6 letter words that start with F

6 letter words that start with F

6 letter F word


Words With Friends®


faaing 12 12 FAA, (Scots) to fall...
fabber 16 15 FAB, excellent [adj]
fabled 15 14 FABLE, to tell ficti...
fabler 15 13 a writer of fables [...
fables 15 13 FABLE, to tell ficti...
fablet 15 13 a large smartphone t...
fabric 18 15 to construct [v FABR...
facade 14 13 the front of a build...
facers 15 12 FACER, a sudden diff...
facete 14 12 (archaic) facetious...
facets 15 12 FACET, to cut small...
faceup 17 16 with the front part...
faciae 14 12 FACIA, an architectu...
facial 16 13 relating to the face...
facias 15 12 FACIA, an architectu...
facies 15 12 (Latin) facial expre...
facile 16 13 (French) easily said...
facing 16 15 the lining at the ed...
factis 16 12 (Latin) vulcanized o...
factor 15 12 to express as a prod...
factum 17 16 (Latin) a man's own...
facula 16 14 an unusually bright...
faddle 13 12 to trifle; to toy [v...
fadein 11 11 a gradual increase i...
faders 12 10 FADER, a sliding con...
fadeur 12 11 (French) dullness, i...
fadged 13 13 FADGE, (archaic) to...
fadges 13 12 FADGE, (archaic) to...
fadier 12 10 FADY, wearing away [...
fading 13 13 an Irish dance [n -S...
faecal 15 13 relating to faeces,...
faeces 14 12 bodily waste dischar...
faenas 10 10 FAENA, a series of p...
faerie 11 9 (archaic) the world...
faffed 16 16 FAFF, (colloquial) t...
fagged 14 14 FAG, to make weary b...
faggot 14 13 to bind together in...
fagins 13 12 FAGIN, an adult who...
fagots 13 11 FAGOT, to bind toget...
faible 15 13 (French) the part of...
faiked 13 14 FAIK, (Scots) to aba...
faikes 13 13 a kind of thin-bedde...
failed 13 11 FAIL, to be unsucces...
faille 14 11 (French) a shiny clo...
fained 11 11 FAIN, (Spenser) to f...
fainer 11 10 FAIN, happy; incline...
faines 11 10 FAINE, (Spenser) to...
fainly 19 13 FAIN, happy; incline...
fainne 10 11 a ring-shaped badge...
faints 12 10 FAINT, to lose consc...
fainty 18 12 somewhat faint, also...
faired 12 10 FAIR, to make fair [...
fairer 12 9 FAIR, just; pleasant...
fairly 20 12 FAIR, just; pleasant...
faiths 15 11 FAITH, to believe or...
faitor 12 9 an imposter, also FA...
fajita 14 18 (Spanish) marinated...
fakeer 12 13 a Hindu ascetic, als...
fakers 13 13 FAKER, one who fakes...
fakery 19 15 the practice of faki...
fakeys 19 15 FAKEY, a skateboardi...
fakier 13 13 FAKEY, fake [adj]
fakies 13 13 FAKIE, (in skateboar...
faking 14 16 FAKE, to pretend and...
fakirs 14 13 FAKIR, a Hindu ascet...
falces 16 13 FALX, the sickle-sha...
falcon 15 14 any of various long-...
fallal 15 12 a showy article of d...
fallen 13 12 FALL, to descend fre...
faller 14 11 one who falls [n -S]
fallow 17 14 to plough and leave...
falsed 13 11 FALSE, to deceive [v...
falser 13 10 (obsolete) a falsifi...
falses 13 10 FALSE, to deceive [v...
falsie 13 10 a pad worn within a...
falter 13 10 to hesitate [v -ED,...
family 21 15 a group of persons r...
famine 12 13 extreme scarcity of...
faming 14 15 FAME, to make famous...
famish 16 14 to suffer extreme hu...
famous 13 13 renowned [adj FAMOUS...
famuli 15 14 FAMULUS, (Latin) an...
fanals 12 11 FANAL, (archaic) a l...
fanboy 19 15 an obsessively enthu...
fanded 11 12 FAND, (Scots) to try...
fandom 12 14 an aggregate of enth...
fanega 11 12 (Spanish) a dry meas...
fanfic 17 16 (short for) fiction...
fangas 12 12 FANGA, a Spanish uni...
fanged 12 13 FANG, to seize in th...
fangle 13 13 to decorate fancily...
fangos 12 12 FANGO, (Italian) cla...
fanion 10 11 a small flag, esp. f...
fanjet 13 19 a type of jet engine...
fanked 12 15 FANK, (Scots) to put...
fankle 13 15 (Scots) to entangle...
fanned 10 12 FAN, to cool with a...
fannel 11 12 a strip of material...
fanner 10 11 one who fans [n -S]
fanons 10 11 FANON, a liturgical...
fansub 14 14 the subtitling of fo...
fantad 11 11 a fidgety state, als...
fantod 11 11 a fidgety state, als...
fantom 12 13 a phantom, something...
fanums 13 14 FANUM, a cape worn b...
faqirs 21 18 FAQIR, a Hindu ascet...
faquir 21 19 a Hindu ascetic, als...
farads 12 10 FARAD, a unit of ele...
farand 11 11 (Scots) having a cer...
farced 15 13 FARCE, to fill with...
farcer 15 12 a performer in farce...
farces 15 12 FARCE, to fill with...
farcie 15 12 (French) stuffed, as...
farcin 15 13 (obsolete) a disease...
farded 12 11 FARD, to paint with...
fardel 13 11 (obsolete) a burden...
farden 11 11 (dialect) a farthing...
farers 12 9 FARER, a traveller [...
farfal 15 13 noodles in the form...
farfel 15 13 noodles in the form...
farfet 14 12 far fetched [adj]
farina 11 10 a fine flour or meal...
faring 13 12 FARE, to get on or s...
