11 letter words that start with R

11 letter words that start with R

11 letter R word


Words With Friends®


rabattement 20 18 the act of rabatting...
rabbinistic 27 21 relating to rabbis [...
rabbitbrush 29 23 any of several low b...
rabblements 24 22 RABBLEMENT, a tumult...
rabidnesses 20 16 RABIDNESS, the state...
racecourses 24 18 RACECOURSE, a course...
racemations 21 18 RACEMATION, a cluste...
racetracker 25 21 one who attends a ra...
racewalkers 26 22 RACEWALKER, one who...
racewalking 27 25 the competitive spor...
racialising 24 18 RACIALISE, to make r...
racialistic 27 18 relating to racialis...
racializing 27 27 RACIALIZE, to make r...
racketeered 21 19 RACKETEER, to run a...
raconteuses 20 16 RACONTEUSE, (French)...
racquetball 34 29 a game similar to ha...
radarscopes 23 18 RADARSCOPE, an instr...
radialising 21 16 RADIALISE, to arrang...
radialities 20 13 RADIALITY, radial sy...
radializing 24 25 RADIALIZE, to arrang...
radiational 18 14 relating to radiatio...
radicalised 23 17 RADICALISE, to make...
radicalises 23 16 RADICALISE, to make...
radicalisms 25 19 RADICALISM, the stat...
radicalized 26 26 RADICALIZE, to make...
radicalizes 26 25 RADICALIZE, to make...
radicalness 22 17 the state of being r...
radications 21 16 RADICATION, the proc...
radicellose 23 17 like a radicel, a ro...
radioactive 23 19 of, caused by, or ex...
radiocarbon 22 19 a radioactive isotop...
radiographs 24 19 RADIOGRAPH, a pictur...
radiography 30 21 photography of the i...
radioiodine 17 14 a radioisotope of io...
radiolabels 22 17 RADIOLABEL, a label...
radiolarian 18 14 any member of an ord...
radiologies 20 15 RADIOLOGY, the study...
radiologist 21 15 a physician speciali...
radiolucent 22 18 penetrable by X-rays...
radiometers 19 15 RADIOMETER, an instr...
radiometric 23 18 relating to radiomet...
radiopacity 30 20 the state of being r...
radiopagers 21 17 RADIOPAGER, a radio...
radiopaging 22 20 the use of a radiopa...
radiophones 21 18 RADIOPHONE, an instr...
radiophonic 25 21 of music, produced e...
radiophotos 22 17 RADIOPHOTO, a pictur...
radioscopes 23 18 RADIOSCOPE, an instr...
radioscopic 27 21 related to radioscop...
radiosondes 17 14 RADIOSONDE, a radio...
radiothermy 28 19 the treatment of dis...
radiotracer 21 15 a radioactive tracer...
raffishness 25 20 the state of being r...
ragamuffins 25 24 RAGAMUFFIN, someone,...
raggamuffin 26 26 a type of rap music...
railroaders 19 13 RAILROADER, a railwa...
railroading 20 16 putting through a pr...
railworkers 24 19 RAILWORKER, one who...
rainbowlike 25 23 like a rainbow [adj]
rainforests 20 15 RAINFOREST, a comple...
raininesses 17 13 RAININESS, the state...
rainmakings 21 22 RAINMAKING, a ceremo...
rainproofed 21 19 RAINPROOF, to make p...
rainsqualls 29 24 RAINSQUALL, a squall...
rainwashing 24 20 RAINWASH, to wash ma...
raisonneurs 17 14 RAISONNEUR, (French)...
raiyatwaris 28 16 RAIYATWARI, (Hindi)...
rajpramukhs 28 33 RAJPRAMUKH, (Hindi)...
rallentandi 19 16 RALLENTANDO, a music...
rallentando 18 16 a musical direction...
rambouillet 24 20 a kind of sheep [n -...
ramgunshoch 28 25 (Scots) rough [adj]
rammishness 23 20 the state of being r...
rampallians 23 20 RAMPALLIAN, (Shakesp...
rancidities 22 16 RANCIDITY, the state...
rancorously 28 19 RANCOROUS, full of r...
randinesses 17 14 RANDINESS, the state...
randomisers 19 16 RANDOMISER, a device...
randomising 20 19 RANDOMISE, to make r...
randomizers 22 25 RANDOMIZER, a device...
randomizing 23 28 RANDOMIZE, to make r...
rangefinder 20 19 an instrument for fi...
rangerships 24 19 RANGERSHIP, the offi...
ranginesses 18 15 RANGINESS, the state...
rankshifted 24 22 RANKSHIFT, to shift...
ransackings 23 22 RANSACKING, the act...
ranshackled 25 23 RANSHACKLE, (Scott)...
ranshackles 25 22 RANSHACKLE, (Scott)...
ranshakling 23 22 RANSHAKLE, (Scott) t...
ransomwares 21 18 RANSOMWARE, illegal...
rantipoling 22 19 RANTIPOLE, to act in...
rapaciously 31 21 RAPACIOUS, greedy, p...
rapidnesses 20 16 RAPIDNESS, rapidity...
rappellings 26 22 RAPPELLING, descendi...
rapportages 23 19 RAPPORTAGE, (French)...
rapporteurs 23 18 RAPPORTEUR, (French)...
rapscallion 25 20 a low, mean wretch,...
raptatorial 21 15 predatory, also RAPT...
raptureless 22 16 without rapture [adj...
rapturising 23 18 RAPTURISE, to put, o...
rapturizing 26 27 RAPTURIZE, to put, o...
rapturously 29 19 RAPTUROUS, in a stat...
rarefaction 22 18 the act of rarefying...
rarefactive 25 21 causing rarefaction...
rascalities 23 15 RASCALITY, rascally...
rascalliest 24 16 RASCALLY, characteri...
rascallions 23 17 RASCALLION, a low, m...
raspatories 20 14 RASPATORY, a surgeon...
raspberries 23 17 RASPBERRY, the fruit...
raspinesses 20 15 RASPINESS, the state...
rastafarian 19 15 a member of rastafar...
rasterising 20 14 RASTERISE, to conver...
rasterizing 23 23 RASTERIZE, to conver...
ratableness 20 16 the quality of being...
rataplanned 19 18 RATAPLAN, to make a...
ratatouille 20 14 (French) a vegetable...
rateability 28 17 the ability to be ra...
rathskeller 24 19 (German) a usually b...
ratiocinate 20 15 to reason or argue l...
rationalise 18 13 to make rational, al...
rationalism 20 16 reliance on reason a...
rationalist 19 13 an adherent of ratio...
rationality 25 15 the state of being r...
rationalize 21 22 to bring into accord...
rattinesses 18 12 RATTINESS, the state...
rattleboxes 27 22 RATTLEBOX, any of va...
rattlebrain 21 16 a shallow, voluble,...
rattlesnake 19 17 any of several Ameri...
rattletraps 22 15 RATTLETRAP, any mach...
raucousness 21 17 the state of being r...
raunchiness 23 19 the state of being r...
ravagements 21 21 RAVAGEMENT, laying w...
ravishingly 32 23 RAVISHING [adv]
ravishments 24 21 RAVISHMENT, the act...
rawinsondes 20 17 RAWINSONDE, an appar...
raylessness 25 15 the state of being r...
razorfishes 26 25 RAZORFISH, a lamelli...
razzberries 27 32 RAZZBERRY, (US) a ra...
reabsorbing 23 20 REABSORB, to absorb...
reaccenting 24 21 REACCENT, to accent...
reaccepting 27 23 REACCEPT, to accept...
reaccession 23 18 a new accession [n -...
reacclaimed 26 22 REACCLAIM, to acclai...
reaccredits 25 18 REACCREDIT, to accre...
reaccustoms 26 21 REACCUSTOM, to get u...
reacquaints 29 25 REACQUAINT, to acqua...
reacquiring 31 27 REACQUIRE, to acquir...
reactionary 26 17 resisitng change [ad...
reactionism 22 18 the state of being a...
reactionist 21 15 a reactionary [n -S]
reactivated 23 19 REACTIVATE, to activ...
reactivates 23 18 REACTIVATE, to activ...
reactuating 22 18 REACTUATE, to actuat...
readability 28 18 the ability to be re...
readdicting 23 19 READDICT, to become...
readdressed 18 14 READDRESS, to addres...
readdresses 18 13 READDRESS, to addres...
readerships 23 17 READERSHIP, the offi...
readinesses 17 13 READINESS, the state...
readjusters 21 22 READJUSTER, one who...
readjusting 22 25 READJUST, to adjust...
readmission 19 16 the act of readmitti...
readmitting 21 18 READMIT, to admit ag...
readoptions 19 16 READOPTION, the act...
readvancing 23 23 READVANCE, to advanc...
readvertise 20 16 to advertise again,...
readvertize 23 25 to advertize again,...
reaedifying 27 20 REAEDIFY, (Spenser)...
reaffirming 25 23 REAFFIRM, to affirm...
reafforests 22 17 REAFFOREST, to plant...
reaggregate 20 17 to aggregate again [...
realignment 20 19 the act of realignin...
realisation 18 13 the act of realising...
realization 21 22 the act of realizing...
reallocated 22 17 REALLOCATE, to alloc...
reallocates 22 16 REALLOCATE, to alloc...
reallotment 20 17 the act of allotting...
reallotting 21 16 REALLOT, to allot ag...
realpolitik 24 20 (German) politics gu...
reamendment 18 20 the act of amending...
reanalysing 25 18 REANALYSE, to analys...
reanalyzing 28 27 REANALYZE, to analyz...
reanimating 19 18 REANIMATE, to bring...
reanimation 17 16 the act of reanimati...
reanointing 17 16 REANOINT, to anoint...
reanswering 21 18 REANSWER, to be equi...
reappearing 22 20 REAPPEAR, to appear...
