9 letter words that start with F

9 letter words that start with F

9 letter F word


Words With Friends®


fabaceous 21 19 beanlike [adj]
fabricant 22 19 (archaic) a manufact...
fabricate 22 18 to manufacture; to p...
fabricked 24 23 FABRIC, to construct...
fabriques 28 25 FABRIQUE, a parish g...
fabulated 20 18 FABULATE, to compose...
fabulates 20 17 FABULATE, to compose...
fabulator 20 17 one who fabulates [n...
fabulised 21 18 FABULISE, to write f...
fabulises 21 17 FABULISE, to write f...
fabulisms 23 20 FABULISM, the placin...
fabulists 22 17 FABULIST, one who in...
fabulized 24 27 FABULIZE, to write f...
fabulizes 24 26 FABULIZE, to write f...
faburdens 19 18 FABURDEN, (obsolete)...
facebooks 22 22 FACEBOOK, to look fo...
facecloth 26 21 a cloth used in wash...
facedowns 22 20 FACEDOWN, the act of...
facelifts 24 19 FACELIFT, to perform...
facemails 22 19 FACEMAIL, electronic...
facemasks 22 22 FACEMASK, a device t...
faceplate 22 19 a flat transparent p...
faceprint 22 19 a digitally recorded...
facetimed 21 19 FACETIME, to communi...
facetimes 21 18 FACETIME, to communi...
facetings 21 18 FACETING, the act of...
facetious 20 16 playfully jocular; h...
facetting 21 18 FACET, to cut small...
facialist 22 16 a beautician who spe...
facsimile 23 19 an exact copy [n -S]...
facticity 31 20 the quality of being...
factional 20 17 relating to factions...
factitive 23 19 causative; (of a ver...
factoidal 21 17 like a factoid [adj]
factorage 20 17 the fees or commissi...
factorial 21 16 relating to a factor...
factories 20 15 FACTORY, a place whe...
factoring 21 18 FACTOR, to express a...
factorise 20 15 to reduce a number t...
factorize 23 24 to reduce a number t...
factotums 22 19 FACTOTUM, a person e...
factsheet 22 17 a printed sheet cont...
factually 29 20 FACTUAL, actual, rea...
faculties 22 17 FACULTY, an inherent...
facundity 27 20 eloquence [n FACUNDI...
faddiness 17 15 fussiness about food...
faddishly 28 19 FADDISH, inclined to...
fadeaways 25 18 FADEAWAY, a type of...
fadedness 16 15 the state of being f...
fadometer 17 16 an instrument used t...
fagaceous 20 18 belonging to the bee...
faggeries 19 16 FAGGERY, drudgery, f...
faggoting 20 19 a kind of embroidery...
fagotings 19 17 FAGOTING, a kind of...
fagottist 19 14 a bassoon player [n...
fahlbands 22 20 FAHLBAND, (German) i...
fahlerzes 23 24 FAHLERZ, (German) an...
failingly 27 19 FAILING, in a state...
failovers 20 17 FAILOVER, a procedur...
faineance 17 17 (French) doing nothi...
faineancy 24 19 doing nothing, being...
faineants 15 14 FAINEANT, a lazy per...
faintiest 17 13 FAINTY, somewhat fai...
faintings 18 16 FAINTING, the act of...
faintness 16 14 the state of being f...
fairfaced 22 19 of bricks, with a sm...
fairgoers 18 14 FAIRGOER, one who at...
fairishly 28 17 FAIRISH, moderately...
fairleads 18 14 FAIRLEAD, a ring thr...
fairydoms 25 18 FAIRYDOM, the world...
fairyhood 25 17 the state of being a...
fairyisms 26 17 FAIRYISM, the qualit...
fairyland 24 17 the land of the fair...
fairylike 26 19 like a fairy [adj]
fairytale 24 15 pertaining to a stor...
faithcure 23 18 a cure or healing th...
faithfuls 24 19 FAITHFUL, one who is...
faithings 21 17 FAITHING, the act of...
faithless 21 15 without faith [adj F...
fakements 18 20 FAKEMENT, a sham, a...
fakirisms 21 19 FAKIRISM, religious...
falangism 20 19 membership of the Sp...
falangist 19 16 a member of the Span...
falcation 20 17 the state of being f...
falchions 23 19 FALCHION, a curved s...
falciform 25 22 shaped like a sickle...
falconers 20 17 FALCONER, one that h...
falconets 20 17 FALCONET, one of the...
falconine 19 18 like a falcon or haw...
falconoid 20 18 an antioxidant compo...
falculate 22 18 curved and sharp-poi...
falderals 19 15 FALDERAL, to sing me...
falderols 19 15 FALDEROL, nonsense;...
faldettas 18 14 FALDETTA, (Italian)...
faldstool 19 15 a prayer desk from w...
fallacies 22 17 FALLACY, delusion or...
fallalery 26 17 foppishness [n FALLA...
fallalish 23 17 like a fallal, foppi...
fallaways 28 19 FALLAWAY, a shot in...
fallbacks 26 24 FALLBACK, a retreat,...
fallboard 21 18 a cover for a piano...
fallowest 22 17 FALLOW, brownish-yel...
fallowing 23 20 FALLOW, to plough an...
falseface 22 19 a mask [n -S]
falsehood 19 16 a lie [n -S]
falseness 17 14 the state of being f...
falsettos 18 13 FALSETTO, an artific...
falsework 22 20 a temporary framewor...
falsified 21 17 FALSIFY, to misrepre...
falsifier 21 16 one who falsifies [n...
falsifies 21 16 FALSIFY, to misrepre...
falsities 19 13 FALSITY, something f...
faltboats 20 16 FALTBOAT, a collapsi...
falterers 18 13 FALTERER, one who fa...
faltering 19 16 hesitant [adj FALTER...
familiars 20 16 FAMILIAR, a close fr...
familisms 22 19 FAMILISM, the tenden...
famishing 22 20 FAMISH, to suffer ex...
famousing 19 19 FAMOUS, (archaic) to...
fanatical 20 17 extravagantly or unr...
fanciable 22 20 attractive [adj]
fancified 22 20 FANCIFY, to make fan...
fancifies 22 19 FANCIFY, to make fan...
fanciless 21 17 lacking in imaginati...
fanciness 19 17 the state of being f...
fancywork 30 25 ornamental needlewor...
fandangle 17 18 an elaborate ornamen...
fandangos 16 17 FANDANGO, (Spanish)...
fanegadas 16 16 FANEGADA, a Spanish...
fanfarade 17 17 (French) a fanfare [...
fanfaring 19 19 FANFARE, to herald w...
fanfarona 16 17 (Scott) a gold chain...
fanfarons 17 17 FANFARON, (Spanish)...
fanfolded 19 19 FANFOLD, to fold pap...
fanlights 22 18 FANLIGHT, a half-cir...
fantailed 17 15 having a fan-shaped...
fantasias 16 13 FANTASIA, a free-for...
fantasied 16 14 FANTASY, to imagine,...
fantasies 16 13 FANTASY, to imagine,...
fantasise 16 13 to visualize in fant...
fantasist 17 13 one who fantasises [...
fantasize 19 22 to visualize in fant...
fantasmal 18 17 like a fantasm, also...
fantasmic 21 19 like a fantasm, also...
fantasque 24 23 (obsolete) a fancy,...
fantastic 20 16 unreal [adj FANTASTI...
fantastry 23 15 dandyism, also PHANT...
fantigues 18 16 FANTIGUE, anxiety, a...
faradised 17 14 FARADISE, to treat b...
faradiser 17 13 one who faradises, s...
faradises 17 13 FARADISE, to treat b...
faradisms 19 16 FARADISM, the use of...
faradized 20 23 FARADIZE, to treat b...
faradizer 20 22 one who faradises, s...
faradizes 20 22 FARADIZE, to treat b...
farandine 15 15 (obsolete) a silk an...
farandole 16 15 (French) a lively Pr...
farcemeat 20 18 meat chopped fine an...
farceuses 20 16 FARCEUSE, (French) a...
farcified 23 19 FARCIFY, to turn int...
farcifies 23 18 FARCIFY, to turn int...
fareboxes 24 22 FAREBOX, a receptacl...
farewells 22 17 FAREWELL, to say goo...
farfalles 21 17 FARFALLE, pasta in t...
farmeress 18 15 a woman who farms [n...
farmeries 18 15 FARMERY, farm buildi...
farmhands 20 19 FARMHAND, a farm lab...
farmhouse 20 18 the farmer's house a...
farmlands 19 18 FARMLAND, cultivated...
farmstead 18 16 a farmhouse with bui...
farmwives 24 22 FARMWIFE, the wife o...
farmworks 23 22 FARMWORK, the labor...
farmyards 25 18 FARMYARD, an area su...
farnarkel 18 18 (Australian slang) t...
farnesols 17 14 FARNESOL, an alcohol...
farnesses 16 13 FARNESS, the state o...
farolitos 18 13 FAROLITO, a candle i...
farragoes 17 14 FARRAGO, a confused...
farrowing 21 18 FARROW, to give birt...
farseeing 17 15 seeing a long way [a...
farthings 21 17 FARTHING, a former B...
fasciated 20 16 exhibiting a flatten...
fascicled 25 20 arranged, growing, o...
fascicles 25 19 FASCICLE, a bundle;...
fascicule 25 20 a bundle; a division...
fasciculi 26 20 FASCICULUS, (Latin)...
fasciitis 22 15 inflammation of the...
fascinate 19 16 to interest exceedin...
fasciolas 21 16 FASCIOLA, a band of...
fascioles 21 16 FASCIOLE, a band of...
fascistic 25 18 of or like a fascist...
fasheries 19 14 FASHERY, annoyance [...
fashioned 18 16 FASHION, to give a p...
fashioner 18 15 one who fashions [n...
fastbacks 24 22 FASTBACK, a type of...
fastballs 22 17 FASTBALL, a type of...
fasteners 16 13 FASTENER, something...
fastening 17 16 something that secur...
fastigium 21 18 (Latin) the apex of...
fatalisms 20 16 FATALISM, the doctri...
fatalists 19 13 FATALIST, a believer...
fatalness 17 14 the quality of being...
fatefully 28 20 FATEFUL, critical, f...
fatheaded 18 16 stupid [adj FATHEADE...
fathering 20 17 the male act of proc...
fathomers 20 17 FATHOMER, one who fa...
fathoming 21 20 FATHOM, to ascertain...
fatidical 22 17 of or relating to pr...
fatigable 21 18 easily tired, also F...
fatigated 18 15 FATIGATE, to weary,...
fatigates 18 14 FATIGATE, to weary,...
fatiguing 20 18 FATIGUE, to weary, a...
fatiscent 20 16 gaping with cracks [...
fatnesses 16 13 FATNESS, the state o...