farles 13 10 FARLE, an oatmeal ca...
farmed 13 13 FARM, to practise th...
farmer 13 12 one who farms [n -S]
farred 12 10 FAR, to remove to a...
farren 11 10 a division of land [...
farrow 15 12 to give birth to a l...
farsed 12 10 FARSE, to expand a n...
farses 12 9 FARSE, to expand a n...
farted 12 10 FART, to expel gas t...
fasces 15 12 an ancient Roman sym...
fascia 15 12 an architectural ban...
fascio 15 12 an organized politic...
fascis 16 12 (Latin) a bundle of...
fashed 14 12 FASH, to bother or a...
fashes 14 11 FASH, to bother or a...
fasted 12 10 FAST, to abstain fro...
fasten 11 10 to secure [v -ED, -I...
faster 12 9 one who fasts [n -S]
fastie 12 9 (Australian slang) a...
fastly 20 12 (Shakespeare) firmly...
father 14 11 to be the male paren...
fathom 15 14 a measure of length,...
fating 13 12 FATE, to destine [v]
fatsia 12 9 an evergreen spreadi...
fatsos 12 9 FATSO, (colloquial)...
fatted 12 10 FAT, to make plump [...
fatten 11 10 to make fat [v -ED,...
fatter 12 9 FAT, having an abund...
fatwah 17 14 to threaten death by...
fatwas 15 12 FATWA, to threaten d...
faucal 16 14 a sound produced in...
fauces 15 13 the passage from the...
faucet 15 13 a pipe inserted in a...
faulds 14 12 FAULD, the arch over...
faults 14 11 FAULT, to criticize...
faulty 20 13 imperfect [adj FAULT...
faunae 10 11 FAUNA, the animal li...
faunal 12 12 relating to fauna, t...
faunas 11 11 FAUNA, the animal li...
faurer 12 10 FAUR, (Scots) far [a...
fauted 12 11 FAUT, (Scots) to fau...
fautor 12 10 a favorer, a patron...
fauves 14 14 FAUVE, a member of a...
favela 14 14 a slum area, also FA...
favell 16 15 (obsolete) light bro...
favels 15 14 FAVEL, a horse of th...
favest 14 13 FAVE, (slang) favour...
favism 16 16 an acute type of ana...
favors 14 13 FAVOR, to regard wit...
favose 13 13 honeycombed [adj]
favour 14 14 to regard with goodw...
favous 14 14 like a honeycomb [ad...
fawned 14 14 FAWN, to please in a...
fawner 14 13 one who fawns [n -S]
faxing 19 19 FAX, to send message...
fayest 18 11 FAY, whimsical, also...
faying 19 14 FAY, to clean out es...
fayned 17 13 FAYNE, (Spenser) to...
faynes 17 12 FAYNE, (Spenser) to...
fayres 18 11 FAYRE, (archaic) a f...
fazing 16 21 FAZE, to unsettle, a...
feague 12 12 (obsolete) to beat,...
fealed 12 11 FEAL, to conceal [v]
fealty 19 12 the vassal's obligat...
feared 11 10 FEAR, to be afraid o...
fearer 11 9 one who fears [n -S]
feares 11 9 FEARE, a companion,...
feased 11 10 FEASE, to unsettle,...
feases 11 9 FEASE, to unsettle,...
feasts 12 9 FEAST, to dine sumpt...
feated 11 10 FEAT, (Shakespeare)...
feater 11 9 FEAT, neat, deft [ad...
featly 19 12 (Shakespeare) gracef...
feazed 14 19 FEAZE, to unsettle,...
feazes 14 18 FEAZE, to unsettle,...
fechts 18 14 FECHT, (Scots) to fi...
fecial 16 13 a priest of ancient...
fecked 16 17 FECK, (Scots) to fuc...
feckin 16 17 (colloquial) fucking...
feckly 24 19 (archaic) mostly, ne...
fecula 16 14 a fine flour usually...
fecund 15 15 fruitful in offsprin...
fedora 11 10 a felt hat with a br...
feeble 14 13 very weak [adj FEEBL...
feebly 21 15 FEEBLE, very weak [a...
feeder 11 10 one that feeds [n -S...
feeing 12 12 FEE, to pay a fixed...
feeler 12 10 the antenna of insec...
feered 11 10 FEER, (Scots) to dra...
feerie 11 9 a theatrical extrava...
feerin 11 10 a first guiding furr...
feesed 11 10 FEESE, to unsettle,...
feeses 11 9 FEESE, to unsettle,...
feezed 14 19 FEEZE, to unsettle,...
feezes 14 18 FEEZE, to unsettle,...
fegary 19 13 a whim, also VAGARY...
fehmic 19 17 pertaining to a fehm...
feigns 13 12 FEIGN, to pretend, g...
feijoa 13 18 (Portuguese) a tropi...
feints 12 10 FEINT, to make a pre...
feirie 12 9 (Scots) nimble, fit...
feists 13 9 FEIST, a small dog o...
feisty 19 11 spirited [adj FEISTI...
felids 14 11 FELID, a member of t...
feline 12 11 related to the cat f...
fellah 16 13 a peasant of laboure...
fellas 14 11 FELLA, (colloquial)...
felled 14 12 FELL, to cause to fa...
feller 14 11 one that fells [n -S...
felloe 13 11 the rim of a wheel,...
fellow 17 14 to produce an equal...
felons 12 11 FELON, a person guil...
felony 18 13 a grave crime [n FEL...
felsic 17 13 having quartz and fe...
felted 13 11 FELT, to mat togethe...
felter 13 10 to mat together like...
female 13 13 the sex that can bea...
femals 14 13 FEMAL, (Milton) a fe...
femmes 14 15 FEMME, (French) a wo...
femora 12 12 FEMUR, a bone in the...
femurs 14 13 FEMUR, a bone in the...
fenced 14 14 FENCE, to enclose wi...
fencer 14 13 one who fences [n -S...
