that whi...
member 14 15 a distinct part of a...
memoir 12 12 a biography [n -S]
mender 10 11 one that mends [n -S...
meneer 9 10 (Dutch) the Dutch eq...
menhir 13 12 (Welsh) a single upr...
mentor 10 10 to serve as a friend...
mercer 14 12 a dealer in textiles...
merger 12 11 the combining of two...
mester 11 9 (dialect) master, he...
meteor 10 9 a small celestial bo...
metier 11 9 (French) one's occup...
mewler 15 13 one that mewls [n -S...
micher 17 14 a truant, also MOOCH...
midair 12 10 the midst of a cours...
milder 13 11 MILD, gentle in temp...
milker 14 14 one who milks (cows)...
miller 14 11 a person who owns or...
milter 13 10 a male fish at breed...
mimbar 15 15 (Arabic) a mosque pu...
mimmer 14 15 MIM, prim, demure, p...
minbar 13 13 (Arabic) a mosque pu...
mincer 14 13 one who minces [n -S...
minder 11 11 one that minds [n -S...
minger 12 12 an unpleasant person...
minier 11 10 MINY, abounding with...
minter 11 10 a person who coins o...
mirier 12 9 MIRY, full of mire [...
mirker 13 13 MIRK, dark, also MUR...
mirror 12 9 a surface which refl...
mister 12 9 to address as mister...
mither 14 11 to confuse, stupefy,...
mitier 12 9 MITY, infested with...
mixier 18 16 MIXY, mixed [adj]
moaner 9 10 one who moans [n -S]
mobber 15 15 one that mobs [n -S]
mocker 15 16 to clothe [v -ED, -I...
modder 11 11 one who modifies a m...
mohair 13 11 a fabric made from t...
moider 11 10 to confuse, stupefy,...
moiler 12 10 one who moils, drudg...
moiser 11 9 (Yiddish) an informe...
molder 12 11 to turn to dust by n...
molter 12 10 one that molts, also...
momoir 12 12 a memoir written by...
momser 12 12 (Yiddish) an illegit...
momzer 15 21 (Yiddish) an illegit...
monger 11 12 a trader; a dealer;...
mooner 9 10 one who abstractedly...
mooter 10 9 a disputer of a moot...
mopier 13 12 MOPY, dejected, also...
mopper 15 15 one who mops [n -S]
mortar 11 9 to bind with a type...
mosher 13 11 one who moshes, danc...
mosser 11 9 a person who works i...
mother 13 11 to give birth to [v...
motier 11 9 MOTEY, full of motes...
motser 11 9 (Australian slang) a...
mouser 11 10 a cat kept to catch...
mouter 11 10 (Scots) a miller's f...
mucker 16 17 to squander [v -ED,...
mudder 12 12 a racehorse that run...
mudger 13 13 one who mudges, equi...
muggar 14 14 (Hindi) a broad-snou...
mugger 14 14 (Hindi) a broad-snou...
muggur 15 15 (Hindi) a broad-snou...
muller 14 12 to inflict a severe...
mummer 14 16 to take part in mumm...
mumper 15 16 a beggar; a begging...
munter 11 11 (colloquial) an unat...
murder 12 11 to kill unlawfully w...
murker 13 14 MURK, dark, gloomy,...
murmur 14 14 to make a subdued mu...
musher 14 12 a person who travels...
muster 12 10 to gather together [...
mutter 12 10 to speak unclearly [...
nabber 13 13 one who nabs [n -S]
naffer 13 13 NAFF, inferior, tack...
nagger 11 11 one who nags, esp. a...
naifer 11 10 NAIF, (French) ingen...
nailer 10 8 a maker of nails [n...
naiver 11 11 NAIVE, lacking sophi...
napper 13 13 one who naps cloth a...
natter 9 7 to chatter [v -ED, -...
nearer 8 7 NEAR, situated withi...
neater 8 7 NEAT, tidy [adj]
necker 13 14 a person who indulge...
nectar 12 10 a delicious drink [n...
needer 8 8 one who needs [n -S]
nerver 11 11 someone or something...
nesher 11 9 NESH, soft, crumbly;...
nester 9 7 one who nests [n -S]
nestor 9 7 a genus of parrots w...
nether 11 9 situated below [adj]
netter 9 7 one who nets [n -S]
neuter 9 8 to castrate [v -ED,...
nicher 15 12 (Scots) to neigh, al...
nickar 14 14 the round seed of a...
nicker 14 14 (Scots) to neigh, al...
niffer 14 13 (Scots) to barter, t...
nigger 12 11 to exhaust by overcr...
nigher 13 11 NIGH, near [adj]
nimmer 12 13 a thief [n -S]
nipper 14 13 to seize two ropes t...
nipter 12 10 (Greek) an ecclesias...
nither 12 9 (dialect) to shiver...
nobler 12 11 NOBLE, possessing qu...
nodder 9 9 one who nods; a drow...
nonpar 10 11 being a stock that h...
nonwar 11 11 a war that has not b...
nooner 7 8 a brief sexual encou...
nooser 8 7 one who nooses [n -S...
nosher 11 9 one who noshes, nibb...
nosier 9 7 NOSEY, unduly curiou...
nother 11 9 neither; nor [adj]
notour 9 8 in Scots law, notori...
nozzer 15 25 (slang) a raw naval...
nudger 11 11 one who nudges [n -S...
nuggar 12 12 (Arabic) a large boa...
number 13 14 to count [v -ED, -IN...
