11 letter words that starts with s

11 letter words that start with S

11 letter S word


Word With Friends


sabbatarian 21 18 of or like a Sabbata...
sabbaticals 27 21 SABBATICAL, a period...
sabbatising 24 20 SABBATISE, to observ...
sabbatizing 27 29 SABBATIZE, to observ...
sablefishes 26 20 SABLEFISH, a large s...
sabretaches 25 19 SABRETACHE, (French)...
saburration 20 16 the application of h...
sacahuistas 24 17 SACAHUISTA, (Nahuatl...
sacahuistes 24 17 SACAHUISTE, (Nahuatl...
saccharases 26 19 SACCHARASE, an enzym...
saccharated 26 20 converted to a salt...
saccharates 26 19 SACCHARATE, a salt o...
saccharides 27 20 SACCHARIDE, a carboh...
saccharines 26 20 SACCHARINE, an artif...
saccharised 27 20 SACCHARISE, to conve...
saccharises 27 19 SACCHARISE, to conve...
saccharized 30 29 SACCHARIZE, to conve...
saccharizes 30 28 SACCHARIZE, to conve...
saccharoids 27 20 SACCHAROID, a marble...
saccharoses 26 19 SACCHAROSE, any carb...
sacculation 25 20 the state of being s...
sacculiform 30 25 shaped like a small...
sachemships 30 24 SACHEMSHIP, the offi...
sacralising 24 18 SACRALISE, to make s...
sacralities 23 15 SACRALITY, the state...
sacralizing 27 27 SACRALIZE, to make s...
sacramental 22 19 of or like a sacrame...
sacramented 21 19 SACRAMENT, to bind b...
sacrificers 28 20 SACRIFICER, one who...
sacrificial 29 21 of or like a sacrifi...
sacrificing 29 23 SACRIFICE, to offer...
sacrilegist 25 17 one who commits sacr...
sacrocostal 25 18 a muscle connecting...
sacroiliacs 26 18 SACROILIAC, the join...
saddlebacks 26 24 SADDLEBACK, a kind o...
saddlebills 25 19 SADDLEBILL, a large...
saddlebreds 22 18 SADDLEBRED, a breed...
saddlecloth 26 20 a cloth placed under...
saddlerooms 20 17 SADDLEROOM, a room w...
saddletrees 19 14 SADDLETREE, the fram...
safecracker 27 24 one that breaks open...
safeguarded 21 19 SAFEGUARD, to keep s...
safekeeping 23 24 the act of preservin...
sagaciously 30 20 SAGACIOUS, wise [adv...
sagebrushes 24 19 SAGEBRUSH, a low irr...
saginations 18 15 SAGINATION, the act...
sagittaries 20 13 SAGITTARY, a represe...
sagittiform 24 19 shaped like an arrow...
sailboarded 21 17 SAILBOARD, to use a...
sailboarder 21 16 SAILBOARD, to use a...
sailboaters 21 15 SAILBOATER, one who...
sailboating 22 18 the sport of using a...
sailmakings 23 22 SAILMAKING, the maki...
sailplaners 22 17 SAILPLANER, one who...
sailplaning 23 20 the sport of using a...
saintliness 19 14 the state of being s...
saintpaulia 21 17 a tropical African f...
salableness 21 17 the quality of being...
salaciously 30 19 SALACIOUS, indecentl...
salamanders 19 17 SALAMANDER, any of v...
salbutamols 24 20 SALBUTAMOL, a bronch...
saleability 29 18 the quality of being...
saleratuses 19 13 SALERATUS, potassium...
salesclerks 25 20 SALESCLERK, a salesp...
salesladies 20 14 SALESLADY, a woman w...
salespeople 23 19 persons employed to...
salesperson 20 16 a salesman or salesw...
salicaceous 25 19 pertaining to or lik...
salicionals 23 17 SALICIONAL, an organ...
salicornias 22 16 SALICORNIA, any plan...
salicylated 30 19 SALICYLATE, to treat...
salicylates 30 18 SALICYLATE, a salt o...
salicylisms 33 21 SALICYLISM, poisonin...
salientians 18 14 SALIENTIAN, an amphi...
salimetries 21 15 SALIMETRY, the measu...
salinometer 19 16 an instrument for me...
salinometry 26 18 the measurement of s...
salivations 21 17 SALIVATION, the act...
salmagundis 22 20 SALMAGUNDI, (French)...
salmanasers 19 16 SALMANASER, a large...
salmanazars 22 25 SALMANAZAR, a large...
salmonberry 28 21 a salmon-coloured No...
salmonellae 20 18 SALMONELLA, a genus...
salmonellas 21 18 SALMONELLA, a genus...
salpingitic 27 21 of, or of the nature...
salpingitis 24 18 inflammation of the...
salsuginous 21 17 salty; brackish; gro...
saltarellos 21 14 SALTARELLO, (Italian...
saltatorial 20 13 pertaining to leapin...
saltcellars 25 17 SALTCELLAR, a small...
saltchucker 30 25 a saltwater angler [...
saltigrades 21 15 SALTIGRADE, a kind o...
saltimbanco 25 22 (Italian) a mounteba...
saltimbocca 29 24 (Italian) an Italian...
saltinesses 19 13 SALTINESS, the state...
saltirewise 23 15 in the fashion of a...
saltishness 22 15 the quality of being...
saltshakers 23 18 SALTSHAKER, a saltce...
salubrities 23 16 SALUBRITY, the quali...
salutations 19 14 SALUTATION, an expre...
salvability 32 22 the state of being s...
salvageable 24 22 that can be salvaged...
salvational 21 18 relating to salvatio...
salvatories 21 16 SALVATORY, a reposit...
samarskites 21 18 SAMARSKITE, a black...
sameynesses 24 17 SAMEYNESS, the quali...
sanatoriums 19 16 SANATORIUM, a hospit...
sanctifiers 24 18 SANCTIFIER, one who...
sanctifying 31 23 the act of making ho...
sanctioneer 19 16 a person who advocat...
sanctioners 20 16 SANCTIONER, one who...
sanctioning 21 19 SANCTION, to authori...
sanctitudes 22 17 SANCTITUDE, holiness...
sanctuaries 21 16 SANCTUARY, a place o...
sanctuarise 21 16 to afford sanctuary...
sanctuarize 24 25 to afford sanctuary...
sandalwoods 21 18 SANDALWOOD, a compac...
sandbaggers 22 20 SANDBAGGER, an assau...
sandbagging 23 23 SANDBAG, to stun wit...
sandblasted 21 18 SANDBLAST, to clean...
sandblaster 21 17 a tool for sandblast...
sandcastles 22 17 SANDCASTLE, a castle...
sanderlings 20 17 SANDERLING, a small...
sanderswood 20 17 sandalwood, esp. red...
sandglasses 20 16 SANDGLASS, an instru...
sandgropers 21 18 SANDGROPER, a pionee...
sandgrouses 19 16 SANDGROUSE, any bird...
sandinesses 17 14 SANDINESS, the state...
sandlotters 19 14 SANDLOTTER, one who...
sandpapered 21 20 SANDPAPER, to smooth...
sandsuckers 23 21 SANDSUCKER, a fish,...
sandwiching 28 24 SANDWICH, to place b...
sanguifying 29 23 SANGUIFY, to make bl...
sanguinaria 18 16 the dried rhizome of...
sanguineous 18 17 bloodred; of or rela...
sanitarians 17 13 SANITARIAN, a person...
sanitarists 19 12 SANITARIST, a sanita...
sanitariums 20 16 SANITARIUM, (Latin)...
sanitations 17 13 SANITATION, the act...
sanitoriums 20 16 SANITORIUM, a hospit...
sansculotte 22 17 (French) an extreme...
sansevieria 19 16 a kind of house plan...
sapidnesses 20 16 SAPIDNESS, the state...
saplessness 21 16 the state of being s...
saponaceous 21 19 slippery, elusive; s...
saponifiers 22 18 SAPONIFIER, any agen...
saponifying 29 23 SAPONIFY, to convert...
sapotaceous 22 18 pertaining to or lik...
sappanwoods 24 22 SAPPANWOOD, (Malay)...
sapphirines 25 20 SAPPHIRINE, a blue m...
sappinesses 22 18 SAPPINESS, the quali...
saprobionts 22 18 SAPROBIONT, any orga...
saprobiotic 26 20 feeding on dead or d...
saprogenous 20 18 growing on decaying...
saprolegnia 21 18 any fungus of the ge...
sapropelite 23 18 coal formed of sapro...
saprophytes 31 21 SAPROPHYTE, a fungus...
saprophytic 35 24 relating to a saprop...
saprotrophs 25 19 SAPROTROPH, any orga...
sarcenchyme 33 25 a soft tissue of spo...
sarcocollas 26 19 SARCOCOLLA, (Greek)...
sarcocystis 32 19 a sporozoan of the g...
sarcoidoses 21 15 SARCOIDOSIS, a medic...
sarcoidosis 22 15 a medical condition...
sarcolemmal 25 22 of or like a sarcole...
sarcolemmas 24 21 SARCOLEMMA, the cell...
sarcologies 23 17 SARCOLOGY, the study...
sarcomatoid 22 18 like a sarcoma, a tu...
sarcomatous 22 18 of or like a sarcoma...
sarcophagal 27 22 flesh-eating; of or...
sarcophagus 27 22 a stone coffin [n SA...
sarcoplasms 26 21 SARCOPLASM, the prot...
sardonicism 23 19 the state of being s...
sarkinesses 19 16 SARKINESS, the quali...
sarracenias 20 15 SARRACENIA, a genus...
sartorially 27 15 SARTORIAL, of or rel...
sartoriuses 19 12 SARTORIUS, a flat th...
sasquatches 32 26 SASQUATCH, (Native A...
sassafrases 20 14 SASSAFRAS, (Spanish)...
sassinesses 18 12 SASSINESS, the state...
satanically 29 19 SATANICAL, devilish,...
satanophany 26 20 an appearance of the...
satchelfuls 29 22 SATCHELFUL, the cont...
satchelsful 29 22 SATCHELFUL, the cont...
satednesses 17 13 SATEDNESS, the state...
satelliting 22 16 SATELLITE, to transm...
satellitise 21 13 to bring satellite(s...
satellitium 23 17 a group of three or...
satellitize 24 22 to bring satellite(s...
satiability 29 17 the capacity to be s...
satinflower 24 19 another name for the...
satirically 31 18 SATIRICAL, of or lik...
satirisable 22 15 capable of being sat...
satirizable 25 24 capable of being sat...
satisfiable 24 18 capable of being sat...
satisficers 25 17 SATISFICER, one who...
satisficing 26 20 the act of satisfyin...
saturations 18 13 SATURATION, complete...
saturnalian 18 15 riotously merry [adj...
saturnalias 19 14 SATURNALIA, a wild p...
saturninely 25 17 SATURNINE, cold and...
saturninity 25 16 the state of being s...
satyagrahas 27 17 SATYAGRAHA, (Sanskri...
satyagrahis 28 17 SATYAGRAHI, (Sanskri...
saucinesses 21 16 SAUCINESS, the state...
sauerbraten 19 16 (German) a dish of G...
sauerkrauts 20 17 SAUERKRAUT, (German)...
saunterings 19 16 SAUNTERING, the act...
saurischian 24 18 any dinosaur of the...
sauropodous 20 17 like a sauropod [adj...
sauropsidan 20 17 a member of the Saur...
saussurites 20 13 SAUSSURITE, a dull o...
saussuritic 24 16 of or like saussurit...
savableness 22 20 the state of being s...
savegarding 22 21 SAVEGARD, (Spenser)...
savouriness 20 17 the state of being s...
savvinesses 22 20 SAVVINESS, the quali...
saxophonist 28 24 one who plays the sa...
scabbarding 27 24 SCABBARD, to sheathe...
scabbedness 25 22 the state of being s...
scaberulous 25 20 (archaic) somewhat s...
scaffolages 27 23 SCAFFOLAGE, (Shakesp...
scaffoldage 27 24 the gallery of a the...
scaffolders 27 22 SCAFFOLDER, one who...
scaffolding 28 25 a framework of platf...
scalability 33 21 the ability to be sc...
scalariform 26 21 shaped like a ladder...
scaldfishes 28 21 SCALDFISH, a Europea...
scaleboards 24 19 SCALEBOARD, a very t...
scalinesses 22 16 SCALINESS, the state...
scallopings 27 22 SCALLOPING, the act...
scallopinis 26 20 SCALLOPINI, (Italian...
scaloppines 26 22 SCALOPPINE, (Italian...
scalpriform 29 24 shaped like a chisel...
scambaiting 26 23 the practice of pret...
scamblingly 35 27 SCAMBLING [adv]
scammoniate 22 21 of or like scammony,...
scandalised 22 18 SCANDALISE, to offen...
scandaliser 22 17 one who scandalises,...
scandalises 22 17 SCANDALISE, to offen...
scandalized 25 27 SCANDALIZE, to offen...
scandalizer 25 26 one who scandalizes,...
scandalizes 25 26 SCANDALIZE, to offen...
scandalling 24 21 SCANDAL, to defame [...
scantnesses 20 16 SCANTNESS, the state...
scapegoated 23 20 SCAPEGOAT, to make a...
scapegraces 27 22 SCAPEGRACE, an incor...
scapewheels 29 23 SCAPEWHEEL, an escap...
scapigerous 25 20 having a scape [adj]
scapularies 25 19 SCAPULARY, a loose s...
scarabaeans 21 18 SCARABAEAN, a lamell...
scarabaeids 23 18 SCARABAEID, a beetle...
scarabaeist 23 17 a person who studies...
scarabaeoid 22 18 any of various kinds...
scaramouche 27 23 a bragging cowardly...
scarcements 25 21 SCARCEMENT, an offse...
scaremonger 22 20 one who raises false...
scarinesses 21 15 SCARINESS, the quali...
scarlatinal 23 17 of or like scarlatin...
scarlatinas 22 16 SCARLATINA, scarlet...
scatologies 23 17 SCATOLOGY, the study...
scatologist 24 17 a student of scatolo...
scatterable 24 18 that can be scattere...
scatteredly 29 18 SCATTERED [adv]
scattergood 22 17 a spendthrift [n -S]
scattergram 24 19 a scatter diagram, a...
scatterguns 23 18 SCATTERGUN, a shotgu...
scatterings 23 17 SCATTERING, dispersi...
scatterling 24 18 (archaic) a vagrant...
scattershot 24 16 random, indiscrimina...
scavengered 23 22 SCAVENGER, to act as...
scavengings 25 24 SCAVENGING, the act...
scenarising 22 18 SCENARISE, to make a...
scenarizing 25 27 SCENARIZE, to make a...
scenography 32 24 the representation o...
scepterless 25 18 without a sceptre, a...
sceptically 36 24 SCEPTICAL, inclined...
scepticisms 30 23 SCEPTICISM, the doct...
sceptreless 25 18 without a sceptre, a...
sceuophylax 39 30 a sacristan [n -ES]
schalsteins 25 18 SCHALSTEIN, (German)...
schechitahs 32 23 SCHECHITAH, (Hebrew)...
schecklaton 28 25 (Spenser) a kind of...
scheffleras 29 23 SCHEFFLERA, any of v...
schematical 29 23 involving a particul...
schematised 25 20 SCHEMATISE, to make...
schematises 25 19 SCHEMATISE, to make...
schematisms 27 22 SCHEMATISM, combinat...
schematists 26 19 SCHEMATIST, one give...
schematized 28 29 SCHEMATIZE, to make...
schematizes 28 28 SCHEMATIZE, to make...
schemozzled 32 39 SCHEMOZZLE, (Yiddish...
schemozzles 32 38 SCHEMOZZLE, (Yiddish...
scherzandos 26 27 SCHERZANDO, a scherz...
schillerise 27 18 to give a bronze lus...
schillerize 30 27 to give a bronze lus...
schipperkes 30 26 SCHIPPERKE, (Dutch)...
schismatics 30 22 SCHISMATIC, one who...
schismatise 26 19 to practise schism;...
schismatize 29 28 to practise schism;...
schistosity 32 18 the foliation in a s...
schistosome 25 19 a disease-causing bl...
schizanthus 30 29 a Chilean flowering...
schizocarps 33 31 SCHIZOCARP, a compou...
schizogenic 31 31 reproducing, reprodu...
schizogonic 31 31 relating to schizogo...
schizophyte 38 32 a plant of the Schiz...
schizopodal 30 30 of or like a schizop...
schleppiest 30 23 SCHLEPPY, (Yiddish)...
schlimazels 31 30 SCHLIMAZEL, (Yiddish...
schlockiest 30 24 SCHLOCKY, of inferio...
schlumpiest 30 24 SCHLUMPY, unattracti...
schmaltzier 30 29 SHMALTZY, characteri...
schmalziest 30 29 SCHMALZY, characteri...
schmooziest 28 28 SCHMOOZY, (Yiddish)...
schmuckiest 31 27 SCHMUCKY, acting lik...
schnorkeled 25 23 SCHNORKEL, (German)...
scholarlier 26 18 SCHOLARLY, learned,...
scholarship 30 22 the activity of a sc...
scholastics 29 20 SCHOLASTIC, a Schola...
scholiastic 29 20 like a scholiast [ad...
schoolbooks 27 24 SCHOOLBOOK, a school...
schoolchild 32 24 a child attending sc...
schoolcraft 30 23 (archaic) learning [...
schooleries 24 17 SCHOOLERY, (archaic)...
schoolgirls 28 20 SCHOOLGIRL, a girl a...
schoolgoing 26 22 attendance at school...
schoolhouse 26 20 a building used as a...
schoolmaids 26 21 SCHOOLMAID, a school...
schoolmarms 27 23 SCHOOLMARM, a woman...
schoolmates 25 20 SCHOOLMATE, a compan...
schoolrooms 25 20 SCHOOLROOM, a classr...
schooltides 25 18 SCHOOLTIDE, schoolda...
schooltimes 26 20 SCHOOLTIME, the time...
schoolwards 28 21 SCHOOLWARD [n]
schoolworks 29 24 SCHOOLWORK, lessons...
schoolyards 31 20 SCHOOLYARD, the grou...
schorlomite 26 20 a black variety of g...
schottische 30 21 (German) an old polk...
schrecklich 36 29 (German) horrible [a...
schwarmerei 28 22 (German) excessive o...
schwarzlots 32 29 SCHWARZLOT, (German)...
sciamachies 28 22 SCIAMACHY, fighting...
scientising 23 18 SCIENTISE, to treat...
scientistic 26 18 like a scientist [ad...
scientizing 26 27 SCIENTIZE, to treat...
scincoidian 24 20 a member of the skin...
scintigrams 25 20 SCINTIGRAM, a diagra...
scintillant 24 18 sparkling [adj SCINT...
scintillate 24 17 to sparkle [v SCINTI...
scintillons 24 18 SCINTILLON, a lumine...
scintiscans 25 19 SCINTISCAN, a 2-D im...
sciomachies 28 22 SCIOMACHY, fighting...
sciomancers 25 21 SCIOMANCER, one who...
sciomancies 25 21 SCIOMANCY, divinatio...
sciosophies 26 19 SCIOSOPHY, a system...
scirrhosity 32 18 the state of being s...
scissortail 24 15 an American flycatch...
scissorwise 26 17 in the fashion of sc...
scleritises 24 15 SCLERITIS, inflammat...
sclerocauly 33 22 possession of a hard...
scleroderma 23 19 a disease marked by...
scleroderms 24 19 SCLERODERM, one of a...
sclerometer 23 18 an instrument for me...