fences 14 13 FENCE, to enclose wi...
fended 11 12 FEND, to ward off [v...
fender 11 11 a metal guard over a...
fening 12 13 a monetary unit of B...
fenman 11 14 a fen country reside...
fenmen 11 14 FENMAN, a fen countr...
fennec 13 14 the desert fox [n -S...
fennel 11 12 a yellow-flowered um...
feodal 12 11 relating to feuds or...
feoffs 16 15 FEOFF, to grant a fe...
ferals 13 10 FERAL, a person who...
ferbam 15 15 a fungicide [n -S]
ferest 12 9 FERE, able [adj]
feriae 11 9 FERIA, a weekday whi...
ferial 13 10 pertaining to holida...
ferias 12 9 FERIA, a weekday whi...
ferine 11 10 of a species which b...
ferity 19 11 the state of being w...
ferlie 13 10 (archaic) a wonder,...
fermis 14 12 FERMI, in physics, a...
ferrel 13 10 to fit with a metal...
ferret 12 9 to search out persis...
ferric 16 12 pertaining to iron [...
ferrum 14 13 iron [n -S]
ferula 13 11 a flat piece of wood...
ferule 13 11 to fit with a metal...
fervid 15 14 warm, ardent [adj FE...
fervor 14 13 great intensity, als...
fescue 15 13 a kind of perennial...
fessed 12 10 FESS, to confess [v]
fesses 12 9 FESS, to confess [v]
festal 13 10 of or pertaining to...
festas 12 9 FESTA, a holiday [n]
fester 12 9 to generate pus [v -...
fetial 13 10 a priest of ancient...
fetich 18 14 a fixation, also FET...
feting 13 12 FETE, to honour with...
fetish 15 11 a fixation, also FET...
fetors 12 9 FETOR, a stench, als...
fettas 12 9 FETTA, a crumbly whi...
fetted 12 10 FETT, (obsolete) to...
fetter 12 9 to shackle [v -ED, -...
fettle 13 10 to potter fussily ab...
fetwas 15 12 FETWA, an Islamic re...
feuars 12 10 FEUAR, (Scots) in la...
feudal 13 12 pertaining to an anc...
feuded 12 12 FEUD, to engage in a...
feuing 13 13 FEU, to grant land t...
feutre 12 10 to set a spear in a...
fevers 14 13 FEVER, to affect wit...
fewest 15 12 FEW, not many [adj]
fewmet 16 15 (archaic) the dung o...
fewter 15 12 to set a spear in a...
feyest 18 11 FEY, foreseeing the...
feying 19 14 FEY, to clean out, e...
fezzed 18 28 wearing a fez [adj]
fezzes 18 27 FEZ, a red brimless...
fiacre 15 12 (French) a small hac...
fiance 14 13 a man engaged to be...
fiasco 15 12 a wine bottle [n FIA...
fiated 12 10 FIAT, to sanction [v...
fiaunt 12 11 (Spenser) a fiat [n...
fibbed 17 16 FIB, to tell a trivi...
fibber 17 15 one who fibs [n -S]
fibers 15 12 FIBER, a threadlike...
fibred 15 13 having fibre, also F...
fibres 15 12 FIBRE, a threadlike...
fibril 17 13 a small fibre, also...
fibrin 15 13 an insoluble protein...
fibros 15 12 FIBRO, a wall board...
fibula 16 14 a bone in the leg [n...
ficain 15 13 a cysteine proteinas...
fiches 18 14 FICHE, (French) a ca...
fichus 19 15 FICHU, (French) a li...
ficins 16 13 FICIN, a cysteine pr...
fickle 18 17 not loyal [adj FICKL...
fickly 25 19 FICKLE, not loyal [a...
ficoes 15 12 FICO, (Shakespeare)...
fictor 16 12 a person who makes i...
fiddle 14 12 to play a violin [v...
fiddly 21 14 time consuming [adj...
fidged 14 13 FIDGE, to fidget [v]
fidges 14 12 FIDGE, to fidget [v]
fidget 14 12 to move about restle...
fields 14 11 FIELD, to play as a...
fiends 12 11 FIEND, a devil; a pe...
fients 12 10 FIENT, (Scots) a fie...
fierce 15 12 violently hostile or...
fieres 12 9 FIERE, a companion,...
fiesta 12 9 (Spanish) in Spain o...
fifers 15 12 FIFER, one who plays...
fifing 16 15 FIFE, to play a high...
fifths 18 14 FIFTH, one of five e...
figged 15 14 FIG, to dress up [v]
fights 17 13 FIGHT, to contend in...
figjam 17 23 (Australian slang) a...
figure 14 12 to compute [v FIGURE...
fikery 20 15 (Scots) fuss, fidget...
fikier 14 13 FIKY, fidgeting and...
fiking 15 16 FIKE, to fidget rest...
fikish 17 15 (Scots) fidgeting an...
filers 14 10 FILER, a person or t...
filets 14 10 FILET, to cut bonele...
filfot 16 13 a swastika, also FYL...
filial 15 11 pertaining to a son...
filing 15 13 a particle removed b...
filius 15 11 (Lat) a son [n FILII...
filled 15 12 FILL, to make full [...
filler 15 11 one that fills [n -S...
filles 15 11 FILLE, (French) a gi...
fillet 15 11 to cut boneless slic...
fillip 18 14 to strike sharply [v...
fillos 15 11 FILLO, (Greek) very...
filmed 15 14 FILM, to make a moti...
filmer 15 13 one who films [n -S]
filmic 19 16 pertaining to motion...
filmis 16 13 FILMI, (Hinglish) re...
filose 13 10 resembling a thread...
filter 14 10 to purify a fluid of...
filths 17 12 FILTH, foul or dirty...
filthy 23 14 offensively dirty [a...
filtre 14 10 as in cafe filtre, a...
fimble 17 16 the male plant of he...
