12 letter words that start with R

12 letter words that start with R

12 letter R word


Words With Friends®


rabattements 22 19 RABATTEMENT, the act...
rabbinically 36 26 RABBINICAL, of or pe...
rabbitfishes 30 23 RABBITFISH, a type o...
racemisation 23 19 a change into a race...
racemization 26 28 a change into a race...
racetrackers 27 22 RACETRACKER, one who...
racewalkings 29 26 RACEWALKING, the com...
rachiotomies 26 20 RACHIOTOMY, another...
rachischises 32 22 RACHISCHISIS, a seve...
rachischisis 33 22 a severe form of spi...
racketeering 24 22 running a protection...
raconteuring 23 20 telling tales [n -S]
racquetballs 36 30 RACQUETBALL, a game...
radicalising 26 20 RADICALISE, to make...
radicalistic 29 20 related to radicalis...
radicalities 25 17 RADICALITY, the stat...
radicalizing 29 29 RADICALIZE, to make...
radicicolous 28 21 inhabiting or parasi...
radicivorous 26 21 eating roots [adj]
radiesthesia 22 15 sensitivity to radia...
radiesthetic 26 18 relating to radiesth...
radiobiology 30 21 a branch of biology...
radiocarbons 24 20 RADIOCARBON, a radio...
radiochemist 27 21 one who practises ra...
radioecology 30 21 the study of the eff...
radioelement 20 18 a radioactive elemen...
radiographed 25 21 RADIOGRAPH, to produ...
radiographer 25 20 one who practises ra...
radiographic 29 23 relating to radiogra...
radioiodines 19 15 RADIOIODINE, a radio...
radioisotope 21 16 a radioactive isotop...
radiolabeled 23 19 RADIOLABEL, to label...
radiolarians 20 15 RADIOLARIAN, any mem...
radiological 26 20 of or relating to ra...
radiologists 23 16 RADIOLOGIST, a physi...
radiolucency 33 24 the state of being r...
radiometries 21 16 RADIOMETRY, the meas...
radiomimetic 26 22 producing effects si...
radionuclide 24 20 a radioactive nuclid...
radiopagings 24 21 RADIOPAGING, the use...
radiophonics 27 22 the business of prod...
radiophonies 23 19 RADIOPHONY, the art...
radiophonist 24 19 one who uses a radio...
radioscopies 25 19 RADIOSCOPY, examinat...
radiotherapy 30 20 treatment by radiati...
radiothorium 24 19 a radioactive isotop...
radiotracers 23 16 RADIOTRACER, a radio...
raggamuffins 28 27 RAGGAMUFFIN, a type...
raggednesses 21 18 RAGGEDNESS, the stat...
railroadings 22 17 RAILROADING, putting...
rainproofing 24 22 RAINPROOF, to make p...
rakishnesses 23 19 RAKISHNESS, the qual...
rallentandos 20 17 RALLENTANDO, a music...
rallycrosses 32 19 RALLYCROSS, a form o...
rambouillets 26 21 RAMBOUILLET, a kind...
rambunctious 27 24 marked by uncontroll...
ramentaceous 22 20 of or like ramentum...
ramification 26 22 branching [n -S]
rampageously 31 24 RAMPAGEOUS, turbulen...
rancidnesses 22 18 RANCIDNESS, the stat...
randomnesses 19 18 RANDOMNESS, the stat...
rangefinders 22 20 RANGEFINDER, an inst...
rangefinding 23 23 the act of using a r...
rankshifting 27 25 RANKSHIFT, to shift...
ranshackling 28 26 RANSHACKLE, (Scott)...
ranunculuses 24 21 RANUNCULUS, a genus...
rapscallions 27 21 RAPSCALLION, a low,...
rarefactions 24 19 RAREFACTION, the act...
rarefication 24 19 the act of rarefying...
rastafarians 21 16 RASTAFARIAN, a membe...
ratabilities 24 16 RATABILITY, the abil...
rataplanning 22 21 RATAPLAN, to make a...
ratatouilles 22 15 RATATOUILLE, (French...
ratbaggeries 24 19 RATBAGGERY, nonsense...
rateableness 21 17 the state of being r...
rathskellers 26 20 RATHSKELLER, (German...
ratification 25 19 the act of ratifying...
ratiocinated 22 17 RATIOCINATE, to reas...
ratiocinates 22 16 RATIOCINATE, to reas...
ratiocinator 22 16 one who ratiocinates...
rationalised 20 15 RATIONALISE, to make...
rationaliser 20 14 one who rationalises...
rationalises 20 14 RATIONALISE, to make...
rationalisms 22 17 RATIONALISM, relianc...
rationalists 21 14 RATIONALIST, an adhe...
rationalized 23 24 RATIONALIZE, to brin...
rationalizer 23 23 one who rationalizes...
rationalizes 23 23 RATIONALIZE, to brin...
rationalness 19 15 the state of being r...
rattlebrains 23 17 RATTLEBRAIN, a shall...
rattlesnakes 21 18 RATTLESNAKE, any of...
ravenousness 20 19 the state of being r...
reabsorption 23 19 the act of reabsorbi...
reaccelerate 25 19 to accelerate again...
reaccessions 25 19 REACCESSION, a new a...
reacclaiming 29 25 REACCLAIM, to acclai...
reaccredited 26 20 REACCREDIT, to accre...
reaccustomed 27 23 REACCUSTOM, to get u...
reacquainted 30 27 REACQUAINT, to acqua...
reactionisms 24 19 REACTIONISM, the sta...
reactionists 23 16 REACTIONIST, a react...
reactivating 26 22 REACTIVATE, to activ...
reactivation 24 20 the act of reactivat...
reactiveness 24 20 the state of being r...
reactivities 26 19 REACTIVITY, the stat...
readableness 21 18 the state of being r...
readaptation 20 17 the act of readaptin...
readdressing 21 17 READDRESS, to addres...
readjustable 25 27 that can be readjust...
readjustment 23 27 the act of readjusti...
readmissions 21 17 READMISSION, the act...
readmittance 23 20 the act of readmitti...
readvertised 22 18 READVERTISE, to adve...
readvertises 22 17 READVERTISE, to adve...
readvertized 25 27 READVERTIZE, to adve...
readvertizes 25 26 READVERTIZE, to adve...
reafforested 23 19 REAFFOREST, to plant...
reaggregated 22 19 REAGGREGATE, to aggr...
reaggregates 22 18 REAGGREGATE, to aggr...
realignments 22 20 REALIGNMENT, the act...
realisations 20 14 REALISATION, the act...
realizations 23 23 REALIZATION, the act...
reallocating 25 20 REALLOCATE, to alloc...
reallocation 23 18 the act of reallocat...
reallotments 22 18 REALLOTMENT, the act...
realpolitiks 26 21 REALPOLITIK, (German...
reamendments 20 21 REAMENDMENT, the act...
reanimations 19 17 REANIMATION, the act...
reannexation 22 22 the act of reannexin...
reapparelled 25 21 REAPPAREL, to clothe...