nurser 10 8 one who nurses; one...
nutbar 12 11 a bar made from chop...
nutter 10 8 a crazy person [n -S...
nuzzer 16 26 (Hindi) a present to...
oakier 10 10 OAKY, like an oak [a...
oarier 9 6 OARY, having the for...
oatier 9 6 OATY, like oats [adj...
obeser 11 9 OBESE, very fat [adj...
obeyer 17 11 one who obeys [n -S]
obiter 12 9 (Latin) in passing;...
octuor 13 10 (French) an octet [n...
ocular 14 11 perceived by the eye...
oilier 11 7 OILY, covered in oil...
oliver 13 11 a forge-hammer worke...
onager 9 9 a wild ass of Asia [...
oneyer 14 9 (Shakespeare) a (gre...
oofier 11 9 OOFY, expensive, ost...
oorier 9 6 OORIE, (Scots) dingy...
oosier 9 6 OOSY, having fluff [...
oozier 12 15 OOZY, oozing [adj]
opener 10 10 one that opens [n -S...
orator 9 6 one that orates [n -...
orbier 12 9 ORBY, resembling a s...
ostler 11 7 a horse tender at an...
oulder 11 9 OULD, (Irish) old [a...
ourier 10 7 OURIE, dingy, also O...
ouster 10 7 ejection or disposse...
outbar 12 10 to form a barrier [v...
outher 12 9 (dialect) either [ad...
outler 11 8 someone who is out o...
outwar 13 10 to surpass in warrin...
ovator 11 10 one who gives an ova...
ovular 13 12 relating or belongin...
owlier 14 10 OWLY, owlish, like a...
owrier 13 9 OWRIE, (Scots) dingy...
oyster 16 8 a bivalve shellfish,...
pacier 15 12 PACY, fast, also PAC...
packer 16 16 one who packs [n -S]
padder 12 11 a highwayman who ste...
pairer 12 9 PAIR, (Scots) poor [...
palier 13 10 PALY, somewhat pale...
pallor 14 11 paleness esp. of the...
palmar 14 13 pertaining to the pa...
palmer 14 13 one who bears a palm...
palter 13 10 to talk or act insin...
pamper 15 15 to treat with excess...
pandar 11 11 to act as a procurer...
pander 11 11 to act as a procurer...
paneer 10 10 a soft white cheese...
panier 11 10 a large basket, also...
panner 10 11 one who pans for gol...
panter 11 10 (Shakespeare) the of...
panzer 14 19 (German) a German ta...
parker 13 13 a park-keeper [n -S]
parlor 13 10 a room for the enter...
parser 12 9 a program or routine...
parter 12 9 one who, or which, p...
pasear 11 9 to take a walk [v -E...
passer 12 9 one that passes [n -...
paster 12 9 one who pastes [n -S...
pastor 12 9 a person who has car...
patter 12 9 to talk rapidly and...
patzer 15 18 (German) an inept ch...
pauper 14 13 to reduce to poverty...
pauser 12 10 one who pauses [n -S...
pavior 14 13 a person who lays pa...
pawner 14 13 one who pawns someth...
pawnor 14 13 one who pawns someth...
pecker 16 16 that which pecks; (s...
pedder 12 11 (Scots) a pedlar [n...
pedlar 13 11 a person who goes ab...
pedler 13 11 a person who goes ab...
peeler 12 10 (colloquial) a polic...
peeper 13 12 a kind of tree-frog...
peever 13 13 (Scots) a tile, tin...
pelter 13 10 to shower blows or m...
penner 10 11 one who pens [n -S]
pepper 16 15 to season with a pun...
perter 12 9 PERT, impudent, jaun...
pester 12 9 to bother [v -ED, -I...
pether 14 11 (Scots) a pedlar, al...
petter 12 9 one who pets [n -S]
pewter 15 12 an alloy of tin, ant...
phaser 14 11 a type of science-fi...
phasor 14 11 a rotating vector wh...
phoner 13 12 one that telephones...
phwoar 17 14 an expression of app...
phylar 22 14 related to a phylum,...
picker 17 16 one that picks [n -S...
piecer 15 12 a worker who joins b...
pilfer 16 13 to steal [v -ED, -IN...
pillar 15 11 to supply with verti...
pincer 15 13 one of the two pivot...
pinder 12 11 one who impounds cat...
pinger 13 12 a device for produci...
pinier 12 10 PINY, covered with p...
pinker 13 14 a person who cuts or...
pinner 11 11 one who impounds cat...
pioner 11 10 (Shakespeare) a mili...
pipier 15 12 PIPY, like a pipe; h...
pisher 15 11 (Yiddish) a small bo...
pisser 13 9 something that pisse...
pitier 13 9 one who pities [n -S...
pitter 13 9 to sound like a gras...
placer 16 13 a person who places,...
planar 12 11 relating to a plane,...
planer 12 11 a planing machine [n...
plater 13 10 one who plates [n -S...
player 19 12 one who plays [n -S]
plexor 19 17 a small, rubber-head...
plover 15 14 a general name for b...
plower 16 13 one who ploughs, als...
pogoer 12 11 someone who pogos [n...
poiser 12 9 the balancer of dipt...
pokier 13 13 POKY, cramped, also...
polder 13 11 to reclaim low-lying...
poller 14 11 one that polls, also...
ponder 11 11 to consider deeply [...
pooler 12 10 a person taking part...
pooper 13 12 as in party pooper,...
