9 letter words that start with R

9 letter words that start with R

9 letter R word


Words With Friends®


rabatines 16 13 RABATINE, (Scott) a...
rabatment 17 16 rotation into coinci...
rabatting 18 15 RABATTE, (French) to...
rabbeting 20 18 RABBET, to join by a...
rabbinate 18 16 the office of a rabb...
rabbinics 23 19 the study of rabbini...
rabbinism 21 19 a rabbinic expressio...
rabbinist 20 16 a person who adheres...
rabbinite 19 16 a person who adheres...
rabbiters 20 15 RABBITER, one who hu...
rabbiting 21 18 the act of hunting r...
rabbitohs 22 17 RABBITOH, (Australia...
rabblings 22 19 RABBLING, (Scots) th...
rabidness 17 14 the state of being r...
racahouts 20 15 RACAHOUT, (Arabic) a...
raccahout 23 18 (Arabic) acorn meal,...
racecards 21 16 RACECARD, a programm...
racegoers 18 14 RACEGOER, an attende...
racegoing 19 17 attendance at race m...
racehorse 19 14 a horse bred to race...
racemates 18 15 RACEMATE, a salt of...
racemised 19 16 RACEMISE, to change...
racemises 19 15 RACEMISE, to change...
racemisms 21 18 RACEMISM, the qualit...
racemized 22 25 RACEMIZE, to change...
racemizes 22 24 RACEMIZE, to change...
racepaths 22 17 RACEPATH, a course f...
racetrack 22 19 a track on which rac...
racewalks 23 20 RACEWALK, to walk fo...
racheting 21 17 RACHET, to move by a...
rachidial 22 16 of or like a rachis,...
rachidian 20 16 of or like a rachis,...
rachillae 22 16 RACHILLA, the centra...
rachillas 23 16 RACHILLA, the centra...
racialise 19 13 to make racial, also...
racialism 21 16 a doctrine of racial...
racialist 20 13 one with racist view...
racialize 22 22 to make racial, also...
raciation 17 13 the formation locall...
racketeer 18 16 a criminal who runs...
racketers 19 16 RACKETER, one who ma...
racketier 19 16 RACKETY, noisy [adj]
racketing 20 19 RACKET, to make a lo...
rackingly 28 22 RACKING, tormenting,...
rackworks 24 23 RACKWORK, any mechan...
raclettes 19 13 RACLETTE, (French) a...
raconteur 17 14 (French) a teller of...
racqueted 26 23 RACQUET, to strike w...
raddleman 16 16 one who marks e.g. s...
raddlemen 16 16 RADDLEMAN, one who m...
raddockes 19 18 RADDOCKE, (Shakespea...
radialise 16 11 to arrange radially,...
radiality 23 13 radial symmetry [n R...
radialize 19 20 to arrange radially,...
radiances 17 14 RADIANCE, the qualit...
radiantly 22 14 RADIANT, shining [ad...
radiately 22 13 RADIATE, arranged li...
radiating 16 13 RADIATE, to emit ray...
radiation 14 11 heat transport witho...
radiative 17 14 capable of radiating...
radiators 15 10 RADIATOR, a heating...
radiatory 21 12 relating to radiatio...
radically 27 17 RADICAL, fundamental...
radicands 18 15 RADICAND, a quantity...
radicated 18 14 RADICATE, to cause t...
radicates 18 13 RADICATE, to cause t...
radicchio 24 18 (Italian) a purple-l...
radicular 20 15 of or pertaining to...
radicules 20 15 RADICULE, a rootlike...
radiogold 17 14 the radioisotope gol...
radiogram 17 15 an X-ray photograph...
radiology 23 15 the study of X-rays...
radionics 18 14 diagnosis and treatm...
radiothon 16 13 a marathon talk-in o...
radiusing 17 14 RADIUS, to give a ro...
radwastes 18 13 RADWASTE, radioactiv...
raffinate 18 16 the refined fraction...
raffinose 18 16 a colorless crystall...
raffishly 30 20 RAFFISH, marked by o...
rafflesia 20 16 any of various steml...
raftering 18 15 rafters collectively...
raggedest 17 14 RAGGED, tattered [ad...
raggedier 17 14 RAGGEDY, somewhat ra...
raggeries 17 13 RAGGERY, rags collec...
ragouting 17 15 RAGOUT, to make into...
ragpicker 23 21 one who gets a livin...
ragstones 15 12 RAGSTONE, any of var...
ragtimers 18 14 RAGTIMER, one who pl...
ragwheels 22 17 RAGWHEEL, a toothed...
railbirds 20 14 RAILBIRD, a racing e...
railbuses 19 14 RAILBUS, a passenger...
railcards 20 14 RAILCARD, a special...
railheads 18 13 RAILHEAD, the end of...
railingly 25 16 RAILING, jeering [ad...
railroads 16 11 RAILROAD, to put thr...
railwoman 19 17 a female railway wor...
railwomen 19 17 RAILWOMAN, a female...
rainbands 16 15 RAINBAND, a dark ban...
rainbirds 18 14 RAINBIRD, a bird, su...
rainbowed 19 17 having a rainbow [ad...
raincheck 24 22 a ticket for future...
raincoats 17 13 RAINCOAT, a coat wor...
raindates 14 11 RAINDATE, an alterna...
raindrops 17 14 RAINDROP, a drop of...
rainfalls 19 15 RAINFALL, a fall of...
raininess 14 11 the state of being r...
rainmaker 16 17 a person in tribal s...
rainproof 18 16 to make proof agains...
rainspout 17 14 a gutter, a downspou...
rainstick 20 17 a musical instrument...
rainstorm 16 13 a storm of rain [n -...
rainsuits 16 11 RAINSUIT, a waterpro...
rainswept 20 16 (of a place) open to...
raintight 19 14 rainproof [adj]
rainwater 17 13 water from rainfall...
rainwears 17 13 RAINWEAR, waterproof...
raiseable 17 13 capable of being rai...
rajahship 24 25 the office or dignit...
rajaships 22 23 RAJASHIP, the office...
rakehells 20 17 RAKEHELL, a man lack...
rakehelly 26 19 like a rakehell, dis...
rakeshame 18 18 a vile, dissolute wr...
rakshasas 18 15 RAKSHASA, (Sanskrit)...
rakshases 18 15 RAKSHAS, (Sanskrit)...
ralliform 21 17 of the rail family o...
rallyings 25 16 RALLYING, the sport...
rallyists 25 13 RALLYIST, one who ta...
ramblings 21 19 RAMBLING, the act of...
rambutans 18 17 RAMBUTAN, (Malay) a...
ramequins 24 23 RAMEQUIN, a small ca...
ramifying 26 20 RAMIFY, to divide in...
ramillies 19 14 RAMILLIE, a type of...
rammishly 28 20 RAMMISH, resembling...
rampagers 19 17 RAMPAGER, one who ra...
rampaging 20 20 the act of rampaging...
rampantly 25 19 RAMPANT, unrestraine...
ramparted 18 16 RAMPART, to furnish...
rampauged 19 19 RAMPAUGE, (Scots) to...
rampauges 19 18 RAMPAUGE, (Scots) to...
rampicked 23 23 of a tree, like a ra...
ramrodded 16 15 RAMROD, to push or d...
ramshorns 18 15 RAMSHORN, a snail us...
ramtillas 19 14 RAMTILLA, a plant of...
ranariums 16 14 RANARIUM, a place fo...
rancheras 19 15 RANCHERA, (Spanish)...
rancheria 19 15 (Spanish) in Spanish...
rancherie 19 15 a Canadian Indian vi...
rancheros 19 15 RANCHERO, (Spanish)...
ranchings 21 18 RANCHING, the act of...
ranchless 21 16 without a ranch [adj...
ranchlike 22 20 like a ranch [adj]
rancidest 18 14 RANCID, rank in tast...
rancidity 25 16 the state of being r...
rancorous 17 14 full of rancour [adj...
rancoured 17 15 having feelings of r...
randiness 14 12 the state of being r...
randlords 16 13 RANDLORD, in South A...
randomise 15 14 to make random, also...
randomize 18 23 to make random, also...
rangatira 15 12 (Maori) a leader or...
rangeland 15 15 land suitable for gr...
ranginess 15 13 the state of being r...
rangioras 15 12 RANGIORA, (Maori) an...
rankshift 21 19 to shift or be shift...
ransacked 18 18 RANSACK, to search t...
ransacker 18 17 one who ransacks [n...
ranshakle 18 17 (Scott) to search, r...
ransomers 15 13 RANSOMER, one who ra...
ransoming 16 16 RANSOM, to pay a pri...
ranterism 16 13 the practice or tene...
rantingly 23 16 RANTING, hectoring [...
rantipole 17 14 (archaic) a wild, re...
ranunculi 19 17 RANUNCULUS, a genus...
ranzelman 18 24 an official who sear...
ranzelmen 18 24 RANZELMAN, an offici...
rapacious 20 16 greedy, predacious [...
rapeseeds 16 13 RAPESEED, the seed o...
raphanias 18 15 RAPHANIA, a form of...
rapidness 17 14 rapidity [n -ES]
rapparees 18 15 RAPPAREE, (Irish) a...
rappeling 21 19 RAPPEL, to descend f...
rappelled 21 18 RAPPEL, to descend f...
raptorial 18 13 predatory, also RAPT...
rapturing 19 16 RAPTURE, to fill wit...
rapturise 18 13 to put, or be put, i...
rapturist 19 13 an enthusiast [n -S]
rapturize 21 22 to put, or be put, i...
rapturous 18 14 in a state of raptur...
rarefiers 17 12 RAREFIER, something...
rarefying 24 17 RAREFY, to make less...
rareripes 17 12 RARERIPE, a fruit th...
rarifying 25 17 RARIFY, to make less...
rascaille 20 14 (archaic) an archaic...
rascaldom 20 17 the state of being a...
rascalism 21 16 rascally conduct, al...
rascality 26 15 rascally conduct, al...
rascasses 18 12 RASCASSE, a kind of...
rasmalais 17 13 RASMALAI, (Hindi) an...
raspatory 23 14 a surgeon's rasp [n...
raspberry 26 17 the fruit of Rubus i...
raspiness 17 13 the state of being r...
raspingly 26 18 RASPING, abrasive [a...
rastafari 17 12 a member of a West I...
rastering 16 12 RASTER, to create a...
rasterise 15 9 to convert an image...
rasterize 18 18 to convert an image...
rataplans 17 14 RATAPLAN, to make a...
ratcheted 20 15 RATCHET, to move by...
rateables 17 13 property that is lia...
ratemeter 15 12 an instrument for me...
ratepayer 22 14 one who pays rates o...
ratfishes 20 14 RATFISH, a marine fi...
ratherest 17 11 RATHER [adj]
ratheripe 19 14 a fruit that ripens...
ratherish 20 13 (colloquial) rather...
rathouses 17 12 RATHOUSE, (Australia...
rathripes 20 14 RATHRIPE, a fruit th...
raticides 19 13 RATICIDE, a substanc...
ratifiers 18 12 RATIFIER, one who ra...
ratifying 25 17 RATIFY, to approve a...
rationale 14 11 a reasoned expositio...
rationals 15 11 RATIONAL, a number t...
rationing 15 13 distribution in fixe...
ratooners 13 10 RATOONER, a plant th...
ratooning 14 13 RATOON, to sprout fr...
ratsbanes 16 13 RATSBANE, rat poison...
rattailed 16 11 having tails like ra...
ratteners 14 10 RATTENER, one who ra...
rattening 15 13 compelling obedience...
ratteries 15 9 RATTERY, a place whe...
rattiness 15 10 the state of being r...
rattlebag 19 15 a rattle or rattling...
rattlebox 24 20 any of various tropi...
rattliest 17 10 RATTLY, inclined to...
rattlines 16 11 RATTLINE, any of the...
rattlings 18 13 RATTLING, any of the...
rattooned 13 11 RATTOON, to sprout f...
raucities 19 13 RAUCITY, harshness o...
raucously 26 17 RAUCOUS, loud and un...
raunchier 20 16 RAUNCHY, coarsely or...
raunchily 28 19 RAUNCHY, coarsely or...
raunching 21 19 RAUNCH, (Spenser) to...
rauwolfia 21 17 a tropical tree or s...
ravelings 19 17 RAVELING, a ravelled...
ravellers 19 15 RAVELLER, one who ra...
ravelling 20 18 a ravelled out threa...
ravelment 18 18 confusion, complexit...
ravenings 17 17 RAVENING, the act of...
ravenlike 18 19 like a raven [adj]
ravigotes 18 15 RAVIGOTE, (French) a...
ravigotte 18 15 (French) vinegar sau...
ravishers 20 15 RAVISHER, one who ra...
ravishing 21 18 RAVISH, to seize and...
rawhiding 22 18 RAWHIDE, to beat wit...
rawnesses 17 13 RAWNESS, the state o...
raylessly 30 15 RAYLESS, without ray...
razorable 20 22 (Shakespeare) fit to...
razorback 24 28 the rorqual [n -S]
razorbill 23 23 a species of auk, wi...
razorclam 23 25 a lamellibranch moll...
razorfish 23 23 a lamellibranch moll...
razzberry 30 32 (US) a raspberry [n...
reabsorbs 19 15 REABSORB, to absorb...
reacceded 20 17 REACCEDE, to accede...
reaccedes 20 16 REACCEDE, to accede...
reaccents 20 16 REACCENT, to accent...
reaccepts 23 18 REACCEPT, to accept...
reacclaim 23 19 to acclaim again [v...
reaccused 21 17 REACCUSE, to accuse...
reaccuses 21 16 REACCUSE, to accuse...
reachable 22 18 being within reach [...
reachless 21 15 being beyond reach;...
reacquire 26 22 to acquire again [v...
reactance 19 16 the component of imp...
reactants 17 13 REACTANT, a substanc...
reactions 17 13 REACTION, the act of...
reactuate 17 13 to actuate again [v...
readapted 16 14 READAPT, to adapt ag...
readdicts 19 14 READDICT, to become...
readdress 15 11 to address again, es...
readiness 14 11 the state of being r...
readjusts 18 20 READJUST, to adjust...
readopted 16 14 READOPT, to adopt ag...
readorned 13 12 READORN, to adorn ag...
readvance 18 18 to advance again [v...
readvised 17 15 READVISE, to advise...
readvises 17 14 READVISE, to advise...
