11 letter words that end with N

11 letter words that end with N

11 letter N word


Words With Friends®


abecedarian 21 19 one learning the alp...
ablactation 23 19 the weaning of a chi...
abomination 19 19 something abominable...
abstraction 23 18 the act of abstracti...
abstriction 24 18 the act of abstricti...
academician 24 22 a member of an acade...
acceptation 25 21 a kind reception; th...
acclamation 25 22 a shout of approval...
acclimation 26 22 the act of acclimati...
acetylation 27 18 the act of acetylati...
acidulation 22 18 the process of makin...
acoustician 24 19 one versed in the sc...
acquisition 30 25 the act of acquiring...
actinomycin 31 24 any of various antib...
acumination 21 20 the state of being a...
adscription 24 19 the state of being a...
adumbration 21 20 a sketch or outline...
aerostation 16 12 ballooning [n -S]
aestivation 19 16 the act of spending...
affectation 24 21 the act of taking on...
affiliation 23 19 the result of affili...
affirmation 23 21 the act of affirming...
affrication 25 21 the act of making a...
aggradation 19 17 the act of aggrading...
aggravation 21 20 an act or circumstan...
aggregation 20 18 a group, body, or ma...
aircraftman 24 21 a member of the lowe...
aircraftmen 24 21 AIRCRAFTMAN, a membe...
alcyonarian 26 19 a member of the Alcy...
alleviation 21 18 the process of allev...
allhallowen 26 21 as in allhallowen su...
allineation 18 15 alignment, also ALIN...
alloantigen 19 17 an antigen present o...
altercation 21 16 a disagreement [n -S...
alternation 17 14 the act of alternati...
alveolation 20 18 the state of being a...
ambiversion 23 22 the state of being a...
aminopterin 20 19 a rodenticide [n -S]
ammoniation 18 19 impregnation with am...
amoxicillin 31 27 an antibiotic drug,...
amoxycillin 37 29 an antibiotic drug,...
amylopectin 31 24 the major component...
anacoluthon 22 20 a sentence or constr...
analysation 23 16 analysis, also ANALY...
analyzation 26 25 analysis, also ANALY...
anchorwoman 25 24 a female anchorman [...
anchorwomen 25 24 ANCHORWOMAN, a femal...
angiotensin 17 16 a protein that cause...
anodisation 16 14 the process of anodi...
anodization 19 23 the process of anodi...
anovulation 19 19 a failure to produce...
anteversion 18 17 the abnormal tipping...
anthocyanin 27 21 a glucoside plant pi...
antifashion 21 18 a deliberately unfas...
antiforeign 20 18 opposed to foreignne...
antijacobin 24 28 opposed to the Jacob...
antimutagen 19 19 a compound that inhi...
antineutron 16 15 the antiparticle of...
antinucleon 20 19 the antiparticle of...
antiquarian 25 23 one who collects or...
antiquation 25 23 the act of antiquati...
antithalian 20 16 opposed to mirth or...
antivitamin 21 20 a substance that mak...
apocopation 23 21 the cutting off of t...
apocynthion 30 23 the point at which a...
apollonicon 23 21 a gigantic barrel or...
appellation 23 20 a name or title [n -...
application 26 22 an act of putting to...
approbation 23 21 approval, consent [n...
arabisation 19 15 the process of arabi...
arabization 22 24 the process of arabi...
arbitration 20 15 the action of arbitr...
archenteron 21 18 in the developing em...
arrestation 17 12 the act of arresting...
artemisinin 19 16 a crystalline compou...
arthropodan 21 18 of or like an arthro...
aspergation 20 17 the act of asperging...
asportation 19 15 the act of carrying...
assemblyman 29 24 a member of an assem...
assemblymen 29 24 ASSEMBLYMAN, a membe...
assentation 16 13 obsequious assent [n...
assignation 18 15 the act of assigning...
association 20 15 the act of associati...
asteroidean 16 13 an echinoderm of the...
atomisation 18 15 the reduction of liq...
atomization 21 24 the reduction of liq...
attenuation 16 14 the action of attenu...
attestation 17 12 the act of attesting...
attribution 21 16 the act of attributi...
awestricken 25 22 stricken with awe [a...
backslidden 26 25 BACKSLIDE, to fall b...
bacteriocin 26 21 an antibiotic (as co...
battlewagon 24 21 a battleship [n -S]
beetlebrain 22 19 a heavy stupid perso...
bellybutton 31 23 (colloquial) the nav...
benediction 22 20 the invocation of a...
benefaction 23 22 the act of benefitin...
bifurcation 26 22 the state of being b...
bioaeration 18 15 the oxidative treatm...
bipartition 23 18 division into two pa...
bisociation 23 18 the association of a...
bombilation 24 22 a buzzing or droning...
bombination 22 22 a buzzing or droning...
botheration 21 17 trouble, bother [n -...
bourguignon 22 22 (French) a meat dish...
brachiation 25 20 the act of swinging...
breatharian 21 17 a person who believe...
brecciation 26 21 the process of formi...
bridemaiden 21 20 a woman who is an at...
bromination 20 19 the substitution by...
burrowstown 27 22 (Scots) a town that...
bushelwoman 27 25 one who alters men's...
bushelwomen 27 25 BUSHELWOMAN, one who...
businessman 21 20 a man who transacts...
businessmen 21 20 BUSINESSMAN, a man w...
cabbagetown 28 26 from Cabbagetown, a...
cablevision 26 23 television transmiss...
calcination 24 20 the act of calcining...
calculation 26 21 the process or an ac...
calefaction 26 22 the act of heating [...
calibration 24 19 the act of calibrati...
callipygean 32 24 having beautiful but...
callipygian 33 24 having beautiful but...
callistemon 24 20 an Australian genus...
calypsonian 29 22 a writer or singer o...
calyptrogen 31 23 the layer of cells o...
camerawoman 24 24 a woman who operates...
camerawomen 24 24 CAMERAWOMAN, a woman...
campestrian 24 21 of or pertaining to...
cancelation 23 20 the act or an instan...
canceration 22 19 the act of cancerati...
cannulation 20 19 the process of inser...
cantharidin 23 19 a bitter crystalline...
capsulation 24 20 the process of putti...
captivation 25 22 the act of captivati...
carbonation 21 19 impregnation with ca...
carburation 23 19 combination with car...
carburetion 23 19 the process of carbu...
carrageenan 19 18 a colloid prepared f...
carrageenin 20 18 a colloid prepared f...
