10 letter words that start with R

10 letter words that start with R

10 letter R word


Words With Friends®


rabatments 19 17 RABATMENT, rotation...
rabattings 20 16 RABATTING [n]
rabbinates 20 17 RABBINATE, the offic...
rabbinical 25 21 of or pertaining to...
rabbinisms 23 20 RABBINISM, a rabbini...
rabbinists 22 17 RABBINIST, a person...
rabbinites 21 17 RABBINITE, a person...
rabbitfish 27 21 a type of herring, o...
rabbitings 23 19 RABBITING, the act o...
rabbitries 22 16 RABBITRY, a place wh...
rabblement 22 21 a tumultuous crowd o...
rabidities 20 14 RABIDITY, the state...
raccahouts 25 19 RACCAHOUT, (Arabic)...
racecourse 22 17 a course for racing...
racegoings 21 18 RACEGOING, attendanc...
racehorses 21 15 RACEHORSE, a horse b...
racemation 19 17 a cluster or bunch o...
racemising 22 19 RACEMISE, to change...
racemizing 25 28 RACEMIZE, to change...
racemosely 27 19 RACEMOSE, having the...
racemously 28 20 RACEMOUS, having the...
racetracks 24 20 RACETRACK, a track o...
racewalked 24 22 RACEWALK, to walk fo...
racewalker 24 21 one who engages in r...
rachiotomy 29 20 another name for lam...
rachitides 23 16 RACHITIS, inflammati...
rachitises 23 15 RACHITIS, inflammati...
racialised 21 15 RACIALISE, to make r...
racialises 21 14 RACIALISE, to make r...
racialisms 23 17 RACIALISM, a doctrin...
racialists 22 14 RACIALIST, one with...
racialized 24 24 RACIALIZE, to make r...
racializes 24 23 RACIALIZE, to make r...
raciations 19 14 RACIATION, the forma...
racinesses 19 14 RACINESS, the qualit...
rackabones 21 21 a very lean animal,...
racketeers 20 17 RACKETEER, a crimina...
racketiest 21 17 RACKETY, noisy [adj]
racketries 21 17 RACKETRY, illegal in...
raconteurs 19 15 RACONTEUR, (French)...
raconteuse 18 15 (French) a female ra...
racqueting 29 26 RACQUET, to strike w...
radarscope 21 17 an instrument for de...
radialised 18 13 RADIALISE, to arrang...
radialises 18 12 RADIALISE, to arrang...
radialized 21 22 RADIALIZE, to arrang...
radializes 21 21 RADIALIZE, to arrang...
radiancies 19 15 RADIANCY, the qualit...
radiations 16 12 RADIATION, heat tran...
radicalise 21 15 to make or become ra...
radicalism 23 18 the state of being r...
radicality 28 17 the state of being r...
radicalize 24 24 to make or become ra...
radicating 21 17 RADICATE, to cause t...
radication 19 15 the process of takin...
radicchios 26 19 RADICCHIO, (Italian)...
radiciform 24 20 like a root [adj]
radiculose 21 16 producing numerous r...
radiogenic 20 17 produced by radioact...
radiogolds 19 15 RADIOGOLD, the radio...
radiograms 19 16 RADIOGRAM, an X-ray...
radiograph 22 18 a picture produced b...
radiolabel 20 16 a label on a radioac...
radiologic 22 17 of or relating to ra...
radiolyses 24 14 RADIOLYSIS, chemical...
radiolysis 25 14 chemical decompositi...
radiolytic 28 17 relating to radiolys...
radiometer 17 14 an instrument measur...
radiometry 24 16 the measurement of r...
radiopager 19 16 a radio receiver whi...
radiopaque 26 24 not allowing passage...
radiophone 19 17 an instrument for pr...
radiophony 26 19 the art or practice...
radiophoto 20 16 a picture transmitte...
radioscope 21 17 an instrument for vi...
radioscopy 28 19 examination of opaqu...
radiosonde 15 13 a radio transmitter,...
radiothons 18 14 RADIOTHON, a maratho...
radiotoxic 26 21 relating to the toxi...
raduliform 22 19 like a rasp or file...
raffinates 20 17 RAFFINATE, the refin...
raffinoses 20 17 RAFFINOSE, a colorle...
rafflesias 22 17 RAFFLESIA, any of va...
rafterings 20 16 RAFTERING, rafters c...
ragamuffin 23 23 someone, esp. a chil...
raggediest 19 15 RAGGEDY, somewhat ra...
raggedness 18 16 the state of being r...
ragmatical 23 19 riotous, disorderly...
ragpickers 25 22 RAGPICKER, one who g...
railbusses 21 15 RAILBUS, a passenger...
railleries 19 12 RAILLERY, good-natur...
railroaded 17 13 RAILROAD, to put thr...
railroader 17 12 a railway worker or...
railwayman 27 20 one who works on the...
railwaymen 27 20 RAILWAYMAN, one who...
railworker 22 18 one who works on a r...
rainchecks 26 23 RAINCHECK, a ticket...
rainforest 18 14 a complex community...
rainmakers 18 18 RAINMAKER, a person...
rainmaking 19 21 a ceremony designed...
rainproofs 20 17 RAINPROOF, to make p...
rainspouts 19 15 RAINSPOUT, a gutter,...
rainsquall 27 23 a squall of rain [n...
rainsticks 22 18 RAINSTICK, a musical...
rainstorms 18 14 RAINSTORM, a storm o...
rainwashed 21 17 RAINWASH, to wash ma...
rainwashes 21 16 RAINWASH, to wash ma...
rainwaters 19 14 RAINWATER, water fro...
raisonneur 15 13 (French) a person in...
raiyatwari 26 15 (Hindi) a system of...
rajahships 26 26 RAJAHSHIP, the offic...
rajpramukh 26 32 (Hindi) the head of...
rakeshames 20 19 RAKESHAME, a vile, d...
rakishness 20 17 the quality of being...
rallycross 29 17 a form of motor spor...
rallyingly 34 20 RALLYING [adv]
ramblingly 30 23 RAMBLING, discursive...
ramosities 18 13 RAMOSITY, the state...
rampacious 23 20 (Dickens) turbulent,...
rampageous 20 19 turbulent; unruly, a...
rampagings 22 21 RAMPAGING, the act o...
rampallian 21 19 (Shakespeare) a mean...
rampancies 22 20 RAMPANCY, the state...
ramparting 21 19 RAMPART, to furnish...
rampauging 22 22 RAMPAUGE, (Scots) to...
ramrodding 19 18 RAMROD, to push or d...
ramshackle 25 23 appearing ready to c...
rancherias 21 16 RANCHERIA, (Spanish)...
rancheries 21 16 RANCHERIE, a Canadia...
rancidness 19 16 the state of being r...
randomised 17 16 RANDOMISE, to make r...
randomiser 17 15 a device or routine...
randomises 17 15 RANDOMISE, to make r...
randomized 20 25 RANDOMIZE, to make r...
randomizer 20 24 a device or routine...
randomizes 20 24 RANDOMIZE, to make r...
randomness 16 16 the state of being r...
randomwise 20 18 in a random fashion...
rangatiras 17 13 RANGATIRA, (Maori) a...
rangelands 17 16 RANGELAND, land suit...
rangership 22 18 the office of the ke...
ranivorous 18 16 eating frogs [adj]
ranknesses 16 16 RANKNESS, the state...
rankshifts 23 20 RANKSHIFT, to shift...
ransackers 20 18 RANSACKER, one who r...
ransacking 21 21 the act of searching...
ranshackle 23 21 (Scott) to search, r...
ranshakled 20 19 RANSHAKLE, (Scott) t...
ranshakles 20 18 RANSHAKLE, (Scott) t...
ransomable 19 18 such as can be ranso...
ransomless 18 15 incapable of being r...
ransomware 19 17 illegal computer sof...
ranterisms 18 14 RANTERISM, the pract...
rantipoled 19 16 RANTIPOLE, to act in...
rantipoles 19 15 RANTIPOLE, to act in...
ranunculus 21 19 a genus of herbs, mo...
rapacities 22 16 RAPACITY, the qualit...
rapidities 20 14 RAPIDITY, the state...
rapierlike 21 18 like a rapier [adj]
rappelling 24 21 descending by rope [...
rapportage 21 18 (French) the descrip...
rapporteur 21 17 (French) a person wh...
raptnesses 18 14 RAPTNESS, the state...
rapturised 20 15 RAPTURISE, to put, o...
rapturises 20 14 RAPTURISE, to put, o...
rapturists 21 14 RAPTURIST, an enthus...
rapturized 23 24 RAPTURIZE, to put, o...
rapturizes 23 23 RAPTURIZE, to put, o...
rarefiable 21 17 capable of being rar...
rarenesses 15 11 RARENESS, the qualit...
rascailles 22 15 RASCAILLE, (archaic)...
rascaldoms 22 18 RASCALDOM, the state...
rascalisms 23 17 RASCALISM, rascally...
rascallion 21 16 a low, mean wretch,...
rashnesses 18 13 RASHNESS, the state...
rastafaris 19 13 RASTAFARI, a member...
rasterised 17 11 RASTERISE, to conver...
rasterises 17 10 RASTERISE, to conver...
rasterized 20 20 RASTERIZE, to conver...
rasterizes 20 19 RASTERIZE, to conver...
ratability 27 16 the ability to be ra...
ratbaggery 27 19 nonsense, eccentrici...
ratcheting 23 18 RATCHET, to move by...
ratemeters 17 13 RATEMETER, an instru...
ratepayers 24 15 RATEPAYER, one who p...
ratheripes 21 15 RATHERIPE, a fruit t...
ratifiable 22 17 that can be ratified...
rationales 16 12 RATIONALE, a reasone...
rationally 24 15 RATIONAL, conforming...
rationings 17 14 RATIONING, distribut...
rattenings 17 14 RATTENING [v]
rattlebags 21 16 RATTLEBAG, a rattle...
rattlepods 20 15 a genus of plants an...
rattletrap 20 14 any machine or vehic...
rattlingly 27 17 RATTLING [adv]
rattooning 16 14 RATTOON, to sprout f...
raunchiest 22 17 RAUNCHY, coarsely or...
rauwolfias 23 18 RAUWOLFIA, a tropica...
ravagement 19 20 laying waste [n -S]
ravellings 22 19 RAVELLING, a ravelle...
ravelments 20 19 RAVELMENT, confusion...
raveningly 26 21 RAVENING, preying up...
ravenously 25 19 RAVENOUS, extremely...
ravigottes 20 16 RAVIGOTTE, (French)...
ravishment 22 20 the act of ravishing...
rawinsonde 18 16 an apparatus for tak...
rawmaishes 23 18 RAWMAISH, (Irish) fo...
raygrasses 24 14 RAYGRASS, a pasture...
razmatazes 23 31 RAZMATAZ, a to-do, a...
razorbacks 26 29 RAZORBACK, the rorqu...
razorbills 25 24 RAZORBILL, a species...
razorclams 25 26 RAZORCLAM, a lamelli...
reabsorbed 20 17 REABSORB, to absorb...
reacceding 23 20 REACCEDE, to accede...
reaccented 21 18 REACCENT, to accent...
reaccepted 24 20 REACCEPT, to accept...
reacclaims 25 20 REACCLAIM, to acclai...
reaccredit 23 17 to accredit again [v...
reaccusing 24 20 REACCUSE, to accuse...
reaccustom 24 20 to get used to again...
reacquaint 27 24 to acquaint again [v...
reacquired 28 24 REACQUIRE, to acquir...
reacquires 28 23 REACQUIRE, to acquir...
reactances 21 17 REACTANCE, the compo...
reactional 19 15 relating to reaction...
reactivate 21 17 to activate again [v...
reactively 29 20 REACTIVE, tending to...
reactivity 29 19 the state of being r...
reactuated 19 15 REACTUATE, to actuat...
reactuates 19 14 REACTUATE, to actuat...
readapting 19 17 READAPT, to adapt ag...
readdicted 20 16 READDICT, to become...
readership 21 16 the office or positi...
readjusted 19 22 READJUST, to adjust...
readjuster 19 21 one who readjusts [n...
readmitted 18 15 READMIT, to admit ag...
readopting 19 17 READOPT, to adopt ag...
readoption 17 15 the act of adopting...
readorning 16 15 READORN, to adorn ag...
readvanced 20 20 READVANCE, to advanc...
readvances 20 19 READVANCE, to advanc...
readvising 20 18 READVISE, to advise...
readymades 23 17 READYMADE, a readyma...
reaedified 18 15 REAEDIFY, (Spenser)...