fatstocks 22 19 FATSTOCK, livestock...
fatteners 16 13 FATTENER, one that f...
fattening 17 16 the act of making fa...
fattiness 17 13 the state of being f...
fatuities 18 13 FATUITY, complacent...
fatuitous 18 14 stupid, fatuous, als...
fatuously 25 17 FATUOUS, silly; purp...
fatwahing 23 20 FATWAH, to threaten...
faubourgs 21 19 FAUBOURG, (French) a...
fauchions 22 19 FAUCHION, a curved s...
faulchion 23 20 a curved short sword...
faultiest 19 14 FAULTY, imperfect [a...
faultless 20 15 without fault [adj F...
faultline 19 16 a surface along whic...
faunistic 21 17 relating to fauna [a...
fauteuils 19 15 FAUTEUIL, (French) a...
fauvettes 19 17 FAUVETTE, (French) a...
fauxmance 26 27 (colloquial) a fake...
faveolate 18 17 honeycombed [adj]
favorable 21 20 (US) favourable, als...
favorably 28 22 FAVORABLE, (US) favo...
favorites 19 16 FAVORITE, (US) favou...
favorless 20 17 (US) without favor,...
favourers 19 17 FAVOURER, one that f...
favouring 20 20 FAVOUR, to regard wi...
favourite 19 17 a person or thing re...
fawningly 28 22 FAWNING, ingratiatin...
fayalites 24 15 FAYALITE, a silicate...
fearfully 28 20 FEARFUL, full of fea...
feasances 18 16 FEASANCE, the perfor...
feastings 18 15 FEASTING, the act of...
feastless 18 13 without a feast [adj...
feathered 18 15 FEATHER, to cover wi...
featliest 18 13 FEATLY, (Shakespeare...
featurely 24 16 (archaic) handsome [...
featuring 18 16 FEATURE, to present...
feblesses 20 16 FEBLESSE, (Spenser)...
febricity 30 20 feverishness [n FEBR...
febricula 24 20 a slight short fever...
febricule 24 20 a slight short fever...
febrifuge 23 21 something which redu...
febrility 28 18 feverishness [n FEBR...
feculence 23 21 the state of being f...
feculency 30 23 the state of being f...
fecundate 19 18 to make fruitful or...
fecundity 27 20 fertility [n FECUNDI...
fedelinis 18 15 FEDELINI, (Italian)...
federally 25 17 FEDERAL, relating to...
federarie 16 13 (Shakespeare) a conf...
federated 16 14 FEDERATE, to unite i...
federates 16 13 FEDERATE, to unite i...
federator 16 13 one who federates [n...
feedbacks 23 23 FEEDBACK, a return o...
feedboxes 24 23 FEEDBOX, a box for a...
feedgrain 17 16 cereal grown to feed...
feedholes 19 16 FEEDHOLE, one of a s...
feedpipes 21 19 FEEDPIPE, a pipe thr...
feedstock 21 20 raw material used in...
feedstuff 22 20 material for feeding...
feedwater 19 16 purified water used...
feedyards 23 16 FEEDYARD, a place wh...
feelingly 26 19 FEELING [adv]
feetfirst 20 15 with feet leading th...
feignedly 25 19 FEIGNED [adv]
feignings 19 18 FEIGNING, the act of...
feijoadas 18 22 FEIJOADA, a Brazilia...
feiseanna 14 14 FEIS, (Irish) an anc...
feistiest 18 12 FEISTY, spirited [ad...
feldgraus 20 17 FELDGRAU, the grey c...
feldschar 24 19 (Russian) in Russia...
feldscher 24 19 (Russian) in Russia...
feldshers 21 16 FELDSHER, a medical...
feldspars 21 17 FELDSPAR, a common r...
feldspath 23 19 (obsolete) a common...
felicific 28 22 producing happiness...
feliciter 22 16 (Latin) happily, suc...
fellaheen 19 17 FELLAH, a peasant of...
fellating 20 17 FELLATE, to stimulat...
fellation 18 15 oral stimulation of...
fellatios 19 14 FELLATIO, oral stimu...
fellators 19 14 FELLATOR, a male who...
fellatrix 26 21 a female who fellate...
fellowing 23 20 FELLOW, to produce a...
fellowman 22 21 a human being like o...
fellowmen 22 21 FELLOWMAN, a human b...
felonious 17 15 like a felon, wicked...
felonries 17 14 FELONRY, a body of f...
felstones 17 14 FELSTONE, (obsolete)...
feltering 19 16 FELTER, to mat toget...
femeralls 20 17 FEMERALL, an outlet...
femerells 20 17 FEMERELL, a ventilat...
femicidal 23 20 relating to femicide...
femicides 22 19 FEMICIDE, the killin...
feminazis 21 25 FEMINAZI, a militant...
femineity 24 18 womanliness, feminin...
feminines 17 17 FEMININE, a word of...
feminised 18 17 FEMINISE, to make wo...
feminises 18 16 FEMINISE, to make wo...
feminisms 20 19 FEMINISM, advocacy o...
feminists 19 16 FEMINIST, a supporte...
feminized 21 26 FEMINIZE, to make wo...
feminizes 21 25 FEMINIZE, to make wo...
fenagling 19 19 FENAGLE, to obtain b...
fenceless 20 17 without a fence [adj...
fencelike 21 21 like a fence [adj]
fencerows 22 19 FENCEROW, the land o...
fencibles 23 20 FENCIBLE, a soldier...
fenestrae 15 13 FENESTRA, a perforat...
fenestral 17 14 of or pertaining to...
fenestras 16 13 FENESTRA, a perforat...
fentanyls 23 17 FENTANYL, a narcotic...
fenthions 18 16 FENTHION, an insecti...
fenugreek 18 20 a kind of herb [n -S...
feodaries 16 13 FEODARY, one holding...
feoffment 21 22 the gift of a fief [...
feracious 20 16 prolific, fruitful [...
feralised 18 14 run wild following d...
feralized 21 23 run wild following d...
fermented 17 17 FERMENT, to undergo...
fermenter 17 16 an agent that causes...
fermentor 17 16 an agent that causes...
fermionic 21 19 of or like a fermion...
fernbirds 20 17 FERNBIRD, a small Ne...
ferneries 16 13 FERNERY, a place whe...
fernshaws 22 18 FERNSHAW, a thicket...
fernticle 21 17 (Scots) a freckle, a...
ferocious 20 16 fierce [adj FEROCIOU...
ferreling 19 16 FERREL, to fit with...
ferrelled 19 15 FERREL, to fit with...
ferreters 17 12 FERRETER, one who fe...
ferreting 18 15 rummaging about [n -...
ferriages 18 14 FERRIAGE, the fare p...
ferritins 18 13 FERRITIN, a protein...
ferrocene 18 16 an orange crystallin...
ferrogram 19 17 a slide prepared to...
ferrotype 25 17 an old form of photo...
ferruling 20 17 FERRULE, to fit with...
ferryboat 25 17 a boat used on a fer...
fertigate 18 14 to fertilize and irr...
fertilely 26 16 FERTILE, productive...
fertilest 19 13 FERTILE, productive...
fertilise 19 13 to make fertile, als...
fertility 26 15 the state of being f...
fertilize 22 22 to make fertile, als...
ferventer 18 17 FERVENT, hot, glowin...
fervently 26 20 FERVENT, hot, glowin...
fervidest 20 17 FERVID, warm, ardent...
fervidity 27 19 the state of being f...
fervorous 19 17 full of fervor [adj]
festering 18 15 FESTER, to generate...
festilogy 26 17 a treatise on eccles...
festinate 16 13 quick [adj FESTINATE...
festivals 21 17 FESTIVAL, a time of...
festively 27 19 FESTIVE, befitting a...
festivity 27 18 conviviality, joyful...
festivous 20 17 (archaic) festive [a...
festology 25 17 a treatise on eccles...
festooned 15 14 FESTOON, to adorn wi...
fetations 16 13 FETATION, the develo...
feteritas 17 12 FETERITA, a cereal g...
fetichise 23 17 to make a fetish of,...
fetichism 25 20 devotion to or rever...
fetichist 24 17 one who worships a f...
fetichize 26 26 to make a fetish of,...
feticidal 22 17 relating to the kill...
feticides 21 16 FETICIDE, the killin...
fetidness 17 14 the state of being f...
fetishise 20 14 to make a fetish of,...
fetishism 22 17 devotion to or rever...
fetishist 21 14 one who worships a f...
fetishize 23 23 to make a fetish of,...
fetlocked 22 21 having fetlocks [adj...
fetoscope 21 18 an instrument used f...
fetoscopy 28 20 a procedure for view...
fetterers 17 12 FETTERER, one who fe...
fettering 18 15 FETTER, to shackle [...
fettlings 20 16 FETTLING, loose mate...
fettucine 20 17 (Italian) a pasta ma...
fettucini 21 17 (Italian) a pasta ma...
feudalise 18 15 to reduce to a feuda...
feudalism 20 18 the feudal system; a...
feudalist 19 15 an upholder of feuda...
feudality 25 17 the state of being f...
feudalize 21 24 to reduce to a feuda...
feudaries 17 14 FEUDARY, a holder of...
feudatory 23 16 one holding lands or...
feuillete 19 15 (French) a puff past...
feverfews 24 22 FEVERFEW, a perennia...
feverless 20 17 without a fever [adj...
feverroot 18 16 an American wild pla...
feverweed 21 20 a plant thought to b...
feverwort 22 19 a coarse American he...
fewnesses 19 16 FEWNESS, the state o...
fewtering 21 18 FEWTER, to set a spe...
feynesses 22 15 FEYNESS, the state o...
fibberies 22 18 FIBBERY, the habit o...
fiberfill 25 20 (US) synthetic fibre...
fiberised 20 16 FIBERISE, to break i...
fiberises 20 15 FIBERISE, to break i...
fiberized 23 25 FIBERIZE, to break i...
fiberizes 23 24 FIBERIZE, to break i...
fiberless 21 16 having no fibers, al...
fiberlike 22 20 like a fiber, also F...
fibrannes 18 17 FIBRANNE, a fabric m...
fibrefill 25 20 synthetic fibres use...
fibreless 21 16 having no fibers, al...
fibrelike 22 20 like a fibre, also F...
fibriform 24 21 shaped like a fibre...
fibrillae 22 17 FIBRILLA, a small fi...
fibrillar 23 17 relating to a fibril...
fibrillin 23 18 a protein found in c...
fibrinoid 20 17 of or like fibrin [a...
fibrinous 20 17 having, or partaking...
fibrocyte 29 20 a normally inactive...
fibroline 20 17 a yarn of flax, jute...
fibrolite 21 16 a silicate of alumin...
fibromata 20 18 FIBROMA, a benign tu...
fibrosing 21 18 FIBROSE, to form fib...
