5 letter words that end with R

5 letter words that end with R

5 letter R word


Words With Friends®


abear 9 8 to bear; to behave [...
abhor 12 10 to loathe, hate [v A...
abler 11 9 ABLE, competent, als...
achar 13 10 a spicy pickle made...
acker 12 12 (Australian slang) a...
actor 11 8 a theatrical perform...
adder 8 7 a venomous snake [n...
aesir 8 5 AS, a Norse god livi...
afear 9 8 (Spenser) to frighte...
after 10 8 later in time [prep]
agger 10 9 (historical) an arti...
aider 8 6 one who aids [n -S]
aimer 9 8 one who aims [n -S]
airer 8 5 a frame on which to...
aiver 10 9 (Scots) a draft hors...
alder 9 7 any tree of the genu...
algor 10 8 coldness; a shiverin...
altar 9 6 a raised structure u...
alter 9 6 to make different [v...
alvar 11 10 (Swedish) an area of...
amber 11 11 a fossil resin, used...
ameer 8 8 a Muslim governor, a...
amour 9 9 (French) a love affa...
anear 6 6 (archaic) to draw ne...
anger 8 8 wrath [adj ANGERLY]...
anker 8 10 an old wine measure...
antar 7 6 (Shakespeare) a cave...
apgar 11 10 as in apgar score, a...
apter 10 8 APT, suited to [adj]
arbor 10 8 a shady garden shelt...
ardor 8 6 (US) passion of feel...
arear 7 5 an unpaid and overdu...
armer 9 8 one who arms [n -S]
armor 9 8 (US) to dress with d...
asker 9 9 one who asks [n -S]
asper 10 8 a Turkish money of a...
aster 8 5 a plant of the Aster...
astir 9 5 on the move [adj]
attar 8 5 a fragrant essential...
auger 9 8 a kind of boring too...
augur 10 9 to foretell from sig...
aurar 8 6 EYRIR, a monetary un...
awner 10 9 a machine for removi...
baker 11 12 one that bakes [n -S...
baler 11 9 one who bales [n -S]
barer 10 8 BARE, unclothed, unc...
baser 10 8 BASE, mean [adj]
bazar 13 17 an Eastern market-pl...
begar 11 10 forced labour in Ind...
belar 11 9 an Australian tree o...
bever 12 12 to snack [v -ED, -IN...
bevor 12 12 armour for the face...
bider 11 9 one who bides [n -S]
biker 12 12 one who rides a bike...
biner 10 9 (short for) karabine...
biter 11 8 that which bites [n...
blaer 11 9 BLAE, blackish blue...
blear 11 9 of the eyes, dim, wa...
bluer 12 10 BLUE, having the col...
bolar 11 9 pertaining to a fine...
boner 9 9 (US slang) a stupid...
borer 10 8 one that bores [n -S...
bower 13 11 to enclose in a shad...
boxer 16 15 a person who boxes o...
boyar 16 10 (Russian) a member o...
breer 10 8 to sprout above grou...
briar 11 8 a prickly bush, esp....
brier 11 8 a prickly shrub, als...
buyer 17 11 one that buys [n -S]
caber 13 11 (Scots) a heavy wood...
cager 12 10 a basketball player...
caner 10 9 one who canes [n -S]
caper 13 11 to leap or skip like...
carer 11 8 one that cares [n -S...
cater 11 8 to provide food and...
caver 13 12 one who explores cav...
cedar 11 9 a large evergreen co...
ceder 11 9 one who cedes [n -S]
chair 14 10 to install in office...
charr 14 10 a small fish of the...
cheer 13 10 to applaud with shou...
chirr 15 10 to chirp like a cric...
choir 14 10 to sing in chorus [v...
churr 15 11 to make a vibrant so...
cider 12 9 an alcoholic drink m...
cigar 13 10 a roll of tobacco le...
cimar 13 11 (French) a loose coa...
citer 12 8 one who cites [n -S]
clear 12 9 to remove obstructio...
clour 13 10 to knock or bump [v...
coder 11 9 one who writes code...
color 12 9 (US) to paint, also...
comer 12 11 one showing great pr...
cooer 10 8 one that coos [n -S]
coper 13 11 a ship for supplying...