reaedifies 18 14 REAEDIFY, (Spenser)...
reaedifyed 24 17 REAEDIFYE, (Spenser)...
reaedifyes 24 16 REAEDIFYE, (Spenser)...
reaffirmed 22 20 REAFFIRM, to affirm...
reaffixing 28 26 REAFFIX, to affix ag...
reafforest 20 16 to plant with forest...
reagencies 19 16 REAGENCY, a substanc...
realigning 19 17 REALIGN, to align ag...
realisable 20 15 that can be realised...
realisably 27 17 REALISABLE, that can...
realizable 23 24 that can be realized...
realizably 30 26 REALIZABLE, that can...
reallocate 20 15 to allocate again [v...
reallotted 18 13 REALLOT, to allot ag...
realnesses 16 12 REALNESS, the state...
realtering 18 14 REALTER, to alter ag...
reamending 17 18 REAMEND, to amend ag...
reanalysed 22 15 REANALYSE, to analys...
reanalyses 22 14 REANALYSE [n]
reanalysis 23 14 the act of analysing...
reanalyzed 25 24 REANALYZE, to analyz...
reanalyzes 25 23 REANALYZE, to analyz...
reanimated 16 15 REANIMATE, to bring...
reanimates 16 14 REANIMATE, to bring...
reannexing 21 22 REANNEX, to annex ag...
reanointed 14 13 REANOINT, to anoint...
reanswered 18 15 REANSWER, to be equi...
reapparels 21 17 REAPPAREL, to clothe...
reappeared 19 17 REAPPEAR, to appear...
reapplying 29 22 REAPPLY, to apply ag...
reappoints 20 17 REAPPOINT, to appoin...
reappraise 20 16 to appraise again [v...
reapproved 22 21 REAPPROVE, to approv...
reapproves 22 20 REAPPROVE, to approv...
rearguards 18 14 REARGUARD, the rear...
reargument 18 17 an arguing over agai...
rearhorses 18 12 REARHORSE, a praying...
rearmament 17 17 the act of arming ag...
rearousals 17 12 REAROUSAL, the act o...
rearousing 17 14 REAROUSE, to arouse...
rearranged 16 14 REARRANGE, to arrang...
rearranger 16 13 one who rearranges [...
rearranges 16 13 REARRANGE, to arrang...
rearrested 16 11 REARREST, to arrest...
reascended 18 16 REASCEND, to ascend...
reasonable 17 15 related to reason [a...
reasonably 24 17 REASONABLE, related...
reasonedly 22 15 REASONED [adv]
reasonings 16 14 REASONING, the deriv...
reasonless 16 12 destitute of reason...
reassailed 17 12 REASSAIL, to assail...
reassemble 20 17 to assemble again [v...
reassembly 27 19 the act of reassembl...
reasserted 16 11 REASSERT, to assert...
reassessed 16 11 REASSESS, to assess...
reassesses 16 10 REASSESS, to assess...
reassigned 17 14 REASSIGN, to assign...
reassorted 16 11 REASSORT, to assort...
reassuming 19 17 REASSUME, to assume...
reassurers 17 11 REASSURER, one who r...
reassuring 18 14 REASSURE, to assure...
reastiness 16 11 the state of being r...
reattached 21 16 REATTACH, to attach...
reattaches 21 15 REATTACH, to attach...
reattacked 20 18 REATTACK, to attack...
reattained 15 12 REATTAIN, to attain...
reattempts 20 16 REATTEMPT, to attemp...
reavailing 20 18 REAVAIL, to avail ag...
reawakened 18 19 REAWAKEN, to wake ag...
rebalanced 21 19 REBALANCE, to balanc...
rebalances 21 18 REBALANCE, to balanc...
rebaptised 21 17 REBAPTISE, to baptiz...
rebaptises 21 16 REBAPTISE, to baptiz...
rebaptisms 23 19 REBAPTISM, a second...
rebaptized 24 26 REBAPTIZE, to baptiz...
rebaptizes 24 25 REBAPTIZE, to baptiz...
rebateable 20 17 that can be rebated,...
rebatement 18 17 abatement; reduction...
rebbetzins 24 26 REBBETZIN, (Yiddish)...
rebellions 20 16 REBELLION, the act o...
rebellious 21 16 given to or engaged...
rebellowed 23 19 REBELLOW, to bellow...
rebirthers 22 15 REBIRTHER, one who c...
rebirthing 23 18 the act of being bor...
reblending 20 19 REBLEND, to blend ag...
reblochons 24 20 REBLOCHON, a delicat...
reblooming 21 20 REBLOOM, to bloom ag...
reblossoms 21 17 REBLOSSOM, to blosso...
reboarding 19 17 REBOARD, to board ag...
reboations 17 14 REBOATION, being reb...
reborrowed 21 17 REBORROW, to borrow...
rebottling 21 17 REBOTTLE, to bottle...
rebounders 18 16 REBOUNDER, something...
rebounding 19 19 REBOUND, to spring b...
rebranched 23 20 REBRANCH, to form se...
rebranches 23 19 REBRANCH, to form se...
rebranding 19 18 the act of assigning...
rebreeding 19 17 REBREED, to breed ag...
rebuilding 22 19 the act of building...
rebukingly 29 24 REBUKING [adv]
rebutments 20 18 REBUTMENT, the act o...
rebuttable 22 18 capable of being reb...
rebuttoned 18 16 REBUTTON, to button...
recalesced 23 18 RECALESCE, to libera...
recalesces 23 17 RECALESCE, to libera...
recallable 24 19 capable of being rec...
recallment 22 19 the act of calling b...
recalments 21 18 RECALMENT, the act o...
recanalise 19 15 to canalize again, a...
recanalize 22 24 to canalize again, a...
recappable 26 23 that can be recapped...
recaptions 21 17 RECAPTION, taking ba...
recaptured 22 18 RECAPTURE, to captur...
recapturer 22 17 one who recaptures [...
recaptures 22 17 RECAPTURE, to captur...
recarpeted 21 17 RECARPET, to replace...
recarrying 27 18 RECARRY, to carry ag...
recatalogs 21 16 RECATALOG, to catalo...
recatching 26 21 RECATCH, to catch ag...
recautions 19 15 RECAUTION, to cautio...
receipting 23 19 RECEIPT, to mark as...
receiptors 22 16 RECEIPTOR, a person...
receivable 24 21 capable of being rec...
receivings 23 20 RECEIVING, the act o...
recemented 19 18 RECEMENT, to redo ce...
recensions 18 15 RECENSION, the act o...
recensored 18 15 RECENSOR, to censor...
recentness 18 15 the state of being r...
recentring 20 17 RECENTRE, to centre...
receptacle 25 20 that in which anythi...
receptible 25 20 such as may be recei...
receptions 21 17 RECEPTION, the act o...
recessions 19 14 RECESSION, a tempora...
recessives 22 17 RECESSIVE, a recessi...
rechanging 23 21 RECHANGE, to change...
rechannels 21 18 RECHANNEL, to channe...
rechargers 23 17 RECHARGER, a device...
recharging 24 20 RECHARGE, to charge...
recharters 22 15 RECHARTER, to charte...
recharting 23 18 RECHART, to chart ag...
rechauffes 26 22 RECHAUFFE, (French)...
recheating 22 18 RECHEAT, to sound a...
rechecking 27 25 RECHECK, to check ag...
rechipping 28 24 the act of rechippin...
rechoosing 22 18 RECHOOSE, to choose...
rechristen 22 16 to christen again [v...
recidivism 25 21 a tendency to relaps...
recidivist 24 18 a habitual criminal...
recidivous 23 19 given to recidivism...
recipience 24 20 the state of being r...
recipiency 31 22 the state of being r...
recipients 22 17 RECIPIENT, one who r...
reciprocal 26 20 acting in return [ad...
recircling 26 20 RECIRCLE, to circle...
recitalist 22 14 one who gives recita...
recitation 19 14 the act of enumerati...
recitative 22 17 a style of musical d...
recitativi 23 17 RECITATIVO, (Italian...
recitativo 22 17 (Italian) a style of...
recklessly 30 21 RECKLESS, foolishly...
reckonings 21 21 RECKONING, the act o...
recladding 22 19 RECLAD, to clad agai...
reclaimant 21 18 one who reclaims [n...
reclaimers 22 17 RECLAIMER, one who r...
reclaiming 23 20 RECLAIM, to make sui...
reclasping 24 20 RECLASP, to clasp ag...
reclassify 30 19 to classify again [v...
recleaning 20 18 RECLEAN, to clean ag...
reclimbing 26 23 RECLIMB, to climb ag...
reclinable 23 19 of a chair, that can...
reclosable 23 18 capable of being clo...
reclothing 24 19 RECLOTHE, to dress a...
reclusions 21 16 RECLUSION, religious...
recodified 22 18 RECODIFY, to insert...
recodifies 22 17 RECODIFY, to insert...
recognised 20 17 RECOGNISE, to identi...
recognisee 19 16 one who is recognise...
recogniser 20 16 one who recognises,...
recognises 20 16 RECOGNISE, to identi...
recognisor 20 16 one who recognises,...
recognized 23 26 RECOGNIZE, to identi...
recognizee 22 25 one who is recognise...
recognizer 23 25 one who recognizes,...
recognizes 23 25 RECOGNIZE, to identi...
recognizor 23 25 one who recognises,...
recoilless 22 15 without recoil (of a...
recoinages 19 16 RECOINAGE, the act o...
recollects 25 18 RECOLLECT, to rememb...
recolonise 19 15 to colonise again, a...
recolonize 22 24 to colonize again, a...
recoloring 21 17 RECOLOR, to color ag...
recoloured 20 16 RECOLOUR, to colour...
recombined 22 21 RECOMBINE, to combin...
recombines 22 20 RECOMBINE, to combin...
recomforts 23 19 RECOMFORT, (archaic)...
recommence 23 23 to commence again [v...
recommends 21 21 RECOMMEND, to commen...
recompacts 26 22 RECOMPACT, to compac...
recompence 24 23 (obsolete) a reward,...
recompense 21 20 to give something to...
recompiled 24 21 RECOMPILE, to compil...
recompiles 24 20 RECOMPILE, to compil...
recomposed 22 20 RECOMPOSE, to compos...
recomposes 22 19 RECOMPOSE, to compos...
recompress 23 19 to compress again [v...
recomputed 23 21 RECOMPUTE, to comput...
recomputes 23 20 RECOMPUTE, to comput...
reconceive 23 21 to conceive again [v...
reconciled 23 19 RECONCILE, to restor...
reconciler 23 18 one who reconciles [...
reconciles 23 18 RECONCILE, to restor...
recondense 17 16 to condense again [v...
reconducts 23 19 RECONDUCT, to conduc...
reconfined 20 19 RECONFINE, to confin...
reconfines 20 18 RECONFINE, to confin...
reconfirms 23 20 RECONFIRM, to confir...
reconnects 21 18 RECONNECT, to connec...
reconquers 27 24 RECONQUER, to conque...
reconquest 27 24 the act of conquerin...
reconsider 19 15 to consider again es...
reconsigns 20 17 RECONSIGN, to consig...
reconsoled 19 16 RECONSOLE, to consol...
reconsoles 19 15 RECONSOLE, to consol...
reconsults 21 16 RECONSULT, to consul...
recontacts 22 17 RECONTACT, to contac...
recontinue 18 16 to continue anew [v...
recontours 19 15 RECONTOUR, to contou...
reconvened 19 20 RECONVENE, to conven...
reconvenes 19 19 RECONVENE, to conven...
reconverts 21 18 RECONVERT, to conver...
reconveyed 26 21 RECONVEY, to convey...
reconvicts 25 21 RECONVICT, to convic...
reconvince 23 22 to convince again [v...
recordable 22 18 that can be recorded...
recordings 21 17 RECORDING, a record...
recordists 21 14 RECORDIST, a person...
recountals 20 16 RECOUNTAL, the act o...
recounters 19 15 RECOUNTER, one who r...
recounting 20 18 RECOUNT, to relate i...
recoupable 24 21 that can be recouped...
recoupling 24 21 RECOUPLE, to couple...
recoupment 22 21 the act of recouping...
recoursing 21 17 RECOURSE, to return,...
recoverees 20 17 RECOVEREE, the perso...
recoverers 21 17 RECOVERER, one who r...
recoveries 21 17 RECOVERY, an economi...
recovering 22 20 RECOVER, to obtain a...
recoverors 21 17 RECOVEROR, the deman...
recowering 23 19 RECOWER, to recover,...
recreances 21 17 RECREANCE, mean-spir...