reappearance 24 22 the act of reappeari...
reappointing 24 22 REAPPOINT, to appoin...
reapportions 23 19 REAPPORTION, to appo...
reappraisals 25 19 REAPPRAISAL, the act...
reappraisers 24 18 REAPPRAISER, one who...
reappraising 25 21 REAPPRAISE, to appra...
rearticulate 24 17 to articulate again...
reascensions 21 17 REASCENSION, the act...
reasonlessly 27 17 REASONLESS, destitut...
reassemblage 24 21 a reassembly [n -S]
reassemblies 24 19 REASSEMBLY, the act...
reassembling 25 22 REASSEMBLE, to assem...
reassertions 19 13 REASSERTION, the act...
reassessment 20 16 the act of reassessi...
reassignment 21 19 the act of reassigni...
reassortment 20 16 the act of reassorti...
reassumption 23 20 the act of reassumin...
reassurances 22 17 REASSURANCE, the act...
reassuringly 29 19 REASSURING [adv]
reastinesses 19 13 REASTINESS, the stat...
reattachment 25 21 the act of reattachi...
reattempting 24 21 REATTEMPT, to attemp...
reattributed 23 17 REATTRIBUTE, to attr...
reattributes 23 16 REATTRIBUTE, to attr...
reauthorised 22 16 REAUTHORISE, to auth...
reauthorises 22 15 REAUTHORISE, to auth...
reauthorized 25 25 REAUTHORIZE, to auth...
reauthorizes 25 24 REAUTHORIZE, to auth...
reawakenings 23 23 REAWAKENING, the act...
rebelliously 32 21 REBELLIOUS, given to...
reblossoming 25 22 REBLOSSOM, to blosso...
rebroadcasts 25 19 REBROADCAST, to broa...
recalcitrant 27 20 obstinately defiant...
recalcitrate 27 19 to show strong objec...
recalculated 28 22 RECALCULATE, to calc...
recalculates 28 21 RECALCULATE, to calc...
recalescence 28 23 the renewed glowing...
recalibrated 26 20 RECALIBRATE, to cali...
recalibrates 26 19 RECALIBRATE, to cali...
recanalising 24 20 RECANALISE, to canal...
recanalizing 27 29 RECANALIZE, to canal...
recantations 21 17 RECANTATION, the act...
recapitalise 26 19 to supply with new c...
recapitalize 29 28 to change the capita...
recapitulate 26 20 to restate briefly,...
recataloging 25 21 RECATALOG, to catalo...
recatalogued 24 20 RECATALOGUE, to cata...
recatalogues 24 19 RECATALOGUE, to cata...
recautioning 23 20 RECAUTION, to cautio...
receivership 30 24 the office or functi...
recentnesses 21 17 RECENTNESS, the stat...
recentrifuge 26 22 to put through a cen...
receptacular 29 23 of or like a recepta...
receptaculum 31 27 a receptacle [n RECE...
receptionist 25 19 a person employed to...
recertifying 33 23 RECERTIFY, to certif...
recessionals 23 17 RECESSIONAL, a hymn...
recessionary 28 18 relating to recessio...
rechallenged 27 23 RECHALLENGE, to chal...
rechallenges 27 22 RECHALLENGE, to chal...
rechanneling 25 23 RECHANNEL, to channe...
rechannelled 25 22 RECHANNEL, to channe...
rechargeable 28 23 capable of being rec...
rechartering 26 20 RECHARTER, to charte...
rechristened 25 19 RECHRISTEN, to chris...
recidivistic 31 23 relating to recidivi...
recipiencies 28 22 RECIPIENCY, the stat...
reciprocally 37 25 RECIPROCAL, acting i...
reciprocants 28 22 RECIPROCANT, in math...
reciprocated 28 22 RECIPROCATE, to give...
reciprocates 28 21 RECIPROCATE, to give...
reciprocator 28 21 one who reciprocates...
recirculated 28 21 RECIRCULATE, to circ...
recirculates 28 20 RECIRCULATE, to circ...
recklessness 25 21 the state of being r...
reclamations 24 20 RECLAMATION, the act...
reclassified 27 20 RECLASSIFY, to class...
reclassifies 27 19 RECLASSIFY, to class...
reclinations 23 18 RECLINATION, the act...
recognisable 26 22 that can be recognis...
recognisably 33 24 RECOGNISABLE, that c...
recognisance 25 22 a legal obligation e...
recognitions 23 19 RECOGNITION, the act...
recognizable 29 31 that can be recogniz...
recognizably 36 33 RECOGNIZABLE, that c...
recognizance 28 31 a legal obligation e...
recollecting 29 23 RECOLLECT, to rememb...
recollection 27 21 something remembered...
recollective 30 24 of the nature of rec...
recolonising 24 20 RECOLONISE, to colon...
recolonizing 27 29 RECOLONIZE, to colon...
recombinants 25 23 RECOMBINANT, a gene...
recomforting 27 24 RECOMFORT, (archaic)...
recomforture 26 22 (Shakespeare) consol...
recommencing 28 28 RECOMMENCE, to comme...
recommenders 24 23 RECOMMENDER, one who...
recommending 25 26 RECOMMEND, to commen...
recommission 25 22 to commission again...
recommitment 26 25 the act of recommitt...
recommittals 27 22 RECOMMITTAL, the act...
recommitting 27 24 RECOMMIT, to commit...
recompacting 30 27 RECOMPACT, to compac...
recompensers 25 22 RECOMPENSER, one who...
recompensing 26 25 RECOMPENSE, to give...
recompressed 26 22 RECOMPRESS, to compr...
recompresses 26 21 RECOMPRESS, to compr...
reconceiving 28 26 RECONCEIVE, to conce...
reconception 26 23 the act of reconceiv...
reconcilable 29 24 capable of being rec...
reconcilably 36 26 RECONCILABLE, capabl...
recondensing 22 21 RECONDENSE, to conde...
reconditions 22 18 RECONDITION, to rest...
reconducting 27 24 RECONDUCT, to conduc...
reconferring 25 22 RECONFER, to confer...
reconfigured 26 23 RECONFIGURE, to conf...
reconfigures 26 22 RECONFIGURE, to conf...
reconfirming 27 25 RECONFIRM, to confir...
reconnecting 25 23 RECONNECT, to connec...
reconnection 23 21 the act of reconnect...
reconnoiters 21 17 RECONNOITER, (US) to...
reconnoitred 21 18 RECONNOITRE, to make...
reconnoitrer 21 17 one who reconnoiters...
reconnoitres 21 17 RECONNOITRE, to make...
reconquering 31 29 RECONQUER, to conque...
reconsecrate 24 19 to consecrate again...
reconsidered 22 18 RECONSIDER, to consi...
reconsigning 24 22 RECONSIGN, to consig...
reconstitute 23 17 to constitute again...
reconstructs 27 20 RECONSTRUCT, to cons...
reconsulting 25 21 RECONSULT, to consul...
recontacting 26 22 RECONTACT, to contac...
