11 letter words that start with F

11 letter words that start with F

11 letter F word


Words With Friends®


fabricating 27 23 FABRICATE, to manufa...
fabrication 25 21 the act of fabricati...
fabricative 28 24 relating to fabricat...
fabricators 26 20 FABRICATOR, one who...
fabrickings 29 27 FABRICKING, the act...
facebooking 26 27 FACEBOOK, to look fo...
facelifting 28 24 FACELIFT, to perform...
facetiously 31 21 FACETIOUS, playfully...
faceworkers 27 24 FACEWORKER, a miner...
facilitated 25 19 FACILITATE, to make...
facilitates 25 18 FACILITATE, to make...
facilitator 25 18 one that facilitates...
facinerious 23 19 (Shakespeare) extrem...
facsimilist 28 21 one who makes facsim...
facticities 28 20 FACTICITY, the quali...
factionally 31 22 FACTIONAL, relating...
factionists 24 18 FACTIONIST, one who...
factitively 34 24 FACTITIVE, causative...
factorially 32 21 FACTORIAL, relating...
factorising 25 20 FACTORISE, to reduce...
factorizing 28 29 FACTORIZE, to reduce...
factorships 29 22 FACTORSHIP, the busi...
factorylike 32 24 like a factory [adj]
factualisms 27 22 FACTUALISM, the qual...
factualists 26 19 FACTUALIST, one who...
factualness 24 20 the state of being f...
facultative 27 23 optional; incidental...
facundities 24 20 FACUNDITY, eloquence...
faddinesses 20 17 FADDINESS, fussiness...
faddishness 23 19 the state of being f...
fadednesses 19 17 FADEDNESS, the state...
faineancies 21 19 FAINEANCY, doing not...
faineantise 18 16 (French) do-nothing-...
faintnesses 19 16 FAINTNESS, the state...
fairgrounds 22 19 FAIRGROUND, an area...
fairleaders 21 16 FAIRLEADER, a ring t...
fairniticle 25 19 (Scots) a freckle, a...
fairnyticle 31 21 (Scots) a freckle, a...
faithlessly 32 20 FAITHLESS, without f...
faithworthy 35 23 worthy of faith or b...
falconiform 27 25 shaped like a falcon...
falderaling 23 20 FALDERAL, to sing me...
fallaleries 23 17 FALLALERY, foppishne...
fallalishly 34 22 FALLALISH, like a fa...
fallibilism 29 23 the doctrine that em...
fallibilist 28 20 one who holds to the...
fallibility 34 22 liability to err [n...
falsenesses 20 16 FALSENESS, the state...
falsifiable 27 22 that can be falsifie...
falteringly 30 21 FALTERING, hesitant...
familiarise 23 18 to make familiar, al...
familiarity 30 20 the state of being f...
familiarize 26 27 to make familiar, al...
famishments 25 23 FAMISHMENT, the stat...
fanatically 31 22 FANATICAL, extravaga...
fanaticised 23 19 FANATICISE, to make...
fanaticises 23 18 FANATICISE, to make...
fanaticisms 25 21 FANATICISM, fanatica...
fanaticized 26 28 FANATICIZE, to make...
fanaticizes 26 27 FANATICIZE, to make...
fancinesses 22 19 FANCINESS, the state...
fandabidozi 25 29 an expression of adm...
fanfaronade 19 20 (French) empty boast...
fantabulous 23 21 (slang) marvellously...
fantasisers 20 15 FANTASISER, one who...
fantasising 21 18 FANTASISE, to visual...
fantasizers 23 24 FANTASIZER, one who...
fantasizing 24 27 FANTASIZE, to visual...
fantasmally 29 22 FANTASMAL, like a fa...
fantastical 24 19 unreal [adj FANTASTI...
fantastries 20 15 FANTASTRY, dandyism,...
fantasyland 26 20 an imaginary or idea...
farawayness 28 20 the state of being f...
farboroughs 26 22 FARBOROUGH, (Shakesp...
farcicality 35 23 the state of being f...
farewelling 26 22 FAREWELL, to say goo...
farinaceous 22 19 mealy; consisting of...
farkleberry 31 24 a shrub with hard, b...
farmeresses 21 17 FARMERESS, a woman w...
farmerettes 21 17 FARMERETTE, a woman...
farmworkers 26 24 FARMWORKER, one who...
farnarkeled 21 21 FARNARKEL, (Australi...
farraginous 21 18 like a farrago, misc...
farrandines 19 17 FARRANDINE, (obsolet...
farthermore 23 19 in addition, also FU...
farthermost 24 19 most distant, also F...
farthingale 24 20 a skirt spreader [n...
fasciations 23 18 FASCIATION, bandagin...
fasciculate 28 22 in bundles, also FAS...
fasciitises 25 17 FASCIITIS, inflammat...
fascinating 24 21 intriguing [adj FASC...
fascination 22 19 the quality of fasci...
fascinative 25 22 related to fascinati...
fascinators 23 18 FASCINATOR, a woman'...
fashionable 24 21 according to fashion...
fashionably 31 23 FASHIONABLE, accordi...
fashionista 22 17 a follower or setter...
fashionists 23 17 FASHIONIST, a follow...
fastballers 25 19 FASTBALLER, in baseb...
fastigiated 22 17 pointed; conical, al...
fatalnesses 20 16 FATALNESS, the quali...
fatefulness 23 20 the state of being f...
fatheadedly 29 21 FATHEADED, stupid [a...
fatherhoods 24 19 FATHERHOOD, the stat...
fatherlands 23 19 FATHERLAND, the nati...
fatherships 28 21 FATHERSHIP, the stat...
fathometers 23 19 FATHOMETER, an instr...
fatidically 33 22 FATIDICAL, of or rel...
fatigueless 23 18 without fatigue [adj...
fatiguingly 31 23 FATIGUING [adv]
fatiscences 26 21 FATISCENCE, the stat...
fatshederas 22 17 FATSHEDERA, an everg...
fattinesses 20 15 FATTINESS, the state...
fatuousness 20 17 the state of being f...
