12 letter words that start with F

12 letter words that start with F

12 letter F word


Words With Friends®


fabrications 27 22 FABRICATION, the act...
fabulosities 26 20 FABULOSITY, fabulous...
fabulousness 25 22 the state of being f...
facelessness 25 20 the state of being f...
facilenesses 25 20 FACILENESS, the stat...
facilitating 28 22 FACILITATE, to make...
facilitation 26 20 the act of facilitat...
facilitative 29 23 serving to facilitat...
facilitators 27 19 FACILITATOR, one tha...
facilitatory 33 21 inducing or involved...
facsimileing 29 25 FACSIMILE, to make a...
facsimilists 30 22 FACSIMILIST, one who...
factionalise 25 20 to split into factio...
factionalism 27 23 belonging to a facti...
factionalist 26 20 a supporter of facti...
factionalize 28 29 to split into factio...
factionaries 24 19 FACTIONARY, a member...
factiousness 25 20 the state of being f...
factitiously 34 22 FACTITIOUS, contrive...
factualistic 31 23 factual [adj]
factualities 27 20 FACTUALITY, the stat...
faineantises 20 17 FAINEANTISE, (French...
fainthearted 23 19 lacking courage or r...
faintishness 24 19 the state of being f...
fairnitickle 28 24 (Scots) a freckle, a...
fairniticles 27 20 FAIRNITICLE, (Scots)...
fairnytickle 34 26 (Scots) a freckle, a...
fairnyticles 33 22 FAIRNYTICLE, (Scots)...
fairyflosses 32 21 FAIRYFLOSS, (Austral...
faithfulness 28 23 the state of being f...
faldistories 24 17 FALDISTORY, (obsolet...
fallaciously 35 24 FALLACIOUS, embodyin...
fallibilisms 31 24 FALLIBILISM, the doc...
fallibilists 30 21 FALLIBILIST, one who...
fallibleness 27 22 the state of being f...
fallownesses 26 21 FALLOWNESS, the stat...
familiarised 25 20 FAMILIARISE, to make...
familiariser 25 19 one who familiarises...
familiarises 25 19 FAMILIARISE, to make...
familiarized 28 29 FAMILIARIZE, to make...
familiarizer 28 28 one who familiarizes...
familiarizes 28 28 FAMILIARIZE, to make...
familiarness 24 20 the state of being f...
famousnesses 22 20 FAMOUSNESS, the stat...
fanaticising 26 22 FANATICISE, to make...
fanaticizing 29 31 FANATICIZE, to make...
fancifulness 28 25 the state of being f...
fanfaronaded 21 22 FANFARONADE, to blus...
fanfaronades 21 21 FANFARONADE, (French...
fantasticate 24 19 to fantasize over so...
fantasticism 27 22 being fantastic [n -...
fantasticoes 24 19 FANTASTICO, (Shakesp...
fantasylands 28 21 FANTASYLAND, an imag...
faradisation 21 17 the act of faradisin...
faradization 24 26 the act of faradizin...
farcicalness 29 23 the state of being f...
farnarkeling 24 24 wasting time, messin...
farsightedly 34 23 FARSIGHTED, seeing o...
farthingales 26 21 FARTHINGALE, a skirt...
farthingland 26 23 a varying area of la...
farthingless 27 21 without a farthing [...
fascicularly 38 26 FASCICULAR, in bundl...
fasciculated 30 24 in bundles, also FAS...
fascinatedly 32 23 FASCINATED [adv]
fascinations 24 20 FASCINATION, the qua...
fascioliases 26 19 FASCIOLIASIS, nemato...
fascioliasis 27 19 nematode infestation...
fashionables 26 22 FASHIONABLE, a fashi...
fashionistas 24 18 FASHIONISTA, a follo...
fashiousness 24 19 the state of being f...
fastidiously 31 20 FASTIDIOUS, showing...
fatherliness 25 19 the state of being f...
fathomlessly 34 24 FATHOMLESS, incapabl...
fatigability 34 23 the state of being f...
faultfinders 26 22 FAULTFINDER, one giv...
faultfinding 27 25 the act of finding f...