corer 11 8 a device for removin...
cover 13 12 to spread something...
cower 14 11 to cringe [v -ED, -I...
coyer 17 10 COY, modest, bashful...
crier 12 8 one that cries, also...
cruor 12 9 (Latin) a mass of co...
cryer 18 10 one that cries, also...
cuber 14 12 a machine for cuttin...
curer 12 9 one who cures [n -S]
cuter 12 9 CUTE, pleasingly att...
cyber 20 13 involving computers...
cyder 18 11 an alcoholic drink m...
cymar 19 13 (French) a loose coa...
daker 9 10 to lounge, also DACK...
damar 9 9 a hard resin used in...
darer 8 6 one who dares [n -S]
dater 8 6 one who dates [n -S]
dazer 11 15 something that dazes...
deair 8 6 to remove air from [...
debar 10 9 to exclude [v DEBARR...
debur 11 10 to remove rough edge...
decor 11 9 a style of decoratio...
defer 10 9 to postpone [v DEFER...
demur 10 10 to object [v DEMURRE...
denar 7 7 a monetary unit of M...
deter 8 6 to hinder or prevent...
dewar 11 9 a double-walled flas...
dhikr 13 12 (Arabic) a Sufi reli...
dicer 12 9 a device that dices...
diker 10 10 a person who makes d...
dimer 10 9 a molecular compound...
dinar 8 7 a monetary unit in Y...
diner 8 7 one that dines [n -S...
direr 9 6 DIRE, disastrous [ad...
diver 11 10 one who dives; a div...
dolor 9 7 grief, also DOLOUR [...
doner 7 7 as in doner kebab, g...
donor 7 7 one that donates, al...
doper 10 9 one who dopes [n -S]
doser 8 6 one who doses [n -S]
doter 8 6 one who dotes, also...
douar 8 7 a type of tent villa...
dover 10 10 (Scots) to doze, als...
dowar 11 9 (Arabic) a circular...
dower 11 9 to provide with a do...
dozer 11 15 one who dozes [n -S]
drear 8 6 gloom [n -S] / drear...
dreer 8 6 DREE, (Scots) dreary...
drier 9 6 an apparatus for dry...
dryer 15 8 an apparatus for dry...
duper 11 10 one who dupes anothe...
eager 8 7 a tidal flood, also...
easer 7 5 one who eases [n -S]
eater 7 5 one who eats [n -S]
edger 9 8 a tool used to trim...
eggar 10 9 any of several large...
egger 10 9 any of several large...
eider 8 6 a large sea duck [n...
elder 9 7 a kind of shrub or s...
elver 11 10 a young eel [n -S]
embar 11 11 (archaic) to shut in...
ember 11 11 a small piece of woo...
emeer 8 8 (Arabic) an Eastern...
emmer 10 11 (German) a primitive...
ender 7 7 one that ends someth...
enter 7 6 to go or come in [v...
ephor 12 10 a magistrate of anci...
error 8 5 a mistake [n -S]
escar 11 8 a narrow ridge of gr...
eskar 9 9 a narrow ridge of gr...
esker 9 9 a narrow ridge of gr...
ester 8 5 a compound formed by...
ether 10 7 a volatile liquid us...
eyrir 15 7 a monetary unit of I...
facer 13 11 a sudden difficulty...
fader 10 9 a sliding control as...
faker 11 12 one who fakes e.g. w...
fakir 12 12 a Hindu ascetic, als...
faqir 19 17 a Hindu ascetic, als...
farer 10 8 a traveller [n -S]
faver 12 12 FAVE, (slang) favour...
favor 12 12 to regard with goodw...
fayer 16 10 FAY, whimsical, also...
femur 12 12 a bone in the leg [n...
ferer 10 8 FERE, able [adj]
fetor 10 8 a stench, also FOETO...
feuar 10 9 (Scots) in law, the...
fever 12 12 to affect with an ab...
fewer 13 11 FEW, not many [adj]
feyer 16 10 FEY, foreseeing the...
fiber 13 11 a threadlike cell or...
fifer 13 11 one who plays the fi...
filar 12 9 pertaining to a thre...
filer 12 9 a person or thing th...
finer 10 9 a refiner [n -S]
firer 11 8 a person who fires [...
