11 letter words that starts with o

11 letter words that start with O

11 letter O word


Word With Friends


oarsmanship 23 20 the craft of rowing...
obdurations 20 17 OBDURATION, a harden...
obediential 20 17 relating to or of th...
obesenesses 18 15 OBESENESS, the state...
obfuscating 27 24 OBFUSCATE, to darken...
obfuscation 25 22 the act of obfuscati...
obfuscatory 32 23 serving to obfuscate...
obituarists 22 15 OBITUARIST, one who...
objectified 28 30 OBJECTIFY, to make o...
objectifies 28 29 OBJECTIFY, to make o...
objectivate 27 30 to render objective...
objectively 35 33 OBJECTIVE, relating...
objectivise 28 30 to make objective, a...
objectivism 30 33 the doctrine that re...
objectivist 29 30 a believer in object...
objectivity 35 32 the state of being o...
objectivize 31 39 to make objective, a...
objurations 22 25 OBJURATION, the act...
objurgating 25 29 OBJURGATE, to scold...
objurgation 23 27 a rebuke, a scolding...
objurgative 26 30 chiding, scolding, a...
objurgators 24 26 OBJURGATOR, one who...
objurgatory 30 28 chiding, scolding, a...
obligations 22 18 OBLIGATION, the act...
obligements 23 21 OBLIGEMENT, (Scots)...
obliquation 29 26 (obsolete) obliquene...
obliqueness 29 26 the state of being o...
obliquities 31 25 OBLIQUITY, the state...
obliquitous 31 26 relating to obliquit...
obliterated 21 16 OBLITERATE, to erase...
obliterates 21 15 OBLITERATE, to erase...
obliterator 21 15 one who obliterates...
obliviously 32 23 OBLIVIOUS, forgetful...
obmutescent 24 22 speechless; persiste...
obnoxiously 33 26 OBNOXIOUS, unpleasan...
obnubilated 23 21 OBNUBILATE, (obsolet...
obnubilates 23 20 OBNUBILATE, (obsolet...
obsceneness 21 19 the state of being o...
obscenities 23 18 OBSCENITY, something...
obscurantic 27 22 deliberately obscure...
obscuration 23 19 the act of obscuring...
obscurement 24 22 the act of obscuring...
obscureness 23 19 the state of being o...
obscurities 25 18 OBSCURITY, the state...
obsecrating 24 20 OBSECRATE, to beseec...
obsecration 22 18 an entreaty [n -S]
observables 25 22 OBSERVABLE, somethin...
observances 24 22 OBSERVANCE, the keep...
observantly 29 22 OBSERVANT, carefully...
observation 21 19 an act or instance o...
observative 24 22 observant, observati...
observators 22 18 OBSERVATOR, one who...
observatory 28 20 a building or place...
observingly 31 24 OBSERVING [adv]
obsessional 20 16 relating to obsessio...
obsessively 30 21 OBSESSIVE, subject t...
obsidionary 26 18 of or relating to a...
obsignating 22 20 OBSIGNATE, to seal o...
obsignation 20 18 the act of obsigning...
obsignatory 27 19 relating to obsignat...
obsolescent 23 19 not functional, but...
obsolescing 25 21 OBSOLESCE, to grow o...
obsoletions 20 16 OBSOLETION, obsolesc...
obsoletisms 23 18 OBSOLETISM, a disuse...
obstetrical 25 18 relating to the care...
obstinacies 23 18 OBSTINACY, stubbornn...
obstinately 27 18 OBSTINATE, stubborn...
obstipation 22 18 a severe and obstina...
obstriction 24 18 (obsolete) obligatio...
obstructers 25 18 OBSTRUCTER, one who...
obstructing 26 21 OBSTRUCT, to get in...
obstruction 24 19 the state of being o...
obstructive 27 22 serving to obstruct...
obstructors 25 18 OBSTRUCTOR, one who...
obtainments 20 19 OBTAINMENT, the act...
obtemperate 22 20 to obey (a judgment...
obtempering 24 23 OBTEMPER, to yield o...
obtestation 19 15 the act of obtesting...
obtruncated 23 20 OBTRUNCATE, to cut o...
obtruncates 23 19 OBTRUNCATE, to cut o...
obtrusively 31 22 OBTRUSIVE, thrusting...
obtundities 21 17 OBTUNDITY, the state...
obturations 20 16 OBTURATION, an obstr...
obumbrating 25 24 OBUMBRATE, to oversh...
obumbration 23 22 the act of obumbrati...
obviousness 22 20 the state of being o...
obvolutions 23 21 OBVOLUTION, the stat...
occasioners 23 18 OCCASIONER, one who,...
occasioning 24 21 OCCASION, to cause [...
occidentals 25 20 OCCIDENTAL, one who...
occipitally 36 24 OCCIPITAL, relating...
occultation 25 20 a concealing, esp. o...
occupancies 29 25 OCCUPANCY, the act o...
occupations 26 22 OCCUPATION, an activ...
occurrences 27 22 OCCURRENCE, somethin...
oceanariums 21 19 OCEANARIUM, an enclo...
oceanfronts 21 19 OCEANFRONT, a strip...
ocellations 22 17 OCELLATION, the stat...
ochlocratic 31 23 relating to ochlocra...
ochlophobia 30 25 the fear of crowds [...
ochlophobic 34 28 a person who suffers...
octachordal 27 21 relating to an octac...
octagonally 29 21 OCTAGONAL, having ei...
octahedrite 23 17 a variety of anatase...
octahedrons 22 18 OCTAHEDRON, (Greek)...
octanedioic 23 19 designating a type o...
octapeptide 25 21 a protein fragment o...
octastichon 26 20 a poem or stanza of...
octennially 28 20 OCTENNIAL, recurring...
octillionth 26 19 the ordinal of a tho...
octingenary 27 20 an eight-hundredth a...
octodecimos 25 21 OCTODECIMO, a book w...
octohedrons 22 18 OCTOHEDRON, (Greek)...
octonarians 19 16 OCTONARIAN, in proso...
octonocular 24 20 having eight eyes [a...
octopushers 26 20 OCTOPUSHER, one who...
octuplicate 28 22 one of eight corresp...
odonatology 24 18 the study of dragonf...
odontalgias 19 16 ODONTALGIA, toothach...
odontalgies 19 16 ODONTALGY, toothache...
odontoblast 20 17 a tooth cell in the...
odontocetes 19 16 ODONTOCETE, a subdiv...
odontogenic 20 19 relating to odontoge...
odontograph 22 20 an instrument for ob...
odontolites 18 14 ODONTOLITE, a fossil...
odontologic 22 19 relating to odontolo...
odontophore 20 18 the rasping apparatu...
odoriferous 20 16 giving off an odour;...
odoriphores 22 17 ODORIPHORE, the grou...
odorousness 17 14 the state of being o...
oecological 26 21 relating to ecology,...
oecologists 23 17 OECOLOGIST, a studen...
oecumenical 25 23 general; universal;...
oenological 22 19 relating to oenology...
oenologists 19 15 OENOLOGIST, one vers...
oenomancies 19 19 OENOMANCY, divinatio...
