5 letter words that end with N

5 letter words that end with N

5 letter N word


Words With Friends®


aboon 8 9 above [adv]
abrin 10 9 a poisonous protein...
acorn 10 9 the fruit of the oak...
actin 11 9 a protein found in m...
acton 10 9 a stuffed jacket wor...
adhan 9 9 the Muslim call to p...
adman 8 10 a man employed in ad...
admen 8 10 ADMAN, a man employe...
admin 9 10 (short for) administ...
adorn 7 7 to embellish [v -ED,...
adown 10 10 (archaic) from a hig...
again 8 8 once more, also AGEN...
agrin 9 8 a proteoglycan that...
ajwan 12 18 the fruit of an Egyp...
algin 10 9 sodium alginate, a g...
alien 8 7 foreign [adj ALIENLY...
align 10 9 to arrange in line [...
aloin 8 7 a kind of laxative [...
amain 8 9 (archaic) to a high...
amban 10 12 (Chinese) a Chinese...
amman 9 12 (German) in Germany,...
ammon 9 12 the Asian wild sheep...
ancon 9 10 (Greek) the elbow, a...
anion 6 7 an ion with a negati...
anyon 12 9 an elementary partic...
apian 9 9 relating to bees [ad...
apron 9 9 a piece of cloth, le...
argan 8 8 (Arabic) a Moroccan...
argon 8 8 an inert gaseous ele...
arpen 9 9 a old French land me...
arson 7 6 the malicious or fra...
ascon 10 9 a type of sponge [n...
ashen 9 8 very pale [adj]
aspen 9 9 the trembling poplar...
astun 8 7 (obsolete) to astoni...
atman 8 9 (Hindi) the essentia...
auxin 14 14 a substance increasi...
avian 9 10 of or relating to bi...
avion 9 10 (French) an aeroplan...
awarn 10 9 (Spenser) to warn [v...
axion 13 13 a hypothetical subat...
axman 14 16 a man who uses an ax...
axmen 14 16 AXMAN, a man who use...
azlon 11 16 a textile fibre made...
azurn 11 16 (Milton) azure, also...
bacon 12 12 cured and salted pig...
bairn 10 9 (Scots) a child [n -...
bajan 11 18 (Scots) a freshman a...
baken 10 13 BAKE, to cook in an...
balun 11 11 a device for couplin...
baron 9 9 a lower member of th...
basan 9 9 a sheepskin roughly...
basen 9 9 (Spenser) a basin (f...
basin 10 9 a wide dish, also BA...
bason 9 9 (archaic) a basin, a...
baton 9 9 to strike with a tru...
bavin 12 13 to tie brushwood int...
began 10 11 BEGIN, to start [v]
begin 11 11 to start [v BEGAN, B...
begun 11 12 BEGIN, to start [v]
belon 10 10 a type of oyster [n...
beton 9 9 lime concrete [n -S]
bidon 10 10 a container for liqu...
bison 10 9 either of two heavil...
blain 11 10 a blister [n -S]
blawn 14 13 BLAW, (Scots) to blo...
blown 14 13 BLOW, to propel by a...
bogan 10 11 (Native American) a...
boron 9 9 a relatively inert n...
boson 9 9 any of a certain cla...
bosun 10 10 a ship's officer in...
bourn 10 10 a small stream [n -S...
boxen 15 16 made of boxwood [adj...
brain 10 9 to dash out the brai...
brawn 13 12 muscular strength [n...
brown 13 12 to make brown [v -ED...
bruin 11 10 a bear [n -S]
buran 10 10 (Russian) a violent...
burin 11 10 an engraver's tool,...
cabin 13 12 to live in a roughly...
cairn 11 9 a mound of stones se...
cajon 12 18 (Spanish) a steep ca...
cajun 13 19 (French) relating to...
caman 11 12 a club used in the g...
canon 9 10 a member of an order...
capon 12 12 a castrated cock [n...
caron 10 9 another name for a H...