finale 12 11 a termination of som...
finals 13 11 FINAL, the last exam...
fincas 15 13 FINCA, (Spanish) a S...
finder 12 11 one that finds [n -S...
fineer 11 10 to get goods by frau...
finely 19 13 FINE, delicate [adv]
finers 12 10 FINER, a refiner [n]
finery 18 12 elaborate adornment...
finest 12 10 the worthiest citize...
fingan 12 13 the handleless coffe...
finger 13 12 to touch with one of...
finial 13 11 a decorating on the...
fining 13 13 the process of refin...
finish 15 12 to bring to an end [...
finite 12 10 limited [adj FINITEL...
finito 12 10 (Italian) finished [...
finjan 13 20 the handleless coffe...
finked 13 15 FINK, to inform to t...
finlit 14 11 (colloquial) financi...
finnac 14 14 a young seatrout, al...
finnan 10 12 (Scots) haddock cure...
finned 11 12 FIN, to equip with p...
finner 11 11 a finback whale, als...
finsko 13 14 a reindeer-skin boot...
fiords 13 10 FIORD, a narrow inle...
fiorin 12 10 a species of creepin...
fipple 18 16 a plug at the end of...
fiques 21 19 FIQUE, a tough natur...
firers 13 9 FIRER, a person who...
firies 13 9 FIRIE, (Australian s...
firing 14 12 the process of matur...
firked 14 14 FIRK, (Shakespeare)...
firkin 14 14 a small cask for liq...
firlot 14 10 an old measure of gr...
firman 13 13 an Oriental sovereig...
firmed 14 13 FIRM, to make firm [...
firmer 14 12 a carpenter's or woo...
firmly 22 15 FIRM, unyielding to...
firsts 14 9 FIRST, something tha...
firths 16 11 FIRTH, an inlet of t...
fiscal 17 13 relating to the publ...
fisgig 16 13 a giddy girl, a fire...
fished 15 12 FISH, to try to catc...
fisher 15 11 one who catches fish...
fishes 15 11 FISH, to try to catc...
fisked 14 14 FISK, to frisk, gad...
fissle 14 10 (Scots) to rustle [v...
fisted 13 10 FIST, to strike with...
fistic 17 12 (facetious) relating...
fitche 18 14 in heraldry, coming...
fitchy 25 16 in heraldry, coming...
fitful 17 14 marked by sudden imp...
fitnas 12 10 FITNA, a state of tr...
fitted 13 10 FIT, to adjust to th...
fitter 13 9 one that fits [n -S]
fittes 13 9 FITTE, (archaic) a d...
fivers 15 13 FIVER, a five dollar...
fixate 18 16 to make stable [v FI...
fixers 19 16 FIXER, one that fixe...
fixing 20 19 the act or process o...
fixits 20 16 FIXIT, a person know...
fixity 26 18 stability [n FIXITIE...
fixive 21 20 acting to fix a phot...
fixure 19 17 (Shakespeare) stabil...
fizgig 19 22 a police informer [n...
fizzed 19 28 FIZZ, to make a hiss...
fizzen 18 28 (Scots) physical ene...
fizzer 19 27 (Australian slang) a...
fizzes 19 27 FIZZ, to make a hiss...
fizzle 20 28 to come to nothing [...
fjelds 16 20 FJELD, (Norwegian) a...
fjords 15 19 FJORD, a narrow inle...
flabby 24 18 hanging loose [adj F...
flacks 18 17 FLACK, to work as a...
flacon 15 14 (French) a small dec...
flaffs 18 16 FLAFF, (Scots) to fl...
flaggy 22 16 drooping [adj FLAGGI...
flagon 13 13 a large vessel conta...
flails 15 11 FLAIL, to thresh abo...
flairs 14 10 FLAIR, a natural ski...
flaked 14 15 FLAKE, to peel off i...
flaker 14 14 someone or something...
flakes 14 14 FLAKE, to peel off i...
flakey 20 16 in flakes; crazy, ec...
flambe 16 16 to douse (e.g. a pan...
flamed 14 14 FLAME, to burn brigh...
flamen 13 14 a priest of ancient...
flamer 14 13 a person who or thin...
flames 14 13 FLAME, to burn brigh...
flamms 16 16 FLAMM, (archaic) a c...
flanch 18 16 to widen into a flar...
flaned 12 12 FLANE, to walk idly,...
flanes 12 11 FLANE, to walk idly,...
flange 13 13 to provide with a pr...
flanks 14 15 FLANK, to be situate...
flanny 18 14 (Aust) a shirt made...
flappy 24 18 flapping [adj FLAPPI...
flared 13 11 FLARE, to display gl...
flares 13 10 FLARE, to display gl...
flaser 13 10 a streaky appearance...
flashy 22 14 showy, vulgar [adj F...
flasks 15 14 FLASK, a narrow-neck...
flatly 21 13 FLAT, having a smoot...
flatty 20 12 a light flat shoe, a...
flatus 14 11 intestinal gas [n -E...
flaune 12 12 (archaic) a sort of...
flaunt 13 12 to exhibit in a show...
flauta 13 11 a tortilla rolled ar...
flavas 15 14 FLAVA, (slang) a spe...
flavin 15 15 a yellow dye made fr...
flavor 15 14 to impart a special...
flawed 16 14 FLAW, to make defect...
flawns 16 14 FLAWN, (archaic) a c...
flaxen 18 18 pale yellow [adj]
flaxes 19 17 FLAX, the fibres of...
flayed 19 13 FLAY, to strip off s...
flayer 19 12 one who flays [n -S]
fleadh 15 13 (Irish) a festival o...
fleams 14 13 FLEAM, a lancet for...
fleche 18 15 (French) a slender s...
flecks 18 17 FLECK, to mark with...
flecky 24 19 flecked [adj FLECKIE...
fledge 14 13 to furnish with feat...
fledgy 21 15 covered with feather...
