7 letter words that start with R

7 letter words that start with R

7 letter R word


Words With Friends®


rabanna 11 12 a kind of raffia fab...
rabaska 14 14 (Native American) a...
rabatos 13 10 RABATO, (Shakespeare...
rabatte 13 10 (French) to rotate i...
rabbets 16 13 RABBET, to join by a...
rabbies 16 13 RABBI, (Hebrew) a Je...
rabbins 16 14 RABBIN, (Hebrew) a J...
rabbito 16 13 (Australian slang) a...
rabbits 17 13 RABBIT, to hunt rabb...
rabbity 23 15 resembling a rabbit...
rabbled 17 15 RABBLE, to stir with...
rabbler 17 14 a scraping tool for...
rabbles 17 14 RABBLE, to stir with...
rabboni 15 14 (Hebrew) my great ma...
rabider 14 11 RABID, afflicted wit...
rabidly 22 14 RABID, afflicted wit...
raccoon 16 14 a small American ani...
racemed 15 14 arranged in a raceme...
racemes 15 13 RACEME, an indefinit...
racemic 19 16 applied to an acid o...
raceway 23 15 a course for running...
rachets 17 12 RACHET, a mechanism...
rachial 18 13 relating to a rachis...
raciest 15 10 RACY, pungent [adj]
racings 16 13 RACING, the sport of...
racinos 14 11 RACINO, a racetrack...
racisms 17 13 RACISM, a doctrine o...
racists 16 10 RACIST, an advocate...
rackers 16 14 RACKER, a horse that...
rackets 16 14 RACKET, to make a lo...
rackett 16 14 (German) an old wind...
rackety 22 16 noisy [adj RACKETIER...
rackful 20 19 as much as a rack ca...
racking 17 17 tormenting, exhausti...
rackles 17 15 RACKLE, a chain [n]
racloir 16 11 (French) a scraper [...
racoons 13 11 RACOON, a small Amer...
racquet 23 20 a bat with strings u...
raddest 12 9 RAD, afraid [adj]
radding 13 12 RAD, to fear [v]
raddled 13 11 RADDLE, to redden wi...
raddles 13 10 RADDLE, to redden wi...
radgest 13 10 RADGE, (Scots) angry...
radiale 12 9 a wrist-bone of the...
radials 13 9 RADIAL, a radial art...
radians 11 9 RADIAN, a unit of an...
radiant 11 9 shining [adj RADIANT...
radiata 11 8 an originally Califo...
radiate 11 8 arranged like rays [...
radical 16 12 fundamental [adj RAD...
radicel 16 12 a rootlike organ or...
radices 15 11 RADIX, (Latin) a roo...
radicle 16 12 a rootlike organ or...
radioed 11 9 RADIO, to transmit b...
radioes 11 8 RADIO, to transmit b...
radiums 14 12 RADIUM, a radioactiv...
radixes 18 15 RADIX, (Latin) a roo...
radomes 12 11 RADOME, a domelike d...
radulae 12 10 RADULA, a tonguelike...
radular 13 10 like a radula, raspy...
radulas 13 10 RADULA, a tonguelike...
rafales 14 11 RAFALE, (French) a b...
raffias 16 13 RAFFIA, a kind of pa...
raffish 19 15 marked by or suggest...
raffled 17 15 RAFFLE, to dispose o...
raffler 17 14 one who raffles [n -...
raffles 17 14 RAFFLE, to dispose o...
rafters 14 10 RAFTER, to supply wi...
rafting 15 13 an activity of trave...
raftman 14 14 one who manages a ra...
raftmen 14 14 RAFTMAN, one who man...
ragbags 16 14 RAGBAG, a bag for st...
ragbolt 16 13 a bolt with barbs to...
rageful 16 14 full of rage [adj]
raggedy 20 14 somewhat ragged [adj...
raggees 13 11 RAGGEE, (Hindi) a ki...
raggery 20 13 rags collectively [n...
raggier 14 11 RAGGY, tattered [adj...
raggies 14 11 RAGGY, a kind of mil...
ragging 15 14 the act of ragging (...
raggled 15 13 RAGGLE, to cut a gro...
raggles 15 12 RAGGLE, to cut a gro...
raghead 14 12 an Arab [n -S]
ragings 14 12 RAGING, the act of b...
raginis 13 10 RAGINI, (Sanskrit) a...
raglans 13 11 RAGLAN, a loose over...
ragmans 13 13 RAGMAN, a man who co...
ragment 13 13 (obsolete) a catalog...
ragouts 13 10 RAGOUT, to make into...
ragtags 14 11 RAGTAG, the rabble [...
ragtail 14 10 ragged, shabby [adj]
ragtime 14 12 a style of American...
ragtops 15 12 RAGTOP, a folding ca...
raguled 14 12 of a line, with obli...
ragweed 15 13 any of various greyi...
ragwork 17 16 undressed masonry in...
ragworm 17 15 any polychaete worm...
ragwort 16 12 a common coarse yell...
raiders 12 8 RAIDER, one that rai...
raiding 13 11 the act of raiding [...
raiking 14 14 RAIK, (Scots) to go;...
railage 13 10 transportation by ra...
railbed 15 12 the bed of a railway...
railbus 16 12 a passenger bus on r...
railcar 16 11 a railway car [n -S]
railers 13 8 RAILER, one who rail...
railing 14 11 jeering [adj RAILING...
railman 13 12 a railway employee [...
railmen 13 12 RAILMAN, a railway e...
railway 22 13 a railroad [n -S]
raiment 12 11 (archaic) clothing [...
rainbow 16 14 an arc of spectral c...
rainier 11 8 RAINY, marked by rai...
rainily 19 11 RAINY, marked by rai...
raining 12 11 RAIN, to fall in dro...
rainout 11 9 atomic fallout occur...
raisers 12 7 RAISER, one who rais...
raising 13 10 an elevation [n -S]
raisins 12 8 RAISIN, a dried grap...
raisiny 18 10 full of raisins [adj...
raiting 13 10 RAIT, to soak flax,...
raiyats 18 9 RAIYAT, (Hindi) an I...
rakeoff 16 17 a share of the profi...
rakijas 15 20 RAKIJA, a kind of fr...
rakings 14 14 RAKING, the act of r...
rakshas 15 13 (Sanskrit) in Hindu...
rallied 14 10 RALLY, to call toget...
rallier 14 9 one who rallies [n -...
rallies 14 9 RALLY, to call toget...
ralline 13 10 pertaining to the ra...
rallyes 20 11 RALLYE, (US) a (car)...
ralphed 17 14 RALPH, (US slang) to...
ramadas 12 11 RAMADA, (Spanish) an...
ramakin 13 15 a small casserole di...
ramblas 16 14 RAMBLA, (Spanish) a...
rambled 16 15 RAMBLE, to wander [v...
rambler 16 14 one that rambles [n...
rambles 16 14 RAMBLE, to wander [v...
ramcats 16 13 RAMCAT, a male cat [...
ramekin 13 15 a small casserole di...
ramenta 11 11 RAMENTUM, a scale fo...
rameous 12 11 of or pertaining to...
ramilie 14 11 a type of wig, also...
ramjets 15 19 RAMJET, a type of en...
rammels 15 14 RAMMEL, (dialect) di...
rammers 14 13 RAMMER, a tool for r...
rammier 14 13 RAMMY, resembling a...
rammies 14 13 RAMMY, a row [n]
ramming 15 16 RAM, to thrust rough...
rammish 17 15 resembling a male sh...
rammles 15 14 RAMMLE, (English dia...
ramonas 11 11 RAMONA, (Spanish) an...
rampage 15 15 to rush around wildl...
rampant 14 14 unrestrained [adj RA...
rampart 15 13 to furnish with a fo...
rampers 15 13 RAMPER, one who make...
rampick 20 20 a dead tree or tree...
rampike 16 17 a dead tree or tree...
ramping 16 16 the practice of caus...
rampion 14 14 a European plant [n...
rampire 15 13 a flat-topped defens...
rampole 15 14 a dead tree or tree...
ramrods 13 11 RAMROD, to push or d...
ramsons 12 11 RAMSON, a broad-leav...
ramstam 14 13 (Scots) headlong [ad...
ramtils 15 11 RAMTIL, a plant of t...
ramular 14 12 of a branch [adj]
ramulus 15 13 a little branch [n R...
rancels 15 12 RANCEL, a search for...
ranched 16 14 RANCH, to work at an...
rancher 16 13 one that owns or wor...
ranches 16 13 RANCH, to work at an...
ranchos 16 13 RANCHO, (Spanish) a...
rancing 15 14 RANCE, to prop [v]
rancors 14 11 RANCOR, bitter and v...
rancour 14 12 bitter and vindictiv...
randans 10 10 RANDAN, a boat rowed...
randems 12 12 RANDEM, a tandem wit...
randier 11 9 RANDY, full of sexua...
randies 11 9 RANDIE, a violent be...
randily 19 12 RANDY, full of sexua...
randing 12 12 RAND, to rant [v]
randoms 12 12 RANDOM, a haphazard...
randons 10 10 RANDON, (Spenser) ra...
rangers 12 10 RANGER, an officer s...
rangier 12 10 RANGY, tall and slen...
rangily 20 13 RANGY, tall and slen...
ranging 13 13 the act of ranging [...
rangoli 13 11 (Hindi) a traditiona...
rankers 12 12 RANKER, an enlisted...
rankest 12 12 RANK, disagreeable i...
ranking 13 15 a listing of ranked...
rankish 15 14 somewhat rank [adj]
rankism 14 15 discrimination on th...
rankist 13 12 a person who discrim...
rankled 13 14 RANKLE, to cause irr...
rankles 13 13 RANKLE, to cause irr...
ranpike 14 15 a dead tree or tree...
ransack 15 15 to search thoroughly...
ransels 12 9 RANSEL, a search for...
ransoms 12 11 RANSOM, to pay a pri...
ranters 11 8 RANTER, one who rant...
ranting 12 11 hectoring [adj RANTI...
ranular 12 10 relating to a ranula...
ranulas 12 10 RANULA, a cyst forme...
ranzels 15 18 RANZEL, a search for...
raoulia 12 9 a New Zealand plant...
raphias 16 12 RAPHIA, a genus of p...
raphide 16 13 a needle-shaped crys...
rapider 14 11 RAPID, quick [adj]
rapidly 22 14 RAPID, quick [adv]
rapiers 14 10 RAPIER, a long, slen...
rapines 13 11 RAPINE, the taking o...
rapinis 14 11 RAPINI, (Italian) im...
rapists 15 10 RAPIST, one who comm...
raploch 20 16 (Scots) a homespun m...
rappees 15 13 RAPPEE, (French) a p...
rappels 17 14 RAPPEL, to descend f...
rappers 16 13 RAPPER, a doorknocke...
rapping 17 16 the process of loose...
rappini 16 14 (Italian) immature t...
rapport 16 13 (French) a relations...
raptors 14 10 RAPTOR, a bird or pr...
rapture 14 11 to fill with great j...
rarebit 14 10 a dish of melted and...
rarking 14 14 RARK, (New Zealand)...
rasbora 13 10 a brightly coloured...
rascals 16 11 RASCAL, a rogue or s...
raschel 18 13 (German) a type of l...
rashers 14 9 RASHER, a thin slice...
rashest 14 9 RASH, acting without...