caxon 16 16 (historical) a kind...
chain 13 11 to bind with linked...
choon 12 11 a piece of recorded...
churn 14 12 to agitate to make b...
clean 11 10 to rid of stain [v -...
clown 15 13 to act like a comic...
coden 10 10 a coding classificat...
codon 10 10 a triplet of bases i...
cogon 11 11 a kind of fast-growi...
cohen 12 11 a member of the Jewi...
coign 12 11 to secure with a typ...
colin 12 10 the American quail o...
colon 11 10 a section of the lar...
conin 10 10 a liquid, highly poi...
copen 12 12 a strong light blue...
cotan 10 9 (short for) cotangen...
coven 12 13 a group of witches [...
covin 13 13 a conspiracy between...
cowan 13 12 (Scots) a drystone d...
cozen 13 18 to cheat, also COOSE...
croon 10 9 to sing softly [v -E...
crown 14 12 to invest with royal...
cumin 13 13 an umbelliferous pla...
cutin 12 10 the waxy material fo...
cyton 17 11 the body of a nerve...
daman 8 10 a small herbivorous...
daven 9 11 to utter Jewish pray...
dawen 10 10 DAW, to dawn [v]
dayan 13 9 (Hebrew) a senior ra...
dearn 7 7 secret; lonely, also...
decan 10 10 one of three equal 1...
deign 9 9 to condescend, also...
deman 8 10 to reduce the number...
demon 8 10 an evil spirit [n -S...
devon 9 11 one of a breed of ha...
dewan 10 10 (Urdu) in India, a f...
divan 10 11 a couch or bed witho...
diwan 11 10 (Urdu) in India, a f...
dizen 11 16 to dress in fine clo...
djinn 10 17 a supernatural being...
dogan 8 9 a derogatory term fo...
doorn 7 7 (Afrikaans) a thorn...
doven 9 11 to utter Jewish pray...
doyen 13 9 the senior member of...
dozen 10 16 a set of twelve [n -...
drain 8 7 to draw off a liquid...
drawn 11 10 DRAW, to move by pul...
drown 11 10 to suffocate in wate...
dykon 15 13 a celebrity, often a...
eaten 6 6 EAT, to consume food...
eeven 8 10 the latter part of d...
eikon 8 10 (Greek) a religious...
elain 8 7 a glyceride of oleic...
eldin 9 8 (Scots) fuel, also E...
elfin 11 10 like an elf, also EL...
elmen 9 10 made of elm [adj]
eloin 8 7 to remove to a dista...
elsin 9 7 (Scots) an awl, also...
elvan 10 11 a granular rock, als...
elven 10 11 resembling an elf, a...
enurn 7 8 to put into an urn,...
eosin 7 6 a red dye, also EOSI...
ergon 8 8 (Greek) work or busi...
erven 9 10 ERF, in South Africa...
ettin 8 6 (archaic) a giant, a...
fagin 11 11 an adult who instruc...
fanon 8 10 a liturgical cape wo...
feign 11 11 to pretend, give a f...
felon 10 10 a person guilty of a...
ficin 14 12 a cysteine proteinas...
flawn 14 13 (archaic) a custard,...
flown 14 13 FLY, to move through...
foehn 11 11 a warm dry wind, als...
freon 9 9 (trade) an aerosol p...
frorn 10 9 frozen, also FRORE,...
frown 13 12 to wrinkle the brow...
furan 10 10 a chemical used in t...
futon 10 10 a cotton filled matt...
gamin 10 11 (French) a street ur...
gazon 11 17 (obsolete) one of th...
geyan 14 10 (Scots) gey and, tha...
gipon 11 11 a sleeveless jacket...
giron 9 8 a heraldic inverted...
given 11 12 something assigned a...
glean 9 9 to gather little by...
gluon 10 10 the name given to a...
gnawn 11 12 GNAW, to wear away b...
goban 10 11 a Japanese board gam...
gowan 11 11 (Scots) a daisy [n -...
grain 9 8 to form into small p...
