11 letter words that starts with m

11 letter words that start with M

11 letter M word


Word With Friends


macadamised 23 22 MACADAMISE, to cover...
macadamiser 23 21 one who macadamises,...
macadamises 23 21 MACADAMISE, to cover...
macadamized 26 31 MACADAMIZE, to cover...
macadamizer 26 30 one who macadamises,...
macadamizes 26 30 MACADAMIZE, to cover...
maccaronies 24 21 MACCARONI, (Italian)...
macebearers 23 20 MACEBEARER, one who...
maceranduba 23 23 (Tupi) the Brazilian...
macerations 21 18 MACERATION, the act...
machicolate 28 23 to furnish with mach...
machinating 25 23 MACHINATE, to plan;...
machination 23 21 an act of machinatin...
machinators 24 20 MACHINATOR, one who...
machineable 26 24 that can be machined...
machineguns 25 24 MACHINEGUN, to shoot...
machineless 25 21 without a machine [a...
machinelike 26 25 resembling or sugges...
machineries 24 20 MACHINERY, machines...
macintoshes 24 20 MACINTOSH, a waterpr...
maconochies 26 23 MACONOCHIE, army tin...
macrobiotes 24 20 MACROBIOTE, a long-l...
macrobiotic 28 23 promoting longevity...
macrocarpas 27 23 MACROCARPA, an everg...
macrocopies 27 23 MACROCOPY, an enlarg...
macrocosmic 30 26 relating to a macroc...
macrocycles 36 26 MACROCYCLE, a macroc...
macrocyclic 40 29 containing or being...
macrodactyl 33 24 one of a group of wa...
macrofaunae 22 22 MACROFAUNA, animals...
macrofaunas 23 22 MACROFAUNA, animals...
macroflorae 24 21 MACROFLORA, plants v...
macrofloras 25 21 MACROFLORA, plants v...
macrofossil 26 21 a fossil large enoug...
macrogamete 23 22 the larger and usual...
macrographs 28 24 MACROGRAPH, a photog...
macrologies 24 20 MACROLOGY, much talk...
macronuclei 26 23 MACRONUCLEUS, a rela...
macrophages 27 24 MACROPHAGE, any of t...
macrophagic 31 27 of or like a macroph...
macrophylum 36 29 a large phylum, as i...
macrophytes 33 24 MACROPHYTE, a macros...
macrophytic 37 27 relating to a macrop...
macroprisms 27 23 MACROPRISM, in cryst...
macroscales 26 21 MACROSCALE, a large...
macroscopic 31 26 large enough to be v...
macrospores 24 20 MACROSPORE, a spore...
macrozamias 26 29 MACROZAMIA, a plant...
maculations 23 20 MACULATION, being co...
maculatures 24 20 MACULATURE, blotting...
maddeningly 27 23 MADDENING [adv]
madefaction 23 22 moistening [n -S]
madonnawise 20 20 in the manner of a m...
madreporian 20 19 a coral, a madrepore...
madreporite 21 18 in echinoderms, a pe...
madrigalian 21 19 of or like a madriga...
madrigalist 23 18 one who sings madrig...
maffickings 30 30 MAFFICKING, boistero...
magazinists 24 26 MAGAZINIST, one who...
maggotorium 23 22 a place where maggot...
magisterial 22 17 in the manner of a t...
magisteries 21 16 MAGISTERY, the quali...
magisterium 23 20 (Latin) the teaching...
magistrally 30 20 MAGISTRAL, masterly...
magistrands 21 18 MAGISTRAND, a univer...
magistrates 21 16 MAGISTRATE, an offic...
magistratic 25 19 relating to a magist...
magnanimity 27 23 the quality of being...
magnanimous 20 22 showing or suggestin...
magnateship 24 22 the office of magnat...
magnesstone 18 18 (Spenser) a lodeston...
magnetician 22 21 a scientist speciali...
magnetisers 20 17 MAGNETISER, somethin...
magnetising 21 20 MAGNETISE, to make m...
magnetizers 23 26 MAGNETIZER, somethin...
magnetizing 24 29 MAGNETIZE, to make m...
magnifiable 25 24 that can be magnifie...
magnificats 26 23 MAGNIFICAT, a cantic...
magnificent 25 24 splendid [adj MAGNIF...
magnificoes 25 23 MAGNIFICO, (Italian)...
mahatmaisms 24 22 MAHATMAISM, the stat...
maidenhairs 21 18 MAIDENHAIR, a fern o...
maidenheads 20 19 MAIDENHEAD, virginit...
maidenhoods 20 19 MAIDENHOOD, the stat...
maidenweeds 21 20 MAIDENWEED, another...
maidishness 22 18 the state of being m...
maidservant 21 20 a female servant [n...
mailability 31 21 the ability to be se...
mailcoaches 28 23 MAILCOACH, a railway...
mailgrammed 24 24 MAILGRAM, (tradename...
mailmerging 24 23 MAILMERGE, to carry...
mailpouches 28 24 MAILPOUCH, a mailbag...
mailshotted 23 18 MAILSHOT [v]
mainlanders 19 18 MAINLANDER, one who...
mainlinings 21 20 MAINLINING, the act...
mainpernors 20 19 MAINPERNOR, one who...
mainprising 23 21 MAINPRISE, (historic...
mainsprings 23 21 MAINSPRING, the chie...
mainstreams 20 18 MAINSTREAM, to place...
maintainers 18 16 MAINTAINER, one who...
maintaining 19 19 MAINTAIN, to keep in...
maintenance 19 20 the act of maintaini...
maintopmast 22 21 the mast next above...
maintopsail 22 19 the sail above the m...
maisonettes 18 15 MAISONETTE, (French)...
maisonnette 17 16 (French) a part of a...
maisterdome 20 18 (obsolete) mastery [...
majoretting 22 26 the practice of perf...
majoritaire 21 23 (French) a member of...
makereadies 19 19 MAKEREADY, the prepa...
makeweights 27 25 MAKEWEIGHT, a small...
makunouchis 26 26 MAKUNOUCHI, (Japanes...
malacophily 35 26 pollination by snail...
maladaptive 24 23 marked by poor or in...
maladjusted 23 27 poorly or inadequate...
maladroitly 28 19 MALADROIT, clumsy, u...
malaguettas 21 18 MALAGUETTA, grains o...
malakatoone 18 20 (obsolete) a kind of...
malapropian 23 22 relating to malaprop...
malapropism 26 24 a humorous misuse of...
malapropist 25 21 one who commits mala...
malariology 28 20 the study of malaria...
malaxations 25 23 MALAXATION, a kneadi...
malcontents 22 20 MALCONTENT, a discon...
maledicting 25 22 MALEDICT, (archaic)...
malediction 23 20 a curse [n -S]
maledictive 26 23 of the nature of a m...
maledictory 30 21 of or like a maledic...
malefaction 24 22 evildoing [n -S]
malefactors 25 21 MALEFACTOR, an evild...
malefactory 31 23 having the nature of...
malefically 34 25 MALEFIC, having a ma...
maleficence 27 25 the act of committin...
malentendus 19 19 MALENTENDU, (French)...
malevolence 24 24 the state of being m...
malfeasance 23 22 evildoing; illegal a...
malfeasants 21 19 MALFEASANT, one who...
malfunction 25 24 to function imperfec...
maliciously 32 22 MALICIOUS, bearing i...
malignances 23 22 MALIGNANCE, the stat...
malignantly 28 22 MALIGNANT, evil, mal...
malignities 22 18 MALIGNITY, the quali...
malignments 22 22 MALIGNMENT, a malign...
malingerers 21 18 MALINGERER, one who...
malingeries 21 18 MALINGERY, the spiri...
malingering 22 21 MALINGER, to feign i...
malleations 20 17 MALLEATION, hammerin...
malleoluses 22 18 MALLEOLUS, a rounded...
mallowpuffs 32 29 MALLOWPUFF, in New Z...
maloccluded 28 25 exhibiting malocclus...
malonylurea 26 20 another name for bar...
malposition 22 19 a wrong or faulty po...
malpractice 29 24 an evil or improper...
maltinesses 20 16 MALTINESS, the state...
maltreaters 20 15 MALTREATER, one who...
maltreating 21 18 MALTREAT, to treat b...
mamillation 22 20 the state of being m...
mamilliform 27 25 nipple-shaped, also...
mammalities 23 21 MAMMALITY, the state...
mammalogies 23 23 MAMMALOGY, the study...
mammalogist 24 23 a student of mammals...
mammaplasty 31 26 the surgical reconst...
mammiferous 24 24 having breasts [adj]
mammillaria 24 22 a plant belonging to...
mammillated 24 23 with nipple-like pro...
mammographs 27 27 MAMMOGRAPH, an X-ray...
mammography 33 29 an X-ray of the brea...
mammonistic 25 24 devoted to riches [a...
mammoplasty 31 26 plastic surgery to c...
managements 19 21 MANAGEMENT, the act...
managership 24 22 the state of being a...
manchesters 24 20 MANCHESTER, househol...
manchineels 24 22 MANCHINEEL, (Spanish...
mancipating 25 24 MANCIPATE, to enslav...
mancipation 23 22 (historical) legal t...
mancipatory 30 23 relating to mancipat...
mandamusing 21 23 MANDAMUS, to command...
mandarinate 17 17 the rank or office o...
mandarinism 20 20 the state of being a...
mandataries 18 16 MANDATARY, the holde...
mandatories 18 16 MANDATORY, the holde...
mandatorily 26 19 MANDATORY, by mandat...
mandibulate 22 21 shaped like a mandib...
mandolinist 20 18 one who plays the ma...
mandragoras 19 18 MANDRAGORA, (Shakesp...
manducating 23 23 MANDUCATE, to chew o...
manducation 21 21 chewing [n -S]
manducatory 28 22 relating to manducat...
maneuverers 20 20 MANEUVERER, one who...
maneuvering 21 23 the act of performin...
mangabeiras 21 20 MANGABEIRA, (Portugu...
mangalsutra 21 19 a bead necklace worn...
manganesian 17 19 like manganese [adj]
mangemanges 20 23 MANGEMANGE, a climbi...
manginesses 19 18 MANGINESS, the state...
mangosteens 18 18 MANGOSTEEN, (Malay)...
mangulating 22 22 MANGULATE, (Australi...
manhandling 22 23 MANHANDLE, to move b...
manicurists 24 19 MANICURIST, a person...
manifestant 20 19 a person who makes o...
manifesters 21 18 MANIFESTER, one who...
manifesting 22 21 MANIFEST, to show cl...
manifestoed 20 19 MANIFESTO, to issue...
manifestoes 20 18 MANIFESTO, to issue...
manifolders 22 20 MANIFOLDER, one who...
manifolding 23 23 MANIFOLD, to make ma...
manipulable 25 24 that can be manipula...
manipulated 22 21 MANIPULATE, to work...
manipulates 22 20 MANIPULATE, to work...
manipulator 22 20 one who manipulates...
manlinesses 19 17 MANLINESS, the state...
manneristic 22 19 relating to manneris...
manniferous 20 20 bearing manna [adj]
mannishness 20 19 the state of being m...