fibrously 28 19 FIBROUS, containing,...
fictional 21 17 relating to fiction...
fictively 31 22 FICTIVE, feigned; co...
fiddliest 20 15 FIDDLY, time consumi...
fiddlings 21 18 FIDDLING, the act of...
fideistic 22 16 relating to fideism,...
fidelismo 20 17 belief in the princi...
fidelista 19 14 a believer in the pr...
fidgeters 19 15 FIDGETER, one who fi...
fidgetier 19 15 FIDGETY, restless, u...
fidgeting 20 18 FIDGET, to move abou...
fidibuses 21 17 FIDIBUS, a paper spi...
fiduciary 28 19 holding in trust [ad...
fieldboot 20 17 a knee-length boot [...
fieldfare 20 17 a species of thrush,...
fieldings 20 17 FIELDING, in cricket...
fieldmice 23 20 FIELDMOUSE, a mouse...
fieldsman 19 18 a fielder (in cricke...
fieldsmen 19 18 FIELDSMAN, a fielder...
fieldvole 21 19 a mouse which lives...
fieldward 22 18 in the direction of...
fieldwork 23 21 work (scientific sur...
fiendlike 19 19 like a fiend [adj]
fieriness 17 13 the state of being f...
fifteener 18 16 a verse of fifteen s...
fifteenth 21 18 number fifteen in se...
fiftieths 23 17 FIFTIETH, one of fif...
figeaters 18 14 FIGEATER, a large be...
figgeries 20 16 FIGGERY, dressy orna...
fightable 24 20 able to be fought [a...
fightback 28 26 a recovery [n -S]
fightings 23 19 FIGHTING, the act of...
figulines 20 17 FIGULINE, potter's c...
figurable 22 19 capable of being bro...
figurally 28 19 FIGURAL, represented...
figurante 18 16 (Italian) a ballet-d...
figurants 19 16 FIGURANT, a ballet d...
figuredly 27 19 FIGURED [adv]
figurines 19 16 FIGURINE, a small mo...
figurists 21 15 FIGURIST, one who us...
filaceous 21 17 composed of threads...
filaggrin 21 18 a protein that helps...
filagreed 19 16 FILAGREE, to adorn w...
filagrees 19 15 FILAGREE, to adorn w...
filaments 19 17 FILAMENT, a slender...
filanders 18 15 FILANDER, a threadli...
filariids 20 14 FILARIID, a parasiti...
filatures 19 14 FILATURE, the reelin...
filchings 26 21 FILCHING, the act of...
filecards 22 17 FILECARD, a brush fo...
filenames 18 17 FILENAME, the name o...
filiating 20 16 FILIATE, to bring in...
filiation 18 14 the relationship of...
filicidal 24 18 relating to filicide...
filicides 23 17 FILICIDE, the killin...
filigrain 20 16 (French) a kind of o...
filigrane 19 16 (French) a kind of o...
filigreed 20 16 FILIGREE, to adorn w...
filigrees 20 15 FILIGREE, to adorn w...
filioques 27 23 FILIOQUE, a doctrine...
filisters 20 13 FILISTER, a groove o...
fillagree 20 16 a kind of ornamental...
fillester 20 14 a rabbet plane used...
filleters 20 14 FILLETER, one who fi...
filleting 21 17 FILLET, to cut bonel...
fillibegs 24 19 FILLIBEG, (Gaelic) t...
fillipeen 21 18 (US) a game in which...
filliping 24 20 FILLIP, to strike sh...
fillister 21 14 a rabbet plane used...
filmcards 24 20 FILMCARD, a fiche, a...
filmfests 23 19 FILMFEST, a festival...
filmgoers 21 18 FILMGOER, one who go...
filmgoing 22 21 the practice of goin...
filminess 20 17 the state of being f...
filmlands 21 19 FILMLAND, the motion...
filmmaker 22 23 one who makes films...
filmstrip 24 19 a film consisting of...
filoplume 23 21 a slender hairlike f...
filopodia 20 17 FILOPODIUM, a thread...
filoselle 20 15 (French) floss silk,...
filovirus 22 18 any member of a fami...
filterers 19 13 FILTERER, one that f...
filtering 20 16 FILTER, to purify a...
filthiest 22 15 FILTHY, offensively...
filtrable 22 17 capable of being fil...
filtrated 19 14 FILTRATE, to filter...
filtrates 19 13 FILTRATE, to filter...
fimbriate 21 18 to border with a nar...
finaglers 19 16 FINAGLER, one who fi...
finagling 20 19 the act of obtaining...
finalised 18 15 FINALISE, to complet...
finaliser 18 14 one who finalises, a...
finalises 18 14 FINALIS [v]
finalisms 20 17 FINALISM, belief tha...
finalists 19 14 FINALIST, a contesta...
finalized 21 24 FINALIZE, to complet...
finalizer 21 23 one who finalizes, a...
finalizes 21 23 FINALIZE, to complet...
financial 20 18 relating to finance...
financier 19 17 a person engaged in...
financing 20 20 the act of providing...
fineering 17 16 FINEER, to get goods...
finessers 17 13 FINESSER, one who do...
finessing 18 16 the act of making a...
finfishes 22 18 FINFISH, a finback w...
fingerers 18 15 FINGERER, one that f...
fingering 19 18 the choice of finger...
fingertip 21 18 the end of the finge...
finically 29 20 FINICAL, particular...
finickety 28 22 particular about uni...
finickier 22 20 FINICKY, difficult t...
finicking 23 23 particular about uni...
finishers 20 15 FINISHER, one that f...
finishing 21 18 the act of making an...
finitisms 20 16 FINITISM, a philosop...
finitists 19 13 FINITIST, an advocat...
finitudes 18 15 FINITUDE, the state...
finnmarks 19 21 FINNMARK, the moneta...
finnochio 21 19 (Italian) a dwarf va...
finocchio 25 21 (Italian) a dwarf va...
finochios 22 18 FINOCHIO, a dwarf va...
fioratura 17 13 (Italian) a florid e...
fioritura 18 13 (Italian) a florid e...
fioriture 18 13 FIORITURA, (Italian)...
fippences 24 22 FIPPENCE, (colloquia...
firearmed 18 16 carrying a firearm [...
firebacks 24 22 FIREBACK, a cast-iro...
fireballs 22 17 FIREBALL, a luminous...
firebases 19 15 FIREBASE, a military...
firebirds 21 16 FIREBIRD, a bird wit...
fireboard 19 16 a mantelpiece [n -S]
fireboats 19 15 FIREBOAT, a boat equ...
firebombs 23 21 FIREBOMB, to attack...
fireboxes 25 22 FIREBOX, a chamber i...
firebrand 19 17 a flaming stick; a h...
firebrats 20 15 FIREBRAT, a small in...
firebreak 20 19 a strip of land kept...
firebrick 25 22 a brick resistant to...
fireclays 28 18 FIRECLAY, a clay poo...
firecrest 21 15 a bird closely relat...
firedamps 21 19 FIREDAMP, a combusti...
firedrake 18 17 (archaic) a fire-bre...
firefangs 20 18 FIREFANG, to scorch;...
firefight 24 19 an intense exchange...
fireflies 21 16 FIREFLY, any of vari...
firefloat 20 16 a boat or raft used...
fireflood 20 17 a method of extracti...
fireguard 19 16 a protective wire fr...
firehalls 22 16 FIREHALL, a fire sta...
firehoses 19 14 FIREHOSE, a hose use...
firehouse 19 15 (obsolete) a fire st...
firelight 23 17 the light of a (usua...
firelocks 23 20 FIRELOCK, an old for...
firemanic 21 19 of or relating to fi...
firemarks 20 19 FIREMARK, a metal pl...
firepinks 21 20 FIREPINK, a flowerin...
fireplace 23 19 an open recess in a...
fireplugs 23 19 FIREPLUG, a fire-hyd...
firepower 22 18 the amount of ammuni...
fireproof 21 18 resistant to fire [a...
firereels 18 13 FIREREEL, a fire eng...
firerooms 18 15 FIREROOM, a room con...
firescape 22 18 to arrange the featu...
fireships 23 17 FIRESHIP, a ship on...
firesides 18 13 FIRESIDE, the area i...
firestone 16 13 a rock, esp. sandsto...
firestorm 19 15 a huge blaze (especi...
firethorn 19 15 a flowering shrub, a...
firetraps 20 15 FIRETRAP, a building...
firetruck 23 20 a fire engine [n -S]
firewalls 23 17 FIREWALL, to install...
firewater 20 15 strong alcoholic spi...
fireweeds 20 16 FIREWEED, a perennia...
firewoman 20 19 a female firefighter...
firewomen 20 19 FIREWOMAN, a female...
firewoods 20 16 FIREWOOD, wood used...
fireworks 22 19 FIREWORK, a device w...
fireworms 22 18 FIREWORM, a glowworm...
firmament 19 19 the sky [n -S]
firmwares 22 18 FIRMWARE, computer p...
firstborn 20 16 the first in order o...
firsthand 20 16 obtained directly [a...
firstling 21 16 the first produce or...
firstness 18 13 the state of being f...
fiscalist 23 16 a public prosecutor...
fishballs 25 19 FISHBALL, a fish cak...
fishboats 22 17 FISHBOAT, a watercra...
fishbolts 24 18 FISHBOLT, a type of...
fishbones 21 18 FISHBONE, a bone of...
fishbowls 27 21 FISHBOWL, a bowl in...
fishcakes 24 21 FISHCAKE, a cake mad...
fisheries 20 14 FISHERY, a place for...
fisherman 20 18 one who catches fish...
fishermen 20 18 FISHERMAN, one who c...
fishhooks 23 20 FISHHOOK, a barbed h...
fishified 23 18 FISHIFY, to turn int...
fishifies 23 17 FISHIFY, to turn int...
fishiness 20 15 the state of being f...
fishkills 25 20 FISHKILL, the sudden...
fishlines 21 16 FISHLINE, a line use...
fishmeals 22 18 FISHMEAL, ground dri...
fishplate 23 18 an iron plate used t...
fishpoles 23 18 FISHPOLE, a fishing...
fishponds 22 19 FISHPOND, a pond for...
fishskins 22 19 FISHSKIN, the skin o...
fishtails 22 15 FISHTAIL, to swing t...
fishwives 26 21 FISHWIFE, a woman wh...
fishworms 25 20 FISHWORM, a worm use...
fishyback 33 26 (US) transportation...
fisnomies 18 16 FISNOMIE, (Shakespea...
fissility 27 15 the ability to be sp...
fissional 18 14 relating to fission...
fissioned 17 14 FISSION, to split in...
fissipede 20 16 with digits separate...
fissipeds 21 16 FISSIPED, an animal...
fissuring 20 16 FISSURE, to split, c...
fistfight 25 19 a fight with the fis...