recreantly 26 17 RECREANT, (archaic)...
recreating 20 16 RECREATE, to reinvig...
recreation 18 14 refreshment of stren...
recreative 21 17 tending to recreate...
recreators 19 13 RECREATOR, one who r...
recrements 20 17 RECREMENT, a waste p...
recrossing 21 16 RECROSS, to cross ag...
recrowning 23 20 RECROWN, to crown ag...
recrudesce 23 18 of a disease, sore,...
recruitals 22 15 RECRUITAL, the act o...
recruiters 21 14 RECRUITER, one who r...
recruiting 22 17 the act of looking f...
rectangled 21 18 rectangular [adj]
rectangles 21 17 RECTANGLE, a four-si...
rectifiers 23 16 RECTIFIER, a person...
rectifying 30 21 RECTIFY, to correct,...
rectitises 21 13 RECTITIS, inflammati...
rectitudes 21 15 RECTITUDE, rightness...
rectoceles 23 17 RECTOCELE, the herni...
rectorates 19 13 RECTORATE, the offic...
rectorials 21 14 RECTORIAL, at a Scot...
rectorship 25 18 the office of rector...
rectresses 20 13 RECTRESS, a female r...
rectricial 25 17 relating to rectrice...
recumbence 25 24 the state of being r...
recumbency 32 26 the state of being r...
recuperate 21 17 to get back, recover...
recureless 21 15 (obsolete) incurable...
recurrence 22 18 the act of recurring...
recurrency 29 20 the act of recurring...
recursions 20 15 RECURSION, the appli...
recusances 22 18 RECUSANCE, the state...
recusation 19 15 refusal [n -S]
recyclable 33 23 that can be recycled...
recyclates 30 19 RECYCLATE, material...
recyclings 32 22 RECYCLING, the act o...
recyclists 32 19 RECYCLIST, one who r...
redactions 19 15 REDACTION, an act or...
redamaging 19 19 REDAMAGE, to damage...
redarguing 19 17 REDARGUE, (Scots) to...
redbaiters 19 14 REDBAITER, one who r...
redbaiting 20 17 REDBAIT, to denounce...
redbellies 21 16 REDBELLY, the char o...
redbreasts 19 14 REDBREAST, the robin...
redcurrant 20 16 the small red berry...
redeciding 21 18 REDECIDE, to decide...
redecorate 18 14 to decorate again [v...
redecrafts 22 17 REDECRAFT, (archaic)...
rededicate 19 15 to dedicate again [v...
redeemable 19 18 that can be redeemed...
redeemably 26 20 REDEEMABLE, that can...
redeemless 18 15 not to be redeemed [...
redefeated 17 15 REDEFEAT, to defeat...
redefected 21 18 REDEFECT, to defect...
redefining 19 18 REDEFINE, to define...
redelivers 20 16 REDELIVER, to delive...
redelivery 26 18 the act of deliverin...
redemanded 16 17 REDEMAND, to demand...
redemption 19 18 the act of redeeming...
redemptive 22 21 serving to redeem [a...
redemptory 26 19 paid for ransom; ser...
redeployed 25 18 REDEPLOY, to deploy...
redeposits 19 14 REDEPOSIT, to deposi...
redescends 19 16 REDESCEND, to descen...
redescribe 22 17 to describe again [v...
redesigned 17 15 REDESIGN, to design...
redevelops 21 19 REDEVELOP, to develo...
redialling 20 16 REDIAL, to dial agai...
redictated 20 15 REDICTATE, to dictat...
redictates 20 14 REDICTATE, to dictat...
redigested 18 14 REDIGEST, to digest...
redingotes 17 14 REDINGOTE, (French)...
redirected 20 15 REDIRECT, to change...
redisburse 20 15 (Spenser) to refund...
rediscount 20 16 to discount again [v...
rediscover 22 18 to discover again [v...
redisplays 27 17 REDISPLAY, to displa...
redisposed 19 15 REDISPOSE, to dispos...
redisposes 19 14 REDISPOSE, to dispos...
redissolve 20 16 to dissolve again [v...
redistills 21 13 REDISTILL, to distil...
redistrict 22 14 to divide into new d...
redividing 21 19 REDIVIDE, to divide...
redivision 19 16 the act of dividing...
redivorced 22 19 REDIVORCE, to divorc...
redivorces 22 18 REDIVORCE, to divorc...
redlinings 19 16 REDLINING, refusing...
redolences 19 16 REDOLENCE, fragrance...
redolently 24 16 REDOLENT, fragrant;...
redoublers 20 16 REDOUBLER, one who r...
redoubling 21 19 REDOUBLE, to double...
redoubting 20 18 REDOUBT, (archaic) t...
redounding 17 17 the act of redoundin...
redrafting 20 17 REDRAFT, to make a r...
redreaming 18 17 REDREAM, to dream ag...
redressals 18 12 REDRESSAL, an act or...
redressers 17 11 REDRESSER, one who r...
redressing 18 14 REDRESS, to set righ...
redressive 19 15 tending to redress [...
redressors 17 11 REDRESSOR, one who r...
redrilling 21 16 REDRILL, to drill ag...
redruthite 20 14 copper-glance, a min...
redshifted 22 17 of e.g. a star, havi...
redshirted 20 14 REDSHIRT, to keep a...
redstreaks 18 15 REDSTREAK, a favorit...
reductants 20 16 REDUCTANT, a reducin...
reductases 20 15 REDUCTASE, an enzyme...
reductions 20 16 REDUCTION, the act o...
reductives 23 19 REDUCTIVE, a reducin...
redundance 18 18 the state of being r...
redundancy 25 20 the state of being r...
reedifying 26 19 REEDIFY, to rebuild...
reeditions 16 12 REEDITION, the act o...
reeducated 19 16 REEDUCATE, to educat...
reeducates 19 15 REEDUCATE, to educat...
reejecting 22 25 REEJECT, to eject ag...
reelecting 21 17 REELECT, to elect ag...
reelection 19 15 the act of electing...
reelevated 18 16 REELEVATE, to elevat...
reelevates 18 15 REELEVATE, to elevat...
reeligible 22 17 eligible again, as,...
reembarked 20 21 REEMBARK, to embark...
reembodied 19 18 REEMBODY, to embody...
reembodies 19 17 REEMBODY, to embody...
reembraced 22 20 REEMBRACE, to embrac...
reembraces 22 19 REEMBRACE, to embrac...
reemerging 19 18 REEMERGE, to emerge...
reemission 17 14 the act of emitting...
reemitting 19 16 REEMIT, to emit agai...
reemphases 21 18 REEMPHASIS, emphasis...
reemphasis 22 18 emphasis again [n RE...
reemployed 26 20 REEMPLOY, to employ...
reenacting 19 17 REENACT, to enact ag...
reenactors 18 14 REENACTOR, one who r...
reendowing 19 18 REENDOW, to endow ag...
reenergise 16 13 to give new energy t...
reenergize 19 22 to give new energy t...
reenforced 20 18 REENFORCE, to streng...
reenforces 20 17 REENFORCE, to streng...
reengaging 18 18 REENGAGE, to engage...
reengineer 15 14 to engineer again [v...
reengraved 18 18 REENGRAVE, to engrav...
reengraves 18 17 REENGRAVE, to engrav...
reenjoying 24 25 REENJOY, to enjoy ag...
reenlarged 17 15 REENLARGE, to enlarg...
reenlarges 17 14 REENLARGE, to enlarg...
reenlisted 17 13 REENLIST, to enlist...
reenrolled 17 14 REENROLL, to enroll...
reenslaved 18 17 REENSLAVE, to enslav...
reenslaves 18 16 REENSLAVE, to enslav...
reentering 16 14 REENTER, to enter ag...
reenthrone 16 14 to enthrone again [v...
reentrance 17 15 reentry [n -S]
reentrants 15 12 REENTRANT, something...
reequipped 29 27 REEQUIP, to equip ag...
reerecting 20 16 REERECT, to erect ag...
reescalate 19 14 to escalate again [v...
reestimate 17 13 to estimate again [v...
reevaluate 18 16 to evaluate again [v...
reexamined 22 22 REEXAMINE, to examin...
reexamines 22 21 REEXAMINE, to examin...
reexecuted 25 22 REEXECUTE, to execut...
reexecutes 25 21 REEXECUTE, to execut...
reexhibits 28 22 REEXHIBIT, to exhibi...
reexpelled 26 23 REEXPEL, to expel ag...
reexplains 25 22 REEXPLAIN, to explai...
reexplored 25 22 REEXPLORE, to explor...
reexplores 25 21 REEXPLORE, to explor...
reexported 24 21 REEXPORT, to export...
reexposing 25 23 REEXPOSE, to expose...
reexposure 24 21 a new exposure [n -S...
refashions 20 16 REFASHION, to fashio...
refastened 17 15 REFASTEN, to fasten...
refections 21 17 REFECTION, refreshme...
refereeing 18 16 REFEREE, to supervis...
referenced 20 18 REFERENCE, to refer...
referencer 20 17 one who references [...
references 20 17 REFERENCE, to refer...
referendum 19 19 (Latin) the process...
referrable 21 17 capable of being ref...
referrible 22 17 capable of being ref...
refighting 24 20 REFIGHT, to fight ag...
refiguring 22 19 REFIGURE, to figure...
refillable 24 19 that can be refilled...
refiltered 20 15 REFILTER, to filter...
refinanced 20 19 REFINANCE, to financ...
refinances 20 18 REFINANCE, to financ...
refinement 18 18 the act of refining...
refineries 18 14 REFINERY, a place wh...
refinished 21 17 REFINISH, to give a...
refinisher 21 16 one who finishes aga...
refinishes 21 16 REFINISH, to give a...
refitments 20 17 REFITMENT, the act o...
refittings 21 16 REFITTING, the act o...
reflagging 23 21 REFLAG, to change th...
reflations 19 15 REFLATION, an increa...
reflecters 23 17 REFLECTER, (Swift) a...
reflecting 24 20 REFLECT, to be mirro...
reflection 22 18 an image given back...
reflective 25 21 capable of reflectin...
reflectors 23 17 REFLECTOR, something...
reflexible 29 25 capable of being ref...
reflexions 25 22 REFLEXION, the act o...
reflexives 28 25 REFLEXIVE, a reflexi...
refloating 20 17 REFLOAT, to float ag...
reflooding 20 18 REFLOOD, to flood ag...
reflowered 22 18 REFLOWER, to flower...
reflowings 24 20 REFLOWING, the act o...
refluences 22 19 REFLUENCE, a flowing...
refocusing 23 20 REFOCUS, to focus ag...
refocussed 22 18 REFOCUS, to focus ag...
refocusses 22 17 REFOCUS, to focus ag...
reforested 18 14 REFOREST, to replant...
reformable 22 20 capable of being ref...
reformades 19 17 REFORMADE, (Spanish)...
reformados 19 17 REFORMADO, (Spanish)...
reformates 19 16 REFORMATE, a product...
reformings 21 19 REFORMING, the act o...
reformisms 22 19 REFORMISM, any doctr...
reformists 21 16 REFORMIST, a reforme...
refounders 18 16 REFOUNDER, one who r...
refounding 19 19 REFOUND, to found ag...
refractary 28 18 (obsolete) refractor...
refractile 23 17 refractive, capable...
refracting 23 19 REFRACT, to deflect...
refraction 21 17 the bending of waves...
refractive 24 20 serving to refract [...
refractors 22 16 REFRACTOR, a refract...
refractory 28 18 unruly, stubborn [ad...
refracture 22 17 to fracture again [v...
refrainers 18 14 REFRAINER, one who r...
refraining 19 17 REFRAIN, to keep one...
refreezing 22 25 REFREEZE, to freeze...
refreshens 20 16 REFRESHEN, to refres...
refreshers 21 15 REFRESHER, something...
refreshful 25 20 (archaic) full of po...
refreshing 22 18 REFRESH, to restore...
refringent 19 17 pertaining to, or po...
refringing 21 19 REFRINGE, (obsolete)...
refronting 19 17 REFRONT, to put on a...
refuelable 22 19 capable of being ref...
refuelings 21 18 REFUELING, the act o...
refuelling 22 19 the act of adding ne...
refugeeism 21 19 the state of being a...
refulgence 23 21 the quality of being...
refulgency 30 23 the quality of being...
refundable 21 20 that can be refunded...
refundment 19 20 the act of refunding...
refuseniks 20 19 REFUSENIK, (Russian)...
refutation 18 15 the act of refuting...
regainable 19 17 that can be regained...
regainment 17 17 the act of regaining...
regalement 18 17 the act of regaling...