green 8 8 of the colour of gro...
grein 9 8 (Scots) to long, yea...
groan 8 8 to utter a low mourn...
groin 9 8 to build with groins...
grown 12 11 GROW, to cultivate [...
guqin 18 18 a kind of Chinese zi...
gyron 15 10 a heraldic inverted...
halon 10 9 any one of a class o...
haven 11 12 to shelter [v -ED, -...
hazan 12 17 (Hebrew) a cantor in...
heben 11 11 (obsolete) a hard wo...
hemin 11 11 the red, crystalline...
heron 9 8 a wading bird [n -S]
hizen 13 17 a type of richly dec...
hogan 10 10 (Dutch) strong liquo...
hogen 10 10 (Dutch) strong liquo...
holon 10 9 an autonomous self-r...
honan 8 9 a pongee fabric of e...
hosen 9 8 HOSE, stockings or s...
hoten 9 8 HIGHT, (archaic) to...
hoven 11 12 having hoove, a dise...
human 11 12 like a human being [...
hymen 17 13 the membrane across...
hyson 16 10 a fine sort of green...
ingan 8 9 (Scots) an onion [n...
inion 7 7 a part of the skull...
inrun 8 8 the approach ramp of...
inurn 8 8 to put in an urn [v...
iodin 8 7 a chemical element,...
ippon 12 12 a winning point for...
jamon 10 18 designating a variet...
japan 11 18 to coat with a gloss...
jawan 12 18 an Indian common sol...
jeton 9 15 a piece of metal use...
jomon 10 18 (Japanese) a particu...
jotun 10 16 in Norse myth, a gia...
jupon 12 19 a sleeveless jacket...
kinin 9 11 a plant hormone whic...
kisan 9 10 (Hindi) an Indian pe...
known 11 14 a mathematical quant...
koban 10 13 an obsolete Japanese...
kohen 10 12 a member of the Jewi...
korun 9 11 KORUNA, a monetary u...
kroon 8 10 a former monetary un...
kulan 10 12 a wild ass inhabitin...
kylin 17 13 (Chinese) a fabulous...
laden 8 8 to load with cargo,...
lagan 9 9 goods thrown into th...
lakin 10 11 (Shakespeare) a litt...
lapin 11 10 (French) rabbit, rab...
laten 8 7 to make or grow late...
lauan 8 8 a lightweight hardwo...
lawin 12 10 (Scots) a bill or re...
layin 15 9 a basketball score m...
learn 8 7 to be informed [v LE...
leben 10 10 a kind of Eastern yo...
leman 9 10 (archaic) a lover, s...
lemon 9 10 a pale yellow oval c...
levin 11 11 (archaic) lightning...
ligan 10 9 goods thrown into th...
liken 10 11 to represent as simi...
likin 11 11 an old Chinese trans...
liman 10 10 the deposit of slime...
limen 10 10 a threshold, a limit...
linen 8 8 a fabric woven from...
linin 9 8 (Greek) a substance...
lipin 12 10 any of a class of fa...
liven 11 11 to make lively [v -E...
loden 8 8 (German) a thick wat...
logan 9 9 a rocking-stone [n -...
login 10 9 access to a mainfram...
logon 9 9 access to a mainfram...
lohan 10 9 (Sanskrit) a Buddhis...
loran 8 7 an acronym for long-...
losen 8 7 (Spenser) to loosen...
lowan 11 10 (Native Australian)...
lozen 11 16 (Scots) a windowpane...
lumen 10 11 a unit of luminous f...
lupin 12 11 any papilionaceous p...
lysin 16 9 a substance capable...
macon 11 12 (French) smoked salt...
maron 8 9 a kind of freshwater...
mason 8 9 a person who cuts, p...
matin 9 9 (French) a morning p...
maven 10 13 (US slang) an expert...
mavin 11 13 (US slang) an expert...
mayan 14 11 relating to maya, in...
melon 9 10 any of several juicy...
meson 8 9 a short-lived subato...