fisticuff 27 22 to fight with the fi...
fistmeles 20 16 FISTMELE, a measure...
fistnotes 17 13 FISTNOTE, an index m...
fistulate 19 14 hollow and cylindric...
fistulose 19 14 hollow and cylindric...
fistulous 20 15 hollow and cylindric...
fitnesses 17 13 FITNESS, the state o...
fittingly 27 18 FITTING, suitable [a...
fivepence 23 23 a coin worth five pe...
fivepenny 26 23 worth five pence [ad...
fixations 23 20 FIXATION, the act of...
fixatives 26 23 FIXATIVE, a substanc...
fixatures 24 20 FIXATURE, a hair fix...
fixedness 23 21 the state of being f...
fizgigged 25 28 FIZGIG, to dob someo...
fizziness 24 31 the state of being f...
flabbiest 23 19 FLABBY, hanging loos...
flabellum 24 22 a fan-like structure...
flaccider 25 20 FLACCID, limp [adj]
flaccidly 33 23 FLACCID, limp [adv]
flackered 22 21 FLACKER, (Scots) to...
flacketed 22 21 FLACKET, to flap, fl...
flaffered 22 20 FLAFFER, (Scots) to...
flagellar 21 17 of or relating to a...
flagellin 21 18 a polymeric protein...
flagellum 23 21 a long slender plant...
flageolet 19 16 a small flute or rec...
flaggiest 21 17 FLAGGY, drooping [ad...
flaggings 22 20 FLAGGING, a type of...
flagitate 19 15 to entreat or import...
flagpoles 22 19 FLAGPOLE, a pole on...
flagrance 21 19 a burning; notoriety...
flagrancy 28 21 a burning; notoriety...
flagships 25 20 FLAGSHIP, the ship c...
flagstaff 24 21 a pole for displayin...
flagstick 25 22 a pole for displayin...
flagstone 18 16 a large paving stone...
flakiness 19 18 the state of being f...
flambeaus 21 20 FLAMBEAU, a flaming...
flambeaux 27 27 FLAMBEAU, a flaming...
flambeing 22 22 FLAMBE, to douse (e....
flameless 20 17 without a flame [adj...
flamelets 20 17 FLAMELET, a small fl...
flamelike 21 21 like a flame [adj]
flamencos 21 20 FLAMENCO, an emotion...
flameouts 19 17 FLAMEOUT, a failure...
flamingly 28 22 FLAMING [adv]
flamingos 20 19 FLAMINGO, a long-leg...
flammable 23 23 easily able to catch...
flammules 22 21 FLAMMULE, a little f...
flancards 21 18 FLANCARD, a piece of...
flanching 24 22 a sloping piece of c...
flaneries 17 14 FLANERIE, commendabl...
flangings 20 19 FLANGING, an audio e...
flankered 18 19 FLANKER, to use flan...
flanneled 17 17 FLANNEL, to cover wi...
flannelet 17 16 a cotton imitation o...
flannelly 25 19 like flannel [adj]
flaperons 19 17 FLAPERON, an airfoil...
flapjacks 27 32 FLAPJACK, a kind of...
flappable 25 23 not unflappable, eas...
flappiest 23 19 FLAPPY, flapping [ad...
flappings 24 22 FLAPPING, the act of...
flaptrack 25 23 a racetrack for flap...
flareback 24 23 a flame in the breec...
flaringly 27 19 FLARING [adv]
flashback 27 25 in a film, novel, et...
flashbang 23 21 a stun grenade [n -S...
flashbulb 27 23 an oxygen-filled ele...
flashcard 24 19 a card shown briefly...
flashcube 26 22 a plastic cube conta...
flashguns 22 19 FLASHGUN, a photogra...
flashiest 21 15 FLASHY, showy, vulga...
flashings 22 18 FLASHING, sheet meta...
flashlamp 25 22 an electric torch [n...
flashover 22 19 an electric discharg...
flashtube 23 19 a gas discharge tube...
flatbacks 25 23 FLATBACK, a pottery...
flatboats 20 16 FLATBOAT, a large fl...
flatbread 20 17 a type of thin unlea...
flatettes 18 13 FLATETTE, (Australia...
flatfoots 20 16 FLATFOOT, to walk wi...
flatforms 22 19 FLATFORM, a thick, l...
flatheads 20 16 FLATHEAD, any of var...
flatirons 18 14 FLATIRON, an iron fo...
flatlands 19 16 FLATLAND, land lacki...
flatlined 19 16 FLATLINE, to registe...
flatliner 19 15 one who flatlines [n...
flatlines 19 15 FLATLINE, to registe...
flatlings 21 17 (Spenser) with a fla...
flatmates 19 16 FLATMATE, a person w...
flatpacks 25 23 FLATPACK, an item of...
flatpicks 26 23 FLATPICK, to play (a...
flatshare 20 15 an arrangement where...
flatstick 24 20 (South African slang...
flattened 17 15 FLATTEN, to make or...
flattener 17 14 something that makes...
flattered 18 14 FLATTER, to praise e...
flatterer 18 13 one who flatters [n...
flattings 20 16 FLATTING, painting w...
flatulent 19 16 suffering from flatu...
flatwares 21 16 FLATWARE, tableware...
flatworks 23 20 FLATWORK, laundry th...
flatworms 23 19 FLATWORM, a flat-bod...
flaughted 22 19 FLAUGHT, to cut, par...
flaughter 22 18 (Scots) to cut turfs...
flaunched 23 21 FLAUNCH, to widen in...
flaunches 23 20 FLAUNCH, to widen in...
flaunters 18 15 FLAUNTER, one who fl...
flauntier 18 15 FLAUNTY, showy [adj]
flauntily 26 18 FLAUNTY, showy [adv]
flaunting 19 18 FLAUNT, to exhibit i...
flautists 20 14 FLAUTIST, one who pl...
flavanols 20 19 FLAVANOL, a derivati...
flavanone 17 19 a colourless crystal...
flavonoid 19 19 a kind of aromatic c...
flavonols 20 19 FLAVONOL, a derivati...
flavorers 20 17 FLAVORER, one that f...
flavorful 24 22 full of flavor, also...
flavoring 21 20 FLAVOR, to impart a...
flavorist 21 17 a person who creates...
flavorous 20 18 full of flavor [adj]
flavoured 20 19 FLAVOUR, to impart a...
flavourer 20 18 one who flavours, al...
flaxseeds 24 21 FLAXSEED, the seed o...
fleabanes 18 17 FLEABANE, a flowerin...
fleabites 20 16 FLEABITE, the bite o...
fleaworts 21 16 FLEAWORT, a herb, fo...
flechette 23 18 (French) a steel dar...
fleckered 22 21 FLECKER, to mark wit...
fleckiest 23 20 FLECKY, flecked [adj...
fleckless 24 21 without spot or blam...
flections 21 17 FLECTION, a bend or...
fledgiest 20 16 FLEDGY, covered with...
fledgling 22 20 a young bird just fl...
fleeching 24 21 flattery, coaxing [n...
fleeciest 21 16 FLEECY, like a fleec...
fleerings 19 16 FLEERING, the act of...
fleetness 17 14 the quality of being...
flehmened 20 20 FLEHMEN, of a mammal...
flemished 22 19 FLEMISH, to coil a r...
flemishes 22 18 FLEMISH, to coil a r...
flenchers 23 19 FLENCHER, one who fl...
flenching 24 22 FLENCH, to strip the...
flerovium 22 21 an artificially prod...
fleshhood 22 18 the state of being i...
fleshiest 21 15 FLESHY, having much...
fleshings 22 18 FLESHING, the distri...
fleshless 22 16 without flesh; lean...
fleshlier 22 16 FLESHLY, pertaining...
fleshling 23 19 a sensualist [n -S]
fleshment 21 19 (Shakespeare) the ac...
fleshpots 23 18 FLESHPOT, a pot for...
fleshworm 25 21 (archaic) a worm or...
fletchers 24 18 FLETCHER, one who ma...
fletching 25 21 the feathers of an a...
fleurette 18 14 (French) an ornament...
flexagons 24 23 FLEXAGON, a folded p...
flexional 24 22 relating to flexion,...
flexitime 26 23 a system that allows...
flextimer 26 23 one who works flexti...
flextimes 26 23 FLEXTIME, a system t...
flexwings 29 26 FLEXWING, a collapsi...
flibberts 24 19 FLIBBERT, (dialect)...
flichters 25 18 FLICHTER, to flutter...
flickable 26 24 that can be flicked...
flickered 23 21 FLICKER, to burn uns...
flightier 23 17 FLIGHTY, fickle [adj...
flightily 31 20 FLIGHTY, fickle [adv...
flighting 24 20 FLIGHT, to migrate i...
flimflams 25 23 FLIMFLAM, to engage...
flimsiest 21 16 FLIMSY, lacking stre...
flinchers 24 19 FLINCHER, one who fl...
flinching 25 22 shrinking [adj FLINC...
flindered 18 16 FLINDER, to break to...
flinkites 20 18 FLINKITE, a brownish...
flinthead 20 17 an American wading b...
flintiest 19 14 FLINTY, resembling f...
flintlike 21 19 like flint [adj]
flintlock 24 22 an old-fashioned gun...
flipboard 23 20 a piece of office eq...
flipbooks 24 23 FLIPBOOK, a book of...
flipchart 27 21 a pad, containing la...
flipflops 27 23 FLIPFLOP, to perform...
flippancy 32 25 the state of being f...
flippiest 24 19 FLIPPY, flaring at t...
flippings 25 22 FLIPPING, the act of...
flipsides 22 17 FLIPSIDE, the revers...
flirtiest 20 13 FLIRTY, light-hearte...
flirtings 21 16 FLIRTING, the act of...
fliskiest 21 17 FLISKY, (Scots) rest...
flitching 26 21 FLITCH, to cut into...
flittered 19 14 FLITTER, to vibrate...
flitterns 19 14 FLITTERN, bark obtai...
flittings 21 16 FLITTING, the act of...
flixweeds 28 24 FLIXWEED, a plant of...
floatable 20 17 that may be floated...
floatages 18 15 FLOATAGE, the act of...
floatants 17 14 FLOATANT, something...
floatiest 18 13 FLOATY, tending to f...
floatings 19 16 FLOATING, the act of...
floccular 26 21 like a floccus, a fl...
floccules 26 21 FLOCCULE, a small tu...
flocculus 27 22 a small flock, tuft...
flockiest 23 20 FLOCKY, abounding wi...
flockings 24 23 FLOCKING, a velvety...
flockless 24 21 without a flock [adj...
floggable 23 21 of an offence, punis...
floggings 22 20 FLOGGING, a whipping...
floodable 20 18 that can be flooded...
floodgate 18 16 a gate for allowing...
floodings 19 17 FLOODING, the act of...
floodless 19 15 without a flood [adj...
