8 letter words that start with R

8 letter words that start with R

8 letter R word


Words With Friends®


rabannas 13 13 RABANNA, a kind of r...
rabaskas 16 15 RABASKA, (Native Ame...
rabatine 14 12 (Scott) a low collar...
rabatoes 14 11 RABATO, (Shakespeare...
rabatted 15 12 RABATTE, (French) to...
rabattes 15 11 RABATTE, (French) to...
rabbeted 17 15 RABBET, to join by a...
rabbinic 21 18 (Hebrew) of or perta...
rabbited 18 15 RABBIT, to hunt rabb...
rabbiter 18 14 one who hunts rabbit...
rabbitoh 20 16 (Australian slang) a...
rabbitos 18 14 RABBITO, (Australian...
rabbitry 25 16 a place where rabbit...
rabblers 19 15 RABBLER, a scraping...
rabbling 20 18 (Scots) the mobbing...
rabbonis 17 15 RABBONI, (Hebrew) my...
rabidest 16 12 RABID, afflicted wit...
rabidity 23 14 the state of being r...
rabietic 19 14 suffering from rabie...
racahout 18 14 (Arabic) acorn meal,...
raccoons 18 15 RACCOON, a small Ame...
raceable 18 15 (of a racecourse) fi...
racecard 19 15 a programme for a ra...
racegoer 16 13 an attender of race...
racemate 16 14 a salt of racemic ac...
racemise 17 14 to change into racem...
racemism 19 17 the quality of being...
racemize 20 23 to change into racem...
racemoid 17 15 shaped like a raceme...
racemose 16 14 having the form of a...
racemous 17 15 having the form of a...
racepath 20 16 a course for races [...
racewalk 21 19 to walk for speed wh...
raceways 25 16 RACEWAY, a course fo...
racheted 18 14 RACHET, to move by a...
rachides 19 14 RACHIS, the spinal c...
rachilla 21 15 the central stalk or...
rachises 19 13 RACHIS, the spinal c...
rachitic 23 16 pertaining to or hav...
rachitis 20 13 inflammation of the...
racially 25 15 RACIAL, pertaining t...
raciness 16 12 the quality of being...
racketed 17 16 RACKET, to make a lo...
racketer 17 15 one who makes, or en...
racketry 24 17 illegal interference...
racketts 18 15 RACKETT, (German) an...
rackfuls 22 20 RACKFUL, as much as...
rackings 19 18 RACKING, the act of...
rackwork 22 22 any mechanism having...
raclette 17 12 (French) a dish made...
racloirs 18 12 RACLOIR, (French) a...
racquets 25 21 RACQUET, to strike w...
raddling 16 14 RADDLE, to redden wi...
raddocke 17 17 (Shakespeare) a robi...
radiable 16 13 capable of radiating...
radialia 14 10 RADIALE, a wrist-bon...
radially 22 13 RADIAL, having rays...
radiance 15 13 the quality of being...
radiancy 22 15 the quality of being...
radiants 13 10 RADIANT, a straight...
radiatas 13 9 RADIATA, an original...
radiated 13 10 RADIATE, to emit ray...
radiates 13 9 RADIATE, to emit ray...
radiator 13 9 a heating device [n...
radicals 18 13 RADICAL, a group of...
radicand 16 14 a quantity in mathem...
radicant 16 13 rooting from the ste...
radicate 16 12 to cause to take roo...
radicels 18 13 RADICEL, a rootlike...
radicles 18 13 RADICLE, a rootlike...
radicule 18 14 a rootlike organ or...
radioing 14 12 RADIO, to transmit b...
radioman 13 13 a radio operator or...
radiomen 13 13 RADIOMAN, a radio op...
radishes 16 11 RADISH, a pungent ro...
radiused 14 11 RADIUS, to give a ro...
radiuses 14 10 RADIUS, (Latin) the...
radulate 14 11 having a radula, a m...
radwaste 16 12 radioactive waste [n...
rafflers 19 15 RAFFLER, one who raf...
raffling 20 18 RAFFLE, to dispose o...
raftered 15 12 RAFTER, to supply wi...
raftings 17 14 RAFTING, an activity...
raftsman 16 15 one who manages a ra...
raftsmen 16 15 RAFTSMAN, one who ma...
ragbolts 18 14 RAGBOLT, a bolt with...
raggeder 15 13 RAGGED, tattered [ad...
raggedly 23 16 RAGGED, tattered [ad...
raggiest 16 12 RAGGY, tattered [adj...
raggings 17 15 RAGGING, the act of...
raggling 18 16 RAGGLE, to cut a gro...
ragheads 16 13 RAGHEAD, an Arab [n]
ragingly 23 16 RAGING, furious [adv...
ragments 15 14 RAGMENT, (obsolete)...
ragouted 14 12 RAGOUT, to make into...
ragstone 13 11 any of various diffe...
ragtimer 16 13 one who plays ragtim...
ragtimes 16 13 RAGTIME, a style of...
ragweeds 17 14 RAGWEED, any of vari...
ragwheel 20 16 a toothed wheel [n -...
ragworks 19 17 RAGWORK, undressed m...
ragworms 19 16 RAGWORM, any polycha...
ragworts 18 13 RAGWORT, a common co...
raidings 15 12 RAIDING, the act of...
railages 15 11 RAILAGE, transportat...
railbeds 17 13 RAILBED, the bed of...
railbird 18 13 a racing enthusiast...
railcard 18 13 a special travel car...
railcars 18 12 RAILCAR, a railway c...
railhead 16 12 the end of a railway...
railings 16 12 RAILING, a fencelike...
raillery 22 12 good-natured teasing...
railless 16 10 without rails [adj]
raillies 16 10 RAILLY, a jacket [n]
railroad 14 10 to put through a pro...
railways 24 14 RAILWAY, a railroad...
raiments 14 12 RAIMENT, (archaic) c...
rainband 14 14 a dark band in the e...
rainbird 16 13 a bird, such as the...
rainbows 18 15 RAINBOW, an arc of s...
rainbowy 24 17 like a rainbow [adj]
raincoat 15 12 a coat worn to keep...
raindate 12 10 an alternate date in...
raindrop 15 13 a drop of rain [n -S...
rainfall 17 14 a fall of rain [n -S...
rainiest 13 9 RAINY, marked by rai...
rainless 14 10 without rain [adj]
rainouts 13 10 RAINOUT, atomic fall...
rainsuit 14 10 a waterproof jacket...
rainwash 18 14 to wash material dow...
rainwear 15 12 waterproof clothing...
raisable 16 12 capable of being rai...
raisings 15 11 RAISING, an elevatio...
raisonne 11 10 (French) arranged sy...
rajaship 20 22 the office of a raja...
rakehell 18 16 a man lacking in mor...
rakeoffs 18 18 RAKEOFF, a share of...
rakeries 14 12 RAKERY, dissolutenes...
rakishly 25 17 RAKISH, dapper [adv]
rakshasa 16 14 (Sanskrit) in Hindu...
ralliers 16 10 RALLIER, one who ral...
rallying 23 15 the sport of driving...
rallyist 23 12 one who takes part i...
ralphing 20 17 RALPH, (US slang) to...
ramakins 15 16 RAMAKIN, a small cas...
ramblers 18 15 RAMBLER, one that ra...
rambling 19 18 discursive [adj RAMB...
rambutan 16 16 (Malay) a tree of th...
ramekins 15 16 RAMEKIN, a small cas...
ramentum 15 16 a scale formed on th...
ramequin 22 22 a small casserole di...
ramified 17 15 RAMIFY, to divide in...
ramifies 17 14 RAMIFY, to divide in...
ramiform 18 17 shaped like a branch...
ramilies 16 12 RAMILIE, a type of w...
ramillie 17 13 a type of wig, also...
rammiest 16 14 RAMMY, resembling a...
ramosely 21 14 RAMOSE, branched, as...
ramosity 21 13 the state of being r...
ramously 22 15 RAMOUS, having many...
rampaged 17 17 RAMPAGE, to rush aro...
rampager 17 16 one who rampages [n...
rampages 17 16 RAMPAGE, to rush aro...
rampancy 25 20 the state of being r...
ramparts 17 14 RAMPART, to furnish...
rampauge 17 17 (Scots) to rampage [...
rampicks 22 21 RAMPICK, a dead tree...
rampikes 18 18 RAMPIKE, a dead tree...
rampings 18 17 RAMPING, the practic...
rampions 16 15 RAMPION, a European...
rampired 17 15 having a rampire [ad...
rampires 17 14 RAMPIRE, a flat-topp...
rampoles 17 15 RAMPOLE, a dead tree...
rampsman 17 18 a person who exploit...
rampsmen 17 18 RAMPSMAN, a person w...
ramshorn 16 14 a snail used as an a...
ramtilla 17 13 a plant of the India...
ramulose 15 13 having many small br...
ramulous 16 14 having many small br...
ranarian 11 10 pertaining to frogs...
ranarium 14 13 a place for rearing...
ranchera 17 14 (Spanish) a type of...
ranchero 17 14 (Spanish) in Mexico...
ranchers 18 14 RANCHER, one that ow...
ranching 19 17 the act of ranching...
ranchman 18 18 one who works on or...
ranchmen 18 18 RANCHMAN, one who wo...
rancider 16 13 RANCID, rank in tast...
rancidly 24 16 RANCID, rank in tast...
rancored 15 13 having feelings of r...
rancours 16 13 RANCOUR, bitter and...
randiest 13 10 RANDY, full of sexua...
randlord 14 12 in South Africa, a 1...
randomly 21 16 RANDOM, haphazard [a...
rangiest 14 11 RANGY, tall and slen...
rangings 15 14 RANGING, the act of...
rangiora 13 11 (Maori) an evergreen...
rangolis 15 12 RANGOLI, (Hindi) a t...
raniform 16 15 frog-like [adj]
rankings 15 16 RANKING, a listing o...
rankisms 16 16 RANKISM, discriminat...
rankists 15 13 RANKIST, a person wh...
rankless 15 14 without a rank [adj]
rankling 16 17 RANKLE, to cause irr...
rankness 13 14 the state of being r...
ranpikes 16 16 RANPIKE, a dead tree...
ransacks 17 16 RANSACK, to search t...
ransomed 13 13 RANSOM, to pay a pri...
ransomer 13 12 one who ransoms [n -...
rantings 14 12 RANTING, the act of...
raoulias 14 10 RAOULIA, a New Zeala...
rapacity 25 16 the quality of being...
rapeseed 14 12 the seed of rape, fr...
raphania 16 14 a form of ergotism,...
raphides 18 14 RAPHIS, a needlelike...
rapidest 16 12 RAPID, quick [adj]
rapidity 23 14 the state of being r...
rapiered 15 12 having a rapier [adj...
raplochs 22 17 RAPLOCH, (Scots) a h...
rapparee 16 14 (Irish) a wild Irish...
rappeled 18 16 RAPPEL, to descend f...
rappings 19 17 RAPPING, the process...
rapports 18 14 RAPPORT, (French) a...
raptness 15 12 the state of being r...
raptured 16 13 RAPTURE, to fill wit...
raptures 16 12 RAPTURE, to fill wit...
rarebits 16 11 RAREBIT, a dish of m...
rarefied 15 12 RAREFY, to make less...
rarefier 15 11 something or someone...
rarefies 15 11 RAREFY, to make less...
rareness 12 9 the quality of being...
rareripe 15 11 a fruit that ripens...
rarified 16 12 RARIFY, to make less...
rarifies 16 11 RARIFY, to make less...
rarities 14 8 RARITY, the quality...
rasboras 15 11 RASBORA, a brightly...
rascally 25 15 characteristic of a...
rascasse 16 11 a kind of fish found...
raschels 20 14 RASCHEL, (German) a...
rashlike 18 15 like a rash [adj]
rashness 15 11 the state of being r...
rasmalai 15 12 (Hindi) an Indian de...
rasorial 14 9 habitually scratchin...
raspiest 16 11 RASPY, rough [adj]
raspings 17 14 RASPING, the act of...
rasslers 15 9 RASSLER, a wrestler...
rassling 16 12 RASSLE, (colloquial)...
rastered 13 9 RASTER, to create a...
rastrums 16 12 RASTRUM, a music-pen...
ratables 16 12 RATABLE, property wh...
ratafees 14 11 RATAFEE, an almond-f...
ratafias 15 11 RATAFIA, an almond-f...
ratanies 12 9 RATANY, a South Amer...
rataplan 15 13 to make a rapidly re...
ratatats 13 8 RATATAT, a quick, sh...
ratchets 19 13 RATCHET, to move by...
ratching 20 16 RATCH, to wander, pr...
rateable 15 12 capable of being rat...
rateably 22 14 RATEABLE, capable of...
ratfinks 17 16 RATFINK, a contempti...
ratholes 16 11 RATHOLE, a hole made...
rathouse 15 11 (Australian slang) a...
rathripe 18 13 a fruit that ripens...
raticide 17 12 a substance for kill...
ratified 16 12 RATIFY, to approve a...
ratifier 16 11 one who ratifies [n...
ratifies 16 11 RATIFY, to approve a...
rational 13 10 conforming to reason...
rationed 12 10 RATION, to distribut...
ratlines 14 10 RATLINE, any of the...
ratlings 16 12 RATLING, any of the...
ratooned 11 10 RATOON, to sprout fr...
ratooner 11 9 a plant that ratoons...
ratpacks 20 18 RATPACK, a show-busi...
ratproof 17 14 impervious to rats [...
ratsbane 14 12 rat poison; white ar...
rattails 15 9 RATTAIL, any of vari...
ratteens 12 9 RATTEEN, a rough dre...
rattened 12 10 RATTEN, to compel ob...
rattener 12 9 one who rattens, com...
rattiest 14 8 RATTY, infested with...
rattings 15 11 RATTING, rat-hunting...
rattlers 15 9 RATTLER, a rattlesna...
rattlier 15 9 RATTLY, inclined to...