readymade 21 16 made before sale, no...
reaedifye 22 15 (Spenser) to rebuild...
reaffirms 21 18 REAFFIRM, to affirm...
reaffixed 25 23 REAFFIX, to affix ag...
reaffixes 25 22 REAFFIX, to affix ag...
realigned 16 14 REALIGN, to align ag...
realisers 16 10 REALISER, one who re...
realising 17 13 REALISE, to accompli...
realistic 20 13 resembling reality,...
realities 16 10 REALITY, something t...
realizers 19 19 REALIZER, one who re...
realizing 20 22 REALIZE, to accompli...
reallying 24 16 REALLY, to ally agai...
realmless 18 14 destitute of a realm...
realtered 15 11 REALTER, to alter ag...
realtones 14 11 REALTONE, a ringtone...
reamended 14 15 REAMEND, to amend ag...
reanalyse 20 13 to analyse again, al...
reanalyze 23 22 to analyze again, al...
reanimate 14 13 to bring back to lif...
reannexed 18 19 REANNEX, to annex ag...
reannexes 18 18 REANNEX, to annex ag...
reanoints 13 11 REANOINT, to anoint...
reanswers 17 13 REANSWER, to be equi...
reaphooks 19 18 REAPHOOK, an impleme...
reapparel 19 16 to clothe again [v R...
reappears 18 15 REAPPEAR, to appear...
reapplied 20 17 REAPPLY, to apply ag...
reapplies 20 16 REAPPLY, to apply ag...
reappoint 18 16 to appoint again [v...
reapprove 20 19 to approve again [v...
rearguard 16 13 the rear of an army;...
rearguing 17 15 REARGUE, to argue ag...
rearhorse 16 11 a praying mantis [n...
rearising 16 12 REARISE, to arise ag...
rearmouse 15 13 a bat, also REREMOUS...
rearousal 15 11 the act of rearousin...
rearoused 14 11 REAROUSE, to arouse...
rearouses 14 10 REAROUSE, to arouse...
rearrange 14 12 to arrange in a diff...
rearrests 15 9 REARREST, to arrest...
rearwards 18 13 REARWARD, the rearmo...
reascends 17 14 REASCEND, to ascend...
reascents 17 13 REASCENT, a second a...
reasoners 13 10 REASONER, one who re...
reasoning 14 13 the derivation of in...
reassails 16 10 REASSAIL, to assail...
reasserts 15 9 REASSERT, to assert...
reassigns 16 12 REASSIGN, to assign...
reassorts 15 9 REASSORT, to assort...
reassumed 16 14 REASSUME, to assume...
reassumes 16 13 REASSUME, to assume...
reassured 15 11 REASSURE, to assure...
reassurer 15 10 one who reassures [n...
reassures 15 10 REASSURE, to assure...
reastiest 15 9 REASTY, rancid [adj]
reattacks 19 16 REATTACK, to attack...
reattains 14 10 REATTAIN, to attain...
reattempt 18 15 to attempt again [v...
reavailed 17 15 REAVAIL, to avail ag...
reavowing 20 19 REAVOW, to vow again...
reawakens 17 17 REAWAKEN, to wake ag...
reawaking 19 19 REAWAKE, to awake ag...
rebacking 22 22 REBACK, to replace t...
rebadging 19 18 REBADGE, to market a...
rebaiting 18 15 REBAIT, to bait agai...
rebalance 19 17 to balance again [v...
rebaptise 19 15 to baptize again or...
rebaptism 21 18 a second baptism [n...
rebaptize 22 24 to baptize again or...
rebatable 19 16 that can be rebated,...
rebbetzin 22 25 (Yiddish) the wife o...
rebeldoms 19 17 REBELDOM, an area co...
rebellers 19 14 REBELLER, one who re...
rebelling 20 17 REBEL, to oppose aut...
rebellion 18 15 the act of rebelling...
rebellows 22 17 REBELLOW, to bellow...
rebidding 19 17 REBID, to bid again...
rebilling 21 17 REBILL, to bill agai...
rebinding 18 17 REBIND, to bind agai...
rebirther 20 14 one who claims to ha...
reblended 17 16 REBLEND, to blend ag...
reblochon 22 19 a delicately-flavour...
rebloomed 18 17 REBLOOM, to bloom ag...
reblossom 19 16 to blossom again [v...
reboarded 16 14 REBOARD, to board ag...
reboation 15 13 being reboant, rever...
rebodying 24 18 REBODY, to renew the...
reboiling 19 16 REBOIL, to boil agai...
rebooking 18 19 REBOOK, to book agai...
rebooting 17 15 REBOOT, to renew the...
reborrows 20 15 REBORROW, to borrow...
rebottled 18 14 REBOTTLE, to bottle...
rebottles 18 13 REBOTTLE, to bottle...
rebounded 16 16 REBOUND, to spring b...
rebounder 16 15 something that rebou...
rebracing 21 18 REBRACE, to brace ag...
rebranded 16 15 REBRAND, to change a...
rebuffing 23 22 REBUFF, to reject or...
rebuilded 19 16 REBUILD, to build ag...
rebukable 21 21 worthy of rebuke [ad...
rebukeful 22 22 containing rebuke; o...
reburials 19 14 REBURIAL, a second b...
reburying 25 18 REBURY, to bury agai...
rebutment 18 17 the act of rebutting...
rebuttals 19 14 REBUTTAL, an argumen...
rebutters 18 13 REBUTTER, one who re...
rebutting 19 16 REBUT, to prove to b...
rebuttons 17 14 REBUTTON, to button...
recalesce 21 16 to liberate heat sud...
recallers 20 14 RECALLER, one who re...
recalling 21 17 RECALL, to call back...
recalment 19 17 the act of calling b...
recamiers 19 15 RECAMIER, (French) a...
recanters 17 13 RECANTER, one who re...
recanting 18 16 RECANT, to make a fo...
recapping 23 21 RECAP, (short for) r...
recaption 19 16 taking back by peace...
recaptors 20 15 RECAPTOR, one who re...
recapture 20 16 to capture again [v...
recarpets 20 15 RECARPET, to replace...
recarried 18 13 RECARRY, to carry ag...
recarries 18 12 RECARRY, to carry ag...
recasting 19 15 RECAST, to cast agai...
recatalog 19 15 to catalog again, al...
recatches 23 17 RECATCH, to catch ag...
recaution 17 14 to caution again [v...
receipted 20 16 RECEIPT, to mark as...
receiptor 20 15 a person who receipt...
receivals 21 17 RECEIVAL, the act of...
receivers 20 16 RECEIVER, one that r...
receiving 21 19 the act of receiving...
recements 18 16 RECEMENT, to redo ce...
recencies 20 16 RECENCY, the state o...
recensing 18 16 RECENSE, to revise c...
recension 16 14 the act of reviewing...
recensors 17 13 RECENSOR, to censor...
recentest 17 13 RECENT, happening no...
recentred 17 14 RECENTRE, to centre...
recentres 17 13 RECENTRE, to centre...
reception 19 16 the act of receiving...
receptive 22 19 ready to receive [ad...
receptors 20 15 RECEPTOR, a nerve en...
recertify 27 17 to certify again [v...
recessing 19 15 RECESS, to place in...
recession 17 13 a temporary decline...
recessive 20 16 tending to receive [...
rechanged 20 18 RECHANGE, to change...
rechanges 20 17 RECHANGE, to change...
rechannel 19 17 to channel again [v...
recharged 21 17 RECHARGE, to charge...
recharger 21 16 a device for recharg...
recharges 21 16 RECHARGE, to charge...
recharted 20 15 RECHART, to chart ag...
recharter 20 14 to charter again [v...
rechauffe 24 21 (French) a reheated...
recheated 19 15 RECHEAT, to sound a...
rechecked 24 22 RECHECK, to check ag...
recherche 25 19 (French) exquisite,...
rechewing 24 20 RECHEW, to chew agai...
rechipped 25 21 RECHIP, to change th...
rechlesse 21 15 (Spenser) reckless,...
rechooses 19 14 RECHOOSE, to choose...
recipient 20 16 one who receives [n...
recircled 23 17 RECIRCLE, to circle...
recircles 23 16 RECIRCLE, to circle...
recisions 18 13 RECISION, a cancella...
recitable 21 16 that can be recited...
recklings 22 20 RECKLING, the runt o...
reckoners 18 17 RECKONER, one that r...
reckoning 19 20 the act of reckoning...
recladded 19 16 RECLAD, to clad agai...
reclaimed 20 17 RECLAIM, to make sui...
reclaimer 20 16 one who reclaims [n...
reclasped 21 17 RECLASP, to clasp ag...
recleaned 17 15 RECLEAN, to clean ag...
reclimbed 23 20 RECLIMB, to climb ag...
reclinate 18 14 bent down or back [a...
recliners 19 14 RECLINER, a kind of...
reclining 20 17 RECLINE, to lean or...
reclosing 20 16 RECLOSE, to close ag...
reclothed 21 16 RECLOTHE, to dress a...
reclothes 21 15 RECLOTHE, to dress a...
reclusely 27 17 like a recluse [adj]
reclusion 19 15 religious seclusion...
reclusive 22 18 solitary by nature [...
reclusory 26 16 the habitation of a...
recoaling 19 16 RECOAL, to refill wi...
recoating 18 15 RECOAT, to coat agai...
recocking 23 22 RECOCK, to cock agai...
recognise 18 15 to identify as known...
recognize 21 24 to identify as known...
recoilers 19 13 RECOILER, one who, o...
recoiling 20 16 RECOIL, to draw back...
recoinage 17 15 the act of coining a...
recoining 18 16 RECOIN, to coin agai...
recollect 23 17 to remember [v -ED,...
recollets 20 14 RECOLLET, (French) a...
recolored 18 14 RECOLOR, to color ag...
recolours 19 14 RECOLOUR, to colour...
recombine 20 19 to combine again [v...
recombing 22 21 RECOMB, to comb agai...
recomfort 21 18 (archaic) to comfort...
recommend 19 20 to commend or introd...
recommits 21 18 RECOMMIT, to commit...
recompact 24 21 to compact or join a...
recompile 22 19 to compile again [v...
recompose 20 18 to compose again [v...
recompute 21 19 to compute again [v...
reconcile 21 17 to restore or bring...
recondite 17 14 concealed; deep; hav...
reconduct 21 18 to conduct again [v...
reconfers 19 16 RECONFER, to confer...
reconfine 18 17 to confine again [v...
reconfirm 21 19 to confirm anew [v -...
reconnect 19 17 to connect again [v...
reconning 17 17 RECON, to conduct a...
reconquer 25 23 to conquer again [v...
reconsign 18 16 to consign again [v...
reconsole 17 14 to console again [v...
reconsult 19 15 to consult again [v...
recontact 20 16 to contact again [v...
recontour 17 14 to contour again [v...
reconvene 17 18 to convene again [v...
reconvert 19 17 to convert again [v...
reconveys 25 19 RECONVEY, to convey...
reconvict 23 20 to convict again [v...
recooking 19 19 RECOOK, to cook agai...
recopying 27 20 RECOPY, to copy agai...
recorders 18 13 RECORDER, one that r...
recording 19 16 a record of sound or...
recordist 19 13 a person who records...
recorking 20 19 RECORK, to cork agai...
recountal 18 15 the act of recountin...
recounted 17 15 RECOUNT, to relate i...
recounter 17 14 one who recounts [n...
recouping 21 19 RECOUP, to get back...
recoupled 21 18 RECOUPLE, to couple...
recouples 21 17 RECOUPLE, to couple...
recouring 19 16 RECOURE, to recover,...
recoursed 18 14 RECOURSE, to return,...
recourses 18 13 RECOURSE, to return,...
recovered 19 17 RECOVER, to obtain a...
recoveree 18 16 the person against w...
recoverer 19 16 one who recovers [n...
recoveror 19 16 the demandant in a c...
recowered 20 16 RECOWER, to recover,...
recoyling 26 18 RECOYLE, (Spenser) t...
recrating 19 15 RECRATE, to crate ag...
recreance 19 16 mean-spiritedness; a...
recreancy 26 18 the state of being a...
recreants 17 13 RECREANT, a coward;...
recreated 17 13 RECREATE, to reinvig...
recreates 17 12 RECREATE, to reinvig...
recreator 17 12 one who recreates [n...
recrement 18 16 a waste product of a...
recrossed 18 13 RECROSS, to cross ag...
recrosses 18 12 RECROSS, to cross ag...
recrowned 20 17 RECROWN, to crown ag...
recruital 20 14 the act of recruitin...
recruited 19 14 RECRUIT, to enlist f...
recruiter 19 13 one who recruits [n...
rectangle 19 16 a four-sided plane f...
rectified 21 16 RECTIFY, to correct,...
rectifier 21 15 a person who rectifi...
rectifies 21 15 RECTIFY, to correct,...
rectitude 19 14 rightness, integrity...
rectocele 21 16 the herniation of th...
rectorate 17 12 the office of rector...
rectoress 18 12 a female rector, a r...
rectorial 19 13 pertaining to a rect...
rectories 18 12 RECTORY, a rector's...
rectrices 22 15 RECTRIX, a feather o...
recuiling 21 17 RECUILE, (Spenser) t...
recumbent 21 20 reclining; lying com...
recurrent 18 14 happening again and...
recurring 20 16 RECUR, to come aroun...
recursion 18 14 the application or u...
recursive 21 17 involving or designa...
recurvate 20 17 bent back [adj]
recurving 22 20 RECURVE, to bend bac...
recusance 20 17 the state of being r...
recusancy 27 19 the state of being r...
recusants 18 14 RECUSANT, one who re...
recutting 20 16 RECUT, to cut again...
recyclate 28 18 material that has be...
recyclers 29 18 RECYCLER, one who re...
recycling 30 21 the act of reclaimin...
recyclist 30 18 one who recycles, al...
redacting 19 16 REDACT, to prepare f...
redaction 17 14 an act or instance o...
redactors 18 13 REDACTOR, an editor...
redamaged 16 16 REDAMAGE, to damage...
redamages 16 15 REDAMAGE, to damage...
redargued 16 14 REDARGUE, (Scots) to...
redargues 16 13 REDARGUE, (Scots) to...
redbaited 17 14 REDBAIT, to denounce...
redbaiter 17 13 one who redbaits [n...
redbreast 17 13 the robin [n -S]
redbricks 23 20 REDBRICK, a British...