faultfinder 24 21 one given to faultfi...
faultlessly 31 20 FAULTLESS, without f...
fauxbourdon 28 28 (French) a type of i...
favoredness 21 20 the state of being f...
favoritisms 25 21 FAVORITISM, the show...
favouringly 31 25 FAVOURING [adv]
favouritism 25 22 the state of having...
fawningness 23 22 the state of being f...
fazendeiros 22 25 FAZENDEIRO, a person...
fearfullest 25 20 FEARFUL, full of fea...
fearfulness 23 20 the state of being f...
fearmongers 21 20 FEARMONGER, one who...
fearnaughts 23 20 FEARNAUGHT, a thick...
fearnoughts 23 20 FEARNOUGHT, a thick...
feasibility 31 20 the state of being f...
featherbeds 24 20 FEATHERBED, to pampe...
featheredge 22 19 an edge of a board o...
featherhead 23 19 an empty-headed pers...
featheriest 22 16 FEATHERY, resembling...
featherings 23 19 FEATHERING, the act...
featherless 23 17 without feathers [ad...
featureless 21 16 without features [ad...
featurettes 20 15 FEATURETTE, a brief...
febricities 27 20 FEBRICITY, feverishn...
febriferous 25 21 causing or having fe...
febrilities 25 18 FEBRILITY, feverishn...
feculencies 27 23 FECULENCY, the state...
fecundating 24 23 FECUNDATE, to make f...
fecundation 22 21 the act of making fe...
fecundators 23 20 FECUNDATOR, one who...
fecundatory 29 22 serving to fecundate...
fecundities 24 20 FECUNDITY, fertility...
federaleses 20 16 FEDERALESE, the lang...
federalised 21 17 FEDERALISE, to unite...
federalises 21 16 FEDERALISE, to unite...
federalisms 23 19 FEDERALISM, the prin...
federalists 22 16 FEDERALIST, a suppor...
federalized 24 26 FEDERALIZE, to unite...
federalizes 24 25 FEDERALIZE, to unite...
federations 19 16 FEDERATION, a federa...
feedthrough 26 22 a device for connect...
feelingless 23 19 without feelings [ad...
feelingness 21 19 sensibility [n -ES]
feignedness 20 19 the state of being f...
feldspathic 30 24 of or like feldspar,...
felicitated 25 19 FELICITATE, to congr...
felicitates 25 18 FELICITATE, to congr...
felicitator 25 18 one who felicitates...
fellatrices 26 19 FELLATRIX, a female...
fellatrixes 29 23 FELLATRIX, a female...
fellmongers 24 22 FELLMONGER, a dealer...
fellmongery 30 24 the preparation of s...
fellowships 31 24 FELLOWSHIP, to join...
fellwalkers 28 24 FELLWALKER, one who...
feloniously 28 20 FELONIOUS, like a fe...
felspathoid 26 21 any mineral of a gro...
felspathose 25 20 of or like felspar,...
femineities 21 18 FEMINEITY, womanline...
femininisms 23 22 FEMININISM, an addic...
femtosecond 23 22 one quadrillionth pa...
fenestellae 20 17 FENESTELLA, a recess...
fenestellas 21 17 FENESTELLA, a recess...
fenestrated 19 16 having windows or th...
fermentable 23 22 that can be fermente...
fernitickle 26 23 (Scots) a freckle, a...
ferniticles 25 19 FERNITICLE, (Scots)...
ferntickled 26 24 (Scots) freckled, al...
ferntickles 26 23 FERNTICKLE, (Scots)...
fernytickle 32 25 (Scots) a freckle, a...
fernyticles 31 21 FERNYTICLE, (Scots)...
ferociously 31 21 FEROCIOUS, fierce [a...
ferrandines 19 17 FERRANDINE, (obsolet...
ferredoxins 26 23 FERREDOXIN, an iron-...
ferricyanic 33 23 pertaining to a ferr...
ferriferous 23 18 bearing iron [adj]
ferrimagnet 22 20 an iron magnet in wh...
ferrochrome 26 22 an alloy of iron wit...
ferrocyanic 32 23 pertaining to a ferr...
ferrography 32 23 a technique for meas...
ferromagnet 21 20 a type of strong mag...
ferronickel 25 23 an alloy of iron and...
ferronieres 19 15 FERRONIERE, (French)...
ferronniere 18 16 (French) a jewel hel...
ferrotyping 30 22 FERROTYPE, to take a...
ferruginous 22 19 of the colour of iro...
fertigating 23 19 FERTIGATE, to fertil...
fertigation 21 17 fertilisation and ir...
fertileness 21 16 the state of being f...
fertilisers 23 15 FERTILISER, a person...
fertilising 24 18 FERTILISE, to make f...
fertilities 23 15 FERTILITY, the state...
fertilizers 26 24 FERTILIZER, a person...
fertilizing 27 27 FERTILIZE, to make f...
ferulaceous 24 20 like a cane or reed...
ferventness 21 20 the quality of being...
fervidities 24 19 FERVIDITY, the state...
festilogies 23 17 FESTILOGY, a treatis...
festinately 27 18 FESTINATE, quick [ad...
festinating 21 18 FESTINATE, to hasten...
festination 19 16 haste; hurrying walk...
festiveness 22 19 the state of being f...
festivities 24 18 FESTIVITY, convivial...
festologies 22 17 FESTOLOGY, a treatis...
festschrift 30 22 (German) a volume of...
fetichising 28 22 FETICHISE, to make a...
fetichistic 31 22 relating to or exhib...
fetichizing 31 31 FETICHIZE, to make a...
fetidnesses 20 16 FETIDNESS, the state...
fetishising 25 19 FETISHISE, to make a...
fetishistic 28 19 relating to or exhib...
fetishizing 28 28 FETISHIZE, to make a...
fetologists 23 17 FETOLOGIST, one who...
fetoprotein 21 18 any of several fetal...
fetoscopies 25 20 FETOSCOPY, a procedu...
fetterlocks 26 22 FETTERLOCK, a shackl...
