13 letter words that start with R

13 letter words that start with R

13 letter R word


Words With Friends®


rabbitbrushes 32 25 RABBITBRUSH, any of...
racemisations 25 20 RACEMISATION, a chan...
racemizations 28 29 RACEMIZATION, a chan...
racketeerings 26 23 RACKETEERING, runnin...
raconteurings 25 21 RACONTEURING, tellin...
radialisation 22 16 the process of radia...
radialization 25 25 the process of radia...
radiationless 22 16 RADIATION [n]
radicalnesses 25 19 RADICALNESS, the sta...
radiesthesias 24 16 RADIESTHESIA, sensit...
radiesthesist 25 16 one who practises ra...
radioactivate 26 21 to activate by radio...
radioactively 34 24 RADIOACTIVE, of, cau...
radioactivity 34 23 the spontaneous deca...
radiobiologic 29 23 relating to radiobio...
radiochemical 32 26 relating to radioche...
radiochemists 29 22 RADIOCHEMIST, one wh...
radioelements 22 19 RADIOELEMENT, a radi...
radiographers 27 21 RADIOGRAPHER, one wh...
radiographies 27 21 RADIOGRAPHY, photogr...
radiographing 28 24 RADIOGRAPH, to produ...
radioisotopes 23 17 RADIOISOTOPE, a radi...
radioisotopic 27 20 of or like a radiois...
radiolabeling 26 22 RADIOLABEL, to label...
radiolabelled 26 21 RADIOLABEL, to label...
radiolocation 24 19 position-finding by...
radionuclides 26 21 RADIONUCLIDE, a radi...
radiopacities 27 20 RADIOPACITY, the sta...
radiophonists 26 20 RADIOPHONIST, one wh...
radiotelegram 24 20 a telegram sent by r...
radioteletype 30 20 a teleprinter that r...
radiothermies 25 19 RADIOTHERMY, the tre...
radiothoriums 26 20 RADIOTHORIUM, a radi...
raffishnesses 28 22 RAFFISHNESS, the sta...
ramapithecine 29 25 an early Pliocene ge...
ramifications 28 23 RAMIFICATION, branch...
rammishnesses 26 22 RAMMISHNESS, the sta...
rancorousness 23 19 the state of being r...
randomisation 21 19 the process of rando...
randomization 24 28 the act of randomizi...
rangefindings 25 24 RANGEFINDING, the ac...
rapaciousness 26 21 the state of being r...
rapprochement 31 28 (French) a resumptio...
rapturousness 24 19 the state of being r...
rarefactional 26 21 relating to rarefact...
rarefications 26 20 RAREFICATION, the ac...
ratablenesses 23 18 RATABLENESS, the qua...
rateabilities 25 17 RATEABILITY, the abi...
ratifications 27 20 RATIFICATION, the ac...
ratiocinating 25 20 RATIOCINATE, to reas...
ratiocination 23 18 the process of exact...
ratiocinative 26 21 relating to ratiocin...
ratiocinators 24 17 RATIOCINATOR, one wh...
ratiocinatory 30 19 relating to ratiocin...
rationalisers 22 15 RATIONALISER, one wh...
rationalising 23 18 RATIONALISE, to make...
rationalistic 26 18 relating to rational...
rationalities 22 15 RATIONALITY, the sta...
rationalizers 25 24 RATIONALIZER, one wh...
rationalizing 26 27 RATIONALIZE, to brin...
rattlebrained 24 19 like a rattlebrain,...
raucousnesses 24 19 RAUCOUSNESS, the sta...
raunchinesses 26 21 RAUNCHINESS, the sta...
raylessnesses 28 17 RAYLESSNESS, the sta...
reabsorptions 25 20 REABSORPTION, the ac...
reaccelerated 27 21 REACCELERATE, to acc...
reaccelerates 27 20 REACCELERATE, to acc...
reacclimatise 30 23 to acclimatise again...
reacclimatize 33 32 to acclimatize again...
reaccrediting 29 23 REACCREDIT, to accre...
reaccustoming 30 26 REACCUSTOM, to get u...
reacquainting 33 30 REACQUAINT, to acqua...
reacquisition 33 27 the act of reacquiri...
reactionaries 23 17 REACTIONARY, a perso...
reactionarism 25 20 the state of being r...
reactionarist 24 17 a reactionary [n -S]
reactivations 26 21 REACTIVATION, the ac...
readabilities 25 18 READABILITY, the abi...
readaptations 22 18 READAPTATION, the ac...
readjustments 25 28 READJUSTMENT, the ac...
readmittances 25 21 READMITTANCE, the ac...
readvertising 25 21 READVERTISE, to adve...
readvertizing 28 30 READVERTIZE, to adve...
reaffirmation 26 23 the act of reaffirmi...
reafforesting 26 22 REAFFOREST, to plant...
reaggregating 25 22 REAGGREGATE, to aggr...
reaggregation 23 20 the act of reaggrega...
realisability 33 20 the quality of being...
realistically 35 21 REALISTIC, resemblin...
realizability 36 29 the quality of being...