manoeuvrers 20 20 MANOEUVRER, one who...
manoeuvring 21 23 the act of making a...
manometries 19 18 MANOMETRY, the measu...
manorialism 21 19 the system of having...
manoscopies 23 21 MANOSCOPY, the measu...
manscapings 25 24 MANSCAPING, the act...
mansuetudes 19 18 MANSUETUDE, the stat...
mantelletta 20 17 a sleeveless knee-le...
mantelpiece 24 22 a mantel with its si...
mantelshelf 25 22 the ornamental shelf...
manteltrees 19 16 MANTELTREE, the lint...
mantletrees 19 16 MANTLETREE, a beam m...
manufactory 30 24 a place where someth...
manufacture 24 23 to make into a produ...
manumission 20 20 the act of manumitti...
manumitters 21 19 MANUMITTER, one who...
manumitting 22 22 MANUMIT, to free fro...
manuscripts 26 22 MANUSCRIPT, a writte...
manzanillas 23 27 MANZANILLA, (Spanish...
maquiladora 28 26 (Spanish) a manufact...
maquillages 31 28 MAQUILLAGE, (French)...
maraschinos 24 20 MARASCHINO, a sweet...
marathoners 20 17 MARATHONER, one who...
marathoning 21 20 the act of running m...
marbelising 24 21 MARBELISE, to stain...
marbelizing 27 30 MARBELIZE, to stain...
marbleising 24 21 MARBLEISE, to stain...
marbleizing 27 30 MARBLEIZE, to stain...
marblewoods 25 22 MARBLEWOOD, a Malays...
marcantants 21 19 MARCANTANT, (Shakesp...
marcescence 27 24 the state of being m...
marcescible 29 24 tending to wither or...
marchantias 24 20 MARCHANTIA, a liverw...
marchioness 24 20 the wife or widow of...
marconigram 24 23 a message sent by wi...
margheritas 23 18 MARGHERITA, a variet...
marginalise 21 18 to make marginal, al...
marginalism 23 21 an economic theory t...
marginalist 22 18 a believer in margin...
marginality 28 20 the state of being m...
marginalize 24 27 to make marginal, al...
marginating 21 20 MARGINATE, to provid...
margination 19 18 the act of marginati...
margravates 22 20 MARGRAVATE, the juri...
margraviate 22 20 the jurisdiction or...
margravines 22 21 MARGRAVINE, a margra...
margueritas 21 17 MARGUERITA, a mixed...
marguerites 21 17 MARGUERITE, the oxey...
mariculture 25 20 the cultivation of a...
marinations 18 16 MARINATION, the act...
marionberry 27 20 a hybrid fruit, a cr...
marionettes 18 15 MARIONETTE, (French)...
marivaudage 22 22 preciosity in litera...
marketising 22 21 MARKETISE, to adopt...
marketizing 25 30 MARKETIZE, to adopt...
marketplace 26 25 an open square or pl...
marlinspike 24 23 a tool used to separ...
marmalising 23 21 MARMALISE, (slang) t...
marmalizing 26 30 MARMALIZE, (slang) t...
marmarising 22 20 MARMARISE, to conver...
marmarizing 25 29 MARMARIZE, to conver...
marmelising 23 21 MARMELISE, (slang) t...
marmelizing 26 30 MARMELIZE, (slang) t...
marmoreally 28 21 MARMOREAL, of or lik...
marprelated 22 19 MARPRELATE, to invei...
marprelates 22 18 MARPRELATE, to invei...
marquessate 27 24 the rank of marquess...
marqueterie 27 24 (French) furniture i...
marquetries 28 24 MARQUETRY, furniture...
marquisates 28 24 MARQUISATE, the rank...
marquisette 28 24 a sheer fabric of co...
marrowbones 23 21 MARROWBONE, a bone c...
marrowskied 24 22 MARROWSKY, to utter...
marrowskies 24 21 MARROWSKY, to utter...
marshalcies 26 20 MARSHALCY, the rank,...
marshallers 24 18 MARSHALLER, one who...
marshalling 25 21 the act of putting i...
marshalship 28 22 the office of marsha...
marshelders 23 18 MARSHELDER, a herbac...
marshlander 22 19 one who lives in mar...
marshmallow 28 24 a spongy, jellylike...
martellando 20 18 (Italian) the act of...
martellatos 21 16 MARTELLATO, (Italian...
martensites 19 15 MARTENSITE, the chie...
martensitic 23 18 relating to martensi...
martialisms 23 18 MARTIALISM, the qual...
martialists 22 15 MARTIALIST, a warrio...
martialness 20 16 the state of being m...
martinetish 22 17 like a martinet [adj...
martinetism 21 18 the state of being a...
martingales 21 18 MARTINGALE, a strap...
martyrising 28 19 MARTYRISE, to cause...
martyrizing 31 28 MARTYRIZE, to offer...
martyrology 34 21 the study of martyrs...
marvelously 30 23 MARVELOUS, (US) asto...
marzipanned 23 29 MARZIPAN, to cover w...
mascarpones 23 21 MASCARPONE, (Italian...
masculinely 31 23 MASCULINE, male [adv...
masculinise 24 20 to make masculine, a...
masculinist 25 20 an advocate of men's...
masculinity 31 22 the state of being m...
masculinize 27 29 to make masculine, a...
maskallonge 22 23 a North American fre...
maskalonges 21 22 MASKALONGE, a North...
maskanonges 19 22 MASKANONGE, a North...
maskinonges 20 22 MASKINONGE, a North...
maskirovkas 24 26 MASKIROVKA, (Russian...
masochistic 29 22 relating to masochis...
masonically 30 22 MASONIC, relating to...
masqueraded 27 26 MASQUERADE, to disgu...
masquerader 27 25 one who masquerades...
masquerades 27 25 MASQUERADE, to disgu...
massasaugas 20 17 MASSASAUGA, a kind o...
massinesses 19 15 MASSINESS, the state...
massiveness 21 19 the state of being m...
masspriests 23 17 MASSPRIEST, a priest...
masterclass 24 18 a session of tuition...
masterfully 31 22 MASTERFUL, exercisin...
masterhoods 21 17 MASTERHOOD, the stat...
masterminds 21 19 MASTERMIND, to origi...
masterpiece 24 20 a work done with ext...
masterships 25 19 MASTERSHIP, the stat...
masterworks 24 21 MASTERWORK, a master...
masterworts 23 17 MASTERWORT, a plant...
mastheading 22 20 MASTHEAD, to raise t...
masticating 24 20 MASTICATE, to chew;...
mastication 22 18 the act of masticati...
masticators 23 17 MASTICATOR, one who...
masticatory 29 19 a substance chewed t...
mastodontic 22 19 of or like a mastodo...
mastodynias 25 18 MASTODYNIA, pain in...
mastoiditis 21 15 inflammation of mast...
mastopexies 27 24 MASTOPEXY, cosmetic...
masturbated 22 19 MASTURBATE, to pract...
masturbates 22 18 MASTURBATE, to pract...
masturbator 22 18 one who masturbates...
matchboards 27 23 MATCHBOARD, one of a...
matchlessly 34 23 MATCHLESS, without c...
matchmakers 27 26 MATCHMAKER, one that...
matchmaking 28 29 the business of brin...
matchmarked 27 27 MATCHMARK, to mark m...
matchsticks 31 26 MATCHSTICK, a slende...
matellasses 21 16 MATELLASSE, (French)...
materialise 20 15 to appear, become ma...
materialism 22 18 the belief that matt...
materialist 21 15 one who espouses mat...
materiality 27 17 the state of being m...
materialize 23 24 to make material, al...
maternalism 21 19 the state of being m...
maternities 19 15 MATERNITY, motherhoo...
mateynesses 24 17 MATEYNESS, the state...
mathematics 26 22 the science of numbe...
mathematise 22 19 to make mathematical...
mathematize 25 28 to make mathematical...
matriarchal 26 20 of or like a matriar...
matriarchic 29 22 like a matriarch [ad...
matriclinic 28 22 inherited from the m...
matriculant 24 20 one who is matricula...
matriculate 24 19 to enroll [v MATRICU...
matrilineal 21 17 of descent or kinshi...
matrilinear 20 16 of descent or kinshi...
matrilinies 21 16 MATRILINY, descent r...
matrimonial 21 19 of or relating to ma...
matrimonies 20 18 MATRIMONY, the rite...
matroclinal 24 20 inherited from the m...
matroclinic 27 22 inherited from the m...
matronhoods 20 18 MATRONHOOD, the stat...
matronising 20 18 MATRONISE, to make a...
matronizing 23 27 MATRONIZE, to make a...
matronships 24 20 MATRONSHIP, the stat...
matronymics 30 23 MATRONYMIC, a name s...
matroyshkas 29 22 MATROYSHKA, (Russian...
maturations 19 16 MATURATION, the proc...
matutinally 28 20 MATUTINAL, relating...
maudlinisms 23 21 MAUDLINISM, tearful...
maudlinness 20 19 maudlin sentimentali...
maunderings 20 20 MAUNDERING, grumblin...
mavericking 27 28 MAVERICK, to seize w...
mavourneens 19 21 MAVOURNEEN, (Irish)...
mawkishness 26 24 the state of being m...
maxidresses 26 22 MAXIDRESS, a dress t...
maxillaries 28 23 MAXILLARY, a bone of...
maxillipede 30 27 one of the mouth app...
maxillipeds 31 27 MAXILLIPED, one of t...
maximalists 29 25 MAXIMALIST, a revolu...
maximaphily 39 32 the study and collec...
maximations 26 25 MAXIMATION, the act...
mayonnaises 23 18 MAYONNAISE, (French)...
mayoralties 26 17 MAYORALTY, the offic...
maysterdome 26 20 (Spenser) mastery [n...
mazarinades 21 25 MAZARINADE, (histori...
mazednesses 21 25 MAZEDNESS, the state...
meadowlands 22 21 MEADOWLAND, land tha...
meadowlarks 24 23 MEADOWLARK, any of s...
meadowsweet 24 21 a tall fragrant plan...
mealinesses 19 16 MEALINESS, the state...
meaningless 20 19 having no meaning [a...
measureless 20 16 having no observable...
measurement 19 19 the act of measuring...
meatinesses 18 15 MEATINESS, the state...
meatpackers 25 24 MEATPACKER, (US) a p...
meatpacking 26 27 the wholesale meat i...
meatscreens 21 18 MEATSCREEN, a metal...
mechanicals 28 24 MECHANICAL, a manual...
mechanician 26 24 a mechanic [n -S]
mechanisers 24 20 MECHANISER, one who...
mechanising 25 23 MECHANISE, to make m...
mechanistic 28 23 relating to mechanis...
mechanizers 27 29 MECHANIZER, one who...
mechanizing 28 32 MECHANIZE, to make m...
mechatronic 27 23 relating to mechatro...
medallioned 20 19 MEDALLION, to orname...
medevacking 26 29 MEDEVAC, to evacuate...
mediaevally 29 23 MEDIAEVAL, belonging...
mediastinal 20 17 relating to the medi...
mediastinum 21 20 the chest cavity con...
mediateness 18 16 the state of being m...