fettuccines 27 22 FETTUCCINE, (Italian...
feudalising 23 20 FEUDALISE, to reduce...
feudalistic 26 20 relating to feudalis...
feudalities 22 17 FEUDALITY, the state...
feudalizing 26 29 FEUDALIZE, to reduce...
feudatories 20 16 FEUDATORY, one holdi...
feuilletons 22 18 FEUILLETON, (French)...
fiancailles 25 20 (French) betrothal [...
fianchettos 25 20 FIANCHETTO, (Italian...
fiberboards 25 21 FIBERBOARD, (US) a m...
fiberscopes 28 23 FIBERSCOPE, a medica...
fibreboards 25 21 FIBREBOARD, a materi...
fibrescopes 28 23 FIBRESCOPE, a medica...
fibrillated 26 20 FIBRILLATE, to under...
fibrillates 26 19 FIBRILLATE, to under...
fibrinogens 23 21 FIBRINOGEN, a solubl...
fibroblasts 27 21 FIBROBLAST, a cell i...
fibrocement 26 24 a kind of wallboard,...
fibrocystic 37 25 of or relating to gr...
fibromatous 24 21 of or like a fibroma...
fibronectin 25 22 a protein found in b...
fibrousness 23 19 the state of being f...
fictionally 32 22 FICTIONAL, relating...
fictioneers 23 18 FICTIONEER, one who...
fictionised 24 19 FICTIONISE, to make...
fictionises 24 18 FICTIONISE, to make...
fictionists 25 18 FICTIONIST, a writer...
fictionized 27 28 FICTIONIZE, to make...
fictionizes 27 27 FICTIONIZE, to make...
fictiveness 26 22 the state of being f...
fiddiousing 23 20 FIDDIOUS, (Shakespea...
fiddlebacks 29 27 FIDDLEBACK, a wavy g...
fiddlededee 21 19 an exclamation of im...
fiddleheads 24 20 FIDDLEHEAD, one of t...
fiddlenecks 26 25 FIDDLENECK, one of t...
fiddlestick 28 24 a violin bow [n -S]
fiddlewoods 25 21 FIDDLEWOOD, the wood...
fidgetiness 22 18 the state of being f...
fidgetingly 31 23 FIDGETING [adv]
fiduciaries 25 19 FIDUCIARY, one who h...
fiduciarily 33 22 FIDUCIARY, holding i...
fieldcrafts 28 22 FIELDCRAFT, the know...
fieldpieces 27 22 FIELDPIECE, a cannon...
fieldstones 21 17 FIELDSTONE, (US) sto...
fieldstrips 26 19 FIELDSTRIP, to take...
fieldworker 26 23 one who works in the...
fierinesses 20 15 FIERINESS, the state...
fifteenthly 32 23 FIFTEENTH, number fi...
figurations 22 18 FIGURATION, the act...
figureheads 24 20 FIGUREHEAD, the figu...
figureworks 27 24 FIGUREWORK, counting...
filagreeing 23 20 FILAGREE, to adorn w...
filamentary 28 21 like a filament [adj...
filamentous 22 20 threadlike; of some...
filibusters 26 19 FILIBUSTER, to obstr...
filigreeing 24 20 FILIGREE, to adorn w...
filminesses 23 19 FILMINESS, the state...
filmmakings 27 28 FILMMAKING, the maki...
filmography 35 27 a list of the films...
filmsetters 24 18 FILMSETTER, a typese...
filmsetting 25 21 FILMSET, to set by a...
filoviruses 25 20 FILOVIRUS, any membe...
filtratable 25 19 that can be filtrate...
filtrations 22 16 FILTRATION, the act...
fimbriating 26 23 FIMBRIATE, to border...
fimbriation 24 21 the state of being f...
fimbrillate 27 22 having a fringed mar...
finableness 22 20 the state of being f...
financially 31 23 FINANCIAL, relating...
financiered 22 20 FINANCIER, to conduc...
fingerboard 23 21 the part of a violin...
fingerbowls 28 24 FINGERBOWL, a bowl o...
fingerglass 24 20 a bowl for water to...
fingerguard 23 21 the crosspiece of a...
fingerholds 25 21 FINGERHOLD, a hold o...
fingerholes 24 20 FINGERHOLE, a hole i...
fingerlings 24 21 FINGERLING, a salmon...
fingermarks 24 24 FINGERMARK, a mark m...
fingernails 22 19 FINGERNAIL, the nail...
fingerpicks 29 27 FINGERPICK, to play...
fingerplate 24 21 a plate to protect a...
fingerposts 24 20 FINGERPOST, a post w...
fingerprint 24 21 an impression of the...
fingerstall 24 19 a covering for prote...
finicalness 24 20 the state of being f...
finicketier 25 22 FINICKETY, particula...
finickiness 25 23 the state of being f...
finnickiest 25 23 FINNICKY, particular...
fireballers 25 19 FIREBALLER, a baseba...
fireballing 26 22 relating to the deli...
firebombers 26 23 FIREBOMBER, one who...
firebombing 27 26 the act of attacking...
firecracker 28 24 a usually paper cyli...
firedragons 21 18 FIREDRAGON, a fire-b...
firefanging 24 23 FIREFANG, to scorch;...
firefighter 27 21 FIREFIGHT [v]
firelighter 26 19 a piece of readily f...
fireproofed 24 21 FIREPROOF, to make p...
firescaping 27 23 the act of arranging...
firescreens 23 18 FIRESCREEN, a screen...
firewalling 27 22 FIREWALL, to install...
firewardens 23 19 FIREWARDEN, an offic...
firmamental 23 22 relating to the firm...
firstfruits 26 18 the fruits first gat...
firstnesses 21 15 FIRSTNESS, the state...
fishability 34 22 the state of being f...
fishburgers 28 22 FISHBURGER, a hambur...
fisherwoman 26 23 a woman who fishes a...
fisherwomen 26 23 FISHERWOMAN, a woman...
fishfingers 27 22 FISHFINGER, an oblon...
fishinesses 23 17 FISHINESS, the state...
fishmongers 25 22 FISHMONGER, a dealer...