fleece 15 13 to remove the wool o...
fleech 18 15 (Scots) to flatter,...
fleecy 22 15 like a fleece [adj F...
fleers 13 10 FLEER, to deride by...
fleets 13 10 FLEET, to move swift...
flemed 14 14 FLEME, (Scots) to pu...
flemes 14 13 FLEME, (Scots) to pu...
flemit 15 13 FLEME, (Scots) to pu...
flench 18 16 to strip the blubber...
flense 12 11 to strip the blubber...
fleshy 22 14 having much flesh [a...
fletch 19 15 to provide (an arrow...
fleurs 14 11 FLEUR, (French) a fl...
fleury 20 13 decorated with fleur...
flewed 16 14 having a flew [adj]
flexed 19 18 FLEX, to bend [v]
flexes 19 17 FLEX, to bend [v]
flexor 19 17 a muscle that bends...
flexos 19 17 FLEXO, a method of r...
fleyed 19 13 FLEY, (Scots) to fri...
flicks 19 17 FLICK, to strike lig...
fliers 14 10 FLIER, one that flie...
fliest 14 10 FLY, shrewd, knowing...
flight 18 14 to migrate in a floc...
flimps 18 16 FLIMP, to rob while...
flimsy 22 15 a thin paper [n FLIM...
flinch 19 16 to shrink back invol...
flings 15 13 FLING, to throw with...
flints 14 11 FLINT, to provide wi...
flinty 20 13 resembling flint [ad...
flippy 25 18 flaring at the botto...
flirts 15 10 FLIRT, to engage in...
flirty 21 12 light-heartedly amor...
flisks 16 14 FLISK, to caper abou...
flisky 22 16 (Scots) restive, whi...
flitch 20 15 to cut into strips [...
flited 14 11 FLITE, (Scots) to qu...
flites 14 10 FLITE, (Scots) to qu...
flitts 15 10 FLITT, (obsolete) to...
flixed 20 18 FLIX, to melt, also...
flixes 20 17 FLIX, to melt, also...
floats 13 10 FLOAT, to rest or mo...
floaty 19 12 tending to float [ad...
flocci 20 16 FLOCCUS, the tuft of...
flocks 18 17 FLOCK, to gather or...
flocky 24 19 abounding with flock...
flongs 14 13 FLONG, papier-mache...
floods 13 11 FLOOD, to inundate [...
flooey 18 12 awry, also FLOOIE [a...
flooie 12 10 awry, also FLOOEY [a...
floors 13 10 FLOOR, to supply wit...
floosy 19 12 a prostitute, also F...
floozy 22 21 a prostitute, also F...
floppy 24 18 a type of computer d...
florae 12 10 FLORA, the plant lif...
floral 14 11 relating to flowers...
floras 13 10 FLORA, the plant lif...
floret 13 10 a small flower, esp....
florid 14 11 flowery; having a ru...
florin 13 11 an obsolete British...
flossy 20 12 resembling a light s...
flotas 13 10 FLOTA, (Spanish) a c...
floted 13 11 FLOTE, to skim e.g....
flotel 14 11 a platform or boat c...
flotes 13 10 FLOTE [n]
flours 14 11 FLOUR, to cover with...
floury 20 13 fine-grained like fl...
flouse 13 11 to splash, also FLOU...
floush 16 13 to splash, also FLOU...
flouts 14 11 FLOUT, to treat with...
flowed 16 14 FLOW, to move steadi...
flower 16 13 to blossom or flouri...
fluate 13 11 (obsolete) a fluorid...
fluent 13 12 flowing [adj FLUENTL...
fluffs 19 17 FLUFF, to make fluff...
fluffy 25 19 downy, light and sof...
flugel 16 14 a grand piano [n -S]
fluids 15 12 FLUID, a substance t...
fluier 14 11 FLUEY, infected with...
fluish 17 13 having flu to some e...
fluked 15 16 FLUKE, to obtain by...
flukes 15 15 FLUKE, to obtain by...
flukey 21 17 lucky, by accidental...
flumed 15 15 FLUME, to convey by...
flumes 15 14 FLUME, to convey by...
flumps 18 17 FLUMP, to fall or mo...
flunks 15 16 FLUNK, to fail in an...
flunky 21 18 a servile follower,...
fluors 14 11 FLUOR, a mineral for...
flurrs 15 11 FLURR, to scatter [v...
flurry 21 13 to agitate [v FLURRI...
flushy 23 15 red-complexioned [ad...
fluted 14 12 FLUTE, to play on a...
fluter 14 11 one who plays the fl...
flutes 14 11 FLUTE, to play on a...
flutey 20 13 like a flute in tone...
fluxed 20 19 FLUX, to melt, also...
fluxes 20 18 FLUX, to melt, also...
fluyts 21 13 FLUYT, (Dutch) a sma...
flyboy 28 17 a pilot in the air f...
flybys 29 17 FLYBY, a flight, at...
flyers 20 12 FLYER, one that flie...
flyest 20 12 FLY, shrewd, knowing...
flying 21 15 the operation of an...
flyman 20 16 the driver of a fly,...
flymen 20 16 FLYMAN, the driver o...
flyoff 24 18 a competitive testin...
flyped 22 16 FLYPE, to strip back...
flypes 22 15 FLYPE, to strip back...
flysch 26 17 (German) a great Alp...
flyted 20 13 FLYTE, (Scots) to qu...
flytes 20 12 FLYTE, (Scots) to qu...
flyway 29 17 an established air r...
foaled 12 11 FOAL, to give birth...
foamed 12 13 FOAM, to form froth...
foamer 12 12 something that foams...
fobbed 16 16 FOB, to cheat, also...
fodder 12 11 to feed cattle with...
fodgel 14 13 (Scots) plump and so...
foefie 13 12 (South African) as i...
foehns 13 12 FOEHN, a warm dry wi...
foeman 11 13 an enemy in war [n F...