mirin 10 9 a sweet rice wine us...
mixen 15 16 a dunghill [n -S]
mizen 12 18 in a three-masted ve...
moron 8 9 a mentally deficient...
moten 8 9 (3rd person plural)...
mourn 9 10 to feel or express g...
mucin 13 13 a protein secreted b...
muton 9 10 a unit of nucleic ac...
ninon 6 8 a sheer fabric [n -S...
niton 7 7 an old name for the...
nomen 7 10 (Latin) a name, esp....
numen 8 11 (Latin) a local or p...
nylon 14 10 (tradename) a synthe...
oaken 7 10 like an oak [adj]
oaten 6 6 made of oats or an o...
ocean 9 9 one of the vast bodi...
octan 10 9 a fever recurring ev...
odeon 6 7 (Greek) a building f...
often 9 9 happening many times...
oggin 10 10 (slang) naval slang...
olden 8 8 to grow old [v -ED,...
olein 8 7 a glycerine ester of...
onion 6 7 to apply an onion, a...
opsin 10 9 a protein which form...
orcin 11 9 a chekical compound...
organ 8 8 a musical instrument...
orlon 8 7 (tradename) a crease...
orpin 10 9 a yellow pigment of...
owsen 10 9 OWSE, (Scots) an ox...
paean 8 9 a song of thanksgivi...
paeon 8 9 a foot of four sylla...
pagan 10 11 an irreligious perso...
paren 9 9 (short for) parenthe...
paten 9 9 a plate; a metal dis...
patin 10 9 (obsolete) a plate;...
pavan 11 13 a slow, stately danc...
paven 11 13 a stately English Re...
pavin 12 13 a stately English Re...
pecan 12 12 a nut-bearing tree [...
pekan 10 13 a large North Americ...
pekin 11 13 a fine soft silk fab...
pelon 10 10 a hairless person or...
pheon 11 11 the barbed head of a...
pinon 9 10 (Spanish) an edible...
piton 10 9 a metal spike used i...
plain 11 10 unadorned [adj PLAIN...
pleon 10 10 (Greek) the abdomen...
porin 10 9 any of a class of pr...
potin 10 9 (French) an old allo...
powan 12 12 a species of whitefi...
powin 13 12 (Scots) a peacock, a...
prawn 13 12 to fish for edible s...
preen 9 9 to clean and arrange...
preon 9 9 a hypothetical parti...
prion 10 9 any petrel of a genu...
proin 10 9 (obsolete) to preen,...
proyn 16 11 to prune, also PROIG...
psion 10 9 a particle formed by...
pucan 13 13 (Irish) a traditiona...
purin 11 10 a white crystalline...
puton 10 10 a hoax or deception...
pylon 17 12 a structure for supp...
pyran 16 11 a chemical compound...
quean 15 16 (Scots) a young woma...
queen 15 16 a female monarch [n...
quern 16 16 a hand operated ston...
queyn 22 18 (Scots) a young woma...
quoin 16 16 a wedge; a cornersto...
racon 10 9 a type of radar tran...
radon 7 7 a radioactive elemen...
ramen 8 9 (Japanese) a dish of...
ramin 9 9 (Malay) a Malaysian...
ratan 7 6 a climbing plant wit...
raven 9 10 to devour greedily,...
ravin 10 10 to devour greedily,...
rawin 11 9 a wind measurement m...
rayon 13 8 a synthetic fibre [n...
recon 10 9 to conduct a prelimi...
redan 7 7 (French) a field for...
redon 7 7 to don again [v REDO...
reign 9 8 to exercise sovereig...
rejon 9 15 (Spanish) a lance wi...
reman 8 9 to supply a fresh gr...
remen 8 9 an ancient Egyptian...
renin 7 7 a protein enzyme sec...
repin 10 9 to pin again [v REPI...
reran 7 6 RERUN, to show a rep...
rerun 8 7 to show a repetition...
resin 8 6 any of a number of s...
rewan 10 9 REWIN, to win again...