oenophilies 22 18 OENOPHILY, the love...
oenophilist 23 18 lover of wine [n -S]
oesophageal 22 19 pertaining to the es...
oestradiols 19 13 OESTRADIOL, a natura...
oestrogenic 21 17 producing female sex...
offenceless 25 22 (Milton) without giv...
offenseless 22 19 without offense [adj...
offensively 31 25 OFFENSIVE, causing o...
offertories 22 17 OFFERTORY, the part...
offhandedly 31 25 OFFHANDED, ungraciou...
officialdom 28 25 officials as a class...
officialese 26 21 the characteristic l...
officialism 29 24 excessive devotion t...
officiality 34 23 the charge, office,...
officiaries 26 20 OFFICIARY, a body of...
officiating 27 23 OFFICIATE, to perfor...
officiation 25 21 the act of officiati...
officiators 26 20 OFFICIATOR, one who...
officinally 34 25 OFFICINAL, tending o...
officiously 34 24 OFFICIOUS, volunteer...
offprinting 26 24 OFFPRINT, to reprint...
offsaddling 25 23 OFFSADDLE, to unsadd...
offscouring 27 24 someone rejected by...
offsettings 24 20 OFFSETTING, the act...
offshorings 26 22 OFFSHORING [n]
oftennesses 18 16 OFTENNESS, frequency...
oleographic 27 22 like an oleograph [a...
olfactology 32 23 the study of the sen...
olfactories 24 18 OLFACTORY, an organ...
oligarchies 26 19 OLIGARCHY, a governm...
oligochaete 24 19 any worm of the Olig...
oligochrome 26 22 a work of art using...
oligoclases 24 18 OLIGOCLASE, a tricli...
oligomerous 21 18 having few parts; ha...
oligopolies 23 18 OLIGOPOLY, a market...
oligotrophy 31 21 the state of being o...
ombrogenous 21 21 of plants, able to f...
ombrometers 22 20 OMBROMETER, a rain-g...
ombrophiles 27 23 OMBROPHILE, a plant...
ombrophobes 27 25 OMBROPHOBE, a plant...
ominousness 18 17 the state of being o...
ommatophore 23 22 an eyestalk, as in s...
omnifarious 21 19 of all kinds [adj OM...
omnificence 26 25 the state of being o...
omniformity 29 23 the state of having...
omnipatient 20 19 enduring all things...
omnipotence 22 22 the state of being o...
omnipotency 29 24 the state of being o...
omnipotents 20 19 OMNIPOTENT, one who...
omnipresent 20 19 present everywhere [...
omniscience 24 22 the state of being o...
onagraceous 20 18 belonging to evening...
onboardings 20 19 ONBOARDING, the indu...
oncogeneses 19 18 ONCOGENES, ONCOGENE,...
oncogenesis 20 18 the production of ca...
oncological 26 22 relating to oncology...
oncologists 23 18 ONCOLOGIST, one who...
oncoviruses 23 20 ONCOVIRUS, a virus c...
oneirically 29 19 ONEIRIC, belonging t...
oneirodynia 22 16 a nightmare [n -S]
oneiromancy 26 21 the practice of pred...
oneiroscopy 28 20 judging a dream [n O...
onerousness 16 14 the state of being o...
ongoingness 18 18 the state of being o...
onocentaurs 19 17 ONOCENTAUR, a kind o...
onomasticon 20 19 a dictionary of name...
onomatology 25 20 the science of names...
ontogeneses 16 15 ONTOGENESIS, the ori...
ontogenesis 17 15 the origin and devel...
ontogenetic 20 18 relating to ontogene...
ontological 23 19 based upon being or...
ontologists 20 15 ONTOLOGIST, one who...
onychitises 30 19 ONYCHITIS, inflammat...
onychomancy 38 28 divination by studyi...
onychophagy 40 28 the habit of biting...
oojamaflips 26 30 OOJAMAFLIP, a thing...
opalescence 25 22 a milky iridescence...
opeidoscope 24 21 an instrument for il...
openability 29 21 the ability to be op...
openhearted 20 18 candidly straightfor...
openmouthed 22 22 vociferous [adj OPEN...
operability 30 20 the ability to be op...
operagoings 21 19 OPERAGOING, attendin...
operational 19 16 of or relating to op...
operatising 21 17 OPERATISE, to turn a...
operatively 29 21 OPERATIVE, having th...
operativity 29 20 the state of being o...
operatizing 24 26 OPERATIZE, to turn a...
operculated 24 20 relating to the oper...
operettists 21 14 OPERETTIST, a compos...
operoseness 18 15 the state of being o...
operosities 20 14 OPEROSITY, laborious...
ophicalcite 30 23 a kind of marble, co...
ophicleides 27 21 OPHICLEIDE, a bass b...
ophidiarium 25 21 a snake-house [n OPH...
ophiolaters 23 17 OPHIOLATER, a snake-...
ophiologies 24 19 OPHIOLOGY, the study...
ophiologist 25 19 a student of ophiolo...
ophiomorphs 28 24 OPHIOMORPH, a caecil...
ophthalmias 27 22 OPHTHALMIA, an infla...
ophthalmist 28 22 an ophthalmologist [...
opinionated 18 17 unduly adhering to o...
opinionator 18 16 one who holds or giv...
opinionists 20 16 OPINIONIST, one fond...
opisometers 21 17 OPISOMETER, an instr...
opisthosoma 23 19 the abdomen of a spi...
oppignerate 22 20 (obsolete) to pawn,...
oppignorate 22 20 (obsolete) to pawn,...
oppilations 23 19 OPPILATION, a blocka...
opponencies 23 22 OPPONENCY, the act o...
opportunely 29 22 OPPORTUNE, happening...
opportunism 24 22 the practice of regu...
opportunist 23 19 one that is opportun...
opportunity 29 21 a favorable juncture...
oppositions 22 18 OPPOSITION, the act...
oppressions 22 18 OPPRESSION, unjust o...
opprobrious 25 21 expressing contemptu...
opprobriums 27 24 OPPROBRIUM, somethin...
oppugnantly 30 25 OPPUGNANT, opposing...
opsimathies 24 19 OPSIMATHY, education...
opsiometers 21 17 OPSIOMETER, an instr...
opsomaniacs 23 21 OPSOMANIAC, one who...
opsonifying 29 23 OPSONIFY, to form op...
optimalised 23 19 OPTIMALISE, to bring...
optimalises 23 18 OPTIMALISE, to bring...
optimalized 26 28 OPTIMALIZE, to bring...
optimalizes 26 27 OPTIMALIZE, to bring...
optionality 27 18 the state of being o...
optokinetic 24 22 of, relating to, or...
optologists 23 17 OPTOLOGIST, an optic...
optometries 21 17 OPTOMETRY, the scien...
optometrist 22 17 an ophthalmic optici...
oracularity 29 18 the state of being o...
oraculously 30 20 ORACULOUS, of the na...
orangewoods 20 18 ORANGEWOOD, the wood...
orbiculares 25 19 ORBICULAR [n]
orbicularis 26 19 a muscle surrounding...
orbicularly 33 22 ORBICULAR, spherical...
orbiculated 25 20 having the shape of...