rashies 14 9 RASHIE, (Australian...
rashing 15 12 RASH, to dash, rush...
raspers 14 10 RASPER, a tool used...
raspier 14 10 RASPY, rough [adj]
rasping 15 13 abrasive [adj RASPIN...
raspish 17 12 irritable [adj]
rassled 13 9 RASSLE, (colloquial)...
rassler 13 8 a wrestler [n -S]
rassles 13 8 RASSLE, (colloquial)...
rasters 12 7 RASTER, the area rep...
rastrum 14 11 a music-pen [n -S]
rasures 12 8 RASURE, the act of s...
ratable 14 11 capable of being rat...
ratably 21 13 RATABLE, capable of...
ratafee 12 10 an almond-flavoured...
ratafia 13 10 an almond-flavoured...
ratatat 11 7 a quick, sharp rappi...
ratbags 15 12 RATBAG, an eccentric...
ratbite 14 10 as in ratbite fever,...
ratched 17 13 RATCH, to wander, pr...
ratches 17 12 RATCH, to wander, pr...
ratchet 17 12 a mechanism which al...
rateens 10 8 RATEEN, a rough dres...
ratfink 15 15 a contemptible perso...
ratfish 17 12 a marine fish [n -ES...
rathest 14 9 RATHE, (archaic) qui...
rathole 14 10 a hole made by a rat...
ratines 11 8 RATINE, (French) a r...
ratings 13 10 RATING, an estimate...
rations 11 8 RATION, to distribut...
ratites 12 7 RATITE, a bird havin...
ratlike 14 12 like a rat [adj]
ratline 12 9 any of the small lin...
ratling 14 11 any of the small lin...
ratlins 13 9 RATLIN, any of the s...
ratoons 10 8 RATOON, to sprout fr...
ratpack 18 17 a show-business cliq...
rattail 13 8 any of various deepw...
rattans 11 8 RATTAN, a climbing p...
ratteen 10 8 a rough dress fabric...
rattens 11 8 RATTEN, to compel ob...
ratters 12 7 RATTER, an animal us...
rattery 18 9 a place where rats a...
rattier 12 7 RATTY, infested with...
rattily 20 10 RATTY, infested with...
ratting 13 10 rat-hunting [n -S]
rattish 15 9 like a rat [adj]
rattled 13 9 RATTLE, to make a qu...
rattler 13 8 a rattlesnake [n -S]
rattles 13 8 RATTLE, to make a qu...
rattlin 13 9 any of the small lin...
rattons 11 8 RATTON, (dialect) a...
rattoon 10 8 to sprout from a roo...
rattrap 14 10 a trap for catching...
raucity 22 13 harshness of sound;...
raucler 16 12 RAUCLE, (Scots) roug...
raucous 15 12 loud and unruly [adj...
raunchy 23 16 coarsely or openly s...
raunged 12 12 RAUNGE, (obsolete) t...
raunges 12 11 RAUNGE, (obsolete) t...
raupatu 14 12 (Maori) confiscation...
rauriki 14 12 (Maori) sow-thistle...
ravaged 14 14 RAVAGE, to destroy [...
ravager 14 13 one who ravages [n -...
ravages 14 13 RAVAGE, to destroy [...
raveled 14 13 RAVEL, to entangle [...
raveler 14 12 one who ravels, also...
ravelin 14 13 a type of fortificat...
ravelly 22 15 tangled [adj]
ravened 12 13 RAVEN, to devour gre...
ravener 12 12 one who, or that whi...
raviest 14 11 RAVEY, characteristi...
ravined 13 13 RAVIN, to devour gre...
ravines 13 12 RAVINE, a narrow, st...
ravings 15 14 RAVING, wild talk [n...
ravioli 15 12 (Italian) pasta in t...
rawarus 15 11 RAWARU, (Maori) the...
rawbone 15 14 (Spenser) having lit...
rawhead 16 13 a spectre mentioned...
rawhide 17 13 to beat with a type...
rawings 16 13 RAWING, a second mow...
rawness 14 11 the state of being r...
rayless 19 10 without rays [adj RA...
raylets 19 10 RAYLET, a small ray...
raylike 20 14 resembling a narrow...
rayling 20 13 RAYLE, (Spenser) to...
razored 14 17 RAZOR, to shave with...
razures 15 17 RAZURE, the act of s...
razzias 18 25 RAZZIA, (Arabic) a p...
razzing 19 28 the act of blowing a...
razzles 19 26 RAZZLE, a rowdy drin...
reached 16 13 REACH, to stretch ou...
reacher 16 12 one who reaches [n -...
reaches 16 12 REACH, to stretch ou...
reacted 14 11 REACT, to respond to...
reactor 14 10 one that reacts [n -...
readapt 13 11 to adapt again [v -E...
readded 11 10 READD, to add again...
readers 11 8 READER, one that rea...
readied 11 9 READY, to make ready...
readier 11 8 READY, prepared [adj...
readies 11 8 READY, to make ready...
readily 19 11 READY, prepared [adv...
reading 12 11 material that is rea...
readmit 13 11 to admit again [v RE...
readopt 13 11 to adopt again [v -E...
readorn 10 9 to adorn again [v -E...
readout 11 9 a presentation of co...
reaffix 22 20 to affix again [v -E...
reagent 11 10 a substance with a c...
reagins 12 10 REAGIN, a type of an...
reaking 13 14 REAK, (obsolete) to...
realest 12 8 REAL, actually exist...
realgar 13 10 a bright-red monocli...
realign 13 11 to align again [v -E...
realise 12 8 to accomplish, also...
realism 14 11 the doctrine that ob...
realist 13 8 one who is concerned...
reality 19 10 something that is re...
realize 15 17 to accomplish, also...
reallie 13 9 to form again [v REA...
reallot 13 9 to allot again [v RE...
realter 12 8 to alter again [v -E...
realtie 12 8 (Milton) sincerity,...
realtor 12 8 a agent for buying o...
reamend 11 12 to amend again [v -E...
reamers 12 10 REAMER, a tool used...
reamier 12 10 REAMY, creamy, froth...
reaming 13 13 REAM, to enlarge the...
reannex 15 16 to annex again [v -E...
reapers 13 10 REAPER, one that rea...
reaping 14 13 the cutting of e.g....
reapply 23 16 to apply again [v RE...
rearers 11 7 REARER, a horse that...
reargue 12 10 to argue again [v RE...
rearing 12 10 the act of bringing...
rearise 11 7 to arise again [v RE...
rearmed 12 11 REARM, to arm again...
rearose 10 7 REARISE, to arise ag...
reasons 10 8 REASON, to deduct in...
reasted 11 8 REAST, to become ran...
reavail 14 12 to avail again [v -E...
reavers 13 11 REAVER, one that rea...
reaving 14 14 REAVE, (archaic) to...
reavows 16 14 REAVOW, to vow again...
reawake 14 14 to awake again [v RE...
reawoke 14 14 REAWAKE, to awake ag...
rebacks 18 17 REBACK, to replace t...
rebadge 14 13 to market a product...
rebaits 14 10 REBAIT, to bait agai...
rebased 13 11 REBASE, to set a new...
rebases 13 10 REBASE, to set a new...
rebated 13 11 REBATE, to give a di...
rebater 13 10 one who rebates [n -...
rebates 13 10 REBATE, to give a di...
rebatos 13 10 REBATO, a wide, lace...
rebecks 18 17 REBECK, a medieval m...
rebegan 13 13 REBEGIN, to begin ag...
rebegin 14 13 to begin again [v RE...
rebegun 14 14 REBEGIN, to begin ag...
rebills 17 12 REBILL, to bill agai...
rebinds 14 12 REBIND, to bind agai...
rebirth 17 12 a second birth [n -S...
rebites 14 10 REBITE, in engraving...
reblend 14 13 to blend again [v RE...
reblent 14 12 REBLEND, to blend ag...
rebloom 15 14 to bloom again [v -E...
reboant 12 11 resounding loudly [a...
reboard 13 11 to board again [v -E...
reboils 15 11 REBOIL, to boil agai...
rebooks 14 14 REBOOK, to book agai...
reboots 13 10 REBOOT, to renew the...
rebored 13 11 REBORE, to bore out...
rebores 13 10 REBORE, to bore out...
rebound 13 13 to spring back [v -E...
rebozos 16 19 REBOZO, (Spanish) a...
rebrace 16 13 to brace again [v RE...
rebrand 13 12 to change a product'...
rebreed 13 11 to breed again [v RE...
rebuffs 19 17 REBUFF, to reject or...
rebuild 16 13 to build again [v RE...
rebuilt 16 12 REBUILD, to build ag...
rebuked 15 16 REBUKE, to reprove s...
rebuker 15 15 one who rebukes [n -...
rebukes 15 15 REBUKE, to reprove s...
rebuses 14 11 REBUS, a representat...
recalls 17 12 RECALL, to call back...
recaned 13 12 RECANE, to replace t...
recanes 13 11 RECANE, to replace t...
recants 14 11 RECANT, to make a fo...
recarry 21 12 to carry again [v RE...
recasts 15 10 RECAST, to cast agai...
recatch 20 15 to catch again [v RE...
recceed 17 14 RECCE, to make a pre...
reccied 18 14 RECCY, (colloquial)...
reccies 18 13 RECCY, (colloquial)...
receded 14 12 RECEDE, to move back...
recedes 14 11 RECEDE, to move back...
receipt 17 13 to mark as having be...
receive 16 14 to come into possess...
recency 23 16 the state of being r...
recense 13 11 to revise critically...
recepts 17 13 RECEPT, an idea or i...
rechart 17 12 to chart again [v -E...
rechate 16 12 (Shakespeare) a stra...
recheat 16 12 to sound a hunting c...
recheck 21 19 to check again [v -E...
rechews 20 15 RECHEW, to chew agai...
rechips 20 15 RECHIP, to change th...
rechose 16 12 RECHOOSE, to choose...
recipes 17 13 RECIPE, a set of ins...
recital 16 11 a detailed account [...
recited 15 11 RECITE, to say from...
reciter 15 10 one who recites [n -...
recites 15 10 RECITE, to say from...
reckans 15 15 RECKAN, a chain, hoo...
recking 17 17 RECK, to be concerne...
reckons 15 15 RECKON, to count or...
reclads 16 12 RECLAD, to clad agai...
reclaim 17 14 to make suitable for...
reclame 16 14 publicity [n -S]
reclasp 18 14 to clasp again [v -E...
reclean 14 12 to clean again [v -E...
reclimb 20 17 to climb again [v -E...
recline 15 12 to lean or lie back...
reclose 15 11 to close again [v RE...
recluse 16 12 one who lives in sol...
recoals 15 11 RECOAL, to refill wi...
recoats 14 10 RECOAT, to coat agai...
recocks 19 17 RECOCK, to cock agai...
recoded 14 12 RECODE, to code agai...
recodes 14 11 RECODE, to code agai...
recoils 16 11 RECOIL, to draw back...
recoins 14 11 RECOIN, to coin agai...
recolor 15 11 to color again, also...
recombs 18 16 RECOMB, to comb agai...
recooks 15 14 RECOOK, to cook agai...
records 15 11 RECORD, to register...
recorks 16 14 RECORK, to cork agai...
recount 14 12 to relate in detail...
recoupe 16 14 the act of keeping b...
recoups 17 14 RECOUP, to get back...
