8 letter words that start with F

8 letter words that start with F

8 letter F word


Words With Friends®


fabbiest 20 17 FABBY, excellent, ma...
fabliaux 25 23 FABLIAU, one of the...
fablings 20 18 FABLING, the telling...
fabrique 26 24 a parish group that...
fabulate 18 16 to compose fables [v...
fabulise 19 16 to write fables, als...
fabulism 21 19 the placing of fanta...
fabulist 20 16 one who invents fabl...
fabulize 22 25 to write fables, als...
fabulous 19 17 amazing, excellent [...
faburden 17 17 (obsolete) a type of...
faceable 20 18 able to be faced [ad...
facebars 20 17 FACEBAR, a wrestling...
facebook 20 21 to look for someone'...
facedown 20 19 the act of confronti...
faceless 19 15 lacking personal dis...
facelift 22 18 to perform plastic s...
facemail 20 18 electronic mail deli...
facemask 20 21 a device to shield t...
faceoffs 22 20 FACEOFF, the action...
facetely 25 17 FACETE, (archaic) fa...
facetiae 17 14 witty sayings or wri...
facetime 19 17 to communicate with...
faceting 19 17 the act of cutting i...
facetted 18 15 FACET, to cut small...
facially 27 18 pertaining to the fa...
faciends 18 16 FACIEND, a number to...
facilely 27 18 FACILE, (French) eas...
facility 27 17 ease in performance...
faconnes 16 16 FACONNE, (French) a...
factices 22 17 FACTICE, vulcanized...
factions 18 15 FACTION, a clique wi...
factious 19 15 inclined to form fac...
factises 19 14 FACTIS, (Latin) vulc...
factoids 19 15 FACTOID, a statement...
factored 18 15 FACTOR, to express a...
factotum 20 18 a person employed to...
factures 19 15 FACTURE, the quality...
fadaises 15 12 FADAISE, (French) an...
faddiest 16 13 FADDY, inclined to t...
faddisms 18 16 FADDISM, the taking...
faddists 17 13 FADDIST, a faddish p...
faddling 18 17 FADDLE, to trifle; t...
fadeaway 23 17 a type of pitch in b...
fadeless 16 13 not fading [adj FADE...
fadeouts 15 13 FADEOUT, a gradual d...
faffiest 20 17 FAFFY, awkward and t...
faggiest 18 15 FAGGY, having the ch...
faggings 19 18 FAGGING, the practic...
faggoted 17 16 FAGGOT, to bind toge...
faggotry 24 17 male homosexuality [...
fagoters 16 13 FAGOTER, one who doe...
fagoting 17 16 a kind of embroidery...
fagottos 16 13 FAGOTTO, (Italian) a...
fahlband 20 19 (German) in crystall...
fahlores 18 14 FAHLORE, (German) an...
faiences 17 15 FAIENCE, a type of g...
failings 18 15 FAILING, a weakness...
failover 18 16 a procedure by which...
failures 17 13 FAILURE, the act of...
faineant 13 13 a lazy person [n -S]
fainites 15 12 a plea for a truce [...
fainness 14 13 eagerness [n -ES]
fainters 15 12 FAINTER, one who fai...
faintest 15 12 FAINT, lacking stren...
faintier 15 12 FAINTY, somewhat fai...
fainting 16 15 in a fainting state...
faintish 18 14 somewhat faint, also...
fairgoer 16 13 one who attends a fa...
fairiest 16 11 FAIRY, of or like a...
fairings 17 14 FAIRING, a complimen...
fairlead 16 13 a ring through which...
fairness 15 12 the quality of being...
fairways 25 16 FAIRWAY, the mown pa...
fairydom 23 17 the world of fairies...
fairyism 24 16 the quality of being...
faithers 18 13 FAITHER, (Scots) fat...
faithful 22 18 loyal [adj FAITHFULL...
faithing 19 16 the act of believing...
faitours 16 12 FAITOUR, an imposter...
fakement 16 19 a sham, a dodge [n -...
fakeries 16 15 FAKERY, the practice...
fakirism 19 18 religious asceticism...
falafels 19 16 FALAFEL, a fried pat...
falbalas 19 16 FALBALA, a trimming...
falcades 19 16 FALCADE, a leaping m...
falcated 19 16 curved and tapering...
falchion 21 18 a curved short sword...
falconer 18 16 one that hunts with...
falconet 18 16 one of the smaller c...
falconry 25 18 the sport of hunting...
falculae 20 17 FALCULA, a claw bent...
falculas 21 17 FALCULA, a claw bent...
faldages 17 15 FALDAGE, (historical...
falderal 17 14 to sing meaningless...
falderol 17 14 nonsense; a meaningl...
faldetta 16 13 (Italian) a Maltese...
fallaway 26 18 a shot in basketball...
fallback 24 23 a retreat, a conting...
fallfish 23 18 a freshwater fish of...
fallible 21 17 capable of erring [a...
fallibly 28 19 FALLIBLE, capable of...
fallings 19 16 FALLING, the act of...
falloffs 22 19 FALLOFF, a decline i...
fallouts 18 14 FALLOUT, radioactive...
fallowed 20 17 FALLOW, to plough an...
fallower 20 16 FALLOW, brownish-yel...
falsetto 16 12 an artificially high...
falsisms 19 15 FALSISM, something w...
faltboat 18 15 a collapsible boat o...
faltered 16 13 FALTER, to hesitate...
falterer 16 12 one who falters [n -...
fameless 17 15 not famous [adj]
familial 19 16 characteristic of a...
familiar 18 15 well-known [adj FAMI...
families 18 15 FAMILY, a group of p...
familism 20 18 the tendency of a fa...
familist 19 15 relating to familism...
familles 19 16 FAMILLE, (French) a...
famished 19 17 FAMISH, to suffer ex...
famishes 19 16 FAMISH, to suffer ex...
famoused 16 16 FAMOUS, (archaic) to...
famouses 16 15 FAMOUS, (archaic) to...
famously 24 18 FAMOUS, renowned [ad...
fanatics 18 15 FANATIC, a zealot [n...
fanbases 16 15 FANBASE, the body of...
fanciers 18 15 FANCIER, one that ha...
fanciest 18 15 FANCY, ornamental [a...
fanciful 22 20 indulging in fancies...
fancying 25 20 FANCY, to take a lik...
fandango 14 16 (Spanish) a lively S...
fanegada 14 15 a Spanish unit of ar...
fanfared 16 16 FANFARE, to herald w...
fanfares 16 15 FANFARE, to herald w...
fanfaron 15 16 (Spanish) an empty b...
fanfolds 18 17 FANFOLD, to fold pap...
fangirls 18 15 FANGIRL, a female wh...
fangless 17 15 without fangs [adj]
fanglike 18 19 like a fang [adj]
fangling 18 18 FANGLE, to decorate...
fankling 18 20 FANKLE, (Scots) to e...
fanlight 20 17 a half-circle window...
fannells 16 15 FANNELL, a strip of...
fannings 15 16 material strained fr...
fannying 21 18 FANNY, as in to fann...
fansites 15 12 FANSITE, a website d...
fantails 16 13 FANTAIL, a fan-shape...
fantasia 14 12 a free-form musical...
fantasie 14 12 a free-form musical...
fantasms 16 15 FANTASM, a creation...
fantasts 15 12 FANTAST, an impracti...
fanteegs 15 14 FANTEEG, (slang) anx...
fantigue 16 15 anxiety, also FANTEE...
fantoosh 16 14 (Scots) fashionable,...
fanworts 18 15 FANWORT, an aquatic...
fanzines 17 22 FANZINE, a magazine...
faradaic 18 15 pertaining to a type...
faradays 21 14 FARADAY, a unit used...
faradise 15 12 to treat by faradism...
faradism 17 15 the use of faradic c...
faradize 18 21 to treat by faradism...
faraways 24 16 FARAWAY, the distanc...
farceurs 19 15 FARCEUR, a performer...
farceuse 18 15 (French) a (female)...
farcical 23 18 absurd [adj FARCICAL...
farcings 20 17 FARCING, in cookery,...
fardages 16 14 FARDAGE, a bottom la...
fardings 17 15 FARDING, a farthing...
farewell 20 16 to say goodbye [v -E...
farfalle 19 16 pasta in the shape o...
farinhas 17 14 FARINHA, a fine flou...
farinose 14 12 resembling or yieldi...
farmable 19 18 able to be farmed [a...
farmhand 18 18 a farm laborer [n -S...
farmings 18 17 FARMING, the busines...
farmland 17 17 cultivated land [n -...
farmwife 22 20 the wife of a farmer...
farmwork 21 21 the labor done on a...
farmyard 23 17 an area surrounding...
farnesol 15 13 an alcohol found in...
farolito 16 12 a candle in a paper...
farouche 20 17 shy or ill at ease [...
farragos 16 13 FARRAGO, a confused...
farriers 16 11 FARRIER, one who sho...
farriery 22 13 the trade of a farri...
farrowed 18 15 FARROW, to give birt...
farrucas 19 15 FARRUCA, (Spanish) a...
farsides 16 12 FARSIDE, the farther...
farthels 19 14 FARTHEL, (Scots) the...
farthest 18 13 to the greatest dist...
farthing 19 16 a former British coi...
fartleks 18 16 FARTLEK, (Swedish) a...
fasciate 18 14 exhibiting a flatten...
fascicle 23 18 a bundle; a division...
fascines 18 15 FASCINE, a long fagg...
fasciola 19 15 a band of colour, al...
fasciole 19 15 a band of colour, al...
fascismi 21 17 FASCISMO, an oppress...
fascismo 20 17 an oppressive form o...
fascisms 21 17 FASCISM, an oppressi...
fascista 19 14 a supporter of fasci...
fascisti 20 14 FASCISTA, a supporte...
fascists 20 14 FASCIST, a supporter...
fascitis 20 14 inflammation of a co...
fashions 17 14 FASHION, to give a p...
fashiony 23 16 fashionable [adj]
fashious 18 14 troublesome [adj]
fastback 22 21 a type of automobile...
fastball 20 16 a type of pitch in b...
fastened 14 13 FASTEN, to secure [v...
fastener 14 12 something that faste...
fastings 17 14 FASTING, abstaining...
fastness 15 12 the quality of being...
fastuous 16 13 (archaic) haughty, a...
fatalism 18 15 the doctrine that al...
fatalist 17 12 a believer in fatali...
fatality 23 14 a person who has bee...
fatbacks 22 21 FATBACK, a dried str...
fatbirds 19 15 FATBIRD, a wading bi...
fatheads 17 14 FATHEAD, a dolt [n]
fathered 17 14 FATHER, to be the ma...
fatherly 25 16 like a father [adj]
fathomed 18 17 FATHOM, to ascertain...
fathomer 18 16 one who fathoms [n -...
fatigate 16 13 to weary, also FATIG...
fatigued 17 15 FATIGUE, to weary, a...
fatigues 17 14 FATIGUE, to weary, a...
fatlings 18 15 FATLING, a young ani...
fatstock 20 18 livestock that is fa...
fattened 14 13 FATTEN, to make fat...
fattener 14 12 one that fattens [n...
fattiest 16 11 FATTY, greasy or oil...
fattisms 18 14 FATTISM, discriminat...
fattists 17 11 FATTIST, someone who...
fattrels 17 12 ends of ribbon [n]
fatwahed 20 17 FATWAH, to threaten...
fatwaing 19 17 FATWA, to threaten d...
fatwoods 18 15 FATWOOD, wood used f...
