7 letter words that end with R

7 letter words that end with R

7 letter R word


Words With Friends®


abactor 16 13 (obsolete) a cattle...
abetter 13 10 one who abets, also...
abettor 13 10 one who abets, also...
abjurer 16 20 one who abjures [n -...
ablator 14 11 a substance undergoi...
aborter 13 10 one who aborts [n -S...
abrader 13 11 a tool for abrading...
abutter 14 11 a person whose prope...
acatour 14 11 (obsolete) an office...
acceder 17 14 one who accedes [n -...
accuser 18 14 one who accuses [n -...
acerber 16 13 ACERB, bitter and so...
acidier 15 11 ACIDY, resembling ac...
acrider 15 11 ACRID, sharp to the...
acroter 14 10 a pedestal or orname...
adapter 13 11 something that adapt...
adaptor 13 11 something that adapt...
adducer 15 13 one who adduces [n -...
adepter 13 11 ADEPT, highly skille...
adherer 13 10 one who remains clos...
adjurer 14 18 one who commands sol...
adjuror 14 18 one who commands sol...
admirer 13 11 one who admires [n -...
adopter 13 11 one who adopts [n -S...
adorner 10 9 one who adorns [n -S...
adviser 14 12 one who gives counse...
advisor 14 12 one who gives counse...
aerator 10 7 that which supplies...
affixer 22 20 one who affixes [n -...
aginner 11 11 an opponent of chang...
agister 13 9 a former officer of...
agistor 13 9 a former officer of...
alastor 12 8 an avenging deity in...
alcazar 18 20 a Spanish fortress o...
alerter 12 8 ALERT, ready for sud...
aliener 11 9 one that transfers p...
alienor 11 9 a person who transfe...
aligner 13 11 one who aligns, also...
allayer 19 11 one who, or that whi...
alleger 14 11 one who alleges [n -...
allobar 15 12 a change in barometr...
allover 15 13 a fabric with a patt...
allurer 14 10 one who allures [n -...
almemar 14 14 (Hebrew) a platform...
almoner 12 12 a giver of alms; a s...
alnager 12 11 an inspector of clot...
alterer 12 8 one who alters [n -S...
amasser 12 10 one who amasses [n -...
amateur 12 11 one who engages in a...
amender 11 12 one who amends [n -S...
amercer 15 13 one who amerces, fin...
amildar 14 12 (Urdu) a factor or m...
ammeter 13 13 an instrument for me...
anaphor 14 13 the repetition of a...
angrier 12 10 ANGRY, having anger...
angular 13 12 having an angle [adj...
annoyer 15 11 one who annoys [n -S...
annular 11 11 ring-shaped [adj ANN...
another 12 10 one more [adj]
antbear 12 11 the great anteater [...
antiair 11 8 directed against att...
anticar 14 11 opposed to cars [adj...
antifur 14 12 opposed to wearing a...
antiwar 14 11 opposed to war [adj]
antsier 11 8 ANTSY, eager, excite...
applier 17 14 one who applies [n -...
apposer 15 13 (obsolete) an examin...
aptamer 14 13 any of various creat...
aquafer 21 20 an underground reser...
aquifer 22 20 an underground reser...
aquiver 22 21 quivering [adj]
arbiter 14 10 a person with power...
areolar 11 8 pertaining to an are...
armiger 14 12 an armour-bearer; a...
armorer 12 10 (US) one who makes o...
arouser 11 8 one who arouses [n -...
arrayer 17 9 one who arrays [n -S...
arriver 14 11 one who arrives [n -...
artsier 12 7 ARTSY, arty [adj]
ashiver 16 13 (archaic) shivering...
aspirer 14 10 one who aspires [n -...
assayer 17 9 one that assays [n -...
assever 13 11 to solemnly declare...
assizer 15 16 an officer in charge...
assumer 13 11 one who assumes or a...
assurer 12 8 one who assures, tak...
assuror 12 8 one who assures, tak...
astuter 12 8 ASTUTE, shrewd and p...
astylar 19 10 without columns [adj...
asunder 11 10 into parts [adv]
atelier 12 8 an artist's studio [...
athanor 12 10 an alchemist's furna...
auditor 12 9 one that audits [n -...
augurer 13 11 (Shakespeare) an aug...
autocar 14 11 a motor car [n -S]
avenger 13 14 one that avenges, al...
averter 13 11 one who averts [n -S...
aviator 13 11 a pilot who flies ai...
avoider 13 12 one who avoids [n -S...
awaiter 14 10 one who awaits [n -S...
awarder 14 11 one who awards [n -S...
axillar 20 16 a feather on the und...
babbler 19 17 any of a family of t...
backbar 20 20 the space behind a b...
baconer 15 14 a pig suitable for b...
baffler 19 17 a person who or thin...
baggier 16 14 BAGGY, loose fitting...
bahadur 16 14 a Hindu title of res...
baldier 15 12 BALDY, having no hai...
balkier 16 15 BALKY, apt to balk;...
balmier 16 14 BALMY, mild, tempera...
banaler 13 12 BANAL, flat and unin...
bandier 13 12 BANDY, having crooke...
bardier 14 11 BARDY, (Scots) scold...
barkier 15 14 BARKY, having a toug...
barmier 15 13 BARMIE, foamy; dotty...
barnier 13 11 BARNY, like a barn [...
barrier 14 10 to shut by means of...
basilar 15 11 relating to, or situ...
bassier 14 10 BASSY, somewhat deep...
batcher 19 15 one who puts things...
battier 14 10 BATTY, (colloquial)...
battler 15 11 one who battles [n -...
baulker 16 16 one who baulks [n -S...
bawdier 17 14 BAWDY, obscene [adj]
beadier 13 11 BEADY, resembling be...
beagler 15 13 one who hunts with b...
beakier 14 14 BEAKY, resembling a...
beamier 14 13 BEAMY, radiant [adj]
beatier 13 10 BEATY, of music, hav...
beauter 13 11 BEAUT, beautiful [ad...
beefier 15 13 BEEFY, thickly built...
beerier 13 10 BEERY, smelling of b...
beetler 14 11 an operator of a clo...
behaver 17 16 one who behaves [n -...
beigier 15 12 BEIGY, relating to t...
belabor 16 14 to buffet, beat, als...
belayer 20 13 one who belays [n -S...
belcher 20 16 a kind of spotted ne...
bencher 18 16 a senior member of a...
bendier 13 12 BENDY, full of bends...
bentier 13 11 BENTY, like wiry gra...
bescour 17 14 to scour thoroughly...
besmear 14 13 to smear, bedaub [v...
beveler 16 15 one who bevels, also...
bicolor 18 14 something having two...
bifilar 18 14 having two threads [...
bigener 14 13 a hybrid between gen...
bilayer 21 13 a film with two mole...
bilgier 17 13 BILGY, having the sm...
bilobar 17 14 having two lobes [ad...
biophor 18 15 a hypothetical unit...
bipolar 17 14 having two poles [ad...
birchir 21 15 any of various primi...
birkier 16 14 BIRKIE, (Scots) acti...
birsier 15 10 BIRSY, (Scots) brist...
birther 17 12 a person who believe...
bitsier 15 10 BITSY, small and att...
bittier 15 10 BITTY, fragmented [a...
bittour 15 11 (Spenser) the bitter...
blabber 19 17 to reveal secrets [v...
blacker 19 18 BLACK, being of the...
bladder 15 13 a saclike receptacle...
bladier 15 12 BLADY, as in blady g...
blagger 17 15 one who blags, a thi...
blaguer 16 14 one who talks preten...
blander 14 13 BLAND, neutral-tasti...
blanker 15 16 BLANK, empty [adj]
blaster 15 11 one who blasts [n -S...
blather 17 13 to talk foolishly [v...
blatter 15 11 (Scots) to beat like...
bleaker 15 15 BLEAK, dull and chee...
blearer 14 11 BLEAR, of the eyes,...
bleater 14 11 (colloquial) a compl...
bleeder 14 12 one who bleeds [n -S...
bleeper 16 14 a device that bleeps...
blender 14 13 one that blends [n -...
blesser 15 11 one who blesses [n -...
blether 17 13 to talk nonsense [v...
blinder 15 13 a thing that blinds...
blinger 16 14 BLING, flashy [adj]
blinker 16 16 a leather flap to pr...
blister 16 11 to cause fluid fille...
blither 18 13 to talk loquacious n...
blitter 16 11 a chip or system tha...
blitzer 19 20 one who blitzes [n -...
bloater 14 11 a smoked herring [n...
blocker 19 18 one that blocks [n -...
blogger 17 15 one who maintains a...
blokier 16 15 BLOKEY, like one of...
blonder 14 13 BLOND, light coloure...
bloomer 15 14 a large loaf with a...
blooper 16 14 a public blunder [n...
blotter 15 11 a piece of ink-absor...
blowier 18 14 BLOWY, windy, gusty...
blubber 20 18 to weep effusively [...
blucher 21 17 (German) a leather h...
bludger 17 15 (Australian slang) a...
bludier 16 13 BLUDY, stained with...
bluffer 20 18 one that bluffs [n -...
blunder 15 14 to make a mistake [v...
blunger 16 15 a machine or person...
blunker 16 17 (Scots) a bungler [n...
blunter 15 13 BLUNT, not sharp or...
blurter 16 12 one who blurts [n -S...
blusher 18 14 one who blushes [n -...
bluster 16 12 to blow violently [v...
boarder 13 11 one that boards [n -...
boaster 13 10 one that boasts [n -...
bodgier 15 13 BODGIE, fake [adj]
boggier 16 14 BOGGY, like a bog [a...
boggler 17 15 one who boggles or h...
bolivar 17 15 the monetary unit of...
bolster 15 11 to support [v -ED, -...
boneyer 18 13 BONEY, like bone, al...
bonjour 15 21 (French) good mornin...
bonnier 12 12 BONNY, pretty or hea...
bonsoir 13 11 (French) good evenin...
boodler 14 12 someone involved in...
boofier 15 13 BOOFY, muscular and...
bookier 14 14 BOOKY, by way of bei...
boomier 14 13 BOOMY, hollow-soundi...
booster 13 10 an engine that gives...
boozier 16 19 BOOZY, inclined to b...
boppier 18 16 BOPPY, suggestive of...
bortier 14 10 BORTY, relating to b...
boshter 16 12 (Australian slang) v...
boskier 15 14 BOSKY, woody or bush...
bossier 14 10 BOSSY, domineering [...
botcher 19 15 one who makes a botc...
bottler 15 11 (Australian slang) a...
boudoir 14 12 a woman's bedroom [n...
boulder 15 13 a large rock, also B...
boulter 15 12 a sieve, a machine f...
bouncer 16 15 a person or thing th...
bounder 13 13 a cad [n -S]
bourder 14 12 a jester [n -S]
bousier 14 11 BOUSY, inclined to b...
bouvier 16 15 (French) a large rou...
bowlder 18 15 a large rock, also B...
boysier 20 12 BOYSY, suited to or...
bragger 16 14 one who brags [n -S]
braider 14 11 one who braids; a ma...
brakier 15 14 BRAKY, abounding in...
brander 13 12 (Scots) a gridiron [...
branner 12 12 one that brans [n -S...
brasher 16 12 BRASH, forward, over...
brasier 14 10 one who works in bra...
brawler 18 14 a fighter [n -S]
brazier 17 19 a container for hot...
breaker 14 14 one that breaks [n -...
breeder 13 11 one who breeds [n -S...
brenter 13 11 BRENT, (Scots) lofty...
brevier 16 14 an old type size [n...
bridler 16 12 one who restrains an...
briefer 16 13 one who gives instru...
briller 17 12 BRILL, brilliant [ad...
brimmer 17 16 a bowl or glass full...
bringer 15 13 one who brings [n -S...
brinier 14 11 BRINY, salty [adj]
brisker 16 14 BRISK, quick of move...
broader 13 11 BROAD, broad [adj]
broider 14 11 to adorn with needle...
broiler 15 11 a quickly-reared you...
brommer 16 16 (Afrikaans) a bluebo...
bronzer 16 20 a tanning cosmetic [...
brooder 13 11 a heated building or...
brosier 14 10 BROSY, having the qu...
brother 16 12 a male sibling [n BR...
browner 16 14 a fawning person [n...
browser 17 13 one who browses [n -...
bruiser 15 11 a big husky man [n -...
bruiter 15 11 one that bruits [n -...
brummer 17 17 (Afrikaans) a bluebo...
brusher 17 13 one who brushes [n -...
brusker 16 15 BRUSK, abrupt in man...
bubbler 20 18 (tradename) a kind o...
buckler 20 19 a light shield [n -S...
buddier 15 13 BUDDY, having buds [...
buffier 19 17 BUFFY, of a yellowis...
bugbear 17 16 a cause for anxiety,...
buggier 17 15 BUGGY, full of bugs...
builder 16 13 one that builds [n -...
bulghur 20 17 (Turkish) a form of...
bulgier 17 14 BULGY, bulging [adj]
bulkier 17 16 BULKY, having bulk [...
bullier 17 13 BULLY, wonderful [ad...
bumbler 19 18 a bungler [n -S]
bumpier 18 17 BUMPY, of uneven sur...
bumster 16 14 of trousers, cut in...
buncher 19 17 one that gathers thi...
bundler 15 14 one that bundles [n...
bungler 16 15 one who mismanages [...
buntier 14 12 BUNTY, having bunt,...
burbler 18 15 one who burbles [n -...
burgher 18 15 a freeman or citizen...
burglar 17 14 to enter a building...
burlier 16 12 BURLY, heavy and mus...
burrier 15 11 BURRY, abounding in...
burster 15 11 a machine for separa...
bushier 17 13 BUSHY, having many b...
bustier 15 11 (French) a strapless...
bustler 16 12 one who bustles [n -...
butcher 20 16 to slaughter [v -ED,...
buxomer 21 21 BUXOM, healthily plu...
buzzier 21 29 BUZZY, having a buzz...
byliner 21 14 one that writes unde...
bywoner 22 16 (Afrikaans) the subt...
cabover 18 17 a truck or lorry wit...
cackier 19 17 CACKY, of or like ex...
cackler 20 18 one who cackles [n -...
cadaver 16 15 a corpse [n -S]
cadgier 16 13 CADGY, cheerful, als...
caganer 14 13 a traditional charac...
cajoler 17 20 one who cajoles [n -...
calamar 16 14 any of various speci...
caliber 18 14 the diameter of a gu...
caliper 18 14 in papermaking, a me...
caliver 18 15 a type of light musk...
calmier 17 14 CALMY, clayey [adj]
caloyer 21 13 a Greek Orthodox mon...
camphor 20 18 a solid essential oi...
campier 18 16 CAMPY, comically exa...
candler 15 13 one whose job it is...
candour 14 13 frankness, sincerity...
cannier 13 12 CANNIE, prudent, als...
cantier 14 11 CANTY, (Scots) conte...
canular 15 13 relating to a canula...
caperer 16 13 one who capers [n -S...
carnier 14 11 CARNY, cunning [adj]
caroler 15 11 one who sings joyous...
carrier 15 10 one that carries [n...
cashier 17 12 to dismiss in disgra...
caskier 16 14 CASKY, resembling a...
casspir 18 13 (South Africa) an ar...
catcher 20 15 one that catches [n...
caterer 14 10 one that caters [n -...
cattier 15 10 CATTY, spiteful [adj...
caulder 16 13 CAULD, (Scots) cold...
caulker 17 16 a big lie, also CAUK...
caviler 18 15 one that cavils, als...
centaur 14 12 a mythical creature...
centner 13 12 (German) an old unit...
chaddar 17 14 the large veil worn...
chaddor 17 14 the large veil worn...
chaffer 21 18 to bargain or haggle...
chainer 16 13 one who chains [n -S...
chalder 18 14 an old Scottish dry...
chamber 20 18 to put in a room [v...
chamfer 20 18 to channel or make f...
champer 20 18 one who champs, or b...
chancer 19 16 an opportunist [n -S...
changer 17 15 one that changes [n...
channer 15 14 (Scots) gravel, shin...
chanter 16 13 one who chants, also...
chantor 16 13 one who chants, also...
chapter 19 15 to divide a book int...
charger 18 14 a flat dish; a warho...
charier 17 12 CHARY, discreetly ca...
charmer 18 15 one that charms [n -...
charter 17 12 to lease or hire (a...