sclerophyll 36 24 a hard, leathery lea...
sclerotioid 23 16 of, relating to, or...
sclerotised 23 16 SCLEROTISE, to harde...
sclerotises 23 15 SCLEROTISE, to harde...
sclerotitis 24 15 inflammation of the...
sclerotized 26 25 SCLEROTIZE, to harde...
sclerotizes 26 24 SCLEROTIZE, to harde...
scoleciform 29 24 tapeworm-shaped [adj...
scolopendra 23 20 a centipede of the g...
scomfishing 29 25 SCOMFISH, (Scots) to...
scooterists 22 14 SCOOTERIST, one who...
scopolamine 24 22 a sleep-inducing dru...
scopophilia 29 23 the practice of obta...
scopophilic 33 26 relating to scopophi...
scopophobia 29 25 fear of being looked...
scorchingly 36 25 SCORCHING, very hot...
scordaturas 22 16 SCORDATURA, (Italian...
scoreboards 23 18 SCOREBOARD, a large...
scorekeeper 23 21 one that keeps score...
scoresheets 23 16 SCORESHEET, a card o...
scoriaceous 24 18 like slag, also SCOR...
scorpaenids 23 19 SCORPAENID, any fish...
scorpaenoid 22 19 any member of the sc...
scorzoneras 23 24 SCORZONERA, (Italian...
scotodinias 21 16 SCOTODINIA, dizzines...
scotomatous 22 18 relating to scotoma...
scotometers 22 17 SCOTOMETER, an instr...
scoundrelly 30 21 SCOUNDREL [adv]
scoutcrafts 28 21 SCOUTCRAFT, the know...
scouthering 25 20 a scorching [n -S]
scoutmaster 23 18 the leader of a band...
scowderings 26 21 SCOWDERING [n]
scowthering 28 22 SCOWTHER, (Scots) to...
scrabbliest 28 21 SCRABBLY, scrabbling...
scragginess 24 19 the state of being s...
scraggliest 26 19 SCRAGGLY, irregular...
scramblings 28 24 SCRAMBLING, moving o...
scrapbooked 26 25 SCRAPBOOK, to keep c...
scrapegoods 24 20 SCRAPEGOOD, (archaic...
scrapepenny 30 24 (archaic) a miser, a...
scrappiness 26 21 the state of being s...
scratchback 34 29 a backscratcher [n -...
scratchcard 31 23 a type of lottery ca...
scratchiest 28 19 SCRATCHY, made by sc...
scratchings 29 22 SCRATCHING [n]
scratchless 29 20 without a scratch [a...
scravelling 27 23 SCRAVEL, to move qui...
scrawlingly 35 24 SCRAWLING, of writin...
scrawniness 24 19 the state of being s...
screamingly 31 23 SCREAMING [adv]
screechiest 27 19 SCREECHY, screeching...
screenagers 21 17 SCREENAGER, a social...
screencraft 26 21 the art of writing f...
screenlands 21 18 SCREENLAND, the cine...
screenplays 30 21 SCREENPLAY, the scri...
screensaver 22 19 a picture showing on...
screenshots 23 17 SCREENSHOT, a print...
screwdriver 28 22 a tool for turning s...
scribacious 28 21 (archaic) given to w...
scribbliest 29 21 SCRIBBLY, written ha...
scribblings 30 24 SCRIBBLING, hasty or...
scriggliest 27 19 SCRIGGLY, wriggly [a...
scrimmagers 26 22 SCRIMMAGER, one who...
scrimmaging 27 25 SCRIMMAGE, to take p...
scrimpiness 26 21 the state of being s...
scrimshandy 32 23 to ornament, as shel...
scrimshanks 27 24 SCRIMSHANK, to evade...
scrimshawed 29 23 SCRIMSHAW, to orname...
scrimshoner 25 20 one who makes scrims...
scripholder 28 21 a person who owns a...
scripophile 30 23 one who has the hobb...
scripophily 37 25 the hobby of collect...
scriptorial 26 18 related to a scripto...
scriptorium 27 21 (Latin) a writing ro...
scripturism 28 21 adherence to the scr...
scripturist 27 18 a person versed in S...
scriveboard 26 22 a shipbuilder's draw...
scrivenings 25 22 SCRIVENING, writing,...
scrobicular 29 22 relating to or surro...
scrobicules 29 22 SCROBICULE, a small...
scrollworks 29 23 SCROLLWORK, ornament...
scrootching 28 22 SCROOTCH, to crouch,...
scroungiest 23 18 SCROUNGY, dirty [adj...
scroungings 24 21 SCROUNGING, the act...
scrubbiness 27 22 the state of being s...
scruffiness 27 22 the state of being s...
scrummagers 26 23 SCRUMMAGER, one who...
scrummaging 27 26 SCRUMMAGE, to engage...
scrumptious 27 22 delightful, deliciou...
scruncheons 26 22 SCRUNCHEON, in Newfo...
scrunchiest 28 21 SCRUNCHY, able to be...
scrunchions 27 22 SCRUNCHION, in Newfo...
scrupleless 27 20 without scruples [ad...
scrutineers 22 16 SCRUTINEER, a scruti...
scrutinised 23 17 SCRUTINISE, to exami...
scrutiniser 23 16 one who scrutinises,...
scrutinises 23 16 SCRUTINISE, to exami...
scrutinized 26 26 SCRUTINIZE, to exami...
scrutinizer 26 25 one who scrutinizes,...
scrutinizes 26 25 SCRUTINIZE, to exami...
sculduddery 31 22 (Scots) a breach of...
sculduggery 33 24 underhand dealing, t...
sculpturing 28 23 the act of making a...
scumfishing 30 26 SCUMFISH, (Scots) to...
scuppernong 26 25 a native American gr...
scutellated 24 18 shaped like a platte...
scuttlebutt 27 20 a drinking fountain...
scuttlefuls 28 21 SCUTTLEFUL, the cont...
scyphistoma 34 24 the fixed polypoid s...
scyphozoans 34 31 SCYPHOZOAN, any of a...
sdeignfully 31 23 SDEIGNFULL, (obsolet...
seaborgiums 23 20 SEABORGIUM, an artif...
seamanships 23 20 SEAMANSHIP, the art...
seaminesses 18 15 SEAMINESS, the state...
seamstressy 26 16 (Sterne) sewing, nee...
seannachies 21 18 SEANNACHY, (Gaelic)...
seaquariums 28 25 SEAQUARIUM, an ocean...
searchingly 32 22 SEARCHING [adv]
searchlight 29 21 an apparatus for pro...
seasickness 22 19 motion sickness expe...
seasonality 24 15 the state of being s...
seaworthier 23 16 SEAWORTHY, able to b...
seborrhoeal 22 17 relating to seborrho...
seborrhoeas 21 16 SEBORRHOEA, a morbid...
seborrhoeic 25 19 relating to seborrho...
secernments 21 19 SECERNMENT, the act...
secessional 21 16 related to secession...
seclusively 33 23 SECLUSIVE, tending t...
secondaries 20 16 SECONDARY, a subordi...
secondarily 28 19 SECONDARY, subordina...
secondments 21 20 SECONDMENT, the act...
secretaires 21 14 SECRETAIRE, (French)...
secretarial 22 15 like a secretary [ad...
secretariat 21 14 the office of secret...
secretaries 21 14 SECRETARY, a person...
secretional 21 16 related to secretion...
secretively 31 21 SECRETIVE, inclined...
secretories 21 14 SECRETORY, a secreto...
sectilities 24 15 SECTILITY, the state...
sectionally 29 19 SECTIONAL, in sectio...
sectionised 21 16 SECTIONISE, to secti...
sectionises 21 15 SECTIONISE, to secti...
sectionized 24 25 SECTIONIZE, to secti...
sectionizes 24 24 SECTIONIZE, to secti...
sectorising 23 17 SECTORISE, to divide...
sectorizing 26 26 SECTORIZE, to divide...
secularised 23 17 SECULARISE, to conve...
seculariser 23 16 one who secularises,...
secularises 23 16 SECULARISE, to conve...
secularisms 25 19 SECULARISM, the beli...
secularists 24 16 SECULARIST, an adher...
secularized 26 26 SECULARIZE, to conve...
secularizer 26 25 one who secularizes,...
secularizes 26 25 SECULARIZE, to conve...
securements 22 19 SECUREMENT, the act...
securitised 23 16 SECURITISE, to make...
securitises 23 15 SECURITISE, to make...
securitized 26 25 SECURITIZE, to make...
securitizes 26 24 SECURITIZE, to make...
securocrats 25 18 SECUROCRAT, an impor...
sedentarily 25 16 SEDENTARY, sitting;...
sedigitated 20 15 six-fingered [adj]
sedimentary 25 18 relating to or compo...
sedimenting 20 19 SEDIMENT, to settle...
sedimentous 19 17 of or like sediment...
seditionary 24 15 one who promotes sed...
seditiously 27 16 SEDITIOUS, relating...
seducements 22 20 SEDUCEMENT, the act...
seductively 32 23 SEDUCTIVE, tending t...
seedinesses 17 13 SEEDINESS, the state...
seemingness 19 18 the state of seeming...
seemliheads 22 18 SEEMLIHEAD, (obsolet...
seersuckers 23 19 SEERSUCKER, (Persian...
segmentally 28 21 SEGMENTAL, relating...
segregating 21 18 SEGREGATE, to keep a...
segregation 19 16 the act of segregati...
segregative 22 19 serving to segregate...
segregators 20 15 SEGREGATOR, one who...
seguidillas 23 17 SEGUIDILLA, (Spanish...
seigneurial 20 16 relating to a man of...
seigneuries 19 15 SEIGNEURIE, a domain...
seigniorage 19 16 a government revenue...
seigniorial 20 15 related to a seignio...
seigniories 19 14 SEIGNIORY, feudal lo...
seignorages 19 16 SEIGNORAGE, a govern...
seismically 32 21 SEISMICAL, relating...
seismograms 22 19 SEISMOGRAM, a seismo...
seismograph 25 21 an instrument for re...
seismologic 25 20 related to seismolog...
seismometer 20 17 an instrument for me...
seismometry 27 19 the scientific study...
seismonasty 25 17 response to mechanic...
seismoscope 24 20 an instrument for de...
selaginella 21 17 a plant of the genus...
selectively 32 22 SELECTIVE, liking to...
selectivity 32 21 the state of being s...
selectorate 21 15 as in selectorate th...
selectorial 23 16 related to selection...
selegilines 21 16 SELEGILINE, a drug u...
selenodonts 17 15 SELENODONT, a seleno...
selenograph 23 20 a delineation of the...
selfishness 24 18 the state of being s...
sellotaping 23 19 SELLOTAPE, to stick...
seltzogenes 22 24 SELTZOGENE, a gazoge...
semanticist 23 18 a specialist in sema...
semaphoring 24 22 SEMAPHORE, to signal...
semasiology 27 19 the study of meaning...
semeiologic 24 20 relating to semeiolo...
semelparity 29 20 the quality of havin...
semelparous 22 19 reproducing or breed...
semiaquatic 31 27 growing equally well...
semiaridity 27 17 the state of being s...
semicircled 28 22 enclosed within a se...
semicircles 28 21 SEMICIRCLE, the half...
semicirques 32 27 SEMICIRQUE, a semici...
semiclassic 28 21 a semiclassical work...
semideified 22 19 SEMIDEIFY, to make s...
semideifies 22 18 SEMIDEIFY, to make s...
semideserts 20 15 SEMIDESERT, a half d...
semidiurnal 21 18 relating to or accom...
semidwarves 25 22 SEMIDWARF, a plant t...
semifluidic 28 23 imperfectly fluid [a...
semifreddos 22 19 SEMIFREDDO, (Italian...
semiglosses 22 17 SEMIGLOSS [n]
semilethals 24 18 SEMILETHAL, a mutati...
semiliquids 31 26 SEMILIQUID, a half l...
semimonthly 30 23 half-monthly [adj] /...
seminarians 18 16 SEMINARIAN, a member...
seminarists 20 15 SEMINARIST, a member...
seminations 18 16 SEMINATION, the act...
seminatural 20 17 modified by human in...
seminomadic 23 22 leading the life of...
semiologies 21 17 SEMIOLOGY, the study...
semiologist 22 17 a student of semiolo...
semiotician 22 18 a practitioner of se...
semioticist 24 17 a practitioner of se...
semipalmate 23 21 partly webfooted, al...
semipopular 25 22 somewhat popular [ad...
semipostals 23 18 SEMIPOSTAL, an issue...
semiprivate 24 21 partly private [adj]
semiquavers 30 28 SEMIQUAVER, a 1/16 n...
semiretired 20 15 working only parttim...
semishrubby 34 25 partly like a shrub...
semiskilled 24 21 having or requiring...
semisoluses 21 16 SEMISOLUS, an advert...
semitonally 27 19 SEMITONAL, of or per...
semitrailer 21 15 an articulated trail...
semitropics 26 20 SEMITROPIC, a somewh...
semivocalic 29 25 of or relating to a...
sempervivum 28 29 a plant, the housele...
sempiternal 22 19 of never-ending dura...
sempiternum 23 22 (obsolete) a durable...
sempstering 23 20 working as a sempste...
senatorship 22 17 the office of senato...
senectitude 21 17 old age [n -S]
senescences 22 19 SENESCENCE, the stat...
seniorities 18 12 SENIORITY, the state...
sensational 17 14 of or relating to se...
senselessly 26 16 SENSELESS, without s...
sensibility 29 18 the ability to recei...
sensitisers 19 12 SENSITISER, somethin...
sensitising 20 15 SENSITISE, to make s...
sensitively 28 19 SENSITIVE, having th...
sensitivity 28 18 the state of being s...
sensitizers 22 21 SENSITIZER, somethin...
sensitizing 23 24 SENSITIZE, to make s...
sensorially 26 16 SENSORIAL, related t...
sensualised 19 15 SENSUALISE, to make...
sensualises 19 14 SENSUALISE, to make...
sensualisms 21 17 SENSUALISM, the cond...
sensualists 20 14 SENSUALIST, one who...
sensualized 22 24 SENSUALIZE, to make...
sensualizes 22 23 SENSUALIZE, to make...
sensualness 18 15 the state of being s...
sententious 17 14 given to or aboundin...
sentiencies 20 16 SENTIENCY, the state...
sentimental 19 17 marked or governed b...
sentineling 19 17 SENTINEL, to stand g...
sentinelled 19 16 SENTINEL, to stand g...
separations 19 15 SEPARATION, the act...
separatisms 22 17 SEPARATISM, a belief...
separatists 21 14 SEPARATIST, one that...
sepiostaire 20 14 (French) cuttlebone,...
septavalent 22 20 having a valency of...
septenaries 19 15 SEPTENARY, a group o...
septenarius 20 16 a seven-foot verse,...
septennates 18 16 SEPTENNATE, a period...
septenniums 21 20 SEPTENNIUM, a period...
septentrial 21 16 (obsolete) northern,...
septentrion 19 16 (archaic) the north...
septicaemia 24 20 blood-poisoning with...
septicaemic 28 23 relating to septicae...
septicemias 25 20 SEPTICEMIA, blood-po...
septicities 25 17 SEPTICITY, the state...
septiferous 23 18 having barriers [adj...
septifragal 25 20 breaking away of cer...
septillions 23 17 SEPTILLION, a thousa...
septivalent 23 20 having a valency of...
sepulchered 27 22 SEPULCHER, to place...
sepulchring 29 24 SEPULCHRE, to bury i...
sepulchrous 28 22 of or like a sepulch...
sepulturing 24 20 SEPULTURE, to bury,...
sequacities 30 24 SEQUACITY, the state...
sequelising 29 25 SEQUELISE, to create...
sequelizing 32 34 SEQUELIZE, to create...
sequencings 30 28 SEQUENCING, he act o...
sequestered 26 22 SEQUESTER, to set ap...
sequestrant 26 22 a chemical that prom...
sequestrate 26 21 to confiscate; to se...
sequestrums 29 25 SEQUESTRUM, (Latin)...
serendipity 27 18 the faculty of makin...
sergeancies 21 17 SERGEANCY, the offic...
sergeanties 18 14 SERGEANTY, a conditi...
serialising 21 15 SERIALISE, to conver...
serialities 20 12 SERIALITY, the state...
serializing 24 24 SERIALIZE, to conver...
sericterium 24 18 a silk spinning glan...
sericulture 24 17 the breeding of silk...
serigrapher 24 18 one who makes serigr...
serigraphic 28 21 relating to serigrap...
seriousness 18 13 the state of being s...
serjeancies 22 24 SERJEANCY, the offic...
serjeanties 19 21 SERJEANTY, (historic...
sermonettes 18 15 SERMONETTE, a short...
sermonisers 19 15 SERMONISER, one who...
sermonising 20 18 the act of giving a...
sermonizers 22 24 SERMONIZER, one who...
sermonizing 23 27 the act of giving a...
seroconvert 22 19 to produce specific...
serological 24 18 as in serological ty...
serologists 21 14 SEROLOGIST, one who...
serotherapy 28 18 treatment with a ser...
serotypings 28 19 SEROTYPING, assignat...
serpentined 19 17 SERPENTINE, to wind...
serpentines 19 16 SERPENTINE [n]
serpentinic 23 19 of or like serpentin...
serpentised 20 16 SERPENTISE, to wind;...
serpentises 20 15 SERPENTISE, to wind;...
serpentized 23 25 SERPENTIZE, to wind;...
serpentizes 23 24 SERPENTIZE, to wind;...
serpentlike 22 20 like a serpent [adj]
serpentries 20 15 SERPENTRY, serpents...
serpiginous 22 18 spreading by creepin...
serradellas 20 14 SERRADELLA, a specie...
serradillas 21 14 SERRADILLA, a specie...
serrasalmos 20 15 SERRASALMO, a fish o...
serratulate 19 13 minutely serrate [ad...
serriedness 18 13 the state of being s...
serrulation 19 14 the state of being s...
sertularian 19 14 a colonial hydroid w...
servanthood 21 19 the state of being a...
servantless 21 17 without servants [ad...
servantries 20 16 SERVANTRY, a body of...
servantship 25 21 the state of being a...
serviceable 26 22 able or willing to s...
serviceably 33 24 SERVICEABLE, able or...
serviceless 25 19 without service [adj...
servileness 21 17 the state of being s...
servilities 23 16 SERVILITY, the state...
servitorial 22 16 of or like a servito...
servomotors 21 18 SERVOMOTOR, a motor...
sesquialter 28 22 a mixture stop on an...
sesquioxide 33 29 an oxide with three...
sesquipedal 30 26 tending to use long...
sessilities 21 12 SESSILITY, the quali...
sessionally 26 16 SESSIONAL, of or per...
setaceously 28 18 SETACEOUS, set with,...
setterworts 22 14 SETTERWORT, the bear...
settledness 19 14 the state of being s...
settlements 20 16 SETTLEMENT, the act...
sevenpences 23 23 SEVENPENCE, a coin w...
seventeenth 20 19 number seventeen in...
seventieths 22 18 SEVENTIETH, a sevent...
severalfold 24 21 having several parts...
severalties 21 16 SEVERALTY, separaten...
sexagesimal 27 24 relating to, or base...
sexennially 31 24 SEXENNIAL, lasting s...
sexlessness 25 20 the state of being s...
sexological 30 25 relating to sexology...
sexologists 27 21 SEXOLOGIST, an exper...
sextariuses 25 19 SEXTARIUS, (Latin) a...
sextillions 27 21 SEXTILLION, a thousa...
sextodecimo 28 25 a book size 55/8 x 4...