reallocations 25 19 REALLOCATION, the ac...
realpolitiker 27 22 (German) one who pra...
reannexations 24 23 REANNEXATION, the ac...
reapparelling 28 24 REAPPAREL, to clothe...
reappearances 26 23 REAPPEARANCE, the ac...
reapplication 29 24 the act of reapplyin...
reappointment 25 24 the act of reappoint...
reapportioned 24 21 REAPPORTION, to appo...
reappropriate 27 22 to appropriate again...
rearrangement 21 20 the act of rearrangi...
rearticulated 26 19 REARTICULATE, to art...
rearticulates 26 18 REARTICULATE, to art...
reasonability 30 20 the state of being r...
reassemblages 26 22 REASSEMBLAGE, a reas...
reassessments 22 17 REASSESSMENT, the ac...
reassignments 23 20 REASSIGNMENT, the ac...
reassortments 22 17 REASSORTMENT, the ac...
reassumptions 25 21 REASSUMPTION, the ac...
reattachments 27 22 REATTACHMENT, the ac...
reattributing 26 20 REATTRIBUTE, to attr...
reattribution 24 18 the act of reattribu...
reauthorising 25 19 REAUTHORISE, to auth...
reauthorizing 28 28 REAUTHORIZE, to auth...
rebarbatively 35 26 REBARBATIVE, irritat...
rebroadcasted 26 21 REBROADCAST, to broa...
recalcitrance 31 24 the state of being r...
recalcitrancy 38 26 the state of being r...
recalcitrants 29 21 RECALCITRANT, a reca...
recalcitrated 29 21 RECALCITRATE, to sho...
recalcitrates 29 20 RECALCITRATE, to sho...
recalculating 31 25 RECALCULATE, to calc...
recalculation 29 23 the act of recalcula...
recalescences 30 24 RECALESCENCE, the re...
recalibrating 29 23 RECALIBRATE, to cali...
recalibration 27 21 the act of recalibra...
recallability 37 24 the state of being r...
recapitalised 28 21 RECAPITALISE, to sup...
recapitalises 28 20 RECAPITALISE, to sup...
recapitalized 31 30 RECAPITALIZE, to cha...
recapitalizes 31 29 RECAPITALIZE, to cha...
recapitulated 28 22 RECAPITULATE, to res...
recapitulates 28 21 RECAPITULATE, to res...
recataloguing 27 23 RECATALOGUE, to cata...
receivability 37 26 the quality of being...
receiverships 32 25 RECEIVERSHIP, the of...
recentrifuged 28 24 RECENTRIFUGE, to put...
recentrifuges 28 23 RECENTRIFUGE, to put...
receptibility 38 25 the state of being r...
receptionists 27 20 RECEPTIONIST, a pers...
receptiveness 28 24 the state of being r...
receptivities 30 23 RECEPTIVITY, the sta...
recessionista 24 17 a person whose cloth...
recessiveness 26 21 the state of being r...
rechallenging 30 26 RECHALLENGE, to chal...
rechannelling 28 25 RECHANNEL, to channe...
rechoreograph 31 25 to choreograph again...
rechristening 28 22 RECHRISTEN, to chris...
reciprocality 38 25 the state of being r...
reciprocating 31 25 RECIPROCATE, to give...
reciprocation 29 23 a mutual exchange [n...
reciprocative 32 26 relating to reciproc...
reciprocators 30 22 RECIPROCATOR, one wh...
reciprocatory 36 24 of the nature of rec...
reciprocities 31 22 RECIPROCITY, the sta...
recirculating 31 24 RECIRCULATE, to circ...
recirculation 29 22 the act of recircula...
recitationist 25 17 a declaimer [n -S]
reclassifying 36 25 RECLASSIFY, to class...
reclusenesses 25 19 RECLUSENESS, the sta...
reclusiveness 28 23 RECLUSIVE, solitary...
recognisances 27 23 RECOGNISANCE, a lega...
recognizances 30 32 RECOGNIZANCE, a lega...
recollectedly 37 25 RECOLLECTED [adv]
recollections 29 22 RECOLLECTION, someth...
recombination 26 24 the formation by the...
recomfortless 29 23 (Spenser) comfortles...
recomfortures 28 23 RECOMFORTURE, (Shake...
recommendable 28 28 worthy of recommenda...
recommendably 35 30 RECOMMENDABLE, worth...
recommissions 27 23 RECOMMISSION, to com...
recommitments 28 26 RECOMMITMENT, the ac...
recompensable 29 27 that can be recompen...
recompilation 28 24 the act of recompili...
recomposition 27 23 the act of recomposi...
recompressing 29 25 RECOMPRESS, to compr...
recompression 27 23 a repeated compressi...
recomputation 27 24 the act of recomputi...
reconcentrate 25 21 to concentrate again...
reconceptions 28 24 RECONCEPTION, the ac...
reconcilement 28 25 the act of reconcili...
reconditeness 23 19 the state of being r...
reconditioned 23 20 RECONDITION, to rest...
reconfiguring 29 26 RECONFIGURE, to conf...