charver 19 16 (dialect) a young wo...
chaster 17 12 CHASTE, sexually vir...
chatter 17 12 to talk idly [v -ED,...
chaufer 19 16 a metal box for hold...
chaumer 18 16 (Scots) a room or bu...
cheaper 18 15 CHEAP, inexpensive [...
cheater 16 12 one that cheats [n -...
checker 21 19 to divide into or ma...
cheddar 17 14 any of several types...
cheeper 18 15 a young bird, esp. a...
cheerer 16 12 one who cheers [n -S...
chequer 25 22 to divide into or ma...
chewier 20 15 CHEWY, not easily ch...
chiefer 19 15 CHIEF, important [ad...
chigger 20 16 a parasitic mite, al...
chikhor 21 18 an Indian partridge,...
childer 19 14 (dialect) children,...
chiller 20 14 a frightening film [...
chipper 22 18 to twitter, chatter...
chirker 19 16 CHIRK, cheerful [adj...
chirper 20 15 a little bird [n -S]
chitter 18 12 to shiver or (of the...
chobdar 19 16 in the Indian subcon...
chocker 21 19 (slang) full up; fed...
choicer 20 15 CHOICE, of fine qual...
chokier 18 16 CHOKY, tending to ca...
chomper 20 18 one who chomps [n -S...
chooser 16 12 one who chooses [n -...
chopper 21 18 to travel by helicop...
chouser 17 13 a swindler [n -S]
chowder 20 16 to make a thick soup...
chucker 22 20 a bowler whose arm a...
chuddar 18 15 the large veil worn...
chudder 18 15 the large veil worn...
chuffer 22 19 CHUFF, gruff [adj]
chugger 20 17 a charity worker who...
chukkar 20 21 (Hindi) a period of...
chukker 20 21 (Hindi) a period of...
chunder 17 15 (Australian slang) t...
chunner 16 15 to mutter, grumble,...
chunter 17 14 to mutter, grumble,...
churner 17 14 a person who or mach...
circler 20 14 one who encircles [n...
cissier 16 10 CISSY, timid, also S...
citator 15 10 one who cites [n -S]
clabber 20 17 to curdle, turn sour...
clacker 20 18 that which clacks; e...
cladder 16 13 one who clads [n -S]
claimer 17 14 one who makes a clai...
clamber 19 17 to climb awkwardly [...
clammer 18 17 one who gathers clam...
clamour 17 15 to make a loud outcr...
clamper 19 17 to botch up [v -ED,...
clanger 16 14 (colloquial) a mista...
clangor 16 14 to clang loudly, als...
clapper 20 17 a thing that claps,...
claquer 24 21 a member of a claque...
clasher 18 13 one who clashes [n -...
clasper 18 14 a clasping organ [n...
classer 16 11 one that classes [n...
clatter 16 11 to make a rattling s...
clavier 18 15 an early keyboard in...
clayier 22 13 CLAYEY, resembling c...
cleaner 14 12 one that cleans [n -...
clearer 15 11 one that clears [n -...
cleaver 17 15 a heavy knife [n -S]
clicker 21 18 the compositor who d...
climber 20 17 one that climbs [n -...
clinger 17 14 something or someone...
clinker 17 16 to make furnace slag...
clipper 21 17 a kind of sailing sh...
clitter 17 11 to make a shrill rat...
clobber 20 17 to strike very hard...
clocker 20 18 a 24-hour dealer in...
clogger 18 15 a maker of clogs [n...
clotbur 19 15 the burdock, also CO...
clotter 16 11 to coagulate [v -ED,...
clouter 16 12 one who clouts, mend...
clowder 19 15 a collective name fo...
clubber 21 18 a person who frequen...
clucker 21 19 a chicken [n CLUCKER...
clumber 20 18 a stocky spaniel [n...
clumper 20 18 a kind of heavy shoe...
clunker 17 17 a dilapidated old ca...
cluster 17 12 to form into groups...
clutter 17 12 to pile in a disorde...
clyster 23 13 (archaic) an enema [...
coacher 19 15 a person who coaches...
coactor 17 13 one who acts togethe...
coalier 15 11 COALY, containing co...
coarser 14 10 COARSE, rough, crude...
coaster 14 10 a vessel that plies...
cobbier 19 16 COBBY, stout, obstin...
cobbler 20 17 a mender of shoes [n...
cochair 20 15 to serve jointly as...
cockier 19 17 COCKY, arrogantly se...
cockler 20 18 someone who collects...
coddler 16 13 one who coddles [n -...
coercer 17 13 one who coerces [n -...
cogener 14 13 something of the sam...
coherer 16 12 a device used to det...
coinfer 16 14 to infer jointly [v...
cointer 14 11 to bury together [v...
collier 17 12 a coal miner [n -S]
colorer 15 11 one that colors, als...
comaker 16 17 one who stands as a...
combier 18 16 COMBY, full of holes...
comfier 18 16 COMFY, (colloquial)...
compear 17 16 to appear in court [...
compeer 17 16 to be the equal of [...
compter 18 16 (obsolete) a counter...
conifer 16 14 any tree or shrub of...
conkier 15 15 CONKY, full of a tre...
conquer 22 21 to overcome by force...
conster 14 11 (archaic) to constru...
contour 14 12 to make the outline...
coomier 15 13 COOMY, full of coom,...
copsier 17 13 COPSY, like a coppic...
copular 18 15 relating to a copula...
corkier 16 14 CORKY, like cork [ad...
cornier 14 11 CORNY, trite, sentim...
coroner 13 11 an officer who inves...
corsair 15 10 (historical) a priva...
coruler 16 12 one that rules joint...
cottier 15 10 an Irish tenant hold...
coucher 20 16 one who couches [n -...
cougher 18 15 one that coughs [n -...
couguar 16 14 a mountain lion, als...
couloir 16 12 (French) a steep mou...
coulter 16 12 a blade on a plow, a...
counter 14 12 to oppose [v -ED, -I...
coupler 18 15 someone who or somet...
courier 15 11 a messenger [n -S] /...
courser 15 11 a swift horse, a lar...
courter 15 11 one who courts [n -S...
couther 17 13 COUTH, sophisticated...
coverer 16 14 one that covers [n -...
coveter 16 14 one who covets [n -S...
cozener 16 20 one who cozens [n -S...
crabber 19 16 a crab fisherman [n...
cracker 19 17 a thin, crisp biscui...
cradler 16 12 one who cradles [n -...
crafter 17 13 a person doing craft...
cragger 17 14 a member of a carbon...
crammer 17 16 a person who or an i...
cramper 18 16 a spiked metal plate...
cranker 15 15 CRANK, lively [adj]
crapier 17 13 CRAPY, like crape [a...
crapper 19 16 a toilet [n -S]
crasher 17 12 one who crashes [n -...
crasser 15 10 CRASS, grossly vulga...
crathur 18 13 (Irish) a creature;...
crawler 19 14 one that crawls [n -...
crazier 18 19 CRAZY, insane [adj]
creamer 15 13 a device for separat...
creaser 14 10 one who creases [n -...
creator 14 10 one that creates [n...
creeper 16 13 a creeping plant [n...
crepier 17 13 CREPY, having the te...
cribber 20 16 one that cribs [n -S...
crimmer 18 16 (German) a tightly c...
crimper 19 16 a person or device t...
cringer 16 13 a person who cringes...
crisper 18 13 a compartment in a r...
critter 16 10 a creature, also CRI...
crittur 17 11 (colloquial) a creat...
croaker 15 14 a person or animal t...
crofter 17 13 a tenant farmer [n -...
cronker 15 15 CRONK, (Australian c...
crooker 15 14 CROOK, (Australian s...
crooner 13 11 one who croons, i.e....
cropper 19 16 a plant that yields...
crosier 15 10 a bishop's staff, al...
crosser 15 10 one that crosses [n...
crouper 17 14 a strap buckled to t...
crowbar 20 16 to use a steel bar a...
crowder 18 14 a fiddler [n -S]
crowner 17 14 an officer who inves...
crozier 18 19 a bishop's staff, al...
crudier 16 12 CRUDY, (Shakespeare)...
crueler 16 12 CRUEL, disposed to i...
cruiser 16 11 a high-speed warship...
cruller 18 13 in North America, a...
crumber 19 17 one who makes crumbs...
crumper 19 17 CRUMP, crisp, also C...
crupper 20 17 a strap on a saddle...
crusher 18 13 one that crushes [n...
cubbier 20 17 CUBBY, plump, squat...
cudbear 17 15 a purple or reddish...
cuddler 17 14 one who cuddles [n -...
cuisser 16 11 (Scots) a stallion,...
cultier 17 12 CULTY, intended to a...
cupeler 18 15 one who assays in a...
cupolar 18 15 pertaining to a sphe...
cuppier 20 17 CUPPY, cuplike [adj]
cupular 19 16 cup-shaped, also CUP...
curator 15 11 a person who has the...
curdier 16 12 CURDY, having the te...
curdler 17 13 something or someone...
curlier 17 12 CURLY, tending to cu...
curnier 15 12 CURNY, granular, als...
currier 16 11 a person who dresses...
curvier 18 15 CURVEY, curved, also...
cushier 18 13 CUSHY, (colloquial)...
cuspier 18 14 CUSPY, of a computer...
cutover 17 15 (US) land cleared of...
cuttier 16 11 CUTTY, (Scots) short...
dabbler 17 15 one who dabbles, a d...
dabster 14 11 one who is skilled;...
daffier 16 14 DAFFY, daft [adj]
daggier 14 12 DAGGY, (Australian c...
dallier 14 10 one who dallies [n -...
damager 13 13 one who damages [n -...
dampier 15 14 DAMPY, somewhat damp...
dancier 14 12 DANCY, (esp. of elec...
dandier 11 10 DANDY, fine [adj]
dandler 12 11 one who dandles or f...
dangler 13 12 (archaic) one who da...
danseur 11 10 a professional male...
dashier 14 10 DASHY, stylish [adj]
daubier 14 12 DAUBY, smeary [adj]
daunder 11 11 (dialect) to stroll,...
daunter 11 10 one who daunts [n -S...
dawdler 16 13 one who dawdles [n -...
daystar 18 10 the planet Venus, vi...
daywear 20 13 clothes intended for...
dazzler 19 27 a remarkable or exce...
debaser 13 11 one who debases [n -...
debater 13 11 one who debates [n -...
debbier 16 14 DEBBY, like a debuta...
debitor 14 11 someone who owes a d...
deboner 12 12 a utensil for deboni...
decayer 20 13 an agent that causes...
decider 15 12 one that decides [n...
decoder 14 12 one what decodes [n...
decolor 15 12 to deprive of color,...
decoyer 20 13 one who decoys [n -S...
decreer 14 11 one who decrees [n -...
decrier 15 11 one who decries [n -...
deedier 11 9 DEEDY, industrious [...
defacer 16 14 one who defaces [n -...
defamer 14 14 one who defames [n -...
defiler 15 12 one who defiles [n -...
definer 13 12 one who defines [n -...
defuser 14 12 one who defuses [n -...
deifier 14 11 one who deifies [n -...
delator 12 9 an accuser; an infor...
delayer 18 11 one who delays [n -S...
deliver 15 13 nimble [adj DELIVERL...
dellier 14 10 DELLY, like a dell [...
deluder 13 11 one who deludes [n -...
deminer 12 12 one that removes (ex...
demurer 13 12 DEMURE, shy and mode...
denuder 11 11 one who denudes [n -...
deposer 13 11 one who deposes [n -...
derider 12 9 one who derides [n -...
deriver 14 12 one who derives [n -...
dernier 11 9 (French) last [adj]
desirer 12 8 one who desires [n -...
despair 14 11 to lose all hope [v...
desugar 13 11 to remove the sugar...
deviser 14 12 one who devises [n -...
devisor 14 12 a person who bequeat...
dewater 14 11 to remove water from...
dialler 14 10 one that dials, also...
diaster 12 8 (Greek) a stage in c...
dibbler 18 15 a device for making...
dickier 17 15 DICKY, poor in condi...
dictier 16 11 DICTY, (US slang) pr...
diddier 13 10 DIDDY, (colloquial)...
diddler 14 11 a cheat [n -S]
diester 12 8 a type of chemical c...
diether 14 10 a chemical compound...
dilater 13 9 something that enlar...
dilator 13 9 something that dilat...
dillier 15 10 DILLY, very pleasing...
diluter 14 10 someone who or somet...
dilutor 14 10 one that dilutes, al...
dimeter 13 11 a verse of two metri...
dingier 13 11 DINGY, grimy, also D...
dinkier 13 13 DINKY, small, neat [...
diopter 14 11 a measure of refract...
dipolar 15 12 having two poles, as...
dippier 17 14 DIPPY, crazy, insane...
dirtier 13 8 DIRTY, soiled [adj]
discoer 15 11 one who frequents di...
dishier 15 10 DISHY, (colloquial)...
ditcher 18 13 one who digs ditches...
ditsier 13 8 DITSY, eccentric, al...
ditzier 16 17 DITZY, eccentric, al...
divider 15 13 one who divides [n -...
diviner 14 13 one who divines [n -...
divisor 15 12 the number by which...
divvier 17 16 DIVVY, stupid [adj]
dizzier 19 26 DIZZY, giddy [adj]
dociler 16 12 DOCILE, compliant [a...
doddier 12 10 DODDY, sulky [adj]
dodgier 13 11 DODGY, dubious, shad...
doggier 14 12 DOGGY, resembling a...
doilter 13 9 DOILT, (Scots) crazy...
dollier 14 10 one who wheels a tro...
donator 10 9 one that donates, al...
donsier 11 9 DONSIE, unlucky, als...
doodler 12 10 one that doodles [n...
doomier 12 11 DOOMY, depressed [ad...
dorkier 13 12 DORKY, (slang) idiot...
dortier 12 8 DORTY, (Scots) petti...
dortour 12 9 (archaic) a dormitor...
dossier 12 8 a file of papers on...
dottier 12 8 DOTTY, feebleminded,...
dottler 13 9 DOTTLE, of tobacco,...
doubler 15 13 one that doubles [n...
doubter 14 12 one who doubts [n -S...
douceur 15 13 (French) a subtly of...
dowager 15 13 a title given to a w...
dowdier 15 12 DOWDY, dressed unsty...
dowlier 16 12 DOWLY, (English dial...
downier 14 12 DOWNY, covered in do...
drabber 16 14 one who associates w...
drabler 15 12 a piece of canvas fa...
drafter 14 11 a person who prepare...
dragger 14 12 a fishing vessel tha...
drainer 11 9 someone or something...
drapier 14 11 (obsolete) one whose...
drawbar 17 14 a sliding bar [n -S]
drawler 16 12 one who drawls [n -S...
dreader 11 9 someone who dreads [...
dreamer 12 11 one that dreams [n -...
drearer 11 8 DREAR, dreary, also...
dredger 13 11 a boat or machine us...
dresser 12 8 one that dresses [n...
dribber 17 14 (obsolete) one who d...
drifter 15 11 one that drifts [n -...
driller 15 10 one who drills [n -S...
drinker 13 13 one who drinks [n -S...
dripper 17 14 something from liqui...
drogher 15 12 a West Indian sailin...
droller 14 10 DROLL, quaintly amus...
dronier 11 9 DRONY, monotonous [a...
dropper 16 14 a tube for dispensin...
drowner 14 12 one who drowns [n -S...
drubber 17 15 one who drubs [n -S]
drudger 14 12 one who drudges [n -...
drugger 15 13 one who drugs [n -S]
drummer 15 15 one who plays a drum...
drunker 13 14 DRUNK, intoxicated [...
drusier 13 9 DRUSY, rough with mi...
druther 15 11 one's preference [n...
druxier 19 16 DRUXY, of timber, ha...
duckier 17 16 DUCKY, (US slang) ex...
duddier 13 11 DUDDY, (Scots) ragge...
dueller 14 11 one who duels, also...
dullier 15 11 DULLY, somewhat dull...
dummier 15 15 DUMMY, sham, feigned...
dumpier 16 15 DUMPY, short and thi...
dungier 13 12 DUNGY, having the qu...
dunnier 11 11 DUNNY, stupid [adj]
durgier 14 11 DURGY, dwarfish [adj...
duskier 14 13 DUSKY, somewhat dark...
dustier 13 9 DUSTY, full of dust...
duumvir 17 17 a magistrate of anci...
dwarfer 17 14 DWARF, extremely sma...