reddendos 14 13 REDDENDO, (Scots) in...
reddendum 16 17 a clause in a lease...
reddening 15 15 REDDEN, to make or b...
reddishly 26 16 REDDISH, somewhat re...
reddleman 16 16 one who marks e.g. s...
reddlemen 16 16 REDDLEMAN, one who m...
redealing 16 14 REDEAL, to deal agai...
redecided 18 15 REDECIDE, to decide...
redecides 18 14 REDECIDE, to decide...
redecraft 20 16 (archaic) logic [n -...
redeemers 15 13 REDEEMER, one that r...
redeeming 16 16 REDEEM, to buy back...
redefeats 16 13 REDEFEAT, to defeat...
redefects 20 16 REDEFECT, to defect...
redefined 16 15 REDEFINE, to define...
redefines 16 14 REDEFINE, to define...
redefying 24 18 REDEFY, to defy agai...
redeliver 18 15 to deliver or give b...
redemands 15 15 REDEMAND, to demand...
redenying 21 16 REDENY, to deny agai...
redeploys 24 16 REDEPLOY, to deploy...
redeposit 17 13 to deposit again [v...
redescend 17 15 to descend again [v...
redesigns 16 13 REDESIGN, to design...
redevelop 19 18 to develop again [v...
redfishes 20 15 REDFISH, the bluebac...
redhanded 16 15 caught in the act [a...
redheaded 16 14 having red hair [adj...
redhorses 17 12 REDHORSE, a freshwat...
redialing 17 14 REDIAL, to dial agai...
redialled 17 13 REDIAL, to dial agai...
redictate 18 13 to dictate again [v...
redigests 17 12 REDIGEST, to digest...
redigress 17 12 to digress again [v...
redingote 15 13 (French) a long plai...
redipping 21 19 REDIP, to dip again...
redirects 19 13 REDIRECT, to change...
rediscuss 20 14 to discuss again [v...
redisplay 25 16 to display again [v...
redispose 17 13 to dispose anew or a...
redistill 19 12 to distill again, al...
redistils 18 11 REDISTIL, to distil...
redivided 18 16 REDIVIDE, to divide...
redivides 18 15 REDIVIDE, to divide...
redivivus 21 19 (Latin) living again...
redivorce 20 17 to divorce again [v...
redliners 16 12 REDLINER, one that r...
redlining 17 15 refusing to serve pa...
rednecked 18 19 like a redneck, igno...
rednesses 14 11 REDNESS, the state o...
redocking 20 20 REDOCK, to dock agai...
redolence 17 15 fragrance, the state...
redolency 24 17 fragrance, the state...
redonning 14 15 REDON, to don again...
redoubled 18 16 REDOUBLE, to double...
redoubler 18 15 one who redoubles [n...
redoubles 18 15 REDOUBLE, to double...
redoubted 17 15 REDOUBT, (archaic) t...
redounded 14 14 REDOUND, to have an...
redrafted 17 14 REDRAFT, to make a r...
redrawers 18 13 REDRAWER, one that r...
redrawing 19 16 REDRAW, to draw agai...
redreamed 15 14 REDREAM, to dream ag...
redressal 16 11 an act or instance o...
redressed 15 11 REDRESS, to set righ...
redresser 15 10 one who redresses, a...
redresses 15 10 REDRESS, to set righ...
redressor 15 10 one who redresses, a...
redrilled 18 13 REDRILL, to drill ag...
redriving 19 17 REDRIVE, to drive ag...
redshanks 18 17 REDSHANK, a kind of...
redshifts 21 15 REDSHIFT, the displa...
redshirts 19 12 REDSHIRT, to keep a...
redstarts 16 10 REDSTART, as small s...
redstreak 16 14 a favorite English c...
redubbing 21 20 REDUB, to dub again...
reducible 22 18 capable of being red...
reducibly 29 20 REDUCIBLE, capable o...
reductant 18 15 a reducing agent [n...
reductase 18 14 an enzyme which brin...
reduction 18 15 the act of reducing...
reductive 21 18 tending to reduce [a...
reductors 19 14 REDUCTOR, an apparat...
redundant 14 14 no longer needed [ad...
reduviids 19 16 REDUVIID, a member o...
redwaters 18 13 REDWATER, a cattle d...
reearning 14 13 REEARN, to earn agai...
reechiest 20 14 REECHIE, (Shakespear...
reechoing 20 17 REECHO, to echo back...
reedbirds 18 14 REEDBIRD, a kind of...
reedbucks 22 21 REEDBUCK, a kind of...
reedified 17 14 REEDIFY, to rebuild...
reedifies 17 13 REEDIFY, to rebuild...
reediness 14 11 the quality of being...
reediting 16 13 REEDIT, to edit agai...
reedition 14 11 the act of editing a...
reedlings 17 14 REEDLING, a marsh bi...
reedstops 17 13 REEDSTOP, an organ s...
reeducate 17 14 to educate again [v...
reejected 19 22 REEJECT, to eject ag...
reekingly 24 19 REEKING [adv]
reelected 18 14 REELECT, to elect ag...
reelevate 16 14 to elevate again [v...
reelingly 24 16 REELING, staggering...
reembarks 19 19 REEMBARK, to embark...
reembrace 20 18 to embrace again [v...
reemerged 16 15 REEMERGE, to emerge...
reemerges 16 14 REEMERGE, to emerge...
reemitted 16 13 REEMIT, to emit agai...
reemploys 25 18 REEMPLOY, to employ...
reenacted 16 14 REENACT, to enact ag...
reenactor 16 13 one who reenacts [n...
reendowed 16 15 REENDOW, to endow ag...
reenforce 18 16 to strengthen with n...
reengaged 15 15 REENGAGE, to engage...
reengages 15 14 REENGAGE, to engage...
reengrave 16 16 to engrave anew [v R...
reenjoyed 21 22 REENJOY, to enjoy ag...
reenlarge 15 13 to enlarge again [v...
reenlists 16 11 REENLIST, to enlist...
reenrolls 16 12 REENROLL, to enroll...
reenslave 16 15 to enslave again [v...
reentered 13 11 REENTER, to enter ag...
reentrant 13 11 something that reent...
reentries 14 10 REENTRY, a second en...
reerected 17 13 REERECT, to erect ag...
reestiest 15 9 REESTY, of a horse,...
reevoking 18 20 REEVOKE, to evoke ag...
reexamine 20 20 to examine again [v...
reexecute 23 20 to execute again [v...
reexhibit 26 21 to exhibit again [v...
reexplain 23 21 to explain again [v...
reexplore 23 20 to explore again [v...
reexports 23 19 REEXPORT, to export...
reexposed 22 20 REEXPOSE, to expose...
reexposes 22 19 REEXPOSE, to expose...
reexpress 23 19 to express again [v...
refalling 20 17 REFALL, to fall agai...
refashion 18 15 to fashion again [v...
refastens 16 13 REFASTEN, to fasten...
refecting 21 18 REFECT, to refresh w...
refection 19 16 refreshment; a meal...
refective 22 19 relating to refectio...
refectory 26 17 the dining-hall of a...
refeeding 17 16 REFEED, to feed agai...
refeeling 18 16 REFEEL, to feel agai...
refelling 20 17 REFEL, (obsolete) to...
refencing 20 19 REFENCE, to fence ag...
referable 19 16 capable of being ref...
reference 18 16 to refer to [v REFER...
referenda 15 14 REFERENDUM, (Latin)...
referents 16 13 REFERENT, something...
referrals 18 13 REFERRAL, an instanc...
referrers 17 12 REFERRER, one that r...
referring 18 15 REFER, to direct to...
refigured 19 16 REFIGURE, to figure...
refigures 19 15 REFIGURE, to figure...
refilling 21 17 REFILL, to fill agai...
refilming 21 19 REFILM, to film agai...
refilters 19 13 REFILTER, to filter...
refinable 19 17 that can be refined...
refinance 18 17 to finance again [v...
refinding 18 17 REFIND, to find agai...
refinedly 24 17 REFINED [adv]
refinings 18 16 REFINING, the act of...
refitment 18 16 the act of refitting...
refitting 19 15 the act of refitting...
reflagged 20 18 REFLAG, to change th...
reflating 19 16 REFLATE, to inflate...
reflation 17 14 an increase in amoun...
reflected 21 17 REFLECT, to be mirro...
reflecter 21 16 (Swift) a person who...
reflector 21 16 something or someone...
reflexing 25 23 REFLEX, to bend back...
reflexion 23 21 the act of reflexing...
reflexive 26 24 indicating that the...
refloated 17 14 REFLOAT, to float ag...
reflooded 17 15 REFLOOD, to flood ag...
reflowers 21 16 REFLOWER, to flower...
reflowing 22 19 the act of reflowing...
refluence 20 18 a flowing back, ebb,...
refluxing 26 24 REFLUX, to cause to...
refocused 20 17 REFOCUS, to focus ag...
refocuses 20 16 REFOCUS, to focus ag...
refolding 19 17 REFOLD, to fold agai...
refooting 17 15 REFOOT, to replace t...
reforests 17 12 REFOREST, to replant...
reforging 19 17 REFORGE, to forge ag...
reformade 17 16 (Spanish) a monk of...
reformado 17 16 (Spanish) a monk of...
reformate 17 15 a product of hydroca...
reformats 18 15 REFORMAT, to change...
reformers 18 15 REFORMER, one that r...
reforming 19 18 the act of reforming...
reformism 20 18 any doctrine or move...
reformist 19 15 a reformer [n -S]
refortify 26 17 to fortify anew [v R...
refounded 16 16 REFOUND, to found ag...
refounder 16 15 one who refounds [n...
refracted 20 16 REFRACT, to deflect...
refractor 20 15 a refracting telesco...
refrained 16 14 REFRAIN, to keep one...
refrainer 16 13 one who refrains [n...
reframing 19 18 REFRAME, to put in a...
refreezes 19 21 REFREEZE, to freeze...
refreshed 19 15 REFRESH, to restore...
refreshen 18 15 to refresh [v -ED, -...
refresher 19 14 something that refre...
refreshes 19 14 REFRESH, to restore...
refringed 18 16 REFRINGE, (obsolete)...
refringes 18 15 REFRINGE, (obsolete)...
refronted 16 14 REFRONT, to put on a...
refueling 19 17 the act of adding ne...
refuelled 19 16 REFUEL, to fill with...
refulgent 19 17 radiant, brilliant,...
refunders 17 15 REFUNDER, one who re...
refunding 18 18 REFUND, to give back...
refurbing 21 19 REFURB, (colloquial)...
refurbish 23 18 to furbish anew [v -...
refurnish 20 16 to furnish again [v...
refusable 20 17 capable of being ref...
refusenik 18 18 (Russian) a Soviet J...
refusions 17 14 REFUSION, the act of...
refusniks 19 18 REFUSNIK, (Russian)...
refutable 20 17 that can be refuted...
refutably 27 19 REFUTABLE, that can...
regainers 15 12 REGAINER, one who re...
regaining 16 15 REGAIN, to take poss...
regalisms 19 15 REGALISM, the doctri...
regalists 18 12 REGALIST, one who be...
regalness 16 13 the quality of being...
regardant 15 13 in heraldry, in prof...
regarders 16 12 REGARDER, one who re...
regardful 20 17 heedful; observant [...
regarding 17 15 REGARD, to look upon...
regathers 18 13 REGATHER, to assembl...
regauging 18 17 REGAUGE, to adjust t...
regearing 16 14 REGEAR, to equip aga...
regelated 16 13 REGELATE, to refreez...
regelates 16 12 REGELATE, to refreez...
regencies 18 15 REGENCY, the office...
regesting 17 14 REGEST, (Milton) to...
reggaeton 15 14 a form of music blen...
regicidal 21 16 pertaining to regici...
regicides 20 15 REGICIDE, the killin...
regifters 19 14 REGIFTER, one who re...
regifting 20 17 REGIFT, to take a gi...
regilding 19 16 REGILD, to gild once...
regiments 17 15 REGIMENT, to form in...
regiminal 18 16 of or relating to re...
regionals 16 13 REGIONAL, something...
regionary 21 14 relating to a region...
regisseur 17 12 (French) a ballet di...
registers 17 11 REGISTER, to record...
registrar 17 11 a middle-ranking hos...
reglazing 21 24 REGLAZE, to glaze ag...
reglorify 26 17 to glorify again [v...
reglossed 17 13 REGLOSS, to glass ag...
reglosses 17 12 REGLOSS, to glass ag...
reglowing 21 18 REGLOW, to glow agai...
regmakers 18 18 REGMAKER, (South Afr...
regoliths 20 14 REGOLITH, a layer of...
regorging 18 16 REGORGE, to disgorge...
regrading 17 15 REGRADE, to grade ag...
regrafted 18 15 REGRAFT, to graft ag...
regranted 15 13 REGRANT, to grant ag...
regraters 16 11 REGRATER, one who bu...
regrating 17 14 buying and selling a...
regrators 16 11 REGRATOR, one who bu...
regreding 17 15 REGREDE, to retrogra...
regreened 14 13 REGREEN, to green ag...
regreeted 15 12 REGREET, to greet in...
regressed 16 12 REGRESS, to go back...
regresses 16 11 REGRESS, to go back...
regressor 16 11 one who regresses [n...
regretful 20 16 full of regret [adj...
regretted 16 12 REGRET, to look back...
regretter 16 11 one who regrets [n -...
regroomed 16 15 REGROOM, to groom ag...
regrooved 17 16 REGROOVE, to groove...
regrooves 17 15 REGROOVE, to groove...
regrouped 18 16 REGROUP, to group to...
regrowing 20 17 REGROW, to grow agai...
regrowths 22 16 REGROWTH, a new or s...
reguerdon 15 14 (Shakespeare) to rew...
regulable 20 17 that can be regulate...
regularly 25 16 REGULAR, occurring a...
regulated 17 14 REGULATE, to control...
regulates 17 13 REGULATE, to control...
regulator 17 13 one who regulates [n...
regulised 18 14 REGULISE, to reduce...
regulises 18 13 REGULISE, to reduce...
regulized 21 23 REGULIZE, to reduce...
regulizes 21 22 REGULIZE, to reduce...
reguluses 18 14 REGULUS, a mass that...
rehabbers 21 17 REHABBER, one who re...
rehabbing 22 20 REHAB, to restore to...