faubourg 19 18 (French) a suburb ju...
faucetry 25 17 an array of faucets...
fauchion 20 18 a curved short sword...
fauchons 20 18 FAUCHON, a curved sh...
faultful 21 18 (Shakespeare) full o...
faultier 17 13 FAULTY, imperfect [a...
faultily 25 16 FAULTY, imperfect [a...
faulting 18 16 FAULT, to criticize...
faunally 23 17 FAUNAL, relating to...
faunists 16 13 FAUNIST, one who des...
faunlike 17 18 like a faun [adj]
faunulae 15 15 FAUNULA, the fauna o...
faunules 16 15 FAUNULE, the fauna o...
faustian 15 13 in the manner of Fau...
fauteuil 17 14 (French) an enclosed...
fauvette 17 16 (French) a small sin...
fauvisms 20 19 FAUVISM, a school of...
fauvists 19 16 FAUVIST, a member of...
favellas 19 17 FAVELLA, a slum area...
favicons 20 19 FAVICON, a 16x16 pix...
favonian 15 17 of or relating to th...
favorers 17 15 FAVORER, one that fa...
favoring 18 18 FAVOR, to regard wit...
favorite 17 15 (US) favourite, a pe...
favoured 17 17 FAVOUR, to regard wi...
favourer 17 16 one that favors, als...
favriles 19 16 FAVRILE, a type of i...
fawniest 18 15 FAWNY, yellowish-bro...
fawnings 19 18 FAWNING, the act of...
fawnlike 20 20 like a young deer [a...
fayalite 22 14 a silicate of iron f...
fayences 23 17 FAYENCE, a type of g...
fazendas 17 22 FAZENDA, a Brazilian...
feaguing 17 17 FEAGUE, (obsolete) t...
fealties 16 12 FEALTY, the vassal's...
fearless 16 12 without fear [adj FE...
fearsome 15 14 causing fear [adj FE...
feasance 16 15 the performance of a...
feasible 18 15 capable of being don...
feasibly 25 17 FEASIBLE, capable of...
feasters 15 11 FEASTER, one who fea...
feastful 19 16 (archaic) festive; j...
feasting 16 14 the act of feasting...
feateous 14 12 shapely, also FEATOU...
feathers 17 13 FEATHER, to cover wi...
feathery 23 15 resembling feathers...
featlier 16 12 FEATLY, (Shakespeare...
featuous 15 13 shapely, also FEATOU...
featured 15 13 FEATURE, to present...
features 15 12 FEATURE, to present...
feblesse 18 15 (Spenser) feebleness...
febrific 24 20 causing or having fe...
fechters 21 16 FECHTER, (Scots) a f...
fechting 22 19 FECHT, (Scots) to fi...
feckless 21 19 worthless [adj FECKL...
feculent 19 17 full of filth or was...
fedaries 15 12 FEDARIE, (Shakespear...
fedayeen 19 15 FEDAYEE, an Arab com...
fedelini 16 14 (Italian) pasta made...
federacy 24 17 confederacy [n FEDER...
federals 16 13 FEDERAL, a supporter...
federary 21 14 (Shakespeare) a conf...
federate 14 12 to unite in an allia...
fedexing 22 22 FEDEX, to send by Fe...
feeblest 18 15 FEEBLE, very weak [a...
feebling 19 18 FEEBLE, to make weak...
feeblish 21 17 somewhat feeble [adj...
feedable 17 16 able to be fed [adj]
feedback 21 22 a return of ideas fo...
feedbags 18 17 FEEDBAG, a nosebag f...
feedhole 17 15 one of a series of h...
feedings 16 15 FEEDING, a calculate...
feedlots 16 13 FEEDLOT, a plot of l...
feedpipe 19 18 a pipe through which...
feedyard 21 15 a place where cattle...
feelgood 16 15 causing a feeling of...
feelings 17 15 FEELING, the sense o...
feerings 16 14 FEERING, a first gui...
feetless 16 12 without feet [adj]
fegaries 16 13 FEGARY, a whim, also...
feigners 16 14 FEIGNER, one who fei...
feigning 17 17 the act of feigning...
feijoada 16 21 a Brazilian dish of...
feintest 15 12 FEINT, ruled with fa...
feinting 16 15 FEINT, to make a pre...
feiriest 16 11 FEIRIE, (Scots) nimb...
feistier 16 11 FEISTY, spirited [ad...
feistily 24 14 FEISTY, spirited [ad...
felafels 19 16 FELAFEL, a fried pat...
felching 23 20 FELCH, to lick or su...
feldgrau 18 16 the grey colour of G...
feldsher 19 15 a medical worker in...
feldspar 19 16 a common rock-formin...
felicias 20 15 FELICIA, any member...
felicity 27 17 happiness [n FELICIT...
felinely 23 16 FELINE, related to t...
felinity 23 15 the quality of being...
fellable 20 17 capable of being fel...
fellahin 19 16 FELLAH, a peasant of...
fellated 17 14 FELLATE, to stimulat...
fellates 17 13 FELLATE, to stimulat...
fellatio 17 13 oral stimulation of...
fellator 17 13 a male who fellates...
fellings 19 16 FELLING, the act of...
fellness 17 14 extreme cruelty [n -...
fellowed 20 17 FELLOW, to produce a...
fellowly 28 19 (Shakespeare) compan...
felonies 15 13 FELONY, a grave crim...
felonous 15 14 (Spenser) cruel, rut...
felsites 17 12 FELSITE, a fine-grai...
felsitic 21 15 having quartz and fe...
felspars 19 15 FELSPAR, a common ro...
felstone 15 13 (obsolete) felsite,...
feltered 16 13 FELTER, to mat toget...
feltiest 17 12 FELTY, matted like f...
feltings 18 15 FELTING, felted mate...
feltlike 19 17 like a cloth made fr...
feluccas 23 19 FELUCCA, a small sai...
felworts 20 15 FELWORT, a flowering...
femality 24 17 the quality of being...
femerall 18 16 an outlet for smoke...
femerell 18 16 a ventilator or smok...
femetary 22 16 a plant once used to...
femicide 20 18 the killing of women...
feminacy 25 20 the state of being a...
feminazi 19 24 a militant feminist...
feminies 16 15 FEMINIE, women colle...
feminine 15 16 female [adj FEMININE...
feminise 16 15 to make womanly, als...
feminism 18 18 advocacy of woman's...
feminist 17 15 a supporter of femin...
feminity 23 17 the quality of being...
feminize 19 24 to make womanly, als...
femiters 17 14 FEMITER, a plant onc...
femmiest 18 17 FEMMY, markedly femi...
fenagled 16 16 FENAGLE, to obtain b...
fenagles 16 15 FENAGLE, to obtain b...
fencerow 20 18 the land occupied by...
fencible 21 19 a soldier enlisted f...
fencings 19 18 FENCING, the art of...
fendered 14 14 having a fender [adj...
fendiest 15 13 FENDY, (Scots) resou...
fenestra 14 12 a perforation [n FEN...
fenitars 15 12 FENITAR, a plant onc...
fenlands 15 15 FENLAND, a region wi...
fenniest 14 13 FENNY, having fens [...
fentanyl 21 16 a narcotic opioid [n...
fenthion 16 15 an insecticide [n -S...
fenurons 14 14 FENURON, a herbicide...
feoffees 18 17 FEOFFEE, one to whom...
feoffers 19 17 FEOFFER, one that gr...
feoffing 20 20 FEOFF, to grant a fe...
feoffors 19 17 FEOFFOR, one that gr...
feracity 25 16 the state of being f...
feretory 21 13 a receptacle where s...
ferities 16 11 FERITY, the state of...
ferliest 17 12 FERLY, marvellous [a...
ferlying 24 17 FERLY, to wonder [v]
fermatas 16 14 FERMATA, (Italian) a...
ferments 16 15 FERMENT, to undergo...
fermions 16 15 FERMION, a type of s...
fermiums 19 18 FERMIUM, a radioacti...
fernally 23 16 a vascular flowerles...
fernbird 18 16 a small New Zealand...
ferniest 15 12 FERNY, covered with...
fernings 16 15 FERNING, a tendency...
ferninst 15 13 right opposite to in...
fernless 16 13 without ferns [adj]
fernlike 17 17 like a fern [adj]
fernshaw 20 17 a thicket of ferns [...
ferocity 25 16 fierceness [n FEROCI...
ferrates 15 11 FERRATE, a salt of f...
ferreled 16 13 FERREL, to fit with...
ferreous 15 12 containing iron [adj...
ferreted 15 12 FERRET, to search ou...
ferreter 15 11 one who ferrets [n -...
ferriage 16 13 the fare paid for fe...
ferrites 16 11 FERRITE, a form of p...
ferritic 20 14 consisting mainly of...
ferritin 16 12 a protein in which i...
ferrugos 17 14 FERRUGO, a disease o...
ferruled 17 14 FERRULE, to fit with...
ferrules 17 13 FERRULE, to fit with...
ferrying 23 16 FERRY, to transport...
ferryman 22 17 a man who operates a...
ferrymen 22 17 FERRYMAN, a man who...
fertiler 17 12 FERTILE, productive...
feruling 18 16 FERULE, to fit with...
fervency 26 21 eagerness [n FERVENC...
fervider 18 16 FERVID, warm, ardent...
fervidly 26 19 FERVID, warm, ardent...
fervours 18 16 FERVOUR, great inten...
fesswise 19 14 in the manner of a f...
festally 24 15 FESTAL, of or pertai...
festered 15 12 FESTER, to generate...
festiest 16 11 FESTY, (Australian s...
festival 19 16 a time of celebratio...
festoons 14 12 FESTOON, to adorn wi...
fetation 14 12 the development of a...
fetchers 21 16 FETCHER, one who fet...
fetching 22 19 FETCH, to go after a...
feterita 15 11 a cereal grass [n -S...
fetiales 16 12 FETIALIS, a priest o...
fetialis 17 12 a priest of ancient...
fetiches 21 16 FETICH, a fixation,...
feticide 19 15 the killing of a fet...
fetidest 16 12 FETID, stinking, als...
fetidity 23 14 the state of being f...
fetishes 18 13 FETISH, a fixation,...
fetlocks 21 19 FETLOCK, a joint of...
fetology 23 16 a branch of medicine...
fettered 15 12 FETTER, to shackle [...
fetterer 15 11 one who fetters [n -...
fettlers 17 12 FETTLER, a railway m...
fettling 18 15 loose material throw...
feudally 24 17 FEUDAL, pertaining t...
feudings 17 16 FEUDING, the act of...
feudists 17 13 FEUDIST, a writer on...
feutring 17 15 FEUTRE, to set a spe...
feverfew 22 21 a perennial herb [n...
fevering 18 18 FEVER, to affect wit...
feverish 20 17 having a fever [adj...
feverous 17 16 affected with fever...
fewtered 18 15 FEWTER, to set a spe...
fewtrils 21 15 trifles [n]
fiancees 17 15 FIANCEE, a woman eng...
fiascoes 18 14 FIASCO, a wine bottl...
fiberise 18 14 to break into fibers...
fiberize 21 23 to break into fibers...
fibranne 16 16 a fabric made of spu...
fibrates 18 14 FIBRATE, any of a gr...
fibrilar 20 15 relating to a fibril...
fibrilla 21 16 a small fibre, also...
fibroids 19 15 FIBROID, a benign tu...
fibroins 18 15 FIBROIN, an insolubl...
fibromas 19 17 FIBROMA, a benign tu...