poorer 11 9 POOR, lacking the me...
pooter 11 9 a suction bottle for...
poplar 15 13 a genus of rapidly g...
popper 16 15 one that pops [n -S]
porier 12 9 PORY, having pores [...
porker 13 13 a pig, esp. a young...
porter 12 9 to carry luggage [v...
poseur 12 10 an affected or insin...
posher 14 11 POSH, smart, stylish...
posier 12 9 POSY, given to posin...
posser 12 9 (archaic) a wooden s...
poster 12 9 to stick bills on [v...
pother 14 11 to make a commotion...
potter 12 9 to occupy oneself in...
potzer 15 18 (German) an inept ch...
pouder 12 11 (obsolete) powder, a...
pourer 12 10 one who pours [n -S]
pouter 12 10 a variety of pigeon...
powder 15 13 matter in a finely d...
powter 15 12 (Scots) to poke, rum...
poxier 18 16 POXY, afflicted by p...
prater 12 9 one who prates [n -S...
prayer 18 11 a devout petition to...
prefer 14 12 to like better [v PR...
pretor 12 9 an ancient Roman mag...
prewar 15 12 occurring before the...
preyer 18 11 one who, or that whi...
pricer 16 12 one who sets a price...
primer 14 12 a book that covers t...
priser 13 9 a contestant for a p...
prizer 16 18 a contestant for a p...
prober 14 12 one who probes [n -S...
proker 13 13 a poker [n -S]
proler 13 10 (obsolete) a prowler...
proner 11 10 PRONE, lying face do...
proper 14 12 fitting [adj PROPERE...
proser 12 9 a writer of prose, a...
prover 14 13 one who proves [n -S...
prowar 15 12 favouring war [adj]
prower 15 12 PROW, (archaic) full...
pruner 12 11 one that prunes [n -...
psywar 22 14 (short for) psycholo...
pucker 17 17 to gather into small...
pudder 13 12 to make a tumult or...
pudeur 13 12 (French) a sense of...
puffer 17 16 a steam-engine; a ki...
puirer 13 10 PUIR, (Scots) poor [...
pukier 14 14 PUKY, reminiscent of...
pulier 14 11 PULY, given to pulin...
puller 15 12 one that pulls [n -S...
pulper 16 14 a machine for pulpin...
pulsar 14 11 a celestial source o...
pulser 14 11 a device that causes...
pulver 16 15 to reduce to powder...
pulwar 17 14 (Hindi) a light keel...
pumper 16 16 one who pumps [n -S]
punier 12 11 PUNY, of inferior si...
punker 13 15 a punk rock musician...
punner 11 12 one who makes puns,...
punter 12 11 one that punts [n -S...
purger 14 12 one who purges [n -S...
purler 14 11 a heavy fall [n -S]
purser 13 10 an officer in charge...
pusher 15 12 one that pushes [n -...
pusser 13 10 in naval slang, a su...
putter 13 10 to occupy oneself in...
pyoner 17 12 (Shakespeare) a mili...
qindar 18 17 an Albanian currency...
qintar 18 16 (Albanian) a monetar...
quaker 19 20 one who quakes [n -S...
quarer 18 16 QUARE, (dialect) que...
quasar 18 16 a starlike object wh...
quaver 20 20 to tremble, quiver [...
queuer 18 17 one who lines up [n...
quiver 21 20 to shake slightly [v...
quoter 18 16 one who quotes [n -S...
racier 13 9 RACY, pungent [adj]
racker 14 13 a horse that walks w...
radder 10 8 RAD, afraid [adj]
radger 11 9 RADGE, (Scots) angry...
rafter 12 9 to supply with suppo...
raider 10 7 one that raids [n -S...
railer 11 7 one who rails [n -S]
raiser 10 6 one who raises [n -S...
rammer 12 12 a tool for ramming e...
ramper 13 12 one who makes a dist...
rancor 12 10 bitter and vindictiv...
ranger 10 9 an officer supervisi...
ranker 10 11 an enlisted soldier...
ranter 9 7 one who rants [n -S]
rapier 12 9 a long, slender swor...
rapper 14 12 a doorknocker [n -S]
raptor 12 9 a bird or prey [n -S...
rasher 12 8 a thin slice of meat...
rasper 12 9 a tool used for rasp...
raster 10 6 the area reproducing...
rather 12 8 preferably, also RUT...
ratter 10 6 an animal used for c...
ravier 12 10 RAVEY, characteristi...
reader 9 7 one that reads [n -S...
realer 10 7 REAL, actually exist...
reamer 10 9 a tool used to enlar...
reaper 11 9 one that reaps [n -S...
rearer 9 6 a horse that rears [...
reaver 11 10 one that reaves, als...
rector 13 9 in the Church of Eng...
redder 10 8 one who redds, tidie...
redear 9 7 the common sunfish [...
reeder 9 7 a thatcher [n -S]
reefer 11 9 a midshipman [n -S]
reeker 10 10 one that reeks [n -S...
reeler 10 7 an instrument for re...
regear 10 8 to equip again [v -E...
rehear 11 8 to hear again [v REH...
reiter 10 6 to reiterate [v -ED,...
reiver 12 10 a raider, plunderer,...
relier 11 7 (Shakespeare) one wh...
render 9 8 to plaster with a fi...
renker 10 11 RENK, (dialect) unpl...
renter 9 7 one who rents [n -S]
repair 12 9 to restore to good c...
repour 12 10 to pour again [v -ED...