rehammers 19 17 REHAMMER, to hammer...
rehandled 17 15 REHANDLE, to handle...
rehandles 17 14 REHANDLE, to handle...
rehanging 18 17 REHANG, to hang agai...
rehardens 16 13 REHARDEN, to harden...
rehashing 20 16 REHASH, to go over o...
rehearing 17 14 the act of rehearing...
rehearsal 17 12 an act of rehearsing...
rehearsed 16 12 REHEARSE, to practic...
rehearser 16 11 one who rehearses [n...
rehearses 16 11 REHEARSE, to practic...
reheaters 16 11 REHEATER, an apparat...
reheating 17 14 the act of heating a...
reheeling 18 15 REHEEL, to replace t...
rehemming 20 20 REHEM, to take up th...
rehinging 19 17 REHINGE, to hinge ag...
rehoboams 19 17 REHOBOAM, (Hebrew) a...
rehomings 19 17 REHOMING, the act of...
rehousing 18 15 the act of putting i...
rehydrate 23 14 to add water to (a d...
reignited 16 13 REIGNITE, to light a...
reignites 16 12 REIGNITE, to light a...
reillumed 19 16 REILLUME, to light a...
reillumes 19 15 REILLUME, to light a...
reimagine 16 15 to imagine again [v...
reimaging 18 17 REIMAGE, to fix the...
reimburse 19 16 to repay [v REIMBURS...
reimmerse 17 15 to immerse again [v...
reimplant 19 17 to implant again [v...
reimports 19 15 REIMPORT, to import...
reimposed 18 16 REIMPOSE, to impose...
reimposes 18 15 REIMPOSE, to impose...
reincited 18 14 REINCITE, to incite...
reincites 18 13 REINCITE, to incite...
reindeers 14 11 REINDEER, a large de...
reindexed 20 19 REINDEX, to index ag...
reindexes 20 18 REINDEX, to index ag...
reindicts 19 14 REINDICT, to indict...
reinduced 18 16 REINDUCE, to induce...
reinduces 18 15 REINDUCE, to induce...
reinducts 19 15 REINDUCT [v]
reinettes 14 10 REINETTE, (French) a...
reinfects 20 16 REINFECT, to infect...
reinflame 18 17 to inflame again [v...
reinflate 17 14 to inflate again [v...
reinforce 19 16 to strengthen with n...
reinforms 18 16 REINFORM, to inform...
reinfunds 17 16 REINFUND, to flow ag...
reinfused 17 15 REINFUSE, to infuse...
reinfuses 17 14 REINFUSE, to infuse...
reinhabit 19 15 to inhabit again [v...
reinjects 20 22 REINJECT, to inject...
reinjured 17 21 REINJURE, to injure...
reinjures 17 20 REINJURE, to injure...
reinserts 15 10 REINSERT, to insert...
reinspect 20 16 to inspect again [v...
reinspire 17 13 to inspire anew [v R...
reinstall 17 12 to install again, al...
reinstals 16 11 REINSTAL [v]
reinstate 14 10 to instate again [v...
reinsured 15 12 REINSURE, to insure...
reinsurer 15 11 one who gives reinsu...
reinsures 15 11 REINSURE, to insure...
reinvaded 16 16 REINVADE, to invade...
reinvades 16 15 REINVADE, to invade...
reinvents 16 15 REINVENT, to invent...
reinvests 17 14 REINVEST, to invest...
reinvited 17 15 REINVITE, to invite...
reinvites 17 14 REINVITE, to invite...
reinvoked 17 19 REINVOKE, to invoke...
reinvokes 17 18 REINVOKE, to invoke...
reinvolve 19 19 to involve anew [v R...
reissuers 16 10 REISSUER, one who re...
reissuing 17 13 REISSUE, to issue ag...
reistafel 18 13 (Dutch) an Indonesia...
reiterant 14 10 reiterating [adj]
reiterate 14 9 to repeat [v REITERA...
reitering 16 12 REITER, to reiterate...
rejackets 21 25 REJACKET, to clothe...
rejectees 19 21 REJECTEE, one who is...
rejecters 20 21 REJECTER, one who re...
rejecting 21 24 REJECT, to refuse to...
rejection 19 22 the act of rejecting...
rejective 22 25 rejecting, or tendin...
rejectors 20 21 REJECTOR, one who re...
rejiggers 20 22 REJIGGER, to fix som...
rejigging 21 25 REJIG, to fix someth...
rejoicers 20 21 REJOICER, one who re...
rejoicing 21 24 joyful [adj REJOICIN...
rejoinder 16 20 a sharp and clever a...
rejoining 17 22 REJOIN, to join agai...
rejourned 16 21 REJOURN, (Shakespear...
rejudging 20 25 REJUDGE, to judge ag...
rejuggled 21 25 REJUGGLE, to juggle...
rejuggles 21 24 REJUGGLE, to juggle...
rejustify 27 24 to justify again [v...
rekindled 17 17 REKINDLE, to arouse...
rekindles 17 16 REKINDLE, to arouse...
reknitted 16 15 REKNIT, to knit agai...
reknotted 15 15 REKNOT, to knot agai...
relabeled 18 15 RELABEL, to label ag...
relacquer 27 23 to lacquer again [v...
relanding 16 15 RELAND, to land agai...
relapsers 18 13 RELAPSER, one who re...
relapsing 19 16 RELAPSE, to slip bac...
relatable 18 14 that can be related...
relatedly 23 14 RELATED [adv]
relations 15 11 RELATION, an associa...
relatival 19 15 concerning relation,...
relatives 18 14 RELATIVE, one who is...
relaunder 15 13 to launder again [v...
relaxable 24 21 that can be relaxed...
relaxants 21 18 RELAXANT, a drug tha...
relaxedly 29 21 RELAXED [adv]
relearned 14 12 RELEARN, to learn ag...
releasees 14 10 RELEASEE, a person t...
releasers 15 10 RELEASER, one who re...
releasing 16 13 RELEASE, to set free...
releasors 15 10 RELEASOR, one who re...
relegable 19 16 that can be relegate...
relegated 16 13 RELEGATE, to remove,...
relegates 16 12 RELEGATE, to remove,...
relending 16 15 RELEND, to lend agai...
relenting 16 14 the act of relenting...
reletters 16 10 RELETTER, to write a...
reletting 17 13 RELET, to let again...
relevance 19 18 the state of being r...
relevancy 26 20 (US) relevance, also...
reliables 19 14 RELIABLE, something,...
reliances 18 14 RELIANCE, confident...
reliantly 23 14 RELIANT, showing rel...
relicense 18 14 to license again [v...
reliction 19 14 the recession of the...
relievers 18 14 RELIEVER, one who re...
relieving 19 17 RELIEVE, to free fro...
relighted 20 15 RELIGHT, to light ag...
religieux 24 20 (French) a (male) pe...
religions 17 13 RELIGION, belief in...
religiose 17 12 morbidly or sentimen...
religioso 17 12 (Italian) a musical...
religious 18 13 concerned with relig...
relinking 18 18 RELINK, to link agai...
reliquary 31 22 a small box or shrin...
reliquefy 33 25 to liquefy again [v...
reliquiae 24 20 (Latin) remains, esp...
relishing 20 15 RELISH, to enjoy [v]
relisting 18 13 RELIST, to list agai...
relivable 21 18 that can be relived...
relivered 18 15 RELIVER, to deliver...
rellished 20 14 RELLISH, (Shakespear...
rellishes 20 13 RELLISH, (Shakespear...
reloaders 15 11 RELOADER, a device f...
reloading 16 14 RELOAD, to load agai...
reloaning 15 14 RELOAN, to loan agai...
relocated 18 14 RELOCATE, to establi...
relocatee 17 13 one who is relocated...
relocates 18 13 RELOCATE, to establi...
relocator 18 13 one who relocates [n...
relocking 21 20 RELOCK, to lock agai...
relooking 17 17 RELOOK, to look agai...
reluctant 19 15 unwilling [adj RELUC...
reluctate 19 14 to be reluctant, als...
relucting 21 17 RELUCT, (archaic) to...
relumined 17 16 RELUMINE, to light a...
relumines 17 15 RELUMINE, to light a...
remailers 17 13 REMAILER, an interne...
remailing 18 16 REMAIL, to post agai...
remainder 15 14 what is left over [n...
remaining 16 16 REMAIN, to continue...
remanding 16 17 REMAND, to send back...
remanence 16 17 the property of stay...
remanency 23 19 the property of stay...
remanents 14 14 REMANENT, a piece le...
remanning 15 17 REMAN, to supply a f...
remapping 21 21 REMAP, to map again...
remarkers 17 16 REMARKER, one who re...
remarkets 17 16 REMARKET, to market...
remarking 18 19 REMARK, to say brief...
remarqued 24 23 bearing a remarque,...
remarques 24 22 REMARQUE, (French) a...
remarried 16 13 REMARRY, to marry ag...
remarries 16 12 REMARRY, to marry ag...
remasters 16 12 REMASTER, to master...
rematched 21 18 REMATCH, to match ag...
rematches 21 17 REMATCH, to match ag...
remeading 16 16 REMEAD, (Scots) to r...
remeasure 15 13 to measure again; to...
remediate 15 13 (Shakespeare) to rem...
remedying 23 18 REMEDY, to relieve o...
remeeting 16 15 REMEET, to meet agai...
remeiding 17 16 REMEID, (Scots) to r...
remelting 18 16 REMELT, to melt agai...
remembers 19 18 REMEMBER, to bring t...
remending 16 17 REMEND, to mend agai...
remercied 19 16 REMERCY, (obsolete)...
remercies 19 15 REMERCY, (obsolete)...
remerging 18 17 REMERGE, to merge ag...
remigated 17 15 REMIGATE, to row [v]
remigates 17 14 REMIGATE, to row [v]
remigrate 17 14 to migrate again or...
reminders 16 14 REMINDER, something...
remindful 20 19 tending to remind [a...
reminding 17 17 REMIND, to cause to...
reminisce 19 16 to engage in remembe...
reminting 17 16 REMINT, to melt down...
remission 16 13 the act of remitting...
remissive 19 16 remitting; forgiving...
remissory 23 14 serving or tending t...
remitment 17 16 the act of remitting...
remittals 18 13 REMITTAL, the act of...
remittees 16 12 REMITTEE, a person t...
remittent 16 13 remitting; having re...
remitters 17 12 REMITTER, one who re...
remitting 18 15 REMIT, to send payme...
remittors 17 12 REMITTOR, one who re...
remixture 23 20 the act of remixing...
remnantal 15 15 existing as a remnan...
remodeled 16 15 REMODEL, to make ove...
remodeler 16 14 one who remodels [n...
remoisten 15 13 to moisten again [v...
remolades 16 14 REMOLADE, (French) a...
remolding 18 17 REMOLD, to retread a...
remontant 14 14 (French) flowering m...
remontoir 15 13 any of various devic...
remotions 15 13 REMOTION, the act of...
remoulade 16 15 (French) a piquant s...
remoulded 17 16 REMOULD, to retread...
remounted 15 15 REMOUNT, to climb in...
removable 20 20 capable of being rem...
removably 27 22 REMOVABLE, capable o...
removedly 25 20 REMOVED [adv]
remurmurs 19 17 REMURMUR, to murmur...
renaguing 16 16 RENAGUE, to refuse,...
renailing 16 14 RENAIL, to nail agai...
renascent 16 14 coming into renewed...
renatured 14 12 RENATURE, to restore...
renatures 14 11 RENATURE, to restore...
rencontre 16 14 to encounter or meet...
renderers 14 11 RENDERER, one that r...
rendering 15 14 a first coat of plas...
rendition 14 12 to surrender (fugiti...
rendzinas 17 21 RENDZINA, (Russian)...
reneagued 14 14 RENEAGUE, to go back...
reneagues 14 13 RENEAGUE, to go back...
renegaded 14 14 RENEGADE [v]
renegades 14 13 RENEGADE [v]
renegados 14 13 RENEGADO, (archaic)...
renegates 14 12 RENEGATE [v]
reneguers 15 13 RENEGUER, one who re...
reneguing 16 16 RENEGUE, to refuse,...
renesting 15 13 RENEST, to nest agai...
renewable 19 17 capable of being ren...
renewably 26 19 RENEWABLE, capable o...
renewedly 24 17 RENEWED [adv]
renewings 18 16 RENEWING, the act of...
renfierst 17 13 (Spenser) made fierc...
renforced 19 17 RENFORCE, to reinfor...
renforces 19 16 RENFORCE, to reinfor...
renigging 18 17 RENIG, (Irish) to re...
renitence 16 14 the state of being r...
renitency 23 16 the state of being r...
renminbis 18 17 RENMINBI, (Chinese)...
renograms 16 15 RENOGRAM, a photogra...
renounced 16 16 RENOUNCE, to disown,...
renouncer 16 15 one who renounces [n...
renounces 16 15 RENOUNCE, to disown,...
renovated 15 15 RENOVATE, to make li...
renovates 15 14 RENOVATE, to make li...
renovator 15 14 one who, or that whi...
renowners 16 14 RENOWNER, one who gi...
renowning 17 17 RENOWN, to make famo...
rentaller 16 12 (Scots) a kindly ten...
renumbers 18 17 RENUMBER, to number...
renversed 16 15 RENVERSE, (archaic)...
renverses 16 14 RENVERSE, (archaic)...
reobjects 22 24 REOBJECT, to object...
reobserve 18 16 to observe again [v...
reobtains 16 13 REOBTAIN, to obtain...
reoffends 18 17 REOFFEND, to offend...
reoffered 18 16 REOFFER, to offer fo...
reopeners 15 13 REOPENER, a clause i...
reopening 16 16 the act of opening a...
reoperate 15 12 to operate again [v...
reopposed 18 16 REOPPOSE, to oppose...
reopposes 18 15 REOPPOSE, to oppose...
reordains 14 11 REORDAIN, to ordain...
reordered 14 11 REORDER, to put in a...
reorients 14 10 REORIENT, to acquain...
reoutfits 18 13 REOUTFIT, to outfit...
reoxidise 21 17 to oxidise again, al...
reoxidize 24 26 to oxidize again, al...
repackage 21 21 to package again [v...
repacking 22 22 REPACK, to pack agai...
repainted 16 14 REPAINT, to paint ag...
repairers 17 12 REPAIRER, one who re...
repairing 18 15 REPAIR, to restore t...