regalities 19 13 REGALITY, regal auth...
regardable 20 17 worthy of regard or...
regardless 19 14 having no regard; he...
regathered 19 15 REGATHER, to assembl...
regelating 19 16 REGELATE, to refreez...
regelation 17 14 freezing again, esp....
regeneracy 25 18 the state of being r...
regenerate 15 13 renewed [adj REGENER...
regentship 22 18 the office of a rege...
reggaetons 17 15 REGGAETON, a form of...
regimental 19 17 of or relating to a...
regimented 18 17 REGIMENT, to form in...
regionally 25 17 REGIONAL, relating t...
regisseurs 19 13 REGISSEUR, (French)...
registered 18 13 REGISTER, to record...
registerer 18 12 one who registers [n...
registrant 18 13 a person who registe...
registrars 19 12 REGISTRAR, a middle-...
registrary 25 14 a registrar [n REGIS...
registries 19 12 REGISTRY, the act of...
reglossing 20 16 REGLOSS, to glass ag...
regnancies 19 17 REGNANCY, the condit...
regrafting 21 18 REGRAFT, to graft ag...
regranting 18 16 REGRANT, to grant ag...
regratings 19 15 REGRATING, buying an...
regreening 17 16 REGREEN, to green ag...
regreeting 18 15 REGREET, to greet in...
regressing 19 15 REGRESS, to go back...
regression 17 13 progressive decline...
regressive 20 16 tending to regress [...
regressors 18 12 REGRESSOR, one who r...
regretters 18 12 REGRETTER, one who r...
regretting 19 15 REGRET, to look back...
regrinding 19 17 REGRIND, to grind ag...
regrooming 19 18 REGROOM, to groom ag...
regrooving 20 19 REGROOVE, to groove...
regrouping 21 19 the act of forming a...
reguerdons 17 15 REGUERDON, (Shakespe...
regularise 19 14 to make regular, als...
regularity 26 16 the state of being r...
regularize 22 23 to make regular, als...
regulating 20 17 REGULATE, to control...
regulation 18 15 the act of regulatin...
regulative 21 18 tending to regulate...
regulators 19 14 REGULATOR, one who r...
regulatory 25 16 relating to the act...
regulising 21 17 REGULISE, to reduce...
regulizing 24 26 REGULIZE, to reduce...
rehammered 20 19 REHAMMER, to hammer...
rehandling 20 18 the act of rehandlin...
rehardened 17 15 REHARDEN, to harden...
rehearings 19 15 REHEARING, the act o...
rehearsals 19 13 REHEARSAL, an act of...
rehearsers 18 12 REHEARSER, one who r...
rehearsing 19 15 the act of rehearsin...
reheatings 19 15 REHEATING, the act o...
rehousings 20 16 REHOUSING, the act o...
rehumanise 19 17 to make human again,...
rehumanize 22 26 to make human again,...
rehydrated 25 16 REHYDRATE, to add wa...
rehydrates 25 15 REHYDRATE, to add wa...
reichsmark 25 22 (German) a German un...
reidentify 25 17 to identify again [v...
reigniting 19 16 REIGNITE, to light a...
reignition 17 14 the act of igniting...
reillumine 20 17 to illumine again [v...
reilluming 22 19 REILLUME, to light a...
reimagined 18 17 REIMAGINE, to imagin...
reimagines 18 16 REIMAGINE, to imagin...
reimbursed 21 18 REIMBURSE, to repay...
reimburser 21 17 one who reimburses [...
reimburses 21 17 REIMBURSE, to repay...
reimmersed 19 17 REIMMERSE, to immers...
reimmerses 19 16 REIMMERSE, to immers...
reimplants 21 18 REIMPLANT, to implan...
reimported 20 17 REIMPORT, to import...
reimporter 20 16 one who reimports [n...
reimposing 21 19 REIMPOSE, to impose...
reinciting 21 17 REINCITE, to incite...
reincrease 18 14 to increase again [v...
reincurred 20 16 REINCUR, to incur ag...
reindexing 23 22 REINDEX, to index ag...
reindicted 20 16 REINDICT, to indict...
reinducing 21 19 REINDUCE, to induce...
reinducted 20 17 REINDUCT [v]
reinfected 21 18 REINFECT, to infect...
reinflamed 20 19 REINFLAME, to inflam...
reinflames 20 18 REINFLAME, to inflam...
reinflated 19 16 REINFLATE, to inflat...
reinflates 19 15 REINFLATE, to inflat...
reinforced 21 18 REINFORCE, to streng...
reinforcer 21 17 something that reinf...
reinforces 21 17 REINFORCE, to streng...
reinformed 19 18 REINFORM, to inform...
reinfunded 18 18 REINFUND, to flow ag...
reinfusing 20 18 REINFUSE, to infuse...
reinhabits 21 16 REINHABIT, to inhabi...
reinitiate 16 11 to initiate again [v...
reinjected 21 24 REINJECT, to inject...
reinjuries 19 21 REINJURY, a second i...
reinjuring 20 24 REINJURE, to injure...
reinserted 16 12 REINSERT, to insert...
reinspects 22 17 REINSPECT, to inspec...
reinspired 19 15 REINSPIRE, to inspir...
reinspires 19 14 REINSPIRE, to inspir...
reinspirit 20 14 to give fresh spirit...
reinstalls 19 13 REINSTALL [v]
reinstated 16 12 REINSTATE, to instat...
reinstates 16 11 REINSTATE, to instat...
reinstator 16 11 one who reinstates [...
reinsurers 17 12 REINSURER, one who g...
reinsuring 18 15 REINSURE, to insure...
reinterred 16 12 REINTER, to inter ag...
reinvading 19 19 REINVADE, to invade...
reinvasion 17 16 the act of invading...
reinvented 17 17 REINVENT, to invent...
reinvested 18 16 REINVEST, to invest...
reinviting 20 18 REINVITE, to invite...
reinvoking 20 22 REINVOKE, to invoke...
reinvolved 21 21 REINVOLVE, to involv...
reinvolves 21 20 REINVOLVE, to involv...
reioyndure 22 15 (Shakespeare) a rejo...
reissuable 20 15 capable of being rei...
reistafels 20 14 REISTAFEL, (Dutch) a...
reiterance 18 14 the act of reiterati...
reiterated 16 11 REITERATE, to repeat...
reiterates 16 10 REITERATE, to repeat...
rejacketed 22 27 REJACKET, to clothe...
rejectable 24 26 capable of being rej...
rejectible 25 26 capable of being rej...
rejections 21 23 REJECTION, the act o...
rejiggered 21 24 REJIGGER, to fix som...
rejoiceful 25 27 joyous, full of rejo...
rejoicings 23 25 REJOICING, the act o...
rejoinders 18 21 REJOINDER, a sharp a...
rejoindure 18 22 the act of joining a...
rejoneador 16 21 (Spanish) a mounted...
rejourning 19 24 REJOURN, (Shakespear...
rejuggling 24 28 REJUGGLE, to juggle...
rejuvenate 19 25 to make young again...
rejuvenise 20 25 to rejuvenate, also...
rejuvenize 23 34 to rejuvenate, also...
rekeyboard 25 20 to enter again on a...
rekindling 20 20 REKINDLE, to arouse...
reknitting 19 18 the act of knitting...
reknotting 18 18 the act of knotting...
relabeling 21 18 RELABEL, to label ag...
relabelled 21 17 RELABEL, to label ag...
relacquers 29 24 RELACQUER, to lacque...
relational 17 13 of or relating to ki...
relatively 27 18 RELATIVE, in relatio...
relativise 20 15 to make relative, al...
relativism 22 18 a theory that knowle...
relativist 21 15 a believer in relati...
relativity 27 17 the state of being r...
relativize 23 24 to treat or describe...
relaunched 22 19 RELAUNCH, to launch...
relaunches 22 18 RELAUNCH, to launch...
relaunders 17 14 RELAUNDER, to launde...
relaxation 22 19 the act of relaxing...
relaxative 25 22 a medication or acti...
relearning 17 15 RELEARN, to learn ag...
releasable 19 15 that may be released...
relegating 19 16 RELEGATE, to remove,...
relegation 17 14 the act of relegatin...
relentings 18 15 RELENTING, the act o...
relentless 18 13 unrelenting [adj REL...
relentment 17 16 the act of relenting...
relettered 17 12 RELETTER, to write a...
relevances 21 19 RELEVANCE, the state...
relevantly 26 19 RELEVANT, pertaining...
relicensed 20 16 RELICENSE, to licens...
relicenses 20 15 RELICENSE, to licens...
relictions 21 15 RELICTION, the reces...
reliefless 21 15 destitute of relief...
relievable 22 19 capable of being rel...
relievedly 27 19 RELIEVED [adv]
relighting 23 18 RELIGHT, to light ag...
religieuse 19 14 (French) a (female)...
religioner 18 14 a religionist [n -S]
religiosos 19 13 RELIGIOSO, (Italian)...
relinquish 29 24 to withdraw or retre...
reliquaire 26 21 (French) a receptacl...
relishable 23 17 capable of being rel...
relivering 21 18 RELIVER, to deliver...
rellishing 23 17 RELLISH, (Shakespear...
relocatees 19 14 RELOCATEE, one who i...
relocating 21 17 RELOCATE, to establi...
relocation 19 15 the act of relocatin...
relocators 20 14 RELOCATOR, one who r...
reluctance 23 19 the state of being r...
reluctancy 30 21 the state of being r...
reluctated 21 16 RELUCTATE, to be rel...
reluctates 21 15 RELUCTATE, to be rel...
relumining 20 19 RELUMINE, to light a...
remainders 17 15 REMAINDER, to sell a...
remandment 17 19 the act of remanding...
remanences 18 18 REMANENCE, the prope...
remarkable 21 21 worhty of note [adj...
remarkably 28 23 REMARKABLE, worhty o...
remarketed 18 18 REMARKET, to market...
remarriage 18 15 the act of marrying...
remarrying 25 18 REMARRY, to marry ag...
remastered 17 14 REMASTER, to master...
rematching 24 21 REMATCH, to match ag...
remeasured 17 15 REMEASURE, to measur...
remeasures 17 14 REMEASURE, to measur...
remediable 20 18 that can be remedied...
remediably 27 20 REMEDIABLE, that can...
remedially 26 18 REMEDIAL, affording...
remediated 17 15 REMEDIATE, (Shakespe...
remediates 17 14 REMEDIATE, (Shakespe...
remediless 19 15 not admitting of a r...
remembered 20 20 REMEMBER, to bring t...
rememberer 20 19 one who remembers [n...
remercying 28 21 REMERCY, (obsolete)...
remigating 20 18 REMIGATE, to row [v]
remigation 18 16 the act of rowing [n...
remigrated 19 16 REMIGRATE, to migrat...
remigrates 19 15 REMIGRATE, to migrat...
reminisced 21 18 REMINISCE, to engage...
reminiscer 21 17 one who reminisces [...
reminisces 21 17 REMINISCE, to engage...
remissible 22 17 capable of being rem...
remissibly 29 19 REMISSIBLE, capable...
remissions 18 14 REMISSION, the act o...
remissness 18 14 the state of being r...
remitments 19 17 REMITMENT, the act o...
remittable 21 17 that can be remitted...
remittance 20 17 a sum of money remit...
remittence 20 17 a period of diminish...
remittency 27 19 a period of diminish...
remixtures 25 21 REMIXTURE, the act o...
remobilise 21 17 to mobilise again, a...
remobilize 24 26 to mobilise again, a...
remodelers 18 15 REMODELER, one who r...
remodeling 19 18 the act of modelling...
remodelled 19 17 REMODEL, to make ove...
remodeller 19 16 one who remodels [n...
remodified 20 18 REMODIFY, to modify...
remodifies 20 17 REMODIFY, to modify...
remoistens 17 14 REMOISTEN, to moiste...
remonetise 16 14 to reestablish as le...
remonetize 19 23 to reestablish as le...
remontants 16 15 REMONTANT, a remonta...
remontoire 16 14 any of various devic...
remontoirs 17 14 REMONTOIR, any of va...
remoralise 18 14 to restore morality...
remoralize 21 23 to restore morality...
remorseful 21 18 motivated or marked...
remortgage 19 17 to mortgage again [v...
remoteness 16 14 the state of being r...
remotivate 19 17 to motivate again [v...
remoulades 18 16 REMOULADE, (French)...
remoulding 20 19 REMOULD, to retread...
remounting 18 18 REMOUNT, to climb in...
removalist 21 18 a person or company...
removeable 21 21 capable of being rem...
remunerate 16 15 to pay an equivalent...