orchardings 25 20 ORCHARDING, the cult...
orchardists 25 17 ORCHARDIST, one who...
orchestrate 23 16 to compose or arrang...
orchestrina 23 17 a name given to vari...
orchestrion 23 17 a name given to vari...
orchidology 32 22 the study of orchids...
orchiectomy 34 24 excision of one or b...
ordainments 18 17 ORDAINMENT, the act...
orderliness 19 14 the state of being o...
ordinariest 18 13 ORDINARY, according...
ordinations 17 14 ORDINATION, the act...
ordonnances 18 18 ORDONNANCE, coordina...
orecchiette 26 19 pasta in the form of...
orecchietti 27 19 ORECCHIETTE, pasta i...
oreographic 26 21 relating to oreograp...
oreological 23 18 relating to oreology...
oreologists 20 14 OREOLOGIST, one vers...
orepearched 24 20 OREPEARCH, (Shakespe...
orepearches 24 19 OREPEARCH, (Shakespe...
organically 30 21 ORGANICAL, (obsolete...
organicisms 24 20 ORGANICISM, the conc...
organicists 23 17 ORGANICIST, a believ...
organisable 21 18 that can be organise...
organisings 20 17 ORGANISING, the act...
organistrum 21 18 an early musical ins...
organizable 24 27 that can be organize...
organizings 23 26 ORGANIZING, the act...
organograms 20 19 ORGANOGRAM, a chart...
orientalise 18 13 to make oriental, al...
orientalism 20 16 a style or manner as...
orientalist 19 13 a specialist in orie...
orientality 25 15 the quality of being...
orientalize 21 22 to make oriental, al...
orientating 18 15 ORIENTATE, to determ...
orientation 16 13 the act of orienting...
orientators 17 12 ORIENTATOR, an instr...
orienteered 16 13 ORIENTEER, to take p...
originality 27 17 the state of being o...
originating 20 17 ORIGINATE, to have a...
origination 18 15 the act of originati...
originative 21 18 having power to orig...
originators 19 14 ORIGINATOR, one who...
ornamentals 18 17 ORNAMENTAL, a plant...
ornamenters 17 16 ORNAMENTER, one who...
ornamenting 18 19 ORNAMENT, to decorat...
ornamentist 18 16 one who makes orname...
ornithology 28 19 the study of birds [...
ornithopods 22 18 ORNITHOPOD, a member...
ornithopter 22 17 a birdlike archaic f...
ornithosaur 20 15 a pterodactyl [n -S]
orographers 23 18 OROGRAPHER, one who...
orographies 23 18 OROGRAPHY, the branc...
orphanhoods 23 20 ORPHANHOOD, the stat...
orpheoreons 20 17 ORPHEOREON, a large...
orthoborate 21 16 a salt of orthoboric...
orthocaines 22 17 ORTHOCAINE, a white...
orthocenter 22 17 the point of interse...
orthocentre 22 17 the point of interse...
orthoclases 24 17 ORTHOCLASE, common o...
orthodontia 19 15 the rectification of...
orthodontic 23 18 relating to orthodon...
orthodoxies 26 21 ORTHODOXY, the state...
orthodromic 25 20 having great circles...
orthoepical 26 20 relating to orthoepy...
orthoepists 23 16 ORTHOEPIST, one who...
orthogenics 24 19 the treatment of men...
orthognathy 29 20 the state of having...
orthographs 26 20 ORTHOGRAPH, a drawin...
orthography 32 22 the branch of knowle...
orthonormal 21 18 orthogonal with the...
orthopaedic 25 20 relating to orthopae...
orthopedias 22 17 ORTHOPEDIA, the art...
orthopedics 26 20 the art or process o...
orthopedies 22 17 ORTHOPEDY, the art o...
orthopedist 23 17 a specialist in orth...
orthophyres 31 20 ORTHOPHYRE, a fine-g...
orthophyric 35 23 relating to orthophy...
orthopnoeas 20 17 ORTHOPNOEA, the abil...
orthopraxes 28 23 ORTHOPRAXIS, correct...
orthopraxis 29 23 correct practice in...
orthoprisms 25 19 ORTHOPRISM, in monoc...
orthopteran 21 17 any member of the Or...
orthopteron 21 17 any member of the Or...
orthoptists 24 16 ORTHOPTIST, one who...
orthorexias 26 20 ORTHOREXIA, an eatin...
orthoscopes 25 19 ORTHOSCOPE, a 19th-c...
orthoscopic 29 22 giving undistorted v...
orthostatic 24 16 pertaining to erect...
orthostichy 33 20 a straight row, e.g....
orthotropic 26 19 growing along a vert...
oscillating 25 19 OSCILLATE, to swing...
oscillation 23 17 the action or state...
oscillative 26 20 having a tendency to...
oscillators 24 16 OSCILLATOR, one that...
oscillatory 30 18 tending to oscillate...
oscillogram 26 21 a record made by an...
oscitancies 24 18 OSCITANCY, yawning,...
oscitations 21 15 OSCITATION, yawning,...
osculations 22 17 OSCULATION, a kiss;...
osmiridiums 23 19 OSMIRIDIUM, a very h...
osmometries 20 17 OSMOMETRY, the use o...
osmotically 31 21 OSMOTIC, pertaining...
ostensively 27 19 OSTENSIVE, showing,...
ostensories 17 12 OSTENSORY, a contain...
ostensorium 19 16 a monstrance (a rece...
ostentation 16 13 excessive display [n...
osteoblasts 21 15 OSTEOBLAST, one of t...
osteoclases 21 15 OSTEOCLASIS, the sur...
osteoclasis 22 15 the surgical breakin...
osteoclasts 22 15 OSTEOCLAST, an instr...
osteocollas 22 16 OSTEOCOLLA, a kind o...
osteodermal 19 16 of or like an osteod...
osteodermic 22 18 of or like an osteod...
osteogenies 17 14 OSTEOGENY, the forma...
osteogenous 17 15 of or like an osteog...
osteography 29 20 a description of bon...
osteologies 19 14 OSTEOLOGY, the study...
osteologist 20 14 one who practises os...
osteopathic 25 19 relating to osteopat...
osteophytes 28 18 OSTEOPHYTE, an abnor...
osteophytic 32 21 like an osteophyte,...
osteoplasty 27 17 plastic surgery on b...
osteotomies 18 14 OSTEOTOMY, the disse...
ostleresses 19 12 OSTLERESS, a female...
ostracisers 22 14 OSTRACISER, one who...
ostracising 23 17 OSTRACISE, to exclud...
ostracizers 25 23 OSTRACIZER, one who...
ostracizing 26 26 OSTRACIZE, to exclud...
ostracoderm 22 18 any of the early fos...
ostracodous 21 16 like an ostracod [ad...
ostreaceous 20 15 of or relating to oy...
ostreophage 22 18 an oyster-eater [n -...
ostreophagy 29 20 the eating of oyster...
ostrichisms 27 19 OSTRICHISM, the habi...
ostrichlike 27 21 like an ostrich [adj...
othernesses 19 14 OTHERNESS, the state...
otherwhiles 27 19 (archaic) at other t...