rewin 11 9 to win again [v REWO...
rewon 10 9 REWIN, to win again...
ricin 12 9 a substance extracte...
ripen 10 9 to become ripe [v -E...
risen 8 6 RISE, to move upward...
riven 10 10 RIVE, to tear apart...
robin 10 9 a songbird [n -S]
roman 8 9 a metrical narrative...
ronin 7 7 (Japanese) a lordles...
rosin 8 6 to treat with a brit...
rotan 7 6 a climbing plant wit...
roton 7 6 a quantum of vortex...
rouen 7 7 (French) a type of d...
roven 9 10 REEVE, to fasten by...
rowan 10 9 a small deciduous tr...
rowen 10 9 a second mowing of g...
rubin 11 10 (Spenser) a ruby, al...
rumen 9 10 a part of the stomac...
rutin 9 7 a drug used against...
sabin 10 9 (obsolete) a unit of...
salon 8 7 a large room in whic...
saman 8 9 (Carib) the rain-tre...
samen 8 9 (Scots) same [adj]
sapan 9 9 (Malay) the wood of...
saran 7 6 a thermoplastic resi...
sarin 8 6 (German) a compound...
sasin 8 6 (Nepali) the common...
satin 8 6 a closely-woven silk...
savin 10 10 a species of juniper...
sayon 13 8 a jacket [n -S]
scion 11 9 a young member of a...
scorn 11 9 to treat with contem...
scran 11 9 (slang) food, provis...
sdayn 14 9 (obsolete) to disdai...
sdein 8 7 (obsolete) to disdai...
sedan 7 7 a type of automobile...
semen 8 9 the liquid that carr...
serin 8 6 a bird of the finch...
seron 7 6 a crate, also SEROON...
seton 7 6 a thread or the like...
seven 9 10 a number [n -S]
sewan 10 9 (Native American) sh...
sewen 10 9 the Welsh or Irish n...
sewin 11 9 the Welsh or Irish n...
seyen 13 8 (Shakespeare) a scio...
sharn 10 8 (Scots) cow-dung, al...
shawn 13 11 SHAW, (Scots) to sho...
sheen 9 8 to shine, have a lus...
shewn 13 11 SHEW, (archaic) to s...
shoon 9 8 SHOE, a covering for...
shorn 10 8 SHEAR, to cut the wo...
shown 13 11 SHOW, to cause or pe...
shuln 12 10 SHUL, (Hebrew) a syn...
silen 9 7 a woodland god or el...
siren 8 6 a device that produc...
skean 8 10 (Gaelic) a double-ed...
skeen 8 10 (Gaelic) a double-ed...
skein 9 10 to wind into long, l...
skran 9 10 (slang) food, provis...
slain 9 7 SLAY, to kill [v]
sloan 8 7 (Scots) a snub, repr...
soken 8 10 a feudal district un...
solan 8 7 the common gannet, a...
solon 8 7 a wise lawgiver [n -...
soman 8 9 a nerve agent develo...
sozin 11 15 a type of protein, a...
spain 10 9 (Scots) to wean, als...
spawn 13 12 to deposit eggs [v -...
spean 9 9 (Scots) to wean, als...
spoon 9 9 to eat with a scoopi...
spurn 11 10 to reject with conte...
stain 8 6 to discolour, also S...
starn 8 6 to row backwards, al...
staun 8 7 (Scots) to stand [v...
stean 7 6 to line e.g. a well...
steen 7 6 to line e.g. a well...
stein 8 6 to line e.g. a well...
stern 8 6 severe [adj STERNER,...
stoln 9 7 (Milton) stolen [adj...
stonn 7 7 (obsolete) to stun,...
stoun 8 7 (Spenser) to stun, a...
stown 11 9 STEAL, to take by th...
sugan 9 9 (Irish) a straw rope...
swain 11 9 a country boy [n -S]
swoln 12 10 SWELL, to increase i...
swoon 10 9 to faint, also SWOUN...
sworn 11 9 SWEAR, to utter a so...
