11 letter words that starts with a

11 letter words that start with A

11 letter A word


Word With Friends


abactinally 31 22 ABACTINAL, remote fr...
abandonedly 25 21 ABANDONED [adv]
abandonment 18 21 the state of being a...
abandonware 20 20 computer software th...
abbreviated 24 22 ABBREVIATE, to make...
abbreviates 24 21 ABBREVIATE, to make...
abbreviator 24 21 one who abbreviates...
abdications 23 19 ABDICATION, an act o...
abdominally 29 23 ABDOMINAL, relating...
abecedarian 21 19 one learning the alp...
aberdevines 21 20 ABERDEVINE, a bird-f...
abernethies 21 17 ABERNETHY, a crisp u...
aberrancies 22 18 ABERRANCY, the state...
aberrations 19 15 ABERRATION, an insta...
abhominable 25 24 hateful, detestable,...
abhorrences 24 20 ABHORRENCE, the act...
abhorrently 29 20 ABHORRENT, loathsome...
abiogeneses 19 17 ABIOGENESIS, the sup...
abiogenesis 20 17 the supposed spontan...
abiogenetic 23 20 relating to abiogene...
abiogenists 21 17 ABIOGENIST, a believ...
abiological 26 21 not involving living...
abiotically 32 21 ABIOTIC, devoid of o...
abiotrophic 28 22 relating to abiotrop...
abirritants 21 15 ABIRRITANT, any drug...
abirritated 21 15 ABIRRITATE, to sooth...
abirritates 21 14 ABIRRITATE, to sooth...
abiturients 21 16 ABITURIENT, a pupil...
abjunctions 25 29 ABJUNCTION, the act...
abjurations 22 25 ABJURATION, the act...
ablactation 23 19 the weaning of a chi...
ablatitious 22 16 relating to ablation...
ablutionary 27 19 relating to the act...
ablutomanes 21 20 ABLUTOMANE, one obse...
abnegations 19 18 ABNEGATION, an act o...
abnormalism 23 22 the state of being a...
abnormality 28 21 the state of being a...
abnormities 21 18 ABNORMITY, a deviati...
abolishable 26 21 able to be abolished...
abolishment 24 21 the act of abolishin...
abolitional 21 17 relating to abolitio...
abominating 21 21 ABOMINATE, to loathe...
abomination 19 19 something abominable...
abominators 20 18 ABOMINATOR, one who...
abonnements 18 20 ABONNEMENT, (French)...
aboriginals 22 18 ABORIGINAL, an abori...
aborticides 24 18 ABORTICIDE, the kill...
abortionist 20 15 one who induces abor...
abortuaries 20 15 ABORTUARY, an anti-a...
aboveground 22 23 located above the su...
abracadabra 24 21 a magic word, used a...
abranchiate 24 20 lacking gills, also...
abreactions 22 18 ABREACTION, the reso...
abridgeable 24 21 that can abridged, a...
abridgement 22 21 the act of abridging...
abridgments 23 21 ABRIDGMENT, the act...
abrogations 20 17 ABROGATION, the act...
abscissions 24 18 ABSCISSION, the act...
abscondence 24 23 the act of abscondin...
abscondings 24 22 ABSCONDING [n]
absenteeism 20 18 prolonged absence of...
absinthisms 25 20 ABSINTHISM, a diseas...
absolutions 21 17 ABSOLUTION, remissio...
absolutised 22 17 ABSOLUTISE, to make...
absolutises 22 16 ABSOLUTISE, to make...
absolutisms 24 19 ABSOLUTISM, the doct...
absolutists 23 16 ABSOLUTIST, one who...
absolutives 24 20 ABSOLUTIVE, a gramma...
absolutized 25 26 ABSOLUTIZE, to make...
absolutizes 25 25 ABSOLUTIZE, to make...
absolvitors 24 19 ABSOLVITOR, in Scots...
absorbances 24 21 ABSORBANCE, the abil...
absorbingly 31 23 ABSORBING [adv]
absorptance 24 21 the ratio of the rad...
absorptions 22 18 ABSORPTION, the proc...
abstentions 19 16 ABSTENTION, the act...
abstentious 20 16 given to abstaining...
abstergents 21 17 ABSTERGENT, an abste...
abstersions 20 15 ABSTERSION, the act...
abstersives 23 18 ABSTERSIVE, an abste...
abstinences 22 19 ABSTINENCE, voluntar...
abstinently 27 19 ABSTINENT, tending t...
abstracters 24 17 ABSTRACTER, one who...
abstractest 24 17 ABSTRACT, difficult...
abstracting 25 20 ABSTRACT, to draw aw...
abstraction 23 18 the act of abstracti...
abstractive 26 21 able or tending to a...
abstractors 24 17 ABSTRACTOR, one who...
abstricting 26 20 ABSTRICT, to set fre...
abstriction 24 18 the act of abstricti...
absurdities 22 16 ABSURDITY, the quali...
abundancies 22 21 ABUNDANCY, the state...
abusiveness 22 20 the quality of being...
academicals 26 22 ACADEMICAL, a colleg...
academician 24 22 a member of an acade...
academicism 27 24 the doctrine that no...
acarologies 22 17 ACAROLOGY, the study...
acarologist 23 17 a practitioner of ac...
acarpellous 25 20 having no carpels, a...
acatalectic 28 21 having a complete or...
acataleptic 27 21 a person who suspend...
acaulescent 24 20 having a very short...
accelerable 27 22 that can be accelera...
accelerando 23 20 (Italian) getting qu...
accelerants 24 19 ACCELERANT, an accel...
accelerated 24 19 ACCELERATE, to bring...
accelerates 24 18 ACCELERATE, to bring...
accelerator 24 18 something that accel...
accentually 32 23 ACCENTUAL, of or per...
accentuated 23 20 ACCENTUATE, to empha...
accentuates 23 19 ACCENTUATE, to empha...
acceptances 28 24 ACCEPTANCE, the act...
acceptation 25 21 a kind reception; th...
acceptingly 35 26 ACCEPTING [adv]
acceptivity 36 26 the state of being a...
accessaries 24 17 ACCESSARY, an access...
accessarily 32 20 ACCESSARY, accompany...
accessional 24 19 relating to accessio...
accessioned 23 19 ACCESSION, to record...
accessorial 25 18 having the nature of...
accessories 24 17 ACCESSORY, something...
accessorily 32 20 ACCESSORY, accompany...
accessorise 24 17 to furnish with acce...
accessorius 25 18 a muscle or nerve th...
accessorize 27 26 to furnish with acce...
accidentals 25 20 ACCIDENTAL, a noness...
accipitrine 27 21 relating to the bird...
acclamation 25 22 a shout of approval...
acclamatory 32 23 expressing acclamati...
acclimating 28 24 ACCLIMATE, (US) to h...
acclimation 26 22 the act of acclimati...
acclimatise 27 21 to accustom to a cli...
acclimatize 30 30 to accustom to a cli...
acclivities 29 22 ACCLIVITY, an upward...
acclivitous 29 23 sloping upwards, als...
accommodate 25 24 to make fit, suitabl...
accompanied 26 25 ACCOMPANY, to escort...
accompanier 26 24 one who accompanies...
accompanies 26 24 ACCOMPANY, to escort...
accompanist 27 24 one who accompanies...
accomplices 32 27 ACCOMPLICE, one asso...
accomptable 30 27 accountable, also AC...
accomptants 27 24 ACCOMPTANT, an accou...
accordances 26 22 ACCORDANCE, agreemen...
accordantly 31 22 ACCORDANT, agreeing;...
accordingly 33 24 therefore; in agreem...
accoucheurs 30 24 ACCOUCHEUR, (French)...
accoucheuse 29 24 (French) a female mi...
accountable 26 23 that can be held to...
accountably 33 25 ACCOUNTABLE, that ca...
accountancy 32 25 the profession or pr...
accountants 23 20 ACCOUNTANT, one skil...
accountings 25 22 ACCOUNTING, the sett...
accouraging 26 23 ACCOURAGE, (Spenser)...
accoutering 25 21 ACCOUTER, (US) to dr...
accrediting 26 21 ACCREDIT, to accept...
accrescence 29 24 growing together [n...
accruements 25 22 ACCRUEMENT, the act...
accubations 26 22 ACCUBATION, the act...
acculturate 26 20 to undergo accultura...
accumulable 30 27 that can be accumula...
accumulated 27 24 ACCUMULATE, to gathe...
accumulates 27 23 ACCUMULATE, to gathe...
accumulator 27 23 a thing or person th...
accusations 24 19 ACCUSATION, the act...
accusatival 28 23 relating to the accu...
accusatives 27 22 ACCUSATIVE, a case i...
accusements 25 22 ACCUSEMENT, (Spenser...
accustomary 32 23 made familiar by cus...
accustoming 27 24 ACCUSTOM, to make fa...
acerbically 35 24 ACERBIC, bitter and...
acervations 22 19 ACERVATION, the acti...
acescencies 26 21 ACESCENCY, the act o...
acetabulums 26 23 ACETABULUM, (Latin)...
acetanilide 21 17 a white crystalline...
acetanilids 22 17 ACETANILID, a white...
acetometers 21 17 ACETOMETER, a device...
acetonaemia 19 18 an abnormal increase...
acetonemias 20 18 ACETONEMIA, an abnor...
acetonurias 20 16 ACETONURIA, the pres...
acetylating 29 20 ACETYLATE, to introd...
acetylation 27 18 the act of acetylati...
acetylative 30 21 acting as an acetyla...
achaenocarp 26 23 any dry indehiscent...
achievement 25 24 the act of achieving...
achondrites 23 18 ACHONDRITE, a stony...
achondritic 27 21 of or like an achond...
achromatins 24 20 ACHROMATIN, tissue w...
achromatise 24 19 to make achromatic [...
achromatism 26 22 the state of being a...
achromatize 27 28 to make achromatic [...
achromatous 24 20 having little or no...
acidanthera 22 18 a plant of the genus...
acidifiable 27 22 capable of being aci...
acidimeters 23 18 ACIDIMETER, an instr...
acidimetric 27 21 relating to acidimet...
acidometers 22 18 ACIDOMETER, a type o...
acidophiles 27 21 ACIDOPHILE, a substa...
acidophilic 31 24 easily stained by ac...
acidophilus 28 22 a bacterium used to...
acidulating 24 20 ACIDULATE, to make a...
acidulation 22 18 the process of makin...
acierations 20 15 ACIERATION, the proc...
acinaciform 27 24 scimitar-shaped [adj...
acknowledge 26 26 to recognize the rig...
acoelomates 21 18 ACOELOMATE, an anima...
acolouthite 24 18 (obsolete) an acolyt...
acotyledons 27 19 ACOTYLEDON, a plant...
acoustician 24 19 one versed in the sc...
acquainting 30 28 ACQUAINT, to cause t...
acquiescent 32 28 inclined to acquiesc...
acquiescing 34 30 ACQUIESCE, to agree,...
acquighting 35 31 ACQUIGHT, (obsolete)...
acquirement 30 28 a skill of mind or b...
acquisition 30 25 the act of acquiring...
acquisitive 33 28 strongly desirous of...
acquisitors 31 24 ACQUISITOR, one who...
acquitments 31 28 ACQUITMENT, (obsolet...
acquittance 32 28 payment of, or relea...
acridnesses 21 16 ACRIDNESS, the quali...
acriflavine 26 23 an antiseptic, also...
acriflavins 27 23 ACRIFLAVIN, an antis...
acrimonious 22 19 caustic, biting, or...
acrobatisms 25 20 ACROBATISM, the art...
acrocarpous 26 21 of mosses, having th...
acrocentric 27 21 a rod-shaped chromos...
acrodromous 22 19 of the veins in a le...
acromegalic 27 23 relating to acromega...
acronically 32 22 ACRONICAL, occurring...