sextonesses 23 19 SEXTONESS, a female...
sextonships 29 24 SEXTONSHIP, the offi...
sextuplying 36 28 SEXTUPLY, in Scots l...
sexualising 27 23 SEXUALISE, to render...
sexualities 26 20 SEXUALITY, sexual qu...
sexualizing 30 32 SEXUALIZE, to render...
shabracques 34 29 SHABRACQUE, (histori...
shacklebone 26 25 (Scots) the wrist [n...
shadberries 23 17 SHADBERRY, the edibl...
shadinesses 20 15 SHADINESS, the state...
shadowboxed 31 28 SHADOWBOX, to practi...
shadowboxes 31 27 SHADOWBOX, to practi...
shadowcasts 27 20 SHADOWCAST, in micro...
shadowgraph 29 24 an image produced by...
shadowiness 23 18 the state of being s...
shaggedness 22 19 the state of being s...
shaggymanes 29 23 SHAGGYMANE, an edibl...
shahtooshes 24 17 SHAHTOOSH, (Persian)...
shakinesses 21 18 SHAKINESS, the state...
shakuhachis 30 25 SHAKUHACHI, (Japanes...
shallowings 27 21 SHALLOWING, the act...
shallowness 25 19 the state of being s...
shamanistic 25 20 relating to shamanis...
shamelessly 30 20 SHAMELESS, without s...
shameworthy 33 23 worthy of shame [adj...
shamiyanahs 29 21 SHAMIYANAH, (Hindi)...
shandrydans 26 19 SHANDRYDAN, an Irish...
shandygaffs 32 25 SHANDYGAFF, a mixtur...
shanghaiers 23 18 SHANGHAIER, one who...
shanghaiing 24 21 SHANGHAI, to kidnap...
shankpieces 26 24 SHANKPIECE, an arch...
shantytowns 29 20 SHANTYTOWN, a usuall...
shapelessly 31 20 SHAPELESS, without s...
shapeliness 23 18 the state of being s...
sharawadgis 25 19 SHARAWADGI, in desig...
sharawaggis 26 20 SHARAWAGGI, in desig...
sharefarmer 23 19 a tenant farmer who...
shareholder 23 17 one that holds or ow...
sharemilker 24 21 (New Zealand) a shar...
sharksucker 27 25 another name for the...
sharpbender 24 21 an organization that...
sharpenings 23 20 SHARPENING, the act...
sharpnesses 22 17 SHARPNESS, the state...
shauchliest 28 20 SHAUCHLY, shuffling...
shearwaters 23 16 SHEARWATER, a gull-l...
sheatfishes 25 18 SHEATFISH, a Europea...
sheathbills 28 20 SHEATHBILL, either o...
shebeenings 22 20 SHEBEENING, keeping...
shecklatons 25 22 SHECKLATON, (Spenser...
sheepherder 24 19 a worker in charge o...
sheepshanks 25 23 SHEEPSHANK, a hitch...
sheepsheads 24 19 SHEEPSHEAD, a large...
sheeptracks 27 23 SHEEPTRACK, a track...
sheernesses 19 14 SHEERNESS, the state...
sheetrocked 24 21 SHEETROCK, to cover...
shelftalker 26 22 a marketing device,...
shellackers 27 22 SHELLACKER, one who...
shellacking 28 25 a heavy defeat [n -S...
shelldrakes 24 20 SHELLDRAKE, a male s...
shellfishes 28 20 SHELLFISH, a shelled...
shellshocks 30 24 SHELLSHOCK, mental d...
shellycoats 32 20 SHELLYCOAT, (Scots)...
shelterbelt 25 18 a row of trees provi...
shelterings 23 17 SHELTERING, the act...
shelterless 23 15 without shelter [adj...
shemozzling 30 38 SHEMOZZLE, to make o...
shenanigans 19 18 SHENANIGAN, a deceit...
shepherdess 25 19 a woman or girl who...
shepherding 26 22 SHEPHERD, to watch o...
sherardised 21 15 SHERARDISE, to coat...
sherardises 21 14 SHERARDISE, to coat...
sherardized 24 24 SHERARDIZE, to coat...
sherardizes 24 23 SHERARDIZE, to coat...
shergottite 22 15 a type of meterorite...
sheriffalty 33 22 the office of sherif...
sheriffdoms 27 23 SHERIFFDOM, the offi...
sheriffship 31 24 the office of sherif...
sherlocking 27 24 SHERLOCK, to investi...
shibboleths 29 22 SHIBBOLETH, (Hebrew)...
shieldlings 25 19 SHIELDLING, a protec...
shieldrakes 23 19 SHIELDRAKE, a male s...
shieldwalls 28 20 SHIELDWALL, a defenc...
shiftlessly 33 20 SHIFTLESS, feckless...
shiftsticks 30 23 SHIFTSTICK, (US) a g...
shigelloses 24 17 SHIGELLOSIS, infesta...
shigellosis 25 17 infestation of the i...
shillelaghs 28 20 SHILLELAGH, (Irish)...
shimmeriest 24 19 SHIMMERY, glistening...
shimmerings 25 22 SHIMMERING, a tremul...
shininesses 20 15 SHININESS, the state...
shiningness 21 18 the state of being s...
shinplaster 24 18 paper currency issue...
shinsplints 25 19 inflammation of the...
shipbrokers 27 23 SHIPBROKER, a broker...
shipbuilder 28 22 one who designs or c...
shipfitters 27 19 SHIPFITTER, one who...
shiplapping 30 26 the overlapping of p...
shipmasters 25 19 SHIPMASTER, the mast...
shipwrecked 31 27 SHIPWRECK, to underg...
shipwrights 32 23 SHIPWRIGHT, a carpen...
shirtfronts 24 17 SHIRTFRONT, the fron...
shirtlifter 26 17 a male homosexual [n...
shirtmakers 24 20 SHIRTMAKER, one who...
shirtsleeve 24 18 the sleeve of a shir...
shirttailed 23 15 SHIRTTAIL, to make a...
shirtwaists 26 16 SHIRTWAIST, a woman'...
shitcanning 24 21 SHITCAN, to discard...
shittimwood 26 20 the wood of the shit...
shivareeing 23 20 SHIVAREE, to perform...
shiveringly 32 23 SHIVERING, trembling...
shlemozzled 30 37 SHLEMOZZLE, (Yiddish...
shlemozzles 30 36 SHLEMOZZLE [n]
shmaltziest 27 26 SHMALTZY, characteri...
shoalnesses 20 15 SHOALNESS, shallowne...
shockheaded 26 24 having a head of bus...
shockstalls 28 22 SHOCKSTALL, in aeron...
shoebrushes 25 19 SHOEBRUSH, a brush f...
shoehorning 22 19 SHOEHORN, to force i...
shoemakings 23 23 SHOEMAKING, the busi...
shoestrings 22 16 SHOESTRING, a shoela...
shongololos 22 18 SHONGOLOLO, (Nguni)...
shootaround 19 16 an informal basketba...
shopaholics 29 22 SHOPAHOLIC, a compul...
shopaholism 27 22 an addiction to shop...
shopbreaker 25 23 a person who breaks...
shopfitters 26 19 SHOPFITTER, a worker...
shopkeepers 25 23 SHOPKEEPER, one who...
shopkeeping 26 26 the occupation of ke...
shoplifters 27 20 SHOPLIFTER, one who...
shoplifting 28 23 the act of stealing...
shopwalkers 28 24 SHOPWALKER, a person...
shopwindows 29 24 SHOPWINDOW, a displa...
shorefronts 22 17 SHOREFRONT, the part...
shortboards 23 17 SHORTBOARD, a surfbo...
shortbreads 23 17 SHORTBREAD, a brittl...
shortchange 26 21 to give less than th...
shortcoming 26 22 an imperfection or l...
shortenings 21 17 SHORTENING, fat for...
shorthaired 23 16 having short hair [a...
shorthanded 22 18 having, working with...
shortlisted 23 15 SHORTLIST, to includ...
shortnesses 20 14 SHORTNESS, the state...
shortsheets 23 15 SHORTSHEET, (US) to...
shortswords 25 17 SHORTSWORD, a sword...
shortwaving 27 23 SHORTWAVE, to broadc...
shotgunners 21 18 SHOTGUNNER, one who...
shotgunning 22 21 SHOTGUN, to shoot wi...
shotmakings 24 23 SHOTMAKING, the maki...
shouldering 23 19 the act of carrying...
shouthering 24 19 SHOUTHER, (Scots) to...
shovelboard 25 22 an old game in which...
shovelheads 25 21 SHOVELHEAD, a kind o...
shovelnoses 22 19 SHOVELNOSE, a freshw...
showboaters 25 19 SHOWBOATER, one who...
showboating 26 22 SHOWBOAT, to show of...
showerheads 25 19 SHOWERHEAD, a fixtur...
showeriness 23 17 the state of being s...
showerproof 27 22 to make clothes resi...
showgrounds 25 21 SHOWGROUND, a plot o...
showinesses 23 17 SHOWINESS, the state...
showjumpers 30 32 SHOWJUMPER, a horse...
showjumping 31 35 a competition in whi...
showmanship 29 25 skilful display, or...
showrooming 25 22 the practice of look...
showstopper 28 22 a performer or perfo...
shriekingly 31 23 SHRIEKING, shrill [a...
shrinkingly 31 24 SHRINKING, drawing b...
shrinkpacks 29 28 SHRINKPACK, a shrink...
shrivelling 27 22 SHRIVEL, to contract...
shrubberied 26 21 having a shrubbery [...
shrubberies 26 20 SHRUBBERY, a collect...
shrubbiness 26 21 the state of being s...
shudderings 23 19 SHUDDERING, the act...
shuddersome 22 19 causing one to shudd...
shufflingly 36 27 SHUFFLING, walking w...
shunamitism 24 21 rejuvenation of an o...
shunpikings 26 25 SHUNPIKING, travelli...
shutterbugs 26 20 SHUTTERBUG, (colloqu...
shutterings 23 17 SHUTTERING, temporar...
shutterless 23 15 without shutters [ad...
shuttlecock 30 25 a lightweight cone c...
shuttleless 24 16 without a shuttle [a...
shuttlewise 26 18 backwards and forwar...
sialagogues 21 17 SIALAGOGUE, anything...
sialogogues 21 17 SIALOGOGUE, anything...
sialography 31 21 the process of makin...
sialorrhoea 20 14 excessive secretion...
sibilancies 25 19 SIBILANCY, pronuncia...
sibilations 22 16 SIBILATION, utteranc...
siciliennes 22 17 SICILIENNE, (French)...
sickeningly 31 25 SICKENING, nauseatin...
sickishness 26 21 the state of being s...
sicklebills 30 24 SICKLEBILL, any one...
sicknursing 25 23 the nursing of the s...
sidednesses 18 14 SIDEDNESS, the quali...
sidedresses 19 13 SIDEDRESS, fertilize...
siderations 18 13 SIDERATION, the use...
siderolites 20 13 SIDEROLITE, a meteor...
sideropenia 19 16 deficiency of iron [...
siderophile 24 18 an element with an a...
siderostats 19 12 SIDEROSTAT, a mirror...
sidesaddles 20 15 SIDESADDLE, a saddle...
sideslipped 25 20 SIDESLIP, to slip to...
sidestepped 23 19 SIDESTEP, to step to...
sidestepper 23 18 one who sidesteps [n...
sidestrokes 20 16 SIDESTROKE, a swimmi...
sideswipers 25 18 SIDESWIPER, one who...
sideswiping 26 21 SIDESWIPE, to deal a...
sidetracked 23 20 SIDETRACK, to divert...
sidewheeler 24 18 a vessel, esp. a riv...
sidewinders 22 17 SIDEWINDER, a rattle...
siegecrafts 25 19 SIEGECRAFT, the mili...
sightlessly 32 19 SIGHTLESS, blind [ad...
sightliness 24 17 the state of being s...
sightscreen 25 19 a screen used in cri...
sightseeing 23 18 viewing tourist attr...
sightworthy 35 22 worth looking at [ad...
sigillarian 22 16 a seal, a signet [n...
sigillarids 24 16 SIGILLARID, one of a...
sigillation 22 16 marking with a seal...
sigmoidally 30 21 SIGMOIDAL, S-shaped,...
signalising 22 18 SIGNALISE, to make s...
signalizing 25 27 SIGNALIZE, to make s...
signallings 23 19 SIGNALLING [n]
signalments 21 19 SIGNALMENT, the act...
signatories 19 14 SIGNATORY, a person...
signifiable 25 21 capable of being sig...
significant 25 21 having meaning [adj...
significate 25 20 a thing signified [n...
signifyings 30 22 SIGNIFYING, the act...
signposting 23 20 the act of pointing...
silhouetted 22 16 SILHOUETTE, to repre...
silhouettes 22 15 SILHOUETTE, (French)...
silicifying 34 23 SILICIFY, to convert...
siliconised 23 17 of glassware, treate...
siliconized 26 26 of glassware, treate...
silkgrowers 26 21 SILKGROWER, a grower...
silkinesses 21 17 SILKINESS, the state...
silkscreens 24 20 SILKSCREEN [n]
sillimanite 22 17 a silicate of alumin...
sillinesses 21 14 SILLINESS, the state...
silverbacks 29 26 SILVERBACK, an older...
silverberry 31 21 a silvery North Amer...
silverbills 28 21 SILVERBILL, an Old W...
silverhorns 24 19 SILVERHORN, any of v...
silveriness 22 17 the state of being s...
silverising 24 19 SILVERISE, to cover...
silverizing 27 28 SILVERIZE, to cover...
silverlings 25 20 SILVERLING, in the B...
silverpoint 24 20 the process or produ...
silversides 23 17 a small fish, aka sa...
silverskins 24 21 SILVERSKIN, the fine...
silversmith 27 21 an artisan who makes...
silvertails 24 17 SILVERTAIL, (Austral...
silverwares 25 19 SILVERWARE, items, e...
silverweeds 25 20 SILVERWEED, a perenn...
silvestrian 22 17 relating to woodland...
similitudes 23 17 SIMILITUDE, the stat...
simillimums 27 23 SIMILLIMUM, a remedy...
simperingly 31 23 SIMPERING, smiling i...
simpliciter 28 21 (Latin) simply; not...
simplifiers 27 21 SIMPLIFIER, somethin...
simplifying 34 26 SIMPLIFY, to make si...
simulacrums 27 23 SIMULACRUM, (Latin)...
simulations 21 17 SIMULATION, the act...
simulcasted 25 20 SIMULCAST, to broadc...
sinarchisms 26 20 SINARCHISM, the fasc...
sinarchists 25 17 SINARCHIST, a member...
sinarquisms 29 25 SINARQUISM, the fasc...
sinarquists 28 22 SINARQUIST, a member...
sincereness 20 16 sincerity [n -ES]
sincerities 22 15 SINCERITY, the quali...
sindonology 25 19 the study of the shr...
sinecurisms 24 19 SINECURISM, the stat...
sinecurists 23 16 SINECURIST, one who...
sinfonietta 19 16 (Italian) a short or...
singlehoods 22 18 SINGLEHOOD, the stat...
singlestick 26 22 a one-handed fencing...
singletrack 25 22 an off-road trail us...
singletrees 20 15 SINGLETREE, the cros...
singsonging 21 20 SINGSONG, to hold a...
singularise 21 16 to make singular, al...
singularism 23 19 a philosophy that re...
singularist 22 16 an adherent of singu...
singularity 28 18 the fact or state of...
singularize 24 25 to make singular, al...
singultuses 22 17 SINGULTUS, (Latin) h...
sinisterity 26 14 left-handedness [n S...
sinistrally 28 16 SINISTRAL, of or per...
sinistrorse 19 12 rising spirally and...
sinlessness 19 14 the state of being s...
sinological 24 19 relating to sinology...
sinologists 21 15 SINOLOGIST, one vers...
sinsemillas 22 17 SINSEMILLA, (Spanish...
sinuosities 19 13 SINUOSITY, the state...
sinuousness 18 15 the state of being s...
sinupallial 24 19 of certain bivalve m...
sinusitises 20 13 SINUSITIS, inflammat...
siphonogams 24 22 SIPHONOGAM, a plant...
siphonogamy 30 24 the state of reprodu...
sipunculids 27 22 SIPUNCULID, a kind o...
sipunculoid 26 22 a kind of marine wor...
sissinesses 19 12 SISSINESS, the state...
sissynesses 25 14 SISSYNESS, the state...
sisterhoods 21 14 SISTERHOOD, the stat...
sitiologies 21 14 SITIOLOGY, the scien...
sitiophobia 25 19 a morbid aversion to...
sitophobias 25 19 SITOPHOBIA, a morbid...
sitosterols 20 12 SITOSTEROL, any of s...
situational 19 14 of, relating to, or...
sixteenthly 34 24 SIXTEENTH, number si...
sizableness 24 25 the state of being s...
sjambokking 27 37 SJAMBOK, (Afrikaans)...
skateboards 21 19 SKATEBOARD, to ride...
skedaddlers 21 19 SKEDADDLER, one who...
skedaddling 22 22 SKEDADDLE, to run of...
skeletonise 19 17 to reduce to a skele...
skeletonize 22 26 to reduce to a skele...
skelloching 28 25 SKELLOCH, (Scots) to...
skeptically 34 25 SKEPTICAL, inclined...
skepticisms 28 24 SKEPTICISM, an undec...
sketchbooks 28 27 SKETCHBOOK, a book o...
sketchiness 25 21 the state of being s...
skeuomorphs 25 24 SKEUOMORPH, a design...
skiamachies 26 23 SKIAMACHY, fighting...
skiascopies 25 21 SKIASCOPY, retinosco...
skibobbings 28 27 SKIBOBBING, the spor...
skikjorings 25 31 SKIKJORING, (Norwegi...
skilfulness 25 22 the state of being s...
skillcentre 25 21 formerly in Britain,...
skilligalee 24 20 a thin gruel, also S...
skilligolee 24 20 a thin gruel, also S...
skimboarded 23 23 SKIMBOARD, to use a...
skimboarder 23 22 one who uses a skimb...
skimmington 23 25 in rural Britain, th...
skimobiling 26 25 SKIMOBILE, to travel...
skipperings 26 24 SKIPPERING, the act...
skirmishers 25 20 SKIRMISHER, one who...
skirmishing 26 23 the act of skirmishi...
skitteriest 21 15 SKITTERY, darting ab...
skrimmaging 25 26 SKRIMMAGE, to scuffl...
skrimshanks 25 25 SKRIMSHANK, to evade...
skulduddery 29 23 (Scots) a breach of...
skulduggery 31 25 underhand dealing, t...
skyjackings 34 36 SKYJACKING, the spor...
skylarkings 30 25 SKYLARKING, frolicki...
skyrocketed 30 25 SKYROCKET, to go up...
skyscrapers 32 23 SKYSCRAPER, a very t...
skysurfings 31 24 SKYSURFING, the spor...
skywatching 36 28 SKYWATCH, to observe...
skywritings 32 23 SKYWRITING, tracing...
slabberiest 24 18 SLABBERY, like, or c...
slackenings 24 23 SLACKENING, a making...
slacklining 26 24 the activity of walk...
slacknesses 23 20 SLACKNESS, the state...
slacktivism 29 26 the carrying out of...
slacktivist 28 23 one who engages in s...
slactivisms 28 22 SLACTIVISM, the carr...
slactivists 27 19 SLACTIVIST, one who...
slaisteries 20 12 SLAISTERY, slops, dr...
slaistering 21 15 SLAISTER, to do in a...
slamdancing 24 23 SLAMDANCE, to dance...