fiver 13 12 a five dollar bill,...
fixer 17 15 one that fixes [n -S...
flair 12 9 a natural skill [n -...
fleer 11 9 to deride by making...
fleur 12 10 (French) a flower [n...
flier 12 9 one that flies, also...
floor 11 9 to supply with the l...
flour 12 10 to cover with a fine...
fluor 12 10 a mineral form of ca...
flurr 13 10 to scatter [v -ED, -...
flyer 18 11 one that flies, also...
fouer 10 9 FOU, (Scots) drunk [...
foyer 16 10 a large room in a th...
freer 10 8 one who frees [n -S]
friar 11 8 a member of a religi...
frier 11 8 a pan or container f...
fryer 17 10 a pan or container f...
fubar 13 12 Fucked Up Beyond All...
fumer 12 12 one that fumes [n -S...
furor 11 9 an outburst of publi...
gager 10 9 one who gauges; an o...
gamer 10 10 a player who relishe...
gaper 11 10 a mollusc with a she...
gater 9 7 an alligator, also G...
gator 9 7 an alligator, also G...
gayer 15 9 GAY, cheerful [adj]
gazar 12 16 (French) a stiff sil...
gazer 12 16 one who gazes [n -S]
gebur 12 11 (historical) a tenan...
geyer 15 9 GEY, considerable [a...
giber 12 10 one who gibes, also...
giver 12 11 one that gives [n -S...
glair 11 8 to coat with egg whi...
glaur 11 9 (Scots) mire [n -S]
gluer 11 9 one who glues [n -S]
gnarr 9 8 to snarl, also GNAR,...
gobar 11 10 as in gobar numeral,...
gofer 11 10 a waffle with a patt...
goier 9 7 GOEY, anxious to go...
gomer 10 10 an unwanted hospital...
goner 8 8 one who is in a hope...
gular 11 9 a scale on the throa...
haler 11 8 a coin of the Czech...
hater 10 7 one who hates [n -S]
haver 12 11 to hem and haw [v -E...
hayer 16 9 one who makes hay [n...
hazer 13 16 one who hazes, a tea...
heder 10 8 (Hebrew) a Jewish sc...
hepar 12 10 any of various sulph...
hewer 13 10 one that hews [n -S]
hexer 16 14 one who hexes, casts...
hider 11 8 one who hides [n -S]
hiker 12 11 one who hikes [n -S]
hilar 12 8 belonging to the hil...
hirer 11 7 one who hires [n -S]
hiver 13 11 someone who hives [n...
homer 11 10 to hit a home run [v...
honer 9 8 a tool for honing [n...
honor 9 8 to treat with respec...
hoper 12 10 one who hopes [n -S]
hoser 10 7 a person who deceive...
hover 12 11 to hang suspended in...
huger 12 10 HUGE, very large [ad...
humor 12 11 (US) humour [n -S] /...
hyper 19 12 an excitable person...
ichor 14 10 a watery discharge f...
icier 12 8 ICY, covered with ic...
icker 13 12 (Scots) a single ear...
idler 10 7 one that idles [n -S...
iftar 11 8 (Arabic) a meal eate...
iller 11 7 ILL, unwell [adj]
imbar 12 11 (obsolete) to bar in...
incur 12 10 to bring upon onesel...
infer 10 9 to reach or derive b...
inker 9 10 one who inks; a pad...
inner 7 7 interior [adj INNERL...
inter 8 6 to bury [v INTERRED,...
invar 10 10 (tradename) an iron-...
ither 11 7 other [adj]
jager 11 16 a German army marksm...
jagir 12 16 (Hindi) the governme...
japer 12 17 one who japes [n -S]
jiber 13 17 one who jibes, also...
jiver 13 18 one who jives [n -S]
joker 11 18 one that jokes [n -S...
jowar 13 17 Indian millet, aka d...
jumar 12 18 to climb using ropes...
juror 11 15 a member of a jury,...
kabar 11 12 (Scots) a heavy wood...
kafir 12 12 a kind of cereal gra...
kebar 11 12 (Scots) a heavy wood...
kefir 12 12 a drink made from fe...
kesar 9 9 (obsolete) an empero...
keyer 15 11 a device that turns...
kiter 10 9 one that kites, obta...