otherworlds 25 18 OTHERWORLD, a world...
otoplasties 21 15 OTOPLASTY, cosmetic...
ototoxicity 34 23 the state of being o...
ouananiches 21 19 OUANANICHE, a landlo...
oughtnesses 21 17 OUGHTNESS, (archaic)...
ouroboroses 19 15 OUROBOROS, (Greek) a...
ouroscopies 23 18 OUROSCOPY, the diagn...
outachieved 25 22 OUTACHIEVE, to surpa...
outachieves 25 21 OUTACHIEVE, to surpa...
outbalanced 23 21 OUTBALANCE, to outwe...
outbalances 23 20 OUTBALANCE, to outwe...
outbargains 21 18 OUTBARGAIN, to surpa...
outbitching 28 23 OUTBITCH, to surpass...
outbleating 22 19 OUTBLEAT, to surpass...
outblessing 23 19 OUTBLESS, to surpass...
outblooming 23 22 OUTBLOOM, to surpass...
outbluffing 28 26 OUTBLUFF, to surpass...
outblushing 26 22 OUTBLUSH, to surpass...
outblusters 23 17 OUTBLUSTER, to surpa...
outboasting 21 18 OUTBOAST, to surpass...
outbragging 24 22 OUTBRAG, to surpass...
outbrawling 26 22 OUTBRAWL, to surpass...
outbrazened 22 26 OUTBRAZEN, to be mor...
outbreaking 22 22 OUTBREAK, to burst f...
outbreathed 22 18 OUTBREATHE, to breat...
outbreathes 22 17 OUTBREATHE, to breat...
outbreeding 21 19 breeding from parent...
outbuilding 24 21 a building such as a...
outbullying 31 23 OUTBULLY, to surpass...
outbursting 23 19 OUTBURST, to burst o...
outcapering 24 21 OUTCAPER, to surpass...
outcatching 28 23 OUTCATCH, to surpass...
outcaviling 26 23 OUTCAVIL, to surpass...
outcavilled 26 22 OUTCAVIL, to surpass...
outcharging 26 22 OUTCHARGE, to surpas...
outcharming 26 23 OUTCHARM, to surpass...
outcheating 24 20 OUTCHEAT, to exceed...
outclassing 24 19 OUTCLASS, to be mark...
outclimbing 28 25 OUTCLIMB, to surpass...
outcoaching 27 23 OUTCOACH, to surpass...
outcompeted 24 22 OUTCOMPETE, to surpa...
outcompetes 24 21 OUTCOMPETE, to surpa...
outcounting 22 20 OUTCOUNT, to surpass...
outcraftied 24 19 OUTCRAFTY, (Shakespe...
outcrafties 24 18 OUTCRAFTY, (Shakespe...
outcrawling 27 22 OUTCRAWL, to surpass...
outcropping 27 24 an outcrop [n -S]
outcrossing 23 18 the act of crossing...
outcrowding 26 22 OUTCROWD, to cause t...
outdazzling 27 35 OUTDAZZLE, to surpas...
outdebating 21 19 OUTDEBATE, to surpas...
outdelivers 22 18 OUTDELIVER, to surpa...
outdesigned 19 17 OUTDESIGN, to surpas...
outdistance 21 17 to go far ahead of,...
outdoorsman 18 17 one who spends much...
outdoorsmen 18 17 OUTDOORSMAN, one who...
outdragging 22 20 OUTDRAG, to surpass...
outdreaming 20 19 OUTDREAM, to surpass...
outdressing 20 16 OUTDRESS, to surpass...
outdrinking 21 21 OUTDRINK, to surpass...
outdropping 24 22 OUTDROP, to surpass...
outduelling 22 19 OUTDUEL, to surpass...
outdwelling 25 21 OUTDWELL, (Shakespea...
outercourse 21 16 sexual activity with...
outfeasting 21 18 OUTFEAST, to surpass...
outfielders 22 17 OUTFIELDER, one who...
outfighting 26 22 fighting at a distan...
outfiguring 24 21 OUTFIGURE, to surpas...
outfittings 23 18 OUTFITTING, the act...
outflanking 23 24 OUTFLANK, to circumv...
outflashing 25 21 OUTFLASH, to flash m...
outflinging 24 22 OUTFLING, to whip ou...
outfloating 22 19 OUTFLOAT, to float l...
outflowings 26 22 OUTFLOWING, the act...
outflushing 26 22 OUTFLUSH, to flush m...
outfrowning 24 22 OUTFROWN, to frown m...
outfumbling 27 26 OUTFUMBLE, to surpas...
outgalloped 23 20 OUTGALLOP, to surpas...
outgambling 25 24 OUTGAMBLE, to surpas...
outgassings 21 17 OUTGASSING, the rele...
outgenerals 19 16 OUTGENERAL, to surpa...
outgleaming 22 21 OUTGLEAM, to surpass...
outglitters 22 15 OUTGLITTER, to surpa...
outgrinning 20 19 OUTGRIN, to surpass...
outgrossing 21 17 OUTGROSS, to surpass...
outguessing 21 18 OUTGUESS, to anticip...
outhandling 22 20 OUTHANDLE, to handle...
outhomering 22 20 OUTHOMER, to surpass...
outhumoring 23 21 OUTHUMOR, to surpass...
outhumoured 22 20 OUTHUMOUR, to surpas...
outhustling 24 19 OUTHUSTLE, to surpas...
outintrigue 20 16 to surpass in intrig...
outjettings 22 24 OUTJETTING, a projec...
outjockeyed 30 31 OUTJOCKEY, to surpas...
outjuggling 26 30 OUTJUGGLE, to surpas...
outjuttings 23 25 OUTJUTTING, a projec...
outlaughing 24 21 OUTLAUGH, to surpass...
outlaunched 24 21 OUTLAUNCH, to launch...
outlaunches 24 20 OUTLAUNCH, to launch...
outlauncing 23 21 OUTLAUNCE, (Spenser)...
outlearning 19 17 OUTLEARN, to surpass...
outlodgings 22 19 OUTLODGING, a lodgin...
outlustring 22 17 OUTLUSTRE, (Shakespe...
outmaneuver 20 21 to surpass in maneuv...
outmantling 21 20 OUTMANTLE, (archaic)...
outmarching 26 23 OUTMARCH, to surpass...
outmarriage 20 17 marriage outside the...
outmastered 19 16 OUTMASTER, to surpas...
outmatching 26 23 OUTMATCH, to surpass...
outmeasured 19 17 OUTMEASURE, to excee...
outmeasures 19 16 OUTMEASURE, to excee...
outmuscling 26 23 OUTMUSCLE, to surpas...
outnighting 23 20 OUTNIGHT, to surpass...
outnumbered 21 21 OUTNUMBER, to surpas...
outorganise 18 15 to surpass at organi...
outorganize 21 24 to surpass in organi...
outpainting 21 19 OUTPAINT, to surpass...
outpassions 20 16 OUTPASSION, to excee...
outpatients 20 16 OUTPATIENT, a patien...
outpeopling 24 22 OUTPEOPLE, to rid a...
outperforms 24 21 OUTPERFORM, to excee...