caryatidean 26 18 of or like a caryati...
castigation 22 17 the act of castigati...
cavillation 25 21 cavilling, making pe...
celebration 23 19 the act of celebrati...
cementation 20 19 the act of cementing...
centenarian 18 17 a person who is over...
centimorgan 22 21 one hundredth of a m...
cephalothin 28 23 a semisynthetic broa...
ceratopsian 22 18 a bird-hipped, plant...
cerebration 22 18 the unconscious acti...
chairperson 25 20 a chairman or chairw...
chamberlain 27 24 an officer appointed...
chiropteran 25 20 a member of the Chir...
chlorpicrin 31 24 a colorless liquid t...
choirscreen 26 20 a screen of latticew...
cholesterin 24 18 a former name for ar...
chondroitin 23 19 any of several glyco...
chorisation 23 17 the multiplication o...
chorization 26 26 the multiplication o...
chrismation 25 20 the sacrament of bap...
chrysarobin 32 22 goa powder, a bitter...
churchwoman 33 29 a woman who is a mem...
churchwomen 33 29 CHURCHWOMAN, a woman...
chylomicron 35 26 a tiny globule of fa...
ciclosporin 28 22 an immunosuppressive...
circulation 26 20 the movement of the...
clergywoman 33 26 a woman who is a mem...
clergywomen 33 26 CLERGYWOMAN, a woman...
clindamycin 33 26 an antibiotic drug u...
clostridian 23 17 relating to clostrid...
cloxacillin 34 28 a penicillin-type an...
coadunation 19 18 the act of coadunati...
coagulation 22 19 the act of coagulati...
coarctation 23 18 the action of compre...
codirection 24 19 the act of directing...
coeducation 23 20 the education of stu...
coelenteron 19 17 a coelenterate's sac...
coevolution 23 21 the parallel evoluti...
coextension 25 23 the act of coextendi...
coleopteran 22 19 a large order of ins...
coleopteron 22 19 a large order of ins...
collembolan 26 24 a springtail, any on...
colligation 24 19 a bringing or bindin...
collimation 24 20 the act of making pa...
collocation 25 20 the placing of thing...
colouration 21 17 the act of colouring...
combination 23 22 the act of combining...
commination 22 22 the threatening of d...
comminution 23 23 the act of comminuti...
commutation 23 22 the exchange of the...
competition 24 21 the act of competing...
compilation 25 22 the act of compiling...
composition 24 21 a piece of writing [...
compotation 23 21 an act of carousing...
compression 24 21 the act of compressi...
compunction 27 26 regret, remorse [n -...
computation 24 22 the act or action of...
condonation 18 18 implied pardon of an...
confliction 27 23 conflict [n -S]
confutation 22 20 the act of confuting...
congelation 21 19 the act of freezing...
congressman 22 21 a member of a congre...
congressmen 22 21 CONGRESSMAN, a membe...
conjugation 23 28 a schematic arrangem...
conjunction 25 30 the act or an instan...
conjuration 22 26 the act of conjuring...
connotation 18 17 the act of connoting...
consecution 23 20 the logical sequence...
consolation 20 17 the act or an instan...
consumption 24 23 a progressive wastin...
contraction 23 19 the act of contracti...
contraption 22 19 a device, a gadget [...
conurbation 22 20 an aggregation or co...
convocation 24 23 an assembly of perso...
convolution 23 22 a form or shape that...
cooperation 21 18 the action of cooper...
coprophagan 27 25 a beetle that lives...
cordilleran 23 18 relating to a cordil...
cornucopian 25 23 of the nature of a c...
corporation 22 18 a body corporate leg...
correlation 21 16 correspondence, also...
corrugation 22 18 the act of corrugati...
cortication 24 18 the state of being c...
coruscation 24 19 glitter, sparkle [n...
cosmetician 25 21 a person who is prof...
counterplan 23 21 to form a plan desig...
countersign 22 19 to sign with a signa...
covariation 22 19 the correlated varia...
craftswoman 27 24 a woman who is an ar...
craftswomen 27 24 CRAFTSWOMAN, a woman...
crenelation 20 17 a battlement, also C...
crenulation 21 18 the state of being c...
crepitation 23 18 a soft crackling sou...
crestfallen 25 20 dispirited or disapp...
crimination 22 19 the act of criminati...
crocodilian 25 20 any of an order of r...
crossbitten 24 18 CROSSBITE, to swindl...
crossbowman 27 24 a person (as a soldi...
crossbowmen 27 24 CROSSBOWMAN, a perso...
crucifixion 34 29 execution by crucify...
cryosurgeon 28 20 a surgeon who uses f...
ctenophoran 23 21 a member of the Cten...
culmination 23 21 the action of culmin...
cultivation 25 21 the art or practice...
cupellation 25 21 assaying or refining...
cuspidation 24 20 decoration with cusp...
cyanidation 26 19 the act of cyaniding...
cyanohydrin 35 23 any of various compo...
cybernation 28 21 the automatic contro...
cyclisation 32 21 the formation of a r...
cyclization 35 30 the formation of a r...
cycloolefin 34 25 a hydrocarbon contai...
cyclosporin 34 24 an immunosuppressant...
deamination 17 17 the act of deaminati...
debarcation 22 19 the act of debarking...
debarkation 20 20 the act of debarking...
decantation 19 17 the act of decanting...
declamation 22 20 the act of declaimin...
declaration 21 17 the act of declaring...
declination 21 18 the angular distance...
decollation 22 18 the act of decollati...
decondition 20 18 to cause extinction...
decurvation 23 21 downward curvature [...
decussation 21 17 the action of crossi...
defaecation 21 19 the expulsion of sol...
defalcation 23 20 the act or an instan...
defiliation 21 17 depriving a parent o...
defloration 20 17 rupture of the hymen...
defoliation 20 17 the act of defoliati...
deformation 20 19 alteration of form o...
deglutition 21 17 the power or act of...
degradation 18 16 the act of degrading...
degustation 19 16 the action or an ins...
dehortation 19 15 advice against somet...
dehydration 26 18 loss or withdrawal o...
deification 23 19 the act or an instan...
delectation 21 17 delight, enjoyment [...
delineation 17 15 the act of delineati...
deliveryman 28 23 a person who deliver...
deliverymen 28 23 DELIVERYMAN, a perso...
demarcation 21 19 the act of demarking...
demarkation 19 20 the act of demarking...
demibastion 21 19 half a bastion, havi...
demigration 20 18 change of abode [n -...