rester 10 6 one who rests [n -S]
retear 9 6 to tear again [v RET...
retour 10 7 to confirm as heir [...
reveur 12 11 (French) a daydreame...
rewear 12 9 to wear again [v REW...
rhetor 12 8 a teacher of rhetori...
rhymer 20 13 one who composes rhy...
ribber 15 12 one that ribs [n -S]
ribier 13 9 a large, black grape...
richer 16 11 RICH, wealthy [adj]
ricier 14 9 RICY, containing ric...
ricker 15 13 a young tree trunk [...
ridder 11 8 one who rids [n -S]
ridger 12 9 a type of plough whi...
riever 12 10 a raider, plunderer,...
rifler 14 10 a hawk that grasps o...
rigger 13 10 one who rigs e.g. sh...
rigour 12 9 severity [n -S]
rilier 12 7 RILEY, turbid, also...
rimier 12 9 RIMY, covered with r...
rimmer 13 12 a tool used to enlar...
ringer 11 9 one that rings [n -S...
rinser 10 7 something or someone...
rioter 10 6 one that riots [n -S...
ripper 15 12 (obsolete) a person...
risker 12 10 one who risks or haz...
ritter 11 6 (archaic) a German o...
rizzar 17 24 (Scots) to dry in th...
rizzer 17 24 (Scots) to dry in th...
rizzor 17 24 (Scots) to dry in th...
roamer 10 9 one who roams, a wan...
roarer 9 6 one who roars [n -S]
robber 14 12 one that robs [n -S]
rocker 14 13 the rock dove, also...
roemer 10 9 a large drinking gla...
roguer 11 9 a rogue [n -S]
rokier 11 10 ROKY, (dialect) mist...
rolfer 13 10 a manipulator of mus...
roller 12 8 a cylindrical device...
romper 13 12 a one-piece garment...
ronzer 12 16 (New Zealand) someon...
roofer 11 9 one who supplies or...
roomer 10 9 a lodger [n -S]
rooser 9 6 (Scots) a boaster [n...
rooter 9 6 a vocal supporter [n...
ropier 12 9 ROPY, resembling rop...
rorier 10 6 RORY, (Scots) noisy,...
rorter 10 6 a conman [n -S]
rosier 10 6 a rosebush, also ROS...
rosser 10 6 (slang) a policeman,...
roster 10 6 to put on a list of...
rother 12 8 (obsolete) an ox, co...
rotter 10 6 a scoundrel [n -S]
rouser 10 7 a person or thing th...
router 10 7 a two-handled plane...
rozzer 16 24 (slang) a policeman,...
rubber 15 13 to provide with an e...
rubier 13 10 RUBY, red like a rub...
rudder 11 9 a vertical blade use...
rugger 13 11 a form of football,...
ruiner 10 8 one who ruins [n -S]
rulier 12 8 RULY, obedient, orde...
rummer 13 13 (Dutch) a large drin...
rumour 12 11 to spread by hearsay...
runner 9 9 one who runs [n -S]
rusher 13 9 in American football...
ruther 13 9 (dialect) rather [ad...
rutter 11 7 (obsolete) a horsema...
sacker 14 13 a position in baseba...
sadder 10 8 SAD, unhappy [adj]
saeter 9 6 (Norwegian) an uplan...
safter 12 9 SAFT, (Scots) soft [...
saggar 12 10 a clay box in which...
sagger 12 10 a clay box in which...
sagier 11 8 SAGY, flavoured with...
sailer 11 7 a vessel that sails...
sailor 11 7 a member of a ship's...
sairer 10 6 SAIR, (Scots) sore,...
salter 11 7 a person who makes o...
salver 13 11 a tray or serving pl...
salvor 13 11 one who assists in s...
salwar 14 10 a long tunic worn ov...
sambar 13 12 a large Asian deer,...
sambur 14 13 a large Asian deer,...
samier 11 9 SAMEY, (colloquial)...
samlor 12 10 a three-wheeled taxi...
sander 9 8 a tool for sanding [...
sangar 10 9 (Pushtu) a temporary...
sanger 10 9 (Australian slang) a...
sansar 9 7 a cold, whistling wi...
santir 10 7 a Persian stringed i...
santur 10 8 (Arabic) an Eastern...
sapour 12 10 flavour, also SAPOR...
sapper 14 12 a military engineer...
sardar 10 7 (Urdu) a native chie...
sarsar 10 6 a cold, whistling wi...
sartor 10 6 (Latin) a tailor [n...
saucer 13 10 a small shallow dish...
sauger 11 9 an American freshwat...
savior 12 10 one who saves, also...
savour 12 11 to taste or smell wi...
sawder 13 10 to flatter, also SOW...
sawyer 19 11 one whose occupation...
scalar 14 10 a mathematical quant...
scaler 14 10 a person or thing th...
scarer 13 9 something or someone...
scorer 13 9 one that scores [n -...
scoter 13 9 a sea duck [n -S]
scryer 20 11 one who scries in a...
sealer 10 7 one who hunts seals...
seamer 10 9 a ball delivered by...
searer 9 6 SEAR, scorched, with...
seater 9 6 someone or something...
secpar 15 12 a unit of astronomic...
sector 13 9 to divide into secti...
seeder 9 7 one who seeds [n -S]
seeker 10 10 one who seeks [n -S]
seemer 10 9 one who seems [n -S]
seggar 12 10 a clay box in which...
seiker 11 10 SEIK, (Scots) sick [...
