11 letter words that starts with g

11 letter words that start with G

11 letter G word


Word With Friends


gabapentins 22 21 GABAPENTIN, an anti-...
gabbinesses 23 20 GABBINESS, the state...
gabblements 25 24 GABBLEMENT, gabbling...
gaberlunzie 25 28 (Scots) a wandering...
gabionnades 19 19 GABIONNADE, a traver...
gadolinites 20 16 GADOLINITE, a minera...
gadoliniums 22 20 GADOLINIUM, a rare m...
gadroonings 19 18 GADROONING, ornament...
gaelicising 25 20 GAELICISE, to render...
gaelicizing 28 29 GAELICIZE, to render...
gaillardias 22 16 GAILLARDIA, a North...
gainfulness 22 20 the state of being g...
gaingivings 24 23 GAINGIVING, (Shakesp...
gainsayings 26 19 GAINSAYING, the act...
gainsharing 22 19 a system in which em...
gainstrived 22 19 GAINSTRIVE, (obsolet...
gainstriven 21 19 GAINSTRIVE, (obsolet...
gainstrives 22 18 GAINSTRIVE, (obsolet...
galactoside 23 18 a glycoside that yie...
galactosyls 31 20 GALACTOSYL, a glycos...
galantamine 19 19 a compound, orig der...
galavanting 22 22 GALAVANT, to roam ab...
galivanting 23 22 GALIVANT, to roam ab...
gallabiyahs 32 22 GALLABIYAH, (Arabic)...
gallabiyehs 32 22 GALLABIYEH, (Arabic)...
gallantness 20 17 the quality of being...
gallantries 21 16 GALLANTRY, bravery;...
gallbladder 25 21 a membranous muscula...
gallerygoer 28 19 one who frequently g...
galleryites 28 17 GALLERYITE, a person...
galliambics 29 24 GALLIAMBIC, a classi...
galliardise 22 16 (archaic) gaiety [n...
gallicising 27 21 GALLICISE, to make F...
gallicizing 30 30 GALLICIZE, to make F...
gallimaufry 32 24 (French) a hash of l...
gallinacean 22 20 any gallinaceous bir...
gallinipper 26 22 a large mosquito cap...
gallisising 24 18 GALLISISE, in wine-m...
gallisizing 27 27 GALLISIZE, in wine-m...
gallivanted 23 21 GALLIVANT, to roam a...
gallopading 24 22 GALLOPADE, to dance...
gallowglass 27 21 (Irish) the irregula...
gallowsness 24 19 recklessness, perver...
gallumphing 29 27 GALLUMPH, to move wi...
galravaging 24 23 GALRAVAGE, (Scots) t...
galvanisers 22 19 GALVANISER, a galvan...
galvanising 23 22 GALVANISE, to subjec...
galvanizers 25 28 GALVANIZER, a galvan...
galvanizing 26 31 GALVANIZE, to subjec...
gamahuching 29 27 GAMAHUCHE, to practi...
gamaruching 27 25 GAMARUCHE, to practi...
gamebreaker 22 23 a term used esp. in...
gamekeepers 22 23 GAMEKEEPER, a person...
gamekeeping 23 26 the job of a gamekee...
gametangial 21 20 relating to a gameta...
gametangium 22 23 an organ or cell in...
gametically 32 23 GAMETIC, of or like...
gametocytes 29 21 GAMETOCYTE, a cell t...
gametogenic 23 22 relating to gametoge...
gametophore 23 21 the part of a plant...
gametophyte 30 23 the haploid stage in...
gameynesses 25 19 GAMEYNESS, the condi...
gammerstang 22 22 (dialect) a tall, aw...
gamogeneses 19 19 GAMOGENESIS, sexual...
gamogenesis 20 19 sexual reproduction...
gamogenetic 23 22 relating to gamogene...
gamotropism 24 22 the tendency of game...
gangbangers 22 22 GANGBANGER, one invo...
gangbanging 23 25 GANGBANG, to carry o...
gangbusters 23 20 GANGBUSTER, a specia...
gangbusting 24 23 breaking up gangs [n...
ganglioside 21 18 any of a group of gl...
gangmasters 21 19 GANGMASTER, a person...
gangshagged 24 23 GANGSHAG, to carry o...
gangsterdom 21 20 the world of gangste...
gangsterish 23 18 like a gangster [adj...
gangsterism 22 19 the ethos of the gan...
gaoleresses 19 14 GAOLERESS, a female...
garbologies 23 19 GARBOLOGY, the study...
garbologist 24 19 a person who studies...
gargarising 22 18 GARGARISE, (obsolete...
gargarizing 25 27 GARGARIZE, (obsolete...
gargoylisms 30 21 GARGOYLISM, a rare c...
garlandages 20 18 GARLANDAGE, (Tennyso...
garlandless 21 17 without a garland [a...
garlandries 20 16 GARLANDRY, garlands...
garlickiest 26 21 GARLICKY, tasting or...
garmentless 21 18 without garments [ad...
garmentures 20 18 GARMENTURE, clothing...
garnierites 19 14 GARNIERITE, a hydrou...
garnishings 23 19 GARNISHING, decorati...
garnishment 22 20 garnish, ornament [n...
garnishries 22 16 GARNISHRY, (Browning...
garrisoning 20 17 GARRISON, to assign...
garrottings 21 16 GARROTTING, the act...
