9 letter words that end with N

9 letter words that end with N

9 letter N word


Words With Friends®


abduction 20 18 the act of abducing...
abjection 21 25 the act of bringing...
abolition 17 14 the act of doing awa...
abruption 19 17 a sudden, violent se...
abscissin 21 16 abscisic acid, a pla...
acalephan 21 19 any cnidarian (a jel...
acaridean 16 14 relating to the Acar...
acaridian 17 14 relating to the Acar...
accension 19 17 the act of kindling...
accession 20 16 the act of acceding...
accordion 20 17 a musical instrument...
accretion 20 16 accumulation; the ad...
actuation 17 14 a bringing into acti...
acylation 24 16 the act of forming a...
adaptogen 16 16 any of various natur...
addiction 18 15 the state of being a...
adduction 18 16 the act of adducing...
ademption 17 17 the revoking by test...
admission 16 14 the act of admitting...
adoration 13 11 the act of adoring [...
adrenalin 14 13 a hormone secreted b...
adulation 15 13 the act of adulating...
advection 19 18 the horizontal movem...
aerotrain 13 10 a train driven by an...
affection 21 19 a fond feeling [n] /...
afflation 19 17 the act of breathing...
affluxion 26 25 a flowing towards or...
aflatoxin 23 21 a toxin produced in...
afternoon 14 14 the time between mor...
afterpain 18 16 pain that comes afte...
agflation 18 16 an economic situatio...
agitation 15 12 the act of agitating...
alectryon 24 16 a sapindaceous tree...
allantoin 15 13 a crystalline base f...
allethrin 19 14 a light yellow visco...
almswoman 20 20 a woman who receives...
almswomen 20 20 ALMSWOMAN, a woman w...
alpenhorn 18 17 (German) a long powe...
amarantin 14 14 (Milton) of or like...
amatorian 14 13 amatory, also AMATOR...
amazonian 16 23 of masculine manners...
ambrosian 17 16 consisting of, or pa...
amoebaean 14 16 relating to an ameba...
amphibian 22 21 any cold-blooded ver...
amygdalin 24 19 a glucoside in bitte...
amylopsin 25 19 an enzyme in pancrea...
anchorman 19 19 in broadcasting, a p...
anchormen 19 19 ANCHORMAN, in broadc...
animalian 15 15 of or like an animal...
animation 14 14 the state of being a...
annelidan 13 14 a member of the Anne...
antelucan 17 16 (archaic) pertaining...
anthelion 16 14 a ring seen opposite...
anthemion 16 16 (Greek) a flat clust...
anthocyan 24 18 a glucoside plant pi...
anthozoan 17 22 any animal of the cl...
antialien 14 12 opposed to foreigner...
antiauxin 20 19 a plant substance th...
anticodon 16 15 a triplet of nucleot...
antidoron 13 12 (Latin) the unconsec...
antihuman 17 17 opposed to humanity...
antimycin 25 19 a crystalline antibi...
antiscian 17 14 a dweller on the exa...
antitoxin 20 18 an antidote to a tox...
antiunion 13 13 opposed to trade uni...
antiurban 16 15 opposed to towns [ad...
antivenin 15 16 an antitoxin counter...
antiwoman 17 17 opposed to women [ad...
apathaton 17 15 (Shakespeare) an epi...
appertain 18 16 to relate to [v -ED,...
apportion 18 16 to portion out [v -E...
aquaporin 24 23 any of a group of pr...
araneidan 12 12 related to araneids,...
arcuation 17 14 the state of being s...
arenation 12 11 the remedial applica...
ascension 16 14 an ascent to heaven,...
ascertain 17 13 to make sure [v -ED,...
aspersion 16 13 calumny, slander [n...
assertion 14 10 the act of asserting...
astrachan 19 15 a closely-curled bla...
astrakhan 17 16 a closely-curled bla...
asyndeton 19 14 the omission of conj...
attackman 19 20 a soldier or sportsm...
attackmen 19 20 ATTACKMAN, a soldier...
attention 13 11 the act of attending...
attrition 15 10 a wearing away [n -S...
attuition 15 11 a mental operation i...
autolysin 22 14 any agent that produ...
automaton 14 14 (Greek) a machine th...
autotoxin 20 18 a poisonous substanc...
aventurin 16 16 a glass containing g...
avocation 18 17 a minor occupation u...
avoparcin 21 20 an antibiotic, forme...
bacterian 19 16 of or like bacteria,...
badminton 17 18 a game played with a...
baisemain 17 16 (French) a kiss on t...
bajillion 21 24 an unspecified but e...
baldachin 23 20 a rich embroidered m...
baldaquin 26 25 a rich embroidered m...
balection 20 17 a moulding around a...
balmacaan 20 20 a man's loose overco...
banausian 15 15 mechanical, utilitar...
bandoleon 15 16 a kind of button acc...
bandoneon 13 16 a kind of button acc...
bandonion 14 16 a kind of button acc...
bandwagon 19 20 a large wagon used b...
baragouin 17 16 (French) any jargon...
barbarian 18 16 a member of a primit...
barperson 18 16 one who serves in a...
barracoon 18 16 (Spanish) an enclosu...
basilican 21 17 of, relating to, or...
basilicon 21 17 (Greek) any of sever...
batswoman 20 19 a female person who...
batswomen 20 19 BATSWOMAN, a female...
battalion 17 14 a body of soldiers c...
bazillion 22 24 an indefinitely larg...
bedridden 17 16 confined to bed, als...
benighten 19 18 to overtake with nig...
betrodden 16 15 BETREAD, to walk upo...
bijection 22 25 in maths, a kind of...
bilection 21 17 a moulding around a...
bilirubin 22 18 a reddish yellow pig...
bioregion 17 15 an area in which cli...
bioweapon 20 19 a biological weapon...
birdbrain 20 17 one of very limited...
birlieman 19 17 (Scott) a byrlaw-man...
birliemen 19 17 BIRLIEMAN, (Scott) a...
bisection 20 16 the act of bisecting...
bleomycin 28 22 a glycopeptide antib...
boatswain 19 16 a ship's officer in...
bobbejaan 21 28 (South Africa) a bab...
boilerman 18 17 a man who looks afte...
boilermen 18 17 BOILERMAN, a man who...
bolection 20 17 a moulding around a...
bombardon 19 20 the bass tuba [n -S]
bondwoman 19 21 a woman who is a sla...
bondwomen 19 21 BONDWOMAN, a woman w...
boogerman 17 18 a goblin, a bugbear,...
boogermen 17 18 BOOGERMAN, a goblin,...
boogeyman 23 20 a goblin, a bugbear,...
boogeymen 23 20 BOOGEYMAN, a goblin,...
boogieman 17 18 a goblin, a bugbear,...
boogiemen 17 18 BOOGIEMAN, a goblin,...
brakesman 18 20 a pithead winch oper...
brakesmen 18 20 BRAKESMAN, a pithead...
brannigan 16 17 a drinking spree; a...
brasilein 18 14 a dyestuff obtained...
brazilein 21 23 a dyestuff obtained...
breakdown 20 21 a collapse, a failur...
breakeven 18 21 the point at which r...
breastpin 19 16 an ornamental pin fo...
brickkiln 25 25 a kiln where bricks...
bridesman 18 17 a male equivalent of...
bridesmen 18 17 BRIDESMAN, a male eq...
bringdown 21 20 a comedown, a letdow...
broadbean 17 17 a leguminous vegetab...
bromelain 18 17 an enzyme obtained f...
bromeosin 17 16 another name for eos...
brondyron 22 17 (Spenser) a brand, a...
broomcorn 20 19 a kind of millet of...
buckthorn 24 23 a shrub of the Rhamn...
bufotalin 20 18 a poisonous substanc...
builddown 22 20 a planned reduction...
bupropion 21 20 an antidepressant dr...
bushelman 21 20 one who bushels, men...
bushelmen 21 20 BUSHELMAN, one who b...
bushwoman 23 22 a woman living in th...
bushwomen 23 22 BUSHWOMAN, a woman l...
byrewoman 26 21 a woman who tends ca...
byrewomen 26 21 BYREWOMAN, a woman w...
cacodemon 20 20 (Greek) an evil spir...
caecilian 21 17 a tropical burrowing...
caerulean 17 15 sky-blue; dark blue;...
caesarean 15 13 relating to a birth...
caesarian 16 13 relating to a birth...
calcanean 19 18 pertaining to the ca...
calvarian 20 18 relating to the calv...
cameraman 18 19 one who works with a...
cameramen 18 19 CAMERAMAN, one who w...