faultinesses 23 18 FAULTINESS, the stat...
fauxbourdons 30 29 FAUXBOURDON, (French...
favouredness 23 22 the state of being f...
favouritisms 27 23 FAVOURITISM, the sta...
fearlessness 22 17 the state of being f...
fearsomeness 21 19 the state of being f...
feasibleness 24 20 the state of being f...
featherbrain 25 21 a foolish scatterbra...
featheredged 24 21 FEATHEREDGE, to prov...
featheredges 24 20 FEATHEREDGE, to prov...
featherheads 25 20 FEATHERHEAD, an empt...
featheriness 23 18 the state of being f...
featherlight 29 22 extremely light [adj...
featlinesses 22 17 FEATLINESS, the stat...
febrifacient 29 25 causing fever [adj]...
fecklessness 27 24 the state of being f...
fecundations 24 22 FECUNDATION, the act...
federalising 24 20 FEDERALISE, to unite...
federalistic 27 20 related to federalis...
federalizing 27 29 FEDERALIZE, to unite...
federatively 31 23 FEDERATIVE, uniting...
feebleminded 25 25 mentally deficient [...
feeblenesses 23 20 FEEBLENESS, the stat...
feedingstuff 28 26 stuff used to feed a...
feedthroughs 28 23 FEEDTHROUGH, a devic...
feistinesses 22 16 FEISTINESS, the stat...
feldspathoid 28 23 FELDSPATH, (obsolete...
feldspathose 27 22 of or like feldspar,...
felicitating 28 22 FELICITATE, to congr...
felicitation 26 20 the act of congratul...
felicitators 27 19 FELICITATOR, one who...
felicitously 35 23 FELICITOUS, happy; p...
felinenesses 21 18 FELINENESS, the stat...
fellmongered 25 24 FELLMONGER, to sell...
fellowshiped 32 26 FELLOWSHIP, to join...
felspathoids 28 22 FELSPATHOID, any min...
femalenesses 22 20 FEMALENESS, the stat...
feminalities 24 20 FEMINALITY, feminity...
feminilities 25 20 FEMINILITY, the qual...
feminineness 21 21 the state of being f...
femininities 23 20 FEMININITY, the qual...
feminisation 22 20 the act of feminisin...
feminization 25 29 the act of feminizin...
femtoseconds 25 23 FEMTOSECOND, one qua...
fenestration 20 17 the arrangement, pro...
fennelflower 27 25 any of various speci...
fermentation 21 20 a chemical change wi...
fermentative 24 23 causing or consistin...
fernitickles 28 24 FERNITICKLE, (Scots)...
fernytickles 34 26 FERNYTICKLE, (Scots)...
ferricyanide 31 22 a salt of hydroferri...
ferrimagnets 24 21 FERRIMAGNET, an iron...
ferrochromes 28 23 FERROCHROME, an allo...
ferrocyanide 30 22 a salt of hydroferro...
ferromagnets 23 21 FERROMAGNET, a type...
ferronickels 27 24 FERRONICKEL, an allo...
ferronnieres 20 17 FERRONNIERE, (French...
ferrosilicon 26 20 an alloy of iron and...
ferrugineous 23 20 of the colour of iro...
fertigations 23 18 FERTIGATION, fertili...
fertilisable 27 20 capable of being fer...
fertilizable 30 29 capable of being fer...
fervidnesses 24 21 FERVIDNESS, the stat...
festinations 21 17 FESTINATION, haste;...
festivalgoer 26 22 one who attends a fe...
festooneries 20 16 FESTOONERY, festoons...
festschrifts 32 23 FESTSCHRIFT, (German...
fetoproteins 23 19 FETOPROTEIN, any of...
feverishness 26 22 the state of being f...
fianchettoed 26 22 FIANCHETTO, to devel...
fianchettoes 26 21 FIANCHETTO, to devel...
fiberglassed 27 22 FIBERGLASS, (US) to...
fiberglasses 27 21 FIBERGLASS [n]
fiberisation 24 19 the act of fiberisin...
fiberization 27 28 the act of fiberizin...
fibreglasses 27 21 FIBREGLASS, a synthe...