outpitching 28 23 OUTPITCH, to surpass...
outplanning 21 21 OUTPLAN, to surpass...
outplodding 23 21 OUTPLOD, to surpass...
outplotting 23 19 OUTPLOT, to surpass...
outpointing 21 19 OUTPOINT, to score m...
outpolitick 27 23 to surpass in politi...
outpopulate 23 20 to surpass in popula...
outpourings 22 19 OUTPOURING, the act...
outpowering 24 21 OUTPOWER, to surpass...
outpreached 25 21 OUTPREACH, to surpas...
outpreaches 25 20 OUTPREACH, to surpas...
outpreening 20 19 OUTPREEN, to surpass...
outpressing 22 18 OUTPRESS, to surpass...
outproduced 24 21 OUTPRODUCE, to surpa...
outproduces 24 20 OUTPRODUCE, to surpa...
outpromised 22 19 OUTPROMISE, to surpa...
outpromises 22 18 OUTPROMISE, to surpa...
outpsyching 34 25 OUTPSYCH, to defeat...
outpunching 27 25 OUTPUNCH, to surpass...
outpursuing 23 20 OUTPURSUE, to pursue...
outquarters 27 22 quarters situated aw...
outreaching 24 20 OUTREACH, to reach b...
outreasoned 16 14 OUTREASON, to surpas...
outrebounds 20 18 OUTREBOUND, to rebou...
outreckoned 21 21 OUTRECKON, to surpas...
outreddened 17 16 OUTREDDEN, to surpas...
outreddings 20 17 OUTREDDING, the act...
outreigning 20 18 OUTREIGN, to reign l...
outriggings 23 19 OUTRIGGING, the act...
outrivaling 23 20 OUTRIVAL, to outdo i...
outrivalled 23 19 OUTRIVAL, to outdo i...
outsavoring 21 19 OUTSAVOR, (US) to su...
outsavoured 20 18 OUTSAVOUR, to exceed...
outscheming 26 23 OUTSCHEME, to surpas...
outscolding 24 20 OUTSCOLD, to surpass...
outscooping 24 21 OUTSCOOP, to surpass...
outscorning 22 19 OUTSCORN, to surpass...
outscreamed 22 19 OUTSCREAM, to surpas...
outsettings 20 15 OUTSETTING, a settin...
outshooting 21 17 OUTSHOOT, to shoot b...
outshouting 22 18 OUTSHOUT, to shout l...
outsleeping 22 19 OUTSLEEP, to sleep l...
outslicking 26 23 OUTSLICK, to get the...
outsmarting 21 18 OUTSMART, to outwit...
outsmelling 23 20 OUTSMELL, to surpass...
outsourcing 23 19 the act of sourcing...
outspanning 20 20 OUTSPAN, to unharnes...
outsparkled 23 21 OUTSPARKLE, to excee...
outsparkles 23 20 OUTSPARKLE, to excee...
outspeaking 22 22 OUTSPEAK, to outdo i...
outspeckles 26 23 OUTSPECKLE, (Scots)...
outspeeding 21 19 OUTSPEED, to go fast...
outspelling 24 20 OUTSPELL, to surpass...
outspending 21 20 OUTSPEND, to exceed...
outspokenly 28 23 OUTSPOKEN [adv]
outsporting 22 18 OUTSPORT, to sport b...
outsprinted 21 17 OUTSPRINT, to excel...
outstanding 19 17 OUTSTAND, to stand o...
outstarting 20 15 OUTSTART, to get ahe...
outstations 18 13 OUTSTATION, a remote...
outsteering 19 15 OUTSTEER, to surpass...
outstepping 24 21 OUTSTEP, to step bey...
outstrained 18 14 OUTSTRAIN, to surpas...
outstridden 19 15 OUTSTRIDE, to surpas...
outstriding 21 16 OUTSTRIDE, to surpas...
outstriking 22 19 OUTSTRIKE, to outdo...
outstripped 24 19 OUTSTRIP, to go fast...
outstriving 23 19 OUTSTRIVE, to surpas...
outstudying 27 19 OUTSTUDY, to surpass...
outstunting 20 17 OUTSTUNT, to surpass...
outswearing 22 18 OUTSWEAR, to surpass...
outsweeping 24 21 OUTSWEEP, to surpass...
outsweetens 20 16 OUTSWEETEN, to surpa...
outswelling 25 20 OUTSWELL, to exceed...
outswimming 26 24 OUTSWIM, to swim fas...
outswingers 23 18 OUTSWINGER, a ball i...
outswinging 24 21 OUTSWING, to cause a...
outthanking 22 22 OUTTHANK, to surpass...
outthieving 24 21 OUTTHIEVE, to surpas...
outthinking 23 22 OUTTHINK, to get the...
outthrobbed 25 21 OUTTHROB, to surpass...
outthrowing 25 20 OUTTHROW, to throw f...
outthrusted 22 16 OUTTHRUST, to extend...
outtonguing 20 19 OUTTONGUE, (Shakespe...
outtowering 22 18 OUTTOWER, to tower a...
outtraveled 21 18 OUTTRAVEL, to exceed...
outtricking 25 22 OUTTRICK, to get the...
outtrotting 20 15 OUTTROT, to surpass...
outtrumping 24 22 OUTTRUMP, to surpass...
outvaunting 21 21 OUTVAUNT, to surpass...
outvenoming 21 23 OUTVENOM, (Shakespea...
outvillains 23 19 OUTVILLAIN, (Shakesp...
outwardness 21 17 the state of being o...
outwatching 28 23 OUTWATCH, to watch l...
outwearying 28 20 OUTWEARY, to weary o...
outweighing 26 22 OUTWEIGH, to weigh m...
outwhirling 27 21 OUTWHIRL, to surpass...
outworthing 25 20 OUTWORTH, (Shakespea...
outwresting 23 18 OUTWREST, (Spenser)...
outwrestled 23 17 OUTWRESTLE, to surpa...
outwrestles 23 16 OUTWRESTLE, to surpa...
outyielding 27 19 OUTYIELD, to surpass...
ouvirandras 20 18 OUVIRANDRA, (Malagas...
ovariectomy 30 23 the surgical removal...
overabounds 21 21 OVERABOUND, to be ex...
overachieve 26 24 to achieve to excess...
overactions 22 19 OVERACTION, exaggera...
overanalyse 25 19 to analyse excessive...
overanalyze 28 28 to analyze excessive...
overanxiety 31 25 excessive anxiety [n...
overanxious 25 24 excessively anxious...
overarching 26 23 OVERARCH, to form an...
overarousal 20 17 excessive arousal [n...
overarrange 19 18 to arrange to excess...
overasserts 20 15 OVERASSERT, to asser...
overbalance 24 23 to topple over [v OV...
overbearing 22 21 OVERBEAR, to bring d...
overbeating 22 21 OVERBEAT, to beat to...
overbetting 23 21 betting to excess [n...
overbidders 23 20 OVERBIDDER, one who...
overbidding 24 23 the act of bidding m...
overbilling 26 23 OVERBILL, to bill to...
overblanket 23 24 a covering blanket [...
overblouses 23 20 OVERBLOUSE, a garmen...