rattline 14 10 any of the small lin...
rattling 16 12 any of the small lin...
rattlins 15 10 RATTLIN, any of the...
rattoons 12 9 RATTOON, to sprout f...
rattraps 16 11 RATTRAP, a trap for...
rauclest 18 13 RAUCLE, (Scots) roug...
raunched 18 16 RAUNCH, (Spenser) to...
raunches 18 15 RAUNCH, (Spenser) to...
raunging 15 15 RAUNGE, (obsolete) t...
raupatus 16 13 RAUPATU, (Maori) con...
raurikis 16 13 RAURIKI, (Maori) sow...
ravagers 16 14 RAVAGER, one who rav...
ravaging 17 17 RAVAGE, to destroy [...
ravelers 16 13 RAVELER, one who rav...
raveling 17 16 a ravelled out threa...
ravelins 16 14 RAVELIN, a type of f...
ravelled 17 15 RAVEL, to entangle [...
raveller 17 14 one who ravels, also...
raveners 14 13 RAVENER, one who, or...
ravening 15 16 preying upon [adj RA...
ravenous 14 14 extremely hungry [ad...
ravigote 16 14 (French) a spicy vin...
ravingly 24 18 RAVING, mad [adv]
ravining 16 16 RAVIN, to devour gre...
raviolis 17 13 RAVIOLI, (Italian) p...
ravished 18 15 RAVISH, to seize and...
ravisher 18 14 one who ravishes [n...
ravishes 18 14 RAVISH, to seize and...
rawboned 17 16 having little flesh...
rawheads 18 14 RAWHEAD, a spectre m...
rawhided 19 15 RAWHIDE, to beat wit...
rawhides 19 14 RAWHIDE, to beat wit...
rawmaish 20 16 (Irish) foolish exag...
raygrass 21 12 a pasture and fodder...
razeeing 16 20 RAZEE, to cut down b...
razmataz 20 29 a to-do, a hullabalo...
razoring 17 20 RAZOR, to shave with...
razzings 21 29 RAZZING, the act of...
reabsorb 17 14 to absorb again [v -...
reaccede 18 15 to accede again [v R...
reaccent 18 15 to accent again [v -...
reaccept 21 17 to accept again [v -...
reaccuse 19 15 to accuse again [v R...
reachers 18 13 REACHER, one who rea...
reaching 19 16 REACH, to stretch ou...
reactant 15 12 a substance taking p...
reacting 17 14 REACT, to respond to...
reaction 15 12 the act of reacting...
reactive 18 15 tending to react [ad...
reactors 16 11 REACTOR, one that re...
readable 15 13 able to be read [adj...
readably 22 15 READABLE, able to be...
readapts 15 12 READAPT, to adapt ag...
readdict 17 13 to become addicted a...
readding 14 13 READD, to add again...
readerly 20 12 typical of a reader...
readiest 13 9 READY, prepared [adj...
readings 14 12 READING, material th...
readjust 16 19 to adjust again [v -...
readmits 15 12 READMIT, to admit ag...
readopts 15 12 READOPT, to adopt ag...
readorns 12 10 READORN, to adorn ag...
readouts 13 10 READOUT, a presentat...
readvise 15 13 to advise again [v R...
readying 20 14 READY, to make ready...
reaedify 21 14 (Spenser) to rebuild...
reaffirm 19 17 to affirm again [v -...
reagency 22 16 a substance with a c...
reagents 13 11 REAGENT, a substance...
reaginic 17 14 relating to a reagin...
realgars 15 11 REALGAR, a bright-re...
realigns 15 12 REALIGN, to align ag...
realised 14 10 REALISE, to accompli...
realiser 14 9 one who realises, al...
realises 14 9 REALISE, to accompli...
realisms 16 12 REALISM, the doctrin...
realists 15 9 REALIST, one who is...
realized 17 19 REALIZE, to accompli...
realizer 17 18 one who realizes, al...
realizes 17 18 REALIZE, to accompli...
reallied 15 11 REALLY, to ally agai...
reallies 15 10 REALLY, to ally agai...
reallots 15 10 REALLOT, to allot ag...
realness 13 10 the state of being r...
realters 14 9 REALTER, to alter ag...
realties 14 9 REALTIE, (Milton) si...
realtime 15 12 relating to a comput...
realtone 12 10 a ringtone that clos...
realtors 14 9 REALTOR, a agent for...
reamends 13 13 REAMEND, to amend ag...
reamiest 14 11 REAMY, creamy, froth...
reanoint 11 10 to anoint again [v -...
reanswer 15 12 to be equivalent to...
reapable 17 15 able to be reaped [a...
reaphook 17 17 an implement used in...
reapings 16 14 REAPING, the cutting...
reappear 16 14 to appear again [v -...
reargued 14 12 REARGUE, to argue ag...
reargues 14 11 REARGUE, to argue ag...
rearings 14 11 REARING, the act of...
rearisen 12 9 REARISE, to arise ag...
rearises 13 8 REARISE, to arise ag...
rearmice 17 14 REARMOUSE, a bat, al...
rearming 15 14 REARM, to arm again...
rearmost 14 11 situated last [adj]
rearouse 12 9 to arouse again [v R...
rearrest 13 8 to arrest again [v -...
rearward 16 12 the rearmost divisio...
reascend 15 13 to ascend again [v -...
reascent 15 12 a second ascent [n -...
reasoned 11 10 REASON, to deduct in...
reasoner 11 9 one who reasons [n -...
reassail 14 9 to assail again [v -...
reassert 13 8 to assert again [v -...
reassess 13 8 to assess again [v -...
reassign 14 11 to assign again [v -...
reassort 13 8 to assort again [v -...
reassume 14 12 to assume again [v R...
reassure 13 9 to assure again [v R...
reastier 13 8 REASTY, rancid [adj]
reasting 14 11 REAST, to become ran...
reattach 18 13 to attach again [v -...
reattack 17 15 to attack again [v -...
reattain 12 9 to attain again [v -...
reavails 16 13 REAVAIL, to avail ag...
reavowed 17 16 REAVOW, to vow again...
reawaked 16 16 REAWAKE, to awake ag...
reawaken 15 16 to wake again [v -ED...
reawakes 16 15 REAWAKE, to awake ag...
reawoken 15 16 REAWAKE, to awake ag...
rebacked 19 19 REBACK, to replace t...
rebadged 16 15 REBADGE, to market a...
rebadges 16 14 REBADGE, to market a...
rebaited 15 12 REBAIT, to bait agai...
rebasing 16 14 REBASE, to set a new...
rebaters 15 11 REBATER, one who reb...
rebating 16 14 REBATE, to give a di...
rebatoes 14 11 REBATO, a wide, lace...
rebegins 16 14 REBEGIN, to begin ag...
rebeldom 17 16 an area controlled b...
rebelled 17 14 REBEL, to oppose aut...
rebeller 17 13 one who rebels [n -S...
rebellow 20 16 to bellow in return...
rebidden 15 14 REBID, to bid again...
rebilled 18 14 REBILL, to bill agai...
rebirths 19 13 REBIRTH, a second bi...
rebiting 17 14 REBITE, in engraving...
rebitten 15 12 REBITE, in engraving...
reblends 16 14 REBLEND, to blend ag...
reblooms 17 15 REBLOOM, to bloom ag...
reboards 15 12 REBOARD, to board ag...
rebodied 15 13 REBODY, to renew the...
rebodies 15 12 REBODY, to renew the...
reboiled 16 13 REBOIL, to boil agai...
rebooked 15 16 REBOOK, to book agai...
rebooted 14 12 REBOOT, to renew the...
reboring 16 14 REBORE, to bore out...
reborrow 18 14 to borrow again [v -...
rebottle 16 12 to bottle again [v R...
rebought 19 16 REBUY, to buy again...
rebounds 15 14 REBOUND, to spring b...
rebraced 18 15 REBRACE, to brace ag...
rebraces 18 14 REBRACE, to brace ag...
rebranch 20 17 to form secondary br...
rebrands 15 13 REBRAND, to change a...
rebreeds 15 12 REBREED, to breed ag...
rebuffed 20 19 REBUFF, to reject or...
rebuilds 18 14 REBUILD, to build ag...
rebukers 17 16 REBUKER, one who reb...
rebuking 18 19 REBUKE, to reprove s...
reburial 17 13 a second burial [n -...
reburied 16 13 REBURY, to bury agai...
reburies 16 12 REBURY, to bury agai...
rebuttal 17 13 an argument or proof...
rebutted 16 13 REBUT, to prove to b...
rebutter 16 12 one who rebuts [n -S...
rebutton 15 13 to button again [v -...
rebuying 23 17 REBUY, to buy again...
recalled 18 14 RECALL, to call back...
recaller 18 13 one who recalls [n -...
recamier 17 14 (French) a backless...
recaning 16 15 RECANE, to replace t...
recanted 15 13 RECANT, to make a fo...
recanter 15 12 one who recants [n -...
recapped 20 18 RECAP, (short for) r...
recaptor 18 14 one who recaptures [...
recarpet 18 14 to replace the carpe...
recaught 20 16 RECATCH, to catch ag...
recceing 20 17 RECCE, to make a pre...
reccying 27 19 RECCY, (colloquial)...
receding 17 15 RECEDE, to move back...
receipts 19 14 RECEIPT, to mark as...
receival 19 16 the act of receiving...
received 18 16 RECEIVE, to come int...
receiver 18 15 one that receives [n...
receives 18 15 RECEIVE, to come int...
recement 16 15 to redo cement work...
recensed 15 13 RECENSE, to revise c...
recenses 15 12 RECENSE, to revise c...
recensor 15 12 to censor again [v -...
recenter 15 12 RECENT, happening no...
recently 23 15 RECENT, happening no...
recentre 15 12 to centre again [v R...
receptor 18 14 a nerve ending speci...
recessed 16 12 RECESS, to place in...
recesses 16 11 RECESS, to place in...
rechange 18 16 to change again [v R...
recharge 19 15 to charge again [v R...
recharts 19 13 RECHART, to chart ag...
rechates 18 13 RECHATE, (Shakespear...
recheats 18 13 RECHEAT, to sound a...
rechecks 23 20 RECHECK, to check ag...
rechewed 21 17 RECHEW, to chew agai...
rechoose 17 13 to choose again [v R...
rechosen 17 14 RECHOOSE, to choose...
recircle 21 15 to circle again [v R...
recision 16 12 a cancellation [n -S...
recitals 18 12 RECITAL, a detailed...
reciters 17 11 RECITER, one who rec...
reciting 18 14 RECITE, to say from...
reckless 19 16 foolishly heedless o...
reckling 20 19 the runt of a litter...
reckoned 16 17 RECKON, to count or...
reckoner 16 16 one that reckons [n...
reclaims 19 15 RECLAIM, to make sui...
reclames 18 15 RECLAME, publicity [...
reclasps 20 15 RECLASP, to clasp ag...
recleans 16 13 RECLEAN, to clean ag...
reclimbs 22 18 RECLIMB, to climb ag...
reclined 17 14 RECLINE, to lean or...
recliner 17 13 a kind of couch [n -...
reclines 17 13 RECLINE, to lean or...
reclosed 17 13 RECLOSE, to close ag...
recloses 17 12 RECLOSE, to close ag...
reclothe 19 14 to dress again [v RE...
recluses 18 13 RECLUSE, one who liv...
recoaled 16 13 RECOAL, to refill wi...
recoated 15 12 RECOAT, to coat agai...
recocked 20 19 RECOCK, to cock agai...
recodify 25 17 to insert a new code...
recoding 17 15 RECODE, to code agai...
recoiled 17 13 RECOIL, to draw back...
recoiler 17 12 one who, or that whi...
recoined 15 13 RECOIN, to coin agai...
recollet 18 13 (French) a member of...
recolors 17 12 RECOLOR, to color ag...
recolour 17 13 to colour again, als...
recombed 19 18 RECOMB, to comb agai...
recommit 19 17 to commit again [v R...
reconfer 17 15 to confer again [v R...
reconned 14 14 RECON, to conduct a...
reconvey 23 18 to convey back to a...
recooked 16 16 RECOOK, to cook agai...
recopied 18 15 RECOPY, to copy agai...
recopies 18 14 RECOPY, to copy agai...
recorded 16 13 RECORD, to register...
recorder 16 12 one that records [n...
recorked 17 16 RECORK, to cork agai...
recounts 16 13 RECOUNT, to relate i...
recouped 18 16 RECOUP, to get back...
recoupes 18 15 RECOUPE, the act of...
recouple 19 16 to couple again [v R...
recoured 16 13 RECOURE, to recover,...
recoures 16 12 RECOURE, to recover,...
recourse 16 12 to return, go back,...
recovers 18 15 RECOVER, to obtain a...
recovery 24 17 an economic upturn [...
recowers 19 14 RECOWER, to recover,...
recoyled 23 15 RECOYLE, (Spenser) t...
recoyles 23 14 RECOYLE, (Spenser) t...
recrated 16 12 RECRATE, to crate ag...
recrates 16 11 RECRATE, to crate ag...
recreant 15 12 (archaic) cowardly,...
recreate 15 11 to reinvigorate [v R...
recrowns 19 15 RECROWN, to crown ag...
recruits 18 12 RECRUIT, to enlist f...
rectally 25 15 by way of the rectum...
rections 16 12 RECTION, syntactical...
rectitic 21 14 of the rectum [adj]
rectitis 18 11 inflammation of the...
rectoral 17 12 pertaining to a rect...
rectress 17 11 a female rector, a r...
recuiled 18 14 RECUILE, (Spenser) t...
recuiles 18 13 RECUILE, (Spenser) t...
reculing 19 16 RECULE, (Spenser) to...
recuring 18 15 RECURE, to cure agai...
recurred 17 13 RECUR, to come aroun...
recurved 19 17 RECURVE, to bend bac...
recurves 19 16 RECURVE, to bend bac...
recusals 18 13 RECUSAL, a disqualif...
recusant 16 13 one who refuses to a...