reappointed 21 19 REAPPOINT, to appoin...
reapportion 21 18 to apportion (as a h...
reappraisal 23 18 the act of reapprais...
reappraised 22 18 REAPPRAISE, to appra...
reappraiser 22 17 one who reappraises...
reappraises 22 17 REAPPRAISE, to appra...
reapproving 25 24 REAPPROVE, to approv...
rearguments 20 18 REARGUMENT, an argui...
rearmaments 19 18 REARMAMENT, the act...
rearrangers 18 14 REARRANGER, one who...
rearranging 19 17 REARRANGE, to arrang...
rearresting 19 14 REARREST, to arrest...
reascending 21 19 REASCEND, to ascend...
reascension 19 16 the act of ascending...
reassailing 20 15 REASSAIL, to assail...
reassembled 22 19 REASSEMBLE, to assem...
reassembles 22 18 REASSEMBLE, to assem...
reasserting 19 14 REASSERT, to assert...
reassertion 17 12 the act of asserting...
reassessing 19 14 REASSESS, to assess...
reassigning 20 17 REASSIGN, to assign...
reassorting 19 14 REASSORT, to assort...
reassurance 20 16 the action of reassu...
reattaching 24 19 REATTACH, to attach...
reattacking 23 21 REATTACK, to attack...
reattaining 18 15 REATTAIN, to attain...
reattempted 21 18 REATTEMPT, to attemp...
reattribute 21 15 to attribute again [...
reauthorise 20 14 to authorise again,...
reauthorize 23 23 to authorize again,...
reawakening 21 22 the act of reawakeni...
rebalancing 24 22 REBALANCE, to balanc...
rebaptising 24 20 REBAPTISE, to baptiz...
rebaptizing 27 29 REBAPTIZE, to baptiz...
rebarbative 24 21 irritating; repellen...
rebatements 20 18 REBATEMENT, abatemen...
rebeginning 21 21 REBEGIN, to begin ag...
rebellowing 26 22 REBELLOW, to bellow...
rebirthings 25 19 REBIRTHING, the act...
reblossomed 22 19 REBLOSSOM, to blosso...
reborrowing 24 20 REBORROW, to borrow...
rebranching 26 23 REBRANCH, to form se...
rebrandings 21 19 REBRANDING, the act...
rebroadcast 23 18 to broadcast again (...
rebuildings 24 20 REBUILDING, the act...
rebukefully 33 27 REBUKEFUL, containin...
rebuttoning 21 19 REBUTTON, to button...
recalculate 26 20 to calculate again [...
recalescent 24 19 liberating heat sudd...
recalescing 26 21 RECALESCE, to libera...
recalibrate 24 18 to calibrate again [...
recallments 24 20 RECALLMENT, the act...
recanalised 21 17 RECANALISE, to canal...
recanalises 21 16 RECANALISE, to canal...
recanalized 24 26 RECANALIZE, to canal...
recanalizes 24 25 RECANALIZE, to canal...
recantation 19 16 the act of recanting...
recapturers 24 18 RECAPTURER, one who...
recapturing 25 21 RECAPTURE, to captur...
recarpeting 24 20 RECARPET, to replace...
recataloged 22 18 RECATALOG, to catalo...
recatalogue 22 18 to catalogue again,...
recautioned 20 17 RECAUTION, to cautio...
receivables 26 22 RECEIVABLE, somethin...
recementing 22 21 RECEMENT, to redo ce...
recensoring 21 18 RECENSOR, to censor...
receptacles 27 21 RECEPTACLE, that in...
receptacula 27 22 RECEPTACULUM, a rece...
receptively 33 24 RECEPTIVE, ready to...
receptivity 33 23 the state of being r...
recertified 24 18 RECERTIFY, to certif...
recertifies 24 17 RECERTIFY, to certif...
recessional 21 16 a hymn or musical pi...
recessively 31 21 RECESSIVE, tending t...
rechallenge 25 21 to challenge again [...
rechanneled 22 20 RECHANNEL, to channe...
rechartered 23 17 RECHARTER, to charte...
rechippings 30 25 RECHIPPING, the act...
rechristens 24 17 RECHRISTEN, to chris...
recidivisms 27 22 RECIDIVISM, a tenden...
recidivists 26 19 RECIDIVIST, a habitu...
recipiences 26 21 RECIPIENCE, the stat...
reciprocals 28 21 RECIPROCAL, somethin...
reciprocant 26 21 in maths, a differen...
reciprocate 26 20 to give and take mut...
reciprocity 34 22 the state of being r...
recirculate 26 19 to circulate again [...
recitalists 24 15 RECITALIST, one who...
recitations 21 15 RECITATION, the act...
recitatives 24 18 RECITATIVE, a style...
recitativos 24 18 RECITATIVO, (Italian...
reclaimable 26 22 that can be reclaime...
reclaimably 33 24 RECLAIMABLE, that ca...
reclaimants 23 19 RECLAIMANT, one who...
reclamation 22 19 the act of reclaimin...
reclination 21 17 the act of reclining...
recluseness 22 17 the state of being r...
reclusively 33 23 RECLUSIVE, solitary...
reclusories 23 16 RECLUSORY, the habit...
recodifying 31 23 RECODIFY, to insert...
recognisant 21 18 related to recognisa...
recognisees 21 17 RECOGNISEE, one who...
recognisers 22 17 RECOGNISER, one who...
recognising 23 20 RECOGNISE, to identi...
recognisors 22 17 RECOGNISOR, one who...
recognition 21 18 the act of recognisi...
recognitive 24 21 relating to recognit...
recognitory 28 19 relating to recognit...
recognizant 24 27 related to recogniza...
recognizees 24 26 RECOGNIZEE, one who...
recognizers 25 26 RECOGNIZER, one who...
recognizing 26 29 RECOGNIZE, to identi...
recognizors 25 26 RECOGNIZOR, one who...
recollected 26 20 RECOLLECT, to rememb...
recolonised 21 17 RECOLONISE, to colon...
recolonises 21 16 RECOLONISE, to colon...
recolonized 24 26 RECOLONIZE, to colon...
recolonizes 24 25 RECOLONIZE, to colon...
recolouring 23 19 RECOLOUR, to colour...
recombinant 23 22 a gene that recombin...
recombining 25 24 RECOMBINE, to combin...
recomforted 24 21 RECOMFORT, (archaic)...
recommenced 25 25 RECOMMENCE, to comme...
recommences 25 24 RECOMMENCE, to comme...
recommended 22 23 RECOMMEND, to commen...
recommender 22 22 one who recommends [...
recommittal 25 21 the act of recommitt...
recommitted 24 21 RECOMMIT, to commit...
recompacted 27 24 RECOMPACT, to compac...
recompences 26 24 RECOMPENCE, (obsolet...
recompensed 23 22 RECOMPENSE, to give...
recompenser 23 21 one who recompenses...
recompenses 23 21 RECOMPENSE, to give...
recompiling 27 24 RECOMPILE, to compil...
recomposing 25 23 RECOMPOSE, to compos...
recomputing 26 24 RECOMPUTE, to comput...
reconceived 25 23 RECONCEIVE, to conce...
reconceives 25 22 RECONCEIVE, to conce...
reconcilers 25 19 RECONCILER, one who...
reconciling 26 22 RECONCILE, to restor...
recondensed 19 18 RECONDENSE, to conde...
recondenses 19 17 RECONDENSE, to conde...
reconditely 28 19 RECONDITE, concealed...
recondition 20 17 to restore to good c...
reconducted 24 21 RECONDUCT, to conduc...
reconferred 22 19 RECONFER, to confer...
reconfigure 24 21 to configure again [...
reconfining 23 22 RECONFINE, to confin...
reconfirmed 24 22 RECONFIRM, to confir...
reconnected 22 20 RECONNECT, to connec...
reconnoiter 19 16 (US) to make a recon...
reconnoitre 19 16 to make a reconnaiss...
reconquered 28 26 RECONQUER, to conque...
reconquests 29 25 RECONQUEST, the act...
reconsiders 21 16 RECONSIDER, to consi...
reconsigned 21 19 RECONSIGN, to consig...
reconsoling 22 19 RECONSOLE, to consol...
reconstruct 25 19 to construct again [...
reconsulted 22 18 RECONSULT, to consul...
recontacted 23 19 RECONTACT, to contac...
recontinued 20 18 RECONTINUE, to conti...
recontinues 20 17 RECONTINUE, to conti...
recontoured 20 17 RECONTOUR, to contou...
reconvening 22 23 RECONVENE, to conven...
reconverted 22 20 RECONVERT, to conver...
reconveying 29 24 RECONVEY, to convey...
reconvicted 26 23 RECONVICT, to convic...
reconvinced 25 24 RECONVINCE, to convi...
reconvinces 25 23 RECONVINCE, to convi...
recordation 20 16 remembrance, recordi...
recountment 21 20 (Shakespeare) relati...
recoupments 24 22 RECOUPMENT, the act...
recoverable 25 22 that can be recovere...
recreancies 23 18 RECREANCY, the state...
recreations 20 15 RECREATION, refreshm...
recremental 22 19 relating to recremen...
recriminate 22 18 to charge one's accu...
recrudesced 25 20 RECRUDESCE, of a dis...
recrudesces 25 19 RECRUDESCE, of a dis...
recruitable 25 19 that can be recruite...
recruitings 24 18 RECRUITING, the act...
recruitment 23 19 the act of recruitin...
rectangular 23 19 shaped like a rectan...
rectifiable 27 21 having finite length...
rectilineal 23 17 moving in or forming...
rectilinear 22 16 moving in or forming...
rectipetaly 31 20 the tendency to grow...
rectiserial 23 15 in vertical ranks [a...
rectoresses 21 14 RECTORESS, a female...
rectorships 27 19 RECTORSHIP, the offi...