fishtailing 26 20 FISHTAIL, to swing t...
fissilities 24 15 FISSILITY, the abili...
fissionable 23 19 that can undergo fis...
fissiparism 26 20 the state of being f...
fissiparity 31 19 the state of being f...
fissiparous 24 18 producing new biolog...
fisticuffed 30 25 FISTICUFF, to fight...
fittingness 22 18 the state of being f...
fivefingers 26 24 FIVEFINGER, a name f...
fixednesses 26 23 FIXEDNESS, the state...
fixtureless 29 23 without a fixture [a...
fizzinesses 27 33 FIZZINESS, the state...
flabbergast 27 23 to overwhelm with sh...
flaccidness 28 23 the state of being f...
flagellants 24 20 FLAGELLANT, a person...
flagellated 24 20 FLAGELLATE, to whip;...
flagellates 24 19 FLAGELLATE, to whip;...
flagellator 24 19 one who engages in f...
flagitating 24 20 FLAGITATE, to entrea...
flagitation 22 18 the action of asking...
flagrancies 25 21 FLAGRANCY, a burning...
flakinesses 22 20 FLAKINESS, the state...
flamboyance 32 27 the state of being f...
flamboyancy 39 29 the state of being f...
flamboyante 29 24 a tropical tree with...
flamboyants 30 24 FLAMBOYANT, a tropic...
flameproofs 26 24 FLAMEPROOF, to make...
flammulated 25 24 ruddy [adj]
flanconades 22 21 FLANCONADE, (French)...
flannelette 20 18 a cotton imitation o...
flannelling 23 22 FLANNEL, to cover wi...
flapdoodles 24 21 FLAPDOODLE, gross fl...
flapperhood 27 24 the state of being a...
flashbacked 30 28 FLASHBACK, to show a...
flashboards 26 21 FLASHBOARD, one of a...
flashlights 30 22 FLASHLIGHT, a sudden...
flashpacker 30 27 a backpacker who has...
flashpoints 26 21 FLASHPOINT, a critic...
flatfooting 24 21 FLATFOOT, to walk wi...
flatlanders 22 18 FLATLANDER, one who...
flatpicking 30 28 FLATPICK, to play (a...
flatscreens 24 19 FLATSCREEN, a televi...
flatterable 24 19 that can be flattere...
flatulences 25 21 FLATULENCE, distensi...
flatulently 30 21 FLATULENT, suffering...
flaughtered 25 21 FLAUGHTER, (Scots) t...
flaunchings 28 25 FLAUNCHING, a slopin...
flauntiness 21 18 the state of being f...
flauntingly 30 23 FLAUNTING [adv]
flavorfully 35 27 FLAVORFUL, full of f...
flavourings 25 23 FLAVOURING [n]
flavourists 25 20 FLAVOURIST, a person...
flavourless 25 21 without flavour, als...
flavoursome 24 23 full of flavour, als...
fleahoppers 27 23 FLEAHOPPER, any of v...
fledgelings 25 22 FLEDGELING, a young...
fleechments 27 24 FLEECHMENT, (Scots)...
fleetnesses 20 16 FLEETNESS, the quali...
fleshliness 25 19 the state of being f...
fleshmonger 25 23 a whoremonger; a pro...
flexecutive 33 30 a professional whose...
flexibility 39 28 the state of being f...
flexicurity 39 28 labor practices that...
flexionless 28 24 without flexion, als...
flexitarian 27 23 a vegetarian who is...
flexography 39 31 a method of rotary l...
flichtering 29 23 FLICHTER, to flutter...
flickertail 28 23 in North America, a...
flightiness 26 20 the state of being f...
flimflammed 29 29 FLIMFLAM, to engage...
flimflammer 29 28 one who engages in f...
flinchingly 36 27 FLINCHING, shrinking...
flindersias 22 17 FLINDERSIA, any tree...
flintifying 32 24 FLINTIFY, to turn in...
flipflopped 32 29 FLIPFLOP, to perform...
flippancies 29 25 FLIPPANCY, the state...
flirtations 22 16 FLIRTATION, the act...
flirtatious 23 16 given to flirting [a...
flittermice 27 21 FLITTERMOUSE, (diale...
floatations 20 16 FLOATATION, the act...
floatplanes 23 20 FLOATPLANE, a seapla...
flocculants 29 24 FLOCCULANT, a floccu...
flocculated 29 24 FLOCCULATE, to colle...
flocculates 29 23 FLOCCULATE, to colle...
flocculator 29 23 one who flocculates...
flocculence 31 27 the state of being f...
flocculency 38 29 the state of being f...
floodlights 27 21 FLOODLIGHT, to illum...
floodplains 24 21 FLOODPLAIN, an area...
floodwaters 24 19 FLOODWATER, the wate...
floorboards 23 19 FLOORBOARD, a board...
floorcloths 28 21 FLOORCLOTH, a usuall...
floordrobes 23 19 FLOORDROBE, a pile o...
floorwalker 26 23 a person employed in...
florentines 20 17 FLORENTINE, a kind o...
florescence 26 22 the process of flowe...
floriations 21 16 FLORIATION, decorati...
floribundas 24 21 FLORIBUNDA, a plant...
floridities 23 16 FLORIDITY, the state...
floriferous 24 19 bearing flowers [adj...
florilegium 26 22 (Latin) a collection...
floristries 23 15 FLORISTRY, the art o...
floundering 22 21 FLOUNDER, to struggl...
flourishers 25 18 FLOURISHER, one who...
flourishing 26 21 FLOURISH, to thrive...
flowerettes 24 18 FLOWERETTE, a small...
floweriness 24 19 the state of being f...
flowingness 25 22 the state of being f...
fluctuating 27 23 FLUCTUATE, to vary t...
fluctuation 25 21 the act of fluctuati...
fluegelhorn 25 22 a musical instrument...
flugelhorns 26 22 FLUGELHORN, (German)...
fluidifying 33 25 FLUIDIFY, to make fl...
fluidnesses 22 18 FLUIDNESS, the state...