candlepin 20 19 a slender bowling pi...
caparison 19 16 an ornamented coveri...
capsaicin 23 19 a cyclic amide respo...
carbanion 18 17 an ion carrying a ne...
caretaken 17 17 CARETAKE, to take ca...
carnation 16 14 a double-flowering c...
carnelian 17 15 a dull red or reddis...
carrageen 17 15 a kind of dark red,...
caseation 16 13 a degeneration of an...
cassation 17 13 annulment; in French...
castellan 19 15 the governor of a ca...
catamaran 17 16 (Tamil) orig a raft...
cathepsin 22 18 an intracellular pro...
cattleman 19 17 one who raises cattl...
cattlemen 19 17 CATTLEMAN, one who r...
caudation 17 15 the state of being c...
causation 17 14 the act of causing [...
cellarman 20 18 a person responsible...
cellarmen 20 18 CELLARMAN, a person...
celloidin 20 16 a purified pyroxylin...
censorian 16 14 pertaining to a cens...
centurion 17 15 (Latin) the leader o...
cerberean 18 16 of, pertaining to, o...
cerberian 19 16 of, pertaining to, o...
cercarian 20 16 relating to a cercar...
cessation 17 13 a ceasing or stoppin...
chaetodon 18 16 any fish of the trop...
chalazion 23 25 a swollen, inflamed...
chalcogen 24 21 an element from grou...
chalybean 28 21 in metallurgy, tempe...
chameleon 20 19 a small African liza...
chamfrain 23 21 a piece of leather,...
champaign 24 23 an expanse of level,...
charlatan 20 16 someone who pretends...
charwoman 23 21 a woman hired by the...
charwomen 23 21 CHARWOMAN, a woman h...
chatelain 20 16 (French) the governo...
chawbacon 27 24 a bumpkin, a hick [n...
checkrein 24 22 a short rein looped...
chelation 20 16 the action of formin...
chelonian 19 17 any member of the tu...
chieftain 22 18 the head of a clan;...
chilblain 25 20 a painful red swelli...
chiliagon 22 18 (Greek) a plane figu...
chiltepin 24 19 a variety of chili p...
chincapin 25 22 (Native American) th...
chinkapin 23 23 (Native American) th...
christian 21 15 a kind, good person...
chromatin 21 18 a protein/DNA comple...
chromogen 21 20 a substance which ca...
chthonian 21 18 pertaining to the ea...
churchman 27 24 a clergyman or eccle...
churchmen 27 24 CHURCHMAN, a clergym...
ciclatoun 22 18 (obsolete) a costly...
ciliation 19 14 the state of having...
cimmerian 20 19 very dark or gloomy...
circadian 21 17 occurring every twen...
cisplatin 22 17 a platinum-containin...
clampdown 25 24 a tightening e.g. of...
clarendon 17 16 a form of condensed...
clavation 20 18 an articulation in a...
clavicorn 24 21 a beetle having club...
cleanskin 19 19 (Australian) an unbr...
clearskin 20 18 (Australian) an unbr...
clergyman 27 21 one who works for th...
clergymen 27 21 CLERGYMAN, one who w...
climbdown 26 24 a retreat from a pre...
clinician 22 18 a doctor having dire...
closedown 21 18 an instance of suspe...
cloudtown 22 19 an imaginary situati...
clubwoman 25 24 a female member of a...
clubwomen 25 24 CLUBWOMAN, a female...
cnidarian 17 15 a coelenterate, that...
coalition 18 14 the act of merging i...
cobalamin 21 20 a complex molecule c...
cocaptain 22 19 a joint captain [n -...
coccygian 31 23 relating to the cocc...
cockleman 23 24 a cockle fisherman [...
cocklemen 23 24 COCKLEMAN, a cockle...
cockswain 25 23 the steersman of a b...
coemption 20 19 the purchase of the...
cognation 17 16 relationship by bloo...
cognition 18 16 the process of knowi...
colcannon 19 19 (Irish) an Irish cou...
collation 19 15 a light meal [n -S]
collegian 20 17 a member or inhabita...
collision 20 15 the state of being s...
collodion 19 16 a solution of pyroxy...
collusion 20 16 a secret agreement t...
colourman 19 18 a person who prepare...
colourmen 19 18 COLOURMAN, a person...
commotion 19 19 a violent motion or...
communion 19 21 the act of communing...
companion 19 20 to keep someone comp...
concision 20 17 schism; separation [...
condition 17 15 to treat hair with c...
confusion 19 18 the state of being c...
connation 15 15 union, esp. of simil...
connexion 21 22 the act of connectin...
constrain 17 14 to force, compel [v...
contagion 17 16 transmission of a di...
contusion 17 15 a bruise [n -S]
cornelian 17 15 a dull red or reddis...
cornerman 17 17 a person who assists...
cornermen 17 17 CORNERMAN, a person...
cornichon 22 19 (French) a small pic...
cornopean 17 17 a brass cornet [n -S...
corrasion 17 13 the action of wearin...
corrosion 17 13 the act of eating, w...
cosmotron 18 16 a large synchrotron...
cotillion 20 15 (French) an elaborat...
cotyledon 24 17 an embryonic leaf wi...
countdown 20 19 a descending count o...
courtesan 17 14 a prostitute, esp. o...
courtezan 20 23 a prostitute, esp. o...
cowritten 21 16 COWRITE, to collabor...
crackdown 25 24 the taking of a firm...
cracksman 23 23 a safe-breaker [n CR...
cracksmen 23 23 CRACKSMAN, a safe-br...
craftsman 21 19 one who has a craft...
craftsmen 21 19 CRAFTSMAN, one who h...
cranachan 21 19 a traditional Scotti...
cremation 18 16 the burning of corps...
crenation 16 14 a rounded projection...
criterion 18 13 a standard of judgem...
crosstown 21 16 extending over a tow...
cupferron 22 20 a compound used in c...
curtation 18 14 a shortening or redu...
curvation 20 18 the state of being c...
custodian 18 15 a person who has car...
cyberporn 28 21 pornography on the I...
cybrarian 26 18 a person in charge o...
cyclopean 29 22 relating to a prehis...
cyclopian 30 22 relating to a prehis...
cyclotron 28 19 a type of particle a...
cystidean 24 16 a cystoid, an extinc...
cytokinin 25 20 any of numerous subs...
cytolysin 32 18 an agent that dissol...
cytotoxin 30 22 a cell-damaging drug...
daedalean 13 13 ingenious and cunnin...
daedalian 14 13 ingenious and cunnin...
dalmatian 16 15 a large breed of dog...
daltonian 14 13 relating to a dalton...
damaskeen 15 18 to decorate or engra...
damasquin 24 24 to decorate or engra...
damnation 14 15 condemnation; the pu...
dandelion 14 14 a common yellow-flow...
darnation 13 12 a mild form of damna...
daycation 23 16 a day trip to a reso...
dealation 14 12 the removal of wings...
deathsman 17 16 (Shakespeare) an exe...
deathsmen 17 16 DEATHSMAN, (Shakespe...
decapodan 18 18 relating to decapods...
decathlon 20 17 an athletic contest...
deceleron 17 15 a type of aileron [n...
deception 19 17 the act of deceiving...
decession 17 14 departure [n -S]
decillion 20 16 the eleventh power o...
decoction 20 17 the act of boiling a...
decursion 18 15 a military manoeuvre...
deduction 18 16 the act of deducing...
defection 19 17 a failure to carry o...
deflation 17 15 the act of deflating...
deflexion 23 22 an act of bending or...
defluxion 24 23 (obsolete) a dischar...
dejection 19 23 lowness of spirits [...
delapsion 17 15 a sinking down [n -S...
demeraran 14 14 like demerara, a lig...
demersion 15 14 immersion [n -S]
demission 16 14 lowering, degradatio...
dentation 13 12 the condition of bei...
dentition 14 12 the cutting or growi...
depiction 20 17 an act of depicting...
depletion 17 15 the act of depleting...
desertion 14 11 the act of deserting...
desmidian 16 15 like a desmid, any m...
dessyatin 21 13 (Russian) a measure...
detection 17 14 the act of detecting...
detention 13 12 the act of detaining...
detersion 14 11 the act of cleaning...
detorsion 14 11 the act of detorting...
detortion 14 11 (obsolete) the act o...
detrition 15 11 a wearing off or awa...
detrusion 15 12 the act of thrusting...
deviation 16 15 the act of deviating...
diachylon 27 19 formerly a plaster o...
diacodion 17 15 (obsolete) a syrup o...
dictation 18 14 the act, art or prac...