remurmured 20 19 REMURMUR, to murmur...
renascence 20 18 rebirth, also RENAIS...
renaturing 17 15 RENATURE, to restore...
rencontred 18 16 RENCONTRE, to encoun...
rencontres 18 15 RENCONTRE [n]
rencounter 18 16 to meet, encounter [...
renderable 18 16 capable of being ren...
renderings 17 15 RENDERING, a first c...
rendezvous 21 26 (French) an arranged...
renditions 16 13 RENDITION, to surren...
reneaguing 17 17 RENEAGUE, to go back...
renegading 17 17 RENEGADE [v]
renegadoes 15 14 RENEGADO, (archaic)...
renegation 15 14 a denial [n -S]
renewables 21 18 RENEWABLE, a renewab...
renforcing 22 20 RENFORCE, to reinfor...
renitences 18 15 RENITENCE, the state...
renography 27 20 a treatise on or des...
renominate 15 15 to nominate again es...
renotified 18 15 RENOTIFY, to notify...
renotifies 18 14 RENOTIFY, to notify...
renouncers 18 16 RENOUNCER, one who r...
renouncing 19 19 RENOUNCE, to disown,...
renovating 18 18 RENOVATE, to make li...
renovation 16 16 the act of renovatin...
renovative 19 19 serving to renovate...
renovators 17 15 RENOVATOR, one who,...
rentallers 18 13 RENTALLER, (Scots) a...
renumbered 19 19 RENUMBER, to number...
renunciate 18 16 a religious devotee...
renversing 19 18 RENVERSE, (archaic)...
reobjected 23 26 REOBJECT, to object...
reobserved 20 18 REOBSERVE, to observ...
reobserves 20 17 REOBSERVE, to observ...
reobtained 17 15 REOBTAIN, to obtain...
reoccupied 25 21 REOCCUPY, to occupy...
reoccupies 25 20 REOCCUPY, to occupy...
reoccurred 23 18 REOCCUR, to occur ag...
reoffended 19 19 REOFFEND, to offend...
reoffender 19 18 one who reoffends [n...
reoffering 21 19 REOFFER, to offer fo...
reopenings 18 17 REOPENING, the act o...
reoperated 17 14 REOPERATE, to operat...
reoperates 17 13 REOPERATE, to operat...
reopposing 21 19 REOPPOSE, to oppose...
reordained 15 13 REORDAIN, to ordain...
reordering 17 14 REORDER, to put in a...
reorganise 16 13 to organize again, a...
reorganize 19 22 to organize again, a...
reoriented 15 12 REORIENT, to acquain...
reoviruses 19 15 REOVIRUS, a type of...
reoxidised 23 19 REOXIDISE, to oxidis...
reoxidises 23 18 REOXIDISE, to oxidis...
reoxidized 26 28 REOXIDIZE, to oxidiz...
reoxidizes 26 27 REOXIDIZE, to oxidiz...
repacified 24 20 REPACIFY, to pacify...
repacifies 24 19 REPACIFY, to pacify...
repackaged 23 23 REPACKAGE, to packag...
repackager 23 22 one who repackages [...
repackages 23 22 REPACKAGE, to packag...
repaginate 18 16 to paginate again [v...
repainting 19 17 the act of repaintin...
repairable 21 17 that can be repaired...
repaneling 19 18 REPANEL, to panel ag...
repanelled 19 17 REPANEL, to panel ag...
repapering 21 19 REPAPER, to apply ne...
reparation 17 14 a repairing or keepi...
reparative 20 17 repairing, or tendin...
reparatory 24 15 related to reparatio...
repassages 19 15 REPASSAGE, the act o...
repastures 19 14 REPASTURE, (Shakespe...
repatching 25 21 REPATCH, to patch ag...
repatriate 18 13 to restore to one's...
repatterns 18 14 REPATTERN, to patter...
repayments 25 19 REPAYMENT, the act o...
repealable 21 18 capable of being rep...
repeatable 20 17 that can be repeated...
repeatedly 25 17 REPEATED [adv]
repeatings 19 16 REPEATING, the act o...
repechages 24 20 REPECHAGE, (French)...
repellance 22 19 the act of repelling...
repellancy 29 21 the act of repelling...
repellants 20 16 REPELLANT, something...
repellence 22 19 the principle of rep...
repellency 29 21 the principle of rep...
repellents 20 16 REPELLENT, something...
repentance 19 18 the act of repenting...
repentants 17 15 REPENTANT, a peniten...
repeopling 22 20 REPEOPLE, to supply...
repertoire 18 13 (French) a stock of...
reperusals 20 15 REPERUSAL, a second...
reperusing 20 17 REPERUSE, to peruse...
repetiteur 19 14 (French) a coach, tu...
repetition 18 14 the act of repeating...
repetitive 21 17 showing repetition [...
rephrasing 22 18 REPHRASE, to say or...
repigments 21 19 REPIGMENT, to pigmen...
repinement 18 18 the act of repining...
repiningly 27 20 REPINING [adv]
replanning 19 19 REPLAN, to plan agai...
replanting 20 18 REPLANT, to plant ag...
replasters 20 14 REPLASTER, to plaste...
repleaders 19 15 REPLEADER, a second...
repleading 20 18 REPLEAD, to plead ag...
repledging 22 20 REPLEDGE, to pledge...
repletions 19 15 REPLETION, the state...
replevined 21 20 REPLEVIN, to regain...
replevying 29 23 REPLEVY, to regain p...
replicable 26 21 capable of replicati...
replicants 23 18 REPLICANT, (in scien...
replicases 23 17 REPLICASE, a polymer...
replicated 23 18 REPLICATE, to make a...
replicates 23 17 REPLICATE, to make a...
replicator 23 17 something or someone...
replotting 21 17 REPLOT, to plot agai...
reploughed 23 20 REPLOUGH, to plough...
replumbing 25 24 REPLUMB, to plumb ag...
replunging 22 21 REPLUNGE, to plunge...
repointing 19 17 the application of n...
repolarise 19 14 to polarise again, a...
repolarize 22 23 to polarize again, a...
repolished 22 17 REPOLISH, to polish...
repolishes 22 16 REPOLISH, to polish...
repopulate 21 18 to populate again [v...
reportable 21 17 worth reporting [adj...
reportages 19 15 REPORTAGE, reporting...
reportedly 26 17 REPORTED [adv]
reportings 20 16 REPORTING, the act o...
repositing 20 16 REPOSIT, to put away...
reposition 18 14 to change the positi...
repositors 19 13 REPOSITOR, an instru...
repository 25 15 a side altar in a Ca...
repottings 20 16 REPOTTING, the act o...
repoussage 19 16 the art of doing rep...
repoussoir 19 14 (French) a figure or...
repowering 22 19 REPOWER, to power ag...
repreeving 21 20 REPREEVE, to delay t...
reprehends 20 17 REPREHEND, to rebuke...
represents 18 14 REPRESENT, to exhibi...
repressers 19 13 REPRESSER, one who r...
repressing 20 16 REPRESS, to keep und...
repression 18 14 the act of repressin...
repressive 21 17 serving to repress [...
repressors 19 13 REPRESSOR, one who r...
reprievals 22 18 REPRIEVAL, a repriev...
reprievers 21 17 REPRIEVER, one who r...
reprieving 22 20 REPRIEVE, to give a...
reprimands 20 18 REPRIMAND, to scold,...
reprinters 19 14 REPRINTER, one who r...
reprinting 20 17 REPRINT, to print ag...
reproached 23 19 REPROACH, to find fa...
reproacher 23 18 one who reproaches [...
reproaches 23 18 REPROACH, to find fa...
reprobance 22 20 (Shakespeare) reprob...
reprobated 20 17 REPROBATE, to disapp...
reprobater 20 16 one who reprobates [...
reprobates 20 16 REPROBATE, to disapp...
reprobator 20 16 (Scots) in Scots law...
reproduced 22 19 REPRODUCE, to produc...
reproducer 22 18 one who reproduces [...
reproduces 22 18 REPRODUCE, to produc...
reprograms 21 18 REPROGRAM, to progra...
reproofing 21 19 REPROOF, to make wat...
reprovable 23 21 that can be reproved...
reptations 18 14 REPTATION, the act o...
reptilians 20 15 REPTILIAN, a reptile...
reptilious 21 15 like a reptile [adj]
reptiloids 21 15 REPTILOID, any anima...
republican 25 22 one that favors or s...
repudiable 22 19 admitting of repudia...
repudiated 19 16 REPUDIATE, to cast o...
repudiates 19 15 REPUDIATE, to cast o...
repudiator 19 15 one who repudiates [...
repugnance 21 21 strong dislike, anti...
repugnancy 28 23 strong dislike, anti...
repulsions 20 16 REPULSION, the act o...
repurchase 24 19 to buy back or again...
repurified 22 18 REPURIFY, to purify...
repurifies 22 17 REPURIFY, to purify...
repurposed 21 18 REPURPOSE, to purpos...
repurposes 21 17 REPURPOSE, to purpos...
repursuing 21 18 REPURSUE, to pursue...
reputation 18 15 overall quality or c...
reputative 21 18 reputed, putative [a...
reputeless 20 15 (Shakespeare) withou...
requesters 25 20 REQUESTER, one who r...
requesting 26 23 REQUEST, to ask for...
requestors 25 20 REQUESTOR, one who r...
requickens 29 28 REQUICKEN, (Shakespe...
requiescat 28 23 a prayer for the dea...
requighted 29 25 REQUIGHT, (Spenser)...
requirable 28 24 capable of being req...
requirings 27 23 REQUIRING, the act o...
requisites 26 20 REQUISITE, something...
requisitor 26 20 one who makes requis...
requitable 28 24 that may be requited...
requiteful 29 25 relating to the act...
requitting 27 23 REQUIT, (Shakespeare...
requoyling 33 26 REQUOYLE, (Shakespea...
reradiated 16 12 RERADIATE, to radiat...
reradiates 16 11 RERADIATE, to radiat...
rerailings 19 14 RERAILING, the act o...
rereadings 17 14 REREADING, the act o...
rerebraces 21 16 REREBRACE, armour fo...
rerecorded 19 15 RERECORD, to record...
reredorter 16 11 (historical) a lavat...
reredosses 16 11 REREDOS, a screen or...
reregister 18 12 to register again [v...
reregulate 18 14 to regulate again [v...
rereleased 16 12 RERELEASE, to releas...
rereleases 16 11 RERELEASE, to releas...
rereminded 17 16 REREMIND, to remind...
rerepeated 17 14 REREPEAT, to repeat...
rereviewed 21 18 REREVIEW, to review...
rerevising 20 17 REREVISE, to revise...
rerouteing 17 14 REROUTE, to choose a...
resaddling 19 16 RESADDLE, to saddle...
resaleable 19 15 that can be resold [...
resaluting 19 15 RESALUTE, to salute...
resampling 22 20 RESAMPLE, to sample...
reschedule 23 18 to schedule again ac...
reschooled 22 17 RESCHOOL, to school...
rescinders 20 15 RESCINDER, one who r...
rescinding 21 18 RESCIND, to annul, r...
rescission 20 14 the act of rescindin...
rescissory 27 15 tending to rescind [...
rescreened 18 15 RESCREEN, to screen...
rescripted 23 17 RESCRIPT, to issue a...
resculpted 24 19 RESCULPT, to sculpt...
resealable 19 15 that can be resealed...
researched 21 16 RESEARCH, to investi...
researcher 21 15 one who does researc...
researches 21 15 RESEARCH, to investi...
reseasoned 14 12 RESEASON, to season...
resectable 22 17 that can be resected...
resections 19 14 RESECTION, the opera...
resecuring 21 17 RESECURE, to secure...
reseizures 20 20 RESEIZURE, the act o...
reselected 20 15 RESELECT, to choose...
resemblant 20 18 having or exhibiting...
resemblers 21 17 RESEMBLER, one who r...
resembling 22 20 RESEMBLE, to be alik...
resentence 17 15 to sentence again [v...
resentment 16 15 a feeling of indigna...
reserpines 18 14 RESERPINE, a sedativ...
reservable 21 18 that can be reserved...
reservedly 26 18 RESERVED [adv]
reserviced 22 18 RESERVICE, to servic...
reservices 22 17 RESERVICE, to servic...
reservists 20 14 RESERVIST, a member...
reservoirs 19 14 RESERVOIR, to keep a...
resettable 19 14 that can be reset [a...
resettling 19 14 RESETTLE, to move to...
reshapings 22 18 RESHAPING, the act o...
resharpens 20 16 RESHARPEN, to sharpe...