flukinesses 23 21 FLUKINESS, the state...
flunkeydoms 30 27 FLUNKEYDOM, the worl...
flunkeyisms 31 26 FLUNKEYISM, the stat...
fluorescein 24 20 a fluorescent dyestu...
fluorescent 24 20 showing fluorescence...
fluorescers 25 19 FLUORESCER, somethin...
fluorescing 26 22 FLUORESCE, to demons...
fluoridated 22 18 FLUORIDATE, to add f...
fluoridates 22 17 FLUORIDATE, to add f...
fluoridised 23 18 FLUORIDISE, to add f...
fluoridises 23 17 FLUORIDISE, to add f...
fluoridized 26 27 FLUORIDIZE, to add f...
fluoridizes 26 26 FLUORIDIZE, to add f...
fluorimeter 23 19 an instrument for me...
fluorimetry 30 21 measurement by fluor...
fluorinated 21 18 FLUORINATE, to intro...
fluorinates 21 17 FLUORINATE, to intro...
fluorometer 22 19 an instrument for me...
fluorometry 29 21 measurement by fluor...
fluorophore 25 21 a chemical group res...
fluoroscope 26 22 an instrument using...
fluoroscopy 33 24 examination with a f...
fluorotypes 30 21 FLUOROTYPE, (obsolet...
fluoxetines 27 24 FLUOXETINE, an antid...
flushnesses 24 19 FLUSHNESS, the state...
flusteredly 30 20 FLUSTERED [adv]
flusterment 23 20 the state of being f...
flustrating 24 19 FLUSTRATE, (obsolete...
flustration 22 17 (obsolete) flusterin...
flutemouths 26 22 FLUTEMOUTH, a fish o...
fluvialists 27 21 FLUVIALIST, one stre...
fluvoxamine 30 31 an antidepressant pr...
fluxionally 36 28 FLUXIONAL, (archaic)...
fluxionists 29 24 FLUXIONIST, one skil...
flycatchers 37 25 FLYCATCHER, one of n...
flypitchers 37 25 FLYPITCHER, one who...
flypostings 32 23 FLYPOSTING, putting...
flyspecking 36 30 FLYSPECK, to mark wi...
flyswatters 32 20 FLYSWATTER, a device...
foamflowers 27 24 FOAMFLOWER, an Ameri...
foaminesses 20 18 FOAMINESS, being foa...
foetiparous 22 18 of marsupials, such...
fogginesses 22 19 FOGGINESS, the state...
fogramities 23 19 FOGRAMITY, the state...
folkishness 25 22 the state of being f...
folklorists 25 20 FOLKLORIST, a studen...
folksingers 24 22 FOLKSINGER, one who...
folksinging 25 25 the singing of folks...
folktronica 25 23 a genre of music com...
folliculate 27 21 having follicles, al...
folliculins 28 22 FOLLICULIN, another...
folliculose 27 21 like a follicle, als...
folliculous 28 22 like a follicle, als...
followships 31 24 FOLLOWSHIP, the prac...
fomentation 19 19 the application of w...
fontanelles 20 18 FONTANELLE, a membra...
foolhardier 23 18 FOOLHARDY, recklessl...
foolhardily 31 21 FOOLHARDY, recklessl...
foolhardise 23 18 (Spenser) foolhardin...
foolhardize 26 27 (Spenser) foolhardin...
foolishness 23 18 the state of being f...
footballene 22 20 buckminsterfullerene...
footballers 24 19 FOOTBALLER, one who...
footballing 25 22 related to football...
footballist 25 19 one who plays footba...
footbreadth 24 20 the width of a foot...
footbridges 24 20 FOOTBRIDGE, a bridge...
footdragger 22 19 one who engages in f...
footfaulted 23 20 FOOTFAULT, to commit...
footlambert 24 21 a unit of luminance...
footlockers 25 22 FOOTLOCKER, a small...
footslogged 23 20 FOOTSLOG, to march o...
footslogger 23 19 a soldier serving on...
footstooled 20 16 with one's feet on a...
foppishness 27 23 the state of being f...
foraminated 20 19 perforated or pierce...
foraminifer 23 21 a unicellular microo...
forbearance 23 21 tolerance [n -S]
forbiddance 25 23 (obsolete) the act o...
forbiddenly 30 23 (Shakespeare) in a f...
forbiddings 25 22 FORBIDDING, the act...
forcepslike 28 25 like a forceps [adj]
forcibility 35 23 the quality of being...
forcipation 25 21 torture by pinching...
forebitters 23 17 FOREBITTER, a nautic...
forebodings 23 21 FOREBODING [n]
forecaddies 23 19 FORECADDY, a caddy p...
forecasters 23 17 FORECASTER, one who...
forecasting 24 20 the act of estimatin...
forecastles 24 18 FORECASTLE, a short...
forechecked 29 27 FORECHECK, to check...
forechecker 29 26 FORECHECK, to check...
foreclosing 25 21 FORECLOSE, to bar (a...
foreclosure 24 19 an act or instance o...
forecourses 23 18 FORECOURSE, a foresa...
foredooming 21 21 FOREDOOM, to doom in...
forefathers 24 19 FOREFATHER, an ances...
forefeeling 23 21 FOREFEEL, to have a...
forefending 22 22 FOREFEND, to protect...
forefingers 23 20 FOREFINGER, the fing...
foregathers 23 18 FOREGATHER, to gathe...
foregrounds 21 19 FOREGROUND, to bring...
forehanding 22 21 FOREHAND, to play a...
forehenting 22 20 FOREHENT, to overtak...
foreignisms 23 20 FOREIGNISM, anything...
foreignness 20 18 the state of being f...
forejudging 25 30 FOREJUDGE, to depriv...
foreknowing 24 25 FOREKNOW, to know be...
forelending 21 20 FORELEND, to grant b...
forelifting 25 21 FORELIFT, (Spenser)...
forelocking 26 25 FORELOCK, to fasten...
foremanship 25 23 the office of forema...
foremastman 21 21 any sailor below the...
foremastmen 21 21 FOREMASTMAN, any sai...