reconnections 25 22 RECONNECTION, the ac...
reconnoitered 22 19 RECONNOITER, (US) to...
reconnoiterer 22 18 one who reconnoiters...
reconnoitrers 23 18 RECONNOITRER, one wh...
reconnoitring 24 21 the act of conductin...
reconsecrated 26 21 RECONSECRATE, to con...
reconsecrates 26 20 RECONSECRATE, to con...
reconsidering 25 21 RECONSIDER, to consi...
reconsolidate 24 19 to consolidate again...
reconstituent 24 19 something reconstitu...
reconstituted 25 19 RECONSTITUTE, to con...
reconstitutes 25 18 RECONSTITUTE, to con...
reconstructed 28 22 RECONSTRUCT, to cons...
reconstructor 28 21 one who reconstructs...
recontaminate 23 21 to contaminate again...
reconvalesced 29 26 RECONVALESCE, to con...
reconvalesces 29 25 RECONVALESCE, to con...
reconversions 25 22 RECONVERSION, the ac...
reconveyances 33 27 RECONVEYANCE [v]
reconvictions 29 25 RECONVICTION, a fres...
recorderships 30 22 RECORDERSHIP, the of...
recreationist 24 17 a person who seeks r...
recriminating 27 23 RECRIMINATE, to char...
recrimination 25 21 a retaliatory accusa...
recriminative 28 24 relating to recrimin...
recriminators 26 20 RECRIMINATOR, one wh...
recriminatory 32 22 relating to recrimin...
recrudescence 30 25 a new outbreak after...
recrudescency 37 27 a new outbreak after...
recrystallise 34 20 to crystallise again...
recrystallize 37 29 to crystallize again...
rectangularly 34 24 RECTANGULAR, shaped...
rectification 30 23 the act of rectifyin...
rectilineally 34 22 RECTILINEAL, moving...
rectilinearly 33 21 RECTILINEAR, moving...
rectipetalies 28 20 RECTIPETALY, the ten...
rectipetality 35 22 the tendency to grow...
rectitudinous 26 20 characterized by str...
recultivating 30 25 RECULTIVATE, to cult...
recuperations 26 21 RECUPERATION, the ac...
recursiveness 27 22 the state of being r...
reddishnesses 24 18 REDDISHNESS, the sta...
redecorations 23 18 REDECORATION, the ac...
rededications 24 19 REDEDICATION, the ac...
redeemability 32 23 the quality of being...
redefinitions 23 19 REDEFINITION, the ac...
redeliverance 26 23 the act of redeliver...
redemptioners 24 21 REDEMPTIONER, an imm...
redeployments 31 24 REDEPLOYMENT, the ac...
redescription 27 21 a new and more compl...
redetermining 23 21 REDETERMINE, to dete...
redevelopment 26 26 the act of redevelop...
redintegrated 22 18 REDINTEGRATE, to mak...
redintegrates 22 17 REDINTEGRATE, to mak...
rediscounting 26 22 REDISCOUNT, to disco...
rediscoverers 27 21 REDISCOVERER [n]
rediscoveries 27 21 REDISCOVERY, the act...
rediscovering 28 24 REDISCOVER, to disco...
redisposition 24 18 a new disposition [n...
redissolution 23 17 the act of dissolvin...
redistributed 26 19 REDISTRIBUTE, to alt...
redistributes 26 18 REDISTRIBUTE, to alt...
redistricting 28 20 REDISTRICT, to divid...
redoublements 25 23 REDOUBLEMENT, the ac...
reducibleness 28 23 the state of being r...
reductionisms 27 22 REDUCTIONISM, the be...
reductionists 26 19 REDUCTIONIST, a beli...
reductiveness 27 23 the state of being r...
reduplicating 30 25 REDUPLICATE, to make...
reduplication 28 23 an act or instance o...
reduplicative 31 26 relating to reduplic...
reeligibility 35 22 the state of being r...
reembroidered 24 21 REEMBROIDER, to outl...
reemphasising 28 24 REEMPHASIS [v]
reemphasizing 31 33 REEMPHASIZE, to emph...
reemployments 32 26 REEMPLOYMENT, the ac...
reencountered 22 20 REENCOUNTER, to enco...
reengagements 22 22 REENGAGEMENT, the ac...
reengineering 21 20 REENGINEER, to engin...
reenlistments 23 19 REENLISTMENT, the ac...
reescalations 24 18 REESCALATION, the ac...
reestablished 27 20 REESTABLISH, to esta...
reestablishes 27 19 REESTABLISH, to esta...
reevaluations 23 20 REEVALUATION, the ac...
reexamination 26 25 the act of reexamini...
reexperienced 31 28 REEXPERIENCE, to exp...
reexperiences 31 27 REEXPERIENCE, to exp...
reexportation 28 24 the act of reexporti...
refashionment 25 23 the act of refashion...
referendaries 22 18 REFERENDARY, a refer...
referentially 31 21 REFERENTIAL, of, con...
refinednesses 22 19 REFINEDNESS, the sta...