recultivate 25 20 to cultivate again [...
recumbences 27 25 RECUMBENCE, the stat...
recumbently 32 25 RECUMBENT, reclining...
recuperable 26 22 that can be recupera...
recuperated 23 19 RECUPERATE, to get b...
recuperates 23 18 RECUPERATE, to get b...
recuperator 23 18 an arrangement by wh...
recurrences 24 19 RECURRENCE, the act...
recurrently 29 19 RECURRENT, happening...
recurringly 31 21 RECURRING [adv]
recursively 32 22 RECURSIVE, involving...
recusancies 24 19 RECUSANCY, the state...
recusations 21 16 RECUSATION, refusal...
recyclables 35 24 RECYCLABLE, somethin...
recycleable 34 24 something that can b...
redactional 21 17 relating to redactio...
redactorial 22 16 relating to redactio...
redcurrants 22 17 REDCURRANT, the smal...
reddishness 21 16 the state of being r...
redecorated 20 16 REDECORATE, to decor...
redecorates 20 15 REDECORATE, to decor...
redecorator 20 15 one who redecorates...
rededicated 21 17 REDEDICATE, to dedic...
rededicates 21 16 REDEDICATE, to dedic...
redefeating 20 18 REDEFEAT, to defeat...
redefecting 24 21 REDEFECT, to defect...
redelivered 21 18 REDELIVER, to delive...
redeliverer 21 17 REDELIVER, to delive...
redemanding 19 20 REDEMAND, to demand...
redemptible 25 22 that can be redeemed...
redemptions 21 19 REDEMPTION, the act...
redeploying 28 21 REDEPLOY, to deploy...
redeposited 20 16 REDEPOSIT, to deposi...
redescended 20 18 REDESCEND, to descen...
redescribed 24 19 REDESCRIBE, to descr...
redescribes 24 18 REDESCRIBE, to descr...
redesigning 20 18 REDESIGN, to design...
redetermine 18 16 to determine again [...
redeveloped 22 21 REDEVELOP, to develo...
redeveloper 22 20 REDEVELOP, to develo...
redictating 23 18 REDICTATE, to dictat...
redigesting 21 17 REDIGEST, to digest...
redigestion 19 15 the act of redigesti...
redigressed 20 15 REDIGRESS, to digres...
redigresses 20 14 REDIGRESS, to digres...
redirecting 23 18 REDIRECT, to change...
redirection 21 16 the act of redirecti...
redisbursed 22 17 REDISBURSE, (Spenser...
redisburses 22 16 REDISBURSE, (Spenser...
rediscounts 22 17 REDISCOUNT, to disco...
rediscovers 24 19 REDISCOVER, to disco...
rediscovery 30 21 the act of rediscove...
rediscussed 23 17 REDISCUSS, to discus...
rediscusses 23 16 REDISCUSS, to discus...
redisplayed 28 19 REDISPLAY, to displa...
redisposing 22 18 REDISPOSE, to dispos...
redissolved 22 18 REDISSOLVE, to disso...
redissolves 22 17 REDISSOLVE, to disso...
redistilled 22 15 REDISTIL, to distil...
redistricts 24 15 REDISTRICT, to divid...
redivisions 21 17 REDIVISION, the act...
redivorcing 25 22 REDIVORCE, to divorc...
redolencies 21 17 REDOLENCY, fragrance...
redoubtable 23 20 causing fear or alar...
redoubtably 30 22 REDOUBTABLE, causing...
redoundings 19 18 REDOUNDING, the act...
redressable 21 16 that can be redresse...
redressible 22 16 that can be redresse...
redruthites 22 15 REDRUTHITE, copper-g...
redshirting 23 17 REDSHIRT, to keep a...
reductional 22 18 relating to reductio...
reductively 32 23 REDUCTIVE, tending t...
redundances 20 19 REDUNDANCE, the stat...
redundantly 25 19 REDUNDANT, no longer...
reduplicate 25 20 to make or perform a...
reedinesses 17 13 REEDINESS, the quali...
reeducating 22 19 REEDUCATE, to educat...
reeducation 20 17 the act of reeducati...
reeducative 23 20 serving to reeducate...
reelections 21 16 REELECTION, the act...
reelevating 21 19 REELEVATE, to elevat...
reembarking 23 24 REEMBARK, to embark...
reembodying 28 23 REEMBODY, to embody...
reembracing 25 23 REEMBRACE, to embrac...
reembroider 21 18 to outline a design,...
reemergence 21 20 the act of reemergin...
reemissions 19 15 REEMISSION, the act...
reemphasise 23 19 to emphasise again,...
reemphasize 26 28 to emphasise again,...
reemploying 29 23 REEMPLOY, to employ...
reenactment 20 19 the act of reenactin...
reencounter 19 17 to encounter again [...
reenergised 18 15 REENERGISE, to give...
reenergises 18 14 REENERGISE, to give...
reenergized 21 24 REENERGIZE, to give...
reenergizes 21 23 REENERGIZE, to give...
reenforcing 23 21 REENFORCE, to streng...
reengineers 17 15 REENGINEER, to engin...
reengraving 21 21 REENGRAVE, to engrav...
reenlarging 20 18 REENLARGE, to enlarg...
reenlisting 20 16 REENLIST, to enlist...
reenrolling 20 17 REENROLL, to enroll...
reenslaving 21 20 REENSLAVE, to enslav...
reenthroned 18 16 REENTHRONE, to enthr...
reenthrones 18 15 REENTHRONE, to enthr...
reentrances 19 16 REENTRANCE, reentry...
reequipment 29 28 the act of reequippi...
reequipping 32 30 REEQUIP, to equip ag...
reescalated 21 16 REESCALATE, to escal...
reescalates 21 15 REESCALATE, to escal...
reestablish 24 17 to establish again [...
reestimated 19 15 REESTIMATE, to estim...
reestimates 19 14 REESTIMATE, to estim...
reevaluated 20 18 REEVALUATE, to evalu...
reevaluates 20 17 REEVALUATE, to evalu...
reexamining 25 25 REEXAMINE, to examin...
reexecuting 28 25 REEXECUTE, to execut...
reexhibited 29 24 REEXHIBIT, to exhibi...
reexpelling 29 26 REEXPEL, to expel ag...
reexplained 26 24 REEXPLAIN, to explai...
reexploring 28 25 REEXPLORE, to explor...
reexporting 27 24 REEXPORT, to export...
reexposures 26 22 REEXPOSURE, a new ex...
reexpressed 26 22 REEXPRESS, to expres...
reexpresses 26 21 REEXPRESS, to expres...
refashioned 21 18 REFASHION, to fashio...
refastening 20 18 REFASTEN, to fasten...
refectioner 22 18 the officer in charg...
refectorian 22 18 the officer in charg...
refectories 23 17 REFECTORY, the dinin...
referencers 22 18 REFERENCER, one who...
referencing 23 21 the act of referring...
referendary 25 18 a referee; formerly...
referendums 21 20 REFERENDUM, (Latin)...
referential 20 16 of, containing, or c...
refiltering 23 18 REFILTER, to filter...
refinancing 23 22 the act of financing...
refinedness 19 17 the state of being r...
refinements 20 19 REFINEMENT, the act...
refinishers 23 17 REFINISHER, one who...
refinishing 24 20 REFINISH, to give a...
reflectance 26 22 the ratio of reflect...
reflections 24 19 REFLECTION, an image...
reflexional 27 24 relating to reflexio...
reflexively 37 29 REFLEXIVE, indicatin...
reflexivity 37 28 the state of being r...
reflexology 35 27 a form of therapy fo...
reflowering 25 21 the act of refloweri...
refocillate 25 19 (obsolete) to refres...
refocussing 25 21 REFOCUS, to focus ag...
reforesting 21 17 REFOREST, to replant...
reformadoes 20 18 REFORMADO, (Spanish)...
reformation 20 18 the act of reforming...
reformative 23 21 intended or tending...
reformatory 27 19 a penal institution...
reformatted 21 18 REFORMAT, to change...
reformulate 22 19 to formulate again [...
refortified 23 18 REFORTIFY, to fortif...
refortifies 23 17 REFORTIFY, to fortif...
refractable 26 21 that can be refracte...
refractions 23 18 REFRACTION, the bend...
refractured 24 19 REFRACTURE, to fract...
refractures 24 18 REFRACTURE, to fract...
refrainment 20 19 the act of refrainin...
refrangible 24 21 that may be refracte...
refreshened 21 18 REFRESHEN, to refres...
refreshener 21 17 something that refre...
refreshment 23 20 the act of refreshin...
refrigerant 21 17 a refrigerant agent...
refrigerate 21 16 to make or keep cold...
refringence 23 21 refractivity, also R...
refringency 30 23 refractivity, also R...
refuellable 25 21 capable of being ref...
refuellings 24 20 REFUELLING, the act...
refugeeisms 23 20 REFUGEEISM, the stat...
refulgences 25 22 REFULGENCE, the qual...
refulgently 30 22 REFULGENT, radiant,...
refundments 21 21 REFUNDMENT, the act...
refurbished 26 21 REFURBISH, to furbis...
refurbisher 26 20 one who refurbishes...
refurbishes 26 20 REFURBISH, to furbis...
refurnished 23 19 REFURNISH, to furnis...
refurnishes 23 18 REFURNISH, to furnis...
refutations 20 16 REFUTATION, the act...
regainments 19 18 REGAINMENT, the act...
regalements 20 18 REGALEMENT, the act...
regalnesses 19 15 REGALNESS, the quali...
regardfully 31 22 REGARDFUL, heedful;...
regathering 22 18 REGATHER, to assembl...
regelations 19 15 REGELATION, freezing...
regenerable 20 18 able to be regenerat...
regenerated 17 15 REGENERATE, to gener...
regenerates 17 14 REGENERATE, to gener...