foemen 11 13 FOEMAN, an enemy in...
foetal 12 10 pertaining to a fetu...
foetid 12 10 stinking, also FETID...
foetor 11 9 a stench, also FETOR...
foetus 12 10 the unborn in the wo...
fogash 15 13 a fish, the pike-per...
fogbow 18 17 a nebulous arc of li...
fogdog 14 14 a nebulous arc of li...
fogeys 19 13 FOGEY, a person with...
fogged 14 14 FOG, to cover with c...
fogger 14 13 a person who sets ra...
fogies 13 11 FOGIE, a person with...
fogles 14 12 FOGLE, (slang) a sil...
fogman 13 15 a person who sets ra...
fogmen 13 15 FOGMAN, a person who...
fogous 13 12 FOGOU, a manmade und...
fogram 14 14 a person with an old...
foible 15 13 a minor weakness or...
foiled 13 11 FOIL, to defeat or b...
foined 11 11 FOIN, to thrust with...
foison 11 10 (Scots) physical ene...
foists 13 9 FOIST, to pass off (...
folate 12 10 a form of vitamin B...
folded 13 12 FOLD, to double over...
folder 13 11 one that folds [n -S...
foldup 16 15 an object that folds...
foleys 19 12 FOLEY, in filming, t...
foliar 13 10 relating to leaves,...
folies 13 10 FOLIE, (French) madn...
folios 13 10 FOLIO, to number the...
folium 15 14 a leaf, a thin layer...
folkie 14 14 a performer of folk...
folksy 21 16 having an affected f...
folles 14 11 FOLLIS, a coin of an...
follis 15 11 a coin of ancient Ro...
follow 17 14 to go after or behin...
foment 12 13 to foster or promote...
fomite 13 12 a substance capable...
fondas 11 11 FONDA, (Spanish) a t...
fonded 11 12 FOND, to display aff...
fonder 11 11 FOND, having an affe...
fondle 12 12 to caress [v FONDLED...
fondly 19 14 FOND, having an affe...
fondue 11 12 to cook a dish of me...
fondus 12 12 FONDU, to cook a dis...
fonned 10 12 FON, to fool, be foo...
fontal 12 11 pertaining to a font...
foobar 13 12 Fucked Up Beyond All...
foodie 11 10 an enthusiast for fo...
fooled 12 11 FOOL, to deceive [v]
footed 11 10 FOOT, to walk [v]
footer 11 9 to mess around aimle...
footie 11 9 (slang) football [n...
footle 12 10 to potter about [v F...
footra 11 9 a worthless fig, als...
footsy 18 11 a flirting game play...
foozle 15 19 to manage or play aw...
fopped 16 16 FOP, to deceive [v]
forage 12 11 to search about [v F...
forams 13 12 FORAM, one of the Rh...
forane 10 10 outlying or rural, a...
forays 18 11 FORAY, to make a rai...
forbad 14 13 FORBID, to command n...
forbid 15 13 to command not to do...
forbye 20 14 close by, also FORBY...
forcat 15 12 a convict condemned...
forced 15 13 FORCE, to compel by...
forcer 15 12 one who forces [n -S...
forces 15 12 FORCE, to compel by...
forded 12 11 FORD, to wade across...
fordid 13 11 FORDO, to destroy, a...
foreby 20 14 close by, also FORBY...
foredo 11 10 to destroy, also FOR...
forego 12 11 to go before [v FORE...
forels 13 10 FOREL, (archaic) a k...
forest 12 9 to convert into a de...
forfex 20 19 (Latin) a pair of sc...
forgat 13 11 FORGET, to fail to r...
forged 13 12 FORGE, to counterfei...
forger 13 11 one that forges [n -...
forges 13 11 FORGE, to counterfei...
forget 13 11 to fail to remember...
forgot 13 11 FORGET, to fail to r...
forhoo 13 11 (Scots) to desert or...
forhow 17 14 to desert or abandon...
forint 12 10 a monetary unit of H...
forked 13 14 FORK, to work with a...
forker 13 13 one who forks [n -S]
formal 14 13 regulated, not casua...
format 13 12 to follow the style...
formed 13 13 FORM, to shape or pr...
formee 12 12 a kind of heraldic c...
former 13 12 preceding [adj FORME...
formes 13 12 FORME, a body of typ...
formic 17 15 of or pertaining to...
formol 14 13 a formic aldehyde us...
formyl 21 15 a radical derived fr...
fornix 18 17 an arched anatomical...
forpet 14 12 a measure of grain,...
forpit 15 12 a measure of grain,...
forrad 12 10 (Scots) forward, als...
forray 18 11 (Spenser) to foray;...
forren 11 10 (Milton) foreign [ad...
forrit 13 9 (Scots) forward, als...
forsay 18 11 to forbid, to renoun...
forted 12 10 FORT, to fortify [v]
fortes 12 9 FORTE, (French) one'...
forthy 21 13 (Spenser) therefore,...
fortis 13 9 a consonant, such as...
forums 14 13 FORUM, a public meet...
forwhy 24 16 (archaic) wherefore;...
fossae 11 9 FOSSA, a anatomical...
fossas 12 9 FOSSA, a anatomical...
fossed 12 10 having a fosse, a di...
fosses 12 9 FOSSE, a ditch or mo...
fossil 14 10 the preserved remain...
fossor 12 9 (archaic) a grave-di...
foster 12 9 to promote the growt...
fother 14 11 to protect a sail wi...
fouats 12 10 FOUAT, a leek, also...
fouest 12 10 FOU, (Scots) drunk [...
fouets 12 10 FOUET, (Scots) the h...
fought 16 14 FIGHT, to contend in...
fouled 13 12 FOUL, to make dirty...
fouler 13 11 FOUL, offensive to t...
foules 13 11 FOULE, a fulled clot...
foulie 13 11 (Australian slang) a...
foully 21 14 FOUL, offensive to t...