reflectograms 30 25 REFLECTOGRAM, an ima...
reflectograph 33 27 an image produced by...
reflectometer 28 23 instrument for measu...
reflectometry 35 25 measurement by refle...
reflectorised 28 21 REFLECTORISE, to mak...
reflectorises 28 20 REFLECTORISE, to mak...
reflectorized 31 30 REFLECTORIZE, to mak...
reflectorizes 31 29 REFLECTORIZE, to mak...
reflexibility 42 30 the state of being r...
reflexiveness 32 29 REFLEXIVE, indicatin...
reflexivities 34 28 REFLEXIVITY, the sta...
reflexologies 32 27 REFLEXOLOGY, a form...
reflexologist 33 27 a specialist in refl...
refocillating 30 24 REFOCILLATE, (obsole...
refocillation 28 22 the act of refocilla...
reforestation 22 17 the action of renewi...
reformability 35 25 the state of being r...
reformational 24 21 relating to reformat...
reformatories 24 19 REFORMATORY, a penal...
reformulating 27 24 REFORMULATE, to form...
reformulation 25 22 the act of reformula...
refoundations 22 20 REFOUNDATION, the ac...
refractometer 27 22 an instrument for me...
refractometry 34 24 measurement by refra...
refrigerating 26 21 REFRIGERATE, to make...
refrigeration 24 19 the act of refrigera...
refrigerative 27 22 serving to refrigera...
refrigerators 25 18 REFRIGERATOR, someth...
refrigeratory 31 20 cooling; refrigerati...
refringencies 27 23 REFRINGENCY, refract...
refundability 34 25 the state of being r...
refurbishings 31 25 REFURBISHING, the ac...
refurbishment 30 26 the act of refurbish...
regardfulness 26 22 REGARDFUL, heedful;...
regenerations 20 17 REGENERATION, an act...
regimentation 22 20 the act of regimenti...
regionalising 24 20 REGIONALISE, to divi...
regionalistic 27 20 relating to regional...
regionalizing 27 29 REGIONALIZE, to divi...
registrarship 29 20 the office of regist...
registrations 23 16 REGISTRATION, the ac...
regretfulness 26 21 REGRETFUL, full of r...
regurgitating 26 21 REGURGITATE, to brin...
regurgitation 24 19 an act of regurgitat...
rehabilitants 27 20 REHABILITANT, a disa...
rehabilitated 27 20 REHABILITATE, to res...
rehabilitates 27 19 REHABILITATE, to res...
rehabilitator 27 19 one who rehabilitate...
rehospitalise 27 19 to hospitalise again...
rehospitalize 30 28 to hospitalize again...
rehypnotising 33 24 REHYPNOTISE, to hypn...
rehypnotizing 36 33 REHYPNOTIZE, to hypn...
reidentifying 31 23 REIDENTIFY, to ident...
reimbursement 26 24 the act of reimbursi...
reimportation 24 20 the act of reimporti...
reimpositions 25 20 REIMPOSITION, the ac...
reimpressions 25 20 REIMPRESSION, a seco...
reincarnating 24 21 REINCARNATE, to inca...
reincarnation 22 19 the action of reinca...
reincorporate 25 20 to incorporate again...
reindictments 26 22 REINDICTMENT, the ac...
reinfestation 22 18 a recurrence of an i...
reinforceable 28 24 capable of being rei...
reinforcement 26 24 the action of reinfo...
reinnervating 23 22 REINNERVATE, to inne...
reinnervation 21 20 the act of reinnerva...
reinoculating 26 22 REINOCULATE, to inoc...
reinoculation 24 20 the act of reinocula...
reinspections 26 21 REINSPECTION, a repe...
reinspiriting 26 20 REINSPIRIT, to give...
reinstalments 23 19 REINSTALMENT, the ac...
reinstatement 21 18 the act of reinstati...
reinstituting 24 18 REINSTITUTE, to inst...
reinstitution 22 16 the act of reinstitu...
reintegrating 23 19 REINTEGRATE, to inte...
reintegration 21 17 the act of reintegra...
reintegrative 24 20 serving to reintegra...
reinterpreted 23 18 REINTERPRET, to inte...
reinterrogate 21 16 to interrogate again...
reinterviewed 26 22 REINTERVIEW, to inte...
reintroducing 26 22 REINTRODUCE, to intr...
reinvestigate 24 20 to investigate again...
reinvestments 24 22 REINVESTMENT, the ac...
reinvigorated 24 21 REINVIGORATE, to inv...
reinvigorates 24 20 REINVIGORATE, to inv...
reinvigorator 24 20 somehting that reinv...
reiteratively 31 20 REITERATIVE, repeati...
rejectionists 27 26 REJECTIONIST, one wh...
rejuvenations 24 29 REJUVENATION, the ac...
rejuvenescent 27 32 effecting rejuvenesc...
rejuvenescing 29 34 REJUVENESCE, to make...
rekeyboarding 31 26 REKEYBOARD, to enter...
relandscaping 28 25 RELANDSCAPE, to land...
relatednesses 21 16 RELATEDNESS, the sta...
