13 letter words that start with F

13 letter words that start with F

13 letter F word


Words With Friends®


facetiousness 26 21 FACETIOUS, playfully...
facilitations 28 21 FACILITATION, the ac...
factionalised 27 22 FACTIONALISE, to spl...
factionalises 27 21 FACTIONALISE, to spl...
factionalisms 29 24 FACTIONALISM, belong...
factionalists 28 21 FACTIONALIST, a supp...
factionalized 30 31 FACTIONALIZE, to spl...
factionalizes 30 30 FACTIONALIZE, to spl...
factorability 37 25 the quality of being...
factorisation 26 20 the operation of res...
factorization 29 29 the operation of res...
factualnesses 27 22 FACTUALNESS, the sta...
facultatively 38 28 FACULTATIVE, optiona...
faddishnesses 26 21 FADDISHNESS, the sta...
fairnitickles 30 25 FAIRNITICKLE, (Scots...
fairnytickles 36 27 FAIRNYTICKLE, (Scots...
faithlessness 27 20 FAITHLESS, without f...
fallibilities 31 22 FALLIBILITY, liabili...
falsification 30 24 the act of falsifyin...
familiarisers 27 20 FAMILIARISER, one wh...
familiarising 28 23 FAMILIARISE, to make...
familiarities 27 20 FAMILIARITY, the sta...
familiarizers 30 29 FAMILIARIZER, one wh...
familiarizing 31 32 FAMILIARIZE, to make...
fanaticalness 26 22 FANATICAL, extravaga...
fanfaronading 24 25 FANFARONADE, to blus...
fantasmically 36 27 FANTASMIC, like a fa...
fantastically 35 24 FANTASTICAL, unreal...
fantasticated 26 21 FANTASTICATE, to fan...
fantasticates 26 20 FANTASTICATE, to fan...
fantasticisms 29 23 FANTASTICISM, being...
faradisations 23 18 FARADISATION, the ac...
faradizations 26 27 FARADIZATION, the ac...
farawaynesses 31 22 FARAWAYNESS, the sta...
farcicalities 32 23 FARCICALITY, the sta...
farkleberries 28 24 FARKLEBERRY, a shrub...
farnarkelings 26 25 FARNARKELING, wastin...
farthinglands 28 24 FARTHINGLAND, a vary...
fasciculately 39 27 FASCICULATE, in bund...
fasciculation 31 25 muscular twitching i...
fascinatingly 35 26 FASCINATING, intrigu...
fascistically 40 26 FASCISTIC, of or lik...
fashionmonger 26 25 a fop [n -S]
fatefulnesses 26 22 FATEFULNESS, the sta...
fatheadedness 24 21 FATHEADED, stupid [n...
fatigableness 27 23 FATIGABLE, easily ti...
fatuousnesses 23 19 FATUOUSNESS, the sta...
faultfindings 29 26 FAULTFINDING, the ac...
faultlessness 26 20 FAULTLESS, without f...
faunistically 36 25 FAUNISTIC, relating...
favorableness 27 25 FAVORABLE, (US) favo...
favorednesses 24 22 FAVOREDNESS, the sta...
fawningnesses 26 24 FAWNINGNESS, the sta...
fearfulnesses 26 22 FEARFULNESS, the sta...
fearmongering 25 25 the act of spreading...
feasibilities 28 20 FEASIBILITY, the sta...
featherbedded 27 24 FEATHERBED, to pampe...
featherbrains 27 22 FEATHERBRAIN, a fool...
featheredging 27 24 FEATHEREDGE, to prov...
featherheaded 26 22 foolish, empty-heade...
featherstitch 32 23 an embroidery stitch...
featherweight 32 25 a weight division in...
febrifacients 31 26 FEBRIFACIENT, someth...
feedingstuffs 30 27 FEEDINGSTUFF, stuff...
feelingnesses 24 21 FEELINGNESS, sensibi...
feignednesses 23 21 FEIGNEDNESS, the sta...
feldspathoids 30 24 FELDSPATHOID [n]
felicitations 28 21 FELICITATION, the ac...
fellmongeries 27 24 FELLMONGERY, the pre...
fellmongering 28 27 the removal of hair...