recoure 14 11 to recover, also REC...
recover 16 14 to obtain again afte...
recower 17 13 to recover, also REC...
recoyle 21 13 (Spenser) to recoil,...
recrate 14 10 to crate again [v RE...
recross 15 10 to cross again [v -E...
recrown 17 14 to crown again [v -E...
recruit 16 11 to enlist for milita...
rectify 24 15 to correct, put righ...
rection 14 11 syntactical governme...
rectors 15 10 RECTOR, in the Churc...
rectory 21 12 a rector's dwelling...
rectrix 22 17 a feather of a bird'...
rectums 17 14 RECTUM, the terminal...
recuile 16 12 (Spenser) to recoil,...
reculed 16 13 RECULE, (Spenser) to...
recules 16 12 RECULE, (Spenser) to...
recured 15 12 RECURE, to cure agai...
recures 15 11 RECURE, to cure agai...
recurve 17 15 to bend back [v RECU...
recusal 16 12 a disqualification o...
recused 15 12 RECUSE, to disqualif...
recuses 15 11 RECUSE, to disqualif...
recycle 25 16 to process waste mat...
redacts 15 11 REDACT, to prepare f...
redated 11 9 REDATE, to change th...
redates 11 8 REDATE, to change th...
redback 18 18 a venomous spider fo...
redbait 14 11 to denounce as Commu...
redbays 20 13 REDBAY, a small tree...
redbird 15 12 a large seed-eating...
redbone 12 12 a kind of hunting do...
redbuds 15 13 REDBUD, a small orna...
redbugs 16 14 REDBUG, a chigger, a...
redcaps 17 14 REDCAP, a military p...
redcoat 14 11 a British soldier du...
reddens 11 10 REDDEN, to make or b...
redders 12 9 REDDER, one who redd...
reddest 12 9 RED, the colour of b...
reddier 12 9 REDDY, somewhat red...
redding 13 12 the act of redding,...
reddish 15 11 somewhat red [adj RE...
reddled 13 11 REDDLE, to colour wi...
reddles 13 10 REDDLE, to colour wi...
redeals 12 9 REDEAL, to deal agai...
redealt 12 9 REDEAL, to deal agai...
redears 11 8 REDEAR, the common s...
redeems 12 11 REDEEM, to buy back...
redeyes 17 10 REDEYE, a railroad d...
redfins 14 12 REDFIN, a small Nort...
redfish 17 13 the blueback salmon...
redfoot 13 11 a fatal disease of n...
redhead 13 11 any of several birds...
redials 13 9 REDIAL, to dial agai...
redlegs 14 11 REDLEG, a term for a...
redline 12 10 to withhold loans or...
redneck 15 16 a poor white farm la...
redness 11 9 the state of being r...
redocks 16 15 REDOCK, to dock agai...
redoing 12 11 REDO, to do again [v...
redoubt 14 12 (archaic) to fear [v...
redound 11 11 to have an effect or...
redouts 12 9 REDOUT, reddening of...
redowas 14 11 REDOWA, (Czech) a li...
redoxes 17 15 REDOX, a type of che...
redpoll 16 13 a kind of finch [n -...
redraft 14 11 to make a revised co...
redrawn 14 12 REDRAW, to draw agai...
redraws 15 11 REDRAW, to draw agai...
redream 12 11 to dream again [v RE...
redress 12 8 to set right [v -ED,...
redried 12 9 REDRY, to dry again...
redries 12 8 REDRY, to dry again...
redrill 15 10 to drill again [v -E...
redrive 14 12 to drive again [v RE...
redroot 11 8 a plant with a red r...
redrove 13 12 REDRIVE, to drive ag...
redsear 11 8 brittle at red-heat,...
redskin 13 13 (colloquial) a Nativ...
redtail 13 9 a kind of hawk [n -S...
redtops 14 11 REDTOP, a kind of gr...
reduced 15 13 REDUCE, to diminish...
reducer 15 12 a joint piece that c...
reduces 15 12 REDUCE, to diminish...
reduits 13 9 REDUIT, (French) a k...
redware 14 11 an edible seaweed [n...
redwing 16 14 a bird of the thrush...
redwood 14 12 a species of sequoia...
reearns 10 8 REEARN, to earn agai...
reeboks 14 14 REEBOK, (Afrikaans)...
reeched 16 13 REECH, to emit smoke...
reeches 16 12 REECH, to emit smoke...
reechie 16 12 (Shakespeare) smoky,...
reedbed 13 12 a bed of reeds [n -S...
reeders 11 8 REEDER, a thatcher [...
reedier 11 8 REEDY, abounding in...
reedify 20 13 to rebuild (a house,...
reedily 19 11 REEDY, abounding in...
reeding 12 11 parallel grooves cut...
reedits 12 8 REEDIT, to edit agai...
reedman 11 12 one who plays a reed...
reedmen 11 12 REEDMAN, one who pla...
reefers 13 10 REEFER, a midshipman...
reefier 13 10 REEFY, abounding in...
reefing 14 13 the act of reefing,...
reeject 16 19 to eject again [v -E...
reekers 12 11 REEKER, one that ree...
reekier 12 11 REEKY, (Scots) smoky...
reeking 13 14 REEK, to give off sm...
reelect 15 11 to elect again [v -E...
reelers 12 8 REELER, an instrumen...
reeling 13 11 staggering [adj REEL...
reelman 12 12 the member of a life...
reelmen 12 12 REELMAN, the member...
reemits 13 10 REEMIT, to emit agai...
reenact 13 11 to enact again [v -E...
reendow 13 12 to endow again [v -E...
reenjoy 18 19 to enjoy again [v -E...
reenter 10 8 to enter again [v -E...
reentry 17 10 a second entry [n RE...
reequip 22 20 to equip again [v RE...
reerect 14 10 to erect again [v -E...
reested 11 8 REEST, to be noisily...
reeving 14 14 REEVE, to fasten by...
reevoke 13 15 to evoke again [v RE...
reexpel 20 18 to expel again [v RE...
refaced 16 14 REFACE, to repair th...
refaces 16 13 REFACE, to repair th...
refalls 16 12 REFALL, to fall agai...
refects 17 13 REFECT, to refresh w...
refeeds 13 11 REFEED, to feed agai...
refeels 14 11 REFEEL, to feel agai...
refence 15 14 to fence again [v RE...
referee 12 10 to supervise the pla...
reffing 17 16 the job of a referee...
refight 18 14 to fight again [v RE...
refiled 15 12 REFILE, to file agai...
refiles 15 11 REFILE, to file agai...
refills 17 12 REFILL, to fill agai...
refilms 17 14 REFILM, to film agai...
refinds 14 12 REFIND, to find agai...
refined 13 12 REFINE, to free from...
refiner 13 11 one who, or that whi...
refines 13 11 REFINE, to free from...
refired 14 11 REFIRE, to fire agai...
refires 14 10 REFIRE, to fire agai...
refixed 20 18 REFIX, to fix again...
refixes 20 17 REFIX, to fix again...
reflags 16 13 REFLAG, to change th...
reflate 14 11 to inflate again [v...
reflect 18 14 to be mirrored [v -E...
reflets 15 11 REFLET, (French) an...
reflies 15 11 REFLY, to fly again...
refloat 14 11 to float again [v -E...
reflood 14 12 to flood again [v -E...
reflown 17 15 REFLY, to fly again...
reflows 18 14 REFLOW, to flow agai...
refocus 17 14 to focus again [v RE...
refolds 15 12 REFOLD, to fold agai...
refoots 13 10 REFOOT, to replace t...
reforge 14 12 to forge again [v RE...
reforms 15 13 REFORM, to change to...
refound 13 13 to found again [v -E...
refract 17 13 to deflect in a part...
refrain 13 11 to keep oneself from...
reframe 14 13 to put in a new fram...
refresh 16 12 to restore the well-...
refried 14 11 REFRY, to fry again...
refries 14 10 REFRY, to fry again...
refront 13 11 to put on a new fron...
refroze 16 19 REFREEZE, to freeze...
refuels 15 12 REFUEL, to fill with...
refuged 15 14 REFUGE, to give or t...
refugee 14 13 one who flees for sa...
refuges 15 13 REFUGE, to give or t...
refugia 15 13 REFUGIUM, a stable a...
refunds 14 13 REFUND, to give back...
refurbs 17 14 REFURB, (colloquial)...
refusal 15 12 the act of refusing...
refused 14 12 REFUSE, to decline t...
refuser 14 11 one that refuses [n...
refuses 14 11 REFUSE, to decline t...
refutal 15 12 an act of refuting [...
refuted 14 12 REFUTE, to prove to...
refuter 14 11 one who refutes [n -...
refutes 14 11 REFUTE, to prove to...
regains 12 10 REGAIN, to take poss...
regaled 13 11 REGALE, to delight [...
regaler 13 10 one who regales [n -...
regales 13 10 REGALE, to delight [...
regalia 13 10 (Latin) ceremonial r...
regally 21 13 REGAL, royal [adv]
regards 13 10 REGARD, to look upon...
regatta 12 9 a rowing or sailing...
regauge 13 12 to adjust the gauges...
regears 12 9 REGEAR, to equip aga...
regence 14 13 (obsolete) governmen...
regency 21 15 the office of a rege...
regents 12 10 REGENT, one who rule...
regests 13 9 REGEST [n]
reggaes 13 11 REGGAE, a form of po...
regifts 16 12 REGIFT, to take a gi...
regilds 15 11 REGILD, to gild once...
regimen 13 13 a systematic plan [n...
regimes 14 12 REGIME, a system of...
reginae 11 10 REGINA, (Latin) a qu...
reginal 13 11 pertaining to a quee...
reginas 12 10 REGINA, (Latin) a qu...
regions 12 10 REGION, an area or d...
regiven 14 14 REGIVE, to give agai...
regives 15 13 REGIVE, to give agai...
reglaze 16 19 to glaze again [v RE...
reglets 14 10 REGLET, a flat, narr...
regloss 14 10 to glass again [v -E...
reglows 17 13 REGLOW, to glow agai...
reglued 14 12 REGLUE, to glue agai...
reglues 14 11 REGLUE, to glue agai...
regmata 13 12 REGMA, (Greek) a dry...
regnant 11 11 reigning, used postp...
regorge 13 11 to disgorge; to regu...
regosol 13 10 a type of soil [n -S...
regrade 12 10 to grade again [v RE...
regraft 15 12 to graft again [v -E...
regrant 12 10 to grant again [v -E...
regrate 12 9 to buy up in order t...
regrede 12 10 to retrograde [v REG...
regreen 11 10 to green again [v -E...
regreet 12 9 to greet in return [...
regress 13 9 to go back [v -ED, -...
regrets 13 9 REGRET, to look back...
regrind 13 11 to grind again [v RE...
regroom 13 12 to groom again [v -E...
regroup 15 13 to group together on...
regrown 15 13 REGROW, to grow agai...
regrows 16 12 REGROW, to grow agai...
regulae 13 11 REGULA, the rule of...
regular 14 11 occurring at set int...
regulos 14 11 REGULO, the scale of...
regulus 15 12 a mass that forms be...
rehangs 14 12 REHANG, to hang agai...
reheard 13 10 REHEAR, to hear agai...
rehears 13 9 REHEAR, to hear agai...
reheats 13 9 REHEAT, to heat agai...
reheels 14 10 REHEEL, to replace t...