garrulities 22 15 GARRULITY, talkative...
garrulously 29 19 GARRULOUS, talkative...
gasconaders 21 18 GASCONADER, a great...
gasconading 22 21 GASCONADE, to boast...
gaseousness 18 15 the state of being g...
gasometries 20 16 GASOMETRY, the measu...
gaspinesses 21 17 GASPINESS, the state...
gassinesses 19 14 GASSINESS, the state...
gasteropods 21 17 GASTEROPOD, any moll...
gastralgias 22 16 GASTRALGIA, pain in...
gastrectomy 30 21 surgical removal of...
gastritides 21 14 GASTRITIS, inflammat...
gastritises 21 13 GASTRITIS, inflammat...
gastrocolic 27 20 of or relating to th...
gastroliths 24 16 GASTROLITH, a stone...
gastrologer 21 16 a connoisseur of goo...
gastromancy 29 22 divination by sounds...
gastronomer 19 17 a connoisseur of goo...
gastronomes 19 17 GASTRONOME, a connoi...
gastronomic 23 20 relating to gastrono...
gastropodan 20 18 a gastropod [n -S]
gastroporns 21 17 GASTROPORN, the repr...
gastroscope 24 19 an instrument for ex...
gastroscopy 31 21 examination with a g...
gastrosophs 24 18 GASTROSOPH, a person...
gastrosophy 30 20 the art of eating [n...
gastrostomy 27 18 a cutting into, or o...
gastrotrich 26 18 any minute aquatic m...
gastrulated 21 16 GASTRULATE, to form...
gastrulates 21 15 GASTRULATE, to form...
gatecrashed 24 19 GATECRASH, to attend...
gatecrasher 24 18 GATECRASH, to attend...
gatecrashes 24 18 GATECRASH, to attend...
gatekeepers 21 20 GATEKEEPER, any of s...
gatekeeping 22 23 the practice of cont...
gaudeamuses 20 19 GAUDEAMUS, (Latin) a...
gaudinesses 19 16 GAUDINESS, the state...
gaufferings 25 23 GAUFFERING, make ple...
gaultherias 23 17 GAULTHERIA, a genus...
gauntleting 21 19 GAUNTLET, to protect...
gauntnesses 18 16 GAUNTNESS, the state...
gaussmeters 21 17 GAUSSMETER, an instr...
gauzinesses 22 24 GAUZINESS, the state...
gawkinesses 23 21 GAWKINESS, awkwardne...
gawkishness 26 23 the state of being g...
gazetteered 21 23 GAZETTEER, to mentio...
gazunderers 22 25 GAZUNDERER, one who...
gazundering 23 28 GAZUNDER, to lower t...
geanticline 22 19 a large upward fold...
gearchanges 24 21 GEARCHANGE, a change...
geekinesses 19 18 GEEKINESS, the quali...
gegenschein 24 22 (German) a faint ova...
geitonogamy 26 21 pollination of a flo...
gelatinated 19 16 GELATINATE, to conve...
gelatinates 19 15 GELATINATE, to conve...
gelatinised 20 16 GELATINISE, to make...
gelatiniser 20 15 a gelatinising agent...
gelatinises 20 15 GELATINISE, to make...
gelatinized 23 25 GELATINIZE, to conve...
gelatinizer 23 24 a gelatinizing agent...
gelatinizes 23 24 GELATINIZE, to conve...
gelatinoids 20 16 GELATINOID, a substa...
gelidnesses 20 16 GELIDNESS, the state...
gelliflowre 28 22 (Spenser) gillyflowe...
gelseminine 20 19 an alkaloid yielded...
gemfibrozil 30 32 a drug that lowers t...
geminations 19 18 GEMINATION, the act...
gemmiferous 24 23 bearing gemmae [adj]
gemminesses 21 20 GEMMINESS, the state...
gemmiparous 24 23 reproducing by gemma...
gemmologies 23 22 GEMMOLOGY, the study...
gemmologist 24 22 a student of preciou...
gemmulation 22 22 formation of gemmule...
gemological 26 23 relating to gemology...
gemologists 23 19 GEMOLOGIST, one who...
gendarmerie 19 18 (French) the French...
genderising 20 18 GENDERISE, to make d...
genderizing 23 27 GENDERIZE, to make d...
genealogies 19 17 GENEALOGY, the histo...
genealogise 19 17 to investigate or di...
genealogist 20 17 a person who traces...
genealogize 22 26 to investigate or di...
generalates 18 15 GENERALATE, the offi...
generalcies 22 18 GENERALCY, the rank...
generalised 19 16 GENERALISE, to make...
generaliser 19 15 one who generalises,...
generalises 19 15 GENERALISE, to make...
generalisms 21 18 GENERALISM, the prac...
generalists 20 15 GENERALIST, a person...
generalized 22 25 GENERALIZE, to give...
generalizer 22 24 one who generalizes,...
generalizes 22 24 GENERALIZE, to give...
generalling 21 19 GENERAL, to act as a...
generalness 18 16 the quality of being...
generalship 24 20 the office of a gene...
generations 17 15 GENERATION, a body o...
generically 30 21 GENERICAL, general;...
genericness 21 18 the state of being g...
genethliacs 25 20 GENETHLIAC, a caster...
genetically 30 21 GENETICAL, relating...
geneticists 23 17 GENETICIST, a studen...