relationships 27 20 RELATIONSHIP, a stat...
relativitists 27 18 RELATIVITIST, a pers...
relaxednesses 27 23 RELAXEDNESS, the sta...
reliabilities 27 18 RELIABILITY, the sta...
religionaries 23 17 RELIGIONARY, a membe...
religionising 25 20 RELIGIONISE, to imbu...
religionizing 28 29 RELIGIONIZE, to imbu...
religiosities 25 16 RELIGIOSITY, the sta...
religiousness 24 18 the state of being r...
relinquishers 34 27 RELINQUISHER, one wh...
relinquishing 35 30 RELINQUISH, to withd...
relubricating 30 24 RELUBRICATE, to lubr...
relubrication 28 22 the act of relubrica...
reluctivities 30 22 RELUCTIVITY, a speci...
remanufacture 27 25 to manufacture into...
remarkability 34 26 the quality of being...
rematerialise 23 17 to materialise again...
rematerialize 26 26 to materialize again...
remeasurement 22 21 the act of remeasuri...
remediability 33 23 the state of being r...
remembrancers 28 26 REMEMBRANCER, an off...
remilitarised 25 18 REMILITARISE, to mil...
remilitarises 25 17 REMILITARISE, to mil...
remilitarized 28 27 REMILITARIZE, to mil...
remilitarizes 28 26 REMILITARIZE, to mil...
remineralised 23 19 REMINERALISE, to rep...
remineralises 23 18 REMINERALISE, to rep...
remineralized 26 28 REMINERALIZE, to rep...
remineralizes 26 27 REMINERALIZE, to rep...
reminiscences 28 24 REMINISCENCE, recoll...
reminiscently 33 24 REMINISCENT, of the...
remissibility 35 22 the state of being r...
remonstrances 24 21 REMONSTRANCE, an ear...
remonstrantly 29 21 REMONSTRANT, remonst...
remonstrating 23 20 REMONSTRATE, to prot...
remonstration 21 18 the act of remonstra...
remonstrative 24 21 expressing remonstra...
remonstrators 22 17 REMONSTRATOR, one wh...
remonstratory 28 19 of the nature of a r...
remorselessly 31 20 REMORSELESS, having...
remotivations 24 21 REMOTIVATION, the ac...
removableness 26 25 REMOVABLE, capable o...
removednesses 23 22 REMOVEDNESS, the sta...
remunerations 21 19 REMUNERATION, someth...
remythologise 33 23 to mythologise again...
remythologize 36 32 to mythologize again...
renationalise 20 16 to nationalise again...
renationalize 23 25 to nationalize again...
renaturations 20 16 RENATURATION, the ac...
rencountering 24 22 RENCOUNTER, to meet,...
rendezvousing 27 32 RENDEZVOUS, to arran...
renegotiating 22 19 RENEGOTIATE, to nego...
renegotiation 20 17 the act of renegotia...
renewednesses 22 19 RENEWEDNESS, the sta...
renominations 20 19 RENOMINATION, the ac...
renormalising 24 21 RENORMALISE, to subj...
renormalizing 27 30 RENORMALIZE, to subj...
renostervelds 24 20 RENOSTERVELD, an are...
renouncements 23 23 RENOUNCEMENT, the ac...
rensselaerite 21 15 a kind of firm-textu...
rentabilities 25 18 RENTABILITY, the abi...
renunciations 23 20 RENUNCIATION, the ac...
renversements 23 22 RENVERSEMENT, (Frenc...
reoccupations 29 24 REOCCUPATION, the ac...
reoccurrences 30 24 REOCCURRENCE, a repe...
reorchestrate 26 18 to orchestrate again...
reordinations 20 16 REORDINATION, the ac...
reorientating 21 17 REORIENTATE, to orie...
reorientation 19 15 the act of reorienti...
repaginations 23 20 REPAGINATION, the ac...
repairability 34 22 the state of being r...
repartitioned 23 18 REPARTITION, to part...
repatriations 23 17 REPATRIATION, the ac...
repeatability 33 22 the state of being r...
repercussions 27 21 REPERCUSSION, a refl...
repetitionary 29 19 of the nature of, or...
repetitiously 32 20 REPETITIOUS, charact...
rephotographs 31 25 REPHOTOGRAPH, to pho...
replantations 23 19 REPLANTATION, reatta...
replenishable 29 24 capable of being rep...
replenishment 27 24 the act of replenish...
repletenesses 23 18 REPLETENESS, the sta...
replicability 39 26 the state of being r...
repopularised 27 22 REPOPULARISE, to pop...
repopularises 27 21 REPOPULARISE, to pop...
repopularized 30 31 REPOPULARIZE, to pop...
repopularizes 30 30 REPOPULARIZE, to pop...
repopulations 26 22 REPOPULATION, the ac...
reportorially 32 20 REPORTORIAL, relatin...
reposednesses 22 18 REPOSEDNESS, the sta...
reposefulness 26 22 the state of being r...
repositioning 24 20 REPOSITION, to chang...
repossessions 23 17 REPOSSESSION, the ac...