knaur 9 11 a knot in a tree, al...
knurr 10 11 a knot of wood, also...
koker 10 13 (Dutch) in Guyana, a...
labor 11 9 to work, also LABOUR...
lacer 12 9 one that laces [n -S...
lader 9 7 one who lades [n -S]
lager 10 8 to form a defensive...
lahar 11 8 a flowing mass of vo...
laker 10 10 a fish found in lake...
lamer 10 9 LAME, disabled in th...
laser 9 6 a source of high-int...
later 9 6 LATE, coming after t...
laver 11 10 an edible seaweed of...
lawer 12 9 LAW, (Scots) low [ad...
laxer 15 13 LAX, slack or loose...
layer 15 8 a single thickness,...
lazar 12 15 a leper or person wi...
leear 8 6 (Scots) a liar [n -S...
leger 10 8 one who sells short...
lemur 11 10 an arboreal mammal r...
leper 11 9 one affected with le...
lever 11 10 to prise open [v -ED...
liber 12 9 a book of public rec...
lidar 10 7 a system of using la...
lifer 12 9 a prisoner serving a...
liger 11 8 the offspring of a m...
liker 11 10 one who likes [n -S]
liner 9 7 a passenger ship, es...
liter 10 6 (US) a measure of ca...
liver 12 10 a secreting organ [n...
livor 12 10 lividness of colour...
lobar 11 9 of or relating to a...
loner 8 7 one who avoids other...
loper 11 9 one of a pair of sli...
loser 9 6 one who loses [n -S]
lover 11 10 someone who loves [n...
lower 12 9 to appear dark and t...
luger 11 9 one who rides a luge...
lunar 9 8 the distance of the...
lurer 10 7 one who lures [n -S]
luser 10 7 a user of a computer...
luter 10 7 a lute-player, also...
luxer 16 14 LUXE, (French) luxur...
macer 12 11 an official who carr...
major 11 17 greater [adj MAJORLY...
makar 10 12 (Scots) a maker, a p...
maker 10 12 one that makes, also...
malar 10 9 the cheekbone [n -S]
manor 8 9 the manor house of a...
maror 9 8 (Hebrew) a dish of b...
maser 9 8 a device used to amp...
mater 9 8 (Latin) mother [n MA...
mayor 15 10 the chief executive...
mazer 12 17 a large drinking ves...
merer 9 8 MERE, nothing more,...
meter 9 8 to measure by mechan...
mhorr 12 10 a West African gazel...
miler 11 9 one who runs in mile...
milor 11 9 (French) a term of a...
mimer 11 11 one that mimes [n -S...
minar 9 9 (Arabic) a tower [n...
miner 9 9 one that mines [n -S...
minor 9 9 to study a subsidiar...
miser 10 8 one who hoards money...
miter 10 8 (US) to join with a...
mixer 16 15 one that mixes [n -S...
moder 9 9 (German) a layer of...
mohur 12 11 a former gold coin o...
molar 10 9 a grinding tooth [n...
moner 8 9 a hypothetical simpl...
moper 11 11 one who mopes [n -S]
motor 9 8 to travel by automob...
mover 11 12 one that moves [n -S...
mower 12 11 one that mows [n -S]
mucor 13 12 a genus of mould fun...
mudir 11 10 (Arabic) a local gov...
musar 10 9 (Yiddish) Rabbinic l...
muser 10 9 one who muses [n -S]
muter 10 9 MUTE, dumb [adj]
mylar 17 11 strong polyester fil...
nadir 8 7 (Arabic) the point o...
nagor 8 8 a reedbuck of savann...
naker 8 10 a small kettledrum [...
namer 8 9 one who names [n -S]
navar 9 10 a system of air navi...
nazir 11 15 an Indian court offi...
neper 9 9 a unit for expressin...
never 9 10 at no time [adv]
newer 10 9 NEW, of recent origi...
nicer 11 9 NICE, agreeable; pre...
nidor 8 7 (Latin) the savory a...
niger 9 8 (obsolete) a negro,...
niner 7 7 a student in the nin...
niter 8 6 potassium nitrate or...
nixer 14 13 (Australian slang) a...
noser 7 6 (slang) a blow or fa...
noter 7 6 a person who makes n...
nuder 8 8 NUDE, without clothe...