denervation 18 18 the act of denervati...
denigration 18 16 the act of denigrati...
denitration 17 14 the removal of nitro...
deoxidation 23 21 the act of deoxidizi...
deploration 20 17 the act of deploring...
deplumation 22 21 the removal of feath...
deportation 19 16 an act or instance o...
depravation 21 20 the act of depraving...
deprecation 22 19 the act of deprecati...
depredation 19 17 the act of depredati...
deprivation 22 20 the state of being d...
dereliction 22 17 an intentional aband...
dermapteran 20 19 any insect of the or...
description 24 19 an act of describing...
desecration 20 16 an act of desecratin...
deselection 21 17 the act of deselecti...
desiccation 24 19 the state of being d...
designation 18 16 the act of indicatin...
desperation 19 16 loss of hope and sur...
despumation 21 20 the throwing off of...
destination 17 14 the purpose for whic...
destitution 19 14 the state of being d...
destruction 22 17 the state or fact of...
detestation 17 13 extreme dislike [n -...
deuteration 17 14 the act of deuterati...
devaluation 20 19 an official reductio...
devastation 19 17 ruin, destruction [n...
dialysation 25 16 the act of dialysing...
dialyzation 28 25 the act of dialyzing...
diatessaron 17 13 a medicine with four...
dicotyledon 28 20 a plant having two c...
diffraction 26 22 a modification which...
dimidiation 20 17 division into two ha...
dinosaurian 17 15 of or like a dinosau...
discerption 24 19 the act of discerpin...
discophoran 25 21 a jellyfish [n -S]
disemburden 22 21 to disburden [v -ED,...
disfunction 24 21 impairment or abnorm...
disgarrison 20 15 to deprive of a garr...
disillusion 22 16 to free from illusio...
disimprison 23 19 to free from prison...
disjunction 24 27 the act of disjoinin...
dislocation 22 17 the act of dislocati...
dismutation 20 17 simultaneous oxidati...
disposition 21 16 a person's usual tem...
disputation 21 17 the action of disput...
disrelation 19 14 lack of a fitting or...
dissipation 21 16 the act of dissipati...
dissolution 20 15 separation into comp...
distinction 22 17 separation or divisi...
distraction 22 16 the act of distracti...
divulgation 23 21 the act of divulgati...
dockisation 22 20 the act of dockising...
dockization 25 29 the act of dockizing...
downtrodden 20 19 suffering oppression...
doxorubicin 30 27 a bacterial antibiot...
draftswoman 24 22 (US) a draughtswoman...
draftswomen 24 22 DRAFTSWOMAN, (US) a...
draughtsman 23 21 a person whose profe...
draughtsmen 23 21 DRAUGHTSMAN, a perso...
duplication 25 21 the act of duplicati...
dysfunction 30 23 impaired or abnormal...
eccaleobion 25 22 (historical) a kind...
edification 23 19 an act of edifying [...
egalitarian 19 15 a believer in egalit...
ejaculation 23 26 an act of ejaculatin...
elaboration 19 16 the act of elaborati...
electrician 25 19 one who installs, ma...
eleutherian 20 16 freedom-giving [adj]
elicitation 22 16 the act of eliciting...
elimination 19 17 the act of eliminati...
elucidation 22 18 the act of elucidati...
elutriation 19 14 the act of elutriati...
embarcation 23 21 the act of embarking...
embarkation 21 22 the act of embarking...
embrocation 23 21 a liquid medication...
enchiridion 23 19 a manual or handbook...
encystation 26 18 the state of being e...
endorsation 16 14 approval or support,...
enneahedron 16 17 a nine-sided solid f...
enneandrian 14 16 of the class Enneand...
enquiration 25 23 (dialect) inquiry, a...
enterotoxin 22 20 an intestinal toxin...
enucleation 20 18 clarification, expla...
enumeration 17 17 the act of enumerati...
enunciation 19 18 the act of enunciati...
epiplastron 23 19 either of the two an...
epoxidation 25 23 a conversion of a us...
eradication 20 16 the act of eradicati...
erotisation 17 12 the act of erotising...
erotization 20 21 the act of erotizing...
esthesiogen 20 16 something producing...
esthetician 23 17 a specialist in aest...
euchologion 24 21 (Greek) a formulary...
euchromatin 24 21 the part of chromati...
evagination 19 19 surgical removal of...
evaporation 20 19 the act of evaporati...
eventration 18 17 the protrusion of an...
eventuation 18 18 the act of eventuati...
examination 23 23 the act of examining...
exanimation 23 23 lifelessness [n -S]
excarnation 25 23 the act of excarnati...
exclamation 28 26 a sharp or sudden ut...
excommunion 28 30 (Milton) excommunica...
excoriation 26 22 the act of excoriati...
exculpation 30 27 the act of exculpati...
exfoliation 26 23 the process by which...
exhortation 25 21 an act or instance o...
exoneration 21 20 the act of exonerati...
exoskeleton 24 24 an external skeleton...
expatiation 25 22 the act of expatiati...
expectation 28 25 the act or state of...
expiscation 29 25 the act of expiscati...
explanation 25 24 the act of explainin...
explication 30 26 the act of explicati...
exploration 26 23 the act or an instan...
exportation 25 22 the act of exporting...
expugnation 26 26 the act of expugning...
expurgation 27 25 the act of expurgati...
exsiccation 30 25 the act of exsiccati...
extenuation 22 21 the act of extenuati...
extirpation 26 22 the act of extirpati...
extradition 24 20 a delivering up of a...
extrication 27 22 the act of extricati...
fabrication 25 21 the act of fabricati...
fascination 22 19 the quality of fasci...
fauxbourdon 28 28 (French) a type of i...
fecundation 22 21 the act of making fe...
fertigation 21 17 fertilisation and ir...
festination 19 16 haste; hurrying walk...
fetoprotein 21 18 any of several fetal...
fibronectin 25 22 a protein found in b...
fimbriation 24 21 the state of being f...
fisherwoman 26 23 a woman who fishes a...
fisherwomen 26 23 FISHERWOMAN, a woman...
flagitation 22 18 the action of asking...
flexitarian 27 23 a vegetarian who is...
fluctuation 25 21 the act of fluctuati...
fluegelhorn 25 22 a musical instrument...
fluorescein 24 20 a fluorescent dyestu...
flustration 22 17 (obsolete) flusterin...
fomentation 19 19 the application of w...
forcipation 25 21 torture by pinching...