mediational 19 17 relating to mediatio...
mediatising 21 18 MEDIATISE, to cause...
mediatizing 24 27 MEDIATIZE, to cause...
mediatorial 20 16 of or like a mediato...
mediatrices 23 18 MEDIATRIX, (archaic)...
mediatrixes 26 22 MEDIATRIX, (archaic)...
medicalised 24 20 MEDICALISE, to consi...
medicalises 24 19 MEDICALISE, to consi...
medicalized 27 29 MEDICALIZE, to consi...
medicalizes 27 28 MEDICALIZE, to consi...
medicaments 23 22 MEDICAMENT, an exter...
medicasters 23 18 MEDICASTER, (archaic...
medications 22 19 MEDICATION, the act...
medicinable 25 23 that can be treated...
medicinally 31 23 MEDICINAL, relating...
medicolegal 25 22 of or relating to bo...
medievalism 24 23 the spirit of the Mi...
medievalist 23 20 a specialist in medi...
meditations 19 16 MEDITATION, a discou...
mediumistic 26 22 of, relating to, or...
mediumships 27 24 MEDIUMSHIP, being a...
medivacking 27 29 MEDIVAC, to evacuate...
meerschaums 26 23 MEERSCHAUM, (German)...
mefloquines 30 29 MEFLOQUINE, an antim...
megacephaly 34 27 the condition of hav...
megagametes 21 21 MEGAGAMETE, the larg...
megagausses 21 19 MEGAGAUSS, a unit of...
megahertzes 25 27 MEGAHERTZ, a measure...
megaloblast 24 21 a large erythroblast...
megalomania 20 21 a mania for great or...
megalomanic 24 24 relating to megaloma...
megalopolis 24 21 a wide-spreading, th...
megalosauri 21 18 MEGALOSAURUS, a larg...
megalosaurs 21 18 MEGALOSAUR, a large...
meganewtons 21 21 MEGANEWTON, a measur...
megaparsecs 25 22 MEGAPARSEC, a measur...
megaphoning 24 25 MEGAPHONE, to magnif...
megaproject 27 31 a major project or u...
megatherian 21 19 like a megathere, an...
megatonnage 18 20 the total explosive...
megavitamin 23 24 relating to or consi...
meiotically 31 21 MEIOTIC, exhibiting...
meitneriums 21 19 MEITNERIUM, an artif...
melaconites 22 19 MELACONITE, an earth...
melanaemias 19 19 MELANAEMIA, the pres...
melancholia 25 22 a state of melanchol...
melancholic 29 25 subject to melanchol...
melanoblast 22 20 a cell that is a pre...
melanochroi 24 21 people, like Caucasi...
melanocytes 28 21 MELANOCYTE, an epide...
melanophore 22 21 a chromatophore cont...
melanosomes 19 19 MELANOSOME, a melani...
melanterite 19 16 native copperas [n -...
melicottons 23 19 MELICOTTON, (obsolet...
meliorating 21 18 MELIORATE, to make b...
melioration 19 16 improvement, betterm...
meliorative 22 19 tending to effect im...
meliorators 20 15 MELIORATOR, one who...
melioristic 25 18 of or like meliorism...
meliorities 21 15 MELIORITY, the state...
meliphagous 26 23 feeding upon honey,...
melliferous 24 20 producing or forming...
mellifluent 25 22 sweet-sounding; flow...
mellifluous 26 22 sweet-sounding; flow...
mellivorous 24 21 honey-eating [adj]
mellophones 24 22 MELLOPHONE, a brass...
mellowspeak 27 26 a bland nonassertive...
melocotoons 21 19 MELOCOTOON, (obsolet...
melodically 32 23 MELODIC, pertaining...
melodiously 28 20 MELODIOUS, having me...
melomaniacs 23 22 MELOMANIAC, an abnor...
meltability 31 21 the quality of being...
meltingness 21 19 the state of being m...
memberships 28 25 MEMBERSHIP, the stat...
membraneous 21 22 like a membrane, als...
memorabilia 23 21 MEMORABILE, somethin...
memorandums 21 23 MEMORANDUM, (Latin)...
memorialise 21 18 to celebrate with a...
memorialist 22 18 a person who writes...
memorialize 24 27 to address or petiti...
memorisable 23 21 able to be memorised...
memorizable 26 30 able to be memorised...
menaquinone 24 27 a form of vitamin K...
mendacities 22 19 MENDACITY, given to...
mendelevium 23 25 an unstable radioact...
mendicities 23 19 MENDICITY, the pract...
meningiomas 20 21 MENINGIOMA, a tumour...
meningocele 22 22 protrusion of the me...
menispermum 24 25 any plant of the moo...
menopolises 21 19 MENOPOLIS, (colloqui...
menorrhagia 21 19 excessive bleeding d...
menorrhagic 25 22 suffering from menor...
menorrhoeas 19 17 MENORRHOEA, normal m...
menservants 20 20 MANSERVANT, a male s...
menstrually 28 20 MENSTRUAL, relating...
menstruated 19 17 MENSTRUATE, to under...
menstruates 19 16 MENSTRUATE, to under...
mensuration 18 17 measuring to find th...
mensurative 21 20 relating to mensurat...
mentalistic 24 19 relating to mental a...
mentalities 20 16 MENTALITY, mind, a w...
menthaceous 23 21 belonging to the min...
mentholated 21 19 containing menthol [...
mentionable 20 20 that can be mentione...
mentonniere 16 17 (French) a piece of...
mentorships 24 20 MENTORSHIP, the offi...
meperidines 21 19 MEPERIDINE, a pain-r...
meprobamate 23 23 a drug used, esp. fo...
mercaptides 25 21 MERCAPTIDE, a compou...
mercenaries 21 18 MERCENARY, one who w...
mercenarily 29 21 MERCENARY, hired for...
mercenarism 23 21 the state of being a...
mercerisers 23 17 MERCERISER, one who...
mercerising 24 20 MERCERISE, to treat...
mercerizers 26 26 MERCERIZER, one who...
mercerizing 27 29 MERCERIZE, to treat...
merchandise 24 21 goods for sale [n -S...
merchandize 27 30 goods for sale [n -S...
merchanting 25 23 the act of trading a...
merchantman 24 24 a trading ship [n ME...
merchantmen 24 24 MERCHANTMAN, a tradi...
merchildren 26 22 MERCHILD, a fish wit...
mercilessly 32 21 MERCILESS, without m...
mercurating 24 21 MERCURATE, to mercur...
mercuration 22 19 conversion into a me...
mercurially 32 22 MERCURIAL, of a vola...
mercurising 25 21 MERCURISE, to treat...
mercurizing 28 30 MERCURIZE, to treat...
merdivorous 22 20 dung-eating [adj]
mereologies 20 17 MEREOLOGY, the forma...
meridionals 20 17 MERIDIONAL, a southe...
meritocracy 32 22 government by the me...
meritocrats 23 17 MERITOCRAT, one who...
meritorious 20 15 deserving of honor o...
meroblastic 26 21 undergoing or involv...
merogeneses 18 17 MEROGENESIS, segment...
merogenesis 19 17 segmentation [n MERO...
merogenetic 22 20 relating to merogene...
meromorphic 28 25 fractional [adj]
meromyosins 26 20 MEROMYOSIN, protein...
merrinesses 19 15 MERRINESS, the state...
merrymakers 28 23 MERRYMAKER, a revell...
merrymaking 29 26 gay or festive activ...
merveilleux 30 28 (French) a fashion e...
mesalliance 23 20 (French) a marriage...
mesenchymal 32 26 relating to mesenchy...
mesenchymes 31 25 MESENCHYME, the embr...
mesenterial 19 16 relating to the mese...
mesenteries 18 15 MESENTERY, a membran...
meshugaasen 21 20 MESHUGAAS, (Yiddish)...
meshuggenah 25 24 (Yiddish) a fool, a...
meshuggeneh 25 24 (Yiddish) a fool, a...
meshuggener 23 22 (Yiddish) a fool, a...
mesitylenes 26 18 MESITYLENE, a colour...
mesmerisers 21 17 MESMERISER, one who...
mesmerising 22 20 MESMERISE, to hypnot...
mesmerizers 24 26 MESMERIZER, one who...
mesmerizing 25 29 MESMERIZE, to hypnot...
mesobenthos 22 20 flora and fauna livi...
mesoblastic 26 21 like a mesoblast [ad...
mesocephaly 33 25 having a medium skul...
mesocranies 21 18 MESOCRANY, medium sk...
mesocyclone 31 24 a rapidly rotating a...
mesogastria 20 16 MESOGASTRIUM, the me...
mesogastric 24 19 related to the mesog...
mesomerisms 22 20 MESOMERISM, in chemi...
mesomorphic 28 25 being big-boned and...
mesonephric 26 23 relating to the meso...
mesonephroi 22 20 MESONEPHROS, the sec...
mesonephros 22 20 the second of the th...
mesopelagic 26 23 of or relating to oc...
mesophyllic 36 26 of or like a mesophy...
mesoscaphes 26 22 MESOSCAPHE, a submer...
mesospheres 23 19 MESOSPHERE, a zone i...
mesospheric 27 22 relating to the meso...
mesothelial 23 18 of or like the mesot...
mesothelium 24 21 squamous cells linin...
mesotherapy 29 21 a type of cosmetic p...
mesothorium 23 20 an old name for eith...
mesotrophic 27 22 having a moderate am...
mesquinerie 27 25 (French) the quality...
messengered 19 18 MESSENGER, to send b...
messiahship 27 21 the state of being a...
messianisms 21 18 MESSIANISM, belief i...
messinesses 19 15 MESSINESS, the state...
metabolised 22 19 METABOLISE, to chang...
metabolises 22 18 METABOLISE, to chang...
metabolisms 24 21 METABOLISM, the sum...
metabolites 22 18 METABOLITE, a produc...
metabolized 25 28 METABOLIZE, to chang...
metabolizes 25 27 METABOLIZE, to chang...
metabolomes 22 21 METABOLOME, the quan...
metacarpals 25 21 METACARPAL, a bone o...
metacenters 21 18 METACENTER, a term i...
metacentres 21 18 METACENTRE, a term i...
metacentric 25 21 a chromosome having...
metachroses 24 19 METACHROSIS, the abi...
metachrosis 25 19 the ability of anima...
metaethical 25 20 relating to metaethi...
metafemales 22 21 METAFEMALE, a steril...
metafiction 24 21 fiction which refers...
metageneses 18 17 METAGENESIS, alterna...
metagenesis 19 17 alternating gametoph...
metagenetic 22 20 relating to metagene...
metaldehyde 28 21 a polymer of acetald...
metalliding 23 20 a high-temperature e...
metallising 23 19 METALLISE, to make o...
metallizing 26 28 METALLIZE, to make o...
metallocene 22 20 any one of a class o...
metallogeny 27 21 the study of the ori...
metalloidal 22 18 intermediate in its...
metallurgic 27 22 relating to metallur...
metalsmiths 25 20 METALSMITH, a smith...
metalworker 24 22 one who works in met...
metamerisms 22 20 METAMERISM, a partic...
metamorphic 28 25 showing or relating...