foremeaning 20 21 FOREMEAN, to intend...
foremothers 23 19 FOREMOTHER, a female...
foreordains 19 16 FOREORDAIN, to ordai...
forepayment 28 23 payment in advance [...
foreplanned 21 21 FOREPLAN, to plan be...
forepointed 21 19 FOREPOINT, to foresh...
forequarter 28 24 the front half of a...
forereached 24 20 FOREREACH, to glide...
forereaches 24 19 FOREREACH, to glide...
forereading 20 18 a foretelling [n -S]
forerunners 19 17 FORERUNNER, a messen...
forerunning 20 20 FORERUN, to run in a...
foreseeable 21 18 being such as may be...
foreshadows 25 20 FORESHADOW, to repre...
foreshewing 26 22 FORESHEW, to presage...
foreshorten 21 17 to shorten by propor...
foreshowing 26 22 FORESHOW, to predict...
foresighted 24 19 having foresight [ad...
foresignify 30 22 (archaic) to signify...
foreslacked 25 23 FORESLACK, (obsolete...
foreslowing 25 21 FORESLOW, (Shakespea...
forestalled 22 17 FORESTALL, to preven...
forestaller 22 16 one who forestalls [...
forestation 19 15 the creation of fore...
forestlands 21 17 FORESTLAND, land occ...
foretasting 21 17 FORETASTE, to taste...
foreteaches 24 19 FORETEACH, to teach...
foretellers 22 16 FORETELLER, one who...
foretelling 23 19 FORETELL, to tell ab...
forethinker 23 21 FORETHINK, to think...
forethought 26 21 a thinking or planni...
foretokened 19 20 FORETOKEN, to be a s...
foretopmast 23 20 the mast above the f...
forevermore 22 21 forever [adj]
foreverness 21 19 the state of lasting...
forevouched 27 25 (Shakespeare) affirm...
forewarding 24 21 FOREWARD, (archaic)...
forewarners 22 18 FOREWARNER, one who...
forewarning 23 21 warn in advance [adj...
foreweighed 26 22 FOREWEIGH, (archaic)...
forfaitings 24 20 FORFAITING, a method...
forfeitable 25 21 that can be forefeit...
forfeitures 23 18 FORFEITURE, the act...
forficulate 27 22 like scissors [adj]
forfoughten 25 23 (Scots) exhausted, a...
forgathered 23 19 FORGATHER, to gather...
forgetfully 33 24 FORGETFUL, inclined...
forgettable 24 20 fit or likely to be...
forgettings 23 19 FORGETTING [n]
forgiveness 23 21 the act of forgiving...
forgivingly 33 26 FORGIVING [adv]
forhooieing 22 19 FORHOOIE, to desert...
forjudgment 25 31 the act of forjudgin...
forkinesses 21 19 FORKINESS, the state...
forklifting 27 25 FORKLIFT, to raise o...
forlornness 20 17 the state of being f...
formability 32 23 the quality of being...
formalisers 23 18 FORMALISER, one who...
formalising 24 21 FORMALISE, to make f...
formalistic 27 21 relating to formalis...
formalities 23 18 FORMALITY, the condi...
formalizers 26 27 FORMALIZER, one who...
formalizing 27 30 FORMALIZE, to make f...
formational 21 19 relating to formatio...
formatively 31 24 FORMATIVE, tending t...
formattings 23 20 FORMATTING, the act...
formfitting 26 23 fitting the form [ad...
formicaries 25 20 FORMICARY, an anthil...
formicarium 27 24 an anthill, an ant c...
formicating 26 23 FORMICATE, to crawl...
formication 24 21 an abnormal feeling...
formularies 23 19 FORMULARY, a book of...
formularise 23 19 to state in or reduc...
formularize 26 28 to state in or reduc...
formulating 24 22 FORMULATE, to state...
formulation 22 20 an act or the produc...
formulators 23 19 FORMULATOR, one who...
formulising 25 22 FORMULISE, to expres...
formulistic 28 22 relating to formulis...
formulizing 28 31 FORMULIZE, to expres...
fornicating 24 21 FORNICATE, to have i...
fornication 22 19 consensual sexual in...
fornicators 23 18 FORNICATOR, one who...
forslacking 27 25 FORSLACK, to be slac...
forspeaking 24 24 FORSPEAK, to speak a...
forspending 23 22 FORSPEND, to wear ou...
forsterites 21 14 FORSTERITE, a white,...
forswearers 23 17 FORSWEARER, one who...
forswearing 24 20 FORSWEAR, to deny un...
forswinking 26 25 FORSWINK, (obsolete)...
fortepianos 21 18 FORTEPIANO, the 18c...
forthcoming 28 25 FORTHCOME, (obsolete...
forthgoings 25 21 FORTHGOING, (obsolet...
forthinking 25 24 FORTHINK, to repent;...
forthrights 28 20 FORTHRIGHT, (Shakesp...
fortifiable 26 21 capable of being for...
fortissimos 23 17 FORTISSIMO, a very l...
fortnightly 32 22 a publication appear...
fortressing 22 17 FORTRESS, to strengt...
fortuitisms 24 18 FORTUITISM, belief i...
fortuitists 23 15 FORTUITIST, one who...
fortunately 27 19 FORTUNATE, happening...
fortuneless 21 17 without fortune [adj...
fortunising 22 19 FORTUNISE, to make h...
fortunizing 25 28 FORTUNIZE, (Spenser)...
forwandered 22 20 FORWANDER, (archaic)...
forwardings 25 21 FORWARDING, the act...
forwardness 23 19 the state of being f...
forwearying 30 22 FORWEARY, (Shakespea...
fossickings 27 24 FOSSICKING, the prac...
fossilising 24 18 FOSSILISE, to turn i...
fossilizing 27 27 FOSSILIZE, to turn i...
fosterlings 23 18 FOSTERLING, a foster...
fothergilla 26 20 any plant of the Fot...
foulmouthed 25 23 given to the use of...
foundations 19 18 FOUNDATION, the act...
foundresses 20 17 FOUNDRESS, a female...