acronycally 38 24 ACRONYCAL, occurring...
acronymania 26 21 a craze for acronyms...
acropetally 31 21 ACROPETAL, in the di...
acrophobias 27 22 ACROPHOBIA, fear of...
acrophobics 31 25 ACROPHOBIC, one suff...
acrophonies 24 20 ACROPHONY, the use o...
acropolises 24 18 ACROPOLIS, (Greek) a...
acroteriums 23 18 ACROTERIUM, a pedest...
acrylamides 30 21 ACRYLAMIDE, an amide...
actinically 33 22 ACTINIC, of or perta...
actinolites 22 16 ACTINOLITE, a bright...
actinomeres 21 18 ACTINOMERE, one of a...
actinometer 21 18 an instrument for me...
actinometry 28 20 the measurement of h...
actinomyces 31 23 a filamentous microo...
actinomycin 31 24 any of various antib...
activations 23 19 ACTIVATION, the act...
actomyosins 28 20 ACTOMYOSIN, a protei...
actualising 24 19 ACTUALISE, to make a...
actualities 23 16 ACTUALITY, the state...
actualizing 27 28 ACTUALIZE, to make a...
actuarially 30 19 ACTUARIAL, of or per...
acuminating 23 22 ACUMINATE, to sharpe...
acumination 21 20 the state of being a...
acupressure 24 19 the application of p...
acupuncture 27 24 the complementary th...
acutenesses 20 16 ACUTENESS, the state...
adaptations 19 16 ADAPTATION, the act...
adaptedness 19 17 the state of being a...
adaptogenic 23 21 acting to normalize...
adderstones 17 14 ADDERSTONE, a prehis...
additaments 19 17 ADDITAMENT, a thing...
addititious 20 14 of, pertaining to or...
addressable 21 17 able to be addressed...
addressings 20 16 ADDRESSING, the act...
adelantados 17 15 ADELANTADO, (Spanish...
adenomatous 17 17 relating to an adeno...
adeptnesses 19 16 ADEPTNESS, the state...
adhibitions 23 18 ADHIBITION, the act...
adhocracies 26 20 ADHOCRACY, managemen...
adiaphorism 24 20 tolerance or indiffe...
adiaphorist 23 17 an adherent of adiap...
adiaphorous 22 18 doing neither good n...
adiathermic 25 20 impervious to radian...
adipocerous 23 19 like adipocere, a fa...
adiposities 21 15 ADIPOSITY, the state...
adjacencies 25 28 ADJACENCY, the state...
adjectively 33 31 ADJECTIVE, added, de...
adjournment 20 27 the act of adjournin...
adjudgement 22 29 the act of adjudging...
adjudgments 23 29 ADJUDGMENT, the act...
adjudicated 24 27 ADJUDICATE, to settl...
adjudicates 24 26 ADJUDICATE, to settl...
adjudicator 24 26 one who adjudicates...
adjunctions 23 27 ADJUNCTION, the act...
adjurations 20 23 ADJURATION, the act...
adjustments 22 26 ADJUSTMENT, the act...
adjutancies 23 26 ADJUTANCY, the offic...
adjuvancies 25 30 ADJUVANCY, the state...
admeasuring 20 19 ADMEASURE, to measur...
adminicular 24 21 corroborative [adj]
administers 20 16 ADMINISTER, to manag...
admiralship 26 21 the office of admira...
admiralties 21 16 ADMIRALTY, the offic...
admirations 19 16 ADMIRATION, delighte...
admiraunces 22 20 ADMIRAUNCE, (Spenser...
admittances 22 19 ADMITTANCE, the act...
admonishers 21 18 ADMONISHER, one who...
admonishing 22 21 ADMONISH, to reprove...
admonitions 18 17 ADMONITION, gentle o...
adolescence 23 20 the state or process...
adolescents 21 17 ADOLESCENT, one of a...
adoptianism 21 19 the doctrine that Ch...
adoptianist 20 16 a believer in adopti...
adoptionism 21 19 the doctrine that Ch...
adoptionist 20 16 a believer in adopti...
adorability 28 18 the state of being a...
adrenalines 17 15 ADRENALINE, a hormon...
adrenalised 18 15 charged with adrenal...
adrenalized 21 24 charged with adrenal...
adriamycins 29 21 ADRIAMYCIN, a trade...
adscription 24 19 the state of being a...
adsorptions 20 16 ADSORPTION, the adhe...
adulterants 19 15 ADULTERANT, that whi...
adulterated 19 15 ADULTERATE, to make...
adulterates 19 14 ADULTERATE, to make...
adulterator 19 14 one who adulterates...
adulterines 19 15 ADULTERINE, an offsp...
adulterised 20 15 ADULTERISE, (archaic...
adulterises 20 14 ADULTERISE, (archaic...
adulterized 23 24 ADULTERIZE, (archaic...
adulterizes 23 23 ADULTERIZE, (archaic...
adultescent 22 18 an adult whose activ...
adultnesses 19 15 ADULTNESS, the state...
adultresses 20 14 ADULTRESS, a female...
adumbrating 23 22 ADUMBRATE, to foresh...
adumbration 21 20 a sketch or outline...
adumbrative 24 23 with the character o...
advancement 22 24 promotion or elevati...
advancingly 31 26 ADVANCING [adv]
advantaging 21 22 ADVANTAGE, to confer...
adventitial 21 18 relating to the adve...
adventitias 20 17 ADVENTITIA, the oute...
adventurers 20 18 ADVENTURER, one who...
adventuress 20 18 a female adventurer...
adventuring 21 21 the act of having an...
adventurism 22 21 improvisation in the...
adventurist 21 18 a practitioner of ad...
adventurous 20 19 disposed to seek adv...
adverbially 31 23 ADVERBIAL, relating...
advergaming 23 24 a method of interact...
adversarial 21 17 combative, anatgonis...
adversaries 20 16 ADVERSARY, an oppone...
adversative 22 20 expressing oppositio...
adverseness 19 17 the quality of being...
adversities 21 16 ADVERSITY, a state,...
advertences 22 20 ADVERTENCE, the act...
advertently 27 20 ADVERTENT, attentive...
advertisers 21 16 ADVERTISER, one who...
advertising 22 19 ADVERTISE, to draw a...
advertizers 24 25 ADVERTIZER, one who...
advertizing 25 28 the business of prod...
advertorial 21 17 an advertisement pre...
advisedness 20 18 the state of being a...
advisements 21 20 ADVISEMENT, counsel;...
advisership 26 21 the office of advise...
advisorates 20 16 ADVISORATE, the body...
advocations 22 20 ADVOCATION, the act...
aecidospore 22 18 a spore produced in...
aeciospores 22 17 AECIOSPORE, a spore...
aedileships 24 18 AEDILESHIP, the offi...
aeolotropic 23 18 having different phy...
aepyornises 25 17 AEPYORNIS, (Greek) a...
aerenchymas 29 22 AERENCHYMA, respirat...
aerialities 19 12 AERIALITY, the state...
aerobically 31 21 AEROBIC, requiring f...
aerobicised 23 18 AEROBICISE, to make...
aerobicises 23 17 AEROBICISE, to make...
aerobicists 24 17 AEROBICIST, one who...
aerobicized 26 27 AEROBICIZE, to make...
aerobicizes 26 26 AEROBICIZE, to make...
aerobiology 27 19 the study of airborn...
aerobraking 21 21 using a planet's atm...
aerodynamic 27 21 relating to aerodyna...
aeroelastic 21 15 able to be deformed...
aerogrammes 20 19 AEROGRAMME, an airma...
aerological 23 18 relating to aerology...
aerologists 20 14 AEROLOGIST, one vers...
aeromancies 20 18 AEROMANCY, divinatio...
aeromedical 22 19 of or relating to ae...
aerometries 18 14 AEROMETRY, the measu...
aeronautics 20 16 a science dealing wi...
aeronomical 21 19 relating to aeronomy...
aeronomists 18 15 AERONOMIST, one who...
aerophagias 22 18 AEROPHAGIA, spasmodi...
aerophagies 22 18 AEROPHAGY, spasmodic...
aerophobias 23 19 AEROPHOBIA, fear of...
aerosolised 18 13 AEROSOLISE, to turn...
aerosolises 18 12 AEROSOLISE, to turn...
aerosolized 21 22 AEROSOLIZE, to turn...
aerosolizes 21 21 AEROSOLIZE, to turn...
aerospheres 21 16 AEROSPHERE, the enti...
aerostatics 21 14 the science of gases...
aerostation 16 12 ballooning [n -S]
aerotropism 21 17 curvature in respons...
aesthetical 24 17 keenly appreciative...
aestivating 21 18 AESTIVATE, to pass t...
aestivation 19 16 the act of spending...
aestivators 20 15 AESTIVATOR, an anima...
aethereally 27 17 AETHEREAL, like a sp...
aetiologies 19 14 AETIOLOGY, the scien...
aetiologist 20 14 a student of aetiolo...
affectation 24 21 the act of taking on...
affectingly 34 26 AFFECTING [adv]
affectional 25 22 relating to affectio...
affectioned 24 22 AFFECTION, to love [...
affectively 35 27 AFFECTIVE, of, arisi...
affectivity 35 26 the quality of being...
affeerments 22 21 AFFEERMENT, the act...
afficionado 24 22 (Spanish) a devotee,...
affiliating 25 21 AFFILIATE, to adopt...
affiliation 23 19 the result of affili...
affirmances 26 24 AFFIRMANCE, confirma...
affirmation 23 21 the act of affirming...
affirmative 26 24 affirming [adj AFFIR...
affirmatory 30 22 expressing affirmati...
affirmingly 33 26 AFFIRMING [adv]
affixations 28 25 AFFIXATION, the act...
afflictings 29 24 AFFLICTING, the act...
afflictions 27 22 AFFLICTION, the stat...
affluencies 26 23 AFFLUENCY, the state...
affluential 24 21 an affluent person w...
afforcement 25 24 the act of afforcing...
afforesting 23 20 AFFOREST, to cover w...
affranchise 27 23 to free from slavery...
affricating 27 23 AFFRICATE, to sound...
affrication 25 21 the act of making a...
affricative 28 24 a sound like an affr...
affrightens 26 22 AFFRIGHTEN, to frigh...
affrightful 31 26 (archaic) frightful...
affrighting 28 24 AFFRIGHT, to frighte...
affrontings 23 21 AFFRONTING, the act...
aficionadas 22 19 AFICIONADA, a female...
aficionados 22 19 AFICIONADO, (Spanish...
afrormosias 21 17 AFRORMOSIA, a dense...
afterbirths 26 19 AFTERBIRTH, the plac...
afterbodies 22 18 AFTERBODY, any disca...
afterbrains 22 18 AFTERBRAIN, a nontec...
afterburner 22 19 a device incorporate...
aftereffect 27 23 an effect that follo...
aftereyeing 26 19 AFTEREYE, (Shakespea...
aftergrowth 27 21 a later growth, an a...
afterguards 22 18 AFTERGUARD, a sailor...
afterimages 22 19 AFTERIMAGE, a usuall...
aftermarket 22 21 the service offered...
afterpieces 25 20 AFTERPIECE, a minor...
aftershafts 25 19 AFTERSHAFT, the seco...
aftershaves 24 20 AFTERSHAVE, a usuall...
aftershocks 27 23 AFTERSHOCK, an earth...
aftersupper 25 21 the time between sup...
afterswarms 25 20 AFTERSWARM, a second...
aftertastes 20 14 AFTERTASTE, persiste...
afterworlds 25 19 AFTERWORLD, a future...
agamogonies 19 19 AGAMOGONY, asexual r...
agamospermy 29 24 the formation of see...
agelessness 19 15 the quality of being...
agglomerate 21 19 to collect, esp. int...
agglutinant 21 19 an agglutinating age...
agglutinate 21 18 to glue together; in...