seiner 9 7 one who fishes with...
seiser 10 6 one who seizes (prop...
seisor 10 6 one who seizes (prop...
seizer 13 15 one who seizes (prop...
seizor 13 15 one that takes seizi...
seller 12 8 one that sells [n -S...
semper 13 12 (Latin) always [adj]
sender 9 8 one that sends [n -S...
senhor 11 9 (Spanish) a Portugue...
senior 9 7 a person who is olde...
sensor 9 7 a device that respon...
serger 11 8 a sewing machine att...
server 12 10 one who serves anoth...
setter 10 6 to treat with a seto...
sexier 16 13 SEXY, arousing sexua...
shader 12 9 one who, or that whi...
shaker 13 12 one who shakes [n -S...
shamer 13 11 one who causes shame...
shaper 14 11 one that shapes [n -...
sharer 12 8 one that shares [n -...
shaver 14 12 a youngster [n -S]
shewer 15 11 one who shews [n -S]
shikar 14 12 to hunt (animal) as...
shiner 12 9 a black eye [n -S]
shiver 15 12 to tremble with fear...
shmear 13 11 (Yiddish) to bribe [...
shmeer 13 11 to bribe, also SCHME...
shoder 12 9 a package of gold be...
shofar 14 11 a horn blown in cert...
shorer 12 8 one who props up thi...
shover 14 12 one who shoves, as i...
shower 15 11 to bathe in a spray...
siccar 17 12 (Scots) sure, certai...
sicker 15 13 (Scots) sure, certai...
siddur 12 9 (Hebrew) a Jewish pr...
sidler 12 8 one who sidles [n -S...
sieger 11 8 one who besieges, al...
sifter 13 9 one who, or that whi...
sigher 14 10 one who sighs [n -S]
signer 11 9 one that signs [n -S...
signor 11 9 an Italian title of...
siller 13 8 (Scots) silver [n -S...
silver 14 11 to cover with a meta...
simmer 13 12 to cook just below b...
simper 14 12 to smirk in a silly...
singer 11 9 one that sings [n -S...
sinker 11 11 a weight for a fishi...
sinner 9 8 to transgress, to ac...
sinter 10 7 to make cohesive by...
sipper 15 12 one who sips [n -S]
sircar 14 9 (Urdu) the state or...
sirdar 11 7 (Urdu) a native chie...
sirkar 12 10 (Urdu) the state or...
sister 11 6 to treat like a fema...
sittar 11 6 (Urdu) an Indian mus...
sitter 11 6 one who sits [n -S]
sizier 14 15 SIZY, pertaining to...
skater 11 10 one who skates [n -S...
skewer 14 13 a long pin of wood o...
skiver 14 14 (dialect) to skewer...
skryer 18 12 one who scries in a...
skyier 18 12 SKYEY, resembling th...
slaker 12 11 one who slakes [n -S...
slater 11 7 one who roofs with s...
slaver 13 11 to drool [v -ED, -IN...
slayer 17 9 one that slays [n -S...
slicer 15 10 one that slices [n -...
slider 12 8 a person who or thin...
sliver 14 11 to cut into long, th...
sloper 13 10 a native or inhabita...
slower 14 10 SLOW, moving with li...
smiler 13 10 one who smiles [n -S...
smiter 12 9 one who smites [n -S...
smoker 12 13 one that smokes [n -...
snarer 9 7 one who sets snares...
snider 10 8 SNIDE, base, also SN...
sniper 12 10 one who snipes [n -S...
snorer 9 7 one who snores [n -S...
soaker 10 10 a small piece of lea...
soaper 11 9 a serial melodrama o...
soarer 9 6 a person who or thin...
sobber 14 12 one who sobs [n -S]
soccer 16 12 a type of ball game...
sodger 11 9 (colloquial) a soldi...
soever 11 10 to an indefinite deg...
softer 12 9 SOFT, not hard, also...
solder 11 8 to join together wit...
sollar 12 8 (archaic) to put in...
soller 12 8 (archaic) an upper r...
solver 13 11 one who solves [n -S...
somber 13 12 (US) sombre [adj SOM...
sonder 9 8 a class of small yac...
sooler 10 7 one who sools, incit...
sooner 8 7 one who settles on g...
sordor 10 7 (Latin) refuse, foul...
sorner 9 7 one who obtrudes him...
sorter 10 6 one that sorts [n -S...
soucar 13 10 (Hindi) a Hindu bank...
souper 12 10 in Ireland, a person...
sourer 10 7 SOUR, having an acid...
souser 10 7 a drunkard [n -S]
soutar 10 7 (Scots) a shoemaker;...
souter 10 7 (Scots) a shoemaker;...
sowcar 16 12 (Hindi) a Hindu bank...
sowder 13 10 as in soft sowder, f...
sowter 13 9 (Scots) a cobbler, a...
spacer 15 12 someone who, or some...
spader 12 10 one who, or that whi...
sparer 12 9 one who spares [n -S...
spewer 15 12 one who spews, also...
sphaer 14 11 (obsolete) a sphere,...
sphear 14 11 (archaic) a sphere,...
spicer 16 12 (obsolete) a dealer...
spider 13 10 to move in a scuttli...
spiker 14 13 a device for spiking...
spinar 12 10 a rapidly spinning g...
spinor 12 10 a type of mathematic...
sprier 13 9 SPRY, smart, dapper...
spryer 19 11 SPRY, smart, dapper...
squier 19 16 (Shakespeare) a squa...