regenerator 17 14 one that regenerates...
regentships 24 19 REGENTSHIP, the offi...
regimentals 21 18 military dress [n]
regimenting 21 20 REGIMENT, to form in...
regionalise 19 15 to divide into regio...
regionalism 21 18 consciousness of and...
regionalist 20 15 a supporter of regio...
regionalize 22 24 to divide into regio...
registerers 20 13 REGISTERER, one who...
registering 21 16 REGISTER, to record...
registrable 23 17 capable of being reg...
registrants 20 14 REGISTRANT, a person...
reglorified 23 18 REGLORIFY, to glorif...
reglorifies 23 17 REGLORIFY, to glorif...
regredience 21 18 the act of regreding...
regressions 19 14 REGRESSION, progress...
regretfully 31 21 REGRETFUL, full of r...
regrettable 22 17 to be regretted [adj...
regrettably 29 19 REGRETTABLE, to be r...
regroupings 23 20 REGROUPING, the act...
reguerdoned 18 17 REGUERDON, (Shakespe...
regularised 21 16 REGULARISE, to make...
regularises 21 15 REGULARISE, to make...
regularized 24 25 REGULARIZE, to make...
regularizes 24 24 REGULARIZE, to make...
regulations 20 16 REGULATION, the act...
regurgitant 21 17 a drug causing regur...
regurgitate 21 16 to bring back into t...
rehammering 23 22 REHAMMER, to hammer...
rehandlings 22 19 REHANDLING, the act...
rehardening 20 18 REHARDEN, to harden...
rehearsings 21 16 REHEARSING, the act...
rehumanised 21 19 REHUMANISE, to make...
rehumanises 21 18 REHUMANISE, to make...
rehumanized 24 28 REHUMANIZE, to make...
rehumanizes 24 27 REHUMANIZE, to make...
rehydrating 28 19 REHYDRATE, to add wa...
rehydration 26 17 the act of rehydrati...
rehypnotise 28 19 to hypnotise again,...
rehypnotize 31 28 to hypnotize again,...
reichsmarks 27 23 REICHSMARK, (German)...
reification 23 18 the process or resul...
reificatory 30 19 effecting reificatio...
reignitions 19 15 REIGNITION, the act...
reillumined 22 19 REILLUMINE, to illum...
reillumines 22 18 REILLUMINE, to illum...
reimagining 21 20 REIMAGINE, to imagin...
reimbursers 23 18 REIMBURSER, one who...
reimbursing 24 21 REIMBURSE, to repay...
reimmersing 22 20 REIMMERSE, to immers...
reimplanted 22 20 REIMPLANT, to implan...
reimporters 22 17 REIMPORTER, one who...
reimporting 23 20 REIMPORT, to import...
reincarnate 19 16 to incarnate again [...
reincreased 20 16 REINCREASE, to incre...
reincreases 20 15 REINCREASE, to incre...
reincurring 23 19 REINCUR, to incur ag...
reindicting 23 19 REINDICT, to indict...
reinducting 23 20 REINDUCT [v]
reinfecting 24 21 REINFECT, to infect...
reinfection 22 19 infection following...
reinflaming 23 22 REINFLAME, to inflam...
reinflating 22 19 REINFLATE, to inflat...
reinflation 20 17 the act of reinflati...
reinforcers 23 18 REINFORCER, somethin...
reinforcing 24 21 REINFORCE, to streng...
reinforming 22 21 REINFORM, to inform...
reinfunding 21 21 REINFUND, to flow ag...
reinhabited 22 18 REINHABIT, to inhabi...
reinitiated 18 13 REINITIATE, to initi...
reinitiates 18 12 REINITIATE, to initi...
reinjecting 24 27 REINJECT, to inject...
reinjection 22 25 the act of reinjecti...
reinnervate 18 17 to innervate again [...
reinoculate 21 17 to inoculate again [...
reinserting 19 15 REINSERT, to insert...
reinsertion 17 13 the act of reinserti...
reinspected 23 19 REINSPECT, to inspec...
reinspiring 22 18 REINSPIRE, to inspir...
reinspirits 22 15 REINSPIRIT, to give...
reinstalled 20 15 REINSTALL [v]
reinstating 19 15 REINSTATE, to instat...
reinstation 17 13 the act of reinstati...
reinstators 18 12 REINSTATOR, one who...
reinstitute 19 13 to institute again [...
reinsurance 20 17 insurance by another...
reintegrate 18 14 to integrate again i...
reinterment 18 16 reburial [n -S]
reinterpret 20 15 to interpret again [...
reinterring 19 15 REINTER, to inter ag...
reinterview 23 19 to interview again [...
reintroduce 21 17 to introduce again [...
reinvasions 19 17 REINVASION, the act...
reinventing 20 20 REINVENT, to invent...
reinvention 18 18 the act of reinventi...
reinvesting 21 19 REINVEST, to invest...
reinvolving 24 24 REINVOLVE, to involv...
reioyndures 24 16 REIOYNDURE, (Shakesp...
reiterances 20 15 REITERANCE, the act...
reiterating 19 14 REITERATE, to repeat...
reiteration 17 12 the act of reiterati...
reiterative 20 15 repeating [adj REITE...
rejacketing 25 30 REJACKET, to clothe...
rejectingly 32 29 REJECTING [adv]
rejiggering 24 27 REJIGGER, to fix som...
rejoicement 23 27 the act of rejoicing...
rejoicingly 32 29 REJOICING, joyful [a...
rejoindures 20 23 REJOINDURE, the act...
rejoneadora 17 22 (Spanish) a female r...
rejustified 24 25 REJUSTIFY, to justif...
rejustifies 24 24 REJUSTIFY, to justif...
rejuvenated 21 27 REJUVENATE, to make...
rejuvenates 21 26 REJUVENATE, to make...
rejuvenator 21 26 something that rejuv...
rejuvenesce 24 29 to make young again...
rejuvenised 22 27 REJUVENISE, to rejuv...
rejuvenises 22 26 REJUVENISE, to rejuv...
rejuvenized 25 36 REJUVENIZE, to rejuv...
rejuvenizes 25 35 REJUVENIZE, to rejuv...
rekeyboards 27 21 REKEYBOARD, to enter...
reknittings 21 19 REKNITTING, the act...
reknottings 20 19 REKNOTTING, the act...
relabelling 24 20 RELABEL, to label ag...
relacquered 30 26 RELACQUER, to lacque...
relandscape 23 20 to landscape again [...
relatedness 18 14 the state of being r...
relationism 20 16 the doctrine that re...
relationist 19 13 a believer in relati...
relativised 22 17 RELATIVISE, to make...
relativises 22 16 RELATIVISE, to make...
relativisms 24 19 RELATIVISM, a theory...
relativists 23 16 RELATIVIST, a believ...
relativized 25 26 RELATIVIZE, to treat...
relativizes 25 25 RELATIVIZE, to treat...
relaunching 25 22 RELAUNCH, to launch...
relaundered 18 16 RELAUNDER, to launde...
relaxations 24 20 RELAXATION, the act...
relaxatives 27 23 RELAXATIVE, a medica...
relaxedness 24 21 the state of being r...
releasement 18 16 release [n -S]
relegatable 22 18 that can be relegate...
relegations 19 15 RELEGATION, the act...
relentments 19 17 RELENTMENT, the act...
relettering 20 15 RELETTER, to write a...
relevancies 23 20 RELEVANCY, (US) rele...
reliability 30 18 the state of being r...
relicensing 23 19 RELICENSE, to licens...
relicensure 22 17 a renewal of a licen...
religieuses 21 15 RELIGIEUSE, (French)...
religionary 26 17 a member of a religi...
religioners 20 15 RELIGIONER, a religi...
religionise 20 15 to imbue with religi...
religionism 22 18 religiosity, bigotry...
religionist 21 15 a person adhering to...
religionize 23 24 to imbue with religi...
religiosely 28 17 RELIGIOSE, morbidly...
religiosity 28 16 the state of being r...
religiouses 21 15 RELIGIOUS, a person...
religiously 29 18 RELIGIOUS, concerned...
reliquaires 28 22 RELIQUAIRE, (French)...
reliquaries 28 22 RELIQUARY, a small b...
reliquefied 30 26 RELIQUEFY, to liquef...
reliquefies 30 25 RELIQUEFY, to liquef...
relocatable 24 19 that can be relocate...
relocations 21 16 RELOCATION, the act...
relubricate 25 19 to lubricate again [...
reluctances 25 20 RELUCTANCE, the stat...
reluctantly 30 20 RELUCTANT, unwilling...
reluctating 24 19 RELUCTATE, to be rel...
reluctation 22 17 (archaic) repugnance...
reluctivity 33 22 a specific or relati...
remaindered 18 17 REMAINDER, to sell a...
remandments 19 20 REMANDMENT, the act...
remanencies 20 19 REMANENCY, the prope...
remarkables 23 22 REMARKABLE, somethin...
remarketing 21 21 REMARKET, to market...
remarriages 20 16 REMARRIAGE, the act...
remastering 20 17 REMASTER, to master...
remeasuring 20 18 REMEASURE, to measur...
remediating 20 18 REMEDIATE, (Shakespe...
remediation 18 16 the act of remedying...
rememberers 22 20 REMEMBERER, one who...
remembering 23 23 REMEMBER, to bring t...
remembrance 24 24 the state of bearing...
remigations 20 17 REMIGATION, the act...
remigrating 22 19 REMIGRATE, to migrat...
remigration 20 17 return from migratio...
reminiscent 22 19 of the character of...
reminiscers 23 18 REMINISCER, one who...
reminiscing 24 21 REMINISCE, to engage...
remissively 30 21 REMISSIVE, remitting...
remittances 22 18 REMITTANCE, a sum of...
remittences 22 18 REMITTENCE, a period...
remittently 27 18 REMITTENT, remitting...