dweller 17 13 one who dwells [n -S...
dyester 18 10 (Scots) one who dyes...
eagerer 11 9 EAGER, full of keen...
earlier 12 8 EARLY, before the du...
echoier 16 12 ECHOEY, full of echo...
ecotour 14 11 to go on a tour with...
edifier 14 11 one who edifies [n -...
eductor 15 12 someone who or somet...
eensier 10 8 EENSY, (colloquial)...
effacer 18 16 one who effaces [n -...
ejector 16 19 one who, or that whi...
elector 15 11 one that elects [n -...
eloiner 11 9 one who eloins, also...
emailer 13 11 one who sends electr...
embower 17 16 to place in a bower;...
emender 11 12 one who emends [n -S...
emitter 13 10 something that emits...
empaler 15 14 one that empales, im...
emperor 14 13 the ruler of an empi...
empower 17 16 to authorize, also I...
emptier 15 13 one who empties [n -...
emulsor 14 12 an emulsifying appar...
enabler 13 12 one who enables [n -...
enactor 13 11 one who enacts [n -S...
enamour 11 12 to inspire with love...
encheer 15 13 (archaic) to cheer o...
encoder 13 12 one who encodes [n -...
endower 13 12 one who endows [n -S...
endurer 11 10 (obsolete) one who e...
enfever 14 15 to excite fever in [...
engager 12 12 one who engages [n -...
enginer 11 11 (Shakespeare) an eng...
enjoyer 18 19 one who enjoys [n -S...
enrober 12 11 one who enrobes [n -...
ensurer 11 9 one who ensures, als...
enterer 10 8 someone who enters [...
enticer 14 11 one who entices [n -...
epicier 17 13 (French) a grocer [n...
equator 19 17 an imaginary circle...
erecter 14 10 one that erects, als...
erector 14 10 one that erects, als...
escaper 16 13 one that escapes [n...
escolar 15 11 an Atlantic fish of...
essayer 17 9 one who essays [n -S...
estover 13 11 a common right to co...
eventer 12 12 a horse which is tra...
evertor 13 11 a muscle that turns...
evictor 17 14 one who evicts [n -S...
eviller 16 13 EVIL, morally bad [a...
evolver 16 16 one who evolves [n -...
exacter 20 17 one that exacts, als...
exactor 20 17 one that exacts, als...
exalter 18 15 one who exalts or ra...
excimer 22 20 a dimer above the gr...
exciter 21 17 one that excites, al...
excitor 21 17 one that excites, al...
excuser 21 18 one who excuses [n -...
exhumer 21 20 someone who exhumes...
expirer 20 17 one who expires [n -...
exposer 19 17 one who exposes [n -...
eyewear 19 12 corrective eye lense...
fabbier 18 16 FABBY, excellent, ma...
fabular 17 15 legendary [adj]
facebar 18 16 a wrestling hold pul...
facular 18 15 of or pertaining to...
faddier 14 12 FADDY, inclined to t...
faffier 18 16 FAFFY, awkward and t...
faggier 16 14 FAGGY, having the ch...
fagoter 14 12 one who does fagotin...
fainter 13 11 one who faints [n -S...
fairier 14 10 FAIRY, of or like a...
faither 16 12 (Scots) father [n -S...
faitour 14 11 an imposter, also FA...
fancier 16 14 one that has a speci...
farceur 17 14 a performer in farce...
farrier 14 10 one who shoes horses...
farther 16 12 to a greater distanc...
fattier 14 10 FATTY, greasy or oil...
favorer 15 14 one that favors, als...
fawnier 16 14 FAWNY, yellowish-bro...
feaster 13 10 one who feasts [n -S...
feather 15 12 to cover with the pl...
fechter 19 15 (Scots) a fighter [n...
feebler 16 14 FEEBLE, very weak [a...
feigner 14 13 one who feigns or pr...
feinter 13 11 FEINT, ruled with fa...
feirier 14 10 FEIRIE, (Scots) nimb...
felspar 17 14 a common rock-formin...
feltier 15 11 FELTY, matted like f...
femiter 15 13 a plant once used to...
femmier 16 16 FEMMY, markedly femi...
fendier 13 12 FENDY, (Scots) resou...
fenitar 13 11 a plant once used to...
fennier 12 12 FENNY, having fens [...
feoffer 17 16 one that grants a fe...
feoffor 17 16 one that grants a fe...
ferlier 15 11 FERLY, marvellous [a...
fernier 13 11 FERNY, covered with...
fervour 16 15 great intensity, als...
festier 14 10 FESTY, (Australian s...
fetcher 19 15 one who fetches [n -...
fetider 14 11 FETID, stinking, als...
fettler 15 11 a railway maintenanc...
fibster 17 13 one who tells fibs [...
fibular 18 15 pertaining to the fi...
fickler 20 18 FICKLE, not loyal [a...
fiddler 16 13 one who plays on a f...
fielder 15 12 one who catches or p...
fiercer 17 13 FIERCE, violently ho...
fierier 14 10 FIERY, intensely hot...
fighter 18 14 one that fights [n -...
figurer 16 13 one who figures [n -...
filacer 18 14 an officer who filed...
filazer 18 20 an officer who filed...
filcher 21 16 someone who filches...
filmier 17 14 FILMY, thin, delicat...
finnier 13 12 FINNY, having fins [...
firrier 15 10 FIRRY, abounding in...
fishier 17 12 FISHY, consisting of...
fistier 15 10 FISTY, like a fist [...
fitlier 16 11 FITLY, in a fit mann...
fizzier 21 28 FIZZY, fizzing [adj]
flacker 19 18 (Scots) to flutter,...
flaffer 19 17 (Scots) to flutter,...
flagger 17 15 a person who carries...
flakier 16 15 FLAKEY, in flakes; c...
flamier 16 14 FLAMY, flaming [adj]
flaneur 14 13 (French) an idle man...
flanger 15 14 a vertical scraper f...
flanker 15 16 to use flank defence...
flapper 19 17 a flighty young woma...
flarier 15 11 FLARY, tending to fl...
flasher 17 13 something or someone...
flatcar 18 14 a railway car withou...
flatter 15 11 to praise excessivel...
flavour 17 16 to impart a special...
flawier 18 14 FLAWY, full of flaws...
flaxier 21 18 FLAXY, like flax; of...
flecker 19 18 to mark with spots [...
fleecer 17 14 a machine that fleec...
fleerer 14 11 someone who fleers [...
fleeter 14 11 FLEET, swift, also F...
flenser 14 12 one that flenses, al...
flesher 17 13 an instrument for sc...
flicker 20 18 to burn unsteadily,...
flinder 15 13 to break to pieces [...
flinger 16 14 one who flings; one...
flipper 20 17 a flat limb for swim...
flirter 16 11 someone who flirts [...
flitter 16 11 to vibrate or move q...
flivver 20 19 a small, cheap, usua...
floater 14 11 one who floats or sw...
flogger 17 15 one who flogs [n -S]
flooder 14 12 one who floods anyth...
floorer 14 11 a knockdown blow; a...
flopper 19 17 something or someone...
florier 15 11 FLORY, having fleur-...
flosser 15 11 one who flosses [n -...
flouter 15 12 one who flouts; a mo...
flubber 20 18 one who flubs, makes...
fluffer 20 18 a person employed on...
flukier 17 16 FLUKY, lucky, by acc...
flunker 16 17 something or someone...
flusher 18 14 someone who flushes...
fluster 16 12 to put into a state...
flutier 16 12 FLUTY, resembling a...
flutter 16 12 to move in quick mot...
flyover 23 17 a flight of aircraft...
flytier 22 13 a maker of fishing f...
foamier 14 13 FOAMY, covered with...
focuser 17 14 a device to assist f...
foggier 16 14 FOGGY, filled with f...
foister 14 10 one who foists [n -S...
folkier 16 15 FOLKY, down to earth...
fondler 14 13 one who fondles [n -...
foodoir 13 11 a book or blog that...
footbar 15 13 in an aeroplane, a b...
footier 13 10 FOOTY, mean [adj]
footler 14 11 someone who footles...
foozler 17 20 one who foozles, foo...
forager 14 12 one who forages [n -...
forayer 19 12 one who makes or joi...
forbear 15 13 to refrain from [v F...
forecar 16 13 a small passenger co...
forever 15 14 an indefinite length...
forfair 16 13 (obsolete) to perish...
forgoer 14 12 one who forgoes [n -...
forkier 15 14 FORKY, resembling a...
foulder 15 13 (Spenser) to thunder...
founder 13 13 to become disabled [...
fracker 18 17 one who engages in f...
fractur 18 14 (German) a German st...
frailer 15 11 FRAIL, weak, infirm...
fraktur 16 15 (German) a German st...
franger 14 13 (Australian slang) a...
franker 14 15 one that franks [n -...
freezer 16 19 an appliance for fre...
fresher 16 12 a first year college...
fretter 14 10 one who, or that whi...
frigger 17 14 a glass ornament [n...
friller 17 12 one that frills [n -...
fripper 19 16 (archaic) one who de...
friseur 15 11 a hairdresser [n -S]
frisker 16 14 one who frisks; one...
fritter 15 10 to squander little b...
frizzer 21 28 one that frizzes, al...
fronter 13 11 a three-year-old ani...
frother 16 12 one who froths [n -S...
frowier 17 13 FROWIE, (Spenser) mu...
frowner 16 14 one who frowns [n -S...
fruiter 15 11 one who grows of sel...
fubbier 19 17 FUBBY, chubby and sq...
fubsier 17 14 FUBSY, chubby, also...
fuddier 15 13 FUDDY, old-fashioned...
fuddler 16 14 a drunkard [n -S]
fudgier 16 14 FUDGY, resembling fu...
fuehrer 16 13 (German) a leader, a...
fueller 16 13 one who fuels, also...
fuffier 19 17 FUFFY, light and sof...
fuggier 17 15 FUGGY, close, stuffy...
fuglier 17 14 FUGLY, an offensive...
fulgour 17 15 splendour, also FULG...
fumbler 19 18 one who fumbles [n -...
functor 17 15 one that functions [...
funfair 16 15 an amusement park [n...
funkier 15 16 FUNKY, of jazz, pop...
funnier 13 13 FUNNY, amusing [adj]
funster 14 12 a prankster; a perso...
furfair 17 14 dandruff, also FURFU...
furrier 15 11 one who deals in fur...
further 17 13 to help forward [v -...
furzier 18 20 FURZY, abounding in...
fussier 15 11 FUSSY, overly concer...
fustier 15 11 FUSTY, old-fashioned...
futiler 16 12 FUTILE, ineffective...
fuzzier 21 29 FUZZY, covered with...
gabbier 17 15 GABBY, talkative [ad...
gabbler 18 16 one who gabbles [n -...
gagster 14 11 one who writes jokes...
gallier 15 11 GALLY, gall-like, bi...
gambier 16 15 the inspissated juic...
gambler 17 16 one that gambles [n...
gammier 15 15 GAMMY, lame, maimed...
gappier 17 15 GAPPY, full of gaps...
garbler 16 13 one who garbles [n -...
gargler 15 12 one who garglers [n...
gaspier 15 12 GASPY [adj]
gassier 13 9 GASSY, containing ga...
gatcher 18 14 one that gatches, bo...
gaucher 18 15 one that gauches, bo...
gaucier 16 13 GAUCY, (Scots) portl...
gaudier 13 11 GAUDY, tastelessly s...
gauffer 17 16 to press ridges or p...
gaulter 14 11 a person who digs ga...
gaumier 14 13 GAUMY, dauby, smeary...
gaunter 12 11 GAUNT, emaciated [ad...
gauzier 16 19 GAUZY, resembling ga...
gawcier 19 15 GAWCY, (Scots) portl...
gawkier 17 16 GAWKY, awkward [adj]
gawsier 16 12 GAWSIE, (Scots) port...
geekier 13 13 GEEKY, socially awkw...
gelider 14 11 GELID, extremely col...
gemmier 15 15 GEMMY, resembling a...
genitor 12 10 a male parent [n -S]
gentier 12 10 GENTY, neat, trim [a...
gentler 13 11 GENTLE, mild and ref...
germier 14 12 GERMY, full of germs...
giddier 14 11 GIDDY, dizzy [adj]
giggler 17 14 one who giggles [n -...
gimpier 17 15 GIMPY, limping [adj]
ginnier 12 11 GINNY, affected with...
girdler 15 11 one who girdles [n -...
girlier 15 10 GIRLY, like a girl [...
girnier 13 10 GIRNIE, ill-tempered...
glacier 17 13 a huge mass of ice [...
gladder 14 12 GLAD, feeling pleasu...
gladier 14 11 GLADY, full of glade...
glammer 16 16 GLAM, characterised...
glamour 15 14 to bewitch, also GLA...
glancer 16 14 one who glances [n -...
glarier 14 10 GLARY, glaring [adj]
glazier 17 19 one whose business i...
gleamer 14 13 one who gleams [n -S...
gleaner 12 11 one who gleans, gath...
glebier 16 13 GLEBY, (archaic) clo...
glegger 16 14 GLEG, (Scots) quick,...
glibber 19 16 GLIB, fluent and pla...
glidder 15 12 GLID, (Scots) slippe...
glimmer 17 16 to shine faintly or...
glister 15 10 (archaic) to be brig...
glitter 15 10 to sparkle [v -ED, -...
gloater 13 10 one who gloats [n -S...
globier 16 13 GLOBY, (Milton) roun...
glosser 14 10 a polisher; one who...
glummer 17 17 GLUM, low in spirits...
gnasher 14 12 (colloquial) a tooth...
goatier 12 9 GOATY, like a goat,...
gobbier 17 15 GOBBY, (colloquial)...
gobbler 18 16 (US) a turkey cock [...
godlier 14 11 GODLY, like a god [a...
goggler 16 14 a kind of oceanic fi...
goldier 14 11 GOLDY, somewhat like...
goodier 12 10 GOOD, having positiv...
goofier 14 12 GOOFY, foolish, stup...
gookier 13 13 GOOKY, sticky, messy...
goonier 11 10 GOONY, stupid [adj]
goopier 14 12 GOOPY, sticky or goo...
goosier 12 9 GOOSY, resembling a...
gormier 14 12 GORMY, dauby, smeary...
gorsier 13 9 GORSY, covered with...
gothier 15 11 GOTHY, (colloquial)...
goutier 13 10 GOUTY, affected with...
grabber 17 15 one who seizes or gr...
grafter 15 12 one who grafts [n -S...
grainer 12 10 a person who grains;...
grammar 15 15 the study of the for...
grander 12 11 GRAND, large and imp...
granfer 14 13 (dialect) a grandfat...
granger 13 12 a farm steward [n -S...
granter 12 10 the person by whom a...
grantor 12 10 the person by whom a...
grapier 15 12 GRAPY, resembling gr...
grasper 15 12 one who grasps [n -S...
grasser 13 9 (slang) a grass, an...
grazier 16 18 one who pastures cat...
greaser 12 9 one who, or that whi...
greater 12 9 GREAT, large, exalte...
greener 11 10 a newly-arrived immi...
greeter 12 9 one who greets anoth...
gridder 14 11 (US) an American foo...
griefer 15 12 an onliner game play...
griever 15 13 one who grieves [n -...
grifter 16 12 (US) a swindler [n -...
griller 16 11 a person who or thin...
grimier 15 12 GRIMY, dirty, covere...
grimmer 16 15 GRIM, stern and unre...
grinder 13 11 one who, or that whi...
grinner 12 11 one who grins [n -S]
gripier 16 12 GRIPEY, causing shar...
gripper 18 15 one who, or that whi...
grister 14 9 a device for grindin...
gritter 14 9 a vehicle for spread...
groaner 11 10 one who groans [n -S...
grodier 13 10 GRODY, (US slang) sl...
groomer 13 12 one that grooms [n -...
groover 14 13 one who or that whic...
grosser 13 9 a product that yield...
grouper 15 13 one of several speci...
grouser 13 10 one who grouses [n -...
grouter 13 10 an instrument or too...
grovier 15 13 GROVY, like a grove...
growler 17 13 one who growls; a sm...
grubber 18 16 an implement for gru...
grudger 15 13 one who grudges [n -...
grueler 14 11 one that gruels, als...
gruffer 18 16 GRUFF, low and harsh...
grummer 16 16 GRUM, glum, morose [...
grunger 14 13 a fan of a style of...