genevrettes 20 18 GENEVRETTE, a wine m...
genialising 21 18 GENIALISE, to impart...
genialities 20 15 GENIALITY, the quali...
genializing 24 27 GENIALIZE, to impart...
geniculated 23 20 GENICULATE, to form...
geniculates 23 19 GENICULATE, to form...
genitivally 30 22 GENITIVAL, relating...
genocidaire 21 18 a person who is guil...
genophobias 24 22 GENOPHOBIA, the morb...
genotypical 31 23 relating to a genoty...
genouillere 20 17 (French) a jointed k...
gentamicins 23 21 GENTAMICIN, a broad-...
genteelised 19 16 GENTEELISE, to make...
genteelises 19 15 GENTEELISE, to make...
genteelisms 21 18 GENTEELISM, being ge...
genteelized 22 25 GENTEELIZE, to make...
genteelizes 22 24 GENTEELIZE, to make...
genteelness 18 16 the state of being g...
gentianella 19 17 a name for several s...
gentilesses 20 15 GENTILESSE, (obsolet...
gentilhomme 24 23 (French) a nobleman,...
gentilising 22 18 GENTILISE, (archaic)...
gentilitial 22 16 relating to a gens,...
gentilitian 20 16 relating to a gens,...
gentilities 21 15 GENTILITY, good birt...
gentilizing 25 27 GENTILIZE, (archaic)...
gentlefolks 24 23 GENTLEFOLK, persons...
gentlehoods 21 18 GENTLEHOOD, (archaic...
gentlemanly 27 22 GENTLEMAN [adv]
gentlenesse 18 16 (archaic) gentleness...
gentlewoman 22 22 a woman of good bree...
gentlewomen 22 22 GENTLEWOMAN, a woman...
gentrifiers 22 17 GENTRIFIER, one who...
gentrifying 29 22 GENTRIFY, to renew a...
genuflected 25 23 GENUFLECT, to bend t...
genuflector 25 22 one who genuflects [...
genuflexion 27 27 the bending of the k...
genuineness 17 17 the state of being g...
geobotanies 19 17 GEOBOTANY, the geogr...
geobotanist 20 17 a student of geobota...
geocachings 28 24 GEOCACHING, a treasu...
geochemical 29 25 relating to geochemi...
geochemists 26 21 GEOCHEMIST, one who...
geodynamics 29 23 the study of the dyn...
geographers 24 20 GEOGRAPHER, a specia...
geographies 24 20 GEOGRAPHY, the study...
geologising 22 19 GEOLOGISE, to engage...
geologizing 25 28 GEOLOGIZE, to engage...
geomagnetic 23 22 of or relating to te...
geomedicine 22 21 the study of disease...
geometrical 24 20 related to geometry,...
geometrised 20 17 GEOMETRISE, to work...
geometrises 20 16 GEOMETRISE, to work...
geometrists 21 16 GEOMETRIST, one who...
geometrized 23 26 GEOMETRIZE, to work...
geometrizes 23 25 GEOMETRIZE, to work...
geophagisms 26 23 GEOPHAGISM, the act...
geophagists 25 20 GEOPHAGIST, one who...
geophysical 34 24 relating to geophysi...
geopolitics 26 20 the study of the rel...
geosciences 24 20 GEOSCIENCE, a scienc...
geostrategy 26 17 a branch of geopolit...
geostrophic 27 21 relating to deflecti...
geosyncline 28 21 a downwarping of the...
geotactical 26 20 relating to geotaxis...
geotechnics 27 22 GEOTECHNIC [n]
geotectonic 24 20 relating to the stru...
geotextiles 26 21 GEOTEXTILE, any stro...
geotropisms 23 19 GEOTROPISM, a dispos...
geriatrists 21 13 GERIATRIST, one spec...
germaneness 18 18 the quality of being...
germanising 21 20 GERMANISE, to make G...
germanizing 24 29 GERMANIZE, to make G...
germinating 21 20 GERMINATE, to sprout...
germination 19 18 the process by which...
germinative 22 21 serving to germinate...
germinators 20 17 GERMINATOR, one who...
germinesses 20 17 GERMINESS, the state...
gerontocrat 21 17 a member of a geront...
gerontology 26 19 the scientific study...
gerontophil 24 20 a person who experie...
gerrymander 26 20 to rearrange (voting...
gerundively 29 23 GERUNDIVE, relating...
gestaltisms 23 17 GESTALTISM, gestalt...
gestaltists 22 14 GESTALTIST, an adher...
gestational 19 15 relating to gestatio...
gestatorial 20 14 (archaic) related to...
gesticulant 24 19 making gesticulation...
gesticulate 24 18 to make gestures esp...
ghastliness 23 17 the state of being g...
ghastnesses 21 16 GHASTNESS, ghastline...
ghettoising 23 18 GHETTOISE, to confin...
ghettoizing 26 27 GHETTOIZE, to confin...
ghostliness 23 17 the state of being g...
ghostwriter 26 18 one who ghostwrites...
ghostwrites 26 18 GHOSTWRITE, to write...
gibberellic 30 24 denoting a type of a...
gibberellin 26 22 any of several plant...
gibberishes 27 21 GIBBERISH, rapid, ga...
gibbosities 25 19 GIBBOSITY, the state...
gibbousness 24 21 the state of being g...
giddinesses 20 16 GIDDINESS, the state...