floodmark 20 21 the mark or line to...
floodtide 18 15 the flowing in of th...
floodwall 23 19 a wall built as a pr...
floodways 27 19 FLOODWAY, an artific...
floorages 18 15 FLOORAGE, floor spac...
floorhead 19 16 the upper end of a s...
floorings 19 16 FLOORING, a floor [n...
floorless 19 14 without a floor [adj...
floorpans 19 17 FLOORPAN, the bottom...
floorshow 23 18 entertainment of the...
flophouse 22 19 (US) a cheap hotel,...
flopovers 22 20 FLOPOVER, a defect i...
floppiest 23 19 FLOPPY, soft and fle...
floptical 25 20 a type of read-write...
floreated 17 14 decorated with a flo...
florences 20 17 FLORENCE, an ancient...
floriated 18 14 decorated with a flo...
floricane 20 17 the fruiting stem of...
floridean 17 15 any of a large subcl...
floridest 19 14 FLORID, flowery; hav...
floridity 26 16 the state of being f...
floriform 22 19 shaped like a flower...
florigens 19 16 FLORIGEN, a plant ho...
floristic 23 16 relating to flora [a...
floristry 26 15 the art of cultivati...
floscular 23 18 composed of floscule...
floscules 23 18 FLOSCULE, a small fl...
flossiest 19 13 FLOSSY, resembling a...
flossings 20 16 FLOSSING, the applic...
flotation 17 14 the act of floating,...
flotillas 21 15 FLOTILLA, a fleet of...
flouncier 21 18 FLOUNCY, flouncing [...
flouncing 22 21 FLOUNCE, to move wit...
flounders 18 16 FLOUNDER, to struggl...
flouriest 19 14 FLOURY, fine-grained...
flourishy 28 18 full of flourishes [...
flourless 20 15 without flour [adj]
floushing 22 19 FLOUSH, to splash, a...
flowchart 27 21 a chart pictorially...
flowerage 21 18 the process or resul...
flowerbed 23 20 a bed containing flo...
flowerers 21 16 FLOWERER, a plant th...
flowerets 21 16 FLOWERET, a small fl...
flowerful 25 21 abounding with flowe...
flowerier 21 16 FLOWERY, abounding i...
flowerily 29 19 FLOWERY, abounding i...
flowering 22 19 the act of flowering...
flowerpot 23 19 a pot for a flower [...
flowingly 30 22 FLOWING [adv]
flowmeter 22 19 an instrument for me...
flowstone 20 17 a general term for d...
fluctuant 22 19 moving like a wave [...
fluctuate 22 18 to vary this way and...
fluellens 20 17 FLUELLEN, a weedy an...
fluellins 21 17 FLUELLIN, a weedy an...
fluencies 21 18 FLUENCY, the quality...
flueworks 23 21 FLUEWORK, flue pipes...
fluffiest 24 20 FLUFFY, downy, light...
flugelman 21 21 (German) a leader (e...
flugelmen 21 21 FLUGELMAN, (German)...
fluidally 28 19 FLUIDAL, pertaining...
fluidised 20 16 FLUIDISE, to make fl...
fluidiser 20 15 an apparatus in whic...
fluidises 20 15 FLUIDISE, to make fl...
fluidized 23 25 FLUIDIZE, to make fl...
fluidizer 23 24 an apparatus in whic...
fluidizes 23 24 FLUIDIZE, to make fl...
fluidlike 22 20 like a fluid [adj]
fluidness 19 16 the state of being f...
fluidrams 21 18 FLUIDRAM, a unit of...
flukiness 20 19 the state of being f...
flummoxed 27 28 FLUMMOX, to confuse...
flummoxes 27 27 FLUMMOX, to confuse...
flunkyism 28 24 the state of being a...
fluorenes 17 15 FLUORENE, a colorles...
fluoresce 21 17 to demonstrate fluor...
fluorides 19 15 FLUORIDE, a compound...
fluorines 18 15 FLUORINE, a gaseous...
fluorites 19 14 FLUORITE, a mineral...
fluoroses 18 14 FLUOROSIS, an abnorm...
fluorosis 19 14 an abnormal conditio...
fluorotic 22 17 relating to fluorosi...
fluorspar 21 17 a mineral, calcium f...
flurrying 27 19 FLURRY, to agitate [...
flushable 24 20 that can be flushed...
flushiest 22 16 FLUSHY, red-complexi...
flushings 23 19 FLUSHING, the act of...
flushness 21 17 the state of being f...
flushwork 26 23 decorative treatment...
flustered 19 15 FLUSTER, to put into...
flustrate 19 14 (obsolete) to fluste...
flutelike 21 19 like a flute [adj]
fluteyest 25 16 FLUTEY, like a flute...
fluttered 19 15 FLUTTER, to move in...
flutterer 19 14 one who flutters [n...
fluviatic 25 21 belonging to or form...
fluxgates 26 23 FLUXGATE, a device f...
fluxional 25 23 (archaic) variable;...
fluxmeter 26 24 any instrument for m...
flybridge 29 21 an open deck on a ca...
flyleaves 27 20 FLYLEAF, a blank pag...
flymakers 27 22 FLYMAKER, one who ti...
flypapers 29 21 FLYPAPER, a sticky p...
flyposter 27 18 one who engages in F...
flyrodder 25 17 an angler using arti...
flyscreen 27 19 a wire-mesh screen o...
flysheets 27 17 FLYSHEET, part of a...
flyspecks 32 25 FLYSPECK, to mark wi...
flysprays 34 20 FLYSPRAY, an insecti...
flystrike 27 19 the infestation of w...
flyweight 32 22 in professional boxi...
flywheels 31 21 FLYWHEEL, a heavy di...
foalfoots 19 16 FOALFOOT, a plant wi...
foaminess 17 16 being foamy [n -ES]
foamingly 26 21 FOAMING [adv]
focaccias 26 21 FOCACCIA, a flat Ita...
focalised 21 17 FOCALISE, to focus,...
focalises 21 16 FOCALISE, to focus,...
focalized 24 26 FOCALIZE, to focus,...
focalizes 24 25 FOCALIZE, to focus,...
focimeter 21 18 an instrument for me...
focometer 20 18 an instrument for me...
focusable 23 20 able to be focused [...
focusings 22 19 FOCUSING, the act of...
focusless 22 17 without focus [adj]
focussing 22 19 FOCUS, to bring or a...
fodderers 17 14 FODDERER, someone wh...
foddering 18 17 the act of providing...
foedaries 16 13 FOEDARIE, (Shakespea...
foederati 16 13 FOEDERATUS, (Latin)...
foetation 15 13 the formation of a f...
foeticide 20 16 the killing of a foe...
foetidest 17 13 FOETID, stinking, al...
fogeydoms 25 20 FOGEYDOM, the world...
fogeyisms 26 19 FOGEYISM, an outlook...
fogfruits 22 18 FOGFRUIT, an America...
fogginess 19 17 the state of being f...
foglights 24 19 FOGLIGHT, a motor-ve...
fogramite 19 17 an antiquated person...
fogramity 26 19 the state of being a...
foilborne 19 17 of a craft, travelli...
foiningly 25 19 FOINING [adv]
foldaways 27 19 FOLDAWAY, something...
foldbacks 25 24 FOLDBACK, in multitr...
foldboats 20 17 FOLDBOAT, a collapsi...
folderols 19 15 FOLDEROL, nonsense,...
foliating 19 16 FOLIATE, to number t...
foliation 17 14 the process of burst...
foliature 18 14 a cluster of foliage...
foliolate 18 14 composed of or relat...
foliolose 18 14 composed of or relat...
folklands 20 20 FOLKLAND, in Old Eng...
folklives 23 22 FOLKLIFE, the tradit...
folklores 20 18 FOLKLORE, the belief...
folkloric 24 21 relating to folklore...
folkmoots 20 20 FOLKMOOT, a general...
folkmotes 20 20 FOLKMOTE, a general...
folksiest 20 17 FOLKSY, having an af...
folksongs 20 20 FOLKSONG, a song of...
folktales 20 18 FOLKTALE, a tale fro...
follicles 24 18 FOLLICLE, any small...
followers 22 17 FOLLOWER, one that f...
following 23 20 a body of supporters...
followups 25 21 FOLLOWUP, a news art...
fomenters 17 16 FOMENTER, one who fo...
fomenting 18 19 FOMENT, to foster or...
fondlings 19 18 FONDLING, a pet, a f...
fondueing 17 18 FONDUE, to cook a di...
fontanels 16 15 FONTANEL, a membrane...
fontanges 16 16 FONTANGE, a kind of...
fonticuli 22 18 FONTICULUS, the depr...
foodbanks 19 21 FOODBANK, a charitab...
fooderies 16 13 FOODERY, a restauran...
foodlands 17 16 FOODLAND, land for t...
foodsheds 19 16 FOODSHED, the area t...
foodstuff 22 20 a substance used as...
foofaraws 21 18 FOOFARAW, frills and...
fooleries 17 13 FOOLERY, foolish beh...
foolhardy 26 18 recklessly brave [ad...
foolisher 20 15 FOOLISH, lacking goo...
foolishly 28 18 FOOLISH, lacking goo...
foolproof 21 19 infallible; guarante...
foolscaps 23 19 FOOLSCAP, a paper si...
foosballs 21 17 FOOSBALL, (US) table...
footballs 21 17 FOOTBALL, a large ba...
footbaths 21 17 FOOTBATH, a bath for...
footboard 18 16 a support for the fe...
footbrake 19 19 a brake operated by...
footcloth 23 18 a housing or caparis...
footering 17 15 FOOTER, to mess arou...
footfalls 21 17 FOOTFALL, the sound...
footfault 20 17 to commit a serving...
footgears 17 14 FOOTGEAR, covering f...
foothills 22 16 FOOTHILL, a low hill...
footholds 20 16 FOOTHOLD, a secure s...
footlight 22 17 one of a row of ligh...
footlings 19 16 FOOTLING, the act of...
footlongs 18 16 FOOTLONG, a hotdog o...
footloose 16 13 free or unhampered b...
footmarks 19 19 FOOTMARK, a mark lef...
footmuffs 23 22 FOOTMUFF, a muff for...
footnoted 15 14 FOOTNOTE, to supply...
footnotes 15 13 FOOTNOTE, to supply...
footpaces 21 18 FOOTPACE, (obsolete)...
footpages 19 17 FOOTPAGE, a page, an...
footpaths 21 17 FOOTPATH, a path for...
footplate 19 16 a platform for a foo...
footposts 19 15 FOOTPOST, a messenge...
footprint 19 16 the mark left on the...
footpumps 23 22 FOOTPUMP, a pump hel...
footraces 19 15 FOOTRACE, a race run...
footrests 17 12 FOOTREST, a support...