recusing 18 15 RECUSE, to disqualif...
recycled 27 18 RECYCLE, to process...
recycler 27 17 one who recycles, al...
recycles 27 17 RECYCLE, to process...
redacted 16 13 REDACT, to prepare f...
redactor 16 12 an editor [n -S]
redamage 14 14 to damage again [v R...
redargue 14 12 (Scots) to refute [v...
redating 14 12 REDATE, to change th...
redbacks 20 19 REDBACK, a venomous...
redbaits 16 12 REDBAIT, to denounce...
redbelly 24 16 the char or other re...
redbirds 17 13 REDBIRD, a large see...
redbones 14 13 REDBONE, a kind of h...
redbrick 21 19 a British university...
redcoats 16 12 REDCOAT, a British s...
reddenda 12 12 REDDENDUM, a clause...
reddendo 12 12 (Scots) in Scots law...
reddened 12 12 REDDEN, to make or b...
reddiest 14 10 REDDY, somewhat red...
reddings 15 13 REDDING, the act of...
reddling 16 14 REDDLE, to colour wi...
redecide 16 13 to decide again [v R...
redeemed 13 13 REDEEM, to buy back...
redeemer 13 12 one that redeems [n...
redefeat 14 12 to defeat again [v -...
redefect 18 15 to defect again [v -...
redefied 15 13 REDEFY, to defy agai...
redefies 15 12 REDEFY, to defy agai...
redefine 14 13 to define again [v R...
redeless 14 10 (archaic) without re...
redemand 13 14 to demand again [v -...
redenied 12 11 REDENY, to deny agai...
redenies 12 10 REDENY, to deny agai...
redeploy 22 15 to deploy again [v -...
redesign 14 12 to design again [v -...
redfoots 15 12 REDFOOT, a fatal dis...
redheads 15 12 REDHEAD, any of seve...
redhorse 15 11 a freshwater fish [n...
redialed 14 11 REDIAL, to dial agai...
redigest 15 11 to digest again [v -...
redipped 18 16 REDIP, to dip again...
redirect 17 12 to change the direct...
redistil 16 10 to distil again, als...
redivide 16 14 to divide again [v R...
redlined 14 12 REDLINE, to withhold...
redliner 14 11 one that redlines, w...
redlines 14 11 REDLINE, to withhold...
rednecks 17 17 REDNECK, a poor whit...
redocked 17 17 REDOCK, to dock agai...
redolent 13 11 fragrant; smelling o...
redonned 11 12 REDON, to don again...
redouble 16 14 to double [v REDOUBL...
redoubts 16 13 REDOUBT, (archaic) t...
redounds 13 12 REDOUND, to have an...
redpolls 18 14 REDPOLL, a kind of f...
redrafts 16 12 REDRAFT, to make a r...
redrawer 16 12 one that redraws [n...
redreams 14 12 REDREAM, to dream ag...
redreamt 14 12 REDREAM, to dream ag...
redrills 17 11 REDRILL, to drill ag...
redriven 15 14 REDRIVE, to drive ag...
redrives 16 13 REDRIVE, to drive ag...
redroots 13 9 REDROOT, a plant wit...
redrying 21 14 REDRY, to dry again...
redshank 16 16 a kind of wading bir...
redshare 15 11 brittle at red-heat,...
redshift 19 14 the displacement of...
redshire 16 11 brittle at red-heat,...
redshirt 17 11 to keep a college at...
redshort 16 11 brittle at red-heat,...
redskins 15 14 REDSKIN, (colloquial...
redstart 14 9 as small songbird [n...
redtails 15 10 REDTAIL, a kind of h...
redubbed 18 17 REDUB, to dub again...
reducers 17 13 REDUCER, a joint pie...
reducing 18 16 REDUCE, to diminish...
reductor 17 13 an apparatus for the...
reduviid 17 15 a member of a family...
redwares 16 12 REDWARE, an edible s...
redwater 16 12 a cattle disease [n...
redwings 18 15 REDWING, a bird of t...
redwoods 16 13 REDWOOD, a species o...
redyeing 20 14 REDYE, to dye again...
reearned 11 10 REEARN, to earn agai...
reechier 18 13 REECHIE, (Shakespear...
reeching 19 16 REECH, to emit smoke...
reechoed 17 14 REECHO, to echo back...
reechoes 17 13 REECHO, to echo back...
reedbeds 15 13 REEDBED, a bed of re...
reedbird 16 13 a kind of bird, aka...
reedbuck 20 20 a kind of African an...
reediest 13 9 REEDY, abounding in...
reedings 14 12 REEDING, parallel gr...
reedited 13 10 REEDIT, to edit agai...
reedlike 15 14 like reeds [adj]
reedling 15 13 a marsh bird [n -S]
reedstop 15 12 an organ stop that i...
reefable 17 15 able to be reefed [a...
reefiest 15 11 REEFY, abounding in...
reefings 16 14 REEFING, the act of...
reejects 18 20 REEJECT, to eject ag...
reekiest 14 12 REEKY, (Scots) smoky...
reelable 16 13 able to be reeled [a...
reelects 17 12 REELECT, to elect ag...
reelings 15 12 REELING, the act of...
reembark 17 18 to embark again [v -...
reembody 22 17 to embody again [v R...
reemerge 14 13 to emerge again [v R...
reemploy 23 17 to employ again [v -...
reenacts 15 12 REENACT, to enact ag...
reendows 15 13 REENDOW, to endow ag...
reengage 13 13 to engage again [v R...
reenjoys 20 20 REENJOY, to enjoy ag...
reenlist 14 10 to enlist again [v -...
reenroll 14 11 to enroll again [v -...
reenters 12 9 REENTER, to enter ag...
reequips 24 21 REEQUIP, to equip ag...
reerects 16 11 REERECT, to erect ag...
reestier 13 8 REESTY, of a horse,...
reesting 14 11 REEST, to be noisily...
reevoked 15 17 REEVOKE, to evoke ag...
reevokes 15 16 REEVOKE, to evoke ag...
reexpels 22 19 REEXPEL, to expel ag...
reexport 21 18 to export again [v -...
reexpose 20 18 to expose again [v R...
refacing 19 17 REFACE, to repair th...
refallen 16 14 REFALL, to fall agai...
refasten 14 12 to fasten again [v -...
refected 18 15 REFECT, to refresh w...
refelled 17 14 REFEL, (obsolete) to...
refenced 17 16 REFENCE, to fence ag...
refences 17 15 REFENCE, to fence ag...
refereed 14 12 REFEREE, to supervis...
referees 14 11 REFEREE, to supervis...
referent 14 12 something referred t...
referral 16 12 an instance of being...
referred 15 12 REFER, to direct to...
referrer 15 11 one that refers [n -...
reffings 19 17 REFFING, the job of...
refights 20 15 REFIGHT, to fight ag...
refigure 17 14 to figure again [v R...
refiling 18 15 REFILE, to file agai...
refilled 18 14 REFILL, to fill agai...
refilmed 18 16 REFILM, to film agai...
refilter 17 12 to filter again [v -...
refiners 15 12 REFINER, one who, or...
refinery 21 14 a place where crude...
refining 16 15 the act of refining...
refinish 18 14 to give a new surfac...
refiring 17 14 REFIRE, to fire agai...
refitted 16 12 REFIT, to fit out af...
refixing 23 21 REFIX, to fix again...
reflated 16 13 REFLATE, to inflate...
reflates 16 12 REFLATE, to inflate...
reflects 20 15 REFLECT, to be mirro...
reflexed 22 20 REFLEX, to bend back...
reflexes 22 19 REFLEX, to bend back...
reflexly 30 22 REFLEX [adv]
refloats 16 12 REFLOAT, to float ag...
refloods 16 13 REFLOOD, to flood ag...
reflowed 19 16 REFLOW, to flow agai...
reflower 19 15 to flower again [v -...
refluent 16 14 flowing back [adj]
refluxed 23 21 REFLUX, to cause to...
refluxes 23 20 REFLUX, to cause to...
reflying 24 17 REFLY, to fly again...
refolded 16 14 REFOLD, to fold agai...
refooted 14 12 REFOOT, to replace t...
reforest 15 11 to replant with tree...
reforged 16 14 REFORGE, to forge ag...
reforges 16 13 REFORGE, to forge ag...
reformat 16 14 to change the format...
reformed 16 15 REFORM, to change to...
reformer 16 14 one that reforms [n...
refought 19 16 REFIGHT, to fight ag...
refounds 15 14 REFOUND, to found ag...
refracts 19 14 REFRACT, to deflect...
refrains 15 12 REFRAIN, to keep one...
reframed 16 15 REFRAME, to put in a...
reframes 16 14 REFRAME, to put in a...
refreeze 17 20 to freeze again [v R...
refringe 16 14 (obsolete) to refrac...
refronts 15 12 REFRONT, to put on a...
refrozen 17 21 REFREEZE, to freeze...
refrying 23 16 REFRY, to fry again...
refueled 16 14 REFUEL, to fill with...
refugees 16 14 REFUGEE, one who fle...
refuging 18 17 REFUGE, to give or t...
refugium 19 18 a stable area during...
refunded 15 15 REFUND, to give back...
refunder 15 14 one who refunds, res...
refurbed 18 16 REFURB, (colloquial)...
refusals 17 13 REFUSAL, the act of...
refusers 16 12 REFUSER, one that re...
refusing 17 15 REFUSE, to decline t...
refusion 15 13 the act of fusing ag...
refusnik 17 17 (Russian) a Soviet J...
refutals 17 13 REFUTAL, an act of r...
refuters 16 12 REFUTER, one who ref...
refuting 17 15 REFUTE, to prove to...
regained 13 12 REGAIN, to take poss...
regainer 13 11 one who regains [n -...
regalers 15 11 REGALER, one who reg...
regalian 14 12 (archaic) regal [adj...
regalias 15 11 REGALIA, (Latin) cer...
regaling 16 14 REGALE, to delight [...
regalism 17 14 the doctrine of the...
regalist 16 11 one who believes in...
regality 22 13 regal authority [n R...
regarded 14 12 REGARD, to look upon...
regarder 14 11 one who regards [n -...
regather 16 12 to assemble once mor...
regattas 14 10 REGATTA, a rowing or...
regauged 15 14 REGAUGE, to adjust t...
regauges 15 13 REGAUGE, to adjust t...
regeared 13 11 REGEAR, to equip aga...
regelate 14 11 to refreeze ice by r...
regences 16 14 REGENCE, (obsolete)...
regental 14 12 relating to a regent...
regested 14 11 REGEST, (Milton) to...
regicide 18 14 the killing of a kin...
regifted 17 14 REGIFT, to take a gi...
regifter 17 13 one who regifts [n -...
regilded 16 13 REGILD, to gild once...
regimens 15 14 REGIMEN, a systemati...
regiment 15 14 a large permanent un...
regional 14 12 relating to a region...
register 15 10 to record officially...
registry 22 12 the act of registeri...
regiving 18 17 REGIVE, to give agai...
reglazed 18 21 REGLAZE, to glaze ag...
reglazes 18 20 REGLAZE, to glaze ag...
reglowed 18 15 REGLOW, to glow agai...
regluing 17 15 REGLUE, to glue agai...
regmaker 16 17 (South Africa) a dri...
regnancy 22 17 the condition of bei...
regolith 18 13 a layer of loose roc...
regorged 15 13 REGORGE, to disgorge...
regorges 15 12 REGORGE, to disgorge...
regosols 15 11 REGOSOL, a type of s...
regraded 14 12 REGRADE, to grade ag...
regrades 14 11 REGRADE, to grade ag...
regrafts 17 13 REGRAFT, to graft ag...
regrants 14 11 REGRANT, to grant ag...
regrated 14 11 REGRATE, to buy up i...
regrater 14 10 one who buys and sel...
regrates 14 10 REGRATE, to buy up i...
regrator 14 10 one who buys and sel...
regreded 14 12 REGREDE, to retrogra...
regredes 14 11 REGREDE, to retrogra...
regreens 13 11 REGREEN, to green ag...
regreets 14 10 REGREET, to greet in...
regrinds 15 12 REGRIND, to grind ag...
regrooms 15 13 REGROOM, to groom ag...
regroove 15 14 to groove again [v R...
reground 14 13 REGRIND, to grind ag...
regroups 17 14 REGROUP, to group to...
regrowth 20 15 a new or second grow...
regulars 16 12 REGULAR, an habitual...
regulate 15 12 to control according...
reguline 15 13 of or pertaining to...
regulise 16 12 to reduce to regulus...
regulize 19 21 to reduce to regulus...
rehabbed 19 17 REHAB, to restore to...
rehabber 19 16 one who rehabs, reha...
rehammer 17 16 to hammer again [v -...
rehandle 15 13 to handle again [v R...
rehanged 15 14 REHANG, to hang agai...
reharden 14 12 to harden again [v -...
rehashed 17 13 REHASH, to go over o...
rehashes 17 12 REHASH, to go over o...
rehearse 14 10 to practice in prepa...
reheated 14 11 REHEAT, to heat agai...
reheater 14 10 an apparatus for reh...
reheeled 15 12 REHEEL, to replace t...
rehemmed 17 17 REHEM, to take up th...
rehinged 16 14 REHINGE, to hinge ag...
rehinges 16 13 REHINGE, to hinge ag...
rehiring 17 13 REHIRE, to hire agai...
rehoboam 17 16 (Hebrew) a large win...
rehoming 17 16 the act of homing ag...
rehoused 15 12 REHOUSE, to establis...
rehouses 15 11 REHOUSE, to establis...
reifiers 16 11 REIFIER, one that re...
reifying 23 16 REIFY, to regard as...
reigning 15 14 REIGN, to exercise s...
reignite 14 11 to light again [v RE...
reillume 17 14 to light again [v RE...
reimaged 15 14 REIMAGE, to fix the...
reimages 15 13 REIMAGE, to fix the...
reimport 17 14 to import again [v -...
reimpose 16 14 to impose again [v R...