agglutinins 22 19 AGGLUTININ, a substa...
aggradation 19 17 the act of aggrading...
aggrandised 20 18 AGGRANDISE, to incre...
aggrandiser 20 17 one who aggrandises,...
aggrandises 20 17 AGGRANDISE, to incre...
aggrandized 23 27 AGGRANDIZE, to incre...
aggrandizer 23 26 one who aggrandizes,...
aggrandizes 23 26 AGGRANDIZE, to incre...
aggravating 23 22 AGGRAVATE, to make w...
aggravation 21 20 an act or circumstan...
aggregately 28 20 AGGREGATE, formed of...
aggregating 22 20 AGGREGATE, to cause...
aggregation 20 18 a group, body, or ma...
aggregative 23 21 of or relating to an...
aggregators 21 17 AGGREGATOR, one who...
aggressions 20 16 AGGRESSION, a forcef...
aggrievedly 30 23 AGGRIEVED [adv]
agilenesses 19 15 AGILENESS, the state...
agitational 19 15 relating to agitatio...
agnatically 30 21 AGNATICAL, pertainin...
agnosticism 24 20 the doctrine that we...
agonisingly 27 20 AGONISING [adv]
agonistical 23 18 relating to athletic...
agonizingly 30 29 AGONIZING [adv]
agonothetes 19 16 a judge or director...
agoraphobes 24 21 AGORAPHOBE, one with...
agoraphobia 24 21 a morbid fear of ope...
agoraphobic 28 24 one with a morbid fe...
agranuloses 19 16 AGRANULOSIS, a blood...
agranulosis 20 16 a blood disorder in...
agrarianism 20 17 a social or politica...
agregations 19 16 AGREGATION, (French)...
agriculture 25 19 the science or pract...
agriologies 21 16 AGRIOLOGY, the compa...
agriproduct 26 21 a commodity for the...
agritourism 22 17 the business of prov...
agritourist 21 14 one who engages in a...
agrobiology 29 21 the study of plant n...
agrological 25 20 relating to agrology...
agrologists 22 16 AGROLOGIST, a studen...
agronomical 23 21 relating to agronomy...
agronomists 20 17 AGRONOMIST, one vers...
agrostemmas 21 19 AGROSTEMMA, a Europe...
agrostology 27 18 the science or study...
agrotourism 21 17 the business of prov...
agrotourist 20 14 one who engages in a...
agrypnotics 31 22 AGRYPNOTIC, a drug o...
aguardiente 18 16 (Spanish) a kind of...
ahistorical 25 17 not historical, also...
aiguillette 22 16 (French) the tag cov...
ailanthuses 21 16 AILANTHUS, (Amboina)...
ailurophile 25 19 a cat-lover, also AI...
ailurophobe 25 21 a person with a morb...
aimlessness 20 16 the quality of being...
airboarding 21 18 the sport of riding...
airbrushing 25 20 AIRBRUSH, to apply a...
airbursting 23 18 AIRBURST, to explode...
aircraftman 24 21 a member of the lowe...
aircraftmen 24 21 AIRCRAFTMAN, a membe...
airdropping 24 21 AIRDROP, to drop fro...
airfreights 25 18 AIRFREIGHT, to trans...
airlessness 19 13 the quality of being...
airmanships 24 20 AIRMANSHIP, skill in...
airproofing 23 20 AIRPROOF, to make im...
airsickness 23 19 sickness induced by...
airworthier 24 16 AIRWORTHY, suitable...
akoluthoses 22 19 AKOLUTHOS, (historic...
alabandines 19 18 ALABANDINE, a deep r...
alabandites 20 17 ALABANDITE, a cubic...
alabastrine 20 16 of or like alabaster...
alablasters 22 16 ALABLASTER, (obsolet...
albatrosses 21 15 ALBATROSS, a large,...
albescences 26 22 ALBESCENCE, the act...
albugineous 22 20 like the white of an...
albumblatts 27 23 ALBUMBLATT, (German)...
albumenised 22 21 ALBUMENISE, to cover...
albumenises 22 20 ALBUMENISE, to cover...
albumenized 25 30 ALBUMENIZE, to cover...
albumenizes 25 29 ALBUMENIZE, to cover...
albuminates 22 20 ALBUMINATE, a substa...
albuminised 23 21 ALBUMINISE, to cover...
albuminises 23 20 ALBUMINISE, to cover...
albuminized 26 30 ALBUMINIZE, to cover...
albuminizes 26 29 ALBUMINIZE, to cover...
albuminoids 23 21 ALBUMINOID, an old n...
albuminuria 23 21 the presence of albu...
albuminuric 27 24 relating to albuminu...
alcaicerias 25 18 ALCAICERIA, (Spanish...
alchemising 27 23 ALCHEMISE, to change...
alchemistic 30 23 relating to an alche...
alchemizing 30 32 ALCHEMIZE, to change...
alcheringas 25 20 ALCHERINGA, (Native...
alcoholised 25 19 ALCOHOLISE, to conve...
alcoholises 25 18 ALCOHOLISE, to conve...
alcoholisms 27 21 ALCOHOLISM, continue...
alcoholized 28 28 ALCOHOLIZE, to conve...
alcoholizes 28 27 ALCOHOLIZE, to conve...
alcyonarian 26 19 a member of the Alcy...
aldermanity 26 19 the state of being a...
aldohexoses 26 22 ALDOHEXOSE, a class...
aldopentose 19 17 a type of sugar [n -...
aldosterone 17 14 a steroid hormone [n...
aleggeaunce 22 21 (Spenser) alleviatio...
alembicated 25 22 over-refined [adj]
alertnesses 18 13 ALERTNESS, the state...
alexandrine 23 22 (French) a French ve...
alexandrite 24 21 a gem variety of chr...
alexithymia 35 26 an inability to reco...
algebraical 26 21 relating to algebra,...
algebraists 23 17 ALGEBRAIST, one vers...
algidnesses 20 16 ALGIDNESS, the state...
algolagniac 24 21 one who suffers from...
algolagnias 21 18 ALGOLAGNIA, a perver...
algolagnist 22 18 one who derives sexu...
algological 26 21 relating to algology...
algologists 23 17 ALGOLOGIST, one lear...
algometries 21 17 ALGOMETRY, the measu...
algophobias 26 22 ALGOPHOBIA, a morbid...
algorithmic 28 22 relating to an algor...
alienations 17 14 ALIENATION, a separa...
aliennesses 17 14 ALIENNESS, the state...
alightments 24 20 ALIGHTMENT, act of a...
alikenesses 19 17 ALIKENESS, the state...
alineations 17 14 ALINEATION, alignmen...
alismaceous 23 19 belonging to the wat...
aliteracies 22 15 ALITERACY, the state...
alivenesses 20 17 ALIVENESS, the state...
alkalescent 23 21 tending to become al...
alkalifying 31 25 ALKALIFY, to convert...
alkalimeter 22 20 an instrument for me...
alkalimetry 29 22 the measurement of t...
alkalinised 21 19 ALKALINISE, to make...
alkalinises 21 18 ALKALINISE, to make...
alkalinized 24 28 ALKALINIZE, to make...
alkalinizes 24 27 ALKALINIZE, to make...
alkalisable 24 21 that can be alkalise...
alkalizable 27 30 that can be alkalize...
alkylations 27 20 ALKYLATION, making s...
allantoidal 20 16 pertaining to the al...
allantoides 19 15 ALLANTOID, a saclike...
allantoises 19 14 ALLANTOIS, a saclike...
allegations 20 16 ALLEGATION, the act...
allegeances 22 19 ALLEGEANCE, alleviat...
allegiances 23 19 ALLEGIANCE, the obli...
allegorical 25 19 having the propertie...
allegorised 21 16 ALLEGORISE, to make...
allegoriser 21 15 one who allegorises,...
allegorises 21 15 ALLEGORISE, to make...
allegorists 22 15 ALLEGORIST, one who...
allegorized 24 25 ALLEGORIZE, to make...
allegorizer 24 24 one who allegorizes,...
allegorizes 24 24 ALLEGORIZE, to make...
allegrettos 21 15 ALLEGRETTO, (Italian...
allelomorph 26 22 any one of the two o...
allelopathy 31 21 an adverse influence...
alleviating 23 20 ALLEVIATE, to lighte...
alleviation 21 18 the process of allev...
alleviative 24 21 tending to alleviate...
alleviators 22 17 ALLEVIATOR, one who,...
alleviatory 28 19 tending to alleviate...
allhallowen 26 21 as in allhallowen su...
allicholies 27 19 ALLICHOLY, (Shakespe...
alligations 21 16 ALLIGATION, the calc...
allineation 18 15 alignment, also ALIN...
alliterated 20 14 ALLITERATE, to form...
alliterates 20 13 ALLITERATE, to form...
allnighters 24 18 ALLNIGHTER, any even...
alloantigen 19 17 an antigen present o...
allocarpies 25 19 ALLOCARPY, fruiting...
allocatable 25 20 that can be allocate...
allocations 22 17 ALLOCATION, the act...
allocheiria 25 18 attribution of a sen...
allochirias 26 18 ALLOCHIRIA, attribut...
allocutions 23 18 ALLOCUTION, a formal...
allografted 23 19 ALLOGRAFT, to make a...
allographic 29 23 relating to an allog...
allomerisms 23 19 ALLOMERISM, similari...
allometries 21 16 ALLOMETRY, the study...
allomorphic 29 24 of or like an allomo...
allopathies 24 18 ALLOPATHY, the treat...
allopathist 25 18 one who practises al...
allopatries 22 16 ALLOPATRY, the state...
alloplasmic 28 23 relating to the allo...
alloplastic 27 20 affected by or affec...
allopurinol 23 19 a drug used in the t...
allosteries 20 13 ALLOSTERY, of an enz...
allotheisms 24 18 ALLOTHEISM, belief i...
allotropies 22 16 ALLOTROPY, the prope...
allotropism 24 19 the state of an elem...
allotropous 22 17 having nectar access...
allotteries 20 13 ALLOTTERY, (Shakespe...
allowancing 26 23 ALLOWANCE, to make a...
allurements 21 18 ALLUREMENT, the act...
allweathers 25 18 ALLWEATHER, a track...
almacantars 22 19 ALMACANTAR, (Arabic)...
almsgivings 26 24 ALMSGIVING, the act...
almucantars 23 20 ALMUCANTAR, (Arabic)...
alonenesses 16 14 ALONENESS, the state...
aloofnesses 19 16 ALOOFNESS, the state...
alpenstocks 25 23 ALPENSTOCK, (German)...
alphabeting 26 23 ALPHABET, to alphabe...
alphabetise 25 20 to put into alphabet...
alphabetize 28 29 to put into alphabet...
alphametics 28 23 ALPHAMETIC, a popula...
alphasorted 23 18 ALPHASORT, to sort i...
alphatested 23 18 ALPHATEST, to carry...
altarpieces 24 18 ALTARPIECE, a work o...
altazimuths 27 27 ALTAZIMUTH, an instr...
alterations 18 13 ALTERATION, the act...
alteratives 21 16 ALTERATIVE, a medici...
altercating 23 18 ALTERCATE, to disput...
altercation 21 16 a disagreement [n -S...
altercative 24 19 relating to altercat...
alternances 20 17 ALTERNANCE, alternat...
alternately 25 16 ALTERNATE, in turns...
alternating 19 16 ALTERNATE, to cause...
alternation 17 14 the act of alternati...
alternative 20 17 possible as a choice...
alternators 18 13 ALTERNATOR, an elect...
altimetries 21 15 ALTIMETRY, the art o...
altitudinal 21 16 relating to altitude...
altocumulus 26 22 a type of cloud [n A...
altogethers 22 16 ALTOGETHER, a state...
altoruffled 25 21 (Milton) altogether...
altostratus 20 13 a type of cloud [n A...
