4 letter words that start with F

4 letter words that start with F

4 letter F word


Words With Friends®


faan 7 8 FAA, (Scots) to fall...
faas 8 7 FAA, (Scots) to fall...
fabs 11 10 FAB, something fabri...
face 11 10 to confront [v FACED...
fact 12 10 something known with...
fade 8 8 to lose colour or br...
fado 8 8 a Portuguese folk-so...
fads 9 8 FAD, a hobby or inte...
fady 15 10 wearing away [adj FA...
faff 13 13 (colloquial) to mess...
fags 10 9 FAG, to make weary b...
fahs 11 9 FAH, a musical note,...
faik 10 11 (Scots) to abate [v...
fail 10 8 to be unsuccessful i...
fain 8 8 happy; inclined; ple...
fair 9 7 just; pleasant to lo...
faix 15 14 (dialect) faith [int...
fake 9 11 to pretend and prese...
fall 11 9 to descend freely by...
falx 16 15 the sickle-shaped fo...
fame 9 10 to make famous [v FA...
fand 8 9 (Scots) to try or at...
fane 7 8 a temple [n -S]
fang 9 10 to seize in the teet...
fank 9 12 (Scots) to put sheep...
fano 7 8 a liturgical cape wo...
fans 8 8 FAN, to cool with a...
fard 9 8 to paint with cosmet...
fare 8 7 to get on or succeed...
farl 10 8 (Scots) an oatmeal c...
farm 10 10 to practise the busi...
faro 8 7 a card game [n -S]
fars 9 7 FAR, to remove to a...
fart 9 7 to expel gas through...
fash 11 9 to bother or annoy [...
fast 9 7 to abstain from eati...
fate 8 7 to destine [v FATED,...
fats 9 7 FAT, to make plump [...
faun 8 9 a rural deity repres...
faur 9 8 (Scots) far [adj FAU...
faut 9 8 (Scots) to fault [v...
faux 15 15 (French) fake, as in...
fava 10 11 (Italian) a broad be...
fave 10 11 (slang) favourite [a...
fawn 11 11 to please in a servi...
faws 12 10 FAW, a gypsy [n]
fays 15 9 FAY, to clean out es...
faze 11 16 to unsettle, also FE...
feal 9 8 to conceal [v -ED, -...
fear 8 7 to be afraid of [v -...
feat 8 7 neat, deft [adj FEAT...
feck 13 14 (Scots) to fuck [v -...
feds 9 8 FED, (short for) a f...
feeb 10 10 (US) a weak ineffect...
feed 8 8 to give food to [v F...
feel 9 8 to perceive by the s...
feen 7 8 (Irish) a man [n -S]
feer 8 7 (Scots) to draw the...
fees 8 7 FEE, to pay a fixed...
feet 8 7 FOOT, the terminal p...
fegs 10 9 FEG, a segment of an...
fehm 12 12 (German) a mediaeval...
fehs 11 9 FEH, (Hebrew) a lett...
feis 9 7 (Irish) an ancient I...
fell 11 9 to cause to fall [v...
felt 10 8 to mat together [v -...
feme 9 10 a legal term for a w...
fems 10 10 FEM, a passive homos...
fend 8 9 to ward off [v -ED,...
feni 8 8 an alcoholic spirit...
fens 8 8 FEN, wet land with a...
fent 8 8 a slit [n -S]
feod 8 8 a fief or land held...
fere 8 7 a companion, also FE...
ferm 10 10 (Spenser) a farm, lo...
fern 8 8 a flowerless vascula...
fess 9 7 to confess [v -ED, -...
fest 9 7 a gathering of peopl...
feta 8 7 a crumbly white chee...
fete 8 7 to honour with festi...
fets 9 7 FET, (obsolete) to f...
fett 9 7 (obsolete) to fetch,...
feud 9 9 to engage in a persi...
feus 9 8 FEU, to grant land t...
fews 12 10 FEW, a small number...
feys 15 9 FEY, to clean out, e...
fiar 9 7 the owner of the fee...
fiat 9 7 (Latin) a formal aut...
fibs 12 10 FIB, to tell a trivi...
fice 12 10 a small dog of mixed...
fico 12 10 (Shakespeare) a fig,...
fido 9 8 a coin having a mint...
fids 10 8 FID, a conical pin o...
fief 11 10 a feudal estate [n -...
fier 9 7 a companion, also FE...
fife 11 10 to play a high-pitch...
figo 10 9 (Shakespeare) a fig,...
figs 11 9 FIG, to dress up [v]
fike 10 11 to fidget restlessly...
fiky 17 13 fidgeting and restle...
fila 10 8 FILUM, a threadlike...
file 10 8 to arrange in order...
filk 12 12 a type of popular mu...
fill 12 9 to make full [v -ED,...
film 12 11 to make a motion pic...
filo 10 8 very thin pastry dou...
fils 11 8 FIL, (Shakespeare) t...
find 9 9 to come upon after a...
fine 8 8 to incur a monetary...
fini 9 8 (French) finished; r...
fink 10 12 to inform to the pol...
fino 8 8 a type of light-colo...
fins 9 8 FIN, to equip with p...
fiqh 20 18 Islamic jurisprudenc...
fire 9 7 to project by discha...
firk 11 11 (Shakespeare) to dri...
firm 11 10 unyielding to pressu...
firn 9 8 granular ice formed...
firs 10 7 FIR, an evergreen tr...
fisc 13 10 (obsolete) the state...
fish 12 9 to try to catch cold...
fisk 11 11 to frisk, gad about...
fist 10 7 to strike with the t...
fits 10 7 FIT, to adjust to th...
fitt 10 7 (archaic) a division...
five 11 11 a number [n -S]
fixt 16 14 FIX, to make firm, r...