fibrillating 29 23 FIBRILLATE, to under...
fibrillation 27 21 uncoordinated contra...
fibrilliform 32 26 in the form of fibri...
fibrinogenic 28 25 of or like a fibrino...
fibrinolyses 32 22 FIBRINOLYSIS, the us...
fibrinolysin 32 23 any of several prote...
fibrinolysis 33 22 the usually enzymati...
fibrinolytic 36 25 relating to fibrinol...
fibroblastic 32 25 of or like a fibrobl...
fibrocements 28 25 FIBROCEMENT, a kind...
fibromyalgia 34 26 any of a group of rh...
fibronectins 27 23 FIBRONECTIN, a prote...
fibrosarcoma 28 24 a sarcoma formed of...
fibrositises 26 18 FIBROSITIS, inflamma...
ficklenesses 27 24 FICKLENESS, the qual...
fictionalise 26 20 to make fictional, a...
fictionality 33 22 the state of being f...
fictionalize 29 29 to make fictional, a...
fictionising 27 22 FICTIONISE, to make...
fictionizing 30 31 FICTIONIZE, to make...
fictitiously 35 22 FICTITIOUS, of, rela...
fiddledeedee 22 20 an exclamation of im...
fiddlesticks 30 25 FIDDLESTICK, a violi...
fieldworkers 28 24 FIELDWORKER, one who...
fiendishness 24 20 the state of being f...
fiercenesses 24 19 FIERCENESS, the qual...
figurability 35 24 the quality of being...
figuratively 34 25 FIGURATIVE, represen...
filialnesses 24 18 FILIALNESS, the stat...
filibustered 27 21 FILIBUSTER, to obstr...
filibusterer 27 20 one who filibusters...
fillagreeing 26 22 FILLAGREE, to execut...
filmsettings 27 22 FILMSETTING [n]
filthinesses 26 19 FILTHINESS, the qual...
filtrability 35 22 the quality of being...
fimbriations 26 22 FIMBRIATION, the sta...
finalisation 22 18 the act of finalisin...
finalization 25 27 the act of finalisin...
financialist 26 21 a financier [n -S]
financiering 25 23 FINANCIER, to conduc...
fineableness 23 21 the state of being f...
fingerboards 25 22 FINGERBOARD, the par...
fingerguards 25 22 FINGERGUARD, the cro...
fingerpicked 30 29 FINGERPICK, to play...
fingerplates 26 22 FINGERPLATE, a plate...
fingerprints 26 22 FINGERPRINT, an impr...
fingerstalls 26 20 FINGERSTALL, a cover...
finicalities 27 20 FINICALITY, the qual...
finicketiest 27 23 FINICKETY, particula...
finitenesses 21 17 FINITENESS, the stat...
firebombings 29 27 FIREBOMBING, the act...
firecrackers 30 25 FIRECRACKER, a usual...
firefighters 29 22 FIREFIGHTER [n]
firefighting 30 25 the business of putt...
firelighters 28 20 FIRELIGHTER, a piece...
fireproofing 27 24 the act of making fi...
firescapings 29 24 FIRESCAPING, the act...
fissicostate 26 18 having divided ribs...
fissilingual 27 21 having a forked or c...
fissionables 25 20 FISSIONABLE, a fissi...
fissipalmate 27 22 of some birds' feet,...
fissiparisms 28 21 FISSIPARISM, the sta...
fissirostral 25 16 having a divided bea...
fisticuffing 33 28 FISTICUFF, to fight...
fitfulnesses 26 21 FITFULNESS, the qual...
flabbergasts 29 24 FLABBERGAST, to over...
flabbinesses 27 23 FLABBINESS, the qual...
flabellation 26 22 the act of fanning [...
flabelliform 31 27 shaped like a fan [a...
flaccidities 31 23 FLACCIDITY, the stat...
flagellating 27 23 FLAGELLATE, to whip;...
flagellation 25 21 the act or practice...
flagellators 26 20 FLAGELLATOR, one who...
flagellatory 32 22 relating to flagella...
flagelliform 30 26 shaped like a whip [...
flagginesses 25 21 FLAGGINESS, the cond...