footropes 18 15 FOOTROPE, a rope use...
footrules 18 14 FOOTRULE, a ruler wh...
footslogs 19 15 FOOTSLOG, to march o...
footstalk 19 17 the stalk of a leaf...
footstall 19 14 a pedestal or plinth...
footsteps 19 15 FOOTSTEP, a step wit...
footstock 21 19 a slidable casting m...
footstone 15 13 a stone at the foot...
footstool 17 13 a stool for placing...
footwalls 22 17 FOOTWALL, the layer...
footwears 19 15 FOOTWEAR, anything w...
footweary 25 17 weary from walking [...
footwells 22 17 FOOTWELL, the area i...
footworks 21 19 FOOTWORK, the manage...
foozlings 22 25 FOOZLING, the act of...
fopperies 21 18 FOPPERY, dandyish be...
foppishly 32 23 FOPPISH, characteris...
foraminal 18 17 relating to the fora...
forasmuch 24 21 because or since [co...
forbearer 18 15 one who forbears [n...
forbidals 21 17 FORBIDAL, the act of...
forbiddal 21 18 the act of forbiddin...
forbidden 19 18 FORBID, to command n...
forbidder 20 17 one who forbids [n -...
forboding 20 19 FORBODE, to indicate...
forceable 22 19 that can be forced [...
forceless 21 16 having little or no...
forcemeat 20 18 meat chopped fine an...
forceouts 20 16 FORCEOUT, a play by...
forcepses 22 18 FORCEPS, a pair of t...
forcingly 29 21 FORCING [adv]
forcipate 22 18 formed and opening l...
foreanent 14 14 (Scots) right opposi...
forearmed 17 16 FOREARM, to arm in a...
forebears 18 15 FOREBEAR, an ancesto...
forebitts 20 15 FOREBITT, a post for...
foreboded 18 17 FOREBODE, to indicat...
foreboder 18 16 a person who or thin...
forebodes 18 16 FOREBODE, to indicat...
forebooms 19 18 FOREBOOM, the boom o...
forebrain 18 16 the anterior region...
forecabin 21 19 a cabin in the fore...
forecaddy 26 19 a caddy posted up ah...
forecasts 20 15 FORECAST, to estimat...
forecheck 26 24 to check an opponent...
foreclose 20 16 to bar (a right of r...
forecloth 23 18 a cloth that hangs o...
forecourt 20 16 a court in front of...
foredated 16 14 FOREDATE, to date be...
foredates 16 13 FOREDATE, to date be...
foredecks 21 20 FOREDECK, the forwar...
foredoing 17 16 FOREDO, to destroy,...
foredooms 17 16 FOREDOOM, to doom in...
forefaces 21 18 FOREFACE, the front...
forefeels 19 16 FOREFEEL, to have a...
forefends 18 17 FOREFEND, to protect...
forefront 18 16 the front or foremos...
foregleam 19 18 a glimpse into the f...
foregoers 17 14 FOREGOER, one who go...
foregoing 18 17 FOREGO, to go before...
forehands 18 16 FOREHAND, to play a...
foreheads 18 15 FOREHEAD, the part o...
forehents 18 15 FOREHENT, to overtak...
forehocks 23 21 FOREHOCK, a foreleg...
forehoofs 20 17 FOREHOOF, the hoof o...
foreigner 17 15 a person belonging t...
foreignly 25 18 FOREIGN, situated ou...
forejudge 20 25 to deprive of a righ...
forekings 19 19 FOREKING, a precedin...
foreknown 19 21 FOREKNOW, to know be...
foreknows 20 20 FOREKNOW, to know be...
forelands 17 15 FORELAND, a projecti...
forelends 17 15 FORELEND, to grant b...
forelifts 21 16 FORELIFT, (Spenser)...
forelimbs 22 19 FORELIMB, a front li...
forelocks 22 20 FORELOCK, to fasten...
forelying 25 18 FORELIE, (Spenser) t...
foremasts 18 15 FOREMAST, the forwar...
foremeans 16 16 FOREMEAN, to intend...
foremeant 16 16 FOREMEAN, to intend...
foremilks 21 20 FOREMILK, the milk s...
forenamed 16 17 having a forename [a...
forenames 16 16 FORENAME, a first na...
forenight 20 17 the night before [n...
forenoons 14 14 FORENOON, the period...
forensics 20 16 the art or study of...
foreparts 19 15 FOREPART, the front...
forepeaks 19 19 FOREPEAK, the forwar...
foreplans 19 17 FOREPLAN, to plan be...
foreplays 26 18 FOREPLAY, erotic sti...
forepoint 18 16 to foreshadow [v -ED...
foreranks 17 17 FORERANK, the first...
forereach 21 17 to glide ahead, esp....
forereads 16 13 FOREREAD, to foretel...
foresails 18 13 FORESAIL, the lowest...
foreseers 16 12 FORESEER, one who fo...
foreshank 19 19 the upper part of th...
foresheet 18 14 a rope used for trim...
foreshewn 21 18 FORESHEW, to presage...
foreshews 22 17 FORESHEW, to presage...
foreships 22 17 FORESHIP, the front...
foreshock 23 21 a minor tremor that...
foreshore 18 14 that part of the sho...
foreshown 21 18 FORESHOW, to predict...
foreshows 22 17 FORESHOW, to predict...
foresides 17 13 FORESIDE, the front...
foresight 21 16 the act or power of...
foreskins 18 17 FORESKIN, a fold of...
foreskirt 19 16 (Shakespeare) the fr...
foreslack 22 20 (obsolete) to become...
foreslows 21 16 FORESLOW, (Shakespea...
forespake 19 19 FORESPEAK, to predic...
forespeak 19 19 to predict [v FORESP...
forespend 18 17 to wear out physical...
forespent 18 16 FORESPEND, to wear o...
forespoke 19 19 FORESPEAK, to predic...
forestage 17 14 a duty or tribute pa...
forestair 17 12 (Scots) an outside s...
forestall 19 14 to prevent [v -ED, -...
forestays 23 14 FORESTAY, a rope or...
foresteal 17 13 of or pertaining to...
foresters 17 12 FORESTER, one skille...
forestial 18 13 of or pertaining to...
forestine 16 13 of or like a forest,...
foresting 18 15 FOREST, to convert i...
foreswear 19 15 to renounce, also FO...
foreswore 19 15 FORESWEAR, to renoun...
foresworn 19 16 FORESWEAR, to renoun...
foretaste 16 12 to taste in advance...
foreteach 21 17 to teach beforehand...
foreteeth 18 14 FORETOOTH, a front t...
foretells 19 14 FORETELL, to tell ab...
forethink 20 19 to think beforehand...
foretimes 18 15 FORETIME, the past;...
foretoken 16 17 to be a sign of, for...
foretooth 18 14 a front tooth [n FOR...
forewards 20 16 FOREWARD [n]
forewarns 19 16 FOREWARN, to warn in...
foreweigh 23 19 (archaic) to estimat...
forewinds 20 17 FOREWIND, a wind fro...
forewings 21 18 FOREWING, an anterio...
forewoman 19 19 a woman overseer [n...
forewomen 19 19 FOREWOMAN, a woman o...
forewords 20 16 FOREWORD, an introdu...
foreyards 23 15 FOREYARD, the lowest...
forfaired 19 16 FORFAIR, (obsolete)...
forfaiter 19 15 a person who, or com...
forfaults 21 17 FORFAULT, forfeiture...
forfeited 19 16 FORFEIT, to lose the...
forfeiter 19 15 (Shakespeare) one wh...
forfended 18 18 FORFEND, (archaic) t...
forficate 22 18 deeply forked, esp....
forfochen 23 21 (Scots) exhausted, a...
forgather 20 16 to gather together,...
forgeable 20 18 that can be forged [...
forgeries 18 14 FORGERY, the act of...
forgetful 22 19 inclined to forget [...
forgetive 20 18 (Shakespeare) creati...
forgetter 18 14 one who forgets [n -...
forgivers 21 18 FORGIVER, one who fo...
forgiving 22 21 FORGIVE, to pardon [...
forgotten 17 15 FORGET, to fail to r...
forhailed 20 16 FORHAILE, (Spenser)...
forhailes 20 15 FORHAILE, (Spenser)...
forhooied 18 15 FORHOOIE, to desert...
forhooies 18 14 FORHOOIE, to desert...
forhooing 19 17 FORHOO, (Scots) to d...
forhowing 23 20 FORHOW, to desert or...
forjaskit 21 25 (Scots) tired out, a...
forjeskit 21 25 (Scots) tired out, a...
forjudged 21 26 FORJUDGE, to judge b...
forjudges 21 25 FORJUDGE, to judge b...
forkballs 23 21 FORKBALL, a breaking...
forkheads 20 19 FORKHEAD, the forked...
forkiness 18 17 the state of dividin...
forklifts 23 20 FORKLIFT, to raise o...
forktails 20 17 FORKTAIL, one of a g...
forlesing 19 16 FORLESE, to lose, fo...
forlorner 17 14 FORLORN, forsaken [a...
forlornly 25 17 FORLORN, forsaken [a...
formaline 18 17 a 40 per cent soluti...
formalins 19 17 FORMALIN, an aqueous...
formalise 19 16 to make formal, also...
formalism 21 19 the practice or the...
formalist 20 16 a person having exag...
formality 26 18 the condition of bei...
formalize 22 25 to make formal, also...
formamide 19 19 a colourless hygrosc...
formating 19 18 FORMATE, to fly in f...
formation 17 16 something formed or...
formative 20 19 tending to form [adj...
formatted 18 16 FORMAT, to follow th...
formatter 18 15 a programme for form...
formiates 18 15 FORMIATE, a salt of...
formicant 21 19 crawling like an ant...
formicary 28 20 an anthill, also FOR...
formicate 21 18 resembling an ant [n...
formulaic 23 20 of the nature of a f...
formulars 20 17 FORMULAR, a model or...
formulary 26 19 a book of formulae o...
formulate 19 17 to state or express...
formulise 20 17 to express in a form...
formulism 22 20 excessive use of, or...
formulist 21 17 one who depends exce...
formulize 23 26 to express in a form...
formworks 23 22 FORMWORK, boxes for...
fornicate 19 16 to have illicit sexu...
forpining 20 19 FORPINE, to waste aw...
forrarder 17 13 FORRAD, (Scots) forw...
forraying 24 17 FORRAY, (Spenser) to...
forsakers 18 16 FORSAKER, one who fo...
forsaking 19 19 abandonment [n -S]
forsaying 24 17 FORSAY, to forbid, t...
forslacks 23 20 FORSLACK, to be slac...
forslowed 21 17 FORSLOW, to delay, a...
forspeaks 20 19 FORSPEAK, to speak a...
forspends 19 17 FORSPEND, to wear ou...
forspoken 19 20 FORSPEAK, to speak a...