remobilised 23 19 REMOBILISE, to mobil...
remobilises 23 18 REMOBILISE, to mobil...
remobilized 26 28 REMOBILIZE, to mobil...
remobilizes 26 27 REMOBILIZE, to mobil...
remodelings 21 19 REMODELING, the act...
remodellers 21 17 REMODELLER, one who...
remodelling 22 20 the act of modelling...
remodifying 29 23 REMODIFY, to modify...
remoistened 18 16 REMOISTEN, to moiste...
remonetised 18 16 REMONETISE, to reest...
remonetises 18 15 REMONETISE, to reest...
remonetized 21 25 REMONETIZE, to reest...
remonetizes 21 24 REMONETIZE, to reest...
remonstrant 18 16 remonstrating [adj R...
remonstrate 18 15 to protest, to expos...
remontoires 18 15 REMONTOIRE, any of v...
remoralised 20 16 REMORALISE, to resto...
remoralises 20 15 REMORALISE, to resto...
remoralized 23 25 REMORALIZE, to resto...
remoralizes 23 24 REMORALIZE, to resto...
remorseless 20 15 having no remorse [a...
remortgaged 21 19 REMORTGAGE, to mortg...
remortgages 21 18 REMORTGAGE, to mortg...
remotivated 21 19 REMOTIVATE, to motiv...
remotivates 21 18 REMOTIVATE, to motiv...
removalists 23 19 REMOVALIST, a person...
removedness 20 20 the state of being r...
remunerable 21 20 that can be remunera...
remunerated 18 17 REMUNERATE, to pay a...
remunerates 18 16 REMUNERATE, to pay a...
remunerator 18 16 one who remunerates...
remurmuring 23 22 REMURMUR, to murmur...
renaissance 19 16 rebirth, also RENASC...
renascences 22 19 RENASCENCE, rebirth,...
rencontring 21 19 RENCONTRE, to encoun...
rencounters 20 17 RENCOUNTER, to meet,...
renditioned 17 15 RENDITION, to surren...
renegations 17 15 RENEGATION, a denial...
renegotiate 17 14 to negotiate again (...
renewedness 19 17 the state of being r...
renitencies 20 16 RENITENCY, the state...
renographic 26 22 relating to a renogr...
renominated 17 17 RENOMINATE, to nomin...
renominates 17 16 RENOMINATE, to nomin...
renormalise 19 16 to subject to or cal...
renormalize 22 25 to subject to or cal...
renotifying 27 20 RENOTIFY, to notify...
renovations 18 17 RENOVATION, the act...
rentability 28 18 the ability to be re...
renumbering 22 22 RENUMBER, to number...
renunciates 20 17 RENUNCIATE [v]
reobjecting 26 29 REOBJECT, to object...
reobserving 23 21 REOBSERVE, to observ...
reobtaining 20 18 REOBTAIN, to obtain...
reoccupying 34 26 REOCCUPY, to occupy...
reoccurring 26 21 REOCCUR, to occur ag...
reoffenders 21 19 REOFFENDER, one who...
reoffending 22 22 REOFFEND, to offend...
reoperating 20 17 REOPERATE, to operat...
reoperation 18 15 operation again [n -...
reordaining 18 16 REORDAIN, to ordain...
reorganised 18 15 REORGANISE, to organ...
reorganiser 18 14 one who reorganises,...
reorganises 18 14 REORGANISE, to organ...
reorganized 21 24 REORGANIZE, to organ...
reorganizer 21 23 one who reorganizes,...
reorganizes 21 23 REORGANIZE, to organ...
reorientate 16 12 to orientate again [...
reorienting 18 15 REORIENT, to acquain...
reoutfitted 21 16 REOUTFIT, to outfit...
reoxidation 23 20 the process of reoxi...
reoxidising 26 22 REOXIDISE, to oxidis...
reoxidizing 29 31 REOXIDIZE, to oxidiz...
repacifying 33 25 REPACIFY, to pacify...
repackagers 25 23 REPACKAGER, one who...
repackaging 26 26 REPACKAGE, to packag...
repaginated 20 18 REPAGINATE, to pagin...
repaginates 20 17 REPAGINATE, to pagin...
repaintings 21 18 REPAINTING, the act...
repanelling 22 20 REPANEL, to panel ag...
reparations 19 15 REPARATION, a repair...
reparteeing 20 17 REPARTEE, to make a...
repartition 20 15 to partition again [...
repatriated 20 15 REPATRIATE, to resto...
repatriates 20 14 REPATRIATE, to resto...
repatriator 20 14 one who repatriates...
repatterned 19 16 REPATTERN, to patter...
repellances 24 20 REPELLANCE, the act...
repellantly 29 20 REPELLANT, serving t...
repellences 24 20 REPELLENCE, the prin...
repellently 29 20 REPELLENT, serving t...
repellingly 31 22 REPELLING [adv]
repentances 21 19 REPENTANCE, the act...
repentantly 26 19 REPENTANT, penitent...
repentingly 28 21 REPENTING [adv]
repercussed 24 19 REPERCUSS, to reverb...
repercusses 24 18 REPERCUSS, to reverb...
repertoires 20 14 REPERTOIRE, (French)...
repertorial 21 15 relating to repertor...
repertories 20 14 REPERTORY, the perfo...
repetiteurs 21 15 REPETITEUR, (French)...
repetiteuse 20 15 a female repetiteur,...
repetitions 20 15 REPETITION, the act...
repetitious 21 15 characterized or mar...
repigmented 22 21 REPIGMENT, to pigmen...
repinements 20 19 REPINEMENT, the act...
replaceable 26 22 that can be replaced...
replacement 24 22 the act of replacing...
replastered 21 16 REPLASTER, to plaste...
replenished 23 19 REPLENISH, to fill a...
replenisher 23 18 one who replenishes...
replenishes 23 18 REPLENISH, to fill a...
repleteness 20 16 the state of being r...
repleviable 26 23 subject to replevin,...
replevining 24 23 REPLEVIN, to regain...
replicating 26 21 REPLICATE, to make a...
replication 24 19 copying, reproductio...
replicative 27 22 of, relating to, inv...
replicators 25 18 REPLICATOR, somethin...
reploughing 26 23 REPLOUGH, to plough...
repointings 21 18 REPOINTING, the appl...
repolarised 21 16 REPOLARISE, to polar...
repolarises 21 15 REPOLARISE, to polar...
repolarized 24 25 REPOLARIZE, to polar...
repolarizes 24 24 REPOLARIZE, to polar...
repolishing 25 20 REPOLISH, to polish...
repopulated 23 20 REPOPULATE, to popul...
repopulates 23 19 REPOPULATE, to popul...
reportingly 29 20 REPORTING, giving an...
reportorial 21 15 relating to the work...
reposedness 19 16 the state of being r...
reposefully 31 22 REPOSEFUL, restful [...
repositions 20 15 REPOSITION, to chang...
repossessed 20 15 REPOSSESS, to posses...
repossesses 20 14 REPOSSESS, to posses...
repossessor 20 14 one who repossesses...
repoussages 21 17 REPOUSSAGE, the art...
repoussoirs 21 15 REPOUSSOIR, (French)...
reprehended 21 19 REPREHEND, to rebuke...
reprehender 21 18 one who reprehends [...
represented 19 16 REPRESENT, to exhibi...
representee 18 15 a person to whom a r...
representer 19 15 one who represents [...
representor 19 15 a person who makes a...
repressible 24 18 that can be represse...
repressibly 31 20 REPRESSIBLE, that ca...
repressions 20 15 REPRESSION, the act...
reprievable 25 22 that can be reprieve...
reprimanded 21 20 REPRIMAND, to scold,...
reprivatise 23 18 to privatize again,...
reprivatize 26 27 to privatize again,...
reproachers 25 19 REPROACHER, one who...
reproachful 29 24 reproving [adj REPRO...
reproaching 26 22 REPROACH, to find fa...
reprobacies 25 20 REPROBACY, the state...
reprobances 24 21 REPROBANCE, (Shakesp...
reprobaters 22 17 REPROBATER, one who...
reprobating 23 20 REPROBATE, to disapp...
reprobation 21 18 the act of reprobati...
reprobative 24 21 condemnatory, also R...
reprobators 22 17 REPROBATOR, (Scots)...
reprobatory 28 19 condemnatory, also R...
reprocessed 23 18 REPROCESS, to proces...
reprocesses 23 17 REPROCESS, to proces...
reproducers 24 19 REPRODUCER, one who...
reproducing 25 22 REPRODUCE, to produc...
reprogramed 22 20 REPROGRAM, to progra...
reprogramme 23 22 to programme again,...
reprography 32 23 the reproduction of...
reprovingly 31 24 REPROVING [adv]
reprovision 22 19 to provision again [...
reptilianly 29 19 REPTILIAN, related t...
reptiliform 26 21 having the form of a...
republicans 27 23 REPUBLICAN, one that...
republished 27 22 REPUBLISH, to publis...
republisher 27 21 one who republishes...
republishes 27 21 REPUBLISH, to publis...
repudiating 22 19 REPUDIATE, to cast o...
repudiation 20 17 the act of repudiati...
repudiative 23 20 serving to repudiate...
repudiators 21 16 REPUDIATOR, one who...
repugnances 23 22 REPUGNANCE, strong d...
repugnantly 28 22 REPUGNANT, distastef...
repulsively 32 23 REPULSIVE, that repe...
repurchased 26 21 REPURCHASE, to buy b...
repurchases 26 20 REPURCHASE, to buy b...
repurifying 31 23 REPURIFY, to purify...
repurposing 24 21 REPURPOSE, to purpos...
reputations 20 16 REPUTATION, overall...
requalified 30 26 REQUALIFY, to qualif...
requalifies 30 25 REQUALIFY, to qualif...
requickened 30 30 REQUICKEN, (Shakespe...