flagitations 24 19 FLAGITATION, the act...
flagitiously 33 22 FLAGITIOUS, marked b...
flagrantness 23 20 the state of being f...
flamboyances 34 28 FLAMBOYANCE, the sta...
flamboyantes 31 25 FLAMBOYANTE, a tropi...
flamboyantly 39 28 FLAMBOYANT, extravag...
flameproofed 27 26 FLAMEPROOF, to make...
flameproofer 27 25 one who flameproofs...
flamethrower 29 24 a device that expels...
flammability 36 28 the ability to suppo...
flammiferous 28 26 producing flame [adj...
flammulation 26 25 flamelike marking [n...
flannelboard 24 23 a teaching aid consi...
flannelettes 22 19 FLANNELETTE, a cotto...
flannelgraph 28 26 a display board cove...
flapperhoods 29 25 FLAPPERHOOD, the sta...
flashbacking 33 31 FLASHBACK, to show a...
flashforward 31 25 a transition in a no...
flashinesses 25 19 FLASHINESS, the qual...
flashmobbing 32 30 the practice of gath...
flashpackers 32 28 FLASHPACKER, a backp...
flatteringly 32 22 FLATTERING [adv]
flatterously 31 20 FLATTEROUS, (archaic...
flatulencies 27 22 FLATULENCY, distensi...
flaughtering 28 24 FLAUGHTER, (Scots) t...
flaviviruses 29 25 FLAVIVIRUS, a virus...
flavoprotein 26 24 a protein which serv...
flavourfully 37 29 FLAVOURFUL, full of...
flawlessness 27 21 the state of being f...
flectionless 27 21 without flection, al...
fleecinesses 25 20 FLEECINESS, the stat...
fleetingness 23 20 the state of being f...
fleshinesses 25 19 FLESHINESS, the stat...
fleshmongers 27 24 FLESHMONGER, a whore...
flexecutives 35 31 FLEXECUTIVE, a profe...
flexibleness 32 28 the state of being f...
flexitarians 29 24 FLEXITARIAN, a veget...
flexographic 38 33 relating to flexogra...
flickeringly 37 29 FLICKERING [adv]
flickertails 30 24 FLICKERTAIL, in Nort...
flimflammers 31 29 FLIMFLAMMER, one who...
flimflammery 37 31 the act of engaging...
flimflamming 32 32 FLIMFLAM, to engage...
flimsinesses 25 20 FLIMSINESS, the stat...
flintinesses 23 18 FLINTINESS, the stat...
flipflopping 35 32 FLIPFLOP, to perform...
flippantness 27 24 the state of being f...
flittermouse 25 20 (dialect) a bat [n F...
floatability 33 22 the quality of being...
flocculating 32 27 FLOCCULATE, to colle...
flocculation 30 25 the act of flocculat...
flocculators 31 24 FLOCCULATOR, one who...
flocculences 33 28 FLOCCULENCE, the sta...
flocculently 38 28 FLOCCULENT, clothed...
floodlighted 28 23 FLOODLIGHT, to illum...
floorwalkers 28 24 FLOORWALKER, a perso...
floppinesses 27 23 FLOPPINESS, the stat...
florescences 28 23 FLORESCENCE, the pro...
floriculture 29 22 the cultivation and...
floridnesses 23 18 FLORIDNESS, the stat...
flowcharting 33 27 the act of making a...
fluctuations 27 22 FLUCTUATION, the act...
fluegelhorns 27 23 FLUEGELHORN, a music...
fluentnesses 22 19 FLUENTNESS, the qual...
fluffinesses 28 24 FLUFFINESS, the stat...
fluidextract 34 28 an alcohol preparati...
fluidisation 24 19 the process of fluid...
fluidization 27 28 the act of fluidizin...
fluorapatite 25 20 a mineral consisting...
fluoresceine 25 21 a fluorescent dyestu...
fluoresceins 26 21 FLUORESCEIN, a fluor...
fluorescence 28 24 visible light emitte...
fluorescents 26 21 FLUORESCENT, a subst...
fluoridating 25 21 FLUORIDATE, to add f...