squirr 20 16 to scour, search; to...
stager 11 8 an experienced perso...
staker 11 10 one that marks off a...
staler 11 7 STALE, not fresh [ad...
starer 10 6 one who stares [n -S...
stater 10 6 (Greek) an ancient G...
stator 10 6 a part of a machine...
stayer 16 8 one who stays [n -S]
stelar 11 7 relating to a stele,...
stewer 13 9 one who stews [n -S]
steyer 16 8 STEY, (Scots) steep...
stiver 13 10 (Dutch) a former Dut...
stoker 11 10 a person who or thin...
stoner 9 7 one who stones [n -S...
stoper 12 9 one that stopes, exc...
storer 10 6 one who stores thing...
stover 12 10 (archaic) the dried...
stower 13 9 one who stows [n -S]
stumer 12 10 (slang) a counterfei...
stupor 13 10 a state of reduced s...
stylar 18 9 relating to a style,...
styler 18 9 one who styles [n -S...
suaver 12 11 SUAVE, sophisticated...
subpar 15 13 below par [adj]
succor 17 13 to go to the aid of,...
sucker 15 14 to strip off superfl...
sudder 11 9 (Arabic) a supreme c...
sudser 11 8 (slang) a soap opera...
suffer 15 13 to feel pain or dist...
suiter 11 7 a special suitcase f...
suitor 11 7 one making a suit [n...
sulfur 15 12 a non metallic eleme...
sulker 13 12 one who sulks [n -S]
summar 13 13 (Scots) summary [adj...
summer 13 13 to pass the warmest...
sunder 10 9 to break apart [v -E...
sungar 11 10 (Pushtu) a temporary...
sunker 11 12 a ridge of rock near...
supper 15 13 to supply with an ev...
surfer 13 10 one who surfs, also...
surger 12 9 one who surges [n -S...
sutler 12 8 one who peddles good...
swager 14 11 one who uses a swage...
swayer 19 11 one who sways [n -S]
swiler 15 10 (Canadian) in Newfou...
swiper 16 12 one who sweeps for o...
sypher 21 13 to lay an edge over...
tabour 12 10 to beat on a small d...
tacker 14 13 (Australian slang) a...
tagger 12 10 the pursuer in a gam...
tailer 11 7 one who secretly fol...
tailor 11 7 to fit with clothes...
taiver 12 10 (Scots) to wander, t...
takier 11 10 TAKY, (obsolete) att...
talker 12 11 one who talks [n -S]
taller 12 8 TALL, having great h...
tamber 13 12 the distinctive qual...
tambur 14 13 (Arabic) an Eastern...
tammar 12 12 (Native Australian)...
tamper 13 12 to interfere in a ha...
tanker 10 11 to transport by a sh...
tanner 8 8 in pre-decimal coina...
tapper 14 12 a person who taps; a...
tartar 10 6 a formidable or fero...
tarter 10 6 TART, sharp tasting...
tasker 11 10 one who performs a t...
taster 10 6 one who tastes [n -S...
tatler 11 7 an indiscreet talker...
tatter 10 6 to become torn and w...
tauter 10 7 TAUT, stretched tigh...
tawier 13 9 TAWIE, (Scots) tract...
teamer 10 9 a person who drives...
tearer 9 6 (slang) a boisterous...
teaser 9 6 one who teases [n -S...
tedder 10 8 a machine for teddin...
tedier 10 7 TEDY, (Scott) tediou...
teemer 10 9 one who teems, or br...
teener 8 7 a teenager [n -S]
teeter 9 6 to move unsteadily [...
telfer 13 10 to transport by a sy...
tellar 12 8 a sapling, a shoot f...
teller 12 8 a sapling, a shoot f...
temper 13 12 to moderate by addin...
tender 9 8 soft, sensitive [adj...
tenner 8 8 (colloquial) a ten-p...
tenour 9 8 (obsolete) tenor [n...
tenser 9 7 TENSE, taut [adj]
tensor 9 7 a muscle that stretc...
tenter 9 7 to stretch on a type...
termer 11 9 a person who holds a...
termor 11 9 a person who holds a...
terror 10 6 intense fear [n -S]
terser 10 6 TERSE, succinct [adj...
tester 10 6 a canopy over a bed...
tether 12 8 to confine with a ro...
tetter 10 6 to affect with a ski...
texter 16 13 a person who communi...
thaler 13 9 (German) an obsolete...
thawer 15 11 an ice-melting agent...
thenar 11 9 (Greek) the fleshy p...
ticker 15 13 (slang) the heart [n...
tidier 11 7 one who tidies [n -S...
tigger 13 10 to damage (electroni...
tiller 13 8 to put forth stems f...
tilter 12 7 one who tilts, or jo...
timber 14 12 to furnish with wood...
tinder 10 8 dry inflammable matt...
tinier 10 7 TINY, very small [ad...
tinker 11 11 to repair shoddily [...
tinner 9 8 a tin miner [n -S]
tinter 10 7 a person or thing th...
tipper 15 12 one who tips [n -S]
titfer 13 9 (slang) cockney rhym...
tither 13 8 one who collects tit...
titler 12 7 a writer of titles;...
titter 11 6 to utter a restraine...
tocher 15 11 (Gaelic) to dower [v...
todger 11 9 (slang) the penis [n...
toeier 9 6 TOEY, (Australian sl...
togger 12 10 (colloquial) to play...
toiler 11 7 one that toils [n -S...