reshingled 21 17 RESHINGLE, to shingl...
reshingles 21 16 RESHINGLE, to shingl...
reshipment 22 19 the act of reshippin...
reshippers 24 18 RESHIPPER, one who r...
reshipping 25 21 RESHIP, to ship agai...
reshooting 19 15 RESHOOT, to film a s...
reshowered 21 16 RESHOWER, to shower...
reshuffled 25 21 RESHUFFLE, to shuffl...
reshuffles 25 20 RESHUFFLE, to shuffl...
residences 19 15 RESIDENCE, a place w...
residenter 16 12 (Scots) an inhabitan...
residually 26 16 RESIDUAL, remaining,...
resighting 22 17 RESIGHT, to sight ag...
resignedly 25 17 RESIGNED [adv]
resignment 18 17 the act of resigning...
resilement 18 15 the act of resiling...
resilience 20 15 the quality of being...
resiliency 27 17 the quality of being...
resilvered 20 16 RESILVER, to cover w...
resinating 17 14 RESINATE, to treat w...
resinified 19 15 RESINIFY, to convert...
resinifies 19 14 RESINIFY, to convert...
resinising 18 14 RESINISE, to treat w...
resinizing 21 23 RESINIZE, to treat w...
resinously 24 15 RESINOUS, resembling...
resistance 19 14 the act or power of...
resistants 17 11 RESISTANT, a person...
resistents 17 11 RESISTENT, a person...
resistible 21 14 that can be resisted...
resistibly 28 16 RESISTIBLE, that can...
resistless 19 11 (archaic) irresistib...
resittings 19 13 RESITTING, the act o...
resituated 17 12 RESITUATE, to situat...
resituates 17 11 RESITUATE, to situat...
resketched 23 20 RESKETCH, to sketch...
resketches 23 19 RESKETCH, to sketch...
reskilling 22 19 the retraining of em...
reskinning 18 19 RESKIN, to replace t...
resmelting 20 17 RESMELT, to smelt ag...
resmoothed 19 16 RESMOOTH, to smooth...
resnatrons 15 12 RESNATRON, a high-po...
resoftened 17 15 RESOFTEN, to soften...
resoldered 17 13 RESOLDER, to solder...
resolidify 27 17 to solidify again [v...
resolutely 25 15 RESOLUTE, determined...
resolutest 18 12 RESOLUTE, determined...
resolution 17 13 the act of resolving...
resolutive 20 16 serving to dissolve...
resolvable 22 19 that can be resolved...
resolvedly 27 19 RESOLVED [adv]
resolvents 19 16 RESOLVENT, a means o...
resonances 17 15 RESONANCE, resoundin...
resonantly 22 15 RESONANT, resounding...
resonating 16 14 RESONATE, to resound...
resonation 14 12 the act of resonatin...
resonators 15 11 RESONATOR, a resonat...
resorbence 20 17 reabsorption [n -S]
resorcinal 20 15 of or like resorcino...
resorcinol 20 15 a colourless phenol...
resorption 18 14 the act of resorbing...
resorptive 21 17 relating to resorpti...
resounding 17 16 RESOUND, to make an...
resourcing 21 17 the act of providing...
respeaking 20 20 RESPEAK, to speak ag...
respectant 21 17 facing each other [a...
respecters 22 16 RESPECTER, one who r...
respectful 26 21 marked by or showing...
respecting 23 19 RESPECT, to have hig...
respective 24 20 particular, separate...
respelling 22 18 the act of respellin...
respirable 22 17 fit for breathing [a...
respirator 19 13 an appliance which p...
resplended 19 17 RESPLEND, to shine b...
resplicing 25 20 RESPLICE, to splice...
respondent 17 16 one who maintains a...
responders 18 15 RESPONDER, one who r...
responding 19 18 RESPOND, to say or a...
responsers 18 14 RESPONSER, one who r...
responsive 20 18 giving response [adj...
responsors 18 14 RESPONSOR, one who r...
responsory 24 16 a set of responses s...
responsums 20 18 RESPONSUM, (Latin) i...
respooling 20 17 RESPOOL, to spool ag...
respotting 20 16 RESPOT, to spot agai...
respraying 26 18 RESPRAY, to spray ag...
resprouted 19 15 RESPROUT, to sprout...
ressaldars 18 12 RESSALDAR, (Urdu) an...
restabling 21 17 RESTABLE, to put in...
restacking 22 20 RESTACK, to stack ag...
restaffing 22 19 RESTAFF, to staff ag...
restamping 21 19 RESTAMP, to stamp ag...
restarters 17 10 RESTARTER, something...
restarting 18 13 RESTART, to start ag...
restations 16 11 RESTATION, to statio...
restaurant 16 12 a business establish...
restemming 20 19 RESTEM, to force aga...
restfuller 22 16 RESTFUL, relaxing [a...
restharrow 22 15 a wild flower [n -S]
restitched 23 16 RESTITCH, to stitch...
restitches 23 15 RESTITCH, to stitch...
restituted 18 12 RESTITUTE, (archaic)...
restitutes 18 11 RESTITUTE, (archaic)...
restitutor 18 11 one who makes restit...
restlessly 26 14 RESTLESS, unable to...
restocking 22 20 RESTOCK, to stock ag...
restorable 19 14 fit for restoring or...
restrained 16 12 RESTRAIN, to hold ba...
restrainer 16 11 one who restrains [n...
restraints 17 11 RESTRAINT, the act o...
restressed 17 11 RESTRESS, to stress...
restresses 17 10 RESTRESS, to stress...
restricken 21 18 RESTRIKE, to strike...
restricted 21 14 RESTRICT, to keep wi...
restriking 20 17 RESTRIKE, to strike...
restringed 18 14 RESTRING, to string...
restringes 18 13 RESTRINGE, to restri...
restriving 21 17 RESTRIVE, to strive...
restudying 25 17 RESTUDY, to study ag...
restuffing 23 20 RESTUFF, to stuff ag...
restumping 22 20 RESTUMP, to replace...
resubjects 25 26 RESUBJECT, to subjec...
resultants 18 13 RESULTANT, the produ...
resultless 20 13 being without result...
resummoned 18 19 RESUMMON, to summon...
resumption 20 18 an act or instance o...
resumptive 23 21 taking back; resumin...
resupinate 18 15 turned through 180 d...
resupplied 23 19 RESUPPLY, to supply...
resupplies 23 18 RESUPPLY, to supply...
resurfaced 22 18 RESURFACE, to surfac...
resurfacer 22 17 one who resurfaces [...
resurfaces 22 17 RESURFACE, to surfac...
resurgence 20 17 a rising again into...
resurrects 21 14 RESURRECT, to bring...
resurveyed 25 18 RESURVEY, to survey...
resuspends 19 16 RESUSPEND, to suspen...
reswallows 25 18 RESWALLOW, to swallo...
retackling 23 21 RETACKLE, to tackle...
retailings 19 14 RETAILING, the act o...
retailment 18 15 the act of retailing...
retailored 17 12 RETAILOR, to tailor...
retainable 18 15 capable of being ret...
retainment 16 15 the act of retaining...
retaliated 17 12 RETALIATE, to repay...
retaliates 17 11 RETALIATE, to repay...
retaliator 17 11 one who retaliates [...
retallying 26 17 RETALLY, to tally ag...
retardants 16 12 RETARDANT, something...
retardates 16 11 RETARDATE [v]
retardment 17 15 the act of retarding...
retargeted 17 13 RETARGET, to target...
reteaching 22 18 RETEACH, to teach ag...
retellings 20 15 RETELLING, the act o...
retempered 19 17 RETEMPER, to modify...
retentions 15 12 RETENTION, the act o...
retentives 18 15 RETENTIVE, as in ana...
retextured 23 19 RETEXTURE, to treat...
retextures 23 18 RETEXTURE, to treat...
rethinkers 20 17 RETHINKER, one who r...
rethinking 21 20 RETHINK, to think ag...
rethreaded 18 14 RETHREAD, to thread...
reticellas 22 15 RETICELLA, an early...
reticences 22 17 RETICENCE, the quali...
reticently 27 17 RETICENT, tending to...
reticulary 28 17 relating to a reticu...
reticulate 21 15 like a network [adj...
reticulums 24 19 RETICULUM, a network...
retightens 20 15 RETIGHTEN, to tighte...
retinacula 20 16 RETINACULUM, a band-...
retinalite 17 12 a translucent variet...
retiracies 20 13 RETIRACY, seclusion...
retirement 17 14 an act of retiring [...
retiringly 26 16 RETIRING [adv]
retorsions 16 11 RETORSION, the act o...
retortions 16 11 RETORTION, the act o...
retotaling 18 14 RETOTAL, to total ag...
retotalled 18 13 RETOTAL, to total ag...
retouchers 22 16 RETOUCHER, one who r...
retouching 23 19 RETOUCH, to add new...
retracking 22 20 RETRACK, to retrace...
retractile 21 14 capable of retractio...
retracting 21 16 RETRACT, to take bac...
retraction 19 14 an act of recanting...
retractive 22 17 serving to retract [...
retractors 20 13 RETRACTOR, something...
retrainees 15 11 RETRAINEE, one who i...
retraining 17 14 the act of training...
retransfer 18 14 to transfer again [v...
retransmit 18 14 to transmit again [v...
retreading 17 14 RETREAD, to tread ag...
retreatant 15 11 a person taking part...
retreaters 16 10 RETREATER, one who r...
retreating 17 13 RETREAT, to go back...
retrenched 21 17 RETRENCH, to cut dow...
retrenches 21 16 RETRENCH, to cut dow...
retributed 20 15 RETRIBUTE, to give i...
retributes 20 14 RETRIBUTE, to give i...
retributor 20 14 one engaging in retr...
retrievals 20 15 RETRIEVAL, the act o...
retrievers 19 14 RETRIEVER, one of a...
retrieving 20 17 the act of retrievin...
retrimming 21 19 RETRIM, to trim agai...
retroacted 19 14 RETROACT, to act in...
retroceded 19 15 RETROCEDE, to cede b...
retrocedes 19 14 RETROCEDE, to cede b...
retrochoir 22 15 the part of a cathed...
retrodicts 21 14 RETRODICT, to utiliz...
retrofired 19 14 RETROFIRE, to cause...
retrofires 19 13 RETROFIRE, to cause...
retrograde 17 13 going backwards [adj...
retrogress 18 12 to show backward mov...
retrojects 22 22 RETROJECT, to throw...
retropacks 23 20 RETROPACK, a system...
retrorsely 24 13 RETRORSE, turned bac...
retrospect 22 16 to engage in retrosp...
retroverse 18 14 turned backwards [ad...
retroverts 19 14 RETROVERT, to turn b...
retroviral 20 15 relating to a retrov...
retrovirus 20 15 any of a group of vi...
returnable 19 16 that can be returned...
returnless 18 13 admitting no return...
retweeting 20 16 RETWEET, to tweet ag...
retwisting 22 16 RETWIST, to twist ag...
reunifying 26 20 REUNIFY, to unify ag...
reunionism 17 16 a policy of reunific...
reunionist 16 13 a person in favour o...
reunitable 19 16 that can be reunited...
reuptaking 21 21 REUPTAKE, to take up...
reutilised 19 13 REUTILISE, to utilis...
reutilises 19 12 REUTILISE, to utilis...
reutilized 22 22 REUTILIZE, to utiliz...
reutilizes 22 21 REUTILIZE, to utiliz...
reuttering 18 14 REUTTER, to utter ag...
revalentas 18 16 REVALENTA, lentil-me...
revalidate 19 16 to validate again [v...
revalorise 19 15 to give a new value...
revalorize 22 24 to give a new value...
revaluated 19 17 REVALUATE, to evalua...
revaluates 19 16 REVALUATE, to evalua...
revampings 23 23 REVAMPING, renovatio...
revanchism 25 23 policy of aggressive...
revanchist 24 20 one adhering to poli...
revealable 21 19 capable of being rev...
revealings 20 18 REVEALING, the act o...
revealment 19 19 the act of revealing...
revegetate 18 16 to vegetate anew [v...
revelation 18 16 an act of revealing...
revelative 21 19 relating to revelati...
revelators 19 15 REVELATOR, one who m...
revelatory 25 17 relating to revelati...
revellings 22 19 REVELLING, the act o...
revelments 20 19 REVELMENT, the act o...
revengeful 22 22 full of or prone to...
revengings 20 20 REVENGING, the act o...
reverenced 20 19 REVERENCE, to venera...
reverencer 20 18 one who reverences [...
reverences 20 18 REVERENCE, to venera...
