6 letter words that start with R

6 letter words that start with R

6 letter R word


Words With Friends®


rabato 11 9 (Shakespeare) a stif...
rabats 12 9 RABAT, (French) to r...
rabbet 14 12 a groove cut to rece...
rabbin 14 13 (Hebrew) a Jewish ex...
rabbis 15 12 RABBI, (Hebrew) a Je...
rabbit 15 12 a small burrowing an...
rabble 15 13 a device for stirrin...
rabies 12 9 an infectious virus...
raceme 13 12 an indefinite arrang...
racers 13 9 RACER, one that race...
raches 15 11 RACHE, (archaic) a d...
rachet 15 11 a mechanism which al...
rachis 16 11 the spinal column, a...
racial 14 10 pertaining to an eth...
racier 13 9 RACY, pungent [adj]
racily 21 12 RACY, pungent [adv]
racing 14 12 the sport of engagin...
racino 12 10 a racetrack that off...
racism 15 12 a doctrine of racial...
racist 14 9 an advocate of racis...
racked 14 14 RACK, to place in a...
racker 14 13 a horse that walks w...
racket 14 13 to make a loud noise...
rackle 15 14 a chain [n -S]
racons 12 10 RACON, a type of rad...
racoon 11 10 a small American ani...
radars 10 7 RADAR, an electronic...
radded 10 9 RAD, to fear [v]
radder 10 8 RAD, afraid [adj]
raddle 11 9 to redden with red o...
radger 11 9 RADGE, (Scots) angry...
radges 11 9 RADGE, a bad temper,...
radial 11 8 having rays or spoke...
radian 9 8 a unit of angular me...
radios 10 7 RADIO, signalling th...
radish 13 9 a pungent root veget...
radium 12 11 a radioactive elemen...
radius 11 8 (Latin) the shorter...
radome 10 10 a domelike device us...
radons 9 8 RADON, a radioactive...
radula 11 9 a tonguelike organ o...
rafale 12 10 (French) a burst of...
raffia 14 12 a kind of palm tree,...
raffle 15 13 to dispose of by tic...
rafted 12 10 RAFT, to ride on wat...
rafter 12 9 to supply with suppo...
ragbag 14 13 a bag for storing ra...
ragees 10 8 RAGEE, (Hindi) a kin...
ragers 11 8 RAGER, one who rages...
raggas 12 10 RAGGA, a type of rap...
ragged 12 11 tattered [adj RAGGED...
raggee 11 10 (Hindi) a kind of mi...
raggle 13 11 to cut a groove in m...
raging 12 11 furious [adj RAGINGL...
ragini 11 9 (Sanskrit) a modifie...
raglan 11 10 a loose overcoat wit...
ragman 11 12 a man who collects,...
ragmen 11 12 RAGMAN, a man who co...
ragout 11 9 to make into a highl...
ragtag 12 10 the rabble [n -S]
ragtop 13 11 a folding canvas top...
raguly 19 12 with projections lik...
rahing 13 11 RAH, to cheer on a t...
rahuis 13 9 RAHUI, (Maori) a Mao...
raided 10 8 RAID, to make a sudd...
raider 10 7 one that raids [n -S...
raiked 11 11 RAIK, (Scots) to go;...
railed 11 8 RAILE, (Spenser) to...
railer 11 7 one who rails [n -S]
railes 11 7 RAILE, (Spenser) to...
railly 19 10 a jacket [n RAILLIES...
rained 9 8 RAIN, to fall in dro...
raines 9 7 RAINE, (Spenser) to...
rairds 11 7 RAIRD, (Scots) an up...
raised 10 7 RAISE, to move to a...
raiser 10 6 one who raises [n -S...
raises 10 6 RAISE, to move to a...
raisin 10 7 a dried grape [n -S]
raitas 10 6 RAITA, (Hindi) an In...
raited 10 7 RAIT, to soak flax,...
raiyat 16 8 (Hindi) an Indian pe...
rajahs 14 17 RAJAH, (Hindi) an In...
rakees 10 10 RAKEE, a Turkish liq...
rakers 11 10 RAKER, in games, a l...
rakery 17 12 dissoluteness [n RAK...
rakias 11 10 RAKIA, a kind of fru...
rakija 13 19 a kind of fruit bran...
raking 12 13 the act of raking [n...
rakish 14 12 dapper [adj RAKISHLY...
rallye 18 10 (US) a (car) rally [...
ralphs 16 12 RALPH, (US slang) to...
ramada 10 10 (Spanish) an outdoor...
ramate 10 9 branched, as the ste...
rambla 14 13 (Spanish) a dry ravi...
ramble 14 13 to wander [v RAMBLED...
ramcat 14 12 a male cat [n -S]
rameal 11 10 of or pertaining to...
ramees 10 9 RAMEE, (Malay) Rhea...
ramens 10 10 RAMEN, (Japanese) a...
ramets 11 9 RAMET, an independen...
ramies 11 9 RAMIE, (Malay) Rhea...
ramify 20 14 to divide into branc...
ramins 11 10 RAMIN, (Malay) a Mal...
ramjet 13 18 a type of engine [n...
rammed 12 13 RAM, to thrust rough...
rammel 13 13 (dialect) discarded...
rammer 12 12 a tool for ramming e...
rammle 13 13 (English dialect) th...
ramona 9 10 (Spanish) any of var...
ramose 10 9 branched, as the ste...
ramous 11 10 having many branches...
ramped 13 13 RAMP, to swindle, es...
ramper 13 12 one who makes a dist...
ramrod 11 10 to push or drive wit...
ramson 10 10 a broad-leaved garli...
ramtil 13 10 a plant of the India...
ramuli 13 11 RAMULUS, a little br...
ranced 12 11 RANCE, to prop [v]
rancel 13 11 a search for stolen...
rances 12 10 RANCE, to prop [v]
rancho 14 12 (Spanish) a rude hut...
rancid 13 11 rank in taste or sme...
rancor 12 10 bitter and vindictiv...
randan 8 9 a boat rowed by thre...
randed 9 9 RAND, to rant [v]
randem 10 11 a tandem with three...
randie 9 8 a violent beggar, es...
random 10 11 haphazard [adj RANDO...
randon 8 9 (Spenser) random cha...
ranees 8 7 RANEE, the wife of a...
rangas 10 9 RANGA, (Australian)...
ranged 10 10 RANGE, to place in a...
ranger 10 9 an officer supervisi...
ranges 10 9 RANGE, to place in a...
rangis 11 9 RANGI, (Maori) sky [...
ranids 10 8 RANID, any of a larg...
ranine 8 8 pertaining to or lik...
ranked 10 12 RANK, to assign to a...
ranker 10 11 an enlisted soldier...
rankes 10 11 RANKE, (Shakespeare)...
rankle 11 12 to cause irritation...
rankly 18 14 RANK, disagreeable i...
ransel 10 8 a search for stolen...
ransom 10 10 to pay a price for r...
ranted 9 8 RANT, to declaim bom...
ranter 9 7 one who rants [n -S]
ranula 10 9 a cyst formed under...
ranzel 13 17 a search for stolen...
rapers 12 9 RAPER, one who rapes...
raphae 13 11 RAPHE, a seamlike ri...
raphes 14 11 RAPHE, a seamlike ri...
raphia 14 11 a genus of palm tree...
raphis 15 11 a needlelike crystal...
rapids 13 10 RAPID, a swift-flowi...
rapier 12 9 a long, slender swor...