rehinge 14 12 to hinge again [v RE...
rehired 14 10 REHIRE, to hire agai...
rehires 14 9 REHIRE, to hire agai...
rehomed 14 13 REHOME, to home agai...
rehomes 14 12 REHOME, to home agai...
rehouse 13 10 to establish in a ne...
reified 14 11 REIFY, to regard as...
reifier 14 10 one that reifies [n...
reifies 14 10 REIFY, to regard as...
reigned 12 11 REIGN, to exercise s...
reimage 13 12 to fix the image of...
reincur 15 12 to incur again [v RE...
reindex 17 16 to index again [v -E...
reining 12 11 REIN, to restrain [v...
reinked 12 13 REINK, to ink again...
reinter 11 8 to inter again [v RE...
reishis 15 9 REISHI, (Japanese) a...
reissue 12 8 to issue again [v RE...
reisted 12 8 REIST, to become ran...
reitbok 15 14 an African antelope,...
reiters 12 7 REITER, to reiterate...
reivers 14 11 REIVER, a raider, pl...
reiving 15 14 plundering [n -S]
rejects 17 19 REJECT, to refuse to...
rejoice 16 19 to feel joyful [v RE...
rejoins 13 17 REJOIN, to join agai...
rejoneo 11 17 (Spanish) the art of...
rejones 12 17 REJON, (Spanish) a l...
rejourn 13 18 (Shakespeare) to pos...
rejudge 15 20 to judge again [v RE...
rekeyed 18 14 REKEY, to re-enter i...
reknits 13 12 REKNIT, to knit agai...
reknots 12 12 REKNOT, to knot agai...
relabel 15 12 to label again [v RE...
relaced 15 12 RELACE, to do up aga...
relaces 15 11 RELACE, to do up aga...
relache 17 13 (French) a period of...
relands 12 10 RELAND, to land agai...
relapse 14 11 to slip back into a...
related 12 9 RELATE, to give an a...
relater 12 8 one who relates, als...
relates 12 8 RELATE, to give an a...
relator 12 8 one who relates, als...
relatum 14 12 a term in a proposit...
relaxed 18 16 RELAX, to make less...
relaxer 18 15 one that relaxes [n...
relaxes 18 15 RELAX, to make less...
relaxin 18 16 a hormone which has...
relayed 18 11 RELAY, to put down n...
relearn 11 9 to learn again [v RE...
release 11 8 to set free [v RELEA...
relends 12 10 RELEND, to lend agai...
relents 12 9 RELENT, to soften an...
releves 14 12 RELEVE, (French) a r...
reliant 12 9 showing reliance [ad...
relicts 17 11 RELICT, an organism...
reliefs 15 11 RELIEF, aid in the f...
reliers 13 8 RELIER, (Shakespeare...
relieve 14 12 to free from discomf...
relievo 14 12 the projection of fi...
relight 17 12 to light again [v RE...
relined 12 10 RELINE, to line agai...
relines 12 9 RELINE, to line agai...
relinks 14 13 RELINK, to link agai...
relique 21 18 (archaic) a relic, a...
relists 14 8 RELIST, to list agai...
relived 15 13 RELIVE, to experienc...
reliver 15 12 to deliver back [v -...
relives 15 12 RELIVE, to experienc...
relleno 12 10 (Spanish) a Mexican...
rellies 14 9 RELLIE, (Australian...
rellish 17 11 (Shakespeare) to war...
reloads 12 9 RELOAD, to load agai...
reloans 11 9 RELOAN, to loan agai...
relocks 17 15 RELOCK, to lock agai...
relooks 13 12 RELOOK, to look agai...
relucts 17 12 RELUCT, (archaic) to...
relumed 14 13 RELUME, to light aga...
relumes 14 12 RELUME, to light aga...
relying 20 13 RELY, to depend on c...
remades 12 11 REMADE, a thing e.g....
remails 14 11 REMAIL, to post agai...
remains 12 11 REMAIN, to continue...
remaker 13 14 one who remakes [n -...
remakes 13 14 REMAKE, to make over...
remands 12 12 REMAND, to send back...
remanet 11 11 (Latin) a postponed...
remanie 11 11 (French) a fossil or...
remarks 14 14 REMARK, to say brief...
remarry 19 12 to marry again [v RE...
rematch 18 15 to match again [v -E...
remated 12 11 REMATE, to mate agai...
remates 12 10 REMATE, to mate agai...
remblai 16 14 (French) earth or ma...
rembled 16 15 REMBLE, to remove [v...
rembles 16 14 REMBLE, to remove [v...
remeads 12 11 REMEAD, (Scots) to r...
remeded 12 12 REMEDE, (Scots) to r...
remedes 12 11 REMEDE, (Scots) to r...
remeets 12 10 REMEET, to meet agai...
remeids 13 11 REMEID, (Scots) to r...
remelts 14 11 REMELT, to melt agai...
remends 12 12 REMEND, to mend agai...
remercy 22 15 (obsolete) to thank...
remerge 13 12 to merge again [v RE...
remiges 14 12 REMEX, (Latin) one o...
reminds 13 12 REMIND, to cause to...
remints 13 11 REMINT, to melt down...
remised 13 11 REMISE, to give up a...
remises 13 10 REMISE, to give up a...
remixed 19 18 REMIX, to mix again...
remixer 19 17 one that remixes (a...
remixes 19 17 REMIX, to mix again...
remnant 11 12 something remaining,...
remodel 13 12 to make over [v REMO...
remolds 14 12 REMOLD, to retread a...
remoras 12 10 REMORA, the sucking-...
remorid 13 11 of or like a remora,...
remorse 12 10 deep anguish caused...
remoter 12 10 REMOTE, far off [adj...
remotes 12 10 REMOTE, a remote con...
remould 14 13 to retread a tyre, a...
remount 12 12 to climb in a horse...
removal 15 15 the act of removing...
removed 14 15 REMOVE, to transfer...
remover 14 14 one who removes [n -...
removes 14 14 REMOVE, to transfer...
remuage 13 13 (French) the process...
remudas 13 12 REMUDA, (Spanish) a...
remueur 13 12 (French) the person...
renague 11 11 to refuse, deny, als...
renails 12 9 RENAIL, to nail agai...
renamed 11 12 RENAME, to issue wit...
renames 11 11 RENAME, to issue wit...
renayed 16 11 RENAY, (obsolete) to...
renders 11 9 RENDER, to plaster w...
rending 12 12 REND, to tear apart...
reneged 11 11 RENEGE, to refuse, d...
reneger 11 10 one who reneges [n -...
reneges 11 10 RENEGE, to refuse, d...
renegue 11 11 to refuse, deny, als...
renests 11 8 RENEST, to nest agai...
renewal 14 12 the act of renewing...
renewed 13 12 RENEW, to make new a...
renewer 13 11 one who renews [n -S...
reneyed 16 11 RENEY, (obsolete) to...
renkest 12 12 RENK, (dialect) unpl...
rennase 9 9 an enzyme found in g...
rennets 10 9 RENNET, a name given...
renning 11 12 the act of running [...
rennins 10 10 RENNIN, an enzyme fo...
renowns 13 12 RENOWN, to make famo...
rentals 12 9 RENTAL, the amount p...
renters 11 8 RENTER, one who rent...
rentier 11 8 (French) a person wh...
renting 12 11 the act of renting [...
renvois 13 12 RENVOI, (French) a s...
renvoys 19 14 RENVOY, the sending...
renying 18 13 RENY, (obsolete) to...
reoccur 18 14 to occur again [v RE...
reoffer 15 13 to offer for public...
reoiled 12 9 REOIL, to oil again...
reopens 12 11 REOPEN, to open agai...
reorder 11 8 to put in a further...
reorged 12 10 REORG, to reorganize...
repacks 18 17 REPACK, to pack agai...
repaint 13 11 to paint again [v -E...
repairs 14 10 REPAIR, to restore t...
repanel 13 12 to panel again [v RE...
repaper 15 13 to apply new paper [...
reparks 15 14 REPARK, to park agai...
repasts 14 10 REPAST, to partake o...
repatch 19 15 to patch again [v -E...
repaved 15 15 REPAVE, to pave agai...
repaves 15 14 REPAVE, to pave agai...
repeals 14 11 REPEAL, to revoke [v...
repeats 13 10 REPEAT, to say or do...
repents 13 11 REPENT, to regret an...
reperks 15 14 REPERK, to brew agai...
repined 13 12 REPINE, to express d...
repiner 13 11 one who repines [n -...
repines 13 11 REPINE, to express d...
repique 22 20 to score in a game o...
replace 17 14 to put back or suppl...
replans 14 12 REPLAN, to plan agai...
replant 14 12 to plant again [v -E...
replate 14 11 to plate again [v RE...
replays 21 13 REPLAY, to play agai...
replead 14 12 to plead again [v RE...
replete 14 11 to fill completely [...
replevy 23 17 to regain possession...
replica 18 14 a copy or reproducti...
replied 15 12 REPLY, to answer [v]
replier 15 11 one who replies [n -...
replies 15 11 REPLY, to answer [v]
replots 15 11 REPLOT, to plot agai...
replows 18 14 REPLOW, to plow agai...
replumb 19 18 to plumb again [v -E...
repoint 13 11 to repair mortar [v...
repolls 16 12 REPOLL, to poll agai...
repoman 13 14 one who repossesses...
repomen 13 14 REPOMAN, one who rep...
reponed 12 12 REPONE, to restore t...
repones 12 11 REPONE, to restore t...
reports 14 10 REPORT, to give an a...
reposal 14 11 the act or state of...
reposed 13 11 REPOSE, to lie at re...
reposer 13 10 one who reposes [n -...
reposes 13 10 REPOSE, to lie at re...
reposit 14 10 to put away [v -ED,...
reposts 14 10 REPOST, to post agai...
repours 14 11 REPOUR, to pour agai...
repower 16 13 to power again [v -E...
repping 17 16 working as a commerc...
repress 14 10 to keep under contro...
reprice 17 13 to price again [v RE...
reprime 15 13 to prime again [v RE...
reprint 14 11 to print again [v -E...
reprise 14 10 to take back by forc...
reprive 16 14 (Spenser) to repriev...
reprize 17 19 (Spenser) to reprise...
reprobe 15 13 to probe again [v RE...
reproof 15 13 to make waterproof a...
reprove 15 14 to reprove sternly [...
repryve 22 16 (Spenser) to repriev...
reptant 13 11 creeping or crawling...
reptile 15 11 any of a class of co...
repugns 15 14 REPUGN, to fight aga...
repulps 18 15 REPULP, to pulp agai...
repulse 15 12 to drive back [v REP...
repumps 18 17 REPUMP, to pump agai...
repunit 14 12 a number of two or m...
repured 14 12 REPURE, to purify ag...
repures 14 11 REPURE, to purify ag...
reputed 14 12 REPUTE, to consider...
reputes 14 11 REPUTE, to consider...
requere 19 17 (Spenser) to require...
request 20 17 to ask for [v -ED, -...
requiem 21 20 a musical compositio...
requins 20 18 REQUIN, (French) the...
require 20 17 to have need of [v R...
requite 20 17 to repay [v REQUITED...
requits 21 17 REQUIT, (Shakespeare...
requote 19 17 to quote again [v RE...
reracks 16 14 RERACK, to rack agai...
rerails 13 8 RERAIL, to replace o...