grunter 13 11 one who, or that whi...
guarder 13 11 one who guards [n -S...
guckier 18 17 GUCKY, slimy, mucky...
guelder 14 12 as in guelder rose,...
guesser 13 10 one who guesses [n -...
guilder 15 12 a monetary unit of t...
gulfier 17 14 GULFY, full of whirl...
gulpier 17 14 GULPY, marked by gul...
gummier 16 16 GUMMY, resembling gu...
gungier 14 13 GUNGY, sticky and me...
gunkier 14 15 GUNKY, covered in gu...
gurlier 15 11 GURLY, grim [adj]
gurrier 14 10 in Dublin, a low-cla...
gushier 16 12 GUSHY, overly sentim...
gustier 14 10 GUSTY, blowing in gu...
gutcher 19 15 a grandfather, also...
gutsier 14 10 GUTSY, (colloquial)...
guttier 14 10 GUTTY, marked by cou...
guttler 15 11 a greedy eater; a gl...
guzzler 21 29 an immoderate eater...
gypster 22 14 one that gyps, cheat...
gyrator 19 11 one who gyrates [n -...
gyrocar 22 14 a monorail car balan...
hackler 19 17 a device for hacklin...
haggler 17 14 one who haggles [n -...
hailier 15 10 HAILY, with hail fal...
hairier 14 9 HAIRY, covered with...
hammier 16 15 HAMMY, overly theatr...
hamster 15 12 a small rodent with...
hamular 16 14 relating to a small...
hanaper 14 13 a wicker receptacle...
handcar 16 14 a hand-operated rail...
handier 13 11 HANDY, convenient [a...
handjar 15 20 a Persian dagger, al...
handler 14 12 one who handles [n -...
happier 18 15 HAPPY, marked by joy...
harbour 16 13 to shelter, also HAR...
hardier 14 10 HARDY, very sturdy [...
harrier 14 9 a medium-sized scent...
harsher 16 11 HARSH, severe [adj]
hashier 16 11 HASHY, thrown togeth...
hastier 14 9 HASTY, speedy [adj]
hatcher 19 14 one who hatches [n -...
haulier 15 11 a person or firm emp...
haunter 13 11 one who haunts [n -S...
hauteur 14 11 (French) haughtiness...
haveour 15 14 (obsolete) behaviour...
haviour 16 14 (obsolete) behaviour...
headier 13 10 HEADY, intoxicating...
heapier 15 12 HEAPY, full of heaps...
heather 15 11 a common low-growing...
heavier 15 13 HEAVY, of great weig...
heckler 19 17 one that heckles [n...
hedgier 15 12 HEDGY, abounding in...
heedier 13 10 HEEDY, (Spenser) hee...
heelbar 16 13 a shop or counter wh...
heftier 16 12 HEFTY, big of build...
heister 14 9 one who heists, carr...
hellier 16 11 a slater, a tiler, a...
hempier 17 15 HEMPIE [adj]
hennier 12 11 HENNY, hen-like [adj...
hepster 16 12 (slang) one who is h...
herbier 16 12 HERBY, abounding wit...
heritor 14 9 a proprietor or land...
higgler 18 14 a salesperson who in...
hillier 17 11 HILLY, abounding in...
hinkier 15 14 HINKY, strange, unre...
hippier 19 15 HIPPY, having big hi...
hipster 17 12 a person who knows a...
hissier 15 9 HISSY, temperamental...
hitcher 20 14 one that hitches [n...
hoarder 13 10 one that hoards [n -...
hoarier 13 9 HOARY, white with ag...
hoarser 13 9 HOARSE, rough and hu...
hobbler 19 16 (obsolete) a person...
hoister 14 9 one who hoists [n -S...
holeyer 20 12 HOLEY, full of holes...
holster 15 10 a case for a gun [n...
homager 15 14 a feudal vassal [n -...
honorer 12 10 one who honors, also...
hoodier 13 10 HOODY, resembling a...
hookier 14 13 HOOKY, full of hooks...
hoolier 14 10 HOOLY, soft and care...
hootier 13 9 HOOTY, sounding like...
hoppier 18 15 HOPPY, tasting of ho...
hoppler 19 16 one who hopples [n -...
hornier 13 10 HORNY, like horn [ad...
horsier 14 9 HORSEY, like a horse...
hostler 15 10 one who tends horses...
hotspur 17 13 a rash, hotheaded ma...
hounder 13 12 one who hounds [n -S...
housier 14 10 HOUSEY, typical of h...
hoverer 15 13 that which hovers [n...
however 18 16 nevertheless [adv]
huddler 16 13 one who huddles thin...
huffier 19 16 HUFFY, easily offend...
huggier 17 14 HUGGY, sensitive and...
hulkier 17 15 HULKY, bulky, unwiel...
hullier 17 12 HULLY, having husks...
humaner 14 14 HUMANE, compassionat...
humbler 19 17 one that humbles [n...
humider 16 14 HUMID, moist, having...
humidor 16 14 a humid place for st...
humpier 18 16 HUMPY, full of humps...
hunkier 15 15 HUNKY, strongly buil...
hurdler 16 12 one that hurdles [n...
hurrier 15 10 one who hurries [n -...
hushier 17 12 HUSHY, hush-hush, se...
huskier 16 14 HUSKY, hoarse [adj]
hustler 16 11 one who hustles [n -...
igniter 13 10 someone who or somet...
ignitor 13 10 someone who or somet...
ignorer 12 10 one who ignores [n -...
imbiber 18 16 one that imbibes [n...
imbower 18 16 to give shelter, als...
impaler 16 14 one that impales, al...
impeder 15 14 one that impedes [n...
impedor 15 14 an electrical compon...
imposer 15 13 one who imposes [n -...
impower 18 16 to authorize, also E...
impurer 16 14 IMPURE, tainted, als...
imputer 16 14 one who imputes [n -...
incisor 15 11 a cutting tooth [n -...
inciter 15 11 one who incites [n -...
incomer 15 14 one that comes in [n...
indexer 17 16 one who indexes [n -...
inditer 12 9 one who indites [n -...
inducer 15 13 one who, or that whi...
inepter 13 11 INEPT, unfit or unqu...
inerter 11 8 INERT, passive [adj]
infuser 14 12 one who infuses [n -...
ingener 11 11 (Shakespeare) an eng...
inhaler 14 11 one that inhales [n...
inhumer 15 14 one who inhumes [n -...
injurer 14 18 one who injures [n -...
inlayer 18 11 one who inlays [n -S...
insaner 10 9 INSANE, mentally uns...
insider 12 9 an accepted member o...
insofar 13 11 to such an extent [a...
insular 13 10 like an island [adj...
insurer 12 9 one who insures, als...
integer 12 10 a whole number [n -S...
intoner 10 9 one who intones [n -...
invader 13 13 one that invades [n...
inviter 14 12 one who invites [n -...
invoker 14 16 one who invokes [n -...
iodiser 12 8 one that iodizes, al...
iodizer 15 17 one that iodizes, al...
ioniser 11 8 something that ioniz...
ionizer 14 17 something that ioniz...
ionomer 11 11 the product of ionic...
ironier 11 8 IRONY, like iron [ad...
isochor 17 12 a curve showing pres...
itchier 18 12 ITCHY, affected with...
jacamar 17 22 any of various small...
jaggier 16 20 JAGGY, jagged, rough...
jamadar 14 20 an Indian police off...
jambier 17 22 (obsolete) armor for...
jammier 16 22 JAMMY, very lucky [a...
jangler 15 20 a storyteller, a jes...
janitor 13 17 a doorkeeper; an att...
janizar 16 26 (Turkish) a soldier...
jantier 13 17 JANTY, briskly self-...
jazzier 20 34 JAZZY, of or like ja...
jemadar 14 20 (Urdu) in the native...
jemidar 15 20 (Urdu) in the native...
jemmier 16 22 JEMMY, neat, smart [...
jerkier 15 20 JERKY, spasmodic [ad...
jerquer 22 26 one who searches for...
jettier 14 16 JETTY, jet black in...
jeweler 17 20 a trader or maker of...
jiggier 17 20 JIGGY, with the rhyt...
jimpier 18 22 JIMPY, (Scots) neat...
jingler 16 20 one who, or that whi...
jockier 18 23 JOCKY, resembling an...
jocular 18 21 given to joking [adj...
jodhpur 19 23 usually in plural, l...
joggler 17 21 one who joggles [n -...
joinder 13 18 a joining of parties...
jointer 13 17 a bricklayer's tool...
jollier 16 18 one who puts others...
jollyer 22 20 one who uses a jolle...
joltier 15 17 JOLTY, in a jolting...
jostler 15 17 one who jostles [n -...
jottier 14 16 JOTTY, written down...
jouster 14 17 one who jousts, also...
jowlier 18 20 JOWLY, having promin...
juggler 18 22 one who juggles [n -...
jugular 17 21 pertaining to neck o...
juicier 18 20 JUICY, full of juice...
jumbler 19 24 one that jumbles [n...
jumpier 18 23 JUMPY, nervy [adj]
juniper 16 21 an evergreen conifer...
junkier 15 22 JUNKY, rubbishy, wor...
juttier 15 17 JUTTY, jutting out [...
kashmir 17 16 a soft twilled fabri...
kayaker 19 17 one that rides in a...
kedgier 14 14 KEDGY, (Scots) brisk...
keester 12 11 (slang) the buttocks...
kegeler 14 14 a bowler, also KEGLE...
keister 13 11 (slang) the buttocks...
kempier 16 17 KEMPY, of hair, coar...
kerkier 14 15 KERKY, stupid [adj]
keyster 19 13 (slang) backside, bo...
khaddar 15 15 (Hindi) a homespun c...
khanjar 16 23 a Persian dagger, al...
kickier 18 18 KICKY, exciting [adj...
kiddier 14 13 a huckster; a cadger...
kidgier 15 14 KIDGIE, (Scots) bris...
kiester 13 11 (slang) backside, bo...
kilobar 16 15 a unit of atmospheri...
kindler 14 14 one who kindles [n -...
kinkier 14 16 KINKY, twisted [adj]
kissier 14 11 KISSY, inclined to k...
kittler 15 12 KITTLE, (Scots) tick...
klavier 16 16 an early keyboard in...
klezmer 18 24 (Yiddish) a style of...
klinker 15 17 a very hard paving b...
klister 15 12 a kind of wax for sk...
knacker 16 19 to exhaust [v -ED, -...
knapper 16 18 someone who breaks s...
kneader 11 13 one who kneads [n -S...
kneeler 12 13 a cushion, hassock,...
knicker 17 19 a clay marble [n -S]
knitter 13 12 one that knits [n -S...
knobber 16 18 a stag in its second...
knocker 16 19 one that knocks [n -...
knoller 14 14 one that knolls, tol...
knotter 12 12 one who knots [n -S]
koftgar 16 16 a craftsman in koftg...
kookier 13 15 KOOKY, eccentric [ad...
kotower 15 14 one who kotows, also...
kreuzer 16 21 (German) a small cop...
krimmer 16 17 (German) tightly cur...
kruller 16 14 (Dutch) in North Ame...
krumper 17 18 one who does krumpin...
labeler 15 12 one that labels, als...
laborer 14 11 one who labors, also...
lacquer 24 21 to coat with a gloss...
lacunar 15 13 a sunken panel or co...
laddier 13 10 LADDY, laddish in be...
laigher 16 12 LAIGH, (Scots) low,...
lairier 13 8 LAIRY, flashily dres...
lambier 16 14 LAMBY, resembling a...
lameter 13 11 a cripple, also LAMI...
lamiger 15 13 a cripple, also LAME...
laminar 13 12 pertaining to a lami...
lamiter 14 11 a cripple, also LAME...
lamster 14 11 a fugitive, also LAM...
landler 13 11 a slow Austrian danc...
languor 13 12 listlessness, wearin...
lankier 13 13 LANKY, tall and thin...
lardier 13 9 LARDY, like lard [ad...
larkier 14 12 LARKY, given to lark...
larmier 14 11 (French) a corona or...
larnier 12 9 LARNEY, of clothes,...
lashkar 16 14 an East Indian sailo...
lassoer 12 8 one who uses a lasso...
lathier 15 10 LATHY, like a lath;...
laugher 16 13 one who laughs [n -S...
launder 12 11 to wash clothes [v -...
lawnier 15 12 LAWNY, covered with...
laxator 18 15 a muscle that relaxe...
layover 20 14 a stopover [n -S]
leacher 17 13 one who leaches [n -...
leadier 12 9 LEADY, resembling le...
leafier 14 11 LEAFY, abounding in...
leaguer 13 11 to besiege [v -ED, -...
leakier 13 12 LEAKY, inclined to l...
learier 12 8 LEARY, cunning, wary...
learner 11 9 one that learns [n -...
leather 14 10 to cover with the ta...
leavier 14 12 LEAVY, full of leave...
ledgier 14 11 LEDGY, abounding in...
leerier 12 8 LEERY, cunning, wary...
legator 13 10 a testator; one who...
leggier 15 12 LEGGY, having long l...
legwear 16 13 anything worn on the...
leidger 14 11 (obsolete) an ambass...
leisher 15 10 LEISH, (Scots) activ...
leisler 14 9 a small black bat [n...
leister 13 8 to spear with a thre...
lequear 20 18 a sunken panel or co...
levator 14 12 a muscle that raises...
leveler 15 13 one that levels, als...
libeler 16 12 one that libels, als...
lichter 19 13 LICHT, (Scots) light...
lighter 17 12 a large open boat us...
ligular 16 12 pertaining to a ligu...
limbier 17 14 LIMBY, having many l...
limiter 15 11 a friar who had a li...
lingier 14 11 LINGY, covered with...
linkier 14 13 LINKY, full of inter...
lintier 13 9 LINTY, covered with...
lippier 18 14 LIPPY, impertinent [...
liqueur 22 19 a potent alcoholic p...
littler 15 9 LITTLE, small [adj]
livener 14 13 one who livens [n -S...
liveyer 21 14 a permanent resident...
livider 16 13 LIVID, of bluish lea...
loamier 13 11 LOAMY, resembling lo...
loather 14 10 one who loathes [n -...
lobbyer 23 16 one who lobbies, als...
lobster 15 11 a large strong-clawe...
lobular 16 13 shaped like a lobe [...
locater 15 11 one who locates, or...
locator 15 11 one who locates, or...
locular 17 13 of e.g. an ovary, di...
loftier 15 11 LOFTY, very high [ad...
loggier 15 12 LOGGY, sluggish, als...
loobier 14 11 LOOBY, clumsy or stu...
loonier 11 9 LOONIE, crazy [adj]
loopier 14 11 LOOPY, full of loops...
loppier 17 14 LOPPY, hanging limpl...
lorimer 14 11 a maker of implement...
loriner 12 9 a maker of implement...
lossier 13 8 LOSSY, of a compress...
loucher 18 14 LOUCHE, not reputabl...
lounder 12 11 (Scots) to beat, thu...
lounger 13 12 a comfortable someti...
lourier 13 9 LOURY, gloomy, louri...
lousier 13 9 LOUSY, infested with...
lowlier 17 12 LOWLY, in a low posi...
loyaler 19 11 LOYAL, faithful [adj...
lucider 17 13 LUCID, easily unders...
lucifer 19 15 a friction match [n...
luckier 18 16 LUCKY, fortunate [ad...
lummier 16 15 LUMMY, (slang) excel...
lumpier 17 15 LUMPY, full of lumps...
luncher 18 15 one who takes lunch...
lunular 14 12 crescent-shaped [adj...
lupanar 14 13 (Latin) a brothel [n...
lurcher 19 14 a crossbred dog, esp...
lurider 14 10 LURID, shining with...
lushier 16 11 LUSHY, tipsy [adj]
lustier 14 9 LUSTY, full of vigou...
luthier 16 11 one who makes string...
lymiter 21 13 (Spenser) a friar wh...
lyncher 24 16 one who takes part i...
macaber 17 16 gruesome, also MACAB...
machair 18 15 (Gaelic) a low-lying...
machzor 21 24 a Jewish prayer book...
macular 17 15 spotted; patchy [adj...
mahseer 14 12 a large freshwater f...
mailcar 17 14 a railway coach spec...
mainour 12 12 (archaic) an act or...
maister 13 10 (Scots) to master, t...
malmier 15 14 MALMY, resembling ma...
malodor 13 12 an offensive odor, a...