fellowshiping 35 29 FELLOWSHIP, to join...
fellowshipped 36 30 FELLOWSHIP, to join...
feloniousness 23 20 FELONIOUS, like a fe...
feminisations 24 21 FEMINISATION, the ac...
feminizations 27 30 FEMINIZATION, the ac...
fencelessness 26 22 FENCELESS, without a...
fenestrations 22 18 FENESTRATION, the ar...
fennelflowers 29 26 FENNELFLOWER, any of...
fermentations 23 21 FERMENTATION, a chem...
fermentitious 25 21 promoting fermentati...
ferociousness 26 21 FEROCIOUS, fierce [n...
ferricyanides 33 23 FERRICYANIDE, a salt...
ferricyanogen 32 25 the trivalent radica...
ferrimagnetic 29 25 of or relating to a...
ferrochromium 32 28 an alloy of iron wit...
ferroconcrete 28 23 reinforced concrete...
ferrocyanides 32 23 FERROCYANIDE, a salt...
ferrocyanogen 31 25 the quadrivalent rad...
ferroelectric 31 23 exhibiting electric...
ferrographies 29 23 FERROGRAPHY, a techn...
ferromagnetic 28 25 of or relating to su...
ferrosilicons 28 21 FERROSILICON, an all...
ferrosoferric 29 22 combining ferrous an...
fertilenesses 24 18 FERTILENESS, the sta...
fertilisation 25 18 the process by which...
fertilization 28 27 the process by which...
ferventnesses 24 22 FERVENTNESS, the qua...
festivalgoers 28 23 FESTIVALGOER, one wh...
festivenesses 25 21 FESTIVENESS, the sta...
festschriften 32 25 FESTSCHRIFT, (German...
fetishisation 26 19 the process of fetis...
fetishization 29 28 the process of fetis...
feudalisation 24 20 the act of feudalisi...
feudalization 27 29 the act of feudalizi...
feuilletonism 27 23 the production of fe...
feuilletonist 26 20 one who writes feuil...
fianchettoing 29 25 FIANCHETTO, to devel...
fiberglassing 30 25 FIBERGLASS, (US) to...
fiberisations 26 20 FIBERISATION, the ac...
fiberizations 29 29 FIBERIZATION, the ac...
fibrillations 29 22 FIBRILLATION, uncoor...
fibrinogenous 26 24 of or like a fibrino...
fibrinolysins 34 24 FIBRINOLYSIN, any of...
fibromyalgias 36 27 FIBROMYALGIA, any of...
fibrosarcomas 30 25 FIBROSARCOMA, a sarc...
fibrousnesses 26 21 FIBROUSNESS, the sta...
fibrovascular 33 28 having or consisting...
fictionalised 28 22 FICTIONALISE, to mak...
fictionalises 28 21 FICTIONALISE, to mak...
fictionalized 31 31 FICTIONALIZE, to mak...
fictionalizes 31 30 FICTIONALIZE, to mak...
fictioneering 27 23 the writing of ficti...
fictivenesses 29 24 FICTIVENESS, the sta...
fideicommissa 30 26 FIDEICOMMISSUM, a re...
fidgetinesses 25 20 FIDGETINESS, the sta...
fieldstripped 31 25 FIELDSTRIP, to take...
filibusterers 29 21 FILIBUSTERER, one wh...
filibustering 30 24 FILIBUSTER, to obstr...
filibusterism 31 24 the actions of a fil...
filibusterous 29 22 like a filibuster [a...
filipendulous 29 25 hanging by or strung...
filmographies 32 27 FILMOGRAPHY, a list...
filterability 36 23 the quality of being...
finablenesses 25 22 FINABLENESS, the sta...
finalisations 24 19 FINALISATION, the ac...
finalizations 27 28 FINALIZATION, the ac...
financialists 28 22 FINANCIALIST, a fina...
fingerbreadth 29 25 the breadth of a fin...
fingerglasses 27 22 FINGERGLASS, a bowl...
fingerpicking 33 32 playing the guitar w...
fingerprinted 27 24 FINGERPRINT, to take...
finicalnesses 27 22 FINICALNESS, the sta...
finickinesses 28 25 FINICKINESS, the sta...
firefightings 32 26 FIREFIGHTING, the bu...