dictyogen 25 18 a monocotyledon with...
dietarian 14 11 one who lives in acc...
dietician 18 14 an expert on diet, a...
dietitian 15 11 an expert on diet, a...
diffusion 20 18 the spread of ideas,...
digestion 16 13 the act of digesting...
digitalin 18 14 a drug extracted fro...
digitonin 16 14 a steroid saponin oc...
digitoxin 23 20 a poisonous glycosid...
dimension 15 15 to give the length,...
dimyarian 22 16 having two adductor...
dionysian 20 14 orgiastic, also DION...
diosgenin 15 14 a crystalline substa...
diplozoon 20 24 a parasitic flatworm...
direction 18 14 aim at a certain poi...
disburden 18 16 to rid of a burden,...
discommon 20 20 to deprive of the ri...
disprison 18 14 to let loose from pr...
disproven 19 18 DISPROVE, to refute...
disseisin 16 11 the act of disseizin...
disseizin 19 20 the act of disseizin...
diversion 17 15 the act of diverting...
divulsion 19 17 the act of pulling o...
dodecagon 17 17 a plane figure with...
doggerman 17 18 a sailor belonging t...
doggermen 17 18 DOGGERMAN, a sailor...
doorwoman 17 17 a female doorman [n...
doorwomen 17 17 DOORWOMAN, a female...
dormition 16 14 the act of sleeping;...
doubleton 17 16 two cards that are t...
draconian 16 15 unusually harsh, als...
draftsman 18 17 a person whose profe...
draftsmen 18 17 DRAFTSMAN, a person...
drybeaten 22 16 DRYBEAT, to beat wit...
duralumin 18 17 (tradename) a strong...
dynorphin 25 19 a drug used to treat...
dysbindin 24 18 a gene associated wi...
dystopian 23 16 relating to dystopia...
ealdorman 15 15 (obsolete) a chief m...
ealdormen 15 15 EALDORMAN, (obsolete...
earthborn 18 15 born from or on the...
ecoregion 17 15 an area defined by i...
ecotarian 16 13 a person who eats on...
ectropion 19 16 an unnatural eversio...
education 17 15 bringing up or train...
effluxion 26 25 the act of flowing o...
egression 15 12 the act of going out...
eiderdown 17 15 the soft down of the...
eightsman 19 17 one of a crew or tea...
eightsmen 19 17 EIGHTSMAN, one of a...
eirenicon 16 14 (Greek) a peacemakin...
eledoisin 15 12 a small protein from...
elevation 16 15 the act of elevating...
elocution 18 15 the art of effective...
emanation 13 14 a flowing out from a...
emication 18 16 a sparkling [n -S]
emplecton 21 20 (archaic) ashlar mas...
emulation 16 15 the act of emulating...
emunction 18 18 the act of removing...
encheason 17 16 (Spenser) a reason,...
encolpion 19 18 (Greek) a reliquary;...
encrimson 18 17 to colour crimson [v...
encurtain 17 15 to enclose with curt...
endecagon 16 17 an eleven-sided poly...
endenizen 15 22 to admit to the priv...
endorphin 18 17 any of a group of pe...
endotoxin 19 19 a toxin of internal...
endungeon 13 16 to shut up in a dung...
energumen 15 17 (obsolete) a person...
enhearten 14 13 to encourage, give h...
enlighten 18 16 to impart knowledge...
entertain 13 11 to hold the attentio...
entropion 15 14 the inversion or tur...
ephemeron 18 18 something of short l...
epicedian 19 17 of or relating to di...
epicurean 19 17 devoted to luxury [a...
epilation 17 14 the loss or removal...
epinician 19 17 celebrating a triump...
epinicion 19 17 (Greek) an ode in ho...
epinikian 17 18 an ode celebrating a...
epinikion 17 18 (Greek) an ode in ho...
epitheton 18 15 an epithet, also APA...
epulation 17 15 feasting, indulging...
epuration 16 14 purification, esp. r...
erudition 15 12 learning [n -S]
estuarian 14 11 relating to estuarie...
euchlorin 21 17 an explosive gas, a...
euclidean 18 16 related to Euclid, o...
euclidian 19 16 related to Euclid, o...
eumelanin 15 16 any melanin pigment...
eutherian 16 13 belonging to the Eut...
evagation 16 16 wandering; digressio...
evanition 15 15 vanishing away [n -S...
evergreen 16 16 a tree or shrub that...
everywhen 27 21 on every occasion [a...
evitation 16 14 a shunning, avoidanc...
evocation 18 17 the act of calling o...
evolution 17 16 the cumulative chang...
exaration 19 17 the act of writing o...
excambion 26 26 in Scots law, exchan...
exception 25 23 the act of excepting...
exciseman 24 23 an officer charged w...
excisemen 24 23 EXCISEMAN, an office...
exclusion 25 22 the act of excluding...
excretion 23 20 the act of excreting...
excursion 24 21 a pleasure trip [n -...
execution 23 21 the act of executing...
exemption 23 23 the act of making ex...
exoration 19 17 (obsolete) entreaty...
expansion 21 21 the act of expanding...
expiation 22 20 the act of expiating...
explosion 23 21 the act of exploding...
expulsion 24 22 the act of expelling...
exsection 23 20 a cutting out [n -S]
exsertion 20 17 a protrusion [n -S]
extension 19 18 an act of extending...
extortion 20 17 the illegal securing...
extrusion 21 18 the act of extruding...
exudation 20 19 the act of exuding [...
eyestrain 20 12 tiredness or irritat...
falcation 20 17 the state of being f...
faulchion 23 20 a curved short sword...
feedgrain 17 16 cereal grown to feed...
fellaheen 19 17 FELLAH, a peasant of...
fellation 18 15 oral stimulation of...
fellowman 22 21 a human being like o...
fellowmen 22 21 FELLOWMAN, a human b...
fibrillin 23 18 a protein found in c...
fieldsman 19 18 a fielder (in cricke...
fieldsmen 19 18 FIELDSMAN, a fielder...
filaggrin 21 18 a protein that helps...
filiation 18 14 the relationship of...
filigrain 20 16 (French) a kind of o...
fillipeen 21 18 (US) a game in which...
firethorn 19 15 a flowering shrub, a...
firewoman 20 19 a female firefighter...
firewomen 20 19 FIREWOMAN, a female...
firstborn 20 16 the first in order o...
fisherman 20 18 one who catches fish...
fishermen 20 18 FISHERMAN, one who c...
flagellin 21 18 a polymeric protein...
floridean 17 15 any of a large subcl...
flotation 17 14 the act of floating,...
flugelman 21 21 (German) a leader (e...
flugelmen 21 21 FLUGELMAN, (German)...
flyscreen 27 19 a wire-mesh screen o...
foetation 15 13 the formation of a f...
foliation 17 14 the process of burst...
forbidden 19 18 FORBID, to command n...
forebrain 18 16 the anterior region...
forecabin 21 19 a cabin in the fore...
foreknown 19 21 FOREKNOW, to know be...
foreshewn 21 18 FORESHEW, to presage...
foreshown 21 18 FORESHOW, to predict...
foresworn 19 16 FORESWEAR, to renoun...
foretoken 16 17 to be a sign of, for...
forewoman 19 19 a woman overseer [n...
forewomen 19 19 FOREWOMAN, a woman o...
forfochen 23 21 (Scots) exhausted, a...
forgotten 17 15 FORGET, to fail to r...
formation 17 16 something formed or...
forspoken 19 20 FORSPEAK, to speak a...
francolin 20 18 (French) a bird of t...
fraudsman 18 18 a person involved in...
fraudsmen 18 18 FRAUDSMAN, a person...
freemason 16 16 in the Middle Ages,...
freewoman 19 19 a woman who is free...
freewomen 19 19 FREEWOMAN, a woman w...
frigatoon 17 15 a small Venetian ves...
frogspawn 23 21 the gelatinous egg m...
furcation 20 17 a branching like a f...
galdragon 17 16 (obsolete) a Shetlan...
gambogian 19 20 pertaining to, resem...
gammadion 17 19 a Greek ornamental d...
gammation 17 18 a Greek ornamental d...
garageman 16 17 one who works at a g...
garagemen 16 17 GARAGEMAN, one who w...
garryowen 24 17 in rugby, a high kic...
gaycation 24 17 a holiday specifical...
gazillion 21 23 an indefinitely larg...
gemmation 17 18 budding or gemma-for...
genistein 15 13 a plant oestrogen fo...
gentleman 16 17 a man of good birth...
gentlemen 16 17 GENTLEMAN, a man of...