metanalyses 25 18 METANALYSIS, incorre...
metanalysis 26 18 incorrect placement...
metanephric 26 23 relating to the meta...
metanephroi 22 20 METANEPHROS, the thi...
metanephros 22 20 the third of the thr...
metaphorist 24 19 one who uses metapho...
metaphrased 23 20 METAPHRASE, to turn...
metaphrases 23 19 METAPHRASE, the turn...
metaphrasis 24 19 a turning of prose i...
metaphrasts 24 19 METAPHRAST, one who...
metaphysics 34 24 the study of the pri...
metaplasias 22 18 METAPLASIA, the chan...
metaplasmic 27 24 relating to metaplas...
metaplastic 26 21 relating to metaplas...
metapsychic 37 27 relating to metapsyc...
metasequoia 26 24 a tree, the dawn red...
metasilicic 28 21 applied to an acid (...
metasomatic 23 20 relating to metasoma...
metastables 22 18 METASTABLE, a metast...
metastasise 19 14 to spread or grow by...
metastasize 22 23 to spread or grow by...
metatarsals 20 15 METATARSAL, a bone o...
metatherian 20 17 of, relating to, or...
metathesise 21 16 to transpose by meta...
metathesize 24 25 to transpose by meta...
metavanadic 23 23 as in metavanadic ac...
metempirics 27 23 the study of the exi...
meteoritics 23 17 METEORITIC [n]
meteorogram 20 19 a meteorograph recor...
meteoroidal 19 16 like a meteor [adj]
meteorolite 19 15 a meteoric stone [n...
meteorology 26 19 the scientific study...
metersticks 25 21 METERSTICK, a measur...
metestruses 20 15 METESTRUS, the short...
methacrylic 36 25 denoting a type of a...
methanamide 21 21 an amide derived fro...
methanation 19 18 the production of me...
methedrines 21 18 METHEDRINE, (tradena...
methenamine 20 21 hexamethylenetetrami...
methicillin 28 22 a semisynthetic peni...
methionines 20 18 METHIONINE, an essen...
methodisers 22 17 METHODISER, one who...
methodising 23 20 METHODISE, to reduce...
methodistic 26 20 of or like Methodism...
methodizers 25 26 METHODIZER, one who...
methodizing 26 29 METHODIZE, to reduce...
methodology 29 22 a body of methods em...
methomanias 21 20 METHOMANIA, a morbid...
methylamine 29 23 an inflammable gas,...
methylating 30 22 METHYLATE, to introd...
methylation 28 20 the process of methy...
methylators 29 19 METHYLATOR, an agent...
methyldopas 31 23 METHYLDOPA, an antih...
metoestrous 19 15 relating to the meto...
metonymical 30 24 relating to a metony...
metoposcopy 32 25 the art of judging a...
metresticks 25 21 METRESTICK, a measur...
metricating 24 20 METRICATE, to measur...
metrication 22 18 the act of making me...
metricising 25 20 METRICISE, to conver...
metricizing 28 29 METRICIZE, to conver...
metrifonate 20 18 an organophosphorus...
metrologies 21 17 METROLOGY, the scien...
metrologist 22 17 a student of metrolo...
metromanias 19 18 METROMANIA, an insat...
metronymics 30 23 METRONYMIC, a name s...
metroplexes 28 25 METROPLEX, a large u...
metrosexual 26 23 a heterosexual man w...
metrostyles 27 17 METROSTYLE, a device...
mezzotinted 25 34 MEZZOTINT, to engrav...
mezzotinter 25 33 one who works in mez...
mezzotintos 25 33 MEZZOTINTO, (Italian...
miasmatical 25 21 of or like a miasma,...
miasmically 33 24 MIASMIC, of or like...
microampere 25 23 a millionth of an am...
microarrays 29 19 MICROARRAY, a collec...
microbiomes 26 23 MICROBIOME, the micr...
microbrewer 28 23 MICROBREW [v]
microbursts 27 21 MICROBURST, a sudden...
microbusses 26 21 MICROBUS, a small bu...
microcephal 31 26 someone having a ver...
microclines 27 22 MICROCLINE, a minera...
micrococcal 33 27 of or like a microco...
micrococcus 33 27 a small spherical ba...
microcopied 28 24 MICROCOPY, to copy o...
microcopies 28 23 MICROCOPY, to copy o...
microcosmic 31 26 of or like a microco...
microcosmos 27 23 a little universe or...
microcracks 31 27 MICROCRACK [n]
microcuries 27 21 MICROCURIE, a unit o...
microdrives 26 22 MICRODRIVE, a very s...
microdrones 22 19 MICRODRONE, a small...
microfarads 25 21 MICROFARAD, the mill...
microfaunae 23 22 MICROFAUNA, very sma...
microfaunal 25 23 relating to microfau...
microfaunas 24 22 MICROFAUNA, very sma...
microfibers 28 23 MICROFIBER, a cloth...
microfibres 28 23 MICROFIBRE, a cloth...
microfibril 30 24 a fine fibril [n -S]
microfiches 31 25 MICROFICHE, a sheet...
microfiling 28 24 the process of micro...
microfilmed 28 25 MICROFILM, to make a...
microfilmer 28 24 one who works with m...
microfilter 27 21 a very small filter...
microfloppy 37 29 a small floppy disk...
microflorae 25 21 MICROFLORA, very sma...
microfloral 27 22 relating to microflo...
microfloras 26 21 MICROFLORA, very sma...
microfossil 27 21 a very small fossil...
microfungus 27 25 a very small fungus...
microgamete 24 22 the smaller, general...
micrographs 29 24 MICROGRAPH, an instr...
micrography 35 26 the art of writing o...
microgreens 23 20 the shoots of young...
microgroove 25 23 the fine groove of l...
microimages 25 22 MICROIMAGE, a very s...
microinches 28 23 MICROINCH, one milli...
microinject 28 30 to inject (a substan...
microlights 29 22 MICROLIGHT, a very l...
microliters 25 18 MICROLITER, a millio...
microlithic 31 23 of or like a microli...
microlitres 25 18 MICROLITRE, a millio...
micrologies 25 20 MICROLOGY, the branc...
micrologist 26 20 a practitioner of mi...
micromanage 23 23 to manage at a detai...
micromeshes 26 22 MICROMESH, a very fi...
micrometers 24 20 MICROMETER, an instr...
micromethod 26 23 a method (as of micr...
micrometres 24 20 MICROMETRE, a millio...
micrometric 28 23 relating to micromet...
micronation 21 19 an entity that resem...
microneedle 22 20 a very fine needle u...
micronising 24 21 MICRONISE, to reduce...
micronizing 27 30 MICRONIZE, to reduce...
micronuclei 27 23 MICRONUCLEUS, a minu...
microphages 28 24 MICROPHAGE, a small...
microphones 26 23 MICROPHONE, an instr...
microphonic 30 26 relating to a microp...
microphylls 37 26 MICROPHYLL, a type o...
microphytes 34 24 MICROPHYTE, a very m...
microphytic 38 27 of or like a microph...
micropipets 28 23 MICROPIPET, a very f...
microporous 25 21 of or like a micropo...
micropowers 28 23 MICROPOWER, generati...
microprints 26 21 MICROPRINT, a microp...
microprisms 28 23 MICROPRISM, a tiny p...
microprobes 27 23 MICROPROBE, a device...
microquakes 32 31 MICROQUAKE, a very s...
microreader 22 18 a device that produc...
microscales 27 21 MICROSCALE, an extre...
microscopes 28 23 MICROSCOPE, an optic...
microscopic 32 26 able to be seen only...
microsecond 25 22 one millionth of a s...
microseisms 25 20 MICROSEISM, a small...
microskirts 26 21 MICROSKIRT, a very s...
microsleeps 26 21 MICROSLEEP, a very s...
microsmatic 28 23 of humans and certai...
microsphere 27 22 a small sphere [n -S...
microspores 25 20 MICROSPORE, a spore...
microsporic 29 23 like a microspore, a...
microstates 23 17 MICROSTATE, a tiny c...
microswitch 33 25 a very small switch...
microtomies 24 20 MICROTOMY, the art o...
microtomist 25 20 one who uses a micro...
microtubule 27 23 any of the relativel...
microvillar 28 23 of or like a microvi...
microvillus 29 24 a microscopic projec...
microwaving 29 27 MICROWAVE, to cook b...
microworlds 28 22 MICROWORLD, the natu...
microwriter 27 20 a handheld five- or...
micturating 25 21 MICTURATE, to urinat...
micturition 24 19 abnormally frequent...
middelskots 23 21 MIDDELSKOT, in South...
middenstead 19 18 the site of a midden...
middlebrows 27 23 MIDDLEBROW, a person...
middlewares 24 20 MIDDLEWARE, computer...
midfielders 24 20 MIDFIELDER, a player...
midlatitude 22 18 a latitude in the te...
midlittoral 23 17 that part of the sea...
midsagittal 23 18 median and sagittal...
midsections 23 19 MIDSECTION, the midd...
midshipmate 26 23 a midshipman [n -S]
midwiferies 26 21 MIDWIFERY, the occup...
miffinesses 24 21 MIFFINESS, the state...
mignonettes 19 18 MIGNONETTE, (French)...
migraineurs 21 18 MIGRAINEUR, one who...
migrational 21 18 relating to migratio...
mileometers 21 18 MILEOMETER, an instr...
militancies 24 19 MILITANCY, the condi...
militarised 22 16 MILITARISE, to make...
militarises 22 15 MILITARISE, to make...
militarisms 24 18 MILITARISM, reliance...
militarists 23 15 MILITARIST, a milita...
militarized 25 25 MILITARIZE, to make...
militarizes 25 24 MILITARIZE, to make...
militations 21 16 MILITATION, the act...
milkinesses 22 20 MILKINESS, the state...
milksopisms 27 25 MILKSOPISM, the stat...
milksopping 28 28 like a milksop, also...
millefioris 25 19 MILLEFIORI, (Italian...
millefleurs 26 21 (French) having an a...
millenarian 20 18 one who believes in...
millenaries 21 17 MILLENARY, a group o...
millenarism 23 20 the belief that an i...
millenniums 23 22 MILLENNIUM, (Latin)...
millesimals 25 20 MILLESIMAL, a thousa...
milliampere 25 22 a thousandth of an a...
millicuries 27 20 MILLICURIE, a thousa...
millidegree 23 19 a thousandth of a de...
milligramme 26 24 a thousandth of a gr...
millihenrys 31 21 MILLIHENRY, a thousa...
milliliters 25 17 MILLILITER, a thousa...
millilitres 25 17 MILLILITRE, a thousa...
millimeters 24 19 MILLIMETER, a thousa...
millimetres 24 19 MILLIMETRE, a thousa...
millimicron 27 23 a thousandth of a mi...
millineries 22 17 MILLINERY, hat-makin...
millionaire 21 17 a person whose wealt...
millionfold 25 22 multiplied by a mill...
milliosmols 25 20 MILLIOSMOL, one thou...
milliprobes 27 22 MILLIPROBE, an instr...
milliradian 22 18 a thousandth of a ra...
millisecond 25 21 a thousandth part of...