oaker 8 9 (Spenser) ochre, a p...
oater 7 5 a cowboy movie [n -S...
occur 15 12 to take place [v OCC...
ocher 13 10 a native pigment com...
ocker 12 12 (Australian slang) a...
odder 8 7 ODD, strange, unpair...
odour 8 7 any smell, whether f...
offer 12 11 to present for consi...
ofter 10 8 OFT, often [adv]
ogler 10 8 one who ogles [n -S]
oiler 9 6 someone who or somet...
older 9 7 OLD, living for a lo...
oller 10 7 (dialect) waste grou...
omber 11 11 a card game, also OM...
oncer 10 9 (slang) a one-pound...
opter 10 8 someone who opts [n...
order 8 6 to give a command to...
ormer 9 8 a sea snail of rocky...
oscar 11 8 (Australian slang) c...
osier 8 5 a species of willow...
other 10 7 one that remains of...
ottar 8 5 a fragrant essential...
otter 8 5 to fish with a board...
outer 8 6 a part of an archery...
owler 12 9 a smuggler of wool o...
owner 10 9 one that owns [n -S]
oxter 14 12 (Scots) to take unde...
pacer 13 11 a horse whose gait i...
pager 11 10 an electronic device...
paler 11 9 PALE, lacking colour...
paper 12 11 to cover with a thin...
parer 10 8 an instrument for pa...
pater 10 8 a father [n -S]
paver 12 12 a person who lays pa...
pawer 13 11 one who paws [n -S]
payer 16 10 one who pays, also P...
payor 16 10 one who pays, also P...
petar 10 8 an explosive device,...
peter 10 8 to diminish graduall...
pheer 12 10 a companion, also FE...
piker 12 12 a stingy person, a c...
pilar 12 9 pertaining to hair [...
piler 12 9 one who places thing...
piper 13 11 one who plays the pi...
plier 12 9 one who plies, also...
plyer 18 11 one who plies, also...
poker 11 12 one that pokes [n -S...
polar 11 9 a straight line rela...
poler 11 9 (Australian) one of...
porer 10 8 one who pores [n -S]
poser 10 8 one that poses [n -S...
power 13 11 to equip with mechan...
prier 11 8 one who pries, also...
prior 11 8 previous [adj PRIORL...
pryer 17 10 one who pries, also...
pucer 14 12 PUCE, dark red [adj]
pudor 11 10 (obsolete) a sense o...
puker 12 13 (archaic) an emetic...
puler 12 10 one who pules [n -S]
purer 11 9 PURE, free from stai...
quair 17 15 (obsolete) a quire;...
queer 16 15 strange [adj QUEERER...
racer 11 8 one that races [n -S...
radar 8 6 an electronic locati...
rager 9 7 one who rages [n -S]
raker 9 9 in games, a long, fa...
raper 10 8 one who rapes [n -S]
rarer 8 5 RARE, not common [ad...
raser 8 5 one that rases, also...
rater 8 5 one that rates [n -S...
raver 10 9 one that raves [n -S...
rawer 11 8 RAW, uncooked [adj]
razer 11 14 one who razes, also...
razor 11 14 to shave with a shar...
rebar 10 8 a steel rod for use...
recur 12 9 to come around at in...
refer 10 8 to direct to a sourc...
regar 9 7 (Hindi) the rich bla...
regur 10 8 (Hindi) the rich bla...
ricer 12 8 a cooking utensil fo...
rider 9 6 one who rides [n -S]
rifer 11 8 RIFE, abundant, prev...
rigor 10 7 a sense of chillines...
rimer 10 8 one that rimes, also...
riper 11 8 one who gropes, rans...
riser 9 5 a rod securing a sta...
river 11 9 a large natural stre...
roger 9 7 (slang) to have inte...
roker 9 9 any ray other than a...
roper 10 8 a rope-maker [n -S]
rotor 8 5 a rotating part of a...
rover 10 9 one who roves [n -S]
rower 11 8 one who rows [n -S]
ruder 9 7 RUDE, boorish [adj]
ruler 10 7 to strike with an im...
rumor 10 9 to spread by hearsay...
ryper 17 10 RYPE, (Danish) a pta...
saber 10 8 to strike with a typ...