aluminising 22 20 ALUMINISE, to treat...
aluminizing 25 29 ALUMINIZE, to treat...
aluminosity 27 19 the quality of resem...
alveolation 20 18 the state of being a...
alycompaine 30 24 an old name for the...
amalgamated 21 21 AMALGAMATE, to unite...
amalgamates 21 20 AMALGAMATE, to unite...
amalgamator 21 20 one who amalgamates...
amantadines 17 17 AMANTADINE, a drug u...
amaranthine 19 18 like amaranth, of a...
amaryllises 28 18 AMARYLLIS, (Greek) t...
amateurisms 21 18 AMATEURISM, the stat...
amateurship 24 20 the state of being a...
amativeness 20 19 the state of being a...
amatorially 27 18 AMATORIAL, of or per...
amazonstone 19 25 a green microcline,...
ambassadors 21 18 AMBASSADOR, an offic...
ambergrises 23 19 AMBERGRIS, an ash-gr...
ambidentate 20 19 of a ligand, able to...
ambidexters 28 25 AMBIDEXTER, (archaic...
ambiguities 24 20 AMBIGUITY, the state...
ambiguously 31 24 AMBIGUOUS, open to m...
ambilateral 23 19 relating to or invol...
ambisexuals 29 26 AMBISEXUAL, one of i...
ambitioning 22 21 AMBITION, to seek wi...
ambitiously 30 21 AMBITIOUS, having am...
ambivalence 26 26 simultaneous and con...
ambivalency 33 28 simultaneous and con...
ambiversion 23 22 the state of being a...
amblygonite 29 23 lithium ore [n -S]
amboceptors 26 23 AMBOCEPTOR, in immun...
ambrosially 30 21 AMBROSIAL, consistin...
ambulations 22 20 AMBULATION, the act...
ambuscaders 25 22 AMBUSCADER, one who...
ambuscading 26 25 AMBUSCADE, (French)...
ambuscadoes 24 22 AMBUSCADO, an ambusc...
ambushments 25 24 AMBUSHMENT, (archaic...
ameliorable 22 19 that can be ameliora...
ameliorants 19 16 AMELIORANT, an agent...
ameliorated 19 16 AMELIORATE, to make...
ameliorates 19 15 AMELIORATE, to make...
ameliorator 19 15 one who ameliorates...
ameloblasts 23 19 AMELOBLAST, an ename...
amenability 28 21 the state of being a...
amenorrheas 19 17 AMENORRHEA, abnormal...
amenorrheic 23 20 suffering from ameno...
amenorrhoea 18 17 abnormal absence or...
amentaceous 20 19 like or composed of...
amercements 22 21 AMERCEMENT, the infl...
amerciament 22 21 the infliction of a...
ametabolism 23 21 the lack of metamorp...
ametabolous 21 19 of insects, showing...
amethystine 27 19 of or like amethyst...
amiableness 21 19 the state of being a...
amianthuses 21 18 AMIANTHUS, (Greek) a...
amicability 33 23 the state of being a...
aminobutene 19 20 a synthetic pain-rel...
aminophenol 22 22 any of three isomeri...
aminopterin 20 19 a rodenticide [n -S]
aminopyrine 26 21 a drug formerly used...
ammoniacums 24 25 AMMONIACUM, gum ammo...
ammoniating 20 21 AMMONIATE [v]
ammoniation 18 19 impregnation with am...
ammonifying 29 26 AMMONIFY, to treat w...
ammonolyses 26 21 AMMONOLYSIS, solvoly...
ammonolysis 27 21 solvolysis in liquid...
ammophilous 26 24 sand-loving [adj]
ammunitions 20 20 AMMUNITION, to suppl...
amniotomies 19 18 AMNIOTOMY, surgical...
amobarbital 24 21 a white crystalline...
amoebocytes 29 22 AMOEBOCYTE, a cell,...
amontillado 20 18 a kind of sherry [n...
amoralities 20 15 AMORALITY, the absen...
amorosities 19 14 AMOROSITY, the quali...
amorousness 18 16 the quality of being...
amorphously 31 23 AMORPHOUS, without d...
amortisable 22 18 that can be amortise...
amortizable 25 27 that can be amortize...
amoxicillin 31 27 an antibiotic drug,...
amoxycillin 37 29 an antibiotic drug,...
amphetamine 23 23 a synthetic, potenti...
amphiasters 24 19 AMPHIASTER, the stru...
amphibiotic 30 25 having an aquatic la...
amphibolies 27 23 AMPHIBOLY, a grammat...
amphibolite 27 23 rock composed of amp...
amphibology 34 27 a grammatically ambi...
amphibolous 27 24 ambiguous; capable o...
amphibrachs 32 27 AMPHIBRACH, a foot o...
amphichroic 33 27 producing two colour...
amphictyons 33 25 AMPHICTYON, (histori...
amphictyony 39 27 a group of states sh...
amphigories 25 21 AMPHIGORY, a nonsens...
amphigouris 26 22 AMPHIGOURI, a nonsen...
amphimacers 28 25 AMPHIMACER, a foot o...
amphimictic 33 28 relating to amphimix...
amphioxuses 30 27 AMPHIOXUS, (Greek) a...
amphipathic 32 27 of an unsymmetrical...
amphiphiles 30 25 AMPHIPHILE, a type o...
amphiphilic 34 28 of or relating to a...
amphiploids 28 24 AMPHIPLOID, having a...
amphiploidy 34 26 the state of being a...
amphipodous 26 24 having both walking...
amphiprotic 30 25 having both protophi...
amphisbaena 24 23 a worm-lizard; also,...
amphiscians 27 23 AMPHISCIAN, an inhab...
amphistylar 32 22 of a classical templ...
amphithecia 29 24 AMPHITHECIUM, the ou...
amphitricha 30 24 bacteria that have f...
ampicillins 28 23 AMPICILLIN, an impro...
amplenesses 21 19 AMPLENESS, the state...
amplexicaul 33 30 stem-clasping [adj]
ampliations 22 19 AMPLIATION, enlargem...
amplifiable 28 25 that can be amplifie...
ampullaceal 27 24 resembling an ampull...
ampullosity 31 22 (Browning) turgidity...
amputations 21 19 AMPUTATION, the act...
amritattvas 22 18 AMRITATTVA, (Sanskri...
amusingness 20 19 the state of being a...
amusiveness 21 20 the state of being a...
amygdaloids 28 21 AMYGDALOID, an igneo...
amyloidoses 26 18 AMYLOIDOSIS, the con...
amyloidosis 27 18 the condition of the...
amylopectin 31 24 the major component...
amyloplasts 30 21 AMYLOPLAST, a colour...
amyotrophic 33 24 relating to amyotrop...
anabaptised 21 19 ANABAPTISE, to rebap...
anabaptises 21 18 ANABAPTISE, to rebap...
anabaptisms 23 21 ANABAPTISM, the doct...
anabaptists 22 18 ANABAPTIST, a name s...
anabaptized 24 28 ANABAPTIZE, to rebap...
anabaptizes 24 27 ANABAPTIZE, to rebap...
anabranches 23 21 ANABRANCH, a stream...
anacardiums 22 20 ANACARDIUM, a genus...
anacharises 22 17 ANACHARIS, a freshwa...
anachorisms 24 20 ANACHORISM, a geogra...
anachronism 23 21 the error of placing...
anachronous 21 19 relating to anachron...
anacoluthia 23 19 a nonsequential synt...
anacoluthic 27 22 relating to anacolut...
anacoluthon 22 20 a sentence or constr...
anacreontic 22 19 a drinking song or l...
anadiploses 20 17 ANADIPLOSIS, the beg...
anadiplosis 21 17 the beginning of a s...
anaemically 29 22 ANAEMIC, suffering f...
anaerobiont 17 16 an organism not requ...
anaestheses 18 14 ANAESTHESIS, loss of...
anaesthesia 18 14 lack of sensation, a...
anaesthesis 19 14 loss of feeling [n A...
anaesthetic 22 17 taking away sensatio...
anaglyphies 30 22 ANAGLYPHY, (Greek) t...
anagnorises 17 15 ANAGNORISIS, (Greek)...
anagnorisis 18 15 (Greek) the moment o...
anagrammers 20 20 ANAGRAMMER, one who...
anagramming 21 23 ANAGRAM, to transpos...
analemmatic 23 22 relating to the seas...
analogising 20 18 ANALOGISE, to make a...
analogizing 23 27 ANALOGIZE, to make a...
analogously 26 19 ANALOGOUS, bearing s...
analphabete 23 21 an illiterate; one w...
analphabets 24 21 ANALPHABET, an illit...
analysation 23 16 analysis, also ANALY...
analyticity 35 20 the quality of being...
analyzation 26 25 analysis, also ANALY...
anamorphism 24 23 metamorphism of a ro...
anamorphous 22 21 relating to anamorph...
anandamides 17 18 ANANDAMIDE, a brain...
anaphoreses 20 17 ANAPHORESIS, the mov...
anaphoresis 21 17 the movement of susp...
anaphorical 25 21 referring to a prece...
anaphylaxes 34 27 ANAPHYLAXIS, an incr...
anaphylaxis 35 27 an increased suscept...
anaplasties 20 16 ANAPLASTY, the art o...
anapleroses 19 16 ANAPLEROSIS, the fil...
anaplerosis 20 16 the filling up of a...
anaplerotic 23 19 filling up a deficie...
anarchising 24 20 ANARCHISE, to reduce...
anarchistic 27 20 of or pertaining to...
anarchizing 27 29 ANARCHIZE, to reduce...
anastigmats 20 17 ANASTIGMAT, a lens e...
anastomosed 17 16 ANASTOMOSE, to inosc...
anastomoses 17 15 ANASTOMOSE [n]
anastomosis 18 15 cross-communication...
anastomotic 21 18 relating to anastomo...
anastrophes 21 17 ANASTROPHE, an inver...
anastrozole 20 22 a drug used for the...
anatomisers 18 15 ANATOMISER, one who...
anatomising 19 18 ANATOMISE, to dissec...
anatomizers 21 24 ANATOMIZER, one who...
anatomizing 22 27 ANATOMIZE, to dissec...
ancestorial 21 16 relating to ancestor...
ancestoring 21 18 ANCESTOR, to be an a...
ancestrally 29 19 ANCESTRAL, relating...
anchoresses 22 17 ANCHORESS, a female...
anchorettes 22 17 ANCHORETTE, a young...
anchorwoman 25 24 a female anchorman [...
anchorwomen 25 24 ANCHORWOMAN, a femal...
anchovettas 24 21 ANCHOVETTA, (Spanish...
anchylosing 31 23 ANCHYLOSE, of bones,...
ancientness 19 17 the quality of being...
ancientries 20 16 ANCIENTRY, (archaic)...
ancillaries 23 17 ANCILLARY, something...
andalusites 19 15 ANDALUSITE, a silica...
androclinia 21 18 ANDROCLINIUM, anothe...
androeciums 22 20 ANDROECIUM, the male...
androgenous 17 17 having only male off...
androgynies 24 18 ANDROGYNY, hermaphro...
androgynous 24 19 having the character...
andrologies 19 16 ANDROLOGY, the branc...
andrologist 20 16 a student of androlo...
andropauses 19 17 ANDROPAUSE, the male...
androphores 21 18 ANDROPHORE, a suppor...
androsphinx 28 26 a sphinx having the...
anecdotages 20 18 ANECDOTAGE, anecdote...
anecdotally 28 20 ANECDOTAL, relating...
anecdotical 24 20 having the quality o...
anecdotists 21 16 ANECDOTIST, one who...
anemochores 22 20 ANEMOCHORE, a plant...
anemographs 23 22 ANEMOGRAPH, an instr...
anemography 29 24 measurement by use o...
anemologies 19 18 ANEMOLOGY, the study...
anemometers 18 18 ANEMOMETER, an instr...