fireproofings 29 25 FIREPROOFING, the ac...
fishabilities 31 22 FISHABILITY, the sta...
fissiparities 28 19 FISSIPARITY, the sta...
fissiparously 35 23 FISSIPAROUS, produci...
fittingnesses 25 20 FITTINGNESS, the sta...
flabbergasted 30 26 FLABBERGAST, to over...
flabellations 28 23 FLABELLATION, the ac...
flaccidnesses 31 25 FLACCIDNESS, the sta...
flagellantism 29 25 the practice of whip...
flagellations 27 22 FLAGELLATION, the ac...
flagellomania 27 25 an obsession with fl...
flamboyancies 36 29 FLAMBOYANCY, the sta...
flameproofers 29 26 FLAMEPROOFER, one wh...
flameproofing 30 29 FLAMEPROOF, to make...
flamethrowers 31 25 FLAMETHROWER, a devi...
flammulations 28 26 FLAMMULATION, flamel...
flannelboards 26 24 FLANNELBOARD, a teac...
flannelgraphs 30 27 FLANNELGRAPH, a disp...
flashforwards 33 26 FLASHFORWARD, a tran...
flashmobbings 34 31 FLASHMOBBING, the pr...
flauntinesses 24 20 FLAUNTINESS, the sta...
flavoproteins 28 25 FLAVOPROTEIN, a prot...
flavopurpurin 32 30 a yellow crystalline...
fleshlinesses 28 21 FLESHLINESS, the sta...
flexibilities 36 28 FLEXIBILITY, the sta...
flexicurities 36 28 FLEXICURITY, labor p...
flexographies 36 31 FLEXOGRAPHY, a metho...
flightinesses 29 22 FLIGHTINESS, the sta...
flirtatiously 34 21 FLIRTATIOUS, given t...
floccillation 33 26 a picking or pluckin...
flocculations 32 26 FLOCCULATION, the ac...
flocculencies 35 29 FLOCCULENCY, the sta...
floodlighting 31 26 illumination by floo...
floricultural 32 24 relating to floricul...
floricultures 31 23 FLORICULTURE, the cu...
floristically 38 24 FLORISTIC, relating...
flourishingly 37 26 FLOURISHING [adv]
floutingstock 31 28 (Shakespeare) a pers...
flowchartings 35 28 FLOWCHARTING, the ac...
flowerinesses 27 21 FLOWERINESS, the sta...
flowingnesses 28 24 FLOWINGNESS, the sta...
fluctuational 29 24 showing fluctuation...
flugelhornist 30 24 one who plays the fl...
fluidextracts 36 29 FLUIDEXTRACT, an alc...
fluidisations 26 20 FLUIDISATION, the pr...
fluidizations 29 29 FLUIDIZATION, the ac...
flunitrazepam 31 34 a powerful hypnotic...
fluorapatites 27 21 FLUORAPATITE, a mine...
fluoresceines 27 22 FLUORESCEINE, a fluo...
fluorescences 30 25 FLUORESCENCE, visibl...
fluoridations 25 20 FLUORIDATION, the ac...
fluorimetries 27 21 FLUORIMETRY, measure...
fluorinations 24 20 FLUORINATION, the ac...
fluoroacetate 26 21 an organofluorine co...
fluorocarbons 29 25 FLUOROCARBON, any of...
fluorochromes 31 26 FLUOROCHROME, any of...
fluorographic 34 28 relating to fluorogr...
fluorometries 26 21 FLUOROMETRY, measure...
fluoroscopies 30 24 FLUOROSCOPY, examina...
fluoroscoping 31 27 FLUOROSCOPE, to exam...
fluoroscopist 31 24 one who uses a fluor...
fluorouracils 30 23 FLUOROURACIL, a fluo...
fluphenazines 31 34 FLUPHENAZINE, a tran...
flutterboards 28 22 FLUTTERBOARD, a kind...
focalisations 27 21 FOCALISATION, the ac...
focalizations 30 30 FOCALIZATION, the ac...
folkishnesses 28 24 FOLKISHNESS, the sta...
followerships 34 26 FOLLOWERSHIP, being...
fonctionnaire 24 22 (French) a civil ser...
foolhardiness 26 21 the state of being f...