slammerkins 23 23 SLAMMERKIN, (obsolet...
slapdashing 25 21 SLAPDASH, to do in a...
slaphappier 28 23 SLAPHAPPY, happy-go-...
slatinesses 19 13 SLATINESS, being lik...
slaughtered 23 18 SLAUGHTER, to kill,...
slaughterer 23 17 one who slaughters [...
slaveholder 24 20 one who owns slaves...
slaveringly 30 22 SLAVERING, drooling...
slavishness 24 19 the state of being s...
slavophiles 27 22 SLAVOPHILE, a person...
sleazeballs 26 26 SLEAZEBALL, a sleazy...
sleeknesses 19 17 SLEEKNESS, the state...
sleekstones 19 17 SLEEKSTONE, a polish...
sleeplessly 30 19 SLEEPLESS, without s...
sleepwalked 26 24 SLEEPWALK, to walk i...
sleepwalker 26 23 one who sleepwalks [...
sleepyheads 29 20 SLEEPYHEAD, a sleepy...
sleevehands 22 20 SLEEVEHAND, (Shakesp...
slenderised 19 15 SLENDERISE, to make...
slenderises 19 14 SLENDERISE, to make...
slenderized 22 24 SLENDERIZE, to make...
slenderizes 22 23 SLENDERIZE, to make...
slenderness 18 15 the state of being s...
sleuthhound 24 20 a bloodhound; (collo...
slickenside 24 21 a polished and smoot...
slicknesses 24 20 SLICKNESS, the state...
slickstones 24 20 SLICKSTONE, a polish...
slightingly 33 22 SLIGHTING [adv]
sliminesses 21 16 SLIMINESS, the state...
slimnastics 25 19 exercises designed t...
slingstones 20 16 SLINGSTONE, a stone...
slipcovered 27 23 SLIPCOVER, to cover...
slipdresses 23 16 SLIPDRESS, a silky s...
slipforming 27 24 SLIPFORM, to constru...
slipperiest 25 18 SLIPPERY, causing sl...
slipperwort 28 21 the calceolaria [n -...
slipsheeted 24 18 SLIPSHEET, to insert...
slipstreams 24 18 SLIPSTREAM, to drive...
slitheriest 23 14 SLITHERY, given to s...
slivovitzes 28 29 SLIVOVITZ, (Serbo-Cr...
slivowitzes 29 28 SLIVOWITZ, (Serbo-Cr...
slobberiest 24 18 SLOBBERY, slobbering...
sloganeered 18 16 SLOGANEER, to invent...
sloganising 21 18 the utterance of slo...
sloganizing 24 27 the utterance of slo...
slommocking 27 28 SLOMMOCK, (dialect)...
slopingness 22 19 the state of being s...
slopworkers 26 22 SLOPWORKER, one who...
slouchiness 25 19 the state of being s...
slouchingly 34 24 SLOUCHING [adv]
slovenliest 22 18 SLOVENLY, habitually...
slowcoaches 30 23 SLOWCOACH, a slow or...
slubberings 26 22 SLUBBERING, the act...
sluggardise 23 18 (Shakespeare) to mak...
sluggardize 26 27 (Shakespeare) to mak...
sluicegates 24 18 SLUICEGATE, the gate...
slumberings 25 22 SLUMBERING, the act...
slumberland 24 22 the state of slumber...
slumberless 25 20 without slumber [adj...
slumbersome 24 22 sleepy [adj]
slumbrously 32 23 SLUMBROUS, full of s...
slumgullion 25 22 (Irish) a watery mea...
slummocking 28 29 SLUMMOCK, to move sl...
smallholder 25 20 one who keeps a smal...
smallmouths 26 22 SMALLMOUTH, a river...
smallnesses 21 17 SMALLNESS, the state...
smallswords 26 20 SMALLSWORD, a light...
smaragdites 21 17 SMARAGDITE, a green...
smartmouths 24 20 SMARTMOUTH, a clever...
smartnesses 19 15 SMARTNESS, the state...
smartphones 23 20 SMARTPHONE, a portab...
smartypants 28 20 an overly clever per...
smatterings 21 17 SMATTERING, a little...
smickerings 26 24 SMICKERING, an amoro...
smifligated 25 21 SMIFLIGATE, Charles...
smifligates 25 20 SMIFLIGATE, Charles...
smilingness 22 19 the state of being s...
smithcrafts 29 22 SMITHCRAFT, the craf...
smithereens 21 17 SMITHEREEN [n]
smithsonite 22 17 natural zinc carbona...
smokeboards 22 22 SMOKEBOARD, a board...
smokebushes 25 24 SMOKEBUSH, a plant w...
smokehouses 22 21 SMOKEHOUSE, a buildi...
smokelessly 29 22 SMOKELESS, without s...
smokescreen 22 22 a cloud of smoke rai...
smokestacks 25 25 SMOKESTACK, a pipe o...
smokinesses 20 19 SMOKINESS, the state...
smoothbored 23 20 of a gun, having a s...
smoothbores 23 19 SMOOTHBORE, a gun wi...
smoothening 21 20 SMOOTHEN, to free fr...
smoothpates 23 19 SMOOTHPATE, (archaic...
smorgasbord 23 20 (Norwegian) a buffet...
smorrebrods 22 18 SMORREBROD, (Danish)...
smotherings 23 19 SMOTHERING, the act...
smouldering 22 20 burning slowly [adj...
smouldriest 22 17 SMOULDRY, (Spenser)...
snailfishes 24 18 SNAILFISH, a sea sna...
snakebitten 20 20 suffering from snake...
snakefishes 23 21 SNAKEFISH, a fish re...
snakemouths 22 22 SNAKEMOUTH, a North...
snakestones 17 17 SNAKESTONE, a kind o...
snakinesses 18 17 SNAKINESS, being lik...
snakishness 21 19 the state of being s...
snapdragons 20 19 SNAPDRAGON, a plant...
snaphaunces 24 22 SNAPHAUNCE, (obsolet...
snapshooter 21 17 one who takes snapsh...
snapshotted 22 18 SNAPSHOT, to photogr...
snatchingly 32 23 SNATCHING [adv]
sneezeweeds 22 25 SNEEZEWEED, any of s...
sneezewoods 22 25 SNEEZEWOOD, a South...
sneezeworts 23 24 SNEEZEWORT, a herbac...
snickersnee 21 20 (obsolete) a large k...
snidenesses 17 14 SNIDENESS, baseness,...
sniggerings 22 19 SNIGGERING, the act...
snipefishes 25 20 SNIPEFISH, the trump...
sniperscope 25 21 an optical device fo...
snippetiest 23 18 SNIPPETY, ridiculous...
snivellings 24 21 SNIVELLING [n]
snobbocracy 34 26 government by snobs...
snobography 31 24 the description of s...
snorkelings 21 20 SNORKELING, the act...
snorkellers 21 18 SNORKELLER, one who...
snorkelling 22 21 the act of using a s...
snowballing 26 23 SNOWBALL, to increas...
snowberries 23 18 SNOWBERRY, the white...
snowbladers 24 20 SNOWBLADER, one who...
snowblading 25 23 a form of skiing wit...
snowblowers 27 22 SNOWBLOWER, a machin...
snowboarded 22 20 SNOWBOARD, to use a...
snowboarder 22 19 one who rides on a s...
snowbrushes 26 21 SNOWBRUSH, a brush f...
snowinesses 20 16 SNOWINESS, the state...
snowmobiled 25 23 SNOWMOBILE, to trave...
snowmobiler 25 22 one who travels by s...
snowmobiles 25 22 SNOWMOBILE [n]
snowploughs 28 24 SNOWPLOUGH, an imple...
snowplowing 28 25 SNOWPLOW, to execute...
snowshoeing 23 20 travel by snowshoe [...
snowsurfing 25 22 surfing on snow [n -...
snowtubings 25 22 SNOWTUBING, a winter...
soapberries 22 17 SOAPBERRY, any tree...
soapinesses 19 15 SOAPINESS, the state...
soapolallie 22 17 a drink made by crus...
sobernesses 19 15 SOBERNESS, sobriety...
socdolagers 23 18 SOCDOLAGER, a conclu...
socdoligers 24 18 SOCDOLIGER, a conclu...
socdologers 23 18 SOCDOLOGER, a conclu...
sociability 32 20 the state of being s...
socialisers 23 15 SOCIALISER, one who...
socialising 24 18 the act of being soc...
socialistic 27 18 related to socialism...
socialities 23 15 SOCIALITY, the quali...
socializers 26 24 SOCIALIZER, one who...
socializing 27 27 the act of being soc...
sociologese 22 17 sociological jargon...
sociologies 23 17 SOCIOLOGY, the study...
sociologism 25 20 interpretation empha...
sociologist 24 17 a student of sociolo...
sociometric 26 20 relating to sociomet...
sociopathic 29 22 of, relating to, or...
sociosexual 28 23 of or relating to th...
sockdolager 24 22 a conclusive argumen...
sockdoliger 25 22 a conclusive argumen...
sockdologer 24 22 a conclusive argumen...
sodomitical 24 19 relating to sodomy,...
softballers 25 19 SOFTBALLER, one who...
softhearted 22 17 emotionally responsi...
sogdolagers 21 17 SOGDOLAGER, a conclu...
sogdoligers 22 17 SOGDOLIGER, a conclu...
sogdologers 21 17 SOGDOLOGER, a conclu...
sogginesses 20 16 SOGGINESS, the state...
soilinesses 19 13 SOILINESS, stain; fo...
sojournings 21 25 SOJOURNING, the act...
sojournment 20 26 the act of sojournin...
sokemanries 19 19 SOKEMANRY, tenure by...
solacements 22 19 SOLACEMENT, the act...
solanaceous 20 17 pertaining to or lik...
solarimeter 20 15 an instrument for me...
soldatesque 27 23 soldierlike [adj]
soldierings 21 16 SOLDIERING, the prof...
soldierlike 22 18 like a soldier [adj]
soldiership 25 18 the state of being a...
solemnesses 19 16 SOLEMNESS, the state...
solemnified 22 20 SOLEMNIFY, to make s...
solemnifies 22 19 SOLEMNIFY, to make s...
solemnisers 20 16 SOLEMNISER, one who...
solemnising 21 19 SOLEMNISE, to make s...
solemnities 20 16 SOLEMNITY, the quali...
solemnizers 23 25 SOLEMNIZER, one who...
solemnizing 24 28 SOLEMNIZE, to make s...
solicitants 23 16 SOLICITANT, one who...
solicitings 25 18 SOLICITING, the act...
solicitudes 24 17 SOLICITUDE, the stat...
solidarisms 22 16 SOLIDARISM, solidari...
solidarists 21 13 SOLIDARIST, one who...
solidifiers 23 16 SOLIDIFIER, one who...
solidifying 30 21 SOLIDIFY, to make so...
solidnesses 19 14 SOLIDNESS, the state...
solifidians 22 17 SOLIFIDIAN, one who...
solifluxion 29 25 the turbulent moveme...
soliloquies 29 23 SOLILOQUY, an act of...
soliloquise 29 23 to talk reflectively...
soliloquist 30 23 one who soliloquizes...
soliloquize 32 32 to talk reflectively...
solipsistic 27 18 relating to solipsis...
solitarians 19 13 SOLITARIAN, a hermit...
solivagants 22 19 SOLIVAGANT, one who...
solmisation 20 16 a recital of the not...
solmization 23 25 a recital of the not...
solubilised 24 18 SOLUBILISE, to rende...
solubilises 24 17 SOLUBILISE, to rende...
solubilized 27 27 SOLUBILIZE, to rende...
solubilizes 27 26 SOLUBILIZE, to rende...
solubleness 22 18 the state of being s...
solutioning 20 17 SOLUTION, to provide...
solutionist 20 14 a solver, as of puzz...
solvability 32 22 the ability to be so...
solventless 22 18 without solvent [adj...
somatically 31 21 SOMATIC, of or perta...
somatogenic 22 20 caused from within t...
somatologic 24 20 relating to somatolo...
somatomedin 19 19 an endogenous peptid...
somatoplasm 23 21 protoplasm of the so...
somatotonia 17 15 a pattern of tempera...
somatotonic 21 18 a person who has an...
somatotyped 27 20 SOMATOTYPE, to place...
somatotypes 27 19 SOMATOTYPE, to place...
sombrerites 22 17 SOMBRERITE, rock-gua...
somersaults 21 16 SOMERSAULT, a leap i...
somerseting 20 17 SOMERSET, a leap in...
somersetted 19 15 SOMERSET, a leap in...
somesthesia 21 16 sensory perception o...
somesthesis 22 16 sensory perception o...
somesthetic 25 19 relating to somesthe...
somewhither 27 21 (archaic) to some pl...
somnambular 23 23 relating to somnambu...
somnambules 23 23 SOMNAMBULE, a sleepw...
somnambulic 27 26 like a somnambule, a...
somniferous 21 19 causing sleep [adj S...
somnolences 21 20 SOMNOLENCE, sleepine...
somnolently 26 20 SOMNOLENT, sleepy; c...
songfulness 22 20 the state of being s...
songwriters 23 17 SONGWRITER, a person...
songwriting 24 20 the activities of a...
sonications 20 16 SONICATION, the disr...
sonnetising 18 16 SONNETISE, to compos...
sonnetizing 21 25 SONNETIZE, to compos...
sonofabitch 27 23 an abusive term of a...
sonographer 22 19 SONOGRAPH [v]
soothfastly 30 19 SOOTHFAST, (archaic)...
soothsayers 26 15 SOOTHSAYER, a person...
soothsaying 27 18 the act of divining...
sootinesses 17 12 SOOTINESS, the state...
sopaipillas 25 19 SOPAIPILLA, a square...
sophistical 28 20 relating to sophistr...
sophistries 24 16 SOPHISTRY, deceptive...
soppinesses 22 18 SOPPINESS, the state...
sorbability 31 20 the ability to be ab...
sorbitising 23 17 SORBITISE, to turn (...
sorbitizing 26 26 SORBITIZE, to turn (...
sorceresses 21 14 SORCERESS, a female...
sororicidal 23 16 relating to sororici...
sororicides 22 15 SORORICIDE, the kill...
sorrinesses 18 12 SORRINESS, the state...
sorrowfully 33 22 SORROWFUL, sad [adv]
sortilegers 21 14 SORTILEGER, one who...
sortilegies 21 14 SORTILEGY, divinatio...
soteriology 26 16 the theological doct...
sottishness 21 14 the state of being s...
soubrettish 24 17 like a soubrette, pe...
soubriquets 30 25 SOUBRIQUET, (French)...
souldiering 21 17 SOULDIER, (archaic)...
soulfulness 23 19 the state of being s...
soundalikes 20 19 SOUNDALIKE, one that...
soundboards 20 18 SOUNDBOARD, a thin r...
soundlessly 27 18 SOUNDLESS, without s...
soundnesses 17 15 SOUNDNESS, the state...
soundproofs 22 20 SOUNDPROOF, to insul...
soundscapes 23 20 SOUNDSCAPE, in pop m...
soundstages 19 16 SOUNDSTAGE, the soun...
soundtracks 23 21 SOUNDTRACK, a record...
sourcebooks 24 22 SOURCEBOOK, a book o...
sourdelines 19 15 SOURDELINE, (French)...
sousaphones 21 18 SOUSAPHONE, a musica...
souterrains 18 13 SOUTERRAIN, (French)...
southeaster 20 14 a southeast wind [n...
southerlies 22 15 SOUTHERLY, a souther...
southermost 22 17 (obsolete) most sout...
southerners 20 15 SOUTHERNER, an inhab...
southernise 20 15 to make southern, al...
southernism 22 18 a southern expressio...
southernize 23 24 to make southern, al...
southlander 21 17 one who lives in the...
southsaying 28 19 SOUTHSAY, to foretel...
southwardly 32 21 SOUTHWARD [adv]
southwester 24 17 a waterproof hat [n...
souveniring 21 20 SOUVENIR, to provide...
sovereignly 28 21 SOVEREIGN, supreme,...
sovereignty 27 20 the state of being s...
sovietising 22 18 SOVIETISE, to transf...
sovietistic 25 18 relating to sovietis...
sovietizing 25 27 SOVIETIZE, to transf...
spacecrafts 29 23 SPACECRAFT, a vehicl...
spacefaring 26 23 voyaging in space [n...
spaceflight 31 25 flight beyond the ea...
spaceplanes 25 22 SPACEPLANE, an aircr...
spacewalked 28 26 SPACEWALK, to walk i...
spacewalker 28 25 one who walks in spa...
spacinesses 23 18 SPACINESS, the state...
spadefishes 25 20 SPADEFISH, a fish, a...
spaghettify 33 23 to make into spaghet...
spaghettini 24 19 (Italian) pasta in t...
spallations 22 17 SPALLATION, splittin...
spanakopita 22 22 a Greek dish of spin...
spancelling 26 23 SPANCEL, to bind wit...
spanghewing 27 25 SPANGHEW, (dialect)...
spanielling 23 20 SPANIEL, to follow d...
spaniolated 20 17 SPANIOLATE, to hispa...
spaniolates 20 16 SPANIOLATE, to hispa...
spaniolised 21 17 SPANIOLISE, to hispa...
spaniolises 21 16 SPANIOLISE, to hispa...
spaniolized 24 26 SPANIOLIZE, to hispa...
spaniolizes 24 25 SPANIOLIZE, to hispa...
spanokopita 22 22 a Greek dish of spin...
sparagmatic 26 22 like a Sparagmite, a...
sparenesses 19 15 SPARENESS, the state...
sparganiums 23 21 SPARGANIUM, a plant...
sparingness 21 18 the state of being s...
sparklessly 31 22 SPARKLESS, without a...
sparklingly 32 25 SPARKLING, giving of...
sparrowfart 26 20 (colloquial) the ver...
sparrowhawk 30 26 any of several small...
sparrowlike 26 22 like a sparrow [adj]
spasmatical 26 21 in spasms, also SPAS...
spasmodical 26 22 relating to, or occu...
spasmodists 23 18 SPASMODIST, a person...
spasmolytic 33 23 having the power to...
spastically 33 21 SPASTIC, of the natu...
spatangoids 21 18 SPATANGOID, a heart...
spatchcocks 34 29 SPATCHCOCK, to split...
spathaceous 25 20 having a spathe [adj...
spatterdash 23 17 an old type of long...
spatterdock 25 22 the yellow water lil...
spatterwork 25 21 reproduction of desi...
speakeasies 20 18 SPEAKEASY, an illici...
speakerines 20 19 SPEAKERINE, a female...
speakership 26 23 the office of speake...
spearfished 25 20 SPEARFISH, to hunt f...
spearfishes 25 19 SPEARFISH, to hunt f...
spearheaded 21 18 SPEARHEAD, to lead a...
specialised 25 19 SPECIALISE, to make...
specialiser 25 18 one who specialises,...
specialises 25 18 SPECIALISE, to make...
specialisms 27 21 SPECIALISM, devotion...
specialists 26 18 SPECIALIST, a person...
specialized 28 28 SPECIALIZE, to make...
specializer 28 27 one who specializes,...
specializes 28 27 SPECIALIZE, to make...
specialling 27 22 SPECIAL, to sell at...
specialness 24 19 the state of being s...
specialogue 25 21 a mail order catalog...
specialties 25 18 SPECIALTY, the parti...
speciations 23 18 SPECIATION, the act...
speciesisms 26 20 SPECIESISM, prejudic...
speciesists 25 17 SPECIESIST, one who...
specifiable 29 24 that can be specifie...
specificate 29 23 to specify [v SPECIF...
specificity 37 25 the state of being s...