giftwrapped 30 26 GIFTWRAP, to wrap wi...
gigahertzes 26 26 GIGAHERTZ, one billi...
gigantesque 28 26 of enormous or grote...
giganticide 24 20 the killing of a gia...
gigantology 28 21 the study of giants...
gigmanities 22 19 GIGMANITY, narrow mi...
gilliflower 29 22 a carnation, also GE...
gillnetters 22 16 GILLNETTER, a fisher...
gillnetting 23 19 GILLNET, to catch fi...
gillravaged 25 22 GILLRAVAGE, (Scots)...
gillravages 25 21 GILLRAVAGE, (Scots)...
gillravitch 31 24 (Scots) to behave ri...
gillyflower 35 24 a carnation, also GE...
gilravagers 24 20 GILRAVAGER, (Scots)...
gilravaging 25 23 GILRAVAGE, (Scots) t...
gimcrackery 35 28 the state of being g...
gimmickiest 28 26 GIMMICKY, having or...
gimmickries 28 26 GIMMICKRY, the use o...
gingerbread 22 20 a cake flavoured wit...
gingerroots 20 16 GINGERROOT, the root...
gingersnaps 22 20 GINGERSNAP, a ginger...
girdlecakes 25 22 GIRDLECAKE, a kind o...
girdlescone 23 19 a kind of scone, aka...
girdlestead 21 16 (obsolete) the waist...
girlfriends 24 19 GIRLFRIEND, a female...
girlishness 24 17 the state of being g...
gismologies 23 19 GISMOLOGY, gadgetry,...
givennesses 20 19 GIVENNESS, the state...
gizmologies 26 28 GIZMOLOGY, gadgetry,...
glabrescent 25 21 becoming naked or de...
glacialists 26 18 GLACIALIST, a person...
glaciations 23 18 GLACIATION, the form...
glaciologic 29 23 relating to glaciolo...
gladfulness 24 21 (archaic) the qualit...
gladioluses 22 17 GLADIOLUS, a lilylik...
gladwrapped 28 25 GLADWRAP, to cover w...
glaiketness 21 19 the quality of being...
glaikitness 22 19 the quality of being...
glamorisers 22 17 GLAMORISER, one who...
glamorising 23 20 GLAMORISE, to make g...
glamorizers 25 26 GLAMORIZER, one who...
glamorizing 26 29 GLAMORIZE, to make g...
glamorously 29 21 GLAMOROUS, having gl...
glamourised 22 19 GLAMOURISE, to make...
glamourises 22 18 GLAMOURISE, to make...
glamourized 25 28 GLAMOURIZE, to make...
glamourizes 25 27 GLAMOURIZE, to make...
glamourless 23 19 without glamour [adj...
glamourpuss 25 22 a glamorous person,...
glandularly 29 21 GLANDULAR, of or rel...
glarinesses 20 15 GLARINESS, the state...
glaringness 21 18 the quality of being...
glasnostian 19 16 in the spirit of gla...
glassblower 27 21 one who blows glass...
glasscloths 28 20 GLASSCLOTH, a cloth...
glasscutter 25 18 a small hand tool th...
glasshouses 23 17 GLASSHOUSE, a milita...
glassifying 31 22 GLASSIFY, to become...
glassmakers 23 21 GLASSMAKER, one that...
glassmaking 24 24 the act of making gl...
glasspapers 25 20 GLASSPAPER, to sand...
glassworker 25 21 GLASSWORK [v]
glauberites 23 18 GLAUBERITE, a greyis...
glaucescent 26 22 slightly glaucous [a...
glauconites 23 19 GLAUCONITE, a minera...
glauconitic 27 22 of or like glauconit...
glazinesses 23 24 GLAZINESS, the state...
gleefulness 23 20 the state of being g...
gleemaidens 20 19 GLEEMAIDEN, (obsolet...
gleisations 20 15 GLEISATION, the proc...
gleizations 23 24 GLEIZATION, the proc...
glendoveers 21 20 GLENDOVEER, (Southey...
glengarries 21 17 GLENGARRY, a Highlan...
glimmerings 25 23 GLIMMERING, a faint...
gliomatoses 21 17 GLIOMATOSIS, diffuse...
gliomatosis 22 17 diffuse overgrowth o...
glitteriest 22 14 GLITTERY, glittering...
glitterings 23 17 GLITTERING [n]
globalising 25 21 GLOBALISE, to make g...
globalizing 28 30 GLOBALIZE, to make g...
globefishes 27 22 GLOBEFISH, a fish th...
globeflower 28 24 a plant of damp plac...
globesities 23 17 GLOBESITY, obesity s...
globigerina 23 20 a minute marine inve...
globoseness 21 18 the state of being g...
globosities 23 17 GLOBOSITY, sphericit...
globularity 31 21 the quality of being...
glochidiate 26 20 like a glochidium, t...
glomerating 22 20 GLOMERATE, to gather...
glomeration 20 18 the act of gathering...
glomerulate 22 19 of a glomerule, a cl...
glorifiable 26 21 that can be glorifie...
glossarists 22 14 GLOSSARIST, a writer...
glossectomy 31 22 the surgical removal...
glossitises 22 14 GLOSSITIS, inflammat...
glossodynia 26 18 pain in the tongue [...
glossolalia 22 16 speaking in tongues...
glottogonic 24 20 relating to the orig...
gloweringly 32 23 GLOWERING [adv]
glucokinase 24 23 a hexokinase found e...