rapine 11 10 the taking of proper...
raping 13 12 RAPE, to take by for...
rapini 12 10 (Italian) immature t...
rapist 13 9 one who commits rape...
rapped 14 13 RAP, to strike sharp...
rappee 13 12 (French) a pungent k...
rappel 15 13 to descend from a st...
rappen 13 13 a monetary unit of S...
rapper 14 12 a doorknocker [n -S]
rappes 14 12 RAPPE, a Canadian di...
raptly 20 12 RAPT, deeply engross...
raptor 12 9 a bird or prey [n -S...
rarefy 18 11 to make less dense,...
rarely 17 9 RARE, not common [ad...
rarest 10 6 RARE, not common [ad...
rarify 19 11 to make less dense,...
raring 11 9 RARE, to be enthusia...
rarity 17 8 the quality of being...
rarked 11 11 RARK, (New Zealand)...
rascal 14 10 a rogue or scamp [n...
rasers 10 6 RASER, one that rase...
rashed 12 9 RASH, to dash, rush...
rasher 12 8 a thin slice of meat...
rashes 12 8 RASH, to dash, rush...
rashie 12 8 (Australian slang) a...
rashly 20 11 RASH, acting without...
rasing 11 9 RASE, to demolish, a...
rasped 12 10 RASP, to scrape with...
rasper 12 9 a tool used for rasp...
rasses 10 6 RASSE, a carnivore a...
rassle 11 7 (colloquial) to wres...
raster 10 6 the area reproducing...
rasure 10 7 the act of scraping,...
ratals 11 7 RATAL, an amount on...
ratans 9 7 RATAN, a climbing pl...
ratany 15 9 a South American shr...
ratbag 13 11 an eccentric person...
rateen 8 7 a rough dress fabric...
ratels 11 7 RATEL, (Afrikaans) a...
raters 10 6 RATER, one that rate...
rathas 12 8 RATHA, (Hindi) a fou...
rather 12 8 preferably, also RUT...
ratify 19 11 to approve and sanct...
ratine 9 7 (French) a rough dre...
rating 11 9 an estimate or evalu...
ration 9 7 to distribute in fix...
ratios 10 6 RATIO, a proportiona...
ratite 10 6 a bird having a flat...
ratlin 11 8 any of the small lin...
ratoon 8 7 to sprout from a roo...
ratoos 9 6 RATOO, a local chief...
rattan 9 7 a climbing plant wit...
ratted 10 7 RAT, to hunt long-ta...
ratten 9 7 to compel obedience...
ratter 10 6 an animal used for c...
rattle 11 7 to make a quick succ...
rattly 18 9 inclined to rattle [...
ratton 9 7 (dialect) a rat, als...
raucid 14 11 loud and unruly, als...
raucle 14 11 (Scots) rough, vigor...
raught 14 11 REACH, to stretch ou...
raunch 15 13 (Spenser) to race [v...
raunge 10 10 (obsolete) to range...
raupos 12 10 RAUPO, (Maori) the N...
ravage 12 12 to destroy [v RAVAGE...
ravels 13 11 RAVEL, to entangle [...
ravens 11 11 RAVEN, to devour gre...
ravers 12 10 RAVER, one that rave...
ravier 12 10 RAVEY, characteristi...
ravine 11 11 a narrow, steep-side...
raving 13 13 mad [adj RAVINGLY] /...
ravins 12 11 RAVIN, to devour gre...
ravish 15 12 to seize and carry o...
rawaru 13 10 (Maori) the blue cod...
rawest 13 9 RAW, uncooked [adj]
rawing 14 12 a second mowing of g...
rawins 13 10 RAWIN, a wind measur...
rawish 16 11 somewhat raw [adj]
raxing 17 16 RAX, to stretch out...
rayahs 18 10 RAYAH, a non-Muslim...
raying 17 11 RAY, to emit a narro...
rayled 17 10 RAYLE, (Spenser) to...
rayles 17 9 RAYLE, (Spenser) to...
raylet 17 9 a small ray [n -S]
raynes 15 9 RAYNE, (Spenser) a r...
rayons 15 9 RAYON, a synthetic f...
razeed 12 16 RAZEE, to cut down b...
razees 12 15 RAZEE, to cut down b...
razers 13 15 RAZER, one who razes...
razing 14 18 RAZE, to demolish, a...
razoos 12 15 RAZOO, (Australian s...
razors 13 15 RAZOR, to shave with...
razure 13 16 the act of scraping,...
razzed 16 25 RAZZ, to deride [v]
razzes 16 24 RAZZ, to deride [v]
razzia 16 24 (Arabic) a plunderin...
razzle 17 25 a rowdy drinking spr...
reacts 13 9 REACT, to respond to...
readds 10 8 READD, to add again...
reader 9 7 one that reads [n -S...
readme 10 10 as in readme file, a...
reagin 10 9 a type of antibody [...
reaked 10 11 REAK, (obsolete) to...
realer 10 7 REAL, actually exist...
reales 10 7 REAL, a former monet...
realia 10 7 objects used by a te...
really 18 10 to ally again [v REA...
realms 12 10 REALM, a kingdom, al...
realos 10 7 REALO, (German) a me...
realty 17 9 property in building...
reamed 10 10 REAM, to enlarge the...
reamer 10 9 a tool used to enlar...
reames 10 9 REAME, (Spenser) a r...
reaped 11 10 REAP, to cut for har...
reaper 11 9 one that reaps [n -S...
reared 9 7 REAR, to lift uprigh...
rearer 9 6 a horse that rears [...
rearly 17 9 (archaic) early [adv...
rearms 11 9 REARM, to arm again...
reason 8 7 to deduct inferences...
reasts 10 6 REAST, to become ran...
reasty 16 8 rancid [adj REASTIER...
reatas 9 6 REATA, (Spanish) a l...
reates 9 6 REATE, any of severa...
reaved 11 11 REAVE, (archaic) to...
reaver 11 10 one that reaves, als...
reaves 11 10 REAVE, (archaic) to...
reavow 14 13 to vow again [v -ED,...
reback 16 16 to replace the back...
rebait 12 9 to bait again [v -ED...
rebars 12 9 REBAR, a steel rod f...
rebase 11 9 to set a new foundat...
rebate 11 9 to give a discount f...
rebato 11 9 a wide, lace-edged c...
rebbes 14 12 REBBE, (Yiddish) a r...
rebeck 16 16 a medieval musical i...
rebecs 15 12 REBEC, a medieval mu...
rebels 13 10 REBEL, to oppose aut...
rebids 13 10 REBID, to bid again...
rebill 15 11 to bill again [v -ED...
rebind 12 11 to bind again [v REB...
rebite 12 9 in engraving, to fre...
rebody 18 12 to renew the body of...
reboil 13 10 to boil again [v -ED...
rebook 12 13 to book again [v -ED...
reboot 11 9 to renew the boots o...
rebops 14 12 REBOP, a type of mus...
rebore 11 9 to bore out again [v...
reborn 11 10 born again [adj]
rebozo 14 18 (Spanish) a long sca...
rebred 12 10 REBREED, to breed ag...
rebuff 17 16 to reject or refuse...
rebuke 13 14 to reprove sternly [...
rebury 19 12 to bury again [v REB...
rebuts 13 10 REBUT, to prove to b...
rebuys 19 12 REBUY, to buy again...
recall 15 11 to call back, also R...
recals 14 10 RECAL, to call back,...
recane 11 10 to replace the cane...