fibrosed 18 15 FIBROSE, to form fib...
fibroses 18 14 FIBROSE, to form fib...
fibrosis 19 14 abnormal growth of f...
fibrotic 22 17 relating to fibrosis...
fibsters 19 14 FIBSTER, one who tel...
ficklest 22 19 FICKLE, not loyal [a...
fickling 23 22 FICKLE, to perplex [...
fictions 19 15 FICTION, an invented...
fiddious 17 14 (Shakespeare) to tre...
fiddlers 18 14 FIDDLER, one who pla...
fiddleys 24 16 FIDDLEY, an iron fra...
fiddlier 18 14 FIDDLY, time consumi...
fiddling 19 17 the act of playing a...
fideisms 18 15 FIDEISM, the doctrin...
fideists 17 12 FIDEIST, a believer...
fidelity 24 15 loyalty [n FIDELITIE...
fidgeted 17 15 FIDGET, to move abou...
fidgeter 17 14 one who fidgets [n -...
fiducial 21 17 showing confidence o...
fiefdoms 19 18 FIEFDOM, a piece of...
fielders 17 13 FIELDER, one who cat...
fielding 18 16 in cricket, waiting...
fiendish 18 15 devilishly cruel [ad...
fiercely 26 17 FIERCE, violently ho...
fiercest 19 14 FIERCE, violently ho...
fieriest 16 11 FIERY, intensely hot...
fifteens 17 15 FIFTEEN, a number, f...
fiftieth 21 16 one of fifty equal p...
fiftyish 28 18 about fifty years ol...
figeater 16 13 a large beetle which...
fighters 20 15 FIGHTER, one that fi...
fighting 21 18 the act of one that...
figments 18 17 FIGMENT, fabrication...
figtrees 17 13 FIGTREE, a tree that...
figuline 18 16 of or relating to ea...
figurant 17 15 a ballet dancer who...
figurate 17 14 having a definite sh...
figurers 18 14 FIGURER, one who fig...
figurine 17 15 a small modelled or...
figuring 19 17 FIGURE, to compute [...
figurist 19 14 one who uses or inte...
figworts 21 16 FIGWORT, a plant of...
fikeries 17 15 FIKERY, (Scots) fuss...
filabegs 20 17 FILABEG, (Gaelic) th...
filacers 20 15 FILACER, an officer...
filagree 17 14 to adorn with intric...
filament 17 16 a slender threadlike...
filander 16 14 a threadlike intesti...
filarees 16 12 FILAREE, (Spanish) a...
filariae 16 12 FILARIA, a parasitic...
filarial 18 13 relating to a filari...
filarian 16 13 relating to a filari...
filariid 18 13 a parasitic worm, al...
filasses 17 12 FILASSE, vegetable f...
filatory 23 14 a machine which make...
filature 17 13 the reeling of silk...
filazers 20 21 FILAZER, an officer...
filberds 20 16 FILBERD, a hazel nut...
filberts 20 15 FILBERT, a hazel nut...
filchers 23 17 FILCHER, someone who...
filching 24 20 thieving [adj FILCHI...
fileable 19 16 able to be filed [ad...
filecard 20 16 a brush for cleaning...
filefish 22 17 a kind of fish with...
filemots 18 15 FILEMOT, a dull brow...
filename 16 16 the name of a comput...
fileting 18 15 FILET, to cut bonele...
filially 26 16 FILIAL, pertaining t...
filiated 17 13 FILIATE, to bring in...
filiates 17 12 FILIATE, to bring in...
filibegs 21 17 FILIBEG, (Gaelic) th...
filicide 21 16 the killing of one's...
filiform 21 18 shaped like a filame...
filigree 18 14 to adorn with intric...
filioque 25 22 a doctrine that the...
filister 18 12 a groove on a window...
fillable 21 17 capable of being fil...
filleted 18 14 FILLET, to cut bonel...
filleter 18 13 one who fillets [n -...
fillibeg 22 18 (Gaelic) the kilt, a...
fillings 20 16 FILLING, anything us...
filliped 21 17 FILLIP, to strike sh...
filmable 21 19 able to be filmed [a...
filmcard 22 19 a fiche, a card or s...
filmdoms 20 19 FILMDOM, the motion-...
filmfest 21 18 a festival at which...
filmgoer 19 17 one who goes to see...
filmiest 19 15 FILMY, thin, delicat...
filmland 19 18 the motion-picture i...
filmless 20 16 without film [adj]
filmlike 21 20 like film [adj]
filmsets 19 15 FILMSET, to set by a...
filtered 17 13 FILTER, to purify a...
filterer 17 12 one that filters [n...
filthier 20 14 FILTHY, offensively...
filthily 28 17 FILTHY, offensively...
filtrate 17 12 to filter [v FILTRAT...
fimbriae 19 17 FIMBRIA, a fringing...
fimbrial 21 18 pertaining to or hav...
finagled 17 16 FINAGLE, to obtain b...
finagler 17 15 one who finagles, ob...
finagles 17 15 FINAGLE, to obtain b...
finalise 16 13 to completely finish...
finalism 18 16 belief that an end h...
finalist 17 13 a contestant who rea...
finality 23 15 the state of being c...
finalize 19 22 to completely finish...
financed 17 17 FINANCE, to supply t...
finances 17 16 FINANCE, to supply t...
finbacks 22 22 FINBACK, a type of w...
findable 18 17 able to be found [ad...
findings 17 16 FINDING, something t...
findrams 17 16 FINDRAM, a kind of s...
fineable 17 16 subject to the payme...
fineered 14 13 FINEER, to get goods...
fineless 16 13 (Shakespeare) endles...
fineness 14 13 the quality of being...
fineries 15 12 FINERY, elaborate ad...
finespun 17 17 developed with extre...
finessed 15 13 FINESSE, to use cunn...
finesser 15 12 one who does somethi...
finesses 15 12 FINESSE, to use cunn...
finfoots 17 15 FINFOOT, a South Ame...
fingered 16 15 FINGER, to touch wit...
fingerer 16 14 one that fingers [n...
finialed 16 14 having a finial [adj...
finickin 20 20 particular about uni...
finiking 18 19 particular about uni...
finished 18 15 FINISH, to bring to...
finisher 18 14 one that finishes [n...
finishes 18 14 FINISH, to bring to...
finitely 23 15 to a finite extent [...
finitism 18 15 a philosophical prin...
finitist 17 12 an advocate of finit...
finitude 16 14 the state of being f...
finmarks 18 19 FINMARK, the monetar...
finnacks 19 20 FINNACK, a young sea...
finnesko 15 17 a reindeer-skin boot...
finnicky 26 22 particular about uni...
finniest 15 13 FINNY, having fins [...
finnmark 17 20 the monetary unit of...
finnocks 19 20 FINNOCK, a young sea...
finochio 20 17 a dwarf variety of f...
fippence 22 21 (colloquial) fivepen...
fireable 18 15 able to be fired [ad...
firearms 17 14 FIREARM, a weapon e....
fireback 22 21 a cast-iron plate at...
fireball 20 16 a luminous meteor [n...
firebase 17 14 a military base from...
firebird 19 15 a bird with bright p...
fireboat 17 14 a boat equipped with...
firebomb 21 20 to attack with incen...
firebrat 18 14 a small insect found...
firebugs 20 17 FIREBUG, an arsonist...
firebush 21 17 as in Chilean firebu...
fireclay 26 17 a clay poor in lime...
firedamp 19 18 a combustible mine g...
firedogs 17 14 FIREDOG, a metal sup...
firefang 18 17 to scorch; to damage...
firehall 20 15 a fire station [n -S...
firehose 17 13 a hose used by firef...
fireless 17 12 without a fire [adj]
firelock 21 19 an old form of gunlo...
firemark 18 18 a metal plate former...
firepans 17 15 FIREPAN, a metal ves...
firepink 19 19 a flowering plant of...
firepits 19 14 FIREPIT, a depressio...
fireplug 21 18 a fire-hydrant [n -S...
firepots 18 14 FIREPOT, a pot with...
firereel 16 12 a fire engine [n -S]
fireroom 16 14 a room containing a...
fireship 21 16 a ship on fire set a...
fireside 16 12 the area immediately...
firetrap 18 14 a building likely to...
firewall 21 16 to install software...
fireweed 18 15 a perennial herb [n...
firewood 18 15 wood used as fuel [n...
firework 20 18 a device which explo...
fireworm 20 17 a glowworm; a firefl...
firmless 19 15 (obsolete) wavering...
firmness 17 15 the state of being f...
firmware 20 17 computer programs pe...
firriest 17 11 FIRRY, abounding in...
firrings 18 14 FIRRING, wooden stri...
firwoods 19 15 FIRWOOD, the wood of...
fiscally 28 18 FISCAL, relating to...
fishable 21 17 suitable for fishing...
fishball 23 18 a fish cake [n -S]
fishboat 20 16 a watercraft used fo...
fishbolt 22 17 a type of bolt [n -S...
fishbone 19 17 a bone of a fish [n...
fishbowl 25 20 a bowl in which live...
fishcake 22 20 a cake made of fish...
fisheyes 24 15 FISHEYE, a suspiciou...
fishgigs 22 17 FISHGIG, a kind of h...
fishhook 21 19 a barbed hook for ca...
fishiest 19 13 FISHY, consisting of...
fishings 20 16 FISHING, the sport o...
fishkill 23 19 the sudden destructi...
fishless 20 14 having no fish [adj]
fishlike 21 18 like a fish [adj]
fishline 19 15 a line used in fishi...
fishmeal 20 17 ground dried fish [n...
fishnets 18 14 FISHNET, a net for c...
fishpole 21 17 a fishing rod [n -S]
fishpond 20 18 a pond for keeping f...
fishskin 20 18 the skin of a fish [...
fishtail 20 14 to swing the tail of...
fishways 28 18 FISHWAY, a device fo...
fishwife 24 19 a woman who sells fi...
fishworm 23 19 a worm used as bait...
fisnomie 16 15 (Shakespeare) physio...
fissions 16 12 FISSION, to split in...
fissiped 19 15 an animal having sep...
fissling 19 15 FISSLE, (Scots) to r...
fissural 18 13 like a fissure [adj]
fissured 17 13 FISSURE, to split, c...
fissures 17 12 FISSURE, to split, c...
fistfuls 21 16 FISTFUL, as much as...
fistiana 15 12 (facetious) anecdote...
fistical 21 15 (facetious) related...
fistiest 17 11 FISTY, like a fist [...
fistings 18 14 FISTING, a homosexua...
fistmele 18 15 a measure of length...
fistnote 15 12 an index mark which...
fistulae 17 13 FISTULA, a duct form...
fistular 18 13 hollow and cylindric...
fistulas 18 13 FISTULA, a duct form...
fitchets 22 16 FITCHET, a polecat,...
fitchews 25 19 FITCHEW, a polecat,...
fitfully 28 19 FITFUL, marked by su...
fitliest 18 12 FITLY, in a fit mann...
fitments 17 15 FITMENT, equipment [...
fittable 19 15 able to be fitted [a...
fittings 18 14 FITTING, a small oft...
fivefold 21 20 five times as great...
fivepins 20 19 a bowling game [n]
fixatifs 25 21 FIXATIF, a substance...
fixating 23 21 FIXATE, to make stab...
fixation 21 19 the act of fixating...
fixative 24 22 a substance for pres...
fixature 22 19 a hair fixing prepar...
fixities 23 18 FIXITY, stability [n...