sabir 11 8 (French) a French-ba...
safer 10 8 SAFE, secure [adj]
sager 9 7 SAGE, wise [adj]
saker 9 9 a falcon native to S...
saner 7 6 SANE, mentally sound...
sapor 10 8 flavour, also SAPOUR...
saser 8 5 a device for amplify...
satyr 15 7 a Greek god of the w...
saver 10 9 one that saves [n -S...
savor 10 9 to taste or smell wi...
sawer 11 8 one who saws, also S...
sayer 14 7 one that says [n -S]
scaur 12 9 (Scots) to scare, al...
scour 12 9 to cleanse by hard r...
seder 8 6 (Hebrew) a Pesach ce...
sefer 10 8 (Hebrew) any book of...
segar 9 7 a cigar [n -S]
senor 7 6 (Spanish) a Spanish...
serer 8 5 SERE, withered, dry,...
sever 10 9 to divide or cut int...
sewar 11 8 a medieval servant w...
sewer 11 8 to clean or maintain...
sexer 14 12 one who sexes fowls...
shear 10 7 to cut the wool or h...
sheer 10 7 utter [adj SHEERER,...
shier 11 7 a horse that shies,...
shirr 12 7 to pucker, also SHIR...
shiur 12 8 (Hebrew) a lesson, e...
shoer 10 7 one who shoes horses...
shyer 17 9 a horse tending to s...
sider 9 6 a native or inhabita...
sieur 9 6 an old French title...
siker 10 9 (US) secure, certain...
siler 10 6 a strainer [n -S]
simar 10 8 (French) a loose coa...
sitar 9 5 (Urdu) an Indian mus...
siver 11 9 (Scots) a drain; a g...
sixer 15 12 anything counting fo...
sizar 12 14 a British student wh...
sizer 12 14 a student at Cambrid...
skear 9 9 (dialect) to scare,...
skeer 9 9 (dialect) to scare,...
skier 10 9 one who skis [n -S]
skirr 11 9 to scour, search; to...
skyer 16 11 in cricket, a hit hi...
sleer 9 6 SLEE, (Scots) sly [a...
slier 10 6 SLY, cunning, wily;...
slyer 16 8 SLY, cunning, wily;...
smear 9 8 to spread with somet...
smirr 11 8 to drizzle [v -ED, -...
smoor 9 8 (Scots) to smother,...
sneer 7 6 to curl the lip in c...
sober 10 8 having control of on...
sofar 10 8 a system for locatin...
soger 9 7 (dialect) a soldier,...
sohur 11 8 a meal eaten before...
solar 9 6 an upper room, a gar...
soler 9 6 (archaic) an upper r...
sonar 7 6 an underwater locati...
sopor 10 8 a profound sleep fro...
sorer 8 5 SORE, sensitive to p...
sowar 11 8 (Urdu) a mounted nat...
sower 11 8 one who sows [n -S]
spaer 10 8 (Scots) one who fore...
spear 10 8 to pierce with a lon...
speer 10 8 (Scots) to ask, also...
speir 11 8 (Scots) to ask, also...
spier 11 8 (Scots) to ask, also...
spoor 10 8 to follow a trail [v...
spuer 11 9 one who spues, also...
stair 9 5 a rest for the foot...
starr 9 5 (Hebrew) a Jewish de...
stear 8 5 (obsolete) to steer...
steer 8 5 to guide or direct,...
stoor 8 5 a battle, an affray,...
stour 9 6 (Scots) a battle, as...
suber 11 9 (Latin) the bark of...
sudor 9 7 (Latin) sweat [n -S]
sugar 10 8 to sweeten with a ca...
suhur 12 9 a meal eaten before...
super 11 9 to reinforce with a...
surer 9 6 SURE, certain [adj]
sutor 9 6 (archaic) a cobbler,...
swear 11 8 to utter a solemn oa...
sweer 11 8 (Scots) slothful; gr...
sweir 12 8 (Scots) slothful; gr...
syker 16 11 (Spenser) sure, cert...
symar 16 10 a loose coat, an und...
syver 17 11 (Scots) a drain; a g...
taber 10 8 a light medieval dru...
tabor 10 8 a light medieval dru...
taker 9 9 one who takes [n -S]
talar 9 6 an ankle-length robe...