reraise 11 7 to raise again [v RE...
rereads 11 8 REREAD, to read agai...
reredos 11 8 a screen or panellin...
reremai 12 10 (Maori) the basking...
rerents 11 8 RERENT, to rent agai...
rerisen 11 8 RERISE, to rise agai...
rerises 12 7 RERISE, to rise agai...
rerolls 14 9 REROLL, to roll agai...
reroofs 13 10 REROOF, to renew the...
reroute 11 8 to choose a differen...
resails 13 8 RESAIL, to sail agai...
resales 12 8 RESALE, the act of s...
resawed 14 11 RESAW, to saw again...
rescale 15 11 to plan to a new sca...
rescind 15 12 to annul, remove [v...
rescore 14 10 to score again [v RE...
rescued 15 12 RESCUE, to free from...
rescuee 14 11 one that is rescued...
rescuer 15 11 one who rescues [n -...
rescues 15 11 RESCUE, to free from...
reseals 12 8 RESEAL, to seal agai...
reseats 11 7 RESEAT, to seat agai...
reseaus 11 8 RESEAU, a filter scr...
reseaux 17 15 RESEAU, a filter scr...
resects 15 10 RESECT, to cut away...
resedas 11 8 RESEDA, (French) a p...
reseeds 11 8 RESEED, to seed agai...
reseeks 12 11 RESEEK, to seek agai...
reseize 14 16 (Spenser) to reinsta...
resells 14 9 RESELL, to sell agai...
resends 11 9 RESEND, to send agai...
resents 11 8 RESENT, to feel affr...
reserve 13 11 to hold in abeyance...
resewed 14 11 RESEW, to sew again...
reshape 15 12 to shape again [v RE...
reshave 15 13 to shave again [v RE...
reshine 13 10 to shine again [v RE...
reships 17 12 RESHIP, to ship agai...
reshoed 13 10 RESHOE, to shoe agai...
reshoes 13 9 RESHOE, to shoe agai...
reshone 12 10 RESHINE, to shine ag...
reshoot 13 9 to film a scene agai...
reshown 16 13 RESHOW, to show agai...
reshows 17 12 RESHOW, to show agai...
resiant 11 8 (archaic) a resident...
resided 12 9 RESIDE, to live in a...
resider 12 8 one who resides [n -...
resides 12 8 RESIDE, to live in a...
residua 12 9 RESIDUUM, (Latin) a...
residue 12 9 something remaining...
resifts 15 10 RESIFT, to sift agai...
resight 16 11 to sight again [v -E...
resigns 13 10 RESIGN, to give up a...
resiled 13 9 RESILE, to spring ba...
resiles 13 8 RESILE, to spring ba...
resilin 13 9 an elastic substance...
resined 11 9 RESIN, to impregnate...
resiner 11 8 a resin gatherer [n...
resists 13 7 RESIST, to strive ag...
resited 12 8 RESITE, to move to a...
resites 12 7 RESITE, to move to a...
resized 15 17 RESIZE, to size agai...
resizes 15 16 RESIZE, to size agai...
reskews 16 14 RESKEW, (Spenser) to...
reskill 16 13 to retrain employees...
reskins 13 12 RESKIN, to replace t...
reskued 13 13 RESKUE, (Spenser) to...
reskues 13 12 RESKUE, (Spenser) to...
reslate 12 8 to put down new slat...
resmelt 14 11 to smelt again [v -E...
resoaks 12 11 RESOAK, to soak agai...
resojet 13 16 a pulsejet [n -S]
resoled 12 9 RESOLE, to put on ne...
resoles 12 8 RESOLE, to put on ne...
resolve 14 12 to make a firm decis...
resorbs 14 10 RESORB, to absorb ag...
resorts 12 7 RESORT, to sort agai...
resound 11 10 to make an echoing s...
resowed 14 11 RESOW, to sow again...
respace 16 13 to provide new spaci...
respade 13 11 to turn over soil ag...
respeak 14 14 to speak again [v RE...
respect 17 13 to have high regard...
respell 16 12 to spell again [v RE...
respelt 15 11 RESPELL, to spell ag...
respire 14 10 to breathe [v RESPIR...
respite 14 10 to relieve temporari...
resplit 16 11 to split again [v RE...
respoke 14 14 RESPEAK, to speak ag...
respond 13 12 to say or act in ret...
respool 14 11 to spool again [v -E...
respots 14 10 RESPOT, to spot agai...
respray 20 12 to spray again [v -E...
restack 16 14 to stack again [v -E...
restaff 16 13 to staff again [v -E...
restage 12 9 to put on the same p...
restamp 15 13 to stamp again [v -E...
restart 12 7 to start again [v -E...
restate 11 7 to state again [v RE...
restems 13 10 RESTEM, to force aga...
resters 12 7 RESTER, one who rest...
restful 16 12 relaxing [adj RESTFU...
restier 12 7 RESTY, (obsolete) re...
restiff 17 13 (obsolete) restive [...
resting 13 10 the act of resting [...
restive 14 11 uneasy, as if ready...
restock 16 14 to stock again [v -E...
restoke 12 11 to stoke again [v RE...
restore 11 7 to bring back to the...
restudy 19 11 to study again [v RE...
restuff 17 14 to stuff again [v -E...
restump 16 14 to replace the housi...
restyle 19 10 to make into a new s...
results 14 9 RESULT, to follow as...
resumed 13 12 RESUME, to begin aga...
resumer 13 11 one who resumes [n -...
resumes 13 11 RESUME, to begin aga...
resurge 13 10 to rise again [v RES...
resuses 12 8 RESUS, (short for) r...
retable 14 11 (French) a shelf or...
retablo 14 11 a shelf or ornamenta...
retacks 16 14 RETACK, to tack agai...
retails 13 8 RETAIL, to sell dire...
retains 11 8 RETAIN, to keep poss...
retaken 11 12 RETAKE, to take back...
retaker 12 11 one who takes again...
retakes 12 11 RETAKE, to take back...
retally 20 11 to tally again [v RE...
retamas 12 10 RETAMA, (Spanish) a...
retaped 13 11 RETAPE, to tape agai...
retapes 13 10 RETAPE, to tape agai...
retards 12 8 RETARD, to hold back...
retaste 11 7 to taste again [v RE...
retaxed 17 15 RETAX, to tax again...
retaxes 17 14 RETAX, to tax again...
retched 17 13 RETCH, to make an ef...
retches 17 12 RETCH, to make an ef...
reteach 16 12 to teach again [v RE...
reteams 12 10 RETEAM, to team up w...
retears 11 7 RETEAR, to tear agai...
retells 14 9 RETELL, to tell agai...
retenes 10 8 RETENE, a hydrocarbo...
retests 12 7 RETEST, to test agai...
rethink 15 14 to think again [v RE...
retiary 18 9 fighting with a net,...
reticle 16 11 a network of lines i...
retiled 13 9 RETILE, to tile agai...
retiles 13 8 RETILE, to tile agai...
retimed 13 11 RETIME, to time agai...
retimes 13 10 RETIME, to time agai...
retinae 10 8 RETINA, a membrane o...
retinal 12 9 a pigment in the ret...
retinas 11 8 RETINA, a membrane o...
retines 11 8 RETINE, a substance...
retinol 12 9 a liquid hydrocarbon...
retints 12 8 RETINT, to tint agai...
retinue 11 9 a group of attendant...
retiral 13 8 the giving up of off...
retired 12 8 RETIRE, to withdraw...
retiree 11 7 one who has retired...
retirer 12 7 one who retires [n -...
retires 12 7 RETIRE, to withdraw...
retitle 13 8 to give a new title...
retools 12 8 RETOOL, to reequip w...
retorts 12 7 RETORT, to answer ba...
retotal 12 8 to total again [v RE...
retouch 17 13 to add new details t...
retours 12 8 RETOUR, to confirm a...
retoxed 17 15 RETOX, to embark on...
retoxes 17 14 RETOX, to embark on...
retrace 14 10 to go back over [v R...
retrack 16 14 to retrace your step...
retract 15 10 to take back [v -ED,...
retrain 11 8 to train again [v -E...
retrait 12 7 (obsolete) retreat,...
retrate 11 7 (Spenser) to retreat...
retread 11 8 to tread again [v RE...
retreat 11 7 to go back [v -ED, -...
retrees 11 7 RETREE, in papermaki...
retrial 13 8 a second trial [n -S...
retried 12 8 RETRY, to try again...
retries 12 7 RETRY, to try again...
retrims 14 10 RETRIM, to trim agai...
retsina 11 8 a resin-flavoured Gr...
rettery 18 9 a place where flax i...
retting 13 10 RET, to expose to mo...
retunds 12 10 RETUND, to blunt the...
retuned 11 10 RETUNE, to tune agai...
retunes 11 9 RETUNE, to tune agai...
returfs 15 11 RETURF, to lay new t...
returns 12 9 RETURN, to go back [...
retweet 14 10 to tweet again [v -E...
retwist 16 10 to twist again [v -E...
retying 19 12 RETIE, to tie again...
retyped 20 13 RETYPE, to type agai...
retypes 20 12 RETYPE, to type agai...
reunify 20 14 to unify again [v RE...
reunion 10 10 a uniting of people...
reunite 11 9 to come together aga...
reurged 13 11 REURGE, to press str...
reurges 13 10 REURGE, to press str...
reusing 13 11 REUSE, to use again...
reutter 12 8 to utter again [v -E...
revalue 14 13 to value again [v RE...
revamps 17 17 REVAMP, to make over...
reveals 14 12 REVEAL, to make know...
reveled 14 13 REVEL, to engage in...
reveler 14 12 one who revels, also...
revelry 21 14 noisy merrymaking [n...
revenge 13 14 to take retribution...
revenue 12 13 the income of a gove...
reverbs 16 14 REVERB, (Shakespeare...
revered 13 12 REVERE, to regard wi...
reverer 13 11 one who reveres [n -...
reveres 13 11 REVERE, to regard wi...
reverie 13 11 a daydream, also REV...
reverse 13 11 in the opposite dire...
reversi 14 11 REVERSO, (Italian) a...
reverso 13 11 (Italian) a back-han...
reverts 14 11 REVERT, to return to...
revests 14 11 REVEST, to vest agai...
reveurs 14 12 REVEUR, (French) a d...
reveuse 13 12 (French) a (female)...
reviews 17 14 REVIEW, to view agai...
reviled 15 13 REVILE, to assail wi...
reviler 15 12 one who reviles [n -...
reviles 15 12 REVILE, to assail wi...
revisal 15 12 a revised version, a...
revised 14 12 REVISE, to make a ne...
reviser 14 11 one who revises, als...
revises 14 11 REVISE, to make a ne...
revisit 15 11 to visit again [v -E...
revisor 14 11 one who revises, als...
revival 17 16 renewed interest or...
revived 16 16 REVIVE, to bring bac...
reviver 16 15 something that reviv...
revives 16 15 REVIVE, to bring bac...
revivor 16 15 the revival of a law...
revoice 16 14 to refurnish with a...
revoked 14 16 REVOKE, to annul by...
revoker 14 15 one who revokes [n -...
revokes 14 15 REVOKE, to annul by...
revolts 15 12 REVOLT, to rise up a...
revolve 16 16 to turn on an axis [...
revoted 13 12 REVOTE, to vote agai...
revotes 13 11 REVOTE, to vote agai...