repairman 17 16 one whose job is to...
repairmen 17 16 REPAIRMAN, one whose...
repaneled 16 15 REPANEL, to panel ag...
repapered 18 16 REPAPER, to apply ne...
reparable 19 16 that can be repaired...
reparably 26 18 REPARABLE, that can...
reparking 19 19 REPARK, to park agai...
reparteed 16 13 REPARTEE, to make a...
repartees 16 12 REPARTEE, to make a...
repassage 17 14 the act of repassing...
repassing 18 15 REPASS, to pass agai...
repasting 18 15 REPAST, to partake o...
repasture 17 13 (Shakespeare) food [...
repatched 22 18 REPATCH, to patch ag...
repatches 22 17 REPATCH, to patch ag...
repattern 16 13 to pattern again [v...
repayable 25 18 capable of being rep...
repayment 23 18 the act of paying ba...
repealers 17 13 REPEALER, one who re...
repealing 18 16 REPEAL, to revoke [v...
repeaters 16 12 REPEATER, one who re...
repeating 17 15 the act of repeating...
repechage 22 19 (French) a supplemen...
repegging 20 19 REPEG, to peg again...
repellant 18 15 serving to repel, al...
repellent 18 15 serving to repel, al...
repellers 19 14 REPELLER, one who, o...
repelling 20 17 REPEL, to drive back...
repentant 15 14 penitent [adj REPENT...
repenters 16 13 REPENTER, one who re...
repenting 17 16 REPENT, to regret an...
repeopled 19 17 REPEOPLE, to supply...
repeoples 19 16 REPEOPLE, to supply...
repercuss 21 16 to reverberate, have...
reperepes 18 15 REPEREPE, the elepha...
reperking 19 19 REPERK, to brew agai...
repertory 23 14 the performance of p...
reperusal 18 14 a second or repeated...
reperused 17 14 REPERUSE, to peruse...
reperuses 17 13 REPERUSE, to peruse...
repetends 16 14 REPETEND, a phrase o...
rephrased 19 15 REPHRASE, to say or...
rephrases 19 14 REPHRASE, to say or...
repigment 19 18 to pigment again [v...
repinings 18 16 REPINING, the act of...
repinning 17 17 REPIN, to pin again...
repiquing 27 25 REPIQUE, to score in...
replacers 21 16 REPLACER, one who re...
replacing 22 19 REPLACE, to put back...
replanned 16 16 REPLAN, to plan agai...
replanted 17 15 REPLANT, to plant ag...
replaster 18 13 to plaster again [v...
replating 19 16 REPLATE, to plate ag...
replaying 25 18 REPLAY, to play agai...
repleaded 17 15 REPLEAD, to plead ag...
repleader 17 14 a second pleading, o...
repledged 19 17 REPLEDGE, to pledge...
repledges 19 16 REPLEDGE, to pledge...
replenish 20 16 to fill again, also...
repletely 25 16 REPLETE [adv]
repleting 19 16 REPLETE, to fill com...
repletion 17 14 the state of being r...
replevied 20 18 REPLEVY, to regain p...
replevies 20 17 REPLEVY, to regain p...
replevins 20 18 REPLEVIN, to regain...
replicant 21 17 (in science fiction)...
replicase 21 16 a polymerase involve...
replicate 21 16 to make a replica of...
replicons 21 17 REPLICON, a part of...
replotted 18 14 REPLOT, to plot agai...
reploughs 22 18 REPLOUGH, to plough...
replowing 22 19 REPLOW, to plow agai...
replumbed 22 21 REPLUMB, to plumb ag...
replunged 19 18 REPLUNGE, to plunge...
replunges 19 17 REPLUNGE, to plunge...
repointed 16 14 REPOINT, to repair m...
repolling 20 17 REPOLL, to poll agai...
reportage 17 14 reporting [n -S]
reporters 17 12 REPORTER, one that r...
reporting 18 15 giving an account of...
reposalls 19 14 REPOSALL, (Shakespea...
reposedly 24 16 REPOSED [adv]
reposeful 20 17 restful [adj REPOSEF...
reposited 17 13 REPOSIT, to put away...
repositor 17 12 an instrument employ...
repossess 17 12 to possess again [v...
reposting 18 15 REPOST, to post agai...
reposures 17 13 REPOSURE, (Shakespea...
repotting 18 15 the act of repotting...
repouring 18 16 REPOUR, to pour agai...
repousses 17 13 REPOUSSE, a raised d...
repowered 19 16 REPOWER, to power ag...
repreeved 18 17 REPREEVE, to delay t...
repreeves 18 16 REPREEVE, to delay t...
reprehend 18 16 to rebuke [v -ED, -I...
represent 16 13 to exhibit the image...
repressed 17 13 REPRESS, to keep und...
represser 17 12 one who represses, a...
represses 17 12 REPRESS, to keep und...
repressor 17 12 one who represses, a...
repricing 22 18 REPRICE, to price ag...
repriefes 19 15 REPRIEFE, (Spenser)...
reprieval 20 17 a reprieve [n -S]
reprieved 19 17 REPRIEVE, to give a...
repriever 19 16 one who reprieves [n...
reprieves 19 16 REPRIEVE, to give a...
reprimand 18 17 to scold, censure [v...
repriming 20 18 REPRIME, to prime ag...
reprinted 17 14 REPRINT, to print ag...
reprinter 17 13 one who reprints [n...
reprisals 19 13 REPRISAL, the act of...
reprising 19 15 REPRISE, to take bac...
repriving 21 19 REPRIVE, (Spenser) t...
reprizing 22 24 REPRIZE, (Spenser) t...
reprobacy 28 20 the state of being a...
reprobate 18 15 a reprehensible or i...
reprobing 20 18 REPROBE, to probe ag...
reprocess 20 15 to process again [v...
reproduce 20 17 to produce a copy of...
reprogram 19 17 to program again [v...
reproofed 18 16 REPROOF, to make wat...
reprovals 20 17 REPROVAL, censure, r...
reprovers 19 16 REPROVER, one who, o...
reproving 20 19 REPROVE, to reprove...
repryving 27 21 REPRYVE, (Spenser) t...
reptation 16 13 the act of squirming...
reptilian 18 14 related to reptiles...
reptilium 21 17 a building for displ...
reptiloid 19 14 reptile-like [adj] /...
republics 25 20 REPUBLIC, a constitu...
republish 24 19 to publish again [v...
repudiate 17 14 to cast off, disown...
repugnant 17 17 distasteful, odious...
repugning 19 19 REPUGN, to fight aga...
repulping 22 20 REPULP, to pulp agai...
repulsers 19 14 REPULSER, one who re...
repulsing 20 17 REPULSE, to drive ba...
repulsion 18 15 the act of repulsing...
repulsive 21 18 that repels [adj REP...
repumping 22 22 REPUMP, to pump agai...
repurpose 19 16 to purpose anew [v R...
repursued 18 15 REPURSUE, to pursue...
repursues 18 14 REPURSUE, to pursue...
reputable 20 17 of good repute [adj...
reputably 27 19 REPUTABLE, of good r...
reputedly 25 17 REPUTED [adv]
reputings 19 16 REPUTING, pluming on...
requalify 33 25 to qualify again [v...
requering 24 22 REQUERE, (Spenser) t...
requested 23 20 REQUEST, to ask for...
requester 23 19 one who requests, al...
requestor 23 19 one who requests, al...
requicken 27 27 (Shakespeare) to giv...
requights 28 23 REQUIGHT, (Spenser)...
requintos 23 20 REQUINTO, a small gu...
requirers 24 19 REQUIRER, one who re...
requiring 25 22 the act of requiring...
requisite 24 19 required [adj REQUIS...
requitals 25 20 REQUITAL, payment in...
requiters 24 19 REQUITER, one who re...
requiting 25 22 REQUITE, to repay [v...
requitted 24 20 REQUIT, (Shakespeare...
requoting 24 22 REQUOTE, to quote ag...
requoyled 30 23 REQUOYLE, (Shakespea...
requoyles 30 22 REQUOYLE, (Shakespea...
reracking 20 19 RERACK, to rack agai...
reradiate 14 10 to radiate again [v...
rerailing 17 13 the act of replacing...
reraising 16 12 RERAISE, to raise ag...
rereading 15 13 the act of rereading...
rerebrace 19 15 armour for the arm f...
rerecords 18 13 RERECORD, to record...
reredoses 14 10 REREDOS, a screen or...
reredosse 14 10 a screen or panellin...
rerelease 14 10 to release again [v...
rereminds 16 14 REREMIND, to remind...
reremouse 15 13 a bat, also REARMOUS...
rerenting 15 13 RERENT, to rent agai...
rerepeats 16 12 REREPEAT, to repeat...
rereviews 20 16 REREVIEW, to review...
rerevised 17 14 REREVISE, to revise...
rerevises 17 13 REREVISE, to revise...
rerewards 18 13 REREWARD, the rearmo...
rerigging 19 16 RERIG, to rig again...
rerollers 17 11 REROLLER, one who re...
rerolling 18 14 REROLL, to roll agai...
reroofing 17 15 REROOF, to renew the...
rerouting 16 13 REROUTE, to choose a...
rerunning 15 15 RERUN, to show a rep...
resaddled 16 13 RESADDLE, to saddle...
resaddles 16 12 RESADDLE, to saddle...
resailing 17 13 RESAIL, to sail agai...
resalable 18 14 that can be resold [...
resalgars 17 12 RESALGAR, (obsolete)...
resaluted 16 12 RESALUTE, to salute...
resalutes 16 11 RESALUTE, to salute...
resampled 19 17 RESAMPLE, to sample...
resamples 19 16 RESAMPLE, to sample...
rescaling 20 16 RESCALE, to plan to...
reschools 21 15 RESCHOOL, to school...
rescinded 18 15 RESCIND, to annul, r...
rescinder 18 14 one who rescinds [n...
rescoring 19 15 RESCORE, to score ag...
rescreens 17 13 RESCREEN, to screen...
rescripts 22 15 RESCRIPT, to issue a...
rescuable 21 17 that may be rescued...
resculpts 23 17 RESCULPT, to sculpt...
resealing 16 13 RESEAL, to seal agai...
reseasons 13 10 RESEASON, to season...
reseating 15 12 RESEAT, to seat agai...
resecting 19 15 RESECT, to cut away...
resection 17 13 the operation of cut...
resecured 18 14 RESECURE, to secure...
resecures 18 13 RESECURE, to secure...
reseeding 15 13 RESEED, to seed agai...
reseeking 16 16 RESEEK, to seek agai...
reseizing 19 21 RESEIZE, (Spenser) t...
reseizure 18 19 the act of reseizing...
reselects 19 13 RESELECT, to choose...
resellers 17 11 RESELLER, one who re...
reselling 18 14 RESELL, to sell agai...
resembled 19 17 RESEMBLE, to be alik...
resembler 19 16 one who resembles [n...
resembles 19 16 RESEMBLE, to be alik...
resending 15 14 RESEND, to send agai...
resenters 14 10 RESENTER, one who re...
resentful 18 15 full of resentment,...
resenting 15 13 RESENT, to feel affr...
resentive 16 14 feeling resentment,...
reserpine 16 13 a sedative drug [n -...
reservers 17 13 RESERVER, one who re...
reservice 20 16 to service again [v...
reserving 18 16 RESERVE, to hold in...
reservist 18 13 a member of a reserv...
reservoir 17 13 a storage place [n -...
resetters 15 9 RESETTER, one who re...
resetting 16 12 RESET, to set again...
resettled 16 11 RESETTLE, to move to...
resettles 16 10 RESETTLE, to move to...
reshapers 19 14 RESHAPER, one that r...
reshaping 20 17 the act of shaping a...
resharpen 18 15 to sharpen again [v...
reshaving 20 18 RESHAVE, to shave ag...
reshingle 19 15 to shingle again [v...
reshining 18 15 RESHINE, to shine ag...
reshipped 22 18 RESHIP, to ship agai...
reshipper 22 17 one who reships [n -...
reshoeing 17 14 RESHOE, to shoe agai...
reshowers 20 14 RESHOWER, to shower...
reshowing 21 17 RESHOW, to show agai...
reshuffle 23 19 to shuffle again [v...
resiances 17 13 RESIANCE, (archaic)...
residence 17 14 a place where one li...
residency 24 16 the official abode o...
residents 15 11 RESIDENT, one who re...
residuals 17 12 RESIDUAL, that which...
residuary 22 13 of the nature of a r...
residuous 16 12 remaining, also RESI...
residuums 18 15 RESIDUUM, (Latin) a...
resifting 19 15 RESIFT, to sift agai...
resighted 19 14 RESIGHT, to sight ag...
resigners 16 12 RESIGNER, one who re...
resigning 17 15 RESIGN, to give up a...
resilient 16 11 springing back [adj...
resilvers 19 14 RESILVER, to cover w...
resinatas 14 10 RESINATA, a Greek wh...
resinated 14 11 RESINATE, to treat w...
resinates 14 10 RESINATE, to treat w...
resinised 15 11 RESINISE, to treat w...
resinises 15 10 RESINISE, to treat w...
resinized 18 20 RESINIZE, to treat w...
resinizes 18 19 RESINIZE, to treat w...
resinlike 17 15 like resin [adj]
resinoids 15 11 RESINOID, a resinous...
resinoses 14 10 RESINOSIS, an abnorm...
resinosis 15 10 an abnormal flow of...
resistant 15 10 making resistance [a...
resistent 15 10 making resistance [a...
resisters 16 9 RESISTER, one who re...
resisting 17 12 RESIST, to strive ag...
resistive 18 13 serving to resist [a...
resistors 16 9 RESISTOR, a device i...
resitting 17 12 the act of resitting...
resituate 15 10 to situate again [v...
reskewing 20 19 RESKEW, (Spenser) to...
reskilled 19 16 RESKILL, to retrain...
reskinned 15 16 RESKIN, to replace t...
reslating 17 13 RESLATE, to put down...
resmelted 17 14 RESMELT, to smelt ag...
resmooths 18 14 RESMOOTH, to smooth...
resnatron 13 11 a high-power, high-f...
resoaking 16 16 RESOAK, to soak agai...
resodding 16 14 RESOD, to put down n...
resoftens 16 13 RESOFTEN, to soften...
resolders 16 11 RESOLDER, to solder...
resoluble 19 15 able to be dissolved...