maltier 14 11 MALTY, resembling ma...
mampoer 15 16 (Afrikaans) home-mad...
manager 12 13 one that manages [n...
mangier 13 13 MANGEY, affected wit...
mangler 14 14 one who mangles [n -...
mankier 13 15 MANKY, (Scots) filth...
manlier 13 12 MANLY, having the qu...
manurer 12 12 one who manures [n -...
maormor 13 13 (Irish) a high-ranki...
marbler 16 14 one who works upon m...
marcher 18 15 one that marches [n...
mardier 13 11 MARDY, petulant [adj...
mariner 12 11 a sailor [n -S]
markhor 16 16 a wild goat of the m...
marlier 14 11 MARLY, abounding wit...
marrier 13 10 one who marries [n -...
marvier 15 14 MARVY, marvellous [a...
mashier 15 12 MASHY, of the nature...
masquer 21 20 one who wears a mask...
masseur 13 11 (French) a male who...
massier 13 10 MASSY, solid, full o...
mastier 13 10 MASTY, as if well fe...
matador 12 11 the bullfighter who...
matcher 18 15 one who matches [n -...
maturer 13 11 one that brings some...
maunder 12 13 to talk incoherently...
mausier 13 11 MAUSY, foggy, misty,...
mauther 15 13 an awkward girl, als...
mauzier 16 20 MAUZY, foggy, misty,...
mawkier 17 17 MAWKY, maggoty [adj]
mawther 18 15 (dialect) a big awkw...
mayster 19 12 (Spenser) master, al...
meagrer 13 12 MEAGRE, inadequate,...
mealier 13 11 MEALY, covered with...
meander 11 12 to wander [v -ED, -I...
meatier 12 10 MEATY, full of meat...
meddler 14 13 one who meddles [n -...
megabar 15 15 a unit of pressure [...
meister 13 10 (German) an expert i...
meltier 14 11 MELTY, liable to mel...
menacer 14 14 one who menaces [n -...
merrier 13 10 MERRY, mirthful, als...
meshier 15 12 MESHY, formed like n...
messier 13 10 MESSY, dirty or unti...
metamer 13 13 a compound metameric...
metayer 18 12 (French) one who cul...
mickler 19 18 MICKLE, much or grea...
middler 15 13 a student in an inte...
midgier 15 13 MIDGY, full of midge...
midyear 19 13 in the middle of the...
miffier 18 16 MIFFY, easily annoye...
militar 15 11 (obsolete) military...
milkier 16 15 MILKY, like milk [ad...
millier 16 12 a unit of weight [n...
miltier 15 11 MILTY, full of milt...
mimsier 15 13 MIMSY, prim, demure,...
minceur 16 15 (French) of food, le...
mincier 16 14 MINCY, affectedly da...
minever 14 15 the ermine in winter...
mingier 14 13 MINGY, mean and stin...
mingler 15 14 one who mingles [n -...
minibar 15 14 a small fridge as in...
minicar 16 14 a small automobile [...
miniver 15 15 the ermine in winter...
minster 13 11 a large church or ca...
mintier 13 11 MINTY, having the fl...
minuter 13 12 MINUTE, very small [...
mirador 13 11 (Spanish) a belveder...
mirkier 15 14 MIRKY, dark, also MU...
mirlier 15 11 MIRLY, marbled [adj]
misaver 15 14 to speak erroneously...
misdoer 13 11 a wrongdoer [n -S]
mishear 15 12 to hear incorrectly...
missier 14 10 MISSY, like a miss [...
mistier 14 10 MISTY, blurry [adj]
misuser 14 11 one who misuses [n -...
miterer 13 10 one that miters [n -...
mobster 15 13 a member of an organ...
mochier 18 15 MOCHY, (Scots) mould...
modeler 13 12 one that models, als...
modular 14 13 pertaining to a modu...
moister 13 10 MOIST, slightly wet...
moither 15 12 to confuse, stupefy,...
moldier 14 12 MOLDY, mouldy [adj]
moneyer 17 13 (archaic) a person w...
moniker 13 15 (slang) a name, a ni...
monitor 12 11 to keep track of [v...
monomer 12 14 the simplest of any...
monster 12 11 an extraordinary gro...
moocher 17 15 a truant, also MICHE...
moodier 12 11 MOODY, given to chan...
mooktar 13 14 (Arabic) an Indian l...
moonier 11 11 MOONY, resembling th...
moorier 12 10 MOORY, of or pertain...
moppier 17 16 MOPPY, (obsolete) dr...
mormaor 13 13 a high-ranking chief...
moroser 12 10 MOROSE, sad, gloomy...
morular 14 12 of or like a morula,...
mossier 13 10 MOSSY, covered with...
mothier 15 12 MOTHY, full of moths...
motlier 14 11 MOTLEY, diversified...
mottier 13 10 MOTTY, (Scots) conta...
mottler 14 11 one who mottles [n -...
moucher 18 16 a truant, also MICHE...
moulder 14 13 to turn to dust by n...
moulter 14 12 one that molts, also...
mounter 12 12 one who mounts [n -S...
mourner 12 12 one that mourns [n -...
mousier 13 11 MOUSY, like a mouse;...
mouther 15 13 one who mouths; an a...
muckier 18 18 MUCKY, dirty [adj]
muddier 14 13 MUDDY, covered with...
muddler 15 14 one who muddles [n -...
mudejar 15 21 a Spanish moor [n MU...
muffler 19 18 a thick scarf, colla...
muggier 16 15 MUGGY, warm and humi...
mukhtar 17 17 an Indian lawyer; a...
mumbler 18 18 one who mumbles [n -...
mumsier 15 14 MUMSY, old-fashioned...
muncher 18 17 one who munches [n -...
munster 13 12 a semisoft cow's mil...
murkier 15 15 MURKY, dark, also MI...
murlier 15 12 MURLY, (Scots) crumb...
murther 16 13 (dialect) to murder...
mushier 16 13 MUSHY, like mush, so...
muskier 15 15 MUSKY, resembling mu...
mussier 14 11 MUSSY, disarranged,...
mustier 14 11 MUSTY, having a stal...
mutator 13 11 one that causes a ch...
mutular 15 13 relating to a mutule...
muzzier 20 29 MUZZY, confused [adj...
muzzler 21 30 a strong headwind [n...
mynheer 20 15 (Dutch) the Dutch eq...
mythier 22 14 MYTHY, resembling my...
naggier 13 12 NAGGY, given to nagg...
nakeder 11 13 NAKED, without cloth...
nappier 15 14 NAPPY, of beer, havi...
narkier 12 12 NARKY, irritable [ad...
nastier 11 8 NASTY, ill-natured [...
nattier 11 8 NATTY, neatly dresse...
nebular 14 13 of or like a nebula,...
neddier 11 10 NEDDY, like a ned, a...
needier 10 9 NEEDY, in a state of...
needler 11 10 a needlemaker [n -S]
negater 11 10 one that negates, al...
negator 11 10 one that negates, al...
neither 13 10 not one or the other...
nerdier 11 9 NERDY, socially inep...
nervier 13 12 NERVY, nervous [adj]
nestler 12 9 one who nestles [n -...
nettier 11 8 NETTY, resembling a...
nettler 12 9 one that nettles [n...
newsier 14 11 NEWSY, full of news...
nibbler 17 15 one who nibbles [n -...
niffier 16 14 NIFFY, smelly [adj]
niftier 14 11 NIFTY, apt, agile; s...
niggler 15 13 one who niggles [n -...
nimbler 16 15 NIMBLE, agile [adj]
nippier 16 14 NIPPY, quick [adj]
nirlier 13 9 NIRLY, (Scots) knott...
nittier 12 8 NITTY, full of nits...
nobbier 15 14 NOBBY, stylish, modi...
nobbler 16 15 one who nobbles [n -...
noddier 11 10 NODDY, easy to under...
nodular 12 11 relation to a nodule...
noilier 12 9 NOILY, of or like no...
nointer 10 9 (Australian slang) a...
noisier 11 8 NOISY, making loud s...
nonpoor 11 12 a person who is not...
nonuser 10 10 one that is not a us...
nookier 11 12 NOOKY, full of nooks...
norther 13 10 to veer north [v -ED...
notator 10 8 one that notates [n...
notcher 16 13 one who notches [n -...
noticer 14 11 one who notices [n -...
nounier 10 10 NOUNY, having many n...
nowtier 14 11 NOWTY, bad-tempered...
nubbier 16 15 NUBBY, having small...
nuclear 15 13 pertaining to a nucl...
nummier 14 15 NUMMY, delicious [ad...
nurdier 12 10 NURDY, socially inep...
nutsier 12 9 NUTSY, (slang) crazy...
nuttier 12 9 NUTTY, tasting of nu...
nuzzler 19 28 one who nuzzles [n -...
obliger 16 13 one who obliges, als...
obligor 16 13 the person who binds...
obtuser 14 11 OBTUSE, stupid [adj]
ocellar 16 12 of the nature of an...
odaller 13 10 in the Orkneys and S...
offerer 15 13 one who offers, also...
offeror 15 13 one who offers, also...
officer 19 16 to command or lead [...
oftener 12 11 OFTEN, happening man...
oldster 13 9 an old person [n -S]
omitter 13 10 one who omits [n -S]
onerier 10 8 ONERY, (colloquial)...
onliner 11 10 a user of the intern...
opaquer 21 20 OPAQUE, impervious t...
opposer 15 13 one who opposes [n -...
oranger 11 10 ORANGE, the colour o...
orbiter 14 10 a spacecraft that or...
orderer 11 8 one who orders [n -S...
ordinar 11 9 something quite usua...
ornater 10 8 ORNATE, decorated [a...
oscular 16 12 pertaining to the mo...
osmolar 13 11 pertaining to, or ha...
osseter 11 7 (Russian) a species...
oundier 11 10 OUNDY, (obsolete) wa...
outdoer 11 9 one who outdoes [n -...
outdoor 11 9 pertaining to the op...
outgoer 12 10 someone who is outgo...
outhear 13 10 to surpass in hearin...
outlier 13 9 a detached portion o...
outpeer 13 11 (Shakespeare) to sur...
outpour 14 12 to pour out [v -ED,...
outroar 11 8 to roar louder than...
outsoar 11 8 to soar beyond [v -E...
outwear 14 11 to last longer than...
ouvrier 14 12 (French) a (male) ma...
overfar 15 14 too far [adj]
pabular 17 15 of or relating to no...
paddler 15 13 one who paddles [n -...
painter 13 11 one who paints [n -S...
palaver 16 15 to talk profusely or...
palikar 16 15 a Greek soldier [n -...
pallier 16 12 PALLY, marked by clo...
palmier 16 14 a pastry shaped like...
palsier 15 11 PALSY, pally, being...
pandoor 12 12 one of a class of Hu...
pandour 13 13 one of a class of Hu...
pannier 12 12 a large basket, also...
panther 15 13 a leopard, esp. a bl...
pantler 14 12 (Shakespeare) the of...
papaver 17 17 a genus of poppies i...
paperer 15 13 one who papers [n -S...
pappier 18 16 PAPPY, resembling pa...
papular 17 15 pertaining to, chara...
parader 13 11 one who parades [n -...
parador 13 11 a building such as a...
pardner 13 12 (colloquial) partner...
paritor 14 10 (Shakespeare) an off...
parkier 15 14 PARKY, (colloquial)...
parkour 15 15 a recreational pursu...
parlour 15 12 a room for the enter...
parrier 14 10 one who parries [n -...
partier 14 10 one who parties, als...
partner 13 11 to join with in a co...
partyer 20 12 one who parties, als...
pastier 14 10 PASTY, pale and unhe...
patamar 14 13 a vessel resembling...
patcher 19 15 one who patches [n -...
paviour 16 15 a person who lays pa...
paviser 16 14 a soldier carrying a...
pawkier 18 17 PAWKY, (Scots) drily...
peacher 18 15 one who peaches [n -...
peakier 14 14 PEAKY, off-colour, u...
pearler 14 11 one who dives for pe...
pearter 13 10 PEART, active, livel...
peatier 13 10 PEATY, of or like pe...
peckier 18 17 PECKY, marked by dec...
pedaler 14 12 someone who uses ped...
peddler 15 13 a person who goes ab...
peerier 13 10 PEERIE, small [adj]
peggier 16 14 PEGGY, resembling a...
penster 13 11 a writer [n -S]
peopler 16 14 a settler; an inhabi...
peppier 18 16 PEPPY, full of energ...
percher 19 15 one who perches [n -...
perkier 15 14 PERKY, cheerful, liv...
perrier 14 10 (obsolete) a short m...
peruser 14 11 one who peruses [n -...
pervier 16 14 PERVY, perverted [ad...
peskier 15 14 PESKY, annoying [adj...
pestier 14 10 PESTY, annoying [adj...
pettier 14 10 PETTY, insignificant...
pharmer 17 15 one who participates...
phatter 16 12 PHAT, susceptible of...
pheazar 18 21 (Shakespeare) perhap...
philter 18 13 to put under the spe...
phisher 19 14 one that phishes [n...
phonier 15 13 PHONY, not genuine o...
phraser 16 12 a repeater of empty...
piaffer 18 16 a movement in horsem...
piaster 14 10 a monetary unit of s...
picador 17 14 (Spanish) a matador'...
picamar 18 16 a liquid obtained fr...
pickeer 18 17 to forage, to skirmi...
pickier 19 17 PICKY, choosy, fasti...
pickler 20 18 one who pickles [n -...
piddler 16 13 one who piddles, was...
piercer 17 13 something or someone...
piffler 20 17 one who talks nonsen...
piggier 17 14 PIGGY, piggish [adj]
pilcher 21 16 (Shakespeare) a scab...
pilsner 15 12 (German) a light-col...
pilular 17 13 like a pilule, a sma...
pincher 19 16 one who pinches [n -...
pingler 16 14 one who nibbles at f...
pinkier 15 15 PINKY, somewhat pink...
pioneer 12 11 someone who is among...
pippier 19 16 PIPPY, having pips [...
pissier 15 10 PISSY, soiled with u...
pissoir 15 10 a public urinal [n -...
pitcher 20 15 a container for hold...
pithier 17 12 PITHY, full of pith,...
pivoter 16 14 someone who makes pi...
plaguer 16 14 one who plagues [n -...
plainer 14 12 PLAIN, unadorned [ad...
plaiter 15 11 one who plaits [n -S...
planner 13 13 one who plans [n -S]
plantar 14 12 of or relating to th...
planter 14 12 one who plants [n -S...
plasher 17 13 one who plashes [n -...
plaster 15 11 to cover with a mixt...
platier 15 11 PLATY, split into th...
platter 15 11 a large, shallow dis...
pleader 14 12 one who pleads; an a...
pleaser 14 11 one who pleases [n -...
pleater 14 11 one who pleats [n -S...
pledger 16 14 one who pledges some...
pledgor 16 14 one who pledges some...
plessor 15 11 a small, hammer-like...
plinker 16 16 one who plinks, shoo...
plodder 15 13 one who plods; a slo...
plonker 15 16 a large marble, also...
plotter 15 11 (Scots) to dabble in...
plouter 15 12 (Scots) to dabble in...
plowter 18 14 (Scots) to dabble in...
plucker 20 19 one who plucks [n -S...
plugger 18 16 something for pluggi...
plumber 19 18 one who installs or...
plumier 17 15 PLUMY, covered with...
plummer 18 18 PLUM, plum coloured;...
plumper 19 18 a pad kept in the mo...
plunder 15 14 to rob by force [v -...
plunger 16 15 an instrument or par...
plunker 16 17 a large marble, also...
plusher 18 14 PLUSH, luxurious [ad...
poacher 18 15 one who poaches [n -...
pochoir 19 15 (French) a manual co...
pockier 18 17 POCKY, covered with...
poddier 14 12 PODDY, corpulent [ad...
podgier 15 13 PODGY, short and fat...
poinder 13 12 (Scots) one who poin...
pointer 13 11 a breed of dog used...
policer 18 14 a computer device co...
politer 15 11 POLITE, showing cons...
polymer 22 16 a complex chemical c...
pompier 17 16 (French) a conventio...
poncier 16 14 PONCY, effeminate, a...
pongier 14 13 PONGY, (colloquial)...
poofier 15 13 POOFY, effeminate, a...
poofter 15 13 (Australian slang) a...
poopier 15 13 POOPY, stupid or ine...