fixtures 23 19 FIXTURE, a permanent...
fizzgigs 26 33 FIZZGIG, a police in...
fizziest 23 29 FIZZY, fizzing [adj]
fizzings 24 32 FIZZING, the sound o...
fizzling 25 33 FIZZLE, to come to n...
flabbier 21 18 FLABBY, hanging loos...
flabbily 29 21 FLABBY, hanging loos...
flabella 20 17 FLABELLUM, a fan-lik...
flackers 21 19 FLACKER, (Scots) to...
flackery 27 21 publicity [n FLACKER...
flackets 21 19 FLACKET [n]
flacking 22 22 FLACK, to work as a...
flaffers 21 18 FLAFFER, (Scots) to...
flaffing 22 21 FLAFF, (Scots) to fl...
flagella 19 16 FLAGELLUM, a long sl...
flaggers 19 16 FLAGGER, a person wh...
flaggier 19 16 FLAGGY, drooping [ad...
flagging 20 19 a type of pavement [...
flagless 19 15 without a flag [adj]
flagpole 20 18 a pole on a which a...
flagrant 17 15 conspicuous [adj FLA...
flagship 23 19 the ship carrying an...
flailing 19 16 FLAIL, to thresh abo...
flakiest 18 16 FLAKEY, in flakes; c...
flambeau 19 19 a flaming torch [n F...
flambeed 19 19 FLAMBEE, to douse wi...
flambees 19 18 FLAMBEE, to douse wi...
flamelet 18 16 a small flame [n -S]
flamenco 19 19 an emotionally inten...
flameout 17 16 a failure of a jet e...
flamfews 23 21 FLAMFEW, a fantastic...
flamiest 18 15 FLAMY, flaming [adj]
flamines 17 16 FLAMEN, a priest of...
flamingo 18 18 a long-legged tropic...
flamming 20 21 FLAM, to deceive [v]
flammule 20 20 a little flame [n -S...
flancard 19 17 a piece of armor for...
flanched 21 19 FLANCH, to widen int...
flanches 21 18 FLANCH, to widen int...
flanerie 15 13 commendable idleness...
flaneurs 16 14 FLANEUR, (French) an...
flangers 17 15 FLANGER, a vertical...
flanging 18 18 an audio effect that...
flankens 16 18 FLANKEN, beef cut fr...
flankers 17 17 FLANKER, to use flan...
flanking 18 20 FLANK, to be situate...
flannels 16 15 FLANNEL, to cover wi...
flannens 14 15 FLANNEN, (dialect) f...
flannies 15 14 FLANNY, (Aust) a shi...
flaperon 17 16 an airfoil that func...
flapjack 25 31 a kind of biscuit, a...
flapless 20 16 not having a piece h...
flappers 21 18 FLAPPER, a flighty y...
flappier 21 18 FLAPPY, flapping [ad...
flapping 22 21 the act of flapping...
flareups 19 16 FLAREUP, a sudden ou...
flariest 17 12 FLARY, tending to fl...
flashers 19 14 FLASHER, something o...
flashest 19 14 FLASH, showy, vulgar...
flashgun 20 18 a photographic appar...
flashier 19 14 FLASHY, showy, vulga...
flashily 27 17 FLASHY, showy, vulga...
flashing 20 17 sheet metal used to...
flaskets 18 16 FLASKET, (historical...
flatback 23 22 a pottery figure wit...
flatbeds 19 16 FLATBED, a lorry wit...
flatboat 18 15 a large flat-bottome...
flatcaps 22 18 FLATCAP, a low-crown...
flatcars 20 15 FLATCAR, a railway c...
flatette 16 12 (Australian slang) a...
flatfeet 18 15 FLATFOOT, a foot con...
flatfish 22 17 a marine fish that h...
flatfoot 18 15 to walk with a dragg...
flatform 20 18 a thick, level sole...
flathead 18 15 any of various speci...
flatiron 16 13 an iron for pressing...
flatland 17 15 land lacking variati...
flatlets 18 13 FLATLET, a type of a...
flatline 17 14 to register as havin...
flatling 19 16 (Spenser) with a fla...
flatlong 18 16 (Spenser) with a fla...
flatmate 17 15 a person with whom o...
flatness 16 13 the state of being f...
flatpack 23 22 an item of furniture...
flatpick 24 22 to play (a guitar, b...
flattens 16 13 FLATTEN, to make or...
flatters 17 12 FLATTER, to praise e...
flattery 23 14 the act of flatterin...
flattest 17 12 FLAT, having a smoot...
flatties 17 12 FLATTY, a light flat...
flatting 18 15 painting with a flat...
flattish 20 14 somewhat flat [adj]
flattops 19 15 FLATTOP, an aircraft...
flatuous 17 14 flatulent [adj]
flatuses 17 13 FLATUS, intestinal g...
flatware 19 15 tableware that is fa...
flatwash 22 17 laundry that can be...
flatways 26 17 with or on the flat...
flatwise 20 15 with the flat side i...
flatwork 21 19 laundry that can be...
flatworm 21 18 a flat-bodied worm [...
flaughts 21 17 FLAUGHT, to cut, par...
flaunted 16 15 FLAUNT, to exhibit i...
flaunter 16 14 one who flaunts [n -...
flautist 18 13 one who plays the fl...
flavanol 18 18 a derivative of flav...
flavines 18 17 FLAVINE, a yellow dy...
flavones 17 17 FLAVONE, a pigment d...
flavonol 18 18 a derivative of flav...
flavored 18 17 FLAVOR, to impart a...
flavorer 18 16 one that flavors, al...
flavours 19 17 FLAVOUR, to impart a...
flavoury 25 19 full of flavour, als...
flawiest 20 15 FLAWY, full of flaws...
flawless 21 16 without flaws [adj F...
flaxiest 23 19 FLAXY, like flax; of...
flaxseed 22 20 the seed of flax [n...
flaysome 23 17 (dialect) frightenin...
fleabags 19 17 FLEABAG, an inferior...
fleabane 16 16 a flowering plant su...
fleabite 18 15 the bite of a flea [...
fleapits 19 15 FLEAPIT, a run-down...
fleasome 16 15 full of fleas [adj]
fleawort 19 15 a herb, formerly bel...
fleckers 21 19 FLECKER, to mark wit...
fleckier 21 19 FLECKY, flecked [adj...
flecking 22 22 FLECK, to mark with...
flection 19 16 a bend or a fold [n...
fledgier 18 15 FLEDGY, covered with...
fledging 19 18 FLEDGE, to furnish w...
fleecers 19 15 FLEECER, a machine t...
fleeched 21 18 FLEECH, (Scots) to f...
fleeches 21 17 FLEECH, (Scots) to f...
fleecier 19 15 FLEECY, like a fleec...
fleecies 19 15 FLEECIE, (New Zealan...
fleecily 27 18 FLEECY, like a fleec...
fleecing 20 18 FLEECE, to remove th...
fleerers 16 12 FLEERER, someone who...
fleering 17 15 sneering, jeering [a...
fleetest 16 12 FLEET, swift, also F...
fleeting 17 15 FLEET, to move swift...
flegging 20 19 FLEG, (Scots) to fri...
flehmens 19 18 FLEHMEN, of a mammal...
fleishig 21 16 made of meat or meat...
fleishik 21 18 made of meat or meat...
flenched 21 19 FLENCH, to strip the...
flencher 21 18 one who flenches, al...
flenches 21 18 FLENCH, to strip the...
flensers 16 13 FLENSER, one that fl...
flensing 17 16 FLENSE, to strip the...
fleshers 19 14 FLESHER, an instrume...
fleshier 19 14 FLESHY, having much...
fleshily 27 17 FLESHY, having much...
fleshing 20 17 the distribution of...
fleshpot 21 17 a pot for cooking me...
fletched 22 18 FLETCH, to provide (...
fletcher 22 17 one who makes arrows...
fletches 22 17 FLETCH, to provide (...
flettons 16 13 FLETTON, a type of b...
fleurets 17 13 FLEURET, (French) an...
fleurons 16 14 FLEURON, (French) a...
flexagon 22 22 a folded paper const...
flexible 26 23 able to be bent [adj...
flexibly 33 25 FLEXIBLE, able to be...
flexions 22 20 FLEXION, the act of...
flextime 24 22 a system that allows...
flexuose 22 20 full of windings and...
flexuous 23 21 full of windings and...
flexural 24 21 of, pertaining to, o...
flexures 23 20 FLEXURE, the act of...
flexwing 27 25 a collapsible fabric...
flibbert 22 18 (dialect) a small pi...
flichter 23 17 to flutter and quive...
flickers 22 19 FLICKER, to burn uns...
flickery 28 21 flickering [adj]
flicking 23 22 FLICK, to strike lig...
flighted 21 17 FLIGHT, to migrate i...
flimflam 23 22 to engage in confide...
flimping 22 21 FLIMP, to rob while...
flimsier 19 15 FLIMSY, lacking stre...
flimsies 19 15 FLIMSY, a thin paper...
flimsily 27 18 FLIMSY, lacking stre...
flinched 22 19 FLINCH, to shrink ba...
flincher 22 18 one who flinches [n...
flinches 22 18 FLINCH, to shrink ba...
flinders 17 14 FLINDER [n]
flingers 18 15 FLINGER, one who fli...
flinging 19 18 FLING, to throw with...
flinkite 18 17 a brownish-green min...
flintier 17 13 FLINTY, resembling f...
flintify 26 18 to turn into flint [...
flintily 25 16 FLINTY, resembling f...
flinting 18 16 FLINT, to provide wi...
flipbook 22 22 a book of a series o...
flipflop 25 22 to perform a backwar...
flippant 21 19 lacking proper respe...
flippers 22 18 FLIPPER, a flat limb...
flippest 22 18 FLIP, flippant [adj]
flippier 22 18 FLIPPY, flaring at t...
flipping 23 21 the act of throwing...
flipside 20 16 the reverse of somet...
flirters 18 12 FLIRTER, someone who...
flirtier 18 12 FLIRTY, light-hearte...
flirting 19 15 the act of flirting...
flirtish 21 14 light-heartedly amor...
fliskier 19 16 FLISKY, (Scots) rest...
flisking 20 19 FLISK, to caper abou...
flitched 23 18 FLITCH, to cut into...
flitches 23 17 FLITCH, to cut into...
flittern 17 13 bark obtained from y...
flitters 18 12 FLITTER, to vibrate...
flitting 19 15 the act of moving ho...
flivvers 22 20 FLIVVER, a small, ch...
flixweed 26 23 a plant of the musta...
floatage 16 14 the act of floating,...
floatant 15 13 something which make...
floatcut 20 16 as in floatcut file,...
floatels 17 13 FLOATEL, a floating...
floaters 16 12 FLOATER, one who flo...
floatier 16 12 FLOATY, tending to f...
floating 17 15 not fixed [adj FLOAT...
flobbing 22 21 FLOB, (slang) to spi...
floccing 24 21 FLOC, to aggregate i...
floccose 22 18 woolly [adj]
floccule 24 20 a small tuft, also F...
flocculi 25 20 FLOCCULUS, a small f...
flockier 21 19 FLOCKY, abounding wi...
flocking 22 22 a velvety design on...
floggers 19 16 FLOGGER, one who flo...
flogging 20 19 a whipping [n -S]
flokatis 18 16 FLOKATI, a handwoven...
flooders 16 13 FLOODER, one who flo...
flooding 17 16 the act of flooding...
floodlit 18 14 illuminated by flood...
floodway 25 18 an artifical passage...