speciocides 27 21 SPECIOCIDE, the dest...
spectacular 28 22 of the nature of a s...
spectatress 24 17 a female spectator,...
spectrality 32 20 the state of being s...
spectrogram 26 22 a photograph, image,...
spectrology 32 22 the study of ghosts...
specularity 32 21 the state of being s...
speculating 26 22 SPECULATE, to make c...
speculation 24 20 an act or instance o...
speculatist 26 19 a speculative philos...
speculative 27 23 involving, based on,...
speculators 25 19 SPECULATOR, one who...
speculatory 31 21 exercising speculati...
speculatrix 32 26 a female speculator,...
speechcraft 31 25 the art of making sp...
speechified 28 23 SPEECHIFY, to make l...
speechifier 28 22 one who speechifies...
speechifies 28 22 SPEECHIFY, to make l...
speechmaker 27 26 one who makes speech...
speedballed 24 21 SPEEDBALL, to take c...
speedfreaks 23 22 SPEEDFREAK, an amphe...
speedometer 20 18 an instrument for me...
spelaeology 28 20 the study and explor...
spelaeothem 23 20 a term for depositio...
speleothems 24 20 SPELEOTHEM, a term f...
spellbinder 25 21 something that rivet...
spellchecks 33 28 SPELLCHECK, to carry...
spelunkings 24 24 SPELUNKING, the spor...
spendthrift 26 21 one who spends his m...
spermacetis 25 20 SPERMACETI, a waxlik...
spermaducts 26 22 SPERMADUCT, a duct c...
spermagonia 21 20 SPERMAGONIUM, a rece...
spermaphyte 32 24 any member of the Sp...
spermatheca 26 22 a receptacle for sto...
spermatical 26 21 pertaining to sperm,...
spermatozoa 23 26 SPERMATOZOON, a male...
spermicidal 27 22 of or like a spermic...
spermicides 26 21 SPERMICIDE, a substa...
spermiducts 27 22 SPERMIDUCT, a duct c...
spermogones 21 20 SPERMOGONE, a flask-...
spermogonia 21 20 SPERMOGONIUM, a flas...
spermophile 27 23 a member of family o...
spermophyte 32 24 any member of the Sp...
sperrylites 29 17 SPERRYLITE, an arsen...
spessartine 20 15 a dark orange-red ga...
spessartite 21 14 a dark orange-red ga...
spewinesses 23 18 SPEWINESS, the state...
sphacelated 26 21 SPHACELATE, to cause...
sphacelates 26 20 SPHACELATE, to cause...
sphaceluses 27 21 SPHACELUS, necrosis,...
sphaeridium 25 21 a minute spheroidal...
sphagnology 31 24 the study of peat mo...
sphalerites 24 17 SPHALERITE, zinc sul...
sphenodonts 21 19 SPHENODONT, a member...
sphenograms 24 22 SPHENOGRAM, a cuneif...
sphenopsids 25 21 SPHENOPSID, any of a...
spherically 35 23 SPHERICAL, having th...
spherocytes 32 21 SPHEROCYTE, an abnor...
spheroidise 23 17 to develop spherulit...
spheroidize 26 26 to develop spherulit...
spherometer 23 19 an instrument for me...
spheroplast 26 20 a bacterium or yeast...
spherulites 25 18 SPHERULITE, a radiat...
spherulitic 29 21 of or like a spherul...
sphincteral 27 21 relating to the sphi...
sphincteric 30 23 relating to the sphi...
sphingosine 23 20 an unsaturated amino...
sphragistic 29 21 of or pertaining to...
sphygmogram 34 28 a sphygmograph recor...
sphygmology 40 28 the study of the pul...
spicebushes 29 23 SPICEBUSH, a pungent...
spicinesses 24 18 SPICINESS, the state...
spiculation 25 20 the state of being s...
spiderwoods 24 19 SPIDERWOOD, a kind o...
spiderworks 26 22 SPIDERWORK, lace wor...
spiderworts 25 18 SPIDERWORT, any plan...
spifflicate 30 24 to overcome or dispo...
spiflicated 28 22 SPIFLICATE, to overc...
spiflicates 28 21 SPIFLICATE, to overc...
spikefishes 27 23 SPIKEFISH, (US) a ki...
spikinesses 22 19 SPIKINESS, the state...
spinachlike 28 25 like spinach [adj]
spindlelegs 24 20 long thin legs; a pe...
spinelessly 29 19 SPINELESS, without s...
spinescence 25 22 the quality of being...
spiniferous 23 19 bearing spines, also...
spinigerous 22 18 bearing spines, also...
spinigrades 22 18 SPINIGRADE, a type o...
spininesses 20 16 SPININESS, the state...
spinmeister 22 18 a spin doctor [n -S]
spinnerette 19 16 the silk-spinning or...
spinnerules 21 18 SPINNERULE, one of t...
spinosities 21 15 SPINOSITY, thornines...
spinsterdom 22 19 the state of being a...
spinsterial 22 16 like a spinster, als...
spinsterian 20 16 like a spinster, als...
spinsterish 24 17 like a spinster, als...
spiraculate 25 19 having air-holes [ad...
spiraliform 26 21 shaped like a spiral...
spiralities 23 15 SPIRALITY, the state...
spiriferous 24 18 of a shell, having a...
spirilloses 24 16 SPIRILLOSIS, infecti...
spirillosis 25 16 infection with a spi...
spiritistic 27 17 relating to spiritis...
spiritually 31 19 SPIRITUAL, related t...
spiritualty 30 18 being spiritual [n S...
spirituelle 24 17 (French) showing ref...
spirketting 24 21 deck planking near t...
spirochaete 25 19 a slender, twisted,...
spirochetal 27 20 caused by spirochete...
spirochetes 26 19 SPIROCHETE, a spiral...
spirographs 27 21 SPIROGRAPH, an instr...
spirography 33 23 the recording of bre...
spirometers 22 17 SPIROMETER, an instr...
spirometric 26 20 relating to measurem...
spirophores 25 19 SPIROPHORE, an appar...
spissitudes 23 16 SPISSITUDE, density...
spitballing 27 22 SPITBALL, to pitch a...
spitchcocks 35 29 SPITCHCOCK, to split...
spitchering 28 22 SPITCHER, (slang) to...
spitefuller 26 20 SPITEFUL, malicious...
spitsticker 27 21 a wood engraving too...
spittlebugs 27 21 SPITTLEBUG, any of a...
splashbacks 31 27 SPLASHBACK, a sheet...
splashboard 26 21 a mudguard; a dashbo...
splashdowns 27 22 SPLASHDOWN, a landin...
splashiness 24 18 the state of being s...
splashproof 28 23 resistant to being s...
splattering 23 18 SPLATTER, to spatter...
splayfooted 29 21 having splayed feet...
spleenfully 32 24 SPLEENFUL, affected...
spleenstone 19 17 (obsolete) jade [n -...
spleenworts 24 19 SPLEENWORT, any fern...
splendidest 22 18 SPLENDID, magnificen...
splendidous 22 19 (obsolete) splendid,...
splendorous 21 18 full of splendour, a...
splenectomy 31 24 the surgical removal...
splenetical 25 20 marked by bad temper...
splenitises 22 16 SPLENITIS, inflammat...
splinterier 22 16 SPLINTERY, given to...
splintering 23 19 SPLINTER, to split i...
splintwoods 25 20 SPLINTWOOD, sapwood...
splodginess 23 19 the state of being s...
splotchiest 28 20 SPLOTCHY, covered wi...
splutterers 23 16 SPLUTTERER, one who...
spluttering 24 19 speaking rapidly and...
spodomantic 24 22 relating to spodoman...
spoilsports 25 18 SPOILSPORT, one who...
spokeshaves 25 24 SPOKESHAVE, a plane...
spokeswoman 24 25 a woman who speaks a...
spokeswomen 24 25 SPOKESWOMAN, a woman...
spoliations 21 16 SPOLIATION, the act...
spondulicks 27 25 (US slang) cash, mon...
spondylitic 32 22 relating to spondyli...
spondylitis 29 19 inflammation of the...
spondyloses 27 19 SPONDYLOSIS, disinte...
spondylosis 28 19 disintegration of on...
spongewares 23 20 SPONGEWARE, pottery...
spongewoods 23 21 SPONGEWOOD, an India...
sponsorship 25 20 support by a sponsor...
spontaneity 25 18 the state of being s...
spontaneous 18 17 acting by its own im...
spoondrifts 23 19 SPOONDRIFT, the ocea...
spoonerisms 21 18 SPOONERISM, a transp...
sporangiola 21 18 SPORANGIOLUM, a spor...
sporangiole 21 18 a sporangium contain...
sporocystic 34 22 of or like a sporocy...
sporogenies 20 17 SPOROGENY, the produ...
sporogenous 20 18 of tissue or cells i...
sporogonial 21 18 of or like a sporogo...
sporogonies 20 17 SPOROGONY, the growt...
sporogonium 22 21 an organ that produc...
sporophores 24 19 SPOROPHORE, a spore-...
sporophoric 28 22 bearing spores, also...
sporophylls 34 23 SPOROPHYLL, a leaf t...
sporophytes 31 21 SPOROPHYTE, a spore-...
sporophytic 35 24 of or like a sporoph...
sporozoites 23 23 SPOROZOITE, a minute...
sportcaster 24 17 a sports commentator...
sportscasts 25 17 SPORTSCAST, a broadc...
sportsmanly 29 21 SPORTSMAN [adv]
sportswears 24 17 SPORTSWEAR, sports c...
sportswoman 24 21 a woman who engages...
sportswomen 24 21 SPORTSWOMAN, a woman...
sporulating 23 19 SPORULATE, to form (...
sporulation 21 17 the formation or pro...
sporulative 24 20 relating to sporulat...
spotlighted 26 20 SPOTLIGHT, to highli...
spottedness 20 16 the state of being s...
sprauchling 29 24 SPRAUCHLE, (Scots) t...
spraunciest 24 19 SPRAUNCY, smart, dap...
spreadingly 29 21 SPREADING, expansive...
spreadsheet 22 17 a program with which...
sprecheries 26 19 SPRECHERY, cattle-st...
sprightless 27 19 (obsolete) spiritles...
sprightlier 27 19 SPRIGHTLY, lively, a...
springboard 24 21 a flexible board usu...
springbucks 30 28 SPRINGBUCK, a South...
springhalts 26 20 SPRINGHALT, a jerkin...
springheads 24 20 SPRINGHEAD, a founta...
springhouse 24 20 a storehouse built o...
springiness 22 18 the state of being s...
springtails 24 18 SPRINGTAIL, any one...
springtides 23 18 SPRINGTIDE, springti...
springtimes 24 20 SPRINGTIME, the time...
springwater 25 20 water from a spring...
springwoods 25 21 SPRINGWOOD, secondar...
springworts 26 20 SPRINGWORT, a root t...
sprinklered 23 21 SPRINKLER, to water...
sprinklings 25 23 SPRINKLING, the act...
spritefully 33 22 SPRITEFUL [adv]
spriteliest 23 15 SPRITELY, lively, al...
spuilzieing 27 28 SPUILZIE, (Scots) to...
spuleblades 25 21 SPULEBLADE, (Scots)...
spumescence 27 25 foaminess, frothines...
spurgalling 26 22 SPURGALL, to injure...
sputterings 23 18 SPUTTERING, the act...
spycatchers 36 24 SPYCATCHER, a person...
squabashers 31 26 SQUABASHER, one who...
squabashing 32 29 SQUABASH, to crush e...
squabblings 34 31 SQUABBLING, petty qu...
squadooshes 28 24 SQUADOOSH, (US slang...
squadroning 27 26 SQUADRON, to organiz...
squalidness 28 24 the state of being s...
squamations 27 25 SQUAMATION, scalines...
squanderers 26 23 SQUANDERER, one who...
squandering 27 26 the act of squanderi...
squareheads 28 24 SQUAREHEAD, (offensi...
squarsonage 26 24 the dwelling of a sq...
squashiness 29 24 the state of being s...
squatnesses 26 22 SQUATNESS, the state...
squattering 28 24 SQUATTER, to splash...
squattiness 27 22 the state of being s...
squawbushes 35 30 SQUAWBUSH, an Americ...
squawfishes 35 29 SQUAWFISH, a large c...
squeakeries 27 25 SQUEAKERY, an assemb...
squeakiness 27 26 the state of being s...
squeakingly 36 31 SQUEAKING, making a...
squeamishly 38 29 SQUEAMISH, feeling n...
squeegeeing 27 26 SQUEEGEE, to wipe wi...
squelchiest 34 27 SQUELCHY, sounding l...
squelchings 35 30 SQUELCHING, the act...
squeteagues 27 24 SQUETEAGUE, (Native...
squiggliest 32 26 SQUIGGLY, like squig...
squilgeeing 30 27 SQUILGEE, to wipe wi...
squinancies 29 26 SQUINANCY, (obsolete...
squintingly 36 28 SQUINTING, looking w...
squiralties 29 22 SQUIRALTY, squires c...
squirarchal 34 27 related to the squir...
squirearchs 33 26 SQUIREARCH, a squire...
squirearchy 39 28 squires collectively...
squirehoods 29 24 SQUIREHOOD, the rank...
squirelings 30 25 SQUIRELING, a petty...
squireships 33 26 SQUIRESHIP, squireho...
squirmingly 38 30 SQUIRMING [adv]
squirreling 30 25 SQUIRREL, to store u...
squirrelled 30 24 SQUIRREL, to store u...
squishiness 30 24 the state of being s...
squooshiest 29 23 SQUOOSHY, squashy [a...
stabilisers 23 15 STABILISER, one that...
stabilising 24 18 STABILISE, to make s...
stabilities 23 15 STABILITY, the quali...
stabilizers 26 24 STABILIZER, one that...
stabilizing 27 27 STABILIZE, to make s...
stablemates 22 18 STABLEMATE, a horse...
stablishing 26 20 STABLISH, (archaic)...
stactometer 22 17 a pipette with a hol...
stadholders 22 16 STADHOLDER, (Dutch)...
stadiometer 19 15 an instrument that m...
stadtholder 22 16 (Dutch) a Dutch vice...
staffriders 24 18 STAFFRIDER, (South A...
stagecrafts 25 19 STAGECRAFT, the effe...
stagestruck 25 21 fascinated by the st...
stagflation 22 18 persistent inflation...
staggerbush 26 21 a shrubby heath of t...
staggerings 22 18 STAGGERING, the act...
staginesses 19 14 STAGINESS, being sta...
stagnancies 21 18 STAGNANCY, the state...
stagnations 18 15 STAGNATION, the act...
staidnesses 18 13 STAIDNESS, the state...
stainlesses 19 13 STAINLESS, tableware...
stainlessly 27 16 STAINLESS, without s...
staircasing 23 17 a staircase or stair...
stakeholder 22 19 a person entrusted w...
staktometer 20 18 a pipette with a hol...
stalactical 27 19 like a stalactite, a...
stalactital 24 16 like a stalactite, a...
stalactited 23 16 having stalactites [...
stalactites 23 15 STALACTITE, a roughl...
stalactitic 27 18 of or like a stalact...
stalagmites 22 17 STALAGMITE, a roughl...
stalagmitic 26 20 of or like a stalagm...
stalemating 21 18 STALEMATE, to subjec...
stalenesses 18 13 STALENESS, the state...
stallengers 21 16 STALLENGER, (histori...
stallholder 24 17 one who manages a st...
stallingers 22 16 STALLINGER, (histori...
stallmaster 22 16 a master of horse [n...
staminodies 19 16 STAMINODY, the trans...
staminodium 21 20 a sterile stamen, al...
stammerings 22 20 STAMMERING, the act...
stampedoing 22 21 STAMPEDO, (obsolete)...
stanchelled 25 20 STANCHEL, to support...
stanchering 24 20 STANCHER, to support...
stanchioned 22 19 STANCHION, to suppor...
standardise 18 14 to make standard, al...
standardize 21 23 to make standard, al...
standfirsts 22 16 STANDFIRST, an intro...
standoffish 25 21 somewhat cold and re...
standpatter 20 16 (US) one who refuses...
standpoints 20 17 STANDPOINT, a positi...
standstills 22 15 STANDSTILL, a state...
stannotypes 25 18 STANNOTYPE, a photog...
stapediuses 21 16 STAPEDIUS, the muscl...
staphylinid 31 21 a kind of beetle aka...
staphylitis 32 19 inflammation of the...
staphylomas 31 22 STAPHYLOMA, a protru...
starboarded 20 16 STARBOARD, to put or...
starchiness 24 17 the state of being s...
starflowers 25 18 STARFLOWER, any of s...
starfuckers 26 22 STARFUCKER, a person...
starfucking 27 25 having sexual relati...
stargazings 24 25 STARGAZING, observat...
starknesses 19 16 STARKNESS, the state...
starlighted 24 17 lighted by the stars...
starmongers 20 17 STARMONGER, a fortun...
startlement 20 16 the state of being s...
startlingly 29 18 STARTLING, very surp...
starvations 20 16 STARVATION, the act...
starvelings 23 19 STARVELING, a starvi...
stasimorphy 31 21 structural modificat...
statecrafts 24 17 STATECRAFT, the art...
statehouses 20 14 STATEHOUSE, the buil...
stateliness 19 13 the state of being s...
statemented 18 16 STATEMENT, to take a...
statesmanly 26 18 like a statesman [ad...
stateswoman 21 18 a female statesman [...
stateswomen 21 18 STATESWOMAN, a femal...
statistical 24 15 relating to statisti...
statoblasts 22 15 STATOBLAST, a reprod...
statolithic 26 17 of or like a statoli...
statoscopes 23 17 STATOSCOPE, an instr...
statutorily 27 15 STATUTORY, of or rel...
staunchable 26 22 that can be staunche...
staunchings 25 21 STAUNCHING, the act...
staunchless 25 19 without staunch [adj...
staunchness 23 19 the state of being s...
staurolites 20 13 STAUROLITE, a silica...
staurolitic 24 16 relating to a stauro...
stauroscope 23 18 an instrument for st...
stavesacres 23 18 STAVESACRE, a tall l...
staycations 27 17 STAYCATION, a holida...
steadfastly 28 18 STEADFAST, firm, unw...
steakhouses 21 18 STEAKHOUSE, a restau...
stealthiest 22 14 STEALTHY, acting wit...
stealthings 23 17 STEALTHING, the act...
steamfitter 22 17 one that installs or...
steamrolled 21 17 STEAMROLL, to crush...
steamroller 21 16 to overwhelm usually...
stearoptene 18 15 the part of an essen...
stearsmates 19 14 STEARSMATE, one who...
steatoceles 21 15 STEATOCELE, a fatty...
steatolyses 25 14 STEATOLYSIS, the bre...
steatolysis 26 14 the breaking down of...
steatopygas 27 18 STEATOPYGA, an exces...
steatopygia 27 18 an excessive develop...
steatopygic 31 21 having fat buttocks,...
steatorrhea 19 13 the accumulation of...
steelmakers 21 19 STEELMAKER, a worker...
steelmaking 22 22 the process of makin...
steelworker 23 19 a person who works i...
steenbrases 19 15 STEENBRAS, (Afrikaan...
steepedowne 21 19 (Shakespeare) precip...
steeplebush 26 21 another name for har...
steeplejack 27 31 a person who repairs...
steepnesses 19 15 STEEPNESS, the state...
steerageway 27 18 a rate of motion suf...
steersmates 19 14 STEERSMATE, one who...
steganogram 20 19 a cryptogram, also S...
steganopods 20 18 STEGANOPOD, any bird...