recontinuing 23 21 RECONTINUE, to conti...
recontouring 23 20 RECONTOUR, to contou...
reconvalesce 27 24 to convalesce again...
reconversion 23 21 the act of reconvert...
reconverting 25 23 RECONVERT, to conver...
reconveyance 31 26 the act of reconveyi...
reconvicting 29 26 RECONVICT, to convic...
reconviction 27 24 a fresh conviction [...
reconvincing 28 27 RECONVINCE, to convi...
recordations 22 17 RECORDATION, remembr...
recordership 28 21 the office of record...
recountments 23 21 RECOUNTMENT, (Shakes...
recreational 22 17 of, relating to, or...
recreatively 32 22 RECREATIVE, tending...
recriminated 24 20 RECRIMINATE, to char...
recriminates 24 19 RECRIMINATE, to char...
recriminator 24 19 one who recriminates...
recrudescent 26 21 breaking out again [...
recrudescing 28 23 RECRUDESCE, of a dis...
recruitments 25 20 RECRUITMENT, the act...
rectirostral 25 16 having straight beak...
recultivated 27 22 RECULTIVATE, to cult...
recultivates 27 21 RECULTIVATE, to cult...
recumbencies 29 26 RECUMBENCY, the stat...
recuperating 26 22 RECUPERATE, to get b...
recuperation 24 20 the act of recuperat...
recuperative 27 23 of or relating to re...
recuperators 25 19 RECUPERATOR, an arra...
recuperatory 31 21 assisting in recuper...
recurrencies 26 20 RECURRENCY, the act...
recycleables 36 25 RECYCLEABLE, somethi...
redecorating 23 19 REDECORATE, to decor...
redecoration 21 17 the act of redecorat...
redecorators 22 16 REDECORATOR, one who...
rededicating 24 20 REDEDICATE, to dedic...
rededication 22 18 the act of rededicat...
redefinition 21 18 the act of redefinin...
redeliverers 23 18 REDELIVERER [n]
redeliveries 23 18 REDELIVERY, the act...
redelivering 24 21 REDELIVER, to delive...
redemptional 23 21 of the nature of red...
redemptioner 22 20 an immigrant to Amer...
redemptively 33 26 REDEMPTIVE, serving...
redeployment 29 23 the act of redeployi...
redepositing 23 19 REDEPOSIT, to deposi...
redescending 23 21 REDESCEND, to descen...
redescribing 27 22 REDESCRIBE, to descr...
redetermined 20 18 REDETERMINE, to dete...
redetermines 20 17 REDETERMINE, to dete...
redevelopers 24 21 REDEVELOPER [n]
redeveloping 25 24 REDEVELOP, to develo...
redigestions 21 16 REDIGESTION, the act...
redigressing 23 18 REDIGRESS, to digres...
redintegrate 20 16 to make whole again;...
redirections 23 17 REDIRECTION, the act...
redisbursing 25 20 REDISBURSE, (Spenser...
rediscounted 23 19 REDISCOUNT, to disco...
rediscovered 25 21 REDISCOVER, to disco...
rediscoverer 25 20 REDISCOVER, to disco...
rediscussing 26 20 REDISCUSS, to discus...
redisplaying 31 22 REDISPLAY, to displa...
redissolving 25 21 REDISSOLVE, to disso...
redistilling 25 18 REDISTIL, to distil...
redistribute 24 17 to alter the distrib...
redistricted 25 17 REDISTRICT, to divid...
redoublement 23 22 the act of redoublin...
reducibility 35 23 the state of being r...
reductionism 25 21 the belief that comp...
reductionist 24 18 a believer in reduct...
redundancies 22 20 REDUNDANCY, the stat...
reduplicated 27 22 REDUPLICATE, to make...
reduplicates 27 21 REDUPLICATE, to make...
reeducations 22 18 REEDUCATION, the act...
reembroiders 23 19 REEMBROIDER, to outl...
reemergences 23 21 REEMERGENCE, the act...
reemphasised 25 21 REEMPHASIS [v]
reemphasises 25 20 REEMPHASISE, to emph...
reemphasized 28 30 REEMPHASIZE, to emph...
reemphasizes 28 29 REEMPHASIZE, to emph...
reemployment 30 25 the act of reemployi...
reenactments 22 20 REENACTMENT, the act...
reencounters 21 18 REENCOUNTER, to enco...
reenergising 21 18 REENERGISE, to give...
reenergizing 24 27 REENERGIZE, to give...
reengagement 20 21 the act of reengagin...
reengineered 18 17 REENGINEER, to engin...
reenlistment 21 18 the act of reenlisti...
reenthroning 21 19 REENTHRONE, to enthr...
reequipments 31 29 REEQUIPMENT, the act...
reescalating 24 19 REESCALATE, to escal...
reescalation 22 17 the act of reescalat...
reestimating 22 18 REESTIMATE, to estim...
reevaluating 23 21 REEVALUATE, to evalu...
reevaluation 21 19 the act of reevaluat...
reexhibiting 32 27 REEXHIBIT, to exhibi...
reexperience 29 26 to experience again...
reexplaining 29 27 REEXPLAIN, to explai...
reexpressing 29 25 REEXPRESS, to expres...
refashioning 24 21 REFASHION, to fashio...
refectioners 24 19 REFECTIONER, the off...
refectorians 24 19 REFECTORIAN, the off...
referencings 25 22 REFERENCING, the act...
refinancings 25 23 REFINANCING, the act...
reflationary 28 19 relating to reflatio...
reflectances 28 23 REFLECTANCE, the rat...
reflectingly 35 25 REFLECTING [adv]
reflectional 26 21 relating to reflecti...
reflectively 36 26 REFLECTIVE, capable...
reflectivity 36 25 the state of being r...
reflectogram 28 24 an image produced by...
reflectorise 26 19 to make reflecting,...
reflectorize 29 28 to make reflecting,...
reflowerings 27 22 REFLOWERING, the act...
refocillated 27 21 REFOCILLATE, (obsole...
refocillates 27 20 REFOCILLATE, (obsole...
reformations 22 19 REFORMATION, the act...
reformatting 24 21 REFORMAT, to change...
reformulated 24 21 REFORMULATE, to form...
reformulates 24 20 REFORMULATE, to form...
refortifying 32 23 REFORTIFY, to fortif...
refoundation 20 19 the act of refoundin...
refractaries 25 18 REFRACTARY, a substa...
refractively 35 25 REFRACTIVE, serving...
refractivity 35 24 the state of being r...
refractories 25 18 REFRACTORY, a stubbo...
refractorily 33 21 REFRACTORY, unruly,...
refracturing 27 22 REFRACTURE, to fract...
refrainments 22 20 REFRAINMENT, the act...
refresheners 23 18 REFRESHENER, somethi...
refreshening 24 21 REFRESHEN, to refres...
refreshfully 36 25 REFRESHFUL, (archaic...
refreshingly 33 23 REFRESHING [adv]
refreshments 25 21 REFRESHMENT, the act...