founds 12 12 FOUND, to establish...
founts 12 11 FOUNT, a fountain, a...
fourth 15 12 number four in seque...
foussa 12 10 (Malagasy) a red-bro...
fousty 19 12 (Scots) mouldy, damp...
fouter 12 10 (Scots) to mess arou...
fouths 15 12 FOUTH, (Scots) abund...
foutra 12 10 a fig, something wor...
foutre 12 10 (Scots) to mess arou...
foveae 12 13 FOVEA, a shallow ana...
foveal 14 14 relating to a fovea...
foveas 13 13 FOVEA, a shallow ana...
fowled 16 14 FOWL, to hunt birds...
fowler 16 13 one that fowls [n -S...
fowths 18 14 FOWTH, abundance, al...
foxier 18 16 FOXY, like a fox, cr...
foxies 18 16 FOXIE, (colloquial)...
foxily 26 19 FOXY, like a fox, cr...
foxing 19 19 the act of a person...
foyers 18 11 FOYER, a large room...
foyled 19 13 FOYLE, (Spenser) to...
foyles 19 12 FOYLE, (Spenser) to...
foyned 17 13 FOYNE, to thrust wit...
foynes 17 12 FOYNE, to thrust wit...
fozier 15 18 FOZY, lacking in fre...
fracas 15 12 a brawl [n -ES]
fracks 17 16 FRACK, to engage in...
fracti 16 12 FRACTUS, a ragged cl...
fracts 16 12 FRACT, to break; to...
fraena 10 10 FRAENUM, a connectin...
fragor 13 11 a crash [n -S]
frails 14 10 FRAIL, a basket for...
fraims 14 12 FRAIM, a stranger, a...
fraise 12 9 to fortify with a ho...
framed 13 13 FRAME, to enclose in...
framer 13 12 one who frames [n -S...
frames 13 12 FRAME, to enclose in...
franco 14 13 post-free [adj]
francs 15 13 FRANC, a monetary un...
franks 13 14 FRANK, to mark mail...
franzy 21 21 cross and peevish [a...
fraped 14 13 FRAPE, to alter the...
frapes 14 12 FRAPE, to alter the...
frappe 16 15 an iced drink, also...
fratch 18 14 a brawl [n -ES]
frater 12 9 a monk, a house for...
fratry 19 11 a convent of friars,...
frauds 13 11 FRAUD, criminal dece...
frayed 18 12 FRAY, to wear by rub...
frazil 17 19 ice crystals in stre...
freaks 13 13 FREAK, to spot or st...
freaky 19 15 quirkily unusual, al...
freely 19 12 FREE, not subject to...
freers 12 9 FREER, one who frees...
freest 12 9 FREE, not subject to...
freets 12 9 FREET, (Scots) an om...
freety 18 11 superstitious, also...
freeze 14 18 to turn into a solid...
freits 13 9 FREIT, (Scots) an om...
freity 19 11 superstitious, also...
fremds 14 13 FREMD, (Scots) a str...
fremit 14 12 a stranger, also FRE...
french 17 15 to cut into thin str...
frenne 10 11 (Spenser) a stranger...
frenum 13 14 a connecting fold of...
frenzy 21 21 to make frantic, als...
freons 11 10 FREON, (trade) an ae...
freres 12 9 FRERE, a friar [n]
fresco 15 12 to paint on plaster...
fretty 19 11 adorned with fretwor...
friand 12 11 a (male) epicure [n...
friars 13 9 FRIAR, a member of a...
friary 19 11 a monastery of friar...
fricht 19 14 (Scots) to frighten...
fricot 16 12 an Acadian stew with...
fridge 14 12 to rub or fray [v FR...
friend 12 11 to enter into a warm...
friers 13 9 FRIER, a pan or cont...
frieze 15 18 to put a decorative...
friges 14 11 FRIG, a refrigerator...
fright 17 13 to make afraid, to s...
frigid 15 12 chillingly stiff [ad...
frigot 14 11 (Spenser) a frigate...
frijol 16 19 a bean used as food,...
frills 16 11 FRILL, to provide wi...
frilly 22 13 having frills [adj F...
fringe 13 12 to provide with an o...
fringy 20 14 resembling a fringe...
fripon 14 13 (French) a knave or...
frisee 12 9 (French) a variety o...
frises 13 9 FRISE, (French) a de...
friska 14 13 the fast section of...
frisks 15 13 FRISK, to gambol, or...
frisky 21 15 lively and playful [...
frists 14 9 FRIST, to postpone,...
frites 13 9 chipped potatoes [n]
friths 16 11 FRITH, an inlet of t...
fritts 14 9 FRITT, to fuse into...
frivol 16 14 to behave playfully...
frized 16 19 FRIZ, to curl hair t...
frizer 16 18 one that frizzes, al...
frizes 16 18 FRIZ, to curl hair t...
frizzy 26 29 of hair, tightly cur...
frocks 17 16 FROCK, to invest wit...
froggy 21 15 abounding in frogs [...
froing 13 12 as in toing and froi...
froise 12 9 a thick pancake, wit...
frolic 17 13 to play and run abou...
fronds 12 11 FROND, a type of lea...
fronts 12 10 FRONT, to present [v...
froren 11 10 frozen, also FRORE,...
frorne 11 10 frozen, also FRORE,...
frosts 13 9 FROST, to cover with...
frosty 19 11 covered with frost [...
froths 15 11 FROTH, to foam [v]
frothy 21 13 covered with froth [...
frouzy 22 21 unkempt, also FROWZY...
frowie 15 12 (Spenser) musty, ran...
frowns 15 13 FROWN, to wrinkle th...
frowst 16 12 to luxuriate in hot...
frowsy 22 14 fusty, stuffy, also...
frowzy 25 23 fusty, stuffy, also...
frozen 14 19 FREEZE, to turn into...
frugal 15 13 characterized by or...
fruict 17 13 (obsolete) fruit [n...