foolishnesses 26 20 FOOLISHNESS, the sta...
footdraggings 27 24 FOOTDRAGGING, the ac...
footsloggings 28 24 FOOTSLOGGING, trampi...
foppishnesses 30 25 FOPPISHNESS, the sta...
foraminiferal 27 24 of or like a foramin...
foraminiferan 25 24 a foraminifer [n -S]
forcibilities 32 23 FORCIBILITY, the qua...
forebodements 25 24 FOREBODEMENT, a feel...
forecarriages 27 21 FORECARRIAGE, the fr...
forefeelingly 34 26 FOREFEELING [adv]
foregathering 27 23 FOREGATHER, to gathe...
foregrounding 25 24 FOREGROUND, to bring...
foreignnesses 23 20 FOREIGNNESS, the sta...
forejudgement 27 33 an advance judgment,...
forejudgments 28 33 FOREJUDGMENT, an adv...
foreknowingly 35 30 FOREKNOWING [adv]
foreknowledge 28 28 knowledge in advance...
forementioned 22 22 mentioned before in...
forensicality 34 23 the state of being f...
foreordaining 23 21 FOREORDAIN, to ordai...
foreshadowers 28 22 FORESHADOWER, one wh...
foreshadowing 29 25 FORESHADOW, to repre...
foreshortened 24 20 FORESHORTEN, to shor...
foresightedly 35 24 FORESIGHTED, having...
foresightless 29 21 FORESIGHT [n]
foresignified 27 23 FORESIGNIFY, (archai...
foresignifies 27 22 FORESIGNIFY, (archai...
forestallings 27 21 FORESTALLING, the ac...
forestallment 26 22 the act of forestall...
forestalments 25 21 FORESTALMENT, the ac...
forestaysails 31 19 FORESTAYSAIL, the sa...
foretokenings 24 24 FORETOKENING, the ac...
foretriangles 25 20 FORETRIANGLE, the tr...
forevernesses 24 21 FOREVERNESS, the sta...
forewarningly 34 26 FOREWARNING, warn in...
forgetfulness 28 24 the state of being f...
forgivenesses 26 23 FORGIVENESS, the act...
forgivingness 28 26 FORGIVING [n]
forgottenness 23 20 FORGOTTEN [n]
forlornnesses 23 19 FORLORNNESS, the sta...
formabilities 29 23 FORMABILITY, the qua...
formaldehydes 34 26 FORMALDEHYDE, a form...
formalisation 25 21 the act of formalisi...
formalization 28 30 the act of formalizi...
formativeness 26 24 FORMATIVE, tending t...
formidability 36 26 the state of being f...
formulaically 38 28 FORMULAIC, of the na...
formularisers 27 21 FORMULARISER, one wh...
formularising 28 24 FORMULARISE, to stat...
formularistic 31 24 of or like a formula...
formularizers 30 30 FORMULARIZER, one wh...
formularizing 31 33 FORMULARIZE, to stat...
fortepianists 26 20 FORTEPIANIST, a play...
fortification 29 23 an act of fortifying...
fortississimo 27 19 (Italian) very very...
fortitudinous 25 20 showing fortitude [a...
fortnightlies 29 22 FORTNIGHTLY, a publi...
fortunateness 22 19 the state of being f...
forwardnesses 26 21 FORWARDNESS, the sta...
fossiliferous 28 21 bearing fossils [adj...
fossilisation 25 18 the process of fossi...
fossilization 28 27 the process of fossi...
foundationary 28 22 relating to a founda...
foundationers 22 20 FOUNDATIONER, a pers...
fountainheads 24 22 FOUNTAINHEAD, a spri...
fractionalise 27 21 to break up into par...
fractionalism 29 24 the state of consist...
fractionalist 28 21 a breaker-up of poli...
fractionalize 30 30 to break up into par...
fractionating 27 23 FRACTIONATE, to sepa...
fractionation 25 21 the act of fractiona...
fractionators 26 20 FRACTIONATOR, a plan...
fractionising 28 23 FRACTIONISE, to brea...
fractionizing 31 32 FRACTIONIZE, to brea...
fractiousness 27 21 FRACTIOUS, troubleso...
fractocumulus 34 29 a type of cloud [n F...