geologian 16 15 a geologist, also GE...
gerfalcon 21 19 a heavy, powerful fa...
gestalten 16 13 GESTALT, (German) a...
gestation 15 12 the process of gesta...
gigantean 15 15 like a giant, also G...
glycation 26 18 the bonding of a sug...
goitrogen 16 14 a substance (such as...
gorgonian 15 15 any of various horny...
gorillian 18 14 of or like a gorilla...
gradation 15 13 progress from one de...
grantsman 16 16 a specialist in gran...
grantsmen 16 16 GRANTSMAN, a special...
greenhorn 16 15 a novice, a tenderfo...
gregarian 16 14 of a soldier, belong...
grimalkin 20 20 a cat; esp. an old f...
grivation 18 16 grid variation [n -S...
groomsman 17 18 the attendant on a b...
groomsmen 17 18 GROOMSMAN, the atten...
grosgrain 17 14 (French) a heavy clo...
groundman 16 18 one who takes care o...
groundmen 16 18 GROUNDMAN, one who t...
guardsman 17 17 a soldier of the Gua...
guardsmen 17 17 GUARDSMAN, a soldier...
guildsman 19 18 a member of a guild,...
guildsmen 19 18 GUILDSMAN, a member...
guncotton 18 17 an explosive made by...
gustation 16 13 the act of tasting [...
guttation 16 13 the release of drops...
gymnasien 22 18 GYMNASIUM, a room fo...
gyrfalcon 28 21 a heavy, powerful fa...
habergeon 18 17 (historical) a sleev...
hacqueton 27 25 a stuffed jacket wor...
haematein 16 15 a dark purple crysta...
hagridden 18 16 HAGRIDE, to drive as...
halogeton 17 15 a coarse annual herb...
hammerman 19 21 a man who operates a...
hammermen 19 21 HAMMERMAN, a man who...
handblown 22 21 made by glassblowing...
handsturn 17 15 the single or least...
handwoven 20 21 woven by hand [adj]
harlequin 26 23 a stock comic charac...
harmattan 17 15 (Fanti) a dry dusty...
hartshorn 19 14 the horn or antler o...
haycation 25 17 a working holiday at...
heartburn 19 16 a burning, acrid fee...
heartikin 18 16 (obsolete) a little...
hecogenin 19 18 a chemical obtained...
heliozoan 19 22 related to the Helio...
hemolysin 25 18 a substance that cau...
hemotoxin 23 22 a substance that des...
herbarian 18 15 a herbalist [n -S]
herculean 20 17 of extraordinary str...
hexathlon 25 22 an athletic contest...
hifalutin 21 17 pretentious, affecte...
hindbrain 19 17 the posterior of the...
historian 17 12 a student of history...
hobgoblin 23 21 a mischievous fairy;...
homegrown 21 20 produced in one's ow...
homousian 17 16 one who believes God...
honeymoon 21 18 the first weeks afte...
hoolachan 21 18 (Gaelic) a Highland...
horsebean 17 15 a variety of broad b...
hortation 16 12 the act of exhorting...
hydantoin 22 16 a colourless odourle...
hydration 23 15 the act of combining...
hydrozoan 25 24 any coelenterate of...
hydrozoon 25 24 any coelenterate of...
hymenaean 21 18 of or relating to ma...
hypericin 29 20 a compound with anti...
hypogaean 24 19 germinating with cot...
ibuprofen 21 20 an anti-inflammatory...
ichneumon 20 20 (Greek) the Egyptian...
idioticon 18 14 a dialect dictionary...
iguanodon 14 15 a genus of gigantic...
imitation 16 13 the act of imitating...
immersion 17 16 the act of immersing...
immission 18 16 insertion; infusion...
immunogen 17 20 an antigen [n -S]
impaction 21 19 the driving of one f...
impassion 18 16 to arouse the passio...
impletion 19 17 filling, fullness [n...
implexion 25 24 the act of involving...
implosion 19 17 the act of imploding...
impulsion 20 18 the act of impelling...
inanition 13 12 a condition of exhau...
incaution 17 15 want of caution [n -...
inception 19 17 a beginning [n -S]
incertain 17 14 (obsolete) uncertain...
inclusion 19 16 a fragment of older...
incretion 17 14 internal secretion [...
incursion 18 15 a hostile inroad; th...
indention 13 13 a blank space left a...
indiction 18 15 a declaration; a pro...
indigotin 16 14 the blue colouring m...
indirubin 18 16 a red crystalline su...
induction 18 16 the act of inducing...
infection 19 17 the act of infecting...
inflation 17 15 undue increase in qu...
inflexion 23 22 a change in the form...
influxion 24 23 a flowing in, also I...
ingestion 15 13 the act of taking e....
injection 19 23 the act of injecting...
insectean 16 14 pertaining to insect...
insection 17 14 a cutting in, an inc...
insertion 14 11 the act of inserting...
intension 13 12 the state of being s...
intention 13 12 design, purpose [n -...
interclan 18 15 between clans [adj]
interjoin 16 20 (Shakespeare) to joi...
interloan 14 12 a loan between one l...
intervein 16 15 to intersect (as) wi...
intorsion 14 11 a twist, a twine, al...
intortion 14 11 a twist, a twine, al...
intrusion 15 12 the act of intruding...
intuition 15 12 the power of the min...
inunction 17 16 the act of anointing...
invention 15 16 that which is invent...
inversion 16 15 the act of inverting...
irisation 15 10 iridescence [n -S]
ironwoman 17 17 a woman who takes pa...
ironwomen 17 17 IRONWOMAN, a woman w...
irruption 18 14 a forcible or violen...
isokontan 14 15 any member of the Is...
isolation 15 11 the state of being a...
isopteran 16 13 any member of an ord...
iteration 14 10 repetition, also ITE...
jactation 19 22 restless tossing in...
jaspidean 18 23 consisting of jasper...
jawbation 21 25 a long, tedious rebu...
jellybean 26 26 a bean-shaped sweet...
jerfalcon 22 26 a heavy, powerful fa...
joyridden 23 23 JOYRIDE, to take a r...
jurywoman 27 28 a woman who serves o...
jurywomen 27 28 JURYWOMAN, a woman w...
kanamycin 25 23 a broad-spectrum ant...
kazillion 21 25 an indefinitely larg...
kennelman 15 20 a male attendant who...
kennelmen 15 20 KENNELMAN, a male at...
keybutton 24 20 a key on a typewrite...
kilderkin 19 20 (obsolete) a cask me...
kinswoman 19 21 a female relative [n...
kinswomen 19 21 KINSWOMAN, a female...
kloochman 22 23 (Native American) a...
kloochmen 22 23 KLOOCHMAN, (Native A...
knockdown 22 26 the act of knocking...
krummhorn 21 23 (German) an ancient...
lacertian 18 14 related to the lizar...
lactarian 18 14 a vegetarian whose d...
lactation 18 14 the act of suckling...
lallation 17 13 infant's talk, or sp...
lamebrain 18 17 an unintelligent per...
laminarin 16 15 a polysaccharide fou...
lamington 17 17 (Australian) a piece...
landamman 16 19 (German) a chief mag...
lanthanon 15 15 any element of the l...
laodicean 17 15 a person having a lu...
largition 17 13 (archaic) the giving...
laterborn 17 14 someone born later [...
latration 15 11 the act of yelping o...
laudation 15 13 the act of lauding;...
layperson 23 16 a member of the lait...
lebkuchen 24 24 (German) a biscuit c...
lengthman 19 19 a person whose job i...
lengthmen 19 19 LENGTHMAN, a person...
letterman 16 14 an athlete who has e...
lettermen 16 14 LETTERMAN, an athlet...
leviathan 19 17 an (imaginary or rea...
librarian 18 14 one who works in a l...
libration 18 14 a slight swinging mo...
lictorian 19 14 relating to a lictor...
lineation 14 12 the act of marking w...
liquation 24 21 the act or operation...
liveryman 25 20 one who wears a live...
liverymen 25 20 LIVERYMAN, one who w...
livraison 18 15 (French) a part of a...
longicorn 19 17 a kind of beetle wit...
luciferin 22 18 a protein-like subst...
luctation 19 15 (obsolete) a struggl...
lumberman 20 21 someone employed in...
lumbermen 20 21 LUMBERMAN, someone e...
macrobian 20 19 long-lived [adj]
mactation 18 16 the killing or slaug...
magnesian 15 16 relating to magnesia...
magnetron 15 16 a vacuum tube combin...
malathion 18 16 (tradename) an insec...
malvasian 18 18 relating to malvasia...