millstreams 24 19 MILLSTREAM, a stream...
millwrights 31 23 MILLWRIGHT, a person...
milquetoast 29 25 a very timid, unasse...
mimeographs 26 24 MIMEOGRAPH, (tradena...
mimetically 33 24 MIMETICAL, imitative...
mimiviruses 25 22 MIMIVIRUS, a genus o...
mimographer 26 24 a writer of mimes [n...
mimosaceous 23 21 belonging to the mim...
minaciously 30 22 MINACIOUS, threateni...
minauderies 19 17 MINAUDERIE, (French)...
minaudieres 19 17 MINAUDIERE, (French)...
mindblowers 26 23 MINDBLOWER, somethin...
mindfulness 23 22 the state of being m...
minehunters 21 19 MINEHUNTER, a naval...
minelayings 27 21 MINELAYING, the act...
mineralised 20 17 MINERALISE, to trans...
mineraliser 20 16 a person who, or tha...
mineralises 20 16 MINERALISE, to trans...
mineralists 21 16 MINERALIST, one vers...
mineralized 23 26 MINERALIZE, to trans...
mineralizer 23 25 a person who, or tha...
mineralizes 23 25 MINERALIZE, to trans...
mineralogic 24 21 relating to mineralo...
minestrones 18 16 MINESTRONE, (Italian...
minesweeper 23 21 a ship used to clear...
mineworkers 23 22 MINEWORKER, one who...
mingimingis 24 23 MINGIMINGI, (Maori)...
minginesses 20 18 MINGINESS, meanness,...
minglements 22 22 MINGLEMENT, the act...
miniaturing 21 19 MINIATURE, to miniat...
miniaturise 20 16 to design or constru...
miniaturist 21 16 one who paints minia...
miniaturize 23 25 to design or constru...
minibudgets 24 22 MINIBUDGET, a small...
minicabbing 28 27 travelling by minica...
minicourses 23 19 MINICOURSE, a short...
minidresses 20 16 MINIDRESS, a short d...
minimalisms 24 22 MINIMALISM, making d...
minimalists 23 19 MINIMALIST, one who...
minimarkets 22 22 MINIMARKET, a small...
minirugbies 24 21 MINIRUGBY, a scaled...
minischools 26 21 MINISCHOOL, a small...
miniskirted 22 20 MINISKIRT [v]
ministerial 21 16 of, relating to, or...
ministering 21 18 MINISTER, to give ai...
ministerium 22 19 (Latin) a ministry [...
ministrants 20 16 MINISTRANT, an atten...
ministrokes 21 19 MINISTROKE, a small...
minisystems 28 20 MINISYSTEM, a set of...
minivolleys 30 23 MINIVOLLEY, a scaled...
minnesinger 19 19 (German) a troubadou...
minoritaire 19 15 (French) a member of...
mirabilises 24 18 MIRABILIS, (short fo...
mirandising 21 19 MIRANDISE, in USA, t...
mirandizing 24 28 MIRANDIZE, in USA, t...
mirifically 35 24 MIRIFICAL, working w...
mirkinesses 21 19 MIRKINESS, the state...
mirthlessly 32 20 MIRTHLESS, without m...
misadapting 23 21 MISADAPT, to adapt w...
misadjusted 23 26 MISADJUST, to adjust...
misadvising 24 22 MISADVISE, to advise...
misaligning 23 21 MISALIGN, to align i...
misalleging 24 21 MISALLEGE, (obsolete...
misalliance 24 20 an improper alliance...
misallocate 24 19 to allocate wrongly...
misallotted 22 17 MISALLOT, to allot w...
misaltering 22 18 MISALTER, to alter w...
misanalyses 26 18 MISANALYSIS, a wrong...
misanalysis 27 18 a wrong analysis [n...
misandrists 21 16 MISANDRIST, a hater...
misanthrope 23 20 one who hates or dis...
misanthropy 30 22 a hatred or distrust...
misapplying 33 26 MISAPPLY, to apply w...
misarranged 20 18 MISARRANGE, to arran...
misarranges 20 17 MISARRANGE, to arran...
misassaying 27 19 MISASSAY, to attempt...
misassemble 24 21 to assemble wrongly...
misassigned 21 18 MISASSIGN, to assign...
misaverring 23 21 MISAVER, to speak er...
misawarding 24 21 MISAWARD, to award w...
misbalanced 25 23 MISBALANCE, to balan...
misbalances 25 22 MISBALANCE, to balan...
misbecoming 27 26 MISBECOME, (archaic)...
misbegotten 22 20 begotten by mistake,...
misbehavers 26 23 MISBEHAVER, one who...
misbehaving 27 26 MISBEHAVE, to behave...
misbehavior 26 23 bad behaviour, also...
misbelieved 25 23 MISBELIEVE, to hold...
misbeliever 25 22 one who misbelieves...
misbelieves 25 22 MISBELIEVE, to hold...
misbeseemed 22 21 MISBESEEM, (archaic)...
misbestowal 26 21 the act of misbestow...
misbestowed 25 21 MISBESTOW, to bestow...
misbiassing 24 20 MISBIAS, to bias wro...
misbranding 23 22 MISBRAND, to brand i...
misbuilding 26 23 MISBUILD, to build i...
misbuttoned 22 20 MISBUTTON, to button...
miscaptions 25 21 MISCAPTION, to capti...
miscarriage 24 19 the act of giving bi...
miscarrying 31 22 MISCARRY, to be unsu...
miscatalogs 25 20 MISCATALOG, to catal...
miscegenate 22 20 to practise miscegen...
miscegenist 24 20 a person who favours...
miscellanea 23 20 a collection of misc...
mischancing 29 26 MISCHANCE, to happen...
mischannels 25 22 MISCHANNEL, to chann...
mischanters 25 20 MISCHANTER, (Scots)...
mischarging 28 24 MISCHARGE, to charge...
mischiefing 29 25 MISCHIEF, to make mi...
mischievous 28 24 given to mischief [a...
mischmetals 28 23 MISCHMETAL, an alloy...
mischoosing 26 22 MISCHOOSE, to choose...
miscibility 35 23 the quality of being...
miscitation 23 18 the act of misciting...
misclaiming 27 24 MISCLAIM, to claim w...
misclassify 34 23 to classify wrongly...
misclassing 26 21 MISCLASS, to put in...
miscoloring 25 21 MISCOLOR, to color i...
miscoloured 24 20 MISCOLOUR, to give a...
miscomputed 27 25 MISCOMPUTE, to compu...
miscomputes 27 24 MISCOMPUTE, to compu...
misconceits 26 21 MISCONCEIT, to have...
misconceive 27 25 to conceive wrongly...
misconducts 27 23 MISCONDUCT [n]
misconnects 25 22 MISCONNECT, to conne...
misconsters 23 18 MISCONSTER, (obsolet...
misconstrue 23 19 to construe wrongly,...
miscontents 22 19 MISCONTENT [n]
miscorrects 27 20 MISCORRECT, to fail...
miscounsels 24 20 MISCOUNSEL, to couns...
miscounting 24 22 MISCOUNT, to count i...
miscreances 25 21 MISCREANCE, (Spenser...
miscreating 24 20 MISCREATE, to create...
miscreation 22 18 wrong creation [n -S...
miscreative 25 21 that creates imperfe...
miscreators 23 17 MISCREATOR, one who...
miscreaunce 25 22 (Spenser) false reli...
miscredited 24 19 MISCREDIT, (archaic)...
misdeemings 22 21 MISDEEMING [n]
misdefining 23 22 MISDEFINE, to define...
misdemeaned 19 20 MISDEMEAN, to behave...
misdemeanor 19 19 (US) a crime less se...
misdescribe 26 21 to describe wrongly...
misdevelops 25 23 MISDEVELOP, to devel...
misdevotion 21 20 a wrong devotion [n...
misdiagnose 20 18 to diagnose wrongly...
misdialling 24 20 MISDIAL, to dial inc...
misdighting 26 22 MISDIGHT, (Spenser)...
misdirected 24 19 MISDIRECT, to point...
misdividing 25 23 MISDIVIDE, to divide...
misdivision 23 20 a wrong division [n...
misdoubtful 27 24 (Spenser) suspicious...
misdoubting 24 22 MISDOUBT, to be susp...
misdrawings 25 21 MISDRAWING, the act...
misdreading 21 19 MISDREAD, (Shakespea...
miseducated 23 20 MISEDUCATE, to educa...
miseducates 23 19 MISEDUCATE, to educa...
misemphases 25 22 MISEMPHASIS, a wrong...
misemphasis 26 22 a wrong emphasis [n...
misemployed 30 24 MISEMPLOY, to employ...
misenrolled 21 18 MISENROL, to enrol i...
misentering 20 18 MISENTER, to enter e...
misentreats 19 15 MISENTREAT, (obsolet...
miserablism 25 21 the quality of seemi...
miserablist 24 18 a person who appears...
misericorde 23 18 a bracket on a turn-...
misericords 24 18 MISERICORD, a bracke...
miserliness 21 16 the state of being m...
misesteemed 20 18 MISESTEEM, to lack e...
misestimate 21 17 to estimate wrongly...
misevaluate 22 20 to evaluate wrongly...
misfeasance 23 21 the doing of a lawfu...
misfeatured 22 19 ugly, ill-favoured [...
misfeatures 22 18 MISFEATURE, a bad or...
misfeigning 24 23 MISFEIGN, (Spenser)...
misfielding 25 22 MISFIELD, to field b...
misfocusing 27 24 MISFOCUS, to focus b...
misfocussed 26 22 MISFOCUS, to focus b...
misfocusses 26 21 MISFOCUS, to focus b...
misfortuned 22 20 (archaic) unfortunat...
misfortunes 22 19 MISFORTUNE, an event...
misfunction 25 23 to function wrongly...
misgoverned 22 22 MISGOVERN, to govern...
misgovernor 22 21 one who misgoverns [...
misgrafting 25 22 MISGRAFT, to graft w...
misguessing 23 20 MISGUESS, to guess w...
misguggling 27 25 MISGUGGLE, (Scots) t...
misguidance 24 22 wrong guidance [n -S...
misguidedly 30 22 MISGUIDED [adv]
mishallowed 27 22 (archaic) consecrate...
mishandling 24 22 e act of handling wr...
mishappened 25 24 MISHAPPEN, (Spenser)...
mishegaasen 21 19 MISHEGAAS, (Yiddish)...
mishguggled 28 25 MISHGUGGLE, (Scots)...
mishguggles 28 24 MISHGUGGLE, (Scots)...
misidentify 29 21 to identify wrongly...
misimproved 26 25 MISIMPROVE, to make...
misimproves 26 24 MISIMPROVE, to make...
misinferred 22 19 MISINFER, to infer w...
misinformed 23 22 MISINFORM, to inform...
misinformer 23 21 one who misinforms,...
misinstruct 25 19 to instruct wrongly...
misintended 19 18 MISINTEND, (obsolete...
misinterred 20 16 MISINTER, to inter i...
misjoinders 22 25 MISJOINDER, an incor...
misjudgment 25 31 an erroneous judgmen...