swoun 11 10 to faint, also SWOON...
sycon 17 11 a type of sponge [n...
syren 14 8 a siren [n -S]
tabun 10 10 (German) an organic...
tacan 10 9 an electronic system...
taken 8 10 TAKE, to seize posse...
takin 9 10 (Tibetan) a large ho...
talon 8 7 a hooked claw or fin...
tamin 9 9 (French) a thin wors...
tapen 9 9 made of tape [adj]
tauon 7 7 a lepton of mass abo...
taxon 13 13 a unit of scientific...
tenon 6 7 a projecting part of...
thegn 11 10 a king's companion i...
thein 10 8 caffeine, also THEIN...
thorn 10 8 to prick with a shar...
tigon 9 8 the offspring of a m...
timon 9 9 (obsolete) a helm [n...
titan 8 6 a person of great si...
tiyin 15 8 a monetary unit of U...
token 8 10 to be a sign or mark...
tolan 8 7 a white crystalline...
toman 8 9 (Persian) a former P...
toran 7 6 (Hindi) in the India...
toxin 14 13 a poisonous product...
toyon 13 8 an ornamental evergr...
train 8 6 to instruct systemat...
treen 7 6 cups, dishes etc. ma...
twain 11 9 (archaic) a set of t...
tween 10 9 a preteen, between c...
tyiyn 21 10 a monetary unit in K...
tyran 14 8 to play the oppresso...
uhlan 11 10 (German) a light cav...
ulmin 11 11 a brown amorphous su...
ulpan 11 11 a school in Israel f...
unban 9 11 to remove a prohibit...
union 7 8 the state of being u...
unman 8 11 to deprive of courag...
unpen 9 11 to release from conf...
unpin 10 11 to remove the pins f...
untin 8 8 to take the tin from...
unwon 10 11 not won [adj]
upran 10 10 UPRUN, to run up [v]
uprun 11 11 to run up [v UPRAN,...
urban 10 10 pertaining to a city...
urman 9 10 (Russian) swampy pin...
urson 8 7 (French) the Canadia...
varan 9 10 (Arabic) a monitor l...
vegan 10 12 one who refrains fro...
venin 9 11 any of various toxic...
vimen 11 13 (Latin) a long branc...
vison 10 10 (French) the America...
vixen 16 17 a shrewish woman [n...
vodun 10 12 West Indian black ma...
wagon 11 11 to transport in a fo...
waken 11 13 to wake [v -ED, -ING...
waxen 16 16 made of wax; resembl...
wheen 12 11 (Scots) a few, a goo...
widen 11 10 to make wide or wide...
wigan 12 11 a stiff plain-woven...
witan 11 9 a member of the Angl...
wizen 14 18 to shrivel, also WEA...
woken 11 13 WAKE, to rouse from...
woman 11 12 a female [n WOMEN] /...
women 11 12 WOMAN, a female [n]
womyn 18 14 an attempt by Americ...
woven 12 13 a woven fabric [n -S...
woxen 16 16 WAX, to treat with w...
xenon 12 14 a heavy inert gas [n...
xylan 21 16 a substance found in...
yamen 14 11 (Chinese) the office...
yamun 15 12 (Chinese) the office...
yapon 15 11 a bushy evergreen sh...
yearn 13 8 to long for [v -ED,...
yeven 15 12 YEVE, (obsolete) to...
yewen 16 11 (archaic) made of ye...
yogin 15 10 one who practices yo...
yojan 15 17 (Hindi) in the India...
yourn 14 9 (archaic) yours [pro...
yulan 15 10 (Chinese) a kind of...
yupon 16 12 a bushy evergreen sh...
zaman 11 18 (Carib) the rain-tre...
zayin 17 17 (Hebrew) a Hebrew le...
zazen 13 24 (Japanese) Zen medit...
zigan 12 17 (Hungarian) a gypsy,...
zupan 13 19 (Serbian) the body g...
zygon 18 19 an H shaped fissure...