anemometric 22 21 relating to anemomet...
anemophobia 23 23 the fear of wind or...
anemoscopes 22 21 ANEMOSCOPE, any devi...
anencephaly 30 24 congenital absence o...
anesthesias 19 14 ANESTHESIA, lack of...
anesthetics 23 17 ANESTHETIC, a drug t...
anesthetise 19 14 to subject to anesth...
anesthetist 20 14 one who administers...
anesthetize 22 23 to subject to anesth...
anfractuous 23 20 full of twists and t...
angelfishes 24 20 ANGELFISH, a brightl...
angelically 31 22 ANGELICAL, of or lik...
angelolatry 26 18 worship of or belief...
angelophany 28 23 the manifestation of...
angiography 30 23 a technique for X-ra...
angiologies 20 17 ANGIOLOGY, the branc...
angiomatous 19 18 having many angiomas...
angioplasty 28 20 the surgical repair...
angiosperms 22 20 ANGIOSPERM, a plant...
angiotensin 17 16 a protein that cause...
angledozers 22 25 ANGLEDOZER, a bulldo...
angletwitch 29 23 a worm used as bait...
anglicising 25 21 ANGLICISE, to make E...
anglicizing 28 30 ANGLICIZE, to make E...
anglomaniac 22 22 one suffering from a...
anglomanias 19 19 ANGLOMANIA, a craze...
anglophiles 25 21 ANGLOPHILE, one who...
anglophilia 25 21 love of England or t...
anglophilic 29 24 having a love for th...
anglophobes 25 23 ANGLOPHOBE, one who...
anglophobia 25 23 fear of England or t...
anglophobic 29 26 suffering from anglo...
anglophones 22 21 ANGLOPHONE, an Engli...
anglophonic 26 24 speaking or using En...
angrinesses 18 15 ANGRINESS, the quali...
anguifaunae 19 20 ANGUIFAUNA, the snak...
anguifaunas 20 20 ANGUIFAUNA, the snak...
angularness 19 17 the state of being a...
angulations 19 17 ANGULATION, a making...
angwantibos 23 21 ANGWANTIBO, a small...
anhelations 19 16 ANHELATION, shortnes...
anhidrotics 24 18 ANHIDROTIC, a substa...
anilinguses 20 17 ANILINGUS, oral stim...
animadverts 21 20 ANIMADVERT, to comme...
animalcular 24 21 of or like an animal...
animalcules 24 21 ANIMALCULE, a small...
animalculum 26 25 a microscopic animal...
animalising 21 19 ANIMALISE, to endow...
animalistic 24 19 relating to animalis...
animalities 20 16 ANIMALITY, animal ex...
animalizing 24 28 ANIMALIZE, to endow...
animateness 17 16 the state of being a...
animatingly 27 21 ANIMATING [adv]
animatronic 21 19 relating to animatro...
animosities 19 15 ANIMOSITY, hostility...
aniseikonia 17 17 a visual condition w...
aniseikonic 21 20 relating to aniseiko...
anisocercal 24 19 of fish, having uneq...
anisodactyl 28 19 a bird having the fi...
anisogamies 19 17 ANISOGAMY, union bet...
anisogamous 19 18 relating to anisogam...
anisomerous 18 16 with unequal numbers...
anisometric 22 18 not isometric; havin...
anisophylly 37 23 the state of being a...
anisotropic 23 18 not having the same...
ankylosaurs 26 20 ANKYLOSAUR, a kind o...
annabergite 19 18 an apple-green miner...
annexations 21 21 ANNEXATION, the act...
annihilable 23 20 that can be annihila...
annihilated 20 17 ANNIHILATE, to destr...
annihilates 20 16 ANNIHILATE, to destr...
annihilator 20 16 one who annihilates...
anniversary 25 19 the annual recurrenc...
annotatable 18 17 that can be annotate...
annotations 15 14 ANNOTATION, a note a...
annualising 19 18 ANNUALISE, to conver...
annualizing 22 27 ANNUALIZE, to conver...
annulations 17 16 ANNULATION, a circul...
annunciated 19 19 ANNUNCIATE, to annou...
annunciates 19 18 ANNUNCIATE, to annou...
annunciator 19 18 one who annunciates...
annuntiated 16 16 ANNUNTIATE, (obsolet...
annuntiates 16 15 ANNUNTIATE, (obsolet...
anodisation 16 14 the process of anodi...
anodization 19 23 the process of anodi...
anointments 17 17 ANOINTMENT, the act...
anomalistic 23 19 anomalous, also ANOM...
anomalously 26 20 ANOMALOUS, irregular...
anonymising 25 21 ANONYMISE, to make a...
anonymities 24 18 ANONYMITY, the state...
anonymizing 28 30 ANONYMIZE, to make a...
anonymously 31 22 ANONYMOUS, without a...
anophelines 21 19 ANOPHELINE, a mosqui...
anorthosite 19 14 an igneous rock that...
anovulation 19 19 a failure to produce...
anovulatory 26 20 of a menstrual cycle...
answerphone 23 21 a device that automa...
antagonised 17 16 ANTAGONISE, to arous...
antagonises 17 15 ANTAGONISE, to arous...
antagonisms 19 18 ANTAGONISM, actively...
antagonists 18 15 ANTAGONIST, one that...
antagonized 20 25 ANTAGONIZE, to arous...
antagonizes 20 24 ANTAGONIZE, to arous...
antalkalies 20 18 ANTALKALI, a substan...
antalkaline 19 19 a substance that neu...
antecedence 21 20 the state of being a...
antecedents 19 17 ANTECEDENT, a clause...
antecessors 20 15 ANTECESSOR, one who...
antechamber 25 23 a chamber or room le...
antechapels 25 21 ANTECHAPEL, an anter...
antemundane 16 19 (archaic) before the...
antenatally 24 17 ANTENATAL, before bi...
antenniform 19 20 shaped like an anten...
antenuptial 20 18 taking place before...
anteorbital 20 16 situated in front of...
antependium 20 21 a cloth that hangs o...
antepenults 20 18 ANTEPENULT, the ante...
anteriority 24 14 the state of being a...
anterograde 17 15 as in anterograde am...
anteversion 18 17 the abnormal tipping...
anteverting 20 19 ANTEVERT, to displac...
antheridial 21 16 relating to an anthe...
antheridium 22 19 the male reproductiv...
antherozoid 22 24 a motile male gamete...
anthersmuts 22 18 ANTHERSMUT, a fungus...
anthochlore 25 20 a yellow pigment in...
anthocyanin 27 21 a glucoside plant pi...
anthologies 21 17 ANTHOLOGY, a choice...
anthologise 21 17 to make an anthology...
anthologist 22 17 a compiler of an ant...
anthologize 24 26 to make an anthology...
anthomaniac 22 21 one suffering from a...
anthomanias 19 18 ANTHOMANIA, an obses...
anthophores 23 19 ANTHOPHORE, the stip...
anthotaxies 25 21 ANTHOTAXY, the arran...
anthracenes 21 18 ANTHRACENE, a tricyc...
anthracites 23 17 ANTHRACITE, a kind o...
anthracitic 27 20 of or like anthracit...
anthracnose 21 18 any of several plant...
anthracoses 22 17 ANTHRACOSIS, a disea...
anthracosis 23 17 a diseased state of...
anthranilic 24 19 as in anthranilic ac...
anthropical 26 21 of or relating to hu...
anthropoids 22 18 ANTHROPOID, any of a...
antialcohol 24 19 against alcohol [adj...
antianxiety 29 22 designed to alleviat...
antibacchii 29 23 ANTIBACCHIUS, (Latin...
antibaryons 25 18 ANTIBARYON, an antip...
antibilious 22 17 intending to cure bi...
antibiotics 24 18 ANTIBIOTIC, a substa...
antiboycott 29 20 opposed to boycott [...
antiburglar 23 19 intended to prevent...
anticathode 22 18 the target of an X-r...
antichoicer 26 20 one opposed to choic...
antichrists 25 17 ANTICHRIST, an enemy...
anticipants 23 19 ANTICIPANT, one who...
anticipated 23 19 ANTICIPATE, to expec...
anticipates 23 18 ANTICIPATE, to expec...
anticipator 23 18 one who anticipates...
anticivisms 26 22 ANTICIVISM, oppositi...
anticlastic 26 19 of a surface, having...
anticlinals 23 18 ANTICLINAL, an antic...
anticruelty 29 19 against cruelty [adj...
anticyclone 30 22 a system of winds th...
antidotally 26 17 ANTIDOTAL, having th...
antidumping 23 23 a method of trade pr...
antielitism 21 16 opposition to elitis...
antielitist 20 13 one who is opposed t...
antiemetics 22 18 ANTIEMETIC, a drug u...
antifascism 25 21 opposition to fascis...
antifascist 24 18 one who opposes fasc...
antifashion 21 18 a deliberately unfas...
antifatigue 21 18 preventative of fati...
antifebrile 23 19 designed to cure a f...
antifoaming 21 21 designed to prevent...
antifogging 23 22 of a device that pre...
antiforeign 20 18 opposed to foreignne...
antifouling 22 20 an antifouling subst...
antifreezes 22 24 ANTIFREEZE, a substa...
antifungals 22 20 ANTIFUNGAL, a drug d...
antigravity 28 20 a hypothetical effec...
antihelices 24 18 ANTIHELIX, the curve...
antihelixes 27 22 ANTIHELIX, the curve...
antiheroine 18 15 a female antihero [n...
antihunters 20 16 ANTIHUNTER, one who...
antihunting 21 19 opposed to hunting [...
antijacobin 24 28 opposed to the Jacob...
antijamming 23 30 measures taken to pr...
antileprosy 27 18 designed to prevent...
antileptons 20 17 ANTILEPTON, an antip...
antiliberal 22 17 one who is opposed t...
antilogical 24 19 opposed to logic [ad...
antimalaria 19 16 of a drug, used to c...
antimasques 27 25 ANTIMASQUE, a second...
antimatters 19 15 ANTIMATTER, matter c...
antimerisms 21 18 ANTIMERISM, the stat...
antimissile 21 16 a missile for use ag...
antimitotic 23 18 an agent that inhibi...
antimonates 17 16 ANTIMONATE, a salt o...
antimonials 19 17 ANTIMONIAL, a drug c...
antimoniate 17 16 a salt of any antimo...
antimonides 18 17 ANTIMONIDE, a binary...
antimonious 18 17 containing trivalent...
antimonites 18 16 ANTIMONITE, a compou...
antimusical 24 20 against music [adj]
antimutagen 19 19 a compound that inhi...
antimycotic 32 23 antifungal [adj]
antinatural 18 15 opposed to nature [a...
antineutron 16 15 the antiparticle of...
antinomians 17 17 ANTINOMIAN, one who...
antinomical 22 20 relating to, or of t...
antinuclear 21 18 tending to react wit...
antinucleon 20 19 the antiparticle of...
antiobesity 26 17 opposed to obesity [...
antioxidant 23 21 a substance (as beta...
antiozonant 18 23 a substance that opp...
antiparties 20 15 ANTIPARTY, a party o...
antipathies 22 17 ANTIPATHY, aversion,...
antipathist 23 17 a person possessed b...
antiphonals 22 19 ANTIPHONAL, a book o...
antiphonary 27 20 a book of antiphons...
antiphoners 21 18 ANTIPHONER, a book o...
antiphonies 21 18 ANTIPHONY, antiphona...
antiphrases 22 17 ANTIPHRASIS, the hum...
antiphrasis 23 17 the humorous or iron...
antipodeans 18 17 ANTIPODEAN, an inhab...
antipopular 23 20 opposed to popular c...
antiporters 20 15 ANTIPORTER, a membra...
antipoverty 28 21 opposed to poverty [...
antiprotons 19 16 ANTIPROTON, the anti...
