4 letter words that end with N

4 letter words that end with N

4 letter N word


Words With Friends®


aeon 4 5 the largest division...
agen 6 7 (dialect) once more,...
agin 7 7 (dialect) again, als...
agon 6 7 the dramatic conflic...
airn 6 5 (Scots) iron [n -S]...
akin 7 9 related by blood [ad...
alan 6 6 a large hunting dog,...
amen 6 8 to conclude prayerfu...
amin 7 8 a compound derived f...
anan 4 6 (To a person calling...
anon 4 6 at once; immediately...
axon 11 12 an extension of a ne...
ayin 12 7 (Hebrew) the sixteen...
azan 8 14 the Muslim call to p...
azon 8 14 a radio-controlled a...
barn 8 8 a building for stori...
bawn 11 11 in Ireland, the fort...
bean 7 8 to hit on the head [...
been 7 8 BE, to exist [v]
bein 8 8 (Scots) well off, co...
bien 8 8 (Scots) well off, co...
blin 10 9 (Russian) a small bu...
boon 7 8 a timely benefit, a...
born 8 8 BEAR, to endure [v]
boun 8 9 to prepare, also BOW...
bran 8 8 to soak in water mix...
bren 8 8 (archaic) to burn, a...
brin 9 8 the rib of a fan [n...
bunn 8 10 a kind of sweet roll...
burn 9 9 to destroy by fire [...
cain 9 8 (Gaelic) a tenanted...
cann 8 9 to direct steering [...
carn 9 8 a mound of stones se...
chin 12 10 to hold with the low...
chon 11 10 (Korean) a Korean mo...
cion 9 8 a cutting from a pla...
clan 10 9 a united group of fa...
clon 10 9 a group of asexually...
coin 9 8 to make metal curren...
conn 8 9 to direct the steeri...
coon 8 8 a raccoon [n -S]
corn 9 8 to preserve with sal...
cran 9 8 a measure of capacit...
cron 9 8 in computing, a comm...
curn 10 9 (Scots) a grain, a s...
cyan 15 10 a greenish-blue colo...
damn 7 9 to curse [v -ED, -IN...
darn 6 6 to mend with interla...
dawn 9 9 to grown light in th...
dean 5 6 to serve as the head...
deen 5 6 (Spenser) din [n -S]
dern 6 6 secret; lonely, also...
djin 9 15 one of a class of sp...
doen 5 6 (Spenser) 3rd person...
doon 5 6 (Scots) down, also D...
doun 6 7 (Scots) down, also D...
down 9 9 to a lower position,...
duan 6 7 (Gaelic) a division...
durn 7 7 to damn [v -ED, -ING...
earn 5 5 to obtain reward for...
ebon 7 8 a hard wood like sto...
eevn 7 9 the latter part of d...
elan 6 6 (French) ardor inspi...
eoan 4 5 pertaining to dawn [...
eten 5 5 a giant, also ETTIN...
even 7 9 to make smooth or le...
exon 11 12 within a nucleic aci...
eyen 11 7 EYE, the organ of si...
faan 7 8 FAA, (Scots) to fall...
fain 8 8 happy; inclined; ple...
faun 8 9 a rural deity repres...
fawn 11 11 to please in a servi...
feen 7 8 (Irish) a man [n -S]
fern 8 8 a flowerless vascula...
firn 9 8 granular ice formed...
flan 9 9 a type of custard, a...
foen 7 8 FOE, an enemy [n]
fohn 10 10 a warm dry wind, als...
foin 8 8 to thrust with a spe...
gaen 6 7 GAE, (Scots) to go [...
gain 7 7 to acquire [v -ED, -...
gaun 7 8 GAE, (Scots) to go [...
gean 6 7 a European wild cher...
gien 7 7 GIE, (Scots) to give...
ginn 7 8 a class of spirits i...
girn 8 7 (dialect) to grin, m...
glen 8 8 a narrow valley with...
goon 6 7 a hired thug [n -S]
gown 10 10 to dress in a gown (...
gran 7 7 (short for) a grandm...
gren 7 7 (Spenser) to grin [v...
grin 8 7 to smile broadly, al...
guan 7 8 any of several tropi...
gurn 8 8 to grin, make faces,...
haen 7 7 HAE, (Scots) to have...
hain 8 7 (Scots) to save, pre...
harn 8 7 a coarse linen fabri...
haun 8 8 (Scots) a hand [n -S...
hern 8 7 (dialect) a heron [n...
hewn 11 10 HEW, to cut with an...
hisn 9 7 (dialect) his [pron]
hoon 7 7 to act loutishly [v...
horn 8 7 to form a hard bonel...
hwan 11 10 a monetary unit of S...
hyen 14 9 (Shakespeare) a hyen...
hymn 16 12 to sing a song of pr...
icon 9 8 a symbol or image, a...
ikan 7 9 (Malay) fish esp. in...
ikon 7 9 a religious carving...
iron 6 5 a metallic element [...
jann 7 15 a supernatural being...
jean 7 14 a durable cotton fab...
jeon 7 14 (Korean) a monetary...
jinn 8 15 a supernatural being...
john 10 16 a toilet [n -S]
join 8 14 to unite [v -ED, -IN...
kain 7 9 (Gaelic) a tenanted...
kaon 6 9 one of a subatomic p...
karn 7 9 a mound of stone set...
keen 6 9 to wail loudly over...
kern 7 9 to be formed with a...
khan 9 11 an Asian prince or c...
kiln 9 10 to bake in a type of...
kirn 8 9 to churn [v -ED, -IN...
koan 6 9 a paradox meditated...
lain 7 6 LIE, to make an inte...
larn 7 6 (dialect) to learn [...
lawn 10 9 a smooth space of gr...