glucophores 28 23 GLUCOPHORE, a chemic...
glucosamine 24 22 an amino derivative...
glucosidase 24 19 an enzyme, such as m...
glucosurias 25 19 GLUCOSURIA, a condit...
glucuronide 24 21 any of various deriv...
glueynesses 26 18 GLUEYNESS, the state...
glumiferous 25 22 bearing glumes [adj]
glutaminase 21 19 an enzyme that hydro...
glutathione 22 18 an antioxidant, foun...
glutinosity 28 18 the state of being g...
glutinously 29 20 GLUTINOUS, gluey; st...
gluttonised 21 17 GLUTTONISE, to eat t...
gluttonises 21 16 GLUTTONISE, to eat t...
gluttonized 24 26 GLUTTONIZE, to eat t...
gluttonizes 24 25 GLUTTONIZE, to eat t...
glycerinate 29 20 to treat with or pre...
glycolipids 35 24 GLYCOLIPID, a lipid...
glycophytes 41 26 GLYCOPHYTE, any plan...
glycophytic 45 29 like a glycophyte, a...
glycosidase 30 20 an enzyme that catal...
glycosurias 31 20 GLYCOSURIA, a condit...
glycosylate 37 22 to attach sugar to p...
glyoxalines 33 25 GLYOXALINE, any of a...
glyphograph 37 28 a plate formed by gl...
glyptodonts 29 21 GLYPTODONT, any of a...
glyptotheca 34 24 a place for keeping...
gnaphaliums 26 24 GNAPHALIUM, a genus...
gnatcatcher 27 22 any of the insectivo...
gnathonical 24 21 (obsolete) flatterin...
gnathostome 21 19 any vertebrate of th...
gnetophytes 29 21 GNETOPHYTE, a type o...
gnomonology 26 23 a treatise on gnomon...
gnostically 31 21 GNOSTICAL, having kn...
gnosticisms 25 20 GNOSTICISM, the beli...
gnotobioses 20 17 GNOTOBIOSIS, the rea...
gnotobiosis 21 17 the rearing of organ...
gnotobiotes 20 17 GNOTOBIOTE, a germfr...
gnotobiotic 24 20 relating to gnotobio...
goalkeepers 22 21 GOALKEEPER, a player...
goalkeeping 23 24 the activities of a...
goalkickers 26 25 GOALKICKER, a player...
goalkicking 27 28 the kicking of a goa...
goaltenders 19 16 GOALTENDER, in some...
goaltending 20 19 the act of minding t...
goatishness 21 16 the state of being g...
goatsbeards 21 17 GOATSBEARD, a plant...
goatsuckers 24 21 GOATSUCKER, the nigh...
gobstoppers 26 22 GOBSTOPPER, (colloqu...
godchildren 26 22 GODCHILD, one whom a...
goddamndest 20 20 GODDAMNED [adj]
goddaughter 23 20 a female godchild [n...
goddesshood 21 18 the state of being a...
godfathered 23 20 GODFATHER, to be a g...
godforsaken 21 22 remote, desolate [ad...
godlessness 20 16 the state of being g...
godlikeness 21 20 the state of being g...
godlinesses 20 16 GODLINESS, the quali...
godmothered 22 20 GODMOTHER, to act as...
godroonings 19 18 GODROONING, ornament...
goggleboxes 30 28 GOGGLEBOX, (colloqui...
goitrogenic 23 19 producing or tending...
goldbeaters 22 18 GOLDBEATER, one who...
goldbricked 28 26 GOLDBRICK, to shirk...
goldenberry 28 21 the Cape gooseberry...
goldenseals 20 17 GOLDENSEAL, a North...
goldfinches 28 24 GOLDFINCH, a small g...
goldfinnies 22 20 GOLDFINNY, one of tw...
goldsinnies 20 17 GOLDSINNY, one of tw...
goldsmithry 32 22 the craft of a golds...
goldthreads 23 18 GOLDTHREAD, a North...
goliathised 23 17 GOLIATHISE, to play...
goliathises 23 16 GOLIATHISE, to play...
goliathized 26 26 GOLIATHIZE, to play...
goliathizes 26 25 GOLIATHIZE, to play...
gombeenisms 23 23 GOMBEENISM, the stat...
gonadectomy 28 23 the surgical removal...
gonfalonier 20 19 a person who carries...
gongoristic 24 19 relating to Gongoris...
goniatitoid 19 15 having the form of a...
gonimoblast 23 21 in the red seaweeds,...
goniometers 19 17 GONIOMETER, an instr...
goniometric 23 20 relating to measurem...
gonioscopes 23 20 GONIOSCOPE, an instr...
gonococcoid 27 24 having the shape of...
gonophorous 22 20 relating to a gonoph...
gonorrhoeal 20 17 relating to gonorrho...
gonorrhoeas 19 16 GONORRHOEA, a sexual...
gonorrhoeic 23 19 relating to gonorrho...
goodfellows 26 22 GOODFELLOW, a jolly...
goodinesses 18 15 GOODINESS, weak, pri...
goodliheads 22 18 GOODLIHEAD, (Spenser...
goodlyheads 28 20 GOODLYHEAD, (Spenser...
gooeynesses 23 16 GOOEYNESS, stickines...
goofinesses 20 17 GOOFINESS, the state...
googlewhack 30 28 an Internet search t...