recant 12 10 to make a formal ret...
recaps 15 12 RECAP, (short for) r...
recast 13 9 to cast again [v REC...
recced 16 13 RECCE, to make a pre...
recces 16 12 RECCE, to make a pre...
reccos 16 12 RECCO, (colloquial)...
recede 12 10 to move back [v RECE...
recent 12 10 happening not long a...
recept 15 12 an idea or image for...
recess 13 9 to place in a hollow...
rechew 18 14 to chew again [v -ED...
rechie 15 11 (Shakespeare) smoky,...
rechip 18 14 to change the electr...
recipe 15 12 a set of instruction...
recite 13 9 to say from memory [...
recits 14 9 RECIT, (French) the...
reckan 13 14 a chain, hook or bar...
recked 14 14 RECK, to be concerne...
reckon 13 14 to count or compute...
reclad 14 11 to clad again [v REC...
recoal 13 10 to refill with coal...
recoat 12 9 to coat again [v -ED...
recock 17 16 to cock again [v -ED...
recode 12 10 to code again [v REC...
recoil 14 10 to draw back in fear...
recoin 12 10 to coin again [v -ED...
recomb 16 15 to comb again [v -ED...
recons 12 10 RECON, to conduct a...
recook 13 13 to cook again [v -ED...
recopy 21 14 to copy again [v REC...
record 13 10 to register in writi...
recork 14 13 to cork again [v -ED...
recoup 15 13 to get back the equi...
rectal 14 10 pertaining to the re...
rector 13 9 in the Church of Eng...
rectos 13 9 RECTO, a right-hand...
rectum 15 13 the terminal portion...
rectus 14 10 any one of several s...
recule 14 11 (Spenser) to recoil,...
recure 13 10 to cure again [v REC...
recurs 14 10 RECUR, to come aroun...
recuse 13 10 to disqualify or cha...
recuts 14 10 RECUT, to cut again...
redact 13 10 to prepare for publi...
redans 9 8 REDAN, (French) a fi...
redate 9 7 to change the date [...
redbay 18 12 a small tree [n -S]
redbud 13 12 a small ornamental l...
redbug 14 13 a chigger, a bloodsu...
redcap 15 13 a military police of...
redded 10 9 REDD, to put in orde...
redden 9 9 to make or become re...
redder 10 8 one who redds, tidie...
reddle 11 9 to colour with a red...
redeal 10 8 to deal again [v RED...
redear 9 7 the common sunfish [...
redeem 10 10 to buy back [v -ED,...
redefy 18 12 to defy again [v RED...
redeny 15 10 to deny again [v RED...
redeye 15 9 a railroad danger si...
redfin 12 11 a small North Americ...
rediae 9 7 REDIA, the larva or...
redial 11 8 to dial again [v RED...
redias 10 7 REDIA, the larva or...
reding 11 10 REDE, (archaic) to a...
redips 13 10 REDIP, to dip again...
redipt 13 10 REDIP, to dip again...
redleg 12 10 a term for a poor wh...
redock 14 14 to dock again [v -ED...
redoes 9 7 REDO, to do again [v...
redone 8 8 REDO, to do again [v...
redons 9 8 REDON, to don again...
redout 10 8 reddening of the vis...
redowa 12 10 (Czech) a lively Boh...
redraw 13 10 to draw again [v RED...
redrew 13 10 REDRAW, to draw agai...
redtop 12 10 a kind of grass high...
redubs 13 11 REDUB, to dub again...
reduce 13 11 to diminish [v REDUC...
reduit 11 8 (French) a keep or s...
redyed 16 10 REDYE, to dye again...
redyes 16 9 REDYE, to dye again...
reearn 8 7 to earn again [v -ED...
reebok 12 13 (Afrikaans) a South...
reecho 14 11 to echo back, reverb...
reechy 21 13 smoky, dirty, also R...
reeded 9 8 REED, to fasten or t...
reeden 8 8 made of reeds [adj]
reeder 9 7 a thatcher [n -S]
reedes 9 7 REEDE, (Spenser) cou...
reedit 10 7 to edit again [v -ED...
reefed 11 10 REEF, to reduce the...
reefer 11 9 a midshipman [n -S]
reeked 10 11 REEK, to give off sm...
reeker 10 10 one that reeks [n -S...
reekie 10 10 (Scots) smoky, reeki...
reeled 10 8 REEL, to wind on a t...
reeler 10 7 an instrument for re...
reemit 11 9 to emit again [v REE...
reests 10 6 REEST, to be noisily...
reesty 16 8 of a horse, liable t...
reeved 11 11 REEVE, to fasten by...
reeves 11 10 REEVE, to fasten by...
reface 14 12 to repair the outer...
refall 14 11 to fall again [v REF...
refect 15 12 to refresh with food...
refeed 11 10 to feed again [v REF...
refeel 12 10 to feel again [v REF...
refell 14 11 REFALL, to fall agai...
refels 13 10 REFEL, (obsolete) to...
refelt 13 10 REFEEL, to feel agai...
refers 12 9 REFER, to direct to...
reffed 14 13 REF, to referee [v]
reffos 14 12 REFFO, (Australian s...
refile 13 10 to file again [v REF...
refill 15 11 to fill again [v -ED...
refilm 15 13 to film again [v -ED...
refind 12 11 to find again [v REF...
refine 11 10 to free from impurit...
refire 12 9 to fire again [v REF...
refits 13 9 REFIT, to fit out af...
reflag 14 12 to change the flag [...
reflet 13 10 (French) an iridesce...
reflew 16 13 REFLY, to fly again...
reflex 19 17 to bend back [v -ED,...
reflow 16 13 to flow again [v -ED...
reflux 20 18 to cause to flow bac...
refold 13 11 to fold again [v -ED...
refoot 11 9 to replace the foot...
reform 13 12 to change to a bette...
refuel 13 11 to fill with fuel [v...
refuge 13 12 to give or take shel...
refund 12 12 to give back [v -ED,...
refurb 15 13 (colloquial) to refu...
refuse 12 10 to decline to take o...
refute 12 10 to prove to be false...
regain 10 9 to take possession o...
regale 11 9 to delight [v REGALE...
regals 12 9 REGAL, a small porta...
regard 11 9 to look upon, to est...
regars 11 8 REGAR, (Hindi) the r...
regave 12 12 REGIVE, to give agai...
regear 10 8 to equip again [v -E...
regent 10 9 one who rules in pla...
regest 11 8 (Milton) to register...
reggae 11 10 a form of popular Ja...
reggos 12 10 REGGO, (Australian s...
regies 11 8 REGIE, (French) a sy...
regift 14 11 to take a gift that...
regild 13 10 to gild once more [v...
regilt 13 9 REGILD, to gild once...
regime 12 11 a system of governme...
regina 10 9 (Latin) a queen [n R...
region 10 9 an area or district;...
regius 12 9 (Latin) royal, as in...
regive 13 12 to give again [v REG...
reglet 12 9 a flat, narrow mould...
reglow 15 12 to glow again [v -ED...
reglue 12 10 to glue again [v REG...
regnal 11 10 pertaining to a king...
regnum 12 13 (Latin) reign, domin...
regret 11 8 to look back upon wi...
regrew 14 11 REGROW, to grow agai...
regrow 14 11 to grow again [v REG...
regula 12 10 the rule of a religi...
reguli 13 10 REGULUS, a mass that...
regulo 12 10 the scale of tempera...
regurs 12 9 REGUR, (Hindi) the r...