fluoridation 23 19 the act of fluoridat...
fluoridising 26 21 FLUORIDISE, to add f...
fluoridizing 29 30 FLUORIDIZE, to add f...
fluorimeters 25 20 FLUORIMETER, an inst...
fluorimetric 29 23 relating to fluorome...
fluorinating 24 21 FLUORINATE, to intro...
fluorination 22 19 the act of fluorinat...
fluorocarbon 27 24 any of a series of c...
fluorochrome 29 25 any of various fluor...
fluorography 35 26 the photography of t...
fluorometers 24 20 FLUOROMETER, an inst...
fluorometric 28 23 relating to fluorome...
fluorophores 27 22 FLUOROPHORE, a chemi...
fluoroscoped 28 24 FLUOROSCOPE, to exam...
fluoroscopes 28 23 FLUOROSCOPE, to exam...
fluoroscopic 32 26 of or like a fluoros...
fluorouracil 28 22 a fluorine-containin...
fluphenazine 29 33 a tranquilizer used...
flusterments 25 21 FLUSTERMENT, the sta...
flustrations 24 18 FLUSTRATION, (obsole...
flutterboard 26 21 a kind of swimming a...
flutteringly 33 23 FLUTTERING [adv]
fluviomarine 26 25 of deposits, formed...
fluvoxamines 32 32 FLUVOXAMINE, an anti...
focalisation 25 20 the act of focalisin...
focalization 28 29 the act of focalizin...
foetidnesses 21 17 FOETIDNESS, the stat...
foetoscopies 26 21 FOETOSCOPY, a proced...
folkloristic 30 24 relating to folklore...
folksinesses 24 21 FOLKSINESS, the qual...
folksingings 27 26 FOLKSINGING, the sin...
folksonomies 24 24 FOLKSONOMY, a system...
folktronicas 27 24 FOLKTRONICA, a genre...
folliculated 29 23 having follicles, al...
folliculitis 31 22 inflammation of the...
followership 32 25 being a follower [n...
fomentations 21 20 FOMENTATION, the app...
fontinalises 22 18 FONTINALIS, a moss o...
foodlessness 22 18 the state of being f...
foolhardiest 25 19 FOOLHARDY, recklessl...
foolhardises 25 19 FOOLHARDISE, (Spense...
foolhardizes 28 28 FOOLHARDIZE, (Spense...
footballenes 24 21 FOOTBALLENE, buckmin...
footballists 27 20 FOOTBALLIST, one who...
footbreadths 26 21 FOOTBREADTH, the wid...
footdraggers 24 20 FOOTDRAGGER, one who...
footdragging 25 23 the act or practice...
footfaulting 26 23 FOOTFAULT, to commit...
footlamberts 26 22 FOOTLAMBERT, a unit...
footlessness 22 17 the state of being f...
footplateman 24 23 a train driver or as...
footplatemen 24 23 FOOTPLATEMAN, a trai...
footsloggers 25 20 FOOTSLOGGER, a soldi...
footslogging 26 23 tramping on foot [n...
footsoreness 20 16 the state of being f...
foraminifera 24 22 an order of rhizopod...
foraminifers 25 22 FORAMINIFER, a unice...
forbearances 25 22 FORBEARANCE, toleran...
forbearingly 32 24 FORBEARING [adv]
forbiddances 27 24 FORBIDDANCE, (obsole...
forbiddingly 34 26 FORBIDDING [adv]
forcednesses 24 20 FORCEDNESS, the stat...
forcefulness 28 24 the state of being f...
forcibleness 28 23 the state of being f...
forcipations 27 22 FORCIPATION, torture...
forebodement 23 23 a feeling of coming...
forebodingly 32 25 FOREBODING [adv]
forecarriage 25 20 the front part of a...
forecastable 27 22 that can be forecast...
forecastings 26 21 FORECASTING, the act...
forecheckers 31 27 FORECHECKER [n]
forechecking 32 30 FORECHECK, to check...
foreclosable 28 23 that can be foreclos...
foreclosures 26 20 FORECLOSURE, an act...
forefatherly 33 23 like a forefather [a...