refrigerants 23 18 REFRIGERANT, a refri...
refrigerated 23 18 REFRIGERATE, to make...
refrigerates 23 17 REFRIGERATE, to make...
refrigerator 23 17 something that refri...
refringences 25 22 REFRINGENCE, refract...
refulgencies 27 23 REFULGENCY, the qual...
refurbishers 28 21 REFURBISHER, one who...
refurbishing 29 24 the act of refurbish...
refurnishing 26 22 REFURNISH, to furnis...
refutability 33 22 the quality of being...
regardlessly 30 19 REGARDLESS, having n...
regeneracies 22 18 REGENERACY, the stat...
regenerately 26 18 REGENERATE, renewed...
regenerating 20 18 REGENERATE, to gener...
regeneration 18 16 an act or the proces...
regenerative 21 19 serving to regenerat...
regenerators 19 15 REGENERATOR, one tha...
regeneratory 25 17 serving to regenerat...
regimentally 30 22 REGIMENTAL, of or re...
regionalised 21 17 REGIONALISE, to divi...
regionalises 21 16 REGIONALISE, to divi...
regionalisms 23 19 REGIONALISM, conscio...
regionalists 22 16 REGIONALIST, a suppo...
regionalized 24 26 REGIONALIZE, to divi...
regionalizes 24 25 REGIONALIZE, to divi...
registerable 24 18 capable of being reg...
registraries 22 14 REGISTRARY, a regist...
registration 21 15 the act of registeri...
reglorifying 32 23 REGLORIFY, to glorif...
regrediences 23 19 REGREDIENCE, the act...
regressively 31 21 REGRESSIVE, tending...
regressivity 31 20 the state of being r...
reguerdoning 21 20 REGUERDON, (Shakespe...
regularising 24 19 REGULARISE, to make...
regularities 23 16 REGULARITY, the stat...
regularizing 27 28 REGULARIZE, to make...
regulatively 32 23 REGULATIVE, tending...
regurgitants 23 18 REGURGITANT, a drug...
regurgitated 23 18 REGURGITATE, to brin...
regurgitates 23 17 REGURGITATE, to brin...
rehabilitant 25 19 a disabled person un...
rehabilitate 25 18 to restore to a form...
rehumanising 24 22 REHUMANISE, to make...
rehumanizing 27 31 REHUMANIZE, to make...
rehydratable 31 21 capable of being reh...
rehydrations 28 18 REHYDRATION, the act...
rehypnotised 30 21 REHYPNOTISE, to hypn...
rehypnotises 30 20 REHYPNOTISE, to hypn...
rehypnotized 33 30 REHYPNOTIZE, to hypn...
rehypnotizes 33 29 REHYPNOTIZE, to hypn...
reidentified 22 18 REIDENTIFY, to ident...
reidentifies 22 17 REIDENTIFY, to ident...
reifications 25 19 REIFICATION, the pro...
reillumining 25 22 REILLUMINE, to illum...
reimbursable 27 23 capable of being rei...
reimplanting 25 23 REIMPLANT, to implan...
reimposition 23 19 the act of reimposin...
reimpression 23 19 a second or later im...
reincarnated 21 18 REINCARNATE, to inca...
reincarnates 21 17 REINCARNATE, to inca...
reincreasing 23 19 REINCREASE, to incre...
reindictment 24 21 the act of reindicti...
reinfections 24 20 REINFECTION, infecti...
reinflations 22 18 REINFLATION, the act...
reinhabiting 25 21 REINHABIT, to inhabi...
reinitiating 21 16 REINITIATE, to initi...
reinjections 24 26 REINJECTION, the act...
reinnervated 20 19 REINNERVATE, to inne...
reinnervates 20 18 REINNERVATE, to inne...
reinoculated 23 19 REINOCULATE, to inoc...
reinoculates 23 18 REINOCULATE, to inoc...
reinsertions 19 14 REINSERTION, the act...
reinspecting 26 22 REINSPECT, to inspec...
reinspection 24 20 a repeated inspectio...
reinspirited 23 17 REINSPIRIT, to give...
reinstalling 23 18 REINSTALL [v]
reinstalment 21 18 the act of reinstall...
reinstations 19 14 REINSTATION, the act...
reinstituted 21 15 REINSTITUTE, to inst...
reinstitutes 21 14 REINSTITUTE, to inst...
reinsurances 22 18 REINSURANCE, insuran...
reintegrated 20 16 REINTEGRATE, to inte...
reintegrates 20 15 REINTEGRATE, to inte...
reinterments 20 17 REINTERMENT, reburia...
reinterprets 22 16 REINTERPRET, to inte...
reinterviews 25 20 REINTERVIEW, to inte...
reintroduced 23 19 REINTRODUCE, to intr...
reintroduces 23 18 REINTRODUCE, to intr...
reinventions 20 19 REINVENTION, the act...
reinvestment 22 21 the action of reinve...
reinvigorate 22 19 to invigorate again...
reiteratedly 27 16 REITERATED [adv]
reiterations 19 13 REITERATION, the act...
reiteratives 22 16 REITERATIVE, a word...
rejectamenta 24 28 refuse; excrement [n...
rejectionist 25 25 one who rejects e.g....
rejoicements 25 28 REJOICEMENT, the act...
rejoneadoras 19 23 REJONEADORA, (Spanis...
rejoneadores 19 23 REJONEADOR, (Spanish...
rejustifying 33 30 REJUSTIFY, to justif...
rejuvenating 24 30 REJUVENATE, to make...
rejuvenation 22 28 the act of making yo...
rejuvenators 23 27 REJUVENATOR, somethi...
rejuvenesced 26 31 REJUVENESCE, to make...
rejuvenesces 26 30 REJUVENESCE [n]
rejuvenising 25 30 REJUVENISE, to rejuv...
rejuvenizing 28 39 REJUVENIZE, to rejuv...
rekeyboarded 28 23 REKEYBOARD, to enter...
relacquering 33 29 RELACQUER, to lacque...
relandscaped 25 22 RELANDSCAPE, to land...
relandscapes 25 21 RELANDSCAPE, to land...
relationally 28 18 RELATIONAL, of or re...
relationisms 22 17 RELATIONISM, the doc...
relationists 21 14 RELATIONIST, a belie...
relationless 21 15 without relations [a...
relationship 25 19 a state or mode of b...
relativeness 22 18 the state of being r...
relativising 25 20 RELATIVISE, to make...
relativistic 28 20 of, relating to, or...
relativities 24 17 RELATIVITY, the stat...
relativitist 25 17 a person who studies...
relativizing 28 29 RELATIVIZE, to treat...
relaundering 21 19 RELAUNDER, to launde...
releasements 20 17 RELEASEMENT, release...
relentlessly 29 18 RELENTLESS, unrelent...
reliableness 23 18 the state of being r...
relicensures 24 18 RELICENSURE, a renew...
religionised 22 17 RELIGIONISE, to imbu...
religionises 22 16 RELIGIONISE, to imbu...
religionisms 24 19 RELIGIONISM, religio...