resoluter 16 11 RESOLUTE, determined...
resolutes 16 11 RESOLUTE, (Shakespea...
resolvent 17 15 a means of removing...
resolvers 18 14 RESOLVER, one that r...
resolving 19 17 RESOLVE, to make a f...
resonance 15 14 resounding, sonority...
resonants 13 11 RESONANT, a liquid o...
resonated 13 11 RESONATE, to resound...
resonates 13 10 RESONATE, to resound...
resonator 13 10 a resonating body or...
resorbent 16 13 absorbing again [adj...
resorbing 18 15 RESORB, to absorb ag...
resorcins 18 13 RESORCIN, a colourle...
resorters 15 9 RESORTER, one who re...
resorting 16 12 RESORT, to sort agai...
resounded 14 13 RESOUND, to make an...
resourced 18 14 RESOURCE, to provide...
resources 18 13 RESOURCE, to provide...
respacing 21 18 RESPACE, to provide...
respading 18 16 RESPADE, to turn ove...
respecify 29 20 to specify again [v...
respected 20 16 RESPECT, to have hig...
respecter 20 15 one who respects [n...
respelled 19 15 RESPELL, to spell ag...
respiring 19 15 RESPIRE, to breathe...
respiting 19 15 RESPITE, to relieve...
resplends 18 15 RESPLEND, to shine b...
respliced 22 17 RESPLICE, to splice...
resplices 22 16 RESPLICE, to splice...
responded 16 15 RESPOND, to say or a...
responder 16 14 one who responds, al...
responser 16 13 one who responds, al...
responses 16 13 RESPONSE, a reply or...
responsor 16 13 one who responds, al...
responsum 18 17 (Latin) in rabbinica...
respooled 17 14 RESPOOL, to spool ag...
respotted 17 13 RESPOT, to spot agai...
resprayed 23 15 RESPRAY, to spray ag...
respreads 17 13 RESPREAD, to spread...
resprings 19 15 RESPRING, to replace...
resprouts 18 13 RESPROUT, to sprout...
ressaldar 16 11 (Urdu) an Indian tro...
restabled 18 14 RESTABLE, to put in...
restables 18 13 RESTABLE, to put in...
restacked 19 17 RESTACK, to stack ag...
restaffed 19 16 RESTAFF, to staff ag...
restaging 17 14 RESTAGE, to put on t...
restamped 18 16 RESTAMP, to stamp ag...
restarted 15 10 RESTART, to start ag...
restarter 15 9 something or someone...
restating 16 12 RESTATE, to state ag...
restation 14 10 to station again [v...
restemmed 17 16 RESTEM, to force aga...
restfully 27 17 RESTFUL, relaxing [a...
restiform 19 15 cordlike [adj]
restitute 16 10 (archaic) to restore...
restively 25 16 RESTIVE, uneasy, as...
restocked 19 17 RESTOCK, to stock ag...
restoking 17 16 RESTOKE, to stoke ag...
restorals 16 10 RESTORAL, restoratio...
restorers 15 9 RESTORER, one that r...
restoring 16 12 RESTORE, to bring ba...
restrains 15 10 RESTRAIN, to hold ba...
restraint 15 10 the act of restraini...
restretch 21 14 to stretch again [v...
restricts 20 12 RESTRICT, to keep wi...
restrikes 17 13 RESTRIKE, to strike...
restringe 16 12 to restrict [v RESTR...
restrings 17 12 RESTRING, to string...
restriven 17 14 RESTRIVE, to strive...
restrives 18 13 RESTRIVE, to strive...
restrooms 16 12 RESTROOM, a room fur...
restudied 16 12 RESTUDY, to study ag...
restudies 16 11 RESTUDY, to study ag...
restuffed 20 17 RESTUFF, to stuff ag...
restumped 19 17 RESTUMP, to replace...
restyling 24 15 RESTYLE, to make int...
resubject 23 25 to subject again [v...
resubmits 20 16 RESUBMIT, to submit...
resultant 16 12 resulting [adj RESUL...
resultful 21 16 having results or ef...
resulting 18 14 RESULT, to follow as...
resumable 19 17 capable of, or admit...
resummons 17 17 RESUMMON, to summon...
resurface 20 16 to surface again [v...
resurgent 16 13 rising again, as fro...
resurging 18 15 RESURGE, to rise aga...
resurrect 19 13 to bring back to lif...
resurveys 24 16 RESURVEY, to survey...
resuspend 17 15 to suspend again [v...
reswallow 23 17 to swallow again [v...
retacking 20 19 RETACK, to tack agai...
retackled 20 18 RETACKLE, to tackle...
retackles 20 17 RETACKLE, to tackle...
retagging 18 16 RETAG, to tag again...
retailers 16 10 RETAILER, one who se...
retailing 17 13 the act of retailing...
retailors 16 10 RETAILOR, to tailor...
retainers 14 10 RETAINER, one that r...
retaining 15 13 RETAIN, to keep poss...
retakings 17 16 RETAKING, the act or...
retaliate 15 10 to repay in kind [v...
retallied 17 12 RETALLY, to tally ag...
retallies 17 11 RETALLY, to tally ag...
retardant 14 11 something that retar...
retardate 14 10 a person who is ment...
retarders 15 10 RETARDER, one who re...
retarding 16 13 RETARD, to hold back...
retargets 16 11 RETARGET, to target...
retasting 16 12 RETASTE, to taste ag...
retchings 22 17 RETCHING, the act of...
retchless 22 15 (obsolete) reckless,...
reteaches 19 14 RETEACH, to teach ag...
reteaming 16 15 RETEAM, to team up w...
retearing 15 12 RETEAR, to tear agai...
retellers 17 11 RETELLER, one who re...
retelling 18 14 the act of retelling...
retempers 18 15 RETEMPER, to modify...
retention 13 11 the act of retaining...
retentive 16 14 tending to retain [a...
retestify 24 14 to testify again [v...
retesting 16 12 RETEST, to test agai...
retexture 21 17 to treat (material,...
rethinker 18 16 one who rethinks [n...
rethought 21 16 RETHINK, to think ag...
rethreads 17 12 RETHREAD, to thread...
retiarius 16 10 a gladiator armed wi...
reticella 20 14 an early form of nee...
reticence 20 16 the quality of being...
reticency 27 18 the quality of being...
reticular 20 14 netted, netlike [adj...
reticules 20 14 RETICULE, a woman's...
reticulum 22 18 a network [n RETICUL...
retighten 18 14 to tighten again [v...
retinenes 13 11 RETINENE, a pigment...
retinites 15 10 RETINITE, an inflamm...
retinitis 16 10 inflammation of the...
retinoids 15 11 RETINOID, a compound...
retinting 16 13 RETINT, to tint agai...
retinulae 15 12 RETINULA, a neural r...
retinular 16 12 relating to the reti...
retinulas 16 12 RETINULA, a neural r...
retirants 15 10 RETIRANT, one who ha...
retiredly 23 13 RETIRED [adv]
retitling 18 13 RETITLE, to give a n...
retooling 16 13 RETOOL, to reequip w...
retorsion 14 10 the act of retorting...
retorters 15 9 RETORTER, one who re...
retorting 16 12 RETORT, to answer ba...
retortion 14 10 the act of retorting...
retortive 17 13 of the nature of a r...
retotaled 15 11 RETOTAL, to total ag...
retouched 20 16 RETOUCH, to add new...
retoucher 20 15 one who retouches [n...
retouches 20 15 RETOUCH, to add new...
retouring 16 13 RETOUR, to confirm a...
retracers 18 12 RETRACER, one who re...
retracing 19 15 RETRACE, to go back...
retracked 19 17 RETRACK, to retrace...
retracted 18 13 RETRACT, to take bac...
retractor 18 12 something that retra...
retraicts 19 12 RETRAICT, (obsolete)...
retrained 14 11 RETRAIN, to train ag...
retrainee 13 10 one who is retrained...
retraites 15 9 RETRAITE, (obsolete)...
retraitts 16 9 RETRAITT, (Spenser)...
retrating 16 12 RETRATE, (Spenser) t...
retreaded 14 11 RETREAD, to tread ag...
retreated 14 10 RETREAT, to go back...
retreater 14 9 one who retreats [n...
retribute 18 13 to give in return [v...
retrieval 18 14 the act of retrievin...
retrieved 17 14 RETRIEVE, to get bac...
retriever 17 13 one of a breed of la...
retrieves 17 13 RETRIEVE, to get bac...
retrimmed 18 16 RETRIM, to trim agai...
retroacts 18 12 RETROACT, to act in...
retrocede 17 13 to cede back (a terr...
retrodden 14 12 RETREAD, to tread ag...
retrodict 19 13 to utilize present i...
retrofire 17 12 to cause a retro-roc...
retrofits 18 12 RETROFIT, to furnish...
retroflex 24 20 to bend back [v -ED,...
retroject 20 21 to throw backwards [...
retronyms 22 15 RETRONYM, a term coi...
retropack 21 19 a system of auxiliar...
retrousse 15 10 (French) of the nose...
retrovert 17 13 to turn back [v -ED,...
retteries 15 9 RETTERY, a place whe...
retunding 16 15 RETUND, to blunt the...
returfing 19 16 RETURF, to lay new t...
returnees 14 11 RETURNEE, one who ha...
returners 15 11 RETURNER, one who re...
returniks 17 15 RETURNIK, someone go...
returning 16 14 RETURN, to go back [...
retweeted 17 13 RETWEET, to tweet ag...
retwisted 19 13 RETWIST, to twist ag...
reunified 17 15 REUNIFY, to unify ag...
reunifies 17 14 REUNIFY, to unify ag...
reuniters 15 11 REUNITER, one who re...
reuniting 16 14 REUNITE, to come tog...
reuptaken 17 18 REUPTAKE, to take up...
reuptakes 18 17 REUPTAKE [n]
reusables 18 14 REUSABLE, something...
reutilise 17 11 to utilise again, al...
reutilize 20 20 to utilize again, al...
reuttered 15 11 REUTTER, to utter ag...
revalenta 16 15 lentil-meal, also ER...
revaluate 17 15 to evaluate again [v...
revaluing 19 18 REVALUE, to value ag...
revampers 20 19 REVAMPER, one who re...
revamping 21 22 renovation [n -S]
revanches 21 19 REVANCHE, a politica...
revarnish 19 16 to varnish again [v...
revealers 17 14 REVEALER, one who re...
revealing 18 17 making visible [adj...
reveilles 19 15 REVEILLE, a morning...
revelator 17 14 one who makes a reve...
revellers 19 15 REVELLER, one who re...
revelling 20 18 the act of revelling...
revelment 18 18 the act of revelling...
revelries 18 14 REVELRY, noisy merry...
revelrous 18 15 given to revelry [ad...
revenants 15 15 REVENANT, (French) o...
revengers 17 16 REVENGER, one who ta...
revenging 18 19 vengeful [adj REVENG...
revengive 19 20 (Shakespeare) reveng...
revenuers 16 15 REVENUER, a revenue...
reverable 19 17 worthy of reverence...
reverbing 20 19 REVERB, (Shakespeare...
reverence 18 17 veneration [n -S] /...
reverends 16 15 REVEREND, a clergyma...
reverists 18 13 REVERIST, a person w...
reversals 18 14 REVERSAL, the act of...
reversely 24 16 REVERSE, in the oppo...
reversers 17 13 REVERSER, one who re...
reversing 18 16 REVERSE, to turn or...
reversion 16 14 the act of reverting...
revertant 16 14 (French) a mutant ge...
reverters 17 13 REVERTER, one who, o...
reverting 18 16 REVERT, to return to...
revertive 19 17 reverting, or tendin...
revesting 18 16 REVEST, to vest agai...
revetment 17 17 a masonry etc. facin...
revetting 18 16 REVET, to face with...
revibrate 19 16 to vibrate again [v...
revictual 22 18 to victual again [v...
reviewals 21 17 REVIEWAL, the act of...
reviewers 20 16 REVIEWER, one who re...
reviewing 21 19 REVIEW, to view agai...
revilings 20 17 REVILING, the act of...
reviolate 17 14 to violate again [v...
revisable 20 17 that may be revised...
revisions 17 14 REVISION, a revised...
revisited 18 14 REVISIT, to visit ag...
revivable 22 21 that can be revived...
revivably 29 23 REVIVABLE, that can...
revivings 21 20 REVIVING, the act of...
revocable 22 20 that can be revoked,...
revocably 29 22 REVOCABLE, that can...
revoicing 21 19 REVOICE, to refurnis...
revokable 20 21 that can be revoked,...
revokably 27 23 REVOKABLE, that can...
revolters 18 14 REVOLTER, one who re...
revolting 19 17 REVOLT, to rise up a...
revolvers 20 18 REVOLVER, a pistol w...
revolving 21 21 turning about an axi...
revulsion 18 16 a feeling of strong...
revulsive 21 19 causing, or tending...
rewakened 17 18 REWAKEN, to waken ag...
rewarders 18 13 REWARDER, one that r...
rewardful 22 18 yielding reward [adj...
rewarding 19 16 REWARD, to give in r...
rewarewas 20 15 REWAREWA, (Maori) a...
rewarming 20 18 REWARM, to warm agai...
rewashing 21 17 REWASH, to wash agai...
rewatered 17 13 REWATER, to water ag...
rewearing 18 15 REWEAR, to wear agai...
reweaving 20 19 REWEAVE, to weave ag...
rewedding 19 17 REWED, to wed again...
reweighed 21 17 REWEIGH, to weigh ag...
rewelding 20 17 REWELD, to weld agai...
rewetting 19 15 REWET, to wet again...
rewidened 17 15 REWIDEN, to widen ag...
rewilding 21 17 the practice of retu...
rewinders 18 14 REWINDER, one who re...
rewinding 19 17 the act of winding a...
rewinning 18 17 REWIN, to win again...
rewirable 21 16 that can be rewired...
rewirings 20 15 REWIRING, the act of...
rewording 19 16 the act of stating a...
reworking 20 19 the act of working a...
rewrapped 22 19 REWRAP, to wrap agai...
rewriters 19 12 REWRITER, a device f...
rewriting 20 15 REWRITE, to write ag...
rewritten 18 13 REWRITE, to write ag...
rewrought 22 17 REWORK, to work agai...
rezeroing 18 21 REZERO, to reset (a...
rhabdoids 20 16 RHABDOID, a rodlike...