floorage 16 14 floor space [n -S]
floorers 16 12 FLOORER, a knockdown...
flooring 17 15 a floor [n -S]
floorpan 17 16 the bottom part of t...
floosies 16 12 FLOOSY, a prostitute...
floozies 19 21 FLOOZIE, a prostitut...
flopover 20 19 a defect in televisi...
floppers 21 18 FLOPPER, something o...
floppier 21 18 FLOPPY, soft and fle...
floppies 21 18 FLOPPY, a type of co...
floppily 29 21 FLOPPY, soft and fle...
flopping 22 21 FLOP, to drop heavil...
florally 25 16 FLORAL, relating to...
floreant 15 13 (Latin) may they flo...
florence 18 16 an ancient gold coin...
florider 17 13 FLORID, flowery; hav...
floridly 25 16 FLORID, flowery; hav...
floriest 17 12 FLORY, having fleur-...
florigen 17 15 a plant hormone [n -...
florists 18 12 FLORIST, a grower or...
floruits 18 13 FLORUIT [v]
florulae 17 14 FLORULA, a fossil fl...
florules 18 14 FLORULE, a fossil fl...
floscule 21 17 a small flower [n -S...
flossers 17 12 FLOSSER, one who flo...
flossier 17 12 FLOSSY, resembling a...
flossies 17 12 FLOSSIE, a prostitut...
flossily 25 15 FLOSSY, resembling a...
flossing 18 15 the application of d...
flotages 17 14 FLOTAGE, the act of...
flotilla 19 14 a fleet of ships [n...
flotsams 18 15 FLOTSAM, goods lost...
flounced 19 18 FLOUNCE, to move wit...
flounces 19 17 FLOUNCE, to move wit...
flounder 16 15 to struggle clumsily...
flourier 17 13 FLOURY, fine-grained...
flouring 18 16 FLOUR, to cover with...
flourish 20 15 to thrive [v -ED, -I...
floushed 19 16 FLOUSH, to splash, a...
floushes 19 15 FLOUSH, to splash, a...
flousing 18 16 FLOUSE, to splash, a...
flouters 17 13 FLOUTER, one who flo...
flouting 18 16 FLOUT, to treat with...
flowable 22 19 capable of flowing [...
flowages 20 17 FLOWAGE, an overflow...
flowered 19 16 FLOWER, to blossom o...
flowerer 19 15 a plant that flowers...
floweret 19 15 a small flower, also...
flubbers 22 19 FLUBBER, one who flu...
flubbing 23 22 FLUB, to bungle, bot...
flubdubs 23 21 FLUBDUB, pretentious...
fluellen 18 16 a weedy annual relat...
fluellin 19 16 a weedy annual relat...
fluences 19 17 FLUENCE, the quality...
fluently 24 17 FLUENT, flowing [adv...
fluerics 21 16 the technology of us...
fluework 21 20 flue pipes [n -S]
fluffers 22 19 FLUFFER, a person em...
fluffier 22 19 FLUFFY, downy, light...
fluffily 30 22 FLUFFY, downy, light...
fluffing 23 22 FLUFF, to make fluff...
fluidics 22 17 the technology of us...
fluidify 27 19 to make fluid, also...
fluidise 18 14 to make fluid, also...
fluidity 25 16 the quality of being...
fluidize 21 23 to make fluid, also...
fluidram 19 17 a unit of liquid cap...
flukiest 19 17 FLUKY, lucky, by acc...
flummery 26 21 a sweet dessert [n F...
flumping 22 22 FLUMP, to fall or mo...
flunkers 18 18 FLUNKER, something o...
flunkeys 24 20 FLUNKEY, a servile f...
flunkies 18 18 FLUNKY, a servile fo...
flunking 19 21 FLUNK, to fail in an...
fluorene 15 14 a colorless, crystal...
fluoride 17 14 a compound of fluori...
fluorids 18 14 FLUORID, a compound...
fluorine 16 14 a gaseous element, a...
fluorins 17 14 FLUORIN, a gaseous e...
fluorite 17 13 a mineral form of ca...
flurried 18 14 FLURRY, to agitate [...
flurries 18 13 FLURRY, to agitate [...
flurring 19 16 FLURR, to scatter [v...
flushers 20 15 FLUSHER, someone who...
flushest 20 15 FLUSH, with ample mo...
flushier 20 15 FLUSHY, red-complexi...
flushing 21 18 the act of flushing...
flusters 18 13 FLUSTER, to put into...
flustery 24 15 confused [adj]
fluteyer 23 15 FLUTEY, like a flute...
flutiest 18 13 FLUTY, resembling a...
flutinas 17 14 FLUTINA, a type of a...
flutings 19 16 FLUTING, a series of...
flutists 19 13 FLUTIST, one who pla...
flutters 18 13 FLUTTER, to move in...
fluttery 24 15 marked by fluttering...
fluxgate 24 22 a device for measuri...
fluxions 23 21 FLUXION, the act of...
flyaways 32 19 FLYAWAY, one that is...
flybacks 30 24 FLYBACK, the rapid r...
flybanes 24 18 FLYBANE, a name for...
flybelts 27 18 FLYBELT, an area inf...
flyblown 29 22 FLYBLOW, to taint wi...
flyblows 30 21 FLYBLOW, to taint wi...
flyboats 25 17 FLYBOAT, a small fas...
flybooks 26 21 FLYBOOK, a case like...
flyhands 25 18 FLYHAND, a device fo...
flylines 24 16 FLYLINE, a type of l...
flymaker 25 21 one who ties flies f...
flyovers 25 18 FLYOVER, a flight of...
flypaper 27 20 a sticky paper desig...
flypasts 26 17 FLYPAST, a flight, a...
flypitch 32 22 an unlicensed market...
flysches 29 19 FLYSCH, (German) a g...
flysheet 25 16 part of a tent [n -S...
flyspeck 30 24 to mark with minute...
flyspray 32 19 an insecticide, or t...
flytiers 24 14 FLYTIER, a maker of...
flytings 25 17 FLYTING, a dispute i...
flytraps 26 17 FLYTRAP, a trap for...
flywheel 29 20 a heavy disk used in...
foalfoot 17 15 a plant with large s...
foalings 17 15 FOALING, the act of...
foamable 18 18 able to foam [adj]
foamiest 16 14 FOAMY, covered with...
foamings 17 17 FOAMING, the act of...
foamless 17 15 without foam [adj]
foamlike 18 19 like foam [adj]
focaccia 24 20 a flat Italian bread...
focalise 19 15 to focus, also FOCAL...
focalize 22 24 to focus, also FOCAL...
focusers 19 15 FOCUSER, a device to...
focusing 20 18 the act of bringing...
focussed 19 16 FOCUS, to bring or a...
focusses 19 15 FOCUS, to bring or a...
foddered 15 14 FODDER, to feed catt...
fodderer 15 13 someone who supplies...
foedarie 14 12 (Shakespeare) a conf...
foetider 15 12 FOETID, stinking, al...
foetidly 23 15 FOETID, stinking, al...
foetuses 15 12 FOETUS, the unborn i...
fogashes 18 15 FOGASH, a fish, the...
fogbound 18 19 surrounded by fog [a...
fogeydom 23 19 the world of fogies,...
fogeyish 25 17 like a fogy, also FO...
fogeyism 24 18 an outlook like a fo...
fogfruit 20 17 an American flowerin...
foggages 18 17 FOGGAGE, (Scots) a g...
foggiest 18 15 FOGGY, filled with f...
foggings 19 18 FOGGING, the act of...
foghorns 18 16 FOGHORN, a horn soun...
foglight 22 18 a motor-vehicle ligh...
fogydoms 24 19 FOGYDOM, the world o...
fogyisms 25 18 FOGYISM, an outlook...
foilable 19 16 able to be foiled [a...
foilings 18 15 FOILING, the act of...
foilists 18 12 FOILIST, one who fen...
foilsman 17 16 a fencer [n FOILSMEN...
foilsmen 17 16 FOILSMAN, a fencer [...
foisters 16 11 FOISTER, one who foi...
foisting 17 14 FOIST, to pass off (...
folacins 19 16 FOLACIN, a form of v...
foldable 19 17 able to be folded [a...
foldaway 25 18 designed to fold out...
foldback 23 23 in multitrack record...
foldboat 18 16 a collapsible boat r...
folderol 17 14 nonsense, also FALDE...
foldings 18 16 FOLDING, a fold or p...
foldouts 17 14 FOLDOUT, a large pag...
foliaged 17 15 having foliage [adj]
foliages 17 14 FOLIAGE, the growth...
foliated 16 13 FOLIATE, to number t...
foliates 16 12 FOLIATE, to number t...
folioing 17 15 FOLIO, to number the...
folioles 17 13 FOLIOLE, a small str...
folkiest 18 16 FOLKY, down to earth...
folkland 18 19 in Old English times...
folklife 21 20 the traditions, skil...
folklike 20 21 having the quality o...
folklore 18 17 the beliefs and trad...
folkmoot 18 19 a general assembly o...
folkmote 18 19 a general assembly o...
folkmots 19 19 FOLKMOT, a general a...
folksier 18 16 FOLKSY, having an af...
folksily 26 19 FOLKSY, having an af...
folksong 18 19 a song of the folk m...
folktale 18 17 a tale from the oral...
folkways 27 21 FOLKWAY, a tradition...
follicle 22 17 any small sac-like s...
followed 20 17 FOLLOW, to go after...
follower 20 16 one that follows [n...
followup 23 20 a news article that...
follying 25 18 FOLLY, to act with f...
fomented 15 16 FOMENT, to foster or...
fomenter 15 15 one who foments [n -...
fondants 14 14 FONDANT, (French) a...
fondlers 16 14 FONDLER, one who fon...
fondling 17 17 a pet, a fool [n -S]
fondness 14 14 affection [n -ES]
fonduing 16 17 FONDU, to cook a dis...
fontanel 14 14 a membrane-covered g...
fontange 14 15 a kind of tall head-...
fontinas 14 13 FONTINA, an Italian...
fontlets 16 13 FONTLET, a little fo...
foodbank 17 20 a charitable organiz...
foodisms 17 15 FOODISM, avid intere...
foodland 15 15 land for the product...
foodless 16 13 without food [adj]
foodoirs 15 12 FOODOIR, a book or b...
foodshed 17 15 the area through whi...
foodways 24 17 the eating habits of...
foofaraw 19 17 frills and flashy fi...
foolfish 21 17 a marine fish, the o...
foolings 17 15 FOOLING, playing the...
foolscap 21 18 a paper size [n -S]
foosball 19 16 (US) table football,...
footages 15 13 FOOTAGE, measurement...
footbags 18 16 FOOTBAG, a small bag...
football 19 16 a large ball for kic...
footbars 17 14 FOOTBAR, in an aerop...
footbath 19 16 a bath for the feet...
footbeds 17 15 FOOTBED, the insole...
footboys 23 16 FOOTBOY, a page, an...
footered 14 12 FOOTER, to mess arou...
footfall 19 16 the sound of a foots...
footgear 15 13 covering for the fee...
foothill 20 15 a low hill at the ba...
foothold 18 15 a secure support for...
footiest 15 11 FOOTY, mean [adj]
footings 16 14 FOOTING, a foundatio...
footlers 16 12 FOOTLER, someone who...
footless 16 12 without feet [adj]
footlike 17 16 resembling a foot [a...
footling 17 15 the act of pottering...
footlong 16 15 a hotdog one foot lo...