religionists 23 16 RELIGIONIST, a perso...
religionized 25 26 RELIGIONIZE, to imbu...
religionizes 25 25 RELIGIONIZE, to imbu...
religionless 23 17 without religion [ad...
relinquished 32 27 RELINQUISH, to withd...
relinquisher 32 26 one who relinquishes...
relinquishes 32 26 RELINQUISH, to withd...
reliquefying 39 31 RELIQUEFY, to liquef...
relubricated 27 21 RELUBRICATE, to lubr...
relubricates 27 20 RELUBRICATE, to lubr...
reluctancies 27 21 RELUCTANCY, the stat...
reluctations 24 18 RELUCTATION, (archai...
remaindering 21 20 REMAINDER, to sell a...
remainderman 20 21 the person entitled...
remaindermen 20 21 REMAINDERMAN, the pe...
remediations 20 17 REMEDIATION, the act...
remedilessly 30 20 REMEDILESS, not admi...
rememberable 26 25 capable of being rem...
rememberably 33 27 REMEMBERABLE, capabl...
remembrancer 26 25 an officer of excheq...
remembrances 26 25 REMEMBRANCE, the sta...
remigrations 22 18 REMIGRATION, return...
remilitarise 23 16 to militarise again,...
remilitarize 26 25 to militarize again,...
remineralise 21 17 to replace the deple...
remineralize 24 26 to replace the deple...
reminiscence 26 23 recollection; an acc...
reminiscents 24 20 REMINISCENT, somethi...
remissnesses 21 16 REMISSNESS, the stat...
remittencies 24 19 REMITTENCY, a period...
remobilising 26 22 REMOBILISE, to mobil...
remobilizing 29 31 REMOBILIZE, to mobil...
remodellings 24 21 REMODELLING, the act...
remoistening 21 19 REMOISTEN, to moiste...
remonetising 21 19 REMONETISE, to reest...
remonetizing 24 28 REMONETIZE, to reest...
remonstrance 22 20 an earnest presentat...
remonstrants 20 17 REMONSTRANT, one who...
remonstrated 20 17 REMONSTRATE, to prot...
remonstrates 20 16 REMONSTRATE, to prot...
remonstrator 20 16 one who remonstrates...
remoralising 23 19 REMORALISE, to resto...
remoralizing 26 28 REMORALIZE, to resto...
remorsefully 32 23 REMORSEFUL, motivate...
remortgaging 24 22 REMORTGAGE, to mortg...
remotenesses 19 16 REMOTENESS, the stat...
remotivating 24 22 REMOTIVATE, to motiv...
remotivation 22 20 the act of remotivat...
removability 33 25 the state of being r...
remunerating 21 20 REMUNERATE, to pay a...
remuneration 19 18 something that remun...
remunerative 22 21 serving to remunerat...
remunerators 20 17 REMUNERATOR, one who...
remuneratory 26 19 relating to remunera...
renaissances 21 17 RENAISSANCE, rebirth...
renaturation 18 15 the act of renaturin...
rencountered 21 19 RENCOUNTER, to meet,...
rendezvoused 24 29 RENDEZVOUS, to arran...
rendezvouses 24 28 RENDEZVOUS, (French)...
renditioning 20 18 RENDITION, to surren...
renegotiable 22 19 subject to renegotia...
renegotiated 19 16 RENEGOTIATE, to nego...
renegotiates 19 15 RENEGOTIATE, to nego...
renewability 32 22 the state of being r...
renographies 24 20 RENOGRAPHY, a treati...
renominating 20 20 RENOMINATE, to nomin...
renomination 18 18 the act of nominatin...
renormalised 21 18 RENORMALISE, to subj...
renormalises 21 17 RENORMALISE, to subj...
renormalized 24 27 RENORMALIZE, to subj...
renormalizes 24 26 RENORMALIZE, to subj...
renosterveld 22 19 an area of high alti...
renounceable 23 22 able to be renounced...
renouncement 21 22 the act of renouncin...
renovascular 25 22 of, relating to, or...
renunciation 21 19 the act or practice...
renunciative 24 22 relating to renuncia...
renunciatory 28 20 relating to renuncia...
renversement 21 21 (French) an aeroplan...
reoccupation 27 23 the act of reoccupyi...
reoccurrence 28 23 a repeated occurrenc...
reoperations 20 16 REOPERATION, operati...
reordination 18 15 the act of reordinat...
reorganisers 20 15 REORGANISER, one who...
reorganising 21 18 REORGANISE, to organ...
reorganizers 23 24 REORGANIZER, one who...
reorganizing 24 27 REORGANIZE, to organ...
reorientated 18 14 REORIENTATE, to orie...
reorientates 18 13 REORIENTATE, to orie...
reoutfitting 24 19 REOUTFIT, to outfit...
reoxidations 25 21 REOXIDATION, the pro...
repaginating 23 21 REPAGINATE, to pagin...
repagination 21 19 the act of repaginat...
reparability 32 21 the quality of being...
repartitions 22 16 REPARTITION, to part...
repatriating 23 18 REPATRIATE, to resto...
repatriation 21 16 the act of repatriat...
repatriators 22 15 REPATRIATOR, one who...
repatterning 22 19 REPATTERN, to patter...
repellancies 26 21 REPELLANCY, the act...
repellencies 26 21 REPELLENCY, the prin...
repercussing 27 22 REPERCUSS, to reverb...
repercussion 25 20 a reflection, reverb...
repercussive 28 23 having repercussions...
repetiteuses 22 16 REPETITEUSE, a femal...
repetitional 22 17 relating to repetiti...
repetitively 32 22 REPETITIVE, showing...
rephotograph 29 24 to photograph again...
repigmenting 25 24 REPIGMENT, to pigmen...
replacements 26 23 REPLACEMENT, the act...
replantation 21 18 reattachment or rein...
replastering 24 19 REPLASTER, to plaste...
replenishers 25 19 REPLENISHER, one who...
replenishing 26 22 REPLENISH, to fill a...
replevisable 28 24 subject to replevin,...
replications 26 20 REPLICATION, copying...
repolarising 24 19 REPOLARISE, to polar...
repolarizing 27 28 REPOLARIZE, to polar...
repopularise 25 20 to popularise again,...
repopularize 28 29 to popularize again,...
repopulating 26 23 REPOPULATE, to popul...
repopulation 24 21 the act of repopulat...
repositioned 21 17 REPOSITION, to chang...
repositories 22 15 REPOSITORY, a side a...
repossessing 23 18 REPOSSESS, to posses...
repossession 21 16 the act of repossess...
repossessors 22 15 REPOSSESSOR, one who...
reprehenders 23 19 REPREHENDER, one who...
reprehending 24 22 REPREHEND, to rebuke...
reprehension 22 19 the act of reprehend...
reprehensive 25 22 serving to reprehend...
reprehensory 29 20 finding fault with [...
representant 20 17 a representative [n...
representees 20 16 REPRESENTEE, a perso...
representers 21 16 REPRESENTER, one who...