toller 12 8 a collector of tolls...
tolter 11 7 (dialect) to flounde...
tonger 10 9 a person who gathers...
tonier 9 7 TONY, high-toned, al...
tonker 10 11 one who tonks, hits...
tonner 8 8 an object having a s...
tonsor 9 7 (Latin) a barber [n...
tooler 10 7 a person who tools t...
toomer 10 9 TOOM, (Scots) empty...
tooter 9 6 one who toots; one w...
topper 14 12 (slang) a top hat [n...
torpor 12 9 (Latin) mental or ph...
tosher 12 8 (colloquial) a non-c...
tosser 10 6 (slang) an unpleasan...
tother 12 8 (archaic) the other...
totter 10 6 to walk unsteadily [...
tourer 10 7 a large, open automo...
touser 10 7 one who touses [n -S...
touter 10 7 one who seeks custom...
towbar 15 12 a metal bar used for...
towier 13 9 TOWY, pertaining to...
towser 13 9 one who towses [n -S...
tracer 13 9 a kind of ammunition...
trader 10 7 one who trades [n -S...
tremor 11 9 to quiver, shake [v...
tricar 14 9 a three-wheeled car...
trimer 12 9 a substance in which...
triter 11 6 TRITE, banal, common...
trocar 13 9 a surgical instrumen...
trover 12 10 a type of legal acti...
tubber 15 13 one who tubs i.e. ta...
tucker 15 14 to tire out [v -ED,...
tufter 13 10 a hound that drives...
tugger 13 11 one who tugs, esp. i...
tulwar 15 11 (Hindi) an Indian sa...
tumour 12 11 an abnormal swelling...
tunier 10 8 TUNY, tuneful, esp....
turgor 12 9 the state of being t...
turner 10 8 one who turns wood o...
tuskar 12 11 a turf-spade, also T...
tusker 12 11 a turf-spade, also T...
tussar 11 7 (Hindi) a fawn-colou...
tusser 11 7 (Hindi) a fawn-colou...
tussor 11 7 (Hindi) a fawn-colou...
tussur 12 8 (Hindi) a fawn-colou...
twicer 17 12 a compositor and pre...
twiner 13 10 a twining plant [n -...
twofer 15 12 something that is so...
typier 19 11 TYPY, conforming to...
uglier 13 10 UGLY, not beautiful...
ulster 12 8 a long, loose overco...
unbear 11 11 to free from the pre...
uncoer 12 11 UNCO, (Scots) strang...
undear 9 9 not dear [adj]
undoer 9 9 one who undoes [n -S...
unfair 12 11 not fair [adj UNFAIR...
ungear 10 10 to unharness [v -ED,...
unhair 12 10 to remove the hair f...
uniter 10 8 one who unites [n -S...
unmoor 10 11 to release from moor...
unspar 12 11 to withdraw a spa fr...
upbear 14 13 to raise aloft [v UP...
uprear 12 10 to raise; to erect [...
uproar 12 10 a tumult, a commotio...
upsoar 12 10 to soar upward [v -E...
upstir 14 10 to stir up [v UPSTIR...
uptear 12 10 to tear out by the r...
ureter 10 7 a duct that conveys...
usager 11 9 someone who has the...
usurer 11 8 one who lives by usu...
uvular 14 13 relating to the uvul...
vaguer 13 13 VAGUE, indeterminate...
vainer 11 11 VAIN, filled with un...
valkyr 21 17 a maiden in Norse my...
vallar 14 12 (Latin) a Roman circ...
valour 13 12 courage, also VALOR...
valuer 13 12 one that values [n -...
valvar 15 15 pertaining to a valv...
vamper 15 16 one who vamps; one w...
vanner 10 12 a person who owns a...
vapour 14 14 mist, fume or smoke...
varier 12 10 a wanderer; one who...
vaster 12 10 VAST, huge [adj]
vatter 12 10 one who uses a vat [...
vealer 12 11 a calf raised for fo...
vector 15 13 to guide in flight b...
veiler 13 11 one who veils [n -S]
veiner 11 11 a tool used in wood...
velour 13 12 a fabric resembling...
vender 11 12 a seller, also VENDO...
vendor 11 12 a seller, also VENDE...
veneer 10 11 to overlay with thin...
venger 12 13 (Spenser) an avenger...
venter 11 11 (obsolete) a person...
verger 13 12 a church official, a...
verier 12 10 VERY, absolute [adj]
verser 12 10 a versifier [n -S]
vesper 14 13 an evening service,...
vetoer 11 10 one who vetoes [n -S...
vetter 12 10 one that evaluates s...
viator 12 10 a traveller [n VIATO...
vibier 15 13 VIBEY, lively, vibra...
victor 16 13 one who defeats an a...
viewer 15 13 one that views [n -S...
vigour 14 13 active strength or f...
villar 15 12 pertaining to a mano...
vinier 12 11 VINY, of or pertaini...
violer 13 11 a viol player, a fid...
virger 14 12 (obsolete) a verger...
visier 13 10 (Arabic) a minister...
vizier 16 19 (Arabic) a minister...
vogier 13 12 VOGIE, (Scots) vain,...
voguer 13 13 one who vogues, perf...
voicer 15 13 one who voices [n -S...
voider 12 11 one who voids [n -S]
voyeur 18 13 one who seeks sexual...
vulgar 15 14 common [adj VULGARER...
vulvar 16 16 relating to the vulv...
wacker 17 16 (slang) mate, pal [n...