stegosaurus 20 15 a herbivorous dinosa...
stellarator 20 13 a twisted torus in w...
stelleridan 20 15 a starfish, also STE...
stellifying 31 21 the act of turning i...
stellionate 19 14 fraud committed in m...
stellularly 30 18 STELLULAR, starlike;...
stemwinders 23 19 STEMWINDER, a keyles...
stencillers 24 17 STENCILLER, one who...
stencilling 25 20 marking by means of...
stenobathic 25 20 able to live only wi...
stenocardia 20 16 another name for the...
stenochrome 23 20 a print by stenochro...
stenochromy 30 22 printing in several...
stenographs 23 19 STENOGRAPH, to write...
stenography 29 21 the skill or occupat...
stenohaline 19 16 of an aquatic organi...
stenotherms 21 17 STENOTHERM, an organ...
stenotropic 23 18 able to adapt only t...
stenotypers 26 17 STENOTYPER, one who...
stenotypies 26 17 STENOTYPY, a type of...
stenotyping 27 20 STENOTYPE, to record...
stenotypist 27 17 one who types with a...
stentmaster 19 15 one who determines t...
stepbrother 25 19 a son of one's stepp...
stepdancers 23 19 STEPDANCER, one who...
stepdancing 24 22 doing a step dance [...
stepfathers 25 19 STEPFATHER, the husb...
stephanites 22 17 STEPHANITE, a brittl...
stephanotis 22 17 a kind of flowering...
stepladders 22 17 STEPLADDER, a ladder...
stepmothers 24 19 STEPMOTHER, the wife...
stepparents 22 18 STEPPARENT, a person...
stepsisters 22 14 STEPSISTER, a daught...
stercorated 21 15 STERCORATE, to defec...
stercorates 21 14 STERCORATE, to defec...
stereobates 19 14 STEREOBATE, a substr...
stereobatic 23 17 of or like a stereob...
stereoblind 21 17 having two-dimension...
stereocards 21 15 STEREOCARD, a card o...
stereograms 20 16 STEREOGRAM, a diagra...
stereograph 23 18 a picture used in st...
stereometer 18 14 an instrument for me...
stereometry 25 16 the measurement of v...
stereophony 27 19 the reproduction of...
stereoptics 24 17 the optics of stereo...
stereoscope 22 17 an instrument for vi...
stereoscopy 29 19 the use of a stereos...
stereosonic 20 15 stereophonic [adj]
stereotaxes 23 18 STEREOTAXIS, the rea...
stereotaxia 23 18 the electrical destr...
stereotaxic 27 21 relating to stereota...
stereotaxis 24 18 the reaction of an o...
stereotyped 26 17 STEREOTYPE, to make...
stereotyper 26 16 one who stereotypes...
stereotypes 26 16 STEREOTYPE, a fixed...
stereotypic 30 19 of or like a stereot...
sterilisers 21 12 STERILISER, an appar...
sterilising 22 15 STERILISE, to make s...
sterilities 21 12 STERILITY, the quali...
sterilizers 24 21 STERILIZER, an appar...
sterilizing 25 24 STERILIZE, to render...
sternalgias 20 15 STERNALGIA, pain aro...
sternboards 20 16 STERNBOARD, the back...
sternnesses 17 13 STERNNESS, the state...
sternotribe 20 15 pollinated by touchi...
sternsheets 20 14 STERNSHEET, the part...
sternutator 18 13 a substance which ca...
stethoscope 25 19 an instrument with w...
stethoscopy 32 21 examination with a s...
stevedoring 21 19 the work of a steved...
stevengraph 25 23 a silk picture woven...
stewardries 22 15 STEWARDRY, being a s...
stewardship 27 20 the office, duties,...
stewartries 22 14 STEWARTRY, (Scots) a...
stiacciatos 25 17 STIACCIATO, (Italian...
stibialisms 25 18 STIBIALISM, antimony...
sticharions 24 17 STICHARION, a vestme...
stichically 37 23 STICHIC, relating to...
stichometry 32 21 the numbering or cou...
stichomythy 41 25 dialogue in alternat...
stickhandle 26 23 to manoeuvre (the pu...
stickleader 24 20 the leader of a stic...
stickleback 31 29 a freshwater fish wi...
sticktights 29 22 STICKTIGHT, a plant...
stickybeaks 33 27 STICKYBEAK, (Austral...
stiffenings 24 21 STIFFENING, the act...
stiffnesses 23 18 STIFFNESS, the state...
stigmarians 21 17 STIGMARIAN, the pitt...
stigmatical 26 20 stigmatic [adj STIGM...
stigmatised 22 17 STIGMATISE, to mark...
stigmatiser 22 16 one who stigmatises,...
stigmatises 22 16 STIGMATISE, to mark...
stigmatisms 24 19 STIGMATISM, the impr...
stigmatists 23 16 STIGMATIST, one beli...
stigmatized 25 26 STIGMATIZE, to mark...
stigmatizer 25 25 one who stigmatizes,...
stigmatizes 25 25 STIGMATIZE, to mark...
stilbestrol 24 16 (US) a synthetic oes...
stilettoing 21 15 STILETTO, to stab wi...
stillbirths 28 18 STILLBIRTH, the birt...
stillhouses 24 16 STILLHOUSE, (US) a d...
stillicides 26 17 STILLICIDE, a succes...
stillnesses 21 14 STILLNESS, the state...
stiltedness 20 14 the state of being s...
stimpmeters 24 20 STIMPMETER, a device...
stimulaters 22 16 STIMULATER, an agent...
stimulating 23 19 STIMULATE, to excite...
stimulation 21 17 the act of stimulati...
stimulative 24 20 serving to stimulate...
stimulators 22 16 STIMULATOR, an agent...
stimulatory 28 18 serving to stimulate...
stingfishes 25 19 STINGFISH, the weeve...
stinkstones 19 17 STINKSTONE, a limest...
stintedness 18 14 the state of being s...
stipendiary 27 18 one who receives a s...
stipendiate 20 16 to provide with a sa...
stipitiform 26 20 in the form of a sti...
stipulating 24 19 STIPULATE, to set or...
stipulation 22 17 an act of stipulatin...
stipulators 23 16 STIPULATOR, one who...
stipulatory 29 18 relating to stipulat...
stitchcraft 31 22 the art of sewing [n...
stitcheries 25 16 STITCHERY, needlewor...
stitchworks 30 23 STITCHWORK, embroide...
stitchworts 29 19 STITCHWORT, any plan...
stockbroker 26 25 a broker who execute...
stockfishes 28 23 STOCKFISH, unsalted...
stockholder 26 22 an owner of corporat...
stockhorses 25 20 STOCKHORSE, (Austral...
stockinette 22 19 an elastic knitted f...
stockingers 24 21 STOCKINGER, a stocki...
stockjobber 29 33 a wholesale dealer i...
stockkeeper 25 25 one that keeps and r...
stockpilers 27 22 STOCKPILER, one who...
stockpiling 28 25 the creation of a re...
stockroutes 23 19 STOCKROUTE, in Austr...
stocktaking 25 25 the inventorying and...
stoicalness 22 16 the state of being s...
stolidities 21 13 STOLIDITY, impassivi...
stomachache 29 24 pain in or in the re...
stomachfuls 29 24 STOMACHFUL, the cont...
stomachical 29 23 of the stomach [adj]
stomachless 26 20 without a stomach [a...
stomatodaea 17 15 STOMATODAEUM, in emb...
stomatology 27 19 the study of the mou...
stomatopods 21 18 STOMATOPOD, one of t...
stomodaeums 20 19 STOMODAEUM, in embry...
stoneborers 19 15 STONEBORER, any bori...
stonebreaks 20 19 STONEBREAK, another...
stonecutter 21 16 one who cuts stone [...
stonefishes 22 17 STONEFISH, a venomou...
stoneground 18 17 of flour, ground wit...
stonehorses 19 14 STONEHORSE, a stalli...
stonemasons 17 16 STONEMASON, a mason...
stonewalled 22 18 STONEWALL, of a bats...
stonewaller 22 17 one who stonewalls [...
stonewashed 22 18 STONEWASH, to wash w...
stonewashes 22 17 STONEWASH, to wash w...
stoneworker 21 19 a worker in stone [n...
stoninesses 17 13 STONINESS, the state...
stopwatches 29 22 STOPWATCH, an accura...
storefronts 20 15 STOREFRONT, the fron...
storehouses 20 14 STOREHOUSE, a place...
storekeeper 20 18 one that has charge...
storksbills 26 20 STORKSBILL, any plan...
stormstayed 26 17 isolated or unable t...
storyboards 27 17 STORYBOARD, a board...
storyteller 27 15 a teller of stories...
stoutheries 21 14 STOUTHERIE, (Scots)...
stouthriefs 24 17 STOUTHRIEF, (Scots)...
stoutnesses 18 13 STOUTNESS, the state...
strabometer 21 17 an instrument measur...
straggliest 23 16 STRAGGLY, irregularl...
stragglings 24 19 STRAGGLING, the act...
straichtest 25 16 STRAICHT, (Scots) st...
straightens 22 16 STRAIGHTEN, to make...
straightest 23 15 STRAIGHT, uncurved,...
straighting 24 18 STRAIGHT, to lay out...
straightish 26 17 somewhat straight [a...
straightway 32 20 (archaic) in a direc...
straitening 19 15 STRAITEN, to make st...
straitlaced 23 16 excessively strict i...
stramashing 23 19 STRAMASH, (Scots) to...
stramineous 19 16 strawy; light; worth...
stramoniums 21 19 STRAMONIUM, thorn ap...
strandflats 22 17 STRANDFLAT, in Norwa...
strandlines 19 15 STRANDLINE, the shor...
strangeness 18 15 the state of being s...
strangering 20 17 STRANGER, to make a...
strangulate 20 16 to strangle, constri...
stranguries 20 15 STRANGURY, severe pa...
straphanged 23 20 STRAPHANG, of a pass...
straphanger 23 19 a standing passenger...
straplesses 22 15 STRAPLESS, a straple...
strapontins 20 16 STRAPONTIN, (French)...
strappadoed 22 19 STRAPPADO, to tortur...
strappadoes 22 18 STRAPPADO, to tortur...
strategetic 23 16 strategical, also ST...
strategical 24 17 relating to strategy...
strategised 20 14 STRATEGISE, to devis...
strategises 20 13 STRATEGISE, to devis...
strategists 21 13 STRATEGIST, one skil...
strategized 23 23 STRATEGIZE, to devis...
strategizes 23 22 STRATEGIZE, to devis...
strathspeys 30 18 STRATHSPEY, a reel-l...
stratifying 29 19 STRATIFY, to arrange...
stratocracy 31 19 government by the mi...
stratocrats 22 14 STRATOCRAT, a member...
stratopause 20 15 the transitional lay...
strauchtest 25 17 STRAUCHT, (Scots) st...
strauchting 26 20 STRAUCHT, to stretch...
straughtest 23 16 STRAUGHT, (Scots) st...
straughting 24 19 STRAUGHT, to stretch...
stravaigers 22 17 STRAVAIGER, (Scots)...
stravaiging 23 20 STRAVAIG, (Scots) to...
strawboards 24 18 STRAWBOARD, pasteboa...
strawflower 28 21 any Australian compo...
strawweight 29 21 a professional boxer...
streakiness 19 16 the state of being s...
streaminess 19 15 the state of being s...
streamingly 28 20 STREAMING, of a cold...
streamlined 20 17 STREAMLINE, to desig...
streamliner 20 16 one that is streamli...
streamlines 20 16 STREAMLINE, to desig...
streamlings 22 18 STREAMLING, a small...
streamsides 20 15 STREAMSIDE, the side...
streetlamps 23 18 STREETLAMP, a lamp f...
streetlight 24 16 a lamp for lighting...
streetrooms 19 14 STREETROOM, space en...
streetscape 23 17 the appearance or vi...
streetsmart 20 14 adapted to life on t...
streetwards 22 15 towards or facing th...
streetwears 21 14 STREETWEAR, clothes...
strelitzias 24 21 STRELITZIA, a plant...
strengthens 21 17 STRENGTHEN, to make...
strengthful 26 21 full of strength [ad...
strenuities 19 13 STRENUITY, strenuous...
strenuosity 25 15 the state of being s...
strenuously 26 17 STRENUOUS, requiring...
stressfully 31 19 STRESSFUL, causing s...
stretchable 27 20 that can be stretche...
stretchered 24 17 STRETCHER, to carry...
stretchiest 25 16 STRETCHY, tending to...
stretchings 26 19 STRETCHING, the act...
stretchless 26 17 without stretch [adj...
stridencies 22 16 STRIDENCY, the quali...
stridulance 23 18 stridulation [n -S]
stridulated 21 15 STRIDULATE, to make...
stridulates 21 14 STRIDULATE, to make...
stridulator 21 14 an insect that makes...
strikebound 22 21 subjected to a strik...
strikeovers 22 19 STRIKEOVER, an act o...
stringboard 22 18 a board that covers...
stringently 27 18 STRINGENT, tight, bi...
stringhalts 24 17 STRINGHALT, a jerkin...
stringiness 20 15 the state of being s...
stringpiece 25 20 the heavy squared ti...
stringybark 30 23 an Australian tree,...
strinklings 23 20 STRINKLING, a sprink...
stripagrams 24 19 STRIPAGRAM, a greeti...
stripograms 24 19 STRIPOGRAM, a messag...
strippagram 26 22 a greetings message...
stripteaser 21 14 one who carries out...
stripteases 21 14 STRIPTEASE, a burles...
strobilated 22 16 STROBILATE, to under...
strobilates 22 15 STROBILATE, to under...
strobiluses 23 16 STROBILUS, (Greek) a...
stroboscope 25 20 an instrument for st...
strobotrons 20 15 STROBOTRON, a gas-fi...
stroganoffs 23 20 STROGANOFF, (Russian...
strongarmed 20 18 STRONGARM, to use fo...
strongboxes 27 24 STRONGBOX, a box for...
strongholds 23 18 STRONGHOLD, a fortif...
strongpoint 21 18 a well-fortified def...
strongrooms 20 17 STRONGROOM, a room f...
strongyloid 27 18 a strongyl, a parasi...
strophioles 24 17 STROPHIOLE, a carunc...
stroppiness 23 18 the state of being s...
structuring 25 19 STRUCTURE, to give a...
strugglings 25 20 STRUGGLING, the act...
strumitises 22 15 STRUMITIS, inflammat...
strumpeting 24 21 STRUMPET, to act lik...
struthioids 23 15 STRUTHIOID, a member...
struttingly 29 18 STRUTTING, pompous [...
strychnined 30 21 STRYCHNINE, to poiso...
strychnines 30 20 STRYCHNINE [n]
strychnisms 33 22 STRYCHNISM, strychni...
stubbornest 23 19 STUBBORN, obstinate...
stubborning 24 22 STUBBORN, to be stub...
stuccoworks 30 25 STUCCOWORK, work don...
studentries 19 14 STUDENTRY, a body of...
studentship 24 19 a grant for universi...
studiedness 19 15 the state of being s...
stultifiers 24 16 STULTIFIER, one who...
stultifying 31 21 STULTIFY, to cause t...
stumblebums 28 26 STUMBLEBUM, (US) an...
stumblingly 33 25 STUMBLING [adv]
stuntedness 18 15 the state of being s...
stupendious 21 18 (Milton) stupendous...
stupidities 23 16 STUPIDITY, the quali...
stuprations 21 16 STUPRATION, (archaic...
stutterings 21 15 STUTTERING, the act...
styliferous 29 18 bearing a bristle [a...
stylisation 26 15 the act of stylising...
stylishness 29 17 the state of being s...
stylization 29 24 the act of stylizing...
stylographs 32 21 STYLOGRAPH, a stylog...
stylography 38 23 a mode of writing or...
stylophones 29 20 STYLOPHONE, a type o...
stylopising 30 20 STYLOPISE, to paraly...
stylopizing 33 29 STYLOPIZE, to paraly...
stylopodium 30 22 an enlargement at th...
stylostixes 33 21 STYLOSTIXIS, acupunc...
stylostixis 34 21 acupuncture [n STYLO...
suabilities 23 16 SUABILITY, liability...
suasiveness 20 17 the state of being s...
suavenesses 19 17 SUAVENESS, the state...
subacetates 23 18 SUBACETATE, an aceta...
subacidness 24 20 the state of being s...
subaerially 29 19 SUBAERIAL, in open a...
subaffluent 26 24 less than affluent [...
subagencies 24 21 SUBAGENCY, a subordi...
subahdaries 23 18 SUBAHDARY, the offic...
suballiance 25 21 a subordinate allian...
subarboreal 23 19 growing or living un...
subarration 20 16 an ancient form of b...
subarticles 26 19 SUBARTICLE, a subord...
subassemble 25 22 to assemble a part o...
subassembly 32 24 a subordinate part o...
subaudition 21 18 understanding of som...
subaxillary 36 26 situated below the a...
subbasement 23 22 a basement below a b...
subbranches 28 24 SUBBRANCH, a subdivi...
subcabinets 26 22 SUBCABINET, a subdiv...
subcapsular 28 23 situated or occurrin...
subcardinal 25 21 a subordinate cardin...
subcarriers 25 18 SUBCARRIER, a modula...
subcategory 31 22 a subdivision of a c...
subcavities 27 22 SUBCAVITY, a subordi...
subceilings 27 22 SUBCEILING, an under...
subcellular 28 22 of less than cellula...
subceptions 26 22 SUBCEPTION, sublimin...
subchanters 26 21 SUBCHANTER, a precen...
subchapters 29 23 SUBCHAPTER, a subord...
subcharters 27 20 SUBCHARTER [n]
subchloride 28 22 a sub-compound of ch...
subcircuits 30 22 SUBCIRCUIT, a part o...
subclassify 35 24 to group into subcla...
subclassing 27 22 SUBCLASS, to place i...
subclavians 27 24 SUBCLAVIAN, a subcla...
subclimaxes 33 29 SUBCLIMAX, a subordi...
subclinical 30 24 producing effects th...
subclusters 27 20 SUBCLUSTER [n]
subcolleges 27 22 SUBCOLLEGE, an insti...
subcolonies 24 20 SUBCOLONY, a subordi...
subcompacts 31 27 SUBCOMPACT, a small...
subcontract 27 22 a contract between a...
subcontrary 30 21 a proposition so rel...
subcortexes 30 25 SUBCORTEX, a part of...
subcortical 29 22 of, relating to, inv...
subcortices 28 21 SUBCORTEX, a part of...
subcounties 24 20 SUBCOUNTY, a part of...
subcritical 30 22 less or lower than c...
subcultural 28 22 relating to a subcul...
subcultured 27 22 SUBCULTURE, to creat...
subcultures 27 21 SUBCULTURE, to creat...
subcurative 27 23 less than wholly cur...
subdeaconry 29 22 the office of subdea...
subdecision 24 20 part of a decision [...
subdelirium 25 21 a mild or intermitte...
subdeputies 24 20 SUBDEPUTY, an assist...
subdermally 31 23 SUBDERMAL, subcutane...
subdiaconal 24 21 relating to a subdea...
subdialects 26 20 SUBDIALECT, a subdiv...
subdirector 25 19 one below a director...
subdistrict 27 19 a subdivision of a d...
subdividers 25 21 SUBDIVIDER, one who...
subdividing 26 24 SUBDIVIDE, to divide...
subdivision 24 21 a subordinate part o...
subdivisive 27 24 relating to a subdiv...
subdominant 21 21 the fourth degree of...
subductions 25 21 SUBDUCTION, the proc...