overblowing 27 25 OVERBLOW, to give ex...
overboiling 24 22 OVERBOIL, to boil to...
overbooking 23 25 the act of booking m...
overborrows 25 21 OVERBORROW, to borro...
overbounded 21 22 OVERBOUND, to bound...
overbraking 24 25 OVERBRAKE, to brake...
overbridged 24 22 OVERBRIDGE, to span...
overbridges 24 21 OVERBRIDGE, to span...
overbriefed 24 22 OVERBRIEF, to brief...
overbrimmed 25 25 OVERBRIM, to flow ov...
overbrowing 26 24 OVERBROW, (archaic)...
overbrowsed 25 22 OVERBROWS, OVERBROW,...
overbrowses 25 21 OVERBROWSE, to brows...
overbulking 26 27 OVERBULK, to oppress...
overburdens 22 21 OVERBURDEN, to overl...
overburning 23 23 OVERBURN, to burn to...
overburthen 24 22 (archaic) to overbur...
overbusying 30 24 OVERBUSY, to occupy...
overcalling 26 23 OVERCALL, in bridge,...
overcareful 26 23 too careful [adj]
overcarried 23 19 OVERCARRY, to carry...
overcarries 23 18 OVERCARRY, to carry...
overcasting 24 21 stitches sewn over a...
overcatches 28 23 OVERCATCH, to overta...
overcaution 22 20 excessive caution [n...
overcharged 26 23 OVERCHARGE, to charg...
overcharges 26 22 OVERCHARGE, to charg...
overchilled 28 23 OVERCHILL, to chill...
overclaimed 25 23 OVERCLAIM, to claim...
overclasses 24 19 OVERCLASS, a dominan...
overcleaned 22 21 OVERCLEAN, to clean...
overcleared 23 20 OVERCLEAR, to clear...
overclocked 28 27 OVERCLOCK, to run a...
overclocker 28 26 one who overclocks [...
overclouded 24 22 OVERCLOUD, to cover...
overcloying 31 24 OVERCLOY, to eat to...
overclubbed 29 27 OVERCLUB, to hit a s...
overcoached 27 24 OVERCOACH, to coach...
overcoaches 27 23 OVERCOACH, to coach...
overcoating 23 21 cloth for overcoats...
overcolored 23 20 OVERCOLOR, to color...
overcolours 24 20 OVERCOLOUR, to colou...
overcommits 26 24 OVERCOMMIT, to commi...
overcomplex 33 32 excessively complex...
overconcern 24 23 to concern excessive...
overconsume 23 23 to consume to excess...
overcontrol 23 20 to control excessive...
overcooking 24 25 OVERCOOK, to cook to...
overcooling 24 22 OVERCOOL, to make to...
overcorrect 26 21 to correct to excess...
overcounted 22 21 OVERCOUNT, to rate t...
overcovered 24 23 OVERCOVER, to cover...
overcrammed 25 25 OVERCRAM, to stuff t...
overcrawing 27 24 OVERCRAW, (Spenser)...
overcropped 27 25 OVERCROP, to exhaust...
overcrowded 26 23 OVERCROWD, to crowd...
overcrowing 27 24 OVERCROW, to triumph...
overcutting 25 22 excessive pruning [n...
overdecking 25 26 OVERDECK, to adorn e...
overdesigns 21 19 OVERDESIGN, to desig...
overdevelop 24 24 to develop excessive...
overdeviate 21 20 to deviate excessive...
overdirects 24 19 OVERDIRECT, to direc...
overdosages 20 18 OVERDOSAGE, an overd...
overdraught 24 21 a current of air pas...
overdrawing 24 22 OVERDRAW, to draw be...
overdressed 20 17 OVERDRESS, to dress...
overdresses 20 16 OVERDRESS, to dress...
overdriving 24 23 OVERDRIVE, to drive...
overdubbing 26 26 OVERDUB, to add soun...
overdusting 22 20 OVERDUST, to dust ov...
overearnest 18 16 excessively earnest...
overeatings 20 18 OVEREATING, excessiv...
overediting 21 19 OVEREDIT, to edit mo...
overeducate 22 20 to educate to excess...
overemoting 21 21 OVEREMOTE, to emote...
overexcited 29 26 OVEREXCITE, to excit...
overexcites 29 25 OVEREXCITE, to excit...
overexerted 25 23 OVEREXERT, to exert...
overexpands 27 27 OVEREXPAND, to expan...
overexplain 28 27 to explain to excess...
overexploit 29 26 to exploit to excess...
overexposed 27 26 OVEREXPOSE, to expos...
overexposes 27 25 OVEREXPOSE, to expos...
overextends 25 24 OVEREXTEND, to exten...
overfalling 25 23 OVERFALL, to fall ov...
overfatigue 23 21 a state of excessive...
overfavored 23 23 OVERFAVOR, to favor...
overfavours 24 23 OVERFAVOUR, to favou...
overfearing 22 21 OVERFEAR, to fear to...
overfeeding 22 22 excessive feeding [n...
overfilling 26 23 OVERFILL, to fill to...
overfishing 26 23 excessive fishing [n...
overflights 28 23 OVERFLIGHT, a passag...
overflooded 22 21 OVERFLOOD, to flood...
overflowing 27 25 abundant to excess [...
overflushes 26 22 OVERFLUSH, superflui...
overfocused 25 23 OVERFOCUS, to focus...
overfocuses 25 22 OVERFOCUS, to focus...
overfolding 24 23 OVERFOLD, to fold ov...
overforward 25 22 excessively forward...
overfraught 26 23 OVERFREIGHT, to over...
overfreedom 22 22 an excess of freedom...
overfreight 26 22 to overload [v OVERF...
overfulfill 29 25 to fulfill to excess...
overfulfils 28 24 OVERFULFIL, to fulfi...
overfulness 23 21 the state of being o...
overfunding 23 24 the act of funding t...
overfussier 23 19 OVERFUSSY, too fussy...
overgalling 24 22 OVERGALL, to greatly...
overganging 22 23 OVERGANG, (Scots) to...
overgarment 21 21 an outer garment [n...
overgearing 21 20 OVERGEAR, to cause a...
overgetting 22 20 OVERGET, to get over...
overgilding 24 22 OVERGILD, to gild ov...
overgirding 23 21 OVERGIRD, to gird to...
overglanced 24 23 OVERGLANCE, to glanc...
overglances 24 22 OVERGLANCE, to glanc...
overglazing 26 30 OVERGLAZE, to cover...
overgloomed 22 22 OVERGLOOM, to cover...
overgoading 21 21 OVERGOAD, to goad to...
overgorging 23 22 OVERGORGE, (Shakespe...
overgoverns 22 22 OVERGOVERN, to gover...
overgrading 22 21 OVERGRADE, to grade...
overgrained 20 19 OVERGRAIN, in painti...
overgrainer 20 18 a brush for overgrai...
overgrassed 21 18 OVERGRASS, to grass...
overgrasses 21 17 OVERGRASS, to grass...
overgrazing 25 29 grazing to excess [n...
overgreened 19 19 OVERGREEN, to cover...
overgrowing 25 23 OVERGROW, to grow ov...