lean 6 6 to incline or tilt [...
lien 7 6 a right to keep poss...
limn 9 9 (archaic) to portray...
linn 7 7 (Scots) a waterfall,...
lion 7 6 a large, carnivorous...
loan 6 6 to lend [v -ED, -ING...
loin 7 6 meat from the lower...
loon 6 6 a diving waterfowl [...
lorn 7 6 (archaic) lost, aban...
loun 7 7 (Scots) to calm, als...
lown 10 9 (Scots) sheltered, c...
main 7 8 chief, principal [ad...
maun 7 9 (dialect) must [v]
mawn 10 11 a regional measure o...
mean 6 8 stingy; low [adj MEA...
mein 7 8 (Scots) to lament, m...
mien 7 8 (French) an air or l...
moan 6 8 to utter a low, mour...
moon 6 8 to wander about list...
morn 7 8 morning [n -S]
mown 10 11 MOW, to cut down a c...
muon 7 9 a subatomic particle...
naan 4 6 (Hindi) a kind of sl...
nain 5 6 (Scots) one's own [a...
nemn 6 9 (obsolete) to name [...
neon 4 6 a gaseous element [n...
noon 4 6 to rest at midday [v...
noun 5 7 a word used to denot...
nown 8 9 (obsolete) own [adj]
omen 6 8 to provide with a pr...
open 7 8 affording unobstruct...
ourn 6 6 belonging to us, als...
oven 7 9 a closed space for b...
oxen 11 12 OX, a hoofed mammal...
paan 7 8 betel leaf [n -S]
pain 8 8 to cause suffering o...
pawn 11 11 to deposit as securi...
pean 7 8 to beat with a round...
peen 7 8 to beat with a round...
pein 8 8 to beat with a round...
peon 7 8 (Spanish) a day-labo...
pern 8 8 to move with a spira...
phon 10 10 a unit of loudness o...
pian 8 8 a tropical disease [...
pion 8 8 an elementary partic...
pirn 9 8 (Scots) a reel, a bo...
plan 9 9 to formulate an idea...
poon 7 8 an East Indian tree...
porn 8 8 pornography, also PO...
pown 11 11 (Scots) a peacock, a...
pyin 15 10 a protein compound c...
quin 15 15 (short for) a quintu...
rain 6 5 to fall in drops of...
raun 6 6 (Scott) fish-roe, al...
rawn 9 8 (Scots) fish-roe, al...
rean 5 5 a drainage channel,...
reen 5 5 a drainage channel,...
rein 6 5 to restrain [v -ED,...
roan 5 5 (Scots) a roof-gutte...
roin 6 5 (Spenser) to growl,...
roon 5 5 (Scots) a strip of c...
ruin 7 6 to destroy [v -ED, -...
sain 6 5 (archaic) to make th...
sawn 9 8 SAW, to cut with a j...
scan 9 8 to examine closely [...
sean 5 5 to catch fish in a n...
seen 5 5 SEE, to observe with...
sewn 9 8 SEW, to mend or fast...
shan 8 7 (obsolete) in crimin...
shen 8 7 (Chinese) the spirit...
shin 9 7 to climb by gripping...
shun 9 8 to avoid [v SHUNNED,...
sien 6 5 (Shakespeare) a scio...
sign 8 7 to write one's name...
sken 7 9 (Scots) to squint [v...
skin 8 9 to remove the natura...
soon 5 5 in the near future [...
sorn 6 5 (Scots) to impose in...
sown 9 8 SOW, to scatter seed...
span 8 8 to extend over or ac...
spin 9 8 to draw out and twis...
spun 9 9 SPIN, to draw out an...
sten 6 5 to stride vigorously...
stun 7 6 to render unconsciou...
sunn 6 7 (Hindi) an East Indi...
swan 9 8 to move like a swan...
syen 12 7 (Shakespeare) a scio...
tain 6 5 paper-thin tin plate...
tarn 6 5 a small mountain lak...
teen 5 5 (obsolete) to injure...
tein 6 5 a monetary unit of K...
tern 6 5 a long-winged aquati...
than 8 7 (obsolete) then, tha...
then 8 7 that time [n -S]
thin 9 7 not fat [adj THINNER...
thon 8 7 (Scots) yon [adj]
tian 6 5 a vegetable gratin b...
tiyn 13 7 a monetary unit of K...
toon 5 5 (Hindi) an Indian tr...
torn 6 5 TEAR, to weep [v]
toun 6 6 (Scots) a town [n -S...
town 9 8 an urban centre of p...
trin 7 5 a triplet by birth [...
tron 6 5 (Scots) a public wei...
tuan 6 6 an Australian marsup...
turn 7 6 to change direction,...
twin 10 8 to bring together in...
tyin 13 7 a monetary unit of K...
udon 6 7 (Japanese) in Japane...
ulan 7 7 (German) a light cav...
upon 8 9 on [prep]
vain 8 9 filled with undue ad...
vein 8 9 to fill with tubular...
vuln 10 11 to wound; pierce wit...
wain 9 8 a farm wagon [n -S]...
warn 9 8 to notify in advance...
wean 8 8 to take off mother's...
ween 8 8 (archaic) to think;...
when 11 10 the time at which so...
whin 12 10 gorse, furze [n -S]
winn 9 9 (slang) a penny [n -...
woon 8 8 (Spenser) to dwell,...
worn 9 8 WEAR, to turn a ship...
wren 9 8 a small songbird [n...
wynn 15 11 a rune, having the v...
yarn 12 7 to tell a long story...
yawn 15 10 to open the mouth in...
yean 11 7 esp. of a sheep, to...
yuan 12 8 (Chinese) a Chinese...
zein 9 14 a protein found in I...
zoon 8 14 the whole product of...