footmark 17 18 a mark left by the f...
footmuff 21 21 a muff for keeping t...
footnote 13 12 to supply with an ex...
footpace 19 17 (obsolete) a walking...
footpads 17 15 FOOTPAD, one who rob...
footpage 17 16 a page, an attendant...
footpath 19 16 a path for pedestria...
footpost 17 14 a messenger who trav...
footpump 21 21 a pump held or opera...
footrace 17 14 a race run on foot [...
footrest 15 11 a support for the fe...
footrope 16 14 a rope used in saili...
footrule 16 13 a ruler which is a f...
footsals 16 12 FOOTSAL, a form of a...
footsies 15 11 FOOTSY, a flirting g...
footslog 17 14 to march or tramp [v...
footsore 14 11 having sore or tired...
footstep 17 14 a step with the foot...
footwall 20 16 the layer of rock be...
footways 24 16 FOOTWAY, a passage f...
footwear 17 14 anything worn on the...
footwell 20 16 the area in front of...
footwork 19 18 the management of th...
footworn 17 15 worn by the passing...
foozlers 19 21 FOOZLER, one who foo...
foozling 20 24 the act of bungling...
foplings 20 18 FOPLING, a petty fop...
foragers 16 13 FORAGER, one who for...
foraging 17 16 FORAGE, to search ab...
foramens 15 15 FORAMEN, a small ana...
foramina 15 15 FORAMEN, a small ana...
forayers 21 13 FORAYER, one who mak...
foraying 22 16 FORAY, to make a rai...
forbears 17 14 FORBEAR, to refrain...
forbidal 19 16 the act of forbiddin...
forboded 17 16 FORBODE, to indicate...
forbodes 17 15 FORBODE, to indicate...
forborne 16 15 FORBEAR, to refrain...
forcedly 26 18 FORCED [adv]
forceful 22 19 full of strength [ad...
forceout 18 15 a play by which a ru...
forcible 22 18 having force [adj FO...
forcibly 29 20 FORCIBLE, having for...
forcipes 21 17 FORCEPS, a pair of t...
fordable 18 16 able to be forded [a...
fordless 17 13 unable to be forded...
fordoing 16 15 FORDO, to destroy, a...
fordonne 13 14 in Spenserian phrase...
forearms 16 14 FOREARM, to arm in a...
forebays 23 16 FOREBAY, a reservoir...
forebear 16 14 an ancestor [n -S]
forebitt 18 14 a post for fastening...
forebode 16 15 to indicate in advan...
forebody 23 17 the forward part of...
foreboom 17 17 the boom of a ship's...
forecars 18 14 FORECAR, a small pas...
forecast 18 14 to estimate in advan...
foredate 14 12 to date before the t...
foredeck 19 19 the forward part of...
foredoes 14 12 FOREDO, to destroy,...
foredone 13 13 FOREDO, to destroy,...
foredoom 15 15 to doom in advance [...
foreface 19 17 the front part of th...
forefeel 17 15 to have a premonitio...
forefeet 16 14 FOREFOOT, one of the...
forefelt 18 15 FOREFEEL, to have a...
forefend 16 16 to protect, also FOR...
forefoot 16 14 one of the front fee...
foregoer 15 13 one who goes before...
foregoes 15 13 FOREGO, to go before...
foregone 14 14 FOREGO, to go before...
foreguts 17 14 FOREGUT, the front p...
forehand 16 15 a type of tennis str...
forehead 16 14 the part of the face...
forehent 16 14 to overtake, also FO...
forehock 21 20 a foreleg cut of bac...
forehoof 18 16 the hoof of a forefo...
foreking 17 18 a preceding king [n...
foreknew 18 19 FOREKNOW, to know be...
foreknow 18 19 to know beforehand [...
forelady 22 15 a woman who supervis...
forelaid 16 13 FORELAY, to wait in...
forelain 15 13 FORELAY, to wait in...
foreland 15 14 a projecting mass of...
forelays 22 14 FORELAY, to wait in...
forelegs 17 14 FORELEG, one of the...
forelend 15 14 to grant beforehand,...
forelent 15 13 FORELEND, to grant b...
forelies 16 12 FORELIE, (Spenser) t...
forelift 19 15 (Spenser) to lift up...
forelimb 20 18 a front limb e.g. of...
forelock 20 19 to fasten with a cot...
foremast 16 14 the forward mast of...
foremean 14 15 to intend beforehand...
foremilk 19 19 the milk secreted im...
foremost 16 14 first in position [a...
forename 14 15 a first name [n -S]
forenoon 12 13 the period of daylig...
forensic 18 15 belonging to courts...
forepart 17 14 the front part [n -S...
forepast 17 14 (obsolete) former, b...
forepaws 20 17 FOREPAW, the paw of...
forepeak 17 18 the forward part of...
foreplan 17 16 to plan beforehand [...
foreplay 24 17 erotic stimulation p...
forerank 15 16 the first rank [n -S...
foreread 14 12 to foretell [v FORER...
foreruns 15 13 FORERUN, to run in a...
foresaid 15 12 FORESAY, to foretell...
foresail 16 12 the lowest sail set...
foresays 21 13 FORESAY, to foretell...
foreseen 13 12 FORESEE, to see in a...
foreseer 14 11 one who foresees [n...
foresees 14 11 FORESEE, to see in a...
foreshew 20 16 to presage, also FOR...
foreship 20 16 the front of a ship...
foreshow 20 16 to predict, also FOR...
foreside 15 12 the front side [n -S...
foreskin 16 16 a fold of skin cover...
foreslow 19 15 (Shakespeare) to del...
forestal 16 12 of or pertaining to...
forestay 21 13 a rope or wire used...
forested 15 12 FOREST, to convert i...
forester 15 11 one skilled in fores...
forestry 22 13 the science of plant...
foretell 17 13 to tell about in adv...
foretime 16 14 the past; the time b...
foretold 16 13 FORETELL, to tell ab...
foretops 17 14 FORETOP, the platfor...
forevers 17 15 FOREVER, an indefini...
foreward 18 15 (archaic) to guard (...
forewarn 17 15 to warn in advance,...
forewent 17 15 FOREGO, to go before...
forewind 18 16 a wind from the fore...
forewing 19 17 an anterior wing of...
foreword 18 15 an introductory stat...
foreworn 17 15 worn out, also FORWO...
foreyard 21 14 the lowest yard on a...
forfairn 17 15 FORFAIR, (obsolete)...
forfairs 18 14 FORFAIR, (obsolete)...
forfault 19 16 forfeiture [n -S]
forfeits 18 14 FORFEIT, to lose the...
forfends 17 16 FORFEND, (archaic) t...
forfexes 23 21 FORFEX, (Latin) a pa...
forgeman 16 17 an iron worker [n FO...
forgemen 16 17 FORGEMAN, an iron wo...
forgings 18 16 FORGING, the act of...
forgiven 18 18 FORGIVE, to pardon [...
forgiver 19 17 one who forgives [n...
forgives 19 17 FORGIVE, to pardon [...
forgoers 16 13 FORGOER, one who for...
forgoing 17 16 FORGO, to refrain fr...
forhaile 18 14 (Spenser) to distrac...
forhents 17 14 FORHENT, to overtake...
forhooed 16 14 FORHOO, (Scots) to d...
forhooie 16 13 to desert or abandon...
forhowed 20 17 FORHOW, to desert or...
forinsec 18 15 of service, due to t...
forjudge 19 24 to judge before hear...
forkball 21 20 a breaking pitch in...
forkedly 24 19 FORKED [adv]
forkfuls 21 20 FORKFUL, as much as...
forkhead 18 18 the forked end of a...
forkiest 17 15 FORKY, resembling a...
forkless 18 16 without a fork [adj]
forklift 21 19 to raise or move by...
forklike 19 20 like a fork [adj]
forksful 21 20 FORKFUL, as much as...
forktail 18 16 one of a group of bi...
forlanas 15 13 FORLANA, a dance of...
forlends 16 14 FORLEND, to grant be...
forleses 16 12 FORLESE, to lose, fo...
forlorns 16 13 FORLORN, (Shakespear...
formable 19 18 able to be formed [a...
formably 26 20 FORMABLE, able to be...
formalin 17 16 an aqueous solution...
formally 25 18 FORMAL, regulated, n...
formants 16 15 FORMANT, a component...
formated 16 15 FORMATE, to fly in f...
formates 16 14 FORMATE, to fly in f...
formerly 24 17 previously [adv]
formiate 16 14 a salt of formic aci...
formicas 20 17 FORMICA, any of vari...
formings 18 17 FORMING, the process...
formless 18 15 lacking structure [a...
formulae 17 16 FORMULA, a prescribe...
formular 18 16 a model or set form...
formulas 18 16 FORMULA, a prescribe...
formwork 21 21 boxes for holding se...
fornenst 14 13 (Scots) right opposi...
fornical 19 16 relating to a fornix...
fornices 18 15 FORNIX, an arched an...
forpined 17 16 FORPINE, to waste aw...
forpines 17 15 FORPINE, to waste aw...
forrader 15 12 (English dialect) fo...
forrayed 21 14 FORRAY, (Spenser) to...
forsaken 15 16 FORSAKE, to quit or...
forsaker 16 15 one who forsakes [n...
forsakes 16 15 FORSAKE, to quit or...
forslack 21 19 to be slack, also FO...
forsloed 16 13 FORSLOE, to delay, a...
forsloes 16 12 FORSLOE, to delay, a...
forslows 20 15 FORSLOW, to delay, a...
forsooth 17 13 (archaic) in truth;...
forspeak 18 18 to speak against, al...
forspend 17 16 to wear out, also FO...
forspent 17 15 FORSPEND, to wear ou...
forspoke 18 18 FORSPEAK, to speak a...
forswatt 19 14 (Spenser) covered wi...
forswear 18 14 to deny under oath,...
forswink 20 19 (obsolete) to exhaus...
forswore 18 14 FORSWEAR, to deny un...
forsworn 18 15 FORSWEAR, to deny un...
forswunk 20 20 (Spenser) overworked...
forthink 19 18 to repent; to regret...
fortieth 18 13 one of forty equal p...
fortlets 17 12 FORTLET, a little fo...
fortress 16 11 to strengthen with a...
fortuity 23 14 an accidental occurr...
fortuned 15 14 FORTUNE, to endow wi...
fortunes 15 13 FORTUNE, to endow wi...
fortyish 25 15 being about forty ye...
forwards 19 15 FORWARD, to help onw...
forwarns 18 15 FORWARN, to warn in...
forwaste 18 14 to waste completely...
forweary 24 16 (Shakespeare) to wea...
forzandi 18 22 FORZANDO, a suddenly...
forzando 17 22 a suddenly emphasise...
forzatos 18 20 FORZATO, a suddenly...
fossette 15 11 (French) a small hol...
fossicks 21 18 FOSSICK, (Australian...
fossulae 16 13 FOSSULA, a small dep...
fostered 15 12 FOSTER, to promote t...
fosterer 15 11 one that fosters [n...
fostress 16 11 a woman who feeds an...
fothered 17 14 FOTHER, to protect a...
foudries 16 13 FOUDRIE, the jurisdi...
fouettes 15 12 FOUETTE, (French) a...
fougades 16 15 FOUGADE, a small min...
fougasse 16 14 a small mine, in the...
foughten 18 17 exhausted, especiall...
foulards 17 14 FOULARD, a soft ligh...
foulders 17 14 FOULDER, (Spenser) t...
foulings 18 16 FOULING, a deposit o...