antipyreses 26 17 ANTIPYRESIS, medicat...
antipyresis 27 17 medication with anti...
antipyretic 30 20 an agent which preve...
antipyrines 26 18 ANTIPYRINE, an artif...
antiquarian 25 23 one who collects or...
antiquaries 26 22 ANTIQUARY, a student...
antiquating 27 25 ANTIQUATE, to make a...
antiquation 25 23 the act of antiquati...
antiqueness 25 23 the state of being a...
antiquities 27 22 ANTIQUITY, the quali...
antiracisms 23 18 ANTIRACISM, oppositi...
antiracists 22 15 ANTIRACIST, one oppo...
antiradical 22 17 opposed to radicalis...
antirealism 20 16 opposition to realis...
antirealist 19 13 one who is opposed t...
antirrhinum 22 19 a garden flower, aka...
antiscience 23 19 opposed to science [...
antisecrecy 30 20 against secrecy [adj...
antiseizure 21 22 of drugs, designed t...
antiseptics 24 18 ANTISEPTIC, a substa...
antisexists 25 19 ANTISEXIST, one oppo...
antisexuals 25 21 ANTISEXUAL, one who...
antislavery 27 19 opposed to slavery [...
antismokers 20 19 ANTISMOKER, someone...
antismoking 21 22 opposed to smoking [...
antispastic 24 18 a substance that pre...
antistatics 22 15 ANTISTATIC, an antis...
antistories 18 12 ANTISTORY, a narrati...
antistrophe 22 17 the repetition of wo...
antistudent 18 15 opposed to students...
antisubsidy 28 19 opposed to subsidy [...
antisuicide 22 17 opposed to suicide [...
antitarnish 20 15 designed to prevent...
antithalian 20 16 opposed to mirth or...
antitheisms 22 17 ANTITHEISM, the doct...
antitheists 21 14 ANTITHEIST, a disbel...
antithyroid 27 17 able to counteract e...
antitobacco 25 21 opposed to the use o...
antitruster 19 13 one who advocates or...
antitumoral 20 17 intended to prevent...
antitussive 21 17 an agent which relie...
antityphoid 29 20 intended to prevent...
antitypical 31 21 relating to an antit...
antivenenes 17 18 ANTIVENENE, an antit...
antiviruses 21 17 ANTIVIRUS, a compute...
antivitamin 21 20 a substance that mak...
antiwelfare 23 19 opposed to welfare [...
antiwhaling 25 21 opposed to whaling [...
antiwrinkle 23 21 intended to prevent...
antonomasia 16 16 the substitution of...
antsinesses 17 13 ANTSINESS, the state...
anxiolytics 35 25 ANXIOLYTIC, a drug u...
anxiousness 23 21 the state of being a...
aortography 29 20 an arteriography of...
aparthotels 23 17 APARTHOTEL, a hotel...
apartmental 21 19 relating to an apart...
apartnesses 19 15 APARTNESS, the state...
apathetical 26 20 lacking feeling or p...
apatosaurus 20 16 a kind of long-necke...
apertnesses 19 15 APERTNESS, (archaic)...
aphelandras 22 19 APHELANDRA, any shru...
aphetically 34 23 APHETIC, relating to...
aphidicides 27 21 APHIDICIDE, somethin...
aphrodisiac 26 20 an agent (as a food...
aphrodisias 23 17 APHRODISIA, sexual d...
apicultural 27 21 relating to apicultu...
apicultures 26 20 APICULTURE, beekeepi...
apishnesses 22 17 APISHNESS, the quali...
aplanatisms 22 19 APLANATISM, freedom...
aplanospore 21 19 a nonmotile spore [n...
apocalypses 32 23 APOCALYPSE, any book...
apocalyptic 36 26 of, relating to, or...
apochromats 26 22 APOCHROMAT, an apoch...
apocopating 25 23 APOCOPATE, to cut of...
apocopation 23 21 the cutting off of t...
apocynthion 30 23 the point at which a...
apodictical 28 22 (archaic) necessaril...
apodyterium 28 21 an undressing-room a...
apogamously 29 23 APOGAMOUS, engaging...
apolaustics 25 19 APOLAUSTIC, the phil...
apoliticism 27 21 being uninterested i...
apollonicon 23 21 a gigantic barrel or...
apologetics 25 20 defense and proof of...
apologisers 22 17 APOLOGISER, one who...
apologising 23 20 APOLOGISE, to expres...
apologizers 25 26 APOLOGIZER, one who...
apologizing 26 29 APOLOGIZE, to expres...
apomictical 29 24 relating to apomixis...
apomorphias 25 22 APOMORPHIA, an alkal...
apomorphine 24 23 an alkaloid prepared...
aponeuroses 18 16 APONEUROSIS, a sheet...
aponeurosis 19 16 a sheet that connect...
aponeurotic 22 19 relating to an apone...
apopemptics 29 26 APOPEMPTIC, a partin...
apophthegms 29 26 APOPHTHEGM, (Greek)...
apophyllite 33 23 a mineral, hydrated...
apoplectics 30 24 APOPLECTIC, someone...
apoproteins 21 18 APOPROTEIN, the prot...
aposiopeses 21 17 APOSIOPESIS, a consc...
aposiopesis 22 17 a conscious breaking...
aposiopetic 25 20 relating to aposiope...
apostatical 24 18 of the nature of apo...
apostatised 20 15 APOSTATISE, to chang...
apostatises 20 14 APOSTATISE, to chang...
apostatized 23 24 APOSTATIZE, to chang...
apostatizes 23 23 APOSTATIZE, to chang...
apostleship 26 20 the state of being a...
apostolates 20 15 APOSTOLATE, the offi...
apostolical 25 19 relating to the offi...
apostolised 21 16 APOSTOLISE, to preac...
apostolises 21 15 APOSTOLISE, to preac...
apostolized 24 25 APOSTOLIZE, to preac...
apostolizes 24 24 APOSTOLIZE, to preac...
apostrophes 24 19 APOSTROPHE, the addr...
apostrophic 28 22 relating to apostrop...
apostrophus 25 20 the backwards C symb...
apotheosise 21 16 to bring to perfecti...
apotheosize 24 25 to bring to perfecti...
apotropaism 23 20 a magical practice a...
appallingly 33 25 APPALLING [adv]
apparatchik 29 26 (Russian) a member o...
apparatuses 22 18 APPARATUS, things pr...
apparelling 25 22 APPAREL, to dress [v...
apparelment 23 22 apparel, dress [n -S...
apparencies 24 21 APPARENCY, (archaic)...
apparitions 22 18 APPARITION, an unusu...
appartement 22 21 (French) a set of ro...
appeachment 27 26 (Shakespeare) the ac...
appealingly 31 24 APPEALING [adv]
appearances 23 21 APPEARANCE, external...
appeasement 21 21 the act of appeasing...
appeasingly 30 23 APPEASING [adv]
appellation 23 20 a name or title [n -...
appellative 26 23 relating to naming [...
appendicles 26 23 APPENDICLE, a small...
apperceived 27 25 APPERCEIVE, to perce...
apperceives 27 24 APPERCEIVE, to perce...
appertained 21 19 APPERTAIN, to relate...
appertinent 21 19 appertaining [adj] /...
appetencies 24 21 APPETENCY, strong cr...
appetitions 22 18 APPETITION, (archaic...
applaudable 26 24 worthy of applause [...
applaudably 33 26 APPLAUDABLE, worthy...
appledrains 23 20 APPLEDRAIN, (US dial...
appleringie 24 21 (Scots) an aromatic...
applesauces 26 22 APPLESAUCE, a relish...
application 26 22 an act of putting to...
applicative 29 25 that can be applied...
applicators 27 21 APPLICATOR, a device...
applicatory 33 23 capable of being app...
appliqueing 33 31 APPLIQUE, to do appl...
appointment 22 22 an act of appointing...
apportioned 21 19 APPORTION, to portio...
apportioner 21 18 one who apportions [...
appositions 22 18 APPOSITION, the posi...
appositives 25 21 APPOSITIVE, a clause...
appraisable 25 21 capable of being app...
appreciable 28 24 capable of being per...
appreciably 35 26 APPRECIABLE, capable...
appreciated 25 21 APPRECIATE, to grasp...
appreciates 25 20 APPRECIATE, to grasp...
appreciator 25 20 one who appreciates...
apprehended 23 22 APPREHEND, to unders...
apprenticed 25 22 APPRENTICE, to set s...
apprentices 25 21 APPRENTICE, to set s...
appressoria 22 17 APPRESSORIUM, the fl...
approaching 28 25 APPROACH, to come ne...
approbating 25 23 APPROBATE, to approv...
approbation 23 21 approval, consent [n...
approbative 26 24 (archaic) expressing...
approbatory 30 22 expressing approbati...
appropinque 32 31 (archaic) to approac...
appropriacy 34 25 the condition of del...
appropriate 24 20 suitable [adj APPROP...
approvances 26 25 APPROVANCE, (archaic...
approvingly 33 27 APPROVING [adv]
approximate 29 27 close together [adj...
appulsively 34 26 APPULSIVE, relating...
appurtenant 21 20 a right accompanying...
aprications 23 18 APRICATION, basking...
apriorities 21 14 APRIORITY, the quali...
aptitudinal 22 18 relating to aptitude...
aquaculture 31 27 the practice of usin...
aquaerobics 31 27 a system of exercise...
aquafarming 30 30 marine farming [n -S...
aquafitness 28 25 fitness obtained thr...
aquafortist 29 24 an etcher or engrave...
aqualeather 28 24 leather made from fi...
aquamanales 26 26 AQUAMANALE, a ewer i...
aquamaniles 27 26 AQUAMANILE, a ewer i...
aquamarines 26 25 AQUAMARINE, a transp...
aquanautics 29 26 skin-diving [n]
aquaphobias 32 29 AQUAPHOBIA, fear of...
aquaphobics 36 32 AQUAPHOBIC, someone...
aquaplaners 28 26 AQUAPLANER, one who...
aquaplaning 29 29 the sport of skimmin...
aquarellist 29 23 an artist painting a...
aquatically 38 28 AQUATIC [adv]
aquatinters 26 22 AQUATINTER, one who...
aquatinting 27 25 AQUATINT, to etch us...
aquatintist 27 22 one who works with a...
aquiculture 32 27 the practice of usin...
arabicising 25 20 ARABICISE, to make A...
arabicizing 28 29 ARABICIZE, to make A...
arabilities 22 15 ARABILITY, the abili...
arabinoside 19 16 a glycoside that yie...
arabisation 19 15 the process of arabi...
arabization 22 24 the process of arabi...
arachidonic 26 21 as in arachidonic ac...
arachnidans 22 19 ARACHNIDAN, any memb...
arachnoidal 23 19 like a cobweb, cover...
arachnology 30 22 the study of spiders...
araeometers 17 14 ARAEOMETER, (histori...
araeometric 21 17 relating to araeomet...
araeostyles 24 14 ARAEOSTYLE, a buildi...
araliaceous 21 16 belonging to the Ara...
arbalesters 21 15 ARBALESTER, a crossb...
arbalisters 22 15 ARBALISTER, a crossb...
arbitragers 22 16 ARBITRAGER, one who...
arbitrageur 22 17 one who makes profit...
arbitraging 23 19 ARBITRAGE, to exploi...
arbitrament 21 18 the decision of an a...
arbitrarily 29 17 ARBITRARY, arising f...
arbitrating 22 17 ARBITRATE, to judge...
arbitration 20 15 the action of arbitr...
arbitrative 23 18 relating to arbitrat...
arbitrators 21 14 ARBITRATOR, one that...
arbitratrix 28 21 (archaic) a female a...
arbitrement 21 18 the decision of an a...
arbitresses 21 14 ARBITRESS, a female...
arboraceous 22 18 pertaining to or lik...
arborescent 22 18 branched; branching;...