reverently 25 18 REVERENT, deeply res...
reverified 21 18 REVERIFY, to verify...
reverifies 21 17 REVERIFY, to verify...
reversedly 26 18 REVERSED [adv]
reversible 22 18 capable of being rev...
reversibly 29 20 REVERSIBLE, capable...
reversings 20 17 REVERSING [n]
reversions 18 15 REVERSION, the act o...
reversises 19 14 REVERSIS, an old car...
revertants 18 15 REVERTANT, (French)...
revertible 22 18 capable of being rev...
revestiary 25 16 a vestry, also REVES...
revestries 19 14 REVESTRY, a room in...
revetments 19 18 REVETMENT, a masonry...
revibrated 21 18 REVIBRATE, to vibrat...
revibrates 21 17 REVIBRATE, to vibrat...
revictuals 24 19 REVICTUAL, to victua...
reviewable 24 21 that can be reviewed...
revilement 20 19 the act of reviling...
revilingly 29 21 REVILING, abusive [a...
reviolated 19 16 REVIOLATE, to violat...
reviolates 19 15 REVIOLATE, to violat...
revisional 19 16 relating to revision...
revisitant 19 15 one who visits again...
revisiting 21 17 REVISIT, to visit ag...
revitalise 20 15 to give new life or...
revitalize 23 24 to give new life or...
revivalism 24 22 the spirit or method...
revivalist 23 19 one who conducts rel...
revivement 21 22 the act of reviving...
revivified 24 22 REVIVIFY, to reactiv...
revivifies 24 21 REVIVIFY, to reactiv...
revivingly 30 24 REVIVING, restorativ...
revocation 20 18 the act of revoking,...
revocatory 27 19 of or pertaining to...
revokement 19 22 (Shakespeare) the ac...
revolution 19 17 the action by a cele...
revolvable 24 23 that may be revolved...
revolvably 31 25 REVOLVABLE, that may...
revolvency 30 25 the act or state of...
revolvings 23 22 REVOLVING, the act o...
revulsions 20 17 REVULSION, a feeling...
revulsives 23 20 REVULSIVE, a counter...
rewakening 20 21 REWAKEN, to waken ag...
rewardable 22 18 that can be rewarded...
rewardless 21 15 having, or affording...
rewatering 20 16 REWATER, to water ag...
reweighing 24 20 REWEIGH, to weigh ag...
rewidening 20 18 REWIDEN, to widen ag...
rewildings 23 18 REWILDING, the pract...
rewindings 21 18 REWINDING, the act o...
rewordings 21 17 REWORDING, the act o...
reworkings 22 20 REWORKING, the act o...
rewrapping 25 22 REWRAP, to wrap agai...
rewritable 23 17 (of a CD, flash driv...
rhabdolith 25 19 a calcareous rod in...
rhabdomere 21 19 one of the several p...
rhachidial 26 19 of or like a rhachis...
rhachillas 27 19 RHACHILLA, the axis...
rhapontics 24 19 RHAPONTIC, the commo...
rhapsodies 21 16 RHAPSODY, an irregul...
rhapsodise 21 16 to utter as a rhapso...
rhapsodist 22 16 anciently, one who r...
rhapsodize 24 25 to utter as a rhapso...
rheochords 24 18 RHEOCHORD, a wire rh...
rheologies 20 15 RHEOLOGY, the study...
rheologist 21 15 one who studies rheo...
rheometers 19 15 RHEOMETER, an instru...
rheometric 23 18 relating to measurem...
rheophiles 24 18 RHEOPHILE, a creatur...
rheostatic 22 15 relating to a rheost...
rheotactic 25 18 relating to rheotaxi...
rheotropes 20 15 RHEOTROPE, an instru...
rheotropic 24 18 relating to a rheotr...
rhetorical 23 16 of, relating to, or...
rhetorised 19 13 RHETORISE, (obsolete...
rhetorises 19 12 RHETORISE, (obsolete...
rhetorized 22 22 RHETORIZE, (obsolete...
rhetorizes 22 21 RHETORIZE, (obsolete...
rheumatics 24 19 RHEUMATIC, one who s...
rheumatise 20 16 (dialect) rheumatism...
rheumatism 22 19 a condition characte...
rheumatize 23 25 (dialect) rheumatism...
rheumatoid 20 17 characteristic of or...
rhigolenes 20 16 RHIGOLENE, a volatil...
rhinestone 17 14 an imitation diamond...
rhinitides 20 14 RHINITIS, inflammati...
rhinitises 20 13 RHINITIS, inflammati...
rhinoceros 21 16 a large heavy ungula...
rhinocerot 21 16 (obsolete) a rhinoce...
rhinolalia 20 15 nasal speech [n -S]
rhinoliths 23 16 RHINOLITH, a concret...
rhinophyma 30 23 acne of the nose [n...
rhinoscope 23 19 an instrument for ex...
rhinoscopy 30 21 the examination of t...
rhinotheca 23 18 the sheath of the up...
rhinovirus 22 18 a virus belonging to...
rhipidions 22 17 RHIPIDION, (Greek) i...
rhipidiums 25 20 RHIPIDIUM, a fan-sha...
rhizocarps 28 27 RHIZOCARP, a water-f...
rhizocauls 27 26 RHIZOCAUL, the rootl...
rhizogenic 26 27 producing or growing...
rhizomorph 28 29 a rootlike mass of f...
rhizophore 26 26 a specialised leafle...
rhizoplane 24 26 the surface of a roo...
rhizopodan 23 26 one of the Rhizopoda...
rhizopuses 25 25 RHIZOPUS, any of a g...
rhodamines 19 17 RHODAMINE, a synthet...
rhodanates 17 14 RHODANATE, in dyeing...
rhodanised 18 15 RHODANISE, to electr...
rhodanises 18 14 RHODANISE, to electr...
rhodanized 21 24 RHODANIZE, to electr...
rhodanizes 21 23 RHODANIZE, to electr...
rhodolites 20 14 RHODOLITE, a rose-re...
rhodonites 18 14 RHODONITE, a rose-re...
rhodophane 21 19 the red pigment cont...
rhodopsins 21 17 RHODOPSIN, visual pu...
rhoeadines 17 14 RHOEADINE, an alkalo...
rhoicissus 24 16 a genus of climbing...
rhomboidal 23 20 having, or approachi...
rhomboidei 22 19 RHOMBOIDEUS, a rhomb...
rhomboides 22 19 a rhomboid, also RHO...
rhopalisms 24 19 RHOPALISM, a sentenc...
rhotacised 22 16 RHOTACISE, to change...
rhotacises 22 15 RHOTACISE, to change...
rhotacisms 24 18 RHOTACISM, the exces...
rhotacists 23 15 RHOTACIST, one whose...
rhotacized 25 25 RHOTACIZE, to change...
rhotacizes 25 24 RHOTACIZE, to change...
rhubarbing 25 22 in the theatre, the...
rhumbatron 22 20 a cavity resonator [...
rhymesters 27 17 RHYMESTER, a poetast...
rhythmical 34 23 according to rhythm,...
rhythmised 30 20 RHYTHMISE, to subjec...
rhythmises 30 19 RHYTHMISE, to subjec...
rhythmists 31 19 RHYTHMIST, a person...
rhythmized 33 29 RHYTHMIZE, to subjec...
rhythmizes 33 28 RHYTHMIZE, to subjec...
rhythmless 31 20 being without rhythm...
rhythmuses 30 20 RHYTHMUS, a pattern...
rhytidomes 27 18 RHYTIDOME, the bark...
ribaldries 21 15 RIBALDRY, crude lang...
ribattutas 20 14 RIBATTUTA, (Italian)...
ribaudries 20 15 RIBAUDRY, (Spenser)...
ribavirins 22 18 RIBAVIRIN, a synthet...
ribbonfish 26 22 a long slender fish,...
ribbonlike 23 22 like a ribbon [adj]
ribbonries 21 17 RIBBONRY, ribbons co...
ribbonwood 23 21 a small evergreen ma...
ribgrasses 21 15 RIBGRASS, a weedy pl...
riboflavin 24 22 a member of vitamin...
ricefields 24 18 RICEFIELD, a field u...
ricercares 23 16 RICERCARE, any of va...
ricercatas 23 16 RICERCATA, any of va...
richnesses 22 16 RICHNESS, the state...
ricinoleic 24 18 relating to castor o...
rickburner 24 22 (archaic) an arsonis...
ricketiest 22 17 RICKETY, shaky, rams...
rickettier 22 17 RICKETTY, shaky, ram...
rickettsia 22 17 a genus of bacteria...
rickstands 22 19 RICKSTAND, a floorin...
ricksticks 28 24 RICKSTICK, a toothed...
ricocheted 25 19 RICOCHET, to rebound...
ridability 28 17 the state of being r...
riddlingly 28 19 RIDDLING, enigmatic,...
riderships 23 16 RIDERSHIP, being a r...
ridgebacks 25 23 RIDGEBACK, a large h...
ridgelines 19 15 RIDGELINE, a line ma...
ridgelings 21 17 RIDGELING, a male an...
ridgepoles 21 17 RIDGEPOLE, the timbe...
ridgetrees 18 13 RIDGETREE, the timbe...
ridiculers 23 16 RIDICULER, one who r...
ridiculing 24 19 RIDICULE, to make fu...
ridiculous 23 17 arousing or deservin...
riebeckite 23 20 a monoclinic amphibo...
rifampicin 26 23 an antibiotic drug u...
rifamycins 30 22 RIFAMYCIN, an antibi...
rifenesses 18 14 RIFENESS, the state...
riflebirds 24 18 RIFLEBIRD, each of t...
rigamarole 19 16 a succession of inco...
rightening 21 18 RIGHTEN, (archaic) t...
rightfully 33 22 RIGHTFUL, just and p...
rightsized 25 24 RIGHTSIZE, to adapt...
rightsizes 25 23 RIGHTSIZE, to adapt...
rightwards 25 18 toward the right, al...
rigidified 22 17 RIGIDIFY, to make st...
rigidifies 22 16 RIGIDIFY, to make st...
rigidising 21 16 RIGIDISE, to make st...
rigidities 20 13 RIGIDITY, the state...
rigidizing 24 25 RIGIDIZE, to make st...
rigmaroles 20 16 RIGMAROLE, a success...
rigoristic 23 15 relating to rigorism...
rigorously 26 16 RIGOROUS, characteri...
rigsdalers 20 14 RIGSDALER, (Dutch) a...
rigwiddies 23 17 RIGWIDDIE, (Scots) a...
rigwoodies 21 16 RIGWOODIE, (Scots) a...
rijstafels 23 23 RIJSTAFEL, (Dutch) a...
rijsttafel 23 23 (Dutch) an Indonesia...
riminesses 18 14 RIMINESS, the condit...
rimosities 19 13 RIMOSITY, the state...
rinderpest 19 15 (German) an infectio...
ringbarked 21 21 RINGBARK, to strip a...
ringhalses 21 16 RINGHALS, (Afrikaans...
ringleader 18 15 a leader of a ring o...
ringmaster 19 16 one in charge of per...
ringsiders 19 14 RINGSIDER, one with...
ringstands 18 15 RINGSTAND, a stand f...
ringtosses 18 13 RINGTOSS, a game in...
rinkhalses 21 18 RINKHALS, (Afrikaans...
ripenesses 18 14 RIPENESS, the state...
ripidolite 21 15 a translucent minera...
ripienists 20 14 RIPIENIST, a supplem...
ripplingly 32 23 RIPPLING, making rip...
riprapping 25 22 RIPRAP, to strengthe...
ripsnorter 19 14 something extraordin...
risibility 29 16 the quality of being...
ritardando 16 13 (Italian) a musical...
ritonavirs 19 15 RITONAVIR, a drug us...
ritornelle 18 13 (French) a short ins...
ritornelli 19 13 RITORNELLO, a short...
ritornello 18 13 a short instrumental...
ritornells 19 13 RITORNELL, a short i...
ritualised 19 13 RITUALISE, to make i...
ritualises 19 12 RITUALISE, to make i...
ritualisms 21 15 RITUALISM, regular o...
ritualists 20 12 RITUALIST, a believe...
ritualized 22 22 RITUALIZE, to make i...
ritualizes 22 21 RITUALIZE, to make i...
rituximabs 28 24 RITUXIMAB, a drug us...
rivalesses 20 15 RIVALESS, (archaic)...
rivalising 22 18 RIVALISE, to enter i...
rivalities 21 15 RIVALITY, competitio...
rivalizing 25 27 RIVALIZE, to enter i...
rivalships 26 20 RIVALSHIP, rivalry [...