mislabeling 25 22 MISLABEL, to label i...
mislabelled 25 21 MISLABEL, to label i...
mislaboring 24 21 MISLABOR, to labor b...
mislaboured 23 20 MISLABOUR, to labour...
mislearning 21 19 MISLEARN, to learn w...
mislighting 27 22 MISLIGHT, to lead as...
mislippened 25 23 MISLIPPEN, (Scots) t...
mislocating 25 21 MISLOCATE, to locate...
mislocation 23 19 the act of mislocati...
mismanagers 21 20 MISMANAGER, one who...
mismanaging 22 23 MISMANAGE, to manage...
mismarriage 22 19 an unsuitable marria...
mismarrying 29 22 MISMARRY, to marry u...
mismatching 28 25 MISMATCH, to match b...
mismeasured 21 19 MISMEASURE, to measu...
mismeasures 21 18 MISMEASURE, to measu...
misnomering 21 21 MISNOMER, to use a m...
misnumbered 23 23 MISNUMBER, to number...
misobserved 24 22 MISOBSERVE, to obser...
misobserves 24 21 MISOBSERVE, to obser...
misogamists 23 19 MISOGAMIST, one who...
misogynists 28 19 MISOGYNIST, one who...
misologists 23 17 MISOLOGIST, a hater...
misoneistic 23 18 relating to misoneis...
misordering 21 18 MISORDER, to order i...
misoriented 19 16 MISORIENT, to orient...
mispackaged 27 27 MISPACKAGE, to packa...
mispackages 27 26 MISPACKAGE, to packa...
mispainting 23 21 MISPAINT, to paint w...
mispatching 29 25 MISPATCH, to patch b...
misperceive 27 24 to perceive wrongly...
mispersuade 22 19 to persuade wrongly...
misphrasing 26 22 MISPHRASE, to phrase...
misplanning 23 23 MISPLAN, to plan bad...
misplanting 24 22 MISPLANT, to plant w...
mispleading 24 22 an error in pleading...
mispleasing 24 21 MISPLEASE, (obsolete...
mispointing 23 21 MISPOINT, to point i...
misposition 22 18 to position wrongly...
mispraising 24 20 MISPRAISE, to praise...
misprinting 24 21 MISPRINT, to print i...
misprisions 23 18 MISPRISION, a wrongf...
misprograms 25 22 MISPROGRAM, to progr...
misreadings 21 18 MISREADING, an incor...
misreckoned 23 23 MISRECKON, to reckon...
misrecorded 23 19 MISRECORD, to record...
misreferred 22 18 MISREFER, to refer i...
misregarded 21 18 MISREGARD, (Spenser)...
misregister 22 16 to register wrongly...
misrelating 22 18 MISRELATE, to relate...
misrelation 20 16 the act of misrelati...
misremember 24 23 to remember wrongly...
misrendered 19 17 MISRENDER, to render...
misreported 22 18 MISREPORT, to report...
misreporter 22 17 MISREPORT, to report...
misrouteing 21 18 MISROUTE, to route i...
misseemings 22 20 MISSEEMING, (Spenser...
missellings 24 19 MISSELLING, the act...
misshapenly 31 23 MISSHAPEN [adv]
missheathed 24 19 (Shakespeare) wrongl...
missileries 22 15 MISSILERY, missiles...
missionised 20 16 MISSIONISE, to do mi...
missioniser 20 15 one who does mission...
missionises 20 15 MISSIONISE, to do mi...
missionized 23 25 MISSIONIZE, to do mi...
missionizer 23 24 one who does mission...
missionizes 23 24 MISSIONIZE, to do mi...
missishness 23 17 the state of being m...
missounding 21 20 MISSOUND, to sound w...
misspeaking 24 24 MISSPEAK, to speak i...
misspelling 26 22 a wrong spelling [n...
misspenders 22 19 MISSPENDER, one who...
misspending 23 22 MISSPEND, to spend u...
misstamping 25 23 MISSTAMP, to stamp w...
misstarting 22 17 MISSTART, to start o...
missteering 21 17 MISSTEER, to steer w...
misstepping 26 23 MISSTEP, to make a w...
misstopping 26 23 MISSTOP, to stop wro...
misstricken 25 22 MISSTRIKE, to strike...
misstriking 24 21 MISSTRIKE, to strike...
mistakeable 23 22 liable to be mistake...
mistakeably 30 24 MISTAKEABLE, liable...
misteaching 26 22 MISTEACH, to teach w...
mistempered 23 21 MISTEMPER, (obsolete...
misthinking 25 24 MISTHINK, to think w...
misthoughts 27 21 MISTHOUGHT, a wrong...
misthrowing 27 22 MISTHROW, to throw e...
mistigrises 23 16 MISTIGRIS, (French)...
mistinesses 20 15 MISTINESS, the state...
mistouching 27 23 MISTOUCH, to touch i...
mistraining 21 18 MISTRAIN, to train i...
mistreading 21 18 (Shakespeare) a fals...
mistreating 21 17 MISTREAT, to treat b...
mistressing 22 17 MISTRESS, to make a...
mistrusters 22 15 MISTRUSTER, one who...
mistrustful 26 20 not trusting [adj MI...
mistrusting 23 18 MISTRUST, to have no...
mistrysting 29 19 MISTRYST, to fail to...
mistutoring 22 18 MISTUTOR, to instruc...
misventures 22 20 MISVENTURE, a misadv...
miswordings 25 21 MISWORDING, a wrong...
misworships 29 22 MISWORSHIP [n]
mithradatic 26 20 antidotal, also MITH...
mithridates 23 17 MITHRIDATE, an antid...
mithridatic 27 20 antidotal, also MITH...
mitigations 21 17 MITIGATION, the act...
mitigatives 24 20 MITIGATIVE, a mitiga...
mitogenetic 23 20 relating to mitogens...
mitotically 32 21 MITOTIC, relating to...
mitrailleur 23 17 (French) a machine-g...
mixednesses 25 23 MIXEDNESS, the state...
mixologists 29 24 MIXOLOGIST, a studen...
mixotrophic 34 29 combining different...
mizzenmasts 27 36 MIZZENMAST, the mast...
mobcastings 26 23 MOBCASTING, the act...
mobilisable 26 22 that can be mobilise...
mobilizable 29 31 that can be mobilize...
mobocracies 27 23 MOBOCRACY, governmen...
mochinesses 24 20 MOCHINESS, (Scots) m...
mockingbird 28 28 any of various long-...
moderations 18 16 MODERATION, being mo...
moderatisms 21 18 MODERATISM, moderati...
modernisers 19 16 MODERNISER, one who...
modernising 20 19 MODERNISE, to make m...
modernistic 23 19 relating to modernis...
modernities 19 16 MODERNITY, the quali...
modernizers 22 25 MODERNIZER, one who...
modernizing 23 28 MODERNIZE, to make m...
modularised 21 18 containing or consis...
modularized 24 27 containing or consis...
modulations 20 18 MODULATION, an infle...
moistifying 30 22 MOISTIFY, to make mo...
moistnesses 19 15 MOISTNESS, the state...
moisturised 21 16 MOISTURISE, to add m...
moisturiser 21 15 an agent for moistur...
moisturises 21 15 MOISTURISE, to add m...
moisturized 24 25 MOISTURIZE, to add m...
moisturizer 24 24 an agent for moistur...
moisturizes 24 24 MOISTURIZE, to add m...
moldability 31 22 the quality of being...
moldinesses 20 17 MOLDINESS, the state...
molecatcher 28 23 a person whose busin...
molecularly 32 23 MOLECULAR, relating...
molendinars 19 18 MOLENDINAR, a molar...
molendinary 25 20 belonging to a mill...
molestation 19 16 the act of molesting...
mollifiable 27 23 that can be mollifie...
molluscoids 26 21 MOLLUSCOID, a member...
mollycoddle 32 24 an effeminate man [n...
molochising 27 23 MOLOCHISE, to sacrif...
molochizing 30 32 MOLOCHIZE, to sacrif...
molybdenite 28 22 a sulphide of molybd...
molybdenous 28 23 containing molybdenu...
molybdenums 30 26 MOLYBDENUM, a rare e...
momentarily 27 21 MOMENTARY, lasting f...
momentously 27 22 MOMENTOUS, of great...
mompreneurs 22 22 MOMPRENEUR, a woman...
monadically 30 23 MONADICAL, of, perta...
monarchally 32 24 MONARCHAL, pertainin...
monarchical 28 24 relating to monarchy...
monarchised 24 21 MONARCHISE, to play...
monarchises 24 20 MONARCHISE, to play...
monarchisms 26 23 MONARCHISM, monarchi...
monarchists 25 20 MONARCHIST, a suppor...
monarchized 27 30 MONARCHIZE, to play...
monarchizes 27 29 MONARCHIZE, to play...
monasterial 19 16 relating to monaster...
monasteries 18 15 MONASTERY, the resid...
monasticism 24 21 the monastic system...
monchiquite 33 30 a fine-grained rock...
mondegreens 18 19 MONDEGREEN, a phrase...
moneciously 29 22 MONECIOUS, having se...
monetarisms 20 18 MONETARISM, an econo...
monetarists 19 15 MONETARIST, an advoc...
moneylender 24 20 one whose business i...
moneymakers 26 24 MONEYMAKER, a profit...
moneymaking 27 27 the business of maki...
mongrelised 21 19 MONGRELISE, to make...
mongreliser 21 18 one who mongrelises,...
mongrelises 21 18 MONGRELISE, to make...
mongrelisms 23 21 MONGRELISM, the stat...
mongrelized 24 28 MONGRELIZE, to make...
mongrelizer 24 27 one who mongrelizes,...
mongrelizes 24 27 MONGRELIZE, to make...
monitorings 20 18 MONITORING, the act...
monitorship 24 20 the office of monito...
monitresses 19 15 MONITRESS, a female...
monkeygland 27 26 as in monkeygland ex...
monkeypoxes 33 31 MONKEYPOX, a rare vi...
monkeyshine 27 24 a monkeyish trick [n...
monkishness 22 22 the state of being m...
monoblepses 23 22 MONOBLEPSIS, a condi...
monoblepsis 24 22 a condition in which...
monocardian 20 20 a creature that has...
monocarpous 23 22 having only one ovar...
monoceroses 20 18 MONOCEROS, a one-hor...
monochasial 24 21 of or like a monocha...
monochasium 25 24 a cyme with a single...
monochroics 27 23 MONOCHROIC, somethin...
monochromat 24 23 a person who sees al...
monochromes 24 23 MONOCHROME, a painti...
monochromic 28 26 of one colour only,...
monoclinals 23 21 MONOCLINAL, a monocl...
monoclinism 24 23 the state of being m...
monoclinous 22 21 having pistils and s...
monoclonals 22 21 MONOCLONAL, a monocl...
monocracies 24 21 MONOCRACY, rulership...
monocropped 25 25 MONOCROP, to plant t...
monocrystal 29 21 a single crystal [n...
monocularly 30 23 MONOCULAR, for use w...
monoculture 23 21 growing of one agric...
monodelphic 27 25 relating to the Mono...
monodically 30 23 MONODICAL, of or lik...