arborvitaes 22 18 ARBORVITAE, any of a...
arboviruses 23 19 ARBOVIRUS, any of a...
archaeology 30 21 the study of ancient...
archaeornis 22 17 a primitive reptile-...
archaically 35 23 ARCHAICAL, ancient,...
archaicisms 29 22 ARCHAICISM, an archa...
archangelic 28 23 relating to an archa...
archbishops 31 24 ARCHBISHOP, a bishop...
archdeacons 25 21 ARCHDEACON, a clergy...
archdiocese 26 20 the diocese of an ar...
archduchess 30 23 the wife or widow of...
archduchies 30 23 ARCHDUCHY, the terri...
archdukedom 26 26 the domain of an arc...
archegonial 24 20 relating to an arche...
archegonium 25 23 the structure on the...
archenemies 23 20 ARCHENEMY, a chief e...
archenteric 26 20 relating to the arch...
archenteron 21 18 in the developing em...
archeometry 30 21 the use of scientifi...
archeresses 23 16 ARCHERESS, (archaic)...
archespores 25 19 ARCHESPORE, the cell...
archesporia 25 19 ARCHESPORIUM, a prim...
archipelago 27 22 a chain or set of is...
archiplasms 29 23 ARCHIPLASM, the prot...
architected 27 20 ARCHITECT, to constr...
architraved 26 21 having an architrave...
architraves 26 20 ARCHITRAVE, the coll...
archologies 25 19 ARCHOLOGY, the scien...
archonships 28 22 ARCHONSHIP, the offi...
archontates 22 17 ARCHONTATE, an archo...
archoplasms 28 23 ARCHOPLASM, the prot...
archpriests 27 19 ARCHPRIEST, a chief...
arctangents 21 18 ARCTANGENT, a geomet...
arctophiles 27 20 ARCTOPHILE, a lover...
arctophilia 27 20 the love of teddy-be...
arcubalists 26 19 ARCUBALIST, a crossb...
arduousness 18 15 the state of being a...
arefactions 22 18 AREFACTION, the act...
arenicolous 21 17 living in sand [adj]
areocentric 23 18 of a coordinate syst...
areographic 26 21 relating to areograp...
areolations 17 13 AREOLATION, division...
areometries 18 14 AREOMETRY, the scien...
areosystile 25 14 a building or colonn...
argumentive 22 22 given to argument, a...
argumentums 22 22 ARGUMENTUM, logical...
argyrodites 26 16 ARGYRODITE, a minera...
aristocracy 31 19 government by the be...
aristocrats 22 14 ARISTOCRAT, a member...
arithmetics 26 19 ARITHMETIC, the scie...
armillarias 22 16 ARMILLARIA, any fung...
armipotence 23 21 power in arms [n -S]
aromaticity 29 19 the state of being a...
aromatising 20 17 AROMATISE, to render...
aromatizing 23 26 AROMATIZE, to render...
arpeggiated 22 19 ARPEGGIATE, to perfo...
arpeggiates 22 18 ARPEGGIATE, to perfo...
arpeggiones 21 19 ARPEGGIONE, (Italian...
arquebusade 28 26 (French) a lotion fo...
arquebusier 29 25 a soldier armed with...
arragonites 18 14 ARRAGONITE, an ortho...
arragonitic 22 17 of or like aragonite...
arraignings 20 17 ARRAIGNING, a callin...
arraignment 19 18 the act of arraignin...
arrangeable 20 18 that can be arranged...
arrangement 18 18 a preliminary measur...
arrestation 17 12 the act of arresting...
arrestingly 27 17 ARRESTING [adv]
arrestments 19 15 ARRESTMENT, the arre...
arrhenotoky 26 20 giving birth only to...
arrhythmias 31 20 ARRHYTHMIA, absence...
arrivancies 23 19 ARRIVANCY, (Shakespe...
arrivederci 24 19 (Italian) goodbye [i...
arrogancies 21 17 ARROGANCY, the quali...
arrogations 18 14 ARROGATION, the act...
arsmetricks 25 21 ARSMETRICK, (obsolet...
artefactual 24 19 of or like an artefa...
artemisinin 19 16 a crystalline compou...
arterialise 19 12 to make arterial, al...
arterialize 22 21 to make arterial, al...
arteriogram 20 16 a radiograph of an a...
arteriotomy 25 16 the surgical excisio...
arteritides 19 12 ARTERITIS, inflammat...
arteritises 19 11 ARTERITIS, inflammat...
arthralgias 23 16 ARTHRALGIA, pain in...
arthrectomy 31 21 the surgical excisio...
arthritides 22 14 ARTHRITIS, inflammat...
arthritises 22 13 ARTHRITIS, inflammat...
arthrodeses 20 14 ARTHRODESIS, the sur...
arthrodesis 21 14 the surgical immobil...
arthromeres 21 16 ARTHROMERE, an arthr...
arthromeric 25 19 relating to an arthr...
arthropathy 31 20 a disease of a joint...
arthropodal 23 18 of or like an arthro...
arthropodan 21 18 of or like an arthro...
arthroscope 25 19 an instrument for ex...
arthroscopy 32 21 the examination of j...
arthrospore 22 16 another name for an...
articulable 26 20 that can be articula...
articulated 23 17 ARTICULATE, to give...
articulates 23 16 ARTICULATE, to give...
articulator 23 16 one who articulates...
artifactual 25 19 of or like an artifa...
artilleries 21 13 ARTILLERY, offensive...
artillerist 22 13 one who operates art...
artiodactyl 29 18 an animal having an...
artisanship 23 17 the state of being a...
artlessness 19 13 the state of being a...
artsinesses 18 12 ARTSINESS, the state...
aryballoses 28 18 ARYBALLOS, (Greek) a...
arytaenoids 23 15 ARYTAENOID, one of a...
arytenoidal 24 16 pertaining to either...
asafoetidas 19 15 ASAFOETIDA, an acrid...
asarabaccas 25 20 ASARABACCA, an acrid...
asbestiform 24 20 of or like asbestos...
ascendances 22 20 ASCENDANCE, the stat...
ascendantly 27 20 ASCENDANT, rising, a...
ascendences 22 20 ASCENDENCE, the stat...
ascensional 20 17 of or relating to as...
ascertained 20 16 ASCERTAIN, to make s...
ascetically 33 21 ASCETICAL, practisin...
asceticisms 27 20 ASCETICISM, the stat...
ascititious 23 15 added or assumed, al...
asclepiases 24 18 ASCLEPIAS, (Greek) a...
ascomycetes 31 22 ASCOMYCETE, one of t...
ascriptions 24 18 ASCRIPTION, the act...
aseptically 32 21 ASEPTIC, free from s...
asepticised 24 18 ASEPTICISE, to make...
asepticises 24 17 ASEPTICISE, to make...
asepticisms 26 20 ASEPTICISM, aseptic...
asepticized 27 27 ASEPTICIZE, to make...
asepticizes 27 26 ASEPTICIZE, to make...
ashamedness 20 18 the state of being a...
asininities 18 13 ASININITY, stupidity...
askewnesses 21 19 ASKEWNESS, the state...
asparagines 20 17 ASPARAGINE, an amino...
asparaguses 21 17 ASPARAGUS, any plant...
aspergation 20 17 the act of asperging...
aspergillum 26 22 a holy water sprinkl...
aspergillus 25 19 (Latin) a minute fun...
aspersively 30 21 ASPERSIVE, tending t...
aspersories 20 14 ASPERSORY, a vessel...
aspersorium 22 18 a basin for holy wat...
asphaltites 24 17 ASPHALTITE, a native...
aspheterise 22 16 to deny the right of...
aspheterism 24 19 the belief that ther...
aspheterize 25 25 to deny the right of...
asphyxiants 35 26 ASPHYXIANT, an agent...
asphyxiated 35 26 ASPHYXIATE, to cause...
asphyxiates 35 25 ASPHYXIATE, to cause...
asphyxiator 35 25 one of who asphyxiat...
aspidistras 22 15 ASPIDISTRA, an everg...
aspirations 20 15 ASPIRATION, the act...
asplanchnic 29 25 having no gut [adj]
asportation 19 15 the act of carrying...
assafetidas 20 15 ASSAFETIDA, an acrid...
assafoetida 19 15 an acrid gum resin w...
assailments 20 16 ASSAILMENT, the act...
assassinate 17 12 to murder by secret...
assegaaiing 19 16 ASSEGAAI, to kill or...
assemblages 23 20 ASSEMBLAGE, (French)...
assemblance 24 22 (Spenser) an assembl...
assemblyman 29 24 a member of an assem...
assemblymen 29 24 ASSEMBLYMAN, a membe...
assentation 16 13 obsequious assent [n...
assentators 17 12 ASSENTATOR, a flatte...
assentients 17 13 ASSENTIENT, one who...
assentingly 26 18 ASSENTING [adv]
assertively 28 18 ASSERTIVE, given to...
assessments 19 15 ASSESSMENT, the act...
assessorial 19 12 relating to an asses...
asseverated 19 16 ASSEVERATE, to state...
asseverates 19 15 ASSEVERATE, to state...
assibilated 22 16 ASSIBILATE, to prono...
assibilates 22 15 ASSIBILATE, to prono...
assiduities 20 13 ASSIDUITY, perseveri...
assiduously 27 17 ASSIDUOUS, diligent;...
assignation 18 15 the act of assigning...
assignments 20 18 ASSIGNMENT, the act...
assimilable 24 19 that can be assimila...
assimilably 31 21 ASSIMILABLE, that ca...
assimilated 21 16 ASSIMILATE, to make...
assimilates 21 15 ASSIMILATE, to make...
assimilator 21 15 one who assimilates...
assistances 21 15 ASSISTANCE, the act...
associating 22 17 ASSOCIATE, to join,...
association 20 15 the act of associati...
associative 23 18 of or relating to as...
associators 21 14 ASSOCIATOR, one who...
associatory 27 16 characterized by or...
assoilments 20 16 ASSOILMENT, (archaic...
assortative 20 15 denoting a nonrandom...
assortments 19 15 ASSORTMENT, the act...
assuagement 19 18 the act of assuaging...
assubjugate 24 27 (Shakespeare) to red...
assumptions 22 19 ASSUMPTION, the taki...
assuredness 18 14 the state of being a...
assythments 28 19 ASSYTHMENT, in Scots...
astatically 30 18 ASTATIC, having no t...
astaticisms 24 17 ASTATICISM, the qual...
asteridians 18 13 ASTERIDIAN, a starfi...
asterisking 21 18 ASTERISK, to mark wi...
asteroidean 16 13 an echinoderm of the...
asthenopias 21 17 ASTHENOPIA, eyestrai...
asthmatical 26 20 suffering from asthm...
astigmatics 25 19 ASTIGMATIC [n]
astigmatism 23 19 a defect in the eye...
astonishing 21 17 ASTONISH, to amaze o...
astoundment 18 18 (archaic) great surp...
astraphobia 24 19 a morbid fear of thu...
astraphobic 28 22 suffering from astra...
astrictions 22 15 ASTRICTION, a bindin...
astringence 21 18 being astringent, al...
astringency 28 20 being astringent, al...
astringents 19 15 ASTRINGENT, an astri...
astroblemes 22 18 ASTROBLEME, the woun...
astrobotany 25 17 the branch of botany...
astrocytoma 28 19 a tumour of the cent...
astrologers 20 14 ASTROLOGER, one who...
astrologies 20 14 ASTROLOGY, the study...
astrologist 21 14 one who affects to t...
astrometric 23 17 relating to astromet...
astronautic 21 16 relating to astronau...
astronomers 18 15 ASTRONOMER, a person...
astronomies 18 15 ASTRONOMY, the study...
astronomise 18 15 to study astronomy,...
astronomize 21 24 to study astronomy,...
astrophobia 24 19 a morbid fear of thu...
astrophobic 28 22 suffering from astro...