rehabs 14 11 REHAB, to restore to...
rehang 12 11 to hang again [v REH...
rehash 14 10 to go over old ideas...
rehear 11 8 to hear again [v REH...
reheat 11 8 to heat again [v -ED...
reheel 12 9 to replace the heels...
rehems 13 11 REHEM, to take up th...
rehire 12 8 to hire again [v REH...
rehome 12 11 to home again [v REH...
rehung 13 12 REHANG, to hang agai...
reigns 11 9 REIGN, to exercise s...
reikis 12 10 REIKI, (Japanese) a...
reined 9 8 REIN, to restrain [v...
reinks 11 11 REINK, to ink again...
reirds 11 7 REIRD, (Scots) an up...
reises 10 6 REIS, twigs or small...
reishi 13 8 (Japanese) a mushroo...
reists 11 6 REIST, to become ran...
reiter 10 6 to reiterate [v -ED,...
reived 12 11 REIVE, (archaic) to...
reiver 12 10 a raider, plunderer,...
reives 12 10 REIVE, (archaic) to...
reject 15 18 to refuse to accept...
rejigs 14 17 REJIG, to fix someth...
rejoin 11 16 to join again [v -ED...
rekeys 17 12 REKEY, to re-enter i...
reking 12 13 REKE, (Spenser) to r...
reknit 11 11 to knit again [v REK...
reknot 10 11 to knot again [v REK...
relace 13 10 to do up again [v RE...
relaid 11 8 RELAY, to put down n...
reland 10 9 to land again [v -ED...
relata 10 7 RELATUM, a term in a...
relate 10 7 to give an account o...
relays 17 9 RELAY, to put down n...
relend 10 9 to lend again [v REL...
relent 10 8 to soften and become...
relets 11 7 RELET, to let again...
releve 12 11 (French) a raising o...
relics 15 10 RELIC, a surviving m...
relict 15 10 an organism survivin...
relide 11 8 RELIE, (obsolete) to...
relied 11 8 RELY, to depend on c...
relief 13 10 aid in the form of m...
relier 11 7 (Shakespeare) one wh...
relies 11 7 RELY, to depend on c...
reline 10 8 to line again [v REL...
relink 12 12 to link again [v -ED...
relish 14 9 to enjoy [v RELISHED...
relist 12 7 to list again [v -ED...
relive 13 11 to experience again...
rellie 12 8 (Australian slang) a...
reload 10 8 to load again [v -ED...
reloan 9 8 to loan again [v -ED...
relock 15 14 to lock again [v -ED...
relook 11 11 to look again [v -ED...
reluct 15 11 (archaic) to be unwi...
relume 12 11 to light again, also...
remade 10 10 a thing e.g. a golf...
remail 12 10 to post again [v -ED...
remain 10 10 to continue in the s...
remake 11 13 to make over again [...
remand 10 11 to send back [v -ED,...
remans 10 10 REMAN, to supply a f...
remaps 13 12 REMAP, to map again...
remark 12 13 to say briefly or ca...
remate 10 9 to mate again [v REM...
remble 14 13 to remove [v REMBLED...
remead 10 10 (Scots) to remedy, a...
remede 10 10 (Scots) to remedy, a...
remedy 17 12 to relieve or cure [...
remeet 10 9 to meet again [v REM...
remeid 11 10 (Scots) to remedy, a...
remelt 12 10 to melt again [v -ED...
remend 10 11 to mend again [v -ED...
remens 10 10 REMEN, an ancient Eg...
remind 11 11 to cause to remember...
remint 11 10 to melt down and mak...
remise 11 9 to give up a claim t...
remiss 12 9 careless [adj REMISS...
remits 12 9 REMIT, to send payme...
remixt 18 16 REMIX, to mix again...
remold 12 11 to retread a tyre, a...
remora 10 9 the sucking-fish, fo...
remote 10 9 far off [adj REMOTER...
remoud 11 11 (Spenser) removed [v...
remove 12 13 to transfer to anoth...
remuda 11 11 (Spanish) a herd of...
renail 10 8 to nail again [v -ED...
rename 9 10 to issue with a new...
renays 15 9 RENAY, (obsolete) to...
rended 9 9 REND, to tear apart...
render 9 8 to plaster with a fi...
renege 9 9 to refuse, deny, als...
renest 9 7 to nest again [v -ED...
renews 12 10 RENEW, to make new a...
reneys 15 9 RENEY, (obsolete) to...
rengas 10 9 RENGA, (Japanese) a...
renied 9 8 RENY, (obsolete) to...
renies 9 7 RENY, (obsolete) to...
renigs 11 9 RENIG, (Irish) to re...
renins 9 8 RENIN, a protein enz...
renker 10 11 RENK, (dialect) unpl...
renned 8 9 REN, (obsolete) to r...
rennes 8 8 RENNE, (Spenser) to...
rennet 8 8 a name given to many...
rennin 8 9 an enzyme found in g...
renown 11 11 to make famous [v -E...
rental 10 8 the amount paid as r...
rented 9 8 RENT, to hire [v]
renter 9 7 one who rents [n -S]
rentes 9 7 RENTE, (French) Fren...
renvoi 11 11 (French) a sending b...
renvoy 17 13 the sending back by...
reoils 11 7 REOIL, to oil again...
reopen 10 10 to open again [v -ED...
reorgs 11 8 REORG, to reorganize...
repack 16 16 to pack again [v -ED...
repaid 12 10 REPAY, to pay back [...
repair 12 9 to restore to good c...
repand 11 11 having a wavy margin...
repark 13 13 to park again [v -ED...
repass 12 9 to pass again [v -ED...
repast 12 9 to partake of a meal...
repave 13 13 to pave again [v REP...
repays 18 11 REPAY, to pay back [...
repeal 12 10 to revoke [v -ED, -I...
repeat 11 9 to say or do again [...
repegs 13 11 REPEG, to peg again...
repels 13 10 REPEL, to drive back...
repent 11 10 to regret and be sor...
reperk 13 13 to brew again [v -ED...
repine 11 10 to express disconten...
repins 12 10 REPIN, to pin again...
replan 12 11 to plan again [v REP...
replay 19 12 to play again [v -ED...
repled 13 11 REPLEAD, to plead ag...
replot 13 10 to plot again [v REP...
replow 16 13 to plow again, also...
replum 15 14 a partition in fruit...
repoll 14 11 to poll again [v -ED...
repone 10 10 to restore to office...
report 12 9 to give an account o...
repose 11 9 to lie at rest [v RE...
repost 12 9 to post again [v -ED...
repots 12 9 REPOT, to put in a n...
repour 12 10 to pour again [v -ED...
repped 14 13 REP, to act as a com...
repros 12 9 REPRO, (short for) r...
repugn 13 13 to fight against; to...
repulp 16 14 to pulp again [v -ED...
repump 16 16 to pump again [v -ED...
repure 12 10 to purify again, als...
repute 12 10 to consider to be as...
requin 18 17 (French) the man-eat...
requit 19 16 (Shakespeare) to rep...
rerack 14 13 to rack again [v -ED...
rerail 11 7 to replace on the ra...
reread 9 7 to read again [v RER...
rerent 9 7 to rent again [v -ED...
rerigs 12 8 RERIG, to rig again...
rerise 10 6 to rise again [v RER...
reroll 12 8 to roll again [v -ED...
reroof 11 9 to renew the roof [v...
rerose 9 6 RERISE, to rise agai...
reruns 10 8 RERUN, to show a rep...