foregathered 24 20 FOREGATHER, to gathe...
foregoneness 20 19 the state of being f...
foregrounded 22 21 FOREGROUND, to bring...
forehandedly 30 23 FOREHANDED [adv]
forejudgment 26 32 an advance judgment,...
foreknowable 27 27 that can be known in...
foremanships 27 24 FOREMANSHIP, the off...
forensically 33 23 FORENSIC, belonging...
foreordained 20 18 FOREORDAIN, to ordai...
forepayments 30 24 FOREPAYMENT, payment...
foreplanning 24 24 FOREPLAN, to plan be...
forepointing 24 22 FOREPOINT, to foresh...
forequarters 30 25 FOREQUARTER, the fro...
forereaching 27 23 FOREREACH, to glide...
forereadings 22 19 FOREREADING, a foret...
foreseeingly 29 21 FORESEEING [adv]
foreshadowed 26 22 FORESHADOW, to repre...
foreshadower 26 21 one who foreshadows...
foreshortens 23 18 FORESHORTEN, to shor...
foresightful 30 24 full of foresight [a...
foreslacking 28 26 FORESLACK, (obsolete...
forespeaking 25 25 FORESPEAK, to predic...
forespending 24 23 FORESPEND, to wear o...
forestallers 24 17 FORESTALLER, one who...
forestalling 25 20 the act of forestall...
forestalment 23 20 the act of forestall...
forestations 21 16 FORESTATION, the cre...
forestaysail 29 18 the sail attached to...
foreswearing 25 21 FORESWEAR, to renoun...
foreteaching 27 23 FORETEACH, to teach...
forethinkers 25 22 FORETHINKER [n]
forethinking 26 25 FORETHINK, to think...
forethoughts 28 22 FORETHOUGHT, a think...
foretokening 22 23 the act of foretoken...
foretopmasts 25 21 FORETOPMAST, the mas...
foretriangle 23 19 the triangular area...
forewarnings 25 22 FOREWARNING, the act...
foreweighing 29 25 FOREWEIGH, (archaic)...
forgathering 26 22 FORGATHER, to gather...
forgeability 33 23 the state of being f...
forgetteries 23 17 FORGETTERY, (colloqu...
forgettingly 32 23 FORGETTING [adv]
forjudgments 27 32 FORJUDGMENT, the act...
forkednesses 22 21 FORKEDNESS, the stat...
formaldehyde 32 25 a formic aldehyde, f...
formalisable 27 23 capable of being for...
formalizable 30 32 capable of being for...
formalnesses 23 20 FORMALNESS, formalit...
formications 26 22 FORMICATION, an abno...
formlessness 24 20 the state of being f...
formularised 25 21 FORMULARISE, to stat...
formulariser 25 20 one who formularises...
formularises 25 20 FORMULARISE, to stat...
formularized 28 30 FORMULARIZE, to stat...
formularizer 28 29 one who formularizes...
formularizes 28 29 FORMULARIZE, to stat...
formulations 24 21 FORMULATION, an act...
fornications 24 20 FORNICATION, consens...
fornicatress 25 19 a female fornicator...
forsakenness 21 21 the state of being f...
forswornness 24 20 the state of being f...
fortepianist 24 19 a player of the fort...
forthrightly 37 24 FORTHRIGHT, straight...
fortifyingly 40 26 FORTIFYING [adv]
fortresslike 25 20 like a fortress [adj...
fortuitously 31 20 FORTUITOUS, occurrin...
forwandering 25 23 FORWANDER, (archaic)...
fossilisable 27 20 that can be fossilis...
fossilizable 30 29 that can be fossiliz...
fothergillas 28 21 FOTHERGILLA, any pla...
foundational 21 20 of or like a foundat...
foundationer 20 19 a person supported f...
fountainhead 22 21 a spring that is the...
fountainless 22 19 without a fountain [...
fourdriniers 23 18 FOURDRINIER, a conti...
fourfoldness 25 22 the state of being f...
foursquarely 38 29 FOURSQUARE, forthrig...
fourteenthly 31 22 FOURTEENTH, number f...
fractalities 27 19 FRACTALITY, the stat...