foremastman 21 21 any sailor below the...
foremastmen 21 21 FOREMASTMAN, any sai...
foreshorten 21 17 to shorten by propor...
forestation 19 15 the creation of fore...
forfoughten 25 23 (Scots) exhausted, a...
formication 24 21 an abnormal feeling...
formulation 22 20 an act or the produc...
fornication 22 19 consensual sexual in...
freewritten 23 18 FREEWRITE, to write...
frostbitten 23 18 FROSTBITE, to affect...
fructuation 24 20 coming to fruit or b...
frustration 21 16 the act of frustrati...
fucoxanthin 31 29 a brown carotenoid p...
fulguration 23 20 the act of flashing...
fulmination 22 21 a loud and violent e...
fusillation 23 18 (obsolete) death by...
fustigation 22 18 beating with a club...
fustilarian 22 17 (Shakespeare) a fat...
fustilirian 23 17 (Shakespeare) a term...
gainstriven 21 19 GAINSTRIVE, (obsolet...
gallinacean 22 20 any gallinaceous bir...
gastropodan 20 18 a gastropod [n -S]
gegenschein 24 22 (German) a faint ova...
gemmulation 22 22 formation of gemmule...
gentilitian 20 16 relating to a gens,...
gentlewoman 22 22 a woman of good bree...
gentlewomen 22 22 GENTLEWOMAN, a woman...
genuflexion 27 27 the bending of the k...
germination 19 18 the process by which...
gibberellin 26 22 any of several plant...
glasnostian 19 16 in the spirit of gla...
glomeration 20 18 the act of gathering...
godchildren 26 22 GODCHILD, one whom a...
godforsaken 21 22 remote, desolate [ad...
granulation 19 17 the act of granulati...
gratulation 20 16 congratulation [n -S...
gravitation 21 18 the force of attract...
gregarinian 19 17 of or like a gregari...
gubernation 20 19 control, rule [n -S]
guildswoman 25 23 a female member of a...
guildswomen 25 23 GUILDSWOMAN, a femal...
gurgitation 21 17 surging [n -S]
habituation 22 18 the process of habit...
haematozoon 21 26 any microorganism, e...
haemocyanin 28 23 an oxygen-carrying p...
haemoglobin 24 23 the iron-containing...
handwritten 23 19 HANDWRITE, to write...
handyperson 27 21 a person good at man...
haptoglobin 26 23 a protein that combi...
hardwareman 23 21 one who sells hardwa...
hardwaremen 23 21 HARDWAREMAN, one who...
hariolation 20 15 prophesy [n -S]
harmoniphon 24 23 a keyboard wind inst...
heartbroken 22 21 having a broken hear...
heliotropin 23 18 a phenolic aldehyde...
hematoxylin 34 27 a dye obtained from...
hemerythrin 30 21 an iron-containing r...
hemielytron 28 20 the forewing of plan...
hemoprotein 22 20 a conjugated protein...
hemosiderin 21 18 a pigment that is fo...
henchperson 26 23 a henchman or henchw...
heptahedron 23 20 a solid figure havin...
heteroauxin 25 22 a natural plant horm...
heteroscian 22 17 a dweller in a tempe...
heterousian 19 15 one who believes the...
hexahemeron 27 26 the (biblical) six d...
hexaplarian 28 25 relating to a hexapl...
hexastichon 31 26 a poem or stanza of...
hibernation 21 18 the act of hibernati...
highfalutin 28 23 pretentious, affecte...
holothurian 23 18 any member of a clas...
homoiousian 20 18 one of those, in the...
housebroken 22 22 HOUSEBREAK, to train...
houseperson 21 18 a person who does ho...
humectation 24 21 the act of moistenin...
humgruffian 28 27 a terrible person, a...
humiliation 23 19 the act of humiliati...
hydrocarbon 31 23 a compound of hydrog...
hydrophyton 37 24 the coenosarc of a h...
hyoplastron 29 20 in a turtle's plastr...
hyperaction 31 22 abnormally high acti...
hyperborean 29 22 relating to the extr...
hyperdorian 28 20 in Greek music, abov...
hyperlydian 36 23 in Greek music, abov...
hypermodern 29 23 very modern [adj]
hyphenation 29 22 the act of hyphenati...
hypoaeolian 27 20 in Greek music, belo...
hypolimnion 30 24 a lower and colder l...
hypotension 27 20 abnormally low blood...
hyracoidean 28 20 any member of a genu...
icosahedron 22 18 a polyhedron having...
icosandrian 20 17 belonging to the Ico...
idolisation 19 14 the act of idolising...
idolization 22 23 the act of idolizing...
illiquation 29 24 the melting of one t...
illuviation 23 19 the accumulation of...
imagination 19 18 the act of imagining...
imbrication 25 21 an overlapping of ed...
immigration 22 20 the act or process o...
immunotoxin 26 27 a toxin with immunos...
imparkation 22 22 the act of imparking...
impartation 21 18 the act of imparting...
impastation 21 18 the act of impasting...
impetration 21 18 seeking by entreaty...
implication 26 22 something implied [n...
imploration 22 19 the act of imploring...
importation 21 18 the act or practice...
imprecation 24 21 the act of cursing [...
imprecision 25 21 lack of precision [n...
improbation 23 21 in Scots law, an act...
impugnation 22 22 the act of impugning...
inanimation 17 17 the state of being i...
inattention 16 14 failure to pay atten...
incantation 19 17 a use of spells or v...
incarnation 19 17 the embodiment of a...
incensation 19 17 the act of perfuming...
inclination 21 18 the act of inclining...
incremation 21 19 the act of incremati...
inculcation 25 21 the act of inculcati...
inculpation 24 21 the act of inculpati...
incurvation 23 21 the state of being i...
indentation 16 15 a blank space left a...
indigestion 19 16 inability to digest...
indignation 18 17 anger aroused by som...
indirection 21 17 (Shakespeare) dishon...
indometacin 21 20 a nonsteroidal drug...
indorsation 17 14 approval or support,...
inebriation 19 16 drunkenness [n -S]
inexecution 26 24 the fact or state of...
inextension 22 21 lack of extension [n...
infantryman 26 22 an infantry soldier...
infantrymen 26 22 INFANTRYMAN, an infa...
infatuation 19 17 the state of being i...
infestation 19 16 the state of being i...
infeudation 19 18 the granting of feof...
infieldsman 22 21 one who plays in the...
infieldsmen 22 21 INFIELDSMAN, one who...