wadder 13 11 an implement for wad...
wafter 15 12 an armed vessel empl...
wagger 15 13 a wastepaper basket...
wailer 14 10 one who wails [n -S]
waiter 13 9 one who serves at ta...
waiver 15 13 the act of waiving s...
walier 14 10 WALY, (Scots) fine,...
walker 15 14 one who walks [n -S]
waller 15 11 a builder of walls [...
wander 12 11 to move about with n...
wanier 12 10 WANY, waning in some...
wanker 13 14 one who masturbates...
wanner 11 11 WAN, pale [adj]
wanter 12 10 one who wants [n -S]
wapper 17 15 to cause to shake; t...
warder 13 10 someone who guards o...
warier 13 9 WARY, cautious [adj]
warmer 14 12 something that warms...
warner 12 10 one who warns [n -S]
warper 15 12 one who, or that whi...
washer 15 11 to fit with a washer...
waster 13 9 (Scots) to spend pro...
watter 13 9 WAT, wet [adj]
wauker 14 14 a fuller of cloth, a...
wavier 15 13 WAVY, having waves [...
waxier 19 16 WAXY, like wax [adj]
weaker 13 13 WEAK, feeble [adj]
weaner 11 10 a calf, lamb, or pig...
wearer 12 9 one who is dressed [...
weaver 14 13 one that weaves [n -...
wedder 13 11 (dialect) to weather...
weeder 12 10 one who weeds [n -S]
weeper 14 12 one who weeps [n -S]
weeter 12 9 WEET, wet [adj]
weever 14 13 any one of several s...
weiner 12 10 (German) a frankfurt...
welder 14 11 one that welds, also...
weldor 14 11 one that welds, also...
welter 14 10 to roll about [v -ED...
wester 13 9 to move towards the...
wether 15 11 a castrated ram [n -...
wetter 13 9 something that wets...
whaler 16 12 a person who hunts w...
whiner 15 12 one who whines [n -S...
whiter 16 11 WHITE, of the color...
wicker 18 16 a pliant twig or bra...
widder 14 11 (colloquial) a widow...
wiener 12 10 (German) a frankfurt...
wigger 16 13 (colloquial) a white...
wilder 15 11 to cause to stray [v...
wilier 15 10 WILY, crafty [adj]
willer 16 11 someone who wills [n...
wincer 16 13 one who winces [n -S...
winder 13 11 (slang) a blow that...
winger 14 12 a footballer who pla...
winier 13 10 WINEY, like or tasti...
winker 14 14 something that winks...
winner 12 11 one that wins [n -S]
winter 13 10 to pass the coldest...
wirier 14 9 WIRY, thin and tough...
wisher 16 11 one who wishes [n -S...
wither 16 11 to dry up and wilt [...
witter 14 9 to mutter peevishly...
wizier 17 18 (Arabic) a minister...
wolfer 16 13 a hunter of wolves,...
wolver 16 14 a hunter of wolves,...
wonder 12 11 to speculate [v -ED,...
wonner 11 11 (Scots) a wonder [n...
woofer 14 12 a loudspeaker for lo...
wooler 13 10 a domestic animal ra...
worker 14 13 one that works [n -S...
wormer 14 12 a screw fixed on the...
worser 13 9 worse [adj]
wowfer 18 15 WOWF, (Scots) crazy...
wowser 16 12 (Australian slang) a...
writer 14 9 one that writes [n -...
wunner 12 12 something that is on...
wuther 16 12 to move swiftly or w...
xyster 23 15 a surgeon's instrume...
yabber 20 14 (Native Australian)...
yacker 20 15 (Native Australian)...
yagger 18 12 (Scots) a pedlar [n...
yakker 18 16 (Native Australian)...
yammer 18 14 to complain peevishl...
yanker 16 13 (Scots) a big lie [n...
yapper 20 14 a yappy dog [n -S]
yarder 16 9 one who yards, draft...
yarner 15 9 one who tells storie...
yatter 16 8 to talk idly [v -ED,...
yauper 18 12 one who yaups, yelps...
yawier 19 11 YAWY, pertaining to...
yawner 18 12 one who yawns [n -S]
yawper 21 14 one who yawps, cries...
yeller 18 10 one who cries out [n...
yelper 19 12 one who yelps [n -S]
yemmer 18 14 (dialect) an ember [...
yessir 17 8 an interjection used...
yester 16 8 pertaining to yester...
yicker 21 15 to utter sharp littl...
yikker 19 16 to utter sharp littl...
yipper 21 14 a golfer suffering f...
yodler 17 10 one who yodels, also...
yonder 15 10 over there, also THO...
yonker 16 13 (obsolete) a young p...
yopper 20 14 a young person emplo...
yorker 17 12 a kind of delivery i...
yowler 20 12 one who yowls [n -S]
yucker 21 16 an American bird, th...
yukier 18 13 YUKY, itchy [adj]
zaffar 17 21 (Italian) an impure...
zaffer 17 21 (Italian) an impure...
zaffir 18 21 (Italian) an impure...
zander 12 17 (German) a European...
zanier 12 16 ZANY, comical, clown...
zapper 17 21 a device that zaps [...
zephyr 24 22 a gentle breeze [n -...
zester 13 15 a utensil for peelin...
zinger 14 18 someone or something...
zipper 18 21 to close with an int...
zither 16 17 a stringed instrumen...
zooier 12 15 ZOOEY, like a zoo [a...
zoster 13 15 (Greek) an ancient G...