foulmart 18 16 a polecat, also FOUM...
foulness 16 14 the state of being f...
foumarts 17 15 FOUMART, a polecat,...
founders 15 14 FOUNDER, to become d...
founding 16 17 the time of first es...
fountain 14 14 to display water lik...
fountful 19 18 full of springs [adj...
fourball 20 17 a golf game for four...
fourchee 20 17 a kind of heraldic c...
foureyed 21 15 wearing spectacles [...
fourfold 19 17 four times as great...
fourgons 16 15 FOURGON, (French) a...
fourplay 25 18 the supply to a cust...
fourplex 25 23 a building having fo...
foursome 16 15 a group of four [n -...
fourteen 14 13 a number, ten and fo...
fourthly 26 17 in the fourth place...
foustier 16 12 FOUSTY, (Scots) moul...
foutered 15 13 FOUTER, (Scots) to m...
foutring 17 15 FOUTRE, (Scots) to m...
foveated 16 16 having a fovea [adj]
foveolae 16 16 FOVEOLA, a small fov...
foveolar 17 16 of or like a foveola...
foveolas 17 16 FOVEOLA, a small fov...
foveoles 17 16 FOVEOLE, a small fov...
foveolet 17 16 a small fovea, also...
fowlings 21 18 FOWLING, the hunting...
foxberry 30 23 the red whortleberry...
foxfires 24 21 FOXFIRE, a glow prod...
foxglove 25 25 a tall plant with dr...
foxholes 24 21 FOXHOLE, a small bat...
foxhound 23 23 a hunting dog [n -S]
foxhunts 24 22 FOXHUNT, to hunt fox...
foxiness 21 19 the state of being f...
foxshark 25 24 a large long-tailed...
foxships 27 23 FOXSHIP, craftiness...
foxskins 23 23 FOXSKIN, the skin of...
foxtails 23 19 FOXTAIL, the tail of...
foxtrots 22 18 FOXTROT, to dance in...
foyboats 23 16 FOYBOAT, on Tyneside...
foziness 18 21 lack of spirit [n -E...
frabbing 21 20 FRAB, (dialect) to w...
frabjous 20 24 splendid, magnificen...
fracases 18 14 FRACAS, a brawl [n]
frackers 20 18 FRACKER, one who eng...
fracking 21 21 the process of forci...
fractals 20 15 FRACTAL, a complex g...
fracting 20 17 FRACT, to break; to...
fraction 18 15 to divide into porti...
fracture 19 15 to break [v FRACTURE...
fracturs 20 15 FRACTUR, (German) a...
fraenums 16 16 FRAENUM, a connectin...
fragging 19 18 the act of blowing u...
fragiler 18 14 FRAGILE, easily brok...
fragment 17 17 to break into pieces...
fragrant 16 14 having a pleasant pe...
frailest 17 12 FRAIL, weak, infirm...
frailish 20 14 somewhat frail [adj]
frailtee 16 12 (Spenser) frailty [n...
fraising 17 14 FRAISE, to fortify w...
frakturs 18 16 FRAKTUR, (German) a...
framable 19 18 that can be framed,...
framings 18 17 FRAMING, framework [...
frampler 20 18 (Scott) a brawler [n...
frampold 20 19 (obsolete) peevish,...
francise 18 15 to force to adopt Fr...
francium 20 19 a radioactive elemen...
francize 21 24 to force to adopt Fr...
frangers 16 14 FRANGER, (Australian...
franions 14 13 FRANION, (obsolete)...
frankers 16 16 FRANKER, one that fr...
frankest 16 16 FRANK, free and open...
franking 17 19 FRANK, to mark mail...
franklin 17 18 a medieval English l...
frankums 18 20 FRANKUM, the hardene...
franzier 18 21 FRANZY, cross and pe...
frapeage 17 16 the practice of alte...
frappant 19 18 striking [adj]
frapping 21 20 FRAP, to draw tight...
frascati 19 14 a type of white wine...
fratches 21 16 FRATCH, a brawl [n]
fratries 16 11 FRATRY, a convent of...
fraudful 20 18 deceptive [adj FRAUD...
fraughan 18 17 (Irish) the whortleb...
fraughts 20 16 FRAUGHT, to load wit...
fraulein 16 14 a German governess [...
frautage 16 14 (Shakespeare) loadin...
frawzeys 28 25 FRAWZEY, (dialect) a...
frayings 23 16 FRAYING, something w...
frazzled 23 31 FRAZZLE, to fray [v]
frazzles 23 30 FRAZZLE, to fray [v]
freakery 22 17 an obsession with fr...
freakful 20 20 quirkily unusual, al...
freakier 16 15 FREAKY, quirkily unu...
freakily 24 18 FREAKY, quirkily unu...
freaking 17 18 FREAK, to spot or st...
freakish 19 17 quirkily unusual, al...
freakout 16 16 an event marked by w...
freckled 21 20 FRECKLE, to mark wit...
freckles 21 19 FRECKLE, to mark wit...
fredaine 14 13 (French) an escapade...
freebase 16 14 to refine cocaine by...
freebees 16 14 FREEBEE, something g...
freebies 17 14 FREEBIE, something g...
freeboot 16 14 to plunder [v -ED, -...
freeborn 16 15 born free [adj]
freedman 15 16 a man who has been f...
freedmen 15 16 FREEDMAN, a man who...
freedoms 16 15 FREEDOM, the state o...
freefall 19 16 as in freefall parac...
freeform 18 17 having a free flowin...
freegans 15 14 FREEGAN, an opponent...
freehand 16 15 drawn by hand withou...
freehold 18 15 a property held by f...
freeload 15 13 to live at the expen...
freeness 14 12 the state of being f...
freeride 15 12 an extreme form of s...
freesias 15 11 FREESIA, a scented g...
freetier 15 11 FREETY, superstitiou...
freeware 17 14 a free computer prog...
freeways 24 16 FREEWAY, an express...
freewill 21 16 having the right to...
freezers 18 20 FREEZER, an applianc...
freezing 19 23 very cold [adj FREEZ...
freights 20 15 FREIGHT, to load wit...
freitier 16 11 FREITY, superstitiou...
fremitus 18 15 a vibration capable...
frenched 20 18 FRENCH, to cut into...
frenches 20 17 FRENCH, to cut into...
frenetic 18 15 frantic, also FRENET...
frenular 16 14 of or relating to a...
frenulum 18 18 a connecting fold of...
frenzied 18 22 FRENZY, to make fran...
frenzies 18 21 FRENZY, to make fran...
frenzily 26 24 FRENZY [adv]
frequent 23 22 to go to habitually...
frescade 18 15 (French) a cool walk...
frescoed 18 15 FRESCO, to paint on...
frescoer 18 14 one who paints fresc...
frescoes 18 14 FRESCO, to paint on...
freshens 17 14 FRESHEN, to improve...
freshers 18 13 FRESHER, a first yea...
freshest 18 13 FRESH, new [adj]
freshets 18 13 FRESHET, a stream of...
freshies 18 13 FRESHIE, a new immig...
freshing 19 16 FRESH, to improve th...
freshish 21 15 somewhat fresh [adj]
freshman 18 17 a first-year student...
freshmen 18 17 FRESHMAN, a first-ye...
fresnels 16 13 FRESNEL, a unit of o...
fretless 17 12 of a musical instrum...
fretsaws 19 14 FRETSAW, a narrow-bl...
fretsome 16 14 fretful [adj]
fretters 16 11 FRETTER, one who, or...
frettier 16 11 FRETTY, adorned with...
fretting 17 14 peevishness [n -S]
fretwork 20 18 perforated ornamenta...
friandes 15 13 FRIANDE, a (female)...
friaries 16 11 FRIARY, a monastery...
fribbled 22 19 FRIBBLE, to be frivo...
fribbler 22 18 (obsolete) a trifler...
fribbles 22 18 FRIBBLE, to be frivo...
fricadel 20 16 (Afrikaans) a fried...
fricando 18 16 a roasted loin of ve...
frichted 22 17 FRICHT, (Scots) to f...
fricking 22 21 an intensive, fuckin...
friction 19 15 the rubbing of two b...
fridging 19 17 FRIDGE, to rub or fr...
friended 15 14 FRIEND, to enter int...
friendly 23 16 one who is friendly...
friezing 20 23 FRIEZE, to put a dec...
frigates 17 13 FRIGATE, a class of...
friggers 19 15 FRIGGER, a glass orn...
frigging 20 18 pottering about [n -...
frighted 20 16 FRIGHT, to make afra...
frighten 19 16 to make afraid, to s...
frigider 18 14 FRIGID, chillingly s...
frigidly 26 17 FRIGID, chillingly s...
frijoles 19 21 FRIJOL, a bean used...
frillers 19 13 FRILLER, one that fr...
frillery 25 15 an arrangement of fr...
frillier 19 13 FRILLY, having frill...
frillies 19 13 FRILLY, a frilly gar...
frilling 20 16 an arrangement of fr...
fringier 17 14 FRINGY, resembling a...
fringing 18 17 the act of providing...
frippers 21 17 FRIPPER, (archaic) o...
frippery 27 19 excessive ornamentat...
frippets 21 17 FRIPPET, a frivolous...
frisbees 18 14 FRISBEE, a plastic d...
frisette 16 11 a frizzed fringe of...
friseurs 17 12 FRISEUR, a hairdress...
friskers 18 15 FRISKER, one who fri...
friskets 18 15 FRISKET, a frame use...
friskful 22 20 brisk; lively; froli...
friskier 18 15 FRISKY, lively and p...
friskily 26 18 FRISKY, lively and p...
frisking 19 18 gambolling [adj FRIS...
frissons 16 12 FRISSON, (French) an...
fristing 18 14 FRIST, to postpone,...
frisures 17 12 FRISURE, (French) th...
frittata 16 11 an unfolded omelet w...
fritters 17 11 FRITTER, to squander...
fritting 18 14 FRIT, to fuse cerami...
fritures 17 12 FRITURE, a dish of f...
fritzing 21 23 FRITZ, (of an applia...
friulano 16 14 (Italian) a cow's-mi...
frivoled 19 17 FRIVOL, to behave pl...
frivoler 19 16 one who frivols, als...
frizados 19 21 FRIZADO, (Spanish) a...
frizette 19 20 a frizzed fringe of...
frizzers 23 29 FRIZZER, one that fr...
frizzier 23 29 FRIZZY, of hair, tig...
frizzies 23 29 frizzy hair, as in '...
frizzily 31 32 FRIZZY, of hair, tig...
frizzing 24 32 FRIZZ, to curl hair...
frizzled 24 31 FRIZZLE, to curl hai...
frizzler 24 30 one who frizzles [n...
frizzles 24 30 FRIZZLE, to curl hai...
frocking 21 21 cloth suitable for f...
frogbits 20 16 FROGBIT, a kind of w...
frogeyed 22 16 having frog eyes [ad...
frogeyes 22 15 FROGEYE, a plant dis...
frogfish 22 18 a marine fish [n -ES...
froggery 24 17 a place where frogs...
froggier 18 15 FROGGY, abounding in...
frogging 19 18 a decoration of brai...
froglets 18 14 FROGLET, a small fro...
froglike 19 18 like a frog [adj]
frogling 19 17 a small frog, also F...
froideur 16 13 coolness in personal...
frolicky 28 21 FROLIC [adv]
fromages 17 16 FROMAGE, cheese [n]
fromenty 22 17 a wheat dish boiled...
frondage 15 15 fronds collectively...