fruits 14 10 FRUIT, to produce an...
fruity 20 12 tasting of fruit [ad...
frumps 17 16 FRUMP, (obsolete) to...
frumpy 23 18 ill-dressed or dowdy...
frusta 13 10 FRUSTUM, a cone with...
frusts 14 10 FRUST, a fragment [n...
frutex 19 17 a shrub [n FRUTICES]
fryers 19 11 FRYER, a pan or cont...
frying 20 14 the process of fryin...
frypan 20 15 a pan for frying foo...
fubbed 17 17 FUB, to cheat, also...
fucked 17 18 FUCK, to copulate, a...
fucker 17 17 a contemptible perso...
fuckup 20 21 something incompeten...
fucoid 16 14 relating to seaweed,...
fucose 15 13 a type of sugar [n -...
fucous 16 14 of or pertaining to...
fuddle 14 13 to confuse, muddle [...
fudged 14 14 FUDGE, to falsify [v...
fudges 14 13 FUDGE, to falsify [v...
fueled 13 12 FUEL, to provide wit...
fueler 13 11 one who fuels, also...
fueros 12 10 FUERO, (Spanish) a B...
fuffed 17 17 FUFF, to spit like a...
fugato 13 12 a fugal composition...
fugged 15 15 FUG, to make hot, st...
fugies 14 12 FUGIE, (Scots) a coc...
fugios 14 12 FUGIO, a former coin...
fugled 15 14 FUGLE, (Carlyle) to...
fugles 15 13 FUGLE, (Carlyle) to...
fugued 14 14 FUGUE, to compose a...
fugues 14 13 FUGUE, to compose a...
fuhrer 15 12 (German) a leader, a...
fulcra 17 14 FULCRUM, a support f...
fulfil 18 15 to bring about the a...
fulgid 16 14 shining brightly, al...
fulgor 15 13 splendour, also FULG...
fulham 17 16 a loaded die, also F...
fullam 16 15 a loaded die, also F...
fullan 14 13 a loaded die, also F...
fulled 15 13 FULL, to shrink and...
fuller 15 12 to groove with a typ...
fulmar 15 14 an arctic seabird [n...
fulvid 17 16 dull yellow, also FU...
fumado 13 14 a salted and smoked...
fumage 14 15 hearth-tax [n -S]
fumble 17 17 to handle clumsily [...
fumers 14 13 FUMER, one that fume...
fumets 14 13 FUMET, (archaic) the...
fumier 14 13 FUMY, full of fumes,...
fuming 15 16 FUME, to give off sm...
fumous 14 14 full of fumes [adj]
fumuli 16 15 FUMULUS, a thin clou...
funded 12 13 FUND, to provide mon...
funder 12 12 a financial backer [...
fundic 16 15 relating to the fund...
fundie 12 12 a member of the radi...
fundis 13 12 FUNDI, in South Afri...
fundus 13 13 the inner basal surf...
funest 12 11 portending death or...
fungal 14 14 relating to fungi e....
fungic 17 16 pertaining to a fung...
fungos 13 13 FUNGO, a fly ball hi...
fungus 14 14 any of the major gro...
funked 13 16 FUNK, to shrink back...
funker 13 15 one who funks [n -S]
funkia 13 15 any plant of an East...
funned 11 13 FUN, to act playfull...
funnel 12 13 to pass through a co...
funner 11 12 FUN, providing enjoy...
furals 14 11 FURAL, a liquid obta...
furane 11 11 a chemical used in t...
furans 12 11 FURAN, a chemical us...
furcae 15 13 FURCA, any forklike...
furcal 17 14 forked [adj]
furder 13 11 further [adv]
fureur 13 11 (French) an extravag...
furfur 16 14 dandruff, also FURFA...
furies 13 10 FURY, violent anger...
furkid 15 15 an animal kept as a...
furled 14 12 FURL, to roll up [v]
furler 14 11 one that furls [n -S...
furole 13 11 a liquid obtained by...
furols 14 11 FUROL, a liquid obta...
furore 12 10 (Italian) an outburs...
furors 13 10 FUROR, an outburst o...
furphy 24 17 (Australian slang) a...
furred 13 11 FUR, to cover with a...
furrow 16 13 to make narrow depre...
furzes 16 19 FURZE, a spiny shrub...
fusain 12 11 a fine charcoal used...
fusees 12 10 FUSEE, a large-heade...
fusels 14 11 FUSEL, a nauseous mi...
fusile 14 11 formed by melting [a...
fusils 15 11 FUSIL, a type of fli...
fusing 14 13 FUSE, to equip with...
fusion 12 11 (Scots) physical ene...
fusked 14 15 FUSK, to obtain data...
fusker 14 14 a piece of software...
fussed 13 11 FUSS, to be overly c...
fusser 13 10 one that fusses [n -...
fusses 13 10 FUSS, to be overly c...
fusted 13 11 FUST, to smell mould...
fustet 13 10 the wood of a tree g...
fustic 17 13 the wood of a tree g...
fustoc 16 13 the wood of a tree g...
fusuma 14 14 a Japanese sliding d...
futile 14 11 ineffective [adj FUT...
futons 12 11 FUTON, a cotton fill...
futsal 14 11 a form of associatio...
future 13 11 the time yet to come...
futzed 16 20 FUTZ, to spend time...
futzes 16 19 FUTZ, to spend time...
fuzees 15 19 FUZEE, a match with...
fuzils 18 20 FUZIL, a type of fli...
fuzing 17 22 FUZE, to equip with...
fuzzed 19 29 FUZZ, to become fuzz...
fuzzes 19 28 FUZZ, to become fuzz...
fuzzle 20 29 (dialect) to intoxic...
fyking 21 18 FYKE, to fidget rest...
fylfot 22 15 a form of cross like...
fynbos 20 15 in South Africa, an...
fyttes 19 11 FYTTE, (archaic) a d...