mammalian 18 20 a mammal [n -S]
mandilion 16 16 a loose outer garmen...
mandylion 22 18 a loose outer garmen...
mangostan 15 16 (Malay) a tree of th...
manhattan 16 16 a kind of cocktail [...
mannequin 22 25 a dummy for the disp...
marmorean 15 16 of or like marble, a...
marsupian 18 17 a pouched mammal, al...
matfellon 19 18 the greater knapweed...
mausolean 15 15 pertaining to a maus...
mavournin 17 19 (Irish) my dear one,...
mayhappen 27 23 perhaps, also MAYHAP...
meandrian 14 15 (obsolete) meanderin...
medaillon 17 16 (French) a small rou...
medallion 17 16 a large medal, esp....
mediation 15 14 the act of mediating...
megalodon 16 17 an extinct giant sha...
meibomian 18 19 as in meibomian glan...
melatonin 15 15 a hormone secreted b...
mellotron 17 15 (tradename) an elect...
melocoton 18 17 (obsolete) a kind of...
melphalan 21 20 an antineoplastic dr...
melungeon 16 18 any of a dark-skinne...
mentation 14 14 thought, cogitation...
merbromin 19 19 a green crystalline...
mercaptan 20 19 a substance analogou...
mermaiden 16 17 a mythical creature...
meropidan 17 17 one of a family of b...
metarchon 20 18 a nontoxic substance...
metformin 19 19 a drug used to treat...
metheglin 20 18 (Welsh) a spiced or...
metrician 19 16 a composer of verses...
microbian 21 19 of or like a microbe...
microloan 19 17 a very small loan [n...
middleman 18 19 an intermediary, esp...
middlemen 18 19 MIDDLEMAN, an interm...
midseason 15 14 taking place in the...
migration 17 15 a removal from one c...
miniation 15 14 the act of painting...
minuteman 16 18 in the American Revo...
minutemen 16 18 MINUTEMAN, in the Am...
misassign 18 15 to assign wrongly [v...
misbutton 19 17 to button wrongly [v...
mischosen 21 18 MISCHOOSE, to choose...
misdemean 16 17 to behave ill, with...
misdriven 19 18 MISDRIVE, to drive i...
misfallen 20 18 MISFALL, unluckily t...
misgotten 17 15 (Spenser) unjustly g...
misgovern 19 19 to govern wrongly [v...
mishappen 22 21 (Spenser) to happen...
mislippen 22 20 (Scots) to mistrust...
misreckon 20 20 to reckon wrongly; t...
misshapen 20 18 MISSHAPE, to shape b...
misspoken 19 20 MISSPEAK, to speak i...
misthrown 22 18 MISTHROW, to throw e...
mitomycin 27 21 a kind of antibiotic...
modillion 18 16 (Italian) an ornamen...
mojahedin 19 25 fundamentalist Musli...
molluscan 21 19 related to the mollu...
molluskan 19 20 related to the mollu...
mongolian 16 17 an offensive term me...
monoxylon 27 24 a canoe made from on...
morphogen 20 20 a chemical substance...
mortarman 16 16 a person firing a mo...
mortarmen 16 16 MORTARMAN, a person...
mortician 19 16 (US) an undertaker [...
mossgrown 20 18 covered in moss [adj...
mucinogen 19 20 a substance secreted...
mujahedin 20 26 (Arabic) islamic fun...
mujahidin 21 26 (Arabic) islamic fun...
multipion 20 18 comprising many pion...
muscleman 21 21 a man of extravagant...
musclemen 21 21 MUSCLEMAN, a man of...
musketoon 16 18 a short musket; a so...
muskmelon 19 22 the fruit of the mel...
mycotoxin 31 25 a poison derived fro...
myoglobin 26 21 a protein that store...
myostatin 22 15 a protein that preve...
myrobalan 24 19 the astringent fruit...
narration 13 11 the act of narrating...
nebenkern 15 19 (German) a two-stran...
nectarean 15 14 of or like nectar, a...
nemertean 13 14 any of a phylum of w...
nemertian 14 14 any of a phylum of w...
neologian 14 14 one who introduces n...
neonomian 12 15 one who advocates ad...
nervation 15 15 the arrangement of n...
neuration 13 12 the arrangement of n...
newswoman 20 20 a female newsman [n...
newswomen 20 20 NEWSWOMAN, a female...
nictation 17 14 the act of winking,...
nightgown 22 20 a gown worn for bed...
ninhydrin 23 17 a poisonous crystall...
nipperkin 20 21 (archaic) a small me...
nitration 14 11 conversion into a ni...
nonaction 15 15 not action [n -S]
nonfrozen 17 24 not frozen [adj]
nonillion 15 14 the 10th power of a...
nonmodern 13 16 not modern [adj] / o...
nonperson 14 15 someone without the...
nonproven 16 19 not proven [adj]
nonreturn 13 13 denoting a mechanism...
nonvirgin 17 18 someone who is not a...
nunnation 12 14 the addition of a fi...
nutrition 15 12 the act of nourishin...
oarswoman 17 16 a woman who rows [n...
oarswomen 17 16 OARSWOMAN, a woman w...
objection 21 25 the act of objecting...
obreption 18 16 (obsolete) an attemp...
obsession 16 13 the morbid persisten...
obtention 15 14 the act of obtending...
obtrusion 17 14 an unwanted thrustin...
obvention 17 18 (obsolete) any incid...
obversion 18 17 the act of turning t...
obviation 18 17 the action of obviat...
occlusion 22 18 the closing of an op...
octillion 20 15 the ninth power of a...
octopodan 18 17 an octopus or other...
oestrogen 14 12 a female sex-hormone...
offscreen 21 19 in a film, not actua...
offseason 17 16 the season when ther...
olecranon 16 15 (Greek) the projecti...
oleoresin 14 11 a solution of a resi...
olfaction 20 17 the act of perceivin...
ombudsman 19 21 (Swedish) a governme...
ombudsmen 19 21 OMBUDSMAN, (Swedish)...
oncostman 17 17 a mine worker paid b...
oncostmen 17 17 ONCOSTMAN, a mine wo...
onionskin 14 16 a very thin variety...
operation 15 13 the act of operating...
orangutan 14 14 (Malay) a reddish-br...
oratorian 13 10 a father or priest o...
organotin 14 13 of an organic compou...
orpharion 18 15 a large lute-like st...
ostracean 16 13 of or relating to oy...
outbidden 17 16 OUTBID, to bid highe...
outbrazen 19 23 to be more brazen th...
outbroken 17 18 OUTBREAK, to burst f...
outdesign 16 14 to surpass in design...
outdriven 17 16 OUTDRIVE, to drive a...
outreason 13 11 to surpass in reason...
outreckon 18 18 to surpass in reckon...
outredden 14 13 to surpass in rednes...
outridden 15 13 OUTRIDE, to ride fas...
outspoken 17 18 OUTSPEAK, to outdo i...
outstrain 15 11 to surpass in strain...
outthrown 20 16 OUTTHROW, to throw f...
ovalbumin 21 22 the albumin in egg-w...
overblown 22 21 OVERBLOW, to give ex...
overclean 19 18 to clean to excess [...
overdrawn 19 18 OVERDRAW, to draw be...
overeaten 14 14 OVEREAT, to eat to e...
overflown 22 21 OVERFLY, to fly over...
overgiven 19 20 OVERGIVE, to give up...
overgrain 17 16 in painting, to grai...
overgreen 16 16 to cover with green...
overgrown 20 19 OVERGROW, to grow ov...
overladen 16 16 OVERLADE, to load wi...
overlearn 16 15 to continue to study...
overripen 18 17 to become too ripe [...
overstain 16 14 to cover with a stai...
oversworn 19 17 OVERSWEAR, to swear...
overtaken 16 18 OVERTAKE, to catch u...
overtrain 16 14 to train to excess [...
ovulation 17 16 the act of releasing...
oxacillin 26 22 a semisynthetic peni...
oxidation 20 18 the act of oxidizing...
oysterman 21 15 one who gathers or b...
oystermen 21 15 OYSTERMAN, one who g...
ozonation 15 20 the act of treating...
pademelon 17 18 (Native Australian)...
padymelon 24 20 (Native Australian)...
palankeen 16 19 (Malay) a light litt...
palanquin 25 25 (Malay) a light litt...
palmarian 18 17 worthy of the ceremo...
palmation 18 17 all or part of a pal...
palpation 19 17 the act of touching...
pandation 15 15 (archaic) warping [n...
pandemian 16 18 vulgar; sensual [adj...
pantaleon 15 15 a kind of large dulc...