reincite 16 12 to incite again [v R...
reincurs 17 13 REINCUR, to incur ag...
reindeer 12 10 a large deer [n -S]
reindict 17 13 to indict again [v -...
reinduce 16 14 to induce again [v R...
reinduct 17 14 to induct again [n -...
reinette 12 9 (French) a name give...
reinfect 18 15 to infect again [v -...
reinform 16 15 to inform again [v -...
reinfund 15 15 to flow again [v -ED...
reinfuse 15 13 to infuse again [v R...
reinject 18 21 to inject again [v -...
reinjure 15 19 to injure again [v R...
reinjury 22 21 a second injury [n R...
reinking 15 16 REINK, to ink again...
reinless 14 10 unrestrained [adj]
reinsert 13 9 to insert again [v -...
reinsman 13 13 a skilled rider of h...
reinsmen 13 13 REINSMAN, a skilled...
reinstal 14 10 to instal again, als...
reinsure 13 10 to insure again [v R...
reinters 13 9 REINTER, to inter ag...
reinvade 14 14 to invade again [v R...
reinvent 14 14 to invent again [v -...
reinvest 15 13 to invest again [v -...
reinvite 15 13 to invite again [v R...
reinvoke 15 17 to invoke again [v R...
reissued 14 10 REISSUE, to issue ag...
reissuer 14 9 one who reissues [n...
reissues 14 9 REISSUE, to issue ag...
reisting 15 11 REIST, to become ran...
reitboks 17 15 REITBOK, an African...
reitered 13 9 REITER, to reiterate...
reivings 17 15 REIVING, plundering...
rejacket 19 24 to clothe in a jacke...
rejected 18 21 REJECT, to refuse to...
rejectee 17 20 one who is rejected...
rejecter 18 20 one who rejects, als...
rejector 18 20 one who rejects, als...
rejigged 18 22 REJIG, to fix someth...
rejigger 18 21 to fix something up...
rejoiced 18 21 REJOICE, to feel joy...
rejoicer 18 20 one who rejoices [n...
rejoices 18 20 REJOICE, to feel joy...
rejoined 14 19 REJOIN, to join agai...
rejoneos 13 18 REJONEO, (Spanish) t...
rejourns 15 19 REJOURN, (Shakespear...
rejudged 17 22 REJUDGE, to judge ag...
rejudges 17 21 REJUDGE, to judge ag...
rejuggle 19 23 to juggle again [v R...
rekeying 21 17 REKEY, to re-enter i...
rekindle 15 15 to arouse once more...
relabels 17 13 RELABEL, to label ag...
relaches 19 14 RELACHE, (French) a...
relacing 18 15 RELACE, to do up aga...
relanded 13 12 RELAND, to land agai...
relapsed 16 13 RELAPSE, to slip bac...
relapser 16 12 one who relapses [n...
relapses 16 12 RELAPSE, to slip bac...
relaters 14 9 RELATER, one who rel...
relating 15 12 RELATE, to give an a...
relation 13 10 an association betwe...
relative 16 13 in relation to [adj...
relators 14 9 RELATOR, one who rel...
relaunch 19 16 to launch again [v -...
relaxant 19 17 a drug that relieves...
relaxers 20 16 RELAXER, one that re...
relaxing 21 19 RELAX, to make less...
relaxins 20 17 RELAXIN, a hormone w...
relaying 21 14 RELAY, to put down n...
relearns 13 10 RELEARN, to learn ag...
relearnt 13 10 RELEARN, to learn ag...
released 13 10 RELEASE, to set free...
releasee 12 9 a person to whom an...
releaser 13 9 one who releases, al...
releases 13 9 RELEASE, to set free...
releasor 13 9 one who releases, al...
relegate 14 11 to remove, usually t...
relented 13 11 RELENT, to soften an...
reletter 14 9 to write again [v -E...
relevant 15 14 pertaining to the ma...
reliable 17 13 dependable [adj RELI...
reliably 24 15 RELIABLE, dependable...
reliance 16 13 confident or trustfu...
relieved 16 14 RELIEVE, to free fro...
reliever 16 13 one who relieves [n...
relieves 16 13 RELIEVE, to free fro...
relievos 16 13 RELIEVO, the project...
relights 19 13 RELIGHT, to light ag...
religion 15 12 belief in a higher p...
relining 15 13 RELINE, to line agai...
relinked 15 15 RELINK, to link agai...
reliques 23 19 RELIQUE, (archaic) a...
relished 17 12 RELISH, to enjoy [v]
relishes 17 11 RELISH, to enjoy [v]
relisted 15 10 RELIST, to list agai...
relivers 17 13 RELIVER, to deliver...
reliving 18 16 RELIVE, to experienc...
rellenos 14 11 RELLENO, (Spanish) a...
reloaded 13 11 RELOAD, to load agai...
reloader 13 10 a device for reloadi...
reloaned 12 11 RELOAN, to loan agai...
relocate 16 12 to establish in a ne...
relocked 18 17 RELOCK, to lock agai...
relooked 14 14 RELOOK, to look agai...
relucent 17 14 reflecting light [ad...
relucted 18 14 RELUCT, (archaic) to...
relumine 15 14 to light again, also...
reluming 17 16 RELUME, to light aga...
remailed 15 13 REMAIL, to post agai...
remailer 15 12 an internet service...
remained 13 13 REMAIN, to continue...
remakers 15 15 REMAKER, one who rem...
remaking 16 18 REMAKE, to make over...
remanded 13 14 REMAND, to send back...
remanent 12 13 a piece left over, a...
remanets 13 12 REMANET, (Latin) a p...
remanies 13 12 REMANIE, (French) a...
remanned 12 14 REMAN, to supply a f...
remapped 18 18 REMAP, to map again...
remarked 15 16 REMARK, to say brief...
remarker 15 15 one who remarks [n -...
remarket 15 15 to market again [v -...
remarque 22 21 (French) a mark made...
remaster 14 11 to master again [v -...
remating 15 14 REMATE, to mate agai...
remblais 18 15 REMBLAI, (French) ea...
rembling 19 18 REMBLE, to remove [v...
remeaded 13 13 REMEAD, (Scots) to r...
remedial 15 13 affording a remedy,...
remediat 14 12 (Shakespeare) remedi...
remedied 14 13 REMEDY, to relieve o...
remedies 14 12 REMEDY, to relieve o...
remeding 15 15 REMEDE, (Scots) to r...
remeided 14 13 REMEID, (Scots) to r...
remelted 15 13 REMELT, to melt agai...
remember 17 17 to bring to mind aga...
remended 13 14 REMEND, to mend agai...
remerged 15 14 REMERGE, to merge ag...
remerges 15 13 REMERGE, to merge ag...
remigate 15 13 to row [v REMIGATED,...
remigial 17 14 relating to the remi...
reminded 14 14 REMIND, to cause to...
reminder 14 13 something that serve...
reminted 14 13 REMINT, to melt down...
remising 16 14 REMISE, to give up a...
remissly 23 14 REMISS, careless [ad...
remittal 16 12 the act of remitting...
remitted 15 12 REMIT, to send payme...
remittee 14 11 a person to whom a r...
remitter 15 11 one who remits, also...
remittor 15 11 one who remits, also...
remixers 21 18 REMIXER, one that re...
remixing 22 21 REMIX, to mix again...
remnants 13 13 REMNANT, something r...
remodels 15 13 REMODEL, to make ove...
remodify 23 17 to modify again [v R...
remolade 14 13 (French) a piquant s...
remolded 15 14 REMOLD, to retread a...
remorses 14 11 REMORSE, deep anguis...
remotely 21 14 REMOTE, far off [adv...
remotest 14 11 REMOTE, far off [adj...
remotion 13 12 the act of removing...
remoulds 16 14 REMOULD, to retread...
remounts 14 13 REMOUNT, to climb in...
removals 17 16 REMOVAL, the act of...
removers 16 15 REMOVER, one who rem...
removing 17 18 REMOVE, to transfer...
remuages 15 14 REMUAGE, (French) th...
remueurs 15 13 REMUEUR, (French) th...
remurmur 17 16 to murmur again; to...
renagued 13 13 RENAGUE, to refuse,...
renagues 13 12 RENAGUE, to refuse,...
renailed 13 11 RENAIL, to nail agai...
renaming 14 15 RENAME, to issue wit...
renature 12 10 to restore natural q...
renaying 19 14 RENAY, (obsolete) to...
rendered 12 11 RENDER, to plaster w...
renderer 12 10 one that renders [n...
rendible 16 14 capable of being ren...
rendzina 15 20 (Russian) a fertile...
reneague 12 12 to go back on a prom...
renegade 12 12 a person who abandon...
renegado 12 12 (archaic) a renegade...
renegate 12 11 a person who abandon...
renegers 13 11 RENEGER, one who ren...
reneging 14 14 RENEGE, to refuse, d...
renegued 13 13 RENEGUE, to refuse,...
reneguer 13 12 one who renegues [n...
renegues 13 12 RENEGUE, to refuse,...
renested 12 10 RENEST, to nest agai...
renewals 16 13 RENEWAL, the act of...
renewers 15 12 RENEWER, one who ren...
renewing 16 15 the act of renewing...
reneying 19 14 RENEY, (obsolete) to...
renforce 17 15 to reinforce [v RENF...
renforst 15 12 RENFORCE, to reinfor...
reniform 16 15 kidney-shaped [adj]
renigged 15 14 RENIG, (Irish) to re...
renitent 12 10 resisting physical p...
renminbi 16 16 (Chinese) the curren...
rennases 11 10 RENNASE, an enzyme f...
rennings 13 13 RENNING, the act of...
renogram 14 14 a photographic depic...
renotify 21 14 to notify again [v R...
renounce 14 14 to disown, give up [...
renovate 13 13 to make like new [v...
renowned 14 14 RENOWN, to make famo...
renowner 14 13 one who gives anothe...
rentable 15 13 able to be rented [a...
rentiers 13 9 RENTIER, (French) a...
rentings 14 12 RENTING, the act of...
renumber 16 16 to number again [v -...
renverse 14 13 (archaic) to reverse...
renverst 15 13 RENVERSE, (archaic)...
reobject 20 23 to object again [v -...
reobtain 14 12 to obtain again [v -...
reoccupy 28 20 to occupy again [v R...
reoccurs 20 15 REOCCUR, to occur ag...
reoffend 16 16 to offend again [v -...
reoffers 17 14 REOFFER, to offer fo...
reoiling 15 12 REOIL, to oil again...
reopened 13 13 REOPEN, to open agai...
reopener 13 12 a clause in a contra...
reoppose 16 14 to oppose again [v R...
reordain 12 10 to ordain again [v -...
reorders 13 9 REORDER, to put in a...
reorging 15 13 REORG, to reorganize...
reorient 12 9 to acquaint oneself...
reoutfit 16 12 to outfit again [v R...
reovirus 16 13 a type of virus [n -...
repacify 27 19 to pacify again [v R...
repacked 19 19 REPACK, to pack agai...
repaints 15 12 REPAINT, to paint ag...
repaired 15 12 REPAIR, to restore t...
repairer 15 11 one who repairs [n -...
repandly 22 16 REPAND, having a wav...
repanels 15 13 REPANEL, to panel ag...
repapers 17 14 REPAPER, to apply ne...
reparked 16 16 REPARK, to park agai...
repartee 14 11 to make a quick witt...
repassed 15 12 REPASS, to pass agai...
repasses 15 11 REPASS, to pass agai...
repasted 15 12 REPAST, to partake o...
repaving 18 18 REPAVE, to pave agai...
repaying 22 16 REPAY, to pay back [...
repealed 15 13 REPEAL, to revoke [v...
repealer 15 12 one who repeals [n -...
repeated 14 12 REPEAT, to say or do...
repeater 14 11 one who repeats [n -...
repegged 17 16 REPEG, to peg again...
repelled 17 14 REPEL, to drive back...
repeller 17 13 one who, or that whi...
repented 14 13 REPENT, to regret an...
repenter 14 12 one who repents [n -...
repeople 17 15 to supply with peopl...
reperepe 16 14 the elephant fish, a...
reperked 16 16 REPERK, to brew agai...
reperuse 15 12 to peruse again [v R...
repetend 14 13 a phrase or sound th...
rephrase 17 13 to say or repeat in...
repiners 15 12 REPINER, one who rep...
repining 16 15 the act of repining...
repinned 14 14 REPIN, to pin again...
repiqued 24 22 REPIQUE, to score in...
repiques 24 21 REPIQUE, to score in...
replaced 19 16 REPLACE, to put back...
replacer 19 15 one who replaces [n...
replaces 19 15 REPLACE, to put back...
replants 16 13 REPLANT, to plant ag...
replated 16 13 REPLATE, to plate ag...
replates 16 12 REPLATE, to plate ag...
replayed 22 15 REPLAY, to play agai...
repleads 16 13 REPLEAD, to plead ag...
repledge 17 15 to pledge again [v R...
repleted 16 13 REPLETE, to fill com...
repletes 16 12 REPLETE, to fill com...
replevin 18 17 to regain possession...
replicas 20 15 REPLICA, a copy or r...
replicon 19 16 a part of a DNA mole...
repliers 17 12 REPLIER, one who rep...
replough 20 17 to plough again, als...
replowed 19 16 REPLOW, to plow agai...
replumbs 21 19 REPLUMB, to plumb ag...
replunge 17 16 to plunge again [v R...
replying 24 17 REPLY, to answer [v]
repoints 15 12 REPOINT, to repair m...
repolish 19 14 to polish again [v -...
repolled 17 14 REPOLL, to poll agai...
reponing 15 15 REPONE, to restore t...
reported 15 12 REPORT, to give an a...
reporter 15 11 one that reports [n...
reposall 17 13 (Shakespeare) reposa...
reposals 16 12 REPOSAL, the act or...
reposers 15 11 REPOSER, one who rep...
reposing 16 14 REPOSE, to lie at re...
reposits 16 11 REPOSIT, to put away...