resaid 10 7 RESAY, to say again...
resail 11 7 to sail again [v -ED...
resale 10 7 the act of selling a...
resawn 12 10 RESAW, to saw again...
resaws 13 9 RESAW, to saw again...
resays 16 8 RESAY, to say again...
rescue 13 10 to free from danger...
reseal 10 7 to seal again [v -ED...
reseat 9 6 to seat again [v -ED...
reseau 9 7 a filter screen for...
resect 13 9 to cut away part of...
reseda 9 7 (French) a pale gree...
reseed 9 7 to seed again [v -ED...
reseek 10 10 to seek again [v RES...
reseen 8 7 RESEE, to see again...
resees 9 6 RESEE, to see again...
resell 12 8 to sell again [v RES...
resend 9 8 to send again [v RES...
resent 9 7 to feel affront or i...
resets 10 6 RESET, to set again...
resewn 12 10 RESEW, to sew again...
resews 13 9 RESEW, to sew again...
reshes 12 8 RESH, (Hebrew) a Heb...
reship 15 11 to ship again [v RES...
reshod 12 9 RESHOE, to shoe agai...
reshoe 11 8 to shoe again [v RES...
reshot 12 8 RESHOOT, to film a s...
reshow 15 11 to show again [v RES...
reside 10 7 to live in a certain...
resids 11 7 RESID, a type of fue...
resift 13 9 to sift again [v -ED...
resign 11 9 to give up an office...
resile 11 7 to spring back [v RE...
resins 10 7 RESIN, to impregnate...
resiny 16 9 full of resin [adj]
resist 11 6 to strive against, o...
resite 10 6 to move to a differe...
resits 11 6 RESIT, to sit again...
resize 13 15 to size again [v RES...
reskew 14 13 (Spenser) to rescue,...
reskin 11 11 to replace the outer...
reskue 11 11 (Spenser) to rescue,...
resoak 10 10 to soak again [v -ED...
resods 10 7 RESOD, to put down n...
resold 11 8 RESELL, to sell agai...
resole 10 7 to put on new soles...
resorb 12 9 to absorb again [v -...
resort 10 6 to sort again or dif...
resown 12 10 RESOW, to sow again...
resows 13 9 RESOW, to sow again...
respot 12 9 to spot again [v RES...
rested 10 7 REST, to stop word o...
restem 11 9 to force against the...
rester 10 6 one who rests [n -S]
restos 10 6 RESTO, (Australian s...
result 12 8 to follow as a conse...
resume 11 10 to begin again [v RE...
retack 14 13 to tack again [v -ED...
retags 11 8 RETAG, to tag again...
retail 11 7 to sell direct to th...
retain 9 7 to keep possession o...
retake 10 10 to take back [v RETO...
retama 10 9 (Spanish) a name for...
retape 11 9 to tape again [v RET...
retard 10 7 to hold back [v -ED,...
reteam 10 9 to team up with agai...
retear 9 6 to tear again [v RET...
retell 12 8 to tell again [v RET...
retems 11 9 RETEM, (Spanish) a n...
retene 8 7 a hydrocarbon obtain...
retest 10 6 to test again [v -ED...
retial 11 7 pertaining to a rete...
retied 10 7 RETIE, to tie again...
reties 10 6 RETIE, to tie again...
retile 11 7 to tile again [v RET...
retime 11 9 to time again [v RET...
retina 9 7 a membrane of the ey...
retine 9 7 a substance in cells...
retint 10 7 to tint again [v -ED...
retire 10 6 to withdraw or retre...
retold 11 8 RETELL, to tell agai...
retook 10 10 RETAKE, to take back...
retool 10 7 to reequip with tool...
retore 9 6 RETEAR, to tear agai...
retorn 9 7 RETEAR, to tear agai...
retort 10 6 to answer back [v -E...
retour 10 7 to confirm as heir [...
retral 11 7 situated toward the...
retree 9 6 in papermaking, dama...
retrim 12 9 to trim again [v RET...
retrod 10 7 RETREAD, to tread ag...
retros 10 6 RETRO, a kind of roc...
retted 10 7 RET, to expose to mo...
retund 10 9 to blunt the edge of...
retune 9 8 to tune again [v RET...
returf 13 10 to lay new turf [v -...
return 10 8 to go back [v -ED, -...
retuse 10 7 describing leaves wi...
retype 18 11 to type again [v RET...
reurge 11 9 to press strongly [v...
reused 10 8 REUSE, to use again...
reuses 10 7 REUSE, to use again...
revamp 15 16 to make over [v -ED,...
reveal 12 11 to make known [v -ED...
revels 13 11 REVEL, to engage in...
reverb 14 13 (Shakespeare) to ech...
revere 11 10 to regard with great...
revers 12 10 a part of a garment...
revert 12 10 to return to a forme...
revery 18 12 a daydream, also REV...
revest 12 10 to vest again [v -ED...
revets 12 10 REVET, to face with...
reveur 12 11 (French) a daydreame...
revied 12 11 REVIE, to stake high...
revies 12 10 REVIE, to stake high...
review 15 13 to view again [v -ED...
revile 13 11 to assail with bitte...
revise 12 10 to make a new or imp...
revive 14 14 to bring back to lif...
revoke 12 14 to annul by taking b...
revolt 13 11 to rise up against a...
revote 11 10 to vote again [v REV...
revues 12 11 REVUE, a type of mus...
revved 14 15 REV, to increase the...
rewake 13 13 to wake again [v REW...
reward 13 10 to give in return fo...
rewarm 14 12 to warm again [v -ED...
rewash 15 11 to wash again [v -ED...
rewear 12 9 to wear again [v REW...
reweds 13 10 REWED, to wed again...
reweld 14 11 to weld again [v -ED...
rewets 13 9 REWET, to wet again...
rewild 15 11 to release (an anima...
rewind 13 11 to wind again [v REW...
rewins 13 10 REWIN, to win again...
rewire 13 9 to install new wirin...
rewoke 13 13 REWAKE, to wake agai...
reword 13 10 to state again in di...
rewore 12 9 REWEAR, to wear agai...
rework 14 13 to work again [v REW...
reworn 12 10 REWEAR, to wear agai...
rewove 14 13 REWEAVE, to weave ag...
rewrap 15 12 to wrap again [v REW...
rewths 16 11 REWTH, (Spenser) rut...
rexine 15 14 (tradename) a kind o...
rezero 12 15 to reset (a gauge) b...
rezone 11 16 to zone again [v REZ...
rezzes 16 24 REZ, (short for) a (...
rhanja 13 18 (Hinglish) a male lo...
rhaphe 16 13 a seamlike ridge bet...
rhebok 15 15 (Afrikaans) a South...
rhemes 13 11 RHEME, the constitue...
rhesus 13 9 a kind of monkey [n...
rhetor 12 8 a teacher of rhetori...
rheums 14 12 RHEUM, a watery disc...
rheumy 20 14 like rheum [adj RHEU...
rhexes 18 15 RHEXIS, rupture of a...
rhexis 19 15 rupture of a blood v...
rhimes 14 11 RHIME, (obsolete) a...
rhinal 13 10 pertaining to the no...
rhines 12 9 RHINE, a drainage ch...
rhinos 12 9 RHINO, (short for) a...
rhizic 20 20 of the root of an eq...
rhodic 16 12 of or pertaining to...
rhodie 12 9 (colloquial) a rhodo...
rhombi 16 14 RHOMBUS, a type of g...