overgrowths 27 22 OVERGROWTH, excessiv...
overhailing 24 21 OVERHAILE, (Spenser)...
overhanding 22 22 OVERHAND, to sew wit...
overhandled 22 21 OVERHANDLE, to handl...
overhandles 22 20 OVERHANDLE, to handl...
overhanging 23 23 OVERHANG, to protrud...
overharvest 24 21 to harvest to excess...
overhastily 30 20 OVERHASTY, too hasty...
overhauling 24 22 OVERHAUL, to examine...
overheaping 24 23 OVERHEAP, to heap up...
overhearing 22 20 OVERHEAR, to hear by...
overheating 22 20 heating to excess [n...
overhenting 22 21 OVERHENT, (Spenser)...
overhitting 24 20 OVERHIT, to hit a ba...
overholding 24 22 OVERHOLD, to rate to...
overhonored 20 19 OVERHONOR, to honor...
overhonours 21 19 OVERHONOUR, to honou...
overhunting 23 22 hunting to excess [n...
overimpress 24 21 to impress excessive...
overindulge 22 21 to indulge to excess...
overinflate 22 20 to inflate excessive...
overinforms 23 22 OVERINFORM, to infor...
overinsured 20 18 OVERINSURE, to insur...
overinsures 20 17 OVERINSURE, to insur...
overintense 18 17 excessively intense...
overissuing 22 19 OVERISSUE, to issue...
overjumping 27 34 OVERJUMP, to jump to...
overkeeping 23 25 OVERKEEP, to keep to...
overkilling 25 24 OVERKILL, to destroy...
overlabored 22 20 OVERLABOR, to cause...
overlabours 23 20 OVERLABOUR, (archaic...
overlanders 20 18 OVERLANDER, (Austral...
overlanding 21 21 OVERLAND [v]
overlapping 26 25 OVERLAP, to extend o...
overlarding 22 20 OVERLARD, to smear o...
overlayings 28 21 OVERLAYING, the act...
overleaping 23 22 OVERLEAP, to leap ov...
overlearned 19 18 OVERLEARN, to contin...
overleather 22 18 (Shakespeare) the up...
overleavens 21 21 OVERLEAVEN, to leave...
overlending 21 21 OVERLEND, to lend to...
overlengths 24 21 OVERLENGTH, excessiv...
overletting 22 19 OVERLET, to let to e...
overlighted 25 21 OVERLIGHT, to light...
overliteral 22 17 too literal [adj]
overloading 21 20 OVERLOAD, to load to...
overlockers 25 23 OVERLOCKER, a person...
overlocking 26 26 oversewing a hem or...
overlookers 21 20 OVERLOOKER, one who...
overlooking 22 23 OVERLOOK, to fail to...
overlording 22 20 OVERLORD, to rule ty...
overmanaged 20 22 OVERMANAGE, to manag...
overmanages 20 21 OVERMANAGE, to manag...
overmanning 20 23 excessive manning [n...
overmantels 21 20 OVERMANTEL, an ornam...
overmasters 21 18 OVERMASTER, to overp...
overmasting 22 21 OVERMAST, to provide...
overmatched 26 24 OVERMATCH, to be mor...
overmatches 26 23 OVERMATCH, to be mor...
overmatters 21 18 OVERMATTER, overset...
overmeasure 20 19 to measure excessive...
overmelting 23 22 OVERMELT, to melt to...
overmilking 25 26 OVERMILK, to milk to...
overmounted 20 21 OVERMOUNT, to rise a...
overmuscled 26 24 with an excessive am...
overnetting 20 19 OVERNET, to cover wi...
overnighted 23 21 OVERNIGHT, to stay o...
overnighter 23 20 a person staying ove...
overnourish 22 19 to nourish excessive...
overobvious 24 23 too obvious [adj]
overofficed 27 25 OVEROFFICE, to domin...
overoffices 27 24 OVEROFFICE, to domin...
overoperate 20 18 to operate to excess...
overpackage 26 27 to package excessive...
overpacking 27 28 OVERPACK, to pack to...
overpainted 21 20 OVERPAINT, to color...
overparting 23 21 OVERPART, to give an...
overpassing 23 21 OVERPASS, to pass ov...
overpayment 28 24 an excessive payment...
overpedaled 22 21 OVERPEDAL, to make e...
overpeering 22 21 OVERPEER, to peer ov...
overpeopled 24 23 OVERPEOPLE, to peopl...
overpeoples 24 22 OVERPEOPLE, to peopl...
overperched 27 24 OVERPERCH, to fly up...
overperches 27 23 OVERPERCH, to fly up...
overpicture 26 22 to picture to excess...
overpitched 28 24 OVERPITCH, in cricke...
overpitches 28 23 OVERPITCH, in cricke...
overplaided 23 21 covered with a texti...
overplanned 21 22 OVERPLAN, to plan to...
overplanted 22 21 OVERPLANT, to plant...
overplaying 30 24 OVERPLAY, to exagger...
overplotted 23 20 OVERPLOT, to devise...
overplusses 24 20 OVERPLUS, a surplus...
overpoising 23 21 OVERPOISE, to burden...
overposting 23 21 OVERPOST, to hasten...
overpowered 24 22 OVERPOWER, to overco...
overpraised 22 19 OVERPRAISE, to prais...
overpraises 22 18 OVERPRAISE, to prais...
overprecise 25 21 too precise [adj]
overprepare 23 21 to prepare excessive...
overpressed 22 19 OVERPRESS, to oppres...
overpresses 22 18 OVERPRESS, to oppres...
overpricing 27 24 OVERPRICE, to set an...
overprinted 22 20 OVERPRINT, to print...
overprizing 27 30 OVERPRIZE, to prize...
overprocess 25 21 to process excessive...
overproduce 25 23 to produce to excess...
overprogram 24 23 to program excessive...
overpromise 23 21 to promise too much...
overpromote 22 21 to promote excessive...
overprotect 25 21 to protect to excess...
overpumping 27 28 OVERPUMP, to pump to...
overracking 25 25 OVERRACK, to overstr...
overranking 21 23 OVERRANK, to assign...
overreached 24 21 OVERREACH, to reach...
overreacher 24 20 one who overreaches...
overreaches 24 20 OVERREACH, to reach...
overreacted 22 19 OVERREACT, to react...
overreading 20 19 OVERREAD, to read ov...
overreckons 23 23 OVERRECKON, to recko...
overredding 21 20 OVERRED, to cover wi...
overrefined 21 20 OVERREFINE, to refin...
overrefines 21 19 OVERREFINE, to refin...
overrenning 19 20 OVERREN, (archaic) t...
overreports 22 18 OVERREPORT, to repor...
overrespond 21 20 to respond excessive...
overripened 21 20 OVERRIPEN, to become...
overroasted 19 16 OVERROAST, to roast...
overruffing 26 25 OVERRUFF, at cards,...
overrulings 23 20 OVERRULING, the act...
overrunners 19 18 OVERRUNNER, one that...
overrunning 20 21 OVERRUN, to swarm ov...
oversailing 22 19 OVERSAIL, to project...
oversalting 22 19 OVERSALT, to salt to...