representing 22 19 REPRESENT, to exhibi...
representors 21 16 REPRESENTOR, a perso...
repressively 32 22 REPRESSIVE, serving...
repressurise 23 16 to pressurise again,...
repressurize 26 25 to pressurize again,...
reprimanding 24 23 REPRIMAND, to scold,...
repristinate 22 16 to revive, restore [...
reprivatised 25 20 REPRIVATISE, to priv...
reprivatises 25 19 REPRIVATISE, to priv...
reprivatized 28 29 REPRIVATIZE, to priv...
reprivatizes 28 28 REPRIVATIZE, to priv...
reproachable 29 24 worthy of reproach [...
reproachably 36 26 REPROACHABLE, worthy...
reproachless 28 21 without reproach [ad...
reprobations 23 19 REPROBATION, the act...
reprocessing 26 21 as in fuel reprocess...
reproducible 29 24 that can be reproduc...
reproducibly 36 26 REPRODUCIBLE, that c...
reproduction 25 21 the manufacture of o...
reproductive 28 24 capable of reproduci...
reprograming 25 23 REPROGRAM, to progra...
reprogrammed 25 24 REPROGRAM, to progra...
reprogrammes 25 23 REPROGRAMME, to prog...
reprographer 27 22 one who practises re...
reprographic 31 25 relating to reprogra...
reprovisions 24 20 REPROVISION, to prov...
republishers 29 22 REPUBLISHER, one who...
republishing 30 25 REPUBLISH, to publis...
repudiations 22 18 REPUDIATION, the act...
repugnancies 25 23 REPUGNANCY, strong d...
repurchasing 29 24 REPURCHASE, to buy b...
reputability 33 22 the state of being r...
reputational 22 18 relating to reputati...
reputatively 32 23 REPUTATIVE, reputed,...
requalifying 39 31 REQUALIFY, to qualif...
requickening 33 33 REQUICKEN, (Shakespe...
requirements 29 26 REQUIREMENT, somethi...
requisitions 29 23 REQUISITION, to make...
requitements 29 26 REQUITEMENT, the act...
reradiations 19 14 RERADIATION, the act...
reregistered 21 15 REREGISTER, to regis...
reregulating 23 19 REREGULATE, to regul...
reregulation 21 17 the act of regulatin...
rescheduling 28 23 the act of schedulin...
rescindments 24 21 RESCINDMENT, the act...
rescriptions 26 19 RESCRIPTION, a reply...
researchable 27 21 capable of being res...
researchists 26 17 RESEARCHIST, one eng...
resegregated 21 17 RESEGREGATE, to segr...
resegregates 21 16 RESEGREGATE, to segr...
reselections 23 17 RESELECTION, the act...
resemblances 26 23 RESEMBLANCE, the sta...
resensitised 20 14 RESENSITISE, to sens...
resensitises 20 13 RESENSITISE, to sens...
resensitized 23 23 RESENSITIZE, to sens...
resensitizes 23 22 RESENSITIZE, to sens...
resentencing 22 20 RESENTENCE, to sente...
reservations 21 17 RESERVATION, somehti...
reservedness 21 18 the state of being r...
reservoiring 23 19 RESERVOIR, to keep a...
resettlement 21 17 the act of resettlin...
resharpening 24 21 RESHARPEN, to sharpe...
residentiary 26 16 an inhabitant; a per...
residentship 25 19 the state of being a...
resignations 20 16 RESIGNATION, an act...
resignedness 20 17 the state of being r...
resiliencies 24 17 RESILIENCY, the qual...
resiniferous 22 17 bearing resin [adj]
resinousness 19 15 the state of being r...
resipiscence 28 22 recognition of error...
resipiscency 35 24 recognition of error...
resistlessly 30 16 RESISTLESS, (archaic...
resocialised 24 17 RESOCIALISE, to soci...
resocialises 24 16 RESOCIALISE, to soci...
resocialized 27 26 RESOCIALIZE, to soci...
resocializes 27 25 RESOCIALIZE, to soci...
resolidified 24 18 RESOLIDIFY, to solid...
resolidifies 24 17 RESOLIDIFY, to solid...
resolubility 32 20 the state of being r...
resoluteness 20 15 the state of being r...
resolutioner 20 15 one who joins in or...
resolvedness 22 19 the state of being r...
resoundingly 28 21 RESOUNDING [adv]
resourceless 24 17 without resources [a...
respecifying 35 26 RESPECIFY, to specif...
respectables 28 22 RESPECTABLE, one who...
respectfully 37 26 RESPECTFUL, marked b...
respectively 35 25 RESPECTIVE, particul...
respirations 22 16 RESPIRATION, breathi...
respirometer 23 18 an instrument for me...
respirometry 30 20 measurement by respi...
resplendence 24 22 the state of being r...
resplendency 31 24 the state of being r...
respondences 23 21 RESPONDENCE, corresp...
respondentia 20 18 a loan on a ship's c...
responseless 22 17 without a response [...
responsively 31 23 RESPONSIVE, giving r...
responsorial 22 17 an office-book conta...
responsories 21 16 RESPONSORY, a set of...
ressentiment 20 17 a feeling of resentm...
restabilised 24 17 RESTABILISE, to stab...
restabilises 24 16 RESTABILISE, to stab...
restabilized 27 26 RESTABILIZE, to stab...
restabilizes 27 25 RESTABILIZE, to stab...
restatements 20 16 RESTATEMENT, somethi...
restationing 20 16 RESTATION, to statio...
restaurateur 20 14 (French) the operato...
restauration 19 14 the business, skill...
restimulated 23 18 RESTIMULATE, to stim...
restimulates 23 17 RESTIMULATE, to stim...
restitutions 21 14 RESTITUTION, a resto...
restlessness 21 14 the state of being r...
restorations 19 13 RESTORATION, a bring...
restoratives 22 16 RESTORATIVE, a resto...
restrainable 22 17 capable of being res...
restrainedly 27 17 RESTRAINED [adv]
restrainings 21 16 RESTRAINING, the act...
restrengthen 22 18 to strengthen again...
restretching 27 20 RESTRETCH, to stretc...
restrictedly 32 19 RESTRICTED [adv]
restrictions 24 16 RESTRICTION, a regul...
restrictives 27 19 RESTRICTIVE, somethi...
restringeing 22 18 RESTRINGE, to restri...
restringents 21 16 RESTRINGENT, an astr...
restructured 25 18 RESTRUCTURE, to chan...
restructures 25 17 RESTRUCTURE, to chan...
resubjecting 29 31 RESUBJECT, to subjec...
resubmission 24 20 the act of resubmitt...
resubmitting 26 22 RESUBMIT, to submit...
resultatives 24 18 RESULTATIVE, (in gra...
resumptively 34 26 RESUMPTIVE, taking b...
resupination 21 18 the state of being s...
resurrecting 25 19 RESURRECT, to bring...
resurrection 23 17 a rising from the de...
resurrective 26 20 relating to resurrec...
resurrectors 24 16 RESURRECTOR, one who...