pantaloon 15 15 (Shakespeare) a feeb...
pantryman 23 19 one who looks after...
pantrymen 23 19 PANTRYMAN, one who l...
parathion 18 15 an extremely toxic i...
parhelion 19 16 a halolike light see...
parischan 22 18 (Scots) a parish, al...
partition 17 13 the act of dividing...
pastedown 19 17 the outer leaf of an...
patrician 20 16 aristocratic [adj PA...
patrolman 18 17 a police officer on...
patrolmen 18 17 PATROLMAN, a police...
pellagrin 20 17 one who is afficted...
peltation 17 14 the state of being p...
pendragon 16 17 (Welsh) an ancient B...
peneplain 18 18 a low gently, rollin...
penillion 18 16 PENILL, (Welsh) a ve...
penstemon 16 17 a genus of showy flo...
percheron 21 18 (French) a draught-h...
perdition 17 14 everlasting misery a...
perfusion 19 17 the act of perfusing...
periscian 20 16 a person living insi...
perlemoen 17 17 (Afrikaans) another...
persimmon 19 19 a kind of plumlike f...
pertusion 17 14 the act of punching...
pervasion 18 17 the act of pervading...
phasedown 21 19 a gradual reduction...
phaseolin 19 16 a protein found in k...
phellogen 21 19 the tissue of young...
phelonion 18 17 a liturgical vestmen...
phenytoin 24 18 a crystalline antico...
phlorizin 24 25 a chemical found in...
phonathon 19 18 a telephone-based fu...
phonation 17 16 the production of vo...
photoscan 21 18 to scan photographic...
phraseman 19 18 a user or maker of f...
phrasemen 19 18 PHRASEMAN, a user or...
phthalein 22 18 any one of a very im...
phycocyan 37 25 a blue pigment found...
physician 29 20 a doctor; someone le...
phytotron 25 17 an apparatus that pr...
pickaroon 20 20 (Spanish) a pirate s...
pinkerton 17 18 a private detective...
pinnation 15 15 the state of being p...
pistareen 16 13 (Spanish) an old Spa...
pituitrin 19 14 a hormone produced b...
placation 20 17 the act of placating...
plainsman 18 18 a dweller in a plain...
plainsmen 18 18 PLAINSMAN, a dweller...
planarian 16 15 a kind of aquatic fl...
planation 16 15 lateral erosion, as...
plantsman 18 18 a person who has gre...
plantsmen 18 18 PLANTSMAN, a person...
pleaseman 17 17 (Shakespeare) an off...
pleasemen 17 17 PLEASEMAN, (Shakespe...
plication 21 17 the act of folding,...
ploughman 22 22 a man who drives or...
ploughmen 22 22 PLOUGHMAN, a man who...
plutonian 17 16 of, relating to, or...
pointsman 17 17 a man who has charge...
pointsmen 17 17 POINTSMAN, a man who...
pokelogan 18 20 (Native American) a...
policeman 21 20 a man who is a membe...
policemen 21 20 POLICEMAN, a man who...
pollusion 19 16 (Shakespeare) blunde...
pollution 19 16 making dirty, defile...
polymyxin 38 28 one of a group of ma...
porcelain 20 17 a fine earthenware,...
poriferan 18 16 relating to the Pori...
porphyrin 28 20 any of a large group...
postilion 18 14 (historical) a perso...
postwoman 20 19 a female postman [n...
postwomen 20 19 POSTWOMAN, a female...
praenomen 15 17 (Latin) the first na...
preassign 18 15 to assign in advance...
prebidden 19 18 PREBID, to bid befor...
prechosen 21 18 PRECHOOSE, to choose...
precisian 20 16 a person excessively...
precision 20 16 the state of being p...
predation 16 14 the killing and cons...
predesign 18 16 to design in advance...
prefixion 25 23 the act of prefixing...
prefrozen 21 25 PREFREEZE, to freeze...
preharden 18 16 to harden in advance...
prelation 17 14 preferment; promotio...
prelusion 18 15 a prelude, an introd...
premodern 17 17 occurring before the...
premotion 17 16 a motion or impulse...
prenotion 15 14 a notion which prece...
preobtain 18 16 to obtain in advance...
preoption 18 16 the right of first c...
preordain 16 14 to ordain in advance...
prereturn 17 14 preceding a return [...
prescreen 19 16 to screen in advance...
preseason 15 13 before the advent of...
pretorian 16 13 a former praetor or...
prevision 19 17 foresight [n -S] / t...
princekin 21 21 a petty prince, also...
privation 19 17 the act of depriving...
proaction 19 16 action that initiate...
probation 18 16 the act of proving;...
procaryon 25 18 the nucleus of a blu...
profusion 19 17 the state of being p...
progestin 18 15 a hormone concerned...
prokaryon 23 19 the nucleus of a blu...
prolactin 21 17 a hormone produced b...
prolation 17 14 an utterance; the ti...
prolusion 18 15 preliminary performa...
promodern 17 17 in favour of the mod...
promotion 17 16 the act of promoting...
pronation 15 14 turning the hand and...
pronghorn 19 18 a North American rum...
prooemion 16 16 a preface, also PROE...
properdin 19 17 a natural protein in...
propodeon 17 17 in some Hymenoptera,...
proration 16 13 the act of prorating...
prosimian 18 16 a primate of the sub...
prosodian 16 14 one skilled in proso...
protistan 17 13 one of the Protista,...
protozoan 18 22 any member of the Pr...
protozoon 18 22 any member of the Pr...
provision 19 17 the act of providing...
ptarmigan 19 18 (Gaelic) a game-bird...
puftaloon 19 18 (Australian) a type...
pulsation 18 15 a beating or throbbi...
purgation 18 16 the act of purging [...
puromycin 28 22 a type of antibiotic...
pyramidon 24 19 an organ-stop with p...
pyrethrin 26 17 either of two insect...
pyridoxin 30 23 a pyridine derivativ...
pyroxylin 37 25 any of the nitrocell...
quadruman 24 25 a former name for pr...
quarenden 21 22 a kind of early red...
quarryman 30 25 a quarry worker [n Q...
quarrymen 30 25 QUARRYMAN, a quarry...
quercetin 26 23 a yellow crystalline...
quercitin 27 23 a yellow crystalline...
quintroon 22 21 an old term for some...
quotation 22 20 something quoted [n...
quotidian 23 21 commonplace; occurri...
quotition 23 20 a division regarded...
rachidian 20 16 of or like a rachis,...
raciation 17 13 the formation locall...
raddleman 16 16 one who marks e.g. s...
raddlemen 16 16 RADDLEMAN, one who m...
radiation 14 11 heat transport witho...
radiothon 16 13 a marathon talk-in o...
railwoman 19 17 a female railway wor...
railwomen 19 17 RAILWOMAN, a female...
ranzelman 18 24 an official who sear...
ranzelmen 18 24 RANZELMAN, an offici...
rebbetzin 22 25 (Yiddish) the wife o...
rebellion 18 15 the act of rebelling...
reblochon 22 19 a delicately-flavour...
reboation 15 13 being reboant, rever...
recaption 19 16 taking back by peace...
recaution 17 14 to caution again [v...
recension 16 14 the act of reviewing...
reception 19 16 the act of receiving...
recession 17 13 a temporary decline...
reclusion 19 15 religious seclusion...
reconsign 18 16 to consign again [v...
recursion 18 14 the application or u...
redaction 17 14 an act or instance o...
reddleman 16 16 one who marks e.g. s...
reddlemen 16 16 REDDLEMAN, one who m...
reduction 18 15 the act of reducing...
reedition 14 11 the act of editing a...
reexplain 23 21 to explain again [v...
refashion 18 15 to fashion again [v...
refection 19 16 refreshment; a meal...
reflation 17 14 an increase in amoun...
reflexion 23 21 the act of reflexing...
refreshen 18 15 to refresh [v -ED, -...
reggaeton 15 14 a form of music blen...
reguerdon 15 14 (Shakespeare) to rew...
rejection 19 22 the act of rejecting...
reliction 19 14 the recession of the...
remission 16 13 the act of remitting...
remoisten 15 13 to moisten again [v...
rendition 14 12 to surrender (fugiti...
repairman 17 16 one whose job is to...
repairmen 17 16 REPAIRMAN, one whose...
repattern 16 13 to pattern again [v...
repletion 17 14 the state of being r...
reptation 16 13 the act of squirming...
reptilian 18 14 related to reptiles...
repulsion 18 15 the act of repulsing...
requicken 27 27 (Shakespeare) to giv...