reposted 15 12 REPOST, to post agai...
reposure 15 12 (Shakespeare) repose...
repotted 15 12 REPOT, to put in a n...
repoured 15 13 REPOUR, to pour agai...
repousse 15 12 a raised design hamm...
repowers 18 14 REPOWER, to power ag...
reppings 19 17 REPPING, working as...
repreeve 16 15 to delay the executi...
repriced 19 15 REPRICE, to price ag...
reprices 19 14 REPRICE, to price ag...
repriefe 17 14 (Spenser) reproach,...
reprieve 17 15 to give a respite to...
reprimed 17 15 REPRIME, to prime ag...
reprimes 17 14 REPRIME, to prime ag...
reprints 16 12 REPRINT, to print ag...
reprisal 17 12 the act of retaliati...
reprised 16 12 REPRISE, to take bac...
reprises 16 11 REPRISE, to take bac...
reprived 18 16 REPRIVE, (Spenser) t...
reprives 18 15 REPRIVE, (Spenser) t...
reprized 19 21 REPRIZE, (Spenser) t...
reprizes 19 20 REPRIZE, (Spenser) t...
reproach 20 16 to find fault with [...
reprobed 17 15 REPROBE, to probe ag...
reprobes 17 14 REPROBE, to probe ag...
reproofs 17 14 REPROOF, to make wat...
reproval 18 16 censure, reproof [n...
reproved 17 16 REPROVE, to reprove...
reprover 17 15 one who, or that whi...
reproves 17 15 REPROVE, to reprove...
repryved 24 18 REPRYVE, (Spenser) t...
repryves 24 17 REPRYVE, (Spenser) t...
reptiles 17 12 REPTILE, any of a cl...
reptilia 17 12 REPTILIUM, a buildin...
republic 23 19 a constitutional for...
repugned 16 16 REPUGN, to fight aga...
repulped 19 17 REPULP, to pulp agai...
repulsed 17 14 REPULSE, to drive ba...
repulser 17 13 one who repulses [n...
repulses 17 13 REPULSE, to drive ba...
repumped 19 19 REPUMP, to pump agai...
repunits 16 13 REPUNIT, a number of...
repurify 25 17 to purify again [v R...
repuring 17 15 REPURE, to purify ag...
repursue 16 13 to pursue again [v R...
reputing 17 15 pluming oneself [n -...
requered 21 19 REQUERE, (Spenser) t...
requeres 21 18 REQUERE, (Spenser) t...
requests 22 18 REQUEST, to ask for...
requiems 23 21 REQUIEM, a musical c...
requight 26 22 (Spenser) to requite...
requinto 21 19 a small guitar [n -S...
required 22 19 REQUIRE, to have nee...
requirer 22 18 one who requires [n...
requires 22 18 REQUIRE, to have nee...
requital 23 19 payment in return [n...
requited 22 19 REQUITE, to repay [v...
requiter 22 18 one who requites [n...
requites 22 18 REQUITE, to repay [v...
requoted 21 19 REQUOTE, to quote ag...
requotes 21 18 REQUOTE, to quote ag...
requoyle 28 21 (Shakespeare) to rec...
reracked 17 16 RERACK, to rack agai...
rerailed 14 10 RERAIL, to replace o...
reraised 13 9 RERAISE, to raise ag...
reraises 13 8 RERAISE, to raise ag...
rerecord 16 12 to record again [v -...
reremais 14 11 REREMAI, (Maori) the...
reremice 17 14 REREMOUSE, a bat, al...
reremind 14 13 to remind again [v -...
rerented 12 10 RERENT, to rent agai...
rerepeat 14 11 to repeat again [v -...
rereview 18 15 to review again [v -...
rerevise 15 12 to revise again [v R...
rereward 16 12 the rearmost divisio...
rerigged 16 13 RERIG, to rig again...
rerising 15 11 RERISE, to rise agai...
rerolled 15 11 REROLL, to roll agai...
reroller 15 10 one who rerolls [n -...
reroofed 14 12 REROOF, to renew the...
rerouted 13 10 REROUTE, to choose a...
reroutes 13 9 REROUTE, to choose a...
resaddle 14 11 to saddle again [v R...
resailed 14 10 RESAIL, to sail agai...
resalgar 15 11 (obsolete) a bright-...
resalute 14 10 to salute again [v R...
resample 17 15 to sample again [v R...
resawing 17 14 RESAW, to saw again...
resaying 20 13 RESAY, to say again...
rescaled 17 13 RESCALE, to plan to...
rescales 17 12 RESCALE, to plan to...
reschool 19 14 to school again [v -...
rescinds 17 13 RESCIND, to annul, r...
rescored 16 12 RESCORE, to score ag...
rescores 16 11 RESCORE, to score ag...
rescreen 15 12 to screen again [v -...
rescript 20 14 to issue a papal edi...
rescuees 16 12 RESCUEE, one that is...
rescuers 17 12 RESCUER, one who res...
rescuing 18 15 RESCUE, to free from...
resculpt 21 16 to sculpt again [v -...
resealed 13 10 RESEAL, to seal agai...
research 18 13 to investigate thoro...
reseason 11 9 to season again [v -...
reseated 12 9 RESEAT, to seat agai...
resected 16 12 RESECT, to cut away...
resecure 16 12 to secure again [v R...
reseeded 12 10 RESEED, to seed agai...
reseeing 13 11 RESEE, to see again...
reseized 16 18 RESEIZE, (Spenser) t...
reseizes 16 17 RESEIZE, (Spenser) t...
reselect 17 12 to choose again [v -...
reseller 15 10 one who resells [n -...
resemble 17 15 to be alike [v RESEM...
resented 12 10 RESENT, to feel affr...
resenter 12 9 one who resents [n -...
reserved 15 13 RESERVE, to hold in...
reserver 15 12 one who reserves [n...
reserves 15 12 RESERVE, to hold in...
resetted 13 9 RESET, to set again...
resetter 13 8 one who resets [n -S...
resettle 14 9 to move to another p...
resewing 17 14 RESEW, to sew again...
reshaped 17 14 RESHAPE, to shape ag...
reshaper 17 13 one that reshapes so...
reshapes 17 13 RESHAPE, to shape ag...
reshaved 17 15 RESHAVE, to shave ag...
reshaven 16 15 RESHAVE, to shave ag...
reshaves 17 14 RESHAVE, to shave ag...
reshined 15 12 RESHINE, to shine ag...
reshines 15 11 RESHINE, to shine ag...
reshoots 15 10 RESHOOT, to film a s...
reshowed 18 14 RESHOW, to show agai...
reshower 18 13 to shower again [v -...
resiance 15 12 (archaic) a residenc...
resiants 13 9 RESIANT, (archaic) a...
resident 13 10 one who resides [n -...
residers 14 9 RESIDER, one who res...
residing 15 12 RESIDE, to live in a...
residual 15 11 remaining, also RESI...
residues 14 10 RESIDUE, something r...
residuum 16 14 (Latin) a residue [n...
resifted 16 12 RESIFT, to sift agai...
resights 18 12 RESIGHT, to sight ag...
resigned 14 12 RESIGN, to give up a...
resigner 14 11 one who resigns [n -...
resiling 16 12 RESILE, to spring ba...
resilins 15 10 RESILIN, an elastic...
resilver 17 13 to cover with silver...
resinata 12 9 a Greek white wine [...
resinate 12 9 to treat with a visc...
resiners 13 9 RESINER, a resin gat...
resinify 22 14 to convert into resi...
resining 14 12 RESIN, to impregnate...
resinise 13 9 to treat with resin,...
resinize 16 18 to treat with resin,...
resinoid 13 10 a resinous substance...
resinous 13 10 resembling resin [ad...
resisted 14 9 RESIST, to strive ag...
resister 14 8 one who resists [n -...
resistor 14 8 a device in an elect...
resiting 15 11 RESITE, to move to a...
resizing 18 20 RESIZE, to size agai...
resketch 20 17 to sketch again [v -...
reskewed 17 16 RESKEW, (Spenser) to...
reskills 18 14 RESKILL, to retrain...
reskuing 16 16 RESKUE, (Spenser) to...
reslated 14 10 RESLATE, to put down...
reslates 14 9 RESLATE, to put down...
resmelts 16 12 RESMELT, to smelt ag...
resmooth 16 13 to smooth again [v -...
resoaked 13 13 RESOAK, to soak agai...
resodded 13 11 RESOD, to put down n...
resoften 14 12 to soften again [v -...
resojets 15 17 RESOJET, a pulsejet...
resolder 14 10 to solder again [v -...
resoling 15 12 RESOLE, to put on ne...
resolute 14 10 determined [adj RESO...
resolved 16 14 RESOLVE, to make a f...
resolver 16 13 one that resolves [n...
resolves 16 13 RESOLVE, to make a f...
resonant 11 10 resounding, ringing...
resonate 11 9 to resound [v RESONA...
resorbed 15 12 RESORB, to absorb ag...
resorcin 16 12 a colourless phenol...
resorted 13 9 RESORT, to sort agai...
resorter 13 8 one who resorts [n -...
resought 17 13 RESEEK, to seek agai...
resounds 13 11 RESOUND, to make an...
resource 16 12 to provide for [v RE...
resowing 17 14 RESOW, to sow again...
respaced 18 15 RESPACE, to provide...
respaces 18 14 RESPACE, to provide...
respaded 15 13 RESPADE, to turn ove...
respades 15 12 RESPADE, to turn ove...
respeaks 16 15 RESPEAK, to speak ag...
respects 19 14 RESPECT, to have hig...
respells 18 13 RESPELL, to spell ag...
respired 16 12 RESPIRE, to breathe...
respires 16 11 RESPIRE, to breathe...
respited 16 12 RESPITE, to relieve...
respites 16 11 RESPITE, to relieve...
resplend 16 14 to shine brilliantly...
resplice 20 15 to splice again [v R...
resplits 18 12 RESPLIT, to split ag...
respoken 15 16 RESPEAK, to speak ag...
responds 15 13 RESPOND, to say or a...
responsa 14 12 RESPONSUM, (Latin) i...
response 14 12 a reply or reaction...
respools 16 12 RESPOOL, to spool ag...
resprang 16 14 RESPRING, to replace...
resprays 22 13 RESPRAY, to spray ag...
respread 15 12 to spread again [v R...
respring 17 14 to replace the sprin...
resprout 16 12 to sprout again [v -...
resprung 17 15 RESPRING, to replace...
restable 16 12 to put in stables ag...
restacks 18 15 RESTACK, to stack ag...
restaffs 18 14 RESTAFF, to staff ag...
restaged 14 11 RESTAGE, to put on t...
restages 14 10 RESTAGE, to put on t...
restamps 17 14 RESTAMP, to stamp ag...
restarts 14 8 RESTART, to start ag...
restated 13 9 RESTATE, to state ag...
restates 13 8 RESTATE, to state ag...
restiest 14 8 RESTY, (obsolete) re...
restings 15 11 RESTING, the act of...
restitch 20 13 to stitch again [v -...
restless 15 9 unable to remain at...
restocks 18 15 RESTOCK, to stock ag...
restoked 14 13 RESTOKE, to stoke ag...
restokes 14 12 RESTOKE, to stoke ag...
restoral 14 9 restoration [n -S]
restored 13 9 RESTORE, to bring ba...
restorer 13 8 one that restores [n...
restores 13 8 RESTORE, to bring ba...
restrain 13 9 to hold back [v -ED,...
restress 14 8 to stress again [v -...
restrict 18 11 to keep within bound...
restrike 15 12 to strike again [v R...
restring 15 11 to string again [v R...
restrive 16 12 to strive again [v R...
restroom 14 11 a room furnished wit...
restrove 15 12 RESTRIVE, to strive...
restruck 19 16 RESTRIKE, to strike...
restrung 15 12 RESTRING, to string...
restuffs 19 15 RESTUFF, to stuff ag...
restumps 18 15 RESTUMP, to replace...
restyled 21 12 RESTYLE, to make int...
restyles 21 11 RESTYLE, to make int...
resubmit 18 15 to submit again [v R...
resulted 15 11 RESULT, to follow as...
resumers 15 12 RESUMER, one who res...
resuming 16 15 RESUME, to begin aga...
resummon 15 16 to summon again [v -...
resupine 15 13 lying on the back [a...
resupply 26 18 to supply again [v R...
resurged 15 12 RESURGE, to rise aga...
resurges 15 11 RESURGE, to rise aga...
resurvey 22 15 to survey again [v -...
resusses 14 9 RESUS, (short for) r...
retables 16 12 RETABLE, (French) a...
retablos 16 12 RETABLO, a shelf or...
retacked 17 16 RETACK, to tack agai...
retackle 18 16 to tackle again [v R...
retagged 15 13 RETAG, to tag again...
retailed 14 10 RETAIL, to sell dire...
retailer 14 9 one who sells direct...
retailor 14 9 to tailor again [v -...
retained 12 10 RETAIN, to keep poss...
retainer 12 9 one that retains [n...
retakers 14 12 RETAKER, one who tak...
retaking 15 15 the act or taking ag...
retaping 16 14 RETAPE, to tape agai...
retarded 13 10 RETARD, to hold back...
retarder 13 9 one who retards [n -...
retarget 14 10 to target again [v -...
retasted 13 9 RETASTE, to taste ag...
retastes 13 8 RETASTE, to taste ag...
retaught 17 13 RETEACH, to teach ag...
retaxing 20 18 RETAX, to tax again...
retching 20 16 the act of making an...
reteamed 13 12 RETEAM, to team up w...
reteller 15 10 one who retells stor...
retemper 16 14 to modify again [v -...
retested 13 9 RETEST, to test agai...
rethinks 17 15 RETHINK, to think ag...
rethread 15 11 to thread again [v -...
retiarii 14 8 RETIARIUS, a gladiat...
reticent 16 12 tending to be silent...
reticles 18 12 RETICLE, a network o...
reticula 18 13 RETICULUM, a network...