revuist 15 12 a writer of revues [...
revving 17 18 REV, to increase the...
revying 21 16 REVIE, to stake high...
rewaked 15 15 REWAKE, to wake agai...
rewaken 14 15 to waken again, also...
rewakes 15 14 REWAKE, to wake agai...
rewards 15 11 REWARD, to give in r...
rewarms 16 13 REWARM, to warm agai...
rewater 14 10 to water again [v -E...
rewaxed 20 18 REWAX, to wax again...
rewaxes 20 17 REWAX, to wax again...
rewears 14 10 REWEAR, to wear agai...
reweave 15 14 to weave again [v RE...
reweigh 18 14 to weigh again [v -E...
rewelds 16 12 REWELD, to weld agai...
rewiden 14 12 to widen again [v -E...
rewilds 17 12 REWILD, to release (...
rewinds 15 12 REWIND, to wind agai...
rewired 15 11 REWIRE, to install n...
rewires 15 10 REWIRE, to install n...
rewoken 14 15 REWAKE, to wake agai...
rewords 15 11 REWORD, to state aga...
reworks 16 14 REWORK, to work agai...
rewound 14 13 REWIND, to wind agai...
rewoven 15 15 REWEAVE, to weave ag...
rewraps 17 13 REWRAP, to wrap agai...
rewrapt 17 13 REWRAP, to wrap agai...
rewrite 15 10 to write again [v RE...
rewrote 14 10 REWRITE, to write ag...
rexines 17 15 REXINE, (tradename)...
reynard 17 11 an appellation appli...
rezeros 14 16 REZERO, to reset (a...
rezoned 13 18 REZONE, to zone agai...
rezones 13 17 REZONE, to zone agai...
rhabdom 17 16 a rodlike structure...
rhabdus 17 14 a rodlike sponge spi...
rhachis 20 14 the spinal column, a...
rhamnus 15 14 a thorny tree or shr...
rhanjas 15 19 RHANJA, (Hinglish) a...
rhaphae 17 14 RHAPHE, a seamlike r...
rhaphes 18 14 RHAPHE, a seamlike r...
rhaphis 19 14 a needlelike crystal...
rhatany 19 12 a South American shr...
rheboks 17 16 RHEBOK, (Afrikaans)...
rhenium 15 14 a metallic element [...
rhetors 14 9 RHETOR, a teacher of...
rheumed 15 14 troubled by rheumati...
rheumic 19 16 pertaining to, or ch...
rhizine 17 19 a lichen rhizoid [n...
rhizoid 18 19 a short hairlike org...
rhizoma 18 21 a rootlike, undergro...
rhizome 18 21 a rootlike, undergro...
rhizopi 20 21 RHIZOPUS, any of a g...
rhodies 14 10 RHODY, (colloquial)...
rhodium 16 14 a very hard silvery-...
rhodora 13 10 a North American aza...
rhodous 14 11 of rhodium in lower...
rhombic 21 18 of or like a rhombus...
rhomboi 17 15 RHOMBOS, (Greek) a b...
rhombos 17 15 (Greek) a bullroarer...
rhombus 18 16 a type of geometric...
rhonchi 19 15 RHONCHUS, (Latin) a...
rhoncus 17 14 a rattling or whistl...
rhubarb 19 16 any species of the g...
rhumbas 18 16 RHUMBA, (Spanish) to...
rhymers 22 14 RHYMER, one who comp...
rhyming 23 17 RHYME, to compose ve...
rhymist 23 14 a versifier [n -S]
rhythmi 25 16 RHYTHMUS, a pattern...
rhythms 25 16 RHYTHM, a pattern of...
rhytina 20 12 an aquatic mammal of...
rhytons 20 12 RHYTON, an ancient G...
rialtos 13 8 RIALTO, a theatrical...
riantly 19 11 RIANT, mirthful, gay...
ribalds 16 12 RIBALD, (obsolete) a...
ribands 14 12 RIBAND, a ribbon, al...
ribauds 15 12 RIBAUD, (Spenser) a...
ribband 16 15 a ribbon, also RIBAN...
ribbers 17 13 RIBBER, one that rib...
ribbier 17 13 RIBBY, marked by rib...
ribbies 17 13 RIBBIE, in baseball,...
ribbing 18 16 an arrangement of ri...
ribbits 18 13 RIBBIT, the sound ma...
ribbons 16 14 RIBBON, to decorate...
ribbony 22 16 resembling ribbon [a...
ribcage 18 15 an enclosure for the...
ribeyes 20 12 RIBEYE, a choice cut...
ribibes 17 13 RIBIBE, (obsolete) a...
ribible 18 14 a small three-string...
ribiers 15 10 RIBIER, a large, bla...
ribless 16 11 without ribs [adj]
riblets 16 11 RIBLET, the rib end...
riblike 17 15 like a rib [adj]
riboses 14 10 RIBOSE, a pentose su...
ribston 14 11 a variety of winter...
ribwork 19 17 a rib vaulting [n -S...
ribwort 18 13 a plantain with lanc...
richens 17 13 RICHEN, to make or b...
richest 18 12 RICH, wealthy [adj]
riching 19 15 RICH, to grow rich [...
richted 18 13 RICHT, to right [v]
richter 18 12 RICHT, (Scots) right...
riciest 16 10 RICY, containing ric...
ricinus 16 12 a genus of plants of...
rickers 17 14 RICKER, a young tree...
rickets 17 14 a disease resulting...
rickety 23 16 shaky, ramshackle, a...
rickeys 23 16 RICKEY, an alcoholic...
ricking 18 17 RICK, to pile hay in...
rickles 18 15 RICKLE, (Scots) a lo...
ricksha 19 16 a small, two-wheeled...
ricotta 15 10 (Italian) a type of...
ricracs 19 13 RICRAC, a braid used...
ridable 15 12 capable of being rid...
ridders 13 9 RIDDER, one who rids...
ridding 14 12 RID, to free or clea...
riddled 14 11 RIDDLE, to pierce wi...
riddler 14 10 one who poses riddle...
riddles 14 10 RIDDLE, to pierce wi...
ridered 12 9 depicting a rider [a...
ridgels 15 11 RIDGEL, a male anima...
ridgers 14 10 RIDGER, a type of pl...
ridgier 14 10 RIDGY, having ridges...
ridgils 16 11 RIDGIL, a male anima...
ridging 15 13 the forming of ridge...
ridings 14 11 RIDING, a division o...
ridleys 20 11 RIDLEY, a sea turtle...
ridotto 12 8 a public musical ent...
riempie 15 13 (Afrikaans) a long r...
rievers 14 11 RIEVER, a raider, pl...
rieving 15 14 RIEVE, to rob, plund...
riffage 17 15 in jazz, the act of...
riffing 18 16 RIFF, to play such a...
riffled 18 15 RIFFLE, to ruffle, t...
riffler 18 14 a small file with cu...
riffles 18 14 RIFFLE, to ruffle, t...
riffola 17 14 (colloquial) the use...
riflers 16 11 RIFLER, a hawk that...
riflery 22 13 the practice of shoo...
rifling 17 14 the system of groove...
riflips 19 14 RIFLIP, the genetic...
riftier 15 10 RIFTY, having fissur...
rifting 16 13 RIFT, to form a fiss...
riggald 16 13 a male animal with o...
riggers 15 11 RIGGER, one who rigs...
rigging 16 14 the system of lines,...
riggish 18 13 (Shakespeare) wanton...
righted 16 12 RIGHT, to put in pro...
righten 15 12 (archaic) to set rig...
righter 16 11 one who sets things...
rightly 24 14 RIGHT, being in acco...
rigider 14 10 RIGID, stiff [adj]
rigidly 22 13 RIGID, stiff [adv]
rigling 16 13 a male animal with o...
riglins 15 11 RIGLIN, a male anima...
rigolls 16 11 RIGOLL, a gutter or...
rigours 14 10 RIGOUR, severity [n]
rigouts 14 10 RIGOUT, a person's d...
rikisha 16 13 a small, two-wheeled...
rikishi 17 13 (Japanese) a sumo wr...
rikshaw 19 16 a small, two-wheeled...
riliest 14 8 RILEY, turbid, also...
rilievi 16 12 RILIEVO, the project...
rilievo 15 12 the projection of fi...
rillets 15 9 RILLET, a small rill...
rilling 16 12 RILL, to flow like a...
rimayes 19 12 RIMAYE, a bergschrun...
rimfire 16 13 a cartridge having t...
rimiest 14 10 RIMY, covered with r...
rimland 14 13 an outlying area [n...
rimless 15 11 without a rim [adj]
rimmers 15 13 RIMMER, a tool used...
rimming 16 16 stimulation of the a...
rimpled 17 15 RIMPLE, to wrinkle [...
rimples 17 14 RIMPLE, to wrinkle [...
rimrock 18 17 an outcrop of resist...
rimshot 16 12 a sound made by a dr...
rindier 12 9 RINDY, covered in ri...
rinding 13 12 RIND, to cover with...
ringbit 16 13 a horse's bit [n -S]
ringent 12 11 having gaping liplik...
ringers 13 10 RINGER, one that rin...
ringgit 15 12 (Malay) a monetary u...
ringing 14 13 making a ringing sou...
ringlet 14 11 a small ring [n -S]
ringman 13 14 the ring finger [n R...
ringmen 13 14 RINGMAN, the ring fi...
ringtaw 16 13 a game of marbles [n...
ringway 22 15 a ring-road [n -S]
rinking 14 15 RINK, to skate at an...
rinning 12 12 RIN, (Scots) to run...
rinsers 12 8 RINSER, something or...
rinsing 13 11 the act of rinsing [...
rioters 12 7 RIOTER, one that rio...
rioting 13 10 the act of rioting [...
riotise 12 7 (obsolete) riot, ext...
riotize 15 16 (obsolete) riot, ext...
riotous 12 8 characterized by rio...
ripcord 18 14 a cord to release a...
ripecks 19 17 RIPECK, a pole used...
ripened 13 12 RIPEN, to become rip...
ripener 13 11 one that ripens [n -...
ripieni 14 11 RIPIENO, a musical p...
ripieno 13 11 a musical passage pe...
ripoffs 19 16 RIPOFF, a swindle, a...
riposte 14 10 to make a return thr...
riposts 15 10 RIPOST, to make a re...
rippers 17 13 RIPPER, (obsolete) a...
rippier 17 13 (obsolete) a person...
ripping 18 16 the act of copying a...
rippled 18 15 RIPPLE, to form smal...
rippler 18 14 a toothed tool for c...
ripples 18 14 RIPPLE, to form smal...
ripplet 18 14 a small ripple [n -S...
ripraps 17 13 RIPRAP, to strengthe...
ripsawn 17 14 RIPSAW, to cut with...
ripsaws 18 13 RIPSAW, to cut with...
ripstop 17 13 a fabric woven so th...
riptide 15 11 a tide that opposes...
risible 16 11 provoking laughter [...
risibly 23 13 RISIBLE, provoking l...
risings 14 10 RISING, the act of o...
riskers 14 11 RISKER, one who risk...
riskful 18 16 dangerous, also RISK...
riskier 14 11 RISKY, dangerous, al...
riskily 22 14 RISKY, dangerous, al...
risking 15 14 RISK, to expose to l...
risorii 13 7 RISORIUS, a facial m...
risotto 12 7 (Italian) rice cooke...