rhombs 16 14 RHOMB, a type of geo...
rhones 11 9 RHONE, (Scots) a roo...
rhotic 16 11 (Greek) r- pronounci...
rhumba 16 15 (Spanish) to dance a...
rhumbs 17 15 RHUMB, in marine nav...
rhuses 13 9 RHUS, a plant of the...
rhymed 20 14 RHYME, to compose ve...
rhymer 20 13 one who composes rhy...
rhymes 20 13 RHYME, to compose ve...
rhynes 18 11 RHYNE, a drainage ch...
rhythm 23 15 a pattern of recurre...
rhyton 18 11 an ancient Greek dri...
rialto 11 7 a theatrical distric...
riancy 19 12 merriment [n RIANCIE...
riatas 10 6 RIATA, (Spanish) a l...
ribald 14 11 earthily sexy [adj R...
riband 12 11 a ribbon, also RIBBA...
ribaud 13 11 (Spenser) a menial o...
ribbed 15 13 RIB, to poke fun at...
ribber 15 12 one that ribs [n -S]
ribbie 15 12 in baseball, a run b...
ribbit 16 12 the sound made by a...
ribbon 14 13 to decorate with nar...
ribeye 18 11 a choice cut of beef...
ribibe 15 12 (obsolete) a small t...
ribier 13 9 a large, black grape...
riblet 14 10 the rib end in a bre...
ribose 12 9 a pentose sugar [n -...
ricers 14 9 RICER, a cooking ute...
riched 16 12 RICH, to grow rich [...
richen 15 12 to make or become ri...
richer 16 11 RICH, wealthy [adj]
riches 16 11 RICH, to grow rich [...
richly 24 14 RICH, wealthy [adv]
richts 17 11 RICHT, to right [v]
ricier 14 9 RICY, containing ric...
ricing 15 12 RICE, to form soft f...
ricins 14 10 RICIN, a substance e...
ricked 15 14 RICK, to pile hay in...
ricker 15 13 a young tree trunk [...
ricket 15 13 a mistake or blunder...
rickey 21 15 an alcoholic beverag...
rickle 16 14 (Scots) a loose heap...
rickly 23 16 (Scots) loose, ricke...
ricrac 17 12 a braid used in trim...
rictal 15 10 relating to the rict...
rictus 15 10 the expanse of the o...
ridded 11 9 RID, to free or clea...
ridden 10 9 RIDE, to be conveyed...
ridder 11 8 one who rids [n -S]
riddle 12 9 to pierce with many...
rident 10 8 laughing [adj]
riders 11 7 RIDER, one who rides...
ridged 12 10 RIDGE, to form into...
ridgel 13 10 a male animal with o...
ridger 12 9 a type of plough whi...
ridges 12 9 RIDGE, to form into...
ridgil 14 10 a male animal with o...
riding 12 10 a division of a coun...
ridley 18 10 a sea turtle [n -S]
riever 12 10 a raider, plunderer,...
rieves 12 10 RIEVE, to rob, plund...
rifely 20 12 RIFE, abundant, prev...
rifest 13 9 RIFE, abundant, prev...
riffed 15 13 RIFF, to play such a...
riffle 16 13 to ruffle, to shuffl...
rifled 14 11 RIFLE, to search thr...
rifler 14 10 a hawk that grasps o...
rifles 14 10 RIFLE, to search thr...
riflip 17 13 the genetic differen...
rifted 13 10 RIFT, to form a fiss...
rigged 13 11 RIG, to equip or fit...
rigger 13 10 one who rigs e.g. sh...
righto 14 10 used to express chee...
rights 15 10 RIGHT, to put in pro...
righty 21 12 politically conserva...
rigids 13 9 RIGID, a rigid airsh...
riglin 13 10 a male animal with o...
rigoll 14 10 a gutter or water-ch...
rigols 13 9 RIGOL, a gutter or w...
rigors 12 8 RIGOR, a sense of ch...
rigour 12 9 severity [n -S]
rigout 12 9 a person's distincti...
rilier 12 7 RILEY, turbid, also...
riling 13 10 RILE, to anger [v]
rilled 13 9 RILL, to flow like a...
rilles 13 8 RILLE, a valley on t...
rillet 13 8 a small rill [n -S]
rimaye 17 11 a bergschrund, a cre...
rimers 12 9 RIMER, one that rime...
rimier 12 9 RIMY, covered with r...
riming 13 12 RIME, to cover with...
rimmed 13 13 RIM, to provide with...
rimmer 13 12 a tool used to enlar...
rimose 11 9 marked by cracks, al...
rimous 12 10 marked by cracks, al...
rimple 15 13 to wrinkle [v RIMPLE...
rinded 10 9 RIND, to cover with...
ringed 11 10 RING, to give forth...
ringer 11 9 one that rings [n -S...
rinked 11 12 RINK, to skate at an...
rinsed 10 8 RINSE, to cleanse wi...
rinser 10 7 something or someone...
rinses 10 7 RINSE, to cleanse wi...
riojas 12 15 RIOJA, (Spanish) a d...
rioted 10 7 RIOT, to take part i...
rioter 10 6 one that riots [n -S...
riotry 17 8 the act or practice...
ripeck 17 16 a pole used for moor...
ripely 20 12 RIPE, ready for harv...
ripens 12 10 RIPEN, to become rip...
ripers 13 9 RIPER, one who grope...
ripest 13 9 RIPE, ready for harv...
riping 14 12 RIPE, to ripen [v]
ripoff 17 15 a swindle, an excess...
ripost 13 9 to make a return thr...
ripped 15 13 RIP, to tear apart r...
ripper 15 12 (obsolete) a person...
ripple 16 13 to form small waves...
ripply 23 15 marked by ripples [a...
riprap 15 12 to strengthen with a...
ripsaw 16 12 a type of saw [n -S]...
risers 11 6 RISER, a rod securin...
rishis 14 8 RISHI, (Sanskrit) a...
rising 12 9 the act of one that...
risked 12 11 RISK, to expose to l...
risker 12 10 one who risks or haz...
risped 13 10 RISP, (Scots) to ras...
risque 19 16 a hazard or danger [...
ristra 11 6 a string of dried ch...
ritard 11 7 (Italian) a musical...
ritted 11 7 RIT, (Scots) to scra...
ritter 11 6 (archaic) a German o...
ritual 12 8 according to rite [a...
ritzes 14 15 RITZ, pretentious di...
rivage 13 12 (French) a shore, ba...
rivals 14 11 RIVAL, to strive to...
rivels 14 11 RIVEL, to wrinkle [v...
rivers 13 10 RIVER, a large natur...
rivery 19 12 like a river [adj]
rivets 13 10 RIVET, to fasten wit...
riving 14 13 RIVE, to tear apart...
rivlin 14 12 (Scots) a shoe mould...
riyals 18 9 RIYAL, a monetary un...
rizard 14 16 (Scots) a redcurrant...
rizzar 17 24 (Scots) to dry in th...
rizzer 17 24 (Scots) to dry in th...
rizzor 17 24 (Scots) to dry in th...
roadeo 8 7 a competition for tr...
roadie 9 7 a person who works f...
roamed 10 10 ROAM, to move about...
roamer 10 9 one who roams, a wan...
roared 9 7 ROAR, to utter a ful...
roarer 9 6 one who roars [n -S]
roarie 9 6 (Scots) noisy, garis...
roasts 10 6 ROAST, to cook with...
roated 9 7 ROATE, to learn by r...