reticule 18 13 a woman's workbag, o...
retieing 14 11 RETIE, to tie again...
retiform 17 14 arranged like a net...
retiling 16 12 RETILE, to tile agai...
retiming 16 14 RETIME, to time agai...
retinals 14 10 RETINAL, a pigment i...
retinene 11 10 a pigment in the ret...
retinite 13 9 an inflammable miner...
retinoic 16 12 as in retinoic acid,...
retinoid 13 10 a compound analogous...
retinols 14 10 RETINOL, a liquid hy...
retinted 13 10 RETINT, to tint agai...
retinued 13 11 having a retinue [ad...
retinues 13 10 RETINUE, a group of...
retinula 14 11 a neural receptor of...
retiracy 23 13 seclusion [n RETIRAC...
retirals 15 9 RETIRAL, the giving...
retirant 13 9 one who has retired...
retirees 13 8 RETIREE, one who has...
retirers 14 8 RETIRER, one who ret...
retiring 15 11 RETIRE, to withdraw...
retitled 15 10 RETITLE, to give a n...
retitles 15 9 RETITLE, to give a n...
retooled 13 10 RETOOL, to reequip w...
retorted 13 9 RETORT, to answer ba...
retorter 13 8 one who retorts [n -...
retotals 14 9 RETOTAL, to total ag...
retoured 13 10 RETOUR, to confirm a...
retoxing 20 18 RETOX, to embark on...
retraced 16 12 RETRACE, to go back...
retracer 16 11 one who retraces [n...
retraces 16 11 RETRACE, to go back...
retracks 18 15 RETRACK, to retrace...
retracts 17 11 RETRACT, to take bac...
retraict 17 11 (obsolete) retreat,...
retrains 13 9 RETRAIN, to train ag...
retraite 13 8 (obsolete) retreat,...
retraits 14 8 RETRAIT, (obsolete)...
retraitt 14 8 (Spenser) a portrait...
retrally 22 12 RETRAL, situated tow...
retrated 13 9 RETRATE, (Spenser) t...
retrates 13 8 RETRATE, (Spenser) t...
retreads 13 9 RETREAD, to tread ag...
retreats 13 8 RETREAT, to go back...
retrench 18 14 to cut down expenses...
retrials 15 9 RETRIAL, a second tr...
retrieve 15 12 to get back [v RETRI...
retroact 16 11 to act in return [v...
retrofit 16 11 to furnish with new...
retronym 20 14 a term coined to dis...
retrorse 13 8 turned back or downw...
retrying 21 13 RETRY, to try again...
retsinas 13 9 RETSINA, a resin-fla...
retunded 13 12 RETUND, to blunt the...
retuning 14 13 RETUNE, to tune agai...
returfed 16 13 RETURF, to lay new t...
returned 13 11 RETURN, to go back [...
returnee 12 10 one who has returned...
returner 13 10 one who returns [n -...
returnik 15 14 someone going home a...
retweets 16 11 RETWEET, to tweet ag...
retwists 18 11 RETWIST, to twist ag...
retyping 23 16 RETYPE, to type agai...
reunions 12 11 REUNION, a uniting o...
reunited 13 11 REUNITE, to come tog...
reuniter 13 10 one who reunites [n...
reunites 13 10 REUNITE, to come tog...
reuptake 16 16 to take up again [v...
reuptook 16 16 REUPTAKE, to take up...
reurging 16 14 REURGE, to press str...
reusable 16 13 capable of being use...
reutters 14 9 REUTTER, to utter ag...
revalued 16 15 REVALUE, to value ag...
revalues 16 14 REVALUE, to value ag...
revamped 18 19 REVAMP, to make over...
revamper 18 18 one who revamps [n -...
revanche 19 18 a political policy d...
revealed 15 14 REVEAL, to make know...
revealer 15 13 one who reveals [n -...
revehent 16 15 carrying back [adj]
reveille 17 14 a morning bugle call...
revelers 16 13 REVELER, one who rev...
reveling 17 16 REVEL, to engage in...
revelled 17 15 REVEL, to engage in...
reveller 17 14 one who revels, also...
revenant 13 14 (French) one that re...
revenged 15 16 REVENGE, to take ret...
revenger 15 15 one who takes reveng...
revenges 15 15 REVENGE, to take ret...
revenual 15 15 relating to revenue...
revenued 14 15 possessed of revenue...
revenuer 14 14 a revenue officer [n...
revenues 14 14 REVENUE, the income...
reverbed 17 16 REVERB, (Shakespeare...
reverend 14 14 a clergyman [n -S]
reverent 14 13 deeply respectful [a...
reverers 15 12 REVERER, one who rev...
reveries 15 12 REVERY, a daydream,...
reverify 24 17 to verify again [v R...
revering 16 15 REVERE, to regard wi...
reverist 16 12 a person who has rev...
reversal 16 13 the act of reversing...
reversed 15 13 REVERSE, to turn or...
reverser 15 12 one who reverses [n...
reverses 15 12 REVERSE, to turn or...
reversis 16 12 an old card game in...
reversos 15 12 REVERSO, (Italian) a...
reverted 15 13 REVERT, to return to...
reverter 15 12 one who, or that whi...
revested 15 13 REVEST, to vest agai...
revestry 22 14 a room in which vest...
revetted 15 13 REVET, to face with...
reveuses 15 13 REVEUSE, (French) a...
reviewal 19 16 the act of reviewing...
reviewed 18 16 REVIEW, to view agai...
reviewer 18 15 one who reviews [n -...
revilers 17 13 REVILER, one who rev...
reviling 18 16 abusive [adj REVILIN...
revisals 17 13 REVISAL, a revised v...
revisers 16 12 REVISER, one who rev...
revising 17 15 REVISE, to make a ne...
revision 15 13 a revised version, a...
revisits 17 12 REVISIT, to visit ag...
revisors 16 12 REVISOR, one who rev...
revisory 22 14 having the power or...
revivals 19 17 REVIVAL, renewed int...
revivers 18 16 REVIVER, something t...
revivify 27 21 to reactivate [v REV...
reviving 19 19 restorative [adj REV...
revivors 18 16 REVIVOR, the revival...
revoiced 18 16 REVOICE, to refurnis...
revoices 18 15 REVOICE, to refurnis...
revokers 16 16 REVOKER, one who rev...
revoking 17 19 REVOKE, to annul by...
revolted 16 14 REVOLT, to rise up a...
revolter 16 13 one who revolts [n -...
revolute 16 14 rolled backward or d...
revolved 18 18 REVOLVE, to turn on...
revolver 18 17 a pistol with a rota...
revolves 18 17 REVOLVE, to turn on...
revoting 16 15 REVOTE, to vote agai...
revuists 17 13 REVUIST, a writer of...
revulsed 17 15 affected with revuls...
rewakens 16 16 REWAKEN, to waken ag...
rewaking 18 18 REWAKE, to wake agai...
rewarded 16 13 REWARD, to give in r...
rewarder 16 12 one that rewards [n...
rewarewa 18 14 (Maori) a New Zealan...
rewarmed 17 15 REWARM, to warm agai...
rewashed 18 14 REWASH, to wash agai...
rewashes 18 13 REWASH, to wash agai...
rewaters 16 11 REWATER, to water ag...
rewaxing 23 21 REWAX, to wax again...
reweaved 17 16 REWEAVE, to weave ag...
reweaves 17 15 REWEAVE, to weave ag...
rewedded 16 14 REWED, to wed again...
reweighs 20 15 REWEIGH, to weigh ag...
rewelded 17 14 REWELD, to weld agai...
rewetted 16 12 REWET, to wet again...
rewidens 16 13 REWIDEN, to widen ag...
rewilded 18 14 REWILD, to release (...
rewinded 16 14 REWIND, to wind agai...
rewinder 16 13 one who rewinds [n -...
rewiring 18 14 the act of fitting w...
reworded 16 13 REWORD, to state aga...
reworked 17 16 REWORK, to work agai...
rewriter 17 11 a device for rewriti...
rewrites 17 11 REWRITE, to write ag...
reynards 19 12 REYNARD, an appellat...
rezeroed 15 18 REZERO, to reset (a...
rezeroes 15 17 REZERO, to reset (a...
rezoning 16 21 REZONE, to zone agai...
rhabdoid 18 15 a rodlike body [n -S...
rhabdome 18 17 a rodlike structure...
rhabdoms 19 17 RHABDOM, a rodlike s...
rhachial 22 16 pertaining to the sp...
rhagades 16 13 cracks in the skin [...
rhamnose 15 14 a sugar found in pla...
rhaphide 20 16 a needle-like crysta...
rhapsode 17 14 anciently, one who r...
rhapsody 24 16 an irregular, emotio...
rhematic 20 16 pertaining to a verb...
rheniums 17 15 RHENIUM, a metallic...
rheobase 16 13 the smallest amount...
rheocord 18 14 a wire rheostat, a m...
rheology 23 15 the study of matter...
rheophil 21 16 living in flowing wa...
rheostat 15 10 a resistor used to c...
rheotome 15 13 an instrument which...
rhesuses 16 11 RHESUS, a kind of mo...
rhetoric 19 13 the study of effecti...
rheumier 17 14 RHEUMY, like rheum [...
rhexises 22 17 RHEXIS, rupture of a...
rhinitic 20 14 suffering from rhini...
rhinitis 17 11 inflammation of the...
rhizines 19 20 RHIZINE, a lichen rh...
rhizobia 21 22 RHIZOBIUM, a bacteri...
rhizoids 20 20 RHIZOID, a short hai...
rhizomes 20 22 RHIZOME, a rootlike,...
rhizomic 24 25 relating to a rhizom...
rhizopod 21 23 any of a class of pr...
rhizopus 22 23 any of a genus of mo...
rhodamin 16 15 a synthetic dyestuff...
rhodanic 18 15 pertaining to thiocy...
rhodinal 16 13 an aldehyde found in...
rhodiums 18 15 RHODIUM, a very hard...
rhodoras 15 11 RHODORA, a North Ame...
rhomboid 19 17 a parallelogram with...
rhonchal 21 17 of or relating to sn...
rhonchus 21 17 (Latin) a whistling...
rhopalic 22 17 each word being incr...
rhubarbs 21 17 RHUBARB, to simulate...
rhubarby 27 19 tasting of rhubarb [...
rhumbaed 19 18 RHUMBA, (Spanish) to...
rhymists 25 15 RHYMIST, a versifier...
rhyolite 23 13 a highly felsic igne...
rhythmal 27 18 relating to rhythm [...
rhythmed 26 18 having a rhythm [adj...
rhythmic 30 20 related to rhythm, a...
rhythmus 27 18 a pattern of recurre...
rhytinas 22 13 RHYTINA, an aquatic...
riancies 16 12 RIANCY, merriment [n...
ribalder 17 13 RIBALD, earthily sex...
ribaldly 25 16 RIBALD, earthily sex...
ribaldry 24 15 crude language [n RI...
ribaudry 23 15 (Spenser) ribaldry,...
ribbands 18 16 RIBBAND, a ribbon, a...
ribbiest 19 14 RIBBY, marked by rib...
ribbings 20 17 RIBBING, an arrangem...
ribboned 17 16 RIBBON, to decorate...
ribbonry 24 17 ribbons collectively...
ribcages 20 16 RIBCAGE, an enclosur...
ribgrass 18 13 a weedy plant, also...
ribibles 20 15 RIBIBLE, a small thr...
ribosome 16 14 a particle composed...
ribozyme 26 25 a RNA derived molecu...
ribstone 15 12 an apple, also RIBST...
ribstons 16 12 RIBSTON, a variety o...
ribulose 17 13 a type of sugar [n -...
ribworks 21 18 RIBWORK, a rib vault...
ribworts 20 14 RIBWORT, a plantain...
ricebird 20 15 the Java sparrow [n...
ricercar 20 14 any of various contr...
richened 18 15 RICHEN, to make or b...
richesse 19 13 (obsolete) riches [n...
richness 19 14 the state of being r...
richtest 20 13 RICHT, (Scots) right...
richting 21 16 RICHT, to right [v]
richweed 22 17 a herb of the nettle...
ricketty 25 17 shaky, ramshackle, a...
ricklier 20 16 RICKLY, (Scots) loos...
rickrack 23 22 a braid used in trim...
rickshas 21 17 RICKSHA, a small, tw...
rickshaw 24 20 a small, two-wheeled...
rickyard 25 18 a yard for storing r...
ricochet 22 16 to rebound from a su...
ricottas 17 11 RICOTTA, (Italian) a...
rictuses 18 12 RICTUS, the expanse...
riddance 16 14 the action or an act...
riddlers 16 11 RIDDLER, one who pos...
riddling 17 14 enigmatic, obscure [...
rideable 16 13 capable of being rid...
ridgetop 17 14 the crest of a ridge...
ridgeway 24 16 a track along a hill...
ridgiest 16 11 RIDGY, having ridges...
ridgings 17 14 RIDGING, the forming...
ridgling 18 15 a male animal with o...
ridicule 19 14 to make fun of [v RI...
ridottos 14 9 RIDOTTO, a public mu...
riempies 17 14 RIEMPIE, (Afrikaans)...
riesling 16 12 (German) a type of g...
rifampin 19 18 an antibiotic [n -S]
rifeness 15 12 the state of being r...
riffages 19 16 RIFFAGE, in jazz, th...
rifflers 20 15 RIFFLER, a small fil...
riffling 21 18 RIFFLE, to ruffle, t...
riffolas 19 15 RIFFOLA, (colloquial...
riffraff 23 20 the disreputable ele...
rifleman 17 16 a soldier armed with...
riflemen 17 16 RIFLEMAN, a soldier...
riflings 19 15 RIFLING, the system...
riftiest 17 11 RIFTY, having fissur...
riftless 18 12 without rifts [adj]
rigadoon 13 12 a lively Baroque per...
rigatoni 14 11 (Italian) pasta in t...
rigaudon 14 13 (French) a lively Ba...