fractionally 33 23 FRACTIONAL, of, rela...
fractionated 24 20 FRACTIONATE, to sepa...
fractionates 24 19 FRACTIONATE, to sepa...
fractionator 24 19 a plant for carrying...
fractionised 25 20 FRACTIONISE, to brea...
fractionises 25 19 FRACTIONISE, to brea...
fractionized 28 29 FRACTIONIZE, to brea...
fractionizes 28 28 FRACTIONIZE, to brea...
fractionlets 26 20 FRACTIONLET, a small...
fractocumuli 32 27 FRACTOCUMULUS, a typ...
fractography 37 27 the microscopic stud...
fractostrati 26 18 FRACTOSTRATUS, a typ...
fragmentally 32 25 FRAGMENTAL, composed...
fragmentated 23 22 FRAGMENTATE, to redu...
fragmentates 23 21 FRAGMENTATE, to redu...
fragmentised 24 22 FRAGMENTISE, to redu...
fragmentises 24 21 FRAGMENTISE, to redu...
fragmentized 27 31 FRAGMENTIZE, to redu...
fragmentizes 27 30 FRAGMENTIZE, to redu...
fragrantness 22 19 the state of being f...
francisation 24 20 the act of making Fr...
francization 27 29 the act of making Fr...
francomanias 24 23 FRANCOMANIA, an obse...
francophiles 30 25 FRANCOPHILE, a lover...
francophobes 30 27 FRANCOPHOBE, a hater...
francophobia 30 27 fear of France or th...
francophones 27 25 FRANCOPHONE, a Frenc...
frangibility 34 24 the state of being f...
frankalmoign 25 27 land tenure requirin...
frankfurters 26 24 FRANKFURTER [n]
frankincense 24 25 a sweet-smelling res...
franklinites 24 22 FRANKLINITE, a zinc-...
frankpledges 27 27 FRANKPLEDGE, a syste...
fraternalism 24 20 being fraternal [n -...
fraternisers 22 16 FRATERNISER, one who...
fraternising 23 19 FRATERNISE, to assoc...
fraternities 22 16 FRATERNITY, brotherh...
fraternizers 25 25 FRATERNIZER, one who...
fraternizing 26 28 FRATERNIZE, to assoc...
fraudulences 26 23 FRAUDULENCE, the sta...
fraudulently 31 23 FRAUDULENT, characte...
freakinesses 22 20 FREAKINESS, the stat...
freakishness 25 22 the state of being f...
freebootings 24 21 FREEBOOTING, piracy...
freecoolings 26 22 FREECOOLING, a syste...
freehandedly 30 23 FREEHANDED, open-han...
freeloadings 23 20 FREELOADING, eating...
freestanding 22 20 independent [adj]
freestylings 31 21 FREESTYLING, the act...
freethinkers 25 22 FREETHINKER, one who...
freethinking 26 25 thought not tied to...
freewheelers 27 21 FREEWHEELER [n]
freewheeling 28 24 coasting [adj FREEWH...
freewritings 27 21 FREEWRITING, writing...
fremescences 28 25 FREMESCENCE, growlin...
frenchifying 37 29 FRENCHIFY, to make F...
frenetically 33 23 FRENETICAL, frenetic...
freneticisms 27 22 FRENETICISM, the sta...
freneticness 24 20 the state of being f...
frequentable 32 30 that can be frequent...
frequentness 29 27 the state of being f...
freshmanship 30 26 the state of being a...
friabilities 27 19 FRIABILITY, the stat...
fricasseeing 26 21 FRICASSEE, to cook a...
frictionally 34 23 FRICTIONAL, relating...
frictionless 27 20 without friction [ad...
friendliness 23 19 the state of being f...
frigidnesses 24 19 FRIGIDNESS, the stat...
frigorificos 30 23 FRIGORIFICO, (Spanis...
frillinesses 25 18 FRILLINESS, the stat...
friponneries 23 20 FRIPONNERIE, (French...
friskinesses 24 20 FRISKINESS, the stat...
fritillarias 26 17 FRITILLARIA, any of...
fritillaries 26 17 FRITILLARY, several...