fountaining 20 20 FOUNTAIN, to display...
fourchettes 26 20 FOURCHETTE, (French)...
fourdrinier 21 17 a continuous paper r...
fourpennies 21 20 FOURPENNY, a coin wo...
fourrageres 21 17 FOURRAGERE, a braide...
fourteeners 19 16 FOURTEENER, a verse...
fourteenths 22 18 FOURTEENTH, a fourte...
foxhuntings 30 28 FOXHUNTING [n]
foxtrotting 28 24 FOXTROT, to dance in...
fractionary 29 20 fractional, fragment...
fractionate 22 18 to separate a mixtur...
fractioning 24 21 FRACTION, to divide...
fractionise 23 18 to break up into fra...
fractionize 26 27 to break up into fra...
fractionlet 24 19 a small fraction [n...
fractiously 32 21 FRACTIOUS, troubleso...
fracturable 27 22 that can be fracture...
fragileness 22 18 the state of being f...
fragilities 24 17 FRAGILITY, the state...
fragmentary 28 22 consisting of fragme...
fragmentate 21 20 to reduce to fragmen...
fragmenting 23 23 FRAGMENT, to break i...
fragmentise 22 20 to reduce to fragmen...
fragmentize 25 29 to reduce to fragmen...
fragrancies 24 20 FRAGRANCY, pleasantn...
fragrancing 25 23 FRAGRANCE, to perfum...
frailnesses 21 16 FRAILNESS, the state...
framboesias 23 20 FRAMBOESIA, a tropic...
frameshifts 27 22 FRAMESHIFT, a term i...
franchisees 25 20 FRANCHISEE, one who...
franchisers 26 20 FRANCHISER, one who...
franchising 27 23 FRANCHISE, to grant...
franchisors 26 20 FRANCHISOR, one who...
francomania 22 22 an obsession with Fr...
francophile 28 24 a lover of France an...
francophils 29 24 FRANCOPHIL, a lover...
francophobe 28 26 a hater of things Fr...
francophone 25 24 a French speaker [n...
frangipanes 22 21 FRANGIPANE, a perfum...
frangipanis 23 21 FRANGIPANI, a showy,...
frangipanni 22 22 a showy, fragrant sh...
frankfurter 24 23 FRANKFURT [v]
franklinite 22 21 a zinc-manganese min...
franknesses 20 20 FRANKNESS, the quali...
frankpledge 25 26 a system of sureties...
frantically 32 22 FRANTIC, wild with a...
franticness 23 19 the state of being f...
fraternally 28 19 FRATERNAL, belonging...
fraternised 20 16 FRATERNISE, to assoc...
fraterniser 20 15 one who fraternises,...
fraternises 20 15 FRATERNISE, to assoc...
fraternized 23 25 FRATERNIZE, to assoc...
fraternizer 23 24 one who fraternizes,...
fraternizes 23 24 FRATERNIZE, to assoc...
fratricidal 26 19 relating to fratrici...
fratricides 25 18 FRATRICIDE, the kill...
fraudulence 24 22 the state of being f...
fraudulency 31 24 the state of being f...
fraughtages 25 21 FRAUGHTAGE, (Shakesp...
fraxinellas 28 24 FRAXINELLA, a perenn...
freebooters 21 17 FREEBOOTER, a person...
freebootery 27 19 piracy, also FREEBOO...
freebooties 21 17 FREEBOOTY, piracy, a...
freebooting 22 20 piracy [n -S]
freecooling 24 21 a system that uses l...
freecycling 35 26 FREECYCLE, to recycl...
freedivings 24 22 FREEDIVING, the spor...
freeganisms 22 20 FREEGANISM, the poli...
freehearted 21 17 generous, open [adj...
freeholders 23 18 FREEHOLDER, a person...
freelancers 23 19 FREELANCER, one who...
freelancing 24 22 FREELANCE, to work f...
freeloaders 20 16 FREELOADER, one who...
freeloading 21 19 eating at someone el...
freemartins 21 18 FREEMARTIN, a sexual...
freemasonic 23 21 relating to freemaso...
freemasonry 26 20 spontaneous fellowsh...
freestylers 28 17 FREESTYLER, a swimme...
freestyling 29 20 the act of swimming...
freethinker 23 21 one who forms opinio...
freewheeled 25 21 FREEWHEEL, to coast...
freewheeler 25 20 FREEWHEEL, to coast...
freewriting 25 20 writing without the...
freewritten 23 18 FREEWRITE, to write...
freightages 25 20 FREIGHTAGE, money pa...
freightless 26 19 without freight [adj...
fremescence 26 24 growling or mutterin...
frenchified 28 24 FRENCHIFY, to make F...
frenchifies 28 23 FRENCHIFY, to make F...
freneticism 25 21 the state of being f...
frequencies 31 28 FREQUENCY, commonnes...
frequenters 28 25 FREQUENTER [n]
frequentest 28 25 FREQUENT, occurring...
frequenting 29 28 FREQUENT, to go to h...
fresherdoms 24 20 FRESHERDOM, the stat...
freshnesses 22 17 FRESHNESS, the state...
freshwaters 26 19 FRESHWATER, fresh wa...
fretfulness 24 20 the state of being f...
friableness 23 19 the state of being f...
fricandeaus 23 20 FRICANDEAU, (French)...
fricandeaux 29 27 FRICANDEAU, (French)...
friendliest 22 17 FRIENDLY, amicable [...
friendships 26 21 FRIENDSHIP, the stat...
frighteners 24 19 FRIGHTENER, somethin...
frightening 25 22 FRIGHTEN, to make af...
frightfully 37 26 FRIGHTFUL, terrible,...
frigidarium 25 21 (Latin) the room in...
frigidities 24 17 FRIGIDITY, the state...
frigorifico 28 22 (Spanish) a slaughte...
fringilline 24 20 relating to the finc...
friponnerie 21 19 (French) knavery [n...
frithsokens 24 21 FRITHSOKEN, (Old Eng...
frithstools 25 17 FRITHSTOOL, a seat i...