taler 9 6 (German) an obsolete...
tamer 9 8 one that tames [n -S...
taper 10 8 to become gradually...
tapir 11 8 (Tupi) a large odd-t...
tasar 8 5 (Hindi) a fawn-colou...
taser 8 5 (tradename) a gunlik...
tatar 8 5 a ferocious person,...
tater 8 5 (colloquial) a potat...
taver 10 9 (Scots) to wander, r...
tawer 11 8 a maker of white lea...
taxer 14 12 one who imposes taxe...
taxor 14 12 one who taxes, also...
tenor 7 6 a high male singing...
their 11 7 a possessive form of...
tiger 10 7 a fierce, striped As...
tiler 10 6 a maker or layer of...
timer 10 8 one that times [n -S...
titer 9 5 the concentration of...
toker 9 9 one that tokes, puff...
tolar 9 6 (Slovene) the standa...
toner 7 6 fine powdered pigmen...
toper 10 8 a drunkard [n -S]
toter 8 5 one who totes [n -S]
tower 11 8 to rise to a great h...
toyer 14 7 one who toys, a trif...
trier 9 5 one who tries, also...
trior 9 5 (obsolete) a trier,...
truer 9 6 TRUE, corresponding...
tryer 15 7 one who tries, also...
tubar 11 9 in the form of a tub...
tuber 11 9 an underground stem...
tumor 10 9 (US) an abnormal swe...
tuner 8 7 one who tunes e.g. p...
tutor 9 6 to instruct privatel...
tuyer 15 8 a pipe through which...
tweer 11 8 (obsolete) to peer [...
twier 12 8 a pipe through which...
twoer 11 8 (colloquial) anythin...
twyer 18 10 a pipe through which...
tyler 16 8 a maker or layer of...
udder 9 8 a mammary gland [n -...
ulcer 13 10 to affect with a typ...
ulnar 9 8 pertaining to the ul...
umber 12 12 to colour with a bro...
unbar 10 10 to become unbarred [...
under 8 8 in a lower position...
upper 13 12 the part of a boot o...
upter 11 9 (Australian slang) o...
urger 10 8 one who urges [n -S]
usher 11 8 to escort people to...
utter 9 6 complete [adj UTTERE...
valor 11 10 (US) valour [n -S]
vaper 12 12 one who vapes, inhal...
vapor 12 12 mist, fume or smoke...
velar 11 10 a sound produced by...
vexer 16 16 one who vexes [n -S]
vezir 14 18 (Arabic) a minister...
vicar 14 12 a church official [n...
vigor 12 11 active strength or f...
viler 12 10 VILE, odious [adj]
viner 10 10 a wine grower [n -S]
viper 13 12 a venomous snake [n...
visor 11 9 to provide with a pr...
viver 13 13 (dialect) a fishpond...
vizir 15 18 (Arabic) a minister...
vizor 14 18 to provide with a pr...
volar 11 10 pertaining to the pa...
vomer 11 12 (Latin) any of vario...
voter 10 9 one who votes [n -S]
vower 13 12 one who makes a vow...
wader 11 9 one that wades [n -S...
wafer 13 11 to fasten with an ad...
wager 12 10 to make a bet [v -ED...
waker 12 12 one that wakens, als...
waler 12 9 in India, an Austral...
water 11 8 to sprinkle with a t...
waver 13 12 to move to and fro [...
waxer 17 15 one who waxes [n -S]
wazir 15 17 (Arabic) a minister...
weber 13 11 a unit of magnetic f...
whaur 14 11 (Scots) where, also...
whear 13 10 (obsolete) where, al...
whirr 15 10 to spin with a hummi...
wider 12 9 WIDE, broad [adj]
wiper 14 11 one that wipes [n -S...
wirer 12 8 one who wires [n -S]
wiser 12 8 WISE, intelligent [a...
wiver 14 12 in heraldry, a drago...
wooer 10 8 one who woos [n -S]
wrier 12 8 WRY, twisted [adj]
wryer 18 10 WRY, twisted [adj]
yager 15 9 (German) a huntsman,...
yarer 14 7 YARE, (archaic) nimb...
yoker 15 11 to spit [v -ED, -ING...
zoner 10 15 one who zones [n -S]