11 letter words that starts with j

11 letter words that start with J

11 letter J word


Word With Friends


jabberingly 33 32 JABBERING, talking r...
jabberwocks 32 36 JABBERWOCK, nonsense...
jabberwocky 38 38 nonsense, gibberish,...
jaboticabas 27 29 JABOTICABA, a Brazil...
jackarooing 24 30 JACKAROO, to work as...
jackbooting 27 33 JACKBOOT, to behave...
jackerooing 24 30 JACKEROO, to work as...
jackhammers 29 35 JACKHAMMER, a handhe...
jackknifing 29 38 JACKKNIFE, to fold u...
jacklighted 30 33 JACKLIGHT, to fish w...
jackpotting 28 33 JACKPOT, to win a to...
jackrabbits 30 33 JACKRABBIT, a long-e...
jackrolling 28 32 JACKROLL, to roll a...
jactitation 23 24 restless tossing in...
jaculations 24 26 JACULATION, the act...
jadednesses 19 23 JADEDNESS, the state...
jaguarondis 21 25 JAGUARONDI, (Tupi) a...
jaguarundis 22 26 JAGUARUNDI, (Tupi) a...
jailbreaker 24 28 one who escapes from...
jaileresses 21 21 JAILERESS, a female...
jailoresses 21 21 JAILORESS, a female...
jamahiriyas 30 27 JAMAHIRIYA, (Arabic)...
janissaries 20 21 JANISSARY, (Turkish)...
janitorship 25 26 the office of janito...
janitresses 20 21 JANITRESS, a female...
jardinieres 20 22 JARDINIERE, (French)...
jargonelles 22 25 JARGONELLE, (French)...
jargonising 22 26 JARGONISE, to expres...
jargonistic 25 26 of or like jargon [a...
jargonizing 25 35 JARGONIZE, to expres...
jasperising 24 26 JASPERISE, to turn i...
jasperizing 27 35 JASPERIZE, to turn i...
jasperwares 25 26 JASPERWARE, goods ma...
jawbreakers 26 30 JAWBREAKER, a word h...
jawbreaking 27 33 difficult to pronoun...
jawcrushers 30 29 JAWCRUSHER, a heavy-...
jaywalkings 33 33 JAYWALKING, walking...
jazzinesses 26 39 JAZZINESS, the state...
jealoushood 22 25 (Shakespeare) jealou...
jealousness 20 23 the state of being j...
jeistiecors 24 23 JEISTIECOR, (Scots)...
jejunostomy 29 36 surgical excision of...
jellyfishes 34 29 JELLYFISH, a marine...
jellygraphs 35 31 JELLYGRAPH [n]
jemminesses 22 27 JEMMINESS, sprucenes...
jeopardised 22 25 JEOPARDISE, to expos...
jeopardises 22 24 JEOPARDISE, to expos...
jeopardized 25 34 JEOPARDIZE, to expos...
jeopardizes 25 33 JEOPARDIZE, to expos...
jeopardying 29 29 JEOPARDY [v]
jequerities 29 30 JEQUERITY, the tropi...
jequirities 30 30 JEQUIRITY, the tropi...
jerkinesses 21 25 JERKINESS, the state...
jerkinheads 23 28 JERKINHEAD, a trunca...
jerrymander 27 27 to rearrange (voting...
jettinesses 20 21 JETTINESS, the state...
jettisoning 21 24 JETTISON, to throw o...
jewelfishes 29 29 JEWELFISH, a brightl...
jewelleries 25 25 JEWELLERY, jewels in...
jickajogged 29 41 JICKAJOG, to copulat...
jigajigging 28 38 JIGAJIG, to copulate...
jigajogging 27 38 JIGAJOG, to copulate...
jiggermasts 25 27 JIGGERMAST, a small...
jimsonweeds 24 28 JIMSONWEED, the thor...
jinrickshas 28 30 JINRICKSHA, (Japanes...
jinrickshaw 31 33 (Japanese) a small,...
jinrikishas 25 27 JINRIKISHA, (Japanes...
jitteriness 21 21 the state of being j...
joblessness 23 25 the state of being j...
jockeyships 36 34 JOCKEYSHIP, the art...
jocoserious 23 24 combining serious an...
jocundities 24 26 JOCUNDITY, joyfulnes...
jogtrotting 23 25 JOGTROT, to move at...
johnnycakes 31 33 JOHNNYCAKE, a kind o...
jointedness 19 23 the state of being j...
jointnesses 19 22 JOINTNESS, the state...
jointresses 20 21 JOINTRESS, a woman w...
jollinesses 22 23 JOLLINESS, the state...
jolterheads 23 24 JOLTERHEAD, (archaic...
josephinite 24 26 a mineral found only...
jostlements 22 25 JOSTLEMENT, crowding...
journaleses 20 23 JOURNALESE, the jarg...
journalised 21 24 JOURNALISE, to write...
journaliser 21 23 one who journalises,...
journalises 21 23 JOURNALISE, to write...
journalisms 23 26 JOURNALISM, the coll...
journalists 22 23 JOURNALIST, a person...
journalized 24 33 JOURNALIZE, to enter...
journalizer 24 32 one who journalizes,...
journalizes 24 32 JOURNALIZE, to enter...
journalling 23 27 JOURNAL, to record i...
journeywork 30 31 work done by a journ...
jouysaunces 29 28 JOUYSAUNCE, (Spenser...
jovialities 24 25 JOVIALITY, the state...
jovysaunces 31 31 JOVYSAUNCE, (Spenser...
jowlinesses 24 25 JOWLINESS, the state...
joylessness 27 24 the state of being j...
jubilancies 27 29 JUBILANCY, jubilatio...
jubilarians 24 26 JUBILARIAN, one cele...
jubilations 24 26 JUBILATION, an act o...
judgemental 23 29 giving to making jud...
judgmatical 28 31 given to judgment, a...
judications 24 26 JUDICATION, judgment...
judicatures 25 26 JUDICATURE, the powe...
judiciaries 25 25 JUDICIARY, the judic...
judiciarily 33 28 JUDICIARY, having ju...
judiciously 33 29 JUDICIOUS, showing j...
juggernauts 23 27 JUGGERNAUT, (Sanskri...
jugulations 23 26 JUGULATION, the act...
juicinesses 24 25 JUICINESS, the state...
jumhouriyas 31 29 JUMHOURIYA, (Arabic)...
jumpinesses 24 28 JUMPINESS, the state...
juniorities 21 22 JUNIORITY, the state...
junketeered 20 27 JUNKETEER, to engage...
junkinesses 21 27 JUNKINESS, the quali...
juridically 34 29 JURIDICAL, relating...
justiceship 30 29 the office or dignit...
justiciable 28 28 liable to trial [adj...
justifiable 27 28 that can be justifie...
justifiably 34 30 JUSTIFIABLE, that ca...
juvenescent 24 30 becoming youthful [a...
juxtaposing 30 34 JUXTAPOSE, to place...