infirmarian 21 19 (historical) an offi...
information 20 19 the communication or...
infuriation 20 17 the act of infuriati...
innervation 18 18 the state of being i...
innutrition 18 15 lack of nutrition; t...
inoculation 21 18 the act of inoculati...
inquination 25 24 the act of inquinati...
inquiration 26 23 (Dickens) inquiry, a...
inquisition 27 23 the act of inquiring...
inscription 24 19 something that is in...
insinuation 17 15 the act of insinuati...
inspiration 20 16 the act of inspiring...
instigation 19 15 the act of instigati...
institution 19 14 an act of institutin...
instruction 22 17 a precept [n -S]
integration 18 15 the act or process o...
interaction 20 16 mutual or reciprocal...
interfusion 20 17 the act of interfusi...
interleukin 20 19 any of a group of pr...
interneuron 16 15 an internuncial neur...
interstrain 18 13 between strains [adj...
inusitation 18 14 disuse, disrepair [n...
iridisation 19 13 iridescence, also IR...
iridization 22 22 iridescence, also IR...
irradiation 18 13 exposure to radiatio...
irreduction 22 17 being irreducible [n...
irreflexion 27 23 not being reflective...
irremission 20 15 the state of being i...
irretention 17 13 absence of retention...
itemisation 19 15 the act of itemizing...
itemization 22 24 the act of itemizing...
itineration 17 13 the act of itinerati...
jactitation 23 24 restless tossing in...
kamelaukion 21 25 (Modern Greek) a tal...
katabothron 22 21 (Modern Greek) an un...
katavothron 22 22 (Modern Greek) an un...
kyanisation 24 19 the process of kyani...
kyanization 27 28 the process of kyani...
labefaction 25 22 a weakening, a decay...
lacertilian 23 17 of or pertaining to...
laciniation 21 17 the state of being l...
lacrimation 23 19 the secretion of tea...
lactalbumin 27 24 a protein, present i...
lactoflavin 27 24 an earlier name for...
laicisation 22 16 the process of retur...
laicization 25 25 the process of retur...
lamellation 21 18 the state of being l...
lamellicorn 25 21 a scarab or other be...
lamentation 18 17 an act or instance o...
lancination 20 18 a sharp, shooting pa...
landslidden 20 18 LANDSLIDE, to win an...
legerdemain 20 19 slight of hand; magi...
legislation 21 16 the action of legisl...
leopardskin 22 21 made from the skin o...
lepidosiren 21 17 a South American lun...
leucaemogen 22 22 a substance that enc...
leukaemogen 20 23 a substance or agent...
libertarian 21 16 one who believes in...
lifeboatman 23 22 one who forms part o...
lifeboatmen 23 22 LIFEBOATMAN, one who...
lilliputian 25 19 very small [adj] / a...
lionisation 18 14 the act of lionising...
lionization 21 23 the act of lionizing...
lipoprotein 23 19 a water-soluble prot...
liposuction 25 20 a surgical procedure...
liquidation 28 24 the act of liquidati...
lixiviation 28 24 the separation of a...
logistician 24 18 a person skilled in...
lubrication 25 20 the act of lubricati...
luckengowan 26 27 (Scots) the globeflo...
lucubration 25 21 laborious or intensi...
luteotropin 21 17 another name for the...
luxuriation 26 22 the act of luxuriati...
lyosorption 27 18 the adsorption of a...
machination 23 21 an act of machinatin...
madefaction 23 22 moistening [n -S]
madreporian 20 19 a coral, a madrepore...
madrigalian 21 19 of or like a madriga...
magnetician 22 21 a scientist speciali...
malapropian 23 22 relating to malaprop...
malediction 23 20 a curse [n -S]
malefaction 24 22 evildoing [n -S]
malfunction 25 24 to function imperfec...
malposition 22 19 a wrong or faulty po...
mamillation 22 20 the state of being m...
mancipation 23 22 (historical) legal t...
manducation 21 21 chewing [n -S]
manganesian 17 19 like manganese [adj]
manumission 20 20 the act of manumitti...
margination 19 18 the act of marginati...
mastication 22 18 the act of masticati...
mechanician 26 24 a mechanic [n -S]
megatherian 21 19 like a megathere, an...
megavitamin 23 24 relating to or consi...
melioration 19 16 improvement, betterm...
mensuration 18 17 measuring to find th...
merchantman 24 24 a trading ship [n ME...
merchantmen 24 24 MERCHANTMAN, a tradi...
merchildren 26 22 MERCHILD, a fish wit...
mercuration 22 19 conversion into a me...
meshugaasen 21 20 MESHUGAAS, (Yiddish)...
metafiction 24 21 fiction which refers...
metatherian 20 17 of, relating to, or...
methanation 19 18 the production of me...
methicillin 28 22 a semisynthetic peni...
methylation 28 20 the process of methy...
metrication 22 18 the act of making me...
micronation 21 19 an entity that resem...
micturition 24 19 abnormally frequent...
millenarian 20 18 one who believes in...
millimicron 27 23 a thousandth of a mi...
milliradian 22 18 a thousandth of a ra...
misbegotten 22 20 begotten by mistake,...
miscitation 23 18 the act of misciting...
miscreation 22 18 wrong creation [n -S...
misdevotion 21 20 a wrong devotion [n...
misdivision 23 20 a wrong division [n...
misfunction 25 23 to function wrongly...
mishegaasen 21 19 MISHEGAAS, (Yiddish)...
mislocation 23 19 the act of mislocati...
misposition 22 18 to position wrongly...
misrelation 20 16 the act of misrelati...
misstricken 25 22 MISSTRIKE, to strike...
molestation 19 16 the act of molesting...
monocardian 20 20 a creature that has...
monomyarian 24 21 a kind of bivalve mo...
morgenstern 19 18 a club with a spike-...
moxibustion 28 26 cauterization by use...
mucoprotein 24 22 any of various compl...
mucronation 21 20 the state of being m...
multicarbon 26 23 containing more than...
multicolumn 27 25 having many columns...
multidomain 22 21 having many domains...
multination 20 18 related to many nati...
multiphoton 25 22 having many photons...
multipiston 24 20 having many pistons...
multiscreen 24 20 a cinema with severa...
murmuration 21 20 murmuring [n -S]
musculation 24 21 muscular action; mus...
mussitation 20 16 muttering to oneself...
mutteration 19 16 (Richardson) complai...
myrmidonian 26 22 like a myrmidon [adj...