reprehendable 27 24 that can be reprehen...
reprehensible 28 23 worthy of or deservi...
reprehensibly 35 25 REPREHENSIBLE, worth...
reprehensions 24 20 REPREHENSION, the ac...
representable 25 21 capable of being rep...
representamen 22 21 the product of repre...
representants 22 18 REPRESENTANT, a repr...
representment 23 21 the act of represent...
repressionist 24 17 an advocate of repre...
repressurised 25 18 REPRESSURISE, to pre...
repressurises 25 17 REPRESSURISE, to pre...
repressurized 28 27 REPRESSURIZE, to pre...
repressurizes 28 26 REPRESSURIZE, to pre...
repristinated 24 18 REPRISTINATE, to rev...
repristinates 24 17 REPRISTINATE, to rev...
reprivatising 28 23 REPRIVATISE, to priv...
reprivatizing 31 32 REPRIVATIZE, to priv...
reproachfully 40 29 REPROACHFUL, reprovi...
reproachingly 37 27 REPROACHING [adv]
reprobatively 35 26 REPROBATIVE, condemn...
reprocessings 28 22 REPROCESSING, as in...
reproducibles 31 25 REPRODUCIBLE, someth...
reproductions 27 22 REPRODUCTION, the ma...
reproductives 30 25 REPRODUCTIVE, an act...
reprogramming 28 27 REPROGRAM, to progra...
reprographers 29 23 REPROGRAPHER, one wh...
reprographics 33 26 the reproduction of...
reprographies 29 23 REPROGRAPHY, the rep...
reprovisioned 25 22 REPROVISION, to prov...
reptiliferous 28 21 of rock, bearing fos...
republicanise 30 25 to make republican,...
republicanism 32 28 adherence to or symp...
republicanize 33 34 to make republican,...
republication 30 25 the act or action of...
repulsiveness 27 23 the state of being r...
repunctuation 26 23 the act of punctuati...
requisiteness 30 24 the state of being r...
requisitioned 30 25 REQUISITION, to make...
requisitories 31 23 REQUISITORY, in law,...
reregistering 24 18 REREGISTER, to regis...
reregulations 23 18 REREGULATION, the ac...
reschedulings 30 24 RESCHEDULING, the ac...
resectability 35 22 the state of being r...
resegregating 24 20 RESEGREGATE, to segr...
resegregation 22 18 the act of resegrega...
resensitising 23 17 RESENSITISE, to sens...
resensitizing 26 26 RESENSITIZE, to sens...
resentfulness 24 20 the state of being r...
reservatories 23 17 RESERVATORY, a recep...
resettlements 23 18 RESETTLEMENT, the ac...
residentially 30 19 RESIDENTIAL, used as...
residentships 27 20 RESIDENTSHIP, the st...
resipiscences 30 23 RESIPISCENCE, recogn...
resistibility 34 19 the state of being r...
resistiveness 24 18 RESISTIVE, serving t...
resistivities 26 17 RESISTIVITY, the lon...
resocialising 27 20 RESOCIALISE, to soci...
resocializing 30 29 RESOCIALIZE, to soci...
resolidifying 33 23 RESOLIDIFY, to solid...
resolubleness 25 20 the state of being r...
resolutioners 22 16 RESOLUTIONER, one wh...
resolutionist 23 16 one who makes a reso...
resolvability 35 24 the quality of being...
resourcefully 36 25 RESOURCEFUL, able to...
respirability 35 22 the quality of being...
respirational 24 18 related to respirati...
respirologies 26 19 RESPIROLOGY, the bra...
respirologist 27 19 a student of respiro...
respirometers 25 19 RESPIROMETER, an ins...
respirometric 29 22 relating to measurem...
resplendences 26 23 RESPLENDENCE, the st...
resplendently 31 23 RESPLENDENT, shining...
respondencies 25 22 RESPONDENCY, corresp...
respondentias 22 19 RESPONDENTIA, a loan...
responsorials 24 18 RESPONSORIAL, an off...
ressentiments 22 18 RESSENTIMENT, a feel...
restabilising 27 20 RESTABILISE, to stab...
restabilizing 30 29 RESTABILIZE, to stab...
restauranteur 21 16 (French) one who fre...
restaurateurs 22 15 RESTAURATEUR, (Frenc...
restaurations 21 15 RESTAURATION, the bu...
restfulnesses 25 19 RESTFULNESS, the sta...
restimulating 26 21 RESTIMULATE, to stim...
restimulation 24 19 the act of restimula...
restivenesses 23 18 RESTIVENESS, the sta...
restoratively 31 20 RESTORATIVE, serving...
restrengthens 24 19 RESTRENGTHEN, to str...
restrictively 36 23 RESTRICTIVE, of or r...
restructuring 28 21 the act of changing...
resubmissions 26 21 RESUBMISSION, the ac...
resupinations 23 19 RESUPINATION, the st...
resurrections 25 18 RESURRECTION, a risi...
resuscitating 27 20 RESUSCITATE, to revi...
resuscitation 25 18 restoration to life...