roates 9 6 ROATE, to learn by r...
robalo 12 10 (Spanish) a kind of...
roband 11 11 a piece of yarn used...
robata 11 9 (Japanese) a grill u...
robbed 14 13 ROB, to steal [v]
robber 14 12 one that robs [n -S]
robbin 14 13 a kind of package in...
robing 13 12 the putting on of cl...
robins 12 10 ROBIN, a songbird [n...
robles 13 10 ROBLE, (Spanish) a n...
robots 12 9 ROBOT, a man-like ma...
robust 13 10 strong and healthy [...
roches 15 11 ROCH, the little auk...
rochet 15 11 a close-fitting surp...
rocked 14 14 ROCK, to move back a...
rocker 14 13 the rock dove, also...
rocket 14 13 to be projected by t...
rococo 15 12 (French) a style of...
rodded 10 9 ROD, to clear a drai...
rodent 9 8 a gnawing mammal [n...
rodeos 9 7 RODEO, to perform a...
roding 11 10 a wood-cock's evenin...
rodman 10 11 a surveyor's assista...
rodmen 10 11 RODMAN, a surveyor's...
rodney 15 10 (Canadian) a small f...
roemer 10 9 a large drinking gla...
roesti 10 6 a dish of grated pot...
rogers 11 8 ROGER, (slang) to ha...
rognon 9 10 (French) an isolated...
rogued 11 10 ROGUE, to cheat or d...
roguer 11 9 a rogue [n -S]
rogues 11 9 ROGUE, to cheat or d...
roiled 11 8 ROIL, to make muddy...
roined 9 8 ROIN, (Spenser) to g...
roists 11 6 ROIST, to revel nois...
rojaks 13 19 ROJAK, (Malay) a sal...
rokers 11 10 ROKER, any ray other...
rokier 11 10 ROKY, (dialect) mist...
roking 12 13 ROKE, to steam, smok...
rolags 12 9 ROLAG, (Gaelic) a ro...
rolfed 13 11 ROLF, to perform a d...
rolfer 13 10 a manipulator of mus...
rolled 12 9 ROLL, to move along...
roller 12 8 a cylindrical device...
rollie 12 8 a hand-rolled cigare...
rollup 15 12 something that is ro...
romage 11 11 (Shakespeare) tumult...
romaji 13 18 (Japanese) a system...
romals 12 10 ROMAL, (Urdu) a hand...
romano 9 10 (Italian) a black-ri...
romans 10 10 ROMAN, a metrical na...
romcom 15 15 a romantic comedy [n...
romeos 10 9 ROMEO, a man who is...
romped 13 13 ROMP, to play boiste...
romper 13 12 a one-piece garment...
rondel 10 9 (French) a verse for...
rondes 9 8 RONDE, a script prin...
rondos 9 8 RONDO, (Italian) a p...
roneos 8 7 RONEO, (tradename) t...
ronins 9 8 RONIN, (Japanese) a...
ronion 8 8 a mangy or scabby cr...
ronnel 9 9 an insecticide [n -S...
ronnie 8 8 (slang) Dublin slang...
rontes 9 7 RONTE, (Spenser) a r...
ronyon 14 10 (Shakespeare) a mang...
ronzer 12 16 (New Zealand) someon...
roofed 11 10 ROOF, to provide a b...
roofer 11 9 one who supplies or...
roofie 11 9 a tablet of a powerf...
rooked 10 11 ROOK, to swindle [v]
rookie 10 10 a new recruit [n -S]
roomed 10 10 ROOM, to occupy a ro...
roomer 10 9 a lodger [n -S]
roomie 10 9 (colloquial) a roomm...
rooped 11 10 ROOP, (Scots) to mak...
roopit 12 9 (Scots) hoarse, also...
roosas 9 6 ROOSA, an Indian gra...
roosed 9 7 ROOSE, to heap prais...
rooser 9 6 (Scots) a boaster [n...
rooses 9 6 ROOSE, to heap prais...
roosts 10 6 ROOST, to prepare fo...
rooted 9 7 ROOT, to implant in...
rooter 9 6 a vocal supporter [n...
rootle 10 7 to grub [v ROOTLED,...
rootsy 16 8 reminiscent of folk...
ropers 12 9 ROPER, a rope-maker...
ropery 18 11 a place where ropes...
ropier 12 9 ROPY, resembling rop...
ropily 20 12 ROPY, resembling rop...
roping 13 12 the act of roping [n...
roques 18 16 ROQUE, a form of cro...
roquet 18 16 in croquet, a stroke...
rorier 10 6 RORY, (Scots) noisy,...
rorted 10 7 RORT, to falsify acc...
rorter 10 6 a conman [n -S]
rosace 12 9 (French) a rosette;...
rosary 16 8 a series of prayers...
rosbif 15 12 (French) an English...
roscid 14 10 dewy [adj]
roscoe 12 9 (US slang) a gun [n...
roseal 10 7 resembling a rose in...
rosery 16 8 a place where roses...
rosets 10 6 ROSET, (Scots) to co...
rosety 16 8 (Scots) like rosin,...
roshis 13 8 ROSHI, (Japanese) a...
rosied 10 7 ROSY, to redden [v]
rosier 10 6 a rosebush, also ROS...
rosies 10 6 ROSY, to redden [v]
rosily 18 9 ROSY, rose-coloured...
rosing 11 9 ROSE, to redden [v]
rosins 10 7 ROSIN, to treat with...
rosiny 16 9 like rosin, or havin...
rosits 11 6 ROSIT, (Scots) to co...
rosser 10 6 (slang) a policeman,...
rosted 10 7 ROST, (obsolete) to...
roster 10 6 to put on a list of...
rostis 11 6 ROSTI, a cheese-topp...
rostra 10 6 ROSTRUM, a beaklike...
rosula 11 8 a leaf-rosette [n -S...
rotans 9 7 ROTAN, a climbing pl...
rotary 16 8 a rotating part of d...
rotate 9 6 to turn like a wheel...
rotche 15 11 the little auk, also...
rotgut 12 9 (colloquial) rough,...
rother 12 8 (obsolete) an ox, co...
roting 11 9 ROTE, to learn by re...
rotini 10 7 (Italian) a kind of...
rotolo 10 7 (Italian) an Italian...
rotons 9 7 ROTON, a quantum of...
rotors 10 6 ROTOR, a rotating pa...
rottan 9 7 (dialect) a rat, als...
rotted 10 7 ROT, to decompose [v...
rotten 9 7 very bad, rotted, al...
rotter 10 6 a scoundrel [n -S]
rottes 10 6 ROTTE, a medieval st...
rotula 11 8 (Latin) the kneecap...
rotund 10 9 rounded, plump [adj...
rouble 13 11 a monetary unit of t...
rouche 15 12 (French) a frill of...
roucou 13 11 a bright orange colo...
rouens 9 8 ROUEN, (French) a ty...
rouged 11 10 ROUGE, to colour wit...
rouges 11 9 ROUGE, to colour wit...
roughs 14 11 ROUGH, to make rough...
rought 14 11 RECK, to be concerne...
roughy 20 13 a dry bough, also RO...
roules 11 8 ROULE, (obsolete) a...
rounce 12 11 part of a hand print...
rouncy 19 13 (archaic) a riding-h...
rounds 10 9 ROUND, to make round...
rouped 12 11 ROUP, (Scots) to auc...
roupet 12 10 (Scots) hoarse, also...
roupit 13 10 (Scots) hoarse, also...