resection 17 13 the operation of cut...
resharpen 18 15 to sharpen again [v...
resnatron 13 11 a high-power, high-f...
restation 14 10 to station again [v...
restriven 17 14 RESTRIVE, to strive...
retention 13 11 the act of retaining...
retighten 18 14 to tighten again [v...
retorsion 14 10 the act of retorting...
retortion 14 10 the act of retorting...
retrodden 14 12 RETREAD, to tread ag...
reuptaken 17 18 REUPTAKE, to take up...
reversion 16 14 the act of reverting...
revulsion 18 16 a feeling of strong...
rewritten 18 13 REWRITE, to write ag...
rhipidion 20 16 (Greek) in the Greek...
rhodopsin 19 16 visual purple, a pig...
ribavirin 20 17 a synthetic guanosin...
rifamycin 28 21 an antibiotic [n -S]
rosanilin 15 12 a reddish-brown deri...
rotiferan 16 13 a rotifer [n -S]
roughhewn 23 20 ROUGHHEW, to shape r...
roundsman 15 16 a person who goes ro...
roundsmen 15 16 ROUNDSMAN, a person...
rubrician 21 17 a student or followe...
ructation 18 14 (obsolete) belching,...
ruddleman 17 17 one who marks e.g. s...
ruddlemen 17 17 RUDDLEMAN, one who m...
ruination 14 12 the act of ruining [...
saccharin 23 18 an artificial sweete...
sacristan 18 13 a Church official in...
safetyman 23 18 a type of defensive...
safetymen 23 18 SAFETYMAN, a type of...
saintfoin 16 14 (French) a leguminou...
salaryman 22 16 in Japan, an office...
salarymen 22 16 SALARYMAN, in Japan,...
saltation 15 11 an act of leaping or...
salvarsan 17 15 (tradename) a compou...
salvation 17 15 an act of saving; a...
samaritan 15 13 one who helps others...
sannyasin 19 14 (Hindi) a Hindu asce...
sapogenin 16 16 a compound derived f...
sardonian 13 12 (obsolete) a person...
sartorian 14 10 of or relating to a...
saskatoon 14 14 (Native American) an...
satiation 14 10 the state of being s...
saucisson 18 14 (French) a long canv...
saxitoxin 27 24 a nerve poison found...
scalation 18 14 the way that scales...
scarfskin 22 20 the epidermis or out...
schatchen 25 20 (Hebrew) a matchmake...
schlieren 21 16 one of a set of visi...
schnecken 23 23 SCHNECKE, (German) a...
schoolman 21 19 a philosopher or the...
schoolmen 21 19 SCHOOLMAN, a philoso...
sclerotin 19 14 in insects, a protei...
sconcheon 21 19 the inner part of a...
screwbean 22 19 a leguminous shrub o...
scrumdown 23 21 the act of forming a...
scuncheon 22 20 the inner part of a...
scutation 18 14 the state of being s...
scutcheon 23 19 a shield bearing a c...
scytheman 27 20 one who uses a scyth...
scythemen 27 20 SCYTHEMAN, one who u...
secession 17 13 the act of seceding...
seclusion 19 15 the state of being s...
secretion 17 13 something that is se...
sectarian 17 13 relating to a sect [...
securitan 18 14 (obsolete) someone w...
seduction 18 15 the act of seducing...
selachian 20 16 a member of the shar...
seldshown 21 17 (Shakespeare) rarely...
selection 18 14 the act of selecting...
selectman 19 17 one of a board of to...
selectmen 19 17 SELECTMAN, one of a...
semantron 14 14 (Greek) a wooden or...
semicolon 19 17 the punctuation mark...
semiurban 18 17 somewhat urban [adj]
sensation 13 11 consciousness of a p...
septarian 16 13 relating to a septar...
septation 16 13 the state of being s...
seriation 14 10 arrangement or posit...
serotonin 13 11 a compound occurring...
serration 14 10 the state of being s...
serricorn 18 13 a kind of beetle wit...
seventeen 14 15 a number, ten and se...
shakedown 20 20 any makeshift bed, e...
shantyman 23 18 the solo singer in s...
shantymen 23 18 SHANTYMAN, the solo...
sharesman 17 15 a fisherman who shar...
sharesmen 17 15 SHARESMAN, a fisherm...
sharifian 19 15 relating to a sharif...
sharkskin 20 20 a smooth durable woo...
sheepskin 20 19 the skin of a sheep...
sherifian 19 15 relating to a sherif...
shootdown 19 16 the act of shooting...
shopwoman 22 21 a woman who works in...
shopwomen 22 21 SHOPWOMAN, a woman w...
shoresman 17 15 (US) one who dwells...
shoresmen 17 15 SHORESMAN, (US) one...
shortgown 21 17 (Scots) a woman's sh...
shorthorn 19 14 a breed of sheep [n...
shubunkin 21 22 (Japanese) a type of...
sickleman 21 21 one who uses a sickl...
sicklemen 21 21 SICKLEMAN, one who u...
sightseen 18 14 SIGHTSEE, to view pl...
sightsman 20 17 one who reads or per...
sightsmen 20 17 SIGHTSMAN, one who r...
sigmation 17 15 the addition of a si...
sigmatron 17 15 a machine generating...
signalman 17 17 a person who operate...
signalmen 17 17 SIGNALMAN, a person...
siltation 16 11 the process of silti...
silymarin 24 16 an antioxidant flavo...
simpleton 19 17 a feebleminded perso...
singleton 16 14 a playing card that...
sinuation 14 12 a winding or bending...
situation 15 11 a location, place [n...
slammakin 19 21 (obsolete) a loose g...
slinkskin 19 20 the skin of a slink...
sloethorn 17 13 the blackthorn, also...
smackdown 23 24 a chastisement or de...
snakeskin 16 19 the skin of a snake...
sociation 17 13 a plant community; t...
solenodon 13 13 either of two specie...
solvation 17 15 a chemical process i...
sooterkin 15 14 (Dutch) a kind of fa...
sortation 14 10 sorting out [n -S]
sortition 15 10 the casting of lots...
soupspoon 18 17 a spoon for eating s...
sovereign 17 16 supreme, also SOVRAN...
spadassin 17 14 (Italian) a swordsma...
spadesman 17 17 a worker with the sp...
spadesmen 17 17 SPADESMAN, a worker...
spatlesen 17 14 SPATLESE, (German) a...
spelldown 22 19 (US) a spelling comp...
spellican 22 18 a small slip of wood...
sphenodon 17 17 a member of the Sphe...
spiderman 18 17 (colloquial) a const...
spidermen 18 17 SPIDERMAN, (colloqui...
spillikin 22 19 a small slip of wood...
spiration 17 13 the act of breathing...
spleuchan 23 20 (Gaelic) a pouch, as...
spoilsman 19 17 (US) someone who loo...
spoilsmen 19 17 SPOILSMAN, (US) some...
spokesman 18 20 a person who speaks...
spokesmen 18 20 SPOKESMAN, a person...
sporozoan 18 22 any parasitic protoz...
sporozoon 18 22 a parasitic one-cell...
sportsman 18 16 a man who engages in...
sportsmen 18 16 SPORTSMAN, a man who...
squillion 26 22 an indefinitely larg...
stableman 18 17 someone who works at...
stablemen 18 17 STABLEMAN, someone w...
stacation 17 13 a holiday in which l...
stanchion 19 16 an upright beam, bar...
standdown 17 16 a return to normal a...
stasidion 15 11 (Greek) a stall in a...
statesman 15 13 a person who takes a...
statesmen 15 13 STATESMAN, a person...
stearsman 15 13 (obsolete) a steersm...
stearsmen 15 13 STEARSMAN, (obsolete...
steersman 15 13 the person who steer...
steersmen 15 13 STEERSMAN, the perso...
stepbairn 19 16 (Scots) a stepchild...
steradian 14 11 a unit of measuremen...
sticheron 20 15 (Greek) a short hymn...
stillborn 20 15 a baby dead at birth...
stinkhorn 18 17 a kind of fungus of...
stockhorn 21 19 a primitive Scottish...
stramacon 18 16 (obsolete) a downwar...
stramazon 18 22 (obsolete) a downwar...
striation 15 10 marking with striae,...
striction 19 13 the act of restricti...
strongman 16 16 a person who perform...
strongmen 16 16 STRONGMAN, a person...
strontian 14 11 an oxide of the meta...
subaction 20 17 the act of reducing...
subaltern 18 15 a person holding a s...
subdeacon 19 18 a minister of an ord...
sublation 18 15 the act of taking or...
submicron 22 20 a particle visible b...