gooneybirds 27 20 GOONEYBIRD, an albat...
goopinesses 20 17 GOOPINESS, the state...
goosefishes 23 18 GOOSEFISH, an Americ...
goosenecked 21 22 GOOSENECK [v]
goosinesses 18 14 GOOSINESS, the state...
gopherwoods 26 22 GOPHERWOOD, another...
gorgonising 21 19 GORGONISE, to have a...
gorgonizing 24 28 GORGONIZE, to have a...
gorillagram 24 20 a greetings telegram...
gormandised 20 19 GORMANDISE, to indul...
gormandiser 20 18 one who eats to exce...
gormandises 20 18 GORMANDISE, to indul...
gormandisms 22 21 GORMANDISM, gluttony...
gormandized 23 28 GORMANDIZE, to indul...
gormandizer 23 27 one who eats to exce...
gormandizes 23 27 GORMANDIZE, to indul...
gospelising 24 20 GOSPELISE, to evange...
gospelizing 27 29 GOSPELIZE, to evange...
gospellings 25 21 GOSPELLING, the act...
gospellised 24 19 GOSPELLISE, to evang...
gospellises 24 18 GOSPELLISE, to evang...
gospellized 27 28 GOSPELLIZE, to evang...
gospellizes 27 27 GOSPELLIZE, to evang...
gossipingly 31 22 GOSSIPING [adv]
gothicising 27 21 GOTHICISE, to make G...
gothicizing 30 30 GOTHICIZE, to make G...
gourmandise 20 19 to indulge a taste f...
gourmandism 22 22 the state of being a...
gourmandize 23 28 to indulge a taste f...
goutinesses 19 15 GOUTINESS, the state...
gouvernante 19 20 (archaic) a governes...
governances 22 22 GOVERNANCE, exercise...
governantes 19 19 GOVERNANTE, a female...
governessed 20 19 GOVERNESS, to act as...
governesses 20 18 GOVERNESS, to act as...
governments 21 22 GOVERNMENT, a group...
governorate 19 18 the office of govern...
gracefuller 27 22 GRACEFUL, having bea...
gracelessly 31 20 GRACELESS, without g...
gracileness 23 18 slenderness [n -ES]
gracilities 25 17 GRACILITY, slenderne...
gradability 30 20 the quality of being...
gradational 19 16 relating to gradatio...
gradationed 18 16 GRADATION [v]
gradatories 19 14 GRADATORY, a flight...
gradienters 19 15 GRADIENTER, a survey...
gradiometer 20 17 an instrument for me...
gradualisms 23 19 GRADUALISM, the beli...
gradualists 22 16 GRADUALIST, one who...
gradualness 20 17 the state of being g...
graduations 19 16 GRADUATION, a mark o...
graffitiing 26 22 GRAFFITI, to deface...
graffitists 26 19 GRAFFITIST, one who...
grainfields 23 19 GRAINFIELD, a field...
gralloching 28 23 GRALLOCH, (Gaelic) t...
gramicidins 25 21 GRAMICIDIN, an antib...
graminology 28 22 the study of grasses...
grammalogue 23 23 a word represented b...
grammarians 21 20 GRAMMARIAN, one vers...
grammarless 23 20 without grammar [adj...
grammatical 26 23 belonging to, or acc...
grammatists 23 19 GRAMMATIST, a petty...
gramophones 23 22 GRAMOPHONE, (tradena...
gramophonic 27 25 relating to gramopho...
granadillas 21 17 GRANADILLA, (Spanish...
grandaddies 19 17 GRANDADDY, (colloqui...
grandbabies 23 21 GRANDBABY, an infant...
grandeeship 23 20 the state of being a...
grandfather 23 20 the father of one's...
grandiflora 22 19 a large-flowered pla...
grandiosely 26 18 GRANDIOSE, imposing;...
grandiosity 26 17 the state of being g...
grandmammas 22 24 GRANDMAMMA, a grandm...
grandmaster 20 18 a high-ranking chess...
grandmother 22 20 the mother of one's...
grandnephew 25 24 a grandson of one's...
grandnesses 18 16 GRANDNESS, the state...
grandnieces 21 19 GRANDNIECE, the gran...
grandparent 20 19 a parent of one's fa...
grandstands 19 17 GRANDSTAND, to show...
granduncles 23 21 GRANDUNCLE, a father...
grangerised 20 17 GRANGERISE, to illus...
grangeriser 20 16 one who grangerises,...
grangerises 20 16 GRANGERISE, to illus...
grangerisms 22 19 GRANGERISM, the prac...
grangerized 23 26 GRANGERIZE, to illus...
grangerizer 23 25 one who grangerizes,...
grangerizes 23 25 GRANGERIZE, to illus...
granitelike 21 19 like granite [adj]
graniteware 21 17 goods made from gran...
granitiform 23 20 having the form of g...
granitising 21 17 GRANITISE, to make l...
granitizing 24 26 GRANITIZE, to make l...
granivorous 21 19 feeding on seeds [ad...
granolithic 26 20 a stone composed of...
granophyres 29 21 GRANOPHYRE, a kind o...
granophyric 33 24 of or like a granoph...
granularity 27 18 the state of being g...
granulaters 20 16 GRANULATER, somethin...
granulating 21 19 GRANULATE, to form o...
granulation 19 17 the act of granulati...
granulative 22 20 related to granulati...