fritillaria 24 16 any of a widespread...
frivolities 25 19 FRIVOLITY, a triflin...
frivolously 32 23 FRIVOLOUS, lacking s...
frizzliness 29 34 the state of being f...
froghoppers 28 24 FROGHOPPER, a froth-...
frogmarched 28 25 FROGMARCH, to force...
frogmarches 28 24 FROGMARCH, to force...
frondescent 22 20 leafy, having a prof...
frontcourts 24 19 FRONTCOURT, a basket...
frontenises 19 16 FRONTENIS, a racket...
frontiering 21 18 FRONTIER, (Spenser)...
frontlessly 29 19 FRONTLESS, shameless...
frontolyses 27 18 FRONTOLYSIS, the wea...
frontolysis 28 18 the weakening or dis...
frontpaging 24 23 FRONTPAGED, FRONTPAG...
frontrunner 19 18 the leader in an eve...
frostbiting 25 20 the act of frostbiti...
frostbitten 23 18 FROSTBITE, to affect...
frostfishes 26 19 FROSTFISH, an Americ...
frowardness 23 19 the state of being f...
frowstiness 24 18 the state of being f...
fructifiers 28 21 FRUCTIFIER, one who...
fructifying 35 26 FRUCTIFY, to bear fr...
fructuaries 25 19 FRUCTUARY, a person...
fructuating 26 22 FRUCTUATE, to come t...
fructuation 24 20 coming to fruit or b...
fructuously 33 23 FRUCTUOUS, fruitful...
frugalistas 24 18 FRUGALISTA, a person...
frugalities 24 18 FRUGALITY, the state...
frugiferous 25 21 bearing fruit [adj]
frugivorous 25 22 eating fruit [adj]
fruitarians 21 16 FRUITARIAN, a person...
fruitfuller 27 21 FRUITFUL, productive...
fruitlessly 31 19 FRUITLESS, futile [a...
frustraters 22 15 FRUSTRATER, one who...
frustrating 23 18 FRUSTRATE, to thwart...
frustration 21 16 the act of frustrati...
frutescence 26 22 the appearance or ha...
fucoxanthin 31 29 a brown carotenoid p...
fugaciously 33 24 FUGACIOUS, lasting a...
fugginesses 23 20 FUGGINESS, the state...
fugitations 22 18 FUGITATION, in Scots...
fugitometer 23 20 an instrument used f...
fulfillings 29 24 FULFILLING, the act...
fulfillment 28 25 completion, also FUL...
fulfilments 27 24 FULFILMENT, completi...
fulgurating 25 22 FULGURATE, to flash...
fulguration 23 20 the act of flashing...
fullmouthed 27 24 having a full comple...
fulminating 24 23 FULMINATE, to send f...
fulmination 22 21 a loud and violent e...
fulminators 23 20 FULMINATOR, one who...
fulminatory 29 22 serving to fulminate...
fulsomeness 22 20 the state of being f...
fumatoriums 24 22 FUMATORIUM, (Latin)...
fumigations 23 21 FUMIGATION, the act...
funambulate 24 24 to walk the tightrop...
funambulism 27 27 tightrope walking [n...
funambulist 26 24 a tightrope walker [...
functionals 24 21 FUNCTIONAL, somethin...
functionary 29 22 one who serves in a...
functionate 22 20 to perform a functio...
functioning 24 23 FUNCTION, to perform...
fundamental 21 22 basic [adj FUNDAMENT...
fundholders 24 21 FUNDHOLDER, a person...
fundholding 25 24 under the NHS, the s...
fundraisers 21 17 FUNDRAISER, one who...
fundraising 22 20 the act of raising f...
fungibility 33 24 the state of being f...
fungistatic 26 21 inhibiting the growt...
fungosities 22 18 FUNGOSITY, the quali...
funkinesses 21 21 FUNKINESS, trendines...
funninesses 19 18 FUNNINESS, the state...
furaldehyde 30 22 either of two aldehy...
furanosides 20 17 FURANOSIDE, a glycos...
furbelowing 28 25 FURBELOW, to decorat...
furciferous 27 22 bearing a forked app...
furiosities 22 15 FURIOSITY, madness [...
furiousness 21 17 the state of being f...
furloughing 27 24 FURLOUGH, to grant a...
furnishings 25 21 FURNISHING, furnitur...
furnishment 24 22 the act of furnishin...
furosemides 22 19 FUROSEMIDE, a synthe...
furrinesses 21 16 FURRINESS, the state...
furthcoming 29 26 in Scots law, an act...
furtherance 25 21 the act of furtherin...
furthermore 24 20 in addition, also FA...
furthermost 25 20 most distant, also F...
furthersome 24 20 helpful; advantageou...
furtiveness 23 20 the state of being f...
furunculous 26 23 of or pertaining to...
fushionless 24 19 (Scots) weak, feeble...
fusibleness 24 20 the quality of being...
fusillading 25 21 FUSILLADE, to discha...
fusillation 23 18 (obsolete) death by...
fussbudgets 26 22 FUSSBUDGET, (US) one...
fussbudgety 32 24 like a fussbudget, a...
fussinesses 21 16 FUSSINESS, the state...
fustanellas 22 18 FUSTANELLA, (Italian...
fustanelles 22 18 FUSTANELLE, a white...
fustianised 21 17 FUSTIANISE, to write...
fustianises 21 16 FUSTIANISE, to write...
fustianists 22 16 FUSTIANIST, a writer...
fustianized 24 26 FUSTIANIZE, to write...
fustianizes 24 25 FUSTIANIZE, to write...
fustigating 24 20 FUSTIGATE, (obsolete...
fustigation 22 18 beating with a club...
fustigators 23 17 FUSTIGATOR, one who...
fustigatory 29 19 relating to fustigat...
fustilarian 22 17 (Shakespeare) a fat...
fustilirian 23 17 (Shakespeare) a term...
fustinesses 21 16 FUSTINESS, the state...
futuristics 27 19 futurology [n]
futuritions 22 17 FUTURITION, future e...
fuzzinesses 27 34 FUZZINESS, the state...