poovier 15 14 POOVY, effeminate, a...
popover 17 17 a very light egg muf...
poppier 18 16 POPPY, like pop musi...
popster 16 13 a pop musician [n -S...
popular 17 15 well-liked [adj POPU...
porifer 16 13 a member of the Pori...
porkier 15 14 PORKY, plump like a...
pornier 13 11 PORNY, (colloquial)...
portier 14 10 PORTY, of the taste...
postwar 17 13 occurring after the...
potager 14 12 a decorative vegetab...
potcher 19 15 a machine that break...
pottier 14 10 POTTY, crazy [adj]
poufter 16 14 (offensive) a male h...
poulder 15 13 (obsolete) powder, a...
poulter 15 12 (archaic) a dealer i...
pouncer 16 15 one that pounces [n...
pounder 13 13 a specimen weighing...
pouther 16 13 (Scots) powder, also...
poutier 14 11 POUTY, tending to po...
praetor 13 10 an ancient Roman mag...
praiser 14 10 one who praises [n -...
prancer 16 14 a horse that prances...
prawner 16 14 one who fishes for p...
preaver 15 14 to aver beforehand [...
preener 12 11 one who preens [n -S...
premier 15 13 a chief in rank or o...
presser 14 10 one who presses [n -...
pressor 14 10 a substance that rai...
prester 14 10 (Latin) a priest [n...
pricier 18 13 PRICY, expensive, al...
pricker 19 17 a light horseman emp...
prigger 17 14 one who prigs, a thi...
primeur 16 14 (French) a new or ea...
primmer 17 16 a book that covers t...
prinker 15 15 one who prinks [n -S...
printer 14 11 one that prints [n -...
privier 17 14 PRIVY, private [adj]
proctor 17 13 a disciplinary offic...
prodder 14 12 one who prods [n -S]
proffer 18 16 to present for accep...
progger 16 14 one who progs, wande...
proller 16 12 (obsolete) a prowler...
prommer 16 16 an attender of prome...
proneur 13 12 (French) a flatterer...
proofer 15 13 one who proofs [n -S...
prosier 14 10 PROSY, prosaic, tedi...
prosper 16 13 to be successful [v...
prouder 14 12 PROUD, having or dis...
prouler 15 12 (obsolete) a prowler...
prowler 18 14 one that prowls, als...
prunier 14 12 PRUNEY, resembling a...
psalter 15 11 a book of psalms [n...
puddier 15 13 PUDDY, short and pud...
puddler 16 14 one who converts pig...
pudgier 16 14 PUDGY, short and fat...
pudsier 15 12 PUDSY, podgy, also P...
puffier 19 17 PUFFY, swollen [adj]
puggier 17 15 PUGGY, like a monkey...
pulpier 18 15 PULPY, resembling pu...
pumicer 19 17 one that pumices [n...
puncher 19 17 one who punches; an...
punkier 15 16 PUNKY, like a punk [...
punnier 13 13 PUNNY, involving a p...
punster 14 12 one who makes puns,...
pupilar 18 15 relating to a pupil...
purfler 18 15 something or someone...
purpler 18 15 PURPLE, of a colour...
pursier 15 11 PURSY, short of brea...
pursuer 15 12 one that pursues [n...
purtier 15 11 PURTY, (US dialect)...
pushier 17 13 PUSHY, offensively a...
pussier 15 11 PUSSY, full of pus [...
putcher 20 16 a wire trap for catc...
puttier 15 11 one who putties; a g...
puzzler 22 30 something that puzzl...
quacker 24 24 one who quacks [n -S...
quaffer 24 23 one who quaffs, or d...
quakier 21 21 QUAKY, quaking, shak...
quarter 20 17 to divide into four...
quasher 22 19 one who quashes [n -...
queerer 19 17 QUEER, strange [adj]
queller 22 19 a killer; as, Jack t...
querier 20 17 one who questions, a...
quester 20 17 a person who seeks,...
questor 20 17 (Latin) an ancient R...
quicker 25 24 QUICK, acting or cap...
quieter 20 17 one who quiets [n -S...
quilter 22 18 one who makes quilts...
quintar 20 18 an Albanian currency...
quipper 25 23 a person given to ma...
quitter 21 17 one who quits, gives...
quittor 21 17 a fistulous sore on...
quizzer 27 35 one who quizzes [n -...
quoiter 20 17 one who plays quoits...
rabbler 17 14 a scraping tool for...
rabider 14 11 RABID, afflicted wit...
racloir 16 11 (French) a scraper [...
radular 13 10 like a radula, raspy...
raffler 17 14 one who raffles [n -...
raggier 14 11 RAGGY, tattered [adj...
railcar 16 11 a railway car [n -S]
rainier 11 8 RAINY, marked by rai...
rallier 14 9 one who rallies [n -...
rambler 16 14 one that rambles [n...
rammier 14 13 RAMMY, resembling a...
ramular 14 12 of a branch [adj]
rancher 16 13 one that owns or wor...
rancour 14 12 bitter and vindictiv...
randier 11 9 RANDY, full of sexua...
rangier 12 10 RANGY, tall and slen...
ranular 12 10 relating to a ranula...
rapider 14 11 RAPID, quick [adj]
raspier 14 10 RASPY, rough [adj]
rassler 13 8 a wrestler [n -S]
rattier 12 7 RATTY, infested with...
rattler 13 8 a rattlesnake [n -S]
raucler 16 12 RAUCLE, (Scots) roug...
ravager 14 13 one who ravages [n -...
raveler 14 12 one who ravels, also...
ravener 12 12 one who, or that whi...
reacher 16 12 one who reaches [n -...
reactor 14 10 one that reacts [n -...
readier 11 8 READY, prepared [adj...
realgar 13 10 a bright-red monocli...
realter 12 8 to alter again [v -E...
realtor 12 8 a agent for buying o...
reamier 12 10 REAMY, creamy, froth...
rebater 13 10 one who rebates [n -...
rebuker 15 15 one who rebukes [n -...
reciter 15 10 one who recites [n -...
recolor 15 11 to color again, also...
recover 16 14 to obtain again afte...
recower 17 13 to recover, also REC...
reddier 12 9 REDDY, somewhat red...
redsear 11 8 brittle at red-heat,...
reducer 15 12 a joint piece that c...
reedier 11 8 REEDY, abounding in...
reefier 13 10 REEFY, abounding in...
reekier 12 11 REEKY, (Scots) smoky...
reenter 10 8 to enter again [v -E...
refiner 13 11 one who, or that whi...
refuser 14 11 one that refuses [n...
refuter 14 11 one who refutes [n -...
regaler 13 10 one who regales [n -...
regular 14 11 occurring at set int...
reifier 14 10 one that reifies [n...
reincur 15 12 to incur again [v RE...
reinter 11 8 to inter again [v RE...
relater 12 8 one who relates, als...
relator 12 8 one who relates, als...
relaxer 18 15 one that relaxes [n...
reliver 15 12 to deliver back [v -...
remaker 13 14 one who remakes [n -...
remixer 19 17 one that remixes (a...
remoter 12 10 REMOTE, far off [adj...
remover 14 14 one who removes [n -...
remueur 13 12 (French) the person...
reneger 11 10 one who reneges [n -...
renewer 13 11 one who renews [n -S...
rentier 11 8 (French) a person wh...
reoccur 18 14 to occur again [v RE...
reoffer 15 13 to offer for public...
reorder 11 8 to put in a further...
repaper 15 13 to apply new paper [...
repiner 13 11 one who repines [n -...
replier 15 11 one who replies [n -...
reposer 13 10 one who reposes [n -...
repower 16 13 to power again [v -E...
rescuer 15 11 one who rescues [n -...
resider 12 8 one who resides [n -...
resiner 11 8 a resin gatherer [n...
restier 12 7 RESTY, (obsolete) re...
resumer 13 11 one who resumes [n -...
retaker 12 11 one who takes again...
retirer 12 7 one who retires [n -...
reutter 12 8 to utter again [v -E...
reveler 14 12 one who revels, also...
reverer 13 11 one who reveres [n -...
reviler 15 12 one who reviles [n -...
reviser 14 11 one who revises, als...
revisor 14 11 one who revises, als...
reviver 16 15 something that reviv...
revivor 16 15 the revival of a law...
revoker 14 15 one who revokes [n -...
rewater 14 10 to water again [v -E...
ribbier 17 13 RIBBY, marked by rib...
richter 18 12 RICHT, (Scots) right...
riddler 14 10 one who poses riddle...
ridgier 14 10 RIDGY, having ridges...
riffler 18 14 a small file with cu...
riftier 15 10 RIFTY, having fissur...
righter 16 11 one who sets things...
rigider 14 10 RIGID, stiff [adj]
rindier 12 9 RINDY, covered in ri...
ripener 13 11 one that ripens [n -...
rippier 17 13 (obsolete) a person...
rippler 18 14 a toothed tool for c...
riskier 14 11 RISKY, dangerous, al...
ritzier 16 16 RITZY, pretentious [...
riveter 14 11 one who rivets [n -S...
roarier 11 7 ROARY, noisy, garish...
roaster 11 7 a pan or dish in whi...
rockier 16 14 the rock dove, also...
rodster 12 8 (archaic) an angler...
roilier 13 8 ROILY, turbid [adj]
roister 12 7 to revel noisily, ca...
rollbar 16 12 a frame to protect t...
roofier 13 10 ROOFY, having a roof...
rookier 12 11 ROOKY, (Shakespeare)...
roomier 12 10 ROOMY, spacious [adj...
roopier 13 10 ROOPY, (Scots) hoars...
rooster 11 7 a domestic cock [n -...
rootier 11 7 ROOTY, full of roots...
rortier 12 7 RORTY, (Australian s...
rosaker 12 11 (obsolete) a bright-...
rosiner 11 8 a strong alcoholic d...
rotator 11 7 a muscle serving to...
rotifer 14 10 a microscopic aquati...
rougher 15 12 a person who perform...
rounder 11 10 a tool for rounding...
roupier 14 11 ROUPY, hoarse, also...
rouster 12 8 a wharf labourer and...
rowdier 15 11 ROWDY, turbulent [ad...
rowover 16 14 a rowing event won b...
royster 18 9 to revel noisily, ca...
ruddier 13 10 RUDDY, reddish [adj]
ruffler 18 15 a beggar posing as a...
ruggier 15 12 RUGGY, rough and une...
rumbler 17 15 a machine for peelin...
rummier 15 14 RUMMY, queer [adj]
rumorer 13 11 a person who is give...
runnier 11 10 RUNNY, inclined to r...
runover 13 13 matter for publicati...
runtier 12 9 RUNTY, like a runt [...
rushier 15 10 RUSHY, abounding in...
rustier 13 8 RUSTY, covered with...
rustler 14 9 one who steals cattl...
ruttier 13 8 RUTTY, marked by rut...
sabreur 14 11 (French) a person, e...
saddler 13 10 one who makes, sells...
saggier 14 11 SAGGY, characterized...
sallier 14 9 one who sallies [n -...
saltier 13 8 a heraldic design, a...
saluter 13 9 one who salutes [n -...
sambhar 17 15 a large Asian deer,...
sambhur 18 16 a large Asian deer,...
samovar 14 14 (Russian) an urn for...
sampler 16 14 one that samples [n...
sandbar 13 12 a ridge of sand form...
sandbur 14 13 an annual herb, also...
sandier 11 9 SANDY, covered with...
santoor 10 8 (Arabic) an Eastern...
santour 11 9 (Arabic) an Eastern...
sappier 16 13 SAPPY, full of sap [...
sarkier 13 11 SARKY, sarcastic [ad...
sassier 12 7 SASSY, impertinent [...
saucier 15 11 a chef who specializ...
saunter 11 9 to walk in a leisure...
sautoir 12 8 (French) a long neck...
savager 14 13 SAVAGE, fierce, unci...
saviour 14 12 one who saves, also...
savorer 13 11 one that savors, als...
savvier 16 15 SAVVY, shrewd [adj]
scalder 16 12 that which scalds [n...
scalier 16 11 SCALY, peeling off i...
scalper 18 14 a semicircular gougi...
scammer 17 16 one who perpetrates...
scamper 18 16 to run playfully abo...
scanner 13 12 a device for scannin...
scanter 14 11 SCANT, scarce [adj]
scarcer 18 13 SCARCE, in short sup...
scarfer 17 13 one that eats or dri...
scarier 15 10 SCARY, frightening,...
scarper 17 13 to run away, leave w...
scatter 15 10 to disperse in all d...
scauper 17 14 a semicircular gougi...
scepter 17 13 to invest with royal...
schemer 18 15 one that schemes [n...
schmear 18 15 (Yiddish) to spread...
schmeer 18 15 (Yiddish) to flatter...
schnorr 17 13 (Yiddish) to beg, es...
scholar 18 13 a learned person [n...
scissor 16 10 to cut with a two-bl...
scodier 15 11 SCODY, (New Zealand)...
scoffer 19 16 one who scoffs [n -S...
scolder 16 12 one who scolds [n -S...
scooper 16 13 a tool used esp. in...
scooter 14 10 to travel by by a tw...
scorner 14 11 one who scorns [n -S...
scorper 17 13 a semicircular gougi...
scorser 15 10 one who barters [n -...
scourer 15 11 (historical) a membe...
scouser 15 11 a native of Liverpoo...
scouter 15 11 an adult working wit...
scowder 18 14 to scorch, also SCOU...
scowler 19 14 one who scowls [n -S...
scowrer 18 13 (obsolete) a member...
scraper 17 13 one that scrapes [n...
screwer 18 13 one who screws [n -S...
scriber 18 13 a scribing tool for...
scudder 16 13 one who scuds, a swi...
scudler 17 13 the conductor of a f...
scuffer 20 17 a type of sandal [n...
sculker 18 16 one that skulks, als...
sculler 18 13 one that sculls [n -...
scumber 19 17 (archaic) to void ex...
scummer 18 17 (Scots) a shallow la...
scunner 14 13 to feel loathing or...
scupper 20 17 to thwart, frustrate...
scutter 16 11 to run hastily, scur...
scyther 24 14 one who uses a scyth...
seamier 12 10 SEAMY, unpleasant [a...
seceder 14 11 one who secedes [n -...
secular 16 12 not spiritual [adj S...
securer 15 11 one who secures [n -...
sedater 11 8 SEDATE, calm, self-p...
sedgier 13 10 SEDGY, bordered by s...
seducer 15 12 one that seduces [n...
seedier 11 8 SEEDY, shabby [adj]
seelier 12 8 SEELY, fortunate; in...
seepier 13 10 SEEPY, oozing with w...
seether 13 9 a pot for boiling th...
seltzer 16 17 (German) naturally e...
seminar 12 11 an advanced study gr...
semitar 13 10 (obsolete) a curved...
sempler 16 14 SEMPLE, of humble bi...
senator 10 8 a member of a senate...
septuor 14 11 a group of seven, al...
serener 10 8 SERENE, calm, tranqu...
serovar 13 11 a group of microorga...
settler 13 8 one who settles [n -...
settlor 13 8 one who makes a lega...
severer 13 11 SEVERE, strict, hars...
sextuor 18 15 a group of six, also...
shadier 14 10 SHADY, full of shade...
shafter 16 12 a shaft-horse [n -S]
shagger 16 13 (vulgar slang) a per...
shakier 15 13 SHAKY, shaking [adj]
shalier 15 10 SHALY, resembling sh...
shalwar 18 13 (Urdu) loose-fitting...
shammer 16 15 one who shams; an im...
sharker 15 13 one who lives by sha...
sharper 16 12 a cheat or hoaxer, e...
shaster 14 9 (Sanskrit) any of th...
shatter 14 9 to break into pieces...
shearer 13 9 one who shears (shee...
shedder 14 11 one that casts off s...
sheerer 13 9 SHEER, utter [adj]
sheeter 13 9 one that sheets [n -...
sheller 16 11 one who shells [n -S...
shelter 15 10 to provide cover or...
shelver 17 14 a person employed to...
shicker 19 16 (Australian slang) s...
shidder 15 11 (Spenser) a female a...
shifter 17 12 one who shifts [n -S...
shikker 17 17 (Australian slang) s...
shimmer 17 15 to glimmer [v -ED, -...
shinier 14 10 SHINY, filled with l...
shipper 19 15 a person or company...
shirker 16 13 one who shirks [n -S...
shitter 15 9 (slang) a toilet [n...