resuscitative 28 21 having the power of...
resuscitators 26 17 RESUSCITATOR, one th...
resynchronise 32 22 to synchronise again...
resynchronize 35 31 to synchronise again...
resynthesised 30 19 RESYNTHESIS [v]
resynthesises 30 18 RESYNTHESISE, to syn...
resynthesized 33 28 RESYNTHESIZE, to syn...
resynthesizes 33 27 RESYNTHESIZE, to syn...
resystematise 29 18 to systematise again...
resystematize 32 27 to systematise again...
retainerships 26 19 RETAINERSHIP, the of...
retentionists 21 15 RETENTIONIST, a pers...
retentiveness 22 19 the state of being r...
retentivities 24 18 RETENTIVITY, the pow...
reticulations 26 19 RETICULATION, a netw...
reticulocytes 36 23 RETICULOCYTE, an imm...
retinopathies 25 19 RETINOPATHY, any of...
retinoscopies 26 20 RETINOSCOPY, observa...
retinoscopist 27 20 one who uses a retin...
retirednesses 21 15 RETIREDNESS, the sta...
retractations 24 17 RETRACTATION, revoki...
retransferred 23 18 RETRANSFER, to trans...
retransformed 24 21 RETRANSFORM, to tran...
retranslating 23 18 RETRANSLATE, to tran...
retranslation 21 16 the act of retransla...
retransmitted 23 18 RETRANSMIT, to trans...
retrenchments 27 23 RETRENCHMENT, cuttin...
retributively 35 24 RETRIBUTIVE, relatin...
retrievements 24 21 RETRIEVEMENT, the ac...
retroactively 34 23 RETROACTIVE, taking...
retroactivity 34 22 the state of being r...
retrocedences 26 21 RETROCEDENCE, the ac...
retrocessions 24 17 RETROCESSION, a cedi...
retrodictions 25 18 RETRODICTION, the ut...
retrofittings 26 19 RETROFITTING, the ac...
retroflection 27 21 the state of being b...
retroflexions 30 25 RETROFLEXION, the st...
retrogressing 24 18 RETROGRESS, to show...
retrogression 22 16 the act of retrogres...
retrogressive 25 19 characterized by ret...
retrojections 26 26 RETROJECTION, throwi...
retromingency 32 25 urinating backwards...
retromingents 23 20 RETROMINGENT, a retr...
retrophiliacs 31 22 RETROPHILIAC, one wh...
retropulsions 25 19 RETROPULSION, pushin...
retrospecting 28 22 RETROSPECT, to engag...
retrospection 26 20 the act or an instan...
retrospective 29 23 looking back [adj RE...
retroversions 23 18 RETROVERSION, the be...
returnability 32 21 the quality of being...
reunification 26 22 the act of reunifyin...
reupholstered 27 21 REUPHOLSTER, to upho...
reusabilities 26 18 REUSABILITY, the cap...
reutilisation 23 16 the process of reuti...
reutilization 26 25 the process of reuti...
revaccinating 30 27 REVACCINATE, to vacc...
revaccination 28 25 the act of revaccina...
revalidations 24 20 REVALIDATION, the ac...
revealability 34 24 the quality of being...
revealingness 24 22 the state of being r...
revegetations 23 20 REVEGETATION, the ac...
revelationist 24 19 a believer in divine...
revendicating 27 25 REVENDICATE, to make...
revendication 25 23 (French) the action...
reverberantly 32 24 REVERBERANT, tending...
reverberating 26 23 REVERBERATE, to cont...
reverberation 24 21 an act of reverberat...
reverberative 27 24 constituting reverbe...
reverberators 25 20 REVERBERATOR, someth...
reverberatory 31 22 acting by reverberat...
reverentially 31 22 REVERENTIAL, express...
reversibility 35 23 the state of being r...
reversionally 31 22 REVERSIONAL, relatin...
revictualling 31 26 REVICTUAL, to victua...
revindicating 28 25 REVINDICATE, to vind...
revindication 26 23 the act of revindica...
revisitations 24 18 REVISITATION, the ac...
revivescences 31 28 REVIVESCENCE, the ac...
reviviscences 32 28 REVIVISCENCE, the ac...
revocableness 28 25 the quality of being...
revolutionary 30 22 of or like a revolut...
revolutioners 24 20 REVOLUTIONER, (histo...
revolutionise 24 20 to effect a revoluti...
revolutionism 26 23 belief in revolution...
revolutionist 25 20 a revolutionary [n -...
revolutionize 27 29 to effect a revoluti...
rhabdomancers 29 26 RHABDOMANCER, one wh...
rhabdomancies 29 26 RHABDOMANCY, divinat...
rhabdomantist 27 23 one who practices di...
rhabdomyomata 33 27 RHABDOMYOMA, a tumou...
rhabdospheres 30 24 RHABDOSPHERE, an agg...
rhabdoviruses 29 24 RHABDOVIRUS, a class...
rhadamanthine 25 23 strictly and inflexi...
rhamphothecae 33 28 RHAMPHOTHECA, the ho...