frondent 14 14 leafy [adj]
frondeur 15 14 (French) a member of...
frondose 14 13 having fronds, also...
frondous 15 14 having fronds, also...
frontage 15 14 the front of a build...
frontals 16 13 FRONTAL, a cloth han...
fronters 15 12 FRONTER, a three-yea...
frontest 15 12 FRONT, to the fore [...
frontier 15 12 a border between two...
fronting 16 15 FRONT, to present [v...
frontlet 16 13 a forehead ornament...
frontman 15 16 the presenter of a T...
frontmen 15 16 FRONTMAN, the presen...
frontons 14 13 FRONTON, an area use...
frontoon 13 13 (French) a pediment...
frostbit 19 14 FROSTBITE, to affect...
frosteds 16 12 FROSTED, a type of m...
frostier 16 11 FROSTY, covered with...
frostily 24 14 FROSTY, covered with...
frosting 17 14 icing [n -S]
frostnip 18 15 the freezing of oute...
frothers 18 13 FROTHER, one who fro...
frothery 24 15 mere froth [n FROTHE...
frothier 18 13 FROTHY, covered with...
frothily 26 16 FROTHY, covered with...
frothing 19 16 the act of making a...
frottage 16 13 masturbation by rubb...
frotteur 16 12 the active participa...
froufrou 18 16 (French) the rustlin...
frounced 18 17 FROUNCE, to wrinkle...
frounces 18 16 FROUNCE, to wrinkle...
frouzier 19 21 FROUZY, unkempt, als...
frowards 19 15 away from [prep]
frowiest 19 14 FROWIE, (Spenser) mu...
frowners 18 15 FROWNER, one who fro...
frowning 19 18 FROWN, to wrinkle th...
frowsier 19 14 FROWSY, fusty, stuff...
frowsted 19 15 FROWST, to luxuriate...
frowster 19 14 (obsolete) one who f...
frowzier 22 23 FROWZY, fusty, stuff...
frowzily 30 26 FROWZY, fusty, stuff...
frozenly 25 24 FROZEN [adv]
fructans 19 16 FRUCTAN, a type of p...
fructify 29 20 to bear fruit [v FRU...
fructive 22 19 productive or fruitf...
fructose 19 15 a sugar found in var...
frugally 26 18 FRUGAL, characterize...
frugging 20 19 FRUG, to perform a t...
fruitage 17 14 the process of beari...
fruiters 17 12 FRUITER, one who gro...
fruitery 23 14 a place for storing...
fruitful 21 17 productive [adj FRUI...
fruitier 17 12 FRUITY, tasting of f...
fruitily 25 15 FRUITY, tasting of f...
fruiting 18 15 the stage of produci...
fruition 16 13 a fulfilment of some...
fruitive 19 16 coming to fruition [...
fruitlet 18 13 a small fruit [n -S]
frumenty 23 18 a wheat dish boiled...
frumpier 20 18 FRUMPY, ill-dressed...
frumpily 28 21 FRUMPY, ill-dressed...
frumping 21 21 FRUMP, (obsolete) to...
frumpish 23 20 somewhat like a frum...
frumpled 21 20 FRUMPLE, (dialect) t...
frumples 21 19 FRUMPLE, (dialect) t...
frushing 20 17 FRUSH, to break or b...
frustule 18 14 the siliceous two-va...
frustums 19 16 FRUSTUM, a cone with...
frutices 20 15 FRUTEX, a shrub [n]
frybread 24 17 native American frie...
fubbiest 21 18 FUBBY, chubby and sq...
fubsiest 19 15 FUBSY, chubby, also...
fuchsias 22 17 FUCHSIA, a flowering...
fuchsine 21 18 a red dye, also FUCH...
fuchsins 22 18 FUCHSIN, a red dye,...
fuchsite 22 17 a brilliant green ch...
fuckface 25 25 a contemptibly stupi...
fuckhead 22 22 a contemptibly stupi...
fuckings 22 22 FUCKING, sexual inte...
fuckoffs 25 25 FUCKOFF, a time wast...
fuckwits 25 22 FUCKWIT, (offensive)...
fucoidal 20 17 relating to seaweed,...
fuddiest 17 14 FUDDY, old-fashioned...
fuddlers 18 15 FUDDLER, a drunkard...
fuddling 19 18 the act of tippling...
fudgiest 18 15 FUDGY, resembling fu...
fuehrers 18 14 FUEHRER, (German) a...
fuellers 18 14 FUELLER, one who fue...
fuelling 19 17 FUEL, to provide wit...
fuelwood 19 17 wood suitable for fu...
fuffiest 21 18 FUFFY, light and sof...
fugacity 27 19 lack of enduring qua...
fuggiest 19 16 FUGGY, close, stuffy...
fughetta 19 16 a short fugue [n -S]
fugitive 20 18 fleeing [adj FUGITIV...
fugleman 18 19 a soldier placed in...
fuglemen 18 19 FUGLEMAN, a soldier...
fugliest 19 15 FUGLY, an offensive...
fuguists 19 15 FUGUIST, one who com...
fulcrate 20 16 supported by fulcrum...
fulcrums 23 20 FULCRUM, a support f...
fulfills 23 18 FULFILL, to bring ab...
fulgency 27 21 brightness [n FULGEN...
fulgours 19 16 FULGOUR, splendour,...
fulgural 20 17 pertaining to lightn...
fullages 19 16 FULLAGE, a charge fo...
fullback 25 24 an offensive back in...
fullered 18 15 FULLER, to groove wi...
fullface 23 20 a portrait or photog...
fullness 18 15 the state of being f...
fulmined 18 18 FULMINE, (Spenser) t...
fulmines 18 17 FULMINE, (Spenser) t...
fulminic 22 20 highly explosive [ad...
fulsomer 18 16 FULSOME, cloying [ad...
fumadoes 16 16 FUMADO, a salted and...
fumarase 16 15 an enzyme that catal...
fumarate 16 15 a salt of fumaric ac...
fumarole 17 16 a hole which emits v...
fumatory 23 17 a place for smoking...
fumblers 21 19 FUMBLER, one who fum...
fumbling 22 22 FUMBLE, to handle cl...
fumeless 18 16 without fumes [adj]
fumelike 19 20 like fumes [adj]
fumerole 17 16 a hole in a volcanic...
fumettes 17 15 FUMETTE, (French) th...
fumettos 17 15 FUMETTO, (Italian) a...
fumigant 18 18 a source of fumes, e...
fumigate 18 17 to subject to fumes...
fumingly 26 21 FUMING [adv]
fumitory 24 17 a plant once used to...
fumosity 24 17 a fuming condition [...
funboard 17 17 a special fast winds...
funckias 20 20 FUNCKIA, (German) an...
function 18 17 to perform or act [v...
functors 19 16 FUNCTOR, one that fu...
fundable 18 18 able to be funded [a...
fundings 17 17 FUNDING, financial b...
fundless 17 15 without funds [adj]
funebral 18 17 of or pertaining to...
funerals 16 14 FUNERAL, a ceremony...
funerary 21 15 pertaining to or sui...
funereal 15 14 pertaining to a fune...
funfairs 18 16 FUNFAIR, an amusemen...
funfests 18 16 FUNFEST, a party for...
fungible 20 19 something that may b...
fungoids 17 16 FUNGOID, a fungus [n...
fungoing 17 18 FUNGO, to toss (a ba...
funguses 17 16 FUNGUS, any of the m...
funhouse 17 16 an amusement park at...
funicles 20 17 FUNICLE, a cordlike...
funiculi 21 18 FUNICULUS, the umbil...
funkhole 19 20 a place of retreat f...
funkiest 17 17 FUNKY, of jazz, pop...
funkster 17 17 a performer or fan o...
funneled 15 16 FUNNEL, to pass thro...
funniest 15 14 FUNNY, amusing [adj]
funnyman 21 20 a comedian [n FUNNYM...
funnymen 21 20 FUNNYMAN, a comedian...
funsters 16 13 FUNSTER, a prankster...
furacity 26 17 a thievish dispositi...
furanose 14 13 a sugar having four...
furballs 21 17 FURBALL, a ball of f...
furbelow 22 19 to decorate with ruf...
furcated 19 16 FURCATE, to divide i...
furcates 19 15 FURCATE, to divide i...
furcraea 18 15 a tropical American...
furculae 20 17 FURCULA, the jointed...
furcular 21 17 shaped like a fork [...
furculum 23 21 the jointed clavicle...
furfairs 19 15 FURFAIR, dandruff, a...
furfural 20 17 a liquid obtained by...
furfuran 18 17 a chemical used in t...
furfures 19 16 FURFUR, dandruff, al...
furfurol 20 17 a liquid obtained by...
furibund 19 18 (obsolete) raging [a...
furiosos 16 12 FURIOSO, a mad perso...
furlable 20 17 able to be furled [a...
furlanas 16 14 FURLANA, a dance of...
furlongs 18 16 FURLONG, one eighth...
furlough 21 18 to grant a leave of...
furmenty 23 18 a wheat dish boiled...
furnaced 18 17 FURNACE, to subject...
furnaces 18 16 FURNACE, to subject...
furphies 21 17 FURPHY, (Australian...
furpiece 21 18 an item of clothing...
furriers 17 12 FURRIER, one who dea...
furriery 23 14 the business of a fu...
furriest 17 12 FURRY, covered in fu...
furriner 16 13 a foreigner [n -S]
furrings 18 15 FURRING, wooden stri...
furrowed 19 16 FURROW, to make narr...
furrower 19 15 one that makes furro...
furthers 19 14 FURTHER, to help for...
furthest 19 14 FAR [adj]
furuncle 20 18 a painful swelling o...
furziest 20 21 FURZY, abounding in...
fusarium 18 16 a type of fungus, ca...
fusarole 16 13 a semi-circular moul...
fusarols 17 13 FUSAROL, a semi-circ...
fusballs 21 17 FUSBALL, (US) table...
fuselage 17 15 the elongated body s...
fuseless 17 13 without a fuse, also...
fuselike 18 17 like a fuse [adj]
fushions 18 15 FUSHION, (Scots) phy...
fusiform 20 18 tapering toward each...
fusileer 17 13 a soldier armed with...
fusilier 18 13 a soldier armed with...
fusillis 20 14 FUSILLI, (Italian) p...
fusional 16 14 relating to fusion [...
fussball 21 17 (US) table football,...
fussiest 17 12 FUSSY, overly concer...
fusspots 19 15 FUSSPOT, a fussy per...
fustians 16 13 FUSTIAN, a coarse, s...
fustiest 17 12 FUSTY, old-fashioned...
futchels 23 18 FUTCHEL, a support i...
futharcs 22 17 FUTHARC, the runic a...
futharks 20 18 FUTHARK, the runic a...
futhorcs 22 17 FUTHORC, the runic a...
futhorks 20 18 FUTHORK, the runic a...
futilely 25 16 FUTILE, ineffective...
futilest 18 13 FUTILE, ineffective...
futility 25 15 uselessness [n FUTIL...
futtocks 21 19 FUTTOCK, one of the...
futurism 19 16 an artistic and lite...
futurist 18 13 a proponent of futur...
futurity 24 15 the state of being i...
fuzeless 20 22 without a fuze, also...
fuzzball 27 35 a ball of fuzz [n -S...
fuzziest 23 30 FUZZY, covered with...
fuzzling 25 34 FUZZLE, (dialect) to...
fuzztone 21 31 a device for distort...
fynboses 23 17 FYNBOS, in South Afr...