mythologian 29 22 a mythologist [n -S]
necessarian 19 16 a fatalist, also NEC...
needlewoman 20 21 a woman who does nee...
needlewomen 20 21 NEEDLEWOMAN, a woman...
negotiation 17 15 the act of negotiati...
nervuration 19 18 the state of having...
neuropteran 18 17 any of an order of i...
neuropteron 18 17 any of an order of i...
neurulation 18 16 the formation of a n...
nickelodeon 21 22 an early form of cin...
nictitation 21 16 the act of winking,...
nitrocotton 20 16 guncotton, an explos...
nitrosation 17 13 conversion of ammoni...
nondecision 19 18 something that is no...
nonelection 19 18 something that is no...
nonmusician 21 21 one who is not a mus...
nonpartisan 18 17 not partisan [adj]
nonpartizan 21 26 not partizan [adj]
nonsolution 17 16 something that is no...
nullifidian 23 20 one of no faith or r...
nummulation 21 22 the arrangement of b...
nuncupation 22 22 the act of uttering...
obfuscation 25 22 the act of obfuscati...
objurgation 23 27 a rebuke, a scolding...
obliquation 29 26 (obsolete) obliquene...
obscuration 23 19 the act of obscuring...
obsecration 22 18 an entreaty [n -S]
observation 21 19 an act or instance o...
obsignation 20 18 the act of obsigning...
obstipation 22 18 a severe and obstina...
obstriction 24 18 (obsolete) obligatio...
obstruction 24 19 the state of being o...
obtestation 19 15 the act of obtesting...
obumbration 23 22 the act of obumbrati...
occultation 25 20 a concealing, esp. o...
octastichon 26 20 a poem or stanza of...
officiation 25 21 the act of officiati...
onomasticon 20 19 a dictionary of name...
orchestrion 23 17 a name given to vari...
orientation 16 13 the act of orienting...
origination 18 15 the act of originati...
orthopteran 21 17 any member of the Or...
orthopteron 21 17 any member of the Or...
oscillation 23 17 the action or state...
ostentation 16 13 excessive display [n...
outdoorsman 18 17 one who spends much...
outdoorsmen 18 17 OUTDOORSMAN, one who...
outstridden 19 15 OUTSTRIDE, to surpas...
overburthen 24 22 (archaic) to overbur...
overcaution 22 20 excessive caution [n...
overconcern 24 23 to concern excessive...
overexplain 28 27 to explain to excess...
oversweeten 21 19 to sweeten to excess...
overswollen 24 21 OVERSWELL, to swell...
overtighten 23 20 to tighten to excess...
overwritten 23 19 OVERWRITE, to write...
oviposition 22 19 the act of ovipositi...
oxidisation 24 20 the act of oxidising...
oxidization 27 29 the act of oxidizing...
oxygenation 29 24 the act of oxygenati...
oxyhydrogen 39 28 a mixture of hydroge...
ozonisation 19 22 the act of treating...
ozonization 22 31 the act of treating...
palpitation 23 19 a nervous throbbing...
pandemonian 18 21 a noisy and disorder...
panegyricon 29 23 a collection of serm...
panomphaean 22 24 all-oracular [adj]
paralimnion 21 20 the region of a lake...
parturition 21 16 the act of giving bi...
passivation 22 19 the act of passivati...
patrolwoman 24 22 a female police offi...
patrolwomen 24 22 PATROLWOMAN, a femal...
pectination 22 19 a comblike structure...
pectisation 23 18 the act of pectising...
pectization 26 27 the act of pectizing...
penetralian 19 17 relating to penetral...
penetration 18 16 the act of penetrati...
pentagynian 25 21 relating to the Pent...
pentahedron 20 19 a five-sided solid f...
pentandrian 18 18 relating to the Pent...
peptisation 22 18 the act of peptising...
peptization 25 27 the act of peptizing...
percolation 23 19 the act of percolati...
perduellion 22 19 (archaic) treason [n...
perduration 20 17 lastingness, enduran...
perennation 17 17 the act of perennati...
perforation 21 18 the act of perforati...
pericardian 23 19 relating to the peri...
peripeteian 21 18 of or like a peripet...
perlocution 24 20 the effect produced...
permutation 21 19 the arrangement of a...
persecution 23 19 the act of persecuti...
personation 18 16 the act of personati...
pescatarian 22 18 one whose diet inclu...
pescetarian 22 18 one whose diet inclu...
phaenomenon 19 22 anything directly ap...
philologian 25 21 a person who studies...
phonetician 24 21 a student of phoneti...
phycocyanin 40 28 any of various bluis...
phycophaein 35 27 a brown pigment foun...
phytoalexin 35 27 any substance produc...
pigneration 20 18 the act or process o...
pignoration 20 18 the act of pignorati...
pinnipedian 21 21 a pinniped [n -S]
pitchperson 28 23 a street or market t...
pixellation 28 24 the act of dividing...
pixillation 29 24 a technique for maki...
plainspoken 23 24 candid, frank [adj]
plantswoman 24 23 a female person who...
plantswomen 24 23 PLANTSWOMAN, a femal...
plasminogen 22 22 the precursor of pla...
plecopteran 25 22 a member of the Plec...
plumularian 24 22 a member of the Plum...
podophyllin 33 25 a cathartic resin ob...
policewoman 27 25 a woman who is a mem...
policewomen 27 25 POLICEWOMAN, a woman...
pollination 21 18 the process of trans...
polyurethan 29 21 any of various polym...
ponderation 18 17 weighing or weighing...
pornotopian 20 19 relating to a pornot...
postexilian 27 23 existing or occurrin...
posttension 19 16 to apply tension to...
postulation 21 17 the act of postulati...
potamogeton 20 20 a plant of the pondw...
predication 23 19 an act or instance o...
preelection 23 19 taking place before...
prefreshman 25 23 taking place before...
preignition 21 18 ignition in an inter...
preinvasion 21 20 preceding an invasio...
prelibation 23 19 a foretaste; an offe...
preluncheon 25 23 a light meal before...
premonition 20 19 previous notice or w...
premunition 21 20 the provision of rel...
preparation 21 18 the act of preparing...
preposition 22 18 a function word that...
prescission 24 18 the act of prescindi...
preshrunken 23 23 PRESHRINK, to shrink...
presumption 24 22 the act of presuming...
preterhuman 23 21 more than human [adj...
preterition 20 15 the omission by a te...
proabortion 21 18 favoring the legaliz...
procreation 22 18 the act of procreati...