subduedness 21 19 the state of being s...
subduements 22 21 SUBDUEMENT, subdual...
subeconomic 27 25 below the economy [a...
subemployed 31 25 employed by a subcon...
subfamilies 26 22 SUBFAMILY, a taxonom...
subfreezing 27 30 below freezing [adj]
subglobular 27 23 having nearly the sh...
subgrouping 26 24 SUBGROUP, to divide...
subharmonic 27 24 a tone below a harmo...
subheadings 24 21 SUBHEADING, an infer...
subimaginal 24 22 relating to a subima...
subimagines 23 21 SUBIMAGO, a stage in...
subincising 26 22 SUBINCISE, to perfor...
subincision 24 20 the formation of an...
subindicate 24 20 (obsolete) to hint [...
subindustry 29 20 a subordinate indust...
subinfeuded 23 22 SUBINFEUD, to grant...
subinterval 24 21 an interval that is...
subirrigate 23 17 to irrigate by under...
subitaneous 20 17 sudden; hasty; hasti...
subjacently 33 31 SUBJACENT, lying und...
subjectable 29 31 capable of being sub...
subjections 26 28 SUBJECTION, the act...
subjectives 29 31 SUBJECTIVE, the subj...
subjectless 28 28 without a subject [a...
subjectship 32 32 the state of being a...
subjoinders 23 26 SUBJOINDER, an addit...
subjugating 26 30 SUBJUGATE, to bring...
subjugation 24 28 the act of subjugati...
subjugators 25 27 SUBJUGATOR, one who...
subjunction 26 30 an act of subjoining...
subjunctive 29 33 of a verb, in a mood...
subkingdoms 25 26 SUBKINGDOM, a taxono...
sublanguage 23 22 a subdivision of a l...
sublethally 33 22 SUBLETHAL, not quite...
sublettings 24 19 SUBLETTING, the act...
sublicensed 25 21 SUBLICENSE, to licen...
sublicenses 25 20 SUBLICENSE, to licen...
sublimating 25 22 SUBLIMATE, to cause...
sublimation 23 20 the process by which...
sublimeness 23 20 the state of being s...
subliminals 25 21 SUBLIMINAL, a sublim...
sublimising 26 22 SUBLIMISE, to make s...
sublimities 25 19 SUBLIMITY, the quali...
sublimizing 29 31 SUBLIMIZE, to make s...
subliteracy 32 21 the state of being s...
subliterary 29 18 relating to or being...
subliterate 22 16 not fully literate [...
sublittoral 24 17 the area lying betwe...
subluxating 30 27 SUBLUXATE, to partia...
subluxation 28 25 an incomplete disloc...
submanagers 22 21 SUBMANAGER, an under...
submarginal 24 22 adjacent to a margin...
submariners 22 19 SUBMARINER, one who...
submarining 23 22 SUBMARINE, to travel...
submatrices 26 21 SUBMATRIX, part of a...
submatrixes 29 25 SUBMATRIX, part of a...
submediants 22 20 SUBMEDIANT, the sixt...
submergence 25 24 the act of submergin...
submergible 27 24 a vessel used for un...
submersible 26 22 a vessel used for un...
submersions 22 19 SUBMERSION, the act...
subminister 23 19 to supply, to admini...
submissible 27 22 submissive [adj]
submissions 23 19 SUBMISSION, the act...
submissness 23 19 (archaic) the state...
submittable 26 22 capable of being sub...
submittings 25 21 SUBMITTING, the act...
submolecule 27 24 a part of a molecule...
submultiple 28 24 a quantity that divi...
submunition 22 21 any of a group of sm...
subnational 20 18 below the level of n...
subnetworks 25 23 SUBNETWORK, a subdiv...
subnormally 30 23 SUBNORMAL, below nor...
subofficers 29 24 SUBOFFICER, an under...
subopercula 27 23 SUBOPERCULUM, in fis...
suboptimise 25 21 to optimize to an in...
suboptimize 28 30 to optimize to an in...
subordinary 27 19 any of several heral...
subordinate 20 17 subservient [adj SUB...
subornation 19 17 the act of suborning...
subornative 22 20 serving to suborn [a...
subpanation 21 20 the doctrine that th...
subparallel 26 21 almost parallel [adj...
subpoenaing 22 22 SUBPOENA, to summon...
subprefects 29 24 SUBPREFECT, one rank...
subprimates 25 21 SUBPRIMATE, one rank...
subprioress 24 18 an assistant priores...
subproblems 28 25 SUBPROBLEM, a subdiv...
subproducts 28 23 SUBPRODUCT, a subsid...
subprograms 26 23 SUBPROGRAM, a subpar...
subprojects 29 30 SUBPROJECT, part of...
subrational 21 17 less than rational [...
subregional 22 19 relating to a subreg...
subreptions 23 19 SUBREPTION, a delibe...
subrogating 23 20 SUBROGATE, to substi...
subrogation 21 18 the act of subrogati...
subroutines 21 17 SUBROUTINE, a subord...
subsampling 27 25 SUBSAMPLE, to create...
subscapular 28 23 below (in man in fro...
subschemata 27 23 SUBSCHEMA, part of a...
subsciences 27 22 SUBSCIENCE, a branch...
subscribers 28 21 SUBSCRIBER, one who...
subscribing 29 24 the act of taking ou...
subsections 24 19 SUBSECTION, a subdiv...
subsegments 23 21 SUBSEGMENT, a subdiv...
subseizures 25 25 SUBSEIZURE, a subsid...
subsensible 24 20 below the range of s...
subsentence 22 20 part of a sentence [...
subsequence 31 29 the state of being s...
subsequents 29 26 SUBSEQUENT, somethin...
subservient 23 20 useful in an inferio...
subsidences 24 20 SUBSIDENCE, the act...
subsidisers 23 16 SUBSIDISER, one who...
subsidising 24 19 SUBSIDISE, to furnis...
subsidizers 26 25 SUBSIDIZER, one who...
subsidizing 27 28 SUBSIDIZE, to furnis...
subsistence 24 19 the minimum (as of f...
subsocially 33 22 SUBSOCIAL, tending t...
subsoilings 24 19 SUBSOILING, the act...
subspecific 33 27 relating to a subspe...
substandard 21 18 deviating from or fa...
substantial 22 17 consisting of or rel...
substantive 23 20 relating to substanc...
substations 21 16 SUBSTATION, a subord...
substituent 22 17 a thing, esp. an ato...
substituted 23 17 SUBSTITUTE, to put o...
substitutes 23 16 SUBSTITUTE, to put o...
substracted 25 19 SUBSTRACT, to subtra...
substractor 25 18 (Shakespeare) a detr...
substrative 24 19 relating to a substr...
substratums 24 19 SUBSTRATUM, that whi...
substructed 26 20 SUBSTRUCT, to build...
subsultuses 24 18 SUBSULTUS, (Latin) a...
subsumption 25 23 the minor premise of...
subsumptive 28 26 tending to subsume [...
subsurfaces 27 22 SUBSURFACE, earth ma...
subtacksman 26 26 a holder (of land) b...
subtacksmen 26 26 SUBTACKSMAN, a holde...
subtangents 21 19 SUBTANGENT, the part...
subterfuges 25 21 SUBTERFUGE, deceptio...
subterminal 23 20 of a band or stripe,...
subterrains 21 16 SUBTERRAIN, an under...
subterranes 20 16 SUBTERRANE, an under...
subterrenes 20 16 SUBTERRENE, an under...
subtileness 22 17 the state of being s...
subtilisers 24 16 SUBTILISER, one who...
subtilising 25 19 SUBTILISE, to make s...
subtilisins 24 17 SUBTILISIN, an extra...
subtilities 24 16 SUBTILITY, subtlety,...
subtilizers 27 25 SUBTILIZER, one who...
subtilizing 28 28 SUBTILIZE, to make s...
subtitlings 25 19 SUBTITLING, the act...
subtotaling 23 19 SUBTOTAL, to total a...
subtotalled 23 18 SUBTOTAL, to total a...
subtracters 25 18 SUBTRACTER, one who...
subtracting 26 21 SUBTRACT, to take aw...
subtraction 24 19 the act of subtracti...
subtractive 27 22 tending to subtract...
subtractors 25 18 SUBTRACTOR, one who...
subtrahends 23 19 SUBTRAHEND, the sum...
subtreasury 28 18 a subordinate treasu...
subtropical 28 22 relating to the area...
subumbrella 27 24 the concave undersur...
subungulate 23 21 belonging to the Sub...
suburbanise 23 20 to make suburban, al...
suburbanism 25 23 the state of being s...
suburbanite 23 20 one who lives in the...
suburbanity 30 22 the state of being s...
suburbanize 26 29 to make suburban, al...
subventions 22 21 SUBVENTION, the prov...
subversions 23 20 SUBVERSION, the act...
subversives 26 23 SUBVERSIVE, one who...
subvertical 28 23 below the vertical [...
subvitreous 24 20 somewhat vitreous [a...
subvocalise 27 23 to say below the bre...
subvocalize 30 32 to say below the bre...
succedaneum 25 24 (Latin) a substitute...
succeedable 27 23 capable of being suc...
successions 25 19 SUCCESSION, a coming...
successless 27 19 without success [adj...
successoral 26 19 relating to a succes...
succinctest 29 22 SUCCINCT, clearly ex...
succinctory 35 24 a band embroidered w...
succotashes 27 20 SUCCOTASH, (Native A...
succourable 28 23 that can be succored...
succourless 27 20 without succour, als...
succulences 29 24 SUCCULENCE, the stat...
succulently 34 24 SUCCULENT, juicy, sa...
succursales 27 20 SUCCURSALE, a branch...
succussions 26 20 SUCCUSSION, the act...
sucralfates 25 19 SUCRALFATE, a drug u...
sudatoriums 21 17 SUDATORIUM, (Latin)...
sufferances 25 22 SUFFERANCE, passive...
sufferingly 32 24 SUFFERING [adv]
sufficience 29 25 (archaic) a sufficie...
sufficiency 36 27 the state of being s...
sufficients 27 22 SUFFICIENT, somethin...
suffigances 27 24 SUFFIGANCE, (Shakesp...
suffisances 26 22 SUFFISANCE, (obsolet...
suffixation 29 26 the act of creating...
sufflations 24 20 SUFFLATION, (archaic...
suffocating 27 24 oppressive [adj SUFF...
suffocation 25 22 the act of suffocati...
suffocative 28 25 serving to suffocate...
suffragette 24 20 (historical) a membe...
suffragisms 27 23 SUFFRAGISM, voting r...
suffragists 26 20 SUFFRAGIST, one who...
suffumigate 26 24 to fumigate from bel...
sugarallies 22 16 SUGARALLIE, (Scots)...
sugarbushes 25 20 SUGARBUSH, an area c...
sugarcoated 22 18 SUGARCOAT, to coat w...
sugarhouses 22 17 SUGARHOUSE, a factor...
sugarloaves 22 19 SUGARLOAF, a loaf or...
suggestible 25 20 easily influenced by...
suggestibly 32 22 SUGGESTIBLE, easily...
suggestions 21 17 SUGGESTION, the act...
suicidology 31 21 the study of suicide...
suitability 30 18 the state of being s...
sulcalising 26 20 SULCALISE, to furrow...
sulcalizing 29 29 SULCALIZE, to furrow...
sulfadoxine 27 25 a drug used to preve...
sulfhydryls 40 24 SULFHYDRYL, a chemic...
sulfonamide 22 21 any of various amide...
sulfonating 22 20 SULFONATE, to conver...
sulfonation 20 18 the act of sulfonati...
sulfurating 24 20 SULFURATE, to combin...
sulfuration 22 18 the process of treat...
sulfureting 24 20 SULFURET, to treat w...
sulfuretted 23 18 SULFURET, to treat w...
sulfurising 25 20 SULFURISE, to combin...
sulfurizing 28 29 SULFURIZE, to combin...
sulfurously 31 21 SULFUROUS, containin...
sulkinesses 21 18 SULKINESS, the state...
sulphatases 24 18 SULPHATASE, any of v...
sulphations 24 19 SULPHATION, the act...
sulphhydryl 42 26 a chemical group, SH...
sulphonated 23 20 SULPHONATE, to conve...
sulphonates 23 19 SULPHONATE, a salt o...
sulphoniums 26 23 SULPHONIUM, the posi...
sulphoxides 31 26 SULPHOXIDE, any comp...
sulphurated 25 20 SULPHURATE, to combi...
sulphurates 25 19 SULPHURATE, to combi...
sulphurator 25 19 a device for sulphur...
sulphureous 25 20 pertaining to or lik...
sulphureted 25 20 SULPHURET, to treat...
sulphurised 26 20 SULPHURISE, to combi...
sulphurises 26 19 SULPHURISE, to combi...
sulphurized 29 29 SULPHURIZE, to combi...
sulphurizes 29 28 SULPHURIZE, to combi...
sulphurwort 29 22 an umbelliferous pla...
sultanesses 19 14 SULTANESS, a female...
sultanships 25 19 SULTANSHIP, the offi...
summability 32 24 the ability to be su...
summariness 21 19 the state of being s...
summarisers 22 18 SUMMARISER, one who...
summarising 23 21 SUMMARISE, to make a...
summarizers 25 27 SUMMARIZER, one who...
summarizing 26 30 SUMMARIZE, to make a...
summational 21 20 relating to summatio...
summerhouse 23 21 an outdoor structure...
summeriness 21 19 the state of being s...
summersault 23 20 a leap in which a pe...
summertides 22 19 SUMMERTIDE, summer t...
summertimes 23 21 SUMMERTIME, the time...
summerwoods 24 22 SUMMERWOOD, wood wit...
sumpsimuses 25 22 SUMPSIMUS, (Latin) a...
sumptuosity 30 21 the quality of being...
sumptuously 31 23 SUMPTUOUS, luxurious...
sunbathings 24 21 SUNBATHING, the act...
sunbonneted 18 19 SUNBONNET [v]
sunderances 20 18 SUNDERANCE, (archaic...
sunderments 19 18 SUNDERMENT, (archaic...
sundrenched 23 21 exposed to much sun...
sunlessness 19 15 the state of being s...
sunloungers 20 18 SUNLOUNGER, an uphol...
sunninesses 17 15 SUNNINESS, the state...
sunsettings 20 16 SUNSETTING, the desc...
suntannings 18 18 SUNTANNING, the act...
superabound 22 21 to be superabundant...
superactive 26 22 extremely active [ad...
superadding 22 20 SUPERADD, to add fur...
superagency 30 23 a large complex gove...
superagents 21 18 SUPERAGENT, a top ag...
superalloys 29 19 SUPERALLOY, an alloy...
superaltars 22 16 SUPERALTAR, a raised...
superaltern 21 17 a kind of universal...
superations 20 16 SUPERATION, the act...
superbazaar 25 27 in India, a large de...
superbazars 26 27 SUPERBAZAR, in India...
superbities 24 18 SUPERBITY, haughtine...
superblocks 29 26 SUPERBLOCK, a large...
superboards 23 19 SUPERBOARD, a board...
superbomber 26 24 a very large bomber...
superbrains 23 19 SUPERBRAIN, an extra...
superbright 28 22 very bright [adj]
supercargos 25 20 SUPERCARGO, a ship's...
superceding 25 22 SUPERCEDE, to take t...
supercenter 23 19 a very large discoun...
supercharge 27 22 to charge greatly or...
supercherie 26 20 (French) deception,...
superchurch 33 26 a very large church...
supercities 25 18 SUPERCITY, a very bi...
supercoiled 25 20 SUPERCOIL, to create...
supercooled 24 20 SUPERCOOL, to cool a...
supercovers 26 22 SUPERCOVER, an insur...
superdainty 27 19 extremely dainty [ad...
superdeluxe 28 25 extra luxurious [adj...
superegoist 22 17 a very egotistical p...
superexalts 28 23 SUPEREXALT, to exalt...
superfamily 32 24 a category of biolog...
superfatted 23 19 of soap, having an e...
superfectas 26 21 SUPERFECTA, a bet in...
superfemale 24 22 a very remarkable fe...
superfetate 22 18 to conceive when a f...
superficial 28 22 on the surface [adj...
superficies 27 21 (Latin) the outer su...
superflacks 29 26 SUPERFLACK [v]
superfluids 26 21 SUPERFLUID, a superf...
superfluity 32 22 excess [n SUPERFLUIT...
superfluous 25 21 extraneous [adj SUPE...
superfluxes 31 27 SUPERFLUX, (Shakespe...
superfusing 25 22 SUPERFUSE, to pour o...
superfusion 23 20 the act of superfusi...
supergiants 22 18 SUPERGIANT, a very b...
supergluing 25 22 SUPERGLUE, to glue w...
supergroups 25 21 SUPERGROUP, a pop gr...
supergrowth 28 22 exceptional growth [...
superharden 22 19 to harden to extreme...
superheated 22 18 SUPERHEAT, to heat t...
superheater 22 17 a device for superhe...
superheroes 22 17 SUPERHERO, any of va...
superhyping 33 25 SUPERHYPE, to subjec...
superimpose 24 21 to place or lay over...
superinduce 24 21 to bring as addition...
superinfect 26 22 to infect with a sup...
superintend 20 18 to have or exercise...
superioress 21 15 the head of a nunner...
superiority 28 17 the state of being s...
superjacent 25 28 lying above or upon...
superjumbos 27 31 SUPERJUMBO, a very l...
superlative 24 20 excelling [adj SUPER...
superlawyer 31 21 a top class lawyer [...
superliners 22 17 SUPERLINER, a very l...
superlunary 28 20 otherworldly; above...
superluxury 36 27 extreme luxury [n SU...
supermarket 23 22 a selfservice retail...
supermicros 26 21 SUPERMICRO, a very s...
supermodels 23 20 SUPERMODEL, a famous...
supermodern 21 20 very modern [adj]
supernacula 24 21 SUPERNACULUM, liquor...
supernatant 19 17 floating or swimming...
supernating 21 19 SUPERNATE, to float...
supernation 19 17 an aggregate of nati...
supernature 20 17 the realm of the sup...
supernormal 22 20 exceeding the normal...
supernurses 21 17 SUPERNURSE, a highly...
superoctave 25 22 an organ coupler giv...
superorders 21 16 SUPERORDER, a group...
superorgasm 23 20 an extreme orgasm [n...
superoxides 27 23 SUPEROXIDE, a peroxi...
superperson 22 19 a very remarkable pe...
superphones 24 21 SUPERPHONE, a teleph...
superphylum 35 27 a taxonomical divisi...
superplanes 23 20 SUPERPLANE, a very l...
superplayer 30 21 an exceptionally tal...
superpluses 25 20 SUPERPLUS, (obsolete...
superpolite 24 19 extremely polite [ad...
superposing 24 21 SUPERPOSE, to place...
superpowers 26 21 SUPERPOWER, a great...
superpraise 23 18 to give very high pr...
superprofit 26 21 an exceptional profi...
superrefine 22 19 to refine to a very...
supersafety 29 20 the state of being s...
supersavers 23 19 SUPERSAVER, an excep...
superscalar 25 19 of a processor, able...
superschool 27 21 an exceptional schoo...
superscouts 25 19 SUPERSCOUT, a superl...
superscreen 23 19 a very large screen...
superscribe 27 21 to write at the top...
superscript 28 21 something written ab...
supersecret 24 18 a top secret [n -S]
supersedeas 20 16 a stay order (to sta...
supersedere 20 16 (Scots) a private ag...
superseders 21 16 SUPERSEDER, one who...
superseding 22 19 SUPERSEDE, to take t...
supersedure 21 17 the act of supersedi...