forswears 20 15 FORSWEAR, to deny un...
forswinks 22 20 FORSWINK, (obsolete)...
forswonck 24 23 (Spenser) overworked...
forsythia 26 16 any shrub of the gen...
fortalice 21 16 (historical) a fortr...
forthcame 23 20 FORTHCOME, (obsolete...
forthcome 23 20 (obsolete) to come f...
forthinks 21 19 FORTHINK, to repent;...
forthwith 26 19 immediately [adv]
fortieths 20 14 FORTIETH, one of for...
fortified 20 16 FORTIFY, to strength...
fortifier 20 15 something that forti...
fortifies 20 15 FORTIFY, to strength...
fortilage 19 15 (Spenser) fortress,...
fortitude 18 14 strength of mind tha...
fortnight 21 17 a period of two week...
fortunate 16 14 happening by good fo...
fortuning 18 17 FORTUNE, to endow wi...
fortunise 17 14 to make happy or for...
fortunize 20 23 (Spenser) to make fo...
forwander 19 17 (archaic) to wander...
forwarded 20 17 FORWARD, to help onw...
forwarder 20 16 one who forwards [n...
forwardly 28 19 FORWARD, towards the...
forwarned 19 17 FORWARN, to warn in...
forwasted 20 16 FORWASTE, to waste c...
forwastes 20 15 FORWASTE, to waste c...
forzandos 19 23 FORZANDO, a suddenly...
foscarnet 19 16 a drug used to treat...
fossettes 17 12 FOSSETTE, (French) a...
fossicked 22 20 FOSSICK, (Australian...
fossicker 22 19 (Australian slang) o...
fossilise 19 13 to turn into a fossi...
fossilize 22 22 to turn into a fossi...
fossorial 18 13 adapted for burrowin...
fossulate 18 14 grooved; pitted [adj...
fosterage 17 14 the care of a foster...
fosterers 17 12 FOSTERER, one that f...
fostering 18 15 the act of nurturing...
fothering 20 17 FOTHER, to protect a...
fougasses 18 15 FOUGASSE, a small mi...
foughtier 21 17 FOUGHTY, (dialect) m...
foulbrood 20 18 a bacterial disease...
fouldered 18 16 FOULDER, (Spenser) t...
foulmarts 20 17 FOULMART, a polecat,...
foundered 16 16 FOUNDER, to become d...
foundings 18 18 FOUNDING, the time o...
foundling 19 19 an abandoned child o...
foundress 17 15 a female founder [n...
foundries 17 15 FOUNDRY, a building...
fountains 16 15 FOUNTAIN, to display...
fourballs 22 18 FOURBALL, a golf gam...
fourchees 22 18 FOURCHEE, a kind of...
fourpence 21 20 four pre-decimal pen...
fourpenny 24 20 a coin worth four pe...
fourplays 27 19 FOURPLAY, the supply...
fourscore 20 16 (archaic) four twent...
foursomes 18 16 FOURSOME, a group of...
fourteens 16 14 FOURTEEN, a number,...
foustiest 18 13 FOUSTY, (Scots) moul...
foutering 18 16 FOUTER, (Scots) to m...
foveiform 22 22 shaped like a small...
foveolate 18 17 like a foveola, a sm...
foveolets 19 17 FOVEOLET, a small fo...
fowlpoxes 29 26 FOWLPOX, a virus dis...
foxfishes 28 24 FOXFISH, a large sha...
foxgloves 27 26 FOXGLOVE, a tall pla...
foxhounds 25 24 FOXHOUND, a hunting...
foxhunted 25 24 FOXHUNT, to hunt fox...
foxhunter 25 23 one who hunts foxes...
foxsharks 27 25 FOXSHARK, a large lo...
frackings 23 22 FRACKING [n]
fractions 20 16 FRACTION, to divide...
fractious 21 16 troublesome, irritab...
fractural 22 17 relating to a fractu...
fractured 21 17 FRACTURE, to break [...
fracturer 21 16 one who fractures [n...
fractures 21 16 FRACTURE, to break [...
fraggings 21 19 FRAGGING, the act of...
fragilely 27 18 FRAGILE, easily brok...
fragilest 20 15 FRAGILE, easily brok...
fragility 27 17 the state of being f...
fragments 19 18 FRAGMENT, to break i...
fragrance 20 18 pleasantness of smel...
fragrancy 27 20 pleasantness of smel...
fraicheur 23 18 (French) freshness [...
frailness 18 14 the state of being f...
frailtees 18 13 FRAILTEE, (Spenser)...
frailties 19 13 FRAILTY, a weakness...
frambesia 20 18 a tropical skin dise...
framboise 20 18 (French) a brandy di...
frameable 20 19 that can be framed,...
frameless 19 16 without a frame [adj...
framework 22 22 the skeleton or outl...
framplers 22 19 FRAMPLER, (Scott) a...
franchise 22 18 liberty; the right t...
francised 20 17 FRANCISE, to force t...
francises 20 16 FRANCISE, to force t...
franciums 22 20 FRANCIUM, a radioact...
francized 23 26 FRANCIZE, to force t...
francizes 23 25 FRANCIZE, to force t...
francolin 20 18 (French) a bird of t...
frangible 21 19 readily broken; brea...
franglais 19 16 (French) a mixture o...
frankable 20 21 that can be franked...
frankfort 20 20 (German) a small smo...
frankfurt 21 21 (German) a small smo...
franklins 19 19 FRANKLIN, a medieval...
frankness 17 18 the quality of being...
franseria 16 13 any of a genus of We...
franticly 28 19 (Shakespeare) franti...
franziest 20 22 FRANZY, cross and pe...
frapeages 19 17 FRAPEAGE, the practi...
frascatis 21 15 FRASCATI, a type of...
fratchety 29 19 quarrelsome, also FR...
fratchier 23 17 FRATCHY, quarrelsome...
fratching 24 20 quarrelsome, also FR...
frateries 17 12 FRATERY, a convent o...
fraternal 17 14 belonging to a broth...
fraudsman 18 18 a person involved in...
fraudsmen 18 18 FRAUDSMAN, a person...
fraudster 18 14 one who practises fr...
fraughans 20 18 FRAUGHAN, (Irish) th...
fraughted 21 18 FRAUGHT, to load wit...
fraughter 21 17 FRAUGHT, laden with...
frauleins 18 15 FRAULEIN, a German g...
frautages 18 15 FRAUTAGE, (Shakespea...
frazzling 26 34 FRAZZLE, to fray [v]
freakiest 18 16 FREAKY, quirkily unu...
freakouts 18 17 FREAKOUT, an event m...
frecklier 23 20 FRECKLY, marked with...
freckling 24 23 a collection of litt...
fredaines 16 14 FREDAINE, (French) a...
freebased 18 16 FREEBASE, to refine...
freebaser 18 15 one who smokes freeb...
freebases 18 15 FREEBASE, to refine...
freeboard 18 16 the distance between...
freeboots 18 15 FREEBOOT, to plunder...
freebooty 24 17 piracy, also FREEBOO...
freecycle 30 21 to recycle used good...
freediver 19 17 one who engages in f...
freeholds 20 16 FREEHOLD, a property...
freelance 19 17 one who works for hi...
freeloads 17 14 FREELOAD, to live at...
freemason 16 16 in the Middle Ages,...
freephone 19 18 a telephone service...
freerides 17 13 FREERIDE, an extreme...
freesheet 18 14 a newspaper distribu...
freestone 15 13 a type of building s...
freestyle 24 15 to perform freestyle...
freetiest 17 12 FREETY, superstitiou...
freewares 19 15 FREEWARE, a free com...
freewheel 22 18 to coast without the...
freewoman 19 19 a woman who is free...
freewomen 19 19 FREEWOMAN, a woman w...
freewrite 20 15 to write freely with...
freewrote 19 15 FREEWRITE, to write...
freezable 22 25 capable of being fro...
freezings 21 24 FREEZING, the act of...
freighted 21 17 FREIGHT, to load wit...
freighter 21 16 a ship or aircraft f...
freitiest 18 12 FREITY, superstitiou...
frenchify 31 23 to make French; to i...
frenching 23 21 FRENCH, to cut into...
frenemies 17 16 FRENEMY, a person wh...
frenetics 20 16 FRENETIC, a madman [...
frenulums 20 19 FRENULUM, a connecti...
frenzical 24 26 frantic, also PHRENS...
frenzying 27 27 FRENZY, to make fran...
frequence 27 26 commonness of recurr...
frequency 34 28 commonness of recurr...
frequents 25 23 FREQUENT, to go to h...
frescades 20 16 FRESCADE, (French) a...
frescoers 20 15 FRESCOER, one who pa...
frescoing 21 18 the act of painting...
frescoist 21 15 one who paints fresc...
freshened 18 16 FRESHEN, to improve...
freshener 18 15 something that fresh...
freshness 19 15 the state of being f...
fretboard 19 16 a fingerboard with f...
fretfully 29 20 FRETFUL, inclined to...
frettiest 18 12 FRETTY, adorned with...
frettings 19 15 FRETTING, peevishnes...
fretworks 22 19 FRETWORK, perforated...
friarbird 21 16 an Australian honeye...
fribblers 24 19 FRIBBLER, (obsolete)...
fribbling 25 22 FRIBBLE, to be frivo...
fribblish 27 21 (obsolete) trifling...
fricadels 22 17 FRICADEL, (Afrikaans...
fricassee 20 15 (French) a dish made...
fricative 23 19 a sound produced by...
frichting 25 20 FRICHT, (Scots) to f...
frictions 21 16 FRICTION, the rubbin...
friedcake 21 20 (US) a doughnut, a c...
friending 18 17 FRIEND, to enter int...
frigatoon 17 15 a small Venetian ves...
friggings 22 19 FRIGGING, pottering...
frightens 21 17 FRIGHTEN, to make af...
frightful 26 21 terrible, horrible [...
frighting 23 19 FRIGHT, to make afra...
frigidest 20 15 FRIGID, chillingly s...
frigidity 27 17 the state of being f...
frikkadel 21 22 (Afrikaans) a fried...
frilliest 21 14 FRILLY, having frill...
frillings 22 17 FRILLING, an arrange...
fringiest 19 15 FRINGY, resembling a...
fringings 20 18 FRINGING, the act of...
fripperer 22 18 (archaic) one who de...
frisettes 18 12 FRISETTE, a frizzed...
friskiest 20 16 FRISKY, lively and p...
friskings 21 19 FRISKING, the act of...
fritflies 22 16 FRITFLY, a small fly...
frithborh 25 19 (Old English) a sure...
frittatas 18 12 FRITTATA, an unfolde...
frittered 18 13 FRITTER, to squander...
fritterer 18 12 one who fritters [n...
friulanos 18 15 FRIULANO, (Italian)...