procrustean 23 19 marked by arbitrary...
procuration 23 19 the management of an...
profanation 20 19 the act or an instan...
progestogen 21 19 any of a range of ho...
progression 21 17 motion onward [n -S]
prohibition 25 20 the act of prohibiti...
proletarian 20 16 a member of the prol...
prolocution 24 20 an introductory spee...
propagation 22 20 the act of propagati...
proposition 22 18 to make a proposal t...
prorogation 20 17 the act of prorogati...
prosecution 23 19 the act of prosecuti...
prospection 25 21 looking to the futur...
prostration 20 15 the act of assuming...
prothrombin 26 23 a proteinlike substa...
protonation 18 16 the acquisition of a...
protraction 23 18 the act of protracti...
provocation 24 22 the act of provoking...
proximation 27 25 immediate nearness i...
publication 27 23 the act of publishin...
pullulation 24 20 the act of pullulati...
pulveration 23 21 pulverization [n -S]
punctuation 23 21 the act of punctuati...
purgatorian 21 18 a person who believe...
pustulation 22 18 the state of having...
quadrillion 29 25 a thousand raised to...
quarrington 27 25 a kind of early red...
quartersawn 29 25 QUARTERSAW, to saw (...
quindecagon 29 29 a geometric figure h...
quintillion 29 25 a thousand raised to...
radiocarbon 22 19 a radioactive isotop...
radiolarian 18 14 any member of an ord...
raggamuffin 26 26 a type of rap music...
rapscallion 25 20 a low, mean wretch,...
rarefaction 22 18 the act of rarefying...
rastafarian 19 15 a member of rastafar...
rattlebrain 21 16 a shallow, voluble,...
reaccession 23 18 a new accession [n -...
readmission 19 16 the act of readmitti...
realisation 18 13 the act of realising...
realization 21 22 the act of realizing...
reanimation 17 16 the act of reanimati...
reapportion 21 18 to apportion (as a h...
reascension 19 16 the act of ascending...
reassertion 17 12 the act of asserting...
recantation 19 16 the act of recanting...
reclamation 22 19 the act of reclaimin...
reclination 21 17 the act of reclining...
recognition 21 18 the act of recognisi...
recondition 20 17 to restore to good c...
recordation 20 16 remembrance, recordi...
redigestion 19 15 the act of redigesti...
redirection 21 16 the act of redirecti...
reeducation 20 17 the act of reeducati...
refectorian 22 18 the officer in charg...
reformation 20 18 the act of reforming...
rehydration 26 17 the act of rehydrati...
reification 23 18 the process or resul...
reinfection 22 19 infection following...
reinflation 20 17 the act of reinflati...
reinjection 22 25 the act of reinjecti...
reinsertion 17 13 the act of reinserti...
reinstation 17 13 the act of reinstati...
reinvention 18 18 the act of reinventi...
reiteration 17 12 the act of reiterati...
reluctation 22 17 (archaic) repugnance...
remediation 18 16 the act of remedying...
remigration 20 17 return from migratio...
reoperation 18 15 operation again [n -...
reoxidation 23 20 the process of reoxi...
repartition 20 15 to partition again [...
replication 24 19 copying, reproductio...
reprobation 21 18 the act of reprobati...
reprovision 22 19 to provision again [...
repudiation 20 17 the act of repudiati...
requisition 27 22 a demand for supplie...
reradiation 17 13 the act of reradiati...
rescription 24 18 a reply or answering...
reselection 21 16 the act of selecting...
reservation 19 16 somehting reserved,...
resignation 18 15 an act or instance o...
respiration 20 15 breathing; the takin...
restitution 19 13 a restoration of som...
restoration 17 12 a bringing back to a...
restriction 22 15 a regulation that re...
retaliation 18 13 the act of retaliati...
retardation 17 13 an act or instance o...
retribution 21 16 retaliation, punishm...
retroaction 20 15 acting backward [n -...
revaluation 20 18 the act of revaluing...
rhetorician 23 17 a master or teacher...
rubefaction 25 22 reddening [n -S]
rubrication 24 19 the act of rubricati...
rumgumption 25 25 (Scots) common sense...
rustication 22 16 the action of banish...
sabbatarian 21 18 of or like a Sabbata...
saburration 20 16 the application of h...
sacculation 25 20 the state of being s...
salesperson 20 16 a salesman or salesw...
saturnalian 18 15 riotously merry [adj...
sauerbraten 19 16 (German) a dish of G...
saurischian 24 18 any dinosaur of the...
sauropsidan 20 17 a member of the Saur...
schecklaton 28 25 (Spenser) a kind of...
scincoidian 24 20 a member of the skin...
segregation 19 16 the act of segregati...
semiotician 22 18 a practitioner of se...
septentrion 19 16 (archaic) the north...
serrulation 19 14 the state of being s...
sertularian 19 14 a colonial hydroid w...
sightscreen 25 19 a screen used in cri...
sigillarian 22 16 a seal, a signet [n...
sigillation 22 16 marking with a seal...
silvestrian 22 17 relating to woodland...
skimmington 23 25 in rural Britain, th...
slumgullion 25 22 (Irish) a watery mea...
smokescreen 22 22 a cloud of smoke rai...
snakebitten 20 20 suffering from snake...
solifluxion 29 25 the turbulent moveme...
solmisation 20 16 a recital of the not...
solmization 23 25 a recital of the not...
somatomedin 19 19 an endogenous peptid...
speculation 24 20 an act or instance o...
spiculation 25 20 the state of being s...
spinsterian 20 16 like a spinster, als...
spokeswoman 24 25 a woman who speaks a...
spokeswomen 24 25 SPOKESWOMAN, a woman...
sportswoman 24 21 a woman who engages...
sportswomen 24 21 SPORTSWOMAN, a woman...
sporulation 21 17 the formation or pro...
stagflation 22 18 persistent inflation...
stateswoman 21 18 a female statesman [...
stateswomen 21 18 STATESWOMAN, a femal...
stelleridan 20 15 a starfish, also STE...
stimulation 21 17 the act of stimulati...
stipulation 22 17 an act of stipulatin...
stylisation 26 15 the act of stylising...
stylization 29 24 the act of stylizing...
subarration 20 16 an ancient form of b...
subaudition 21 18 understanding of som...
subdecision 24 20 part of a decision [...
subdivision 24 21 a subordinate part o...
subincision 24 20 the formation of an...
subjugation 24 28 the act of subjugati...
subjunction 26 30 an act of subjoining...