riggalds 18 14 RIGGALD, a male anim...
riggings 18 15 RIGGING, the system...
rightens 17 13 RIGHTEN, (archaic) t...
righters 18 12 RIGHTER, one who set...
rightest 18 12 RIGHT, being in acco...
rightful 22 17 just and proper [adj...
rightier 18 12 RIGHTY, politically...
righties 18 12 RIGHTY, a right-hand...
righting 19 15 the act of making th...
rightish 21 14 somewhat right [adj]
rightism 20 15 conservative politic...
rightist 19 12 one who adheres to t...
rigidest 16 11 RIGID, stiff [adj]
rigidify 25 16 to make stiff, also...
rigidise 16 11 to make stiff, also...
rigidity 23 13 the state of being r...
rigidize 19 20 to make stiff, also...
riglings 18 14 RIGLING, a male anim...
rigorism 17 13 rigidity in principl...
rigorist 16 10 one who professes ri...
rigorous 15 11 characterized by rig...
rikishas 18 14 RIKISHA, a small, tw...
rikshaws 21 17 RIKSHAW, a small, tw...
rillmark 19 17 a marking produced b...
rimeless 16 12 without rime [adj]
rimester 15 11 one that rimes, also...
rimfires 18 14 RIMFIRE, a cartridge...
riminess 15 12 the condition of bei...
rimlands 16 14 RIMLAND, an outlying...
rimmings 18 17 RIMMING, stimulation...
rimosely 22 14 RIMOSE, marked by cr...
rimosity 22 13 the state of being r...
rimpling 20 18 RIMPLE, to wrinkle [...
rimrocks 20 18 RIMROCK, an outcrop...
rimshots 18 13 RIMSHOT, a sound mad...
rindiest 14 10 RINDY, covered in ri...
rindless 15 11 without rind [adj]
ringbark 18 18 to strip a ring of b...
ringbits 18 14 RINGBIT, a horse's b...
ringbolt 18 15 an eyebolt having a...
ringbone 15 15 a bony growth on a h...
ringdove 16 16 the wood-pigeon, fro...
ringette 14 11 a team sport played...
ringgits 17 13 RINGGIT, (Malay) a m...
ringhals 18 14 (Afrikaans) an Afric...
ringings 16 14 RINGING, the act of...
ringless 16 12 without a ring [adj]
ringlets 16 12 RINGLET, a small rin...
ringlety 22 14 resembling or sugges...
ringlike 17 16 like a ring [adj]
ringneck 18 19 a bird having a ring...
ringside 15 12 the area just outsid...
ringster 15 11 a member of a ring,...
ringtail 16 12 an animal whose tail...
ringtaws 18 14 RINGTAW, a game of m...
ringtone 13 12 a tune played by a m...
ringtoss 15 11 a game in which the...
ringways 24 16 RINGWAY, a ring-road...
ringwise 18 14 in the manner of a r...
ringwomb 21 20 a complication in la...
ringwork 19 18 work executed in rin...
ringworm 19 17 a contagious itching...
rinkhals 18 16 (Afrikaans) an Afric...
rinkside 15 14 the area at the side...
rinsable 16 13 able to be rinsed [a...
rinsible 17 13 that can be rinsed,...
rinsings 15 12 RINSING, the act of...
riotings 15 11 RIOTING, the act of...
riotises 14 8 RIOTISE, (obsolete)...
riotizes 17 17 RIOTIZE, (obsolete)...
riotries 14 8 RIOTRY, the act or p...
riparial 17 12 of or inhabiting a r...
riparian 15 12 of or inhabiting a r...
ripcords 20 15 RIPCORD, a cord to r...
ripeners 15 12 RIPENER, one that ri...
ripeness 15 12 the state of being r...
ripening 16 15 RIPEN, to become rip...
ripienos 15 12 RIPIENO, a musical p...
riposted 16 12 RIPOSTE, to make a r...
ripostes 16 11 RIPOSTE, to make a r...
rippable 21 18 able to be ripped [a...
rippiers 19 14 RIPPIER, (obsolete)...
rippings 20 17 RIPPING, the act of...
ripplers 20 15 RIPPLER, a toothed t...
ripplets 20 15 RIPPLET, a small rip...
ripplier 20 15 RIPPLY, marked by ri...
rippling 21 18 making ripples [adj...
ripsawed 19 15 RIPSAW, to cut with...
ripstops 19 14 RIPSTOP, a fabric wo...
riptides 17 12 RIPTIDE, a tide that...
riroriro 14 8 (Maori) the grey war...
risaldar 15 10 (Urdu) an Indian tro...
risibles 18 12 a sense of the ridic...
riskiest 16 12 RISKY, dangerous, al...
riskless 17 13 free of risk [adj]
risoluto 15 10 (Italian) with empha...
risorius 15 9 a facial muscle situ...
risottos 14 8 RISOTTO, (Italian) r...
rispetti 17 11 RISPETTO, (Italian)...
rispetto 16 11 (Italian) a type of...
rispings 18 14 RISPING, a portion g...
rissoles 15 9 RISSOLE, a small bal...
riteless 15 9 without rites [adj]
ritenuto 13 10 (Italian) a musical...
ritornel 14 10 a short instrumental...
ritually 23 13 RITUAL, according to...
ritziest 18 17 RITZY, pretentious [...
rivaless 17 13 (archaic) a female r...
rivaling 18 16 RIVAL, to strive to...
rivalise 17 13 to enter into rivalr...
rivality 24 15 competition, also RI...
rivalize 20 22 to enter into rivalr...
rivalled 18 15 RIVAL, to strive to...
rivelled 18 15 RIVEL, to wrinkle [v...
riverain 15 13 a riverside dweller...
riverbed 18 16 the area covered by...
riverets 16 12 RIVERET, (archaic) a...
riverine 15 13 pertaining to a rive...
riverman 16 16 a man who works on a...
rivermen 16 16 RIVERMAN, a man who...
riverway 25 17 a river as a waterwa...
riveters 16 12 RIVETER, one who riv...
riveting 17 15 the act of riveting...
rivetted 16 13 RIVET, to fasten wit...
rivieras 16 12 RIVIERA, (Italian) a...
rivieres 16 12 RIVIERE, (French) a...
rivulets 18 14 RIVULET, a small str...
rivulose 17 14 having narrow, windi...
rizzared 20 27 RIZZAR, (Scots) to d...
rizzarts 21 26 RIZZART, (Scots) a r...
rizzered 20 27 RIZZER, (Scots) to d...
rizzored 20 27 RIZZOR, (Scots) to d...
roaching 19 16 ROACH, to clip or tr...
roadbeds 15 13 ROADBED, the foundat...
roadhogs 16 13 ROADHOG, a selfish o...
roadings 14 12 ROADING, a wood-cock...
roadkill 17 15 an animal that has b...
roadless 14 10 without a road [adj]
roadshow 18 14 a touring group of t...
roadside 13 10 land adjoining a roa...
roadsman 13 13 one who works making...
roadsmen 13 13 ROADSMAN, one who wo...
roadster 13 9 a light, open automo...
roadways 22 14 ROADWAY, a road, als...
roadwork 17 16 outdoor running as a...
roamings 15 14 ROAMING, the act of...
roanpipe 16 15 (Scots) a roof-gutte...
roariest 13 8 ROARY, noisy, garish...
roarings 14 11 ROARING, the act of...
roarming 15 14 (dialect) severe, as...
roasters 13 8 ROASTER, a pan or di...
roasties 13 8 ROASTIE, (colloquial...
roasting 14 11 a scolding [n -S]
robinias 15 12 ROBINIA, a genus of...
robocall 20 16 a telephone call fro...
roborant 14 12 an invigorating drug...
robotics 19 14 the study of robots...
robotise 15 11 to make automatic, a...
robotism 17 14 the state of being a...
robotize 18 20 to make automatic, a...
roburite 16 12 a flameless explosiv...
robustas 16 12 ROBUSTA, a kind of c...
robuster 16 12 ROBUST, strong and h...
robustly 24 15 ROBUST, strong and h...
rocaille 18 13 (French) artificial...
rockable 20 19 able to be rocked [a...
rockabye 25 20 a song used to lull...
rockaway 26 20 a light four-wheeled...
rocketed 17 16 ROCKET, to be projec...
rocketer 17 15 a bird, esp. a pheas...
rocketry 24 17 the science of rocke...
rockfall 22 20 a mass of fallen roc...
rockfish 23 20 a fish living around...
rockiers 18 15 ROCKIER, the rock do...
rockiest 18 15 ROCKY, shaky, or uns...
rockings 19 18 ROCKING, the act of...
rocklays 25 18 ROCKLAY, (Scots) a s...
rockless 19 16 without rocks [adj]
rocklike 20 20 like a rock [adj]
rockling 20 19 a small fish of the...
rockoons 16 16 ROCKOON, a small roc...
rockrose 17 15 a shrub of the Poten...
rockweed 20 19 any coarse seaweed g...
rockwool 21 19 a mineral wool used...
rockwork 22 22 stonework in which t...
rocquets 25 21 ROCQUET, a close-fit...
roddings 15 13 RODDING, the act of...
rodeoing 13 12 RODEO, to perform a...
rodeways 22 14 RODEWAY, (Shakespear...
rodsters 14 9 RODSTER, (archaic) a...
roebucks 20 19 ROEBUCK, the male of...
roentgen 12 12 a unit of radiation...
roestone 11 9 another name for ool...
rogallos 16 12 ROGALLO, a light and...
rogation 13 11 an asking or supplic...
rogatory 20 12 requesting informati...
rogering 15 13 the act of rogering...
rogueing 15 14 ROGUE, to cheat or d...
roiliest 15 9 ROILY, turbid [adj]
roisters 14 8 ROISTER, to revel no...
roisting 15 11 ROIST, to revel nois...
rokelays 21 15 ROKELAY, (Scots) a s...
rolamite 15 12 two or more rollers...
rolfings 18 15 ROLFING, a therapeut...
rollable 18 14 able to be rolled [a...
rollaway 24 15 something mounted on...
rollback 22 20 a return to lower pr...
rollbars 18 13 ROLLBAR, a frame to...
rollicks 21 17 ROLLICK, to behave i...
rollicky 27 19 given to rollicking...
rollings 17 13 ROLLING, the act of...
rollmops 19 16 ROLLMOP, a fillet of...
rollneck 19 18 of a garment, having...
rollocks 20 17 ROLLOCK, a contrivan...
rollouts 16 11 ROLLOUT, a type of p...
rollover 17 14 a motor vehicle acci...
rollways 25 15 ROLLWAY, an incline...
romaikas 15 15 ROMAIKA, a modern Gr...
romaines 13 12 ROMAINE, (French) a...
romanced 16 16 ROMANCE, to woo [v]
romancer 16 15 one who writes roman...
romances 16 15 ROMANCE, to woo [v]
romanise 13 12 to write in the Roma...
romanize 16 21 to write in the Roma...
romantic 17 15 related to romance [...
romanzas 16 21 ROMANZA, a short ins...
romaunts 14 13 ROMAUNT, (archaic) a...
romneyas 19 14 ROMNEYA, a plant wit...
roncador 15 13 a name for various f...
rondache 17 15 (French) a circular...
rondavel 15 15 (Afrikaans) in South...
rondeaux 18 18 RONDEAU, (French) a...
rondelet 13 11 (French) a short 5 o...
rondelle 14 12 (French) a verse for...
rondinos 12 11 RONDINO, (Italian) a...
rondures 13 11 RONDURE, (Shakespear...
roneoing 12 12 RONEO, (tradename) t...
ronepipe 16 15 (Scots) a roof-gutte...
ronggeng 15 16 a Malaysian dancing-...
rontgens 13 12 RONTGEN, (German) th...
roofiest 15 11 ROOFY, having a roof...
roofings 16 14 ROOFING, material fo...
roofless 16 12 without a roof [adj]
rooflike 17 16 like a roof [adj]
roofline 15 13 the profile of a roo...
rooftops 17 14 ROOFTOP, the outside...
rooftree 14 11 a horizontal timber...
rooikats 14 12 ROOIKAT, (Afrikaans)...
rooineks 13 13 ROOINEK, (Afrikaans)...
rookiest 14 12 ROOKY, (Shakespeare)...
roomette 13 11 a small room [n -S]
roomfuls 18 16 ROOMFUL, the content...
roomiest 14 11 ROOMY, spacious [adj...
roommate 14 14 one who shares a roo...
roomsful 18 16 ROOMFUL, the content...
roomsome 14 14 (obsolete) roomy [ad...
roopiest 15 11 ROOPY, (Scots) hoars...
roorbach 20 16 a false story used f...
roorback 19 18 a false story used f...
roosters 13 8 ROOSTER, a domestic...
roosting 14 11 ROOST, to prepare fo...
rootages 13 10 ROOTAGE, a system of...
rootball 17 13 the mass of a plant'...
rootcaps 18 14 ROOTCAP, the loose m...
rootedly 20 12 ROOTED [adv]
roothold 16 12 maintenance of posit...
rootiest 13 8 ROOTY, full of roots...
rootings 14 11 ROOTING, the act of...
rootkits 15 12 ROOTKIT, a set of pr...
rootless 14 9 without roots [adj]
rootlets 14 9 ROOTLET, a small roo...
rootlike 15 13 like a root [adj]
rootling 15 12 ROOTLE, to grub [v]
rootsier 13 8 ROOTSY, reminiscent...
rootworm 17 14 a beetle whose larva...
ropeable 17 15 that can be roped, a...
ropelike 17 16 resembling a rope [a...
roperies 15 11 ROPERY, a place wher...
ropewalk 20 19 a long narrow shed o...
ropeways 24 16 ROPEWAY, an aerial c...
ropework 19 18 a place where ropes...
ropiness 15 12 the state of being r...
roqueted 21 19 ROQUET, to make such...
roquette 21 18 (French) a kind of s...
rorquals 23 19 RORQUAL, a large wha...
rortiest 14 8 RORTY, (Australian s...