fizz 16 25 to make a hissing or...
flab 12 11 excess body fat [n -...
flag 11 10 to mark with a cloth...
flak 11 12 anti-aircraft fire [...
flam 11 11 to deceive [v FLAMME...
flan 9 9 a type of custard, a...
flap 12 11 to move, as of wings...
flat 10 8 to make flat [v FLAT...
flaw 13 11 to make defective or...
flax 16 15 the fibres of the pl...
flay 16 10 to strip off skin or...
flea 9 8 any of an order of w...
fled 10 9 FLEE, to run away [v...
flee 9 8 to run away [v FLED,...
fleg 11 10 (Scots) to frighten,...
flew 13 11 the floppy upper lip...
flex 16 15 to bend [v -ED, -ING...
fley 16 10 (Scots) to frighten,...
flic 14 11 a French policeman [...
flim 12 11 a five pound note [n...
flip 13 11 to spin in the air [...
flir 11 8 forward looking infr...
flit 11 8 to move lightly and...
flix 17 15 to melt, also FLUX [...
flob 12 11 (slang) to spit or g...
floc 13 11 to aggregate into fl...
floe 9 8 a large mass of floa...
flog 11 10 to beat with a whip...
flop 12 11 to drop heavily [v F...
flor 10 8 a flavoursome yeast...
flow 13 11 to move steadily and...
flox 16 15 as in flox silk, sam...
flub 13 12 to bungle, botch [v...
flue 10 9 a smoke-duct in a ch...
flus 11 9 FLU, a virus disease...
flux 17 16 to melt, also FLIX [...
foal 9 8 to give birth to a h...
foam 9 10 to form froth or bub...
fobs 11 10 FOB, to cheat, also...
foci 12 10 FOCUS, a point in wh...
foen 7 8 FOE, an enemy [n]
foes 8 7 FOE, an enemy [n]
fogs 10 9 FOG, to cover with c...
fogy 16 11 a person with an old...
fohn 10 10 a warm dry wind, als...
foid 9 8 any mineral of a gro...
foil 10 8 to defeat or baffle...
foin 8 8 to thrust with a spe...
fold 10 9 to double over [v -E...
folk 11 12 a people or tribe [n...
fond 8 9 to display affection...
fone 7 8 FOE, an enemy [n]
fons 8 8 FON, to fool, be foo...
font 8 8 a container for bapt...
food 8 8 nourishment for the...
fool 9 8 to deceive [v -ED, -...
foos 8 7 FOO, a name for a te...
foot 8 7 the terminal part of...
fops 11 10 FOP, to deceive [v]
fora 8 7 FORUM, a public meet...
forb 11 10 any herb which is no...
ford 9 8 to wade across [v -E...
fore 8 7 the front part of so...
fork 10 11 to work with a prong...
form 10 10 to shape or produce...
fort 9 7 to fortify [v -ED, -...
foss 9 7 a ditch, also FOSSE...
foud 9 9 a bailiff or magistr...
foul 10 9 offensive to the sen...
four 9 8 the cardinal number...
fous 9 8 FOU, a bushel [n]
fowl 13 11 to hunt birds [v -ED...
foxy 21 16 like a fox, crafty [...
foys 15 9 FOY, a parting enter...
fozy 18 18 lacking in freshness...
frab 11 10 (dialect) to worry [...
frae 8 7 (Scots) from, also T...
frag 10 9 to kill with a fragm...
frap 11 10 to draw tight (as wi...
fras 9 7 FRA, (Italian) broth...
frat 9 7 (short for) a colleg...
frau 9 8 (German) a woman, ho...
fray 15 9 to wear by rubbing [...
free 8 7 to set at liberty [v...
fret 9 7 to worry [v FRETTED,...
frib 12 10 heavy wool removed i...
frig 11 9 to potter about [v F...
fris 10 7 the fast section of...
frit 10 7 to fuse ceramically,...
friz 13 16 to curl hair tightly...
froe 8 7 a cleaving tool with...
frog 10 9 to hunt for web-foot...
from 10 10 starting at [prep]
fros 9 7 FRO, an African hair...
frow 12 10 (Dutch) a woman, goo...
frug 11 10 to perform a type of...
fubs 12 11 FUB, to cheat, also...
fuci 13 11 FUCUS, any of a genu...
fuck 14 15 to copulate, also FE...
fuds 10 9 FUD, a rabbit's or h...
fuel 10 9 to provide with an e...
fuff 14 14 to spit like a cat [...
fugs 11 10 FUG, to make hot, st...
fugu 11 11 a toxin-containing f...
fuji 12 17 (Japanese) a silk fa...
full 12 10 to shrink and thicke...
fume 10 11 to give off smoke or...
fums 11 11 FUM, the fabled Chin...
fumy 17 13 full of fumes, also...
fund 9 10 to provide money for...
fung 10 11 the fabled Chinese p...
funk 10 13 to shrink back in fe...
funs 9 9 FUN, to act playfull...
furl 11 9 to roll up [v -ED, -...
furr 10 8 (Scots) a furrow, al...
furs 10 8 FUR, to cover with a...
fury 16 10 violent anger [n FUR...
fusc 13 11 dusky brown, also FU...
fuse 9 8 to equip with a deto...
fusk 11 12 to obtain data from...
fuss 10 8 to be overly concern...
fust 10 8 to smell mouldy [v -...
futz 13 17 to spend time aimles...
fuze 12 17 to equip with a deto...
fuzz 16 26 to become fuzzy [v -...
fyce 18 12 a small dog of mixed...
fyke 16 13 to fidget restlessly...
fyle 16 10 a line (file) of sol...
fyrd 16 10 local militia in Ang...