fractostratus 28 20 a type of cloud [n F...
fragilenesses 25 20 FRAGILENESS, the sta...
fragmentarily 33 25 FRAGMENTARY, consist...
fragmentating 26 25 FRAGMENTATE, to redu...
fragmentation 24 23 the act of fragmenti...
fragmentising 27 25 FRAGMENTISE, to redu...
fragmentizing 30 34 FRAGMENTIZE, to redu...
franchisement 29 26 liberation [n -S]
francisations 26 21 FRANCISATION, the ac...
francizations 29 30 FRANCIZATION, the ac...
francophobias 32 28 FRANCOPHOBIA, fear o...
frangibleness 27 24 FRANGIBLE, readily b...
frankalmoigns 27 28 FRANKALMOIGN, land t...
frankincenses 26 26 FRANKINCENSE, a swee...
franticnesses 26 21 FRANTICNESS, the sta...
fraternalisms 26 21 FRATERNALISM, being...
fraudulencies 28 24 FRAUDULENCY, the sta...
freebooteries 24 19 FREEBOOTERY, piracy,...
freeheartedly 32 22 FREEHEARTED, generou...
freemasonries 23 20 FREEMASONRY, spontan...
freethinkings 28 26 FREETHINKING, though...
freewheelings 30 25 FREEWHEELING, the ac...
frequentation 30 28 the act of frequenti...
frequentative 33 31 a tense of a verb de...
freshmanships 32 27 FRESHMANSHIP, the st...
fretfulnesses 27 22 FRETFULNESS, the sta...
friablenesses 26 21 FRIABLENESS, the sta...
frighteningly 36 27 FRIGHTENING [adv]
frightfulness 32 26 the state of being f...
fringilliform 32 27 resembling a finch [...
frivolousness 27 23 FRIVOLOUS, lacking s...
frizzlinesses 32 36 FRIZZLINESS, the sta...
frondescences 28 25 FRONDESCENCE, the fo...
frontbenchers 30 26 FRONTBENCHER, one wh...
frontispieced 29 24 FRONTISPIECE, to pro...
frontispieces 29 23 FRONTISPIECE, an ill...
frontogeneses 22 20 FRONTOGENESIS, the c...
frontogenesis 23 20 the creation of a we...
frontogenetic 26 23 relating to the crea...
frontrunnings 24 23 FRONTRUNNING, the ac...
frowardnesses 26 21 FROWARDNESS, the sta...
frowstinesses 27 20 FROWSTINESS, the sta...
fructuousness 28 23 FRUCTUOUS, fruitful...
fruitarianism 26 21 the state of being a...
fruitlessness 26 19 FRUITLESS, futile [n...
frumentaceous 27 25 resembling wheat or...
frumentarious 25 22 of or pertaining to...
frumentations 24 22 FRUMENTATION, a gift...
frustratingly 34 23 FRUSTRATING [adv]
fugaciousness 28 24 the state of being f...
fulsomenesses 25 22 FULSOMENESS, the sta...
funambulating 29 29 FUNAMBULATE, to walk...
funambulation 27 27 tightrope-walking [n...
funambulators 28 26 FUNAMBULATOR, a tigh...
funambulatory 34 28 related to funambula...
functionalism 29 26 a doctrine emphasisi...
functionalist 28 23 an exponent of funct...
functionality 34 25 the state of being f...
functionaries 26 22 FUNCTIONARY, one who...
functionating 27 25 FUNCTIONATE, to perf...
fundamentally 32 27 FUNDAMENTAL, basic [...
fungibilities 30 24 FUNGIBILITY, the sta...
furaciousness 27 22 FURACIOUS, (obsolete...
furazolidones 27 29 FURAZOLIDONE, an ant...
furiousnesses 24 19 FURIOUSNESS, the sta...
furshlugginer 31 26 (Yiddish) well-worn,...
furtivenesses 26 22 FURTIVENESS, the sta...
fusiblenesses 27 22 FUSIBLENESS, the qua...
fustillirians 28 20 FUSTILLIRIAN, (Shake...
futilitarians 26 19 FUTILITARIAN, one wh...
futurological 31 25 relating to futurolo...
futurologists 28 21 FUTUROLOGIST, a stud...