risping 16 13 a portion grated off...
risques 21 17 RISQUE, a hazard or...
rissole 13 8 a small ball filled...
ristras 13 7 RISTRA, a string of...
risuses 13 8 RISUS, (Latin) a lau...
ritards 13 8 RITARD, (Italian) a...
ritters 13 7 RITTER, (archaic) a...
ritting 14 10 RIT, (Scots) to scra...
rituals 14 9 RITUAL, a system of...
ritzier 16 16 RITZY, pretentious [...
ritzily 24 19 RITZY, pretentious [...
rivages 15 13 RIVAGE, (French) a s...
rivaled 15 13 RIVAL, to strive to...
rivalry 22 14 competition, also RI...
rivered 14 12 watered by rivers [a...
riveret 14 11 (archaic) a small ri...
riveted 14 12 RIVET, to fasten wit...
riveter 14 11 one who rivets [n -S...
riviera 14 11 (Italian) a warm coa...
riviere 14 11 (French) a necklace...
rivlins 16 13 RIVLIN, (Scots) a sh...
rivulet 16 13 a small stream [n -S...
rivulus 17 14 a small tropical Ame...
rizards 16 17 RIZARD, (Scots) a re...
rizzars 19 25 RIZZAR, (Scots) to d...
rizzart 19 25 (Scots) a redcurrant...
rizzers 19 25 RIZZER, (Scots) to d...
rizzors 19 25 RIZZOR, (Scots) to d...
roached 16 13 ROACH, to clip or tr...
roaches 16 12 ROACH, to clip or tr...
roadbed 13 12 the foundation for a...
roadeos 10 8 ROADEO, a competitio...
roadhog 14 12 a selfish or aggress...
roadies 11 8 ROADIE, a person who...
roading 12 11 a wood-cock's evenin...
roadman 11 12 one who works making...
roadmen 11 12 ROADMAN, one who wor...
roadway 20 13 a road, also RODEWAY...
roamers 12 10 ROAMER, one who roam...
roaming 13 13 the act of roaming [...
roarers 11 7 ROARER, one who roar...
roarier 11 7 ROARY, noisy, garish...
roaring 12 10 proceeding with very...
roasted 11 8 ROAST, to cook with...
roaster 11 7 a pan or dish in whi...
roastie 11 7 (colloquial) a roast...
roating 12 10 ROATE, to learn by r...
robalos 14 11 ROBALO, (Spanish) a...
robands 13 12 ROBAND, a piece of y...
robatas 13 10 ROBATA, (Japanese) a...
robbers 16 13 ROBBER, one that rob...
robbery 22 15 the act of one who r...
robbing 17 16 ROB, to steal [v]
robbins 16 14 ROBBIN, a kind of pa...
robings 15 13 ROBING, the putting...
robinia 13 11 a genus of leguminou...
robotic 17 13 relating to a robot...
robotry 20 12 the science of robot...
robusta 14 11 a kind of coffee gro...
rochets 17 12 ROCHET, a close-fitt...
rockaby 24 19 a song used to lull...
rockers 16 14 ROCKER, the rock dov...
rockery 22 16 a rock garden [n ROC...
rockets 16 14 ROCKET, to be projec...
rockier 16 14 the rock dove, also...
rockily 24 17 ROCKY, shaky, or uns...
rocking 17 17 moving back and fort...
rocklay 23 17 (Scots) a short cloa...
rockoon 14 15 a small rocket [n -S...
rococos 17 13 ROCOCO, (French) a s...
rocquet 23 20 a close-fitting surp...
rodding 13 12 the act of clearing...
rodents 11 9 RODENT, a gnawing ma...
rodeoed 10 9 RODEO, to perform a...
rodeway 20 13 (Shakespeare) a road...
rodings 13 11 RODING, a wood-cock'...
rodless 13 9 without a rod [adj]
rodlike 14 13 like a rod [adj]
rodneys 17 11 RODNEY, (Canadian) a...
rodsman 12 12 a surveyor's assista...
rodsmen 12 12 RODSMAN, a surveyor'...
rodster 12 8 (archaic) an angler...
roebuck 18 18 the male of a small...
roemers 12 10 ROEMER, a large drin...
roestis 12 7 ROESTI, a dish of gr...
rogallo 14 11 a light and flexible...
rogered 12 10 ROGER, (slang) to ha...
rognons 11 11 ROGNON, (French) an...
roguers 13 10 ROGUER, a rogue [n]
roguery 19 12 roguish conduct [n R...
roguing 14 13 ROGUE, to cheat or d...
roguish 16 12 dishonest [adj ROGUI...
roilier 13 8 ROILY, turbid [adj]
roiling 14 11 ROIL, to make muddy...
roining 12 11 ROIN, (Spenser) to g...
roinish 14 10 (Shakespeare) mangy;...
roisted 12 8 ROIST, to revel nois...
roister 12 7 to revel noisily, ca...
rokelay 19 14 (Scots) a short cloa...
rokiest 13 11 ROKY, (dialect) mist...
rokkaku 15 20 (Japanese) a fightin...
rolfers 15 11 ROLFER, a manipulato...
rolfing 16 14 a therapeutic techni...
rollbar 16 12 a frame to protect t...
rollers 14 9 ROLLER, a cylindrica...
rollick 19 16 to behave in a caref...
rollies 14 9 ROLLIE, a hand-rolle...
rolling 15 12 the act of rolling [...
rollmop 17 15 a fillet of herring...
rollock 18 16 a contrivance servin...
rollout 14 10 a type of play in fo...
rolltop 16 12 having a flexible, s...
rollups 17 13 ROLLUP, something th...
rollway 23 14 an incline for rolli...
romages 13 12 ROMAGE, (Shakespeare...
romaika 13 14 a modern Greek dance...
romaine 11 11 (French) a type of l...
romajis 15 19 ROMAJI, (Japanese) a...
romance 14 14 to woo [v ROMANCED,...
romanos 11 11 ROMANO, (Italian) a...
romanza 14 20 a short instrumental...
romaunt 12 12 (archaic) a romantic...
romcoms 17 16 ROMCOM, a romantic c...
romneya 17 13 a plant with large w...
rompers 15 13 ROMPER, a one-piece...
romping 16 16 ROMP, to play boiste...
rompish 18 15 inclined to romp [ad...
rondeau 10 10 (French) a poem of 1...
rondels 12 10 RONDEL, (French) a v...
rondino 10 10 (Italian) a short ro...
rondure 11 10 (Shakespeare) a grac...
roneoed 9 9 RONEO, (tradename) t...
ronions 10 9 RONION, a mangy or s...
ronnels 11 10 RONNEL, an insectici...
ronnies 10 9 RONNIE, (slang) Dubl...
ronning 11 12 RUN, to move by rapi...
rontgen 11 11 (German) the interna...
ronyons 16 11 RONYON, (Shakespeare...
ronzers 14 17 RONZER, (New Zealand...
roofers 13 10 ROOFER, one who supp...
roofier 13 10 ROOFY, having a roof...
roofies 13 10 ROOFIE, a tablet of...
roofing 14 13 material for a roof...
rooftop 15 13 the outside of a roo...
rooibos 13 10 (Afrikaans) tea prep...
rooikat 12 11 (Afrikaans) a South...
rooinek 11 12 (Afrikaans) an Afrik...
rookery 18 13 a colony of European...
rookier 12 11 ROOKY, (Shakespeare)...
rookies 12 11 ROOKIE, a new recrui...
rooking 13 14 ROOK, to swindle [v]
rookish 15 13 like a rook [adj]
roomers 12 10 ROOMER, a lodger [n]
roomful 16 15 the contents of a ro...
roomier 12 10 ROOMY, spacious [adj...
roomies 12 10 ROOMIE, (colloquial)...
roomily 20 13 ROOMY, spacious [adv...
rooming 13 13 ROOM, to occupy a ro...
roopier 13 10 ROOPY, (Scots) hoars...
rooping 14 13 ROOP, (Scots) to mak...
roosers 11 7 ROOSER, (Scots) a bo...
roosing 12 10 ROOSE, to heap prais...
roosted 11 8 ROOST, to prepare fo...
rooster 11 7 a domestic cock [n -...
rootage 11 9 a system of roots [n...
rootcap 16 13 the loose mass of ce...
rooters 11 7 ROOTER, a vocal supp...
rootier 11 7 ROOTY, full of roots...
rooties 11 7 ROOTY, military slan...
rooting 12 10 the act of rooting [...
rootkit 13 11 a set of programs us...
rootled 12 9 ROOTLE, to grub [v]
rootles 12 8 ROOTLE, to grub [v]
rootlet 12 8 a small root [n -S]
ropable 16 14 that can be roped, a...
ropeway 22 15 an aerial cable used...
ropiest 14 10 ROPY, resembling rop...
ropings 15 13 ROPING, the act of r...
roquets 20 17 ROQUET, to make such...
roriest 12 7 RORY, (Scots) noisy,...
rorqual 21 18 a large whale, a fin...
rorters 12 7 RORTER, a conman [n]
rortier 12 7 RORTY, (Australian s...
rorting 13 10 the falsification of...
rosacea 13 10 a skin disease [n -S...
rosaces 14 10 ROSACE, (French) a r...
rosaker 12 11 (obsolete) a bright-...
rosalia 12 8 (Italian) a series o...
rosaria 11 7 ROSARIUM, a rose gar...
rosbifs 17 13 ROSBIF, (French) an...
roscoes 14 10 ROSCOE, (US slang) a...
roseate 10 7 resembling a rose; o...
rosebay 19 12 the oleander; any rh...
rosebed 13 11 a part of a garden w...
rosebud 14 12 the bud of a rose [n...
rosehip 16 12 the fruit of the ros...
rosella 13 9 an Australian parake...
roselle 13 9 an East Indian hibis...
roseola 11 8 a rose-coloured skin...
roseted 11 8 ROSET, (Scots) to co...
rosette 11 7 a knot or radiating...
rosetty 18 9 (Scots) like rosin,...
rosiere 11 7 (Spenser) a rosebush...
rosiers 12 7 ROSIER, a rosebush,...
rosiest 12 7 ROSY, rose-coloured...
rosined 11 9 ROSIN, to treat with...
rosiner 11 8 a strong alcoholic d...
rosinol 12 9 a rosin oil [n -S]
rosited 12 8 ROSIT, (Scots) to co...
rosolio 12 8 (Italian) a sweet co...
rossers 12 7 ROSSER, (slang) a po...
rosters 12 7 ROSTER, to put on a...
rosting 13 10 ROST, (obsolete) to...
rostral 13 8 of or like a rostrum...
rostrum 14 11 a beaklike process o...
rosulas 13 9 ROSULA, a leaf-roset...
rosying 19 12 ROSY, to redden [v]
rotated 11 8 ROTATE, to turn like...
rotates 11 7 ROTATE, to turn like...
rotator 11 7 a muscle serving to...
rotches 17 12 ROTCH, the little au...
rotchie 17 12 the little auk, also...
rotguts 14 10 ROTGUT, (colloquial)...
rothers 14 9 ROTHER, (obsolete) a...
rotifer 14 10 a microscopic aquati...
rotinis 12 8 ROTINI, (Italian) a...
rotolos 12 8 ROTOLO, (Italian) an...
rottans 11 8 ROTTAN, (dialect) a...
rottens 11 8 ROTTEN, a rat [n]
rotters 12 7 ROTTER, a scoundrel...