sublimation 23 20 the process by which...
subluxation 28 25 an incomplete disloc...
submunition 22 21 any of a group of sm...
subornation 19 17 the act of suborning...
subpanation 21 20 the doctrine that th...
subrogation 21 18 the act of subrogati...
subsumption 25 23 the minor premise of...
subtacksman 26 26 a holder (of land) b...
subtacksmen 26 26 SUBTACKSMAN, a holde...
subtraction 24 19 the act of subtracti...
suffixation 29 26 the act of creating...
suffocation 25 22 the act of suffocati...
sulfonation 20 18 the act of sulfonati...
sulfuration 22 18 the process of treat...
superaltern 21 17 a kind of universal...
superfusion 23 20 the act of superfusi...
superharden 22 19 to harden to extreme...
supermodern 21 20 very modern [adj]
supernation 19 17 an aggregate of nati...
superperson 22 19 a very remarkable pe...
superscreen 23 19 a very large screen...
supervision 23 20 the act of supervisi...
superweapon 24 22 an exceptionally eff...
supposition 23 19 something that is su...
suppression 23 19 an act or instance o...
suppuration 23 20 the discharge of pus...
suraddition 19 15 (Shakespeare) an add...
surrogation 19 15 subrogation [n -S]
suscitation 22 16 the act of suscitati...
suspiration 21 16 the act of sighing,...
susurration 19 14 whispering, murmurin...
swordswoman 25 22 a woman who uses a s...
swordswomen 25 22 SWORDSWOMAN, a woman...
sylvestrian 28 19 relating to woodland...
synchrotron 29 20 a type of very high-...
syncopation 28 21 a shift of accent in...
syndication 27 19 the act of syndicati...
syndyasmian 31 21 loose temporary pair...
synonymicon 33 24 a dictionary of syno...
synthespian 28 20 a computer-generated...
tabefaction 24 21 wasting away, emacia...
tepefaction 24 21 making or becoming t...
terebration 19 15 a pain that feels as...
termination 18 16 end in time or exist...
tetragynian 24 17 having four pistils,...
tetrahedron 19 15 a polyhedron that ha...
tetrandrian 17 14 having four stamens,...
tetrapteran 19 15 having four wings, a...
therewithin 26 19 within that [interj]
thistledown 25 19 the typically plumos...
thoroughpin 26 22 a swelling of horses...
throughgaun 25 22 (Scots) a scolding [...
thyrotropin 29 19 a hormone, produced...
titillation 21 14 the act of titillati...
tittivation 21 16 (slang) smartening u...
tostication 21 15 perplexity [n -S]
tourbillion 23 18 (French) a whirlwind...
trachearian 22 17 belonging to the Tra...
tradeswoman 21 19 a woman employed in...
tradeswomen 21 19 TRADESWOMAN, a woman...
trailbaston 21 16 (historical) a ruffi...
transaction 20 16 something transacted...
transandean 15 15 beyond, or crossing,...
transection 20 16 a cutting across [n...
transferrin 20 16 a beta globulin in b...
transfixion 26 23 the act of transfixi...
transfusion 20 17 the act of transfusi...
translation 18 14 a rendering from one...
trencherman 23 21 a hearty eater [n TR...
trenchermen 23 21 TRENCHERMAN, a heart...
trepanation 18 16 a surgical cutting o...
trepidation 20 16 timorous uncertain a...
tribeswoman 24 21 a female member of a...
tribeswomen 24 21 TRIBESWOMAN, a femal...
tribulation 22 17 distress or sufferin...
tribunician 24 20 relating to a tribun...
tribunitian 21 17 relating to a tribun...
trichlorfon 27 21 a crystalline compou...
trifluralin 24 18 an herbicide used in...
trimetrogon 20 17 a technique of aeria...
trinitarian 18 13 of, in relation to o...
tripalmitin 24 19 another name for pal...
trituration 19 13 the act of triturati...
tropomyosin 27 20 a filamentous protei...
trypsinogen 27 20 the inactive substan...
tumefaction 24 22 swelling [n -S]
turbination 20 17 being shaped like a...
twichildren 29 22 TWICHILD, a person i...
typewritten 30 20 TYPEWRITE, to write...
tyrothricin 31 19 an antibiotic mixtur...
ultramodern 20 18 very very modern [ad...
unchristian 24 19 not of the Christian...
undecillion 23 20 a large number - a o...
underaction 20 18 subordinate action [...
underbitten 20 18 UNDERBITE, to bite i...
undershapen 21 20 (Tennyson) imperfect...
unforbidden 22 22 not forbidden [adj]
unforeknown 22 25 not foreknown [adj]
unforgotten 20 19 not forgotten, also...
unification 23 20 the act of unifying...
unitisation 18 14 the act of unitising...
unitization 21 23 the act of unitizing...
unsectarian 20 17 someone who is not s...
unsuspicion 24 21 a lack of suspicion...
upgradation 21 19 the act of upgrading...
upvaluation 23 22 the act of upvaluing...
utilisation 20 14 the act of utilising...
utilitarian 20 14 an advocate or adher...
utilization 23 23 the act of utilizing...
vaccination 25 23 the act of vaccinati...
vacillation 25 21 an act or instance o...
vacuolation 23 21 the development or f...
valediction 24 21 bidding farewell [n...
variegation 20 18 the act of variegati...
variolation 20 17 inoculation with sma...
vasopressin 22 19 a pituitary hormone...
vellication 25 21 the action of pullin...
venditation 19 18 offering for sale [n...
venesection 21 20 the act of opening a...
venisection 22 20 surgical incision in...
ventilation 20 18 the act of ventilati...
verberation 21 19 (archaic) the act of...
vermination 20 20 worm infestation; wo...
vexillation 28 25 a company under one...
villication 26 21 (Smollett) intended...
vindication 23 21 an act of vindicatin...
vinegarroon 19 19 a large whip scorpio...
vivisection 26 23 the cutting of or op...
vulneration 20 19 (obsolete) a wound [...
waldsterben 24 20 (German) disease and...
washerwoman 26 23 a woman whose occupa...
washerwomen 26 23 WASHERWOMAN, a woman...
weatherworn 25 20 worn by exposure to...
wintergreen 21 18 any of a genus of ev...
workstation 22 19 an area with equipme...
yachtswoman 33 25 a woman who sails a...
yachtswomen 33 25 YACHTSWOMAN, a woman...
zoantharian 21 24 a member of the Zoan...
zooplankton 23 30 tiny, free-floating...