rhabdomal 21 19 of or like a rhabdom...
rhabdomes 20 18 RHABDOME, a rodlike...
rhabduses 20 16 RHABDUS, a rodlike s...
rhachides 23 17 RHACHIS, the spinal...
rhachilla 25 18 the axis of a grass...
rhachises 23 16 RHACHIS, the spinal...
rhachitis 24 16 inflammation of the...
rhamnoses 17 15 RHAMNOSE, a sugar fo...
rhamnuses 18 16 RHAMNUS, a thorny tr...
rhamphoid 23 20 hook-beak-shaped, li...
rhaphides 22 17 RHAPHIS, a needlelik...
rhapontic 22 18 the common rhubarb [...
rhapsodes 19 15 RHAPSODE, anciently,...
rhapsodic 23 18 of or like a rhapsod...
rhatanies 16 12 RHATANY, a South Ame...
rheobases 18 14 RHEOBASE, the smalle...
rheobasic 22 17 relating to a rheoba...
rheochord 22 17 a wire rheostat, a m...
rheocords 20 15 RHEOCORD, a wire rhe...
rheologic 22 17 relating to rheology...
rheometer 17 14 an instrument that m...
rheometry 24 16 measurement with a r...
rheophile 22 17 living in flowing wa...
rheostats 17 11 RHEOSTAT, a resistor...
rheotaxes 22 18 RHEOTAXIS, the movem...
rheotaxis 23 18 the movement of an o...
rheotomes 17 14 RHEOTOME, an instrum...
rheotrope 18 14 an instrument for re...
rhetorics 21 14 RHETORIC, the study...
rhetorise 17 11 (obsolete) to use rh...
rhetorize 20 20 (obsolete) to use rh...
rheumatic 22 18 related to rheumatis...
rheumatiz 22 24 (dialect) rheumatism...
rheumiest 19 15 RHEUMY, like rheum [...
rhigolene 18 15 a volatile liquid ob...
rhinoceri 20 15 RHINOCEROS, a large...
rhinolith 21 15 a concretion formed...
rhinology 25 17 the study of the nos...
rhipidate 20 15 fan-shaped [adj]
rhipidion 20 16 (Greek) in the Greek...
rhipidium 23 19 a fan-shaped cymose...
rhizobial 24 24 relating to a rhizob...
rhizobium 25 27 a bacterium importan...
rhizocarp 26 26 a water-fern or hete...
rhizocaul 25 25 the rootlike stalk o...
rhizoidal 22 22 relating to a rhizoi...
rhizomata 21 23 RHIZOMA, a rootlike,...
rhizopods 23 24 RHIZOPOD, any of a c...
rhizotomy 28 25 the surgical severan...
rhodamine 17 16 a synthetic dyestuff...
rhodamins 18 16 RHODAMIN, a syntheti...
rhodanate 15 13 in dyeing, a thiocya...
rhodanise 16 13 to electroplate with...
rhodanize 19 22 to electroplate with...
rhodinals 18 14 RHODINAL, an aldehyd...
rhodolite 18 13 a rose-red or pink g...
rhodonite 16 13 a rose-red anorthic...
rhodopsin 19 16 visual purple, a pig...
rhoeadine 15 13 an alkaloid found in...
rhombical 25 21 of or like a rhombus...
rhomboids 21 18 RHOMBOID, a parallel...
rhombuses 21 18 RHOMBUS, a type of g...
rhonchial 23 18 of or relating to sn...
rhoncuses 20 16 RHONCUS, a rattling...
rhopalism 22 18 a sentence or poem i...
rhotacise 20 14 to change to an r- s...
rhotacism 22 17 the excessive use or...
rhotacist 21 14 one whose speech sho...
rhotacize 23 23 to change to an r- s...
rhoticity 28 16 the quality of being...
rhubarbed 22 19 RHUBARB, to simulate...
rhumbaing 22 21 RHUMBA, (Spanish) to...
rhymeless 26 17 destitute of rhyme [...
rhymester 25 16 a poetaster, a would...
rhyolites 25 14 RHYOLITE, a highly f...
rhyolitic 29 17 relating to rhyolite...
rhythmics 32 21 the science or theor...
rhythmise 28 18 to subject to rhythm...
rhythmist 29 18 a person skilled in...
rhythmize 31 27 to subject to rhythm...
rhytidome 25 17 the bark external to...
ribaldest 19 14 RIBALD, earthily sex...
ribattuta 18 13 (Italian) the slow b...
ribaudred 18 15 (Shakespeare) an obs...
ribavirin 20 17 a synthetic guanosin...
ribboning 20 19 RIBBON, to decorate...
ribosomal 19 16 relating to a riboso...
ribosomes 18 15 RIBOSOME, a particle...
ribozymal 29 27 of or like a ribozym...
ribozymes 28 26 RIBOZYME, a RNA deri...
ribstones 17 13 RIBSTONE, an apple,...
ribuloses 19 14 RIBULOSE, a type of...
ricebirds 22 16 RICEBIRD, the Java s...
ricefield 22 17 a field used for gro...
ricercare 21 15 any of various contr...
ricercari 22 15 RICERCARE, any of va...
ricercars 22 15 RICERCAR, any of var...
ricercata 21 15 any of various contr...
richening 21 18 RICHEN, to make or b...
richesses 21 14 RICHESSE, (obsolete)...
richweeds 24 18 RICHWEED, a herb of...
ricinuses 19 14 RICINUS, a genus of...
ricketier 20 16 RICKETY, shaky, rams...
ricketily 28 19 RICKETY, shaky, rams...
rickliest 22 17 RICKLY, (Scots) loos...
rickracks 25 23 RICKRACK, a braid us...
rickshaws 26 21 RICKSHAW, a small, t...
rickstand 20 18 a flooring or framew...
rickstick 26 23 a toothed stick for...
rickyards 27 19 RICKYARD, a yard for...
ricochets 24 17 RICOCHET, to rebound...
riddances 18 15 RIDDANCE, the action...
riddlings 19 15 RIDDLING, the act of...
riderless 17 11 without a rider [adj...
ridership 21 15 being a rider [n -S]
ridgeback 23 22 a large hunting-dog...
ridgelike 19 17 like a ridge [adj]
ridgeline 17 14 a line marking or fo...
ridgeling 19 16 a male animal with o...
ridgepole 19 16 the timber forming t...
ridgetops 19 15 RIDGETOP, the crest...
ridgetree 16 12 the timber forming t...
ridgeways 26 17 RIDGEWAY, a track al...
ridglings 20 16 RIDGLING, a male ani...
ridiculed 21 16 RIDICULE, to make fu...
ridiculer 21 15 one who ridicules [n...
ridicules 21 15 RIDICULE, to make fu...
rieslings 18 13 RIESLING, (German) a...
rifampins 21 19 RIFAMPIN, an antibio...
rifamycin 28 21 an antibiotic [n -S]
riffraffs 25 21 RIFFRAFF, the disrep...
riflebird 22 17 each of three birds...
rifleries 19 13 RIFLERY, the practic...
rigadoons 15 13 RIGADOON, a lively B...
rigatonis 16 12 RIGATONI, (Italian)...
rigaudons 16 14 RIGAUDON, (French) a...
rightable 22 17 that can be righted...
rightably 29 19 RIGHTABLE, that can...
rightened 18 15 RIGHTEN, (archaic) t...
righteous 19 14 just, proper [adj RI...
rightiest 20 13 RIGHTY, politically...
rightings 21 16 RIGHTING, the act of...
rightisms 22 16 RIGHTISM, conservati...
rightists 21 13 RIGHTIST, one who ad...
rightless 21 14 destitute of right [...
rightmost 21 16 on the extreme right...
rightness 19 14 the state of being r...
rightsize 23 22 to adapt an organisa...
rightward 23 17 toward the right [ad...
rigidised 18 13 RIGIDISE, to make st...
rigidises 18 12 RIGIDISE, to make st...
rigidized 21 22 RIGIDIZE, to make st...
rigidizes 21 21 RIGIDIZE, to make st...
rigidness 17 13 the state of being r...
rigmarole 18 15 a succession of inco...
rigorisms 19 14 RIGORISM, rigidity i...
rigorists 18 11 RIGORIST, one who pr...
rigsdaler 18 13 (Dutch) a rix-dollar...
rigwiddie 21 16 (Scots) a carthorse'...
rigwoodie 19 15 (Scots) a carthorse'...
rijstafel 21 22 (Dutch) an Indonesia...
rillettes 18 11 (French) a French ty...
rillmarks 21 18 RILLMARK, a marking...
rimesters 17 12 RIMESTER, one that r...
ringbarks 20 19 RINGBARK, to strip a...
ringbolts 20 16 RINGBOLT, an eyebolt...
ringbones 17 16 RINGBONE, a bony gro...
ringdoves 18 17 RINGDOVE, the wood-p...
ringettes 16 12 RINGETTE, a team spo...
ringingly 25 18 RINGING, making a ri...
ringleted 17 14 of hair, styled in r...
ringnecks 20 20 RINGNECK, a bird hav...
ringsider 17 13 one with a seat at t...
ringsides 17 13 RINGSIDE, the area j...
ringstand 16 14 a stand for chemical...
ringsters 17 12 RINGSTER, a member o...
ringtails 18 13 RINGTAIL, an animal...
ringtones 15 13 RINGTONE, a tune pla...
ringwombs 23 21 RINGWOMB, a complica...
ringworks 21 19 RINGWORK, work execu...
ringworms 21 18 RINGWORM, a contagio...
rinksides 17 15 RINKSIDE, the area a...
rinseable 17 14 that can be rinsed,...
riotously 23 13 RIOTOUS, characteriz...
riparians 17 13 RIPARIAN, an owner o...
ripienist 18 13 a supplementary inst...
riposting 19 15 RIPOSTE, to make a r...
rippingly 29 21 RIPPING [adv]
rippliest 22 16 RIPPLY, marked by ri...
ripplings 23 19 RIPPLING, the act of...
riprapped 22 19 RIPRAP, to strengthe...
ripsawing 22 18 RIPSAW, to cut with...
riroriros 16 9 RIRORIRO, (Maori) th...
risaldars 17 11 RISALDAR, (Urdu) an...
riskiness 17 14 the state of being r...
ritenutos 15 11 RITENUTO, (Italian)...
ritonavir 17 14 a drug used to treat...
ritornell 17 12 a short instrumental...
ritornels 16 11 RITORNEL, a short in...
ritualise 17 11 to make into a ritua...
ritualism 19 14 regular observance o...
ritualist 18 11 a believer in ritual...
ritualize 20 20 to make into a ritua...
rituximab 26 23 a drug used in the t...
ritziness 19 19 being ritzy [n -ES]
rivalised 19 15 RIVALISE, to enter i...
rivalises 19 14 RIVALISE, to enter i...
rivalized 22 24 RIVALIZE, to enter i...
rivalizes 22 23 RIVALIZE, to enter i...
rivalless 20 15 without rivals [adj]
rivalling 21 18 RIVAL, to strive to...
rivalries 19 14 RIVALRY, competition...
rivalrous 19 15 relating to rivalry...
rivalship 24 19 rivalry [n -S]
rivelling 21 18 RIVEL, to wrinkle [v...
riverains 17 14 RIVERAIN, a riversid...
riverbank 20 21 the bank of a river...
riverbeds 20 17 RIVERBED, the area c...
riverboat 19 16 a boat used for rive...
riverhead 19 16 the source of a rive...
riverless 19 14 without rivers [adj]
riverlike 20 18 like a river [adj]
riverside 18 14 the area at the side...
riverwalk 23 21 a walk beside a rive...
riverward 21 17 towards a river, als...
riverways 27 18 RIVERWAY, a river as...
riverweed 20 17 any plant of the gen...
rivetings 19 16 RIVETING, the act of...
rivetting 19 16 RIVET, to fasten wit...
rivuluses 20 16 RIVULUS, a small tro...
rizzaring 23 30 RIZZAR, (Scots) to d...
rizzering 23 30 RIZZER, (Scots) to d...
rizzoring 23 30 RIZZOR, (Scots) to d...
roadblock 22 21 a barrier across a r...
roadcraft 20 16 knowledge and skill...
roadhouse 16 13 a roadside public ho...
roadkills 19 16 ROADKILL, an animal...
roadshows 20 15 ROADSHOW, a touring...
roadsides 15 11 ROADSIDE, land adjoi...
roadstead 14 11 an anchorage off sho...
roadsters 15 10 ROADSTER, a light, o...
roadworks 19 17 ROADWORK, outdoor ru...
roanpipes 18 16 ROANPIPE, (Scots) a...
roaringly 23 15 ROARING, proceeding...
roastings 16 12 ROASTING, a scolding...
robberies 19 15 ROBBERY, the act of...
robocalls 22 17 ROBOCALL, a telephon...
roborants 16 13 ROBORANT, an invigor...
robotised 17 13 ROBOTISE, to make au...
robotises 17 12 ROBOTISE, to make au...
robotisms 19 15 ROBOTISM, the state...
robotized 20 22 ROBOTIZE, to make au...
robotizes 20 21 ROBOTIZE, to make au...
robotries 17 12 ROBOTRY, the science...
roburites 18 13 ROBURITE, a flameles...
robustest 18 13 ROBUST, strong and h...
rocailles 20 14 ROCAILLE, (French) a...
rocambole 21 19 (French) a plant clo...
rockabies 21 19 ROCKABY, a song used...
rockabyes 27 21 ROCKABYE, a song use...
rockaways 28 21 ROCKAWAY, a light fo...
rockbound 21 22 hemmed in by rock, r...
rockcress 23 19 another name for the...
rockeries 19 16 ROCKERY, a rock gard...
rocketeer 18 16 a person who experim...
rocketers 19 16 ROCKETER, a bird, es...
rocketing 20 19 ROCKET, to be projec...
rockfalls 24 21 ROCKFALL, a mass of...
rockhound 21 21 a person interested...
rockiness 19 17 the state of being r...
rockingly 28 22 ROCKING, moving back...
rocklings 22 20 ROCKLING, a small fi...
rockroses 19 16 ROCKROSE, a shrub of...
rockshaft 24 21 a shaft that rocks [...
rockslide 21 18 a fall of rocks down...
rockwater 22 19 water issuing from a...
rockweeds 22 20 ROCKWEED, any coarse...
rockwools 23 20 ROCKWOOL, a mineral...