resuscitable 27 20 capable of being res...
resuscitants 24 17 RESUSCITANT, a resus...
resuscitated 24 17 RESUSCITATE, to revi...
resuscitates 24 16 RESUSCITATE, to revi...
resuscitator 24 16 one that resuscitate...
resuspending 23 21 RESUSPEND, to suspen...
resveratrols 23 17 RESVERATROL, a fungi...
reswallowing 29 23 RESWALLOW, to swallo...
resynthesise 28 17 to synthesise again,...
resynthesize 31 26 to synthesize again,...
retainership 24 18 the office of retain...
retaliations 20 14 RETALIATION, the act...
retardations 19 14 RETARDATION, an act...
retentionist 19 14 a person who advocat...
retestifying 30 20 RETESTIFY, to testif...
reticulately 32 20 RETICULATE, like a n...
reticulating 26 20 RETICULATE, to inter...
reticulation 24 18 a network or netlike...
reticulocyte 34 22 an immature red bloo...
retightening 24 20 RETIGHTEN, to tighte...
retinisporas 22 16 RETINISPORA, a cypre...
retinoscopes 24 19 RETINOSCOPE, an inst...
retinoscopic 28 22 relating to retinosc...
retinosporas 21 16 RETINOSPORA, a cypre...
retinotectal 23 17 of, relating to, or...
retiringness 21 16 the state of being r...
retracements 23 19 RETRACEMENT, the act...
retractation 22 16 revoking, recantatio...
retractility 32 18 the state of being r...
retractively 33 22 RETRACTIVE, serving...
retransforms 23 19 RETRANSFORM, to tran...
retranslated 20 15 RETRANSLATE, to tran...
retranslates 20 14 RETRANSLATE, to tran...
retrenchable 27 22 able to be retrenche...
retrenchment 25 22 cutting down on; red...
retributions 23 17 RETRIBUTION, retalia...
retrievement 22 20 the act of retrievin...
retroactions 22 16 RETROACTION, acting...
retrocedence 24 20 the act of retrocedi...
retrocession 22 16 a ceding back, as of...
retrocessive 25 19 going backwards [adj...
retrodicting 25 19 RETRODICT, to utiliz...
retrodiction 23 17 the utilization of p...
retrodictive 26 20 relating to retrodic...
retroengines 19 16 RETROENGINE, a small...
retrofitting 24 18 the act of retrofitt...
retroflected 26 20 bent or turned back,...
retroflexing 30 26 RETROFLEX, to bend b...
retroflexion 28 24 the state of being b...
retrogradely 28 18 RETROGRADE, going ba...
retrograding 22 18 RETROGRADE, to cause...
retrogressed 21 15 RETROGRESS, to show...
retrogresses 21 14 RETROGRESS, to show...
retrojecting 26 27 RETROJECT, to throw...
retrojection 24 25 throwing backwards [...
retromingent 21 19 passing urine in a b...
retrophiliac 29 21 one who engages in r...
retrophilias 26 18 RETROPHILIA, love of...
retropulsion 23 18 pushing backwards [n...
retropulsive 26 21 showing retropulsion...
retrorockets 24 19 RETROROCKET, a rocke...
retrosexuals 27 21 RETROSEXUAL, a man w...
retrospected 25 19 RETROSPECT, to engag...
retroussages 21 15 RETROUSSAGE, (French...
retroversion 21 17 the bending backward...
retroverting 23 19 RETROVERT, to turn b...
retroviruses 23 17 RETROVIRUS, any of a...
reunionistic 23 18 relating to reunioni...
reupholsters 26 19 REUPHOLSTER, to upho...
revaccinated 27 24 REVACCINATE, to vacc...
revaccinates 27 23 REVACCINATE, to vacc...
revalidating 24 21 REVALIDATE, to valid...
revalidation 22 19 the action or an ins...
revalorising 24 20 REVALORISE, to give...
revalorizing 27 29 REVALORIZE, to give...
revaluations 22 19 REVALUATION, the act...
revarnishing 25 22 REVARNISH, to varnis...
revegetating 23 21 REVEGETATE, to veget...
revegetation 21 19 the act of revegetat...
revelational 22 19 of or like revelatio...
revendicated 24 22 REVENDICATE, to make...
revendicates 24 21 REVENDICATE, to make...
revengefully 33 27 REVENGEFUL, full of...
revengements 22 23 REVENGEMENT, (Shakes...
reverberated 23 20 REVERBERATE, to cont...
reverberates 23 19 REVERBERATE, to cont...
reverberator 23 19 something that rever...
reverentness 20 18 the state of being r...
reversionary 27 19 of, relating to, con...
reversioners 21 17 REVERSIONER, a perso...
revestiaries 22 16 REVESTIARY, a vestry...
revictualing 28 24 REVICTUAL, to victua...
revictualled 28 23 REVICTUAL, to victua...
revindicated 25 22 REVINDICATE, to vind...
revindicates 25 21 REVINDICATE, to vind...
revisionisms 24 20 REVISIONISM, a movem...
revisionists 23 17 REVISIONIST, a suppo...
revisitation 22 17 the act of revisitin...
revitalising 25 20 REVITALISE, to give...
revitalizing 28 29 REVITALIZE, to give...
revivability 35 26 the quality of being...
revivalistic 30 24 relating to revivali...
revivescence 29 27 the act of reviving,...
revivescency 36 29 the act of reviving,...
reviviscence 30 27 the act of reviving,...
reviviscency 37 29 the act of reviving,...
revocability 35 25 the quality of being...
revokability 33 26 the quality of being...
revolutional 23 20 of or like revolutio...
revolutioner 22 19 (historical) a suppo...
revolvencies 27 25 REVOLVENCY, the act...
revulsionary 29 21 of or like revolutio...
rhabdocoeles 27 22 RHABDOCOELE, a turbe...
rhabdomancer 27 25 one who practises rh...
rhabdomyomas 32 26 RHABDOMYOMA, a tumou...
rhabdosphere 28 23 an aggregation of rh...
rhamphotheca 32 27 the horny or leather...
rhapsodising 26 21 RHAPSODISE, to utter...
rhapsodistic 29 21 of the nature of a r...
rhapsodizing 29 30 RHAPSODIZE, to utter...
rheometrical 27 21 relating to measurem...
rheomorphism 29 25 the liquefaction of...
rheoreceptor 26 20 a receptor in fish a...
rheotropisms 26 20 RHEOTROPISM, the dir...
rhetorically 34 21 RHETORICAL, of, rela...
rhetoricians 25 18 RHETORICIAN, a maste...
rheumateeses 22 18 RHEUMATEESE, (dialec...
rheumatismal 26 22 relating to rheumati...
rheumatology 31 23 the study of rheumat...
rhinocerical 29 22 (archaic slang) rich...
rhinoceroses 24 18 RHINOCEROS, a large...
rhinocerotes 24 18 RHINOCEROTE, (obsole...
rhinocerotic 28 21 like a rhinoceros [a...
rhinological 28 22 related to rhinology...