shoaler 14 10 SHOAL, shallow, also...
shocker 18 16 one that shocks [n -...
shooter 13 9 one who shoots [n -S...
shophar 18 14 (Hebrew) a ram's hor...
shopper 18 15 one who shops [n -S]
shorter 14 9 SHORT, having little...
shouter 14 10 one who shouts [n -S...
showier 17 12 SHOWY, making a bril...
shriver 17 13 one who shrives; a c...
shucker 19 17 something or someone...
shudder 15 12 to shiver or tremble...
shunner 13 12 one who shuns [n -S]
shunter 14 11 an engine used for s...
shusher 17 12 one who shushes [n -...
shutter 15 10 to provide with wind...
shyster 21 11 an unscrupulous lawy...
sidebar 14 11 a short news story a...
sidecar 15 11 a passenger car atta...
sighter 16 11 (Scots) an inspector...
signeur 13 11 (Shakespeare) senior...
signior 13 10 an Italian title of...
silkier 15 12 SILKY, resembling si...
sillier 15 9 SILLY, showing a lac...
siltier 14 8 SILTY, full of silt...
similar 15 11 being alike but not...
similor 15 11 an alloy of copper a...
simitar 14 10 a curved oriental sw...
simpler 17 14 (archaic) one skille...
simular 15 12 one that simulates,...
sinkier 13 12 SINKY, yielding unde...
sissier 13 7 SISSY, effeminate, a...
sizzler 20 26 a very hot day [n -S...
skanger 13 14 (Irish) a young work...
skanker 13 16 one who skanks, danc...
skeeter 12 11 a skeet shooter [n -...
skegger 15 15 a young salmon [n -S...
skelder 14 13 to beg; to swindle;...
skelter 14 12 to scurry [v -ED, -I...
skidder 14 13 a tractor with thick...
skieyer 19 13 SKIEY, resembling th...
skimmer 16 17 a seabird that skims...
skinker 14 16 one employed to disp...
skinner 12 13 one who skins [n -S]
skinter 13 12 SKINT, having no mon...
skiorer 13 11 one who engages in t...
skipper 18 17 to act as master or...
skirter 14 11 someone who removes...
skitter 14 11 to skim over the sur...
skivier 16 15 SKIVIE, (Scots) dera...
skiwear 16 14 relating to clothes...
skudler 15 14 in Shetland, the lea...
skulker 16 17 one that skulks, als...
skummer 16 18 (archaic) to void ex...
slabber 17 14 to slaver; to drivel...
slacker 17 15 a shirker [n -S]
slammer 15 14 (slang) prison [n -S...
slander 12 10 to defame [v -ED, -I...
slanger 13 11 a hawker; a dealer i...
slanter 12 9 (Australian slang) a...
slapper 17 14 (slang) a promiscuou...
slasher 15 10 one that slashes [n...
slather 15 10 to spread thickly [v...
slatier 13 8 SLATY, resembling sl...
slatter 13 8 (dialect) to be unti...
sledder 13 10 one who goes on a sl...
sledger 14 11 one who drives a sle...
sleeker 13 12 a moulding tool for...
sleeper 14 11 one that sleeps [n -...
sleever 14 12 an old Welsh measure...
slender 12 10 slight of build [adj...
slenter 12 9 (Australian slang) a...
slicker 18 15 an oilskin raincoat...
slidder 14 10 (Scots) to slip, sli...
slimier 15 11 SLIMY, resembling sl...
slimmer 16 14 one engaged in slimm...
slinger 14 11 one who uses a sling...
slinker 14 13 one who slinks [n -S...
slinter 13 9 a trick, also SLANTE...
sliotar 13 8 (Irish) the ball use...
slipper 18 14 a shoe easily slippe...
slither 16 10 to slide from side t...
slitter 14 8 one who, or that whi...
slobber 17 14 to drool, also SLABB...
slogger 15 12 a person who hits ha...
slopier 15 11 SLOPY, sloping [adj]
slotter 13 8 a machine that cuts...
slubber 18 15 to stain or dirty [v...
slugger 16 13 a person who hits ha...
slumber 17 15 to sleep [v -ED, -IN...
slummer 16 15 one who slums [n -S]
slurper 16 12 one who drinks noisi...
smacker 17 17 (colloquial) a kiss...
smaller 15 12 SMALL, not large [ad...
smarter 13 10 SMART, clever [adj]
smasher 15 12 one that smashes [n...
smatter 13 10 to speak with little...
smearer 12 10 one who smears [n -S...
smeller 15 12 one who smells [n -S...
smelter 14 11 one who smelts [n -S...
smicker 18 17 (obsolete) to look a...
smilier 15 11 SMILEY, given to smi...
smirker 15 14 one who smirks [n -S...
smokier 14 14 SMOKY, full of smoke...
smolder 14 12 to burn with no flam...
smother 15 12 to prevent from brea...
smouser 13 11 (Afrikaans) in South...
smudger 15 14 (slang) a street or...
smugger 16 15 SMUG, complacent [ad...
snacker 15 15 one who snacks [n -S...
snagger 13 12 a person who uses il...
snakier 12 12 SNAKY, like a snake,...
snapper 15 14 to stumble, trip [v...
snarier 11 8 SNARY, in danger of...
snarler 12 9 one who snarls [n -S...
sneaker 11 12 (colloquial) a plims...
sneerer 10 8 one who sneers [n -S...
sneezer 13 17 one who sneezes [n -...
sneller 13 10 SNELL, keen, sharp [...
snicker 16 15 to utter a partly st...
snidier 12 9 SNIDEY, maliciously...
sniffer 16 14 one who sniffs; a do...
snifter 14 11 to sniff, snivel [v...
snigger 14 12 to snicker [v -ED, -...
snipier 14 11 SNIPY, snipelike; fr...
snipper 16 14 a tool for snipping...
snodder 11 10 SNOD, (Scots) smooth...
snogger 13 12 one that snogs [n -S...
snooker 11 12 to thwart, obstruct...
snooper 12 11 one who snoops [n -S...
snoozer 13 17 one who snoozes [n -...
snorter 11 8 one that snorts [n -...
snotter 11 8 to snivel [v -ED, -I...
snowier 14 11 SNOWY, full of snow...
snubber 16 15 a device for stoppin...
snuffer 16 15 an instrument for ex...
snugger 14 13 SNUG, cosy [adj]
soapier 13 10 SOAPY, like soap [ad...
soberer 13 10 SOBER, having contro...
socager 15 12 a tenant by socage,...
soddier 12 9 SODDY, consisting of...
soggier 14 11 SOGGY, heavy with mo...
soilier 13 8 SOILY, dirty, soiled...
solacer 15 11 one who solaces [n -...
soldier 13 9 to perform military...
solider 13 9 SOLID, having defini...
solunar 12 10 pertaining to tables...
sombrer 15 13 SOMBRE, gloomy, dark...
sonsier 11 8 SONSIE, buxom, comel...
soother 13 9 to cajole, flatter;...
sootier 11 7 SOOTY, covered with...
soppier 16 13 SOPPY, foolishly sen...
sorrier 12 7 SORRY, feeling regre...
sounder 11 10 a herd of pigs; a yo...
soupier 14 11 SOUPY, having the co...
souther 14 10 to move towards the...
spacier 17 13 SPACY, weird in beha...
spadger 15 13 (slang) a sparrow [n...
spaller 16 12 one who spalls; a to...
spammer 16 16 someone who sends ou...
spanker 14 15 the sail on the mast...
spanner 12 12 a tool for undoing n...
sparger 15 12 a vessel with a perf...
sparker 15 14 a powerful form of s...
sparrer 14 10 one who spars [n -S]
sparser 14 10 SPARSE, thinly distr...
spatter 14 10 to scatter in drops...
spawner 16 14 a mature female fish...
speaker 14 14 one who speaks [n -S...
spearer 13 10 one who spears [n -S...
specter 17 13 a visible disembodie...
speeder 13 11 one who speeds [n -S...
speeler 14 11 a climber (originall...
spelder 15 12 (Scots) to spread op...
speller 16 12 one who spells [n -S...
spelter 15 11 zinc in the form of...
spencer 16 14 one who has the care...
spender 13 12 one who spends [n -S...
spewier 17 13 SPEWY, boggy [adj]
spicier 18 13 SPICY, tasting of sp...
spicker 19 17 SPICK, tidy, fresh [...
spieler 15 11 a swindler or card-s...
spikier 16 14 SPIKY, resembling a...
spiller 17 12 one who spills [n -S...
spimmer 17 16 a person who sends u...
spinier 14 11 SPINY, having spines...
spinner 13 12 one that spins [n -S...
spirier 15 10 SPIRY, tall, slender...
spitter 15 10 a type of pitch in b...
splicer 19 14 one who splices [n -...
spoiler 15 11 one who spoils [n -S...
sponger 14 13 one that sponges [n...
sponsor 13 11 a person who promise...
spoofer 15 13 one who spoofs, a ho...
spooler 14 11 a device for transfe...
spooner 12 11 one who engages in s...
spoorer 13 10 one who spoors, a tr...
sporter 14 10 one who sports, a sp...
spotter 14 10 one who spots e.g. f...
spouter 14 11 a spouting whale; a...
sprayer 20 12 a device for sprayin...
sprucer 18 14 SPRUCE, smart, dappe...
spudder 15 13 a tool for removing...
spumier 16 14 SPUMY, like spume [a...
spurner 14 12 one who spurns [n -S...
spurrer 15 11 one who spurs [n -S]
spurter 15 11 one who spurts [n -S...
sputter 15 11 to spit, or to emit...
squalor 21 18 the state of being s...
squarer 20 17 (Shakespeare) a figh...
stabber 16 13 one who stabs [n -S]
stabler 15 11 one who keeps a stab...
stacker 16 14 one who stacks [n -S...
staffer 16 13 a member of the perm...
stagger 14 11 to walk or stand uns...
stagier 13 9 STAGY, having a thea...
staider 12 8 STAID, sober and sed...
stainer 11 8 that which stains [n...
stalker 14 12 one who stalks [n -S...
stammer 14 13 to speak with involu...
stamper 15 13 one who stamps [n -S...
stander 11 9 one who stands [n -S...
stapler 15 11 a stapling machine [...
starker 13 11 STARK, stern, harsh...
starter 12 7 one who starts [n -S...
starver 14 11 one who starves [n -...
stealer 12 8 one who steals [n -S...
steamer 12 10 to travel by steamsh...
steeper 13 10 a vessel for steepin...
steerer 11 7 one who steers [n -S...
steever 13 11 STEEVE, (Scots) firm...
stellar 14 9 pertaining to the st...
stemmer 14 13 a metal bar used to...
stentor 11 8 a person who has a v...
stepper 16 13 one who steps [n -S]
sterner 11 8 STERN, severe [adj]
stertor 12 7 (Latin) a heavy snor...
stewier 15 10 STEWY, like a stew [...
sticker 17 14 to apply adhesive la...
stiever 14 11 STIEVE, (Scots) stif...
stiffer 17 13 STIFF, rigid [adj]
stifler 16 11 one who, or that whi...
stiller 15 9 a distiller [n -S]
stilter 14 8 one who walks on sti...
stinger 13 10 one that stings [n -...
stinker 13 12 a very unpleasant pe...
stinter 12 8 one who, or that whi...
stirrer 13 7 a troublemaker [n -S...
stivier 15 11 STIVY, stuffy [adj]
stocker 16 14 an animal kept while...
stodger 13 10 a dull person [n -S]
stoiter 12 7 (Scots) to stagger,...
stomper 15 13 one who stomps [n -S...
stonier 11 8 STONY, of or like st...
stonker 12 12 (Australian slang) t...
stooker 12 11 one who stooks, sets...
stooper 13 10 one who stoops [n -S...
stoozer 14 16 one who stoozes [n -...
stopper 16 13 a plug, usually glas...
stormer 13 10 a humdinger, a reall...
stotter 12 7 to stagger, also STO...
stouter 12 8 STOUT, thick, resolu...
strafer 14 10 one who strafes [n -...
strayer 18 9 one who strays [n -S...
strewer 15 10 one who strews, also...
strider 13 8 one who strides [n -...
stridor 13 8 (Latin) a harsh shri...
striker 14 11 an attacking player,...
striper 15 10 a food and game fish...
striver 15 11 one who strives [n -...
stroker 13 11 one who strokes [n -...
strower 15 10 one who strows, also...
stroyer 18 9 one who stroys [n -S...
studier 13 9 one who studies [n -...
stuffer 17 14 one that stuffs [n -...
stuiver 15 12 (Dutch) a Dutch coin...
stumper 16 14 a baffling question...
stunner 11 10 a very attractive pe...
sturmer 14 11 a variety of dessert...
stutter 13 8 to speak with spasmo...
stylier 20 10 STYLIE, (New Zealand...
subadar 14 12 (Hindi) a native off...
subalar 15 12 under the wing [adj]
subduer 15 13 one who subduers [n...
subedar 14 12 (Hindi) a native off...
subtler 16 12 SUBTLE, so slight as...
succour 19 15 to go to the aid of,...
suckier 17 15 SUCKY, not good [adj...
suckler 18 16 an animal that suckl...
sucrier 16 11 (French) a table ves...
sudsier 13 9 SUDSY, full of suds...
suetier 12 8 SUETY, resembling su...
sugarer 13 10 one that makes sugar...
sulkier 15 13 SULKY, in a resentfu...
sulphur 19 15 a non metallic eleme...
sumpter 16 14 (archaic) a pack hor...
sunnier 11 10 SUNNY, full of sun [...
sunstar 12 9 a kind of starfish [...
suppler 18 15 SUPPLE, pliant, lith...
surfier 15 11 SURFY, abounding in...
surgier 14 10 SURGY, surging [adj]
surlier 14 9 SURLY, sullenly rude...
svelter 15 12 SVELTE, slender, sle...
swabber 19 16 one that swabs, also...
swagger 17 14 to walk with a pompo...
swalier 16 11 SWALY, marshy [adj]
swamper 18 16 one that lives in a...
swanker 15 15 one who shows off, a...
swapper 19 16 a person who swaps [...
swarmer 16 13 one who swarms [n -S...
swasher 17 12 (Shakespeare) a blus...
swather 17 12 a device attached to...
swatter 15 10 to splash or spill a...
swearer 14 10 one who swears [n -S...
sweater 14 10 a heavy jersey for l...
swedger 16 13 (Scots) a sweet [n -...
sweeper 16 13 one who sweeps [n -S...
sweeter 14 10 SWEET, tasting like...
sweirer 15 10 SWEIR, (Scots) sloth...
sweller 17 12 a member of the fash...
swelter 16 11 to suffer from oppre...
swerver 17 14 one who swerves [n -...
swifter 18 13 a rope used to tight...
swigger 18 14 one who swigs [n -S]
swiller 18 12 one who swills [n -S...
swimmer 18 16 one that swims [n -S...
swinger 16 13 one that swings [n -...
swinker 16 15 a hard worker [n -S]
swipier 18 13 SWIPEY, fuddled with...
swisher 18 12 one who swishes [n -...
swither 18 12 (Scots) to be undeci...
swobber 19 16 a sweeper of the dec...
swoffer 19 16 someone who engages...
swooner 13 11 one who swoons [n -S...
swooper 16 13 one who swoops [n -S...
swopper 19 16 one who swops [n -S]
sworder 15 11 (archaic) a gladiato...
swotter 15 10 one who swots [n -S]
symitar 20 12 a curved oriental sw...
tablier 15 11 (historical) an apro...
taborer 13 10 one who tabors, also...
tabular 15 12 pertaining to a list...
tackier 16 14 TACKEY, slightly sti...
tackler 17 15 one who tackles [n -...
taggier 14 11 TAGGY, matted into t...
talcier 16 11 TALCY, like talc, al...
talkier 14 12 TALKY, tending to ta...
tallier 14 9 one who keeps tally...
tambour 15 14 to embroider on a ro...
tanadar 10 9 (Hindi) an officer i...
tanager 11 10 (Tupi) a brightly-co...
tandoor 10 9 (Hindi) a type of In...
tangier 12 10 TANGY, having a fres...
tangler 13 11 one who tangles [n -...
taperer 13 10 one who carries a ca...
tapster 14 10 one who dispenses li...
tardier 12 8 TARDY, late [adj]
tarrier 12 7 one who tarries [n -...
tarsier 12 7 (French) a kind of l...