monogamists 21 20 MONOGAMIST, one who...
monogastric 23 20 having a stomach wit...
monogeneans 16 19 MONOGENEAN, a monoge...
monogeneses 17 18 MONOGENESIS, the dev...
monogenesis 18 18 the development of a...
monogenetic 21 21 of e.g. rocks, havin...
monogenisms 20 21 MONOGENISM, the doct...
monogenists 19 18 MONOGENIST, a believ...
monograming 21 23 MONOGRAM, to mark wi...
monogrammed 21 24 MONOGRAM, to mark wi...
monogrammer 21 23 one who designs mono...
monographed 23 23 MONOGRAPH, to write...
monographer 23 22 one who writes monog...
monographic 27 25 of or like a monogra...
monogynists 26 20 MONOGYNIST, one who...
monohybrids 30 23 MONOHYBRID, a cross...
monohydrate 26 20 a hydrate containing...
monohydroxy 39 29 containing one hydro...
monoicously 29 22 MONOICOUS, having se...
monolatries 19 16 MONOLATRY, worship o...
monolatrist 20 16 one who worships one...
monolatrous 19 17 worshipping one god...
monolingual 21 21 one who speaks one l...
monologging 22 23 MONOLOG, to give a m...
monological 24 22 relating to a monolo...
monologised 20 19 MONOLOGISE, to engag...
monologises 20 18 MONOLOGISE, to engag...
monologists 21 18 MONOLOGIST, one who...
monologized 23 28 MONOLOGIZE, to engag...
monologizes 23 27 MONOLOGIZE, to engag...
monologuing 21 22 MONOLOGUE, to perfor...
monologuise 20 19 to engage in a monol...
monologuist 21 19 one who gives monolo...
monologuize 23 28 to engage in a monol...
monomachias 24 23 MONOMACHIA, single c...
monomachies 24 23 MONOMACHY, single co...
monomaniacs 21 22 MONOMANIAC, someone...
monomorphic 27 26 having or existing i...
monomyarian 24 21 a kind of bivalve mo...
mononuclear 21 21 having only one nucl...
monophagies 23 22 MONOPHAGY, the eatin...
monophagous 23 23 feeding on only one...
monophobias 24 23 MONOPHOBIA, an irrat...
monophobics 28 26 MONOPHOBIC, one suff...
monophonies 21 21 MONOPHONY, a composi...
monophthong 25 25 two written vowels r...
monophylies 30 23 MONOPHYLY, the state...
monophysite 29 22 one believing that C...
monopitches 26 23 MONOPITCH, a monoton...
monoplegias 22 21 MONOPLEGIA, paralysi...
monoplegics 26 24 MONOPLEGIC, one suff...
monopolised 21 20 MONOPOLISE, to get a...
monopoliser 21 19 one who monopolises,...
monopolises 21 19 MONOPOLISE, to get a...
monopolisms 23 22 MONOPOLISM, the prac...
monopolists 22 19 MONOPOLIST, a person...
monopolized 24 29 MONOPOLIZE, to get a...
monopolizer 24 28 one who monopolizes,...
monopolizes 24 28 MONOPOLIZE, to get a...
monopsonies 19 19 MONOPSONY, a market...
monopsonist 20 19 a participant in a m...
monorchisms 26 23 MONORCHISM, the stat...
monoskiings 21 22 MONOSKIING, the spor...
monospermal 22 22 producing only one s...
monostelies 19 16 MONOSTELY, a single...
monostichic 28 23 like a monostich, a...
monostomous 19 19 having only one mout...
monostrophe 22 20 a poem in which all...
monostylous 26 19 having only one styl...
monotasking 20 22 the act of performin...
monoterpene 18 19 any of a class of te...
monothecous 23 21 having only one thec...
monotheisms 22 20 MONOTHEISM, belief i...
monotheists 21 17 MONOTHEIST, one who...
monothelete 20 18 a believer in Monoth...
monothelism 23 21 the doctrine that Ch...
monothelite 21 18 a believer in monoth...
monotherapy 28 22 a medical treatment...
monotonised 17 17 MONOTONISE, to make...
monotonises 17 16 MONOTONISE, to make...
monotonized 20 26 MONOTONIZE, to make...
monotonizes 20 25 MONOTONIZE, to make...
monotrichic 28 23 of bacteria, having...
monovalence 22 24 the state of being m...
monovalency 29 26 the state of being m...
monozygotic 32 31 developed from one z...
monseigneur 19 19 (French) a French ti...
monsterings 20 18 MONSTERING, the act...
monstrances 21 19 MONSTRANCE, an eccle...
monstrosity 26 17 a malformation of a...
monstrously 27 19 MONSTROUS, huge, lik...
montagnards 19 19 MONTAGNARD, one of a...
montbretias 21 18 MONTBRETIA, a widely...
montelimars 21 19 MONTELIMAR, a kind o...
montgolfier 23 21 (French) a balloon u...
monticolous 23 20 mountain-dwelling [a...
monticulate 23 20 having small project...
monticulous 24 21 having small project...
monumenting 20 23 MONUMENT, to mark wi...
moodinesses 18 16 MOODINESS, the state...
moonflowers 24 22 MOONFLOWER, a tropic...
mooninesses 17 16 MOONINESS, the state...
moonlighted 23 21 MOONLIGHT, to take a...
moonlighter 23 20 one who takes an add...
moonrakings 20 22 MOONRAKING, the foll...
moonshiners 20 18 MOONSHINER, a person...
moonshinier 20 18 MOONSHINY, full of m...
moonshining 21 21 the making of illici...
moonstrikes 20 19 MOONSTRIKE, the act...
moonwalkers 23 23 MOONWALKER, one who...
moonwalking 24 26 MOONWALK, to perform...
moorbuzzard 28 37 the marsh harrier [n...
moratoriums 21 18 MORATORIUM, a legal...
morbidezzas 28 36 MORBIDEZZA, (Italian...
morbidities 23 18 MORBIDITY, the condi...
morbiferous 24 21 disease-bringing [ad...
mordacities 23 18 MORDACITY, the quali...
morgenstern 19 18 a club with a spike-...
moribundity 29 22 the state of being m...
morigerated 20 17 MORIGERATE, to confo...
morigerates 20 16 MORIGERATE, to confo...
moronically 30 22 MORONIC, like a moro...
morphactins 27 23 MORPHACTIN, a synthe...
morphinisms 26 23 MORPHINISM, a morbid...
morphogenic 27 25 relating to morphoge...
morpholines 24 21 MORPHOLINE, a colour...
morpholinos 24 21 MORPHOLINO, a type o...
morphologic 29 25 relating to morpholo...
morphometry 31 24 measurement of form...
morphotropy 32 24 the effect on crysta...
morsellings 23 19 MORSELLING, the act...
mortadellas 21 17 MORTADELLA, Italian...
mortalising 22 18 MORTALISE, to make m...
mortalities 21 15 MORTALITY, the state...
mortalizing 25 27 MORTALIZE, to make m...
mortarboard 21 18 a square-topped coll...
mortiferous 22 18 death-bringing; fata...
mortifyings 30 22 MORTIFYING, the act...
morulations 20 17 MORULATION, the proc...
mosaickings 25 24 MOSAICKING, work in...
mossbluiter 24 19 (Scots) the bittern...
mossbunkers 23 23 MOSSBUNKER, (Dutch)...
mossinesses 19 15 MOSSINESS, the state...
mosstrooper 21 17 (historical) a 17th...
mothballing 27 24 MOTHBALL, to put int...
motherboard 23 20 the board containing...
mothercraft 27 22 the craft of being a...
motherhoods 23 19 MOTHERHOOD, the stat...
motherhouse 23 19 the convent in which...
motherlands 22 19 MOTHERLAND, a countr...
motherworts 25 19 MOTHERWORT, a labiat...
mothproofed 25 23 MOTHPROOF, to proof...
mothproofer 25 22 a substance that kee...
motivations 21 19 MOTIVATION, the act...
motocrosses 22 17 MOTOCROSS, a form of...
motoneurons 17 17 MOTONEURON, a neuron...
motorbiking 24 24 MOTORBIKE, to travel...
motorboated 20 18 MOTORBOAT, to travel...
motorboater 20 17 one who drives a mot...
motorbusses 22 18 MOTORBUS, a bus driv...
motorcading 23 21 MOTORCADE, to travel...
motorcycled 33 24 MOTORCYCLE, to ride...
motorcycles 33 23 MOTORCYCLE, to ride...
motorically 31 21 MOTORIC, pertaining...
motormouths 23 20 MOTORMOUTH, (US slan...
motortrucks 25 22 MOTORTRUCK, a truck...
moudiewarts 23 19 MOUDIEWART, (dialect...
moudieworts 23 19 MOUDIEWORT, (dialect...
mouldboards 23 21 MOULDBOARD, a curved...
mouldywarps 33 25 MOULDYWARP, (dialect...
mountaineer 17 17 one who climbs mount...
mountainous 18 18 having mountains [ad...
mountaintop 20 20 the summit of a moun...
mountebanks 21 24 MOUNTEBANK, a person...
mountenance 19 21 (Spenser) amount; di...
mournfuller 24 22 MOURNFUL, sad, griev...
mousepieces 24 21 MOUSEPIECE, (dialect...
mousinesses 19 16 MOUSINESS, the state...
mousselines 20 17 MOUSSELINE, (French)...
moustachial 26 21 related to a moustac...
moustachios 25 20 MOUSTACHIO, (Spanish...
mouthpieces 27 23 MOUTHPIECE, somethin...
mouthwashes 27 22 MOUTHWASH, an antise...
movableness 23 23 the state of being m...
moveability 31 24 the ability to be mo...
moviegoings 23 23 MOVIEGOING, attendan...
moviemakers 23 25 MOVIEMAKER, one who...
moviemaking 24 28 the act of making mo...
mowburnings 26 25 MOWBURNING, the ferm...
mowdiewarts 26 21 MOWDIEWART, (dialect...
mowdieworts 26 21 MOWDIEWORT, (dialect...
moxibustion 28 26 cauterization by use...
mozzarellas 27 34 MOZZARELLA, (Italian...
mucidnesses 23 20 MUCIDNESS, the state...
muckamucked 30 34 MUCKAMUCK, to consum...
muckinesses 24 23 MUCKINESS, the quali...
muckrakings 27 29 MUCKRAKING, the expo...
muckspreads 27 26 MUCKSPREAD, to sprea...
mucopeptide 27 25 another name for pep...
mucoprotein 24 22 any of various compl...
mucronation 21 20 the state of being m...
mudcappings 29 28 MUDCAPPING, the act...
muddinesses 20 18 MUDDINESS, the state...
muddledness 21 20 the state of being m...
muddleheads 23 21 MUDDLEHEAD, a muddle...
muddlements 22 22 MUDDLEMENT, the stat...
mudloggings 25 24 MUDLOGGING, looking...
mudskippers 27 26 MUDSKIPPER, a fish o...
mudslingers 23 20 MUDSLINGER, one who...
mudslinging 24 23 vilification of char...
mugginesses 22 20 MUGGINESS, the quali...
mugwumpisms 31 30 MUGWUMPISM, being a...