roused 10 8 ROUSE, to disturb or...
rouser 10 7 a person or thing th...
rouses 10 7 ROUSE, to disturb or...
rousts 11 7 ROUST, to arouse and...
routed 10 8 ROUTE, to send on a...
router 10 7 a two-handled plane...
routes 10 7 ROUTE, to send on a...
rouths 13 9 ROUTH, (Scots) abund...
rovers 12 10 ROVER, one who roves...
roving 13 13 wandering [adj ROVIN...
rowans 12 10 ROWAN, a small decid...
rowels 14 10 ROWEL, to prick with...
rowens 12 10 ROWEN, a second mowi...
rowers 13 9 ROWER, one who rows...
rowies 13 9 ROWIE, (Scots) a bre...
rowing 14 12 the sport of racing...
rowmes 14 12 ROWME, (Spenser) pla...
rownds 13 11 ROWND, (obsolete) to...
rowted 13 10 ROWT, to rummage out...
rowths 16 11 ROWTH, (Scots) abund...
royals 17 9 ROYAL, a size of pri...
royned 15 10 ROYNE, (Spenser) to...
roynes 15 9 ROYNE, (Spenser) to...
roysts 17 8 ROYST, to revel nois...
rozets 13 15 ROZET, (Scots) to ro...
rozits 14 15 ROZIT, (Scots) to ro...
rozzer 16 24 (slang) a policeman,...
ruanas 9 8 RUANA, (Spanish) a w...
rubace 15 13 a kind of ruby-red q...
rubais 13 10 RUBAI, (Arabic) a Pe...
rubati 13 10 RUBATO, a musical pi...
rubato 12 10 a musical piece with...
rubbed 15 14 RUB, to apply fricti...
rubber 15 13 to provide with an e...
rubbet 15 13 RUB, to apply fricti...
rubbit 16 13 RUB, to apply fricti...
rubble 16 14 to reduce into piece...
rubbly 23 16 abounding in rubble...
rubefy 21 15 to redden, also RUBI...
rubels 14 11 RUBEL, a currency un...
rubied 13 11 RUBY, to redden [v]
rubier 13 10 RUBY, red like a rub...
rubies 13 10 RUBY, to redden [v]
rubify 22 15 to redden, also RUBE...
rubigo 14 12 red iron oxide [n -S...
rubine 12 11 (Spenser) a ruby, al...
rubins 13 11 RUBIN, (Spenser) a r...
rubles 14 11 RUBLE, a monetary un...
ruboff 17 16 a deep impression ma...
rubout 13 11 an act of rubbing ou...
rubric 17 13 a passage in a book...
ruched 16 13 RUCHE, to trim with...
ruches 16 12 RUCHE, to trim with...
rucked 15 15 RUCK, to wrinkle or...
ruckle 16 15 to wrinkle or crease...
ruckus 16 15 a noisy disturbance...
rucola 14 11 (Italian) a Mediterr...
rudded 11 10 RUD, (Spenser) to re...
rudder 11 9 a vertical blade use...
ruddle 12 10 to colour with a red...
rudely 18 11 RUDE, boorish [adv]
rudery 17 10 (colloquial) rudenes...
rudest 11 8 RUDE, boorish [adj]
rudies 11 8 RUDIE, (slang) a rud...
rudish 14 10 somewhat rude [adj]
rudist 12 8 a cone-shaped extinc...
ruedas 10 8 RUEDA, a Cuban stree...
rueful 14 12 feeling sorrow or re...
rueing 11 10 repentance [n -S]
ruelle 12 9 the space between a...
ruffed 15 14 RUFF, at bridge, to...
ruffes 15 13 RUFFE, a freshwater...
ruffin 15 14 (Spenser) a small fr...
ruffle 16 14 to disturb the smoot...
ruffly 23 16 not smooth [adj RUFF...
rufous 13 11 a reddish or brownis...
rugate 11 9 wrinkled; covered wi...
rugged 13 12 having an uneven sur...
rugger 13 11 a form of football,...
rugola 12 10 (Italian) a Mediterr...
rugosa 11 9 a garden rose [n -S]
rugose 11 9 wrinkled; covered wi...
rugous 12 10 wrinkled; covered wi...
rugrat 12 9 (colloquial) a young...
ruined 10 9 RUIN, to destroy [v]
ruiner 10 8 one who ruins [n -S]
ruings 12 10 RUING, repentance [n...
rulers 12 8 RULER, to strike wit...
rulier 12 8 RULY, obedient, orde...
ruling 13 11 an authoritative dec...
rumaki 13 14 (Japanese) an appeti...
rumals 13 11 RUMAL, (Urdu) a hand...
rumbas 14 13 RUMBA, to perform a...
rumble 15 14 to make a deep, thun...
rumbly 22 16 tending to rumble [a...
rumbos 14 13 RUMBO, rum punch [n]
rumdum 14 15 an alcoholic [n -S]
rumens 11 11 RUMEN, a part of the...
rumina 11 11 RUMEN, a part of the...
rumkin 13 15 (obsolete) a kind of...
rummer 13 13 (Dutch) a large drin...
rumors 12 10 RUMOR, to spread by...
rumour 12 11 to spread by hearsay...
rumped 14 14 RUMP, to turn one's...
rumple 15 14 to wrinkle, crease [...
rumply 22 16 wrinkled [adj RUMPLI...
rumpos 14 13 RUMPO, (slang) sexua...
rumpot 14 13 an alcoholic [n -S]
rumpus 15 14 a noisy disturbance...
rundle 11 10 a round, a rung of a...
runged 11 11 having rungs [adj]
runkle 12 13 to wrinkle, crease [...
runlet 11 9 a little brook, also...
runnel 10 10 a little brook, also...
runner 9 9 one who runs [n -S]
runnet 9 9 (dialect) rennet [n...
runoff 14 14 a rainfall that is n...
runout 10 9 a dismissal at crick...
runrig 12 10 (Scots) a system of...
runted 10 9 stunted [adj]
runway 19 13 a landing and takeof...
rupees 12 10 RUPEE, a monetary un...
rupiah 15 12 a monetary unit of I...
rupias 13 10 RUPIA, a skin ulcer...
rurals 12 8 RURAL, a country-dwe...
rurban 12 11 partially rural, par...
ruscus 15 11 any plant of the gen...
rushed 13 10 RUSH, to move swiftl...
rushee 12 9 a college student se...
rushen 12 10 made of rushes [adj]
rusher 13 9 in American football...
rushes 13 9 RUSH, to move swiftl...
rusine 10 8 pertaining to a deer...
rusmas 12 10 RUSMA, a depilatory...
russel 12 8 a ribbed cotton and...
russet 11 7 to become reddish br...
russia 11 7 a fine brownish-red...
rusted 11 8 RUST, to form a coat...
rustic 15 10 of or like the count...
rustle 12 8 to steal cattle [v R...
rustre 11 7 a lozenge pierced wi...
ruther 13 9 (dialect) rather [ad...
rutile 12 8 a reddish-brown mine...
rutins 11 8 RUTIN, a drug used a...
rutted 11 8 RUT, to make grooves...
rutter 11 7 (obsolete) a horsema...
rybats 19 11 RYBAT, (Scots) a dre...
ryking 19 15 RYKE, (Scots) to rea...
rymmed 19 15 RYMME, (obsolete) to...
rymmes 19 14 RYMME, (obsolete) to...
ryokan 16 13 (Japanese) a traditi...
rypeck 23 18 a pole used for moor...