requiescats 30 24 REQUIESCAT, a prayer...
requighting 32 28 REQUIGHT, (Spenser)...
requirement 27 25 something required [...
requisitely 35 24 REQUISITE, required...
requisition 27 22 a demand for supplie...
requisitors 28 21 REQUISITOR, one who...
requisitory 34 23 in law, a demand mad...
requiteless 28 22 without requital, fr...
requitement 27 25 the act of requiting...
reradiating 19 15 RERADIATE, to radiat...
reradiation 17 13 the act of reradiati...
rerecording 22 18 RERECORD, to record...
reredorters 18 12 REREDORTER, (histori...
reregisters 20 13 REREGISTER, to regis...
reregulated 20 16 REREGULATE, to regul...
reregulates 20 15 REREGULATE, to regul...
rereleasing 19 15 RERELEASE, to releas...
rereminding 20 19 REREMIND, to remind...
rerepeating 20 17 REREPEAT, to repeat...
rereviewing 24 21 REREVIEW, to review...
rescheduled 25 20 RESCHEDULE, to sched...
reschedules 25 19 RESCHEDULE, to sched...
reschooling 25 20 RESCHOOL, to school...
rescindable 24 20 that can be rescinde...
rescindment 22 20 the act of rescindin...
rescissible 26 18 able to be rescinded...
rescissions 22 15 RESCISSION, the act...
rescreening 21 18 RESCREEN, to screen...
rescripting 26 20 RESCRIPT, to issue a...
rescription 24 18 a reply or answering...
resculpting 27 22 RESCULPT, to sculpt...
researchers 23 16 RESEARCHER, one who...
researchful 27 21 full of research [ad...
researching 24 19 RESEARCH, to investi...
researchist 24 16 one engaged in resea...
reseasoning 17 15 RESEASON, to season...
resectional 21 16 relating to resectio...
resegregate 19 15 to segregate again [...
reselecting 23 18 RESELECT, to choose...
reselection 21 16 the act of selecting...
resemblance 24 22 the state of resembl...
resensitise 18 12 to sensitise again,...
resensitize 21 21 to sensitize again [...
resentenced 19 17 RESENTENCE, to sente...
resentences 19 16 RESENTENCE, to sente...
resentfully 29 20 RESENTFUL, full of r...
resentingly 26 18 RESENTING [adv]
resentments 18 16 RESENTMENT, a feelin...
reservation 19 16 somehting reserved,...
reservatory 26 17 a receptacle; a rese...
reservicing 25 21 RESERVICE, to servic...
reservoired 20 16 RESERVOIR, to keep a...
resharpened 21 18 RESHARPEN, to sharpe...
reshingling 24 20 RESHINGLE, to shingl...
reshipments 24 20 RESHIPMENT, the act...
reshowering 24 19 RESHOWER, to shower...
reshuffling 28 24 RESHUFFLE, to shuffl...
residencies 21 16 RESIDENCY, the offic...
residenters 18 13 RESIDENTER, (Scots)...
residential 19 14 used as a residence...
resignation 18 15 an act or instance o...
resignments 20 18 RESIGNMENT, the act...
resilements 20 16 RESILEMENT, the act...
resiliences 22 16 RESILIENCE, the qual...
resiliently 27 16 RESILIENT, springing...
resilvering 23 19 RESILVER, to cover w...
resinifying 28 20 RESINIFY, to convert...
resipiscent 24 18 having returned to a...
resistances 21 15 RESISTANCE, the act...
resistingly 28 17 RESISTING [adv]
resistively 29 18 RESISTIVE, serving t...
resistivity 29 17 the longitudinal ele...
resituating 20 15 RESITUATE, to situat...
resketching 26 23 RESKETCH, to sketch...
reskillings 24 20 RESKILLING, the retr...
resmoothing 22 19 RESMOOTH, to smooth...
resocialise 22 15 to socialise again,...
resocialize 25 24 to socialize again,...
resoftening 20 18 RESOFTEN, to soften...
resoldering 20 16 RESOLDER, to solder...
resolutions 19 14 RESOLUTION, the act...
resonations 16 13 RESONATION, the act...
resorbences 22 18 RESORBENCE, reabsorp...
resorcinols 22 16 RESORCINOL, a colour...
resorptions 20 15 RESORPTION, the act...
resourceful 25 20 able to meet situati...
resourcings 23 18 RESOURCING, the act...
respecified 26 21 RESPECIFY, to specif...
respecifies 26 20 RESPECIFY, to specif...
respectable 26 21 worthy of respect [a...
respectably 33 23 RESPECTABLE, worthy...
respectless 25 18 without respect [adj...
respellings 24 19 RESPELLING, the act...
respiration 20 15 breathing; the takin...
respirators 21 14 RESPIRATOR, an appli...
respiratory 27 16 related to respirati...
respirology 29 19 the branch of medici...
respiteless 22 15 without a respite [a...
resplendent 20 18 shining brilliantly...
resplending 22 20 RESPLEND, to shine b...
resplitting 24 18 RESPLIT, to split ag...
respondence 21 20 correspondence, agre...
respondency 28 22 correspondence, agre...
respondents 19 17 RESPONDENT, one who...
responsible 23 19 liable to be called...
responsibly 30 21 RESPONSIBLE, liable...
responsions 19 16 the first examinatio...
respreading 21 18 RESPREAD, to spread...
respringing 23 20 RESPRING, to replace...
resprouting 22 18 RESPROUT, to sprout...
restabilise 22 15 to stabilise again,...
restabilize 25 24 to stabilize again,...
restartable 21 15 capable of being res...
restatement 18 15 something that is re...
restationed 17 13 RESTATION, to statio...
restaurants 18 13 RESTAURANT, a busine...
restfullest 24 17 RESTFUL, relaxing [a...
restfulness 22 17 the state of being r...
restharrows 24 16 RESTHARROW, a wild f...
restimulate 21 16 to stimulate again [...
restitching 26 19 RESTITCH, to stitch...
restituting 21 15 RESTITUTE, (archaic)...
restitution 19 13 a restoration of som...
restitutive 22 16 relating to restitut...
restitutors 20 12 RESTITUTOR, one who...
restitutory 26 14 serving to restitute...
restiveness 20 16 the state of being r...
restoration 17 12 a bringing back to a...
restorative 20 15 serving to restore t...
restrainers 18 12 RESTRAINER, one who...
restraining 19 15 the act of restraini...
restressing 20 14 RESTRESS, to stress...
restretched 24 17 RESTRETCH, to stretc...
restretches 24 16 RESTRETCH, to stretc...
restricting 24 17 RESTRICT, to keep wi...
restriction 22 15 a regulation that re...
restrictive 25 18 of or relating to re...
restringent 19 15 an astringent [n -S]
restringing 21 17 RESTRING, to string...
restructure 23 16 to change the makeup...
resubjected 26 28 RESUBJECT, to subjec...
resubmitted 23 19 RESUBMIT, to submit...
resultantly 27 17 RESULTANT, resulting...
resultative 22 17 (in grammar) a phras...
resummoning 21 22 RESUMMON, to summon...
resumptions 22 19 RESUMPTION, an act o...
resupplying 32 24 RESUPPLY, to supply...
resurfacers 24 18 RESURFACER, one who...
resurfacing 25 21 RESURFACE, to surfac...
resurgences 22 18 RESURGENCE, a rising...
resurrected 22 16 RESURRECT, to bring...
resurrector 22 15 one who resurrects [...
resurveying 28 21 RESURVEY, to survey...
resuscitant 22 16 having a resuscitati...
resuscitate 22 15 to revive from appar...
resuspended 20 18 RESUSPEND, to suspen...
resveratrol 21 16 a fungicidal phenol...
reswallowed 26 20 RESWALLOW, to swallo...
resyntheses 26 16 RESYNTHESIS, a new s...
resynthesis 27 16 a new synthesis [n R...
retailments 20 16 RETAILMENT, the act...
retailoring 20 15 RETAILOR, to tailor...
retainments 18 16 RETAINMENT, the act...
retaliating 20 15 RETALIATE, to repay...
retaliation 18 13 the act of retaliati...
retaliative 21 16 relating to retaliat...
retaliators 19 12 RETALIATOR, one who...
retaliatory 25 14 having the nature of...
retardation 17 13 an act or instance o...
retardative 20 16 serving to retard [a...
retardatory 24 14 tending to retard [a...
retardments 19 16 RETARDMENT, the act...
retargeting 20 16 RETARGET, to target...
retempering 22 20 RETEMPER, to modify...
retentively 27 19 RETENTIVE, tending t...
retentivity 27 18 the power of retaini...
retestified 21 15 RETESTIFY, to testif...
retestifies 21 14 RETESTIFY, to testif...
retexturing 26 22 RETEXTURE, to treat...
rethreading 21 17 RETHREAD, to thread...
reticencies 24 18 RETICENCY, the quali...
reticularly 31 19 RETICULAR, netted, n...
reticulated 23 17 RETICULATE, to inter...
reticulates 23 16 RETICULATE, to inter...
retightened 21 17 RETIGHTEN, to tighte...
retinacular 22 17 pertaining to the re...
retinaculum 24 21 a band-like structur...
retinalites 19 13 RETINALITE, a transl...
retinispora 20 15 a cypress or related...
retinitides 19 13 RETINITIS, inflammat...
retinitises 19 12 RETINITIS, inflammat...
retinopathy 28 19 any of various nonin...
retinoscope 22 18 an instrument for me...
retinoscopy 29 20 observation of the r...
retinospora 19 15 a cypress or related...
retiredness 18 13 the state of being r...
retirements 19 15 RETIREMENT, an act o...
retotalling 21 16 RETOTAL, to total ag...
retouchable 26 21 that can be retouche...
retraceable 23 18 that can be retraced...
retracement 21 18 the act of retracing...