granulators 20 16 GRANULATOR, somethin...
granuliform 24 22 having the form of a...
granulocyte 29 21 a kind of white bloo...
granulomata 20 19 GRANULOMA, a localiz...
grapefruits 25 20 GRAPEFRUIT, a large,...
grapestones 20 17 GRAPESTONE, a seed o...
graphically 36 25 GRAPHICAL, of or per...
graphicness 27 22 the state of being g...
graphitised 25 19 GRAPHITISE, to conve...
graphitises 25 18 GRAPHITISE, to conve...
graphitized 28 28 GRAPHITIZE, to conve...
graphitizes 28 27 GRAPHITIZE, to conve...
grapholects 28 22 GRAPHOLECT, a standa...
graphologic 29 24 related to grapholog...
graphomania 23 22 an obsession with wr...
graphomotor 24 21 pertaining to the mu...
grapinesses 21 17 GRAPINESS, the quali...
graplements 23 21 GRAPLEMENT, (Spenser...
graptolites 23 17 GRAPTOLITE, a charac...
graptolitic 27 20 related to a graptol...
grasshopper 26 21 a name for various h...
grasswracks 28 23 GRASSWRACK, eelgrass...
gratefuller 24 19 GRATEFUL, deeply tha...
gratinating 20 17 GRATINATE, to cook w...
gratineeing 19 17 GRATINEE, (French) t...
gratulating 22 18 GRATULATE, (archaic)...
gratulation 20 16 congratulation [n -S...
gratulatory 27 17 congratulatory [adj]
gravadlaxes 28 26 GRAVADLAX, (Swedish)...
gravedigger 24 22 one who digs graves...
gravenesses 20 18 GRAVENESS, the state...
graverobber 25 23 one who robs graves...
gravestones 20 18 GRAVESTONE, a burial...
gravidities 23 18 GRAVIDITY, the state...
gravimeters 23 20 GRAVIMETER, an instr...
gravimetric 27 23 of or relating to me...
gravitaters 22 17 GRAVITATER, one who...
gravitating 23 20 GRAVITATE, to move u...
gravitation 21 18 the force of attract...
gravitative 24 21 relating to gravitat...
graybearded 27 20 GRAYBEARD [v]
graylisting 29 19 GRAYLIST, to hold (s...
graywethers 31 20 GRAYWETHER, a sandst...
greaseballs 23 18 GREASEBALL, (US slan...
greasebands 20 18 GREASEBAND, a band p...
greasepaint 20 17 a melted tallow or g...
greaseproof 22 19 resistant or imperme...
greasewoods 21 17 GREASEWOOD, a name f...
greatcoated 21 17 wearing a greatcoat...
greatnesses 18 14 GREATNESS, the state...
grecianised 22 18 GRECIANISE, to confo...
grecianises 22 17 GRECIANISE, to confo...
grecianized 25 27 GRECIANIZE, to confo...
grecianizes 25 26 GRECIANIZE, to confo...
greenbacker 24 24 a member of a post-C...
greenbottle 21 18 a metallic-green fly...
greenbriers 21 17 GREENBRIER, any of a...
greencloths 25 20 GREENCLOTH, a depart...
greenfields 22 19 GREENFIELD, a site f...
greengrocer 22 19 a retailer of fresh...
greenhearts 20 16 GREENHEART, a South...
greenhouses 20 17 GREENHOUSE, a struct...
greenkeeper 20 21 a person responsible...
greenlights 24 19 GREENLIGHT, to give...
greenmailed 20 19 GREENMAIL, to buy a...
greenmailer 20 18 one who engages in g...
greennesses 17 15 GREENNESS, the state...
greenockite 22 21 a rare mineral, cadm...
greenshanks 21 21 GREENSHANK, a large...
greenspeaks 21 21 GREENSPEAK, (US) eco...
greenstones 17 15 GREENSTONE, a vague...
greenstuffs 24 21 GREENSTUFF, green ve...
greenswards 22 18 GREENSWARD, turf gre...
greenwashed 23 20 GREENWASH, to cover...
greenwashes 23 19 GREENWASH, to cover...
gregarinian 19 17 of or like a gregari...
greisenised 19 15 GREISENISE, to conve...
greisenises 19 14 GREISENISE, to conve...
greisenized 22 24 GREISENIZE, to conve...
greisenizes 22 23 GREISENIZE, to conve...
grenadillas 21 17 GRENADILLA, (Spanish...
gressorious 20 14 adapted for walking,...
greybearded 27 20 having a grey beard,...
greylisting 29 19 GREYLIST [v]
greywethers 31 20 GREYWETHER, a sandst...
griddlecake 25 23 a cake made on a gri...
gridironing 21 18 GRIDIRON, to mark wi...
gridlocking 27 25 GRIDLOCK, to cause a...
griffinisms 27 23 GRIFFINISM, being li...
grillsteaks 24 19 GRILLSTEAK, a large...
grimacingly 33 25 GRIMACING [adv]
griminesses 21 17 GRIMINESS, the state...
grindhouses 22 18 GRINDHOUSE, a type o...
grindstones 19 16 GRINDSTONE, a millst...
gristliness 22 15 the state of being g...
groatsworth 25 18 (obsolete) the value...
groceterias 22 16 GROCETERIA, (US) a s...
grossierete 19 13 (French) coarseness...
grossnesses 19 14 GROSSNESS, the state...