rotting 13 10 ROT, to decompose [v...
rotulae 12 9 ROTULA, (Latin) the...
rotulas 13 9 ROTULA, (Latin) the...
rotunda 11 10 (Italian) a rounded,...
rotunds 12 10 ROTUND, to round [v]
roubles 15 12 ROUBLE, a monetary u...
rouched 17 14 trimmed with a rouch...
rouches 17 13 ROUCHE, (French) a f...
roucous 15 12 ROUCOU, a bright ora...
roughed 15 13 ROUGH, to make rough...
roughen 14 13 to make rough [v -ED...
rougher 15 12 a person who perform...
roughie 15 12 a dry bough used as...
roughly 23 15 ROUGH, having an une...
rouging 14 13 ROUGE, to colour wit...
rouille 14 10 (French) a peppery g...
roulade 12 10 (French) a meat roll...
rouleau 12 10 (French) a roll of c...
rouming 14 14 in the phrase soumin...
rounces 14 12 ROUNCE, part of a ha...
rounded 11 11 ROUND, to make round...
roundel 12 11 a round object, also...
rounder 11 10 a tool for rounding...
roundle 12 11 a round object, also...
roundly 19 13 ROUND, shaped like a...
roundup 14 14 an assembling of sca...
roupier 14 11 ROUPY, hoarse, also...
roupily 22 14 ROUPY, hoarse, also...
rouping 15 14 ROUP, (Scots) to auc...
rousant 11 9 rising as a bird [ad...
rousers 12 8 ROUSER, a person or...
rousing 13 11 ROUSE, to disturb or...
rousted 12 9 ROUST, to arouse and...
rouster 12 8 a wharf labourer and...
routers 12 8 ROUTER, a two-handle...
routhie 14 10 (Scots) plentiful [a...
routine 11 9 regular [adj ROUTINE...
routing 13 11 going to receptions...
routous 12 9 (archaic) like a rou...
rovings 15 14 ROVING, the act of r...
rowable 17 14 able to be rowed [ad...
rowboat 16 13 a small boat designe...
rowdier 15 11 ROWDY, turbulent [ad...
rowdies 15 11 ROWDY, a noisy, turb...
rowdily 23 14 ROWDY, turbulent [ad...
roweled 15 12 ROWEL, to prick with...
rowings 16 13 ROWING, the sport of...
rowlock 20 18 a device for holding...
rownded 14 13 ROWND, (obsolete) to...
rowover 16 14 a rowing event won b...
rowting 16 13 ROWT, to rummage out...
royalet 18 10 a petty king [n -S]
royally 26 13 ROYAL, relating to a...
royalty 25 12 the status or power...
royning 18 13 ROYNE, (Spenser) to...
roynish 20 12 (Shakespeare) mangy;...
roysted 18 10 ROYST, to revel nois...
royster 18 9 to revel noisily, ca...
rozelle 16 18 an East Indian hibis...
rozeted 14 17 ROZET, (Scots) to ro...
rozited 15 17 ROZIT, (Scots) to ro...
rozzers 18 25 ROZZER, (slang) a po...
rubaboo 15 14 a type of soup, also...
rubaces 17 14 RUBACE, a kind of ru...
rubasse 14 11 a kind of ruby-red q...
rubatos 14 11 RUBATO, a musical pi...
rubbers 17 14 RUBBER, to provide w...
rubbery 23 16 resembling an elasti...
rubbidy 24 17 a pub (rhyming slang...
rubbies 17 14 RUBBY, (Canadian sla...
rubbing 18 17 an image produced by...
rubbish 20 16 to criticize [v -ED,...
rubbity 24 16 a pub (rhyming slang...
rubbled 18 16 RUBBLE, to reduce in...
rubbles 18 15 RUBBLE, to reduce in...
rubdown 17 16 a brisk rubbing down...
rubella 16 13 a virus disease, Ger...
rubeola 14 12 a virus disease, mea...
rubicon 17 15 the winning of a gam...
rubidic 19 15 of or pertaining to...
rubiest 15 11 RUBY, red like a rub...
rubigos 16 13 RUBIGO, red iron oxi...
rubines 14 12 RUBINE, (Spenser) a...
rubious 15 12 ruby coloured [adj]
ruboffs 19 17 RUBOFF, a deep impre...
rubouts 15 12 RUBOUT, an act of ru...
rubrics 19 14 RUBRIC, a passage in...
rubuses 15 12 RUBUS, (Latin) a gen...
rubying 22 16 RUBY, to redden [v]
ruching 19 16 a ruche, or ruches c...
rucking 18 18 RUCK, to wrinkle or...
ruckled 18 17 RUCKLE, to wrinkle o...
ruckles 18 16 RUCKLE, to wrinkle o...
ruckman 17 19 in Australian rules...
ruckmen 17 19 RUCKMAN, in Australi...
rucolas 16 12 RUCOLA, (Italian) a...
ruction 15 12 a noisy disturbance...
rudases 12 9 RUDAS, (Scots) a fou...
rudders 13 10 RUDDER, a vertical b...
ruddied 13 11 RUDDY, to redden [v]
ruddier 13 10 RUDDY, reddish [adj]
ruddies 13 10 RUDDY, to redden [v]
ruddily 21 13 RUDDY, reddish [adv]
rudding 14 13 RUD, (Spenser) to re...
ruddled 14 12 RUDDLE, to colour wi...
ruddles 14 11 RUDDLE, to colour wi...
ruddock 17 17 (dialect) a robin, a...
ruderal 13 10 a plant growing in p...
rudesby 21 14 (Shakespeare) an unc...
rudists 14 9 RUDIST, a cone-shape...
rueings 13 11 RUEING, repentance [...
ruelles 14 10 RUELLE, the space be...
ruellia 14 10 a plant of the acant...
ruffian 16 15 to behave like a tou...
ruffing 18 17 RUFF, at bridge, to...
ruffins 17 15 RUFFIN, (Spenser) a...
ruffled 18 16 RUFFLE, to disturb t...
ruffler 18 15 a beggar posing as a...
ruffles 18 15 RUFFLE, to disturb t...
rufiyaa 20 13 a monetary unit of t...
rugbies 16 13 RUGBY, a form of foo...
ruggers 15 12 RUGGER, a form of fo...
ruggier 15 12 RUGGY, rough and une...
rugging 16 15 a coarse kind of woo...
ruglike 16 15 like a floor coverin...
rugolas 14 11 RUGOLA, (Italian) a...
rugosas 13 10 RUGOSA, a garden ros...
rugrats 14 10 RUGRAT, (colloquial)...
ruinate 11 9 (archaic) to ruin, d...
ruiners 12 9 RUINER, one who ruin...
ruining 13 12 the act of ruining [...
ruinous 12 10 destructive [adj RUI...
rulable 16 13 able to be ruled [ad...
rulered 13 10 RULER, to strike wit...
rulesse 13 9 (Spenser) unruly, wi...
ruliest 14 9 RULY, obedient, orde...
rulings 15 12 RULING, an authorita...
rullion 14 11 (Scots) a rawhide sh...
rullock 19 17 a contrivance servin...
rumakis 15 15 RUMAKI, (Japanese) a...
rumbaed 15 15 RUMBA, to perform a...
rumbled 17 16 RUMBLE, to make a de...
rumbler 17 15 a machine for peelin...
rumbles 17 15 RUMBLE, to make a de...
rumdums 16 16 RUMDUM, an alcoholic...
ruminal 14 13 of or like the rumen...
rumkins 15 16 RUMKIN, (obsolete) a...
rummage 15 16 to search thoroughly...
rummers 15 14 RUMMER, (Dutch) a la...
rummest 15 14 RUM, odd, droll [adj...
rummier 15 14 RUMMY, queer [adj]
rummies 15 14 RUMMY, a card game [...
rummily 23 17 RUMMY, queer [adv]
rummish 18 16 (Scots) to roar or p...
rumness 13 12 the state of being o...
rumored 13 12 RUMOR, to spread by...
rumorer 13 11 a person who is give...
rumours 14 12 RUMOUR, to spread by...
rumpies 16 14 RUMPY, a Manx cat [n...
rumping 17 17 RUMP, to turn one's...
rumpled 17 16 RUMPLE, to wrinkle,...
rumples 17 15 RUMPLE, to wrinkle,...
rumpots 16 14 RUMPOT, an alcoholic...
runanga 11 12 a Maori assembly or...
runaway 20 14 one that runs away [...
runback 18 19 the area behind the...
runches 17 14 RUNCH, a wild radish...
rundale 12 11 (Scots) a system of...
rundled 13 12 having a rung [adj]
rundles 13 11 RUNDLE, a round, a r...
rundlet 13 11 (archaic) an old liq...
rundown 14 14 a summary, a stateme...
runflat 15 13 a tyre able to run a...
runkled 14 15 RUNKLE, to wrinkle,...
runkles 14 14 RUNKLE, to wrinkle,...
runless 13 10 scoring no runs in b...
runlets 13 10 RUNLET, a little bro...
runnels 12 11 RUNNEL, a little bro...
runners 11 10 RUNNER, one who runs...
runnets 11 10 RUNNET, (dialect) re...
runnier 11 10 RUNNY, inclined to r...
running 12 13 flowing [adj RUNNING...
runnion 10 11 (Shakespeare) a mang...
runoffs 16 15 RUNOFF, a rainfall t...
runouts 12 10 RUNOUT, a dismissal...
runover 13 13 matter for publicati...
runrigs 14 11 RUNRIG, (Scots) a sy...
runtier 12 9 RUNTY, like a runt [...
runtish 15 11 somewhat runty [adj...
runways 21 14 RUNWAY, a landing an...
rupiahs 17 13 RUPIAH, a monetary u...
rupture 15 12 to burst [v RUPTURED...
rurally 21 12 RURAL, belonging to...
rusalka 14 13 (Russian) a water-ny...
rushees 14 10 RUSHEE, a college st...
rushers 15 10 RUSHER, in American...
rushier 15 10 RUSHY, abounding in...
rushing 16 13 yardage gained in fo...
russels 14 9 RUSSEL, a ribbed cot...
russets 13 8 RUSSET, to become re...
russety 19 10 rust coloured [adj]
russias 13 8 RUSSIA, a fine brown...
russify 22 13 to make Russian [v R...
russula 14 10 any fungus of the ge...
rustics 17 11 RUSTIC, one who live...
rustier 13 8 RUSTY, covered with...
rustily 21 11 RUSTY, covered with...
rusting 14 11 the act of rusting [...
rustled 14 10 RUSTLE, to steal cat...
rustler 14 9 one who steals cattl...
rustles 14 9 RUSTLE, to steal cat...
rustred 13 9 pierced with a rustr...
rustres 13 8 RUSTRE, a lozenge pi...
ruthful 19 15 full of compassion [...
rutiles 14 9 RUTILE, a reddish-br...
rutters 13 8 RUTTER, (obsolete) a...
ruttier 13 8 RUTTY, marked by rut...
ruttily 21 11 RUTTY, marked by rut...
rutting 14 11 the act of sexual co...
ruttish 16 10 (Shakespeare) lustfu...
ryepeck 24 19 a pole used for moor...
rymming 22 18 RYMME, (obsolete) to...
ryokans 18 14 RYOKAN, (Japanese) a...
rypecks 25 19 RYPECK, a pole used...