rhapsodically 38 26 RHAPSODICAL, of or l...
rheologically 37 25 RHEOLOGICAL, relatin...
rheomorphisms 31 26 RHEOMORPHISM, the li...
rheoreceptors 28 21 RHEORECEPTOR, a rece...
rheumatically 37 26 RHEUMATICAL, relatin...
rhinencephala 30 26 RHINENCEPHALON, the...
rhinoplasties 27 20 RHINOPLASTY, plastic...
rhinorrhagias 27 20 RHINORRHAGIA, nosebl...
rhinoscleroma 28 23 a disease with hard...
rhizocephalan 34 34 any member of the Rh...
rhizomorphous 33 33 having the form of a...
rhodochrosite 29 21 manganese ore [n -S]
rhododendrons 22 20 RHODODENDRON, any of...
rhodomontaded 23 22 RHODOMONTADE, to boa...
rhodomontades 23 21 RHODOMONTADE, to boa...
rhombohedrons 28 25 RHOMBOHEDRON, a para...
rhombporphyry 47 33 an intermediate, mod...
rhopalocerous 29 23 relating to the Rhop...
rhynchophores 39 28 RHYNCHOPHORE, a memb...
rhyparography 44 29 genre or still-life...
rhythmicities 39 25 RHYTHMICITY, the sta...
rhythmisation 34 23 the process of rhyth...
rhythmization 37 32 the process of rhyth...
rhythmometers 35 25 RHYTHMOMETER, an ins...
rhythmopoeias 35 25 RHYTHMOPOEIA, the ar...
ribonucleases 27 22 RIBONUCLEASE, an enz...
ricketinesses 26 21 RICKETINESS, the sta...
rightableness 28 22 the state of being r...
righteousness 25 19 the state of being r...
rinsabilities 26 18 RINSABILITY, the qua...
rinsibilities 27 18 RINSIBILITY, the qua...
riotousnesses 21 15 RIOTOUSNESS, the sta...
ripsnortingly 33 23 RIPSNORTING, fast an...
risorgimentos 24 19 RISORGIMENTO, (Itali...
ritualisation 23 16 the act of ritualisi...
ritualization 26 25 the act of ritualizi...
roadabilities 25 18 ROADABILITY, the qua...
robotisations 23 17 ROBOTISATION, the ac...
robotizations 26 26 ROBOTIZATION, the ac...
rockhoundings 29 28 ROCKHOUNDING, of a r...
rodomontaders 21 19 RODOMONTADER, a brag...
rodomontading 22 22 RODOMONTADE, to boas...
roentgenising 22 20 ROENTGENISE, to bomb...
roentgenizing 25 29 ROENTGENIZE, to bomb...
roentgenogram 22 22 a radiograph, also R...
roentgenology 28 22 radiology, also RONT...
roguishnesses 25 19 ROGUISHNESS, the sta...
rollerbladers 27 20 ROLLERBLADER, one wh...
rollerblading 28 23 the sport of skating...
rollercoaster 26 18 to direct or cause t...
romanisations 21 18 ROMANISATION, the ac...
romanizations 24 27 ROMANIZATION, the ac...
romanticality 33 23 the state of being r...
romanticising 27 23 ROMANTICISE, to make...
romanticizing 30 32 ROMANTICIZE, to make...
rompishnesses 27 22 ROMPISHNESS, the sta...
rontgenograms 23 22 RONTGENOGRAM, a phot...
rontgenograph 26 24 an apparatus for tak...
rontgenopaque 30 30 opaque to X-rays [ad...
rontgenoscope 25 23 an apparatus for exa...
rontgenoscopy 32 25 observation by means...
rottenstoning 21 18 ROTTENSTONE, to poli...
roughhousings 29 24 ROUGHHOUSING, brawli...
roundabouting 24 23 ROUNDABOUT, to go ro...
roundednesses 20 18 ROUNDEDNESS, the sta...
roundtripping 28 25 a form of trading in...
routemarching 29 25 ROUTEMARCH, to send...
routinisation 21 16 the act of routinisi...
routinization 24 25 the act of routinizi...
rubberneckers 30 28 RUBBERNECKER, one wh...
rubbernecking 31 31 RUBBERNECK, to look...
rubicundities 29 23 RUBICUNDITY, the sta...
rudimentarily 31 22 RUDIMENTARY, arreste...
ruggedisation 24 20 the process of rugge...
ruggedization 27 29 the process of rugge...
ruinousnesses 21 17 RUINOUSNESS, the sta...
rumbledethump 33 31 a Scottish dish of b...
rumbustiously 35 25 RUMBUSTIOUS, boister...
rumelgumption 29 28 commonsense, also RU...
rumlegumption 29 28 commonsense, also RU...
ruralisations 23 16 RURALISATION, making...
ruralizations 26 25 RURALIZATION, making...
rustproofings 28 23 RUSTPROOFING, the ac...
rutherfordium 29 24 an artificially prod...
ruthfulnesses 28 22 RUTHFULNESS, the sta...
ruttishnesses 25 17 RUTTISHNESS, the sta...