astrosphere 22 16 another name for a c...
astroturfer 21 15 one who engages in A...
astuciously 30 19 ASTUCIOUS, (Scott) o...
asymmetries 27 19 ASYMMETRY, lack of s...
asynartetes 23 14 ASYNARTETE, a verse...
asynartetic 27 17 having two parts wit...
asystolisms 28 17 ASYSTOLISM, the stat...
atelectases 21 15 ATELECTASIS, incompl...
atelectasis 22 15 incomplete dilatatio...
atelectatic 25 18 suffering from atele...
atheistical 25 17 like an atheist, als...
atheologies 21 16 ATHEOLOGY, antagonis...
athermanous 20 18 impervious to radian...
atherogenic 23 19 leading to atheroma...
athleticism 27 20 the quality of being...
athwartship 29 21 transverse to a ship...
atmologists 22 17 ATMOLOGIST, one who...
atmometries 20 17 ATMOMETRY, measureme...
atmosphered 23 20 having an atmosphere...
atmospheres 23 19 ATMOSPHERE, the body...
atmospheric 27 22 of, relating to, or...
atomicities 23 17 ATOMICITY, the numbe...
atomisation 18 15 the reduction of liq...
atomistical 24 18 relating to atomism,...
atomization 21 24 the reduction of liq...
atonalities 18 13 ATONALITY, the state...
atonicities 21 15 ATONICITY, the quali...
atrabilious 22 16 (archaic) melancholy...
atracuriums 24 19 ATRACURIUM, a muscle...
atramentous 18 16 inky black, also ATR...
atrociously 29 18 ATROCIOUS, terrible...
attachments 24 20 ATTACHMENT, somethin...
attainments 18 16 ATTAINMENT, the act...
attaintment 18 16 the state of being a...
attaintures 18 13 ATTAINTURE, process...
attempering 22 20 ATTEMPER, (archaic)...
attemptable 24 21 that can be attempte...
attendances 19 17 ATTENDANCE, the act...
attendement 17 17 (Spenser) intention...
attendments 18 17 ATTENDMENT, an atten...
attentional 17 14 relating to attentio...
attentively 27 19 ATTENTIVE, full of a...
attenuating 18 16 ATTENUATE, to make t...
attenuation 16 14 the action of attenu...
attenuators 17 13 ATTENUATOR, a device...
attestation 17 12 the act of attesting...
attestative 20 15 relating to attestat...
attestators 18 11 ATTESTATOR, one who...
attirements 19 15 ATTIREMENT, attire;...
attitudinal 20 15 relating to attitude...
attophysics 33 21 the branch of physic...
attorneydom 24 18 the office of attorn...
attorneying 24 17 ATTORNEY, (Shakespea...
attorneyism 25 17 the state of being a...
attornments 18 16 ATTORNMENT, the ackn...
attractable 24 18 capable of being att...
attractance 23 18 the state of being a...
attractancy 30 20 the state of being a...
attractants 21 15 ATTRACTANT, a substa...
attractions 21 15 ATTRACTION, the act,...
attributers 22 15 ATTRIBUTER, one who...
attributing 23 18 ATTRIBUTE, to ascrib...
attribution 21 16 the act of attributi...
attributive 24 19 expressing an attrib...
attributors 22 15 ATTRIBUTOR, one who...
attritional 19 13 relating to attritio...
attuitional 19 14 relating to attuitio...
attuitively 29 19 ATTUITIVE, relating...
attunements 18 17 ATTUNEMENT, the stat...
atypicality 38 22 the state of being a...
aubergistes 22 17 AUBERGISTE, (French)...
auctioneers 20 16 AUCTIONEER, an agent...
audaciously 29 20 AUDACIOUS, bold, als...
audibleness 21 18 the state of being a...
audiographs 24 20 AUDIOGRAPH, a machin...
audiologies 20 16 AUDIOLOGY, the study...
audiologist 21 16 one who studies hear...
audiometers 19 16 AUDIOMETER, an instr...
audiometric 23 19 relating to audiomet...
audiophiles 24 19 AUDIOPHILE, a person...
audiotaping 21 19 AUDIOTAPE, to record...
audiotyping 28 21 typing directly from...
audiotypist 28 18 one who does audioty...
audiovisual 22 19 relating to hearing...
auditioners 18 14 AUDITIONER, one who...
auditioning 19 17 AUDITION, to give a...
auditoriums 21 17 AUDITORIUM, (Latin)...
auditorship 24 18 the office of audito...
auditresses 19 13 AUDITRESS, a female...
augmentable 22 22 that can be augmente...
aureateness 16 13 the state of being a...
auricularly 31 20 AURICULAR, pertainin...
auriculated 23 18 having ears or ear-s...
auscultated 23 18 AUSCULTATE, to liste...
auscultates 23 17 AUSCULTATE, to liste...
auscultator 23 17 a person practising...
ausformings 23 21 AUSFORMING, the act...
auspicating 25 21 AUSPICATE, to progno...
austereness 17 13 the state of being a...
austerities 19 12 AUSTERITY, the quali...
australites 20 13 AUSTRALITE, a tektit...
austringers 20 15 AUSTRINGER, a falcon...
autarchical 28 21 relating to autarchy...
autarchists 25 17 AUTARCHIST, one who...
autecologic 26 21 relating to autecolo...
authentical 24 19 (archaic) authentic...
authorcraft 26 20 the craft of the aut...
authoresses 20 14 AUTHORESS, a female...
authorisers 21 14 AUTHORISER, one who...
authorising 22 17 AUTHORISE, to give a...
authorities 21 14 AUTHORITY, the power...
authorizers 24 23 AUTHORIZER, one who...
authorizing 25 26 AUTHORIZE, to give a...
authorships 26 19 AUTHORSHIP, the prof...
autocephaly 32 23 self-government [n A...
autochanger 23 20 a device by means of...
autochthons 25 20 AUTOCHTHON, one spru...
autochthony 31 22 the state of being a...
autoclaving 25 23 AUTOCLAVE, to heat i...
autocracies 24 18 AUTOCRACY, governmen...
autocrosses 21 15 AUTOCROSS, motor rac...
autodialing 20 17 AUTODIAL, to dial a...
autodialled 20 16 AUTODIAL, to dial a...
autodidacts 22 17 AUTODIDACT, a self-t...
autoerotism 19 15 self-love, also AUTO...
autofocuses 23 19 AUTOFOCUS, a device...
autogeneses 17 15 AUTOGENESIS, spontan...
autogenesis 18 15 spontaneous generati...
autogenetic 21 18 relating to autogene...
autografted 21 18 AUTOGRAFT, to make s...
autographed 23 20 AUTOGRAPH, to sign w...
autographic 27 22 of, relating to, or...
autogravure 21 19 a process of photo-e...
autojumbles 25 29 AUTOJUMBLE, a jumble...
autokineses 18 17 AUTOKINESIS, volunta...
autokinesis 19 17 voluntary or automat...
autokinetic 22 20 relating to autokine...
autolatries 19 13 AUTOLATRY, self-wors...
autoloading 19 17 self-loading [adj]
autolysates 25 15 AUTOLYSATE, a produc...
autolyzates 28 24 AUTOLYZATE, a produc...
automatable 21 19 capabe of being auto...
automatical 23 19 (archaic) automatic...
automations 18 16 AUTOMATION, the tech...
automatised 19 16 AUTOMATISE, to make...
automatises 19 15 AUTOMATISE, to make...
automatisms 21 18 AUTOMATISM, the stat...
automatists 20 15 AUTOMATIST, a person...
automatized 22 25 AUTOMATIZE, to make...
automatizes 22 24 AUTOMATIZE, to make...
automobiled 22 20 AUTOMOBILE, to trave...
automobiles 22 19 AUTOMOBILE, a usuall...
automobilia 22 19 collectable items of...
automorphic 27 23 formed after its or...
autonomical 22 20 self-governing, also...
autonomists 19 16 AUTONOMIST, one who...
autophagias 23 19 AUTOPHAGIA, sustenan...
autophagies 23 19 AUTOPHAGY, sustenanc...
autophagous 23 20 related to autophagy...
autophanous 21 19 self-luminous [adj]
autophobias 24 20 AUTOPHOBIA, a morbid...
autophobies 24 20 AUTOPHOBY, a shrinki...
autophonies 21 18 AUTOPHONY, apparent...
autoplastic 25 19 relating to autoplas...
autoreplies 21 16 AUTOREPLY, a facilit...
autoreverse 19 16 a system in a tape p...
autorotated 17 13 AUTOROTATE, to self-...
autorotates 17 12 AUTOROTATE, to self-...
autoscopies 23 18 AUTOSCOPY, a halluci...
autosexings 25 22 AUTOSEXING, the act...
autosomally 27 19 AUTOSOMAL, of or lik...
autostradas 18 13 AUTOSTRADA, (Italian...
autosuggest 21 17 to influence one's o...
autotellers 20 14 AUTOTELLER, an autom...
autotheisms 22 17 AUTOTHEISM, belief t...
autotheists 21 14 AUTOTHEIST, the indi...
autotomised 19 16 AUTOTOMISE, to effec...
autotomises 19 15 AUTOTOMISE, to effec...
autotomized 22 25 AUTOTOMIZE, to effec...
autotomizes 22 24 AUTOTOMIZE, to effec...
autotoxemia 24 22 self-poisoning cause...
autotrophic 26 20 capable of building...
autowinders 21 17 AUTOWINDER, a batter...
autoworkers 22 19 AUTOWORKER, a person...
auxanometer 23 23 an instrument for me...
auxiliaries 26 20 AUXILIARY, a helper,...
auxochromes 30 27 AUXOCHROME, a group...
auxotrophic 32 27 requiring a specific...
avalanching 26 25 AVALANCHE, to descen...
avanturines 19 18 AVANTURINE, a glass...
avengements 20 22 AVENGEMENT, (archaic...
aventurines 19 18 AVENTURINE, a glass...
averageness 19 18 the state of being a...
averruncate 22 20 (archaic) to ward of...
avertiments 21 19 AVERTIMENT, (Milton)...
avgolemonos 21 22 AVGOLEMONO, (Modern...
aviatresses 20 15 AVIATRESS, a female...
avicultures 26 21 AVICULTURE, the rear...
avocational 22 20 of or relating to an...
avoirdupois 23 20 (French) a system of...
avouchments 26 25 AVOUCHMENT, (archaic...
avuncularly 32 25 AVUNCULAR, suggestiv...
avunculates 24 22 AVUNCULATE, the cust...
avvogadores 22 22 AVVOGADORE, (Italian...
awarenesses 19 15 AWARENESS, the state...
awelessness 21 16 the state of being a...
awesomeness 20 18 the state of being a...
awestricken 25 22 stricken with awe [a...
awestriking 24 21 AWESTRIKE, to inspir...
awfulnesses 24 20 AWFULNESS, the state...
awkwardness 25 23 the state of being a...
axerophthol 31 26 vitamin A, a pale ye...
axiological 30 25 relating to axiology...
axiologists 27 21 AXIOLOGIST, one who...
axiomatical 29 25 indisputably true, s...
axiomatised 25 22 AXIOMATISE, to make...
axiomatises 25 21 AXIOMATISE, to make...
axiomatized 28 31 AXIOMATIZE, to reduc...
axiomatizes 28 30 AXIOMATIZE, to reduc...
axisymmetry 40 28 the state of being a...
axonometric 27 25 relating to the proj...
azeotropies 22 23 AZEOTROPY, the state...
azimuthally 34 30 AZIMUTHAL, of or per...
azobenzenes 23 34 AZOBENZENE, a dye co...
azoospermia 23 26 absence of spermatoz...
azoospermic 27 29 relating to azoosper...
azotobacter 25 26 a nitrogen-fixing ba...
azygospores 30 27 AZYGOSPORE, a thick-...