grotesquely 35 26 GROTESQUE, extravaga...
grotesquery 34 25 grotesque objects co...
grotesquest 28 23 GROTESQUE, extravaga...
grouchiness 25 20 the state of being g...
groundbaits 22 19 GROUNDBAIT, bait dro...
groundburst 23 20 the detonation of a...
groundlings 22 20 GROUNDLING, a specta...
groundplots 23 20 GROUNDPLOT, the plot...
groundsells 22 18 GROUNDSELL, the lowe...
groundshare 21 18 to share a sports st...
groundsheet 21 18 a waterproof sheet s...
groundsills 23 18 GROUNDSILL, the lowe...
groundspeed 21 20 the speed of an airc...
groundswell 25 21 a broad, deep undula...
groundwater 22 19 water within the ear...
groundwoods 22 20 GROUNDWOOD, wood fou...
groundworks 24 23 GROUNDWORK, that whi...
groupthinks 26 24 GROUPTHINK, a patter...
groupuscule 27 23 a small clique or fa...
grovelingly 31 24 GROVELING [adv]
grovellings 25 22 GROVELLING, he act o...
growthiness 25 19 the state of being g...
grubstakers 24 21 GRUBSTAKER, one who...
grubstaking 25 24 GRUBSTAKE, to provid...
gruellingly 31 22 in the manner of bei...
gruffnesses 24 21 GRUFFNESS, the state...
grumblingly 34 27 GRUMBLING, muttering...
guachamoles 26 23 GUACHAMOLE, a kind o...
guaniferous 21 19 bearing guano [adj]
guarantying 26 20 GUARANTY, to assume...
guardedness 19 17 the state of being g...
guardhouses 22 18 GUARDHOUSE, a buildi...
gubernacula 25 23 GUBERNACULUM, in mam...
gubernation 20 19 control, rule [n -S]
gubernators 21 18 GUBERNATOR, (Latin)...
guerillaism 24 19 the activities of gu...
guerrillero 22 16 a guerrilla, someone...
guesstimate 21 17 to estimate without...
guesthouses 22 17 GUESTHOUSE, a privat...
guestimated 21 18 GUESTIMATE, to make...
guestimates 21 17 GUESTIMATE, to make...
guildswoman 25 23 a female member of a...
guildswomen 25 23 GUILDSWOMAN, a femal...
guilelessly 30 19 GUILELESS, without g...
guilloching 29 24 GUILLOCHE, to decora...
guillotined 22 18 GUILLOTINE, to behea...
guillotiner 22 17 one who guillotines...
guillotines 22 17 GUILLOTINE, to behea...
guiltlessly 31 19 GUILTLESS, without g...
gullibility 34 22 the state of being g...
gummiferous 25 24 producing gum [adj]
gumminesses 22 21 GUMMINESS, the state...
gummosities 23 20 GUMMOSITY, gumminess...
gunfighters 26 22 GUNFIGHTER, one who...
gunfighting 27 25 the act of fighting...
gunmanships 25 24 GUNMANSHIP, the stat...
gunnerships 24 21 GUNNERSHIP, the offi...
gunrunnings 20 21 GUNRUNNING, smugglin...
gunslingers 22 19 GUNSLINGER, a person...
gunslinging 23 22 the act of wearing a...
gunsmithing 25 23 the work of a gunsmi...
gurgitation 21 17 surging [n -S]
gushinesses 22 17 GUSHINESS, the state...
gustatorily 28 17 GUSTATORY, pertainin...
gustinesses 20 15 GUSTINESS, the state...
gutlessness 21 16 the state of being g...
gutsinesses 20 15 GUTSINESS, guts, cou...
gutterblood 23 19 (Scots) a lowborn pe...
guttersnipe 22 18 a member of the lowe...
guttiferous 23 18 exuding drops [adj]
gutturalise 22 16 to make guttural, al...
gutturalism 24 19 the quality of being...
gutturality 29 18 the quality of being...
gutturalize 25 25 to make guttural, al...
gymnasiarch 32 24 the head of a gymnas...
gymnasiasts 27 19 GYMNASIAST, a pupil...
gymnastical 31 23 related to gymnastic...
gymnorhinal 29 23 with unfeathered nos...
gymnosperms 30 25 GYMNOSPERM, a plant...
gymnospermy 36 27 the state of being g...
gynaecology 35 24 the study of women's...
gynaecomast 28 22 a man suffering from...
gynandrisms 27 21 GYNANDRISM, the stat...
gynecocracy 40 27 government by women,...
gynecologic 33 25 relating to gynecolo...
gynocracies 31 22 GYNOCRACY, governmen...
gynogeneses 24 19 GYNOGENESIS, reprodu...
gynogenesis 25 19 reproduction in whic...
gynogenetic 28 22 relating to gynogene...
gynophobias 31 24 GYNOPHOBIA, a morbid...
gynophobics 35 27 GYNOPHOBIC, one who...
gynostemium 28 23 the central reproduc...
gypsiferous 31 22 bearing gypsum [adj]
gypsophilas 34 24 GYPSOPHILA, a garden...
gyrocompass 32 24 a compass which indi...
gyrocopters 31 21 GYROCOPTER, an airpl...
gyromancies 29 22 GYROMANCY, divinatio...
gyroscopics 35 24 GYROSCOPIC [n]
gyrostatics 30 18 the study of rotatin...