mukhabarats 25 24 MUKHABARAT, (in Midd...
mulatresses 21 16 MULATRESS, a woman o...
multangular 23 21 having many angles,...
multanimous 22 21 having a many-sided...
multiaccess 28 22 (relating to) a comp...
multiagency 31 24 related to many agen...
multiauthor 24 19 having many authors...
multibarrel 25 20 a gun with many barr...
multibladed 25 22 having many blades [...
multicampus 29 26 having many campuses...
multicarbon 26 23 containing more than...
multicausal 26 21 relating to more tha...
multicelled 27 22 MULTICELL [v]
multicenter 24 20 involving more than...
multicentre 24 20 comprising or involv...
multiclient 26 21 having many clients...
multicoated 24 20 having many coats [a...
multicolors 26 20 MULTICOLOR, diversit...
multicolour 26 21 diversity or plurali...
multicolumn 27 25 having many columns...
multicopies 27 22 MULTICOPY, any of se...
multicounty 31 23 related to many coun...
multicourse 25 20 having many courses...
multicultis 28 21 MULTICULTI, (short f...
multicuspid 29 24 having more than two...
multicycles 36 25 MULTICYCLE, (obsolet...
multidomain 22 21 having many domains...
multiengine 21 20 having many engines,...
multienzyme 31 31 composed of or invol...
multiethnic 27 22 belonging to more th...
multifactor 27 22 having many factors...
multifamily 33 25 a building designed...
multifidous 25 21 having many division...
multifloras 25 20 MULTIFLORA, a type o...
multifocals 28 23 multifocal spectacle...
multigrades 23 19 MULTIGRADE, a brand...
multiheaded 23 20 having many heads [a...
multijugate 25 28 consisting of many p...
multijugous 26 29 consisting of many p...
multilayers 29 19 MULTILAYER, any stru...
multilineal 23 19 having many lines, a...
multilinear 22 18 having many lines, a...
multilobate 24 20 having many lobes [a...
multimanned 21 22 of a spacecraft, spa...
multimedias 23 20 MULTIMEDIA, a techni...
multimember 26 25 having many members...
multimeters 23 19 MULTIMETER, an instr...
multination 20 18 related to many nati...
multinomial 23 21 a mathematical expre...
multiparity 31 21 the state of being a...
multiparous 24 20 having given birth t...
multiphasic 30 24 having many phases [...
multiphoton 25 22 having many photons...
multipiston 24 20 having many pistons...
multiplanes 24 21 MULTIPLANE, an aerop...
multiplayer 31 22 having many players...
multiplexed 31 28 MULTIPLEX, to incorp...
multiplexer 31 27 a device enabling a...
multiplexes 31 27 MULTIPLEX, to incorp...
multiplexor 31 27 a device enabling a...
multipliers 26 20 MULTIPLIER, one who...
multiplying 33 25 MULTIPLY, to increas...
multipotent 23 20 (Shakespeare) having...
multiracial 26 20 made up of various r...
multiroomed 22 20 having many rooms [a...
multiscreen 24 20 a cinema with severa...
multiserial 23 17 arranged in many row...
multiskills 27 22 MULTISKILL, to train...
multisonant 20 18 producing many or ve...
multisource 25 20 having many sources...
multispiral 26 20 having many coils [a...
multistorey 28 18 having many stories...
multistrike 24 20 an ink ribbon for us...
multisystem 30 21 related to more than...
multitasked 23 21 MULTITASK, to work a...
multitiered 22 17 having more than one...
multivalent 24 22 having multiple vale...
multiverses 24 20 MULTIVERSE, the sum...
multivocals 28 24 MULTIVOCAL, a word w...
multivolume 26 25 comprising more than...
multiwindow 28 24 having many windows...
mumblements 25 26 MUMBLEMENT, (Carlyle...
mumbletypeg 34 29 a game of throwing k...
mumpishness 26 24 the state of being m...
mumpreneurs 23 23 MUMPRENEUR, a woman...
mumpsimuses 26 25 MUMPSIMUS, an errone...
mumsinesses 21 19 MUMSINESS, the state...
mundaneness 17 19 the state of being m...
mundanities 19 18 MUNDANITY, worldline...
mundunguses 21 22 MUNDUNGUS, (archaic)...
municipally 34 26 MUNICIPAL, relating...
munificence 27 26 magnificent liberali...
munifiences 24 23 MUNIFIENCE, (Spenser...
munitioneer 18 17 a worker engaged in...
munitioners 19 17 MUNITIONER, one who...
munitioning 20 20 MUNITION, to furnish...
murderballs 25 21 MURDERBALL, a form o...
murderesses 20 16 MURDERESS, a female...
murderously 28 20 MURDEROUS, inclined...
murkinesses 21 20 MURKINESS, the state...
murmuration 21 20 murmuring [n -S]
murmuringly 31 25 MURMURING [adv]
murmurously 30 23 MURMUROUS, full of m...
muscadelles 25 21 MUSCADELLE, a rich s...
muscardines 23 20 MUSCARDINE, (French)...
muscatorium 25 22 (Latin) a flabellum,...
muscologies 25 21 MUSCOLOGY, the study...
muscularity 32 22 the state of being m...
musculation 24 21 muscular action; mus...
musculature 25 21 the muscles of all o...
museologies 21 18 MUSEOLOGY, the study...
museologist 22 18 a student of museolo...
mushinesses 22 18 MUSHINESS, the state...
mushroomers 23 20 MUSHROOMER, somethin...
mushrooming 24 23 rapid growth [n -S]
musicalised 25 20 MUSICALISE, to make...
musicalises 25 19 MUSICALISE, to make...
musicalized 28 29 MUSICALIZE, to make...
musicalizes 28 28 MUSICALIZE, to make...
musicalness 24 20 the state of being m...
musicianers 23 19 MUSICIANER, (dialect...
muskellunge 24 25 a North American fre...
muskinesses 21 20 MUSKINESS, the state...
musquetoons 27 26 MUSQUETOON, a short...
mussinesses 20 16 MUSSINESS, mess, con...
mussitating 22 18 MUSSITATE, (obsolete...
mussitation 20 16 muttering to oneself...
mustachioed 25 21 MUSTACHIO [v]
mustinesses 20 16 MUSTINESS, the state...
mutableness 22 20 the state of being m...
mutageneses 19 18 MUTAGENESIS, the ori...
mutagenesis 20 18 the origin or induct...
mutagenised 20 19 MUTAGENISE, to treat...
mutagenises 20 18 MUTAGENISE, to treat...
mutagenized 23 28 MUTAGENIZE, to treat...
mutagenizes 23 27 MUTAGENIZE, to treat...
mutationist 20 16 a believer in evolut...
mutessarifs 23 18 MUTESSARIF, (Turkish...
mutilations 21 17 MUTILATION, the act...
mutineering 20 19 MUTINEER, to revolt...
mutteration 19 16 (Richardson) complai...
mutteringly 29 21 MUTTERING, making a...
muttonbirds 23 20 MUTTONBIRD, an Austr...
muttonchops 27 24 (US) side whiskers t...
muttonheads 21 19 MUTTONHEAD, a heavy,...
mutualising 23 20 MUTUALISE, to organi...
mutualistic 26 20 relating to mutualis...
mutualities 22 17 MUTUALITY, the state...
mutualizing 26 29 MUTUALIZE, to organi...
muzzinesses 26 34 MUZZINESS, the state...
myasthenias 27 19 MYASTHENIA, muscular...
myasthenics 31 22 MYASTHENIC, one suff...
mycetozoans 30 29 MYCETOZOAN, slime mo...
mycodomatia 29 23 MYCODOMATIUM, a fung...
mycological 35 26 of or relating to my...
mycologists 32 22 MYCOLOGIST, one who...
mycophagies 34 26 MYCOPHAGY, the eatin...
mycophagist 35 26 an eater of mushroom...
mycophagous 34 27 eating fungus [adj]
mycoplasmal 34 27 relating to mycoplas...
mycoplasmas 33 26 MYCOPLASMA, a member...
mycorrhizae 34 30 MYCORRHIZA, a fungus...
mycorrhizal 36 31 of or like a mycorhi...
mycorrhizas 35 30 MYCORRHIZA, a fungus...
mycotrophic 37 27 of a plant, living i...
mycoviruses 32 24 MYCOVIRUS, a virus a...
myeloblasts 30 21 MYELOBLAST, an immat...
myelogenous 26 21 of, relating to, ori...
myelography 38 26 the taking of myelog...
myelomatoid 27 21 in the form of a mye...
myelomatous 27 21 relating to a myelom...
myelopathic 34 25 relating to myelopat...
myiophilies 32 22 MYIOPHILY, pollinati...
myiophilous 32 23 pollinated by flies,...
mylonitised 27 19 MYLONITISE, to turn...
mylonitises 27 18 MYLONITISE, to turn...
mylonitized 30 28 MYLONITIZE, to turn...
mylonitizes 30 27 MYLONITIZE, to turn...
myocarditis 30 20 inflammation of the...
myoclonuses 29 22 MYOCLONUS, muscle sp...
myoelectric 33 23 of, relating to, or...
myofilament 29 24 one of the individua...
myographies 31 23 MYOGRAPHY, the recor...
myographist 32 23 one who operates a m...
myoinositol 26 18 a biologically activ...
myriadfolds 30 22 MYRIADFOLD, a myriad...
myriapodous 28 21 like a myriapod [adj...
myringotomy 34 24 surgical removal of...
myrioscopes 31 22 MYRIOSCOPE, a form o...
myrmecology 38 27 the scientific study...
myrmidonian 26 22 like a myrmidon [adj...
mysophobias 32 24 MYSOPHOBIA, an irrat...
mystagogies 28 20 MYSTAGOGY, the doctr...
mystagogues 28 21 MYSTAGOGUE, one who...
mythicisers 33 21 MYTHICISER, one who...
mythicising 34 24 MYTHICISE, to make m...
mythicizers 36 30 MYTHICIZER, one who...
mythicizing 37 33 MYTHICIZE, to make m...
mythmakings 32 28 MYTHMAKING, the maki...
mythography 40 27 the descriptive stud...
mythologers 30 21 MYTHOLOGER, a mythol...
mythologian 29 22 a mythologist [n -S]
mythologies 30 21 MYTHOLOGY, a body of...
mythologise 30 21 to make mythical, al...
mythologist 31 21 a student of mytholo...
mythologize 33 30 to make mythical, al...
mythomaniac 31 25 a sufferer from myth...
mythomanias 28 22 MYTHOMANIA, an exces...
mythopoeias 29 21 MYTHOPOEIA, the maki...
mythopoeism 31 24 the making of myths...
mythopoeist 30 21 a mythmaker [n -S]
mythopoeses 29 21 MYTHOPOESIS, the mak...
mythopoesis 30 21 the making of myths...
mythopoetic 33 24 mythmaking, also MYT...
myxomatoses 32 26 MYXOMATOSIS, a fatal...
myxomatosis 33 26 a fatal contagious d...
myxomycetes 42 31 MYXOMYCETE, slime mo...
myxoviruses 35 28 MYXOVIRUS, any of a...