oversaucing 24 22 OVERSAUCE, to sauce...
overscoring 24 21 OVERSCORE, to score...
overseeding 20 19 OVERSEED, to seed to...
overselling 23 20 OVERSELL, to sell mo...
overserious 20 16 excessively serious...
overservice 25 22 to service to excess...
oversetting 21 18 OVERSET, to upset; t...
overshading 23 21 OVERSHADE, to cover...
overshadows 25 21 OVERSHADOW, to cast...
overshining 23 21 OVERSHINE, (Shakespe...
overshowers 25 20 OVERSHOWER, to showe...
overskipped 26 26 OVERSKIP, to skip ov...
overslaughs 25 21 OVERSLAUGH, to pass...
oversleeves 22 20 OVERSLEEVE, a sleeve...
overslipped 26 23 OVERSLIP, to leave o...
oversmoking 23 25 OVERSMOKE, to smoke...
oversoaking 21 22 OVERSOAK, to soak to...
overspender 21 20 one who overspends [...
overspicing 27 24 OVERSPICE, to spice...
overspilled 25 21 OVERSPILL, to spill...
overspreads 22 19 OVERSPREAD, to sprea...
overstaffed 24 22 OVERSTAFF, to employ...
overstained 19 17 OVERSTAIN, to cover...
overstaring 21 18 OVERSTARE, to outsta...
overstating 21 18 OVERSTATE, to state...
overstayers 26 17 OVERSTAYER, an immig...
overstaying 27 20 OVERSTAY, to stay be...
oversteered 19 16 OVERSTEER, to steer...
overstepped 24 22 OVERSTEP, to go beyo...
overstirred 21 16 OVERSTIR, to stir to...
overstocked 24 23 OVERSTOCK, to stock...
overstoreys 26 17 OVERSTOREY, the high...
overstories 20 15 OVERSTORY, the highe...
overstrains 20 16 OVERSTRAIN, to strai...
overstretch 26 20 to stretch excessive...
overstrewed 23 19 OVERSTREW, to strew...
overstrides 21 16 OVERSTRIDE, to strid...
overstrikes 22 19 OVERSTRIKE, to strik...
overstrooke 20 19 OVERSTRIKE, to strik...
overstudied 21 18 OVERSTUDY, to study...
overstudies 21 17 OVERSTUDY, to study...
overstuffed 25 23 OVERSTUFF, to stuff...
oversudsing 22 20 OVERSUDS, to form an...
oversupping 26 25 OVERSUP, to sup to e...
overswaying 30 23 OVERSWAY, to bear do...
oversweeten 21 19 to sweeten to excess...
overswelled 25 21 OVERSWELL, to swell...
overswollen 24 21 OVERSWELL, to swell...
overtalking 23 23 OVERTALK, to talk to...
overtasking 22 22 OVERTASK, to impose...
overteaches 24 20 OVERTEACH, to teach...
overtedious 20 17 (Shakespeare) too te...
overteeming 21 21 OVERTEEM, to produce...
overthought 26 22 OVERTHINK, to think...
overthrower 25 20 OVERTHROW [v]
overthrusts 24 18 OVERTHRUST, a fault...
overthwarts 26 20 OVERTHWART, to lie a...
overtighten 23 20 to tighten to excess...
overtipping 26 24 OVERTIP, to tip more...
overtnesses 19 16 OVERTNESS, the state...
overtoiling 22 19 OVERTOIL, to exhaust...
overtopping 25 24 the act of rising ab...
overtowered 22 19 OVERTOWER, to tower...
overtrading 21 19 trading beyond one's...
overtrained 19 17 OVERTRAIN, to train...
overtreated 19 16 OVERTREAT, to treat...
overtrimmed 23 22 OVERTRIM, to trim to...
overtripped 25 22 OVERTRIP, to trip ni...
overtrumped 24 23 OVERTRUMP, to trump...
overtrusted 21 17 OVERTRUST, to trust...
overturners 20 17 OVERTURNER, one who...
overturning 21 20 OVERTURN, to turn ov...
overutilise 22 17 to utilise excessive...
overutilize 25 26 to utilize excessive...
overvaluing 24 24 OVERVALUE, to value...
overveiling 24 23 OVERVEIL, to veil ov...
overviolent 22 21 excessively violent...
overvoltage 23 22 the excess potential...
overwarming 25 24 OVERWARM, to warm to...
overwatched 28 24 OVERWATCH, to watch...
overwatches 28 23 OVERWATCH, to watch...
overwatered 22 19 OVERWATER, to water...
overwearied 22 19 OVERWEARY, to weary...
overwearies 22 18 OVERWEARY, to weary...
overwearing 23 21 OVERWEAR, to wear ou...
overweather 24 20 (Shakespeare) to bat...
overweening 22 22 OVERWEEN, to expect...
overweighed 26 23 OVERWEIGH, to exceed...
overweights 27 22 OVERWEIGHT, to give...
overwetting 24 21 OVERWET, to wet too...
overwhelmed 27 25 OVERWHELM, to crush...
overwinding 24 23 OVERWIND, to wind to...
overwinging 25 24 OVERWING, to fly ove...
overwinters 23 19 OVERWINTER, to last...
overworking 25 25 OVERWORK, to cause t...
overwrapped 27 25 OVERWRAP, to wrap ex...
overwrested 23 19 OVERWREST, to wrest...
overwrestle 24 19 (Spenser) to overcom...
overwriting 25 21 OVERWRITE, to write...
overwritten 23 19 OVERWRITE, to write...
overwrought 27 23 OVERWORK, to cause t...
overyearing 26 20 OVERYEAR, to keep in...
overzealous 23 26 excessively zealous...
oviparities 23 18 OVIPARITY, the produ...
oviparously 30 22 OVIPAROUS, producing...
ovipositing 24 21 OVIPOSIT, to lay or...
oviposition 22 19 the act of ovipositi...
ovipositors 23 18 OVIPOSITOR, the orga...
ovuliferous 24 21 bearing ovules [adj]
owerlouping 25 22 OWERLOUP, to leap ov...
oxalacetate 26 22 a salt or ester of o...
oxidational 24 21 relating to oxidatio...
oxidatively 34 26 OXIDATIVE, relating...
oxidimetric 30 25 relating to oxidimet...
oxidisation 24 20 the act of oxidising...
oxidization 27 29 the act of oxidizing...
oxycephalic 42 32 having a conical sku...
oxygenating 31 26 OXYGENATE, to impreg...
oxygenation 29 24 the act of oxygenati...
oxygenators 30 23 OXYGENATOR, an oxidi...
oxygenisers 31 23 OXYGENISER, an agent...
oxygenising 32 26 OXYGENISE, to oxygen...
oxygenizers 34 32 OXYGENIZER, an agent...
oxygenizing 35 35 OXYGENIZE, to oxygen...
oxyhydrogen 39 28 a mixture of hydroge...
oxyrhynchus 45 31 an Egyptian fish, sa...
oxysulphide 37 28 a compound containin...
ozoniferous 22 25 producing ozone [adj...
ozonisation 19 22 the act of treating...
ozonization 22 31 the act of treating...
ozonosphere 23 26 the ozone layer [n -...