frizzinesses 29 34 FRIZZINESS, the stat...
frogmarching 31 28 FROGMARCH, to force...
frolicsomely 35 25 FROLICSOME, given to...
frondescence 26 24 the formation of lea...
frondiferous 24 21 bearing or producing...
frontalities 23 17 FRONTALITY, the stat...
frontbencher 28 25 one who sits on the...
frontiersman 22 20 a person who lives o...
frontiersmen 22 20 FRONTIERSMAN, a pers...
frontispiece 27 22 an illustration at t...
frontrunners 21 19 FRONTRUNNER, the lea...
frontrunning 22 22 the act of being a f...
frostbitings 27 21 FROSTBITING, the act...
frostinesses 22 16 FROSTINESS, the stat...
frothinesses 24 18 FROTHINESS, the stat...
frouzinesses 25 26 FROUZINESS, the stat...
frowsinesses 25 19 FROWSINESS, the stat...
frowzinesses 28 28 FROWZINESS, the stat...
frozennesses 23 26 FROZENNESS, the stat...
fructiferous 29 23 bearing fruit [adj F...
fructivorous 29 24 feeding on fruit [ad...
fructuations 26 21 FRUCTUATION, coming...
frugalnesses 24 20 FRUGALNESS, the stat...
fruiteresses 23 16 FRUITERESS, a woman...
fruitfullest 29 22 FRUITFUL, productive...
fruitfulness 27 22 the state of being f...
fruitinesses 23 17 FRUITINESS, the stat...
frumentation 22 21 a gift of grain best...
frumpinesses 26 23 FRUMPINESS, the stat...
frumpishness 29 25 the state of being f...
frustrations 23 17 FRUSTRATION, the act...
frutescences 28 23 FRUTESCENCE, the app...
fucoxanthins 33 30 FUCOXANTHIN, a brown...
fugitiveness 26 23 the state of being f...
fugitometers 25 21 FUGITOMETER, an inst...
fulfillments 30 26 FULFILLMENT, complet...
fulgurations 25 21 FULGURATION, the act...
fuliginosity 32 22 the state of being f...
fuliginously 33 24 FULIGINOUS, sooty; h...
fulminations 24 22 FULMINATION, a loud...
fumblingness 28 27 the state of being f...
funambulated 26 26 FUNAMBULATE, to walk...
funambulates 26 25 FUNAMBULATE, to walk...
funambulator 26 25 a tightrope walker [...
funambulisms 29 28 FUNAMBULISM, tightro...
funambulists 28 25 FUNAMBULIST, a tight...
functionally 33 25 FUNCTIONAL, serving...
functionated 24 22 FUNCTIONATE, to perf...
functionates 24 21 FUNCTIONATE, to perf...
functionless 26 22 without function [ad...
fundamentals 23 23 FUNDAMENTAL, somethi...
fundholdings 27 25 FUNDHOLDING, under t...
fundraisings 24 21 FUNDRAISING, the act...
fungicidally 36 27 FUNGICIDAL, having t...
furaldehydes 32 23 FURALDEHYDE, either...
furazolidone 25 28 an antimicrobial dru...
furfuraceous 28 24 branlike; containing...
furnishments 26 23 FURNISHMENT, the act...
furthcomings 31 27 FURTHCOMING, in Scot...
furtherances 27 22 FURTHERANCE, the act...
furunculoses 27 23 FURUNCULOSIS, an aff...
furunculosis 28 23 an affliction of boi...
fusibilities 28 20 FUSIBILITY, the qual...
fusillations 25 19 FUSILLATION, (obsole...
fustianising 24 20 FUSTIANISE, to write...
fustianizing 27 29 FUSTIANIZE, to write...
fustigations 24 19 FUSTIGATION, beating...
fustilarians 24 18 FUSTILARIAN, (Shakes...
fustilirians 25 18 FUSTILIRIAN, (Shakes...
fustillirian 26 19 (Shakespeare) a term...
futilenesses 23 18 FUTILENESS, futility...
futilitarian 24 18 one who believes tha...
futurologies 25 20 FUTUROLOGY, the stud...
futurologist 26 20 a student of futurol...