rortings 15 11 RORTING, the falsifi...
rosaceas 15 11 ROSACEA, a skin dise...
rosakers 14 12 ROSAKER, (obsolete)...
rosalias 14 9 ROSALIA, (Italian) a...
rosarian 12 9 a cultivator of rose...
rosaries 13 8 ROSARY, a series of...
rosarium 15 12 a rose garden [n ROS...
rosebays 21 13 ROSEBAY, the oleande...
rosebeds 15 12 ROSEBED, a part of a...
rosebowl 19 15 a bowl for keeping r...
rosebuds 16 13 ROSEBUD, the bud of...
rosebush 18 14 a bush that bears ro...
rosefish 18 13 a large marine food...
rosehips 18 13 ROSEHIP, the fruit o...
roseless 14 9 having no roses [adj...
roselike 15 13 like a rose [adj]
rosellas 15 10 ROSELLA, an Australi...
roselles 15 10 ROSELLE, an East Ind...
rosemary 20 13 an evergreen shrub [...
roseolar 13 9 like roseola, a rash...
roseolas 13 9 ROSEOLA, a rose-colo...
roseries 13 8 ROSERY, a place wher...
roseroot 12 8 a fleshy-leaved herb...
roseslug 16 12 a larval sawfly that...
roseting 14 11 ROSET, (Scots) to co...
rosetted 13 9 ROSETTE, to award a...
rosettes 13 8 ROSETTE, to award a...
rosewood 15 12 a valuable cabinet w...
roshambo 18 16 (Japanese) the game...
rosieres 13 8 ROSIERE, (Spenser) a...
rosinate 12 9 a resinate [n -S]
rosiners 13 9 ROSINER, a strong al...
rosiness 13 9 the state of being r...
rosining 14 12 ROSIN, to treat with...
rosinols 14 10 ROSINOL, a rosin oil...
rosinous 13 10 resembling rosin [ad...
rositing 15 11 ROSIT, (Scots) to co...
rosoglio 15 11 (Italian) a sweet co...
rosolios 14 9 ROSOLIO, (Italian) a...
rostella 15 10 ROSTELLUM, the protr...
rostered 13 9 ROSTER, to put on a...
rostrate 13 8 having a rostrum [ad...
rostrums 16 12 ROSTRUM, a beaklike...
rosulate 14 10 of leaves and bracts...
rotaries 13 8 ROTARY, a rotating p...
rotating 14 11 ROTATE, to turn like...
rotation 12 9 an instance of rotat...
rotative 15 12 turning like a wheel...
rotators 13 8 ROTATOR, a muscle se...
rotatory 19 10 turning as on an axi...
rotavate 14 12 to till by means of...
rotchies 19 13 ROTCHIE, the little...
rotenone 10 10 an insecticide and f...
rotgrass 15 10 soft grass, butterwo...
rotifers 16 11 ROTIFER, a microscop...
rotiform 17 14 shaped like a wheel...
rototill 16 10 to till soil with a...
rotovate 14 12 to till by means of...
rotproof 17 14 proof against rot [a...
rottener 12 9 ROTTEN, very bad, ro...
rottenly 20 12 ROTTEN, very bad, ro...
rotundas 13 11 ROTUNDA, (Italian) a...
rotunded 13 12 ROTUND, to round [v]
rotunder 13 11 ROTUND, rounded, plu...
rotundly 21 14 ROTUND, rounded, plu...
roturier 14 9 a plebeian, a common...
rouching 20 17 a lace trimming, als...
roughage 17 15 coarse, bulky food [...
roughdry 24 16 to dry without ironi...
roughens 16 14 ROUGHEN, to make rou...
roughers 17 13 ROUGHER, a person wh...
roughest 17 13 ROUGH, having an une...
roughhew 22 18 to shape roughly [v...
roughies 17 13 ROUGHIE, a dry bough...
roughing 18 16 the act of making ro...
roughish 20 15 somewhat rough [adj]
roughleg 19 16 any one of several s...
roughout 17 14 an unfinished roughl...
rouilles 16 11 ROUILLE, (French) a...
roulades 14 11 ROULADE, (French) a...
rouleaus 14 11 ROULEAU, (French) a...
rouleaux 20 18 ROULEAU, (French) a...
roulette 14 10 to make tiny slits i...
roumings 16 15 ROUMING, in the phra...
rouncies 16 13 ROUNCY, (archaic) a...
roundels 14 12 ROUNDEL, a round obj...
rounders 13 11 ROUNDER, a tool for...
roundest 13 11 ROUND, shaped like a...
rounding 14 14 the process of raisi...
roundish 16 13 somewhat round [adj]
roundles 14 12 ROUNDLE, a round obj...
roundlet 14 12 a small circle [n -S...
roundups 16 15 ROUNDUP, an assembli...
roundure 13 12 roundness; a round o...
roupiest 16 12 ROUPY, hoarse, also...
rousable 16 13 capable of being rou...
rousseau 13 10 (French) fried pemmi...
rousters 14 9 ROUSTER, a wharf lab...
rousting 15 12 ROUST, to arouse and...
routeing 14 12 ROUTE, to send on a...
routeman 13 13 a man who conducts b...
routemen 13 13 ROUTEMAN, a man who...
routeway 22 14 an established cours...
routhier 16 11 ROUTHIE, (Scots) ple...
routines 13 10 ROUTINE, a regular c...
routings 15 12 ROUTING, going to re...
rovingly 24 18 ROVING, wandering [a...
rowboats 18 14 ROWBOAT, a small boa...
rowdedow 19 16 an uproar, also ROWD...
rowdiest 17 12 ROWDY, turbulent [ad...
rowdydow 26 18 hubbub; uproar, also...
rowdyish 26 16 somewhat rowdy [adj]
rowdyism 25 17 disorderly behaviour...
roweling 18 15 ROWEL, to prick with...
rowelled 18 14 ROWEL, to prick with...
rowlocks 22 19 ROWLOCK, a device fo...
rowndell 18 15 (Spenser) a bubble [...
rownding 17 16 ROWND, (obsolete) to...
rowovers 18 15 ROWOVER, a rowing ev...
royalets 20 11 ROYALET, a petty kin...
royalise 20 11 to play the king, al...
royalism 22 14 support of a monarch...
royalist 21 11 a supporter of a mon...
royalize 23 20 to play the king, al...
royaller 21 12 ROYAL, relating to a...
roysters 20 10 ROYSTER, to revel no...
roysting 21 13 ROYST, to revel nois...
rozelles 18 19 ROZELLE, an East Ind...
rozeting 17 20 ROZET, (Scots) to ro...
roziting 18 20 ROZIT, (Scots) to ro...
rubaboos 17 15 RUBABOO, a type of s...
rubaiyat 22 14 RUBAI, (Arabic) a Pe...
rubasses 16 12 RUBASSE, a kind of r...
rubbaboo 19 18 a type of soup, also...
rubbered 18 16 RUBBER, to provide w...
rubbings 20 18 RUBBING, an image pr...
rubbishy 28 19 like rubbish, also R...
rubblier 20 16 RUBBLY, abounding in...
rubbling 21 19 RUBBLE, to reduce in...
rubboard 18 16 a corrugated rectang...
rubbydub 28 22 (slang) an alcoholic...
rubdowns 19 17 RUBDOWN, a brisk rub...
rubefied 18 16 RUBEFY, to redden, a...
rubefies 18 15 RUBEFY, to redden, a...
rubellan 17 15 a mineral, an altere...
rubellas 18 14 RUBELLA, a virus dis...
rubeolar 16 13 relating to rubeola,...
rubeolas 16 13 RUBEOLA, a virus dis...
rubicons 19 16 RUBICON, to win at p...
rubicund 20 18 inclining to redness...
rubidium 19 17 a metallic element [...
rubified 19 16 RUBIFY, to redden, a...
rubifies 19 15 RUBIFY, to redden, a...
rubrical 21 16 colored in, or marke...
rubstone 15 13 a whetstone [n -S]
rubylike 25 19 like a ruby [adj]
ruchings 21 17 RUCHING, a ruche, or...
ruckling 21 20 RUCKLE, to wrinkle o...
rucksack 23 23 a knapsack [n -S]
ruckseat 18 16 a folding seat attac...
ruckuses 19 17 RUCKUS, a noisy dist...
ructions 17 13 RUCTION, a noisy dis...
ructious 18 13 quarrelsome [adj]
ruddiest 15 11 RUDDY, reddish [adj]
ruddling 17 15 RUDDLE, to colour wi...
ruddocks 19 18 RUDDOCK, (dialect) a...
ruddying 22 16 RUDDY, to redden [v]
rudeness 13 11 the quality of being...
ruderals 15 11 RUDERAL, a plant gro...
ruderies 14 10 RUDERY, (colloquial)...
rudiment 15 14 a basic principle or...
rudistid 16 11 a cone-shapped extin...
ruefully 25 17 RUEFUL, feeling sorr...
ruellias 16 11 RUELLIA, a plant of...
ruffians 18 16 RUFFIAN, to behave l...
rufflers 20 16 RUFFLER, a beggar po...
rufflier 20 16 RUFFLY, not smooth [...
rufflike 21 20 resembling a pleated...
ruffling 21 19 the act of ruffling...
rufiyaas 22 14 RUFIYAA, a monetary...
rufouses 16 13 RUFOUS, a reddish or...
rugalach 21 17 (Yiddish) in Jewish...
rugelach 21 17 (Yiddish) in Jewish...
ruggeder 16 14 RUGGED, having an un...
ruggedly 24 17 RUGGED, having an un...
ruggiest 17 13 RUGGY, rough and une...
ruggings 18 16 RUGGING, a coarse ki...
rugosely 22 14 RUGOSE, wrinkled; co...
rugosity 22 13 the state of being r...
rugulose 16 13 having small wrinkle...
ruinable 16 14 able to be ruined [a...
ruinated 13 11 RUINATE, (archaic) t...
ruinates 13 10 RUINATE, (archaic) t...
ruinings 15 13 RUINING, the act of...
ruleless 16 11 unruly, without rule...
rulering 16 13 RULER, to strike wit...
rullions 16 12 RULLION, (Scots) a r...
rullocks 21 18 RULLOCK, a contrivan...
rumbaing 18 18 RUMBA, to perform a...
rumbelow 21 19 a meaningless word,...
rumblers 19 16 RUMBLER, a machine f...
rumblier 19 16 RUMBLY, tending to r...
rumbling 20 19 a deep, thunderous s...
ruminant 14 14 chewing the cud [adj...
ruminate 14 13 to chew again [v RUM...
rummaged 17 18 RUMMAGE, to search t...
rummager 17 17 one who rummages [n...
rummages 17 17 RUMMAGE, to search t...
rummiest 17 15 RUMMY, queer [adj]
rumorers 15 12 RUMORER, a person wh...
rumoring 16 15 RUMOR, to spread by...
rumorous 15 13 full of rumors [adj]
rumoured 15 14 RUMOUR, to spread by...
rumourer 15 13 one who spreads rumo...
rumpless 19 16 without a rump [adj]
rumplier 19 16 RUMPLY, wrinkled [ad...
rumpling 20 19 RUMPLE, to wrinkle,...
rumpuses 18 16 RUMPUS, a noisy dist...
runabout 15 14 a small light boat,...
runagate 13 12 a fugitive, a runawa...
runangas 13 13 RUNANGA, a Maori ass...
runaways 22 15 RUNAWAY, one that ru...
runbacks 20 20 RUNBACK, the area be...
runcible 20 17 a nonsense word appl...
rundales 14 12 RUNDALE, (Scots) a s...
rundlets 15 12 RUNDLET, (archaic) a...
rundowns 16 15 RUNDOWN, a summary,...
runelike 15 15 like a rune [adj]
runflats 17 14 RUNFLAT, a tyre able...
rungless 16 13 without rungs [adj]
runkling 17 18 RUNKLE, to wrinkle,...
runnable 15 15 fit for hunting [adj...
runniest 13 11 RUNNY, inclined to r...
runnings 14 14 RUNNING, a race [n]
runnions 12 12 RUNNION, (Shakespear...
runovers 15 14 RUNOVER, matter for...
runproof 17 16 (of stockings or tig...
runround 13 13 evasive action [n -S...
runtiest 14 10 RUNTY, like a runt [...
ruptured 17 14 RUPTURE, to burst [v...
ruptures 17 13 RUPTURE, to burst [v...
ruralise 15 10 to make rural, also...
ruralism 17 13 the state of being r...
ruralist 16 10 one who lives in the...
ruralite 15 10 one who lives in the...
rurality 22 12 the state of being r...
ruralize 18 19 to make rural, also...
rusalkas 16 14 RUSALKA, (Russian) a...
ruscuses 18 13 RUSCUS, any plant of...
rushiest 17 11 RUSHY, abounding in...
rushings 18 14 RUSHING, yardage gai...
rushlike 19 16 like a grasslike mar...
russeted 14 10 RUSSET, to become re...
russulae 15 11 RUSSULA, any fungus...
russulas 16 11 RUSSULA, any fungus...
rustable 17 13 able to rust [adj]
rustical 19 13 rustic, also RUSTIC,...
rusticly 26 15 RUSTIC, of or like t...
rustiest 15 9 RUSTY, covered with...
rustings 16 12 RUSTING, the act of...
rustlers 16 10 RUSTLER, one who ste...
rustless 16 10 free from rust [adj]
rustling 17 13 making a rustling so...
rutabaga 16 14 (Swedish) a root veg...
ruthenic 19 15 pertaining to a rare...
ruthless 18 12 having no compassion...
rutilant 15 11 having a reddish glo...
ruttiest 15 9 RUTTY, marked by rut...
ruttings 16 12 RUTTING, the act of...
ryebread 21 14 bread made from rye...
ryeflour 23 15 a pasture and fodder...
ryegrass 21 12 a pasture and fodder...
ryepecks 26 20 RYEPECK, a pole used...
ryotwari 23 13 (Hindi) a system of...