retractable 24 18 that can be retracte...
retractible 25 18 that can be retracte...
retractions 21 15 RETRACTION, an act o...
retrainable 20 16 that can be restrain...
retrainings 19 15 RETRAINING, the act...
retransfers 20 15 RETRANSFER, to trans...
retransform 21 18 to transform again [...
retranslate 18 13 to translate (a tran...
retransmits 20 15 RETRANSMIT, to trans...
retreatants 17 12 RETREATANT, a person...
retrenching 24 20 RETRENCH, to cut dow...
retributing 23 18 RETRIBUTE, to give i...
retribution 21 16 retaliation, punishm...
retributive 24 19 relating to retribut...
retributors 22 15 RETRIBUTOR, one enga...
retributory 28 17 relating to retribut...
retrievable 23 19 that can be retrieve...
retrievably 30 21 RETRIEVABLE, that ca...
retrievings 22 18 RETRIEVING, the act...
retroacting 22 17 RETROACT, to act in...
retroaction 20 15 acting backward [n -...
retroactive 23 18 taking effect as fro...
retrobulbar 24 19 behind the eyeball [...
retrocedent 20 16 moving backward [adj...
retroceding 22 18 RETROCEDE, to cede b...
retrochoirs 24 16 RETROCHOIR, the part...
retrodicted 22 16 RETRODICT, to utiliz...
retroengine 17 15 a small rocket on a...
retrofiring 22 17 RETROFIRE, to cause...
retrofitted 21 15 RETROFIT, to furnish...
retroflexed 27 23 RETROFLEX, to bend b...
retroflexes 27 22 RETROFLEX, to bend b...
retrograded 19 15 RETROGRADE, to cause...
retrogrades 19 14 RETROGRADE, to cause...
retrojected 23 24 RETROJECT, to throw...
retrolental 19 14 behind the or a lens...
retrophilia 24 17 love of things of th...
retrorocket 22 18 a rocket whose funct...
retrosexual 25 20 a man with tradition...
retrospects 24 17 RETROSPECT, to engag...
retroussage 19 14 (French) in etching,...
retroverted 20 16 RETROVERT, to turn b...
returnables 21 17 RETURNABLE, somethin...
reunionisms 19 17 REUNIONISM, a policy...
reunionists 18 14 REUNIONIST, a person...
reupholster 24 18 to upholster again [...
reusability 29 18 the capacity to be r...
reutilising 22 16 REUTILISE, to utilis...
reutilizing 25 25 REUTILIZE, to utiliz...
revaccinate 25 22 to vaccinate again [...
revalidated 21 18 REVALIDATE, to valid...
revalidates 21 17 REVALIDATE, to valid...
revalorised 21 17 REVALORISE, to give...
revalorises 21 16 REVALORISE, to give...
revalorized 24 26 REVALORIZE, to give...
revalorizes 24 25 REVALORIZE, to give...
revaluating 22 20 REVALUATE, to evalua...
revaluation 20 18 the act of revaluing...
revanchisms 27 24 REVANCHISM, policy o...
revanchists 26 21 REVANCHIST, one adhe...
revarnished 22 19 REVARNISH, to varnis...
revarnishes 22 18 REVARNISH, to varnis...
revealingly 29 22 REVEALING, making vi...
revealments 21 20 REVEALMENT, the act...
revegetated 20 18 REVEGETATE, to veget...
revegetates 20 17 REVEGETATE, to veget...
revelations 20 17 REVELATION, an act o...
revendicate 22 20 to make formal claim...
revengeless 21 19 without revenge [adj...
revengement 20 22 (Shakespeare) reveng...
revengingly 29 24 REVENGING, vengeful...
reverberant 21 19 tending to reverbera...
reverberate 21 18 to continue in or as...
reverencers 22 19 REVERENCER, one who...
reverencing 23 22 REVERENCE, to venera...
reverential 20 17 expressing or having...
reverifying 30 23 REVERIFY, to verify...
reverseless 21 16 unalterable [adj]
reversibles 24 19 REVERSIBLE, a revers...
reversional 20 17 relating to a revers...
reversioner 19 16 a person entitled to...
revibrating 24 21 REVIBRATE, to vibrat...
revictualed 25 21 REVICTUAL, to victua...
revilements 22 20 REVILEMENT, the act...
revindicate 23 20 to vindicate again [...
reviolating 22 19 REVIOLATE, to violat...
revisionary 26 18 relating to revision...
revisionism 22 19 a movement in revolu...
revisionist 21 16 a supporter of revis...
revisitants 21 16 REVISITANT, one who...
revitalised 22 17 REVITALISE, to give...
revitalises 22 16 REVITALISE, to give...
revitalized 25 26 REVITALIZE, to give...
revitalizes 25 25 REVITALIZE, to give...
revivalisms 26 23 REVIVALISM, the spir...
revivalists 25 20 REVIVALIST, one who...
revivements 23 23 REVIVEMENT, the act...
revivescent 25 23 reviving, also REVIV...
revivifying 33 27 REVIVIFY, to reactiv...
reviviscent 26 23 reviving, also REVIV...
revocations 22 19 REVOCATION, the act...
revokements 21 23 REVOKEMENT, (Shakesp...
revoltingly 30 22 REVOLTING [adv]
revolutions 21 18 REVOLUTION, the acti...
revolvingly 32 26 REVOLVING, turning a...
revulsively 32 24 REVULSIVE, causing,...
rewardingly 30 21 REWARDING [adv]
rewriteable 24 18 (of a CD, flash driv...
rhabdocoele 25 21 a turbellarian worm...
rhabdoliths 27 20 RHABDOLITH, a calcar...
rhabdomancy 32 26 divination by wands...
rhabdomeres 23 20 RHABDOMERE, one of t...
rhabdomyoma 30 25 a tumour of striated...
rhabdovirus 26 22 a class of virus tha...
rhachitises 27 18 RHACHITIS, inflammat...
rhagadiform 25 22 in the form of crack...
rhamnaceous 23 21 relating to the buck...
rhapsodical 27 21 of or like a rhapsod...
rhapsodised 23 18 RHAPSODISE, to utter...
rhapsodises 23 17 RHAPSODISE, to utter...
rhapsodists 24 17 RHAPSODIST, ancientl...
rhapsodized 26 27 RHAPSODIZE, to utter...
rhapsodizes 26 26 RHAPSODIZE, to utter...
rheological 26 20 relating to rheology...
rheologists 23 16 RHEOLOGIST, one who...
rheometries 21 16 RHEOMETRY, measureme...
rheomorphic 29 24 relating to rheomorp...
rheotropism 24 19 the direction of gro...
rhetorician 23 17 a master or teacher...
rhetorising 22 16 RHETORISE, (obsolete...
rhetorizing 25 25 RHETORIZE, (obsolete...
rheumateese 20 17 (dialect) rheumatism...
rheumatical 26 21 relating to rheumati...
rheumaticky 33 26 suffering from rheum...
rheumatises 22 17 RHEUMATISE, (dialect...
rheumatisms 24 20 RHEUMATISM, a condit...
rheumatizes 25 26 RHEUMATIZE, (dialect...
rhinestoned 19 16 adorned with rhinest...
rhinestones 19 15 RHINESTONE, an imita...
rhinocerote 22 17 (obsolete) a rhinoce...
rhinolalias 22 16 RHINOLALIA, nasal sp...
rhinologies 22 17 RHINOLOGY, the study...
rhinologist 23 17 a student of rhinolo...
rhinophonia 23 20 a nasal tone to the...
rhinophymas 32 24 RHINOPHYMA, acne of...
rhinoplasty 30 20 plastic surgery of t...
rhinorrhoea 21 16 continuous nasal cat...
rhinoscopes 25 20 RHINOSCOPE, an instr...
rhinoscopic 29 23 relating to a rhinos...
rhinothecae 24 19 RHINOTHECA, the shea...
rhizanthous 26 26 with flowers emergin...
rhizocarpic 33 31 of or like a rhizoca...
rhizoctonia 26 26 any of a genus of im...
rhizogenous 24 26 producing or growing...
rhizomatous 25 26 having the form of a...
rhizomorphs 30 30 RHIZOMORPH, a rootli...
rhizophores 28 27 RHIZOPHORE, a specia...
rhizoplanes 26 27 RHIZOPLANE, the surf...
rhizopodans 25 27 RHIZOPODAN, one of t...
rhizopodous 26 27 relating to a rhizop...
rhizosphere 28 27 a region of increase...
rhizotomies 25 25 RHIZOTOMY, the surgi...
rhodanising 21 18 RHODANISE, to electr...
rhodanizing 24 27 RHODANIZE, to electr...
rhododaphne 23 21 (Spenser) oleander [...
rhododendra 19 17 RHODODENDRON, any of...
rhodophanes 23 20 RHODOPHANE, the red...
rhombohedra 25 22 RHOMBOHEDRON, a para...
rhomboideus 24 21 a rhomboid, also RHO...
rhotacising 25 19 RHOTACISE, to change...
rhotacistic 28 19 relating to rhotacis...
rhotacizing 28 28 RHOTACIZE, to change...
rhoticities 25 16 RHOTICITY, the quali...
rhubarbings 27 23 RHUBARBING, in the t...
rhumbatrons 24 21 RHUMBATRON, a cavity...
rhynchocoel 35 25 the cavity in which...
rhynchodont 31 23 having a toothed bea...
rhythmicity 42 25 the state of being r...
rhythmising 33 23 RHYTHMISE, to subjec...
rhythmizing 36 32 RHYTHMIZE, to subjec...
ribbonwoods 25 22 RIBBONWOOD, a small...
riboflavine 25 23 a member of the vita...
riboflavins 26 23 RIBOFLAVIN, a member...
ribonucleic 28 23 an acid derived from...
rickburners 26 23 RICKBURNER, (archaic...