tartier 12 7 TARTY, like a prosti...
taskbar 15 14 a row of graphical c...
tastier 12 7 TASTY, pleasant to t...
tattier 12 7 TATTY, shabby, fraye...
tattler 13 8 an indiscreet person...
taunter 11 9 one who taunts [n -S...
tawnier 14 11 TAWNY, orange-brown,...
tawtier 15 10 TAWTIE, (Scots) matt...
teacher 16 12 one that teaches [n...
tearier 11 7 TEARY, wet with tear...
techier 17 12 TECHY, irritable, al...
teenier 10 8 TEENY, (colloquial)...
teether 13 9 an article that a ba...
tegular 14 11 of, like or overlapp...
telpher 17 13 to transport by a sy...
temblor 16 14 (Spanish) an earthqu...
templar 16 14 a student of lawyer,...
tempter 15 13 one that tempts [n -...
tenoner 9 9 one who tenons [n -S...
tentier 11 8 TENTY, watchful, als...
tepider 14 11 TEPID, moderately wa...
terrier 12 7 a small dog of vario...
terroir 12 7 (French) the combina...
testier 12 7 TESTY, irritable [ad...
teucher 17 13 TEUCH, (Scots) tough...
teugher 15 12 TEUGH, (Scots) tough...
thanker 14 14 one who thanks [n -S...
thawier 17 12 THAWY, inclined to m...
theater 13 9 a building for drama...
thether 16 11 (Spenser) thither [a...
thewier 17 12 THEWY, having strong...
thicker 19 16 THICK, having a grea...
thigger 17 13 one who thigs, a beg...
thiller 17 11 the horse which goes...
thinker 15 14 one that thinks [n -...
thinner 13 11 a preparation used t...
thither 17 11 in that direction, a...
thonder 13 11 (Scots) yonder [adj]
thother 16 11 (Spenser) the other...
thriver 17 13 one who thrives [n -...
thrower 17 12 one that throws [n -...
thumper 18 16 a strikingly big thi...
thunder 14 12 to produce a loud, r...
thymier 22 14 THYMEY, abounding in...
tichier 18 12 TICHY, very small, a...
tickler 18 15 someone or something...
tiddier 13 9 TIDDY, very small [a...
tiddler 14 10 a small fish [n -S]
tighter 16 11 TIGHT, firmly or clo...
tillier 15 9 TILLY, of or like ti...
timider 14 11 TIMID, lacking coura...
tingler 14 11 a thing which causes...
tinkler 14 13 an itinerant mender...
tinnier 11 9 TINNY, making a nois...
tintier 12 8 TINTY, unevenly tint...
tippier 17 13 TIPPY, (slang) in th...
tippler 18 14 one who tipples, dri...
tipsier 15 10 TIPSY, slightly drun...
tipster 15 10 one who sells inform...
tireder 12 8 TIRED, fatigued [adj...
titular 14 9 relating to title [a...
toaster 11 7 a device for toastin...
tockier 16 14 TOCKY, muddy [adj]
toddler 13 10 a young child [n -S]
toffier 16 13 TOFFY, like a toff,...
toggler 15 12 one who toggles [n -...
tollbar 16 12 a movable bar across...
toolbar 14 11 a bar with a list of...
tootler 12 8 one who tootles [n -...
toppier 16 13 TOPPY, of audio repr...
torcher 17 12 (Shakespeare) a ligh...
torquer 20 17 one who torques [n -...
toshier 14 9 TOSHY, full of twadd...
tossier 12 7 TOSSY, tossing the h...
tottier 12 7 TOTTY, unsteady; tot...
toucher 17 13 one who touches [n -...
tougher 15 12 TOUGH, hard, durable...
tousier 12 8 TOUSY, shaggy, unkem...
toutier 12 8 TOUTIE, (Scots) petu...
touzier 15 17 TOUZY, shaggy, unkem...
townier 14 11 TOWNY, belonging to...
towsier 15 10 TOWSY, shaggy, unkem...
towzier 18 19 TOWZY, shaggy, unkem...
traceur 15 11 (French) a participa...
tracker 16 14 one who tracks [n -S...
tractor 15 10 a motor vehicle used...
trailer 13 8 to transport by a ve...
trainer 11 8 a soft running shoe,...
traitor 12 7 one who betrays anot...
tramcar 16 13 a streetcar [n -S]
tramper 15 13 one who tramps, a va...
tranter 11 8 one who trants; a pe...
trapper 16 13 one that traps [n -S...
trasher 14 9 one that destroys or...
trawler 16 11 a vessel used for tr...
treader 11 8 one who treads [n -S...
treater 11 7 one who treats [n -S...
trekker 14 15 one who treks [n -S]
tricker 17 14 one who plays tricks...
triffer 17 13 TRIFF, (slang) terri...
trifler 16 11 one who trifles [n -...
trigger 15 11 to set in action [v...
triller 15 9 a kind of tropical b...
trimmer 15 13 one that trims, a po...
tripier 15 10 TRIPY, like tripe, w...
tripper 17 13 one who goes on trip...
trochar 17 12 a surgical instrumen...
troffer 16 13 a fixture for fluore...
troller 14 9 a person who trolls,...
trooper 13 10 a cavalryman [n -S]
trotter 12 7 a foot, esp. of a sh...
trouper 14 11 a member of a theatr...
trouser 12 8 to appropriate or po...
trouter 12 8 a trout fisherman [n...
trucker 17 15 a truck driver, also...
trudger 14 11 one who trudges [n -...
trusser 13 8 a person who or mach...
truster 13 8 one who trusts [n -S...
trustor 13 8 one who trustees his...
truther 15 10 a person who does no...
tryster 19 9 one who makes an app...
tubbier 17 14 TUBBY, corpulent, al...
tubular 16 13 in the form of a tub...
tuftier 15 11 TUFTY, abounding in...
tumbler 17 15 a drinking-glass [n...
tummler 16 15 (Yiddish) one, such...
tumpier 16 14 TUMPY, hummocky [adj...
tumular 15 13 of or like a tumulus...
turfier 15 11 TURFY, covered with...
turtler 14 9 one who catches turt...
tushkar 16 14 a turf-spade, also T...
tushker 16 14 a turf-spade, also T...
tuskier 14 12 TUSKY, having promin...
tutelar 13 9 one who has the powe...
tutoyer 18 10 to address familiarl...
twanger 15 13 a person playing a s...
tweaker 15 14 a small screwdriver...
tweener 13 11 a player having some...
tweeter 14 10 a loudspeaker made f...
tweezer 17 19 a pincerlike tool [n...
twigger 18 14 a wanton [n -S]
twinier 15 11 TWINY, resembling st...
twinter 15 11 (Scots) a two-year o...
twirler 17 11 a person who or thin...
twiscar 19 13 a turf-spade, also T...
twister 16 10 (colloquial) a torna...
twistor 16 10 a complex variable r...
twitter 16 10 to chirp [v -ED, -IN...
twoccer 21 16 a person who takes (...
twocker 19 17 a person who takes a...
typebar 22 15 a part of a typewrit...
udaller 14 11 a holder of an udal...
unchair 17 14 to remove from a cha...
unclear 15 13 not clear [adj UNCLE...
uncover 16 16 to remove the coveri...
undular 13 12 undulating, wavy, al...
uneager 11 11 not eager [adj UNEAG...
ungular 14 13 of or like an ungula...
unifier 14 12 something or someone...
uniquer 20 19 UNIQUE, having no ot...
unmaker 13 16 one who unmakes [n -...
unmiter 13 12 to depose from the r...
unorder 11 10 to countermand [v -E...
unpaper 15 15 to remove paper from...
unriper 14 12 UNRIPE, not mature e...
unsafer 13 12 UNSAFE, not safe [ad...
unsober 13 12 not sober [adj UNSOB...
unsurer 12 10 UNSURE, not sure [ad...
unswear 14 12 to retract something...
untruer 12 10 UNTRUE, not true [ad...
unvisor 14 13 to open the visor of...
unwater 14 12 to drain, esp. a min...
unwiser 15 12 UNWISE, not wise [ad...
upcheer 19 16 to encourage [v -ED,...
updater 14 12 one who updates [n -...
upmaker 16 18 one who makes up gal...
upriser 15 11 one who rises up [n...
upriver 17 15 an area lying toward...
upspear 16 14 to shoot up like a s...
upstair 15 11 pertaining to an upp...
urbaner 13 12 URBANE, refined and...
usurper 15 12 one who usurps [n -S...
utterer 12 8 one who utters [n -S...
vacatur 17 15 (Latin) the act of a...
vairier 14 11 VAIRY, charged or va...
valider 15 13 VALID, sound, legall...
vampier 17 17 VAMPY, like a vamp,...
vapider 16 15 VAPID, empty [adj]
vaporer 15 14 one that vapors, als...
vastier 14 11 VASTY, (archaic) vas...
vaulter 15 13 one who vaults [n -S...
vaunter 13 13 one who boasts, vaun...
vavasor 15 15 a knight, noble etc....
vealier 14 12 VEALY, resembling ve...
veilier 15 12 VEILY, like a veil,...
veinier 13 12 VEINY, full of veins...
veliger 16 14 (Latin) a mollusc la...
venator 12 12 (Latin) a huntsman [...
venerer 12 12 a gamekeeper [n -S]
venomer 13 15 (archaic) a poisoner...
venular 14 14 like a venule, a sma...
vernier 13 12 an auxiliary scale t...
vetiver 16 15 (Tamil) an East Indi...
viewier 17 14 VIEWY, showy; having...
vinegar 14 14 to treat with a sour...
vintner 13 13 a wine merchant [n -...
visiter 15 11 someone who calls in...
visitor 15 11 someone who calls in...
vitamer 15 14 a type of chemical c...
vitular 16 13 pertaining to a calf...
vivider 17 16 VIVID, strikingly br...
vlogger 17 16 one who keeps a vlog...
vocoder 16 15 an electronic device...
vocular 18 16 vocal [adj]
voguier 15 14 VOGUEY, in vogue [ad...
vomiter 15 14 one who vomits [n -S...
voucher 19 17 to establish the aut...
voyager 20 15 one who voyages [n -...
vuggier 17 16 VUGGY, abounding in...
vughier 18 16 VUGHY, abounding in...
vugular 17 16 pertaining to vugs [...
vuttier 15 12 VUTTY, (dialect) dir...
wabbler 20 17 (obsolete) one who w...
wabster 17 13 (Scots) a weaver, al...
wackier 19 17 WACKY, eccentric, al...
waddler 16 13 one who waddles [n -...
waffler 20 17 one who waffles [n -...
wagerer 15 12 one who makes a bet...
waggler 18 15 a fishing float with...
wagoner 14 13 one who drives a wag...
waister 15 10 a seaman stationed i...
wakener 14 15 one that wakens, als...
wallier 17 12 WALLY, (Scots) fine,...
waltier 16 11 WALTY, inclined to t...
waltzer 19 20 one who waltzes [n -...
wangler 16 14 one who wangles [n -...
wankier 15 15 WANKY, contemptible...
warbier 17 13 WARBY, (Australian s...
warbler 18 14 someone who warbles...
warrior 15 10 a soldier experience...
warsler 16 11 one who takes part i...
wartier 15 10 WARTY, covered with...
washier 17 12 WASHY, watery, damp...
waspier 17 13 WASPY, like a wasp,...
watcher 20 15 one who watches [n -...
waterer 14 10 a device for waterin...
waulker 17 16 a fuller of cloth, a...
waverer 16 14 one who wavers [n -S...
wearier 14 10 WEARY, tired [adj]
weather 16 12 to expose to atmosph...
webbier 19 16 WEBBY, resembling a...
webinar 16 14 a seminar via the Wo...
webster 17 13 (obsolete) a weaver,...
wedgier 16 13 WEDGY, resembling a...
weedier 14 11 WEEDY, resembling we...
weenier 13 11 WEENY, very small [a...
weepier 16 13 WEEPY, tending to we...
weigher 18 14 one who weighs [n -S...
weirder 15 11 WEIRD, eeerily stran...
welcher 21 16 one who welches, als...
welsher 18 13 one who welches, als...
wencher 19 16 one who wenches; a l...
wennier 13 12 WENNY, resembling a...
wersher 17 12 WERSH, (Scots) taste...
whacker 21 19 (Australian slang) a...
whapper 21 18 something unusually...
wheeler 17 13 one who wheels, or t...
wheezer 19 21 one who wheezes [n -...
whether 19 14 if it be the case th...
whetter 17 12 one who, or that whi...
wheyier 23 14 WHEYEY, like whey al...
whicker 22 19 to neigh; to bleat [...
whidder 18 14 (Scots) to whiz, als...
whiffer 22 18 one that whiffs, fis...
whimper 21 18 to cry plaintively [...
whinger 18 15 (historical) a dirk...
whinier 17 13 WHINY, given to whin...
whipper 22 18 one who whips [n -S]
whirler 19 13 one who whirls [n -S...
whisker 19 16 coarse hair on the f...
whisper 20 15 to speak softly [v -...
whither 20 14 to blow strongly wit...
whitier 18 12 WHITY, whiteish, als...
whitter 18 12 to talk or mutter pe...
whizzer 24 30 (slang) a pickpocket...
whoever 18 16 whatever person [pro...
whooper 18 15 a kind of swan [n -S...
whopper 21 18 something unusually...
whyever 25 18 (colloquial) for wha...
widener 14 12 a kind of tool for w...
widower 18 14 a man whose wife is...
wielder 16 12 one that wields [n -...
wiftier 18 13 WIFTY, ditsy, amiabl...
wiggier 18 14 WIGGY, crazy [adj]
wiggler 19 15 one who wiggles [n -...
wimpier 19 16 WIMPY, ineffectual,...
wincher 20 16 one who winches [n -...
windier 15 12 WINDY, related to wi...
wingier 16 13 WINGY, having or res...
winkler 17 16 a person who evicts...
wispier 18 13 WISPY, like a wisp,...
withier 18 12 WITHY, flexible and...
wittier 16 10 WITTY, possessed of...
wobbler 20 17 one who wobbles, als...
wombier 18 16 WOMBY, (Shakespeare)...
wonkier 15 15 WONKY, not working p...
woodier 14 11 WOODY, like wood [ad...
woofier 16 13 WOOFY, dense in text...
woofter 16 13 (slang) a homosexual...
woolder 15 12 a stick used to tigh...
woolier 15 11 WOOLY, having the te...
woozier 17 19 WOOZY, slightly drun...
wordier 15 11 WORDY, verbose [adj]
worlder 16 12 one who belongs to a...
wormier 16 13 WORMY, infested with...
worrier 15 10 one who worries [n -...
wotcher 20 15 a greeting, develope...
wounder 14 13 one who wounds [n -S...
wrapper 19 16 to put a covering on...
wreaker 15 14 (archaic) one who wr...
wrecker 19 17 one that wrecks [n -...
wrester 15 10 one who wrests [n -S...
wringer 16 13 a machine for forcin...
wrister 16 10 a type of shot in ho...
writher 18 12 one that writhes [n...
wronger 15 13 a person who wrongs...
wussier 16 11 WUSSY, wimpish [adj]
yachter 23 14 one who sails a yach...
yappier 22 15 YAPPY, given to yapp...
yapster 20 12 a dog [n -S]
yawnier 20 13 YAWNY, full of yawns...
yearner 16 10 one who yearns [n -S...
yechier 23 14 YECHY, disgusting [a...
yeukier 19 14 YEUKY, itchy [adj]
yielder 19 11 one who yields [n -S...
yobbier 22 15 YOBBY, resembling a...
yodeler 18 11 one who yodels, also...
yolkier 20 14 YOLKY, like yolk [ad...
younger 18 13 an inferior in age [...
younker 18 15 (colloquial) a young...
yuckier 23 17 YUCKY, messy or disg...
yukkier 21 18 YUKKY, disgusting, a...
yummier 21 16 YUMMY, delicious [ad...
yupster 21 13 a hipster with a pro...
zappier 19 22 ZAPPY, (slang) full...
zelator 15 17 a nun whose duty is...
zestier 15 16 ZESTY, full of zest...
zincier 18 20 ZINCY, of or like zi...
zingier 16 19 ZINGY, full of zest...
zinkier 16 21 ZINKY, of or like zi...
zippier 20 22 ZIPPY, full of zip,...
zonular 15 19 like a zone [adj]
zootier 14 16 ZOOTY, flashy in man...