rhinologists 25 18 RHINOLOGIST, a stude...
rhinophonias 25 21 RHINOPHONIA, a nasal...
rhinoplastic 29 22 relating to rhinopla...
rhinorrhagia 25 19 nosebleeding [n -S]
rhinorrhoeal 24 18 relating to rhinorrh...
rhinorrhoeas 23 17 RHINORRHOEA, continu...
rhinoscopies 27 21 RHINOSCOPY, the exam...
rhinoviruses 25 20 RHINOVIRUS, a virus...
rhizocarpous 31 30 of or like a rhizoca...
rhizoctonias 28 27 RHIZOCTONIA, any of...
rhizogenetic 29 29 producing or growing...
rhizophagous 31 31 feeding on roots [ad...
rhizophilous 32 30 growing on roots [ad...
rhizospheres 30 28 RHIZOSPHERE, a regio...
rhododaphnes 25 22 RHODODAPHNE, (Spense...
rhododendron 20 19 any of a genus of wi...
rhodomontade 21 20 (French) a bragging...
rhoicissuses 27 18 RHOICISSUS, a genus...
rhombohedral 28 24 shaped like a rhombo...
rhombohedron 26 24 a parallelepiped who...
rhopaloceral 28 22 relating to the Rhop...
rhynchocoels 37 26 RHYNCHOCOEL, the cav...
rhynchophore 37 27 a member of the Rhyn...
rhythmically 45 28 RHYTHMICAL, accordin...
rhythmometer 33 24 an instrument for me...
rhythmopoeia 33 24 the art of composing...
rhytidectomy 40 25 the surgical removal...
ribbonfishes 29 24 RIBBONFISH, a long s...
riboflavines 27 24 RIBOFLAVINE, a membe...
ribonuclease 25 21 an enzyme that catal...
ricochetting 30 23 RICOCHET, to rebound...
ridabilities 25 17 RIDABILITY, the stat...
ridesharings 24 18 RIDESHARING, the pra...
ridiculously 34 22 RIDICULOUS, arousing...
rightfulness 28 22 the state of being r...
rightsizings 30 28 RIGHTSIZING, the act...
rigorousness 21 16 the state of being r...
rijksdaalers 25 27 RIJKSDAALER, (Dutch)...
rinthereouts 22 16 RINTHEREOUT, (Scots)...
risibilities 26 16 RISIBILITY, the qual...
risorgimento 22 18 (Italian) a time of...
ritournelles 22 16 RITOURNELLE, (French...
roadblocking 28 27 ROADBLOCK, to bar by...
roadholdings 24 20 ROADHOLDING, the qua...
roadworthies 25 18 ROADWORTHY, a roadwo...
robotisation 21 16 the act of causing a...
robotization 24 25 the act of causing a...
robustiously 31 20 ROBUSTIOUS, boistero...
robustnesses 22 17 ROBUSTNESS, the stat...
rockabillies 29 24 ROCKABILLY, a form o...
rockhounding 27 27 of a rock-collector,...
rocksteadies 24 20 ROCKSTEADY, a 1960s...
rodenticides 23 18 RODENTICIDE, the kil...
rodomontaded 19 19 RODOMONTADE, to boas...
rodomontader 19 18 a braggart, a bluste...
rodomontades 19 18 RODOMONTADE, (French...
roentgenised 19 17 ROENTGENISE, to bomb...
roentgenises 19 16 ROENTGENISE, to bomb...
roentgeniums 21 20 ROENTGENIUM, a short...
roentgenized 22 26 ROENTGENIZE, to bomb...
roentgenizes 22 25 ROENTGENIZE, to bomb...
roisterously 28 16 ROISTEROUS, blusteri...
rollerbladed 25 20 ROLLERBLADE, to skat...
rollerblader 25 19 one who skates on ro...
rollerblades 25 19 ROLLERBLADE, (traden...
rollerdromes 23 18 ROLLERDROME, (US) a...
romanisation 19 17 the act of romanisin...
romanization 22 26 the act of romanizin...
romantically 32 23 ROMANTICAL, romantic...
romanticised 24 20 ROMANTICISE, to make...
romanticises 24 19 ROMANTICISE, to make...
romanticisms 26 22 ROMANTICISM, romanti...
romanticists 25 19 ROMANTICIST, an adhe...
romanticized 27 29 ROMANTICIZE, to make...
romanticizes 27 28 ROMANTICIZE, to make...
rontgenising 21 19 RONTGENISE, to treat...
rontgenizing 24 28 RONTGENIZE, to treat...
rontgenogram 21 21 a photograph made wi...
rontgenology 27 21 the science of X-ray...
rooflessness 22 17 the state of being r...
rootednesses 18 14 ROOTEDNESS, the stat...
rootlessness 20 14 the state of being r...
rootsinesses 19 13 ROOTSINESS, the stat...
ropedancings 25 23 ROPEDANCING, the spo...
rotographing 26 22 ROTOGRAPH, to make a...
rotogravures 23 19 ROTOGRAVURE, an inta...
rottennesses 18 14 ROTTENNESS, the stat...
rottenstoned 18 15 ROTTENSTONE, to poli...
rottenstones 18 14 ROTTENSTONE, to poli...
rotundnesses 19 16 ROTUNDNESS, the stat...
roughcasters 27 20 ROUGHCASTER, one who...
roughcasting 28 23 ROUGHCAST, to cover...
roughhousing 27 23 brawling [n -S]
roughnecking 28 28 ROUGHNECK, to work a...
roundabouted 21 20 ROUNDABOUT, to go ro...
roundaboutly 29 22 ROUNDABOUT, circuito...
rousednesses 19 15 ROUSEDNESS, the stat...
routemarched 26 22 ROUTEMARCH, to send...
routemarches 26 21 ROUTEMARCH, to send...
rowanberries 24 19 ROWANBERRY, the berr...
rubbernecked 28 28 RUBBERNECK, to look...
rubbernecker 28 27 one who rubbernecks...
rubefacients 27 23 RUBEFACIENT, an agen...
rubefactions 27 23 RUBEFACTION, reddeni...
rubrications 26 20 RUBRICATION, the act...
rudderstocks 26 22 RUDDERSTOCK, a verti...
rudimentally 30 22 RUDIMENTAL, rudiment...
ruefulnesses 23 19 RUEFULNESS, the stat...
ruggednesses 22 19 RUGGEDNESS, the stat...
rumbunctious 28 25 boisterous, unruly,...
rumgumptions 27 26 RUMGUMPTION, (Scots)...
ruminatingly 30 23 RUMINATING [adv]
ruminatively 31 24 RUMINATIVE, tending...
rumormongers 23 22 RUMORMONGER, one who...
ruptureworts 27 20 RUPTUREWORT, a caryo...
ruralisation 21 15 making rural, also R...
ruralization 24 24 making rural, also R...
rusticatings 26 19 RUSTICATING, the act...
rustications 24 17 RUSTICATION, the act...
rustproofing 26 22 the act of making re...
ruthlessness 24 17 the state of being r...