ricketiness 23 19 the state of being r...
rickettiest 24 18 RICKETTY, shaky, ram...
rickettsiae 23 18 RICKETTSIA, a genus...
rickettsial 25 19 relating to ricketts...
rickettsias 24 18 RICKETTSIA, a genus...
ricocheting 28 22 RICOCHET, to rebound...
ricochetted 27 20 RICOCHET, to rebound...
ridesharing 22 17 the practice of shar...
riebeckites 25 21 RIEBECKITE, a monocl...
rifacimenti 25 21 RIFACIMENTO, a recas...
rifacimento 24 21 a recasting of a lit...
rifampicins 28 24 RIFAMPICIN, an antib...
rigamaroles 21 17 RIGAMAROLE, a succes...
righteously 30 19 RIGHTEOUS, just, pro...
rightnesses 22 16 RIGHTNESS, the state...
rightsizing 28 27 the act of adapting...
rightwardly 34 22 RIGHTWARD, toward th...
rigidifying 31 22 RIGIDIFY, to make st...
rigidnesses 20 15 RIGIDNESS, the state...
rijksdaaler 23 26 (Dutch) a rix-dollar...
rijsttafels 25 24 RIJSTTAFEL, (Dutch)...
rinderpests 21 16 RINDERPEST, (German)...
rinforzando 22 26 (Italian) with a sud...
ringbarking 24 24 RINGBARK, to strip a...
ringleaders 20 16 RINGLEADER, a leader...
ringmasters 21 17 RINGMASTER, one in c...
ringstraked 21 19 of an animal, insect...
rinsability 29 18 the quality of being...
rinsibility 30 18 the quality of being...
rinthereout 20 15 (Scots) a vagrant [n...
riotousness 18 13 the state of being r...
ripidolites 23 16 RIPIDOLITE, a transl...
ripsnorters 21 15 RIPSNORTER, somethin...
ripsnorting 22 18 fast and furious, li...
riskinesses 20 16 RISKINESS, the state...
ritardandos 18 14 RITARDANDO, (Italian...
ritornelles 20 14 RITORNELLE, (French)...
ritornellos 20 14 RITORNELLO, a short...
ritournelle 20 15 (French) a short ins...
ritualising 22 16 RITUALISE, to make i...
ritualistic 25 16 relating to ritualis...
ritualizing 25 25 RITUALIZE, to make i...
ritzinesses 22 21 RITZINESS, being rit...
rivercrafts 27 21 RIVERCRAFT, a craft...
riverfronts 23 19 RIVERFRONT, the land...
riverscapes 26 21 RIVERSCAPE, a view o...
riverworthy 33 22 able to be used on a...
roadability 28 18 the qualities, such...
roadblocked 25 24 ROADBLOCK, to bar by...
roadheaders 19 15 ROADHEADER, a tunnel...
roadholding 22 19 the qualities of an...
roadmakings 21 22 ROADMAKING, road bui...
roadmenders 18 17 ROADMENDER, one whos...
roadrollers 20 14 ROADROLLER, a motor...
roadrunners 17 15 ROADRUNNER, a bird o...
robotically 32 21 ROBOTIC, relating to...
rockcresses 26 21 ROCKCRESS, another n...
rockhoppers 29 26 ROCKHOPPER, a creste...
rockinesses 22 19 ROCKINESS, the state...
rodenticide 21 17 the killing of roden...
rodfishings 25 20 RODFISHING, fishing...
rodomontade 17 17 (French) a bragging...
roentgenise 17 15 to bombard with X-ra...
roentgenium 19 19 a short-lived radioa...
roentgenize 20 24 to bombard with X-ra...
roguishness 22 17 the state of being r...
roisterings 20 14 ROISTERING, carousin...
rollcollars 26 18 ROLLCOLLAR, a collar...
rollerballs 25 18 ROLLERBALL, a pen ha...
rollerblade 23 18 (tradename) a type o...
rollerdrome 21 17 (US) a venue for rol...
rollickings 27 23 ROLLICKING, the act...
rollockings 26 23 ROLLOCKING, a tellin...
romanicites 22 18 ROMANICITE, another...
romanticise 22 18 to make romantic, al...
romanticism 24 21 romantic quality, fe...
romanticist 23 18 an adherent of roman...
romanticize 25 27 to make romantic, al...
rompishness 24 20 the state of being r...
rondolettos 18 14 RONDOLETTO, a short...
rontgenised 18 16 RONTGENISE, to treat...
rontgenises 18 15 RONTGENISE, to treat...
rontgenized 21 25 RONTGENIZE, to treat...
rontgenizes 21 24 RONTGENIZE, to treat...
roominesses 18 15 ROOMINESS, the state...
rootinesses 17 12 ROOTINESS, the state...
rootservers 20 15 ROOTSERVER, a comput...
ropedancers 22 19 ROPEDANCER, one who...
ropedancing 23 22 the sport of dancing...
ropewalkers 25 22 ROPEWALKER, a ropeda...
roquelaures 27 23 ROQUELAURE, a cloak...
rosanilines 18 14 ROSANILINE, a base d...
rosefinches 25 20 ROSEFINCH, any of va...
rosemalings 21 18 ROSEMALING, (Norwegi...
rotaviruses 21 16 ROTAVIRUS, a wheel-s...
rotisseries 19 11 ROTISSERIE, (French)...
rotographed 23 19 ROTOGRAPH, to make a...
rotogravure 21 18 an intaglio printing...
rotorcrafts 24 17 ROTORCRAFT, a helico...
rotoscoping 24 20 ROTOSCOPE, to create...
rototillers 21 13 ROTOTILLER, an imple...
rototilling 22 16 ROTOTILL, to till so...
rottenstone 16 13 friable, decomposed,...
rottweilers 23 15 ROTTWEILER, (German)...
rotundities 19 14 ROTUNDITY, the state...
roughcasted 25 20 ROUGHCAST, to cover...
roughcaster 25 19 one who applies roug...
roughdrying 30 22 ROUGHDRY, to dry wit...
roughhewing 28 24 ROUGHHEW, to shape r...
roughhoused 24 20 ROUGHHOUSE, to brawl...
roughhouses 24 19 ROUGHHOUSE, to brawl...
roughnecked 25 25 ROUGHNECK, to work a...
roughnesses 21 17 ROUGHNESS, the state...
roughriders 23 17 ROUGHRIDER, a rider...
roundabouts 20 18 ROUNDABOUT [n]
roundarched 23 20 ROUNDARCH [v]
roundedness 17 16 the state of being r...
roundheaded 19 18 having a round head...
roundhouses 20 17 ROUNDHOUSE, a consta...
roundnesses 17 15 ROUNDNESS, the state...
roundtables 21 18 ROUNDTABLE, a meetin...
rouseabouts 20 16 ROUSEABOUT, (Austral...
roustabouts 21 16 ROUSTABOUT, a casual...
routinising 20 16 ROUTINISE, to make r...
routinizing 23 25 ROUTINIZE, to make r...
rowdinesses 21 16 ROWDINESS, the state...
rowdydowing 32 24 ROWDYDOW, to make a...
rubberising 25 21 RUBBERISE, to coat w...
rubberizing 28 30 RUBBERIZE, to coat w...
rubbernecks 27 26 RUBBERNECK, to look...
rubberwears 26 21 RUBBERWEAR, rubber c...
rubbleworks 29 26 RUBBLEWORK, coarse m...
rubefacient 25 22 an agent that is a g...
rubefaction 25 22 reddening [n -S]
rubescences 26 22 RUBESCENCE, reddenin...
rubicundity 32 23 the state of being r...
rubricating 26 21 RUBRICATE, to write,...
rubrication 24 19 the act of rubricati...
rubricators 25 18 RUBRICATOR, one who...
rubythroats 30 19 RUBYTHROAT, any of n...
rudderheads 21 17 RUDDERHEAD, the top...
rudderposts 22 17 RUDDERPOST, the shan...
rudderstock 24 21 a vertical post at t...
ruddinesses 19 15 RUDDINESS, the state...
rudimentary 26 19 arrested at an early...
rufescences 26 22 RUFESCENCE, the stat...
ruffianisms 25 22 RUFFIANISM, being a...
ruggedising 23 20 RUGGEDISE, to make r...
ruggedizing 26 29 RUGGEDIZE, to make r...
ruinousness 18 15 the state of being r...
rumbullions 25 22 RUMBULLION, (obsolet...
rumbustical 28 23 (archaic) boisterous...
rumbustious 24 20 boisterous, rambunct...
rumfustians 23 20 RUMFUSTIAN, (archaic...
rumgumption 25 25 (Scots) common sense...
ruminations 19 17 RUMINATION, the act...
rumminesses 21 19 RUMMINESS, the state...
rumormonger 21 21 one who spreads rumo...
runninesses 17 15 RUNNINESS, the state...
runtinesses 18 14 RUNTINESS, the state...
rupturewort 25 19 a caryophyllaceous p...
ruralnesses 19 14 RURALNESS, the state...
ruridecanal 22 18 concerning a rural d...
rushinesses 21 15 RUSHINESS, the state...
russettings 21 15 RUSSETTING, a russet...
rusticating 24 18 the act of rusticati...
rustication 22 16 the action of banish...
rusticators 23 15 RUSTICATOR, one who...
rusticising 25 18 RUSTICISE, to make r...
rusticities 24 15 RUSTICITY, a rustic...
rusticizing 28 27 RUSTICIZE, to make r...
rusticworks 28 22 RUSTICWORK, rusticat...
rustinesses 19 13 RUSTINESS, the state...
rustproofed 23 19 RUSTPROOF, to make r...
rutherfords 24 18 RUTHERFORD, a unit o...
ruthfulness 25 20 the state of being r...
ruttinesses 19 13 RUTTINESS, the state...
ruttishness 22 15 the state of being r...