riverbanks 22 22 RIVERBANK, the bank...
riverboats 21 17 RIVERBOAT, a boat us...
rivercraft 25 20 a craft suitable for...
riverfront 21 18 the land or area alo...
riverheads 21 17 RIVERHEAD, the sourc...
riverscape 24 20 a view of a river [n...
riversides 20 15 RIVERSIDE, the area...
riverwalks 25 22 RIVERWALK, a walk be...
riverwards 23 18 towards a river, als...
riverweeds 22 18 RIVERWEED, any plant...
rivetingly 28 20 RIVETING [adv]
roadblocks 24 22 ROADBLOCK, to bar by...
roadcrafts 22 17 ROADCRAFT, knowledge...
roadheader 17 14 a tunnelling machine...
roadhouses 18 14 ROADHOUSE, a roadsid...
roadmaking 19 21 road building [n -S]
roadmender 16 16 one whose job is to...
roadroller 18 13 a motor vehicle with...
roadrunner 15 14 a bird of the turkey...
roadsteads 16 12 ROADSTEAD, an anchor...
roadworthy 28 18 able to be used on a...
roberdsman 19 18 (obsolete) a stout r...
roberdsmen 19 18 ROBERDSMAN, (obsolet...
robertsman 19 17 (obsolete) a stout r...
robertsmen 19 17 ROBERTSMAN, (obsolet...
roborating 19 16 restoring vigor or s...
robotising 20 16 ROBOTISE, to make au...
robotizing 23 25 ROBOTIZE, to make au...
robustious 20 15 boisterous [adj ROBU...
robustness 19 15 the state of being r...
rocamboles 23 20 ROCAMBOLE, (French)...
rockabilly 32 24 a form of rock-and-r...
rocketeers 20 17 ROCKETEER, a person...
rocketries 21 17 ROCKETRY, the scienc...
rockfishes 26 22 ROCKFISH, a fish liv...
rockhopper 27 25 a crested penguin [n...
rockhounds 23 22 ROCKHOUND, a person...
rockshafts 26 22 ROCKSHAFT, a shaft t...
rockslides 23 19 ROCKSLIDE, a fall of...
rocksteady 27 20 a 1960s style of dan...
rockwaters 24 20 ROCKWATER, water iss...
rodfishers 22 16 RODFISHER, one who f...
rodfishing 23 19 fishing with a rod a...
rodgersias 18 13 RODGERSIA, a floweri...
rogueships 23 18 ROGUESHIP, (archaic)...
roisterers 17 10 ROISTERER, one who r...
roistering 18 13 carousing [n -S]
roisterous 17 11 blustering, boistero...
rollcollar 24 17 a collar of a garmen...
rollerball 23 17 a pen having a small...
rollicking 25 22 playful, boisterous...
rollocking 24 22 a telling off [n -S]
romancical 24 21 (Lamb) dealing with...
romancings 21 20 ROMANCING, the act o...
romanescos 19 17 ROMANESCO, (Italian)...
romanicite 20 17 another name for the...
romanising 18 17 ROMANISE, to write i...
romanizing 21 26 ROMANIZE, to write i...
romantical 21 18 romantic [adj ROMANT...
romeldales 19 16 ROMELDALE, an Americ...
rondoletto 16 13 a short rondo [n -S]
rontgenise 16 14 to treat by rontgen...
rontgenize 19 23 to treat by rontgen...
roofscapes 23 19 ROOFSCAPE, a view of...
rootedness 15 12 the state of being r...
rootserver 18 14 a computer that acts...
rootsiness 16 11 the state of being r...
rootstalks 19 15 ROOTSTALK, an underg...
rootstocks 21 17 ROOTSTOCK, a rhizome...
ropedancer 20 18 one who dances, walk...
ropewalker 23 21 a ropedancer [n -S]
ropinesses 18 14 ROPINESS, the state...
roquelaure 25 22 a cloak reaching abo...
rosaniline 16 13 a base derived from...
rosanilins 17 13 ROSANILIN, a reddish...
rosebushes 21 16 ROSEBUSH, a bush tha...
rosefishes 21 15 ROSEFISH, a large ma...
rosemaling 19 17 (Norwegian) the art...
rosemaries 17 13 ROSEMARY, an evergre...
rosettings 18 13 ROSETTING, the devel...
rosewaters 19 13 ROSEWATER, water dis...
rosinesses 16 11 ROSINESS, the state...
rosinweeds 19 15 ROSINWEED, the compa...
rosmarines 17 14 ROSMARINE, (Spenser)...
rostellate 18 12 having a rostellum,...
rostellums 21 16 ROSTELLUM, the protr...
rosterings 18 13 ROSTERING, the act o...
rotachutes 22 16 ROTACHUTE, a parachu...
rotameters 17 13 ROTAMETER, an instru...
rotaplanes 18 15 ROTAPLANE, a rotor p...
rotational 16 12 relating to rotation...
rotatively 26 17 ROTATIVE, turning li...
rotavating 19 17 ROTAVATE, to till by...
rotavators 18 14 ROTAVATOR, a tool fo...
rotgrasses 18 12 ROTGRASS, soft grass...
rotiferans 18 14 ROTIFERAN, a rotifer...
rotiferous 19 14 relating to a rotife...
rotisserie 17 10 (French) a cooking a...
rotographs 22 17 ROTOGRAPH [n]
rotorcraft 22 16 a helicopter or auto...
rotoscoped 21 17 ROTOSCOPE, to create...
rotoscopes 21 16 ROTOSCOPE, to create...
rototilled 19 13 ROTOTILL, to till so...
rototiller 19 12 an implement used to...
rotovating 19 17 ROTOVATE, to till by...
rotovators 18 14 ROTOVATOR, a tool fo...
rottenness 15 12 the state of being r...
rottweiler 21 14 (German) a large pow...
rotundness 16 14 the state of being r...
roughbacks 27 25 ROUGHBACK, a rough-s...
roughcasts 24 18 ROUGHCAST, to cover...
roughdried 21 17 ROUGHDRY, to dry wit...
roughdries 21 16 ROUGHDRY, to dry wit...
roughening 20 19 ROUGHEN, to make rou...
roughhewed 25 21 ROUGHHEW, to shape r...
roughhouse 22 18 a brawl [n -S] / to...
roughnecks 24 23 ROUGHNECK, to work a...
roughrider 21 16 a rider of untrained...
rouletting 19 15 ROULETTE, to make ti...
rouncevals 22 20 ROUNCEVAL, a large v...
roundabout 18 17 circuitous [adj ROUN...
roundballs 21 18 ROUNDBALL, a form of...
roundelays 23 16 ROUNDELAY, a song wi...
roundhands 18 17 ROUNDHAND, a style o...
roundheels 19 16 ROUNDHEEL, an immora...
roundhouse 18 16 a constable's prison...
roundtable 19 17 a meeting or confere...
roundtrips 20 16 ROUNDTRIP, (US) a re...
roundwoods 19 17 ROUNDWOOD, timber us...
roundworms 21 19 ROUNDWORM, a nematoi...
rouseabout 18 15 (Australian) an odd-...
rousedness 16 13 the state of being r...
rousements 17 15 ROUSEMENT, (US) reli...
roussettes 17 11 ROUSSETTE, (French)...
roustabout 19 15 a casual or unskille...
routemarch 23 19 a long training marc...
routineers 16 12 ROUTINEER, one who a...
routinised 17 13 ROUTINISE, to make r...
routinises 17 12 ROUTINISE, to make r...
routinisms 19 15 ROUTINISM, the pract...
routinists 18 12 ROUTINIST, one who h...
routinized 20 22 ROUTINIZE, to make r...
routinizes 20 21 ROUTINIZE, to make r...
rowanberry 27 19 the berry of the row...
rowdydowed 29 21 ROWDYDOW, to make a...
royalising 25 16 ROYALISE, to play th...
royalistic 28 16 characteristic of ro...
royalizing 28 25 ROYALIZE, to play th...
royalmasts 25 16 ROYALMAST, the highe...
roysterers 23 12 ROYSTERER, one who r...
roystering 24 15 ROYSTER, to revel no...
roysterous 23 13 blustering, boistero...
rubberiest 22 17 RUBBERY, resembling...
rubberised 22 18 RUBBERISE, to coat w...
rubberises 22 17 RUBBERISE, to coat w...
rubberized 25 27 RUBBERIZE, to coat w...
rubberizes 25 26 RUBBERIZE, to coat w...
rubberlike 24 22 like rubber [adj]
rubberneck 25 25 an over-inquisitive...
rubberwear 24 20 rubber clothing [n -...
rubbishing 26 22 RUBBISH, to criticiz...
rubblework 27 25 coarse masonry [n -S...
rubellites 22 16 RUBELLITE, a variety...
rubescence 24 21 reddening, blushing...
rubiaceous 22 18 belonging to madder...
rubicelles 25 19 RUBICELLE, an orange...
rubiconing 23 21 RUBICON, to win at p...
rubiginose 20 17 rust-coloured, also...
rubiginous 21 18 rust-coloured, also...
rubrically 32 21 RUBRICAL, colored in...
rubricated 23 18 RUBRICATE, to write,...
rubricates 23 17 RUBRICATE, to write,...
rubricator 23 17 one who rubricates [...
rubricians 23 18 RUBRICIAN, a student...
rubythroat 28 18 any of numerous spec...
ructations 20 15 RUCTATION, (obsolete...
rudbeckias 24 22 RUDBECKIA, (Swedish)...
rudderhead 19 16 the top of the rudde...
rudderless 19 14 without a rudder [ad...
rudderpost 20 16 the shank of a rudde...
rudenesses 16 13 RUDENESS, the qualit...
rudimental 19 17 rudimentary, also RU...
ruefulness 20 17 the state of being r...
rufescence 24 21 the state of being r...
ruffianing 22 21 RUFFIAN, to behave l...
ruffianish 24 20 having the qualities...
ruffianism 23 21 being a ruffian [n -...
ruggedised 20 17 RUGGEDISE, to make r...
ruggedises 20 16 RUGGEDISE, to make r...
ruggedized 23 26 RUGGEDIZE, to make r...
ruggedizes 23 25 RUGGEDIZE, to make r...
ruggedness 19 17 the state of being r...
rugosities 19 13 RUGOSITY, the state...
ruinations 16 13 RUINATION, the act o...
rulerships 24 17 RULERSHIP, being a r...
rumblingly 31 24 RUMBLING [adv]
rumbullion 23 21 (obsolete) an older...
rumfustian 21 19 (archaic) a hot alco...
ruminantly 25 19 RUMINANT, chewing th...
ruminating 19 18 RUMINATE, to chew ag...
rumination 17 16 the act of ruminatin...
ruminative 20 19 tending to ruminate...
ruminators 18 15 RUMINATOR, one who r...
rummishing 24 22 RUMMISH, (Scots) to...
rumrunners 18 17 RUMRUNNER, a person...
runarounds 16 15 RUNAROUND, a small l...
runecrafts 22 18 RUNECRAFT, skill wit...
rupestrian 19 15 composed of rock; in...
rupicoline 23 19 living among or grow...
rupicolous 24 19 living among or grow...
rupturable 23 19 that can be ruptured...
ruralising 20 15 RURALISE, to make ru...
ruralities 19 12 RURALITY, the state...
ruralizing 23 24 RURALIZE, to make ru...
rushlights 26 18 RUSHLIGHT, a type of...
russetings 19 14 RUSSETING, a russet...
russetting 19 14 a russet apple, also...
russifying 28 19 RUSSIFY, to make Rus...
rustbucket 25 22 as in rustbucket car...
rustically 30 18 RUSTICAL, rustic, al...
rusticated 21 15 RUSTICATE, to send i...
rusticates 21 14 RUSTICATE, to send i...
rusticator 21 14 one who rusticates [...
rusticised 22 15 RUSTICISE, to make r...
rusticises 22 14 RUSTICISE, to make r...
rusticisms 24 17 RUSTICISM, a rustic...
rusticized 25 24 RUSTICIZE, to make r...
rusticizes 25 23 RUSTICIZE, to make r...
rusticwork 26 21 rusticated masonry;...
rustlingly 28 18 RUSTLING, making a r...
rustproofs 22 17 RUSTPROOF, to make r...
ruthenious 19 15 pertaining to, or co...
rutheniums 21 18 RUTHENIUM, a metalli...
rutherford 22 17 a unit of radioactiv...
ruthlessly 29 17 RUTHLESS, having no...
rybaudryes 32 19 RYBAUDRYE, (Spenser)...
ryegrasses 24 14 RYEGRASS, a pasture...