subnivean 18 19 under snow, also SUB...
subregion 18 16 part of a region [n...
subtopian 19 17 of or like subtopia,...
subwarden 20 18 a subordinate warden...
suctorian 18 14 a cartilaginous fish...
suffixion 26 24 the act of suffixing...
suffragan 20 19 an assistant bishop;...
suffusion 20 18 the act of suffusing...
sulcation 19 15 a channel or furrow...
sulfation 18 15 the act of forming a...
summation 17 17 the act of summing [...
sunbeaten 15 15 continually exposed...
sunscreen 17 15 a cream preventing s...
superlain 18 15 SUPERLIE, to lie abo...
superthin 20 16 very thin [adj]
surrejoin 17 20 to reply, as a plain...
suspicion 21 17 the act of suspectin...
swansdown 20 18 heavy napped cotton...
sweetcorn 20 16 a sweet variety of m...
switchman 25 21 a pointsman [n SWITC...
switchmen 25 21 SWITCHMAN, a pointsm...
swordsman 19 17 one who wields a swo...
swordsmen 19 17 SWORDSMAN, one who w...
sympathin 27 20 a substance secreted...
synedrion 20 14 an ancient rabbinica...
synkaryon 27 19 the nucleus of a fer...
synodsman 21 17 a member of a synod,...
synodsmen 21 17 SYNODSMAN, a member...
tabellion 18 15 (Latin) an official...
tactician 21 16 one skilled in tacti...
talkathon 18 17 a long talking sessi...
tambourin 18 17 a long, narrow, Prov...
tamoxifen 23 23 a drug which inhibit...
tanghinin 17 16 the active principle...
tarboggin 19 17 a kind of sledge [n...
tarnation 13 11 (US slang) damnation...
tarpaulin 18 15 a strong linen or he...
tearstain 14 10 the mark left by tea...
technikon 20 20 a technical college...
tellurian 17 13 an apparatus represe...
tellurion 17 13 an apparatus represe...
tenaillon 15 13 (French) an outwork...
tendenzen 15 22 TENDENZ, (German) te...
tentation 13 11 experiment by trial...
tephillin 22 17 TEPHILLAH, (Hebrew)...
teratogen 14 12 an agent that raises...
testacean 16 13 a microscopic animal...
testation 14 10 a witnessing or witn...
thaumatin 18 16 a sweetener extracte...
thereupon 18 16 at which point [adv]
thickskin 24 23 a coarse, gross pers...
thiofuran 19 16 a five-membered hete...
thirdsman 19 16 a mediator [n THIRDS...
thirdsmen 19 16 THIRDSMAN, a mediato...
thoughten 20 17 (Shakespeare) firm i...
threadfin 19 16 any small, spiny-fin...
throwdown 23 19 a challenge, esp. to...
thyratron 23 14 a gas-filled valve w...
tierceron 17 13 a subordinate rib sp...
tillerman 18 15 one who operates a t...
tillermen 18 15 TILLERMAN, one who o...
timberman 19 19 a man employed in pl...
timbermen 19 19 TIMBERMAN, a man emp...
tinkerman 16 18 a manager or coach w...
tinkermen 16 18 TINKERMAN, a manager...
tirewoman 18 16 a lady's maid [n TIR...
tirewomen 18 16 TIREWOMAN, a lady's...
titration 15 10 the addition of a so...
topiarian 16 13 of or pertaining to...
tortillon 17 12 a short sharply-poin...
touchdown 23 20 an act of touching t...
tradesman 15 14 one who makes a livi...
tradesmen 15 14 TRADESMAN, one who m...
tradition 15 11 the passing from gen...
traducian 18 15 a believer in traduc...
tragedian 15 13 a writer or actor of...
trampolin 19 17 a springy mat for bo...
travertin 17 14 (Italian) a pale lim...
tretinoin 14 11 retinoic acid [n -S]
triathlon 18 13 a sporting contest c...
tribesman 18 16 a male member of a t...
tribesmen 18 16 TRIBESMAN, a male me...
tricerion 18 13 a three-branched can...
triclosan 19 14 a drug used to treat...
trigynian 22 15 having three pistils...
trihedron 17 13 a solid figure with...
trilithon 19 13 (Greek) a stone monu...
trinitrin 16 11 glyceryl trinitrate,...
trioxygen 28 21 a technical name for...
trisagion 16 12 an ancient hymn cons...
troparion 16 13 (Greek) in the Greek...
tropeolin 17 14 any of a group of dy...
truncheon 19 17 a club carried by a...
turducken 20 20 a dish consisting of...
turnagain 15 14 (archaic) a refrain...
typhoidin 26 18 a culture of dead ty...
typhonian 24 18 relating to a whirlw...
tyrocidin 25 16 a basic polypeptide...
ubiquitin 27 24 a type of polypeptid...
ultrathin 19 14 very very thin [adj]
ululation 17 14 a howling [n -S]
unbeknown 19 23 unknown [adj] / with...
unberufen 18 19 (German) an exclamat...
unburthen 19 18 (archaic) to unburde...
uncertain 17 15 not certain, also IN...
unconcern 19 19 lack of concern [n -...
uncurtain 18 16 to remove a curtain...
undecagon 17 18 a polygon having ele...
undergown 18 18 a gown worn under an...
underlain 15 14 UNDERLIE, to lie und...
undersign 16 15 to write one's name...
undersown 17 16 UNDERSOW, to sow lan...
underspin 17 16 a kind of spin in ta...
unfreeman 16 18 someone who does not...
unfreemen 16 18 UNFREEMAN, someone w...
unitarian 14 12 one who denies the d...
unshriven 19 18 not shriven, also UN...
unsmitten 16 15 not smitten, also UN...
unswollen 19 17 not swollen [adj]
untrodden 14 14 UNTREAD, (Shakespear...
unwritten 18 15 UNWRITE, to undo the...
upbounden 18 20 UPBIND, to bind comp...
upswollen 22 19 UPSWELL, to swell up...
urination 14 12 the act of voiding u...
usucapion 20 18 the acquisition of a...
vacuation 19 18 the act of emptying...
vallation 18 16 the act of building...
valuation 17 16 the act of valuing [...
variation 16 14 a varying, change [n...
vasotocin 19 17 a polypeptide pituit...
veldskoen 18 20 (Afrikaans) a shoe m...
velveteen 18 19 a kind of cloth, usu...
vendition 16 16 a sale [n -S]
venireman 16 18 a person summoned by...
veniremen 16 18 VENIREMAN, a person...
verbarian 18 17 a coiner of words [n...
vermilion 19 18 bright red [adj] / a...
vernation 15 15 the arrangement of t...
vestryman 24 19 a member of a vestry...
vestrymen 24 19 VESTRYMAN, a member...
vibration 19 17 a vibrating [n -S]
violation 17 15 the act of violating...
vitiation 17 14 spoiling, impairment...
volcanian 19 19 relating to a volcan...
vulcanian 20 20 relating to a volcan...
vulgarian 19 18 a vulgar person; one...
walkathon 21 20 a marathon walking e...
washbasin 22 18 a basin to wash one'...
washerman 20 18 a man who washes clo...
washermen 20 18 WASHERMAN, a man who...
washwoman 23 21 a woman who does lau...
washwomen 23 21 WASHWOMAN, a woman w...
wasserman 18 16 (German) a man-shape...
wassermen 18 16 WASSERMAN, (German)...
waterworn 20 16 worn smooth by water...
wheelsman 21 19 a steersman, also WH...
wheelsmen 21 19 WHEELSMAN, a steersm...
wheelspin 23 19 the rotation of a wh...
whereupon 21 19 at which point [adv]
wherryman 27 20 a man employed in a...
wherrymen 27 20 WHERRYMAN, a man emp...
windblown 24 22 blown down by the wi...
wiredrawn 21 17 WIREDRAW, to draw in...
wisewoman 21 19 a witch or seeress [...
wisewomen 21 19 WISEWOMAN, a witch o...
withdrawn 24 19 WITHDRAW, to move aw...
withouten 20 16 (archaic) without [p...
witwanton 20 17 to engage in irrever...
woadwaxen 25 24 dyer's greenweed, al...
woodgrain 18 16 grain in wood [n -S]
woodwaxen 25 24 dyer's greenweed, al...
workwoman 22 23 a female workman [n...
workwomen 22 23 WORKWOMAN, a female...
yachtsman 27 20 one who sails a yach...
yachtsmen 27 20 YACHTSMAN, one who s...
yellowfin 28 20 a kind of tuna with...
zoophagan 21 26 an animal that feeds...