superseller 23 17 something that sells...
supersinger 22 18 an exceptionally tal...
supersizing 26 27 SUPERSIZE, to increa...
supersleuth 25 19 a very effective det...
supersmooth 24 20 very very smooth [ad...
supersonics 24 19 SUPERSONIC, a supers...
supersounds 21 18 SUPERSOUND, sound vi...
superspeeds 23 19 SUPERSPEED, a very h...
superstates 21 15 SUPERSTATE, a state...
superstocks 26 22 SUPERSTOCK, a very h...
superstores 21 15 SUPERSTORE, a very l...
superstorms 23 18 SUPERSTORM, an extre...
superstrata 21 15 SUPERSTRATUM, an ove...
superstrike 23 19 an exceptional strik...
superstring 23 18 a hypothetical very...
superstrong 22 18 very very strong [ad...
superstruct 26 19 to build on somethin...
supersubtle 25 20 overly subtle, also...
supersystem 29 20 a system that is mad...
supertanker 21 20 a very large tanker...
supertitles 23 16 SUPERTITLE, a surtit...
supertonics 24 19 SUPERTONIC, the note...
supertrucks 27 23 SUPERTRUCK, a very l...
supertwists 26 18 SUPERTWIST, a techni...
supervening 23 23 SUPERVENE, to come i...
supervirile 25 20 excessively virile [...
supervisals 25 20 SUPERVISAL, supervis...
supervisees 23 19 SUPERVISEE, one who...
supervising 25 22 SUPERVISE, to overse...
supervision 23 20 the act of supervisi...
supervisors 24 19 SUPERVISOR, one that...
supervisory 30 21 relating to or havin...
supervolute 24 21 convolute [adj]
superweapon 24 22 an exceptionally eff...
supinations 20 17 SUPINATION, being tu...
suppedaneum 23 24 a support under the...
suppertimes 25 21 SUPPERTIME, the time...
supplanters 24 20 SUPPLANTER, one who...
supplanting 25 23 SUPPLANT, to take th...
supplejacks 31 35 SUPPLEJACK, a woody...
supplements 25 23 SUPPLEMENT, to add o...
suppletions 24 20 SUPPLETION, addition...
suppletives 27 23 SUPPLETIVE, somethin...
suppliances 27 23 SUPPLIANCE, (Shakesp...
suppliantly 32 23 SUPPLIANT, (Shakespe...
supplicants 28 23 SUPPLICANT, one who...
supplicated 28 23 SUPPLICAT [v]
supplicates 28 22 SUPPLICATE, to entre...
supplicavit 31 26 formerly, a writ iss...
supplyments 32 25 SUPPLYMENT, (Shakesp...
supportable 26 22 that can be supporte...
supportably 33 24 SUPPORTABLE, that ca...
supportance 25 22 (Shakespeare) suppor...
supportings 25 21 SUPPORTING, the act...
supportless 25 19 without support [adj...
supportment 24 22 support [n -S]
supportress 24 18 a female supporter [...
supportures 24 19 SUPPORTURE, support...
supposition 23 19 something that is su...
suppositive 26 22 suppositional [adj S...
suppository 30 20 a solid but readily...
suppressant 23 19 a drug that tends to...
suppressers 24 18 SUPPRESSER, somethin...
suppressing 25 21 SUPPRESS, to subdue...
suppression 23 19 an act or instance o...
suppressive 26 22 serving to suppress...
suppressors 24 18 SUPPRESSOR, somethin...
suppurating 25 22 SUPPURATE, to discha...
suppuration 23 20 the discharge of pus...
suppurative 26 23 causing suppuration...
supracostal 25 19 situated above the r...
suprarenals 21 17 SUPRARENAL, a suprar...
supremacies 25 21 SUPREMACY, the state...
supremacism 27 24 belief in the suprem...
supremacist 26 21 an advocate or adher...
suprematism 24 21 an early 20th centur...
suprematist 23 18 a practitioner in su...
supremeness 21 19 the state of being s...
supremities 23 18 SUPREMITY, supremacy...
suraddition 19 15 (Shakespeare) an add...
surbasement 21 19 a surbase [n -S]
surchargers 26 19 SURCHARGER, one who...
surcharging 27 22 SURCHARGE, to exact...
surcingling 26 22 SURCINGLE, to fasten...
suretyships 31 19 SURETYSHIP, the stat...
surfaceless 25 19 without a surface [a...
surfactants 24 19 SURFACTANT, a substa...
surfboarded 23 20 SURFBOARD, to surf o...
surfboarder 23 19 one who uses a surfb...
surfcasters 25 18 SURFCASTER, one who...
surfcasting 26 21 fishing from the sho...
surfeitings 23 18 SURFEITING [n]
surfperches 29 23 SURFPERCH, a Western...
surfridings 24 19 SURFRIDING, the spor...
surgeoncies 22 18 SURGEONCY, the offic...
surgeonfish 24 20 a kind of tropical f...
surgeonship 24 20 the office of surgeo...
surjections 24 25 SURJECTION, a mappin...
surlinesses 20 14 SURLINESS, the state...
surmistress 22 15 a female surmaster,...
surmounters 20 17 SURMOUNTER, one who,...
surmounting 21 20 the act of surmounti...
surpassable 24 19 capable of being sur...
surplusages 24 19 SURPLUSAGE, surplus...
surplussing 25 20 SURPLUS, to be in ex...
surprinting 23 19 SURPRINT, to print o...
surprisedly 30 19 SURPRISED [adv]
surprisings 24 18 SURPRISING, the act...
surquedries 28 23 SURQUEDRY, (obsolete...
surrealisms 22 16 SURREALISM, a moveme...
surrealists 21 13 SURREALIST, an expon...
surrebuttal 23 17 a plaintiff's eviden...
surrebutted 22 17 SURREBUT, to reply t...
surrebutter 22 16 in law, a plaintiff'...
surrejoined 20 23 SURREJOIN, to reply,...
surrendered 18 15 SURRENDER, to yield,...
surrenderee 17 14 one who is surrender...
surrenderer 18 14 one who surrenders,...
surrenderor 18 14 one who surrenders,...
surrendries 19 14 SURRENDRY, (obsolete...
surrogacies 23 17 SURROGACY, the state...
surrogating 21 17 SURROGATE, to act as...
surrogation 19 15 subrogation [n -S]
surrogatums 22 18 SURROGATUM, somethin...
surrounding 20 18 SURROUND, to encompa...
surtarbrand 21 17 (Icelandic) a lignit...
surturbrand 22 18 (Icelandic) a lignit...
surveillant 23 19 one that exercises s...
surveilling 25 21 SURVEIL, to watch cl...
surveyances 29 22 SURVEYANCE, survey;...
survivalism 27 24 the practice of taki...
survivalist 26 21 a person who advocat...
survivances 26 24 SURVIVANCE, survival...
susceptance 26 22 the imaginary part o...
susceptible 28 22 open to the influenc...
susceptibly 35 24 SUSCEPTIBLE, open to...
suscipients 25 19 SUSCIPIENT, the reci...
suscitating 24 18 SUSCITATE, to excite...
suscitation 22 16 the act of suscitati...
suspectable 27 22 that can be suspecte...
suspectedly 32 22 SUSPECTED [adv]
suspectless 26 19 without a suspect [a...
suspendered 20 18 SUSPENDER [v]
suspendible 24 21 that can be suspende...
suspenseful 24 21 full of suspense [ad...
suspensible 24 20 that can be suspende...
suspensions 20 17 SUSPENSION, temporar...
suspensoids 21 17 SUSPENSOID, a colloi...
suspensoria 20 16 SUSPENSORIUM, that w...
suspicional 25 20 relating to suspicio...
suspicioned 24 20 SUSPICION, to suspec...
suspiration 21 16 the act of sighing,...
sustainable 21 17 capable of being sus...
sustainably 28 19 SUSTAINABLE [adv]
sustainedly 26 17 SUSTAINED [adv]
sustainings 20 16 SUSTAINING, the act...
sustainment 19 17 the act of sustainin...
sustenances 20 17 SUSTENANCE, nourishm...
sustentated 18 14 SUSTENTATE, to susta...
sustentates 18 13 SUSTENTATE, to susta...
sustentator 18 13 a sustaining part or...
sustentions 18 14 SUSTENTION, the act...
susurrating 21 16 SUSURRATE, to whispe...
susurration 19 14 whispering, murmurin...
sutlerships 26 18 SUTLERSHIP, the offi...
suturations 19 14 SUTURATION, the act...
svarabhakti 26 24 (Sanskrit) the devel...
swaggerings 25 21 SWAGGERING [n]
swallowable 29 23 that can swallowed [...
swallowtail 28 20 a kind of butterfly...
swallowwort 30 22 a kind of vine with...
swarthiness 24 17 the state of being s...
swartnesses 21 15 SWARTNESS, the state...
swashbuckle 32 28 to act the part of a...
swatchbooks 30 26 SWATCHBOOK, a collec...
sweatshirts 25 16 SWEATSHIRT, a long-s...
sweepstakes 24 21 a race or contest in...
sweetbreads 23 18 SWEETBREAD, the thym...
sweetbriars 24 17 SWEETBRIAR, a wild r...
sweetbriers 24 17 SWEETBRIER, a wild r...
sweetenings 21 18 SWEETENING, the act...
sweetfishes 26 19 SWEETFISH, the ayu,...
sweethearts 23 16 SWEETHEART, a loved...
sweetiewife 26 20 (Scots) a woman who...
sweetnesses 20 15 SWEETNESS, the state...
sweetwaters 24 17 SWEETWATER, freshwat...
sweirnesses 21 15 SWEIRNESS, (Scots) s...
swellfishes 29 21 SWELLFISH, a fish, t...
swellheaded 25 20 conceited [adj]
swelterings 24 18 SWELTERING [n]
swiftnesses 24 18 SWIFTNESS, the state...
swimfeeders 25 21 SWIMFEEDER, a device...
swinestones 20 16 SWINESTONE, a limest...
swingeingly 31 23 SWINGEING [adv]
swingingest 24 20 SWINGING, lively and...
swingletree 23 18 the crosspiece of a...
swingometer 23 20 instrument for measu...
swinishness 24 18 the state of being s...
switchbacks 35 29 SWITCHBACK, to follo...
switchblade 31 24 a pocketknife having...
switchboard 30 23 a board or frame bea...
switcheroos 27 19 SWITCHEROO, a surpri...
switchgears 29 21 SWITCHGEAR, the appa...
switchgirls 32 22 SWITCHGIRL, a women...
switchgrass 30 21 a panic grass of the...
switchovers 30 23 SWITCHOVER, the act...
switchyards 35 22 SWITCHYARD, an enclo...
swivelblock 33 30 a block on which a s...
swollenness 22 18 the state of being s...
swordbearer 23 18 one who carries a sw...
swordcrafts 28 21 SWORDCRAFT, skill at...
swordfishes 27 20 SWORDFISH, a large f...
swordplayer 31 21 one who engages in s...
swordsticks 28 22 SWORDSTICK, a hollow...
swordswoman 25 22 a woman who uses a s...
swordswomen 25 22 SWORDSWOMAN, a woman...
sybaritical 32 20 like a sybarite, dev...
sybaritisms 30 19 SYBARITISM, devotion...
sycophantic 35 25 of or like a sycopha...
sycophantly 39 25 like a sycophant [ad...
sycophantry 38 24 flattery [n SYCOPHAN...
syllabaries 29 18 SYLLABARY, a system...
syllabarium 31 22 a syllabary [n SYLLA...
syllabicate 32 21 to syllabify [v SYLL...
syllabicity 40 23 the state of being i...
syllabified 32 22 SYLLABIFY, to divide...
syllabifies 32 21 SYLLABIFY, to divide...
syllabising 31 21 SYLLABISE, to form o...
syllabizing 34 30 SYLLABIZE, to form o...
syllabogram 31 23 a written symbol rep...
sylleptical 34 22 relating to syllepsi...
syllogisers 29 17 SYLLOGISER, one who...
syllogising 30 20 SYLLOGISE, to reason...
syllogistic 33 20 relating to syllogis...
syllogizers 32 26 SYLLOGIZER, one who...
syllogizing 33 29 SYLLOGIZE, to reason...
sylvestrian 28 19 relating to woodland...
symbiotical 33 23 relating to symbiosi...
symbolisers 30 20 SYMBOLISER, one who...
symbolising 31 23 SYMBOLISE, to be sym...
symbolistic 34 23 relating to symbolis...
symbolizers 33 29 SYMBOLIZER, one who...
symbolizing 34 32 SYMBOLIZE, to be sym...
symbologies 30 22 SYMBOLOGY, the study...
symbologist 31 22 a student of symbolo...
symbolology 37 25 the study of symbols...
symmetalism 30 23 a system of coinage...
symmetallic 33 24 relating to symmetal...
symmetrians 27 20 SYMMETRIAN, a person...
symmetrical 32 23 having symmetry, als...
symmetrised 28 20 SYMMETRISE, to make...
symmetrises 28 19 SYMMETRISE, to make...
symmetrized 31 29 SYMMETRIZE, to make...
symmetrizes 31 28 SYMMETRIZE, to make...
sympathetic 34 24 feeling together, al...
sympathique 39 31 (French) attractive...
sympathised 31 22 SYMPATHISE, to be in...
sympathiser 31 21 one who sympathises,...
sympathises 31 21 SYMPATHISE, to be in...
sympathized 34 31 SYMPATHIZE, to be in...
sympathizer 34 30 one who sympathizes,...
sympathizes 34 30 SYMPATHIZE, to be in...
sympetalies 29 20 SYMPETALY, of petals...
sympetalous 29 21 having the petals un...
symphilisms 35 25 SYMPHILISM, the stat...
symphonions 29 23 SYMPHONION, a combin...
symphonious 30 23 agreeing esp. in sou...
symphonists 31 22 SYMPHONIST, a compos...
sympodially 37 24 SYMPODIAL, relating...
symposiarch 34 24 the master, director...
symposiasts 29 19 SYMPOSIAST, a partic...
symptomatic 33 25 relating to or displ...
symptomless 31 23 without symptoms [ad...
synagogical 30 22 relating to a synago...
synaloephas 28 20 SYNALOEPHA, the melt...
synantheses 25 17 SYNANTHESIS, synchro...
synanthesis 26 17 synchronous maturity...
synanthetic 29 20 showing synanthy, th...
synaptosome 26 20 a nerve ending that...
synchoreses 29 19 SYNCHORESIS, a conce...
synchoresis 30 19 a concession, esp. o...
synchromesh 33 24 designed for effecti...
synchronies 29 20 SYNCHRONY, simultane...
synchronise 29 20 to cause to happen a...
synchronism 31 23 the state of being s...
synchronize 32 29 to cause to happen a...
synchronous 29 21 happening at the sam...
synchrotron 29 20 a type of very high-...
synclinoria 28 19 SYNCLINORIUM, a grea...
syncopating 30 23 SYNCOPATE, to shorte...
syncopation 28 21 a shift of accent in...
syncopative 31 24 relating to syncopat...
syncopators 29 20 SYNCOPATOR, one who...
syncretised 28 18 SYNCRETISE, to becom...
syncretises 28 17 SYNCRETISE, to becom...
syncretisms 30 20 SYNCRETISM, the reco...
syncretists 29 17 SYNCRETIST, a believ...
syncretized 31 27 SYNCRETIZE, to becom...
syncretizes 31 26 SYNCRETIZE, to becom...
syndesmoses 25 18 SYNDESMOSIS, an arti...
syndesmosis 26 18 an articulation in w...
syndesmotic 29 21 relating to syndesmo...
syndicalism 31 22 the doctrine of dire...
syndicalist 30 19 a believer in syndic...
syndicating 29 21 SYNDICATE, to sell (...
syndication 27 19 the act of syndicati...
syndicators 28 18 SYNDICATOR, one who...
syndicships 34 23 SYNDICSHIP, the offi...
syndyasmian 31 21 loose temporary pair...
synecdoches 32 23 SYNECDOCHE, a figure...
synecdochic 36 26 relating to synecdoc...
synecologic 32 23 relating to synecolo...
synergising 27 19 SYNERGISE, to act as...
synergistic 30 19 showing synergy [adj...
synergizing 30 28 SYNERGIZE, to act as...
synesthesia 26 16 a sensation felt in...
synesthetic 30 19 relating to synesthe...
syngnathous 27 20 of certain fish, hav...
synkaryonic 34 24 like a synkaryon [ad...
synodically 36 22 SYNODICAL, enacted o...
synoecioses 26 17 SYNOECIOSIS, the rhe...
synoeciosis 27 17 the rhetorical figur...
synoecising 28 20 SYNOECISE, to unite...
synoecizing 31 29 SYNOECIZE, to unite...
synoecology 34 22 the study of ecologi...
synonymatic 34 23 of, consisting of or...
synonymical 35 24 like a synonym, also...
synonymicon 33 24 a dictionary of syno...
synonymised 31 21 SYNONYMISE, to make...
synonymises 31 20 SYNONYMISE, to make...
synonymists 32 20 SYNONYMIST, a studen...
synonymized 34 30 SYNONYMIZE, to make...
synonymizes 34 29 SYNONYMIZE, to make...
synopsising 28 20 SYNOPSISE, to make a...
synopsizing 31 29 SYNOPSIZE, to make a...
synoptistic 31 20 of or like a synopti...
synovitises 27 18 SYNOVITIS, inflammat...
synsepalous 27 19 another word for gam...
syntactical 32 21 relating to syntax,...
syntagmatic 30 22 of or like a syntagm...
syntectical 32 21 (obsolete) pertainin...
synthesised 27 17 SYNTHESIS [v]
synthesiser 27 16 SYNTHESIS [v]
synthesises 27 16 SYNTHESISE, to combi...
synthesists 28 16 SYNTHESIST, someone...
synthesized 30 26 SYNTHESIZE, to combi...
synthesizer 30 25 a person who, or thi...
synthesizes 30 25 SYNTHESIZE, to combi...
synthespian 28 20 a computer-generated...
synthetases 26 16 SYNTHETASE, a kind o...
synthetical 31 20 artificially produce...
synthetised 27 17 SYNTHETISE, to put t...
synthetiser 27 16 one who synthetises,...
synthetises 27 16 SYNTHETISE, to put t...
synthetisms 29 19 SYNTHETISM, the symb...
synthetists 28 16 SYNTHETIST, one who...
synthetized 30 26 SYNTHETIZE, to put t...
synthetizer 30 25 one who synthetizes,...
synthetizes 30 25 SYNTHETIZE, to put t...
syntonising 25 18 SYNTONISE, to adjust...
syntonizing 28 27 SYNTONIZE, to adjust...
syphilising 33 22 SYPHILISE, to inocul...
syphilitics 36 22 SYPHILITIC, one suff...
syphilizing 36 31 SYPHILIZE, to inocul...
syphilology 39 24 the study of syphili...
syphilomata 31 22 SYPHILOMA, a syphili...
syringotomy 33 21 cutting of a fistula...
syssarcoses 28 16 SYSSARCOSIS, the uni...
syssarcosis 29 16 the union of bones,...
syssarcotic 32 19 relating to syssarco...
systematics 30 19 SYSTEMATIC [n]
systematise 26 16 to reduce to a syste...
systematism 28 19 the practice of form...
systematist 27 16 a person who constru...
systematize 29 25 to reduce to a syste...
systemisers 27 16 SYSTEMISER, one who...
systemising 28 19 SYSTEMISE, to reduce...
systemizers 30 25 SYSTEMIZER, one who...
systemizing 31 28 SYSTEMIZE, to reduce...