frivolers 21 17 FRIVOLER, one who fr...
frivoling 22 20 FRIVOL, to behave pl...
frivolity 28 19 a trifling habit or...
frivolled 22 19 FRIVOL, to behave pl...
frivoller 22 18 one who frivols, als...
frivolous 21 18 lacking seriousness...
frizettes 21 21 FRIZETTE, a frizzed...
frizzante 23 31 (Italian) of wine, s...
frizziest 25 30 FRIZZY, of hair, tig...
frizzlers 26 31 FRIZZLER, one who fr...
frizzlier 26 31 FRIZZLY, of hair, ti...
frizzling 27 34 FRIZZLE, to curl hai...
frockings 23 22 FROCKING, cloth suit...
frockless 23 20 destitute of a frock...
froggiest 20 16 FROGGY, abounding in...
froggings 21 19 FROGGING, a decorati...
froglings 21 18 FROGLING, a small fr...
frogmarch 25 22 to force a person to...
frogmouth 22 20 one of several speci...
frogspawn 23 21 the gelatinous egg m...
froideurs 18 14 FROIDEUR, coolness i...
frolicked 23 21 FROLIC, to play and...
frolicker 23 20 one who frolics [n -...
frondages 17 16 FRONDAGE, fronds col...
frondeurs 17 15 FRONDEUR, (French) a...
frondless 18 15 without fronds [adj]
frontager 17 15 a person who owns or...
frontages 17 15 FRONTAGE, the front...
frontally 25 17 FRONTAL, at the fron...
frontenis 16 14 a racket used in a B...
frontiers 17 13 FRONTIER, (Spenser)...
frontless 18 14 shameless, brazen [a...
frontlets 18 14 FRONTLET, a forehead...
frontline 17 15 of or relating to th...
frontlist 19 14 a list of books abou...
frontoons 15 14 FRONTOON, (French) a...
frontpage 19 18 to put on the front...
frontward 20 17 towards the front, a...
frontways 26 18 towards the front, a...
frontwise 20 16 towards the front, a...
frostbite 20 15 inflammation, someti...
frostfish 23 17 an American fish app...
frostiest 18 12 FROSTY, covered with...
frostings 19 15 FROSTING, icing [n]
frostless 19 13 without frost [adj]
frostlike 20 17 like frost [adj]
frostline 18 14 the depth to which t...
frostnips 20 16 FROSTNIP, the freezi...
frostwork 22 19 tracery made by fros...
frothiest 20 14 FROTHY, covered with...
frothings 21 17 FROTHING, the act of...
frothless 21 15 without froth [adj]
frottages 18 14 FROTTAGE, masturbati...
frotteurs 18 13 FROTTEUR, the active...
froufrous 20 17 FROUFROU, (French) t...
froughier 21 17 FROUGHY, of timber,...
frouncing 21 20 FROUNCE, to wrinkle...
frouziest 21 22 FROUZY, unkempt, als...
frowardly 28 19 FROWARD, (archaic) h...
frowsiest 21 15 FROWSY, fusty, stuff...
frowsters 21 15 FROWSTER, (obsolete)...
frowstier 21 15 FROWSTY, fusty, stuf...
frowsting 22 18 FROWST, to luxuriate...
frowziest 24 24 FROWZY, fusty, stuff...
fructoses 21 16 FRUCTOSE, a sugar fo...
fructuary 28 19 a person enjoying th...
fructuate 21 17 to come to fruit, to...
fructuous 22 18 fruitful [adj FRUCTU...
frugalist 21 16 a person who is frug...
frugality 27 18 the state of being f...
frugivore 21 19 an animal which prim...
fruitages 19 15 FRUITAGE, the proces...
fruitcake 22 20 (colloquial) a sligh...
fruiterer 18 13 one who sells fruit...
fruitiest 19 13 FRUITY, tasting of f...
fruitings 20 16 FRUITING, the stage...
fruitions 18 14 FRUITION, a fulfilme...
fruitless 20 14 futile [adj FRUITLES...
fruitlets 20 14 FRUITLET, a small fr...
fruitlike 21 18 like a fruit [adj]
fruitwood 21 17 the wood of a fruit...
frumpiest 22 19 FRUMPY, ill-dressed...
frumpling 24 23 FRUMPLE, (dialect) t...
frusemide 19 17 a synthetic diuretic...
frustrate 18 13 to thwart [v FRUSTRA...
frustules 20 15 FRUSTULE, the silice...
fruticose 21 16 shrubby [adj]
frutified 21 17 FRUTIFY, (Shakespear...
frutifies 21 16 FRUTIFY, (Shakespear...
frybreads 26 18 FRYBREAD, native Ame...
fubberies 22 19 FUBBERY, a deception...
fuchsines 23 19 FUCHSINE, a red dye,...
fuchsites 24 18 FUCHSITE, a brillian...
fuckfaces 27 26 FUCKFACE, a contempt...
fuckheads 24 23 FUCKHEAD, a contempt...
fuddlings 21 19 FUDDLING, the act of...
fuelwoods 21 18 FUELWOOD, wood suita...
fugacious 22 19 lasting a short time...
fugginess 20 18 the state of being f...
fughettas 21 17 FUGHETTA, a short fu...
fugitives 22 19 FUGITIVE, one who fl...
fuguelike 21 21 like a fugue [adj]
fulfilled 24 20 FULFILL, to bring ab...
fulfiller 24 19 one who fulfils [n -...
fulgently 27 20 FULGENT, shining bri...
fulgorous 20 17 flashing like lightn...
fulgurant 20 18 flashing like lightn...
fulgurate 20 17 to flash like lightn...
fulgurite 21 17 a vitrified sand tub...
fulgurous 21 18 flashing like lightn...
fullbacks 27 25 FULLBACK, an offensi...
fullblood 23 20 a person of unmixed...
fullerene 18 16 a ball-shaped molecu...
fulleride 20 16 a compound of a full...
fulleries 20 15 FULLERY, a place for...
fullering 21 18 FULLER, to groove wi...
fullerite 20 15 a crystalline form o...
fullfaces 25 21 FULLFACE, a portrait...
fulminant 19 19 fulminating [adj] /...
fulminate 19 18 to send forth censur...
fulmining 21 21 FULMINE, (Spenser) t...
fulminous 20 19 relating to thunder...
fulnesses 18 15 FULNESS, the state o...
fulsomely 27 20 FULSOME, cloying [ad...
fulsomest 20 17 FULSOME, cloying [ad...
fumarases 18 16 FUMARASE, an enzyme...
fumarates 18 16 FUMARATE, a salt of...
fumaroles 19 17 FUMAROLE, a hole whi...
fumarolic 23 20 of or like a fumarol...
fumatoria 18 16 FUMATORIUM, (Latin)...
fumeroles 19 17 FUMEROLE, a hole in...
fumigants 20 19 FUMIGANT, a source o...
fumigated 20 19 FUMIGATE, to subject...
fumigates 20 18 FUMIGATE, to subject...
fumigator 20 18 one who fumigates [n...
funboards 19 18 FUNBOARD, a special...
functions 20 18 FUNCTION, to perform...
fundament 17 19 the buttocks or anus...
fundraise 17 15 to raise funds [v FU...
funebrial 20 18 of or pertaining to...
fungibles 22 20 FUNGIBLE, something...
fungicide 22 20 an agent that kills...
fungiform 22 22 shaped like a fungus...
fungistat 19 16 a substance that inh...
fungoidal 19 18 of or like fungus, a...
fungosity 25 18 the quality of being...
funhouses 19 17 FUNHOUSE, an amuseme...
funicular 22 19 relating to a string...
funiculus 23 20 the umbilical cord [...
funkholes 21 21 FUNKHOLE, a place of...
funkiness 18 19 trendiness [n -ES]
funksters 19 18 FUNKSTER, a performe...
funneling 18 19 FUNNEL, to pass thro...
funnelled 18 18 FUNNEL, to pass thro...
funniness 16 16 the state of being f...
funplexes 26 25 FUNPLEX, a building...
furacious 21 17 (obsolete) given to...
furanoses 16 14 FURANOSE, a sugar ha...
furbearer 19 16 an animal with fur [...
furbelows 24 20 FURBELOW, to decorat...
furbished 23 19 FURBISH, to rub or s...
furbisher 23 18 one who furbishes; e...
furbishes 23 18 FURBISH, to rub or s...
furcately 28 19 FURCATE, forked [adv...
furcating 22 19 FURCATE, to divide i...
furcation 20 17 a branching like a f...
furcraeas 20 16 FURCRAEA, a tropical...
furfurals 22 18 FURFURAL, a liquid o...
furfurans 20 18 FURFURAN, a chemical...
furfurole 21 18 a liquid obtained by...
furfurols 22 18 FURFUROL, a liquid o...
furfurous 21 18 branlike; containing...
furiosity 25 15 madness [n FURIOSITI...
furiously 26 17 FURIOUS, extremely a...
furloughs 23 19 FURLOUGH, to grant a...
furmeties 19 16 FURMETY, a wheat dis...
furmities 20 16 FURMITY, a wheat dis...
furnacing 21 20 FURNACE, to subject...
furniment 18 18 (Spenser) furnishing...
furnished 20 17 FURNISH, to equip [v...
furnisher 20 16 one who furnishes [n...
furnishes 20 16 FURNISH, to equip [v...
furniture 18 15 movables, either for...
furpieces 23 19 FURPIECE, an item of...
furriners 18 14 FURRINER, a foreigne...
furriness 18 14 the state of being f...
furrowers 21 16 FURROWER, one that m...
furrowing 22 19 FURROW, to make narr...
furthered 20 16 FURTHER, to help for...
furtherer 20 15 one who furthers [n...
furtively 28 20 FURTIVE, stolen; obt...
furuncles 22 19 FURUNCLE, a painful...
fusariums 20 17 FUSARIUM, a type of...
fusaroles 18 14 FUSAROLE, a semi-cir...
fuselages 19 16 FUSELAGE, the elonga...
fusileers 19 14 FUSILEER, a soldier...
fusiliers 20 14 FUSILIER, a soldier...
fusillade 20 16 a simultaneous or su...
fusionism 19 17 a policy that favour...
fusionist 18 14 an advocate of fusio...
fussballs 23 18 FUSSBALL, (US) table...
fussiness 18 14 the state of being f...
fustigate 19 15 (obsolete) to beat w...
fustilugs 22 17 (obsolete) a fat and...
fustiness 18 14 the state of being f...
fusulinid 20 17 any of a family of e...
futurisms 21 17 FUTURISM, an artisti...
futurists 20 14 FUTURIST, a proponen...
fuzzballs 29 36 FUZZBALL, a ball of...
fuzzboxes 32 41 FUZZBOX, an electron...
fuzziness 24 32 the state of being f...
fuzztones 23 32 FUZZTONE, a device f...