rockworks 24 23 ROCKWORK, stonework...
rodfisher 20 15 one who fishes by ro...
rodgersia 16 12 a flowering perennia...
roentgens 14 13 ROENTGEN, a unit of...
roestones 13 10 ROESTONE, another na...
rogations 15 12 ROGATION, an asking...
rogerings 17 14 ROGERING, the act of...
rogueries 16 12 ROGUERY, roguish con...
rogueship 21 17 (archaic) the state...
roguishly 27 17 ROGUISH, dishonest [...
roistered 15 10 ROISTER, to revel no...
roisterer 15 9 one who roisters, ca...
rolamites 17 13 ROLAMITE, two or mor...
rollaways 26 16 ROLLAWAY, something...
rollbacks 24 21 ROLLBACK, a return t...
rollicked 22 19 ROLLICK, to behave i...
rollnecks 21 19 ROLLNECK, a garment...
rollovers 19 15 ROLLOVER, a motor ve...
romancers 18 16 ROMANCER, one who wr...
romancing 19 19 the act of romancing...
romanesco 17 16 (Italian) a type of...
romanised 15 14 ROMANISE, to write i...
romanises 15 13 ROMANISE, to write i...
romanized 18 23 ROMANIZE, to write i...
romanizes 18 22 ROMANIZE, to write i...
romantics 19 16 ROMANTIC, a fanciful...
romeldale 17 15 an American breed of...
rompingly 27 21 ROMPING [adv]
rompishly 29 20 ROMPISH, inclined to...
roncadors 17 14 RONCADOR, a name for...
rondaches 19 16 RONDACHE, (French) a...
rondavels 17 16 RONDAVEL, (Afrikaans...
rondelets 15 12 RONDELET, (French) a...
rondelles 16 13 RONDELLE, (French) a...
ronepipes 18 16 RONEPIPE, (Scots) a...
ronggengs 17 17 RONGGENG, a Malaysia...
rooflines 17 14 ROOFLINE, the profil...
roofscape 21 18 a view of roofs [n -...
rooftrees 16 12 ROOFTREE, a horizont...
rooiboses 16 12 ROOIBOS, (Afrikaans)...
rookeries 15 13 ROOKERY, a colony of...
roomettes 15 12 ROOMETTE, a small ro...
roominess 15 13 the state of being r...
roommates 16 15 ROOMMATE, one who sh...
roorbachs 22 17 ROORBACH, a false st...
roorbacks 21 19 ROORBACK, a false st...
rootballs 19 14 ROOTBALL, the mass o...
rootbound 16 15 rooted to the ground...
rootholds 18 13 ROOTHOLD, maintenanc...
rootiness 14 10 the state of being r...
rootsiest 15 9 ROOTSY, reminiscent...
rootstalk 17 14 an underground stem...
rootstock 19 16 a rhizome, esp. if s...
rootworms 19 15 ROOTWORM, a beetle w...
ropewalks 22 20 ROPEWALK, a long nar...
ropeworks 21 19 ROPEWORK, a place wh...
roqueting 24 22 ROQUET, to make such...
roquettes 23 19 ROQUETTE, (French) a...
rosaceous 17 13 of or pertaining to...
rosanilin 15 12 a reddish-brown deri...
rosarians 14 10 ROSARIAN, a cultivat...
rosariums 17 13 ROSARIUM, a rose gar...
roseately 21 12 ROSEATE, resembling...
rosebowls 21 16 ROSEBOWL, a bowl for...
rosefinch 22 18 any of various finch...
roseroots 14 9 ROSEROOT, a fleshy-l...
roseslugs 18 13 ROSESLUG, a larval s...
rosetting 16 12 the development of a...
rosewater 17 12 water distilled from...
rosewoods 17 13 ROSEWOOD, a valuable...
roshambos 20 17 ROSHAMBO, (Japanese)...
rosinates 14 10 ROSINATE, a resinate...
rosinweed 17 14 the compass-plant, S...
rosmarine 15 13 (Spenser) a mythical...
rosoglios 17 12 ROSOGLIO, (Italian)...
rostellar 17 11 pertaining to a rost...
rostellum 19 15 the protruding forep...
rostering 16 12 the act of rostering...
rostrally 24 13 ROSTRAL, of or like...
rostrated 15 10 beak-shaped, also RO...
rotachute 20 15 a parachute-like dev...
rotameter 15 12 an instrument for me...
rotaplane 16 14 a rotor plane [n -S]
rotatable 17 13 that can be rotated...
rotations 14 10 ROTATION, an instanc...
rotatores 14 9 ROTATOR, a muscle se...
rotavated 16 14 ROTAVATE, to till by...
rotavates 16 13 ROTAVATE, to till by...
rotavator 16 13 a tool for breaking...
rotavirus 18 14 a wheel-shaped virus...
rotenones 12 11 ROTENONE, an insecti...
rotiferal 18 13 relating to a rotife...
rotiferan 16 13 a rotifer [n -S]
rotograph 20 16 to make a photograph...
rotoscope 19 15 to create the outlin...
rototills 18 11 ROTOTILL, to till so...
rotovated 16 14 ROTOVATE, to till by...
rotovates 16 13 ROTOVATE, to till by...
rotovator 16 13 a tool for breaking...
rottenest 14 10 ROTTEN, very bad, ro...
rotundate 14 12 rounded off; orbicul...
rotundest 15 12 ROTUND, rounded, plu...
rotunding 16 15 ROTUND, to round [v]
rotundity 22 14 the state of being r...
roturiers 16 10 ROTURIER, a plebeian...
rouchings 22 18 ROUCHING, a lace tri...
roughages 19 16 ROUGHAGE, coarse, bu...
roughback 25 24 a rough-skinned flat...
roughcast 22 17 plaster mixed with s...
roughened 17 16 ROUGHEN, to make rou...
roughhewn 23 20 ROUGHHEW, to shape r...
roughhews 24 19 ROUGHHEW, to shape r...
roughings 20 17 ROUGHING, the act of...
roughlegs 21 17 ROUGHLEG, any one of...
roughneck 22 22 a member of an oil r...
roughness 18 15 the state of being r...
roughouts 19 15 ROUGHOUT, an unfinis...
roughshod 21 17 provided with horses...
rouletted 16 12 ROULETTE, to make ti...
roulettes 16 11 ROULETTE, to make ti...
rounceval 20 19 a large variety of g...
roundarch 20 17 having semicircular...
roundball 19 17 a form of basketball...
roundedly 22 16 ROUNDED [adv]
roundelay 21 15 a song with a refrai...
roundhand 16 16 a style of penmanshi...
roundheel 17 15 an immoral woman [n...
roundings 16 15 ROUNDING, the proces...
roundlets 16 13 ROUNDLET, a small ci...
roundness 14 13 the state of being r...
roundsman 15 16 a person who goes ro...
roundsmen 15 16 ROUNDSMAN, a person...
roundtrip 18 15 (US) a return trip [...
roundures 15 13 ROUNDURE, roundness;...
roundwood 17 16 timber used (as for...
roundworm 19 18 a nematoid worm [n -...
rousement 15 14 (US) religious excit...
rousingly 24 16 ROUSING [adv]
rousseaus 15 11 ROUSSEAU, (French) f...
roussette 15 10 (French) a kind of f...
routeways 24 15 ROUTEWAY, an establi...
routhiest 18 12 ROUTHIE, (Scots) ple...
routineer 14 11 one who adheres to a...
routinely 22 14 ROUTINE, regular [ad...
routinise 15 11 to make routine, als...
routinism 17 14 the practice of doin...
routinist 16 11 one who habituated t...
routinize 18 20 to make routine, als...
routously 23 14 ROUTOUS, (archaic) l...
rowdedows 21 17 ROWDEDOW, an uproar,...
rowdiness 18 14 the state of being r...
rowdydows 28 19 ROWDYDOW, hubbub; up...
rowdyisms 27 18 ROWDYISM, disorderly...
rowelling 21 17 ROWEL, to prick with...
rowndells 20 16 ROWNDELL, (Spenser)...
royalised 22 13 ROYALISE, to play th...
royalises 22 12 ROYALISE, to play th...
royalisms 24 15 ROYALISM, support of...
royalists 23 12 ROYALIST, a supporte...
royalized 25 22 ROYALIZE, to play th...
royalizes 25 21 ROYALIZE, to play th...
royallest 23 13 ROYAL, relating to a...
royalmast 23 15 the highest part of...
royalties 22 12 ROYALTY, the status...
roystered 21 12 ROYSTER, to revel no...
roysterer 21 11 one who roysters, ca...
rubbaboos 21 19 RUBBABOO, a type of...
rubberier 20 16 RUBBERY, resembling...
rubbering 21 19 RUBBER, to provide w...
rubberise 20 16 to coat with rubber,...
rubberize 23 25 to coat with rubber,...
rubbidies 21 17 RUBBIDY, a pub (rhym...
rubbished 23 19 RUBBISH, to criticiz...
rubbishes 23 18 RUBBISH, to criticiz...
rubbishly 31 21 like rubbish, also R...
rubbities 21 16 RUBBITY, a pub (rhym...
rubbliest 22 17 RUBBLY, abounding in...
rubboards 20 17 RUBBOARD, a corrugat...
rubbydubs 30 23 RUBBYDUB, (slang) an...
rubefying 27 21 RUBEFY, to redden, a...
rubellans 19 16 RUBELLAN, a mineral,...
rubellite 20 15 a variety of tourmal...
rubescent 20 17 growing red; blushin...
rubicelle 23 18 an orange-coloured s...
rubiconed 20 18 RUBICON, to win at p...
rubidiums 21 18 RUBIDIUM, a metallic...
rubifying 28 21 RUBIFY, to redden, a...
rubineous 17 15 ruby-red [adj]
rubricate 21 16 to write, print, or...
rubrician 21 17 a student or followe...
rubstones 17 14 RUBSTONE, a whetston...
rucksacks 25 24 RUCKSACK, a knapsack...
ruckseats 20 17 RUCKSEAT, a folding...
ructation 18 14 (obsolete) belching,...
rudaceous 18 15 of breccia etc., com...
rudbeckia 22 21 (Swedish) a composit...
ruddiness 16 13 the state of being r...
ruddleman 17 17 one who marks e.g. s...
ruddlemen 17 17 RUDDLEMAN, one who m...
rudesbies 18 14 RUDESBY, (Shakespear...
rudiments 17 15 RUDIMENT, a basic pr...
rudistids 18 12 RUDISTID, a cone-sha...
rufescent 20 17 inclining to redness...
ruffianed 19 18 RUFFIAN, to behave l...
ruffianly 27 20 like a ruffian [adj]
ruffliest 22 17 RUFFLY, not smooth [...
rufflings 23 20 RUFFLING, the act of...
rugelachs 23 18 RUGELACH, (Yiddish)...
ruggedest 18 15 RUGGED, having an un...
ruggedise 18 15 to make rugged, also...
ruggedize 21 24 to make rugged, also...
ruggelach 24 20 (Yiddish) in Jewish...
ruinating 16 14 RUINATE, (archaic) t...
ruination 14 12 the act of ruining [...
ruinously 23 15 RUINOUS, destructive...
rulership 22 16 being a ruler [n -S]
rumbelows 23 20 RUMBELOW, a meaningl...
rumbliest 21 17 RUMBLY, tending to r...
rumblings 22 20 RUMBLING, a deep, th...
ruminants 16 15 RUMINANT, an animal...
ruminated 16 15 RUMINATE, to chew ag...
ruminates 16 14 RUMINATE, to chew ag...
ruminator 16 14 one who ruminates [n...
rummagers 19 18 RUMMAGER, one who ru...
rummaging 20 21 RUMMAGE, to search t...
rumminess 18 17 the state of being r...
rummished 21 19 RUMMISH, (Scots) to...
rummishes 21 18 RUMMISH, (Scots) to...
rumnesses 16 14 RUMNESS, the state o...
rumourers 17 14 RUMOURER, one who sp...
rumouring 18 17 RUMOUR, to spread by...
rumpliest 21 17 RUMPLY, wrinkled [ad...
rumrunner 16 16 a person involved in...
runabouts 17 15 RUNABOUT, a small li...
runagates 15 13 RUNAGATE, a fugitive...
runaround 14 14 a small light boat,...
runcinate 17 15 pinnately cut with t...
runecraft 20 17 skill with runes [n...
runniness 14 13 the state of being r...
runningly 23 18 RUNNING, flowing [ad...
runrounds 15 14 RUNROUND, evasive ac...
runtiness 15 12 the state of being r...
runtishly 26 16 RUNTISH, somewhat ru...
rupturing 20 17 RUPTURE, to burst [v...
ruralised 17 12 RURALISE, to make ru...
ruralises 17 11 RURALISE, to make ru...
ruralisms 19 14 RURALISM, the state...
ruralists 18 11 RURALIST, one who li...
ruralites 17 11 RURALITE, one who li...
ruralized 20 21 RURALIZE, to make ru...
ruralizes 20 20 RURALIZE, to make ru...
ruralness 16 12 the state of being r...
rushiness 18 13 the state of aboundi...
rushlight 24 17 a type of candle dip...
russeting 17 13 a russet apple, also...
russified 19 14 RUSSIFY, to make Rus...
russifies 19 13 RUSSIFY, to make Rus...
rusticals 21 14 RUSTICAL, a rustic [...
rusticana 18 14 objects such as agri...
rusticate 19 13 to send into the cou...
rusticial 21 14 (Scott) rustic, also...
rusticise 20 13 to make rustic, also...
rusticism 22 16 a rustic saying or c...
rusticity 27 15 a rustic manner; sim...
rusticize 23 22 to make rustic, also...
rustiness 16 11 the state of being r...
rustlings 19 14 RUSTLING, the act of...
rustproof 20 16 to make resistant to...
rutabagas 18 15 RUTABAGA, (Swedish)...
rutaceous 18 14 of or pertaining to...
ruthenium 19 17 a metallic element o...
ruthfully 30 20 RUTHFUL, full of com...
rutilated 17 12 of quartz, containin...
ruttiness 16 11 the state of being r...
ruttishly 27 15 RUTTISH, (Shakespear...
rybaudrye 30 18 (Spenser) ribaldry,...
ryebreads 23 15 RYEBREAD, bread made...
ryeflours 25 16 RYEFLOUR, a pasture...
ryotwaris 25 14 RYOTWARI, (Hindi) a...